The Headgum Podcast - 94: Bacronyms

Episode Date: March 18, 2022

Marika, Kayla, and Johnny join Geoff to discuss French brasseries (yes, again), Keanu Reeves, and arcade games! Newcomers with Lauren Lapkus & Nicole Byer is back with a brand new season ...all about the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Check it out! Huge news! XOXO, Gossip Kings is now a video podcast. SUBSCRIBE to their channel to watch Carl Tart & Lamar Woods (and friends) delve into the Gossip Girl catalog. BUY THE HEADGUM PODCAST MERCH! Advertise on The Headgum Podcast via Rate The Headgum Podcast 5-stars on Apple Podcasts. Rate The Headgum Podcast 5-stars on Spotify. Join the Headgum Discord.See for privacy information.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is a HeadGum Original. Previously on The HeadGum Podcast. Hello? Finn! Wolfhard! Oh no. You're on The HeadGum Podcast with Amir Blumenfeld, Billy Brick, and Marika Brownlee on the sacks. Oh. Why? We're taking callers so basically people are calling in and uh we're
Starting point is 00:00:28 we're seeing what questions they might have for us you called me that's exactly what david young said let's just get past the fact that i'm the one making the calls and let's see if you have any questions for us. I don't know. Why are you... I just got off work. I'm really tired. I haven't worked in a while. I'm just trying to hang out and watch TV with my family,
Starting point is 00:00:55 and you're calling me, trying to get me on your podcast. Yeah. Can you... Don't say yeah. Can you... Let's just... All right. Forget this, man. I'm sorry to bother you when you're hanging out with your family. I thought that having friends was cool, but I guess being with your family is cool nowadays. Yeah, I have no idea what that means.
Starting point is 00:01:23 All right. Text me. No. Two whole servings of a day. You're not supposed to have more than 40 grams and this is almost 80 and you're what mine is you're talking about your root beer for the audio listeners sarsaparilla really um marika brownlee and i are drinking i would say spar warring warring warring uh root beers yeah i'm a barks girl uh this can is 44 grams what is wrong with anw well that's like a big bottle yeah and i think this is like slightly more than half of that bottle that's fair but i But I had a Hanks. I'm sorry to interrupt, Johnny,
Starting point is 00:02:25 but I had a Hanks and that's like a Philadelphia craft soda and that was 34 grams. So like still too much, but fine, ultimately. Gotta get Olipop. Olipop is good. Not a fan of the root beer one.
Starting point is 00:02:39 What one do you like? The strawberry vanilla one. That one's great. That's the best one. Honestly, I love grape. Oh, I have yet to try grape. It's nice. That's good. On the show today, obviously
Starting point is 00:02:54 we have Johnny Villa on the sacks, Marika Brownlee on the facts, and Kayla Moriarty bringing up the rear. Potentially an all-star lineup, depending on how it goes. So it might go well, it might not. It's not going to be at my hand, because i have a really great show for us planned uh let's check in emotionally and physically and spiritually with everybody let's start emotionally we'll go down the line uh just a sentence or two let's you know let's not be gratuitous uh in the order kayla marika johnny
Starting point is 00:03:21 let's go emotionally how are you feelingally, I'm excited to be here. My second show. Last week, the episode was called Worst Episode Ever 2. So I feel like we can only go up. America? I am excited because
Starting point is 00:03:41 I've done really well in Wordle this week. Started out the week with a one. Insane. Incredible. Then a three and then two twos in a row. It's just an honor to be here to witness it. Yeah. Thank you. I wish that you'd gotten
Starting point is 00:03:58 the two on February 22nd. Oh, okay. I wish I had gotten a two after my one rather than one three two two that's fair johnny physical uh sorry emotionally emotionally i um in a weird place it's steadily declining you know i was just on vacation right and you know how yeah right after you come out of vacation you kind of see the face of god and every man, woman and child. But then you come back to reality and all of a sudden, like, you become a little bit sour.
Starting point is 00:04:32 You have to go to work. You have to deal with the perils of being in a city. Yeah, it's just not great. You said you went to, like, a movie on vacation. Yeah, I saw the Batman. I couldn't help myself. I saw the Batman, then I went to Dave and movie on vacation yeah i saw the batman i couldn't help myself i saw the batman then i went to david buster's and that was a high point honestly but how does that that's not avoiding life's normal perils that's just doing things you could have done in new york exactly but i just didn't have to think about being in new york now that that's the issue i think can i ask
Starting point is 00:05:03 uh what your favorite david buster's game is what's your go-to you the issue i think can i ask uh what your favorite dave and buster's game is what's your go-to you may not i'm sorry i don't know if you're asking me or johnny but you may not wasn't asking you johnny what games did you have a favorite you just expand all right i guess i played uh the crossy road they have a giant arcade machine version of crossy road a lot of iphone games i've noticed yeah but i think the the one that takes the cake is the mario kart arcade machine really that one's fine if i if i had the money and i will have the money i will have i'm gonna put four uh mario kart machines in my house. Wow. That's too many.
Starting point is 00:05:47 Can I? You should do three so that one person's always excluded. Or that there's this empty weird chair next to you and a date. That just feels like it's so much more effort just to be mean to somebody.
Starting point is 00:05:58 Mean? It's culture. Can I tell an embarrassing Dave and Buster story please you may not I don't know if you're asking me but you may not I'm gonna do it anyway there's one game at Dave and Buster's
Starting point is 00:06:14 and it's a Kung Fu Panda game and essentially you're like presented with a bunch of drums basically that are like large buttons that you push yes i'm familiar with this uh and i the first time i think it was the first time i went to a davin busters in chicago when i was in college i played that game uh and like the goal is to just like hit the buttons as quickly as possible for some reason i decided to hit it with my fist like punch them and i played the game so many times that my knuckles
Starting point is 00:06:50 started bleeding oh my god uh because i needed to get the top score because when you when you hit the jackpot it's a thousand tickets which is great but i did uh i think i i hit it once then and then we went to dave and buster's uh as a company in new york it was like me marty amir jake micah and mike and i made everyone hit a button at like like we were all just in charge of one and then we hit the jackpot so it was amazing moment for me it's a fun game also the jump rope game i i think we walked into the thing all you do is like jump over a light and i immediately got the jackpot and that was like the first time i've ever done it and i was like that's crazy it's only downhill from here yeah uh We should take this time to say a happy birthday to Beth. Who?
Starting point is 00:07:49 Happy birthday, Beth. Beth. I don't know her last name, but somebody tweeted at me and said that this is her favorite podcast and it's her 30th birthday this weekend. So happy birthday to Beth. Yeah, I guess. Happy 30th, baby. Right?
Starting point is 00:08:02 Belated birthday? Yeah, sure. But wow. You know, it's like the fact is we did it. The fact is we're recording it before her birthday and it's going to come out after. So bookending it is kind of getting it on the day in a way. Yeah. Happy belated birthday, Beth. Did you guys ever play the Matrix game at like a Dave and Buster's or like an arcade game?
Starting point is 00:08:22 I haven't been to Dave and Buster's in like 20 years. So sorry. What like an arcade game? I haven't been to Dave and Buster's in like 20 years. So sorry. What was the Matrix game? You've never heard of it? It doesn't sound familiar. Yeah, it doesn't. Oh my God. Well, you must not know about Reeves.
Starting point is 00:08:38 You must not know about Reeves. He was born in Beirut. Did you know that? Matter of fact, he was raised in Toronto. The did you know that matter of fact he was raised in toronto the six you must not know about reeves you must not know about reeves talking keanu reeves he's an actor but don't you ever for a second get to thinking he's in the new batman he's not that's what i was saying don't ever for a second get to thinking he's in the new batman okay i was so unprepared for that yeah likewise um there we go back to normal it reminded me of that song from always be my maybe the best believe i punched keanu reeves but
Starting point is 00:09:22 10 times worse for sure. Right, right. Because that was good. Sorry about that. My favorite arcade game was actually at the ESPN Zone, and it was You Lie Supine. And it's like a racing game where you're feeling gravity. Oh, wait, never mind. So is it a game? Do you play it or is it just like, you know, those like roller coaster things?
Starting point is 00:09:50 No, you're like. Okay, you're driving. Got it. Full steam ahead. We did experience some audio issues. You know what I think it is? we did experience some audio issues you know what I think it is is I think that my dongle from my USB microphones
Starting point is 00:10:07 cord to my laptop is not working super well but it is super dry because it's gonna be Uniqlo style it was such a stretch and it didn't make sense at the end and honestly so do the jeans have stretch
Starting point is 00:10:24 oh yeah it's ultimately fun Didn't make sense at the end. And honestly, so do the jeans have stretch. Oh, great. Yeah. It's ultimately fine. Yeah, you even felt it. Yeah, that sucked. Here's what we'll do. We still haven't gotten to physical. So Kayla, Marika, Johnny, let's do one word for this one.
Starting point is 00:10:43 Physically, how are you feeling? Sore. Can I have more than one word? You may not. Okay. Marika? Unwell. Really?
Starting point is 00:10:59 Johnny? Ill. Jesus. It's Thursday. What the fuck is wrong with you guys? Oh, that's cool. Yeah, that's cool yeah that's cool yeah but also i am a little just ill because it's one word only yeah oh sorry no it's all right uh don't let it happen again and then we'll do spiritually kayla uh whole wow. I don't know. Sore and full. Whole. Marika?
Starting point is 00:11:29 Fulfilled. Okay. Nice. Johnny? I think we can go with ill again. This one's good or bad. Which one? Spiritually ill.
Starting point is 00:11:38 Spiritually ill. That's really hard to hear. Yeah. All right. Let's move on to our first wax thing and obviously we're um we're no stranger to this segment bond of the fucking week this week i'm choosing ryan coogler oh it's time for him to get out of the director's chair and into fucking wardrobe for lack of a better term. Specifically, Sunspell Polos. James Bond style. 007.
Starting point is 00:12:09 Yeah. Right? Behind it. Fine. That's the first time anyone's ever fully agreed. You think Coogler would be a good Bond? James? Because it could also be James Coogler. If they wanted to redo the name. They couldn't get the rights.
Starting point is 00:12:25 Yeah, it's fine, man. No comment. We didn't even bring up like the news items surrounding him. Yeah. Yeah, it's relevant. But well, I don't want to talk about it. It's sad, but it sounds like they gave him money. Doesn't make it right. But I I just want him to get that bag
Starting point is 00:12:49 and get the bag as James Bond my bond of the week Oscar Isaac that's good although his Moon Knight is a little I can't tell the difference
Starting point is 00:13:06 yeah that's what it sounds like really perfecting the Oscar Isaac English accent that's my favorite thing to do I'm gonna have to go with Daniel Kaluuya I don't know if you guys have seen him in the news lately but he he fired everybody from his team and now he's working with a spiritual advisor named
Starting point is 00:13:30 air holiness what really yeah uh a spokesperson from caa was like yeah we don't represent him anymore um and i kind of like that he's not being represented by uh an agency he's being represented by a higher spiritual being than us and i kind of respect that and i'd want that in my next bond thank you i feel like bond is an atheist for sure though right wow at least agnostic yeah bond is definitely uh i think he's like a christian guy but like he doesn't go to church he's not one he maybe goes on like easter or christmas it's like a lapsed catholic yeah yeah dude this is crazy and you're not gonna fucking believe me but literally fucking 007 was in my midnight mass on christmas yeah you'll never believe it um he was in the manger that night and he was was in Paris, too, so he was also manger.
Starting point is 00:14:28 A manger in Paris? Eating. Yeah, he was eating. Sorry. We're going to have to cut that out for sound, so can we get that again? Hang on. Also, it was in Paris, so he was manger. Oh it was in Paris so he was a manger
Starting point is 00:14:46 oh manger in Paris yeah well like eating that was your line Bond of the week gender bending Bond I'm gonna go with Patricia Arquette's character Harmony in Severance so not Patricia Arquette no specifically this
Starting point is 00:15:03 this character Harm Harmony. But ultimately, it'll still be the character James Bond. It's just that she's making choices that her character in Severance would make as an actor playing James Bond. Patricia knows she's actually Harmony playing James Bond. That's huge.
Starting point is 00:15:22 Yeah. That's huge. Yeah. When I worked at Carpool Karaoke, we did one episode. We only did four episodes when I was there and only two of them came out. And one of them was with Patricia and David Arquette. And they were the only people who came on the show and actually wanted to do everything that we pitched to them. And so I love Patricia Arquette. She's great. all right let's
Starting point is 00:15:47 move on um i need to change oh here we go I don't know why it's there. Welcome to Villa's Guarantees. You've heard of Marika's druthers. From the same creators come Villa's Guarantees. Two minutes on the board, and we're going to need, Johnny, we're going to need you to basically, what is the Villa Guarantee? You know what I mean
Starting point is 00:16:25 the Villa Guarantee at least in this episode is it's not going to be the worst episode ever too or three rather I guarantee you that we have Kayla we have Marika
Starting point is 00:16:42 on here we have Jeffrey who's probably bringing it down but quite honestly i think i think we're doing a pretty bang up job which is a good thing i think that's what the phrase means uh is there anything that i want to talk about in colorado i met a girl scout uh and i was speaking to her father i was buying girl scout cookies uh we started talking about milk and cookies uh which is the age-old uh dessert for children and teens alike and during that exchange uh the girl chimed in the girl scout chimed in she said yep a gallon of milk a day and i looked to her father and he's like, yep,
Starting point is 00:17:25 she buys milk every single, she drinks a gallon of milk every day. And I was just absolutely befuddled. I thought I was on the right side of history by thinking that milk was a good thing. But after seeing that family, I realize now how wrong I was and how milk is a guaranteed
Starting point is 00:17:43 bad thing for you to have. we're still there's still time on the clock there's 48 seconds left 48 seconds left on the clock um i saw a dog race in colorado that was interesting garren i guarantee you if you go to a denver nuggets game you'll see a dog race in the middle of the show which is the halftime show and the halftime show generally occurs after the second quarter of the of the basketball game and these things kind of happen like everyone needs a break sometimes right that's why we go on vacation uh and that's the villa guarantee how many more seconds left 14 i have 14 let's get one more guarantee you have 11 seconds okay
Starting point is 00:18:26 I guarantee you that in 2023 I will let you down and I'm sorry in advance that's so far from now alright that's it's over yeah why are you gonna let people down in 2023
Starting point is 00:18:43 like a whole swath of people enough to broadcast it out now as a guarantee i mean the villa guarantee is over i'm kind of a little beat from it all right i'm sorry to press i guess um yeah but i will let you down like i'll let you down. Nice, Beatles. I've been pretty into French. Sorry, Kayla, were you going to say something? I was just going to tell Johnny he has not let me down yet.
Starting point is 00:19:17 Oh, thank you. Thank you. You're welcome. I know we've only known each other about a month, but so far. Yeah, yeah. Don't get your hopes up is what i'm saying weird weird guarantee um i've been obsessed with french brasseries recently and with that comes the certain uh ethos of uh and I was telling Marika and Johnny this last night because we were at a brasserie. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:50 Good food, good wine, and good conversation. And I can't really think of another type of food place where all three of those things are almost villa style guaranteed. food place where all three of those things are almost villa style guaranteed isn't that really close to a restaurant's slogan like good eats good something good conversation are you thinking of better ingredients better pizza papa john's i don't think so okay um because last night the i mean correct me if i'm wrong johnny but i think that the the conversation flowed as free as wine it didn't you were texting us in the middle of the conversation actually yeah we should read those actually well i would i actually would be remiss if we read the actual texts and he's yeah he's ballooning as well so Jeff
Starting point is 00:20:45 texted me and then motioned at the table to check my texts very clearly it was not that obvious it said why is it that only when I speak do people look puzzled slash angered
Starting point is 00:21:02 he spelled angered wrong and then corrected it so well it's because i had a couple of glasses of wine that's true really vraiment wow not a couple you kind of just finished one and you were just starting your second glass and it wasn't like a full glass either it was kind of just like you were testing out the testing out Quasso ah so loud I think that means what's that wait what did you say Quasso which is just
Starting point is 00:21:32 actually it's what that so it would have to be um actually I think it'd just be quesca say quesca say that's how are you doing i think um i just know what is that i believe yeah anyways yeah in the middle of i was actually nearing the end of uh our time at the restaurant and we were having a good time it seemed like and then you texted me at 9 26 is my vibe really good it's just a weird
Starting point is 00:22:06 thing to text somebody in general you didn't even respond yeah i didn't yeah i felt uncomfortable pulling out my phone in the middle of we were having a good time remember right yeah questionable yeah would you say that night had a go for it go for it Marika I was gonna say to Jeff I was gonna say to Jeff did you think that that knight had a certain je ne sais quoi about it that's really good oh god that's really fucking good
Starting point is 00:22:40 yeah and I'm really glad that I interrupted Marika twice actually to have delivered that I interrupted Marika twice, actually, to have delivered that. That was easy. I just wanted to know what spurred this obsession of the week for you. Obviously, for... Right. Right, we talked about it last week.
Starting point is 00:22:58 I just meant, like, was there a reason that you went to Lucien? Was it just because you heard it was good? And then you were like, this is the reason why I want to go to a French pastry. Don't make that face at me. I got dinner with a friend because she wanted to see me before I left. I want to see her as well. On Monday, I said, what kind of food do you want? Pick a type of food and I'll find a place and make a reservation.
Starting point is 00:23:20 She said French. So I was just looking up good French restaurants in New York City. And then I saw Lucien and I had walked past Lucien near that weekend last weekend. And I was like, oh, that's funny, because one of my friends new boyfriend's name is Lucien and I haven't met him and he's very mysterious. So I was going to send her a photo of him, the restaurant. So I was like, oh, maybe I'll check out what this place is about. It looks nice. It looks quaint. But is the food good? And a quick Google search resulted in a uh oral history really kayla and so it was basically talking about how lucian was the um
Starting point is 00:23:51 last bastion of writers salons in new york city uh where basically the i mean for lack of a better term the wine flowed as free as conversation wow yeah thank you for all this background information and thanks for inviting me last night sorry i couldn't make it oh no no no no no that's and i i was i wish you could have been there um yeah um we ended up johnny we did the mongers one basically i don't know if you had any of the cheese. It was a soft cheese. Do you know what it was? Yeah, it's not a Monger's one, by the way. It was just an order of cheese. Really?
Starting point is 00:24:31 Fromage. It stayed on the menu, yeah. It was... Was it a triple creme? It was a goat cheese, man. You think it was a goat cheese, Marika? Yeah. It was.
Starting point is 00:24:43 It said it on the menu. You must not know about Brie. Marika? Yeah. It was. It said it on the menu. You must not know about Brie. You must not know about Brie. I can have another cheese in a minute. Matter of fact, I'll have some cheese in a minute. More Brie. You must not know about Brie. You must not know about Brie.
Starting point is 00:25:00 I'll have a Vardy cheese by tomorrow. But don't you ever for a second get to thinking It's better than some brie Huh. Guys, taking care of your health isn't always easy, right? But it should be simple. That's why for the last three years I've been taking AG1, just one scoop and a cup of water mixed around every day, no exceptions.
Starting point is 00:25:23 And it helps me feel, you know, energized, focused, ready to take on the day. Like I'm doing one powerfully healthy habit that's also powerfully simple. I know that AG1 gives my body high quality nutrition because every batch goes through a rigorous testing process so that you know it's safe. And their ingredients are sourced for potency, absorption, and nutrient density, all of which is very important and you don't always get with other leading nutrition brands. I like to drink it first thing in the morning. I'll have a glass of water, I'll have my AG1, and then I'll have my coffee. And it gets me set off to take on the day and to be centered
Starting point is 00:26:04 and to feel like I did at least one good thing for my health. And if you do that every day, it has compounding effects. If there's one product I had to recommend to elevate your health, it's AG1. That's why we've partnered with them for so long. So if you want to take ownership of your health, start with AG1. Try AG1 and get a free one-year supply of vitamin D3K2
Starting point is 00:26:24 and five free AG1 travel packs with your first purchase exclusively at slash what's that? Again, that's slash what's that? Check it out. Can I talk about some France-related news that's really exciting for me? Yeah. Yeah. news that's really exciting for me yeah yeah today the lineup for the 24 hours of lamon came out which i am going to uh and michael fassbender is indeed competing in his first ever 24 hours of lamon this year jesus. Really excited to see him do
Starting point is 00:27:05 probably terribly. Yeah. When is this? This is in June. Exciting. Yeah. That's awesome. Has he ever been Bond of the Week?
Starting point is 00:27:15 He was one week, I think. One week. Really? It was somebody's Bond pick. I think it might have been Billy Brick. We do have to move on. We do have to move on. Here we go um something i've been wanting to get into recently is um mysteries because okay one of my favorite literary characters is sherlock
Starting point is 00:27:36 and i feel like i sort of have that that i fix your screen what's that i can see garage band yeah we see garage band man you can share specific windows all right then i will i just didn't know i don't know if this is a bit or not but did you know that my last name is a very famous sherlock holmes character yeah moriarty yeah that's why i've been calling you moriarty to other people. Oh, good. Kayla, I have a photo because I was really into the Sherlock series, the BBC series. I have a photo of a gravestone that says Moriarty somewhere on my phone. Please send to me. Maybe it's mine. Are we ready?
Starting point is 00:28:23 You're not. Go ahead. Sorry. No, you don't have to be sorry because we're having You're not. Go ahead. Sorry. No, you don't have to be sorry, because we're having a good time. I feel like he's... it's fine. I'm sorry. I'm sorry for you, really. 54 inches of questions. Your bows, how are they different from this bow? Are they straighter?
Starting point is 00:28:41 It don't have a bend in it. A wooden tool used to shoot arrows. It's called a recurved bow. You can see that it's bent to create the curvature. It appears to be very old. It was completely submerged. In amazing condition. You could almost string it up and pull it.
Starting point is 00:28:59 For our audio listeners, mystery surrounds a 400-year-old hunting bow. It was made by a master craftsman from my perspective. George Alexie and Butch Hobson are dinner in an Athabascan. They've come to see the hunting bow. These are bows collected by the Russians. But it doesn't look like any other Athabascan bows collected from the area. You can kind of see on that the shoulder is really different.
Starting point is 00:29:24 It appears to be a Yupik design. These are pretty distinctive. Deepening the area. You can kind of see on that the shoulder is really different. It appears to be a Yupik design. These are pretty distinctive. Deepening the mystery. What is a Yupik-style bow doing in a lake in the middle of the Danube? I was just about to ask this. Causing more questions. Nobody would leave a bow behind.
Starting point is 00:29:36 So Yupik folks could have come down to the old village and done trading there. I wouldn't know how they got up there. In more populated parts of the world, the question then becomes how did they travel? The discovery of new artifacts. In Alaska, we just don't have that kind of development, so it's very rare.
Starting point is 00:29:53 It's very rare for us to come across material like this. This tiny hole helped find one answer. Don't read that commentary, please. No, that's good. Kayla can. Not you, Jeff. No, that's good. Kayla can. Not you, Jeff. Fuck.
Starting point is 00:30:11 Yeah, that's funny. Bo to be over four centuries old. Adding 400 years of questions to the mystery of the Lake Clark bow. All right. So just to recap, 400 year old hunting bow found in Alaska, potentially traced to the Yupik tribe of North America. And the question then becomes, where did this originate? How was it preserved so well?
Starting point is 00:30:43 Which I think that might've been answered and that it was preserved in ice um and john are you crying no i'm just thinking i'm actually kind of smiling a little bit because i was thinking what if that bow could actually talk and host this podcast in lieu of you in louisville actually in lieu of you can you stop sharing your screen yeah this isn't i don't want to see this anymore wow all right um this is open discussion we only have about five minutes for this but if you guys have any thoughts only five yeah let's solve it in five minutes basically uh what's the mystery mystery being, how is it preserved so well? Where did it originate?
Starting point is 00:31:28 How did it get to Alaska, if it is? I think that it floated in some ice down a waterway and ended up there. Yeah, but we'll never know for sure. It's a Washington to an Alaska mystery. Is that right? Sorry, let's just... If we can fully delve into Marika's
Starting point is 00:31:55 theory here, which I don't think is smart. Riverflow. Washington State. Okay. What do you mean okay? Typing in Google. No, I'm just saying it for the audio listeners. We're typing in Google.
Starting point is 00:32:09 Because Marika said down. Well, also, I don't know where the U-Pick people were. Well, yeah, that's also... We don't have to look this up. You said we only have five minutes, right? We're sleuthing. And it was all going to be speculation. What makes you think
Starting point is 00:32:25 that we're qualified to solve this mystery? How does anyone get qualified? They fucking try and they fail and they try and they fail to get better over time.
Starting point is 00:32:36 Or like they try and fail to get better. Certification type courses. You know what? This is poison. Fuck this.
Starting point is 00:32:44 You guys are fuck Kayla's the only one who's giving me the fucking time of day right now. You know what? This is poison. Fuck this. Kaylee's the only one who's giving me the fucking time of day right now. I mean. Oh, God. Where's that talking bow when we need him? I'd love to talk bows. No.
Starting point is 00:33:02 Welcome to backronyms. That's what we're doing. We can talk bows off. Backronyms. So I have written Welcome to backronyms. That's what we're doing. We can talk about those often. Backronyms. So I have written out a couple of acronyms and we, it's our job during this segment to back our way into what they stand for. Let's start with lamb. Just throw out any suggestion. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:20 L A M B. Large at. What's that? Large ass military bunker You know with war going on That's good It would save a lot of time Especially in military scenarios I was going to say late ass
Starting point is 00:33:39 Actually I didn't think that one through Late ass Maria. I wanted to say Shriver, but that doesn't start with a B. No. How could you have not thought of this? What's that? How could you have not thought about this through? One of America's biggest complaints with me hosting the show is that I always come prepared with jokes that everybody has to just fucking sit through.
Starting point is 00:34:03 And everybody else is underprepared because they didn't get a heads up. So I didn't come up with ones for these. Lamb. What about this? Lame ass Marika Brownlee. Yeah, I was gonna say my initials are there. I was gonna say look at male bozos. Oh, that's good with Johnny and his roommate.
Starting point is 00:34:20 Why would you bring my roommate into this? He's not even sort of a bozo it wasn't about you yeah pko okay pko b like baby p like uh pharmacy wow the worst. The worst word to use. Oh. Hard to think of, like, not name words that start with K. Okay. Just put, throw on that out there.
Starting point is 00:35:01 What about, yeah, paid Kayla off. So it's like Kayla finds out one of Johnny's secrets and he kind of like gives her $2,000 under the table. That's good. I was going to say philosophical koala orientation. Oh, that's good. So it's like koalas are studying. Sorry, one second. So it's like koalas are studying.
Starting point is 00:35:21 Yeah, it's like their first day of philosophy school for koalas. That's really good. Thanks. What about RRR? RRR. philosophy school for koalas that's really good thanks what about rrr review review reeks how about that try that one on for size jeffrey holy shit wow reading railroad rocks really rough retention isn't like how many people actually listen to this podcast all the way through yeah that's good that's good honestly not good but over a hundred percent this is not an RRR yeah I mean I was gonna say rest relaxation
Starting point is 00:36:11 and reactiveness so it's like you rest you relax and then you're still angry moving on SBN I unfortunately just immediately thought of it as the abbreviation of Supernatural, the TV show. So I'm going to take a second to think about what I've done. Yeah. Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 00:36:42 Spoon, poon, and noon. It was a B, but I guess I'll still... Why don't we still let... No, let's still let it be Spoon, Poon, and Noon, but it's SBM. It's one of those weird ones. Okay. I did think you said P. R, L, K.
Starting point is 00:37:08 Robert L. Kennedy. What's the L stand for? Lee? Yeah, Robert E. Lee Kennedy. Weird. Isn't it R-F-K? It is. This isn't a former president's brother. Just someone else,K? It is. Okay. This isn't,
Starting point is 00:37:25 this isn't a former president. Someone else, a random person. Got it. All right. What about ABD? Always be dying. Dabbing.
Starting point is 00:37:36 Diligent. Oh, okay. It's interesting. You guys all kind of went with the ABC thing. The like, um, Glenn, Gary, Glenn Ross thing.
Starting point is 00:37:50 What would you have gone with? Amir Blumenfeld's Dead. That's terrible. You have a soundboard. You don't have to make that sound. There's not a big enough applause. Like this is like it would be more people than that. Jeff.
Starting point is 00:38:05 Would it? That's mean. Just saying. G2K. E2K? Two? G? The number 2K.
Starting point is 00:38:21 Uh. Why are you? Why do you keep using K's? I don't care with a K. What about Gramercy to Kayla? So it'd be like how long it takes to get from Gramercy Park to Kayla's apartment. And what's that address? It is not going to tell you.
Starting point is 00:38:49 Yeah, good. Smart. Only people that invite me to their goodbye dinner parties get my address. Okay. Then we'll run it back tonight at a different brasserie. Let's go C'est Tron at 730.30.
Starting point is 00:39:05 Done. But before that, what about Y2R? Y2R? Yeah. Your two rank. Is that just the... Yeah. You're just saying that's an acronym. You're not saying that to me.
Starting point is 00:39:27 I mean... She doesn't have to expound on it, but... Yeah. I think deep down, we know the real... What it really means. If it is pointed. Ew. Don't sneeze on the mic.
Starting point is 00:39:40 You're too revolting. Ha ha ha. you're too revolting laughing laughing laughing laughing laughing laughing laughing laughing alright we have
Starting point is 00:39:59 one last segment to get to here we go debate are the Idides of march important come on great okay i need an ides of march refresher to to be honest. The Ides of March refer to March 15th. Basically, the Roman calendar equivalent of March 15th is also the day that Julius Caesar was assassinated. And so some people either celebrate it,
Starting point is 00:40:36 probably not anymore, unless they're crazy, but it was the three days of mourning starting on March 15th. But also it's just kind of this idea that, you know, around the Ides of March, there's an energy shift in the year. Vibe shift? Definitely. I think the Ides of March then are probably important
Starting point is 00:40:54 still. Okay. Because there's a lot of, I mean, there's like the play Julius Caesar, like there's media around that event that is still relevant. So, yeah. And from like a 10,000 foot level, like I love, you know, a betrayal midseason arc.
Starting point is 00:41:14 So, yeah, that's fun. I guess the bigger question here is, do the Ides ring true to this day? And I think we kind of touched on it that we do think it does. But is it really the eyes or is it daylight savings times i mean that feels like a betrayal that's that's actually really interesting to think about it what's the one state that doesn't do daylight savings is that arizona i think so so. Is it really? I'm thinking of the West Wing scene where they're yelling in Indiana or something, right?
Starting point is 00:41:53 Yeah. It's one of the Southwestern ones because I know that it would be, like sometimes it's Pacific time, sometimes it's Mountain time. But is there a way that we can make the Ides more modern or more fun? Let's say. Maybe like probably cyberbullying instead of stabbing. Yeah, that's good. Cyberbullying people who deserve it or like. I mean, I think anyone.
Starting point is 00:42:19 OK. I don't know if I can endorse that on a podcast with such an important platform as this one but I take it back I was thinking because one of my favorite parts of the week and it's usually where portrayals happen as well is drunch Saturday or Sunday drunch which is just for those who don't know brunch is a combination of lunch and breakfast and then drunch is adding alcohol into the mix
Starting point is 00:42:40 what if it was the Ides of Drarch so instead of doing like a dry january you do a really drunk march that sounds like it could be fun for some people for some people yeah i mean george clooney certainly thinks it deserves remembrance because he has a tequila brand Remembrance Remembrance sorry
Starting point is 00:43:07 I thought you were combining remember and brand that could be good for a backronym what about JRV my initials Jonathan Raphael alright nevermind then George Clooney produced The Ides of March with Ryan Gosling,
Starting point is 00:43:29 and he also has a tequila brand. So I feel like if he isn't interested in the idea, we could get him on board for The Ides of George. Probably. I'll take probably. Do you have his contact info I mean I can get his reps easy easy money the question is
Starting point is 00:43:50 how do you get in the room with him because you know he probably has like a business team right I think you're gonna have to flesh out your pitch more before you get to that stage because it's pretty not well thought out at the moment. Yeah. All right.
Starting point is 00:44:06 And then maybe a really snazzy deck. You're pitching him a month is what you're doing. Well, not just a month. It's specifically March and drunk. Sorry, I had a couple. For next year, I assume, because it's already March 10th. I was hoping we could try and get it going by the Ides. But yeah, I mean, I'd be open to 2023.
Starting point is 00:44:25 That also could be when Johnny betrays me. Oh my god, yeah. I do like the idea of a planned betrayal. Because Johnny, you said that one of your guarantees was that you were gonna betray others next year
Starting point is 00:44:47 now Johnny's like this is crazy alright you know what we're out of time anyways I didn't say betray I said I'll let let you down great the first sign that Johnny was gonna to get out of here faster, he just stopped his own thought and said, great.
Starting point is 00:45:11 Plugs. Let's go. Kayla, Johnny, Marika, what do you guys have going on? What do you want to point the people to? The floor is yours. Social media projects, anything. Okay. Please, everyone, follow HeadGum on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram,
Starting point is 00:45:24 TikTok, and YouTube, and GumballGum on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube. And GumballFM on Twitter and LinkedIn if you're a professional. And follow me on Twitter and Instagram, Kayla LaMoriarty. And don't betray anyone on the 15th, please. Or cyberbully. Villa? Can't hear him. Are you typing them out?
Starting point is 00:45:47 I can't even read it. Follow me on Instagram. At JohnnyV. By the time this comes out, I believe that XOXO Gossip Kings, the Gossip Girl podcast hosted by Carl Tartt and Lamar Woods, will have a YouTube channel and be doing video episodes
Starting point is 00:46:07 so put that link in the description and you should follow it and subscribe because they're really really funny it's a really funny show and then follow me on Twitter, Instagram and Letterboxd
Starting point is 00:46:24 at Marie K. Alon and follow Instagram, and Letterboxd at MarieKLon. And follow the newcomers Letterboxd at Newcomers. They're doing their fifth season on the MCU. And it will be really funny and fun. Hell yeah. And you can follow me on Instagram at JeffreyJames on TikTok. I am JeffreyJames because I couldn't get at Jeffrey James. The person who has it hasn't posted anything. I think his name is Matthew. But we'll see you guys again next week. And until then, I guess that's Daz, folks. that was a Hidgum original

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