The Greatest Generation - Greatest Generation Forever (S7E25)

Episode Date: October 2, 2017

When Captain Picard starts slipping through time, his sanity is called into question. But when Q shows up to blame him for the creation of a space-time butthole, Picard must unify the crews of his pas...t, present and future in order to save humanity. Does Star Trek First Contact bubble bath have an expiration date? Does Worf have a holodeck eating disorder? What does all this have to do with Joel Schumacher’s Batman films? It’s the episode that’s the end of one thing, and the beginning of another!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Priority 1 message from Starfleet coming in on Secured Channel. Hey friends of Disodo. Before today's episode, we just wanted to take a moment to talk about the historic labor actions being taken by writers and actors in the American Film and Television industry. If you're a fan of the work done by the people who make Star Trek, we hope you'll join us in standing in solidarity with the folks who actually bring these adventures to life. Over the past several years, the AMPTP, the organization that represents the American Film and Television Production Studios, have reduced the profit from movies and TV going to workers. And in so doing,
Starting point is 00:00:35 they've attempted to weaken the labor unions that represent those workers. They wouldn't even engage the unions on many issues in their negotiations. And so a strike was the only course of action to take. Adam, Wendy and I have been having a lot of internal discussions about how best to stand with the unions and we are continuing those conversations in a dynamic situation. We're doing our best to understand where the picket lines are in these digital spaces,
Starting point is 00:01:01 and we would never intentionally cross one. With the information we have, we feel like we can do more good talking about and supporting the strike and continuing our show as planned. We'll keep you informed about what all this means for greatest trek specifically. Today we're making a contribution to the Entertainment Community Fund. This fund exists to help all the people whose livelihoods have been put on hold because the AMPTP refuses to negotiate
Starting point is 00:01:25 in good faith with the unions. It provides financial support for writers, actors, and all the thousands of laborers who make the shows that we talk about here and without whom we wouldn't have Star Trek to cast pot about. Those folks are all out of work because billionaires, company shareholders, and the executives of these companies don't want to compromise on the length of their yachts. We hope you'll join us in supporting entertainment workers in a challenging time, especially after they've already endured several years of challenges brought on by the pandemic
Starting point is 00:01:55 and season two of Star Trek Picard. We've set up a page where you can also contribute. It's at That's That's Link in the episode description. Okay, now let's get on with the show. Here's to the finest crew in Starfleet. Engage! Welcome to the greatest generation. Just Star Trek Podcast by two guys who are a little bit embarrassed to have a Star Trek Podcast.
Starting point is 00:02:34 I'm Adam Pranica. I'm Ben Harrison. Ben today is a special occasion. Special occasion for you and me. Do you have any idea why? We never have to do this again. It's a special occasion because I went to the post office box and we have received the largest packages we've ever received. They actually had to go back into the store room to get them. They wouldn't fit in our tiny box. Oh man, I hope one of them is data's head. You want to do one last next Jan mail call?
Starting point is 00:03:12 Yeah, let's do it. I'm sorry to disturb you. I'm receiving a code 47. Verify? It is code 47, sir. Start lead emergency frequency. Captions eyes only. Alright, well we have our three packages. Two of them are from the same person. So I'm going to open up the one. It's from the one person. Okay. This is coming from Pembroke Pines, Florida.
Starting point is 00:03:36 Oh. And it is in a bubble envelope that says, please do not bend. And my apologies to Pembroke Pines. This appears to have been bent. Haha. Things have been bent, not necessarily by us. Haha.
Starting point is 00:03:54 Alright, it looks like it's bagged and boarded, but it's a-it's of a size that is not comic size. Oh, there's a letter. I'm gonna do that first. Adam and Ben, I had hoped to get these to you sooner, but I reside on Planet Scotland, aka Florida, and recently attacked by Hurricane Irma. These honorable mention certificates from the Albuquerque podcast festival are meant to let you know with the completion of the next generation portion of this podcast, you can finally rest on the laurels that you so coveted. I also thought you might enjoy this preview issue of the Mirror Broken TNG comic series
Starting point is 00:04:30 that is set in the Mirror Universe. Hey! This is from our friend Perry and Florida. Let's see what we got. Oh wow and true to his word we have Albuquerque Podcast Festival Honorable Mention Awards to both you and me. These are like big lorled posters, Ben. Oh man. And they're even signed. They're signed by Jail Pipes, Pekazbi, Batman, Big Rod, Kevin Uxbridge, and a Klingon character written in Klingon. Oh man. And we each get one.
Starting point is 00:05:07 That's real sweet. Nice, nice not to be in the pocket of Big Rod, but yet given an accolade by Big Rod. And there's also that first mirror broken comic. That's great. Thanks, Perry. You were looking for that recently. On our tour, we went into a couple of comic bookstores with you having a mind to try to get that first issue.
Starting point is 00:05:32 I had some kind of mind on that tour. Yeah. All right, well two more packages I'm going to get to those. These remaining boxes are from one person, but they are very different. One is a poster tube and one is a box. So, okay. One of them is a toy box, Ben.
Starting point is 00:05:51 Let's see if I can glean anything from the letter. Adam and Ben, I hope you receive these packages without them getting lost. This box contains some of my favorite things from over the years. My favorite is the talking riker. In the fistful of rikers bag. What only rikers? Well why not? Some cards, some books, some awesome. The posters I've sent you have a bit of a story. The two copies of the bird song prints came into my possession by a former employee of the print house commission Do the Run. They were assigned a numbered run and the
Starting point is 00:06:22 printer was to destroy all but the number requested. Someone working there obtained a free copy of the overrun, and two ended up with me. Big Rod might not be happy with these unauthorized copies. Yes. So, tell and or give out your own risk. I just don't want to get anyone in trouble. These soars are 100% legal. Love the pod? Have been a viewer for a while, hoping you guys keep going. From Don. Man.
Starting point is 00:06:46 Oh boy, Ben. Uh, there is no joke a bag full of rikers here. We have, uh, oh, we have a talking riker. We have a... Ha ha ha ha. Rettler like... And a guy. Oh wow.
Starting point is 00:07:01 And there is a bag of rikers. There's... There'sers in this bag Ben four rikers you guys are as dumb as a bagger rikers We've told people over and over again Do we love you, but please do not send us your old toys? And at this moment I regret ever saying that oh wow. We have Star Trek first contact scented bubble bath. And the package that it comes in is a Borgs. He's a Borg. Sort of a Borgs figurine filled with bubble bath. What does the smell?
Starting point is 00:07:38 It isn't open. It's still in its original packaging, Ben. What does- what does that movie smell like? Ha-ha-ha. It probably smells like that plasma coolant tank they break at the end. Yeah, that- that stuff that vaporizes is organic matter. Oh no! Oh!
Starting point is 00:07:58 That would be great if that's what it was. If it was green. Yeah. Wow. Assimilate that. Uh, oh, I've- I. Wow. Assuminate that. Oh, I've got to open the poster thing too. We have a very cool Star Trek poster, sort of a picture taken, facing a space helmet,
Starting point is 00:08:16 and in that space helmet's reflection is the flag on the moon, the earth, and the enterprise A. ZoOXO Zooming toward the camera. Oh wow! A Star Trek generations calendar poster. 1995 featuring the floating heads of Kirk and Picard. Nice. Very cool. And finally, what we have here are prints of a really cool
Starting point is 00:08:45 Arty poster of the entire crew and an artistic depiction of the entrepreneur and a bunch of cool planets. It is the next generation by Keith Birdseung. This is one of our illegal posters. Yeah. Very cool. Wow. Well, that was just a ton of gifts on the occasion of our final next generation episode been Yeah, Adam, we thought we would we would class this occasion up a little bit and Pop some bubbly to to celebrate this our final TNG episode
Starting point is 00:09:23 What do you say we pop into the bugs? Yeah, let's do that. I have not pre-unwrapped my chance. Oh yeah, you gotta get that little foil and, whoa, hey! What a nice sound and pop that was. Oh man, got a little bit of it on my hand. But it's all good.
Starting point is 00:09:44 Well, you can just grab a Kleenex or a washcloth Got a little bit of it on my hand, but it's all good. You can just grab a Kleenex or a washcloth and wipe that off good. Yeah, well the main thing was not getting it on the carpet because I'm sitting in the remnants of an apartment at this point. Hey! My pop was a little less explosive. Worked for me Cheers to you buddy cheers. It's been it's been a great run buddy. It sure has Yeah, I my whole life is in boxes right now because we got packed up this morning for our move cross country and
Starting point is 00:10:30 All that remains is my podcasting station so that we could record this episode. That's great. You also sound a little bit throaty. Sounds like you've been fighting something. Yeah, I've been sick as a dog in bed for like three days. That's a good time to get sick. The days when you're maybe needed most. Yeah, it kind of perfectly parallels with the two days I was sick immediately proceeding my wedding. Oh yeah. This morning my wife basically came in and like I was trying to kind of like take her easy on the bed, you know, not exert myself and she basically was like, you're not allowed to be sick anymore, you need help. Not allowed.
Starting point is 00:11:13 Sometimes having something that needs to be done is what gets you out of the sick bed. Sure, I also thought to tell you that you were not allowed to be sick this week, Ben, because we had very important pod work to do. We sure did. It feels strange. We've got our new show going now.
Starting point is 00:11:31 Seems to be off to a pretty good start, although we forgot to do Drunk Shremota on the second episode, which is like, I'm pretty sure because I was coming down with this and not paying attention. I think that mistake totally underscores the haste with which we recorded those episodes. We recorded and released that show basically in a 24 hour period with the help of Rob Shulti. It was a miracle that even happened. Yeah, it'll get better as we go forward.
Starting point is 00:12:04 Like all podcasts. One more miracle is the idea that we even got to this point, Ben. Yeah. The final episode of Star Trek the Next Generation for our particular podcast and soon to be the beginning of another show hereafter. Season 7, episode 25, Slash 26. All good things. Warf and Troy are on a date.
Starting point is 00:12:37 It seems like this is probably dinner, dinner, movie, date, not movie, then dinner. If your date takes place on the holiday, can't it be both? Can it? Does the holiday make food you can eat and is food? I wanna think so. Or is it just making holograms? Does it have replicators in it?
Starting point is 00:12:59 I wonder if holiday technology is a weird way to have an eating disorder, like in the way that there is the eating disorder where you eat and then make yourself throw up, like to trick your body into the idea of it being full and having consumed calories, like I wonder if there's a version of an eating disorder where you eat on the holodeck and then leave. Hallorexia? Yeah. Yeah. That would be weird. Uh, wharf is looking gawnt. He's got bad body as a smurfie, and I think it stems to his hallorexia. You can tell what sort of dark episodes we would have written about this show. Worse, a very special episode to start
Starting point is 00:13:46 to check the next iteration featuring Worse eating disorder. So this date is, is kind of moving bedroom word. And they're about to do a, a hallway smooch, which is, you know, like that's kind of the kiss on the, kiss on the stoop before you discuss whether or not you're going to come upstairs for coffee, right? Sure, and also if that stoop is in front of all of your co-workers and friends, like
Starting point is 00:14:18 right. In order to kiss outside the quarters, like what you're really doing is making it public, and it's unclear at this point if it has been made public. Yeah. Well, they don't get quite as far as, as tonsil hockey because Captain Picard, bedeep Veed, comes rushing over to them asking, what's the date? Loafis interruptus. Hahaha. This is a really long robe, Ben.
Starting point is 00:14:49 This is like a duster length robe. I recently rewatched the Batman movie with George Clooney. Hmm. Oh no. There's no reason to watch a shoe macker, Ben. I know, I know. It's a really remarkable movie because it basically has no sense of when somebody shouldn't be doing an action movie quotable. Almost every single line as an action
Starting point is 00:15:12 movie quotable. Yeah. It's amazing. There's a scene in that movie where Schwarzenegger, as Mr. Freeze, is using his Freeze suit to blow a hole in a wall by freezing the water in some pipes and he does an action movie quote of always winterize your pipes. It's like that's the stupidest fucking thing that has ever been typed into a typewriter. Like who's he even talking to? It's such an eye roll from everyone else in that room. has ever been typed into a typewriter. Like, who's he even talking to? It's such an eye role for everyone else in that room. Yeah, so Picard explains to Troy and Worf
Starting point is 00:15:52 that he's like slipping around in time. And we go to a scene where Picard is like in therapy with Troy. I guess this is Captain's quarters, right? She doesn't walk him back to his quarters, but their quarters are very close to one another. Right. Yeah, maybe that's what it is. Well, anyways, he's saying that he's slipping into the past and into the future, and he's doing that thing where he's kind of trying to describe a dream, but it's slipping through his fingers as he describes it.
Starting point is 00:16:24 No, no, it was much more than a dream. It's an interesting status flip, because usually when Troy is helping Picard with an emotional thing, he's still the captain, and she's still kind of lower status as a character. Sure. This is like her, she's really the high status character in this scene. He's very out of sorts and frantic. He needs her medically in a way that previously, he mostly needs her professionally.
Starting point is 00:17:02 Yeah. And, you know, in the way that characters on this show frequently treat each other, instead of treating him with some amount of self-defense or fear, they are totally taking his word at face value. Yeah, earned credibility on this topic, I guess. Sure, because on its own, the captain of the flagship displaying flagging mental faculties would be cause for alarm. But there is no alarm at this point, and I think that's important tonally. Yeah, well, it is in this scene that we do our first cut to the future, and it's elderly Picard with a beard and a straw hat doing some vineyard
Starting point is 00:17:48 work. He's back in the crying fields. Back in the mud fight fields. Yeah, Jordi has shown up at the vineyard. They almost immediately start doing exposition on each other and one of the ways that happens is Picard asking Jordi how his wife and kids are. And it's clear at this point that Jordi has married Leah Brahms. Probably the most juggling romantic pairing this show could have gone for. For Jordi to end up with her after what he did. Only serves to encourage people like that asshole playing the piano in the park every day to get his girlfriend back. Like, it's not right and it's not cool.
Starting point is 00:18:33 She has no reason to be with him. I don't think there's any coming back from that, Jordy. I don't think I can use to that. It seems like the reason Jordy is there is to say goodbye to Picard. Jordy's heard that old man Picard is sick. He's sick with a syndrome that's going to to bribe him of his mental faculties. And there's a sadness throughout their interaction that I think feels familiar to a lot of people with older folks and their family who are declining. Like that feeling of like seeing someone one last time before it all goes away is one of several parts in this episode where I think the show is talking about itself.
Starting point is 00:19:19 Oh yeah, you know, we're not going come from Ragell 3 for any old racing atom Yeah, you just love the taste of that Picard wine. Maybe that's the reason. Yeah, Charlie's like oh shit That's the hookups about to go away. I better get my ass back there Before you forget to mail me cases every month What kind of champagne are you drinking there, buddy? I got something special for the occasion, Ben. I got a bottle of voov. Hmm.
Starting point is 00:19:53 I am drinking a shameful moet mini. Haha. Well, I am obligated to drink this entire bottle by myself, so. Oh, no. Things could get pretty weird later on. They go from this to Picard in the past, like, on the shuttle on his way to the entrepreneur for the first time with Tasha Yarr. And they're on their way to the first day on the Enterprise D.
Starting point is 00:20:19 Yeah, and Picard is not really divulged in the future timeline and the past timeline to people what's going on. And this is Tasha Yar first time meeting him mode. He's acting very weirded out by the disconcerting time displacement situation, but she's interpreting it as like, did I fuck up already? This episode handles time travel really well because there has been such a change in uniform throughout the years and in coming and outgoing of cast members, that it makes it easy. There's a shorthand here visually
Starting point is 00:21:05 for knowing in what time period you're in. That I think a lot of shows would have a harder time with. Right, they do the really easy things, but they also do the subtle things. You know, like the bridge looks the way it did in episode one. And my favorite change seeing the past bridge is how much further reclined condinops are. Yeah. Like holy shit, they further reclined Conn and Ops are
Starting point is 00:21:25 Like holy shit. They are reclined all the way back in those early seasons compared to the later ones It's so fun. Yeah, that change must have happened really subtly because I don't really remember when It changed. Yeah It's also fun to see back data at the other side of the bridge Which like totally happened in the first season and was like never really explained. Yeah. Was ops just over there sometimes? Like can those be reconfigured to, I mean, I imagine they're just kind of general use screens that you can set up to to be whatever you need them to be, right? That wood panel basement look in those early seasons too, man What a what a callback. Yeah, it's cool that they had the the stained glass
Starting point is 00:22:10 Beer logo light over the pool table, you know Yeah, they also they they mess with the lights here too and by that I don't mean the lights on the bridge while The ship is operating. I mean the studio lights that they use to light the people. Yeah, it also looks like it's changing throughout the different time periods. Totally. What has been established is these three time periods, the far point mission era, the present day from our perspective watching the show and then 25 years in the future when everybody's kind of like grown apart and gone
Starting point is 00:22:51 there are different directions. And so those time periods kind of continue in parallel and and our way of jumping between them is when Picard's consciousness jumps between them. But it's not like he's not in the different time periods, like every time he jumps from one to another, Dr. Crusher will be like, oh, you got the memories of like 13 minutes, but you were just here for 30 seconds.
Starting point is 00:23:18 Yeah, in the beginning, it's really hard for them medically to tell if what he's describing is the truth. It takes a little bit of time to get to that point because they keep doing scan after scan on him and it takes him doing a jump in front of Beverly for her to get that on the tricorder. My theory about why this was so hard. I don't know if you noticed this Adam, but in this scene, Beverly is holding an iPad
Starting point is 00:23:43 and it's totally bent. Like what the big iPhone was supposed to do in our back pockets? Yeah, it's like it's seriously warped out of control and it was like all I could focus on. You know, it's like I know that this is the last episode guys, but that prop is really fucked up. There are on-screen props, and then there are off-screen props, or deep background props. And the scene was like, it was a background prop that was field promoted to on-screen when maybe it shouldn't have been. Yeah, like, Ogawa is like, walking up with it, and it's like, no, just stay in the background with that thing. walking up with it and it's like, no, just stay in the background with that thing. Hahaha.
Starting point is 00:24:26 She passes it to Crusher, it's like, fuck, fuck. Now I got this thing in my hands. What am I gonna do with it? Hahaha. While we're talking about Crusher, another piece of continuity we should talk about is her eye makeup in that she is bandit eyeshadow levels of darkness around her eyes in the present
Starting point is 00:24:47 time period. Where's my bandit hat? And I thought a lot about why that would be because I can't remember wearing that her wearing that much eye makeup before, but I think it's because in the future timeline she's wearing very little eye makeup. And I mean that obviously makes her look older in a way that's effective for the storytelling. Yeah. I didn't register for me, but now I'm like scrubbing through and I'm seeing it.
Starting point is 00:25:11 So nice, nice catch, buddy. This is what we do. This is what we tell you. It's the Star Trek hair and makeup cast. No thing about the way Troy or Crusher will go unscrupely by us. It's a fairly emotionally wady scene when Picard relives that first day on the D. It isn't emotionally wady scene because he's come back from the future with this kind of like half-remembered dream knowledge that he has this neurological disorder. And he's gotten pressure to like, you know, open up the hood and do a neural scan that would never normally be done. And she has found the like anomaly in his frontal
Starting point is 00:26:00 lobe that will ultimately become this disorder. Do you think this is Borg's related? Oh, like when they pulled something out, it like caught on something? There's no way his brains weren't damaged, either from the implants or their removal, right? I mean, I don't know enough about Borg physiology at him to make a determination like that.
Starting point is 00:26:26 But what is really intense is doctor crushers like complete abandonment of bedside. Like the captain wind is kind of bedside manoring the doctor about this. He's like, I prefer to look on the future as something which is not written in stone. There's like the bravery of a patient that he displays here. A bit of a conveniently vague syndrome.
Starting point is 00:26:52 It's like in the film Batman and Robin Adam. I was hoping we would talk more about this movie. Mr. Freese's wife suffers from McGreg syndrome, and of course Alfred has just come down with a bad case of McGregor syndrome, which sets up a dramatic payoff in the end when they can kind of turn freeze to the good side and therefore save the life of Alfred. really discussed what McGregor's syndrome is and the only the like extent to which it's depicted is just Alfred Winsing in pain every so often. I thought I'd bury you Batman. I will not. The neurological disorder I don't even remember what it's called that Picard has in this episode is eurumatic syndrome. Eurumatic syndrome. It's not dementia like he's not losing his marbles. It has no symptoms as far as we know. Ben, if the Schumacher Batman films were canonical next generation films,
Starting point is 00:27:53 they would still be the second best star trek the next generation film. Isn't that fucked up? Man. That is messed up. You know, like, I was thinking about it when I was watching it and you did something most people didn't by doing that by the way. I know that like the studio was trying to kind of continue the Tim Burton new vote German expressionism of the first two Batman films. But what it really plays like is more like the 1960s Batman TV show in those
Starting point is 00:28:28 Schumacher movies, which is kind of awesome in its own way. Like it's unintentional, but it's awesome. I don't remember that many nipple suits being in the classic Batman and Robin television series. I think I didn't add them west just a little subtle line on his spandex suit to indicate a nip. The past wasn't as nipular. So we continue in this time period and Picard gets an important face time from the Admiralty. So important that he takes the call in the doctor's office. It doesn't even leave six bait. It doesn't get out of his deep V. And it's Admiral Nakamura telling him that there is a pretty bad situation abruin in the neutral zone.
Starting point is 00:29:18 Nakamura tells Picard that it appears that at least 30 warbirds have been pulled from other assignments and are headed for the neutral zone and Nakamura in all his intelligence says I'm deploying 15 starships along our side of the neutral zone. What the fuck Nakamura? This is an insane plan. Brimming with the kind of confidence that you shouldn't have. Picard even though he's rocking a deep V-robe, should have been like, I've done the math on this. It appears we'll be outguned two to one.
Starting point is 00:29:51 Like... Now, Admiral, I'm not a mathematician. Do you think if Nicheev had this plan, Picard would have pushed back? No, because Nicheev would have been like, I've sent 100 chips. Yeah, look, if we're ranking admirals, it's Nichea and then Nakamura. Nakamura is like in 20th place and all the admirals we've seen based purely on his insane plan here.
Starting point is 00:30:17 Yeah, bed plan Nakamura. Also, if you know for a fact that the Romulans are sending 30 warbirds, you know there's an extra 60 of them that are cloaked, right? Like, there's no way that there's just 30. It's crazy. Yeah. So there's this, this temporal anomaly in the dev run system. Everybody wants to get in on the action and the Admiral is sending, sending Starfleet out to the edge of the neutral zone just to keep an eye on the situation.
Starting point is 00:30:49 Make sure the Romulans don't do anything that would violate the treaty or whatever. Right, because at this point, this is not an existential threat right now. It's just a curiosity. You see, Rudy? just a curiosity. You see, Rudy, if this threatened the household or in the case of this metaphor, the Federation, we would take much greater precautions, but as the planet is not inside the house, but it's in the neutral zone. Theo. We'll just keep an eye on the matter. I'm your father. A very cautious becouse be there. Typically not his way.
Starting point is 00:31:43 I've been sick. my throat is fucked up I can't get that out of control with because we today Adam way to you know what way to come off the bench this is your Michael Jordan flu game Ben sometimes sometimes because he's just about good fatherly advice sometimes you only find out many years later how unfotherly that advice was. So in the future timeline, Jordi and Picard have gone to see data, who is at Oxford University. Data, who is a silver streak in his hair, a velvet jacket, and is surrounded by like 15 cats in his office, is enjoying the company of his old comrades and sort of like trying to rock what it is Picard is saying. Ben, this office must smell like hell. Like, there is no future technology I can think of that would make an office filled with
Starting point is 00:32:50 15 cats smell anything less than catpox, right? Yeah, I mean, there's a lot of absorbent surfaces in this office. And you know, the like lower class helper lady that data has hobbling around serving everybody tea is definitely not the type to call anybody's attention to a smell. She can't be frightfully drawing at times, but she does make me laugh. He treats her so flippantly, and she treats him so subserviently, I sort of thought that she might be a hologram. Oh, that's interesting.
Starting point is 00:33:28 Like, because what purpose would there be for an older lady to be like the tea serving person? She should be an ensign on a galaxy-class starship. That's a career track that exists. Right. This takes place in a utopian future, like the future of the utopian future at that. Right. This is this takes place in a utopian future, like the future of the utopian future at that. Sure. Why this life of subservience for this poor woman. I don't know. And she's
Starting point is 00:33:53 really taking a lot of cuff from data. Yeah. He treats her like Trump treats the secret service. I doubt this old lady would take a bullet for him though. Well, he's bulletproof in this timeline, Adam. Right. Yeah, I think Spiner makes a really strong set of choices with how he plays data. His character is maybe the most different across the three time periods. Yeah. And like he's very like loose and casual and emotional in this scene.
Starting point is 00:34:29 It's like a very natural portrayal of a character. Yeah, like the best actors on Star Trek play in the margins a lot. And Spiner's getting the opportunity to do things like use contractions and smile and just facially a mo a little more than he ever has his data, but he's not, he's not a 10 out of 10, like he's not song and danceman Brent Spiner as
Starting point is 00:34:54 a lore, for example, like he hasn't got a full lore. And I think that's important. And it's so cool too, because he, I like, like we see this before we see his episode one era data. And his episode one era data is like a dead ringer for his episode one data. So it also brings into relief how much he has changed over the seven years, which is a pretty amazing feat, as an actor, he really changed without us noticing any dramatic differences
Starting point is 00:35:31 from episode to episode season to season. That point is great, but I do want to remind you of Mudflap Hair that Data Head in the first season and a half. I was really missing the sort of, yeah, there's bad mudflap continuity and there's also bad loaf continuity on Worf. Yeah, yeah. Worf's loaf is fully season seven version.
Starting point is 00:35:58 Did they throw out the old loaf and the old data wig? Maybe, they're on the trash heap of history, my friend. In the past timeline, Picard is trying to use what he's gleaned in the present and future timeline as instruments and his decision making. But what isn't working in his favor is that he keeps delegating incorrectly
Starting point is 00:36:21 like he's delegating security shit to war. Without a respectser, I'm the security chief on the ship. He's calling O'Brien chief. Chief O'Brien. And everyone around him is sort of looking at each other like what the fuck? Which I think is really fun, right? Like, like Picard is not acting crazy, he's just acting wrong. Which is its own brand of crazy.
Starting point is 00:36:43 Yeah, and like, I mean he is having delusions like in all of the timelines I think at this point he's seen the like ruffians from the film Strange Days yelling and laughing at him But it's definitely like the crew of the season one Enterprise that gets the hardest job because he basically like puts the ship on Red Alert the second he walks aboard and you know holds him a gloughland group. If you want.
Starting point is 00:37:15 Demanding for them all to like tell him what the fuck is going on and out of them know what he's talking about and they get orders from Starfleet to go to the Devron system in lieu of their initial orders. And he's like, fuck that, we're going to Firepoint. We're doing Firepoint. This indicates that he's gonna go find Q. Like he has not set it, but he knows Q is involved and the Firepoint station mission is the way to make contact with him.
Starting point is 00:37:46 Yeah. Which is like if you're thinking about his characters a really smart move, like there are very few omnipotent characters in this universe. Q is one of them. I mean I suppose they could go to Planet Kevin. Captain Picard, I've been waiting for you. In any time period, I have a great amount of respect for you, Captain Picard, I've been waiting for you. In any time period, I have a great amount of respect for you, Captain Picard. And though this has not come to pass yet, I will come to OU1 because you choose not to persecute me for my horrible crime.
Starting point is 00:38:19 I want you to know, O'Sho, that I'm rooting for the success of your mission because if this temporal love, if this temporal, that's hard to say in Kevin voice, if this temporal anomaly continues to grow, it will swell up my planet and my dear Roshan. If humanity is not allowed to arise on planet earth, then Roshan will never be born and never die, but perhaps worse, they will never be a market for my rubber doll business. One great thing about the ship's base, time anomaly, is that it will usherle kill the hoosnuck. Wiping the slate clean for me morally.
Starting point is 00:39:02 If I'm just doing the marathon this, it might be okay with just letting that thing play out. You know, I put the Hushnack in one hand in Roshan, every existing in the other, and it's just kind of even money at this point. Yeah, so given his choices, Picard goes and seeks out Q. That's the smartest thing you could possibly do. There is a moment about halfway through this episode where in the present timeline, Picard and Beverly are in his ready room, and Beverly has disclosed to him that, yeah, like his fear is about declining mental faculties in the future are founded. And I mean, there is, there's a chance that something bad could happen. And she kisses him. And in doing that, Beverly
Starting point is 00:40:14 looks at Picard, like I think we all do at this moment, like pre-greening the eventual loss of a great character. And I found this scene totally powerful. It's a kiss goodbye in a long ways. This was the second part in the episode where I felt like the show was talking about itself. Right after this kiss, old Picard wakes up in the future timeline
Starting point is 00:40:48 with what I have to believe is a total sundial in his pants. I should have gone for a boob data. She probably would have let me touch a boob. Like, you can tell he's sort of favoring that side. He hasn't rolled over all the way to reveal the sundial. Haha. Yeah. I love that, like, old man taking a nap thing, like, yeah, you can kind of get away with sleeping anywhere.
Starting point is 00:41:17 And more to the point, you can kind of get away with a boner anywhere. Right. Oh, gramps. Old people can do anything. I can't wait to be an old man. We've slagged on the olds on the show quite a bit, but truth be told, it's because of jealousy. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:38 I think we're already great old men. Would you have that way about us, don't we? Well, it is in this boner scene that he hatches the plan for them to meet up with Beverly which is he wants to go to the neutral zone and You know riker admiral riker is pretty quick to To tell him to Take his trip to the neutral zone and chef it. I love that future riker looks like Orson Wells. Like, he is like jaily and angry.
Starting point is 00:42:13 Age has not been kind to him. Admiral Riker has like a lot of color still in his beard and like silver fox hair, but in our timeline, Freak's has gone greece and formula hair, but in our timeline, Frakes has gone, Grecian formula hair, white beard. It's instructive to see that real riker looks a lot better than fictional future riker,
Starting point is 00:42:36 and real riker is older than future riker. Yeah, right now. It's been taking better care of himself. He looks great. We should be so lucky. We should. Yeah, so like the future timeline is kind of all about how Picard has a bunch of relationships from the past that conveniently allow him to get to where he wants to go because the
Starting point is 00:43:01 doctor has become captain of a medical ship, which is allowed to go into what was once the neutral zone and is now clinging on controlled space because the clingons have conquered the Romulan Empire. And Wurf is now like a regional governor in the clingon empire and a former council member. So he has like a lot of political power. It would have been interesting to know more about what happened to precipitate this. Like the idea of the Klingons winning a war for territory against the Romulan seems fairly far-fetched in 24th century Federation canon, you know.
Starting point is 00:43:43 Like they're still reeling. Their houses are in disarray, like Gauron is Gauron is not displayed the Accument that makes me think that he could lead and he's sort of protracted War with anyone else. Well, I can change in 25 years, you know, yeah, uh Sort of a lot has I Like the I like the 25 years in the future uniforms a lot. Me too. So past Picard arrives at far point station and Q isn't there and this really pisses off Picard
Starting point is 00:44:17 because he's doing that thing where he's like screaming to the sky on the bridge. Q! We're here! guy on the bridge. The rest of the crew is looking at him like, oh boy, we've got a crazy captain on our hands, maybe we should turn back and trade him in for a new one. The card finally like stomps off into the ready room where he actually finds Q. Q reveals himself to him after he goes off alone. Yep. And it is the Hall of Judgment from Season 1 episode 1. This scene underscores something that begins halfway through the episode and then carries all the way through the end, which is like the idea that Q observes a sort of personal prime directive in that he interferes to the point that he helps people help themselves without interfering to the point where he's giving them the answer.
Starting point is 00:45:14 And to me, that is far more constructive of a way to go than the actual prime directive. It's letting you know that there is an outcome without letting you like, you know, take the tests with the textbook. Q's like, I'll give you 10 yes or no questions. Shoot. And Picard's like, well, this anomaly seems involved. Is it? He's like, yeah. Is this the Romulins fault? Is it their way of getting one over on the Federation? He's like, nope and nope. And they finally get to the point where Q tells Picard that this is all his fault somehow. is that their way of getting one over on the federation, he's like, nope and nope. And they finally get to the point where Q tells Picard that this is all his fault somehow. And what will result is the end of humanity.
Starting point is 00:45:53 Picard will destroy humanity. Which would be the second time that the destruction of humanity could potentially be Picard's fault. Lest anyone forget, Picard was a borg. We got the borg. Yeah, also kind of queues fault. Sure.
Starting point is 00:46:10 So Q does a thing in this scene that I also want to talk about, which is he accuses Picard of squandering the efforts of humanity. The trial continues. That's the big reveal that it never ended. And in the third way that I think the show is talking about itself, I sort of thought that Q represented television culture, in that his accusations seem like those of someone who would critique the show.
Starting point is 00:46:43 You had all this potential. You had the foundation of a great science fiction television series. Was your effort successful for these seven years or did you squander that? That's what this scene made me think. I don't know if I would put that much sophistication on this script. Sure. I mean, I like your read, but I don't know if it's intentional.
Starting point is 00:47:04 Like it may be there unintentionally, but I guess that's impossible to speculate about. I'm really going for Alan Seppin' Wall's job in, in this final episode. That's what I'm doing. Alright, so we are into episode two of all good things here. And it sort of starts with this McLaughlin group issue one for our purposes present day and Adam that fucking bent iPad is on the goddamn table in front of a card just rolling around on the table how the fuck did that get into two different scenes? I mean, I can only guess that people's attentions were divided
Starting point is 00:47:54 because Berman and Braga wrote this episode at the same time they were writing generations and they were actually in production on generations at the same time that they were filming this finale. Did you know that? Well, I cannot believe that there was that kind of crossover. That's crazy. Yeah. And they're booting up Voyager at this time too. Yeah. So sort of a lot going on, not that it forgives a prop
Starting point is 00:48:16 that shouldn't be on camera, but like sort of a lot was happening. I read somewhere that during this like there was a pretty legendary fight between a piece two and the camera crew on this episode because he was like completely exhausted from having directed the second to last episode and like in this you know in like every scene of this episode basically. I like to believe that those fights occurred while he was wearing that open robe. There! Oh! Four! Thanks!
Starting point is 00:48:47 Yeah. How'd you like that guy screaming at you? Dick flops out. That's a power move. Yeah. And so, the Enterprise D of present day and the Enterprise D of Season 1 Episode 1 and the pastor under the command of Captain Beverly Picard all kind of converge on the Devereon system. And what they find there is that the anomaly in question is three different sizes.
Starting point is 00:49:20 In the past it is really big, in the present it is pretty big and in the future they cannot even detect it. it is really big. In the present, it is pretty big, and in the future, they cannot even detect it. It is so small. It being larger in the past is really every man's truth, isn't it? Oh man. Well, I guess we all age differently, Adam. This is a very confessional great generation. It must be because I'm three quarters of the way through this
Starting point is 00:49:49 voo. And I feel great. Adam, did you notice that in the U.S.S. pastor future, everybody civilian is sort of wearing clothing that looks like it could be the upholster job in a conversion van? I did notice that. I also noticed that everyone had Calzone hair. Calzone hair being the uniform code for Star Trek hair in the future.
Starting point is 00:50:13 Yeah, the, the, uh, that's called the Brahms rule. Yeah. Just give me the Brahms. I think that there's like a lot of like plotty detail here, but basically they all like kind of push through whatever little hurdles are put in their way and start to tack you on beam this anomaly, which leads to Q taking Picard to the proto-lithic... Earth. And Picard looks up and sees the anomaly, and it is enormous. It is filling up the entire sky, and he was like, yeah, back in this time period, it fills up the entire quadrant. And Picard is like, oh, I get it.
Starting point is 00:51:00 It gets bigger, the further pack, and the past you go. Congratulations. If you're a character that rolls his eyes a lot, like this is, this is like a softball into Q right now that you just imagine. Yeah. Yeah. Like when the viewer is impatient with the card just like Q is, like that's, you're putting Q on the viewer's side.
Starting point is 00:51:21 So what Q is saying is that this is when life arose on earth. This is when amino acids combine to form a protein. This is it. And he says that this anomaly has caused it not to happen. Picard is getting a lot better at like traveling between timelines at this point. Like every time like super future data comes up with something, he'll like take that information and give it to past data or present data and put it into action. And that's how they come to all the pointing tackian beams at this thing.
Starting point is 00:51:56 And meanwhile, like, you know, a lot of shit is popping off in each timeline. Like in the future one one they're getting attacked by Klingons and the Pester is badly damaged and Riker on the tricked out Enterprise D with three warp missiles. Comes to the rescue. You're gonna need an extra two Starfleet personnel for that extra Nacel bin. Yeah, oh yeah. You get a staff that thing up. Yeah. We're getting a third Siberia
Starting point is 00:52:26 You're getting a third softball team is what you're getting And so we've got three D's pointing three tacky on peams at this thing and I think Picard is basically Going through this whole episode wishing to fuck that guy in was around to just explain everything to him. Oof, no kidding. Here's the thing. If you introduce Wuppie into the show, you counterpoint Q in a way that might reveal the mystery too much, right? Like part of the effectiveness of this episode is keeping the viewer in the dark.
Starting point is 00:53:03 But we would have had one last opportunity if we were to do that karate stance, or is she goes like crouching tiger style on cue. I do like that karate stance. After the future deed, because of my right angle space combat to the Klingons and they get all these tacky on beams firing, it becomes clear to be card that, like, you know,
Starting point is 00:53:26 through seeing what's happening in the past, that it's a paradox. Like, the tacky on beams that they're shooting are creating the anomaly. And, you know, if they hadn't been shooting these tacky on beams to get a load of what was causing the anomaly, nothing would have caused the anomaly to begin with, Adam. This is information that's disclosed in future 10 forward as data, future riker, future Jordi, and Beverly are gathered to sort of
Starting point is 00:54:00 share with each other the concerns that they have about diminished Picard and how none of them really believes his deal. The doors to ten forward fling open and Picard has awoken from his slumber and postulates this to data. Data is the one who gets it and I think when you're going crazy, you need a data, right? Someone who believes you in spite of how crazy it is. Right. Somebody who can look at the information on its face and not the crazy person ranting it at you.
Starting point is 00:54:35 Damn it. I'm not stupid. One of the things they also talk about at this table is how Riker and Wharf are estranged. Estranged because, I guess in this time period, wharf dishonorably dated Dianna, Dianna then died and then at their funeral wharf and riker had some sort of falling out that has caused them to have a rift in their relationship for the 20 years that followed.
Starting point is 00:55:02 And Beverly was like, look man, it's time to put that water into the bridge. You guys are buds from back in the day. You used to be best friends. You used to go around saying that all the time. It used to be high five buddies and now look at you. Now Worf's sitting at the bar alone. Rikers with a gang is a real sad scene. Yeah, and I mean like, it kind of makes it seem like because Rikers with a gang is real sad scene. Yeah, I mean like, it kind of makes it seem like because Rikers with the gang Morph can't
Starting point is 00:55:28 be, which is real, a real dick move on Rikers part, you know. There's the fourth time in the episode where Riker almost turns to Cameron. He's like, you think you have all the time in the world. He's talking about Diana, but when I watch this finale, I'm thinking about the show like You think you're gonna do this phone Star Trek podcast forever. Yeah, and then then you end the show It's about it's too bad. It's it's truly sad Well one thing that's different about our show than television is that like from what I've Heard and read like when you get a television show past the pilot stage and you go to series Like that first season is maker break, but then your second season is also maker break
Starting point is 00:56:14 And you're in that mindset like the entire time so you never Stop and think like hey like we've been doing this for five or six seasons now. This is great You know like like you can never and think like, hey, we've been doing this for five or six seasons now. This is great. You know? Yeah. Like, you can never really be comfortable that it's going to keep going. And that's, I mean, I have really enjoyed doing this project with you because I feel like we could kind of get a load of the arch of it as we were doing it.
Starting point is 00:56:46 Like a bunch of times we've been able to get together and be like, can you fucking believe this? Yeah, I think what's great about our show, Ben, is that it'll be in syndication forever. Yep. Great success. This is becoming a speech. You're the captain, so very kind.
Starting point is 00:57:02 Mm. I'm going to type a ramble on about something everyone knows. The PCARD has to convince his three crews to cut it out with the Taki-Anne beam, but not just that, go in and start a static warp bubble within the anomaly, which will presumably seal it shut. And like, super-future data is on board with this immediately because it's his idea. But then Picard has to convince the other data's of it. And the hardest, the hardest pill to swallow is for the, you know, early episode one crew who are like, hey man, like, that was no you. I'd like, sure enough, there's
Starting point is 00:57:44 a fucking anomaly here. Despite the fact that like, you don no you. I'd like, sure enough, there's a fucking anomaly here, despite the fact that you don't seem to be entirely in control of your faculties. You like found the anomaly that you've been ranting at us about. But now you're asking us to go in and like, use our ship to plug the hole. That seems crazy, man.
Starting point is 00:58:02 And he's like, listen, guys. I know it is difficult for you to understand that we have to take the ship into the very center of the phenomenon. This is how we save humanity. I've told you before how I don't believe Picard is the best Captain and Star Trek, if you were to make that list. But this is a scene that makes the case that he might be.
Starting point is 00:58:24 Like, he has to marshal his crew into the idea that the suicide mission is something that makes sense. I know you have your doubts about me. About each other. About the ship. He knows the future in the scene. None of them do. You and I do, Ben, watching the show. We know how great everyone's going to become. But no one there believes that yet. And Picard has to tell them. And I would trust each of you with my life. It was amazing to watch him tell everyone that we've loved over the last seven years how great that they would be.
Starting point is 00:59:05 And that, to me, is what makes this scene so great. Now, everybody knows that Captain Janeway makes the best grand eloquent speeches. But what this scene presupposes is, maybe Captain Picard does? Box checked. So all three ships from all three time periods have to go into this thing and make this warp bubble. And it is fraught throughout. It is a rocky ride into the center.
Starting point is 00:59:37 And we watched all three of them go, like in order from furthest in the past to the future. The Warpcores go critical. They do their best to hang on for as long as possible. Q is there on the bridge taunting Picard the entire time. Goodbye Jean-Luc, I'm going to miss you. We had such potential. And finally, Future D goes and we smash cut to like white light on an over top shot of Picard. And he's doing like a classic Picard palm face sulk.
Starting point is 01:00:17 And there's Q, judge Q. And Q has taken on like a very different tone all of a sudden. He's like, hey, like I knew you could do it the whole time. Because the destruction of these three ships has caused the anomaly to fold in on itself. Like the mission was a success at the expense of all three ships. Right. But also like because it's a time paradox not at the expensive any of the ships. Did that cause you not to feel anything when those ships were destroyed? Yeah, you know, I honestly like, I think that this is a thing that Brandon Braga
Starting point is 01:00:54 is responsible for in Star Trek, which I only associate with the fact that he wrote like most of the episodes that do this, but the like bullshit timeline scenarios that plague Star Trek from the time that he sort of started being an influential figure on the show to like the end of the Voyager run I guess. Really bother me and it bothers me that like I like a time travel story don't get me wrong but the like ones that kind of like set up their own convenient paradox to be a Deus Ex Machina
Starting point is 01:01:33 Like really bug the shit out of me and this is maybe one of the most egregious offenders of that now when you're sitting up a time space paradox Now when you're sitting up a time-space paradox, you're gonna want to make sure that all your threads are your story line up. That way your viewer won't poke holes in all the continuity errors. It does take some of the emotion out of that sequence and I don't know how you end a series with the ship actually blowing up. Containment field is a critical! I'm losing it! That would feel really brutal and mean to the viewer. I thought maybe it would have been felt more if they went in reverse, because the past version of the ship was the ship and the
Starting point is 01:02:26 crew that Picard had to work the hardest to convince. And if they fell in order of future to pass, and if finally in the past ship, everyone starts to express the doubts that they had sort of bottled up until then. Like if Yarr had yelled at Picard, what are we doing here? Before it explodes, I think the emotion of that scene is completely heightened in a way that is credible and would really work effectively. It's still, as it played out, worked effectively for me, but I think wonder if changing the order would have made it even more. At the end of the day, I can't escape the like, there's a line where Q says like the moment you showed that humanity has any potential was when you figured out the time paradox. Right.
Starting point is 01:03:17 That's like, man, like you can't do that as a writer. You know, like, oh, when you figured out my bullshit fucking writing mechanism to like make it, there be a dramatic structure here. That's when you were the best as a character. Great. It's like really padding yourself on the back from the script. Whoever wrote this story, if there is a creator of this universe must have been a genius. To a strange degree, cause and effect was a more difficult puzzle to solve than this one.
Starting point is 01:03:52 Like for the crew. Q does that cute thing where he's like, I could tell you the secrets of the universe man and maybe I'll pant him Iime like I'm about to. And he does that lean into his ear and then backs away. And that's it for Q. See you out there. And it's almost it for this episode, except for a scene at the end with the senior staff assembled for a poker game bin. A poker game that is without Deanna Troy and Captain Picard, but they walk in in sequence and
Starting point is 01:04:32 Picard has never attended one of these poker games before and so when he walks through those doors everyone store to sort of stiffens up Is there a problem sir? Yeah, like captain on deck, kind of a little like, oh fuck, like, it's coming on. But card just before this records a captain's log without giving it the super secret log log out that he mentioned before in the episode about like, it appears that no one else in the crew has experienced the crazy time travel thing that I was just going through.
Starting point is 01:05:04 Yeah. Before the scene, travel thing that I was just going through. Yeah. Before the scene, I thought that was fun, that that log didn't deserve the double secret lockout that the earlier one did. I would love to be a fly on the wall at the like, admiral's briefing, newly commissioned captains on how captains logs work. And like, yes, even if you have no evidence for an experience you have, you're going to be encountering shit out there that you won't be able to establish evidence
Starting point is 01:05:32 for. We need it in log form. Two kinds of captains logs, you should log out completely with that sort of double secret password. One of them is the, I hate klingons and I always have styled cat's block. That's one you should you should use double secret passwords and the other one is I've been traveling through time and I appear to be the only one who is noticed. It's not something that's wrong with me. It's something that's wrong with universe. So Picard newly well joins the poker game is invited into the poker game for the very
Starting point is 01:06:08 first time. He's given the deck and he gets that moment in the show that the series has teased all along but never has, which is the intimacy of a leader and the lead. You know, everyone at this table loves him, and they have from the start, but until this moment, it has never fully been expressed. Because the captain has always been above the social fray, the captain doesn't join the poker game. But when he sits down and plays with them, it shows that he's turned the corner and he wants a relationship with them that is deeper than just beloved captain.
Starting point is 01:07:00 And this scene never fails to, in as many times as I've seen it, totally Dawson Leary me at the dock, like I'm a total puddle. Every time I see this scene, it is utterly effective to me. Did you feel that way? Yeah. I mean, it's the part, the thing that has gotten so right in this episode is celebrating these relationships and these characters and these storylines that we've loved for seven years. It knows exactly how much schmaltz to put on these moments without making them overbearing and without, you know, under-selebrating at the same time. That's exactly it. It really threads that needle. The choice to end the episode in the series here, I think, is so critical in its quality.
Starting point is 01:07:52 This is the moment that makes this finale great. It's the moment that makes the series greater than it could have been without it. It's the perfect book end, I think. Really spectacular. Cool. Big things up and on. Big things up and on. Big things up and on. Quite a big non-digit.
Starting point is 01:08:08 Non-digit. Non-digit. Non-digit. Non-digit. Did you like the episode, Adam? I really did, and you and I both know that there are... There are some mistakes here. As with any time travel story, there are holes to poke.
Starting point is 01:08:21 Holes like future Picard choosing to inform present becard the future but then choosing to not inform past becard for reasons of paradox. Like he declines to go two steps into the paradox for reasons I guess. It was Beverly ship the past door that fires the tacky on pulse. It wasn't it wasn't future enterprise that did that. There were a lot of like little little weird threads that didn't quite add up, but if you're able to look past some of that stuff, I think it adds up into a mountain worthy episode here. What about you Ben? You know, I my feelings are too mixed to put it on the mountain. I think that in so many ways it's the perfect send-off for this cast and crew and this ship and this series.
Starting point is 01:09:11 And maybe some of that perfection is in where it fuxx up. It is like a classic, classically dumb time travel story. Like classic bad trek and classic good trek all wrapped up in one double episode. It's like, it really contains multitudes this episode. It's really a miracle like that. Yeah. Because one more really dumb choice
Starting point is 01:09:41 or one terrible line of dialogue, I think could tear the whole thing down. It's that close. Yeah, walks a line for sure. But, you know, it's impossible for me to not think fondly on this episode for all of the things that it does great because there are many. It frustrates me because clearly the creators of the show are able to do a long form story. And yet, time after time, they trip over their feet and fall down the stairs, when given a task to write a film. I think this, this double episode represents
Starting point is 01:10:20 one of the top two films that this show has ever made. I would put it up there, yeah, for sure. Hmm. Well, Ben much like Picard moving through time, receiving messages from the past and the future. Have we, in fact, received messages from the past in the form of P1s? We have Adam. What do you say we read them?
Starting point is 01:10:44 Priority one message from Starfleet coming in on Secured Channel. P1's. We have Adam. What do you say we read them? Priority 1 message from Starfleet coming in on Secured Channel. Need a supplement on that. supplement on that? supplement on that. supplement on that. Yes, extra. By the interest alone, could be enough to buy this ship.
Starting point is 01:10:59 Ben our first priority 1 message is from Raven, Ruta. It is for my husband Mark Ruta and the message goes like this to Mark. With a sea from your wife Raven, happy anniversary, and picturing us together watching the next generation every night for another 10 years. You were the heart of my day and the soul of my night. I would boldly go anywhere with you. And I love you so much, I'm Zadi. 10 years, how many watches of TNG the series? Can you get down in 10 years? Man, it sort of depends on how you're watching it. Well, if you're watching two a week like we are,
Starting point is 01:11:40 get up to, uh, up to... You got five, five watch-throughs under your belt? Yeah. That's a good way to spend 10 years. I hope you keep downloading our podcast every single time. Yeah, much like finding new things in the show. Maybe you'll find new things in the pod. And our second P1 is from Dylan R, it's for the finest viewers in Podfleet, aka the GG2 or 2017 Milwaukee folks.
Starting point is 01:12:12 Oh yeah. Cliffhanger ahead. My boyfriend and I broke up exactly three months before the show, the three weeks leading up to the show where hell it worked, and a potential employer passed on my application the day before the show. Suffice it to say, I felt damned low the day of the premature assimilation to our in Milwaukee. Mr. Wharf...
Starting point is 01:12:37 Fire! To be continued. And I... I believe that there will be a part 2 to this B1 in an upcoming episode of the greatest generation. Oh really? Yeah. What a fun way to do it.
Starting point is 01:12:56 Yeah. Wow. Well, if you have a message to send anyone, you'll have you know that priority ones are not going away, they're coming with us henceforth into future podcast series. Yeah, and they're also available on the greatest discovery our sister show. You can put one of those in the queue by going to slash jumbo tron, where personal messages are $100 and commercial messages are $200 and they are a great way to ensure the ongoing production of the show and the enslavement of a toast. Hey Ben, what's that Adam? Did you find yourself a drunk Shimoda?
Starting point is 01:14:07 Find yourself a drunk Shimoda taking point of stack it up doesn't give a fuck everybody's drunk in touch of yours Kidding robot bump bang bang bang bang Oh Drunk Shimoda Drunk Shimoda Boy, I did add them that fucking bent iPad Prop Shimoda Prop Shimoda I'll let you add them. ha ha ha. Prop Shimoda. Prop Shimoda. I'll let you out of it.
Starting point is 01:14:28 Did you find a drunk Shimoda? This might be something that you want to scrub to. I don't have the time code on this, but this is a classic deep background Shimoda for me. So in the future timeline, Picard is bursted in his pajamas and he's like trying to articulate the paradox. So this is in 10 forward. Yeah. So in 10 forward, a pajamas Picard bursts in and walks up to the table where the senior staff is assembled and he's trying to explain the paradox. But what's
Starting point is 01:15:00 happening in the at the table behind them is an officer is clearly on a date and When data gets up having finally grasped the the core of the paradox the guy in the back clearly does an Eye roll and gestures to his date like let's get the fuck out of here. This is the sucks Like because in whatever time period you in you always hate the overly loud table at a restaurant. And that moment to me was like, so pure and good. This fucking guy- I love that olden here!
Starting point is 01:15:33 I know! This guy does great background work. I love seeing him walk out and then later when the camera angle changes, like you can see them walk out of 10 forward. I just love that. Amazing. That's so good. The guy who wants the table to shut up is my Shimoda. I love it. That's me. That's me in every restaurant.
Starting point is 01:15:51 I know. Why can't you just be quiet? I can't relax and enjoy myself under any circumstances in any restaurant. Oh man, you and me both Ben. A greatest gen live show is something you don't want to miss. Why? Well, it's a great opportunity to see me and Ben in person, but that's not all. FODs from all over gather at these shows to cosplay, to do pre and post show hangs, to make friends, and share their embarrassment. Hey, let's make a pretty great name for a tour.
Starting point is 01:16:29 Let's do it! The Share Your Embarrassment Tour is coming in August 2023, and we've got a bunch of dates in a lot of great places. Go to to get more info. That's for dates and ticketing information for the Share Your Embarrassment Tour. I'm Jordan Morris. And I'm Jesse Thorne.
Starting point is 01:16:51 On Jordan Jesse Go, we make pure, delightful nonsense. We were open awesome guests and bring them down to our level. We get stupid with Judy Greer. My friend Molly and I call it having the spaceweirds. Pat Noswald. Can I get a ball-rock burger and some air-gorn fries? Thank you. And Kumail Nanjiani.
Starting point is 01:17:08 I've come back with cat toothbrushes, which is impossible to use. Come get stupider with us at Look, your podcast apps are already open. Just pull it out. Give Jordan Jesse Goatry. Being smart is hard. Be dumb instead.
Starting point is 01:17:23 Whoa, Russ. Hey, hey, hey, oh, I'm about to count you in line. These clouds are really freaking me out. I hate having to stand in line and boy, what do I? These giraffes do not smell good. No, they do not, and they've such short nacks. But I'm hearing we need to get on this all. We've got to get on the art.
Starting point is 01:17:38 It is about terrain, about a spout to destroy humanity. Hey, oh, sorry, sorry, sorry. Are you Noah? Yeah, I know we look like humans, but we're actually, we're podcasters. We are podcasters, so it's different. Have you heard of Ono Ross and Carrie? We investigate spirituality,
Starting point is 01:17:52 claims of the paranormal, stuff like that. And you have a boat and say the world's gonna end, so seem like something for us to check out. We would love to be on the boat. We came two by two. What do you think? Ono Ross and Carrie, available on MaximumFun and Outdoor. What do we have coming up on the next episode of the Greatest Generation?
Starting point is 01:18:17 Well so the next episode is going to be just us going back through the series and talking about our mountains and favorite moments in the show and all that good stuff. And I'm really looking forward to it. It'll be like a lot of people have requested this and we like haven't quite hammered out our plan for it as of this recording. But what we've got, what we've got planned so far, I'm really excited about. Yeah, you mean both. It'll be good. And then after that, we're going to the one-a-week schedule. So that episode will come out for those who are listening in real time.
Starting point is 01:18:59 That next episode will come out on October 9th, the Monday following this episode. And then the next episode will be October 16th, which will be the first episode of Deep Space 9. Well, Ben, I'm really looking forward to that retrospective. I think it'll be good for us to sort of talk out our feelings on this crazy, fun, unbelievable project in a number of ways. I think at this point in the show, it might be good to just tell you how grateful I am to have done a project like this with you. I think this began as an unlikely friendship between two people who live on opposite coasts and turned into
Starting point is 01:19:46 a long-term, hilarious project, but more than anything, like, it got me one of my best friends. And it gave us something to talk about twice a week. It gave us a fun tour to do in which we saw the country together. Yeah. It gave us so much in an unlikely way. And I just want to thank you and I want to thank everyone who has listened to the show and supported the show and has and have written in to tell us how much it means to them and in their lives because as much as it means to anyone else, it means double for me. And I think you're a big reason for that Ben.
Starting point is 01:20:31 So I just want to thank you for that. Hey, man, right back at you. I mean, every time we see each other, it just charges me up. I think you're so funny and quick, and I just get just big belly laughs from you. Every time we hang out, and the fact that we've gotten to kind of share that dynamic in a way that people have responded to has been one of the most gratifying experiences I've ever had. And I think we have so many people to thank for helping make that happen.
Starting point is 01:21:12 A lot of this was luck and good timing, but a lot of it was other people really helping us. The folks who wrote articles about us, the folks at, who took a chance on our ridiculous little show. And yeah, I feel a thousand percent the same way, man. I feel super lucky to have gotten to do this with you. And I'm really looking forward to the future. Yeah, you and me both. We're not going anywhere, that's for sure. The idea of making professional fun, I think, was the biggest epiphany, was that we could
Starting point is 01:21:55 make our fun into a thing that we could do all the time. For a variety of reasons, we're now able to do do that and that is something that I'm excited to continue into the future. So thanks to everybody and can't wait for the next chapter guys. Thanks for tuning in. We should thank Adam Ragusia and Dark Materia for the music you hear on our show. We should thank all the people that have participated in the online communities for this show,
Starting point is 01:22:28 like especially the folks who created and moderate our Facebook and Reddit groups. Thank you Austin, who mics so much. Thank you for all the people that moderate as just volunteers. I mean, like the community around this show is an amazing thing that we feel incredibly lucky to have and that is just a gift that keeps on giving.
Starting point is 01:22:55 And oh, and I wanna also say thanks to the guys at the Geek Life Crisis Podcast who put out an episode where they interviewed a bunch of people from the amazing community of friends of DeSoto and put together a little tribute episode to this podcast. It was one of the most touching and hilarious things I've ever heard. That was an out-of-body experience for me to hear that. It was so beautiful to hear the voices from our viewers, like, talk directly to us about how much the show means.
Starting point is 01:23:35 So much of this project has been unbelievable, but to be forced to believe it in that form was something I will always be grateful for. So thank you to those guys at the Geek Life Christness. And I think that just about does it. So with that, we will be back at you next time with another great episode. Or I guess we won't be back at you next time with another great episode of Star Trek, the next generation.
Starting point is 01:24:02 But we will be back with the greatest generation and that is a wonderful thing. Greatest generation forever pal. Cheers to you. Cheers. You killed that bottle. Going out of the bottle now. Love you buddy.
Starting point is 01:24:23 Love you, buddy. Love you too. Comedy and Culture, Art and Stone Listener Supported

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