The Headgum Podcast - 31: Garcia or Crimea

Episode Date: January 1, 2021

SHACKEL and ANGIE make their Headgum Podcast debut and join Jake and Geoff to discuss therapy, working at Headgum, and the Crimean peninsula.  Plus they play a round of SHACKEL or NAW!Subscr...ibe to the new Headgum podcast Keeping Records on your favorite podcast app!Advertise on The Headgum Podcast via Gumball.fmRate The Headgum Podcast 5-stars on Apple Podcasts.Join the Headgum Discord.See for privacy information.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is a HeadGum Original. Thanks for tuning in to another episode of the HeadGum Podcast, the last episode of the calendar year, or the first of the... Let me look at my calendar for a second. This is, yeah, this is the first episode of the new year. Wow. January 1st, 2021. Gonna be different.
Starting point is 00:00:37 First time guests, Jake Hurwitz, Sam Shackle, and Angie Garcia. Hello. Bravo. Well, and Angie Garcia. Hello. Bravo. Well, I've been here before. Can we clap for ourselves? Wait, Jake, you've been on before? Yeah, I've been on like three or four times, I think. I mean, yeah, I've been on a lot. I've been on a decent amount. No, that does ring a bell. I was wondering,
Starting point is 00:00:58 sometimes I get like, is it if I were you? Is it the HeadGum Podcast? Is it Review Review? At a certain point, it all works out. No, you had me on. You did a weird bit about my salary and how much money i make or some some really uncomfortable and how much do you make i don't want to i don't want to get into it all right all right well we'll we'll figure it out it'll be like a round robin later on um sam and angie do you guys want to just talk a little bit about introduce yourself to the listeners this this show started as uh an inside look at the business side of the network and now it's it quickly became not that but people
Starting point is 00:01:29 do they are interested in what goes on behind the scenes it's obviously a lot of work and you guys do most of it so do you want to talk about just your positions and and you know etc etc sure angie you want to go first yeah sure um so Sam and I both started at the end of August. I am an account executive on the West Coast. So I'm in Santa Monica and I handle all of the advertising sales for our network. And my clients are all the West Coast clients. So Micah does East and I do West. And I'm Sam. I am the client services and ad campaign manager. I work on the West Coast with Angie doing all things ad related and just activating on those campaigns.
Starting point is 00:02:18 Listen to that professionalism. It's cool to have professionals on the network. It really is. I was about to say that. Yeah, I mean, I don was about to say that. Yeah. I mean, I don't want to be like. We haven't had that. No, totally. Like you're a joke. It's so cool to have like just like real serious people working at HeadGum.
Starting point is 00:02:32 I love it. I'm super, super excited. I love the second half of that sentence. And then just what was the first part again? Because I think it hurt my feelings. I was just saying that I'm really excited to have Sam and Angie because they really know what they're doing. They know their stuff.
Starting point is 00:02:41 I feel like you guys are elevating the network to a really cool place in Jeff Sucks. That's like kind of the gist. For sure. It's always like you slip it in, right? It's a Trojan horse every time. And sometimes, you know, it's like, ah, is my ear playing tricks with me? And I'll just like, I spend,
Starting point is 00:03:00 I get overtime therapy sessions where it's like, you know, obviously it's every Thursday night at 5 p.m. I didn't know that. It's obvious. Shackle knew that. But sometimes it's like, hey, do you have any other, you know, availability next week? Right. Because Jake, I think, said something, but maybe he didn't.
Starting point is 00:03:16 Right. Sometimes you should start booking ahead of time, like just in case I say something, you know, like Jake's going to say something. That's what I've had to start doing. All right. Yeah. And, you know know and my therapist uh she's great she said uh i'm taking three weeks off right for the holidays you know we're recording
Starting point is 00:03:29 this we should say on december 18th right uh you know christmas and new year's are about to happen and she was like i'll be back in january 14th or something and she said i was like okay and then she said uh if there's an emergency you have my You can call me. This might have to be an emergency. You're going to call the night? Wow. Right now. That's an honor. We should have her guest.
Starting point is 00:03:54 No. Oh, God. That crosses so many boundaries. I'd love to interview you about Jeff, actually. It's you and one-on-one. I don't even know if I should be saying her name maybe bleep it out even when I asked her like last night I was like well what would you do if you were in my shoes
Starting point is 00:04:15 and she's like I don't think I can say that I'm like you're right anyway you guys in therapy or no I'm not but so you've already been fixed You guys in therapy or? No, but. So you've already been fixed. So just you.
Starting point is 00:04:32 Sometimes I feel like I could. Jake, just me? Yeah, not me. But if you're curious, try BetterHelp. That's B-E-T-T-E-R-H-E-L-P slash if I were you. They never asked me to spell it all out. No, slash review review. No, no, slash review review. No, no, no, no.
Starting point is 00:04:49 Slash goat show, all right? Do you guys know that, I guess, well, I know Angie and Sam, you probably know, but Jake, that the coupon code for this show is what's that? Okay. I sent that to Marika the other day and was like,
Starting point is 00:05:04 is this even for one of our shows because i've never heard this before she said it's a running joke and i would love to be in on it it's you'll you'll catch on and if not i'll tell you at the end okay um but yeah you guys so you guys started in august how has it been being onboarded you can obviously speak freely don't be scared because jake is here i'm 100 not either of their boss they know i don't even know the structure neither do i um but yeah how's how's it been as how's it been starting at this company uh in general but then also remotely it's there's definitely yeah it's different um because we do so many zooms or at least i do with my team.
Starting point is 00:05:51 I feel like I know people even though I've never met them in person and everyone's like really available all the time. So that's good. But I feel like the whole client side, that's a little weird because normally in sales, you're meeting with your clients, you're meeting the agencies, you're entertaining that kind of stuff. And I feel like there's a disconnect there. But other than that, it's been great. And it's, I guess it's nice to have the flexibility of being home. I've never had a job working from home, so it's a change, but I feel like it's working. I mean, it's the new norm. So yeah. Yeah. The new normal, the motto of 2020. Yeah, i would agree i i think like the flexibility is nice the reachability of everybody is nice it is kind of weird not being able to like turn around and talk to somebody in an office necessarily um and like angie it's so interesting like i feel like i know you guys however we've never met in person so i think it's so funny to think about like the first day we're all actually back at the HeadGum office will be quite a trip, I'm sure.
Starting point is 00:06:49 That's good. It'll be a new office too. It'll be as new to us as it is to you. A new normal office. But that is like HeadGum, I think it doubled in size. Like HeadGum doubled in size. It's huge now. Like during the pandemic.
Starting point is 00:07:04 So we've hired, yeah yeah we've hired like five new people that i've never ever met in person which is crazy yeah i know it's like but really cool for the company like to be in the middle of this and be hiring new people as a a testament to your ownership jake my stewardship of this kiss ass that's that's a promotion you're fired actually listen Jake's not even in charge but I'm gonna talk to whoever it is
Starting point is 00:07:35 alright give Sam a raise she said some things that made me feel good about me Jeff's leadership too of course you know I'm the like the tiny hole at the bottom of a ship and like people can't figure out what's going wrong but it is a sinking very slow yeah but surely um yeah it's exciting i remember i mean i was i was
Starting point is 00:07:58 really excited when you guys came on and like i again we should preface that i i'm a freelancer at the company like i'm not there in of structure, I'm not in the structure. But I was still very excited when you guys came on. And the one thing that I will give you a lot of credit for, Jake, and also Marty and Amir and Cohen. Mostly me. Mostly me. But go on.
Starting point is 00:08:17 Go on. You just even said that you weren't in charge of their team. I said I wasn't their boss, but I didn't say I wasn't the boss. You know? There's a difference there's been also a weird kind of like the B story of the sitcom of this year is like Marty's
Starting point is 00:08:31 seemingly changed his title from co-founder to CEO I noticed that in his email signature as well I'll tell you what it wasn't cleared with anyone anyone can change their email signature. You can give yourself a promotion or a demotion as you see fit.
Starting point is 00:08:49 Really? Yeah, you just change your email signature, man. Whatever you want to do. Yeah, we should all just do it and see how quickly Marty notices. CDO, Chief Dumbass Officer. That's good. But yeah, I was very excited. And yeah, the thing that I think HeadGum just finds good people or good people find HeadGum or vice versa.
Starting point is 00:09:11 So it's grown, but there aren't any bad eggs. You know, I'm constantly on the lookout for bad eggs. Or someone that's like the hole in the chef or something. Yeah, the hole in the chef. Exactly right. And it's like, you know, there's always one at a company. But at HeadGum, I look around. I'm like, I don't see anybody who's kind of bringing this down yeah and that's nice and well you did sort of just
Starting point is 00:09:29 infer that it was danny so i know i'd like to know about sellers there's something about sellers maybe it's that he's like you know he's in chicago so there's no one else even in the in the ether around him oh that's interesting but like even when yeah when he comes on this show it's like are you trying to sabotage this shit that's that's interesting. But like, even when, when he comes on this show, it's like, are you trying to sabotage this shit? That's, that's interesting. You say that because one, I've, I've listened to Danny's episodes of this show and I think he's, he's quick witted. He's funny. He's, he's very generous to you. Like, you know, through your bits, I think, I think he adds a lot. Um, and aside from that, he's doing an incredible job at work. So it's really right. Right. Yeah. So if you have a problem with sellers, I think you should call...
Starting point is 00:10:06 because the problem's with you. We just did... Yeah, I can talk about it because the episode's already out by the time this comes out, but we did a year of best of review review episode where it's kind of modeled after Comedy Bang Bang where the fan favorites improv bits that we've done end up on there and jake i'm happy to say that you made the
Starting point is 00:10:29 top the choice whoa you're an amir's episode was number one wow that's amazing and in that episode amir does he did the bit where he was like uh if if after therapy you did that, then your therapist sucks. It's like one of the quotes of the year. That's so funny. But yeah, so Sam and Angie, you're both in, you're based in LA. Jake, you're in New York. Correct. You just showed us an amazing view. Yes.
Starting point is 00:10:58 Wax, you know, like kind of talk amongst yourselves. About our locations? Locales, maybe like some recommendations recommendations what are your favorite spots i had a fun conversation with my roommates in october and i was like hey like what are your guys's like usual spots do you guys have usual spots you don't have to give them away yeah restaurants cafes coffee shops Angie and I used to work in tourism. So I feel like this is our like, this is my thing. Sell LA right now. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:29 And we also used to work together. So Sam's really one of the only people I've met in person. By the way, and that's one of the crazy stories of them being, of you guys being hired. We interviewed both of you guys,
Starting point is 00:11:40 never knew that you knew each other. Are you kidding? Which honestly, that's so funny to me because she like, so Angie and I, when we were applying for jobs, had been in touch like the whole time throughout the process.
Starting point is 00:11:51 And for some reason, this is the one job that we were like, oh, wait, like I submitted an application there yesterday without talking about it previously. And then throughout the interview process, we were like, at what point do you think we say something? Like, do they know? Do they not know? Like, we were like, at what point do you think we'd say something? Like, do they know?
Starting point is 00:12:06 Do they not know? Like, we just had no idea. I think after your second interview, we knew that you guys both worked at LA Tourism. But we're like, we had no idea how big that place is. We don't know if you guys like or hate each other. We knew nothing. Like, sat next to each other. Good friends.
Starting point is 00:12:24 It's just so funny. That's crazy. Cut to Sam and Angie. It's like a Jake and Amir type web series where you guys sort of get their rep. Good lord.
Starting point is 00:12:32 We hired arch nemesis. That would be quite interesting. Especially for how closely we work now. So what are your guys' favorite LA haunts? Like say it's
Starting point is 00:12:44 no pandemic Friday night. What is the shackle weekend? Take me Friday through Sunday. Honestly, like as far as weekends go, I feel like I forget how to do a weekend. So it'll be very interesting to see what happens when this is all over. Because my friends and I are like,
Starting point is 00:13:03 I don't know what we do anymore. What is life? You know? We're gonna have to remember a weekend. So my friends and I are like, I don't know what we do anymore. What is life? You know, remember, remember a weekend. So right now it's just like, yeah. Who delivers what's interesting.
Starting point is 00:13:11 You know, that's true. Angie, can you remember a weekend? What were those? Yeah. What's the weekend? I can for sure.
Starting point is 00:13:21 I've lived in Santa Monica for years. So, and I'm definitely like, there's the i'm definitely like there's the east side and then there's the west side in la um i'm definitely like west side girl i rarely um make my way to the east side unless it's like for something or when i work downtown um what's the furthest east aside from work what's the furthest east you go just Just the vertical street. Or is it the 405? No, no, no. Sometimes I go past the 405 because I have a few friends that live.
Starting point is 00:13:51 Yeah, you're like La Brea. I have a few friends that live like in West Hollywood. So that kind of area. But like on the 10, the furthest I go, which if you don't live in LA, you're not going to know this. The furthest I go is probably like La Cienega. If live in la though you love this shit because i'm just eating it yeah but the weekends i mean oh i mean i would like do either lunch or brunch or work out with friends and you know um but i also am like a big i don't know if you want to call it a weekend warrior where like i was going out of town a lot of weekends like little trips um so i was always like honestly out of town so this is the longest
Starting point is 00:14:30 i've been in one place on the weekend in a really long time that was my favorite thing about living in los angeles was just like everything you could do in california this is that this is the la tourism but like it really it's just incredible. Like the, the difference of places that you can go that are only a couple hours drive. Exactly. Did you have a favorite weekend spot? Um, we, I would just say in a Barbara a lot. Um, that's easy. Palm Springs is always a fun getaway, but it's more like for something um but yeah and and besides that like now i'm actually getting to enjoy being at home and like exploring my new neighborhood and a lot of walking a lot and i'm pretty close to the beach so getting to do that more um so yeah
Starting point is 00:15:19 and it's always nice here what's funny is that you you said you lived you live in Santa Monica you live on the west side which you know it's like only like 10 miles from where I live to you live to where you live probably but that can be an hour and a half and like but the difference is I don't know if I've already told you this or if I was talking about it to somebody else recently I there was a time and when I was in college I was living in Los Feliz for my last semester and I was commuting for an internship to Santa Monica to the Water Garden. Oh, yeah. And that was an hour and a half there in the morning, hour 45 back,
Starting point is 00:15:52 versus you just said that you work downtown, and you can get downtown to Santa Monica in the morning because it's a reverse commute in like 20 minutes, right? It's still bad, though, isn't it? I mean, it's bad, but I don't understand where everyone is going on the 10 West. I think because people... I just don't get it. There's not that many businesses
Starting point is 00:16:12 in Santa Monica, are there? I'm confused. I think there are. I think way more people live on the East side and commute to the West side is what it seems like. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:22 At least in the entertainment industry. I can't speak to a lot of other industries, but there are a lot of there's the casting offices there there's production companies like all the there's a bunch of studios out there too hbo oh yeah there's like this but man it's just it's awful that's being on the i remember like i think the worst part was always just like seeing like on your on on your navigation app, like you're going 18 miles. Like that's not that many miles. It's not that far.
Starting point is 00:16:49 It's like, yeah, it's like two hours. I would drive for five hours with no traffic. That, that would be fine. Oh my gosh. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:59 It's the sitting, just the sense that you're getting somewhere. Yeah. Oh my God. It's to commute in from the Valley to downtown. And so I like, I just had to wake up at the crack of dawn and like go in early so that I would miss everything.
Starting point is 00:17:13 But then the way home was consistently like an hour and a half. And I feel like. Was it really bad from the Valley to downtown? I don't know that. Yeah. Yeah. It's bad. Yes,
Starting point is 00:17:22 it is. It is really bad. You go through like pretty much every hub of los angeles where there would be traffic because you know there's nothing in the valley but like from the valley to downtown everything's there you know yeah so not ideal not ideal um yeah it's interesting and then New York, I've never lived in New York, Jake, but what's the worst, you know, commute part of that? I mean, I just cut this out.
Starting point is 00:17:51 Sorry, you're going to, you asked me a question. It's not an interesting question. You asked me a question and then, and say before, why would I even answer? You said Ferris cut this out as you asked. As you asked. By the way, I had some really interesting stuff on the van wick prepared okay i mean god let's hear it no i i'm not gonna wax on the tri-baro bridge anymore but i had something for it yeah i did the let's see the rfk to the henry hudson yeah i did have something
Starting point is 00:18:20 okay i actually did have something you're smiling but there's contempt uh no yeah i know no i mean traffic is is like bad here but it's fine it's not like lost like los angeles traffic like it it makes you it makes i would like be nervous when i knew that i had to drive somewhere i know i don't ever feel that way here like it's talked to Marty about you guys because you guys were working at the IAC building on Sunset, right? Yeah. Marty told me once because I mean, I still am a little bit, but less so. I used to be obsessed with Laurel Canyon history and real estate. And Marty was like, yeah, we we almost lived in Laurel Canyon, but it was like too expensive or that you guys want to be east or something instead. Yeah. But like that would have been a really, really nice commute.
Starting point is 00:19:05 Yeah. I mean, we, cause we also, we lived in Santa Monica for a month too. We were like for, I think almost three years, Jesus, maybe even more. Like we just lived in Airbnbs. We like just had duffel bags. You guys were saying that you would just get
Starting point is 00:19:19 really nice Airbnbs for these trips. That's, is that cost effective? That's the dream. Yeah, it's not at all this was before we started head gum we were like okay it's just the three of us like marty sold me and amir's podcast ads we used that money to pay for nice places and and then we just still had other jobs like we had we had a podcast that just like yeah it was it was good while it lasted but you know this is also a different dream.
Starting point is 00:19:45 It's nice to have a company of employees. Stability. Yeah, that's awesome. Healthcare, I love it. Yeah. But yeah, that was definitely fun. But we like, so we could, we really could like live anywhere. And we lived in Santa Monica for a little while.
Starting point is 00:20:00 And it was nice, but we never saw any of our friends. Like, I mean, angie you have friends out there but like you don't do you see people on the east side that doesn't happen right it's like an event to see them you know it was like three months where we just saw literally no one so like you're either going to commute to work or commute to your friends and we were like we're never commuting to our friends so that's why we just didn't end up getting a place in west hollywood i have so many i have so many friends that like moved to west hollywood and santa monica like further west who moved there so that they could walk to bars walk to restaurants like do all these things and now they're like we're in a
Starting point is 00:20:39 year lease and we cannot do anything and we're paying to live in santa monica and our lives are ruined and i'm like sorry bro like you you picked the wrong time yeah jesus i have this uh fantasy of moving to topanga canyon and like getting like a cabin up there with like two or three friends and like being close to surfing and like also just like living in a small town vibe do you surf um i'm not good at it oh yeah but you know all right cool yeah i'm on a board in water nice that's all it takes all like that's surfing baby he's boogie boarding he's boogie that's bobbing trying to surf on a skim board um but but yes it's that nobody i know lives anywhere west of west hollywood i think yeah um but you can't be like you could be a frontiersman you can like be the person that that makes people be like
Starting point is 00:21:31 you know maybe i should live in topanga canyon but then i'd never i'd be working from home like that's the thing my chance to do it is now and i'm not so like once we move back because the headcount office is probably gonna be what silver lake area Lake area. Yeah. I would, I think it's going to end up being on the East side. Angie's like, sorry. I'll be fine. I'll be fine. Angie's on the West coast.
Starting point is 00:21:54 Angie's going to be in the, on the West side office that she's in right now. We'll add another address. I'm used to it. I was used to the commute. jeff playing uh okay i was like there's something happening it's a segment i think welcome to did you guys hear that music yeah we did yeah but my phone started doing something or my computer started doing something weird Welcome to our first segment, Garcia or Crimea? What?
Starting point is 00:22:26 This is a game of sorts. There's real cash involved, $50 for every right answer, $50 subtracted for every wrong answer. So you could end up being down $300 or you could be up $300 or just... Who do we owe if we're down? or just who do we owe if we're down this is everybody's favorite game where you decide or i'm gonna say a sentence and you say you guys have to guess whether it's and angie has a slight you know inside track here you have to guess whether it's a message that angie sent me on slack or a fact about the crimean peninsula. All right. What? Excuse me. What?
Starting point is 00:23:06 Angie asked who the money is coming from or going, like, who, so are you paying us if we win? I front, absolutely, I front the cash. It's all over Venmo. Okay. But I'm hoping we strike some kind of balance where I only owe someone $50.
Starting point is 00:23:21 I'm going to go ahead and say I've listened to this show before. I'm pretty sure there is no real, I've listened to this show before. I'm pretty sure there is no real money involved. No, there is. Do you want me to show you Venmo receipts? Here we go. I just Venmo'd Marika on Tuesday. There's no way.
Starting point is 00:23:37 How much? How much? $50. Oh my God. All right. So do I get to play? You all get to play Just buzz in by saying buzz
Starting point is 00:23:50 Alright here we go round one We will be there Buzz Angie Garcia Correct Alright here we go Round two The Crimean connate of vassal state of the ottoman empire succeeded the golden horde and lasted from 1449 to 1783
Starting point is 00:24:15 damn sam i'm gonna go ahead and say it was not angie correct all right now i'm down $100 personally. This isn't going as well as I thought it would. All right. Round three. Hi, we have a new advertiser called Podium who will be testing Review Review. Buzz. Buzz. Wait, who buzzed? Angie. It was Angie.
Starting point is 00:24:38 Garcia. Correct. All right. $100. $150 actually. It's Angie. Jake. Yeah. No, Sam got it. Right. Sorry. $150 total. You're. $100. $150, actually. Jake. Yeah. No, Sam got it. Right. Sorry. $150 total.
Starting point is 00:24:48 You're out $150. How do you lose this game? So far, not. Jake hasn't even tried. I feel too bad for you. That's how you lose. I know. I feel like, oh, God.
Starting point is 00:25:02 Round four. From 1853 to 1856, the peninsula was the site of the principal engagements of the Crimean War. Buzz, Buzz, Buzz. Yeah, Jake. Garcia.
Starting point is 00:25:09 Okay, I'm gonna guess one wrong. I'm gonna try to put some money in your pocket. You owe me $50. Yeah, I'm gonna... You owe me cash for that. Yeah, I'm gonna give you 50 bucks. This is...
Starting point is 00:25:19 All right. This podcast, you hosting a podcast for us shouldn't cost you money. It'll break even. It's not our fault will you oh my god round five this one's this one's tricky no problem buzz angie garcia buzz Angie Garcia wrong
Starting point is 00:25:48 there's no issues with the Crimean Peninsula isn't it back to 50 what's that never mind alright last round this one's triple or nothing so this is for $150
Starting point is 00:26:04 I think. Crimea became part of the Russian Soviet Federal Socialist Republic in 1921. And the Crimean Autonomous... Somebody please get this wrong on purpose. I can't be down $150. Which became part of the Soviet Union in 1922. Does everyone feel too bad to buzz in I honestly do I really do
Starting point is 00:26:27 well it's just hard you know because I spent a lot of money on Christmas gifts for like my reps and my family and close friends of mine I sent a really nice bottle of whiskey to Jake fuck it buzz Crimea damn it that and a bottle of whiskey, baby.
Starting point is 00:26:46 But you only owe me a hundred bucks. God damn it. All right. This is beyond fucked. Talk amongst yourselves. I have some money to send. Please don't send me anything. Please do not send me money.
Starting point is 00:27:02 Is this what happens? Everyone just feels bad for you. Jeff embarrasses everybody about money at some point on this show. Well, the last one was like the last one that I was into. Yeah. It was like Danny and you asking facts about his hometown, which like clearly no one could win,
Starting point is 00:27:21 but this was like taking candy from a child. Oh my God. I resent the implication that I don't know what I'm doing here, Shackle. This show is sponsored by BetterHelp. You know, if you had an extra hour in your day, a lot of people would spend that very differently than the one sitting next to them. Maybe person A would go for a run, person B would take a nap, and patient zero would read a book. The point is, a lot of us spend our time and our lives wishing we had more hours in the day.
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Starting point is 00:30:40 and five free AG1 travel packs with your first purchase exclusively at slash what's that? Again, that's slash what's that? Check it out. Alright, are we ready for our next segment? Uh, sure. Yep. Yep.
Starting point is 00:30:58 Welcome to Shackle or Gnaw? The only game show where you either throw the shackles off of something a 2020 trend or not oh okay so basically I'm gonna list some trends of 2020
Starting point is 00:31:13 and then you guys this is not for points it's not a game it's just it's a talking yeah I mean you'll have to pay us to do the segment but we're in I think we're all maybe we name your price a thousand bucks i don't have that all right a hundred dollars and a bottle of whiskey yeah oh a hundred percent all right cool um all right so yeah i'm gonna list some
Starting point is 00:31:39 some trends of 2020 and you guys say whether you're gonna shackle them like throw the shackles on them what does that mean like is that good or bad like to keep it to lock it down it's cuffing season or as sam says shackle season i see i should have been saying that so locking it locking it up lock locking it in shackle style that's good we like it okay let's just like it let's throw the name away i just needed it to be a pun on something and so i went with shackle just keep it or not no no shackle or not i like shackle or not shackle or not the game is shackle or not the name of the game is shackle um here we go adults on tiktok oh no no no no all right interesting i'm non-tiktok altogether so i don't think anyone should be on it i yeah
Starting point is 00:32:22 100 i actually i gotta i mean maybe it's because i'm only 23 but uh i think it's fun like because when amir joined tiktok i was like oh this is like maybe this will actually become a thing i don't want to just put content out for people who are under like 17 um and that was kind of the green light for me it was like oh he's 38 or whatever and like so i can be on here and not feel crazy. Yeah. Amir being on the app made it cool. That's crazy. That's crazy. God.
Starting point is 00:32:51 All right. What about being genuinely politically active instead of performatively politically active? Shackle it. Shackle it. Really? I'll go not. Being genuinely politically active?
Starting point is 00:33:02 Yeah. Virtue signaling for me virtue signal oh did i post about it don't but don't actually do it like i'll be like oh sign this petition but like i didn't sign it or some shit then no i take that back 100 percent no you guys you guys understood it the right way i I'm going against the grain. Okay, then I'm putting it back. You've cuffed and uncuffed this many times. Cuffed, uncuffed, re-cuffed. Okay, what about drinking more?
Starting point is 00:33:36 Ooh. Yeah, I'll shackle that. Yeah. But I think that you've got to... I'm drinking more, but i'm drinking more varieties of things like i'm trying new stuff you need i haven't tried meat yet but i've been getting into wine okay what kind of wine are you into that's orange wine it's actually a little natural personal yeah it's a little personal sam that's just we're not gonna get it i apologize
Starting point is 00:34:01 earlier today i we were talking about the intimate structures within the company and your history of where you live in Los Angeles. Okay, I like a Malbec. I like a Malbec, and that's all I'm going to say. A Pinot Grigio. That's my problem is that I like wine now, but I still don't have the tool set or the vocabulary to know what I like. What you're talking about. Me liking wine is in its infancy, but I'm interested. I'm intrigued. I want to I want to explore more so I can so I can talk about
Starting point is 00:34:30 it right now. I just know I like red wine. That's it. That's fair. Angie Shackle, what are your thoughts? Do you guys are you guys drinkers? Are you not? Do you have you been drinking more? Have you not? But in general, Shackle or not? Shack not shackle i mean i normally don't drink during the week i'm like a weekend or you know thursday friday wine drinker i'm a big wine drinker that's pretty much all i drink um except if i go out to a restaurant i like cocktails but yeah i'm not gonna make a cocktail at home um yeah but at the beginning of quarantine i was drinking a little too much now i've everyone was like this is gonna last two when everybody thought it was gonna last two weeks i feel like everyone was like like drunk on a tuesday like it's a vacation yeah and then it
Starting point is 00:35:18 was like i probably should stop waking up hungover on wed, you know? This is the foreseeable future. Yeah. Yeah. So this is what happened with LA tourism. Sorry, guys. Am I late? There's no meeting even happening. Not quite.
Starting point is 00:35:39 I'm going to shackle. My roommate, George Saba, he is like a bartender he loves making cocktails at home and he'll do he we started doing this thing where he was like give me a vibe like just say what you want or something and i'll be like i like that fall autumnal yeah that's what we do he just make made an entirely new cocktail because he's he kind of studies it like salt fat acid heat um and so he's like i know the types of ingredients like we need an acid we need like the liquor we need like a liqueur and so he's like he just builds it and then he brings it out to me in the living room and i'm like this is amazing that's cool do you have the fancy ice do you have the big cubes this is yeah we don't yeah oh we do
Starting point is 00:36:17 we have like the big squares we make them in trays yeah but we also uh got a bar off craigslist like a cheap old bar and kind of made it look nice with some string lights so like that's kind of like what our living room is set up like now and it's just we had a lot of fun with it so i think in terms of drinking more like i like you angie i wasn't like a cocktail at home guy but now it's like i see the fun in it because i like you have a little bit of extra time you know without the commutes i think that i don't like a cocktail at home because mine tastes like a bar cocktail and i'm not yeah it's a well i'm not into that but if i had someone making cocktails for me i'm sure i'd be drinking them that's the joy of a cocktail is that it but like yeah i guess a resident bartender a cocktail is so good because
Starting point is 00:37:01 it's handed to you and it's delicious and it's like a surprise but like whenever i've made my own old fashions i'm like stressed out sweating a little bit like where's it's chemistry yeah it's too bitter it is it's too much and it never it never tastes as good your roommate sounds like my boyfriend like that's like my exact situation he yeah he works in a restaurant also he's a chef but he like wants that's the idea one day is for us to have our own restaurants and he's like research and development on a Tuesday you know but it's it's all all for a good cause one day hopefully we'll have a cool cocktail menu that's awesome how has his been experience been since he was actually fully in, you know, the service industry, the restaurant industry? Like re-COVID or just generally speaking? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:51 OK, so he moved out here from Nebraska like March 13th. And if you think about two work in this restaurant, like He literally moved out here probably two days before everything closed down. That's truly the craziest timing I've ever heard. That's insane. That's the day I started quarantining. It was crazy. That was the whole plan.
Starting point is 00:38:17 It took a couple months for them to even be bringing on new staff at this restaurant. He had connections with a chef of his when he was working out here years ago working now in a restaurant so they hit the restaurant that he works at closed um closed for through the new year which is like tentative um so right now he's doing personal chef stuff we're like we just started yeah that's awesome but there's a bunch of people doing stuff like that right like small intimate dinners where they like want a chef to come over and cook for them yeah i mean that's i that's like the closest you get to like somebody doing it all
Starting point is 00:38:55 for you and it's not just delivery every time you know it's gotta be i mean a terrible terrible time to like have a restaurant but like what yeah like if you can survive or if you're like somebody that still like feels passionate about having a restaurant when this is over, I feel like there's going to be a boom. Everybody misses the hell out of it. I'm like never going to eat at home again after I'm vaccinated. Yeah. We were saying that with tourism, like before we realized how obviously how long this was going to last for. But we were like, people are going to be dying to travel. So it's going to be crazy to see like how that industry like completely took a dive and then just hopefully comes back quickly.
Starting point is 00:39:37 You know, my wanderlust is in like overdrive right now. Sometimes on my phone, I just go to Google, like Google maps and i search random places like just i was just like looking at photos of tibet last night where is it gonna be the first place you go oh wow i love that question tulum yeah they're putting an airport 2023 there's gonna be an airport i know i'm like it might be perfect timing by the time this is over who knows yeah man i hope i didn't just put that in so jillian was that your final answer me or jake because i answered for jake as a joke um no i'm gonna go do i'm gonna go to iceland i like to go to iceland like uh every other year i i miss i might i miss my icic brethren. So I'm going to go back there.
Starting point is 00:40:26 What about you guys? I honestly, like the last time I was international was in the second grade. And I feel like I need to do more international. However, I've also really liked traveling the States in the last few years. So I feel like, I mean, Hawaii could be fun every day. I look at my Southwest points and I'm like I could go to Hawaii twice right now but um that's awesome yeah so hopefully something like that I would like to go back to Nashville too I went there and it was so fun yeah I really want to go to Nashville maybe next year yeah I also went with like college girlfriends who are ready to like do Broadway and that's all
Starting point is 00:41:06 they wanted to do all weekend. And I am like, I mean, I'm very much a foodie. So I was like, I had a whole list of restaurants that we wanted to go to and we did not go to one. Try different cakes. Not one. That's really frustrating. Did you get to try any like Nashville hot chicken or do you eat meat? I do. On the last day we went, we were like watching a Nebraska game in a bar and there was like the only other thing on the menu that was like Nashville-ish was this hot chicken. And let me tell you, I don't think that was the stuff. Like, I don't think it was legit.
Starting point is 00:41:42 It's not bar food. Because it wasn't that good good but it was a good time it was at a rocco's satellite location uh angie what about you first place you want to travel um first place well i had to cancel a trip to italy so i would like to do that but i think mexico is probably more attainable i normally normally, you go to Iceland every other year. I normally every year at least go to Mexico once. So just so easy to get to. I mean, the only places I've really been are Cabo and Tulum.
Starting point is 00:42:17 So Cabo is just so easy from LA. It's like a two and a half hour flight. But I really do like to loom a lot. Um, but I think Mexico, I would like to be like on the beach, someone making me cocktails. I'll get George on retainer for you. My last trip, the last trip I took right before lockdown was to Sayulita, Mexico, and it was incredible. And I still go there in my head some nights. Incredible. And I still go there in my head some nights.
Starting point is 00:42:50 I would like to go there as well. I've heard good things. I've heard good things about Mexico City too. Oh yeah. From like a cultural standpoint, less like beachy. Yeah. Good food. We went to Mexico City for Marty's like 34th birthday maybe. Right. Didn't you get food poisoning yeah i got food poisoning and awesome um also i think we went to like mcdonald's or burger king at least once
Starting point is 00:43:13 marty we there was on i think like on marty's actual birthday he got a tattoo me and amir were not allowed to go there so we just walked to a starbucks um and then the day before that we went to a mall so i don't think i think i need to go back to mexico city i didn't yeah it does not sound like the you ran errands i'm confused it was bizarre it was bizarre but we did go to one really good like uh bakery for breakfast and um then one really good restaurant where i got food poisoning um and then that was kind of the last thing i remember sounds like quite the experience yeah but i still want to travel you know i really want to go to japan that's like the first oh i would love to go to japan i have a group of friends we did uh like an ireland scotland amsterdam trip after we graduated and just hostiled it for 10 days, different city every day. Stressful as hell, but really fun
Starting point is 00:44:05 and so many great stories when you're at that pace on a vacation, which I don't always love, but with those people, it's easy. So I want to do that in Japan. But in terms of a really attainable thing, I want to go to Montana this summer. For a week. Like Montana,
Starting point is 00:44:21 Idaho, all those places that you just really were like, what is there and then all of a sudden everyone's on these gorgeous like big cabin vacations oh yeah it's the mayor effect it's the john mayor effect probably yeah which have you been have you been to montana yeah i've been to i've been to big sky once to ski and that was where i learned how to ski not a great place to learn but um it's kind of like why is it just super hard oh super steep yeah it's like a big mountain yeah yeah but it's so beautiful such a good like energy like it's very relaxed all right uh we're still in the middle of
Starting point is 00:44:56 this segment here we go ditching gyms oh oh yeah um nah you want to go back to the gym go back go back miss it not to the, but I like doing classes. That's the only way. Classes for sure. I'm missing that. I used to hate the treadmill. I'm a long distance runner. And now running any kind of...
Starting point is 00:45:18 That's what it is. There was something about Shackle. I was like, is it an endurance aspect to her? She's an endurance it's she's an endurance athlete yeah interesting yeah that's about the only claim to athleticism i have there's zero coordination going on at all but now if i want to run anything over like a mile two miles there's nowhere you can go that you're like able to be unmasked and free for that long of a distance. So I'm like, damn, I could use a treadmill,
Starting point is 00:45:46 like in a garage somewhere. So just bust out like five real quick or something. But I'm like dying without five miles real quick. Listen, last year I had a Snapchat memory the other day that was like 10 miles done. And I was like, I don't even know her anymore. Like you should race Marty that As soon as lockdown's over,
Starting point is 00:46:05 we got to have you race Marty. Yeah. Don't worry. When is the HR person coming on again? You can definitely beat Marty. Yeah, you can. I don't know. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:46:21 I walk turkey trots, if that tells you anything about my thoughts and body's thoughts on running. I walk turkey trots if that tells you anything about what my thoughts and body's thoughts on running is I got a set of dumbbells I think Jake didn't you do that too yeah oh yeah it's been a game changer for me I'm never going
Starting point is 00:46:35 back to the gym just to lift I just I got the adjustable dumbbells and a bench for like $200 off eBay or Amazon or something and me and George just use them together and it's like because my gym A was really expensive. It was like $50 a month. And like the motivation to get in the car, drive to the gym and then work out and then drive back.
Starting point is 00:46:53 I'm like, I'm not going to go. I've had such better workouts. You have no excuse. I've had such better workouts at home than I ever had at the gym. My gym smelled awful. Like everyone, it was crowded. You had to wait for everything the music
Starting point is 00:47:05 was bad it was just like cheap but at home like i mean i miss are you i miss the rock climbing gym that's something you can't do yeah that's you can't do that at home um so i feel like sorry no you go ahead please what do you feel like i might have had like the blissful i can't i feel like you stared her had like the blissful. I can't. You stared her down. I've never seen you angry. I had like the very non-traditional, non-sticky gym experience.
Starting point is 00:47:37 It was free. It was at the top of our U S bank tower building downtown. So like every morning I was like above the clouds. I know that building. Oh my God. i was like above the clouds i know that building oh my god there's a gym up there there was maybe like three other people there at a time so i miss it a lot and my motivation was insane i would beat traffic i would go in early and just beat it yeah so this was that was that's probably why are we gonna make the the new head gum office worthy of this like you're gonna be a little bit better commute but there's no gym there's no if we don't have a fucking sky deck shackles not gonna be
Starting point is 00:48:09 yeah you were at the top of la listen didn't that place have a pool too did i have a pool is there a pool it had like is that a pool no oh okay all right no no now you're good yeah what am i missing angie never went to that gym yeah no well you know i could deal without the downtown smells though so like that that'll be how we make up for it it might not have a gym but there won't be p sense everywhere when you walk outside at lunchtime you know yeah yeah Angie you said classes what kind of classes are uh are for you um Pilates which is on a machine so I don't have a machine here um I miss that and then I have started running again so that's one upside and
Starting point is 00:48:59 because before I didn't have time in the morning I didn't have time after work. So that's been nice. But I do miss like having that kind of equipment and having a teacher. I'm way more motivated when a teacher is telling me to do things. Do you ever try like the online classes? Because I take the Peloton online stuff and like I find that to be more motivating. Because I never liked in-person classes. I liked going to the gym and doing my own thing. But then at home, I'm like, I'm not going to work out at home unless someone yells at me.
Starting point is 00:49:32 So I have someone yelling there. No, I do. I do like the streaming classes for sure. I think those are great. Yeah. I just, I also though, I live on the second floor. So the jumping thing, that's a little hard. I just,
Starting point is 00:49:46 I've never, he's never complained, but I could imagine that that'd be pretty annoying. Yeah. I try to not, but I also, I'm like,
Starting point is 00:49:56 I don't know what to tell you. Like, this is just the situation. I've got to jump. I'm so sorry. Yeah. I only jumped for like 40 minutes a day and the rest of the time, I'm not jumping at all. I'm so sorry. Yeah. I only jumped for like 40 minutes a day and the rest of the time I'm not jumping at all.
Starting point is 00:50:06 I'm sitting in this chair. You can deal with a half hour of me doing. Yeah. Jumping around. All right. Last one. The Drew Barrymore show. No, I have not watched it.
Starting point is 00:50:19 However, the SNL skits about it make me feel like it's probably really interesting. And maybe not for the reason she wants it to be. I just saw a preview for it. So I can't. I abstain. I have to abstain. I love Drew. America loves Drew.
Starting point is 00:50:36 America loves Barrymore. Yeah. I see clips of it out on Twitter. And it's always because Meg Stalter responds to them because people are like oh this is just a real life Meg Stalter bit and it's Drew Barrymore being earnest but it's like a character that Meg Stalter would do and it brought me a lot of joy I guess it's not as ubiquitous as I thought
Starting point is 00:50:53 yeah I know nothing about it but you still decided nah like I don't have time for that yeah I don't really care well HBO Max shackled it. Oh, did they? For three seasons, actually.
Starting point is 00:51:08 Yeah. Oh, wow. I am liking HBO Max. I think that they're fine. Let's have you not be so antagonistic towards the yes, right? I wasn't. I was. You really kept it on the rails this entire episode.
Starting point is 00:51:21 I'm mostly impressed. Yes, thank you. Yeah, we fully appreciate it. Yeah, well, right up until the very last minute where you attacked Angie for not being into the Drew Barrymore show
Starting point is 00:51:32 for some reason. That's what set you off. Well, here's the thing. Yeah, you guys came on in August and like Danny came on, I think even later, but somehow Danny ended up on the show first.
Starting point is 00:51:43 And I was like, well, we got to get everybody on at least once, even if it's like 10 minutes before you guys leave. Before they leave? Are they quitting? Yeah, what? Amir has left the show. Not the office, the show.
Starting point is 00:51:57 Oh, I see. Amir leaves the show sometimes 10 minutes into the record. I see. Do you guys have anything to plug social media or any projects that you're working within the network or outside the network? Not quite. I mean, I could. We could plug the personal chef if you need a personal chef.
Starting point is 00:52:15 Yes, plug. Welcome to Chef. I don't know. Here. Oh, I have one. If you need a, or trying to adopt a dog. Yes. Are you trying to adopt a dog. Yes. Are you trying to get your dog up for adoption?
Starting point is 00:52:28 No, I'm fostering a dog. If you would like a little chihuahua. He has a cone. She's so cute. I didn't know she was in a cone, Angie. Oh my God. That dog is adorable. That's so cute.
Starting point is 00:52:40 So if you live in Los Angeles, DM me. Jeff, take a screenshot. We can post it somewhere. I'm recording. We'll post. Yeah. This dog is too fucking cute. Yeah, I just got her.
Starting point is 00:52:49 If you live in the Southern California area, I need a chihuahua with a cone. So she's looking for a home. What's her deal? Chihuahua with a cone. She's looking for a home. They don't really know. They found a bunch of dogs.
Starting point is 00:53:00 I think they said on a property. I don't know exactly the backstory, but it's through a rescue. And she just got fixed, which is why she has the cone. Today's her first day actually being active and walking around. Before, I thought I was doing something wrong. She wouldn't eat. She wouldn't move.
Starting point is 00:53:20 But I think she was just recovering. Yeah, yeah. So if anyone's looking for a chihuahua. What's her name? noelle i think they named her because of christmas on this week i see yeah there you go that's cute yeah she's she's warming up someone in la is about to get a really sweet deal an amazing dog's a personal chef okay it's slick market dot online slash personal chef experience this must be what it feels like when you're reading ads huh jake oh yeah for that matter no because it's a lot harder to promote something it's a lot harder to promote something you care
Starting point is 00:54:02 about like when i when i read ads i'm just i'm totally detached but if i'm like oh no i really want someone to listen to me that's it's always hard terrifying yeah yeah well hey if you go there and you hire him maybe i will guest appearances sous chef hell yeah that's a big promise all right well thank you guys so much for listening to the head gum podcast this entire year also happy new year to everybody that's a big promise alright well thank you guys so much for listening to the HeadGum podcast this entire year also happy new year to everybody that's right um
Starting point is 00:54:28 and uh we'll see you guys again next week Jesus did I stay on for the entire episode that's unheard of That was a Hiddem Original.

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