The Greatest Generation - Casa de Tain (DS9 S7E24)

Episode Date: January 25, 2021

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Priority 1 message from Starfleet coming in on Secured Channel. Hey friends of Disodo. Before today's episode, we just wanted to take a moment to talk about the historic labor actions being taken by writers and actors in the American Film and Television industry. If you're a fan of the work done by the people who make Star Trek, we hope you'll join us in standing in solidarity with the folks who actually bring these adventures to life. Over the past several years, the AMPTP, the organization that represents the American Film and Television Production Studios, have reduced the profit from movies and TV going to workers. And in so doing,
Starting point is 00:00:35 they've attempted to weaken the labor unions that represent those workers. They wouldn't even engage the unions on many issues in their negotiations. And so a strike was the only course of action to take. Adam, Wendy and I have been having a lot of internal discussions about how best to stand with the unions and we are continuing those conversations in a dynamic situation. We're doing our best to understand where the picket lines are in these digital spaces,
Starting point is 00:01:01 and we would never intentionally cross one. With the information we have, we feel like we can do more good talking about and supporting the strike and continuing our show as planned. We'll keep you informed about what all this means for greatest trek specifically. Today we're making a contribution to the Entertainment Community Fund. This fund exists to help all the people whose livelihoods have been put on hold because the AMPTP refuses to negotiate
Starting point is 00:01:25 in good faith with the unions. It provides financial support for writers, actors, and all the thousands of laborers who make the shows that we talk about here and without whom we wouldn't have Star Trek to cast pot about. Those folks are all out of work because billionaires, company shareholders, and the executives of these companies don't want to compromise on the length of their yachts. We hope you'll join us in supporting entertainment workers in a challenging time, especially after they've already endured several years of challenges brought on by the pandemic
Starting point is 00:01:55 and season two of Star Trek Picard. We've set up a page where you can also contribute. It's at That's That's Link in the episode description. Okay, now let's get on with the show. Welcome to the greatest generation, Deep Space Nine. It's a Star Trek podcast by a couple of guys who are a little bit embarrassed to have a Star Trek podcast. I'm Ben Harrison.
Starting point is 00:02:39 I'm Adam Pranica. Adam, we are here at the penultimate episode of Deep Space 9. The series that was pretty much new to you and a lot new to me as well. Oh yeah. I mean, I've watched all of it, but I didn't retain it the way I retained TNG. So this wasn't your SNL. Yeah, Chris Katan was nowhere to be found here and therefore. You imagine Dr. Bashir as played by Chris Catan?
Starting point is 00:03:12 It would have been amazing. Yeah, you would have messily chewed up a lot more apples. I'll tell you that much. Yeah, but I thought maybe a fun way to celebrate nearing the end here would be to for me to quiz you on some general deep space nine knowledge. And I found a quiz on I have no idea how long this quiz is. So maybe we'll, we may punch out before we reach the end of it, depending on how much clock we've eaten up. I can play him Chuck for me failing miserably at this. Yeah, I think that's only fair Adam. I'm sure he had his hands all over the creation of this quiz.
Starting point is 00:03:55 You know who I can rightly play him is you for quizzing me on a show that we've been doing at the end of it. I didn't know that was the deal I'd signed up for Well, we could do it together. I mean, I think that the way this website is set up I don't see answers here so I could We could like talk through these and answer them together and I'm sure we'll get some of these things wrong Oh, yeah, I'm looking forward to that. Okay Oh yeah, I'm looking forward to that. Okay. Well, here's our first question Adam. What year did the show debut?
Starting point is 00:04:31 1989, 1991, or 1993? Well, 89 was when TNG premiered, right? So it can't be that. Yeah, it cannot be that. I think I'd vote for the latest one. I think I'd vote for 93. Even that sounds early though. Yeah, it's crazy to think that it's 93, but it is. I still don't believe it. I think that was as wrong.
Starting point is 00:04:56 Well, people, I'm sure we'll tell us if something about this quiz is wrong. All right, next question. Deep Space Nine aired during the same time period as what other space-themed show? Star Trek Voyager, Star Trek the next generation, or Battle Star Galactica. I mean, aren't all these answers correct?
Starting point is 00:05:20 I think it definitely overlapped with TNG and Voyager. So this quiz is already seeming a little bit sus to me. I think that reboot of Battlestar Galactica maybe came a little later. Hmm. Well, I've clicked on Star Trek the next generation and that seems to be the only correct answer. Oh, wow, what the hell?
Starting point is 00:05:49 Oh, here's a question. Which character was originally slated to be Cisco's second and command? So this is this is a little fantasy casting, fantasy writing. Here answers possible are Ezri Dax, Wurf and Row Laren. Rosary Dax, Wurf and Row Laren. Oh, I do remember that Row Laren was maybe supposed to, and then Michelle Forbes took a role on a different show. Right. I mean, how differently would this series have been with a Row Laren as number one? Yeah. Hard to picture.
Starting point is 00:06:22 I wonder if they would have kept her in the Starfleet uniform in that context if it had been Lieutenant Row as the second in command. Both of us are correct. The answer is Row Laren. I do remember reading that bit of trivia early on in the series. Michelle Forbes went on to make a different career choice. She was in a weird Bayou vampire show for a number of years. Wow, and fun. She was great on that. She's a she's a great actor. I'm a big fan. How about this one, Adam? Before Deep Space 9, Avery Brooks played a character on which show? Baywatch, Spencer for Higher, or Magnum PI. God, many years ago, my wife and I took a trip, and I think for weather reasons,
Starting point is 00:07:14 we were just kind of trapped in our room. And a reliably great source of entertainment is going to be whatever channel it is that plays Baywatch 24 hours. And who watched Baywatch? I swear for an entire day. Just nothing but Baywatch.
Starting point is 00:07:34 And I don't believe I've seen a single episode of that program. It is so much fun. Wow. If you're in the right frame of mind to just To just turn it off completely turn off your brains That's and and just plug in to the Baywatch It's it's fantastic What I'm trying to say Ben is that when you watch that much Baywatch in a single day You will have noticed an Avery Brooks. We're there to be one on the show
Starting point is 00:08:03 And I'm telling you I did not see in Avery Brooks during that full day rewatch. So I'm going to eliminate Baywatch from contention and say instead, Agnum PI. The correct answer was Spencer Cullen for higher. I've never seen a second of that show. This may be the first time even hearing of that show. I mean, I knew that Avery Brooks had like other big credits before DS9. Here's actually a kind of related question, though, which actor was originally tabbed as playing Commander Cisco?
Starting point is 00:08:39 Was it Alexander Sidig, Wesley Snipes, or Avery Brooks. The fact that Avery Brooks is in there as one of the options is a little bit weird. God, a Wesley Snipes is Captain Cisco, brings a totally different energy to the thing. You have a flavor of that. I wonder what that would have been like. I'm gonna make that my answer.
Starting point is 00:09:02 Was it ever Wesley Snipes? It is not correct. It was in fact Alexander Siddick, he was originally slated to be Commander Cisco. I wonder what that's like to be up for the main character to not get the main character and remain on the project for seven years. Every day you show up wondering what could have been like like our understanding is that the cast got along fine. There was no drama around that bit of business, but like these are also human beings. Right.
Starting point is 00:09:46 It would have been quite natural for Alexander Siddig to to daydream about that some days, right? Totally. I mean, acting is such a such a strange job when it comes to issues of ego because it can inflate your ego more than almost any other job and also crush your ego, more than almost any other job. And like, when you're an actor getting a series regular role, especially on Star Trek, which kind of becomes almost an annuity because you can rely on making a living going to conventions and stuff after you've been in Star Trek. Like the answer to do you want to take a role
Starting point is 00:10:29 on Star Trek is yes. You know. It's a good business move, yeah. Yeah, but boy, it also must be a little bit crushing. I mean, who knows, man. Why does a person choose to become an actor? I've got to believe that some portion of them must want to be a star. You know, like there's craft reasons, of course.
Starting point is 00:10:54 There's a number of other reasons, but you can't tell me that an actor doesn't have that place inside them that doesn't ache for above the title, this, you know? Yeah, there is a conceit that motivates every creative pursuit. You have to believe that you have something to contribute and that people will like the thing that you do in order to like get off the couch and do it, except for in our case, which is making a Star Trek podcast, which we never wanted anyone to listen to.
Starting point is 00:11:29 We never wanted anyone to listen to it. We never wanted to do it. Here we are. Episode 350 out of. Is it really? Here is one that I had never heard anything different than Space Station before, but what was the original setting for the show? A desert, a mountainside, or a remote farming community? Oh God, all of these ideas are terrible.
Starting point is 00:11:58 I know. Yeah, I really look forward to this this Friday's episode of Star Trek farm Man if it had been a mountainside and they just had the fucking foam rocks the whole time like everything was Star Trek caves 100% of the time. I mean I could sort of see the idea of it being like the idea of it being like monastic, bejorin temple built into a rock face as its primary setting. Like I could get that as related to what we actually did get, but boy, none of
Starting point is 00:12:36 those three ideas have any curb appeal at all to, as a pitch would go, you know? Yeah, yeah. Star Trek 5's desert setting is like the one thing I could think of in universe that would be kind of interesting. Yeah. But like, even that, like when they had the budget
Starting point is 00:12:54 and resources of a feature film to throw at a desert setting, they did kind of a crappy job. You read about how much of a struggle it was for the cast and crew to do the remotes that they did for DS9 and frequently the stories they told where they were the most miserable were in those desert environments. Yeah, shooting in a desert is really hard. A DPA used to work with that was a, he would go to Burning Man and shoot video there.
Starting point is 00:13:25 And when he'd come back, like his equipment was destroyed. Like the desert destroys film equipment. I have never shot in the desert, but I've shot many times in sub-freezing temperatures. And while miserable, I would take that 10 out of 10 times over desert. Well, what's your guess? Desert, mountain, or farm.
Starting point is 00:13:48 I think we've made a strong case for desert, so I'm going to go with desert here. Correct! They decided that it was cheaper to film in a space station instead. Is the little thing you get when you... They're not wrong about that. See that it was a correct answer. Ben, what is the photon torpedo capacity of deep space nine? If you were to guess, is it 500, 5000 or 10,000?
Starting point is 00:14:19 Asking this question, I want you to consider the total population of DS9, because I think these numbers are related. Yeah, you need a torpedo for everybody, right? Yeah, it's so I mean I think I'm in I guess 5,000 because I think that the population of the station is around that, right? Ben you are correct. So it is 5,000 and yet the 5,000 number as the population for the station 5,000 number as the population for the station doesn't seem right, but there is a question in a set of answers that gets to the heart of that matter, Ben, how many people inhabit the station? Your possible answers are 300, 700, or 1200.
Starting point is 00:14:59 Oh, wow. I think this number changes a lot over the course of the series because at the beginning it's a bit of a ghost town and it's like more and more populated. I'm going to say 1200 is what they are going to have as the answer here. 300 is in fact deep space 9's population. Man, that's smaller than the population of shits Creek. That seems less plausible than the number of torpedoes question and answer.
Starting point is 00:15:32 You know, yeah, yeah, where do they get this information? I don't know. If I were to grade our score here, Ben, I think we got a solid C on our exam. I think what's going to happen at the end of our greatest generation series on Deep Space Nine is we're going to be given a passing grade, definitely not honors, and then we will be able to graduate to Star Trek Voyager. Yeah. I mean, no one's going to be proud of how we've conducted ourselves. The teachers are going to be relieved that we're moving on.
Starting point is 00:16:07 We might get into like one of our backup Star Trek colleges, but we probably have to transfer in as a sophomore if we want to go to our first choice. For financial reasons alone, I think we're going to be happy that we ended up in a smaller community college environment. All right, Adam. Now that we're saving all this money, do you want to get into the episode that we came here to talk about today? Now I'm ready to spend all this capital on what you've called the penultimate episode of Deep Space Nine and our 350th episode of the greatest generation. Congratulations. Yeah, congrats, dude.
Starting point is 00:16:51 We made it. We hear. It's Star Trek Deep Space Nine Season 7 episode 24. Dogs of War. Part 8. Do you realize how incredible this is? No, of course you don't. And I don't know where we are when this episode begins.
Starting point is 00:17:12 I've never seen this place before. At least I can't remember seeing it in the last several months. I'm being told that it's Ops. Ops, it's like the bridge, but for not a spaceship. They left one of the plastic covers on one of the chairs. It's been in storage so long. Yeah, yeah. The producers found the set and dumpsters outside the studio and were like,
Starting point is 00:17:38 Hey, you know what this is? This is a set from Star Trek Deep Space 9, one of the earlier seasons. Cramer got it and set it up in his apartment, and now he's shooting fan fiction there. That's why Ezri and Dr. Bersier are smoking cigars when we catch up with them. They are both super awk with each other still, trying to make small talk about Odo,
Starting point is 00:18:03 who was getting discharged from the infirmary soon. Discharge is a bit of an ineligent term when talking about Odo, a man who could literally flow through the end of a syringe or whatever. When you're a doctor making a prescription or a diagnosis, you definitely want to choose your words carefully around him. Yeah, but doing much better, great news. He's interested, she's interested. What's the problem?
Starting point is 00:18:33 O'Brien and War for kinda doing a statler and Waldorf of their awkward encounter on Ops, which is a lot of fun. Yeah, I like this establishing shot. There's like a lot of fun. Yeah. I like this establishing shot. There's like a lot of camera movement. Like a guy beams into frame in the middle of this one. And you know, the camera's not locked off. It was, I don't think that you get to see that very often
Starting point is 00:18:57 in Star Trek. That's kind of a hard effect to achieve in this era of television. It's a really dynamic bit of business here. This is an Avery Brooks episode. So he's moving the camera around. Big delivery shows up at DS9 here. They take delivery of the USS Sao Paulo,
Starting point is 00:19:20 USS Sao Paulo, which is a defiant class starship to replace the little D. Yeah. It's almost exactly the same. You know, if the lights were out, I doubt you could tell the difference. And so much so that they like even want to change the name just so they don't slip up when the lights are out, right? Yeah, that would be embarrassing. You don't want to scream out the name defiant when you're at the helm of the South Paulo, because the South Paulo will not put up with that type lights are out, right? Yeah, that would be embarrassing. You don't wanna scream out the name defiant when you're at the helm of the South Paolo because the South Paolo will not put up
Starting point is 00:19:49 with that type of shit. They're very subtle differences between the two ships. Like the configuration of the bridge seems a little different. Yeah. The carpet is different. I hate the carpet. Be sure just hates the carpet because there is carpet, I bet.
Starting point is 00:20:03 Mm-hmm. All that fresh scotch guards, Not going to be very absorbent. Yeah. I wonder if a new ship has a new ship smell, you know, the way anything that's just been offer production line does. That has to be one of the qualities, right? Whenever a bunch of people inhabit a space, I mean, they give it a smell. They imbue it. Yeah. The carpet has got to be off-gassing still. It's got to have that, like, formaldehyde factory smell. The bronze plaque with the name of the ship in the corner probably smells like a metallurgical factory. You know, lower decks was so interested in questions like these when it was new ship time.
Starting point is 00:20:48 I'm thinking of that scene where they're pulling off the plastic film where no one's allowed to wear shoes on the bridge. Yeah, yeah. You ship. Like, that's all great stuff. I wish there was more of that at Deep Space Nine. Captain Sisko is not interested in keeping it brand new. He seems like the type of guy who takes his action figures
Starting point is 00:21:07 out of the box, you know? Yeah, he writes his name in the inside cover immediately, immediately upon receiving it from Admiral Belt Buckle. And yeah, we get some business about how the ship is set up. It's hardened against that green weapon that fucked them up last time. So that's a huge relief. I really like how we cut back and forth in these initial scenes between the feeling of accepting a new ship and its command and the situation on the tick,
Starting point is 00:21:40 where our resistance fighters are. They've approached Cardacia, and they're thinking they're there to meet up with a half a million troops who are down for the cause. And they're so confident about what's waiting for them that they leave poor Cessgol in command, and be modern down. The resistance is about to get a big boost.
Starting point is 00:22:05 And when they materialize in the Star Trek caves that they're going to be meeting their goals and legates in, they realize that this is all been a trap. It's been a setup and they got fucked. But the name Cescal for that guy, they left up in orbit, really confused me because Kira keeps radioing up to him, but with like in a whisper. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:31 Kira to Cescal, get us out of here. Cescal when you're whispering it sounds a lot like Cisco, which is somebody she also radios a lot. And I was like, why does she keep saying Cisco and who is this man that is answering that has girders falling down all around him? What it sounds like, that sounds like... We know that Garrick is with Kira and Demar down in the caves, but when they cut back up to the tick, Cescal, when the girders are raining down and the sparks are flying and he's screaming,
Starting point is 00:23:01 Cescal looks so much like like Garyctomy in those scenes that this was confusing. Yeah, it was confusing, it was confusing in two different ways. I had the same thought. It's a character that could have used like an establishment in a previous episode so that this wouldn't be, this wouldn't bump us.
Starting point is 00:23:20 That quality do a horror movie where you've gone and hidden a closet and you're looking through the slats and you're watching the monster lay waste to your friends. That's what's happening here on the cliffside above. The resistance is watching mop up duty happen to the people that they were there to meet. And the gem had are have just laid waste to their allies down there. And they're talking amongst each other about how successful they've been pretty much across the board. Like this isn't the only instance of this mopping happening.
Starting point is 00:23:57 There's been a lot of putting them up into the squeegee and bucket and then dragging it through some other resistance fighters. And then you wanna fill up that bucket with some warm soapy water for the amount of work that they're doing here. Sooner or later, the water starts to show the evidence of how much muck you're getting off the floor. And you're like, this can't be helping at this point
Starting point is 00:24:25 but they keep going. The gymma are just spreading it around at the moment. This is a pretty scary situation. They're basically stranded on the surface of Cardassia Prime with nothing in orbit to rescue them. Yeah, RSVP Cezcal. Yeah, and RSVP the resistance. Gold to cotton, the cup, gold to cotton.
Starting point is 00:24:50 So, in the caves, they've got to act quickly because it's a real aliens moment of watching so many asses get kicked and having to figure out very quickly what do we do now? Where's the real pretty shant now, man? And Garrick quickly thinks of Meela, his old housekeeper and secret keeper, thinking that they should probably head for the Capitol
Starting point is 00:25:16 and to her in order to get some cover. The housekeeper, Meela, has not been keeping much house, at least here in the basement that she's going to hide them in. This is a very, a very dank, smoked out space with lots of like, like they do that like super like 90s action movie thing of having really hard light going through the fog that they have put fan blades in front of so that it's like constantly flickering. Right.
Starting point is 00:25:49 I mean, when you see the square footage to the basement, my imagination really took off about the above ground portion of this home must be polatial, right? Yeah, it's gotta be real nice digs. Is this the same house that we visited when Garek had his big confrontation with Anabrontane, the head of the Obsidian Order? Oh yeah, that would make sense.
Starting point is 00:26:13 Is this Casa Detain? It's neither the basement nor the attic. Yeah, it's the cellar. It's a slang term for the cellar. Right. Yeah, so they're seller. It's a slang term for the seller. Right. Yeah, so they're gonna hunker down here, see if they can get in touch with people. Like they need comms, they need food,
Starting point is 00:26:33 me look quickly, kind of downplays, how good the food she'll be able to get them is. I was never much of a cook, but I knew how to keep secret. Yeah, she better be careful on those stairs. Yeah. I worry about her. Those chain guardrails seem like not great
Starting point is 00:26:50 for an older lady. Yeah. You can get a finger stuck in one of those and then you're in trouble. Pinch is so bad. So it seems as though this will be their safe house as long as they agree to clean it up. And this launches a really fun kind of summer movie
Starting point is 00:27:08 montage where you know they break out the buckets and the scrubby clothes to wear during the cleanup process. And there's that scene where like Kira is painting a wall and then she brushes garricks nose with a paint brush. It's a lot of fun. Yeah. It seems like a real drag until they see the pool and then the whole thing turns around. Yeah. By the end of it everyone feels a lot better about a job well done. And they've forgotten for just a little while.
Starting point is 00:27:43 They're impending deaths. Back on the station, Bashir has his end of hospitalization debrief with Odo, who is given a clean bill of health that put back on the active duty roster. He has some pretty heavy news to lay on Odo and I kind of thought that the heavy news was going to be we've lost we've lost touch with Kira her life is in danger. She is presumed dead or missing on Cardassia Prime, but she does not tell Odo about that in the scene now. Instead he tells him about how Section 31 attempted to commit xenocide by infecting Odo and thence the founders with this founder disease. And I was really, I thought Odo
Starting point is 00:28:39 knew that already. Yeah, this comes as a surprise to him and he is pissed at being used. I kept wondering why he wasn't more pissed and this explains it. He didn't know. He didn't have this piece of information. He's pissed for a couple reasons. One, at being used by the Federation. And B, that Bashir, as a matter of policy, has made Odo sit in a wheelchair to be discharged from the infirmary. Making... I can walk out myself.
Starting point is 00:29:09 This is totally unnecessary. It's a liability reason. Why are you wasting this orderlies time pushing me around? It's so silly. I could be a wheelchair if I need to. Yeah. Kind of an ugly scene between the two of them.
Starting point is 00:29:24 After all Bashir did for Odo. Yeah, ungrateful. Yeah. He's an ungrateful changeling. There's an elegant cut between this argument between Odo and Bashir and Odo and Cisco, because Cisco tells Odo that they can't share the cure with the founders, no matter how much Odo wants them to do that, as long as they're still at war.
Starting point is 00:29:51 I wanted a little bit more about this Federation Council decision because it seems like this has been decided at the highest level of government and that Cisco considers it a great injustice. But it seemed to me that this cure is leverage. You know, whether or not it's good that Section 31 did it, which I think everybody that we like on the show agrees it's not. They do actually have something they can offer the founders to back off and go back to
Starting point is 00:30:24 the G-Quad and stop bothering everyone. The thing on my mind in this scene is exactly what Cappensisco interrogates, which is we don't need you going off on your own and giving them the cure to this or involving yourself in this matter in any way. No one can afford for him to go rogoto. And he agrees not to, but like... Like, I reserve the right to be surprised if Odo doesn't go rogue, but like, you can't, you can't be like, Captain, I'm leaving and the cures inside me. You know?
Starting point is 00:31:08 I'm imagining him belly flopping into the golden lake with the cure and curing everyone and that being what happens in the final episode of Deep Space Nine. You think it's belly flop? I would probably do like can opener personally. Yeah. Well, I mean, what's sad about can opener is that is that the the spray back that hits the rocks on shore like that's that part's not going to be cured. Right. That part dies. It was like 50 people. Oh, come on. You
Starting point is 00:31:38 had your chance. I went for the bit not for the smallest sploosh. Odo is fine agreeing to Cisco's terms, but he definitely has the last word on his way out the door. And this, this is, I think, the last we see of Odo in this episode, is it? Yeah, I was trying to just organize my thoughts about this episode, like, what's the A story, what's the B story, and it, like, there are so many little threads in this episode that it's really hard to even think about it in those terms. And this is one example of that where it's just kind of like, Hey, here's the story element that will be important later, but we are not going to even
Starting point is 00:32:24 attempt to drive this plot any further than we already have. Right, we've got to make room for the Quark storyline. Right, and this is like a Quark storyline in the grand tradition of very silly Quark storyline. I had wondered if this kind of thing was behind us. You know, like we're very intentionally wrapping up our character stories as we go through this several part ending to the series.
Starting point is 00:32:59 Why wouldn't Quark get his ending? He's a main character on the show. Yeah. Why was I surprised? I'm an idiot. Well, he's also just kind of not been top of mind because he's been missing from some of these episodes, if not entirely, then almost entirely. And when he gets a foreground storyline, they tend to be kind of goofy. So this one is, you know, it starts with him
Starting point is 00:33:26 in the bar and, uh, Rahm is, uh, encouraging, uh, Lita and another dog, ogrel to, uh, make the case to quirk that he shouldn't be garnishing his, their tips quite as badly as he is. And, uh, he can't answer to this very legitimate employee complaint because he gets called away by a FaceTime from the grand negus. Are there subneguses or like there's somebody that's just like regional negus. It would seem like for all the time we've spent on foreignganar that we know a little bit more about how their government operates. That seems like a moving target, especially in this episode. Yeah, Grand Naga's is jangly keys to us.
Starting point is 00:34:17 Yeah, so this FaceTime is one of those ones that I always get from my parents where they keep walking away from their Wi-Fi hotspot or they can't figure out how to frame themselves up in the camera, because it's too small and they just don't pay attention to that part of the screen. If only the show knew what life was like for us right now. They could have really leaned into that terrible camera angle. When I was really sick a few weeks ago, I had like a telemedicine appointment with a doctor
Starting point is 00:34:53 who I literally looked at like the top two inches of her forehead the entire time. Come on. I mean, I guess I don't need to see your face because I'm just telling you I'm like sick and bad and like telling you a couple of symptoms and you can you can tell me what to do. It doesn't inspire a lot of confidence. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:35:15 There's a, there's a competence issue here. So the negus has got news, but the line has a bunch of static. Right. And this is explained. We get bits and pieces of this, but it seems that Farringunar has some sort of acid rain problem. So presumably the negus is retiring in disgrace because he has destroyed the ecology of his planet and his petty way of ruling and his nationalism over all other considerations just didn't work for the people of Friangano. Because Zach only knows a handful of people anywhere, he chooses a successor that the viewer recognizes and for the moment that is quark. And he is taking this like it's good news that I had expected there to be some equivocation
Starting point is 00:36:17 about his feelings on the matter, but he is psyched. Something like a, oh no, Zach, fool me once, shame on you. It blew me we can't get fooled again. Would have read a little bit more authentic here to me. Right. Because we've had this storyline before. Quark totally thought he was going to become the negas. He thought he was the negas.
Starting point is 00:36:37 Right. But no, he's just excited. And Zach is on his way to make the announcement. So he's really looking forward to that. For all we learn about for Rangie government throughout this episode, I'm shocked that that a head of state just hand selects their successor.
Starting point is 00:36:55 Like that that's how it works. We understand that there's a Congress and there are and there are voters and stuff. But, but yeah, just imagine if the line of succession was that intentional. Yeah. What a nightmare. It seems like maybe that makes sense for how it used to work, but not how it would work
Starting point is 00:37:16 now. Right. You've got to reverse back to my dead state school. I don't use the bucket anymore. We've got to cut back to the repel mat where Bashir and Ezri literally bump into each other. He almost knocks her apple wedges and cottage cheese off of her tray. They're just so awkward about this, it's so cute.
Starting point is 00:37:45 Do you care about this? Like, since your question, do you care about the Bashir and Ezri relationship? I kinda do because, well, Bashir was a real turnoff to me as a character early on in this show. Pretty pervy. I think that they kind of revised enough that he became
Starting point is 00:38:08 a guy that I care about and that I feel like to leave Beshear as unlucky and love as La Forge was in TNG would have been a real like repeat offense. And disservice to the character. I wish that Star Trek was better at, you know, while they're putting so much effort in infinite diversity and infinite combinations, that it also made it a little more okay to be alone, you know? Like I care about Bashir a great deal and I like Ezri a lot, but it feels like, it feels like we don't have enough time
Starting point is 00:38:53 to care about them together or care about why they should be together in a way that if you're given this much time to conclude their stories, might be better spent making the case for them being okay, not together, being just fine, even. Yeah, there is a fairly unconvincing head fate at that in this storyline in this episode,
Starting point is 00:39:15 which is that they kind of start to express themselves and the fact that they both sort of sweat the other. And then do that thing where they sort of back off the precipice and saying, well, we don't want to ruin, we don't want to risk jeopardizing the friendship. That's a real thing, you know. I had a crush on my wife the second I met her, but I was also like, homies with her for a while before we were an item and being homies with her was great. So I didn't necessarily, you know, I definitely questioned whether, whether I could like potentially lose a friendship over making a move.
Starting point is 00:40:06 I really like how this scene is blocked because these are two characters who begin in close proximity and then end the scene not only further apart but with something between them. Like they're in what looks to be a storefront of some kind. It's the Clairs of Deep Space Nine. Right. There's an alien preteen in there getting one of their 14 years pierced. It's a real thing. It takes a lot of time.
Starting point is 00:40:38 Yeah, you're right. The blocking is really nice. And the performances are nice too. Like I think they like end it with a handshake and like they are gassing themselves up for this is great. Like we're gonna save the friendship by not trying to date each other and both putting a brave face on that. But we see through it. Being a director isn't just about motivating your actors and getting them to say their lines right.
Starting point is 00:41:13 A big part of it is walking them through the scene physically from one to two. And making all of this work, it's not just a name and a big title. Like, this is the work you do. And I think every Brooks does a good job here in some of these settled use. Yeah, totally agree. Speaking of walking one to two, Brunt hits his one at the entrance to Quarx Bar, and his two licking the bottom of Quark's shoe.
Starting point is 00:41:47 Right. In the next scene, it's a room full of people drooling over how rich and powerful Quark is about to become really counting those chickens before they hatch. There's some real, my friend won the lottery vibes to this scene, right? Yeah. Which really makes people miserable from what I understand. Yeah, the misery has not yet begun for Quark.
Starting point is 00:42:12 He's imagining the composition of the pipes, his shit is going to flow through and then on to distant future. It's big, big fun. Seeing Jeffrey Combs go double duty here with Brunt and Wayune in an episode like this. Yeah. And there's a physicality to Brunt that I really appreciated in this episode, maybe more than any other. Like he seems to be a character that is aware of the frame that he is inside on TV even.
Starting point is 00:42:47 Like, there are moments in this episode where he enters the frame, almost knowing that, like, from several different directions. It's big fun. He is here to curry favor with the man who would be king. He's sort of believe it, right? Like, like, Brent has always been much more about power than like following the rules or any of the other things that he sort of drapes himself in. So if he can like get his his way back into Quark's graces, then he has ensured his proximity to that power. You get to believe that the powerful boots are the tasty of straight. They're gonna be the least covered in shit.
Starting point is 00:43:31 Yeah. Quark's been walking around behind like an active service bar, you know? Like lots of stuff is spilling on the floor back there. His boots are powerful yet. Right. It's gotta be nasty. On Cardassia, we finally get a shot
Starting point is 00:43:44 that I think we've been missing for quite a while, the video billboard. Yeah. Outside their government building where Wayun has become a special correspondent for Cardassia News, where those watching have entered a no spin zone about the events of the day before. This is a really fun video package here, like a pre-produced video package, nice use of B-roll. Yeah. Nicely done. Like two Jeffrey Combs scenes directly abutting each other, two really different characters, and a really scary announcement. Like
Starting point is 00:44:18 this is, this is way you getting on like a simul cast across all the networks to announce that the karete sian rebellion has been totally crushed yeah all 18 bases gone debars men are no more and and he also claims that tomorrow is no more sometimes this effect is intentional in a in a clumps kind of way like look at all the things that Eddie Murphy can do you know sitting at the same table as himself and and other times I feel like a show or a movie would obscure the idea of an actor playing a couple of parts and would be very reluctant to but scenes of the same
Starting point is 00:45:02 actor playing different characters together. But I think this is an example of just the great amount of confidence the show has in a Jeffrey Comes. And really, the greatness of him and his actor is being able to pull this off and know for certain that you can get away with it. And it's not going to be a distraction. He is playing two very different characters and you wouldn't really even know if you weren't looking at the credits.
Starting point is 00:45:30 I wonder if they like just ran an experiment by like cutting a couple of scenes with him as these two characters together in an edit bay and just like watching them back to back to see how it felt. Well, I think it's very intentional that they didn't cut from ECU to ECU. They cut from brunch to weigh you in a box in the corner of the screen, and then they sort of move the camera toward it in a way that I think is for that reason. Yeah. I like how all Cardassian TVs look exactly the same from the view screen in ops
Starting point is 00:46:04 to the one on the side of the building to the little one in the cellar that Kira and Dombar and Garek are watching they're all identical just different scales. Yeah, someone won the TV wars on Cardassia. And now RCA is all you can get. I'm a Ray. Come to a Ford. I'm a Ray. Come to a Ford. What are you doing?
Starting point is 00:46:28 Come to a Ford. What are you doing? Come to a Ford. Come to a Ford. I'm a Ray. Come to a Ford. I'm a Ray. I'm a Ray.
Starting point is 00:46:37 I'm a Ray. I'm a Ray. I'm a Ray. I'm a Ray. I'm a Ray. I'm a Ray. I'm a Ray. I'm a Ray. I'm a Ray. I'm a Ray. I'm a Ray. I like a grape. The three people in the cellar of like totally demoralized around this the sex
Starting point is 00:46:47 I love the conflict set up immediately which is like Dimars in credulity versus Kira's focus on what's next, you know Kira is all about we got to get out of here She attempts to rally the troops behind her, but it seems like Garrick and Demar are pretty deflated by this. Like, I'm sure a lot of people with roommates realized at the beginning of the lockdown, like, oh my god, I'm stuck with these idiots indoors for an undetermined amount of time. Like, that's what, I think, I feel like that's what's motivating Kira here is like, I can't believe I'm going to fucking be stuck to the end of this war with Demar and Garrick of all people.
Starting point is 00:47:32 If Kira wants the dishes done, she's going to have to do them herself, unfortunately. Yeah, everything in the fridge that she bought, she has to tape shut and write her name all over. None of this is Miele's problem, though Miele does have an interesting bit of trivia here, which is that the prevailing public opinion above ground is that Tamara's still alive. Nobody buys this filthy propaganda being spread by way you. But you get a wonder about, right, like living in a super repressive society, how much, like everything is called into question.
Starting point is 00:48:09 When reality is that distorted? When you can't agree on what the truth is. Yeah. Yeah. I wonder what that's like. Hmm. Hard to imagine. Hard to know who's got it worse.
Starting point is 00:48:21 Those in the basement or, or brunt giving quark pedicure. And then and then giving him a tax form for his records. This is emblematic of just how much things have changed on Ferengenar and it is in a front. The episode's directed by by Avery Brooks, but this one scene directed by Quentin Tarantino. Oh yeah. It puts the feet in the foreground. And directors by and large are the most but ugly, motley group at Geeks found this side of a
Starting point is 00:48:51 Star Trek invention. It seems like Quark has been kind of focused on other aspects of the news, namely the war that is happening directly outside of his bar. much more so than the economic and political reforms that the Nages has been promulgating on Frank and I. Right. Because he's been doing a lot of reforms. Like you said, there's now, there's now like a legislative body to serve as a check on the executive branch. And I'm not talking about the kind of check you get paid with that.
Starting point is 00:49:24 No, we wouldn't know anything about that. There's a series of bullet points that just offends Quark's very nature as a, as a forangi. Yeah. It's like giving him a physical reaction. Yeah. And it's, and it's kind of a retread of previous quark conflicts where, you know, his mom has gotten the negis to consider allowing women to earn profit.
Starting point is 00:49:52 And quark is, you know, conservative minded that he can't, he can't get with that initially and has to be talked off a ledge. I wish that this quark storyline had been a more original one. It just kind of felt like a rinse repeat of two previous Quark-centric episodes. And it also didn't, it didn't ring true. Like in this scene, I'm sitting here going like, I don't remember what happens at the end of this episode. I don't, like, I don't think Quark becomes the grand negative for an hour by the end of this episode, I don't think Quark becomes the grand negus of Ferengenar by the end of Deep Space 9, but it does, it strains credulity that the Vegas having gone out of his way to like completely reform Ferengi society would then appoint as his heir the most hardline for Angi on the show that isn't brunt.
Starting point is 00:50:46 It'd be like if the cool pope retired and left Benedict in charge again. What are you talking about? This is an episode that made me think a lot about how you possibly tie up a character like Quarks. Do you, is your goal redemption for his character? Is it too late for that? Do you, do you want to see him reduced? By the end, it's a hard question to answer. Right, because the utility of Quark as a character has been like deal weapons of mass destruction to terrible people guy and also like, like he came through in a pinch and got us out of jail or something.
Starting point is 00:51:27 Right. So I think that they kind of had an impossible problem here. There's not really a way to, and maybe it's sort of the same issue with Bashir's romance with Ezri. Like Bashir kind of changed, they changed what Bashir was so many times that it's like hard to wrap it up in a way that feels really authentic.
Starting point is 00:51:49 Right. One character we've never questioned the authenticity of is the change leader. She stayed true to form the entire time in a manner of speaking. Wei Yun is in her office to introduce Legit Broca, who's going to be the new head of the Cardassian part of the Dominion. Yeah. This guy is a real boot clicker. Comes in and Salutes, he seems very happy to be in the part of the of the pecking order that he is under the brine and under the vorta. And his boot clicking like impresses
Starting point is 00:52:32 change leader, not at all. Your service is noted. You didn't think of for a service as whole. Very interesting bit of business here is that change leader is changing strategy. As change leaders often do, she wants the dominion to fall back to Cardassian space because of the solution that their opponents have found to the brain energy weapon technology. The thinking is that they're going to use this time after falling back to make more gem-hidard troops.
Starting point is 00:53:07 I was amazed that this was a totally unprecedented thing in the military, the 10,000-year military history of the dominion. They have never retreated before this. They really, like, mathematically, it makes that a little more clear than it's ever been. The success of the Federation, Klingon, Romulan alliance, to the extent that they need more bodies. They're chewing up so many bodies that they can't make them fast enough over there on the dominion side. It's pretty wild.
Starting point is 00:53:40 Who's making them faster, Ben? The Dominion or the Klingons Federation in Romulans, everyone's reproducing. War makes everyone horny. Yeah. You know Including the factories where they make the Geminar. That's what horny factory Adam. It's true. Oh I had a question about this scene. They introduced one of the brains as thought prawn. In a previous episode, we met thought pran, but two different thoughts. Two different thoughts at the same time. Yeah. Heart to hold two different thoughts at the same time. Let's say that's how you get cognitive dissonance.
Starting point is 00:54:23 So it makes change leader the leader. Yeah. She can do that. The sign of intelligence. Morning, morning, morning, stay sweet, morning, morning, morning. In here, buddy, morning, stop, have a time. If Quark is going to be the new Negas,
Starting point is 00:54:40 the business about the bar is gonna have to be concluded. Does he get to be the bar owner anymore? I don't know, but Rob sees this as an opportunity and I love this from Rob. Rob, the village idiot for so long, actually doing a shrewd bit of business here in taking advantage of Quarx distraction, getting him to sell the bar to him for a very good price.
Starting point is 00:55:09 And no haggling, even. It's a moment that is an example of the infection that Quark has described occurring all over Ferenganar. He thinks he's got it, this illness. Just as bad as the flakiness that's affecting all the founders, right? It's everywhere. And who knows where the cure even comes from. Was Section 31 behind it?
Starting point is 00:55:32 Did Section 31 clandestinely sneak into Firingy Society and suggest a bunch of liberalizing policy initiatives? Who knows? Only Sloan, and he took those secrets to his grave. Empathy, such a virus. Empathy, pass it on. Yeah. Quark has decided he's going to turn down the job unless there are rollbacks to all of these progressive policies.
Starting point is 00:55:58 Yeah. If elected, he will not serve. I didn't really know why ROM wanted the bar though. It's never felt to me, or I mean, it hasn't, the past felt to me plausible that ROM wanted it, but I feel like ROM has really moved on and put some respect on his name by becoming a talented
Starting point is 00:56:19 and good shift-happing engineer. Yeah, doesn't he have a job? You know what I bet he wants to get out of that business with all the shit that's rolled down hill off of O'Brien onto him, you know? Yeah, this is another example of why we needed a couple of cutaways to ROM just like in a total panic over his workload because O'Brien has spent
Starting point is 00:56:44 the last several episodes just hanging around the infirmary. I think this is asked and answered now. Like we know why Ram is doing this. Yeah, we did the math. I love that we get to see the streets of Cardassia. Yeah, did this set look so much like the Romulus set from reunification though? Really did. Yeah, I expected some bistro tables and some soup. Set look so much like the Romulus set from reunification though really did yeah
Starting point is 00:57:05 I expected some bistro tables and some soup the the lack of soup shocked me frankly That's not the only thing that's that's familiar Ben. We get we get a depiction of someone being hassled for their papers Mm-hmm. This is garrick and there and there's some tension in this scene because what Garek has gone and done is plant a bomb somewhere and he's standing really close to the blast radius of this bomb when these gem at our stop him and ask him for his work order. And he's kind of trying to talk his way through it. Well, Demar and Kira watch from the shadows in horror. And they're worried that this bomb is going to go off and take care of it with them.
Starting point is 00:57:56 So they have to act fast. This is an instance of someone wearing a little red riding hood, cloak and hood, probably attracting more information, and more probably attracting more attention than they're interested in, right? Because I can cure a walk the streets at all on Kardashian. Yeah. People see that cloak casting her face in shadow and say, hey, let me see your spoon. You want to see under that cloak when you see a cloak, right? I mean, like when I said that jaw was as a kid, all I wanted was for them to pull that
Starting point is 00:58:33 hood back. Right. What do they look like under there? Well, however their eyes so lit up, they've got to do something, Ben. And Demar decides that if it is to be it's up to him. He confronts one of these Jim Hadar guards and then the shit goes down. These Jim Hadars recognize him unlike the ones on that thick daddy space station they visited a couple episodes ago.
Starting point is 00:59:00 It looks like a fire fight's about to break out and it does because Kira starts licking shots at the gemadar and then the explosion goes off. People are falling over in the street, rubble is flying everywhere. And when the smoke clears, the gemadar are all dead and none of the cardassians are. Yeah. Very lucky because because
Starting point is 00:59:26 DeMar is able to kind of turn this moment to his advantage and he goes like full William Wallace on these people. He like stands up on some rubble and starts starts a chant of freedom among the assembled masses. People on cardacia are not used to people speaking openly against authority like this, but it's very exciting to them. So they all get involved with the chance. You can't miss the kid with stars in their eyes looking at the bear in the scene, getting totally swept up in the moment. I looked up who this was. This character's name is Loner. Loner is this character's name.
Starting point is 01:00:11 And this is the beginning of Loner's indoctrination. Yeah, you wonder how a Loner falls in with a crowd like the resistance. Yeah, yeah, he's psyched. And so is everyone else. And Demar knows good showmanship, he knows to leave on top, everyone's cheering for freedom, and he bails out the back door. Yeah, unlike when the greatest generation goes on tour
Starting point is 01:00:37 and we walk off stage and disgrace at the end of every show. Right. Well, we walk off stage and directly into some bathrooms. This is what we do. Loner is an example of a thing that I noticed in this episode that just didn't seem to be any shortage of extras that got a line. Like Loner gets one. Like, I think the next scene is the one where like a lady gets off the elevator and unlike almost every moment like this in television does not remain silent, but in fact says like, oh excuse me, or something
Starting point is 01:01:11 as she walks past. And I wondered, they must have just been like, okay, we've got three hours of television left to shoot. It's this and the double episode for the finale. We have this much money. Like, let's pay some character actors to get a line on this show. What are they going to do? Fire us? This, the lady in question, it gets off the elevator and has to awkwardly walk between Bashir and Esri who are, uh, going over what a great decision they think they've
Starting point is 01:01:53 made to remain friends and not date, uh, but they get on the elevator and by the time they've made it to ops, they are playing full tonsil hockey. When they get to ops, Worurf sends the car back down, which made me wonder, what if you could control an elevator car from the outside? And how shitty that would be in any hotel or office building? I didn't know what he was doing
Starting point is 01:02:19 when he bent over to that basket of soft balls and then wound up, but then he nails that target and they go back down in the dunk tank. Yeah. Yeah, throw some water on those kids. Tell them to get a room. He removes all the oxygen from the car
Starting point is 01:02:37 and then sent it out into space and shoots it with the station's 5,000 torpedoes. K-Less would frown on public displays and affection. At Quarx preparations are underway for the staff passing event that everyone has psyched about. And Grand Naga-Zek and Mugi and Mayher-Dew are there. Quarx is so ready for this. He is thirsty for that staff. And, and yet he's kind of, he's kind of done that thing that I think you and I may be more guilty of that thing than almost
Starting point is 01:03:18 anybody we know, which is having the conversation in your head with the person, you need to confront a million times before actually confronting them. So he steps to the negis and is like, hey, listen man, I wanna be negis more than anything, but I can't do it if I'm not gonna be able to roll back all of your reforms. And the negis is like, what the fuck are you talking about? It's a big misunderstanding.
Starting point is 01:03:45 Yeah, it was that choppy signal on the FaceTime. Right, right, the staff isn't for quark, it's for Rob. Yeah. A kinder, gentler negis. Only twice, shame on quark. The dignity of Brunt is the only thing upended even worse than Quark, because now Brunt has to like stop kissing the bottom of Quark's shoe and start kissing the bottom of Roms.
Starting point is 01:04:20 I really like the performance of Max Grogenship here, who is still very much the ROM that we've always known, but as soon as he's given the staff, his voice changes a little bit and he's got some gravitas to him. And so when he gives back the bar to Quark, even as posture feels like it's changed a little bit. You know, I could use a financial advisor. It's believable. There's a weight off his shoulder. He is better suited to this power
Starting point is 01:04:46 Because he didn't want it and didn't seek it, you know, yeah I love how this scene ends where he's just left alone like everyone's excited for him all of his closest pals have Have you know slapped him on the back and given him the role wishes, but in the end like He is he experiences the solitude of leadership. He's just left standing alone with that cane. I like this as a wrap up for Rom and I like it as a wrap up for Quark and it makes me wish that they hadn't done the quark is going to be Negus storyline before because I feel like as we were discussing before wrapping up Quark is really tricky. It is a hard thing to do given how inconsistently the character was written over the course of the series.
Starting point is 01:05:30 And this feels like they nailed it, but it's unfortunate that they nailed it by recycling an idea. It's the last appearance of ROM on the show is this moment. Wow. Which if you know this, I think gives it even more poignancy. Yeah. What a great character. Yeah. So we need to make some decisions about the war given the dominion withdrawal and in the wardrobe it's belt buckle, Cisco, Mar-Toc, and that random Romulan making the decisions
Starting point is 01:06:07 together. Yeah, random ROM, I feel like, has been a different ROM almost every single time. Yeah, it's been a lady a couple of times. Like sometimes it's a senator. This guy seems to be military or tell she are maybe. But yeah, they're just talking over the kind of logistical hurdle that they may have to overcome. If they do press their attack, now that the dominion has withdrawn to Cardassian space, they're straining their own supply lines. They, this may be a hard thing to do, but, you know, resting and, and like, chilling in
Starting point is 01:06:50 the cut and letting the Dominion refresh their supply of Gemadar and their supply of ships is, is exactly what the Dominion wants. So the, the room kind of puts it to a vote and they decide now is the time to attack. It would have been fun if they end two to two on the vote. And then Belt Buckle had turned to Cisco and was like, you're not really, you don't really have a vote here actually. It's really me and these two other guys, not really up to you. This is a familiar problem that they faced before before, though, is like the risks of pressing an attack involve so many of their own dying that they're really...
Starting point is 01:07:35 Yeah, they're talking about a thousand ships that could be destroyed by this. Right, right, it's a sort of horrible math they've got to confront here. But the decision they come to is to do exactly that. They can't attack. But in the episode is a scene back in the Cisco quarters where Cisco is doing that absent-minded spouse home from work, not paying much attention to what his spouse is telling him, which is bad because he is sort of not fully present in the moment when Cassidy lays a big one on him. I'm pregnant. There's only one thing. Well, I can think of a lot of things that you can't say at a moment like this, but I feel like the one version of that that we see the most often in movies and television is, are you sure?
Starting point is 01:08:29 As a response to this. And a hundred times out of a hundred, that is the wrong thing to say. Of course, I'm sure. Yeah, that goes over like a lead balloon every single time. Right. He is able to roll it back, but it's that thing of like he is processing it after he's
Starting point is 01:08:52 already voiced his reaction. And so it's not a great look for him. Also not a great look for him is that he failed to get his male contraceptive injection last month. So this is his fault. You know you have to take the hyposprae to the balls on that, right? There is no universe I can conceive of where that's just a hyposprae to the neck. One in ball A, one in ball B. Yeah, it's like head on. You put head on on your head for a reason, just like you put the male
Starting point is 01:09:26 contraceptive hyposprae to the balls. A beautiful utopian future that imagines a male contraceptive, but also a sort of realistic utopia in which men are dipshit and forget to take it all the time because the consequences disproportionately don't follow them. Amazing that a torpedo has slipped past the shield perimeter and this appears to have been an unplanned pregnancy that they're facing. Can you believe it? Cassidy has some feelings about this. Yeah. And they are not all positive. She's filled with some fear, really.
Starting point is 01:10:10 And it's not like, it's not the quite natural feelings of fear that a couple experiences involving a pregnancy. It has to do with the profits and the fear that she has about what the profits said about them and their relationship. She thinks the babies in trouble for this reason. That's a heavy trip to live under and I didn't quite know where Cisco's confidence came from in saying nothing bad will happen to this baby. Yeah, I mean, it could just be the false bravery that you put up in a time like this, where you're just trying to comfort your special person and you'll say whatever it is in order to do that. Do you think he believes what he's saying in the scene or that it's just emotional
Starting point is 01:11:01 treeage? I think he believes what he's saying, but I don't know why he believes it, other than just faith. The scene also really makes me wonder is the next episode going to cover like a long ass fan of time so we can test his hypothesis out. Like, when the baby comes out looking like Vic Fontaine,
Starting point is 01:11:24 there is going to be hell to pay At the Hollisweets Yeah, she'll be do be don't I think I think Captain Cisco would be willing to let deep space nine fall if it meant If it meant the destruction of Vic Fontaine and that program Yeah, did you like the episode Adam? I've meant the destruction of Vic Fontaine and that program. Yeah. Did you like the episode Adam? Yeah. I think the sequence of things is a reason that this episode feels so strange to me.
Starting point is 01:11:59 Like, this is really the second to the last episode. And this is, and I wonder if there was, I'm thinking back on it, could this have gone anywhere else? I mean, the stuff that happened on Cardassia needs to happen in the linear fashion that we're experiencing it. But the quark story, and I think to some degree, the Cisco pregnancy story, I think could have happened anywhere
Starting point is 01:12:27 during these final eight or nine episodes. And I wonder how much flexibility they felt like there was. It's a strange feeling to be so close to the end and have one last quote-unquote fun quote unquote fun, forrangi story, taking charge, you know. One of my favorite parts of that, deep space 9 documentary was the segment in which they got a bunch of people from the DS9 writers room together and wrote episode one of season 8. Yeah. Like if they were going to reboot the show or bring back these characters and do something in the modern era, what, like, how would you start? And they show them kind of breaking
Starting point is 01:13:13 story. And I feel like there are things that you want that are note cards up on the whiteboard. And the, there are things that they want in this arc, like finish up Brunt's story. Finish up the Grand Nagas' story. Like give us a future for Cisco and Cassidy that we can imagine for ourselves. That I wish that they had taken a look at a couple of those cars and been like, you know what, we don't have the space in these 10 episodes to worry about brunt, you know. I don't hate this episode. It was fun to watch. It's just that it's like, it doesn't really feel like it tells an entire story. It just, it
Starting point is 01:14:02 felt more like information dump than cohesive episode. Yeah, I feel the same way. More than maybe any other episode in this last combination of them feels like the outlier. I think whether or not I like it is going to have a lot to do with whether or not I like the finale. Yeah, well, uh, do you want to see if there are any outliers in our priority one message inbox, Adam? I'm on my way there. Priority one message from Starfleet coming in on Secured Channel. Need a supplement on that. A supplement on that?
Starting point is 01:14:41 A supplement. A supplement. Yeah, it's extra. But the interest alone could be enough to buy this ship. We've got a personal message here from a happy viewer. And it's to Ben and Adam. Oh, excuse me, it's to Adam, comma, Ben. Well, we're finally hearing from a happy viewer, Ben.
Starting point is 01:15:00 Ha, ha, ha. All right, it goes like this. Every once in a while, you two will make a joke. So sublime, I can't stop thinking about it. I just had to put a spotlight on your reference to the 25 year old SNL old glory insurance fake commercial from episode 328 at around 48 minutes and three seconds. Then before I got around descending this in,
Starting point is 01:15:22 episode 330 at 43 minutes and 30 seconds and episode 331 at 33 minutes and 38 seconds happened. You make it look easy. This is a Q&A question that I think you and I imagined us getting at a greatest Gen Con. That was an actual convention dedicated to all things, greatest Gen. This is like, this is making me very appreciative of a happy viewer. While also knowing I don't have a grasp of our own material the way this person does. Like, yeah, yeah. I love old SNL and old glory is one of my favorite bits. One of the great gifts that editing this show has given me is that my YouTube algorithm is always throwing like a So, has given me is that my YouTube algorithm is always throwing like a 15 year old SNL sketch into my like up next queue and it's always delightful. Even when the sketch isn't that good, it's like really fun to go visit like, man, remember
Starting point is 01:16:18 when Molly Shannon was like one of the stars of this show? It's one of the reasons it takes so long to edit every episode. It's because we go down YouTube holes watching old SNL sketches for an entire afternoon. So thank you, a happy viewer. You really get us a happy viewer. Our second priority one message is from the director and it is to the deputy secretary and the commander. And the message goes like this gentlemen, thank you for your friendship and mutual appreciation
Starting point is 01:16:50 of Star Trek and all things geeky. I'm glad they who are our wives became such good friends and look forward to resuming shenanigans as soon as possible. Also thanks for continuing not to participate in the Nubin scheme to seize power. We definitely do not have going. Yours, etc. Wow. Yeah, the Nubin scheme I would steer everyone away from, but most of all, I think the
Starting point is 01:17:19 director and the deputy secretary and the commander. Please, no nubbin schemes. I think the nubbin scheme often backfires in spectacular ways. Just enjoy the fact that your wives became good friends and then don't press the issue any further. Well, if you have an issue you'd like to air publicly using our show as it's conduit, you can go to max publicly using our show as it's conduit you can go to slash jumbo-tron, uh, messages that we read support the production of the show so they're very important to us.
Starting point is 01:18:04 A greatest gen live show is something you don't want to miss. Why? Well it's a great opportunity to see me and Ben in person, but that's not all. FODs from all over gather at these shows to cosplay, to do pre and post show hangs, to make friends, and share their embarrassment. Hey, let's make a pretty great name for a tour. Let's do it. The Share Your Embarrassment Tour is coming in August 2023.
Starting point is 01:18:30 We've got a bunch of dates in a lot of great places. Go to to get more info. That's for dates and ticketing information for the Share Your Embarrassment Tour. I'm Jordan Morris. And I'm Jesse Thorne. On Jordan Jesse Go, we make pure, delightful nonsense. We were open awesome guests and bring them down to our level. We get stupid with Judy Greer.
Starting point is 01:18:54 My friend Molly and I call it having the spaceweirds. Pat Noswald. Could I get a ball-rock burger and some air-gorn fries? Thank you. And Kumail Non-Giani. I've come back with cat toothbrushes, which is impossible to use. Come get stupider with us at
Starting point is 01:19:10 Look, your podcast apps are open, just pull it out. Give Jordan Jesse Goatry. Being smart is hard. Be dumb instead. Oh, rats, hey, hey, hey, oh, I've got to count you in mine. These clouds are really freaking me out. I hate having to stand in line and boy These giraffes do not smell good. They do not and they've such short neck, but I'm here and we need to get on this
Starting point is 01:19:33 I gotta get on the art. Yeah, it's about terrain. It's about to destroy humanity Hey, oh, sorry, sorry, are you Noah? Yeah, I know we look like human. We're're actually we're podcasters. We are podcasters So it's different. Have you heard of Ono Ross and Carrie? We investigate spirituality, claims of the paranormal stuff like that And you have a boat and say the world's gonna end so seem like something for us to check out We would love to be on the boats. We came to by two. What do you think? Ono Ross and Carrie available on I got to get that gold brush. Like, get that gold brush. Like a rock, like a rock, like a rock, like a rock, like a rock, like a rock, like a rock, like a rock, like a rock, like a rock, like a rock, like a rock, like a rock, like a rock, like a rock, like a rock, like a rock, like a rock, like a rock, like a rock, like a rock, like a rock, like a rock, like a rock, like a rock, like a rock, like a rock, like a rock, like a rock, like a rock, like a rock, like a rock, like a rock, like a rock, like a rock, like a rock, like a rock, like a rock, like a rock, like a rock, like a rock, like a rock, like a rock, like a rock, like a rock, like a rock, like a rock, like a rock, like a rock, like a rock, like a rock, like a rock, like a rock, like a rock, like a rock, like a rock, like a rock, like a rock, like a rock, like a rock, like a rock, like a rock, like a rock, like a rock, like a rock, like a rock, like a rock, like a rock, like a rock, like a rock, like a rock, like a rock, like a rock, like a rock, like a rock, like a rock, like a rock, like a rock, like a rock, like a rock, like a rock, like a rock, like a rock, like a rock, like a rock, like a rock, like a rock, like a rock, like a rock, like a rock, like a rock, like a rock, like a rock, like a rock, like a rock, like a rock, like a rock, like a rock, like a rock, like a rock, like a rock, like a rock, like a rock, like a rock, like a It's hard for me not to pick Quark who's just so wrong so often about so many things. I mean, it's almost incalculable how off he is the entire episode. And yeah, I think that's fairly simplistic, but I think that makes my choice easy. What about you?
Starting point is 01:20:40 He's the wrongist at him, but my drunk Shemota is Cessical. We barely knew him, but his performance of being the guy on the ship that has the girders falling around him and is getting exploded in orbit was so great. He really gave 110% to, it's essentially essentially like cut to the the cockpit as Porkins X-Wing is destroyed Kind of moment. Wow, but he gets a lot more time than that like great call like those X-Wing pilots that you see Go down you get one second to see them by the farm and Cessko was given like 30 full seconds on screen and gave every every bit the amount of intensity that that you would want in a moment like that and I really joked a lot about how much fun it would be to be an extra on the
Starting point is 01:21:48 show and then die on screen. But I think, I think, Cess Gal and the actor who plays him, Vaughn Armstrong has really given us a great amount of inspiration for what that could be like. He lived the dream. He died spectacularly on this show and died at camera in a way that I'll never forget. Another character that had like way more lines than you would see in a typical episode of Deep Space Nine. Ron Armstrong played 12 separate characters in 28 episodes over four Star Trek series. No kidding. Wow. He's a legend.
Starting point is 01:22:29 Damn, let's do it. Good for him. Yeah. Well, good for us is the final episode of Star Trek Deep Space Nine. It's going to be our next episode of the greatest generation. Deep Space Nine. I can't believe we're already here. Yeah. So Ben, what is the finale of Deep Space 9 going to be about?
Starting point is 01:22:50 It's a season seven episode 25. What you leave behind. The war against the dominion reaches its final confrontation when Cisco leads the federation alliance in an attempt to invade the home world. The home world of what? Who knows? We don't need to know that right now. All we need to know is how we're going to review the episode and for that we go to the game with Botoles with Will of the Profits.
Starting point is 01:23:18 On the head on over to goch.bizslashgame. See what we're at. Well, currently we are on square 80. It looks like just ahead, we've got a caught in the nebula episode. That's the no notes. It would probably be the cruelest way for us to end the series with a double episode that we can't refer to notes about. I think I'm planning on doing this episode end of TNG style, just a bottle and ice and you, I think.
Starting point is 01:23:56 That sounds great. No matter what. You're required to learn as you play, role. All right, I'm gonna go ahead and roll this bone. We'll see what we hit at him. Tula! Did I win? Wow, I rolled a one. So we still have that cotton nebula out in front of us. Around square 81. Did not make it to the end of the game of buttholes the will of the profits for Star Trek,
Starting point is 01:24:28 Deep Space Nine's final episode. But when we return to this game, I believe it will be reconfigured somewhat. That'll be fun. Yeah. And I guess we should maybe we should decide right now, are we going to start the game over when we do the reconfig or should we keep the, should we keep the runabout where it is? I like the idea of starting fresh. I could start back at one.
Starting point is 01:24:53 Yeah, we're gonna add some fun new squares to the board. I know that Craig Anderson and Felipe, Sobrero are working hard on that. Are we still gonna be in a runabout? Oh man, maybe we'll be in the Delta Flyer. Who knows? I've got a lot of questions about this new game.
Starting point is 01:25:11 Yeah, I mean, part of the fun of the game is that it is at us. So, so we will find out when everybody else does, I think. Yeah. But really looking forward to that. In the meantime, we really appreciate the folks that support the show in the meantime we really appreciate the folks that support the show in the financial way by going to slash join or in the social
Starting point is 01:25:31 way by recommending the show to a friend or giving us a nice review on Apple podcasts or on social media, you know, recommending the show to others as big as support as anything else. Yeah, both of which really appreciated in these uncertain times. Gotta, gotta thank all of our great friends of DeSoto for not only their support, but for making the things that help the show be great like its music. Yeah, and I'm regusea made that. Yeah, the, the end credits music made by Dark Material, which also served as our original greatest-gen theme music,
Starting point is 01:26:09 but got a lot of other music on the show, made by Adam Ragusia, and a brand new set of musical choices ahead for the Star Trek Voyager version of the greatest generation to come. And we also got to thank our buddy Bill Tilly, who is our card daddy. He makes hilarious trading cards about the show every week, but he also is now our social media director. And if you follow at greatest Trek on Instagram or Twitter,
Starting point is 01:26:42 he is always posting lots of fun stuff from the show. Photos of stuff we open up when we open up mail from listeners. Just all kinds of great stuff. It's a really fun follow. And we recommend it. And thank Bill for his service. We're really fortunate we have people involved in the show who make it better. Well with that, we'll be back at you next time with another great episode of Star Trek Deep Space 9 and an episode of the greatest generation Deep Space 9 which will be my final sign off of the show before Ben takes over for the new series. This is how we've done it, right? We've always alternated on a series. Yeah. Now, after the next episode, this job will be yours. I will hand you my cane. Looking forward to that, I'm already spending the money in my mind.
Starting point is 01:27:40 Yeah. I'm going to upgrade the plumbing around here. Comedy and culture. Artist-owned, audience supported.

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