The Greatest Generation - Raktajino is for Closers Only (DS9 S5E14)

Episode Date: November 18, 2019

When Garak receives a call for help from the Gamma Quadrant, Sisko throws him the keys to a runabout (as long as Worf drives). But when the wormhole begins dumping ticks all over DS9, Sisko decides to... seal it up, which would leave them marooned on the other side. Do we ever pre-plan the ding? How does Dukat get onto the station unannounced? Does Worf have CTE? It’s the episode that reveals a big move!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Priority 1 message from Starfleet coming in on Secured Channel. Hey friends of Disodo. Before today's episode, we just wanted to take a moment to talk about the historic labor actions being taken by writers and actors in the American Film and Television industry. If you're a fan of the work done by the people who make Star Trek, we hope you'll join us in standing in solidarity with the folks who actually bring these adventures to life. Over the past several years, the AMPTP, the organization that represents the American Film and Television Production Studios, have reduced the profit from movies and TV going to workers. And in so doing,
Starting point is 00:00:35 they've attempted to weaken the labor unions that represent those workers. They wouldn't even engage the unions on many issues in their negotiations. And so a strike was the only course of action to take. Adam, Wendy and I have been having a lot of internal discussions about how best to stand with the unions and we are continuing those conversations in a dynamic situation. We're doing our best to understand where the picket lines are in these digital spaces,
Starting point is 00:01:01 and we would never intentionally cross one. With the information we have, we feel like we can do more good talking about and supporting the strike and continuing our show as planned. We'll keep you informed about what all this means for greatest trek specifically. Today we're making a contribution to the Entertainment Community Fund. This fund exists to help all the people whose livelihoods have been put on hold because the AMPTP refuses to negotiate
Starting point is 00:01:25 in good faith with the unions. It provides financial support for writers, actors, and all the thousands of laborers who make the shows that we talk about here and without whom we wouldn't have Star Trek to cast pot about. Those folks are all out of work because billionaires, company shareholders, and the executives of these companies don't want to compromise on the length of their yachts. We hope you'll join us in supporting entertainment workers in a challenging time, especially after they've already endured several years of challenges brought on by the pandemic
Starting point is 00:01:55 and season two of Star Trek Picard. We've set up a page where you can also contribute. It's at That's friendsofdececoto for That's FriendsOfDecoto for Link in the episode description. Okay, now let's get on with the show. Here's to the finest crew, Deep Space 9. To Star Trek Podcast by a couple of guys who are a little bit embarrassed to have a Star Trek Podcast.
Starting point is 00:02:36 I'm Ben Harrison. I'm Adam Pryanaka. How are you doing today, Adam? Hahaha'll put it on. It's like I'm doing one. That's how I'm doing, Ben. One of those days, huh? I'm looking around my home and I'm just seeing a bunch of things that I'm soon going to have to pack up, Ben. Oh, man, this is big news. I didn't know if we were breaking news on this episode or not. Yeah, I mean, why don't we go ahead and say it?
Starting point is 00:03:04 Why don't we say the thing that we've known for a couple of weeks? And if it doesn't end up happening, then you know, we can cut all this out. I mean, I know that you've known and I have not wanted to pry because I don't know overestimate how annoying that will be probably, but my wife keeps asking, like, so is it happening? Is this the plan? And I'm like, yeah, I'm pretty sure. I mean, that was the plan last I heard anything. I mean, it wasn't super definitive, but. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:36 And she wants to kill me, so. I think your instinct about not prying is going to be what saves our friendship in the long term once I move down to L.A. Which is what is going to happen? Not just me both me and my wife moving to Los Angeles. What about the doge is the doge coming? The doge is coming our dustyge coming? The Doge is coming. Our dusty cat is coming. The whole family is coming. Wow. Yeah. My lovely wife took a job
Starting point is 00:04:15 in Los Angeles, one of the 13 parts of Los Angeles. She took a job there. She took a job in a part of Los Angeles that may as well be Seattle, as far as traveling to it from where I live is concerned. This is a thing that you and I have discussed. It should come as no surprise to anyone who I think has ever seen us do a live show, that you and I are very protective of this thing of ours. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:44 So protective that we are reluctant to even hang out onto work. Because we know people who have turned work friendships into work, not friendships after the work gets done. And we don't want to be that work couple. So, like it is with that kind of trepidation that I'm looking at our proximity changing, but it sounds like you and I are simpatico about the whole, like not wanting to kill
Starting point is 00:05:14 the golden microphone here. Yeah, the, the microphone that lays the golden eggs. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, but it's been difficult because moving sucks and that is not new news to anyone. Right. I thought we'd be done with that. We got rid of all our boxes, Ben. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:34 Every one of them. Is this the kind of professional move where the company involved will chip in on that process? That's kind of a good news, bad news thing, right? Because the good news is that they are working to help the move happen, and that's one of the ways in which they will. But along with accepting a large company's help, you are subject to a big company's choices. Right. So, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:06:04 Maybe the moving company is cool. Right. So like, I don't know, maybe the moving company's cool, maybe they're not. Yeah, that's a weird phenomenon where one big company hires another company to be custodians of all your personal shit. Yeah, and they're going to drive a car down and like a whole bunch of other things, like it's included in the thing. So look, these aren't problems
Starting point is 00:06:27 per se. These are just work. It's a ton of shit you have to do that doesn't doesn't get you anything. I fully recognize that these are fine problems to have both my wife and I are employed and we are the recipients of a this kind of help. So it's great, full stop, it's great. What about living in a different city though? Like this will be your first time, right? My family moved around when I was very young, but once we settled in Seattle, I mean, I was of an age where it started to matter.
Starting point is 00:07:00 And so I consider myself someone who might as well have been born and raised in the Seattle area. So yeah That comes with this the first Real move away of any distance. Yeah big adventure Yeah, that's the the outlook. I'm Striving to give it, you know, yeah, it's hard for someone like me to not see it as a list of things to do. Because that is just how my broken mind works. I know that I have been insufficiently excited for my great wife about this. And that sucks. I'm trying to really put in
Starting point is 00:07:40 a lot of effort in my own personal outlook on this, which I think in the end is obviously going to be positive. My wife's going to be much happier in her job. I'm going to be warm in the winter months and that's a good thing. Yeah, you'll have fewer weather-related things to complain about for sure. Yeah, that's going to be nice. And once we get down there, it's going to be, it's going to be really fun and cool, I think. We will for sure celebrate when you guys get down here. Yeah, we'll pick a middle ground between us, like Anaheim. Yeah, equally horrible to get to. For better where you're coming from. Well, I'll tell you, when we were about to move out here,
Starting point is 00:08:32 I went out to this dinner and Dan Kennedy, host of the Moth podcast, was one of the people at it, and I happened to sit across from him. And Dan and I have the kind of easy rapport of two very high anxiety depressive weirdos. And just like got like way too deep way too quick, I would say. But I was telling him about some of my fears about moving to LA and how, you know, I didn't want it to destroy my marriage or
Starting point is 00:09:06 cause me to slip back into a paralyzing depression, which is the state I was in when I moved away from California. You know, I had come to associate California with like a very bad situation. And moving itself probably. Yeah. And the advice he gave me was basically like, you're going to see yourself from a new vantage point. And you've grown a ton since then.
Starting point is 00:09:34 And you've designed an adult life for yourself since then. So chances are, it's going to be a great thing. And getting more information about oneself Is always good. I hope so. I mean, I think the people who say that are probably the ones that like what they found I'm gonna tell you as somebody looking in from the outside Adam. You're gonna like what you find Thanks, man. I do appreciate hearing that sincerely. Yeah, God, it's almost here too. That's the thing of it. Yeah, this news came up super suddenly.
Starting point is 00:10:11 Yeah, and the move will also come up suddenly. This is also in a context. Over the last year, your wife has looked at a lot of employment opportunities that were not limited to within the lower 48. There was discussion of you guys moving to Madrid and London. And Luxembourg. We have had a bunch of conversations about what it's going to look like in the Adam
Starting point is 00:10:40 Lives in Europe version of the future. A very laggy podcast is what I imagine it would be. Like you would hear the laughs come in even later. Yeah, the uncomfortable silences would be even more uncomfortable. Right. But yeah, the fact that you're moving to the same municipality as me is very exciting for me personally. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:10 Even if it's not super close. I think of all the possible outcomes to a location change for job. I mean, this is probably the best one, right? If you'd moved to New York, I would have just turned into a jealous shitbag. And that probably would have ended the pod marriage right there. Right now you're just a jealous shit sack. Little shit coin per spin. Yeah. That's all you are right now. Well Adam speaking of changes of venue, big changes of foot on the Deep Space 9 program. Sure is.
Starting point is 00:11:48 Do you want to get into the episode? Yeah, let's do it. Let's go ahead and get into Deep Space 9 Season 5 episode 14 in Pergatres Shadow. This is a unique episode for its title card up front. It is an episode that's dedicated to a person named Derek Garth, who in doing a little bit of research, I found had died in a car accident while working on this episode. He was a grip on the show and he was a beloved guy. And I thought it might be a good opportunity to talk a little bit about what it's like to experience the death of a person at a workplace. This is something that I've personally experienced. I don't know if it's something that you have in your work life.
Starting point is 00:12:51 But I have so studiously avoided workplaces that I have not experienced this. I just can't imagine. A grip is a person with a kind of omnipresence on a set. It's one of the jobs that I feel like touches every department in its own way. And as a role, like there are roles on set that attract assholes, and uniquely, I think grips tend to be just salt of the earth. Yeah. Great people. Right. They're the ones that you're going to want to befriend on any set right away. It sucks. It sucks to live a work life with the expectation of certain people around and the comforts that come from those relationships to a moment when they're suddenly gone. And that
Starting point is 00:13:39 had to feel terrible for everyone who knew Derek Garth. and I think notably, you know, you see a lot of these title cards at the end of episodes. Right. And I think it is meaningful that this one comes at the front. Yeah. I mean, it is uniquely devastating to lose somebody during a production, I imagine. Yeah. And to know exactly what episode to, like, boy, can't imagine it, it's tough. Yeah. Uh, this episode opens with Odo, Mr. Bobbys,
Starting point is 00:14:15 kind of packing back into his apartment, all of the shapeshifting objects that, uh, I guess he cleared out when he was solidified. Really. Really, missed an opportunity to get a Kira sitting on the ground next to that twisty metal thing with an Allen wrench and a sheet of Swedish notes. Right. The guy with confusion in his mind and a phone number to call in that scenario.
Starting point is 00:14:46 Because it's gotta be assembled in the condo, right? They didn't move that through the door. Yeah, my parents had a couch that they had to like take an entire window out of their house to get into the house. Like, I think they had had it at their previous place and when they moved, they just didn't realize that this couch was so small, but my dad is an architect, so willing to heavily modify
Starting point is 00:15:11 a house for almost no reason. But removed this entire window assembly and then kind of like got it back in place good enough for now. And then like five years went by with it, kind of just like, you know, naked, unfinished wood behind the jam. Odo is a guy who has to be great at moving and great at the packaging too, right? Like if he's moving a couch, he's also the bubble wrap
Starting point is 00:15:41 around the couch. He can do it all. Yeah. He kind of reminds me of George Costanza, where he's talking to Kira in this episode, and it's kind of the belly aching, I gotta move all this crap back in now that I'm gold again. And it's like George in a relationship
Starting point is 00:16:02 where George getting a TV show at NBC. If he's in, he just wants to be out and if he's out, all he wants is to be in. Yeah, he just can't be satisfied. It's all just slipping away. And you're letting it happen. It's interesting that Kira is with him. I think it represents a thawing of that moment that came a few episodes ago when Kira realized that Odo was a murderer. Yeah, I mean, I think that this is one of those like album tracking issues.
Starting point is 00:16:42 Like I feel like we've had a couple of Odo episodes where I guess it was two episodes ago, right, that Odo got back to being a gold. But then there was like an interregnum episode where it wasn't even mentioned, that that was like a phenomenon. Right. So, so a little bit like picking up like a little late where they left off. And I think that like Kira's relationship with him and his goldness got kind of tabled as as issues for a little while.
Starting point is 00:17:16 One thing you're going to want to do when you're getting ready to move is pack up all your embarrassing stuff. And by that I'm talking about like your pornography, your sex toys, your seduction books. Finding and winning your perfect mate by Dr. Jennings Rain. I'll pick that. This is something that Kira picks up on right away. She's not even scooping. She finds his copy of the game. Yeah, you can't just leave the game out on your nightstand, Odo. You get it, you better than that. Yeah, I mean who knows, man, like almost everything in his apartment is potentially a sex toy. I find that by starting with kind of a half compliment, you get the other person interested in getting your approval on other things. Mr. Odo, you don't need to compliment that strange metal object in the corner of your room.
Starting point is 00:18:09 That is inert, and like my wife Rashan, will be receptive to all of your overtures. Inanimate objects. Who cares what they think. So we're jumping around, we get them, they get called up to ops where a Cardassian signal has been intercepted. Dax and Cisco are working on this and it's like some kind of Cardassian transmission coming through the wormhole and they can't decode it. They try to get like, bejure and intelligence't decode it. They try to get like bejure and intelligence to decode it. They're no good. And the suggestion is
Starting point is 00:18:49 made that we do have an expert in condescent codes living on the station. It's kind of dropped out there and then I really like this cut which is they cut to Gary getting breakfast or lunch with Zeal and Dr. Bashir and kind of recounting how he was called up to check out this message. Well, how did it go? I'm afraid I disappointed them. It's a great show not tell. As Gary tells Bashir and Zial, the message was nothing. It was a nothing burger. Right. It was just a planetary survey and Zeal and Bashir agreed that that must be a huge disappointment to him. Yeah, I mean, this is a good scene for kind of resetting the viewer's memory of antecedent
Starting point is 00:19:37 events. Like there was that whole Cardassian Romulan fleet that went into try and preemptively strike the Dominion and they got their pants pulled down really badly. Derek has been told by change leader that everyone is dead. And so like the idea that Starfleet was excited that maybe they'd gotten word from that fleet, Derek has disapused them of and he takes his leave from breakfast as he's got to go mend some trousers, etc., etc. And he heads off and Zial confesses to Bashir that she's kind of got the sweets for
Starting point is 00:20:17 for Derek. There's something about Derek, I find fascinating. It's crazy, this great big station, hundreds or maybe even thousands of people aboard. The only two cardacians have found each other. Yeah. It's pretty sweet. I mean, it's like you and I, like that first time we hung out. We saw each other from across the room as kindred spirits.
Starting point is 00:20:40 Yeah. Avoiding eye contact with each other and everyone else. You're as uncomfortable as I am and for all the same reasons. Yeah, to Garic though, a pair of pants that needs mending ends up being a runabout. That needs hijacking. And so he's sneaking a board of runabout and he gets on there and he's got a dustbuster in his nose. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:08 The Bashir with a sort of a bad guy reveal here. Yeah. Bashir like living his best spy life, I don't say. Bashir saw right through his dissembling at breakfast and decided to just go sit on the runabout with a dustbuster just in case Garrick tried to steal it. What I love about Garrick in this moment is that he does that thing that people who get caught try to do which is try to cut in the guy you caught you into the thing you're trying to do. So Garrick said, look man why don't you come with me? Because then you'd be
Starting point is 00:21:46 in on the spy mission. And that would benefit you. Right. And Bashir's like, cool, yeah, let's definitely do the mission. Once we have permission from my boss. Yeah. Go to Kotlin. Go to Kotlin. So. Garyx made the case that, of course, Bashir would want to go along on this thing. He needs to rescue and not bring pain. And to Dr. Bashir, a rescue mission is irresistible. It's like drinking a glass of piss. I feel like there must be a cork board somewhere in your house with Bashir on one side and a glass
Starting point is 00:22:30 of piss on the other side. And you have red thread connecting all over all these different topics to get to the glass of piss. I have a theory about this whole thing that I will share with you later on in the app, but I think our feelings about this year will be confirmed later on in this story that we're telling. Wow. In Cisco's office, Garrick admits that he can find the source of this thing. This isn't just a planetary survey. It's a message, and it's a message from a nobrientane, and the message says, alive, alive, alive.
Starting point is 00:23:07 So who else could it be from? It has to be a nobrientane. The code sequence was personally designed by Tane and myself. No one else knows it. Yeah, only he could come up with something that incisive. Right.
Starting point is 00:23:19 Garek kind of turns into salesman, Garek, in this moment, because he's like, yeah, like this is like troops, like Cardassia and Romulan troops, probably a bunch of federationships and their crew members. Everybody could be at the source of this signal. And these are going to be people we need in case we ever get to set trip in with the dominion. That's a great description. And when he starts selling here, he does not stop selling for the entire episode. He really doesn't, he is that guy.
Starting point is 00:23:48 He knows that Rectagino is for Closer's own. Right. So Cisco is fairly open-minded about this idea. I just want to bask in that ding. Well, for now. Ha ha ha ha. You've got 10 dings written down on your notepad. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:06 You son of a bitch. They're all on that red thread between Bashir and the glass of tears. That's why it feels so sweet when I get one because I don't pre-plan my dings. I've never pre-planed a ding. Ben, you know that. Come on. Oh man. Pride goes before the fall, Pranica. I'm not saying I have any amount of pride in it at all.
Starting point is 00:24:30 It's just what's happened. What do you think of that? They're speaking of pride. Speaking of pride, Wurf is being real smug about taking the gig of replacing Bashir, Scording Garrick into the G-quad. He's using some kind of, uh, like, Jordy LaFourge, uh, beard shaver to sharpen his mech-leth, while Dax yells at him because she is, is, and he is going on this mission.
Starting point is 00:25:01 I was going to tell you when on your way out the airlock? Really climbing up his ass about a work thing. They make the case that he kind of volunteered for it. But do you ever really volunteer for something when you're in the military? I don't think so. And also, if Dax is going to be pissed at anyone, why not get pissed at Cisco?
Starting point is 00:25:20 Get pissed at Cisco. Yeah, I guess the volunteerism thing is at the crux of this? But Dax is even more pissed that she found out second hand about this mission, and that's because Wurf didn't tell her directly. That's no good. That's a bad look for Wurf, for sure. So she's going to extract her pound of Malota in the form of taking all of his honey sticks with his Klingon operas. And this is this has real stakes for Wurf. It seems like these are the only copies of these Klingon operas he has and the only way he has of
Starting point is 00:25:56 getting his hands on them. Come on Wurf. Two is one and one is none. You should know this. Yeah. A half full tank of gas is an empty tank of gas. Right. Get it together, Wharf. The scene is here to remind us also that they're still super hot for each other. We're given the gift of like a 27 second make-out. I guess Risa didn't ruin them. Ended with Dax saying, have a glorious death or don't yeah I would kind of like to be told that every time I leave the house Really encourage me to go seize the day I think I'm just walking the dog. What are you talking about? What what what aren't you telling me no more than Adam experiences the very real feeling that you might be heading to your
Starting point is 00:26:47 own death every time you walk outside. Yeah. Kill walking a doggy. Speaking of ladies that are sad that their gentlemen are heading into danger, Zeyol begs Gerek not to do this. I feel bad for Zeyol here because she seems like someone who constantly gets stomped for sharing her true feelings about a thing. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:13 And here it's no different. She doesn't even directly admit feelings for Eric. She sort of cutely cops to them, and Eric is just straight mean. I'm a longer daddy. A rebel. Why do you always make fun of my feelings for you? I wonder if he's coming from a place of like, I really don't want her to fall in love with me because that's not going to be good for her or me.
Starting point is 00:27:38 Yeah, that spy business of, you don't want to get close to me, babe. Because you just get hurt. That spy business or that I secretly secretly love bishier business. Right. But she also gets stumped from behind at him because surprise DuCott comes up. Yeah, DuCott straight up George McFly's garrick here telling garrick to get his damn hands off her. Touch my daughter again, how can you?
Starting point is 00:28:04 How does DuCott get onto the station unannounced? I don't know. I mean, it serves the fun of the story more than the logic of the story, and there are a few scenes in this episode that could be described like that. But it really like clips along for that reason. This episode is a fucking wild ride. Yeah. Pretty sure that DuCott would have thrown Garic off the railing had Quark Knight intervened. I guess Quark is just such a dirt bag that he like is never going to be the guy that's calling the police on someone. No.
Starting point is 00:28:39 So he uses like the prospect of getting locked up in Odo's office as a way of convincing DuCott to unhand Garrick. I think if your quark Garrick is a very important person to you, as an instrument of getting things done or hearing things or whatever. Yeah, that's possibly true. Although an unreliable instrument in the way that Gary is always unreliable.
Starting point is 00:29:07 Right. Zial is the voice of the viewer here and asking to cut, what are you doing here? He's like, I took the Mutant Nebula to the Badlands, took all after the wormhole, and had it all the way out of the station. on picco that has a small garden center now. Can't wait. I'm throwing out all my winter jackets, been looking forward to blonde Adam. Yeah. Do I frost my tips up here? Or do I wait to do that down there by a professional?
Starting point is 00:29:58 Yeah, you get it done by an expert. Your wife was texting my wife like, what do I do with all my cute sweaters? And my wife did not have good news. Yeah, they're all going away. I have two huge drawerfuls of sweaters that I don't ever wear. I just can't countenance getting rid of them. Yeah. My wife's favorite months are the fall and winter months for that reason. She loves a chunky sweater more than anything. Yeah, RSVP those months.
Starting point is 00:30:31 Nice. This makes this little sense as it does to not have the little D involved at this point in Warf's mission. I think the decision of taking a run about is a little questionable. Yeah, I thought about this. I don't know if we've of taking a run about is a little questionable. Yeah, I thought about this. I don't know if we've ever seen a run about in the little D in space close to each other where we could get a sense of their relative size, but one headcan anything I came up with was maybe this is really low profile and doesn't look like anything to the Dominion, whereas the little D is like pretty provocative as like emphatically a worship. That makes a ton of sense, yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:11 Because they are very much going behind enemy lines to look for the source of this signal, and it's a sneak around. Warf is saying, we can't just cross Dominion space and go fly around looking for this and They come up with the idea of hiding their their penetration into digging in space in a nebula I really love that it takes like this happened so many times to war It takes garrick a ton of effort to convince Wurf that nebula's her safe places in a time of war.
Starting point is 00:31:45 Like, Wharf, you remember the Paulston Nebula, right? Right. You remember the most significant part of your time on the Enterprise D was hiding there, right? I think Wharf has CTE from all his combat brain injuries on the holodeck from all the lightning. He has lightning and do CTE is what he's got. Yeah, it doesn't reflect super well on him. I mean, he also catches Garrick and a lie in the scene though.
Starting point is 00:32:21 And I wondered like is Garrick's game getting super weak? You know, because he like, he got taught by Bashir. Did you think he was caught? Do you think he like laid breadcrumb shirt Bashir? Oh, no, I was interpreting that as this as this moment in the runabout between Garrick and Warf. Oh, yeah, like he's saying like like I gotta keep my lying blade sharp. He's like, look, Warf, you don't just go into a place where you know you're gonna lie
Starting point is 00:32:54 with a bunch of lies in the chamber. That's why I like to blast a couple of lies in the runabout on my way to a thing, just so I can go in like super cool and calm, not filled up with a bunch of lies. They make a bet who can go the longest without lying. And, and, and, and, and Garry, because like it's different for you, Worf.
Starting point is 00:33:18 For us, it's part of our lifestyle. Worf is like, I have a difficult time lying. Someone is looking at me to a rip. And then they get a look at the window of the runabout and there's somebody that they want to lie to like new to cross the street. Jesus. I'm just I'm just doing the sign fell metaphor metaphor further. Right, okay. Okay. Because that was the episode where there was a naked lady across the street, right? Yeah, that was a... That's what broke Kramer.
Starting point is 00:33:53 Yeah. This is another scene in which Garrick really sells Wharf on the idea of continuing the mission, because before they even get to the nebula Wharf, it's like, not too dangerous. Gotta turn around, but Garrk closes him big time. We owe it to them to do everything in our power to find them and bring them home. It's the honorable thing to do. So they continue, but unfortunately, that nebula is full of ticks.
Starting point is 00:34:39 Ticks of all sizes, it's like turning over a log and then finding like 200 centipedes underneath it. It is terrible. It's my wife's nightmare. Yeah. Well, all of this is happening. The episode is still periodically cutting back to the station and following the GolduCot is worried about Zeal associating with Garrick storyline. Right. In a way that I found astonishing. We're really doing this, right? Yeah. We're really gonna cut away from the fleet of ticks
Starting point is 00:35:15 to here, here, here, Cura defend her decision to allow Zial to associate with Garrick. Yeah. It's one of these characters in Star Trek where I'm like, is she supposed to be 20 or just she's supposed to be 14? It doesn't help because the actor is different every time we see her. Yeah, and I just feel like the episode like refuses to make a decision about- Yeah, how much agency does she have?
Starting point is 00:35:42 And I think by questioning her age band, you're spot on in doing that. Kira, we are told is a caretaker for Zial, but in what way really? Right, like the idea of Kira having some responsibility for the decisions that Zial is making would be a different matter if we knew that Zial lived with Kira if she was like her guardian or something like that,
Starting point is 00:36:10 but I don't get the sense that that's what's going on. Like Kira was living with the O'Brien's for a while. I mean, one thing neither of us are saying and that the episode explicitly does not say is how old is Garek? Garek is like 50. Yeah. What I'm not saying is how old is Garrick? Garrick is like 50. Zeal might be an age between 14 and 20.
Starting point is 00:36:30 Maybe. She might be 20. Yeah. So Garrick is a fucking creep, is what you're saying. Why isn't anyone talking about this? Yeah. I don't know. If you're going to fuck around with the actor playing Zeyol, and you're going to introduce
Starting point is 00:36:46 the idea of attraction between them, I think before this episode was the time to cast her as someone a little older. But I think also that it's tough, right? Because we've seen Zeyol as so young, so much younger, many episodes ago that I think they really stuck in the casting with her Yeah, like the refusal of Star Trek to like stake out a Rubicon between being a minor and being a grown-up is An ongoing frustration. Yeah, it's what gets us into trouble for telling jokes about that shit
Starting point is 00:37:22 I know it's Star Trek's fault. That's what I've been saying all along. Don't get mad at us. We're just confused about what the show is trying to say. All right. The scene ends with DuCat leveling some not-so-veiled threats at Kira. You've betrayed me. When I promise I won't forget it. And Kira to his face, showing an air of defiance, but once Dukat leaves the scene, I think she kind of slumps into her seat going like, I think she's feeling a little bit of regret at
Starting point is 00:37:56 stirring up this beehive, not that she's scared of Dukat, but that it's just going to be an ongoing pain in the ass. Right. DuCat is somebody who's always going to hold the grudge. Something happens to your production wise that I'm sure you notice too. And that is how narrow the focus is when you shoot a scene this way and how you need to account for where an actor is leaning in and out. Because DuCat in this scene is very still in his seat and he always remains in tack sharp focus
Starting point is 00:38:31 and Kira is moving forward and backward and that's one of the reasons why she soft throughout the entire thing. Yeah, the focus puller is like missing her whenever she moves. Right. And it's too bad. The consequence of all these ticks coming out of the nebula
Starting point is 00:38:47 is that the runabout is boarded and then Garrett takes a bud of a rifle to the face. The got like a bit of a distress signal out. Like we get a brief scene in an ops where they're like, yeah, it says like, there's something from war if it's like build up, blah, blah, blah, blah, imminent. It just says alive, alive, alive. Yeah. But the focus is on warfin' character being delivered into Gemheadar Space Jail. And this is a very like,
Starting point is 00:39:26 And this is a very like breezy, open concept jail. It's like, it seems like a pretty nice place to hang if it wasn't a brutal prison. Like a couple of times on TNG, a character or two would be stuck in space jail and it would seem like really desperately shitty. This one doesn't seem like that bad. It's just a confinement, you know. Hey, I'm Kevin O'Connor, and welcome to this old asteroid. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. Now when you build in an internment camp, on a piece of shit asteroid, you're gonna want to have a place for your prisoners to do the calisthenics.
Starting point is 00:40:09 I'll show you how to build a Sumo ring using easy-to-find household materials. This asteroid prison is a is a single bubble of atmosphere with no No livable surface in the terrain beyond. So there is no electronic frontier, there is no star-cade. Escape means death. There is the plastic plummet lament. What did we find in the walls? Well, a bit of a surprise. Is that backwaterondo? Hahaha. Why even have a prison if you'd the gem had are? Is a question that I thought at this moment in time? Seems like a lot of work. It does, but like so much of what they do, I wondered, did, like they call it, you know, Penal Col colony 371.
Starting point is 00:41:05 There's no escape. And yet this place was built in a way that allowed an obruntane to send a distress signal. So I kind of wondered if it's like Gem with our roach motel. You know what a thing I thought of too was that I wonder if when you're making golden copies of people, it just makes sense to keep the originals around. That's interesting, yeah. In case your founder goes and gets killed, then what, like, are you unable to make another copy? An accurate copy without them? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:41:36 I like that. The gemadar in charge of this prison is the scaliest gem hadar we've ever come across, and he introduces Worf and Garrick to their new prison. And it's basically like all it is is just a place that they can move about freely. And the first person they meet is the real general martac. Right. How long have you been here? Two years. The Martok we've seen for seasons and seasons has not been the real Martok at all.
Starting point is 00:42:12 Yeah, yeah. We've found that out in the, in the Martok as a gold sisco as a Klingon episode. But this is, this is the guy that the Gold Martak replaced. I think there was a question at that point about how long Martak had been Gold Martak. Yeah. And this Martak confirms that it's the whole time. Yeah, two years.
Starting point is 00:42:37 Yeah. Which is nuts. Garrick gets a, gets a moment with Tane who has taken quite ill. His, his heart is giving out. So major like explicit, explicitly daddy issue based stuff between Garek and Tane. This is Garek's daddy issues episode more than any other. And yeah, he's here like on Tane's death bunk bed. Well, all Tane kind of, you know, lives his last few hours.
Starting point is 00:43:12 But he's very gratified that his distress signal got Gerek there. But, you know, super disapproving of the fact that character didn't come with the cavalry. They don't say it explicitly, but I think that an operantane is dying of unflattering camera angles. This is a thing that gets progressively worse as he gets closer to death. Did you notice that? Like, they get further and further down his body, shooting up his neck. Yeah, I think it's intentional.
Starting point is 00:43:42 I think it's supposed to look bad. Yeah. body shooting up his neck. Yeah, I think it's intentional. I think it's supposed to look bad. Yeah, and that god, that filthy bunk with the dirty pillowcase and stuff, you gotta clean those linens if you want a sick person to live and get better. Well, they have a McLaughlin group. If you want on due space nine, and this is one of those ones
Starting point is 00:43:59 that GolduCot gets invited to. Do cot being the pet you can in of this one? Yeah. They take a two-cat being the pat you can in of this one. Yeah. They take a census of like the condition of the Alpha Quadrant major players. And the, you know, like the Romulans and the Cardassians lost a lot of material to their adventure in the Gamma Quadrant.
Starting point is 00:44:23 The Klingon War has devastated a lot of Klingon ships and Federation ships, which have also been devastated by the recent Borg attack, which I guess is a reference to first contact, right? Right, yeah. So Starfleet is low on ships as well. Well, you know, they send you Galaxy Class boys out here to the far reaches. Me, I just haul my butt back and forth between star bases. Not very good looking situation.
Starting point is 00:44:55 They're really kind of marooned out there, which is sort of the feeling that the show has always injected into the deep space. Deep space now is supposed to feel far away from from Federation space. And so it's like two days before any any other Federation starships are going to be able to make it to to come to their defense. And if this like huge armada of ticks is going to come through the wormhole, it's it's them in the defiant that are going to be the first line of defense. Everyone takes a beat and looks at the glass case on the wall that says break to
Starting point is 00:45:30 destroy the wormhole. Because that's kind of the final solution here. Destroy the wormhole. That's the last stand. It's it's destroyed the aperture. Right. Because they they're not going to actually destroy the celestial temple, which is of great concern to Kira, but if they close the door, then the Dominion can't come
Starting point is 00:45:54 through and kill everybody, and that's a price that Cisco and the Federation are willing to pay. Yeah, it doesn't go well in the room for that reason with Kira and also with DAX because losing Warf on the other side of the whole would not be ideal either. No one in the room is riding for Kira, though. He's fine over there. Yeah, so Cisco gives them 36 hours to make it back. It seems like DuCott's pretty happy to leave both of them on the other side. Right. And like, do Cots pretty happy to leave both of them on the other side. Right. And, uh,
Starting point is 00:46:30 Dax is the one that, uh, that really feels this and, you know, the most painfully. Back on the asteroid, uh, Mar-Toc is sharing his escape from Shawshank plan with a group. And there's like a picture of Lursa and Batur tacked up to this concrete wall covering the hole on the other side. That day General Martok growled through 500 meters of Jim Hadar shit, came out smelling clean on the other side. They've got to move fast because an Abrantane is really circling the drain and they think he'll be dead soon.
Starting point is 00:47:09 But luckily, Martak is going to get some extra help in this escape plan and reveals Dr. Bashir. Yeah, old uniform Dr. Bashir. Which means he's been gone for quite some time. Yeah, they say about a month in the dialogue here. We know it's him because he does the golden blood test immediately. And yeah, he says it's been a month. So it was Dr. Bashir gold edition that helped Odo with the changeling, right?
Starting point is 00:47:49 Right. And either couldn't or wouldn't save its life at the end. Which is an interesting twist. Yeah. It was Dr. Bashir Gold edition that was helping Sisko when he was having his vision quest, his Bajurian vision quest. Oh, it was Dr. Bashir that delivered the O'Brien, baby. Wow.
Starting point is 00:48:14 Golden Bashir seen everything. Yeah. Cut to a scene of O'Brien, like drinking with Golden Bashir, and like his inner monologue is like, boy, Bashir usually drinks a lot more than this. What the fuck is problem is what happened to this guy? It's got used to be cool. I used to be able to hang. He all of a sudden doesn't know anything about World War II fighter plans.
Starting point is 00:48:42 We get some fun stuff with Dr. Bashir Gold edition walking around the space station. They're talking about what is his mission. The first scene that we get is him delivering some sandwiches to Dax and O'Brien who are setting up the station to shut the wormhole. This is another great example of that kind of edit we were talking about before. Like Bartok asks the question, wonder what he's doing over there. And then we cut to this year just being nice to dad to no Brian. Spooky.
Starting point is 00:49:16 But you can't help but wonder like, oh my god are these like poison sandwiches or something? I mean, I would, I would realize something was wrong with Bishir if he tried to give Mia Sandwich. Right, he should know better. Yeah, I don't like that shit. Word travels pretty fast in the station, Ben, that an attack is imminent and the expectation by DuCott is that Zial is going to get the fuck off the station. And when he finds her at the transport, she doesn't have any bags. I'm not leaving. He's being real stern dad about this.
Starting point is 00:49:51 You know how stern dad acts. He's like, I'm your dad, and you're gonna do what I say, because I'm your dad. Yeah. But Zee-al doesn't prescribe to that. And she may be 14, but she might be 20 and an adult
Starting point is 00:50:04 and who's able to make her own decisions about these kinds of things. Oh, it's crazy. To Kat thinks it's about Garrick and he's partially right. And then to Kat pivots into reverse psychology when, when Zial says that she's staying and it's like, fine, you can stay. I want you to stay actually. Stay and die.
Starting point is 00:50:27 Doesn't bother me. Which is like, okay, I will. I mean, this might be the most dad-daughter depiction we've seen of them so far. Like that kind of quick thinking and pivoting in the spirit of a fight, in the heat of a fight, I mean. Yeah, it's just so nuts that like the episode really wants us to care about this storyline when it's like 50 ships are coming through the wormhole.
Starting point is 00:50:50 It's like these are the like personal relationships we're going to show being blown apart by the imminent threat. Like where's Kako? Like where's Jake? It remains to be seen how instrumental DuCott will be in the second half of this, but if you're going to care about civilians on the station, one can look no further than Keko and a newborn baby. Show us what they're going through because those are characters that we have a lot more reps with. And Jake and Nug. Right. So Garrick and Bashir get back to old tricks pretty quickly in jail.
Starting point is 00:51:32 And Garrick is sort of preoccupied with the daddy issues with Tane. He's like, I came to rescue him and don't get a thank you. I don't get anything. Classic running up against the brick wall that is dead, that, uh, that is so familiar in film and television. I mean, not to both sides it, but I mean, you should never do a nice thing for a person with the expectation of a nice thing coming back to you. Like an obrinsruntane is not obligated to forgive just because Garrick did this thing, but it would be nice, right? Especially if Tane knows that he's
Starting point is 00:52:11 that he's going to die. You don't want to die with all this baggage. You want to die light. Yeah. And so Marthok calls the band and Garrick goes and and leans over Tane and leans over Tane on his deathbunk bed, and extracts a, you know, an admission from Tane that he was proud of Garrick, even just for a moment, at one point in his childhood. A day. I was kind of surprised that Tane gave the satisfaction of this to Garrick.
Starting point is 00:52:43 I thought it was fun how obliquely he did it. Yeah. You know, like there's, he did a thing that were a court reporter to read back the quotes, like would not, in a court of law, read as forgiveness or a recognition of a father-centered relationship. Like that part of... It's intentionally ambiguous.
Starting point is 00:53:04 Yeah. I really started to feel something here right up until the point that an Aubrentane brand owed. Yeah. That's kind of a rip-off move. He asked me, ripping off one of the greats. Right. This is a character that we've had on the show for at least a few seasons.
Starting point is 00:53:23 And Paul Dooley is one of the great actors. Right. Yeah. So it's his right to Brando if we're saying goodbye to this character for good. The Brando is a significant moment for him, but also we get the solo brass instrument of the death of a nobrientane here. Yeah. The solo brass instrument is most frequently used for star fleets. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:49 I was shocked by this. It writes garrotic into the main cast in a way. I think it does. And in a very star fleet turn, like he gets up, not broken up about the passing of his father and professional idol idol and turns to Worf, Marthock and Bashir and says let's get the fuck out of here and forms the conspiracy to escape from jail. It's great. There's sort of like a it feels a little
Starting point is 00:54:18 Michael Bayes-Shaddy like when he gets up off of the bed turns to camera. Yeah, it's the camera spinning around as he stands up. Yeah, that's big fun. I don't know about you, but my business here is done. Then I suggest we find a way out of here. Warfin' Martak are down. They're down for the cause. Let's do it. So back in Ops, for the cause. Let's do it. So back in ops, they are getting ready to shoot gravitan beams at the wormhole slash celestial temple. And you know, Kira says a little prayer, hoping that the Prophet will forgive them. Dax raises the one last mention of Worf and Bashir Gold Edition says, you know, Worf is a Klingon warrior and he'll understand, you know, the decision we made here and they, they pull the trigger, start the Graviton beams and then they crap out and O'Brien goes over and looks in the circuitry and he's like, why are there wooden shoes in here?
Starting point is 00:55:27 Oh my God, man, I just thought of something. It was Golden Bashir who was on Rysa. Golden Bashir broke up with Lida. Wasn't the real Bashir is going to be so pissed. I don't know, because that's the old uniform. They were still on the old uniform when they went to Rysa. Really? Yeah, so maybe it wasn't. Maybe it was. I mean, Lita was really in the driver's seat of that breakup.
Starting point is 00:55:54 Yeah, that's true. Like it like the sheer will be disappointed, but he wouldn't have had any any control over it either way. The thing that made me think of it was Was Bishir at ops going like, yep, close the whole war foot understand. But like in the back of his mind, it's like that fucker war fruit at a great vacation. Like now I'm gonna end him forever. You don't ruin another man's vacation warf.
Starting point is 00:56:19 Otherwise you get locked behind the wormhole. So they all look up on the view screen and ops and the space butthole spreads open and tick diariate dumps out. It is just rotten with ticks, Ben. Yeah. And a dun dun dun. It is a best of both world style cliffhanger we got here.
Starting point is 00:56:41 Yeah, a midseason to be continued. That's big fun. Yeah. You really want to do this here. Now, okay, okay, let's do it. Did you like the episode, Adam? I thought this was great. This was as breathless as you described.
Starting point is 00:56:57 I mean, outside of the deep, deep G story of DuCa and his daughter, which, I mean, maybe we'll be explained in part two of this episode. It really clips. Yeah. I mean, even those parts clip, I was getting the bends a little bit, but I thought they were well written and interesting, despite seeming shoved in. They did the right thing by making them so brief.
Starting point is 00:57:25 Absolutely. Right. Yeah, I really like the episode too. It feels fun and good. And a lot of the wrapping up old storylines that it felt like they were doing in the last episode feels like this episode benefits from that kind of closure. Right. I've got a question I don't know where else to put.
Starting point is 00:57:48 What do you understand the rules of the profits to be up until now? Because did you think it was weird that in the wardrobe, like they came up with the plan, like the last ditch effort of closing the wormhole but not killing the profits in the process? Was there ever a thought of communicating with the profits about this? Like, hey, could you, could you squish all the ticks coming through? Right. The wormhole has an extremely high dollar value. And I feel like any and all alternatives to its closure should be on the table. I think it's fascinating that no one looks at Cisco and goes like, you know, don't you have a relationship with that? Place down
Starting point is 00:58:30 the street. Couldn't you go knock on their door? See if they can do anything about this. Weird. We may never fully understand the rules of interacting with the profits, but I thought that might be at least in the form of a question and an answer in that ward room scene, it's something to touch on. Because it's right there. I think you make a good point. I think that they do a lot in the dialogue to assuage some of those concerns. Like, Cisco says, like, when have you ever known the profits to be incapable of getting
Starting point is 00:59:03 in touch with Bayjor if they needed to? Yeah. And that sort of plants the question of like how much in control of the spatial phenomenon of the wormhole are the profits? Could they just open it back up the second they need to? Yeah. It seems that way. Who knows?
Starting point is 00:59:22 I mean, that's the problem of having a a doose X machina outside the station, huh? Mm-hmm. It's dropping a it's dropping a doose X tickina at the end of this episode. Sorry, Ben. That one will not qualify as title of episode. Oh, sorry. Well, I got that earlier one, though. So unless some of the great shit you have said in between then and now, super seeds mine, still have that. I could still hang my hat on that one ding candidate. Ben, the butthole full of ticks outside of our podcast is the email account that contains priority one message.
Starting point is 01:00:07 You want to see what we got in there? Not now that you put it that way, but twist my arm. Priority one message from Starfleet coming in on Secured Channel. You need a supplement? A supplement? A supplement? A supplement. Yes, extra.
Starting point is 01:00:23 The interest alone? Could be enough to buy this ship. Adam, our first priority one message is from Commander, Alex S. And it is to Collieville Middle School Star Trek Club. Oh no. I really hope middle schoolers aren't listening to this filthy program. I think middle schoolers constitute the majority
Starting point is 01:00:46 of our audience been. Yeah, if the drunk people in line at the, you know, in the merch line at the end of our live shows or any indication, it's mostly middle school. I'm really beginning to rethink the whole no-all ages venues policy of our lives you've been. We could be doing ourselves a great disservice. Maybe. Anyways, here's how the message goes. It's 1992 and Leanne P. Breadt. Josh S. Kyle Kaye. Crystal A and I. We're all comrades in arms in the
Starting point is 01:01:19 Star Trek club standing strong against the horrors of middle school. I don't know if any of you are friends of Disodo, but just in case you are, thanks for helping me get through CMS. Happy 40th birthday everyone. Also, fuck Razz, plevibians forever. Wow. So fortunately these aren't underage listeners. This is sort of a time traveling P1 message here. Yeah, this is a, this is somebody sending, sending like an enabrantane-like distress signal out into the wild blue yonder and seeing if Lee Ann P.
Starting point is 01:01:58 Bread, T. Josh S. Kyle K. or Crystal A are out there. Alex S. says, alive. Alive. Alive. Yeah. Can you decode this message? as Kyle K or Crystal A are out there. Alex S says, alive, alive, alive. Can you decode this message? Do you know, do you know who Razz is? Plavibians forever, uh, comforting to hear that, uh,
Starting point is 01:02:16 that Razz and Plavim still are going concern out there. Yeah, some, somebody's got them on the, on the mind. I mean, Razz and Plavime both spent thousands of dollars on P1s and then we stopped hearing from them. I mean, I hope they're okay. Yeah. They didn't run out of money. You know, Plavime spent thousands of dollars, but I think it was like, like, largely the rez calls that were spending money on the other side. Yeah. So, I don't know. Maybe that's why there's such an affinity for the plevibians.
Starting point is 01:02:51 You know, plevim sent us Christmas presents one year, so I still have that hazmat suit. Our second priority one message was sent from Captain First Rank Marco Ramiush whoa messages for Jack Ryan CIA and captain Bart Mancuso USS Dallas at Al wow the message goes like this
Starting point is 01:03:15 png is the message wow without a preferred time frame for this message to air damn so as this ping goes out like a ripple in a pond, it's just going to ripple throughout time. So Bart Mancuso is sending Morse code over the, what do you call it, the periscope, right? Ramiya says respond responded with one ping only
Starting point is 01:03:48 Yeah, sure seems that way. Well if you would like to ping a Sub that you want to make sure isn't doesn't have hostile intent or an old middle school classmate Yeah, you had to maximum fun dot org slash jumbo Tron. It is a hundred bucks for a personal paying and two hundred bucks for a promotional paying. And we really appreciate the folks who do it. Hey Adam! What is that, Ben?
Starting point is 01:04:16 Did you find yourself a drunk Shimoda? So in the scene where DuCat has garrick up against the railing, there is a background actor doing something totally inexplicable and I don't understand it. He's queuing up the timecode here. It's over DuCott's shoulder. It's about at the 13 minute and 42nd mark. We cut back and forth between, like I really like this composition. It's it's Garyx head over the railing and the assembled bar patrons below. And then we get a two shot where do Cots and profile and Quark is centered up
Starting point is 01:05:02 and between their faces are some bar patrons in the background. There's a gentleman sitting at his table and he's making big mouth energy. Like he's clearly asking what happened, but because his face is so brightly lit and his clothes are so dark, you can't help but just see him talk. And because his mouth is right next to the cat's mouth, I thought it was a very strange bit of framing that I found personally distracting. Yeah, the AD goes around and tells that background performer
Starting point is 01:05:40 to knock it back or we're gonna put you in a different part of the scene. He clearly says what happened, performer to knock it back or we're gonna put you in a different part of the scene. He clearly says what happened, but he says it like, like, King Hippo in Mike Tyson's punchout. He makes a great big mouth about it. So that background actor is gonna be my drug, Shimoda. What about you, Ben? My drug, Shimoda is a nobberent pain.
Starting point is 01:06:00 He's a guy who has kind of vacillated back and forth between affectionate and cold and calculating. But the fact that he is literally on his deathbed and unable to just be directly vulnerable with Garrick really worked for me. I feel like that's very true to character. And he gives a little anecdote that could be interpreted as I'm proud of you and a loving father.
Starting point is 01:06:34 But also I can't be held to that. And for a guy who gets like a with special guest appearance by credit or something like something along those lines. They don't use him that much, but that scene really worked for me. I felt like it was a character that I didn't know I needed a, like, a strong arc that included closure for, but I liked the way they handled him. And he was my drunk's remote. It was really sophisticatedly done.
Starting point is 01:07:05 So happy that it was concluded this way, rather than with any sort of trickly, sweet, come to daddy moment, you know? Yeah. And it's led into in a scene where Gerek is like deriving the concept of sentimentality. Yeah. He considers it to a weakness. And then Gerek is like bathing in sentimentality and trying to get his dad to be a good dad.
Starting point is 01:07:32 And he doesn't quite get it, but he rounds what he gets up to a good final moment. If you like, this doesn't happen all the time, so it should be noted, a lot of times, two part episodes have one that's just all set up, you know? Set up for the second. Yeah. And I feel like this episode can really hang on its own.
Starting point is 01:07:51 Yeah. It's really well done. Do you get that, get that gold press? I get that, get that gold press. I got it in my right hand. Oh, yeah. I got it in my right hand. Oh.
Starting point is 01:08:01 Oh. A greatest gen live show is something you don't want to miss. Why? Well, it's a great opportunity to see me and Ben in person, but that's not all. FODs from all over gather at these shows to cosplay, to do pre and post-show hangs, to make friends, and share their embarrassment. Hey, let's make a pretty great name for a tour. Let's do it. The
Starting point is 01:08:25 Sherry Reembarishment Tour is coming in August 2023 and we've got a bunch of dates in a lot of great places. Go to to get more info. That's for dates and ticketing information for the Sherry Reembarishment Tour. I Jordan Morris, and I'm Jesse Thorne. On Jordan Jesse Go, we make pure, delightful nonsense. We were open awesome guests, and bring them down to our level. We get stupid with Judy Greer. My friend Molly and I call it having the spaceweirds.
Starting point is 01:08:56 Pat Noswald. Could I get a Balrog burger and some air-gorn fries? Thank you. And Kumail Non-Giani. I've come back with cat toothbrushes, which is impossible to use. Come get stupider with us at Look, your podcast apps are open. Just pull it out.
Starting point is 01:09:11 Give Jordan Jesse Goatry. Being smart is hard. Be dumb instead. Whoa, raps. Hey, hey, hey, oh, I'm about to count you in line. These clouds are really freaking me out. I hate having to stand in line and boy, what do I? These giraffes do not smell good.
Starting point is 01:09:28 No, they do not, and they've such short neck. But I'm hearing we need to get on this all. We've got to get on the art. It is about terrain, about a spout to destroy humanity. Hey, oh, sorry, sorry, sorry. Are you Noah? Yeah, I know we look like humans,
Starting point is 01:09:40 but we're actually, we're podcasters. We are podcasters, so it's different. Have you heard of Ono Ross and Kerry? We investigate spirituality, claims of the paranormal stuff like that. And you have a boat and say the world's gonna end. So seem like something for us to check out. We would love to be on the boats. We going to watch next, Ben. Oh yeah, well that would be Season 5 episode 15 by Inferno's Light. Part two. Led by Gilducat, Cardassia joins the Dominion and prepares to take over the Alpha Quadrant.
Starting point is 01:10:32 I think you could have seen that coming, right? The Cardis are always going to choose. It's like, we recently learned this on an episode of friendly fire where Hirohedo said that the chances of Germany winning the European theater were 100%. Yeah. Like, I feel like the Cardassians are looking at the scene going like, I think we need to align ourselves with the military that's going to win this one.
Starting point is 01:10:57 Yeah. Golducada is always going to make the duplicitous turn. Yeah. That's his utility as a character. So it will be fun. Like he is such not an antagonist in this episode, other than just to tell Zeeal that he doesn't want her sniffing around Gerex place.
Starting point is 01:11:14 But this is great. Looking forward to it. You know what else I'm looking forward to, Adam, is finding out how we will be watching the next episode. If you head over to Gach.bizslashgame, you can find the game of buttholes, the will of the profits, where the runabout is currently on square 43, and a few squares ahead is a Coco-no-no episode, and a few squares past that is a space butthole that has gotten us a few squares past that is a space butthole that has gotten us before and pretty recently took us down to the fuck it. We'll do it live square, which I do think we need to think
Starting point is 01:11:53 about what could be on that square in place of fuck it. We'll do it live, but we have not gotten that ahead of ourselves on that. I think it'll be just as much trouble to do it live when I'm living in LA as it is right now. I don't really see a reason to change that. Oh, I think it'll be just as much trouble to do it live when I'm living in L.A. as it is right now. So I don't really see a reason to change that. Well, I'm going to cue this up and roll them bones. You're required to learn as you play. Roll. Okay, here we go. Adam, I've rolled a two. Two, aah! Did I win? Harvey. We're on square 45, the doorstep of a cocoa no-no, but a regular app for next week.
Starting point is 01:12:34 Hey, alright. Not bad. Yeah, it's still in play, I like that. Yeah, all of the danger still exists. So that will be next week's app. Hey, thanks to everyone who made today's show possible. Of course, you know, I'm talking about the people who got a maximum fund at Ork's Lash Donate.
Starting point is 01:12:52 You know, one of the things that is, I'm sure everybody can understand this. It's true of the group of people that donate is that, you know, in between Max Fund drives that group of people shrinks is that in between Max Fundraves, that group of people shrinks by a percentage point or two because people move, their address is different, so their credit card doesn't process, or they can't afford to keep up with it any longer. They started listening to the content of this program and read a different season about where there's support you go but uh but you know that shrinkage affects our bottom line so if you know and I know that the
Starting point is 01:13:29 drive is like for sure the most fun time of year to become a member but if you're in a position to uh support us to the tune of five bucks a month it really makes a big difference for us so if you had had to slash donate, we would really encourage you to do so. Shrinkage is a natural thing that happens to a listener who put support at show. We often record this right after getting out of the pool and the water is cold and you know,
Starting point is 01:14:00 you get all the bonus content if you support the five bucks a month, 11. That's all it takes a Five if you're not supporting it get on there you can also leave a nice review for us on your pod catching app of choice We got to think Adam Ragusia who made the original music for this program He has a great cooking channel on YouTube if you just search Adam Ragusia on YouTube, you can find it. I just watched his episode for Chicken Tika Masala today, Adam. He's got a greatest gen shout out in that episode.
Starting point is 01:14:35 Very cool. Yeah. He's taking off his headphones and then putting them in an oil fryer. He's battering and frying our episode. And we love him for it. Delicious. We also love Bill Tilly, who's at Bill Tilly 1973. He, the creator of the collectible comedy cards
Starting point is 01:14:57 that are made for every episode of the greatest generation. Thanks to him and everyone else who makes fun art pieces about our show. Yeah, follow all of the social medias There's the hashtag greatest gen on Twitter. There's Groups on Facebook and Reddit and There's the wikia. There's all all kinds of places online to pal around with the friends of your soda who are a really delightful group of people And we really appreciate it.
Starting point is 01:15:25 And I think we have a couple more live shows coming up, right? At this point. That's right. This week we will be in Houston and Austin, Texas. Yeah. Come on out, Texas. Say what's up. These will be the last two shows of 2019 for us.
Starting point is 01:15:43 Yeah. So come out and see us. Come out and have a great time with us. The greatest gen live shows. Really the best. Yeah, that's one of the most fun things you can do of any evening. With that, we'll be back at you next time
Starting point is 01:15:58 with another great episode of Star Trek Deep Space 9. An episode of the greatest generation generation Deep Space 9, which struggles furiously to clench down on its butthole. You don't want those ticks to get out, Ben. No, keep the ticks in the butthole. Clench! Clench! Clench!
Starting point is 01:16:19 Clench! Comedy and culture Artist-owned Audience supported culture. Artists-owned audience supported.

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