The Greatest Generation - An Amélie (DS9 S5E5)

Episode Date: September 16, 2019

When Keiko returns from a trip to Bajor, it’s more than just chocolate bonbons that have gone to her head. But when she am become dead man switch, it will take more than seventeen fingers of whiskey... for Miles to cope. When was the last time you owned jean shorts? Is Bajor a right to work planet? What’s a good slogan for Twitter? It’s the episode that makes the case that Rosalind Chao is better than Daniel Day Lewis. 🖖GET TICKETS TO GREATEST GEN KHAN II: STAR TREK III🖖 Follow The Game of Buttholes: The Will of the Prophets! Support the production of The Greatest Generation.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Here's to the finest crew in Starfleet! Engage! Captain Jean-Luc Picard of the USS Venture Squad. Commander Benjamin Sisko of the Federation Starfleet's Deep Space Nine. Welcome to The Greatest Generation, Deep Space Nine. It's a Star Trek podcast by a couple of guys who are a little bit embarrassed about having a Star Trek podcast. I'm Adam Pranica. You are! And I am Ben Harrison. We're doing that wrestling move where I get into the ring and you point at me and then you get into the ring and I point at you. Maybe a little bit
Starting point is 00:00:37 of pyro. Yeah. What kind of wrestler would you be if you were a wrestler? Would you be like spikes and face paint? Or would you just be like a dad looking guy in a leotard? A lot of those guys are wearing like jean shorts these days. I don't think I would be that type of wrestler. I know that the crowd would not like me. If our live shows tell us anything. Yeah. I think we could both agree on that.
Starting point is 00:01:07 We'd be heels. Even if I was positioned as a face, I think that they would prefer the heel to win. God, when was the last time you wore or owned jean shorts? It has been a long time for me. I think it was middle school was probably the last time. Wow. Yeah, very
Starting point is 00:01:23 unkind. Sartorial Sartorially unkind are the jean shorts i don't understand the point you know if you want to get cool you don't want to wear denim anyway oh man that old breezy man it's like a tank top made out of made out of like merino wool or something you know it's like it's like a chain mail tank top uh made of wool and not chains yeah it's really working at cross purposes and not protecting you from pipes let off some steam then are you staying cool in the summer heat band i'm trying to i realized that i i used to live when i lived in brooklyn our place had air conditioning that was like there was a unit in a couple of the rooms so if we were like it was night time and
Starting point is 00:02:15 way too hot we could turn on the air conditioner in our bedroom and i get a nice cool bedroom and not have to pay to cool the entire house off. And my place in LA, like you can, there are louvers in all the rooms to shut off the air. But I think the only temperature gauge is in the actual thermostat. is in the actual thermostat. So, like, we've had situations where I, like, I want to, like, keep our bedroom cold, so I'll close all the louvers all throughout the house and set it to, like, you know, 74 degrees or something. And I know everybody in Canada and Europe is like,
Starting point is 00:03:00 what? But that's our dumb system of weights and measures here uh set it to 74 degrees which uh uh should should be a nice sleeping temperature uh and it gets like insanely frosty in there because the thermostat never detect it it thinks that like no matter what it does it's it's still 80 degrees or whatever. You get a couple of closed systems not connected to the main system. Yeah. I think I need to get one of those smart ones that like has sensors around the house.
Starting point is 00:03:37 But I'm a renter, you know. I don't want to spend 300 bucks on a thermostat that I'm then going to have to rip out of the wall. Now you're just soliciting sponsors. That's what you're doing. Yeah. Just nakedly soliciting smart thermostats right now. Nothing we want less than sponsors for the show, Adam. Am I right?
Starting point is 00:04:02 One cooling technology that I've been fucking around with lately is the OtterPop. And OtterPop recently changed their recipe, Ben. They are a not artificial color, not artificial flavor. Wow. Brand of thing. And so they all look the same, which is why they have a white wrapper and not a clear wrapper anymore. Interesting. I don't know exactly where the Otter pop distribution area is but i know that
Starting point is 00:04:26 they are not a thing on the west on the east coast oh really it's like a hellman's mayonnaise situation yeah like they're like they have this thing but the otter pop brand is unknown to many parts of the of the world it's the it's not quite sherbert but it's like a frozen it's like popsicle stuff in a plastic tube that you like rip the top off of and then you can kind of like push the popsicle material out of the tube bit by bit as you eat right and they're sold dodd crucially this is what you know when you buy them they're they're squishy and liquid it's a delayed gratification item yeah yeah yeah uh my review of the new otter pops is a little bit mixed though because uh something about the consistency is different than the way it used to be like the old otter pop uh was a little more icy than this
Starting point is 00:05:19 and i feel like modern otter pop is very shaley and flaky. Oh. Isn't that weird? Is it like a granita? Yeah, it's more like that. Not bad. Still what you need to get you through a hot day, but I think that's been sort of a thing that I haven't had since I was a kid,
Starting point is 00:05:38 and now I'm starting to eat them again. Probably terrible for me. Look at that. You can order 100 Otter Pops for $8 off of a major internet retailer. Why were my parents so stingy with these? The price can't have gone
Starting point is 00:05:53 down since I was a kid. Ben, you can get like $500 at Popular Membership Warehouse Club for like $15. Wow. I need to have like a pool party at my parents-in-law's place with otter pops. Can I come to that pool party? I love a pool party
Starting point is 00:06:09 at your parents-in-law's place. That would be great. Alright, let's make it happen. Let's do it. Ah, one thing we have to make happen this episode, Ben, is our discussion. The show has been given to us in a way that we must complete there's a
Starting point is 00:06:26 word for that i'm trying to think of it oh yeah it's also the name of the episode it's season five episode five the assignment yeah that is the name of the episode isn't it do you realize how incredible this is no of course you don't been like uh like morning in america it is also morning at quarks yeah crack of dawn uh is quarks a 24-hour establishment it doesn't seem that way it closes all the. I wondered about this because we know that Rom works the night shift. Yeah. He's here for breakfast, as is Morn. So does Morn work the night shift? Or does Morn just like, is he like a classic alcoholic who parties all night and sleeps all day?
Starting point is 00:07:20 Hmm. Well. Because Morn seems to be there all the time. The overnight shift is going to be a midnight to eight o'clock situation so if rom is getting off at around eight that's not like that's not a super early time for a diner or restaurant to open no so i guess you could you could argue that he's open regular hours and then he closes at at bar close but don't a lot of people that work the night shift have like breakfast type food before they head to work? Hmm.
Starting point is 00:07:50 I mean, I have on occasion worked that shift for up to a month at a time and it didn't change my diet in any way. It probably should have. Yeah, what the hell? I just tried to live a normal life. Yeah. And that is not a normal life yeah no
Starting point is 00:08:06 swing doesn't sound so bad i think i could do a three to midnight situation two to midnight yeah oh is that what time it is is is it the afternoon yeah this does kind of have the feel of a bar that's like in between the lunch rush and happy hour yeah yeah like first shift is commonly like six to two ish swing is after that to midnight and then night shift is midnight to morning but on the but on the on the jellicoe proposition those shifts are all gonna get fucked up like i don't if you're going to a four shift rotation i don't know what that does they did go to a four shift rotation does that mean everyone's working between five and six hours yeah that doesn't sound bad no no why isn't reicher
Starting point is 00:08:59 into that what the hell reicher i thought he'd be a chill boss but it turns out he's not just doesn't want to deal with all the scheduling yeah Rom's doing that thing that that people in new jobs like to do sometimes they they want to fit in yeah and uh and for Rom fitting in means eating the eats of the people that he works with and so he wants to experience this at the counter I like I like going to a diner and sitting at the counter and that's with. And so he wants to experience this at the counter. I like going to a diner and sitting at the counter, and that's what Rahm is doing. He wants to be served the O'Brien breakfast by his brother. What kind of breakfast is that? The O'Brien breakfast sounds pretty fucking heavy.
Starting point is 00:09:37 I'm surprised they didn't just go with a full Irish. Yeah. I don't think Irish people even eat the full Irish. I think that's just for tourists. Though you've been there and you would know. What's the read on that? I mean, I liked the full Irish for sure. But you wouldn't do that even twice a week, would you? I used to have a friend in Liverpool and when I was doing my study abroad in Ireland, I went and visited him and he made breakfast one morning when I was staying with him and he just put a full English together.
Starting point is 00:10:14 Like, wow. Like he just had all the stuff around and I was like, you didn't have to do this special for me. And he's like, this is something we do most days. I could really get with beans as a part of a healthy breakfast i really could i like beans at breakfast never have them though yeah you know we should have done that in vegas that seems like a place where you can get beans for breakfast you can get anything at any time of day in vegas you can't get a hoof before 10 a.m
Starting point is 00:10:42 i'll tell you that much that That's true. But if you already have the hoof, you could probably get filled up with something somewhere. O'Brien should be fucking fat if he eats eggs, bacon, corn, beef, hash every morning, right? Well, maybe he has, like, syntha bacon and he can, like,
Starting point is 00:10:59 he can, like, mentally cancel the calories. I wonder if in the same way that your shit's beamed out of you, you can also beam out a food that has made you feel too full. Feeling too full, I think, is one of the worst feelings. It's hangover adjacent for me. I hate it so much. I've rarely experienced it.
Starting point is 00:11:22 Always a bit peckish. I think you and I both know I'm running on some weird guts. And I think my problem is I just get uncomfortably bloated and gassy. Have you ever had a mechanic just like take a look down there and make sure everything's
Starting point is 00:11:38 like connected correctly? I've been scoped in both ends, Ben, by a professional. And yeah, they both say the same thing. Inconclusive. It's got to be really reassuring. They say the same thing. Inconclusive, but fun.
Starting point is 00:11:59 Quark in this scene is job shaming Rom in a way that I do not like. No, it's a bit weird. It seems almost like it was written by somebody that didn't know that Rom made this like elective choice recently. Right, yeah. Because Quark is saying like, why do you do that? Why don't you come work with me and we could look at naked babes all day? And that's just like Quark knows what Rom did, you know? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:29 It's one thing to have someone tell you that they're not enjoying their job and then suggest alternatives, but Rom is super into it and happy. And Quark is still twisting his arm about this. Yeah. Speaking of arm twisting, the chief and Dr. Bashir, I guess, were left jointly in charge of keeping Keiko's bonsai tree collection alive. I can't understand it. I followed Keiko's instructions to the letter. And all of the trees have died. And little Molly comes in, catches them with these dead trees and starts really twisting the knife. Mommy's gonna be mad.
Starting point is 00:13:05 O'Brien's like, I just don't understand why the ammonia content of the soil is so high. It's as if someone's been watering them with pure urine. And Bashir's like, who would do a thing like that? What a terrible waste. Yeah, this is a fun scene. It's a fun scene because in my mind I was questioning, like, where the fuck is Kira? Why would you ever give these dopes this job? Kira is the one who should be watering the plants.
Starting point is 00:13:35 She knows how to care for things. Yeah, but she's on Bajor with Shakar. Yeah. She's not even in the episode, is she? In real life, this is the first episode in Deep Space Nine without an Anavisa tour. Whoa. That's it. The first one.
Starting point is 00:13:52 That is amazing. Didn't think it was possible. This is all a prelude to Keiko returning to the station. She's been on Bajor for a little while. When you say something on Bajor and it could be taken the wrong way, is that known as Bajor for a little while. When you say something on Bajor and it could be taken the wrong way, is that known as Bajorative? Yes. Okay. Just wanted to clear that up. Moving on.
Starting point is 00:14:16 The chief goes down to the airlock to pick up Keiko. And she accepts the death of her trees with Relative chillness Forget it Miles they're just plants Surprising amount of chillness
Starting point is 00:14:31 An almost un-Keiko like amount of chillness Right away you're suspicious This is fucking spectacular She is wolfing down these chocolate bonbons though Yeah Take it easy on those bonbons, Keiko. The chief is very gallantly, by the way, putting this 100% on the doctor's shoulders. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:55 But I think Bashir would agree to this, too. Like, he's okay being a human shield for this domestic dispute. Or one that he believes is coming have you ever like majorly fucked up something of your wife's or vice versa has she ever besides her life i mean like a like a a beloved or sentimental object i mean i i lost my wedding band the day after we got married oh yeah that comes to mind i didn't lose it it was ripped from my finger by the ocean the sea was angry that day my friends so you have you have that story and another friend of mine has the exact same story which is getting in the ocean
Starting point is 00:15:37 on honeymoon and losing his wedding band yeah and so i always take mine off if i'm going to be getting in a body of water my wife takes great umbrage with that well she's wrong she's not wrong very often ben but she's wrong in this case and i'm the perfect reason why i think that there's something very interesting that happens in in a uh in a relationship when you've like messed somebody's shit up yeah like we're having we're trying to have a cookout at my house, which doesn't make any sense because we have no yard. We have about 30 square feet of non-street space in front of our house. And my wife suggested that we push my grill down to the front of the house
Starting point is 00:16:22 and do a bit of grilling down there. Like on the sidewalk by the bus stop? No, like there's, there's a little, like there's a little front yard. Yeah. But it's,
Starting point is 00:16:33 it's like, there's not much of it. There's not enough of it that you could have like, like it was so awkward because we, we like brought some chairs out, but you could only get them along one side. Cause if you put them on the other, there wouldn't be anywhere to walk
Starting point is 00:16:45 so it was just a bunch of people sitting in a row it sucked but she also wanted to get the grill down there and we tried to move it but it weighs like hundreds of pounds because it's made out of ceramic and instead of moving down there
Starting point is 00:17:01 it just fell over and broke part of it oh Oh, shit. Yeah. Oh, no. It's a replaceable part. It's not a big deal. Yeah. But also, I have noticed that the part has not been replaced.
Starting point is 00:17:19 Uh-huh. So, I'm just saying, I know what O'Brien is projecting onto Keiko here, I guess. Wow. Yeah. I know how, like, if this was really Keiko, I know how she would feel. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:37 That's fair. And suspicious behavior from Jump, from her. Yeah. behavior from jump from her yeah she starts saying i'm not keiko and immediately o'brien starts interpreting this as kind of a sexy a sexy game she might be playing no problems yeah definitely miles pivots into bedroom game mode yeah which would be a sexy game yeah but uh but she's, she ain't playing. When the thing that has taken hold of Keiko causes her to stop breathing, I think that's when Miles knows it's not a game
Starting point is 00:18:12 because Keiko doesn't usually stop breathing that long when they're playing those other bedroom games. Yeah, he's like, but Keiko, you love Dan Savage. You know you're not supposed to engage in breath play. Gold to cotton. Cotton to play. Golda Kott. The Kott. Golda Kott. So.
Starting point is 00:18:29 Right away, this is Rosalind Chow's episode, and she is hitting dingers from before the opening theme song. It's true, man. A dominant performance by her. She does not get to be the center of attention that often on this show. But I think maybe taking a page from the Marina Sirtis playbook when she gets the chance just actor and for whatever reason uh she does not do that like she she flails around a bunch in this episode and does a lot of physical acting but i think where she's best is working in between those two like she's super venomous and expressive yeah in some
Starting point is 00:19:20 very subtle ways and the idea that she has been i don't know if she's been intentionally sidelined or if she's gotten other jobs and, and it's just a busy working actor, but like, she's not on the show very much. And it's just great to see her get an opportunity and, and really crush it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:38 I think the hardest thing is that changing which character she's playing within a shot. Right. thing because like she'll be she'll be this evil entity that's taken over her body and then be as far as anyone not miles can tell yeah just regular old keiko and she'll she can flip that switch on a dime like she's not like I don't think Daniel Day-Lewis could do this you know like like like you're never like or you know Sean Penn is like is not able to be two different things at once because he needs to be he
Starting point is 00:20:21 needs to be the character he's playing the entire time and be a dick to everyone that like you know comes up to the craft services table alongside him. I know that, dude. Alan Croker's a first-time director on this show with this episode, and I like how he was not inclined to go full haunted house with this. They're not shooting her differently. They're not lighting her differently.
Starting point is 00:20:43 They're not changing things that would tip you off about her they're just allowing rosalind chow to act and i think that shows a lot of trust uh especially for a new director who i feel like would be inclined to come and splash around with these new these new characters this is a naked performance that has to stand up or the episode doesn't work. Right. Putting all of the weight of that on Rosalind Chao, it doesn't take bravery, but it takes confidence. If you don't know the actors
Starting point is 00:21:14 it kind of does. You're just trusting their reputation or what they're saying their abilities are. Yeah. Anyways, she is explaining that she is the she needs the chief to do some stuff technically to the station. And if he does it, he can have his wife back. If he doesn't, she dies.
Starting point is 00:21:35 That's the stakes. He's got to reconfigure the communication and sensor relays at the station. And Miles is like, I haven't seen either of those in years. the station and miles is like i haven't seen either of those in years keiko changes in the bathroom hey actually while you're here do you mind just disrobing to re-familiarize me with the layout? You know, I might not ever get the chance if I get my old Keiko back. She recoils to my touch, so...
Starting point is 00:22:20 If it's all the same to you, this could actually be great for me. The Pa Wraith is like, you know, Ke know, Kate goes in here and she just won't stop screaming. You remember that time you like mentally went to prison for 30 years? She's kind of comparing it to that. The timing for this body snatch couldn't be worse because it's Miles O'Brien's birthday and there's a big party planned for tonight. And so amidst all of this honey-do list that Miles has to do for Keiko around the station, there's also this social gathering happening later. And there's a big question about how this is going to go. The reveal of this is in the scene when they first get home.
Starting point is 00:23:11 And she drops the party info to Bashir. Then it plays it off like, oh, yeah, I meant to keep it as a surprise, but I blew it. And she's super cool to Bashir. And so, yeah, I guess this is like the morning right because yeah keiko got the red eye didn't she yeah she must have i think that explains sort of the empty docking ring too right like they're kind of isolated for long periods of time god i hate the red eye i've flown the red eye so much this year that is uh against your contract. I cannot stand it. I have another couple red eyes already booked.
Starting point is 00:23:49 Oh, no. Don't know what to tell you, Ben. Yeah. Sucks. Gotta stop doing that. Rom shows up. He's swinging to the swing shift. He's taken over for Duarte, who's out sick.
Starting point is 00:24:08 And, you know, Rom is really, like, first day of schooling it. He, like, shows up with his lunch pail and is, like, really trying to make nice with all these engineers that he's going to be working with. It's not like this on a night shift. We don't drink Ractogeno. You can tell he's a real fucking tryhard because he on a night shift we don't drink rectogino you can tell he's a real fucking try hard because he takes a swing shift the day after a midnight shift and in some places you're legally prevented from doing that because you're you're crossing over the eight hour mark what is the
Starting point is 00:24:38 bajoran engineering union up to that that they uh don't have their eye on the ball. I don't like this at all. Rom got off work at midnight and now he's coming back to work at like three. That's shitty. Yeah. It's not good. Maybe Rom will unionize the workers on the station now. That would be great. He just keeps doing it.
Starting point is 00:25:03 Yeah. That's his thing. Love that about him. The birthday party that night provides a great setting to establish when nice becomes threatening. Yeah. Because all Keiko does is be nice. She's a great host.
Starting point is 00:25:22 She made some great food, it looks like. Everyone's enjoying themselves and she played and o'brien plays off of her in such an interesting and fun way because o'brien is falling apart inside and he's moody and he doesn't like seeing the strange person in his wife's body interact with all of his friends and co-workers and he's the one that looks out of place not her there's some great direction in this. Like there's kind of like a not super long, but longish wonder of him coming into the party and like, you know, interacting with everybody.
Starting point is 00:25:55 Like Keiko isn't out yet, but she nails the timing of coming out with the birthday cake. And it's like, I think what what you get from column meanie's performance is that he was hoping to come back to just her so that he could have a yeah intense back and forth with her and say like i did i did what you asked i changed all the communication relays or whatever but instead what he has to do is like be on and be bubbly and friendly and act like nothing's going on because uh part of the part of the deal here is that if he if he tells anyone else and uh whatever has taken over keiko catches wind of it uh that's her ass yeah
Starting point is 00:26:41 there's a really fun scene where o'b is talking to the computer about the scan results of Keiko and is like running down a list of options to either knock her out or something. And every answer to every question is like, it's not fast enough. Yeah, he needs to get her unconscious in less than a hundredth of a second according to according to her so keiko has made it pretty clear that she am become dead man switch right yeah so like if if at any point she detects her body is being fucked with she will kill the container like she's gonna kill keiko this uh this novel i'm reading right now like a character comes aboard a spaceship and uh tells everybody that he has like a nuke in his head and that if they do anything to him it will go off and you know blow up the ship and it's like it's one of those things where like they're just they're forced to
Starting point is 00:27:37 believe him because they there's no way to determine one way or another if he's telling the truth. Hey, Ben, does that guy have a mushroom haircut? I don't know. What do you mean? You know, like a mushroom cloud, if he has a nuke in his head. Oh. I'm just playing around with words this episode, Ben. I haven't been
Starting point is 00:27:59 imagining him that way, but I thought you were referencing something specific. You were just referencing the shape of the explosion that happens when a nuke goes off. Exactly. O'Brien and Keiko do find a moment to sneak off by themselves when O'Brien smashes a whiskey glass in his bare hand. This is after finishing the six fingers of whiskey that were inside. That was an insane pour. I've had some hard days, but I don't know if I've ever come home pouring 17 fingers
Starting point is 00:28:35 of whiskey into a glass. Poured yourself a Spanish beer glass full of whiskey. Neat, too. Wow. Not refreshing. whiskey and neat too wow not refreshing this guy must have an incredibly high tolerance because i would want to keep my wits about me if my wife's life was on the line yeah and you know what on a birthday uh the real stuff is getting busted out so that's no synthahall no she explains to him while she is uh using the butthole closer on his hand wound but the communication stuff that he was working on this time was uh just her way of making sure that he was willing to do what she was trying to get him to do and the and the real
Starting point is 00:29:22 modifications he's going to be making to the station start tomorrow. Right. Yeah, he's killed a stranger to join the gang. And now the real gangster shit's about to begin. Yeah, he's jumped in. Yep. To be quite honest about it, I was in a pale.
Starting point is 00:29:38 A fucking pale. Mr. Bucket, I have to revert back to my living state. Oh, no! I don't use the bucket anymore. We see the aftermath of this party, and she puts, I'm going to say, 66% of the cake into the replicator to be dematerialized and put back into the system. You don't see it floating out the window? I think that that is a perfect illustration of the problem with cake. It's too sweet. People don't really
Starting point is 00:30:06 like it that much. People think they like cake, but too much cake is just too much. I would argue that leftover cake is trash, and that's one of the things that makes pie superior. Leftover pie is often better than first-day pie. A pie that sat around for a day has only
Starting point is 00:30:21 marinated. Right. Whereas cake gets stale and shitty. You get that bottom crust, nice and gooey. Yeah. Comes out of the plate real nice. That's what you want. Pie for breakfast. It's what I want every morning.
Starting point is 00:30:37 Yeah. Can't have it. It'd be bad. Incidentally, there are references to the paw wraithiths and the Fire Caves in this episode, and Jake is the first one to ask about them. Don't tell me you believe in wraiths. It seems like just a kind of, like an innocent question that isn't a plot point when he first brings it up. Yeah, it's treated a little bit like a haunted house in kind of a jokey way.
Starting point is 00:31:05 Like, oh, you're going to go to that old abandoned cabin? Watch out for the ghost of whoever it is. There's no one who treats this seriously. The fire caves are real, but the paw wraiths are kind of a punchline at this point. I never said I believe in them. But they're kind of, they dangle there as a thing that is referenced in a way that is a little bit ham-fisted, I think. It's like, oh, I wonder if that is going to play into the solution to this
Starting point is 00:31:37 or the explanation for this in any way. Yeah, it's a very early snap into place by a couple of pieces. Yeah. I mean, I don't hate it, but it leapt out at me. Sometimes you like something like that a little later in the episode, too. Yeah. O'Brien has to be curious about what it's like to fuck a paw wraith, right? Like, it's got to be fucking bonkers.
Starting point is 00:31:59 His curiosity is almost satisfied, right? Yeah, he's got to hop into bed with her and sleep like a normal wedded couple. She insists that he sleep alongside her, I guess to maintain the illusion that she is who she claims she is. Don't be too late. You've got a busy day tomorrow. For Molly's sake, right? For Molly.
Starting point is 00:32:19 Because, yeah, she doesn't want Molly dropping a dime on her. I guess. I would have loved a little bit more keiko and molly like just keiko and molly scenes right or or scenes where keiko was with molly we get the one where she's on facetime with molly but yeah i would have loved a little bit more of o'brien like seething that that this imposter is touching his child stuff. That FaceTime was pretty dark. That felt like a hostage video to me in all the right ways.
Starting point is 00:32:52 Yeah. No, it was great. And Molly was blinking in Morse code. That was cool. Holding up that newspaper. Yeah. Proof of life video. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:04 The morning after O'brien gets his instructions and once getting them he's sort of free to roam like he has tasks to do but on the promenade he incidentally like he asks where odo and captain cisco are and they're in the security office and he he makes up a reason to be on the promenade to go there but as soon as he cops them across the hallway Keiko calls to him from the railing from the creep rail that Jake and Nog used to hang out at
Starting point is 00:33:38 a rail that we've complained all the time about for safety reasons. It's just not high enough it's not to code. Keiko proves our point by going ass over tea kettle. And crashing to the floor. This is not the first person we've seen go over this rail, though. No. I don't think.
Starting point is 00:33:58 No. Definitely not an OSHA approved railing height there. But Keiko takes a bump, like takes it flat, the way you want to as a wrestler. Like she displaces the force across her body. And it's why in the infirmary later, Bashir says it could have been so much worse. It's just a couple of bruises, a hairline fracture, and a gash.
Starting point is 00:34:25 Yeah, weird, right? But there is the very awkward moment where Bashir's like, so you want to talk to her? You should really talk to her. She's your wife. Get on in there. And O'Brien's like, busy. And all Keiko wants to do is make out, which is the most awkward part.
Starting point is 00:34:43 Yeah. And all Keiko wants to do is make out, which is the most awkward part. Yeah. That scene where she insists that he kiss her before he leave and Bashir is like watching from the door is the creepiest scene in the episode and so well done. It's great. mean he has to do all of the work of like expressing disgust and and repulsion but also it's his wife but also his friend is watching so he has to like make it look good he makes that that little mouth yeah the little kiss mouth yeah it's really good. Yeah. Yeah, but missed opportunity for O'Brien to confide in Odo and Captain Sisko, and Keiko knows it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:33 It's scary. This was all to demonstrate how close she is to dying if he falls out of step. I'm counting on you. So O'Brien sort of wanders out of the infirmary into uh the promenade and wharf finds him and asks about keiko if there is anything i can do i wish there was o'brien has to tell her that she's fine but still sort of like spacey and shell-shocked uh wharf has seen keiko's gash before he's seen at all so it's interesting that he's asking questions about her condition are we cancelled now i would support cancelling us at this point that was uh one of the rare pre-writes
Starting point is 00:36:21 and if you'll notice if you were to back up this episode a good 30 seconds to a minute, I set it up. Yeah. Set it up in the deep background. Wow. That's professional work right there. I am a professional jokesman. Dog paw to temple. So dumb.
Starting point is 00:36:40 Cancel me. Don't cancel Ben. That was, I am the Bashir in this moment moment i killed the plant i'm cancelable i'm sure yeah the point of this scene is that like o'brien really wants to tell wharf what's happening because yeah wharf seems like as a past security man he might be able to do something but it's just another opportunity he can't take it's too risky and then also the subtext is that like o'brien has a ticking clock now and any stop and chats are burning time he really desperately needs to get the station set up for him all i need to do is just say hello that was kind of rude
Starting point is 00:37:19 that was not rude i don't have to do a stop chat with him. She's given him 13 hours. And so like the next scene is him like trying to get started on this when none other than Rom sticks his head out of a Jeffrey's tube and O'Brien kind of hits on something fairly brilliant. Like Rom is the wrong guy in the right place at the right time. Yeah. I know the feeling he is a perfect patsy because like the case that the that the power wraith has been making is that it knows everything that keiko knows and yeah keiko knows o'brien down to his little subtle facial expressions that nobody else picks
Starting point is 00:38:04 up on this is like like my wife can tell when i up on. This is like, like my wife can tell when I'm on Twitter just by like the facial expression I'm making when I'm looking at my phone. Wow. Because she can see me like trying to compose a joke, you know. Oh, I thought. And it's written on my face. I took that the other
Starting point is 00:38:20 way. I took that as someone saying a bad thing. Oh, because somebody's being mean to me. Yeah. If I look like I'm feeling bad about myself that's why i'm on twitter the soul crushingest website the depression machine you're really right about rom though uh and his utility here because o'brien doesn't really have a relationship with him so yeah but he's also a capable engineer so like o'brien can put ron and he's a little doofy so ryan can o'brien can kind of rope him into this scheme and get him going on it and give him a this is a this is a secret and rom will believe it storyline i was disappointed that rom didn't bring up breakfast to him i thought this would be a perfect time to uh
Starting point is 00:39:14 just work breakfast back into the conversation yeah so now that now that uh i'm on swing shift what do you like to eat for lunch yeah as predicted it's not fun to do to do that impression yeah bad impression the impression police want adam yeah the impression police put me in the back of the cruiser not protecting my head yeah yeah yeah they they let you ding yourself on the on the door jam there. Alamo Rain, come to a fort. Alamo Rain, come to a fort. What are you doing? What are you doing?
Starting point is 00:39:50 What are you doing now? Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! I'm not Picard. I'm not Picard.
Starting point is 00:39:57 I'm not Picard. I'm not Picard. Exactly. We get an exciting engineering montage, Ben, and I think there's a reason why we don't see these too often. It's just panels being pulled off of walls and dildos being shoved into tight places. Yeah, but I love that they licensed the working in a coal mine song. Yeah, really great. An increasingly bedraggled O'Brien ends up at ops at the end of of his shift and he's shocked to find Dax standing above him.
Starting point is 00:40:27 This is a part of Ops that typically explodes. So we're set up to feel stress in the establishing shot but it's weird that Dax is hovering over him because Dax should be asleep. I want you to have a look at something. She was supposed to be asleep and she was like up late going over anomalies because that's her, that's her like meditation is anomaly science. And,
Starting point is 00:40:54 uh, she realized that something was amiss about the way the sensor array or something, something about the station was not, was not working properly. And boy, the station was not was not working properly and boy calamini's performance in the like she has him red-handed but doesn't realize it yet scene is fucking great do you think uh if dax was trying to pick out a movie to fall asleep to uh she would have a stack of Jean-Pierre Jeunet films
Starting point is 00:41:25 and she'd consider picking up an Alien Resurrection, a Delicatessen or Anomaly. Yeah. Maybe City of Lost Children. I have never had a worse show than this.
Starting point is 00:41:48 You're doing better than I am, man. I'm standing in a batting cage just like getting hit by softballs. What are you talking about? You're doing better than I am. If you've never had a worse show than this, what does that say about me? Ben, my question about Dax's insomniaomnia is is the ankylosaur inside her is it possible for that to be on a different uh a different time zone than you like are there times when when it wants to be awake and you want to go to sleep and you're like frustrated by it and it's frustrated by you
Starting point is 00:42:20 like can you turn off the the lamp i'm trying to sleep over here. Yeah. I wonder how often you're kept up by it. Sorry, I need it. I'm totally engrossed in this novel. Yeah. Fucking ankylosaur. Ankylosaur. That's got to be a pain in the ass. I think my wife needs about two fewer hours of sleep per night than I do.
Starting point is 00:42:42 Really? Like, she can just function. Like, I don't know like i sleep like nine or ten hours most nights and wow she's like i think she could she could be perfectly happy with like six that's tough yeah that's tough i need to get into a rhythm to to feel like six is enough like the the six hour outlier, I definitely feel. But if I rip off an entire week of six hours of sleep, like I'm feeling fine by day three.
Starting point is 00:43:11 Really? Yeah. Oh, it's making me tired just thinking about it. I need an adjustment period is what I'm saying. Wow. I don't want to get the sleep bends. Yeah, I'm a total baby. I'm not sleepy all the time i'm sleepy at bedtime
Starting point is 00:43:26 but uh but yeah man i get in bed at like 10 and set my alarm for 8 30 it's a pretty good podcast life right there yeah so uh unanswered questions about dax's insomnia, but she is there to share her suspicions about there possibly being a saboteur on the station. She holds up a couple of sabots. Hence the word sabotage. In her hands. And so she found these. And in the wardroom, she brings them to the meeting.
Starting point is 00:44:01 I had a joke written about that, but... Do yours. Maybe it's the one we keep. No, my joke is worse, but it's also later. Okay. Maybe drop that in later. Yeah. I don't know. I don't think
Starting point is 00:44:15 I'm going to drop it in. I don't think it's as good. I don't like that. I think you should leave it up to me as the editor. I'll take it out if it's bad. Well, it's bad i i can i can listen it's a joke i wrote three hours ago i know it's bad take my word for it it's unclear whether or not dax and o'brien go to the wardroom from here and like have a super early morning meeting but there is a mclaughlin group in the ward room. I think the most confusing thing about this episode
Starting point is 00:44:47 is what time things are happening at because people keep making a big deal about what time things are or like how much time has transpired, except for we never feel anchored in any particular time. Very true. Yeah. And it's in this meeting that that thing happens where a couple of characters are describing
Starting point is 00:45:07 a fourth person in the room exactly and o'brien is starting to freak out because they're they're describing the method of sabotage and who might be the person like who the saboteur could be it has to be someone familiar with the station systems someone with a lot of access maybe even someone on the maintenance crew yeah and they're saying everything about o'brien without saying anything at all yeah it's like a cop movie where the cop gets stuck investigating a murder that they committed or something it's some real telltale heart shit because o'brien is like really feeling the heartbeat of this moment yeah like, like the money shot of the scene
Starting point is 00:45:45 is when he goes over to the window and the shot is like him in focus in the foreground and the three of them talking about who this could be in soft focus in the background. Yeah. Why are you acting so weird, Miles? Yeah. Meeting's over here.
Starting point is 00:46:01 During this scene is when the FaceTime from Molly and Keiko comes in. Yeah. And this is, you know, like Keiko will miss no opportunity to remind Miles what is on the line here. So he winds up fingering the perfect fall guy also. Right. And there's a fucking hysterical shot of... Rom Harvey Oswald is like watching a movie and gets pulled out of the crowd.
Starting point is 00:46:29 Yeah, just like laid out on the floor working in some, you know, equipment bay. Yeah. His butt crack is like the most prominent part of the shot. And then his head mimicking that butt crack right above it yeah it's a nice symmetrical composition here and yeah the uh odo takes rom into custody as the saboteur it's great that it's miles o'brien involved in this whole thing because he has agency and technical prowess to get into and out of trouble because as soon as Rom gets thrown in the clink, your mind starts racing about like,
Starting point is 00:47:14 what is he going to do and how is he going to communicate with them? How is he going to, you know, keep the cover up going? And so he immediately does that thing where he disables the security cams and microphones and that that frees him up to go visit him in the brig yeah yeah i kind of wondered like does the computer have the ability to do all this work and he's doing it by himself for some reason because he does say like finish this calibration and then walks away from it. It's funny. Pyrath Keiko gives O'Brien like the list of things on a pad. And O'Brien just like slumps onto the couch and is like hitting buttons and flicking things and like working from home. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:58 The work from home episode of Deep Space Nine died in the writer's room. Yeah. What's great about this scene is that Rom is ahead of Miles O'Brien on the whole plan. Like, he gets it. Is Rom smarter than Miles? He's dumb like a fox. Yeah, because he's figured out that all of these modifications have served to turn the station into a great big chroniton emitter pointed right at the wormhole. We know of the value of chronitons from Star Trek First Contact when Commander Riker looked directly into the camera and said,
Starting point is 00:48:40 time travel, right after they picked up... Oh, you mean my close personal friend Jonathan Frakes? I do. I do mean the same yeah which is interesting if you were going to use a weapon that would kill the wormhole aliens and you know the wormhole aliens exist in a kind of unstuck from time situation a chroniton particle is a very interesting weapon here yeah yeah it's something that would never harm a corporeal right but it would or the wormhole itself maybe right yeah do you think it would collapse the hole i don't think so i think it would go into the hole and collapse what's inside but crucially they like the the way rom talks about this he's like it would it would kill them before they know it hit
Starting point is 00:49:25 knew it hit him right just over in a flash which i think is like maybe a bit of a hand tip on the on the episode part shit you're right yeah man i wish that line of dialogue wasn't in it i mean i think it has it has to be somewhere right because you you can't just go a to c on they've spent so much time working on the like on the like amount of amount of time that needs to be yeah like like to get the to get the possessor out of keiko it's it's one one hundredth of a second i think and like so before it before they knew what hit him is enough time presumably right but it does kind of it does like the episode is solved like almost 10 minutes before it's actually over i feel like there might be a slider here where maybe taking some dialogue out of the first
Starting point is 00:50:21 mention and adding it to the second or some some mix here might might make it better than it is yeah but it does clang a little bit here it's just in a way that a lot of shows are like like there's this delicate balance of not pandering too much to the lowest common denominator viewer who just is oblivious or watching on their phone or whatever right or or watching while on their phone that yeah it's it's a hard hard thing to do so i get it you get why shows do stuff like this yeah and i think that like when you've written yourself a a puzzle like this it is basically impossible like you need to have this information that it's before they would know it they knew what hit him right but i i really like this scene i love the like the ecu's that it's
Starting point is 00:51:14 shot in i agree yeah and they're doing little subtle pushes aren't they yeah i think the the camera work is it seems very strong in this episode. A lot of really nice portrait shots of the characters. And, you know, like for an episode where O'Brien and Keiko and Rom are all going through such major emotions, it's really nice to get as close as we get to see them kind of process that. Right. Morn. Morn. Morn. It's sweet.
Starting point is 00:51:48 Morn. Morn. Morn. Evening, everybody. Morn. Stop. Hammer time. One thing I wanted to talk about in this scene is the placement of the commercial break.
Starting point is 00:51:57 And I think it is super intentional and important to discuss because before the commercial break, and important to discuss because before the commercial break, Rom has put everything together about the chroniton emitter and its effects on what the wormhole aliens would be. Why are we trying to kill the wormhole aliens? And then we get an O'Brienized commercial. And when we come out of the commercial, O'Brien and Rom are still talking. And it's a scene where rom displays total understanding
Starting point is 00:52:26 of bajoran myth and pa wraiths what are you talking about and like he puts the story together and i think without the commercial break rom comes off as impossibly knowledgeable about every situation having to do with the episode unbelievably sobelievably so. And so I really feel like that was written intentionally for that reason. I think if you give Rom the entire run unbroken to not only solve for what O'Brien's doing
Starting point is 00:52:55 but also solve for Keiko, I think it's unbelievable. That's a great point. I think that's really well written. And I guess I don't know i wonder like because the chief does try and do the tng thing of like getting the computer to tell him the like critical piece of mythology to understand what's going on earlier in the episode and the computer spits back like there are thousands of things written about Pahwraiths.
Starting point is 00:53:25 You know, like it just it's like I can't do this much homework in the time I have. Yeah. To to like solve this problem. And it's great that Rom is like has already done that homework just in hanging out with Lita, which is I think a big reveal. Right. Like we haven't actually seen them get together yeah they have been spending time they've been spending time together do you think it's interesting or strange that you know for all of the information trading back and forth between
Starting point is 00:53:56 o'brien and rom o'brien never discloses to rom why he's made these changes. And Rom is never suspicious of him for them. Like, Rom doesn't know about the Keiko thing. No. But he does put it together that they, you know, like a podwraith couldn't go back to the temple without killing the prophets first. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:22 It's an interesting, like, invisible ink kind of moment in the story and the script like because i think as a viewer you are assuming a knowledge that rom doesn't have yeah and this o'brien says like she a couple of times in talking about and rom just doesn't pick up on it does he yeah no it's never explicit wow strange but but the episode is so tight and like it works super fast that like there's a moment where you consider it but then you're just on to the next the like one of my favorite moments in the episode is when rom says like if you need me to stay here and play the idiot i know the role yeah like it really makes you think about like what's really going on with rom yeah he does have some insight doesn't he yeah o'brien goes straight back to work because he's on the
Starting point is 00:55:21 timeline that we've talked about uh yeah and he's's running out of time because he's had to go distract himself, and he's back into the modifications he's making when he gets up. Uh-huh. Odo didn't even need to disguise himself as a drink cart or anything. Have you ever watched Scooby-Doo? There's a moment toward the end of every episode where there is a monologue
Starting point is 00:55:49 about all the clues that led up to the moment where they take the mask off of the bad guy. And as soon as Odo gets to the end of that moment, O'Brien punches him in the face. Yeah, O'Brien's like, uh, little chin music here for you, Odo. Yeah. I'm out! That's something he could have gotten away with earlier. He would have just, uh, he would have been punching pudding at that point.
Starting point is 00:56:16 This time he lands clean. Yeah. I feel like, uh, the ability to knock someone out in one punch is something that is used in film and television occasionally i don't know if it's true yeah i mean i think i think that's what you hope for the longer a fight goes on uh the worse and uglier it gets yeah if only every fight ended that quickly. Uppercut!
Starting point is 00:56:46 You win! But anyways, the modifications are complete and O'Brien gets on the radio with Evil Keiko and they agree to meet at a runabout. She's briefly like, how did you know I needed
Starting point is 00:57:01 a runabout? He acts like he put this together all himself. Keiko, like the real Keiko, comes through and she's like, you're never this spontaneous ordinarily. I've been wanting to go on vacation a lot and you never want to rent a runabout. It's a bit like the way he left Bashir holding the bag earlier he doesn't give rom credit for putting this all together yeah in this moment yeah but they get on the runabout he uh he gets
Starting point is 00:57:36 clearance and then uh they they head for the wormhole and uh evil keiko starts to get real excited oh you have no idea how many centuries I've waited for this. Let's get on with it. This is like the bank heist that's actually happening. And O'Brien's the wheel man. He starts punching in stuff and we cut back to the station and just like tons of lightning start emitting from it. And in ops, they are realizing something pretty messed up is about to happen.
Starting point is 00:58:08 And Worf is like, this looks very familiar to me. Well, move over, Worf Lightning, because Keiko Lightning is the new hotness. Yeah. That lightning hits the runabout, and Keiko lays waste to Michael Dorn's previous lightning performances. It's true. You know she did her research. Holy shit. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:37 She is totally spasmodic. Amazing. The beam has been aimed not at the wormhole but at the runabout and uh before the power race knew what hit it it dead you really want to do this here now okay okay let's do it do it we cut back to casa o'brien in the aftermath like she hits the ground and then we're back in the casa yeah and keiko seems better now than she was in the infirmary after falling off the railing even though she's been hit with uh with gigawatts of wharf lightning yeah she's fine right before that we got the
Starting point is 00:59:18 scene of them coming off of the off of the landing pad and like odo like working his jaw and cisco saying you've got some explaining to do. Right. But it is pretty clear that everything is forgiven. Right. All the way down to bonsai trees. Like O'Brien gets to be the hero somehow. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:37 Pretty messed up. Pretty messed up. The Keiko never apologizes either. It's not fair. Just a real double standard there, Ben. Yeah. She talks about what it was like to have a paw wraith in her head, and it was like coiled up around her mind.
Starting point is 00:59:56 Yeah. Miles never got that deep. Jesus. You got to be a real stick man to reach the mind. Low-key, a great character moment for him is saying, like, you don't have to tell me about that if you don't want to, and her saying, like, no, I want to talk about it, then unpack it. It's weird that O'Brien could also find common cause here and be like,
Starting point is 01:00:21 my mind was also briefly taken over and you were there remember they are they have a lot in common now after this ep it's true the button on the episode is in quarks we get a we get quarks bookends here because uh rom has been promoted to the day shift he's really been bouncing around i think his sleep life is totally fucked up at this point. Yeah, he's super tired, not because he was working all night or in jail or anything, but because he was out celebrating. And a bit undercutting the stuff about Lita earlier, he says, like, one of the ladies on the day shift
Starting point is 01:00:59 likes hanging out with him. Well, maybe they have an open relationship. Maybe. Rom is really a player. Was Rom promoted to day shift because of his willingness to conspire with O'Brien? Like, is that part of it? He's willing to do bad things. And then he gets a promotion.
Starting point is 01:01:17 Yeah. That's weird. That is weird. But I guess it's just a shift promotion, right? It's not a rank promotion. It's just like sometimes when you've got seniority, you can have a better schedule these guys are mostly like plunging out clogged toilets it's not like that often that like highly sensitive missions get down to the engineering staff of the station do you think wharf's toilet has two holes in the bottom? Anything fewer would be without honor.
Starting point is 01:01:47 Yeah. You really got to give Worf's toilet the golf ball test, don't you? That's what you call a plumber's lament. You get Worf sitting on that thing. That is the classic plumber's lament. Don't know if I agree with Rom's breakfast order here at the end, though.
Starting point is 01:02:04 This really sounds like something you'd get at a Westin Maui. That's what you ordered at the Hash House of Go-Go in Vegas. I got... Great big pancake? I got Bananas Pancake. It was delicious. Yeah, that's a good banana pancake at that place. It was the size of a manhole cover, though.
Starting point is 01:02:25 It was delicious. Yeah, that's a good banana pancake at that point. It's the size of a manhole cover, though. It's huge. You know when your pancake creeps over the sides of your diner plate? That's a lot of pancake. Yeah, that's a lot of pancake. A lot of episode to discuss, Ben. Did you like it? I did like it. I thought it was a lot of fun, a fun adventure.
Starting point is 01:02:42 Great Rosalind Chow episode. Great Colin Meany episode great Max Grodain chick uh huh yeah I don't know if I'm pronouncing that correctly you gave it a try yeah
Starting point is 01:02:56 it's possible that some sebo have been thrown into my pronunciation yeah I could see that that's what I'm hearing have been thrown into my pronunciation. Yeah, I could see that. That's what I'm hearing. Did you like the episode, Adam? A lot. A lot, a lot.
Starting point is 01:03:16 But I only liked it up to a point, Ben. The absence of Nana Visitor did put a ceiling on my enjoyment of the episode. So I will give it that caveat yeah as good as an ep can be without a nah your your girl is uh is palling around with shikar on bajor our our girl's shooting babies she was uh out giving birth when this episode was was shot and made yeah so there it there it is. Good for her. Congratulations, Nana. Congratulations indeed.
Starting point is 01:03:49 A belated congratulations. Yeah, like 20 years late. One thing that is also 20 years late most of the time are the readings of our Priority One messages. You want to see what we got, Ben? Would love to. Priority One message from Starfleet coming in on secure channel. Need a supplemental income. Supplemental income?
Starting point is 01:04:12 Supplemental. Supplemental. Yeah, it's extra. By the interest alone, could be enough to buy this ship. Ben, our first Priority One message is of a commercial nature. Yeah! The message goes like this. That's twice as much money for us.
Starting point is 01:04:27 Woohoo. Because companies are less cost sensitive than humans. Yeah, that's the whole thinking behind business class seats on airplanes. Yeah. Companies are not people. Love's Lust Lost
Starting point is 01:04:43 is a comedy adventure novel about Captain Dick KK. That could be Kake. K-A-H-K-A-Y. Kake. I'm going to say Captain Dick Kake as he rises through the ranks and betrays the only woman he truly cares about. Whoa. It's a universe journey novel spun off from a It's All Been Done radio hour. Buy it now on Amazon.
Starting point is 01:05:06 And then we're given a URL. You can go to slash loveslustlost. Wow. I'm clicking the link right now. There it is. You can get this bad boy in paperback on the Kindle, both of which very reasonably priced. Oh, we got some ratings on here. We've got three five-star ratings
Starting point is 01:05:34 for Love's Lust Lost, and it's written by Jerome Wetzel. Jerome Wetzel is the author. Great. So check it out. Yeah, this sounds like a fun read, huh? It's All Been Done Presents is a multi-platform entertainment company based in Columbus, Ohio that produces podcasts, written work, video, and more. Wow. So that's the story. What fun. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:06:00 Sounds like a great project, and I hope the friends of DeSoto support them. Adam, we have a second priority one message here and it's from Rob and it's for Ben. It says You picked my 35th birthday to call me an arsehole
Starting point is 01:06:19 in front of my friends for not supporting Greatest Gen financially. As you can see, it worked. Thank you for recruiting me to the Friends of DeSoto and for reminding me of my first duty. You truly are a man of special conscience and among the most human souls I have encountered in my travels. Wow. Well, Rob, I'm sorry to have called you an asshole or an arsehole.
Starting point is 01:06:48 I don't know if I've ever called anyone an arsehole. Yeah, I don't think so either. That doesn't sound like me, but I... Either way, I apologize. But thank you for supporting us. I'm glad it worked. And happy
Starting point is 01:07:03 35th birthday Rob, I take great umbrage In your description of Ben As a man of special conscience A descriptor saved Specifically for me Kevin Uxbridge Kevin, you obviously have a special conscience
Starting point is 01:07:19 I would say you have the specialist conscience But other people can have Somewhat special consciences, you know? It's a continuum, like the Q. Benjamin R. Harrison is a good man, but I don't think he's got the stones for genocide. I certainly don't. I admit it, Kevin. I have no willingness to fit that crime. Ben doesn't have the stones for genocide, but you, the viewer, may have the money to
Starting point is 01:07:47 purchase a Priority One message, and both styles go a long way to supporting the ongoing production of the show. The personal message is $100, and the commercial messages are $200. They're great for birthdays and books, as this episode is a great example. Thanks for supporting the show. I just finished recording an episode of our hit podcast, and now it's time to unwind. But how do I do that when what it takes to do this show is so much energy and enthusiasm? Rambo had it right about a lot of things. You don't just turn it off. But what if you could? Or even better, what if you
Starting point is 01:08:38 could just dial it down a bit? Think of how differently the movie First Blood would go if everyone involved just had a microdose gummy from Lumi Labs. I bet Sheriff Teasel would have been a little more chill when he stopped John Rambo at the side of the road. Not so chill that he couldn't do his job. A microdose would allow him to get stuff done in a chill way. And what about John Rambo? Do you think things would be different for him? If instead of making a loincloth out of a tarp and blowing up an entire town, he popped a half a microdose gummy and just chilled?
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Starting point is 01:11:25 At the kitchen table. I was with my dad. He mispronounces words intentionally. There are plenty of podcasts on the hunt for justice, but only one podcast has the courage to take on the silly crimes. Judge John Hodgman, the only true crime podcast that won't leave you feeling sad and bad and scared for once. Only on
Starting point is 01:11:58 Hey, Adam. What's that, Ben? Did you find yourself a drunk Shimoda? Drunk Shimoda! that been did you find yourself a drunk shimoda i mean one of the most pure expressions of shimoda is like the actor having the best time i don't feel like anyone's having a better time than uh than rosalind chow here like she is really exploring the space of of the entire episode uh and she fucking crushes it like there's the shimoda that makes fun of the recipient and that is definitely not what i'm doing here like i think she is having the most fun
Starting point is 01:12:30 for me it's got to be her what about yeah rom got the shits from bacon right yeah that's a good one too that's my drunk shimoda uh is the next episode gonna give us the shit spin only you can tell us what's it That's a good one, too. That's my drunk Shibota. Is the next episode going to give us the shit spin? Only you can tell us. What's it going to be about? Next episode is season five, episode six, Trials and Tribulations. Wow. Big episode.
Starting point is 01:12:57 Cisco travels back in time to a pivotal moment in the history of the original Starship Entrepreneur. What we're going to do for this episode is we're going to drop this episode on our regular Monday. Then the next greatest discovery episode that comes out will be about the original The Trouble with Tribbles episode. So it'll be a very tribule, tribular, triblier? A tribble tribute. There you go. God. Tribular? Triblier? A Tribble Tribute. There you go. God. That was great.
Starting point is 01:13:32 Really glad you're here for that. I don't know if it was great. I think it was medium, medium okay. Our tribute to the Tribbles. It's Tribble Timber. Yeah, all right. well, we better find out how we're going to watch that ep, Ben. Yeah, we better do that. Oh, only I can tell
Starting point is 01:13:52 us. Let's head over to slash game where we keep the game of buttholes Will of the Prophets. Wouldn't it be great if this were a QuarkSpar episode? We are right on the doorstep of one. We're on square 17 just tickling this were a Quark's Bar episode? We are right on the doorstep of one. We're on square 17. Just tickling the ear of Quark's head.
Starting point is 01:14:10 And you almost always roll ones at him, so the chances are not bad. I know. You're required to learn as you play. Roll. All right, here we go. I have rolled a six, Ben. Chula! Did I win?
Starting point is 01:14:29 Hardly. Fuck. Wow. A six really blows that QuarkSpar episode away into the deep background and puts us on the doorstep of a banger. Fuck. So there we are. A regular ep that I intend to celebrate with a couple of beverages personally.
Starting point is 01:14:46 I think it's only right that a silly episode gets a silly drink. So maybe we'll do something like that. You should come up with a triple cocktail. Something with a little fur in it. That is disgusting. You're going to grab some pubes and drop them in your cocktail as garnish fucking gross does sound kind of gross
Starting point is 01:15:11 can't wait to watch it Ben this is one I've heard about quite a bit over the years and I've never seen it myself it's a really cool episode looking forward to in the meantime folks who like the show can head to slash donate to support it. You'll get access to all of our bonus content. There's tons and tons of bonus content on there.
Starting point is 01:15:36 It's true. You should also listen to The Greatest Discovery, our other Star Trek podcast. We got two. It's a Star Trek about all the new Star Trek and there is so much new. There's a lot going on over there and, you know, it is currently in the, like, every
Starting point is 01:15:54 other week off-season mode, but I can't imagine that's going to last much longer. It is a fun, like, creative sandbox for us. Yeah. Having to do with Star Trek. It's good. I'm glad we have it. You're missing out do with Star Trek. It's good. I'm glad we have it. You're missing out if you're not listening to that show.
Starting point is 01:16:08 We gotta thank Adam Ragusea who makes all the music for this program and Dark Materia who made the original Picard song upon which the
Starting point is 01:16:16 Cisco song is based. We gotta thank Bill Tilly who makes trading cards every week posting those on Twitter using the hashtag GreatestGen. Seek out on Twitter using the hashtag greatestgen.
Starting point is 01:16:25 Seek out the greatest generation on social media. You know where and how to do that. And with that, we'll be back at you next time with another great episode of Star Trek Deep Space Nine and an episode of the greatest generation, Deep Space Nine. That's doing that thing where you're like, feels like you got a hair in your mouth and you're like, you're like pinching your tongue trying to get it off trying to get that hair out of your mouth it's very very distracting yeah no kidding do not like that feeling i think i swallowed a few big here.
Starting point is 01:17:14 Make it so. Make it so. Make it so. Make it so. Captain Jean-Luc Picard of the U.S.A. Enterprise. Captain Jean-Luc Picard of the U.S.A. Enterprise. Captain Jean-Luc Picard of the U.S.A. Enterprise. Make it so. Make it so.
Starting point is 01:17:35 Jean-Luc Picard of... Comedy and culture. Artist owned. Audience supported.

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