The Greatest Generation - USS Patio (DS9 S5E2)

Episode Date: August 26, 2019

When a Jem’Hadar tick is found buried in a very sensitive area, Captain Sisko and company must tweeze through the wreckage. But when a Vorta appears with a bunch of her friends, Sisko becomes suspic...ious about what they’re covering up. Is grief something a character can earn? What are the rules of a portmanteau? Will the Federation ever declare war against the Jem’Hadar? It’s the episode that makes us look like a couple of chimney sweeps!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Priority 1 message from Starfleet coming in on Secured Channel. Hey friends of Disodo. Before today's episode, we just wanted to take a moment to talk about the historic labor actions being taken by writers and actors in the American Film and Television industry. If you're a fan of the work done by the people who make Star Trek, we hope you'll join us in standing in solidarity with the folks who actually bring these adventures to life. Over the past several years, the AMPTP, the organization that represents the American Film and Television Production Studios, have reduced the profit from movies and TV going to workers. And in so doing,
Starting point is 00:00:35 they've attempted to weaken the labor unions that represent those workers. They wouldn't even engage the unions on many issues in their negotiations. And so a strike was the only course of action to take. Adam, Wendy and I have been having a lot of internal discussions about how best to stand with the unions and we are continuing those conversations in a dynamic situation. We're doing our best to understand where the picket lines are in these digital spaces,
Starting point is 00:01:01 and we would never intentionally cross one. With the information we have, we feel like we can do more good talking about and supporting the strike and continuing our show as planned. We'll keep you informed about what all this means for greatest trek specifically. Today we're making a contribution to the Entertainment Community Fund. This fund exists to help all the people whose livelihoods have been put on hold because the AMPTP refuses to negotiate
Starting point is 00:01:25 in good faith with the unions. It provides financial support for writers, actors, and all the thousands of laborers who make the shows that we talk about here and without whom we wouldn't have Star Trek to cast pot about. Those folks are all out of work because billionaires, company shareholders, and the executives of these companies don't want to compromise on the length of their yachts. We hope you'll join us in supporting entertainment workers in a challenging time, especially after they've already endured several years of challenges brought on by the pandemic
Starting point is 00:01:55 and season two of Star Trek Picard. We've set up a page where you can also contribute. It's at That's friendsofdecisoto for That's friendsofdisoto for Link in the episode description. Okay, now let's get on with the show. Here's to the finest crew in Space Nine, a Star Trek podcast from a couple of guys who are a little bit embarrassed to have a Star Trek podcast. I'm Ben Harrison.
Starting point is 00:02:37 I'm Adam Pranica. I had a pretty harrowing emergency this morning. An actual emergency. Kind of. A emergency to us can be a lot different from a regular person's emergency. Well, I was walking my dog and I was kind of, I was about a mile from where I live
Starting point is 00:03:00 and I was on this hill that I, I walked the dog past there because there is a really good coffee shop over there that you can either walk on Glendale Boulevard, which is super noisy and cars are going a million miles an hour and there are, you know, just, there's just garbage all over the place. It's a very unpleasant street to walk on, or you can go on this hill.
Starting point is 00:03:26 And the hill occasionally has an encampment on it, which is not great to walk by with the dog because he can kind of, you know, if people have their stuff out, he gets curious about it. And it's just something I like to avoid if I can. Your dog treats the homeless the same way he treats geese, which is to say, wants to be friends.
Starting point is 00:03:50 Yeah, he's very curious about the whole deal. So if there's not an encampment currently there, that's the preferred way to go. And I was coming back from the coffee shop, having gone there on Glangal Boulevard, for some reason. So I hadn't been on this little stretch of road yet. And as I was coming around the corner, I could see up the hill from where I was, a woman like jumping up and down, waving her hands. And she wasn't waving at me, but I was like,
Starting point is 00:04:20 oh boy, somebody is having, somebody's having a freak out of some kind. Uh huh. And as I was like, oh boy, somebody is having, somebody's having a freak out of some kind. Uh-huh. And as I get closer, there is a like a plastic egg crate on fire in the middle of the street. And she is, what she is doing is jumping up and down, trying to stop cars from driving past it.
Starting point is 00:04:41 And then she sees me like walking past it with a dog and starts screaming like crazy at me. And what I come to understand is that she has been like running around the neighborhood following this man who has been setting fires in the middle of the street. Huh. Concerned because her daughter lives in the neighborhood and she's worried that it's going to burn somebody's house down, but she she was French and didn't
Starting point is 00:05:10 speak perfect English. So she's on the phone with 9-on-1 trying to describe what's going on. Wow, how lucky is she to run into you? The show's chief Frenchman. Yeah, so she gives me her phone and I like tell the dispatcher where this is happening. And they like, you know, some cops come out with a fire extinguisher. The egg crate material was too aflame to put out with your feet. It was melting, but the reason she was worried about me being near it and cars being near it was that she'd looked in it and saw That there were cans in there and she thought they might be like aerosol or full of gasoline or something. Wow So she was actually like it was actually like I mean she she looked nuts the entire time
Starting point is 00:05:59 I was walking up to her but once I got to talking to her. I realized she was like Not at all and was having like a very scary moment that she was responding to pretty rationally. It's wild how a person's first instinct is that a wild outburst of emotion or volume has got to equal crazy, right? Yeah, I mean, I think that like it was place contextual and you know, she, it was, she was just in like a jogging outfit, so it was, it was kind of, it didn't look like anything in particular.
Starting point is 00:06:34 Lululemon doesn't say hobo. Just from a distance, it was tough to, it was tough to read what the situation was. Yeah, I'll say. Well, did you make a new friend? You know, I left before we talked about anything, but the fire, but I hung around for 20 minutes while all the cops came and she and another person that were there gave descriptions of this guy
Starting point is 00:07:02 and they said that they'd already put out two other fires in the neighborhood. What was the suspect matching the description of Manu Sadia wanting to eliminate the other French people from the neighborhood? There can be only one, he says. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:20 Yeah, he's like French Highlander. Yeah, I mean, she said he had tattoos down both arms, so that's Manu Highlander. Yeah, I mean, she said she said he had tattoos down both arms. So that's that's my new to it. Yeah. Yeah, a guy for whom soft cheese is too painful. He has gone with the full sleeve arm tattoos as a thing. Yeah. Is he anti-soft or anti-hard?
Starting point is 00:07:44 I can't remember. All I know is it's insane to have such a hard line stance on cheese. He is anti-melted cheese. He likes cheese, but... Any hard-concerned soft with temperature, right? He said something recently. He thinks he's had one good pizza in his life
Starting point is 00:08:02 and it was in Naples. That's it. And I'm just like, what the hell? I have like legendarily controversial foodtakes, but this is insane. That's a real uppity foodtake. I'm just gonna say it. Like, yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:15 Yeah, once I had pizza in Naples, I just stopped having all other pizza. Sorry. Yeah. Have you made him your egg pizza? That would change his mind. I have not made him pizza on the big green egg, but I threatened to when I saw him on Twitter talking smack about all pizza.
Starting point is 00:08:35 And he said he was up for the challenge. Yeah, and that's a good word to use. Like, it's funny how we see both in each other and in other people a challenge when someone has a food opinion we disagree with, right? And that's wrong. Why do we take that upon ourselves? I don't know. I mean, I think that there's like the way like the English language is poorly equipped
Starting point is 00:08:59 to distinguish between objective and subjective when it comes to opinions. That's why you prefer French opinions. The language is a little tighter. I don't think French is any better. I'm just like, but like when I say, I don't like sandwiches. Like people are like, but sandwiches are good. And I'm like, they're not to me.
Starting point is 00:09:17 Yeah, I'm not gonna relitigate this with you. Whatever. What I am here to litigate with you, Ben, is this second episode of Deep Space 9 Season 5. I think it's pretty interesting. It's called The Ship. Do you realize how incredible this is? No, of course you don't.
Starting point is 00:09:43 This episode opens in the way that all interesting episodes open, a mining survey. Ben, what's the difference between a captain going on an away mission and a captain going on a mining survey? Why is this go here? Boy, why did they take a runabout given how many people are on this mission? Boy. Like, we never see the back of a runabout given how many people are on this mission. What? Like, we never see the back of a runabout. You're totally right about this,
Starting point is 00:10:08 but you can infer from their numbers that they had six people in the back, five or six people. It was a crowded runabout. There's three people I think we see in the cockpit of the runabout, right? Oh yeah, that's right. We're not including the people who remain. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:26 It's funny when we cut back to Deep Space 9 and the little D doc there. Like, they're not doing anything. It's just warped apartment over there. It's not like they couldn't take it if they wanted to. Warped would have been more comfortable if they'd taken the little D. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:41 I think there are things to like in this episode if you look past the first five seconds. I thought the dynamic between O'Brien and Muneus was really interesting in this yeah in this episode. It's a lot more like jocular and they kind of bust each other's chops and stuff than I was used to. Yeah. I thought it was interesting. Like, you know, Munoz keeps referring to O'Brien as Sir and he's like, not enough to say.
Starting point is 00:11:13 I don't want to get stuck going to functions because you keep calling me Sir and people get the wrong idea. Yeah. Yeah. I think it's the kind of ball-busting you could only get if the person above you in rank is also not above you in rank. It's weird, no one's comfortable with it. What takes the place of discomfort is some teasing.
Starting point is 00:11:32 That's a way of being that I think you and I know pretty well. Yeah, I kind of like that. Munoz likes to take the piss a little bit. I have a question in a way that is safe to do with his boss. Yeah, that's good. They're on this planet looking for something we've never heard of before called Corneline. And they're on a planet called Torgaive.
Starting point is 00:11:54 Pfft. Fuck you. God dammit. Pfft. Yeah, they found a whole mess of turmoil, though. Yeah, I think that's one of the things that makes Red Bull work, right? Oh, that's right, it is, yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:12 The discussion of where the planet is makes it sound like they're pretty far from dominion space, but they get a call from a chaotic ensign up in orbit. She is not vaping, which is unusual for her species. What do you suppose that is? I mean, maybe she kicked the habit. She's the only lady bentite we've ever seen. So maybe the ladies don't need it
Starting point is 00:12:39 the way that the guys do. Maybe, yeah. Well, we'll be going on with the species where the female of the species breathes a different gas mixture than the male. Maybe the man in the canoe in her lip makes conventional vaping impossible. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.
Starting point is 00:12:57 I didn't see that. I frankly didn't even know that it was there. Ha, ha, ha. I was told to look for it, but I don't know. I couldn't find it. She gets on the audio blower to tell Cisco that they've got an incoming. What kind of shoe?
Starting point is 00:13:17 And it is a damaged and crashing gem-hidart tick. It should enter the atmosphere near your position. This thing comes down and they beam directly to the crash site. And I feel like it's a pretty impressive scale of outdoor set. Pretty space nine. But this doesn't, it's not the right colors.
Starting point is 00:13:37 Like it doesn't look like a tick. Yeah, I got that same feeling. I think it's obscure, like the shape of the tick is obscured because it's buried under all this rock. And that doesn't help. I think so much of our contextual understanding of these things has to do with their shape versus their color. It appears like for having just crashed that it had baked under this desert sun, and a lot of the color has been bleached out of it. I just think it's an unfortunate, artistic choice because the,
Starting point is 00:14:07 everything outside is like sun bleached California dirt, which is the color of every exterior that Star Trek ever did before Star Trek Discovery. Right. And just putting a paint, like a coat of purplish blue paint on it to make it match the ticks that we see in space would have made it pop so nicely. And this hull is the exact same color as the dirt.
Starting point is 00:14:36 They shot the episode in solid ad canyon and it was 120 degrees when they did. Like they're standing on the USS patio quite a bit during the episode. And it feels like if they had taken your advice and gone with a different color they would have gotten less reflected heat off of the surface of this thing because it's just steel plates been. Go for a lower albedo paint job. Yeah. The actors are going to be much more comfortable. Or you know what? Set up a couple of beast row tables and some umbrellas out there?
Starting point is 00:15:07 Yeah, get some of those plastic lawn chairs. That sounds nice, right? They break into this thing and it's a pretty fun horror film going into the scary house stuff. I looked up the director of this episode her name is Kim Friedman and She uh directed a ton of TV. She directed like Voyager 90210 Babel on five She's got a super deep television directing resume and then has recently had a second life as an internet meme
Starting point is 00:15:42 What she had like her daughter made a, an Instagram account called Crazy Jewish Mother of shit that Kim Friedman texts her. And it like, it went viral. She, they've been on like the diday show with this, you know, it's like shit my dad says kind of a premise. Wow. And they have a podcast, it's like an advice podcast,
Starting point is 00:16:06 and they have like a burgeoning internet empire. Try to imagine hosting a podcast with your mother, Ben. I can't, I can't. I can't either. I'm just like amazed that like, I don't know, like it's such a cool thing that she, she had like this super prestigious television directing career.
Starting point is 00:16:28 She's crazy. Well, I was going to go that far. Babylon 5 is probably not something she keeps on her resume. Maybe it was one or two blemishes, but went on to like, it seems like she maybe retired from directing in 2014, but still doing active, cool, cultural stuff. You're telling me that Kim Friedman, at one point,
Starting point is 00:16:52 had a successful film and television career and traded it in for a podcast. That is great. That'll chestnut. We've heard it a million times. You write about the haunted house of the interior of the USS patio because it has it has crashed inverted and that does some pretty fun things like one horror movie trope I feel like you get is the strung up person the strung up dead body.
Starting point is 00:17:25 And in this orientation, all of the deads aboard are going to be hanging from the ceiling, which makes for a fun, like, back into a room, turn forward into a hanging body situation. Yeah. And the sets are really fun because the floors are on the ceiling and like, what they're walking on is all like pipes and lighting and stuff. We've never been aboard a tick before and this is something that I think Dax and Cisco discussed earlier. So the value of the exploration is fairly pronounced but because we haven't seen the inside of a tick and this is our first go at it, I don't know that we're gonna remember what the inside looks
Starting point is 00:18:01 like the next time we see one. Yeah. It's because we're experiencing it this way. Yeah, but that's a fun way to, you know, very like Alice in Wonderland way of introducing it. Right. All the bodies they come across are basically sacks of busted up bones and guts because the thing that took this thing down was an inertial dampener failure. And that is the thing that steadies you against the movement of the ship. And when this ship took off for the atmosphere, it totally pulverized everyone on board.
Starting point is 00:18:34 The ship accelerated. People were thrown into the bulkheads. I was really laughing at this because the chief is like describing this totally terrifying thing that happened to kill everyone on board and then it's like, but the ship's in great shape. Whoever designed this baby knew what they were doing. Yeah. Like, in the same breath as describing a system failure that killed all of the occupants. It's like finding the propeller of the Titanic at the bottom of the sea and going like man
Starting point is 00:19:06 Can't believe they ever built him this good Pretty great If you're gonna string up a body with every bone in its body pulverized I would have expected more of a teardrop water balloon kind of Corpse part of it is because there seems to be some internal and external bones on the gemhidar, right? They're kind of insecty that way, right? I think that.
Starting point is 00:19:33 I don't know. No, I totally agree with what you're saying. I think that the thing that is described is not what is shown, and it should have just been grape jelly all over the inside of this ship, not not identifiable corpses. O'Brien just slides into that bridge. Come on in, Munis, the water's fine.
Starting point is 00:19:59 Back on Deep Space 9, we must be reminded that there are a few people left behind over there. Those come in the form of Odo Quark and Bashir. And it's Odo accusing Quark and Bashir of conspiring to trade in some regalian flee spiders. A superior form of life. Bashir is doing the sort of experiment where he gets a bunch of insects and then pulverizes them and a mortar and pestle and then administers them to Kira so if he can stop sneezing or something. Yeah, and What it is is that he asked Quark if he could get his hands on some of these Quark
Starting point is 00:20:37 Snuck them in despite the fact that there is a A requirement that a permit is pulled for these things. I mean, it's not so much the flee spiders as it is the crystals that Quark tried to sneak into this shipment. It's the crystals that are the problem. Right. They're described as a Aphrodisiacs, though. It doesn't seem like something that makes you want to fuck should be forbidden by a bejure in law. And for that reason, I would assume that Bashir would be involved in
Starting point is 00:21:09 in citrus game. What do you imagine the regalian flee spiders urine tastes like? Back on back on Torga, if they're discussing the USS patio and there's a really nice establishing shot here been. It looks like they set up some track outside on this sand and then they stuck a gib on top and then they drove around this curve and they descend on to.
Starting point is 00:21:41 Brian, Munia and Siska, this is where they're like, they have a panel open and they're like working on this. Yeah. Really nice move here. Yeah, it's nice to get outside where there's room for this. It's like at this point in filmmaking, kind of a motion picture level establishing shot, you know, like it's one of those, this really gives you a certain amount
Starting point is 00:22:04 of production value, you know, like it's one of those, this really gives you a certain amount of production value, you know, bespeaks a certain amount of money was spent on this production. It's a cheap shot to do now with the advent of the drone camera, but at this point in time, this is like a, you know, five or six person operation to make a camera do this. Yeah, you think about what it takes to do on an uneven surface and 120 degree temperature. Track is difficult to level in situations like this. So you're like dropping Apple boxes and shims onto it to make sure it's level. And then you're driving the dolly over and making sure it doesn't sink. Right. And
Starting point is 00:22:41 you're bolstering certain areas when they do sink, it's like super time consuming to get the initial setup. And so, like, several people might spend all day to get this one shot. Kind of. Yeah. And when you talk about television scheduling and how fast they need to shoot a lot of this stuff, the investment in time to set up just this single shot this way, I thought really stuck out to me and it sounds like it did to you. Yeah, absolutely
Starting point is 00:23:10 They are trying to kind of get this thing back up and running They're eager to take this thing back to Starfleet to see what makes it tick Oh, delightful They the the runabout that they stupidly brought is not going to be able to pull it out with its dinky little tractor beam. So they are either going to have to like fire the thrusters and get the ship back out from under the mountain or bring the little D. So, the little D is on its way, but, but they're working on getting power back online in the meantime. And there's a fun little
Starting point is 00:23:53 moment where they're kind of out on the, on the underbelly of this tick. And, uh, O'Brien turns to a moon, and he's like, do you know what they call an Irishman who spends all summer outdoors? Patio furniture. Oh man, you really brought your A-game to day pen. That's my friend, Tony Borden made that joke up. It's one of my favorite jokes. Very nice, Tony O'Borden. Otherwise, that's racist. Yeah, well, I can say it because I'm part Irish.
Starting point is 00:24:32 Right. Some of your best friends are Irish, Ben. There is not a lot of discussion before the gem-hidar appear and start shooting after destroying the runabout in orbit too. Like it's sort of a coordinated attack. The runabout is destroyed and then they're surrounded and so they retreat to the interior of the ship. In the process, like one of the randoms down there gets killed and munis is shot in the
Starting point is 00:25:00 belly. Which is the worst place to get shot by a phaser right yeah I mean anybody who's seen the George Clooney film three kings knows that you're just gonna fill up with with green stuff if you get shot down there yeah oh Brian's got to stick a ballpoint pen in that wound oh Brian should use bagpipes to refill his lungs I mean the Irish have it have their own type use bagpipes to refill his lungs. Ha ha ha ha. I mean, the Irish have their own type of bagpipes, so I feel like that's much more associated with the Scottish.
Starting point is 00:25:31 Alright, alright, that's right. Yeah, that'll go really well on social media. That comment I made. If groundskeeper Willie were there, you might have something to talk about, Adam. Yeah, but as it is, I don't, because everyone looks the same to me. I was a little disappointed in the Starfleets that their phaser accuracy was as bad as it was.
Starting point is 00:25:54 Didn't look like they tagged a single gem hadar in their way, in their way under. For as great of a shot as most gem hadar are supposed to be, I was also a little surprised at how often they shot wide. I mean, they, they, they land some hits, but, you know, I think this script is just a little sloppy, you know? Like get the, have them hit two of the gem hadar and get down there and be like, but we were on stun. So they'll be back on their feet in no time, you know?
Starting point is 00:26:20 Just, just put that in so that they don't look like total bozos. Yeah, this is your second point here. You got to get past this point to like the episode. Yeah, and the gemeter do not beam through the hull of this ship and it is driving them nuts. Why that might be. They retreat into the ship and it's two and a half days until the defiant arrives. So they're not experiencing much of the outside world, and that's where a lot of the fear comes from. Right.
Starting point is 00:26:47 And what they're hearing from the inside, and the first thing that they hear is Kalana's voice. My name is Kailana. And she's the Vorta in charge of the group's outside. She's kind of talking about battlefield parlay, where she and one gem hadar come, and Cisco and one wharf come, and they talk the situation out.
Starting point is 00:27:07 So they meet outside and the border are all are very consistently slick in a very particular way. She seemed California nice to me in a way that read suspicious from jump. Yeah. Cisco doesn't act the way I would, which is like, why are you talking to me? Why are you being so nice?
Starting point is 00:27:27 Yeah. Cisco is saying like, hey, like there's a pretty well-established tradition of naval salvage here. Oh, that's the attitude of a thief, not a starfleet captain with a reputation for integrity. The Dominion doesn't subscribe to that particular legal interpretation. At no point does he say, well, I'm not like inclined to make deals with you.
Starting point is 00:27:48 You just killed four or five of my people and shot my ship out of the sky. I love it when he never brings that up. That's great. Like, come on, Cisco. That should be in the script, right? Yeah, it really should. Especially because we haven't forgotten it just happened. Yeah, it is top of mind. There may have been a commercial break between then and now, but that's not too long. We're not goldfish watching this show. Now remember, while they're having this conversation, we check out Worf standing up on top of the ship and the camera pans over to the open door and then inside the ship a gem had our
Starting point is 00:28:27 materializes and cloaks himself and starts running around. Uh oh. Yeah, that's a that is a fade to commercial moment. Gem had art to commercial. This guy appears to have planted something aboard the USS patio because as O'Brien and Dax are walking around the ship on what I guess is just a routine patrol they find this thing and question where it came from. Whatever it is, it doesn't look too friendly. No sooner as they see the thing as this guy appears and starts clobbering. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:59 And they managed to distract this guy long enough for Munoz to shoot him, but this crab that he's snuck aboard with has scanned the ship and presumably sent critical information back to the Gem Hedar. And Munoz is really in a rough way. Whatever the Gem Hedar shoot, it is not a normal phaser. It's like, his wound won't close up,
Starting point is 00:29:29 so he just has a bleeding belly wound this entire time. Yeah, if the gem had our shooting a projectile with a casing, I feel like the casing is like 500 milligrams of Bayer aspirin. Which depending on your age and taken daily, might be something a doctor would prescribe. In Munez's case, it is not allowing his blood to coagulate and that's a big problem. He is in a tough way. And like the medical kit that they would have had
Starting point is 00:30:02 was with somebody else or it's at their base camp where they beamed over from or something. So they don't really have any actual medical technology to bring to bear on this problem. So the chief is just kind of like playing strip nurse with it. Like he keeps pulling pieces of his uniform off and trying to stop up the blood. He's really getting bummed out by what's happening to Kike as he refers to Munoz. And at one point, Dax like Paul's in the side, and just kind of trying to cheer him up. And and Worf is like, don't try and cheer him up. Munoz is definitely going to die.
Starting point is 00:30:40 Yeah, they've got way different ways of quote unquote being there for O'Brien. Yeah, and Worf does not respect Dax's way at all. Worf and O'Brien have been through the deaths of crew people before. It's weird that Worf is being such a hardliner in this case. I get the sense that he didn't like Muneus. Yeah, it doesn't seem like Wurf is interested in Munius' situation at all. I think it's like, once he's injured enough
Starting point is 00:31:11 to be not a tactical asset, Wurf is just like, he's dead, don't care about him. Munius left dirty dishes in the defiant commissary. He is without honor. Munoz left his towels on the floor of his bathroom. A hanging towel is a happy towel. He did not make a green choice. Munoz is not doing so hot, but he's sort of buoyant in the face of death.
Starting point is 00:31:46 Like he's still quippy and chopping it up with O'Brien. I mean, I hope when our time comes, Ben, and it'll probably be together. The both of us can have that kind of attitude. Just holding hands as the friends of Dysodot that we've outraged for some reason storm the stage. You're tearing pieces of obviously like something made out of linen that you're wearing and stuffing it into my wounds. I love cloth made of flax at them. Yeah, and me wearing some sort of bullshit technical garment. Unable to rip the sleeves from it because the stitching is too strong. some sort of bullshit technical garment. K.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H. time to get that out. I'm proud of you.
Starting point is 00:32:47 I was just gonna go back to the plot but I realized that I didn't want to leave that hanging. It's fine. All right, you don't have to feel obligated to say it. It wasn't disingenuous. I was being serious. I don't believe you. I don't know what I could say to make you believe me. That was a sincere remark on my part. I'm a huff, I'm a huff, I'm a huff, I'm a huff, I'm a huff, I'm a huff, I'm a huff, I'm a huff, I'm a huff, I'm a huff, I'm a huff, I'm a huff, I'm a huff, I'm a huff, I'm a huff, I'm a huff, I'm a huff, I'm a huff, I'm a huff, I'm a huff, I'm a huff, I'm a huff, I'm a huff, I'm a huff, I'm a huff, I'm a huff, I'm a huff, I'm a huff, I'm a huff, I'm a huff, I'm a huff, I'm a huff, I'm a huff, I'm a huff, I'm a huff, I'm a huff, I'm a huff, I'm a huff, I'm a huff, I'm a huff, I'm a huff, I'm a huff, I'm a huff, I'm a huff, I'm a huff, I'm a huff, I'm a huff, I'm a huff, I'm a huff, I'm a huff, I'm a huff, I'm a huff, I'm a huff, I'm a huff, I'm a huff, I'm a huff, I'm a huff, I'm a huff, I'm a huff, I'm a huff, I'm a huff, I'm a huff, I'm a huff, I'm a huff, I'm a huff, I'm a huff, I'm a huff, I'm a huff, I'm a huff, I'm a huff, I'm a huff, I'm a huff, I'm a huff, I'm a huff, of them in. And also, what's the deal with Kalano? Why is she being so nice? Yeah, the puzzle here seemed really obvious to me at this point. Oh, yeah. Like, like, they make the case that this is going to be like a big twist when it is revealed why the Gem Hedara are being so weird. And I just thought like, everything pointed to one thing. As soon as Kalano said, you can have the ship, we don't give a shit about it, but there's something on board that we need.
Starting point is 00:34:07 There is nothing else that it could have been besides a founder. The only question, I guess, is why- Well, you gave it away, spoiler alert. Adam just said what the thing was. I didn't. Why would a founder conceal themselves in the ship, though? There's so many threads that go untied.
Starting point is 00:34:24 Yeah, well, they're worried that Bishir might be with them and he might try and drink it. Yeah. Interesting that he is not there to minister to Munoz in any way. No. I think this script is a little, it feels a little rushed and bad, but I think that's one thing in it that is an interesting choice. Yeah. Kalana calls back up and she is just falling all over herself to apologize for the way they acted.
Starting point is 00:34:53 I trust no one was hurt. And Sisko again is so neutral here, he should be flying off the handle with her. We've got a lot of steak too. It's clear that Kalanaana side has all the leverage, but I mean as long as Cisco and crew are turtling inside this ship and there's something of value inside, it would appear that they are at Gemhaloggerheads, Ben. In terms of their argument. What is that even upon them?
Starting point is 00:35:24 When you can't agree on the terms of a thing, you're at loggerheads. Yeah, no, but it's just, it's like a totally arbitrary portmanteau. Yeah. Okay. I can do wordplay too, Ben. Okay, apparently. Unmotivated. It's not unmotivated.
Starting point is 00:35:42 They're trying to agree on terms of ship versus thing that Kalana wants inside. They can't come to an agreement so they walk away from the negotiating. But you could just as easily say that. There are a trend, how loggerheads been? There are four toggle heads or feder-roger heads. I think mine is the best of those three. I just think that it's unfair that you've put all of the logger heads on the on one ethnic group, you know, plays into an ugly stereotype. This is a bad race show for Adam that the gemadar are not
Starting point is 00:36:16 diplomatic. Yeah. Yeah, it's at this point in time that Cisco retreats to the inside of the ship and that's where these depth charges begin. Yeah, I really like the way she's announcing that they are not going to be continued to try and use diplomacy as she is beaming away. Yeah. The Vorda seemed to be able to think their way into a transporter beam. And that's pretty terrifying that they could just transport whenever they want. Yeah, they're better at two things than the federation.
Starting point is 00:36:53 There's the ungestured transporter beam and there's also the, they don't need to look to the sky when they talk to people on comms. Pretty classy. At this point, you know, there are bangers getting dropped all around outside.
Starting point is 00:37:07 I liked that they left that those explosions kind of unexplained for a little while. Like you start to hear them when Cisco runs back to the ship and then that you're hearing them for a while before they, it's explained that the Geminar just kind of dropping, dropping explosives from space to, as a psychological ploy, like they're trying to, they're trying to get under their skin and it's really working. Like, Dax really starts to fly
Starting point is 00:37:37 off the handle, Wurf starts to fly off the handle. Like, Cisco needs to scream at everybody to calm down Like Cisco needs to scream at everybody to calm down. And Kike is starting to disassociate in time and space. He reverts to only speaking Spanish and doesn't seem to know where he is or what's going on. Yeah, he's tripping balls. Yeah, very scary and good performance. I feel like this scene is the center of the episode that you start writing in opposite directions from.
Starting point is 00:38:09 Like what happens when, what happens? When it's tick, the deep space nine crew in a situation that they can't control for like, like what would happen if you stress out our main characters? And I'm very interested in a story about that. But the movie would start with this scene and be like, Betcher wonder how things got this bad. The anger and frustration that these characters had in this scene felt supernatural to me
Starting point is 00:38:38 to the degree where I was like, oh, is the ship? If the ship is full of gemhidar and gem-hidar are ready to kick ass, like is there something about being on the ship that gives you that endorphin? I wasn't believing that it was the stress that was causing their argumentativeness. I thought it was something else. Like there's something in the air.
Starting point is 00:38:57 Yeah, that's what I imagined. And I mean, we know now that that wasn't true, but why is that, you think? Did it just come too much out of nowhere? I don't know. I felt like it could have been, maybe it'd been fixed with dialogue or maybe it could have grown in a more gradual way
Starting point is 00:39:15 because I feel like things really get heated fast. I think the script is saying what it wants, but it didn't quite earn it. Yeah. I don't think anything is wrong with anybody's performance. I don't think that that's unjustified. It's just that they're like we're missing like a scene or two or some explanatory dialogue.
Starting point is 00:39:35 Instead of a scene like that, Ben, we get two dead ends, which is DACS searching the ship and finding two computer discs that are not discussed ever again. Yeah. They don't appear to have anything useful on them. And then warf ripping a computer off the wall and them not doing anything with that. They're convinced that they'll be able to find whatever the Vorda and the Gemadar wanted on the ship.
Starting point is 00:39:59 And you know, like if they can find it, it's their leverage. And so to that end, it's smart for them to be looking for it, but they just don't have any idea what they are even looking for. Warf unsolicitedly counsels O'Brien about his beliefs, W. Slashar, Slashty, end of life issues. You're just another weak human afraid to face death. Uh huh. And the discussion does not go well. Chief O'Brien, because he like throws a punch at him.
Starting point is 00:40:33 Ah! I said that to not! Did not expect that. Yeah, they're like litigating Terry Shivo a few years before. Right. It actually happened in reality. Yeah, Worph is trying to justify mercy killing you, Niz.
Starting point is 00:40:51 And O'Brien is not there for that. Well, I didn't go to Stovocore with some of his dignity. Yeah. Not going to Stovocore, Worph. Worph has gotten a lot worse, right? This isn't just something we're imagining. Like, it seemed like on the Enterprise, he was not this forceful at projecting his world view onto other people,
Starting point is 00:41:13 unsolicited, and he is really throwing it around this season. Maybe just having spent so much time in such a clinging on environment in the last episode has reset his manners. Right. They're kind of stuck here with no other choice, but you try to take the tick off of the planet's surface. And they have no burned matchstick to help them do it. They attempted to connect a bunch of wires on this thing, hot wire it and get it going. This is a ship they don't understand at all.
Starting point is 00:41:48 Like entire systems are totally mysterious to them, but in the face of all of that, they attempt to take off and shit just goes wild, almost as soon as they do. Pretty brave of them to do it, but they're pushing it and pushing it and sparks are flying all over the place. And eventually the lights go out and O'Brien announces.
Starting point is 00:42:12 You're just grinding metal. Come on, he's down. And it's like, you know, it's like it's one of those things where the ship is now in worse shape than before they tried. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It's like getting a flat tire and then trying to drive on the rim for a while. That's just not good. You get a pullover. And if that wasn't enough of a bummer,
Starting point is 00:42:34 the chief walks over to check on Munoz and he has passed away. RSVP Munoz. Yeah. Interesting that they established that character as long as it goes they did and brought them back a bunch of times for a bunch of really different reasons. Yeah. It feels like a bigger, heavier deal when it happens than it would have if he was just a guy that they introduced in this episode. And I think it goes a long way to justifying the next scene, which is Cisco really having
Starting point is 00:43:09 a bum out about having lost as many crewmen on this mission as possible. And it's like, you know, the only way I'll feel like this was worth it is if we can get out of here with this ship. Where you is bummed is Cisco in this scene? I think he was more bummed, but I think that is because like we kind of didn't know any of the people in the run about, but he did. So like I'm really bummed and sad about Munoz,
Starting point is 00:43:35 and then you multiply that by four, and you can kind of get to where he is, I think. Ben, I feel like if we were to run the montage of Munoz's life on Deep Space Nine as we knew it. It's Munius coming up with that deflector dish idea on the little D. It's Munius making fun of O'Brien a couple of times. Yeah, it wasn't he there when O'Brien came back from prison and he was like, he was like, hell, I don him get back into being the chief.
Starting point is 00:44:08 Yeah, I think we get three character development moments with him. And I think that that is insufficient to properly grieve him. I think the thing that really made me sad about his death is one moment where Munoz and the O'Brien's go out to dinner and maybe Munoz's partner is there with him. Something that made him something other than a co-worker, I guess, because I don't know, it just feels like a little bit empty. I would have wanted to feel more. I'm not saying that Munius was a shit character.
Starting point is 00:44:48 I'm just saying, like, if you're gonna kill someone and make a big deal about it, like, really work the emotional angle. Yeah. I kind of feel like they realized they had a more interesting character to kill off than a red shirt would have been. And that's why he's, like, I don't think that they planted him 10 episodes ago
Starting point is 00:45:08 with the idea of getting to this point so that he could die. Yeah. You know, so that's, I think I disagree a little bit, but I know what you're saying. Morning, morning, morning, Steve, sweet, morning, morning, you need everybody to stop, have a time. Yeah need everybody more and stuff. Have a time. Yeah, so there's five dead already on this mission
Starting point is 00:45:29 and with the body stacking up, Cisco's really starting to feel it. While they're having this conversation, Dax is kind of trying to comfort him and express how much this wasn't his fault. They're looking at the ceiling or their floor. Some little droplets are accumulating on it. And as they look up and a bulkhead kind of goes gold and falls on the floor and it's kind of this writhing mass of founder gold
Starting point is 00:45:58 and then it turns into the carbon dust that we saw the last time we saw a founder die. It's dying. And we're in trouble. It explains why the gem had art didn't directly attack the ship. Here's our answer. I think it is such a shame that this show had as exciting a special effect as they had when they had a mirror Universe photo by the farm. And they left that visual behind.
Starting point is 00:46:30 That would have been great, like the explosion in close quarters. Yeah, that's fun. It's just gone. Dax are like covered with the stuff. Yeah, they pop up out of the ship like a couple of chimney sweeps. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:43 That would have been great. Yeah, that's a big one. So that was the object. As a result, it's RSVP changeling. RSVP, all of the gem had our soldiers who have shot themselves in the head after realizing the death of the changeling has taken place. Yeah. Because from the outside, you can hear it.
Starting point is 00:47:06 You can hear the death. It's weird. Yeah. Wouldn't it be deafening inside the ship if it's making it all the way through the mountain into the quarry outside? Yeah, it would be. It would be great if it were like the dumb and dumb
Starting point is 00:47:21 or most annoying sound in the world sound whenever a changeling dies. It would be great if they get back to the station the dumb and dumb are most annoying sound in the world sound whenever it changes link dies it would be great if they get back to the station and and every every time they talk to somebody in between now and then they're like what huh what you see that shit coming out of the news they can't fucking here yeah and then a busier has to like, has to like repair their, their, your canals or whatever.
Starting point is 00:47:50 Cisco's like he was making a move, man. I had to get on. Kalana and Cisco argue about whose fault this was. And this is maybe as heated as Cisco gets. Yeah, she shows up like immediately. Cisco is sort of a little bit broken about all this needless death over this thing. And Kalana asks for permission to load up some of this founder's coffee grounds into her aeropress for the trip home. And so she does.
Starting point is 00:48:21 She takes a little scoop and that leaves the ship to Cisco's care. Yeah. We get a brief exterior shot of the tick getting towed back by the little D. And then once we're inside Deep Space 9, we get a little more of the DAX and Cisco discussing the mission.
Starting point is 00:48:38 They get medals, which is cool, but Cisco is still pretty broken up about this. He's got these five names to write a report about and he just can't bring himself to do it. What Cisco needs right now is a needs of the many speech from someone and Dak seems incapable of giving it. We both know that ship out there was worth it.
Starting point is 00:48:58 At what cost is a tough question in a thing like this, who very briefly makes the cakes that this may save thousands of lives, but I think that it's such an abstraction when you get to 5,000 lives. Yeah. That it doesn't feel like anything. Unclear whether or not her words help in this situation. But Cisco isn't the only one grieving. There's also O'Brien
Starting point is 00:49:26 who is sat next to the Mark Iv torpedo casing containing Muni's body. It's nice to see that the funeral sciences have maintained all the technologies from early Star Trek movies, right? Like into the casing you go. Right. That's fun. Yeah. Brian says is saying goodbye to Mark Iiv and Worf kind of like walks in on him and it's one of those like, oh, I didn't realize you were in here. But he realizes that O'Brien is sort of like sitting Shiva and he's like, oh, I'll sit Chival with you. And he throws a cloth over the nearby mirror and they have a little morning hang. Wurf again is projecting his beliefs onto others
Starting point is 00:50:13 when he tells O'Brien what he's doing. You're performing up for your friend. Jesus, Wurf, like ask a question and then listen to the answer. He's a bad listener. Yeah. Well, we didn't, I don't know if we've ever seen his ears, so... Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:31 Maybe you can't hear. Yeah. That wouldn't surprise me. Yeah, so they both sit down together and that's the end of the episode. You really want to do this here. Now, okay, okay, let's do it, do it. Did you like the episode, Ben? Overall, do it. Did you like the episode Ben?
Starting point is 00:50:48 Overall I did, you know, like there are a few things that you do have to look past to accept this episode. And I think it's like, it's one of those great premise, terrible, title, terrible script. Yeah. Episodes, but you know, it's really fun to spend some time kind of expanding our understanding of Gem Hadar life, like the weird Google Glass that they find in the ship. They're like, they don't have a view screen, they just have this. Yeah. Kind of, you know, adding some
Starting point is 00:51:20 texture to the, to our understanding of the Dominion is a lot of fun. Yeah, the idea of a windowless ship as being what the tick is is super interesting and it makes total sense. Did you like the episode Adam? I am in total lockstep with you on this. It was more fun of an episode to talk about than I think it actually was. Yeah. And there are a couple of real roadblocks here in the story that you've just really got to somehow surmount in order to love it completely. Glad to know a little bit more, glad to know another Vorta.
Starting point is 00:51:58 I mean, every time we have an interaction with a gemadar, again, it's like they are playing for much higher stakes than anyone else. Like as soon as that founder died and then all the gemadar killed themselves, I was like, yeah, that is totally what they do. Because like what is it gonna take for the federation to declare war against them? Because like at this point,
Starting point is 00:52:20 they are just indiscriminately shooting federation ships out of the sky like yeah that's not that that's something that they should stand for there are other weapons or torture weapons yeah munis was shot with a weapon that is meant to make it so that everyone around a wounded soldier will be occupied with their care it's an especially gruesome kind of idea time and and time again, we're like
Starting point is 00:52:46 proven how awful and dangerous the gem had our our and Cisco continues to treat the situation diplomatically and assume that they're going to come in as good faith as he's coming in. And Kalana proves him wrong every single time. Cisco feels like as much of the guilt at the end, like if we'd only trusted each other, we could have avoided all this. And the burden of extending and all of branches not on you, Cisco. Like trusting them is how you get into fucking Eddington type situations. It appears like he's being Eddingtoned constantly now. And I don't know how he's gonna pull out of this.
Starting point is 00:53:30 He needs to tighten it up. Gotta get your shit together, Cisco. He's wandering onto a used car lot and he's being sold lemons every episode. Ha ha ha ha. Well, one thing that drives great every time is a priority one message bin. Oh, what's it gonna take for me to put you is a priority one message bin. Oh, what's it gonna take for me to put you in a priority one message today Adam?
Starting point is 00:53:49 Nothing at all. Nothing but a high interest car loan bin. That's what Cisco would accept. Priority one message from Starfleet coming in on Secured Channel. Need a supplement on it. A supplement on it? A supplement. A supplement. Yeah, it's extra. How do you interest alone?
Starting point is 00:54:06 Could be enough to buy this ship. Adam, we have a couple of priority one messages here. The first one is from Hardcore, Fenton Mike, and Denise Cosby, blinded by your vape fog. It's for Mordok, pineapple upside down down scented Haru, belated birthday boy. Haru? I don't know how to pronounce that. H-E-R-O-U-X.
Starting point is 00:54:33 Haru? I don't know. Anyways, it goes like this. Now, when you're old, like Mordak, vape in 24-7 365, you're going to want to construct a Benzite-style vaping apparatus. You prefer vape pen, metal clamps, and screws from your local hardware store. And you'll young-style harmonica holder are required for a hands-free OSHA-approved vaping. You're against vaping these airwark times!
Starting point is 00:55:00 Fuck you Bill Steeboy! Nice pivot between characters. Yeah, it was very helpful that they wrote the P1 in dialect. Yeah, it's kind of phonetic that way. Yeah, yeah, like Mark Twain wrote it. If Mark Twain wrote things as dumb as the great generation. Almost all of our great impressions were included in this P1. Ben, our second priority one message is from Arden.
Starting point is 00:55:31 And in parentheses, it says it's like Garden without the G. And it's for Jim. Message goes like this, happy Father's Day. The date of this submission was April 25th, so that is unfortunate. Yeah, nowhere near Dad's orgrads at this point. If I sent my Dad a Father's Day card right now, I would be unsung. Message continues, you ingest in our amazing Dads, and I'm so happy that you have another
Starting point is 00:55:59 child to celebrate this year. I'm writing this on the day of Robbins' birth and hoping that by Father's Day you will be settling in as a family of five. May your kids grow up to be silly nerds who aren't even a little embarrassed to enjoy Star Trek with you. Love you all. Cool. Yeah, that's great.
Starting point is 00:56:16 Happy Father's Day, Jim. Sorry, it is so tardy. Yeah. Jim, by this point in time, months and months after April 25th, we'll have taken out tons of dirty diapers Yeah, Jim is just wondering like does Arden even give a shit about the fact that I am a father? Jim I promise Arden cares Arden really cares Just like we care about reading priority one messages if if you've got one of your own, you
Starting point is 00:56:45 can go to slash jumbro. Slash jumbro tron. Jumbro tron is our bro to bro communication system that we have not used yet on greatest gen, but slash jumbro tron is the one we use most often and whether that's a commercial message or a personal message, both go a long way in supporting the ongoing production of the share. Hey Adam! What's that been? Did you find yourself a drunk Shremota? Gratable!
Starting point is 00:57:17 Drunk Shremota! I'm gonna give mine to O'Brien, but not for the reasons you might think, like punching wharf is pretty crazy, but I'm not going to give it to him for that. Yeah, your fists are writing checks, your ass can't cash in a moment like that, O'Brien. I would like to maybe at another time interrogate whether or not O'Brien is a good fighter. I would like to know the answer to that question. I don't think we have enough data for that. But O'Brien's the first through the whole, I think, on the USS patio. And upon exploring the ship, he walks past several broken and opened Dryer Ho's vents, venting a mystery
Starting point is 00:58:00 gas. And he does not even try to avoid or like put his face in the crook of his elbow or anything and I think I think you've got to do that right like it's okay to cover your face when you walk past the the busted gas vent. When it comes to the dominion that could really be anything. They have said that this is the first time boarding one of these ships. It could be a vaporized, you know, like a founder in vapor form. If you inhale a founder and then they take form
Starting point is 00:58:34 inside your lungs, you die, right? They just explode you from the inside, like a chestburster. You look like Odo and he got shot in the mirror universe. That would be really rugged. I would like to see that death. What about you, Ben? Who's your drug, Shimoda?
Starting point is 00:58:50 I'm gonna give it to Cisco, because when Kalana calls it up the first time, she's like, hey, just hit the green triangle on any panel, and you can talk to me. And without any hesitation or concern that hitting the green triangle might initiate self-destruct or something, this just complies.
Starting point is 00:59:12 And man, you gotta keep your head on a swivel around these founders, man. Yeah. Like, would you put it past the gemhead art to have a button available all throughout a ship that just self-destructs? Or like upon hitting it you die. It's just it's a suicide button. I feel like that's a total like that is totally in keeping with the way the Gemheadar roll. If a first Gemheadar has to discipline someone under him, it may be easier in some cases.
Starting point is 00:59:44 Just go to Carl, hit the green button. has to discipline someone under him. It may be easier in some cases to just go, to Carl, hit the green button. For being late to this meeting. Hey Carl, why don't you go hit the green button? It's like an insult among them. Yeah, too much trust is the problem in this episode. Like if we could distill it down to one thing. Too much and not enough.
Starting point is 01:00:16 A greatest gen live show is something you don't want to miss. Why? Well, it's a great opportunity to see me and Ben in person, but that's not all. FOD's from all over, gather at these shows to cosplay, to do pre and post-show hangs, to make friends, and share their embarrassment. Hey, let's make a pretty great name for a tour. Let's do it! The Share Your Embarrassment Tour is coming in August 2023, and we've got a bunch of dates in a lot of great places. Go to to get more info.
Starting point is 01:00:48 That's for dates and ticketing information for the Share Your Embarrassment tour. I'm Jordan Morris. And I'm Jesse Thorne. On Jordan Jesse Go, we make pure, delightful nonsense. We were open awesome guests and bring them down to our level. We got stupid with Judy Greer. My friend Molly and I call it having the spaceweards. to like full nonsense. My friend Molly and I call it having the spaceweards.
Starting point is 01:01:12 And come here on Naanjiani. I've come back with cat toothbrushes which is impossible to use. Come get stupider with us at Look your podcast apps are open just pull it out. Give Jordan Jesse Goatry. Being smart is hard. Be dumb instead. Oh, rats, hey, hey, hey, oh, I'm about to count you in line. These clouds are really freaking me out.
Starting point is 01:01:35 I hate having to stand in line. And boy, what do I? These giraffes do not smell good. No, they do not, and they've such short nacks. But I'm hearing we need to get on this arctic. We've got to get on the arctic. It on the art. Yeah. It's about to rain. It's about to destroy humanity. Hey, oh, sorry, sorry, are you Noah? Yeah, I know we look like humans. Oh, we're actually, we're podcasters. We are podcasters, so it's different. Have you heard of
Starting point is 01:01:57 Ono Ross and Kerry? We investigate spirituality, claims of the paranormal, stuff like that. And you have a boat and say the world's gonna end, so seem like something for us to check out. We would love to be on the boats. We came to by two. What do you think? Ona Ross & Kerry, available on The right luck, Latin, the right luck, Latin, the right luck, all the trouble to our Yamaxes. Well, I trust you're going to tell me the episode we're going to watch next.
Starting point is 01:02:32 What's it going to be about? The next episode is season five, episode three, looking for Parmok in all the wrong places. Boy, they really turned it around on the titles being bad, didn't they? Where did that come from? Orch helps Quark, who a visiting Klingon woman despite the fact that he himself is in love with her. Wow. kind of a
Starting point is 01:02:56 Surinod did Bergerac Klingon edition You are a lady with some very interesting You are a lady with some very interesting needs if you could be attracted to both a wharf and a quark. Yeah, very open-minded. Yeah, that's cool. Yeah, I mean do it. Do it about it.
Starting point is 01:03:16 Yeah. Well, Adam, I suppose I should head over to Gach.bizslashgame so we can find out how we are going to be watching this next episode. You're required to learn as you play. Roll. How's it going to be when it goes down? Oh, we are currently on square 43. Looks like we could hit a cocoa no-no and we could hit a space-bed hole.
Starting point is 01:03:43 All right. Depending. Okay, I'm gonna hit the roll button, roll this bone. Oh man, so I rolled a two. Tula! Did I win? Hardly. I ended on square 45, regular old episode.
Starting point is 01:04:01 All right. The Coco No-no and the space butthole remain hazards. Tantilizingly close to the Coco No-no. Well, that will be the next episode, Adam. I'm really looking forward to it. In the meantime, I hope the friends of DeSoto who like the show and wanna see it continue head over to slash donate and contribute to its
Starting point is 01:04:26 production. Also check out our other Star Trek show, The Greatest Discovery. We've been having a lot of fun over there and also covering all the news about all these new trek properties that are coming out. It is really nuts so how when we started the greatest generation we were like dealing with basically a dead franchise and now there's a zillion new television properties in production. Yeah are you are you regretting what we've changed ourselves to? No man okay I feel like I feel like we we got in on the ground floor of something really cool that's happening. Yeah, we had some great timing, didn't we?
Starting point is 01:05:09 Geez. Yeah, maybe the first time in my life I've had good timing for anything. Pretty great problem to have. Yeah, we've also got Friendly Fire, the hit war movie podcast that Ben and I do with John Roderick. It's great. We should thank Adam Ragusia, who makes all the original music for the show, and Dark Materia, who made the original Picard song, Upon Witch.
Starting point is 01:05:34 Our music is based. We should thank JJ Lendle and Bill Tilly, who make movie posters and trading cards of each episode, and post those on Twitter using the hashtag GreatestGen. If you'd like to talk about the show on social media, use the hashtag GreatestGen. There's Facebook groups and Reddit sub, Discord, things. Sounds like great people on Twitter. Friends of the Soto are all over the damn place. It's true. You can try to get rid of us.
Starting point is 01:06:08 And then another one pops up in their place. Well, with that, we'll be back here next time with another great episode of Star Trek Deep Space 9, and an episode of the greatest generation Deep Space 9. We're been and I fight over the same girl. While all the time not realizing that there's been a girl that slighted us the whole time. Yeah. Buh! Right?
Starting point is 01:06:28 Yeah. That's. You know, you focus on the girl in front of you, Pen, and you've missed the girl attacking from the side. Clever girl. So just to recap, if you need to send a commercial message or a personal message, anything like that, slash jumbo tron, and if you need to reach Josh, it's slash Jembo Tron. We should get that set up. Hey, Danny. Little favor.
Starting point is 01:07:18 Can you do maybe two hours of work for a joke no one cares about? Comedy and culture. of work for a joke no one cares about.

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