The Headgum Podcast - 71: Second Video Episode

Episode Date: October 8, 2021

Amir, Marika, and Grayson join Geoff for the second VIDEO episode of the podcast and to discuss Celsius, James Bond, and the Jewish liturgy! Video podcast live at 8AM ET on the Headgum YouTub...e. Come to The Headgum Podcast Live in NYC on October 22 or the High & Mighty Power Hour featuring Doughboys and more! Tickets at Advertise on The Headgum Podcast via Rate The Headgum Podcast 5-stars on Apple Podcasts. Join the Headgum Discord.See for privacy information.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is a HeadGum Original. Previously on the HeadGum Podcast. Amir, what sports did you do in high school? Very little. I wasn't allowed to play sports, like on my school team, because everyone was better than me, obviously. I was 5'7 and 98 pounds and couldn't run very fast or jump very high. I couldn't move fluidly, and I was very breakable, fragile as a person. I played what was called summer league basketball, trying to make the team as a freshman, junior varsity. This is a private Jewish school, so set the bar low.
Starting point is 00:00:42 Isn't it Dairy Academy? I'm not done yet. I'm not done yet. So don't fucking talk to me yet. I think there's a lot of reasons you didn't make the team. You at the trail. Give me another shot, coach. Attitude problem.
Starting point is 00:00:59 I just have to cue it up. I'm not used to this. Here we go. Yeah. That was easy. Welcome to another edition of the HeadGum Podcast. Monday, October 4th. This episode will be up in four days. With us as always, Grayson Wise, Marika Brownlee on the sex, and Amir Blumenfeld on the facts. Actually, it's Amir Wise.
Starting point is 00:01:55 Really bad name, yeah. Wise. Wisdom is kind of the best thing you can have. And if it's literally in your name name that's the best you can be i think that was a major key alert call me grayson wisdom is the best thing you can have so ultimately good if it's in your bath last right yes right and then call me grayson great thank you uneditable so that'll be on a delay forever
Starting point is 00:02:36 uh i'll find a way to make that edible because for some reason i didn't chime in when I should have. Yeah. For some reason. I couldn't make it happen. I couldn't make it so. I couldn't make it thus. Is it stage fright? Last week you guys told me to kind of take it easy, get more rest,
Starting point is 00:02:59 and I have not done that. I'm so sleep deprived. Why? What's that why uh just i had a couple birthdays this weekend had a couple late nights had a couple stage frights i did uh an open mic where they kind of hoisted me onto what I thought was a throne, but ended up being kind of a, yeah. Gester's toilet.
Starting point is 00:03:31 How's your foray into standup going? It's actually a lot of fun and I'm not super good at it yet, but hopefully someday. This is so fucked up the video aspect of this makes me so self-conscious these days because we can't edit out the pauses we can't have any missteps and i'm i am cracking under the pressure i don't know what else to do i prepared a couple segments today and i think they're gonna be really good but until then how do we wax in a way that's listenable and now watchable jeff i think we can cut more than you think we can cut in the video yeah grayson is the one who's doing the editing right yeah we should yeah if you
Starting point is 00:04:19 if you make a mistake we can get rid of it okay all right but what if the mistakes are the funniest part of the show like we but what if the mistakes are the funniest part of the show like we should probably keep it in yeah the show's mostly mistakes yeah well well what i don't know i don't think is right i don't like i thought you guys would bring something in the table in terms of like something that happened to you this weekend this is monday at noon pacific Sorry, one second. Yep. That's probably the worst
Starting point is 00:04:54 sound, right? It's got to be the worst sound effect. The sound of something interrupting you that you control it sucks do you have the sound of a truck idling
Starting point is 00:05:12 and backing up in the distance no now we're gonna see him searching for it again take another four minutes it's gonna be editing it live wow it again. It's gonna take another four minutes. It's gonna be editing it live. Wow.
Starting point is 00:05:32 That wasn't long enough. The bad thing is this is just the sound effects that I get from my own neighborhood that Jeff is willingly putting into the show. Right. This is just like an ac unit it's 10 hours of a diesel truck idling yeah um grayson you had covid the last time we talked to you now you look kind of healthy thank you i feel kind of healthy what have you since COVID? Have you had a new lease on life? Yeah. I mean, I still have one symptom. I still can't smell anything.
Starting point is 00:06:11 Really? Wow. Did you ever lose your smell? I lost smell and taste, but they came back after like a week. Okay. So hopefully soon then. It is really weird. And i read something on the internet that says like as your no what it's not nose buds what's the word for the equivalent of that in your earbuds yeah taste buds in your nose you're like your sense of whatever yeah as those come back you just like start to smell really bad smells all the time, apparently. Really? Interesting. Looking forward to that. So when does that become most noticeable?
Starting point is 00:06:49 Because a sense of smell is something that I have, but I don't really, you know, have conscious appreciation for. So like, what can you not smell where you're like, that's weird? It's most noticeable when I check whether or not I can smell again, and I still can't smell. Yeah. I see. So you're like holding fish to your face, and you're like, this is nothing.
Starting point is 00:07:10 Yeah. What? I want to find a way to use it for good. I think it could be some sort of superpower, but I haven't figured it out yet. Yeah. Yeah, like a room of stinky farters doing a contest as to who can handle it the longest and you're fine about it yeah you figured it out what have you been testing i mean what have you been testing the two examples you just gave was holding fish to your face smelling it and
Starting point is 00:07:38 saying that's fine and then the second one was a stinky farters contest yes so like it's like how many times can you fart with before you tap out because it smells too much does that exist what are you no what do you well we can discuss later it's all in my um squid game spec script that i'm writing that show what have you tried to what have you tried to smell that didn't work um i've tried to smell coffee a number of times uh you know obviously just like deodorant in the morning um classic i might just be walking around smelling like shit now and and you don't know and i don't know yeah so oh yeah that's interesting what about taste i still have taste i never lost my sense of taste interesting that was my fear because i lost both and i was like i can i can make do
Starting point is 00:08:32 without taste like i love food and drink but smell i would never know if you smell bad sex is different and god what was the other one nature wait you're saying that you you would be more okay not being able to taste than not being able to smell yeah that's entirely backwards yeah that's right yeah you're it's usually an opinion but that one's wrong most people would definitely take the sense of smell. What was the first reason again? Sex is different. Nature.
Starting point is 00:09:09 No, it was the second one. Nature? That was the third one. Oh, you don't know if you smell bad. Right, okay. Yeah. Yeah, all insane reasons, I'd say, in comparison to being able to eat food which you like you said i'm surprised that you didn't have your all right sure
Starting point is 00:09:35 that i didn't have what i was saying to grace and i'm surprised that you didn't lose your sense of taste yeah i always thought that those were connected in some way. But apparently they're not. My friend hasn't been able to smell her whole life. My friend Hana. I knew someone like that. Yeah. So I guess that happens.
Starting point is 00:09:57 Yeah. But that's like you never know a good thing until it's gone. But it's like they didn't even have the good thing before it was gone. Yeah. gone but it's like they didn't even have the good thing before it was gone yeah everybody can't monetize this anymore yeah yeah yeah let's get it started i needed to get the energy up a little bit i got a cold brew specifically for this for the bit that marika likes to do where she checks in on how much caffeine i've had yeah the first one of the day this will be the third it's early 12 15 let's wax celsius for a spell do you guys know celsius the temperature measurement no
Starting point is 00:10:50 the energy energy drink yeah i don't actually so it's a fitness energy drink they say live fit on the uh side of it nice thanks I've never even heard of that. What is it? It's an energy drink with only natural ingredients and 200 milligrams of caffeine, which is basically two cups of coffee. The CDC doesn't recommend that you have more than 400 grams in a day, so two Celsiuses, you you gotta call it a day
Starting point is 00:11:26 okay it's like red bull or monster energy or something no how is it not sounds like a caffeinated energy drink it's like that but it's celsius so um seven different flavors one happy feeling but are you on their website right now no but you do end up uh it ends up drying out everything my lips are cracked my eyes are even so great yeah great for your chronic dry eye that you just got treated. Yeah. Sounds like you took liquid Accutane or something. Something really invasive and terrible for you.
Starting point is 00:12:18 I hated to see that. That's the kind of shit we didn't need to have on video full steam ahead to what you said you had birthday parties how were those they were really fun that's great anywhere exciting were they just at people's houses or anybody we know or uh i was at my friend's house one of them was at my friend's house and that one just all my friends showed up to uh trying to think of who you guys would know george saba uh billy brick was there um
Starting point is 00:12:57 cecily bro was there she's guested on a couple shows um that's probably it but grayson you might know do you know max makovetsky yeah that's crazy what are the odds genuinely can't tell if that's true or not let's go to our first segment i just wanted on record that i went out of my way to ask Jeff about his day, and he didn't return it the favor to anyone else. No, we'll all get around to that kind of bullshit. Depending on how this goes. I think I just saw someone in Amir's yard.
Starting point is 00:13:44 It was him, He's leaving. We see the car pull away. Welcome to Bond of the Week. Hold on. Someone's at my house. Play without me. No, welcome to Bond of the Week. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:13:59 This is... Fine. Grayson, how was your day? It was good. I just told Marika before we started officially recording, though, I am dog-sitting for my roommate, and the dog has now thrown up four times. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:13 Once on my comforter and once on my carpet. We love to hear it. Does your roommate feel bad at all? He's currently in London so I think he's just having a great time right you're cleaning up and I'm happy for him good for you
Starting point is 00:14:33 does the dog throw up this frequently when your roommate's home or is it just like a separation anxiety yeah that's what I was going to say it sounds like separation anxiety I think it's just that also because if she is sick Yeah, that's what I was going to say. It sounds like separation anxiety. Yeah, I think it's just that. Also, because if she is sick, I haven't taken her to the vet.
Starting point is 00:14:53 So I wouldn't really know what to do if this became like a dire situation. Yeah. Major key alert. Never do a favor for a friend because if the favor goes sour, then it's going to cause tension between you and them versus if you just kinda say no up front how could there be tension so true cause I am moving
Starting point is 00:15:12 out now and that's a bummer you didn't have to do that yeah actually I didn't sign an NDA so I can talk about this these are some checks that I got for playing Reese Witherspoon and Ashton kutcher's best friend uh in a movie but it was it was stills photos still photos so it's like oh these are photos
Starting point is 00:15:36 from when they were in college and friends with these people so they dressed them to like look like they were in their 20s and then it was me and a bunch of other people in their 20s yeah i think they looked young especially in photos where they can be edited um so that's how i spent last tuesday was i was just in a living room in west hollywood uh acting like i was playing poker with them and i got paid basically nothing one of these checks is for 82 dollars wow well you just posed for photos yeah but it was sag like i would have loved 500 at least and i didn't even get that and i was four days too because i had to do a covid test and then a fitting and another covid test and then the shoot that should be 500 know yourself know your worth Grayson was that
Starting point is 00:16:25 four days of activities where did the fucking week where did the goddamn week four I don't have $1,000 in my bank account right now yeah it's clear cause you're complaining that you got a check for $82 Marika what's up, man?
Starting point is 00:16:46 What's absolutely up? Dude. I love it. Oh, goodness. This weekend, I was the Broadway Flea Market, which is fun for me personally. Bought a bunch of Broadway shirts and stuff. Walked around the theater district
Starting point is 00:17:05 good times i saw venom 2 this weekend also great for me as i love the first venom film it was highly anticipated this year and it didn't disappoint yeah it's really fun it's a love story between a sweaty man and a goop monster i don't know it's good a terrible time yeah is that what you said on letterboxd that's a really funny review on letterboxd what did i say i think i mean i yeah i said something to the extent of this is a rom-com and I hope that Eddie and Venom on their beach honeymoon carve a heart in a palm tree together. It's a great time. Go see it.
Starting point is 00:17:56 That's fun. Well, look, we gotta do this segment, even though Blumenfeld's not back. This is Bond of the Week. Alright? Basically, there he is. bond of the week is a segment where every week from now until the next james bond movie so friday it comes out friday oh okay then just this episode but bond of the week is a serial weekly segment that where we all kind of take our pick of who the next James Bond should be uh this week my bond of the week is Jillian Anderson because Daniel Craig talked about the
Starting point is 00:18:33 next one being a woman and she's the mom in sex education and I'd love to see her just like battling I mean doing absolute spy work You're not wondering where I went? Where'd you go? I kind of left pretty abruptly, saw people walking in the background, and then I came back and it was just right into Bond of the Week. I guess we could discuss Julian Anderson being the next Bond,
Starting point is 00:18:57 but in case anybody's curious, maybe you can guide the conversation towards where I was, what happened, and stuff like that. Where were you, what happened, stuff like that where were you what happened stuff like that it's actually none of your business but I owed some cash to certain people and I'll leave it at that they came to collect yeah I don't feel comfortable discussing it on the show you but at the same time I do think it's your obligation as a host to sort of ask the questions the audience
Starting point is 00:19:28 might have towards me so at this point you can either press on and inquire further or try to shift the conversation back to the the Bond thing Michael B. Jordan that'd be good what's that? Michael B. Jordan that'd be good
Starting point is 00:19:46 what's that yeah bond has to be Michael B. Jordan bond has to be British though I did some I had some
Starting point is 00:19:52 extra gardening work done because there's a lot of dry leaves in the backyard and the city just power through Grayson
Starting point is 00:19:59 why Michael B. I mean why not Michael B. he'd be awesome he would be so Jordan yeah fire management Michael B. I mean, why not Michael B.? He'd be awesome. He would be so... Fire management. Requires that you maintain your yard in a way that you basically have to... Marika?
Starting point is 00:20:16 She's a British person, Marika. Yeah, no, I'm sorry. I'm literally looking at a list of British people that I have on my phone. And then, I mean, don't just chime in with like, oh, like, you know, you got to get dust removal. You have to get all this stuff. Nobody cares about what you do with your yard. Your yard is a piece of shit. I've seen it in person.
Starting point is 00:20:36 It's flat. It's short. There's no real grass. Your front door is neon. I feel like Aaron Taylor Johnson could be an interesting one all right he's uh he's in tenet he's in kick-ass yeah uh he was quicksilver in the mcu um oh yeah i don't know what about Amir playing the yeah
Starting point is 00:21:08 the what Amir could be cute that's cool is that like the the nerd in the van shut up for a second it could be cool for you to be yeah the nerd in the van but i'm wondering if you're a bond
Starting point is 00:21:25 guy if jillian anderson is bond that's fun and so you're like at the bar in like a kind of racially clad uh little black suit and every boy needs a little black suit um amir your bond of the week and then we have to fucking move on should I go like a standard one I see Idris Elba being tossed out a lot but I was gonna say it could be interesting
Starting point is 00:22:00 LeBron James is starting to make his foyer into acting yeah again it has to be, it has to be British. It has to be British. And then Ferris and I will cut this out, but just for the latter half, because it's kind of the midway point, let's actually bring the energy up.
Starting point is 00:22:18 Let's actually have a lot of fun instead of what we've been doing so far, which is utter horseshit because of the attitudes you guys have brought to the show. Grayson, you're doing great. Everyone else is fucking garbage. All right, here we go. Guys, taking care of your health isn't always easy, right? But it should be simple. That's why for the last three years I've been taking AG1, just one scoop and a cup of water mixed
Starting point is 00:22:36 around every day, no exceptions. And it helps me feel, you know, energized, focused, ready to take on the day like I'm doing one powerfully healthy habit that's also powerfully simple. I know that AG1 gives my body high quality nutrition because every batch goes through a rigorous testing process so that you know it's safe. And their ingredients are sourced for potency, absorption, and nutrient density,
Starting point is 00:23:01 all of which is very important and you don't always get with other leading nutrition brands. I like to drink it first thing in the morning. I'll have a glass of water. I'll have my AG1 and then I'll have my coffee and it gets me set off to take on the day and to be centered and to feel like I did at least one good thing for my health. And if you do that every day, it has compounding effects. If there's one product I had to recommend to elevate your health, it's AG1. That's why we've partnered with them for so long.
Starting point is 00:23:31 So if you want to take ownership of your health, start with AG1. Try AG1 and get a free one-year supply of vitamin D3K2 and five free AG1 travel packs with your first purchase exclusively at slash what's that? Again, that at slash what's that? Again, that's slash what's that? Check it out. This is impression of doing. What an ugly sentence.
Starting point is 00:24:02 Impression of doing. impression of doing I have two generators up right now celebrity and random word so basically I'm gonna generate a celebrity and you guys have to do an impression of that celebrity
Starting point is 00:24:22 talking about or doing the word or action that i'm going to talk that i'm going to say that make sense doing the action like if it's like jenna jennifer uh what's a coolidge doing gardening she'd be like, I can't wait to have a hoe in my hand for the seeds this season. Who was that? That was Jennifer Coolidge. And I thought it was pretty good. All right, Grayson.
Starting point is 00:24:59 Oh, God. Oh, no. Wes Anderson in a swamp. And also, I should have mentioned that part of this what he looks like what he sounds like yeah well that's also that's not doing right
Starting point is 00:25:16 fine in a swamp no that's what you got alright Wes Anderson in a swamp no that's that's what you got all right wes anderson in a swamp and i have two full minutes go for it um yeah just the only thing i know about wes anderson is that he's a director so i'll start my impression uh now oh wait you're starting it now okay cool action no i didn't need that there's a lot happening in front of the camera but again he's just the director so i think it's a great impression
Starting point is 00:25:55 i guess at the end of two minutes i'll just yell cut and then we'll we'll cut this entire part out of the video I saw also this weekend I saw a Wes Anderson film at MoMA which was fun and it had a little intro from Wes Anderson but I couldn't tell you I think he has a pretty regular voice I'd say
Starting point is 00:26:19 you can't really do an impression unimpressionable the Darjeeling limited I think that's his worst movie Yeah, you can't really do an impression. Which film did you see? The Darjeeling Limited. I think that's his worst movie. It's one of my favorites, I think. Actually, I think Bottle Rocket's the worst. I also love Bottle Rocket.
Starting point is 00:26:40 Bottle Rocket the short film or Bottle Rocket the feature film? The feature film. Right. I also snuck into MoMA after I saw that, which was pretty fun. A little heist. It was really easy. Jeff, you have also made it impossible to edit this now because there is a running clock on the screen.
Starting point is 00:26:59 So everything you were worried about before is coming true because of you. This is still, we should say that this is still Wes Anderson in a swamp. This is what this is supposed to be. No, it's not, man. He had two minutes. He did it quickly. You restarted it, by the way.
Starting point is 00:27:15 You started it again. Because, Grayson, you said, I'm going to start now. So I reset it. That's totally fair. I'm still, if you could just let me finish my impression I'm still doing it I'm still on the clock so exactly
Starting point is 00:27:28 y'all gonna see the French dispatch when it comes out comes out on my birthday actually could all go before I come live and cut that was really good that was really good Wes alright really good wes thanks all right now it's marika's turn here we go it's not pt barnum at an assassination again these are not doing the entire game is the impression of doing and it's just people at
Starting point is 00:28:08 places you can be doing what are these generators and stop moving the clock so much it's so erratic what's on his so you can see all your caps yeah it sucks oh my god impression to be clear i am at an assassination right now first and foremost yeah just like something you paid tickets for okay yeah i'm assuming pt barnum is of course me who is the circus man right yeah the wild west showman right so i'm assuming i'm at the circus uh because i am and um you know there's an assassination is about to occur yeah uh which is great this is this current voice you're about to go into it no not about to go into currently I'm in this sucks this fucking sucks
Starting point is 00:29:09 what did you think would happen I thought I did this to put you make you guys uncomfortable and get out of your comfort zone yeah that was never gonna happen yeah you're just not giving people that it's possible to do an impression of and they're not again they're not, again, they're not
Starting point is 00:29:26 doing anything. Yeah. Well, PT is out of the assassination. But he's just there. Yes, he could be talking about anything! I guess the assassination, let's say it happened right now. Oh, what notification did you just get? Grailed, now live, Designer Week.
Starting point is 00:29:43 Yeah, the assassination happened everyone around me is panicking I'm fine though I knew it was gonna happen because I'm out of the assassination he orchestrated the entire thing
Starting point is 00:29:57 alright it's Amir's turn I swear to god if you don't bring this home I'm gonna be mad alright Rainn Wilson being lonely alright I'm Rainn Wilson and
Starting point is 00:30:19 where is everybody I'm all by myself yeah we can read your email gmail's just coming in by the way info about the Texas governor if you donate to act blue even one time yeah yeah I wonder
Starting point is 00:30:36 if I should do a crossword puzzle oh here's a clue about me it's saying actor from actor Dwight from the office you know what fuck this what that was getting my all fuck this shit you're not gonna take it seriously everybody else did worse than me by the way rain wilson being lonely again not doing doing anything. It's the absence of doing. I forget every time.
Starting point is 00:31:17 I thought that was a pretty good fucking game. That was easy. Why? Why? Have you guys seen Taskmaster? Yes. What the fuck?
Starting point is 00:31:32 I told you to watch Taskmaster, Jeff. Yes, correct, correct, correct, correct, correct. Are you just curious or are you setting up a segment? I am setting up a segment and I'm curious. All right. This is, well, that's Taskmaster.
Starting point is 00:31:55 You say this is Will Batts Taskmaster? Is the title. Just, yeah. is the title just yeah how's the coffee doing it's not a lot welcome to Rashmaster Oh god
Starting point is 00:32:28 No He'll plot So I'll be honest I still haven't seen Taskmaster But this is Rashmaster This is hardly a rash The name of the game is the name of the game Also to be clear I told Jeff to watch Taskmaster for inspiration for this show from people that do things like this professionally. Amir was exactly right.
Starting point is 00:32:54 And he hasn't even heard the game yet. So this is rash. You guessed the rash. You guessed the rash. Yeah. And let me say it. And I won't be looking at the screen, to be clear. Amir got Rosacea right.'s a hundred dollars to amir uh a hundred dollars owed to me for every wrong
Starting point is 00:33:09 answer we should say is rosacea a type of rash in a way is that lyme's disease oh my god blumenfeld's cleaning house that's two hundred dollars to amir his. I'm an amateur dermatologist of sorts. I literally hate this so much. I hate looking at skin issues. Poison Oak. Oh, that's good. Poison Ivy.
Starting point is 00:33:45 I'm not gonna guess. I'm not going to guess. I have the screen so small that I can barely see it. Also, stop this. Say what it fucking is. This one's Hepatitis C. Hepatitis D, all of the above all right next one that looks like poison oak or poison ivy poison sumac it was poison ivy I'm yours exactly right and he's up $300 hundred dollars diaper rash I should have done diaper rash I just didn't like
Starting point is 00:34:33 kids are the only people who wear diapers so I didn't want to show a photo of like a kid's ass now we know where you draw the line yes of course is that a butt or a boobs that's gonna be a butt Now we know where you draw the line. Yes, of course. Is that a butt or a boobs? That's going to be a butt.
Starting point is 00:34:51 An adult butt. Is it back knee? Marika? I'm literally not looking at it. Wise. Let's see how wise you are to rashes is it that was already guessed and it is not what is that little extra box that keeps coming up that's got to be a bad move on your part an accident sorts what happens when i do that there's like
Starting point is 00:35:23 no there's just like a little preview of the same image but a slight yeah like it keeps what is this that it keeps moving yeah I can't see what you guys are actually seeing this is gonna be a yeast infection why
Starting point is 00:35:40 why did you do this our second youtube video you can tell because I wanted to do something based on what did you say it's eczema yeah it's raised and dry wrong not even looking at it
Starting point is 00:35:57 not even looking at it alright this one should be a gimme let's see how wise Grayson can be this one feels like back knee yeah Amir back acne
Starting point is 00:36:11 which is different from back I guess it could be chicken pox correct Amir $400 let's see what this is look at those little eggs are those spider eggs or something? Like that. That extra box.
Starting point is 00:36:34 Is there a world where this is Bacne and it's just so zoomed in? Interesting. How many different rashes do you think the average person knows? The perfect out of context head. Half of these aren't rashes.
Starting point is 00:36:53 Yeah, that's true. More than half. Probably. I don't think we've seen one rash yet. Yeah. We heard you play the wrong song for us. That was easy.
Starting point is 00:37:04 This was shingles yeah this one's kind of sad yeah this one's gonna be scarlet fever and i think we should just move on oh my god that's it are they gone can i move my screen back don't look disappointed why is it by the way that every time i actually put time and thought into the episode it turns out to be horseshit and then when I the time and thought you put was impression of doing and guess that rash how long did that one take to an hour
Starting point is 00:37:51 that was an hour of prep by the way it shouldn't have been and you shouldn't have made a game called rash master that we have to put on youtube now and show skin diseases to people are we gonna get a flag for nudity for the butt probably maybe i think this should be a bye week i think we shouldn't release this episode
Starting point is 00:38:18 what then why are we here talking what can you possibly be talking about um let's get into it we're almost uh at the 40 minute mark here but i feel like we didn't talk enough about you guys what'd you guys do this weekend let's go to a pretty eventful weekend i went to my niece's bat mitzvah a jewish coming of age ceremony so it's a dinner or a party either before or after, and then a service where the young lady reads from the Torah based on what portion is being read that week. We know the Torah. We've all been to bar, but I've never been to bar
Starting point is 00:39:05 I've never been to one really continue sorry Amir I mean I know what they are but I'm just saying so since the Jewish New Year just started her Torah portion was B'reishit aka the first one
Starting point is 00:39:21 that's right God creating the world Cain and Abel. The Garden of Eden. Some pretty important shit was discussed, read, chanted, and prayed upon. So, I guess show some respect towards the liturgy. Genesis,
Starting point is 00:39:38 as you Christians may call it, is a pretty important chapter in the Tanakh. Tanakh. may call it is a pretty important chapter in the Tanakh why is that funny I'm just in awe because these are the days
Starting point is 00:39:56 of awe the Yamim Norayim what talk in not riddles for once in your god damn life I went to my nieces bat mitzvah good
Starting point is 00:40:11 she's 13 already is this the niece I met at the head game office once yeah well there's a 16 year old and a 12 year old that's crazy congratulations yeah yeah congratulations that's crazy congratulations yeah yeah congratulations
Starting point is 00:40:29 that's all you did this weekend you didn't all I did that's a pretty big fucking deal I don't know maybe you went to fucking Zebulon no I didn't go to Zebulon. I'm not going to like crowded, dark bar parties. Yeah, parties. It seems pretty dangerous right now, yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:53 All right, well, I had COVID. So I'm going to go to the parties. Right, exactly why I'm not going to the parties. All right, all right. Yeah, because you got COVID. Well, LA's numbers are going way, parties. All right. All right. Yeah. Because you got COVID. Well, LA's numbers are going way, way, way down. Are they?
Starting point is 00:41:12 Hmm. They have to be. Yeah. So you're not checking. Not recently. Of course. Let's do Marika. What'd you do this weekend i think i really explained every single thing that i did this weekend to recap i saw wes anderson film at the moma
Starting point is 00:41:32 snuck into the moma the next day i went to the broadway flea market and bought a bunch of stuff and then on friday i saw venom or sorry thursday i saw. Let there be carnage. So rude. Yeah, so they did that weekend. They say it in earnest. You go... It's so rude. Yeah, it is. And it was on to the next right
Starting point is 00:42:10 two down one to go as it were it's so rude like we have to have a guest on I want to have a guest on next week because I want to be I want to be really rude to a stranger I should get Dan you can which on the show sure I'm sure he would love it Grayson if I tell you are you gonna play the
Starting point is 00:42:36 wow sound effect after no cuz I've already I already like which isn't good for audio or video. I already kind of made myself laugh at it, and none of you did, so that's not good. Yeah. I took a train up to New Haven, Connecticut to visit my friend for her birthday. Yeah, very exciting. Train travel is the way of the future. Is that about the Metro Norwich?
Starting point is 00:43:03 is that about the metro norwich um i really hope we get uh like that light speed rail or whatever it's called yeah that's called infrastructure amir that's called jobs creation what's that so what i don't know that's all the centrist democrats are always talking about infrastructure jobs let's just all do nonsense and call it a life that's sort of what you're doing
Starting point is 00:43:35 yes I'm a beacon of the prime example beacon of nonsense are you happy yeah yeah because like you are i don't i don't sleep a lot because it sounds i'm having so much your eyebrows like that no i just get i get so much joy out of like of what i do on a weekly basis on a daily basis gross be joy what be joy is what I said and it's a major key alert to send us off into the night not gently do not go
Starting point is 00:44:22 gently into the good night is the reference do not go gently into the good night is the reference damn Daniel plugs what do you guys have going on what do you want to point the people to for some reason the floor is all of ours at the same time
Starting point is 00:44:40 let's all say it at once three two one head gun podcast live October 22nd 7 p.m tickets available if you go to slash live i believe also some tickets available to that show and the high and mighty power hour uh it is a power of the four podcasts are already sold out grace and plug your shit as well while we were. That'd be great. So if you want to be a part of that weekend's Twitter and Instagram and Letterboxd, it's coming up.
Starting point is 00:45:13 It's going to go to It's going to have a rippling effect coming in with us. It's going to be a party. Billionaires are exploring space for no reason. Even if the show you want to attend is sold out,'s gonna be there hanging out nonsense before and after uh it's gonna be and it's gonna be fleeting but also recorded um 80 tickets left 80 tickets left for the entire thing
Starting point is 00:45:36 so if you want to do that you got to get in on it now is my whole thing um by the time this comes out probably looking more at 60 tickets, if I had to guess. Let's hope. And I have 10 plus ones on your left. I actually have 12 plus ones now, so there's only 68 tickets, or seats, let's say. Grayson, anything more to plug
Starting point is 00:46:00 that you didn't get out? You know, GrayKYs, that's me on, if you want to follow me on instagram uh twitter spotify any of the the big three is that a jk rowling reference or is that just gray k wise no that's just my name i know it's your name but i also wondered if you were like trying to do like a jk rowling thing i guess that would have been that would have been like a fun reference like 10 years ago but everything she's done yeah but maybe it's subversive yeah i don't know maybe but it's not brownlee i really i said all my stuff during okay the massive all right all right
Starting point is 00:46:50 the massive all right all right calm down i just this didn't go how i wanted to really video aspects make me nervous man yeah i mean i think that's fair for us all that it was video until we opened the zoom and i was like i should have worn something more interesting the best part of podcasting is you don't have to worry you forgot that it was video but you planned a video-based segment where people had to look at rashes that's also true at jeffrey james on instagram at jeff boyardy on twitter uh and head gum live head gum podcast live october 22nd 7 p.m uh get them before they're gone i do think this is going to sell out so if you've been waiting but you know you want to go get them this they're gone. I do think this is going to sell out. So if you've been waiting, but you know you want to go, get them this week. And until next week,
Starting point is 00:47:29 that's Daz, folks. That was a Hiddem Original.

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