The Greatest Generation - Faking Flaccid (DS9 S6E5)

Episode Date: March 16, 2020

When Team Starfleet needs a win in the final seconds, it’s Captain Sisko drawing up the plays for Admiral Beltbuckle. But when Odo loses track of how much time is on the game clock, the Little D wil...l need a Hail Mary of a plan. What’s a good second option for nighttime bathroom trips? Do loose lips sink ships (even when you’re on the ship)? Can we launch a shirt right now? It’s the episode that christens week one of #MaxFunDrive 2020 with a drink!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Priority 1 message from Starfleet coming in on Secured Channel. Hey friends of Disodo. Before today's episode, we just wanted to take a moment to talk about the historic labor actions being taken by writers and actors in the American Film and Television industry. If you're a fan of the work done by the people who make Star Trek, we hope you'll join us in standing in solidarity with the folks who actually bring these adventures to life. Over the past several years, the AMPTP, the organization that represents the American Film and Television Production Studios, have reduced the profit from movies and TV going to workers. And in so doing,
Starting point is 00:00:35 they've attempted to weaken the labor unions that represent those workers. They wouldn't even engage the unions on many issues in their negotiations. And so a strike was the only course of action to take. Adam, Wendy and I have been having a lot of internal discussions about how best to stand with the unions and we are continuing those conversations in a dynamic situation. We're doing our best to understand where the picket lines are in these digital spaces,
Starting point is 00:01:01 and we would never intentionally cross one. With the information we have, we feel like we can do more good talking about and supporting the strike and continuing our show as planned. We'll keep you informed about what all this means for greatest trek specifically. Today we're making a contribution to the Entertainment Community Fund. This fund exists to help all the people whose livelihoods have been put on hold because the AMPTP refuses to negotiate
Starting point is 00:01:25 in good faith with the unions. It provides financial support for writers, actors, and all the thousands of laborers who make the shows that we talk about here and without whom we wouldn't have Star Trek to cast pot about. Those folks are all out of work because billionaires, company shareholders, and the executives of these companies don't want to compromise on the length of their yachts. We hope you'll join us in supporting entertainment workers in a challenging time, especially after they've already endured several years of challenges brought on by the pandemic
Starting point is 00:01:55 and season two of Star Trek Picard. We've set up a page where you can also contribute. It's at That's friendsofdececoto for That's FriendsOfDecoto for Link in the episode description. Okay, now let's get on with the show. Here's to the whimmy's crew in Starfleet. Engage! Welcome to the greatest generation Deep Space 9. It's a Star Trek podcast by a couple of guys who are just a little bit embarrassed about having a Star Trek podcast.
Starting point is 00:02:36 I'm Adam Pranica. I'm Ben Harrison and it's a Max Fundrive episode and it's also max fund drive episode. And it's also a drunk a soda. You shouldn't believe that those things are related in any way, but look, like we don't have to drink our way through a max fund drive episode. That's not what anyone's saying. Yeah, and I mean, I guess like in the past
Starting point is 00:02:59 our max fund drive episodes, we've edited out the the pledge breaks once we're through the drive because we want people going back through old episodes of the show to just your show. We care about the quality of the show that might surprise you if you were. But we really do. But I just want people to know that that was the situation when this happened. Oh, so you're saying when you hear
Starting point is 00:03:24 totally sober pledge breaks, that's why it'll sound different, yeah? I don't know, we could record the pledge breaks in this session, we might as well. Oh shit, now that'll be great. I'm not prepared for that at all. I mean, what do we have to do? We just have to read off the little PDF that they sent us.
Starting point is 00:03:38 Yeah, we'll just give it a John T. Reed. We are drinking the official beverage of greatest gin. That's right. It is a good mid-level blanco tequila, ice and salter water. The official beverage of me on any airplane and the official beverage of rich gin. This is what we drink in the green room before we go on stage usually. Before a bully breaks in and pances us and gives us a swirly, we're usually a couple of these in.
Starting point is 00:04:10 Yeah. This is also a looking at each other during. It is because I have moved to Los Angeles and I'm doing shows at Ben's house now. Yeah. Well for the time being, but once you're set up over there. No, no, this is permanent. Oh, shit. I'm coming over every Ben's house now. Yeah, well for the time being, but once you're set up over here. Oh no, this is permanent. Oh shit. I'm coming over every time now.
Starting point is 00:04:28 Wow. Yeah. I'm gonna sell all my recording gear. I'm just gonna get out of it. Get out of the game. That's great. You have all of it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:37 I was thinking about selling my video camera to paint my taxes this year. And instead, we're doing another video-based drive goals, so I can't do that. I didn't think about that. I love it. It's a great concept though. You're going to have to stick around to hear about the great idea we have in store for Max Fund Drive 2020. Yeah, stick around till five seconds from now when we start the pledge break. Now, when we start the pledge break.
Starting point is 00:05:07 Now, we'll start the pledge break once we've been into the episode a little bit. Yeah, we're not making that kind of show, but like the show that's just alerted with pledge breaks. So annoying. It's two pledge breaks. And we never do that. And we're gonna get through this. The way, the way to get through this is to...
Starting point is 00:05:19 The only way out of Max Fun Drive is through Max Fun Drive. And we'll be in it together. Yeah, it's the Scientology of podcast networks and the only way out is through. If you don't support Greatest Gen, Friendly Fire and Greatest Discovery, we'll chain you to a radiator. And...
Starting point is 00:05:39 Right next to... It's a nice lady named Shelley. And you guys can get to know each other. Yeah. I knew there was a dark secret to our success, man. And they serve actually a pretty good brunch. Yeah. Have you seen Jesse Thorn's triangular shaped hat before? When you walk into the H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H suppose we should begin this drunk episode. We have a lot of drinking yet to do.
Starting point is 00:06:10 This is not a more enamored episode, so there will be no time element to it. We're just going to socially drink the way we often do and try to recap what I think is a pretty good episode of Deep Space 9 at season 6 episode 5 favor the bold No, of course you've done so we open on the little D and it is Sputtering it's clearly having engine trouble. You know, it's like spy hunter when you when you do the smoke show, smoke screen behind. Oh, I was thinking it's kind of like in like a non-urban place. If you have engine trouble, somebody will pull over and help you, but they're clearly in like a, they're in a big city.
Starting point is 00:07:03 They're in a big city. Part of town. a, they're in a big city. They're in a sick part of town. Yeah, they're in a sick part of town. They've got low shields sending distress signals in every direction. And I think that that distress signal thing kind of gave the game away a little bit like anybody, anybody around is going to know we're in trouble. Right. Because some ticks come out of the cold and It turns out Adam
Starting point is 00:07:31 Because so does the rotor and the rotor and decloaks and kick some ass and then the little D does the same fire Then it was faking flaccid. Yeah. That's it, the little D did. It was fun. It was fun the whole time. Why would you need to fake flaccid? I don't know. Sometimes you're just not feeling like it. You know, like this, like the deal with syntha halls, you can feel drunk, but then you can
Starting point is 00:07:59 turn off the drunk. Mm-hmm. I wish you could turn off the boner. Yeah. Sometimes when I don't want it. I don't have that problem. Like when I wake up in the middle of the night and I need a pee, but could turn off the boner. Yeah. Sometimes when I don't want it. I don't have that problem. Like when I wake up in the middle of the night and I need to pee, but I also have a boner. Yeah. You just tuck that under the toilet seat, Ben. You plank the toilet? Yeah. I never do it that way. You know what I do? Tub.
Starting point is 00:08:19 Oh my. Because there's no aim. You don't have to aim. Oh my god. I Have stayed at your home before Ben and I've showered in that shower. Yeah, you know what it's like in there I mean it's quite clean. Yeah cuz I clean up after myself. Hmm. You don't flush the tub after you use it You let that mellow. Wow. I take my sleep very seriously. You get back to sleep. You're going to want to edit that out, Ben. I guarantee you will. You're the one editing this episode. I'm not editing that out then. Yeah. So they get the the word that they have to head back to starbrett is three blah blah blah and that's a real gut punch to the crew who feel like they just took out a couple of ticks and they want to keep taking the fight to the baddies. You can't make a streak until you do it a second time
Starting point is 00:09:22 and what we're getting what we're gathering here is that their wins are so few. If you make a street, you're gonna need a toilet brush. Right, but this is one of the rare victories they've had. And so they want the opportunity to run up the score a little bit. They don't get that chance because they are taken back to starbase three whatever. Yeah. And DAX rips into Cisco about this. Yeah, she doesn't want to fall back anymore. I really loved theax rips into Cisco about this.
Starting point is 00:09:45 Yeah. She doesn't want to fall back anymore. I really loved the way she was lit in this scene when she comes into his office where he's desk jockeying. It's a it's kind of a medium single on her just telling him like, Hey, like we're fucking sick of the engage retreat, engage retreat. Morale is super low. we need a big win and soon because I'm telling you from the boots on the ground perspective, this is not gonna work.
Starting point is 00:10:12 What we're doing right now. Benjamin, troop Morales in an all time low. Like just check out this row of power sales, we have in our mess hall. Like we want to fill in entire cargo bay with these. You're not giving us the chance. She holds them up to our boobs and she says, I want everyone to be able to hold a couple of these up to their boobs. How hard do you think it is for Trills to not just be low-key frustrated during any interaction
Starting point is 00:10:37 with anyone in a sort of like, why can't you see all the angles that I see from hundreds of years of life experience? Why don't you speaking faster to me that I see from hundreds of years of life experience? Why don't you speaking faster to me? Like, to give me the information, I feel like impatience has got to be such a major part of being a trill for that life experience, right? Right. It makes me wonder if that's why Cisco
Starting point is 00:10:57 is so accepting of Dax, like tearing his head off in the scene. Well, he's kind of slow rolling her too, because he's already thought of this. So, I feel like he's kind of just reveling in her outrage. Like, I'm going to let her like, like, really sink into this so that I can, I can spring this happy news on her and, and pull her back from the brink. Because, because he's got a big plan and that big plan is we're going to retake deep space nine.
Starting point is 00:11:28 It's the most important piece of real estate in the Alpha Quadrant, which is. What? Big news. Considering, I mean, it's true, right? Like it's the plug in the butthole and if the butthole comes unplugged, they're doomed. All of those ticks are gonna go straight into the bathtub.
Starting point is 00:11:49 Yeah. Yeah. I love how Cisco's like, oh, I've got a plan, Dex. And it's on this screen facing the window. Yeah, you're standing next to it. I mean, you really hope that Cisco has a screen protector that only allows for seeing it at a certain angle.
Starting point is 00:12:06 Yeah, like the angular screen protector that you see at a car rental at the airport. Otherwise, setting aside that any letter opener or Giga on Cisco's desk could be a changeling. But what about anything outside the window being a changeling? Maybe they painted the window with that reflective coating, or it's like an illegal street tint. Yeah. Like more tinted than is allowed by law.
Starting point is 00:12:34 All right, Ben, you and I are taking a brief break to eat our broad electrolyte vitamins. This is not sponsored content. Lord, you know it would never be sponsored content from broad, but this is a product that you and I love and it's something that we take when we know we're going to be doing some drinking. If you would like to get drinking vitamins of your own, I would recommend you get them and I would recommend you leave a note telling the Broad Company,
Starting point is 00:12:59 where you heard about them. That would be great for us. It's very interesting, like how much deep face night has come to feel like the center. And like the idea that it's a frontier on the edge of everything kind of place is has changed imperceptibly over the last six seasons. How about Joseph go and have something to say about Earth not being the center of the Federation anymore? I think he would have built his restaurant somewhere else. Is that where the case?
Starting point is 00:13:31 The opportunity here is to bring them to their knees. I guess he was just selling out the Federation, so that wouldn't surprise me. Back on the little D. Garrick is paranoid in the mess all about a chip he thinks that has been implanted into his brains by Starfleet. Yeah, I guess he's been getting debriefed a lot by Starfleet about just Cardassian stuff. And because it doesn't seem like he wasn't like I mean in the know about what Golducott was up to that game It's as big of a surprise to Garrick to as I did to anyone this seems paranoid even for him right But you know, I would put a listening device in Garrick's head if I was starfleet. They need to know everything you know
Starting point is 00:14:22 Garrick He's doing that thing of thinking other people are thinking about him a lot more than they actually are What he should be paranoid about is openly talking about the plan to retake ds9 at every Table in the lunchroom. Why is this not being kept secret at all? Well lose losing ships unless you're on the ship, right? Like nobody's going to sink the ship that they're on. Have they cured the whole what if my coffee mug is a changeling problem that we know
Starting point is 00:14:52 to be the case? Did they fix that problem? I think they're just walking around with phasor sweeps. That's insane. That's turned into maintenance, you know. Like we never see the guy cleaning the toilets on Star Trek, but you have to assume it's happening. They should have been a lower dex episode of DS9 where it's just guys doing that sweep. Yeah, and it's like the most boring repetitive job, except when they're all murdered in awful ways
Starting point is 00:15:17 by the changeling that they find. It's like if you don't get killed by a changeling, you're going to have a repetitive stress injury on your trigger finger. They're wearing the shirts with the tagline on the back. If you see me running, try and keep up. Otherwise, you're gonna be killed by a changeling. It's a little wordy, but it makes sense. Yeah, it's one of those ones where the text gets smaller and smaller, the further down the shirt it goes.
Starting point is 00:15:45 Goddammit, is that another greatest jend shirt? Can we launch a shirt during the drive? Hell yeah. Hell yeah. So Cisco pitches this to the brass. They're like, I mean, we're interested in this whole keeping the butt plug in the whole thing. But you know, it know, it seems risky. We're gonna be drawing a lot of our defensive forces
Starting point is 00:16:07 away from Earth to do this. I love this McLaughlin group. Is your want because of the way it's blocked, right? Like, one of the guys has like his leg up on a chair and he's holding the belt buckle. It's a sick belt buckle on a chair. Another person sitting down, but very definitely holding the belt buckle with two hands It's a belt buckle bro!
Starting point is 00:16:26 And it's a different belt buckle, right? Sick belt buckle bro! They changed the belt buckle the next episode. You know they got some notes about the belt buckle I think. The belt buckle was controversial. The belt buckle tested poorly. It was not in fact a sick belt buckle. No.
Starting point is 00:16:44 It's in this scene that Cisco argues that It was not in fact a sick belt buckle. No, not totally sick, but buckle. It's in this scene that Cisco argues that Earth will be safe because it isn't as valuable as the wormhole. Right. The wormhole is the key to the a-quad and Earth is not. This is all about how you play any game, video game, chess, whatever. Like if you're the sort of chess player
Starting point is 00:17:08 that like uses your queen offensively all over the place, you're the type of person that is going to be willing to sacrifice Earth, which is who Cisco is. And while at times I am someone who plays the queen that way, I don't know, man. I think if you're leaving the earth back door open, because if you lose earth, it's truly over. Yeah, but I think that also this episode does a great job of setting that up and then not really talking about that, but talking about Cisco having kind of gone Beijor, like in his thinking, like, like he, like,
Starting point is 00:17:47 yeah, but you know what, a guy making a strategic plan based on a retirement home he wants to build on Beijor and not elevating this decision to the C and C level. Yeah. Like, Earth should be involved in a decision where we're thinking about sacrificing earth, right? I must protest the decision sort of gets made for them later. So it's it seems like a lot of bell buckles in that room Right, you get enough of them together. That's equivalent to a federation president, right? Fucking And I kind of agree with
Starting point is 00:18:23 Cisco's argument like because Cisco kind of understands the lysine contingency issue that the dominion is up against, which is that if they run out of that white, white, white, they're in big trouble. And the butthole is the linchpin to all of that. And I don't know if the brands are probably, you know, the generals are always fighting the last war and the Borgs just wanted Earth. So I'm sure that that's what they're preoccupied with.
Starting point is 00:18:50 I do not agree with the strategy. I'm just going to say that right now. I think, I think if the game is lost, if Earth is lost, then you can't just be so flip about, about making this play. I think that they're both on a moonshot, but I don't think that the dominion can afford to try for Earth until that hole is open. Yeah, I guess that's what Cisco understands. Yeah. I don't think he makes that case strongly enough. Yeah, he doesn't say it in the room, but I think it's implied.
Starting point is 00:19:21 Anyways, on Deep Space Nine, we've got a... You know what, in one scene, we're talking about whether or not we should sacrifice the federation home world of earth. In the very next scene, we're on DS nine talking about whether or not more, should go to his mom's birthday party. The issues of equal import, but very different emotional weights. Yeah, I mean, do we sacrifice mom's birthday party? It could have lasting effects throughout the quadrant. I mean, this is a fun kind of establishing moment.
Starting point is 00:19:54 Like it kind of seems like a how the fuck is this even a scene? Yeah. Until you realize that it's kind of the linchpin to the whole the whole episode. Yeah. Quark is very interested in taking a more active role in club resistance. And so he leaves his conversation with Moran to chase down the major.
Starting point is 00:20:17 And the first project of club resistance in this episode is going to be spring rom from the Pokey. You ready? Now, right now. And so they're heading to Odo's quarters to see if they can talk some sense into their into their betrayer. Kira and Quark roll up on Odo's condo and there's a door man and he's gem-hidar. Odo's the only guy in the game
Starting point is 00:20:46 that gets an armed guard for when he's smashing a babe in his, in his hotel room. Yeah, he doesn't put a sock on the, on the door handle. He puts a Jim Hadar on it. I hit the bedjarring security guy. It's like Elf on a shelf. It's Jim Hadar on the door handle.
Starting point is 00:21:01 Ha, ha, ha, ha. While you smash. Uh, yeah. Oh, it was having a great big fuck fest, a three day long fuck fest. Like a fuck fest that is so great that he has completely lost track of time. That just sounds tiring. Founders are not to be disturbed. It just sounds like too much.
Starting point is 00:21:17 Yeah, and it's a conventional fuck fest, Adam. Because when we cut to the inside, Odo and Change Leader have done original recipe sex. The way solids do, which is to say awkward and disappointing for one of them. Only a shadow of what we experience in the Great Link. What do you mean? We did it for three days. My last girlfriend always said I was pretty good. Maybe you could sit on my face for like two days. See if that does it.
Starting point is 00:21:52 The blocking in the scene is crucial because they are blocked in a way that two disappointed lovers often are in a TV show or movie. They're sitting facing the opposite way on the bed. Yeah. And they're both like hands on knees kind of slumped over. Yeah. Not me, not really connecting about how that went. The added element to this whole thing
Starting point is 00:22:12 is not only the physical disappointment that you can just read in the room. It's that change leader asks Odo questions like a mom asking a teen son about sex. Yeah, it's so fucked up and gross. It's, it's skin crawly awkward. It is like porn video streaming site. Like, God, why is all of this about a mom and a teen son?
Starting point is 00:22:34 Yeah, it's, it's wild. Anyways. It's very uncomfortable. Go to comfortable. Go to comfortable. So. Odo is fairly upset about the passage of time., the cut, the cut, the cut, the cut, the cut, the cut, the cut, the cut, the cut, the cut, the cut, the cut, the cut, the cut, the cut, the cut, the cut, the cut, the cut, the cut, the cut, the cut, the cut, the cut, the cut, the cut, the cut, the cut, the cut, the cut, the cut, the cut, the cut, the cut, the cut, the cut, the cut, the cut, the cut, the cut, the cut, the cut, the cut, the cut, the cut, the cut, the cut, the cut, the cut, the cut, the cut, the cut, the cut, the cut, the cut, the cut, the cut, the cut, the cut, the cut, the cut, the cut, the cut, the cut, the cut, the cut, the cut, the cut, the cut, the cut, the cut, the cut, the cut, the cut, the cut, the cut, the cut, the cut, the cut, the cut, the cut, the cut, the cut, the cut, the cut, the cut, the cut, the cut, the cut, the cut, the cut, the cut, the cut, the cut, the cut, the cut, the cut, the cut, the cut, the cut, the cut, the cut, the cut, the cut, the cut, the cut, the cut, the cut, the cut, the cut, the cut, the cut, the cut, the cut, the cut, the cut, the cut, the cut, the cut, the cut, the cut, the cut, the cut, the cut, the cut, the cut, the cut, the cut, the cut, the cut, the cut, the cut, the cut, the cut, the cut, the, the cut, the cut, the cut, the cut, the cut, the cut, the, the cut, the cut, the cut And change leader sort of admonishes him about the concern that he's showing toward all of the, toward his email, for example, toward everything in his life.
Starting point is 00:23:09 Like, what do you care? You're better than this. You're better than all of it. You've been living with a solid concept of time for too long. It's an attitude that he seemed very comfortable with in the last episode, right? When Kira came to him and was like, why the fuck did you let Ram get stuck in that jeffries tube? And he says like, like, what do I care? It doesn't matter to me. Yeah. You're the solids. I flow all over the place. You just sit there and stink it up. You're the number two. I'm a number one.
Starting point is 00:23:40 Change leader kind of ends the argument with you are changing. You are timeless. What are you worried about time for? Yeah, and I'm like with how little I care about most things am I timeless been? Boy, I like the idea of ending an argument with more sex Yeah, and that's what they do. You know what, you wanted to start with a hand job. Golden hand job. Yeah, wow. Later on DS9, Wei-Yoon looks at one of Ziyal's paintings
Starting point is 00:24:14 and can't tell if it's any good. Just like us, Wei-Yoon is just like us. We were born without any sense of aesthetics. And so was way you. Yeah. All of Worte have no, they have no aesthetic sense, which explains their haircuts, I think. That's true.
Starting point is 00:24:32 Yeah. I love that he tries. Yeah. He's really given it as all. Yeah. This was a gift from Guldukot. It's one of Zeeal's prize-winning paintings. And he just can't really tell what is good or bad about it.
Starting point is 00:24:49 And Kira in her defense is not interested in litigating this with him whatsoever. Yeah, she is. When Yoon asks her, because Bajorans are generally known as those who are the most adept at such things. Yeah, they're really speaking to each other across a pretty wide gulf.
Starting point is 00:25:06 Yeah. And he is kind of the next tree that she's going to trend bark up. It's about Ron. Oh, yes. She had a friend on the ruling council of the station who is now totally preoccupied with banging change leader. Yeah. So she's going to try for wayune because she'd rather not strike up a conversation with
Starting point is 00:25:25 Galdu Khaad if she can avoid it. Her best friend got a girlfriend and it sucks. And yeah, the news that she gets from wayune is that Rom is, he is not just locked up. He is on death row. One of the qualities I really like about Wayun is how he gives bad information. He's like, yeah, he's going to be executed. He did a very bad thing. And not only that, it's going to be an example to others.
Starting point is 00:25:59 That's just how we deal with terrorists, you know, that he, I mean, he does not read the room. If anybody here was ever thinking about getting involved in any kind of terrorism or whatever that person should know that we Cut almost immediately to rom cell where quark and leader Are discussing the circumstance and why this isn't a conjugal visit is has got to be on Ramsmai and right. Yeah, especially because Lita appears to be wearing the dress she married him in. It's a relatively chased neckline that happens to end above the nipples and that makes it pretty unique among leaders and wardrobe choices.
Starting point is 00:26:44 But yeah, like if you were if you were heading to a conjugal visit, wearing the wedding, that might be one of the few contexts in which a woman took her wedding dress out of the closet and put it on and headed out into the world, right? I'm sure my wife has no interest in ever wearing her wedding dress again. Right? Rob's pessimism here,'re there to cheer him up, but it's not like they have good news or anything, but Rahm's pessimism is really upsetting Toleta.
Starting point is 00:27:11 Yeah, I mean, she's super bummed out. He's asking for a rock hammer in the jail cell. Cuts to voice over. I must admit, I didn't think much of Rahm first time I laid eyes on him looked like a gem of our fart would blow him over. That was my first impression of the fur egg. Yeah, that's great. I feel like people are going to like you'll do it you'll do a bit and then I'll say yeah That's great and I think the prevailing wisdom is that I'm making fun of you for that
Starting point is 00:27:53 No, like that's my sincere feeling is that that's great. I have nothing to add. It's like it's like instead of no But instead of yes and it's just yeah, that's great Show over. I'm not gonna top that. It just so happens, Ben, that you're the only one with a quality Morgan Freeman impression. You think we're actually gonna do dueling Morgan Freeman impressions? I mean, on the greatest generation, do you really think that? Quality is an extremely generous term to describe my Morgan Freeman
Starting point is 00:28:29 I'm shocked. You even want to do one Lita offers free labor in exchange for Quark's effort to spring rom from jail God, I thought that this was such funny writing the idea that that Quark gets gets off on the negotiation so much that he gets distracted from the fact that they're talking about breaking his brother out of jail. And like Lita isn't already working for starvation wages. Like how much is he actually saving on that deal? Right.
Starting point is 00:28:57 But Rom isn't into this. No. Rom seems like- I'm as down for the cause. He really is. He wants Quark to finish the job that he started. Yeah. He wants, like, ROM through one of his shoes.
Starting point is 00:29:10 Sabo. Into the machine. He wants Quark to throw the other one in. Yeah. Because they need to destroy the anti-grabbiton beam that the station is going to use to take down the self-replicating minds. Yeah, and when you say shoes, of course,
Starting point is 00:29:25 you mean wooden shoes. I do. Hence the word sabotage. I need another drink. Yeah, yeah, get a couple more drinks, guys. Well, I'll let you talk about the fact that Kira goes to C. Z. Y'all, who is hard at work on her art,
Starting point is 00:29:43 because Kira doesn't want to go see DuKat. And DuKat's not gonna listen to Kira, you know? Must be pretty nice. Y'all's got a bunch of time to do her art because she doesn't have to work for a living. Yeah, you know, like the last time we saw Kira and Zial was about the end of their friendship slash quasi-mother daughter relationship.
Starting point is 00:30:05 Because he also kind of like the liberal daughter of a conservative politician out there in the world, not like living the awful world view of her shitheele father. Yes. And so, Kira is like, hey, listen, like I know that we've had our differences, but like there's something really bad going on here. Like, can you do anything? Can you talk your father out of this awful shit he's pulling? There are a number of really fun editing choices in this episode, and this is one of them.
Starting point is 00:30:35 Smash cut to that conversation. I want you to free wrong. You're joking. What's great about this is, Zee-Aul is describing Dukat as he is not. Zial is like, you're a great man. Everyone needs to know that. And this is a way that you can tell them. And Dukat's like, I'm a piece of shit.
Starting point is 00:30:52 No one thinks that I'm a good man. Why would I ever do this? Demar says that same thing, though, in this episode. He's a man of debt. Like somehow Dukat doesn't believe his own cult of personality. Yeah. Which you wonder about people with cult of personality. Like, do they?
Starting point is 00:31:08 Because definitely some people with it, like are drinking their own Kool-Aid. Oh, sure. Ducat does not seem to be one of those people. He's got like a poster syndrome despite being a... It makes me happy that the very powerful also have that. and it's not just something that we're stricken with The normals. I mean, it's not a syndrome in our place. We're actual imposter's. Zial is pissed Yeah, that this isn't working. Yeah, and and pissed that
Starting point is 00:31:40 her relationship with him doesn't But her relationship with him doesn't cause him to change his mind. He's basically choosing country over family or ideology over her. This is an example of the opposite of what will eventually be asked of Zial. He's never asked to pivot to what's good for most people. Instead, he asks people to make sacrifices for the benefit of Cardassia. And not even the benefit of Cardassia, but the benefit of him personally.
Starting point is 00:32:11 Yeah. And he, you know, dresses that in the clothing of the benefit of Cardassia. Back at Quarks, there is discussion of a breakout plan. Breaking ROM out of prison, using no seconds. Yeah. And apparently Quark has already made already made like a down payment on this plan. It would be a blood bath. And I am grieving the episode that we do not get here that actually goes through with this
Starting point is 00:32:37 plan. Man, that would be great. You have no gromba. I'm really interested in how characters move and are moved around a story like this And this is a scene where that happens and it's motivated because this conversation between Kirin Quark is changed when Dimar shows up and tells Kirin to basically fuck off Afraid her loaded with Tamran Gray and is due within the hour Seat you with the cargo bay five is ready to receive. And she does. Yeah. Because Dimar is there to do some drinking.
Starting point is 00:33:10 And Clark knows that when Dimar wants to drink, there's usually a reason why. Yeah. Quark has taken, taken up a little bit of a, a routine with Dimar where he plies him with the fancy canar and gets information out of him. And the information he gets in this scene is that there is a one week timer starting now on the minefield coming down.
Starting point is 00:33:36 It'll be one week till you find the key. Tested the plan and said it's working. Five days till the mons come down, but it's still too late for ROM to be sorry. Ha ha ha ha ha. Oh man. I love the Whip Pan here. The Whip Pan might be my favorite part of this episode, and they do it twice because,
Starting point is 00:33:59 because like, Demarleens in, he's like, the mind destruction plan is going far better than is generally known. And the camera whips hands across the bar because he's checking to see if anyone's in near shot and then we come back. I fucking love that. Yeah, yeah. He like, he gives like the the hairy eyeball to a bejure and guy that's sitting there who immediately takes the message and gets out of there. And in camera edit that isn't an edit at all. It's just a move like that. It's a very rare use of camera for a star trek to turn the camera and turn it back like that.
Starting point is 00:34:32 The camera in star trek is omniscient, right? It's like, it's not a character. It's not a character. And when a camera pans back after it's pan, when you pan back right after you've panned left in one unbroken shot, the hand of the operator is revealed in a shot like that. It breaks the wall. And I don't know why it works in the scene, but it does. What are you doing now?
Starting point is 00:35:07 Be guard, be guard, be guard, be guard. Exactly. Meanwhile, the fleet has assembled outside of starbase, whatever, and the fleet is big. The fleet is bonkers big. I think that at some point they say like 600 ships. Who wouldn't want to join this fleet, Ben? Gal were on evidently. Yeah, they have not succeeded in convincing the Klingons to join this party. This kind of feels like a keeping the Klingons out so that they can ride into the rescue later kind of move. I was thinking they wouldn't want to share the credit.
Starting point is 00:35:45 Yeah. Or the station. Right. Oh, like they would, there would be like a, like an issue of ownership as the Klingons were involved in reconquering it. Kind of feel that way. The Klingons might, might feel that way. If the station is of the strategic importance that Cisco is saying, like,
Starting point is 00:36:02 that would be a low key, really shrewd move. Yeah. So they send General Marthok off to make this case with war, right? Yeah. And I think that that's what makes me feel like they're gonna show up with a fleet in the next episode. Yeah, I mean, I think they're fairly explicit. Like they're gonna go twist Gauron's arm,
Starting point is 00:36:23 they're gonna return with good news and ships. Yeah, but this is starting to look like it's gonna be a real hell marry, like no matter what. What do you think is in all those green and blue drinks that everybody's drinking? Is it just water with food coloring or do they, do you think that they like get apple juice and put something in it? I think there's a philosophy and that philosophy has to do with the person who set designs for you. If you're a person who cares about the comfort of your actors and the knowledge that they're going to be doing take after take, drinking a thing,
Starting point is 00:37:00 I think you're going to try to make sure it tastes good. If it tastes like shit, I think you're going to be disliked in any production. That's what I think. Speaking of drinks in Corks bar, Kira and Cork, now knowing that there's basically a taking bomb on the entire war, right, or having a conversation about how like, hey, we need to figure out what to do with this. And, you know, like, Quark has basically demured of attempting to complete ROMs work.
Starting point is 00:37:31 He's a reasonably afraid that he won't be able to get through the security field. And also, like, Quark is not a engineer. He's not. So. But I think we've known many good bartenders, and I think there are some compatible skills there. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:47 This is the scene where they decide like, okay, what we need to do, in fact, is get a message to Starfleet. And for some reason Jake shows up with a perfect plan for getting a message to Starfleet. Ben, I have a song now. Ha ha ha ha ha. The song is called for some reason Jake.
Starting point is 00:38:06 And you said it exactly like I hoped you would. Resisting all day, things are going your way. When a long comes, Jake's a go. Or wrench in your plan, assume that he is the man. Wait you and laughs at. Jake's aco, he's got bad ideas, then he's got no chill, should be with his dad, but he's got stories to kill, why he's there, the reasons are new, because for some reason, jakesysco. It's me, Jake!
Starting point is 00:38:41 I like it. That's nice. That was great. I'm glad we're getting a little more songs on the show. Mm-hmm. I always like our songs. I think Jake needed a song and it needed to be for some reason, chicks, this go. This is like a scene that in some ways makes up for a lot of Jake's dumb bullshit in previous episodes this season. Because I mean, if the viewer could see the look I'm making, I don't know. This is not Jake motivated. This is Jake seeing a couple of things in the distance and putting them together. Yeah, but it does like they have done a lot to establish that Jake would have a hook up like this. Yeah. And that Jake would be dumb enough to walk into the conversation, not realizing how key that hookup would be.
Starting point is 00:39:29 Yeah. So, I like it, and I like that the way they conceal the messages in the ribbon on the package. Yeah. And on Morn's birthday gifts for his mom. Yeah. This is another one of those smash cuts, right? I thought Morn wasn't going to go to the birthday. This was a big shock to me.
Starting point is 00:39:47 Why change his mind? Wow, you focus on different parts of this episode than I did. Really did, I thought for sure he'd just stay at the bar. You know what's messed up as we don't really see what the gift is. Yeah. What is a Morn get his mom? Carpenter pants?
Starting point is 00:40:02 Hahaha. get his mom. Carpenter pants. Back on the starbase Cisco convinces Admiral Belt buckle to go in early before the fleet backup arrives. Yeah, they're waiting on a bunch of ships that are not going to be here in time. I just want to say this, whether or not Cisco's plan is effective, I don't like Admiral Beltbuckle just taking this advice for action. Admiral Beltbuckle seems pretty feckless and bad at his job. What are the decisions that Admiral Beltbuckle makes that anyone else does? It feels like Cisco is leading from behind. Yeah. Does Admiral Beltbuckle have other edge attempts that are also helping him? I don't know, you hope so.
Starting point is 00:40:45 I mean, if somebody is going to be a feckless idiot leader, you'd like to think that there's somebody smart pulling the strings behind the throne. Someone is going to throw themself on the nuclear football. Right, that's what this goes there for. The convincing goes well because Bellbuckle is down. Bellbuckle gives it the thumbs up, do it. And they start to saddle up. it's important that they go through with this mission quickly because back on DS9 DuCott
Starting point is 00:41:14 is demonstrating their ability to kill the mines to a way you that is unable to see them. this was a mechanic that I feel like the last episode kind of implied was going to be like all in one go. There is going to be no more minefield. But what this is is they have to individually take out the self replicating part of each mine one by one. And then they can blow up the whole minefield, which you know, like I guess the federation doesn't know that.
Starting point is 00:41:41 So they wouldn't necessarily think to just blow up the whole minefield. Like, like, if they blew up some of the minefield early, they would self-replicate in all their self-replication units would be- It would ruin all the furnish, right? You could reset this. You could hit the snooze button on the problem. But I guess they don't know that. So I guess it's not a plot hole. That's what I'm trying to say. The plot hole has self replicated itself,
Starting point is 00:42:08 and now there's no plot hole anymore. Oh shit, Doug. Golducott takes great umbrage with Wayune here because Wayune is not totally jazzed about the destruction of the minefield. And DuKot is like, this has been like the only thing you cared about for for the entire time with bin here what gives when you can't see it yeah it's bad eyesight you can't appreciate a thing you can't see tomorrow comes in and he's got some some fleet
Starting point is 00:42:38 movement intelligence they've they've clocked all of these federation ships gathering at star base three blah blah blah and go do cot and weigh you and are like what do you think they're doing? And the bar is like well I don't know what they're doing but there's a lot of them. Why have those fleets got that there? I don't know. No. Margo. It's crazy how many different things do cot can think about it once. He's not only on project mind. he's on the jangly keys of the fleet deployment, but also he's got to fix this Z-All thing.
Starting point is 00:43:10 And it's a good thing he's got to mar for that because he's going to, amongst the three main issues he's working, he's going to outsource the Z-All problem to tomorrow. Yeah, yeah. Let's see, military issues, military issues. Okay, I've got a gall working for me. Maybe I'll have him patch my relationship with my daughter.
Starting point is 00:43:31 And any other show in any other genre, Demar would be like a smooth operator and Demar and Tial would fall in love as a result of this. Right, right. But you know that's just never on the table here. So Gilducat actually orders DemMar to go try and smooth things over. And we cut to the cargo bay, where I guess Kira has been given the job of like, redying a cargo bay for a shipment of MREs for the troops or something.
Starting point is 00:43:58 Yeah, it seems like pretty menial ship for her. Yeah, and... She's not allowed to work at ops anymore. We haven't really seen her there much, have we? Yeah. ZeeL is the first one we see and we kind of imagine that the next person around the corner is going to be Demar, but it's Kira. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:14 And they're having this conversation. And it's that weird position of somebody going through a breakup where you're like, yeah, like it sucks that you're going through this breakup, but the person you broke up with is a dirt bag and it's good. No one liked them. Yeah. And that's kind of the tone that Kira's taking when Demar walks in.
Starting point is 00:44:37 Yeah. Kira's great at that tone. Right now you're angry and hurt, but that's gonna pass. Demar's pitch is not unexpected. Like, he makes the nationalism be a daughter of Cardassia pitch. Right. Almost totally independent of like, Ducat as her father at all. Not exactly flowing over with emotional intelligence,
Starting point is 00:44:58 Demar. Yeah. He comes in with the PowerPoint presentation of Do It For God in Country. Yeah. And so I was like, are you fucking joking? And Demar, you know, then resorts to just trying to like haul her off by, you know, grabbing her upper arm.
Starting point is 00:45:18 And that's when Kira Marty McFlyzum. Yeah, she puts herself right in the middle of it and beats the fuck out of Demar. Kira's fight with Demar here is very much like a Mike Tyson's punch out fight because Demar remains standing and then like you can almost see the stars appear over his head as Kira is like bopping him. Yeah. The first punch definitely doesn't seem to dais him. It's like, oh no. But then you realize like, he's already a mess. He's out on his feet.
Starting point is 00:45:53 And for sure. And she's got eight more roundhouse kicks to deliver to his chin. Yeah. By the time he's taken down, they get out of there pretty fast. We have a one last little chit chat between Admiral Belt buckle and Cisco before Cisco rides off to war. Cisco getting back into the command chair after one episode of not and the soup hasn't even gone cold. I mean, the axe has been sitting on top of it, you know. Yeah, that's fair.
Starting point is 00:46:27 She's been mother-hending that thermos. And yeah, this goes like reading scripture before going to battle, which is kind of a, you know, like we're talking about character change. That's a big deal. Yeah, he's coming around to who he is and what he represents. And I don't know if you have a postwar vision of your life and it doesn't involve Starfleet in any way, not even a little bit, I don't know, Cisco maybe keep that to yourself, maybe not tell him.
Starting point is 00:46:56 No, he says like, I'm gonna go wherever you guys send me, but my home will be Bayjor. When I go on shorely of Bajor. And I don't feel like Cisco's a company man here. I don't think he's a daughter of Starfleet. I'll say that. I mean, I think that when we walks out of this room, Admiral Beltbuck is like, wow, that goes one of the craziest motherfuckers we've ever hired off to his certain demise. I am I don't give up to the Lord of Labacha.
Starting point is 00:47:28 Yeah, Edmall Bellbuckles like, well, I mean, he's been a problem for a while, but not for much longer. Yeah, it's gonna be nice not hearing that guy walk around talking about being the profite, the emissary of the prophets anymore. We're gonna be using one of those scrapers to get him off of the little D next week. Morning, morning, morning, in sweet, morning, morning, morning, morning, in here, buddy, morning, stop, have a tie. Nog comes out of some room on the little D, new uniform, Adam.
Starting point is 00:48:09 Adam is making his face. This is that moment. He bumps into the chief. He outranks the chief now. I didn't realize things were going so bad. Scary, isn't it? I hate this. I don't like it at all. And mostly because I think like I guess it's because of his work
Starting point is 00:48:27 study internship that he's been given the field promotion to Ensign. It felt more monumental when Wesley put on the uniform because it felt like he did more. Right. I don't know. It's complicated. Like, it's great to see how proud O'Brien is of him. Yeah. But I wish this was earned a little more. And I'm not diminishing all of the many contributions that Naga's made out in the field
Starting point is 00:48:52 because he clearly has, but it's insane that he's been made to make those out in the field. Well, it's a field commission. It's kind of like acting ensuing, right? Yeah. Yeah. I think that in wartime, this kind of thing happens all the time where it's like, fuck, this unit got blown apart
Starting point is 00:49:09 and we need to be tenant or something. Like what's he gonna do? Go back to the academy? No. Like he's useful out here. So I get it. Yeah. Mixed feelings, I would say, though.
Starting point is 00:49:18 You wondered about what was going on with the captain's soup, Adam. That literally says, I kept it warm when Cisco comes out on the bridge of the little D to command this mission. I don't think she's talking about the seat. I think that's gross. I think if you're the captain and you sit down
Starting point is 00:49:36 on the captain's chair and it's still warm, I think that's a bad feeling. Yeah, yeah. You don't like that. You don't like hot seat in the captain's chair. Yeah. It's gotta be kind of a bad feeling for DAX too, right? Because she's like really kicked a lot of ass as captain.
Starting point is 00:49:50 She has. She's not. Look at all of her power cells in the mess. Yeah. They look like great big long boobs. Yeah. How many of those are DAX's and how many of those are Cisco's? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:01 Let's have a power cell measuring contest. Yeah. So the fleet rolls out, Ben, and it is massive. We see so many of every kind of ship here. Yeah. But I think the thing that you and I both know is that the hood would never be party to this. No, the hood is just orbiting Earth
Starting point is 00:50:18 and they're drinking and partying on the hood. You know, the taps at Ryza, they do need some servicing. I think it's important to make sure that the whole of the federation is aided by the fleet. You know, if you don't harvest all of the, all of the beautiful tropical fruit on Ryza, it's just going to go bad. There's even like some sovereign class ships in this fleet. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:48 It's a couple of everything. Yeah. It's a big time. Yeah. I really liked it. So, back on the station, DuCott and Leune are, it's washing over them that this federation attack on the station is imminent. And, and, and Leune puts together that like the federation attack on the station is imminent. And and and way you put together that like the federation is on to them. They know that the the minefield is not long for this world.
Starting point is 00:51:15 And he says like, all right, like, well, we'll just have to get enough ships to destroy them. And it's a bit of a back and forth, and forth like we're pulling ships off of, you know, frontline attacks that we really need to press right now, but there's one priority. The wormhole is the whole game. Yeah. This is a conversation that is interrupted when Demar walks in totally swelled up and bloodied. My shoulder doesn't hurt very much, but my face does. I really liked this because like, you see people get in fistfights and movies and television all the time and then like having like a little, little nick or slight discoloration or
Starting point is 00:51:55 something. If you get punched, your fucking face swells up. Yeah, he's swollen. He's purple. Yeah, he looks like somebody who got his ass whooped and nobody sympathizes with him. I think it's great that Demar's first stop is Dukat instead of taking it upon himself to chase Kira down. I think that is very emblematic of the whole chain of command, if occasion of things on the station right now. Right. I think ordinarily that would be what happened.
Starting point is 00:52:27 Like, Demar would find Kira and blow her out in airlock. Right. I love that they've made the politics feel real enough that Demar can't do that. Yeah. And the condescension of a Dukat talking to Demar on this moment about like, oh, Demar, what happened to your face? It's so withering. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:47 This meeting that Demar and Dukat are having is skewing a little more toward the personal than wayun would like given the very serious circumstances that they're in. And wayun attempts to like refocus them. I feel like wayun could just cite the fact that it was very inappropriate for DuCott to send one of his military subordinates to handle a family matter. It's not a good look for DuCott, but Wayune seems like he's a pretty forgiving manager in this game of thing. He seems to be super chill. Yeah. He seems to be super chill. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:25 The brutality of the founders is not transmitted through him. He is the Darth Vader to the founders Palpatine. I mean, the next scene sort of establishes that this particular edition of Wayune is kind of a fuck up. Mm-hmm. Because we get, we cut to the upper level of the promenade where Odo and change leader. I'm just gonna freshen up our our beverages here with some ice. Please do. How are you feeling, Ben?
Starting point is 00:53:56 I'm feeling I'm feeling nice. I'm feeling good. I'm not a Mornhammered, but I'm I'm definitely enjoying my afternoon. More than hammered was never the intent. Just pleasantly afternoon hammered. Odu and change leader are talking about the solids and it's this kind of like imperialist like no bless Oblige, that change leader is writing for.
Starting point is 00:54:21 We have to guide these simple people. They are number two's and we are number ones. And it's communicated visually because they're up above on the promenade and they're looking down on everyone else. Yeah, they look like ants. Yeah. This is when Wei-Yoon walks up, Odot takes his leave and doing a wonderful job with Odot.
Starting point is 00:54:42 Wei-Yoon kind of shows his whole last to change the leader at this point. Meaning what? She's like, oh no, no, we're the condescending ones. You're not the condescending one. You don't get to do that here. It's great to see this gear on change leader because it feels like it's been a while. Because she's been so kind and encouraging to Odo
Starting point is 00:55:01 when she snaps into that condescension that she has reserved for everyone else. Yeah. It's like, whoa, oh yeah, I remember. And it's such like Apex condescension too, because it's not like, she's not actually mad at him. She's like, you can't help it. You're just a simple little.
Starting point is 00:55:15 Yeah. You're just a simple little number two. Yeah, it's a great scene. When Odo gets down onto level one of the Promenade, he finds that they are not ants, but people that are all roughly of the promenade. He finds that they are not ants, but people that are all roughly of the same stature as him, one of whom is Major Kira, who he sees kind of across the way. He races to try and catch up with her, but she gets on an elevator before he can catch her.
Starting point is 00:55:38 So he has to do the thing where you run down the stairs really fast. Kira does not hit the whole door button on the lift. Very intentionally. She Larry David's the fuck out of him. Yep. And when he catches her in the hallway later, later on, she is not super enthusiastic about having a conversation with him. Kira updates Oda with the news because he's not been watching it for the last
Starting point is 00:56:04 three days in a way that neither of our parents would ever know. If I don't catch Rachel Matt how every night all thing could fly apart at the andals. All the news is bad. Everything curious as is bad. Ram is going to get executed. The butthole is going to get opened up. They're going to get dumped on relentlessly by ticks.
Starting point is 00:56:27 What can't you do here, Ben? You can't give this soft ass apology that Odo gives in this moment. This apologies is not go well. No, you can't get your conscience back at this point. I'm sorry if you feel that way about the way I've spent my last three days. It has come to my attention recently that tweets I sent when I was a younger, more immature man, were harmful and hurtful to people. That was never my intention. We're good now, right? That was all that was necessary.
Starting point is 00:57:06 Was that okay? Was it good that I had my wife standing slightly next to me? Oh, cure rightly. Does not accept this apology. Back with the fleet, it's the situation where we're going on a road trip and people on the road trip keep having car trouble and keep peeling off into a service station. Yeah. It's a fleet of Jalappi's been. These chips are not in great shape and you're filled
Starting point is 00:57:32 with a confidence when you see this fleet of hundreds of ships you're like, yeah, this is going to work out great. There's a bunch of galaxy class starships here. Like, these are the good ships. Yeah. What we know numerically is that when the Gemhead Arfleet shows up, O'Brien says they've picked up 1254 of them, which is said is a two to one advantage of the Federation ships. So we know that there's roughly like 620 and change Federation ships there of which what like 8 to 10 are jalapis right are really busted.
Starting point is 00:58:14 Yeah, you just I mean look a lot of people ignore the check engine light. Most of the time it's just a loose gas cap. You can you can fix that fairly easily by yourself. But for more serious matters, for something like an O2 sensor, you got to take that into the service station. That's going to affect your mileage, Ben. You're not going to make it to the battle. You're not going to make it to the battle. And that is our dun dun dun. Yeah. Because it 600 Starfleet flying into the teeth of 625 starships Go into battle How do you beat a gem? This episode had all the songs yeah, except with the worst songs. We were done
Starting point is 00:59:00 Yeah, Cisco is like the button is like he's pushing in his chips and by chips. I mean chips. Yeah. He doesn't ask Admiral Bellbuckle about this No, he knows he's outnumbered and he's going in anyway to be continued Did you like this episode as much as I like the episode and like the awe that the giant fleet makes me feel like I still when I really think about it and this is happening a lot in a lot of recent DS9 episodes like the immediate feeling after the app is aw awesome yeah and then when I think about it I'm like what really happened here and in this episode what really happened was Cisco had a plan. He sold the plan, he assembled the units, and then they rode off. Right.
Starting point is 00:59:52 It's basically it, because nothing really changed with Odo, nothing really changed with Kira, nothing changed with Ron being in jail. Oh, I think Odo kind of realized that he was being a real prick in the last episode. Cool, like I'm making the jack-off motion right now. Like Odo's realization means nothing to me. Yeah. Because he's not doing anything.
Starting point is 01:00:13 Yeah, he hasn't done any action. It's just, he's gone on the emotional journey, but now he needs to make it right. And the only way he can make it right is by murdering Demara and Ducat using his crazy changeling powers to just shred all of the cardassians. Which he could at any moment. You know what he could do is just go around murdering every gem had are and they wouldn't
Starting point is 01:00:36 fight back. He could plug up their little milk holes. He could twist their milk tea chat. Yeah, he could do that. Hey Adam. Stepan, did you find yourself a drunk Shimoda? Drunk Shimoda! My drunk Shimoda this episode is Whip Pan. You never get it.
Starting point is 01:00:59 You rarely see it. Yeah. It's usually a corny ass joke. The camera is a character in this episode. Whip Pan's my Shimoda. Yeah. It's usually a corny-ass joke. The camera is a character in this episode. Whippans my Shimoda. Wow. I think there's a category of Shimoda that might be technique. I don't know that this category has had a lot of Shimodas, but I'm going to throw my episode quarter into that machine this time around. Nice. I think it must be respected and recognized. I love a choice like this.
Starting point is 01:01:29 This was, this is Winric Colby, who directed this ep, and he's done a lot of DS9 EPS. It feels like he stepped out a little bit visually because like he's one of the foundational multi-episode directors of Deep Space Nine. I think he got a little fun with it and I'm here for it. Yeah, same.
Starting point is 01:01:49 You can't do a whip hand every episode or even every season, but use this way. Love it. What about you? Morn is my drunk shimata in this episode. Yeah, can't tie a ribbon on a present, wearing gloves? Impossible. Let's go close on his glove hands, trying to tie that ribbon. No way, no way.
Starting point is 01:02:11 Is, is more just not that smart also? I don't know, I don't know what the deal is. We don't know more. Yeah, we don't. Everybody else knows more, but we don't know more. He's silent Lenny. Yeah, he's silent Lenny, except for he's super talkative by reputation.
Starting point is 01:02:24 Do we know if Lenny has a giant cock? Like what if that was the yeah, he calls it the hooded fat of the land those are the parts that were edited out of Of my son, man all the references to Lenny's giant cock. Yeah, yeah That's why you can read that book in middle school. Gotta get that gold press, that gold press, that gold press, that gold press, that gold press, that gold press, that gold press, that gold press, that gold press, that gold press, that gold press, that gold press, that gold press, that gold press, that gold press, that gold press, that gold press, that gold press, that gold press, that gold press, that gold press, that gold press, that gold press, that gold press, that gold press, that gold press, that gold press, that gold press, that gold press, that gold press, that gold press, that gold press, that gold press, that gold press, that gold press, that gold press, that gold press, that gold press, that gold press, that gold press, that gold press, that gold press, that gold press, that gold press, that gold press, that gold press, that gold press, that gold press, that gold press, that gold press, that gold press, that gold press, that gold press, that gold press, that gold press, that gold press, that gold press, that gold press, that gold press, that gold press, that gold press, that gold press, that gold press, that gold press, that gold press, that gold press, that gold press, that gold press, that gold press, that gold press, that gold press, that gold press, that gold press, that gold press, that gold press, that gold press, that gold press, that gold press, that gold press, that gold press, that gold press, that gold press, that gold press, that gold press, that gold press, that gold press, that gold press, that gold press, that gold press, that gold press, that gold press, that gold press, that gold press, that gold press, that gold press, that gold press, that gold press, that gold press, that gold press, that gold press, that gold press, that gold you don't want to miss. Why? Well, it's a great opportunity to see me and Ben in person, but that's not all. FODs from all over gather at these shows to cosplay, to do pre and post-show hangs, to make friends, and share their embarrassment. Hey, let's make a pretty great name for a tour. Let's do it! The Share Your Embarrassment Tour is coming in August 2023, and we've got a bunch of dates in a lot of great places. Go to to get more info.
Starting point is 01:03:30 That's for dates and ticketing information for the Share Your Embarrassment Tour. I'm Jordan Morris. And I'm Jesse Thorne. On Jordan Jesse Go, we make pure, delightful nonsense. We were open awesome guests and bring them down to our level. We get stupid with Judy Greer. My friend Molly and I call it having the spaceweirds.
Starting point is 01:03:51 Pat Noswald. Can I get a ball-rock burger and some air-gorn fries? Thank you. And Kumail Nanjiani. I've come back with cat toothbrushes, which is impossible to use. Come get stupider with us at Look, your podcast apps are already open. Just pull it out. Give Jordan Jesse Goatry. Being smart is hard. Be dumb instead.
Starting point is 01:04:12 Oh, rats. Hey, hey, hey, oh, I'm about to count you in line. These clouds are really freaking me out. I hate having to stand in line. And boy, what do I? These giraffes do not smell good. No, they do not, and they've such short nats. But I'm hearing we need to get on this off. We've got to get on the art. It was about terrain, got us about to destroy humanity.
Starting point is 01:04:31 Hey, oh, sorry, sorry, sorry. Are you Noah? Yeah, I know we look like humans. We're actually, we're podcasters. We are podcasters, so it's different. Have you heard of Ono Ross and Kerry? We investigate spirituality, claims of the paranormal, stuff like that.
Starting point is 01:04:44 And you have a boat and say the world's gonna end, so seem like something for us to check out. We would love to be on the boats. We came to by two. What do you think? Only Ross and Kerry, available on Let's go, let's go, let's fly, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, go, let's go, let's go, go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, go, let's go, let's go, let on a Quark's bar episode. I'm sure you can hear the difference. That square is square 18. It's because we hit a space butthole and slid all the way down here.
Starting point is 01:05:37 Just ahead, I don't know, another space butthole. We could possibly hit dangers abound in this part of the board. Fuck. Well, next episode is season six, episode six, and that's what we will be reviewing next time. And the description here is, when the minefield is soon to be demolished, Cisco leads a mission to take back Deep Space Nine.
Starting point is 01:06:02 So, almost exactly the same description as this episode. That is a, what a waste of a description. Ben, I'm not... I haven't done this. I haven't done this in years, but do you want to hear what Netflix has to say? Yeah, I actually would. Okay. Season six episode six with the minefield that protects the Federation soon to be demolished. Cisco leads what appears to be a suicide mission to take back deep space nine. Rare agreement. You know what, I like the suicide mission detail of that one. That's a little bit flourier writing, flourier. I wish that was the end of the episode we just watched. Just
Starting point is 01:06:41 is Dax turning the Cisco like, it's suicide. Yeah, they all tie their bandana around their head. Like they know they're sailing into their certain doom. This is a kamikaze. They fill another probe with their wills. Yeah. Shit dog. Yeah, wow.
Starting point is 01:06:59 That's big fun. I'm into it. Well, that will be the next episode and in the meantime, you're all. You're required to learn as you play. Roll. Ben, I have rolled a five.
Starting point is 01:07:12 Shula! Did I win? Harvey. Which has hopped us over another space butthole and put us on the doorstep of a banger. We're on square 23 and it is a regular old episode. Well, got a couple of thanks to give out here at the end of the show. Of course, thanks to all the people that have and will support.
Starting point is 01:07:37 But also thanks to folks like Bill Tilly. Bill Tilly makes great collectible comedy trading cards about every episode of our show every week They always delight me every time I see Those trading cards pop up in my Twitter feed it is Deployment twittering for me and you know what hat I never just like seeing on top of my hat Bill Tilly's hat. Yeah, Bill Tilly always puts a solid hat on top of a hat And you can find those using the hashtag, GreatestGen or just by finding his account. Bill Tilly 1973.
Starting point is 01:08:09 Adam's on Twitter at Cut for Time. I'm on their ad Benjamin A.H.R. You know who's also attempting to earn a living by doing internet work at Adam Recusea? Yeah. He's over on YouTube. He's the guy who makes the music for the greatest generation. Yeah. He made the amazing Cisco song that we have here on the show in the Picard song.
Starting point is 01:08:29 That was the original inspiration. Several other pieces of original music for us as well. Yeah. Just search Adam Ragusia on YouTube. We're gonna learn a lot of great cooking techniques for the home cook. As we have. So with that, we'll be back at you next time with another great episode of Star Trek Devespace 9 and an episode of the greatest generation Devespace 9, which restates the theme for today's episode in a slightly different way. You're wife's gonna come home and she's gonna be like it stinks like podcast in here. What happened?
Starting point is 01:09:21 Comedy and Culture Artistone, audience supported. on Comedy and Culture. Artistone, audience supported.

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