The Greatest Generation - Hoofs in the High Stakes Area (DS9 S4E9)

Episode Date: April 22, 2019

When Garak walks in on Dr. Bashir during a holosuite session, he witnesses a level of prurience that was best kept private. But when lives depend on their ability to keep the session going, they’ll ...have to think about a baseball program to maintain their edge. Why does Bashir choose “easy” difficulty? How do you tell the difference between satire and a mistake? Did we miss the auction for fingernails? It’s the episode that’s not a punch up.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Priority 1 message from Starfleet coming in on Secured Channel. Hey friends of Disodo. Before today's episode, we just wanted to take a moment to talk about the historic labor actions being taken by writers and actors in the American Film and Television industry. If you're a fan of the work done by the people who make Star Trek, we hope you'll join us in standing in solidarity with the folks who actually bring these adventures to life. Over the past several years, the AMPTP, the organization that represents the American Film and Television Production Studios, have reduced the profit from movies and TV going to workers. And in so doing,
Starting point is 00:00:35 they've attempted to weaken the labor unions that represent those workers. They wouldn't even engage the unions on many issues in their negotiations. And so a strike was the only course of action to take. Adam, Wendy and I have been having a lot of internal discussions about how best to stand with the unions and we are continuing those conversations in a dynamic situation. We're doing our best to understand where the picket lines are in these digital spaces,
Starting point is 00:01:01 and we would never intentionally cross one. With the information we have, we feel like we can do more good talking about and supporting the strike and continuing our show as planned. We'll keep you informed about what all this means for greatest trek specifically. Today we're making a contribution to the Entertainment Community Fund. This fund exists to help all the people whose livelihoods have been put on hold because the AMPTP refuses to negotiate
Starting point is 00:01:25 in good faith with the unions. It provides financial support for writers, actors, and all the thousands of laborers who make the shows that we talk about here and without whom we wouldn't have Star Trek to cast pot about. Those folks are all out of work because billionaires, company shareholders, and the executives of these companies don't want to compromise on the length of their yachts. We hope you'll join us in supporting entertainment workers in a challenging time, especially after they've already endured several years of challenges brought on by the pandemic
Starting point is 00:01:55 and season two of Star Trek Picard. We've set up a page where you can also contribute. It's at That's friendsofdececoto for That's FriendsOfDecoto for Link in the episode description. Okay, now let's get on with the show. Here's to the finest crew in It's a Star Trek podcast. My two guys just a little bit embarrassed to have a Star Trek podcast. I'm Adam Pryanaka. I'm Ben Harrison. Did you do your homework Adam? Oh no. It's oh no. This is that moment all over again.
Starting point is 00:02:45 I've sat down in my uncomfortable plastic desk. Yeah. The teacher has come in, the bell has rung. Everyone's taking out their folders. You had an entire week to prepare. Oh no, and all that's going through my head is how I can fake my way through this. So I can sound like a smart and knowledgeable person.
Starting point is 00:03:07 I think the way to do that, Ben, is to ask you if you did yours and to see what your findings were. My answer is that I did not do my homework in a formal way. I did not write anything down. Maybe you should tell the viewers at home and the student sitting next to you just what exactly the homework assignment was. I asked the question in that way because you kind of reacted badly to my suggesting that we think ahead about something for our show. I react badly to most suggestions of any kind. Sort's sort of a terrible thing about me.
Starting point is 00:03:47 I think people would be surprised to know how true that is. It feels better to have it confirmed. We talked at the end of the last episode, having, we are now on the precipice of completing the game of buttholes the will of the profits for a second time. And I think at the end of the first one we went back and kind of we tweaked for our second playthrough, but we were talking at the end of the last episode about the idea of making further tweaks. Now this doesn't have to be a formal homework situation. You weren't asked to type it up on single space paper with one inch margins at them. Oh, I can give an oral presentation.
Starting point is 00:04:34 This is an oral presentation situation. That's where I succeed. It's the thing I'm best at. You love oral. I don't have to know anything about anything. Yeah. I also, a friend of the soda actually gave us some notes on Twitter this morning. I don't know if you saw this, but I think I muted this person after the third. I think there's like a, there's a couple of exciting ideas here. A couple, a couple that I reject out of hand like some weird ones like one where we have to find a Previa and record the next episode inside of it
Starting point is 00:05:13 Not really sure what that would add to an episode, but nothing at all It just just work on our behalf and then like worst sound Rejected like, worse sound. Rejected. Get that stuff out of here! There's one, his eyes uncovered where we would have to pre-write 10 tamarion metaphors to describe things that we might discuss during the episode. I kind of like the idea of it.
Starting point is 00:05:39 It's a bit like what we chose to do with our nth degree episode recently, which, you know, I think the fact that we chose to do with our nth degree episode recently, which, you know, I think the fact that we decided to use that as a comedy opportunity really did not work for people that don't listen to this show for comedy. I don't know who those people are. I know. We don't have anything to offer other than that.
Starting point is 00:06:03 And we barely have that. Right. What are some of the others? Roll them down. Let's see, geeking out must find an actor who appeared in the episode and convinced them to guest co-host the show. Nope. Nope!
Starting point is 00:06:17 We don't have guests. We don't have guests. I would have on like a main cast character for an interview the way we did with Lavar Burton. Sure. The issue is, I don't know if we would be able to make something like that happen in time to record an episode in order to get it out in time. So I think we have to reject that just from like a functionality standpoint. Yeah, I think that breaks the show.
Starting point is 00:06:42 Yeah. Tape it to the fridge. We each have to draw a picture that reflects this week's episode. Let's put the picture up on the internet. And the friends of DeSoto can vote on who has the better arts and craft skills. I love that idea if it weren't just a picture, if it were pure arts and crafts. Like, I love the idea of going to my mailbox and having opened a package where Ben has sent me
Starting point is 00:07:08 a paper plate with a bunch of macaroni glued to it. Yeah, a shoe box with a diorama of a scene inside of it. Yeah, I would say that's a candidate. I like that idea a lot. Yeah. Okay, canar with demar. We must each attempt to replicate canar, the Cardassian alcoholic beverage,
Starting point is 00:07:28 each must drink the others creation through the episode. So it's a bit of a let's drink a beautification of the greatest generation. I like that. Inflicting a cocktail on the other person. It's obviously, it's not like a punishment cocktail, like that fucking hot dog cocktail. I think I think I could commit to being a to not punishing you. Like your best effort. Yeah. Yeah. I kind of feel like, well, I don't know if we've ever actually
Starting point is 00:07:56 hit a traveler or a banger square. I feel like they maybe are taking up too many spaces right now, so maybe we replace one of those with a canar with demar. I think that could work. Okay. Yeah, there's a couple others that are like review an episode of Voyager or Enterprise, which I don't think we're not in the business of burning episodes that we might need in the future. Look at that on here!
Starting point is 00:08:22 Agreed. And I think that qualifies as breaking the show. Yeah. I don't want to do anything that gets us out of our lane. Well, what do you think about adding a canar with demar and his eyes on coverage square to this, to this board game? Maybe one more cocoa no-no? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:40 Yeah, that's fun. Yeah. Yeah. I'm into it. Let's do it. Okay, so we'll add another cocoa no-no in place of one of the existing corks bars. We've got the one where we have to do tamarayan metaphors, the one where we have to make art and send it to each other, and the one where we have to invent can-art cocktails for each
Starting point is 00:09:02 other. We should call the square where we're making arts and crafts. We should call that the J Gordon Square. That guy's probably great at arts and crafts. Yeah. We got to get a Felipe and Craig on the tweak. So hopefully by the time the next episode airs, when people go to slash game, we will have those tweaks done. And if I had any expectations at all of the speed with which we do things, I can just about guarantee that that'll happen.
Starting point is 00:09:37 All right. Well, speaking of getting to the battle bridge, do you want to get into the episode. Oh, we got to do that, Ben. It's a Kind of deep space nine episode It is deep space nine season four episode nine our man Bashir No, of course you don't. A episode that strains credulity when you consider Garrick's quality as a tailor and his preference for the shawl collar texedo pin. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:19 You got, you rock a shawl collar, don't you? I think shawl collar is the most traditional single-breasted texito collar. Like a notch collar. I have a shawl collar, white texito jacket, and a notch collar, black texito jacket. The notch collar on a texito. I think if I was in the market for a texito today,
Starting point is 00:10:41 I would not buy a notch collar. Texito. Interesting. I think it makes it look a bit like a black business suit. I also probably will not buy a black texedo today. I would go midnight blue. Whoa! Wow, I'm getting all kinds of tips from you today. I was in a department store not long ago and I had a velvet texedo jacket in my hand.
Starting point is 00:10:58 Wow. It would have been fun, but I just don't have an occasion for things like that. I have it because I would buy it from a black tuxedo jacket in my hand. Wow. Would have been fun, but I just don't have an occasion for things like that. I have it because I want to have occasions. I want to be invited to Black Tie things or show up to things that should be Black Tie in Black Tie.
Starting point is 00:11:17 That's what I love about you. You are an aspirational tuxedo. I wanna live it up. That's a great way to be. Yeah, I was listening. Do you ever listen to the John Gabris podcast, Hi and Mighty? Always, every week.
Starting point is 00:11:31 I love that show and he had a guy on recently. I mean, I think like every three weeks he has somebody on to talk about Las Vegas and maybe about us often, somebody on to talk about Long Island. But the Vegas episodes are my favorite. Do you just skip those? Do you go to the gym?
Starting point is 00:11:46 No, no, I, okay. It's like watching a documentary about like, sport fishing or something. I'm not interested in sport fishing, but a good documentary about any subject will be compelling just to like see people that are like really into it or whatever. Great point.
Starting point is 00:12:01 And one of the recent Vegas episodes, somebody made the suggestion that like one, like if you go to Vegas, you're there for three nights or whatever, one of the nights you should just like dress up to the nines and go fucking crazy. And I really love that idea. That's a good idea. It's just like, it's the...
Starting point is 00:12:18 It's the... It's the... It's the... It's the... It's the... Oh yeah, fucking A. The fuck of it is, Ben, it's an August. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:34 I wore a tuxedo to a beach wedding in Costa Rica this year, so I know that feel. It's gonna be a wet tuxedo before too long. Yeah. Anyways, this episode begins with some a defense station man goes through a window and uh... bichier uh... is the is the man who has thrown that person through the window he's uh... gonna celebrate the defense ration with a babe in a red dress they're gonna drink a little champagne but uh... this
Starting point is 00:13:01 this guy gets up and uh... bichier is only able to knock him back down by firing a champagne cork at his forehead. Oh! Here's a little tip to the people listening. Very good luck if you get hit by a champagne cork to go have a glass of champagne with who hit you with it. Really? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:21 That's nice. Yeah. Like if you're at like a New Year's Eve party and somebody pops a bottle and you catch the cork, luck obliges you to go to go share a glass with that person. Hmm. This guy does not get that opportunity because it knocks him out cold, very unrealistic.
Starting point is 00:13:38 They're gonna have to go get that drink once he comes to. There must be like a lead weight in that cork if it knocked him out. I mean, there's gonna be a lot of James Bond compared since in this episode. But like, is it one of those things where a guy throws his shoe and the shoe ends up
Starting point is 00:13:55 having a bunch of razor blades in it? Like, is it loaded up? Yeah, it's like one of those, one of those boulder hats that's deadly. Yeah. Yeah, so this is Bashir Getting his jolies off and when you're getting your jolies off you don't want to be Interrupted you don't want somebody to let themselves into the room, you know get out
Starting point is 00:14:17 But doctor, I don't need just to ride. This is your private time. You don't want any creeping Yeah, and it it is Because you're private time, you don't want any creeping. Yeah, and it is Garek who is looking at Bashir During here. And Bashir takes great umbridge with this. He takes legal and privacy angled umbridge with it, which I think is great. Yeah. Breaking into a whole suite during someone's program is not only rude, it's illegal. It gives us a little bit more of the legalese involved
Starting point is 00:14:45 in these circumstances that I think we've wanted for a while. I wonder if this is like a majoring rule that it's illegal or if it's like everywhere it's illegal. Right. Because it doesn't seem to be illegal on the enterprise, right? Yeah, I wonder if it's like an international waters thing like where suddenly if the station were in a part
Starting point is 00:15:06 of the quadrant that that weren't zoned a certain way, I wonder if it would be more permissive for Garek to be there. Yeah. Interesting. Well, anyways, the conversation between them kind of winds up boring this red dress lady. It's a weird period, right? Because this is probably right around when Pierce Brosden became James Bond. And James Bond films started to feel kind of self-parotic,
Starting point is 00:15:33 in a way. Yeah. Like, I don't know if I would have picked up on the satire like during the, like when this episode aired originally, but it really does kind of dunk pretty heavily on some of the tropes of James Bond. It made me think a lot about my own video game playing. Like, when I saw this, I was like,
Starting point is 00:15:57 who'd want their gameplay to be this cheesy? And then I think about what I like to do in Jazz Horse. And a lot of that game is super cheesy too. Yeah, a lot of tying maidens to the tracks and... Yeah, so I get it. Yeah. And like Bashir, I wouldn't like anyone to watch me play that either. Which is why I do it in public on my Twitch stream.
Starting point is 00:16:19 At Twitch. Slash cut for time. I do the same thing when I'm browsing various porn websites. Does Bashir live in Chris Brenner's apartment? You know, interface operations, net access, channel 90. Yeah, I was wondering if this was a reused play set. I also got kind of like, move along home vibes from the set that it opens in, the like, purpley rooms.
Starting point is 00:16:44 Yeah. And I don't know if, I mean, I don't know why they would reused anything for move along home. Yeah. Probably just burn everything after they finish shooting it. There was nothing to learn from that experience. There is no spiky bird to introduce later on. To reuse as a prop.
Starting point is 00:17:02 Yeah. So, yeah, we get the sense that Garrick is gonna, is gonna join along for a while and that this is a, a program that Bashir has recently gotten his hands on and is really just kind of throwing all of his free time into kind of the way Jazz Horse felt in October, you know. Yeah. So we meet Mona Levsett. Come again. Mona Levsett. Oh, I'm sorry, I'm just not getting it. Mona Levsett. Never mind.
Starting point is 00:17:27 The super busty personal valet of Julian Bashir, international spy, and he spends a lot of time bond-splaining what's going on to Garrick, which I felt was kind of a bad use of time in this episode. I understand why Garrick would need a cliff snouts of the Cold War and playing it being James Bond, but we the audience is foreshored do not. And they really run it down, you know?
Starting point is 00:18:00 Right, I wish I got a little bit more about why Bashir loves this so much. I mean, the inference here from the presence of Mona loves it is that Bashir is using this program to fuck a lot. Right. Right. And I wish he said anything that disabused us of that idea, you know, or leaned into it, right? Right. Like, Derek, I don't want you here because I like get naked and do the nasty in this, you know, it's like this... Right. There's not a lot of depictions of masturbation in popular media that don't make it seem
Starting point is 00:18:35 like something that a pathetic loser does, you know? Like masturbation as shorthand for pathetic loser is like a very well-known trope in films and television. Sure. Short-hand for pathetic loser is like a very well-known trope in films and television. But like, basically everybody masser rates. Very few people don't at all. And like you don't need to defend having private time to take care of yourself in real life, right? No, exactly.
Starting point is 00:18:58 And I think Garrick should know that the longer that Bashir is off the street, the better for everyone else on the station. Yeah, like this would have been like an interesting opportunity for Star Trek to kind of stake out a more enlightened place. Like, uh, Garek, I actually, uh, I crank off in here and I don't want you to join me. Think of the viewership of this show that would feel so seen in that moment. Yeah. Finally, something that's about me. This is my start trick. I do. Anyways, this is all happening with a, uh, concurrently with a Winnebago full of
Starting point is 00:19:39 tired officers coming back from a conference. And, uh, boy, could I identify with the idea of being tired and coming back from a far away conference at him. I've got a shippled of tired overs this year. I think we'll all be happy to be in our own beds tonight. Yeah, which one of these guys gets the middle seat? Is my question. I don't know. Are all seats on a runabout good? Yeah, they all have like captain's chairs on the runabout. That's what you want.
Starting point is 00:20:02 Captain's chairs in the like minivan sense, not in the start accents. I know that there's bunks in the back of the runabout. Never see the run about back in deep space nine. No, there's that one TNG app where Picard grew super long fingernails. Yeah. Touching that fruit basket, but that was it. Maybe they burned that set too. They're like that was gross. Let's never go back there again Yeah, you never see the fingernail prosthetic from that episode making the rounds in the museum tour never goes up on eBay Screen used fingernails Screen used fingernails and rotten fruit bowl set. Opening bid three dollars. No reserve.
Starting point is 00:20:50 Gold to cotton. Gold to cotton. So. They are on their way back from a conference. Everybody's wiped out. And the ship has been, has had wooden shoes thrown into the works. Hence the word, sub-tour. And the warp core starts to have a runaway cascade failure of some kind. It's Eddington's chance, Ben. Yeah, Eddington. Eddington has been left with his hand on the levers of power while the entire senior staff of the station went to some conference, which we don't even need to say it out loud.
Starting point is 00:21:31 That is bad math in this universe. But Eddington... Why not give us an entire episode before this episode. That's just Eddington house sitting deep space nine. The day does day of Eddington being in charge of the station. Yeah. What have been nice, missed opportunity. But he thinks very quickly, he and Odo are kind of like scrambling around in ops, trying to figure out what to do to get everybody beamed off of the
Starting point is 00:22:04 oranoko, but the Oranoko, but the Oranoko goes boom. Very unfortunately, this is one of the starship explosions where the people don't materialize on the transporter pad and an instant after we see the ship explode in space. We get a puff of smoke instead.
Starting point is 00:22:24 It's not a wet red smoke either. No, which is good. You know, wet red smoke would be worst case scenario. But yeah, they've got to act fast because the transporter pattern buffer is not a long-term storage medium and they're gonna lose the patterns if they don't find a place to put them.
Starting point is 00:22:43 Yeah, they basically Scotty Dyson's fear. Everyone's pattern. Yeah, that's a great call. But they need to act fast because each person contains a finite amount of data, and there's only so much room in the station's computer, so they need to get with the deleting and fast. Yeah, they basically reset the station to factory settings in order to have enough space to do this. And they shunt everything that's in the pattern buffer into the station's computer.
Starting point is 00:23:14 The patterns are gone. Did the computer save them in time? I think so, but I'm not sure where. The idea that they don't know if they save the data and having more data than they have space for is a real computer that John uses to record friendly fire situation. Yeah, seriously. And it's interesting to see Eddington like just sweating bullets still, like when you know that that seems like it should that that fix seems like it should, that that fix seems like it should give us some space to breathe and it really doesn't.
Starting point is 00:23:48 And for as much of a rat fuck is Eddington who's been up until now, like when he's given command, he is not relishing this moment. No, he takes it really seriously. And I think how in over his head, he feels is something that I could really sympathize with, you know.
Starting point is 00:24:05 Or Eddington has not been made sympathetic in this way that many times. And I thought this was an interesting way of doing it, because it doesn't make you like him, it just makes you like feel his pain, you know. There's a pace to the question and answer portion of this episode that really accelerates this moment, because right at about the time that Eddington is like okay where's their pattern we go back into Bashir's Jack-Shack and the Navisa Torres there in an evening gown. Well this wasn't my idea. She is doing a much better fake accent than the lady in that first scene. Colonel and Astasia Comonano, KGP.
Starting point is 00:24:45 Ops communicates with Bishir and overhears, like, any tin can hear Kira's voice in a very fun moment. That's like, who is that? Who are you talking to? It's at this point that Bishir is cautioned. He must keep the program going because the thing that the computer did
Starting point is 00:25:03 is that they shunted all of the data from the surviving crew people into all these different areas of the station. And one of the primary places for storage is the Hollis Wheat. Yeah. So, people from real life are going to be playing characters in this Hollis Wheat program. And there's some rules that are established here. Like they cannot end the program or like call for the door or anything. They have to keep playing the game as it was designed.
Starting point is 00:25:33 But also the the safeties are off. So death is on the line. And I was just thinking what if the rules were that like when Kira shows up, it's actually Kira, it's not her face on a character, and like all of the crew people start showing up as themselves, but it becomes totally clear after an amount of time that this is a jack-off program for Bashir and he has to jack it in front of everyone. Like all of these computer characters are like disrobing and throwing themselves at the shears. He can't stop them. Like they're their head they have control over their
Starting point is 00:26:13 head, but their bodies are doing the program. Oh, I mean, it could be even more innocent than that. Like there, there is incidental characters, but these computer characters are trying to fuck this year and they've got to watch. They're just stuck in the room with them. Yeah, it's so... Like, there are three rules this year. You can't end the program, you can't call for the door, and you can't kick anyone out of your room. You cannot stop coming.
Starting point is 00:26:40 That's not a punch-up, that's a punch-it. I'm a rain, come to a Ford, I'm a rain, come to a Ford, I'm a rain, come to a Ford, I'm a rain, come to a Ford, I'm a rain, come to a Ford, I'm a rain, come to a Ford, I'm a rain, come to a Ford, I'm a rain, come to a Ford, I'm a rain, come to a Ford, I'm a rain, come to a Ford, I'm a rain, come to a Ford, I'm a rain, come to a Ford, I'm a rain, come to a Ford, I'm a rain, come to a Ford, I'm a rain, come to a Ford, I'm a rain, come to a Ford, I'm a rain, come to a Ford, I'm a rain, come to a Ford, I'm a rain, come to a Ford, I'm a rain, come to a Ford, I'm a rain, come to a Ford, I'm a rain, come to a Ford, I'm a rain, come to a Ford, I'm a rain, come to a Ford, I'm a rain, come to a Ford, I'm a rain, come to a Ford, I'm a rain, come to a Ford, I'm a rain, come to a Ford, I'm a rain, come to a Ford, I'm a rain, come to a Ford, I'm a rain, come to a Ford, I'm a rain, come to a Ford, I'm a rain, come to a Ford, I'm a rain, come to a Ford, I'm a rain, come to a Ford, I'm a rain, come to a Ford, I'm a rain, come to a Ford, I'm a rain, come to a Ford, I'm a rain, come to a Ford, I'm a rain, come to a Ford, I'm a rain, come to a Ford, I'm a rain, come to a Ford, I'm a rain, come to So the plot of the game is that the Russian secret service has discovered that a bunch of artificial earthquakes have been happening all over the world, and they want to work with MI6 and specifically Bashir on figuring out how to stop it. They realize that a certain geologist has gone missing. Professor Honeybear. And there's like a black envelope with a headshot of said geologist, and it's DAX. Yeah, there's a pace to these revelations
Starting point is 00:27:33 that is quickening, right? You got your DAX as your doctor, you've got O'Brien as the eye patchman. It's Falcon. You've got Cisco as the heavy, the enbus. And Dr. Noah. Another interesting way to direction to take this premise would have been for Garrick to kind of see it an opportunity in this. Like how so? Nothing is stopping Garrick from just going computer and program, you know.
Starting point is 00:27:59 Like there's a moment where he threatens to do that, and Bersierter uses fairly serious means to stop him. But, you know, Garrett could, could like, take over the station right now, I feel like. Yeah, if there was ever a time, this is it. And computer and program would not be the way to do that, but there's leverage here that he could be exploiting, and he's the kind of character who's shown some willingness to exploit leverage in the past.
Starting point is 00:28:25 He expresses an angle to this situation that I think is really interesting, which is the idea of breaking a couple of eggs to make this omelet. He's like, look, real spies have to make hard choices. You want to save dacs fine, but you may not have the luxury of saving everyone.
Starting point is 00:28:43 Yeah, he's like, what's it gonna take for for me to convince you to kill say, O'Brien? Yeah. Yeah. And that's something that Kira even goes for. He has to wrench the gun out of her hand after they get into a fairly low-key fist fight with a bunch of goons and and I patched O'Brien. There's some cross cutting between the conflicts happening in the program and the effort to fix the problem on the station. And one funny revelation is that the Hollisweitz
Starting point is 00:29:17 have been jury rigged by ROM using like tangled pasta amount of wires. I loved this. I loved like we've seen what a clean, starfleet spec open panel looks like and we've seen what they look like on this show and you know giving the props department the brief of like do that but ROM did it. They kind of do this a lot in this series where they open up a panel and reveal wiring and it's up to you as a viewer to understand if it's good or fucked up
Starting point is 00:29:52 Yeah, it's cool that there's kind of a visual language there and like the second you see this stuff you know that it is done in a non-regulation way right and so what they come, like, and there's like a McLaughlin group, is you want, eventually, with Odo editington, Quark and Rob. Really you're a team, right? Right. It's kind of a disaster effect where it's the config of people at the helm that are really non-ideal for solving this problem. And what they've come up with is that the bodies of the five members of the Oranoko crew are in the Hall of Sweet and that their
Starting point is 00:30:36 minds are everywhere else in the station. So they need to figure out a way to get them back into the transporter when the transporter is repaired. That will re merge them. And the high stakes, international superspy game that Bashir is playing will have to be run until that point. And he will have to do everything in his power to keep keep characters from dying and keep himself and Garak from being killed while the while the safeties are off. It also reminded me of the a fistful of data's episode in TNG where you get
Starting point is 00:31:15 presented with characters you like acting outside of their character the way data does. And Michael Dorn was in both of those episodes. Yeah. He gets a fun character to play here as Mischoud Ducal. Ducal. Ducal. Ducal. Ducal. Ducal. Ankylis or. Yeah. He does not attempt to French accent. No, unfortunate. So the thing is he's kind of like the go between
Starting point is 00:31:41 for Dr. Noah who will meet in a bit, but they have to convince him that Bashir should be introduced to Dr. Noah and he introduces himself to Mr. Dushon as a pre-eminent geologist and somebody that Dr. Noah should want to know. It's like an insult to him that he wasn't invited to this party. And Worf says that the price to get into this party uninvited will be 5 million francs. And Bashir pulls out like a single bank note. And Worf says, where's the rest? And he says, I'm about to gamble you for it.
Starting point is 00:32:23 That is preposterous. I mean, he's just a it. That is preposterous. I mean, he's just a grinder. You don't gamble. You grind it out. I guess so, but here's what's preposterous about it. I was just in Senegal. I says, been established.
Starting point is 00:32:36 It's a country that has a very strong haggling culture. So if you go up to a, you know, somebody that is selling something, like if you're gonna up to a, you know, somebody that is selling something, like if you're, if you're going to take a taxi, you know, the price that they're going to quote you from, you know, the moment you propose to hire their taxi is going to be vastly higher than what they will actually accept, ultimately, which is not like I'm very allergic to this as a strongly
Starting point is 00:33:04 conflict of verse only child. Like the idea of paying somebody less than they have asked me to pay for something is something I have a very hard time with. But it is how most things get done there, it seems. And then- It's why your picture still hangs at the car dealership. Yep, they love me there.
Starting point is 00:33:30 But one of my colleagues- They were one of my colleagues, one of my colleagues that I was there with was telling me a story where she was in a market and somebody came up to her with a bunch of like necklaces or trinkets or something and was really pushing hard on her trying to sell her on buying one of these things and quoted her a price and then said, now you tell me your price and we'll find a way to meet in the middle. And she was like, I know how haggling works. I don't want this. I would haggle with you if I wanted it. But that's like the premise of haggling is not you convincing me to buy it because I remain unconvinced and that's I think the problem with this. I'm in a gamble you for the five million dollars. I need to pay you seen because do show doesn't want him to go to the party.
Starting point is 00:34:14 Like doesn't want to make the introduction. So I play the game right, but that's that's part of the jack jack program. Yeah. And but sure, you know, like it's an elliptical edit. Like we go check in with the with the the, the, the forangies that are trying to fix the situation on the outside and come back. And Bashir is like, is like counting his five million francs. And, uh, and, uh, and Worf is like, uh, you're really great at Bacarot, which is a preposterous
Starting point is 00:34:42 statement because Bacarot is a 100% luck based game. It's one of the things that intrigues me about it. Let's go play someone and start check Las Vegas. I don't play gambles, Adam, remember? I'll earn us enough to meet Mr. Dushal. Do you think that the waitresses will bring you a hoof if you play at a high stakes enough table? Oh hell yeah, I bet they don't see too many houffs in the high stakes area of a casino Well, these two tuxedoed men that just walked in are gonna change everything about that. Yeah Well, and why are there tuxedo's wet? Adam did this take place in that part of the 90s where cigars became super popular
Starting point is 00:35:29 all of a sudden? Everybody smokes a stogie in this episode. Yeah, it's true. It kind of looks like it belongs with Wharf slash Duchamp. Like he looks good smoking a cigar. As an affectation. What wharf slash do Sean is smoking is a blunt. With which he uses to knock out Bashir as a...
Starting point is 00:35:55 Yeah. He's done that move that you see in like movies about the 80s where you stick the cigarette into the cocaine before you light it. Right. He did that with a cigar. Yeah. And he blows it all over them and they wake up in the mountain top layer of Dr. Hypocritus Noah.
Starting point is 00:36:17 The mountain top layer being a ski chalet on Mount Everest at 25,000 feet, Ben. Yeah. Which I guess means it has its own oxygen? Yeah, the house must be pressurized. Okay. Okay. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha I'm at the state school. I don't use the bucket anymore. The site in the background has a tape seam on it, Ben. That's the level that we're working with here. Yeah, it's kind of kind of rickety.
Starting point is 00:36:53 I was on Twitter just this morning, making an argument for a CBS all-access exclusive HD remaster of DS9. And there's episodes like this that make the case against that. Yeah, it truly does. I don't think you'd ever want to see an HD transfer of this one. Yeah. But everything has that 60 sensibility though.
Starting point is 00:37:17 So, it's sort of in keeping with what it's trying to present. Yeah, that's true. I don't think that Bond films looked this crappy, but definitely like TV attempts at that vibe looked crappy in the 60s, and I don't know. I wonder about that tape seam though. It is like calling attention to itself in a way that almost seems like satire, but feels like a mistake.
Starting point is 00:37:44 One thing that is most definitely bond film bad is Dr. Noah's plan. He's got evil bad guy plans, and one of which is a laser-based earthquake triggering system. Yeah, he's secretly hidden lasers in Star Trek caves all over the world. They're going to drill down into the core and release an amount of magma that will shrink the size of the earth and cause sea levels
Starting point is 00:38:14 to rise so that Mount Everest is the only land that's left above the waves, and he's going to rebuild the super society on that island with all the like smerdest scientists that he's gathered around him. Diabolical, visionary. You know, water world came out in 95, just as this episode did. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:39 This is sort of the water world plan. Yeah, except for I didn't get the sense that water world was done on purpose. If Dr. Noah just wanted to drink his own urine, he could do that from the privacy of his Mount Everest ski chalet layer. Yeah, just go into his chalet's hollow suite, lock the door behind him. Yeah, turn himself into a dirty, dirty piss boy. This is a political philosophy that we hear espoused today by that purple guy in those dumb
Starting point is 00:39:08 Marvel movies. Yeah. Yeah. It was a guy named Theranos. Yeah. No, that's the blood company. I thought they named their blood company after the bad guy in the Avengers movies. Oh, to be cool.
Starting point is 00:39:21 Maybe that's what it is. Yeah. But yeah, he does the thing where he ties that our hero up at the base of the lasers in the Star Trek caves. And it's revealed that that DAX, the in the character of the brilliant geologist that Hapocritus Noah has abducted to work on this is actually on board with this evil, evil plan. And she's like, they're in the cave making final adjustments as as Gary can Bashir, still in their texitos, struggle against their bonds.
Starting point is 00:39:56 Bashir kind of, she's all that's her. And like, I was like initially really grossed out by this, but then I realized that it's sending up that part of James Bond that he's so just sexually magnetic that he's able to trick an evil woman into doing something for him, which is a very like James Bond gross 60s idea. And also, her character is a sociopath, right? She's there doing work while two people who are about to get engulfed in magma are just chained up.
Starting point is 00:40:27 I'd give you both some privacy, like good. And she's like, that character is fine with that, but also open to the idea of like taking down her hair and taking off her glasses to look more sexy for one of them. It's instructive about the shears character in that way, but also in the video game way, because I don't know if you're like this, but I like to play video games at the hardest level that I can while still keeping it fun. Like sometimes you don't turn it all the way up
Starting point is 00:40:57 because it's just no fun, it's so hard. It's weird that Bashir chooses easy mode for his video game. And I think that's a bad look. Yeah, but I mean, of all the bad looks that Bashir has had, this might be the least bad. Yeah, a lot of volumes in that series about Bashir, right? Yeah, but anyways, she's so overcome by his sexual magnetism that she palms him, the key to his
Starting point is 00:41:29 handcuffs, well, well, laying one on him. And it's really funny, like the way she like takes her hand out of her lab coat and like reaches down while she's kissing him really looks like she's rubbing on his dick. You know? But in fact, she's palming the key to him. Oh, she's palming the key. All right. And then we get like a chase scene through the Star Trek caves where, you know, boulders are falling from the ceiling and the lasers going off.
Starting point is 00:42:05 Doesn't seem like this laser is linked to all the other lasers, right? Now, they don't appear to be firing simultaneously. And this is where the argument takes place, right? There comes a time when the odds are against you and the only reasonable portion of action is to quit. Everything is gonna be in jeopardy if you don't kill a couple of these characters
Starting point is 00:42:28 or like turn the thing off. Like, Garyk is not willing to risk his own life for saving these other people and is on the precipice of calling for the door or ending the program a move that will potentially end their lives when Bashir uses his little mini, you know, spy gun to shoot Garrick in the neck. It reminded me a lot of when Warf tried to kill Kor, a couple episodes ago.
Starting point is 00:42:56 Yeah. In the last episode. Same cave. There was just one aspect to Garrick's argument here that was missing, which was the dying in a dumb way argument. Like throughout the episode, he kind of smirks his way through what a weird interest Bishir has in this whole thing. Right.
Starting point is 00:43:16 And he's making the case here that like, look, they need to cut their losses, save the two lives that they can save and get back to the station. But he never mentions how bad he would feel to die in such a dumb way, like tied to a laser beam or drowned in lava. Yeah. Because he is a serious military spy hero person. Like it's almost like what Bashir wants to become in this program is what Garek actually is. Right. And that's, I mean, they hang a lantern on that, right?
Starting point is 00:43:45 Like the Garrick gets accused of being, of taking exception to a way, to wish he plays this game, because it is something he has a professional interest in. Yeah. I think that's really interesting, the idea of like, you know, not wanting the reason of your death to be embarrassing your funeral or whatever. Yeah. You don't want to get that Michael Hutchins situation if you can help it. You want to be remembered for the great work you did, not the weird sexual way that you died.
Starting point is 00:44:19 I always think of the, uh, David Caradine for that. Yeah. He went out that way too. Great body of work, but what do you remember? It's too bad. Okay, I know. Diet of what was told, everybody was told was a heart attack a couple of years ago. And he was like very young
Starting point is 00:44:38 and it just seemed like so crazy. And I recently heard a rumor that I don't know if I should believe or not, but that it was a drug overdose, actually. And it is very hard for me not to think about that while we're having this conversation because the reaction I had to it was like, if it was a drug overdose, it's such a disservice to everyone who knew him to cover that up. Yeah. Because a drug overdose is basically the potential end of a disease. And a disease that has a social aspect to it.
Starting point is 00:45:14 And the secrecy around it is part of why it's potentially lethal. And I can really understand a family not necessarily wanting, imagining that there will be some kind of shame associated with that information becoming public. But I also think that like, it's like one of those things that perpetuates, like the social taboos surrounding addiction that make it so dangerous. It feels a little like organ donation. Like I think there's a chance to do good there that you miss by keeping it to yourself. Right.
Starting point is 00:45:52 I think that like even if they don't necessarily say it out loud, it does feel like it's in Andrew Robinson's performance here. Like I really liked the way he did this episode. It, you know, despite my complaint that like Garrick might have had a more sinister approach to a dilemma like this and like tried to exploit it for something, like I think that the character of Garrick in this is really good and on point in how strongly he disagrees with the way Bashir is conducting the game.
Starting point is 00:46:26 I think there's a difficulty setting to the game that we're never made to believe is any harder than easy. Yeah. That takes me out of it because if we knew that it was on easy mode the whole time, we would be on Bashir's side hard. But because the aspect of its difficulty is ambiguous, there are times in this episode when I'm on Garek's side. Yeah. Because he doesn't know how easy of a time Bashir will have short circuiting Noah's plan
Starting point is 00:47:02 and ending the game like that. No one could know that except this year. And that this year never says at any point what his plan will be, I don't know. Well, he's just embarrassed. He's just embarrassed that when he first installed the game disc, you know, and it asked him to pick what mode he was gonna play on, he picked easy, you know.
Starting point is 00:47:24 You know, like that's something that I could totally understand being a little bit embarrassed about. Yeah. Hard mode is jacking it in front of Noah at the end in order to win. He's gonna raise the sea level with his own comb. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha They make it back to the single room of the pressurized Himalaya layer. Himalaya? Himalaya. And yeah, they've got to like kill two more minutes to give Rob enough time to like turn the screw that's gonna rematerialize the crew.
Starting point is 00:48:09 They've like wired the station into the defiant because the defiant has a working transporter pad still and they're gonna shunt all of the information in the Hollis suite and all of the information in the deep space nine main computer into the pattern buffers on the defiant. They've totally juries rigged this thing. Bashir's got to kill some time though.
Starting point is 00:48:32 So the way he decides to do that is by agreeing hard with the evil villain monologue that Hapokritis Noah is doing about the important work of killing everybody on Earth in order to create a super society. You're absolutely right. About what? Everything.
Starting point is 00:48:53 So much so that he goes over to the computer panel and hits the button. And Hapacritus Noah explodes like a fembot in the Austin Powers movies. I thought this was so fun. The idea of a villain doing something this evil on this scale and then being a little disappointed when it actually happens. It was more just for the game of having you come stop me really. I was hoping that they cut over to the psych and you could see a price's right right, quality, effect of like a piece of blue velvet rising to cover up the mountains in the background. Yeah, like it would have been fun to have like a like hearing like some kind of structural
Starting point is 00:49:34 pops and squeaks as the as the house that is normally used to being in very low pressure. Yeah, certainly surrounded by normal pressure, you know, a normal amount of air pressure. So the plan works in both worlds. Yeah. Data transfer complete IAM reestablishing computer control over the station. They're able to beam the crew away and Bashir and Garrick can leave, but things aren't great with them. Because Bashir shot Garrick not long ago. I mean, he kind of respect Knuck's Bishir for standing in his truth in that way.
Starting point is 00:50:11 Yeah, the game's over, but they remain friends. Yeah, and they're gonna get back into the swing of being buddies that actually meet up for lunch and stuff. Yeah. Just a habit they seem to have gotten out of lately. So that's good. That's nice. Did you like the episode, Adam?
Starting point is 00:50:31 I'm trying to be better at watching and enjoying and appreciating these episodes. It made me think a lot about like, because I have a hard time. This deep space nine wants you to make you want to be a better man, Adam. I have a hard. This deep space nine wants you to make you want to be a better man, Adam. I have a hard time with mixing my silly and with my sci-fi. Have you seen Star Trek before?
Starting point is 00:50:53 Well, that's the thing. There's a difference between a self-aware version of silly that you get in a our man Bashir or little green man and and a type of silly that is retroactively silly which is what you get if you watch original series Star Trek in the right mood you know yeah it doesn't age very well but I'm coming around to the idea of not just reflexively disliking episodes like these. I think there is room for them. I think it is odd, like in the way that we talk about sequencing series, like that this is so
Starting point is 00:51:34 in such close proximity to the Little Green Men episode, it's sort of, I'm getting the bends a little bit in season four because there's more of this than I was expecting. Right. Makes me wonder if we're going to go really dark soon. As a trilogy, Little Green Men, the sort of KLS and our man Bashir are really light, low stakes episodes.
Starting point is 00:51:56 Yeah. It's interesting that they all happen back to back. Yeah, it makes me wonder what's coming for sure. But I did like it. I did like it because I'm working on myself, Ben. Working on myself and doing the work that it takes to enjoy an episode like this. What about you? What about you?
Starting point is 00:52:15 Beautiful. Yeah. Yeah, I liked it. All right. Wanna see if I have any priority one messages? I do. Priority one message from Starfleet coming in on Secured Channel. I need a supplement on that.
Starting point is 00:52:28 A supplement on? A supplement. A supplement. Yeah, it's extra. The interest alone could be enough to buy this ship. BAM! Ben, our first priority one message is from Mirror Universe. Matt, it just showed me.
Starting point is 00:52:43 It is for Mirror Universe Ben and Adam. Oh hold on let me go get my Mastashioed counterpart. The message goes like this thanks for the way I go. Your Mirror Universe counterpart doesn't have a doesn't have a goatee but he strokes his chin as though he does. Right. Yeah. I mean it's a different universe but you just genetically aren't that different, right? Thanks for the web's best Lord of the Rings podcast. From your Shalab impression to your Boromir has IBS bits, you always crack me up.
Starting point is 00:53:19 Excited for Hobbit once you finish Return of the King. From this friend of Tom Bombadil, thanks for all you do. Get the five stars on my Zoom. Just hope this ion storm doesn't stop this message from getting to you. Did I pronounce all of those names correctly, Ben? Uh, yeah. I think you did pretty good. Alright.
Starting point is 00:53:44 I wasn't sure what that first thing was. Voice of what? Your Shalab impression. Shalab impression. Like Tony Shalab from Monk? Yeah. I think we definitely would have a Lord of the Rings podcast if we lived in the Mirror Universe.
Starting point is 00:54:02 Nice bit of reassurance that we don't necessarily live in the Mirror Universe. There's enough content there. Out of our second priority one message here is from Julia Jones, aka A Bunch of Nicks. And as for, the worm honey bosom, but especially Joe. Hmm, a bluer obligatory bterong, what a year 2018 was. January pod intro and bin-ge to Augusty Obsidian Order Force ad. Thank you for the friendship and love.
Starting point is 00:54:36 You are my family now. Frankly, y'all saved my gluteus maximus. Joe, thank you for Denver and GGK. I love you. you soon meter millen forever pork chop sandwiches. Love always Juliet Wow Very sweet What greatest Jen has combined let no one ever Terrapart. Yeah
Starting point is 00:55:03 Pretty cool. Yeah, we could go away now, and there would just be a bunch of awesome friends out apart. Yeah, pretty cool. Yeah, we could go away now and there would just be a bunch of awesome friends out there. Yeah, think about it all the time. Be a cool legacy. Yeah, that legacy cemented, band it's done. We did it. As long as we don't fuck it up, I say in something dumb. Well, if you'd like to put dumb words in our mouths, you can go to slash JemboTron where a personal message is 100 bucks and a commercial message is 200 bucks and that was not a challenge to make us say something problematic. We do occasionally ask people to edit their p-wants. Hey Adam.
Starting point is 00:55:44 What's up in? Did you find yourself a drunk Shimoda? Runaway. Drunk Shimoda! Yeah, we didn't talk a lot about Anastasia come on enough as played by Nanaa Vizator in this app, but there's one moment that I thought was just the best. So she's like slinking on the round bed of Dr. Bichiers. And as she's talking to him, she reaches behind her head and pulls out a folder from under the bed without looking at it.
Starting point is 00:56:18 Like she she does this physical bit of acting that is so subtle and fast, and then makes with the folder and gives it to be sheer afterwards. That is amazing. I like, I laughed and laughed when I watched this. I watched it a couple of times. I wondered how many times they had to do it because like she's reaching blind into an area behind her to grab this folder.
Starting point is 00:56:40 She never flinches for a second. She grabs it on the first grab and then makes with it like it's the most natural thing in the world. I just love that moment. Very fun. What about you? My drink, Shremota, is the guy who is able to be knocked out by a piece of cork after having been flung through a glass window. Uh-huh. I love the idea that he was like 99.95 of the way toward being KO'd. And it's just the straw that broke the camel's back, a little like one ounce of aerated wood, did it.
Starting point is 00:57:20 Knocked him over with a feather. Yeah. Gotta get that, get that gold press. Get that, get that gold press. Am I right? Oh, yeah. Am I right? Oh. A greatest gen live show is something you don't want to miss.
Starting point is 00:57:36 Why? Well, it's a great opportunity to see me and Ben in person, but that's not all. FODs from all over gather at these shows to cosplay, to do pre and post show hangs, to make friends, and share their embarrassment. Hey, let's make a pretty great name for a tour. Let's do it.
Starting point is 00:57:54 The Share Your Embarrassment Tour is coming in August 2023, and we've got a bunch of dates in a lot of great places. Go to to get more info. That's to get more info. That's for dates and ticketing information for the Share Your Embarrassment Tour. I'm Jordan Morris. And I'm Jesse Thorne. On Jordan Jesse Go, we make pure, delightful nonsense. We were open awesome guests and bring them down to our level. We got stupid with Judy Greer. My friend Molly and I call it having the spaceweirds.
Starting point is 00:58:25 Pat Noswald. Could I get a Balrog burger and some air-gorn fries? Thank you. And Kumail Nanjiani. I've come back with cat toothbrushes, which is impossible to use. Come get stupider with us at Look, your podcast apps are open.
Starting point is 00:58:40 Just pull it out. Give Jordan Jesse Goatry. Being smart is hard. Be dumb instead. All right, hey, hey, hey, oh, I'm about to count you in line. These clouds are really freaking me out. I hate having to stand in line and boy, what do I? These giraffes do not smell good.
Starting point is 00:58:57 No, they do not, and they've such short nacks. But I'm hearing we need to get on this arc. Gotta get on the arc, it is about to rain, about to destroy humanity. Hey, oh, sorry, sorry, art. It is about terrain, about a story of humanity. Hey, oh, sorry, sorry, are you Noah? Yeah, I know we look like humans, but we're actually, we're podcasters. We are podcasters, so it's different. Have you heard of Ono Ross and Carrie?
Starting point is 00:59:14 We investigate spirituality, claims of the paranormal, stuff like that. And you have a boat and say the world's gonna end, so seem like something for us to check out. We would love to be on the boat. We came two by two. What do you think? O'Neil Ross and Kerry, available on [♪ Music playing in background, playing in background, playing in background, playing in background, playing in background, playing in background, playing in background, playing in background, playing in background, playing in background, playing in background, playing in background, playing in background, playing in background, playing in background, playing in background, playing in background, playing in background, playing in background, playing in background, playing in background, playing in background, playing in background, playing in background, playing in background, playing in background, playing in background, playing in background, playing in background, playing in background, playing in background, playing in background, playing in background, playing in background, playing in background, playing in background, playing in background, playing in background, playing in background, playing in background, playing in background, playing in background, playing in background, playing in background, playing in background, playing in background, playing in background, playing in background, playing in background, playing in background, playing in background, playing in background, playing in background, playing in background, playing in background, playing in background, playing in background, playing in background, playing in background, playing in background, playing in background, playing in background, playing in background, playing in background, playing in background, playing in background, playing in background, playing in background, playing in background, playing in background, playing in background, playing in background, playing in background, playing in background, playing in background, playing in background, playing in background, playing in background, playing in background, playing in background, playing in background, playing in background, playing in background, playing in background, playing in background, playing in background, playing in background, playing in background, playing in background, playing in background, playing in background, playing in background, playing in background, playing in background, playing in background, playing in background, Well, what do we have coming up on the next episode, Ben? Next episode is season four, episode 10, homefront, part one. Evidence that changelings are targeting Earth, send Cisco back to his home planet,
Starting point is 00:59:57 where he and Odo must prevent or prepare for war with the Dominion. There's the pivot. There is the pivot that we speculated maybe coming year moments ago. It's three lights in a heavy. Yeah, couple of heavy is probably. So return to Earth. Yeah, that'll be interesting.
Starting point is 01:00:18 Yeah. All right, I wonder where on Earth? Probably Paris. They go to Cisco's Creole restaurant. They're like, something tastes funky. I've never seen a crawfish, A to Faye gold before. Wobba boi.
Starting point is 01:00:39 It's just all food based. Yeah, you just see somebody was in a, you just see somebody in a security uniform taking the A out of the window and putting a CD in. We can only hope in. Yeah. Let's see if we're going to watch this in a particular way. At this moment we're on square 97 of the game of buttholes Will of the profits Gachduckbiz slash game Just one ahead is a space butthole that drops us down into an nth degree episode and Tantalizingly close
Starting point is 01:01:17 Three squares ahead Is the power our episode been so what do we do if we roll through the end? Do we have to land on that? I don't know. I don't know how this thing is coded. So it could be, it could be that. Let's see what happens. It could be that it forces us to power hour. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:01:34 You're required to learn as you play, roll. Anything could happen. I'm rolling to find out. Yeah. And I rolled a three exactly. Three exactly puts us on the power hour. Oh, Lamaray! Is this not a very serious episode?
Starting point is 01:01:59 This is going to be intense. A return to beer for a man who has really not drank much beer in the last few months. Well, we will endeavor to give this episode the serious talk that it perhaps deserves, but the sort of talk that comes from two drunk people, and that's you and me Ben. The sick shit about this is one of us
Starting point is 01:02:24 is also gonna have to do a power hour around a bet we made about some characters on Star Trek Discovery. A bet that I am looking great as far as my chances of winning are concerned. The people listening probably know which way that bet goes before before we do because we're recording this before the final episode of Star Trek Discovery comes out. Alright. Fuck. Well that'll be the next episode. Yeah. Wow. Okay. Big. Alright. We've got some some housekeeping though. We've got to thank all of the people that make this show possible, especially
Starting point is 01:03:05 the friends of DeSoto who have gone to slash Donate and chosen to support the production of this show on a monthly basis with their hard-earned decades. Thank you. That monthly support really helps. So does this support we get from priority-one messages? Yeah. And so does the support we get from people who leave a nice rating or review for our show on their pod catcher. You recommend the show to a friend or family member or colleague or whatever. All of that is hugely, hugely appreciated. Yeah, that's true.
Starting point is 01:03:43 You'll have to call a guy. We also should thank Dark Materia, who made the Picard song and let us use it as our theme music. And Adam Ragusia, who has taken the inspiration of that and run with it for all of the other original music you hear on the program. Adam Ragusia, now a wildly popular video food blogger on YouTube, you should go check out his work. It's really great.
Starting point is 01:04:06 Please check his stuff out. Is there like an easy link that we can... I mean, if you search YouTube and Adam Rekusia, I mean, he's gonna come right up. 102,000 subscribers to his feed. He has just rocketed up the charts. That's amazing. He deserves it. He really amazing. He deserves it.
Starting point is 01:04:25 He really does, he makes great video. His steak video has been my preferred steak recipe since I watched it. Like, I think he put that up more than a year ago. But he sounded like I think he just kind of caught fire because somebody posted one of his videos to Reddit and people really liked it. And so check that out.
Starting point is 01:04:46 We should thank Bill Tilly, who makes really hilarious trading cards about every episode of this show, puts them up on Twitter using the hashtag GreatestGen, and JJ Lendell, who's been making really cool portfolio print style movie posters of every episode of Deep Space 9 as we review them and putting them up the Sunday before we drop our episode about it. A treat and a joy every week. Indeed. Is that it? I think that does it Adam. Well, that'll do it for this episode of the greatest generation. We'll be back at you next time for another great episode of Star Trek Deep Space 9 and an episode of the greatest generation deep space 9 Which will be barely holding it together? If past power hours have been any indication I think there's a strong chance that it will not hold it together Interestingly, we evoke the name John Gabers on this episode and then we're doing a power hour app.
Starting point is 01:05:45 Our very next one. That's what happens, right? Case could be made that we just stole that idea from him. Right. Make it stop, make it stop. Make it stop. Make it stop. Comedy and culture. Artists owned. Audience supported.

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