The Greatest Generation - (A Return To) Horny Trek (VOY S1E9)

Episode Date: April 12, 2021

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Priority 1 message from Starfleet coming in on Secured Channel. Hey friends of Disodo. Before today's episode, we just wanted to take a moment to talk about the historic labor actions being taken by writers and actors in the American Film and Television industry. If you're a fan of the work done by the people who make Star Trek, we hope you'll join us in standing in solidarity with the folks who actually bring these adventures to life. Over the past several years, the AMPTP, the organization that represents the American Film and Television Production Studios, have reduced the profit from movies and TV going to workers. And in so doing,
Starting point is 00:00:35 they've attempted to weaken the labor unions that represent those workers. They wouldn't even engage the unions on many issues in their negotiations. And so a strike was the only course of action to take. Adam, Wendy and I have been having a lot of internal discussions about how best to stand with the unions and we are continuing those conversations in a dynamic situation. We're doing our best to understand where the picket lines are in these digital spaces,
Starting point is 00:01:01 and we would never intentionally cross one. With the information we have, we feel like we can do more good talking about and supporting the strike and continuing our show as planned. We'll keep you informed about what all this means for greatest trek specifically. Today we're making a contribution to the Entertainment Community Fund. This fund exists to help all the people whose livelihoods have been put on hold because the AMPTP refuses to negotiate
Starting point is 00:01:25 in good faith with the unions. It provides financial support for writers, actors, and all the thousands of laborers who make the shows that we talk about here and without whom we wouldn't have Star Trek to cast pot about. Those folks are all out of work because billionaires, company shareholders, and the executives of these companies don't want to compromise on the length of their yachts. We hope you'll join us in supporting entertainment workers in a challenging time, especially after they've already endured several years of challenges brought on by the pandemic
Starting point is 00:01:55 and season two of Star Trek Picard. We've set up a page where you can also contribute. It's at That's friendsofdececoto for That's FriendsOfDecoto for Link in the episode description. Okay, now let's get on with the show. Here's to the finest crew in Starfleet. Engage! Watch your bad shot. Hello. I'm Captain Cap. Bringing one of the U.S.S.
Starting point is 00:02:22 Boardhead. Captain Cap. Bringing one of the U.S.S. Boardhead Dr. Captain Captain Bringengwa the U.S.S. Boardhead Duet Captain Captain Welcome to the greatest generation. It's a Star Trek podcast by a couple of guys just a little bit embarrassed. About having a Star Trek podcast, I'm Adam Prandtica.
Starting point is 00:02:37 I'm Ben Harrison. You have a visitor in the studio today. We don't often have guests on our show. Special invited guests in the studio today. We don't often have guests on our show. Special invited guest in the studio today. My studio is in a building that is separate from my house and that's a very vulcan way to put it. The building that is separate from my house. It's weird because it's in the backyard. It's a big, like, center block building that my studio takes up one corner of. And I left the back door of the building open because I've been enjoying being able to
Starting point is 00:03:13 sit in here comfortably without having the heat on or the AC. It's a very nice temperature in here right now. But to record, of course, got to close the doors so that we don't hear, you know, my neighbors leaf blowers and whatnot. And you don't want them to hear you either. Like, what's worse do you think a leaf blower or one half of the greatest generation? I get the sense that my neighbors on one side are quite religious folks and I'd be very embarrassed for them to hear what it is I do over here. Is that the neighbors that were pretty sure doesn't like you and your wife?
Starting point is 00:03:52 No, that's the other neighbor. Oh no, so you're besieged on both sides with the type of neighbor that... No, we like the neighbors on the one side. We just haven't met the other neighbors and I think it's because they work nights and so like the times that I've gone over to like attempt to introduce myself They haven't come to the door probably because they're sleeping the few times you've seen your neighbors They've driven their garbage to the end of the sidewalk and then put it on the garbage can Beat in the hell out of it and then drove their car back into the garage. Where's the lunatics?
Starting point is 00:04:28 Us! All this is to say, Adam, that I went to close the door, and... Did I just make a burbs reference that you didn't pick up? I just want to be clear about this. I have no idea what the burbs is.
Starting point is 00:04:39 Oh my God. You're familiar with early Tom Hanks, right? Tom Hanks when he was in comedies. Baprika! Yeah. The Tom Hanks of Bachelor Party, for example. Yeah, the money pit. The money pit, yeah, this is that era.
Starting point is 00:04:53 This is all that same era. The Burbs was in that family of filmography for him. And it's great. And there's a new homeowner. I feel like you could appreciate some aspects of that movie. Okay, maybe I'll check it out. I'll put it on my list. But I went to close the door anyways and a fucking lizard was sitting like kind of right in front of the door to the outside and I was kind of trying to like use my shoe to give it some
Starting point is 00:05:19 encouragement to run out the door into its natural habitat, and it kinda went like part way, and then like juked around me. It was a... Lizards don't take commands. It was like a neon deon the lizard. Wow. Juked right around me, and it ran into my studio.
Starting point is 00:05:38 And what it did was it ran under a big pile of sound foam that I had in the corner. Worst case scenario. Oh yeah, lizards love that shit. I picked up all the sound foam that I had in the corner. Worst case scenario. Oh yeah, lizards love that shit. I picked up all the sound foam and it's out there. I don't know where it went. Well, look as a relatively newly minted Californian, are lizards a nuisance species?
Starting point is 00:05:59 Are they going to breed and make noise and eat all of your sound foam? What's on the table here? I don't know. This is not a type of lizard that I'm familiar with. Does Darwin like eating lizards? Because maybe you got a lizard as a dog. Bring him in there. He's going to work. He is very interested in chasing squirrels and birds and has as far as I can tell zero interest in a lizard. He's got no taste for the cold-blooded animals. Yeah, I guess so. If I can kill this one and get him to eat it though, he could
Starting point is 00:06:32 be turned. Is he going to do throat singing while we're making show? Is that what these lizards do? I guess we're about to find out. I don't think that lizards make sounds here as far as I know. Outside of the scampering I bet. You hear some of that. Yeah, we'll see what happens. It gave me the willies a little bit because it really rigged, but I used to have lizards. So I don't know. And then I was like, should I just pick it up with my hands? And I don't know if it's a poisonous type of lizard. I don't think that they have those in the Los Angeles area, but I don't know. You's a poisonous type of lizard. I don't think that they have those in the Los Angeles area, but I don't know.
Starting point is 00:07:07 You get wriggle willies? This is a thing. I'm home alone today. If I was poisoned by a lizard, I would be S-O-L. Wow. Is that why you're doing pod while standing on a chair? I set a chair in a kitty pool and I filled it with water to make a moat
Starting point is 00:07:22 and then standing on top of it. That's a great idea. That's what you should be doing. Yeah. Well, I'm cutting this marin short. Ben, because I know I'm editing this episode. And holy shit if I've been on a run of two hour apps. I'm looking to break the streak with a tight funny episode. That's what we're here to bring you. Mmm. I think we can accomplish both of those goals. What do you think? Mmm.
Starting point is 00:07:50 All right. I'm going to take the wheel of the pod car. Okay. And drive us down Star Trek Voyager Season 1, Episode 9. Prime Factors. Reaper Cores. Unless you've got something a little bigger in your torpedo toots,
Starting point is 00:08:02 I'm not turning around. Arr. Well, Adam, this is an episode that opens with Unless you've got something a little bigger in your torpedo toots, I'm not turning around. Ah! Well Adam, this is an episode that opens with our friend BLT, chilling with her friend, Seska, who keeps getting speaking parts on the show. One of the few scenes of Seska, not accidentally killing someone by a transporter. She doesn't seem to be a social pariah though. She's hanging out, having a laugh. I guess the captain maybe was worried
Starting point is 00:08:27 that the guilt would hang over SESKA. The captain loves seeing her have a laugh. I think the captain knows how important it is for her to be on SESKA's good side. You don't want the four fingers of transporter to slip. You get one of those fingers slipping out of their road all of a sudden, you're going to rematerialize as a pool. Oh no. He only three quarters material. Somebody's
Starting point is 00:08:52 finger must have slipped. I'm sure some some nerd has put this together. But what did the tracks do on the transporter pad? It seems like there should be one. The four really is nerve wracking. Yeah. And four really is nerve-racking. Yeah, and it definitely doesn't correspond to quantity. It's not like when four people hop on the pad you're using four fingers and you're using a single finger for a single person. That's not it.
Starting point is 00:09:15 That's not dramatic. I wonder in Star Trek Bridge Crew what the mechanic would look like for that. Is it like guitar hero where you're raising them and you kind of have to keep them all on a target the entire time? I wonder if the webbed finger aliens make the best transporter operators because those fingers are staying in one place. You're not going to have any mistakes on the hand wave. You don't want to like a flipper hand alien transporting you anywhere. No, I like that BLT and CESCA are just straight up checking out some ass in the scene. Yeah, they're thirsty for some gentlemen.
Starting point is 00:09:51 They kind of start talking about the other two horn dogs on the ship being Tom Paris and Ensen Kim who actually went on a date with the Delaney Sisters. Well, that lasted all of 15 minutes. I hope we never see the Delaney sisters and that it's just a running joke. Please keep doing this. There's so much more exciting as a thing we get to imagine
Starting point is 00:10:14 than they are than they would be as somebody that we actually met. This idea that Tom Paris is only interested in holodeck programs having to do with old timey france and old timey venus is interesting to me I would bet that he was more of a Dave and busters hola sweet program type of guy you know yeah Harry I programmed up my man cave and Harry's just like, come on, dude. Harry is interested in the Delaney Sisters only so far as they can play games that they give him the most number of prize tickets at the end of the day.
Starting point is 00:10:59 The Delaney Sister, who's the best at ski ball, is the one he's most attracted to. Yeah. Jenny Delaney has the ship-wide record for sinking the most hoops in that basketball game. What have you been telling people? They tell a story about Harry falling over the side of a gondola rather than closing a deal with Jenny Delaney. I think he's being modest. I think he did the deed.
Starting point is 00:11:20 I think Harry Kim just wanted to get wet in order to take off his clothes and change into dry clothes. Oops, I made a sexy mistake. Exactly. This is consistent with a theory I'm having that I think was best articulated by Steve Sanders and Beverly Hills 90210, which is that still waters run deep and kinky. And that Harry Kim is a secret player he just doesn't put it out on main the way tom peris does tom peris a lot of bluster a lot of uh... trying to promulgate a reputation for himself that right feels performative yeah i think low key harry kim is
Starting point is 00:12:01 putting in the work yeah i mean if you're if you're Harry Kim, you wanna let Tom Paris do this. Yeah. You don't wanna get into a stick measuring contest with Tom Paris. You just let him do his thing and then quietly fall into the Venetian canals whenever you have to. Yeah, very sure.
Starting point is 00:12:20 This is a great moment because we then cut away to the captain and two Vox sitting on the other side of the dining room. Seeing these interactions and taking place and the captain was really excited about this because it represents a kind of social integration between the make-wease and the federation that she was really kind of keeping her fingers crossed would happen. I wonder how many takes Kate McGrew got on this look because her crooked, unblinking creep stare here is a delight. It's also fun that TuVak is so sanguine about it. Just like, yes, I suppose that the crew doesn't all want to kill each other is good for morale. Good point, Captain.
Starting point is 00:13:04 Yeah, better horny than violent. It really struck me how refreshing it is to return to horny track because I think that's one thing that Deep Space Nine had a little bit of at the beginning but seems to have abandoned. And it's something that is so much baked into the DNA of TNG and TOS that everybody is like kind of horn-dawging around the shows. I feel like Deep Space 9 was romantic, but not horny. And Voyager is definitely horny and up till now, not really romantic at all. It feels like a fucking high school.
Starting point is 00:13:43 This is like going away for summer camp, because they're so far from home and they're cooped up together and there's no place else to go. I'm not gonna lie, I'm not gonna lie. I'm not gonna lie. I'm not gonna lie. I'm not gonna lie. I'm not gonna lie. I'm not gonna lie. I'm not gonna lie. I'm not gonna lie. I'm not gonna lie. I'm not gonna lie. I'm not gonna lie.
Starting point is 00:13:52 I'm not gonna lie. I'm not gonna lie. I'm not gonna lie. I'm not gonna lie. I'm not gonna lie. I'm not gonna lie. I'm not gonna lie. I'm not gonna lie.
Starting point is 00:14:00 I'm not gonna lie. I'm not gonna lie. I'm not gonna lie. I'm not gonna lie. I'm not gonna lie. I'm not gonna lie. I'm not gonna lie. I'm not gonna lie. I'm not gonna lie. stress call and when Janeway and Bridge Crew get to the bridge, they're greeted by a man and a very deep V. Yeah. Why? It's so effective when costumeing sets the tone in the way that this does. Like, you know half that you need to know about Gath just in these first few seconds, and in terms of his posture and his costume. And they're being held by a ship that's been putting out a distress signal, and he's there to say like,
Starting point is 00:14:30 we're not in distress, you're in distress. And in the background of his ship, there's like a fern and maybe like an organ or piano or something like, like the bridge of his ship is like set up for chilling out. This guy has the vibes of the person at the party who's like, you look like you could use a massage. Yeah. And that should set off some alarms here. When you're far from home and you don't know who these people are, like.
Starting point is 00:14:57 Why are you being so nice as a question that you wish that they would have asked, at least in a Glock one group or something. Nice enough to make you paranoid is a definite quality that people with street smarts are highly attuned to, you know? And someone from Seattle is highly sensitive to moving to Los Angeles, I wanna say.
Starting point is 00:15:19 Like everyone has different versions of this. Right. And it just so happens, Gatharrill's welcome wagon treatment is both kind and also... Pervy, something to be very slash defensive of. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:34 I love that they chose an actor with an accent for him because they're not a low-fi alien and I've always wondered why Star Trek tends to avoid this. It seems like a Star Wars quality. Yeah, Star Wars does it a ton. Gath has the vacant eyes of a sex tourist in a third world country,
Starting point is 00:15:53 and that may be the thing that I'm most paranoid about going forward in this episode. It's not just his kindness, but it's an expression about him. Yeah. The first stop is in the mess hall where Nelix is initially threatened that maybe Gath is here to replace him as chef on the ship. Right. If I'm Janeway, why do I make a diplomatic first stop with Nelix? I guess on the one hand, Nelix is the one guy in the
Starting point is 00:16:24 quadrant who would probably have Copt this guy or his people before, but still like not a great first impression that I want to make if I can help it. I think that it's kind of an interesting dice roll because he shows up with this food, right? And like the point of this scene is about how fucking great the food is and if you're the captain of this scene is about how fucking great the food is. And if you're the captain, taking that guy to show Neelix what real food is all about is a pretty funny power move. Yeah, very little Kess and Neelix happening in this episode. We want to be on Neelix. Captain Janeway seems very quick to take gas up on his offer of shore leave, which I guess I don't falter for.
Starting point is 00:17:05 There seems to be an opportunity, and this is something that's articulated by Nelix. Like, look, these guys probably have some seeds that we can use for the grow-up. We're putting together on board the ship. So if for no other reason, it may be a good idea to just like go to friendly planet who may have a variety of things that we can grow and just do some trading, you know? Yeah, and when they start tasting the like dried mushrooms and dried apricots that this guy's brought on board, they are really excited about the opportunity
Starting point is 00:17:35 to add some of his plant game to their hydroponics bay. On the planet surface, it is a real encounter at far point kind of situation right on down to the scarf bizarre and the textiles and shit, I was like looking for crockler's horns around every corner. There's coffee in that material. Yeah, I'm shocked that this planet didn't turn into a horny jellyfish. Yeah, Captain Janeway isn't the only one that's falling for the generosity of the Sakari and its many textile wonders. Harry Kim meets up with a Foxy meteorologist playing a theraman in the plaza. I guess Jenny Delaney and he don't have an exclusive thing going yet because Harry is like, I like that wand you're using on
Starting point is 00:18:20 your meteorological instruments. Can I use the wand a little bit myself? They just do this for a second, but I thought for sure there would be a little bit of Udana teaches Harry Kim how to bowl by standing behind him and like doing the bowling motion. Like, start trick is full of aliens that are like the suspicious aliens of the Romulans, the warlike aliens are the Klingons, the logic aliens of the Romulans, the warlike aliens are the Klingons, the logic
Starting point is 00:18:45 aliens are the Vulcans, and these are for sure the hospitality aliens. Maybe most typified by the character Jarrett Hotel. This is my associate, Jarrett Hotel. And he's there to kind of serve as the go-between for the rest of the crew because gas is kind of one thing on his mind. And that is Janeway. He really, he's like the one character in this episode that seems horneer than Harry Kim. It's fun to see the main characters
Starting point is 00:19:17 and Star Trek shows get seduced, or people attempt to seduce them, you know? Yeah. When I see you wearing that scarf, my pleasure will be greater than yours. Is this your idea of sex? And there's quite a bit of that going around to this episode, so it's a fun app.
Starting point is 00:19:36 By calling Jared Hotel, are you like saying he's like Jared Marriott or something? Like, he's got that hotel money. I don't think his name is spelled to the name, but the way Gath says it, he's like, this is my assistant, Jared Hotel. Jared Hotel. When we pan over to Jared, I thought for sure it was Kyle Mooney.
Starting point is 00:19:57 He looks so much like Kyle Mooney to me. Wow. And he wouldn't be the first SNL alum to have been on a mainline Star Trek series. So I couldn't rule it out, but sadly not him. The age thing would have lined up a little bit wrong though. Yeah. So there's a dinner invitation extended and accepted for later on that evening. Yeah, and Harry Kim is really getting to know this young lady well. I think whenever you're a costume designer and you see
Starting point is 00:20:28 Shoreleave in a script, you gotta get excited, right? Because what Harry Kim is wearing here looks like shirt mail, the weakest armor you can wear. Like there's like this scaly cotton plating effect happen. It's like clapboards on a house though. Fortunately, it's all oriented so that it's not going to catch crumbs. Unlike a cummerbund, which is this exact same kind of pleating just flipped upside down. And then at the end of the night, you get home and take it off and realize that half of
Starting point is 00:21:04 the dinner roll that you were trying to eat at the wedding wound up in your belly. Harry Kim pitches his new lady friend the idea for Star Trek Voyager, and I'm thinking I would save that pitch for not the first date, you know? Because it is pretty heavy to lay on a person, right? Kind of a big bummer. Yeah. Yeah. She seems to take it well though.
Starting point is 00:21:28 Like she, she's like kind of thirsty for just the tail of it. And she's like, May I have your permission to tell others this story? And he's like, yeah, I mean, I don't care. Udana is so excited about hearing the story that Kim is picture, that she wants to use it as a podcast idea like right away, like wants to begin it and is very upfront for wanting permission to make it.
Starting point is 00:21:53 Yeah, I like that part. I mean, definitely feels weird when you have an idea with somebody and then you like see them off doing it and you're like, oh, I'm interesting. I didn't realize that was on the record. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, I think also some day of a day on Harry's part
Starting point is 00:22:12 who doesn't realize that any store you tell on a podcast, people will then take as some kind of deposition in the case of the pizza thief. Right, yeah. I've decided to call myself the pit circular. Rumble, rumble. He didn't say the pizza was cold so we'll have to assume it was extremely hot and had been put there an instant before he saw it. Pit circular is a word that conjures a visual that has something to do with like me
Starting point is 00:22:47 gurgling the melty cheese of a pizza tapping. Yeah. Pizzurgler and Pizzurgler. Oh yeah. Very similar nicknames, but one is for Bashir and the others for you. Yeah, let's not cross those streams. This awkwardness over a stolen idea is quickly glossed over when she takes Kim by the hand and walks him over to a transporter. Like it is not only a really beautiful place, it's a place that makes them feel good almost immediately. She's like, let's get out of this dump. You think this planet is horny? Wait till you see this. That is an amazing feeling. What's happening? This is a place she calls Elastria, and the thing about Elastria is that these winds blow before sunrise, and they really do the trick.
Starting point is 00:23:53 The downside with these euphoric winds, though, Ben, is that once you fuck on euphoric wind, all of their sex pales in comparison, so Kim's going to be careful here, I think. He's going to be chasing the Elastria dragon for the rest of his life. Harry Kim is looking all around for Venetian canal to jump into. If for no other reason than to just cool off his junk, because the winds have really blown up the mast. Yeah. He gets a little distracted. He, rather than dumping himself in water,
Starting point is 00:24:25 he dumps himself in kind of some science. And he's like, what, like, where exactly are we? Because we, it had just become night when we left there. And now here in this place called Alastria, it is not. And she's like, yeah, well, you know, time zones, different on different planets. And he's like, what do you mean by different planets? And she gives the distance a lastri is from the planet. They just left in terms of like a
Starting point is 00:24:52 Multiple of their her home planets distance from its son Which Harry came is able to like in his head convert to light years on the flies like 40,000 light years I was amazed that Harry could do that. That means he remembered the specific like number of astronomical units between secarice and his secarice's son and could remember what that was as a function of light years, which is fucking incredible. Harry Kim doesn't fuck around with lengths and distances. You can tell that he measures from the base and not the asshole. And he's like the implications of this are obvious to anybody that's been watching Voyager. These people have a tens of thousands of light-years instantaneous travel technology. He can't fuck with home on his mind. That's the problem.
Starting point is 00:25:43 Yeah, he's like, I was like telling myself it doesn't count if you on his mind. Yeah, that's the problem. Yeah, he's like I was like telling myself It doesn't count if you're in a different quadrant, but I do have a girlfriend back home And if I'm only two jumps of the space folding technology away from her I really need to like zip it up. You could forgive a desert island fuck with no hope of rescue It's less forgivable when you're on the desert island, and the rescue helicopter is incoming, and it is out. Rook for the base, I found them, and he took it out. Yeah, that's kind of an interesting character arc that Harry Kim seems to have gone on in the background
Starting point is 00:26:27 because there was an early episode scene where Tom Parris was pitching him on the idea of going and doing something with the Delaney sisters that Harry was quite resistant to. Right. And he seems to have put that away, but now it's back. Yeah, it's back in a big time way. And so is Harry Kim, who has arrived back on the
Starting point is 00:26:48 Sakari planet and interrupts what looked like a possible smooch between Gath and Captain Janeway. Yeah, I definitely got possible smooch vibes here. He's like, listen, Captain, great news, really exciting. These people have a technology that can get us home. We call it a spatial trajectum. And basically it's a space folding technology. The theory works on something as big as a starship
Starting point is 00:27:13 as well as it does on people that can just jump home. It seemed so clear that Gath was going to go in for a kiss with Captain Janeway that it made me wonder when are we gonna get Captain Janeway's first kiss on the show. Wow. Captain Picard, not a lot of kissing in TNG. Captain Cisco, a lot of kissing. Maybe more kissing than Captain Kirk. I think that's a quality of just how many episodes, how many more episodes that Cisco get to do. Kisses per episode I think Kurt probably still has. Right.
Starting point is 00:27:48 That's a record that will never be broken. And so I'm wondering if this is going to be a thing that they tease out on Voyager. Because I mean, Harry Kim is given the burden of a lady friend back home, but we met Tom Mervins in the very first episode of Star Trek Voyager, the guy with the dog waiting for Captain Janeway back home, and there is not even a whiff of guilt about this possibility. I mean, they could have an open relationship and that's fine, but none of this is established yet. None of this is established. She doesn't seem to have expressed any guilty feelings about this though. Like Harry definitely did.
Starting point is 00:28:25 Nor would she have anyone to share that with either, and that's another difference. Like Captain Janeway doesn't have a friend to confide that thing in like, Tom Paris, I'm sure would love to be that confident, but he's only Harry Kim's sexual Sherpa that he knows of, but the Sherpa shoe is on the other Sherpa foot in the Harry Kim Cam Tom Paris relationship.
Starting point is 00:28:45 And the prime directive shoe is on the other prime directive foot in this episode because they're having this conversation about hey this technology is basically what we've been looking for right in front of Gaff. Right. And he's like well that's cool and all but we don't really share our stuff. Yeah. These are our toys and we don't lend them out. This scene was so interesting to me because not only is it the prime directive heads of two cultures you know having their way of being but up against each other but the very real and modern quality of a person or a group of people being nice and generous to another person or a group of people and then getting huffy when they're denied something
Starting point is 00:29:34 further, you know? Yeah. And that tension begins here. Like what? You mean like the niceness and the gratitude I've extended to you is suddenly like not enough? Yeah, the way gas puts them back on their heels by saying like why are you like putting me in this uncomfortable position of having to deny you the thing that you need the most? It's like the argument and curb where like you can go into anyone's refrigerator for a liquid But you can't go into someone else's refrigerator for food. I feel like the transporter technology is food.
Starting point is 00:30:06 Yeah. Everything else is liquid. Yeah. I'm surprised you didn't offer. And our canon of law is strictly forbids that. I don't think you're about to offer. So nothing to do but have a McLaughun group. Is your walk?
Starting point is 00:30:18 And it's an interesting one. It's all the senior staff. And DuVog is definitely sitting there like having made peace with this. He has accepted that they are not going to be shared this technology. And so, let's just get over it and move on. And the rest of the gang is not into the idea of just moving on.
Starting point is 00:30:39 I love how this scene is blocked because if I were on the bridge crew participating in this McLaughlin group and all of a sudden my captain got up from the table and just started staring out the window for a while, I feel like I wasn't doing a good job at this meeting. It's a good point. The observation deck on the entrepreneur was not as well suited to this kind of move as the one on the voyage. She sits with those windows to her back. So it's not like she's like going alongside the conference table to turn away from the crew.
Starting point is 00:31:12 There's a recognition of their own hypocrisy here, W. Slash R. Slash T. The Prime Directive that is really interesting Star Trek universe building here. But we're kind of pulled back in from the hypothesizing and philosophizing to a pretty plain-spoken quid pro proposal, which would be like, we know these guys love stories. Our main computer is full of them.
Starting point is 00:31:43 How about we give them some nice books in exchange for this technology? Would that work? It's arms for hostages or stories for transport. Those are the two kinds of trades that were capable of making. First bit of hope we get here. Yeah, this is Harry Kim's idea and they're like,
Starting point is 00:32:01 wow, shit, like that's actually kind of an awesome call. All they want is novelty and they're kind of desperate for it in a slightly sick way and we've got the entire literary canon of every member species in the federation in a fucking computer chip on board. We have awesome buying power here. I want to believe that there's someone aboard whose job it is to like screen out some of the media and books that may not be good. Like, got farther three? No, like just give them the first two.
Starting point is 00:32:38 Yeah, then their assistant is like, but what about the new director's cut? Is that gonna be able to make it? We need the Sakaris to believe that there was never a rocky five. I'll arrange to meet with God. At the end of this meeting, BLT seems unusually edgy about their chances of getting the tech. And like I've been wanting this for a long time, right? The burbling of the Mayquise values in the background,
Starting point is 00:33:03 finally like coming to a boil and potentially threatening a mission or the livelihood of the crew in the process. And while I don't feel like BLT is ready to put anyone in danger, the values of her splinter group are setting to come to the fore in an interesting way. Absolutely. She tells the captain like, all right, well, I'm gonna go like serreptitious so he gets some scans of this platform. And the captain quickly puts the kai wash on this.
Starting point is 00:33:30 Maybe I can figure out how it works. You'll do nothing of the sort lieutenant. We're gonna like try and do this in a diplomatic, official, above board way. We are star fleet and Abil tea is kind of put in her place. And in a way that like you could really feel the seeds of resentment being pointed out. We cut to a scene of more food-based diplomacy
Starting point is 00:33:52 where Captain Janeway has given Gath a slice of pecan pie. And Gath lifts the fork of pie to his mouth, takes a bite and is immediately like, oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! mouth, takes a bite and is immediately like, oh, that is so sweet. That is incredibly sweet. I have to have you ever considered using a salted pecan. I feel like it would provide a little bit of balance to this unbelievably caramelly pie. I actually feel like I have a piece of pican like stuck in my soft palate that I have to like scrape out
Starting point is 00:34:34 with a finger applying him with the temptation of stories gets gath to maybe But he's got a he's got to kind of check in with the other leaders of his society. The expressions of Catherine J. Wei in this episode are incredible. And the second great creep stare by her happens here. Like, they are a mood. Yeah. When she like narrows her eyes a little bit as she sips her coffee?
Starting point is 00:35:07 Yeah, it's great They speaking of staring Sesca is just staring off into the middle distance down and engineering thinking about the potential of this device Yeah, and kind of distracting herself from her work with all of this potential. As she's in kind of a prime directive, Violate and Revery. What does it mean to be an earingless bejorin? Well, I remember Ensign Roe wasn't allowed to initially, but then she kind of earned enough respect from Riker to violate the uniform code.
Starting point is 00:35:46 So I guess maybe in the Federation there aren't as many exceptions for sincerely held religious belief in terms of how you present yourself professionally. Yeah, I don't know. That got pretty heavy. I was just asking a harmless question, then, Jesus. Well, my brain is poisoned at them. At what point did you know that BLT was going to blow this? For me, it was this scene. It's hard to articulate why exactly I felt that sense of foreboding, but I think that there's something to the format and there's something to the behavior and where it happens in an episode that maybe think something bad is going to happen and BLT is going to be involved. So it begins with Zeska BLT and Carrie hypothesizing about this technology and you know when
Starting point is 00:36:40 it's just a hypothesis, you can talk about anything. Yeah, we're just bandying ideas about this space folding. It must leave a sub space signature of some kind. Right. That is there get out of doing real science free card, I guess. Yeah. And like from the relative privacy of engineering where the cap that isn't likely to lock in and unannounced and they're just off in some dark corner together. They start like actually scanning this and they do in fact get some interesting readings that give them an idea of how this technology may be working. Engineering must be a great place to have semi-private conversations because of
Starting point is 00:37:23 the sound of the warp core, right? Yeah. It's like a very loud pink noise machine. Yeah, you get up on that catwalk and speak in a hush tone with your buddy. Nobody's gonna over here that. That's a ride one, have my meetings. This all may be moot though,
Starting point is 00:37:38 because the next scene is Harry Kim being brought by Yudana. Is it Yudana? Me, Dada. Yudana. Down to the planet where Jared Hotel... Jared Hotel. Pays off his existence as a character in trying to make a kind of black market deal.
Starting point is 00:38:00 He wants to give them the trajectory, which is the name of this technology in exchange for those stories. And it would sort of put him in a position of being the wealthiest man on the planet story-wise. And it's worth betraying the Sikari Prime directive to do that for him. Many people believe that rules should be flexible enough to meet the needs of the moment. You alluded to this earlier, the Kyle Mooney character becomes Oliver North here, trading trajectories for stories. Yeah, and Harry Kim is a rule follower, so he says, like, listen, dude, I definitely want
Starting point is 00:38:36 this thing. Please don't take the offer off the table, but I am not the person to authorize this transaction. Smash got to Kim telling Paris BLLT and Sesca his doubts in the lunch room, like just before the meeting that Kim's supposed to have with Captain Janeway. Yeah. And this is like the perfect group of people
Starting point is 00:38:57 on the ship to start to draw battle lines because Sesca is like, we're Mayquees, let's fucking act like it. Who gives a fuck about the prime directive? Let's go get that trajectory. It does not matter. We're just copy pasting some files from our fucking computer. It costs us nothing and it could earn us everything. Yeah. And interestingly, BLT is kind of starting to hue more to the starfleet way of thinking. She is like, I'm in the chain of command.
Starting point is 00:39:25 I'm a senior officer. This is not what we are doing here. Roxanne Dawson's performance in this episode, I think is really low key strong because watching her absorb the screw turning that Sesca doles out to her scene after scene, you can really feel it. You can feel her being worn down by this.
Starting point is 00:39:50 She can be resistant to it only too long. Then, in a couple of the scenes in the cafeteria, my eyes kept finding this giant rusty distilling vessel in the background. You know what that is? I don't. I thought it was very interesting that it was so shabby chic. I really find it. And it seems like even if you're setting up your like make shift kitchen on a Starfleet
Starting point is 00:40:15 ship, somebody from engineering would lay eyes on that thing and be like, no, I'm fixing that and putting it like back to brand new working order. Like those guys that like clean up rusty old tools on YouTube. Part of it is it's not really in soft focus at all. So you can really make out its patchiness. Yeah. I mean, it looks like one of those like espresso machines
Starting point is 00:40:37 that you see is like a centerpiece in a Italian restaurant. It's meant to look kind of like old and quaint and recall a simpler time kind of a thing. Yeah. Which I feel like was a very popular vibe in this part of the 90s. So I think that's kind of what it's telegraphing, but it's it's really weird and definitely eye catching.
Starting point is 00:40:58 You're getting the whole sense of ambiance here, not just the coffee itself. So Kim's meeting with Captain Janeway and Tuvac. Doesn't go great. I mean, it goes fine for Kim because he rats out Kyle Mooney and lays it all out there in a way that Captain Janeway's really appreciative of. And after she dismisses Kim, it's up to her and Tuvac to kind of chop up what they're going to do next.
Starting point is 00:41:26 And Captain Janeway really laments her situation and the principle is that she's struggling to abide by. And Tuvac's like, look, the gath thing isn't off the table yet. There's still plenty of pie in the commentary to play him with. Like he hasn't said no. And so, Tuvac and this scene kind of talks are off the ledge and encourages her to continue to chase down that road until it ends.
Starting point is 00:41:54 Yeah, and it kind of makes the case that like there are scenarios in which Starfleet officers violate the prime directive. But like nobody that's on the other side of that is subject to the prime directive. So like nobody that's on the other side of that is subject to the prime directive. So if we deal with Jared, it's him breaking his law. We're not breaking anything. We might feel some misgivings about being a party to it, but it's not really our problem.
Starting point is 00:42:18 So let's just keep that in mind that there's an issue of principles here, but we're desperate enough that should be something we like give serious consideration to. This episode really plays around with hope and false hope, because at the end of this scene you're like, oh yeah, maybe there is a chance. It's totally like when you're a kid and you're like begging your parents for something and like your dad is like, well, I'll talk to your mom about it tonight. And like the next morning, you're like, well, how did it go? What are we talking about here? And it's like, well, I'll talk to your mom about it tonight. And like the next morning, you're like, well, how did it go? What are we talking about here?
Starting point is 00:42:47 And it's like, oh, yeah, it didn't come up. And you're like, what? This is the only thing I'm thinking about. How was this not the first thing you talked about after bedtime? To apply that analogy in the next scene, Captain Janeway is like, so, Gath, did you talk to mom? And Gath is like, yeah, not only did I not talk to mom,
Starting point is 00:43:06 mom's never coming home again. Ha ha ha ha ha ha. Because Gath is like, the magistrates, pretty hard to get a hold of, and not only that, I'm not particularly motivated to get a hold of them to begin with. And then, Gath shoots his shot. Like, do I even really need to get a hold of the magistrates?
Starting point is 00:43:25 Why don't you stay? Remember that kiss we almost had? We could get a lot closer if you stayed. Really like to have that kiss. Here's a little preview. I'll kiss the back of your hand. By the way, Gath is very handsy with the captain in a way that I kept wanting it to be like,
Starting point is 00:43:41 yeah, get off me, you freak. We don't know each other like that. I don't enjoy being judged like this. It's very upsetting. The gath is like, I'd like to kiss you for your benefit because that's our culture. And this begins to illuminate their differences. We've gotten a whiff of it up until now,
Starting point is 00:44:00 but these differences are made ugly under the harsh light of this moment, because the secaries are experienced swingers. He's got this like thing that they don't have and is doing that empathy gap thing where he can't imagine what it's like not to have that thing. He's like, why don't you just stay here? It wouldn't be a problem for us if we were in your position.
Starting point is 00:44:24 I mean, he can't put himself in her shoes. Not at all pleasurable. Do you think there's a beat missing from this episode that has something to do with the power imbalance of their ships and their cultures? Because at no point does Gath ever articulate fear of having the technology taken from him by force. Yeah, the Voyager being in orbit doesn't ever come up. They're not talking about bombarding the surface.
Starting point is 00:44:54 I guess he just is inherently trusting, right? Like, he extends trust as a reflex in a way that I feel like starfleets also kind of do. He comes from a pretty similar society to the Federation. has a reflex in a way that I feel like Starfleet's also kind of do. He comes from a pretty similar society to the Federation. They are like an open trusting society that assumes positive intent until proven otherwise. And I think it would have been interesting to have them compare phasor sizes or whatever, but that's never on the table.
Starting point is 00:45:24 That's not the way their relationship works. This conversation turns into an argument that then gets pretty ugly. We're nothing more than the latest novelty. You're a hostile and vicious. Because Gatham bodies, the sort of behavior that all secaries have low-key had, which is of not being interested in being a giver if it means not getting something in return. Like they are actually, in fact, all about the pleasure of giving.
Starting point is 00:45:54 It's never about the gift. And it triggers the third very interesting facial expression by Katherine Janeway, as she calls for one very upset eyebrow to be beamed up. Yeah, she beams out like slamming a door, man. You know there has been a conversation between people in the Star Trek universe that went something like, yeah, we were fighting and then she just beamed away without saying goodbye. And I don't even know where she beams to.
Starting point is 00:46:27 Yeah. And conversely conversation, I was like, and I was so fucking mad and I said, one to beam out. And the guy was like, looking at his phone. And so I just had to stand there like an idiot. And I was like, come on. Chief, one to beam out. Be me out.
Starting point is 00:46:44 Come on, man. Come on. It's got to be so great Beam me out! Come on in! Come on! It's got to be so great to leave a party. It's just bit beam in a way. That's it. Yeah, yeah. I got to hit the head and you go in and you don't quite pull the door all the way shit and yeah. And then you're just gone, baby. You make that mistake once. The first person who beamed away by going into a bathroom after pulling the door all the way shut, never got invited back to a party. That is a major Star Trek faux pas. Yeah, yeah, exactly. You gotta leave that door open. There's a huge line forming throughout the party and then
Starting point is 00:47:16 what do you want me to do? It's locked. It's been locked for like 20 minutes. A greatest gen live show is something you don't want to miss. Why? Well, it's a great opportunity to see me and Ben in person, but that's not all. FODs from all over gather at these shows to cosplay, to do pre and post-show hangs, to make friends, and share their embarrassment. Hey, let's make a pretty great name for a tour. Let's do it. The Sherry Reembarishment Tour is coming in August 2023, and we've got a bunch of dates in a lot of great places. Go to to get more info.
Starting point is 00:47:55 That's for dates and ticketing information for the Sherry Reembarishment Tour. I'm Jordan Morris. And I'm Jesse Thorne. On Jordan Jesse Go, we make pure, delightful nonsense. We were open awesome guests and bring them down to our level. We got stupid with Judy Greer. My friend Molly and I call it having the spaceweards.
Starting point is 00:48:16 Pat Noswald. Could I get a Balrog burger and some air-gorn fries? Thank you. And Kumail Non-Giani. I've come back with cat toothbrushes, which is impossible to use. Come get stupider with us at Look, your podcast apps are already open.
Starting point is 00:48:30 Just pull it out. Give Jordan Jesse Goat try. Being smart is hard. Be dumb instead. Oh, rats, hey, hey, hey, oh, I'm about to count you in line. These clouds are really freaking me out. I hate having to stand in line and boy, what are these giraffes do not smell good? No, they do not and they've such short neck. But I'm here
Starting point is 00:48:50 and we need to get on this. I gotta get on the art. Yeah. It is about terrain. I gotta spout to destroy humanity. Hey, oh, sorry, sorry, are you Noah? Yeah, I know we look like humans. We're actually, we're podcasters. We are podcasters, so it's different. Have you heard of Ono, Ross and Kerry? We investigate spirituality, claims of the paranormalters. We are podcasters, so it's different. Have you heard of Ono Ross and Carrie? We investigate spirituality, claims of the paranormal, stuff like that. And you have a boat and say the world's gonna end, so seem like something for us to check out. We would love to be on the boat. We came two by two.
Starting point is 00:49:15 What do you think? Ono Ross and Carrie, available on On the Voyager in the Ness Hall, the little engineering crew that have been pursuing this kind of secret line of research talk about what's motivating them and Carrie's got a family, Sasuke's got a brother whose birthday she wants to be back for. Like they are feeling really strongly about like one way or another, we got to get this fucking trajectory and get the fuck back to the a-quad. Captain Janeway has returned in such a cloud of angst
Starting point is 00:50:01 that people are noticing, Tuvac asks what the play is is and she wants to get the crew back and blow on out of there. Fuck it. Yeah. We're out. The trouble is the crew is still down there doing shore leave and they've kind of scattered in the wind in a way that is very useful for a episode trying to conceive of a third act because it it's gonna take time to retrieve them and that sets up more time for this conflict to resolve. I really love Kate Mugler's performance in this moment though, because like, when I'm like mad at a situation
Starting point is 00:50:34 and I just wanna get the fuck out of there and put it behind me, anything holding that up is so unwelcome and she is like, fine, just get them beamed up as fast as we can. I want to go. This is probably what I would use the Ready Room for the most, which is like, order given? I'm going to wait until that order is done. I do not want to come back out of here until that order has been executed and we are light years
Starting point is 00:50:58 away from here. But the engineering crew, BLT and CESCA and Carrie, run to the transporter room, and they're like, we do not have a lot of time. They've got the stories replicated and on isoleneer chips, and they're trying to beam themselves down to the surface when they realize that the controls have been locked out, and the door opens to the transporter room,
Starting point is 00:51:21 and there is two-block, and I was like, oh, you were in trouble! This episode does such a great job with establishing and dissolving the idea of Tuvac being the taciturn father disappointed in the kids and going rogue here. And Tuvac in this scene becomes so much more interesting than he's ever been on the show.
Starting point is 00:51:49 Yeah. Although I wouldn't say it, Tuvac, hella boring up until now. Not much of a character like establishes that he went undercover with the make-weas and like was interesting enough to do that, but for eight episodes ever since, he's just capable, serious security dude.
Starting point is 00:52:06 Yeah. I think it would be a good idea to not have CESCA run the transporter in the scene. Because when she steps up there and cracks her knuckles, I was like killing two vach in this moment. Would be a big time mistake. I don't know how you explain that to anyone else. We didn't get the trajectory and our security chief got turned to cat food and we don't know why. So he takes the stories and beams down there.
Starting point is 00:52:34 They are nervously waiting for him to come back. The captain is like, get the ship ready to move and they're like trying to stall for time. Better. Two Vox shows up. I love how dialogue answers questions before they're even asked though, because like they cross-cut right back to the bridge after two-vac beams down. And Chicoate is like, yeah, two-vac's on the surface,
Starting point is 00:52:53 supervising the last of the crew with drawing. Because as soon as he beams down, I'm like, he's going the wrong way. Someone's gonna know this. Nobody's gonna be like, hey, what the hell? I like that, it was so efficient. Yeah. And when he gets back, the engineering crew, like, no
Starting point is 00:53:08 enough about the trajectory that they've built some kind of interface for it right into an engineering console and plug it right in. And basically, what they're trying to do is convince the captain that there's something wrong with the impulse engines long enough to plug this thing in and get it going and execute their first jump. Their idea is that it's got a range of about 40,000 light years, so they'll need to do two jumps. But one of the first things they realize when they plug it in is that there's something about
Starting point is 00:53:40 the crystal structure of secarice itself that enables this technology to work. And so they're only going to be able to get one jump out of it. And it's now or never. This is our only chance. How much tension were you feeling in this moment? I thought this episode did a great job in compressing the time here into a stressful bit of business. It's awesome.
Starting point is 00:54:02 And you're cutting back and forth from the bridge to engineering. The engineers are like shitting themselves trying to get this thing working. The captain is still in her huff about just wanting to get the fuck out of here. When the engines don't fire up, when Paris hits the go button, it's huge eye rolls from Janeway and we cut back down to engineering and they start the effect with the trajectory and they think it's going to work and then it does not. I can't compensate for the instability. When you see the Jordy smoke start up in engineering, you expect to see a blast door.
Starting point is 00:54:39 Yeah. Where is the blast door when they start evacuating engineering? That's what I want to know. If they'd sealed themselves in with it, they would have taken it to a whole nother level, I guess. But they don't quite get that far. Wines up being that BLT has to grab a dustbuster and shoot the manifold.
Starting point is 00:54:56 Plasma temperature at 50 million Calvin! Shoot! TUN! And she does, and it completely destroys the trajectory, and all that's left is a whisk sticking out of a pile of mashed potatoes on the engineering console. I'm shocked that she got away with firing an unauthorized phaser on a starship, and the alarms didn't go off. I guess it's the same alarm when there's a plasma leak and when there's an unauthorized
Starting point is 00:55:24 phaser being shot. It would have been duplicative. So yeah, they destroy their one chance and they're realizing that there's some stuff about the technology that they failed to factor in. It's got anti-nutrinos as well and that means that it's like on some fundamental level, incompatible with the technology on their ship. We whip pan over to sesca and she's got two jugs of bleach that she's pouring over the scorched razor burn. Yeah, yeah, she's like wiping fingerprints off of everything. I'll start erasing the sensor locks. And BLT is like, no, like I gotta go take my lumps for this because we took a gamble
Starting point is 00:56:03 and if it had worked out it would have been high fives and hugs all around but it didn't and so I'm gonna go admit that to the captain. And I think that like one thing I really kind of wished they'd talked about a little bit is if they had successfully stolen this technology and the Sakari knew that they'd stolen this technology and the Sakari knew that they'd stolen this technology, they could get home and find that they have an alien enemy that is capable of projecting power over a much vaster part of space than the Federation is, that fucking hates them. This is why I asked the question about relative firepower
Starting point is 00:56:39 because much in the same way that the Sakari never suspected that the Voyager would take it by force, the punishment for taking it by force is also an unknown. Yeah. If they had tried. I think it would have been really good to give the captain a moment to address that fact. Like, did you not consider that the Federation can ill afford to make an enemy that has a power like this? It's basically like, yeah. What if they turn out to be as bad as the dominion or the Borgs? You know?
Starting point is 00:57:07 Yeah. Like, we just don't know them that well. I read that the Sakari was going to be one of the three foundational antagonist aliens in Star Trek Voyager. I don't know if that's a thing that's actually going to happen, but that was the idea for them. Maybe they're kind of writing toward that. They're setting some groundwork for that or something.
Starting point is 00:57:27 We have a pretty brutal scene where ballana and Tuvac admit their parts of the scheme to the captain, and ballana's punishment is basically don't do it again, and you're dismissed, and then the fucking wood comes down on two-vac. I think that sells short just how much wood was coming for BLT. BLT definitely gets rocked here by Captain Janeway, but two-vac jumps in front of that bus. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:00 BLT thinks she's jumping in front of a bus and and then Tuvac pushes her out of the way, and then jumps in front of that bus, and then tells Captain Janeway that he has also jumped in front of the bus that was headed for her. Tuvac is so good at being in trouble, man. Yeah. He's galaxy brains.
Starting point is 00:58:18 It's not an excuse, it's an explanation, and it's actually really compelling. This would have been a terrible infraction for a captain to make. I'm totally willing to live with the consequences of that infraction if I had done it by myself. And what they're talking about is really intense. Like she's saying, I can't have you be my right hand man and wonder if you are actually doing something secret on the side. Like, I need to trust the fuck out of you and you just shook that trust. You have forged this relationship for years and I depend on it.
Starting point is 00:58:53 The social cheat code that TuVac deploys here is so deft. Yeah. When someone rungs you and then they tell you that they did it for you, you can see Janeway working this out. This scene is so incredible. I think it's one of the best scenes of the entire show so far for this reason because the idea of not only two vogue jumping onto the ethical grenade, so Captain Janeway wouldn't explode from it. But also, I also saw a mutiny growing in strength and heading into a place that couldn't be put down.
Starting point is 00:59:31 He martyrs himself twice in the same scene. It's such acting on hard mode to see two totally different takes from Kate Mulgrueu to two totally separate characters where you're feeling just as much paythos but in entirely different ways I think it's just incredible I really love this scene a lot and the scene ends with her turning her back on him and dismissing him. Yeah one last stare-take from Janeway to close out the episode but did you like the episode Adam? You know I'm really easy to get along with most of the time.
Starting point is 01:00:07 But I don't like bullets, I don't like friends, and I don't like you. I love this too. I love the episode, and it feels like a miracle when your antagonist is as much of a doofus weirdo as Gath is. To set him up the way that he set up, you're thinking, well, this is a cheesy first season TNG episode where the heavy isn't that heavy, he's just weird. And the danger
Starting point is 01:00:32 isn't very real and you just sort of go through the motions and that's your Star Trek episode. But for the antagonist being the way he is and the episode to be as great as it is, I thought this is a really great episode and I alluded to this before but how is Kate Mogrew not your first choice for Captain if this is the sort of read you need that character to make? To me this is when Kate Mogrew becomes Captain Janeway. One question I had that I wanted to ask you is, what do you make of the sequence of episodes here? This is episode nine, and we're at this point with the captain, we're at this point
Starting point is 01:01:12 with how desperate the crew is to get home and what they're willing to do in light of that desperation. Are you happy with the order of EPS or could you have used this coming a little earlier? Because I think one of the things that's been craving the entire time is that Make Wee's Burble that we haven't gotten and now it's back in a big time way. It's interesting. We are past the halfway point on season one. I think it's a 15 episode season and it kind of feels like it makes sense as an episode nine, if it was a 24 episode season. But it's definitely like the strongest episode so far, I think. And I think it corrects for
Starting point is 01:01:54 some things that they got distracted from in previous episodes. Like remember, like these are crews that are not a natural fit for each other, and these are starfleets that are slightly desperate and maybe willing to bend the rules in ways that would be surprising relative to the way people on the Enterprise D would behave. So yeah, I mean, I think it sort of feels to me like they kind of figured a lot of things out about this season and this series in this episode that they hadn't quite nailed down yet. And I mean, I really agree that like that scene at the end is a showcase for why Kate McGrew is such a great captain. And I bet they hadn't even broken the story for this episode when they shot the pilot, you know,
Starting point is 01:02:45 like that's not really how TV used to work. They probably just worked the scripts out on a weekly basis as they came up. And this one just happens to be a total banger. Gotta be exciting if you're in production and you reach this episode and you, no, it's not a question anymore. You got the right person.
Starting point is 01:03:05 Well, do you want to see if we got the right P1s for this episode, Adam? You never know until you read them. Priority 1 message from Starfleet coming in on Secured Channel. You need a supplement on it. A supplement? A supplement. A supplement. Yeah, it's extra.
Starting point is 01:03:21 The interest alone could be enough to buy this ship! Then our first priority on message is, of a promotional nature. The message goes like this, you might think second life is a thing of the past, and you'd be right. But friends of DeSoto love watching old things. Inter virtual fireworks from dequeer creations. For some reason, literally hundreds of thousands of these have been sold. The gift for yourself, you didn't even realize you needed. And because I'm pretty certain nobody listening is playing second life, I will give a 50% rebate to anybody who hears this and buys the fireworks. Message me with the
Starting point is 01:04:05 codesgarves after purchase. Wow. So there's virtual stuff in second life. Yeah. And this person is selling virtual fireworks. So don't be left out like the hood, show some courage, and try them. You can go to slash virtual fireworks to find out more. Man, I don't know if you've ever played Second Life, but that was like a massively multiplayer online game in like the 90s, I wanna say. I mean, it's definitely familiar to me
Starting point is 01:04:37 as a zyke guy's D thing, but I never played it personally. Yeah. Is it the thing you play even am I even using that terminology, right? I think you have a character and it's kind of like Is it the thing you play even? Am I even using that terminology, right? I think you have a character and it's kind of like a virtual environment that you can go socialize with other people in. But I don't remember if there were like game mechanics or not. I didn't play it either, so I don't know.
Starting point is 01:04:56 But it's like you can still get some virtual fireworks for that. And I would encourage you to. What video game wouldn't benefit from virtual fireworks? Another timely P1 that we've blew because this one they wanted to have read before New Year's of 2020. We have another P1 here, and it's from Sarah, and it's to Brian.
Starting point is 01:05:18 Goes like this. Brian, I cannot imagine anyone I'd rather pandemic parent with this podcast, Propted Brian, to get me to rewatch every episode of TNG After only watching some of the original Eric We got ahead of the pod with DS9 and we made it through Voyager while pregnant and after Magnolia was born By the way the Voyager theme makes a great load by oh I bet very chill theme. Yeah Magnolia is a great lullaby. Oh, I bet. Very chill theme.
Starting point is 01:05:46 Yeah. Magnolia is a great name for a baby. And an adult, which they'll eventually grow up into. Yeah, that's beautiful. Thank you, Sarah, and thanks Brian for spreading the love. Ben, our final priority one message is from the friends of did Joe do it is to Joe aka captain knuckknack and the message goes like this oh boy everyone knows 40 is the new 30 with our three presupers is it maybe it's not keep on sp batch-cooking, old chicken's everywhere.
Starting point is 01:06:25 For another 40. Dental plan! Wow. That message requested in the Kevin Huxbridge voice. Yeah. You can make him say whatever you want him to say. Yeah, you really can. Well, happy 40th.
Starting point is 01:06:41 Captain Knuck-Nack. Yeah, we see Captain Knuck-Nack name in our P1s all the time. So a beloved friend of DeSoto, it sounds like. Indeed. Well, if you'd like to get a P1, we'd sure appreciate it. Head to slash gembo-tron and it's a hundred bucks for a personal message
Starting point is 01:07:00 and 204A promotional message. Hey Adam. What's that, Ann? You're divine yourself a drunk Shimoda? Drunk Shimoda! I can't get Keatmul Gru off my mind. I can't get her performance off my mind. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:15 And I know like a big part of the Shimoda is who's having the most fun. But when an actor puts in her performance like this, I've got to believe that she knows that she is throwing the fastball so hard and what's more fun than doing the thing that you're best at at a very high level, you know? So I'm gonna go outside the show and give it to the actor. Katelyn Grus is gonna be my my drunk Shimoda for just an achievement in acting here. That is great that I hope is a tone
Starting point is 01:07:45 setter for the series to come. Yeah, it's really good. My drunk Shimoda is Ensign Murphy. Who's Ensign Murphy, you ask? Well, he's the guy that BLT is kind of ogling at the beginning of the episode. How's Ensign Murphy's butt? It's not for that reason though. Like, he's like one of the first things you see in the episode He's getting a plate of food from the window at Nielix's restaurant He like accepts the food and looks at it with a level of like are you fucking kidding me? That I laughed within 30 seconds of firing this episode up and it was because of this extra as performance of
Starting point is 01:08:24 This is the food. And then walking over to go suffer through it at his table while getting ogled. I had to like rewind and rewatch because I missed what Cesco was saying to BLT because I was laughing at the way the sky decided to play this moment. That's big fun. I mean, that's going to be the direction you give anyone taking a plate of food from Nelix. Imagine that this is the most disgusting food anyone has ever handed you. And that should be your motivation.
Starting point is 01:08:53 If Janeway and Tuvac are so concerned about morale, you'd think that they would place the food as a higher priority going forward. Doesn't seem to be having the desired effect Well one thing that also doesn't always have the desired effect on our show is the game of buttholes rule of the profits It's where we figure out how we're gonna talk about the next episode and while I head over there And why don't you tell us what the next episode. And while I head over there, Ben, why don't you tell us what the next episode is going to be about?
Starting point is 01:09:28 The next episode is season one episode 10, State of Flux. The crew realizes there's a traitor on board after a Federation technology turns up on an enemy warship. I mean, by traitor, they mean all of the make-wee's that are among the crew. Or by trader, do they mean trader, like trader, as in what Mielix used to do before he became the head chef of the ship? Sounds innocent enough. Is he like, what? I just sold some stuff.
Starting point is 01:09:58 That's what I do. Yeah. I didn't know you were sensitive about it. That sounds like it's all a big misunderstanding. You're required to learn as you play, role. Ben, we're up in the higher altitude. Squares of the Game of Buttholes were on square 85 at present, where just a few squares ahead.
Starting point is 01:10:18 We have a measure of a man episode. Few squares after that is a traveler episode which would jump us a handful of squares forward. So Rocky Road ahead of us on our way to the Mornhammer episode the 100th Square on the board. I've got the die in my hand and I'm gonna give it a roll. Roll it. I have rolled a four. Shula! Did I win? Which jumps us over the Measure of a Man episode and places us on the doorstep of the Traveler episode. So for you and me, it's going to be a regular rolled episode.
Starting point is 01:10:53 Wow. I really like this new lifestyle you have of not rolling ones every single time. Yeah, I think someone got under the hood and changed the programming here. The only explanation. It's unusual. Well, I'm looking forward to a regular old episode next week and I can't wait to watch. See what happens when somebody betrays the ship. Who's your vote for betrayer? You probably know, don't you? You're just keeping it to yourself. I think I know who it is, but I don't want to say. I don't
Starting point is 01:11:22 want to ruin it for anyone. I think we've gotten very few peripheral characters. I think it has to be Carrie or SESCA. I think that's gonna be my vote. Just because we don't know anyone else, really. Yeah, it would be kind of a cop out to like introduce a red shirt and then have them turn out to be the worst person on board. Come on, that would be a bad job.
Starting point is 01:11:44 It's gotta be someone that we at least sort of care about, right? Yeah. Well, that'll be next week. In the meantime, head to slash join if you'd like to support the greatest generation. You can also watch our weekly, sometimes more often than weekly Twitch streams on slash greatest trek We're doing that a bunch lately and having a ton of fun doing it and
Starting point is 01:12:10 We also have social media accounts you can follow at greatest trek on Twitter and Instagram Those of course run by a good buddy the card daddy built tilly who makes Hilarious baseball cards based on every episode and he posts some there he posts some all over the internet for folks to enjoy and they are a delight. He's a paid employee by X-Rid Shimoda and we're able to do that because of all the support the show receives at slash join so please do that. The music you're hearing right now is made by Dark Materia, the card song, the music that you hear as the theme song for the greatest generation voyager as well as all the interstitial music made by Great Adam Ragusia, who is a bonafide YouTube celebrity. Much bigger celebrity than either of us. I'm pretty sure he's gonna apply a garlic bread recipe out of you one of these days and get some Pranika on Ragusia action.
Starting point is 01:13:10 But in the meantime I have contributed a couple of things to the channel so you can see me over here. You sure have. Yeah, you've done great. You've done great as in your guest spots over there. I always have fun. But I think that's all we have for the folks today. So tune back next week for another great episode of Star Trek Voyager, an episode of the greatest generation Voyager, where either Adam or I totally sell the show down the river, but it's a mystery to find out which one of us.
Starting point is 01:13:43 I think I'm a heavy favorite there on the sell out. Comedy and culture you can show. You'll be got to got to got to got to got to got to got to. Comedy and Culture Artist Oat Audience supported

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