The Headgum Podcast - 53: Jat

Episode Date: June 4, 2021

Amir, Marika, and Johnny join Geoff to discuss Strong celebrities, op-ed headlines, and JAT!BUY THE HEADGUM PODCAST MERCH!Advertise on The Headgum Podcast via Gumball.fmRate The Headgum 5-stars on Apple Podcasts.Join the Headgum Discord.See for privacy information.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is a HeadGum Original. Previously on the HeadGum Podcast. What is strangely shaped mean to you? Like, not, just like oddly proportioned. Like, thick forearms, thin wrists. J.K. Simmons? In a way, in a way, but more of like a bit of Franklin hair. You're oddly proportioned.
Starting point is 00:00:27 You're oddly proportioned. I don't think so. Yeah, you have broad shoulders and thin ankles. You're like a bowling pin upside down. That's not wrong. That's why you're calling it out. Because you're clearly like insecure about it. Every suit I've ever had has been a weird double buy where I get a 44R and then I have to get that tapered pant a size down.
Starting point is 00:00:57 So you'll go to a kid's suit place for your legs and then a big and tall store for your chest. I'm Johnny Bravo with a fat ass that's a great tinder bio No, like we can be interested. We can be interested? Sorry. It's not like me to not be ready off the bat. I'm afraid it's going to be a loud song off the top yeah See, that's a nice soft intro, right, to the show.
Starting point is 00:02:19 You cut so many times in between the song. Skipped around willy-nilly just it's definitely not going to resonate well with the audience yeah i thought it was going right into the chorus and then it wasn't also i don't know if we can use that like that was a long that was a long clip of a copy written song it's like yeah they're starting to flag that if we talk about it and critique it right now maybe we'll get away with it let's do ferris on the kazoo and we'll about it and critique it right now, maybe we'll get away with it. Maybe let's do Ferris on the kazoo and we'll replace it. But that was Summer Breeze by Summer and Crofts, I think.
Starting point is 00:02:50 What is it called? Crofts and Bailey? I think you have to edit the audio of it. Otherwise, it'll get flagged by Spotify. I don't think they'll even let you upload this episode with such large chunks of unbroken copywritten music, especially at the top like that. Was it necessary?
Starting point is 00:03:07 Are we going to talk about the song or you just needed to play something and you use that song? I can, can Ferris cut in the zoom recording in progress sound? Yeah, we all deserve to hear it. Not just us. Recording in progress.
Starting point is 00:03:25 Johnny Villa. I mean, you're an Aston Martin man, Villa. Johnny. Bravo. Rockets. I guess so. You made like five different references. Johnny Bravo.
Starting point is 00:03:39 Johnny Rockets. Aston Martin. Aston Villa. Yeah. You haven't been on the show in like a couple of months. Yeah. I've just been grinding at HeadGum, kind of locked away in the quarantine room,
Starting point is 00:03:51 just doing sales stuff. Yeah. What I said to you before we started recording that I walked back to my computer after you guys joined and I thought you were me because we have the same hair, the same skin tone and kind of the same facial hair going right here you're both rocking a little mustache yeah honestly i've been inspired uh throughout this entire uh time at head gum everyone has some some semblance of facial hair i felt very
Starting point is 00:04:16 left out so i needed to grow some yeah are you gonna what's the plan for you new yorkies are you guys gonna go back to the office soon or what's the what's the deal? Or is it going to be optional clothing optional? Obviously not that part. But yeah, I mean, soon, probably as early as next week, we can go back to the office, which is exciting. I haven't been there in a while. But Johnny, you've never been there. No, I've never been.
Starting point is 00:04:42 Are you excited? Absolutely. Johnny, you've never been there. No, I've never been. Are you excited? Absolutely. It's going to be a real treat to see everybody in person and kind of shake their hands because we can't hug yet. But I'll shake their hands.
Starting point is 00:04:52 That's cool. I'm excited to go back. I'm excited to have like a little desk again and see everyone. We have a nice little roof deck, so hopefully we can work out there. It'll be fun. I'm envious. I really am because I got word from Marty that we might not be in the new LA office until July because of some
Starting point is 00:05:16 structural construction. And that can't help but send me back to that dark place where I'm working out of my own house alone because my roommate George Saba got a new job and is working on set congrats to George first of all
Starting point is 00:05:31 that's great news for him I'm lonely but like you should be happy for him for like getting a gig and stuff it's pretty exciting I'm happy for him how's his wine going? it's actually
Starting point is 00:05:45 really fucking good i mean you should come over and try it okay what the hell was that come over and try the wine i don't want to do that like don't invite me to shit like that let's just get into the show. Tell me when we're rolling. I'm speeding, by the way. Yeah, we've been speeding for six minutes, obviously. Oh. We synced.
Starting point is 00:06:11 Okay. All right. Ask me again. You should come over and try the wine. That sounds awesome. I'd love to. I'm not really a wine guy, but I think I can get into it. I'm excited to like see you and Saba and like maybe we can get a little wine drunk.
Starting point is 00:06:31 A little late may wine drunk that's fun but like i can't help but not move on from about 20 seconds ago when you were kind of really rude about the wine so like let's say i didn't think i didn't think we were recording his change and like facial like countenance and everything was really jarring to be honest i thought we were like offline and then what if I said that I'm not recording right now fucking leave me alone keep my name out of your mouth keep your name out of my mouth that's so I'm turning off my video
Starting point is 00:06:56 until we record are you fucking kidding me he turned his video off I don't want to have you see me until it's absolutely necessary for the work this is barely work and we are recording hey pleasure to be here jatt jatt or whatever what are you doing today jatt i'm just is that yeah i'm just hanging out jack and matt Jack and Matt. Here's a story about Jat and Diet.
Starting point is 00:07:28 Diet. What was that like old YouTube? It was like Michael, Sarah, Reggie, Watts, like channel. It was very close to Jat. Do you know what I'm talking about? I've never heard of that. Never mind.
Starting point is 00:07:44 No, you're wrong to bring it up. It was like a comedy thing. Now I have to look for that. Never mind. No, you're wrong to bring it up. It was like a comedy thing. Now I have to look for it. You're not going to find it. In fact, you're not going to find chat shit. There was. What's that?
Starting point is 00:07:56 It was nice. No, I'm getting antagonistic for a second. I don't think you should have said that, Marika. If we could just kind of give notes in the middle of the show. No, we can't. Because now we've gone into this spiral where suddenly I'm angry and it's affecting the product. You don't have to be, first of all. Like, there's no reason for you to get angry.
Starting point is 00:08:15 Also, I found what I was talking about and it was Jash. Oh, Jash. Oh, I love Jash. Do you think that the members of J Josh got a lot of gash? Probably not. I don't know. You made a man cry. A man's crying for that?
Starting point is 00:08:35 I don't want to have to think about Sarah Silverman and that word. All right. All right. So does Josh stand for like, is that an acronym for their names? Jat. No. Ash, Sarah, obviously Silverman, and then Hansel? Hansel, Gretel, Sarah Silverman, and Jonah Hill. What about Hansen and Greta Teitelman?
Starting point is 00:09:01 Interesting. So it'll be like a music comedy tour and it's like the hansen reunion joint and then greta opens for them that's really cool thank you yeah sounds great johnny how's your love life have you had that post-quarantine fling you don't have to answer that question and you shouldn't definitely not ask that question i feel like every time another employee in a public forum in front of other people it's absolutely your prerogative And you shouldn't definitely not ask that question. I feel like every time I'm on... To another employee in a public forum in front of other people. It's absolutely your prerogative, Johnny,
Starting point is 00:09:30 but don't let a mere influence whether you're going to answer. I just want to say that I feel like every time I'm on this show, that's the one question you bring up. It's never really, how is your family? Nothing like that. I don't care. Am I having sex? Are you having sex?
Starting point is 00:09:42 Absolutely not. Wow. Bomb drop sound effect or no? Oh my god. So what do you want to talk about, Villa? Your fucking dad? How is he? How's Mr. Villa?
Starting point is 00:09:56 He's doing fine. He's doing very well. And I'm glad you asked, finally. He's chilling like a villa. There was a post on the Reddit that was like, it's always what's that? And it's never how's that? Or like, nevermind. Absolutely fucked it.
Starting point is 00:10:13 But similar. We have to keep that. Well, now we do. it really sounds like Jeff and Marty but I know it's not should we record our own version? we really should you use it from the episode that you started saying it but it's not right?
Starting point is 00:10:41 it's not I think Marty really nails the airiness of it it's so funny to me i don't know why saying sheesh but not really hitting that last it's so funny to me the one thing that's hard about growing this show is that it's a little Johnny what else is new man I mean you've been working so the applause break did nothing it wasn't the beginning of a new segment it was like it almost interrupted the flow of the conversation you went out of your
Starting point is 00:11:25 way to play it it got played and then you just went right back into as if nothing happened this is it man this is the thank god it's friday vibe that we've cultivated at this startup really because we're only about what six years into this scheme and uh here we are on a fucking yeah may 28th and we're at half birthday nobody said chat and um i'm wondering johnny it's been a year how have you felt within that year what's been let's go rose bud thorn and my friend anna just told me about this stem right so which is which is like a fine part of your week but ultimately not exactly it's it's a neutral like it doesn't matter but yeah what's your rice of the week where it's like yeah i guess i need to put something on it but i don't necessarily need it right now so we're talking rose for this week or the entire your entire tenure entire tenure so far. Let's go Thorn first, Rose second, Bud third, Stem last.
Starting point is 00:12:31 Thorn first. Let's go. So the Thorn is definitely not being able to see all your wonderful, beautiful faces in person. Kiss ass. Okay. I was being nice to you too. Okay. Now I kind of don't want to keep going I was already being so positive
Starting point is 00:12:49 it's all fun and games so that would be the thorn Rose is I can finally leave the whole corporate evil corporate lifestyle behind and I can finally do something that I want to do that's amazing and Bud looking forward to
Starting point is 00:13:07 uh doing more stuff with y'all i think uh i have seen your buds yeah seeing my buds work buds real life buds all those buds and uh stem uh something that just happened was maybe probably inconsequential not worth i was looking at a car because my family needs a new car i was helping them pick and we didn't decide on a car that's a perfect step i guess this is as good a time as any for the major key alert of the week um fucking god collagen protein if you have an a2 pulley strain. I injured my fingy on a... What a specific tip. That's probably not even good.
Starting point is 00:13:51 Like, eat protein when you have your specific injury. Why do you keep giving medical advice? You're constantly falling apart. Why should anyone listen to you? It's the image of, like like a jalopy going down the street and the wheels are coming off as it pulls in the driveway. Yeah. And you come out of the car and you're like, hot tip, when crossing a yellow light, kiss the roof.
Starting point is 00:14:16 You're fucking funny Blumenfeld. Have you considered doing it professionally? It's a joke, man. Come on. Keep talking. Are you fucking kidding me? All right, let me know when I'm back on. Oh, my fucking God. We are recording.
Starting point is 00:14:38 We're recording. He turned his video off again. This is worse than when he used to just leave 20 minutes in. And I'm back. Word of the week. Holy shit, word of the week. What? I'm.
Starting point is 00:14:48 No way. What? Amir has gotten the word of the week like three weeks in a row. I know, and the craziest part is that he's the richest of the four of us, and you keep getting like a foul. We don't know that. Your Patreon thing, man.
Starting point is 00:15:00 It's simple math. You can't have a pay-per-view service like that that shows you how many patrons you have. I know how much the subscription price is. I know how much Patreon takes. I can calculate how much money you make on a monthly basis. I don't know what Marika's salary is. I don't know what Johnny's salary is.
Starting point is 00:15:15 I barely know what I make. That's right. You don't. No, but I know yours. I know yours. I got your number. All right. I got you pegged.
Starting point is 00:15:20 But to quantify the, like, you don't what what's going on with johnny and his a month you gotta assume patreon because you're part of the creator thing what they take 20 20 so you're left with let's do the math here actually i would love to hear about johnny's side gigs though a thousand for the year divide that by two obviously so that's a thousand right that's a give or take and then Uncle Sam's probably taking what? 40%? Yeah, so in terms of side gigs that I'm thinking about, I bought a new camera.
Starting point is 00:15:53 That's a lot. So the camera I'm kind of going to use to film new stuff. I've been working on stuff last year, two years ago. So now it's time to really hone in those skills again. Investments? Because I've taken a break being at home you have investments too investments i'm in a mirror oh i'm trying to figure out we're trying to kind of divert the conversation because it was very uncomfortable for all of us you
Starting point is 00:16:16 talking about how much delving is yeah the finances yeah yeah the binance is is what i'm wondering still photos or still have money in binance or bnb yeah i mean i'm still in crypto not necessarily binance but yeah it's been fun it's like play around there great i think that's the first time amir's ever been saddened by a damn daniel drop i like this i still like it that and sheesh will get me every time and a daddy chill a well-timed daddy chill well-timed daddy joke. Sorry, Johnny. That was not on me, but I will take the fall for that. It was. A hundred percent.
Starting point is 00:17:10 A thousand percent. Doing calculations like that over interesting conversation is all your fault. Totally is. is all right so what game show do you have next for us Jeff it's so hard to tell if he's finding the song or if he's just being obstinately silent. Have you guys played Name That Song? Name That Tune. Name That Tune, yeah. Name That Song, let's call it.
Starting point is 00:17:51 Where basically, you know, you play a segment of a song and then the first person to guess it wins. Sure. Right, so we did have like an issue with like the whole copyright thing in the beginning. And I fear that this will get flagged once again, probably even multiple times now. And that was my exact thought process, Johnny. So I adjusted the game and I adjusted it for that exact reason.
Starting point is 00:18:13 We're going to play Name That Strong. There it is. We're going to play Name That Strong. So I'm going to play a clip of a celebrity strong, somebody with the last name Strong. And you have to tell me which person it is based on the media that I play. Are we all set? Sounds good.
Starting point is 00:18:31 All right, here we go. Just yell it. You don't have to buzz in. This is all for cash, by the way. This is $50 for every right answer, $1,000 owed to me for every wrong answer. I wanted to be an heiress, and I did it. Yay, me!
Starting point is 00:18:44 London. Brenda Strong. Brenda Salt. That was a test. That was a test and you absolutely failed. The correct answer was that's not a strong. That's actually a song. And the game isn't named that song, is it?
Starting point is 00:19:01 I guess not. I was so on top of that. $1,000 to me. you're it's not for you guys gotta stay up on your toes all right i'm trying to make these a little bit more different i'm trying to make it so that you're not expecting what i'm throwing at you that was a test marika failed let that be an example not only to you johnny and to you amir but to the listeners okay ears open eyes wide go through life with the curiosity of a child here we go down to the most luxurious place on earth mara lagal
Starting point is 00:19:31 and we have to say who said that yes and what's celebrity strong their last name is strong that's absolutely correct marika redeems herself she's not quite breaking even because you still owe me 950 dollars here we go uh number three people are dying do you need to hear that one can we have any context because i do really want to guess okay i'll give you more i'll give you more there's no working group coming to the rescue there's nobody else hidden away on some other floor there is just us and we are failing we're spending billions of dollars your hint is that this is not his most recognizable role we are still no closer. Is it Mark Strong? Holy shit. They attack.
Starting point is 00:20:29 You know what? He's British. So rude to do. All right. All right. All right. Very good. Very good.
Starting point is 00:20:36 Yeah. Got him. Got him. He got my ass with that one. He got my ass with that one. I'll give you $950. You earned your money back with that because that was a hard one. Here we go. Right?
Starting point is 00:21:00 Is the artist there a somebody named Strong? Or like, can we just say that's a song? Whereas the other ones are quotes from somebody named Strong. It's a song by a celebrity Strong. Right? I really don't know. I can't keep up with the rules of the game as they constantly change. I think you should give him that's a song.
Starting point is 00:21:23 Yeah, I'll give you that one. But cheap shot, just so you know. That was Barrett Strong. Last one. All right. This one's... I hope. I hope.
Starting point is 00:21:31 Yeah. Last one, I hope. I'm having a great time. I don't know if Lee Daniels had a conversation with Monique about it that I don't know about. I know that Lee and I were partners on this project and we discussed Monique once very briefly. I mean, we both think she's incredibly talented and genius,
Starting point is 00:21:52 but we didn't think she was right for the part. We talked about it. So, like I said, I'm not saying she's not telling the truth. There may have been some conversation I don't know about. Never mind. We don't know. We don't have it. Stop fucking playing this clip.
Starting point is 00:22:08 It's so long. It's not jogging a memory. Johnny and I probably have never even heard of this person. The last one was somebody named Mark Strong. That's not a big deal to us. Also, you should have done Jeremy Strong. Damn it. You gotta be fucking kidding me.
Starting point is 00:22:24 I racked my brains of celebrities strong so much that i did barrett also this last one was danny strong who played he played doyle on gilmore girls and now he's the creator of empire you know what i was i was really banking on a lance armstrong that's good like a biking clip. That's a good one. Or a Ryder Strong. Do you say Ryder Strong, Amir? I almost did Ryder Strong. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:49 Yeah, you almost did, but you didn't. You did Danny Strong, who nobody's heard of. I didn't think anybody fucking know Ryder Strong. Of course I know Ryder Strong. From Boy Meets World? Exactly. Sean Hunter. I actually almost did a whole...
Starting point is 00:23:01 Yeah, you almost did a lot of good Strong. But he did not. And you still did Brenda's song. That was a test. And first. That was a test, Brownlee. All right, let's move on. Yes.
Starting point is 00:23:14 Everything's right in the world. No. That was Name That Strong. This show is sponsored by BetterHelp. You know, if you had an extra hour in your day, a lot of people would spend that very differently than the one sitting next to them. Maybe person A would go for a run, person B would take a nap, and patient zero would read a book. The point is, a lot of us spend our time and our lives wishing we had more hours in the day.
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Starting point is 00:26:33 slash what's that check it out i feel like this is going well so far oh damn it okay usually there's like a song during this part. Like the... Yeah. Absolutely. I'm just saying. and so abruptly i thought that was on purpose yeah same good news everyone that's a good one good news everybody okay i can't you can't tell what's an error and what's Purpose. Yeah, same. Good news, everyone. That's a good one. Good news, everybody. Okay. I can't, you can't tell what's an error and what's meant in earnest.
Starting point is 00:27:33 Was any of that on purpose? I'm fucking floundering, but some of it was on purpose. Some of it was a mistake. This is a segment called editorializing, right? Something I kind of know a lot about. Why? What's that? Why do you know a lot about why what's that why do you know a lot you're not famous for that that's what the context of your voice said like yeah something i know a lot about editorializing you're not known for that known for anything exactly i am known for this because
Starting point is 00:28:00 if sometimes you say something confidently enough people just assume that you're right to have it be that way to do okay so what's the fucking segment man Jesus Christ I was reading the New York Times like I do every morning okay you're getting and rightfully receiving
Starting point is 00:28:20 nothing from us yet I always notice that the opinion section has some of the worst headlines ever. So what I thought I could do is I'm going to read off some headlines from various news sources' opinion section, but I'm also going to toss in some fake ones that I wrote. And I'm going to see if you guys can parse through,
Starting point is 00:28:41 get them right, or get them wrong. Got it? Cool. Johnny? Yeah yeah this seems like a fun segment all right look at that a compliment yeah amir are you ready are you gonna keep checking your email there's nothing important i'm ready yeah i'm ready like you have to fucking prepare yourself for this let's hear it go mmm tastes like America real real
Starting point is 00:29:09 correct that was a an article in the New York Times today about regional summer sweet treats that's the editorial well no that's a real headline I'm just saying that's kind of crazy that's an opinion yes i don't think so redondo iglesias for los angeles do you yeah yeah that's a picture of a ham company he sent us the other day really yep you said new
Starting point is 00:29:40 name alert then you sent us a picture of the ham as if your new name was Redondo Iglesias. All right, here we go. The economy is a hot air balloon headed for the Arctic. Real. I'd say real too. I wrote that one. There's so many headlines that are just like somebody trying to come up with a clever way to say the economy's going south. But it's always going south.
Starting point is 00:30:06 Even when it's good, it's bad. To have. To hold. Something borrowed, aka debt. Something blue. Me, right now. Farts. Alright. Krugman wonks out. The
Starting point is 00:30:23 greenback rules. So what? It was a fucking poem you wrote. Inspired by Jack Kerr. That one's also about jerking off. I'm going to go real. That one is a real headline in the New York Times opinion section. Probably about something real.
Starting point is 00:30:41 I just don't know what it's about, but it sounds silly to have. Yeah. A love letter to Stroopwafels absolutely fake was me a one in a million tarzan tree swing busted knee infection fake yeah yeah sounds like you that's a real no way from the LA Times op-ed section today. Busted knee infection? I didn't read the full article, but I'm pretty sure a kid was in a Tarzan tree swing, busted his knee, and it got infected. And that made headlines for some reason. Why are these in the opinion?
Starting point is 00:31:19 You don't know. All right. Forget tuna and potatoes. You can make anything salad. Fake. True. Real. I wrote that one.
Starting point is 00:31:34 All right. Bullseye. Why Target's next move should be darts. Fake. No way that's real. Amir was right. I wrote that one. Yeah. Obviously. Nobody thinks that Target should make darts. no way that's real Amir was right I wrote that one yeah obviously
Starting point is 00:31:45 nobody thinks that Target should make darts and let alone not their next big move do you remember I think it was actually the first Jeffrey the Dumbass we made a joke about how I thought jeans were darts
Starting point is 00:32:07 so fucking dumb We made a joke about how I thought jeans were darts. The opposite. Darts. I think there's also a joke later in the show where I lost my virginity to a dart. Like, which way? Good stuff. All right. and you're like which way good stuff all right i lost my virginity to a dart that seems like something you would tweet i should tweet it and see if people remember it all right get ready for five dollar gasoline if you live in californ not. For real? Correct. That's a Wall Street Journal op-ed.
Starting point is 00:32:50 Headline. Americans are paying at the pump. Yeah. Yeah. That's just a real headline. There's no twist there. Yeah, for sure who do you guys think is the dorkiest ass at head gum like whose butt is the dorkiest or like look at that dorky ass guy the second one yeah piles the dorkiest guy yeah he's looking to robotics and stuff yeah yeah but he's rich of it yeah you keep thinking or saying that people are rich you don't know
Starting point is 00:33:37 anything he has stock in vimeo and vimeo just got a 10 billion dollar public evaluation valuation sorry johnny yeah it's okay yeah I don't want to speak for someone else's finances but what you said wasn't true also even if it were it doesn't mean you can't be a dork all right
Starting point is 00:33:59 very good you're coming for the jugular today I like the energy but careful because I'm fragile why do you like the energy, but careful, because I'm fragile. Why do you like the energy? What's that? Nothing. I think it's Claire. Is that fair to say? No, it's not fair to say.
Starting point is 00:34:15 She's not even here. Is that fair slaughter to say? I've been trying to get her on the show, but she has a bunch of stuff to do. Today's her last day at HeadGhost, so it's probably not gonna happen really yeah so it's been literally yeah like yeah she's like basically in 17 minutes it's like you timed it at the worst possible time this is a fucking disaster um you crying no it's just laughably bad since the last segment ended like you guys are giving me well you asked us a question and then said no to both of our answers yeah also a mean-spirited
Starting point is 00:34:57 question like yeah we gave you more than you deserved because it was kind of a nasty question i know and then you started speaking about somebody's finances yeah I know and Claire who's leaving HeadGum and whether she's quote dorky I know I fucking get it you made your point plugs or whatever what are you guys working on
Starting point is 00:35:18 already no well if you guys have another idea we burned through our segments because you guys didn't wax at all when you laugh at the thing that you say I don't laugh at what I say I laugh at your reactions
Starting point is 00:35:35 it's three faces because you guys are all experiencing the same thing I'm the only one experiencing something different it's three faces in a traffic light like vertical setup just staring at me like what the fuck is wrong with you all of you guys are like
Starting point is 00:35:54 what did he say nobody thought that that was so forced father chill anybody else put a picture of ashley tisdale in a picture frame and that was my first kiss you say anybody else and that was my first kiss. Johnny, what about you? Weekend plans? Weekend plans? Looking at more apartments again. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:29 It's been a whole whirlwind. Is it looking good? Are you going to move in June or something or July? Yeah, definitely planning on moving in June. But there's always some bullshit, for lack of a better term, coming up. And it's making everything a lot harder. So, whoever's been preying on my downfall it's working it's a great day for the haters that's a really good caption for your moving pick
Starting point is 00:36:56 absolutely um brooklyn what are you looking at greenpoint nah uh manhattan lower east side holy shit that's pretty cool that's where marika wishes she could live sorry marika you were saying uh no i like where i live and keep my name out of your mouth too while you're recording okay hey and we're back Johnny you know where you should try and live on the Lower East Side where at I think it's Broom Street why he just wanted to name I guess
Starting point is 00:37:38 a street that he thought maybe could be on the Lower East Side Ludlow's nice Ludlow coffee supply I've never been there but Ludlow is where the Velvet Underground used to live and there's also a Soho house down there great place to live Johnny you heard it here so because
Starting point is 00:37:55 a band used to live there that's where I should live yeah and also a Soho house John Cale and Lou Reed used to put musical ideas together in a loft on Ludlow you're a loser sorry I just it's been like so long
Starting point is 00:38:21 I have to say it I didn't even think I was saying it it just came out of me like a cough like yeah you're kind of you're a fucking loser man talking about like living next to a soho house and shit you don't know anything
Starting point is 00:38:35 you're a house of cards man a wafer boy upon the slightest inspection nothing you say carries weight yeah your entire personality is not I'm sorry but
Starting point is 00:38:57 you're not I had to say it before the weekend I had to say it before the weekend I needed you to know that before Memorial Day that was your self-induced timeline yeah like I didn't want you to have that day of reflection without knowing that about you holy shit it's all that we're there I feel like a weights like my back doesn't hurt I feel like a weight, like my back doesn't hurt. I feel like I can stand up tall again. I'm proud to be here now. That you know you're not good.
Starting point is 00:39:32 God, thank you. It definitely seems like the lights are back in Amir's eyes. Like he really feels ready to record this. I feel like I'm stretching for the first time ever. He can reach for the stars. Yeah. He's a, he really feels ready to record this. I feel like I'm stretching for the first time ever. He can reach for the stars. Yeah. He's a white little boy. He looks 10 years younger.
Starting point is 00:39:51 I feel like we have to end it here and leave the show and other people next weekend with this energy. Either they're sad of it, like me, or they're on top of the fucking world for what they just heard, like Amir. And that's the day. He's dabbing.
Starting point is 00:40:13 Damn, Daniel. You remember the dip dab? Yeah. Oh, the dip dab. You put a fry in your mouth, ketchup on your arm, and you dip it and dab. eye in your mouth ketchup on your arm and you dip it and dab that was like a big that was like we we were like we need so many followers on our instagram to do it if we get to 10 000 i will do it okay so the worst thing is that you have ketchup on your elbow yeah and there's the double dip dab i remember what that would have been it was it was two elbows two sauces mix a mayo and a ketchup
Starting point is 00:40:55 uh plugs let's get the bts meal at mcdonald's that's what they do yeah it's a double dip dab um that's my plug actually the bts meal um check it out it's pretty much mcnuggets fries and a coke you're crossing a picket line you're crossing a picket line in los angeles mcdonald's workers are on strike for higher wages i'd say it's an interesting sauce that they added your response is it's an interesting sauce to people trying to earn a living wage yeah occasion and some sort of sweet chili that's kind of good explaining the new sauce
Starting point is 00:41:30 spread to the crowd to an inflatable rat I'm loving it is all Johnny Plugs what have you been working on anything how's your game my game your board game oh yeah yeah uh so because it's only three people it's been hard to kind of find time to just work things out together uh but we're still working on it we'll definitely talk more about it
Starting point is 00:41:58 when it's a little bit more ready uh but in terms of plugs follow at Jeffrey James at Instagram there's a nice little video of him singing on there I want to bring a call to action to I can't be shy about it because I posted it but it sucks that you plugged it no I thought it was good thanks man
Starting point is 00:42:23 yeah how's the reaction been to that song that you posted it's sort of wolf in sheep's clothing a lot of you know smiles in the comments and a lot of poison
Starting point is 00:42:33 in my DMs Marika sorry about that no you're not you were part of it you were one of the poisons when this comes out there will have been a new HeadGum newsletter.
Starting point is 00:42:47 So subscribe to that and find it. Follow me on Twitter and Instagram and Letterboxd at MarieKLan. Trying to rack up some followers as per usual. My plug is also MarieK's Twitter. It's very funny. At MarieKLan. And we'll see you guys again next week. Thanks so much for listening to this episode of the HeadGum Podcast.
Starting point is 00:43:08 We'll catch you on the flip. Diesel! Diesel, come over! Dude, Diesel, get over here, man. Diesel, yeah, we're having fries. Diesel? Should we leave now? It's a stray dog. It's a stray dog.
Starting point is 00:43:29 That was a Hiddem Original.

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