The Greatest Generation - Get It, Player (DS9 S5E23)

Episode Date: January 20, 2020

When the Maquis throw one last Hail Mary, it might be Klingon footballs they’ve flung toward Cardassia. But when Ben Sisko gets an old enemy out of jail to stop them, it’s not Alcatraz they’ll h...ave to break into. Did it really take this long to think of cloaked missiles? Why does Morn want to die nude? What’s Nog’s suit size? It’s the episode where we are not feeling okay. Get a "The Warrior, The Legends" T-shirt! Follow The Game of Buttholes: The Will of the Prophets! Support the production of The Greatest Generation. Music by Adam Ragusea & Dark Materia  Follow Adam and Ben on Twitter, and discuss the show using the hashtag #GreatestGen! Facebook group | Subreddit | Wiki Sign up for our mailing list!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Priority 1 message from Starfleet coming in on Secured Channel. Hey friends of Disodo. Before today's episode, we just wanted to take a moment to talk about the historic labor actions being taken by writers and actors in the American Film and Television industry. If you're a fan of the work done by the people who make Star Trek, we hope you'll join us in standing in solidarity with the folks who actually bring these adventures to life. Over the past several years, the AMPTP, the organization that represents the American Film and Television Production Studios, have reduced the profit from movies and TV going to workers. And in so doing,
Starting point is 00:00:35 they've attempted to weaken the labor unions that represent those workers. They wouldn't even engage the unions on many issues in their negotiations. And so a strike was the only course of action to take. Adam, Wendy and I have been having a lot of internal discussions about how best to stand with the unions and we are continuing those conversations in a dynamic situation. We're doing our best to understand where the picket lines are in these digital spaces,
Starting point is 00:01:01 and we would never intentionally cross one. With the information we have, we feel like we can do more good talking about and supporting the strike and continuing our show as planned. We'll keep you informed about what all this means for greatest trek specifically. Today we're making a contribution to the Entertainment Community Fund. This fund exists to help all the people whose livelihoods have been put on hold because the AMPTP refuses to negotiate
Starting point is 00:01:25 in good faith with the unions. It provides financial support for writers, actors, and all the thousands of laborers who make the shows that we talk about here and without whom we wouldn't have Star Trek to cast pot about. Those folks are all out of work because billionaires, company shareholders, and the executives of these companies don't want to compromise on the length of their yachts. We hope you'll join us in supporting entertainment workers in a challenging time, especially after they've already endured several years of challenges brought on by the pandemic
Starting point is 00:01:55 and season two of Star Trek Picard. We've set up a page where you can also contribute. It's at That's friendsofdececoto for That's FriendsOfDecoto for Link in the episode description. Okay, now let's get on with the show. Here's to the finest crew in Starfleet. Engage! Welcome to the greatest generation, Deep Space Nine. The Star Trek podcast by a couple of guys who are just a little bit embarrassed about having a Star Trek podcast.
Starting point is 00:02:38 I'm Adam Pranaka. I'm Ben Harrison. Ben, I'm trying to marshal all of the energy I can because I know we're both a little under the weather. Yeah. Well, this is weird because I just saw you face to face yesterday and now you're back in Seattle. I'm stuck down here in LA.
Starting point is 00:02:58 Mistakes were made. And we could have recorded together yesterday or you could have just stayed over a day and we could have recorded in person. No, I wasn't gonna do that. Boy, yeah, we did a lot of dumb shit yesterday. Yeah, I was down there on one of, I'm sure, it's going to be the first of 50 visits to Los Angeles to look for a place where my wife and I can live.
Starting point is 00:03:22 And you really stepped up in the friend zone, Ben. I know there's no chance of a relationship between us. So when you're friend zone by Ben, it means being driven around by Ben to see places that you might wanna live. Listen, I know you wanna a little bit more than just, than just being driven around by me all day. But that's not when I'm prepared to go with you, Adam. Yeah, so what I thought was going to be a visit
Starting point is 00:03:51 to see a number of places ended up being a visit to see one and then get day drunk on a patio right after. Yeah. Which is what we did. We had a couple of restaurant options that we were exploring the idea of going to, because part of the idea was like get a sense of the Los Angeles neighborhoods that you and your wife were considering. Right. And see whether or not one or another feels like the best option to you. So we went to a restaurant that was like weirdly desolate
Starting point is 00:04:26 in the middle of the day, despite being by a sort of, like it's a restaurant with a busy chef in charge of it. But yeah, the lunch service, like I walked in and like there was literally no people apparently working at the restaurant. Like there was a bad side. Nobody behind the bar,
Starting point is 00:04:43 nobody at the host's stand, no servers walking around, no buskers, no nothing. And so I just took a flyer and went and seated myself at one of the zillion empty tables. And our server was very nice. When she saw that she had a new customer, she apologized profusely for not having been around when I first came in and then brought over menus.
Starting point is 00:05:10 Yeah, that should have been the red flag that deterred us from eating there. But there was a green flag in the form of bottomless rum punch. Yeah. And that I think really, really made us feel differently about the restaurant at that point. So we had one of those lunches that you and I occasionally have where we just feast on appetizers and a bunch of cocktails.
Starting point is 00:05:31 Yeah. And the red flags multiplied at this point because we ordered I think six different things and they came out almost immediately and all of them about room temperature. Yeah. out almost immediately and all of them about room temperature. Yeah, like we ordered buffalo wings and nachos and calamari and fish and ships and none of it seemed hot. Yeah, that did not prevent the grind because I know both of us went to town pretty hard on these apps. I don't know if this happens to you, but I kind of have like the great white shark thing
Starting point is 00:06:06 of like my eyes roll over white and I just eat until I'm, I can't eat anymore when I get to a, when I, when I'm in a situation like that. And then I think back and I'm like, oh, I made poor choices, but I'm never able to like in the moment go like, huh, the fact that the notch, this huge plate of nachos, the size of a fucking hubcap, is not hot. And yet we just ordered it like three minutes ago is extremely suspicious. Yeah, we should have hit the brakes on this thing right then and there. But you and I were in a festive spirit.
Starting point is 00:06:42 We decided to call it the Uxbridge Shim party right which will take this episode but yeah that's when this happened yeah and so we decided to lean into the drinks and then we quickly realized that we were 90 minutes away from the airport, given the traffic. And so we, we safely responsibly got on the road and went to the airport after this. Yeah, I had knocked it off with the bottomless punches. Right. Quite a bit ahead of realizing this, but like we were kind of luxurrating in our afternoon and I was like, oh, just done enough chance. I'll see what the map says is going
Starting point is 00:07:28 to be travel time to get you back to the airport. We're like, oh shit, we got to go right now. I think any drive long enough to necessitate a stop to pee qualifies as a road trip. And that's what it was. When you drive from the West Side to Burbank, that was a road trip in nearly all afternoon was spent in the car. Yeah. And very little highway time. Like we we spent like a very small amount of the end of the trip on a highway, but mostly
Starting point is 00:07:59 it was surface streets across town because so many of Los Angeles' drivers had managed to pilot their cars into each other that day. And the highways were all tied up. Since deciding to move to Los Angeles, I visited LA several times and each time I'm treating it as like a simulator, right? Like this is what it's like to live here. This is what it's like to drive here. And that was a real eye opener. Yeah. The company was very pleasant, but, uh, but yeah, that was
Starting point is 00:08:31 that was a long drive. And long enough that like, I mean, I would have guessed eating food that was bad. I would have started to feel it in the car, but I really didn't. I got home, I took the dog for a walk, I took the dog for like a 45 minute walk. I decided I was too tuckered out to cook, so I ordered a pizza for me and my wife to eat. And then I plop myself down on the couch and started watching an episode of The Expans. And like over the course of like half, it was like the last half of an episode that I was finishing up, and over the course of that 20 minutes, I went from feeling tired but fine to like,
Starting point is 00:09:13 oh boy, I'm not gonna eat dinner, I feel totally disgusting. Whoa, yeah, this was something that alarmed me on the plane because I got a text from you that was like, hey bud, you feeling okay? And I was like, in my mind, I was like, never. You'll have to be more specific. And you had mentioned that you thought the food had made you sick. And this was alarming to me because once I get it in my head that there's a possibility of this, like this happened before to
Starting point is 00:09:44 me where I will have gone out to a meal with someone. The other person is sick and they're like, Hey bud, how are you feeling? I feel like you can, I feel like you can this secret this and make yourself sick by dwelling on it. And I was on an airplane and I was like, Oh God, I need to stop thinking about how my stomach is feeling. Yeah. Because I thought that I would make it happen. Well, I feel like you're also your baseline
Starting point is 00:10:07 with your GI is already so, it has already so much strife that. Yeah, but no one's shitting in a barf bag. Yeah. There are rules. I barfed, man. I'm gonna tell you, I, at a certain point, my wife got got home she was tucking into that pizza and
Starting point is 00:10:27 I couldn't do it. I couldn't be in the same room as it and did she did she push open the bathroom door and she was like get it player oh shit that reminds me of a story I gotta tell you yeah you gotta you gotta tell me what that means so over the God, we're gonna date the episode again. Because last weekend, I have an annual dinner hang with my closest friends where we go out for a nice- Oh, your closest friends. My invitation must have gotten lost in the mail. I should say my closest local friend. We try to find a dark restaurant with a booth where we have a big meal, a big meal of
Starting point is 00:11:11 meat and a big potato and a couple of martinis, like that kind of dinner. And then we spend the rest of the night going out and catching up and having a good time. And this is what we did last weekend. This is your annual reindeer run. I believe I've heard you call it. Yeah, it's an occasion I look forward to every year. Because there's always a story that happens. And this time was no different.
Starting point is 00:11:37 Did you get the reindeer runs? Oh, I've had the reindeer runs all day today because that's how my picopad patio meal manifests itself and my body. So it's like the third stop on this reindeer run. Like it's well after dinner and it's closer to midnight. It's definitely like the drunk hour and around midnight. And it's time to it's time to hit the bathroom. So I'm in there and it's one of those it's like a a, it's not a, it's one of those bathrooms with one urinal and one bathroom stall and one sink. So there's no lock on the door.
Starting point is 00:12:10 You just go in and use what's open and if nothing's open, you're queued up. Yeah, men's rooms are a real horror show. So I walk in and it looks empty. So I walk up to the urinal and I begin my business and because I'm drunk, it is a long bit of business. I'm in there and I can hear a guy make himself known in the stall through the violent sounds of his vomit. It was quiet momentarily. You know, a lot of times you'll go into a public restroom and you'll get the courtesy cough
Starting point is 00:12:41 from the stall that sort of announces, hey, you're not in here alone. Right. Try to keep it down with your business. That's sort of what I love experience. I love that. That's the most humane thing you can do. This guy was giving me courtesy vomit. And he was in there really going to town on this toilet.
Starting point is 00:13:02 And so I'm in there and I'm like, I can't, I would love to leave, but I'm like in mid-P and a drunk P is lasting a long time. So I'm in there doing the thing. The door opens behind me and keep in mind all of this is unseen. I'm looking at the tile wall and just hearing. Behind me I hear step, step, step, step, step, step, and then the sound of the stall door opening and I'm like, in my mind, I'm like, oh no, the guy didn't lock the stall. I hear a guy open the stall door and So hard at this moment. Get it player. Get it player. And I finish up. I don't make eye contact with it with Get it player guy. I walk up to the snake. I wash my hands and I walk out and I am just dying about get it player. So I go out to my friends and like it's a booth situated where like you can see who's
Starting point is 00:14:10 coming out the bathroom and when a moment later guy wearing a sequined red suit walks out. This is the bar for this is the player. The player isn't a sequel and wow and in one unbroken motion his name is called it karaoke I I failed to mention that this is a karaoke bar. He walks right up to the mic And sings Terribly he gets the gavel song of the night last song of the night closing time was him Wow ended the night, closing time, was him. Wow. He ended the night going from toilet to mic.
Starting point is 00:14:49 Did he do outcasts, players ball, as his song? I will tell you that his rendition of the song that I can't remember was so awful that he was close to getting booed off the stage. Wow. It was like scream slursinging. It was just really bad. That's like, that's a bad. That's a bad. That's a bad karaoke runner though.
Starting point is 00:15:12 Like I wanted him to dominate. I was rooting for him. Most karaoke bars have a couple of ringers that they bring in to set a level. And this is the person you want to close with. Like, like, you either close with that person or you pick somebody that's that's really hitting dingers among the civilians and ask them to close it, right? Look, man, I think you know me. I think you know, I do my best not to judge people for
Starting point is 00:15:40 how they look. I try to walk a mile in another person's shoes before coming to any sort of judgment about the guy, but you see a man. Or a sequin suit. You see a man in a red sequin suit, and I think the safe assumption is probably pretty good at karaoke. Yeah. This guy died out there, Ben. Wow. Maybe his vocal cords were fried by all the by all the bile that had run across them moments before. That, I think that totally checks out. I think he shredded his cords on that bathroom floor and was unable to get it at the microphone. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:17 And so that was that. That player got it elsewhere. Anyway, for ever more, get it player is going to be a thing I want to say in in moments where other people are vomiting. Yeah. Yeah. Wow. Or metaphorically vomiting. I was that player last night. And I'm sorry to hear that your butt was that player today. Yeah. It's been a tough day. Uh, all around, but really happy to have had an impromptu visit with you for a day. That was fun.
Starting point is 00:16:51 Yeah, that was super fun. And looking forward to that being a little bit more of a regular thing. Yeah, me too. Hopefully it won't mean our show and our friendship goes down in a blaze of glory. Oh snap. I may be butt sick, Ben, but I'm still well enough to dispense with a world-class pivot to show on a professional. Yeah, you really are.
Starting point is 00:17:15 Do you want to hit it? Do you want to get into today's episode, season five, episode 23, blaze of glory? Ben, it's only the second Star Trek episode ever to be named after a Bond Jovey song. Of course, the first was the butcher's knife cares not for the lambs cry. That was a B side off of slippery when wet. Never really went anywhere.
Starting point is 00:17:41 I think the title, it's open and justice there. Yeah, the music directors at radio stations just weren't into that one. Yeah. What, do you realize how incredible this is? Ah-ha! Ah-ha! Oh, no.
Starting point is 00:17:58 Oh! No, of course you don't. Speaking of Kalamari, Adam. Oh, yeah! This episode opens with Ron shoving some dubious Kalamari in his mouth and announcing that Squid is his favorite human food. Delicious. I think this is a perfect food for a Farenki to like.
Starting point is 00:18:20 It makes me reevaluate all of the other foods we've heard about the meeting because Kalamari is one of my favorite human foods as well. Yeah. I love Kalamari. It's good. I love it fried. I love it sauteed. I love it in pasta. It's delicious. It's a guilty food for me. So maybe as I've stated before, I think cephalopods are aliens, and I think they deserve our respect. Poor bastards rain down on us from another dimension, probably just as confused as we are. Maybe all that shit that the phoenixes are always eating, like beetles and the snails juice and stuff,
Starting point is 00:18:57 maybe that's all delicious. Yeah, maybe we'd like that. We don't know how. We'd like that. The stuff on phoenixes is probably great. They're, the phoenixes are bond-vivants. They don't know how. We'd like that. The stuff on Firinga Nars is probably great. They're, the Firinga's are bon vivants. They want to be rich and have like nice shit, you know? Fucking Jake does a spit-take with his pasta,
Starting point is 00:19:14 with his calamari dinner, because the sauce is a slurry of tube grubs. That's a bad look, Jake. You know, it was a racist. Like, it's fine to have, it's fine to be a picky eater, but if you've already tasted it and liked it, get over your shit. There's also a 0% chance that he's never had tube grubs before, right? Because with your, when you're best friends with a person, and that person has a favorite food, that is something like tube grubs, you have to have tried it, right? If you liked something that I had never had before
Starting point is 00:19:46 I'd have to try that you'd give it a try you'd you'd come to it with an open mind Right Right, but but Jake here is going to the napkin with this bite and And pushes his plate away. I thought it was interesting that Ben Sisko prepared such a beige plate for these kids. Yeah, like it seems unlike him. It's a... Oh, this guy is steeped in the cuisine of the Creoles and he's making a beige plate. When you talk about it, it just makes the juices run in the mouth.
Starting point is 00:20:20 I mean, it's just exciting to eat. I don't see it. I think he would have more colorful ingredients on that plate. I don't want to come down to heart on Jake as the only Cisco not eating well here. I'm not seeing Captain Cisco raise a fork up to his mouth very often in the scene to you. No, but he's he's a chef man. He probably tasted it all the way through. I just wonder if this is dare food,
Starting point is 00:20:45 and this is a bit that he's doing, you know? Is this the time in the late 90s when reality TV really exploded and like fear factor became a thing? Yeah, Maggie Fry chicken and potato salad. Yeah, maybe that's it. Maybe that's what's going on. Captain Cisco's favorite podcaster is Joe Rogan.
Starting point is 00:21:04 Yeah, yeah, he fucking loves that shit. Pretty interesting B story first here, right? Yeah, Nag is there, you know, partly as Jake's pal, but partly as the cadet on the station. And it's one of those like, he does a great job of playing it off. Like this is not something that he wants to bring up to the captain, but really it's clearly an issue that is weighing heavily on him. He's rotating through working with the security team on the station and has had a few encounters
Starting point is 00:21:40 with Klingons that leads him to believe that they are rude dudes with bad dudes. I really like the feeling of a professional relationship and a social relationship playing out at the same table. This is hard stuff for Nog because he's wearing the uniform. The captain has invited him to dinner, but he's got a social relationship with Jake, and he's trying to juggle those two things. Like, I don't think it's any accident
Starting point is 00:22:14 that he's sitting between Jake and Ben Sisko at the table. Like he's being pulled in both directions like that. It's very interesting, sir. This is another Kim Friedman episode, and I think that that's super intentional. And it also really reminded me of that scene a couple episodes where he was stuck between Warfin' Martok and, and that is clearly
Starting point is 00:22:38 like what is being referenced here. This idea that he is sort of invisible to the Klingons in a certain way. And that's, you know, you can't perform a police action on somebody that doesn't acknowledge your presence. Yeah, that's very true. I mean, I mean, is that how I should try to get out of a ticket? Hands on the wheel looking straight ahead, just ignoring an officer screaming through my window. Yeah, I think that's what I can do. That would be great for me, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:08 Just roll up the window on your cyber truck. Yeah. It's unbreakable, Adam. I don't know about it. Nog is describing Klingons like a high schooler talking about the varsity football team, right? Yeah. There is a cast system on the station
Starting point is 00:23:24 where the Klingons are the rough and tumble scary guys and to Nog that's really difficult. He's in a position of authority, but he has no authority if it's not recognized. He's the hall monitor that gets panced and doesn't get to enforce his hall monitor power. The reason the comparison is apt is because Cisco treats it and nog to anti-bullying advice that we're used to hearing today. You just need to stand up for yourself. Right.
Starting point is 00:23:54 Can't just get shoved into your locker. You got to shove back. They'll never respect you. We get an object lesson in this disrespect when General Martak walks in and hands Cisco an iPhone and tells Jake and not just a clear writeout and it's clearly like an adult are talking now boys get out of here. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:21 I wonder if Martok would like to get down on this Kalamari and tube grub situation. I feel like he'd be into it. He might he might resent the fact that it's cooked. Yeah, yeah, you know he's down with tentacles. Yeah, but only if they're moving. Is that what's nice about running a Klingon restaurant is that there's not that much work involved? Yeah, yeah, I mean the food safety standards have got to be so different. Yeah. It's just keeping, keeping it all alive is basically the main thing. I love how Marthock hands Captain Cisco, the iPhone here, and Captain Cisco is like, what am I looking at? I need to, like, I need this decoded. And Martha's like, oh, yeah, sorry.
Starting point is 00:25:06 And then he puts his thumb on it. And then it unscramble the message. This message is from the maquis. I agree. Because while on patrol, he intercepted it. Yep, it's a woman addressing someone named Michael, saying, the missiles are launched. They're heading toward Cardassia, and this is our final attack.
Starting point is 00:25:26 The release of nuclear weapons has been authorized. This is not a drill. 13 days is how long it will take these missiles to strike Cardassia. And Marta, upon hearing this, is like, yeah, that's pretty awkward because there was a time where I remember selling cloaking technology to the make-wease, so pretty sure those missiles are going to be cloaked. You see the problem. What an interesting idea, like delivering arms to a force that doesn't really hold the same values as you, just because it's politically expedient at the time, and that coming back to bite you in the ass a Little while later
Starting point is 00:26:08 Except there's no like martac drops this bottom in the room and sis goes like cool cool. Well, we got to solve this problem he never He should be pissed at martac, right? It does seem like a bit of a pass because yeah, the the issue is that the It does seem like a bit of a pass because yeah, the issue is that the It's missiles and cloaking devices and the speculation is that these two devices could have been married and the monkey had Access to all of these WMDs that could mean if a cloaked missile hits
Starting point is 00:26:45 Cardassia we're talking about millions of dead in the initial attack, and then the Dominion striking back at the Klingons and the Federation, the Federation being the proxies for the Machia and the Klingons having sold them the arms. They could be punished by the Dominion to the tune of billions of lives. We're talking about a a war on a scale of billions of lives here. I mean no one could have guessed that that separately yellow cake uranium and and tubes could be combined to form cloaked missiles here. The idea of a cloaked missile is extremely interesting, and the first time that we're hearing of such a combination. So how do we combination?
Starting point is 00:27:34 To the degree that I sort of felt like this was a, this will change everything, kind of technology, that not to skip to the end too much, like is not realized. Yeah. I forget exactly what the storyline is of it, but there's an episode of Voyager where there's like a crazy super weapon that they have to find and disarm that really reminded me of. I mean, if cloaked missiles have been around from the start, you could change the storyline of every starfleet battle in history. Yeah. I wonder if it's kind of, I mean,
Starting point is 00:28:16 there's a bunch of discussion of the cloaking device on the little D in this episode and the fact that it isn't that effective because it's so overpowered. And a missile is basically an engine with a small payload on it. So maybe, maybe it has the same issue that the cloaking device is like, it makes it harder to find, but not impossible. You know, I was thinking a long time during this episode about why they kept ringing that bell about the little D's engines being unable to be covered up by its cloak and that's got to be it right right because the little D doesn't really factor in that much in this
Starting point is 00:28:52 episode not at all it's a run about episode that's pretty great that we can draw a line between those two things I think that's good writing Go to Kotlin. Go to Kotlin. Go to Kotlin. So they have a little McLaughlin group in Ops with War of Hobrion and Dax talking to Cisco about how tricky it is to find this. It's like a lagorean mastodon moving through the forest. You may not be able to see it, but it definitely makes the leaves rustle. I need answers, people. The ideas that they need to find where they were launched from to disarm them remotely, basically, because the clock is ticking.
Starting point is 00:29:31 They've got 11 days left. So apparently, just go get this news and took the weekend off. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha I signed up for this Ferengy cooking class and I mean it's really hard to get into. And frankly some of the ingredients were not that fresh. I've been on the shitter for two days. Oh yeah, this timeline, you got to hold this timeline together, right? Yeah, I think I know someone who can help. I loved this space station that they cut, too.
Starting point is 00:30:12 Oh, yeah. The Eddington has been locked up on space prison regular one, right? Yeah. I love it. Yeah, it's been a long time. I like the way they backlight it. Let's do. Yeah, I wonder why the shows don't pull more footage from the movies this way. I think you got to be judicious or you'll get caught, you know?
Starting point is 00:30:35 I mean, the one thing you and I have said before about about like the main thing about Star Trek is how efficient it is. Yeah, it's very cost efficient television. Star Trek is how efficient it is. Yeah, it's very cost efficient television. Yeah. The cell that Eddington is in is very reminiscent of the ones on the Starship Enterprise. The case is made that Eddington is just as dangerous behind force fields as he is out in the world. He takes a look at this iPad and watches the video just for a second.
Starting point is 00:31:09 He doesn't admit to being the Michael that this woman is addressing right off the bat. No, because Eddington has the vibe of a guy who is super happy to be worried. He's going to run out the clock on his life and that's gonna be it. Right, and he believes that that means like, like whenever the Dominion decides to attack, like they'll just kill him when they get here. I got some real Rambo 2 vibes from this moment because like John Rambo at the beginning of that film,
Starting point is 00:31:43 he's in prison also. Yeah. And that makes Cisco the Troutman in this moment. And it's like, hey, how'd you like to get out of here? I could maybe even get you a pardon if you help us track down these missiles. Would you rather be locked up in a room or in a labor camp breaking rocks with a sledgehammer if you were locked up? I think I'd rather be breaking rocks. It seems more tempting, right?
Starting point is 00:32:07 Like you're outside. Want to get some fresh air. You're getting some exercise. You're getting pretty ripped. Yeah. Which I think is good. Rambo stacked at the beginning of that movie. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:18 Yeah. But Eddington does not find any appeal in a full pardon. He turns it down. Yeah. And all down. And this is interesting, because Cicico is saying, you know, if this happens, like a billion humans are going to die too. Like don't you want to save people's lives?
Starting point is 00:32:38 And he is really like, like devil-make-are-fuck-you. I don't give a shit. I used up all my tears and the dominion slot of the monkey. Like, what? If it hasn't been said before, it is a total, like, mutually assured destruction scenario that they're facing, because if these missiles hit Cardassia, the retaliatory attack by Cardassia would be such that it would wipe out the whole Federation. Yeah. This is one of two long conversations between these two guys in this episode, where
Starting point is 00:33:11 they hit the ball back and forth a lot. And eventually, Eddington starts to let on that he knows quite a bit about the missiles and the abort codes and stuff, but that he's not going to do anything about it. Like, he goes from, I don't know what this is or who this woman is, to, yeah, I know what the mistletoe is, but you're never going to find the launch site. There's nothing you can do. And eventually starts like kind of psychoanalyzing Cisco and making the case that Cisco's tripping on the fact that he can kind of decide the fate of the entire quadrant if he does this. I mean, then this is a trope that we see quite a lot
Starting point is 00:33:53 in television and film, the guy in the jail cell having all of the power. Yeah, infuriatingly so. That's not very damn funny. Back on Deep Space Nine, Quark is in the infirmary with a head wound that he sustained from a nude mourn. He's got to watch where he's swinging that hammer. I don't really understand when or where mourn got nude, but he also ran into the Bejure in Temple nude, but he also ran into the Bajurin temple nude and Kira got an eye full of that hammer.
Starting point is 00:34:34 Yeah, I think Kira is worshipping another god now. Yeah, that was shelt worship false idols. Odo is kind of drilling quirk like this is all his fault like he provoked more into into doing this and so Quirk is like recounting the conversation I'm the victim here. He's saying like oh, yeah I was explaining how like when this station Becomes like the frontline of the war between the Federation and the Dominion were all gone die and that doesn't seem like what does it seem like something you can get in trouble for, right?
Starting point is 00:35:10 No, not at all. I mean, I can't. Quark is right in this, that he was engaging in some speculation, and that's fine. It's not like yelling fire in a movie theater. He's just telling a bar buddy what's possibly going to happen in the coming weeks and months. But it does give a sense of how un-edge everybody is. Interesting that Morn's instinct was to strip. He doesn't want to die clothed. He doesn't want to die without his main weapon easily at hand.
Starting point is 00:35:43 Yeah. He died the way that he lived with a great big crank. Did he die? No I'm like projecting into the future, like if deep space nine were attacked and destroyed. Yeah. How do you utilize Morn? A naked dead mourn. I guess that's right. Ben, this scene is an example of turning a one minute conversation into a five minute conversation. It felt very stretchy to me. This is a fairly breathless episode with a lot of action set pieces and stuff. But if there's any fat in it, it's definitely here, I think.
Starting point is 00:36:25 It's a weird like, it's a sea story that is one scene long. Yeah, and it's a lot of like, mourn did what? mourn did what? But he also did this. He did that? I don't have the finished idea. Yeah, I mean, but how else are quark and odo going to be in the episode? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:43 That's true. I think it's honestly like an ensemble cast problem. or Quark and Odo gonna be in the episode. Yeah, that's true. I think it's honestly like an ensemble cast problem. Like they keep doing these episodes that are like one person off on an adventure and they are coming up with increasingly implausible ways to write the other characters into the show. It's a paycheck wagging the story dog.
Starting point is 00:37:03 I think it is. You're gonna get paid anyway, gotta use them. It's a paycheck wagging the story dog. I think it is. Yeah. You're going to get paid anyway. Gotta use them. The scene ends with Kira being called up to Ops by DAX because there's an incoming FaceTime from Cisco. Cisco is saying he's going into the badlands. He doesn't need the little D
Starting point is 00:37:19 because what he's got is Eddington. Yeah. And then he sort of like does that dramatic reveal over his shoulder. He's in a run got is Eddington. And then he sort of like does that dramatic reveal over his shoulder. He's in a runabout with Eddington and they're going on a road trip. Yep. They're going to Burbank.
Starting point is 00:37:33 Yeah, they're going to Burbank. They're gonna drive through all of Beverly Hills and Hollywood Hills to get there. Yeah, those are the bad lands, right? Saw two thing through Beverly Hills and the Hollywood Hills Yeah, I loved that their inflite meal was served on an inflite meal size plate Perfect and that was fun. They're like they're like doing bits on On on replicator food. What's the deal with airplane peanuts? This is the first scene that I feel like we've seen that makes the case that the ma
Starting point is 00:38:05 key eat better than starfleet. Yeah. Yeah, Eddington makes the case that the makeweas are like farmed to table types, like and really annoying about it too. Cisco, you would never know what an ancient grain tastes like. The complexity of flavor is something that you can only imagine. Have you ever eaten an heirloom tomato? Picked it right off the vine. It's still warm from the sun. I did like all this backstory about like, you know, you're eating the same protein. It's just in
Starting point is 00:38:36 the shape of different stuff. Yeah. Yeah, and it doesn't taste like anything to anything. Yeah, like the way that like fondant doesn't taste like anything interesting anything. Yeah, like the way that like, fondant doesn't taste like anything interesting, even if it's shaped like a flower or something on a cake, right? Right. You can make your birthday cake look like a hamburger all you want. It's still gonna be a shitty sponge cake covered in fondant. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:39:01 And maybe wonder if the plate was edible? Like in a taco salad kind of parlant. It came out of the replicator. Might as well be. Why wouldn't it all be protein? No. Eddington, he really knows Benzisco's buttons because he evokes the name of Cal Hudson in this scene,
Starting point is 00:39:32 who he mentions was killed fighting the Cardassians. And the look on Benzisco's face is pretty devastated. It is a senseless and sad death for a guy that Ben Sisko still clearly really loves despite the fact of his betrayal. They have a, another of many great conversations in this scene. And what you, what the big takeaway here is, is that they are more alike than different in their leadership strategy. Eddington says that Cisco's deal with him as personal and not professional. And that he just can't get over the fact that Eddington and Cal Hudson shows team makeweas. And this is the same case that Cisco makes against Eddington, that you're like a leader that's sort of a cult of personality guy
Starting point is 00:40:27 Like and that's why you love being the leader of the Mayquise is like you you get these people to follow you Right you do this in spite of what it represents not because of what it represents and And Conversely Eddington saying that Cisco hates the Mayquise because they they And conversely, Eddington saying that Cisco hates the Mayquise because they represent the flaw in his worldview rather than him actually disagreeing with any of their particular arguments. Right.
Starting point is 00:40:55 And then Cisco does that thing that, like, here's how you win an argument. You say something to the degree of, all of this is your fault anyway. Because what Cisco says is like the torpedo crisis is on Eddington. Yeah. And that Eddington gassed up the makeways to think that they could actually win, that they could actually become this like sovereign nation. When it was always a foregone conclusion that the Cardassians would cream them if they weren't under the protection of the Federation. And the whole reason that the Cardassians partnered with the Dominion is because of the Mayquise.
Starting point is 00:41:35 You get nothing! You lose! Good day, sir! This is a heavy trip, right? Because the war that they're talking about is, I trip, right? Because the the war that they're talking about is, I mean, like, like the Dominion War is the thing that people talk about with Deep Space Nine. We know it's coming. And this kind of makes the case that it was an avoidable, an avoidable conflict. Yeah. You can tell that Eddington really feels it.
Starting point is 00:42:04 Like, it stops the argument in its tracks and he just has to turn away. It's a great scene. It's a long scene. It's not one of those scenes where two characters come in needing two different things and resolve conflict. Like the conflicts change and morph and when you think Eddington is out of the conflict periodically like Cisco will rise to change what the conflict is. Yeah. It's real fun. It's very similar to the scene where when Eddington is in jail in that way and I really
Starting point is 00:42:39 liked both of these scenes a lot. I think Kenneth Marshall as Eddington is great in this episode. I think he's always been really good, but it's gotta be so hard to go toe-to-toe with Avery Brooks as an actor, because there's just, I feel like you want to rise to the occasion
Starting point is 00:42:58 of acting with Avery Brooks, and this is very much a stage play setup. You're inside a runabout, you're arguing your side, and I don't know how you do that when you're faced with him, when you're faced with Avery Brooks, you know? Right. He's like made for this in a way that, as good as Kenneth Marshall is,
Starting point is 00:43:20 I think you're really trying to be better than you're usually asked to be, and I think he is in this app. Yeah, and I think that're really trying to be better than you're usually asked to be. And I think he is in this app. Yeah. And I think that Avery Brooks has that reputation as being a very generous scene partner. So yeah, it's great, great scene. So shines a good deed, you know, weary world.
Starting point is 00:43:40 In the B storyline, Noggin, Jake are hanging out in Quarks. This may be the first time that we've been in Quarks since Quark got all the stickers removed from his door. He's no longer condemned, but the Klingons are really making a lot of noise. And Nog can't over at the golden head butt machine. Yeah. Nuggen Reckon, the amount of decibels they're generating just by sitting they're listening to them. Yeah. That's pretty wild power. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:14 And he's just waiting for them to go over the legal limit so that he can go arrest all of them. They won't respect me until I stand up to them. And the second they do, he falls backward in his chair and is stricken with embarrassment. He's very embarrassed at him. I think if you fall backwards in your chair at a bar, you've got to get right up, right? I think it's a race against time at that point, but he chooses to remain on the ground. I went to a dinner party once where a guy's chair collapsed under him. Oof. That was a tough moment, you know.
Starting point is 00:44:45 He felt it. Was that a wooden chair? It was a wooden chair and it was, you know, like, it wasn't because he was too heavy, it was because the chair gave way. It was like, it was like a bad chair, but, uh, but he felt that's the thing though. No one thinks that. Yeah. Everyone's going to think that you're too heavy.
Starting point is 00:44:59 Yeah. When the chair breaks. Yeah. I mean, uh, you treated as a wake up call or whatever and hit the gym. You know, whether or not it was your fault, maybe, maybe it can have a positive outcome, but it doesn't feel good in the moment. Yeah. I mean, that's one thing we know about Nog from previous episodes is that he's working
Starting point is 00:45:18 out with shake weights. He's getting pretty jacked. He's maybe living that gym, Shimoda lifestyle. Maybe he is put on muscle weight to the extent that the chairs and quarks bar can't hold him. I've been working out, I'm huge. He doesn't even know his own center of balance,
Starting point is 00:45:34 but shouldn't he be able to do that like wide receiver thing where he like gets up without putting his hands on the ground? Oh yeah. He like kicks his feet out and stands up. One would think. That would be cool. That would have been fun to see.
Starting point is 00:45:49 Yeah. Yeah, if you work security, you must be trained in combat, right? Like when you learn martial arts, you practice falling a lot. And clearly, that's not how he's been trained. It's done on what we see here. On the runabout, they arrive in the badlands and pretty quickly Are set upon by a couple of gem-hid our worships and Cisco starts running something from the Ben Cisco leadership playbook
Starting point is 00:46:20 Which is that he has unshackled Eddington and is like fucking around getting himself a cup of coffee and not taking a particular interest in their impending destruction at the hands of a couple of ticks forcing Eddington to take the helm and use some fancy Make-Wease flying tricks to to evade these two Warships Cisco's managerial book isn't like, isn't who moved my cheese.
Starting point is 00:46:47 It's like, I'm gonna go over here and get some Ractagino while a couple of ticks to send on us. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha and starts to the scene firm in the position that he's not gonna take the helm. And then he's like doing donuts around plasma filaments and getting him out of there. You can be an inspirational leader by stoking a person's self-preservation instinct. Yeah. That's what he's doing.
Starting point is 00:47:19 But he doesn't stop being a bad guy. And one of the ways he doesn't stop is that he insists that the way that they are gonna get away from these ships is if Cisco rewires something with the impulse engines that is very very dangerous to do if you're still using the impulse engines Eddington's like have you ever heard of a culvert starburst? Cisco's like that maneuver has been outlawed decades ago I've never heard of a culvert a Jeffries tube on a runabout. It is super long too. It seems implausibly long. But also, I mean, we know that they're like bigger, like there's a whole back section
Starting point is 00:48:20 and there may be a middle section even, right? Because there's... That Jeffree's tube is longer than a banquet table though. By a lot. Yeah, no, it's a big long Jeffree's tube. What else can you access in there? I don't know. It seems like a single use Jeffree's tube and that's like a kitchen appliance. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:42 You want one of those and you run about. Yeah, Alton Brown would disapprove of a Jeffree's tube with only one use. Yeah. So, Cisco's back there, like, disconnecting glow necklaces and then plugging them into another thing. And there, and he's getting bangers just rained down on him. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:59 And some of these are, Eddington, like, hitting potholes and some of them are the ticks firing upon them. I feel like every Brooks gets enough credit as a physical actor in a moment like this because he is full on bouncing around inside the tube. Yeah, it's good. Jump by him. Yeah. There's a fun moment after they've set the practice explosion off where Eddington is not receiving telemetry from Captain Cisco anymore and assumes that he's home free, basically,
Starting point is 00:49:35 that Cisco died down there in that tube. And Cisco grabs him from behind and ruffs him up a little bit. I told you to keep the ship steady. You're alive. What a pleasant surprise. Cisco's covered in Klingon coffee from this point forward. Yeah, it probably smells nice, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:56 I guess once it's brewed coffee can smell a little funky. Yeah. It's the grounds that smell nice. Yeah. Back on Deep Space 9, we check back in on our B-slash C story where Jake and Nag are talking about roommate etiquette W-slash R-slash T. Dates coming over Jake has had a lady friend over and Nag, I guess, walked in on them. But Nag doesn't think that it's a big deal because they were just talking.
Starting point is 00:50:25 Just talking is what Jake wants him to think because that's what you do. You hear the doorknob turn. You separate, you go to separate sides of the couch. Yeah. You look like you're talking, but you're not talking. Yeah, you're not really talking. You get your dick under the blanket.
Starting point is 00:50:42 Right. That's what's happening. They're getting close to achieving some resolution in this conversation when Nog clocks, Marchok and a couple of klingons up on the second level in their spot in the, in the Jake and Nog Bay boggling spot. He's like, this is the moment, man.
Starting point is 00:50:59 I'm finally gonna confront them. You know, this aggression will not stand, man. Yeah, that's our spot. And he takes it personally, like they're doing this at him. Now, who's being scurrilous? So, now it goes up and confronts Martak and the other two guys, one of the Klingons looks
Starting point is 00:51:16 not fully Klingon to me. Did you get that vibe? Klingon number three kind of had very soft, loathed features. Yeah. Well, there's a lady King on with a boob window that has some fabric behind it, so you don't get any cleavage.
Starting point is 00:51:31 And then there's another cling on also. Yeah. Is that the one that you felt? Yeah, kind of a strange looking cling on. Anyway, I think the thing that we learned from this scene, I think, is that comedy can get you out of mortal danger. Because Nog is about to get his ass kicked. And what he does is he charms Martak into not kicking his ass. Yeah. Nog coming up and flexing on these three is, is inherently funny.
Starting point is 00:52:03 And they treated us such, like, and then, and they clear out to their credit. I thought there was a chance that Nag would go over the railing here. That would've been fun. But then he would've done the thing that a wide receiver does,
Starting point is 00:52:18 where he lands, and then he gets back up on his feet without using his hands. Yeah, wonder if Nagog takes a good bump. I bet he does. Do you think Nog would do like a three-point landing, like a super hero? We got thrown off that really? I don't get the sense that the cadet uniform
Starting point is 00:52:34 is stretchy in a way that would allow that. Like I think he'd blow out the crotch of that thing, attempting to do it. I mean, I would blow out the crotch of it, man, I could do a cool three-point landing. What do you think a Farenky hog looks like? Like, it'd be like that Lenny Kravitz clip where his dong flopped out of his pants.
Starting point is 00:52:55 Are you suggesting that Noctis has a massive crank? Yeah. Yeah. Wow. I think he's shaved and I think it's massive. Whoa. All right. Kind of a lot of a lot of massive dogs on deep space nine. Yeah. It's a it's an above average workplace. Kind of making me uncomfortable. Think about. Well, Cisco and Eddington having killed two entire ships full of Gemheadar, find the planet where these missiles were launched from, and it is a very smoky place. Apparently,
Starting point is 00:53:36 apparently the smoke has not cleared since these missiles were set off, and they're walking around in the Star Trek caves and they see that they're not alone here. This place is full of gemhead art. I thought immediately that this was a setup and I thought it was interesting that it almost immediately was not. Yeah, Eddington is always using deception.
Starting point is 00:54:03 So it's fun to try and predict what that deception will be, but I feel like this episode does a really good job of always having you picking the wrong cup to find the ball under. She creeps and she crawls like a snake in the grass, sometimes she's slow and sometimes she's fast. Eddington hates the Cardassians so much that I couldn't remove the likelihood that he may be partnering with Jim Hedar in order to double-cross them down the road, you know? Yeah, yeah, but pretty soon they're in a firefight with these guys and Cisco is like beating them up with a pipe and at this point it's full-buddy cop.
Starting point is 00:54:41 Like Eddington and Cisco are saving each other's asses in these in these combat scenes. And they serve is the hard pipe hitting captain go in the work on the gem hadar here. Yeah. And Eddington is the game. Yeah. It is great. They're really star ski and hutch here. Yeah, it's fun. Yeah. They fight their way through a lot of gem hadar and eventually come to the room that Eddington says is going to be where the launch site is and they go through and it's not it's not launch computers. It's a bunch of make-wease. Make-wease? It would have been here being kept prisoner by the Gem Hedar.
Starting point is 00:55:30 And among them is the lady in the video on the iPhone that we saw at the beginning. I wondered when you get here. She's introduced as Rebecca Sullivan and she is Michael Eddington's wife. My wife. Yaksa Mosh! We cut over this goes face and he's like, you're married? I mean, you're a literature and you're so clean and you wear that tight uniform. I mean, I had some assumptions.
Starting point is 00:56:00 What? You love showtunes. Where were you when you learned that Eddington had a wife? That's what Cisco's experiencing. Oh my God. It's a sweet, more, more, more. You need to hear everybody. Oh, stop. Have a time.
Starting point is 00:56:22 This was the deception. And the deception was that he had a wife. Yeah. And so they've got to escape. There's still tons of gem hadar, but they're gonna shoot their way out and get their way back to the runabout because the missiles never existed.
Starting point is 00:56:41 I concur, sir. Message is authentic. No, the missiles are the people. This was a coded message. The missiles were code for we're on this planet in the badlands come get us. And it was enough to get Cisco to come spring, Eddington from the Pokey and go get these people. That is good news, and go get these people. That is good news, but I still don't like being lied to. And it's a double cross that's enough to earn you a punch in the face from Batsisco.
Starting point is 00:57:13 And then a side by side battling their way out because they shoot a lot of Jim Hadar. I can't remember exactly where it is, but there's a moment where they come into a room and they like think that it's empty. And then Cisco just walks into the middle and shoots everything. And a couple of Jim Hadar are invisible.
Starting point is 00:57:32 It's great. Good kill. That's before they unlock the door and find the Mayquise inside. Yeah, that's an awesome scene. That was dope. That was a great moment. Like I've been waiting for something like that to happen in Star Trek.
Starting point is 00:57:46 Eddington almost immediately takes one to the chest. And he's like, and he does that battlefield thing where he tells Cisco to just leave him behind so he can give covering fire. Yeah. To their escape. And this is something that Rebecca does not want to allow because on the other end of the latter, when Cisco tells her Becca that he's back there, she wants to go. And he's like, uh, now it's not going to happen. He's not coming. The title blaze of glory, you think is going to be about these, this make we smisel plot to destroy millions of Kardashian lives as like one final act. And it's really about this this moment with Eddington, he's going to he's going to bleed out while fighting yet while holding off the gemhead are to make good the escape of all of these other people. You think the blaze of glory is under that cup, but it's really under this one over here. Always a different blaze of glory than you think
Starting point is 00:58:45 with this one. Right. Which is, I just think it's great writing, like very true to character. We do see Eddington's death because he is filled up with weapons discharges and pretty blown away. And we rack into him and we hear his final word. Droveca.
Starting point is 00:59:06 And we cut to the runabout and hear the single brass instrument of treasonous heroism. Yeah. We actually like salute the guy. This is a show that is grieving the death of Eddington here. Pretty wild stuff. And it feels impactful and earned. Like Cisco and Rebecca both get a close-up. And it's clear that they're both regretting and dealing with this news in different ways.
Starting point is 00:59:37 Yeah. The actor who plays Rebecca is named Gretchen German and she's not in any other Star Trek episode, which I think makes her unique among guest stars on the show. But she does not get a ton to do, but I really like what she does with it in this episode. Yeah. She brings a ton to a very brief role. Yeah. The twin buttons on the episode, a brief scene between Nag and Kira, where Kira gets to observe Nag, receiving a respectful interaction
Starting point is 01:00:16 from Marthok and being stunned that that is a thing. I don't know if this qualifies as something like a purek victory, but like the one time that Nag isn't shoved into a locker is taken as a victory for him. But like, Marta Kazan is way to steal his girlfriend or something. Like, I don't think anything is resolved here. Yeah. I mean, Nog's always gonna be Nog, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:41 The second button is in Cisco's quarters and we start on a single of DAX and we don't know who she's talking to until halfway through her comments. Yeah. But we realize toward the end of this scene that she's talking to Cisco and she is positively nostalgic about Eddington and the way he went out. Eddington couldn't have picked a better way to go. She makes the case that his death was romantic somehow. And Cisco grudgingly agrees.
Starting point is 01:01:11 She's kind of making the case that they're two sides of the same coin and both big fans of a long shot or a lost cause. Yeah, kind of a game respect game appeal that she's making. I'm not sure if Cisco is willing to go all the way onto that side of the argument, but I think he notes it. Dax is a fun character for kind of getting to entertain
Starting point is 01:01:42 somebody else's ethos because she's lived so long like she can she can kind of dip her toe in anybody's ideological waters without you know getting too wet and it's fun to see her kind of kind of force Cisco to look at it from a different angle than he might naturally do. Speaking of entertaining, do you think Cisco brought Dax over to eat leftover calamari and slugs us? Doesn't keep for super long, you know. I suspect the calamari didn't help. That's a tough bargain. You have company over for leftover dinner. Yeah. I just covered a bag full of leftovers from the restaurant that we ate at yesterday and got sick from in my car when I got home. Oh, fuck. That's right. I brought I put
Starting point is 01:02:37 the wings in there. Yeah. I threw it out. You know what? They probably weren't any more dangerous than they were at the time that they were served. I don't think it was the wings that did it. I don't know what it is. I almost wonder if it's the nachos that did it because there was a lot of fresh veg on the nachos and that's usually where foodborne illnesses come from. When we stopped for a restroom break, you picked up a couple of fizzy waters. Yeah. And that was an awesome thing to do. I didn't have mine, but I wonder if you, if you sourd your stomach on fizzy water and
Starting point is 01:03:15 lukewarm nachos, like if that was the combination that did it. Yeah, maybe, maybe it was my fault. That's a fizzy water. Just agree with me. Fuck me, right? I am really trying to blame this whole situation on you. That's what I'm doing. Did you like the episode Adam? I think whether or not you like this episode
Starting point is 01:03:36 has to do with whether or not you like Eddington. I think Dax might as well be talking to you and me at the end when she's describing him. And if you're the Cisco in the room who's like, yeah, I can get with that, then I think you like the app. And if you're like, fuck that guy, no, then maybe you don't. But I think I'm on team respect knuckles for Eddington. And I think, I think it's a mistake to kill him off.
Starting point is 01:04:03 I was reading some show notes about this episode and there was an agreement in the writer's room that was like, you know, we're winding the show down soon. We only have a couple of seasons left and this is one of those threads that could just go on forever unless we clip it. So let's clip it now. And I think that was a bad idea.
Starting point is 01:04:24 Because there's no one like him in Star Trek. I think you got to leave that guy out there. Yeah. Like you don't have to bring him back if you don't want to. But why kill him? It's interesting to imagine what would change about him in a world where humans are fighting for their existence at all against the dominion and the Kardashians later on. Like he could start to be making the case. I was in this fight long before the rest of you or he could switch sides in some interesting and weird way, like make some deal where they get to have their independent nation, if they, if they, you know, let the Cardassian stage attacks from, from the demilodrized zone, like there's so many interesting directions you could take, Eddington. Especially when the episode takes great pains in telling us that they aren't sure if the make-wease thread is over.
Starting point is 01:05:27 Like, if you're gonna allow the make-wease to exist as a thread that you don't clip, then why not let Eddington live? It's the same diff, right? Yeah. I mean, at the same time, I do think things in life resolve, and this is a show that is, you know, more interested in like long-term consequences of things than then previous
Starting point is 01:05:59 editions of Star Trek, but also like eventually like go away. Stuff stops being a concern. Right. And maybe just a kind of clear head space for that stuff. Like I think that in a modern show, you wouldn't kill Eddington. And a lot of modern shows I have a problem with because it gets too hard to remember who's aligned with what
Starting point is 01:06:25 and who's team who's on and stuff. I kind of think that it works for me to get rid of him. I think he was a good villain for a long time and I think maybe it's good to leave us wanting more with a character like this. Yeah. Yeah fair enough. Well do you want to see if we have any priority one messages in the old inbox? Oh I think we do. Priority one message from Starfleet coming in on Secured Channel.
Starting point is 01:06:58 Need a supplement on that. A supplement on that? A supplement. Yeah it's extra. But the interest alone could be enough to buy this ship. Adam, why don't you take that first one? The message of a commercial nature. Yay!
Starting point is 01:07:14 It goes like this. As a huge fan of the Ben and Adam, pot of verse, I am reaching out to everyone who subs. This one, but does not listen to the greatest discovery to get the fuck on board. Wow. I literally have watched maybe two episodes of disco, but the pod still works! Wow.
Starting point is 01:07:33 It's fantastic! Honestly, better than my experience with the show. F-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f- Friendly fire is also good, but I think I'm out of characters. Yeah, so this is a person who likes listening to the greatest discovery, but does not watch Star Trek Discovery, or it sounds like any of the other CBS Star Trek properties. The call to action is subscribed to the greatest discovery, and maybe friendly fire. I'm going to edit that one a little bit, Ben and say definitely listen to friendly fire as well. It's our Hit War movie podcast. Yeah. That we do with John Roderick. I think anybody that likes what we do on this show would like both of those other shows. And yeah, I mean, I hear from people that listen to friendly
Starting point is 01:08:17 fire that don't watch the movies and people that listen to this show that don't watch Star Trek at all and still enjoy the program. So give me a whiz, see if you like them. I am blown away that someone used P1 money to advertise our shows on our show. So, to whoever this is, thanks very much. We have a second priority one message here also of a commercial nature goes like this Greetings from sweaty alpha 5 and a beautiful place called Jim Shimoda. That's Jim with a GYM We are the Facebook fitness group inspired by a pun on a meme from the greatest podcast about Star Trek
Starting point is 01:09:01 Thank the profits that Adam is so good at naming stuff. Otherwise, we'd be called something like the greatest burpee. And that sounds terrible. Why Jim Shimoda? Because exercise is the safest form of breath play. Our chill hangs also build muscle. And we just turn two. Join us! So check out the Jim Shimoda Group on Facebook. If you are interested in a priority one message of your own, you can go to slash jumbo-tron where personal messages are $100. And commercial messages are $200, both of which are a way to get me very self-conscious
Starting point is 01:09:42 about my pronunciation of of S's. Yeah. I remember a little bit of a hard time for some reason. What happened? What happened to you? I don't know. I think one side of my face is getting numb. Anyway, next I'm going to fund out a dog.
Starting point is 01:09:57 Slash jumbo tron. Get a priority one message. Yeah. Help with the ongoing production of this show. And help Adam pay for his treatment for Bell's palsy. Yeah. A greatest gen live show is something you don't want to miss. Why?
Starting point is 01:10:24 Well, it's a great opportunity to see me and Ben in person, but that's not all. FODs from all over gather at these shows to cosplay, to do pre and post show hangs, to make friends, and share their embarrassment. Hey, let's make a pretty great name for a tour. Let's do it! The Sherry Reembarishment Tour is coming in August 2023 and we've got a bunch of dates in a lot of great places. Go to to get more info. That's for dates and ticketing information for the Sherry Reembarishment Tour.
Starting point is 01:11:00 I'm Jordan Morris and I'm Jesse Thorne. On Jordan Jesse Go, we make pure delightful nonsense We were open awesome guests and bring them down to our level. We got stupid with Judy Greer My friend Molly and I call it having the spaceweards Pat Noswald. Could I get a ball-rock burger and some air-gorn fries? Thank you and come here on Gianni. I've come back with cat toothbrushes Which is impossible to use come get stupid Stupider with us at Look, your podcast apps are already open, just pull it out, give Jordan Jesse Goatry. Being smart is hard, be dumb instead. Oh, rats, hey, hey, oh, I'm about to count you in mine.
Starting point is 01:11:38 These clouds are really freaking me out. I hate having to stand in line, and boy, what do I? These giraffes do not smell good. No, they do not, and they've such short neck. But I'm hearing we need to get on this. We've got to get on the art. It is about terrain, about a spout to destroy humanity. Hey, oh, sorry, sorry, are you Noah?
Starting point is 01:11:55 Yeah, I know we look like humans. We're actually, we're podcasters. We are podcasters, so it's different. Have you heard of Ono Ross and Kerry? We investigate spirituality, claims of the paranormal stuff like that And you have a boat and say the world's gonna end so seem like something for us to check out We would love to be on the boats. We came to by two. What do you think? Ono Ross and Kerry available on Got that gold press like that, got that gold press like that, got that gold press like that, got that gold press like that, got that gold press like that, got that gold press like that, got that gold press like that, got that gold press like that, got that gold press like that, got that gold press like that, got that gold press like that, got that gold press like that, got that gold press like that, got that gold press like that, got that gold press like that, got that gold press like that, got that gold press like that, got that gold press like that, got that gold press like that, got that gold press like that, got that gold press like that, got that gold press like that, got that gold press like that, got that gold press like that, got that gold press like that, got that gold press like that, got that gold press like that, got that gold press like that, got that gold press like that, got that gold press like that, got that gold press like that, got that gold press like that, got that gold press like that, got that gold press like that, got that gold press like that, got that gold press like that, got that gold press like that, got that gold press like that, got that gold press like that, got that gold press like that, got that gold press like that, got that gold press like that, got that gold press like that, got that gold press like that, got that gold press like that, got that gold press like that, got that gold press like that, got that gold press like that, got that gold press like that, got that gold press like that, got that gold press like that, got that gold press like that, got that gold press like that, got that gold press like that, got that gold press like that, got that gold press like that, got that gold press like that, got that gold press like that, got that gold press like that, got that gold press like that, got that gold press like that, got that gold press like that, got that gold press like that, got that gold It's the last time we're going to see him. Just a lifetime achievement, Shimoto.
Starting point is 01:12:45 Yeah, I think it's, I mean, it's not what the drunk Shimoto is for necessarily, but we invented this technology. I think you can use it for whatever we want. Yeah, are we going to use it for good or evil? That's the question we ask ourselves every week. I think in this case, it depends on how you feel about Eddington. How about you, Ben? I'm gonna give it to the security guards.
Starting point is 01:13:11 There are two security guards that work the room that Eddington is imprisoned in. It seems to be like a single sweet jail cell. Like it's, like you don't get the sense that there's like a big long row of cells with a bunch of different prisoners in them. It's like it really looks like one little room with a cell and like a monitoring station. Two guards for Eddington and these And these two guards are their well-sysco makes this pitch about, I need your help to stop a billion death war.
Starting point is 01:13:53 These guys could not be less interested in what's going on around them. The guy at the station is playing solitaire on his computer. He's totally ignoring this fucking breathless interaction between these two guys. And that's got to be part of your job, right? You're listening to these types of conversations all the time. They reminded me of the security guys in Star Trek 3. Like, they are focused on being security guys, not on seeing what goes on with like some of the most famous people in the federation. Don't call me tiny.
Starting point is 01:14:27 Yeah, they're not starfuckers. No. Every time I caught one of those guys at the background of one of these shots, I laughed because I just loved how much they didn't give a shit. Good for them, keeping it professional. Yeah. All right. Well, this is a professional show that teases the next episode in the series. Yeah, All right. Well, this is a professional show that teases
Starting point is 01:14:46 the next episode in the series. Yeah, we always, we don't we figure out what we're watching, how we're gonna watch it. I'll be selling the next episode. And next episode, of course, we'll be covering season five, episode 24, Empoknor, O'Brien, Garrick, Nug,
Starting point is 01:15:01 and a salvage team are stranded on a supposedly abandoned Cardassian space station. Ooh. It's not Taraknor, it's Empoknor. I wonder if it's going to look the same. Oh, you think they might build entirely new sets for this Star Trek thing? No, I think the answer was in the question, huh?
Starting point is 01:15:26 Yeah, it's like that old Norm MacDonald joke, Lyle Levit and Julia Roberts broke up because he's Lyle Levit and she's Julia Roberts. The punchline is the setup. Yep, yep, wow. Anytime we can fit a Norm MacDonald joke in the show, we got to do it. I'm glad we did. Yeah. Who's rolling the dice this time, Ben? That would be you, my friend. All right. Well, I've got those dice. And for the moment, our runabout is pulsing on square 30, where four squares ahead is a measure of a man episode.
Starting point is 01:16:05 And two squares after that, it's a canar with demorep. Oh man. That's the invention of a cocktail episode. Yeah, we've never landed on that. Hey, that's a fun one. Folks, of course, can follow the game of buttholes with a little of the profits. Gosh, that biz-slash game.
Starting point is 01:16:24 You're required to learn as you play roll here comes the roll chula did i win i have rolled a five that puts us right in the middle of those two squares i was talking about before wow and means we will be doing a regular old episode. Okay. Looking forward to reg-eping it with you, buddy. Yeah, you mean both. All right. Well, that will be next week. In the meantime, go to slash donate and contribute to the production of our show.
Starting point is 01:16:59 If you don't already, if you do already, thank you so much. Yeah, you really keep us going. That's no joke. Gotta thank our buddy Adam Ragusia, who makes all the original theme song stuff for the show. And of course, Doug Materia, upon whose Picard song all of that music is based. For a long time, Adam Ragusia was a teacher, and now he's teaching us how to cook. Yeah. Teachings how to cook real good on his YouTube show.
Starting point is 01:17:28 Yeah. Search Adam Ragusia on YouTube. Gotta thank friend of DeSoto Bill Tilly for making comic trading cards about every episode we do. You can find him on Twitter at Bill Tilly in 1973. And everywhere social media is found. Yep, use the hashtag greatest gen to talk about the show. Adam's on Twitter at Cut for Time.
Starting point is 01:17:51 I'm on there at Benjamin A.H.R. There is a bunch of Facebook groups. Wakia about the show. Reddit sub, there's just a ton of great places to hang out with the friends of the Soto, a delightful and truly sweet group of people. And we hope you go engage with them and get involved. And with that, we'll be back at you next time with another great episode of Star Trek
Starting point is 01:18:18 Deep Space 9 and an episode of the greatest generation Deep Space 9, which can't distinguish between two Cardassian Space Comedy and culture. Artist-owned? Audience supported. Comedy and Culture Artist-owned
Starting point is 01:19:10 Audience supported

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