The Greatest Generation - Trust Loins (VOY S3E9)

Episode Date: January 24, 2022

When the EMH is taken holo-hostage, it will ironically come with a newfound freedom. But when Starling absolutely insists on destroying the future to get even more obscene wealth in the past, the Voya...ger crew will have to contemplate becoming marooned in time instead of space. Would you trade the Obama presidency for more of Rain Robinson in Voyager? How could BLT stay undercover on Earth past the late 90s? What are the qualities of an impressive hench? It’s the episode that’s using common gaslighting tactics to preserve the timeline.Exchange scarves for goods at PodShop.bizSupport the production of The Greatest Generation.Friends of DeSoto for Democracy.Friends of DeSoto for Justice.Follow The Game of Buttholes: The Will of the Caretaker!Music by Adam Ragusea & Dark MateriaFollow The Greatest Generation on Twitter, and discuss the show using the hashtag #GreatestGen!The Greatest Generation is now regularly streaming on Twitch.Facebook group | Subreddit | Discord | WikiSign up for our mailing list!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Priority 1 message from Starfleet coming in on Secured Channel. Hey friends of Disodo. Before today's episode, we just wanted to take a moment to talk about the historic labor actions being taken by writers and actors in the American Film and Television industry. If you're a fan of the work done by the people who make Star Trek, we hope you'll join us in standing in solidarity with the folks who actually bring these adventures to life. Over the past several years, the AMPTP, the organization that represents the American Film and Television Production Studios, have reduced the profit from movies and TV going to workers. And in so doing,
Starting point is 00:00:35 they've attempted to weaken the labor unions that represent those workers. They wouldn't even engage the unions on many issues in their negotiations. And so a strike was the only course of action to take. Adam, Wendy and I have been having a lot of internal discussions about how best to stand with the unions and we are continuing those conversations in a dynamic situation. We're doing our best to understand where the picket lines are in these digital spaces,
Starting point is 00:01:01 and we would never intentionally cross one. With the information we have, we feel like we can do more good talking about and supporting the strike and continuing our show as planned. We'll keep you informed about what all this means for greatest trek specifically. Today we're making a contribution to the Entertainment Community Fund. This fund exists to help all the people whose livelihoods have been put on hold because the AMPTP refuses to negotiate
Starting point is 00:01:25 in good faith with the unions. It provides financial support for writers, actors, and all the thousands of laborers who make the shows that we talk about here and without whom we wouldn't have Star Trek to cast pot about. Those folks are all out of work because billionaires, company shareholders, and the executives of these companies don't want to compromise on the length of their yachts. We hope you'll join us in supporting entertainment workers in a challenging time, especially after they've already endured several years of challenges brought on by the pandemic
Starting point is 00:01:55 and season two of Star Trek Picard. We've set up a page where you can also contribute. It's at That's friendsofdececoto for That's FriendsOfDecoto for Link in the episode description. Okay, now let's get on with the show. Here's to the finest crew in Starfleet. Engage! Bringengwe the U.S.S. Forty-Durkour Captain Captain Bringengwe the U.S.S. Forty-Durkour Captain Welcome to the greatest generation to Star Trek Podcast by a couple of guys. Just a little bit embarrassed about having a Star Trek Podcast.
Starting point is 00:02:36 I'm Adam Franica. I'm Ben Harrison. My wife, my wife, in all seriousness turned to me and said how many Star Trek podcast do you have at the moment? That's great. What would you say you do here Ben? She says during your yearly review as a husband. Now it says here you've got two. Yeah, and I'm working on getting a third off the ground. I've been reading your iTunes reviews, Ben, and kind of mixed results. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:24 That's been a lot of the recent ones, I suppose. It's true. We remain, as ever, the most and best reviewed Star Trek podcast on the internet. And for that, we've got to thank our myriam friends of DeSoto for doing that. Yeah. I exchanged some emails with Andy Sikunda of Star Trek, the next conversation, and he was very complimentary of our high iTunes ranking. Oh, yeah. That was nice to hear. Little, you know, I did the little bit. Are you starting another rap beef with another Star Trek podcast? I
Starting point is 00:04:03 think that those guys might actually get it. Yeah, they would get the beef. Yeah. But it was nice. I mean, I'd feel bad now because I got to do that move where you take your fingernails and you polish them against your shirt while you're receiving the compliment. Oh, yeah. I mean, me and the viewers at home are watching you do that right now.
Starting point is 00:04:23 I'm extremely talented at receiving Adam And you have extremely polished fingernails. Yeah, look at these things. Anyone who makes you Yeah, it's like the first thing people notice about you catching the glint of the candlelight It's beautiful. It creates a beautiful ambience. Yeah sure does It is a weird question to answer what do you do? It still is as we keep hiring people we're making that their problem as well. Yeah, we're spreading that problem around It's part of our master plan
Starting point is 00:04:57 I think the more people work with and for us the the less embarrassment. Yeah, we're gonna feel about it Yeah, yeah, did any Secunda have anything to say about how embarrassed he should be? Is that having a Star Trek podcast? Because you should be embarrassed, Andy. Yeah, I mean, you and everyone else who has a Star Trek podcast. We did the, we licked the cookie on that as a tagline,
Starting point is 00:05:20 so they can't use it, but in spirit, I think all Star Trek podcasts should have a little bit of that energy. Look at you, exchanging phone calls with Andy Sikonda, me exchanging texts with John Champion, like even as we speak. Wow. We're a part of the greater embarrassment universe. I often wear my memory alpha t-shirt around. Yeah. Yeah. I've been a guest on a Star Trek and the Jews and on random trek. Yeah. Have you been on any of these shows? Yeah. You you never miss an opportunity to remind me about how much more frequent of a guest
Starting point is 00:06:00 you are on other shows than I am. No one asks, I think what happens, Ben, if I were to speculate, I think the request goes into our shared work email inbox. And then you get it first. You read it first and respond to it first, and then you delete it, so I never see it. And then that's how you end up being a guest on all these shows.
Starting point is 00:06:23 I have a sort of a national parks style approach to our shared email inbox, which is leave no trace. That's also, you not only have a national parks philosophy to the email inbox, you also have a sex toy rule about the email inbox. You also have a sex toy rule about the email inbox. It goes the very same way. Leave no trace without a base. Yeah, I like the most dangerous types of anal toys that they make. Yeah, you put the widening first. That's what you do. You know, among all of the constellation of Star Trek podcasts, I would consider ours to be the widest based. Yeah, it's the one that's least likely to send you to the emergency room. I think so, you know. Yeah. You're not going to swerve off throughout laughing at a
Starting point is 00:07:24 joke. What are the things that we know about the greatest generation? Wide base, dishwasher safe. There's a lot of it to say. Safe for all lubricants. Yeah. It's CFC free. It doesn't have, you know, you can like put a hot liquid in it and it's going to be
Starting point is 00:07:40 okay. Takes one of those science class batteries, like that big brick thing. Oh yeah. That's unfortunate that that's how it's powered, but. Yeah, yeah. But those get cheaper and cheaper every. Yeah. Gotta take those into the office to get recycled.
Starting point is 00:07:58 Or like a staples, you know. Why does this battery smell like a butt? Ha, ha, ha, ha. Sir, this battery smell like a butt? Sir, this is a Wendy's. Yeah. Well, Adam, we have a big episode to review today. And the further down this anal sex toy rabbit hole, we go, the, the, the less likely we are to find a transition into talking about it. So I'm just going to pull the rip card now. Alright, fair enough, let's get into it, Ben. It's Star Trek Voyager Season 3 Episode 9.
Starting point is 00:08:33 9! It's 9! Futures End! Part 2. After the catch-up reel, we get a scene where Paris is repairing Rain Robinson's blowpunked. You are the Blast Hook!
Starting point is 00:08:52 Wow, she continues absolutely hounding him on his secret agent lifestyle. She is totally on to his shit. Boy, you can tell why she's still single, huh? Give him a break, Rain. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:06 Jesus. Up with bullshit, she shall not put. Well, she lost a credence tape in that deck. She's gonna want that back. Right. Yeah, and when we plug something in and a little puff of smoke comes out, she knows that that credence tape is no more. Uh-oh.
Starting point is 00:09:21 Yeah. But you get the sense that she's not just computer smart, but she's also perceptive and people smart. She's seeing all of these weird word choices and amiss pronunciations that Paris is using, that are proof that he's from a different era. You do that a lot. You get things not quite right. Am I making any sense here? I thought it was a little bit fucked up that he used the lie strategy that a million boyfriends have used
Starting point is 00:09:46 to gaslight their girlfriends. Like what are you talking about? You're nuts for thinking things are weird. These are normal behaviors. I always smell like perfume. That's my shower gel. I bought these pants with glitter. That's the style of the color. It just comes with a lipstick
Starting point is 00:10:07 stain on it. I'm always drunk. That's my secret. There's a moment here where Sarah Silverman really does the audition, I feel like. And her sincerity that she brings to her dialogue here, I think is so much more real than it has to be on the page. She's really good. Yeah. They thought about casting her as a like main cast member after this. They should have done more than think about it. Yeah. She rules. Um, Jerry Ryan instead. Spoiler alert. I mean, Jerry Ryan instead. It's a spoiler alert. I mean, Jerry Ryan rules too. Yeah. But, uh, poor K, no last both. Yeah. I mean, listen, if we hadn't had Jerry Ryan on Voyager, Barack Obama wouldn't have been president and a lot of history would be really different.
Starting point is 00:10:59 Would I trade two terms of Barack Obama for another five seasons of Sarah Silverman or Star Trek Voyager. It's a tough question, right? Man. God damn. It's a weird question, but it's a real question. Yeah, I've got a question. Would you trade five seasons of Sarah Silverman for the two terms of the Barack Obama administration? I'm going to go get myself some popcorn. I'll take not read the comments. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:37 Get a life. For the record, we're not inviting anyone to comment about that on the internet. That's for us to make a joke about. Here's two Voc with breakfast. Two Voc who, God, there are so many scenes in this two partners that have enough camera that I wish we were there. Like the truck, the truck jacking is one of them. But also two Voc buying a fast food breakfast. Oh man, eject that into my veins. I want to know exactly how he got from the entrance to a fast food restaurant to what he ordered and brought back. I know, I know, I know, and like at 9 a.m. also like the fast food employees are like, okay, and a chili dog, all right? And like it's sort
Starting point is 00:12:17 of the reverse falling down where the fast food restaurant is still serving breakfast and only serving breakfast. I want to be your buddy Rick. And Tuvac is just behind the counter neck pinching people and making him a chili dog. Yeah, yeah. She makes a joke when he brings it over that this is like what you order at Dodger Stadium. And he has the COVID testing site. I mean, I've heard of it, but... This is why in every subsequent scene depicted in the van all the windows are down.
Starting point is 00:12:48 Yeah, they're like Murph, everyone is ripin' ass left and right. Oh, he just keeps going, doesn't he? We cut out the scene where everyone's very complimentary about the chili dogs and the pizza and the soda for breakfast because it tastes that much better than anything Neulix has ever made. You say this is mountain-do code red. I thought that there was kind of an interesting missed opportunity here to talk about the food though.
Starting point is 00:13:18 Because they have a choice between Nelix food or replicator food and that's a terrible choice. or a delicious food or replicator food, and that's a terrible choice, right? And they have a gastrointestinal system that's become used to having things beamed out of it. Right. They have got to be rocked by this. This should cripple the episode. Yeah, like they're taking dumps for the first time in their lives.
Starting point is 00:13:39 Jesus, too lucky. You know you have to wipe. You know you have to wipe. You know you have to take those off before you shit, right? But also, like, a role of woven paper products was next to the commode. We know that they're like weirded out by eating real animal meat in the future also. So, like, there's a lot of missed opportunities surrounding the food.
Starting point is 00:14:08 Why doesn't this taste like shit? It's pretty good for shit. Yeah, yeah, like you can understand there's only a two-parter and only so much time but more fish is out of waters, would be my vote. Yeah, make it a three-parter and make the middle part a number two-parter Yeah. So what are they going to do now? Yeah. Their combat just don't work and they need to get in touch with the ship to give them their
Starting point is 00:14:33 position. So the plan they come up with is to head back up to the Griffith Park Observatory and use Sarah Silverman's existing equipment to get a message devoider because it's already done that. Pretty good plan. And it's burrito- and use Sarah Silverman's existing equipment to get a message to Voyager, because it's already done that, pretty good plan. And it's Burrito Eyes to Theme. But it really is like one eye to theme, because it looks like Paris is winking, and Wayne Robinson here at the end.
Starting point is 00:14:56 I can't tell if it's sun in his eyes or if he's being a little flirty. It's something I was definitely paying attention to as the episode went on. You get away from her. Tom Parris. I saw her first. I'm getting getting all sorts of feelings for Rain Robinson, who you know,
Starting point is 00:15:13 just demolishes a chilly dog in this scene. When we come back from theme, we get a pretty funny Muglothlin group that involves Ensign Kim rolling out that plan that a commander Braxton or whatever came up with. You never see a chart get rolled out on a table in Star Trek. Yeah. You never have to clear off a table in order to roll one out though. Right.
Starting point is 00:15:40 Nobody ever has a cup of coffee at a meeting in Star Trek. There are no dirty desks on Star Trek, are there? They really aren't. It's like a laptop and maybe a book. It's the most you ever see. I'm just looking around at my own desk. What do you see on your desk? I see a viewfinder that I was given by Big Rod.
Starting point is 00:15:59 I have a mini-Horgon. I have all of our challenge coins. I have our Lego mini-figs that were given to us. Those are great. I've got, I think those are from the, you haven't seen what? Podcasts. I've got my road podcasting board.
Starting point is 00:16:16 I've got my wrist rest. I've got a bunch of concert ticket stubs. Oh, that's adorable. I've got vitamins. I've got, I've got, I've got anything with a flared base's adorable. I've got vitamins. I've got... Get anything with a flared base over there? I've got... Cand-Air.
Starting point is 00:16:28 I've got a filthy desk as I'm trying to say. I've got pens and chapstick and coasters and shit all over the place. Hmm, that's upsetting. It's the sign of a dirty mind, isn't it? You're supposed to take your pants off before you do that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:47 I usually think of you as having a fairly squared away desk. I haven't given the attention it deserves clearly. I need to do some tidying up. My whole house is a mess from the puppy bin. Like every area could use some attention. So. You've got a chaos agent inside the house. Yeah, I think I've become more comfortable with mess,
Starting point is 00:17:09 and I don't like that about me. One thing about the Mugloffling Group that really surprised me is when they throw the conch to Nielix and he talks about what their media exposure has led to. The end of the last episode, it made it feel like such a big deal that the local evening news had footage of Voyager flying through the night sky in Los Angeles. And maybe it's like an era thing because if this was today, there would be a million
Starting point is 00:17:42 angles of the Voyager flying through the night sky, and it would be basically impossible to explain away as fake footage. But he's like, yeah, like the reputable news agencies have all kind of settled on this being a hoax, but the government is the only ones that care. I, it just shocked me. Like I was like, that was like the big, like one of the biggest deals at the end of the last episode
Starting point is 00:18:07 was holy shit, all of humanity knows that there's a spaceship in LA. Yeah, I mean, Nielux really glosses over it when he pivots into the spice channel and how if you watch the scrambled version long enough, there are several seconds where it clears right up. Yeah. You can see a boob. Yeah. Janeway has like Mr.
Starting point is 00:18:28 Nielix, can you transfer some of this information to the holodeck so we can get into it in a little more detail? Ballana, I want you to work on a descrambling algorithm. One of the thrusts of this meeting is that Ed Baker is that Ed makes the space channel, but the thrust still 20% of their computer data. And it's so it's not like it was a copy paste. It was a straight up transfer, which leaves a lot of room in their tax documents folder
Starting point is 00:18:57 for things like the space channel. Right. Yeah. Which Belon is talking about they're trying to replace as much as they can, but the spice channel would help, you know? The doctor counts as like four spice channels worth of data because the doctor's missing too. And that's just on the laundry list of things that they're dealing with.
Starting point is 00:19:16 They have no weapons and also Paris and two Vocs are still lost. So I didn't get to it. They get word from Paris and two Voc. Two Voc has like rigged up a flip phone style cell phone to call the Voyager. The signal's not great, but he reports in that they're back at the observatory, and they have a new friend in Sarah Silverman.
Starting point is 00:19:39 We have become associated with the young woman employed at the Astronomical Laboratory. They think they can trust her, so the captain is pretty excited about this. They've got boots on the ground. The only thing that seems to be working in their favor is how little Starling knows about his own stolen technology, right? Like, that's the wild card. He's got all of this great shit. And he knows how to use it, like, he's good at using it.
Starting point is 00:20:01 But he also doesn't know that if he uses it in a certain way, he's gonna kill himself when everyone else. Yeah, I had really forgotten about the doctor at this point in the episode. We're like almost nine minutes into the episode before the doctor appears and Starling like comes back to his office and materializes the doctor
Starting point is 00:20:21 and basically treats the doctor as sort of a hostage slash torture victim. I like how Starling supports my argument for how dangerous and dumb he is for both knowing and not knowing how the tech works in that moment where he takes the doc's combat. Because takes the doc's combat because that doesn't do shit. But to startling, it might. And that's an example of how he knows surface level stuff about 24th century tech. But he does not know that that's not
Starting point is 00:20:56 going to do anything to the hollow doctor. How did you feel about the mention the doc makes of his lost memory and the the fact that he's like rebuilding in this scene. Finally, was how I felt. I was surprised that they brought it back at this point because like they should almost not bring it up. It's been so long.
Starting point is 00:21:15 Yeah, but like kind of an interesting moment for this to be where they choose to mention that that is still a going concern. Yeah, yeah. Anyways. to mention that that is still a going concern. Yeah, yeah. Anyways, there is a fun transference of power in this scene with Doc Hollodey's perceived imperviousness to whatever Starling throws at him. His diagnosis of a bipolar disorder as kind of a not only can you not hurt me, I'm going to diagnose you on the spot with your shit. Starling. Dinosys as weapon.
Starting point is 00:21:47 The paranoid response indicative of bipolar personality disorder. And then, Starling immediately torturing him for that. Yeah, pretty brutal. The doc is being subjected to pain for the first time. And one of the pains he's subjected to is like what it would feel like to be on fire, which is really upsetting. And he's trying to apply the doctor for information about Voyager, but kind of gets distracted by a call from Sarah Silverman. Did you think that the information that he got from the doc would go anywhere? I was surprised
Starting point is 00:22:22 that it kind of didn't. Like this was just kind of torture for torture's sake. It's, it's suggested that he'd get useful information from him about Voyager, but it doesn't seem as though he uses any of that down the road. Right. It implies that like in a situation where he needs to bargain with the Voyager, his being in possession of the doc is kind of a trump card because it's not just that he controls the doc. He can also subject the doc to suffering, which I feel like Janeway would not discount in her calculation, but that doesn't wind up becoming a factor because Reyn does successfully draw Starling out and he and Dunbar and the doc go go out to downtown LA where where rain is waiting for them.
Starting point is 00:23:10 It's weird to see the doc in the in the bright light of day. Yeah. He plays it cool though. He hops out of the car. He's got a little gadget on the shoulder of his uniform. Finally get to see the doc. Take it a walk. Yeah. From a distance, two back in Paris is watching this scene.
Starting point is 00:23:30 The plan is for Starling to go to Sarah Silverman's van. And this very sophisticated plan is foiled when Starling wants Sarah Silverman's character to come to the town car instead. Didn't think of that one. They're like, fuck! God! Damn it!
Starting point is 00:23:50 We put our dirty on these in the briefcase and we threw it off the bridge and they were all in your ass the entire fucking time! Ah! And this just gives two-bock and Paris away. Like, they're across the entire plaza, but this meltdown attracts a lot of attention. Yeah, all of Los Angeles. I mean, usually like a place where somebody ranting and raving would kind of go ignored,
Starting point is 00:24:21 because it's just kind of a part of the tapestry of the city, but it's really like, it's big enough that it gets people's attention. That is amazing. At the same time, we've got a BLT and Chicoate in a shuttle and route to the surface in a kind of reminder that they could have been using a shuttle the whole time. Why did they ever take the Voyager into the atmosphere? I don't know. whole time. Why did they ever take the Voyager into the atmosphere? No. Yeah. And the shuttle they talk about having like reconfigured the shield so that unless you're like literally like in visual range, this
Starting point is 00:24:54 thing will look on radar like it's a 20th century airplane. It's another scene where BLT is just telling Chico Te about her dreams. Jesus BLT, like keep something to yourself. Kind of an overshare. Chico Te is like,, like Jesus BLT, like keep something to yourself. Kind of an overshare. Chico Te is like, do you want me to get a Terry cloth towel that we can put down on that chair? It's good. She asked him what they would do
Starting point is 00:25:14 if they get stuck in 1996, and Chico Te kind of has big plans in a real, like Chico Te does not check his human privileges in discussing this with BLT. Yeah, I mean, it's a fully developed plan in a way that is a little weird in this context. Like Chicoote in control of a shuttle that by his own choice,
Starting point is 00:25:40 he could decide to make a better life here. Retired of some tropical island filled with naked women. choice, he could decide to make a better life here. Were he to go rogue in a style that the make-weez were sort of known for? And is starting over here not a better life than the one they have on the ship? I think you could make a pretty strong argument that it would be better if they just found an island somewhere and landed the shuttle there. You tell me that the shuttle doesn't have a laser printer. You could print out your paperwork and an ID and a diploma and a master's degree or something. You give BLT some bangs. She's good to go.
Starting point is 00:26:18 Oh, yeah. Bangs would do it. I mean, it would imply that she'd been through a really emotional experience recently, which... Yeah, and once the late 90s are over, what do you do then? What do you, yeah, that's cool. You gotta comb those things back. And then you start. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:36 But also, I was watching a movie set in the South of France in 1971 the other day, and I was like, what a romantic time, and then it like cuts down to street level and all the cars are like spewing horrible shit out the back of every single person that has a cigarette in their mouth and I was like, oh God, it would be so smoky. I would hate living in France in 1971.
Starting point is 00:26:57 A Citroen never passes smog. No, it does not. No, it does not. So the the plan does not go exactly according to plan Yeah, that's an often cow person line if I've ever heard one Hello myself to introduce my plan What would you say you do here? I can't wait to go do live shows again, man. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:35 Where that stuff just fucking hangs in the air in front of an audience. This guy is really quick, like verbally. Where you could just feel regret in person for buying a ticket to a thing. Pretty amazing feeling to just, like it saturates the air in a room. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:55 When Sarah Silverman sees Dunbar, she's like, that's the guy that was just shooting at me. Like, he's exactly why I'm scared right now. And he's like, no, no, no, don't worry. Your precious little head. He was trying to save you from those crazy men. They get into the car and Tuvac changes the plan on the fly. It gets new coordinates to Chicote,
Starting point is 00:28:15 who beams sterling. Ankylis or up to the shuttle. There's sort of, it's a struggle transport though, isn't it? He's really like, he's in the buffer on the shuttle for a while, and him being in the buffer starts scrambling the circuits of the shuttle. It starts bangering around. Yeah, I love the shot. Well, he's like mid transport holding up whatever little gadget he has.
Starting point is 00:28:39 Yeah, he's got with the psychic tricorder. And the look of like disgust and horror on Sarah Silverman's face watching this happen. Yeah, meanwhile in the front seat, the dock and Dunbar are just trading punches. Just brutalizing each other in a way that like is really fucked up. Dunbar is the fucking henchmen of henchmen though. This guy rules. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:03 He's using laser guns, he doesn't understand. He's punching people in the face as hard as he can. And those people he's punching are not feeling any pain. He's so brave. Later on, he turns on the time ship. I wondered about this. Dunbar must have equity. It must be more of a partnership.
Starting point is 00:29:21 Edwie Glejuigneer's the brains and Dunbar's the muscle, but Dunbar stands to gain just as much because like the problem with henchmen is that their employees, like there's no upside for them. The reason henchmen are incompetent in every movie and television show is that like who gives you shit at the end of the day? Like I don't need to help fucking the Bond villain
Starting point is 00:29:44 sink the planet or whatever. Like I'm not even. I'm not even. I'm not even ideologically to his crazy plan. Exactly. I really got a sense for his capability here, but Dunbar is a really impressive hench. You're right.
Starting point is 00:29:59 Yeah. And really distinguishes himself in these couple of episodes. I thought he was great. Yeah. Like a fun performance and more richly realized than I anticipated at the beginning. Yeah. But eventually, like Sarah Silverman has jumped out of the car and sprinted away, then the doc jumps out and sprints away.
Starting point is 00:30:21 It's really fun to see the doc like running as fast as he can. In a way that we've described before on Star Trek, like any character running as fast as they can just looks weird. You never see it. Especially in like a contemporary context. But Dunbar loses this fight, Sterling eventually disappears, but the shuttle is in really bad shape. So Janeway signals to Chicote that they're going to take over the transport at this point. They can like piggyback off of the transportor buffer on the shuttle and continue it with the ship's transportor, Dunbar speeds off and they get sterling to materialize on the transportporter Pad on Voyager. Why? Got tickets that lock them, get them all better largements here.
Starting point is 00:31:08 A Greatest Gen Live Show is something you don't want to miss. Why? Well, it's a great opportunity to see me and Ben in person, but that's not all. FODs from all over gather at these shows to cosplay, to do pre and post show hangs, to make friends, and share their embarrassment. Hey, let's make a pretty great name for a tour. Let's do it! The Share Your Embarrassment Tour is coming in August 2023, and we've got a bunch of dates
Starting point is 00:31:37 in a lot of great places. Go to to get more info. That's for dates and ticketing information for the share your embarrassment tour. I'm Jordan Morris and I'm Jesse Thorne. On Jordan Jesse Go, we make pure, delightful nonsense. We were open awesome guests and bring them down to our level. We get stupid with Judy Greer. My friend Molly and I call it having the spaceweards. Pat Naswald. Could I get a ball-rock burger and some air-gorn fries?
Starting point is 00:32:07 Thank you. And Kumail Nanjiani. I've come back with cat toothbrushes, which is impossible to use. Come get stupider with us at Look, your podcast apps are already open. Just pull it out. Give Jordan Jesse Goatry.
Starting point is 00:32:20 Being smart is hard. Be dumb instead. Whoa, Russ. Be dumb instead. Oh, Russ, hey, hey, I'm about to found you in mine. These clouds are really freaking me out. I hate having to stand in line and boy, what do I? These giraffes do not smell good. No, they do not, and they've such short nacks. But I'm hearing we need to get on this off.
Starting point is 00:32:40 Gotta get on the art. It is about terrain. Gotta spout destroyed humanity. Hey, oh, sorry, sorry sorry sorry, are you Noah? Yeah, I know we look like humans, but we're actually, we're podcasters. Yes, totally. We are podcasters, so it's different. Have you heard of Ono Ross and Kerry? We investigate spirituality, claims of the paranormal, stuff like that.
Starting point is 00:32:56 And you have a boat and say the world's gonna end, so same life, something for us to check out. We would love to be on the boats. We came to by two. What do you think? Ono Ross and Kerry, available on I've got to get that luck wood knife. Are you selling a heist? Gold.
Starting point is 00:33:14 Kind of a lot happens during this commercial break, right? Like the shuttle has crashed and BLT and Shikote come to tied up in some fucking prepper storage room. It looks like and the vibe, like I know if I'm feeling this in 2022, what you're feeling in the late 90s is the pawn shop seen from Pulp Fiction. The way it's blocked, the mood of the whole thing, it, that's what it felt like to me. It felt so dangerous. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:44 I guess in retrospect, the pawn shop guys from Pulp Fiction would be insurrectionists. Absolutely. Yeah. The federal government is the beast. And that's like the people that have found Chico Te and BLT. And they're pretty frightening. Up on Voyager, the captain is explaining to Sterling that like his tricorder has been disabled and that he is their prisoner now. What are you gonna do? Shoot me. The thought has crossed my mind. All of us like in tandem and the doc explaining like now I can walk around because I have this gadget.
Starting point is 00:34:19 In short, I am Footloose and fancy free. The doc's energy like from this point through the rest of the episode, is like, he carries none of the trauma of having been tortured. He is just excited about the fact that his world has opened up suddenly. It's amazing the confidence you have when you realize you can't be hurt. Yeah, that's awesome. Janeway has some news about the crash shuttle so she calls two valkana cell phone She's got it vaguely on a bio bed. She's called him on a cell phone
Starting point is 00:34:53 A shuttle's crash. It's crews not dead. It is not a pun for thing That is not what this call means Janeway needs some to-toes rescuing That is not what this call means. Janeway needs some to-toes rescuing. Two Vox gonna do that thing. Ever since he went to Ella, you, you, you. Seeing two Vox on a cell phone here just brought that out of me. I loved it.
Starting point is 00:35:24 Very fun. So the interactionists are kind of like questioning Chico Te and BLT. They have nailed Chico Te as being an American Indian, but are very curious about BLT's head ridges. If you don't mind my asking, how far down do they go? One of these guys has the shotgun that Muldoon had in Jurassic Park. Yeah, that is a very specific weapon, huh?
Starting point is 00:35:49 He calls her a clever girl. These guys are your fucking classic Cliffs Notes Patriots who don't understand the context of the historical quotes they pair it. Yeah. Like they've got that super sensitive vibe that raises the stakes on every interaction they have. Right.
Starting point is 00:36:09 Because they think like an outside force, like any outside force represents a threat to their way of life when like, oh, because people aren't people we are personally familiar with, they must be spying on us because they have a weird plane. And. The sad part is no one really thinks about them at all.
Starting point is 00:36:29 Yeah. Like that, that kind of paranoia. And maybe that's the real problem. Maybe it's just the, the combination of making a lifetime of safe boring choices and being ignored by the cool kids in school. Yeah. And the successful adults at their high school reunion is just like a reason to conjure up this fall of civilization fantasy they have.
Starting point is 00:36:50 As a way to kind of even the playing field. Conveniently their conspiracy theory has made them like insiders with special information and interesting members of the body politic that they are not really in real life. Like it's all all a fantasy like at any point they could choose to do something that's interesting important or meaningful or generous but they'd rather just like tear things down to their level yeah, it's a narcissism that is hardened to reality because they believe so wholeheartedly in this system that is failing them,
Starting point is 00:37:27 that they can't see their way out of it. And they believe that they're somehow special because of that, but they're not. Yeah, I mean, they would be ignored, but they've got guns, so Chico, TNBL, to your force to listen to him. He does that thing where he drags the folding chair over and sits down with his shotgun and tells them basically buckle up right up here for a while. The beast has many
Starting point is 00:37:49 heads and I'm looking at two of them. You get the feeling that this can be like a Waco situation. At least I did. I really do. I wrote Waco down in my nose. I wonder how present that was for people watching at the time. I mean it was pretty recent, right? Yeah. It was Waco 93. You hit it on the money, Ben. Congratulations. They have it beguly in 6 Bay and they're getting ready to interrogate him in there. The captain kind of checks in with Tuvac on his celly and explains that Chicocha and Torres are MIA. So, two-vac and the doctor are gonna have to go look into things with them
Starting point is 00:38:32 and Paris is going to stay with rain in the bump mobile and find the time ship in Los Angeles, right? You can feel Paris in this moment. It's like being in a class where the teacher is partnering students up to work on a project and you're just hoping that you're paired up with the right person and not the wrong person. Paris does not want to go to Arizona. Paris wants to stay with rain. And when Janeway assigns two-vac and the doctor to go to Arizona, he's like, signs two back and the doctor to go to Arizona. He's like, ah, thank God.
Starting point is 00:39:04 The doctor's like, uh, Captain, I'm bald. Uh, I think Arizona might be hazardous to my skin health. Do you think, uh, maybe Paris could do that one? And I could say with rain, the doctor's like, I'm bald. He's bald. What do you think I mean, bald? Bald, bald? Ball. Ball ball.
Starting point is 00:39:27 So they split up. Janeway really starts to play hardball with Starling. This like interrogation scene is pretty intense. She's not the only one with hardballs, though. Starling's like, hey, you fuck with that time ship. It's Rigg do explode, which is basically going to create like a judgment day situation in LA. You've seen Terminator 2 judgment day, right?
Starting point is 00:39:48 It's got a lot of the same themes as this episode. Yeah, it's got like a nuclear booby trap, but she's also pulling no punches. She's like, I am considering just killing you because of the danger you pose. I love Kate Mulkouzgear here. This is something that this is a well that she draws from all the time. She is once again Videa and disgusted with Starling here. And when she whips around and walks off, we see she's wearing a hair decoration that I haven't seen before. Yeah, yeah. A whole new look.
Starting point is 00:40:23 Yeah. For Captain Janeway. I like it. His plan is to go to the 29th century and steal a bunch more tech that he can commercialize in his day and, you know, like really plays the billionaire behavior realistically. Like he's like the tw- like if- so what if I destroy Earth 900 years from now? I've got money to make now. The people on Voyager appear pretty safe from the time ship's danger, but what they don't know is that Dunbar is inside that very same time ship hitting buttons, trying to find Starling.
Starting point is 00:40:58 Yeah. He's a loyal hench. The bond of trust between Starling and Dunbar is so strong that Starling has armed Dunbar with a ray gun, you know Who's got more trust? Starling in Dunbar or Rain Robinson in Tom Paris. The trust between Rain Robinson and Tom Paris is building at this point We really start in the trough at the at the beginning of this episode Yeah, but I think that their loins are drawing them toward a more trusting Yeah, situation. Yeah, they've got trust loin' tappin'ing that maybe absent from the starling
Starting point is 00:41:33 Dunbar relationship. Perfect black make it yourself. I'm trying to help you see this as an opportunity to grow. Make it yourself. That gun voyage or two-vac has new so He calls Janeway on his cell phone They're all the way to a Rizzoan a call's around a cell phone Starling transports off the ship It is not a pun for thing
Starting point is 00:42:01 That is not what this call means Starlings good at escaping. But two bucks busy rescuing. I started wondering why we were starting recording half an hour late today. Now I know. Yeah, I had to do a bunch of pre-writes. Which are not that good. Adam Stokes are not that good. Adam Stokes are not that good. I like them.
Starting point is 00:42:29 Rain and Paris definitely warming to each other, driving around LA. Much like Chicote and BLT, like having a flirtatious vibe, and you could see them making a new life here. If you're Paris, why would you go back? I mean, it's kind of in the text of the scene, right? Like she's talking about his being very unusual
Starting point is 00:42:52 compared to other men that she's met because he cares about things bigger than himself. Yeah. And those things are almost down to instinct for him. It's not like, it's not a put on. It's not like he's... Things we know that are bigger than himself include Harry Kim's crank You know if it for no where the reason he should he should leave the sexual orbit of Harry Kim
Starting point is 00:43:18 I have a chance. Yeah, he would he would be in LA with a snowball's chance in hell You know what maybe that's why he never in fights invite Train Robinson up to Voyager at the end of the episode. He knows he'd lose her to Harry Kim. He doesn't want to m in talking leader her. Yeah. Yeah. So Dunbar manages to rescue Sterling from Voyager.
Starting point is 00:43:42 This happens off screen. This is like a Harry Kim going like we're getting a transporter signal and then like a less than one second long clip where they cut in him disappearing from six bay. And then he's just back in his office, clicking away on his computer. Dunbar comes in goes, hey boss, good to see you. Yeah, it feels like they are as close to launching the time ship as ever. They're Dunbar and sterling the only two people that work at Front Hour X. It's got to be kind of a creepy lobby area.
Starting point is 00:44:15 Just a one Starbucks barista waiting for the only two employees to walk through Everything on the menus like $500 so they're gonna afford to pay the rent in the lobby there You know, it's great about the Kronauer X building is that you call the elevator and it's right there Just bang like a button That's nice. Yeah So rain and Paris pull up to the the parking lot downstairs and a truck gets moving and they they cop this as having some tacky on reading. So this must be the the time ship getting moved tacky on emissions. There's kind of a feeling of relief here that this isn't goodbye just yet they get to spend a little more time together and that's great. Yeah, because because rain's been like
Starting point is 00:45:03 inviting him on dates and stuff and he's like trying to let her down easy, but they realize like maybe they will in fact have to spend more time together. And I don't think either of them are mad at that. No. You wouldn't mind hanging with me for a while longer, huh? So, that's the good. That's the echo song.
Starting point is 00:45:21 Back at the Denim Dan Compound, the feds have arrived. At least it sounds that way, right? We hear the fire fight, but it's lasers and firearms. Yeah. That we hear. And they start shooting at the dock at the top of the stairs, and he stands there like the bullets are just passing through him.
Starting point is 00:45:39 He's like Neo from the Matrix or something. Yeah. I guess the gadget on his arm is also bulletproof and like bookshotproof because like there are like big chunks of wall falling out of the wall behind him as the stuff hits it and he is not worried in the slightest. That's sort of the reason you use a combat shotgun is for its blast pattern, like, you're gonna hit your target down range. And I guess even this idiot misses the target. God in heaven help us. Divine intervention is unlikely.
Starting point is 00:46:17 I love how the duck so casually returns fire here. Yeah, he returns fire like he's indicating on a whiteboard with. Yeah. I thought I'd get telescoping pointer. It's great. Good stuff. He rescues BLT and chicote. Good job, Doc. And then chicote has a weird line about how he's going to get some pipe hitting makeweas to come down here and go medieval on the insurrectionists ass and then the internet forevermore will be torn and debate about whether he means like they like hit people with pipes or their drug addicts who hit crack pipes.
Starting point is 00:46:52 Yeah. And what he's talking about there. Yeah. There's a there's a bandaid on the Doc's neck on the back of it. Don't know what that's from. I explained. Kind of an interesting detail. We cut to a desert road in Victorville, California, Penn.
Starting point is 00:47:07 Yeah. It's favorite. Long time viewers of the show will know. You're home away from home. We'll know a Victorville check. The last major video job I ever had basically was a month long job out in Victorville. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:22 Right. I became a regular at the BJ's restaurant. Stayed at the holiday inn out there. Try staying at a holiday inn for a month, Ben. Just try. It's my fantasy. It's my fantasy. Great country out there. Yeah. The imagery here really reminded me of that opening scene in Tango and cash, the single big rig truck being chased by a smaller vehicle.
Starting point is 00:47:47 Or dual, just the idea of car versus truck is such an iconic conflict. Yeah. An American conflict. Really fun imagery here. Yeah. Dunbar's at the wheel of the semi truck. He's doing that thing where he's shooting his weapon
Starting point is 00:48:01 out of the window, except he's got a laser gun that just vaporizes things, but he misses. And Paris gets rain to get the van up closer so he can shoot out a tire and he does. He does. But I thought that for sure they were going to get that shot of the semi, like hitting a bad angle and tipping over. But no, they cut away from it. And it's kind of like a weird incongruous cut
Starting point is 00:48:27 because he's like, are we safe? And she's like, I think so. And then it cuts to the like empty road. And then the semi appears coming back the other way, which is like, what? Over a hill. You didn't have time to get that far away. It's a very useful hill for this composition.
Starting point is 00:48:42 Yeah. It looks like Dunbar is gonna ram the VW bus, and Paris and Reyn have to do that. They have to do the Jordi dive basically, which is a premature dive and roll. Yeah, yeah. A dive and roll that would give Dunbar an opportunity to pick one of them to squish instead of the bus. But he does not get that chance an opportunity to pick one of them to squish instead of the bus. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:05 But he does not get that chance because the race car shuttle comes down out of the sky and wicks a shot at the front of the truck. And he changes his name from Dunbar to dead bar. RSVP Dunbar. Unfortunately, no RSVP to an actual semi-truck. They use an effect shot here, which is unfortunate, but understandable. Yeah, they did not really blow up a $160,000 big rig. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:40 Also, they did not blow up a time ship. The time ship was not in there. It's a switcheroo. They put like a transponder to spoof that in the back of the truck and turns out the time ship is back at the Cranauer X building. Do you think Dunbar knew he was driving the bait rig? That's interesting. Because I've got such respect for Dunbar's henching that I'm trying to determine whether or not I have a greater respect or less respect for him based on the answer to that question.
Starting point is 00:50:10 I'm going to say that he did know because they probably like took the fake transponder down to the truck and turned it on together and then he's the only other employee at Crenower X. So like who else is gonna do that? He would have to have been wise. Yeah. On some level. You know, look wise. If the doc were there, he'd look at Dunbar's charred body and know exactly what that would have felt like. You know, I briefly felt that sensation about two hours ago. Very painful. Pretty glad I'm not a flesh and blood person because I would look like that. Right about now. We get a great shot of the time ship kind of reverse 9-Elephanine out of the Cranowarex building and taking off and it's headed to space, headed to warp.
Starting point is 00:51:02 I mean, Starling should have been a suspect from the beginning. He learned how to fly this time ship, but never learned how to land it. Hmm. Ha ha ha. I wonder because such death and destruction when he went to the 29th century. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:16 They need to shoot it, but they don't have phasers and they can't trigger a photon launch from the bridge. So the captain in the grand tradition of Star Trek colon generations heads down to do some surgery on a torpedo. I got very excited for this scene. The idea of going to a brand new ship set intrigued me. Once again, we're giving Kim the big chair during an important moment.
Starting point is 00:51:41 Indeed. And the stakes have never been higher. Should be second nature to you by now. Crap. We get intense chemise, and then we cut back down to the road in the desert outside of Victorville. Where the last remaining stake in shake is. Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha.
Starting point is 00:51:58 Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha. And the last remaining goodbye kiss between Tom Paris and Rain Robinson. Have you ever shot outside where there was just a surprising amount of wind? I had to do this a lot at the many airports that I shot outside at and it is so fucking frustrating to shoot talent in that kind of environment because you're not like greasing back anyone's hair. You're not going to put an executive in that kind of environment because you're not like greasing back anyone's hair. You're not gonna put an executive in a hat.
Starting point is 00:52:27 You're just gonna do take after take until you find a spot where the wind dies down and this scene made me think of that because there is just so much wind blowing Sarah's over a miter around that like to get a kiss that keeps the hair out of their mouths had to be so hard. So hard.
Starting point is 00:52:43 I was also just feeling for her because she has a face full of sunlight. And when you're on camera and facing the sun, you can't squint the way like normal people do when they're facing the sun, not on camera. And she keeps her peepers all the way open the entire time in a way that I was like, God, like I bet her eyes felt like shit for like a week after this. Cuckoo.
Starting point is 00:53:08 Black and chalky, black and fake, fake it, fake it, fake it yourself. After that kiss goodbye, we cut back up to the bridge and the away team reenters. Everybody is pretty dirty, except for Tom Paris and the doctor. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:22 BLT and Jicote are quite be dragiled as is too Voc and Paris smell like a chilly dog shit. Yeah, and the doctor is just walking around the bridge like, Hey, this is great. Isn't this neat? I'm on the bridge, guys. Wow, this whole thing is very interesting. And they're like, yeah, yeah, yeah, buddy, like we got kind of bigger fish to fry right now. This is a heavy moment because Jane weighs in the torpedo room, everyone is back on the bridge, everyone's kind of preparing for the worst in this moment.
Starting point is 00:53:50 Yeah. Because if Janeway can't get a manual lock on the time ship, it's over for everyone. They discuss like whether or not this disaster is inevitable, is it like a foregone conclusion because we know it already happened based on the fact that Commander Braxton tried to kill us in the 24th century. Like, does that make this a fate of complete and we're just completing the time loop right now? Yeah. And Tricote rejects that
Starting point is 00:54:18 and they lick this shot. They expend another torpedo on the time ship. this shot. They expend another torpedo on the time ship. I like that there seems to be a sort of plunger device to manually shoot a torpedo out of a voyager. Which Janeway hits and it knocks her out. It knocks her out. Great take from Edvegley Jr. realizing that his his goose is cooked. his goose is cooked. And he explodes and the temporal rift collapses and the voyager crew grapple with the idea that there's not going to be a way to reopen it. They don't grapple too long though, right? And that rift isn't closed too long either. It is not. Because it appears once again and out of it emerges another time ship and Captain Braxton announces himself like a time travel tow truck captain. He's there to bring them back to their own time. But not back to Earth. Even though they all
Starting point is 00:55:17 ask really nicely. Yeah. If he'll do that. This is where you just got to know the tip, guys. Like a tow truck driver will take you to your destination. You just need to tip them. You need to make it worth their while. Yeah. It's an interesting scene because it's kind of like the Expo dump to the end of a detective show or something. Like, I knew that the killer had entered through the window
Starting point is 00:55:42 because he's like, we have a temporal prime directive. I can't return you to your desired destination in your time because what we do is police time and make sure things aren't in the wrong place at the wrong time. It gives you this logical framework for why Braxton did what he did and why he's doing what he's doing now, despite the fact that his memory doesn't contain the part
Starting point is 00:56:06 of history where he was homeless for 30 years in 20th century Earth. I like how little he says about it. I think that's crucial. It's so efficient. And it doesn't feel like a Deus Ex Machina or anything, like it works in the episode, which is kind of the biggest magic trick of this two-parter.
Starting point is 00:56:23 The vibe here is so, so sad. When they realize that they're going back to the D-quad, and everyone's lost a little something here. I mean, all of them have lost the hope of being transported back to Earth, but Paris is feeling the loss of his minuet, you know? I tried variations on the program others appear, but I'm in you went. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:56:48 The only person that's really come out ahead in this is the doc. Yeah, who is in the button of this episode, a toast in the mess hall where they celebrate another successful mission, which I guess they don't do all the time, or maybe they do, and it just happens off camera. Yeah. The doc is free to use his
Starting point is 00:57:10 Hollywood midter as he pleases. Yeah. And he notes that he doesn't really have a place to live. That's too bad. And the captain is like gonna be really stingy about giving him quarters. Like for what reason we don't know that bum me out Dr. You must earn quarters on this ship. It's like what about the room that Brad Dorif recently gave up there's a hole in it. It's fine. He can make the whole work Yeah, so uh that is a futures end part two. Did you like this episode Adam? I really did.
Starting point is 00:57:56 Really great two-parter. I love the concentrated sadness at the end of this episode before that button. Like we hang in that scene for a couple of seconds, and I thought that was really well done. It's a nonverbal moment to experience that realization with them, and that so many people are feeling that really hit hard for me. The only thing about this two-parter that I didn't like was becoming so attached to Rain Robinson that not getting the Dr. Jillian jump into the transporter moment with her where she gets to come up to the ship even for a little while.
Starting point is 00:58:31 Yeah. Would have been fun. Like, I would have accepted a visit, but I would have loved a stay. Like, I don't know when we're going to get seven of nine on the show. You say that we had to choose between her and Jerry Ryan, but like, well, specifically Rick Berman had to choose. I'm sure he did. But, um, but like, it's too bad that we couldn't have some Sarah Silverman in the episodes leading up to that if there is some time because Sarah Silverman was fucking great in the show. And she rolled from this right into Larry
Starting point is 00:59:01 Sanders show, like, basically the same week, she finished up here and she went into that and her acting career began. She's so great in this. And, you know, I'm on the record as having a deep skepticism of the use of time travel in Star Trek. When it is successful, it is really successful. And I think like Star Trek for this is an example of that.
Starting point is 00:59:22 Yeah. It's such a fun episode. It's so tight,, it starts so many threads in the first episode of the arc that it is able to resolve in a gratifying way by the end of the second that, man, I just had a blast watching it. It's really awesome. They really didn't choose the cheap laughs in this either. I mentioned before, I could have used more fish out of more water.
Starting point is 00:59:47 I mean, but those are comedy moments not taken. Tuvac unwrapping a chili dog, like a dirty diaper and gazing upon it before eating it is a moment like that's a cheap laughter right there that they chose against. That's only the kind of laughter that I show like this would stoop to going for. That's true. Yeah. So as you say, they chose right. Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 01:00:11 Well, do you want to see if anyone has chosen to arrange for a priority one message on this episode? I would never consider RP1s to be dirty diapers to unwrap then. But I'm bringing the powder anyway. Yeah, why not? Hope for the best and prepare for the worst. That's what we do every time.
Starting point is 01:00:32 Priority one message from Starfleet coming in on Secured Channel. Need a supplement on top. Supplement on top? Supplement. Supplement. Yeah, it's extra. The interest alone could be enough to buy this ship. Ben our first priority one message is from Ben and it is too Ben and Adam. Message goes like this, thank you for the title of episode 371, often your titles are
Starting point is 01:00:55 mysterious to me, until I watch the episode, but I immediately understood this one and, for possibly the first time since I started watching Greatest Gen way back in the very beginning, I was laughing before I even pressed play. You two are idiots. Please don't ever change. Ben, what was the title of episode 371? The title of 371, of course, was my neck, my back, my reproductive sack. That was one of your finest moments. That was great, great work by you. One of the great titles.
Starting point is 01:01:31 I do like that that is, if you've seen that episode, you know what that title is about. Fun times, fun times, we're head by all. Then get us. Yeah, I'm not going to tell you one way or the other whether I'm the person that bought that P1. Wow. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:49 Yeah. But our second priority one message is from your silly girl and it is two Allen and it goes like this. Happy birthday, Parma Kai. Another trip round the sun. You're a wonderful human. And just keep getting better. Your patience and resiliency have helped us get through
Starting point is 01:02:11 our own year of hell stronger than ever. There's no one else I'd rather have by my side on life's journey. Here's to next year's adventure together. Love you, you're Lindsey. That's a bit of a belated birthday message to Alan, but hopefully still heartfelt. Wow, what a sweet thought by Lindsay to Alan. Indeed.
Starting point is 01:02:32 Years of hell more like. Yeah, really stacking them and racking them. Years of hell-wise these days. Yeah. Yeah, Alan, Alan's a lucky person. Well, if you'd like to get a P1 on the show head to slash jumbo drum. You know, I'm maybe easy to get along with, most of the time, but I don't like bullets, I don't like friends, and I don't like you. Hey Adam. Zappin. Did you find yourself a drunk Shimoda? I think for me it's gonna be
Starting point is 01:03:07 Starling just for being a smart playing dumb that's what Shimoda's all about right Shimoda was a was a genius yeah, Shimoda was an engineer but he was playing dumb and that's Starling here Starling smarter than this yeah he's making a lot of dumb decisions though out of avarice, right? He's a greedy man. He's a real Elon Musk type and that made him, yeah, that twisted his mindset, they talk about how poverty causes you to make decisions differently. Great wealth must as well. Yeah, and henching too. Henching makes you makes you do things that you would ordinarily do. Henching makes me feel good.
Starting point is 01:03:53 I wish they let Dunbar live. Yeah. Dunbar would have lived with secrets that are probably best not released though, right? Dunbar walks out of the flames of the semi truck, like the T1000. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha He is being intentionally lied to the entire time and is just like not going to stop busting Tom Parris's chops until he lets something slip and then what do you let slip is time-shamp. And he's still into him.
Starting point is 01:04:36 I like how they didn't write her as dumb, you know? Like she was quick and with it. Yeah, and when he treated her as dumb, she called him on it, you know. Yeah, yeah, really good character. Well one thing that is never ever, ever dumb, Ben, is the game of buttholes, the will of the profits. It's the board game that determines how we're going to review episodes of this show. That's true.
Starting point is 01:05:03 I've gone over there to take a look at where our runabout is and it is on square 35. Mo kidding. One square ahead as Nielix is galley. That's the square where we drink tilaxi and champagne while doing the show. That's a square you're very likely to hit given your unusually high propensity for rolling ones. Knowing all that, the last thing we need to know is what episode is coming up next? What's it gonna be? I'm so glad you asked Adam. It's season three episode 10, War Lord. An injured alien named Tyrann transfers his consciousness
Starting point is 01:05:37 into Kess's mind before he dies. He then gains control over her and uses her abilities to steal a shuttlecraft and return to his home world to attempt a political coup. Wow. I love that. They go down to that planet and she immediately just starts walking into broom closets. And he sailors in here. We're trying to start a coup.
Starting point is 01:05:58 From inside these Miriam broom closets. You're required to learn as you play. Roll. Well Adam, why don't you get the, uh, the dice in your hand. Roll it around. Maybe blow on it. Let us know how we will be consuming next week's episode. Oh boy, I rolled a five bin.
Starting point is 01:06:23 Oh, big roll. Tula! Did I win? Harvey. It puts the champagne up far into the rear view. It lands us on. Square 40, that, of course, is just a regular episode of the greatest generation on Dick. That's not bad, that's good.
Starting point is 01:06:39 No, we can drink champagne whenever we want. And drink champagne whenever we want. And drink champagne whenever we want. And drink champagne whenever we want. And drink champagne whenever we want. And drink champagne whenever we want. And drink champagne whenever we want. And drink champagne whenever we want. And drink champagne whenever we want. And drink champagne whenever we want. And drink champagne whenever we want. And drink champagne whenever we want. And drink champagne whenever we want. And drink champagne whenever we want. And drink champagne whenever we want. And drink champagne whenever we want. And drink champagne whenever we want. And drink champagne whenever we want. And drink champagne whenever we want. And drink champagne whenever we want. And drink champagne whenever we want. And drink champagne whenever we want. And drink champagne whenever we want. And drink champagne whenever we want. And drink champagne whenever we want. And drink champagne whenever we want. And drink champagne whenever we want. And drink champagne whenever we want. And drink champagne whenever we want. And drink champagne whenever we want. And drink champagne whenever we want. And drink champagne whenever we want. And drink champagne whenever we want. And drink champagne whenever we want. And drink champagne whenever we want. And drink champagne whenever we want. And drink champagne whenever we want. And drink champagne whenever we want. And drink champagne whenever we. And drink champagne whenever we want. That's the best case scenario. You think we need a game board square
Starting point is 01:06:45 to drink champagne on the show? We don't. No, we could just do it. Yeah, I do what I want. Try and stop us. Yeah, it's fun to do bad things on the show. It's fun to make a bad show. It is fun to realize the support
Starting point is 01:07:01 of the many friends of DeSoto out there that support comes from a number of different directions. We mentioned at the top of the many friends of DeSoto out there that support comes from a number of different directions. We mentioned at the top of the show all of the reviews that the show has received over the years. Now it's in its fifth year of production. Something like that. It's amazing. If you are a long time viewer of the show and have not yet reviewed it, do us a favor and give us a review on your pod catcher of choice. It really, really helps elevate the show like a bladder filling a sunken ship. Like rises our show to the top for more people to see it. Yeah, and that's what we want. We want more people to enjoy the show. If you'd like to get involved with a community of friends of DeSoto, they're all over the
Starting point is 01:07:43 place. You can go to If you're a discord person, there's the Facebook group. There's like a main Facebook group, and then there are all of these great breakout Facebook groups with different kind of specialty themes. Hey, listen, if you ever want me and Ben to become the Starling and Dunbar of Star Trek podcasting, it's gonna take money.
Starting point is 01:08:05 Money makes the world go round, and you can support the show financially. Began a Maximum Fund at Oracle Slash Join, clicking on the greatest generation family of shows there. It keeps us supported month to month, and on a show that is not cheap to produce. Well, it helps us cover the salary of our full-time producer when he pretty and also the hard work of the Card Daddy Bill Tilly who runs our social media
Starting point is 01:08:32 accounts. Follow us at Greatest Trek for some fun stuff. We got to thank Adam Ragusia who made our theme music and dark materia who made the original Picard song and with that we will be back at you next week with another great episode of Star Trek Voyager, and an episode of the greatest generation Voyager, in which one of us has had our minds replaced by an evil person, but you'll have to guess which one. That's already happened, right? Yeah, probably. Get to your new pick out of the UK, get to your new pick out of the UK, get to your new pick out of the UK, get to your new pick out of the UK, make it sound.
Starting point is 01:09:11 Make it sound. Your new pick out of the UK, get to your new pick out of the UK, get to your new pick out of the UK, make it sound. in culture. Artists owned. Audience supported.

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