The Ins & Outs - What Is In & What Is Out for 2024

Episode Date: January 10, 2024

In this episode, we discuss what is in and what is out in for 2024.We take a look at what the major trends are going to be for this year in the house and in the garden.Plus, Polly opens up to Jojo on ...her rollercoaster year as "New Years Resolutions" are put in place to make 2024 the year of fun!This episode is brought to you by Ca'pietra. Home of the most beautiful tiles, from marble to stone to ceramic and of course the most gorgeous terracotta, that you would have seen in so many of our projects at House Nine Design. Click the link below to check out them out!Sponsors - @the_insandouts_Jojo - @houseninedesignPolly - @pollyanna_wilkinsonProducer Andy - @andy_rowe_WebsitesJojo - - Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:02:27 It's sponsored by one of my absolute favourite suppliers, Capietra, home of the most beautiful tiles, from marble to stone to ceramic, and of course, the most gorgeous terracotta that you will have seen in so many of our projects. Head to to check out their lusciousness. In this very first episode back of the year, we are going to be talking our newest resolutions and what is trending in 2024 from candy stripes to ruffles, releasing the Nun and Saltburn a movie that you should absolutely not watch with your parents like I did and of course what is in and what's out. Happy New Year! I've missed you.
Starting point is 00:03:01 I've missed you too. How are you pal? How was your Christmas and New Year? Um, oh there's question, isn't there? That good? Well, tricky, isn't it? Highs and lows. No, so Christmas, obviously, tough old year. So Christmas was a tricky first for us,
Starting point is 00:03:20 but really special to be with the little boys. And they're so, oh oh gosh just seeing the wonder it's the wonder of Christmas for for smalls it's just so special isn't it so that was very magical and then I whisked myself and the kiddos off to Florida for a week in the sort of sun wasn't very warm with my folks which was utter heaven for everyone that doesn't know what you're talking about Paul come on let's get a little bit deep over here a little bit personal why was it a tough Christmas for you well it was the so obviously last year I went through a divorce which was quite frankly the most horrendous thing I think I've ever been through
Starting point is 00:04:00 worse than childbirth no I just it awful year last year was horrendous and very lonely and very sad and professionally wonderful personally agonizing frankly so yeah it was the it was the first Christmas post-divorce having been there myself pal the one good thing I can say about childbirth and divorce is that both come with their rewards one's more immediate but the latter does come later i can assure you one doesn't damage the pelvic floor quite so much no we know about that no luckily one doesn't but you'll have some fun with a pelvic floor following the horse both involve the pelvic floor that I can assure you my friend but I'm sorry that must have been a tough tough one a tough Christmas but it's an interesting one isn't it because I think a lot of uh you know marketing around Christmas is about perfect
Starting point is 00:04:59 families and and happy times and I think Christmas is challenging for a lot of people so it was a new path to walk but I'm very grateful to have that year behind me and 2024 is a new year it's amazing the psychology of just jumping into a new year isn't it how it can instantly change your mindset but anyway we'll get to that tell me about yours mine was absolutely lovely i shall we'll go into some new year's resolutions shortly but um i had i actually can honestly say i had such a lovely christmas um with the family and had my parents to stay for christmas who are always such good fun they love a drink um and they are just i just love them and they're in their late 70s now so time with them is is always quite precious and the kids adore them they adore the kids so it was really special and then we had my sister and her husband Pete and the kids over on Boxing Day which was lovely equally lovely we played um we actually played quite a bit of um what's that brilliant
Starting point is 00:06:03 card game games uh Cards of Humanity. Oh, God, I love that game. Oh, my goodness. Have you ever played Cards of Humanity? I mean, it really appeals to my filthy humour. It's so fucking brilliant. So, oh, just the best thing in the world. The issue with playing it with my family is that we're all absolute dirtbags.
Starting point is 00:06:21 And therefore, when you all want that really nasty card the really rotten one the really really rotten one we played that quite a lot and my mum turns out is even filthier than me we had lovely christmas drunk too much ate too much apart from that nothing really support from christmas apart from i really fully totally and utterly switched off and i was i said it last year my last you know the last episode we recorded together I was absolutely on my knees at the end you were and it was really the break that I needed and I fully switched off from work and I think it's the only holiday really that anybody everybody sort of switches off and therefore you all get a break from everyone it was lovely it was really nice um I completely agree there's something about oh I love that magic time of year where everyone leaves you alone I just think it's
Starting point is 00:07:11 heaven I did the exact same I zoomed off to Florida um straight after Christmas and to see my folks and that was utter heaven to have help with the smalls and utter bliss to have almost 10 days with my folks who were looking after me and my babies um really special special memories so lovely to be away and to not read emails for 10 days it was heaven now obviously we had a good old chat with dr tara have you got any resolutions have you been manifesting I know do you know I always think I'm not gonna have any New Year's resolutions I'm quite happy the way things are but actually when you take that reset over Christmas you do start thinking of things that you can do differently and number one for me and I have written these down and I have started
Starting point is 00:08:02 a vision board um and actually Brad and I went off and did a little half day together where we actually looked at the year ahead and our goals and I think actually it's quite important I don't know if some people are like oh sod those but I'm not one for giving up drinking and that sort of thing that's just silly um that would just be that would just be daft but I do think my number one resolution for this year and actually I have actually written these down is is self-care it's just saying no to things I'm really bad at just saying yes to everything and then I get myself in trouble because I overbook myself and then I end up feeling terrible because I have to cancel things and I I I overrun on everything meetings everything and
Starting point is 00:08:46 I've got to start saying no I've bought myself a paper diary for the first time ever everything I usually do electronically on on calendar on my laptop but I've started writing now what I'm doing for the week ahead and actually planning it because I figure if I put it in black and white in a in a diary I can't change it so easily and I can very easily see that I can't actually do that other thing that I'm hoping to squeeze into that day with a thousand other things so that's worked for me so far it's been one day back and I think it's working I love it anything else so that's and uh what other oh well there's a there's a trend I don't like trends we don't like trends we're going to talk about trends
Starting point is 00:09:24 shortly aren't we but there is a trend that's flying around that I've seen, which I actually quite like, which was you write what's in and out. And I know we're the ins and outs and we call this the ins and outs. And I don't know if you've seen this, but it's called the ins and outs trend where you write the however many things that you think are in for your year ahead. And then the same amount of things that are out do you think that we inspired that oh my god maybe we did maybe we're that big time we are that influential that's that worldwide social media trend that's us thank you everyone out there for listening that's amazing of you guys so here's so here's some of my tell me my ins yes saying no thank you yes saying no thank i love that I put thank you because I'm so polite.
Starting point is 00:10:06 Instead of saying no, saying no, thank you. Self-care. Spending my evenings reading. Book writing because that's on the top of my agenda. Daily stretches because I am 80. Small walks every day. A capsule wardrobe. Yes.
Starting point is 00:10:21 Forgiveness. Gratitude. These sort of things. Anyway, out. What's out time wasting scrolling evenings watching tv crap tv actually i've written too tight clothing that can be out uh imposter syndrome see ya uh people with bad energy see ya yeah and then excel spreadsheets so hold on hold on let me just you've just cantered through those. You've cantered through those outs.
Starting point is 00:10:51 And that is fertile soil, my friend, to till, to plough. Thank you. I don't know the analogy. Let's dive deeper into those because I'm intrigued. I'm most intrigued and also most triggered by you removing watching television in the evenings because what else do you do i would get this is genuinely my new my my new thing i'm going to start doing is that 9 p.m i'm going to start taking myself to bed okay i'm going to do this i'm going to take my herbal tea and i'm
Starting point is 00:11:15 going to get in bed don't call me lame out there people you're not lame um i'm going to get into bed and i'm going to start i'm going to start reading more books because I get into this habit of just sitting on the sofa with my laptop and working whilst watching shit TV and it's just not conducive to a healthy mind or indeed good sleep. And so I'm going to start reading before bed but also what this means in turn is I'm going to start getting up earlier. So I'm going to try and start sleeping at 10 and then i'm going to start getting up at six
Starting point is 00:11:48 um getting up at six for me is like the most alien habit it's i hate it if it's dark outside and my alarm goes off i'm like that's the challenge isn't it it's the darkness i can get up at six if it's like if it's dark i'm like a hibernating bear no I know it's really hard but then I figure if you've had a really good night's sleep then you don't feel quite so icky about getting out of bed at six for sure you know you've had a good eight hours yes and then I want to get up do my stretching my pilates walk around the block whatever it is just a bit of me time before the kids then wake up and you know all hell breaks loose I love this also can we just hop into um too tight clothing I to be honest it's jeans like it's when you get those jeans that cut up your nun and they and they just and you can see
Starting point is 00:12:37 the button almost pulling at the top where it pulls the denim so you just and you just keep convincing yourself they're good they're good they're fine they're fine I'm just gonna suck in a little bit I'm fed up with sucking in you shouldn't have to suck in when we're sitting down no i just let it go you know and you just keep squeezing yourself in free the free that little tight nun hashtag free the nun i i speak for myself free the nun yeah i think just just get rid i'm a real sort of like i've had a real good cleanse this christmas i i chucked out like those cables you know when you've got drawers of cables like Yeah, I think just get rid. I'm a real sort of like, I've had a real good cleanse this Christmas. I chucked out like those cables,
Starting point is 00:13:08 you know, when you've got drawers of cables, like 15 of the same thing. And you think you must hold onto them just in case they might be needed one day, 18 years down the line you don't. So I had a massive clean out and I did the same with clothes and tight clothing was one of them. And actually, I just think loose clothing these days
Starting point is 00:13:22 is kind of a bit trendier. It is. You know, like bigger think loose clothing these days is kind of a bit trendier. It is. You know, like bigger jumpers, bigger t-shirts. You know, it's all about the sort of high-waisted, wider mum trousers and things. You know, we don't need to be squeezing ourselves into these little itty-bitty things anymore. I mean, for God's sake, I'm 41 years old. You look spectacular. You could wear a bin bag and you would be glorious.
Starting point is 00:13:42 But, you know. Darling, stop it. Oh, darling, stop it. Well, if it's an oversized bin bag, then yes. And you would be glorious but you know darling stop it um darling stop it well if it's an oversized bin bag then yes and you would rock skinny bin bag then it's out absolutely not if it's tight on the nun it's gone no bin bags on the nun so what else is out out is um is imposter syndrome now it's it's going it's very nearly gone i think it's nearly gone my imposter syndrome and like i said in i think the very first episode we ever spoke about this was when you have your own business. And it takes a while to build up confidence in everything you're doing and in your abilities.
Starting point is 00:14:14 But I think we all hold a little bit of imposter syndrome. And I think it takes work. And I think it's that inner voice telling you sometimes someone's better or that's better or they can do better and and that's the thing I'm going to work so hard at getting rid of because there's so much I think we waste so much time on sort of putting negative fears in our brains in our heads every day and I think it comes down to that just giving yourself you know speaking to yourself nicely breaking down that imposter syndrome that's a big one for me yourself nicely, breaking down that imposter syndrome. That's a big one for me this year.
Starting point is 00:14:47 Have you got imposter syndrome, Paul? Like much like you, I feel it diminish. And every year I work with the studio and work with people newer to the industry, I realize quite how much I know, which is a really lovely feeling, actually, isn't it? When you when you have faith in your own. I think it goes with experience definitely yeah definitely goes with experience and i do think what's that expression uh what is it it's um something is the thief of joy what is it comparison comparison is the thief of joy and i think usually comparison is where imposter syndrome can creep in because you're looking too hard at what everyone else is doing and I always say don't look at what everyone else is doing because that's when you start to doubt your own abilities and it's so true and I think that's sometimes why it's
Starting point is 00:15:32 absolutely essential why we take breaks from social media and we have proper social media detoxes because that is the only way that you can properly compare yourself to everyone else in the world what they're doing and everything you see on social media is just a, it's a smoke screen. I had a really good saying actually from Mel Robbins. I love Mel Robbins. If you, if you don't follow her, you should, incredibly positive woman. And she says you should be comparing yourself to yourself. You should be looking at yourself from a year ago and seeing if you feel better or worse are you are you kind of happy with who you are for yourself as opposed to to anyone else I just thought actually that's a very good point yeah I love that yeah I think
Starting point is 00:16:17 it's also about I think and I actually one of my outs is people with bad energy and I don't tend to surround myself with many of those people but I think you know when you're looking at something or when you're with someone and they're making you feel it's making you feel a bit icky or it's making you feel a bit bad about yourself it just stop looking at it don't be friends with them anymore move on from that because that's that tends to be because they're not on the same energy vibe as you and you just need to let it go have you heard about the sort of radiators and drains theory uh oh no well i'm sure i know yes tell me that people either make you feel warm like a radiator or empty like a drain and so you should seek to surround yourself with radiators pal if that's the truth then you are a sauna to
Starting point is 00:17:06 me oh you stop it you're the sahara desert you are hate you are the sun itself stop this oh i want to burn next to you that's but you did but isn't this the truth when you surround yourself with really good positive people you feel great you know you've got those friends that you you hang out with and they just you come away and you're just beaming like a sunbeam and then you come away from other friends you're like why do I feel a bit sketchy why do I feel a little bit like down and then you just question you know what maybe that's just not really the right friend for me do you know what pal if there's one thing I've learned last year painful lesson to learn you quickly learn who your friends are when you go through any sort of loss and i
Starting point is 00:17:51 don't have a lot of drains left because the radiators run to you at a time of torment and the drains leave you alone and use comments such as we thought it was better just to leave you alone or we didn't know what to say so i think it I think it's um there are lots of different ways to feel energy isn't there and I think it was a valuable lesson in sort of absolutely uh who to keep close so I know what you'll be amazed a divorce yeah a divorce is a great way to have your drains a great time to have your drains cleared out actually yeah again get the old flush yeah give it a flush when I went through a divorce it's actually when you're getting divorced
Starting point is 00:18:28 when you're getting when you're going through a divorce you don't actually think you want those friends out of your life but you very quickly realize afterwards that then they're not friends because of the way they behave when you actually get divorced which is really sad and at the time it's really upsetting because you think these people are your friends then they turn out not to be but you'll be interested to see how in life as it goes on and then you move into your next life how people do they can come back and then they can move away and they can and that's just friendships in general isn't it well it's like what dr tara said actually which i think is really interesting which is that you bond with people at a similar
Starting point is 00:19:02 place to you emotionally, energetically life stage. Didn't she? So it's a, it's a really interesting one to see. Yes. I think just more positivity is, is a great,
Starting point is 00:19:16 it's a great goal for the next year. And it's yeah. I mean, divorce as much as anything. People don't like to go near it. It's like, they think it's catching. So what I want to know is on national divorce day does one have a party we should I think when
Starting point is 00:19:32 you're going when you're going through divorce it's the most horrific heartbreaking you feel like a failure and you feel like you've let everyone in your life down especially your family and you feel like yeah you feel pretty rotten I fully know where you where you you've been over the last you know year but I do think when you've sort of come out the other side and you find yourself again like Dr Tara said and she talked us through all that that period of liminality wasn't it that's it love that word um you almost like shed the sort of outer layer of your onion don't you and then you just are this like you feel new again you feel like you find yourself and you
Starting point is 00:20:10 don't have to prove yourself to anyone I am the inside of an I am now and I said you are my friend beautiful fresh onion make you cry um so yeah shall I tell you my resolutions tell me pal I've really harped on about mine I want to hear yours well first of all much like you I despise resolutions um largely because I always fail at them all the time um so I have done my vision board thank you Dr Tara it's up so when I wake up I look at it every day and it's got it's kind of split between work and work and play and um the work ones i i shan't bore you with but the the life ones so in light of the is it called an anus horribilis a horrible year is that like a horrible anus yeah it's just like a horrible anus i mean mean, it was that horrible.
Starting point is 00:21:07 Those Greek, they were funny, weren't they? It was a year of horribleness. So in light of said misery and loneliness and crap, this year is the year of fun. Here are the things that I'm doing. Here are my positive steps. I want to sort out the old face, the old fizzog. So it's a big year for collagen. What do you need to sort out the old face the old fizzog so it's a big year for collagen what do you need to sort out about your face well I'm just I feel like a haggard old crone and I want to look dewy
Starting point is 00:21:33 and fresh I mean people say god you look so no energized so I'm bringing in the collagen I'm gonna just really be devout about that and vitamins and um just looking after my skin because I don't think I've done that full disclosure I don't wash my face every night what of it I know I know what would Kate absolutely filth bag I am also going to try and do something which is so deeply unpleasant but I need to do it because I don't want to, you know, perimenopausal. I want to be strong and healthy. I've bought a treadmill and I'm going to try and run 5K. Like try and make 5K like a thing I can do without it being a big deal. And I despise exercise more than life itself.
Starting point is 00:22:19 Because of last year, self-care plummeted. So it's the year of fun and health so I'm gonna run wish me luck I'm gonna do couch to 5k to start with and then I'm gonna sort out my skin with a load of collagen and then I'm gonna travel loads so I've booked trips um I'm going to some really fun places and it's just gonna be I just travel brings me such joy it's amazing just that week away in Florida with my family has completely like reset me and I'm ready to go I'm so much more motivated with work and with life and hell I even want to exercise now so something's changed so I think and it's an amazing way to gain inspiration for work as well yeah good pal I'm really pleased to hear it I
Starting point is 00:23:03 would just like to just add in there that your face is beautiful and you do not need to change it for anyone do it for you of course but your face is wonderful just as it is moving on to the next sort of part of our podcast um we've sort of delved into the ins and outs now haven't we what's in and out in the terms of resolutions um but why don't we talk about um probably one of the next hot topics is trends something i know you love polly yeah i'm really interested to talk to you about this actually my friend um because i i've noticed a lot of these um social media posts about what's in and what's out this year and i've got to say my initial reaction is it leaves me quite cold I don't actually
Starting point is 00:23:45 like trends in design because that ends up with um outdated design so that makes me feel a bit funny but I am curious to know what your trend forecast is for 2024 regardless I fully agree with you wholeheartedly ah I do because I always one of the things I am most proud of in our designs is that I like to think that we are fairly timeless that our designs are quite timeless so I don't tend to follow trends however I think naturally we are drawn to certain things for instance we've spoke about a lot last year, the color brown. That essentially is a trend, whether you like to think it's a trend or not. And you might think, oh, my God, I'm doing something so new over here.
Starting point is 00:24:35 It's probably a bit different with gardens, but it's certainly something in interiors that happens a bit like fashion, where just naturally we start becoming drawn to things. And it's usually because it is a trend. puts it out there we see it more somebody picks it up somebody else does it and then slowly but surely it's everywhere you see yeah it's almost like hopping on a trend it's there are trends that are like you know hanging glass chairs and um feature walls um and then i think there are trends that are slightly more subtle and timeless. I think you can have timeless trends. So let's hear it. What else is going to be full trends for the interiors? Then we've got Brown. We know this. What else? Well, let me tell you,
Starting point is 00:25:15 let me tell you one, interestingly, that is, so this is where I say that trends can come along and you don't necessarily have to pick up on them but people will pick up on them and you will then see more of it and funnily enough something which I thought I would probably never use again in any of my designs is chrome yeah that's what I was gonna ask you about that chrome it's much like silver jewelry isn't it silver jewelry is becoming very popular again and I wondered whether that was what was informing that. Well, it's retro futuristic. So it's seeing chrome softened and curved into fluid, organic shapes. So you'll start to see it come in inside tables and vases and things that can be organic and small.
Starting point is 00:25:58 And actually, again, it's like anything. If it's done well, it's brilliant. But it's just it's amazing how these trends sort of come and go. But ruffles, ruffles is another one, which I know at the moment you're seeing a lot of these beautiful striped ruffled cushions around. They're everywhere, aren't they? That's apparently a big trend for 2024. Curtains. So you'll see, again, it's, again, when we say trends for 2024, we've already been using them because as designers, we tend to pick up on trends early and then they get sort of go out to you know mass market then you start seeing
Starting point is 00:26:29 everybody doing it so although you'll see it in a lot of designers work you'll then people then pick it up in and then start doing it in their own homes for instance cafe curtains was huge for us last year the whole of last year we're doing it and then you'll now see everybody doing it this year 2024 everywhere everybody will be doing these little short cafe curtains little cafe little curtains under sinks curtains as dividers in rooms that's quite a big one what else window seats candy canes candy cane stripes I mean that's that's huge again that ties in really nicely with the ruffles which people have seen a lot of in so that's quite maximalist then isn't it i wouldn't say that that was sort of natural and minimalistic it is it's sort of it's almost like everything's going a little bit mildly 70s vibes slightly 70s like fluted wall paneling is making a comeback
Starting point is 00:27:17 what's fluted wall paneling fluted means that it's strips of strips of paneling very thin strips right so it's sort of can you roll your fingers up and down it yeah color so you hope colors making a color colors making a comeback just color lacquer color fun i think there's a bit of fun coming back into interiors so there's a few interior design trends to look out for my friends you know that i can be a bit of a trend magpie when it comes to interiors and i'm sure many of our listeners can too how best to play it when you see that gorgeous gingham ruffly cushion or you suddenly realize you want a very bold candy stripe sofa like how can you incorporate trends that we all fall in love with without doing something you're going
Starting point is 00:28:13 to regret in a few years time i think like i like anything i think it's doing it tastefully and don't rush into it i think sit with it make sure it's something you want to do, plan it before buying it. I mean, big purchases such as sofas or curtains, those are obviously a much more expensive purchase. Whereas if you're talking about wanting to bring that style into your, or that, you know, that trend into your home, then something like cushions is a brilliant way of doing so. It's inaffordable.
Starting point is 00:28:44 You can change it up um side tables i mean you you can yeah you can layer so i think the small things like layering rugs cushions small side tables lamps is a great way of bringing in a trend without you know going over the top so do it more with your accessories rather than like your big purchases i would say more yeah yeah i know but unless you absolutely love it and and you like that sort of maximalist look and you think do you know what i want to go candy stripe sofa um then go for it just just know that it might have it might have a place for a while and then perhaps in five years you might think oh might go the way of the navy sofa but yeah but then there are certain things like i mean zelig tiles have been around
Starting point is 00:29:32 for a long time now and they're still seeing a trend into 2024 i was thinking they're quite timeless it depends how you lay them oh interesting timeless it depends on the color yeah the color the position i mean you can get zelig tiles come in every sort of style format color um and it's there it very much depends on the color that you're selecting so if you're going with sort of a broad neutral off whites then of course they're going to be extremely timeless if you're going with that sort of putty orange or brown the likelihood is they might have a bit of a shelf life but it depends what you're going with that sort of putty orange or brown the likelihood is they might have a bit of a shelf life but it depends what you're doing with them to make them feel timeless so are you adding
Starting point is 00:30:11 sanitary wear that's bright chrome for instance that's of the time now or are you going to go with something that's an antique brass that's traditional that will stand the test of time yeah so it's it's just kind of being considerate about how you put it all how you put it all together um and just just i always say don't rush into things if you're not 100 just sleep on it and then have another look at it and also work out what it's going to go with everything in your space as well i think what's happening in funny enough last year and and the year before the this sort of very muted neutral style across the board was has been in for quite a while that I think will always be here to stay because I think people like living
Starting point is 00:30:51 with that but I think when you look at trends they tend to be things that stand out that have an impact it also depends you can you for instance rattan is now seeing a you know a bit of a um an awakening and I think it's how it's how it's used and in what format so I think design's looking a bit more glamorous this year it's looking a bit more fun you've got organic shapes you've got things that are slightly more modular you've got organic shaped side tables and lamps and lacquer and a bit more color and stripes you can imagine it feels all a bit more fun a bit more playful are there trends for 24 in the garden I mean if there are trends then I will try and avoid them only because I think I think there are definitely movements in the garden and I'll dive into that and what those movements are but trends in terms of materiality I try and avoid like a barge pole because they much like
Starting point is 00:31:47 you've said they date so quickly and then we're called in to these gardens which were designed 15 years ago usually interestingly emerald finnell the director was talking about how it's usually the rule of thumb is something starts to make you cringe about 15 years later and that's why she set salt burn when she did um great movie you should watch it but uh i hope i'm not misquoting it's freaking creepy it's what it is a good film salt burn is so creepy did you i loved the bit at the end i won't ruin it for anyone who hasn't seen it but the end scene is absolutely brilliant how good's the last scene brilliant i'm just freaking weird don't watch it with your mum and dad. That's what I did.
Starting point is 00:32:26 Oh my God. Jojo. No, I would have cringed my way through that with the parents. My mum was like, what's he doing there? Why is he doing that? What's he doing in the bath? What's he doing exactly? I was like, oh God.
Starting point is 00:32:38 I was like, please don't make me explain what he's doing. Anyway, anyway, back to the trends. She was like, what's he up to? 15, yeah, so 15 years so i think it's quite that classic thing it's like when you go into gardens now and they've got that water feature with the tongue that i go on about and lots of white render it's it's the things that you saw early to mid 2000s so trends leave me very cold and much like you jojo i like to think that our designs are more classic than that that said there are movements not so much in terms of materiality in terms of trends
Starting point is 00:33:11 but movements one that our industry talks about a lot and I am going to say something quite scary right now because it won't be popular our industry talks a lot about how there's an increasing trend for sustainability and eco-friendly design. I would love to think that this was a trend and I believe it absolutely is within the industry and it's our number one priority in the studio and across the industry is championing sustainable design, promoting environments which are more wildlife friendly, more drought tolerant and just kinder on the planet. That is 100% our priority within the industry. And that is undisputable. That is a trend within the industry. Do I think that that has trickled out into the general public? Yes and no. We certainly work with some wonderful clients who really care about that but equally I see plenty of stuff in the media or renovations etc but that's not really people's priority so my hope is and I'm sure the hope of
Starting point is 00:34:13 the entire industry is that more sustainable design is something which becomes not only a trend but a fact of life but it needs more buy-in so So, and obviously I fully endorse that. I hope that does become a trend. Also, I mean, is this a trend? Something that I'm noticing that clients are asking more and more is covered outdoor spaces. It's the biggest head scratcher for us to design, but people want to be able to be in their garden,
Starting point is 00:34:41 but not rained on. And so that's some sort of covered pergola basically the in there isn't that much out there yet which ticks that box and solves that problem but I definitely notice it's something that people want so I guess you would say the trend was a desire to spend more time in your garden throughout the year as opposed to just in the summer um i don't think that's new for 2024 i think 2023 was big for that too but just that how a garden is used being able to use it like a living room year round is definitely a big trend and then um i do think the pantone color of the year will inform some planting schemes as well. We've already had some people asking about it.
Starting point is 00:35:26 Those sort of fuzzy apricots moving away from just purple and green, which obviously I love. It's a very classic colour scheme that a lot of people love. But I think actually moving more towards candy colours. So that really electric pink and apricots, very buttery, soft yellow yellow it's not that acrid yellow that offends a lot of people i think there will be moved to sort of brighter more varied planting schemes and then finally one which has been bubbling along for a year or two now is uh drought tolerant planting although it's been a really interesting year for that because the summer was very wet. It wasn't a boiling hot summer. And so all of the talk about drought tolerant planting from 18 months ago when it was a boiling hot summer and everyone thought, quick, we need to
Starting point is 00:36:14 plant everything drought tolerant. The irony is now we've had an unspeakably wet six months, year. And so suddenly it's not not just drought tolerant it's actually summer drought tolerant but also it needs to withstand so it's more about really resilient planting rather than drought tolerant so those are the the things I'm noticing when you say candy colors what do you mean are you what's the sort of good way to use them and how you shouldn't use them so i think what's really fun about this is um and i've banged on about this loads there are so many opportunities to have different schemes in your garden and rather than thinking right i want the whole thing to be pink and white or green and white whatever if you look at it more as an opportunity to be playful
Starting point is 00:37:02 in different seasons then you can have a lot more fun with your plants and you can bring in different combinations. So you can still have your purples and whites if you wanted to in May, for example. But you could bring in different plants at different times, which are going to add different contrasts. So one of my favorite things to do, and you saw it at Chelsea in 2022, is to use quite a lot of purple but then bring in a zingy apricot we used iris wondrous which is still one of my favorite a bearded iris in the sort of fizzy peachy apricot it's and it's got this little orange center I love it and instantly that counterpoint makes the purple so much more interesting and you can use there's a thistle I love called cerceum rivulare which is kind of this deep deep electric magentary pink and again
Starting point is 00:37:53 it's quite a bold color but it's tiny it's only the the color head is only I don't know the size of a pound coin so it's these little zingy pops which when you bring in elevate an entire scheme so it's a great opportunity to bring in some brighter brighter colors into what you you could do this even if you've already got a you know a planting plan you're happy with in your garden you could just bring in those little color pops much like in interiors you know bringing in different cushions or lampshades whatever it just instantly boom can can transform your entire scheme really quite simply and I think also just add a little bit of freshness so Jojo we've obviously dived quite deep into what's in and out in this episode but
Starting point is 00:38:36 come on we've got to do it what's in what's out what's in for me uh it's got to be my oh the big one for me is going to be saying no thank you i just love that little thank you popped in at the end i love it what's yours paul what's in or what's out give me what's in first what's in and this is what i've got written on my mirror is this is the year of positive thinking and what's out is spread it out there bloody all of you need to get out it's a very busy month in the garden there's much to be done so join us next week because my god we got some pruning to do my friends i need to learn all about your pruning i need we need hydrangea pruning please next week um out for me is it's got to be the too tight clothing if it's too tight get rid of it hashtag free the nun hashtag free the nun spread it so there you have it that is what's in and
Starting point is 00:39:36 what's out for 2024 and that is a wrap on another episode of the ins and outs it's so good to be back next week join us where we're going to be back to answering all of your questions don't forget to like review subscribe and share with your mum happy new year everyone happy new year happy new year happy new year happy new year Happy New Year. Happy New Year. Happy New Year. All right.

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