The Headgum Podcast - 93: Technical Difficulties (w/ Shelby Wolstein!)

Episode Date: March 11, 2022

Shelby Wolstein (Keeping Records) joins Amir, Grayson, and Geoff to discuss French brasseries, fitness habits, and frozen yogurt. Plus, they play a round of Geoffardy! Subscribe to the new Ke...eping Records YouTube channel for new video episodes with Caleb Hearon & Shelby Wolstein every Friday!  BUY THE HEADGUM PODCAST MERCH! Advertise on The Headgum Podcast via Rate The Headgum Podcast 5-stars on Apple Podcasts. Rate The Headgum Podcast 5-stars on Spotify. Join the Headgum Discord.See for privacy information.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is a HeadGum Original. Previously on the HeadGum Podcast. Kids are saying sheesh, but it's with a prolonged eee, just like that. And then it's like a call and response. Yeah. What is the, the call is, yeah, what is it? Sheesh. But it's basically you say sheee.
Starting point is 00:00:22 Sheee. But you hardly say the last sh you barely say the first sh it has to be airy and who started that Addison Rae no Jesus Christ how old are you dude Brittany Furlong
Starting point is 00:00:38 no things don't there's no attribution on TikTok it's just one day is everywhere and the next day it's gone and for now it's here Let me tell you what's not going to happen today. It's not going to be the Everybody vs. Jeff show. Not today. I can't fucking handle it. I'm off two coffees.
Starting point is 00:01:16 I'm having a great day. And if this sours it, it's going to be because of you guys. Because I'm prepared. I'm glad. I'm prepared I'm glad that you stopped the sentence before a period didn't end yeah because we have so much to get to I'm stressed a little bit let's get started then let's get into it let's get into it we should say that on the show is grayson wise at gray k wise uh shelby wolstein at shelby j wolstein just shelby wolstein but j is my middle initial that's oh my god and amir blumenfeld bringing up the rear let's start us up off with uh bond of the week my pick
Starting point is 00:02:09 is going to be Lucien Bahaj the late Lucien Bahaj I should say nice yeah aren't you gonna ask who that is you guys aren't interested at all Grayson kind of did Grayson you just I don't know who that is but i'm not interested in finding out okay i think i i think i'll hear it hear it tell us you don't know now i don't think you know amir you you used to live at first and first in new york right uh-huh across the street from where you used to live as far as i understand it is new york's last bastion of writers salons right artists hangouts um we're talking lucian started by the one and only late lucian bahaj
Starting point is 00:03:09 this was the art world's hangout during the naughty oddies the thousands people would go curators visual artists writers actors musicians all of downtown's denizens of yore would congregate at a parisian brasserie i'm sorry to even say but like the wine flowed as free as conversation and lucian would kind of house it are you reading a new yorker article from 1998 i this morning read uh an article on garage by uh one of their great writers nate freeman and uh it really kind of is an oral history of lucian um bahaj curated not only art but an environment to discuss it. This is no offense to Nate, the writer, but I didn't care about it at all.
Starting point is 00:04:16 Yeah. I think it's interesting enough that the dead man who did tell a lot of tales at his own restaurant should be the next James 007. Grayson, who's your pick for Bond of the Week? Also, Shelby, we should say that Bond of the Week is a segment we've been doing on and off where every week we're going to pick our personal casting decision on who should be the next James Bond. On and on. It feels like every week for the last six months,
Starting point is 00:04:49 we've been scraping the bottom of the barrel for weeks and weeks at this, at this point. Well, casting has yet to make a decision. You know that they're probably actually doing this at MGM, by the way. Lance Bass, Lance Bass.
Starting point is 00:05:00 Wow. I want to be Lance Bass. The guy from NSYNC? Lance Bass. Yeah from NSYNC Lance Bass yeah NSYNC he was gonna be an astronaut for a minute
Starting point is 00:05:11 a bass astronaut but yeah continue he was gonna a what? he was gonna be a bass-tronaut Lance Bass bass-tronaut
Starting point is 00:05:21 let's play bass tronaut so we have to decide whether this person is... Oh, come on. That's ten times better than any shitty game you've come up with. I'll go up beside it. All the greatest hits are happening right now.
Starting point is 00:05:50 Do you have a reason or do you just want to leave it at bass uh no i want lance bass to be uh the new bond because um i think that he was going to like go to space gives him sort of the air of mystery that a bond needs to have yeah Like he was down for the adventure or not. Yeah. But I think like his energy is far more approachable than other bonds in the past. And in that way, you might get in a whole new viewership, you know,
Starting point is 00:06:15 people might be a more welcome in to watching. The bond movies. Bass 007, you know. Amir says, keep going. My Zoom just died. New batteries. My Bond is Quincy Isaiah. Who is that?
Starting point is 00:06:37 He's typing in the chat. This is, yeah, he's in winning time. Is that a movie or? Because it could, it just sounds like, yeah. Oh that a movie or? Because it could. It just sounds like. Yeah. Oh, a new show. Got it.
Starting point is 00:06:49 All right. Gray. Okay. Watch. Yep. Yep. I'm going to go with James Acaster. Just mostly because I think he's already got the name down.
Starting point is 00:06:59 And that's like a big part of it. Well, it could be any James. Because it's not like his name is James Bond. No, but it's close. So on set, they could just say James and he's already in character. They could do that with James Baldwin. They could do it with James Baldwin. Whoa, I almost said something so dark.
Starting point is 00:07:15 Which is that it should be James Baldwin. Because he can already handle a gun. If we're going to go the james thing from before um i have a digs and i wanted to talk about your new house but you already kind of told me about it and i i don't i don't want to personally hear it again it's so funny to say new house and this is all i have it's like a completely white wall no art i'm like we've really done it up I love the place yeah let's talk about this instead you were you kicked it off in terms of recording at the new head gum physical studio at the LA studio uh it looks
Starting point is 00:08:16 great it sounds great how did you feel uh any advice for me I loved it it's a blast in there my one my one word of advice would be uh don't put a drink on the table where the microphones are because it is not stable at all. And in that way, it'll fall over really with just a gust of wind. So having a drink there makes it really dangerous for ruining equipment that would cost a lot of money. How windy is the studio? It is. It's like, like, have you ever been in like Iowa in tornado season? So the windiest possible place on the face of the earth.
Starting point is 00:09:00 And you're texting, I'm back, but it doesn't seem like it. No, yeah, I'm here now. Okay, good. The Zoom ran out of battery. Watch out, watch out, watch out, watch out. I'm here texted I'm back but it doesn't seem like it no yeah I'm here now good zoom ran out of battery that's sort of what it felt like when you were coming back was like watch out watch out watch out so yeah that's coffee that's really good oh really it's uh it's cold brew that i buy in a jar and
Starting point is 00:09:32 then i add full fat oatly and it's almost like a creamer they're so it's such a thick oat milk that like you don't have to add a lot and it goes a long way you don't have to add sugar because it's already sweetened yeah and you don't have to add canola oil either because that's in there excuse me what's up canola oil is an oatly which is one of the reasons why it's so thick and congealed because it's actually really bad for you your body can't physically break down canola oil vegetable oil in any way so unless you're taking vitamin e you're actually poisoning yourself um yeah it doesn't feel like i'm poisoning myself such small amounts but
Starting point is 00:10:11 we're always poisoning ourselves whether it's through food gastronomy really or conversation like right now gray sin k wise um let's talk about your gym do you want to plug your gym we've never given you the platform really to tell people in the denver area more specifically boulder colorado yeah specifically johnny right now because he's in colorado did he go to the gym sorry to even ask he yeah no he hasn't um even though we definitely talked about it but yeah rocky mountain athletics uh mountain spelled mtn so just get rid of all the vowels in there that's cool uh check it out on instagram or if you're in the denver area at 1921 federal boulevard you're missing an n what's that if you take all the vowels out of mountain there's two n's
Starting point is 00:10:58 got it yeah well we're not going to change it at this point no that's totally fair and I think probably like the more common one is to say MTN but I guess I've always sort of wondered why the vowels and one of the consonants okay so I wanted to talk about that
Starting point is 00:11:22 do you want to say anything more about it because my wax point here is Grayson's gym slash habits because if not we'll move on to your habits oh yeah no uh i guess i could just try to delay talking about my habits for as long as possible now um well we don't want to eat up too much time because the next one is amir's fears just so we okay great yeah just get through i guess get through it as fast as you want yeah okay then what are your habits uh you know wake up that's a that's a big habit of mine do that i do that every day um how do you stay consistent with shut up amir how do you stay consistent with that with waking up hell yeah because like one of the for me the hardest part about like staying fit is like consistency so how do you stay consistent with that first habit?
Starting point is 00:12:08 Yeah, I don't know if waking up is sort of like a fitness habit. But sleep is the most important thing, I thought. Yeah, but waking up is the opposite of sleep. So that's actually unhealthy. Okay. And I guess if you never wake up, it doesn't matter if your body's good exactly okay second habit uh workout that one is that is that one's fitness related that's tough yeah do you do that one or sometimes you need should i be like your personal trainer should we talk about this
Starting point is 00:12:41 offline we should talk about it online and yeah okay all right all right i was like three to four times a week until uh it got really cold in new york and i wasn't living near the gym so then i started going once a week and now i haven't been in almost three weeks it's so good consistency i know that's like that's fucked up about it consistency i know that's like that's fucked up about it now the issue i've been going to vital but in la i go to uh basically the equivalent of that gotcha you're a big climber yeah socially specifically yeah not not with me i've never been invited um and vitaled but i see that's also not true we've been there together yeah that was an accident jake invited me and i didn't know you were going to be there uh let's round it up with one last habit that you do that's healthy or not
Starting point is 00:13:35 healthy or not uh we'll go in the not side and the drinking alcohol i think yeah because that's sort of that truly is poison. Yeah. Yeah, bring it full circle to poisoning. Yeah. Do you drink every day? No. Well, I drink every day. I don't drink alcohol every day.
Starting point is 00:13:56 That was easy. Nice. You're going to be singing a different tune in a couple seconds here, Amir, because we have to actually dive into Amir's fears. We don't actually have to do anything. Just because you said that doesn't mean we actually have to do it. I mean, I'm down to discuss fears, but I don't want you to think you're forcing my hand or requiring anything of me. I don't listen to you. I don't want you to think you're forcing my hand or requiring anything of me. I don't listen to you.
Starting point is 00:14:27 I don't respect you. I don't care for you or for what you have to say. I'll do it if it means the end product of the show is better. But it's not because you've sort of asked me to. But right there, you care about the show. Because the show is me. Yes show yes I care about vice versa you sort of cornered me into a checkmate situation where I'm accidentally forced to care about your opinion so I will talk about my I guess one of my fears is trying to is giving you the respect slash
Starting point is 00:15:00 confidence you need to succeed because I don't want to have a part in that if that makes sense okay yeah okay i don't want one day for you to have gotten further ahead in this or any business and think back i'm glad i me amir helped you get there i don't want to give you that attaboy that praise i don't want to like pat your back i want to stand on your shoulders and keep you down i want to push you lower i'll shove you backwards sure my goal is that when i leave this here earth you're back to being a head gum intern unpaid really yeah how do you escape like the legality of that because like i'm down for the ride but like i'm scared of the cost i want this to be your peak right now where you are right now
Starting point is 00:15:52 i want this to be the highlight of your life yes because it's not even going that's right it's going fine exactly and i want this to be the halfway point you turn around and you start marching a slog back towards the beginning of wherever you were like at age 12 okay because i got a raise i got a raise in october after like years without having any arrays and so then you'll get what's the opposite of a raise a demotion yeah demotion yes but like demotion is the opposite of promotion i want i want to give you not just a demotion, but I want to give you a lower. I think I want to give you a lower. Okay.
Starting point is 00:16:29 Yeah. Yeah. My other fear is mice. Not really a fan of the skittish sort of like quick little quick twitch nature of seeing like a mouse. We have to move on. quick twitch nature of um seeing like a mouse we have to move on welcome to fro yo or nah okay so these are photos ice cream not fro yo next i'm here. Come on. Let's fucking play along a little bit.
Starting point is 00:17:08 You don't have to go all out. That's ice cream. Incorrect. This is going to be fro-yo. It's going to be? That's also ice cream. There's no way. Fro-yo does not.
Starting point is 00:17:22 Correct. That's ice cream. What about this? That's sorbet. That's ice cream. What about this? That's sorbet. That's raspberry frozen yogurt. See? That's ice cream. Nutella Froyo. By the way, just because it's not soft serve Doesn't mean that it's not frozen yogurt
Starting point is 00:17:46 Fucking idiots Major key alert This one feels like frozen yogurt for sure That one is correct Frozen yogurt that's exactly rice Speaking of Rice milk that's rice Ice cream
Starting point is 00:18:01 Absolutely correct it's gonna be horchata rice milk ice cream This one's tough Are you guys seeing like multiple ice cream. Absolutely correct. It's going to be Horchata rice milk ice cream. This one's tough. Are you guys seeing multiple pictures? That's actually sort of fun to me. I don't know if you guys agree. Sort of like a mosaic. Yes.
Starting point is 00:18:19 I'm going to say ice cream again. Correct. Here we go. Fuck. Looks a little creamy in a way that makes me think this is fro-yo. That's correct. What about this?
Starting point is 00:18:37 This is a milk alternative. Mashed potato. That's oat milk. Mashed potato. The game's not fro-yo or ice cream it's just fro-yo or nah so that is mashed potatoes was it? I thought you said it was oatly
Starting point is 00:18:55 no it's banana oatly ice cream that looks good actually this is ice cream correct this is whipped cream that's coconut really what This is ice cream. Correct. This is whipped cream. That's coconut. Yeah, that's coconut milk and whipped cream.
Starting point is 00:19:08 Really what? Why are you mad at us for laughing? That's ice cream. We finally got to a place where we were giggling. Thanks for playing. You got mad at the end of the game that was supposed to take fucking 10 minutes it took 3 and a half you guys didn't wax at all
Starting point is 00:19:37 let's go back to Grayson's habits Grayson another habit I gave you all my habits well then Shelby's habits. Let's fucking fill time. Shelby's fears. Being put on the spot. And now we can't hear her.
Starting point is 00:19:58 And now we can't hear her. And this one's not even my fault. She's muted in a way. Amir, how do you feel about rats? Scary as well. There's never been a rat in my apartment, but when you walk by a pile of trash in New York City and you just see one just dart out,
Starting point is 00:20:21 that's fucking terrifying. Well, there can't be a rat inside because rats are outside and mice are inside yeah i mean i guess there could be like rats can find a way but usually mice are the ones that are like small enough to fit through the cracks right but i think like if one comes inside it then is a mouse oh interesting so as soon as they enter yeah yeah by definition right yeah kind of like how cats are just female dogs exactly is jeff gone i feel like if rats wanted to they could take over like if rats were able to communicate and mobilize they could probably take over at the very least manhattan like they all find a way inside and bite people
Starting point is 00:21:06 in their sleep that would sort of create a new mass pandemic it would seem it would be like a plague i think it might actually be a plague because don't rats didn't rats like carry the plague in the first place yeah the bubonic plague that's true it was like it was rats so yeah that could actually just be the plague in the first plague didn't rax carry the bubonic in the all right no turn your turn your camera back off wait shelby we still can't hear you we can you might be recording locally people can hear you but we can't hear you right now i don't know why jeff is happy or something um full steam ahead
Starting point is 00:22:05 a lot of technical difficulties my zoom died like in the middle of the show yeah now we can't quite hear shelby my headphones weren't working earlier i don't know this is one of the retrograde or something it's not nice by the way i was gonna say this is one of the few
Starting point is 00:22:24 episodes where it's going poorly because of the guests alright you were going to say or you said it what is this we're getting a new Shelby double Shelby she's connecting with audio separate from the video
Starting point is 00:22:41 this is incredible well she's back can you hear me now yeah um shelby you missed a dance break and then us talking about how this is kind of heading south not because of me but because of technical difficulties well before i left and had to come back they were talking about a lot about rats and what i want to say is the reason i don't think rats can take over the world is because of the way that they accidentally get their little tails tangled up and um then that kills them you mean rat kings the rat when a rat came and created, that is, yes. I am discussing Rat Kings,
Starting point is 00:23:25 but I'm discussing how Rat Kings actually take the ability for a rat uprising out of the equation. Interesting. What about rat? Sorry, Amir. Yeah. Grayson, let's go to you in response. I'm not familiar with this phenomenon.
Starting point is 00:23:43 I was going to ask for clarification. Oh, it's really, truly haunting. Does that answer your question yep i'm here what about rat king cole what about me rat it's so it's the rat king right so like five rats with their tails tied together yeah but it's rat king Cole so they're singing L-O-V-E yes
Starting point is 00:24:14 yes or whatever whatever song that like Nat King Cole is known for but it's five rats sort of Pixar style in a wheel spinning around belting a tune spinning a yarn. I like it. Is there anything to that?
Starting point is 00:24:33 There's maybe like a merch opportunity, but we'd have to turn it into like an actual bit in the next probably five to eight minutes where people like think it's really funny. Interesting. So to like sort of hammer home the fact that it's an inside joke of sorts. Yeah. It's like, oh, and then what's rat king cold? And then it's really funny interesting so to like sort of hammer home the fact that it's an inside joke of sorts yeah it's like oh and then oh what's rat king cold yeah and then it's like
Starting point is 00:24:49 oh it's this podcast I listened to the head gun podcast they did they did this bit and sometimes they bring it back they call back to it and it's like this really funny you know
Starting point is 00:24:56 play on words sure but then they turn it into like a really smart bit that's like just kind of funny but we didn't do that because like you said rat king you said rat king cold and that was all you had
Starting point is 00:25:08 as a starting point and then we can take it from there waxing or waning philosophical about it I think there's something there and I'll say I'll back Amir up on that we all think there's something there and I'll say I'll back Amir up on that
Starting point is 00:25:26 we all think there's something there but it's like it's on one of it doesn't matter who but like to kind of take it forward a little bit isn't this your podcast in a way yeah but I can't do it by myself you know you can't have a podcast you didn't build that
Starting point is 00:25:43 that was a Barack Obama reference when the GOP no we know You can't have a podcast. You didn't build that. As a Barack Obama reference when the G.O.P. No, we know. Yeah. He was just saying teamwork makes the dream work, basically, is what he should have said. I mean, he said, hold on. I'm getting a call. There's no way it's important.
Starting point is 00:26:02 I might I famously might get a call during this podcast. Yeah, we should also say that Shelby might have a mattress. You said picked up? So... Not even dropped off. What do you mean picked up? Who's picking up a mattress? Also, she's freezing. Grayson, so we should also say that Grayson edits the video aspect of the HeadGum podcast, so this is our worst nightmare.
Starting point is 00:26:22 This is going terribly. And it's recorded locally on my laptop, which means that we're not going to get source video from her am i still freezing yes you are and we have to power through because otherwise it's going to be harder to edit amir's on i'm good right now amir's on a phone call shelby am i good am i good right now kind of not really i can't tell you why this would be happening do you understand that why are you directing your anger at me because
Starting point is 00:26:52 where else would it go you know what I mean if you're in Los Angeles on Thursday hey I'm back sorry I was I got a I got a call fairly important when you re-enter from that when you re-enter from a call don't unmute and immediately start talking unmute and listen to see if something else is happening
Starting point is 00:27:15 because i was about to plug shelby and i show at lyric hyperion on thursday march 24th i thought you live in new york frozen i don't live live in New York I'm going back in a week not even six days um why why don't like there's
Starting point is 00:27:38 Hollywood chewed you up and spit you out you moved to New York for a reason. There's no reason to... I'm sorry if I'm... I'm not meaning this to sound like rude at all, but you shouldn't... There's nothing for you here, and you shouldn't be here.
Starting point is 00:27:56 You should be... I mean, the same thing will happen in New York. It hasn't happened yet. So enjoy that little fucking fantasy that you're playing out. But I don't see a world where you're not back in Ohio by the end of this year, early next. Don't, yeah, the show sounds fun. But I guess Shelby feels bad for you in a way. She definitely doesn't need you to do it.
Starting point is 00:28:20 This isn't like the HeadGum podcast or anything. And Shelby, I will do the show with you instead just to sort of give Jeffrey an out or to give, if you don't want necessarily Jeff to be there. Jeff can come, but he doesn't need to host, obviously. Oh my God. We're starting the fucking show all over. No way.
Starting point is 00:28:42 And we still have to do what we've done. We're still doing Pro yo or nah as punishment for that diatribe welcome to another edition of the headcount podcast on this week's episode we have grace and wise accurate gay wise we have shelby wilson is it at shelby jay half an hour in to start over. Oh wait no that's And we have Amir Blumenfeld bringing up the rear. I think we lost Shelby again by the way.
Starting point is 00:29:12 Yeah. Can't hear you yet. This is crazy. Oh she's gone. She'll be back. Just so she knows. Oh wait she can hear us. What about
Starting point is 00:29:19 technical difficulties for the name of this episode? Yeah but we can try we could probably punch it up what about um hang on am i back yes you're back baby you're back who knows why this is happening and i can't wait to find out after this recording we'll do it during talking gum the head gum podcast post game show uh okay perfect shelby and i host that and we sort of go over what went wrong and why and why's with grace it's a lot we you we've been working on gay if you guys know any
Starting point is 00:29:51 psychologists that want to talk about what's going on with Jeff that's been a big thing that we've been trying to hunt down for that for that podcast let's diagnose him yeah well just see what's going on I don't want to say diagnose he has only child syndrome but also a sister so it doesn't quite make sense yeah trying to get to the bottom of that you're needy
Starting point is 00:30:16 some people have supportive friends and I wonder what that feels like co-workers yeah co-workers yeah what's the Shelby what's the show you said Lyric Hyperion Jeopardy
Starting point is 00:30:40 yeah Lyric Hyperion March 24th are you guys hearing this? yeah we hear you okay welcome to Jeopardy springtime edition our categories are
Starting point is 00:31:01 tax day dieting ideas spring break, French nonsense, and naughty Grayson. Who starts? Shelby, you muted yourself. Who starts? Let's start with you now. Dieting ideas for 200.
Starting point is 00:31:24 Are you sure? That one's the hardest one on the board. Well, that doesn't make sense because of the scoring system. Dieting for 200. The ideal body fat percentage for Jeff. Amir. 2%. That would result in my death if I maintain that for more than a day.
Starting point is 00:31:46 15%. 40%. 40? I would also be at risk. Fine. The correct answer was, what is a hurtful thing to wax about? It's that kind of game. It's that kind of game.
Starting point is 00:32:01 I forgot to put it in the form of a question. Why would you die all right uh grayson controls the board for no reason uh french nonsense for 100 please really no uh spring break for 200 really you shouldn't have this much power. Bikini line. Shelby. What is the line outside that store? That's good.
Starting point is 00:32:36 Good, sure, but... The problem with this game is you have to think how you think, which is an impossible feat. That's not impossible. The fact that you think that there's a category of how I would think would be kind of interesting. Bikini line. Do we all have to guess? Because that's not
Starting point is 00:33:04 how Je jeopardy works what does jeff wax on the rat i meant to say on the rag what does jeff wax on the rag are these all waxing related no oh amir controls the board because he's losing interest and I need to keep his attention let's try wax day for 200 oh sorry tax day
Starting point is 00:33:31 tax day for 200 Tuesday April 19th what is when Jeff will do his taxes and it'll result in him getting a late penalty this is crazy
Starting point is 00:33:55 but yes that's correct sorry I meant to do this I hate that I got it right Amir patrols the board. Here we go. You're turning me into you because the first step is trying to get me to think like you. And you're turning me.
Starting point is 00:34:13 Yeah. Once I'm stuck there, you can pull some sort of switcheroo. Let's try French nonsense for 100. French nonsense for 100. One of France's biggest exports please silence your phones all I ask is 50 minutes out of your guys'
Starting point is 00:34:37 fucking entire week in this you can't even silence your phone you can check your phone but fucking put it on silent what is we forgot to take a break we'll be right back guys taking care of your health isn't always easy right but it should be simple that's why for the last three years i've been taking ag1 just one scoop and a cup of water mixed around every day, no exceptions. And it helps me feel, you know, energized, focused, ready to take on the day. Like I'm doing one powerfully healthy habit that's also powerfully simple.
Starting point is 00:35:16 I know that AG1 gives my body high quality nutrition because every batch goes through a rigorous testing process so that you know it's safe. every batch goes through a rigorous testing process so that you know it's safe. And their ingredients are sourced for potency, absorption, and nutrient density, all of which is very important and you don't always get with other leading nutrition brands. I like to drink it first thing in the morning. I'll have a glass of water. I'll have my AG1 and then I'll have my coffee and it gets me set off to take on the day and to be centered and to feel like I did at least one good thing for my health. And if you do that every day, it has compounding effects. If there's one product I had to recommend to elevate your health, it's AG1. That's why we've partnered with them for so long. So if you want to take
Starting point is 00:36:00 ownership of your health, start with AG11 try ag1 and get a free one year supply of vitamin d3 k2 and five free ag1 travel packs with your first purchase exclusively at slash what's that again that's slash what's that check it out and we're back amir one of france's biggest sports this is uh french nonsense for 100 welcome to check um sexual confidence what is sexual confidence anybody else want to guess you don't have to according to grayson what is wax was that the first half second of the curb theme song i'm sorry wait was was that right no it was the first half second of the curb theme song
Starting point is 00:36:59 oh yeah okay a little sub jeopardyopardy happening. Correct. Double Jeopardy, really. Grayson? What is nonsense? Shelby? I already guessed wax, given the sort of theme that's been going on. The correct answer is, what are lazy pricks?
Starting point is 00:37:24 Okay. All right. Shelby seems upset, so let's give her control of the board. Spring break, 100. Spring break for 100.
Starting point is 00:37:39 Patron for sure. What's Jeff ordering at the bar? I guess I'll give you that one. It's what is the coolest tequila to own i don't want the point you wouldn't order that shelby controls the board yet again and might i add that was easy dieting ideas for 100 dieting ideas for 100 the best way
Starting point is 00:38:08 to shed some LBs move to New York for a couple weeks I'm reading it as linebackers and I'm gonna say what is cut them oh that's good that's good that's good incorrect but I'm gonna give it to you what is any way that's sustainable and makes you
Starting point is 00:38:34 feel good in your body giving it to Grayson just for creativity I guess also trying to make the game kind of fair yeah Grayson can French nonsense point. French nonsense for 300. French nonsense for 300. The hardest thing to find in France. What is not a lazy prick? Again, I'll give it to him.
Starting point is 00:38:55 It's what is a good time? What's wrong with France to you? What's that? It seems awesome to be there between Paris and the countryside. When I say what's that, I sometimes can't hear you. So maybe say it a little louder. What? Did you have a bad time in France once?
Starting point is 00:39:12 Why are you mad at them? I got yelled at by a chaperone. A chaperone? Was this a high school trip? It was a high school trip? It was an extracurricular trip where you could pay money to go on a school trip to go to france and learn it was like immersion not therapy so your immersion blender starting to border on what i said this show wasn't going to be today which is everybody
Starting point is 00:39:41 versus jeff shelby controls the board let's fucking go was the chaperone french she was my french teacher and she was a fucking delight in class and then suddenly she thought that i did something that i didn't do i don't even remember what it was but she pulled me aside she yelled at me and i said oh that like that's i didn't do that i wasn't even if i did i would never do that right all right spring break for 300 this is fucked up spring break for 300 watching spring break fucked up. Spring break for 300. Watching spring breakers from afar because he went to Punta Cana by himself. Who is Jeff? That's correct.
Starting point is 00:40:11 It's what is Jeff's favorite spring break memory? Shelby controls the board. Just a little score update for our audio listeners. Grayson and Shelby tied for first and 400. Amir Blumenfeld bringing up the rear 200, which, by the way, that means Amir's in third place because when there's a tie you have to skip the next one French nonsense for 200 French nonsense for 200 a French tradition
Starting point is 00:40:33 yelling at Jeff um no what is and again I'm just quoting Jeff quote being a lazy prick but that's not actually what I think uh escargot I'll give you that one oh sorry
Starting point is 00:40:57 what is smelling like utter ass I don't want points for that Grayson shows the board um uh dieting ideas for 300
Starting point is 00:41:13 it's interesting that we've been wholly avoiding naughty Grayson why don't we run out of time I think Grayson's the only one
Starting point is 00:41:20 that can say naughty Grayson for 200 or something dieting ideas for 300. Nice beach body. What is something Jeff's never heard in his life because he's constantly struggling with the ability to consistently exercise or some shit like that?
Starting point is 00:41:48 What is any body that you're comfortable in bonus points but that's incorrect oh I thought that based on your last one I thought it was gonna be right what is what Amir has we were looking for what is an inappropriate thing for Jeff to send to Casey Donahue, one of the HeadGum's newest hires over Slack. Private message, by the way.
Starting point is 00:42:13 Yeah, that would be. Yeah, that was. Shelby controls the board. Okay, seems crazy. Tax. Seems crazy. Tax day for 100. Tax day for 100. Aiming low. Monday, April 18th. When Jeff should have done his taxes by. I'll give you that. It's when is tax day?
Starting point is 00:42:36 Shelby still controls the board. Tax day for 300. Tax day for 300. I for three young i nine a form uh what is how a nine-year-old tells you how old that was to shelby grayson let's hear it what is how how a nine-year-old tells you his age i'll give you that it's close enough it's actually what are the ideal initials to have no way what would that person's name be Isaiah nine
Starting point is 00:43:10 you'd have to be like Elon Musk's son Isaiah Isaiah and then the number nine but initial wise it would be the number Isaiah 19 and then the number nine. But initial wise it would be the number. Isaiah 19.
Starting point is 00:43:30 The worst time to control the board. Yeah. Grayson controls the board. Could I have Naughty for 100? Naughty Grayson for 100. Got pegged probably. Who is Johnny Villa?
Starting point is 00:43:47 Incorrect. 40 minutes of silence. Is the answer just Grayson? I'll give you that one, Shelby uh the answer is we're looking for what did grayson do on his 21st birthday okay shelby controls the board by the way score update shelby and grayson neck and neck grayson in first with 900 shelby and second with 800 it's impossible at this point for amir to catch up I want to defer my choice to Amir
Starting point is 00:44:26 let's go uh NG for 200 that's not a category which one did you mean? Noddy Noddy what?
Starting point is 00:44:43 Grayson for 200. Because the second bedroom is his red room, so to speak. Why does Grayson live in a two bedroom? That's correct! That's one of two that we've actually gotten word for word today. How did you know that? Context clues.
Starting point is 00:45:07 Naughty Grayson for 300. Did he? Probably. What did Grayson do for his 22nd birthday? Incorrect, but close. What did Grayson do for his 21st birthday? Incorrect, but colder. What did Grayson do for his 30th birthday?
Starting point is 00:45:30 Right track, though. Because Grayson, you're 25? 26? I'm 25. What did Grayson do for his 25th birthday? 26. Just like this. Yeah. 27.
Starting point is 00:45:48 28. It's past tense. It's past tense. 18. What happened the night Grayson's future paramour conceived their child? Stop it. Stop. Stop it. Oh, Lord.
Starting point is 00:46:12 Come on! What did Grayson do for his 24th birthday? Correct! That was easy. That's gonna conclude for lack of a better term Jeopardy. And I'm going to thank everybody for playing. Jeopardy, I misspoke.
Starting point is 00:46:40 That was Jeopardy. That was Jeopardy! Shelby won with 1,000 points. I have $170 in my bank account, so I cannot Venmo you the $1,000, but let's just act like it was a fun time. Sorry. Jesus fucking Christ plugs
Starting point is 00:47:08 what do you guys have going on what do you want to point the people to the floor is all of yours let's go at once and then I'll somehow edit it out so that it's all kind of linear because Shelby has to hard out in a minute and a half three two one all at once yeah check out
Starting point is 00:47:28 you guys want some background you should listen to you should listen to the keeping records on the Hector Network this Hector Podcast and then Jeff and I are going to do a show I think at some point
Starting point is 00:47:41 television shows, movies on the whole show so just DM me because I'm lonely I think at some point, uh, television shows, movies, and you guys should fucking know. There's something for everybody. So just, uh, DM me cause I'm lonely. That was a Hitidgum Original.

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