The Greatest Generation - Mid-Brand Cigarette (DS9 S3E8)

Episode Date: October 15, 2018

While trekking in the gQuad, Sisko and the gang encounter a disappearing reappearing planet whose inhabitants Dax finds very bonable. But while her relationship with one of the locals flowers, back at... on the station, Quark’s depravity takes a turn for the worse. Does the Defiant need a dongle to disappear? Why is the makeup department neglecting Dax’s neck? Why do people keep going on these non-date dates? It’s the episode where we try out mid-90s flirtation. Come see us live on tour with Greatest Gen Khan🎉🎉🎉! Follow The Game of Buttholes: The Will of the Prophets! Support the production of The Greatest Generation.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Priority 1 message from Starfleet coming in on Secured Channel. Hey friends of Disodo. Before today's episode, we just wanted to take a moment to talk about the historic labor actions being taken by writers and actors in the American Film and Television industry. If you're a fan of the work done by the people who make Star Trek, we hope you'll join us in standing in solidarity with the folks who actually bring these adventures to life. Over the past several years, the AMPTP, the organization that represents the American Film and Television Production Studios, have reduced the profit from movies and TV going to workers. And in so doing,
Starting point is 00:00:35 they've attempted to weaken the labor unions that represent those workers. They wouldn't even engage the unions on many issues in their negotiations. And so a strike was the only course of action to take. Adam, Wendy and I have been having a lot of internal discussions about how best to stand with the unions and we are continuing those conversations in a dynamic situation. We're doing our best to understand where the picket lines are in these digital spaces,
Starting point is 00:01:01 and we would never intentionally cross one. With the information we have, we feel like we can do more good talking about and supporting the strike and continuing our show as planned. We'll keep you informed about what all this means for greatest trek specifically. Today we're making a contribution to the Entertainment Community Fund. This fund exists to help all the people whose livelihoods have been put on hold because the AMPTP refuses to negotiate
Starting point is 00:01:25 in good faith with the unions. It provides financial support for writers, actors, and all the thousands of laborers who make the shows that we talk about here and without whom we wouldn't have Star Trek to cast pot about. Those folks are all out of work because billionaires, company shareholders, and the executives of these companies don't want to compromise on the length of their yachts. We hope you'll join us in supporting entertainment workers in a challenging time, especially after they've already endured several years of challenges brought on by the pandemic
Starting point is 00:01:55 and season two of Star Trek Picard. We've set up a page where you can also contribute. It's at That's friendsofdececoto for That's FriendsOfDecoto for Link in the episode description. Okay, now universe, the universe, the universe, the universe, the universe, the universe, the universe, the universe, the universe, the universe, the universe, the universe, the universe, the universe, the universe, the universe, the universe, the universe, the universe, the universe, the universe, the universe, the universe, the universe, the universe, the universe, the universe, the universe, the universe, the universe, the universe, the universe, the universe, the universe, the universe, the universe, the universe, the universe, the universe, the universe, the universe, the universe, the universe, the universe, the universe, the universe, the universe, the universe, the universe, the universe, the universe, the universe, the universe, the universe, the universe, the universe, the universe, the universe, the universe, the universe, the universe, the universe, the universe, the universe, the universe, the universe, the universe, the universe, the universe, the universe, the universe, the universe, the universe, the universe, the universe, the universe, the universe, the universe, the universe, the universe, the universe, the universe, the universe, the universe, the universe, the universe, the universe, the universe, the universe, the universe, the universe, the universe, the universe, the universe, the universe, the universe, the universe, the universe, the universe, the universe, the universe, the universe, the universe, the universe, the universe, the universe, the universe, the universe, the universe, the universe, the universe, the universe, the universe, the universe, the universe, the universe, the universe, the universe, the universe, the universe, the universe, the universe, the universe, the universe, the universe, the universe, the universe, the universe, universe, the universe, the universe, the universe, the universe, the universe, the universe, the universe, universe, the universe, the universe, the universe, the universe, the universe, the universe really like burning, you know, running out the clock on. I intro there. As if you're being paid by the second. It's like, you know, sometimes when you watch sports and they say like,
Starting point is 00:02:57 that's the level that you need to be playing at if you want to succeed in the National Football League. You know, like, uh, we know what league you're talking about. Say NFL. Yeah. Ben, I've got a bit of personal news to share. Wow. Wonder if you'd be up for talking that over with me. Is it safe for work?
Starting point is 00:03:22 You're one of my closest friends. I feel like I run serious stuff by you all the time. I love that you've talked to yourself into that. You're one of the great counselors in my life. Ah, buddy. Thing happened to me recently, that's pretty big. And that is my day job contract, the thing that I do outside of podcast, it came to an end. Whoa. My show has not been renewed for another season. And so now I have, I am podcast only as a, as a profession at this point. Of course, I'm still like a freelancer and I'm still going to solicit and take video jobs. But that was my backstop for a long, long time and now it's over.
Starting point is 00:04:06 I'm not sure how to feel about it. Yeah, I mean, are you finding yourself naturally feeling a type of way about it? Or are you just like, are you in the market for a feeling, a reaction? Well, I mean, I'm in the market for a mid-size feeling, nothing too flashy, something with some good mileage. Well, come over here and kick the tires on this model. Hahaha. I think as soon as it happened, like as soon as I was told, I was as I am about most things, like utterly stoic,
Starting point is 00:04:40 and not feeling much of anything at all, but what I love about my relationship is to have a little dusting of sociopathy, you know, not a full blown case, but there are a lot of things that happen in your life that would make other people have emotional reactions and you're not given to it. It's not healthy, I know that. What I like about my close relationship with you Ben is that I get many of the benefits of therapy
Starting point is 00:05:09 Second hand therapy really because you're using terminology that I'm I'm assuming is is of a of a therapist's vernacular And and I get to filter that through you onto me. I'm glad that I'm getting more bang for my buck than just my own mental health. Because this shit is expensive. The very high deductible on my health insurance and I'm paying full price out of pocket. I feel fine about not having my contract renewed. I think I will miss the work because that work was great and fun and interesting and I work with three people there. But like I will not miss the specific manager who broke the news to me who was like the worst. I'm glad to not have that guy in my life anymore. Like I'm going to be okay. And I'm going to be able to do that work for other
Starting point is 00:06:04 entities down the road as well. So it's like that's not the end of my my fun corporate video lifestyle that I've come to know and love. I have had a couple of contracts and on things that were fun in the past. And I have always felt like they kind of stopped being as fun before the contract ended. Is that something that you experienced? Or is it, I mean, each job is its own new adventure? I started to get the feeling that big business had made a big business decision to go instead of
Starting point is 00:06:50 to individual contractors to like vendor agencies. And this is something that I've seen for the past couple of years. So like that's the reason that my phone rang less and less from this one client. Like I got that. And to me, seemed like a fairly predictable outcome to a situation that could never be permanent. Like what I got on the other end of the phone was a businessman making a business decision and like taking no responsibility for that.
Starting point is 00:07:21 Right. Which is like, I roll in fine. But to do this is to admit a mistake to begin with. And that's what people in management positions often aren't able to or are unwilling to confront. It's like the decision you make right now is actually the product of a worst decision you made a year and a half ago. So I'm blaming someone else is what I'm doing.
Starting point is 00:07:49 Well, I don't, I mean, it sounds like this is happening to more than just you. And that means it's not a reflection of the quality of your work. It's a reflection of a major, you know, like they turned to the Titanic and didn't hit your iceberg or stopped hitting your iceberg. Yeah, I mean, mine was the... For the terrible metaphor. There were hundreds of people let go
Starting point is 00:08:19 over the course of the last few years and mine just happens to be the latest name added to that list. So I know I was fortunate to have hung around as long as I did. I think what it signifies though is like a pretty significant change in my life in that I really had a safety valve professionally that I could depend on. Right. And now it feels like I am without that in a pretty surprising and exciting way.
Starting point is 00:08:51 So I'm excited about it. I think I see nothing but good things for the future of our show and for us and our potential other shows. But yeah, it's something that I'm a little preoccupied with, to be honest. Yeah, man, I totally know that feel, but I also think that the thing that is amazing is that this podcast, you know, like the people that support this podcast have actually built a new
Starting point is 00:09:23 safety valve for you. Right. And we're able to spend a lot of time thinking and focusing on this. And that is a totally unexpected result of starting it. Yeah, I got to tell you, man, if this happened last year, I think the freakout would be fairly pronounced. Like, a year ago, I don't think we're in this position. And as we keep growing the show and getting more support, I feel safer and safer in the knowledge
Starting point is 00:09:51 that like what we are doing here is a professional bit of business. It is, yeah. And we can like take it that seriously and spend that much time focusing on it. And it keeps growing. Yeah. It's fucking crazy.
Starting point is 00:10:09 How it happened? I feel very lucky to have gotten to meet you and start a project with you, because it's a sincere joy every time we sit down and do this. Yeah, you and me both, man. It's a, I feel very fortunate to be doing work that I love and that improves the lives of so many people for, which is crazy for how
Starting point is 00:10:34 stupid it is because, because the show fucking sucks and it is terrifically stupid. Very stupid. I don't know if it sucks. I mean, I'm, there's some things about it that I'm kind of proud of. It's definitely stupid though. I would flag what I said as inappropriate. As I would encourage anyone to do if they run across a bad review of our show. Yeah, flag is inappropriate. Well, Adam, there's so much smolts here in my office that I'm getting concerned that I made drown in it. Do we want to pivot into talking about the show? Are you surrounded by bowls of food? So much schmalt here in my office that I'm getting concerned that I made drown in it. Do we want to pivot into talking about the show?
Starting point is 00:11:07 Are you surrounded by bowls of chicken and matsu soup? Yeah, pretty much. Yeah, let's do. Let's wait into that schmalt with Deep Space 9 Season 3 episode 8. Meridian. Ben, it almost goes by undetected. But it is yet another Jonathan Freak's episode. Uh-huh. They're sneaking by those credits.
Starting point is 00:11:41 Yeah, they really flash them fast. Do you feel like we're taking Jonathan Freak's direction for granted with an episode like this? Well, I have some Freak'sy in comparisons to draw. Okay. As we talk about it, so I don't add much. I'll withhold my verdict until we've talked it through. Stick a pin in it. This episode starts with a scenario that's very familiar to me, which is the non-date date. Odo and Kira are having a Reppelmat hang. Too hot.
Starting point is 00:12:13 A little. This is something that I did a number of times with my wife when she was my roommate and not my girlfriend. You know, we would like, hey, it's a Tuesday. Let's go out and have dinner together and then go have a few drinks at a bar and walk each other home chastly. Because we're really good friends. How long would you say that one of you liked the other before the other one shared that
Starting point is 00:12:40 feeling? shared that feeling. I think we both liked each other the second we met. And that was when the awful roommate that was moving out gave my now wife then stranger a tour of the room that she would be renting in my four unit apartment. And yeah, like we, so my wife disputes this. She doesn't think that I liked her the second I met her, which to me just means that she doesn't understand how boys work.
Starting point is 00:13:11 Because I saw a pretty lady that was like smart and funny. You told her how boys work since then, right? Yeah, yeah, now she knows what boys like. But yeah, like, I liked her quite a bit. The second I met her and, and she claims that she liked me the second she met me. So, but it was like, it was a, it was a very fraught couple of months because I had very strong feelings about not dating my roommates, especially in an apartment that with that many other tenants, I didn't want to turn our relationship into somebody else's problem.
Starting point is 00:13:57 So we did date in secret for about a month while living together, but then she moved out. I think that's a question that's worth returning to later on in this episode, when we talk about meat cutes and the strength of an immediate bond. Yeah, but it was fun to see them having this hang, Kieran Odo. And it very obviously washes over Odo that his interest in her is more than just friendship based, which was really fun to see. Yeah, and it really happens when she touches him.
Starting point is 00:14:35 There's the reference that he is her lover in front of this guy, Tyran, who walks up to them and is like, hey, Kira, what happened to you last night? I thought we really hit it off or whatever. And Kira, like a seasoned pro, like Pivitts into, oh, you haven't met my boyfriend who was right here at this table with me. It's very bracing how quickly she pivitts into this story. And it's a fun bit of business that catches Odo off guard, like you say.
Starting point is 00:15:07 Yeah, I love the guy trying to interrogate that and goes, what do you do for a living? He's like, head of security on the station. I could be your toilet. Yeah. This guy is introduced as a dick, like right from jump, right? And the way that they underpin his characters by making him a rich He's a rich dick. I mean it's ironic that we're flying coach to the middle east because I do her funantly feel like a martyr
Starting point is 00:15:33 To Ron's got loaf that looks like a flesh-colored basketball and he's wearing carpet remnants from every piece in the store I think he is He is resplendent with colors and textures. Yeah. He's sort of the kind of rich that doesn't care what he looks like, which is a certain kind of rich. Totally. Yeah, this is a real Star Trek that guy.
Starting point is 00:15:57 It's Jeffrey Combs. And I think he's, he's in a lot of deep space now. And he comes back and plays like a whole bunch of different Lofi aliens. And then he had a big recurring character in Star Trek Enterprise as well. So, uh, fun to see him in this loaf. You know, Jeffrey Comes was supposed to be cast as William Riker for a time. And then who was replaced by John Frakes, the director of this episode.
Starting point is 00:16:23 So... No love lost between those two. Yeah, what comes around is a guest star appearance, I guess. I think this is his debut though on the program. Yeah, and he does so great. I mean, he's got a list of Star Trek credits a mile long. Or a Kalamiter long, I should say, because that's how Star Trek would put it.
Starting point is 00:16:45 He's the metric system in Star Trek a lot. I admired Odo's ability to yes and this situation. You're very lucky man. I'm a lucky woman. Yes, we're both very lucky. Sometimes you're with a friend and you try a game bit like this and they're like, huh, what? What are you talking about?
Starting point is 00:17:06 We're not dating. Odo is someone who would leave a party when Kira gave Odo the signal. Like, he gets it. He knows the signal. He knows how uncomfortable she is. It's great. The other thing that is.
Starting point is 00:17:20 It would have been funny if they kept cutting from Tyran to Kira to Odo and back and Odo just keeps on getting more and more jacked. Like, they cut to him and he's got a mustache. He goes from 90-pound weakling to beach workout guy over the course of the scene. You're a move, Cree. They don't do a lot of play like that with him. That'd be fun. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:44 The other part of the cold open is a trip to the Gamma Quadrant on the Defiant. They don't do a lot of play like that with him. That'd be fun. Yeah. The other part of the cold open is a trip to the Gamma Quadrant on the Defiant. The commander has talked Starfleet into letting him keep the Gamma Quadrant Exploration Party going despite the Dominion threat. What's your understanding of the cloak situation at this point? I think it's like in there, but it's like it's like professional audio software in the 90s where you had to have a special dongle plugged into the computer or it wouldn't work. They don't have the dongle and that's something that the Romulans only provide in specific contexts.
Starting point is 00:18:19 Yeah, it's weird like not only are they back in the in the G quad, but they're just flying around with their asses out. Yeah, and it's like a real TNG style show open where it's just like, we're picking up some graphic distortions, let's go check them out. Yay! It's starfleet being starfleet. It's like, it's all starfleet on this thing. And this is a total enterprise D-style mission.
Starting point is 00:18:45 This is going to sound pejorative, but it's a paint by numbers before theme song, Star Trek show open. You're on your way to a thing and then another thing just comes up. Yeah, and it's fun. Yeah, I like it too. Gold to cotton, the cup, gold to cotton, so. So this planet decloaks, I guess, is what you could call the effect. I think that's what most people would understand it to be. It looks like a, yeah, the special effect is very similar to the shimmery effect that they apply when a warbird comes out of cloak or whatever.
Starting point is 00:19:20 They scan it for life forms in their 30. Great big planet, 30 life forms, and they get a hail, like bang, bang, bang. These three things happen. And up on the FaceTime is Sultan Rekal. And she's talking about some shit about her planet being extra-dimensional. That's something that Starfleet would be delighted to learn more about.
Starting point is 00:19:38 This is right in our wheelhouse. And Sultan Rekal is like matching all of their excitement with enthusiasm. She invites them to first meal, which they're just about to sit down to, and explains that the planet will be around plenty long for them to come down and share some food and learn their story.
Starting point is 00:19:59 What do you make of Cisco's very trusting attitude from jump? Like, I think it's great. I think it's great to begin a first contact with this with optimistic feelings. But they go from planet decloaks to beaming down for first meal in like less than three minutes. And I think if I saw a planet decloak, I would be afraid of that planet cloaking again. The specter of that hung over this episode, like a sort of damacles, and I was waiting for somebody to like grab somebody and then the planet cloak again, you know?
Starting point is 00:20:38 There is usually the bridge crew person that expresses that feeling. Like, just to know, like, we don't know when that planet's gonna buzz off again. Are we sure this is a good idea? Like, that seems like a bishier thing to say. Right. But he does not say it and they beam down
Starting point is 00:20:55 and they have a pretty nice hang. Like, the threat of that never comes to pass. And that's not what this episode is about. The story of this planet is fucking bonkers though Yeah, it certainly is. This is a planet that exists between dimensions like it goes from one dimension to the other and in this Corporeal existence like everyone's a solid right like and they look forward to this because in the other dimension they have become pure energy like LSD trip, terminology style. They're like, for 60 years, we're just nothing but thoughts and lights.
Starting point is 00:21:33 It's done. It's fucking boring as hell. You can't dick around on your phone or play a video game or read a book or anything. It's just thoughts. How great can it be if what they look forward to is the corporeal form? All they want to do is eat fruit. Like they've been thinking about it for 60 years. They want to get back and eat some fruit. They want to eat fruit and fuck Ben. But the problem is the time that they spend in corporeal
Starting point is 00:21:59 universe is lessening every time. And it's eventually going to get to the point where they're not in any space at all. Like, this is a ratio that is untenable. And it's the reason that they have only 30 people on the planet, like, there's no time for fucking. We always look forward to this existence and it's many pleasures. You turn into a solid, then I know you know what this is like.
Starting point is 00:22:19 You turn into a solid. You eat a big dinner. You don't feel like fucking after that dinner. No, you're like watching TV and go into bed. Yeah, you gotta do what Dan Savage recommends is fuck first. Yeah, yeah, it's great advice. Here, let me help you with that. Despite that, this gentleman named D'Ral
Starting point is 00:22:38 takes a real keen interest in decks from the second she sits down. He starts asking her pretty leading questions about how far down her spots go and unlike most of the Kind of forward men that DAX has encountered this actually seems to go over pretty well with her Yeah, in spite of him having the name of like a mid-brand cigarette She falls for him pretty hard. He kind of has coronemic vibes, I thought. Yeah, they cut back to O'Brien a couple of times during this breakfast and O'Brien is just watching this just like what the fuck.
Starting point is 00:23:15 It's all silent, you know, just wordless takes of the chief, just rolling his eyes and kind of gaffing to himself. Like, I can't believe these guys fucking lines are working on her. He dominates this episode and he's only in it for five minutes. I love this scene. So funny. Speaking of Dax's spots at him, I don't know if I've brought this up, but something bothers me about how they always seem to be kind of rubbing off at the neckline of her uniform. Yeah. Like the fabric on the little mock turtle neck
Starting point is 00:23:50 where it interacts with those spots. The spots seem to be like rubbed a little, a little paler every time I see them. And I'm like, is that really a limitation of the makeup that they're putting on her where it doesn't last that long. That would be too bad. It seems like they like when you're shooting something like this, the makeup people are always buzzing in in between takes and like freshening people up and put
Starting point is 00:24:15 in powder on noses and stuff. Why can't they, you know, have a little grease pencil onto the onto the spots? Yeah, I'm not sure. I'm just confused by that. Yeah, I am too. I mean, she could go to a flared turtle. That would be great. She would look awesome in that. She's the only one rock and flared turt. That's a strong decision.
Starting point is 00:24:40 Yeah, she's drinking a fifth, smoking big turtle, and wearing big turt. Well damn, another motherfucking slappy? Yeah, you know she's gonna be smoking that turtle. Ben, D'Rale is deploying a form of flirtation that maybe in 1994 seems cute, Maybe in 1994 seems cute, but today just seems pretty fucking gross. And what did you make of his ways of seduction? I was creeped out the second he started feeding her fruit.
Starting point is 00:25:17 Like I was spoon like a baby. Yeah. It's hard to put myself in a 1994 mindset because I was in fucking junior high and an idiot. No one knows anything at that age, but I wonder how did this play? I guess it played fine, right? Like this is 1994. This is what you get.
Starting point is 00:25:38 I wonder, yeah. Their relationship, do you remember Carmen from that crystalline entity episode? Yeah. I provide the most memorable desserts. My favorite part of dinner. The way they interact reminded me so much of Riker and Carmen at the beginning of that episode. And Carmen was like just there to get killed by the crystalline entity so that we could
Starting point is 00:26:00 have some stakes in that episode. But I thought it was very interesting that Frakes was in the directing chair for an episode that feels so strongly like that, where it's like, it's so salacious, so quickly, you know, when she stands there looking at him and says, I make the best dessert. I'm like, bites her lower lip.
Starting point is 00:26:22 Like there's lower lip biting in this episode. It's pretty gross. And especially because like there is no shortcut to falling in love on a TV show. Like especially when you try to force it like this. Like they have nothing in common at all, except for their mutual attraction. And is the the the surest way to make Attraction seem implausible. Yeah, I think like like maybe he could have a backstory of one time putting something inside him That's that's a thing that they could share, but they don't have that. It's just feeding each other fruit
Starting point is 00:27:04 When I masturbate I put something in my butt. Ankylis or... Yeah, like, like, Daryl gets interesting there. That's the case. But as it is, it's, it's, it's not really first date information though. It schmupies all the way down and I don't buy it. Especially a breakfast date. Yeah. Yeah. It's another non-date breakfast date. Right, that's first meal. Yeah. They didn't even get to fourth meal.
Starting point is 00:27:31 Let alone fifth meal, right? What do you think the Taco Bell people have to say about this? Is fifth meal what the Taco Bell people are marketing or is it fourth meal? I think they would prefer if you ate their product as often as possible. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:44 I heard somebody saying that Taco Bell has a reputation for making people shit themselves because a lot of people that eat Taco Bell, the only other food they eat is from other fast food restaurants. And because there's actually dietary fiber and beans, which they don't encounter in their other food, it's like, it's their system going, oh finally, we can get rid of all this poop. which they don't encounter in their other food. It's like, it's their system going,
Starting point is 00:28:05 oh finally we can get rid of all this poop. Wow, that is a, that is sad if true. Yeah, that's fucked up, right? How much dietary fiber does Arby's have? I can't imagine it as any atom. Well, that is not much of an explanation for what it does to me. Well, Adam, everything does that to you though. You can't use your butt as a baseline.
Starting point is 00:28:33 My butt is a terrible barometer. To be quite honest about it, that is an appere. A bucket, a pay. Mr. Bucket, I have to revert to my limit state. Oh, I don't use the bucket anymore. So we know what the problem is. The problem is diminished corporeal time, the inability to reproduce,
Starting point is 00:28:52 but the question I had right away been is why don't they just beam these people off the planet to go fuck and then beam them back or something? Like leaving the planet seems to be an option. They seem to like having both. That's the thing. They don't want to walk away from their non-corporeal hangs just because their corporeal hangs are getting shorter. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:15 So back on DS9 and our in our B story, which for some reason is even creepier than the A story. For some reason, is even creepier than the A story. Ha ha ha ha ha ha. Tyran has got it hard for Kira, and is so unwilling to take her know for an answer that he wants Halo Kira to be a thing. And so he goes to quark for help in creating a holographic Kira that would satisfy his every desires and he's willing to pay for it.
Starting point is 00:29:47 Taron, I understand the esteem that you hold Korkin, but as a competing businessman and a similar vertical, I would like to propose a different path to making a Kira that you can have your way with as it were. The Kevin Oaksbridge family of products can supply you to run with a startlingly life-like version of Kira and a photon torpedo-sized carry-case for traveling. Now I understand that it can be inconvenient that we have to play ice cream truck music in the minds of all telepaths when your super life like Kira Dahl is out and about. But I assure you that the drawbacks of that are far fewer than fucking an amalgam of electrons and energy in a Hallowsweet.
Starting point is 00:30:44 And Mr. D'Cloric, I have a message for you specifically. You do not want to die on this hill. Trust me on this one. Old computing businesses have not only failed in the face of the Kevin Usbridge family of products. They have mysteriously disappeared, along with their entire race of beings. And everyone's memory of that race. We can compete on price and reputation, or we can play dirty up to you, buddy. There's only one possible outcome when you play dirty with Kevin X Bridge.
Starting point is 00:31:31 And that is total extermination of his species. Honestly, I'd be sad to see you little fuckers go. You're some of my best customers. You break a pool queue and put it in a room with Kevin, Xbridge and anyone. You come back later and like the pool queue is gone, the other person is gone, like half the world is gone. What the fuck Kevin? So Cork is gonna become a smut peddler and he's being paid a pretty ludicrous amount by Teral from, as we can assume based on how he reacts to the bar of metal and the ring
Starting point is 00:32:15 that Taron brandishes. It's another file in the collection of Quark is not a great person and yet somehow gets a pass on being charismatic. Right, because if you were like, if you found out that a friend of yours had been paid to like take surreptitious nude photos of a lady that he is nominally friends with and occasionally works with, you'd be like, oh my god, what the hell is wrong with them? It's kind of revenge-poorny. Yeah. Everything we know about Quark up until now has been a character trying to get on Kira's good side,
Starting point is 00:32:54 who has been a little bit infatuated with her. This seems like a total left turn for him. It's one of those things where Quark is sometimes the kind of like lighthearted, like, grifter, and sometimes he is like stone-cold evil. And in this episode, they're like playing it for lighthearted grifter, but it is stone-cold evil. What he's doing. There's no other read on this, and it, you know, it doesn't help that that Tyran never waivers from creeps to rich guy. Like he is the Robert Redford character and in decent proposal.
Starting point is 00:33:29 You have something that I just don't have. Except he isn't even that charismatic. The protection staff knew that this was super creepy and evil, but somehow they tried to like not have quirk get tarred with that brush. Can we fix the episode? Here's what I just thought of. Like, I think you can make this work.
Starting point is 00:33:49 Mm-hmm. If Taran is a kid, and he has a crush on Kira, and he's like the son of a rich, if he's a non-sexual Francis Bucston, and just like has a crush on Kira, and wants to hang out with her, and like, chast hang out with her and like Chastly be with her in a hollow sweet. Today is my birthday and my father said I can have anything I want
Starting point is 00:34:11 Good for you and your father. I think you can make this storyline play in a non-creepy way But because to run isn't it? Yeah, cuz I think the Kira would just be nice to a kid like that. Yeah, yeah And also non-sexual Francis Bucston is almost a... I'm putting that on my band name list. That's fucking great. Ha ha ha ha ha ha. You get on stage and you're just chewing a trick gum the whole time. You're mean?
Starting point is 00:34:39 I'm fruit. Fruit please. Who's playing tonight? The shitty Beatles Nance actual Francis Buckston I heard they don't fuck Party on Party on yo also I feel like they're at this moment in time in the 24th century future in a Federation adjacent if not Federation specific outpost
Starting point is 00:35:03 the Barclay amendment to the Hollis-Sweet-Slash-Holladek business rules should be an effect here. Like, we should know what that rule is and we should know why it's being prosecuted. Well, maybe, yeah, I would have liked a line of dialogue to explain, you know, where we are, slash R slash T that phenomenon. Because it seemed weird also that it was like a ludicrously costly thing to do in deep space nine when if you wanted to say make a Lea Brahms fuck toy in TNG, you could accidentally do it. It's so correctable in a line of dialogue, Ben.
Starting point is 00:35:45 He should want to do this and be willing to pay for it because it's illegal. It should be expensive because the controls that are in place are hard to get around. That should be a part of this story, and it's not. It just seems like a matter of resources for quark and ability. Yeah. How does quark's character recover from doing something like this to somebody? I don't know, I guess we'll have to wait
Starting point is 00:36:09 for the button on the episode. The things I do for money. Well, we get back to Meridian, the disappearing, reappearing planet. And I think early in this relationship between Dax and Tarral, she's a little bit more focused on the science and he's a little bit more focused on that booty.
Starting point is 00:36:28 But she does kind of set the science aside eventually. She falls for a kind of bullshit game, which is like going for a walk or climbing a tree or like this idea that D'Aral is grieving for a wife that died like any story. He's willing to tell right off the bat To make him seem to make himself seem sympathetic like This is happening so fast. It really is it is foot on the gas. I mean like he's like telling her about how He wants to build a house for two here in this in this foresty meadow. Like on a first date, that is a fucking red flag. Yeah. Yeah, especially because
Starting point is 00:37:15 DAX as a character having had these lifetimes of experience should be the most socially experienced person in any room. Capable of seeing through any bullshit that could ever be thrown her way. And while I believe her feelings to be true and her intentions sound, like I don't feel like she's falling for any kind of trickery, it feels cheap. It feels like she has to have done that for for this romance to work. It's either that or she is actually just as just as drawn to him as he is to her and she's enjoying the advances that he's making because they reveal his interest in her. Lest you forget at the 20-minute mark who is directing this episode. We get a
Starting point is 00:38:05 Freaks shot here. One of the great freaks is I think he jibbs during this climbing of the tree scene both up and down that climb. Yeah. In a really fun way and this is really difficult with all the branches and stuff making this this sequence work. I think it was it was really well done in it, and it gives a couple of compositions that you really don't see very often save for Jonathan Freak's directed episodes. Like, extreme top down. The extreme top down at the end of that tree climbing scene you think is going to be
Starting point is 00:38:40 when they first kiss because he kind of helps her down and has his arms around her. And the little moment of awkwardness while they, you know, brush themselves off and walk out of frame is very sweet. If you can forgive, like, how hard the pedal is to the metal on this romance, that little moment is very nice. And then, you know, two seconds later, they're like rolling around in the grass and then, you know, two seconds later, they're like rolling around in the grass and then the camera cuts to a train entering a tunnel. [♪ Music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background tree. If you were to shoot this in profile, it would be laughable. Like they aren't very high off the ground.
Starting point is 00:39:29 Right. Because you're flying the camera vertically and shooting down, you're forcing a perspective that makes them look a lot higher than they are. And I think that that really sells the idea that she's scared of heights and she doesn't want to be up there. Yeah, I mean, and it's fun. It's fun to see Dex do a make out scene.
Starting point is 00:39:47 Yeah. I hate some gentleman. Yeah. Are you protective of her, like as a viewer, like do you see this, like, this is the point in the episode, I think, where you have to make that decision, right? Are you seeing this as a mistake or do you want her to be happy? I think that a lot of what has happened so far is gross and cringy. But I also feel like Dax is well established enough as like, wizened and experienced that I do trust her to make these decisions and I don't feel like it's,
Starting point is 00:40:25 I don't feel like she is falling for something. Yeah. Yeah. I don't feel like she's being tricked into this. You can fall for someone without falling for it. Yeah. As a concept. Yeah. Like she's looking forward to a few years in the future when their relationship is a little bit more mature
Starting point is 00:40:47 And she can go like God you were so corny when you were trying to get my attention when we first met and And you know bustest chops about it a little bit That'd be fun What are you doing now? Be story real briefly, Kira Katch is Quark trying to take a hollow picture of her. Back on the planet, they've gotten the sketch of a mission on the defiant, which is they're going to try to try to equalize the time between dimensional shifts on this planet. And there's some science that they can deploy in order to make this happen.
Starting point is 00:41:37 They've gotten some scans of the sun, and the sun has some gravimetric something, something, and that seems to be influencing the way this phasing in and out of our universe is taking place. And they've even got a probe deep in the sun, and they think they can figure this out. They can actually like solve this problem for these folks. That probe shooting scene looks like a brand new shot of that ship. Sort of head on in a fun way. And I feel like a much cooler looking probe than the enterprise D ever shot out of itself. Agreed. Yeah. Yeah, I mean, you're not going to want to put a dead body in this probe gazing. It's too nice.
Starting point is 00:42:22 You want to save that one for the only top of the line models. Yeah, and it's kind of amidst all this that... ...Dax decides that she wants to get real serious with this dude. Yeah, they move right past like building a house among the lily pads and to the idea of maybe deraille going back to the alpha quadrant with Dax or maybe Dax sticking around on Meridian, like they're actually talking cohabitation at this point. Yeah, because the dimensional shift is five days away, and while they have a roadmap for
Starting point is 00:42:57 fixing the decay in the rate of back and forth transformation, it's going to take more than those five days. So the idea initially is that D'Areal is coming with Jed Zia, but then it kind of flips around and it turns out that he is not going to be able to do that. There's a scene that's really crucial here that I think if they took it in a slightly different way,
Starting point is 00:43:22 I might ride for D'Ral a little more than I do, which is like D'Ral comes to the decision, right, that he's made a decision with D'Ax that is going to impact his life on Meridian. And so they walk up to Sultan R'Khal, and R'Khal is like pumped that they're going to stay and that she's got this plan for him that has to do with another woman that he kind of wants to wiggle out of. If derals reason for wanting to be with Dax is about extricating himself from a forced marriage situation or a loveless relationship that he's looking down the barrel of, I can
Starting point is 00:44:00 understand that as being instructive of all his decisions. Yeah. But instead, it's just like, I like someone who is not someone that's self-entered and recall likes for me. Yeah. And they ask him not to leave, and he agrees to do that, which is what motivates dacts to want to stay with him instead, which is a don't science problem that they have to solve. But yeah, the motivation seemed really weird. Back on Deep Space 9, Taron is pissed that Quark has not delivered on his fuck program yet, and the way Quark
Starting point is 00:44:34 assuages his concerns is that he's got a new honey stick that gets him very high level personal information. There must be that level seven shit that Odo was talking about in the last episode. Must be, yeah. And he's pretty sure that he's gonna be able to make this happen.
Starting point is 00:44:53 It costs me dearly. If it works, it's what I've ever priced you wait for. Tyran is leaving in a couple of days. So the clock is ticking on this project. And there's a lot of money on the line for good old Quark, the smut peddler. So he sticks that thing in the computer and we cut to Odo in his office with major cure
Starting point is 00:45:13 going like, hey, somebody has been accessing your security file in a way that makes me think that that thing we saw Quark doing with the camera earlier, may. Like, because Quark has tried like a couple of gambits. that thing we saw Quirk doing with the camera earlier may, like, because Quirk has tried a couple of gambits. He tried the gambit of like luring Kira to the bar and saying she was his millionth customer and that she gets free hollow sweet hangs, which she did not want.
Starting point is 00:45:39 Like, he made the mistake of going too big too early. Right. You know, we should have just- Millie Justimer plan is way too big. And too obviously too early. Right. You know, really just a plan is way too big. And too obviously about her. Yeah. Where like if all he needs to do is have her be inside a hollow suite, like maybe like, you know, throw a cocktail function for the senior staff in a hollow suite or, or, you
Starting point is 00:46:02 know, and she's just one of many people that show up or whatever. It seems like a production choice wagging the story choice, Doug. They don't have the resources or the time to do another setup or to work with that number of cast. Right, because the Meridian playset is very star it's very star trekky, but it's actually pretty big. I thought it might be the indoor part, might be a redress of the Klingon Hall. Oh, that's interesting.
Starting point is 00:46:32 I'm not positive, but it kind of has the same like, the same shape on the inside of it. And then there's like an exterior set. There's, these things are expensive. The conclusion to Odo's declaration of Kira's personal file being hacked is that Kira wants revenge. Like Odo is like, you want me to go arrest him? I can arrest him right now. I'd love to do that. Kira's like, no. Revenge will be better. And that comment hangs as we pivot back to the Gazi lens love story between Dural and DAX. This sort of like introduces the idea that their infatuation
Starting point is 00:47:15 is Incredibly shallow because obviously they have nothing in common like DAX is talking about how great Tango is as a game And Dax is talking about how great Tango is as a game. And D'Rale is like staring off into the middle distance. Couldn't be less interested in Dax's gambling. It's kind of pivoting into a fish out a water story that no one is comfortable with. I mean, like, that is a real thing. This doesn't happen that often, but if I play a video game, and I find it to be remarkable in some way, are really interesting. My wife is not a a real thing, like this doesn't happen that often, but if I play a video game and it's, I find it to be remarkable in some way,
Starting point is 00:47:47 a really interesting, like my wife is not a person that is available to have a conversation about that with me. And, you know, like I definitely learned that the hard way by saying like I'm playing a really like interesting Batman game right now, you know, and her eyes just glaze over immediately, like Dex, read the room, He doesn't care about Tango. Yeah. Again, like lifetimes of experience in romances. I would have thought
Starting point is 00:48:12 she could have read that read that room a little better. We have a pretty intense goodbye scene between her and Cisco because he loves her. He's one of his dearest friends and he's gonna miss her. And, uh, you know, he's happy for her, but also sad to see her go. I think if you're Cisco and you're Bixir and you're the people who love DAX, like, you know the science is there to make this happen. Because like the idea is they're gonna use the transport buffer to match her quantum matrix with his so that like she can ride out the planet's trip to the other dimension. And so they do that, but I think up until that moment, everyone's got to be looking at each other like she's not really going to go through with this, right? But eventually in the episode, you get to that point, like you get to zero hour where she's
Starting point is 00:49:02 about to hop on the transporter pad and go and you're right, it's interesting how emotional the scene is between Cisco and DAX. It's strange how detached Bashir is feeling in that moment and how even more detached O'Brien is a sort of the fourth wheel in that scene. Yeah, it's pretty wild. I mean, Is this moment earned though on episode eight of season three of this series? Because there are real tears happening here between them. I think it was the second skin episode a while ago where everybody had to contemplate the idea
Starting point is 00:49:41 that maybe Cura is dead and gone. You know, when they find the thing that might be a transporter signature or might be a phaser set to vape. And I was really impressed with how they got to like a real, like a very naturalistic emotional reaction to that information. Like those characters are actually believing that she might be dead in that scene. And I feel like the same thing happens here where I don't quite know how you get to this moment because just the scene in the bunk
Starting point is 00:50:13 between Cisco and DAX is like incredibly raw emotionally. Every Brooks is fucking incredible in the scene. Yeah. He is like... They both are. Like, they both get at some really deep feelings in these little interactions. I don't deny that they are both great in this scene
Starting point is 00:50:36 and I am not trying to grade them against each other. There is something almost scary about what Afree Brooks is doing here. Like, how close to the surface, what he's obviously trying to tamp down has become. And he does something in his take that is so interesting is that one way that you direct professional and non-professional actors is to like go all the way through cut with what you're doing, right? With, with your dialogue or your action, like't stop acting, basically, is the message.
Starting point is 00:51:07 And what Avery Brooks does, he wheels around and leaves recorders, he does something, he balls up his fists once he walks away and rounds the corner, and it's such a finish to that scene that like, when people leave a scene in Star Trek, I don't feel like they really finish it the way that Avery Brooks does here. And that really stood out to me as a choice that I thought was good. It's so short, you barely see it, but I think it's just another way you feel how he's
Starting point is 00:51:40 feeling. Well, there's only one way you can react to a scene like that. One kind of scene that you can have to come down off an emotional peak like that. And it's a a real crazy slide whistle scene. Because Quark has finished his program and he gives it to Tyran and Tyran goes up into the hall of sweet and it says that he will settle up with Quark upon inspecting the merchandise. And we cut to the shimmering pink curtains of every mid-90s love-making scene. And Tyran is kind of moving through them and turns pushing them aside.
Starting point is 00:52:25 And we cut around and there's the lingerie wearing feminine figure lying on a bed. And like the legs cross-selectively, the camera luredly pans up and then quarks head pops up. That many waiting for you. It was Quark. They put Quark's head on Kira's body. That's the revenge? That is some pretty cute revenge, Kira. And it's also not on Quark. You know?
Starting point is 00:53:00 And also, the way to Ron reacts to this is fucking insane. He comes out of there and goes, it's not like, haha very funny, where's the actual program? I will ruin you for this. You are dead. As if that had been done in public in a way that would make him ashamed. Like, his reaction is totally uncoupled from what we've seen. You're right.
Starting point is 00:53:27 It doesn't make any sense. Tyron has his own hollow suite anyway. Like so much of his story up until now doesn't hang together. Yeah, just have Quark email you the file and do it in the privacy of your own home. Get it tell you though. That a Quark head on a kira body, still pretty nice. Yeah, I mean, I think they're both very sexually attractive. Let's just say combined together a little weird.
Starting point is 00:53:52 I mean, if I'm going to have a loaf dream, I'm definitely going to prefer just the kira version, like kira in totality. But I don't know, the dream state does weird things. Extrange combinations. Right. But I don't know the dream state does weird things. Strange combinations. Yeah. I had a dream the other night that I was in a garden and every plant reacted differently when I touched it. What did you touch it with? Like my fingers. So it wasn't a sexy. I wasn't fucking the plants, Adam.
Starting point is 00:54:22 This wasn't that scene in 40-year-old Virgin. Seth Rogan says you plant the seed, you grow the plant, and then you fuck the plant. That's so funny to me. So back on the defiant, Dax has gone through the Transporter Scramble, Bashirisad, O'Brien's Neutral. Dax said she just got her quantum matrix rewritten, huh? Yeah, and appears to have... Like how do they know that's gonna work? She's not feeling any effects.
Starting point is 00:55:04 What gives them any confidence that that's a good idea? It's weird. They beam her down to the planets and right at the moment where this planet begins its shift, there are some bangers dropped. And this is a fairly thankless moment for any actor which involves banging around alone in front of a green screen, looking like you're in pain. And it's pretty rough trade here. What we're looking for is confusion and disorientation and maybe a little bit of pain. Okay, well, I mean, I'm confused and disoriented by this acting job you are giving me. So I guess I can draw on that in my performance. They don't move the camera enough for this to give her a chance. I think that really
Starting point is 00:55:56 helps when bangers are getting dropped on the entrepreneur, like they bang the camera around a lot and that solves a lot of those problems. Yeah. But these camera shakes are not big enough. They should be bangers commensurate with the planetary bangers. But everybody but DACS starts to fade out and up on the defiant there, they're detecting that something is amiss with this and they, and they realize that it has to do with DACS being there. She's kind of holding everybody back. And that doesn't, she's not holding them back enough
Starting point is 00:56:31 for them not to disappear and then the plan to start to disappear. She's like standing on this planet, well, it starts to shimmer out of existence. And the doctor, for some reason, has to be the one to order the chief to beam her up. Get her out of that chief. Where were you on that Cisco?
Starting point is 00:56:48 Yeah, where were you on that chief? Read the fucking tea leaves, you know? Yeah. Yeah. Like you're looking at the same sense of readings as everybody else. The button on the episode is saddax being sad in her quarters. Having been told that Meridian shifted normally once she was pulled off the planet. It's an episode where two terribly problematic romances didn't work out that well.
Starting point is 00:57:17 Are we supposed to be relieved by this? I mean, she's... She came very close to not being on the show anymore in the, you know, if we were to believe this episode. Quark should be in Barclay prison. Tyron should be getting an ass kicking. They should just throw Quark out the airlock for this. It's such a violation.
Starting point is 00:57:41 Dax needs 60 years to grieve her lost love. Cisco went through the stages of grief for losing a friend, and now I guess he's got, he's got to go through his own thing, but we never see any of that at the end. It's just ISO on Dax. Very weird end to a very weird episode. Did you like it though? Fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff creepiest fuck in both the A and B storyline and weird, but somehow like held my attention more, like I think it might just be that it was so much more visually interesting than your average deep space nine episode.
Starting point is 00:58:36 Right. I did not feel myself struggling to pay attention, which like at the 40 minute mark in the previous episode, I was like, ugh, I don't even care. So this one like wins a little bit on the measurement of like, did I watch it with interest? But like, stepping back and looking at like the messages and like, what the characters do to each other and like, the motivations behind some of this stuff is like
Starting point is 00:59:06 uh I hate this episode hate it whoa wow strong it might be the worst episode of season three so far are there are there other ones that are less good than this I think there's I think this might be the worst hard to beat think this might be the worst. Hard to beat. Yeah, now easily, easily the worst. Hmm. That we've watched in season three. I'm just looking back. Nice to see Dax gets some stuff to do. It's made more unfortunate that it is a Dax episode, right? Yeah. Like because she gets so few episodes of her own. Did you like this episode?
Starting point is 00:59:47 I think there's a big difference between episodes that I think are bad and episodes that I think are so close to being good that they're bad. And this is the second one I think. I don't think this episode is far off from being a good episode, but it sucks because like how could you improve the Skeeviness of both storylines. That's pretty difficult But the thing I that I would focus on more than anything is like With just a few tweaks like we understand characters motivations a little better Shouldn't we know if DAX is looking for love? By now like I've never really gotten that vibe from her that she was like seeking
Starting point is 01:00:25 this. Right. If D'Aral was less slimy in his affection for her, if it felt like more natural would that be good? Maybe. What? We don't know anything about the Meridians. Like at all. Like how does the society work? Do they do anything besides eat fruit? Are they just like tripping on LSD all the time? Every time they go to the other dimension, like we know nothing about this race. And that I feel like should be a major point of infatuation. Like there should be attraction from DAX to Dural as an alien.
Starting point is 01:01:00 Like from a scientific perspective, she should be a factor to him. But yeah, there's be a factored in. Because she's an adventurer. But yeah, there's none of that at all. So it feels too much to accept a magic planet and a love story and this tragedy at the end, all at the same time. In the end, it's just too many boxes unchecked in terms of supporting character motivations or making interesting stories or conflicts. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:27 But yeah, that's right, Matt. I won't go as far as to say that I capital H hated, but it was like tantalizing how in curious the episode was about a number of things in it. You know what I'm curious about, Adam Adam is whether or not we have any priority one messages do you want to go check those with me? Let's check them out. Priority one message from Starfleet coming in on Secured Channel. Need a supplement on top of the loan? Yes, extra. The interest alone could be enough to buy this ship. Adam we have a couple of priority one messages here. The first is of a Yeah, it's extra. But the interest alone could be enough to buy this ship.
Starting point is 01:02:05 Adam, we have a couple of priority one messages here. The first is of a promotional nature. Whoa. And here it goes. Some might think belonging only to the greatest Gen Facebook is fine. But what Arthur E. Presupposes is, maybe you should join sub-subgroups?
Starting point is 01:02:23 Wondering anybody can, you try date Chamoda for support advice, and maybe more in the modern world of dating? Celebrate infinite possibilities and infinite combinations with the pride of DeSoto, a safe space for LGBTQ+, and allied FODs, and visit the Reppelmat of the USS Hood, AKA the greatest exocook. A great place to share recipes and gocket food porn. Wow.
Starting point is 01:02:51 That's great! Food subs. I love that. You know where this started been? It started with Jim Shimotas, what it did. Yeah. Jim Shimotas showed the world that there could be all different kinds of groups of greatest gen viewers. And I really like this, so if you want to check out any of those three, find them on Facebook at slash FOD subs.
Starting point is 01:03:17 That's FODS UBS. Tell them Dissoto sent you. That is pretty great, Ben. You might say it's the greatest. Ben our second priority when message is of a personal nature. It is from Brian and Seattle. And it is for Jean, Felicia, Francesca, Justin and Jesse, whose voice reminds me of Ben's. Hey, that sounds nice. Message goes like this, this is for Ben and Adam.
Starting point is 01:03:45 Been binging your show, and haven't finished next gen yet, so I'm firing this torpedo blind. I'm knowing where it'll hit, and DS9, but I can't wait to hear how you deal with the slog that is the early episodes, especially move along home. And in parentheses, which honestly, I hope you vetoed for your sanity. Ha ha ha ha ha. Oh man, Brian is gonna be very disappointed when he learns about what happened to Vito's. PS? They basically turned into move-along home. Ha ha ha ha ha ha. Yeah, no kidding.
Starting point is 01:04:17 I don't know if Brian's gonna be happy about the circumstance. He ends his P1 PS. Kevin should schism the dominion. Whoa! I have often wondered about the mistake of making Kevin Uxbridge a bottle episode character. Like he is the most powerful entity in the universe. Yeah. They bring Q back all the time. Why not us bridge? Why is there no Q meets us bridge episode? I don't know. I don't know. It's too bad missed opportunity Missed up. Well, we wouldn't encourage anyone out there not to miss the opportunity to send in a priority one message
Starting point is 01:04:59 You can do so by going to Jumbo Tron where personal messages are $100 and commercial messages are $200 and they are a great, great, great, great way to support the ongoing production of the greatest generation. A greatest gen live show is something you don't want to miss. Why? Well it's a great opportunity to see me and Ben in person, but that's not all. FODs from all over gather at these shows to cosplay, to do pre and post show hangs, to make friends, and share their embarrassment. Hey, let's make a pretty great name for a tour.
Starting point is 01:05:46 Let's do it. The Share Your Embarrassment Tour is coming in August 2023. We've got a bunch of dates in a lot of great places. Go to to get more info. That's for dates and ticketing information for the Share Your Embarrassment Tour. I'm Jordan Morris. And I'm Jesse Thorne. dates and ticketing information for the Share Your Embarrassment Tour. I'm Jordan Morris and I'm Jesse Thorne. On Jordan Jesse Go we make pure, delightful nonsense. We were open awesome guests and bring them down to our level. We got stupid with Judy Greer.
Starting point is 01:06:15 My friend Molly and I call it having the spaceweards. Pat Noswald. Could I get a Balrog burger and some air-gorn fries? Thank you. And Kumail Nanjiani. I've come back with cat toothbrushes, which is impossible to use. Come get stupider with us at Look, your podcast apps are already open, just pull it out. Give Jordan Jesse Goat try. Being smart is hard. Be dumb instead.
Starting point is 01:06:37 Oh, Raps, hey, hey, I'm about to count you in line. These clouds are really freaking me out. I hate having to stand in line and boy, what do I? These giraffes do not smell good. No, they do not, and they've such short neck. But I'm hearing we need to get on this. Gotta get on the art. It is about terrain, about a spout to destroy humanity.
Starting point is 01:06:58 Hey, oh, sorry, sorry, sorry. Are you Noah? Yeah, I know we look like humans. We're actually, we're podcasters. We are podcasters, so it's different. Have you heard of Ono Ross and Carrie? We investigate spirituality, claims of the paranormal, stuff like that. And you have a boat and say the world's gonna end,
Starting point is 01:07:13 so seem like something for us to check out. We would love to be on the boats. We came two by two. What do you think? Ono Ross and Carrie, available on Shemoda! Time Shemoda, Ben. If you wheel your cursor to about the 10 minute and 20 second mark of the app, this is the first meal scene. O'Brien crushes this scene. O'Brien's my Shemoda, but specifically the line read of long time between meals.
Starting point is 01:08:01 He's so beautiful. And the way that they frame him, like he's not looking into camera, but he's looking next to the camera. But close enough that it feels like he's looking at you in a way that they don't do in Star Trek. But it feels like a turn to camera punchline. And fucking love it. It's so good. Because he's just watched this guy like feed fruit. It feels confidential. Like he's telling you his funny joke. I love it.
Starting point is 01:08:32 He's like melcom in the middle and that's him. Yeah, Kalamini's read on it. Like I feel like you could, you could do this 10 times and not get to where he got with this line. It's spectacular. I love it. What about you? There's a rock-stallage moda there, buddy.
Starting point is 01:08:47 I think I can probably come up with the time on my Shmoda, too. Yeah. We go to about 19 minutes into the episode. OK. You see Dax and Daryl kind of shift from science mode to making a hook-up plans mode. And they're framed in such a way that Cisco
Starting point is 01:09:06 on the bridge is like arms crossed, just like watching this go down. I didn't notice this the first time. That's some good blocking. It's very funny blocking and like Cisco is unreadable. Like partly it's that he's in soft focus, but partly I think it's just that like he's in command of a ship right now and can't be like reacting too big to the fact that they just made a
Starting point is 01:09:32 plan to beam down to the planet and fucking the grass. You know, in composition, you're establishing that Cisco comes between them. And this is another great Jonathan Freak's technique of like a slowly rotating camera sequence that finishes with a visual message here. But I mean, this is a conflict that might have been fun to experience throughout the episode that we really never get. We only get his grief at the end. We don't get his problems with it throughout. Yeah. And I think that you could have done a lot to make this relationship seem less weird and rushed if Cisco's advice as a friend on it had like played a role ever.
Starting point is 01:10:14 Yeah, hard to agree. That's a good Shimoda. It's a soft-focus Shimoda bin. Yeah, Cisco is my soft-focus Shimoda. That's another bin name. You want to see soft-focus Shimoda after That's another band name. You wanna see soft-focus Shimoda after a non-sexual Francis Bucsden. I hear they can well.
Starting point is 01:10:30 Ha ha ha. Ben, what do we have coming up on the very next episode? The next episode is season three, episode nine, defiant when Commander William Reiker from the Enterprise visits the station. An intrigued Kira takes him on a tour, particularly of the Defiant. Is the Defiant what Kira calls that booty?
Starting point is 01:10:56 Because I think that's the only Defiant Reiker wants a tour of. And you want to hear the other description of this episode? Yes, please. Wheel Rakers renegade duplicate steals the defiant and attacks Cardassian territory, forcing Cisco to assist GolduCut and stopping him. What the fuck? Why didn't it give away everything like that? That's terrible. Yeah, that's a bit of a spoiler alert.
Starting point is 01:11:25 Wow. I mean, maybe that's like in the first five minutes though, right? Like, it's just not the only thing that happens in the moments before the credits roll. Yeah, I mean, I'm well into the part of DS9 where I haven't seen any of these episodes, so I would have preferred to not have known that. That's kind of a bummer for me personally. Wow.
Starting point is 01:11:51 I'm sorry to have bummed you. What isn't a bummer at all is game of buttholes, the will of the profits. And it's looking spiffy on the website here, Ben. It's gotten a little bit of a re-skin from our friend's Philippe Sobriero. And Craig Anderson. And it's really excited about this. Craig actually put the source code up on GitHub.
Starting point is 01:12:17 So I don't really know much about programming, but I think that means that you could like download this and mess around with it yourself. And you can follow along at slash game. That's gach. That biz slash game. Yeah, pretty awesome stuff. So, shall I roll? You're required to learn as you play roll.
Starting point is 01:12:39 Yeah, why don't you, we're currently on square 11. Just ahead is a Fuck it. We'll do it live and then out in the distance is a quark spar episode, which I don't know is in range All right Adam and I have rolled a four Did I win? So we're on square 15 for the next episode, a plain old episode. Hey, that sounds great. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:13:08 I want to go into this Riker episode, Clearight. Haha. Clearight and confident. Just like Riker. Yeah. I'm so psyched for this. I mean, I love DS9, but I miss Will Riker, I'll tell you that much. I miss Will Riker and I wish that they had spent more time making episodes with characters from...
Starting point is 01:13:30 Like, even characters from TNG that aren't in the main cast showing up from time to time. Yeah. Always delights me, but they don't do it very often. I know. They're going their own way. All right, Adam, that is our program. And there's a lot of ways people can have fun with greatest gen hangs outside of this program.
Starting point is 01:13:52 Of course, you can go to slash FOD subs to find all those Facebook subs that got mentioned in the priority one messages. It's also just a regular ass Facebook group that's a great, great hang, very well moderated. Whether you're an FOD sub or an FOD DOM. You can find a buddy on any, any number of greatest gen branded social media pages.
Starting point is 01:14:18 Yeah, and you can also rest assured that Adam and I will not be monitoring us. So, yeah. You know, everything you guys do in there is up to you. We also have a great Reddit sub. There's a wikia where a bunch of friends of DeSoto have lovingly tracked and catalogued every instance of every inside joke and explained it in detail. One of the coolest things that people have made surrounding this program. If you go on Twitter and search the hashtag GreatestGen you can find some of the trading cards that are card daddy built hilly made for the show.
Starting point is 01:14:57 Best in the biz! A bunch of new cards every week. Gotta think Adam Ragusia for chopping and screwing the great music of dark material for our theme song and creating brand new music for all of our interstitial moments. Yeah, seriously. Couldn't have done this without them. And we always gotta thank the folks at So many great podcasts on
Starting point is 01:15:21 If you like the vibe of our show, I'm sure you'll find 10 other shows you really like over there. And while you're there, if you would like this kind of program to continue being free and funny and fun, go ahead and click on slash donate. Throw us a couple of bucks a month and think it's five bucks a month. You start getting access to all the bonus content. And I looked at slash Donate recently and even though it's not the pledge drive right now there are there gifts available at all the different pledge levels so that's great you know they're not they're not quite as as many things as during the drive but but there's no shame in becoming a member now.
Starting point is 01:16:07 Now, shame in that game and all, Ben. In fact, we highly encourage it. And with that, we will be back at you next time with another great episode of Star Trek Deep Space 9, and an episode of the greatest generation Deep Space 9, where Ben and I show each other of the music. Artistone. Listener supported.

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