The Headgum Podcast - 123: Rancor

Episode Date: October 7, 2022

Headgum's West Coast Studio Manager, Anya, joins Marika, Allie, and Geoff to discuss Halloween, 3D-printed guns, and rancor! The Pit Wall has been greenlit! Subscribe on your favorite podcast... app so you don't miss new episodes dropping every Wednesday after a race. Advertise on The Headgum Podcast via Rate The Headgum Podcast 5-stars on Apple Podcasts. Rate The Headgum Podcast 5-stars on Spotify. Join the Headgum DiscordSee for privacy information.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is a HeadGum Original. Previously on the HeadGum Podcast. Marika? What did you learn in the past year? I, similarly to Jake, learned that I had a herniated disc and have just been in constant pain for the better part of a year. Jesus. So learning to live with that is fun.
Starting point is 00:00:33 Have you tried diet smoke? Epic. Epic 2021, mate. Yes. Oh, yeah. Who is this? Oh, man. Australian Jake.
Starting point is 00:00:43 It's what? That's Aussie ho. Oh, man. Australian Jake. It's what? It's Aussie Ho. It's... Wow! You guys suck. It sucks doing this show with you guys. I was just doing a bit. Can't hear any music.
Starting point is 00:01:02 No music is playing. No music is playing. No music is playing. Right. Tuesday, October 4th. It's a moment in time that we'll always remember because it's the debut of Anya. Not Taylor Joy. But here I go.
Starting point is 00:01:26 Ken of Skaia that was beautiful Jeff thank you I've never said your last name out loud or typed it there's no reason to did I nail it? yeah you did really good I want to congratulate you on taking a chance on me finally
Starting point is 00:01:41 as a guest or saying my name? as a guest Any saying my name as a guest yeah anya chided me after the head gum happy hour because i'd never invited her on i didn't think you wanted to be on the show why wouldn't i want to be on the show i had a specific memory of you saying never invite me on the show or something to the effect of like keep me away from this shit well it is because you invite people on like their first week working here that's that's true it's like a some sort of hazing ritual i will say that like my onboarding process at head gum was short but almost every person told me to be careful about this so maybe that's really when
Starting point is 00:02:22 you caught me you might have said people told me to be careful about this and then i telephoned that in my mind into meaning you didn't want to be on the show but here we are um we've got a great show planned um i'm stressed as hell how are you guys feeling sorry heck i'm just thinking about someone commented recently on the Hedgen podcast I assume YouTube I don't know where else I would have been reading comments and was like someone needs to teach this
Starting point is 00:02:56 show that number one rule of podcasting is that you don't name the date that you record to keep it timeless evergreen yeah we definitely at this point it's like a bit for sure but i mean i think of that every time any podcast convention ideally is broken during this hour so yeah it's tuesday october 4th at 3 24 p.m you're hearing this on whenever you're listening to it but at the earliest october 7th at 1 a.m pacific i mean i think it's good because what if you say something like problematic and something happens
Starting point is 00:03:41 yeah at least plain what sorry i was really distracted by my own video oh i see it there's been a lot of planes going overhead for me recently we gotta figure this shit out guys anya's the only one bringing the heat today i'm sorry ali i know you're just kind of gearing up but marika you're fucking up can i can i say. Can I tell you guys a secret? Right before I hopped in the Zoom, I put five Tic Tacs in my mouth and I can't chew them
Starting point is 00:04:14 or it's going to be really loud in my microphone. So I'm just kind of like squirreling away Tic Tacs until they dissolve. Or orange or green. Winter green. I have to say in my anticipation of how this would go i didn't think marika would be this chaotic this is different yeah yeah that's fair um marika's is it just today wow i've been on so, so many calls today. Allie on at least two of them. Two more. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:04:49 I know, we keep running into each other. When you guys are on calls, are you guys like actively engaging your brains or are you sometimes turning them off? Like, what do you find more exhausting? Calls or not? Calls. Calls, for sure no definitely yeah i do my best when i don't feel i'm being perceived like any good science experiment you are the control yeah this is you at your lowest yeah i immediately change everything one to five however has everybody feeling because i think i'm at a two or one probably like a three probably worse yeah on you i'm gonna lie and say
Starting point is 00:05:40 i'm at a five so that i can kind of have that energy for the rest of the show. Manifesting it for yourself? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Well, what's the real answer? I would say 2.5. Okay, that's good. That's not bad. It's not good or bad.
Starting point is 00:05:59 Like, if you're doing above a three in the world today. Yeah. Sociopath. Con? I'm like at a 2.5 too all t-o-o you're right okay so i thought it was like you added a decimal point no i'm not like trying to be edgy with my numbers honestly the thing just tipping me up to the three is like the fact that once i'm done with this my work day is over but you guys have at least two more hours so yeah I have to edit this immediately after
Starting point is 00:06:30 so it's I have five more hours probably and by my work day is over I mean I will just lay on my couch with the TV on but also still doing work so you know watching the TV or maybe green dot on slack from reika always um tomorrow is yom kippur um i thought amir was gonna be on this episode are any of you guys jewish okay great so yom kippur is the day of atonement right yeah so I thought we could wax about
Starting point is 00:07:06 what the worst atonement yeah and Kieran Ailey that's anti-semitic just so you know sorry I was just thinking about the library scene
Starting point is 00:07:31 um yeah uh no i thought we could talk about like what the worst thing we did in the last week was and then we could atone for it i can start just because it's hard to admit wrongdoing. Huh. What was it actually? I think it was this morning. And this was an accident. But I had a meeting with Connie about a gumball blog post at 11. And I set my alarm for what I thought was 1030 a.m. 1030 p.m. So I woke up at 1108. I immediately got on the zoom so i was only
Starting point is 00:08:07 eight or nine minutes late but i did waste 10 minutes of her time and i kind of spiraled about that afterwards how did i never met her i said i'm so sorry i set my alarm for what i thought was 10 a.m but was actually 10 30 p.m uh i am so sorry for being late this is a horrible first impression what do you need was it hard for you to understand or like to kind of gauge how much to apologize for because then you're wasting more of her time in the apology it was a very efficient apology i would say and she that sounded that was it yeah and she didn't seem to care all that much she kind ofled. But the chuckle was also an acknowledgement that it was a bad first impression.
Starting point is 00:08:48 So that's... I would like to say formally, Connie, if you're listening, which she isn't, I'm sorry yet again for wasting your time, your energy, your value on my oversleeping dumbass. That's really kind of you.
Starting point is 00:09:05 Yeah. Yeah, I guess it is. That was really big of you to oversleep. It was brave, yeah. Is that what you said? I said big. Like big. And I'm sure more will come up.
Starting point is 00:09:21 Maybe for every one that you guys do, I'll atone for something else bad that I did last week uh anybody else want to take it away in terms of um repentance i can do it i uh had to have people over my house this weekend and i love describing hosting as i had to add people over i if i had a choice i wouldn't have but I did have to do it and I don't I guess because I'm Jewish I was like I don't want to pay for a bunch of beer everybody else is going to bring beer
Starting point is 00:09:54 then there's going to be a bunch of beer left over I don't want to deal with kind of any of this I don't want to invest any money in this event so I went to the head gum offices on saturday and i took beer from our fridge yeah thank you and that's just beer well was it narragansett i took some narragansett and i also took some new belgium that was donated for the head gum happy hour that we had so
Starting point is 00:10:26 much left over that i don't appreciate i actually really don't appreciate the assortment that you laid out it should be nair against it nair against it nair against it maybe a canned amaro spritz but if it's here we're talking gansits i do love ganset as a new england person of course um however i had to like impress people so i wanted to make sure that like cool people saw the near ganset and then like my neighbors who i want them to think i'm like an adult like fancy ipa and nobody drank any of it which is the thing you're being environmentally conscious i don't think anybody can fault you for that thank you do i have to apologize to someone specifically like you did um i'd love if you could apologize to me for including new
Starting point is 00:11:15 belgium i get your reasoning but i would really appreciate that no i i am sorry jeff for diluting the experience of my party that I didn't want to have and you know what immediate forgiveness that's what it's all a light beer further you're from New England too I've never been challenged like this in front of people I'm not from New England but I lived there for enough time. You don't claim it, though? I would like to, but I don't think I lived there long enough. That's what I was going to say.
Starting point is 00:11:58 So mean. Actually, no, I take it back. I'm from New England. Just because of Jeff saying that. I feel like vibe-wise it left a mark. For sure. Yeah, you definitely don't scream Savannah. No.
Starting point is 00:12:13 I don't have a southern accent really at all. You sort of have a northeastern drawl though. At least I have a Boston accent. Can you imagine? I have one word that i i say rum oh god yeah what about bag is it bag or bag no bag is regular roof is regular i think it's just room and then when i say like rotary or whatever people are like what are you talking about how often are you saying rotary well you, often enough. Yeah. Like a rotary club? No, a rotary club.
Starting point is 00:12:46 A roundabout. A roundabout. Oh. Hmm. That's rotary. Well, I forgive you for the New Belgium's atonement is about forgiveness, closure, closeness. Sorry, real quick. Are you Jewish, Jeff?
Starting point is 00:13:03 What's that? Are you Jewish? I listen to a lot of Ram Dass. I'm probably closest to a Zen Buddhist. Okay. I have the book. Okay. Be here now?
Starting point is 00:13:18 Yeah, it's like right here. That's great. I have a digital copy. Great. I just wanted to kind of state that for the record for anyone who's listening who doesn't know whether or not the person kind of giving us forgiveness on the show yeah if it's really earned or not no no no i truly just no i just i wanted to know for me and for anyone listening no and i that's it's important to state but um you know jake if you want to strike that from the record um ally um let's see who have i
Starting point is 00:13:56 wronged in this past week um i i told a lie i don't know if I really wronged, but I, I, so I, I lied to someone at, uh, the, this car repair shop. I need to get my car taken in. Someone backed into me. That part is truthful while I was parked. And this lady who gave me the estimate, she texted me and needed a picture of my car registration so she could do the billing. And I didn't feel like doing that. And so I said, I'm sorry, I'm away from my car at the moment. Can I do this when I take my car into the shop? I don't want to text you a picture.
Starting point is 00:14:36 And she said, sure. Atonement time. Atonement time atonement oh you atone okay that's it um that's fine it's fine yeah it's fine but who do you want to apologize to specifically uh natalie at collider collision I'm really sorry that I I didn't want to walk to my car and take a picture when you asked I'm really sorry Collider Collision is an insane name for an auto body shop I know and I felt really bad too because
Starting point is 00:15:18 I have a sister named Natalie and I thought oh god it's not good it's not good when you lie to someone who sounds vaguely familiar imagine if Jeff added her to the zoom call right now how did you know
Starting point is 00:15:34 how would you feel if Natalie was backstage right now I think the one we've all been waiting for Marika Brownlee arguably the biggest rat scoundrel, coward on the Zoom. Yeah, I definitely am a scoundrel and a scallywag. Kind of a scamp, for sure. Or at least a scamp-y, in terms of a pasta dish.
Starting point is 00:15:59 Shrimp or otherwise. It's giving shrimp. I would like to apologize to the three of you um because i was a few minutes late to the zoom and it was because i was in line at cvs to buy candy corn and for that i am sorry this girl is on fire i forgive marika what about you guys I have to give you an apology of my own for Marika you messaged me right before this and I ignored what you asked and I owe you an answer and I know that it's kind of I'm gonna be thinking about it this whole time oh please please don't think about this whole time it's okay I knew that you were busy when i sent
Starting point is 00:16:45 it to you because you asked for 15 more minutes before this recording so don't worry you're forgiven but it's not your fault that's i think we did a lot here you know it was only seven minutes but uh i think that i i feel a weight's lifted off my chest. And I have candy corn now. It is that time of the year. Should we talk about Halloween? How do you guys feel about it? Hate it.
Starting point is 00:17:12 Really? Anya and I, we both learned that we don't like costumes, right? Yeah. I have like lots of reasons. I don't know if we want to get into it. Let's get into it. Yeah. I have like lots of reasons. I don't know if we want to get into it, but. Let's get into it. Yeah. Up top, I guess, is that I've always had a fear of people in full costume, like Chuckie Cheese.
Starting point is 00:17:35 I used to cry when he would come out. All the other little kids would run to him and I would just be like hanging back with the parents. They'd be like, no, go say hi. And I'd be like, I'm actually okay. I'm cool. I'm chill. Literally me. Yeah. Because like who's under there like i knew like there's no no good person
Starting point is 00:17:50 could possibly i had no my reasoning wasn't even that deep i just didn't like i don't like how big they were i don't like them i don't like people on stilts yeah me um also my brother was chucky cheese at one point so at that point i was like too old to be scared i'm sorry for what i just said about your brother no marika's brother is a piece of shit he's human garbage reincarnate incarnate but i think the halloween thing more importantly is like i don't think i'm like if you want to be weird and crazy, you can be weird and crazy year round. You don't have to like have your one night where you get to like really let loose. And you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:18:32 I feel like people get this like evil energy, like not like satanic, but like people are like, oh, this is my one night of the year where I'm like gonna, I'm gonna become a different version of myself. And it's like, just be who you are. 365. You don't have to like let it all out on halloween but wouldn't that be an argument for halloween that you don't like people in full costume and if that's who people are like if they would be doing it round the clock that they get it all out on one night and you can just kind of have a night in but i don't i guess on halloween when you go out you don't see you see people just like being in a complete different version of themselves.
Starting point is 00:19:06 And you're just like, I you could just be this person if this is who you want to be. You can live a little bit weirder. That's that's I agree with that. I might be Marika for Halloween. How? I'd probably do like the well, I didn't need the phone case with like the Jake Gyllenhaal pop out. I would need glasses that look similar to you now but okay robert pattinson but or then you could just send me the jake gyllenhaal one it's the same thing you know it's like season one marika or whatever
Starting point is 00:19:33 uh hair back in a ponytail instead of in a bun um some kind of pop culture reference graphic tea graphic tee or sweatshirt and shoes that I medically have to wear for my back. That's so harsh. I don't. She wears normal shoes. Yeah. Sorry. This is where this is taking a turn. Would you put like a playbill in your.
Starting point is 00:20:04 And a playbill sticking out of my back pocket or more specifically but rush tickets i should say in the back pocket that's cool marika took me to the theater when she was here and a trivia trophy true although we don't really get trophies we haven't won really yeah we never we never discussed how was how was the play i had a great time we had a great time we were almost late but you know it's la's trap it's only traffic it was wild well at least i will say our night was almost ruined by those people in costume how so the people on the stage no people in the audience and i was like this isn't about you there were people there were people in cowboy hats um it was i felt i felt like um a child
Starting point is 00:20:59 of divorce because i was with casey and then Anya picked me up from my anxiety. And then I went to the theater. I loved it. It was great. I love Oklahoma. Had a great time. Loved to see it in a different setting with different staging. Cast was great. The score, those orchestrations by Daniel Kluger beautiful should have won a Tony
Starting point is 00:21:28 Award my friend was the assistant director not to brag of the show yeah Allie how do you feel about Halloween I'm fine about it I don't love being scared and i'm not interested i'm not interested in that adrenaline rush i'm not someone that you
Starting point is 00:21:52 should take to the halloween horror nights or whatever like i don't care that's not how i like to that's not how i like to live my life but i like the and i don't like the term spooky season, but I love, I don't like that, but I love Christina Ricci in Adam's Family Values. Okay. And I love, so I love things like that. Is that the one with Pubert Adams? Yeah. Who?
Starting point is 00:22:15 Yeah. Like I love a camp nod to the spirit of Halloween. Do you guys like Over the Garden Wall? Have we talked about this? I love Over the garden wall have you watched that it's this uh cartoon network mini series but it's more it's pretty like it's not for kids i would say it's not not for kids but it's it's kind of dark and it is not scary but spooky sorry to use that word um and it's just great it's uh
Starting point is 00:22:44 there's music in it the music's really good sometimes it's funny what is one of the voices yeah oh it's really it's really really good i made my friend christopher lloyd oh love that guy is he still alive yeah yeah that's nice the hacker from cyber chase wait also sorry oh no you go you go oh he came to a middle school play of mine once oh really i don't know why it was in cleveland not for you well might have been a little bit you know he might not have come for me but he stayed for me you know what i mean he probably came for his like you know grandson or whatever he came for you while you were on stage yeah sort of like went to attack you yeah he lunged at my eyes and uh that's part of the reason why they're always so bloodshot sucks i was physically accosted by Lloyd that was the first
Starting point is 00:23:46 Lloyd night I ever experienced wow wow Ally you were saying oh I was gonna say Chuck E. Cheese had a memory flash into my mind did you guys have to take consumer education
Starting point is 00:24:01 in high school ever as a class where they teach you how to like fill out a W-2? No, that's so smart. We were just talking about this last week that that's what we need. Really? Yeah. So I don't remember any of it. I wish I did.
Starting point is 00:24:15 But we had a class called Consumer Ed and there was one project that was all about stocks and you had to pick companies and they gave you fake money and you had to like track the stocks every day and do a report and everybody in my class I yeah and which by the way I had a mildly lucrative store of course you did unsurprising yeah so
Starting point is 00:24:39 Jewish to circle back yeah but I put everybody else took it so seriously and i put 100 of my money in chucky cheese and every every day the stocks got lower it wasn't doing well and so my entire project was just being like and my teacher was like take it take your money out do something else and i refused i committed to the bit damn i think that's admirable so that's just what that made me think of. How do you think those dogs are doing now?
Starting point is 00:25:08 Well, now that my fake funds aren't in there, even worse. We do have to take a quick break, but we'll be right back with something even scarier than what we've been talking about. Guys, taking care of your health isn't always easy, right? But it should be simple. That's why for the last three years I've been taking AG1, just one scoop and a cup of water mixed around every day, no exceptions. And it helps me feel, you know, energized, focused, ready to take on the day like I'm doing one powerfully healthy habit
Starting point is 00:25:45 that's also powerfully simple. I know that AG1 gives my body high quality nutrition because every batch goes through a rigorous testing process so that you know it's safe. And their ingredients are sourced for potency, absorption, and nutrient density, all of which is very important and you don't always get with other
Starting point is 00:26:05 leading nutrition brands. I like to drink it first thing in the morning. I'll have a glass of water. I'll have my AG1 and then I'll have my coffee and it gets me set off to take on the day and to be centered and to feel like I did at least one good thing for my health. And if you do that every day, it has compounding effects. If there's one product I had to recommend to elevate your health, it's AG1. That's why we partnered with them for so long. So if you want to take ownership of your health, start with AG1. Try AG1 and get a free one-year supply of vitamin D3K2
Starting point is 00:26:39 and five free AG1 travel packs with your first purchase exclusively at slash what's that? Again, that at slash what's that? Again, that's slash what's that? Check it out. so long welcome to real or fake gun edition uh this is a game where um i'm gonna show you or sorry the game's actually called was this game gun 3d printed um been in the news recently pivot because that's uh that's i i said the title wrong the title of the segment is was this gun 3d printed this was concocted by my friend eli actually so i wanted to give him his title credit um but yeah lots of news stories recently about 3d printed guns it's a real issue um so i thought that we could see if we have a trained eye for spawning this stuff. Number one, this is just to get us warmed up.
Starting point is 00:28:08 It's fake. Correct. It's fake. That's correct. It's not even improv real. You're right. Real or fake? Fake.
Starting point is 00:28:24 Well, what is real? It could be a modded Nerf gun. Modded? Marika, please. Telling on yourself with that. I turned my camera, my entire web page is Reddit. There's a Mr. Beast Burger bag in in the background this is a real gun yeah i had this is a real gun are we not gonna tell is this the first time you've had all women on the head
Starting point is 00:28:57 gun pod just wondering i don't think so okay just wondering if that's if you're doing the gun bit kind of the first time you have all the minutes. I thought we did an Ally, Kayla, Marika episode once. But I might be wrong. All right. No problem. Maybe we did. Wait.
Starting point is 00:29:16 So go back to that gun. It was, in fact, a modded Nerf gun? Or are you just saying it's real? Yes, Marika. It was a modded Nerf gun. You're exactly right. You can't even say that. You're going to be put on a watch list. Real or fake?
Starting point is 00:29:31 Was this gun 3D printed? Right, it's a different game. So the last one was not 3D printed. It was modded. That's a real gun. This is real. It says it's made in Austria, Glock Inc. That's a real gun, correct real it says it's made in austria glock ink that's a real gun correct okay covered in legos was this gun 3d printed real or fake yes it was printed yes it was 3d
Starting point is 00:29:53 printed and that's correct that was 3d printed was this 3d printed no by god god. Doesn't count. Which god? Jewish god today. Yahweh. Yeah. Was this gun 3D printed? Yes. Was this gun 3D printed? No. Yes. Are all glocks made in Austria?
Starting point is 00:30:21 I think we're learning that. I think it was not. Your guys' attention to detail is making this game way easier. Was this gun 3D printed? Yes. No.
Starting point is 00:30:38 No. Sorry, I heard you say no, but I was voting no. This is a real gun. Okay, I voted yes and I'm wrong and I own it. You can see when it's 3D printed. Oh, I thought you meant no but I was voting no this is a real gun okay I voted yes and I'm wrong and I own it you can see when it's 3D printed oh I thought you meant you owned the gun well sometimes there's better 3D printers that are like that don't have that
Starting point is 00:30:54 pattern that I've been looking for so I thought maybe it was one of those but not for guns was this gun 3D printed yes no no it was Was this gun 3D printed? Yes. No.
Starting point is 00:31:07 No. It was. No. Was this gun 3D printed? Kind of, yeah. How so? Like, by air. Marika, do you think, I'm sorry to do this this but do you think balloons are 3D printed? That's latex man.
Starting point is 00:31:28 Is air 3D? No. I think it is. That's a whole other segment that we should do next week. Is air 3D? And then just discuss. Yeah. A real Ram Dass moment.
Starting point is 00:31:44 Was this gun 3D printed? discuss. Yeah. A real Ram Dass moment. Was this gun 3D printed? Sure. Yeah. I'm going to say yes. It was. Was this gun 3D printed? Yes. No.
Starting point is 00:31:56 It was not. Anya's really good at this game. Was this gun? What are you looking for? That's the pattern. It's Jeff's brain. That's what you're looking for. No, no. If it's 3's brain is what you're looking for if it's 3D printed like you won't see
Starting point is 00:32:07 the metal won't look like metal oh I'm just looking for Austria okay and also I mean you know with cosplayers and stuff they're painting things all kinds of colors you don't know yeah no one's that
Starting point is 00:32:23 good though I bet was this gun 3d printed no it looks like a gun that would have been in um blade gems i'm gonna say no to it was not was oh shit sorry Sorry. Chicken. Do I get anything as the winner? He could Venmo you. You haven't Venmo'd someone in a while. Yeah, because of the taxes, man.
Starting point is 00:33:01 Yeah, I'll take some money. I also don't have a credit card anymore. I closed my credit card account what i used to do what's that why did you close your credit card account because they gave me way too big of a credit card limit for me an irresponsible person to handle so you go you go down in credit cards you don't close out the account you just get a lower credit score you just tanked your credit score jeff no my credit score i can check my credit score right now i think it's still it won't reflect for like three days yeah i closed my credit card like two months
Starting point is 00:33:35 ago oh let's see what my credit score but let's get a check in on jeff's credit score yeah it's nice that's a good thing really needs to know i know she just really needed to be here. That's a good sign. Chicken really needs to know. I know. She just really needed to be here. It's a temporary change. I just was like, I can't have a credit card right now. I need to just live off the money that I have. In the future, you can just give me your credit card and I'll hold it for you and I won't use it. I memorized the number. My credit score is 799.
Starting point is 00:34:03 Good for you. But I don't know if that's gonna go down later anyway uh i just i was like i keep live i keep amassing debt and then i have to like liquidate my assets to pay it off they do like when you amass debt or like they love a debt exactly i don't want your credit score i'm i don't want to play into the corporate man's hand on you. I mean, JP. Do you know when credit scores were invented? Oh, I just saw this. It was a little bit earlier, but still.
Starting point is 00:34:37 We're the only people, our generations are the only people truly affected. It was like credit scores were invented the year after something. It was like 89. It was the 80s for sure i saw a tweet that was like this thing happened in this year credit scores were invented the year after but i don't remember what that thing was but it was like they're they're the fall of the berlin it was it was 89 uh do you want me to look up why? Or we don't do that on the show? Yeah, can we get a numbers crunch on that?
Starting point is 00:35:08 I'm going to move on while you do that, just to keep things rolling. But yeah, no, I guess this isn't moving on. I would amass so much debt that I'd have to liquidate my assets. I had to sell my old car to pay off a really big credit card thing. And then I used the difference between swapping cars to pay it off so I was like this isn't sustainable or good so I don't have a credit card anymore
Starting point is 00:35:31 but it was that also means that everything that's in my checking account has to stay there they cannot go for some silly little game on this dumbass show no I love doing this show. Me too.
Starting point is 00:35:49 Me too, for the record. Do you? Yeah. Let's check in on how y'all are feeling. How do you guys think this episode feels? I think it feels great. Really? It feels good.
Starting point is 00:36:00 Yeah. Okay. It's my first one I have nothing to compare it to, but I'm feeling really good so far great all right this is a new segment that i also didn't come up with uh i was hanging out with my friends george and eli last night for like an hour and then as i was an hour well eli came over to just hang out for a bit on his way home from work and then george had to drive him home for some reason um anyway we just
Starting point is 00:36:26 kind of we talked we caught up and uh i was outlining at the kitchen table hanging out with them and they were like what are you up to i was like i'm coming up with podcast segments and then they just kind of immediately pitched these two things i was really tired it was 9 30 p.m so i was like fine that's fine um anyway Anyway... so far my favorite music yeah it's one of my favorite ones welcome to ranker when i first heard what this game was i thought it was r-a-n-c-o-r it's not it's um ranker that's the most you thing you've ever said uh george george explained this game to me i think it sounds fun it's an actual game that we have to do some things and learn some rules to play here we've got at least 10 minutes as much as 25 so
Starting point is 00:37:52 um I'll try not to keep you guys that long here is George Saba my roommate uh previous guest on the show explaining the rules at my kitchen table start over entirely yeah okay group of people in a room as most games voice is different now that you're recording well now i'm nervous yeah now i'm sort of on okay group people in a room uh one person leaves the room uh and everyone else in the room chooses a number between one and ten. They bring the person who left back in. That person's goal is to guess the number that was chosen. Here's how they do it. One by one, they go around each person and they present them a category.
Starting point is 00:38:35 So if I were to, like, let's say the number were seven. Yeah. And I were to present Eli the category, like, pasta shapes. And you would say farfalle farfalle sure and in my mind farfalle is a lower tier farfalle is a four for me okay so then I'd be like hmm I'd be like I don't know what you like things before probably so I'd go to you Jeffreyffrey okay and i'd be like okay um you know if we're looking for a seven uh u.s states uh i guess maine maine and i think maine's pretty cool but i know it lacks a lot of
Starting point is 00:39:17 like um like major like landmarks it's just sort of like a cool vibe so i would i would probably call that a six so now i'm like hedging upwards and assuming that maybe eli likes farfalle and you go around the room and and then at the once everybody has uh been presented a category the person guessing is like okay uh like here's what i think the number is and that's it and then what's this called ranker and then what's this called ranker so angry wait so is the like thing in the category that we say our number seven yes in that case like we are choosing the thing that we rate exactly so one person leaves the room the other three decide on a number other person comes in gives each person individually a category and then they say in that category what you just said
Starting point is 00:40:10 pasta shapes i think the seven of pasta shapes is farfalla if it's seven um and then the other person has to kind of be like where i wonder where they would rank that because based on how i feel about it and then that you create an amalgam from all three answers does that make sense and then you guess the number and you're either right or wrong and then the fun of it is like you think Farfalle is a seven like Farfalle sucks like that kind of thing who wants to start to leave the room
Starting point is 00:40:36 slash zoom I think you should alright do you all remember the okay Marika give me a text okay yeah All right. Do you all remember the... Okay. Marika, give me a text. Okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:53 All we're doing is picking a number right now? Yeah. He doesn't go that far. We know all the numbers. And it's one through ten, right? I think so. I guess so. I guess we could do a bigger scale, but... Feels hard.
Starting point is 00:41:10 Should we talk about him while he's gone, or is that not part of the game? No, I think we could. Okay. Is there something specific that you wanted to talk about? No, I just want to know how this Jeff compares to Jeff other times on the show. Honestly, this one's a little more tame. A little more calm. He's trying to be gentle with me.
Starting point is 00:41:31 Either that or he's really tired. Maybe both. Maybe both. Six? That's beautiful. Six sounds good. Yeah, let's do it. Is that too close to seven, though?
Starting point is 00:41:41 That was a concern. Should we do a three sure yeah like three all right i will text him we done anya have you heard how many planes have gone overhead no i can't hear anything happening are you okay is that a new york thing we wouldn't know about that we don't have that that was way too long sorry we had we had a lot to get through all the numbers concert venues in los angeles venues in Los Angeles. Thank you. I just named one that I would rank as this number. Is that correct?
Starting point is 00:42:33 One that we talked about today. Lodrum. Okay. Alley. Seasons. I'm gonna go spring. That's confusing.
Starting point is 00:42:54 Marika. Head gum employees. I can't. Do another one. Former head gum employees. Oh another one. Former head government points. Oh my god. No. Neighborhoods in New York.
Starting point is 00:43:19 Tribeca. Six. No. What was it? Three. there's only four seasons tribeca's your third neighborhood i thought it was like out of 10 3 out of 10 yeah i mean it's your third favorite no like like on a scale from 1 to 10 is that not oh? Oh. That is what it is. Oh. I was also confused because you said that you liked the law. I thought it was
Starting point is 00:43:49 your third favorite. No. That's what I thought too. Really? Me and Allie were playing a different game. Sorry. You rank it from 1 to 10.
Starting point is 00:43:58 All right. Who wants to go next? Okay, okay, okay. I'll go. I'll go. Okay. No, you go. Jeff, pick who goes. You just pick because you're the boss.'re on there you go because you're at the top of my zoom you're gonna text me i'll i'll text you okay marika i'll text you
Starting point is 00:44:16 four right can't hear you jeff four right oh sure sure no let's do like nine okay okay i like that shoot off that text done she never comes back plugs i'm disintegrating from hunger oh no that's how i felt at three i hadn't eaten lunch yet it's four almost the same time all right so to confirm it's on a scale on a scale of one to ten so ten is the best one is the worst okay or zero i guess jeff yeah candy candy yeah um you're putting me in a really tough spot here. Huh. It's kind of interesting. Kit Kats. The mini ones.
Starting point is 00:45:32 Specifically. Frozen. Okay. Okay. Allie, animal? Koala. What was it? A koala. Koala. What was it? A koala.
Starting point is 00:45:47 Koala, okay. Marika. Head gum employee. I knew it. No, do another one. Broadway play this is a good one except it's it's bad because I have
Starting point is 00:46:20 so many that I could choose from okay wait no no I know how a Marvel movie oh um i've read all your letterbox reviews for these for uh part of my job smart it's true yeah that's a tactical move i'm waiting for a plane to go over it. Iron Man. The first one? Yes. Four.
Starting point is 00:46:54 No. So far off. Nine. But that was... Nine? Yeah. We did almost do four, but it was nine. You liked the first iron man yeah so it's a nine out of nine out of ten oh i'm playing it wrong again
Starting point is 00:47:09 i'm playing it wrong again we're all learning the game at the same time ali your turn get out i'm sorry i'm sorry no no we got it hopefully this time i get it but I do know you you do what number are we doing oh okay I get the concept now sorry I had to let's do eight
Starting point is 00:47:37 okay so again good things that are good yeah like a B perfect I don't have Ali's number oh i do either i guess i'm the only one that actually likes ali
Starting point is 00:47:51 her notifications are silenced though so actually i do have her number oh i do too did you text her? Yeah. Okay. Okay. Hello. Yo. Okay, Jeff. Movies. Fuck.
Starting point is 00:48:23 The Royal Tenenbaums. Okay. Okay. Rika. Snacks. Snacks. I'm thinking candy corn. Cheez-Its. Okay. Anya. uh-huh
Starting point is 00:48:48 um head gum employees uh I'll do it okay I'm not a coward Marty sure
Starting point is 00:49:00 Marty Michael our CEO okay Sure. Marty Michael, our CEO. Okay. Eight. Yes. Really? Yeah, it was eight. Wow. Wow. Last one.
Starting point is 00:49:27 Marika, get out of here. What are we thinking? I think one. Okay. I got it. Allow the producer. Oops. it well allow the producer oops sorry I ruined it the first two times no I thought the same way that you were thinking too but yeah two tries but that just means I didn't explain the rule that George didn't explain the rules
Starting point is 00:50:00 I'm fine yeah you, you're fine. I've also never played this game. That's fine. We're learning together. That's nice. Okay. Jeff, favorite SNL cast member, or not favorite, just SNL cast member.
Starting point is 00:50:22 Oh, okay. Changing the game. Just an interview now um uh mike what's his name the guy looks like a frog mikey day no i like mikey day the tall lanky dude with like the bad posture and the ugly face andrew'm just mucs no no no no michael brian looks like a frog i was being purposefully mean he's fine yeah you're giving away the number by saying you don't want to be mean well no i i threw out a lot of information she doesn't know how i feel about it michael bryan's funny ap bio um anya
Starting point is 00:51:17 spindrift flavor i literally don't know I don't drink spendrift you have to give me a new one I'm sorry I'll do
Starting point is 00:51:31 I could do the La Croix's or whatever but I can't do spendrift I've never had one um limoncello
Starting point is 00:51:42 ooh alley limoncello ooh ally had a employee i can't um disney channel
Starting point is 00:52:00 original movie um don't look under the bed so sterling knight do you remember that one i don't game's falling apart um
Starting point is 00:52:17 two close it was one one um we should do this again for sure Two. Close. It was one. One. We should do this again. For sure. In studio. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:33 Plugs. What do you guys have going on? What do you want to point the people to? Let's start with, let's go Anya, Ally, Marika. No, do me last. Okay, let's do Marika, Ally, Anya. That's a reverse order of my Zoom. Listen to The Pit Wall.
Starting point is 00:52:49 Yes. New episode just came out this week. Japan Grand Prix. Saturday night, 10 p.m. Are you going to watch it live at 1 a.m.? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, unfortunately I will be doing that. Saturday night.
Starting point is 00:53:04 And follow me on Twitter, Instagram, and Letterboxd at Marika Elan. Yeah, listen to the Pit Wall. And also you can follow me at Allie Con on Twitter and Instagram and Letterboxd.
Starting point is 00:53:27 I'm going to do my job and say listen to Keeping Records, which is in the middle of a fresh new season, and it's very good. But also, you can listen to me on on a show called The Love Motel and rock and roll high school love motel takes love advice submissions i will give you advice back it is totally anonymous you can make stuff up you can play a character or you can get really real with me and i will tell you what i really think the dot love motel on instagram that's awesome i haven't
Starting point is 00:54:07 listened to it yet i want to listen to it at jeff you should submit my love life's perfect i'm just such a good communicator uh i see that um at jeff we're already on twitter uh we'll see you guys again next week I see that. At JeffBorgerD on Twitter. We'll see you guys again next week. That was a Hidgum Original.

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