The Hope Hotline - What Is True Intimacy?
Episode Date: February 5, 2025The Hope Hotline | S03-E09 | 02-05-2025...
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real talk
real talk
real talk
real talk Hello and welcome to the Hope Hotline.
I got a hot mess over there going on right now.
No, definitely not.
We got a full hot mess as well.
Full peanut gallery over here.
When they decide to come back, they decide to come back hard and fast.
Oh my gosh.
I don't even know if there's enough room over there for all of them listen we're in here plenty of room yep we're
in here oh my word we gave sarah the white chair so we don't lose her in the back oh my gosh that's
true because somehow some way she always gets blocked out by vanessa's hair. And this is like, that's true.
That's true.
It does help that it's,
don't get me going.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
This is a bad one.
Don't get me laughing.
and we're talking about intimacy as the first question.
So God only knows that song.
God only knows.
Get it girl.
God only knows. Yes. I hate that song god only knows get it girl god only knows yes i hate that song actually
yeah pretty vibrato in that oh good thank you very much that i sounded pretty bad
leave it to sarah to compliment exactly who likes that song i don't like i don't even know who sings
that song but i don't like that country country sings that song, but I don't like that song. Virginian Country. Virginian Country sings that song.
Yeah, but was it their song to begin with? Yeah, it was.
It was.
Not a fan.
I mean, now that I've said I don't like it,
does that make you guys not want to say you like it?
Is that positive or bad?
Do you like it?
That was one of my favorite songs, and now I feel terrible.
I'm joking.
I have no idea what song it is.
She doesn't listen to Christian music.
I don't.
I only listen to Norma.
That's it.
They have other good songs I like, but I never liked that one.
I never listened to Christian worship.
I mean, I listen to worship.
Worship, yes.
I don't listen to Christian music at all.
I only listen to the stuff I write as signs.
I literally listen to instrumental now.
I literally.
Instrumental, yes. yes oh I love instrumental instrumental but I don't listen to Christian music because first of all you have to listen to the DJs usually and they are terrible
yeah they are the cheesiest things you have ever heard in your life right or they're unbiblical
so that drives me crazy mostly unbiblical you're You're right. Like Joy FM, you can have it. They are so unbiblical.
Mom, what was that song we hated about?
What is it?
Something about teardrops and pain.
Do you remember that song?
You're like, I freaking hate this song.
The girl sang it.
Even your healing comes to return.
Oh, yes.
Oh, I don't know that one.
I do remember that one.
I don't know the lyrics.
You're like, this song freaking sucks. Well, I don't know if I. I do remember that one. I don't know the lyrics. You're like, this song freaking sucks.
Well, I don't know if I was that harsh, but it was probably.
I probably was like, it's so unbiblical.
It probably was.
It is unbiblical.
I'm looking it up.
Thank you.
I know this song.
I can hear it.
I just rejogged all of it.
Anything that makes God less of who he is and less of who we are, I don't
like it.
If it ain't...
Oh my gosh, please.
Coming from somebody...
Beautiful the mess we are. Wasn't that Amy Grant?
Was it? I don't know.
She came out with one too
that was just completely
Better than a hallelujah, I swear.
No, that's okay.
But this is right after she left her husband and he left his wife.
I just saw them in an interview trying to justify that whole entire thing.
I was like, guys, are you kidding me?
Why don't you just say, you know what?
We were wrong.
But no, validating why they did what they did and liking each other while they were in marital relationships for years
i was i'm like guys are you kidding me that's the problem that we have today yes people saying
there are christians telling people that they're Christians, and they're not Christians at all.
Narrow is the way.
It says that for a reason.
Because a lot of people think they are on the narrow way, and they are on the broad path.
Because that narrow way has been conjured up to however they feel like what narrow is.
But if you look up what that actually means, the the narrow way it's a path that very few people
have walked on it's that narrow yep it's like oh my gosh i found it what is it it's called blessings
by laura hold on story laura daigle let me tell you these lyrics are freaking retarded
and i do And I do like
her and I like her voice.
Oh, I do. But I don't like
that song. It's not good
spiritually speaking.
And it's not...
Please don't serenade me with this.
I was thinking about it like a year ago.
I remember hearing that song and being like,
Oh, yeah.
It's true.
It's true.
And then you hear it.
Then you hear it in a different light.
You're like,
hold up.
Wait a minute. There you go like, whoa, hold up. Wait a minute.
There you go.
A renewed mind.
Hold up.
Wait a minute.
That's right.
A renewed mind will change everything.
It really does.
It's frightening.
So, okay.
So you can see we have a full house.
It's nice.
It's sweet.
I love it.
I know.
It's fun.
I love a full house.
But sometimes it's just not meant to be And Sarah, really quick
How's things going?
You're busting tail right now
Yes, I am
Running the race as though to win it
Fighting the good fight of faith
Oh my gosh, doing ministry
Still doing You're still leading your ministries that you were before.
Nothing's changed.
It's just now you're trying to kick, kick two businesses off and kill it.
Which speaks volumes and sometimes priority.
So we'll take you when we can get you.
You're still part of the team.
I needed you guys today.
So we're always here for you. We're here for you. I miss my girls. I needed you guys today. We're always here for you.
We're here for you.
I miss my girls.
Norma's never here either.
I'm here for you, Sarah.
Don't roll your eyes at me.
I mean, I'm your mother.
Oh, sorry.
I'm your mother.
I'm here for you, Sarah.
I'm your mother. I here for you Sarah I'm your mother
I love you
I love you
Alright do your thing Tracy and then we're going to get into the first question
Which should be kind of interesting
Yeah absolutely
Alright so if you're on Facebook
Hi Millie
Glad you're here, Tara's on
Hope's hair looks bomb diggity
According to Tara
Thank you Tara So if you're on Facebook and you on. Hey, Hope's hair looks bomb diggity, according to Tara.
Thank you, Tara.
We were loving it.
So if you're on Facebook and you want to hop over to Rumble, we'll post the link over for you guys over there.
We got a nice little live chat going on.
Plus, we like to support Rumble.
No offense, Facebook, but you haven't been great to us.
So if you want to change it around, that would be great.
Thank you.
We appreciate that.
And then YouTube, if you're over there, you can subscribe if you're over there and you can like it and do all that fun stuff for us. Comment, you know,
all the good, all the good stuff that will get this thing moving and grooving on YouTube. But
even though, again, another platform that doesn't necessarily love us, but that's okay. Again,
YouTube, you can change anytime you want. We were trying, trying to keep going on there.
Right. Exactly. Better Trump. One of the happen. Listen, I know your time is short.
Have you not seen what he's done the last few days?
It could get ugly for those that don't comply.
So maybe comply, guys.
Just maybe boost our post.
You never know.
We might be on Trump's good side.
Put you on the good side.
So over on Rumble, we've got a bunch of people over there.
Linda's over and Sharon and D.
I forget D South. I forget which one you are I love when you guys
have your normal names like Galena and then Anne-Marie always puts her name so thank you
um but I'm glad you guys are over there if I know a bunch more watching because I can see you
watching so just drop your name over let us know where you're watching from we appreciate that
later on you can get the audio podcast as well we've got Black Robe as our other platform to
watch um please send in your questions so anything that you've got Black Robe as our other platform to watch. Please send in your
questions. So anything that you've got going on in your life, I hear questions all the time. And so
I love when you guys send them in. We love going different directions, anywhere from like family
questions to biblical questions. We want to hear what you guys have to say. I need a drink.
Are you about to cough too no it was getting dry um i'm good thankfully the fog did not get me so appreciate that
instagram we are over there and usually if you're trying to find links or replays and stuff like
that it's a great place to look and then on t TikTok, we're trying to do some fun stuff over there and gain some new viewers and just get the word out.
You know, we're here to always speak biblically. And when we're answering questions, Hope does her
due diligence to look into scripture. And so we know a lot of people are probably in a place where
things are kind of crazy right now. And so to have a place that you can come to ask questions and get answers. And I mean, literally you can send us an
email and it will get answered very quickly. So, um, not necessarily very quick. Well, it depends
if we have like, like, yeah, if we have like, you know, Christmas time and stuff like that,
but hope's been very good about answering questions. They're on the docket quickly.
And we do have questions that are brought in, in different avenues as well. So we try to do them in order. But yeah, just we love hearing from you guys and
we love getting these questions answered. And the conversations are always fun. Of course,
we got our merch available and you can get that at and you just click on
shop and we got those four items for you can get them at Foundation Church on Sunday morning as well.
And we also have, are we going to do this on Valentine's Day? Should I let them know that
we're going to have some fun conversation going on? Oh yeah. I forgot about this. Okay. Well,
okay. So on Valentine's Day, we're going to have some fun conversations and you will not want to
miss Friday, Valentine's Day. I'll have had a massage by then.
I'm getting a massage that morning.
Ew, why?
That could, that could.
That's not ew.
Yeah, that's great.
That's like, oh, is it that day or the day before?
Okay, I'm not quite sure.
But whatever, whatever, it's close enough that my mind might be like mush
and totally perfect
for this topic.
Oh gosh.
you never know.
God only knows.
God only knows.
God only knows.
God only knows.
I said that
and I went,
I said,
in my head I went,
I should have
flipping sang that song.
Now it's in your head.
I will,
I won't,
I think I say
God only knows a lot now.
Do you?
Yeah, a lot in the podcast.
That's not good because now I hate that.
Plus, we have the mind of Christ.
So if God knows.
We only know.
There you go.
That right there.
And we'll see you next time.
Have a great night.
Mic drop.
Yeah, that's true.entine's should be interesting yes a little lovey-dovey a little hey what what yeah a little
shmick shmack
a little bit of that a little bit of this i A little bit of this.
I finally fixed it.
You're welcome, everybody.
You never know.
It could get a little high and splashy up in here.
It will.
But it's Valentine's Day, so it's allowed.
Yeah, we got to talk about what we got to talk about.
It is what it is.
One of the last times we got a little hot and bothered is all because of Sarah.
Sarah's question to my husband, which took us down a long, dark road.
I didn't know if it was actually out that that was my question, but now we all know.
No, no, no.
I think you even commented on the comments.
That was an anonymous.
Yeah, I think it was you commented in the comment section.
I think I even said, I got to get to Sarah's question.
Oh, my gosh.
You would.
That was a good one.
We don't have to rehash it.
Go back and find the old episode, guys, if you want to.
It's an interesting one.
Go watch all of the episodes until rehash it. Go back and find the old episode, guys, if you want to. It's an interesting one. Go watch all of the episodes until you find it.
Took us down a dark road with Tom Lively.
That's a hint.
Yeah, it's right.
So the first question is, what is intimacy in a marriage?
I think my spouse and I have a different understanding of what that is.
Yeah, okay.
Welcome to every marital marriage.
Everybody, that's normal.
I mean, I don't think I know of any couple
unless one of them is a nymph is really thinking it's the same.
I wouldn't know.
No, you two are not going to know.
You're probably going to be very limited in UNTAL.
Please limit your response
because you don't know.
Either one of you know anything.
We have great knowledge on this.
We've experienced it together.
I'll express my opinions.
You've experienced intimacy together.
Dear Lord.
Dear Lord.
God only knows. God only knows God only knows truly my gosh see for like women if this is a woman then ask this question a woman is wanting
intimacy through conversation, through helps.
There were lots of different things,
like watching a husband play with the kids.
Like that's very intimate for women.
Like that's, I mean, for me,
I don't want to see a man cleaning squat.
That's a turnoff for me.
Talia's agreeing with you.
I agree.
Talia's like, ew.
If I were to see my husband pushing a vacuum
I might throw up
Or gag violently
I don't like that
It's very interesting
It's not a
Tracy feels otherwise
I don't like that's interesting guys
I'm neutral on that
If he makes a mess,
he can clean it up.
It's not gonna,
I'm not gonna be like,
ooh, somebody's getting lucky tonight.
If Tom was to spill something
on the floor
and didn't bend down
and pick it up,
I'd be like,
well, that's a little rude.
You mean like purposely
going out of his way
to clean.
I don't wanna see,
I don't wanna come home
and see my husband
vacuuming the floor.
In an apron.
I don't wanna do that.
Not even in an, no apron, no nothing. What if it was only an apron, though? Oh, okay. I don't want to come home and see my husband vacuuming the floor. I don't want to do that.
Not even in a,
no apron,
no nothing. What if it was only an apron?
That's interesting.
That makes it a little bit more interesting.
It does.
Tara said cleaning the barn hot.
Oh, 100%.
That's very manly.
That's more manly.
That's more manly.
Oh, 100%.
You want to come to mopping and scrubbing a toilet?
Like when I go outside and I see Tom like sweating,
working in the yard or whatever, I'm like, hello.
But if I was to see him sweating on his hands and knees,
scrubbing the floor, I'd be like, hey, lady, get up.
Oh, my gosh.
You broad.
Didn't Adalis call Jonathan gay?
Yes, yes, just recently.
Yes, she did.
It is.
It would seem like a little too feminine for me.
It does everything opposite for me.
Some women, though, the more feminine, the more they like it.
I, on the other hand, do not.
I do not like seeing my husband doing what I qualify as feminine.
I don't want to see him doing that.
That's my job.
Like we have, he has his, I have mine.
We stay in our lanes and it doesn't cross.
Like for me, that would ruin intimacy if I saw him doing woman work.
Some women are not.
But what I think, we get a great example of what true intimacy is,
is in the word with our relationship with the Lord.
So whatever that looks like, that's where it starts.
And then we build on to there what the carnal intimacy is.
Does that make sense, ladies?
So when you think of like,
when we talk about intimacy with the Lord,
like you guys are all smart.
Like what does that encapsulate for you
as far as intimacy with the Lord and that relationship
where it would cross over into a marriage,
a husband-wife relationship?
Putting him first.
Like having him be the first thing in the morning that you go to?
That's a really good one.
I immediately thought of my mornings where I, like, sit in my special, like, chair.
I have a special chair now, guys.
She does.
Look at you go.
And I, like, set the ambiance.
I'll put, like, instrumental music in the background,
and I'll grab my Bible and my highlighters and my notepads and literally spend my morning with him.
So that's that's immediately what popped into my head when you when you ask that question.
Intimate time and conversation and learning each other.
Like tunnel vision, like no distraction.
Like he is my focus in that very moment.
And I think a lot of times in marriages,
like putting each other first, that's not what happens.
So like what Sarah said, putting him first.
In most marriages, the husband and wife relationship
is put on the back burner a lot of times
in front of kids specifically but
um i find that i see husbands and wives when it when the kids are not in that spot
maybe they're at school or whatever or maybe it's the weekend what takes the spot of the kid
or kids if they're um not in that spot is a hobby,
something that that person enjoys doing.
And oftentimes it's not something that the other person is doing with them.
They'll go out with their buddies or the girls will go out with their girlfriends
and then they meet back up that night, get the kids ready for bed.
And if you're lucky, you have maybe an hour of
time in between commercials and TV to really have a conversation. That's dangerous. And people
wonder why we fell out of love, we grew apart. It's because you guys were never priority. And
that's where I think if we liken marital intimacy to what the Word of God is,
then as much as you have a successful relationship with the Lord,
which is your first love,
then you'll have a successful marriage if you follow this pattern as well.
So Sarah's first one is keeping that person first.
That is, I agree 100%.
Next one, Vanessa, so good, is spending time.
You spend time in the Word.
You spend time studying the Word.
Prayer time.
So that's conversation, right?
Having time of conversation, making that be top priority.
But what you said was so good because you're studying the Word,
which means you're studying the word, which means you're studying him.
How many of us actually take time
to study our husbands or our wives,
our spouses, what their likes,
what their dislikes are?
Learning to be obedient
to their likes and their dislikes,
not triggering,
using them as a trigger mechanism for them.
So if we learn what that person's heartbeat is,
like we want to know what makes God pleased
and what pleases his heart, what brings him joy.
And the other thing is, is in that time,
usually I know Vanessa, she's not just praying
and she's not just reading,
but there's a time of worship as well in that time. So that's when you're rejoicing, you're celebrating that other person. And I don't think we do that
enough of our spouses. We don't compliment enough. We don't look at the great qualities that they
have and praise them for them. I think if people started doing that on the daily more than once,
but really, really did a careful examination
of the person we married
and all the unbelievable qualities and traits
that we fell in love with that we've forgotten
because life has gotten busy and distracting.
If we refocused on those things,
man, we fall in love all over again,
much deeper because we're older
and more mature a lot of times.
And then what would that do for that other person?
First of all, it's an ego boost.
It makes them feel a value.
And then when they feel a value,
then there's the reciprocation.
It's so powerful.
If we kind of just liken everything back to the word
and back to a spiritual, godly, holy relationship, we can just, it just, it's so powerful.
It can go from there.
Natalia, you wouldn't know, but what do you think?
How it correlates with like your partner?
Mm-hmm. relates with like your partner like yeah I mean for me it's like taking your time out of your day
while you're doing something important to like thank them for something or to or like during
the day when I'm busy doing something I'll stop and be like okay thank you lord for this thank
you lord for that and then I'll keep going yeah so it's like never forgetting him never just doing
it in the morning but doing it all throughout the day.
Being appreciative.
Being appreciative.
A lot of times if we appreciate something or someone,
then again, that's reciprocated.
But then you understand the value that they have
and you want to make sure that you,
I'm very protective of my relationship with Tom.
It's the thing that I hold dear, and I say this all the time,
but I guard that thing with my life.
But that's because I know the value of that relationship,
and I appreciate having it.
So there's very little that I will do to risk that thing,
even having a little bit of a wobble in it.
I won't allow it.
The only way that thing is moving
is unless it's going up.
It's getting better and better and better.
That relationship does not move
unless it's in an upward trajectory
and better. Does that make sense,
girls? Yeah. Norma?
I don't know.
I don't blame you.
I don't want to give my opinion on what I haven't been good
in, which is relationships.
I'm still learning all that.
For me, I don't think
anything besides
being able to renew myself
for something
to make myself better yeah somebody else
when I know I've been wrong about things that's my type of intimacy right now yeah a lot of times
is yeah repentance is huge in a marriage well that's me right now that's a great one yeah that
is very good learning to be able to look at myself honestly and go, okay, I was wrong.
Or go to the person that I do have a problem with and tell them that they were wrong about something in a kinder way.
Yeah, well.
Being mean because that's my first instinct.
Well, the thing is, is a good marriage usually is when two people can look at themselves honestly
and not make excuses for a certain behavior or behaviors to try and justify their actions.
But look at themselves honestly and say, that was not honoring to God.
That was not honoring to you.
And I'm not going to do that again.
That's how you build a stronger bond, a stronger relationship.
So that's huge.
Kind of everything.
Mine is like more, it's quality time for sure, but also quantity time.
Like Talia was saying, like God's on my mind all day long from the beginning when I wake up to when I go to bed at night.
Like he's just like literally in a relationship with him.
And so I think when you stop thinking about him, then all of a sudden,
it's like he does fall off of the radar. And as much as being thankful for the little things
throughout the day and starting in prayer and starting with scripture, whatever that looks like,
but this was all encompassing of how I feel like intimacy is with Christ. And then when you apply
those things to your husband, like you're saying, even like when I'm like, oh God, you are so good. Like I say that so much. And if I were to do that
for Jer, if I like, every time I thought of that, if I just text Jer, like, thank you so much for
what you do. Like if I text Jer as much as I think about it, he'd probably be super happy.
You know, but I just don't, I think of it and I don't say it. And even for God, I don't say it
out loud. I just think it in my heart. And, but it happens all day long. It's very rare that I'm not thinking about God or because also leading back
to God, whatever it is. I get that. Okay. So I totally 100% get that. I say a lot myself,
man, God, you're so good. Right. Or like yesterday, I think it was yesterday,
I saw something and I kept saying,
God, thank you so much.
Like, because you sit there and go,
that could have been me.
I'm like, thank you, God, thank you, man.
Right, yes, I know.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
I don't think you can out-appreciate anyone or anything.
I really don't. I think there's so much value in understanding
what you have and never, ever, ever taking it for granted. And I think most of the time in marriages,
one of the reasons why sexual intimacy goes is because of feeling neglected or taken for granted.
Jeff says something from the pulpit whenever he does the announcements quite frequently.
He says, what if you woke up with only the things that you gave thanks for the night before?
I know.
I've heard him say that.
And I was like, that is a very powerful statement.
And so he has gotten into a habit of ending the day
and listing out all the things.
Like, thank you for my wife.
Thank you for my children.
And he ends his day in thankfulness and in thanksgiving
because that thought is always there.
Because it's true though.
And what are we really thankful for?
A lot of times we really thankful for?
A lot of times we are thankful for the things that we've had the shortest period of time,
a trend or a gadget or something that doesn't even know who we are. I think about people who are so into like sports or sports teams or whatever,
and they are so passionate and they care more about that specific thing than
they do their own blood.
And that thing that they're so passionate about and they spend so much physical
emotion on and the,
and the blood relative or the spouse gets the leftovers.
I'm like, those people don't even know you.
And you are so passionate about that thing that means absolutely nothing.
But the very thing that's in front of you that you can take to heaven or have such a
deep, a deeper, more powerful relationship and emotion towards, you neglect.
I'm like, what is wrong with that picture?
A lot.
And I think it's been scientifically proven, and maybe you know this, Sarah,
but thankfulness and resentment can't occupy the same space.
You can't have anxiety if you're living a life of thanksgiving and so if you just
like renew your mind and you kind of just like um develop different thoughts and just like
be thankful and make yourself be grateful like it will change it will change things around where
often maybe your first response would be anger or anxiety.
It's now the opposite.
Do you have an answer?
Cause she said she thought you might know.
Is that true?
There's a part of your brain that will only operate.
Like if you're in gratitude in a space of gratitude,
you can't be also anxious at the same time.
I knew I didn't make that up.
Oh my gosh.
But it doesn't that make sense though?
Because if you're anxiety ridden,
it's usually it's based on something fearful.
And that fear is because of not being,
not knowing that what you,
if you're grateful, then you know, okay, that's forever.
Or that's, I, I own that. That's mine. And I, and I'm grateful because I know it's my,
how I value, I value it because I know I own it. Right. You don't put so much into something new,
but if you are fearful, it's also because of lack
you're afraid of losing the very thing that you should be thankful for that it's never going
anywhere but most people are are anxiety ridden because they're afraid of what they will lose
not for what they know they have does that make sense yep and that causes them so you can't be
grateful because you're too busy worrying that you're not going to be able to hang on to it anymore.
Or what if it goes or leaves or changes, whatever the case may be.
And if it's not natural, just fake it until you become it.
Well, it's like putting on a sacrifice of praise.
Eventually, it won't be a sacrifice anymore.
It'll just be praise.
It'll just be who you are.
Super important.
Proverbs 3.32 says,
Such wicked people are detestable to the Lord, but he offers his friendship to the godly.
So I would say if you want intimacy with your spouse, just like intimacy with God, without trust and honesty.
And what that's really speaking of is more like people
who are living sinful lifestyles.
But do you think if you are doing things
that would be considered sinful things,
not being honest with your spouse,
not being transparent with them on different things, not being honest with your spouse, not being transparent with them on
different things, being selfish, being jealous, being envious of what they have. There are
husbands and wives that are both career-oriented people. And if one gets a little bit more ahead
of the other, then that envy crosses over and they're no longer supporting and
cheering that person on.
They're kind of like resentful because why isn't it happening to me?
Why is it only happening to them?
We see this.
We even see this with movie stars.
Movie stars, it happens all the time.
So just like your relationship with the Lord, the Lord is not going to have one with you
when you're wicked, when you're not being the Christian
or the solid one on the other side of the relationship.
He wants nothing to do with that.
You can't give him a good friendship.
He doesn't want your friendship.
Same thing with your spouse.
If you can't be a good friend,
if you can't be a good husband or wife, then they're not going to really want it. The intimacy is gone then.
James 4, 8 says, draw near to God and he will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners,
and purify your hearts, you double-minded. So if you're, again, you're not giving 100% of yourself,
draw near to God. That doesn't mean that giving 100% of yourself. Draw near to God.
That doesn't mean that only part of you gets to draw near to God.
100% of you, like Sarah was saying, you have to give all of you.
And he gives all of him.
Who only wants to be with somebody who gives them half of themselves?
Because what happens is you give what you get.
And we all know that term, but you give what you get. And we all know that term, but you give what you get.
So eventually somebody is giving all of themselves,
but you're only giving 50% of yourself.
Eventually that person is going to be like, screw it.
I'm only going to give you what you give me
because I'm tired of being the one that's always the willing vessel.
You want somebody to treat you like you're going to be treated.
So give 100%. Intimacy is so much more than just the bedroom, but a lot of things
that are affected in the bedroom stem from what we're talking about. Lack of physical intimacy
is usually lacking because of other things that come way before that.
Especially for women.
Women are not really physical creatures with somebody who just wants to wham, bam, thank
you, ma'am.
And that's just the facts.
And then I know that there are men out there that just porn is their
porn is their playtime. And so they aren't even interested in being intimate because they found
another alternative. But the word will get to a scripture. And that's just not acceptable.
It's not allowed. Keep abstaining from each other. Sex speaking, is not permitted. And the word is very clear about that.
So let's look at spiritual intimacy because there's like five different types of intimacy in marriage that I want to address.
One is spiritual intimacy.
And all these things you can do with your spouse and you guys can add to it.
Like Vanessa, when you do your prayer time in the morning, it's usually you and Jeff doing it together, correct?
He's doing his own thing and I'm doing my own.
But you're right.
We're in the same area, yes.
That's how my parents were.
My parents were always on the back porch.
They had their own.
But then they would be doing the Bible study together,
but doing two separate ones. And then as they found different things that they would find interesting, they study together, but doing two separate ones.
And then as they found different things
that they would find interesting,
they would share it with one another.
Check this out.
What are your thoughts here?
That to me, that's spiritual intimacy.
You may not, I don't really think you have to be
reading the same chapter.
Like, let me listen to my husband as he reads to me.
I want to vomit.
I would be so bored.
There is nothing entertaining to me about that.
And I really wouldn't want to sit and read to Tom.
But married couples do it all the time,
and that's great for them.
I have to study it.
You just can't read it to me.
Like, I'm going to have to, like,
unless you want all the Bibles on the bed,
which is how it is when I'm by myself,
but unless you want all of that on the bed,
that's going to get in the way.
So he has his time.
I have my time.
But I think that spiritual intimacy is super important.
You can pray together.
You can pray together. You can worship together.
I'm not a big proponent of reading
the Bible together because I don't do that, but
worshiping and praying, I think, is powerful
And reading the Bible
together, too, but it says to study the Word.
So it's a little bit more...
But a lot of married couples don't do that.
I mean, me and Tom don't hardly ever do it together.
Any of those things.
We hardly ever worship together.
Well, unless we go to church and like at the river and then we do it together.
But I mean, we hardly ever pray together.
I mean, we pray about things and we'll pray about it, but it's super fast.
It's not every day praying together. I mean, do you guys pray and we'll pray about it, but it's super fast. It's not every day praying together.
I mean, do you guys pray every single day together?
In the way I see it, like I'm actively pursuing my relationship with God.
And Jeff is actively pursuing his relationship with God.
And if we're both seeking first the kingdom of God and his righteousness,
that's going to bring us together.
But, yeah, we don't pray every day together.
Like if something big happens, absolutely you come together.
But we kind of like do it separately, but together.
Yeah, that's what I was saying.
You guys are together when you're doing it.
Because the two are one, right?
Yours is far superior.
Because I don't even do that.
I mean, not because I don't do it.
I'm just saying it's far superior because it's being done.
In the same room at the same time.
I have failed.
It's all good.
But I mean, the thing is, is like a lot of times,
one of the things me and Tom talk all the time. And that's one of the things we talk about all the time is different things that we've
learned or different things that we think about a subject or whatever spiritually speaking which
really adds to it hebrews 10 24 and then nlt says let us think of ways to motivate one another to
acts of love and good works which is is basically, spiritually speaking, saying,
iron sharpening iron, helping each other get better and better and better.
I say this to Tom.
I'm always chasing.
I'm always trying to chase where he's at in certain things,
spiritually speaking, that I feel like he's just so far ahead of me.
And I love that I can do that.
I love that when I look at him, I say,
okay, you don't have that going on,
so start working on that.
Because not everybody has that.
Sometimes husbands never can look at their wives and say,
and husbands should be able to, because the Proverbs 31 woman,
the husband says he's blessed because of his wife.
He looks at her.
He understands her value.
I want Tom to say that about me, but I want to be able to say that about him.
Sometimes the husband can't say that about the wife,
and she's always looking at him thinking he's great,
but he can't see anything in her, vice versa.
And it's really great when you're able to both do that with one another.
It's not always symbiotic like that, but it can get like that.
I mean, I've known people who are in marriages that the husband wasn't even saved.
And now he is saved and she's chasing after him.
So it does happen.
So never give up if you're not in that So it does happen. So never give up.
If you're not in that place, husband or wife, never give up.
It will happen.
Keep the faith.
Emotional intimacy, which is sharing personal feelings and experiences.
What's so scary for most marital or married couples is that's very vulnerable.
Like sharing your emotions and your feelings. Yeah.
Like because sometimes when you do that, if it's not a good solid relationship,
then later on they try and use it against you. Very true. That's very hurtful. Yes.
Women do it to men just as much as men do it to women. I truly believe that. Yeah. Yep. That affects the bedroom.
Because the bedroom, you're already vulnerable because you're naked.
You're booty naked.
You're booty naked.
Lights off.
Lights off.
Don't look at me.
I mean, there ain't nothing more vulnerable than that,
especially when you need to lose like 25 pounds.
You do not need to lose.
No, not anymore.
Absolutely not.
But back in the day.
Was your inspiration a stick bug?
No, no, yeah, no.
But I'm just saying, back in the day, I'm like, this ain't pretty.
Oh, my gosh.
I'm just saying.
But then when you do, like for me, I love,
like Tom says this all the time there's
nothing off the table for he or I to discuss and there really isn't but I never feel like
nervous to talk about something because I'm afraid that he'll laugh at me like meanly laugh
I mean he might laugh at me but I usually know it's because he thinks i'm an idiot which i might have been but it's not like i'm laughing at you right yeah um or um that later on
i will be embarrassed by it or it'll be used against me in an argument and that's just not
the case for a lot of married married uh couples and that should not be i mean mean, emotionally, you should be able to,
I mean, this is the person you said you wanted to share
the rest of your life with.
And you should have thought through it pretty good.
And emotionally speaking, especially women,
we're emotional beings.
So not to be able to share that side of ourselves
with someone, that's tough.
Is there anything you want to add to that?
Very true.
I think the biggest thing is what you were saying about leading into the bedroom.
If you're having issues in the bedroom, these are root things to go back to
because a lot of people will see something on TV and be like,
oh, it's because my relationship doesn't look like that because they don't.
No, it's all this rooted stuff.
I love how you're doing this. and be like, oh, it's because my relationship doesn't look like that because they don't. No, it's all this rooted stuff.
So I think it's so, I love how you're doing this.
I love how you're going back and forth between like intimacy with Christ and then also the different levels of intimacy because we are so different.
Like guys might not need to hear all this like love language.
Jer is different.
He likes words of affirmation.
And so it is important to him to hear all these things.
But it does.
It always leads back to like
like the intimacy in your private time like oh well if you like think about this yeah because
you just may triggered me with something think about this with with the lord yeah there's nothing
we would never share with them correct yeah which you just made me think about that because you're
like it's an intimacy with God. I'm like,
I wouldn't,
there is not anything off the table that I wouldn't even share with God. Cause I know whatever I say to him,
it's safe.
Like it's like,
it's going to,
it's like,
it's going to be cherished.
Like that he cherishes that I'm telling him these things and i trust him enough to
do you know what i'm saying yes yeah so good it's not going to be used as a weapon against you
later on right yeah yeah and he wants us to talk to him like that's what he longs for communion
with us and relationship with him that was the original design in the garden was like communion with us right like
living with us and being intertwined in our lives and eve ruined it yes she did with the help of
adam because he stood there and watched he's a weak weak man they both had but i hope they're
listening right now oh my gosh all, let's leave that alone.
So on we go.
But really, if we treated our significant other like God treats us,
especially in that.
Best marriage ever.
Because even if we said something that the Lord didn't like,
there would be correction.
But how would there be correction?
When I get corrected by the Lord, sometimes it's not the nicest.
But I also know it's not going to be like it's forgiven and forgotten.
Like, hope you're not doing that again.
Do we understand each other?
Yes, sir, we understand each other.
No condemnation.
And then we move on.
Right, exactly.
Which, for me me that's healthy um so it's truly significant in
our responses and our communication with each other especially when it comes to emotional things
yeah does anybody else want to add to that
all right proverbs 5 18 through 19, the New Living Translation says,
let your wife be a fountain of blessing for you.
It gets a little risque as we go on with this.
It says, rejoice in the wife of your youth.
She is a loving dear, a graceful doe.
Let her breast satisfy you always,
and may you always be captivated by her love was this song Solomon yeah no that's a proverb if I remember right yeah Proverbs 5 18
through 19 I thought it was Song of Solomon too well I didn't because I wrote it down but I was
like that sounds like a Song of Solomon yeah it does there's a reason I haven't read that book
oh my god that was a taboo book growing up for me.
That was special.
You're like, I'll be reading porn.
Oh, my gosh.
It's corn.
Oh, sorry.
I remember hiding and reading it.
Are you kidding me?
No, I'm not.
That's what I did with Judy Blume.
Are you there, God?
It's me, Margaret.
Oh, my gosh.
I hid.
Judy Blume.
In my room.
I'm not allowed to be reading this.
What's Judy Blume?
Dear God, it's me, Margaret, by Judy Blume.
What is that?
If I remember right, it's about a girl who starts her period.
Going through puberty. Do you remember that, Sarah? Because you were in the school system. It's probably still girl who starts her period. Going through puberty.
Do you remember that, Sarah?
Because you were in the school system.
It's probably still there.
Is that what it was about?
I don't recall the plot of the book.
I just know the title and the author.
Yeah, that's what I did.
You're there reading Song of Solomon.
I'm over here reading Smut as a safe screener.
Dear God, it's me, Margaret.
It's about an
11-year-old who struggles with her
developing body
and her family's
religion. No, I
literally thought it was
risque. I thought I
was reading like, you had to
wait forever to check that book out because
everybody was like, there was a line to get.
Dear God, it's me, Margaret.
And then when you got it, you're like, put it away.
Who's coming to my room?
I think I had that thing read in like two days.
Oh my gosh.
I was not reading Song of Solomon.
I don't want to read that book.
It's good for you.
It's not good for me.
It's good for you.
Every book is good.
I'll be wanting to die.
You might.
If you study it out, then you'll do much better.
Very true.
It's not that bad.
Which leads us into physical intimacy.
If a man literally looked at his wife like that,
that's powerful.
Look at those boobs.
Look at that boobies.
If you let her breasts satisfy you always.
What if you nursed for four years?
Can I put that in my Instagram bio as my scripture?
Let her breasts
satisfy you always.
May you always
be captivated
by her love.
I want to read that
in the Gen Z Bible.
What does it say?
That was the NLT
and the New King James
ain't much different.
That's not alright.
Oh, I'm looking
that up right now.
That's way worse
than Dear God,
It's Me, Margaret. Oh my God. They didn't have nothing like up right now. That's way worse than, dear God, it's me, Margaret.
Oh, my God.
They have nothing like that in there.
I mean, I don't.
The message took out boobie part.
Can't take it out.
It's there.
It's supposed to be there.
Don't ever quit taking delight in her body.
Delight in her body.
And hey, listen.
Once porn gets in there, men have a really hard time.
There is a reason that was in there.
Keep your eyes only on her.
On her boobs.
That's it.
Well, no.
Your eyes just don't stay.
You satisfy yourself with her boobs.
Oh, my gosh.
To be specific. I just don't stay. You satisfy yourself with her boobs. Oh my gosh. To be specific.
I just don't like when she says it.
I know.
I know.
It's true.
It's true.
It's my dad.
I have to envision that with.
Yeah, you do.
You don't have to envision anything.
Who else is she going to be?
Who else is going to be delighting in her boobs?
Take every thought captive, girl.
You don't have to.
But she's talking about somebody delighting in her boobs.
You can't not think about it.
It's going to be my father.
It's true.
It's true.
Now we're all having a problem.
I know.
Now you're all still with me.
Well, that's your fault.
That's you guys' fault.
Captivate each other with each other's boobs.
I'm a father with him delighting in your boobs.
That's true.
Think of each other with each other's boobs, not mine.
Oh, yeah.
That's why you're here.
I'm the fruit of him delighting in her boobs. That is true. Think of each other's with each other's boobs, not mine. Oh, yeah. That's why you're here. I'm the fruit of him delighting in her boobs.
That is true.
So for me, I am their pet sperm.
That's an interesting story about Norma.
Oh, let's hear it.
Let's hear it.
Let's not.
I was sketching.
She started it.
She's playing.
I was playing. There you go. That's all that needs to be said. How is that Yes. I was sketching. She started it. She's playing. I was playing.
There you go.
That's all that needs to be said.
How is that interesting?
I'm not interested.
I want more details.
I need more.
More details.
So this is how it happened.
Step by step.
Song of Solomon.
This is how it happened.
So we have Tommy.
And then we got, let's see.
After we had Tommy, we we're like you know what I think we're let's just have another one so I think it was at six
months of course I think it was at six months we decided we would get pregnant
again and we got pregnant immediately but at about 11 weeks we lost that child
through miscarriage I was That was a rough experience.
So then we had to wait a while.
Because you can't, it's not wise to like try and have a kid again.
But now I'm like, I was pregnant.
So I want to be pregnant again.
And so you know how you track everything. So I remember I took I went to the
went to the bathroom before I had to go to work, which I had to be at work at 10 in the morning,
because I worked a model home. Yeah. So I go and, you know, you pee on that little
ovulation thing. And I'm ripe for the picking. So I call him up. I call him up, and I'm like, you better get home now.
You got to come home now.
All signs are pointing to yes.
He did, we did, and she came.
Oh, Marla.
Here she is.
It worked. It worked. It worked. That's right. here she is it worked it worked
that's pretty impressive
that's pretty impressive
I don't mean that
so isn't that baby in heaven right
I'll get to see that baby
that's so fun
I haven't met he or she yet
I often think about that
I better be the only girl in your life.
Oh my gosh.
She's totally going to be a girl.
I never thought about that.
I never thought about that.
Have you lost a baby?
I had a miscarriage after Taylor.
Oh yeah.
I often wonder.
I'm like, boy or girl?
You're going to know eventually.
Well, so Jesse Duplantis, when he gave his testimony of heaven, he said that, yeah, they were all getting trained.
They were getting trained,
like, who was,
I don't remember who was teaching them.
Babies that had been aborted or miscarried.
Or miscarried.
Yeah, because it's mostly the same thing.
Had someone raising them in place of you,
but when you got there, you would.
I love that.
I'm getting ready for you to come back.
I think I remember that
because I've listened to that story twice
now Sarah's going to cry
Sarah's going to cry
I've watched it
did you miss that part?
there's different ones
he gives the testimony
there is different
I've never heard that part
I bawled my eyeballs out
that's awesome
I was in the middle of cleaning the cafe
I was like no one better walk in
because I'm a mess
every time I listen to that video I cry
yeah that's powerful
Tom was bawling like a baby too
let's just go already
that's the problem
no guys you guys can go I'm ready to go Go already. That's the problem. No, you can't. Talia's not married. No, guys.
I'm married for all.
You guys can go.
I'm ready to go.
I'll go.
I could do it.
I'll go right now.
I could go.
I mean, I don't want to go, but I'll go.
I don't want to go.
Oh, many days.
I got nothing.
Oh, my gosh.
I mean, really, we are to treasure this time on earth, but we're too long for heaven.
Do what we're supposed to do down here but
i don't have any hesitancy about going to heaven like for me
like to die is gain man like i there's nothing on this earth that's just so great
right and that not wanting to be in his presence are you kidding me
there are people but for me i'm like oh yeah it's gonna be in his presence. Are you kidding me? There's that and I just know there's a lot of people up there that I just want to see
again real bad.
There are people
but for me,
I'm like,
oh yeah,
it's going to be way better.
Imagine our houses though.
Yeah, that's true.
Our house is going to be cool.
But to,
I mean,
to literally think
that we will get
to stand before him
and like,
thank him personally.
I'm going to pee myself.
That's so powerful.
So cool.
I'm so excited. She's so powerful. So cool.
She's going to pee herself.
I'm going to crap my pants.
She's so excited.
Do we poop and have it?
No, I don't think we poop.
We do eat.
And we get a new body.
We get a new body.
So maybe it just disappears.
Is all of our holes gone then?
I mean, that's a great question.
What are you referring to?
Yeah, like which holes?
Which one?
Like your nostrils?
Do we have nipples?
Because those aren't useful anymore.
I never thought of that.
These are valid questions.
This is the whole pot line.
Is there no sex in heaven?
No sex in heaven. No, there's no sex. I i mean i'm so red right now from laughing so hard from i looked at my face i'm like you're so red it's because i'm laughing
i tell you well we have nipples there's no use of them anymore there isn't you're right nobody's sucking on them i know but who's talking about nursing babies
but men have nipples and nobody's sucking on those true we were just talking about why do
men have nipples that's true that's true my mind men do lactate they have oh my gosh this is
spiraling i mean we are way off topic disgusting Disgusting. I still have to get to sponsors.
That would be a major ick for me, by the way.
That would be.
That is an ick.
Not to turn off.
Imagine kissing them and all of a sudden they're like, that's just what?
Why are they lactating?
Hope that happened for you.
Have I lactated before?
I'm sure I have.
I was pregnant and had a kid.
I said Tom.
My father lactated.
Listen, I'm going to just tell you,
if Tom ever lactated,
I might not ever see him again.
Divorce. He might divorce me
and say I'm not worthy.
I'm never having intimacy with any woman ever again
if this is what it does to me.
Oh my gosh.
If they start lactating,
does that mean they start
to grow boobs like fat too?
Or does it just...
Is this just trans people?
In order to produce milk,
you have to have breast tissue.
So that means dad
would have to have boobage.
He would have to have breast tissue.
Somebody has to have boobs.
Then you could delight
in his breasts.
You can delight in my dad's boobs.
Equal opportunity.
Squeeze them.
There you go. Oh my opportunity. There you go.
Oh my gosh.
You get to squeeze other people's boobs.
I think all holes are gone in heaven, but we'll see.
We'll let each other know when we get up there.
Like down there, at least.
Talia, I'm going to make sure I find you when I get up there.
I'm going to find Talia and be like, are your holes gone?
Let me see.
I'll be finding you.
So don't worry.
We're going to live next to each other.
Yeah, we are. Yeah, definitely. Squeeze. Never mind you. So don't worry. We're going to live next to each other. Yeah, we are.
Yeah, definitely.
Never mind.
I wonder what part of heaven
we're going to be in.
I'm going to be in section eight.
We're going to be in section eight.
We're a skid row.
Section eight.
That's section eight.
Is that?
That's the government's
I'm on the south side
of the kingdom.
She's in government housing.
The government housing of heaven.
Oh my gosh.
Pray with me, don't play with me.
Oh my gosh.
What'd you say?
Pray with me, don't play with me.
Oh yeah, oh dear me, oh my.
Pray with me, don't play with me.
Don't play with me.
Yeah, Vanessa.
All right.
Okay, moving on from Rocky.
I don't even know how to do that, but.
Good luck
You got three minutes baby
Make it spiritual
Let's finish up with physical intimacy
Because that's where we have left
Which I saved the best for last
That is not any better than what we were just talking about
Well we are
But 1 Corinthians 3-5 says
In the NLT
Let the husband render to his wife the affection due to her,
and likewise also the wife to her husband.
The wife does not have authority over her own body, but the husband does.
And likewise the husband does not have authority over his own body, but the wife does.
Do not deprive one another except with consent for a time
that you may give yourselves to fasting and prayer,
and come together again so that Satan does not tempt you because of your lack of self-control. And that is very, very clear.
Oh, I have one more after this.
It's very, very clear.
And I have known husbands who do this to women and women who do this to men.
Women will use it as a weapon if the husband doesn't do something for her or what she likes or she deems unacceptable for whatever reason.
Like that's her payback.
The machine is shut down.
And the husband, when porn is involved, it's almost always porn.
Almost always.
With the husbands that are willing to be honest about it.
And sometimes it gets to a place where it's not even porn anymore.
A husband, they've done studies on this.
When someone has looked at enough porn, what happens is they aren't even able to sexually perform
because without a type of medication. which was, what was that stuff that
people used? Viagra. Without Viagra, because they have distorted and perverted sex and what that
truly is. So when it's time to actually be intimate with their spouse they can't even do it and that's the
truth and we are seeing that well let's look at how much viagra sold it is a chat gpt it
lots of people are on viagra and there's reason for that. And pornography is extremely dangerous for multiple reasons.
But one of them is how it changes your thought.
I know.
I know it is because I've done a study on this.
$500 million.
How much?
In 2019, it was $500 million.
It's gone up and up.
And then like 2017, $1.2 billion.
It's a lot. Yeah, a lot of people that's a big huge money maker
because a lot of men are unable to be sexually active without assistance because they have
distorted like what they think sex looks like and now like their wife doesn't even turn them on
she may be a beautiful being, if you will.
Perfect body, perfect face, perfect everything.
And she can't even do it for him because he's watched so much porn
and so much new that he can't do it anymore.
And so guard your heart, guard your mind, guard your eyes. It's super important that
you are very careful about what you let in because it will destroy your sexual intimacy with your
with your spouse. And both of you should honor one another. Both of you should respect one another
enough that that the bedroom is not anything that anything or anyone else but the two of you get to enter into it.
Does that make sense?
Do you want to know the statistic?
I would love to know the statistic.
In the United States, the ED, erectile dysfunction drugs market, generated around $1.36 billion in revenue in 2024
and is expected to reach approximately $2.16 billion by 2030.
And you know why that is?
Because the porn industry and sexual perversion is at an all-time high.
And what happens is normal sex is no longer watched,
but it becomes more and more and more and more perverse.
And when I mean more and more perverse,
it's no longer just a guy and a girl.
Now you've got to watch two girls and an animal.
Dear God.
But it gets to where it's no longer that.
Now you're watching,
instead of watching women
in their 20s and 30s,
now you're watching teenagers.
And it keeps getting worse
and worse and worse.
And you think I'm kidding?
I'm not kidding.
I worked for an industry
in an industry
where we were breaking open phones
and investigating people
that look like you and me.
Yikes. Mm-hmm. Yikes.
And what we found on their devices is horrible.
So it starts out with normal porn,
and it ends up going down a very fast track of unusual and perversion
that's beyond even what is normal.
So be very careful.
You know, sin is a slippery slope
to greater and worse things.
And sexual sin is worse
because it's a sin against your own body.
So be careful with that.
Recreational intimacy.
This is going to be our last one,
which is do what each other enjoy.
And if he likes to play golf,
go learn to play golf
so that you have some common thing that you can do together and spend a good
time amount of time together doing it if he likes to fish go fishing with him I
mean I can think of a couple couples in our church that the guys are just
rednecks as can be mm-hmm and the wives are out there being rednecks with
them. And they, these girls look like the most prim and proper things you've ever met. Cute as
can be hot little tamales, but they're out there in their, in their camo and they're having a great
time with their spouse. It may not be their favorite thing, but they are their favorite
thing. So they are out doing what they love with
them. And that's really what the mindset is about. If you were with your favorite person doing the
thing that you hate the most, but if you're doing it with them, you can have a lot of laughs and a
really good time. Mindset. Yep. Mindset. And that's my last thing, which is most importantly, laugh. Find something you
enjoy doing together, but laugh. And laughter is, a merry heart is good medicine. If you have the
worst marriage right now, but if you two can learn to laugh together, that is the perfect medicinal cure for your marriage.
Laugh together and you'll do so good.
It heals a multitude of things.
You guys want to add anything before I finish up with Ecclesiastes 9.9?
On intimacy, does anybody have any little last nugget they want to share on just having a strong, intimate marriage?
I love what Pastor Tom preached on on Sunday about doing the first works.
Oh, yes.
That was so good.
Just do the first works.
Go back to when you were dating and what you did.
Do the first works.
That's good.
That's good, Vanessa.
I think when you have a servant heart too, like when you're just serving, you're not expecting anything in return,
then you don't have these preconceived things where it's like, well, I did this for you, so I expected you to do this for me.
Just serve. Just serve them, whatever that looks like.
And if that's serving through sending a text that you're thankful for them, don't expect anything in return.
Just do it because you love them.
Love is unconditional. That means there's zero conditions attached to it if you truly love
somebody. And if you're married to somebody who will take advantage of that and use and abuse it,
I will tell you this. It's like the philosophy that we've taken on with this church and even
Tom and myself and whenever we bless somebody with finances or
whatever. If the Lord tells us to do something, we do it, right? So if the Lord, when the Lord
in the past has told us to financially bless a family or do something for somebody, we never
look for anything in return unless, I would every now and then and it is very rare
an agreement will be made between two parties and then we righteously make that agreement
stand and hold but on the whole most of the time when we do things for people if
it ends up being taken advantage of or comes back to bite us in the butt, we never worry about it.
And the reason we don't worry is because we did what the Lord told us to do.
And we'll be blessed for that.
So if you're married to somebody who will take advantage of you doing the things that we're talking about, don't worry about that part.
Seriously, don't worry about that part.
You do what God tells you to do and you let him take care of the rest. Amen. Because you will be blessed whether it is by
the person you're married to or by God himself. Right. It's usually going to be both. Yep. But
if it's not who you're married to, just keep doing it. Keep coals of kindness. Isn't that what the
word tells us to do? But more importantly, you'll honor the Lord.
You'll honor your spouse, but you'll honor the Lord by being obedient to his word.
And he's faithful every single time.
Ecclesiastes 9.9 says,
Live joyfully with the wife whom you love all the days of your vain life,
which he has given you under the sun all your days of vanity.
For that is your portion in life and in the labor which you perform under the sun. So joyfully enjoy each other. That's the most important. Let's go to
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So what we're going to do now, let's just close out.
We're going to close out in prayer.
But more importantly, I want to close out because I want to close out and just pray over marriages,
especially the ones that come to Foundation Church or the ones that are listening to this podcast.
I'm going to pray specifically for yours and then for anybody who comes in and listens
to this later on.
Marriages are attacked heavily because Satan comes to steal, kill, and destroy.
And if he can separate parents, then he can break up a family.
And then he has, you know, he has accomplished a great and mighty work with the destruction of
the family unit like it perpetuates on and on and on with those kids and it shows that kids that
come from broken homes tend to break their home as they grow up. But kids who come from homes that were intact and there
are no divorce, those kids tend to have marriages that stick together. Satan knows what he's doing.
He's not stupid. But the great thing is, is if you're listening to this podcast, you have God
and he can't do anything, Only what you allow him to do.
So we're not going to give him a foothold or an inroad to our marriages.
We're going to make them stronger and more bound together.
And our children will be more secure and more safe and more strong in the Lord
and in the walks with God because of it.
So let's pray really quick.
Heavenly Father, we just come to you right now.
And I speak over each and every marriage of people who attend Foundation Church
or who are listening to the Hope Hotline right now,
and for the people that are going to be entering into marriage
or are looking specifically for a future spouse.
First, for those, let them choose wisely.
Father God, have them pray and make sure that the person that you have for them,
that's the right one, that they marry the one that you have specifically told them
is the one for them, that they marry the godly man or woman
that you have ordained them to marry.
And with that will come great success.
That doesn't mean that they might not have a few little hiccups along the way,
but they'll know that they know that they know that they're with the right person.
And whatever Satan tries to do and come against them with,
they will stick together because they will know that you have bound that marriage together.
You ordained it.
Father God, I just speak to every single marriage within the sound of my voice right now.
Lord, whether it is a marriage that's having difficulty or is as strong as strong can be.
Father God, I ask that you would speak wisdom into each person and into each relationship that will draw them closer to you, which will cause that relationship to be stronger and deeper and more godly.
Have them to become selfless in their thoughts and in their hearts.
Let them strive to be all that you want them to be,
which in turn will make them stronger and more Christ-like
in their relationships with each other.
Purify, Restore.
Bring honesty.
And more importantly, I think I see so much in marriages, Lord,
are people who are bitter and angry towards one another and just have so much resentment and offense towards one another.
Let that all drop.
It go away.
Let it be nothing that people can
remember. Let forgiveness rule and reign in these relationships so that they can become united again
more stronger than they were before they said, I do. And even if they don't know that they were
the one that you had for them, they are now. So let them bind themselves together like a tight rope that nothing can separate.
Let their days be filled with laughter and joy and peace and comfort.
And let their children look at a strong, godly relationship, what that looks like,
and aspire to have one when they get older that looks just like mom and dad.
We praise you. We thank you. And in Jesus name we pray. Amen. Amen. All right. We're going to see
on Friday. Can't wait. Yeah. I don't know what Friday holds, but I will tell you that next
Wednesday we're in Vegas. We're coming back from Vegas. So we won't be here for but we'll be here on Friday which is Valentine's correct so we have this Friday then no Wednesday then Friday
yes yep we're gonna rock your world on that Valentine's Day yeah we are we will
see you thank you for joining us see you on Friday bye
real talk
real talk real talk Real talk. Real talk.
Real talk.