The Greatest Generation - It Clears the Dance Floor (DS9 S5E21)

Episode Date: January 6, 2020

When Martok gets commissioned to captain the worst ship in the Klingon military, Worf gets the honor of whipping the crew into shape. But when Dax starts to observe a certain lack of commitment among ...the crew, she’s the only one that can warn Worf of the true danger they are in. Does Worf even have a job around here? Who’s got the biggest arms in Star Trek? Is more fucking the solution to the Rotaran’s morale problem? It’s the episode where we’re 👏 back 👏 on👏 our 👏 bullshit! 🖖GET TICKETS TO GREATEST GEN KHAN II: STAR TREK III🖖 Follow The Game of Buttholes: The Will of the Prophets! Support the production of The Greatest Generation. Music by Adam Ragusea & Dark Materia  Follow Adam and Ben on Twitter, and discuss the show using the hashtag #GreatestGen! Facebook group | Subreddit | Wiki Sign up for our mailing list!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Priority 1 message from Starfleet coming in on Secured Channel. Hey friends of Disodo. Before today's episode, we just wanted to take a moment to talk about the historic labor actions being taken by writers and actors in the American Film and Television industry. If you're a fan of the work done by the people who make Star Trek, we hope you'll join us in standing in solidarity with the folks who actually bring these adventures to life. Over the past several years, the AMPTP, the organization that represents the American Film and Television Production Studios, have reduced the profit from movies and TV going to workers. And in so doing,
Starting point is 00:00:35 they've attempted to weaken the labor unions that represent those workers. They wouldn't even engage the unions on many issues in their negotiations. And so a strike was the only course of action to take. Adam, Wendy and I have been having a lot of internal discussions about how best to stand with the unions and we are continuing those conversations in a dynamic situation. We're doing our best to understand where the picket lines are in these digital spaces,
Starting point is 00:01:01 and we would never intentionally cross one. With the information we have, we feel like we can do more good talking about and supporting the strike and continuing our show as planned. We'll keep you informed about what all this means for greatest trek specifically. Today we're making a contribution to the Entertainment Community Fund. This fund exists to help all the people whose livelihoods have been put on hold because the AMPTP refuses to negotiate
Starting point is 00:01:25 in good faith with the unions. It provides financial support for writers, actors, and all the thousands of laborers who make the shows that we talk about here and without whom we wouldn't have Star Trek to cast pot about. Those folks are all out of work because billionaires, company shareholders, and the executives of these companies don't want to compromise on the length of their yachts. We hope you'll join us in supporting entertainment workers in a challenging time, especially after they've already endured several years of challenges brought on by the pandemic
Starting point is 00:01:55 and season two of Star Trek Picard. We've set up a page where you can also contribute. It's at That's friendsofdececoto for That's FriendsOfDecoto for Link in the episode description. Okay, now let's get on with the show. Here's to the finest crew in Starfleet. Engage! Welcome to the greatest generation Deep Space 9. It's a Star Trek podcast by a couple of guys who are a little bit embarrassed about having a Star Trek podcast.
Starting point is 00:02:38 I'm Adam Pranaka. I'm Ben Harrison. Ben, at the end of the last episode, you said something that peaked my interest, something that you'd hidden from me. You had you had you had a date from you. Well, I knew for a while that you were sitting on all of these all of these Lego kits these kits purchased with the help of our supporters at the Friends of DeSoto purchased with the help of our supporters at the Friends of DeSoto. This was sort of like the thing to make right the destruction of the Millennium Falcon.
Starting point is 00:03:10 Because as soon as we made that a stretch goal for last year's Max Fund Drive, there was a not instant, substantial amount of people who were like, you're not just going to destroy something beautiful and then throw it away, right? Like, those pieces are good for stuff. Well, here's the thing. You can't donate used Legos. No. You can probably donate them to like a good will or something.
Starting point is 00:03:36 Yeah, like a thrift store would take them, but like, something that Ben and I care a lot about was making sure that these went to a children's hospital. Yeah. I care deeply about children's hospitals sure that these went to a children's hospital. Yeah. I care deeply about children's hospitals and the work that they do. I was a patient and one for a very long time as a kid. They are near and dear to me. Ben, what did you do to accumulate all of these kids and then what did you do with them?
Starting point is 00:04:00 My idea initially was there's a very little Millennium Falcon Lego kit, like it's like 60 pieces. And I thought that we could kind of maximize the Millennium Falcon love by getting a lot of those. But I think that that kit has been discontinued because I'm pretty sure I bought all of the remaining stock of that that Amazon had and I followed the prices of these kits on Amazon for a few weeks until I spotted that they had kind of noticeably dipped around around some holiday sale. I can't remember exactly what it was But we dropped about a grand on Lego kits, and I just got as many Lego Millennium Falcons as I could, and then as many other kind of small to medium sized kits as I could.
Starting point is 00:04:54 Because I was going for quantity because I figure a lot of kids probably go through these hospitals and need stuff to do and ways to entertain themselves. So that's kind of the great thing about a Lego is that you build it and then you've got it and you can play with it. So I was thinking a huge kit that takes multiple days to put together is probably not an ideal thing for that. So I went for quantity and smaller kits and yeah, two huge boxes showed up at my house.
Starting point is 00:05:28 That's awesome. The way the children's hospital of Los Angeles works is they have just like drop-off days where a couple of volunteers hang out outside the hospital with like a tent set up and you schedule a time to come drop them off. And so I went down there and yeah, like I basically just had like the entire trunk of my car was full of Lego kits. And you know, when I got out of the car, I think they were imagining that I was gonna be dropping
Starting point is 00:06:03 off a few things. So they had boxes out front. And when they saw what I got out of the car, I think they were imagining that I was gonna be dropping off a few things. So they had boxes out front. And when they saw what I had, they were like, oh, come with me. And they brought out like a huge laundry hamper, like one of those, you see in production. So, so that we could fill them up with these Lego kits. And-
Starting point is 00:06:21 That must have felt so good. Yeah, like they were really thrilled. They wanted to know what gives with all these Lego kits. And I was like, oh, you know, my friend and I have a podcast. And we did a fundraising stunt where we broke a huge Lego kit. And we thought this would be a good way to kind of to spread the love and also to give back for, you know, the folks that contribute to our show. And they were like, well, we hope you think of us in the
Starting point is 00:06:52 future. This was really tremendous. This is not the typical drop off. So thank you very much. And, Yeah, I um I left feeling really great and and I you know, I hope the I hope those kids are You know something that raises the spirits of sick kids. Yeah, I hope so too, man When I was little I was in a children's hospital for a long time and like one of the things that you Really crave is your own thing, your own thing to play with because so much of it is shared. And so like all these little kits,
Starting point is 00:07:31 I know we're going to be a really big deal to a lot of the people there. One of the things that I do when I can is, like I don't go through a lot of video game systems. But when I was a patient, there were very few of them in the hospital that I always in, and you had to schedule them very far out for the hours that you could use them.
Starting point is 00:07:53 Oh, wow. And what I have done over the years is every time, every time I think to buy a new game system, which isn't often, again, I will just take my old game system and all of the games for that system to a children's hospital. Man, that's the way to do it. And donate that because that's so many hours of something to do for a sick kid. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:17 I don't know. I just think that's the right thing to do with it. Like, I'm not going to take you to a game stop and get 30 bucks for the trade-in value. Like I'm going to take you to a hospital and it's going to get used and loved. So. Yeah. When I was about 13 or 14, I had a fairly major abdominal surgery. And my best bud had a Nintendo 64, and he brought over the Ocarina of Time, so the game, and I had a two week recovery where just moving around was really painful for me.
Starting point is 00:08:56 So he just brought that over, and for days and days we played that game together. And that was a really cherished memory a really like cherished memory for me. I don't remember how painful it was. I remember how much fun I had with my friend playing that game. So recovery can feel like it takes so long. But in the way that like sitting down to play a game
Starting point is 00:09:19 like Jazz Horse is a time machine like where the hours just drain away from a day. That's what you want to have happen when you're in the hospital or recovering from something. The gift of a video game, or a thing to put together, like a Lego kid, I think, is really perfect. Yeah, and when we came up with the idea of destroy the Falcon, we looked into, like, okay, once we smashed this thing,
Starting point is 00:09:46 what do we do with the Legos and the idea of donating them was in our heads, but the hospitals cannot take unwrapped, used toys for the reason of, it makes perfect sense. Of, you know, like they can't be sure that these things don't have vectors on them. Right.
Starting point is 00:10:07 So they, you know, on, on behalf of their patients and protecting their safety, if they're, especially if they're immunocompromised, like they just want, like brand new kits and Legos are always something that they're looking for. So hilariously, when we dropped the Millennium Falcon, every last brick was taken by an audience member. So there would have been nothing to give anyway. We dropped it off the stage at our Los Angeles live show this past year. And yeah, we kind of, I think you both, you and I both were like, okay, well, at the end of the night, like, it's going to be the two of us squatting on the floor of this venue, like picking up little bits of Lego. And that was not the problem. Like people took all of the Legos and we signed a bunch of the pieces, like some of the
Starting point is 00:10:57 chunks kind of stayed together and people came through the meat and great line. That we loaded into the venue, we were fully expecting to flinch at the confetti deposit that we'd have to to do something like that in a venue because that's not unheard of. Like when you make a mess in a room during a performance, like, right, you're on the hook for that. Yeah. Okay. A lot of the shows that we do, we have to like sign something that says we won't use a fog machine or whatever. Like they many of them don't want us to give out stickers either for that reason. Yeah. And then you and L.A. was super cool about us just doing something weird.
Starting point is 00:11:36 Yeah, like they were fans of like they were geeking out over the kit and talking to us about it. It was like that was a fun show. Yeah. We're good people. I really can't wait for people to see that video. I don't know if it will be out by the time this episode is out, but we have all the parts shot now, so we just need to get it edited. Well, shot and edited both is the episode we're here to talk about today. And that's a good thing. It's a good thing, season five of episode 20. It's a good thing, episode 21 of season five was complete when we watch it.
Starting point is 00:12:09 I think that's the way it's director of our Burton would have wanted it. It's soldiers of the Empire. Do you realize how incredible this seems? No, of course you don't. Mar-Tok is back on his bullshit. He was throwing guys off the second story of the promenade in the last episode, but we didn't even get to see him. This episode is in the infirmary with a stab wound that he claims was inflicted during some,
Starting point is 00:12:43 he was like cross-training in the hollow suites. Another three centimeters to the right and he would have severed your break-out tree. Yeah, I thought maybe the guy he tried to throw over the railing stabbed him in the process. Yeah. Because then you could understand it's like a, it's like a throw off the railing by self-defense.
Starting point is 00:13:00 Yeah. I would love to see the medical scene where you know those weird scissors that they have in hospitals to like cut your shirt off so that they can get it a wound. Uh-huh. That like the kind of like offset scissors with the like weird little tab at the bottom of the blade so that it doesn't accidentally stab you. Right. How would that cope with clinging on armor? I don't know. You get a lot of flavors of that armor in this step too. Right. How would that cope with clinging on armor? I don't know. You get a lot of flavors of that armor in this step too. Yeah. A lot to think about. Bersier is pissed off that Martak is is training in such a way that he would sustain an injury like this. And Martak kind of rolls his
Starting point is 00:13:39 eyes at Bersier because one of Bersier's primary concerns is all of the blood getting into the carpet of the infirmary. Yeah, observation is noted. I never really thought about what the floor service in the infirmary was, but the Kardashians are idiots. Yeah, it's a really bad move. It's like, have you ever visited someone's house and they've had a carpeted bathroom?
Starting point is 00:14:02 Oh, so foul. It's really fucked up. Like clinics who'd have floor drains. I feel like that, like, old ladies choose the carpeted bathroom. Yeah. Because old ladies don't know what mayhem the rest of us are, like, especially younger men are inflicting on the floors of bathrooms.
Starting point is 00:14:21 Yeah, you know, to your point, I will say every instance where I've encountered a carpeted bathroom has been in the home of bathrooms. Yeah, you know, to your point, I will say every instance where I've encountered a carpeted bathroom has been in the home of an old lady. So that's how it is. Yeah. Old ladies don't have aim issues. Old men do. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:37 Yeah, that's not. Think of every hospital you've ever been in also. Yeah. Or your clinic. Like, there's no, that's a carpet-free environment. Yeah. The carpet is, is gotta be just teeming with the most heinous bacteria in that, in firmerie on deep space nine.
Starting point is 00:14:55 Two things you don't get in a cardassian infirmary, carpet or drapes. Ha ha ha. Is it? Isn't, is there an episode of deep Space Nine that's like the outbreak or the contagion episode? On the top of it is on his prayer through direct human contact. Now you said that to yourself Sam. I know what I told you but now I'm telling you we're facing a new strain. I love a disease outbreak film and I feel like if Star Trek is a place, the one about the crazy super virus that started
Starting point is 00:15:28 on Deep Space 9 because it's such a place of cross pollination between different alien cultures, that would be interesting. I bet. I mean, is this too obvious to think that the reason that every set is carpeted in Star Trek is because of diagetic sound. Yeah, yeah, it makes sense. I mean, that's got to be it, right? It deadens the space and it makes it a lot easier for, like when you're a boom-up, you have a choice of having the microphone
Starting point is 00:15:56 being below the frame or above the frame. And like you typically think of the boom-up as having the microphone above the frame. And more often than anything else, the reason for that is not for the boom-ops comfort, but because if you have a directional microphone below the frame pointing up, it's very likely to be pointing at an air vent and getting that sound also. Or a light fixture with a subtle buzz to it. Any number of things are happening up above.
Starting point is 00:16:30 Yeah. So having the mic be up above and pointed down and presumably at carpet just beyond the mouths of the actors are trying to mic is the ideal configuration. Every non-floor surface is also sound reflective and start track too. Like nothing is acoustically, like there's no sound deadening. And you know what, I'm gonna walk that back.
Starting point is 00:16:56 The transport room set on the Enterprise D had acoustic tile on it, right? To the Dianne, it had a lot of texture in it. Yeah, that's what you need, but that explains the carpet. And that's why O'Brien's got three smash hit R&B albums. Yeah, so Marthakis is sent away with that stern suggestion by Bashir, but you know he's not gonna listen. Yeah, he heads right to Commander Warf
Starting point is 00:17:27 who is working with Cadet Nag on something on the little D, which I feel like we haven't seen in a long time. Yeah, I agree. If you're gonna get a big and a little doing automobile maintenance, Warf is too big to be under that panel. That's not it, bring me the Hydro's panel. Not could be just sitting on the ground instead of lying on his back. Yeah. It seems like it might be better for Warf and his body if he were if he were giving the
Starting point is 00:17:56 orders and handing the wrenches. But Aaron Eisenberg is a really little guy. Yeah. Compared to Michael Doran and J.G. Heert Slur, he is comically small in this scene. And I don't feel like Michael Doran. Michael Doran, it's shot too. It's also shot at his height. So it really emphasizes the height disparity between the actors. Yeah. And this is laid for comedy because Nog is kind of caught between Marthok and Wharf as they discuss the injury that Marthok has sustained. We find out that it was actually inflicted by Wharf and Nag is awkwardly trying to extricate himself
Starting point is 00:18:33 from the conversation, which is how I feel in almost every conversation I've ever been in. Could I just slip by? Does everything just have to be a fucking conflict with Klingons? Like let Nag leave the room, Martak. Like if this were on a Klingonship, would Nag have had to kill Martak to just like leave and go to the bathroom?
Starting point is 00:18:56 Give me a break. Yeah. They love their conflict. Yeah. Martak is psyched because after a time of just throwing people off of railings at deep space nine and cooling his jets, there has been word of a missing ship and a mission that's been given to him to find it. The high council has given him command and a crew and the mission is to go find this thing and he wants wharf to be his exo. Yeah, it's a uh, we're going to get our own ship and we're going to go do a mission as long as you can get permission from your boss kind of episode open. Yeah. Yeah, complete with wharf eyes to theme,
Starting point is 00:19:40 which is a classic classic throw to theme by this show and TNG. Yeah, like a comfortable old pair of shoes. It is very much a, I would love to have a sleepover, but I need to ask dad first. Sharshar, duggsicles. Wouldn't it be okay if Amy stayed over at my house tonight? I have a situation because we two cut to Cisco's. And after like, Worph's doing that thing where he's over-explaining the thing he's interested in doing in order to get permission.
Starting point is 00:20:12 And again, like, there's two episodes in a row where Cisco just does not care about his crew or anything that are going through it all. He almost cuts him off and is like, fine, just go. I'm trying to read. Like he opened, like the scene opens with Cisco going like, yeah, I'm going to say yes about this.
Starting point is 00:20:29 But I'm curious like why you're interested. When you get a yes, you can talk your way back into no from the person you need permission of. So it's best to just shut up after you get the yes. Yeah. Worth manages to stay in yes territory despite getting way too wordy. Yeah. And what he describes is when they were all in that asteroid in the custody of the Gemadar, and Wurf
Starting point is 00:20:54 was fighting Gemadar all day every day. He got to a point where he was ready to give up, ready to let them end him honorably. And he had this moment with Mar-tock where they kind of were endlessly connected. I think he calls it Tova-Doc. It was a moment of Tova-Doc. Of what? This is something that happens between warriors on the battlefield It's like a like Legolas and Gimli catching each other's eyes across across the battlefield It's like the Robert Redford meme where he's like nodding at you and the cameras racking in Is that Robert Redford with the huge beard?
Starting point is 00:21:46 Yeah. Isn't it not? What? I just thought it was some red-haired man. Yeah, that's Robert Redford. What movie is that? It's Jeremiah Johnson. Wow. Here you go, Ben. I never had any idea that that was Robert Redford. Yeah. It is indeed. So what Wurf is describing is Mar-Tok Jeremiah
Starting point is 00:22:08 Johnsoning him. Yeah. It's sort of a warrior's heart transplant, right? Like because he because he feels his health meter restored thanks to this glance. And Cisco dismisses him with detached leave. Yeah. He's kind of tired of hearing anymore about this. It's a bit like what happened to Riker with the Pah, right? He's like, he's now remanded into the, into the Klingon military.
Starting point is 00:22:38 They exchanged Kaplas and I kind of felt like Wurf was like anglicizing his Kaplaw. Kaplaw. Kaplaw. Oh shit, dude. I thought the same thing. Like he's kind of he's kind of code switching for Cisco. Cisco's like, lahayem. It's like when I go to a holiday thing at my in-laws house and I go around saying, good yontiff to everyone. It's so touristy and bad. It's one of the things that Star Trek doesn't do well when it introduces
Starting point is 00:23:14 cultures and halves them comingle. But whatever reason that part doesn't work, I know it's meant to be seen as a, you know, a friendly greeting and do a conversation in situations like this. Right. But it just comes off as very condescending. Yeah, paternalistic. Yeah. I mean, you would be one thing a fourth did at first, right? I think that's the diff.
Starting point is 00:23:41 Yeah. I mean, it made me think a lot about the way the Klingon language is spoken on discovery. Yeah. And the way it's sort of spoken in its own accent. Yeah, I mean, we laugh about it, but that's actually the way it should be. I mean, I think that it's like,
Starting point is 00:23:58 like our laughing about it is because it's weird and new, but like in this scene for some reason, it like smashed into focus that that's actually like how it would be in reality. Like if this was actually a real thing, but it's not, it's a TV show. Right. Go to Caution, the Caut, go to Caution.
Starting point is 00:24:19 So, we get a little scene in Corks. It's kind of a weird after work hang where Kira is telling O'Brien and Dr. Bershear and Dax about like how the duty roster is going to work in the absence of Worf. And I kind of wished that this scene was about like, hey, Worf's not going to be here. So we're all going to have to pick up the slack and everybody's like, what slack? But guys stay on the defiant all the time. Like, what does he do? Like, does he even have a job around here? It becomes more about who's gonna stay on the defiant now.
Starting point is 00:24:56 Yeah, I completely agree. Like, this happens all the time in an office and it's unfortunate. Like, it's part of the pressure that a person feels not to take a vacation or call and sick is the perception of being weak or not doing your duty as an employee because this shit rolls downhill. Yeah, your not gonna be considered for all the same promotions
Starting point is 00:25:24 if you're out of the office some of the time. It's one of the ways the culture of work, especially in the US, kind of enforces an unhealthy way for your job to take over your life. You do get a laundry list of things that Wurf does here that are of a complete surprise to you and me, but do not surprise DAX, Bashir, and O'Brien, as these tasks are being doled out. Doing intelligence is gonna be part of the deal.
Starting point is 00:25:54 Yeah. But for some reason goes to Dr. Bashir and everybody laughs at the idea of him being intelligent, which I thought was fun. I thought for sure someone else would end up working with Nog on the ship to finish their repairs and the B or C story would be having to do with that. Right, which seems like a natural O'Brien thing, right?
Starting point is 00:26:14 Yeah, yeah. There's also some discussion of what life is gonna be like for Wurf on this ship and the fact that, you know, the way it works on a, a, Klingon bird of praise that everybody's kind of gunning for the job of the person right above them. Right. And Wurf will be in some peril if, if he's the first officer of that ship. Wurf isn't exactly taking a luxury cruise.
Starting point is 00:26:37 At it, I'm going to have my fourth banana bread beer. That just sounds like too much. That's too much. Well, last, last episode I drank three of them, bread beer. That just sounds like too much. That's too much. Well, last, last episode I drank three of them because it was a quirk's bar episode. And we came back and I, I realized that there was an entire beer left in my, in my little cooler I have next to my desk. So I mean, come on. As they're talking at quarks, a couple of quote unquote tough looking klingons walk through the door and this is difficult because these guys are not who they are describing. I'd say those two definitely fall into the strong category.
Starting point is 00:27:21 They immediately like recoil in a kind of check out these bad asses kind of way. But other than the sleeveless warrior costume that one of them is wearing, these guys do not read as tough to me. This might just be a casting thing, but yeah, you got to cast Brian Thompson as one of these guys, right? Yeah, that would have helped it, but I feel like we've seen him as a Klingon enough times that it would be like, is that that guy we know? Who's got the biggest arms and star Trek?
Starting point is 00:27:55 Ooh. Shit. I feel like there is the perfect answer to this question, but I can't come up with it in the moment. There's an episode of Voyager with the rock in it. Yeah. Yeah, but that we've seen up until now. Yeah, I don't know. Probably some of the Dojo aliens that War 4x out with, right?
Starting point is 00:28:17 Those guys are pretty stacked. Yeah. Odo. Mr. Bunkie. Follows these guys in, and they're like, so are you on to these guys? Are they up to no good? And he basically says, like, he's keeping an eye on them because they appear to be loitering with intent, but they haven't done anything yet.
Starting point is 00:28:41 But he also cites the fact that one of them was wearing a necklace made out of Cardassian neck bones and immediately Kira walks over to the table with the two klingons of sat down at and she says, Hey, where did you get that necklace? I've actually been looking for one of those. Yeah, there's a Pandora store on the promenade that could really do a good bit of business selling those. That's something I always admire about my wife. If she sees somebody wearing something that she thinks is good, she'll just ask about
Starting point is 00:29:17 it. That's nice. Like, if I see somebody wearing a garment that I find impressive, I just turn in on myself and I go, I wish I knew where I could get something like that. You know? Yeah. I was the same way with my favorite sneaker. So people wearing them, never asked what they were.
Starting point is 00:29:39 Finally just happened upon them. Wow. Got lucky. Yeah. Yeah. You know, it looks like a Cardassian would have neck bones to spare as if they would survive the thing that removed them. It probably have four or five neck bones that they could lose before actually dying, right?
Starting point is 00:29:58 Oh, shit. Yeah, because that was one thing that was kind of confusing to me is that the things on his necklaces are kind of like long and thin. Are you suggesting that when he says neck bones, there's some kind of bone that's in those trap things on cardacians? No, just in my estimation, cardacian necks are so long and and merton hangs like that that you could remove the vertebrae from them and several of them. And the patient lives probably. Oh, so these were donor neck bones on this necklace. That's what I'm saying.
Starting point is 00:30:39 Oh wow, yeah. Yeah, you know, a Klingon would ask permission first. Yeah, Klingons are very honorable. So it's not only after this that Wurf and Dax are walking down the hallway and it's kind of one of those like, oh, you know, I don't want to say goodbye. I don't want goodbye to take too long and Dax keeps walking with him. They go through the airlock onto the Klingon bird of prey and Worf turned around. He's like, you really can't follow me onto this ship. Like, I got to go do this mission now.
Starting point is 00:31:13 And she says, oh, I'm actually going to do the mission, too. Brought to you. Brought to you. Yeah. She sure picks her spots, doesn't she? Yeah. Sometimes Worf will get called out on a mission and she'll just go to his condo to yell at him.
Starting point is 00:31:30 Other times she'll just come along. Yeah. You never know. She makes the case that this is going to be a real shit mission. Like, she sees what this episode's going to be before anyone. Yeah. And she wants to kind of watch his back, I think, partly. But partly also just wants to go do some fun clinging on shit, I think.
Starting point is 00:31:54 Why did you not tell me? It's more fun this way. Yeah, the stakes don't raise for her until much later. Right. She's very much a tourist at this point. Yeah, and she's kind of way uning through the episode in a lot of ways. She's like having fun and just like, it doesn't really matter that much what happens one way or the other. Right.
Starting point is 00:32:15 But yeah, she's going to be the science officer on this vessel that Marthok is in command of and Worf is exowing. One of the first people that Dex meets on the Rotor-Anne is Tavana and she's the engineering officer. She makes it pretty clear that this is a crew that has a pretty bad win-loss record as it comes to being out in the universe. The morale is pretty low. Yeah, and we've known that Kersan was a super famous non-Klingon person to Klingons, but this is like the first thing that comes up between her and Devana.
Starting point is 00:32:56 Yeah, Devana's like, you know, what was it her dad or her mom that, oh yeah, Devana's like, yeah, my mom knew Kersan Daxe and my mom was a huge slut and dax is like Curzon dax was also a huge slut and then they're kind of high five. Yeah, hey fucking right? Yeah, yeah feels great Love love doing it as many people as possible Sure hope those two war rubbers anyways. Anyway, morale here is pretty low.
Starting point is 00:33:28 Yeah, maybe we should do more fucking. Couple of nice looking ladies like us, all these handsome gentlemen around. Why don't we get down to a little bit more fucking? Yeah, how about fewer bone necklaces and more bonin? Yeah? Yes. You fucking nailed that. I landed on on the pad, you know, like behind the pommahorse and my and I'm kind of wobbling a little bit. Yeah. Wobbling into one of these things. Technically you landed it
Starting point is 00:34:03 though. Yeah. To be the point, none is to bother. None is to appear. I'm fucking the pay. Mr. Bucket, I have to refer to my debt state. Oh, I don't use the bucket anymore. Warf comes in and is extremely officious in that way that he gets when he's doing some Klingon stuff. Yeah, he really looks like a guy who wants to fuck with
Starting point is 00:34:27 a thermostat on the ship. Yeah. That way that he did on Ryza. There's sort of the orthodoxy of Klingonness that Worf has read a lot about, but you never see other Klingons participating in really. Yeah. Like, you can see that they all were raised like that, but
Starting point is 00:34:44 he's the only one still acting like that. He loves it though. Like you, he relishes this shit, but at the same time, like his time, he can't help but think about the time he headed that guy on the soccer field and, and to capitated him, right? I can't be far from his mind. I'm not going to be able to get it. I'm not going to be able to get it. I'm not going to be able to get it.
Starting point is 00:35:06 I'm not going to be able to get it. I'm not going to be able to get it. I'm not going to be able to get it. I'm not going to be able to get it. I'm not going to be able to get it. I'm not going to be able to get it. I'm not going to be able to get it. I'm not going to be able to get it.
Starting point is 00:35:22 I'm not going to be able to get it. I'm not going to be able to get it. I'm not going to be able to get it. smashed it and it flew right off his head. Yeah, I was picturing head separated at the neck. Yeah. Yeah. And what's crazy is both the soccer ball and the head went into the goal, won the match. One of these guys that we're told is the, is one of the tough Klingons. The guy, the sleeveless guy is the weapons officer.
Starting point is 00:35:51 He's made to bring the record of honor, like all the battles that this ship has gone through for, for worth to look over. You could say he's the ship's DJ and he needs to play the record of honor. He's doing that thing where he's got one earphone over his ear and wharf passes him a record, and he looks at the label and gives a silent nod. Yeah, I'm going to put that on. Like, yeah, I'm gonna put that on. Yeah, except it's a record that everyone hates. Yeah, it clears the dance floor out of him.
Starting point is 00:36:31 Yeah. It's also, it's like a... It's air supply. Yeah. It's also brought over on what looks like an iPad in like a bumper case that you would give a kid, you know, or an old. Yeah, like the iPad case that's like way more built up than a normal iPad case. Right.
Starting point is 00:36:55 This is for somebody who's definitely going to drop it. Yep. Yeah, it's not great news. It's, uh, this is a, this is a ship that is deeply in the doldrums in terms of not having any recent victories to speak of. No victories in the last seven months, and the crew is not feeling great about themselves. This episode has got such office space vibes to me, and by that I don't mean the movie, I just mean the place.
Starting point is 00:37:22 I think everyone is known a person like Slouchy Helmsman who like sighs before turning his office chair around to answer a question. If you're looking for victories, you won't find any. Like these attitudes feel so grounded in reality. This is not a cling on problem. It's just a team of people problem. What would you say you do here? Yeah, it's a workplace vibe that has a workplace
Starting point is 00:37:49 of failure. Yeah. What you wanted you to build a spree decor in any workplaces, you want to start singing karaoke as soon as possible. And when the Warriors Anthem is cute, no one's hard to sing it. You know, Ben, and that's a bad sign. Klingons love to sing songs about how they won't take a dump without a plan. Uh-huh. We make plans and then we take dumps. This is a thing that Wurf tries to get going, and I think about 50% of the Klingon officers are willing to sing along with this song.
Starting point is 00:38:26 Sometimes I doubt your commitment to sparkle motion. You know what the problem is, Ben, you can't sing karaoke without blood wine. Everyone's stone cold sober, right? Yeah. And nobody in the leadership team of Mar-Tok and War thought to remedy that situation crucially. Because we find out later that there are three barrels of blood wine aboard, but they were brought aboard by DAX. Three barrels.
Starting point is 00:38:56 She brings the party. She knows what's up. She knows how to get down with Klingons. Yeah. She has dinner with them and she's complaining about the food, but saying that the blood wine will really improve it. That really brightens the spirits. This scene is cross-cut with a Captain Exo conference where Mar-Toc is, for the first time, looking over this record of battle and finding that the crew that he has been given
Starting point is 00:39:28 is pretty shitty. These personnel reports read like prison records. And I've wondered what was going on at the Klingon High Council when they, like, wasn't Marthok the top general before he was imprisoned on the asteroid? Yeah, I thought so. Why give him this garbage ship with a bunch of incompetent crew people for this mission? Like, what's the... what's the... what's the gambit?
Starting point is 00:39:58 I don't know. It seems mean. Yeah. I mean, I know that Klingons are mean to each other. Yeah, we wouldn't survive long in this culture. Oh, you heard my feelings. I don't feel bad about myself for the next three days. Do they ever make much of the thing that DAX knows more about clingon culture than Wurf? Like, is that ever really leaned into as a conflict between them?
Starting point is 00:40:28 Like, that's part of the attraction, and I get that, and I like that. But this whole, uh, Curzon Dax thing, like, Curzon seems like he's more of an expert than wharf, and that reads, like, I'm ready to believe that. I think that they've said in the past that through her memories of Kerson, Dax, technically spent more time with Klingons and Warrif. She never does that thing that goes like, I'm surprised you didn't know that.
Starting point is 00:40:56 And that's good. That is good. Yeah, she is not. She's not Klingon hipster. Yeah. She's not like, I actually, I saw the Klingons when they were playing like little like 40 person clubs. I said Klingons back in Star Trek 3, right? Yeah, now the Klingons are playing stadiums. I mean, like, it's cool that other people are
Starting point is 00:41:14 kind of getting hip to this, but I kind of, you know, I used to be on a much more intimate terms with the Klingons. This conversation between Wurf and Martak has to do with this mood of the ship and why it's so bad. They expect defeat and that is dangerous. And the thing is they agree that getting a W would go a long, long way like getting drunk one and be getting a victory would be awesome. But Mar-Tak doesn't think that the crew is ready for any kind of battle. They're at an impass bin.
Starting point is 00:41:50 They're at Klingongerheads. Yeah, I guess so. I guess so. I'm a rain, come to a Ford, I'm a rain, come to a Ford, I'm a rain, come to a Ford, come to a Ford, what are you doing? Come to a Ford,varain, come to a Ford Alvarain. Come to a Ford Alvarain, come to a Ford Alvarain. Come to a Ford Alvarain, come to a Ford Alvarain. Come to a Ford Alvarain. Come to a Ford Alvarain. Come to a Ford Alvarain. Come to a Ford Alvarain. Come to a Ford Alvarain. Come to a Ford Alvarain. Come to a Ford Alvarain. Come to a Ford Alvarain. Come to a Ford Alvarain. Come to a Ford Alvarain. Come to a Ford Alvarain. Come to a Ford Alvarain. Come to a Ford Alvarain. Come to a Ford Alvarain. Come to a Ford Alvarain. Come to a Ford Alvarain. Come to a Ford Alvarain. Come to a Ford Alvarain. Come to a Ford Alvarain. Come to a Ford Alvarain. Come to a Ford Alvarain. Come to a Ford Alvarain.
Starting point is 00:42:06 Come to a Ford Alvarain. Come to a Ford Alvarain. Come to a Ford Alvarain. Come to a Ford Alvarain. Come to a Ford Alvarain. Come to a Ford Alvarain. Come to a Ford Alvarain. Come to a Ford Alvarain. Come to a Ford Alvarain. Come to a Ford Alvarain. Come to a Ford Alvarain. Come to a Ford Alvarain. Come to a Ford Alvarain. Come to a Ford Alvarain. Come to a Ford Alvarain. Come to a Ford Alvarain. Come to a Ford Alvarain. Come to whether Mar-Toc is scared or if he's up to something. Right. Because they keep coming to these points where they could do the dangerous adventure thing that your average Klingon would always pick or do the kind of prudent starfleet kind of thing. Are we going to go through this nebula that might be full of ticks?
Starting point is 00:42:41 Are we going to go around it and add a data or a journey? Go and go around it and add a data or a journey. Going to go around it. Every time Marthock has given a chance to engage in an adventure, he kind of steers the ship away from it. For a long time in this episode, feels like he has acknowledged this crew could really use an easy W like like this this tick doesn't even know we're here. We're weapons hot. We could just take it out really quickly and make everybody feel like, all right, well, like we're not total losers. And he does he keeps not doing that thing in a way that feels like the episode is sort of leading up to Martaq is playing chess to everybody else's checkers. Yeah, it really inflates the tension throughout the app.
Starting point is 00:43:35 And it's an interesting thing to do to preestablish what the goal of a character should be and then have the character act and contravention of their stated goal without giving a reason. Yeah, I really liked it. But not to skip to the end, but I think you need to pay it off in such a way that is satisfying. Right. And we can save that part of the conversation for later, but when you're spending 40 minutes of an episode being like, oh, this guy's playing chess and it turns out he really was playing checkers the whole time. That's not great for a character.
Starting point is 00:44:07 You know, yeah. The shit's chess, it ain't checkers. The counterpoint to Mar-Toc is interesting in his own right. It's Lyskett, the guy with the neckbone necklace. And he is also kind of a coward, I think. Like, like, Marthox cowardice is learned through the trauma of having been on the gym, had our prison planet. And Lyskett is kind of set up to be, you know, like, he's so under that he, he and Marjok never have a conflict, but like every time he and Dax are in a room, they're at odds and he's a total shit to Dax.
Starting point is 00:44:57 The bad look for Lyskett is assuming that Dax got in her position by sleeping her way there. Like it's a, like the sexual politics of their argument or a pretty foul. On this trip, my bet is as empty as yours, Leskette. Except mine is empty by choice. And Leskette is, he's like so defeated and so he has such a profound inferiority complex that he is sort of projecting his own cowardice onto Martok. And the conflict that the episode is setting up at this point is like, does the shoe fit, is Martok actually the coward that he seems to be?
Starting point is 00:45:39 As we go around the room in this mess hall, like the blood wine is flowing and the tongues are loosening and you get a little scene with Kornin here, the sleeveless warrior. And he's, he's the guy who believes they're all cursed. There seems to be this type of character in a lot of submarine films. And like in jaws and stuff, like there's the guy that, that, that knows they're all going to die and nothing's going to convince him otherwise that they're just a bad luck ship. I wish the Navy let people grow great big braided beards so that you could just see when somebody was the guy that thanks everyone's cursed. You know that that Captain Lou Albano beard is crunchy, right? Make sure it's not love me.
Starting point is 00:46:22 You just know it. It's been in too much Gok. You see what I mean? You still got lumps in it. It's probably got two Gucks in it. That's so nasty. You got to have solitary conditions. It is really nuts for a people that love Guck as much as these as these guys do to have the long hair and the long beards that Klingon's almost always have. I thought for sure that Warf would take his hair tie out and shake it out a little bit on this mission. Yeah. He looks good when he lets his hair down. Worse keeping it tight.
Starting point is 00:46:54 Yeah. So yeah, they come across a tick and it's kind of a target of opportunity. It's kind of a perfect, you know, kill with no consequences. And instead of doing that, Marta talk chooses to stay cloaked and continue on their course to look for this missing ship. Yeah, it's a real perfect situation. And this is really starting to grind worst gears. And as he's sitting there stewing about it, DAX calls him over and they have like one of those hushed like they're just in DAX's cubicle
Starting point is 00:47:30 in the office conversations, but they don't want everybody else to hear. Yeah. And she's saying like if you don't, if you don't start like engaging in some of these little battles and getting these easy victories, this crew is never going to work together., in Morphe's like, listen, I know we have an inappropriate workplace relationship, but you can't just talk to this shit to me right now. It'd be funny if Dax were doing all of this wordlessly. Like, she's trying to toe-to- and he's not, he's not making eye contact or doing it right. It's weird, like what Dax is saying is like, you're still thinking like a federation officer,
Starting point is 00:48:12 like you don't have to prescribe to those rules of engagement. Like it was fine to shoot that tick and you should have. And by not doing that, you're putting your own life in danger because Because the way things work around here is a subordinate has a right to kill you if you fuck things up and that is one fuck up down Yeah This all turns into Just inquating among the crew Let's get goes on a rant Um, let's get goes on a rant drunkenly in the mess all about how the gem had our way better stronger and smarter than klingons because they have no honor. He's saying like, like, you
Starting point is 00:48:53 know, like we, you know, we have, we have honorable battles with Cardassians because Cardassians fight for a reason and the gem had our just fight because they're programmed that way. And that actually makes them a much stronger enemy than us. for a reason and the Gemheadar just fight because they're programmed that way. And that actually makes them a much stronger enemy than us. He kind of hudzens through this scene, right? This is the breakdown. Yeah. It's good.
Starting point is 00:49:14 Yeah. And that turns into a mess hall brawl. The day that Dax walks away from and encounters Worf in the hallway. She's like phasered to break the fight up and wharf catches her and he's like, what's going on? It seems like you're really upset. And she's like, yeah, like the crew is about to like kill each other over the fact that
Starting point is 00:49:38 they have not gotten a win yet. And I think you really need to look at that as a serious issue. I wonder what to agree a phaser is frowned upon on a Klingon ship, which is known for like melee weapons if you were to challenge someone, right? But that's not a good look. Yeah, like setting anything to stun on a Klingon ship is probably like down upon. Gax's pissed at Worf because she's arguing that like these soldiers are coming apart at the seams because there's a leadership vacuum.
Starting point is 00:50:13 Like Marthock doesn't seem to give a shit about their morale or anything. And like, it's interesting because like they have, like all anyone has talked about since they got on this ship has been the morale issue and the fact that these guys need a win, including Mar-Tok. Like Mar-Tok is like really worried at the beginning
Starting point is 00:50:34 of this episode about how many losses these guys have and what a bad service record the ship has as a whole. And it's weird, right? Because we know contextually, and so does Warf that DAX is talking about Marthok, but she's also talking about Warf. Yeah. When she talks about this leadership vacuum.
Starting point is 00:50:55 And it's all really tough. Like all these bonds are tough to break because like Warf and Marthok's trust in each other comes from their time in P.O.W. camp. Like, like, they're bond is like really deep in in a way that is is hard to argue against. It's so deep that you would imagine at some point there would ever be a conversation between Dax and Martock. there would ever be a conversation between DAX and Martak. Isn't it interesting that DAX prescribes to that very clear chain of command going on in this ship where she only has the right to talk to
Starting point is 00:51:33 Wharf? It is interesting and I think that that's like something I don't often think about with DAX is that she's in a chain of command herself. Like she is just as much a military-minded person as anyone. I wish this episode put her to a choice between Mar-Tok and Warf in this way. Like if death is really on the line, if they really are in danger of either a mutiny on the ship or being destroyed by the gem hadar, like that's a moment that I would be really interested in seeing.
Starting point is 00:52:06 Like, who does she go to? Is it war for or is it martac if the rubber really hit the road? Yeah. We don't we don't know. And this episode doesn't tell us. I think this episode suggests it would be war. I think that's a great point. And like Newton is very much an impending issue Tavana
Starting point is 00:52:28 Comes up to danks at one point and is like hey when it pops off like stick stick with me I'll make sure that they don't kill you hands her the sharpened toothbrush that she's kept under her bunk like yeah They are they are gonna be prison riot but use I would have really loved to see the ship turn into full on Newton-y like every man for himself combat and have Tavana toss DAX a batlet and be extremely gratified to see that DAX really knows what she's doing with a batlet. There are many similarities between a Klingon ship and Jail. They don't shy away from those to see the ship descend into a full blown prison riot I think would be very satisfying. Yeah, and instead we just have to watch them gamble over packs of mackerel.
Starting point is 00:53:17 Yeah. Lauren. Lauren. Lauren. Lauren. Lauren. Lauren. Lauren. Lauren. Lauren. Lauren. Lauren.
Starting point is 00:53:32 Lauren. Lauren. Lauren. Lauren. Lauren. Lauren. Lauren. Lauren.
Starting point is 00:53:40 Lauren. Lauren. Lauren. Lauren. Lauren. Lauren. Lauren. Lauren. Lauren. There's like, there's that thing where is, is there going to be retaliation? Yeah. Is the other team going to hit one of the other teams batters? And like when Cornen gets back on the bridge, he walks right at Lesca before he is convinced
Starting point is 00:53:55 to turn around and go back to his station. Station. And they find the ship that they're looking for. It's a D7. Yeah, and it's been pretty badly fucked up. And it's been drifting for a long time. The problem is it has drifted itself into cardacian space. Over the line.
Starting point is 00:54:12 So it complicates the situation for Marthok, but for no one else, a very ungem-harder kill, right? Like, like Marthok is really worried that this is a trap that there are five gemadarships just waiting for them to go attempt to begin rescue operation. And that seemed like a really reasonable fear to me, because I don't know of a lot of examples that we've seen of the gemadar, like badly crippling a ship and then leaving it alone to drift in space into their territory. I don't know who says it, but someone counters that argument with, well, if there are five of them out there, they could attack us right now and what would be the difference. Right. At that point.
Starting point is 00:55:01 Yeah. That's what we're trying to figure out. Martak is extremely reticent to cross into dominion slash kardassian space and has been specifically ordered by the high council not to. So he's arguing we're not going to do that. And there are a few beats of argument and like, you know, more cubicle whispering between Dax and Wharf about, you know, what are we going to do about this and stuff. And eventually Wharf arrives at the conclusion of the only way to circle this square is to challenge Martok for command of the ship. And rather than do this directly to Mar-Toc's face he goes and takes his seat at the con when Mar-Toc is not on the bridge and
Starting point is 00:55:55 he's getting ready to do this when the dissident faction of the crew present themselves to him to argue their case and like Mar-Toc is a coward and a piece of shit. And Warf announces, hey, we're gonna go rescue these guests on this other ship. It's fun that it's Ordakin or Tavana's lover that leads the support faction behind Warf. Yeah, I liked that.
Starting point is 00:56:19 And then Mar-Tok almost drunkenly stumbles on. Like, I don't know that he's supposed to be drunk, but he stumbles onto the bridge, like, what's going out here? Did you think before this fight happened that Warfoot killed him? Because Warfoot has a body count, especially on Klingon ships, we know this.
Starting point is 00:56:37 He's killed people on Kronos, he's killed people on other ships. Happens all the time. In the coldest of blood. Yeah, and this I actually saw this I thought for sure he would kill him Yeah, but I think that Worf's Strategy here was to get this fight going and Find a way to make it look good and then lose the only reason he does that though is if he sure that
Starting point is 00:57:07 lose. The only reason he does that though is if he sure that Mar-Tok is playing chess. To not know that and to possibly die for your guess, I think is insane. I guess that must mean that they really do know each other that well because of their time in prison together. Yeah, that's the Tova Doke at work. Yeah. Tova Doke. It works. So in this fight, Martock stabs Wharf in the chest and the crew celebrates his great victory.
Starting point is 00:57:34 Yeah, they start chanting Martock. Yeah, and for whatever reason, like the celebration of Martock's win here, pivots neatly into a newly emboldened Martaq who's ready to save the ship. Well, he's emboldened because they are under attack by a gem at our ship all of a sudden. And I really wished that the direction the episode had gone was he beats Worf and then is like, no, let's go state those boys, you know? Like the external threat is a bit of a Deus Ex Machina.
Starting point is 00:58:11 Yeah, and the way that Dax and Worf's link away from this moment, I think is like, do they not need to science officer anymore? Well, they take their pause to enjoy the fact that everybody's singing a song together. But yeah, this further makes the case that orphan dax were tourists on this mission. Yeah. So it appears as though Marta Kaz is groove back. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:40 Got that mojo. Back on Deep Space Nine in Ops, Bashir and O'Brien. I am Chief Miles and O'Brien. This is fucking spectacular. Our continuing to complain about the Division of Warf's labor when Martak ship decloaks. The victory has happened off screen. He's destroyed the tick. He has saved the survivors from the, from the Klingon D7.
Starting point is 00:59:12 He needs to transport them over for medical attention. The ship needs repairs. But also, you better, you better make sure that the kegs of blood wine are ready, because they're ready to party. Yeah, a big W for a for Mar-talk. You don't want to blow a blood wine keg if you've got if you get clean-ons in your bar. Yeah, it's going to be a bad look.
Starting point is 00:59:35 Yeah, I don't know what you're doing when you tap a keg of blood wine. Yeah, that's pretty dangerous. You know that tap is proprietary too, and probably really sharp. Oh yeah. Yeah. Is there a nitrogen tank that comes with a cake of blood wine? The cake of blood wine is like 60 strips of platinum, but the pump deposit is like 500.
Starting point is 01:00:01 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, it's one of those things that like you think is going to be really awesome to have it a party, but you wind up wording all the way through the party that somebody's going to break it and you're going to be stuck holding the bag. Yeah, that sucks. Just quirk charge for the kegs of blood wine. Where are they getting the blood wine? Oh, yeah, who knows.
Starting point is 01:00:23 He probably has the blood wine concession on deep space nine. Don't you wish that the Klingon restaurant was still open? And that cool Klingon restaurant tour could be part of this? Yeah, I think that was great. Yeah. There he is. White Klingon pajamas. Yeah. The button on the episode takes place in Quarks, and it is a conversation between Marzch and Wharf about family affiliation. There was a brief mention when Wharf was getting ready to get on board this ship of the fact that he was not wearing his traditional misclining on sash and specifically the sigil of the House of Mogue. And Mrtuck suggests, hey, like, there's no such thing as the House of Mogue, but I would be really delighted if you would wear my logo, the logo of the House of Mrtuck. And I think the implication of this is that
Starting point is 01:01:30 The implication of this is that Wharf gets to return to honored warrior status if he accepts this. Yeah. Right. It doesn't seem like he needs to slink around around Klingons anymore if he's in a house in good standing. Well, it definitely means if he pins Martox, if Wh worth puts martox pin on his ball trick. They're going steady Yeah, that much we know But this part really made me sad because it's not the the house of martuck pin
Starting point is 01:01:57 Joins the house of mogue pin on the ball trick. It's that he replaces the mogue pin with it Yeah, it's really sad. I don't like that at all. It sucks, it's like, it like, who remembers the house of mogue now? It's certainly not Kern. Who, I'm sorry, I've never heard that name. Right, like without wharf, keeping that candle lit, that's it, right?
Starting point is 01:02:22 Like, house of mogue is dead. And it seems like it's an easy choice for him, but it seems crazy that candle lit, that's it, right? Like, how some moga's dead. And it seems like it's an easy choice for him, but it seems crazy that he just takes the fucking logo off the sash and puts the other logo on. Like, your dad was done wrong, man. Let's talk about if you, let's answer the question, did you like the episode? Because now I think it's time to really, like I think so much of whether or not you like the
Starting point is 01:02:49 episode about this final scene. This felt a lot tonally like that ep where Quark sells guns and DAX forgives in the end like nothing happened. I think this is a extremely consequential ending and character defining moment for warmth. And this episode treats it like it's significant, but not as significant as it actually is. Right. It treats it with the same significance as the previous episode treats the who cares like what goes on with frangie the frangie economy, you know. Yeah, what is with this pattern of forgetting the first 40 minutes of an app? Because for 40 minutes of this app, Martak was awful and deserved to die for what he was doing. And because everything happened offscreen,
Starting point is 01:03:48 like the success of what happened with the Rotor-Anne, like I guess Martaq is in good standing again. He's a good captain. He has the love of his crew. These are assumptions that we make. We are not given proof of these things. And I guess here's the thing is warf wagging the story dog by accepting the pin at the end. Instead of us being given proof that it
Starting point is 01:04:17 is a good decision for him to make by the actions that we see Marthac take. Marthac is not given to us as an example of a Klingon in whose path you would want to follow in this episode. And maybe you can get there just by like citing his reputation up until this point. Like he's been talked about as like the number one general and like Gauron's right hand man a bunch of times, but But yeah, like I really wanted to like this episode and and I think that the end really fumbles the ball on an episode that could have been great. I mean, this is a recency bias thing for a character that we know has had a long and distinguished career, but like, I like generals who don't get caught and thrown in jail.
Starting point is 01:05:15 And you aren't bad captains. That's just my personal opinion, you know, Jesus. Give me something to like about Mar- Marta at this moment in time. I think that's where I'm at. I think he's a character in need of redemption of the kind that's a little greater than off screen. Well, okay.
Starting point is 01:05:37 Okay. Does he get to come back to the station? Is he back to throwing people off the railing? Or does he get to go and go to cut his way around the galaxy and his in his bird of prey? I think he's a resident of the station. I don't I don't think that I don't think that this is his ship. I think it was his ship for this mission. It was a loner. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:06:00 Oh, he's got to return it with a full tank of gauk. He's got to return it with a full tank of gauk. It can be very expensive if you don't. Oh yeah. I like to prepay for the gauk. I know that it's slightly more expensive than what you pay at the pump, but I just don't want to think about that. It's not like a $9 a gallon that you can get if you don't do that right? Right.
Starting point is 01:06:22 That's it. I would much rather just return it however it is without having to go to the trouble of hitting the gas station on my way back. Well, one part of our show that has a strict no returns policy is our priority one messages. You want to see what we have over there? Yeah. Priority one message from Starfleet coming in on Secured Channel. Need a supplement only.
Starting point is 01:06:47 A supplement? A supplement. A supplement. Yeah, it's extra. But the interest alone could be enough to buy this ship. And we have a couple of priority one messages here. The first one is of a promotional nature, I believe. Although the email says it's of a promotional nature, I believe. Although the email says it's of a...
Starting point is 01:07:08 It says personal message in the subject and promotional in the body, so I don't know. But here's the message. It says, to the Jim Shimotis, sweating for K-Lash, to the Rascal's plotting revenge, to the Plovimo files even, to Shrimp Colgar, to the rascals plotting revenge, to the plovimo files even, to shrimp coal-gar, to the fourth shift, getting it done, to 1-800-Gynon, to the pennington school, to pride of DeSoto, to Jim Hygdaar,
Starting point is 01:07:38 blaze it, to the cruisers, to the bosom, to the ass chat, exo cooks, delicious people, to chill hangers, to meme daddies, to pets of Desotto, to captains log, to the mods, to daddy Austin, and to Ben Adam and Rob's most of all. Happy holidays, I love you all. L-L-A-P. You know what that message should just replace our end credits to the show? Yeah, it's really. That's the tie-in type. How I can't sit there.
Starting point is 01:08:11 Yeah. And the call to action is Happy Holidays, hop on Facebook and get some FOD love, everyone. Yeah. You go. I mean, maybe the only good thing about Facebook is FOD love. It's FOD love. Banner 2nd priority one message is of a personal nature. It is from Caroline.
Starting point is 01:08:35 It's for Ben and Adam. Hey, that's us. Message goes like this. Finally, feeling flush enough to flush 100 scarves. Just to say thank you from the bottom of my heart for hours upon hours of quote unquote quality viewing. And that's actually $132.55 Canadian scarves. You're welcome.
Starting point is 01:08:57 Oh, wow. Canadian scarves are warmer than American scarves. That's so much. While I have the floor, is this my camera? I want to know why Row Laren isn't cast in the Picard series, why missed the opportunity. Thoughts? Damn! Caroline, uh, doing one of my favorite kinds of personal message, that's the question
Starting point is 01:09:20 for the hosts. And I'm with her. I'm with Caroline on this. Row is one of my favorite, I mean, you're gonna, I shouldn't call row a minor character, but unfortunately with the amount of episode she's in, I mean, kind of true, right? One of my favorite minor characters in TNG is Row Laren.
Starting point is 01:09:41 Yeah, she was a series regular for a few seasons. I would still like a working actor and awesome. I wouldn't totally discount it though. Like, I think that one of the things that's really cool about this series is that they've been shooting for months and months now. And like, they're popping surprises every time a new trailer drops. So I would say there is nothing that is impossible.
Starting point is 01:10:17 And while I think Adam and I both wholeheartedly agree with you, Caroline, that Ensign Roe, probably now Supreme Admiral Roe of all she surveys, right, should be in this series. But, you know, she may be, she may not be, but hopefully somebody from inside the pocket is listening. We found out recently that the team line discovery is definitely got its greatest discovery listeners among it. And so hopefully, hopefully the card series people are also listening to the greatest discovery and the greatest generation. I'm looking over Michelle Forbes's film and TVography. She's currently in a show. She's in a series right now called Treadstone,
Starting point is 01:11:12 nine episodes in its first season. Oh shit, really? That's a Jason Bourne series. Yeah, and I mean, that appears to be in the can, like, and done. Let's see, the last episode of the season comes out December 17, 2019, so that production has been over for months, and there's nothing on her... on her Wikipedia or her IMDB that indicates a TV project after that, so I mean, there is...
Starting point is 01:11:43 I already won, is it is there's an opening there at least schedule wise You can't rule it out based on on her work on something else is what I'm trying to say what what has been announced You can't rule it out based on that. I'm there are no bigger fans of Michelle Forbes than me and Ben So I hope I hope she makes an appearance that be rad. Is that Tridsdon't show? Supposed to be any good? I don't have cable television, so you need the USA Network to watch it, don't you? Oh, man. And that's, uh, that is that.
Starting point is 01:12:17 There it goes. I mean, I imagine it will eventually be streamable and that's the moment I will be watching. Because, uh, we stand for Michelle Forbes. Imagine it will eventually be streamable and that's the moment I will be watching because We stand for Michelle Forbes. Yeah, we stand Michelle Forbes and I'm a fan of the Bourneiverse Well, thanks Caroline for spinning Ben and I off into that tangent. It's fun That was fun if you'd like to spin us off into a tangent and do maximum slash JemboTron. It's under bucks for a personal message and 240 commercial message. And that is a great way to help support the production of this program, no matter what kind of scarves you're dropping on it. A Greatest Gen Live Show is something you don't want to miss.
Starting point is 01:13:09 Why? Well it's a great opportunity to see me and Ben in person, but that's not all. FODs from all over gather at these shows to cosplay, to do pre and post show hangs, to make friends, and share their embarrassment. Hey, let's make a pretty great name for a tour. Let's do it. The Share Your Embarrassment Tour is coming in August 2023. We've got a bunch of dates in a lot of great places.
Starting point is 01:13:34 Go to to get more info. That's for dates and ticketing information for the Share Your Embarrassment Tour. I'm Jordan Morris. And I'm Jesse Thorne. On Jordan Jesse Go, we make pure, delightful nonsense. We were open awesome guests and bring them down to our level. We get stupid with Judy Greer. My friend Molly and I call it having the spaceweirds.
Starting point is 01:13:58 Pat Noswald. Could I get a Balrog burger and some air-gorn fries? Thank you. And Kumail Nanjiani. I've come back with cat toothbrushes, which is impossible to use. Come get stupider with us at Look, your podcast apps are already open.
Starting point is 01:14:13 Just pull it out. Give Jordan Jesse Goat try. Being smart is hard. Be dumb instead. Whoa, Russ. Hey, hey, I'm about to count you in line. These clouds are really freaking me out. I hate having to stand in line and boy, what do I?
Starting point is 01:14:29 These giraffes do not smell good. No, they do not, and they've such short nacks. But I'm hearing we need to get on this. We've got to get on the art. It is about terrain, about a spout to destroy humanity. Hey, oh, sorry, sorry, sorry. Are you Noah?
Starting point is 01:14:41 Yeah, I know we look like humans. We're actually, we're podcasters. We are podcasters, so it's different. Have you heard of Ono Ross and Carrie? We investigate spirituality, claims of the paranormal, stuff like that. And you have a boat and say the world's gonna end, so seem like something for us to check out. We would love to be on the boats.
Starting point is 01:14:57 We came two by two. What do you think? Ono Ross and Carrie, available on For two episodes in a row, I'm going with Cisco. Wow. What is he doing? Where has he been? And I guess I'm talking about Avery Brooks here too. This episode directed by Lavar Burton.
Starting point is 01:15:37 I mean, if you're Lavar Burton or anyone else, I think you've got to relish the opportunity to direct an Avery Brooks. He's barely in this episode and he's barely in the last one. It makes me wonder if he's doing something right now in 97. Is this when American History X came out? Was he shooting that? I don't know. Was he? Like was he shooting that? I don't know, was he? 1998 is when American History X came out. So maybe he was working on that. Shit.
Starting point is 01:16:13 Anyway, his treatment of Wurf in his office is just emblematic of a kind of detachment I'm getting from him. That seems very Shimoda-esque to me. Just emblematic of a kind of detachment I'm getting from him. Yeah. That seems very Shimoda-esque to me. So I'm going to, I mean, if I give it to him a third time in the next episode, it means I cannot give him a Shimoda in the fourth episode. So we're, we're waiting into that territory. Yeah, I guess so. What about you, Ben?
Starting point is 01:16:42 We're waiting into that territory. Yeah, I guess so. What about you, Ben? My drunk Samota is whoever at the Klingon Department of Defense decided to give this garbage ship to General Marthok. Like I think that's a military apparatus needs to anticipate these kinds of issues. The the trauma of having been in prison camp. Marta himself is aware of it, right? Like he talks at the beginning of the episode with Bashir about how he like needs to get back and fighting shape because being in jail fucked him up in
Starting point is 01:17:21 more ways than just emotionally. Yeah. And it seems like if you are the warrior race that knows how to do the best war, you should be able to factor that kind of thinking into the choices you make surrounding, staffing and deployment of material. And yeah, like, like pairing the most broken general with the most broken ship seems like a bad choice.
Starting point is 01:17:56 Yeah, not exactly set up for success, right? No. And I wondered what that was about. Like, if Mar-Tak was the pecs bad boy of the Klingon world in the way that Nag is on this show, and like, it was like an ongoing bit to give him the worst shit all the time and expecting him to do okay with it. Right. That would be one thing, but man,
Starting point is 01:18:21 like seeing this guy who all we've been told is like he's like the best warrior, he's like the Kremlin, the Kremlin of what Klingons hold most dear, treated like shit. It's really like it's had on head in a weird way, right? Like there's the expectation that he's playing chess when he's not. There's the expectation that he's just being fucked with by Gauron when he's not. It is hard to untangle what we are meant to make of what happens to him in this episode. Yeah, it really is. It is a total mystery. Like, I can't even guess what's going to happen to him in the next couple of seasons. Me neither. But what's going to happen to him in the next couple seasons.
Starting point is 01:19:05 Me neither. But what's gonna happen to us in the next episode? That is a great question Adam. The next episode is season five, episode 22, children of time. Cisco and the Defiant crew must choose between the lives they have always known in the lives of their own descendants. Oh, oh,
Starting point is 01:19:35 okay, Cisco probably is like, you know, lost my wife, probably choose, but choose the life of my descendants, right? Wow, Cisco sounds like he's going to be in an episode more than one scene. Pretty heavy lift here. That'd be great for him. Well one choice that we need to make is how we're going to watch that episode. To know, we must consult the game of Butthole's Will of the Prophets. Where currently I run about his own square. 19. We're all the profits. We're currently, I run about his own square. 19!
Starting point is 01:20:06 Two ahead of that is a space but hole in a few squares after that. It's a great big banger. You're required to learn as you play. Roll. Roll that bone, Adam. Roll. Chula! Did I win? Then I have rolled a six. Wow, which has taken us well past both of those obstacles and landed
Starting point is 01:20:34 us on square 25 square 25 is a regular old episode. Wow. And, uh, and in close proximity to a naked now episode, which would really Test our ability to take baths at the same time You know what you edited that show so well it needs to be It needs you should be exalted for that for the work that you did on that show. It was fun, it was fun. I hope no one gets that task ever again. It was especially me. It took a little, it took a little fiddling,
Starting point is 01:21:18 but we got there. And you know what takes no fiddling at all is spreading around the thank yous at the end of an episode of the greatest generation. We have so many people to thank the people who recommend the show to a friend or loved one who uh, who uh, who contribute to the show on a monthly basis. The folks who uh, go on their pod catcher and rate and review the show with five stars and recommend it to strangers all over the world.
Starting point is 01:21:49 You know what I did this morning? I realized that I have been a hypocrite fan because I realized that I have not rated or reviewed another podcast like in like a year or two. It's been a long time. I took five minutes this morning and I opened up my overcast and I was like, what are the shows I'm listening to right now?
Starting point is 01:22:11 Pick five of them, I left five reviews. There you go. That's the currency. Like that's an easy fast thing to do and it's really meaningful for the shows. To accumulate those. When you start to see one you know, one or two thousand reviews, it seems like, oh, I don't need to pile on here. But like the difference between two thousand reviews and ten thousand reviews is immeasurable. Right. And that happens one review at a time. So if you are
Starting point is 01:22:42 in a position to leave one of those, if you haven't done it yet, we would really, really appreciate it if you did so. We've always thought that the greatest generation was a 2000 review show with a 10,000 review beauty. So go over there and get us to 10,000. I think we should be a 10,000 review show, Ben. I like that idea. It's not up to me, though. I like it when I hear you say it. No matter how many reviews I leave for our shows, it just won't get us to 10,000. I think we had to 1,000 reviews when we had like 5,000 listeners.
Starting point is 01:23:18 And now we have like 2,400 reviews or something like that. We have a lot more than 5,000 listeners, guys. Yeah. A lot more than 10. Like get on it. Take five minutes. No lazy FODs. Yeah. Well, you know who is not a lazy FOD. It's Bill Tilly. He's out there. He's making trading cards. About every episode we make. You can find him on Twitter at Bill Tilly in 1973. You know who else is great at him? As Adam Ragusia, he makes all of the original music for this show. Of course, based on the original theme song for this show by Dark Materia. Both of those people are very nice to us.
Starting point is 01:24:04 And Adam Ragusia now has a smash hit YouTube cooking channel. Just go on YouTube and you search Adam Ragusia or probably white wine or season my cutting board and any of those will probably kick back results that will help you learn to cook better. That's a t-shirt idea for his YouTube channel, right? Yeah. Season my cutting board and then just an arrow pointing down to the crotch.
Starting point is 01:24:33 I do not want anyone to think my crotch is a cutting board. Yeah. Yeah. Does it's a surfboard at him? Think a surfboard. I think everyone knows it could use some seasoning though, right? Yeah Because I'm seasoned haters give me them salty looks
Starting point is 01:24:56 You have a rhyme for every occasion. Yep an occasion for every rhyme Were those all the credits? Yeah, probably. Well, with that, we'll be back at you next time with another great episode of Star Trek Deepspace 9, and an episode of the greatest generation Deepspace 9, which has to make an awful choice. It sounds like between family and friends. I know what I would choose I think I know what I have chosen Make it sound. Make it sound. Make it sound. Make it sound. Make it sound. Make it sound.
Starting point is 01:25:46 Make it sound. Make it sound. Make it sound. Make it sound. Make it sound. Make it sound. Make it sound. Make it sound.
Starting point is 01:25:54 Make it sound. Make it sound. Make it sound. Make it sound. Make it sound. Make it sound. Make it sound. Make it sound.
Starting point is 01:26:03 You got to have sanitary conditions. Comedy and culture. Artist-owned. Audience supported.

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