The Headgum Podcast - 72: Third Video Episode

Episode Date: October 15, 2021

Marika, Danny, and Pile join Geoff for the third VIDEO episode of the podcast and to discuss scabies, unidentifiable organisms, and the Nairing children! Video podcast live at 8AM ET on the H...eadgum YouTube. Come to The Headgum Podcast Live in NYC on October 22 or the High & Mighty Power Hour featuring Doughboys and more! Tickets at Advertise on The Headgum Podcast via Rate The Headgum Podcast 5-stars on Apple Podcasts. Join the Headgum Discord.See for privacy information.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is a HeadGum Original. Previously on the HeadGum Podcast. That was heating pipes clanging in a house. Let's talk about it. No, there are no houses in New York. When you hear that, is that actual like metal on metal? It sounds so metal on metal, but it's really just like, how is it like hot air steaming through a radiator?
Starting point is 00:00:23 Clanking, expanding, contracting. Oh, there's like little flaps that are hitting metal on metal? I don't know. it's really just like how is it like hot air steaming through a radiator clanking expanding contracting oh there's like little flaps that are hitting metal on metal i don't know where'd you find that i always said i should have been a plumber i never got to the bottom of that i plumbed last year meaning you fixed the toilet i installed a sink and i learned that to plumb and i said this before but to plumb is to get the pipes just so. So. I forget every time. Is that his video?
Starting point is 00:01:09 Pyle, I will eat your ass. What did he say? Monetization lost once again. Let's get it started. Let's get it started. HeadGum Podcast three being made today. Three non-whites. Three non-whites. We did this with Johnny.
Starting point is 00:01:41 We did the all person of color episode, but I'm saying that we've never had three. Yeah, we literally, we did an episode with you, me, Johnny, and Amir. Shoo! Shoo! Shoo! Shoo!
Starting point is 00:01:59 Shoo! Shoo! I thought Amir was brown yeah already lost the thread of everything Danny fucking Sellers on the show
Starting point is 00:02:15 hey man brother doing fantastic your hair looks like it has more volume up top yeah when I have the headphones on I can kind of push it forward. Okay. And then you have Andrew Pyle or whatever the fuck. Marika Brownlee of the Saks. Nice. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:02:33 Pyle, how's the house? Is it just so? Because I feel like it'll never be good. It's okay. There's been a lot of stuff going on. A lot of drama lately. Avoiding marital woes by basically taking out DIY projects, we should say. Exactly. Yeah, precisely.
Starting point is 00:02:48 I actually am creating some problems with the house to kind of keep things. Keep like, you know, an even keel, as they say. Yes. The common enemy is the project. And then you're not kind of in the doghouse. Right. Exactly. Precisely.
Starting point is 00:03:04 And you had scabies, right? Yeah. What are scabies? Daddy, don't. I don't know. I think it's like some kind of skin. Is it crabs? No, I think it's like some kind of skin condition that babies get
Starting point is 00:03:25 hmm are you saying that crashes because it sounds like babies this is the name yeah that rashes episode was the one of the nastiest things i've ever seen thank you danny thank you that shit was disgusting that was so nasty yeah it was that one is one that I actually do regret I shouldn't have done visual gag surrounding rashes that one would have been better for before we did the video
Starting point is 00:03:56 sorry one second Jesus I am waiting one day for you to Jesus. I'm waiting one day for you to just like pull down the curtain and you, you're like under that bridge that is at, uh, tarmac. Yeah. Oh,
Starting point is 00:04:19 that'd be good. Uh, I, uh, people like me can't do that around airports is the thing like i will be i if i'm not already on a list i'll get put on a list everybody pile i have avoided talking to you for the better part of a decade but what's what's been going on and since like the last time i saw you which was probably the christmas party
Starting point is 00:04:42 uh the christmas party the fucking white elephant the last time I saw you, which was probably the Christmas party. The Christmas party? The fucking white elephant. Oh, yeah. Yeah, yeah. That's a good... Oh, yeah. I totally forgot about that. Yeah, I was thinking, like, last time I was on this podcast, that was on with Claire.
Starting point is 00:04:56 And I don't think there are any drops or... I don't know if there's even intro music. Yeah. It was a very different animal. Sure. It evolves. It evolves. there's even intro music. Yeah. It was a very different animal. Sure. It evolves. It evolves. It's a quarterly evolution.
Starting point is 00:05:08 Claire does not work at the company anymore. So that's like a good point of reference for the last time you were on the show. She got a better job. We just shouldn't get laid off. As far as we know. As far as we know. Yeah. Any office gossip, Danny? Ooh, there's so much tea it's time for the danny
Starting point is 00:05:28 tea report so yesterday so yesterday i overheard marty's told angie that sam told marty that the refrigerator was broken and then I also heard that, I don't know, I was going to keep going but I feel like I wanted to see how long you could go. It would have been stupid. I'm sorry. We did get a working
Starting point is 00:05:56 dishwasher finally in the kitchen at the LA office. Pyle and Marika, you guys haven't been to the LA office. Was it broken when you moved in or did you guys break it been to the la office um if not was it broken when you moved in or did you guys break it already it was broken when we moved in or there wasn't one no it wasn't jeffy you just lied no it was not because i i was unpacking a bunch of shit with bardy and he was like we got to replace this thing because it doesn't work i'm pretty sure the fridge worked for like a hot for oh no the fridge worked the dish i meant to say the dishwasher oh okay uh because i was
Starting point is 00:06:30 unpacking all the glasses and then he was like i was like we should probably wash these right and he's like we don't have a dishwasher or it was broken i forget which yeah we don't have a dishwasher i think you're just making stuff up no it's that's why all the glasses are still on the kitchen the break room table. No, this is the end of the tea report. Office drama. We should have opened it up with that one. I know.
Starting point is 00:06:57 Fuck. My refrigerator was just broken too so you can't hear it nice just your personal not your office in months the drain was plugged and I had to get a guy to come in
Starting point is 00:07:19 he had to come back because he needed another guy to help him and what they pulled out, they could not identify. They were like, it looks biologic. Like they were like... A fetus? It's like, the drain tube is like a small tube of plastic, like a straw type thing. a tube of plastic, like a straw type thing.
Starting point is 00:07:46 And they were like, yeah, it's usually some, you know, like lettuce or like a paper towel piece or something because people clean out their fridge and it goes down the tube. This is like alive, they think. And it was, it had like a vein in it. And I don't know. So I don't know what it could have been, but it basically like uh broke my fridge because when the drain tube doesn't work it it does that thing where it sucks and like trace
Starting point is 00:08:09 the vacuum and you can't open it again so every time i took something out of my fridge and the fridge closed i couldn't open it again for like 15 minutes it was torture um anyway jeff you asked what's going on since like the last time we felt like a year ago no does anybody else want to get pointless bullshit out of the way before we get to the real meat of this book let's go the office drama you should are you going to submit it to a lab and like get it tested i threw it out i'm kind of bummed i did because i really wonder i've been thinking like oh we kept you know yeast in there like could it be like some sort of yeast thing? Monster.
Starting point is 00:08:46 Yeah, like we're growing sourdough in our like drain. Is that possible for a yeast culture to grow a vein? It was veiny. I hope not. I really hope not. I had like a vein running down. It was so nasty, we tossed it right away. I mean, the like, the refrigerator guys were disgusted. Like, that's how bad it was it was so nasty we tossed it right away I mean the like the
Starting point is 00:09:06 refrigerator guys were disgusted like that's how bad it was and you gotta imagine they see like a good amount of shit so yeah you know it was uh anyway home upkeep and maintenance don't let it get ahead of you be ahead of it and the game it's a good one Danny you had a really good set
Starting point is 00:09:34 on Wednesday I've been going to this open mic Danny goes to tons of open mics I only go to one a week that's all I can handle at this point because I'm still trying to get better at it there was this like really drunk heckler who was just being really – He was smacked. He was turnt up.
Starting point is 00:09:53 Like blackout drunk, which is like no one else was. Like that wasn't the vibe. But he was also – he was a friend of a comic that had already gone. And I'm like, all right, the first two times if he like – just be like, hey, can you chill? But then he would like – they didn't leave. I'm like, right the first two times if he like you know just be like hey can you chill but then he would like they didn't leave I'm like go like you already did your set like you know and like you handled it really well but for some people I think it like really threw them off but you were yeah like you I was die laughing the way you were like interact I don't even remember what you said but I was so funny I'll call him the zodiac killer yeah you found him he looked like a school shooter
Starting point is 00:10:27 he had a quarter zip one it was just like hammered i'm like bro you're you've killed somebody before yeah and you didn't tread lightly so you're definitely on his list now oh 100 yeah i need to be armed at all time yeah but. But those have been fun. Those have been fun mics. Yeah. You got to just keep going up. You know what it is? You got to go to different rooms too. That forces you to like be better.
Starting point is 00:10:53 And it allows you to try new jokes too. Because you go to the same room, you see the same people, you don't want to try or certain things. Or sometimes you don't want to like repeat the same jokes because like I already know these jokes. So doing multiple rooms helps yeah i want to go to the offbeat and then there's that other one on monday i forget i think it's at a brewery i forget which one boom boom boomtown have you been to that one yeah it's good yeah it's fine um you went viral you went kind of you kind of started an online uh you started a discourse
Starting point is 00:11:25 really and what you it ended up being a dialogue yeah i didn't yeah i don't know if it's viral but people were talking about it yeah uh you tweeted a series of tweets or was it just one tweet that was talking about these pay-to-play la open mics for um and like how that's fucked up it makes yeah i mean all i literally said was we need to start having a conversation about open mics and then jay ran with it yeah but it was what he said is what i was going to say yeah or would have said upstate mental health check pile you're so geographically isolated are you good uh yeah no it's true i am kind of worried about the winter like i think it's going to feel pretty good savings and all now more just kind of like once you get snow you know it's hard to get around and like i don't know the weekenders probably stop coming up here and start going
Starting point is 00:12:18 skiing which we don't really have here so yeah i think it's going to become a little remote feeling right now it feels okay all right are you going to become a little remote feeling right now. It feels okay. All right. Are you going to try to go to Florida? Oh, I don't know. It's Florida still like kind of a shit show, but I think it's like,
Starting point is 00:12:34 I think it's always been kind of a shit show. You were there when you weren't vaccinated. Now you're vaccinated and you don't want to go, but it feels like it got worse. Even since I have come back like i came back in like april and uh that was like before delta and i think the delta stuff was crazy and i don't know can we also go like one episode without talking about fucking covid go off jesus god we have um what are you moving to la or not you said you were going to i was thinking about it
Starting point is 00:13:08 and now with like you know there's a lot of diy projects around the house that we haven't got to yet so i think how is how is that uh the moldy wood that you found yeah black mold we should say yeah so that was that was a consequence of the aforementioned leak. So, yeah, it was some bleach. It was some mole killer. Put up some drywall. Spackled it. Holy shit. Mated it.
Starting point is 00:13:32 Word of the absolute week. Spackle. Spackle. Nice. All right, here we go. Do you get that Venmo money? I saw you were tweeting to try and get Venmo money so that you could pay people. Yeah, but you know what?
Starting point is 00:13:47 If I win that, I will genuinely come up with a game. I really hope I win it so that for the live show, I can actually give that money away. You can give it to audience members. I don't know. Just have like a briefcase and just give us cash, like a strip club or something. That'd be tight. Pyle, is your handle andrew dash pile i'm so scared i'm gonna send this to the wrong person i'm guessing it is i haven't received everybody in a while this is the most nervous there's not that many andrew piles in the world there's only a couple there's like two there's me and there's
Starting point is 00:14:20 like a volleyball coach like if this gets lost, I'll force Marty to comp me. Confirmed, Andrew-Pyle. Jeff, if you send this to me, I am not sending it back. I will buy something with that money. I have a child, sir. Spackled. Siri screwed me on that one. It was supposed to be spackled.
Starting point is 00:14:42 Oh my god, Jeff. That was easy. Listen, we gotta get to the bottom of some shit. First of all, we have our first segment here. I wasn't sure till this moment if that was actually a bit or not. It's been a fucking year that you've been doing this and I still wasn't sure.
Starting point is 00:15:01 Goddamn. I'm rich. That's a lot of money. How weird would it be if he really didn't send it back? It's like super awkward. If what? If he just didn't,
Starting point is 00:15:16 he just never sent it back. I'm going to sit on it. Oh, I would be, I would, it's not even my money. That's George Saba's
Starting point is 00:15:22 rent money that he Venmo'd to me that I have to go get money from the bank later today. I'll pay rent in the middle of the month. Yeah, our landlord lives in the desert and we pay rent in cash because he doesn't want the government to know that he's a landlord. So he got a discount on utilities. He drives in usually a week after the first for whatever reason. Welcome to Bond of the week this is where so daniel craig is out the movie came out today no time to die um but there is time to cast um
Starting point is 00:15:53 and i'm wondering who the next bond might be this week in your head for me it's jeff it's who daniel kaluuya it's fun i do do want to point out that last week your pick was Gillian Anderson, who is not British. I thought she was because of sex education. Yeah, you did. Yeah. Really good accent. Yeah. Great accent.
Starting point is 00:16:15 I think she does kind of talk that way now in real life. Yeah, she does. She's kind of like Madonna. Because she also did like The Fall. She, you know, her Hannibal character kind of like Madonna. She also did The Fall. Her Hannibal character kind of had a weird vibe. Who are your guys' bonds of the week?
Starting point is 00:16:33 My pick is Tyler Perry as Madea with a British accent. Can you do that? That's so good. No, I can't, But I'm sure he can. Could you imagine like a British black ass big Madea?
Starting point is 00:16:49 That would be tough. The first one they shoot in Atlanta. Nerd time today. Hello. Hello. And then Pyle, can you do the Tyler Perry impression, the Madeira impression? I can't. No, I can't.
Starting point is 00:17:11 I won't be doing that. Pyle, who's your Bond of the Week, man? Come on. Let's actually participate. Man, I don't know. I don't know. I feel like I need to think about this more. But let me see.
Starting point is 00:17:21 What have I been even watching on TV? I'm watching the OC. So I'm trying to think if there's anybody in the OC that I would... Brody would be an interesting Bond. They do have to be British. Very sarcastic for Bond, I think. They do have to be British. Is that a rule?
Starting point is 00:17:39 Yep. I mean, it's just kind of a rule in the sense that that's just how it's been before, right? I mean, rules are made to be broken so yeah I don't know tradition there's something to be said for it so um all right this week oh see
Starting point is 00:17:58 I'm trying so one time I tweeted what if bond was like 23 so I'm trying to think of a younger person because I think that would be funny that's why I think it should be Daniel Kaluuya though I'd love if it was Idris Elba but I feel like he's only going to get like two movies like if it's him it's got to be one of those transitional Bonds because he's like 50
Starting point is 00:18:16 Daniel Craig was 37 when he got it so I think they need to give it to someone like around 30 and I think Daniel Kaluuya is like 32 well going off Daniel Kaluua skins cast dev patel would be fun dev patel would be awesome i would love that that would be great i saw him at aro on once and he was so tall and he was wearing an iwc pilots mark 18 and I was just like my guy ooh what if we did Patrick Stewart the dude from X-Men
Starting point is 00:18:48 I just watched the card absolutely on the brink of death he's like 9000 years old in that he does his own stunts and dies in the first shot barely pull the trigger natural causes we do have to take a quick break wait did everybody get their bond pick in we all did
Starting point is 00:19:07 right it doesn't fucking matter let's go to you didn't no I did I'll do it I mean Adam Brody sounds good to me you can do a British accent who is Adam Brody because I think wasn't that your answer last week no my I mean Adam Brody is not British
Starting point is 00:19:23 my answer last week was Aaron Taylor Johnson. Adam Brody was pretty fire on Gilmore Girls. We'll be right back. Guys, taking care of your health isn't always easy, right? But it should be simple. That's why for the last three years I've been taking AG1, just one scoop and a cup of water mixed around every day, no exceptions. And it helps me feel, you know, energized, focused,
Starting point is 00:19:51 ready to take on the day. Like I'm doing one powerfully healthy habit that's also powerfully simple. I know that AG1 gives my body high quality nutrition because every batch goes through a rigorous testing process so that you know it's safe. And their ingredients are sourced for potency, absorption, and nutrient density, all of which is very important and you don't always get with other leading nutrition brands. I like to drink it first thing in the morning. I'll have a glass of water. I'll have my AG1 and then I'll have my coffee. And it gets me set off to take on the day and to be centered and to feel like I did at least one good thing for my health. And if you do that every day, it has compounding effects. If there's one product I
Starting point is 00:20:37 had to recommend to elevate your health, it's AG1. That's why we partnered with them for so long. So if you want to take ownership of your health, start with1 try ag1 and get a free one year supply of vitamin d3 k2 and five free ag1 travel packs with your first purchase exclusively at slash what's that again that's slash and we're back at it again with the white band daniel back at it again with the white band e a sports okay ready for our next segment everybody say yes on three one two three yes yes we'll figure it out here we go it's gone i feel like eventually we're gonna have a compilation of people walking off screen during this video podcast.
Starting point is 00:21:47 Sometimes in anger. Is that a coffee? Ice coffee? Gotta be. Listen, Jeff, I'm like a young Gallagher. Welcome to Name That Dryer. Okay. welcome to name that dryer okay Natalie
Starting point is 00:22:11 that's one right it's um it's not quite that kind of game the New York Times just released a list of the four best hair dryers on the market and i'm basically gonna see if you can using only your oral skills
Starting point is 00:22:33 decipher which dryer is which um here we go ready can we know the options yeah I guess that makes it more fun doesn't it okay Ferris absolutely cut this out alright your options are I'm gonna drop
Starting point is 00:23:03 them in the chat okay the rusk weightless professional Alright, your options are I'm gonna drop them in the chat, okay? The Rusk Weightless Professional The Rev Air The Dyson Supersonic Hair Dryer And the
Starting point is 00:23:24 Infinity Pro by Con Air Hair Dryer. That's a hand. Something with the hands, right? Is that the rev air no wait wrong one that's wrong it's not the rev air is it the dyson rusk that's correct the rusk weightless. Keep in mind,
Starting point is 00:24:06 there might be repeats, so this is not a process of elimination. Here we go. We're going to go to the second hairdryer. Is that a air? Wait, there might be repeats like they made multiple videos of each hairdryer no i got these from youtube like there could be repeats like i just want you to know that just because there's already been the the wait list doesn't mean that i won't do the wait list again does that make sense so i don't want you to think that you're gonna narrow it down the
Starting point is 00:24:44 further we get into this. I was really backing on that, so this sucks. Do you guys need to hear it again? This is crazy. Yeah, yeah. Hit me again. It's higher pitch, so it's not the rough again. It's telling me two different gears. It shifts gears midway through
Starting point is 00:25:06 isn't it cold and hot? don't most hair dryers have like cool, warm, and hot and then there's like the modes oh Infinity Pro correct! the Infinity Pro by Conair hair dryer
Starting point is 00:25:22 alright here we go Jeff are these all hairdryers, or are some of them ones that have brushes? These are all hairdryers. The Rev Air is actually a reverse hairdryer, so basically you put your hair into it, and then it warms it around it. Does that make sense?
Starting point is 00:25:41 Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. It makes your hair wet it's a reverse hair dryer anyway bye it's a shower head he's searching for videos I think desperately searching he's searching for videos i think desperately searching for the dyson different sonic
Starting point is 00:26:10 counting the keys hard as shit he's having to wait for the pre-roll ads to add so two second video okay um here we go ready gotta be the dyson holy shit marika's cleaning house that's the dyson supersonic all right here we go you ready harsh uh it sounds like the hand dryer in the la office wait can i hear that one again because though if it's reverse it would sound like a vacuum cleaner right to me that sounds like it's sucking in i think that's the rev air fuck rust correct this is fucking weird who are you how do you know this
Starting point is 00:27:18 your oral skills are off the charts here we go last one ready rev air the charts. Here we go. Last one. You ready? Revere. Insane. Actually insane. I'm going to send you Jeff's $1,000. Revere. No, no, no, no, no, no. Alright, well that was are you ashamed
Starting point is 00:27:55 that you didn't best me it's all good for audio like at the end of the day, it's just entertainment. We shouldn't take it that serious. Alright, I just wanted to take a moment in the middle of the show, instead of at the end, to plug our live show. to take a moment in the middle of the show instead of at the end to plug our live show. This episode's coming out on October
Starting point is 00:28:26 15th, which means that next Friday, the first ever HeadGum Podcast live, October 22nd, Friday night, 7pm, New York City, Gramercy Theater on East 23rd. Danny's gonna be on the show. Marika's gonna be
Starting point is 00:28:41 on the show, and that's all I'll say about the lineup. Alright? It's going to be gangbusters. But we still have a couple more tickets to sell out the venue. We're very close to selling out. At the time of recording, there are 69 tickets left, I believe.
Starting point is 00:28:58 Nice! Sorry. You're not that guy, pal. Trust me. You're not that guy. But anyway, sorry you're not that guy pal trust me you're not that guy um but i anyway so in order to sell those last couple tickets out i made a couple posters and i wanted to show them to you guys is that helpful yeah thank you all right it's i i think you're gonna like them i kind of i worked hard on them and i think they look good here we go uh if you guys have any notes let me know because uh marika you obviously are a social media director so i just kind of
Starting point is 00:29:30 wanted to include you on this process but i would welcome any notes but i think they all should be good to go here we go so this one's sort of like it's basically like turning it into a peep show almost why is it plastic this is yeah first of all i just searched google i googled marika brownlee on google images haunting uh yeah obviously the show is not this um well yeah it doesn't matter if the show ends up being this it's like if we advertise this it'll get people in seats and all we need to do is sell tickets that's false advertising I'd never do that all right we can mix that one because we have a couple more
Starting point is 00:30:13 options but let's just look at these with not only a discerning eye but a positive lens how about this what about it obviously has nothing to do with the show right again you just have to get asses in seats it doesn't matter whether you solve the opioid
Starting point is 00:30:35 crisis or not which by the way I did spell it wrong but I think this sells those last couple tickets and I'm not gonna apologize for putting this on a poster I mean I think you should. You can't tell me it doesn't look good. Yeah. Great design
Starting point is 00:30:51 work. Then what's your issue with it? All it needs is HeadGum Podcast Live October 22nd 7pm. If that's all it needs then you're not going to like any of these. Here's the next one. That's a nice little stranger thing. The design looks great.
Starting point is 00:31:12 Yeah. But again. The messaging is there. HeadGum Podcast Live. It's almost too simple. And also, yeah, like, what does that mean? I don't know. Like, don't be shy.
Starting point is 00:31:23 Don't be a stranger. Come to the show buy tickets get your ass in seats let's do this man i think it looks good and by the way i i made this on this thing called pixart which is uh it's like a super easy to use photo design app and so i know that it looks like i spent a lot of time on this but but I didn't. So I don't know if you should give me daps for that or if you should give Pixar daps for that. I mean, definitely. You can use a bunch of different backgrounds. There's different templates to choose from.
Starting point is 00:31:54 You just drag and drop photos. You edit text. And it's so easy even I can use it. Is this an ad? It's a what? Is this an ad? No, because you already had the ad break. You can do cool things too. You even add stickers look at this nice brown it's a way too aggressive again
Starting point is 00:32:16 threatening the audience which i don't think will sell tickets we have two weeks to sell this thing out the last 70 aren't going so i if this is what it takes i'm down i'm fucking down and i am that guy pal let's just simplify it this is the last one i thought we were going to use all of these but maybe we'll just use this last one i mean it has all the info good i don't really know why i'm like a thumbnail on it uh i ran out of photos on google images yeah to use okay yeah that's fair you could have asked me for images um yeah like sure i don't know i would have loved approval this is is approval. All right. It's just it's hard to get you on the horn sometimes. But anyway, I did use Pixar for all of those and I had a ton of fun using it.
Starting point is 00:33:13 So if you guys ever need to use posters or make posters or any promotional materials, infographics, use Pixar. Everybody. Use Pixar. Full steam ahead, Danny. This show is going really well. I just feel like we're teeter-tottering. It feels fragile to me. So let's go into the next segment. Are you guys ready? Yep.
Starting point is 00:33:44 Yes, sir. Okay. Okay. Okay. fragile to me so let's go into the next segment are you guys ready yep yes sir okay welcome to truth or dare have you guys played truth or dare yes well that's truth or dare where you ask either answer something honestly or have to do a dare this is truth or nair so uh the name of the game is truth or nair and basically the idea behind it is i'm going to ask you guys questions but well i go around to you guys and um you say truth or nair uh actually it's not really that it's i'm going to ask you a question and you either tell the truth and answer it honestly
Starting point is 00:34:27 and you have to be really honest or I'm going to show you a photo of a child and you're going to have to say I nare that kid so basically you'd be rubbing nare on a child getting rid of all its hair
Starting point is 00:34:44 instead of just answering a simple fucking question here we go um let's start with marika marika truth or nair and this is the question have you ever eaten ass nair all right here we go say it what is it you just have to say i near this i'm gonna near this kid i'm gonna near this kid you are not the angel that everyone thinks you are. Wait, what's that? I'm just trying to be withholding of personal information. No, you want to fucking give this kid a bald arm.
Starting point is 00:35:36 Sure. I mean, he probably doesn't have arm hair. It's a kid. All right. There's a flaw in your game. It's pretty easy to like nair a child in a pair that's gonna go on the twitter account i'm sure all right uh danny truth or nair and this is the question how many people have you had sex with in your entire life
Starting point is 00:35:55 nair please all right why are all these babies black, bro? They're not. There's so many more. There's just two in a row. All these black babies. All right, Danny. You got to say it. I'm going to nair this kid.
Starting point is 00:36:19 I don't know what's going on. This is a HIPAA violation. I guess if a gun to my head, I'll nair the elbow. No, but that's not true, Danny, because it wasn't gun to your head. It was just a simple question. And you would rather nair a kid. And I think that that makes you sort of a scoundrel, almost. I'll take it. That was easy.
Starting point is 00:36:47 Okay. Pyle, you ready? Yeah, hit me. Truth or Nair, and this is your question. Is your wife the best sexual partner you've ever had? Yes. Really? Pyle holds up his own baby
Starting point is 00:37:05 obviously yes that's really awesome actually also just show me a kid anyway I'll do it it's fine this is fucked up but alright Pyle why don't you say that you'll nair this kid no I'm not gonna say that that's fucked up
Starting point is 00:37:23 that's where you draw the line don't say it's fucked up nearing kids it's terrible i wouldn't what did you really put this to find these little kids all right marika back to you uh truth or nair and your question is weirdest kink not a true or false question yeah not yeah it's not a truth it's not a true it's barely a question but again nair all right here you go i'm gonna narrow this kid i came up with this game last night at 345 in the goddamn morning. Yeah, we can tell. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:08 All right, here we go. Back to Danny. What's your personal record for times climaxing in a day? Truth or dare? I really don't want to see any more babies. This one's not that hard to answer yeah two to three maybe okay i i had sex four times in a night two weeks ago and i was so sore that doesn't actually sound that fun it wasn't the fourth time was tough uh are you outside like this yeah you had this open like four weeks ago
Starting point is 00:38:52 dropping it was four times in the night wow um all right the thing about it is back then you had like the real like red eyes too that's That's a wild picture of just Jeff in the middle of the night. It was during that. I don't like that this baby is still looking at us. Arguably worse than me saying I'd narrow this kid is having it just up during this conversation. You're exactly right. we go back to pile
Starting point is 00:39:27 what's the closest I don't know why I said it British what's the closest you've come to cheating on your betrothed I've never come close truth or nair I guess it doesn't yeah god damn it
Starting point is 00:39:49 I can't think of a time I've ever come close I don't know what would be the closest that if it wasn't like overtly something you know what I mean I wouldn't consider that an answer to the question so you're gonna have to you're gonna have to near this kid
Starting point is 00:40:11 I'd near this kid I will eat your ass I hit the wrong button it was supposed to be alright um okay this one so are you just doing google searches to find these kids because the websites that are coming up are like insane i just looked up children very pediatric uh marika back to you who's the most problematic celebrity that you would want to have sex with
Starting point is 00:40:41 who's the most problematic celebrity that you would want to have sex with it's just not a thing that I can even come up with I think here you go yeah I'm gonna narrow this kid this is so fucked up bye to those pigtails
Starting point is 00:41:02 this is so fucked up what is this This is so fucked up. Bye to those pigtails. This is so fucked up. What is this? Dance break. A weird PBS soundtrack. Hello? John C! We made it! Another video episode
Starting point is 00:41:27 of the HeadGum Podcast in the bank. A cha-cha-cha-cha-cha-ching is what I would've, if I don't have that sound up and I don't want to search for it because everybody gives me shit for the way I search with my eyes and we can't edit that out. Do you guys remember lionel coin bank no no what is that lionel coin bank lionel
Starting point is 00:41:53 coin bank save your money save your money and it was like a lionel train coin bank for kids was it like a commercial like a toy or something I feel like I heard you talk about this recently but I don't know what it is I don't fucking know what kind of childhood did you have Jeff I was talking to my friend about this and she also remembered it
Starting point is 00:42:22 but maybe it was like a regional well no because danny you're also from ohio you would have gotten that that ad yeah i don't know what you're talking about bro all right all right very good either way i believe you and i support you i appreciate that i mean that was all i had we're at 41 minutes is that fine is that good of course better than some episodes I agree alright better than some episodes no let's go to plugs
Starting point is 00:42:58 let's go to plugs and I'll get a little thing to get us into them here we go Jeff with your hair like that you look like little richard right now to me and the mustache it's a mustache too i guess yeah but the hair like like that is like oh i think you should i think you should i think you should really like quaff your hair just for the fun of it see what happens i I don't like having hair product in my hair, but I'll do it for you guys. Wow.
Starting point is 00:43:30 You want to end this show so badly. You keep getting upset that I. Plugs. Danny, what do you got going on? What do you want to point the people to? The floor is yours. Man, podcasting and doing shows here in LA. Follow me at Follow Sellers on Instagram and Twitter.
Starting point is 00:43:52 All my links and shit that I'm doing are there. Hell yeah. Pyle? Yeah, come to the HeadGum show. Are you going to be there? Come on, New York City. Yeah, I'm coming. Hell yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:04 I'll be there. There's a new HeadGum podcast called Senior Superlatives with Greta Teitelman. That'll be really fun. We're talking about high school experiences with guests and friends. So I'm sure it'll be very cringeworthy and good um the first episode comes out uh the day before this comes out so it'll be live and you can listen to it we should uh do a cross promo with her she's really funny yeah at jeffrey james on instagram at jeff boyardy on twitter and slash live for the last
Starting point is 00:44:46 few remaining tickets to the headgum podcast uh live show at the grammarcy theater new york city october 22nd um also get tickets to high and mighty which is going to now be a power hour with doughboys and adam pally which i'm pally's in yeah that. It's going to be a true mess. That's so sick. It'll be really fun. Um, but yeah, if you've been, if you,
Starting point is 00:45:08 if you've been planning on going and haven't gotten your tickets left yet, uh, get them before they're gone. Um, and let's try and sell this thing out. It'll be a lot of fun. And either way, uh,
Starting point is 00:45:17 that joint will be jumping little fats Waller for your ass and for your Friday. Let's, uh, let's take them out. Sacks! That was a Hiddem Original.

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