The Headgum Podcast - 60: Nitpick British Twits

Episode Date: July 23, 2021

Reilly, Marika, and Amir join Geoff to discuss celebrity ethnicities, British tweets, and Geoff's favorite color!BUY THE HEADGUM PODCAST MERCH!Advertise on The Headgum Podcast via Gumball.fmR...ate The Headgum Podcast 5-stars on Apple Podcasts.Join the Headgum Discord.See for privacy information.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is a HeadGum Original. Previously on the HeadGum Podcast. I think it's going to be Joe Jorgensen by a landslide. By a landslide? What's that? Not in a landslide. A unique disaster to the election. It's going to be Joe Jorgensen falling on a landslide and not getting a single county.
Starting point is 00:00:30 The landslide won Joe Jorg. And I've been counting ballots and I didn't see one for Jorg. It's a song, Marty, called Landslide. Oh, yeah. I never heard of it. Yeah. Союз нерушимый, Слово и свободу Служило на веки Великая война! Major Keeler.
Starting point is 00:01:33 You haven't even started the show. You only need a certain amount of, sorry, one second. You only need a certain amount of tools in your kitchen to make something good. So none of this, like, I need the La Creuset. None of this, I need to go to,
Starting point is 00:01:43 you know, Sur La Table. Make whatade none of this I need to go to you know Sur La Table make what you can with the products that are available to you and the rest will figure itself out the main thing for a dinner party is good conversation which is also my note for all of you on what you can work on
Starting point is 00:01:58 you damn Daniel bang I want a right out of the gate hit me kiddo Marika what hit me kiddo what are you saying
Starting point is 00:02:15 you didn't turn on your camera like there was a grand reveal to start the show but then you turned it on just for us and it was your normal setup nothing was unique or interesting about it you said there would be a costume. I didn't say there was going to be a costume. You said there was going to be a costume and then I didn't tell you you were wrong. So what am I supposed to do with this?
Starting point is 00:02:32 Yeah, what's major? It's the show. Let's fucking move on. Power through. It doesn't matter at this point. Marika's rubbing her eyes like it's already tough. What's wrong? Let's right now state that Jeff is about I'd say a quarter of the way through a cold brew. What are wrong? Let's right now state that Jeff is about, I'd say a quarter of the way through a cold brew.
Starting point is 00:02:47 What are we doing? A 16 ounce? So let's just keep checking back in. Let's keep checking back in on that. That's your second one or you've had two? Daddy chill. Don't drink so much caffeine. So many more sounds
Starting point is 00:03:04 since I've been here oh my god how do you guys do this every week this is maybe my fourth time on the show and how do you oh my how do you get a goddamn word in edgewise what is the point are we just all here to entertain jeff as he like files through different sound keys and we just like oh my god no fucking way word of the week she already got it that's a thousand dollars to riley what was it jeff what was it Jeff file I'm pretty sure I said that
Starting point is 00:03:50 I heard Riley say it first it doesn't always have to be who said it first it doesn't always have to be who said it first it's when I heard it first first is the worst second is the best third is the one with the hairy chest I mean i do have a hairy chest that's fine oh don't jeff just bared his sorry i'm ben moe riley hang on a second you don't have to
Starting point is 00:04:15 are you by my way a thousand dollars yeah he is i'm not gonna send it back it's gonna really put me out this is that's i have fifteen $1,571 in my bank account and I just sent you $1,000. Too much. As we've said before, it's entirely your fault. You've lost tens of thousands of dollars. Oh, my God!
Starting point is 00:04:31 This is my face when I open the Chase banking app next. Oh, shit! Oh, shit! I mean, I loved that. That was pretty good. Jeff, I can't... I can't accept this.
Starting point is 00:04:44 You just said you were going to send it. Please send it back. I'd love it if you sent it back. I'm absolutely going to send you this back because I can't accept word of the week parentheses. Do you want me to say it? Am I allowed to say it? It's Jeff, isn't it? Word of the week is Jeff. Yeah. And
Starting point is 00:04:59 I can't accept you paying me a thousand dollars for saying your name. All right. Is that okay? All right. I'm going to send it back. Keo Sir. Let's talk about it.
Starting point is 00:05:15 Amir, you're kind of a Sir Head. Would you say that, Sir? I'm a Sir Han Sir Head. Nice. Which is the name of a guy who tried to assassinate a president. I think. What are we supposed to be talking about? I said hit me kiddo and Marika still hasn't hit me.
Starting point is 00:05:36 With what? With shit man. What am I supposed to do? What is up dude? What's new in the life and times? I don't know why it always falls on me for this shit because you're the host obviously wow yeah wow you just all you did was vary the way that you said let's wax which we've complained about before all right it is one of those episodes because i've had three auditions in the last 48 hours and i have a staffing submission due in seven hours and i'm only halfway done so to write the
Starting point is 00:06:09 bits all my energy went into this packet half the shit i'm like maybe i should just read off of that because you should just read the packet you should just read the full packet right now we can tell you if it's worth sending or not all right there are some good there are some good games amir you should give notes it's very similar to the head gun podcast the way that this show works that i'm uh so you won't get the job basically yeah let's do it barely have this one let's do it made for it hang on um let's here we go sir han sir han by the way killed rf Still alive in jail. Just founding that out right now. Okay, here we go.
Starting point is 00:06:48 This is, uh, welcome to... Welcome to Guess That Race! Welcome to Guess That Race. This is where you three have to guess ethically ambiguous people's race. We have KJ Apa on the screen right now. Who is this guy? This looks like Chris and Bill's hot nephew.
Starting point is 00:07:13 He's Archie Andrews from Riverdale. Let's see. I see. Is that his real hair color? That's dyed, but again, it's not really, we're not looking hair color so much as we are ethnicity. KJ Apa, A-P-A. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:25 A-P-A. Appa. Appa. Somebody guessed already, right? It's like Appa Tao, but there's no Tao. Nobody guessed. Nobody guessed. He's from New Zealand.
Starting point is 00:07:33 Maybe. Oh, yeah. He kind of looks like Steven Adams, a New Zealand basketball player. His dad or someone in his family is a high member of a tribe. I did see, Jeff, when you went to, I saw a little blurb about it. So I'm just going to go ahead and say Samoan, part Samoan. Yes. That's correct.
Starting point is 00:07:54 Yes, and that is because you did share the answer on the screen. So it wasn't so much as me guessing. I thought you were going to look up Rosacea. Rosaria Dawson. Rosaria Dawson. Rosaria Dawson. Rosaria Dawson. Let's hear what you guys think her ethnic background is. Is she dating Eric Andre?
Starting point is 00:08:11 Awful game, by the way. Or did she date Eric Andre? According to the bit that I, oh, she is, yeah. Currently? They broke up, but they dated. They broke up? The thing that I forgot to mention is that for every person's race
Starting point is 00:08:25 that you guess, HeadGum will hire another ethnically ambiguous, multi-ethnic person. Oh my God. They'll commit to that. We cannot commit to that, obviously.
Starting point is 00:08:34 Are you kidding me? Hiring based on race slash ethnicity is illegal. You don't want to have a marketing director that's sort of mixed race? I thought you were an ally. I'll guess for Rosario
Starting point is 00:08:45 Dawson she's Afro Latina really did you just google it that's not fair no no alright this is not going how I wanted it to you guys aren't like smiling how did you expect it to go in your ideal like what did you want this
Starting point is 00:09:02 did you know she's dating Cory Booker yes I did know that that's wild cory booker yes i didn't know that really that's wild that's what a jump to go from eric she's afro-cuban there you go who else is kind of bi you so you haven't even figured it out yet. Zayn Malik. One Direction fame. He's a daddy for sure, literally. Is he like Greek slash Middle Eastern or something like that? No.
Starting point is 00:09:42 But if he's like German and Lebanese, you have to count that. It's not. Fuck. He's not. Fuck. He's just from Oklahoma, actually. He's a Midwesterner. Correct! Well, he's not. No, he's half Pakistani.
Starting point is 00:09:53 Why are we playing this? Is this how the episodes go? Is it just a lot of silence and then Jeff introducing? Yeah, I mean, it's either the game or it's utter silence and you guys have to fill the void. So I don't know.
Starting point is 00:10:11 I mean, make your choice. I don't know what else to say. Maybe a game, but not that specific. I will say, and I'm going to throw Jeff a bone in this moment. I have a game prepared that Jeff forced me to prepare and has not brought it up in two weeks and i'm willing
Starting point is 00:10:29 holy shit to do that now uh i wasn't gonna bring it up till 20 minutes in but yeah if you want to derail the whole fucking show go for it yeah well you never told me that you were so how am i supposed to know you're acting like you're mad that we're not talking and playing the games that you had you didn't prepare anything anything other than guess this person's race is gonna be a good game I think so it could be it could be duck duck fucking
Starting point is 00:10:55 I'm down to wait I'm down to wait another seven minutes let's wait another seven minutes because that's the worst choice. What you say? Oh my God. I'm playing a game. Not for another eight minutes. We have eight minutes to fill, right?
Starting point is 00:11:25 Seven. What's that? You fill, right? Seven. What's that? You just said seven. How you guys had a happy hour yesterday. Correct. In LA that I wasn't invited to, obviously. How was it? It was insane.
Starting point is 00:11:38 It was crazy. Me, Riley. It was a movie. It was 110. Angie, Sam, Jeff. It was a movie. It was 110. Angie, Sam, Dane, Marty. The sun, it was golden hour. Guys, remember Cowboy Boots guy? Cowboy Boots.
Starting point is 00:11:56 Oh my God. Oh my God. We will never forget that. I can't explain it. This is good to hear for me. Oh my God. Have you guys seen Project X? The best party ever.
Starting point is 00:12:19 Jeff screamed at Katie and we had to sort of separate them. Well, I didn't. It wasn't a scream. It was more like, let's get to know each other. And then she didn't it wasn't a scream it was more like let's get to know each other and then she didn't hear that and so I got mad and so I yelled so exactly how this show goes everywhere yeah
Starting point is 00:12:32 Jeff turned it into his own personal podcast of sorts Jake did read Jeff's palm and it was devastating because not only was it like bad for Jeff because he has a short lifeline. He has a wistful lifeline that Jake taught us is like the life. It's you basically wondering what if your whole life. I do that currently.
Starting point is 00:12:57 My entire life. And what made it worse is that Jake and Jeff were sitting at the head of the table. What made it worse is that Jake and Jeff were sitting at the head of the table. So everyone was watching Jeff's life just fall apart as Jake discovered more and more things about about his palm. So, Jeff, have you been thinking more about that? What are you getting at? That you will never be satisfied with whatever you do. That there's always going to be something running alongside you that's like, man, if only. Yeah, how does that make you feel?
Starting point is 00:13:36 If you want a real answer, you might need to come back to me. I need to think about it. Ooh, what you say? What you say? What you say? How are we doing on the seven minute mark? Yeah. In regards to the new game to start or end. I'm thinking closer, I think.
Starting point is 00:14:01 Probably. I just fear that Jeff's lost his thought. Jeff's living in the wistful lifeline yeah Jeff sent me a text at 3.30 in the morning and then also at like 9 so like he's probably really not well rested you're tired
Starting point is 00:14:15 can we get a coffee check? cold brew update we're almost at the halfway point so it's watery cold brew I think there's something about my personality that is um eternally what if because i always want i was like i always want to make sure that it's the best choice yeah but that's a lot of people that's not just me because of my fucking hand skin well i don't know it's not everyone yeah it's like there's a reason why j Jake was like so shocked by your hand skin basically yeah
Starting point is 00:14:50 where did you find these did you think of them and then search them yeah or were you just on a list of sounds some of them I searched for but that's going to be later. I didn't prepare anything for this episode except for one thing towards the end that I came up with as soon as I sent the link to the Zoom. How are we doing on time for the game?
Starting point is 00:15:17 Four more minutes of this, which is pretty good. Oh, twist. You keep adding time, Jeff. Got it. What else? What if? Nice. What's your greatest sliding doors moment
Starting point is 00:15:34 with regards to life slash employing ship slash personal interrelationship? Sorry, that's actually an error. We can't talk about that. We played for five minutes. We guessed people's races. And I just said, what's your greatest what if? And you're giving me the error.
Starting point is 00:15:58 That one. I'm so sorry. Because that could have been cool. Maybe next week. You make the rules of the show. You're absolutely happy.'re absolutely Riley what's forget what he just said because that was um don't ask me the same question don't ask
Starting point is 00:16:12 me the same no what's your biggest eat pray love moment where you did something just for you a moment where for lack of a better term like you're eating alone at like a fancy restaurant treating yourself or like you're reading a book having a main character moment on a hike
Starting point is 00:16:29 reading a book on a hike laughing laughing I don't know so dangerous I was actually flipping through eat pray love while on Runyon and so it was
Starting point is 00:16:43 I was on Angel's Landing sort of skim reading a novella. A what? A novella. Sometimes around 3pm I like to walk down the street to the cafe by my house. And what's that cafe? Pick up a cappuccino. I'm not going to tell you what it is.
Starting point is 00:17:01 But I like to pick up a cappuccino and a little treat. Maybe it'll be a ginger molasses soft cookie and it's very nice. So that'll make me feel like, you know what? You can do it. All right. And so that'll be like, oh, this girl is on fire. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:18 It'll be like what? This girl is on fire. That's good. Do you want one more time for safety? Yeah. Let's just get it wild because I'm only going to use one of these three, but just to have the options would be good. This girl is on fire that's good do you want one more time for safety yeah let's just get it wild because i'm only going to use one of these three but just to have the options would be good this girl is on fire okay maybe i'll vocal stop them can you do the lower octave like as bassy as you can go this girl is on fire and the middle one
Starting point is 00:17:38 this girl is on fire no no the one that you just the original one is on fire and then there's one falsetto at the end this girl is on fire not And then there's one falsetto at the end. This girl is on fire. Not harmonized, just octaves. I don't want it to sound like that. She's doing everything that you want. Don't give her fucking notes. That's more than enough to sound great. Okay, here we go, here we go, here we go, here we go.
Starting point is 00:17:59 One time, not the, this girl is on fire. Why are you mad at me? No, that was perfect. I thought you were going to do them all in a row. I don't know why I thought that this girl is a failure. Why are you mad at me? No, that was perfect. I thought you were going to do them all in a row. I don't know why I thought that. That was easy. Oh, my God. All right, I have a mini segment.
Starting point is 00:18:12 I have a mini segment before Marika's game, because hers is honestly going to be the main event at this point of this episode. It shouldn't. I was not prepared for that. I need a volunteer to go toe-to-toe with me. And to make you feel any better, I'm going to do exactly what I'm going to make you do.
Starting point is 00:18:27 On what? What do you mean on what? Don't just say on what. I want to know what we're going toe-to-toe on before I challenge you. That's the one thing you can't know. Amir should do it. Amir looks like he's being in a photo studio
Starting point is 00:18:38 for like family portraits. He's wearing like a cotton polo in front of like a photo backdrop. He's in like a cotton polo in front of like a photo backdrop. He's in a mall kiosk. Yeah. Because he's trying to kill 20 minutes before a
Starting point is 00:18:54 matinee screening of Eat, Pray, Love. He just got a glitter gel flip phone case. I have a sidekick and a Motorola crazer. Enough, Amir. The bits have to stop at a certain point.
Starting point is 00:19:06 We move on in the episode. Fucking milking it for everything that it's goddamn worth. Jeff, Amir is going to go toe-to-toe. It's unbelievable. It's like move on through the flow of the episode. You're a comedian. You're supposed to know timing. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:21 Your joke was floundering. I saved it and you want you're mad at me for it are you ready to go toe to toe sure one by one we're gonna name things the closest establishments to our houses
Starting point is 00:19:38 this one we're not gonna bleep I'll go first coffee shop that's like two steps This one we're not going to bleep. I'll go first. Coffee shop. That's like two steps from my house. This is insane. Amir? Amir, don't play this game.
Starting point is 00:19:57 I mean, it's not next to my house, but there's a Phil's Coffee in Santa Monica that I really like. It's on like 5th. And I want to say Arizona. Breakfast and drunch. Other two steps away. Amir, your turn again.
Starting point is 00:20:21 What's the end goal of this? Because you're just going further away from your house at least yeah yeah we've plateaued we're already you started with the best part it's getting worse so close if i start with that it should have ended with that closer well right that's a i didn't mean to do that but i guess I have to come up with one. The Western thing and the major keyler are the same color on my soundboard of buttons. I pressed the wrong one. I got to come up with a major keyler out my fucking ass. Here we go.
Starting point is 00:20:55 If you're looking to get that ass in shape, get on a bike and bike the Cape. Meaning bike around Cape Cod. Provincetown, yeah yeah that wasn't the confusing part i'm here there's an in and out in westwood that i used to frequent a lot in high school i think it's on like leconte and gailey but again i don't live anywhere near these places i don't want people knowing where i live honestly fuck it my address is Los Angeles California you don't have to fucking say it oh my god
Starting point is 00:21:27 obviously don't want people to just see you join you attack you know where you live you also have roommates so you owe it to them to bleep that out I don't owe them anything you want to know why because I pay rent like anyone else in this house so you owe them rent
Starting point is 00:21:42 really yeah can we do Marika's game I pay rent like anyone else in this house. So you owe them rent. Really? Yeah. Can we do Marika's game? Brownlee bought a game to the show. Marika Brownlee brought a game for your ass. Marika Brownlee brought a game for your ass. Marika Brownlee brought a game that we're about to fucking play. Brownlee brought a game segment.
Starting point is 00:22:19 And Marika Brownlee's house is fair. What did you say about my house? It was there. Ferris, cut that out. Just let the music play. What's your game? All right. I mean, to preface this,
Starting point is 00:22:35 Jeff, about three weeks ago, said, can I give you an assignment for the next HeadGumPod you guest on? And I said, okay. And he said, I have a segment title and I want you to based off the title flesh it out into a segment it's called nitpick
Starting point is 00:22:52 Brits no it's nitpick British twits that was the alt after I said LMFAO you said nitpick British twits so after that's it
Starting point is 00:23:10 after long deliberation I've come up with a pretty Jeff inspired game a real this or that and it's nitpick British, nitpick Brit twits,
Starting point is 00:23:29 a grant edition. I'm going to read. Very nice. No, why couldn't it be Nick edition or some, some kind of slant rhyme with twit. I'm nitpick British twins Grant edition. The mirror's gone.
Starting point is 00:24:02 Oh, sorry. We have fun. It's fun to be here. You just left. I went to, sorry. We have fun. It's fun to be here. You just left. I went to see if there was another. Everything about Amira's mode today. At least he didn't come back with a protein shake. Granted it. Yeah, so I'm going to read tweets that are either from Hugh Grant's Twitter account or
Starting point is 00:24:26 Richard E. Grant's Twitter account. Fantastic. Who's Richard E. Grant? Wow. Really? With that shit? It's not a household name. Are you fucking kidding? You really don't know who that is?
Starting point is 00:24:41 That's ages to shit. That's ages to shit. Half of us don't know who it is that's that's half of us don't know who he is 50% I know Hugh Grant that's ages as shit I don't like old people he's incredibly young he's two uh
Starting point is 00:24:58 Richard E. Grant who is he goes to preschool I should have looked it up. He goes to preschool. I should have looked it up and acted like I knew it the whole time. I can't share my screen. I'd share photos. Most recently on the Loki series of Can You Ever Forgive Me? He was in Star Wars Rise of Skywalker.
Starting point is 00:25:22 He was in Girls. Richard E. Grant barely survived childhood. Now he's thriving as an actor. And that's from New Hampshire Public Radio. He kind of looks like... This is like what Jake will look like in 40 years. I think it is what Marty will look like in 40 years. Here's this game.
Starting point is 00:25:45 I would also like to preface that it's bad and that I think it is what Marty will look like. I, I, here's this game. I would also like to preface that it's bad and that I think it's going to be very easy, but considering you don't know who Richard E. Grant is, maybe not.
Starting point is 00:25:53 Uh, so, uh, the first tweet is early evening musing about the sheer therapeutic
Starting point is 00:26:04 delight of mowing the grass and clearing leaves. And there's a video attached. I think it's Hugh. I think it's Richard. Ooh, tie-breaking vote for me. Give me Hugh. Give me Hugh.
Starting point is 00:26:21 Correct answer is Richard. Woo-hoo! We actually got that wrong. Fuck yeah! Give us the buzzer. Well, we all guessed it once, and then Rika doesn't have control of the soundboard. It's unfortunate that I don't have control of the soundboard,
Starting point is 00:26:36 so I can't do the annoying, like, it's wrong, and then it's right, and then you don't know whose is what. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay. Next one is... How is this... Question.
Starting point is 00:26:50 How is this nitpicking British twits at all? We're not nitpicking anything. It's a this or that. Yeah, I know. I said it was a very you game. You didn't tell me I had to make the game
Starting point is 00:27:00 exactly what the title was that you gave me. That doesn't make any sense. Also, Jeff, you didn't bring anything for today. So you, me that doesn't make any sense. Also, Jeff, you didn't bring anything for today. So you, other than guess this person's race. This is how we all feel like when you talk. And it's good that we get to waterboard you
Starting point is 00:27:15 with this dumbness. I scrolled to 2017 and Hugh Grant's Twitter because it's mostly political and I had to find relatively funny tweets. Alright, alright. So how dare you? Very good, very good. I nitpicked.
Starting point is 00:27:37 Sorry, we'll be right back. Put an ad sting right there. This show is sponsored by better help you know if you had an extra hour in your day a lot of people would spend that very differently than the one sitting next to them maybe person a would go for a run, person B would take a nap, and patient zero would read a book. The point is, a lot of us spend our time and our lives wishing we had more hours in the day. And the question is, what is that time for? And if time was unlimited, how would you use it? The best way to squeeze that special thing into your schedule is to know what's important to you and make it a priority thus. Therapy can help you find what matters to you so you can do more of it.
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Starting point is 00:29:24 Again, that's BetterHelp, slash what's that. Thanks, BetterHelp. Guys, taking care of your health isn't always easy, right? But it should be simple. That's why for the last three years, I've been taking AG1, just one scoop and a cup of water mixed around every day, no exceptions. And it helps me feel, you know, energized, focused, ready to take on the day. Like I'm doing one powerfully healthy habit that's also powerfully simple. I know that AG1 gives my body high quality nutrition because every batch goes through a rigorous testing process so that you know it's safe. And their ingredients are sourced for potency, absorption, and nutrient density, all of which is very important
Starting point is 00:30:05 and you don't always get with other leading nutrition brands. I like to drink it first thing in the morning. I'll have a glass of water, I'll have my AG1, and then I'll have my coffee. And it gets me set off to take on the day and to be centered
Starting point is 00:30:21 and to feel like I did at least one good thing for my health. And if you do that every day, it has compounding effects. If there's one product I had to recommend to elevate your health, it's AG1. That's why we partnered with them for so long. So if you want to take ownership of your health, start with AG1. Try AG1 and get a free one-year supply of vitamin D3K2 and five free AG1 travel packs with your first purchase
Starting point is 00:30:44 exclusively at slash what's that? vitamin D3K2, and five free AG1 travel packs with your first purchase exclusively at slash what's that? Again, that's slash what's that? Check it out. And we're back. Oh, boy. All right, next tweet. iPod cello taped onto old Dobbin jogging into the
Starting point is 00:31:05 sorry what was that an iPod to his calf Dobbin jogging into the day sprinting into the ocean let's go
Starting point is 00:31:27 let's hear that again iPod sellotaped onto old Dobbin jogging into the day Hugh I'm gonna go Hugh Amir guess Amir said Hugh oh he did
Starting point is 00:31:44 it's Richard wow I don't want to just breathe I don't want to breathe how mad that was right there when he told me to guess like that
Starting point is 00:32:00 that wasn't okay moments after he shated the game itself, it was bad that you didn't play. He screamed it. That's what he did to Katie yesterday. It was so noticeably awkward. Everyone, it tainted the rest of the day. It just sucked because I didn't get to
Starting point is 00:32:18 redeem myself after that. Everybody suddenly had to leave because of things that they had for sure prior planned right then to leave. Yeah. I definitely wasn't avoiding you. Alright, next tweet. suddenly had to leave because of things that they had for sure prior planned right then to leave. Yeah. Yes. I definitely wasn't avoiding you. Alright, next tweet. Question. Mr. Fox and his family
Starting point is 00:32:32 have taken up residence in my London garden. We like them but we need them to move on as they might eat a child. Is there any service that gently removes them to the countryside? Okay, this is Hugh for sure. Give me Hugh.
Starting point is 00:32:50 Give me Richard. It's Hugh. Yes. I love Richard. You're drunk. This was an Irish coffee slash goodbye. Oh, it's gone. It's gone.
Starting point is 00:33:08 You have another one? And he's gone. He's gone. Can't tell if I should continue or not. He's back. There we go. And he's back and he's mad. It was two seconds.
Starting point is 00:33:25 Is that? Sorry, Jeff, did you make that sound? Is that all of you saying she? No, that's the original. It does sound like Jeff. It sounds like Jeff and Marty. Next tweet. Okay. Teeth length. teeth length what were those first two words teeth length
Starting point is 00:33:56 it's gotta be Hugh he's famous for having notoriously long thin teeth let's hear it again. Teeth lengthening like an old nag, unable to disguise the sheer pleasure of being beside the seaside again. I think it's Richard.
Starting point is 00:34:16 Jesus, these all sound like a... What's an old nag? They sound like they're gonna kill themselves. Old isn't capitalizedized but nag is capitalized the fuck are you talking about i cellophane an ipod to my face off to run into the wind can you read it one more time please teeth lengthening like an old nag unable to disguise the sheer pleasure of being beside the seaside again
Starting point is 00:34:47 there he is this one's a two parter I'm following him on twitter the first one is a quote tweet of a tweet that is uh one side is an article it's like from a fan and the next side is a photo of a rat smoking um and then the quote tweet is the quote tweet is am i the rat uh and then the follow-up to this is that also on the tweet that was quote tweeted the rat photo
Starting point is 00:35:27 he replies asking again am I the rat give me Hugh show me Richard this is actually a trick question this is Matthew Reese also a great twitter account This was actually a trick question. This was Matthew Reese. Also a great Twitter account.
Starting point is 00:35:50 I meant to do that one. Ferris Cup brought those first two. I love it. I love a trick question. Not really trick, though, because it was just not even in the bounds of the game. 100% out of left field. How does it feel? Is it Matthew Reese Welsh?
Starting point is 00:36:03 I love it. I think it's hilarious. It's new Welsh. Welsh people are British. Right? Yeah. British is the UK, right? Might as Welsh be.
Starting point is 00:36:15 Wales. Nice. And finally, take it off speakerphone, period. At everyone. Like, at everyone. Like, it's a tag on Twitter Hugh
Starting point is 00:36:28 Hugh I mean that's vintage he's mad at me no i thought that was great i'd love that was um very choice tweets that you chose can i hear the can i hear the fucking dobbin one. All of these also have videos attached to them pretty much. And it's, okay. iPods cello taped onto old Dobbin jogging into the day. That's nothing. Oh, no.
Starting point is 00:37:22 Don't wear a fedora. Don't be in the countryside on a jog so is he Dobbin yeah what the fuck are you saying I'm assuming it's like you know how people say noggin I'm assuming it's head right onto the old Dobbin
Starting point is 00:37:37 like another word for head cellotaped to his head old Dobbin let's look this up so funny jogging into the day is one of the funniest phrases i've ever heard such whimsy for such a normal thing i also so i i was trying to choose i almost did anthony hopkins twitter which is also very good twitter but he has a lot of videos that are like that's the joke there was one that made
Starting point is 00:38:08 me laugh that was a video of him playing piano and the tweet was just Sunday scent is amber noir and then the sunglasses emoji but I eventually went with Richard instead. I think I really do have to head out. Are you kidding me? welcome to Sobe Life Water or Moby's Wife's Daughter
Starting point is 00:39:05 yeah I think I really do have to head out are you kidding me this has been an awesome episode we're not even 40 minutes in half of this is unusable the whole fucking British twit thing that's not gonna be in the final cut yeah
Starting point is 00:39:21 I knew that also Jeff what did you what did you think that game was going to be I thought it was gonna be I mean tweet based for sure but I thought it was gonna be like nitpicking and punching up British tweets right and British tweet
Starting point is 00:39:38 twats sorry okay um it's not really a game you guys ever played Sobe Lifewater or Moby's Wife's Daughter no so had a birthday party once no way yeah holy shit dare i say did you win i came second but i feel like i have enough experience now to uh jog into the day confidently yeah, for those who don't know, Sobe Life Water began in 1995 when their founders dreamt up a flavorful concoction
Starting point is 00:40:09 inspired by the sun-drenched beaches and laid-back vibes of South Beach, Florida. Their first drink, Sobe Black Tea 3G, was an unheard-of blend of ginseng, guava, herbal ingredients. Today, we offer a diverse range of Sobe Elixir and tea products that are defined by exotic flavor combinations. Who cares? Who cares? Shut up. You don't offer it. They still make them.
Starting point is 00:40:29 There's no way. No way. It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. You shouldn't have both. You shouldn't have both. Silence you. Make it so you aren't
Starting point is 00:40:44 anymore starting now. and wickedly tasty. Their beverages are refreshing and delight the taste buds and senses with an insane rush of flavor. So basically, that's some facts about Sobe Lifewater. And then Moby's wife's daughter hasn't happened yet. So I'm gonna
Starting point is 00:40:59 list off something from Sobe Lifewater or the name potentially of Moby's wife's daughter. And so what's the game? The game is you guys say whether that's good to have or not to be. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:19 Sobe Elixir. It's Friday afternoon. You're making us My house is so warm because I can't have my AC on. So be elixir tsunami. Let's have this interesting conversation. Take a leap and tickle the tongue
Starting point is 00:41:34 with this delicious blend of strawberry daiquiri flavors. Guess what Moby's daughter will be. That one's Sobe. Why can't Marika have AC? Because of the recording. So I'm trapped in a heat box until this is over. That's horrible. Why can't Marika have AC? Because of the recording. Hannah. So I'm trapped in a heat box until this is over. That's horrible.
Starting point is 00:41:49 It's not that bad. I don't have a normal name. I said Hannah. I don't know if Amir Tarr. Moby's wife. Correct. Sobe Elixir, Morning Patrol. Sobe.
Starting point is 00:42:01 That's actually Moby's wife's name. Riley, that's absolutely correct. So it would be Sobe Elixir, Morning Patrol, Moby's wife's daughter. Riley, that's absolutely correct. So it would be Sobe Elixir Morning Patrol Moby. Dick Moby. Nice. Yeah, his last name isn't Moby. Morning Patrol. I used to drink the Sobe Strawberry Daiquiris a lot. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:15 I feel like that's really old. I already mentioned that. That was the tsunami, but you were talking over me. Yeah, I'm just saying that I thought they were good. I thought that was good. You're a bad guy. Imagine to say that at a party. You're a black hole. No, I said that once,
Starting point is 00:42:44 but you were actually talking over me, so that's why you didn't hear it. It's such a breach of social contract. This entire show defies decorum. Sobe Elixir Liz Bliz Moby. That's a Sobe drink. That one's a Sobe drink. I mean, it's kind of a gimme, but Sobe Elixir South Beach Sunset.
Starting point is 00:43:07 Enter a state of liquid bliss with a tasty blend of mango melon flavors. Some of them are like the log line to the drink, too. That one was Moby's wife's daughter. You can't set up the game doing it correctly once and then switching. Sobe Tea Green Tea. Sobe Tea Green Tea. Exactly. Moby or not Moby? Moby's wife's daughter. What's a Sobe tea, green tea. Sobe tea, green tea. Exactly. Moby or not Moby? Moby's wife's daughter.
Starting point is 00:43:29 What's a Sobe tea? That's absolutely correct. Like Lucy. Like Lucy or Lucy? Lucille, but they would call her Lucy. Like Lucy. Here, you have a beautiful baby. What are you going to call her?
Starting point is 00:43:47 Like Lucy? Oh, it's a beautiful name. Lucy Moby. I don't think so. Like Lucy. Her first name's Like, but she might go by her middle name. I'll let them decide. Amir, get off your phone.
Starting point is 00:44:01 I don't want to be here anymore. I don't want to be here anymore That a sound effect or is someone like hammering something into your wall Thank you. Welcome to Trivial Jeff Suit. Obviously, it's too late in the fucking episode to start a game. No, let's hear him out. Let's hear him out. Minute 45 and we're going into a fucking full on... The past two things I came up with on the spot. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:05 So, that doesn't reverse time. That's not how it works. Because you wasted 41 minutes, now we have to just sit here for another half hour. I think you're gonna like this segment because it might get you out of here fast depending on how you play. Faster than not having it?
Starting point is 00:45:21 This is Trivial Jeff Suit. This is a Saw movie. Actually, it's Trivial per Jeff.. Actually, it's trivial per Jeff. Yeah. Okay. Trivial per Jeff. Things that are trivial according to Jeff.
Starting point is 00:45:30 That's actually not the segment and you're not that guy, pal. Trust me, you're not that guy. You're not that guy to come up with the segments. That's Marika. Asshole. This is trivial per Jeff.
Starting point is 00:45:43 I'm going to ask you trivia questions about my life and the first one you get right or wrong you're kicked out of the zoom holy shit whether you get it right or wrong yeah that was like well i was gonna say the first one you get wrong but i know that you guys want to get out of here fast as possible. So if I sense that you're answering incorrectly, even though you know the answer, you're staying. And if you get it right by accident, you're gone. Just go. What is the color of my eyes?
Starting point is 00:46:27 Brown. Brown. Brown. Correct. So you're still in. What is the color of my hair? Brown. Correct.
Starting point is 00:46:40 You're sticking around. The first time you played that noise. We've done so much trivia, including this game. That was answer two. What is the color of my favorite shirt, maybe? Like a cream. Correct. You're sticking around.
Starting point is 00:47:01 What is my favorite flower to have? Fun flower. Correct. You're sticking around. Roses. Roses. You're sticking around because that's wrong and you did it on purpose. What is the color of my favorite pants?
Starting point is 00:47:23 Green. All these questions. I think they're agreed. This isn't true. This is just, what are the color of Jeff's favorite pants? What is the color of my house?
Starting point is 00:47:45 Red. And now it's a genuine guess. And if I get it wrong, you have to kick me out of the Zoom. Nah, nah, nah, nah. You have it kicked out. Nah, nah, nah, nah. Oh my God. Hey, hey, hey. Oh, mirror sucks.
Starting point is 00:48:04 Oh, he's gone what is the color of my first tattoo black black but you don't have it yet that's absolutely correct yeah you guys are sticking with us what is
Starting point is 00:48:19 the color of the airplane in which I last flew. It's got to be white. That's absolutely correct. Mariko, what did you say? I said blue. Game over.
Starting point is 00:48:35 Na, na, na, na. Na, na, na, na. Hey, hey, hey. Oh, my God. Brownlee sucks welcome back to another episode of Review Review I'm your host Riley A. S. Fudge and I'm Jeffrey James thanks so much for joining us what is the color Riley
Starting point is 00:48:54 of the podcast art of this show that we just transitioned into it is like cream and red that's absolutely correct you're sticking around Riley what is the color what is the color? It never ends. This is limbo. What is the color of your car? My car is white.
Starting point is 00:49:08 And that's still trivial per Jeff because you're a friend of mine. So you're in my life in the car I've seen. It's white. It's white. That's absolutely correct. You're sticking around. Riley, what is the color? This is how I kill myself.
Starting point is 00:49:20 Of my car. Your car is like a slate gray. That's incorrect. It's a silver. Oh, come on. Game over. Nah, nah, nah, nah. Nah, nah, nah, nah.
Starting point is 00:49:36 Hey, hey, hey. Riley sucks. Guys, thank you so much for listening to this episode of the HeadGum Podcast. You can catch Riley on Instagram, at Riley Anspa, on Twitter, at Riley Coyote. You can follow Marika, at Marika Alana Cross Platforms, and you can follow Amir Blumenfeld, at Amir on Instagram, at
Starting point is 00:49:56 Blumenfeld on Twitter. And you can follow me, at Jeff Boyardee on Twitter, newly verified, which is fine to have, and I'm not happy. Like, I thought it would bring me utter happiness and joy and it didn't. And on Twitter, newly verified, which is fine to have. And I'm not happy. Like I thought it would bring me out her happiness and joy. And it didn't. And, uh,
Starting point is 00:50:07 on Instagram at Jeffrey James, catch the show every week. Next Friday. We'll see you guys again on next Friday. Uh, shout out Zona Gale. Shout out Frankie Yale. Shout out Rachel frame.
Starting point is 00:50:18 Uh, and the rest of the gang. Oh, that's Dawaz, folks. That was a Hiddem Original.

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