The Headgum Podcast - 102: Inflation (w/ Georges Saba!)

Episode Date: May 13, 2022

Comedian/roommate Georges Saba joins Geoff, in secret, to discuss Geoff's unemployment, American inflation and Georges' Instagram rebrand! ORDER FROM GEORGES' FOOD POPUP IN LA, MAY 15TH Adver...tise on The Headgum Podcast via Rate The Headgum Podcast 5-stars on Apple Podcasts. Rate The Headgum Podcast 5-stars on Spotify. Join the Headgum Discord.See for privacy information.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is a HeadGum Original. Previously on the HeadGum Podcast. Did you meet my sister at NYU? Or you guys met at the Y? No, yeah, we met just like from doing comedy first. Stop doing the noises. I'm talking, please. What if I just had a full meltdown?
Starting point is 00:00:32 Listen, Jeff. That would be an awesome. We'd relish it. We would. The fans would love that. Someone needs to go off on him. just got off the phone with the unemployment office yeah you were gone a while yeah it was uh i hope you didn't hear that because i wasn't super kind to them. You were really mean. Yeah. Well, you know what? They're not helping me get another job at a different podcast network. Yeah. I mean, I don't
Starting point is 00:01:13 know. Maybe you should. You famously have not done very well at this podcast network. That's only socially and with work. Yeah. OK, so those are like the two big things. Like there's also special projects, which they never get through me a bone. I never got to do anything on my own. Right. I think it's because they don't trust you. Why? Cause I don't have follow through. Yeah. You seem to know every issue you have. Well, they, I did an exit interview and they told me all this. So I'm just spouting their talking points. I'm surprised the exit interview wasn't an episode of this podcast.
Starting point is 00:01:47 I feel like you would have tried to make that content. They were very clear that this show is over. So now I'm trying to do it on our own. So we're here in our living room. Yeah. But you know what? It's sort of freeing to me because we can do whatever we want.
Starting point is 00:02:02 Yeah, I felt like you were doing whatever you wanted before and that was a little the problem really yeah that's true so what would you have suggested i'd done um i guess like prepared the show like come up with a segment that wasn't just like what's this or that or or a segment that was just you going through a PowerPoint with the expectation that the guests sort of try and guess where your very illogical line of thought could have ever gone. Yeah, I should have tried that. I think as far as anything you want to do, why do you want to keep doing this podcast anyway? Because I don't have anything else. You keep doing this podcast anyway because i don't have anything else you have anything else i don't have a cat okay that's one thing i guess i meant like
Starting point is 00:02:52 hobbies like you've friends like you don't have to do this especially you're fine but you're gone all day because you have a job yeah i'm sitting at home all i did was prepare this episode okay what'd you prepare? We'll get to it. We have 45 minutes to fill. All right. We can do whatever we want. I have probably 20 minutes of segments. And I think, okay. And that's what I want to flag. I think if you acknowledge you have 45 minutes to fill and knowingly are only attempting to fill less than half of that.
Starting point is 00:03:22 Well, the rest is supposed to be jovial conversation. What have I been up to? What have I been up to? You think it's never been jovial conversation on the show? What about Bond of the Week? A, that's famously never a conversation. Are you using this as a transition? What is your Bond of the Week?
Starting point is 00:03:41 I've never gotten to do Bond of the Week. I don't know the rule. This is actually kind of exciting. Do you have anybody in mind? Basically, whether this show is on HeadGum or not, every week until the next 007 is cast, we're going to cast our vote for the next James. Of who James Bond should be.
Starting point is 00:03:58 You can also, if you want, cast side characters. Some people have lobbed up villains. But I'm really excited about my pick. Let's hear yours. Okay, got it. So you seem like you just want to say your thing.. But I'm really excited about my pick. Let's hear yours. So you seem like you just want to say your thing. No, I want to hear yours as well. I'm giving you the floor first. Okay.
Starting point is 00:04:13 Off the top of my head, and I think it's just because this is being sprung on me and it's the first celebrity that came to my mind. Max Verstappen. The F1 driver? Yeah, well he's like 26 which feels like a good age to be James Bond. Yeah, he's not British. Oh, I forgot that's a rule.
Starting point is 00:04:32 I mean, I don't follow that to a T. Yeah, who's the person you're saying? Are they British? The person that I was going to say was Chris Colfer. Are they British? Who's Chris Colfer? Chris Colfer from Glee. Which, I didn't watch Glee. You don't know about Glee? I know about Glee.
Starting point is 00:04:49 You must not know. Oh, fuck. You know what? Do it again. Do it again. I was going to do Chris Colfer. And then I realized I changed it. What?
Starting point is 00:05:03 What? Give me the inside baseball because i don't know what happened and where you went wrong it seems like you just bitted yourself in your blood this whole show is one big hat on a hat i can't tell anybody to ever listen to this if I'm on an episode because none of it makes sense. You just did two layers upon layers of jokes that are total in jokes that I barely understand. I didn't even do it. It'll make sense if I tell you who my actual Bond of the Week is. Who's your actual Bond of the Week?
Starting point is 00:05:37 Anyone of Sami descent. I know I'm being tricked. I know I'm being tricked. I know I'm being tricked. The Sami people created skiing. If that clears it up for you at all. Are you familiar with skiing? I'm familiar with skiing. What would you say to those who don't know about skis?
Starting point is 00:05:58 I guess I'd say you don't know about ski. You must not know about skis. you must not know about skis you must not know about skis they're used for getting down a mountain quickly sometimes you can drink a shot of whiskey off them you must not know about skis you must not know about skis there's a financial barrier to entry so don't you ever for a second get to thinking they're not for the wealthy. I thought you were going to say you must not know Sami. That would have also worked. About the Sami people.
Starting point is 00:06:36 Yeah. And so I was, because I'm not familiar with the Sami people, I was afraid to ask because I didn't want to tee you up. Right. And then I wish I did because I wish you weren't prepared. Thank you for making me this, by the way. I've been drinking a lot. Because you're unemployed?
Starting point is 00:06:53 Yeah. Do you still get ad revenue from this, even in doing it in secret? I never got ad revenue from this. That's actually some inside baseball. I got paid a fee. I got paid a fee. You're doing this for free right now. Ideally for a fee. I'm a fee you're doing this for free right now ideally for a fee i'm still gonna send my invoice okay well you've been fired for two weeks yeah yeah what happened last week last week they i mean they gave me severance a little bit i'll give you one week
Starting point is 00:07:17 of severance i feel like you've been doing this for what feels like a hundred years well they gave me four weeks of apple tv plus so i got got severance for... I had to finish it in the next three weeks. That's horrible. That's like not good. I was a contractor. I've always been a 1099. Also, four weeks of Apple TV Plus is like the free trial. Insult to injury.
Starting point is 00:07:38 They didn't even spend any money on my severance package. By the way, I don't like severance. The show? Yeah. Oh, that's the joke you were building too yes i how do you like being the only guest on this show it's so much worse it's so hard i thought it'd be better yes i thought there's something about this that feels like i think especially because i haven't talked to you in like three weeks in spite of i was like this will be easy and then something about this is like because we haven't talked to you in three weeks, in spite of how we live here, I was like, this will be easy.
Starting point is 00:08:06 And then something about this is like, because we haven't talked, but aside from half conversation while we were setting up, it's like we are now in this elevated bit mindset. I know I'm making such a meta commentary on this show, but I think I just want to get across my struggle. That was easy. oh my I think it's hard because all my energy is pointed at you yeah yeah it's certainly energy at me it's not like this isn't
Starting point is 00:08:37 a collaborative environment no no it isn't um that was our bond of the week this isn't a segment, but more of a talking point that you might enjoy a little bit more. Let's talk about dating in L.A. Okay. I mean, people on the internet love hearing about dating in L.A. Did you not get to do this on the show? It feels like you start off with this whole thesis, like you want to do things you haven't done on this show before. Yeah, but some are staples. Talking about dating talking about dating in la with young single people is something i'm interested in have you have this ever come up on the show yes it started with sally dark
Starting point is 00:09:14 griffin okay and then it became dating in new york asking marika what was what in terms of uh being young single flirty and thriving in for lack of a better term jackson heights queens oh yeah and then lack of a better and then i asked cecily and lucy who are dating two people that we know and uh now i'm asking you so it's been four weeks um i feel like i'm a bad person to ask because uh dating has been exceptionally easy for me. I feel like you're the best person to ask because you've had a wild ride the past year. It's been a ride. Yeah, it's been a little weird.
Starting point is 00:09:56 I think, you know, in June of last year, I got out of a very long... I don't know. This feels very hard to talk about. Not in a bad way. Yeah, you don't have to start there. You left a long-term relationship. I left a five-and-a-half-year relationship.
Starting point is 00:10:18 And then a lot of people could say too quickly jumped into a dating scene. And so if anything, I am like, I'm at a stage where I'm really trying to like focus on myself and like that growth. Yeah. It's so you're dating yourself in LA. Yeah. But also still dating in LA. It's,
Starting point is 00:10:41 I don't know. It's, I'm not, I don't, that's the hard thing. I'm not in a place this is a very earnest answer I'm not in a place where I think I can like uh actively speak on or like digest dating on LA because it feels like something I'm like fairly passive to right it's
Starting point is 00:10:57 to say like I'm not actively making decisions in it I just feel like it feels very amorphous because the transition into it has been very fast and I'm figuring it out like truly minute to minute. But would you say that that's the landscape of dating in LA, Los Angeles? I think it's, I don't know. I'd hate to make an umbrella statement. I'd hate to say it was all like, this is just me. I feel like every internet comedian or TikToker, that's the point is to make umbrella statements about dating in LA. Yeah. Dating in LA is like hard because of this one thing. I'm like, not really. It's actually like 40 different things. Yeah. It's incredibly nuanced. It's like when people on TikToker are like, well, this is specifically what my therapist said.
Starting point is 00:11:39 It was like, you are aware that like your therapist is giving advice based on weeks upon weeks of information. Compounding information about you you like it is so specific you really can't like advice is a different thing right like when they're like versus this is therapy for everyone yeah exactly it's a totally different animal so i i don't know i yeah i think it's funny like all internet comedians who do this is like yeah i guess maybe i'm not that like no that's not your brand at all that's i think also why it's fun to talk about yeah it's also i'm always like you like say when a stand-up talks about dating and they're like oh i went on this horrible date or like uh i had sex with this person and it was weird i just did a stand-up bit about one specific date you went on that was horrible.
Starting point is 00:12:29 Oh, the field, my field experience? Yeah, but that was, the date itself was not horrible. Should I just tell the story? Tell the story, use a different name because this is going out to more people. Yeah, this is so much harder. Okay, so I... I got you on field. Yeah, Jeffrey. different name because this is going out to more people yeah this is so much harder um okay so i uh i got you on field yeah jeffrey uh jeffrey convinced me to join field a kink app which is a an app i decided i don't like i'm not on the apps at all um i feel like i here's another thing i'll
Starting point is 00:13:01 say and i'm gonna derail it and also make another meta commentary about the podcast I've only ever been on this podcast in a zoom format so I don't know if I should address the camera like this feels yeah it feels weird like I'm shooting it feels like we're making a girl defined vlog
Starting point is 00:13:18 like we're those two like we were those like Christian influencers I like to think about it just as like it's an early... This is what a video podcast looked like in 2013. Yeah, I guess. Anyway. But back to dating in LA for a second. You were just talking about how you were kind of plopped into the dating scene very fast.
Starting point is 00:13:39 So let's do this. I think this will be helpful for everybody listening. Between... You're fully listening. And who else was there? This is getting cut out, right? No, no, no. We'll bleep all of this, but rank them for sure. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:58 Okay. So this is. Yeah, this feels horrible. Let's do physical attraction first. Well, I think part of the thing is. Yeah, this feels.. Let's do physical attraction first. Well, I think part of the thing is, yeah, this feels so... Okay, physical attraction? No, this is terrible. No, it's not.
Starting point is 00:14:11 Everything will be censored. This is between you and me, but it's fun to see your reaction, I think. Yeah. Thank God. I fucking hate you so much. Okay, I don't think it's right to rank women. Of course. We're not ranking women.
Starting point is 00:14:25 We're ranking people that you've dated. Who all happen to be women? I could do it. And you said physically? Yeah, rank. Okay. People you've dated in the last year, rank them physically. Well, that's a little crass.
Starting point is 00:14:39 You just said that. Let's do this. Three compliments each. For the three people i listed three compliments specific to them the best part about them okay three compliments for each um okay um i would say uh i i think both have the same quality of like, you can bring them to any event. Yeah. And it's like,
Starting point is 00:15:07 I don't have to worry about them. Sure. Like very, uh, operable and independent. This feels horrible. I hate this so much. Let's move on.
Starting point is 00:15:16 Um, I'm going to veto that. This is, this is a conversation I'm happy to have with you in practice. I just like, um, inflation is a thing that isn't going anywhere. Um, uh, I guess the wave up, I'm with you in practice. I just like hate you. Inflation is a thing that isn't going anywhere.
Starting point is 00:15:32 I guess the wave up, but we have to talk about it. We have to? Inflation is the highest level it's been in four decades. But how you experience inflation can vary greatly. You know, depending on what you eat, how much you travel, your other spending habits etc so i the new york times created this uh basically quiz um and i wanted to see if we could calculate your rate of inflation it just which is just good to know like how so like how much more like by a percent i'm spending per year correct okay uh so the first question is did you buy a car in the past year uh your options are i bought a new car i bought a used car i bought a new and
Starting point is 00:16:11 a used car and i didn't buy it i didn't buy her all right here we go um you're at 7.6 at this point how much do you not buying a car inflation sucks how how much do you drive in a week at least 400 miles between 150 and 400 miles or less than 150 or you have an EV oh jeez is this something I should count like as a grown up I should track my miles like the bad and fair score
Starting point is 00:16:37 I had to guess you don't drive more than 150 because you live kind of close to work okay in a week I feel like I drive a lot yeah but there's no way if you go from one side of LA to the okay in a week yeah i feel like i drive a lot there's yeah but there's no way it's because if you go from one side of la to the next that's like 25 miles yeah and so there in bag of 25 it's not that i do that every day i guess but like i think sometimes i feel like when i'm in the car it's been forever fine do uh less than 150 miles we could do it between 115 400 yeah let's hedge up like i want my percentage to be kind of high right okay how much do you travel like a baller i travel three three or more trips yeah three
Starting point is 00:17:09 more trips a year there you go oh that was a big jump are you they gonna see this graph that you're yes they are and then are you vegetarian i'm like flexitarian okay so no not all right i know but i feel like it's a little bit of a gradient oh do you heat your home with oil no i don't think so i think we do do we heat our home with oil yeah okay because we have the la socal gas oh then yeah um and then how often do you eat out uh several days of the week or one or two uh one we'll say one to two uh do you pay for school uh i do not pay for school i'm a working guy your rate of inflation is 11.7 and i have no metric for whether that's a lot i don't know what's you do it um i already did mine earlier, so I have screenshots. The average inflation is 8.5, so yours is high. Fuck.
Starting point is 00:18:08 Wait, do it again. What would you change? I can adjust any of them. Let's say, make me a vegetarian. Okay, let's say you're a vegetarian who drives a little less. 11.6. What the fuck? Wait, I feel like, okay, here's where i got fucked but i heat my home with oil which you also don't have a choice i don't have a choice wait screw up what's the first
Starting point is 00:18:33 thing we said you said that you didn't buy a car which do you want to change that no because i feel like that's a trick i hate that sucks so much all right well yours was 11.6 uh let's see what mine was um so average u.s inflation is 8.5 the first question is did you buy a a car new or used in the past year um for me i uh actually entered an omaze sweepstakes and lost a forced ford bronco v8 so um you had different answers than i had well mine was a fill in the blank and then they changed it to a drop down because your answer i can only assume i was one of many people who took some liberties but yeah i entered an omaze sweepstakes and lost um but it was the sick like souped up v8 it was a velociraptor with uh like a racing stripe wait what do you mean you sorry that sounds
Starting point is 00:19:26 like a disgusting car um what oh no how did this you entered a sweepstakes what did you do what is that oh did you just did you just snot like boogers in there what happened what was your question uh how did the sweepstakes work you uh you can enter a certain number of times for free i ended up paying 50 to get i think 1500 entries um and i lost um okay so you didn't the question the first question being did you buy a car you didn't like lose a car you lost the sweepstakes i didn't lose a car i didn you buy a car? You didn't like lose a car. You lost a sweepstakes. I didn't lose a car. I didn't get a car because I entered and lost a sweepstakes. So your answer in the drop down menu is I didn't buy a car.
Starting point is 00:20:12 Again, it was a type in your own answer. I don't know if they were beta testing it, but I said I lost a Ford Bronco and a sweepstakes. How it's OK. What I will say is that's incredibly sophisticated AI for The New York Times. I understand they're like one of the world's largest publications. Here's our roommate's dog, Pretzel. Hello, Pretzel. You know what's funny?
Starting point is 00:20:30 When we talked about doing this in the living room, I was thinking, oh, I wonder when Pretzel comes in who she's going to go to. And I had a nightmare scenario where she'd go to you and not me. Well, she's making the rounds. So anyway, should we continue? Yeah, keep going. Sorry, you clearly have some funny jokes in here that you wrote in um so the second one was that uh the question is how how much do you drive and i say well i'm in the driver's seat so to speak sexually so what i'll often do is instead of driving somewhere, I'll drive someone. That's yeah, I get what you're saying.
Starting point is 00:21:12 But when you say I drive someone, it still sounds like you're driving. I get you're making a sex thing. It still sounds like you're just in a car. Good note. Good note. How did it know? How did it know what to like go to? You know, like how how did when the chart swings like when you eat your home with oil how did it know to only go a little bit because you drive someone sexually it's i think it's powered by watson i don't know what else to say i want
Starting point is 00:21:38 also powered by watson insane um like any sort of like any sort of, like, any sort of sexual, well, I don't know, I was going to say any sexual action is free, and I know sex work is, never mind, I'm not going to pontificate on this. Yeah. Regular. I don't want to make an assumption about your sexual lifestyle.
Starting point is 00:21:59 And then they ask how often do you travel, and the question, the answer is I can't. Why? Because of some airport mishaps. What? All right. And I fear that the airport mishaps... Or what would you do, I guess? Well, I made a joke about concealing a pipe bomb.
Starting point is 00:22:14 But I was really just talking about my really, really bad gas at the time. You... All of these are like you're saying things in just another cluster of words to make it sound worse and putting in yourself in a worse scenario. I also edited a plane ticket to say that I was TSA, please check. So it was basically that I was like a person of interest in terms of like airport security. Why did you do that? Would you gain from being a TSA, please check? I don't, usually they have a sense of humor depending on which airport you're in.
Starting point is 00:22:43 Like at LAX, they're usually like, you know, joking with me a little bit what airport caught you it was burbank i guess because there's like they have more attention to detail because there's less people yeah i guess i want to go back to you said you had a pipe bomb because you had gas yeah i mean flying it just there's it does a number on the body yeah you committed a minor form of domestic terrorism because you had to fart that's one way to put it but i honestly it took my inflation rate down so it all ends up being worth it in the end yeah i guess net um and then it asks uh if you're vegetarian or not i only eat sides so stuff like corn off the cob tomato gratin and red bean casserole right okay as a
Starting point is 00:23:28 i said i was flexitarian earlier which is sort of a meat on the side situation does that mean you like if presented on the side and if the side were big enough you'd eat it um i guess that now we're getting into a conversation of what constitute a side because you can definitely have meat in a side right exactly like steak tartare i would say that's an app that's an app yeah no i think you're right well okay wait what's chips and guac cider app i think that's one of the things that's in the middle of the van i think okay because there's that'll often be what's that i was nothing sorry you were singing yeah i was just saying it's in the middle of the van i don't know what that is again i think they were beta testing because i just got this weird computer character uh so at least you know your answer even though it's a little bit above the average sure okay
Starting point is 00:24:12 sure sure we have to move on This song's long. It's a little to edit them down because you'd have to download the sound, edit it in like Premiere, export the wave and then upload that to uh... Yeah, just, okay, yeah. Guys, taking care of your health isn't always easy, right? But it should be simple. That's why for the last three years I've been taking AG1, just one scoop and a cup of water
Starting point is 00:25:03 mixed around every day, no exceptions. And it helps me feel, you know, energized, focused, ready to take on the day. Like I'm doing one powerfully healthy habit that's also powerfully simple. I know that AG1 gives my body high quality nutrition because every batch goes through a rigorous testing process so that you know it's safe. And their ingredients are sourced for potency, absorption, and nutrient density, all of which is very important and you don't always get with other leading nutrition brands. I like to drink it first thing in the morning. I'll have a glass of water. I'll have my AG1 and then I'll have my coffee. And it gets me set off to take on the day and to be centered and to feel like I did at least one good thing for my health. And if you do that
Starting point is 00:25:51 every day, it has compounding effects. If there's one product I had to recommend to elevate your health, it's AG1. That's why we partnered with them for so long. So if you want to take ownership of your health, start with AG1. try ag1 and get a free one year supply of vitamin d3 k2 and five free ag1 travel packs with your first purchase exclusively at slash what's that again that's slash what's that check it out um i thought it'd be fun since we can do whatever we want, to do our own little Vogue 73 questions. Sure. The conceit of we can do whatever we want and still talking about inflation for as long as we want.
Starting point is 00:26:34 I think this stuff is interesting. I've tried to make this show a little bit more digestible, a little more highbrow by talking about current events. And last week we talked about how former President Barack Obama thinks there needs to be more regulation around tech. Okay. This one's a little bit more fun, alright? If you don't like inflation, let's do 73 questions. What's your favorite movie? My favorite movie is
Starting point is 00:26:58 Cleo from 5 to 7. Is that an indie movie? No, it's like a French film. Can I say Over the Garden Wall? yeah not technically a movie favorite movie in the past 5 years and the year is
Starting point is 00:27:13 2022 which goes all the way back to 2017 I love the Lego Batman movie really? I really love it I think it deserves more praise i don't know what yours what are your kinks by the way i've never talked to you about this praise
Starting point is 00:27:31 well hold on you answer the question and then that can be the next my favorite movie is the big lebowski my favorite movie in the last five years is probably god i've hated a lot of the movies I've seen I liked Cats You liked Cats? I had a fun experience going to watch Cats But no what's the Oh you know what Spencer was kind of good Okay I didn't see it Kristen Stewart's really good in it
Starting point is 00:27:57 I might have meant mine and said Parasite I mean in Parasite it's great That feels basic I don't watch a lot of movies so like any of the movies that i watch are because i had to to be part of the cultural conversation so anything that i picked from the last five years is not gonna be interesting you watch spencer because we're all talking about it i watched it with my parents okay um favorite move you want to gloss over kinks and you were about to read favorite movie again favorite marvel film favorite marvel film yeah uh i like ragnarok feels basic to say
Starting point is 00:28:34 but i i think that's a very fun one um and then also uh i thought civil war was fun when i saw it i don't think it holds up. Yeah. I haven't seen Multiverse of Madness. I might see it after we're done recording if you want to go. I have to edit this and get it to Ferris. Oh, okay. You know what I liked?
Starting point is 00:28:58 Into the Spidey-verse. Into the Spidey-verse. Technically not. It's not like Marvel licensed. Marvel licensed, yeah. I guess, yeah, fine. Better answer than my dumb thing. into the spider-verse technically not it's it's not like marvel licensed marvel licensed yeah um i guess yeah they're fine yeah better answer than my dumb thing i i should see thor ragnarok because i've heard it's funny that's fun yeah i don't know you you might i don't think you need that much context to see it either um a movie you've read a movie i've read. A movie I've read. Okay, this says a movie you read in school that positively shaped you.
Starting point is 00:29:28 Why don't we say a book you read in school that positively shaped you. Yeah, why don't we say a book. I don't know if this positively shaped me. It's certainly the book I've been thinking a lot about. The Bible. Yeah, the Bible. I think it's called House of the Scorpion. And it's about a kid who grows
Starting point is 00:29:47 up on this plantation everybody's on opium and they're making laudanum which i believe is opium water yeah and um it's he's like not allowed to hang out with other kids because it's revealed he's like the clone of the plantation owner who basically when the plantation owner dies, he becomes like a person. And then he finds all this out and starts to take it down. They're like, well, we're going to kill him because we have plenty of other little clone babies to take over the plantation. I think it's called House of the Scorpion. I read Hollywood by Bukowski when I was like a freshman in high school. Bukowski when I was in like, when I was like a freshman in high school.
Starting point is 00:30:28 I feel like it's, you went to an all boys private school and I feel like it's so dangerous to give like freshmen and all boys private school Bukowski. They didn't give it to me. They, that was like your one. You insisted you fought for it. Yes. And that was the book that I read and was like, I'm never going to be an alcoholic. Okay. And? That just positively shaped me, which that was also my misconception that alcoholism isn't a mental illness. I also forgot that the caveat of the question was positively shaped you.
Starting point is 00:30:55 That's okay. We have 68 more. That's okay. All right. Rapid fire the next five. Okay. And just a flag. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:31:03 You said you had 20 minutes prepared sure this is easily 30 this is 72 questions we could have just done this we didn't have to talk about dating in la or inflation how do i know you had this in your pocket we could have done this i gotta milk this for 45 minutes okay well we have at most an hour okay so we could do 3 to 18 more minutes. Alright. Let's do rapid fire the next 5. Favorite TV show that's currently on.
Starting point is 00:31:30 Did Killing Eve do the finale air? Yeah. Okay. I don't know. I really love I Think You Should Leave. Picked up for season 3. Although you already knew that. I already knew that. Righteous Gemstones.
Starting point is 00:31:44 Is a good one. I'll say What We Do in the Shadows. Oh, yeah. On a scale of one to ten, how excited are you about life right now? Scale of one to ten, six. Probably eight for me. That's pretty good. Wait, you're an eight, but you're fired.
Starting point is 00:32:01 You're moving. I'm an optimist. It's got to look up somehow. Sure. I'm hoping this episode at least gets my foot in the door for next week. What do you mean foot in the door? You're making this like unpoliced anyway. This you can if you're doing it now, you can always do it.
Starting point is 00:32:19 Yeah, but I do. I mean, I want it to be what it was. I want to be in studio. I want to have whoever I want on. I want Amir to come back. I want Marika to come back. So you want Amir, Marika, and Jake to listen to this episode?
Starting point is 00:32:32 This episode right now where the first half was me fumbling over because I was too nervous to really break down my dating over the past year because it felt too personal. That's like this whole awkward jibber jabber i gave for most of the time you think that's gonna sell them to bring this back i'm not a good podcast guest i just live
Starting point is 00:32:53 in your house i don't know i don't know where else to do this this is like the closest we could get to the head gum studio we're both on chairs and couches and it looks kind of nice. It does look nice. Yeah, we're getting great light cresting in. Let's do this Samsung or Apple. Apple, unfortunately. Twitter or Instagram? They're both bad, but I guess I'm using Instagram more than I'm using Twitter and I'm not really using either. You also rebranded your food Instagram.
Starting point is 00:33:23 Do you want to plug it now yes i've rebranded from eat crit george saba uh to food george saba i think food george saba i think it makes a lot more sense i think i want to rebrand my regular instagram to be more like a normal man george saba i oh i didn't even mean that to be a man george thing i was gonna make it like rip george saba but that's good. Or I might leave it as secret but I want to rebrand it as well. You don't even need to answer this next one. It was supposed to be who should everyone be following right now and I would say at food George Saba. At food George Saba.
Starting point is 00:33:54 Yeah wait can I use it? Oh this is great. What's your favorite food? Oh uh lately what have I been thinking about lately? I mean the mushroom dip. I do love lap i've been making silbier a lot lately i misspoke what's the the opium water oh lot enough lobna is uh sieved out greek yogurt so it's actually thick but uh i was like yeah i've kind of i've been
Starting point is 00:34:20 making silbier which is turkish eggs a lot lately. That's cool. Just sort of living off it. But I'm going to do a mid-episode plug because this will come out this Friday. You mean mid-episode, like it's in the middle of the episode or it's going to be, you're plugging it like a kind of mid-episode. It's happening in the mid, I'm plugging in the middle of this episode, obviously. Obviously, welcome back, Pretzel. This will come out the 13th? Yeah. Okay. You can still put in orders if you live in Los Angeles for Virginia Moss. That's Virginia like the state, Moss like the growth underscore. It's a place you can eat mine and Sarah Linden's food and drink our drinks. This particular pop-up,
Starting point is 00:34:59 you would pick up your food on Sunday, May 15th. And it's our take on fast food and stuff. And it's yummy. Yeah, it's Cuban smash burgers. We got some fried okra. We got some dirty martini jello shots. We love the upstairs downstairs of it all. It's going to be exciting.
Starting point is 00:35:19 When do you close? It's all day Friday. So midnight for Saturday is when we'll stop taking orders oh i thought it was gonna be on sunday it is on sunday but if you're taking orders yeah we're taking orders and then you come pick it up and you'll pick it up as long as you have an order we'll do it whenever um all right we gotta get through a lot of these um this is truly rapid fire one to five word answers okay least favorite food bugs rapid fire what One to five word answers. Okay. Least favorite food. Bugs.
Starting point is 00:35:46 Rapid fire. What do you love on your pizza? Cheese and sauce and other ingredients. Favorite drink? I was going to say soda. That's not true. I love a classic daiquiri. Favorite dessert?
Starting point is 00:35:59 Tiramisu. Chocolate bars or ice cream? Ice cream. Coffee or tea? Tea. What's the hardest part about being a student? Homework. What's your favorite
Starting point is 00:36:09 band? I was going to say The Strokes. I don't think that's true. Right now, I love Cheek Face. I've seen them twice in the past couple months. Favorite solo artist? Sidney Gish. Favorite song? Favorite song in general, All Blank
Starting point is 00:36:26 Sign. If you could sing a duet with anybody, who would it be? If you could master one instrument, what would it be? The piano. If you had a tattoo, what would it be? I think it would say All Blank Sign. To be or not to be?
Starting point is 00:36:41 I would not be. Dogs or cats? Cats. Bird watching? Bird watching or whale watching? Whale watching, I guess. Best gift you've ever received? Advice.
Starting point is 00:36:55 Best gift you've ever given? I got a really good gift for my boss for his birthday last week, but I decided it was too good of a gift, so I decided not to give it to him. I'm going to save it for the holiday. You're an idiot. What did you get him instead? I got him. I didn't get it. Well, I made him like, I make him a
Starting point is 00:37:09 cocktail every Friday. Yeah. It's sort of a fun little thing. It sounds unfun. It sounds like I'm making my boss a cocktail every Friday. But it is, it's fun. I like it. But it's a, the actual gift was he loves tennis, he loves Roger Federer, so I got him a Roger Federer signed tennis ball.
Starting point is 00:37:25 That's amazing. Oh, for the holidays. For his birthday, it's just like a nice little, it felt like a good boss gift because you can just keep it on his desk and it has value. That's true. But I decided it was too good of a gift because I feel like an easy gift to give your boss is always booze, and so I'm just going to wait it out.
Starting point is 00:37:39 That's fair. Last gift you gave a friend? Last gift I gave a friend last gift I gave a friend I'm sure I gave oh I brought back like cheese from Italy for Sarah Lyndon what's your favorite game my favorite game holy you answer
Starting point is 00:37:57 that probably pool I love pool I'll say pool too what's your favorite place to visit right now it's been Italy. What's the last place you visited? Charleston, South Carolina, which is also another place I love to visit.
Starting point is 00:38:13 What country do you wish you could visit? Again? Italy, but I'm going to say Japan. I think I'd love Japan. What's your favorite color? I love earth tones, so I'll go say green like this couch. Least favorite color?
Starting point is 00:38:26 I don't know. Too harsh of a red. Shoes or shirts? Shoes. I guess shirts because I've been buying a lot of cabana wear, but I'm in the market for a good pair of closed-toed beach shoes, like a beach lover. Beach party or romantic dinner?
Starting point is 00:38:41 Those are so different. I guess romantic dinner, but i like both things beach party maybe also jogging or aerobic exercise what was the first one jogging or aerobic isn't jogging an aerobic exercise uh yeah i guess jogging road trip or cruise road trip if you had one superpower what would it be? Invisible. What's the weirdest word in the English language? I'm going to change my other one to teleporting. I think I'd be on time. That's going to be your answer to that one.
Starting point is 00:39:11 What's your favorite flower? I love a morning glory. When was the last time you cried? Oh, I was talking about this last night. I sort of tear up every time I talk about it. I'm going to do another plug. I'm very proud of my youngest sister, Margot. She has a music...
Starting point is 00:39:27 Girl George. Yeah, her thing is Girl George. The girl and then G-E-R-G-E-S. Like my name. She didn't name it after me. It's very sweet. She has an album coming out June 20th. You can buy her merch and you can pre-order it.
Starting point is 00:39:41 Do you like your own handwriting? No, I used to. Sometimes I think it's good when I'm writing something. I look at it on the whole page. I'm like, that was bad. But letter to letter, sometimes I like it. Do you cook? All the time.
Starting point is 00:39:51 What is your least favorite thing about yourself? I've been having trouble putting down boundaries lately, but it goes and flows always. I feel like you and I always struggle with that. Yeah, it's the boundaries thing and putting myself first while still showing I care about others Ram Dass says that by helping you you help me
Starting point is 00:40:11 is this like specific to us or are you making an umbrella statement on no Ram Dass says that about everybody who's Ram Dass he's like a spiritual you don't know Ram Dass you must not know about Das he studied under the Maharishi
Starting point is 00:40:24 you must not know about Maharishi He studied under the Maharishi. You must not know about Maharishi. I don't know who they are also. Forget it. What's your most favorite thing about yourself? My most favorite thing about myself? I think I can learn things very, very quick. What are you listening to right now? What am I listening to right now? Music-wise, my
Starting point is 00:40:41 Discover Weekly. Favorite smell? Favorite smell? Fresh Baked Cookies. right now music wise um i discover weekly uh favorite smell favorite smell uh fresh baked cookies what's that fresh baked cookies like when they fill a house that this is probably mine it's the maison louis marie number four it's nice it's like the most affordable sandalwood candle that doesn't smell like ass i spilled a candle in my car and I haven't cleaned up the wax. It's still in there, but when it gets hot out, it makes the car smell good. So I kind of like that. Who was the
Starting point is 00:41:12 last person you talked to on the phone? The last person? My boss. I thought it was me. Oh yeah, I did call you. I called you, yeah. Who was the last person you sent a text to? You. A sport you wish you could play? I wish I could. Oh, fuck. I feel like i can do it all baby coolest haircut um a uh i i think i want to bleach my hair that'd be cool sunglasses that's the question i don't own sunglasses but i like them i think it's just hard to find the pair for you scary film or happy endings I like both um I think they meant the tv show oh so a scary film or the show happy ending
Starting point is 00:41:54 yes I maintain I like both okay favorite season uh I like spring right now I think they were talking about the show oh favorite show favorite show of Happy Endings? Favorite season of Happy Endings. Yeah, I think it only lasted three. Yeah, I think the second one was good. Three people alive or dead that you'd like to have dinner with? Three people alive or dead I'd like to have dinner with. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:42:18 Skip it. Ram Dosh, the Maharishi, and then pick one of the three women. Well, the Sami people. Oh, that's really good. Hugs or kisses? I know this answer. Kisses, baby. Lady Gaga or Katy Perry? Lady Gaga. Where were you born? Cincinnati, Ohio. What is the furthest you've been from home?
Starting point is 00:42:37 Italy. Sweet cakes? Sweet cakes or savory buns? Yeah, I guess sweet cakes, but I like both. Lipstick or lip gloss? Gloss. Stick.
Starting point is 00:42:56 Fuck. I don't know. This feels like one of those things I'll get canceled for. What book have you read again and again? The Bible. House of the Scorpion. No. Book have I read again and again? The Bible. House of the Scorpion. No. What have I read again
Starting point is 00:43:06 and again? I don't know. I'm hung up on the lipstick lip gloss one because I feel like if I said gloss, we're like, gloss! And if I say stick, they'll say stick! I don't know. I don't know enough about the lip thing. Favorite bedtime story? This one will be easier. I'm going to say Good Night Moon but that's not true. I like Corduroy.
Starting point is 00:43:22 Oh, you know what? I like that book that makes me really sad, I Love You Forever. I think that i think that's what's called right in the picture is the baby by the toilet i don't know if i ever read that one it's really it's like heart-wrenching it's hard because like you don't have to read the classics like you have to read what you like sure a bedtime story is different than a children's book though in my okay that's true what would be the title of your autobiography? He Did It Again. Favorite sound? Swap! Favorite animal?
Starting point is 00:43:50 A bear, but that's not true. Who's your crush? Jodie Comer. Last photograph you took? I think it does a screenshot count. Yeah. It's a picture of a bathroom I liked. Can I see it? Yeah. Joe?
Starting point is 00:44:00 Yeah. It's a picture of a bathroom I liked. Can I see it? Yeah. Joe? Did we make it through all of them? We did. We made it through another episode of the HeadGum Podcast.
Starting point is 00:44:24 We're alive and well. I thought this went really well. Don't end the podcast with that kind of sentence if you think this is a pleasurable experience for all. Don't be like, we made it through. Which, you're right, we did make it through. I think by the skin of our teeth. But, like, you're showing your hand that you know this is hard. I think this was a fun episode.
Starting point is 00:44:42 I had fun with it. I know the edited version's going to be great. The edited version's going to be mostly cutting out all these women's names. They're people you dated and they're all great people. And I love all of them. All right. No, I thought this was fun. I think people are going to like it.
Starting point is 00:44:55 I think that this is going to be a good print to send to, at the very least, Marika. Yeah, I think at the very least, Marika. Thank you guys so much for listening to this episode of the HeadGum Podcast. That's the name of it. So how can it exist without HeadGum? So bring me back. And we'll see you guys again next week. You can follow George on Instagram at FoodGeorgeSaba.
Starting point is 00:45:15 On Twitter at GeorgeSaba. Right? Yeah. And then you can follow me at JeffreyJames on Instagram at JeffPoyardy on Twitter. We'll see you guys again next week. Actually, no, that's Daz folks. That's Rames, folks. That's Ram Dawes, folks. For that... That was a Hidgum Original.

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