The Greatest Generation - Acid Rain Man (VOY S2E12)

Episode Date: August 16, 2021

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Priority 1 message from Starfleet coming in on Secured Channel. Hey friends of Disodo. Before today's episode, we just wanted to take a moment to talk about the historic labor actions being taken by writers and actors in the American Film and Television industry. If you're a fan of the work done by the people who make Star Trek, we hope you'll join us in standing in solidarity with the folks who actually bring these adventures to life. Over the past several years, the AMPTP, the organization that represents the American Film and Television Production Studios, have reduced the profit from movies and TV going to workers. And in so doing,
Starting point is 00:00:35 they've attempted to weaken the labor unions that represent those workers. They wouldn't even engage the unions on many issues in their negotiations. And so a strike was the only course of action to take. Adam, Wendy and I have been having a lot of internal discussions about how best to stand with the unions and we are continuing those conversations in a dynamic situation. We're doing our best to understand where the picket lines are in these digital spaces,
Starting point is 00:01:01 and we would never intentionally cross one. With the information we have, we feel like we can do more good talking about and supporting the strike and continuing our show as planned. We'll keep you informed about what all this means for greatest trek specifically. Today we're making a contribution to the Entertainment Community Fund. This fund exists to help all the people whose livelihoods have been put on hold because the AMPTP refuses to negotiate
Starting point is 00:01:25 in good faith with the unions. It provides financial support for writers, actors, and all the thousands of laborers who make the shows that we talk about here and without whom we wouldn't have Star Trek to cast pot about. Those folks are all out of work because billionaires, company shareholders, and the executives of these companies don't want to compromise on the length of their yachts. We hope you'll join us in supporting entertainment workers in a challenging time, especially after they've already endured several years of challenges brought on by the pandemic
Starting point is 00:01:55 and season two of Star Trek Picard. We've set up a page where you can also contribute. It's at That's friendsofdececoto for That's FriendsOfDecoto for Link in the episode description. Okay, now let's get on with the show. Here's to the finest crew in Starfleet. Engage! I'm Captain Captain Bringeng, one of the U.S.s. Forth and Duant Captain Captain Bringeng, one of the U.S. is for the captain captain. Bringengwise the U.S. is for the captain captain.
Starting point is 00:02:27 Welcome to the greatest generation, Voyager, Star Trek podcast by a couple of guys who are a little bit embarrassed to have a Star Trek podcast. I'm Ben Harrison. I'm Adam Pranika. We're all switched around. You're back in the studio with me. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:42 It's an in-person record, but I moved a couch to the other side of the room. Yeah. Now the light is on my face and you're backlit. Yeah. Hey, you're staring into the sun and also my face. Yeah, yeah. Very comparable.
Starting point is 00:02:56 Yeah. Two sources of bright radiance cast upon me. Wasn't that like one of the examples of the Mandela effect? Does that everyone thought that the Raisin brand son wore sunglasses, but he really doesn't? Oh, I mean it would be insane for a son to wear sunglasses. I mean, except if he looked in a mirror, I guess. Wasn't the Raisin brand son a baby? Or is that the Teletubby son? That is definitely the Teletubby son. Man is definitely the Teletubby Sun. Man.
Starting point is 00:03:27 You've been catching up on the tubs, haven't you? Yeah, I've been watching a lot of the tubs in my free time. You've been watching, you've been been what, fuck. That's staying in. You've been binge watching the tubs? Yeah, yeah. Have you? On the tubs, you know, I'm watching the Teletubbies
Starting point is 00:03:46 on their Teletubbies. Wow. And I've also been going to the... Just like one of the Tubbs right now, I've got kind of a dull yellow shirt on. That's one of the Tubbs, isn't it? Yeah. Take it, wakey, take it, wakey.
Starting point is 00:04:00 Oh. I've also got all Harriet Tubman $20 bills. So I go to the strip club and I throw tubs. How you do? Yeah, you must. Yeah, I've never been to a strip club. I want to make that abundantly clear. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 00:04:15 Yeah, definitely put that out on the world. I have. And I'm not ashamed to say that I have. Well, I'm a sex negative shame man. So put that in your pipe and smoke it. I only I've only ever supported the positively reinforced strip clubs of the of the Portland Oregon area. The employee owned vegan strip clubs of the Portland Oregon area. Absolutely. Yeah. How's the wrong with that? It seems seems like a reasonable way to do it. Ethically sourced boobies.
Starting point is 00:04:45 Reasonable strip club consumption. That's what I advocate for. Sustainable, local, far to table, porno. You go to some places in the world and the strippers have been stripped completely. There's nothing left. Right. Yeah. That's, you know, strip mining is a lot worse for the environment than a
Starting point is 00:05:07 lot of people think. And the strip clubs capture carbon. It's one of the few ways that we're able to do that. Yeah. Yeah. Well, Adam, I'm worried we're going to get a little bit of resistance for this line of of Marin open. Yeah, I think caution is really the the word of the day here. When I think about this episode that we just watched, yeah, so you want to get into season two episode 12 of Star Trek Voyager. It's called resistance. Reaver course, unless you've got something a little bigger in your torpedo toots. I'm not dreaming about.
Starting point is 00:05:43 We cold open in sun dreams. Wait a second, that's not sun dreams. There's no pool tables out here. You can tell this ain't sun dreams because everyone's fucking. Yeah, they busted out the costumes for this away mission. It's a totally different milieu. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:03 Then where are you two? Neil looks as giving me kind of penguin from the second Tim Burton Batman movie energy I was the number one son and they treated me like number two. It's the confidence To me that does it. It's a fun mode to see him in and I like that he has this gear I kind of wish he would pull this gear a little bit more often. Yeah. That he got like a vial of some kind of substance. He's asking people if they're carrying a little weed going, you know.
Starting point is 00:06:34 We should set the scene. This is all taking place in an alien bizarre full of bizarre aliens. Mm-hmm. And it's in a way mission that they are doing out of uniform. They're incognito in this alien bizarre, but a number of members of the crew, including the captain, agree that this substance is just the right thing, but they gotta get some more of it. And so, Nielix is off to the store to max out the corporate credit card of Starship Voyager
Starting point is 00:07:00 for more of this stuff when the cops bust in. And these are like cops Mixed with motorcycle bad guys a real Star Trek mashup if ever there was one I happened upon a GI Joe movie a few nights ago. Oh one of the live action ones. Yeah, but are terrible the the GI Joe extended universe films and they get a new one of those coming right, a new one called Snake Eyes. I was going to make the comment that all of these cops look like snake eyes. They're wearing the black motorcycle helmet, they're wearing the black motorcycle gear. The whole deal. A cooler helmet than you usually get in a TV show of this era. Agreed. I would say. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:46 But this turns into like a fist fight and then a firefight. And the fight does not go well. Enterprise. Janeway catches one in the neck and BLT and Tuvac are arrested. And Janeway instead of being taken into custody is rescued by a man. And we don't really get to see the form that this rescue takes. He runs up on one of these cops
Starting point is 00:08:12 and then we kind of fade to black before we see him. Do awesome MMA moves on him presumably? I'm not really, we meet this guy later. I'm not sure how he overcame this cop. Well, what it did was plant the seed of suspicion in me throughout, especially once we get to know this person. Like, how did this guy do that and get away with it? Yeah, it was one of a couple of moments
Starting point is 00:08:41 in this episode that strained credulity. And I really like your take that this was this is there to throw us off. But it's boiler alert. I'm giving it too much for it. So after the theme, we're in engineering with Kim and Jacote, where we get a greater amount of context about this material that they're down on the planet surface to get. They are desperate for this. And it's because they need it for their warp engines.
Starting point is 00:09:11 They're already on low power mode. We're gonna reduce our power demands even further. We're gonna have to drop the shields. Right. You know, when you go on a long road trip, especially if you're gonna go through a hot climate, you wanna take the car into the dealership and get a tune up, you know, make sure the brakes are good, make
Starting point is 00:09:29 sure you've got all the fluids at their desired level. And, you know, maybe the Voyager, if they'd known they were going to be on a 75 year trip home, would have gone into the shop before they would have gone to a better station than Deep Space 9. They wouldn't have relied on Chief O'Brien. I am Chief Miles and Ronald Bryan. This is fucking spectacular. They get them ship shape for their mission. Yeah. But no, the ship is really fucked up.
Starting point is 00:09:57 And the substance that they were down on the surface working on acquiring is something that they're going to need to keep the nacelles from locking up forever. The comparison that came to mind to me was like how bad it is to just run a car out of gas. Right. Bad things happen when you go all the way out of gas. I've done it more than once. I was gonna say I can't believe that but I utterly believe that. I did it. I took a year off after a fucking up college the first time around and I wound up after spending a couple of months sitting on a couch getting a job where I had quite a long commute
Starting point is 00:10:37 and my father lent me his Prius. This was like the 2003 model of the Prius. And it was like a total miracle, like how many miles per gallon it could get. It could get like 45 if you were pretty careful with it. And so like I would be on the 880 freeway and I'd be like, I'm 20 miles from home. And I've got what appears to be a gallon left in the tank. And this thing has a 45 mile range.
Starting point is 00:11:06 So I'm good, I'm good baby. I'll get gas at the gas station that's right near our house, and two different times that summer. I had to pull over on the side of the road and do that like shameful ass walk to a gas station off the highway by a can of gas with five gallons in it. No way. Yeah. That always seems scary to me when I see a biker or a walker on the highway. I don't like that at all. You're not wrong. It's scary as hell. So that's the kind of condition that Voyager is in. Hey, can I ask you how much of that experience is shameful?
Starting point is 00:11:45 Like, are you embarrassed when you're walking with the gas can? Are you embarrassed when you walk into a gas station on foot? Yeah, I mean, this is a, this is Star Trek shamecast. So this is actually related to what we do. I think that one of the times it was bad because the gas station didn't have a way,
Starting point is 00:12:06 like I could buy gas, but they didn't have any gas cans to buy. I was like stuck in like a way that was like really hard to figure out my way out of and the guy working at the gas station definitely was amused at my plight and I felt like a real schmuck standing there in front of him like, yeah,
Starting point is 00:12:24 I like was wildly overconfident about how much fuel I had in my tank. There's only one version of that story that the gasman has ever heard. Right. And that's the version. Right. I got two cocky. Right. I ran out of gas. I got two cocky ran out of gas. But or I mean, I think that you could just be like a blivious person and run out of gas. I was definitely overconfident person and being overconfident and having that come and bite you in the ass is definitely a shameful experience. No one is oblivious on the Voyager. No one is cocky on the Voyager if anything people are starting to freak out.
Starting point is 00:13:03 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And I thought that that scene was really interesting. Like there is a structural thing about writing an episode of television that the beginning of the episode is all about setting up problems. And this problem is solved in this scene. Did you get the telerium? Yes, we have it. Then we need you here.
Starting point is 00:13:23 Prepare to beam directly to engineering. Nelix was not among the people that got arrested. He shows up. Then we need you here. Prepare to beam directly to engineering. Nelix was not among the people that got arrested. He shows up. He's got the material. They're able to stabilize the reaction and like turn things around with the warp core and like the, you know, the numbers are looking good. And they're out of the woods. That construction you're describing is also related to the order of problem operations here because once Nelix makes with the telarium, that is the first thing to deal with. Even ahead of the kidnapping and imprisonment of their crew, right? Because it's the whole
Starting point is 00:13:59 fucking ship. Yeah. If they don't fix that. Yeah, and I liked how how we realized that right up top how emblematic those choices are at this point I love how this planet feels fully realized it has politics that are complex and only really hinted at and We don't really know who the mocha are or who any of these other groups are. Like it seems like there were like lots of different species of aliens in that in that bizarre. So it's not a planet that's like super isolationist or cut off or anything.
Starting point is 00:14:35 But it's a planet that like really acts super differently from the kinds we are used to. And I think that this episode has an interesting level of restraint. Like, there's no McLaughlin group in this where somebody kind of characterizes this planet in one sentence. Right. This isn't, Klingons, they're a warrior race
Starting point is 00:14:56 obsessed with honor. And so this problem is chewy. It's like we've got the ship barely fixed. We're like hiding behind this moon. And now we need to go show our face to the like authorities on this planet and say like, hey, we actually are really hoping you'll help us out and let us get our crew members back
Starting point is 00:15:16 and we'll never bother you again. I like Nielix's instrumentality in this moment because he's like, they are not going to like this. Because what he does is he sets us up for a conflict right away. And when the conflict doesn't come, when this mochera guy shows up on screen, we're like, something is wrong here.
Starting point is 00:15:36 And we feel it in a more visceral way than I think if Nielix was not there to set the table, and there was a firefight even. It's an equally opposing sense of feeling here. Yeah. Did you clock, Ogris, the third magistrate of the Mocha order? I mean, he's a real TNG that guy. He's been the guest star in a couple of episodes. Yeah, he was, I feel like he is playing this character very similarly to the captain of the Romulan ship in Datas Day when the fake Vulcan ambassador abscons to the Romulan ship.
Starting point is 00:16:16 Like he is so chilly. He like gives up nothing and makes a slight performance toward being cordial, but is clearly just like undermining them at every opportunity. Well played, Kevin. Well played. A real fun cameo by this guy. I love his performance throughout this episode. He's really one of the bright spots of it. He's a real like our policy kind of guy. Yeah. Our policy, Voyager, is not to seat parties until every member is present.
Starting point is 00:16:47 There's a way about his pronunciation of words and stuff and the pace, the rapidity of his dialogue also, that he's so cool it's threatening. I love that about him. Yeah, like, you can see why like Chico Day might be engaging in some wishful thinking when he says I'm going to look into seeing if there's anybody bit that has been detained down here, but you don't have a lot of hope. And it is smash cut to the jail cell where BLT and TuVac have been imprisoned. And it's got one of those invisible force fields that hurts like hell when
Starting point is 00:17:25 you touch it. Yeah, touch it and find out she does. I feel like on a federation starship, the force field is there, but you could like put your hand right against it. It's not there to like punish you for attempting to touch it. It's something that the criminals who operate within the federation jurisdiction must really find comforting. Yeah. Those brigs are gonna be fine. One thing I learned when I was locked up by the police in Queens was the holding cell was really dirty and gross. Like there was a brown stain around the perimeter of the room
Starting point is 00:18:02 at head height where people, there was like a bench around the perimeter and people would sit on the bench and lean their head against the wall and you know it's just like a decade of head grease had built up on the wall. And you know that that force field doesn't it doesn't retain grease so you could lean against that just fine you stay perfectly clean. Yeah it'd be I mean to be locked up in the 24th century It sounds great. Yeah Janeway comes to in a different place a private residence and
Starting point is 00:18:37 We get the humming and talking to one self of a person that we will soon come to find is quite disconnected from reality. I got some real misery vibes here right away. Intentionally or not, like I'm looking for the sledgehammer and the block of wood. I'm scanning the room for that. Is this what you're looking for? But it doesn't take long before we realize just how gentle Caleb is.
Starting point is 00:19:09 Yeah. Caleb believes Janeway to be his daughter who was missing. And I feel like she does an interesting job with that. Like, she, she, at some points kind of humors him, speaking to her as though she's his daughter and other times is like, I'm Captain Janeway of the Federation Starship Voyager. I need to like find my crew and get the fuck out of here. And it doesn't seem like he is latched into reality enough to make it a problem that she oscillates a little bit between those two
Starting point is 00:19:41 positions. When we first see the Captain on this away mission, you're like, God, is she going to be able to like hang undercover? Yeah. But this is one of those scenes that supports the argument that she could, because initially she's like blowing this guy off and being Captain Janeway, but she softens when she realizes the company she's with. Yeah. And she has to change her methods.
Starting point is 00:20:05 One, and he is so doding, like the way he treats her as a daughter is so like, I mean, he does not feel threatening in the slightest. When he hugs her, she really softens here at the end of the scene, and she promised herself she wouldn't fall in love. Here we go again. Captain Janeway.
Starting point is 00:20:27 This isn't somebody that Tom Irvings needs to worry about though. It's somebody that like Fred Janeway has to worry about that. Yeah. So Moke Raman meets with Chico Te in a for some reason darkened room on the Voyager. And I love this choice, right? There is no reason why the room is this dark, except to present an idea of a threat visually. Yeah. He's a spooky man. Maybe he came in and they were like, Commander Chico Te will be with you in five minutes and he like went and like lowered the rea-step. It supposes a light sensitivity to him that...
Starting point is 00:21:05 Yeah, maybe he's from the Mirror Universe. We don't know. Yeah, maybe. The stuff that Kira wears in the Mirror Universe is definitely coming from a similar tailoring outfit as what he wears. Very observant of you. A kind of like pleated leather shit.
Starting point is 00:21:23 Self-control is such an asset in a situation like this. And you can tell that August is holding all the cards here, purely from that standpoint alone, Chico Tei is a little bit rattled by this. Yeah. There is this like implication of a complicated bureaucracy that August can't, like you always get the sense that Agress would love to help, but there's only so much to do.
Starting point is 00:21:48 He sent a Nero on Coffland, my hands are tied. And you'll pull it! And so Chicoote is like forced to be like, okay, like I know that you don't make the rules. It's like getting on the phone with customer support of like your cable company. That's basically who Agress is. I want an alternative to sitting here waiting for him
Starting point is 00:22:04 to get back to us. He needs to rotate to believe him to be that because we also get to see him on the other side and it's like, it's very interesting to see the face as he presents in different contexts. You understand just how dangerous he is because of that sequence, right? Yeah. Because when we go back into the cell and we're with him with TuVac and BLT, it's a totally different version of him,
Starting point is 00:22:30 not so different that his energy is different, but his menace is different in that context. Yeah. So what he believes when you see him talking to BLT and TuVac is that they are in contact with the resistance and he basically wants them to like, like, rad out the higher ups and the resistance food chain in order to get better treatment. We know you're helping the subversives.
Starting point is 00:22:57 I want names. And they're like, hey, like we literally snuck onto this planet six hours ago to get one kind of material, and we were like about to leave. We don't know the resistance. Wish we could help. You seem like a great guy. You could use a little color in your wardrobe, but besides that, I'm sure you're doing great
Starting point is 00:23:18 here. You're not a winter. Why all the dark tones? Yeah. So he doesn't buy the, we don't know anything about the resistance stuff. It almost turns into a jailhouse riot when BLT starts throwing our hands around, but they take two valk out of there. They're like, this guy hasn't had his face brutalized in a couple of episodes.
Starting point is 00:23:40 We need to change that. We talk about the quality of this a lot on the hit new Star Trek podcast, the greatest discovery, but how many feels are associated with feeling responsible for someone else's pain or leaving someone behind and how much more acute that is than even having a punishment
Starting point is 00:24:00 or pain visited on the character themselves. And this episode doesn't really dive into that directly, but there are some nice scenes here where BLT is made to feel the guilt of that. I mean, you just picture her sitting there like wondering what is happening. And I mean, you get to see it later too, but like, I think they did a great job of like showing that that meant a lot to her. That like had a big impact on her. Yeah. A greatest gen live show is something you don't want to miss. Why?
Starting point is 00:24:37 Well, it's a great opportunity to see me and Ben in person, but that's not all. FODs from all over gather at these shows to cosplay, to do pre and post show hangs, to make friends, and share their embarrassment. Hey, let's make a pretty great name for a tour. Let's do it. The Sherry Reembarishment Tour is coming in August 2023, and we've got a bunch of dates in a lot of great places. Go to to get more info. That's for dates and ticketing information
Starting point is 00:25:09 for the Share Your Embarrassment Tour. I'm Jordan Morris. And I'm Jesse Thorne. On Jordan Jesse Go, we make pure, delightful nonsense. We were open awesome guests and bring them down to our level. We got stupid with Judy Greer. My friend Molly and I call it having the spaceweards. Pat Noswald.
Starting point is 00:25:26 Can I get a Balrog burger and some air-gorn fries? Thank you. And Kumail Nanjiani. I've come back with cat toothbrushes, which is impossible to use. Come get stupider with us at Look, your podcast apps are already open. Just pull it out. Give Jordan Jesse Goatry. Being smart is hard. Be dumb instead. The story opens just pull it out, give Jordan Jesse Goat dry. Being smart is hard, be dumb instead.
Starting point is 00:25:44 Oh, rats, hey, hey, oh, I'm about to count you in mine. These clouds are really freaking me out. I hate having to stand in line, and boy, what do I? These giraffes do not smell good. No, they do not, and they've such short nacks. But I'm hearing we need to get on this horse. We've got to get on the ark. It is about to rain spout to destroy humanity.
Starting point is 00:26:06 Hey, oh, sorry, sorry, sorry. Are you Noah? Yeah, I know we look like humans. Oh, we're actually, we're podcasters. We are podcasters, so it's different. Have you heard of Ono Ross and Carrie? We investigate spirituality, claims of the paranormal, stuff like that.
Starting point is 00:26:19 And you have a boat and say the world's going to end, so seem like something for us to check out. We would love to be on the boats. We came to by two. What do you think? O'Neil Ross and Kerry, available on I've got a ticket that's locked in the old battleodge, and I've got a ticket that's locked with no reason.
Starting point is 00:26:38 Are you selling a horse? Go. Back in the apartment with Captain Janeway and Neil Lenny. Kind of a Neilix Lenny hybrid. What a costume is. I don't know. I don't think that name's going to stick around. Yeah. I mean, he takes that necklace and he holds it up. You know, he spreads it to show it to her and he just pulls it right apart
Starting point is 00:27:01 because he doesn't know his own strength. First of all, Captain Janeway likes this person a lot more than Neil looks, I think. Ha, ha, ha, ha. She says to him, you seem a little bit nutty, but you've raised my spirit. Have you ever considered being a morale officer?
Starting point is 00:27:18 How are you in the kitchen? I think I could make a job opening. Ha, ha, ha, ha. This is if you are Joel Gray, I think I could make a job opening. This is if you are Joel Gray, the centerpiece scene of the entire episode. Because you get a single take with him that, to me, represents the audition tape for the episode here. One long, unbroken monologue facing the camera, Jane Ways and soft focus behind. Right. It is really great. And it's, I think it has to happen at this point
Starting point is 00:27:54 in the episode and not later, because silly stuff happens later. And if too much silly front loads the Caleb character, I don't know know if you're gonna buy this moment the way that you buy it here. Yeah, it's a really intense moment and this actor didn't look familiar to me. He's like not a that guy and I was kind of surprised at how much weight fell on his shoulders in the scene. Like he's basically saying like from his perspective, he is talking to his daughter about the fact that her mother, his wife, is locked up in a mochera prison. And what Janeway is getting out of it is like I'm finding out about the prison where my people are likely locked up and trying to make a plan about how to go rescue them. And he is off on his own emotional plane of existence. Like he's talking about this letter
Starting point is 00:28:47 that he wanted to write or like I guess he did write it but lost it. Like it's it's also hard to tell like how much he perceives the passage of time. He's like very deeply traumatized man. And you come to understand a lot of why in this scene. Joel Gray won an Oscar for Cabaret. He is an actor of note. He's also Jennifer Gray's dad. No kidding. Which is some awesome trivia. I did not know that.
Starting point is 00:29:16 Yeah. I mean, we never do research on this show, but when you stand out in an episode the way Joel Gray does, I couldn't help it see what his deal was. Yeah. And once you scrape off the nose clip and see who's underneath the man rowing the boat between his eyes. Yeah. He's really talented. Did he have a piercing in his nose clip? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:29:38 Pretty calm. I think, I think probably some people do. Yeah. On this planet. I think I think you might have had a piercing in there. So the mocha cops bust in toward the end of this moment. Yeah, the mocha cops really are very similar to stormtroopers in many ways,
Starting point is 00:29:54 but when they come to a door that is locked, they do not move along. Yeah. They fucking kick it in and storm into, like they like leave through a trap door or something But these cops run in like they are about to get in like the fire fight of their lives That was very funny. It's really true. They have no chill these mochra cops. No. No chill at all It's gotta be kind of a relief if you're them like oh, it's empty. That's why no one came to the door.
Starting point is 00:30:25 Obviously. Imagine if cops always acted like this. Anytime they came across a locked door, they were like, we have to clear this building. Imagine being the mochra who are revealed later to have a planetary weapon system that is equal to any federation starship at repelling them. But also like no technology that could scan through a door.
Starting point is 00:30:50 Well, you know, like different elements of technology had advanced at different rates in different cultures. And these guys really focused on their planetary defense technology. Very true. So Janeway and Caleb are back in the bizarre looking to buy some weaponry. And so they're trying to find a member of the resistance, but they're they're standing there like looking around when uh august walks in with a couple of cops like imagine like the top cop on this planet happens to be walking through the same bizarre as them. I mean, I've always thought like street patrol would should be what what more officers do.
Starting point is 00:31:29 Yeah, get out of the cars interact with people totally. Communicate part of the community. Yeah, exactly. Anyone who's ever seen the wire knows this. Right. Yeah. He's kind of a bunny Colvin type. There are there are parts of this planet where it is legal to do starship material heists. When Nieleni, I'm still not sure I'm going to stick with that. Cops Mokler, man, he almost blows their cover. Like it actually really rattles him.
Starting point is 00:31:59 Much star. The resistance dude that they are looking for wanders into the bizarre and gets fingered almost immediately by august and is about to be taken into custody because he gives bad answers to bad questions and Caleb comes in and kind of does a little character work like he plays a silly man who has lost his silly hat and It is so amusing to the cops are distracting to the cops that the resistance guy is able to slip away You can't get this part wrong And I feel like the the degree of difficulty here was extreme. Yeah
Starting point is 00:32:47 This is not funny in a laugh at Caleb way, though many of the people in the scene do. Right. But it's important that you don't laugh at him as the viewer. You believe that they are laughing at him and we are seeing the horrible danger that he is putting himself in to make them laugh. This was the scene where I thought is he secretly smart is Caleb acid rain man That's the name I'm sticking with the rest of the episode. I dig it I mean by the end of this scene he has got a role in his mouth and a half a lemon on his head that Agress has put there and that also What size lemons do you grow? This was the size of a helmet. I said, I said melon. You said lemon. I said lemon Yeah, you did. Oh man, I'm really losing my shit Listen
Starting point is 00:33:38 The greatest generation is a podcast that believes that there is a difference between melons and lemons. We've always said that That was a slip of the tongue by me. No, but like I thought in this scene also that that could be telegraphing that he and August were in league in some way. Right, because he gets away with it. He gets away with it. August does not seem to notice
Starting point is 00:33:58 that the apparently high priority target that they have apprehended has disappeared. And like this does seem to be like a thing that has happened twice now that the cops on this planet fail to apprehend somebody and just drop it. Like in the Grand Theft Auto parlance, you get like half a star going and you turn around the corner and the star goes away immediately on this planet. Yeah. Like there's never homeland security, humvees converging on you from every angle.
Starting point is 00:34:28 I think a big, big part of whether or not you can ride for this episode comes from if you think this is intentional or not, intentionally making the case that augurus and calum might be in league and using that as a form of tension throughout the episode. Yeah. I do not believe that that is intentional. I think we're looking for things that aren't there. Yeah, it's hard to say. The next scene is in the prison where BLT is trying to escape. There is a conveniently there's a ladder. Weird ladder on the wall that gets up to the highest part
Starting point is 00:35:05 of the cell, which has like spiky bars. And she's up there like straining against the spiky bars when she hears screams that she can only assume are those of her shipmate, Tuvak. Great moment here. Dark moment. Way more screaming out of Tuvak this season
Starting point is 00:35:24 than I would have bet. Yeah. Yeah. Like if the line on Tuvac screams is one and a half screams, I might take the under on that. Right. I might take the under on that for the whole series. And now we're at two. Yeah. Vulcans are capable of suppressing certain levels of physical pain. Do I have a mark on my face? It really hurts. One of the ways that I think this episode succeeds is that the answers aren't easy.
Starting point is 00:35:53 This next scene on Voyager is emblematic of that. Like, Nielix is describing the defenses of this prison. And there seems to be an adequate defense for every sort of strategy that Voyager would deploy. Right. And then Chicoate is like, fuck, fine, Kim figured it out and then walks out of frame. there seems to be an adequate defense for every sort of strategy that Voyager would deploy. Right. And then Chicoate is like, fuck, fine, Kim figured out and then walks out of frame. Yeah. Figure out the jailbreak. Yeah. And I think that's way above his rank. Yeah. Yeah. I don't think that's fair. I mean, he's Kim is such an interesting character in
Starting point is 00:36:21 terms of his utility because he can be like the acting head of engineering when BLT is away. Is he brilliant? I thought the show made the case for that though and the way the Chico Tei seems to hear. It's interesting. He's not treated like a boy genius the way Wesley was, but he does seem to get like they really trust him to like way Wesley was, but he does seem to get, like they really trust him to like chew through a problem like this, like solar, like a problem that like data and Jordi would have gotten an entire B plot to work on. I don't know what else is more important for Chicoe to be working on, but like something that isn't said in this scene is Kim, I need you to come up with a plan to save the captain.
Starting point is 00:37:04 I've got some bindle duties to attend to. I mean, that could be low key. The thing though, I mean, maybe Chicoote has got his eyes on that big chair. There is a moment where it seems like Chicoote is ready to like save the ship and sacrifice the captain, the head of security and the chief engineer. You take them off the board. How soon do you think the ship becomes make-weease? Like, in actuality, like in label and in the way it's run. I mean, it's hard to say. Like I feel like Jocote is now complicated enough
Starting point is 00:37:37 as a character that I might buy that he like stays hard starfleet. Like, SESCA comes back the next week. Yeah. Maybe they've just like, join up with a case on-sector and decide that they're not headed home after all. The six episode arc where the Voyager turns, Mayquees, they repaint the ship. Chico Tay is wearing a new uniform and sesquit comes back before Janeway breaks herself
Starting point is 00:38:06 out of prison with two valken everyone else and then they retake the ship. That's a great season. That would be a great season. Perfect black. Make it yourself. I'm trying to help you see this is an opportunity to grow. Make it yourself. Down on the planet, Janeway and this resistance guy are negotiating.
Starting point is 00:38:23 She wants to make a purchase of weapons. He says that she's got enough to buy weapons with the necklace that, what are we calling him, acid rain man? Yeah. Yeah. He's also saying like, you're breaking to prison thing as a suicide mission. And it's not going to go well.
Starting point is 00:38:43 What is this necklace made out of also? It's a valuable, it is to me. The suggestion that it could be traded for not just like a Saturday night special, but like a cash of weapons sufficient to break into a prison is really interesting to me. The arsenal worth of a gold press lab number or whatever. What's great about this moment is that Captain Janeway is playing the long game here.
Starting point is 00:39:07 She trades the necklace for the weapons and then the weapons for a few other things and then she has a house by the end of it. Right. Yeah. I think that she does trade the weapons for hostages at one point, but not her crewmates and that's like, that's like the main thing you trade weapons for. Like, I'd say, be a little bit more specific in which hostages you want to get. We have missed opportunity there.
Starting point is 00:39:28 Yeah, but she trades those hostages for a car and then the car for the house. And that's like, this is a great scene up next at the drop where you get the stressful feelings of the guy supposed to be here. Why is he late? What's going on? You always show up early for the drop because otherwise otherwise it might be that the drop is on you. Exactly. And they're looking for a guy in a blue vest. He's just going to get off work. He worked best by, he will be down here right after, but he's three hours late and he finally shows up. They're
Starting point is 00:39:58 like hiding behind some, I don't know, probably a stand covered in lemons again. behind some, I don't know, probably a stand covered in lemons again. I mean, it's really amazing that a car chase doesn't knock over all these lemons. I know. One of the classic things that happens to lemons. It's right there. All those carts. Carts of lemons. Of lemons.
Starting point is 00:40:20 Yeah. That's weird. Yeah, you got to wonder if this is gonna pay off later on but they clock this dude And they're about to go up and make contact when Janeway Gets a load of his shoes. He's got the wrong shoes. This is a classic undercover cop thing Yeah, the shoes give them away all the time Yeah, they're their military and they're super. A resistance fighter would never have boots like this. Yeah, they'd have like a converse
Starting point is 00:40:47 with anarchy symbols drawn on them and ballpoint pen, right? Yeah, not like these. Not like these. You can see your face in those boots. Yeah, so we're gonna have to re-stratugize. This is not the path to breaking into the prison we thought it was. Back in the cell, two buckets, return to sender,
Starting point is 00:41:06 all messed up. Fucked up. Like, even more fucked up than the time he got worked up. Yeah, when he got freshened up by Kess, he was ready to go to work that hour. Right, yeah. Well, I guess he did have the, he was like rushed straight to Six Bay in that context
Starting point is 00:41:24 that in this context, he was like rushed straight to Six Bay in that context, and in this context, he's just brought back to the cell and left to enjoy his wounds. My favorite part about this scene is that Tim Russ never looks at Russ on Dawson here, and that's how you can tell how badly things went. They were talking about his like vulcan ability to suppress pain and this went beyond that mark. Jesus, what happened to your face? I knew it.
Starting point is 00:41:50 I have chicken wings. The terminology is vague enough, but it implies that it was like extremely rugged. I never want to see jumper cables ever again. Miss me with a bed frame that has all of the padding taken off of it. It's a hell of a combination. Not a fan. I like this trivia though, and I feel like most viewers would feel the way BLT does in this moment.
Starting point is 00:42:17 Like I thought you were impervious. What happened to your Vulcan stoicism? Knowing that there are limits and that they were reached in the next cell where she could hear comes as a surprise to everyone. It's a scene that makes you really admire how strong Trudeauk is, and it's also so senseless because he actually doesn't have any information. It is like, I don't know who needs to hear this, but torture doesn't work for this reason. If I kept the time here and flicking it on somebody that can't even help you.
Starting point is 00:42:51 I know there's some greatest gen viewer out there who is listening to those words Ben and is ready to change their mind. They're ready to stop torturing. They're like, this is like my one piece of media that I'm allowed to get access to at this CIA black site that I work at. As, as, maybe I need to switch careers. As that person incidentally hears you say that as they put the headphones onto a prisoner playing our show at top volume. The wall starts to crack a little bit in their heart. Well, they got in trouble for playing Katy Perry. She didn't like that. She's a lot more litigious than we are.
Starting point is 00:43:32 This prison is a great scene to imply how many valences there are in the story, right? Because we see the weapons trader from earlier being what I thought perp walked in front of them. Yeah. Maybe he's being perp walked, but really like the truth is whatever the reason he's there suggests that it was a trap. Right. Or retroactively could put Janeway in trouble because if he gets tortured, the way to Vock was, all of a sudden he's going to give up a lot more about acid rain man and Captain Janeway's plans. It's good scene order, though, because I feel like if we'd seen him before the scene where
Starting point is 00:44:19 Janeway walks the guy's boots, it would have been less of a surprise to us. Yeah. And it would, I don't know. Yeah. But it's like a sequence of things. I like that we're staying in the prison a while. We meet Glenn Morshauer as a guard who is like, what are my favorite that guys ever? What are my favorite that guys ever?
Starting point is 00:44:37 Who is always either like secret service, police sergeant guard. Like he always plays somebody like this. He's great. He's great He is guarding I guess the exterior of the prison and Janeway has gone to a deep V format with her civilian attire and Locks up and it's sort of implied that she is like a lady of the night that is there to Conduct some business with these prison guard guys. Yeah, I think the glittery fuck scarf really makes the case.
Starting point is 00:45:07 I had read that, and I didn't see this, but the preview to the episode makes this the centerpiece of the story. Oh, interesting. Captain Janeway has to decide whether to sacrifice her baddie or her crew, or risk losing the voyage or forever. It's something like that.
Starting point is 00:45:26 In a really kind of gross way. What the fuck? Yeah, but in saying that, I also want to talk about the performance here because Kate will grow in this scene is excellent. And what she does with her voice and her physicality, I think is Nana Visitor like. Yeah, and it's like a gear that we don't get to see her
Starting point is 00:45:49 in very often as captain. It's a gear we don't see many captains in. Like there was the one scene where Picard masqueraded as a sex worker on that one away mission. And that didn't go very well. But outside of that, I can't really think of another captain who had to do this. Right, yeah, it was just Picard.
Starting point is 00:46:10 It's Picard and Jane were the only two. Yeah, weird. So at this point, what happened on that board ship Picard? That's the preview to the best of World's Part 2. Captain Picard has to decide whether or not to sacrifice his body for the good of the Federation. A lot of people don't remember what he did with the board queen. Yeah. Get them out of that situation. We were very close you would die. You can still hear our song. Well she beats the shit out of this guard. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:45 How dare you, sir. Yeah. And the great thing, like she, she actually beats the shit out of two guards and gets two guns for her trouble. Yeah. Is somehow able to hack the security system. And I thought that she was hacking her way in.
Starting point is 00:47:00 This was an open door that had two guards on it. And what she is doing is hacking the security system to throw up a force field in between her and Acid rain man because she does not want him coming into the jail with him We settled this it's so cruel because the story with acid rain man is that he wants to break into this prison so badly because he believes Captain Janeway is his daughter and together they can go rescue her mother, which is his wife. Right, and he is so disconnected for reality
Starting point is 00:47:32 that that's not an asset for this mission. Like she cannot risk having him there with her. So. It's kind of a heartbreaking moment when he's locked out. I didn't like it. I didn't like it either. And we know that the force fields hurt so they can't do that thing where they put the hands up on either side of it and say, I'm sorry, I can't take you with me. Yeah. Any of that, it's tough. Yeah. And up on
Starting point is 00:47:55 Voyager. It's tough to not be invited places, huh? Ben. You want to be invited to my family reunion? What are you talking about? No, I'm just talking about generally you must not be invited many places. Oh, I'm fully vaxed my friend. I'm invited everywhere. That's a great thing about being fully vaxed. It's gonna hurt even more to be fully vaxed and still not invited places. Of course, it's long term. I'm going to be careful. On the voyage, they're trying this thing where they're using the deflector dish to make it look like they're beaming down all over the planet to throw off the mocha authorities. This seems like a variation of the beam dozens of security guys into his San Francisco girlfriend's apartment plan. Yeah, yeah
Starting point is 00:48:47 This is this is Harry Kim using his experience His advantage is his commander. We are we are not implying that we're beaming anyone down behind one of those weird screens That sexy ladies change clothes behind in movies and television, but in no other context in close behind in movies and television, but in no other context. Yeah, if you want one of those for your house, you actually have to get one from like a Hollywood surplus store. There are no home goods centers that sell that. Yeah, look for one in an IKEA.
Starting point is 00:49:19 I dare you. You'll be in there for a month. On this episode of This Old House, where constructing something you've likely never seen in the store. One of the homeowners is a very sexy lady who has to change from her onstage garment to a sexy negligee. And there's only one place to do that. There are no plans for this item.
Starting point is 00:49:40 So we're going to have to improvise. It's the classic cop and dis-limit. We get a banger here, Ben. Uh-huh. They're getting shot at from the planet. The mocha have knocked out the deflector array, which last time I checked would be a big problem for a speedy getaway situation. Yeah. Because you need that to keep your ship from punching holes in your ship as you move
Starting point is 00:50:05 through space, right? You need to deflect your dish for attempting to destroy board cubes, communicating with the board collective far away. Right. And for cow catching and pushing shit out of the way when you're at warp. Yeah. Ogres gets on the FaceTime and he's like, hey, listen, that was really cute. I noticed you were trying to conduct a jailbreak. Can I help you there? And also, we have a kind of a lot of guns pointed at your head right now, kind of a comical amount of weaponry is pointed at you.
Starting point is 00:50:39 And if you fuck around any further, you're going to find out. Chico Tay not doing great as the commanding officer of the Voyager, I would say in this episode up until now. Yeah. Because in this scene, Agress has pulled down those pants all the way. Yeah, and everybody's like, so we agree, we definitely need to get Jane way back, right? We're not going to go full make-wease. Chicoote and his breath is like, why does this keep happening?
Starting point is 00:51:04 It's so fucked. Back down on the planet, we get a shot of just a solo motorcycle, bad guy, keying something into a screen. And I was like, oh, cool. Janeway has changed into a stormtrooper costume now. And then she comes out from behind a corner and shoots the guy. And I was like, never mind, that wasn't Janeway. Yeah. But I kept wondering why she didn, that wasn't Janeway. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:25 But I kept wondering why she didn't change into a stirrer of drüber costume. Why not? Why not? Would have been great. I love a dual wielding scene though. Well, you get a cool moment if she does when she takes off her motorcycle helmet
Starting point is 00:51:36 and then like whips out her hair. Right, if she came into the cell with TuVoc and BLT and TuVoc said, you are a little short to be a mochra. God. Could you imagine pitching this? That's what you start your pitch with. Then is where your promotional trailer cuts from. Not Janeway selling her body to save her crew. It's an outrage.
Starting point is 00:51:59 But this sets it off, right? Yeah. Now we are in full like jailbreak mode. Everybody is punching bad guys and we're running through corridors up on the ship. BLT doesn't bring up the ladder though at any point, which I think would have been good information to have if you're trying to escape from the prison. Right, like, oh, you have guns.
Starting point is 00:52:18 Maybe we could shoot some of the bars at the top of the cell. Right. And then we'd be like, not where they expected us to be going. You know, a lot of distractions up on the service level, a lot of the cell. Right. Out. And then we'd be like not where they expected us to be going. You know, a lot of distractions up on the service level, a lot of lemon vendors. Yeah. For example. No, no, sir, we just got to make sure this plenty of them stacked at all times, just like the chickens. You would not believe the size of these lemons. Like, lemons so big, you could cut them in half and wear them as a hat. Which would be a great disguise so that the
Starting point is 00:52:43 authorities don't suspect us. They were like, oh, that's a bunch of lemon hat guys. Yeah. Yeah. Don't mind them. They're just being silly with the lemon. Up on the voyage, they're like, I don't know who is doing this, but something fucked up is going on at that prison.
Starting point is 00:52:58 Like, they're, you know, shields getting disrupted and there's to be fire fights breaking out. There's enough distraction that this may be our people and so Chicoete tells Paris like go down there. Let's assume that our people are taking advantage of this one way or another and use this distraction to our advantage to get out. I feel like Paris really kicks Chicoete and the balls here because Chicoete and Cam are like, well what do you think it means? And Paris is like, I've been to prison. I can tell you exactly what this means. This is kind of why I'm here, guys. So they're getting shot up on the ship.
Starting point is 00:53:36 There's lots of like running through hallways and shooting bad guys down on the surface. They're like getting shot up bad enough that Chico-te is is like we probably like can't take any more of this and need to leave orbit before our ship gets destroyed. And this is when you start to understand why they had to have the warpness else fixed at the beginning of the episode. Like it was like a real a really nice misdirect on the way the drama gets heightened because
Starting point is 00:54:02 I would have thought that the drama getting heightened would be the ship is broken down and we can't escape, but it's like we can't escape, but it is at the cost of like the original away team plus Paris now. Yeah. It's a big cost. Right. And Kim comes up with this thing if there's a storm in the polar region and you know when somebody has a storm in the polar region, they are not thinking a lot about like self-defense.
Starting point is 00:54:27 No, not at all. So why don't we go hang out in that general vicinity? You need very clear consent before hanging out in someone else's polar region too. You never want to enter the polar region unless both parties are ready. Yeah. So that is going to buy them moments. And down on the planet, Ogres has captured the escapees from the prism and is getting ready to summarily execute Janeway pretty much. Joel Gray's decision here to get himself into
Starting point is 00:55:00 curb-stomp configuration really disturbed me. Like that he's biting the curb. Yeah. Ugh. Yeah. He has a knife that he took off one of these guards earlier and winds up getting into a scrap with Ogres. He winds up getting shot, but Ogres has knife in the chest. And this is like the third moment where the guards do something
Starting point is 00:55:24 that I don't understand, which is when Ogres like collapses, there's two guards down the hallway with guns who see that he is the main guy, the big, the boss enemy has died, and they just like walk away. Like what, what are they doing? Maybe it's like the end of Gladiator, like the Emperor's dead and now I'm going to go, I'm going to go check the lemon stand. Actually, I'm going to clock out. We hate it when you get fruit salad and it's like mostly lemon. I don't know why you wear that kind of garment if you're augurous, what seems to be very uncomfortable as a look.
Starting point is 00:56:06 And it does not provide you with any defense from a knife wound or a melee weapon at all. Like, he's wearing it for looks, really? I don't know. I think Kevlar can be cut with a knife, right? So maybe it's like phaser proof, but not knife proof? Yeah, you know, that's interesting. Yeah, the whole Kevlar comparison.
Starting point is 00:56:27 I don't know. Maybe he's just got kind of a, he like really admires Darth Vader's work and wants to dress like that. The emotional swings of this scene are so well done because you get the feeling of vengeance being served here in a way that I obviously really got with. Yeah. But also when Janeway gives the dying calum the gift of his fabrication. And your mother. She's fine. She was so happy to get your letters. I was so affected by that.
Starting point is 00:57:06 Yeah, because like when he's dealing with ogres, ogres makes fun of him for being as a loof and disconnected from reality as he is. In a way that is so needlessly cruel. Like it really peaks the needle for ogres being a bad person. And it's also like that reality being like shattered in a way. And he is now dying on the floor. And when Janeway comes to him, she inhabits the role of his daughter and lets him live in that fantasy for his last few moments before he
Starting point is 00:57:41 shuffles loose this mortal coil in a way that is, I mean, I know what drop will play when I say this, but it is so humane of her. Why the very name is racist? Yeah, really is. It's a great moment for Janeway as a character. Paris and Nielix show up in the scene, a little late to like provide any assistance in the rescue. I don't know why Nelix was like,
Starting point is 00:58:06 like, I didn't ever, maybe I just missed it, but I don't know why Nelix, like Paris went and grabbed Nelix for the return to the planet. Well, if they took a shuttle, it means they can stuff the back full elements and bring them back to the ship. No, and that's great for the restaurant. And sure is. You want Neelix to be the one picking out all the veg. It's so hard to choose a ripe lemon. I think people talk about it all the time. Yeah, is it like you hit it with a knuckle, like you knock on it or you smell where the stem goes in or what?
Starting point is 00:58:42 And Neelix doesn't always funny, but he does do that thing where he holds up two lemons to his chest like boobs. Yeah, like Austin Powers. That's fun. Did you get that fruit basket, I sent you? The button on the episode is the introduction of a new captain's trinket.
Starting point is 00:58:56 Sorry, I just love captain's trinkets, you know? Mr. Kim giving kind of an update on repairs to the ship, the deflector and the whirp and the cells and whatnot. And she spends a little moment alone with this necklace. She drapes it over her seat like the cards been talking tapestry. And it takes on the quality of like the taxi cab beaded seat cover.
Starting point is 00:59:17 Yeah, it really digs into her back. Yeah, it's like a massage, but it also like air can flow between her and her seat. So it doesn't get all sweaty and funky. And that's the end of the episode, Ben. Did you like it? It's an episode that I think has some big problems with it, but I think that I like enough about the episode that I can look past them. I think that it's a really good Janeway episode. It's a very interesting planet. The villain is so good and so juicy and Caleb is such an interesting character. That overall, I think I did really like it. It's just that like, I think that they probably needed like one more pass on the script to figure out why,
Starting point is 01:00:07 like how to get the cops out of there when the cops get kind of like written out of a scene just arbitrarily. This is the problem with some video games, right? Like the dumbness of the AI. Yeah. And the cops in this episode take on those qualities of bad AI.
Starting point is 01:00:27 Right. Yeah. And it's one thing when they leave when august gets stabbed. But it's another when you're just watching two characters have a conversation in the bizarre. And one of the cops is in the background like walking into a corner endlessly.
Starting point is 01:00:42 And it's just that he got trapped there and the system can't figure out how to get him turned around and out, you know. Well, I'm with you, Ben. I really like the episode quite a bit for all the reasons you stated. I do want to point out, though, that one of the reasons I like the episode is also one of the ways that it is crippled, because I love going on to a planet and into different sets and especially dark sets. And I thought that this was one of the worst telacendi transfers that I've seen in Voyager or maybe in all of Star Trek. Wow.
Starting point is 01:01:14 Because the dark parts of any composition in this episode were awful looking. Like, the episode as a whole was so grainy. In a way that I feel like on the brightly lit Voyager sets, you don't really get a read on that. Like it's super crisp most of the time because it's so well lit. But in episodes, it's something I want to look out for going forward. Like do they just have a hard time with dark episodes
Starting point is 01:01:40 and doing these transfers? Because I suspect that that's going to be an ongoing thing. It's interesting because DS9 is like the dark Star Trek and they at this point have a lot of DS9 under their belt as a production company. And yeah, there are some parts where it gets really muddy in this episode and I was watching it in my studio and there's like a big window in here and no curtains on that window and it definitely made it a little bit hard to watch. So yeah, I mean, this is like another episode that really makes the case for getting HD remasters of these other Star Trek shows, like, and how great that would be.
Starting point is 01:02:18 Yeah, it'd be awesome. I mean, it's just a matter of will and money, like anything else. And how many people would sign up for Paramount Plus if these shows were on there? Yeah. Like, I would guess enough to cover the cost. It seems impossible that it wouldn't be enough to cover the cost. Yeah. Yeah. Maybe one day. Maybe. But, but for right now, Ben, one thing that always comes in super sharp in HD are our priority one messages.
Starting point is 01:02:50 Why don't we check those out? You've got a great point there. Let's go check them out. Priority one message from Starfleet coming in on Secured Channel. You need a supplement on this. A supplement on? A supplement. A supplement.
Starting point is 01:03:02 Yes, extra. How do you interest alone? Could be enough to buy this ship! Adam, we have a couple of priority one messages here. The first one is of a personal nature. It's from Ph.D. Hans, and it's to Mensa Ric. Goes like this. Thanks for tipping me off to this podcast with an obscure text message about some guy named Dessodo. Just finished listening to the first 176 episodes.
Starting point is 01:03:29 Wow. Not sure yet if it's really my thing. I'll check back in after I finish casting up on DS9. Give it time. Yeah, don't rush things. W slash R slash T your decision. They're PhD hunts. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:44 Yeah, I'd really reserve judgment for after DS9. And maybe really after Voyager. Yeah, oh, I may be mispronouncing it, it's haunts. Yeah. It says here, haunts rhymes with puns and rick rhymes with dick. Well, you've been having issues with pronunciation the whole episode. I guess so. In your first read, Ben, like I don't want to do too much of a peak behind the rhymes with dick. Well, you've been having issues with pronunciation the whole episode. I guess so.
Starting point is 01:04:06 In your first read, Ben, like I don't want to do too much of a peek behind the pod here, you pronounced haunts as lemon. I've been doing that a lot with a lot of words. Ben, our second priority one message is from you know who, and it's to Mark. The message goes like this you're probably making brunch as you hear this mark mark this is for you listen up you're 40 this year and I love you wow I love listening to this podcast with you and I'm so lucky to be your husband wow that's lovely's lovely. Mark's you know who.
Starting point is 01:04:45 Spreading the love. Man. Did they listen to the show over brunch? Sounds like you know who is very lucky to be married to Mark, because I would love somebody to be preparing me brunch while listening to one of my favorite podcasts with me. I don't know. I think a case could be made that our show isn't appropriate for me all time. It probably goes a long way and people losing their appetite.
Starting point is 01:05:08 Many many times that has happened. Yeah. Well, well, if you would like to, you know, send a P1 whether it's mealtime or not, I had to slashbo-tron and set that bad boy up. You know, probably easy to get along with most of the time. But I don't like bollies, I don't like friends, and I don't like you. Hey Adam! Zappin, did you find yourself a drunk Shemota? A Red-A-Mum!
Starting point is 01:05:39 Drunk Shemota! Sometimes my Shemotas take the shape of an award or a recognition. Yeah. And I think this is going to be one of those cases. Like I just thought Joel Gray in this episode was amazing, especially his arc. We talked a little bit earlier about how important it was for his centerpiece scene to occur early, so that we can begin to not only understand him as a character, but understand what's going on in the actor.
Starting point is 01:06:08 Right. And I just thought that was beautifully done. And, you know, we didn't really talk a lot about it because the focus is so much on Janeway when Caleb dies. Yeah. Caleb is a really great death scene here too. Yeah. Which is done extremely well.
Starting point is 01:06:27 And I just loved watching him work throughout the episode. So I'm just going to give my Shimoda to Joel Gray, who I've got to believe on a certain level, this having some fun here with this. I read that he's someone who Star Trek wanted to be on the show for quite a while, and he never got into it until he read this script. So, a good one to choose. So, Grey, nice job. You're my Shimoda.
Starting point is 01:06:51 Nice work, Joel Grey. I think I'm going to give it to that trio of guards that bust into Caleb's house. Just for the, like, the level of certainty they seem to have that they are about to get an extremely intense firefight. That was my biggest laugh line. There was another moment when Caleb does his, as anybody seen, my hat routine, where like one of the guards is like holding him and another one like slaps his face a little
Starting point is 01:07:22 bit. And I have to assume that these guards are all like played by the same extra actors. I just think that the guards do funny shit like a bunch of times throughout this episode. So collectively, I think they are my drunk Chamotives. Good Chamotives. You probably gave out more Chamotives this episode
Starting point is 01:07:40 than any other. I mean, a cast of thousands of tomatoes. Yeah. Well, it's about time that we figure out what our next episode will be like. Our next episode is season two episode 13 prototype. After Torres reactivates a humanoid robot, she's drawn into a war between robotic enemies. Robot war sounds awesome. It really does. Let me watch that robot war episode. Yeah. Currently our runabout is on square 16 of the Game of Buttholes, the will of the caretaker. We've got a corks bar just ahead of us on Square 18. Boy, that's not a great episode to do if you're recording. Fire from home.
Starting point is 01:08:34 We also have his eyes uncovered. I think that we could hit. Oh, we could, couldn't we? We sure could. You're required to learn as you play. Roll. So, uh, we go ahead and roll this bone. Tula! Did I win? Hardly. But I rolled a one atom. We've inched closer to that corks bar once. We're
Starting point is 01:08:56 17, but we are going to be recording the next one regular. And I know there was no shenanigans there because I watched you do the whole thing. Yeah, I didn't mess with it. I didn't do that thing. The data does where he like squeezes the die and has fist and reweights them somehow. No, that was on the up and up. That was on the up and up. All right, well, I'm really looking forward to that in the meantime.
Starting point is 01:09:21 If folks enjoy the show, and I'm talking to you out there, dear listener, if you enjoy the show and would like to ensure it's continued existence, we need your support. We're a listener-funded show. So head to slash join to get access to the bonus feed. Get some free gifts. Yeah, a bunch of free ways to support the show too. You can go to your pod catcher choice, give us five lemons, if you will. Or maybe even like I know on Overcast, I think it's just a single lemon thing. You star an episode or a star show.
Starting point is 01:09:56 And if you star that show, then Overcast will recommend it to other people who are in the discovery section of the... Yeah, that's easy and fast. Well, you know who also really helps is the card daddy built Tilly. He's our social media manager. That's true. He's the one out in those social media streets.
Starting point is 01:10:15 He's also the creator of the world famous greatest gen trading cards. Yes. Post those all the time. But as the social media manager, Bill Tilly also runs the official Instagram and Twitter accounts for the show. Those are both at Greatest Track. You'll also find him on the many places where friends have to sodo gather places like the discord at There's also a Reddit, Miriam Facebook groups and all
Starting point is 01:10:43 the rest. On Twitter, use the hashtag Great hashtag greatest Jen if you talk about the show and We got to thank Adam Ragusia who made the original Janeway song. It is the theme of this program Of course was inspired by dark material and made up a card song Adam Ragusia's YouTube channel is a great place to learn how to cook and we really recommend it and with that We will be back at Chia next week with another great episode of Star Trek Voyager and an episode of the greatest generation Voyager
Starting point is 01:11:13 that wishes that these robots were fully functional and programmed with multiple techniques instead of just fighting all the time. I mean, jeez. Jeez. I'm making sound. Cheese! Comedy and culture.
Starting point is 01:11:43 Artists don't. Audience supported.

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