The Hilary Silver Podcast - Hard Work Won’t Make You Rich
Episode Date: October 18, 2024Episode 26: Hard Work Won’t Make You Rich Think working yourself to the bone is the only way to get rich? Hilary flips that tired narrative on its head. Forget grinding yourself into the ground! ...Hilary built a $12 million business and hit millionaire status by 47, not by hustling harder, but by shifting her mindset. She’s here to tell you that wealth isn’t all about effort but also about energy. And in this episode, she’s sharing the three principles that took her from endless hustle to serious wealth. Episode Highlights: Hilary recounts how years of backbreaking work got her nowhere—until she shifted from “doing more” to “being more.” She explains how changing who you are can transform your energy and can bring success straight to your doorstep. You’ve heard “seeing is believing,” but Hilary’s here to tell you it’s the other way around. You’ve got to believe in your success first. Hilary introduces a daily journaling habit that rewires your brain and promises to shake things up in just 90 days. Whether it’s the universe, God, or some cosmic force, it’s always eavesdropping on your thoughts. If you’re doubting yourself, guess what? The universe knows. Hilary explains how to get your mindset in sync with your goals, so the universe knows you’re ready for that millionaire status. Episode Breakdown: [00:00] Hard Work Won’t Make You Rich [01:22] Success Principle #1: Being Over Doing [02:04] The Struggle: Four Years of Hustling Without Results [02:57] The Epiphany: How Shifting Your State Leads to Success [04:01] Practical Application: Becoming the Future You [05:25] Success Principle #2: The Belief Paradox [06:08] Flipping the Script: Why You Have to Believe First [07:12] Daily Journal Method: Rewriting Your Mental Script [08:15] Success Principle #3: Universal Connection [09:19] Mixed Messages: What Are You Really Telling the Universe? [11:05] Self-Reflection: Time to Assess Your Beliefs [11:46] Break Free from the Grind and Align with Success Listener Takeaways: Shift your energy. Spoiler alert—burnout won’t get you there. Learn how focusing on your emotional state can work wonders in aligning you with your biggest goals. Believe before you achieve. Get on board with Hilary’s journaling method and start believing in your potential today. You’ll see results faster than you think! Talk to the universe because your thoughts send out powerful vibes. Time to clean up those mixed signals and start manifesting success like the millionaire you’re about to become. Get more incredible resources from Hilary! Click here to access all of her free paradigm-flipping tools:
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Hard work won't make you rich. Despite what you've been taught and conditioned to think,
it's just not true. I built a $12 million company from scratch and became a millionaire at age 47,
and it was not because I worked my ass off. In this episode, I'll be sharing with you the three
success principles I learned that actually made me rich after years of working hard.
I wish I knew these three things earlier because I would
have gotten to where I am now so much sooner and with a whole lot less heartache. And my hope is
that once you understand these three principles today and why they work, you'll see exactly what
you need to do to achieve the success that you want in life. Hi, it's Hillary. Welcome to the Hillary Silver Podcast.
Thanks for tuning into the conversation today. If you haven't already, it would mean so much to me
if you'd take a minute to just click that five-star rating on your podcast app,
leave a review, and subscribe so you never miss one of my episodes. And if you're enjoying this
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Okay, the three success principles that made me a millionaire. Number one, it's not what you are
doing that matters so much as who you are being. We're going to get into that. So in 2013, I decided
to take my business online so I could help more people and have
a bigger impact.
But it actually took me four long years and about $100,000 of investing in myself and
in my dream to actually make that happen.
But it wasn't for a lack of trying.
I worked my ass off.
I was creating webinars and creating content on social media every day,
doing everything I could to grow my email list. I was doing all the stuff that I was supposed to be
doing to make an online business work. I was working so hard and try, try, trying. And while
I had some wins along the way, I was still not where I wanted to be. In fact, I was still running
my therapy practice on the side so I could pay the bills and continue to make money to invest in growing my business. And it
went on for four long years, straddling these two worlds, the online coaching world and the
in-person therapy world. But then in October of 2017, I had an epiphany that changed my life
forever. I realized that the way I was showing up was blocking my success.
How I was showing up, who I was being when I was doing all the things was pushing my
dream further away, like frantically chasing after a wet bar of soap.
It just kept popping out of my hands.
All the chasing and hustling and grinding and
efforting energetically repelled what I was working so hard to achieve. It was my emotional state,
my anxiety, desperation, fear, doubt, exhaustion, and then sometimes falling into victim thinking
like, why is this happening to me? Why isn't this happening to me? Really feeling sorry for myself. And underneath that,
it was my limiting beliefs about what is possible for me, who I am in this world. So that despite all my best efforts and my seriously hard work, I just couldn't break
through. I was subconsciously believing that maybe it wasn't possible for me, that it actually won't work out for me. I don't get to
have that success. And I wasn't able to really vision myself living the life I was trying so
hard to create. So this principle is all about understanding the difference between doing and
being. You can do all day long, but really what actually matters is who you are when you're doing it.
It's a big difference, right?
Once I shifted away from all the doing and spent my time focused on my being, it changed
Was I still doing things?
Of course.
But the energy behind everything that I was doing was entirely different. And in the process of this,
I created a process to change the way I think, to change my deepest subconscious belief systems.
And that changed my energy and my emotional state so that when I was doing all the things,
I was showing up as the version of me who believed it was not just possible, but inevitable. We can't achieve
the impossible if we don't believe the impossible is possible. That is why being self-centered
is crucial in our lives. Everything is contingent upon us. We go first. If you want to lose the
weight and keep it off, you have to do all the things, yes, but you also have to become
the version of you who is already living that healthy, thin, fit, vibrant life. Make sense?
And to be in a successful, loving relationship, you first have to become the version of you who
is worthy and capable and fearless to let love in and know it is happening now. This is why I spend so much time teaching you
how to think differently. You hold the power to change everything in your life in the best
possible way. And so now you're probably wondering, okay, Hillary, that sounds nice in theory,
but I haven't had success in my life yet. There's no evidence that I can make it work.
So how do I just show up feeling confident and believing that I can do it?
Well, that's a good question.
And that brings us to the second principle.
The second principle is what I call the belief paradox.
We've all heard the phrase, seeing is believing, right?
We've all heard that our whole lives.
And that is conventional thinking, mainstream thinking.
Common beliefs are that
we can only truly believe something when we see it, that we can only accept something is true
if there is visual, tangible evidence to support us actually believing it. This is what keeps the
general population living ordinary lives, doing ordinary things, living life within the guardrails of what is expected of us.
So I'm about to turn your world upside down in the best possible way. It actually goes like this.
You believe first, and then you will start seeing. We actually create the evidence that something is
possible by believing that something is possible first.
Yes, that's how it works. Beliefs go first. We go first. Then all else follows. Think about it.
No one signs up for a race thinking they won't finish. No champion competes believing they're
not going to win. And no one even just buys a lottery ticket without the slightest belief
that maybe they'll be the lucky winner, right? You have to see it first and believe it first.
And then everything you do has an energy behind it. And that is why it happens. That is the will
for it to happen. And if you can flip this script, this paradigm in your mind permanently, you can have anything
you desire.
Now, again, you're probably wondering, how do I believe something when it's never happened?
Or how do I just change my beliefs?
Well, this is a deeper process that I will absolutely cover in another episode.
But the process and the method of The Daily Journal helps you make this your
new way of moving in the world. In the meantime, before that episode comes to be, if you are
committed and you want to get started, sign up for The Daily Journal. It's a very small investment
for such a large payoff. So go to forward slash journal. I'll put the link in the
description and in the show notes. But I've been using this method for years now, and I've taught it to thousands of my coaching clients,
and it takes only 10 to 15 minutes a day. If you repeat this method daily, I guarantee you that
you will be able to install any new belief into your mind and notice the changes in your life
in under 90 days. I've seen it happen in my own life and in the lives of thousands of my
clients. They literally say, Hillary, my dream partner stepped right out of the pages of my
journal. Now I want to touch on why this belief paradox actually exists in the first place.
Why does belief create the evidence? Well, that's because of principle number three.
And principle number three is the universal connection.
So whether you believe this right now or not, it is true.
Just like with gravity, we can't see gravity, but we know it's real.
We feel the effects of it every single day.
So this is more than a principle.
It's a postulate, which is an assumption of truth for the basis of a discussion, right?
So here's the
thing. The all-knowing energy force in the great beyond exists and is always listening. So whether
you call it God or the universe, it really doesn't matter. I think about it as infinite wisdom.
And this infinite wisdom out there in the beyond wants you to have that which you desire, and it
always delivers and provides, which then means what you think and feel and believe and what
you say to yourself and the words that you speak in your head, but also verbally send
direct messages to this entity.
If you are thinking, this can't happen for me, I want it, but I'm scared. I don't really deserve this.
If you can't vision yourself with the goal achieved and only see what you have been and
what you currently are, you're sending mixed messages.
You're not in the energetic state to receive that which you are trying so hard to create.
So what are you saying to the universe?
Are you saying, I want this thing, but don't send it to me because I can't handle it? For the four years that I struggled with my
online business, I secretly believed that I couldn't make it work, that I didn't have what
it takes. And this meant I was directly telling the universe that I wasn't worthy of the business
success that I was so obsessed with creating. I was taking all the right actions. I was working
my ass off, but my beliefs informed the universe that I wasn't ready for it. I wasn't ready for it.
I couldn't handle it. And I didn't believe it was possible for me. So it was always kept out of my
reach one way or another. Now this might sound like new age woo-woo bullshit to you, but I assure you
it is actually science. Like I said, just like
gravity. If you choose to believe this and accept it as true, you will radically change the trajectory
of your life. The bottom line is whether you like it or not, the universe is always listening.
And it's completely impartial. If you believe that you are capable of being a millionaire,
the universe will listen. If you don't believe it, it will still listen and it will shape your
reality accordingly. You have the ability to influence the universe. Yes, you do. And that's
what I want to leave you with today. Have an honest look at your life right now. What goals
are you struggling to achieve despite putting
all the work in? Working your ass off, trying, trying, trying. Take a note of how you're showing
up in that area. What's the energy and the emotional state that you're showing up with?
Are you full of fear and doubt? Are you coming from a place of scarcity and desperation?
What underlying beliefs are causing these feelings for you? And most importantly,
what do you need to believe instead to start reshaping your reality? If you actually answer
these questions today, you'll be on your way to get unstuck and smoothly move towards what you
really want, even if you've been struggling for a long time. Thanks for joining me today and being
here till the end. I hope you enjoyed this episode and I will see you next time.