The Headgum Podcast - 24: Danny Sellers Style

Episode Date: November 13, 2020

Headgum's Podcast Partnerships Manager, Danny, joins Amir, Marika, and Geoff play around of Subjective Trivia: Chicago Edition and to discuss Jo Jorgensen, emails from your dad, and "happy fa...cts!" Advertise on The Headgum Podcast via Gumball.fmWe have new merch in the Headgum store! Rate The Headgum Podcast 5-stars on Apple Podcasts.Join the Headgum Discord.See for privacy information.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is a HeadGum Original. Please welcome to the show Danny Sellers. Danny, you're one of HeadGum's newest hires. God, Amir is absolutely downing. He's double fisting cold brews with milk in it. Did you start the show? Because it seemed like we're at the four minute mark. You're like, let's introduce.
Starting point is 00:00:45 Like that was the first thing you said. It's not like, hey, welcome to the show. We got this. We got that. Oh, and welcome to the show. It was straight into that. And also like you normally have some weird song that you play that none of us really know what it's going to be for the first 25 seconds. And then we kind of get into it.
Starting point is 00:01:00 Right. Yeah. Right. I'm just happy to be here. I thought we were starting with the a-cad diet no it's go-cad so there's a diet called go mad which is a gallon of milk a day when you're trying to gain weight danny gets it he was a college athlete when you're trying to like put on mass me and him are like 6'3 180 ish right now yeah and now i'm trying to slim down so i'm on the go-cad diet a gallon of cold brew a day getting rid of water weight yeah exactly so right now i weigh 112 bone dry and i'm down to five foot nine you have
Starting point is 00:01:40 to die you still have to say bone dry. First of all, you're six foot. You're not five nine. So you're BMI. Thank you for saying that. I'm actually five eleven, but I'll take six feet because I'm wearing a hat and headphones. Yeah. You're also wearing a white hat backwards with like the excess like, you know, adjustable band.
Starting point is 00:01:59 Oh, yeah. Not going back into the hat. So it's going directly off your head to the left. Yeah. Which adds like an inch of height. Amir's tipping his head to the left. Yeah. Which adds like an inch. Of height. Amir's tipping his head to the side. Talk to Danny. He's new here. You don't, I'm already mad at you. Like we don't have to get
Starting point is 00:02:12 into it. Danny, tell us a little bit about yourself, what you do at the network. Let people know who Danny Sellers is in a nutshell. Let me put my work voice back on. My name is Danny. I am the, yeah, that's my name. I'm the podcast partnership manager at, I guess, gumball head gum.
Starting point is 00:02:31 So I talked to podcasters like yourselves every single day to join our network of advertisers and show. Oh yeah. And I've been in Chicago. Yeah. Oh, I didn't know that. How, I didn't know that. How?
Starting point is 00:02:47 I didn't know that. I swear to God. You know where everyone lives down to the street and you didn't know that band lives in Chicago, the city. I mean, he's in Pilsen. No, I'm not. It's a very random, small neighborhood.
Starting point is 00:03:03 He lives in Calia Hall, actually. How long have you been working the network? it's a very random small neighborhood actually oh yeah how long have you been working the network i forget how long it's been like a month and a half two months a month and a half strong month and a half how has it been so far highs lows and everything in between it's been great you know i'm by myself all day um that's great for my mental health no the job's cool man you know I get to talk to other creators every day and have cool bosses which is pretty tight
Starting point is 00:03:29 you don't always get that when you go to work so that's cool my dog likes it here as well he's pretty active in everything that I do every day it's awesome and you said you might move to LA when we open the LA office yeah once the world's back
Starting point is 00:03:41 to normal-ish if you like Pilsen you would love he didn't like pilsen he didn't say that he likes pilsen i've been there was a random small neighborhood yeah i've only been there a few times okay i'm just wondering if maybe you would like be a mission junction guy where the hell is that i feel like you're trying to just drop random neighborhoods that i should know though no um mission junction is a basically a train stop for uh freight trains bringing in goods from the northeast marika yeah man what going to you for what how's this week been for you guys has it been obviously
Starting point is 00:04:19 anxious stressful how are you feeling what are your thoughts yeah obviously all those things wax election let's wax very very little sleep yeah um high stress some some good highs some good some lows i'd say over the week well we should say that we're recording this on friday november 6th and uh it looks like biden's pulling ahead in basically every state other than alaska and north carolina so things are looking good right everything's trending towards joe but And it looks like Biden's pulling ahead in basically every state other than Alaska and North Carolina. So things are looking good, right? Everything is trending towards Joe, but the TV networks are taking their sweetheart's time to call it. Everything's trending sleepy.
Starting point is 00:04:54 Nice. Shout out to John King, the goat, the boy. Let's talk about our favorite map correspondence. So there's John King. There's Kornacki who's stealing the internet's heart. I'm gonna go third party. My goat. The late night CNN analyst Phil Mattingly.
Starting point is 00:05:12 Yeah. This guy looks like a young Christian bail and he is in charge of shit over there. He's clicking. He's expanding. He's showing us 2016 results. So, you can have your King. You can have your Kornacki. I'm going Mattingly 2028.
Starting point is 00:05:30 Do you want him to run for president? No. I want him to call me at 828 tonight. Army time. Because he hasn't returned any of my DMs. I'm stalking his ass on social. He hasn't gotten to sleep this whole week. Why would he answer your DMs? That has been the hardest part of my DMs. I'm stalking his ass on social. He hasn't gotten to sleep this whole week. Why would he answer your DMs? That has been the hardest part of the election week is finding
Starting point is 00:05:50 out what time to go to sleep. Because there's always like a little bit of like more knowledge coming around and you're always like, okay, I'm going to stay up till this Maricopa dump of data, or I'm going to stay until this next little chunk of Wisconsin ballots gets counted. And then it's before you know it, it's two, three, four, five in the morning. And then you wake up and you're like, oh, now I got to check. But it's only been five hours and now I'm fully awake again. It's really stressful. Sludge.
Starting point is 00:06:13 Absolute coffee sludge from a case. This is Drano. Bleach. Finally, yeah. Finally taking president's advice. Amir, every time I see any bit of election commentary for you on twitter i laugh really hard solely because of your uh twitter icon just like an emoji and typing in all caps late at night is too much it's a real vibe i'm going slowly insane but i think we all are last
Starting point is 00:06:41 week on this show we had marty on and we all had we all made our election predictions, not who would win, but would we know by now? And it is 1 p.m. The only one that was right. Marika is the only one who was right. We do not know. We might know soon, but we don't know at the time of recording or at least that the episode came out. We still don't know. I am heavily I don't know if you know what this about me, Danny.
Starting point is 00:07:02 I'm a Joe Jorgensen guy. So I've been a thousand other people. I am heavily, I don't know if you know what this is about me, Danny. I'm a Joe Jorgensen guy. You and a thousand other people in the whole country. I phone banked to get Jorgensen people on board. Did you really? I also phone banked for that dead Republican who took office in North Dakota and we fucking made it. How many people were phone? It was like you and her aunt. Like how many people were phone banking for that? Calls per vote. You know how when you're hosting a Zoom meeting
Starting point is 00:07:34 and you turn, you start the meeting and no one's in yet and you're just staring at yourself. So it was that. And then I would just kind of type in a random number and be like, have you heard of Joe? And they're like, Joe Biden? I'm like, Jorgensen, actually. The other white sleepy Joe. Anyway, this brings us to our first segment. Subjective trivia. Chicago edition. So you did know because you planned this.
Starting point is 00:08:01 It's a fortunate coincidence. I didn't know that Danny was from Chicago. I just was wondering if we could play a game about Chicago. I didn't know that Danny was from Chicago. I just was wondering if we could play a game about Chicago. From Pilsen, actually. All right. I'm going to hit you guys with a couple of trivia questions.
Starting point is 00:08:12 You guys all get a chance to answer. This is for cash. This is for actual money. $20 to every person who gets an answer right. Venmoed at the end of the game. No holds barred. No questions asked.
Starting point is 00:08:24 Here we go. What is the name of the game. No holds barred. No questions asked. Here we go. What is the name of Chicago's tallest tower? Sears? Or is it the new, it's a new name of it. That's a new name. Willis? Willis?
Starting point is 00:08:34 Yeah. Danny was wrong. Willis Tower. Is that your final answer? It sounds like it, but it might be Willis with a TS. I've only heard people say it. Oh wait,
Starting point is 00:08:44 this is subjective trivia. So hot. Yeah. It's a T-S. I've only heard people say it. Oh, wait, this is subjective trivia. So hot. Yeah, it's a real toss-up as to what it could be. I'll just say Sears, because I have no idea what you're going to do. Wrong. The correct answer is Danny's Ivory Tower. Why don't you come downstairs?
Starting point is 00:09:03 Come downstairs and meet us at the ground floor, man. Sorry, what's the actual answer? That's the actual answer. I don't know what you want me to say for this game. I'll look it up later. Next question. What is Chicago's main waterside attraction? Waterside attraction?
Starting point is 00:09:19 Lakeside. Navy Pier? Wrong. We should say that Marika also went to school in Chicago. So she lived there for four years herself. Oh, that's helpful for the game. Turns out it is Willis Tower, not Willits Tower. Chicago's main lakeside attraction.
Starting point is 00:09:35 The site of George Lucas's wedding. Danny's Ivory Tower? Wrong. The correct answer is sand. You can tell he wanted to say that was right, though. Sand? You can tell. Sand, yeah. Attraction why why is that an attraction because i don't know if you know this about
Starting point is 00:09:50 the city of chicago marika they have the best beaches in the midwest all right i'm from cleveland ohio even if you go to cadill edgewater beach overlooking downtown cleveland it's still a brown muddy water but lake michigan is almost as clear as Turks and Caicos in terms of water quality. And they have actual beaches. All right, here we go. This suburb is home to the popular band Linkin Park. Linkin Park. Incorrect.
Starting point is 00:10:19 Naperville. Incorrect. I mean, I'm pretty sure they're not from Chicago so Marika's exactly right they're from Agora Hills California nice $20 to the woman in forest
Starting point is 00:10:34 there's some mostly white male band that's from the suburbs of Chicago Fall Out Boy is that it? I think so alright this one should be a gimme for Danny what is the best neighborhood in chicago oh god uh pilsen correct twenty dollars to the man in black and blue haven't been to pilsen before that's one of the only neighborhoods i've ever been to
Starting point is 00:10:59 in chicago before we did our um live show last year oh it taught you how all right uh what is okay this is what is your favorite part of living in chicago this is just are you interviewing me or is this still the part of the game it's for everybody the answer is danny's favorite part or your favorite part take it as you will answer it as you will you might get it right either way the food my apartment was really big and i had a nice a big bedroom which i don't anymore living in new york so i have no idea what that sound means it's just mario marie is out of the game what she has to that answer was so wrong she has to skip the next question
Starting point is 00:11:49 the answer of I like the size of my bedroom was so wrong she died Danny what is your favorite part of living in Chicago the I don't know there's a lot of cool decent parts I would say the weather the correct answer is da bears that was my second choice I would say the weather. The correct answer is Da Bears.
Starting point is 00:12:06 Awful. That was my second choice. All right. Remember, this one is only for Amir and Danny. Is Revolution Brewing the best beer in Chicago? No. Correct. $20 to Mr. Sellers.
Starting point is 00:12:19 What is the best brewing in Chicago? Affluence. I like Half Acre. If I'm drinking slightly before I go on stage, a nice little old style. Oh, hell yeah. But if I got paid today and I'm going to the grocery store, a couple different Goose Island IPAs.
Starting point is 00:12:36 All right, all right. I'll do it for your boy. All right. In what town, and don't overthink this one, Danny, in what town does the buck stop? Sorry. overthink this one danny in what town does the buck stop i and i can't answer this right this is the one i'm still out you're still out is it here or is it the town here can't give you any hints philson i and i can't answer. It's gotta be Phil. I'm so confused. Is this literally? In what town does the buck stop? Buck town. The correct answer is Ravenswood Manor.
Starting point is 00:13:13 You barely knew that. And you were reading it. What is the buck? You know, it's like when people are like, oh, the buck stops here. Like, oh, it all led to this. All right, I'm going to skip a couple of these because we're running late. Running late? Are we?
Starting point is 00:13:31 It's like 12 minutes into the episode. You're back. Which avenue is the most Michigan? State Street. It's got to be Michigan Ave. How can it not be? Halstead. Correct!
Starting point is 00:13:46 $20 to Mr. Sellers again. Sorry, you're going to just demo him $60 after this? Yeah, I owe Danny $60. Marika has $20. Amir, you owe me cash. You owe me $80. Is it better to live closer to downtown or, I don't know, maybe further down the blue line?
Starting point is 00:14:03 Which way down the blue line? Up north. So towards the airport? the airport sure yeah towards O'Hare towards O'Hare maybe further down I mean there's two different correct Danny's cleaning house $80 no answer that why is that better I don't know you're away from the hustle and bustle it's a little
Starting point is 00:14:22 quieter you're closer to O'Hare if you need to go anywhere more three bed two bathroom, two-bathroom homes. All right, where does it... This one should be a gimme for Amir. Maybe you might get on the board with this one, man. Where does it really go down? In the DM? I'm sorry, man.
Starting point is 00:14:43 You're out for the next round. you can't answer the next question fine where does it go down i don't know i mean the dm is probably a very popular place where it goes where where the bulls play wherever that united center sure the correct answer is the hop leaf on clark street did you just google a bunch of random buildings and trains? What was that, dude? We have two more questions. These are double or nothing. So these are both worth $40 each if you get the right one.
Starting point is 00:15:15 What is the best restaurant in Chicago? Chicago Pizza and Grinder Company. Incorrect. I can't. Danny? I will say right now, as of today i love this little spot called mixed techo correct that's not correct are you sure that's 140 dollars to the man in black are you sure that i didn't make that up yeah danny was making it up just to fool you to sort of out you as a fraudulent
Starting point is 00:15:41 host this is a real spot but there's no way you know it. But I'll take the money. You only know Pilsen. Alright, this is our final answer. This is our final question. Amir, you can answer this one. What is Danny's favorite Chicago memory? We've talked about this a lot, Amir. Favorite Chicago memory was proposing to
Starting point is 00:16:02 his now wife. Incorrect. It's almost more specific. Almost more specific than an actual thing that happened. I can't wait to hear. His wedding. Really? You're going to kill me at the end of the game?
Starting point is 00:16:28 You're gone. Danny? It was when all the dishes were already done. Yesterday. I forgot to mention that the last question does, if you get it wrong, you don't get any cash. Oh, that was the whammy. The correct answer is when Dannyy bought his
Starting point is 00:16:46 infinity g35 from berman's infinity of goose island i forgot about that yeah what good times though good times right you forgot about your car all right well this has been subjective trivia chicago edition this has been. It really has. This show is sponsored by BetterHelp. You know, if you had an extra hour in your day, a lot of people would spend that very differently than the one sitting next to them. Maybe person A would go for a run, person B would take a nap, and patient zero would read a book. The point is, a lot of us spend our time and our lives wishing we had more hours in the day.
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Starting point is 00:20:46 or if it's a subject line from an email that my dad sent me. All right. Okay, cool. Up first, up in Pennsylvania and Nevada, Biden edges closer to victory. Gotta be a headline. Correct. Second one, re, don't come home for Thanksgiving.
Starting point is 00:21:04 Headline. My dad sent me that me that re as in he was replying regarding yeah dad can i come home for thanksgiving please so it was a follow-up he the original one he sent was don't come home and then he had something else to say i said uh but what about the importance of family that you're always stressing and he said we'll talk about it when you come home for christmas if you even make it that far i mean well at least you're invited pennsylvania gop asks supreme court to stop pennsylvania from counting votes received after november 3rd probably from your father that's it that's absolutely cnn all right next one no you can't borrow 10 grand to start a prawn shop. Imagine, I see it as like a sponsored link below a news article on CNN.
Starting point is 00:21:49 And then you have to like click through to find out. And it's just this like listicle from a website that serves Google ads for cash. But I'll go, I didn't finish. Dad's email, Christ. Correct. Yeah, so I basically, I needed a cup. I needed like that seed money to start a prawn shop.
Starting point is 00:22:10 What? Prawns? It's like a pawn shop, but it's mostly shrimp memorabilia. Oh, that's tight. Biden's going to win. Bye bye, loser. Dad. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:19 So. In this scenario, are you leaving or is he leaving you? I think if you read the body of the email the idea is that he's so excited that biden's winning that he doesn't even need me as a son anymore does your dad really email you bro he never yeah he only emails me you just do a quick little text like what's up he says he only texts people that he respects all right is this the end of the manicure as we know it I hope it's CNN it's New York Times but I'll still give it to you your birthday is nothing to me
Starting point is 00:22:55 I mean I hope that's the news but I assume it's your dad correct sorry I'm like on the verge of tears now baby it's your dad. Correct. Sorry, I'm like on the verge of tears now. Yeah. Baby, it's cold outside. News. Correct. Son, you'll sleep outside.
Starting point is 00:23:15 Obviously, dad. Correct. Condo or co-op? A young family discovers the difference. Seeming. Correct. I didn't say anything. Shed or truck bed bed pick one to sleep in
Starting point is 00:23:28 dad correct you guys are good at this one what to read right now i kind of want it to be dad that That one's news. All right. How to read right now. Weird for your dad to email you that. Yes, my dad emailed me that. Wait, what did that email say? That one said... Subject line, how to read right now. That one said, you probably can't even decipher what I'm telling you right now.
Starting point is 00:24:02 So I'm going to tell you how I really feel. You're a disappointment to me and my family. You probably can't even decipher what I'm telling you right now. So I'm going to tell you how I really feel. You're a disappointment to me and my family. I'm an immigrant and I wanted you to have a better life than I have. Not only did you have the opportunities to do so, but you squandered them. Don't come home for Thanksgiving. That's and the subject line again was. How to read right now.
Starting point is 00:24:19 Got it. All right. Big Bang Theory's Kaley Cuoco hasn't had a normal quarantine. News. Correct. All right. Big Bang Theory's Kaylee Cuoco hasn't had a normal quarantine. News. Correct. All right. Forward. Big Bang Theory's Kaylee Cuoco hasn't had a normal quarantine.
Starting point is 00:24:36 Very cool, dad. Correct. This has been News Headline from this week or subject line of an email from my dad. Are you okay, dude dude i mean i'm fine it's just like my insurance doesn't cover therapy yeah i mean tell me more about this go cat diet yeah you just drink a gallon of coffee a day and it keeps the bad feelings at bay nothing does not keep the demons at bay all right um Well, I didn't want to end this episode without trying to ease your guys' election anxiety as well as the listeners. Now, of course, by next Friday, will we have an idea of who's president?
Starting point is 00:25:13 Of course. But we know that Trump is going to drag it out, take it to the courts. We're going to figure it out. We'll see how it happens. So there will be probably some underlying anxiety probably for the next month, right? You guys just kind of express how you're feeling. It doesn't have to be related to the election. Just any anxieties or things that are on your mind. And I will just kind of express how you're feeling. It doesn't have to be related to the election, just any anxieties or things
Starting point is 00:25:26 that are on your mind, and I will give you something to make you feel better. I guess I'm worried that the Supreme Court will side with Donald because he put them there one by one.
Starting point is 00:25:35 Ah, but did you know that a group of flamingos is called a flamboyance? Nice. Did that make you feel better in there? The high has already worn off. Now I'm like back to worried about the other thing. Okay. I'm worried
Starting point is 00:25:48 that COVID numbers are going to continue to rise through the winter and things are going to get really bad. Okay. Well riddle me this. Penguins only have one mate for their entire life and propose by giving their mate a pebble.
Starting point is 00:26:04 A pebble. I actually knew that already. Cuts of penguins being like, look at this rock, girl. But it's going to be so cold and people will suffer seasonal depression and they won't be able to leave, eat outside, see their friends. That's the numbers which are already at an all-time high, soar to unprecedented levels. But yeah, I guess it's cool to think about a penguin yeah maybe if i watch like happy feet it'll make me
Starting point is 00:26:31 feel better for two hours or something clitoris has 8 000 nerve endings double that of the head of the penis and it's the only organ on the body which has evolved purely for pleasure you don't have to you have to say that one this is just a list that i found of happy facts amir you look tired is the go-kart diet not working i think i need to because this is only a quart so i need four of those um do you eat at all during this i'll eat the the like there's ground beans at the bottom so i'll have those um and then there's like ice prawns yeah prawns more than anything but uh i'm sorry i'm trying to stick to that this said ice and then changed it to prawns yeah well there's prawns in between
Starting point is 00:27:12 i'll eat a shrimp in between every um quarter gallon so you wash fish down does a quart sound stand for quarter gallon yes so four quarts and a gallon correct good then we agree then we agree and did you know that a group of kittens is called a kindle i did is that really is that at least i don't know what's real on these are all real these are all yeah but danny that's correct but you're right to not believe anything yeah i feel like the energy started way better than it is now and i can't i can't figure out where it went bad that's every episode yeah every episode with you starts off people are cautiously pessimistic and then it gets worse as their worst fears are realized how are how are you feeling jeff outside of the dad stuff um what are your general anxieties i fear that joe jorgensen will not run again. I'm worried that she'll be...
Starting point is 00:28:05 Well, not a force. How many votes did she get? You want total? Yes. There's no way she had more than like 100,000 votes nationwide. Who's the GOAT independent person to ever run? Who's the person they look up to? I'll be able to get up to them. Yeah, has a third party guy ever won a state?
Starting point is 00:28:22 Didn't Ralph Nader win Minnesota or something crazy like that? Jorgensen has 1.6 million votes. And that sounds like a lot. It does. I wouldn't discount Jorg. Yeah, that's more than I thought. How many did Kanye get? Nine.
Starting point is 00:28:34 Nine million? That's not true though. I guess let's see if Kanye did better. I hope not. 60,000. Yeah, that's a lot. More people voted for Joe Jorgensen than live in like five states. Which is proof enough that she should be the fucking winner, man.
Starting point is 00:28:51 Did you guys know that somewhere, somehow, someone is losing their virginity as we speak? That's one of the happy facts. What website are you on? I switched between a couple of them. These last ones skewed blue. Yeah, these last ones are just porn hub captions seeing men toggling back and forth holy shit yeah amir is that a guitar behind you no no i think you wrote lyrics to the go-kat diet
Starting point is 00:29:19 lyrics to the go-kat lyrics to a diet like the diet is a song what about go-kat to the go-cat. Lyrics to a diet. Like the diet is a song. What about go-cat to the tune of landslide? That's sweet. Like a song parody. I took my coffee and I shoved it down. Nice. I took that bean juice and I shoved it around. Okay. And I saw quarter gallons of that hot sludge.
Starting point is 00:29:45 Yeah. Yeah, I mean. I saw quarter gallons of that hot sludge. Yeah, you made him. And the landslide filled my glass. You made him leave. He keeps leaving so early. And then people get mad at me online for why the episodes are only like 35 minutes. You really move them along. You move along the segment.
Starting point is 00:30:02 This one was one. See, this just goes to show, I thought our Halloween spooktacular was really bad because i didn't have any time to prepare and people really liked that episode and this one i put like two hours into this shit and make chicago stacks like i said last time all of your segments are just jokes that you've written that we have to either say out loud or rate in some way. Why don't you host the next episode, Marika? I'm not a host type figure. You're the co-host of the show. I like to chime in and I like to razz
Starting point is 00:30:34 and those are my main... What does razz mean? To poke fun at? Yeah. Danny, you'd never heard this show before. Oh yeah, I'm a huge fan, yeah. So you have heard it? Yeah. Really? Yeah, bro. I mean, of course you've heard it. Oh, yeah. I'm a huge fan. Yeah. So you have heard it? Yeah. Really? Yeah, bro.
Starting point is 00:30:48 I mean, of course you've heard it. Yeah, this is a really popular show. Yeah. I followed it from its inception. Yeah, bro. Oh, I'm glad to hear that. I'm glad to know that you knew what we were going into. It's a super, I mean, probably one of the reasons why I work here.
Starting point is 00:31:01 This is huge. Okay. So you're being facetious. See, you're doing it right now. That's razzing. No, I'm not. I'm being honest with honest with you i don't think so you haven't blinked this whole time your smile is too white for me to trust you that's just because i'm black and it just looks like that but i promise you it's my teeth blend into my cheeks because i haven't brushed since i was seven i don't believe that either good dude well, do you guys have anything to plug? Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:31:30 Danny, you want to plug your social media, any of your art, anything, anything, any projects coming up? Well, because of COVID, I can't do stand up anymore. So follow me, I guess, on social media at followsellers across the board. I still have a day job here. So follow them too. I guess if you're listening, you already follow them. So you typically do plugs. It's like different from your job. So I guess you can just give an extra follow to HeadGone. That's fair. Are you on TikTok? For a hot second. I had some fire dog videos with my dog jamal my french bulldog but i just decided
Starting point is 00:32:06 it wasn't in my best interest to keep going that's fair as a grown man did they get did they go viral no i mean probably like probably a couple that had a thousand or two but tiktok is stressful like watching tiktok yeah i feel i only recently like finally got into the groove of watching it regularly and like scrolling aimlessly um but it's still like my for you page or whatever still isn't giving me the content that i want to see it's a lot of dance videos i don't care about when you scroll down every time you scroll it's another thing and this it starts with someone just like screaming. It doesn't give you any warning. It's like little BTS videos and stand-up clips and like dogs barking. All these fucking emojis.
Starting point is 00:32:53 It's the most addictive social media platform I've ever been a part of. Are you a part of it? All right. Poor addiction. No, like the – that i've been on because you like instagram you scroll and like people post dumb shit you know what i mean and i mean obviously there's exceptions obviously but uh with tiktok it's like you there's no white space that it goes immediately into the next yeah it is stressful and i don't i really don't like that. I can't like scroll through a video. Oh, you can just only.
Starting point is 00:33:26 Yeah. Yeah. This is me off a lot because some of them are just too long. That's true. I'm trying to get that creator fund cash, Danny. So like I want to get to 10,000 followers so that I can make money off of it. Oh, you have to monetize. You get to monetize after a certain amount of followers.
Starting point is 00:33:39 I think after 10,000, you can get a couple cents per thousand views. And then once you get to like 50 or 100,000, you start making that real money, that brand feel cash. Slavery. Got it. Hey, small price to pay for brand recognition. Stress. Yeah, I would say stress for sure.
Starting point is 00:33:57 How many TikToks have you made? How many have I made? Yeah. I think like six. Yeah. I feel like you've got to be doing this constantly to get those numbers up and then then you'll get the cash i'll post one today what about that yeah sure good election one or something or like with chicago random bad chicago facts that might be fun this show just
Starting point is 00:34:17 becomes a 30 second tiktok it might as well be tighter and better probably yeah thank you guys so much for listening to this week's episode of the head gum podcast you can find marika on all platforms at marika alon right yeah yeah yeah that's correct uh and you can follow danny sellers as he said at follow danny sellers you can follow me on instagram at i am jeffrey james and on tiktok at i am jeffrey james as well as on twitter at don't play no James just follow sellers just follow sellers yeah no not at follow sellers no just at follow then my last name
Starting point is 00:34:49 sellers I'll edit it out to make it sound like I did it perfectly at follow sellers let's be authentic if it was authentic no one would listen to this show we'll catch you guys again next week thanks for listening bye We'll catch you guys again next week. Thanks for listening. Bye. That was a Hiddem Original.

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