The Ins & Outs - Metal Fences and Picking Rugs

Episode Date: March 18, 2025

Polly's back from a romantic trip to Marrakesh, while Jojo has sprouted a grey hair! For the Outies we cover metal fences and decking, while the Innies get some valuable tips on picking rugs and cable... management.Plus we talk Mel Robins and the theory of let them!InstagramPodcast - @the_insandouts_Jojo - @houseninedesignPolly - @pollyanna_wilkinsonProducer Andy - @andy_rowe_WebsitesJojo - - Rowe Productions - Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 FanDuel Casino's exclusive live dealer studio has your chance at the number one feeling, winning. Which beats even the 27th best feeling saying I do. Who wants this last parachute? I do. Enjoy the number one feeling, winning, in an exciting live dealer studio, exclusively on FanDuel Casino, where winning is undefeated. 19 plus and physically located in Ontario. Gambling problem? Call 1-866-531-2600 or visit
Starting point is 00:00:28 please play responsibly do you remember the brand that popped up while you were scrolling your social feed no but i bet you remember who sponsors your favorite podcast that's because 74 percent of listeners recall the brands they hear when listening to podcasts. If you want your business to be top of mind, podcast advertising with Acast is the way to go. Book your campaign today by visiting Hello Innes and Outies and welcome to this week's episode of the Inns and Outs with myself Jojo Barr and the lovely Pollyanna Wilkinson. On this week we give you our life updates. Polly's trip to Marrakesh, Mel Robbins and the theory of let them, Polly's talking metal fencing and decking and I'm on picking rugs and cable management and I get my first grey hair. So let's jump on in. Hello hello to you. Hello my darling, how are you? I'm a bit hopped up on coffee I think.
Starting point is 00:01:43 Oh I've just had my first coffee of the day, actually, because I raced back here from mum and dad's house. I'm actually sitting in my pajamas, Polly. I'm- Oh, yes. I'm sitting in my pajamas. You look terribly cozy. No, it's actually not a tea store, it's a Nien Bing. Nice, oh, I do love a Bing.
Starting point is 00:02:01 It's 20 past 10 and I'm sitting here in my pajamas, but I have been awake since seven, so that's, it's forgiven. Can we talk all about your trip to Marrakesh? Ah, yes, yes. So just back from that, gosh, that was a strange trip. Go on. I was talking to Colin, I was saying,
Starting point is 00:02:17 should we take a suitcase, should we take a suitcase? Because I was so determined to find like lovely baskets and rugs, and Colin was like, do you know what, I just think it's hassle let's not do it and we didn't and I'm so glad we didn't because I didn't buy anything. The only thing I found and you were in my little brain is we did this we found a couple of shops which were just full of old stuff and I was on the hunt for sort of wood bowls and things like I just had you know Jojo's shelf styling in my head. And we, I found nestled underneath a load of slightly unusual accoutrement, these little
Starting point is 00:02:51 Berber jugs. And the guy told me they were very old and they were Berber. Did we believe him? I don't know. Did I pay over the odds for them? Probably, but they're very pretty. They're good for the shelf, like nice old brown jug. Yeah, they were gorgeous. I love them They're really lovely, but I think it's important when you go away anywhere on holiday I think it's always nice to bring a souvenir back But sometimes you sometimes you can buy something when you're away and you get it home anything What the hell am I gonna do that now?
Starting point is 00:03:17 It just doesn't go with my deck or go anything I own but if it's a if it's something you love you just find a little Spot for it. Don't you? Totally because so much of what was there with those very beautiful sort of embroidered leather slippers and I was like, there's a if it's something you love you just find a little spot for it Don't you totally cuz so much of what was there with those very beautiful sort of embroidered leather slippers And I was like there's a lovely I'll never wear them like I'd like them now Totally did exactly what when I went to Marrakech, which is granted a long time ago She's at the cat Every every time it's like I sit down and she just knows. It's gotta be Clarence. No it's not. It's Alabama.
Starting point is 00:03:46 Oh it's not? It's Bam Bam. Hold on. Come on Bam Bam. What is it with you and this podcast, eh? No I'm not. I really am in my pajamas look. You look great. Okay. Where was I? Yes. When you went, when did you go?
Starting point is 00:04:00 I did exactly what you didn't luckily do when I went to Marrakesh. And that was fill up a suitcase of Killin' rugs these sort of metal wall sconces Yeah, leather slippers a pair of leather boots I went all out I went for it and then I got it all home and I was like well I don't know what to do with any of it and I never ended up using the wall sconces but it's quite funny because I gave them to a charity shop and I always wonder what what those will be on someone's wall now somewhere if not I think that's quite funny. I was gutted about the rugs though
Starting point is 00:04:34 because now that I've got wood floors throughout I need quite a lot of rugs and I was really hoping to find something sort of different and you know handmade and and no I don't. I always find it amazing about Marrakech is that it's like a leap from Spain so there you are on the sort of south coast of Spain and then just across the water almost like spitting distance you have Marrakech and it's it's just polar worlds apart and I find that amazing. I find that amazing about. The culture is so different. What was it? Okay, best bits, best bits.
Starting point is 00:05:05 Oh, best bits were the gardens. We did the secret garden, which was designed by Tom Stewart Smith, who you know I'm a huge fan of, and that was absolutely magical. But actually, we also did Jardin Majorelle again, which I've done before, you know, the Yves Saint Laurent. Saint Laurent, yeah, blue and yellow garden. And it was joyful. It was so wonderful.
Starting point is 00:05:25 Just really massive oversized cactus and beautiful use of different tiles. So if you're going to Marrakesh, I highly suggest you do both, but get tickets as early as possible for Ja Jean Margeral, because the queues when we left at midday were hideous. And so that was magical.
Starting point is 00:05:40 But I guess the low point for us, my friend, loads of people recommended this restaurant called Nomad Which I fear may be a victim of its own success So we hunted it down booked in advance because everything is booked like weeks in advance, which I yeah, I guess it's very well It's quite cool. Isn't it Marrakesh? It's quite kind of trendy Yeah And we spent ages looking for it and we'd skipped cocktails at the hotel because we like no we need to get here and by that point we're absolutely gasping and sat down and it was a dry restaurant there was no
Starting point is 00:06:10 booze and I know I should be mature enough and with enough that I can get through a meal without a glass of wine but I was on holiday and I really wanted a glass of wine. It's not being mature enough is it it's just yeah I just there's something about having a little tipple. I just like I couldn't I there's many yeah people will sort of say you know I give up booze it's the best thing I ever did. I don't have a problem with booze. Do you have a problem with booze? No. I have a very healthy relationship with booze where I just love a little glass. Tell me more. Yeah and we're very close me and booze and we have our chats and we get on very well, but I can also just, you know, don't need to speak to her for a while.
Starting point is 00:06:46 I think for me, the rich, when we're on holiday, to have like, to split a bottle of wine or a couple of glasses of wine over dinner is sort of one of the main joys of going on holiday. So when you turn up and they go, would you like a dark Coke or a Sprite? I was like, neither, I don't want either. And it took away the kind of romance of wiling
Starting point is 00:07:06 away time that our meal we were done in half an hour and that was two courses because they brought the food so quickly. So I was it was it a traditional Moroccan food like slow cooked jeans and no, it was actually kind of French fusion, which we found nearly every restaurant we went to wasn't traditional Moroccan was actually sort of hybrid with French fusion, which we found nearly every restaurant we went to wasn't traditional Moroccan, was actually sort of hybrid with French food, which was fab. It was, the food was actually sensational. I've got a whole list of good restaurants, which I will share with the innies and outies.
Starting point is 00:07:33 I've come to realize that when I go away, I love to go to places that are super, they are, you're literally immersed in the cultural experience. So I wouldn't go to Italy and then go and eat in a French restaurant. Indeed. I want to just fully immerse myself in everything that is Italian. And it's the same if I went, like if I went to Dubai, I want to go into the sort of, I'd have
Starting point is 00:07:54 to go and find the old part of Dubai. I want to go into the old town and go and experience what it's really like to be in Dubai, as opposed to sort of the tourist side of it. Same with food. Well, I think it's because Marrakesh was occupied by the French for a long time pal. You know what I mean is that it's very it's not that it's the fact that it can be quite shishi. There's elements like you don't want to go to a fancy restaurant. There was a lot of shishiness. It's very shishi. It's quite shishified. Yeah. I want to go to like a rooftop and hear all the sort of evening prayers and eat
Starting point is 00:08:22 tajine sitting on a mat on the floor. That's my vibe. Yeah, it wasn't that wasn't the vibe. It was a fun city break. I just I wouldn't go if you're hoping to I think it's build us some oh go then amazing shopping. I was at shopping was not amazing at all. No, I think it's more for the cultural experience than anything. And also just to get some to explore. It's it's hot right so you can go this time of year and actually get it was pouring with rain and oh shit I know you can't make this up no it was cold and came back a little bit early didn't you
Starting point is 00:08:55 we came back early because our hotel which was right in the center of the Medina this beautiful hotel but they had construction works from 1am to 5am and we had a man with an angle grinder grinding metal right outside our window. The hotel were very sweet about it but they were like it's sort of outside of our control and we're like yeah I get it but still. And it was raining and it was sunny at home and we'd run out of things to do so we switched our flight thank you BA and back we back we came. Right don't tell me BA didn't charge you BA charged you for fucking everything. No no no it was a swap it was just a swap so it was wow well that's why we did it or it wouldn't have done it. Gosh I was gonna say that's very friendly of BA because they don't do that much lately sorry BA and not for me. Cost me a hundred
Starting point is 00:09:42 quid in in a phone call two pounds a minute. They'll get you somehow. Thank you very much for the 40 minute on hold, BA. There you go. So the truth's coming out now about those guys. We all know. So tell me some other stuff. Catch me up on... Oh, actually, no, we've got to do what you do, what your granny does.
Starting point is 00:09:58 Best thing you ate in Marrakesh then. Do you know what it was? It was these deep-fried cheese rolls. Really? It was just like a pastry stuffed It was these deep-fried cheese rolls. Really? It was just like a pastry stuffed with cheese and deep-fried. Amazing. Oh delicious. I could eat them every day for the rest of my life. Oh how good. Yeah that was lovely. Yes so I mean that's my news there my friend. That's what's happened since we last spoke. How about you? What's
Starting point is 00:10:22 going down? Oh lots has been going on in my little world over here firstly What do you know? I'll just cuz everyone's feels like everyone's very invested got dad back home from hospital Which is just the best news ever and it's very very bittersweet because dad is now With the palliative care team, which means that he's he's decided to decline any further medical intervention means that he's decided to decline any further medical intervention. So that means that he is now in the hands of the palliative care team. So we cannot risk him getting an infection because we want to keep him around for as long as possible. But obviously he has a terminal cancer. So one of the side effects of cancer is infections. So, but if we can just, we're just now in this stage of this lovely sense of full security where he's actually doing really well
Starting point is 00:11:05 and he's at home and we're enjoying him for as long as we can. Hence I stayed over there last night and was very late coming back this morning for you my darling so thank you for being patient. But yeah so we're just gonna try and do all we can and it's funny now he's got his sort of dying wish list is starting to kind of grow because he's thinking he's got the strength to do stuff now and so we've got all these fun things that dad's planning. So what's on the list? Well, number one, he wants to take us all on a hot air balloon, which it's March and I'm not sure, I've been looking into it.
Starting point is 00:11:32 I didn't know, I've never been in a hot air balloon. There are a few that fly around here, but I don't know if it's the time of year. So that's one thing for me to try and investigate. Okay. The other thing is, which you're very kindly helping me with actually, so I'm gonna actually get the biggest shout out to form plants but you will you do you remember two years ago we planted a tree with my dad at the
Starting point is 00:11:54 girls birthday in the paddock and the idea was that it was gonna grow into a lovely oak tree with a home oak that my dad had found an acorn and he grew it and it turned into this little home oak and he grew it to the point where it was a pretty good sapling but we planted I think a bit too early and we probably didn't do it well enough and we'd all well it was it was a really fun day of planting it but we we set it all up and we got it all ready and put this little framework around it to protect it but it didn't make it alas so it's always one of our things that we wanted to do is to
Starting point is 00:12:20 find another oak and now my dad's saying this is one of his wishes is that he wants us all as a family to plant this oak tree in the paddock altogether. So we're gonna do that at the end of this month altogether and the amazing form plants who I have to give the biggest shout out to have amazingly got an English oak for me which is about 15 foot tall and he's even offered to come and plant it with us which is just oh my gosh I actually made me cry I was crying my eyes out when he sent that message because my dad was very good eggs at form plants I
Starting point is 00:12:52 didn't I I'm actually quite speechless that I believe in favors always repay themselves and it will come back around but I'm so grateful to you Jamie thank you so that's that so I'm by oak trees as well because we're not allowed to import them this is what I heard didn't this. Didn't even know it's an English oak though. So isn't it grown here? I don't know if that one was. I just know that you can't bring any more in. Interesting. Yeah. But anyway, so that's it. It's all it's very bittersweet, but it's really lovely to have dad home and have these very special moments with him and I feel very grateful that we're able to create some memories with him now which is amazing. So I'm in a really good mood today.
Starting point is 00:13:29 Yeah I'm glad you're able to have, you know, to work through that list together. We might not be able to do them all but you know I think it's the fact that he's in a good mental headspace now and the fact that we have this time with him and I'm really proud of him that he's made this decision and to not go battling through more hospital visits and more chemo and things that is just, it's incurable. So it would just be trying to extend his life. But I think quality of life sometimes comes before a long life. Spending your days in a hospital bed is tough.
Starting point is 00:13:57 No, it's not the one. So anyway, there we go. So that's your focus right now. That's my focus right now. And then in other things, because of that, we have decided to put the garage, Renault and everything here on hold. And I've, I had this conversation with and it was actually my team that were like, listen, Jojo, with, I feel like I was sort of under the pressure to get it done before the summer started, you know, before the summer months. And actually, I don't want to rush it. It's my home, I want to do it right. And I want to get it right. And therefore, I'm going to actually it. It's my home. I want to do it right. And I want to get it right.
Starting point is 00:14:25 And therefore I'm going to actually put everything off until September. And this is now my priority. I don't want to be here managing contractors when this is now my priority. No, no, no, this is not the one. So no Renault news from me for a while, I'm afraid guys. So, but apart from that, what else is in my world?
Starting point is 00:14:42 Oh, well I've sprouted my first gray hair. Where is it? That's going to happen. It was right here well I've sprouted my first gray hair. Where is it? That's gonna happen. It was right here at the front. My first ever gray hair. It's on your head. Yes, on my head. Yes.
Starting point is 00:14:50 I don't think I have gray hair. Do you have gray? Do you have, where else would it be? Where else would it be? That's true, you're hairless from the neck down, aren't you, darling? Yes, I pretty much am. Like a weasel.
Starting point is 00:14:59 Just a little gray pub. I got my first gray pub. No, just a little white hair. They're quite wiry, aren't they? It was a little wiry white hair. That was my first ever grey hair. Well, I don't know, there might be some around the back, but I was quite proud of it. I almost didn't want to pull it out.
Starting point is 00:15:16 I think it would be amazing when all your hair is grey and you've got this big mane of grey hair. I think that could be fabulous. I sadly don't think it will happen. I've always admired women who have that amazing flash of grey hair. I think that could be fabulous. I sadly don't think it will happen. I've always admired women who have that amazing flash of white hair. I love that look but it would never be me. But your hair is like your calling card, isn't it? Your lion's mane. It is a bit the main. It's thinning though. It's really thinning. I cannot believe, I don't know whether it's stress or age or perimenopause, whatever it is, it's thinning. A bit of both, a fun cocktail of them all.
Starting point is 00:15:45 It's a delicious cocktail of aging, but I'm all, do you know what, you have to celebrate. I think, I did a little, when I saw this gray hair, and I know people will be like, oh, shut the fuck up, JoJo, this is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. I was a bit like, that's pretty awesome. Midway through my life, I have a gray hair. It's, you know, it's amazing.
Starting point is 00:16:03 It's what happens to the best stuff. That's a lovely way to look at it, my friend. Hmm, yeah. Fandual Casino's exclusive live dealer studio has your chance at the number one feeling, winning, which beats even the 27th best feeling, saying I do. Who wants this last parachute? I do. Enjoy the number one feeling, winning in an exciting live dealer studio, exclusively on FanDuel Casino, where winning
Starting point is 00:16:28 is undefeated. 19 plus and physically located in Ontario. Gambling problem? Call 1-866-531-2600 or visit Please play responsibly. Your customers are scrolling past your social ads, using ad blockers, and paying for ad-free streaming. But when they're listening to a podcast, they're hearing Acast ads, which are 4.4 times more engaging than with display ads. So, if you want real attention, start advertising on podcasts with Acast. Start today at slash ads.
Starting point is 00:17:07 Speaking of mindsets. Go on. I have been listening to Mel Robbins' book, Let Them. Oh yeah, Let Them. I'm reading it actually, tell me. Are you? It's so good, isn't it? It's so good.
Starting point is 00:17:21 Can I say it's quite basic in the way it's written? The theory is quite obvious. The theory is very basic. There was a really funny guy on Instagram that I found the other day, an Irish guy, that was like, my version of this is just fuck it, just fuck them, fuck them. Which is kind of more my vibe. Yeah, but it's kind of, well, for those that haven't, aren't familiar with Mel Robbins yet, the let them theory is more or less stop giving your energy and power to others by worrying about what they think and just get on with your life. Let them, you
Starting point is 00:17:53 can't control other people, you can only control yourself, which is actually a fundamental tenet of counseling. Like when I was a counselor, that's one of the things you're taught is like stop complaining about what other people do. You can't control them? You can only change how you react to them. So, you know, it's an age-old theory I think it's in Buddhism and radical acceptance and all of that. So it's a theory It's a long-standing one, isn't it? But it's more about just being like you have to stop worrying what people think and instead yeah sort of plow your own path
Starting point is 00:18:21 It's actually the accepting part though, isn't it? Because it's not just the let them, there's a second part of it, which is the sort of revelation is to let them and then let me. So once you say, right, let them, fine, let them go out without me, let them go and organize that. Your friends go, you know, organize a dinner date without you.
Starting point is 00:18:37 But then you have to, because if you just did that, you're gonna end up very lonely and a bit sort of sad. So you have to then turn it into, let me then accept the letting them. Is that right? Is that kind of how it goes? Well, I think the way I took it,
Starting point is 00:18:51 and actually that really resonated with me because there's been many, I think we've all as women have experiences of feeling left out by other women who like are going out for dinner or something and you find out and you just have to be a big girl and pretend you're fine with it. So, but I guess rather than spending loads of time going, what have I done wrong and why aren't I invited and what's wrong with me?
Starting point is 00:19:10 It's going, okay, well, fine, I can't control that and that's their decision and I'm, you know, let them do that. But then it's the let me, my interpretation was turn it in on yourself and be like, well, how do I want to behave going forward? Do I want to invest in these relationships or should I let them go? Have I been as proactive as I should be or not? So I, you know, should I choose to actually reach out to these people and make more of an effort and then see if that pays dividends or not? Or should I accept that perhaps I'm working too much and don't really have time and I need to own that
Starting point is 00:19:42 or do I let them go because actually they're not nice people and it doesn't matter how hard I work they don't invite me so that's sort of ownership of self and what you do ownership of self that's exactly it yes which I think is actually really powerful and there was a lot of they talked a lot about um she talks about social media a lot which is interesting because both you and I sort of use that for work and I know both of us struggle with that sort of worry of what to post and will people like it well Well, it's also comparison is the thief of all joy. So you can use, you can be looking at what other people are doing. And again, the idea is that you're looking
Starting point is 00:20:11 at what other people are doing and you should also celebrate what other people are doing and not see it as like, oh God, they're doing better than me or they're perhaps winning more jobs than me. You just think, well, you're almost supposed to congratulate them from afar and say, well done you, well done. That's really great. Good on you. Good on you. And that will bring back, you know, then you'll feel better about yourself and in turn clear space to actually go and be more proactive about what you're doing because you're just letting them.
Starting point is 00:20:40 My love, it's so interesting you said that and it feels a bit vulnerable making to admit it, but actually one of the things I noticed was we've had a couple of really good news pieces in the studio recently and it's really noticeable who doesn't engage with that news in my work world. And so we'll announce something really big and exciting and get lots of congratulations from people not in the industry but there's this sort of gaping hole of silence from your peers. And I was thinking, oh my god, what are people thinking? Do they think I don't deserve this? Do they think, you know, all of this head and I was like, actually, and did the Mel Robbins, I was like, no, let them, you know, for whatever reason they aren't,
Starting point is 00:21:25 maybe they haven't seen it, or maybe they're not happy for me, or maybe they don't comment, or maybe whatever it is, whatever. However, what I can do is look at myself and go, do I congratulate people enough when they share good news, or do I just read it and push on? And I was like, no, I probably don't take the time
Starting point is 00:21:40 to write a message and say, well done. So from now on, what I will do as a positive contribution to the world so that I know I'm being a good egg is make sure that I congratulate people when I see their triumphs because it's easy just to scroll on, isn't it? So that's what I've taken from that.
Starting point is 00:21:56 I would say it is one of those books that, actually Brad bought it for me and it's a sort of very garish turquoise color, the book, which obviously doesn't go through my interiors at all. It's on my bedside table, but I do look at it at it and think oh i've got to tap into that and i read a few pages when i go to bed at night it sounds like you might have motored through a bit more than me are you an audible i'm listening to it okay i might try and do that but um the message is really there but i do think it's one of those books that you have to the idea of hearing
Starting point is 00:22:18 something again and again and again and again because the first time you read it you're like that's obvious and then it's really hard to apply. But I think it's like anything I think with any of those sort of I'm gonna call them self-help books you have to read right the way through to the end to actually understand how to implement it into your own life and for it to actually sink in. So I feel like I probably need to audible it and then just get really stuck in. Yeah I do really recommend it though I do think it just makes I think particularly as women we can worry a lot about what people think and I think learning to not. I think it does come with age but I think it also comes with
Starting point is 00:22:53 practice. Can I just very quickly add to this before we jump in some questions I met with Emily from furnishing futures yesterday as you know I'm a trustee on that charity and I probably you've probably all heard me talk about furnishing futures by now and the work they do but I had I went for a meeting with Emily because there's lots of exciting things going on this year for the charity and we were talking about women at the moment in the world and our place in the world and how it feels like we're about to take quite a few steps back which is quite a scary place to be. We as women must hold hands, we must support each other, we must raise each other up. Yes.
Starting point is 00:23:27 Okay, please, like just don't fight against each other. We are, we've got to act, we are, we make up half the world. So, and our position is becoming more and more fragile because of current world male leaders and we have to rise up and hold hands. Okay, girlies? Yes, no, we must champion, champion, champion. We want to see up and hold hands. Okay, girlies? Yes, no, we must. Champion, champion, champion. We want to see women succeeding. Good.
Starting point is 00:23:49 All right, my darling, on that note, should we jump into some of our lovely questions? Why the devil not? Oh, Paul, I've got one here. This is a good one because I'm so intrigued to know what you're gonna say, just purely because I'm having fence dramas at the moment. So, My Flower Tribe is asking you Polly thoughts on metal fences.
Starting point is 00:24:13 Tell me. Okay. Give it to me. When you say metal fences. I'm thinking like estate fencing. Like I love an estate rail fence. Like there's beautiful, you know, very minimalist black metal fencing that you find at beautiful houses on the weekend. The dream, love them, yes. I suspect you might be asking actually about proper fence panels made of metal. Oh right what does that look like? Oh god they're
Starting point is 00:24:37 on the market there are some of them out there they're quite big in the US I think which obviously I despise. No, no it's too cold, too hard, too... My goal with gardens is operations soften. We want soft, we want natural materials and there's something metal I think would be just... very industrial. Not a fan. Can I ask a quick second follow-up to quick and dirty? Yeah, what are your thoughts on wicker hurdling? I love wicker hurdling, but you have to warn clients if you use it that it is only going to last ten years at a Maximum. I mean ours has lasted two There's it depends how you treat it. So if you if you're gonna have really clearly not very well
Starting point is 00:25:21 It depends how you treat it. So if you're gonna have really beautiful- Clearly not very well. Wove a willow, you have to treat it and you have to look after it. And it does need replenishing every few years. We've got some amazing willow weavers who do the most incredible in situ, sort of beautiful trellises.
Starting point is 00:25:39 I adore them, but then they're not forever. They're a natural material. And so they will, it roads slightly with the weather, but I think they're not forever, they're a natural material and so they will, you know, it roads slightly with the weather, but I think they're stunning and if you're willing to invest in them, I think they're lovely as a trellis top sort of in the countryside if you've got like a brick wall
Starting point is 00:25:54 but you need a bit of privacy then I think, ooh delicious, or as kind of in vegetable gardens as sort of fronting. Gorgeous. Something like a sleeper bed. They're not metal fencing. Gorgeous. Something like a sleeper bed. Metal fencing. I don't think so, no. I think if she means full like panels of fence made of metal I think that's a world of problems in terms of like very hard, very cold.
Starting point is 00:26:16 Would it heat up in the sun as well and then it would bake the plants because ideally we want to cover the fences in plants and I can't imagine metal is the one for that. So unless it's an estate rail fence, no thank you. I'm gonna throw another one at you then. Oh, God, double worry. I know, I'm gonna really hit you hard here. So Mia is asking, how does Polly feel about decking
Starting point is 00:26:38 in lieu of paving? Well, it depends. We're basically doing a what does Polly like? We're doing a week. What does Polly like, what does Polly not like? Actually, you know, decking has its place, but there's decking and there's decking. So I like real woods, decking, dreamy. Obviously, it needs to be FSC timber and responsibly sourced. But the feel of like a really beautiful hardwood deck, say around a swimming pool
Starting point is 00:27:03 or over a pond, as this little pontoon, is heaven and then there's also places where you have to have a deck because if you've got a house which is really sort of high above the garden to fill that with hardcore and do paving would would cost a fortune and just not be very wise. So there are times where a deck is absolutely essential. There are a couple of good composites out there. We used millboards. Yes, the millboard is one of them. So we've used millboard. That was lovely. Yeah, that was nice. That can be really nice. I just, I'd always rather we used a natural material than a man-made, but millboard is a good option if you need a man-made one.
Starting point is 00:27:42 But I don't love the decking which is the really cheap, ridgy, you know, the one I'm talking about. It's sort of either soft wood which is just gonna rot so there's bad investment or the one dark sort of with the ridges facing upwards which sort of just looks... I really hate it. And obviously it goes without saying I'm not a big fan of like dark gray decks either. Okay, good. Like sort of warm browns or pale browns. But black fences.
Starting point is 00:28:11 But yeah, like they have their place, 100% have place, have their place. Thanks, Paul. Good, okay, that's quite enough garden. Okay, I've got one from Rachel. What do you think of column radiators when there's no wall space available? Is a column radiator one of those tall ones? It's a long, tall ones. Like a human height one. Yes. When there's no wall space available? Is a column radiator
Starting point is 00:28:25 one of those tall ones? Yes. When there's no wall space available? Oh let's hear it. What do you think? I really don't like them. They, radiators should be down low, they should be not seen. The reason they're down low, they're serving a purpose, they're a functional item that is warming your room and therefore when you're, when they're at eye level, you're seeing that functional item. It's a bit like, you don't want an air conditioning unit right in front of your face. But equally, if you've got nowhere else to put a radiator, I understand the need sometimes for them. We will fight tooth and nails to do anything we can to not have them.
Starting point is 00:29:05 tooth and nails do anything we can to not have them. Okay. Purely as well because they are, it just it looks very very it looks very modern and I just don't think radiators want to be at eye level. If you have to have one and there's absolutely nothing else you can do, obviously go and have a look somewhere like Best Heating does some column radiators that are more traditional in style and they're lovely. Like the Milano one. Like the Milano. The old fave for us. But even, you can even get more traditional than that. Almost like sort of cast iron looking column rads,
Starting point is 00:29:32 which are quite nice. But okay, if you're gonna do it, please go to the effort of getting it sprayed the same color as the wall. So if your wall is a lovely off white, get it sprayed the off white. It will make all the difference if Don't go with like black for instance, because it's gonna feel very heavy again at eye level
Starting point is 00:29:50 It all the difference in just having it blending in with the wall. So it'll look much more intentional. Okay fine So I wondered about that. Yeah, maybe if it's like tucked behind a door or something Yeah, no, okay You're blocking the heat from coming through the door, so it needs to be able to get the heat out into the room, the radiator. So it's a bit like if you have a radiator behind a sofa, don't then shove the sofa right in front of the radiator so that it's touching the radiator. Otherwise, you're not going to get any heat output into the room.
Starting point is 00:30:20 You have to give a bit of space between the back of the sofa and the radiator to allow the heat to allow the heat To actually do its thing Okay, you know Fandu casino daily jackpots guaranteed to hit by 11 p.m With your chance at the number one feeling winning which beats even the 27th best feeling saying I do who wants this last parachute I do daily jackpots a chance to win with every spin and a guaranteed winner by 11 p.m. every day.
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Starting point is 00:31:00 Please play responsibly. We all have that one friend whose opinion we trust on everything. For 63% of podcast listeners, that friend is their favorite podcast host. When Acast's podcasters endorse a brand, their audience listens and takes action. So if you want a recommendation that really sticks, put your brand in their hands. Book a HostRed sponsorship today by visiting slash ads. Okay. I've got another question about ugly things. Oh, okay. And this is from Charlotte.
Starting point is 00:31:33 What is the best way to hide wires around your bed when you've got a plug socket that's not in an ideal position? So she's got things like phone chargers or baby monitors. So you've got like that sort of nest of cables coming off your table. Oh, I know. I have a problem with this. Well, if you can see them there, it's in the wrong place because really they should be behind the bedside table. So either you get yourself a bedside table that covers the plug sockets and then you get a, what are those charging, the blocks that you can
Starting point is 00:32:05 plug all your things in. You can get little wire tidies. So if you're never going to move, if you're unplugging and plugging in every single day, which is just stupid, you shouldn't really be doing that, well get yourself a multi, what do they call it, you know, the plug with the multi-point plug things. Let's call it that. Let's call it a multi-point plug thing. Plug all your things in, and then get little wire, like a wire tidy thing. Okay. Very technical.
Starting point is 00:32:31 These are very technical terms. So if you want to go and look up thingy, wire thingies. Wire thingies, wire, wire tidy thingies. You're kind of quite limited if you've got loads of wires sticking out everywhere. There isn't, it's just wire tidies. There isn't really another option, I'm afraid. Just get them all off the floor.
Starting point is 00:32:46 I can't stand it when people have just got a trail of like wires just like all over the floor next to their bed. It's tricky though, isn't it? If the plugs are already where they are and you're not doing a remodel or anything or don't have any opportunity to move them. It's really annoying. It is really annoying.
Starting point is 00:33:01 We've actually gone really bougie once with a client where we actually made a we made the bedside tables with These sockets inside the drawer stop so that everything was inside the drawers is all fully tucked away But then you've got your baby monitor that needs to come and they had a little hole on the top with a wire came Mount at the top of the bedside table, but very niche very expensive So I'm not going to advise that necessarily. But I mean, we've gone even on projects, we've even gone as far as taping the wire
Starting point is 00:33:30 to the back of the bedside table, get some gaffer tape and actually take the wires to the back of the bedside table legs and behind so that you haven't just got them constantly trailing around. So it's not waggling around. You know, wagglers. No, no. And also you get really good charging blocks now. It's literally a charging block that you just put your phone on which I think looks nicer than a trail of wires sticking up as well.
Starting point is 00:33:52 My phone will not do that no matter what I buy for that. I don't know if it's the case is too thick or something. It could be your case and then your case has got to have one of those clever little mag things in it hasn't it? Oh, it's very annoying. Okay, right. Right, dashing back outside. This is quite an interesting one. Wild Atlantic Way Cottage, would you agree it is better
Starting point is 00:34:12 to plan for parking to the side of your house so that you... Oh, so that it's not sort of parking front. Well, wherever possible, and this is, you know, only really in more country places, we will try and get it so that your cars aren't outside your sort of living room window the windows that you use let me reverse here and start this again when we are designing driveways one of the first things we'll do is look at the rooms in the house which look onto the driveway and figure out if they're high use or not so if
Starting point is 00:34:42 it's the playroom for example example, or sometimes the kitchen, then that's really going to inform where we want the cars to be. Because ideally, I don't want you looking at cars while you're relaxing watching television or washing the sink. Washing the sink, washing the dishes. Well, you can wash the sink after you've washed the dishes.
Starting point is 00:35:00 Exactly. But if it's a kid's playroom or a dining room that rarely gets used, then it's a kids playroom or a dining room that rarely gets used then it's a bit different. So it's for us our goal is to try and make you not look at cars whether you're in the house or in the garden so that's why we'll always try and if you've got a wraparound garden we'll always try and sort of divide it off so that if you're in your back garden you're not looking at your driveway. Although sometimes we get a brief that people want to look at
Starting point is 00:35:24 cars you know if they've got their enthusiast whatever. So yes if you your driveway. Although sometimes we get a brief that people want to look at cars, you know, if they've got their enthusiast, whatever. So yes, if you have the space to have your cars to the side so that they're not sort of in the main view of your main rooms, I would, I think that's nicer because then we've got opportunities for planting and more attractive views. But that's really only possible if you've got quite a wide driveway, isn't it? Most of us end up having to park sort of somewhere in front of it. But if you can avoid it, I would. I've got that issue at mine,
Starting point is 00:35:49 every night where my car parks on the side of the house and I hate seeing them. I don't know what it is. Well, in our design, we've gone and done loads of planting so that you won't see the cars. Exactly. You see? Yes, it's very clever you are. OK, let's go with a question from M. Oh, we're back on the subject of rugs, which we touched on earlier. I would love some tips on how to choose a rug.
Starting point is 00:36:08 Everything feels like it won't work with existing curtains. Oh, that's tricky. How do you choose a rug, my friend? So if you've got a bold pattern on your curtains, then you're gonna tend to want to go with something a bit more plain on the rug. It's as simple as that, really. So if you're struggling to find, oh, God, I talk about this, I feel like I sort of... tell me if I sound boring, Paul.
Starting point is 00:36:29 I think the rug is really important that it ties in with everything in the room. I always think of the rug as one of the very final pieces in a room. It's a bit like artwork. It's like the rug and the rug and the artwork can actually have a massive impact on completely transforming a room. It's a bit like artwork. It's like the rug and the rug and the artwork can actually have a massive impact on completely transforming a room. So you've got to get it right. You either want a rug to be quite shouty, but if it's in a bedroom it's obviously going to be sitting mostly under the bed. Yes. If you've already got quite shouty curtains then you're going to probably want to go with something a bit more neutral if that's your vibe. If it's a big bold pattern on your curtains you could go with something
Starting point is 00:37:03 like a soft pattern or even like a Berber style. So it's a pattern but simple. Or just go with a lovely plain. Like it could just be a really nice sizel, a lovely sort of woven. Yeah, woven or even a tufted wool that's got a nice border on it. That can always look quite nice in a bedroom.
Starting point is 00:37:21 Just sort of helps to smarten it up a bit. The border on the rug, you could choose something, you can basically go to a carpet company and they will border it for you. So you can choose a linen or a cotton or a twill or a nice sort of border to go around the outside. And they'll do that for you, it can't even have a piping. And you can choose the colour of that border and it can be anything and therefore you can pick up the color in the border in your curtains. Oh that's a nice touch. So but just make sure the colors do sort of work together so I don't know what color your curtains are
Starting point is 00:37:51 but pick something in the undertones where I always feel like I'm a bit boring I bang on about undertones just make sure the tones in your rug are going to suit the color of the tones on your carpet. And do you do you have any general rules about patterns with rugs whether you should go big pattern small pattern Is there anything to look for if it's sitting under a bed? Then you're not going to see the pattern and therefore go something small So you didn't you don't want something where your your bed is completely hiding what the whole pattern is is that's a bit pointless It's pointless a big pattern drug might be nicer under somewhere like a dining table that you can actually get sort of with you know
Starting point is 00:38:23 Dining tables on legs legs you can really see the whole pattern but under a bed I'd go with something smaller pattern it could be a little like a coffee table over it when you're thinking of an antique rug sometimes the center of the rug you'll notice that it has a large pattern right in the middle so you sometimes have a border that's called a medallion and the medallion is, but other rugs, other Persian rugs just don't, they're sort of all over the same pattern. And I think if you are, if it's a very centralized room and you're going to have a coffee table on legs, then you can work with a medallion or indeed if you're not going to put anything on it,
Starting point is 00:38:58 but don't bother getting a Persian rug that has a big circular medallion in the middle of it and then end up plonking a bit of furniture on the top of it, it won't look right. So you want something with a very even pattern, you see. Oh, that's a good tip. Yeah. Okay, one to consider. Well, I think that's enough of that. All right then. Well, that leads me to ask you, Jojo, what is in and what's out this week? What is in for me and I'm going to take it back to pajamas
Starting point is 00:39:26 is really long baggy cotton pajamas bottoms just really oversized. I have to say I got them on ASOS um if anyone knows any great places to get I'm obviously so tall it's really hard for me to find things that don't flap around my shins where they don't look like they've had a fight with the floor. So that's probably why I'm so scarred about short curtains you see, it's because of my relationship with trousers. It's a deeply, it's quite scarring for me. I get it. The hunt for the appropriately lengthened trousers. They either have to be literally trailing on the floor or that sort of you know mom mom length
Starting point is 00:40:08 So anyway, that's my um, that's my end is just I just love them like as soon as I walk in the house Everything off pajamas on I love it. No, I'm like, yeah, are you like that? I mean, I suppose you're in a new relationship. So but John we haven't gone there. Yeah, have you? Well, to be honest, I wear very comfy clothes to work anyway. If I'm in the office, I'm just wearing some slouchy, slouchy soft jeans or something anyway. Oh, I'm in jeans off. I'm like in the house jean. If I'm wearing a pair of jeans to work, I literally step foot in the house. Yeah, but your jeans tend to be a little bit more form-fitting and mine are a little bit more slouch. Do you find it comfortable to sort of sit around the house and, oh, here's a little bit more form-fitting and mine are a little bit more slouch. Do you find them comfortable to sort of sit around the house and,
Starting point is 00:40:46 oh, here's a little free tip guys, which this is really important. If you are buying a pair of brand new jeans, brand new denim jeans, do not go and sit on a lovely oatmeal sofa with them because the denim will wear off. Black jeans, denim jeans, denim will come off on furniture and you'll very quickly stain your furniture.
Starting point is 00:41:11 So if you see someone walking in the house and you know in a pair of dark blue jeans and they're going to sit on your... you have to be very... put something down. Pop a bit of newspaper down. Not newspaper, no! No! Maybe like a dog bed. A scrappy old cheat. Anyway, right, what's in for you? White Lotus. Oh my God, we haven't watched it.
Starting point is 00:41:35 I mean, I've watched the other, the two previous. Is it good, the new one? So good, I just love it. I bloody love White Lotus. God, it's so clever. I just think it's the satire in it and the sort of observation of different dynamics. In this one, this isn't spoilers, I just love it. It's so clever. I just think it's the satire in it and the sort of observation of different dynamics.
Starting point is 00:41:47 There's in this one, this isn't spoilers, but one of the group is three friends and it captures so beautifully that slightly bitchy dynamic of three friends together. I love it. Oh my God, I can't wait to watch it. Oh, it's delicious. Highly recommend if you haven't watched it yet.
Starting point is 00:42:02 Okay, I'm jumping in. Right, and what's out? I mean, my gray hair's out. That's it. Highly recommend if you haven't watched it yet. Okay, I'm jumping in. Right, and what's out? I mean, my grey hair's out. That's it. My first grey hair. That's what's out with me. I mean, my roots are unacceptable, but I just haven't had time, nor do I really care enough to do anything about it. So maybe our hair this week is what's out. What's out is just hair. Hair care.
Starting point is 00:42:22 Could do with a little bit of... Some and some and... The old tune-up is needed. I'm starting to just lose and early 40s I'm just thinking, do you know what, I'm just starting to lose the will, you know? It just doesn't feel like it matters anymore. Well I'm not sure that it does my friend. In the grand scheme of things. It doesn't. Screw the hair. She says with all my hair falling out in my hands. All right guys, well we love you very much. Until next week. Adieu.
Starting point is 00:42:50 But don't forget to like, subscribe, share. Sorry Nanny. Sorry Nanny. Yes please go to that. Come on now. Couldn't forget that, could we? All right my darling. Right.
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