The Hope Hotline - Lords Prayer, Study With Your Spouse & Honor Bad Parents??
Episode Date: March 26, 2025The Hope Hotline | S03-E22 | 03-26-2025...
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Hello and welcome to the Hope Hotline.
Thank you for joining us today.
This glorious Wednesday.
It's beautiful outside and I don't know if it's cold where you're at, but it is hot where
we are.
It's toasty.
It's toasty.
It's like our spring is really summer. It is.
It's what your summer is. I know. It's true. Very true.
Excuse me. That was a Zvia burp. Stay off that. Yeah, so it's pretty nice outside, pretty great day.
Yes, our mornings are still cool though.
Yeah, they are.
Which I like.
I went walking this morning.
I did a 40 minute walk.
Crisp 60 degrees in the morning.
I like it.
Yeah, it's pretty nice.
No complaints here.
I like it.
So hopefully you guys are having a great day.
We are going to. Yeah.
Do you have anything you guys wanna talk about?
I went to the gym this morning,
worked on some chest and tris.
How many times have you been to the gym?
This week.
Just this week?
Well, this week, yes.
Every day?
It's today your first day?
No. I've committed to three times your first day? No. No.
I've committed to three times a week.
That's not bad.
That's not bad.
That's a good starter.
Wednesday and Fridays.
Give your body a break in between each day.
I'm working with a trainer on Monday and Fridays.
Are you now? And she trains me to the point. That's a little bougie. A little Fridays. And she trains me to the point.
That's a little bougie.
A little bit, but she trains me to the point
where I'm like almost vomiting.
I don't think that's a good thing.
I wanna know something.
I got the run around.
From who?
Less from you, I will say.
Less from you, I will say. About all of you guys getting, you know, leaving, saying I was bougie, and here you are at a gym now with a trainer.
I know.
That's kind of rude, actually.
That's kind of rude, Vanessa.
It is.
You just leave her high and dry.
But you know what? I'm doing it.
I'm doing it because my husband asked me. She's justifying. To go to the gym with
him. This is a missive wife. Because that gym toxic environment is no joke. It's
another level. Are the women trying to beat him down? Is that what's going on so
he needs you to protect him? Exactly. Not if the old guy is getting you. I know. I think it's the other way around more so than anything.
Maybe he should have left you at home.
I think he's like regretting it now.
You've only been there two days and you've been hit on.
Oh my gosh.
Maybe you should stay home.
My gosh.
I made sure I look like Adam Sandler though this morning.
Jare said he saw you wandering around.
I was.
I was kind of lost.
Why were you wandering around. I was, I was kind of lost. Why were you wandering around?
Because my trainer gives me like a plan for the day
because I don't work with her on Wednesdays.
So she's like, do these things.
And so I'm like trying to like wander around the gym,
trying to find the machine that she's assigned to me.
But then I don't know how to use the machine.
So it's a laugh, it really is.
Although we don't have machines really,
where I'm at.
No, you're right.
What kind of machines are you, do you have?
So many.
I feel like it's, there's only machines there.
I prefer, I prefer free weights.
I prefer no machines.
There's a free weight section for sure.
But the, but the weights look like
they're from like the 1930s.
I'm sure I need like a tetanus shot after using them.
Oh my gosh.
They're like rusted.
Oh my gosh.
It's a man's gym.
It really is a man's gym.
I have no idea how I wandered in there.
No frills.
No bueno.
Oh man.
Girls, do you guys have anything to add?
I've got the virtuous thing for later,
but I can do that during our run through.
Because the river is having their women's conference
and Vanessa and I will be heading up there tomorrow.
Are you going to the morning?
Are you going to the night? Yeah. Are you going to the night?
Are you going to any others?
Are you just doing the one day?
Just that day.
Just the one day.
I wish I was doing that.
Are you headed tomorrow?
There tomorrow?
Tomorrow night and Friday night.
I can't do Thursday morning.
I wish I could.
I know.
I had to make, move some things around,
but we got it figured out. Yeah, that works out.
It's really nice when you can do it all in one day.
For sure.
Instead of driving up there twice.
Especially with the traffic.
Oh my goodness.
I went out to see Esther Key yesterday to see Kaylee,
and it was wild getting out and then wild coming home.
What's she doing at see Esther Key?
Well, they came down a little bit early, so they're here for the women's conference. Ah, okay. and it was wild getting out and then wild coming home. What's she doing at CSU Key?
Well, they came down a little bit early,
so they're here for the women's conference.
Oh, you're kidding me.
I didn't know she was coming.
Go see her tomorrow.
Yeah, she leaves Saturday night to fly back home,
and then her and DJ and the kids come Wednesday morning
the following week, and they'll be here.
They're gonna be in Englewood,
so they're gonna come to church on baptism Sunday. Oh, that's right, shut up. Yeah, they're they'll be here for the, they're gonna be in Englewood. So they're gonna come to church on baptism Sunday.
Shut up.
They're all gonna be here.
I know.
I forgot they're gonna be here for that.
Hot dog, I gotta find her and say hey.
So I saw her yesterday.
You will have to find her.
I might find her tomorrow night when you guys are there.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, for sure.
All right, you wanna do your thing?
Yeah, I'll do my thing.
Do your thing.
All righty, all right people.
So if you're on Facebook, say hello.
I see a few of you guys watching.
Let us know where you're watching from and who you are.
YouTube, we got a couple of you guys on there as well.
So say hello, make sure you subscribe while you're over there.
Rumble, hey guys.
Linda's on.
Gitterdon, hey, nice to see you on. And we've got Sharon on. And I think DSouth, I forget Linda's on. Gitterdun, hey. Nice to see you on.
And we've got Sharon on.
And I think DSouth, I forget who that is.
Remind me who you are again.
It's hard when you guys have screen names.
I feel like I'm back in middle school again on AOL, AIM.
I don't even remember whose name is whose.
I know.
Talia's like, well, it's AIM.
So anyways.
Oh, yeah. And Talia's on, too. Hey, Tal's AIM. So anyways, oh yeah, and Talia's on too.
Hey, Talia.
Yeah, let us know where you're watching from.
There's a bunch of you watching, so let us know.
And of course, the Black Robe is available as well
in the audio podcast later today.
You can catch that or share it, whatever you want to do.
If you have any questions, please send them in.
Askhope at
And I'm going to skip over to Natalie's. She will be here on Friday. So if you have some questions, please send them in. Ask Hope at And I'm going to skip over to Natalie's.
She will be here on Friday.
So if you have some questions, please send them in.
This is kind of the final chance so she
can have some time to look into it and not.
I mean, she might just know off the top of her head.
She's super smart.
But it is helpful for her to just
be able to look into things before she heads over.
So anyways, if you want to send in the same thing,
askhope at and I'll receive them in
and I'll send them over to Natalie.
And then please come back on Friday
because we have some really, really great questions,
some crazy stuff that's been popping up in the news
and on social media and stuff.
So we're gonna address all that good stuff.
And speaking of social media, follow us on Instagram
and also Hope is on TikTok.
And you want to follow her.
We've got questions on there and all kinds of fun stuff.
And also we have the Hope hotline on there too.
And last, not last, but OK, we have two more.
This one,
You can find all of our merch there.
So we got everything, including TLP and Foundation Church.
So anything you want over there, head that way.
If you are in town and you come to our merch store,
you even have some other stuff available.
So please come and hang out with us,
but also check out our merch store that we have in church.
And then now, last but not least, this
is the conference that we were talking about in Tampa, Florida, at the River Church, Virtuous.
Pastor Donica will be preaching,
probably a majority of them, like she typically does.
Well, if she does, she just allows for a very short
interim, yes.
True, true, true.
Which I never thought about that.
Hey, hey, hey.
I never thought about that.
Look at that. Way to go. See, see, see. Okay. So that's
sometimes you copy and you don't even know you can't be. I know. Listen, when there's
a good idea, don't reinvent the wheel. So it starts tonight, 7 p.m. It is live streamed.
So if you go follow them on YouTube, I don't know how their rumble, if they have rumble
or how that works. And I know Pastor Rodney does. Do you know anything about their rumble
channel? I have no idea.
They do everything.
They haven't been banned like we have.
They haven't been.
They've gotten spankings and hand slaps and stuff like that.
But Facebook really does a number on them.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, right.
OK, so it looks like they do. They have a Rumble channel. It's Rodney Howard Brown. But I don't think they put number on them. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, right. Exactly. OK, so it looks like they do.
They have a Rumble channel.
It's RodinHauer Brown.
But I don't think they put everything on there.
So just go to their YouTube channel.
It's always available, like, in hopes
that they don't get a ton of hits like we do.
So you should be able to find it pretty easy.
And if not, Facebook.
And I think they have their own.
But Facebook doesn't have a lot of people watching it.
When we first started watching them, excuse me,
they would have like over a thousand people watching them.
And now they're lucky if they have 25 sometimes
on the weekdays and like, oh.
It's shadow and 100%.
But they're making more money than they ever have.
I love it.
As far as people are giving.
So, you know, the numbers aren't right.
Right. It's not possible. No, it's not possible. Same with YouTube. As far as people are giving so you know the numbers aren't right right
It's not possible. No, it's not possible same with YouTube YouTube soon. They're doing it to all of us though
I know it's it's all the same. It's all don't believe the numbers that you see on the screen. They're not real
I know it's just not it is what it is though. It is whatever what it is
Can't let that stuff stop you.
So yeah, so if you are in the area,
definitely go check it out.
It's great.
I love it.
And I don't go up and have this huge expectation.
And I go with expectation.
I expect the Lord to show up.
But I'm not setting myself up to be like like some people go and they want to experience the joy
So bad and then when they get up there and they don't get it, they're like, well, maybe it's not even real
Like maybe that's just fake. Everybody's just faking it
They all look fake to me and then you you just have a critical spirit about you and how sad like how sad to be?
So critical when it's just it's a church gathering with women too
And so many people have been healed up there. And I just, you know what I mean?
And also like if you do have a critical spirit,
cause some people do about the river,
if you're not, check your heart.
If you're not doing what Pastor Rodney is doing
to the level that they're doing it at,
and you don't have the fruit that compares
to what they're doing, maybe don't say anything.
Like maybe be very careful how critical.
Yeah, that was in James.
We read that yesterday.
We did.
And that was a very, and I said-
Hang out with James a little bit.
Hang out with James.
You know?
I love it.
You guys, well, you can be the whole potluck today.
I'm like, this is good stuff because it's all true.
I feel like there's a lot of criticalness.
So funny to me how a lot of people have a lot of things
to say as they sit on their couch
and do absolutely freaking nothing
but eat bonbons and popcorn.
Right, as I eat my peanut butter.
I saw you.
Don't think that I get this on my own.
Exactly, or they just attend church
and I think they know what's best and what's not
and then they feel like they have to tell other people
what's best and what's not.
Just focus on yourself.
Like, get to the level that you are healing the sick,
sending millions out into the community,
going and getting people out of a sick bed at a hospital.
Like once you're doing that stuff, okay, maybe,
like maybe I'll hear what you have to say,
but I feel like there's just such a critical spirit
right now over, especially the churches.
Oh yeah.
You know, and I know it's always been,
but it just feels a little bit yucky right now. Yeah. Yeah. Well, I have so much to say on that. It's, it's so funny
because I mean, I have so much to say churches who do absolutely nothing kingdom wise, they
usually stay very quiet. They don't have a lot to say about anything. Right, right, I agree.
And then there's the ones that are like us to a certain,
because we have a lot to say about different churches.
I mean, it's the truth.
But for me, I'm like, if you got your opinion, I got mine.
You better be able to handle mine,
because I can take yours.
I don't really give a fine flip.
I mean, good things happen and come my way.
You're on a whim and you don't know
if it will come your way.
I know what's coming my way.
I can count on it.
You guys, like most churches
or people who attend churches that are just willy-nilly.
I mean, they're so tossed to and fro
and their lives are so upside down.
No thank you.
No thanks.
I'll stick with what I got.
And you gave Pastor Tom, I think the advice of like,
if you're gonna let people speak into your life,
make sure you like the fruit of their life
before you receive what they say.
Be a fruit inspector.
Yeah, there's very few people in this world.
I mean, when I say very few, I'm not saying like a handful.
I'm saying to you as one that has a lot of people
try and speak into mine or Tom's life
or just into this church's life.
And a lot of times I just think to myself,
your family's a hot mess.
Like why would I, I mean, you're gonna tell me
how to run the church when you can't even run your own home.
You don't even carry a job or if you do,
you don't keep it consistently.
And somebody wants to come in here
and tell us how to do things.
Budget your checkbook first before you start telling us how to run a ministry
that's run by the Holy Spirit.
It's not even run by us.
I know.
Thank God.
But it's really funny.
It's like a lot of people have a lot of opinions
and they really should be taking their own advice.
Instead of giving it to somebody else.
That's how it is.
It is exactly how it is.
So that's okay.
That's life.
You can't get bothered by it.
Are we gonna, are we doing questions?
Let's do it.
But back to what you guys were saying though,
we will not be leave disappointed.
I agree with you 100%.
You go to virtuous with Pastor Danica,
gonna listen to one of the most real people
we've ever met in your life.
One of the sweetest people carries no,
she's not pious.
She's not like, she wears, oh my gosh.
She wears tennis shoes sometimes when she's up there
and speaks.
Like she just doesn't care.
Like she's not trying to put on any errors for anybody.
She's just herself.
And she's so real.
There's zero agenda.
Like there's nothing under, like up her sleeve.
It's a beautiful thing to meet people
who just want wanna do kingdom business
and that's all they care about.
And she speaks so well and she communicates so well.
I've always enjoyed her messages.
Oh yeah. Me too.
I can't say I've always enjoyed them.
No, cause when she first started out,
she hadn't really spoke a lot.
And it's only, I think, like, since for the last five years
that I think she's spoken the most.
That makes sense, because I've only known them
for as long as you've guys introduced us.
So yeah, so like my first,
I probably say my first three messages,
I was like, she's good, you know, and like that.
And then, then I don't know what,
I don't know what she ate, I don't know what she did.
I don't know, like all of a sudden, like,
all whole new level, or yeah, or what she didn't eat.
Like, like I was sitting there going,
is this the same person?
Because you went from being good
to like being like off the charts, phenomenal.
Like she's got the stuff that she has to say, like is such revelatory knowledge and it's
like it penetrates the heart.
Like it's one of those things that make you literally have a, oh, uh-huh, kind of thing.
Like that makes sense.
Where not everybody does that for you.
I mean, they're nice to listen to and they're good.
They're great.
I put her in a great category.
I agree with you guys wholeheartedly.
I haven't always felt like that.
And that just goes to show you.
And it should be an encouragement really that,
because I wasn't the only one that felt like that.
I've had other people say, she's good, but, and now they're like, what the heck? because I wasn't the only one that felt like that.
I've had other people say, she's good, but,
and now they're like, what the heck?
Like, she's unbelievable.
And so I know I'm not the only one.
I've had many people tell me it.
And it just goes to show you, you can start out,
even being married to somebody who everybody knows,
and it's just not your thing.
And then God says, now is your time.
You step into that role,
and then you just keep developing and developing
and developing and getting better and better and better.
And so I think that that's a good,
I mean, for me, that's encouraging.
Like I think so too.
Oh, 100%.
I was thinking that like, ah, yeah.
So it's only the beginning.
And that's the great thing.
It's only the beginning of where you get,
that's why I never quit. It's my big, big thing. Cause you're never gonna stay the beginning. And that's the great thing. It's only the beginning of where you get, that's why you never quit.
It's why big, big thing.
Cause you're never gonna stay the same.
And things are always going to get better.
No matter what it is, you put the time in,
you'll see the results.
You just will.
I say that to TikTok every day.
There it is.
It's my nemesis right now. I know.
I'm gonna learn that thing.
You are.
You're gonna break the code.
Tracy is gonna be very grateful when that happens
cause she won't be getting texts at 11 o'clock.
Oh my gosh.
I know.
She's like, hopefully you know the answer.
I'm like, I have no idea.
I wish I did too.
You're the TikTok queen.
She does lots of research for me.
I do do a lot of research.
She does a lot of research for me.
It's true.
We're trying to do.
And it's like, I have a mission.
It's spiritually speaking.
I'm on a mission with TikTok.
This isn't for my personal gain.
No, I hate it.
Like it's so boring to me.
Yeah. But I'm gonna-
It's where the people are.
It's where the people are.
I'm gonna try and figure this thing out.
I'm gonna, and then we'll see if I figure it out,
then you're gonna be like, I get it.
She's gonna be teaching like seminars on TikTok.
Hey, listen.
You never know, never say never.
I have no desire to teach a seminar on TikTok.
What would I teach a seminar on?
Like algorithms and how to crack the code.
I don't even know.
I don't even know.
I know the word algorithm.
I barely know what it means.
And that's pretty much all I wanna know about it.
Yeah, I know.
It's not super fun.
Instead of texting Tracy, you know what you should do?
Chad GBT.
Chad GBT.
Oh, and it's led me astray.
It screwed me over this morning.
Oh my gosh.
It did.
I refuse to believe that.
It did.
We need proof.
Where's the receipts?
You can look at my last-
Yes, thank you.
You can look at my last post and that'll tell you.
I did.
I looked at it. It's not good.
I actually liked it, like hearted it.
Okay, you may have, but the problem is,
and people I know you wanna get to the questions
and I am gonna get there in two seconds, I promise you.
But I'm gonna just say this to Vanessa
as they drop off like flies.
Listen, it's the hashtags.
Okay, the hashtags are the key.
And the hashtags that chat GPT told me to do were not good.
Oh man.
And that's-
For you page or anything in there.
That is true.
That is true.
And I think that has something to do with it too because I, but I did that on, okay,
Tanya or Vanessa, go on my last two
and see if I put the For You page on either of them
and put the word trending in.
Because if I did not-
You did, you did on the bingo one.
You didn't do it on the one you just posted.
Okay, well neither of them, both of them turned out like crap.
Yeah, that's true.
So that's not the problem.
You guys have no idea what we're talking about.
And you know what?
You really don't wanna know.
Until it's become a success, you don't really wanna know.
But it will.
If it's my last dying day.
When the Lord takes me up in the rapture,
I'll be waving by to TikTok and I will have conquered it.
Trust me on this one.
I believe you.
So funny.
And all in your own.
What is that?
So what if there's a TikTok in heaven though?
You have to conquer that one.
I will have already conquered it
because I'll know all things.
So it won't be a problem.
I don't think Jesus wants us scrolling up in TikTok.
I mean, in TikTok heaven.
We better not be scrolling in heaven. Please, I don't want a phone. Me either in TikTok. I mean, in TikTok heaven. We better not be scrolling in heaven.
Please, I don't want a phone.
Me either.
I think we should start with no phones.
I think we have, yeah.
How about we just meet up with each other?
We'll be able to just like talk to each other like this.
Yeah, like.
Really hard. Telepathy.
Mental telepathy.
Yeah, I'd like to request no phones.
Yeah, please. Can we do that?
I wonder if we can walk through walls like Jesus did.
Oh yeah.
We're gonna be able to just be there.
I plan on teleporting everywhere.
That'd be a nice thing.
That's where we're gonna be.
You know there's no Hawaii in heaven.
There's no heaven or earth.
Yeah, but have you not studied Revelation?
Like when Tom says people are coming back to Inglewood
just as a punishment.
I know that is so funny to me.
I'm like, do you not understand
the new heaven does not have Inglewood?
I don't wanna understand it
if that's not what happened.
We've been doing a study on it for three years.
We did. I did.
I still don't know. We did, we did.
I still don't get it.
Are you kidding me?
That'll be my next question for the whole pot line.
Is there Hawaii in the new heaven and new earth?
I can answer that for you right now.
It's no, it's a big fat whopping no.
No, I even said that to him, like you understand.
He's like, I don't care.
He's been saying it a while.
Oh, okay.
I don't care.
I don't care.
It is a really funny concept.
Yeah, that's what he's like, that's their punishment.
That's their hell.
So funny.
It's like, what's wrong with Englewood?
Okay, Lord's Prayer.
Okay, so the first question is the Lord's Prayer.
Is the Lord's Prayer a prayer that we should pray regularly?
My understanding is that this is a blueprint
on how to pray. The Lord's Prayer is read with everyone altogether every week at the
beginning of a Bible study I attend. I have mentioned this point once before
but might have fell on deaf ears. Do you think I should say something more or
am I wrong and need to repent?" Well, it is a blueprint. I mean, it is. It clearly says, I mean, first of all, we're not told to pray
it regularly. It's basically when you pray in your own words, who like the Lord doesn't want to hear
us say the same old thing over and over again. He wants an intimate relationship with us. I mean,
that'd be like your friend coming to you every single day and repeating the same old thing, conversation that they're, it'd be Groundhog Day every day, Groundhog Day every day.
Who wants that? Okay, God doesn't want that. That was just a blueprint for us to like have a
conversation. And when we pray, what, what kind of things that we should do while we're praying
and believe for. And Matthew 9 clearly
says, in this manner therefore pray. And when you look at that Greek word, when it
says in this manner thus in this way, if you look a little bit further it says
like this in all the descriptions. It's like this. So you're to pray like this,
not pray this. It's a way to know, like,
in the Lord's Prayer, it says you're to ask for forgiveness,
but you're also to forgive those
who've trespassed against you.
It's just trying to teach you how to live your life,
but also what you're supposed to do.
Like for me, like today, when I was praying,
I was asking the Lord specifically about a specific thing
that transpired between me and someone else.
And I was like, is there a forgiveness that I...
Like if you did the Lord's Prayer every single day,
how will you have that conversation?
But because of the Lord's Prayer,
I know that forgiveness needs to be, well, I don't nearly
need to forgive because I wasn't really, it does, what I was praying about was about something
so long ago, but I was making sure that I was in right standing.
Like is it like this or is it like that?
And I want to make sure that there isn't anything that I need to eradicate out of my life.
Even though it could be like 10 years down the road,
I'm always examining things.
We should always be examining, make sure our heart is pure,
making sure that there's no harbor of resentment
or bitterness towards somebody.
I mean, you can be bitter and angry
and that can turn it into unforgiveness.
I don't wanna live in unforgiveness
and I know if I let just a little lovin' in, it'll lovin' the loaf. So for me, always looking at things and
making sure that I'm always in good standing. But if I did the Lord's Prayer,
like I said, I would never do those things. It's a blueprint, so it makes you
look at your life and say, this is the structure of a prayer. Am I doing all
these things when I'm praying? Does it look like that?
I would not go to that leader and say, did you hear me when I said let's not pray about that
ever again? Or that's not really what we're supposed to be praying. I would never do that.
Okay, they heard you. It's their Bible study and they want that prayer. And they might not be comfortable in praying. There are a lot of people that when they're put in a setting where
they have to lead a prayer and they have to come up with their own words in a
group, they can do it by themselves because it's not intimidating to them,
but when they're in a group setting it scares the tar out of them. Or they don't
like, they don't think that their prayer sounds good enough. So, or it covers the basis of what they want to have said.
So they're not going to do it. But this prayer does that for them. So they want to have that
prayer read. For whatever reason, he or she probably heard you. They want to keep saying
that prayer. You can't go wrong with praying it.
It's not your personal prayer time.
So it's not gonna harm you in any way.
I say just do it.
Like don't let it be something that bothers you
or doesn't make you wanna go to this Bible study.
I agree. Just do it.
I agree.
Don't get caught up in the weeds of things.
You know what I mean?
Well, I too, I think sometimes people think,
am I supposed to be doing this too?
Like, is this how I'm supposed to pray?
Cause I thought I was supposed to pray like this.
So if I, am I getting this wrong?
And if that's the case, no, keep doing
what you're doing. Yeah. True that. Anything else girls? No, I think that was very clear
to repent and I don't think you need to say anything. So I think you just if I don't think
you can be convicted by praying it because it's just scripture. It's like repeating scripture
is that a bad thing to ever do. But it's good to understand. True. You know, so and if it's just scripture. It's like repeating scripture is a bad thing to ever do. But it's good to understand.
You know, so.
And if it still bothers you, like moving forward,
like why does it bother you?
You know, like kind of like examine your own self.
There's nothing wrong with that.
It's a good thing.
It's a very good thing.
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Let's do the next question.
It says, hi Hope, Tracy and everyone in the peanut gallery.
So hi to you all too.
Hey. Yeah.
My husband and I are reading
a one year chronological Bible reading plan together.
And this is my second year
and my husband's first journey through the Bible.
We highly recommend this and it was greatly enriched
our relationship with each other,
as well as the Holy Spirit.
He continually draws our attention to particular verses
and we share our thoughts with each other.
The plan we are using is the Bible recap with Tara Lee Cobble and the plan uses the ESV Bible.
Every day list the chapters to read and then you watch a video with Tara Lee.
It gives an explanation of what you just read.
We are currently in Deuteronomy and we are puzzled by Deuteronomy 14 26.
And it says, so I guess I don't know. Okay, I remember what she says about this. And spend the money for whatever you desire, oxen or sheep or wine or strong drink, whatever
your appetite craves.
And you shall eat there before the Lord your God and rejoice you and your household.
She says this or he says, no, it's she, because it's a husband.
She says it's her husband.
I thought that I was like right about that. This verse jumped out at both of us so we were waiting for Tara Lee's explanation
but she did not address this verse at all in the video. We read the verse in
the NLT, New King James and King James to see if a different version will help us
with the context but it did not. Would you please give us your interpretation
of this verse? We realize that we are no longer under the old covenant
but we are trying to under the old covenant,
but we are trying to understand what God is saying here.
Both my husband and I have gained so much
from attending Foundation Church.
We pray daily for you and Tom.
Thank you very much for the night.
And all of our spiritual leaders at Foundation Church,
which they thank you as well,
as well as our brothers and sisters in Christ,
we feel truly blessed and so welcome
to be attending this church.
Well, I don't know who you are,
but we're very blessed that you're coming,
or at least I think I am, unless you've given me a hard time,
which it sounds like you haven't.
It sounds like you're a nice person.
So, heads off to you, thanks for coming.
Okay, so we're gonna read this in the New King James,
which is Deuteronomy 14, 26.
It says, and you shall spend that money
for whatever your heart desires for oxen or sheep, for wine or similar drink, for whatever
your heart desires, you shall eat there before the Lord your God and you shall rejoice you
and your household. So Deuteronomy is in the Old Testament, but it wasn't until we get
to Exodus that we have the 10 commandments, right? And even in the 10 Testament, but it wasn't until we get to Exodus that we have the Ten Commandments,
right? And even in the Ten Commandments, it doesn't say you can't be drunk. I mean, we all know you
can't. But if you also look, if you also look like Noah and Lot both got drunk. And they were never like, there was nothing,
I mean, what happened to them
because they got drunk was shameful.
But, and should teach them never to get drunk again.
But like, we all look at things like,
things that we see in the Old Testament, like we see them in the New Testament. But there was nothing in the Old Testament that, except for the
Ten Commandments, pretty much, that said that you shall not do these things. Okay? And really, the do unto others as you would
have them do unto you kind of thing, the golden rule, which is in the Ten
Commandments, is basically, love thy neighbor as thyself. And that covers
pretty much all of it, every rule. But it doesn't cover drinking, right? But
the New Testament does. It says, if you do these things, you shall not inherit
the kingdom of heaven, which which will get to those verses.
They didn't have what we have.
They didn't even have the Ten Commandments. When Abraham was around, they didn't have the Ten Commandments.
Like, people were so bothered that Rachel lied.
So did Jacob lied. I mean, we're all like, oh, this is horrible. It is bad that they lied,
but it wasn't a sin. And we forget that. We forget that when they lied, they weren't really doing
anything. There wasn't even sacrifices given at that time. I mean, a whole different time frame,
whole different period. So, how things were then to how they are now
is two separate things.
But there were people that weren't allowed to drink
and there's reasons for it because it wasn't good.
The Levitical priests were not allowed to drink.
Samson, the Nazarenes were not allowed to drink.
Samson, we know him because he was told,
his mother was told, do not allow him know him because he was told, his mother was told,
do not allow him to drink because he was a Nazarene.
John the Baptist, Nazarene, not allowed to drink.
Okay, also from the Levitical priest.
His dad was a Levitical priest,
all a part of do not drink, not allowed any wine.
I mean, Proverbs is the first place that I could find where it talks about not
drinking, which is Proverbs 20 verse 1, which it says, wine is a mocker, strong
drink is a brawler, and whoever is led astray by it is not wise. And I believe
it was Solomon who wrote this particular Pro proverb. So it was strongly encouraged not to drink,
but this is even in Proverbs. And I can't remember in the chronological order where Proverbs lands.
It's after Deuteronomy though. Oh yeah. But I can't remember where it lands.
Am I chronological? I have two chronological, but I don't remember where it lands. Am I chronological? I have two chronological, but I don't remember.
Is it telling you?
I'm looking at the list.
I mean, like kind of in first Chronicles
and I don't even see a Proverbs yet.
Oh, okay.
So even with that, so what I'm gonna,
what it boils down to is,
Even though they were, it's not, it's not specific.
So you, and you shall spend that money for whatever your heart desires for
oxen and sheep, for wine or similar drink.
Okay, even if it said you could spend as much
money on that stuff as you wanted to, it didn't say to get drunk with it. Okay, it
said you could get new wine and old wine. The old wine was fermented. The
new wine was like grape juice. But you could drink, people drink fermented
wine all the time, and if they only drink one glass, they don't get drunk.
Depending on the brand, you can get buzzed though.
And if you're buzzed, that's equal.
So anything that alters your state.
So even though it says you can have those,
you can have, spend money on whatever you want,
it didn't, it doesn't imply you can get drunk with it does that make sense ladies yes absolutely so
it's not giving you permission you can spend money people people buy alcoholic
drinks all the time they're going to heaven the ones that drink as long as
they don't get drunk they're going to heaven they can spend as much money on
alcohol as they want to as long as they don't get drunk with it. It's not a problem.
Ephesians 5, 18 says, And do not be drunk with wine, in which is dissipation,
but be filled with the Spirit.
And this is New Corinth, so even though, I mean, this is New Testament,
so even though it might've been okay for them,
it's not okay that they got drunk, but there was not,
it wasn't sin.
Am I making that clear how it,
there were literally sin today is not the same as sin as
then, especially before the,
especially before the 10 commandments,
the 10 commandments of anything that you read
where people were doing things wrong,
like multiple wives and things like that,
there was no Ten Commandments.
There was no committing adultery.
And even after the Ten Commandments,
David and Solomon, they all had multiple wives.
Right, right.
And they're all going to heaven
because that was not the same as Jesus coming
and dying on the cross
for each and every thing. They had to like take animals and sacrifice them. It was and then
whenever you send you just took another animal. Not the same. It is not the same.
Are you sure I'm making sense about this? Yes. Yes. Yes. Is it revelatory you think for people?
Because a lot of people do not, huh?
Because a lot of people don't understand there is a difference between life before the Ten
Commandments and life after the Ten Commandments.
And even life after the Ten Commandments, the rules were different.
The law made you sin. Jesus makes you not want to sin.
And that's what Paul said.
The law entices me.
Whereas the sacrifice of the Messiah
or the sacrifice of Christ makes you not want to
because of like the depths of his love for us
and how far he went as long as with God as well.
And the gift of the Holy Spirit that was given to us.
Yeah, that in there, that's like right over the top.
Because he's gonna be there to convict
and knock on the door of our heart.
Yeah, because these people didn't even have the Holy Spirit.
Like we have the Holy Spirit.
Can you imagine?
No, I can't imagine.
I mean, they had no one convicting them.
No, nothing.
They just had a rule.
The rule says I can't do this, so I can't do it.
I would not do good.
That's why I was born now.
And those priests who like,
if you did not do everything to the letter,
you drop dead.
Like you're dead.
I'd be dead.
Oh yeah.
They had to wear bells on the hem of their garments
just in case they drop dead
and they had to like reach it and like-
Pull them out.
And grab them.
It's true.
So for me, I mean, it's such a different
and people don't, it was a whole different life.
But if you think about that,
there was no conviction of the Holy Spirit.
How you live life without that, I don't know.
It prompts me in everything.
It wakes me up in the middle of the night
to have me pray for people.
I mean, how do you not have that?
I'd be in the middle of a prayer
and then all of a sudden, like words come out
that don't make sense to me in the moment.
Like a whole prayer comes out.
And then like a couple of days later,
what I prayed for, like I'm seeing,
okay, that's why I needed to pray for that.
Yep. Yep. Yep.
That's happened to me once.
And I was just like, whoa.
Yeah. Okay.
It's 100% correct.
So totally two different ways of living,
but they were not gonna die and go to hell
for drinking or being drunk.
It's just the way it is.
Today though, you do.
You will not make it if you live a lifestyle of a drunkard.
1 Corinthians 6, 9 through 10 says,
"'Do you not know the unrighteous will not inherit
"'the kingdom of God?
"'Do not be deceived, nor the whore-fornicators,
"'nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals,
"'nor sodomites, nor thieves, nor covetous,
"'nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners
"'will inherit the kingdom of God.
And there are other places that it talks about this as well.
Revelations, Galatians, like it was said several times
to make it abundantly clear.
Like if you do these things, you're not going to heaven.
So just like Leviticus is like,
if you want, if you have insomnia, go to Leviticus.
Or numbers.
And it'll put you to sleep quick
because it's one law after the other.
And then if you do it, you will get this, this will happen.
If you do this, then this will happen.
It's very repetitive.
Is it Leviticus where it's like,
they even described different rashes.
Your rash looks like this.
You're banished.
But here's the thing,
that's how much God loved them so much to protect them
so that there was no question,
they could not question what he was thinking
or what the rule of law was.
Like he was the best attorney out there.
Yep, he is.
He made sure that there was no ambiguity in anything.
And let me tell you, when you're done reading it,
you're like, holy moly.
Whoever had to write that, I feel bad for them.
Yeah, or the dimensions of the tabernacle.
And that's beautiful though.
Great detail, like great detail.
It's awesome.
It is awesome.
But if you think about it,
like God's presence lived in the tabernacle.
Of course it's gonna be done well.
Well, if you look at the new heaven and new earth,
which is not Hawaii,
but if you look at the new heaven and the earth, new earth, it. But if you look at the new heaven and the earth,
new earth, it's down to the detail.
I mean, it's amazing.
Like God is in the details.
So if you're wondering, like, does he care about you?
Every detail.
He cares about every detail.
He wants to know about every detail.
He wants you to talk to him.
Like your husband doesn't wanna hear it,
but trust me, he does.
Trust me.
Just read about the Ark, Noah's Ark.
Just read about the tabernacle, the temple
and how great of a detail it was.
That's how.
It's amazing.
You know, he loves and appreciates us in great detail.
It's truly amazing.
appreciates us in great detail. It's truly amazing.
I have been, that has like stirred me before.
When I first really contemplated all of it,
it stirred me up so much.
I was just like, cannot believe he loved them and us so much
that he went down to that detail of things
because of his love and care for every single person.
And then he sends his son,
which is like the most precious thing.
On top of that.
Just crazy.
So cool.
It is so cool.
Let's go to the next question.
We have 15 minutes.
I was determined, three today.
I have a quick question.
It's from the comments. It's from the comments.
It's from the what?
Okay, so Aaron just shared something.
Did you see his comment?
He said, fun fact, first person mentioned
to be filled with the Holy Spirit
was the craftsman building the tabernacle.
I didn't know that. Interesting.
I'm gonna fact check you, I'm joking.
Chat GPT.
I was just thinking it.
That's how I do it to everything.
I have to look that up, I'm sure it's right.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
I trust Aaron.
But that's interesting.
That's super interesting.
He's like you.
It would make sense.
Yeah, 100% it would make sense.
Yeah. Cause the Holy Spirit was dwelling in there make sense. Yeah, 100% it would make sense. Yeah.
Because the Holy Spirit was dwelling in there.
OK, so.
Ask me my question.
This is a Facebook question.
If you accidentally get drunk but don't sin.
Wait, what?
Is that forgiven?
Well, if you got drunk.
That is sin.
The sin is getting drunk accidentally? If you, that is sin. The sin is getting drunk.
I guess if you don't know your tolerance, right?
If you don't know your tolerance, I can see how.
Well, it's different between,
it's there, there's a difference between getting drunk
and living in it and just making, making an error.
God knows the heart. You gotta trust him. But if you did it in error, okay? God knows the heart.
You gotta trust Him.
But if you did it in error,
but my thing is, is why would you even be drinking?
I know.
That's my question for you.
Like, why would you?
What is that alcohol gonna give you that the Lord can't?
It's a substitute for something.
So what are we substituting? There's a lack or
void in your Christian walk somewhere for you to want to drink a glass of
whatever that was or a can or a beer or a bottle or whatever it is. So my
question would be why? Why did you even drink it? Cause you have to know, even if you take alcohol,
there is the chance that you're gonna get drunk.
So why?
It's to abstain from it.
It's a mocker to not even entertain it.
But for me, if you got accidentally drunk,
I would just say, Lord, you know, that wasn't my heart.
I'm an idiot.
I'm never doing that again.
I'm not touching it again.
I'm done.
Apparently you can't take too much.
I never could drink very much either.
That's not to say I didn't.
I just couldn't tolerate very much.
You're a little girl, and you were teeny tiny.
Yeah, I was like 97 pounds.
I was that at birth.
I was too.
Oh, I was like 98 pounds.
I was 98 pounds until I was...
That's so tiny.
28, 29.
And then I was like, I was that until I got married.
And then I was, Tom used to tell me,
eat ice cream every night before bed.
Why don't you eat some ice cream?
Even when we were dating.
Cause I dropped even more weight when we were dating.
I was like, not in 95 or whatever.
But let's see.
But after I had my first kids, it was 105, 107, after both of them, 105, 107.
Yeah, teeny tiny.
Yeah, I just thought it was,
I thought I had what it took, but lightweight.
Again, that didn't mean to stop me.
I hugged the bowl a lot.
Yeah, it was a rough night.
I love it while I was doing it.
And I was like, I'm never doing this again.
Next Friday night.
So what does honoring your mother and father,
that's why I listened.
That's why when I gained all that weight,
when you've been tiny, even when I was 40,
like when I was in my 40s, 115 pounds.
Oh, I know.
You were tiny when I first met you.
And then?
And then?
No, that's only been within the last couple years.
You were always tiny.
No, it's been more than a couple.
I mean, you're still tiny.
Well, I'm not, but I'm way tinier than I was.
So I look way smaller than what I was.
Oh my gosh.
Thought I lost my favorite pair of pants.
I found it this morning.
Oh, you did?
I was so happy, I almost cried.
I went looking through every room in the house
to try and find my pair of pants.
I thought I put it in the kids' rooms
or in Tom, you know, Tom hung them up in Tommy's
or whatever, I didn't know what I did with them.
Found them in my workout drawer.
Yay, that's the best.
I got a pair in my back, workout pants.
Oh, so exciting.
I'm happy.
So exciting.
Okay, back to the question.
Not that you care, but I have to share.
Okay, what does honoring your mother
and father truly look like?
Now this is crazy.
Like this is very similar to what
we were talking about on Friday,
but this is these kids' parents.
When I say kids, these kids have kids, okay?
And they're talking, okay.
What does your honoring your mother
and father truly look like?
My husband and his biologic mother have no relationship.
We've distanced ourselves from that side of the family and I'm wondering if we are in
the wrong. We have young children and I don't want them exposed to their grandparents. The
family is open about engaging in adultery, affairs, threesomes, and immoral behaviors. They frequently spread lies and gossip and
and the atmosphere is filled with high tension that often leads to arguments.
Over the past year we've also discovered issues with substance and alcohol abuse.
While I'm at peace without having a relationship with them, I'm unsure if
this goes against God's commandment to honor our parents. What advice would you
give us? How can we honor our parents. What advice would you give us?
How can we honor our his mother
when we feel no desire to have a relationship with her
or anyone on that side of the family?
And if they were ever in need, we would be willing to help.
But other than that, I don't want them in our lives
or around our children.
I appreciate you any advice.
Thank you.
Okay, first of all, you nailed it
on the last little section,
which is if they ever needed any help, you'd help them. Okay, that right there.
That's a big thing, because at least you can do that.
That shows some kind of honor.
And you are absolutely right.
We are to honor our parents and that's not an option.
Long life will he give you for honoring your parents.
Exodus 20 12 says, regard, treat with honor.
And this is the amplified classic,
like the guys that are laying the carpet just left
and they keep walking by and looking at us.
Have you noticed that?
He almost walked in here.
Oh my gosh.
We're getting rugs.
We're getting carpet people right now as we speak.
Well, not right now they just left,
but they've been working like dogs, like dogs, dirty dogs.
Yeah, you can tell.
I tried to get them lunch, they don't want it.
They said, if we eat, we'll go to sleep.
And then after I saw how they work.
That's fair.
Yeah, dirty dogs in the street.
They would have fallen asleep.
They were huffing and puffing it.
I bet.
There's only two of them.
Okay, Amplified Classic, it says,
regard, treat with honor, do obedience and courtesy,
your father and mother, that your days may be long
in the land the Lord your God gives you.
So when it says treat with honor, do obedience and courtesy,
it doesn't mean you obey as adults.
You don't have to obey your parents
like you do when you're a child.
Okay, that's pertaining when the child is in your home.
Let me make that abundantly clear.
You're, when you're in your home,
you guys make your own rules.
When they come into your home, they abide by your rules.
While all the while you honor them. When you're into your home, they abide by your rules, all the while you honor them.
When you're in their home,
it doesn't sound like they have too many rules.
Sounds like anything goes when you're in their home.
So you make your own rules.
Obviously we respect their home and what they say,
but if it goes against what the word of God says,
you stick to His word and you do His rules.
Ephesians 6 of God says, you stick to His Word and you do His rules. Ephesians 6 2 says, honor, esteem, and value as precious, your father and mother.
This is the first commandment with a promise. I have a list for you.
I made a list and you guys can add to it. Now, in my opinion, this is showing respect for your parents, okay? And some of them may be, when I say this,
you may say, well, that's not doable. Okay, well, then throw that one out. If it's
doable, then apply it. But if it's not, it might not be, you might not be able to do
it, but somebody else might be listening to this that has a problem with this, and
they can, and they should, so they will.
Everybody's ebb and flow, right?
Everybody's situations are different, you ebb and flow.
So first of all, you show love and respect, okay?
What that looks like for every family is very different.
In my family, love and respect sometimes,
we are very kind and loving with what we say,
but we are also like very sarcastic. We are very kind and loving with what we say, but we are also like very sarcastic.
We are very loving in our sarcasm.
And we laugh at it.
Some people can't handle that.
So if people can't handle sarcasm
and joking around and things like that,
then you don't do that with them.
Does that make sense ladies?
Yes. Yeah.
Because a lot of times people can't do that.
They didn't grow up in a home like that.
So it doesn't work for them.
So if your family, so again,
whatever that looks like for your family,
that's what you will do.
Okay, now I'm gonna tell you,
the word kind is just so misused, okay?
But I'm going to tell you, you need to speak kindly to them.
At the end of the day, you're the only Jesus they might see.
And so Jesus, even though He was kind, He wasn't a pushover, and He wasn't somebody
you could just say whatever you wanted to Him and He's going to take it.
He wasn't like He literally spoke His mind, but he did it in a manner which that was,
that didn't go against what the word of God said.
He was perfection, okay?
So speak kindly to them,
but that doesn't mean you take their crap.
Does that make sense?
Because a lot of times when people say be kind,
it means be a doormat.
And that's not what being kind is.
So if you disagree with their choices, listen to them.
I have a reason why.
Even if you disagree with their choices, listen to them.
You're not going to compromise your beliefs, but when you listen to them and why they believe what they believe, you're going to use that later on against
them to hopefully win them to the Lord. Because you can disprove everything they
believe when they're at a weaker moment potentially, and they might be more apt
to listen to you about what God has to offer to them.
If you listen to people, a lot of times,
again, you don't have to agree with them,
but a lot of times if somebody's sharing their heart to you,
you can learn a lot about them.
And all the while you're sitting there going,
that's crazy, that doesn't make sense or whatever.
But you might be able to use that information
later on to help you in your case for them to be one to Christ. Does that make sense?
Yep. Yep. Yep.
Avoid arguments when it comes to faith. You're not going to win them. They're sinners. You're saved.
They aren't going to get it. And there's no point in you arguing and debating over your faith.
Just say, we agree to disagree. And again, like always be the example of the Lord.
And in their scripture that I'm gonna give you scripture that backs this up,
it says 1st Peter 3 1 2. This is pertaining to husbands and wives, but it
did it'll work just as good for your family. It says, in the same way you
wives must accept the authority of your husbands, then even if some refuse to obey the good news,
your godly lives will speak to them without any words. They will be won over by observing your pure and reverent lives."
Okay, you're gonna think that I'm saying just jump right back into your family.
My number two is set boundaries. Okay. I've had to do this. Okay. You set
boundaries and you say if this is happening or we will visit you or
we won't visit you but we'll have this communication with you and we'll have
we won't have this communication with you. We'll see you. Maybe you don't
ever want to be in their environment but but maybe you can say, hey, listen, how about if
once a month or once a quarter, we all go and we eat at
Lone Star or somewhere and everybody gets together
and they eat together.
Now, if they're going to get drunk at Lone Star,
that's when you hightail it out.
But if there's a compromise so that you can be in a location,
you don't necessarily need to take your kids,
but if there's a neutral location
that everybody can get together
and still have time together, that's great.
But you might not even be able to do that, okay?
The goal is, is so that they see Christ in you,
so that you can win them to Him.
But again, all this might be too much.
I mean, hello, if they're like having threesomes and stuff,
it's tough.
I mean, these rules work for people who have more,
sometimes a lesser case of things than other people have.
And if it's too far in Sen and they're doing some pretty wild and crazy things, then it's
not going to work.
I mean, those boundaries are going to be pretty locked down and loaded.
You can tell him he can roll because I can't hear him.
Go tell him to roll.
Hold on.
You guys, you have to see this because,
oh my gosh, somebody's walking down the hallway and they're going slower than molasses
because they don't want us to hear it in here.
It is loud, but it's so funny.
I can handle it.
So, set boundaries, ones that are not too rigid,
but ones that will protect your family, okay?
And if they cross the lines
and they can't abide by those boundaries,
then you up the boundaries.
And then you have to say,
okay, maybe we need to revisit in a while
and take some time off from this
because this is clearly not working, okay?
But Romans 12.2 says,
"'Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world,
"'but let God transform you into a new person
by changing the way you think,
and then you will learn to know God's will for you,
which is good, pleasing, and perfect.
If their lifestyle is harmful or toxic,
keep a respectful but safe distance from them
and this lifestyle,
because I wouldn't want my kids around it either.
And I would be kind and firm with my boundaries.
Proverbs 23, 22 says,
"'Harken to your father who begot you
"'and despise not your mother when she is old.'"
So we are cleared, clear,
clearly supposed to still have relationships
with our parents.
But sometimes it just, especially the more horrible life gets
the harder it seems
Yeah, I mean go I'm gonna give some more but you guys give you two cents on what I've said
I don't have to deal with this. So this one's like very foreign to me
Like my I'm like so blessed that like my everybody in my family
is Going the same direction.
And so this one's tough for me to even understand,
because as a mom, I would want to have
a relationship with my kids.
And so for me, I would respect whatever boundaries
they put in place.
If I was living a totally different life,
and Kylie, for example, had children, and she's like,
listen, we're not drinking. So like if when you hang out,
if you could just not drink, like we're trying to set a good example, like I would just respect
that because I want to be with my kids and their grandkids. So for me, I don't, I can't
imagine like now it's my mom not wanting to respect. I mean, I'm a mom in the chat right
now and she's like, yeah, no drinking, preach hope. You know what I mean?
So it's hard.
This one's hard for me to like grasp,
but I think everything you're saying is perfect for them.
Like how do you honor a mother and a father
and what does that look like, especially as an adult child.
So I'm just agreeing with all of the stuff
that you're saying right now.
It's so tough, man.
It is.
Because I- It's so tough, man. It is.
It's so tough.
And in my situation, I didn't grow up with my dad
and I didn't have a relationship with him,
but later in life, I was able to like forgive him.
And me just, do we have a relationship now?
But by me forgiving him and moving forward in forgiveness,
like that's me honoring my dad.
It's all in the posture of your hearts.
That's all I got to say. Amen.
That was for me.
Well, as gay as that was, it is true.
It really is because you're giving your dad what you're...
Tom always says this,
only give to people what they want.
Okay, your dad doesn't want more than that
because if he did, he'd be reaching out for more than that.
Give only what people give themselves, right?
And I had to come to the realization,
like he probably doesn't know how to love me, doesn't have the capacity
to love me, or it's been such a long time.
And this is something that he's going to have to work out
within himself.
But there's probably a lot of shame for not being president
in our lives.
So he and that probably keeps him further away.
And so it's easier.
Exactly. But I was able to like see him in 2020 right
before the lockdown. I went to see him January of 2020. Not see him specifically, but we
were in Puerto Rico for a business thing with Jeff and I went over and I saw my dad, my
cousins. I have three siblings in Puerto Rico that I got to meet for the very first time.
Oh my gosh.
And we got together and we laughed and we hugged
and there were tears involved, but he had a lot of regret.
And I was able to give him the gift of forgiveness.
I had already forgiven him in my heart a long time ago,
but I was able to look him in the eye and tell him,
I do forgive you and I love you.
And that was my way of honoring him.
Helping him move on.
Everybody can move on when that happens.
It's so important.
Super important.
Harboring no ill will.
And that's just one of the things you're gonna have to do.
Cause then after I get this,
this is something in the small acts of kindness
you might be able to do and not get close to them,
but calling check in on them.
If they need help with a task,
go and help them with that task.
What you said, if they needed help,
you'd be willing to do it.
Be present in the time of hardships.
Those are open doors.
And when you show acts of kindness like that,
that shows them the Lord.
But this is how you don't have bitterness anger
and resentment towards them is you pray for them.
Praying for them is honoring them.
And for me, you go, well, what can I pray?
I mean, they're heathens.
They are heathens.
You're absolutely right.
But God loves them.
And I pray that Jesus draws them in,
that God softens their heart.
I always pray for people that I have that are family
that don't know him or friends.
I always say, Lord, put somebody across their path
or open a door for me to have a conversation with them
that they will, it'll chip one more piece of hardness
off the crusty heart that they will, it'll chip one more piece of hardness off the crusty heart that they have.
And that at one time they'll be softened to receive him.
But the thing is, is I know my,
I mean, I was a hardhearted person
and he just kept chipping away and chipping away.
And it would be my sibling who helped with that.
It'd be the radio station playing a song.
It'd be somebody that I just came across that had a be the radio station playing a song. It'd be somebody
that I just came across that had a conversation with me that was a
Christian. You don't know how God's going to do it, but you pray it in and you will
you'll see it. And then I love Kenneth Hagen says this. He commands Satan to get
his hands off his family members. That's what he used to pray and his brother in
law, or his brother, excuse me, got saved in jail and everything.
Just a mess.
He finally, he would pray and pray and pray fast
and pray over his brother and he finally had it.
And he was like, he literally just kind of got angry
and said, Satan, take your hands off my brother.
Take your hands off, he was saved two days later.
That's so cool.
It is so cool.
So just pray for wisdom.
God'll tell you how to pray
and what they specifically need.
And the closer you are with him,
the closer you are with them
as far as knowing what needs to be done
and said for them to be saved.
Be a witness through your actions.
Matthew 5, 16 says,
let your heart shine before men
that they may see your moral excellence
and your praiseworthy, noble and good deeds
and recognize and honor and praise
and glorify your Father who is in heaven.
I'm telling you, if you walk in integrity
and character and honesty and their lives shambles
and your life is just like a beautiful,
like they look at your life and go,
that is a beautiful family.
That is something I wish and long for.
You don't think they will?
When you have the finances to meet every need,
when you have a family that's intact
and full of joy and laughter,
and you're of sound mind, you're calm, cool, collected,
stable, people long for that things because most people live in chaos. and you're of sound mind, you're calm, cool, collected,
stable, people long for that things
because most people live in chaos, they just do.
But then when they see people who are just like easy peasy,
just steady as a stream, they long for that.
And they're like, how in the world do you get that?
And then your mother will especially be like,
you came from me, how do you have that? And then your mother will especially be like, you came from me, how do you have that?
And then you can tell her, because it's powerful.
But honoring is huge.
And there's easy ways to do it
where you don't have to get really close
and you can set boundaries.
And then there's ways that you don't have
to have those boundaries so strict,
but they need to be there.
Ladies, anything else? That was good.
That was really good.
Good, good.
Well, Friday's it.
Friday's our girl.
I will say I did fact check, Erin.
And it's true.
Oh, good job, Erin.
Of course.
Good job.
Good studying.
Not surprised.
I know.
Friday's gonna be good. Friday's gonna be great. Oh my surprised. I know. Yeah.
Friday's gonna be good.
Friday's gonna be great.
Oh my gosh.
I gave a question, right?
Yes, you did.
I did, I sent it in.
I have a couple.
I'm gonna like submit.
Okay, send them in, send them in.
I'll submit.
Send them in, we're last minute.
Yeah, then send them to me
because I already made up my list.
I don't care.
Or maybe for the next one.
No, no, no, she can actually shout them out.
It doesn't really matter.
We have lots. I'm not gonna give it, I was gonna say it, but I'm just gonna keep it. Hold it the next one. I'm sure she'll be back. No, no, no, she can actually shout them out. It doesn't really matter. Yeah.
We have lots.
I'm not gonna give it.
I was gonna say it, but I'm just gonna give it.
Hold it, hold it.
Hold it.
Hold it like your pee.
All right guys, we will see you on Friday.
Thanks for joining us and bye.
See you. Real talk. Real talk.