The Headgum Podcast - 153: Eighty-Third Video Episode

Episode Date: May 12, 2023

Richelle (Producer) makes her debut alongside Amir, Casey, Marika, and Geoff to discuss employee solidarity, Landon Donovan, and music copyright law! Advertise on The Headgum Podcast via Rate The Headgum Podcast 5-stars on Apple Podcasts Rate The Headgum Podcast 5-stars on Spotify Join the Headgum DiscordSee for privacy information.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is a HeadGum Original. And I'm not even really that sick. I just feel really run down in recovering. And it's just like, it's so fucked up that we can never just take a week off of this bullshit. Yeah. I don't want to perform right now. I'm in a grumpy mood. You gotta save our ass, for sure. What's that? Is this already the show?
Starting point is 00:00:24 No, we haven't started because look at marika marika's not she's ill prepared and she's ill at ease and i'm recovering i said i was recording a minute ago fine then yes this is the show then this is the show here we go Welcome to the show. If you're just tuning in, this is the HeadGum Podcast. What? Of course they're just tuning in the show just started all right all right casey's picking up the energy i don't necessarily have it today let's just say that marika what's
Starting point is 00:01:12 wrong come back to me marika's eating sushi what sushi it's 2 15 our lunch arrived as this started from where is joel in the office what's that you guys ordered sushi as a company for lunch yeah come on in who's this guy come on in this sucks here comes a company boss and here comes a guy oh i think i need to turn on that mic oh yeah all right yeah yeah um well as she gets up we should introduce uh making her head gum podcast debut rochelle rochelle um also are my levels okay now they're're better. You have a flat ass. Has anyone ever told you that? No, but nobody's ever said that I have a nice round ass. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:14 For my ass. Does that make sense? Have we started? Yes. We started, but that wasn't. I don't think that was on record. Camera slash mic. Did we just stop and start again?
Starting point is 00:02:29 Yeah, I had to stop and start to arm the mic. Yeah. For sure. I don't have headphones, so I can't hear what Marika's saying. There's no headphones over there? Oh, my God. They could be on a hook behind you. She's always more than me.
Starting point is 00:02:48 This is a great episode. And I knew this would happen. You know, sometimes you wake up feeling dangerous. Sometimes you wake up feeling sort of pathetic. You know what I mean? Oh, yeah. Rochelle, how does it feel does it one did you wake up dangerous which is pathetic which is pathetic because it's just this uh rochelle do you want
Starting point is 00:03:17 to introduce yourself what you do at the network um how you're feeling today and maybe yeah like that's enough that's enough for now get started yeah we'll get through so many questions that are up top like what's yeah what's your immigration status pending really no i'm a u.s citizen that's good to hear enough sorry and what's your let's do social security number let's just do just what her role is at. And what's your, let's do social security number. Let's just do what her role is at the company first. What's your role here at the company? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:03:52 Do you guys know? Yeah, you're a producer and engineer. I'm a producer and engineer. That's cool. I'll speak for Rochelle. For what shows? Case XOXO Gossip King and the basketball podcast. The good one, yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:05 It's about basketball. There's a couple basketball podcasts here. No, I meant good one. With Jesse David Ferguson. Jesse David. Jesse David Fox. Fox, yeah. Jesse David Ferguson.
Starting point is 00:04:19 Are you excited? Nervous? I feel like you were forced to do this. I'm a little scared. Yeah. And Anya said she was going to be here to protect me, but she's not here. She did say that. Yeah. Anya, I feel like my bad habits are rubbing off on Anya.
Starting point is 00:04:33 Like promising one thing. In what way? Delivering. In what way? Is that what you said? Yeah. Just like, yeah, over promising, under delivering. What? yeah over promising under delivering what uh rochelle you produced and engineered the last episode of if i were you yeah the very last one but you didn't know it was the last one until like
Starting point is 00:04:56 no one told me that yeah you were just like i'm gonna show up and help record Help record. So interrupting a kind of interesting conversation for the 312th Bond of the Week, which doesn't matter anymore. Skylar Gizbondo. Sure. Skylar Gizbondo is my pick. I feel like we've said him said him before Also you changed his name What's his last name?
Starting point is 00:05:27 Gisbondo Who is that? No his last name is Gisondo Who is that? You know his face He plays Will He's in Booksmart He's in The Righteous Gemstones
Starting point is 00:05:39 He has a great career I'm jealous of him Who is he in both of those? He's Danny McBride's son and then he's the kid that shows up to the class and has his own guys let's rein it in
Starting point is 00:05:55 well now that I know who it is I can say that I do think he would be a good Bond you can't go back to that because you interrupted it and we moved on we had to do Bond of the week. That Rochelle produced the last episode of If I Were You. You can't go back to that now. Why not? You interrupted it and we moved on. We had to do Bond of the Week at the five-minute episode, the five-minute mark.
Starting point is 00:06:10 No, we did not. No, we did not. And nobody else did their Bond. Nobody else cares to do their Bond. I also feel like let's get Bond of the Week started. Let's circle back to you producing the last episode of If I Were You, and then we'll do everyone's Bond of the Week. That's it.
Starting point is 00:06:24 That was the whole story that Rochelle sort of tied into my podcast's lore now because she was there for the finale. Are you frustrated at all that you could have avoided the cancer that was If I Were You? Because you were like one episode away from never having to touch that shit. I did a couple other ones. What? I didn't say she only did the last one. Rochelle, who's your Bond of the Week?
Starting point is 00:06:57 I don't know if you've ever... Have you ever heard the show? Of course not. No, I haven't. Oh, God. What's Bond of the Week? So, Daniel Craig is out as James. Okay.
Starting point is 00:07:08 So every week until the next Bond is cast, we're lobbing up our pick for the next 007. Okay. Okay. Okay. Yeah. And my pick this week was Skylar Gisondo. Or should we say Skylar Gisbondo.
Starting point is 00:07:23 Yeah, you did say that a lot. Yeah, you did say that a lot. You can also go last if you want to get a feel for how people pick this. I'll go next. Alright. Similarly, I'll just go with Tim Baltz as Bond. Tim Bonds.
Starting point is 00:07:42 Yeah, that's kind of fair. No, that's good. That's really good actually. good you said it so don't say it was really good I said Tim Bonds well I was saying Amir's thing was good I'm gonna go with the minions all of them that's cute that's good cause they can kind of stack on each other
Starting point is 00:08:03 and be tall you're not worried that they can't speak English so like the classic lines can't happen they've said banana before I know that much they said banana which is not really banana imagine them saying James Bond bondana
Starting point is 00:08:17 that's really good see that's the kind of shit we try to do. Yeah, pass. You can also pass, I guess. No one's ever done that, but yeah. I'm going to go Casey Bond to Hugh. Wow. That's pretty good.
Starting point is 00:08:41 You give us your... Me as James Bond. We've already been. You've already been. Yes. Oh, okay. Then Marika. Wait, I've already been? Marika Bonley.
Starting point is 00:08:51 Nice. Marika Bonley is good. But when was I previously Bond? I think I chose you because someone made the list of our running bond of the weeks and i think i chose you as but when you were specifically when you're wearing your bolo tie oh i like that what make that something happened nothing sorry jeff's whispering to me i don't even know what he's saying i don't know what he's saying he's like giving me notes no how about this for a bond i heard congregate i'm saying why do we even yeah now i'm just whispering to youtube but like why do we even do this show it's like nobody one second because nobody nobody like we're coming
Starting point is 00:09:33 together to try to make shit happen but nothing ever does other than like i don't know are we coming together to make shit happen downtown up the downtown episode was good yeah i liked the fuck up some rice episode people like last week when you were behind the desk. And last week behind. But then that was like a gimmick, you know? And then now it's like there's nothing. We're all in front of the camera. Marika's in New York.
Starting point is 00:09:52 This is a nothing burger. Rochelle, welcome to the show. I hope you're having fun. You've really... I just wanted to comment that Jeff has really taken to the phrase nothing burger. And I don't really know what the origin is. You started saying it and I think it's funny.
Starting point is 00:10:11 What is a nothing burger? But it's like a basketball thing. Well basketball is like he scored a 50 burger like when he has 50 points. But nothing burger is like when you just basically add burger to a quantity is like a thing. But I didn't think Nothing Burger is specifically a basketball reference.
Starting point is 00:10:31 Like this whole trial is a Nothing Burger, basically. Did you say podcast? No. Because that's actually the word of the day. I didn't say it. What is this show about? Thank God. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:10:51 You're getting it. That was a serious question. No, yeah, that's correct. You're right to ask that. Valid, valid. Moving on. You're right to ask. Discuss.
Starting point is 00:11:05 Do you feel young? These days, not really. My body is hurting. I'm going to go with no. My bones are aching. So Casey's bones are aching. Marika just said it flat out no. You're 40, bud.
Starting point is 00:11:21 So I think you don't feel young. Yeah, I mean, I don't feel old. i mean i don't feel old i just feel like i feel like i'm yeah my age so you know bumps and bruises trying to maximize sleep health food um thinking about mortality more than i was at age 20 sure but i wouldn't say i feel old but yeah i don't feel young either do you fear death no i don't really fear death it's so far away yeah that i'm more concerned with more like uh current problems if i was you well now that you don't have the show anymore i'll just say if i were you i'd be i'd be fearing finishing out my mortgage meaning paying it off because that means i'll have lived in that house for 30 years that house
Starting point is 00:12:05 it's fine it's fine yeah but you want to like your house should be an expression of your personality and yours is kind of like a white box not really well because you have that nice patio and you have the carport Rochelle
Starting point is 00:12:21 I was at Rochelle's house this weekend Rochelle would you say that Rochelle's house this weekend. Oh, really? Rochelle, would you say that your house is an expression of your personality? Maybe the inside. Yeah. I don't know about the outside. But yours is a rental, we should say. Yes.
Starting point is 00:12:35 We'll put it in LA. One second. Because you don't have control over the outside. You only have control over the inside, on which you put your mark, your stamp. I guess so. I guess I could do something what did you think about the outside of my house yeah i didn't really see the inside um rochelle had a birthday party whoa oh yes speaking of getting older do you feel young um no when's your birthday april 30th. And then I hit the big 3-0.
Starting point is 00:13:06 Whoa, 30 on 30. 30 on 30. Holy smokes. Rochelle had a bunch of fun decorations about being old now, which was kind of insulting as someone older than 30. I was like, well, come on. Oh my God, I'm 30 now. And I'm like, yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:21 Marika and I think she has a point. What? Because both of us are not 30. Really? Yeah. How old are you guys? I'm 30 now and I'm like, yeah. Marika and I think she has a point. What? Because both of us are not 30. Really? Yeah. How old are you guys? I'm 40. Marika's 29.
Starting point is 00:13:30 Yeah. I'm 28, actually. Soon to be 29, we should say. Like in half a year. What is this? Marika's 28 and a half. This show is a nothing burger.
Starting point is 00:13:48 A nothing burger. I'm 25. Oh, wow. It's shocking to hear every time. We don't seem like we're 15 years apart, right? Are you trying to say that you seem younger?
Starting point is 00:14:04 I think I'm a little... I feel a little bit younger and you feel a little bit older. So we're both like 29. No, I would say like I'm 38-ish and you're sort of 28-ish. But you're still... I mean, you're still older than him. Yeah, still 10 years apart.
Starting point is 00:14:19 Still 10 years apart, but 15 feels... Would you have guessed 15 years apart? The only thing that gives it away is the silver in your hair. Gray hair. But I feel like soul lies. Now Rochelle's getting it. You've got to be a little callous to Amir. Not really.
Starting point is 00:14:37 I think it's great. I think it's great. The white's great. That's good. Yeah. I want to be salt and pepper when I'm older I think it's sort of a what's that?
Starting point is 00:14:48 I didn't say anything discuss what do you guys think Landon Donovan is doing right now? the soccer player? the what? the soccer player? go to The what? The soccer player? Yes, the soccer player.
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Starting point is 00:16:02 to take on the day and to be centered and to feel like I did at least one good thing for my health. And if you do that every day, it has compounding effects. If there's one product I had to recommend to elevate your health, it's AG1. That's why we've partnered with them for so long. So if you want to take ownership of your health, start with AG1. Try AG1 and get a free one-year supply of vitamin D3K2 and five free AG1 travel packs with your first purchase exclusively at slash what's that?
Starting point is 00:16:32 Again, that's slash what's that? Check it out. Really quickly, can I ask if everyone else was also hearing Jeff's sound? Slack. Slack notifications. Yeah. I didn't hear that. That's for sure.
Starting point is 00:16:51 That's not on me. This is the HeadGum podcast. Who's Slack to you? Slack is coming from HeadGum. It sounded like a Slack, like a DM. Not even in a group channel. Was Marty texting us about lunch? What was the Slack message?
Starting point is 00:17:04 If it's about lunch, we've got to get on that. No. Mike has been trying to slide into my DMs for like a year. Micah Hurwitz? Yeah. Why don't you just respond to him? No, because then it validates him. It's like when people – yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:20 Marika, people probably slide into your DMs, right? Do you ever respond? You don't dignify – On Slack? No, on Instagram. Not that much. Do you get HeadGum fans reaching out to you? I'd say every once in a while,
Starting point is 00:17:35 but I also am really bad about checking the ones that filter out. Sure. Yeah. Rochelle, do you want to plug your social media um you can follow me on instagram at yard underscore underscore sard that's good yard sard is that your last name sard no you think her first name was Yard? What the fuck? Rochelle Yard Sard. The strike is in full effect.
Starting point is 00:18:11 What are we discussing? The WGA strike. Marika in full effect. Oh, the strike is in full effect. Why haven't we struck? Because, Rochelle, are you paid hourly or are you salaried i'm paid hourly so how much do you make an hour you don't have to answer that but also employee solidarity because i might make less than you and then i can use this as negotiation with his ass to get more
Starting point is 00:18:37 to get more for you but not her well if i make more use that. Oh, that's a good point. You don't have to answer. I mean, it's up to Amir, honestly. Me? How did I get involved in this whole rigmarole? Yeah, I also agree that you don't have to answer. Well, it's better for him if you don't answer. Because he's the boss. Marika?
Starting point is 00:19:06 Thoughts on your salary? Amir's never seen an invoice. Yeah. Marika's right. Oh, yeah. Does Amir even know how much I get paid? Probably not. I don't think he does.
Starting point is 00:19:17 Not at all. Do you know, Casey? Not at all. I think I do. Okay. 40. What? Anya's not here. Doesn. 40. What? Anya's not here.
Starting point is 00:19:29 So you're not protected. And this is on her. And now I kind of want to come at you so that Anya feels guilty. I'm not going to. I'm protecting Rochelle. Casey hired me. Yeah. I said we should hire Rochelle. You said we'll start you at $7.25 an hour. Yes. That's what I suggested.
Starting point is 00:19:46 How do you guys know each other? Don't point like that. Yeah, don't point like that. I think the first time we met officially was in a group chat game of Survivor. Yeah. Oh, wow. And then I betrayed Casey. Yeah, she dated my ex.
Starting point is 00:20:03 On the limb of Survivor. In the game of Survivor, sure, yeah. How did the the game of Survivor Sure How did the text game of Survivor She won the game by the way Is it just like a group chat where like Wait I have a question Common friends?
Starting point is 00:20:16 How did you get thrown into a group chat text game of Survivor We were in A editing collective called Racer Trash Racer Trash Speed Caser Trash. Racer Trash. And then... So we would make video art. Speed Caser Trash. Yes. And then who put you in a group text
Starting point is 00:20:29 and explained the game? Our friend Dave Seeger. Yeah. I know Dave. I don't think you do. I was thinking of, yeah, a different Dave. A different Corey. Seeger.
Starting point is 00:20:42 Does Dave Seeger wear a fleeger? A what? It's a type of piloteger wear a fleeger? A what? It's a type of pilot's watch. Fleeger? I don't think he wears fleeger. I do have a Seeger hat, and I've told him that he should get a Seeger hat himself. Or David. A David hat?
Starting point is 00:20:59 Yeah. And he could alternate depending on if he's feeling his first name or his last name. A lot of people call him Seeger. You guys must have been really trusting of Casey. Because I didn't have any interviews when I was hired here. You didn't do any interviews? No. Some people I've heard have had to do four.
Starting point is 00:21:25 Which is way too many. I didn't do any interviews? No. Some people I've heard have had to do four, which is way too many. I had to do three. I think the difference is full-time versus freelance employee. My final interview was with Danny and Angie and I was confused why. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:36 Is Angie here today? Is that Angie? There's somebody in the conference room with their back to the door. I think that's Alex. Berkman? Get her in here! She's here every day.
Starting point is 00:21:47 We should try to get her on the 1PM show. Yeah, who's doing the next shift? I think it's you, Marika, Allie, and Alex. I'm not doing the next one. What? What? It's not on my schedule. Erica.
Starting point is 00:22:04 Erica's on that one. We're gonna try and get berkman on and then if you can would really love to have you because i don't want it to be all marika marika said she's not coming you're confused you don't want it to be all women yeah and amir's supposed to be on that one no i don't care about that i just want a familiar face because otherwise it's mostly people who are never on the show. Allie's been on a lot. That's true.
Starting point is 00:22:30 Allie can kind of hold it down. Also, Amir is supposed to be on that one. Why are we spending this episode talking about the next episode? Let's talk.
Starting point is 00:22:39 We're always in pre-pro. Here's a segment that I like to call... Fuck. Always in pre-pro. Here's a segment that I like to call... So what? I thought this was way shorter. That's a weird point for it to cut off. This is a segment I like to call, So What? So these are article headlines that shouldn't have been reported.
Starting point is 00:23:12 The first one is, This golden statue was ridiculed when a local government erected it. Then gold prices skyrocketed. So what? So what? We all say it in unison. Oh, Ied. So what? So what? We all say it in unison. Oh, I see. So what?
Starting point is 00:23:29 Like a calm response thing. Yeah. West Hartford, Connecticut removes no trespassing signs in town center. That's where I went to high school. Just days after installation. So what? So what? Actually, I care about that one.
Starting point is 00:23:43 I went to high school there. Wait, what's the actual, they removed a sign? Marika, did you hear about that? I didn't hear about it. Marika, are you? It's news to me. Are you Gilmore Girls? No.
Starting point is 00:23:57 But you went to high school in Hartford. West Hartford. In West Hartford, born and educated. On the playground is where i did all my trespassing what grades were you in and what when you grades did you get when you were in hartford um i was but we should say that because for the viewer who just saw that what she just kind of her little aside away from the mic rick is housing tuna right now with soy and so i think that that was literally spit soy sauce or wasabi onto the wow that looks fancy oh where's that from that looks good straight sugar fish for lunch she's gonna
Starting point is 00:24:37 i uh i was actually kind of in every grade when i was in high school, which is normal sounding, but I skipped grades. So I started in ninth because my credits hadn't transferred. And then at the end of the year, I was in 10th. And then I started 11th, but graduated early. So I was also kind of in 12th. So I was there for two years. So you kind of finished high school in two years. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:25:10 That's kind of interesting. You finished high school in two years. I mean, technically three. I was homeschooled for ninth grade. By who? And you were homesick for your junior year. Oh! Oh!
Starting point is 00:25:30 Who homeschooled you? My mother. And she just straight up was like, this is geometry, here's US history, here's whatever. Um, I took, technically, well, I took geometry
Starting point is 00:25:44 as like a, like an online course in three months actually i did that and during the summer of eighth grade um so that was a whole thing but yeah i did a lot of online courses for like individual subjects and then i went to a nerd camp where i like took biology sorry i was planning a needle lunch is needle the new omsby it kind of is i've only been there once. We don't have the sax points anymore. Remember that? The sax? Yeah, I do.
Starting point is 00:26:34 That was the shit. We should bring it back. We should. And you know whose fault it is? Grayson. Rochelle, would you say you're more or less confused about what this show is now that we're about half hour deep into an episode I think I'm the same amount of confused right
Starting point is 00:26:51 there's no clarity there's no favoritism we used to advertise with favoritism and now we don't do you need do you need help can I get a logline the logline is that it's
Starting point is 00:27:05 kind of a mess but organized chaos seemingly but the log line that i came up with is uh it's 45 minutes of pop culture pop culture discussion mean-spirited games and quizzes and gotcha journalism are the stutters part of the description when you read it on the website there are going to be stutters let me tell you something about my email inbox i so i got spam bombed this week right and yeah yeah and so what happened was i get an email saying your new american express gold card is in the mail and it's being shipped to a zip code that i don't live in and i'm like okay that's weird i don't know there's maybe this is just like a fake email and if i click on it and try and give them any of my information then actually the fraud will happen uh around this email though i get like 800 spam emails of people a bot that had signed me up for every fucking service email list newsletter imaginable
Starting point is 00:28:07 and so i'm fucking having to click unsubscribe report spam for all of them but i'm like it eventually calmed down this was on friday afternoon monday morning rolls around your card is out for delivery another spam bomb monday afternoon your card has been delivered and activated holy shit there's somebody with a card with seemingly carte blanche access because by the Monday afternoon, your card has been delivered and activated. Holy shit. There's somebody with a card with seemingly carte blanche access. Because, by the way, Amex doesn't have a credit limit, right? And that's how you get in the real trouble. I don't know if that's true.
Starting point is 00:28:35 Really? Amex doesn't have a credit limit? I'm almost positive, yeah. For a gold card? I don't know. Or a black card. Well, like you can literally buy a house a thousand dollar car i didn't think it had a credit credit limit i had to call mx and report the fraud
Starting point is 00:28:52 they were very kind they were very nice they were richard kind at a certain point because they were like let me tell you about your card. It's not a great Richard kind. Can you just be a little more Richard? As in a little kinder to my dumb ass. So I unsubscribed and reported spam for like over a thousand emails over the past week. And some of them are still trickling in, though. One of them being Fleur-ity, which is sort of like Faerty, but I think it's period underwear.
Starting point is 00:29:32 Why don't we advertise with them? Fleur-ity? Fleur-vy? Fleur-ity. Fleur-ity? Like Florida meets Faerty. Yeah. So I was right.
Starting point is 00:29:43 It is menstrual underwear. And I do think people could maybe use it. Wait, no, it's actually the cup. But it looks like it's not even in English. It might not be an American company. Well, we have listeners across the globe. Here we go. Welcome to Goat or Quote.
Starting point is 00:30:04 Goat or Quote? Goat or Quote. Okay. have you guys why are you seem like you're like you're put out by the whole episode keep going are you comfortable marika do you have enough soy so you guys heard about this ed sheeran thing right no no what do you mean no no i don't follow ed sheeran i don't either but it was all over the news right it actually mattered not just for ed but actually for music in general the future of it etc what happened am i boring you no just say what fucking happened we all said we didn't know. Explain it. Ed Sheeran had been a part of a lawsuit for years about if he, from the state of Marvin Gaye,
Starting point is 00:30:54 saying that he stole Let's Get It On with his song Thinking Out Loud. I don't know any Ed Sheeran songs. All right, you know Thinking Out Loud. You know Thinking Out Loud. I don't know any Ed Sheeran songs. All right. You know Thinking Out Loud. You know Thinking Out Loud. You probably do. Is that helpful? I thought that was Ariana Grande.
Starting point is 00:31:13 That's it. Shut up. No, I don't listen to that song. I don't listen to the radio. Actually, that's pretty good. I don't listen to the radio. Top 40 is not my thing. I don't listen to the radio. Actually, that's pretty good. I don't listen to the radio. Maybe just the drop of your hat. Weed and fool and love in every single way.
Starting point is 00:31:32 Maybe I just tell you I am. You still don't know? No. Keep going. Thinking into your loving heart. Hanging out to the heart of a thousand stars. So darling. Stop ringing a bell.
Starting point is 00:31:45 Suit out in my heart. The fuck? Goater quote. I want to know your guys' opinions. We're going to play these songs back to back. And I want to know if you think Ed Sheeran plagiarized Marvin Gaye. Right? Okay.
Starting point is 00:32:04 The lawsuit did finish up with the jury saying he didn't. But I don't know. I want to hear your guys' thoughts. So this is the original. This is Marvin Gaye's Let's Get It On. So that's Marvin Gaye. and this is Ed Sheeran. Take me to your fucking arms No, this is not.
Starting point is 00:32:34 Sorry, that was the TikTok version. Here's a video that's just both of them back to back. Darling, I will be loving you Till we're 70 let's get it on yeah like not even close yeah they sued him because of the tempo or something here's the thing the chord progression is the exact same i think but it also i think is up an octave or something and you we've There have already been rulings that you can't copyright a
Starting point is 00:33:08 chord progression. Yeah, there's only so many octaves. Yeah. I've heard songs sound a lot more similar than those do. Copyright protection comes down to what's in the sheet music. What did you think of my version versus the Ed Sheeran? When you heard the Ed Sheeran song, you're like, oh, now I get
Starting point is 00:33:24 what it is. I like theirs better. Right? There was more character to your voice, as in it sounded worse, but in a charming way. Yeah, more attainable for sure. Yeah. Are you looking at the menu again, or are you looking at the... Yeah, what do you guys want from Needle? Do you want the churn fun?
Starting point is 00:33:43 The what? The churn fun. Have you eaten that, Needle? Do you want the churn fun? The what? The churn fun. Have you eaten that, Needle? No. It's good. I've been saying we should go there. Yeah, I went once. Have you guys had the salted yolk French toast?
Starting point is 00:33:55 This looks like a heart attack. Right, yeah, that one looks a little heavy, but it also probably tastes delicious. That's true, that's true. Good food. Is that the end of the segment? That is the end of the segment. Quote or goat?
Starting point is 00:34:09 Yeah, that definitely... How long have we been going? That title didn't make any sense. Goat or quote? Is it the greatest of all time, or is it a quote of the greatest of all time? You only explained the situation with the trial. So you're saying we should vote on it we don't play a game i didn't say it was a game i'm i'm so sick of doing games on this show it was less of a
Starting point is 00:34:36 segment and more of an anecdote really you guys don't fucking appreciate it when i put a ton of work i this is something i've noticed in outlining this shit when i put a ton of work... This is something I've noticed in outlining this shit. When I put a ton of effort into it, they don't go well. We like Jeopardy. Jeopardy's pretty good. Jeopardy's great. Yes, but you have to be sparing with Jeopardy. Jeopardy's like Jeopardy, but it's all wrong answers. It's kind of fun, right?
Starting point is 00:34:59 Would you say it's better than Jeff explaining a lawsuit and then telling us not to worry about it? I would have to play Jeopardy to make that, Paul. Well, I don't have a Jeopardy prepared. I'm saving it for our potential tour. Which, by the way, no word from Katie on that. Katie was like, I'm gonna check the budget. No, she
Starting point is 00:35:18 didn't. It's been a month since that happened. And Amir brought it up the other day. Oh, look, Faraday. I like the idea of doing a show in the woods that's what I was saying I said this on the live stream last night literally outdoors West Coast tour right we're gonna do LA Big Sur San Francisco Portland what Marika and then the no I know yes honey and then I'll be exactly right in big show when it's called, yes. It's just funny. And then, exactly right, in this, guess what,
Starting point is 00:35:45 it's a comedy show. So, Rochelle, this is the idea, right? It's called, the episode would be called If a Tree Falls
Starting point is 00:35:51 and it would be a last minute secret show that we announce day of at the Henry Miller Library stage in the woods. It's not secret anymore, right?
Starting point is 00:36:00 You're explaining the whole concept. They're not gonna know when it is. They're not gonna know when it is. And you want some people there right so if we go ahead and we're like okay we're gonna
Starting point is 00:36:08 do a tour in August right we're gonna do a tour in September or something the LA show is on August 17th right and then our San Francisco show isn't until August 20th people can infer that the fucking If a Tree Falls episode is gonna be somewhere in between there right and so
Starting point is 00:36:23 some people especially Bay Area people... Camping out at a library for days. I just think we should do a four-date tour. And if I'm wrong for that, what's that? Keep going. You interrupted. And I'm not even talking to Casey. I'm talking to Marika.
Starting point is 00:36:44 I didn't do shit. Two dates. That's all I need to revamp this whole shabazz. It has to be profitable. We can't just go to the middle of the woods and lose money. Which is why Katie has to check the budget. Really? Because it'll cost us money.
Starting point is 00:37:01 Well, what if the episode does so well online? Most of these episodes do the same, regardless of who's on them or where they were recorded. So you can't say, oh, this episode will be exceptionally well attended or whatever. And we need ads. Yeah, knowing that there will be a bump in traffic for that particular episode.
Starting point is 00:37:20 Well, the only way to balance it out would be ticket sales. Right. And you want to do it in the middle of fucking nowhere so nobody will come and you don't want to even tell people when it is what if we do a live show from caramel by the sea that's the same area beautiful that's the same area we're gonna lose money on that because any venue there is gonna take like 20 the henry miller, I already talked to them. And Big Sur is better?
Starting point is 00:37:45 I already talked to them in person. I talked to the owner of the library. I was like, do you guys do shows here? They said yes. I said, I do a podcast called the HeadGum Podcast. Could we do it here for free? He said yes. As long as people buy books.
Starting point is 00:37:59 For free means no... For free means... It's a library where they're selling books? It's a cool library i've been there it's like it's not like a library in the sense that you're thinking it's more like it's a bookstore a bookstore in the woods two book minimum rochelle have you ever been to the henry miller library so we're not making money rochelle's been there i've been there should we do a podcast here? I think that'd be cool.
Starting point is 00:38:26 Yeah, I have an idea. Oh. Cause baby, no. Rochelle's got an idea. Take me to your fucking heart. Yeah, can we hear the idea? What's the idea? It's okay.
Starting point is 00:38:39 It's too late. It's too late now. Great. You had to play your little jingle. Your little fucking tiktok sound i'm sensing like animosity and i want to know who the head gum rivals are oh interesting it's kind of everyone versus me casey and amir haven't said anything towards each other but it's also kind of you versus am Yeah. How long did that survival game take over text? Was it like
Starting point is 00:39:08 a one night affair or like a multi-week battle? And then do you think Landon Donovan still lives in LA? The soccer player? Yeah. I don't know if he lived in LA at all. Well, he played for the Galaxy, so you could have inferred. But the Galaxy doesn't really play in LA.
Starting point is 00:39:24 Like, doesn't LAFC play in like doesn't lafc play like in la proper bye it's the end of the episode so no plugs a hard out oh my god. That was a Hiddem Original.

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