The Greatest Generation - Don’t Lindelof Me, Bro (ENT S2E16)
Episode Date: February 24, 2025When the Entrepreneur finds a tin can tumbling through space, they bring it aboard and start dropping things down its impossibly deep hatch. But when the Suliban and the Tholians both show up and star...t fighting over the pod, unknown future people finally collect their shit after which the NX-01 isn’t even worth a torpedo. When does an extra 5mm make a difference? Where else could you donate your body? Which shot is named after Christopher Walken? It’s the episode that just can’t get on the grappler’s level.Support the production of The Greatest GenerationGet a thing at!Sign up for our mailing list!Follow The Game of Buttholes: The Will of the Riker - Quantum LeapThe Greatest Generation is produced by Wynde PriddySocial media is managed by Rob Adler and Bill TilleyMusic by Adam Ragusea & Dark MateriaFriends of DeSoto for: Labor | Democracy | JusticeDiscuss the show using the hashtag #GreatestGen and find us on social media:YouTube | Facebook | X | Instagram | TikTok | Mastodon | Bluesky | ThreadsAnd check out these online communities run by FODs: Reddit | USS Hood Discord | Facebook group | Wikia |
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Here's to the finest crew in Starling. When it comes to my crew, you won't get any argument from me.
This is a parody.
Paramount owns the song.
Welcome to the Greatest Generation. It's a Star Trek podcast by a couple of guys.
Just a little bit embarrassed about having a Star Trek podcast. I'm Ben Harrison. I'm Adam Pranica
We've done something to ourselves once again
We've got a way. We've got to do a Tlaxian champagne
Episode we were talking briefly before this that we don't have access to Tlaxian champagne
So like what how do we even do that? What qualifies as Telaqsian Champagne?
How did you go about interpreting
our directive today, Adam?
Well, the word champagne is really the thing
that steered me toward a bottle of bubs.
And when the game of buttholes steers us
towards a fun square. We must comply. And so today I have got a bottle
from the Los Aras winery. This is of course the Eric Wareheim winery. And they make a really fun
fun wine product. This is the 2019 Sparkling Wine Redwood Valley Mendocito County. Okay.
And it's got a really fun Jen Stark artwork on it. Mandala, is that what that is when
it's circular?
Oh, I like the use of mandala in this context.
Or truly?
It's kind of the mandala effect when you get close to it.
Is that wine actually dead?
Ha ha ha ha.
We'll see.
We'll see when we open it.
What are you drinking, Ben?
I was in the wine aisle of my local grocery,
and this caught my eye because it was affordable.
It's Lunaria Orsogna Ancestrale.
It's a Pet Nat Pinot Grigio.
So this is one of these hipster wines
that you hear so much about.
Yeah, it looks so orange.
Yeah, it's very Naranja.
The thing that caught my eye about it,
I don't know if you can see this,
is for no reason
that I can determine there's a sticker on the side holding down some string that keeps
the label on that just says, from sheep in our vineyards.
So the rope is made of sheep's wool?
I don't know, maybe?
Or is there something in the wine that's from the sheep?
Oh, I bet that's it.
I don't know, yeah.
Oh, and it also says on this Parco Nazionale della Maiella on here.
So I don't know if that means that their vineyard is in a national park or...
Who's to say?
So all of the inscrutability of this,
the what the fuck is even going on here-ness
of this bottle of wine was what made me feel
like it may be the most Tlaxian wine available to me.
Nice choice by you, Ben.
I will be enjoying mine as all fine beverages should be
in a plastic novelty cup that I got from a restaurant.
That also happens to change colors
based on the temperature of what's inside.
Of course, I filled up this giant cup with ice
because we're going long today, buddy.
This is exactly what Eric Wareheim had in mind
when he bottled this, I'm sure.
Exactly what Eric Wareheim had in mind when he bottled this, I'm sure. It's like seeing a Christopher Nolan film in 75 millimeter projected is what you're
doing with this wine.
I mean, that extra five millimeters makes all the difference.
Ask anyone.
I've heard that 35 is plenty.
Oh, look at you with the proper vessel.
You've got one of those tall shambongs, it looks like, because I can't see the bottom
of it.
It's a proper champagne flute.
Nice job.
I was not about to bring glassware out to the studio, outside of the bottle itself.
No, yeah.
I mean, you break glass in there, you gotta burn the whole studio, right?
It's true.
It's like breaking glass in the ice bucket behind a bar.
Which, famously, I have done.
That does not surprise me at all.
Hey, cheers to you, man.
And to the FODs, it would seem as though present tense, us, Stone Cold Sober, future
tense, also going to be drunk, and the title of today's episode, Ben, Star Trek Enterprise
Season 2, Episode 16. So we got a tin can tumbling in space, no biosigns coming from it.
Not much coming from it, right?
Like they're not picking up anything.
Archer wants to bring it aboard right away.
How good do your sensors need to be to even pick this thing up if you're cruising along going
and doing something else? Because they go a long way in saying like, yeah, no engines, no lights,
no power, no nothing. No water? No nothing. No nothing. What makes them stop even? I don't know,
maybe it was like dead ahead of them and their deflector array was going to like catch something if they hit it. What are the odds?
I don't know.
Two to the power of 2,079,460,347 to one against.
So they bring it aboard and-
I love that idea though.
Very quickly find a hatch.
They're like, that's obviously where it opens,
and they hit it with a phaser,
which is one of my favorite alternate use cases.
Like, anytime a sci-fi weapon is used to melt metal,
like I loved it in that Star Wars movie where they're like,
plunging their phasers to like cut a hole in a door.
It's the classic bank fault situation where like you're using torches and shit.
It's great.
So they find a hatch, they phaser it open, Archer gets this technology device that I
guess just makes a handle so that you can push the door.
That's fun.
Yeah. It's got a little bit of a slidey door, uh, like a van, you know?
And it's a good thing they phased the right side of it because that's the side of the
shuttle with, with the slidey door.
Do you remember a time where there were many vans where only one side of the van had a
door that slid open?
It was such a fucking huge deal
when both sides started to slide open.
How did we not even start with a both sides van?
Like the idea that we were gonna go to production
with a van and the slidey door is only on one side.
There's not even a door on the other side, right?
In that case, there's no door on the other side.
It seems crazy that that ever made it to market.
Dude, I don't know if your Algo is like mine, but I get a lot of videos about tricked out
family vehicles these days.
I think that's a you thing at this point.
The number of minivans that have like a beverage cooler as like an optional thing that you
can get delivered from the factory these days is amazing.
Oh, like in modern vans.
Like Toyota offers as like an add-on,
there can be a fridge built in,
like in the back seat for your kids.
I kind of have van lash,
because like for a time I really, really wanted
a Vanagon van, a Vanagon Synchro specifically,
like the four wheel drive kind, West Falia with the pop tent and so forth.
This is very analogous to my love and appreciation of the Delica, which is a very similar idea.
It's like a van designed for going on adventures with.
So like right out of college, I had the great idea of like,
I'm going to test this out first before buying one.
There was an outfit in Seattle that used to rent them,
like for people who wanted to go camping and stuff.
Yeah, try before you buy.
And there was a music festival coming up
and I was like, cool, I'm going to rent one of these
and like test the life.
So I go out there and I pick up this van again and it's so fucking sweet. And I'm like stirring through the gears and like test the life. So I go out there and I pick up this van again
and it's so fucking sweet.
And I'm like stirring through the gears and like,
oh, it's the best.
It is so slow and so loud.
Make it 30 minutes out of town.
Engine overheats, dumps all the coolant.
I got to pull over.
Like the thing, the thing just broke down on me.
And I saw it as a sign. Like, like the guys from the shop came to pick me up.
They took me back to the shop.
I picked up my car,
like ended up taking the car to the music festival.
And that kind of ended my love for that specific vehicle.
But man, like those old Vanagans, so fucking cool.
You tried it out and you had kind of like
the Jay Sherman review of Van Life.
It stinks.
And that's what Archer has of the inside of this pod.
There's a deadman inside there as well and he's human.
What do you make of the decision to make the person inside an actual actor wearing loaf and shit.
Because when they...
They do this thing where they wing the chair around
and you get up close to him and you can see his eyelids flutter
and I'm like, what are those eyes gonna open?
Open them up!
I think it is weirdly expensive to get a corpse for a show.
Like a good looking, like, dead cadaver is something that usually needs to be custom made.
That's like a resin body. You're not talking about like a body body, right?
Right, yeah.
Wouldn't you donate your body to Hollywood if you could though?
Yeah, absolutely. Way more important than science.
Yes. Yes.
But like, yeah, I got to talk to the executive producer
of the show, Bones, one time, and, yeah, he told me, like,
they just have, like, a shop that is, like,
constantly producing bones for them.
That's Bones.
It's a very cool basement, but that's nothing.
So that's our cold open.
We got a guy who's doing a bad job of faking being dead.
That's just it. And, like, what's so wild is like, they get this body onto the table at Six Bay,
and I'm like, anytime now, he's going to bend at the waist and fucking undertaker
his way through the department. And that's not it at all. It's almost like they change bodies
once they go to a wider shot. And Flax like closes his eyes really hard and goes, it's not real.
They don't know who this guy is and they are going to want to run his DNA through the database
at Starfleet, but Archer is clearly shook because one of the ideas on the table, as
it were, is this Zephyrum Cochrane? Because after all he was
piloting that one-person vessel when he disappeared. Check the registry I say.
NCC 696S. MONEY! You fucking bastard, you did it!
You built a one-person spacecraft and you were just set out to get women and money.
It does seem like they would have a record of what Gakran was in, right?
Yes, right?
What it would look like. I'm shocked by this. It's shocking. It just seemed like they would have a record of what Cochrane was in, right? Yes, right.
What it would look like.
I'm shocked by this.
It's shocking.
Also, it just didn't look like Farmer Hoggett,
like when we got the close-up of the cadaver.
Would be fun to bring back that actor, though,
and just loaf him up.
No speaking lines. No acting, even, really.
It's a fun cameo.
Yeah, just lay there.
So, Trip Reid and Mayweather are scanning this ship
and it really doesn't make a lot of sense to them mechanically.
For one thing, it absorbs EM radiation
and only because of the damage to the ship
can they even detect its existence at all. And so they're confused on that, you know, like how did somebody develop the alloys to do this?
But also it doesn't seem to have any like vents or, you know, plasma manifolds or
bussard collectors or any of that shit. Yeah. Yeah. The qualities of a starship or a spacefaring craft of any kind seems
to be absent of this thing.
It's junk.
Maybe it's an escape pod.
That's what they postulate here.
But even that would have a propel repu- a propulsion system, right?
There are some escape pods with propellers.
But not in space. Hey, let me ask you a question.
You're smart enough to get this.
If a propeller were on something in space and you started to turn it,
the thing that wasn't the propeller would turn, right?
Oh, yeah.
But maybe, maybe like the mass would be a differential
so like the propeller would turn faster
than the thing it was attached to or something.
It's just such a mind blower.
Inertia. Give me a fucking break with that shit.
Ha ha ha.
In Archer's clarinet rental room,
sexual icon Admiral Forrest is on screen.
Ha ha.
Oh yeah, I forgot what a sexual icon he was.
Claiming that he just doesn't have any idea
about any sort of secret mission
that this dude might've been on.
Like he has access to all the files.
He knows about the aliens and the JFK assassination
and all that, but he has no idea what this guy's deal is.
And he doesn't really have any theories
about who this guy could be.
I loved the idea that they've solved one of the greatest mysteries in human history,
if it is Cochrane, and found an even bigger one if it isn't.
And that it's almost bad news if it isn't. I love that feeling, for sure. ["Saltin' Long"]
Back in the shuttle bay,
the gang is getting a little further into the pod,
and they find something new to do now.
Here is lots of new blue goo now.
New goo, blue goo, gooey gooey,
blue goo, new goo, gooey gooey, goo. Gooey gooey. Blue goo. New goo goo gooey gooey. Gooey goo for
chewy chewing. That's what goo goose is doing. Do you choose to chew goo too sir? If sir
you sir choose to chew sir with the goo goose. Chew sir. Do sir.
What are you doing?
Oh god. Oh. I just fell into a fugue state.
Ben, no one knows what you're saying right now!
You're talking all gobblyguck!
This thing is bigger on the inside than on the outside!
What the fuck?
Before we go down the hole, they find this hatch covered with the blue goo that you just
That reads as toilet to me.
You get a hole with blue liquid in it?
I'm like, don't touch it, Tripp!
We're either demonstrating the absorbative qualities of a maxi pad or we're flushing
an airplane.
That's what I'm saying.
Like, this is a one-person craft.
The guy's gotta have a dumper.
Like, what are we talking about here?
And they just so nonchalantly like, oh, this blue liquid
is certainly not toilet stuff.
Have they gone nose blind?
We already established the way the inside of this craft
Do not go in there.
You know it's a fucking utopian future
when Starfleet people start disassembling a craft
and they encounter the blue liquid of the latrine
and they don't even know what it is.
What a miracle it would be to arrive at a place
where toilet isn't even on your mind at all.
It's all getting beamed out.
You are legally obligated
whenever a secret well is unearthed. You gotta drop something down it.
Because how else are you gonna know how deep it is?
Hey, this one's for the boys.
What I wish this scene was, was a full 15 minutes of Reed and Tripp just dropping shit down there.
Ha ha ha! Get something else heavy!
Ha ha ha!
Ha ha ha!
Let's get something bouncy now!
You want to make me like Reed even a little bit more than 0%?
Like, give me that scene and give me a little bit of his personality at play here.
I love that Tripp was like, let's go in there.
And Malcolm was like, shouldn't we like tell someone we're going in there?
And then they don't.
I love the bit that the Trip does too.
He does an in-person staticky phone bit where he's like, oh, Reed, I can't hear you.
I'm going down the hole.
I can't hear you. I'm going down the hole. I can't hear what you're saying. Whoa, Adam's office works just like this hole.
Mine does too.
Adam, check this out.
Crescent wrench.
It took so long to hear that, right?
How deep is your studio?
It took so long to hear that, right? How deep is your studio?
What goes totally unscrutinized here is like ladder as a technology.
Did you think about that in this moment?
Like there's nothing alien about a ladder.
There's something actually very comforting about seeing a ladder in this situation because
it's so familiar.
Yeah, but such a strange choice in a context of we can defy the laws of physics and make
a ship that's bigger on the inside than it is on the outside, but the way you get around
it is ladder.
Yeah, yeah.
Weird, right?
So they think that what they've climbed down to is the engine room and maybe they're looking at signs of a warp breach or
something and it looks no less damaged inside this new chamber than it did on
the outside. So Reed and Trip are down there when a SulaBahn ship shows up in
space near the entrepreneur and initially like they're not that stressed about this SulaBan ship
because we get it on screen.
It does not look like the design of a ship that is built for fighting.
It is, it is very like cargo vessel-y in its look.
It looks like it's got a bunch of flappers on it or fly swatters.
It's a fly swatter class SulaBan ship.
Doesn't seem like it's going to do much damage to them until it starts to.
Yeah, because this captain claims that they have salvage rights to this pod.
I feel like that's what you say in space.
I claim salvage.
As captain, I claim salvage.
Like you say it even if you don't believe it.
Yeah, we got salvage rights to that.
I said it first.
Yeah, the fucking pack lids know that. I said it first. Yeah. The Falcon pack leads know that.
Like I said it before you.
Uh, and he says, like we, we found this three days ago.
Like one of our ships found it.
They sent us out here to get it.
You, you showed up too late for this and Archer's like, no, well, it's a human inside.
Like it's clearly something from our species.
You can't have it.
And they start getting spicy and Reed and Trip
are discovering some gadget inside the pod
when the bangers start dropping and they can feel these
even though they are inside a physically impossible place.
Do you think at some point they stopped
with the flag planting as a thing that demonstrates we got this.
Cause it would seem as though like if you really did
have salvage rights to anything,
you'd plant a flag or equivalent on it.
Like the SulaBan would just tag it
with like a paintball gun type thing.
And that's theirs.
SulaBan line do not cross tape
that they wrap the pod in.
Without that, it's kind of hard to prove.
So, Reed and Tripp get back up outside of the pod and surprise, there are
SulaBlonde roof crawlers in the bay there with them.
And a firefight pops off pretty fast.
Like the first guy gets taken out quickly, but then the other guy scampers up to the control panels.
And you know, that glass is phaser proof.
You're not getting through that thing, Reed.
Trip goes down for the count early though.
I didn't like seeing that.
Like Trip's walloped.
I also didn't like seeing Reed just try and shoot
through this glass that is phaser proof.
Like run up there,
fool. What are you doing? He didn't have the higher ground. When you're at the, on the lower
ground, that's not something you should do strategically. You're down there. We're up here.
Yeah, it doesn't work. Uh, Hoshi reports to the captain that Launch Bay 2 is being depressurized, and he asks her to try and stop it.
Lock them out.
I can't.
T'Pol has taken over at Reed's station, I guess,
and so she is the one doing all of the firing guns
at the other ship, and actually doing damage.
She takes out their webs, like you need webs right we
gotta have webs he's the key you do but
like will grappler ever not be a laugh
line target their engines and bring the
grappler online this this is hard right
like they've disabled the ship and like
the next step in in keeping it in place
is the grappler.
And I just can't get on the grappler's level as a strategy.
It's fun to see, you know?
Like I think I will forgive grappler lines
when they actually reward us with shots
of the grappler getting used.
Successful grappling I think would go a long way here.
So the invading SulaBan get beamed out and the SulaBan ship cloaks and presumably zooms
And we learned that the Enterprise is going to pack this pod up and put it on a Vulcan
ship and send it back to Earth so that they can keep doing their deep space mission.
I really like this as a concept.
I don't love it for this specific concept,
but I like the idea of we don't have room
for all of the tourist trinkets aboard the ship.
We've got to at intervals, like send them back with grandma
who's going home early from the vacation,
who isn't gonna do the whole thing, you know? Sure, Sure. We don't have room in our luggage for all of this.
And like the Vulcans have a lot of ships that can go this fast, but we just have this one. So...
Yeah. But I don't like it for this specific thing because it still merits so much more study and
everyone is still so curious about what the deal is. Especially as this episode unfolds, I'm like,
why would you trust the Vulcans with this thing?
Like, this is such a threat to their like scientific orthodoxy.
But yeah, so what they think they found, this gadget that they pulled out of it is the black box.
And they are hoping that they can get into it and see, you know, what they can find out about this ship.
that they can get into it and see, you know, what they can find out about this ship. Meanwhile, we get some pretty surprising news from Phlox in Six Bay because he has sequenced this dude's
DNA and he is a, he's more than just human.
Oh yeah. He is a mutated man. He's part Vulcan, part Terellian, part mystery alien, kind of a mutt.
And because he is a product of all this interspecies breeding, it's pretty clear
that this is a time traveler because this is the sort of breeding that has not happened
in this current moment, right?
Yeah, but we saw Carbon Creek and Archer's like,
we haven't been in contact with the Vulcans long enough
for this to be possible.
Yes, we fucking have, and you know we have.
And you know that an absolute baddie went back there
with those Vulcans, like-
Yeah, you know, you know she absolutely crushed the pelvis of some college bound teenager.
Yeah. Collected some really promising DNA samples, like a Bene Gesserit and moved on.
She put that thing down. So Archer and T'Pol are pretty shook by this and they go straight to Daniel's quarters
and take the lock off of it.
It's like kind of a hilarious pretense that they even put a lock on the door at this point. I kind of love the suggestion of familiarity between like,
oh, that's a hatch under a bathroom that goes forever,
much in the same way as Krum and Daniels' locker.
Was probably used as a toilet at some point
and also goes on forever.
Like you can draw a line between those two ideas. Like Daniel's quarters is like, he is low enough rank that he's got like a down the
hall bathroom that's shared with a bunch of other people kind of a situation.
Sometimes you just don't want to do that.
So his locker is like, come on, this is the perfect crime.
Like nobody is ever going to find this.
When your locker is like 10 acres deep.
Like I'm pissing into the back of my locker.
It's not close to my bed at that point.
So they take out that holographic computer device that we've seen before, the
one that kind of a blurps a hollow image of this database that's inside.
And as they look, Paul makes sure to mention that Vulcans and humans boning down, that's
not really a thing.
It's impossible.
You would be very confused about the holes and the situation.
Trust me.
There are significant biological differences between the species.
I think the funniest writing and funniest acting in this episode is every time Archer tries to talk about the idea
of inner species breeding around DePaul.
Ha ha.
Because DePaul always takes it personally
before pivoting back into, like, her react is personal,
and then she re-reacts as in general.
It's really great.
It rules.
They look into this database, they find the ship that they, you know, the record of the
ship that they've discovered.
It's from nearly 900 years in the future.
Maybe this guy is one of these time traveling historians that they've heard about who come
back to the past to, you know, bear eyewitness to historical events.
The thing about the temporal Cold War is that it would seem as though if this technology fell
into the Sulauban hands, it would destabilize that whole situation. So can't let that happen.
And T'Pol asks an interesting question here.
She's like, I mean, if this ship is so important,
like we're kind of presuming,
why haven't the future folks come back for it?
Like it's clearly not important enough
for them to come and get, right?
So why aren't they here?
But they can't even answer this question
because a ship is approaching Enterprise at high warp
and it's not SulaBan.
And for the moment, they're kind of relieved by that.
Until this ship proves to be just as keen on taking the pod by force.
And this is Tholians.
We learned they're a non-humanoid species who have to use a speak and spell to
issue their threats about how the ship has temporal radiation that will cook them all.
The Tholians have tractor beam technology.
They are not using grapples, and they throw one on the entrepreneur.
And I love Archer's move here.
He's like, basically taking the salvage ship hostage, like, you can't have it.
Like, we'll fucking destroy
it before we let you have it this is also a happy privilege right he's like
look I'm not gonna destroy Enterprise but I've got a fucking phaser to this
tin cans head yeah and it would it would give me great joy to blow this thing
away yeah just to make sure you don't have. So the Tholians cuss him out in 28.8 BOD and they fuck off.
And Flax and T'Pol meet up in the dining room late night to have a hang.
Flax is never, his appetite is never like affected by his work, right?
I looked at this tray and how it was loaded up.
It was like creaking under the weight
of what he had loaded it up with.
What the fuck are you doing this late at night?
There are like king crab legs at the All You Can Eat
and we are gonna get our fucking money's worth right now.
A casino is the only context for this much food this late.
That's what I thought when I saw this.
Like, wow.
Sleep will not come soon for Dr.
Flux. That's for sure.
His corpse is full of surprises though.
More DNA than just human and Vulcan.
All kinds of shit in there.
The metal in the hull of the pod also very interesting. T'Pol, a little less thrown by everything she's discovered,
but is like talking about what a strangely high number
of undescribed materials are in there.
And they talk about how evidence for this being a thing
from the future is kind of mounting in a way
that is pretty uncomfortable
for T'Pol. Like, proof of the possibility of time travel is
going to be an uncomfortable day for them because they've really staked a lot on this being logically impossible.
And it kind of feels like it doesn't matter what is proven to T'Pol or not
through this experience. The science
directorate of Vulcan has said that time travel is impossible. So it would actually be really
uncomfortable if it were proven in this case, because it would put T'Pol out on that limb.
You know, her reputation has taken such a fucking beating going around with these humans
all this time, as we learned in recent
episodes, like it's an ugly situation.
I'm going to ask you a question that I feel like would be, uh, would help me and
the viewers get to know you and me a lot better.
You're in the mess hall.
Say you're T'Pol.
Say you are sitting where T'Pol is sitting when Dr.
Flax walks in.
Oh, fuck. I just got a lot less sexy.
You're in an empty mess hall and Dr. Flax walks in and loads up his tray and you watch him loaded up.
It takes like fucking 10 minutes to fill his tray and you're in there.
Do you want him to sit at your table or not?
May I join you?
Please. T'Pol's in there by herself having a great time. Do you want him to sit at your table or not? May I join you?
To Paul's in there by herself, having a great time, drinking her tea or whatever.
Do you like that Dr. Flock sits next to you or not?
I gotta say, like, knowing myself, it's a no.
Yeah, it's a no for me too.
But also, I kind of think I'm Dr. Flax in this.
How fucking awkward would it be if he sat anywhere else but with DePaul though?
That's also weird.
I want to be in a place in my life where when I encounter a scenario like this, I
can, I can say, would you like some company and not feel offended or put upon
either way, you know? But like the
ask is always loaded, right? Like being asked, would you like some company kind of puts the
pressure on you to say yes.
Yeah. It makes you an asshole if you say no. Yeah.
But maybe it doesn't. Maybe it's okay to say not right now. I'm, you know, doom scrolling
and that's kind of the hang that I'm looking
for right now.
I got my iPad out and I'm doom scrolling and drinking my tea.
What I thought initially was like, I'm going to be a to Paul in the sheets and Dr. Flax
in the streets, which is to say like, my true feelings are I want to be by myself, but I'm
going to feel obligated to have you join my table.
But now I feel like you should be T'Pol in the sheets and T'Pol in the streets or Flax
in the sheets and Flax in the streets. Whatever your true nature is, you should just be that.
So is there, is there one is like a, I'm a T'Pol in the streets and a Flax in the sheets.
One is I'm a Flax in the streets. I'm a T'Pol in the sheets. One is I'm a T'ole in the streets and a Flax in the sheets. One is I'm a Flax in the streets.
I'm a Tupole in the sheets.
One is I'm a Tupole in the streets and a Tupole in the sheets.
And one is I'm a Flax in the sheets and a Flax in the streets.
All four.
It's kind of a square bumper sticker is what it is.
It's actually very wordy.
I say buy them as a set, you know?
Why not? Why not? You probably know four people, put set, you know? Yeah.
Why not?
Why not?
You probably know four people, put them on their cars.
Faith of the fart.
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Ben would rather die.
Reed and Tripp are having kind of a similar conversation about the ramifications of this
pod, but theirs is a little bit more on the idea of like going
to the future or knowing what the future holds. And man, Trip is all about the journey, reads
all about the destination. And that's just really sad, man.
Yeah. They're working on this box that they ripped off of the wall down at the bottom
of the well. And it's clear they're very different about
how they feel about knowing things about the future.
Trip is content and happy to be in his time and Reed is like, my current life is so awful.
There's no hope in it whatsoever that I would rather be in any other time than this one.
I would like to know when it is appropriate to start writing all the letters to all of
the women I've wronged.
The first thing I would do were I to travel into the future is write to all of my dead
Because I would be so far into the future that they would certainly be dead.
Hopefully they all put a little bit of money away in a bank account, because the interest
alone could be enough to buy this ship.
Tripp's like, well I don't care about my ex-girlfriends, I want to go meet dinosaurs.
They're cool as hell.
I always wanted to meet a Stegosaurus.
Oh man, I loved the camera move
when they hit this temporal hiccup.
Dude, me too.
This was so unusual for a Star Trek show.
A really chaotic, like not a zoom in,
but a dolly in or a walk in on the camera.
Did you say a specific camera move named after me?
Give it the old Walken, you know.
You stick the dolly in your ass.
You know, Spike Lee stuck the actor on the dolly, walk and stuck the dolly in the actor.
He did.
That was your birthright.
I love that Spike Lee signature shot, by the way.
That's like one of the silliest signature shots in existence,
but I fucking love it every time I see a Spike Lee movie.
It is extremely film school-y.
In a, like, this is the thing I'm gonna do every time kind of way.
Yeah, yeah.
But, like, he invented it, you know?
It's so good.
Anyways, they hit this deja vu thing over and over again.
I loved how, I loved how, like, a light, ridiculous conversation about dinos they were having
as they did it, you know?
That's what makes this better, right?
If they're talking about anything else,
I don't think it's as cool.
But then it's dino talk.
Dinos in the Spanish Armada?
What could be a better two topics of conversation?
What about dinos in the Spanish Armada?
Now we're talking about the premise
of a 90s cartoon show.
Which dinosaurs had nipples, do you think?
You're never gonna let that go, are you?
So flocks cannot find anything wrong with them after they've reported this as a, like,
like shared deja vu does feel like a medical condition.
But also kind of an engineering condition.
Like I thought it was so weird that they went to flocks with this.
Like you can wave the tricorder over me, but I'm still here to tell you, like,
I've traveled through time.
You're not going to get that on the tricorder.
I'm guessing that this edition of the Starfleet
standard-issue tricorder doesn't have, like,
a chronotron detector in it.
Right. That would come much later.
Yeah. So, T'Pol does verify that there's temporal radiation,
which is what the Tholians were warning them about.
And it sort of like retroactively makes you wonder
if the Tholians were trying to do them a solid
by getting this thing away from them.
Yeah, I kind of felt like in this scene,
the Tholians were friendly.
Yeah, yeah.
I mean, despite how pointy and web-weavy looking their ships are.
Didn't you want to see a web this episode?
I wanted a web.
But then this would be the Tholian Web
and that's a different episode of Star Trek, you know?
I guess so.
Anyways, there's like almost a McLaughlin group
where this is reported on the bridge.
Like if Eleanor Clifton, John McLaughlin
like had a McLaughlin group just by themselves
and like a side room. Like if they walked across the set and like...
Read that op-ed in the post this morning.
Exactly, yeah.
Pat Buchanan's like,
hey, what are you guys talking about?
Nothing, nothing.
McLaughlin's like, no, this isn't for you.
This is for Clifft.
The question is like, we're a couple hours away This is for Clift. Wrong.
The question is like, we're a couple of hours away from this Vulcan ship that we are going to
unload this pod on. Now it's very clear that a lot of people want to attack us for it. Can we survive the next couple of hours when it's also doing things to us that we do not totally understand. And it's also clear that T'Pol
just doesn't want the smoke of a temporal war.
I believe we shouldn't get involved.
Like it or not, we've been involved since we left space dock.
It is very striking how uncomfortable T'Pol is in this scene for just so many reasons.
I don't think she likes having this conversation.
I think she's also really put off
by the idea of time travel as a concept,
given how she was raised.
And I think the third part of this
is that she feels like she's in real danger.
I mean, she's always in danger
when Archer is the captain making decisions.
But like in this specific moment,
they've got something of high value aboard,
aboard a ship that has grapplers as defense and Archer is its captain.
I think if you're to Paul, this has kind of reached a point where if you care
about your life in any way, you got to say something.
Your curiosity is placing Enterprise
in unnecessary danger.
He wants answers though, like.
What's weird about what he says is like,
I'm tired of being a passive audience member
to the temporal cold war.
I wanna be a participant.
Ha ha ha ha.
I kinda didn't like that.
Yeah, yeah.
Recruit me to whatever this is.
Like what? You don't even know like what. Yeah, yeah. Recruit me to whatever this is. Like what?
You don't even know like what they're fighting over.
You are the weakest combatant of all parties.
You know that, right?
What they realized down at engineering
where they've taken this thing
that they thought was the black box
is they've not turned on a black box.
They've turned on a transponder
and it is putting out a signal.
Oh shit.
Is that the last of your wine?
Holy shit.
I just poured the last of my wine into my cup.
So I'm now cup only with the ice.
All right.
I feel less bad.
I'm probably like two thirds of the way through my botella.
I was kind of worried about my bottle getting warm.
I just wanted to get it into the ice pronto.
I have to say-
The way any wine connoisseur would want to.
You want to get it in with the ice immediately.
We didn't really check in on the wines.
I got the sense that your bottle was one
with which you're familiar.
You've had this particular Las Haras expression before. I asked my wife, I was like, we've got this particular Los Harris expression before.
I asked my wife, I was like,
we've got a couple bottles of champagne at home.
And I was like,
La dee da.
What do I get to have that isn't going to
really make you mad?
And this is the one that she suggested.
So that's what I've got.
How is your orange?
I have to say my Pet Net Pinot Gris is delightful.
It's biodynamic.
It's assertive without being pushy.
And now you've got that little sheep's rope
wrapped around your neck.
I'm going to have a little fun with that
once we turn off the mics.
Wouldn't you know it, as soon as you turn on
this box that they have, that little transmitter
or beacon attracts a bunch of Suleybon ships.
And by a bunch, I mean like dozens.
This is a familiar scene where like a ton of Suleybon are chasing after the NX-01 and
they're like, and they're running back to like get under the skirts of the Vulcan mommy ship so that
they can be safe.
Every time I see Mayweather now, they're like, Mayweather, you got to punch it and get us
out of here.
I imagine Mayweather's like, but should I also take off my shirt?
What if I just pull it up?
To Paul is in the back of the bridge like,
I hope he does.
Here's the thing, Ben, they're three minutes away from this rendezvous point with the Vulcans. And that seems pretty close, right? Like in distance.
But the problem is they're not picking up the phone because Archer wants to be like, hey,
we got SulaBan on us, like expect us to be bringing company to this
meeting and it is a really bad sign that they don't answer that hail.
It sucks.
They are in a very spicy fight with the SulaBahn by the time they drop out of
warp and realize that there's a bit of a post three five nine situation
going on with the Vulcan ship.
There's a lot of debris floating around.
The Vulcan ship is at a, a real gut
churning angle in space.
We got some listing.
It's no good.
But you know what?
It wasn't the Suleyman that done it.
It was the thucking folians.
Still no web.
Uh, the presence of a web unconfirmed.
No web!
We gotta have webs.
He's the key.
But then the suluban and the tholians start fighting each other, which is staggering.
It is such a dunk on Enterprise.
Like Enterprise goes to warp to try to escape.
They immediately get shot out of that and they're just kind of floating. As the Tholians and the Sulaipan fight all around them,
like the impotence of just like... The Enterprise is in the chair watching,
basically, as these two combatants go at each other fighting over what's in their cargo bay. My fucking wife has an ass in her cock
in the driveway, Kurt.
All right?
It feels so helpless and bad
to be on the Enterprise right now.
["Legally It's Just a Fart Joe"]
Archer realizes that this black box beacon thing
needs to be working.
So he orders Tripp to get on that.
And then he and Reed agree to do a little surgery
on a torpedo.
I love a surgery on a torpedo scene.
They're like, hey, can we get a torpedo into a set
that's already
erected and lit for the episode? Can we go ahead and do that there? We don't have
the torpedo room set up right now, do we?
Then we'll bring the torpedo to the launch bay. Work on it there. You head the bridge.
This is such a bottle episode. It is like one L5 extra on Vaughn Armstrong.
No sets.
It's like bridge, six-bay lunchroom, shuttle bay, right?
Like, are there any other sets in the whole fucking episode?
That sounds like that test of cognitive ability.
Bridge, weapons room, mess hall.
Elephant, pirate ship, turtle.
Oh, fuck, that's the artist.
Archer asks Reed to set up the conditions for the surgery on the missile and Reed starts drawing like a little turtle head
to match the other turtle head.
So that weird deja vu thing happens again
as they are trying to load the payload
of the warhead into the pod.
I feel like that's happening to me, given the rate of champagne consumption.
I'm fucking hammering this thing.
I haven't drank wine like this in a long time.
I feel absolutely insane.
You're doing good, man.
Three hours of sleep and this much wine is a fucking weird combination.
It's all good. Wendy's going to make us sound great.
Thank you, Wendy.
Honestly, if anyone has ever contemplated supporting the show,
this is the episode to do it on,
because the amount of work Wendy does
to clean something like this up, staggering.
I know.
RSVP all the SulaBan, they all get taken out by Tholians.
Which kind of suggests the high dollar value that this tin can and the
cargo bay represents, right?
A lot of them were willing to die for that.
It is really crazy.
And the Tholians reiterate that they would like to take custody of this
vessel and like meanwhile, Reed and Archer just keep putting the warhead
into the ship over and over again.
Security prepares for a Tholian boarding party.
We're told that the Tholians have connected
to both docking rings.
This is an exciting moment to me.
Like, let them in, I wanna see.
This was like New Hope opening scene, like what's going
to come through that door when the when the sparks stop
Good call.
And I love that they like got us so worked up for that. I'm
like presenting ass in the air. Give me the Tholians and then
we don't get them.
Up to the point of like the scene of enterprise security
like stationed around the corner, ready to go.
We get so close to that.
So good. But Tripp finally gets the gadget broadcasting.
And this is like, I think like a particular strength of enterprise.
Like when they make an intricate prop,
they are so good at making a prop have
like multiple like physical states, you know, like things you can turn and like alter.
There's a moment when strip drops in kind of a cassette of power that like it moves
so smoothly and perfectly that it feels engineered in the way that you want it.
To if you're watching a future show, you know?
There's this moment in the fifth element
that like breaks my heart every time I see that movie,
which is they're in the hotel ship
and a bomb like kind of comes up out of a suitcase.
And when it comes to a rest,
it like wiggles a little bit in the way
that like a lightweight thing
that you just like rigged up for the movie would wiggle.
And not in the way that like a heavy, scary,
highly engineered explosive device would.
It breaks the spell, huh?
Yeah, it just, it bumps you out of the movie for a moment.
And in a way that like, that's like the fucking climax.
Like, come on, like that needs to work perfectly moment in a way that like that's like the fucking climax like come on like that
Needs to work perfectly. It's got to look like that. Yeah, and I think enterprise like
Consistently does a great job with props like that. Yeah
So like at the climax of the episode they decide to dump out the tin can with the missile inside
Right and it gets scooped up by the Tholians.
So you think like, cool, like the plan is we're going to detonate the missile
when the Tholians have it and that's our, that's our great plan,
except it doesn't work.
So there's a moment here in the episode where it feels like all is lost, right?
The Tholians have the thing and they're getting away, except the black box has worked.
It's transmitted its message and all of these objects disappear.
The fact that the bomb doesn't go off when they set the remote trigger
read to me as like the hull, the thing that absorbs all EM signals
would have like prevented the signal getting to the warhead.
That makes sense. Yeah.
I wanted them to say something about that.
Like, fuck, we didn't think about that.
Like, cause they're all new to this, you know?
Who would have thought that if we put the bomb
and all that blue fluid,
it would somehow obscure the signal.
It would short out some of the connections.
I love shitting in liquid.
Nothing better than that.
The only thing better than that is when you shit on top of a pile of shit
that's built up in liquid.
Amazing scene because it seems like we go from an all is lost to what did we lose?
We didn't lose anything.
All this stuff blurped away.
Evidently from future people who have taken all this stuff back.
They collected their stuff kind of like the Borgs do almost like the
disappearing phase out like looked almost Borgsy to me.
It's such a dunk also that once the high value items are gone, the Tholians just bug out.
Enterprise isn't even worth destroying to them.
All right, whatever.
That was what we came for.
You ain't shit to us.
You're not worth a torpedo.
But the Vulcan ship is worth a shuttle pod.
Archer is like, let's send some help over there.
Cause we learned that like they just lost engine power
and like nobody actually died over there.
We get a little take from T'Pol.
She was like, if you guys want to believe
that that ship got beamed away to the 31st century,
that's fine for you, but like, uh,
extremely silly in my opinion.
I mean, that's the company line.
She's going to prepare a report though.
And, uh, the, the big question in her mind is when I talk about how we found a.
Corpse that was doing a bad job of faking that it was actually
dead, how is the high command going to feel about the fact that it was part Vulcan?
They're more likely to believe in time travel.
The question T'Pol should be asking is, cool, Archer, I'll write the report, but what you're
doing is telling me to tell Mayweather to write the report, right?
That fucking guy is our report writer. I don't have to do shit. but like what you're doing is telling me to tell Mayweather to write the report, right?
That fucking guy is our report writer. I don't have to do shit. And he's like, should I take my shirt off to write the report?
I love that like to Mayweather, everything is the first 20 seconds of a porn video.
Oh, I thought to Mayweather was a Vulcan that we hadn't met yet.
Oh, you want me to write the...
Ich habe report gegeben.
Oh no.
I'm worried where this video is headed
if one of the performers speak in German.
And that's the end of the episode.
Like will Vulcans and humans fucking be part of this report?
That's up to Mayweather.
Did you like this episode, Ben?
I just nearly spilled.
I saw your camera blurp. What happened? I didn't nearly spilled. I saw your camera blurp.
What happened?
I didn't nearly spill.
I spilled some champagne on my desk here and I'm hoping that it's okay.
FODs, if you had bet Ben spills during the drunk-a-soad, go ahead and cash your ticket.
I have a roll of paper towels over here.
I'm gonna go grab.
Do you mind vamping while I just sop up some of the mess I've made?
I'm gonna say if I like this episode.
And of course I did.
Why did I like it?
I like episodes with time travel.
I like episodes with characters who don't believe in time travel.
I like episodes where Trip Tucker gets to do bits.
That's fun.
I'm always gonna think fondly of the moment
Trip and Reed started dropping stuff down that well.
That was neat.
That was a good moment.
That one was for the boys.
And it kind of seems like this fits into a type of episode
that Enterprise is doing, right?
Like a temporal Cold War episode
is a type of episode Enterprise does.
This nudges us along down that timeline.
We didn't learn jack shit about this guy though,
or the ship.
Like it's interesting, like it is interesting
how much attention they were
able to hold while giving us none of the answers that you would typically presume that you
would get for something like this. This thing blurps away. You're not any smarter than you
were earlier.
It's a real lost episode in that respect. Like, it fills up the mystery box without
ever opening it and revealing what's inside.
Don't Lindelof me, bro.
Ha ha ha.
Good ep, fun ep, and I think that it's a testament
to like how fun this show can be that they can make an episode
as bodily as this one.
Like there are no exotic locations.
There's no nothing in this episode.
Like they built one extra set for this
and cast one extra.
And it does a great job of being a Myth-Ark episode
that, like, makes us feel the temporal Cold War
as a going concern in a more intense way
without spoiling any of the fun of that.
It's pretty fun.
Good job.
Good job, Star Trek Enterprise.
Good job by us.
The last maybe two and a half ounces of champagne here.
Oh, dude, you really passed me on the final stretch.
I've got this much cup.
Oh, but you've got ice in there.
I do. I do a lot of ice.
Look, this should put to rest just the absolute drinksman that Ben is,
and always has been over me.
You were talking about a long layoff from drinking and a long layoff from sleeping.
You got right back on the drinking bike, dude. And you can ride.
It's gonna be fun telling my wife what I did at work today
while she was on maternity leave.
Yeah, let's tell the FODs what the messages are
in the priority one inbox.
Let's do it.
Priority one message from Starfleet
coming in on Secure Channel.
Need a supplemental income.
Supplemental income?
Yeah, it's extra.
By the interest alone, could be enough to buy this ship.
Adam, our first message today is of a promotional nature.
Congratulations to the P1 writers for getting the Neelix's champagne episode.
Probably the second burpiest type of episode after the the Mornhammered episode.
It goes like this.
I'm an author of unusual novellas trying to get better at self-promotion.
Author of unusual novellas? Not that I know of.
Ha ha ha.
Sci-fi horror coming out stories? I write queer queer fiction.
Meaning that my stories always involve LGBTQ plus characters.
And that in my humble opinion, my work is really fucking weird.
My flagship book right now is Black Hole Recess,
which is a motley crew of queer kids
fighting a town terrorizing cloud monsters.
Rascals is a much hated TNGF,
but what my theory presupposes is maybe it'd be great
if it was a completely different thing? Wow. This
sounds really fun. So check out the queer fiction of MW Lindbergh wherever
ebooks are sold and if you do please drop a rating and or review it helps a
ton. I just want to say MW is like Like, I've never heard that before. That's such a great nom de plume or whatever.
Yeah, MW Lindbergh is the author of this...
I think using queer queer is self-consciously like weird
in one case and sexually divergent in the other case fiction.
Go on.
I'm saying that Queer Queer Fiction, one of the queers is doing a different job than the other
Queer in that three word phrase.
Indeed. Yeah.
I feel weird saying queers because I feel like people are going to think I'm talking
about quote unquote the queers and I'm talking about the word queer in the context of that
I think the explanation and defense is really helping.
Yeah, people will feel like I definitely am coming from the right place, right? Look, if you are interested in reading
what MW Lindbergh has written...
If you're interested in reading what MW Lindbergh has written,
you might be a queer.
Yeah, they say that these books are available
wherever e-books are sold, so get in there.
You know what I really hope happening?
What I really hope happens in this situation is
his friend of DeSoto, Carter Kalchik, his smash hit
spicy novel review TikTok channel reviews an MW Lindbergh book.
How about that? That would be great.
Benjamin R. Harrison, putting them together. Calling a shot. How about that? That would be great. Benjamin R. Harrison. Putting them together.
Calling a shot.
How about that?
Good job.
Ben, we got a personal priority one message here.
It's from Mary and it's to Reeves.
This was intended to be on Valentine's Day, so we're a little bit after that, but...
Not that much.
The feeling is still pure, right?
Happy Valentine's Day!
Valentine's is what we call it in our household.
My household.
That's sweet.
I'm giving that gift to Mary and Reeves.
You are an amazing man in every aspect, and I am so grateful that the universe flung us together.
I never knew real love until we met.
I wake up every day excited to spend it with you and we'll do so for the rest of our lives
My mind to your mind my thoughts to your thoughts. Whoa. I love you so much, baby
You oh E. M. Oh
Wow, I got to say like my voice caught a couple times in that it is so fucking sincere
To read a message like that
Mary a very well- written P1 message and Rees, you really did great with Mary.
Who is able to articulate a love with such sincerity that it's almost unbelievable.
Like, wow. I love it. Good job.
It's really good. I wonder what U-O-E-N-O stands for.
Our final P1 today is from Zenobia
and it is to Justin. Goes like this. 15 years ago this February
we moved in to the share house that kicked
off the greatest friendship where black mold made our brains the rotten pun
based glory hurls that they are today. What better way to celebrate than to
thank Adam and Ben whose pod ropes of friendship now bind us, like Tripp and Archer, across continents.
Harry Kim drop.
Something about it reminds me of being in the womb.
What up, Harry?
Who are you?
Harry Kim.
Parents must be very proud.
Who are you?
They come as a pair.
Who are you?
Harry Kim.
Who else is she supposed to get chummy with?
Harry Kim and your mom.
Very proud.
Who are you? Harry Kim. That lasted 22 minutes and your mom very proud Harry Kim. Who are you Harry Kim?
For best chums, how about that Zenobia and Justin?
best chums
Best chums. You don't hear chum too much
Chum is good as a description of friendship
I don't hear chum too much. Chum is good.
As a description of friendship.
There was a girl in my elementary school named Zenobia.
You don't hear that name that often.
It's one of the great names.
I only think about chum in a Jaws context.
Oh, sure.
And in a dump a bunch of Old Spice into a rag
just to be around it context.
I don't think this is that kind of chum.
This is the friendship chum.
I feel like chum may be a different part of the English speaking world usage here.
Like Zenobia definitely indicates that to me also.
I'm not going to make assumptions.
They could be from anywhere, but their friendship is rock solid.
Is it their chumship, but their friendship is rock-solid. Is there isn't their chum ship technically it is
Yeah, I mean, it's a friendship full of chum. Hmm. They want to attract the Sharks sure listen
If you want to hear this sort of vamping about a message that is important to you
whether it's to a Valentine or
It's about some queer queer fiction you write
or a friendship glory hole you want to celebrate.
Which again, Adam is quoting it when he says queer queer fiction.
It's not, he's not saying that in a weird way.
I mean he is, like the one time he is saying it in a weird way because it's a synonym for weird in that context.
There's nothing weird about it at all. Well, I'm just saying that cuz like MW Lindbergh did
Imply that one of the usages was that it was weird. Look what's clear about
This p1 segment is is that Ben is the only one that's gonna feel bad about how this is gone
And I'm gonna sleep great tonight
Because you know what you get with a Priority One message.
You write a message and then we read it
and then we drill down into what its deeper meanings are.
And it's a great way to support the production of our shows.
And these are shows that are worthy
and in need of your support.
So slash Jumbotron is how you do that.
You know what's amazing about having a three week old baby?
I have no idea.
I know I'm not gonna sleep well tonight no matter what.
Hey, hey, just between you and me, you're in hell right now right?
You don't have to pretend that having a baby is so it's
such a miracle it's so great oh it's the best it fucking it fucking sucks
especially right now right she rules she's great I love her but your life
your life is shit I'm gonna raise her to destroy the entire planet. That's my goal with my daughter, is to raise a destroyer of worlds.
I want her to become death.
But tell me about your life, Ben.
How's your life right now?
I'm saying she already kind of is showing a lot of aptitude in that department.
Hey, Ben.
What's that, Adam?
Did you find yourself a drunk Shimoda?
Oh boy.
I want to give it to SulaBahnCaptain.
Because it's like, like you can't do Sillick in this episode.
It can't be SulaBahnCaptain you know.
Even though like I love the moment when Archer drops the name, like in a,
hey, by the way, in case you weren't even trying to take me seriously, I do know
Ooh, Archer, you dropped something?
Yeah, exactly.
I love that, like, I guess I got to be like officious aboutious about our like duly earned salvage rights here guy.
Like, I don't know, man.
I just gotta get this fucking pod.
Yeah, yep.
I don't wanna have to go back and get a bunch of cell ships
and, you know, chase you with 20 of them.
Like that's a fucking pain in the ass.
Neither of us need that.
Give me the pod. Give me the pod.
Ben, my Shimoda is one half Shimoda to Reed, one half Shimoda to Tripp Tucker.
You can't just sit over a hole and drop things down into it and not be a Shimoda to me.
Just a delightful scene all around.
Almost redeems Reed in my mind.
Not all the way, obviously, because Reed is a fucking disaster.
But yeah, dropping wrenches down holes.
You gotta do it, and they do it.
You have to.
You gots to.
Faith of the fart.
All right, what do we have coming up on next week's episode of both Enterprise and the Greatest Generation?
Benjamin R. Harrison is going to go to the game of buttholes, The Will of the Riker,
Quantum Leap, and also read the capsule of what next week's episode of Star Trek Enterprise
is going to be.
Ben, take it away. It's season two, episode 17 of Star Trek Enterprise,
It's not Kaminar, Adam. It's Kanamar.
God, I would blow that so fucking badly.
Uh, Archer and Chakur are wrongly arrested
and placed on a prisoner transport heading
for a penal colony named Canamar.
Things go from bad to worse
when one of the other prisoners plots to take over the ship.
Holy shit dog.
How happy.
Here's what I want from the next episode.
I want cutbacks to Mayweather. Just fucking
chilling the most. Just so fucking happy not to be involved in this. I've already done
my time with Archer in prison. Leave me out of that.
Adam, I'm going to get our dice queued up. Hey, listen. I saw the Reddit post about how people don't care
for the 100-sided die, saying it takes some of the suspense
out of the game.
It doesn't take suspense out of the game.
It triples the suspense.
What are these people talking about?
We can hit anything, any roll.
Do these people not know how a hundred sided die works?
You're required to learn as you play.
What'd you roll, Ben?
A 76.
Did I win?
Which rocketed us around.
Put us on square 28.
Regular episode next week.
It's fine. Yeah. That's what the board does thing is bad
It's good. Sometimes it's champagne. Sometimes it's breadsticks
Next week is not either of those things now
but next week it is supported by all of the people that generously go to maximum fun org slash join and
prop up this leaky barge with five bucks a month you know? Yeah. Hey you wanna you wanna pay the uh the karma barge pilot? slash join. That's real talk too. Gotta thank Windy Pretty, our producer and editor who just does an amazing job keeping
the plates spinning around here.
We have to thank Bill Tilley, our temporal Cold War time consigliere who keeps us apprised
of what's going on in the DMs.
He's who you're gonna encounter if you want to send something into the show.
DM him to get our address and he'll determine if what you'd like to send is worth sending
Bill Tilley is so great.
We're so lucky to know that guy.
Check out the at greatest Trek Insta to see the ongoing project of making trading cards
for Star Trek episodes that he does.
Every time I see him, I'm like,
God fuck, Bill Tilly still got it.
After all these years, still got the fastball.
Sure does.
Dark Materia does the music you're hearing right now.
Adam Ragusea does the theme in interstitial music.
Adam Ragusea, the third, some weeks at the fourth co-host
of the wholesome podcast that we do about
sharing things that we like with each other. A new subject every week, a new show every
week, really.
Yeah, and gotta thank Rob Adler, our social media director. Follow At Greatest Track all
over the web. Join the Discord or add something to the Wiki.
And with that, we will be back at you next week with another great episode of Greatest
Gen Voyager, of Star Trek Voyager, and episode of the Great greatest generation Voyager where
Adam and I are wondering like should we be on a prison transport?
Because I Adam I didn't mean queer in like a like I was quoting and I was trying to clarify
Okay, then I don't think you do well on a prison transport. I'm just gonna say that I don't think that's my word to use, but I was trying to provide
You know because like I don't that
Ben you read the telepromp U.S. 10th Enterprise.
Captain John Lupicata, the U.S. 10th Enterprise.
Make it show.
Make it show.
John Lupicata,
John Lupicata, John Lupicata, John Lupicata.
Maximum Fun,
a workaround network
of artist-owned shows, supported
directly by you.
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It's actually crazy value. I don't understand it So take advantage of this and support the production of greatest gen and greatest trek in the process
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Jumbotron write a couple of things me and Ben will do the rest
That's immediate episode spots available for Priority One messages at
slash Jumbotron.
And thanks as ever for supporting Greatest Gen and Greatest Trek.