The I Love CVille Show With Jerry Miller! - Roger & Robin Fields Joined Nate Kibler Live On “The White Mountain Ministries Show!”
Episode Date: March 25, 2025Roger & Robin Fields of Fields of Harvest Ministries joined Nate Kibler live on The White Mountain Ministries Show! The White Mountain Ministries Show airs live Tuesday from 2:30 pm – 3:15 pm on Th...e I Love CVille Network. Watch and listen to The White Mountain Ministries Show on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, iTunes, Apple Podcast, YouTube, Spotify, Fountain, Amazon Music, Audible and
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Welcome to the White Mountain Ministry Show. I am your host Nate Kibler. I thank you for watching, listening, praying, and being part of what the Lord is going to do through this show today.
Hey, this ain't church y'all. It is all about the kingdom of God. I'm excited for my guests. We have two guests, two beautiful guests, in North Carolina. It's gonna be Roger and Robin Fields,
and we are gonna have a fun show.
So bless you guys, please share this.
That's how people are watching it all around the world.
Comment, it's gonna be a fun show today.
I feel that in my spirit.
Ask questions, these guys have a lot of wisdom,
been walking in the kingdom and walking in marriage
for many, many years, and we're gonna be talking about
all of the above.
We also wanna thank our sponsors with Melanie Morris
and Opening Doors Real Estate.
Go buy or sell a home, check out Melanie Morris
up there by Duncan Dunhuts in Rutgersville.
And also wanna thank Profit Overflow SEO.
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All right, Judah Wickauer, I'm excited today.
It's going to be a fun show.
If you want to bring Roger and Robin on so our guests can see them, that would be amazing.
All right, what's up guys?
Everybody can see your beautiful faces.
How are you?
We're good.
How are you?
Doing awesome.
Thanks for being with us.
We're glad to be here.
Glad to be a part of what you're doing since this ain't church.
There we go.
We'll talk about that.
So you guys don't even know that's the slogan.
It makes you feel good coming on knowing that, right?
Yeah. Oh yeah. We knowing that, right? Yeah.
Oh yeah.
We did that.
We did that.
We pastored for a while and we tried to,
well, you know, honestly,
we didn't know enough to not do what God told us to do.
Does that make sense?
We weren't, we didn't know any different.
Well, most of-
Whatever he told us, yeah, whatever he told us, yeah,
whatever he told us to do, we did it. And it was always good, and glory always came
and healing and everything. And then there came a point, I believe, in the, in
the church pastoring where, you know, I mean for me, I think we both did, it was
like, okay, what do the people like more than what do you God like?
And you begin to be more people centered than God centered and that's always a mistake and
and so when we realized that it was sort of like yeah, this is not you know, and
Anyway, so jumping right in but anyway, that's when we, also we knew he was calling us to do something more intense
with the body of Christ.
I don't think we were very good pastors.
God bless you.
I don't think I would be a very good pastor either.
That's the tough thing though.
If we're not really taught by the majority of the churches,
it's like we know we have a call of God on our life
and we're just thought, okay, well you go to seminary
and you start a church and you become a pastor.
And there's so many pastors I believe that have churches
that were never supposed to start churches.
And the other thing I want to comment on
what you said about pleasing, about people.
My kind of classic line on that is,
as soon as you try to please everyone,
you end up pleasing no one.
And that can be very challenging as a pastor, I'm sure.
So awesome.
Love it.
So I always feel in my spirit, it's like the Lord shows me what our shows are going to
be like.
Sometimes I know I'm going to have to ask some tough questions.
Sometimes I know it can be intense or heavy with some of the testimonies and things that
are going to be shared.
But there are certain days I just have a lot of joy and just excited in my spirit and that's how I feel today.
And I know that you guys are fun and of course you were referred to me by Lisa Perna who's
a dear friend and you guys have known much better and much longer. So hi Lisa if you're
watching we love you and you are our Kingdom Connections today referred through Lisa Perna.
But I will ask if it's OK before we get started.
I am going to ask a serious question.
Are you guys OK if I just keep it real
and ask a serious question to start?
Don't get upset with me, all right?
All right.
All right.
So I just wanted to ask, when is Carolina playing this week?
When is what?
Carolina playing this week. When is what? Carolina plane this week. You know that is not a
fair question. That is not nice. I congratulated you on Duke. That was not very loving.
Coming from the same awesome woman who was who was trolling my wall and all this Duke stuff.
And we just got to have a little fun.
Jerry Miller, because I live in UVA country.
And Jerry doesn't even probably know that I'm a Duke fan.
I've been a Duke fan since I was eight years old.
And like it or whatever, basketball
is always a big part of my life.
I played my whole life.
I've coached.
But Jerry Miller is like a diehard, has a UVA sports show.
And he was laughing over here.
So it's all good.
It's all fun.
You got to watch out, Nate.
You need to go back and look at their mascot.
They're called the Doodle Devils.
I know.
I understand.
I agree.
I got you.
Hey, we want to be with the team that represents the lamb
the ram. There was a ram caught up in the thicket. Somebody had to sacrifice that
and have some good barbecue. Well, come on man. All I know is that y'all definitely
have the grace of God on your side because there's no way on God's green
earth that they should even made that tournament this year. You know what? You're right.
I'm not going to lie.
I'm not going to argue.
You're so right.
You're so right.
I'm going to say simply this.
I don't care.
So you know, because I'm not into it.
Hey, I'm more about the kingdom of God and just spending time with Jesus.
It's like I tell people all the time.
If they win, they win.
If they lose, they lose they lose
It doesn't change anything in my life. I'm with you completely. I used to take sports so serious and I'm not in that place
I'll watch it with my son. I coach my son in basketball and we just we just have fun and it's you know, pure entertainment
So yeah have your perspective and your heart posture in the right place for sure
But I will say to being a Duke fan
Definitely help prepare me a share in the gospel because I got plenty of But I will say to being a Duke fan, definitely helped prepare
me to share in the gospel because I've gotten plenty of hate on my life for being the Duke fan.
Oh yeah. Well you know what? I will be honest with you. I know this is maybe before, well not
before your time necessarily, but you know, Duke really has historically had really, really good
teams. One of the best years was Christian Leighton.
I don't know if you remember that, that one.
Of course he does.
Oh, absolutely.
I was a very young, my first memory as a sports fan
really is about when he hit that shot to beat Kentucky.
Yep, yep, that's it.
But you know, but they had over,
historically they have a good team.
So, you know, I'm not gonna minimize
or diminish their talents.
So God loves them.
Lisa Perna is watching.
She should, sharing is caring.
So a lot of people are already sharing the show.
So bless you guys.
They're probably not wanting to hear us talk
about basketball.
So we will now start talking about the kingdom of God,
but it's okay to just have a little fun for a month.
Well, the kingdom is fun, of course, too.
But anyways, just having fun with y'all.
We bless them.
We bless all the teams.
We bless all of the teams.
I appreciate y'all taking that well.
I knew you weren't expecting that.
I had to mess with you.
I were not.
You're exactly right.
So, you know, you guys love the intro to the show.
This ain't church, y'all.
It's all about the kingdom.
So talk more.
I know you said you were pastors that God called you out of that so talk about your life in the kingdom
some of your testimony and how you guys started to walk in the kingdom of God I
think probably I knew from the time I was born I really didn't know what God's
name was but I knew that his last name didn't start with D. And for many, many years I used
to tell the Lord as a child, I said, I think you sent me here at the wrong time. And I
wish you would just let me come home. So I was always talking to him at night. I've talked
to God, you know, for a night. And then when I finally got saved, like I tell a lot of people, I was
drug a lot further into the kingdom than I was willing to walk. So, but the issue
was I was not willing to let go of his hand and he was not willing to let go of
mine. And sometimes we have to understand that when we get saved, it's not like everybody preached to me when I was little.
You give your life to Christ and He just fixes everything.
And you go to church and after years of serving, walking, trying to serve Him, you find out that it's not as simple as what they said,
but like they were not telling you there's other things in the process of it. And you can go to church
and you can listen to them tell you how the Lord is going to set
you free. But then I had to learn through the Lord to find
out what the truth was of why I wasn't free. I was saved, but I
wasn't free. And I became very angry at him one day as a pastor. And I said, I know I'm saved, but I wasn't free. And I became very angry at him one day as a pastor.
And I said, I know I'm saved, but I'm not free.
And I want to know why.
I said, because if you can't show me or set me free,
I'm going to go to the back and sit on the back pew
and let somebody else stand up here
and tell people something that hasn't even worked in my life.
And so that whole journey, that whole conversation with him moved me into a totally different
realm of what I didn't even know to exist or believe that we can still be Christians
and still be influenced by unclean spirits or generational things or whatever.
And when the Lord told me, he said,
Roger, it's because you don't know the truth.
And I said, but you're the truth.
He said, yes, I am.
But you don't know the truth of why you are always
on your face begging for repentance
instead of spending the majority of your time
walking with me as my son.
Yeah, that's good.
Well, and also, you know, like I said, we've pastored and we would see people get saved
and give their self to the Lord as much as they knew how, and yet, and yet there were still,
you know, too many struggles to be walking in victory. And so,
There were still, you know, too many struggles to be walking in victory. And so we are, there's so much we can tell you about.
It's kind of hard to know where to hone in, Nate.
So we're going to go here.
I want to piggyback on what you were saying too about the whole repentance thing, because
I've heard, I hear pastors that I talked to today that have been, that they, we talk about
repentance in the sense of turning away, changing the way you see, not getting
up every day.
I mean, I know pastors that are 60 years old that are still getting up and repenting every
day for things they did when they were teenagers.
And that is not freedom.
That is bondage.
That's right.
That's exactly right.
One of the biggest things that the Lord taught me is the word repentance means, oh, I didn't
know that.
So I'm sorry I did that, Lord, would you please tell me what's the right way to do it?
So I can do it the right way so I don't keep repeating something and making me feel like
I'm a failure.
So repentance is one thing to say I'm sorry, but it's another
thing to say I'm sorry I didn't know that. That's the truth that he was talking about.
He said, you're telling me you're sorry, I know you are, but you don't know the truth
because you've never asked me why do I keep doing the same things over? Why do I keep living in the past a failure
rather than in the future where there's promise and blessing?
So he began, you know, I could prophesy out of people
until Jesus came and it didn't matter,
but I could never figure out what was keeping them
or myself from getting to that place
that God was showing me.
And so he said, I want you to start seeing what it is or myself from getting to that place that God was showing me.
And so he said, I want you to start seeing what it is in their life,
help them discover the truth so that you can focus on breaking them free
from the things that weigh them down, that keep them from the future
because their mind is convinced that they're not good enough.
Yeah. It's a lie.
Well, and too, I think, Yeah, to what you were saying, if
we once we know better, we can do better. I mean, and it's not by our trying, it's by
the grace of God, you know. It's His grace that carries us in to doing what we know
once the mindsets are broken and the ungodly beliefs and you know the thing
and the generational stuff. We do a lot of generational work,
and that's what we saw.
I mean, there's so much to tell about what we learned
when we were there in Whittaker's, the little town.
I mean, really.
Lisa just said such a powerful testimony they carry.
So keep going, I wanna hear,
cause I don't know much about you guys.
Well, we started there.
And I mean, now let me go back because a lot of things,
Lisa hears us talk about from the past,
but Roger really followed the Lord faithfully.
I mean, once we got married, when we got married,
we were not anywhere thinking about the Lord.
And so that was the journey.
And then he-
It makes for problems.
God sent me to save her. Whatever. I'm with you. Even though I met Jesus at 12.
And she did. And he saved me through being with her. He saved us through each other. He used each one.
But anyway... My wife watched me grow up as an agnostic family, never went to church, she believed in God but didn't know Jesus, and she watched me get radically delivered in the basement
of a home church and we both gave our lives to the Lord, it was so powerful.
Amen, amen.
But that's what does it, the encounter.
You have to have a personal encounter with the true Lord Jesus Christ, not a Jesus Christ
of religion.
Everybody keeps telling us about these encounters,
oh you'll meet him when you get to heaven. No, I met him on the day that he came to save me
and to tell me that he loved me unconditionally. And the power that, you know, it's what I preached
a message on the other day, it's one thing to receive the baptism of salvation. It's another thing to receive daily the power of the anointing we need to pour out that
horn of power that God puts in our life because every one of us have a different horn of an
anointing, a power to do what we have been purposed to do in the body.
And so our job is to come and ask Him to fill up our horn with the authority that we need to use it for the Father each day.
So, so, so in the process of this, as we begin to do this, the Lord began to show us.
And how it started was we read a book on Derek Prince.
That was going to go there. Yeah. Some American friends that were missionaries to India.
Then we met in Toronto, by the way. So anyway, they gave us...
Did you guys go to the Toronto revival?
Oh, we did that. We did the Brownsville revival. We went to Smithton, Missouri. We did all that.
Anywhere that God was, we went. We were true God chasers.
True God chasers. We would take our churches Anybody that wanted to go we would pack them up in the van and say we heard God was there
Let's go get him and bring him back and then and then we realized he was in our church
He was so powerful there. So you guys were operating in the gifts, but you just didn't necessarily know who you were
Is that what I'm right?
Basically, and so when the guy gave us this book,
he said, Roger, you're gonna need this.
So we read this book,
Blessings or Curses by Derek Prince.
And we're like, we're sitting there reading it
and we're going, oh, that's us, we need to be delivered.
So we started delivering each other, you know,
and then we started working on the church.
I'm sure that was fun to watch.
Yeah, we said, now Lord, if you want us to do this,
you send the people. And as soon as we finished praying, somebody was knocking on the door.
We'd say, Lord, we don't know if you want us to do this. Bam, bam, bam, they're knocking
on the door. I need your help. We're like, okay. So little by little, our church, actually
one of the women said, we prayed so faithfully for y'all, we prayed you out of the church.
And we didn't really mean to do that, but we want you to do the kingdom.
So, so we would, we would go and travel, uh, you know, six weeks out of the month of six weeks and not out of the month, obviously, but six weeks at the time and
come back and, and it just, I just said to Roger one day, it's not fair to us.
It's not fair to the church.
We were still carrying the church.
If you've ever been a pastor, you know what I mean.
You still carry that.
And then yet we're carrying this other anointing and mantle that we're operating in, and it's
not fair to our people in the church.
So anyway, long story short, he resigned and we went into full-time ministry.
Well, you know, we were already in full-time ministry and well you know we
were already in full-time ministry but itinerants you know traveling that way
so and God's been good to us he's we've been all over the place how long ago was
that huh how long ago we are pastor we pastored from 97 to 2007 and then I
resigned the Lord told me about 230 woke me. He said when you go to church in the morning resign
He said because he said I've sent you to the broken
to the sick and the hurting he said every time you preach a message and stand up and say
Does anybody need any healing or prayer or whatever and they everybody would say oh no, we're fine
You'd leave the whole congregation and generational prayers, you know, oh no, we're fine. Oh gosh. At least you'd lead the whole congregation
in generational prayers, you know.
That's what we would do.
There was a lot of deliverance.
We would stand up and have everybody do
a generational prayer, and we've seen people with epilepsy
from born with epilepsy totally healed and saved,
people with cancer, the dead raised and everything else,
because we did not realize how much the past,
the generational things were affecting us
and that was giving legal right to the enemy
to invade our blessings.
And the Lord was telling me the other day,
I said, it's kind of like, when we get saved,
Jesus is our attorney.
And it's like buying a house, right? So he says okay now I've got to do a title search
to find out if anybody has any liens or legal rights to your authority through your
ancestor because somebody may have sold rights or loans or whatever and I said, okay
He said now but now we got to have some title insurance
He said, now, but now we got to have some title insurance. He said, so whatever you bring to me, I'll satisfy the debt on the cross.
He said, but if there's anything that's hidden and it manifests itself in time
and somebody comes up and says, you owe me or you know, your ancestors, whatever.
He said, then the Holy Spirit comes in as the insurance
to satisfy that debt and remove it
so the enemy doesn't have a right to come in
and steal, kill, and destroy what you've always was,
oh, what we always believed was ours.
So generational cleansing,
the Lord showed me the other day,
he said that's really what it is.
I'm your advocate, I'm your attorney, I'm the one showed me the other day, he said, that's really what it is.
I'm your advocate, I'm your attorney, I'm the one who came to give you life or give
you the ability to possess this temple where God can live in.
He said, now we've got to start searching the title to find out who sold your inheritance,
your birthright to the highest bidder because of fear, famine,
war, whatever it may have been. And I said, but Lord, all that was nailed to the
cross. He said, yes it was. Just like the courthouse has all the records of all the
liens, but if you don't know the things that are hidden, then somebody can come
in and steal it from you by saying you owe this with interest. So he says, I show you through the Holy Spirit you come to me
and say, Lord there's a debt here and it's spiritual and I can't satisfy it. So
I would like to confess it and repent of it by asking you to remove it and I ask
you Lord to place it under the blood
so the blood will satisfy the debt.
So anytime the enemy comes to me to accuse me
that I owe him something, I can send him straight to you
and say, you'll have to take it up
with my lawyer and the father.
I really liked the analogy.
Can you guys give me a real life example of that?
Where this is, you know, you've seen someone set free.
I'm sure you have many, whatever is on your heart.
I remember one time this young lady was brought to us, of course she was in her 40s, and we
were sitting there doing ministry with us and it was an emergency session.
And the Lord showed me that she was three years old.
In her spirit.
In her spirit. And he said, I need you to go back seven days before the time that you see her in this place.
Which I had never done. This was in the beginning. And I said, Lord, they're going to think I'm crazy.
And he says, you're
not doing it for them. You're doing it for me and you're doing it for her. So anyway,
as the Lord led, I took her back and I asked the Lord to go back in time to seven days
before I saw the vision of her spirit at three. And I asked the Lord to remove the trauma that took place over her life and to make
a long story short, she had been raped at three.
So I asked the Lord told me to take her back seven days prior to that.
To the trauma.
To the trauma.
So when I did that, all of it, she was up all up in the chair, her feet all pulled up
and her hands and everything.
And when I did that, and I said, Lord, would you awaken her and let her see that she's
not there anymore? Her hands came out, her feet went down, she opened up, she looked
at Robin and she said, do you see my eyes? And Robin said, yes, I see your eyes. She
said, you see all of me. And Robin said, well, yes, we see all of you. She said, yes, I see your eyes. She said, you see all of me.
And Robba said, well, yes, we see all of you.
She said, I've been waiting for over 40 years for somebody to wake me up.
Wow. Incredible.
And we don't realize that our spirit,
we don't realize that our spirit can be shattered Yeah, it can actually parts of us can be broken and and held in time dimensional locks
Just like the man
It's a lot is deep anyway
We just find so many things in doing the ministry doing the work of the ministry
We learn so many things and everything doesn't apply
to everyone, you know.
But it's so good.
Many times it is just as simple as come out in Jesus' name.
It's not.
No, I said many times it is and sometimes you do have
to get to the root.
Oh yeah, sometimes it is, sometimes it is.
But you gotta know what's coming out.
Well, I'll share, yeah, I'll share. Well, I'm going to share a confirming story
from what you were just sharing.
I don't even hardly share this testimony
because it's pretty intense.
But I think it's something that's
important for people to hear.
I actually wrote about it in my book that's coming out soon.
But we were, when the girls were born, the triplets,
you guys know, may or may not know,
but we have four-year-old triplets.
So this was what, four and a half years ago, right after they were born,
we were in the hospital, and the NICU wing
was like right next to the cancer wing.
And I'd go out and I'd see this little boy,
and he had cancer, he was walking around in crutches,
and I felt in my heart to pray for the young man,
and I ended up praying for him.
And essentially, I did what I pray,
devil come out right now in the name of Jesus,
cancer go and
All the things I used to pray but something did not feel right in my spirit
I felt like I missed something so I called my mentor to man who prayed for me when I was delivered and I said
You know what what's going on? He prayed the exact same thing. I did he hung up the phone
I was like, well, maybe I didn't miss anything 30 seconds later. He calls right back. He asked this 12 year old little boy straight up
He said do you have a secret?
The little boy immediately said, yes, I do.
He said, repent.
They led him into a prayer of repentance.
He hung up the phone, nothing happened.
Ten seconds later, I'm looking at this little boy in the cancer ward.
Nobody's around, the Lord set the whole thing up,
and I'm looking at this boy, but it's not that boy anymore, nobody's around, the Lord set the whole thing up,
and I'm looking at this boy, but it's not that boy anymore.
It's a devil.
Black eyes, the boy's eyes turned black.
He literally starts convulsing, he drops to the ground,
and I'm like, oh my goodness,
all the nurses are gonna run over here,
but nobody, it was, the Lord orchestrated it,
the boy got up, he kinda started doing like that,
he didn't even remember what happened.
He literally wet his pants in that moment, The boy got up, he kind of started doing like that. He didn't even remember what happened.
He literally wet his pants in that moment.
And we ended up finding out, similar to what you said, he had been molested at a young
age, something had attached itself to him, and essentially he ended up getting into sexual
sin himself.
He repented, the secret was exposed, and that thing left, and he got set free.
That's the type of ministry we donate.
We allow the person in James 4.3,
he said, you don't have your prayers answered
because you're asking to miss.
Now we know that the prayers in James was very selfish.
It was about what I want rather than bringing glory to God.
So he told us, he said, he told me, he said, I'm going to teach you how to write these
prayers for people to read.
And when they read these prayers, they're going to repent, they're going to confess.
We don't have to deal with the demons because once the legal pact between the boy and whoever
told him said, you have to make this secret or I'm gonna hurt everybody
So he enters into a pack which means that if he ever tells anybody that he's going to get sick He's going to go through sorrow so forth and so on so when your mentor called back and said he's got a secret
Well, the enemy uses our secrets
Against us so when he said, yes, I do, and he repented, the enemy
didn't have any place, any power to stay. The lien had been paid by Christ by confession.
He said, if you confess and repent, I will forgive and I will cleanse the record. I will
cleanse the blood. So that's actually what we do. We let the person pray and repent. We're just simply
We're just nurses, I guess we come along you've already addressed this and it was really good how you did address it
But what do you say to the person like again?
Well, you did address this but maybe even more detail well, it's all been paid on the cross
Like we don't like you don't have to repent
maybe even more detailed, well, it's all been paid on the cross. We don't, like, you don't have to repent.
No, no, because-
And we're like, how's that working for you?
I said, you don't have to.
But with that boy, it was so simple.
I know when I was delivered, and I don't put a method on it in the sense that what I did
in that moment was I started, and it was a form of repentance in the sense that what I did in that moment was I started and it was a form of
repentance in the sense of I said, hey, I'm struggling with this.
I have all this anger and I opened up and from a room full of strangers and I became
vulnerable to God and I opened my heart to him and a man touched me and said, Jesus,
and it all came out.
And you know, I don't know what your guys approach always is to it, but you know, with
that guy, like I said,
he said, Jesus, he took my hand
and four devils that had been there for years
came screaming out in a matter of seconds.
The power of God.
See, that's the thing.
That's the thing.
When we open up our mouth,
we're giving him, when we confess or repent,
we're giving the Lord permission to set us free
until we confess and repent.
But the issue is like for me, years ago, I kept confessing something.
I kept repenting for these things.
And the Lord told me one day, he said, Roger, you're not going back far enough.
I said, what?
He said, you got to repent for what your dad did and what your grandparents.
And I said, but I wasn't there.
And he said, oh, excuse me.
He said, you were in their loins.
He said, life is in the blood.
Everything they did that they never got rid of, never repented, never confessed, he said,
was transferred into your blood.
He said, so now you, just like it tells us, even in the book of First Kings, when it talks about Solomon
chapter 8, it talks about in Leviticus 26, 38 through 40, until we confess our sins and
the sins of our forefathers.
He said, when you acknowledge this is happening because of the way we lived our lives and
the things that we did that did not align with the promises of God.
Then the promises of God couldn't cover us and couldn't save us because we refused to
live under His promises because we still see Him as unfaithful.
So when I prayed those things and went back generationally, then the Lord came in and
He could do something.
I had to not only repent for myself, but for the sins of my ancestors that would allow that lean, I guess I'm going to use that word today, that analogy, that lean to come against me, not only me, but also my children. I began to pray and ask the Lord to remove any ungodly inheritance that was passed on
from my dad over to my son, which would be his grandson.
The Bible says it goes to the third and fourth generation, from the grandparent to the grandchild
or great grandchild.
And so my son never saw my dad.
He died before my dad died before my son was born, and my dad had a tattoo
of a woman on his left arm, on his forearm.
And so my son did not know this, and he had a dream after I had prayed that, and he said
he just knew he had a tattoo on his arm, and overnight somehow another, the tattoo disappeared.
It just vanished from his
arm. So I knew it was something God was cleaning him from. See just by our
prayers of asking God to remove the ungodly inheritance that comes into our
life. I'm gonna ask what Joe John Martin a
multi-time guest of this show said this is so good.
Lisa Pernis said my people perish for lack of
knowledge. So Courtney Krogan has a question. She said wait how does that
line up with Jesus's blood for us and having new family bloodlines through
Jesus? Well the whole thing of it is with the bloodline of Jesus is that every
time we confess and repent when something moves out of our life that
holds position, it's kind of like, I think as John Sanford talked about the heart, you
know, in the Bible in Revelation 3, Jesus said, behold, I stand at the door and I knock
it if you'll open up, I and the Father will come in and sup.
And then the Lord asked me some years ago, He said, How many doors do you have in your heart Roger, that are holding things or hiding things or keeping things from me because you're
ashamed of those things?
He said, It's just not one door.
He said, Behold, I stand at the door, not the only door, the door.
And so He showed me that we could have many doors, we could have many places of things
in our life that has happened.
But when I opened the door of that place in my life, then Jesus comes in and because of
his blood and his authority and his power, then he can cleanse that place because like
the little boy, he said, yes, I have a secret. And we all have these secrets of shame
and guilt and so forth. So when Jesus comes in, what does he do? He removes all
the shame and guilt. So we don't have, that part of me doesn't have to hide
anymore. I can come out. John Martin said, wow, yes, great insight. We have many doors.
I know that this is a very controversial subject.
And I had no idea we were getting into it today.
I mean, look, here's the thing.
You guys got to understand with me.
The first thing the Holy Spirit spoke to me, I was sitting there crying like a baby.
I hadn't tried for cried for 20 years.
I heard him clear as day.
There's still small voice. He said, Nathan, you're gonna do this too.
Three days later, I was praying over people in the streets and five weeks after that
I started seeing signs and wonders and miracles and that's been seven years now. And basically, you know, for me, and that's why I
love to hear different
approaches, different teachings on this.
For me, I was literally casting out devils
before I even knew I was casting out devils.
I was praying for people, just praying for,
you know, people would open their hearts,
anxiety, fear, worry, things leave,
and people would be crying,
and I call it an emotional healing
because when I was delivered, it was radical.
I was screaming, so I thought,
because I had no previous knowledge of that, that if someone's getting delivered,
that's what they were going to look like. All right. And so I was on a golf course one
day, sharing my testimony because that's what I did all the time everywhere I went. And
my friend said, I think you need to pray for me. I said, okay. So I prayed for him and
like so many other people had before he's sitting there crying and sobbing and I'm like, it's alright
Man, like what's going on? He said I think I had a demon. I said, okay. Well, why do you think that?
He said because there was these two crazy red eyes staring at me and now they're gone and I feel a peace
I've never felt in my life and it freaked me out because I was cast in devil's that and I had no idea what I was doing
Just operating on his son
We had a young lady.
We had a lady come to us one time years ago and, uh, it was one of these emergency
cases and the girl, the woman started manifesting, uh, even to the point that
Robin said to this, I was looking at this.
I said, don't look at me. Don looking at this I said don't look at me
Don't look at me. Don't look at me. I'm not looking at you
It's a so I said, oh so you want to play?
So I closed the door because there were children next door in the back place
I closed the door and I this is what I did. I told the little girl
I said I want you to step around in front of this demon that's in you.
I just want you to step around.
We called him a guard.
A guard. I said, you don't need him to protect you anymore because all he's doing is trying to use fear
to keep you in a place where he's manipulating your life.
So I want you to tell him you don't need him to guard you anymore because you're no longer that little girl and
She in the spirit stepped around in front of this demon this guard we call guards
And as soon as she did it left quietly it just went away and she looked at me and she said that's all it took. I
Said yeah
I said it's amazing what Jesus can do when you step around
the guard and let Jesus become your protector and your Savior. I said then
it has no more power because it can't keep you, it cannot deceive you any
longer with that lie. So a lot of times Nate, when people come to us they've
been to all kinds of people for prayer,
and they've hit a block, and they come to us,
and counselors and therapists will send their people to us
because they hit a spiritual block
and they don't know how to get past it.
And so we help them get past those spiritual roadblocks.
Sometimes it includes deliverance,
sometimes it's inner healing.
And then we do that that and then they can successfully
receive the counseling that they need
from the professionals.
Can you quickly maybe talk about the difference
between deliverance and inner healing
for those who don't know?
Yeah, there's a lot of difference.
The deliverance is, you know, what you just talked about, the sort of thing on the deliverance is you know what you just talked about
the sort of thing where the healing the wounding is there it's unhealed and this
will help hopefully somebody that mentioned that about the new creation we
can have be a new creation and yet we have things unhealed on the inside still
and the demons will attach to those unhealed areas, okay? Anger, fear, stuff like that, that we think we've overcome, and yet, when we get triggered,
something's there.
There's something there.
So the deliverance is where something, an unhealed wound, the enemy, the demon, has
attached to that and is wreaking havoc in your life versus the inner healing where it's an ongoing
emotional issue that you work on it,
you try to walk through it and you just can't.
And again, we get down to the root of that.
There are mindsets and so it believes.
So this is different.
They can be a lot the same though.
You have to be discerning and listen to the Holy Spirit.
We listen to the Holy Spirit a lot.
We don't just run into it with a set.
I've seen a lot of ministries, oh my God,
where they have a set thing, they go down.
And I'm like, I'm for crying out loud.
That's not, you gotta hear the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit's not a method, he's God.
No, he's not.
If he tells you to put mud in their eyes,
you put mud than there are
if we had that but but you don't do it everybody because of course we carry a
bag of dirt just in case
so but the inner healing thing a lot of times is on
that is something where we typically will work with a person
again a lot of times people come to us when they,
I don't know how to say it,
they've been everywhere else
and they can't get what they need
and they've been referred to us or whatever.
And so, and we help them.
It's best we can, I mean, it's not us.
It's the Lord of the
So the young lady who asked the question,
it looks like I guess you answered pretty well.
She said, I totally agree with all that.
I just questioned the generational curses
and having to repent for family sins far back,
but I fully believe in deliverance and inner healing.
Yes, yes, yes.
So, I mean.
If we were to see ourselves as the Lord taught me
as carrying the briefcase of all the issues
of the forefathers, because remember it's in the blood,
our DNA is
like a file it keeps and retains the information from the bloodlines before
us the Lord talks about the traditions he said you hold to the traditions and
in it you find you don't find the freedom he said because you nullify the
Word of God because you don't understand what the word of God is saying.
So the Lord says, when you bring these, when you confess your sins,
He said, all I'm asking you to do is say, not only my sins, Father, but also the sins of those before me.
Anyone else who may have done this thing, and I'm remanufacturing this,
I'm continuing to do the same thing because it was a part of
the traditional bloodline. You know, and so when the Lord told me to go back
further, then I could take the things they didn't know to do and I could take
them and put them under the blood of Jesus Christ. And I'm gonna tell you
something, a lot of people don't understand. I'm very prophetic.
From the moment I got saved, Jesus started talking to me and I thought he talked to everybody
like he did to me.
I said, Roger, you don't want to talk out loud to the Lord like that.
People are gonna think you're crazy.
I said, well, he's talking to me.
It was back in the 70s.
And I said, it would be rude if I didn't answer him because he's in the car with me just because you know
Everybody couldn't see him didn't mean he wasn't there. My family's gonna think
My son is very prophetic at a very young age and thank God he has us to help him steward it because many people do not
That's right, right and prophetic the prophetic gifting as with any gift in a bloodline
with righteousness it
gets stronger in righteousness, and with unrighteousness it gets more unrighteous.
So we're redeeming to make it right so it flows with the goodness, mercy, and the blessings
of God.
So when we simply come, the Lord just told me, He said, you're not going back far enough,
and I said, but I wasn't there.
And He said, you were in their loins.
And I said, but I didn't do it.
He said, it doesn't matter.
When they raised their hands and entered into a covenant,
a vow, a pledge, an oath, or whatever, He said,
you became one with it because you were a part of it
because you were in them.
So I just simply, through His command command started carrying it all back and then bringing
it to the cross confessing my sins and the sins of my forefathers and as I
placed it under the blood then Jesus satisfied that and began to remove from
the briefcase if you will all the debts that I was carrying for them because of it.
I mean, we totally believe in instantaneous healing, deliverance, all of that.
However, we've lived life, you know, we're about to be 70 years old,
and we've got experience in a lot of things, and one thing we've got experience is, is the thing that nobody has finished yet.
There's only one perfect and it's Jesus.
And here's the thing, no matter how much healing and deliverance we get, there's going to always
be another trigger you need to work on that you didn't know was there.
And a lot of that is generational and it's like looking at on watching your family and the next
thing you know you're doing the same thing you're like oh my god I don't want
to do that you know and it's I don't want to think that way you know and so
it's a realization but but we just you know it's a good thing it's to be on a
journey like that it's really a good thing to be on a journey like this with
the Lord because our whole point is to be transformed and conformed to his image and we're so not that yet you know
and Lisa Perna said we're all work in progress speak for yourself Lisa
Lisa's really no I'm just messing well we're gonna shift we're gonna shift you
know this is where the Lord you know we had no idea what we were going to talk
about today.
We said we're going to let the spirit lead.
And this is where he took us.
And look, the thing is, is that we don't want to put the enemy on a pedestal, but it's important
to know that we do have victory, but that battle is real.
And you know, the whole thing of, oh, you know, it's all, you know, in your mind and
this and that, of course, our mind has power
and we are called to renew our mind,
but to just act like these things aren't real
and that there aren't Christians
that are being tormented as well, it's complete nonsense.
That's right. That's exactly right.
Well, and here's the thing, we tell people,
and we've trained in some groups now,
we've trained groups in the past,
and the thing that we're consistent about
is I don't have a conversation with the devil because I don't have a relationship with him. My
relationship is with my Papa God. If I got a problem I talk to him about what
somebody else is doing to me because he's the one. I've got power, dominion, and
authority because I know who I am but I also know what I don't want to mess with
and I'm not playing with demons. I got no conversation with demons or ungodly spirits.
I don't talk to them.
I don't interview them.
I don't care what their name is.
They don't belong in my life.
They don't belong in your life.
I just say, Lord, they don't belong there and move it.
Get it out of the way.
I agree with you.
Get it out of the way.
We don't play that game.
We don't play the game of manifesting
and rolling on the floor and la la la la.
We don't play that because that's not,
that ain't the way it's supposed to be.
I agree, you honor, you need to honor the person.
That we, they don't need to be,
they don't need to be flopping around like a fish
so everybody knows what's happening
to make you feel good like you're the anointed man.
Right, we always tell our people,
if you've got to be recognized for what you're doing then
you don't need to be in ministry. You don't need to be in ministry at all
because deliverance is for the person not the demon. That's right. You know and
this God loves that person. We can do it with dignity without shaming them. They're
already shamed. Come on. That's what the enemy
does. He condemns us. When we're doing something that's condemning people, we need to go back
and pray again. We need to ask the Lord, am I supposed to be doing this? Or maybe I ain't
supposed to be doing it. Whatever. I'm not supposed to do it. Whatever. We're not supposed
to be shaming people. We're supposed to be getting the shame off of them and telling
them who they are and not belittling and diminishing because they've had this problem. We're
trying to build them up and call them out into who they are and you can't do
that when you're trying to play with an ungodly spirit that's messing with
somebody. So you guys have been together for 50 years and been in ministry. In December 50 years. Can you believe it?
December what?
Okay, well congratulations. You've been walking in the Kingdom
and in ministry as well for a long time.
So why don't you talk about how easy
married life is and
ministering together and like talk about
that. We have maybe about 10 minutes to talk about
Well wait, we can't talk about how easy your marriage and ministry is because it ain't.
Yeah, I was joking.
I'm sure you knew that.
I know.
Let me know.
Hey, but I will tell you something.
Now we're both just coming off of a, I was at the conference with Lisa a couple weeks
ago and it was glorious and I came home
filled with joy and a new passion for Jesus that I needed.
And me and Roger went and traveled this weekend and ministered.
We were able to minister.
And all of that stuff keeps us stirred up.
No matter how long we've been walking with the Lord, we need to be stirred up, you know,
because we can become complacent just doing the everyday work. But I want to tell you something I thought about when I was getting
dressed earlier is that like the deeper we love Jesus, the more deeply we love one another.
Is that a fair statement? I agree with that. The more deeply we fall in love with Him,
the more deeply we love each other. That's not saying we don't have our disagreements
and the people who know us know that we're not shy about it.
Yeah, we're real.
You know, we're just real, you know.
That's why I said y'all remind me and me and my wife,
because Lisa spent one weekend with us at our house
and I guarantee you, she'd tell you we keep it real too.
I mean, what else can you do?
I meant, you know.
Well, the Lord told me we had been married about 13 years
and he told me.
John Martin and Lisa Pernod at the exact same time,
cause John spent time with us too.
He said, they supposed said, yes,
we're not gonna be, we're not different behind the scenes
of who we are, you know, in front of everybody else.
We want, you know, I think the biggest thing of, Nate, is we need to be real Christians, not fake
We don't need to be these religious people on Sunday mornings.
We need to be real children of God all week long.
The Lord taught me years ago, he told me, he said, I gave you, Robin, to bring out of her all the treasures I've placed within her and
you better not hurt her. And we both been to the Lord complaining about the other
one and he always gave us the same answer. What about you? What about you?
What about you? He's not the problem. There you go. I know you're hearing from the Lord because that's what the Lord would say.
Right. Let's deal with your triggers. if you if you'll get rid of your triggers.
She can push all she wants to and it's not going to happen or I can push all hers
it's not going to happen. Sometimes. But we still have triggers now. But we still have some triggers.
Hey, that's why I still have to every so every so often
I have to go buy me some new wire snips. Dan Moeller says if you have buttons that can be pushed, it's time to get some new buttons.
That's right. Well, but you know the thing of it is that sometimes if we're not careful
we can we can reattach that wire to that button
because there's something in us that says I have a right to
feel the way I feel and when we say that it reattaches
something that's not godly and the Lord told me he said you're supposed to love
her the way I love the church and I cut off all triggers so no matter what
button you push on me Roger I'm only going to love you one way and that's
perfectly. I have two things I'd like to say about marriage and ministry.
To be an encouragement.
We weren't always serving the Lord as I said.
Our marriage has been in ministry, and I'm saying that because that's the way it is,
for about 25 years.
The first 25 years of our marriage, it was all about us.
And it's been 25 years for the Lord to get us to the place where we really are surrendering
more and more and more.
And I like that.
And that's His word for me this season.
Fresh surrender, I like it.
But when we were 35 years old,
we had been married 15 years.
We got married at 20.
I got pregnant two months after we got married.
We had our first child at 21. So our kids are like
48 and 46 we got grandkids a grandson who's 30. We got another one is 23 another 18
So, you know, definitely my parents and sorry
That's right. And then we've got grandchildren great grandchildren. So anyway, but um, so but at 35 years old
I said to Roger,
this is too hard. We're going to make a commitment today. Right now, I said we're
going to walk away and be done with each other or we're going to make a
commitment to walk this thing out no matter how hard it is. And we really
talked about it and we really thought about it and we didn't know to pray
about it at that point. But we made made that decision I said whatever we decide that's what we're going to do and that's
what we've done and it has not been easy every day but we've done it but it's
only I'm telling you it's only with the grace of God he so much honors
commitment he really honors commitment when we make it I think he helps us see
it through I really do when we stop seeing our
Marriage as being her versus me or me versing her and we begin to see ourselves
This is what I tell people when I used to marry him each one of you has a set of
Rid of the luggage and you need to get one set for both of you
Because as long as you have your own set of luggage you can plan on
leaving anytime you want to. But if you have one set of luggage and you put your lives together
in that I said you're going to have to make room for each other and and it not being overly over
one or over the other so you can walk together through life with your designer luggage. Well
you're going to have to talk to my wife about that because she's a really heavy packer
That's why we have a van
So were you guys you know being in ministry for so long
I think you'll be real about this and it could be a yes or no or anyways
So has there been competition in ministry
amongst you as a couple ever? Sometimes, sometimes, yeah. Honestly, yeah. Sometimes
I feel, I think we both feel a little competitive and may or may not realize
it, but honestly speaking I'm going to say yeah. But the Lord told me years ago,
I was doing a women's conference, and he's and God's so smart, he told me to name it
on the eve of the kingdom.
I was like, oh, I like that.
So anyway, but anyhow, he told me then during that,
he said, you guys were meant to complete, not compete.
And if we can remember that, but it's hard to remember
because listen, God puts beautiful stuff in all of us
and we want to get it out, you know what I mean? We want to get it out, and sometimes it doesn't flow well
together, doesn't mesh well together. So that's when you get back into that
place of surrendering to, is this really glorifying God? Is this really bringing
anything to the table, or am I just talking about me? Anything on that, Roger? So,
the truth, I mean, you know, a lot of times, there's been put on a lot of men to be the
priest, and he has to be this and a lot of people don't realize in order to be a priest,
it just simply means to create a safety, a spiritual safety, a canopy, a strong place
where the wife can
feel safe and loved and appreciated and adored. And it's like I tell a lot of men,
don't expect her to treat you like a king if you don't treat her like your
queen. And so I've had to learn over all these years, I've had to learn how to
serve my wife. And so many men get all bent out of shape pastors
when I tell them, you know, your pastor is your wife.
And if you can't appreciate your pastor
when she's the one you go to,
when you're going through all this,
she's the one who comforts, she's the one who prays,
she's the one who's hearing from the Holy Spirit
because she wants the best for you.
And you know, when we begin to learn this, then we can truly come and sit down and want
the best for each other.
But it is a process.
It's a journey.
Remember Jesus had 12 ragtag guys and everybody wanted to do their own thing.
Some of them would have caught on fire, some of them was walking on water and then drowning,
and all this other stuff.
And it's kind of like a marriage.
It's like when me and Robin go along, a lot of times we're both reaching out to one another
in times of need and lifting us when our faith seems to be troubled.
But we have to know that when we lift each other, there is a destiny, and that's to get
back to the boat and to go to the appointed
place that Christ sent us in the beginning.
And sometimes it can be very dark and very stormy, but we just learn to remain with the
idea in our minds.
God said go to the other side and if he said go to the other side, then we're going to
the other side no matter what the storm may be.
It can't take us out because he's in control
of the wind and the waves and the boat in me
in the name of Christ, amen.
Bless you guys.
Thank you for all the wisdom.
I can tell you that it is a, you know, my wife and I, we were 12 years in the
world before we started walking in the kingdom.
So that doesn't just transform overnight.
That's right.
That's right.
And then you have, and then you have, and then you start to think you get figured out
or close to figuring out.
And then you have three babies at the same time and you realize you still got a long
way to grow.
I cannot even imagine that brother. I't. You talk about refining fire.
That's refining fire. Yeah. How old are they now? So we're like, it's still
challenging but oh those first two years I wouldn't want to live them again. I
mean I would in some ways because it's
invaluable but you know it was tough. So we're gonna wrap up the show but I'm
gonna you know we talked about the prophetic psalm and so sometimes I
release things the Lord puts on my heart and I have people that intercede for the
show prophetic prophets you know hold the office of prophets that sometimes
they'll just look at the guests
and release things and these are people that I trust.
Are you okay if I release something to you guys?
Yes, sir, go ahead.
So this is Chris Beck, dear friend and a big part of our show.
And so he had a word for both of you guys.
And he said, the Lord released the following word for Roger. Man of integrity, rock solid foundation.
He seeks the truth and understands my ways.
Roger cultivates time with me.
He makes room for my glory to come in.
Roger dwells in the secret place of the Most High God.
He hears my voice when I speak to him
and carries out the instructions I give him.
Roger seeks out answers to what's before him.
I've set aside a portion for him.
He will taste and see that it is good.
Therapeutic revelations will come his way,
it will change the way he operates.
These revelations will build on what he has already learned.
The Lord then spoke the word echo,
and I heard echoes in the spirit.
The Lord spoke these revelations will be shared,
repeated with others, passed along to help those
called to minister with the lost and broken.
Groundbreaking new ideas which will bring clarity to inner healing and
bring an end to old philosophies and practices.
Yeah, that's great. Spot on.
And then I'll take that.
I'll take that word and hang it over my head when I'm sleeping.
So it'll rest over me while I rest.
Chris is the Lord.
I mean, he speaks to Chris so beautifully.
And this is released for Robin.
Robin, I have plans for your life that will work.
Well, I will have plans for your life
that will require greater sacrifice,
the ability to see further and deeper,
revelations for the new era we have entered.
Your sacrifice will usher in a move of the Spirit
which will transform systems.
I then saw in the Spirit Jesus standing in front of
red-staged curtains and they opened and there was a play taking place.
The Lord began to speak to me about every play has a script and sequences part one, two, three, etc. The Lord then
spoke each part is acted out before the beginning of the next sequence. The Lord shared
He will begin to reveal sequences to Robin in her dreams.
Each part will need to be played out
before the next sequence will begin.
I then saw Robin and the spirit walking side by side
with the Lord discussing each sequence.
There was a great depth and trust in their relationship.
The Lord spoke, Robin is stepping into a new thing.
Her years of faithfulness and experiences
have prepared her for this day and assignment
I then saw the Lord place a breastplate of armor on her and I knew the armor was very thick it covered her chest and
Abdomen and I knew nothing could penetrate this armor
All right
Hallelujah. Thank you. I'll receive it. I'll take it. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you
Pretty powerful. Thank you. I'm gonna pray into that man. That's cool
Yeah, I love it. Yours was a little yours was a little yours was a little more intense than Rogers
It's a resonates though. It resonates tip definitely
Yeah, so we're gonna wrap up if you guys have anything always asked guess this, you know
prophetic voices anything on your heart for the show or for the city of Charlottesville or just anything you'd like to release I
Think the biggest thing is that God wants to say
that there has to be a platform in which God can use to open up the windows of heaven and
in which God can use to open up the windows of heaven and to bestow upon the people that are willing to stand
underneath the window of blessing
to receive his goodness and his mercy.
And for this purpose, you were born
and he created you to be a window and a door
to open and allow people to come in
that they might see the things
that God wants to bestow upon them.
So we ask the Lord to bless you, your wife, your children,
your ministry, your calling, your purpose,
and that everything the enemy has tried to keep you from
or distract you from, that the Lord will do the same thing.
He'll open up the curtains and he'll say to you,
Nate, come and see, I wanna show you bigger and better
and more powerful revelations of things that I've purposed. You've been praying, saying, God, I want to show you bigger and better and more powerful revelations of things that I've purpose you've been praying
Saying God I want to see more I want to know more
I want to be more equipped to do greater things for your glory
And he says first of all being my son is the greatest thing you can be
but walking with me and working with me and
Repeating what I say is the thing that you desire
and it is the thing that I desire so I bless you with the language of heaven as
it flows through the Father through the Holy Spirit to you to all who surrounds
you so they will understand first of all and foremost they are the children of
God before there anything else.
In the name of Christ, amen.
Thank you.
I'd just like to add one little thing I'll try to be brief.
I'm so encouraged by the younger generation of which you are one, younger than us obviously,
but I'm encouraged and hopeful and so overjoyed by what God is doing in your generation.
And I just want to encourage you, you know, to stay real, stay yourself.
My prayer for you, my heartfelt prayer for you and your wife is that you would never
ever, I'm going to say, can I say, can I be real? You would never ever be led or fall into that system of corruption and compromise that happens
to so many people in the kingdom, and that you would never ever fall into that.
I pray a hedge of protection around you and your family, because as you become more successful
and more well-known in the kingdom, not because you necessarily want to but just because of
what you carry you know that temptation is so real and I just pray that that
would never ever be anything that was is even in your frame of not in your
eyesight nowhere in your mind or in your thinking that father would protect you
and your family from that and yet still allow your platform to increase and grow
and expand for the kingdom of heaven.
So I just pray that over you as sincerely
as I know how to say that.
Yeah, that's beautiful.
I thank you for sharing that.
It's definitely something that the Lord has
very much been teaching me over the years
and shown me a lot of things that are good examples
and things that are not good examples
to follow for the kingdom of God.
Yeah, that's good.
Yeah, I love it.
I love being able to,
I love where we are in life right now.
I keep talking about this,
but I love where we are in life.
And as she said, I wouldn't go back,
but I love that I'm but I am I love that
I'm where I am in the with the Lord and on our journey and I get to watch the
generations behind us and what God is doing there and it's it's awesome I love
it I love it I love being able to see backward and forward I mean you know
just I love that it's great it's a blessing it's a huge blessing to see
that well bless you guys.
Go ahead, we're gonna wrap it up.
One more word.
All right, I was just gonna say,
you know, when we get to the age that we are,
I see us in a spiritual rocking chair,
releasing the wisdom of heaven upon those children
that wanna come and sit and receive.
So we can tell them the stories.
So they'll remember the faithfulness of God
and carry it into
their generations. Thanks for letting us come on. You guys were awesome. I had such a good
time. It was a great show. People were really into it. I could see and guys share
this. These are, it was intense, maybe even controversial in some ways, but it's
things that people need to hear. So bless you guys. Thank you for watching. Share it
around the world. And I know with Rob and Roger, I believe that we will do this again.
And we definitely need to meet up in Richmond or somewhere at some point and get together
because that's a pretty quick trip.
So bless you. Bless your ministry. Bless your family.
And just thanks for being with us.
And I just speak life and love and healing over everyone's bodies and minds in the name of Jesus.
And thanks for watching. And we'll see you soon and God bless.
Bless. Be. I bless..