The Greatest Generation - Eight Years’ Worth of RumChata (ENT S2E15)

Episode Date: February 17, 2025

When the Vulcans and the Andorians start fighting over the same shitty planet, Captain Archer gets called in on special diplomatic duty and no one really knows why. But when Shran releases a hostage a...nd tries to open a conversation with Ambassador Soval, Suzie Plakson breaks rank and reveals she’s a war-hungry anti-Vulcite. Which superhero do you want at a sex party? Who is logicing like a fox? Will Shran ever sleep again? It’s the episode that got a little overcooked.Support the production of The Greatest GenerationGet a thing at!Sign up for our mailing list!Follow The Game of Buttholes: The Will of the Riker - Quantum LeapThe Greatest Generation is produced by Wynde PriddySocial media is managed by Rob Adler and Bill TilleyMusic by Adam Ragusea & Dark MateriaFriends of DeSoto for: Labor | Democracy | JusticeDiscuss the show using the hashtag #GreatestGen and find us on social media:YouTube | Facebook | X | Instagram | TikTok | Mastodon | Bluesky | ThreadsAnd check out these online communities run by FODs: Reddit | USS Hood Discord | Facebook group | Wikia |

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Friends of DeSoto, I have a really exciting announcement about the Star Trek PodCrawl. We raised over $17,000 for science education in this little event that we threw with six of our favorite Star Trek podcasts. We all reviewed Star Trek films. All of the episodes are now live at and the donation link is still live at, and the donation link is still live at So if you haven't given a listen to these episodes yet, I encourage you to do so. And if you would still like to support, even though we smashed through our goal of raising 10,000 bucks for science education, we encourage you to support as well.
Starting point is 00:00:41 All these funds go to the National Center for Science Education, which does really great work. Once again, that's if you want to check this out. Here's to the finest crew in Star Trek. When it comes to my crew, you won't get any argument from me. This is a parody. Paramount owns the song. Welcome to The Greatest Generation. It's a Star Trek podcast by a couple of guys just a little bit embarrassed about having a Star Trek podcast. I'm Adam Pranica. I'm Ben Harrison. I got cupped today.
Starting point is 00:01:20 You ever get cupped? Is that like when you're in a little league team and to prove that you're all wearing appropriate protection, the coach goes down the line with a baseball bat and taps everyone in the groin? No, no, but I would have tried that. You know, I'm trying to chase down this nerve pain in my legs thing. Yeah, yeah. I've gone to get you know needles put into me
Starting point is 00:01:46 Sometimes the needles have electricity Attached to them sometimes I have cups put on me and moved around. It's a whole thing You're like Neo from the matrix. Yeah It's been great and it's been helping that's good, but this was the first time I'd gone since I had been forgotten on the table. Oh boy. You ever have this happen to you? No. You go to a medical procedure and then they forget.
Starting point is 00:02:17 Here's the thing about what happened. So this isn't my first time having the needles put in and having the jumper cables put on and the whole thing. So like I'm face down, my head's in that little donut, the needles are in. Your ass is in the air. Practitioners like, all right, see you in an hour. And that's how it goes, right? I'm down for an hour and then I get up and go. So I'm laying face down. You got like a book down there in the hole?
Starting point is 00:02:49 Absolutely not. It is blissful, dark, like soft music is playing and I've got like electricity going into my Verity, into some areas. And it's great. It's like my favorite thing. I'm trying to go like once a month now. This is last month. Okay.
Starting point is 00:03:09 So I'm in there and I'm just breathing and thinking and breathing and thinking, breathing and thinking. And I do it for what feels like a really long time, like longer than it should be. I start to feel weird, weird and bad. And what they do at these places is they give you a little doorbell thing, like they stick it in your hand. And the practitioner is like, Hey, if you have a weird sensation or you're in any pain or anything or whatever, you want to go to the bathroom,
Starting point is 00:03:40 hit the doorbell, I'll come in and get you. And this feeling goes on for what feels like a while and I don't know what time it is. My, my phone's on silent. It's across the room. This is, this is for thinking and breathing. Sure. Sure. Finally, I hit the doorbell and I hear the
Starting point is 00:03:57 unmistakable sound of running outside the door and the door bursts open. I don't usually get a door burst when my time is up. This time the door bursted and in comes the practitioner who is like, oh my God, oh no, oh God. Because I had been on the table for 90 minutes and somehow my body knew that I wasn't supposed to be there that long. My body can tell time is one of the points of this story.
Starting point is 00:04:34 So the needles come out, I get flipped over. Like the thing is done. And the practitioner's like, what happened to you is something we in the industry call like you got a little overcooked. And what's interesting about this is that the body knows. Like when this happens to people, and it doesn't happen very often, this is a unique case, they've made sure to impress that upon me. They're like, yeah, you're very in tune with your body
Starting point is 00:05:05 and your body knows time. And so your body recognized that you were there longer than an hour. And it started to freak out a little bit. And that's what happened to you. And I came away from that feeling like on the one hand, I don't know if I can trust this person again. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:21 But on the other hand, what a power my body has. My body can tell time. That is a cool power. Uh, I wonder if you ever experienced that when you're like watching a Star Trek episode, like, this one's a little bit long. I mean, the thing about Star Trek episodes is that they're always, like, reliably,
Starting point is 00:05:43 they're the same time. It would be a weird thing to watch a Star Trek episode that that they're always, like, reliably, they're the same time. It would be a weird thing to watch a Star Trek episode that was, like, 53 minutes. Yeah. And I wonder if the body could feel it. It would be like, eh, this is making me uncomfortable, man. It doesn't feel right.
Starting point is 00:05:56 My leg's starting to twitch. Is this supposed to be like this? Like it's connected to a battery. Man, are you going back to that place? Like, is that, are they dead to you? Well, I went back again this morning, which is why I thought of it the first time since that time. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:14 And there was a, there was playful banter. Like you could do bits on acupuncture, I think, and have it work. It was fun. Bits on egg timers. All I do is, no matter what. And have it work. It was fun. Bits on egg timers. All I do is no matter what. It's all forgiven. It's all good.
Starting point is 00:06:30 I was awoken exactly an hour after my session began. Sure. And it was all good. To err is human. Absolutely. Yeah. I like this new oops all forbearance, Adam Pranica. That's nice.
Starting point is 00:06:44 Yeah. I mean, it's a high leverage situation when you're the one face down with a bunch of needles in you. Sure. Yeah, you don't want to, it's not when you pick a fight, necessarily. Yeah, everything's great. We're good.
Starting point is 00:06:58 We're real good. Yeah, and you turn on a dime the second the last needle comes out, like, what the fuck is wrong with you? You're going gonna kill me! Yeah, the level of forbearance changes in proportion to the number of needles in my birdie. Ah, man. Well, I'm glad that we've learned your X-Men superpower can tell time.
Starting point is 00:07:21 That's it, isn't it? I can think of another time where that would be useful, really. But at least I have that going for me. I do like the idea of X-Men whose power sucks. I mean, there's a few X-Men whose power kind of sucks. I'm not really sure what Beast can do other than hang upside down while he's reading a book or whatever. Beast is super smart. I while he's reading a book or whatever. But like- Beast is super smart. I guess he's super smart, but like he's not shooting fucking laser
Starting point is 00:07:47 beams out of his eyes, you know? Like- No. That power kicks ass. It's one of the great powers. It's, it's also what makes Scott Summers such a dick to be around, I guess. People hate Scott Summers. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:00 Yeah. He's a tool, but he's a leader. He is. Yeah. He used to be my favorite X- he's a leader. He is, yeah. He used to be my favorite X-Man. Me too. Based on the side scrolling video game, he was like, that was my guy.
Starting point is 00:08:11 I like distance power in my playable characters. Sure. This is why you like Dalzeem so much in Street Fighter, right? I was never a Dalzeem guy, but I can see the similarity between Laser Beam and Long Limb. You can stay back at a distance out of harm's way while you beat up on the other guy. It's great.
Starting point is 00:08:32 Exactly. Yeah. Well, people should write in, tell us their superpowers that are not useful. I'm very curious to learn about X-Men superpowers that are no good. Name your X-Man. Yeah. Call it, uh, blank X-Men. Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 00:08:50 Include that in your copy. What are you? Timekeeper? Wristwatch? Oh, like, what's the name of my superhero? Yeah, what's... The Chronometer? -♪ Tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, I like that because there's a kind of a straight line Star Trek reference there. Sure. That's fun. The chronometer. All right.
Starting point is 00:09:12 Well, who knows if the chronometer hangs with Magneto or Professor X. Yeah. And who knows which side the Enterprise will fall on as they get right in the middle of a conflict between the Andorians and the Vulcans on as they get right in the middle of a conflict between the Andorians and the Vulcans on today's episode. Oh yeah. Which side of the dial will the hand be pointing at the end of Star Trek Enterprise Season Two,
Starting point is 00:09:34 Episode 15, ceasefire. That's what you said to the person that was pumping you full of electricity via needle, right? This has gone long enough. Cease fire. ["Street Fighter II Theme Song"] So we get like an aerial of this war-torn city, and then we're inside with Susie Plaxen and Shran,
Starting point is 00:10:01 and they're strategizing. Hey, Susie Plaxin, why the long face? That's unfair. She's got the antennas, it accentuates a feature. I know, I'm not saying Suzy Plaxin has a long face. I'm saying the way she's done up as an Andorian and the way the hairline works and all that, it kind of Frankenstein monsters her out a little bit
Starting point is 00:10:25 in a way that I don't love. Yeah. She's a lot of fun in this episode, though. And I like that they gave her an Anne Suzy Plaxton in the credits. Her voice is unmistakable. I love it so much. It doesn't have a stun setting. An absolute OG Star Trek legend. And she's sassy in this episode, too, in a way that Suzy Plaxton characters often are in Star Trek legend. And she's sassy in this episode too, in a way that Suzy Plaxton characters
Starting point is 00:10:47 often are in Star Trek. She's great. She's talking to Shrand about how there is a proposed ceasefire on the table coming from the Vulcans, and he does not want to talk to the Vulcans about that shit. He wants someone he can trust in the room
Starting point is 00:11:04 to moderate this. A useful pink-skinned idiot is what Shran wants. His name is Archer. Amazing. Indeed. I love how this moment isn't played for the revelation of a hero. You know, like I feel like we see the scene in a lot of different contexts and in a lot of different ways. Like, oh my God, that's the equalizer or whatever. And there's like a music sting and like the whole package. This isn't like that.
Starting point is 00:11:39 This is just someone saying Archer's name and Suzy Plaxton going, huh, who's that? He can tell perfect time without a watch. He's called the Chronometer. So after the theme, Archer is as shocked as we were to find out that he is being summoned to broker a peace on this war-torn world. He's getting the news from Admiral Forrest, who's relaying it from, I guess, the Vulcan High Command.
Starting point is 00:12:09 None of them can really wrap their minds around this. Sexual icon Admiral Forrest has his orders. That's one aspect of this conversation that I think is important. This isn't like a, hey, Srein asked for you. Are you available? It's weird, but whatever. Admiral Forrest is like, your orders are to go see what this is about.
Starting point is 00:12:32 You're the closest thing we have to an ambassador out there. You know how important this could be. We learn a little bit more about the conflict. There's a planet that the Vulcans and Andorians are both in the conversation of who owns it. The Vulcans call it Pond Macar, which sounded like horny adjacent Vulcan language, right? Yeah. It seems like when you have Pond Farr and like all you have is a shuttlecraft to go to, to jack it or something. Right. You gotta go do Pond Macar. Right. Shoot it into the cigarette tray.
Starting point is 00:13:11 Or if you're just like with a hot Vulcan lady and you drive up to like the lookout point and you get it on Pond Macar, like that feels like another valid use case of the term. Absolutely. Why fight over this piece of shit planet though? Like that's one another valid use case of the term. Absolutely. Why fight over this piece of shit planet though? Like that's one of the questions here. It's a, it's a class D. We should have done clap sync with, with dry heaves.
Starting point is 00:13:38 That was perfect. Hey, hey, Wendy, don't sync on the clap, sync on the vomit. How about no. Hey, Wendy, don't sink on the clap, sink on the vomit. How about no? Hey Wendy, don't sink in the vomit, yuck. You have to try, you have to care. The Andorians call it Weitan and it's turned back into a hot war. So they are really cooking to get out there. Like they're warping super hard.
Starting point is 00:14:03 It's a Myanmar Burma situation, isn't it? With the whole Pan-Macar and whatever the other word was? Sure. It's called Waitan. Yeah, we don't call it that anymore. Exactly. Oh, it's gonna be that kind of episode too. Hey, Adam.
Starting point is 00:14:20 I don't need to tell you what time it is. Change, change, change, change, go! I wanna change superheroes. I don't need to tell you what time it is. I want to change superheroes. I'm going to let my guy die in the video game, and then I'm going to choose someone else from the choose character screen. Quarters in a different slot. Drip Archer and T'Pol are at the Captain's Best. They're talking about why fight over this uninhabitable piece of shit. And T'Pol tells them that the Andorians were actually working on terraforming it. And then the Vulcans were like, wait, that's right on our doorstep.
Starting point is 00:14:55 The only reason to put a colony there is for its strategic closeness to us. We don't like that. You got to get out of there. And the Vulcans annexed it. And she speaks pretty matter-of-factly about the, like, organized roundup and expulsion of the Andorians that were living there. They left the High Command a little choice. It's almost like you can't say anything against the Vulcans, lest you be labeled some sort of anti-Vulcite... (*CURT LAUGHS*) this scenario, you know?
Starting point is 00:15:27 Yeah. Yeah. I kind of understand the Andorians deal. Like, they did all the work. Yeah. That's shitty. Like, they got it all set up and then they're kicked out. They had the, like, atmospheric processors going for all that time. And, like, they exterminated all the alien queens that laid
Starting point is 00:15:46 their eggs in one of them. Do you think it looks like a space ball planet once the Andorians set up their thing? Like all the buildings have two antennas on them. That'd be fun, right? I do like that idea. But the planet's been deserted for a century. Like the Vulcans have been keeping an eye on it,
Starting point is 00:16:06 but not colonizing it themselves. And we get to orbit and Soval shows up with a guy that he introduces as Sub Commander Murok. And Soval is just as shocked as we are that Archer was asked to do this. And Archer's like, I know, right? This is fucking weird. We've seen Saval before on this show.
Starting point is 00:16:29 He's always ready and available to kick Archer in the nuts. I don't consider your presence here an asset. This Gary Graham is such a treasure in this role. He's one of those guys that you love to hate. Yeah, he rules. He's great. Before Gary Graham passed, I got to spend some time at the Masquerade Bar with him, drinking late night at an STLV,
Starting point is 00:16:52 and he was really fun to talk to. No way! Yeah. Tell me more about that. What did he drink? What did you drink? I don't know what he was drinking. I was having tequila sodas at that point in the night, and somebody, like, introduced him to me and was like, this guy's gotquila sodas at that point in the night and somebody introduced
Starting point is 00:17:05 him to me and was like, this guy's got a real big Star Trek podcast. And I think he may have been kind of hazy on what a podcast was. May I see it? Really? Please. People don't know how that sounds. And it does not sound the way people think it would when you're introduced like that. But I told him I really enjoyed him in robot jocks among all of the other Star Trek things he's done.
Starting point is 00:17:32 Yeah. He was a gracious and delightful celebrity chat. Where was I? In some hotel room party? Yeah. Getting bombed? You were probably up in the secret sex party being thrown by Mission Log or whatever. That's what I do. That's where I go.
Starting point is 00:17:48 So. The chronometer has arrived to keep time of the sex party. The hour hand has reached its apogee. John Champion, you're looking very 11 PM. So we learned that Trent actually has some hostages and he is only going to return those people if Archer comes in and mediates. So Faul is like, so this guy, Mirok, is somebody I actually trust, unlike you, so he's going to be going down with you and holding your leash. And Archer's like, no fucking way am I going with some Vulcan stooge.
Starting point is 00:18:42 Like, if I'm taking a Vulcan, I'm taking one I trust and that ain't Murok. So it's going to be an archer into Paul mission. There may be a situation where we're, uh, put down onto a dirt floor and we've got to eat gruel. Your, your Vulcan hench doesn't look like the gruel eating type. If that guy falls chest first onto me, it will be not nearly as pleasant. God save that poor little stooge. Hey, sub commander Morok, let's see what you're working with.
Starting point is 00:19:11 Dump them out, Morok. Maybe just tie the back of your robe, like very tight, like with one of your hands. Let me see. Now turn to the side. Let me see you in profile. Yeah. Now that's not going to do it. That's not cutting it.
Starting point is 00:19:24 That's not going to do it, sub commander Morok. Yeah. Archer goes to Sixth Band and learns from Flax that he needs a bit of bombardment before he can go down due to some kind of atmospheric situation. This is something I think you were familiar with back in your college days before you go to a party and get to do some bombardments before we're heading out for the night. Uh-huh. Yeah. You want to stay up, don't you?
Starting point is 00:19:48 Yeah. Archer's like, no, I just want to go down and like catches a ball in his face. And Flax is like, bombardment! I mean, this is an opportunity, right? While the bombardment happens, it gives Flax a chance to talk to Archer, lest you forget. Dr. Flocks is a war veteran. He was a battlefield medic. And he cautions Archer about just wandering down to a war zone, swinging his arms around like the fucking dope that he is.
Starting point is 00:20:23 Hey, watch your back, Captain. Can you please try to be your best self down there? But Archer really sees this as an opportunity. He's like the legitimacy of humans as like a concerned species in the galactic conversation is not being done any favors by the last year and a half or so of the NX01's venture out into the stars. And this might be a chance for me to start turning things around. The feeling is just like, Archer's like, Ralph from The Simpsons, like,
Starting point is 00:20:56 I'm a negotiator. Aw, way to go, Ralph. Like, the sense of self-importance here feels foreshadowing to me in a way that I don't think that they're intending. Like this confidence that he has is kind of feels like a setup to me. He's going to fake it till he makes it and really fake it we learn in the next scene
Starting point is 00:21:16 because DePaul is like, so I sent you like the treaty that is at under dispute and like some briefing papers about specifically what has happened and like some books on like diplomacy 101. Did you go over any of that? Did you get the advance email from the venue? I'm pretty sure I did. Yeah, didn't seem to be a problem. Archer's excuse, if we could call it that, is that, I mean, who reads this much the night before a mission?
Starting point is 00:21:49 He was already up until the early hours of the morning. The idea that he would read hundreds and hundreds of pages before the mission seems far-fetched. So much that he doesn't really have to say that he's gonna go with his gut. Like, don't say that part. Just say, you read as much as you could beforehand and that's as much as could be done.
Starting point is 00:22:09 But like this note that the conversation ends on with the like. We're just gonna have to play by ear. He's a little George W about, I'm just gonna go down there and figure it out. Yeah. I mean, she explains this as like, she just wants him to like put his best foot forward and have the best chance of success, but he really resented
Starting point is 00:22:28 the like 1200 pages of, of light reading that she gave him, you know, hours before he's meant to actually synthesize that information and do something with it. So. And you know the Vulcans write their reports in single space. Yeah. They're doing the opposite of what I'm doing with the Margins. They're like moving them toward the edge of the paper. Yeah, there's barely anywhere to put your finger. So they put down in this bombed out city and there's still some fighting going on.
Starting point is 00:23:00 We see like flashes of light on the horizon. They start kind of sneaking around and a bunch of Andorians get the drop on them. And they are very angry that T'Pol is here with Archer. They're like, we expected you to come alone Archer. And then they kind of look at each other and they're like, all right, well, I mean we brought extra hoods.
Starting point is 00:23:21 So it's actually gonna be all right from our perspective. Good thing we brought a couple of head bags just in case. Uh, so they go and are put in front of Shran and he's like very resentful of the implication that he took hostages as is Suzy Plaxton. Like they're, they are in a war. These are captured soldiers, not innocents that they just grabbed. And T'Pol weighs in pretty early here and calls this a violation of the territorial compromise. That's what we learn the treaty is that governs this planet.
Starting point is 00:23:54 Suzy Plaxton calls this not a territorial compromise, but oppression. She views like what the Vulcans did, displacing all those colonists and seizing this planet as a pretty unambiguously evil act and really has an axe to grind with all Vulcans about it. What do you make of the single blue light in the closet that's pointed directly at the middle Vulcan prisoner? It's a blue light. What does it do? Trans-blue.
Starting point is 00:24:24 There's something so unusual about seeing practical lighting in a scene like this, and that it's just aimed at one of the prisoners. Well, he's getting ready to do a livestream, so he's got to have that blue light, you know? That it's blue, I think, is also appropriate. Andorian blue. This is a big ask, right? The whole, you know, Shran will release the Vulcans if we're tearing up that agreement
Starting point is 00:24:50 that's so shitty and also leave the planet to us. Unconditional surrender by the Vulcans is basically what Shran is asking for. But this is what you do in a negotiation, right? You over-ask. Right. And what Shran has done is gone all the way. Right. And Archer's like, no, man, I'm not here to just carry a list of unrealistic
Starting point is 00:25:11 expectations from you to the Vulcans and then come back and tell you they said no. Like that's a fucking waste of my time. And Shran is like, well, like I've been talking to all these Vulcans that have to go back and ask daddy if that's okay. But if you can get me in front of Soval, he has the power to thumbs up or thumbs down, whatever we agree on. So why don't we do that?
Starting point is 00:25:35 Why don't you bring him here? So I can disappoint him in person. This will be great. Archer talks him into releasing a hostage as like a show of good faith. But we're back on the ship before we know it with Saval saying like one hostage was too, too few. Hey, how about you ask the hostage how he feels about whether or not it's too few? They whip pan over to him.
Starting point is 00:26:03 He's like, what? You're sending me back? Soval is like, I'm not going down there and talking to that guy. You're just trying to get me kidnapped like this other guy was. I kind of felt like Archer sort of used the like Marty McFly math to get Soval to go. Like he basically called him chicken. I mean, there is a lot of that kind of Vulcan manipulation. Like Saval's such an expert at this. Like he just negs Archer to death here. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:37 There's also a, I mean, I am the chronometer Ben, so I have to point this out. There is the specter of Andorian ships being on the way to this position and they're going to be there in four hours. So there's kind of a countdown in play here too. Trip is stressed that traditionally when Vulcans and diplomacy are involved, it can take a really long time. And he says that it took eight years to get the territorial compromise hammered out and Archer's like, well, we'll see if we can get it done in four hours. Do you want me to pack extra food for this mission for you?
Starting point is 00:27:15 I got some extra rum chata from a recent mission. Should I throw some of that in the back of the shuttle pod? Eight years worth of rum chata. You might need one of those, like, toe shuttles behind the shuttle pod just to hold all of it. Faith of the fart. This podcast is brought to you in part by Stash. With Stash, there's no more confusing, frustrating gatekeeping to keep you from investing.
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Starting point is 00:30:42 Oh, no. Thank you so much for your time. Oh, yes. Oh, yes. Oh, yes. Available on Maximum Fun or wherever you get your podcasts. The following are real reenactments of pretend emergency calls. 911.
Starting point is 00:30:59 My husband, it's my husband. Calm down please. What about your husband? He loathes to dishwasher wrong. Please help. Please help me. Where are you now ma'am? At the kitchen table. I was with my dad.
Starting point is 00:31:09 He mispronounces words intentionally. There are plenty of podcasts on the hunt for justice, but only one podcast has the courage to take on the silly crimes. Judge John Hodgman, the only true crime podcast that won't leave you feeling sad and bad and scared for once, only on And you will never take the greatest jail alive. Ben would rather die.
Starting point is 00:31:38 Rather die. So on the surface, Shran and Tara are not on the same page about negotiating with the Vulcans. She sees negotiating as backing down. But Shran seems to think that the pink skins can offer a form of craftiness that they don't have access to, right? Crafty... Like when you're in a kind of negotiating limbo, Crafty can really help. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 00:32:07 He has a lot of faith in Archer. I just, I loved this scene because like you realize that like nobody agrees with anyone in this situation. Like the Vulcans don't really agree with each other. They don't agree with Archer. Archer doesn't agree with the Andorians. The Andorians don't agree with each other. Like it is a very complex situation.
Starting point is 00:32:26 And I love like, Soval saying that to Archer, like you don't appreciate how tricky this is. And Archer kind of not giving a shit. The ball's in your court now. If you were worried that the Andorians might not have a third head bag when they finally land their shuttle. That worry is quickly replaced by, oh shit, they're going to crash because
Starting point is 00:32:54 shots start coming at them from the surface and they go in hard. So hard that there are pieces of corrugated metal on the ground that have caught fire. I mean, there must be a totally different kind of fuel besides jet in the shuttle, right? Yeah. Cause this seems impossible. That's more than melting steel beams. Yeah. Exciting crash sequence here.
Starting point is 00:33:16 The three of them pop out of the shuttle and survey their location. And hey, Soval shares that he used to work here. And hey, Solvall shares that he used to work here. He's... Hey, I'm kind of like the guldekat of, uh, Pon Macar. Hey, I used to have Plo-Meek Soup in that restaurant. Right over there, see?
Starting point is 00:33:35 Yeah. That's where I used to walk my dog. He knows right where to go to get to the, like, Vulcan stronghold. And Archer is a little bit hesitant to go there. And he's like, we don't know if the Vulcans are the ones that shot us down. Like we don't know what happened here. It's fucking crazy. And we need to consider that as a possibility.
Starting point is 00:33:54 So I think we should just continue to try and find Shran and see if we can get a ceasefire in place and then worry about getting ourselves behind a safe wall somewhere. Yeah. Saval is certain of the direction they need to go in order to get to safety. And Archer's equal and opposing force to that argument is, but I gave my word. How does that somehow work? How does that somehow work? Is it like that is just such crazy logic it just might work to Saval? Logicking like a fox.
Starting point is 00:34:33 Yeah, I guess that's what Archer's doing here. That gave me a chuckle. Yeah, I mean, you really have to extend this episode a lot of suspension of disbelief to believe that Siv-Val would go along with this. But at this point, I was having so much fun. I didn't really care. Miroc and Trip are on FaceTime up in orbit and Miroc is like, Vulcan Commandos. Remember those guys?
Starting point is 00:35:02 We're getting ready to send them down there. And Trip is like, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. That sounds even more dangerous than the situation that they may already be in, if you can believe it. Vulcans are famously not emotional in just about every situation, but Murak here has permanent headache face. I noticed. permanent headache face, I noticed. He just looks really put upon. And I can't tell if it's just the talking to Tripp Tucker-ness of the moment,
Starting point is 00:35:34 or that he's kind of in a pickle diplomatically. Well, it's really hard to talk to Tripp when they're keeping it as cold as they're keeping it on the bridge of the Enterprise, and his sleeves look like that. You know? You can see Murak really struggling to keep his eyes up. You know? I know, I know.
Starting point is 00:35:52 My arm looks like I keep a large caterpillar under my sleeve. You're never gonna let that go, are you? Shran finds out that the shuttle got shot down and is fucking pissed. And Suzy Plaxton's character is like, well, maybe this is good. Like, we can just, like, do the fight instead of try to meet with Soval.
Starting point is 00:36:12 And Tran's like, no, I really want to meet with Soval. Like, you agree with me, right? And she's like, yeah, of course. This is a low-key, the most important scene in the episode, I thought. Because this reaction to the situation is right there for us to see that Tara is okay with it and that Shran is sincerely upset at the situation and how it might reflect on him
Starting point is 00:36:36 and his side of the conflict. She is under orders to agree with him in a weird way. Like, I guess she's like his lieutenant or something. So it feels like a rank pull moment. So meanwhile, Archer and Seval and T'Pol are making their way through the ruins and Seval takes every opportunity to be as quippy as possible as they go.
Starting point is 00:36:59 And when Archer goes off to scout on his own, it gives Seval and T'Pol a moment by themselves and he makes sure to let her know just how disappointed he is in her career choices. You're one of the most promising members of my staff, T'Pol. If you'd stayed in San Francisco, you'd be the assistant counsel by now. You might even have a diplomatic posting of your own. I'm aware of that. This really seems like it hurts.
Starting point is 00:37:27 He goes pretty hard at her. But to her credit, to Paul really defends herself here and says that for as much of a dipshit as Archer is, he really has earned her respect. And that's when Archer finds his way back. He gives them just enough time to have this moment together before moving on. He gives them just enough time to have this moment together before moving on. Tara has found the shuttle that crashed and we get the idea that she is now hunting Archer and trying to get rid of him before he can find Shran. And on the bridge, Hoshi is pretty sure she's found life signs of Archer.
Starting point is 00:38:01 There's some kind of like damping field in place, so there's no communications and no scanning available to them, but Hoshi seems to have penetrated this damping field and she lets Trip know about this. And then Trip finds out that the Andorian ships have dropped out of warp and are mere minutes away. So he sets tactical alert. It would be great if tactical alert meant, you know, the readiness of all the weapons and, and systems and so forth, but also like all the grapplers shoot out really wide. And they can do like a spin and like whip other ships with them.
Starting point is 00:38:38 I mean, just to make yourself big, you know, like, like if a bear is trying to attack you or something, shoot the grapplers out and leave them out. Look at an alarmed cat in a driveway that didn't expect my dog to walk by. It's a totally different look if you're looking at Enterprise, I think. ["Legally It's Just A Virgil"] Legally it's just a virtual Saval catches one as they're creeping around in these ruins and they have to run for cover.
Starting point is 00:39:13 How surprised were you at this? 16 layers of burlap in this robe and the laser cuts through it clean. Yeah. He didn't have a Bible in his breast pocket, that's why. No, No. These blue beams, I noted, looked exactly like the blue beams that were hit in the shuttle when it got shot down. Yep.
Starting point is 00:39:32 And one of my favorite moments where the episode makes Archer look like the dope he is, is when he's, like, sticking his head up from cover to like try and tell whoever is shooting at them that they shouldn't be. We brought the Vulcan ambassador to meet with Commander Shran! It's too complicated, Archer. That's gonna get them to stop shooting. And it's too loud!
Starting point is 00:40:00 So they start fighting back. Archer has T'Pol and Soval just lick shots kind of generally in the direction of where shots are coming from, so that he can sneak around and flank these fools. And he gets the first guy who's like up on an elevated platform and knocks him out with a pretty good right hook. I read that the, I don't know if it was the writer or the director of this episode, platform and knocks him out with a pretty good right hook. I read that the, I don't know if it was the writer or the director of this episode, but someone with creative control over what happens here was briefly detained and arrested because
Starting point is 00:40:37 this hench up on the scaffold didn't go end over end into the bag with the Wilhelm scream. Like as you are legally obligated to do. Friend of the show, Chris Black wrote this episode and I couldn't tell you how he is walking around a free man today. You both could compare and contrast your time briefly imprisoned. I should ask him about it.
Starting point is 00:41:04 You have so much to talk about. How did you get out? He did get out and they like sent him and he was like working as a bag boy at a grocery store for a while, but it just wasn't for him, you know? Yeah. He was kind of institutionalized at that point.
Starting point is 00:41:22 Then he went back to hang himself. Were you suggesting? Your friend is alive, isn't he? Yeah. I mean, last I checked, I don't know. So meanwhile, Trip is in orbit trying to like maneuver their ship in between the Andorians and the Vulcans to try and prevent a firefight up there.
Starting point is 00:41:43 Archer sneaks up on Tara, who's the other shooter. And he's got one of these Andorian webs pointed at her and does the super cool, I don't know if this thing's on stun or not speech. There is a non-zero chance he's holding that backwards and aimed at himself though, right? Like. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:04 It's like, it's in shadow. And so she throws her gun away and then like, holding that backwards and aimed at himself though, right? Like. Yeah, yeah. It's like it's in shadow. And so she throws her gun away and then like, he steps closer and she's like, fuck, God damn it. But she reveals that she is, she's a total zealot. She does not believe in diplomacy when it comes to Vulcans. And Archer is going to, I guess, take her prisoner and take her back to
Starting point is 00:42:25 Shran, but he steps on an unstable part of the floor and his foot goes through. And suddenly we're in the section 31 movie and a motorcycle bad guy comes through. It's wild how the floor gives away a couple of different times during this fight. Yeah. Yeah. Great big Star Trek fight between Archer and Tara. Good tussle. And Archer finally wins when Shran and some other buddies of his run in. And like initially it's Shran catching Archer beating up his lieutenant and he's like pissed at Archer about this.
Starting point is 00:43:03 Yeah. That's a fun moment. But, uh, Trip on the Enterprise gets a call from both the Vulcans and the Andorians, and they do like a three-way FaceTime call. Trip basically gives them an ultimatum that if anybody, like, approaches the planet and attempts landing, that's their ass. They're gonna shoot all of their incredibly feeble missiles
Starting point is 00:43:25 at them. I need something to do with this shit, come on. Fair enough. This is great. Like have you ever diffused an argument by like making the other person laugh? I feel like that's what Tripp Tucker is doing here. He's like, how long has it been
Starting point is 00:43:39 since you've had a real good laugh? Because once I shoot these phase cannons at you, after threatening to destroy you with those very same phase cannons, oh, you're going to laugh so hard. You're going to love it. And you know, sharing that laugh together is going to be the first plank in a platform that you can build a piece upon.
Starting point is 00:44:03 There's no way you're going to fall through that platform and then fist fight each other like what's going on on the surface. So on the surface, Shran realizes that he's totally being Admiral Cartwrighted here. Tara is a, like, doesn't want to live in a, in a peaceful future person. And she's forcing this conflict. You can read it on her face and you have the time if you paused it. Read the whole thing.
Starting point is 00:44:31 Yeah, all up and down that thing. As long as the documents that Archer was supposed to read before. It's 1200 pages long. Have you noticed how long my face is? I can say this, I'm also a long face. You'd never understand. You can't say it. I can. Yeah. I mean, I don't even want to con... I don't want to get anywhere near that, man.
Starting point is 00:44:52 That's... Yeah. That's for you and your kind to discuss. I'll take it. The chronometer will take it. Also, great big face on watches and clocks, huh? Usually round, but in the chronometers case, nished. I love when Tripp finally gets on the radio with Archer when the scattering field is dropped and Tripp is like, you all right?
Starting point is 00:45:23 I do like that. Yeah, everything's going good. No problems up here, no problems down there. Archer reports that their shuttle pod is fucked up so they're gonna need a ride. And I was like, didn't they leave a shuttle pod crashed on another planet not that long ago? Yeah, they're really going through them.
Starting point is 00:45:39 Yeah, this is starting to be a real Star Trek Voyager situation. Remember that idea we had a while ago about like them using the doors for shuttle pods as ways to repair their ship when chunks of it are blown off? I think we're getting an answer as to why they didn't think to do that. They really are going through these shuttle pods fast. Yeah. So we even get a little scene of the diplomacy. Like it's going, it's not Like it's, it's going,
Starting point is 00:46:05 it's not going easy, but it's going. And a toast is proposed to everyone's mutual dissatisfaction. Saval's doing Dry January, but, uh, ah, what the hell. I love that the camera lingers on Saval while he takes his shot. As if to suggest that this is like two-fisted liquor here. Like this is for hoary nights. Yeah. You know? Also like, you know, like I'm not going to believe that Seval actually did it after he put up such a big fuss unless I actually see him do it. We're not trusting Seval to take the
Starting point is 00:46:43 shot. Do you think Andorian teenagers experiment with doing antenna shots? Like to get super drunk? Like they'll stick a tampon in the booze and then they'll cram it into the antenna? You know, cause you can use the string to pull it out, Ben. There's holes in the tops of the head. Aren't there? I don't know. They look like holes to me.
Starting point is 00:47:10 It looks like the snake that's swallowed an elephant in the Petite Prince. I thought they were tubes. Did they not look like tubes to you? I don't know. I never considered it. They're on TV. They were in this I don't know. I never considered it. They're on TV! They were in this episode! I know, not every, I don't, I'm not looking to sound every antenna I see on television,
Starting point is 00:47:32 Adam. I'm not like you. Did you like this episode, Ben? This episode wasn't overly meddlesome, which is also how my Olympic prospects have been described. Slow burn on that one. Are we just going to the pre-prepared material at this point? Let's just do a quick scan of the checklist.
Starting point is 00:48:06 Uh... I think I got all the... everything I had. Yeah. I like that a lot. That was good. I like the episode. I think that the show has done so much to make Archer look like such a buffoon. And I don't think he looks unbuffoonish in this,
Starting point is 00:48:22 but we were talking about it in terms of archers succeeding in an archer way when he succeeds lately. And I like that they're finding ways for the rubber to meet the road for him finally, without it feeling like they're just like, okay, let's start writing him good at this. I think he's like learning bit by bit, but also some of the time, his methods are actually
Starting point is 00:48:48 effective. It's a situation where his success is incidental to his relationship to it. This thing worked out wasn't because he had a plan and the plan was successful. I feel like he was just kind of himself when the shit went down and that's what ended up working. Yeah. And earning, I guess, some respect from some of these other people.
Starting point is 00:49:16 Does Shran get to sleep at the end of this? Like, cause a big part of this episode in dialogue and then past episodes has been like, you know, when an Andorian owes you a favor, they stop sleeping. Yeah. Yeah. Is that over with now? Yeah, I feel like everything. Well, no, because like Archer coming was another favor to Shran, wasn't it?
Starting point is 00:49:35 This is where I was going with this. Like, at what point is that debt repaid? Oh, man. Poor Shran. I like the episode too. I love a like paintball course play set that you get outside, like that it was so built the way it was was fun, that it's breakaway platforms were built,
Starting point is 00:49:57 like pre-scored and ready to be stepped in. Like all that detail work is really fun to me. Like that kind of thought put into a fight sequence is great. I'm also really happy the show avoided the straight line between it and... Like, you know, whenever a story starts talking about settlements and repopulation and, you know, agreements being torn up and so forth, I'm like, oh, God. Like, is this going gonna be another very special episode of Star Trek? And it wasn't.
Starting point is 00:50:28 It was about its own thing, and I was relieved about that. Right. Yeah. Like, all of that terminology feels... I mean, I feel like that terminology didn't seem as charged in the days when these episodes were coming out, but like, anything likeettler, Colonist, Hostage, you know, Bombardment, all of these things now, your spidey senses are up that like, oh fuck, is this episode gonna have a horrible take
Starting point is 00:50:55 on some current event? And it's like, it's one of the nice things about watching an old show. It's like they're not necessarily writing about the same shit. Absolutely. Well, let's see what our FODs are writing about in the Priority One Message inbox, Ben.
Starting point is 00:51:10 Great idea. Priority One Message from Starfleet coming in on Secure Channel. Need a supplemental income. Supplemental income. Supplemental. Supplemental. Yeah, it's extra. The interest alone could be enough to buy this ship.
Starting point is 00:51:25 Ben, we've got a promotional priority one message here. Oh, boy. And here's how that goes. In a world where Chris Brenner is the only non-shitty example of a rich billionaire, I've needed a lot of distraction lately. TGG and its community has provided it. I haven't even made it to Enterprise, but my latest reviewing of the pod
Starting point is 00:51:50 has helped with my mental health more, much more than Troy helped Barkley with his hollow addiction. Thanks Adam and Ben and the Miriam FODs on the Drunk Shimoda Discord for your support, even if you didn't know you were providing it. Brenner job, please. I'm Chris Brenner. Brenner Information Systems. You know, interface operations, net access, channel 90. That Chris Brenner.
Starting point is 00:52:21 This message comes in from Josias, and you know where the greatest Shin Discord is, right? It's .com. We've got a, flourishing is probably a word we can still use, right? That is a community that grows and grows. It's a beacon of fun times on the internet. It's great. Really well run community.
Starting point is 00:52:42 Like, it's always super positive and and fun over there. And Adam and I will occasionally drop in and say what's up to folks. There's a URL attached to this message. It is a lot. Trilado dot org. Alotro Lado.
Starting point is 00:52:58 Alotro Lado dot org slash. Let's do something that's spelled A L O T R O L A D O dot org. And that's a place where you can donate. Yeah. Donate to what Ben? Al Ocho Lado is a great charity and this fundraising push is something that our buddy Jesse Thorn set up in response to things going on in our world right now.
Starting point is 00:53:22 Al Ocho Lado is a group that works on both sides of the US-Mexico border to help migrants understand their rights and get representation and stuff. They are really close to the ground and like really interact on a one-to-one basis with people who really, really need help right now. And Jesse told me that they raised something like 150,000 bucks for Allo Jolotto doing some fundraising on his podcast. So really awesome stuff and I hope people support. Looks like they've raised $129,000 on the site I'm looking at.
Starting point is 00:54:00 That's great. Very cool. Yeah, I think over the years, you and I have set up funds for all sorts of things. And I think one of the things that a site like this does is it gives folks a place to go to, to do something. Like when the problems are this Miriam and large, I think it's easy to just be like, ah, what do I do?
Starting point is 00:54:23 I don't know what to do. So I'm doing nothing and I don't wanna do nothing do? I don't know what to do. So I'm doing nothing and I don't want to do nothing. But I don't know where to put my energies. El Otrolado is an example of this. Like it's a place where you can put your energy and your donation to do some good. So thanks to Josias for getting the word out. Indeed.
Starting point is 00:54:41 Thanks to everyone who gets a P1 message on the show. Head to slash Jumbotron if you'd like to get one on. We'd sure appreciate it. Hey, Ben. What's that, Adam? Did you find yourself a drunk Shimoda skulking around on the planet surface? Incredible. Drunk Shimoda! How can I give it to anyone but the female Q herself Susie Plaxton?
Starting point is 00:55:05 Hmm. I think this is her last Star Trek thing so Sad to see her go But I hope she gets in some of this new Star Trek stuff that they're doing I hope she's not dead like Gary Graham. Is she uh, do we need to RSVP Susie Plaxton? She does not have any credits that I can find after 2008. So, ee. You know, one of the things that happens is you look up a favorite actor on IMDB and you see a birthdate and a deathdate.
Starting point is 00:55:35 I don't see a deathdate on her IMDB page. So hopefully she's still going strong. Yeah. She's great. Absolute Star Trek legend. Yeah. Hopefully you get to have drinks with her at STLV. That would be great. On an upcoming year.
Starting point is 00:55:50 I'm sure you will have already absconded to something way cooler, but you know. Yeah. I'm going to use a stopwatch at an orgy. That's where I'm going to be while you're having drinks with Susie Plaxton. Yeah. How about you? I love when Archer gives Seval a phaser and he looks at him like with the incredulity during his retort, which is like, I haven't shot one of these in 50 years. There's something about that amount of time that just, that was a laugh line for me.
Starting point is 00:56:25 That was so fucking funny. Yeah. Yeah. I was like, what am I supposed to do with this? It's like riding a bike, Soval. Yeah. Amazing. And, and wouldn't you know it, he came right back to him.
Starting point is 00:56:37 Yeah. Good job, Soval. Faith of the fart. Wow. That was a ton of fun. Let me tell you, Adam, about our next episode, season two, episode 16 of Enterprise Future Tense. The Enterprise crew find a small craft drifting in space and are surprised to find it contains a human corpse. More questions arise when both
Starting point is 00:56:59 the Shulaban and Tholians make claims to the craft. The Tholians? Huh. These are the Web people? Of the Web, yeah. Wow. Wouldn't it be great if this was the ship with the $5 carnival guitar guy and the banker? And what Enterprise did is like they thawed them out
Starting point is 00:57:20 and they were like, nope, these guys suck. We're freezing them again. Freeze them back up. Someone else could deal with this shit. thawed them out and they were like, nope, these guys suck. We're freezing them again. Freeze them back up. Someone else could deal with this shit. That would be tremendous. I'm curious though, Adam, how we will be doing this episode.
Starting point is 00:57:36 For that, we go to slash game and consult the game of butt holes. The Will of the Riker quantum leap. Ben, we are smack dab in the middle of this game board. Square 50 is where our run about is. And once I roll this die, we could go anywhere. You're required to learn as you play. Roll.
Starting point is 00:57:57 Roll it. Ben, I have rolled a two, which means we're on square 52, which means it's an Elix's Galley episode. Wow. All aboard! All aboard! All aboard!
Starting point is 00:58:14 Hank, this is the antidote. Where the hosts drink champagne. Tlaxin champagne or similar, I guess. How about that? Wow. Wow? Wow. Wow. Wow. Gotta go get some bubble wine.
Starting point is 00:58:28 You do? Fuck. How exciting is that? It's tremendous. It's been a long time since we've done a little drinking on an episode. It's time, isn't it? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:39 I love the Lord, but I do a little drinking, and I'm ready for it. Yeah. Like the scorpion says in predator 2 my body is ready Wow, well, thanks for getting us back on track Adam and thank you to windy pretty our producer who Edits this show and keeps the plate spinning around here. Listen, thanks to everyone who Financially supports the thing that they consume. It's not easy for everyone, but it's the reason you're hearing our voices right now. Your support means a lot to us and it keeps the show going. slash join is how you get yourself set up. Hey, five dollars a
Starting point is 00:59:20 month! Yeah. That's all. That's all all You won't even feel it. You're never gonna notice that coming out of your checking account Sign an elderly relative up for a credit card and have it recur on that, you know We'll make sure you never feel it because it'll be called something else in your credit statement not Star Trek podcast Delicious vegetables. We got to thank Rob Adler, our social media director running the greatest Trek social media accounts, and the great Bill Tilly, our temporal Cold War time consigliere, who is who you will encounter in the DMs if you slide in to propose sending something to us
Starting point is 01:00:04 for a future Code 47 episode. He's also making those hilarious trading cards that go out on our Instagram. Those cards just get better and better. I love them. And with all the phaser fire in this episode, you know we're going to see some phaser fire touching in the middle of the picture. I love when he does that. Triptychs and diptychs of the beam going all the way across. Yeah. Real artful stuff. He rules. We got to thank Adam Ragusea, who made our original theme music. Give a listen to Wholesome, the show we make with Adam Ragusea.
Starting point is 01:00:40 It's a patrons-only show, kind of freewheeling conversations about stuff. We like goes in a lot of unexpected directions Three smart funny people you could do a lot worse podcast wise you don't even have to like all of us Like one of us will do it works. Yeah Thanks to dark materia for the original Picard song and with that we will be back at you next time with another great episode of Star Trek Enterprise, and episode of the Greatest Generation Enterprise that might start a new bank account now that we're in a post-money future.
Starting point is 01:01:16 And so then you get refrozen, and it's still a couple hundred years for that to appreciate, right? Right. Yeah. And besides, if you're a guitar player, you do not want a pre-replicator guitar era guitar. Like, you're just gonna be playing a piece of shit if you play whatever they got on Enterprise. When you dazed how good the martini is on the entrepreneur, and then you realized the implications for how good a five dollar
Starting point is 01:01:45 carnival guitar is gonna sound when you replicate that. Yeah, drink four martinis and go back into the icebox. Make it so, make it so. Make it so, make it so. John Lupicata, Carter, Carter, Carter. Well, I might just get to like this place.

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