The Headgum Podcast - 238: Peast
Episode Date: January 17, 2025238: Geoff is joined by Marika, Amir, and Will, to help him try to define what the show is and the meaning of Peast, before playing Would You Wear That and Repeal or No Repeal!» FOLLOW Geoff... on Instagram: » FOLLOW Amir on Instagram:» FOLLOW Marika on Instagram: » FOLLOW Will on Instagram: on The Headgum Podcast via Gumball.fmRate The Headgum Podcast 5-stars on Apple PodcastsRate The Headgum Podcast 5-stars on SpotifyJoin the Headgum DiscordSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
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This is a head gum original
Previously on the head gum podcast take that again. What's with this like international like a sudden aversion to fossil fuels climate change
Mm-hmm really?
It's like the yeah the polar cap ice caps are melting and yeah, yeah
Yeah, the polar ice caps are melting. Yeah.
Is this leading somewhere?
Irreversible damages it were.
Yeah, irreversible, like Irv-er?
No, irreversible, like we are hurtling towards a dilemma slash catastrophe.
A burning orb.
I got my face zapped by a rod nearly two and a half hours ago.
So excuse me if I say irreversible.
Like a taser?
Like a rod? So excuse me. Like say er versa girl like a taser like a rod
So it's like you
Proud on my fucking eyelids by the way
Nice try
Yeah, you have to hear the thing cuz I feel like it helps people get into the
To the mood to the vibe of the show.
I can already tell you guys are low energy Jeb,
what's going on?
Happy Monday.
Last Friday's episode started with a bang, it started with a bomb right off the bat, right?
A bunch of joy, a bunch of what's that?
Oh, it was Mike.
Mike is Mike.
Mike is Mike.
But before Mike is Mike, there was a certain tone that was set.
I thought we were having a lovely moment.
Like Will and I were making little hearts.
You were upset at the type of heart he made.
No, I wasn't.
You weren't even ready to yes and his ass.
Yeah, I said, I said, I did, I did this one and I said, I don't like this one because I'm a millennial.
I will say that that type of heart belongs on Photo Booth in 2006.
Right? The app on the computer or like in 2006, right?
The app on the computer or like in a real photo booth.
The what?
The Photo Booth app, like on the MacBook Pro.
Yeah, you know, and recently I've been playing along,
playing around rather with Zoom backgrounds, right?
And it's reminding me of the joy of a moving background
or a filter on the Photo photo booth app, Amir.
Oh, yeah.
We have a lot to get to.
We actually do have a lot to get to.
2025 is the year of three segments, right?
I used to do two segments.
I don't think it's enough.
I think that's watered down.
I think that's milk toast because of the energy
that you guys don't bring.
And it's not because of anything I don't do.
Is that fair to say?
It's not fair to say, but you can say it.
And you did say it.
True unfair to say that's fair.
Someone someone in the comments,
because I guess and I didn't remember this in last episode,
but I guess we asked for advice on how to promote the show, which seems crazy.
That shouldn't have been part of the survey, but continue.
Shouldn't have been, shouldn't have been a question we asked.
But someone said that you should say up top what the show is.
And I do think that is...
That's really interesting. Holy shit.
I think it's an interesting challenge to describe.
I feel like it'll be easy. I mean, I don't know if it's a challenge.
I feel like it's just about whether or not we do it consistently, right?
Amir, why don't you kick this one off?
The Headgun Podcast is a rotating cast and crew of...
I'm obviously gonna have to stop you right there.
Yeah, like the guests. Word of the day?
It's not the word of the day because,
and Mariko was on last week's episode,
I'm trying to keep my cool here,
but 2025 word of the day is evolving to meet coining terms.
Amir, continue.
It isn't a rotating cast.
It's more like a rotating cast and crew of games, segments,
conceits, and fun, unique banter and wordplay adjacent conversation.
Unique banter.
That's what we're gonna say every week
because I feel like that's not.
Unique banter, it's actually verbal diarrhea.
I've described this show, maybe this is all we say.
Welcome back to the HeadGum Podcast, this is, hello?
Yep. Yep. We can hear you you you guys were staring at me blankly
I feel like you aren't paying attention or enjoying
Sorry, we're staring. I didn't know if we were frozen or yeah
The fact that it wasn't moving laughs and smiles
It was just welcome back to the head gun podcast there was a welcome back to the Headgun Podcast. Welcome back to the Headgun Podcast, the only show on earth
where the host speaks as if he's falling down a mountain.
OK or OK?
I think that's good, and I think that you could
you could like change that up every time.
Like, it's the only show on earth where the host
blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
Mm hmm. Mm hmm.
Does that help with what they were saying, though, because I feel like what they're
wanting is probably in an effort to show it to me.
Yeah, sorry. Of sand.
But basically, I was trying to say if they want to show their this show to someone else,
someone starts listening, they have no idea what the fuck is happening.
Like so far, this episode is garbage to somebody who's never heard it.
Right. I'm wondering how we can pitch it to them on the day.
In a way, elevator pitch up top where they're like, OK, I can get on board for that.
I feel like I know what they're doing.
And I feel like the only show on earth where the host is falling down a hill
doesn't quite make sense.
What is this?
No way he has to go to the bathroom or something else.
We just started. It's been six minutes.
I think he's going to the La Croix.
No way.
Oh yeah.
Let's see what happens.
Is he coming?
Oh wait.
This isn't any good.
Hold on.
He's going to the kitchen.
He's getting a new one?
Is this what you're after?
Come say hi, I'm on the Headgun Podcast.
So is Amir supposed to be.
Hey guys, huge fan.
No way.
Appreciate being even a small part of today's episode.
Can I just do my plug really quick?
You may not because you have to actually be a big part of today's episode.
Yeah, you gotta go back.
What's he saying?
His name is Jeff.
Jeff Hey.
Just wanted to shout out my Instagram.
Big fan, but you had to ask my name?
He can't hear you.
He's on the AirPods.
This is not ideal. Big fan, but you had to ask my name. He can't hear you. He's on the AirPods.
This is not ideal.
Speaking of consistency of sand, I saw a TikTok yesterday
that starts.
It starts.
Have you heard of the viral dry yogurt trend?
I have. I have.
You know, OK, but I don't know.
Then she's like the mic did pick up that fart as he sat down.
You'll add that to post.
Yep. Sorry.
I had to go get a drink. It's very similar to the dry yogurt trend.
Yeah. Have you heard of the viral dry yogurt trend?
No, it's kind of the consistency of clay
And ultimately what trend is just making labna that's all it is sure but they're calling it dry yogurt
I will say that is there's a there is, there's a lane of news, of jokes, of tone that this podcast has.
And that is within the lane.
That is staying within the lane.
Dry yogurt, but it's just labna.
I don't know what that is, but that is in line with this show.
I mean, maybe we can spend January's episodes
trying to lock down what the elevator pitch
of the show would be.
I used to say that it was 45 minutes
of mean-spirited games and quizzes and gotcha journalism.
Featuring a rotating cast of, yeah, sorry.
It's a great start.
I think that there's something to be said
about the focus on you, that you were falling down.
I didn't say me.
Okay, sorry.
Now I'm starting to get upset.
We're bringing it all back.
It's 45 minutes of mean-spirited games and quizzes
and Gotchacha journalism.
What about that mentions me?
No, we're saying it,
it's a good idea to mention your role in it.
Sorry, I feel like for anyone who doesn't think I'm humble,
you can just play back the last 15 seconds
where I got mad that Will was trying to center me.
Yeah. Yeah.
And did I mention Dry Labna?
It's 45 minutes of mean-spirited games and quizzes
featuring Dry Labna and Jeffrey James.
The consistency of clay.
Imagine dry yogurt, the consistency of clay,
and burnt rice, the consistency of sand.
Now you're starting to get the idea
of what the show is starting to become, Amir.
Amir, are we boring you?
You're not really giving me anything today.
I'm really starting to get upset.
Kind of, yeah.
He's at a fully different angle.
Were you sitting on the floor before?
I was trying to lift up my laptop
to get some better lighting on me. Sure.
But then I have to hold my laptop and my microphone.
And the microphone, yeah, that's all that'll work.
So let me try to split the D.
Bond of the Week.
We will circle back to the whole elevator pitch thing up top.
My bond of the week this week is Jason Schwarzman
because I feel like all we ever see him in is these like quirky,
cuckold roles in Wes Anderson films. Right.
And I got to see Marika's favorite of the year.
What is it? One film named Queer.
Is he in it?
Yeah. Wow.
I would say a small but mighty role.
Yeah, very interesting.
He was also in that movie.
What was it? The night over or something?
The stale, not the holdovers, but it's a movie about how he swings.
Yeah, I think it was the one with Adam Scott.
Yeah. And he has like he's like hung as hell.
He's hung like a horse.
And I saw that at the Music Box Theatre in Chicago.
Best theater in the country.
Well, very cute.
Yeah. Between the temples, another underrated Schwarzman gem.
OK. Also, I would say like Scott Pilgrim.
I maybe all these are quirks. Having a.
He's still like, Cuck Adjacent in that one, but I think more like suave.
Well, in the swinging movie, he has like a nine inch dick or something, so he's not
cucking that.
I'm just saying, though, he's always in these quirky B movies and I'm saying I would like
to see Schwarzman with a Glock and a drink.
Yeah, yeah.
Famously, Bon does not carry a Glock.
That's like...
I think it's like a little, like, British gun or something.
Yeah, that's cool.
Uh, then Navy Schwartzman wouldn't be right. You're right.
No, I think he's good.
Sorry, Marika, what's the shirt say?
I've never even asked.
Dev Patel Spray.
Sorry, that's like a hot girl summer.
It's like White Girl Summer or whatever.
Yeah, it's a shirt from Super Yakky.
Shout out Super Yakky. We love them.
And originally, when The Green Knight came out, there was Dev Patel Summer.
And that was like in the midst of Hot Girl Summer.
But then Monkey Man came out last year during the spring.
So they made Dev Patel Spring.
All right. That's my Bond of the Week.
Do you guys want to participate or is it just going to be mostly a mere
staring blankly wishing?
Speaking of Monkey Man.
Better Man. Robbie Williams man better man Robbie Williams
for bond I could get into it I could get into it imagine it isn't your idea
imagine monkey bond sorry I didn't monster
Imagine lots of monkey bonds. A monkey bond.
And that's the Bond theme for that movie?
Yeah, Billy Eilish returns.
So monkeys together.
I can't see me eating bananas like Bond 007.
For all. That's the final cut to seven. Um, for all.
That's the final cut to seven.
All right, we got it.
Omar Apollo.
That's a good one.
You said his.
Let's move it along.
Oh my God.
You have a lot to get to, all right?
Sebastian Stan.
Stan? Yeah. I've probably said that get to, all right? Sebastian Stan. Really?
Yeah, I've probably said that before too,
but I'll say it again.
Cause you're on the spot, yeah, slash the Stan.
The Sebastian Stan.
Why Sebastian?
I started watching The Apprentice,
that Trump movie where he plays Trump.
Couldn't get into it.
The series.
It's right up my alley.
I'm starting to love his business tactics.
I'm a huge Omarosa fan.
Actually, Omarosa's Bond is not a bad idea.
Is that your final choice?
It's either her for Bond or Ambassador to Spain.
That was good. or ambassador to Spain.
Is that that was good? I just it didn't have it was like so like, I don't know, like I love the Ryan
Murphyification of stuff and like modern history retold.
Not right, Murphy.
But it's like that style where I'm like, I was alive for this stuff.
And it's like a dramatic reenactment. But I couldn't, I don't know, just felt so like bland.
I'm like, nothing about this is interesting or exciting.
Do you know what that song means?
No. You're coining a phrase.
P E A S T. Peace. Peace. Peace. P-E-A-S-T. It's yeast that brings a sense of calm. Peaceful yeast.
It's yeast of peace.
You're the opposite of Getty Hand. Yes. Yes. It's yeast of peace.
If we can get some of this...
No yeast.
What about the peace de resistance?
I don't think so.
This is peace.
This would be like... peace that leavens bread.
And when you have a slice of that shit,
everyone drops their guns.
Try and connect with them again, Marika.
Try one more time.
So I guess like peaceful east?
It's yeast that brings about calm.
Yes, that's what I said.
And it can be nutritional.
No, what you're saying is that the yeast itself...
You said nutritional yeast that leavens the bread and drops guns.
No, you're saying that once you have a slice of that bread that was made with peace
Sudden no, sorry now you got me trip it off
You're saying the the yeast itself is peaceful. That's not true whatsoever. All right
What about mr. Peace?
That's good
And we're back, all right you guys clearly don't like peace let's move on to That's good.
And we're back. All right, you guys clearly don't like peace. Let's move on to Conn... Sorry.
Conn-overs misandrism.
That's the wrong word. Misandry.
How many men does Will hate?
And why?
Should I have an answer to be revealed later or is it?
You reveal it now and we don't talk.
Alright, next segment.
Alright, new novel title.
Alright, as you guys know, I want to write a book this year, but I just need the perfect title.
This week it's Free Salmon.
Basically it's the story about a man named Salmon who got arrested for freeing fish from commercial farms
and the movement that arises while he's in prison
to free him.
Did you steal that from the text I sent you,
Amir and Riley, that nobody responded to?
What did you send?
It was an ad that said free salmon and chicken for a year
and had, oh, that is actually where I got a lot of some raw meat.
I think I was I was staring at that.
Can you hear?
I sent three bangers of copy. Oh yeah, that is where I got it from.
You guys hearing this?
Oh yeah.
They look good.
This is Hooty.
You and me, we come from different worlds.
You like to serve soft white rice to all of your girls.
It drives them crazy and it makes them cum.
I serve them seared grains and I can't get my dick hard
But there's something I can do
I can mix burnt rice with blue chew
She looks at me
She says that's a plate of trash
I try to assure her that the rice won't affect her gash
I add the hoisin, I add all the soy I turn up the heat so high that the wok begins to boil
Only one more thing to do
Enter the burning wok I toss blue chew
You can leave my bedroom But I'm eating ruined rice with blue chew
Put on a little outfit Tiny mini skirt
I say yeah that's sexy but I need rice that's been burnt
She said I'm disappointed I said why I'm about to get hard.
She confesses that she thinks about my dad.
When we fuck, I can't help it if I'm lucky.
I'm housing rice that's made with meds.
Ain't my dad so cool. I only want for rice with blue chew
Sing along if you know the words
Yeah, I'm tangled up in blue chew.
I can't get hard without eating rice.
Adding tons of poison.
Until both my balls create joisen. Sometimes I wonder if I can make a brand It'd be like Broto broth but mostly for soft
glands It might be crazy and it might be daft
But what if bars had burnt rice mixed with meds on draft
Then there's nothing left to do But have a pint of ruined rice with blue-chew
You can call me a drunk But it worked on Philomena Conk
Yeah, I'm tangled up in cooch
Cause I'm housing soiled grits with blue chute
I'm burning ancient grains with blue chute
I'm eating ruined rice with blue chute
I'm having burnt rice mixed with bluejuice. I can't say it's my favorite. How do you know that song?
Because it came out before you were born and it wasn't really a hit.
It was a hit.
Are you kidding me?
It is.
It's a hit.
It was a big hit.
It's a hit for sure.
But if you were born in 97, when do you first hear about Hootie?
Probably like 95, right?
It was on the radio.
Yeah, it was on the radio.
I don't know why, but I feel like you guys didn't like that.
You don't know why?
It's because it wasn't about rice.
It was about lacing your rice with Viagra.
And beer.
It was about fucking somebody.
And for some reason, an actual rhyme with Philomena Kunk.
Who is that?
Kunk on Earth?
I said, sometimes I wonder if I can make a brand.
It'd be like Broto broth, but for soft glands.
I feel like that's bars.
You had me at Broto broth.
You lost me at glands, which often you do.
I guess what?
I do think the line, I can't get hard without eating rice is-
We're going line by line?
A hit.
I don't want to because you guys didn't like this one.
I'm bored by this.
I really am taking a back.
What was the impetus of having the impotence?
Why was it?
Why was it branded content?
Okay, so I did want to get into that.
I thought you guys were gonna buy.
I really thought you guys were gonna crack up and then pat me on the back, right?
Because I'm trying to create branded opportunities on this show.
I'm trying to open up the door to the show.
I'm trying to open up the door to the show.
I'm trying to open up the door to the show.
I'm trying to open up the door to the show.
I'm trying to open up the door to the show.
I'm trying to open up the door to the show. I'm trying to open up the door to the show. I'm trying to open up the door to the show. up and then pat me on the back, right? Because I'm trying to create branded opportunities on this show.
I'm trying to open up the door for more ads slash meds.
The door for more.
Yes. If the doors for.
If the doors for promotion were open, the podcast would be as it should be.
Infinitely rich.
That's a Huxley.
We are infinite.
Um, well, would you send that to the Bluetooth client?
I would.
What do you mean?
They're not my client, but I wouldn't send it to them.
I wouldn't. I wouldn't. What do you mean?
They're not my client, but I wouldn't send it to them.
I would say that the stuff about how your girlfriend wants to fuck your dad is like a bit.
It's like a bit over the line for a branded segment.
It's beyond the pale faces who hear the lyrics.
Yeah. And imagine imagine getting that in your inbox.
You were to you.
So send you that.
I have a more pull.
I think you'd pull ads.
I think you'd recommend other brands
stay far, far away.
Yeah, I don't know where I went wrong
with these lyrics at all.
Can you point to the exact line?
Yeah, if I can get a printout.
Alright let's move on I guess.
Trying to create joy and I guess you guys are stonewalling.
I think we should stay on.
No way.
I want to though because I feel like I spent an hour on those lyrics and you guys are not
interested in the lines about me not being able to get hard.
I don't know if you guys think.
Yeah, it's that.
You nailed it.
Don't even guess again.
It might be crazy, it might be daft,
but what if bars had burnt rice mixed with meds on draft?
I liked it except for the mixed with meds part.
And then meds made it so vague.
It doesn't even have to be blue chew.
I know.
I know you think that it doesn't.
All right, we do need to move on.
Amir, I don't wanna be rude,
but you did share with me the vague numbers
that segments does on a weekly basis.
So I thought that this next segment could kind of be a promotion for your show.
Right. Try to try to get some new listeners.
You think there are listeners of this show that don't listen to my podcast?
Are you guys seeing this?
No, we are. Yeah, it's a sort of a p code or something.
Sure. So you guys have a segment called Would You Want That?
Right. Where you just kind of say things and it's like, would you want that to happen or whatever?
This is Would You Wear That?
OK. So basically.
You get these articles of clothing for free.
Price can be included in your consideration or not.
But basically this shows up in a box
on your doorstep for free.
Would you wear that is the segment.
There's no right answer.
I'd like to see it on,
because as of right now it's hard for me to visualize.
I think I would, it's kind of cool.
I feel like this looks like a bunch of fish
So I feel I wouldn't wear sure. Yeah, it's mohair to be sure it is oversized, which I do like
I like the cut but I want it to be more of a herringbone a tweed a
Charcoal a black. Let's open up the details and game? Would anybody wear it or just would I wear it?
Would you personally wear it?
There's no right or wrong answers.
It's just would you wear that?
Anybody, not just me.
It's anyone.
Alpaca is 45% alpaca, but it's also 49% viscous.
And that is that is that ethical to wear alpaca.
Is that like wearing cotton or is that like wearing leather?
Neither because the alpaca doesn't have to die
Yeah, it's caught. It's like wearing cotton. Just wool. Yeah
Here's what I'll say button fastenings
That's that's just buttons it can add on other shit has but a hundred percent buffalo horn
Okay, so focus on that don't have have a separate vote that says button fastenings.
I don't think the buffalo horn is ethical.
I think that has to be wrong.
What's 49% viscous?
Basically, there's part of it that's milk.
It's not a majority, but there's a good chunk of this jacket is...
A non-majority shareholder is milk.
And they're fighting for that 50%
I don't know if you can see this inner lining, but that's ultimately going to be viscous lactose.
I wouldn't wear it for $2,100, but I would wear it for free.
Okay. I will say that the fact that it costs a lot makes me
maybe want to try that shit out and wear it to the chateau.
Yeah. Alright. All right. Moving on.
Less interested.
That's a twelve thousand dollar leather bodice.
And lest we know, I don't want you guys to miss this.
There is a total belt.
There is a total belt.
And can you can you show us the photo of it on a person?
Yeah, tangled up in belts.
And I'm wearing that.
Cost a house.
I don't think I.
Size inclusive, which I appreciate.
Going up to double XL with full grain leather can't be cheap.
Is it more expensive the bigger you get?
Yeah, it's good because it is a really expensive fixed fixed cost.
And there's only one double.
I'll say it's got to be like double the leather.
Pull the trigger.
Pull the trigger.
No way.
Here's what I'll say.
Add the bag.
I'd I'd much rather get a bregge.
I'd like to Add to bag. Add to bag. I'd much rather get a bregge. Add to couch.
Add to couch.
This jacket looks like shit.
Like sure, it's full grain leather, but it's cinched above the waist, above the navel.
It's a weird silhouette.
The pockets are huge.
I don't need to be carrying pints of soup home in the jacket
What the fuck are you putting in there you roll into fucking Ralph's in a Brunello?
I can't afford a row on because I spent it all on my clothes
I honestly
I don't need milk because my
Pea coat is lined with that.
Yeah, to be real, the zipper pockets on the chest, I think, are worse than the.
You know that that's for passports.
All right, moving on.
You know, you know, you know, that's for sports.
What else would I want a pocket? I don't wanna spoil the segment,
but the tab on the very top right side
has been staring. So don't spoil it!
So don't spoil it! We can all see it.
I think we just aren't gonna be surprised.
Fine, you wanna skip ahead, you wanna read ahead?
Let's go right there, yeah.
Yep, saw that.
For sure. For that. For sure.
For sure.
For sure.
You can choose any color.
You can choose any color.
Next day shipping is pretty good.
All right. What about this?
It's kind of cool.
Looks like what do you wear this cardigan?
I think I would.
Your closet trashed the bad card again.
200 reviews of this jacket.
That's just the shop.
So you guys wouldn't wear this?
I would.
You would.
Would you wear it with this smug look on your face?
I mean, if I was walking that that full wool cardigan with a hood,
I'd have to be smug about it.
That's the most like 2017 ass outfit I've ever seen.
And the hair.
I like the Dr. Strange love sunglasses though.
All right, we got to move on.
Here we go.
Yeah. Yeah. All right, we gotta move on. Here we go. Yeah.
A linen kimono.
When would I ever get the opportunity to wear a linen kimono?
When it shows up on the series.
Look to the opposite side.
You wouldn't wear this to like, segments record number 71?
Now I feel like you should because it's becoming lore
as we speak.
I think Jake would.
It's cultural appropriation.
I don't think Jake would ever wear a onesie.
This is a one piece suit.
No, it's not.
This is a two piece kimono.
He's not gonna wear a kimono.
Why not?
It's cultural appropriation for one.
Okay, here's my maybe bad take on cultural appropriation.
Can we not share our art?
It's not a new take.
It's not a new take on cultural appropriation.
I just feel, I think there's like,
if you're wearing it in kind and in good faith
and to honor rather than to make fun of,
I just think we should be able to cross-pollinate.
I think that's maybe a cancelable take,
but I think we should be able to partake.
What else?
Where do you?
No, I think you're fine.
Because otherwise, I think the line is, Jeff,
like, could you wear like a bindi?
Could you?
I can!
Your ass can't!
That was my bad.
No, I mean, I did rewatch the Darjeeling limited
the other week, which is probably why I made
Schwartzman my Bond. Great movie.
But they're on the train and she just puts a Bindi
on their face and I was like, I don't know if
Adrian should be wearing that Brody.
The brutalist indeed.
Oh my God.
And the brod.
And if there's one person that would wear it, it is a dream.
Brody. No, I mean, my friend, my buddy A.J.
is going to a wedding in Kerala.
I think he's maybe there right now.
And he had to wear.
He's he's at the studio. AJ Yorumas is at the studio right now.
Yeah, in New York.
Doing what?
Talking to Emma.
About what?
The studio.
He's being trained.
Nobody tells me anything.
Well, he's about to be in Kerala, which is where my ancestors are from on my dad's side.
And he had to get, I'm sorry, I have to double check what the name of it is, because this is the curse of being biracial.
I don't even know that much.
I mean, all Wilster number.
I'd love to have carte blanche access to those texts.
Sure, sure. I'd love to have carte blanche access to those texts. Sure sure Can you imagine the amount of vitriol bits just sopping out of that fucking iChat history?
Moving on. Alright, here we go
A LARP poncho
It's an oil skin
It looks like... Would you wear that?
Or what's that ghost from He-Man?
A ghost from He-Man?
Skull face guy?
Yeah, there's like a character that is invisible that wears that jacket and it looks like that.
What is the bad guy?
Yeah, the skull guy.
Skull king, skull lord.
I wouldn't wear it.
Would you wear this?
I wouldn't wear it. Okay, near? Gray skull. Skull. I would you wear this. I wouldn't wear near gray skull.
Gray skull. Got it.
All right. Moving on. Hit the baseball at the power of gray skull.
No, same. No.
We were having this conversation already.
I wouldn't. Yeah.
Is that although isn't it like Eastern European?
This is a Vizska.
All right. This is a Vyvishka. I'm sorry, this is a Vyshivanka.
Which is...
So confident with the first pronunciation.
Ethnic clothes gift for husband.
That's the line.
If you're wearing something and calling it ethnic clothes,
you... that's cultural appropriation.
All right.
Ball main.
I don't know this brand. I wouldn't want to rock it so prominently.
You know it's not, there's no way this is authentic ball main.
Cause the tag's not right, main.
Fuck you guys.
Alright here we go.
So I wouldn't wear it I guess.
See this keeps popping up.
This is a fringe jacket I really want to get.
And if you guys ever see me rocking it, you can see that I got it at 250 saving 15% off
with coupon code DANCE.
I wouldn't wear this shirt.
Even with a bandana across your neck?
I feel like this is size inclusive.
Size inclusive.
Sort of a cyberpunk oversized hood but slim fit body. Adjusting the mustache.
Chunky hood though.
That chunky, unky round.
Imagine wearing that to Burning Man three weeks late.
Jeff, would you ever go to Burning Man?
You sort of have a.
The attitude of someone who would want to have participated in that
Fabrice was very helpful. Correct sizing and dispatch.
He advised on correct shipping.
Death's patch. Oh, that's a fabric.
It looks like an iguana.
Yeah, I was going to say it looks like one of the worms.
Sandworm. Very interesting.
All right. Last one.
Yeah, this is good.
Retro milk 90s funny shirt.
It's definitely not vintage,
but it's funny to wear a shirt that says lactose tolerant,
I think, with a cow on it.
The fighter jets were too much.
I wouldn't wear it outside.
Very interesting.
All right.
Guys, bringing it into our last segment.
["Rip-eal or No-Rip-eal"]
Welcome to Rip-eal or No-Rip-eal.
All right, this is like deal or no deal,
but it's gonna be with the niches laws by state.
You guys ready?
All right, so starting with Will.
Will, pick a state.
This is like you're picking the briefcase, by the way.
Actually. Wisconsin.
All right, this state known for its cheese
wants to make sure its products are high quality.
Non-tasty cheese is punishable by law in Wisconsin repeal repeal or no repeal
repeal repeal Megan repeal mo who decides whether cheese is not tasty? Imagine getting the chair.
Monger in chief.
Imagine getting the cheddar for that.
A lot of fear.
She's mongering could happen where it's like, you know, your cheese isn't going to be tasty enough.
This harvest.
That's good.
This harvest.
That's good.
Are you enjoying the segment?
It's like a harvest cheddar.
Yeah, that's interesting.
Nice. All right.
Consensus, what do we guys think?
Wait, is it my answer or is it a consensus?
You're going to answer and then the three of us decide whether or not you're right or not.
All right, Mariko, what do you think think I think repeal because it's subjective.
I think no repeal because I don't really like.
All right, shut up. Amir.
Yeah, I guess.
Let's keep the law.
So don't repeal.
You're gone. You're gone, Will.
Can I leave the call?
All right, Marika, you're up. Name a state.
Let's go my home state of Georgia.
Georgia, all right.
Many people want to pet or otherwise engage
with llamas at fairs.
However, you must be careful in Georgia because people are responsible for llama related injuries
that occur with engaging the animals.
Repeal or no repeal?
It's illegal to engage with a sheep.
No, no, it's not.
People are responsible for llama related injuries.
From engaging with the animal.
Correct. At fairs.
At fairs.
To be fairs.
I think if there's if there really is a law
that you can't engage with llamas, I say repeal, because I would love to engage with the llama.
All right. Amir, what do you say to that?
What say you repeal?
Oh, I say repeal.
Correct. Remember, he left.
Well, he got out.
He got out.
Marie or Amir, what do you got?
Name a state. Name your case repeal or no.
Can Sass Arkansas?
Arkansas wants to make sure to respect the quiet of the night.
Visitors to sandwich shops cannot honk their corn horns
after 9 p.m.
That's good, don't repeal.
All right, Marika, what do you think?
Did I say don't repeal?
Don't repeal!
All right, Marika, back to you.
Name a state.
Let's go Illinois.
People enjoy having aquariums in their homes, but Illinois residents need to think carefully
about theirs because it is illegal under Illinois law to possess any variety of aquatic life
that was captured or killed in violation of the Fish and aquatic life code or whose value exceeds $600.
Repeal or no repeal?
No repeal.
Marika is out.
All right, Amir, Law?
Oh, it's just me.
Alright, well, you may have never heard of frog jumping contests.
California takes them very seriously.
If a frog dies during one of these competitions, it may not
be eaten and must be destroyed as quickly as possible. Repeal or no repeal?
One of the answers will get me kicked off the podcast.
Well, you're going to say yours and then I vote.
All right, I think you should repeal. So correct.
All right, back to a mirror state.
Nevada, Nevada.
All right, here we go.
Make sure to measure your feet with the correct tools in Nevada using an x-ray machine to
determine a person's shoe side is illegal repeal or no repeal. Repeal.
I agree.
Repeal back to a beer.
Let me die.
That was a Hidgum Original. Hey it's Nicole Byer here.
Let me ask you something, are you tired of endless swiping on dating apps?
Fed up with awkward first dates and disappointing hookups?
Girl, same.
Welcome to Why Won't You Date Me, the podcast where I figure out love
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