The Greatest Generation - Sonic Dick Shower (VOY S5E21)

Episode Date: April 17, 2023

When a visiting diplomat comes aboard to evaluate Voyager’s purity, Neelix can’t stand between him and the ship’s many vices. But when Doc Holoday offers to tutor Seven on dating and romance, th...e feelings he catches end up teaching him a lesson about infatuation. Who is the Pig-Pen of Star Trek podcasters? Why would anyone move out of the city? What’s the best way for a bar to bend? It’s the episode that introduces a mind-shattering metaphor!Support the production of The Greatest Generation.Friends of DeSoto for Democracy.Friends of DeSoto for Justice. Follow The Game of Buttholes: The Will of the Caretaker!Music by Adam Ragusea & Dark MateriaFollow The Greatest Generation on Twitter, and discuss the show using the hashtag #GreatestGen!The Greatest Generation is on Twitch.Facebook group | Subreddit | Discord | WikiSign up for our mailing list!Get a thing at!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Priority 1 message from Starfleet coming in on Secured Channel. Hey friends of Disodo. Before today's episode, we just wanted to take a moment to talk about the historic labor actions being taken by writers and actors in the American Film and Television industry. If you're a fan of the work done by the people who make Star Trek, we hope you'll join us in standing in solidarity with the folks who actually bring these adventures to life. Over the past several years, the AMPTP, the organization that represents the American Film and Television Production Studios, have reduced the profit from movies and TV going to workers. And in so doing,
Starting point is 00:00:35 they've attempted to weaken the labor unions that represent those workers. They wouldn't even engage the unions on many issues in their negotiations. And so a strike was the only course of action to take. Adam, Wendy and I have been having a lot of internal discussions about how best to stand with the unions and we are continuing those conversations in a dynamic situation. We're doing our best to understand where the picket lines are in these digital spaces,
Starting point is 00:01:01 and we would never intentionally cross one. With the information we have, we feel like we can do more good talking about and supporting the strike and continuing our show as planned. We'll keep you informed about what all this means for greatest trek specifically. Today we're making a contribution to the Entertainment Community Fund. This fund exists to help all the people whose livelihoods have been put on hold because the AMPTP refuses to negotiate
Starting point is 00:01:25 in good faith with the unions. It provides financial support for writers, actors, and all the thousands of laborers who make the shows that we talk about here and without whom we wouldn't have Star Trek to cast pot about. Those folks are all out of work because billionaires, company shareholders, and the executives of these companies don't want to compromise on the length of their yachts. We hope you'll join us in supporting entertainment workers in a challenging time, especially after they've already endured several years of challenges brought on by the pandemic
Starting point is 00:01:55 and season two of Star Trek Picard. We've set up a page where you can also contribute. It's at That's friendsofdececoto for That's FriendsOfDecoto for Link in the episode description. Okay, now let's get on with the show. Bringenglap the U.S.S. Border. Captain Captain Captain. Bringenglap the U.S.S. Border. Captain Captain Captain. Welcome to the greatest generation. It's a Star Trek podcast by a couple of guys, a little bit embarrassed to have a Star Trek podcast, a matter of brandica.
Starting point is 00:02:36 I'm Ben Harris. You know, your clap comes in handy for killing all the bugs in your studio. Doesn't it? Oh yeah, there's so many bugs in my studio that when we did our sync clap to start the episode, I just, by happenstance, killed a couple. I thought you had a filter on your camera lens. It's just a cloud of gnats over there. Yeah, I'm sort of the pig pen of Star Trek podcasters.
Starting point is 00:03:03 Which will come as a surprise to most other Star Trek podcasters that I am the pig pen of Star Trek podcasters. Yeah. Which will come as a surprise to most other Star Trek podcasters that I am the pig pen of you. You're an absolute mess. Just look at yourself. Most other Star Trek podcasters claim pig pen status. Mm-hmm. We're a dirty lot. Do you know how many other Star Trek podcasts there are?
Starting point is 00:03:22 God. If you were to guess how many do you think there are? There's gotta be over a hundred, right? Is it a thousand? I think there's over a thousand. Yeah, I bet there's over a thousand. I bet we're not the biggest one. I bet there are bigger ones that we've never even heard of, you know?
Starting point is 00:03:39 Oh, like the ones in India or something. Right, yeah. Yeah. Star Trek Podcasts and languages, we don't speak that are in alphabets, we don't even understand. So we can't even see that they're Star Trek podcasts. It's very difficult to get a sense for your place in the Star Trek fan culture ecosystem, right?
Starting point is 00:04:01 We had an experience that really highlighted that the other day, which was we went out to the studio of Michael Moore, who is one of the people that made props for TNG, DS9, Voyager, Enterprise. He's been on the movies. It does not have a lot of on-screen credit from what I can tell by his various complaints. To an unfortunate degree. Yeah. Like the prop people often go unharrowed it because, you know, it sounds like it's kind of like contract work. Like we need this prop in this amount of time. They're not on the crew as such. They're just, you know, solo operators working in obscurity and Van Nye's warehouse somewhere. But yeah, like, he didn't know who we were. We didn't really know much about who he was. We were talking about how like the conventions and other
Starting point is 00:04:57 like fan organizations tend to really focus on the actors and the writers and producers and very little on the prop people. I mean, in a way that feels similar to how he described his treatment by the shows that he'd worked on. These shows need the stuff that he makes and it kind of felt like a parasitic relationship. He was a little bummed out about it, in my opinion. It seemed like he made decent money on the whole thing. Oh yeah, I mean, Van Nij's warehouse money. Yeah, I don't have Van Nij's warehouse money.
Starting point is 00:05:37 He was very pleasant and very proud of his work, but really wanted to see the collection, dude. And that was a man who did not want to show off his collection. Yeah, the collect, it was like, oh yeah, that's all in storage. We saw some, some Romulan ale bottles, that was cool. Sure. He showed us some, some like gem-hidar tricorders and gem-hidar costume pieces. He had a deskbuster phaser on his computer. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:05 Yeah, but he didn't exactly give us the grunt tour. Maybe someday. It sure did feel like a workshop though, you know? Like you go to anyone's place of work where they're a tinkerer. Oh man, the vibes of this place were just total tinker vibes. We got to go to Adam Savage's workshop once, as part of Sketchfest.
Starting point is 00:06:28 And I think Adam Savage's a little more camera ready, I have to say. I think Adam Savage would have an anxiety attack being in the, in the workshop we were in yesterday. Yeah, because it's like two different kinds of creative minds, right? The Adam Savage mind is very organized and you know exactly where things are where you need them. But the Michael Moore workshop is the same except it just looks different. Like Michael Moore knows where everything is.
Starting point is 00:06:55 It's just not in a labeled box. Right. There is a box labeled like Russian whole boring device. Right. Right. Right. That's a great penis tattoo. You just said. Yeah. We came into possession of something that I'm really excited about.
Starting point is 00:07:14 I don't know exactly what we want to do with it or how we want to talk about it, but we own a little piece of Star Trek history that is particularly important to our show. Yeah. We got wind of an item being put up for sale by Michael Moore, an item of great value to you and me, certainly, because it has to do with one of our favorite episodes, TNG. We paid the man his money, we got to go to the warehouse, did not get to do a tour. Yeah. But now we have it. I think we should share photos of what we got. Okay. All right. On greatest trek on Instagram.
Starting point is 00:07:50 Yeah. Head to the greatest trek. Social media accounts. We're on Insta, we're on Twitter. We're on Masteredon. You'll be able to see a photo of what we got. In order to know, you got to go. In order to know, you got to go. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:03 All right. Well, there's no use putting off the inevitable bend. We've got an episode of Star Trek Voyager to talk about today. There's no other way to describe it. Oh, it's an episode, Adam. We were told by our beloved producer, Wendy, that this is a very significant episode
Starting point is 00:08:21 to a lot of people who appreciate Star Trek Voyager. And as we were watching, I was trying to figure out why. Let's get into it Ben at Star Trek Voyager Season 5 episode 21. Someone to watch over me. Reaver course. Unless you've got something a little bigger in your torpedo toots, I'm not turning around. Oh! Directed by BDUGS. I like that you can make a nice romantic date of Nelix's restaurant if you want to. You know, you don't have to. But if you want, there's placemats available,
Starting point is 00:08:56 there's candles and things. If you had to choose, is the mess hall more of a restaurant or a break room? Hmm. I mean, I think I've gotta go restaurant because it's like Poppy's restaurant in Seinfeld, you know, it's that open kitchen where you can see everything.
Starting point is 00:09:15 I just think that if Nielix took more care with the lights, it could be a restaurant, but it is lit like a break room, almost always. Yeah, yeah, the lights are too hot. Yeah. Knock them down a little bit, Neelix. Yeah. Daylight colored temperature lights don't tend to make food look super appetizing, right? Yeah, it's a good point. These two have an a date. So when are you going to teach me how to drive? You sure you're ready? But again, I mean, how would we know? How would anyone know what their relationship status is at this point?
Starting point is 00:09:50 I think Candle say date, you know. All right, that's fair. Especially if you have them in an extremely brightly lit room like this. It's like you are forcing date. You know what I like at a restaurant is the something a little extra, like not on the menu even. Like a moose bush is often the term for something like this, but when Nielix comes by with something that's not on the menu, something that BLT and Paris didn't order some of this Coddy
Starting point is 00:10:19 cheese. Yeah. This is an exciting moment. You got to try the new cheese, right? You got to. And it's bland. It's not good cheese. Yeah. This is an exciting moment. You got to try the new cheese, right? You gots to and it's bland. It's not good cheese. Yeah. And that is exactly the goal. You're taking this mission very seriously. Well, the cardio is usually offended. This is something that's very difficult for Nelix to have done, right? Because he's usually steering food towards the pecan. Yeah. I do like that that relationship with a chef where they come over to your table
Starting point is 00:10:49 and say like, here's something I'm working on. Yeah. That's fun. Man. No more respect from a chef than them wanting your opinion on their food, right? Absolutely. I know I'm asking the wrong person, but I think generally for people, when you're a kid, you kind of prefer the bland cheese. Right. Like when I was a kid and I was given like sharp cheddar, yeah. Oh, it's too sharp. Yeah. My kid palette couldn't handle that. You were probably fucking around with stank ass cheese from a very young age. I did enjoy like a real spicy blue, et cetera. To the surprise of no one, but it made me think that these coddies,
Starting point is 00:11:31 the species about to visit Voyager has kid tastes. Yeah, maybe they'll be like real immature when they beam up or something like that. Can't wait to meet him. So after sampling the KSO, BLT boils over because 7 of 9 has been lurking around the restaurant, very obviously watching them and then taking notes in her iPad and BLT confronts her with this, like, hey, why are you staring at us and not giving us at least the presumption of privacy in this public space?
Starting point is 00:12:07 And it turns out seven is sort of making an anthropological study of human, humanoid mating rituals. If you could only hear yourselves. I know the very term is racist. I really wish a through line for this episode was that because this is how her parents learned about the Borgs, this is how she's choosing to learn about the people aboard her own ship. And it's really up to you to project that onto Seven's behavior. And I kind of wish it was more defined as a reason for her.
Starting point is 00:12:42 I think because if you do that, it injects some sadness into it that makes her more of a sympathetic character in a way that I would really appreciate throughout the episode and especially in this interaction with BLT because as it is you're on BLT side here this is kind of fucked up call six day tell them there's about to be a medical emergency yeah seven listening to them fuck that's not cool seven I mean the whole seven's listening to them fuck. That's not cool, seven. I mean, the whole deck is listening to them fuck, is what we learned. Uh-huh. Yeah, it's like those couples that move out into the sticks
Starting point is 00:13:14 so that their fuck sounds don't interrupt neighbors. Basically, the only reason to move out of a city is to let your fuck sounds project into the countryside. Well, we come back from title sequence. Seven is getting a bit of a scolding from the captain who is dressed for diplomacy and looking for loose pips on the floor. The captain is like, yeah, like I get it, I get why you're curious about this, but like knock it off, leave Paris and me out to you alone. This is a starship, not a nature preserve.
Starting point is 00:13:50 I don't really have a chance to help you out with this problem because once I beam away, I will not be coming back this episode. There's coffee and trying it yourself romance, I mean. So she and Nielix and two Valk head down to the Transporter Bay and they beam up Scott Thompson from Kids in the Hall and Mr. Pit from Seinfeld. When you need an uptight, stuffy prick, Ian Abercrabby is basically number one on the list, right?
Starting point is 00:14:23 Just incredible to see Mr. Pitt on the Transporter Pad. Yeah. No, I'm Mr. Pitt. I mean, saying nothing to diminish Scott Thompson, but like, what a pair. Yeah. No, I mean, I wanted more Mr. Pitt in this episode. Yeah. TBH.
Starting point is 00:14:41 I was sad that he also, like Janeway, went away for most of the episode. Yeah. So the idea here is that once Tuvac and Janeway are given their ceremonial kitchen towels, the Scott Thompson character is gonna remain on Voyager in the care of Nelix, and Tuvac and Janeway are gonna be back down to the surface with Mr. Pitt.
Starting point is 00:15:03 Right. The Scott Thompson character. Were you with me at Sketchfest one time when we were behind a group of people to get into a show that Scott Thompson was on? And one of them was like, ah, Scott Thompson, is that the guy that wears like the Boller hats and has a mustache?
Starting point is 00:15:21 And the other one was like, no, that's Scott F. Thompson. But, And the other one was like, no, that's Scott F Thompson. No, you idiot. It's got F Thompson. They said the scientists couldn't create a perfect comedy combination. I think about that all the time. One of my favorite authors growing up with Scott F Fitzgerald, you know. Yeah, oh, he's great.
Starting point is 00:15:52 I loved particularly the Ritz as big as a diamond. Yeah. It was about a very small hotel. Yeah. So, boys trip is what's going on on Voyager and we wave goodbye to Janeway. Mr. Piff and to no security on this one. Right. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:18 Doesn't seem like Mr. Tomin is going to be much of a security threat with how he begins his adventure. His interests seem fairly innocent. Right, but sort of a surprise to Neelix who has been preparing all of these ablutionary baths and ways for him to practice his extremely rigid, religious, and cultural practices. Those of you that have abl shinary on your greatest Gen Bingo game board. Go ahead and put your dober on that one. But he's like,
Starting point is 00:16:52 no, man, I heard you have spicy-ass food. Hospital to the Jordan dish. Yeah. Take me to your mess hall and that is the last thing Nielik was expecting to hear from this guy. No one requests my food. He's thinking.
Starting point is 00:17:08 Yeah. Meanwhile, in six bay, the EMH is checking to see if anything is wrong with seven and making idle chit chat about how he heard that BLT was once again threatening to murder her. Yeah, the doc, as part of her normal checkup, asks, how the peepins going. And if she'd like to stop peepin and start practice dating, he's got a class for that. Yeah, he's diagnosed her with woman and a terminal diagnosis,
Starting point is 00:17:43 by the way. What is your proposed treatment? Dating. I'd like to show her one of the many joys of being a woman. I'm sure all the women in our audience have enjoyed the dating process tremendously. And being taught how to be a good date by a man. Which is exactly where you want to hear that. Yeah, if you're a woman interested in learning how to date, may I offer a man's planation on how to do that? What suggests the car crash that this becomes is that the doc is way more excited about this opportunity than she is.
Starting point is 00:18:25 This could be an important stage in your social development. It's worth exploring. And she is very surprised like anyone would be that the doctor will be leading this class. Objection noted, we'll do this without you. Do it. Do it. Objection noted, we'll do this without you.
Starting point is 00:18:42 Do it. Do it. Do it. Do it. He takes her it, if you do it, if you do it, if you do it. He takes her down to the holodeck and he's got one of those clickers like we have for our slideshows when we do live greatest gents. Yeah. And his slideshow is all about mating rituals among different species of humanoids.
Starting point is 00:19:02 One of my favorite aspects to start trick Voyager, and they don't overuse this, is the stock photo library that the doc seems to have access to like... I know, they got... It's incredible. They got bollions and klingons like in makeup and put them in a scene to take a photograph for this shot. It's amazing. It looks like a print toothpaste ad or something. Just incredible work by the photography department. I know. It's so good.
Starting point is 00:19:37 Yeah, the slideshow lesson lands on human dating rituals after he goes over a couple of the weird things that other species get up to. But then it moves right into a practicum. They hit the sun dreams, which I was shocked that we went back here. I didn't think we were ever going to see sun dreams again. Yeah, I know it. They went to a second location, which really should be lesson number one by the doctor, right? Like nobody's showing you a giant photo of sperm trying to penetrate an egg, is someone you should want to go to a second location with? Doctor, I am familiar with the physiological processes of sexuality.
Starting point is 00:20:18 There's an imaginary version of this episode where the doc takes it upon himself to demonstrate all of the warning signs that you can run into as a woman who wants to date, thus making him an ally. Right. But that's not really his ammo here. I got a question about sundreens for you. You and I have been to a lot of bars together. We've been to even more bars apart. How many bars, if you've sat in that was bent the way that Sandrine is? And by that, I mean, the L arm sticking outward
Starting point is 00:20:54 instead of inward so that when you sit at its elbow, you know, you're wedged up against another chair in the elbow instead of like the corner of the bars, the best seat because you get the angle of the person. Right. You get all the benefits of a bar and all the benefits of a table. Yeah. That's the best corner.
Starting point is 00:21:12 I can't remember seeing many bars that bend this way. No, it's a bad way for a bar to bend because when you pull your stool out, you're backing up into somebody. Yeah. Yeah, you're going to be bumping someone drinking and that's how you start a fight. The only way to make this work is those type of tools that are like a fix to the floor. I don't like those tools. I don't like them either. Yeah. I want to choose how close to a bar I sit. Ugh, I'm an adult person who knows how closely to the bar they want to sit? I am sick and fucking tired of the nanny state coming in here and trying to tell me how high I should be,
Starting point is 00:21:51 how close I should be and whether or not I should be taking the risk of rocking back on the back legs. That's my risk to take. Yeah. And also, can we put backs on the bar stools? That'd be great. So he's got like scripts for them to follow, like bar banter for two people striking up a conversation. This is one of the earliest moments that seven exceeds her teacher, right? Because even she knows the only way to get to know a person is to go off script with them.
Starting point is 00:22:27 Like, what the fuck is this? She's not gonna learn anything by doing sides with the doctor. Yeah, and she's not exactly throwing herself into the role the way he is. Yeah, you're not giving this a fair chance. This exercise is pointless. He suggests maybe trying to strike up a conversation with handsome young gentleman. A bit of a Rick Moranis look alike. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:53 His name is Steven Price and she sits down across from him and they actually kind of get on pretty well. Yeah. I mean, you don't like that that seven chats up the person at the bar reading a book by themselves. I think you leave, you leave the book people alone at the bar. Right. I mean, unless the book says like how to make friends and influence people or something like that, you know, sure. If it's a performative book like I really need you to talk to me, they're probably open to it, right?
Starting point is 00:23:24 Yeah. This really feels like doing a social interaction at a person, instead of a mutually beneficial conversation or whatever. Yeah. But Steven seems happy to get the attention. Like, hollow Steven acts a lot like what a normal Steven might when approached by a comley young woman, like seven, who's
Starting point is 00:23:48 offering to buy him a drink. Yeah. Love that move, seven. Yeah. He really grins and bears it through the broken bones in his hand. Yeah. Paris walks in and starts watching this scene unfold with the doctor. And Paris is totally incredulous about the situation
Starting point is 00:24:08 like anyone would be. He's a hologram, your point. Paris knows that there's no challenge to a holodeck date. Like, this is easy. Take it from me, Doc. I fucked a lot of the characters in some dreams. I didn't exactly program it to be on hard mode. Fucking hollow Stephen Price. Why I accomplished that feet no more than an hour ago. Yeah. Where do you think I just came back from? I was washing
Starting point is 00:24:38 my hands. I was taking a sonic dick shower. He absolutely drags the EMH with this line about it being the blind, leading the blind. Yeah. And the EMH takes great umbrage with this and a bet is placed. EMH promises to get seven romance ready to the point where the diplomatic reception for Tomin that's coming up in a couple of days is going to feature a seven who walks in with a date, socializes in a normal non-diplomatic incidenti way and walks out with that self-same date. Right. Paris is betting the opposite and the stakes of the wager are a couple of weeks of
Starting point is 00:25:27 double shifts for Paris or skipping those weeks if Paris wins. This being the late 90s, Ben I think suggests a truism for TV and movies and that is betting on people's relationships is one of the main stories being told in movies and television of this era. And mostly bad outcomes when you do. I mean, this has changed, but in the 90s, people did not like that when you bed on their relationships. Right. We cut over to the mess hall where Nelix is feeding Tomin
Starting point is 00:26:04 like he's the gluttony sin in the movie seven. And the star Trek foods on this table, Ben, look pretty good. I expected to see like the gross buffet of Star Trek foods that we've seen right, you know, for years and years. No, I'd get down on all this stuff. Yeah, it looks like there's some like beats and uh you know, maybe some like, dry and apricots. Doesn't really look like a spicy spread specifically. Do you recall whether or not they are rationing replicator credits at this point because they are absolutely dumping those on this guy. Like, he's an arcade game. They're sticking quarters into. I wonder if Nielix has like a bartender's tab kind of a deal where he has more credits than other people because he can like do someone a solid if they're in a time of need.
Starting point is 00:26:59 Tomin is in the throes of a yogurt rum spring. Ah! The texture is so frothy. He is not only gorging himself on all the food, he is leering at people in the mess hall. And he may just be willing to skip those religious services yet on the calendar in order to experience more of these sp, Spacely Delights. The beautiful babes of a voyager are turning him away from his faith. And he hasn't even seen the Delaney sisters yet.
Starting point is 00:27:36 So can you make this any points to the yogurt come out of that? Any points to the girls across the mess all. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. He looks just like, I got a holiday program for that. Yeah. Voice trip. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:54 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:02 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Down in the Cargo Bay, because this is like the next day. Doc finds seven. They're going to keep working on this dating thing. So he's got lots of questions for her, like what are her personal interests when she's not marching around the ship, glouring and doing experiments in the ass lab. She tells her life goal is perfection. So she hasn't completely disavowed
Starting point is 00:28:28 everything that the board collective stands for. This is a sneaky good scene because the doctor is smart enough to recognize that in order to make yourself attractive or interesting, you should be interested and attracted to, right? Like, seven, what do you like? What do you like to do? What do you like to experience? Like, with a background that includes hobbies and interests, the doctor knows that seven will be a more interesting companion to hang out with.
Starting point is 00:29:04 Right. So he suggests a hobby of singing and brings her over to a computer and shows her some sheet music and she belts out some notes at him. She's got a great voice. La la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la How badly did you want Seven to sing like Serena from Deep Space Nine? Seven's like, I do enjoy singing and then starts to sing in just a horrifying way. The way Serena started to sing, I mean eventually Serena sang great, but those first few bars. Pretty tough. Anything from sound of music would have been fine by me, Adam. The doc hits up the demo key on the Yamaha keyboard and creates a scene really that I think is without equal in all of Star Trek.
Starting point is 00:30:02 When you see this on the page, and you see it play out in the scene, it sure it's cheesy, but I don't know that you could do it any better than this. And I think a big part of it is that Jerry Ryan is a really great sounding singer. Yeah, and so is Robert Picardo. Yeah, Robert Picardo isn't that bad himself.
Starting point is 00:30:23 It's a track record that Star Trek, some reason has of scenes where two characters sing for kind of a long time and it works and is emotionally effective is maybe the most surprising thing about Star Trek, given the rest of it. It's why they keep doing it, right? Yeah, like, can you believe we can pull off this one weird trick? Yeah. Let's do it again. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:48 But they don't overdo it also. Like, if they had like one of these as easy as... I think they come close to overdoing it, Ben. It's like one a series, though, not one a season. Yeah. I would argue that's a little, a little much by half. A little aggressive. Well, don't worry.
Starting point is 00:31:02 That'll be more doctor-s singing stuff for you in the future. Are you reprogramming or something? There's a hitch in the doctor singing giddy up midway through. It makes me think. Do you think this song selection might be about the doctor's feelings for her? Yeah, it seems like he catches feelings mid-song. Yeah. As happened so often.
Starting point is 00:31:26 I know that pretty much every time I've sung karaoke, there's been a moment like that in, you know, my rendition of, I'm afraid of Americans by David Bowie where I looked at a woman from across the room and stopped momentarily. The amorous lyrics of a two-live crew song. Really changing the mood of a room. In the As lab, Ensign Kim has a request for seven.
Starting point is 00:31:56 And notices that she did that thing that you need to do when you work in an office environment where people can just walk into your workspace whenever you got to switch tabs seven because when Kim sees her list of dating candidates on screen, it invites a conversation she doesn't want to have. The conversation is about how she's trying to narrow down the dudes on the ship for potential dating prospects and she's narrowed it down to two and he ate one of them. Yeah. And he takes some umbrage with the idea that Ensign Doug and Lieutenant Chapman are candidates. Yeah. Not very nice to stomp Harry's nuts like this, but she hasn't gotten to that part of the lesson plan. You know what's great about this list plan. You know what's great about this list is that seven C's past rank. She's willing to date an Ensign, and I guess that it's not Ensign Kim, Hurt, but that's pretty cool,
Starting point is 00:32:56 right? Yeah. I mean, she doesn't have a rank, so she can't be picky, right? Be got to imagine status is a form of rank, social status, especially. And hers is much higher than Inton. Fair, fair. Yeah, he says that, uh, Inton Doug is a dickhead. So Lieutenant Chapman, it's going to be... Chapman takes a really good crew photo. When we finally meet him, I'm like, oh, he did not look like his dating profile.
Starting point is 00:33:25 Oh, he kind of looks like Damien Lewis a little bit. Yeah, yeah, I got some of that. Yeah, he's a little nervous and a little bit surprised. And Sevin is kind of stumbling through her invite for this date because she's really used to just like announcing what somebody's gonna do and not inviting someone to do something.
Starting point is 00:33:46 Yeah. Lieutenant Chapman may be experienced in dropping tools at the job site, but will he be dropping a tool in that ass? That's right. Jesus. Lieutenant Chapman like leaves work early and goes back to his quarters and just furiously Yeah. I think he's in a jeffries tube. That's privacy enough. Yeah. The date is going to be in Sondreins. And Seven is like telling the doc about this when, uh, I think he's going to be in Sondreins.
Starting point is 00:34:10 And he's going to be in Sondreins. And he's going to be in Sondreins. And he's going to be in Sondreins. And he's going to be in Sondreins. And he's going to be in Sondreins. And he's going to be in Sondreins. And he's going to be in Sondreins. And he's going to be in Sondreins.
Starting point is 00:34:18 And he's going to be in Sondreins. And he's going to be in Sondreins. And he's going to be in Sondreins. And he's going to be in Sondreins. And he's going to be in Sondreins. And he's going to be in Sondreins. And he's going to be in Sondreins. And he's going to be in Sondreins. And he's going to be in Sondreins. And he's going to be in Sondreins. And he's going to be in Sondreins. And Sevin is like telling the doc about this when Paris happens to be around. And Paris is delighted to hear who her date's going to be because he tells the EMH that
Starting point is 00:34:39 Chapman is a legendary nervous Nelly. Everyone can see this. Like, seven is an alpha of most of her situations. And Chapman, I mean, he's just a puddle for Chapman. Yeah, a puddle waiting to be stomped in. And Chapman would put his coat down over his own puddle. Right. So seven could step in it to pass. Yeah, the puddle taking a coat off and putting,
Starting point is 00:35:13 yeah, it's kind of a mind-shattering metaphor, but it works. In an episode that depicts changelings dating, I bet that's a fun bit of the montage, right? Oh, yeah, that's good stuff. The doctor undeterred thinks that he should make things even harder for a lieutenant Chapman, which is help seven get a little bit more dolled up for her big date. So he heads down to the cargo bay and suggests that she had some heron wardrobe modifications for this thing. And get the little handsy with it, I would say.
Starting point is 00:35:48 Like, takes her bun out, sort of without asking. You really shouldn't touch bun without consent. Any kind of bun. But we speed past this moment into the scene where it is made clear that every woman who's ever let her hair down becomes instantly the most beautiful woman in the world. Right. Because holy moly, like hair down Jerry Ryan is almost too powerful a force for this show. She walks into sundreams wearing a dress for the first time and finds her date.
Starting point is 00:36:27 It's crazy that her dress is more demure than her work uniform, right? Like, she covers it up. Right. Leaves a little bit more to the imagination than normal. And for his part, Lieutenant Chapman is wearing the thick brown carpet samples of a man who furiously pounded one out several times before getting there. And does not want to show that wrecked penis to anyone at the end of this date. This is an almost comically boner obscuring garment.
Starting point is 00:36:59 Yeah. So he walks her over to their table and they sit down, turns out the dock is going to be playing the piano in the restaurant for this. Which feels uncomfortable. Yeah. I don't like the peepin. Yeah. The dock is doing here.
Starting point is 00:37:19 Like this is not a test. This is a practicum. This could be a cute scene because they really do have a lot in common with how nervous they are to be on a date. But with the way seven treats the staff, You get a sense that she's going to tip less than 20%, and that puts me on the side of Chapman getting the fuck out. I'm just as worried about Chapman. I mean, he's the kind of person that calls the waiter Garçon. Garçon means boy.
Starting point is 00:37:51 I've got to get bit. Not now put your Latin number, your mouth. I've got to get bit. Not now, it's just trouble going. A greatest gen live show is something you don't want to miss. Why? Well, it's a great opportunity to see me and Ben in person, but that's not all. FODs from all over gather at these shows to cosplay, to do pre and post show hangs,
Starting point is 00:38:17 to make friends, and share their embarrassment. Hey, let's make a pretty great name for a tour. Let's do it. The Sherry Reembarishment Tour is coming in August 2023. We've got a bunch of dates in a lot of great places. Go to to get more info. That's for dates and ticketing information for the Sherry Reembarishment Tour. I'm Jordan Morris.
Starting point is 00:38:44 And I'm Jesse Thorne. On Jordan Jesse Go, we make pure, delightful nonsense. We are embarrassment tour. I'm Jordan Morris. And I'm Jesse Thorne. On Jordan Jesse Go, we make pure, delightful nonsense. We were open awesome guests and bring them down to our level. We get stupid with Judy Greer. My friend Molly and I call it having the spaceweards. Pat Noswald. Could I get a Balrog burger and some air-gorn fries?
Starting point is 00:39:00 Thank you. And Kumail Non-Giani. I've come back with cat toothbrushes, which is impossible to use. Come get stupider with us at Look, your podcast apps are already open. Just pull it out. Give Jordan Jesse Goat try. Being smart is hard.
Starting point is 00:39:13 Be dumb instead. Whoa, rats. Hey, hey, hey, hey, oh, I'm about to count you in line. These clouds are really freaking me out. I hate having to stand in line. And boy, what do I? These giraffes do not smell good. No, they do not, and they've such short neck.
Starting point is 00:39:30 But I'm hearing we need to get on this. We've got to get on the art. It is about terrain, about a spout to destroy humanity. Hey, oh, sorry, sorry, sorry. Are you Noah? Yeah, I know we look like humans. We're actually, we're podcasters. We are podcasters, so it's different. Have you heard of Ohno Ross and Carrie?
Starting point is 00:39:45 We investigate spirituality, claims of the paranormal, stuff like that. And you have a boat and say the world's gonna end, so seem like something for us to check out. We would love to be on the boats. We came two by two. What do you think? Ono Ross and Carrie, available on I have not had the occasion to order the lobster at a restaurant very often, especially at
Starting point is 00:40:19 a restaurant that has the tank or whatever. Then correct me if I'm wrong. When you do order one, do you get to pick the size and in certain circumstances do you get to pick enormous? I don't know that I've ever seen a lobster this big. These are absolute fatty, daddy lobsters. They are comically big. They are far bigger than any one person could eat without getting sick, I think.
Starting point is 00:40:47 Yeah. Oh, man. Like one claw from one of these lobsters would be like, eat enough lobster. We should have asked Michael Moore about the creation of the lobster for a scene like this, because they clearly wouldn't burn two lobsters if they were real. Yeah. To just fling them open, just fling lobster guts on Lieutenant Chapman. It's like 95 bucks worth of lobster here. The lobster guts go all over Chapman's face and cake, and he kind of passes it off as not a big deal. Happy birthday to me. Yeah, he plays it off, which is a classy move by him.
Starting point is 00:41:24 Fortunately, she hasn't put any of the cocktail sauce he plays it off, which is a classy move by him. Fortunately, she hasn't put any of the cocktail sauce on her lobster yet, which I think would have made it a lot more painful when it got around his eyes and such. Do people eat lobster with cocktail sauce? No, it's drawn butter every time. You don't need cocktail sauce for a lobster.
Starting point is 00:41:41 Okay, I just wanted to make sure we were on the same level here. I was making fun of the fact that there's cocktail sauce on the table. All right. It was almost like an LA prop person that doesn't know from lobster even put this scene together, you know. Yeah. It's a train wreck visually as much as anything else. Which happens like clearly lobster time is not working. Maybe we could do something else as an activity. Yeah, they go hit the dance floor,
Starting point is 00:42:10 and she does to his arm what she just did to that lobster tail in fairly short order. Chappin goes down and not in the way he'd hoped and is told to report to Six Bay in defeat. The doctor does not tag along to treat him, though. Now. Because the doctor has seven all to himself now. Yeah, and that's what Paris is for, I guess.
Starting point is 00:42:34 Right, yeah, I guess Paris can rub some dirt on a dislocated arm, right? No need to mention how this happened. Seven has great instincts and really has the whole episode because she wants to give up on these lessons that clearly don't work. But the doctor wants to dance and when she agrees,
Starting point is 00:42:52 it goes a little bit better. Yeah. We get in this scene in a quick comparison, right? The Chapman Seven Dance scene is a middle school dance scene where you can see the entire fireplace between them. Yeah, it's very mid. And the dance scene. Is that what mid means when zoomers say that? Yeah, that's exactly right. Of or relating to middle school. And this scene with
Starting point is 00:43:20 the doctor in seven, I mean, there's some body touching here. Yeah, they get close. She leans her head on his temple. Yeah, it's pretty intimate. Yeah, you like that. After a quick commercial break, Nielix comes into Sandreens and finds Toman in there with, I guess, holographic babes, are they like supplied by the bar?
Starting point is 00:43:42 Like, does the program see that a horny person has come in and put objects for them to aim their affections at into the into the game? It's a great question because Tomin's been left alone and I just sort of assumed that he would be of the religious culture where he'd also be kind of a past person too, like not really knowing how to work a holodeck. Right. So like it's unclear whether or not the holodeck program conjured these people or he did it himself.
Starting point is 00:44:14 But one thing's clear, he's really Michael Baying around with his shirt open like this. Yeah. He's fucking smashed. He's hugging on these ladies, he's decrying the blanthness and strictures of his own society and talking about how he'd really like to jump ship and head on out into the stars with the Voyager crew.
Starting point is 00:44:37 Yeah, and poor Nelix, like on Chaparone duty, this poor guy, he is out of his element here. That's just the Sentinel talking. No! The Scott Thompson character beyond his ability to rein him in. I was thinking a lot about how many characters from repressive societies we've met in Star Trek and how it's a pretty normal Star Trek plotline
Starting point is 00:45:01 for them to ask for the protection of Starfleet. Like give me a asylum on your ship. No one's happy to be repressed, right? Yeah, and that's sort of what Toe Man is doing in this scene, but he's like too drunk to ask for it in a like diplomatically coherent way. So everybody's like shut up, like you do drunk.
Starting point is 00:45:20 Yeah. He's ending you back. You're partied out, man. Again. He's behaving like a person who wants asylum, but he's unable to articulate that. You're right. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:30 So he's already partied out by the time he gets to his party and he's got the shirt undone all the way down to the navel and he continues to just pound beverages. He's like double fisting at one point, loving all of the like popsicle stick grade jokes that Paris is telling him. And in walk seven and the doctor as her date. This seems like a loophole in the bed.
Starting point is 00:45:57 Yeah, I mean, if I'm Paris, I'm definitely taking umberage with this. It should void the bed immediately. Yeah, so here's a question of mine is, is that a conclusion Paris draws immediately and then decides to like find a fun moment to play that out? Or does Paris like accept that this is a valid way to play the game and then fucks up through night evite later? I get the feeling that Paris is just kind of bored and it doesn't really bother him either way. Right.
Starting point is 00:46:29 Yeah. Yeah, I'll do your fucking two weeks of double shifts. That's like more interesting than nothing, I guess. Chico Tay with nothing to do this episode gets one of the most what the fuck, Nelix moments here, which is great. Because Chico Tay knows well enough not to blame the most what the fuck, Nelix moments here, which is great. Because Chicoete knows well enough not to blame the drunk for the problem. He needs to blame the chaperone. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:50 Is it my imagination or is I guest of honor drunk? Commander, I tried. And Nelix is like, Chicoete, you're on this show too? Wow. Okay. That's really great. Yeah. Why can't you recognize someone in the thralls of a vision quest, man?
Starting point is 00:47:07 That's clearly what's going on here. Yeah. That guy's talking to his grandfather or something. I don't know. Yeah. I mean, this is the scene where if Janeway were on the ship, would really heighten the tension. It's one of the moments where I was really sad that she was gone. Because if this was a episode set up where you were meant to avoid Janeway, like we got to get Tobin out of this room because Janeway's coming. Like if it's like keep away from Janeway, I think that
Starting point is 00:47:38 really makes the episode a lot more fun. Oh man, the boss is going to be so pissed. They kind of weekend at Bernie's to open after he's passed out. Right. That's fun. Put some sunglasses on him and be like, yeah, he's just really vibing. It's just Bernie! Once he saw sunglasses, he just became obsessed. Completely innocent obsession if you ask me. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:01 What's wrong with that? They're just sunglasses. The doctor pimped seven into doing a toast here and it's great. Why? Because it is classy and short. May you live a long life and may my voice be the last thing you hear. Yeah. And we're out. This is unfortunately a bang bang moment where you get the triumph of a toast well done. And the realization that she's in a movie called Wee's All That. My bet. My bet. My fucking bet. It's not what you think.
Starting point is 00:48:36 You fucked up, Doc. Yeah, you fucked up. Also, Paris is a messy bitch who loves drama. Yeah. Yeah. I like your middle read on that, because it doesn't come across as calculating when he drops that bomb. It really does come across as like a bored guy
Starting point is 00:48:54 who just does the most chaotic thing at any given moment. Yeah, I don't read any malice in him at all. No. He's just trying to pass the time. But she is understandably super offended that her romantic life was the subject of a wager. Clearly I am not the only one who requires social lessons. She storms out. The extremely over-served tomen is trying to walk out with her to do some sexy time, which she rejects out of hand, and then
Starting point is 00:49:26 he has a total fucking meltdown in front of the whole party. It's super embarrassing. When we cut over to Six Bay and Tomyn is lying on this biobad, only a seasoned comic actor could lay in a biobad this way to demonstrate their drunkenness, right? I love this move by Scott Thompson. This person looks shattered. The previous couple of scenes, he's had to do the act drunk. And there is like act drunk tragic and act drunk funny tragic.
Starting point is 00:50:08 And he's definitely been doing the funny tragic. Yeah. But the way he's lying in the bio bed is especially funny tragic. You'd think you'd be limited by the bio bed to suggest how you're feeling in this way, but great choice. They're standing around talking about how his system doesn't have the enzymes that break down syntha hall. So I guess he's just going to stay drunk forever if they don't do something about it. I love this idea. Yeah. He's like David after dentist, except for when he asks, is this forever? They say, maybe. Tomin wants seven inside him.
Starting point is 00:50:46 And by that, he means her nanoprobes. Simulating me. There may be some adverse effects. Lee, but it's worth a try. And this is something she's willing to oblige to get him back in order again. Yeah. And after the side, she goes to like, take them out
Starting point is 00:51:04 and the doc hits her up. And he apologizes for we sell that in her. And also, I guess it mits to being friends. And when seven agrees that that is what they are, this is a real nut smash for him. Right. Because like it was a good apology. It was. And you think like maybe there's a way to save this. Maybe he can recover and the romance can continue. But the doctor is no Paul Walker. No. That's going to be a problem. Yeah. Off to another side of Six Bay, the doctor asks Paris what to do when you've got a crush on a person, even if the other person might not have those feelings.
Starting point is 00:51:50 And Paris is no idiot. Like he knows exactly what this is about. Yeah. Paris wrote the book on what to expect when you're expecting romantic rejection. Paris believes this is an incompatible attraction and to demonstrate he sings the lyrics of a very popular song on the subject. The doc takes two steps Borg's word, then two steps back. Just look at Paris incompatible attracts.
Starting point is 00:52:22 You know it ain't science fiction? It's a natural fact. They'll come together because incompatible attract. Wow. Oh, it's been too long. Yeah. Yeah. Too long since we've had a good song parody on here. You were saying earlier it felt good to sing. It does feel good to sing. And whatever You were saying earlier it felt good to sing. It does feel good to sing. And whatever that was, it also felt good to do. They've gotten tomen sobered up,
Starting point is 00:52:52 but he did not take his broads. Who knows if he'd even have the enzymes to metabolize broads if he had taken that? I hope we never run out of the enzymes, Ben. Because then I'm taking enzymes and brode his sort of implied request for asylum has been Roundly ignored by the Voyager crew and melex is going to shove him onto that transporter pad whether he likes it or not Do you think it has to do with him being such a sloppy bitch though like? Yes, I absolutely do asylum for this guy fuck that yeah, he just seems like too. Asylum for this guy, fuck that.
Starting point is 00:53:25 Yeah, he just seems like too much trouble to be honest. The captain and two Valk and Mr. Pitt, materialize and Mr. Pitt, comedically reveals that it would have been totally fine for Tom and to sample the wares. I love how Tom and's hang' hair puff out of his hood. Yeah. Like they couldn't quite get him back in the hood.
Starting point is 00:53:48 Yeah. Wasn't there a TNG episode with like the exact same premise, like the ambassador that loves the replicators or something? Oh, probably. I mean, I don't think this is an entirely original story. No, but a nice amusing one. Mealix, you know, smacks, Toman on the back.
Starting point is 00:54:09 I could buy, oh, but they like head to the observation lounge to hammer out a trade negotiation, right? Yeah. Like this has all been in service of like minerals being traded to the Voyager, and the Voyager is only gonna get to do it if they're deemed like pure enough or something. Wouldn't you choose a different location? I mean, they're still running four rug doctors in the
Starting point is 00:54:31 mess hall cleaning up after Tomin, right? Oh yeah, the deleted scene of him projectile vomiting all over the buffet table. You saw how much yogurt he was eating. Can you imagine like he ate a gallon of yogurt and then chased it with a liter of booze. That's going to be a smooth passage, right? Yeah, it was like it was like the third active triangle of sadness in there for a little while. Oh, one of my favorite movies. Thumbs down. Did not care for it. So we end in seven's alcove where she finds roses also with the little spritzes, right? Yeah. When you buy the roses, you get the choice of maybe adding some greenery or the spritzes. A little bit of baby's breath in there. Yeah. I have discovered that my wife does not care for the baby's breath. And
Starting point is 00:55:23 I made the mistake of buying her the roses with the baby's breath many times before I found that out. Does she like derones breath? Yeah, derones breath is great. Okay. So it's not an all babies breath everywhere hatred all at once. How could you not like baby's breath? It's totally unhatable.
Starting point is 00:55:43 I think she likes it in general, just not with roses. Does she like sprouts on a sandwich? It feels like baby's breath to roses is like sprouts on a sandwich. You know who does like sprouts on a sandwich? This guy. Wow. Don't really like sandwiches,
Starting point is 00:56:00 but I whole fucks with a sandwich with some sprouts on it. And do you like baby's breath and a bouquet of roses? You know why? Cause I don't think you can pre-package a sandwich with sprouts, you know? The sprouts are gonna be soggy immediately. So it's a real sign of freshness. Like this sandwich was made like minutes ago
Starting point is 00:56:19 if it's got sprouts on it. And it's not gonna be soggy and gross. Great sandwich hack, Ben. Yeah. Look for the sprouts. If you had on your bingo card, Ben having a sandwich tip, no one put your dober on that one. Yeah. Seven almost catches the doctor, the rehearsal in for a tearful confession of love. There's that moment before she walks in and he's got to kill the program where like she looks at his mouth and that's the sign.
Starting point is 00:56:52 That's the sign that it's own baby. Is that thing coming in or what? But it's just a hollatex simulation. And when the real seven enters, she brings him an upgraded medical tricorder. It's not the romantic gesture that he was hoping for given all that's happened. I did my best to prepare my confession of love for seven, but nothing could have prepared me for her bringing me a tricorder. This is a gift that totally pushes the doctor off of the idea of his own grand gesture, right? Right.
Starting point is 00:57:31 Like, this is shattering for him. It is. But a useful dose of reality also. Yeah. Like, it's sad to be rejected romantically, but it's so much better to be rejected romantically in an unambiguous way than to just like never quite know. Well, I would add an addendum to that, unambiguous and also humane. Right. Yeah. So I really like what Seven does in this moment. And it seems like she's
Starting point is 00:57:58 thought a lot about it. And he grins and bears it and expresses his gratitude. And then the second she walks out, he boots up the Sandreens program. And like three exact copies of seven. And oh no, we fade to black before we see what happens. That's the Braga cut. Yeah, that's available for the two hot for TV, Voyager, VHS release, medical hologram reverse gangbang.
Starting point is 00:58:33 This is another one of those scenes that doesn't work unless you have some specific qualities here. Robert Picardo being one of them. Like, he can so often play the boob of an episode. Yeah. And there is some tragedy here to him. And some hope also, like, the choice of song is obviously very personal and appropriate. But his singing of the song sort of feels like a salute instead of a, a dirge, you know?
Starting point is 00:59:05 Totally. I mean, it's it's the single stringed instrument of broken holographic hearts. Yeah. He's gonna be in that holiday drinking alone for a long time after this song is over. You just know it. Yeah. Tell Paris walks in and just start making 20. Did you like this episode, Ben? You know, I really used to get along with most of the time. But I don't like bullet, I don't like bread,
Starting point is 00:59:31 and I don't like you. You don't like this too. Yeah, I liked it. Did you? It seems like you didn't like it. It's sort of a miracle that a piece of media made in the late 90s could have really gone into all the dark places that TV and movies
Starting point is 00:59:52 frequently went at the time. And somehow avoided those, right? Yeah. And not because the doctor was unable to take the story there, but because seven was like granted the agency of calling her own relationship plays and deciding whether or not to pursue interests as available to her in the episode.
Starting point is 01:00:21 I think the episode's made good by letting her take the wheel. Even though at the beginning, it really feels like the doctor is going to be the driving instructor. That's really never the case in a way that I think helps. I think relationship episodes are some of the weakest form of Star Trek episode. And I mean, in that way, I think this episode is in that constellation. But I think it represents one of the best versions of that that we've gotten lately. Like, I didn't cringe. Yeah. I was just like, ah!
Starting point is 01:00:57 It's, you know? It's really sad. And I think that not a cringe moment of this is actually kind of significant, because so many of the relationship episodes of Star Trek are like incredibly cringy. It's kind of a low bar, though, too. It is. When you put it that way.
Starting point is 01:01:14 It's damning it with faint praise. But it definitely feels like maybe a counter point to the Janeway and Chico Te Maroon on a planet together episode, like it's the other romance that wasn't in the Voyager canon. I don't know if it's J-slash C is this EMH-slash7 or just E-slash7. I like E-slash7. I just like how that looks. I think to summarize, like that it was heartbreaking in a good way, like somehow heartbreak feels good in an episode like this. Totally. That's how you know I think you got it
Starting point is 01:01:55 pretty close to right. I think so. Yeah, I don't know why I like this episode as much as I do, but I really did. Yeah. All right, well well let's go find some priority one messages that we like almost as much. Okay. Maybe even more. It's possible.
Starting point is 01:02:13 Anything's possible, Adam. Priority one message from Starfleet coming in on Secured Channel. Need a supplement on that one? A supplement on? A supplement. A supplement. Yeah, it's extra. But the interest alone could be enough to buy this ship.
Starting point is 01:02:30 Ben, our first priority when message is of a promotional nature. That message goes like this. If you love the way Ben and Adam focus on the details of seemingly unimportant characters and details, and cited as examples the Bajoran tablet, Kevin Uxbridge, Jim Shemota, etc. Then join a fellow friend of Dissoto on the new podcast, D-Listers of History.
Starting point is 01:02:54 All right. We are a podcast about interesting people. You probably didn't learn about in school. Come hang out with us in the footnotes of major historical figures and events. We might not be as famous as Chris Brenner of Brenner Information Systems, but we have a good time. I'm Chris Brenner. Brenner Information Systems.
Starting point is 01:03:19 You know, Interface Operations, Net Access, Channel 90. That Chris Brenner! This is Operation Net Access, channel 90. That Chris Brenner. Listen and subscribe to the podcast, DListers of History, and you can find that on any podcast platform. Dang, I love that premise. This is a message sent to us by a person named Faga.
Starting point is 01:03:40 Thank you, Faga. I love that premise. If I wasn't an idiot that didn't know anything about history I feel like I would want to make that podcast. Well instead you'll be a subscriber Instead I'm gonna have to listen and learn things about history De-listers of history Great title too. Yeah Yeah, I like it. Our next priority one message here is from Dave and it's a neta
Starting point is 01:04:04 I'm confused because there's a pronunciation field in our spreadsheet here but there's nothing in that field. What it says in the two field is netta it's pronounced like cheddar. It's a cheese. Goes like this, macro dosing in the Shimoda Temple, your first time, the cards gambit, Warthsloth, and then you joined their crew? Fully functional pale dude not taking any shit, Swingers Club. Why did I buy these chairs?
Starting point is 01:04:38 Manure? The voyage home from the bathroom. Jared's gift card, anything goes, it's Apple Fest. This reads like one of those sections of the high school yearbook. Oh, written in code. I think you've just activated Neda. Neda, it's pronounced like Cheta, it's a cheese. Is that what you're talking about? That is, the very same. Okay. The requested date was 420. So... I'm gonna also assume... Yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:09 We're a little early, but we're close. Yeah. Very close. Well, hope you have a great 420. Dave and Neta, yeah. As well as any other FOD out there who is a... Dabbling with the microdosing. Or the macrodosing.
Starting point is 01:05:23 Ben, our final priority when message is from Corey. It is to Ben and Adam, that message goes like this. Hey, Adam and Ben. Life seems to be a series of things that we don't want to do. I can tell you that I look forward to each and every episode of the greatest generation. It is often the highlight of my day. You guys always make me laugh. Thanks so much for the great pod. Oh, thanks Corey! You guys always make me laugh. Thanks so much for the great pod. Oh Thanks, Cory. Boy when Cory led off with you know
Starting point is 01:05:50 Life that true is them Full of just a bunch of shit, isn't it? I did not expect a bunch of nice things to be said about our show. That's really cool Cory Thanks much appreciate well if you'd like to say cool things about our show or your show or somebody you're celebrating for 20 with head to slash jumbo tron and set up a P1 today hey Ben what's that Adam did you find yourself a drunk Shimoda? I got to give it to Scott Thompson. Scott Thompson is a very funny actor who's, like I had a, you're religious fervor for kids in the hall
Starting point is 01:06:34 as a kid. It was so fun to see him materialize on a transporter pad and be like a total cat in the episode. Like, be a drunk asshole in a way that is just like so specific and weird and funny. And I think it's kind of rare for Star Trek to cast specifically a comedy actor like this for something, but they really nailed it with this casting.
Starting point is 01:07:01 I thought he did a great job. I think so too. The kids in the hall were at San Francisco Sketchfest a couple of months ago, and I don't know what to say to comedy heroes when I see them. And so I like, I didn't have anything to say to them. And I wish I had seen this episode before because it would have given me something to say to Scott Thompson. It would have been really cool to talk to him about this episode.
Starting point is 01:07:22 Yeah. I know. Yeah. We've been in a hotel lobby or two with various kids in the hall. And I've never had a good excuse to go up and talk to them. Not that I would take an excuse to talk to a celebrity, I admire. Right. But it'd be nice to just have one if I, you know, if I had it. Well, Pope Ben, my drunk Shemota is going to be Lieutenant Chapman.
Starting point is 01:07:47 I just think he knows what he's getting into and he still does it. He gets surprised by Seven and the Jeffries tube. He has a chance to say no. I know you and I see ourselves in this. The opportunities are plentiful to get out of this train wreck before it starts, and he just keeps moving forward through it, experiencing myrium defeats along the way. I mean, we'll probably never see this character again. I don't know, maybe we will.
Starting point is 01:08:19 It'd be fun if he made it home, but, uh, yeah, he, what a character, what a story, big fan of Lieutenant Chapman in this episode. That's what makes him my drunk Shimoto. Nice. Nice. Well, Adam, the next episode of Star Trek Voyager is season five, episode 22, 1159. Captain Janeway relates the story of her distant ancestor and her involvement with the construction of Earth's Millennium Gate. Hmm. Hmm. I wonder if this is a story related to, I mean, the turn of the century that was to come in 1999, you know. This is a season whose air dates are in the middle of 1999. So maybe maybe this is taking advantage of that. That great drama that we all remember people were freaking the fuck out. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:17 Well, Ben, I'm going to head on over to gach, that biz slash game. It's where we play the game of but holes. The wheel of the caretaker. And it's how we decide in what way we're going to be experiencing the next episode of the greatest generation. I can't wait. Ben, our runabout is currently on square 58.
Starting point is 01:09:36 Four squares ahead. A space butthole that would take us down to the second row. Six squares ahead. Something we've never done before. Starship, mine, build a spaceship model while recording. We've never done that before, right? I don't think so. I feel like we would remember that.
Starting point is 01:09:53 Yeah. You're required to learn as you play, role. So kind of a lot on the line with this role. Here's what you get. Oh no, Ben. Oh no. I have rolled a four. Oh, Lamarie!
Starting point is 01:10:17 It's tossed us into the space butthole and cast us all the way down to the second row into a quark-spar episode. Next. Wow. We are on square 18. all the way down to the second row into a quark-spar episode next. Wow! We are on square 18! We really tumbled all the way back down into a drunk a soda. It feels like it's been a while. Yeah, a long while. Well, you ready for that? I'm ready to talk about the millennium gate and drink some drinks with you my friend hell yeah hell yeah Should be fine, right it most of the time always is Usually mostly all right, buddy. Well, that'll be a fun one next week in the meantime
Starting point is 01:10:57 Why don't we tell the folks how much gratitude we have for their support? We know our recent Max Fund Drive. That's been great. We're working on some really exciting stuff about live shows that we're gonna be announcing soon. Yes, hard as we worked during the drive. Now, the real work begins. Indeed.
Starting point is 01:11:18 Let's make some plans. Yeah, we gotta thank everybody that did that and our producer Wendy Pretty Pretty who runs all of the production and post-production stuff here at Oxbridge Shimoda Studios. Without whom our lives would be a whole lot more complicated. I would gotta thank Adam Magusia who made the original music for this show and dark material who made the original record song upon which it is based. Check out Adam Regusia's podcast over there at Adam Regusia on YouTube. Gotta thank Bill Tilly, card daddy,
Starting point is 01:11:51 who runs our social media, act greatest track all over the internet. Who also ran things so ably during the drive. Yeah. What a guy. Huge thanks to Bill. Let's shout out the Discord, Adam.
Starting point is 01:12:03 Yeah, yeah, Drunk. Yeah, it doesn't even have the word Discord in it. Just go to Yeah, yeah, it doesn't even have the word discord in it Just go to if you're not really familiar with discord a free user Friendly to just sign yourself up there and it's a great community and friends of DeSoto their communities on Reddit and Facebook and all of the other social media websites Mastodon Instance Don't be intimidated. There is even a mastodon instance. Don't be intimidated.
Starting point is 01:12:26 There is like a slight barrier to entry to the discord, but I know you and I picked it up pretty fast. How things work over there. And it is well moderated by some really well-meaning folks. It's one of the reasons why it's such a positive and fun place to be. I really like it. With that, we will be back at you next week with another great episode, Star Trek Voyager,
Starting point is 01:12:48 in an episode of the greatest generation Voyager, where we are once again drunk at the 11th hour. I'm going to be drunk past 1159. I tell you that much. Bye, step then. Comedy and culture. Artist-owned, audience supported.

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