The Headgum Podcast - 198: DEI

Episode Date: March 29, 2024

Amir, Anya, and Amelia (Doughboys producer) join Geoff to discuss diversity and exclusion, bruxism, and Amelia's dad's new nickname - "Scorpion."Advertise on The Headgum Podcast via... Gumball.fmRate The Headgum Podcast 5-stars on Apple PodcastsRate The Headgum Podcast 5-stars on SpotifyJoin the Headgum DiscordSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is a head gum original. Previously on the head gum podcast. So you dated her in her 70s? I didn't ask. A friend set us up. Just said, where did you go? London. This is my friend, Liz. My buddy Charles was like, would you ever be with an older woman? So you're friends with the current king?
Starting point is 00:00:35 In a way, not anymore. The son was setting up his married mother with you. It sounds insane. Have you heard these games before? They're all kind of crazy. The garlic thing was weird. The game is not, no that's not why this is crazy because you're saying that yeah.
Starting point is 00:00:54 Cold Opens style, am I right? It's one of those rare Cold Opens where it happened after the show. Cold Closing. Cold Closing but it's gonna start the episode. Got it. Got it. Got it or?
Starting point is 00:01:06 I understand what you're trying to do, slash salvage. Which is to salvage the app because Amir forgot to record the video. Yeah, guest producer Amir. I never hit record. You didn't press the button or something. I'm behind the desk. I could have pressed record. Yes, exactly.
Starting point is 00:01:22 But I left that job up to you today. And guess what didn't end up happening I didn't know that it was my job Really? Of course not. Is that cuz I didn't say anything or That one right off the bat the first option. You probably should have known You wasn't gonna do it. There's no real like indicator from here There's usually a red light and I kind of did after I Lasted and I was like is this video or and I was surprised when you said it was video cuz you knew the whole time
Starting point is 00:01:49 Oh, I did Yeah, you could have said anything at any point you could have insulted my intelligence you could have said hey I don't think the video is recording and then I would have been like it's you I'm so rarely in front of the camera. I know they know what they're doing Your biggest mistake is thinking that Jeff knows what he's doing. It's hard, because again, it's risk. Don't give him the benefit of it. It's risk versus reward.
Starting point is 00:02:10 It's risk versus reward. It's me versus record. And ultimately that is the John Disco challenge. John Disco challenge. It'll all make sense soon enough. Enjoy the episode everybody. Um Let's get straight into it. Let's all introduce ourselves. I'll introduce you guys cuz I'm a host and that's kind of part of my job Amelia and I'm already forgetting your last name. I'm sorry. Merino like San. Uh, yeah like San
Starting point is 00:03:01 Amir Blumenfeld And Anya kind of Scott Sorry Amir Blumenfeld and Anya kind of Scott. Dan. Sorry? Dan Marina. And like Dan. Yeah, like San and Dan. San and Dan. Like San Marino, like the city next to Pasadena. Yeah, not like the world famous football quarter.
Starting point is 00:03:18 San Marino, home to the Huntington Gardens. Is that true? I think so. Or Huntington, that might be Pasadena. It's the city over. Yeah It's not even ultimately San Marino and then a on a Anya Ken of Sky a aka Anya Ken of Sky And then Anya I sent you a little something about myself to introduce me. Do you want to go ahead and read that? Yeah, do you want to do a mirror first or no? I said Amir Blumenfeld. And if we skipped him, that's fine. Okay.
Starting point is 00:03:48 Please welcome to the show, the Headgum podcast DEI host, Jeffrey James. Oh, wow. I don't think it's fair that he doesn't have to wear his... I guess a brown man can't get ahead without people tearing him down by saying the reason he hosts the show is, what, diversity and inclusion? You said that.
Starting point is 00:04:12 Yeah, actually, technically I said it, but you told me to say it. You texted on you. Checkmate. Really? Cause you had a bad day. Yeah. Wow.
Starting point is 00:04:25 Camila Marino, do you wanna, for anyone who doesn't know you, introduce yourself. I don't think I did a great job. I am Amelia Moreno, like San Moreno. Pretty good. Or Dan Moreno. Pretty good. Whoa! I'm also an associate producer on another headgun podcast called dough boys
Starting point is 00:04:46 so Unbelievable Big ol yikes one of our most popular shows definitely not only in numbers That's the only metric to metric the other metric is culture How many of our listeners across the entire network have a mustache and long hair now because of me? Zero. Anya zero. Cause you had them.
Starting point is 00:05:11 Can you hear the sound effects without- Sorry, can you not interrupt Marino, San or otherwise? She was trying to get a lot out and we didn't quite get rid of the space. Oh no, that's pretty legit. I actually had a question for Anya. Really? If you ever- Thank you. If you ever don't want to tell somebody something, do you ever say Anya Business? That's good.
Starting point is 00:05:28 That's pretty good. Yeah. Let's keep the puns on. Do you want to tell people, do you want to tell Amelia what my name on the show is? Anya Zero. What? I think in a good way. It's not because she's not a hero. It's because my alias for a while was Tony Zero and then she ended up taking it right from under me. I feel like the fans did that actually. A lot of it is canon. I feel like there's a whole glossary of terms that...
Starting point is 00:05:48 I mean you listed all 200 episodes of the show. I did. 198. 198 out of 200. It's hard because I feel like the Doughboys don't have their own like glossary of terms. I feel like this show has that so that's what I mean by culture. They definitely do. They have segments and jokes and kind of callbacks. There's like outside jokes though. And they've been doing it for...
Starting point is 00:06:04 10 years. 10 years I was. Yeah. It's hard. And And they've been doing it for? 10 years. 10 years I mean, yeah. And how old were you 10 years ago? 10 years ago, I would have been in middle school. Yeah. So there's the difference right there. Oh.
Starting point is 00:06:17 I have to tell you a story, I actually forgot to tell you this, this is funny. Marika and I. I'm gonna go down really fast from you thinking that I was only a diversity hire, but let's go on. I'm sure we'll come back to it. Continue? Marika and I have been designing some headgum merch, which is very exciting.
Starting point is 00:06:36 I saw some of it. Did you see the one that she was, you know the one that she's talking about? She being me? You know the one you're talking about? You know the one you're talking about?, you know You know I think you're saying the same thing as you The shirts that she's building No same yeah the same page two zeros today in a way I'm so sleep deprived. No, same. We're on the same page.
Starting point is 00:07:07 Two zeros today. In a way. What is this shirt? So we've been designing these shirts. We're working with a company that's going to help us put them together. And we kind of sent them, Marika and I sent them a deck with our ideas, but we didn't finish doing them. We were like, here's the link, and we didn't finish doing them.
Starting point is 00:07:25 We were like, here's the link, and we didn't have time to really go back and look at it. We were like, yeah, headgum jokes and just random ideas. It was just things we had jotted down. So what they sent back essentially was a shirt with a mishmash of things and then it just like randomly says Anya zero and then like rice rice rice So it's like if AI made a shirt It was clear that they were like what? But I guess we have to put this together Jeff's mad Jeff's not reacting and is mad because there's no reference to his name on the shirt
Starting point is 00:07:57 We had shirts with my whole face on it. It was me. So then why are you mad? I'm not mad I'm just planning the next fucking thing Are you saying you already heard it from someone named me? You're saying is it the same story? So then why are you mad? I'm not mad, I'm just planning the next fucking thing. But like, I'm telling you a story. Are you saying you already heard it from someone named me? You're telling Amelia, you're telling Amelia, it's fine. You don't need all of us to have ears and eyes on you. Me has already told you that. It's the same story, same shirt that...
Starting point is 00:08:17 Same shirt, different day. That's good. Now that's a shirt idea. It's hard because I love to have shirts on that are saying what I'm about to say. Like if I had a shirt that said, if I had a shirt that said, that'd be the perfect time to wear it. And say it. Because when you wear the shirt that says the sentence, you have to make sure you say it the day you wear that shirt.
Starting point is 00:08:42 Same shirt, different day. I feel like I'm in a fever dream Yeah, that's a good Saying that's good doesn't add much to the conversation Listen to a doughboy's episode that nice Wow, that's good is very valid Kind of like a jungle theme Jungle book live show at the rainforest cafe. Where is that? Can't afford that. I don't really listen to the doughboys as much I do like that show though. Do you listen to show I?
Starting point is 00:09:20 Did listen to all 198 EPS to to prep for this you listen to? episode 198 to prep for this. You listened to episode 198 to prep for this? I listened to the first couple minutes of this episode sitting here right now. To prep for this moment. I think you got it. That's kind of what it's like. So you didn't know anything about it, but you wanted to be on it anyways? I kind of wanted to go, well I asked Anya which episode I should listen to and she said Anya Business That's really, really good.
Starting point is 00:09:52 No way she said that, because she hadn't heard it when you said it earlier. She did, she said it. And you were like, just pick anyone, it doesn't matter. And then I asked what to expect and you were like, it's going to be like, it's going to be wild. Or I don't know. I don't remember what it was. I feel like that's not fair. I said the show was like a wild hodgepodge mishmash of sounds and sights. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:10:13 I kind of... I realized maybe I go in blind and maybe that's easier. That would be better. I'm glad people are getting a chance to get to know your ass because you're going to be on the 200th episode, right? Oh, I actually won't, unfortunately. She's busy. I'm going out of town.
Starting point is 00:10:28 Where are you going? San Marino? Yes. I'm going to Miami. Really? San Marino? I'm going home back east. Are you from Miami? No, no, no. I'm sorry. I was making a Dan Marino joke. Try to keep up by the way.
Starting point is 00:10:43 I'm not. I'm from New York. This is my Amelia show now. Honestly, do you want to host the show? This one? Yeah, like permanently? Sure. All we have to do is sort of rotate what we consider the head of the class.
Starting point is 00:10:58 Not so fast, but also like, because your attention kind of being, yeah, it actually has a helping to show. Give Amelia your sunglasses. Okay, so. Really? Yeah. Kind of being yeah, it actually Yeah Makes sense though right it feels right oh nice catch Dan Marino style is this audio or visual as well Did it's a visual Okay. Yeah, everyone saw that I caught the glasses No, by the way, can you tell where she's from the way? She just said that word You're from the South Shore of Long Island, Massac County. I just mentioned where I was from like a few seconds ago I don't think we were from I'm from New York
Starting point is 00:11:38 Amityville, uh No But that's a movie right Amityville Horror? My mom is from Amityville. Are you from Long Island? No, I'm from, uh... Originally from Brooklyn, which is why I have the hair. The weird, uh, sometimes I have a little plane. I'm looking in a mirror, but I'm not in the mirror.
Starting point is 00:11:58 So the reason I put my sunglasses on is because I have very dry eyes today. Well, actually, I'm host now. It's like a relationship, almost brothers and sisters. Ladies and gentlemen, I'm your host,ilia Merino, like of San or Dan. Now you're Dan Merino. No. And because you caught the glasses, you're more of an OJ McDuffie. Wow.
Starting point is 00:12:14 What if the episode starts right now? That's what I'm kind of worried about because we put in a good 11 minutes of it and I thought it was kind of funny. We'll call it a prequel. I'm liking this show a lot. That was the cold open basically. There's no way that was kind of funny. We'll call it a prequel. I'm liking this show a lot. That was the cold open basically. There's no way that was a cold open.
Starting point is 00:12:28 Welcome ladies and gentlemen. This is the Head Gum Podcast. I'm your host, Amelia Moreno, and sitting here we have Jeff. Jeff, have you heard this show before? Because you have a buck. Anya Business. Nice. This rocks by the way. And Amir Blumenfeld. I feel like this whole thing happened because Anya was upset Nice. Anya Business. This rocks, by the way. And Amir Bloominville.
Starting point is 00:12:45 I feel like this whole thing happened because Anya was upset about the DEI. Don't say that. Unrelated. That was a joke you made eight minutes ago. Don't. Cut that out. Grace, cut that out. DEI?
Starting point is 00:12:59 More like DE. Diversity to exclusion. Exclusion. Yeah. Um. Cause you had a bad day. You got it. She's got thelusion. Yeah. Um. Cause you had a bad day. You got it, she's got the pacing. I feel like we could sell this show better
Starting point is 00:13:09 with you at the helm. I feel like we need to talk about the AMBs. It already feels like a real podcast. Okay. Yeah. This could be nominated for one. So if you do a good job. Ooh, okay.
Starting point is 00:13:18 Pressure's on. The heat is on. The heat is on. The heat is on. The heat is on. The heat is on. The heat is on. Jeff doesn't even know that song
Starting point is 00:13:26 He's too young Jeff's 25. He's in middle school 25? Or 27. 26. That's not that young. I'm 29. It's kinda young. That's not young Pretty baby to me. You're an adult Nah, I feel like I'm still like the youngest in the room. I feel like I'm sort of like a protege in a way
Starting point is 00:13:42 26 is a little bit over the top Who's protege? Fucking David Cross. Most NBA all-stars are younger than you. But that's because they're like, leading. Mozart was younger. Correct, and he was death. Amadeus?
Starting point is 00:13:53 He wasn't. Unrelated. What about Amadeus Zero? Anybody's last name Zero is funny. Amelia, did you go to the Ambys last night? No. What about the after party? Or should I say the Amber party?
Starting point is 00:14:09 No, after party is correct. Did not. Just slept like a bear last night. You had a live stream. Oh yeah. Oh my God. Yeah. The Doughboyz live show was last night.
Starting point is 00:14:22 That was a lot of fun. Yeah. Kind of sold out and like a lot of tickets sold on the live stream as well. night. That was a lot of fun. Yeah, kind of like sold out and like a lot of tickets sold on the live stream as well. Yeah, it was a lot of fun. Have you ever sold out Dynasty Typewriter? I have actually. Be nice.
Starting point is 00:14:35 Why? The Headgum Happy Hour, we sold 150 tickets. No, like we did not sell that out. Well, they roped off sections, but they filled all the sections that weren't roped off, which is kind of selling out. It's selling out like it's cheap to do. Amelia?
Starting point is 00:14:52 I've never sold out Dynasty Typewriter. Well, either way, I'm proud of you. Whether you sold it out or not. Because now you're giving a participation trophy. By the way, I haven't tried, I haven't not tried to sell out Dynasty Typewriter, but the content team is hell bent on not giving this show live shows we did well at the Gramercy theater We almost had 300 people there, but they seem to look past that they don't think that we can cut it in the live format I tend to disagree we almost
Starting point is 00:15:20 Cannon like what will you say in that environment when there's no different than I say here Oh, you could yell fire. That's funny. See so then anyone yell fire last night Maybe like this show is fire. All right Yeah, which is good. That's good. That actually means good. Can we talk about on your sheet pants? That's on your business Shut down Can we talk about Amir's stench lunch? I feel like, so Amir, I don't know if you weren't here for this. I don't know if you can still
Starting point is 00:15:54 smell it through the glass. Amir had this barbecue and rice I want to say dinner. It was a late lunch. But it had the contents of what should have been saved for like a 7pm meal.. Meal wouldn't you say because the eggplant was scalding hot It's good, but it's heavy. It wasn't quite dull, but it was funny because Amir does Suggest it for lunch every time we do a group lunch and
Starting point is 00:16:16 Everyone says no and so for you to get it on the day when you're just getting lunch for yourself is really makes sense Yeah, I can't veto me. Well, the first thing I said to you today was, is that a meal you just bought, not to be confused with, Amelia? I did get confused for a second. Thank you. Is that Amelia just bought? Is that a meal you just purchased and walked over with,
Starting point is 00:16:41 or is it leftovers that you didn't put in the fridge for days? Yeah. And you said? I said I just purchased it kind of shut me down in a way I feel like it's not just during the show that you're like you kind of just like answered your question What are the contents you got eggplant you got? Rice tofurky as well there was like cashews holding rice there was um sort of this has your milk soy smothered saw Would you say this episode has been good so far medium or poor this is the fucking best that's all And I actually do have gas Yeah, it's because of the fuck from the barbecue the barrel of sides that you put together and call the sauce size size
Starting point is 00:17:31 Cuz you had a bad On not on your Taylor joy Aaron Taylor Johnson is being touted as the new bond. James Bond. Marika called it. Well, she did like five years ago. But which is not less impressive. But more. Well, it seems like we're rounding third and heading home towards the new James.
Starting point is 00:18:00 I just I feel so we have to bring back the segment because I tabled it for literally like two weeks. We've been doing this for four years, and I just like well They're not gonna fucking circle the next double-oh-seven for like years apparently so let's just put this on the shelf They were waiting for you to shut the fuck up about it Barbara and I have beef It's good to be able to predict the joke before even the first sentence leaves us out. Colossary of terms, I'm saying culture. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:33 We should do an episode where it's just the things you say all the time and we just kind of pick. Define the terms, yeah, the philosophy of terms. G-E-O-L-O-S-S-I-R-Y. Cool. I don't know who I am. That's what the show has kind of become. But your glasses help ground you?
Starting point is 00:18:50 I really am self-conscious about the dry eyes. Oh yeah, here you go. Dry eyes. Amelia's too nice for this show. All right, here comes the Dan Marina pass. I think she's only been on once. I'm afraid I'm actually gonna miss. No, she's a sweetheart.
Starting point is 00:19:02 Thank you. Amelia, to explain, Jeff, for four years made every guest every week say who they thought would be the next James Bond. Double O, yes. And then stopped for two weeks and then they announced the next James Bond. Because the bit was supposed to be, let's drag this on until they cast, but I thought that was gonna take a year. It took four.
Starting point is 00:19:18 It's not even done yet. We did it for four. It's just hard. Anyway, who do you think should be the next Bond? Linen or? Kind of like a linen blend. Are we doing Bond of the Week? Oh yeah, sorry, mine is Matthew Morrison, Bond of the Gleek.
Starting point is 00:19:34 And I can't say Aaron Taylor Johnson, he's taken. I mean, you can, you might get raked over the coals in the comments. Yeah, I feel like that's cheating. You know what? Let's get a Chalamet bond. Let's get a little scrawny one. Yes, exactly.
Starting point is 00:19:57 He was sort of an action hero in Dune. Just kind of funny. There you go. I'm seeing Dune too tonight. Oh, interesting. Are you going to text Casey Donahue about it? Cause it's all he wants to talk about. Yes. I talked to it with Casey last night actually. If you can believe it. Yeah, we're talking about Dune 2 like it's once the last time everyone rallied behind something. Barbenheimer six months ago No, Barbenheimer didn't have the same effect that Dune 2 has seemed to have. Probably not wanting to raise the retirement age in France
Starting point is 00:20:24 What? Yeah, I mean that's a that's another one. Yeah that Dune 2 has seemed to have. She's probably not wanting to raise the retirement age in France. What? Yeah, I mean, that's another one. Yeah. And Pokemon Go is another one. Pokemon Go to the polls, that's when people really took off. Yes. And in terms of other people's bonds, do you care?
Starting point is 00:20:42 Why is that my responsibility to make you say a bond. Amelia said hers, I said mine. Go ahead or don't. Sorry, hold for sound. That almost hit us. That was low. We're clear. Me or you. Kiefer Sutherland? We have to take Me or you.
Starting point is 00:21:05 Key for Sutherland? We have to take a quick break. Yeah, let's go say Timofey Moscow. Sorry, I can't hear you. Sure. This show is sponsored by BetterHelp. Guys, a lot of us spend our lives wishing we had more time. The question is time for what?
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Starting point is 00:22:30 And we're back tag yourself Yeah, I'm the person in the green sweater just to her right. Yeah. Who asked the editor to just cut me out of the clip completely. I said, I want nothing to do with this. Yeah. I'm obviously Danny DeVito, I guess. That's good.
Starting point is 00:22:57 I'm Chris Evans who sort of replied to the street with put it in the Louvre. Chris Evans. put it in the Louvre. Chris Evans. Oh my God, he fucking turned the TV off for that. I thought we did well. Are we not doing like any segments or? Another commercial? Jesus.
Starting point is 00:23:22 I like it. Is yours just turned down? Maybe. Yeah, you can change the monitor. That's why I don't know why people... Jesus. Is yours just turned down? Maybe. Yeah, you can change the monitor. That's why I don't know why people... Amelie, sorry, why don't you have your headphones on? Your cans. I can hear it so loudly through other people's kids.
Starting point is 00:23:38 Or you'll get cancer. Amelie, what else do people need to know about you in preparation? Absolutely nothing. Really? In terms of the personal information? They don't need to know anything. Well, you're from Brooklyn.
Starting point is 00:23:51 We're in Brooklyn. Well, no, I'm sorry. I wasn't even close to done. I was born in Brooklyn, but I can't. Where were you brazed? I was brazed in a suburb outside of Manhattan. Okay, Ry or? Oh, well, across the Hudson in the Rockland County area.
Starting point is 00:24:08 So the Palisades of New Jersey. Of New York, yeah. Is that New York? I'm from the border of New York and New Jersey, so if people say I'm from New Jersey, I don't correct, because I'm literally a five minute walk from the border. I love that.
Starting point is 00:24:22 Pearl River is the name of the town I'm from. Okay, that's great. Home of the pirates. You know who lived somewhat near the town I'm from. Home of the Pirates. You know who lived somewhat near to there? Jasper Johns. The ghost? The artist. The artist. But maybe now the ghost of the artist. He's definitely dead. I know, the ghost of the artist. Oh, I didn't know that. I was making a Casper. Stony Point? Oh, Jasper, Casper. That's Casper. Casper the Friendly John. That's Casper the Ghost. Amir fell asleep.
Starting point is 00:24:48 Painting a flag and using the Porto. I'm 41. You can't waste my time as indiscriminately as you could. Yeah, you're so close to death. It was easier when you were like 37. Yeah, exactly, it was fun. Now it's- Now it's like time times ticking and I'm wasting it in here Would you say it's more of a chore or more of a bore?
Starting point is 00:25:09 Sure. Yeah. Yeah, and have you done you've we've all seen succession. So there's more on the floor Uh-huh. That's just recording an episode of this show on the floor and this is a chore, you know on the door and Please welcome our next guest Dan Gore And please welcome our next guest, Dan Gore. It's funny that all of our colleagues, the office is completely empty because everyone's a podcast movement. And we're in here. We're at podcast station. This is episode one ninety eight. I want to say it's a filler episode.
Starting point is 00:25:39 I mean, I don't know if you guys listen to ninety nine, Amelia, but that was right before the hundredth episode, obviously. And it was just a episode where me, Caleb, and Shelby, like, waxed. It was like in preparation of H. Slash the call in special. Cool. This show is indeed a hemorrhoid on the network. It's kind of a growth. Yeah. It's like basically a ultimately, they nine anal vein gland. Yeah, it's sort of like a
Starting point is 00:26:10 It hurts Tinker or otherwise, correct? On the roof of the mouth of joy. It's a mole whereas I search and yearn for wisdom and the conquering of fear. Oftentimes what ends up in its stead is a canker. That is like slam poetry right there. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:26:38 So compared to a Doughboy's episode, how is this one? A little less structured maybe. Yeah, I would say a little less structured, but you know what? That's for all the fun, huh? No way! Right? Welcome to... The Nash Cab!
Starting point is 00:27:03 Wow. Wow. Wow. Here's how the show's gonna work. I'm gonna ask you various multiple choice questions about Bruxism, the gnashing and gnawing of teeth. Wanna read it? Sorry, Anya, are we boring you? You took so long to just pull that up.
Starting point is 00:27:19 Yeah, but people would experience that on the show. Who are you texting? I was checking email. From? I got one from miles-bonzoniere and what did he say? He said he's fucking busy when you wanted him to be in the studio, so really You want to send me one yeah, why is it more exciting to the three of you? Why don't we just take the time to check our email for a little bit then? Okay, we'll be able to come back to the show with a renewed focus and an intensity. And then I'll play Nash Cab on your behalf, Cab.
Starting point is 00:27:51 Alright, these questions are worth cash though. Oh shit, no I'm paying attention now. Is this real cash? No, well you guys made your bed, now you gotta lie in it. So why don't you check your email and I'll make cash. And I want to add to it. And then that's going to end up on my time card. Sorry, Marty. But I thought this was Nash Cab. It's Nash Cab, but that doesn't mean you can't win cash.
Starting point is 00:28:09 Oh, wait. You told me about this and I said don't do it. You're saying Nash Cab is a cash grab? I'm saying that you can win money if you play along. Could you win Nash? What's that? Could you win Nash, perhaps? If you guys win.
Starting point is 00:28:23 If you were in Nashville? For every question you guys write, I'll Nash my teeth. Okay, sort of grind. Down to a nub, down to the gums. Okay. Namline to have. Alright, here we go. Question number one.
Starting point is 00:28:36 Check your emails. No, I'm... That's the question? What is the medical term for the gnashing of teeth? A. Bruxism. You just said it. I misspoke with Bruxism. I didn't mean to say it at the intro. What is the medical term for the gnashing of teeth a bruxism? I didn't mean to say it at the intro right so who said it Take the cash. I don't mind five bucks from Marty
Starting point is 00:29:03 Again for the record he asked me if he should do this and I said no. Yeah. He said, can I put the money on my time card? I said no. It's just hard. It's not hard. It's hard to put together stuff when I'm really planning the next episode. You know what I mean? You're really gnashing your teeth at me.
Starting point is 00:29:16 I have a lot of anxiety and it ends up at the tips of my canines. Gnashing. He means his dogs. Bruxism. All right, A. I go A, bruxism. Correct! $5 to Amelia Marino.
Starting point is 00:29:36 Yes. Number two, signs. Signs and symptoms of gnashing your teeth include A, aching teeth, B, ear pain, C, both A and B, or D, all of the above. So C is D. C and D. D. Who said D?
Starting point is 00:30:02 Me. Correct! Five dollars to the woman wearing a duvet. C and D. D. Who said D? Me. Correct! Five dollars to the woman wearing a duvet. Number three. Oh my god. That is not gonna fly. That's savage.
Starting point is 00:30:13 Are you talking about? That's absolutely savage. No way that crossed the line. I've gone on and on about where Amir lives. Right bucking up to the bucking. Yeah. It's horror. Bleeping it. No way that crossed the line. I'm going on about where Amir lives, right bucking up to the bucking.
Starting point is 00:30:26 Yeah, you're bleeping it. It's hard. Bleeping it. Number three, who in this room is most at risk for lack of a better term, Bruxism? A, Amir, B, Amelia, C, Anya, or D, me. D, you. I'm gonna go with Amir.
Starting point is 00:30:45 Well, I got the grind guard, so I don't know if that puts me at high risk or not. You can't be at risk for something you already have, because the risk is past. You have it. I don't agree with that. I would say he's more at risk because he experiences it. If you take out your guard, then you're screwed.
Starting point is 00:31:04 Thank you. If you get run your guard, then you're screwed. If you get run over by an 18-wheeler, are you at risk for being run over by an 18-wheeler? Yeah, it doesn't remove the risk of it happening again. It's hard, because it's also risk versus reward. I'm not seeing any reward. Lightning can strike twice. That's true. The reward is five bucks. Charge to Marty for some reason. You know what?
Starting point is 00:31:24 No, we're giving it to a mirror. I didn't say anything. He didn't say anything. It's kind of a consolation prize for using the grind guard. Rise and grind guard. Of these options, what's the best way to manage teeth gnashing? A. Regular exercise. B. Eating regular exercise. B eating more regularly. C having discipline or D buying
Starting point is 00:31:49 a bite splint. Botox. Oh yeah, masseter. Both incorrect, unfortunately. This one's kind of subjective, but there is a right answer. Exercise? Go ahead Anya. No, no, no. I'm just pointing out that it can't be kind of subjective, but also have a right answer. Exercise? Oh, go ahead Anya. No, no, no, I'm just pointing out that it can't be kind of subjective, but also have a right answer. It's hard.
Starting point is 00:32:08 Have you guys done Masseter Botox for TMJ? I don't have it. No, but I heard about it. I feel like we're in the middle of a game segment. Yeah, because like it helps. It helps. Relax. It helps relax this muscle so you don't grind as much.
Starting point is 00:32:20 Because the muscle of hosting the show is sort of hypertrophying my tight fucking Yeah, my neck, my ass, my gums, my teeth. Which we've seen. Are you happy that your segment has brought a sparked conversation? I don't want ambient nonsense to be said between three people who frankly don't give a damn if I'm included or excluded diversity wise. What I wanted this segment to be was about the gnashing
Starting point is 00:32:48 and gnawing of teeth, the splinting of bites, and having discipline! That was the correct answer that I wanted to hear. Okay. The correct answer that I wanted to hear. Having discipline. Well if you do it in your sleep, you can't discipline yourself in your sleep.
Starting point is 00:33:01 You gotta train yourself. Amelia trying to bring logic to Jeff's world is really, it's frustrating, I can tell. Yeah, well it's hard, you know, again. For Amelia. What is risk without reward. This is a walk in the park for me. For me.
Starting point is 00:33:14 Watch more. Don't look at me. That was it? I got, we each got five bucks? You guys have now entered the Nash cab. We're starting over? We're in it already? What was everything?
Starting point is 00:33:32 That was just a get in. That was just a fucking practice. No, we've been in the Nash. That was just killing the cab. Sorry, I don't interrupt you when you talk. Yes you do. Really? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:42 It's hard to have a fresh set of eyes and ears on this show. Yeah. Anyhow hard to have a fresh set of eyes and ears on the show. Yeah. Um, anyhow, right? Anyhow. Um. Go on. On Cash Cab, they have something called
Starting point is 00:33:52 the Red Light Challenge. Yep. Which is where they kind of stop and they kind of do this 30 second power round. Okay. Where they try to name as many blank things that fall into a category. Got it.
Starting point is 00:34:04 This is gonna be the jaundice gums challenge. Challenge? So basically... So basically... This is gonna be the jaundice gum challenge? Challenge? So on the show it's the red light challenge. On this show it's gonna be the jaundice gum challenge. Challenge.
Starting point is 00:34:40 Challenge or challenge? Challenge. Winner gets a ch? Challenge. Okay. Challenge. Winner gets a chalice. Okay. You're each gonna have 30 seconds to name as many things about jaundice gums as possible. Are we all on the same team?
Starting point is 00:34:58 You are, well, no. Oh, I'm so tired. I know, me too. Good thing you're under a duvet When I said it you said you crossed the line, it's funny when Amelia It's kind of charming and nice when she when I do it. It's disarming. It's charming. Yeah, it's alarming how charming it feels Yeah, okay. I don't know what a jaundiced gum is okay? We can fucking zoom out is that yellow big picture yellow gums Yeah, it's like a vitamin specific vitamin deficiency that creates like a yellowing, but I forget what it is in gums instead of that No in your skin that I know but gums doesn't happen to your gum. Yeah, maybe is like a violent
Starting point is 00:35:38 Green yellow like violent. Yeah, it's tracked to a liver issue doesn't have to be about jaundiced gums But it can be just about gnashing teeth. So completely different than what you said. Dental anything would be good. So there's 30 seconds to name the most Terms. Okay. About dental issues. Okay, got it. I have soviet teeth so I have a lot of those. Let's just say you guys are all in the same team And let's see if you can get to 30 terms in 30 seconds. That's so many! What do you want, 20? 20 terms in 30 seconds.
Starting point is 00:36:09 20 terms... Let's do 18 terms in 30 seconds, meaning you each are responsible for six. Ready? But what if we say the same ones? Um, those don't count. No duplicates. That's kind of the challenge. Okay, so we'll go around like this. I'll start. Ready? Alright, well hang on. Let. Well hang on let's get our Get our ducks in our hour my ducks
Starting point is 00:36:40 Is there makeup all over my face from crying Sorry is there Makeup all over my face from crying, laughing. Oh no. Okay. It was tears. All right, ready? Yep. 30 seconds on the board.
Starting point is 00:36:52 Three, two, one. Nashville! Cavities. Gum recession. Broxism. Canker sores. Plack. Halitosis.
Starting point is 00:37:05 Gum disease. Roo canal. What's the one where you have the little stuff in your, tonsil stones. I can't hear. Tonsil stones. How many have you gotten? I can't hear.
Starting point is 00:37:21 Three. Three. Three in total. Paper cut on your tongue. What. Paper cut on your tongue. What? Paper cut on your tongue. Paper cut? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:29 Canker sore. Your tooth falls out. That's good. You need a crown? Oh yeah, a crown or screw. It's over, that was it. Dead tooth. How many did you get? Nine?
Starting point is 00:37:40 We got about 10. We got like 18. We hit it. We hit it. 18 for sure. I think we got 18. 19 because we said canker sword twice. That's right That doesn't make sense. I saw on your hands Anya you had five. No, I just didn't see down here I really didn't know I don't raise toes No, like down here my head one hand down. I had four. Anya had five and then Amelia had nine
Starting point is 00:38:00 No way. Yeah true. That's what happened. Check the tapes. It's being recorded Grace run it back. And it's being reported if you're watching this on YouTube. And you're going to jail. Where's our Nash? You owe us five Nash. Oh, yeah, okay. Ugh, the sound of his grinding really
Starting point is 00:38:32 Yeah, oh yeah, I'm listening You know that there's at least one guy jerking off to that you guys put my health at risk Dental II and I'll never forget that dental dams. That's one more at risk dentally and I'll never forget that. Dental dams, that's one more. Is that a dental thing? I'll go with dental, right in it. What is this one? And we're back, that's a TikTok song.
Starting point is 00:38:58 Here's what we're gonna do next, Amir, who's the most famous person on your phone? Ben Schwartz. That can't be the most famous person. phone mmm Ben Schwartz that's can't be the most famous person Rick Fox I don't know who that is do you know who Ben is yeah there we go call Ben he's in the UK okay call Rick I haven't spoke to him in years who's the next most famous? Jake call Jake Call Jacob
Starting point is 00:39:27 Hurwitz Call Jake Hurwitz. Call Jake. Hurwitz He might be doing like bath time for himself. Bath time can wait Gemma Hey, Jake leave a message. Hey, I'm on the headgum podcast and Jeff wanted me to do this Not quite a message. Yes it was. What was the message?
Starting point is 00:40:11 You were just here. You heard it. After Jake, who's the most famous person on your phone? God. I mean me. Anya? Call her. So you're not listening to me at all? I'm not listening to me at all I'm not listening to you at all
Starting point is 00:40:27 All right, you really want me to call the most the fourth most famous person on my phone you said it was Anya call on you Taylor joy, yes Sounds awful. Hey Jeff, it's me I've reached Jeffrey James. I'm on the phone right now, but if you leave a message with your name and number, I'll get back to you as soon as I can. Thank you. Sounds awful. Hey Jeff, it's me. Call me back when you get a chance. Why leave a message?
Starting point is 00:40:54 Because there wasn't any message in there. The message was call me back. That is a message. Just wanted to let you know to hit me back, just to chat. Truly yours, your biggest fan, this is me. The weird thing is... It's an Eminem reference.
Starting point is 00:41:12 Correct. Next most famous? Eminem. Nick Weiger. Call him. No, he was just here, he's busy. Alright, next most famous. What's the goal of the game?
Starting point is 00:41:25 For me to call someone to pick up and then what? We kind of have another guest on the show. You know what the real onus of this was? Was like, let's get a fucking clip. Let's get a social clip. So maybe we don't need the call, but we have to put the four of our heads together and be like, what's going to go viral?
Starting point is 00:41:42 We've never used a clip from this show and made like a vertical video asset out of it. And it's because we haven't done what we're doing right now which is gaming the system. Forcing something that's viral. Exactly right. You should call Jake Johnson. I don't have his phone number. Oh I do. Google meet. You should ask Any you who the most famous person is on you who's the most famous person? It's Jake Johnson call him He's busy. Who's the next most famous? All day yeah He's what if he picked you up that and then fucking ghosted me that'd be crazy I think you have to call Jake which What if he picked you up? And then fucking ghosted me? That'd be crazy.
Starting point is 00:42:26 You don't have to call Jake. Which? Either of them. Okay. And I won't. And I wasn't going to. Who's the next most famous? Mike Mitchell. Alright. So, Weiger you didn't want to bother.
Starting point is 00:42:40 Mitch, who also was just here. Well, Mitch, you have the Massachusetts connection. Yeah, you're allowed to bother people from Massachusetts if you're also from Massachusetts. Southie! He's not gonna like this. He's not gonna like this. He's gonna be like, uh hi! Also you don't have to call Mitch. I'm not going to. Okay who's the next Mitch famous person? I feel like we barely got through the John Discomb channel. Let's go back to that. Do you think we squeeze the line? Let's go back to that. Do you guys mind? Let's go back to talking about you...
Starting point is 00:43:08 Whatever you want to talk about with diversity, let's circle back. I don't think we should include that. Nice. Amelia, who would you say is the most famous person on your phone? Just for the social clip. Don't worry about it. On your business, she fucking said. It's Dan Marino.
Starting point is 00:43:24 It's her papa. Guess what Amelia's dad's name is? You guess. Dan Amelia? You have five guesses. Dan? No. San? No. Short for Sanford. Don't think that that's not a first name. Um... Travin? No. Uh... Bo? No. Anya?
Starting point is 00:43:52 No. Tony Zero? It's Scorpion. Can you believe? Your dad's name is Scorpion Marino? Yeah. There's no way. That's true. What do you mean? I guarantee he's on my phone is Scorpion Merino? Yeah. There's no way. That's true.
Starting point is 00:44:06 What do you mean? I guarantee he's on my phone as Scorpion. Okay, so it's just what is in your phone? Well, I mean, no, he came home one day and was like, I go by Scorpion now, so then we all just- Like legally or just- Not legally, just like socially, I guess. Call him.
Starting point is 00:44:21 What's his real name? Uh, Leonardtard. Oh, unrelated to Scorpio. Leonard Merino and he wants to go by Scorpion? Yeah, he came home with a giant scorpion tattoo on his hand and forearm. And when was his birthday? October? And vice versa. Uh, yeah, he's a Scorpio.
Starting point is 00:44:35 November, yeah. November what? Second. We gotta figure this shit out. Because I feel like we didn't quite get a social clip. And that was my only goal from this episode. Really, us naming moderately famous people that we didn't quite get a social clip. And that was my only goal from this episode. Really? Us naming moderately famous people that we didn't call? I think it's when you said,
Starting point is 00:44:48 challenge. That was good because we're all laughing. Yeah, I think that'll do well. The social clip doesn't need to be us laughing. It has to be us, like, teaching people shit. Yeah, how to say the word challenge. I guess learning what not to do is also valuable in terms of... It's the do's and don'ts of saying challenge.
Starting point is 00:45:06 Saying what? It's the challenge challenge. It's the challenge challenge. See who can say the word challenge. See who can say the word challenge. Plugs, what do you guys have going on? How long was that? 45.
Starting point is 00:45:20 No way. 45. Time flies when you're having fun. Type 47 actually. I just So I'm sorry this was your first one Amelia, but I thought it went really well I'm honored to be a part of the filler episode just come on another time You just have to come on another time ideally the Twitter episode. Oh, yeah, what are we doing? Secret so it is a secret you haven't told him
Starting point is 00:45:40 I've told him I haven't told everybody else who's listening told him. I've told him I haven't told everybody else who's listening. Who sighed? At Jeffrey James on Instagram forward slash Riley and Jeff and that's all I have. What do you guys have? You can follow me on Instagram at skid mark for or you can follow me on letterbox at skid mark. That's all I got going on. You plug your Venmo. It's Amelia hyphen Marino and it's a photo of me as a juggalo. My Venmo, full name Anya Knafskaya. You can add to the Nash cab fund there. Radio free Anya, the Love Motel, submit, ask us questions, love advice.
Starting point is 00:46:21 We'd love to hear from you. Probably should plug a show. Listen to Doughboys. Oh, yeah. Listen to Doughboys podcast. Listen to Chaotic, new season launched today, March 27th. I'm doing a time reveal. Yeah. It's all video. They haven't asked me to be on, weirdly.
Starting point is 00:46:38 They don't want me on. That's true. And we'll see you guys again next week for the 200th episode. She's so fun. That's true. And we'll see you guys again next week for the 200th episode. Oh my god. That's unbelievable. What is? You cut me out of the plugs. Projects, come on, I know that you're working on something.
Starting point is 00:46:55 Always cooking. Instagram, I guess. Kind of firing off some pretty funny stories. Yeah. At Amir. Okay. How did you snag that? How did you spell that?
Starting point is 00:47:06 I knew somebody who worked at Facebook when they acquired Instagram. Wait, really? Yeah. And they're like, if you- Call them. And they're like, you know, the person, if the person who you squatted on Amir doesn't use the account ever, we can give it to you. And like some person squatted on the name, like- It was Amir doesn't use the account ever we can give it to you and like some person squatted on the name like
Starting point is 00:47:26 It was Amir Cohen? Yeah, Cohen had it for three years and they like messaged him and he didn't respond like, can we just have it? Can they help me get skidmark on Instagram because I'm skidmark4 and I'm trying to snag that That ship is probably sailed. It was earlyish days. Yeah, now I'm trying to sell my Instagram handle. I don't really use it. To who? Cohen? To any Amir in the world. Cohen? Yeah. Now I'm trying to sell my Instagram handle. Come on. I don't really use it. To who? Cohen?
Starting point is 00:47:47 To any Amir in the world. Cohen? What about my high school goalkeeping coach? Amir? Colin. Yes. That was a Hid Gum Original.

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