The I Love CVille Show With Jerry Miller! - Former Neurosurgery Co-Chair Backs Health Leadership; Cavalier Daily Condemns UVA Board Of Visitors
Episode Date: March 17, 2025The I Love CVille Show headlines: Former Neurosurgery Co-Chair Backs Health Leadership Cavalier Daily Condemns UVA Board Of Visitors DEI Programs May Prove Hard To Scrub From UVA Darden Towe Park: Ten...nis Out, Pickleball In VA USPS Offering Early Retirement Incentive 6-Story, 180 Affordable Units At 1000 Wertland? Concerns Over Police Civilian Oversight Board Jerry Ratcliffe: Sanchez Fired In Charlotte Hotel Read Viewer & Listener Comments Live On Air The I Love CVille Show airs live Monday – Friday from 12:30 pm – 1:30 pm on The I Love CVille Network. Watch and listen to The I Love CVille Show on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, iTunes, Apple Podcast, YouTube, Spotify, Fountain, Amazon Music, Audible, Rumble and
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Good afternoon, I'm Jerry Miller and thank you for joining us on the I Love Seaville
It's great to connect with you guys through the I Love Seaville network on what feels
like a spring afternoon in downtown Charlottesville, Virginia. This is the time of year, I think, when Charlottesville is at its best in central Virginia.
Spring, summer, and fall, three fantastic seasons
for tourism, for activity around grounds at UVA
with John Paul Jones, with Scott Stadium and football,
obviously tourism and weddings, all three seasons.
But with the priority of outside activity,
the summer always, or the spring always seems to be
the best period for the activity for this community.
And it's that time of year where it's not unbearably hot
to participate in outside fun, weddings,
breweries, vineyards, downtown, you name it.
It's just a perfect time.
All right, a lot we're gonna cover on the program, folks.
We have another heavy-hitting doctor jumping into the drama
in the high school cafeteria with UVA Health.
Obviously that's proverbial,
but now there's another doctor that's saying,
Craig Kent, Dr. Craig Kent, and Dr. Melina Kibbe,
the best leadership that the health system has had
in a very long time.
And he authors an editorial or some commentary
which the Daily Progress is published.
I would give a word of advice to the health system.
It's the same word of advice that I gave to the Lake Monticello Homeowners Association
with this roughly $700,000 PPP loan that continues to penetrate the new cycle, pay off the PPP loan,
do the $150 special assessment per household,
and get the story out of the new cycle.
With the health system, it's the same thing.
Get the story out of the new cycle.
It is absolutely embarrassing,
and it continues to erode credibility
and brand
equity for UVA health.
We're going to unpack that story on today's show.
On today's program, we're also going to talk the Cavalier
The student newspaper at the University of Virginia
has ripped the UVA Board of Visitors
when it comes to the dissolving of diversity, equity, and inclusion at Thomas
Jefferson's University.
On today's program, we're going to talk Darden Towel Brujaha, pickleball tennis, tennis,
This is a brujaha of significant proportions within the racket community.
And right now, the fastest growing sport in America, pickleball, has proven to be the institutional sport,
tennis, from a court space standpoint at Darnetown Park.
We're gonna talk on today's program,
Jerry Radcliffe's fantastic reporting
from over the weekend.
We have insight into how Ron Sanchez now was fired
by Carla Williams, the athletic director. Jerry Radcliffe, guys, according to his sources, which are close to the program, reports that
Ron Sanchez was fired, ladies and gentlemen, when UVA basketball returned to their hotel in Charlotte after getting bounced from the ACC
Fired in a hotel in Charlotte by the athletic director, Carla Williams, a man who was thrown
into a pit of fire a mere few weeks before the season started.
The athletic director did not wait until the interim head coach returned to Charlottesville
or even the next day or the day after before she announced the firing of Ron Sanchez.
We'll talk about that today.
Are we live, JDubs, on LinkedIn?
I'm still working on it.
I'm getting a lot of notifications from viewers and listeners that we are not live here.
A lot I want to cover on the program, guys,
and we'll take your headlines.
We're live?
Excellent work, Judah Wickauer.
Excellent work.
Why don't we go to the studio camera if we could.
Let's give a little plug here, some props
to an institutional business
in Charlottesville Sanitary Supply.
60 plus years of proudly serving this community,
Charlottesville Sanitary Supply, John Vermillion,
Andrew Vermillion, online at
and located guys on High Street.
These are the businesses we wanna see make another 60 years.
So they need our support.
It is important in today's 2025 ecosystem
where folks are prioritizing
online shopping from Fortune 10, Fortune 50,
Fortune 100 companies as opposed to shopping
our brick and mortars, our local and legacy businesses.
We need to change that habit and we need to support
the brick and mortars and the businesses local
in this community if we wanna see them make it
another 60 years.
And John Vermillion, guys, a one-time chamber of commerce small business person of the year.
I mean you're talking about a guy that significantly gives back to this community here.
Judah Wickhauer, conversational program today. I'm looking forward to spending the next 50 minutes
with you my friend. The headline that you find, Judah Wichauer,
most intriguing today. Is it the health system? Is it the DEI? Is it
pickleball beating the hell out of tennis at Dardentown Park? Is it Ron
Sanchez getting canned at a hotel in Charlotte? I mean we got a lot of content
today. That is pretty rough getting canned before you even get home. Especially when you were just thrown into a pit of fire.
Yeah. And didn't even know you were gonna be the head coach of UVA.
Right. He was given a raw deal from the get. Now from the jump. Now a lot of people are saying this guy was paid
1.5 million dollars to be the interim head coach. That's a lot of money.
Here's the point though. If Ron Sanchez does not get another job, another head coaching job,
because of this year of, what, tumultuous performance,
struggling performance, underachieving performance,
this could impact this guy's career long term.
We'll talk about that.
Which headline most entreaties you, Judith?
I think it's wild that we continue to see stuff come out about UVA health.
It's like back and forth and back and forth and back and forth.
There's no consistency and I appreciate that there are some people who seem to know a lot about the system who are backing the leaders, but that doesn't really
address the issues, I think, and it doesn't explain why there are so many who seem disaffected.
It's insane of how many, insane is surprising, it's bewildering,
it just stuns me of how many heavy hitters,
extremely well paid individuals,
extremely reputable and credible professionals.
We're talking the top of the top in the medical profession that are jumping
into this cafeteria fight. We have on one table Kent, we have Kibbe, two doctors. We
now have this new guy, Dr. Neil Castle. And you're going to let us know his title here in a matter
of moments. Bill Crutchfield jumps in the mix, the owner of the namesake Crutchfield
Electronic Store, backing leadership. And then on the other side, we have 128 anonymous
doctors and others who are on the other cafeteria table. And they're throwing ho-hos and Twinkies and pizza
and whatever's in their lunch pail,
whatever's in their Wolverine or their Pokemon
or their Bluey or their Betty Boo lunch boxes
at each other in a high school fight at school.
But instead of this being freshmen and sophomores
and juniors and seniors in high school,
these are grown ass people in their 40s, 50s, and 60s
that are paid hundreds of thousands of dollars
that are penning editorials or commentary, opinion pieces,
letters to the editor, which the Daily Progress, who
is struggling for content, is publishing in full,
in totality. It's a mud smearing campaign.
Yeah. You want to set the stage on this one for what happened over the weekend?
This is, this comes from a former co-chair of neurosurgery. He is, I believe, the current chair
of focused, the focused ultrasound foundation. And I mean, he writes a letter where he 100% backs
the leaders of UVA.
Including the resigned Craig Kent
and the Dean, Melina Kibbe, both doctors.
But what I don't see is, I mean,
he talks about changes that they've had to made.
He talks about how they've been visionary
and they've done amazing things with UVA Health
since coming on board.
But that doesn't really not even answer.
It doesn't bring up a lot of the other issues that were penned by the 128 employees of UVA
And that's what I find the most disappointing with all of these letters coming out in support
of UVA Health leadership.
We have a report that we'll probably never see.
We don't even know what this fight is,
I mean we have an idea of what this fight is about,
but we don't really know the results of the fight
or why the fight was started.
We have an idea why the fight was started,
but we don't know who was right or wrong.
Yeah, I mean if it was just disaffection with leadership,
I don't see why they would have,
they seem to have information,
they seem to have proof of problems
that have been brought for the UVA Health leadership
over the past year, two years, and have been ignored.
How would they have that proof if those things didn't exist? And so I get that some people think that UVA health leadership have done a great job, but
you're not addressing all the other problems.
And put those two together, and it makes it seem like you're just trying to keep
these people in their jobs.
It's, it's, it's, I mean, and this guy here is, is one of the most respected men in his
I mean, his, his title again.
Uh, he's formerly a, uh, a neurosurgery chair and currently a chair of the focused ultrasound
Uh, he talks about the fact that he's a chair of the Fogus Ultrasound Foundation.
He talks about the fact that he's been associated
with UVA Health and the university
for over four decades.
Yeah, four decades here.
And he's saying Ken and Kibbe, the best leaders.
Were those exact words, the best leaders we've ever had?
I don't know about exact words, but pretty much.
Ultimately, he says when they commenced their leadership UVA Health was in
decline saddled with negative momentum and so where's the truth here? This is
where as all things I have to believe that the somewhere in the middle
probably lies somewhere in the middle.
I think President Ryan was probably sincere in his own backing of Kent and Kibbe.
I don't know about the fraud and the abuse and the other things that the physicians brought
up, but the two don't preclude each other.
This is I'm going to just in bullet point fashion
describe what has happened at UVA Health.
This is an organization that generates billions of dollars
per billions, billions, would it be, of dollars per billions, billions with a B,
per of dollars every year.
We had 128 doctors write an anonymous letter
and in their anonymous letter,
they claimed that UVA Health was fraudulently billing
patients, taking advantage of people while they're in their most vulnerable
state sick or dying and trumping up the bills to generate more money.
They claimed, among other things, that UVA Health was bedside changing medical charts,
bedside, while patients were in their most vulnerable state,
sick or dying, and they were changing the medical charts
because they wanted to maintain performance standards
and regional and national rankings.
They claimed in this anonymous letter
that leadership of the health system,
C-suite and slightly below,
was using white collar racketeering tactics like back room dealing,
bullying, leveraging promotions or demotions to maintain power.
We're talking cronyism.
This was documented in anonymous commentary set to us and other media outlets.
After this anonymous commentary gets published in the paper of record for Charlottesville,
the Daily Progress, and discussed significantly on this talk show, we then have Bill Crutchfield
of the Crutchfield Corporation write a letter to the Daily Progress backing Craig Kent and
Kibbe and shaming the anonymous doctors.
Then Jim Ryan releases a statement.
The president of UVA, an embattled president,
he says these 128 doctors are nothing
but the proverbial bitter teenagers at the school that
are always angry and full of angst,
like any corporation, a small 7% or 8%
or a small single digit percentage of the employed team that will be
disgruntled like any corporation basically demeaning them
Then he throw shade at the Daily Progress for covering this story
questioning the integrity of the Daily Progress Jim Ryan
Literally, this is what happens
Then the anonymous 128 continue to paper the trail and pepper the trail.
It goes before the UVA Senate, the governmental body for the University of Virginia, where
you have professionals employed by UVA representing their various departments and teams and schools
in a Senate type of government.
They are bringing this up, which is papering the trail.
An investigation is launched by the Board of Visitors.
They hire a DC Northern Virginia based law firm.
This Northern Virginia DC based law firm investigates what happens.
Was it last week, that investigative report is presented last week, the week before to
the Board of Visitors and on a nighttime meeting on an evening after the sun had fallen, the
CEO resigns, unexpectedly resigns.
UVA says, we're not going to give you this report.
A few days after the CEO resigns, who's making a million and a half dollars a year, 1.5 million
a year, a guy who got a raise, $500,000 raise year over year.
This is all documented, all you can find online.
Then, ladies and gentlemen, a fake resignation letter gets sent to us, gets sent to media.
This fake resignation letter is a resignation for the dean of the medical school, Dr. Melina
Kibbe, who was one of the two people highlighted in the UVA doctors, the anonymous 128, the
letter that was initially launching this smear campaign. This fake resignation letter also has a fake resignation video accompanying it.
A fake resignation letter and a fake resignation video.
This drives UVA to make a statement to all of us saying, hey, guys, Malina Kibbe didn't
really resign.
This letter was fake and it was authored by somebody we don't know. How you do a fake resignation video, it's either genius or sick and perverted.
Maybe it's all three. It's either genius, it's either sociopathic, it's either borderline
criminal, certainly sinister. I haven't seen it. It could just be a photo of her with someone
speaking in the background.
This is just an insane turn of events.
Now over the weekend, we have a man
who's been employed by UVA Health.
Don't forget there was another man who retired,
who left his post.
Oh, that's right.
Another guy that was on a board at the University of Virginia who just
Last week quit and said I can't deal with this drama. These people are shaming Craig Kidd and Melina Kibbe
I can't deal with it
I'm just gonna quit and they're great people and they're great people and and he didn't even see he admitted he didn't see the
Investigated report he couldn't they're not releasing it. Yeah, this is a thing
This is a Netflix documentary. And now we have...
Now we have a man who's been employed by the University of Virginia for 40 plus years, who's a neurosurgeon, who's a chairperson,
who's an on paper and in real life superman of medicine, who's penning commentary to the newspaper saying this smear campaign
is bogus. You cannot make this up. You cannot make this up. And one of the
best things that's happened to the Daily Progress is this fallout because the
Daily Progress is struggling for local news because it doesn't have staff to
write anymore because Lee Enterprise, the publicly traded company,
has slashed the budget and it's laying people off.
Well, guess what?
They just have to publish firsthand commentary
and perspective from the doctors at UVA Health.
Let's publish the anonymous 128.
We'll publish their letters in full.
Let's publish Bill Crutchfield's letters in full. Free content. Let's publish all this shit. It's
just free content from these people that we're clinging to and then you the Daily
Progress puts it behind a paywall. Oh you want to read this? You're gonna pay
us. Oh we didn't write it. We don't have to pay for this content. We're just gonna
slap it behind a paywall. This is the best kind of business
ever for the Daily Progress.
Take content from people who are angry and disgruntled
and bitter and have a vendetta or axe to grind
and publish it on their website and put it behind a paywall.
All the UVA doctors are going to pay for it,
because they want to know what's going on.
Oh, if I were Daily Progress, I'd create a flyer with a QR code that links you to a place
where you can tell your story on their paper and pepper the UVA health area with the flyers.
It's in the only, in the main aspect of this story, the foundational aspect of this story is this.
No matter the side you're on or no matter where the truth lies, no matter if the truth
is Kent and Kibbe are the fantastic leaders like this doctor is saying or Kent and Kibbe
are the worst of the worst like like the anonymous 128 are saying.
Here's the constant, depending on what side of the cafeteria brouhaha you're on.
The UVA Health brand is being tarnished.
It's being stained.
It's being tarnished.
The integrity and the credibility of the brand, the equity of the brand is being diminished
as the longer this storyline is in the news.
And let me put this in perspective here.
The university released this statement
after the investigative report
was studied by the Board of Visitors.
The statement basically said,
we have found no indication of fraud
or medical chart changing,
no indication of wrongdoing,
and we're not gonna change anything.
That's the statement they released.
If that's the case,
if it's truly the case, release the report.
Yeah. If UVA is legitimately saying, If that's the case, if it's truly the case, release the report.
If UVA is legitimately saying we didn't fraudulently bill patients, we didn't change the medical
charts, there was no white collar racketeering, there was no cronyism, no bullying, no leveraging
of demotions and promotions to maintain power, no professional corruption.
If that is the case, release the report.
And when the report is released and the community
reads the report, this story can have some closure.
One would hope.
What is next?
What's next? It mean... What's next?
It's bananas to me.
This is a banana story.
I wouldn't be surprised if the next was from the other side coming forward and saying,
look, all these people don't know the real story and if they would just release the report,
then we're certain that there would be stuff that they would be surprised to hear.
But who knows?
Readers and listeners, let us know your thoughts.
We'll relay them live on air.
Someone put the script together for the Netflix documentary.
Seriously. the script together for the Netflix documentary. Seriously, someone put the script together
for the Netflix documentary.
Some filmmaker should create the documentary here.
And it could be a whistle blowing style documentary.
I mean, this is the fodder for a true crime podcast.
Vanessa Parkhill, Logan, I got every media outlet
in town watching this right now.
TJ Starjool, Chris Allen, Vanessa Parkhill,
Logan Wells-Clello, welcome to the broadcast.
Unbelievable, absolutely unbelievable.
I could spend the entire show talking about this,
but that wouldn't be fair to the show.
Judah, what's the next topic we got to cover today?
Unbelievable. And I want to give a plug for our partners at Charlottesville Business Brokers, online at
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It's a high-volume branded gas station in Charlottesville that's for sale. It's a high volume branded gas station.
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It's $4,100,000 asking price.
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Next headline, Judah Wickhauer, what do you got?
Next up we've got Cavalier Daily
condemns UVA board of visitors.
the Cavalier Daily condemns UVA board of visitors?
The UVA is the gift that keeps on giving for content creator. The editorial team at the Cavalier Daily pens commentary
ripping the board of visitors.
And their decision to dissolve diversity, equity, and inclusion
at the University of Virginia.
If you're living under a rock, here's what's happening.
President Trump, his administration,
is leveraging federal funding for universities,
colleges and universities.
And he's saying, if you don't deserve
dissolved diversity, equity, inclusion, efforts,
at your respective college or university, I'm going
to hold hostage the federal funding that you need from us to operate your college or university.
Now boards of visitors and leadership teams, presidents, offices are back against the wall.
And they're back against the wall because the university and college business model,
really it's a broken model.
It's a broken model for a lot of ways.
Way number one, it's a broken model is,
we can't as students and as parents
continue to come out of college and universities
a quarter million dollars or more in debt.
That doesn't make any sense.
It's broken for another reason,
because a lot of the stuff that you can learn
at a university or college,
you can now pick up in this world
that we call the internet, YouTube, podcast,
and online learning.
It's broken in a lot of ways,
because 2025, a student has more educational autonomy than
The internet has democratized education.
And coming out a quarter million dollars more in debt just doesn't make sense to a lot
of people.
It's broken in a lot of ways because folks can go at 18, 19 right now and go to a trade school and become an electrician,
a plumber, a carpenter, and make more money
than a large chunk of the student population
coming out of college with a degree
and a quarter million dollars or more in debt.
It's got a lot of headwinds, college and education.
Headwinds tied to the politicalization of learning
on campuses and on grounds across the country.
The indoctrination of ideologies,
when impressionable 18, 19, 20, 21, and 20, 22 year olds
go to colleges and universities,
some people say are brainwashed or manipulated
at their most vulnerable time of life,
this rite of passage period of their life.
So a lot of headwinds.
Now you've got a political, you've
got a presidential administration,
you've got Trump's team basically saying,
if you don't dissolve or evaporate diversity, equity,
inclusion, I'm going to hold federal funding.
I'm going to hold it hostage.
I'm going to leverage it.
I'm going to leverage it against you.
That's what he's saying.
So now you've got a board of visitors at UVA
where 13 of the appointments on the BOV
are Glenn Youngkin's appointments that are like,
well, we need this money.
Jim Ryan's not in favor of dissolving DEI.
He's one of the most pro DEI,
he is the most pro DEI president UVA has ever had.
Jim Ryan, I can say that with confidence and conviction.
Jim Ryan, the most pro DEI president the school has ever had.
He doesn't want to do this, Board of Visitors does.
So Board of Visitors says, guys, this is gone.
This is gone.
And just like the UVA health story,
the right answer is somewhere in the middle.
The right answer is not the complete evisceration
of diversity, equity, and inclusion
at the University of Virginia.
It's not the right answer.
The right answer is not the DEI infrastructure
that was in place before Trump got into office, either, because the DEI infrastructure that was in place before Trump got into office
either. Because the DEI infrastructure that was in place before Trump got into office
was bloated. They were paying too many people. Too many people were sucking the milk of the
cow, the mama cow's teat. It was too much bloat on the payroll, too much overhead. There was some better situation
here. Some more refined or more in tune situation. But the tough part in today's world is this,
Judah. It's either we got to go on that side of the line or this side of the line. It's no longer straddling the line.
There's no longer the ideologies that
were the Ronald Reagan's or the JFK's.
The ideologies are now, you're far right or you're far left.
You're not in the middle.
And that stinks.
But that's the world we're in.
And that's frankly a byproduct of social media okay so now Virginia UVA is saying DEI is done
completely done Cavalier Daily the student newspaper says we're gonna rip
the BOV screw them for listening to Trump BOV is like we need this money we
can't risk this
federal money if we risk this federal money and we don't get it we have to lay
people off. Cavalier Daly is like you're just making this university white and
homogeneous and wealthy by doing this. BOV is like oh you roll your eyes. I mean
do they have proof of that? Do we think that without the DEI
office UVA would stop admitting people of color, people of different religious,
social, whatever background? Would you say the University of Virginia is the
most, and I attend University of Virginia, dad attended the University of Virginia, my brother attended the University of Virginia is the most, and I attend the University of Virginia.
Dad attended the University of Virginia,
my brother attended the University of Virginia.
We live in Charlottesville, we drive through Grounds.
Would you say it's the most diverse student body?
I'd need to see a breakdown.
I would bet you the spectrum of race
with the student body at the University of Virginia is overwhelmingly white.
Should we put a prop bet on there of some kind?
What is the percentage of white students
at the University of Virginia?
If I said the percentage of white students
at the University of Virginia would be 50% white,
would you take it the 50% side or the non-50% white? Would you take the 50% side or the non 50% side?
You're saying would I take over 50? I guess. You seem to think.
No, I'm genuinely asking you a question. Let's put a prop bet in play here.
Let's not. Why?
Because I don't know the numbers. I don't know either. I don't know either.
That's why it's a prop bet.
But I can do the eye test when I'm in Charlsville or I'm on the corner or I'm at Scott Stadium
or I'm at The Dish or Davenport or at the John Paul Jones Arena or driving through grounds
or watching folks play pickleball or at New dorms or dirty Nellies doesn't seem
that diverse to me.
But I want to emphasize that what I think the DEI path that UVA had, I don't think
it was right.
I think it was bloated with administrators.
Do I think taking a nuclear bomb and eviscerating the entire movement was the right plan though?
I don't think that's the right plan either.
I think there should be some emphasis on diversity at the number one university in the Commonwealth
and one of the top universities in the world, don't you?
At least the Board of Visitors is saying this, we're not going to raise tuition.
They don't want to.
They don't want to.
I mean, think about that.
At the very same time, we're going to take a nuclear bomb
and eviscerate the DEI efforts at UVA,
we're also going to raise tuition?
How's that going to look?
How's that going to look?
Like you're trying to get rid of anyone that can't afford the new prices?
Like you're trying to create a wealthy, homogenous university and student body.
That's how it looks.
Let's cut to the chase.
That's how it would look.
This is just, it's, it's, it's, we have insanity going on here.
I don't even recognize this school anymore.
I've lived in Charleston for 25 years.
My dad is a 72 graduate of UVA.
We've been going to the university since we were little kids,
my brother and I.
I don't even recognize the school anymore.
It is, it is, It is drowning in quicksand, grasping for a lifeline
of brand identity.
If I said to you today, what is the brand identity
at the University of Virginia, what would you say?
What is the brand identity of the University
of Virginia in 2025?
Viewers and listeners that are watching this program,
James Watson, Neil Williamson, Dr. Bryce, Carol Forp,
Lonnie Murray, Brittany Gray, Scott Aronworth,
great question for you, Michael Ivey.
We've got five states watching this program,
six states watching this program.
What is the brand identity, Judah Wichauer,
of the University of Virginia in 2025?
The Cavalier?
The Cavalier, that's the mascot.
That's not the brand identity.
What used a couple of sentences to describe
the brand equity and the identity
of the University of Virginia in 2025?
I would say that it has to do with the pavilion.
The pavilion?
You're talking about the rotunda?
The rotunda, yeah.
I don't know.
I'm not sure what you're asking.
You live in this community.
What is the brand identity?
I mean, it has to do with Jefferson.
It has to do with rotunda. It has to do with Jefferson. It has to do with Rotunda.
It has to do with...
John Blair, I would love to know your answer to that question.
Deepthorne, I would love to know your answer to that question. in brand transition, struggling with controversy and scandal, unable at this point to find
firm footing with its mission statement, its vision and its direction.
That's what I would say.
It is dying the death of a thousand scandalous cuts.
Triple homicide, UVA, investigation report, hidden, unreleased,
parent of one of the football players who are dead, mom.
She says, I just want to know what happened to our son the day he was killed.
Drowning and scandal, pepper spraying students
at a pro-Palestine protest in May.
Drowning and scandal, UVA Health claims by insiders,
actual people on the payroll, doctors and physicians,
that medical charts were changed
to maintain performance standards and patients were billed fraudulently while they were sick
and dying.
Dying the death of a thousand scandalous cuts.
Diversity, equity and inclusion eviscerated with a nuclear bomb because Trump is leveraging
federal funding against universities.
Newspaper ripping board of visitors. Jim Ryan
looking weathered and aged. I want you to see a photo
of Jim Ryan today versus a photo of Jim Ryan
right at the start of COVID. You can think of
think of President Ryan's tenure, Judah. In President Ryan's tenure, he's had
to deal with the pandemic and COVID, where students were
legitimately sent home and couldn't learn on grounds.
He's had to deal with the murder of three students
at the hands of another student.
Yeah. That they potentially could have prevented.
That they knew this other student who murdered the other three football players was a risk
to the university.
He's had to do from the fallout from COVID and George Floyd, where during his time, the Black Lives Matter movement and protests was at
crescendoed at its peak, at its pinnacle, to the point where one student, Ziana Bryant,
a Charlottesville activist, was trying to eviscerate another student's reputation.
He's had to deal with pepper spraying students at the hands of the state police where he's
been the fall guy that ordered that call, Whether he was the actual fall guy or not, he's the guy that the
people think ordered the call Jim Ryan. He's had to deal with this health system cronyism and
white collar racketeering. Right? He's had to deal with this DEI stuff. Jim Ryan, when he start,
Jim Ryan at the start of COVID versus Jim Ryan now,
you put a photo side by side of what he looks like,
we should do that on tomorrow's show.
You will see a man that is more weathered and tired and
more aged than you see when
presidents start a term and end their term in the White House.
US presidents, not college presidents, US presidents,
they notoriously or infamously age
at the start of their term and the end of their term.
We always look at the side-by-side photo.
Jim Ryan's age, exponentially more.
Look at the photo side-by-side.
He starts his term, his tenure, as affable and likable,
sleeves rolled up, perched at his desk, tie at half-mask,
communicating with the student body,
with parents of the general public, from his office,
talking about how the university is going to manage COVID,
affable, likable, approachable, agreeable. Now he is what? Unapproachable,
antagonistic, abrasive, all of the above. James Watson leaves a comment. James Watson leaves a comment.
James Watson respect this man's opinion tremendously.
He says the brand identity of UVA is simple.
You need to be wealthy to partake at UVA.
That's what he says the brand identity is.
James Watson's a University of Virginia graduate.
Anytime that man leaves a comment, I read it immediately.
Respect that man tremendously.
He says, the brand identity is simple.
You have to be wealthy to partake.
Add UVA.
He also leaves this comment.
Love when James watches the show.
He says, a lot of people don't realize
that DEI supports organizations like the UVA Women's Center.
It makes certain that veterans get any assistance they need upon returning to school and for
people with disabilities to have access via ramps and other technology necessary to obtain
an education.
DEI on paper is just being labeled as divisive, it's being labeled as prioritizing students
with admissions that are not as qualified as other students.
But if you really dig into it, you'll see that a lot
of the efforts with the DEI office were going to movements
and efforts and causes that we
didn't really acknowledge or know about that are actually really, really important.
That's why when I started my commentary on this, the DEI initially, before Trump, had
to change.
It had to change because it was bloated with payroll.
But it did not need to be eviscerated like it is now.
And right now it went from one extreme to a completely other side of the spectrum that
is the absolute opposite extreme.
It's not the middle.
It's not straddling the line in the middle.
And that's to the detriment of the university experience, folks.
Vanessa Parkhill watching the program, she cites a Jefferson Council article.
She says, according to an article published by the Jefferson Council, and Judy, you may
have seen this.
She says, according to an article published by the Jefferson Council in 2023, white students
officially became a minority entering the first year student body in 2023 at 47%.
She says, according to the U.S. Census Bureau, the population of the U.S. that is white alone
is 75%, estimated July of 2024.
And she says to imply that non-white students are not
likely to be admitted to UVA due to their race undercuts the intelligence
and accomplishments of those students. Vanessa Parkhill watching the program.
I want to trust but verify. Queen of Orleansville Vanessa Parkhill
respects her tremendously. I want to trust and verify those metrics.
I mean I've got some numbers here.
Before you read those numbers, you should cite your source.
This is from UVA, College and Graduate School of Arts and Sciences enrollment data as of fall 2021.
So, okay, fall 2021, a bit aged with its data,
but I'm very inclined.
Gene Murray, I'm going to get to your comments.
He's offering perspective on, see,
this is the problem with data is, Gene Murray on LinkedIn
says UVA is 52.8% white, which is a contrasting statistic
that Vanessa Parkhill in Earleysville offered.
Then I'm gonna get to John Blair's comments here.
You give your statistics.
Look at how the statistics are all fudge.
What's your statistic?
What's your statistic?
Here's the statistic from 2021.
White students were 55%.
We had Hispanic students at 7%.
Black African American students at 7%.
Asian students at 16%.
OK, so we have three extremely smart people.
We have Vanessa on I Love Seville group.
We have Judah Wickower.
And we have Jean Marie on LinkedIn,
all giving a different statistic on the student body
at the University of Virginia from a race
demographic standpoint.
I think Vanessa Parkhill may be correct.
I'm looking at some other, I'm looking
at an overview that shows that in 2023,
40% of first year students were white, 47%.
And as a contrast, I'm looking at some figures from UCLA,
other side of the country, completely different area.
What's that number?
They've got 25% undergraduate white students,
22% undergraduate white students, 22% undergraduate Hispanic students,
35% Asian and Pacific Islander students, undergraduates,
African American at 6.5%.
So there are clear differences,
but there are also some surprising similarities.
John Blair's comments coming up here.
John Blair says this, Jerry, I agree
that UVA is in transition.
I just don't know what the school really is any longer.
John Blair says James Watson is correct.
I don't think UVA is a place for anyone
except the upper middle and upper class.
He has a question for you and I, Judah, John Blair does does if your son was 17 or 18 years old and going to college
Next year, would you rather him go to Virginia Tech or UVA?
That is a challenging question for me to answer and it pains me in my soul the fact that I'm challenged
answering that question as a guy who if you slice if you take a knife
Judah you have your pocket knife on you?
I do.
Can you pull it out of your pocket and cut my arm, please?
You have your pocket knife?
Can you pull it up and show it on camera, please?
Are we gonna see if you bleed in the eye?
Yes, yes.
I want you to slice my arm here and I wanna bleed.
Can you cut the blood, pull the blade out, please?
Are we really doing this?
Yes, I want you to cut me with that on my arm.
Please, and I think it will bleed orange or blue. Let me see the blade.
Is the blade open?
Is that on camera?
I'm going to come over here, I want you to cut my arm,
and I want to bleed.
I don't want to cut your arm.
Can you cut my arm?
I want you to cut my arm.
Are you serious about this?
I want to bleed. You're clearly going to cut my arm, you sicko!
You're going to cut my arm over there, you sicko!
My point is this, someone who bleeds orange or blue,
it pains me to say that I'm... You know what, if he threw
this option in there, Jerry, if your son was 17 or 18
years old, he's a junior and high
school and applying for college, would you want him to apply to UVA, Virginia Tech, or
would you want him to pursue four years not tied to college or university? Learning from
you in the family business. I genuinely would right now say, I would like an opportunity to show my son,
my sons, the way of the world professionally.
And what we do as a family and as a business
to make a very, very good living.
And how to broker deals and how to buy real estate
and sell or finance opportunities.
How to put 15, 20, 25% down deals and how to buy real estate in seller finance opportunities.
How to put 15, 20, 25% down and then rent the real estate that you buy with a 15, 20
or 25% down seller finance deal.
And then you rent the real estate.
And then next thing you know, you're buying $500,000 or $750,000 or $2 million properties and you're only putting 15% down
and then you're having a tenant in place rent from you and take that space and then the
money you're charging the tenant covers the overhead tied with the space.
So you're buying a million dollar piece of property and you're putting $200,000 down
and then you're doing it on a five year term or a seven year term and you're quickly finding
tenants by leveraging I Love Seville and your massive following.
And when you have tenants in there, next thing you do, you get a million dollar piece of
property that you put two hundred thousand dollars down and you don't pay any money
toward it because the tenants throw in, the tenants money is going against the debt and
the debt service.
And then when 60 months, because you negotiated the deal
on a five-year term where everything had to be ballooned
in 60 months, the entire principle was due in 60 months,
it's free and clear.
There's no overhead tied to it.
I would love to show them that.
I would love to show them how to read tax returns
and financial statements and profit and loss statements
and balance sheets and assess values of businesses that you then go out
and sell and charge a 10% commission.
$4.1 million gas station.
$1.4 million quick serve business.
$400,000 FNB.
Love to do that.
Well, this is the top line revenue, son, and this is the working
cash flow. And they don't own the real estate on this deal. They lease here and they have
this amount of term left on their lease. And the owner is working in this business. So
it's not as valuable as this business where the owner is absentee. I think the value is this, and if we do this, we can get this husband
and wife team an opportunity where they can leave with a good chunk of money, and these
new folks can buy this business and they have a head start versus starting it from scratch.
And in the process of putting this deal together, everyone's gonna be kinda happy, not really happy,
because the best deal's not everyone's really happy.
The best deal's at the closing table
or when everyone leaves a little disappointed
and a little happy.
And then we get 10% of whatever we determine the price is
when the deal closes 90 days from now.
I love the opportunity to do that. Love the opportunity for when the business is coming to this office and I say,
well sons, this business owner is light on its social media or it doesn't have an e-commerce
website or its website's not mobile optimized or it's putting too much money in radio and
television and that's a dying medium. We can take this money and
allocate it to Nextdoor and to Facebook and to Instagram it to LinkedIn and to
Google Ads and we can gain more market share for them. Do SWOT analysis on
their competitors and provide it to them and we charge $2.95 an hour to do that
for them. You think they're getting that with Lou Bloomfield's
How Things Work Physics class?
Do you think they're getting that at NWAR
and Creative Writing?
Or Larry Sabato's Intro to Politics?
Or Ken Elzinga's Macroeconomics class?
Do you think they are?
Macroeconomics class? Do you think they are?
Do you think they're getting from UVA,
this is how you respond to an email?
This is how you balance a checkbook?
This is how the business has got a lot of cash on hand at the end of the year. Do we want to pay the taxes on this cash in hand or do we want to take the money and invest
it back into the business by improving the network and the equipment or buying some more
real estate or buying a company vehicle.
I would love that opportunity to teach them that stuff. Because it's taken me, I'm self-employed,
17 years at the end of May of this year.
17 effing years.
Wake up each morning and figure out
how the business is gonna make some money that day.
17 years of trial and error.
And you can do all that,
without a $65,000 in-state, all-in,
room, board, books, tuition, rent.
room, board, books, tuition, rent.
128, I got a 145.
Vanessa Parkhill says she's got links. Where are the links on the I Love Seville group page, Vanessa?
Links to the data that she shared on the I Love Seville group. For the viewers and listeners
that are watching this program, this show is airing right now on 15 Facebook pages,
including the I Love Seville group that's got more than 4,000 followers, the I Love
Seville Facebook page with more than 7,100 followers, the I Love Seville Food Facebook page with nearly 8,000 followers, and my Facebook page with 6,500 followers, 15 Twitter accounts,
LinkedIn, iTunes, Apple Podcasts, YouTube, Rumble, Fountain, and some apps that I don't
even know exist, but Judah's very strategically positioned us on.
What's the next topic?
Ginny Hu, her photo on screen.
Veteran programs are not tied to DEI funding unless schools specifically house them under
the umbrella of their DEI office.
I am not sure where UVA keeps theirs. That's in response to James Watson's comments.
What's the next headline, JDubs? It's a 1.30 marker. Gene Murray, thank you for sharing
your commentary. Welcome to the program. I think this is your first comment on the show,
Gene Murray. Next headline, what do you got, JDubs?
DEI programs may prove hard
to scrub from you. I think we've covered that well. Okay. Next topic, what do you
got? Darden-Tow Park, tennis in, pickleball out. I want to spend just a
little bit of time on this. Just a little bit of time.
Alomar County is getting ripped right now by tennis players because they converted the last remaining of the tennis courts
at Darden Tau to pickleball courts.
Or they're going to.
They're going to.
And the county is getting ripped because of this.
They did a survey.
Yeah. The survey results came
in where more people surveyed
wanted pickleball courts than tennis courts.
The voting was almost even.
Still more pickleball.
To be fair.
Still more pickleball.
But on further investigation, I believe
it was found that despite the fact
that the voting was fairly even, what was going on is that
the pickleball courts were always packed.
Yeah, and the tennis courts weren't.
Tennis courts weren't.
Carol Thorpe watching the program, she says, if my son Matthew was a typical functioning
young man and capable to go to college or trade school, I would encourage him to go
to trade school without hesitation.
Skills on electrical, carpentry, plumbing, et cetera,
will always be in demand,
and he could build his own business.
Great comment from Carol Thorpe.
Judah Wickow, I apologize for interrupting you.
I've played at those darn tile courts
probably 100 times, pickleball.
Pickleball courts were always packed.
The tennis courts were rarely packed.
This is a demand decision. The demand courts were rarely packed. This is a demand
decision. The demand is higher for pickleball. It's the fastest growing
sport in America. Tennis players may not want to hear this. Tennis is losing
market share to pickleball. It's an easier sport to play. Despite that, they are
making sure that there is tennis available and one of those places is I believe Penn Park
which has
Quite a few tennis courts. I'm not saying that the people aren't justified and being angry that
their place for playing tennis at Darden Tau is is going to be converted but
is going to be converted, but what are you going to do? Philip Dow says, Jerry, you and Judah are smart men.
I respect both of you.
Thank you, Philip Dow of Scottsville.
Thank you. Pickleball is taking market share from tennis.
And tennis, an institutional legacy sport, is angry.
Pickleball is to social and digital media,
as tennis is to radio and newspapers.
Pickleball is to podcasting and social media as tennis is
to the yellow pages and the carrier pigeon. And there are tennis players that
are watching this program and tennis instructors that are going to rip me the
next time they see me. But these are the facts.
It is way easier to pick up the sport pickleball.
It is much easier to play.
It's less physical.
You can do four pickleball courts
where one tennis court is.
So you could have four times the players than you do with tennis.
And Alamaro County is about servicing demand, taxpayer demand.
That's what it's about.
And I'll get ripped for that by the tennis community.
I love tennis.
I love tennis. I love tennis.
I love all racket sports.
I love all racket sports.
I love playing squash.
Single squash, double squash, pickleball, tennis, racquetball, platform tennis,
padel, love all racket sports.
Good at, enjoy playing them.
Would like to be better at squash than I am.
Enjoy playing them. But like to be better at Squash than I am. Enjoy playing them.
But the facts are the facts.
Pickleball is eating tennis' lunch.
Next topic.
134, I got a 145 phone call with a couple
that wants to buy a business.
It's an important call here.
We gotta keep me on track here.
Got 11 minutes.
Next topic.
What is it? In a baffling turn of events, the U.S. Post Office in Virginia is offering
early retirement incentives despite the fact that we clearly have a crippling problem with
getting our mail out on time. I don't know what to say about this. We have a PO box at the US Post Office.
Getting mail is a utility.
The mail is a utility.
It is a utility.
We need to figure this out.
It is a utility. Some of us can pivot to receiving checks from clients
through e-pay or through QuickBooks
or through online capacities.
Some of us cannot.
Some of us can pay our bills digitally.
Some of us cannot.
Some of us still use snail mail and stroke a check.
The post office needs to figure this out.
And like Judah said, offering early retirement
and shrinking the labor pool at the post office.
I don't see how that makes sense unless the argument
or the concept is you are taking away the folks
that are just sucking on the teeth.
They're projecting about 10,000 workers will take advantage of the incentive.
This comes with the postal service in Virginia continues
to experience mail delivery delays.
Absolutely bananas.
And local distribution centers are struggling with on-time deliveries.
Georgia Gilmer says Judah Penn Park is crowded and hard to get courts.
She says converting tonsil or park to pickleball courts as well.
Charlottesville is bill McChesney.
There's more pickleball than basketball going on at the court at ACAC.
Almar square.
Pickleball is taking over central for Charlottesville and Almar County folks.
It's taken over Lake Monticello's tennis courts,
pickleball has.
It's taking over Greencroft, Boershead, Farmington, ACAC,
Tonsler Park, Darnetal Park, Colleen, Lauren, and Chris
are doing Seaville Smash and the old Marshalls
at Seminole Square.
It is the rage pickleball.
It is the rage.ball. Is the rage.
It's got ESPN covering its tournaments.
Next headline at the 136 marker.
Is this Ron Sanchez?
We've got six story, 180 affordable units potentially coming to 1000 Wirtland.
All right.
Let's save that for tomorrow,
because I want to spend some time on that.
That's from Sean Tubbs is reporting.
Sean Tubbs does a great job.
Is the last headline Ron Sanchez?
That is the eighth headline.
We're going to talk about this tomorrow at 10, 15 AM
with Jerry Radcliffe on the Jerry and Jerry show.
On the I Love CBO Network tomorrow at 10, 15 AM.
Jerry Radcliffe reporting over the weekend.
He's a Virginia Sports Hall of Famer.
He's a friend of the program.
My first boss.
Worked for him at the Daily Progress.
Fantastic human being.
I hope Jerry Ratcliffe hears this.
Tremendous respect for Jerry Ratcliffe.
He's the star of the Jerry and Jerry Show
tomorrow at 10, 15 a.m. on the I Love CBO Network.
He reports over the weekend on Saturday that Ron Sanchez, according to his sources, learned
of his fate while in his hotel in Charlotte before he went to the airport to fly home.
He was informed, Jerry Radcliffe reports, by UVAD Carla Williams, when Sanchez and the
team returned to the hotel.
So he flew home after losing his last game of the season in the ACC tournament.
He flew home with the knowledge that he was fired.
As opposed to getting to his house in Charlottesville, being with his family and having a day to digest, a night to sleep. And then coming into his office or being asked to come into the athletic director's office
to hear from her face to face.
Instead he was fired in his hotel room, Judah.
That is so weak.
How do you characterize that kind of firing? If I knew the person that was doing the firing,
I might say it was cowardly.
I would 100% say this is cowardly.
This is like breaking up with your girlfriend
with a text message.
I'd say even more than cowardly, it's just plain callous.
It is lacking character and honor.
It's cowardly.
And what really sucks about this is
Ron Sanchez was thrown into the lion's den.
Was that Shedrach and Amendigo?
What was his name?
Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego.
Weren't they thrown into a lion den?
No, that was Daniel.
Daniel was thrown into the lion den.
They were thrown into a...
What were Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego thrown into?
Well, they weren't thrown in, but they walked into a furnace.
Okay, Ron Sanchez is Daniel more than Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego.
He was thrown into a lion's den.
How did Daniel do in the lion's den?
Pretty well.
Talk to us what he did.
He prayed.
Ron Sanchez prayed.
And you know what happened to him?
The lion ate his head and killed him.
Took his body, bit it in half and ate his torso and his cabeza.
He's got no job.
People are going to be like, he got a boatload of money.
He got $1.5 million.
You know what $1.5 million is after taxes?
What does the government take, 65, 70% of that?
Okay, so this is what this guy did.
He got $975,000 after taxes.
And what does his professional upside look like?
Is he ever going to be a head coach again?
If Ron Sanchez was given this, if he had a DeLorean
and a flux capacitor and Doc Brown by his side
and Doc Brown said hop in this DeLorean
and set the flux capacitor to March 9th,
Charlotte, North Carolina.
Marty's not in the DeLorean.
The DeLorean's gonna fly into Charlotte into this hotel.
This is what's gonna happen to you in a year.
You can take this job as the interim head coach
and take your pay from 300 and some thousand
to a million five. But this is
what's going to happen to you. I would bet you a hundred dollars Ron Sanchez
would say I do not want that job. Because who's going to hire Ron Sanchez now?
Has he just screwed his head coaching potential, his future forever? We're
talking about a man in his 50s here.
This is how UVA treats a guy who's
coming in as an interim head coach, who's
Daniel and the Lions den.
Because Jesus of basketball, who walks on water
and takes some fishes and loaves and feeds the John Paul Jones
arena, decides to retire a couple of weeks before the season starts.
I mean, I wouldn't call him that, especially not with how he did Sanchez wrong.
Carla Williams cans him while he's in taking the mint off his pillow in his hotel room
after Georgia Tech ramble' wrecks him.
What is this world we live in?
What happened to honor?
Well, in exchange, now you have a cell phone.
What happened to honor and face-to-face communication and doing things the right?
You know what I've learned?
It's taken me a while to learn this.
This is another thing you don't learn in college.
The right way is oftentimes the hard way.
Yeah. That's a lesson for your kids, parents
that are watching this show.
The right way is oftentimes the hard way.
And if you think a shortcut is the right cut,
it normally ends up being the long cut.
It's the Monday edition of the I Love Seaville Show.
For Judah Woodcower, I'm Jerry Miller....