The Greatest Generation - Not Bathtub Serious (VOY S7E4)

Episode Date: December 11, 2023

When members of the crew start going into comas, Tuvok takes the case and falls in love with the mystery assailant. But when he realizes he’s the one melding Maquis into a mutiny, a loyalty test by ...Chakotay puts him in position to take back the ship. Which muscles are ripped after 500 episodes? What’s the most common type of bruise? Where were they storing all the Maquis garb? It’s the episode where vanity is logical!Support the production of The Greatest Generation.Friends of DeSoto for Democracy.Friends of DeSoto for Justice. Friends of DeSoto for Labor.Follow The Game of Buttholes: The Will of the Caretaker!Music by Adam Ragusea & Dark MateriaFollow The Greatest Generation on Twitter, and discuss the show using the hashtag #GreatestGen!The Greatest Generation is on YouTube.Facebook group | Subreddit | Discord | WikiSign up for our mailing list!Get a thing at!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hello, Legendary Star Trek podcaster Benjamin R. Harrison here to tell you about a different podcast that Adam and I make. It's called Factory Seconds. In it, we visit cheesecake factories all over the country, maybe even all over the world. Try different stuff on the menu and we rate them. Make up a new rating system for every episode. It's a lot of fun. And if you are a member of Maximum Fun and support our show, you'll be getting a new episode of Factory Seconds in your bonus feed. This week, we went to the Cheesecake Factory in Portland.
Starting point is 00:00:38 We tried things like Crab Dip and White Chicken Chili. Go check it out. And if you're not already a supporter, slash join will get you instant access. That sweet sweet bonus feed for only $5 a month. Hello, I have just heard for the very first time about a show called Greatest Generation and that it's the 500th episode. How have I gone through so many years of my life and not heard of you, but I have now, and I hope you will welcome me to your club.
Starting point is 00:01:18 Sounds great. Watch your bad shot. Hello. I'm Captain Captain Brinjen where the U.S. is for Captain Captain Captain Captain Brinjen where the U.S. is for Captain Captain Captain Captain Welcome to the 500th episode of the greatest generation. A Star Trek podcast by a couple of guys who are a little bit embarrassed to be still doing this Star Trek podcast. I'm Ben Harrison. I'm Adam Pranica. Did you ever think we'd make it to 500? Did you ever think we'd make it past next generation?
Starting point is 00:01:52 Or even past two weeks? Yeah, I didn't have anything in my head when we started this. I mean, we've talked, you know, over the years about how we always thought that this was the training wheels, the, we'll start with something that nobody will care about just to, you know, get a sense of working together and if it's fruitful, we'll do something for real. And then that didn't work out.
Starting point is 00:02:20 Yeah, we're stuck with this. I think it's great. I think this is going to be a different Marin than maybe any of the others because I think we're going to take a moment to kind of observe the significance of this. 500 is a lot. Yeah, I have been thinking a lot about what a milestone this is. What a what a milestone it is for our show and for you and me and for the friends of DeSoto, like there's so many different ways to look at that. I was also just thinking like so little has changed
Starting point is 00:02:56 about my relationship with the show. Like I love the show. I look forward to doing it reliably, cheers me up. You know, whatever you and I are going through or individually or together or whatever, like doing the show together always makes me feel better. It's true. Like therapy.
Starting point is 00:03:16 Yeah, for me too. But also, I've got a, since Dorone was born, I've made a bunch of new dad friends and I have a dad chat that's always going. And this is a very supportive, sweet group of guys who are all, you know, just it's a support system. It's like, hey, are you going through this? Yep, me too.
Starting point is 00:03:41 Here's something that worked for me. Hey, let's go out and get a meal together and hang out. Aren't wives wild. So it's like a me too group for dad. But I think it was when we were in Texas, there was a big old marquee on the front of the stage that we played in Austin this year with the name of our show on it. And I was just like, man, like, the tickles me pink every time I see that. And I took a picture of it. And I like, I was like, you know, I've bet the dads would think this is really cool. And then I was like, I mean, in whatever definition of success you might ascribe to
Starting point is 00:04:31 it, still we remain too embarrassed to share much of this with other people. But also the relationships that have come out of this show, like, I mean, we've had at least three proposals that I can think of. I think we've had more than three proposals, like a couple at live shows, a couple in priority one messages. You know, people have had their lives substantially changed by the existence of this show in a way that I don't think either of us could have predicted. And hopefully, generally speaking, that that's been a positive impact overall. I don't think we're like leaving a wake of destruction behind us.
Starting point is 00:05:13 No, and I think the intent means a lot. I think there's a purity to the idea that we never set out to become big and popular and important to people. And that has kept us focused on like the most important thing to us is just like making something fun and funny to each other. And all of these great things have popped up around that idea. Yeah. You know, groups have formed FODs of Comingled and become friends and gotten married and they go to shows together and it's amazing what's happened as a result of a Long time ago what was a very little show that very few people listen to you know the
Starting point is 00:05:58 Muscles that our wives used to roll their eyes have gotten really like sinewy and Ripped and shredded ripped and shredded. Ripped and exploded for sure. My wife's eyes have two six packs behind them. Your parents still call it a blog. My parents still listen and bring up things about it to me that I don't remember. Yeah, so far as many things that have changed, just as many seem to have remained the same.
Starting point is 00:06:35 Yeah, but hey man, I'm really glad to still be doing it with you. all these hundreds of episodes later. 500. Yeah. Pretty wild to think about. I poured a little glass of the best mescal in the house. I just want to toast you, man. I want to toast you and everyone else who's made this run possible. It's the best job I ever had. Indeed, man. Thanks for doing it with me and thanks to all the friends of DeSoto for coming along with us. You don't get this far with this many episodes without so much help along the way and I know you and I agree on a lot of this. But I think Saru's far of art, ours, Technica, and Sarah Archer at Slate. Like, we were 30 episodes in, like, we were a baby show. Yeah. And we, for some reason, got traction in the online press. And as soon as that happened, it really changed our lives.
Starting point is 00:07:41 Yeah. People started listening to the show in droves and started talking about it with each other. And that really, like, it propelled us into a space where, like, I don't want to say it gave us credibility, but like, yeah, if you're in ours, and if you're in slate, but you're a real thing. And I think that gave people a reason to listen to the show. And then there was a done anything before that would really like cause anyone to notice us in particular.
Starting point is 00:08:08 So I feel like that was a real, I think about that, especially when Sirrus reached out to us, I think we were five episodes in when that article came out. And I knew Sirrus' work from hearing him on podcasts that I listened to and reading and writing and stuff. I think he came across us because our friend Jesse Thorn tweeted about the show when it was like one or two episodes old and Saru's happened to see that. And the just total happenstance of timing, like he happened to be looking at the internet when Jesse happened to tweet about it.
Starting point is 00:08:46 Like we may never have arrived at this day had a little stroke of luck like that not happened. And I'm tremendously grateful to him and Jesse and Sarah Archer for, you know, I think probably 10,000 listeners came to us through those two channels. I don't know if any of it would have happened without that initial little spark. Yeah, I mean, those are the sparks that make the show feel real. But in terms of like longevity, you don't get to eat years without everyone who's ever supported the show financially or written a review. Reviews still very important. Everyone has a podcast. Everyone has a Star Trek podcast, even. So, how do you distinguish yourself in that group? We're still the most and highest-rated Star Trek podcast on iTunes, and that is a huge thing. That really means a lot and that's not something that we can do for ourselves.
Starting point is 00:09:49 That's something only FODs can do for us. Anyone who's ever told a friend and gotten them into it, we're just finishing up a live show tour. And frequently we meet the person who came with the person that introduced him to the show. It's so wonderful. And sometimes they're like, hey, we found your show four weeks ago, and we're just loving it.
Starting point is 00:10:09 And we're paid the extra money to get the VIP because you found the show four weeks ago. How? And I just feel so lucky for the group that has connected with this show too, because the friends of Disodo have been almost universally just a great hang when we've gotten to meet people in real life, meeting people at the shows
Starting point is 00:10:34 or at the Star Trek invention or if people come up to us out in the world, all just conscientious, nice, funny, personable, and we are lucky enough to know a few other people who've had their lives go from, you know, fairly anonymous to having a big audience. And pretty universally, those friends have privately expressed that they really admire the group of people that enjoy what we do as something to aspire to because we are indeed very lucky to have just like a great group
Starting point is 00:11:15 that has attached themselves to this. Yeah, we are really fortunate about that. I think about, you know, of the the myrium obstacles we encountered just in making the show week to week. If one of the wins against us was, was an audience population that sucked, it would have been hard to do this as long as we've done. And fortunately, so many of them are great and on our side and lovely to be around. True.
Starting point is 00:11:46 And really kind to each other. They've made a great community out of this thing. Yeah, and that sense of community, I think, is something that neither of us really had a hand in. That was something that was hand built by the Friends of the Soto in a really cool way, a way that I think we both really admire. There's some other names I want to throw out as big thanks. I want to thank Josh Lindgren and Arlen Popazian who are our friends and agents.
Starting point is 00:12:13 I think that a friend and agent kind of gets used interchangeably for both of them because they both really are true friends and have also helped us book all of our live show tours and have been great advisors to us on how to have a business and how to be entertainers on a professional basis. Both when things are going great and when things are at their worst, they've always been there and they've always been our friends and they've always been extremely professionally supportive too. So yeah, couldn't do this without them.
Starting point is 00:12:47 I think we should definitely thank Chuck Bryant and Josh Clark of stuff you should know. Both really sweet guys. We've gotten to be closer and closer friends with Chuck to the point we socialize with him outside of work all the time, but you know, they also definitely put us on early on mentioned our show on their show, which has a staggeringly huge audience and I talked to people all the time that found us through mentions on stuff you should know and they've also just been extremely kind to us in terms of offering mentorship as podcasters who have been there for a long time.
Starting point is 00:13:26 And Jesse Thorn is definitely in that group too. He's like a person that was there at the inception of the podcast business in the way that Josh and Jack were, and we're lucky enough to count all of those people as dear friends who have helped us out through thick and thin like the celebrated the highs and counseled us and been a shoulder for us to lean on in the lows. Yeah, Jesse and everyone at the network have been really great to us over the years.
Starting point is 00:14:00 Have to thank them for all their support as well. Yeah, especially like Danny Baruela and Kira Gowon. The whole network just so great, such a dream to work with. Yeah, Adam, I also just want to thank you for sticking with me. I know that I'm not always the easiest guy to work with. I've definitely had my rough patches over the course of our collaboration and you've put up with a ton. You are one of the funniest people I've ever met. You make me belly laugh every time I see you. And a thing I thought about over my birthday weekend, a couple of weeks
Starting point is 00:14:40 ago, we went to New Orleans, you and me in a few other pals of mine. And there were a couple of weeks ago, we went to New Orleans, you and me in a few other pals of mine. And there were a couple of moments where I said something to you that made you laugh really hard. And I thought about the first time I ever hung out with a professional comedy person and made them laugh at a joke and was like, maybe there's something to this, but like even if there isn't, it is just a thrill to get somebody who's sense of humor. I respect this much to laugh and I still have that with you.
Starting point is 00:15:17 If I can get a big laugh out of you, I mean, it doesn't have an often. It's still a thrill, man. Fuck me, right? Just the worst. Yeah, man, I really appreciate you saying that. I'm so lucky to be working with you on this. I'm so fortunate to be your friend. And there's so much that goes into this, like not from the professional sphere,
Starting point is 00:15:47 but just like that moment when I had a real job and the podcast ended up taking more and more time and space and energy and all of it. I'm really fortunate to have friends in my life who have like left square jobs and become entrepreneurs and like taken risks and sometimes they failed and and sometimes they work out and that was really really nervous about like giving this the full energy and I think we're both really lucky to have such supportive people in our lives that were
Starting point is 00:16:21 like game for this and supportive for it. I'm talking about our friends, but I'm also talking about our wives. Like wives who married, who they thought would be like serious professional people. And instead, I think we were always these people, but made the space for us with some judgment, but also with some encouragement to be like, if this is what you are, if you are a comedy person, you must express the comedy. And this in the beginning seemed like a healthy way to do it and a healthy person to do it with. And the stakes were low in the beginning, but when the stakes got high, we've taken this very seriously from the start.
Starting point is 00:17:02 This was never a hobby to the extent that we didn't take it seriously or give it all of our effort. And I think that really mattered. It mattered when it came to like seeking the advice of the people that we care about and finally like feeling good about changing our lives, like changing gears and becoming the professionals that we are.
Starting point is 00:17:22 And so like there are more people that then we could possibly name in helping us like arrive at that decision, but like our families and our wives are a big, big part of why this works. And they have our gratitude. Indeed. Yeah, here's to the wives.
Starting point is 00:17:37 Here's to everyone who's stuck with us through all 500 episodes. And thanks to Wendy and Rob and Bill and Nick Ditmore and all the dozens and dozens of people who have helped us in ways big and small along the way. We've just been so lucky in the relationships that we've been able to form or that we had or able to help us out through this whole thing.
Starting point is 00:18:03 Hey, every producer, every editor, our full-time producer right now has really changed our lives since we hired her. Wendy's a real one and has made our lives immeasurably better with her great work. I think just crossed her two-year mark at the Uxbridge Shimoda company as of the release of this. And yeah, I feel so lucky to work with her, so lucky to have worked with Rob Shulti back in the day.
Starting point is 00:18:33 And all of the folks that were able to work with on kind of a guest editor, basis, Regusia. Yeah, Adam Regusia has been so fun to collaborate with on music stuff and just get to know better and better. He's like one of the galaxy brains of the world. And like, you know, he was just like a guy that we knew who had a podcast about public radio when we first met him and has really made a public intellectual of himself in a really cool way. He's like parlaying big success as an internet cook into like an interrogation of his own mind in public that I really admire.
Starting point is 00:19:20 I wish I was a discipline to him sometimes. Yeah, it'd be nice to have a serious show one day. It's very inspiring. Yeah. Really admire that guy. Well anyways, I'm sure we are leaving people out and probably should just be burned at the stake for doing that. But if you haven't heard this name check you, I hope you know how much your support means to us.
Starting point is 00:19:44 Like all the FODs everywhere. Yeah. Really changed our lives and we'll keep like Dirk says at the award show in Boogie Nights, we're just going to keep rockin' and rollin' help them people have better sex. Yeah, here's to at least 500 more Adam. Yeah, until we die. Cheers. Cheers.
Starting point is 00:20:09 Oh, smooth. A porta-glass of rum that probably older than 50% of our listeners. Ha, ha, ha. Amazing. Well, a great toast for a great moment. And just a great episode, wouldn't you say, Ben? Let's get into it, Adam. It's season seven episode four, repression.
Starting point is 00:20:34 Revert course. Unless you've got something a little bigger in your torpedo toots, I'm not dreaming about that. Our cold open shows us a bejure and man. Tim Maum. Who seems like he's that, that guy who hasn't moved out of his parents house, he's got all the posters of Voyager up on those walls. His tabs are opened, a picks of BLT and Chico Te and Tuvac.
Starting point is 00:20:59 Was the Voyager schematic for sale the way the entrepreneur one was because a friend of Dessoto sent in years ago they'll like every deck of the enterprise D as a top-down engineering schematic chart. It reminded me of the one I had on my very own wall when I was growing up. Yeah. Just the greatest. Well this guy is kind of he's speaking about primal energy and rebirth. This guy should have a podcast. It's kind of in can tutorial. He's sort of the Jordan Peterson of Bajorans. In can tutorial is such a great word. My wife and I have been playing a lot of scrabble lately. And I love doing that, you know, that ED, INGS, like a appendage on words.
Starting point is 00:21:46 I should really give more thought to a tutorial. You know, you should probably check an addiction area before you do. I may have made that one up on the fly. No, that's, you know what I'm doing? You got to challenge me. You're the one that does the risk. Wow. That's it. For you, the juice is the game remember? Yeah, that's how I turn Scravel into gambling. You're the Tom size more of Scravel.
Starting point is 00:22:14 Yeah, big fun. What's interesting about the tab that he's got to open is that these three characters are all wearing their make-wee skier. Make-wee skier? Yeah. Hey, be sure in man, is this your idea of sex? Like, he can only blast if they're dressed as make-wee. Oh, yeah, that's the thing. I think in retrospect, my thought was that this is a flashback to before Voyager got lost
Starting point is 00:22:49 in the D Quad, but it is not. They don't give it any of the treatment that is often given to a flashback. It's not desaturated or echoey or anything like that. And to that extent, I think this is a show pretty confident in its visual language about like absent those things, we're supposed to consider this a contemporary moment with the rest of what's going on.
Starting point is 00:23:17 Right. And that moment picks up after the theme where it's Paris and BLT in a corridor, BLT's holding flowers, Paris is wearing a kind of disco shirt. Yeah. A very blousey blue shirt. Not a particularly deep V, but a V.
Starting point is 00:23:33 Am I right about this? Does it seem like a shirt that you would paint in as an artistic painter? Like a smock? Yeah, it kind of seems to have that kind of hang. Yeah. It's either that or like a Saturday night fever kind of kind of shirt. I don't know. It's very jaunty.
Starting point is 00:23:50 Or like a particularly stylish bond villain might rock this. Do you think about what you wear to a movie theater because that's where they're headed? I mean, I never wear shorts to a movie theater. Is what I'm getting at. Oh, because too chilly. Yeah. But you're a chilly man. I am a chilly man.
Starting point is 00:24:13 I think I can get away with shorts in a movie theater. Yeah. I think I just think about what I'm wearing for general purposes. And I guess the extreme air conditioning of a movie theater hasn't been enough of a problem in my life that I would like not go into one on a,
Starting point is 00:24:31 like I'm out with friends and a spontaneous movie idea enters the chat like I'm be like, yeah, let's do it, you know. Even if I was in the shortest of shorts. I really love how much that Paris puts into the theater itself on the holiday. It doesn't look comfortable as movie theaters go, like a very shallow slope to the seats, the sort of uncomfortable seats you recall from pre-comfortable movie theater experiences. Right, right. It's definitely what this projects. There was that like
Starting point is 00:25:07 moment, like right at the end of the 90s where the technology of stadium seating came into play. Yeah. And like some movie theaters were too old to do it and they could not hang anymore. I get to say I want all movie theaters to live, all movie theaters deserve to live in my mind, but whoever was the thought leader that said stadium seating for movie theaters, I guess a genius. I think it was literally like the guy that started the AMC chain was like the person that came up with that. You could do anything after making that idea in Shrine in movie theaters and you're still okay with me. You did one great thing.
Starting point is 00:25:54 Boy, a carpeted floor to a movie theater is really optimistic, isn't it? Yeah, but that was the way at the time. Can't believe it. I mean, good for acoustics, right? Yeah. So they sit down in these uncomfortable seats and Paris gives BLT her 3D glasses and she's not feeling it. She's not even trying to get on his level.
Starting point is 00:26:17 And when the 3D movie starts, the revenge of the creature plays. And as it begins, there's another creature rising from the murky depths. The low pairs is popcorn bucket. I love BLT's description of the kind of like reverse backflip he did to watch a 3D movie in the holiday. Let me get this straight. You've gone to all this trouble to program a three-dimensional environment that projects a two-dimensional image, and now you're asking me to wear these to make it look three-dimensional again. Great, isn't it? Oh, I hated knowing that BLT is a movie talker, though.
Starting point is 00:26:58 Yeah. Did not like this. Well, she's out of her cultural depth, you know, like she's not used to this. He is. Yeah. That's true. They decide to delete the audience instead of having BLT kill this lady. It seems like there's a season where BLT would have killed another theater goer.
Starting point is 00:27:16 That's not this season though. She's more evolved. If like Cosmo Kramer were two rows in front of them, she would have gotten the mech let out probably. Weird thing happens though. They delete the audience, but one person remains in the front row. And when they go check out who this is, they realize it's to bore.
Starting point is 00:27:35 And they both know it. He's a bajoran and he's not responding. Yeah, he is in a coma. But his eyes are open, Ben. Yeah, so but presumably because he's in a coma. But is Isaac open, Ben? Yeah, but presumably because he's in a coma, he would not mind if they finished their, you know, Lauren Boberding that they were doing back in the back of the theater. The doc asks what happens and Paris begins by saying, Well, I just saw
Starting point is 00:28:11 Teppur today Sitting in the front row He didn't pay B.O.T. and I Were there to play Pineapple ropes, streaming down her face We've legs wide open, under the silver screen Welcome to this place, I'll show you everything With legs wide open
Starting point is 00:28:53 Hey, if you're consuming pineapple and enough quantity you're not gonna get pearl jam The doc is into singing I think he respects what Paris is trying to do here That was a pearl jam song, right? Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz The doc is into singing, I think he respects what Paris is trying to do here. That was a Pearl Jam song, right? That was Creed. Damn it!
Starting point is 00:29:10 Fuck! That's like a fair thing to confuse if that's not your genre, right? They have the same kind of singing in them. The yarling is very similar. Okay. I've got this locked in. What? This one didn't make me very careful, because I'm only going to say this once.
Starting point is 00:29:30 I haven't known many people in commas. Like, I have known people in commas. None of their eyes are open. Oh. Is this a situation where the doctor has to do that that wave over the face in order to close them? No, because that's when you're dead. Yeah, yeah, this eyes open coma is strange
Starting point is 00:29:49 and the doctor doesn't know why the eyes are open or why it tabores in the coma at all. Yeah. They got to investigate in the hollow theater and it's real like classic crime scene, tablo with like two-vac and Paris and BLT and Tuvac's definitely like, the grizzled, Pachino type, you know, like, TV man didn't, didn't see it, he heard it mostly.
Starting point is 00:30:15 He points at a stain on the floor and they go like, shape charges. He's like, if somebody was shooting ropes that accurately, it means they're good. Too back like dips a finger into a pineapple rope, like touches it to his tongue. Pineapple pineapple. Run it through every database. you're going to get the phone book, do it anyway. You're going to get the entire pro-dust apartment, do it anyway. Back in 6 Bay, the doctor is showing the captain and Tuvak what he's come up with in scanning
Starting point is 00:31:01 table. Yeah. There's some evidence of like little contusions and fractures, he's not like bruised or anything, but he definitely got his ass kicked in some way. And the EMH is of the opinion that this was an attack. Yeah, micro fractures to the skull. Oh, is that what happens when you get meldib?
Starting point is 00:31:26 I wanted to know more about that because like, midway through this episode, many people suffer from this. And the idea that a meld could fracture your skull. Is that why what's your name has blood coming out of her nose and Star Trek 6? I think that must be. Either that or she like,
Starting point is 00:31:43 inhaled the fragment of a wooden shoe. Hence the word, sabokas. Yeah. So to bore was the guy who set up the program. So that explains why he might have been there. And that's all they have to go on for evidence. Like Kim walks in and he's like,
Starting point is 00:32:03 look, I checked out the sensor logs and they're all good. Computer doesn't think anything wrong happened in here. And at this point, two buckets called back to Six Bay. And in there, the doc tells him and Janeway and Chicoate about these skull fractures. And as the lead investigator, two bucks on it. There was that moment where Janeway was like, you're taking lead on the investigation.
Starting point is 00:32:27 And I was like, does she need to say that out loud? As the main security man. Yeah. It seems like that too. Obviously. Is this show still getting new viewers at this moment in time? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:40 Oh, last season of Voyager. I mean, let me try this one out. Yeah. Episode four sounds like a great place to jump in. I really think even if you have the codes for all the doors, two bucks got a knock first, right? Yeah. Have you ever seen anyone knock on a door?
Starting point is 00:32:59 It's always chime on Star Trek. Yeah. He uses his code to get the door open and finds Krum and Jor in their plan with Taybore's action figures. Did you see anything? No, sir. I didn't see you playing with your dolls again. Good.
Starting point is 00:33:14 Very embarrassing. He's like, what are you doing in here? Turns out she's like, she's a friend of his. She cares about him. She was looking for a book or something. She had the keys. Yeah. Yeah, but how flimsy is I was just looking for a book.
Starting point is 00:33:30 It seems pretty suspicious, Jor. Yeah. Jor was a very alien sounding name to me, but she didn't have any love. She's not even Bajorin. Now. Now, she thinks Tevor is a pretty swell dude. They're just friends and she doesn't know why anyone would want to hurt him. Stop reading stuff into Tabor and Jor's relationship, guys.
Starting point is 00:33:54 It's not like that. They're just pals. Yeah. You know, the only person reading anything into the relationship is Jor reading the tabor at the bedside. You know, that's like a tamarion metaphor right there that just means platonic. Yeah, a platonic friendship where one of them
Starting point is 00:34:10 will set their life aside when the other is in a coma to read at their bedside. Yeah. We really licked each other's assholes during the Marin of this episode. I wouldn't do that for you. By the way, Jor was at work during the attack. Yeah, she's got a bulletproof alibi episode, I wouldn't do that for you. By the way,
Starting point is 00:34:25 Jor was at work during the attack. Yeah, she's got a bullet proof alibi here. Yeah, don't even think about accusing her. We get a little mini Mugloff one group if you want with Chico Te Tuvac on the captain. And this is just kind of an update on where we are in the investigation. A discovery has been made that halodeck logs were deleted.
Starting point is 00:34:50 And Tugac is pretty convinced that a member of the crew did whatever happened to table. It's not like, I love that Janeway is like, but this is Star Trek. Like there's so many like potential things that could go to explain this. Like invisible alien from different dimension that wants to understand what corporeal beings are like.
Starting point is 00:35:14 Or that wants to understand murder or commas. Or like subspace vacuals. Like there's a billion things that this could be. Where, you know, or 500 vacuals. Like there's a billion things that this could be where, you know, or 500 episodes in at this point. Yeah. Yeah, Tuba likes Jor for this. A lot.
Starting point is 00:35:34 Yeah, but just to be clear, Tabor does not like Jor. It's not like that between them. Like he likes her as a friend. This is something Tukotan needs clarification out in this scene. Yeah, a close relationship is hardly a crime. He's like, what is the status of like, has tape wherever like made a bathtub for drawer or vice versa?
Starting point is 00:35:55 Like, where are they at? W's Lash R slash T, tubs. They're not bathtub serious. I don't think anyone else could be. It takes too much of the raw material, Sven. Yeah. So, Tricote leaves in the captain. It's like, hey, Tuba, like, what is up?
Starting point is 00:36:12 Like, he really seemed to be on one here. Like, it seems like you're very dedicated to solving the crime. But, what are you going on? And he's like, I don't want to call it a hunch because that's not logical, but I got a real strong hunch. Don't like this. Makes me uncomfortable. Falkens having hunches, so forth. I don't think Janeway is very cool with this either. Doesn't feel good. Ben, I got a question. If two Valk has a
Starting point is 00:36:42 hunch, and the first officer doesn't agree and kind of throws it back in his face, is that a hunchback of Chikote? Hold on, we're gonna couple things out in the calculator here. Can I carry the two? Yeah, nope, that's correct. Yeah, nope, yep, that's correct. Yeah. Okay, good. That tracks.
Starting point is 00:37:09 Later in engineering, we meet a random named Yosa. And this guy, I love how this scene unfolds because I don't believe it's anything without the music. The music suggests danger. And when Yosa hops into the Jeffrey's tube and the lights go out, Oh boy, this is scary. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:28 There's no good. He is talking to Jor, who is up on the second level of engineering, almost like, Juliet on her balcony. But we know Jor's innocent. We know Jor's innocent, and we know that there's definitely nothing going on between Yosin Jor. No. Like, if anything's going on between Tabor and Jor, nothing's going on between them. So why are you even bringing up Yosin?
Starting point is 00:37:53 Yeah. In a weird way it reminded me of the scene in Ghostbusters 2 where Winston gets run over by the Ghost Train. Did you catch the number on the locomotive? Sorry. I missed it. Which has remained a very scary moment in movies for me. Yeah, that's rough. But I don't know. Something about seeing her up there
Starting point is 00:38:13 kind of put me illidides also. So he has to go check something in a Jeffries tube, and you're right, like the music cue is freaky. Did you feel something supernatural about this in the way that the person with the flashlight, like you couldn't see their birdie? Yeah. But like something fell alien and like robotic
Starting point is 00:38:35 almost about their pursuit and that no amount of doors closing would protect Yosa from this person. He's finally cornered and then the scene ends. We cut over to six bay and now Yosa from this person. He's finally cornered, and then the scene ends. We cut over to Six Bay, and now Yosa is on a bed with his eyes open. And I don't have a song for this moment. I wrote down Templarix, but I need to,
Starting point is 00:38:56 if I'm really gonna do this bit, I need to do some re-records, and I will. That's my promise to Wendy. Only you don't wanna do it. Do it. Coffee, black. Make it yourself. I'm trying to help you see this as an promise to Wendy. I only don't want to do it. Coffee, black, make it yourself. I'm trying to help you see this as an opportunity to grow. Make it yourself. Poor Yosa.
Starting point is 00:39:11 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. He's got the same injuries as to bore. And what's suspicious about this moment is crew and jurors aren't responding to commsignals. Yeah. Uh-oh. suspicious about this moment is Krum and Jor isn't responding to comm signals. Yeah. Uh oh. In retrospect, the cruel irony of Yoseh trying to radio security in this moment. Yeah. You hate to see it. The computer says that Jor is in the mess hall, such a
Starting point is 00:39:38 Kote and two vodka investigate, and they find her slurped over that couch we were talking about in the last episode. Yeah. With eyes wide open. Hey guys, go ahead and turn on the lights in the mess hall when you go in there to look for somebody. It's okay. That's a good idea. It's not like anybody's in there sleeping.
Starting point is 00:39:57 Oh wait, Jor! Six days filling up with Barathe's been. And Chicoet de knows all these folks. You think that it's three people that have gotten got, but it's actually five people when we get to Six Bay. George the only one that thought to choose a book to read these Comatos folks. Chicoet de never thought of that. Who's going to redo him now? I mean, it's a small list and it's getting shorter by the day. Yeah. Of
Starting point is 00:40:25 make-wease who are literate. Oh, that's a terrible stereotype, Ben. So there's five people in coma's now and the doctor has nothing going as far as it curing goes. The fact that this is also all make-wiss being victimized has whether intentionally or not really put Dakota and the captain at odds. Like there's that little your crew, my crew, our crew, interaction that they have. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:04 Very uncomfortable. Janeway proposes like maybe we should confine out the make we used to a section of the ship. Well, we figure out what's going on. And he's like, can you hear to yourself, do you understand how problematic that is? Yikes. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:22 Tuvac takes this very personally. He almost has a respect for this assailant. God, this guy is good. He's escaping these sensors. He's not showing up anywhere. I feel like I know the guy. Kind of a worthy adversary for the first time ever. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:47 Yeah, finally. Finally, someone I can respect, this goddamn place. So they have a make-waste team meeting in the mess hall. Is it a surprise you that this may have been the first time that they've done this since joining the crew? I think generally speaking, it's good to discourage this kind of thing. Yeah. I was surprised to learn that there's another Vulcan among the Mayquise.
Starting point is 00:42:12 That that too. Hey, could be a rom, though. I was surprised to learn that there were a couple of bolions among the Mayquise. I know. You know, if there were three, they would be a trollions. That's true. You know what I like the least about this scene? It isn't that it's a gathering of ex-Makewees who may or may not have allegiance toward their own make-weasiness or voyager. It's that they distribute and carry dustbusters out of this meeting and go back to work like like everything's cool The think through on this was so badly done by BLT at Jakote. They're like all right guys
Starting point is 00:42:56 We understand that you're very freaked out a substantial percentage of the X-Make We support have been put into Stanchial percentage of the ex-make we support have been put into commas. There is no explanation. There is no Suspect currently in custody. We know nothing, but what we are encouraging you to do is do not be paranoid But keep your head on a swivel and carry a weapon at all Nobody goes anywhere alone. The only thing that defeats a bad guy with a dust buster is a good guy with a dust buster. So happy hunting. Yeah. I get the bends going from a scene like this back into the Holodeck theater. Like the Holodeck theater is a place we go to many, many times. I love the idea that like they left the program running and just strung like police tape across the front door
Starting point is 00:43:45 of the holodeck. I want to see the corridor where, you know, from the last episode, the people sign up for time and shit, like, where's the disappointed bolion rolling up to the holodeck, like checking his pad, checking the wall, checking his pad, like, what the fuck? I'd like the security guy that's standing there and he's like, come on man, move along, there's an active investigation.
Starting point is 00:44:08 He's like, you know I'm armed. Yeah, yeah. And I do have a tea time. So inside the program, Paris and Kim and Tuvac are working on the investigation and they use the censures to form an outline of the bad guy. This is a need effect. I thought so too. They sort of create him standing over the birdie and they have a height and a weight on
Starting point is 00:44:35 this guy, but that's about it. The only person that they're really able to eliminate from the list of suspects is Naomi Wildman. And Harry Kim, because I think that outline goes below the clothing. Yeah. This effect really reminded me of that episode of TNG where Jordi starts to turn into an invisible man.
Starting point is 00:44:54 Yeah. That was a scary episode too to me. It really was. Yeah, and I love it. I love how short Tuvvak was with Harriet and Tom. Like Harry's trying to be like, yeah, Tom came up with this cool like technique where we could like figure this out and he's like, all right,
Starting point is 00:45:10 I'm sure he's really smart. Let's look at the evidence. Part of the incantation that the Bajorin is doing is like, not to put up with any boring shit. Hahaha. How unsettled is Tuvak in this scene, like looking at this outline? Do you think you would recognize your own outline if it were in front of you like that?
Starting point is 00:45:32 I wonder. The way the arm is reaching toward the victim is very Tuvac. And I think that they did a really good job of making the ears like, is that a pointy ear or is it not a pointy ear? Am I think that they did a really good job of making the ears like, is that a pointy ear or is it not a pointy ear? Am I imagining that? Hey, isn't it worth asking the question in the room here, Harry Kim? Is that a pointy ear? You can ask it.
Starting point is 00:45:59 Maybe ask when two vaks left the room. Mm-hmm. Just me or did we see a pointy year? I think. So later in a corridor, BLT and Napoleon are packing. And this guy's name is Chel. And he's got a lot of theories
Starting point is 00:46:16 about what all of this is about. Maybe it's a conspiracy. Chel has gone full like QAnon conspiracy thinking about this where He's like yeah like probably what's going on is the captain is trying to you know Like all these packets of information are going back and forth to the Federation now Yeah, probably she's trying to like eliminate the make-weasts before we get home so that you know no awkward shit when we arrive I was positive and I lost a lot of money on this before we get home so that, you know, no awkward shit when we arrive. I was positive and I lost a lot of money on this.
Starting point is 00:46:48 I was positive Chell was gonna die before the end of this episode. Chell did really have guy whose days are numbered energy. He definitely seemed like guy who is gonna get cut in half. Yeah. We cut over to the conference room where Tuvac is doing interrogations and Kim walks in thinking that it's just going to be like an update on his progress. No. Tuvac tells Kim that that he has read Kim's mail and Kim takes great umberage with this. And when he does, two bucks like, yeah, there are rules about my ability to do this. I suspect the data stream as being evidence of what's going on here. Like it coincided with the initial attack in
Starting point is 00:47:40 such a way that I'm reading everyone's mail. Yeah. Too much to suggest that there's this guy, Max Saroyan, I think, was the name where this guy bought it and like, bought it at the hands of Mayquease and maybe Kim just learned about this and is trying to get revenge on all Mayquease everywhere for the death of his friend. And they didn't say it outright, but I sort of got the sense that Kim was implying
Starting point is 00:48:05 that he knew before they even left for the badlands on Voyager that his friend had died. Yeah. And he is over it. He is really okay with it. That doesn't make him a suspect. You can't accuse him of shit. Yeah. Two fuck news flash. Mr. Seroian's girlfriend was hot, and I had an opportunity with her before we left. So I'm chill, man. No, no, I didn't mean to say I'm chill, I'm chill. When you know Harry Kim lived for a time in San Francisco and the name Seroian is used here.
Starting point is 00:48:46 Like this is a reference to William Seroian, right? I'm embarrassed to say I don't know. Oh, okay, yeah. William Seroian's great. You gotta read some Seroian, I think you'd love him. Really? You're so well read. I'm not really, I wish it was.
Starting point is 00:49:01 I'm shocked you have a blind spot for William Seroian. All right, I'll not really. I wish it was. I'm shocked you have a blind spot for William Seroyan. All right, I'll fix that. Anyway, the scene ends very poorly for two-vac far worse than is generally known because when Kim talks his way out of the meeting, two-vac does that jaw clinch thing. That's how you know he's troubled. One of the greatest jaws in all of clenching. Yeah. Great clencher. I mean, like, Kim is off the hook, and then TuVak is like, yeah, I fucking hate this investigation. It's really like pissing me off,
Starting point is 00:49:32 because I can't solve the mystery. Once again, TuVak's like, God, I respect this guy. Just the fucking best. It's like playing chess with a grandmaster. It's just, oh. It's like playing chess with a grandmaster. It's just, it's like playing chess with a grandmaster and we're both like wearing vibrating doldos and our asses that give us the moves that we should make ahead of time and they're going off constantly.
Starting point is 00:49:57 And we're both drinking rope masters. So it's like a chess master, rope master. Great news! So it's like a chess master broke master. Great news to Boris awake. Hey, and he seems fine. He doesn't know what happened or why anyone ever want to hurt him. And I guess all the skull fractures are fixed. I was really confused by how okay he was. And not just him, everyone else who eventually wakes up, they're fine. The indignity of waking up from having been in a coma for like a week or whatever, and
Starting point is 00:50:32 security's like, what do you remember? The first thing that happens is you get interrogated, and you don't really have any memory of being attacked. And like, two boxes of walks away in a huff. That is a great, great point. Like, say you're in a coma and you wake up. The very last thing I would want to be confronted with is a security dude asking me a bunch of questions. Okay. Dude, can you give me some fucking ice cream and pull out the tube sticking inside
Starting point is 00:51:08 my ass and your rethra so I can take a normal piss? What I want a lot right now is to like drink a beer in the shower and you're getting me all this fucking static. Like, I can't help you man and you're not helping me. You know. Like, I can't help you, man. And you're not helping me. You know what would help you eventually? Me having a beer in the shower. He's like, can you explain like, why you're bringing all this static
Starting point is 00:51:38 and too much just walks away from him? Yeah, yeah. So in a corridor, Chicoete finds Chell alone. And that's a problem because the policy has been despester buddy system from jump. And I don't know, Chell, you're being pretty casual with with your reasoning. I kind of found Chell to be suspicious here. Yeah. But that's not the case. He says BLT's in cargo bay two. Can I say something that really bothered me about this scene? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:07 It's like a shot reverse shot of Chico Tay. Like Chico Tay's got like the Superman arms on his hips And he's like questioning Chell and she'll say, oh yeah, man like I I Don't want to like throw her under the bus But it wasn't me that walked away from my buddy It was my buddy that walked away from me and And when we cut to the reverse shot of Chel, that seam that runs up and down a bolion. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:31 It's going down the back of his head. And then it meets his back zip. And the zipper is like an inch out of alignment with the seam on his head. Oh, I hate that. Oh, God, it drove me crazy. I would wear a front zip if I were a boolean just to prevent that from happening. Just because you can always check.
Starting point is 00:52:49 You can always make sure that the zippers lined up right. Yeah. Yeah. Fuck that. Oh, God. No. Yeah, I wouldn't like that at all. I've got to keep it lined up if you're chill.
Starting point is 00:53:05 Also, Chicoete reassigns Vulcan lady to be Chell's buddy now and he gets to go off by himself. How is Chell not a suspect? His lines don't line up. He's walking around alone with a dust buster. Chell, Chell, you seem shady as hell. Yeah, he really does.
Starting point is 00:53:23 Solo, Chicoete walks down to Cargo Way 2, where Chelle said BLT was. And he does not see here. He asks the computer, the computer confirms. That's got to be one of the scariest moments in Star Trek for a character. It's like, find me who I'm looking for. The person you're looking for is in the room that you're in. Yeah, he's like, ballana. Hey, I'm not ballana. I'm the each have brother.
Starting point is 00:53:55 Just squeegee and some sewage over here. I haven't honestly seen her, but you know, there's a lot of like stacked up stuff in here. So I, she could have come in and I missed her. Yeah, one big part of that is the lights are off when I'm working in here. Like, the lights come on for other crew people automatically, and then when they leave, they turn off again. I don't know what that is, like, is it, like, some kind of sensor that's tuned to other species? That seems weird, right? Shouldn't it just be a motion sensor? Believe me, I'm making a lot of motion using this floor squeegee on the suede.
Starting point is 00:54:32 I honestly don't understand how anybody else could be in here given what it smells like. I mean, maybe turn off the lights just to see if it helps with how stinky it is. Maybe turn off the lights just to see if it helps with how stinky it is. BLT is down with eyes wide open. And when Chicoete whips his flashlight around, he sees Tuvac there watching. And this scene gave me chills. This is like the end of Blair Witch Project.
Starting point is 00:55:02 Yeah. This look in Tuvac's face is terrifying. This is a holy time. What? And then Tuvac starts attacking. Security to combat me too! Chicoate is no match for Tuvac. No one is!
Starting point is 00:55:18 Yeah, Tuvac's way stronger than regular people. Yeah. The Tuvac gets behind Chicoate and meld them from the back. If you can meld them from the front, wait till you meld them from the back, back, back. Yeah. One of our more interesting missions. I've got to get that. Lock them, put your mat number, your mouth. I've got to get that. Lock them or not. It's just a goal. Boy, this time of year, it's just trouble going.
Starting point is 00:55:49 Boy, this time of year it can be really hard for me to stick to my diagols. In between all of those heavy, duty holiday meals and gatherings, all of the tasty treats that come within arms reach, I need to be controlling the other meals that I eat. And that is why I'm really appreciative that factor is supporting the greatest generation because factor is America's number one ready to eat meal delivery service. One of the great things about it is you have options in terms of what kind of dietary needs
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Starting point is 00:57:59 of a website or domain. Somewhere in an alternate universe, where Hollywood is smarter. website or domain. And the Emmy nominees for Outstanding Comedy Series are Jet Packula, Airport Marriott, America we've seen you naked and all in the family. In our stupid homeers, you can't see any of these shows, but you can listen to them on Dead Pilots Society. The podcast that brings you hilarious comedy pilots that the networks and streamers bought, but never made, journey to the alternate television universe of Dead Pilots Society on
Starting point is 00:58:48 Hello Sleepyheads. Sleeping with celebrities is your podcast pillow pal. We talked remarkable people about unremarkable topics all to help you slow down your brain and drift off to sleep. For instance, we have the remarkable Neil Gaiman. I'd always had a vague interest in life culture, food preparation. Sleeping with celebrities hosted by me, John Moe, on, or wherever you get your podcasts. This cuts into Janeway's log where the update is chicote and BLT are now in six Bay, the latest victims, and we've gone to lockdown on Voyager. What does lockdown mean? It means no going out. You're staying in your quarters and also desk busters everywhere.
Starting point is 00:59:52 Yeah. We're back in the cargo bay and Tuvac is there looking for evidence and he's doing like the just like a bandana around his nose and mouth, which you know at the time we kind of thought would probably protect you, but in retrospect, it wasn't actually a real safety measure. I really love how the tension remains the same. In the moments in this episode before we know it's two-vac, and the ones right after, that stays consistent. If not, becoming worse. that stays consistent, if not becoming worse. Right. Once we know it's two vacanities and close proximity to the investigation and other people who haven't
Starting point is 01:00:31 gone into a coma with their eyes wide open. They're talking about, you know, like crew members are waking up one by one. Mm-hmm. And they're fine. They're fine, but it's a pattern. And so two vacan's like, that must be part of it. Like, if they're waking up and they're fine, but it's a pattern. And so, Tuvac is like, that must be part of it. Like, if they're waking up and they're fine,
Starting point is 01:00:47 then there must be some intent behind that. And the captain is like, dude, you need to go to bed. Tuvac's like, I can't. This guy is the perfect foil. I think I'm falling in love with him. He seems beautiful. I can almost sense his presence. I like this moment for the captain. I don't want to order you. I would rather just ask. And Tvok goes back to his quarters and gets on the meditation cushion and gets it on. Yeah, this is good advice.
Starting point is 01:01:25 Like, I always talked to our buddy Chuck Bryan about New York Times Crossword puzzle. We're both big fans of New York Times Crossword puzzle. There was a stuff you should know episode about it that was great advice and great permission for me because like one of the things they said was like, sometimes it's good to just take a break from New York Times Crossword puzzle.
Starting point is 01:01:46 Like you start it and you get stuck, put it away for a couple of hours, and then come back to it, and you might have thought of some answers to some of those clears. Ben, you needed an expert to tell you that? Set down the thing that's frustrating you. I think I like, for some reason,
Starting point is 01:02:01 felt a sense of like, I need to like, get this in one. You're a blood and guts crossworder, aren't you? Yeah, I think so, but I've become a lot more zanned about it and the way that the captain is advocating for here. Do you ever get terrifying visions when you do your crossword? That's what Tuba gets here. Yeah, he turns on his freshening up candle and tries to pray. And I mean, he's seeing the POV of the attacker and not quite connecting one and two in doing that.
Starting point is 01:02:37 When Tuvac pops up and goes to the bathroom, he tries to wash his hands clean, but they'll never be clean, Ben. Never. You can't out out that damn spot. He pulls up his shirt and he's got that bruise on his abdomen. You know that's a defense wound, Ben. He's the guy. Maybe that's what happened to me.
Starting point is 01:02:57 I showed you my crazy bruise, right? Yeah. I had a bruise just like this. It was gross as hell. It was a really brutal bruise. I have no memory of what caused it. Oh, I mean, I think it was pretty clear it was a drunk bruise. I thought that's what we agreed it was.
Starting point is 01:03:15 I mean, yeah, I was definitely in New Orleans when it happened. So I think the number of New Orleans bruises is far greater than any other kind of bruise, for sure. So this kicks off some terrifying visions of that bejure and dude from the cold open. He's in the mirror reflection and then he's gone. And so two luck beats it out of there and heads into the corridor. And he's got a conspicuous dust buster on him as he goes.
Starting point is 01:03:45 And he's got a conspicuous desk buster on him as he goes. Yeah, I like the look of the mock turtle neck, you know, under uniform shirt. Yeah. With the back zip. Like that a lot, not for a boolean, but for him. It looks better on him than a boolean, you know. Yeah. Hey, booleans can't pull off everything, all right?
Starting point is 01:04:02 And I don't think it's racist to say that. I think I have boolean, half Vulcan, would never get it out of alignment, all right? And I don't think it's racist to say that. I think I have Boolean, have Vulcan would never get it out of alignment, you know? Dougam out of Boolean? Yeah, we're a, a Vulcan. A Vulcan. But I don't wanna vulcanize this conversation into a million different tangents. They are back looking at the ghostly images that the computer created for when Tabore
Starting point is 01:04:32 got got. And Tuvak is like trying to ask the computer where he was when this happened and the computer says that that information is restricted and he uses his little code to override that The computer reveals he was also on the holodeck when this happened Amazing reveal and he goes lock me up lock me up lock me up When they do like the perfect height for height match at the end, it made me crazy because I was like, why didn't you do that in the beginning? Measure this guy and then
Starting point is 01:05:13 remove from suspicion everyone who isn't this height. Yeah, I think they did say something about like we're going to work on like getting it a little bit higher resolution or something. Yeah. But yeah, that would have been nice. Yeah. They could have at least illuminated like a lot of people, more than just Naomi Wildman at the beginning. Yeah, I think so. So at this point,
Starting point is 01:05:35 Tuvak is just actively seeing this bejure and guy in his real life. He is like totally delusional and he's realizing that he is not safe to be, you know, in the gen pop on Voyager and that he's probably the one that's been doing these attacks, but he is also like very distracted by the presence of a guy he believes to be there that nobody else can see. So we cut to the brig where Tufok is trying to pray and the doctor is trying to scan him. And they're both like, hey, do you mind? Trying to do something here?
Starting point is 01:06:09 Yeah, hard to do. Doc does that thing where he's like, it's okay if I'm inside the force field, but Janeways got to stay out for her own protection. And it's here that two Vox says that another voice is trying to control him. Someone with a bejorin incantation. And Tuvac says he keeps seeing him in the room, and then he cops to mind-melding a bunch
Starting point is 01:06:33 of the make-weas. Mind-melts. Why? I don't know. He blames the bejorin for making him do this. Well, a primal energy charges the blood. Yeah. It's in your blood!
Starting point is 01:06:50 I'm a primal energy! And I'm making you murder your friends and family! You'll never take me seriously, unless I make you kill! Hahaha! It's your mission and this is a really holy time. So go ahead and kill as many people as you want. It takes a little longer than I would like for Janeway to establish that this person isn't a member of the crew.
Starting point is 01:07:19 That's got to be my first question. Is this person on board? No is the answer. How did this start? It's a letter from Tuvaq Sun sent to the last data stream. So Janeway goes to investigate that. And in six days to Cote and BLT wake up, 29 hours later,
Starting point is 01:07:37 they gotta be feeling great. It's ice cream and real pisses for both of them. But then they look at their fitness tracker watches and they got like 39 minutes of deep sleep and it's like, what the fuck? It's so disappointing. You get a lot of time in sleep, but the quality of sleep is shit.
Starting point is 01:07:58 And then also they're like, maybe we should look up on the internet. Like is deep sleep the one that we should be getting or is the like REM or the core better? Everything I know about REM sleep came from that TNG episode. When people stopped getting it and we're dying. Yeah, they're like, well at least we can remember that Windows, the word for window, like that's good.
Starting point is 01:08:21 Justin, do it. Do it. Do it, do it, do it. Do it, do it, do it. Do it, do's good. We're doing it. We're doing it. We're doing it. We're doing it. We're doing it. We're doing it. We're doing it. We're doing it.
Starting point is 01:08:30 Over in the Aslab, Seven helps Janeway and Dakota review the message from two Vaxson. And two Vaxson's name is Sec. And that has to make it really hard to be in school, right? How did Sec's paper go? Did he get a good grade? Hey, so anytime you're in school, right? How did sex paper go? Did he get a good grade? Hey, so anytime you're in school, that sex education, isn't it? Did your parents have to sign a waiver to let you do this?
Starting point is 01:08:57 Hey, what's in sex lunch? This poor guy, how was it that like letters from home are actual videos from home? And here's a question about that. Not that we're sending a bunch of letters at any point in time, but like, would you send less letters if the only way to send a letter was a fucking face like on video?
Starting point is 01:09:23 Yeah, probably. Let me write a thing. I don't want to do a video all the time. I read a little bit about the production of this episode and they did cut a little thing out when it showed Tuvak initially receiving this. Uh-huh. This video, Graham.
Starting point is 01:09:39 Because they told him it was a sex video. Well, what happens is when he clicks on it on the screen, it plays letters, we get letters, we get sex and sex of letters. I like that a lot. That's good. Toobach, is this your idea of a letter? From sex. So with a couple of buttons, seven reveals that there's a second signal
Starting point is 01:10:10 hiding under this one. And it's cold open guy. Go to recognize that this guy, it's Tiro and Nathus. He's a fanatical whose into mind control to recruit members to his cause. And he was a true make-whees believer. Like probably a greater believer than just a usual make-whees guy. So was it sex in the anatus? Or was it anatus in the sense?
Starting point is 01:10:39 If you're a teacher and like maybe you have a favorite student, but you also have like a Jarra maybe you have a favorite student, but you also have a jar of jelly beans on your desk, could you say that you like sex and candy? Yeah, probably could say that. Yeah. Do you think if you're choosing teams on the playground, like each team is picking one person, but then, like, sex gets chosen before you, you can choose them. You're like, I want your sex.
Starting point is 01:11:14 Yeah. Like the George Michael song. Yeah, you can do that in, like, a white elephant gift exchange, too. Do you think you ever, for Halloween, dresses up as Madonna, thus making him Madonna sex? Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 01:11:33 Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Do you think that he ever, like, had a friend who had the same first name as him and they went to a strip club and people were like, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no sex in the champagne room. Yeah. None.
Starting point is 01:11:48 Jamie wants Tovac to look at this message. He's in the break. So they bring it to him. And Tovac's like, yep, that's the guy controlling me. I've met him. Why does Tovac get to wear his compage and pips? It was a question I had here. Very conspicuous and useful for the story. Yeah, too like to know this guy. Like they met one time, but like in talking about this, he starts to get more memory flashes. And these are like memory flashes with the flashback, like you know, sepia tone or whatever. And what he's remembering
Starting point is 01:12:26 is sort of like being schiziend. He is trying to remember the details of being schiziend. Isn't it upsetting to see Tuvac restrained and practically begging for this guy to stop torturing him. I did not like this scene in a way that was useful for the episode. Janeway is like, so like specifically, what did he do to you? And two Vax, like, I don't remember. And Janeway says, try. And two Vax says, I can't.
Starting point is 01:13:02 He did not have sex with me because my son was very far away. Janeway comes into the cell. Yeah, and big moment. Tries to do some like guided meditation with him. And it is so similar to the schism episode where he's like describing the the Star Trek cave he's in and the table he's on and Tiro and Adis standing over him, you know, like it's it's horrible. Like Tiro and Adis is like stabbing shit into his forehead and like doing all kinds of gross stuff to him Toovok like breaks out of the memory and almost attacks Janeway
Starting point is 01:13:46 and the security guy pulls his dust buster. It's about to start blasting away at Tuvac. I love this guy's fucking jacked. Why don't you go hand-to-hand, Briggsman. It's a prison guard. Like a brick shit house. And he's got a little salt and pepper in his hair. Like, gotta bother him that TuVac is like almost
Starting point is 01:14:10 a hundred years old and is still jet black hair. Yeah. Does TuVac dye his hair? God, I don't know. I mean, was vanity logical? I don't think it is. The payoff for TuVac wearing the combat is TuVac hitting the combat to talk to Chicoete.
Starting point is 01:14:26 And he speaks a couple words of Bajorin. Why don't you pass the time by playing a little solitaire? Chicoete says he understands and then he leaves. Pogtem far batone is what he says. And Janeway tries to get two-vac to tell her what this means, but Too Voc can't. It doesn't mean Rohingya. It doesn't mean Omarita. Now, what does it mean?
Starting point is 01:14:50 And Chicoete is like not answering. Combs. Chicoete has been just as Munchery and Candidated as Too Voc has. Yeah. And he walks into Six Bay and, you know, turns off the HMH and stuns Tom Paris and activates BLT in exactly the same way that TooVoc activated him. They were in the brig to meditate And our king worked He had to sing
Starting point is 01:15:33 Pop tam fa Battah-ho nay The code is spoken To Chico Day. Wow. He's a sleeper agent on a candidate. His mind's been opened. And everything has changed.
Starting point is 01:16:00 He'll shoot you down. Oh, he's changed everything. The code is spoken. You speak the right code and you're never gonna have Pearl Jam. In the corridor, it's clear a bunch of make-weez have been activated. This is like a... It's everybody that had a coma, right?
Starting point is 01:16:26 Like everybody that got the mind-mail. This is like a simulation nodules. Like, FAP. They're all going in and they're packing. I think it's like this guy saw a huge opportunity in TuVoc and that you do the mind control thing on TuVoc and he can like, he can squirt it into a bunch of other brains
Starting point is 01:16:44 once the connection gets made. He's got tubules without tubules in his fingers. So they take the bridge and this all goes down, well, TuVak is like meditating in the brig and Janeway standing in there with him and she's like, what the fuck? I love that in the same sequence that Paris gets shot, Kim also gets shot. It's only right. Am I making any sense here? Buddy's still the end.
Starting point is 01:17:11 And I think Instagram is about being his time shift, Kent. Get through, get through. You're sure, Kent, you're sure, Kent, you're down with the shift. And you're through it. Get through, get through it. It's red alert, and Janeway gets the hell out of there. She and the absolute unit of a Briggsman, he gets shot in the back and Janeway confronts Chicoetay,
Starting point is 01:17:31 kind of feebly. Yeah. And he escorts her back to the Briggs and kind of swaps her for Tuvac. And then Tuvac goes back to work. It's a new day on Voyager. Tuvac calls Chicoote Captain, without questioning. They're all back in their make-wease outfits. Chicoote's log, I think, does a lot of lifting here.
Starting point is 01:17:53 Like, it's so clear that it's his ship now, in very little time. Yeah, like we're five minutes from the end of this episode or something, it's like what is happening here. Yeah, the plan is to drop off all the star fleets at the nearest M class planet. And on the bridge, like, the idea that they kept the steamer trunk full of Mayquise clothing
Starting point is 01:18:13 and just busted it out for this occasion. And everyone looks great. It's an amazing part of this episode. Yeah, another scene that they did cut out was BLT putting on her OG make-wee stuff and being like, God, I haven't worn this since before I was pregnant and I cannot believe I fit into it now. This is great. Looking great, BLT.
Starting point is 01:18:38 So Chicoete invites TuVac into the red-e room for a snoo de brandy. A fitting gesture. Chicoete wants the remaining make-wee is to be melded into the reddiv room for a snoo de brandy. A fitting gesture. Chicoete wants the remaining make-wease to be melded in the shape. There's a few that have not gotten the message, the way the rest of them have, you know, so that they can kind of restore the entire make-wease crew compliment.
Starting point is 01:18:56 Yeah, flip over the last few chips. But Chicoete isn't over those hard feelings he's got about two Valks double cross at the beginning of the series. And so as a loyalty test, Janeway's brought in and Chico Tehansima deskbuster, the insinuation being prove your loyalty by executing Janeway. You want to get jumped into the gang?
Starting point is 01:19:20 This is how you do it. This scene is so tense. This is great Kate Mulgaroo here. She's not desperate. She's not ordering him the way a captain would order a subordinate. She's like doing her damnedest to get through to him. 52 red queens of me are telling you, you know what we're telling you? Don't do this. I think it's a great performance. Yeah. What is the guy's name?
Starting point is 01:19:46 Yo, Yosa. That's the guy guarding Janeway at the time. God, I don't know. They kept cutting back to him many times. I thought he was gonna do something. Didn't you? Yeah, I did. I think it's just like the actor that they cast
Starting point is 01:20:03 and the way he styled. Like he looks very star-fleetily clean cut. He just looks like a guy that works in a bank, you know? Yeah, he looks a little out of universe. Yeah, like he does not have a rebellious air about him. Like nobody that's engaging in political rebellion comes their hair like this guy. Yeah, the hair does a lot of work for making you feel like you're in a time and place.
Starting point is 01:20:30 I thought for sure that he was there to be somehow instrumental in dismantling this plot. But instead, it's just Tuvac pulling the trigger and the phaser jamming. Yeah. And that's like a, oh, well, you passed the test because you were like, you were down enough to try to kill her in this moment. Yeah. So Janeway gets purplocked out of the room and that leaves Tuvac and Chicoete alone.
Starting point is 01:20:56 And this is important because it gives Tuvac a chance to get the jump on Chicoete. Yeah. Chicoete's neck catches those fingies. Yeah. And he's out of there. neck catches those fengues. Yeah. And he's out of there. And it's not just out of there. It's like, in like one elegant movement, it is neck pinched to my belt.
Starting point is 01:21:16 I don't think we've seen before. Like the, like the mind meld is just like part of the movement. When you're really good at melding, it feels like a very low effort situation. Right. Your body is just contour with each other. Totally. Really elegant way.
Starting point is 01:21:33 Totally. You know, it's sweaty but not in like an exertion way in like a steamy way. Yeah, it's not drippy. It's just moist. Yeah, chicoce and tuva come out on the bridge. And Chicoetay is like, hey, that planet that we were gonna drop them off on, that's not the right one. We gotta find a different one.
Starting point is 01:21:50 And BLT is like, what the fuck are you talking about? Like, who cares? Like, let's drop them off at the most mid-planet we can find. They're gonna be dead anyway. And this suspicion leads to a Mexican standoff. Everybody on the bridge is aiming phasers at each other. Didn't you want more of this? Give me 10 minutes of this.
Starting point is 01:22:10 It's like totally unresolved. Like they, like everybody is aiming guns at each other and then it just cuts to Chico Te and Tufac coming into the brig and aiming phasers at the guy that has Janeway in the brig. Yeah, I don't get that. I don't get the episode not knowing what the most exciting part is. I don't know her. So they free the captain. It's like a cut to. Now everything is fine.
Starting point is 01:22:37 Toovok and Ticote catch each other in the hallway and are like heading down to movie night in the holiday. It is so hard to get with this as a choice. That passage of time where we go from Janeway, being suspicious of Chico Te and Tuvac getting sprung from the brig into like everything's fine again. I want to see the retaking of the ship. That's exciting. I do too. I also thought, like, if you're going to cap an episode like this off with a
Starting point is 01:23:11 movie, this episode is so obviously referential of a couple of classic movies. Like, is there a reason you can't name check, mentoring candidate or invasion of the body snatchers. Like, yeah, why aren't those the movies in the theaters? What you're saying? Yeah, like it's invasion of the lobster people or something. It's invasion of the body snatchers. That's like an obvious thing to reference. Like, what is lobster people? That's not anything.
Starting point is 01:23:38 Classic and classy. I like those choices. Yeah. Do you think Tom and BLT pull another bobert in the back of the theater when the whole crew is there watching the movie? I don't know. I didn't like how two Vox sat next to Janeway. Janeway who had a couple of seats open next door.
Starting point is 01:23:56 What are you doing sitting next to me? Two Vox. I'm trying to watch a fucking movie here. Now two Vox and movie talker. Bad look. I think she invited him over. I think he was okay. Don't love that.
Starting point is 01:24:09 She asks him how he knew the phaser wasn't loaded. Like every scene of its kind in a movie or a TV show, like where the guy takes the test weapon and like shoots at the bad guy in that scene. Yeah. Two Vox had a hunch that it wasn't loaded and wouldn't do that. And in so doing, like proved his loyalty there. So that's the answer.
Starting point is 01:24:33 It's unsatisfying or not. I don't know. Yeah. Why did Janeway have the 3D glasses also? You get those in the lobby. You don't get them from your friend inside the movie theater. I really love this composition though, the 3D glasses on the way the white pops. We talked about this in the last episode.
Starting point is 01:24:51 The way something white pops and Star Trek is so unusual because nothing is white. Nothing is that color. Yeah, it looked great, great comp. Don't the old paper ones look better than the modern ones too? The modern ones suck. They always feel a little gross.
Starting point is 01:25:08 Real D? Yeah. More like real diarrhea. Yeah, I don't like those at all. Get them out of here. Do you like this episode, Ben? You know, I'm maybe even to get along with post-release time. But I don't like bullets, I don't like friends, and I don't like you.
Starting point is 01:25:23 I like this too. I liked this episode up until that last act. And I was like very frustrated by a few of the cuts that they made to get the story resolved. Like I think that you could have trimmed down some of the middle act to have a little bit more time and that stand off on the bridge and a little bit more time in the yeah the liberation of the ship and the freeing of the captain and stuff like that. Yeah. I thought overall though like I love a who done it in Star Trek. This is a great Star Trek as a place episode. Yeah. And I think that it does such a good job of drawing inspiration from things like Manchurian candidate and similar without just ripping them off wholesale and instead putting them
Starting point is 01:26:12 in a very start tricky context. Like, what if your Manchurian candidate could also mind meld? Mm-hmm. It's such a cool premise to write a story around. And I think that like generally speaking, they deliver on that premise. So I did overall like the episode. I'm with you. The game is one of my favorite TNG episodes and this felt that way. Totally. Characters that you're supposed to trust over the course of many seasons were into the seventh season before we finally get a game like episode really paid off that kind of
Starting point is 01:26:42 relationship that you built up until then. Yeah. So, yeah, I dug it a lot, but really, as ever, really hard to forgive, not showing me the most exciting or interesting parts of the episode. You really got to believe a passage of time is what we need there, and I just don't buy it. I want to see the take back of the ship. So that was my main grape with it. Also, if you're designing a hollow movie theater, it's not going to be this era. I'm sorry. Like this is this is cool and kitschy. Yeah. But but no one pines for this when they think of great movie theater experiences. I don't think you could get the whole crew of Voyager into this theater, but like, if you really want like a great movie theater experience,
Starting point is 01:27:30 like no one's watching Killers of the Flower Moon in these seats. He would never make it. Yeah. Like, Killers of the Flower Moon wouldn't have a 45-minute intermission in this era of movie theater? I know, and you'd need it medically. Okay. Well Adam, do you wanna see if there's any medical necessities for us in the priority one inbox?
Starting point is 01:27:56 Sure thing Ben, we've been prescribed three priority one messages today. Priority one message from Starfleet coming in on Secured Channel. today. Our first one is of a promotional nature. It goes like this. FODs of NYC are you or someone you know expecting an acting ensign long time FOD and birthdula Caitlin wants no birthing person to feel
Starting point is 01:28:33 like a potted plant. Whether a science officer or not six bake and feel daunting Caitlin helps you know if you need your baby beamed out or if a traditional pejoran birth is the way to go. She will wipe your tears while making dick and fart jokes and will never be even a little bit embarrassed by the rawness of birth. hire Caitlin Dulabarge to support you and your partner
Starting point is 01:29:03 during the birth of your new baby. That's spelled D-O-U-L-A-B-A-R-G-E. Hey, my baby was not born in NYC, but hiring a doula real talk is the best choice my wife and I made in the anticipation of his delivery. Why is that? So, you know, I didn't really have a strong opinion either way about it and a couple of friends of mine who have kids strongly encouraged me to go for it as a dab and it's a relationship that is primarily the birthing parents with the doula, but also very important for the non-birthing parent in that.
Starting point is 01:29:50 The doula is there as kind of your advocate, like in the delivery room, from what I understand, most hospitals, you are not there with the same people the whole time. The nurses have shifts and they come and go, usually if you have like an OBGYN they show up in the last little bit and are there for the the pushing part but there's a whole lot to labor before that and Ardula taught us so much about what to expect about labor and delivery and also about having a really little newborn and she was also just like so solid in helping my wife through a very intense experience and me through a very intense experience. Like she at one point just turned to me and was like, Ben, go to sleep because labor takes a
Starting point is 01:30:39 long time and she knew what labor looked like. So she knew I had an opportunity to catch four hours of sleep before anything else that I needed to be there for would happen. And as a result, I was like with it and ready to be actually helpful in the part where I needed to be. So I cannot recommend hiring a doula enough, and if you're in NYC and want a friend of DeSoto doula doula Oh, yeah Yeah, I think a lot of people feel like this is a decision like between doctor and doula
Starting point is 01:31:14 But you can have both. Yeah, why not have both they are highly compatible and I have so much respect for the kind of expertise and care that Dula's provide. Ben, our second pray everyone message is from Dan, it's the Ben and Adam that message goes like this, help me Ben and Adam. I can't get this thought out of my mind. What if Kern's out a Nirvana album cover after his memories were replaced and he became... ...Curn Cobain. What is that smell? With the lights out, it's contagious. You should masturbate frequently to prevent...
Starting point is 01:32:03 ...Burl Jam. to be able to make a great deal of the game. I do not remember my Spotify account. Credentials. Adam, our final P1 is from Gus who really tried to speed up the poker game because this was a terribly stupid idea, but I don't have another one. And Ben and Adam, who are still stuck in a temporal loop, I was like this, seven dot no help there,
Starting point is 01:32:35 dot a pair of ladies, F slash T, doctor. We should just play the scene in this place. It's a good scene. It's a good scene and it seems like just a transcript of the scene. Yeah. Seven? No help there? A pair of ladies for the doctor?
Starting point is 01:32:55 Dealer receives a nine. Doctor, may I remind you since you show the highest hand you control the next bet. Thank you, Data. I'm a bit 10. What? Jack, four, doose, six. 20. You're 20 and 50 more.
Starting point is 01:33:25 50! I'm in. I will also see the best. Seven and a possible straight for Commander Ryker. Jack still no help for the Klingon. Eight. Nine for the dealer. Twenty.
Starting point is 01:33:51 Two rich for my blood. Your twenty? One hundred more. Hold. Two hundred. Your two? Three hundred more. He does not have a straight. Where's the poker and Voyager?
Starting point is 01:34:10 I guess that's happening in Kim's quarters. He was stating the obvious again. Mm. Mm. If you win at, you know, hold him or whatever, and it gives you an erection, do you call that a poker poker? Mm.
Starting point is 01:34:25 Mm. Yeah, I think so. And it gives you an erection. Do you call that a poker poker? Hmm, hmm. Yeah, I think so. I guess. Guess it is. Well, if you guess that you would like to, you know, have a scene, just play in unended audio as a P1. We'll do that. We'll do it.
Starting point is 01:34:44 Or if you are a doula outside of the NYC area because has already claimed that territory. If you've got a bit in your mind that you'd like us to explore the space with with one of our beloved characters, it's slash jumbo-tron to set any of those types of things up. We really appreciate it. Ben, if you're in the delivery room and you left something football-shaped out in the waiting area, and maybe you can't get up to go retrieve it, but your doula does, would you say that your Madouula oblong got it?
Starting point is 01:35:27 Yeah. I think so. All right. Thanks. Hey, Ben. What's that, Adam? Another question for you. Did you find yourself a drunk Shimoda?
Starting point is 01:35:39 I did. I got a time code Shimoda here for you, Adam. You can see this at 42 minutes and 10 seconds into the episode. This is the establishing shot of the theater at the very end when the whole voyage or crew are gathering to enjoy a movie. And just in the foreground is Chel and he's got his 3D glasses on already and he is looking at his blue hands in the red blue binary 3D glasses. And this is great. Such a funny bit that a blue man would be seeing.
Starting point is 01:36:18 I just imagine him like one eye, other eye, you know, camera A, camera B, both cameras, looking at his hands. What fun. Do you think that's a choice the actor makes or was that a direction or a little bit of both? Whoever came up with it, and I choose to believe that this is the actor because I think that this actor appears to have a funny sense of humor about him, whoever came up with it is a genius. And the fact that it's just on screen for a moment is like such a subtle funny joke that I really loved.
Starting point is 01:36:51 I didn't even notice it until I was just like scrubbing through the episode to remind myself of like a scene order thing. And that was where my my playhead happened to be. Yeah. At the beginning, because like, you know, it remembers where where you left off off and it's such a funny image. Good job by Star Trek coming up with that little thing. Cheers to Derek McGrath, the actor
Starting point is 01:37:16 who really brought Shell to life. Yeah. And it seemed like that and so many others. You know I had aimoto, but that is super compelling. I didn't notice that at the time that it happened. So yeah, I wanna daily double this. Help. And make myimoto chill. What a great bit of visual comedy there. Okay. Go ahead.
Starting point is 01:37:34 Get the bill out. Wow, well Adam, it's been a little slice of heaven recording a very fun episode of the greatest generation with you. I love doing this with you, man. Yeah, man. I think that it's great this thing we do. And I want to do it again. What do you say? What do you say we come back and do episode 501?
Starting point is 01:37:55 Okay. The next episode is season seven, episode five, critical care. The doctor is forced to work on an alien ship where patients care is determined by their social status instead of medical need. So the doctor takes a time machine back to the year 2023? Yeah. Wow. He's serving a patient that looks very much like Denzel Washington, but his name's John Q.
Starting point is 01:38:28 Yeah. Sounds exciting. Sounds fraught. Hopefully the doctor can both prescribe and provide. He's working alone. Yeah. I am at the game of buttholes, the will of the caretaker, and looking at a runabout that is pulsating on a square 29. Looks like we could hit that Delta flyer ahead of us.
Starting point is 01:38:58 I think that's all we can hit, right? I think so. That's it. Okay, don't hit it. Well, just takes us up to a measure of a man episode, which we always enjoy, right? That's tub free. No tub in a measure of a man. No tub in. No tub in. Although, you can measure a man in a tub. Hmm. Yeah, don't need much of a ruler for that. You're required to learn as you play. Roll. I'm gonna go and roll this down.
Starting point is 01:39:31 My goodness, I hit that Delta Flyer Square. All the way up on Square 87. What? Philip Aluvois face, obscured, pides of runabout, incredible. It's a measure of a man episode next week at him, 501. Starting off strong, next 100. Philip Alouvois. It brings a sense of ordering stability to my universe
Starting point is 01:39:58 to know that you're still a pompous ass. The courtroom is accrucible, and if we burn away irrelevance, it will left enough pure product, that's true. When people of good conscience have an honest dispute, Yes. The courtroom is a crucible and if we burn away irrelevance, we are left with a few of products that rule. When people of good conscience have an honest dispute, we must still sometimes resort to this kind of adversarial system. Hopefully we can make some good law out here.
Starting point is 01:40:17 And for good measure, sit on this. Can't believe it. Huh. About that Wow All right looking forward to it. I like our chances of adjudicating this one. Yeah in a sober and professional way Hmm. Yeah, we're always those two things Well, just like we did at the beginning
Starting point is 01:40:46 Well, just like we did at the beginning, got to thank so many people for making this episode 500 possible. Starting with those who support the show financially at slash join. Look, the network is the place where the show lives, but we get most of the money when you go to slash join, that supports the show. Big time. Directly. Set up a monthly situation that helps us make some plans for the months in the years ahead.
Starting point is 01:41:11 Makes this thing feel a little less dangerous. It makes a huge difference for us. And yeah, that is the budget by which we make our plans. So big down year for advertising, but the friends of the soda kept us afloat and we really appreciate it Hey, if you don't got it like that review it everyone can review the show everyone should review the show Wherever you get your podcasts everyone can tell a friend You don't have a friend
Starting point is 01:41:38 Tell someone else. Yeah, also you can make a friend on the internet. Hasht hashtag greatest Jen put it on your grandma's phone and just Downloaded to her phone, you know if OD's in all the places Find them or they'll find you We got to thank Adam Garcia who makes all the music for the show Got to thank dark material made the original the card song got to thank Bill Tilly, the card daddy who runs the at greatest trek, social media accounts all over the goddamn internet.
Starting point is 01:42:11 How happy are we with Bill Tilly? Tremendously. He's a glue guy. Is what you call a guy like that in the sports world. A guy that makes the team that much better. Makes the FODs better. Whatever they are. Get something to podch up that biz.
Starting point is 01:42:28 Lots of great stuff on there. It might be still time to get it in time for the holidays. That's your bag. Before the things sell out. Yeah. That happens. And last and certainly not least, we gotta thank Wendy Friddy, our editor, producer,
Starting point is 01:42:44 office, admin, spreader, spreadsheetist, extraordinaire. She kicks all the ass. Yeah, with that, we will be back at you next week with another great episode, Star Trek Voyager, an episode of the greatest generation Voyager that solves the healthcare crisis in America. We're finally going to do it. Make it sound, make it sound. Make it sound. Yorubikata, kata, kata.
Starting point is 01:43:29 Maximum fun. A worker-owned network of artist-owned shows supported directly by you.

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