The Greatest Generation - The Sooner We End This Episode The Sooner I Can Stop Looking At You (DS9 S2E18)

Episode Date: June 25, 2018

When their brand new ship takes a lot of body damage, some radical Cardassians put in at the station for a buff-out. But when the pilot turns out to be an old friend of Quark’s, his interest in her ...becomes more than academic. What does Quark get out of giving oral? Is ‘bloody dress’ a fashion statement or a metaphor? Could Odo ever safely impersonate a table at the Promenade’s Chili’s Too location? It’s the episode where we find out what’s in it for Adam.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Priority 1 message from Starfleet coming in on Secured Channel. Hey friends of Disodo. Before today's episode, we just wanted to take a moment to talk about the historic labor actions being taken by writers and actors in the American Film and Television industry. If you're a fan of the work done by the people who make Star Trek, we hope you'll join us in standing in solidarity with the folks who actually bring these adventures to life. Over the past several years, the AMPTP, the organization that represents the American Film and Television Production Studios, have reduced the profit from movies and TV going to workers. And in so doing,
Starting point is 00:00:35 they've attempted to weaken the labor unions that represent those workers. They wouldn't even engage the unions on many issues in their negotiations. And so a strike was the only course of action to take. Adam, Wendy and I have been having a lot of internal discussions about how best to stand with the unions and we are continuing those conversations in a dynamic situation. We're doing our best to understand where the picket lines are in these digital spaces,
Starting point is 00:01:01 and we would never intentionally cross one. With the information we have, we feel like we can do more good talking about and supporting the strike and continuing our show as planned. We'll keep you informed about what all this means for greatest trek specifically. Today we're making a contribution to the Entertainment Community Fund. This fund exists to help all the people whose livelihoods have been put on hold because the AMPTP refuses to negotiate
Starting point is 00:01:25 in good faith with the unions. It provides financial support for writers, actors, and all the thousands of laborers who make the shows that we talk about here and without whom we wouldn't have Star Trek to cast pot about. Those folks are all out of work because billionaires, company shareholders, and the executives of these companies don't want to compromise on the length of their yachts. We hope you'll join us in supporting entertainment workers in a challenging time, especially after they've already endured several years of challenges brought on by the pandemic
Starting point is 00:01:55 and season two of Star Trek Picard. We've set up a page where you can also contribute. It's at That's That's Link in the episode description. Okay, now let's get on with the show. Welcome to the greatest generation, a Star Trek Deep Space 9 podcast. A couple of guys who are a little bit embarrassed to have a Star Trek podcast. And they're also awkwardly looking at each other during... I'm Ben Harrison.
Starting point is 00:02:44 I'm Adam Prenica. It's fun to look at each other during because sometimes I can see a laugh that I would never have known happened. How I feel about your sense of humor up until now has been mostly a mystery. Yeah, yeah. I've record with you multiple times a week and I always walk away from it wondering wondering what's in it for Adam? Also, we just got back from Max Funcon which was a total hoot Yeah, a lot of great friends of DeSoto up there. Yeah, And I think we were planning on recording earlier than this, but we had to record a looking at each other during and you happened to already have tickets to LA, so. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:34 It worked out. We didn't actually burn any money that we don't have to burn for this board game. We just rolled it into a business trip. Yeah. I think I've been hung over for three days straight. Uh-huh. Just that low level, nothing feels right or 100% feeling.
Starting point is 00:03:53 Yeah. And like I'm not in pain, I just feel off. Right. Your body is not happy with what you've been doing to it. My body frequently is a wonderland. And now it is like a broken amusement park that's just spraying sewer water everywhere. And there's the old groundskeeper who's dressing up
Starting point is 00:04:17 like a goblin and scaring the villagers. Right, that's my penis. He would have gotten away with it too. I wasn't, your damn kids. What was your favorite part of Max Funcon? Oh man, we get to see everything's coming up Simpsons live, which was really fun. It's like a show on the network that I think has a lot in common with ours in terms of format, but it's about a comedy show.
Starting point is 00:04:47 So it's like a totally different trick, like watching them do material on stuff that's already really funny and like make it its own funny show was really fun. Yeah, it sure sounds more difficult to make a joke about another joke than it is to make fun about something quote unquote serious. Yeah. I also really enjoyed the beef and dairy network live show. Yeah, I have to admit that was my first time listening to or seeing the show. I'd only heard by reputation about how funny it was. Yeah. Legit funny. That was good. Very funny show. I think that uh... Can you imagine doing a show like that as jet lag Does they were they talked about being awake for like 30 hours or something? Yeah, that would be terrifying
Starting point is 00:05:31 I will not be Performing any greatest jet live shows in the condition that they were in yeah, you'd never know it though Yeah, they were really great There were a couple of fun things that I was said to miss because we were making a very special bonus episode of friendly fire on Saturday. But that should be coming out soon. And I'm pretty excited about that. One of the things we missed was bubble,
Starting point is 00:05:58 which is Jordan Morris' new scripted comedy show on Max Fun. Yeah. Everyone I talked to about it said they loved it. Yeah. So by its reputation, I think it's it's gonna go big. Rob Schulte, the producer of greatest discovery and friendly fire, got to sit in for that and he said he thinks it might be like one of the best new shows of 2018 I kind of knows what he's talking about because he said the same thing about friendly fire Yeah, he had nothing to gain from that at all
Starting point is 00:06:36 And and judging from those two predictions. He's batting 50 present He's batting 50% It was a different max funcon this year our wives came up with us. Yeah That was a new experience and we've like performed it max funcon before but I think that our position as like People who have a show on a network has sort of matured. It like I think that the next fun kind that we performed live at, we were still like, ah, we're getting away with something.
Starting point is 00:07:11 I can't believe that they're letting us on their network and come to know they're like, would you help empty these garbage is? It's come to feel more like normal like we're members of the family. Like we're not the new kids on the block. Yeah. So it was fun to go in that context. Yeah, I mean, the biggest benefit to that is going into a shared space before everyone else and grabbing the first couple of drinks, like hopping a non-existent line was a very
Starting point is 00:07:40 nice ability to have. Well, that's just because we're good friends with Chris Bowman. Right. He's kind of the guy making the decision about whether it's okay for us to be there or not. Man, Chris Bowman kept me on the right side of fucked up most of the weekend. You went pretty hard this weekend. Like on Friday, you woke up at 4.30 a.m. to catch a flight to L.A. We drove for a few hours up the mountain and you just like tore into Max Funcon with a ferocity that I found really impressive.
Starting point is 00:08:13 I wouldn't have expected it to be the case because like as soon as we got to Lake Arrowhead, I was like looking at my watch like, can I make it to midnight? Will my body let me? Yeah. And there's like just an energy to the thing that I was able to tap into, which was like, I don't want this fun thing to stop. I am willing to pay the price.
Starting point is 00:08:37 And I paid it over and over again. Like I consistently got maybe five hours of sleep night after night. And it would always felt worth it because I Think the most fun conversations I had while I was there were the ones that happened between one and one thirty Yeah, when things were really off the rails and and Zany and fun It's such a great environment too because it's like attendees and people teaching classes and performers are all just kind of like
Starting point is 00:09:03 intermingling and it's not There's not a cast system there. Right. I mean the only people with sky priority are us and it's just because we're friends with Chris Bowman. Right. Yeah, but yeah, like sitting down for lunch and having you know Chuck Bryant and also just some people who are and also just some people who are attending the shows, you know, is pretty wild and pretty fun. Yeah, I mean, I say all this not as a compensated endorser. I paid my own way to get to Max Funcon and I always do like, we're saying this because we truly love the event.
Starting point is 00:09:37 And if you thought about going and thought for some reason it might not be for you, I would definitely consider it. It is something I definitely look forward to every year It's a great feeling. Yeah, I was also like they just they run such a professional operation and they bring in so many amazing Performers and things like I was thinking about like the planning that we were doing for trying to make greatest GenCon like a event where we brought people to us rather than the other way around. And I don't think we could ever get close to that level of awesome. I'm friends with some event producers in Seattle, one of which I mentioned Max Funcon
Starting point is 00:10:18 too, and mentioned that Eric Westra was responsible for its production. And got, like the one thing you always want to hear when you drop someone's name is Holy Shit. And that was the reaction, like Eric Westra's best in the biz status, stuff. And it's got like a rep. Damn. It's nice to be in such good hands.
Starting point is 00:10:41 It is very clear why that is the case. That runs a tight chip and is really committed to everybody getting the most out of it in a cool way. Yeah. Well, should we stop talking about how much fun we just had? This sooner we can end this episode, the sooner I can stop looking at you. That is the truth. That's a hell of a light at the end of this tunnel. Yeah, I wouldn't wish on anybody what you're suffering through right now.
Starting point is 00:11:14 Yeah. This board game is a real bitch. It's a real fucker. I think I just stepped on your dog's face on accident. Sorry, Dar. That might be the best feeling to carry into season 2 episode 18, profit and loss. Do you realize how incredible this seems? No, of course you don't. That is just a world-class transition, Adam.
Starting point is 00:11:49 World-class transition, the episode opens with some pretty fun miniature effects, like a Kardashian ship and distress that is pretty beat up. It's not the galore-class battle cruiser that we typically see. It seems like maybe a new model even, which is not always the case with ships. There's a lot of, oh, we put different nernies and grieblies on a model we already had and said this is a tarkely and freighter. It definitely looked related, like a calf to a cow. Right, it's in the Cardassian architecture tradition. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:31 And it's real beat up. It's all sparks flying off it and warflightening all over the place. And. I like to see in the handoff, like the handoff between tractor beams, like you could see a process happen there. Yeah, that's one of those things that just kind of makes the station feel like a real place, like just having details like that worked out. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:57 And they bring this ship in and uh, off step a bunch of civilian cardassians, a kind of people we don't see that often. Yeah, some plunging neckline cardassian specifically, right? Yeah, that is an upsettingly scaly decolatage. I don't think it should come as a surprise to anyone, like how you and I feel about how one should dress as they travel, specifically when they air travel commercially. Right. You don't see too many people wear the full-on gown on an airplane,
Starting point is 00:13:35 and yet the cases made that these guys have come via transit. Right. So her dress choice seemed really odd to me. Yeah, the four length gown, and she's piloting this shuttle. Yeah. I would want a little bit more range of motion, I think, if I was gonna be...
Starting point is 00:13:58 I'm gonna guess that there is no pedal situation like to affect ya on that ship. Like, I don't think she's using her feet to control anything. Yeah. You wanna get tangled up in that dress. We've taken a couple of stabs at the Star Trek bridge crew game by now and I don't know if we will have
Starting point is 00:14:16 unveiled anything about that yet, but yeah, it's very reassuring that you don't have to do anything with your feet when you're piloting a starship. Yeah, no shit. It's complicated and enough, man. This woman, Nathima, is objectively beautiful. Like, she's scaled up as much as any other cardassian, but like... Her beauty shines right through that loaf.
Starting point is 00:14:39 Yeah, yeah. She's got some great charisma. She's accompanied by two of her students. This is Recklein and Hogue. You pointed out that Hogue is an actor we've seen before on Star Trek. Hogue, if you just look through the scales, you will realize that he played Goval, the dopey Borg from Descent Part Two.
Starting point is 00:15:03 he played Goval, the dopey Borg from Descent Part 2. Yeah, he's, he's, he's got a real like dopey alien face and they were just like, hey, like, this is also a dope. He's been dope typecast. A little bit of a stretch to imagine that this dopey guy is, is the leader of a, a political movement. Yeah, he doesn't seem like the type of guy who could wire together an improvised explosive. Yeah, like the Che Guevara version of his shirt
Starting point is 00:15:34 is just like, it just looks like nothing because his face is too few features to like come out as a face if you posterize it like that. Oh man, now I have in my head the the the chasher that is govall. Oh man. Just like resist. Yeah. On the bottom. We just that's the only kind of merch we put in the max fun store ever again. It was like we had so much fun getting criticized for our first chase shirt. Yeah. We're just really leaning into failure. Yeah. Our first friendly fire shirt was a was Erica from Red Dawn as Jay. Yeah. So, um, and then Recklein is also kind of a that lady. Yeah, who I recognized by voice alone. Deep under all those scales is Susan.
Starting point is 00:16:27 George's lady friend from Seinfeld. No, Susan. Not on. I was said that Reckle and never caught anybody eating a chocolate eclair out of the garbage. Additutantly, you can see a lot of Susan in Recklein in this episode. They've already tried to kill us once. They're sure to try again. Her voice is really distinctive, and I don't know if I ever thought about her voice when she was playing Susan, because I guess maybe everybody on Seinfeld has a very distinctive voice, so maybe it kind of seems somewhat normal. And I don't know if it's just due to repetition
Starting point is 00:17:06 that I've seen so much sign-filled, so repeatedly, that she may have a totally unremarkable voice in most ways outside of how often I've seen all the episodes she's in. These two characters I was convinced were gonna be lineless extras in this first scene because they come off the ship and they just keep cutting to this awkward two shot of them like observing as Commander Cisco goes like yeah Chief O'Brien will fix up your ship.
Starting point is 00:17:35 The direction to hug must have been like can you give me a little more of that goval stink that we've come to admire out of you like Like the sense memory I want is like, what it felt like to go poop as gov'l. What did it feel like when lore really ripped into you in front of the rest of the group that one time? You're right, because they do a lot of cutaways in this scene and he's not inspiring a lot of confidence.
Starting point is 00:18:04 No. Especially when we're told to believe that he is like a heavy. He's not inspiring a lot of confidence. Yeah, no. Especially when we're told to believe that he is like a heavy. Yeah, yeah, like I don't like the student movement at Cardassia and Cal Berkeley. Yeah. Gliding up behind this guy is a little bit implausible. Yeah. We also before we look like the guy who can't work the megaphone during the demonstration and it's like totally squeaky and feedbacky Like he's telling people to throw themselves on them on the cogs and levers of the machinery of
Starting point is 00:18:33 capitalism But the the machinery of capitalism in the megaphone is fighting back We also get a scene in the bar with Bashir and Garrick. Is it in the bars or in the Reppelmat? I don't know. It's not shot wide. It's the problem. They're hanging out in a public space somewhere, prominent at U.A.
Starting point is 00:18:59 Since it seems like their regular hang is still happening. Yeah. I don't know if I would like keep a lunch date, a standing lunch date with somebody that spends their time arguing pro-fascism stuff like this. Like I wonder if it's just such a curiosity for somebody that lives in the federation, like really? You're pro-fascism unbelievable. Good job by
Starting point is 00:19:26 Bashir at least to have all these hangs in a public space. You definitely don't want to go to a second location with Garrick. No you never go to a second location with a disgraced cardassian spy. Right. Yeah they do the fun like Garrick is speaking in riddles thing a little bit, and, you know, am I an outcast, am I a spy, I'm an outcast spy. Put your nose on those. I won't admit to either thing, and that's all going on when Quark and Odo
Starting point is 00:20:00 have a little interaction at the bar, and Odo comes in announcing that he's caught wind that Quark is in possession of an illegal miniature cloaking device. And Quark is kind of in the process of denying or explaining this away when Nathima and gang come down the promenade and he spots her and he runs out. And it's one of those TV tropes where he's like, I'm so glad to see you and she just smacks him in the face. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:38 And it's blocked really fun too because it makes it easier for her to do the stunt because of how it shot. Like sometimes you get slap scenes or punch scenes that are shot in profile. Yeah. And that's a lot harder to pull off unless you're a professional. But what it does by rotating that center line a little bit, you make it so that you don't really have
Starting point is 00:21:02 to come close to slapping him to sell the effect. Yeah, so we're looking at the back of Quark's head and she's coming toward him and she might be like six feet away from him when she throws that swing. Yeah, there's some lens compression there too. They make them look closer. Yeah, and Quark declares to Odo that this is the happiest day of his life as he rubs his injured nose. Yeah, which really discloses the way their relationship got physical.
Starting point is 00:21:30 And the way Quark kind of likes that. That's some kinky shit Quark. Yeah. I would never have guessed that about him. There is a lot of touching between them through the ep and like the canonical pleasure center for the Feranghi is the ears and you get a lot of like circling of his ears with her hands. Yeah, and he always like he always like lets a little say go as she does it. And later on you see the equivalent for the Cardassian which is the
Starting point is 00:21:59 sensitivity of those scales. When he when he touches her shoulders, that is a definite pleasure center for her. A little bit of an erogenous zone. Yeah. I wonder if she just got a single scale somewhere else. Is that a, does she have a Scaly man in a canoe? I always have a tough time finding that one scale. I know. That positive, it's really there. I mean, I've heard it's great. People are saying all the time how great it is. And I just pretend like I know. So that's our cold life. It's hard for Quark to give Oral because of his ears.
Starting point is 00:22:40 Ooh. But maybe it's like as much good for him as it is for the lady because there's some like contact Yeah, the other thing that I was like obsessed with Imagining in this was what comes out if a forangi and a cardassian have a baby Yeah, like how like that's two weird loaths that Don't necessarily taste great together. No No, like you gotta, you gotta wonder what the dominant genetic.
Starting point is 00:23:08 Yeah, is it gonna just be like an orange cardacian or is it gonna be a gray, orangy with scales or is it gonna be like? You get some scaly ears. What's the midpoint between those two colors, even? Bage? Burnt umber. I'm a rain, come to Hahaha. I'm a rain.
Starting point is 00:23:25 Come to 4. I'm a rain. Come to 4. What are you doing? Come to 4. What are you doing? Come to 4. I'm a rain.
Starting point is 00:23:33 Come to 4. I'm a rain. Come to 4. I'm a rain. I'm a rain. I'm a rain. I'm a rain. I'm a rain.
Starting point is 00:23:41 I'm a rain. I'm a rain. I'm a rain. I'm a rain. I'm a rain. I'm a rain. I'm a rain. I'm a rain. We come back from the title sequence, and Quirk is trying to make nice with Nathema. And this is like just continuing the same action. It's not like days later, it's like running down the prom and I'm going like, let me give you a drink. And he convinces her and her students
Starting point is 00:23:57 to join him in the bar. She's saying that she's like a professor of political ethics. And the two students are like the leaders of political ethics and the two students are the leaders of a movement to remove political power from the Cardassian military. Like the military is in charge of everything on Cardassia, and they're looking to change the way that works. Neither of these students are hot for Cardassian teacher, though, which I thought was an interesting choice, right? Uh, her, her attractiveness is only made clear through Quark's perspective. Yeah. And for as powerful of a person as she is in her field of study, like you never get the
Starting point is 00:24:49 sense that Recklyn and Hogue, you know, like we see this trope all the time, the, the the celebrity professor, that everyone just fons over. Right. There is no fawning about her except from Quark. Yeah, like they fun in a pretty like chased, in a professional way. Professional way. Yeah. And, but he is like, there's no talk of her field metal, for example.
Starting point is 00:25:18 Yeah, I mean, in a weird way, it's kind of, it's kind of playing with the trope of the older scientist and the younger charge that he, because it's almost always a he, brings with him. I mean, TNG did hit that pinata 18 times, but it's not quite that in this episode. I felt like this episode really felt like, like the directing and the writing and stuff really felt like distinct in a way that. I agree. I was like, oh, this show is like kind of figuring
Starting point is 00:25:54 itself out right now. There's a one or the happens up front that is like very sophisticated. Like there's a turn around a corner and maybe a half a page of dialogue and some moves, right? Yeah, this is the scene when Odo is confronting Cork about the camera never cuts. It's like, and there's 30 extras in the scene.
Starting point is 00:26:17 There's a lot of movement and... Handoffs too, right? There are things being handed to other people and it's one thing to shoot a one or where it's just dialogue and two people sitting at a table like going back and forth, but it is so quite another for Odo to come from the promenade and turn the corner into a totally different,
Starting point is 00:26:39 like so much of it is about lighting, right? Right. And keeping that lighting continuity throughout is really difficult, especially in two totally separate locations. Yeah, when you're shooting something like this, you really have to think carefully about when you're going to have a long take like this because it is challenging for every member of the crew.
Starting point is 00:27:00 Like, I'm assuming that was a study cam shot, right? Or do you think it was on a dolly? Yeah, I mean, it could have been curved dolly track around that, the bulkhead that the photo walks around. I mean, either way, like if you're operating study cam, it's fucking exhausting to operate it for long stretches. If you're operating a dolly, there's a grip that has to get all of the moves timed perfectly. The actors have to be timed perfectly, like they have to be doing all of their little actions
Starting point is 00:27:27 the same way in each take, so that it all, like, you know, it's a lot of people that need to be kind of, it's like playing music, you know, like all of the parts need to be working together. And... Yeah, like that, I don't know how long ago that episode was, but you pointed out a background actor is your Shimoda,
Starting point is 00:27:44 like one background actor fed another background actor. Try to imagine a choice being made like that by a background actor in a scene like this. Like it must be done every time at exactly the same moment. And if you're gonna do 10 takes, that person is gonna be like, ooh, stop giving me this weird stage tofu.
Starting point is 00:28:04 One thing I noticed about this scene and in a scene that happened earlier is the survival of the plastic poursbout as a thing that's attached at the top of a liquor bottle. Like big poursbout survives long into the future. And it's definitely the plastic poursbout and not the like fancier looking metal kind. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:22 Quark has a, you know, he's a thrifty man. A bartender, a friend of mine, when she closed up her bar would stick golf tees into all the spouts to stop the gradual evaporation evaporation every night. Like even though it wasn't, I mean, it had to be very negligible. The amount of evaporation that would occur,
Starting point is 00:28:45 but that was part of the process. And it was also a great telegraph to the bar that like, we're about to close. Like without having to say it, it was nice. That's fun. So Quark makes, what is this? Samarian sunrise? I think it's a Samarian sunset, which is a which is a beverage that Diana
Starting point is 00:29:05 Troy requested. Yeah, data made from data here. One Samarian sunset made in the traditional style. I like the quark and data have the same beverage game. Yeah, especially because in the TNG version, it was made very clear how difficult that cocktail was to make. Yeah, quark is like distracted when he's making it. He's not measuring out his ingredients and he just makes it Off the counter like he makes it in the glass, right? Which is Awesome. I said I didn't drink these anymore. It doesn't seem like it would be a very enjoyable cocktail because it's not chilled at all Yeah, that's served with ice. No. I don't fuck with that. I don't want to room temperature drink.
Starting point is 00:29:48 I've been increasingly icing down drinks that are generally not supposed to be ice down because my preference is colder than... As cold as it can be. Yeah, you and I talked about this last night. We got a couple premium ciders at a bodega down the way and like... Stick some ice in that glass. Put a handful of ice in the glass.
Starting point is 00:30:08 It's going to be delicious. Yeah. Yeah. Same thing with a white wine or a rose. Yeah. During this scene, like Corkis is trying very desperately to get Nathema to cotton back to him and she's quite resistant to it. And he manages to like convince her to
Starting point is 00:30:29 shoot her students away so it can just be the two of them. But this happens just before Garrick and Bashir finish up whatever they were doing. And they walk through the bar, which I guess means they must have been having lunch at the bar. Yeah, there you go. There would have been no reason for them to be there, otherwise,
Starting point is 00:30:46 unless they were having lunch in a hollow, sweet simulation of the repulmat, which would be like a real fucked-up thing to do. Let's do the repulmat, but everybody but us is nude. They walk through and uh, Garyx poker face game, not particularly strong. They do that sort of thing that two spies do almost where there's like the nod, like a doff of the cap, but there is no cap. Yeah, tip of the Fedora to you, ma'am. You work in and the fact that Garyx is present. I don't think that they know who he is but the fact that any card I see on this present puts a big fear in right in these three shipmates
Starting point is 00:31:35 and they kind of go into panic mode. They're like we got to get the fuck out of here. Yeah, and right on the heels of this revelation is that their ship was not affected by a meteor storm. It was in fact attacked by other cardacians. Yeah, the meteor damage, in fact, cardacian disruptor damage. And they're like making the case for leaving as soon as possible. And Cisco is like, sorry, like, O'Brien has a lot more work to do. Your ship isn't really bad. Keep going to Kotlin'ka, the Kotlin'ka.
Starting point is 00:32:10 Go to Kotlin'ka. So. I think my favorite scene in this episode is this next one where Garek makes it clear through Metaphor, that Natima and her Karoo are in trouble. Using a fashion, a cord storytelling. Yeah, like this is a hot look right now, but like the mullet.
Starting point is 00:32:31 Certain people might even think it's objectionable. And then, how do you get blood stains out of a dress? I wonder. He's doing this all to illustrate to Quirk how they are thought of on Cardassia and I thought that a particularly effective illustration was that he ripped the dress He was using as a visual aid for his metaphor, right which like to Quirk like destroying your own inventory like no Quirk is the guy who who makes ROM after hours like squeeze the bar rag back into some bottles. Yeah, port the mats back out into the weld.
Starting point is 00:33:13 Yeah. This may be wonder like are the things in Garrick's shop replicated or they made by hand and that's why they're valuable? It's sort of like funny people who call themselves comedians or really good cooks who call themselves chefs. Like, do you get to refer to yourself as a tailor if your clothing is replicated versus being sewn? I get the sense that like there's a code to Garek.
Starting point is 00:33:41 Yeah. And I don't think he would permit himself the title Taylor. A man's got to have a code. Code no doubt. I don't think he would allow being called a Taylor had if he were not a needle and thread style Taylor. Yeah. Well, as a chef comedian, I have to say I agree with that.
Starting point is 00:34:00 Yeah. And as someone who is reluctant to accept any sort of title of any kind, I have a real problem with that. What do you think about the writing of this? Like I was I was watching this scene going like, this is like a this is a simple enough metaphor that I don't think it's going to go over anybody's head, but it's also a very extended metaphor, like a much more extended metaphor than you normally get in television. I bet there was some debate in the writers' room about how long of a monologue they could write with this metaphor as the like driving force in it. Especially because you know so often you see a scene like this with that with the lengthy
Starting point is 00:34:52 metaphor that eventually gets clipped by the person they're talking to like all right. I get it. Yeah. Fashion is political belief right.. Right. Going out of fashion is gutter and curl. Quark never does that to his credit because I think he's been in the game for a long time. Like he's all right speaking in code. I mean don't get it twisted, I do some dirt too, but I never put my gun on nobody who wasn't in the game. And being spoken to in code. Yeah, I think that these two characters like engage in the most subterfuge
Starting point is 00:35:25 of any two characters on the show. Yeah. But they haven't had that many scenes together. So this is pretty fun to see them kind of go toe to toe to what you step up on this. Quark is willing at least outwardly to sacrifice everything for Nathima's safety. Right.
Starting point is 00:35:43 Like his love seems very genuine and they never reveal what bad thing he did to make her leave. I guess cheating maybe? Well, he took some of her money or like money from the company that she worked for. Oh really? Yeah. I totally missed that part.
Starting point is 00:36:06 He admits to that. And his defense is, it was of an amount that was so small that like it wouldn't be missed. It was that kind of thing, like taking an extra dollar or two out of the till to go get some lunch. Like he really downplays that quite a bit, but this is a. He said it up a, an office space and or Superman style computer program that used rounding errors to enrich himself. Yeah, and it didn't really the
Starting point is 00:36:35 amount didn't really matter to Natima. It was the violation of trust. Yeah. That's interesting. So right around this point, a Cardassian battleship pulls up to the station and it's like weapons hot and in attack posture and they have to like put shields up and they're not comm... like the Cardassians aren't responding to hails and it's one of those great garrick entrances where they're like, what the fuck is going on? And he's like, I believe I can help you with that commander. It felt very like Wesley shows up on the bridge, like out of spaceness sort of thing.
Starting point is 00:37:16 Right. And he kind of like hips Cisco to the whole situation. Like these are wanted political dissidents and. He kind of guidance him doesn't he like the way Garrick Garrick is given latitude to Come up to ops and and ask for this kind of audience. Yeah, and We have given we've been given no reason as viewers to
Starting point is 00:37:42 Accept the idea that he would be permitted to do that anytime he wants. Yeah, like what happens? You get on that elevator and say, ups and it just takes you there. Right. I mean, even in a hotel, you need to use your key card. Does he have one of those honey sticks to get around the station in ways that... If he's the spy, we believe him to be be I'm sure he's got like a janitors key ring later sis goes like asleep at night and like sits up and bed like how the fuck did he get up there that time yeah
Starting point is 00:38:15 we got to look into that yeah yeah and you know he's like saying like don't kill the messenger I'm just I'm just passing this along but the the Kardashians are very keen to have these people back. And Cisco's position is like, this is a Bajorin station and they haven't committed any crime. So there's no reason for us to extradite them. Like the Bajorins don't like you. Yeah. And I liked how much implied politics was taking place in this episode. Like I don't usually love bedroin politics or or just like machinations outside the storyline
Starting point is 00:38:56 and star trek that much, but in this episode it seemed to be really effective the idea that like every time Cisco comes in he's kind of giving you an update on like, like really like big forces that have been moving. And he's not the main character of the episode, but he's important in a way that, you know, like there've been some episodes this season where it's like, does Cisco have a position on this show? Or... Yeah. Um, decks back to total obscurity in this episode.
Starting point is 00:39:29 Back in the pot, decks. To be honest about it, I was in a pair of fucking paces. Mr. Bucket, I have to revert back to my dead state school. No, I don't use the bucket anymore. Whatever happened to that mini cloaking device bin? I imagine it will come into play And it does in this next scene. It's a quirk rolls into Nathema's condo
Starting point is 00:39:54 With a proposition like he's giving her a way out Quirk's goal is I have like an ace in the hole and if I play my card rate I can get the girl back and also like do something good Yeah, and not get in trouble from a legal standpoint He knows that the only way to get her to stay is to drive a wedge through her and her students Yeah, and there's a there's a confluence of things that really could make that possible Well also making him the hero that he wants to be for her to get back into a good Grace's when I travel and I like arrive at my destination
Starting point is 00:40:33 I really like to take off the clothes I've been traveling with and take a shower. Yeah clean up Even if it's the same to us even if it's the same day like if we're going out to dinner or something I don't want to be like in plane clothes. Yeah. In airplane clothes. But this episode seems to all take place within like 35 minutes of them stepping off that transport, because they have not changed, they have not made any effort to like get comfortable. No. No.
Starting point is 00:40:58 Like, they are all like the all of the... You ever travel anywhere with no bags, like just for for a single day like a fly down on a flyback Rotteric told the story recently on Rotteric on the line about Leaving for San Francisco in the morning and coming back in the evening and taking nothing with him. Yeah Which I found really delightful. It's it seems like that sort of situation for Nathima Yeah, yeah, I mean, maybe she doesn't want to go back to her ship because it's getting worked on. Yeah, yeah. A lot of dust in the air. Yeah. It's just unpleasant.
Starting point is 00:41:32 Yeah. But yeah, like the, you know, Quark has a hang with her two students. What are their names? Hogue and... Reckolain. And Reckolain. And it's almost like a parent trap style plot he's trying to hatch. What are their names? Hogue and... Recklein. And Recklein. And it's almost like a parent trap style plot he's trying to hatch. Are you trying to parent trap us?
Starting point is 00:41:50 Hooo! She's like, I'll give you the cloaking device. If you convince Natima to fall back in love with me, and that's the deal. Like I don't want any money, I just want her. They're like, how the fuck are we, she's our teacher. Like, how are we gonna convince her to stay with you? Yeah. And sort of becomes kind of a moot point, right? Right. Because the three of them are detained by Odo not long after this, because there has been an exchange proposed between the Kardashians and the Bajorans. And we are reminded in the circumstance that the Federation occupies the Bejure in space
Starting point is 00:42:27 and is subject to their law and their decisions. Does not call the shots. Like, Quarkin and a team are talking over the plan and he's like got the thermal detonator or whatever. The cloaking device? Oh yeah, that's what it is. Those two things do very different things. Yeah, but they look exactly the same.
Starting point is 00:42:49 Both of them will make you disappear from sensors. In very different ways. Yeah. And she's like, like the scene is so like lit because she actually shoots him for it, but then she feels so bad about shooting him that they get into a riker and guy in the level talking hot shit to each other. Like, there are a woman to do,
Starting point is 00:43:12 but believe me, I know it's not right for you to be alone. Okay, I almost feel like Will Riker was pulled in to write some dialogue for this scene. I really like the phasershot scene because it's blocked in such a way that Armin Zimmerman has given the opportunity to do his own stunt because of the piece of furniture there. He shot and he rolls over the tabletop onto the mat that's clearly behind. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:40 But if that piece of furniture weren't there, I think they'd probably go wide and stuntman it. Because there's no soft landing. But if that piece of furniture weren't there, I think they'd probably go wide and stuntman it right because There's no there's no soft landing. Yeah without the furniture That's got to be like even more of a Of a risk when you're working with an actor in that much loaf because if he like knocks one of the ears off right That's like six hours that they have to pause to get everything back together. Right. That probably ends your day, right? Yeah, it's got to.
Starting point is 00:44:09 It's a good stunt. And I love when they hear Odo at the door, he kicks the thermal that made it under the table. Nobody here but us chickens. And she gets arrested and The way Cisco explains it is the Bedurin government found a way to get a bunch of I guess Bedurin prisoners of war released by the Kardashians. Yeah, like and it's like a pretty high-exchange rate. It's like a dozen Prisoners for three cardacians The attitudes involved in this entire circumstance
Starting point is 00:44:45 are apologetic. When Oto comes in and detains Nathema, he's sorry to be taking her. And when Cisco explains the circumstance to them and the brig, he is just as apologetic. Cisco's like, hey, I'm gonna keep trying to figure out a way to not have this go down, because I don't like it at all but
Starting point is 00:45:07 My hands are tied. Yeah, and that made me think a lot like what is the like does the Federation feel culpability for this like pretty unjust thing that We'll have a net effect of like further distancing the cardacan's from like the potential of being friendly with the Federation I don't know. It's hard to say. I mean, not to cut to the end too much, but the one thing I thought about at the end of the episode was like, they are our Bajoran prisoners that are on a ship on their way to them that I guess they turn around halfway through like how deeply disappointing is that to think you're free from prison.
Starting point is 00:45:46 This is great. I've been riding in that prison for six years. Woo! Yeah. Yeah. I just say again. Yeah, are we turning around? What are you guys doing?
Starting point is 00:45:55 Yeah. Pretty dark. Yeah, that's fucked up. Morning. Morning. Morning. Morning. Morning.
Starting point is 00:46:03 Morning. Morning. Morning. Morning. Morning. Morning. I'm on, did sweet, more, more, more. You need everybody, more, and stuff. Hammer time. I think it's interesting that unlike a Constitution class starship, you can discharge a beam weapon on the station without an alarm going off. Yeah. Or anything, really?
Starting point is 00:46:18 I thought Odo's appearance was going to be in response to the weapons discharge, but it was not. And there was no pile of mashed potatoes in the whisk stuck out. Yeah. Yeah. That's all the evidence I need to know that somebody set off a phaser, a pile of mashed potatoes with a whisk in it.
Starting point is 00:46:37 I don't know what maybe think of this, but there's a moment where Quirk is paranoid about Odo being around. And so he like, he sticks his finger into a beverage and tastes it. As if to know what Odo tastes like. Gross. Like I would know if that's Odo. And he beats his hand on a tabletop. Would that hurt him?
Starting point is 00:46:58 Yeah, I don't know. Uncleared. But he's super fun seen. I mean, a rock fell on Odo one time. So maybe it would hurt him Maybe would that table be as susceptible to pain? What if they were just sitting there and somebody came out and was like, oh who ordered the fajitas and they set the super hot skillet down on it Yeah, so they're in prison and Quirk comes to Odo to make an appeal. And this scene was very interesting to me too, because it's kind of the chaotic, neutral
Starting point is 00:47:34 character trying to talk the lawful good character into a plan of action. This better be important Quirk. It is. And it's a long dialogue scene. Like it's, you know, when you're learning like screenwriting 101, it's like every scene is about like what, like there are two characters talking one wants one thing. You have to let the team at enter students go. One wants another thing. Do it. It has all of like the same internal
Starting point is 00:47:59 structure as an entire episode is like there's a conflict, rising action and resolution within each scene ideally and this was a long, satisfying scene where two characters just had a conversation and agreed to free the prisoners. I'll free them quark, but only in the name of justice. These two characters are great together for especially for the amount of time they're on screen together. These two actors are great together for especially especially for the amount of time they're on screen together These two actors are great together. They're vibrating at the same frequency in a way that's very satisfying. Yeah Yeah, it's kind of something that like I feel like I feel like they had with the TNG cast in later seasons
Starting point is 00:48:40 But this is so early like they they just have like a great on-screen chemistry. They seem to do these pair-offs a lot in a way that I'm not sure, yeah, like in TNG, it took a very long time for the pair-offs to happen. But there's Bashir, Garek, Quark, and Odo very clearly, and Dax Kira. Yeah, and the resolution that they come to is Odo is like literally just going to like Turn the force field off and like look the other way while Quark runs out of there with the three prisoners because He knows that the prisoners are if they get sent back to Cardassia are just gonna be put to death And he's like like I'm about justice and that doesn't seem like justice to me
Starting point is 00:49:22 That was gonna be my next suggestion. What you don't get at all in this episode is the scene with Kira, where she becomes the chaos agent and the negative, heavy on anything cardassian-related. My ex-boyfriend is on that prisoner transport. Right, it feels like the conflict is so directly between two things that I was kind of missing the third element from her specifically.
Starting point is 00:49:49 Right. That's just one of those, like, there's not enough time in a 45 minute episode things, but that's what her character is therefore. Yeah. And it does feel weird sometimes when they don't use her for that. You get just the kiss of that up top, like again, like I think what Nanavisa Tour does best maybe is what she does nonverbaly. Like when she tractors the ship into the station, you can tell she is really battling something inside her about how she feels upon their arrival. Yeah, it's interesting, like they kind of put all of our main cast women in the Terracotta pots in this episode
Starting point is 00:50:31 so that they can have two other women, but it's a love interest. It's like, it's unfortunately that kind of simplistic writing for women that so much TV suffers for. And I think Dax and Kira both had interesting things to say about this situation and didn't really, you know, like I think this could have been a two-parter, honestly. Yeah. It's an interesting enough premise and getting those points of view in there would have been awesome. Yeah, I agree. Especially because those points of view are so strong. Right.
Starting point is 00:51:07 I mean, there is, there is no melee mouthedness about any of that. It would really add a substantial amount of conflict. Right. And like just in the tractor we have seen, like you see it in Nanabi's sort of performance. So it's there, you know, like she knows it's there. Yeah. Why don't the fucking writers know it's there?
Starting point is 00:51:24 I agree. like she knows it's there. Yeah. Why don't the fucking writers know it's there. Agreed. So Quark is like taking him to their ship and he's like, you know, this is kind of a garbage cloaking device and it's probably only going to work for 15 minutes. So like plug it in, turn it on, leave the station and go to warp and- It's like the charging cable you're forced to buy it an airport from a brand you've never heard of like I've just opened this gets me through the flight like the cable lights up yeah like does that like make it put less power into the phone like why what the fuck also why is it $40 I would prefer if my earbuds weren't purple. Yeah, I don't want my earbuds that I'm buying in an airport to say something about my drug use lifestyle. I never knew affliction made headphones. So they get to the cargo bear, whatever where the ship is.
Starting point is 00:52:25 And Quark is like, all right, guys, off you go and opens the door. And there is Garrick, who has been offered by the gall that is serving a board that attacked ship that showed up, presumably. They never really explained how this guy got aboard the station, which is another illustration of how much is going on at way higher levels of pay grade. Right. But he comes into the shop and it's like,
Starting point is 00:52:52 hey, Garrick, if you waste those political dissonance, like maybe we can do something about the fact that you're not welcome on Cardassia anymore. This relationship between Garrick and Galtoran is one of my favorite parts of the episode. Yeah. Because it's so clearly like, you finally made Captain, but you're a real piece of shit, Galtarann. Like, how did that happen?
Starting point is 00:53:13 Like, the professional animosity between them is just dripping. Yeah, yeah. They're like, definitely, we're like two dudes up for the same promotion at some point in the past. And like, like, Taran is like is like partly there just a glute. Yeah. He's also there to ask, Eric, like so like, do you get to call yourself a tailor, even though you replicated all these suits and dresses? Do you think of yourself as a tailor, or is that just something you aspire to?
Starting point is 00:53:41 Going to Lord your success over a vanquished enemy is a pretty, to going to Lord your success over a vanquished enemy is a pretty is a move that bespeaks a certain weakness of character so like Gulteran is like a guy that is very fun to hate yeah and in that in the final skater efficiently hateable yeah he's not in the episode very much at all but the second he gets vaporized by Garrick when he shows up at the cargo bay, it's like, yeah, fuck Taran! Yeah. Go Garrick! Yeah, there's this moment here at the cargo bay where it's a little bit circular firing
Starting point is 00:54:12 squatty. They're holding up phasers at each other. You're not sure what the outcome is going to be because these sides want different things. Yeah. This scene directed by Quentin Tarantino. Right. Go Taran gets vaporized and it just leaves like a pile of mashed potatoes. Is the whisk in it? Go Taran also, like, just not good at his job.
Starting point is 00:54:36 When he disarms Garrick, he doesn't notice that Garrick is holding a phaser in his other hand. It's not even concealed. Like, they don't even show that Garek is like slipping it behind his back or anything. It's just like Garek had two phasers and he only handed that guy one. That guy is fucked.
Starting point is 00:54:55 Yeah. Yeah. But there's like a pretty tearful goodbye between Natima and Quark. You know, it's a, this isn't your fight Quark. I've got to go, like, this is the most important thing. But when I come back and Cardassia is a democratic society, I'm going to fuck the shit out of you.
Starting point is 00:55:16 Yeah. You earned a real hot bang this time. I'm gonna throw you the antifa bang of your young life. Like you mentioned earlier, the episode abruptly ends after this. And there is up until now and after so much happening. Like, Gulteran ship is there, and it is without him, and someone's gonna ask eventually what happened. Yeah. Did you guys, anybody seen Galtoran or, you know, there's that untied up thread.
Starting point is 00:55:52 There's the thread that involves the bejorin ship full of prisoners that evidently gets turned around. There's the escape of this ship. Under cloak. This would be, like, there were some really cool miniature effects at the beginning of this episode. It almost like would be, there was some really cool miniature effects at the beginning of this episode. It almost sets it up to be a very exciting end. And for all of the back and forth about the cloaking device, there isn't a cloaking device. Oh, there is.
Starting point is 00:56:17 And he's going to give it to them. We never, it's like, I was so wet for that cloaking device to get used. And when it didn't, little disappointing. Yeah, did you like the episode though? I did. I think it has flaws, but you know, we've talked a little bit recently about how Quark is kind of a bad guy about how quark is kind of a bad guy, and this recomplicates him. It, like he's definitely doing it for self-serving reasons, but he is doing something that seems like really good
Starting point is 00:56:54 and noble in this episode. And the fact that he has a heart is something we don't get to see every time. Yeah, because so often, I mean, I think Natima says it earlier, like he calls him out on the emotions he's displaying as conflated with, he's conflating love and lust. We see quark demonstrate lust quite a bit throughout the run of the show. But to see him embody sincere love is a different, different read for him.
Starting point is 00:57:34 Yeah. It looks good on him. And it plays with the trope of Odo knowing that Quark is up to something in a new fun way where like the thing Quark is up to something in a new fun way where like the thing Quark is up to being critical to the success of the mission. Like, Odo looks the other way on what is described as like a fairly serious crime. Like, you're going to live the rest of your life in a labor camp. Yeah. So, that's pretty interesting. It's interesting to see Odo like make a very personal
Starting point is 00:58:06 calculation about compromising on like the official rules. Yeah. Did you like the episode? I did. You know, this, this episode offers up a very convenient point to turn into a two part or two. Yeah. And that it didn't, it was disappointing to me, but it's hard to say you don't like an episode for what it didn't give you. What this episode does give is a lot. Yeah. And it's got, it introduces non-combatant cardacians who are hoping for a better future. And Eric, the only cardacian we've seen in,
Starting point is 00:58:43 like the only adult cardacian we've seen in civilian clothing. Yeah. Yeah, so it's interesting to see a little bit more into the political machinations of what's happening on Cardassia. It's, I mean, it's, it's neat to see a redemptive storyline for Quark. Yeah. Uh, and, and I did really like the episode.
Starting point is 00:59:07 I thought it was fun. Well, do you want to see if we have any priority one messages? I do really like priority one messages. I think they're fun. Priority one message from Starfleet coming in on Secured Channel. Need a supplement on that. A supplement on? A supplement.
Starting point is 00:59:22 A supplement. Yeah, it's extra. But the interest alone could be enough to buy this ship. Adam. Stop a little uncomfortable. Adam, our first priority one message is of a commercial nature. Goes like this. Do you want to live in a Star Trek universe? So do we. But we'd prefer to solve humanity's major societal ills without having to go through World War
Starting point is 00:59:43 3 first. That's why we're asking you to check out Pineal Express. It's an educational podcast that explores through an academic lens the serious collective action problems facing our species. You can find us wherever you normally get your podcasts or you can go to Pineal Express that's pineal as in the brain's pineal gland P-I-N-E-A-L express. Subscribe to Pineal Express. The podcast that isn't ready to give up on humanity's potential or maybe it just exists to make me slip up and say penal express. That actually sounds like a really cool show.
Starting point is 01:00:27 I wanna listen to that. Pineal? Yeah, as in pineal gland, Adam. And I knew that because it's on the copy right here in front of me. It even gives you pronunciation notes. That's helpful. It's fairly obvious how to pronounce it it's a I might have said piniel
Starting point is 01:00:47 but I'm an idiot Watch me be super wrong about how you That sounds pretty great. I think if there's one thing our own podcast is proven. It's that there's an audience for everything yeah, and You can get interested in anything It's like a good documentary. You don't really have to care about the subject matter to derive a lot of enjoyment out of it. I'm down. Pineal Express. No stops. Yeah. Take the fast train to brain town.
Starting point is 01:01:20 Ben, our second priority one message is of a personal nature. The message is from Captain DeSoto. What? The message is for... Anybody! The message goes like this. Anybody! End of message.
Starting point is 01:01:49 Ben, I asked Daniel. Daniel's our great friend over at Maximum Fun, who handles the prior to one messages. I asked him specifically when this one was sent in, and the reason I asked was because the word captain was spelled C-A-P-T-A-I-T-N So you just assumed that they didn't mean to spell it that way? Well a couple of reasons. I think there's a There's a there's a vibe to this message that makes me think that maybe was sent late at night by someone who was enjoying Some beverages. Yeah, and the word anybody is spelled with lots of ends and wise, but there's a U in there in the middle.
Starting point is 01:02:31 Both times, which makes me think that they probably copy and pasted it from the two fields to the message field. Any U-Boo-Dee! What a good message. That's the kind of message I like to receive, you know. That message got something for anybody. Even you. Alright, well, if you'd like to, if you'd like to get a priority one message read on the air by two idiots like us. You go to slash jembo-tron. It's a hundred bucks for a personal message and two hundred for a commercial message.
Starting point is 01:03:13 It's a great way to support the show, well, wasting your money, well drunk. A greatest gen live show is something you don't want to miss. Why? Well it's a great opportunity to see me and Ben in person, but that's not all. FODs from all over gather at these shows to cosplay, to do pre and post show hangs, to make friends, and share their embarrassment. Hey, let's make a pretty great name for a tour. Let's do it! The Share Your Embarrassment Tour is coming in August 2023, and we've got a bunch of dates
Starting point is 01:04:01 in a lot of great places. Go to to get more info. That's for dates and ticketing information for the Share Your Embarrassment tour. I'm Jordan Morris. And I'm Jesse Thorne. On Jordan Jesse Go, we make pure, delightful nonsense. We were open awesome guests and bring them down to our level.
Starting point is 01:04:22 We got stupid with Judy Greer. My friend Molly and I call it having the spaceweards. Pat Noswald. Could I get a Balrog burger and some air-gorn fries? Thank you. And Kumail Nanjiani. I've come back with cat toothbrushes, which is impossible to use.
Starting point is 01:04:36 Come get stupider with us at Look, your podcast apps already open. Just pull it out. Give Jordan Jesse Goatry. Being smart is hard. Be dumb instead. Oh, rats, hey, hey, hey, oh, I'm about to count you in line. These clouds are really freaking me out.
Starting point is 01:04:53 I hate having to stand in line and boy, what do I? These giraffes do not smell good. No, they do not, and they have such short nacks. But I'm hearing we need to get on this, we've got to get on the art. It is about terrain, thought is about to destroy humanity. Hey, oh, sorry, sorry, sorry.
Starting point is 01:05:08 Are you Noah? Yeah, I know we look like humans, but we're actually, we're podcasters. We are podcasters, so it's different. Have you heard of Ono Ross and Carrie? We investigate spirituality, claims of the paranormal, stuff like that. And you have a boat and say the world's gonna end,
Starting point is 01:05:21 so same like something for us to check out. We would love to be on the boat. We came two by two. What do you think? Ona Ross & Kerry, available on Oh, that's wrong! Do I have a chance? Hey Adam. What's happened? Did you find yourself a drunk Shimoda? I'm right on the wrong Shimoda!
Starting point is 01:05:49 I'm glad we're doing this in person because it's a visual Shimoda. OK. I didn't write down the time code, but you shouldn't need one. It's one of the very first scenes of the episode. If you scroll forward to the wide shot, we're in a team of Raquel and Hoag,
Starting point is 01:06:07 enter the cargo bay of Deep Space Nine. Uh-huh. There, there's clearly a couple of engineers there, ready to hop in and work on the ship. One of those engineers is clearly carrying like a Stanley coffee container, as if we're gonna bring engineers to meet you, but we're also gonna offer some hospitality. And that guy just read to me as the hospitality guy. There must be an engine hospitality on Deep Space 9.
Starting point is 01:06:39 Yeah. It's kind of a hotel, you know? I don't know why my eyes just locked onto him immediately and that's Stanley Thurmas as like, oh yeah, like that's gotta be a big part of meeting someone in cargo. Just watching this scene complete, it's not that guy, but the other engineer that boards the ship with O'Brien.
Starting point is 01:06:57 So he's still waiting there like, would you like a refreshing beverage? Yeah, exactly. I love that guy. It's a good guy. Did you find yourself a drunk Shmota? I did, Adam. Um, mine is Garek and, uh, I guess really Andrew Robinson for a bit of share business that, uh, he engages in as a, as an actor, you know, like acting is all about making choices. And we have made some fun of Garyx bonafides as a tailor.
Starting point is 01:07:31 There's the scene where the the goal shows up to taunt him and try and convince him to to do all three political escapees. It starts with him like using his teeth to bite an errant thread off the shoulder of a of a sport coat that he's putting on a mannequin. Yeah, and I loved that. Like I laughed out loud when he did it. And I just thought it was like such a such a real thing and such a like a non-obvious thing. Like I cannot imagine it was written in the script like Garyc bites the coat. Yeah, you would never write that down, but it was great. I fucking loved that.
Starting point is 01:08:09 Agreed. There are a lot of non-verbal things happening in this episode that grow characters. Yeah, yeah, grow them in a fun and cool way. Yeah. Well, do you want to see what's coming up on the next episode, Adam? Yeah, we got to do that. The next episode is season two episode 19. Blood Oath,
Starting point is 01:08:29 Dax risks her life and her future with Starfleet to fulfill a blood oath made with three aged Klingons. Some Klingon Oaths. Gonna be in this episode. You got to believe that her life is so long that when you put a career track in jeopardy, like the consequence for that could be a very long time. Yeah, seriously. The Netflix description is the relative calm of Deep Space 9 is shattered by the arrival of three Klingon warriors. That really implies a totally different story.
Starting point is 01:09:05 It's like if there's an Airbnb on your street, like here come the Klingons. How much longer do we have to deal with this shit? Yeah, I was coming home from a work trip a week or two ago and I was like loading my suitcases up the stairs in front of the house that I rent and somebody just drove by and yelled out the window, Airbnb! And I had to admit, I kinda did look like I was checking into an Airbnb. Yeah. That cuts pretty deep.
Starting point is 01:09:39 Yeah, I was like, no! I'm a gentrifier! Not that kind of gentrifier, the other kind. Well, do you want to see if we're good? You're a fun arguer. I believe we are on, let's see, we're on the square of looking at each other during, aren't we? Sure are.
Starting point is 01:10:02 Otherwise known as a square 56. You're required to learn as you play. Roll. That's because I'll roll some dice. One die. See what we're doing next, right? I'm gonna look at you during this dice roll. Make sure things are on the up and up.
Starting point is 01:10:19 Well, makes them like weird, significant eye contact. We don't really have much risk here, though. Well, I don't think we can hit anything. The furthest we can move is to square 62. So this is one of the rare... Oh 62 actually is pretty big deal because it plunges the head onto square 18. Yeah. So hold on to your butts. And we hit a five, okay. Shula!
Starting point is 01:10:47 Did I win? Harvinc. So we are still at risk, not hitting 62, but we moved on to square 61. Regular old episode. We're always in a little bit of danger here. I think we have enough time on this visit of yours to Los Angeles that the next episode will also be a looking at each other during. Yeah, let's double this up Yeah, that'll be fun Well, that will be you have plenty more beer left in your fridge
Starting point is 01:11:12 And I intend to drink all of it. Yeah, that will be our next app and in the meantime If you like the show and would like to see it go forward into the future and would like to see us be able to tour more and come see you guys in person. The best way to support is by going to slash Donate and selecting the greatest generation as one of the shows you're supporting. If you get some great benefits out of that in lots of bonus content that is only available to donors. And there are other ways to support as well. You can tell a friend that you like the show and encourage them to listen. Yeah, I mean, one way I didn't even think of until right now is like the purchase of a ticket to one of our tour stops is a great way to encourage us to keep touring.
Starting point is 01:12:02 Yeah, that's true. We've had a couple of shows sell out and by the time this is out, we've announced a whole bunch of new dates. So get on that. We should think Adam Ragusia for our theme music and dark material for our original theme music, which is still a big part of the show. We should think everybody that goes on the Facebook group and comments on Twitter and Reddit and gets the word out by joining the community. And with that, we'll be back at you next time with another great episode of Star Trek Deep Space 9 and an episode of the greatest generation Deep Space 9. That's just too damn loud. Make it sound. That's it. You'll know the God of the youth. That's it. That's it. You'll know the God of the youth.
Starting point is 01:13:09 That's it. That's it. That's it. Make it sound. Make it sound. You'll know the God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of God of or comedy and culture, artist owned. Listen or supported.

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