The Joe Rogan Experience - #1009 - James Damore

Episode Date: September 6, 2017

James Damore is a former Google Senior software engineer, who was recently fired by Google after an internal memo he wrote about its diversity policies was leaked online. ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 five four three two one and we're live james what's up how are you man i'm great don't freak out about your your sound of your voice in the headphones this is the first time you ever worn headphones or on a podcast definitely the first time i've heard myself talk is it weird after a second yeah it's weird you get over it pretty self-conscious about it really you're gonna be all right Definitely the first time I've heard myself talk. Is it weird? After a second, yeah. It's weird. You get over it. Pretty self-conscious about it.
Starting point is 00:00:28 Really? You're going to be all right? You can take them off if you want. If it's freaking you out too much. You think you're going to get through this? Let's just take these fuckers off, man. We don't need these things. Just keep this sucker close to you. You'll be fine.
Starting point is 00:00:40 So, first of all, thanks for doing this. You've been on this crazy sort of whirlwind tour. Have you gone anywhere or you've just been doing it mostly from your house? Mostly from my house, just on Skype. Now, for people who don't know the story, let's give them the short version of it. You were working at Google. And what prompted you to write this memo? They would have these company-wide meetings where they just push a lot of this diversity
Starting point is 00:01:07 stuff. And some of it was kind of weird. So I decided to go to these secret meetings, sort of, that were about 100 people, completely unrecorded. And they would talk about some of the things that they're doing. And it would really contradict what they're saying publicly, where, oh're not, you know, changing any of our hiring practices for these candidates. And they said, yeah, we basically are making it easier for some candidates to get in. And, you know, I voiced some concerns, but people just chained me and was like, no,
Starting point is 00:01:41 you're wrong. You're just like have white male privilege. They said you have white male privilege. That was the actual word they use. Yeah. There's a lot of that going on. And so they asked for feedback on the program. So I, I wrote this document to clarify my thoughts. I sent it to them. They looked at it, but you know, they just ignored it. Never told me anything. So I went to a couple more of these programs and, you know, I gave similar feedback. I gave the same document. They kept looking at it, but just never said anything. And, you know, I would send it to random people that I knew and half the people would be like, yes, exactly. This is what I've been thinking. And the other half would maybe disagree with some points, but it would never be, you know,
Starting point is 00:02:24 emotional outbursts or anything. It would just be like, oh, are you sure that this is actually happening? It's like, yes, because I've actually been to these unrecorded meetings. This is what's happening. So if you could get into specifics, like when you're in these meetings and they're talking about diversity, what is their concern? And is it they're trying to promote an image of diversity? Are they trying to promote actual diversity? Do they think that there's a benefit for diversity or is it a part of their public image? And is it a lot of it to avoid criticism? Because I think there's a big issue with, I mean,
Starting point is 00:02:59 if you don't have all your bases covered, two black women, two Asian men, if you don't have all your bases covered to black women to asian men if you don't have all your bases covered you can get like pretty roundly criticized as not being diverse or being possibly racist when you do that you're kind of fucked yeah so google definitely has a huge target on spec and so there are people that want to complain that oh google is not diverse therefore it's racist and sexist and so that's a lot of their fear. They look at their representation and then compare it to the overall U.S. population and say, oh, we only have 20% women. We should have 50%. There's obviously some sexism happening. And so a lot of their stuff is, oh, we need to fix this because all this sexism is bad. And obviously, if you disagree with sexism, that's, of course, bad.
Starting point is 00:03:49 And I obviously don't want there to be any sexism, but I just don't think that that's the sole cause of this disparity in representation. Yeah, it seems like in the interest of promoting an image of diversity, they're willing to bypass science and the truth and the reality of culture, the reality of human biology and evolutionary psychology. to get to this one thing, which seems to be like this really important thing in today's society that you want to promote an image of diversity. It's more important than anything. So when you're in these class, or these, I mean, I wouldn't call it a class. What would you call it?
Starting point is 00:04:35 A meeting? Whatever they are. Yeah, some of them were classes. Some were day-long programs and conferences. So they would teach you things? What would they teach you? They would talk about unconscious bias oh no oh like you like you might be racist you have to find the racism in you and yeah there's a whole program that's trying to retrain your brain
Starting point is 00:04:56 to think to think about race in a new way or something so they're just assuming you're guilty pretty much because because you're white i well yeah i mean they look at the representation and say racism sexism do uh black people have to go to this i i mean they no one has to but they are definitely pushing it on people and uh now managers are being evaluated by how well they promote diversity and inclusion. And, you know, it's just a slippery slope. And I think it'll eventually become part of our performance review. So if you're a white woman, do you have to go to this? I mean, are you encouraged to go to this? Are you like, hey, you made it through like this will have been
Starting point is 00:05:42 looking for you're fine. Or if you're an indian woman even better right is that how it works or would you still have to go there and approach your unconscious biases yeah they say everyone has these unconscious biases even towards white people so do they have those where they have like black people with their unconscious biases towards white people so they never acknowledge that anyone could be racist against white people of course why would you yeah it's all this like if you have you can only be racist if you have power or sexist if you have power and they believe that the racist part yeah i think so well that's insane that's a redefinition it's a very recent redefinition of the term racism but it's very slippery and very dangerous because you could see it as, you know, promoting, in fact, like exonerating racism towards other ethnicities or towards white people or towards people that you feel like are in a privileged class.
Starting point is 00:06:38 You get away with it because no big deal because they're the ones who are racist. because they're the ones who are racist. Even if it's not even that person, if it's people who look like them that have lived for centuries, like somehow or another, you're a guilty person. Yeah, right. James, with your white privilege.
Starting point is 00:06:51 So like, what would they tell you when you would go to these? Did you like express some discontent or? Yeah, my main concern was them saying 50% in the population. Look, Google only has 20%. And so we're obviously sexist. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:11 Yeah. And there were clear reasons, at least in my mind, that that's not as simple as they're making it out to be. And that there are some differences, and that could explain some of the issues that women are facing and so a lot of these women issues in tech i feel are actually not really gender issues they're just uh you know women on average are more cooperative for example and so they may find it harder to you know lean in in the corporate world like cheryl sandberg is saying but you know there are men that also feel like that i'm not very assertive i'm actually pretty shy and so i feel the same stuff it's not that you know there's a ton of sexism it's maybe that
Starting point is 00:07:57 male typical behavior is rewarded just as you know competitiveness is rewarded in a lot of corporate world, but it's not that we're just, oh, you're a woman, therefore you're obviously bad at coding. You know, no one is ever saying that. Right. I think there is absolutely an issue with assertive women being treated very differently than assertive men. Like an assertive woman is a bitch. Like you don't want to be around them. That's like the bias. And that's a real issue, I think, for women that want to enter into any sort of a competitive field. And, you know, where a man would be assertive, if a woman does the exact same thing, she's looked down upon. She's looked upon like a problem woman or someone you don't want to work with. Whereas the guy is just ambitious.
Starting point is 00:08:42 Yeah. whereas the guy is just ambitious. Yeah, although some people will twist that and say that because a lot of it is just they try to fit their ideology and they see one data point and they extrapolate. So they see these studies and it's true that these women are viewed as less likable but they are seen as just as competent and so their performance reviewed isn't affected really by being assertive. It's just that socially they may not be as liked as much.
Starting point is 00:09:08 Right. But that's got to be a factor in the way they behave because for men, a ball-busting successful man is supposed to be like looked up to. Like, oh, this is the guy who's kicking ass in the corporate world. He's doing it right. Like, you know, Bob is ruthless. But if Jenny's ruthless, like you don't want to be around her, you know, it's a, it's a weird, it's just, that's, I feel like that if there is a real bias with men, obviously I don't work in tech, but I would assume that that would be a real bias. Yeah. And I mean, I think some of the solution to that is just
Starting point is 00:09:38 allowing people to be more cooperative and, you know, actually, so for example at google you're really rewarded for owning a particular project and seeing that one project go through but if you're someone that is just you know can really help a lot of different people and you're not necessarily the sole owner of any individual thing but you're you provide a lot of value to the company that isn't really seen as positive as someone that really drove the project alone. That's interesting. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:11 That seems like a bad thing for teamwork. Right. Is that just a bad philosophy or something that got stuck in the way the system works? I think it's hard to evaluate if I did 10% of my time on 10 different projects and I helped them. That makes sense. Yeah. So you'd have to essentially trust the workers' instincts and work ethic. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:35 Now, the blowback from this has been very intriguing, you know, as an outsider, like looking at it for the, when I first heard about it, you know, I thought, well, this mean, angry man must've written some things saying that women suck at tech or they suck at this. And, you know, and people were reacting to this blatant misogynistic tribe that I, or scribe that I, uh, was, was hearing about when, when I read it, I was so confused. Cause I was like, where's the mean stuff? Like, where is this? And you also think the other thing that was really confusing was that some people were reprinting it without citations. Did that freak you out? Like when you're being misrepresented? Yeah. Especially when people would say, oh, it was so unscientific because it didn't have citations. And that was their entire argument. Who did it? Who printed it without citations? Because some major publications republished it.
Starting point is 00:11:28 Yeah, I think it was Gizmodo or Motherboard or something. Why the fuck would they do that without citations? It seems so unreasonable and so irresponsible. I think a lot of these companies just have a certain narrative that they're trying to push. Yeah. And so like even, you know, I've tried to talk to a lot of these reporters and I'll give hour long
Starting point is 00:11:50 interviews with some of them. And at the end they'll just write the same sort of article of like, Oh yeah, he's just a misogynist. Yeah. And so I think even if I can convince the individual journalist, And so I think even if I can convince the individual journalist, they are under pressure by their boss to write a certain type of article. God, what a weird world we're in right now when it comes to that.
Starting point is 00:12:26 Because I was looking for something that could be, could be like evidence of massage the only thing that i could find and this is a very mild criticism is that you were saying i believe you use the term neurotic that women were more likely to be neurotic oh neuroticism right yeah yeah yeah that's one where a lot of women go well fuck this guy but that's it that's all mean, but what did you base that on? Yeah, so there's the psychological big five personality traits. And neuroticism is just one of them. Right. So that's the actual term that they use. And it's sort of unfortunate that that's a term.
Starting point is 00:12:58 Yeah. Yeah, it's that one. I feel like maybe you could have danced around that a little bit. Yeah. But that. Yeah. But that's it. I think it's just, I was too much into the, like I've seen the word so often that I didn't really associate it with neurotic and the negative connotations.
Starting point is 00:13:17 Yeah. Well, I've seen a bunch of your conversations. I've listened to you talk to Ben Shapiro and a couple other folks. And, you know, your thought process is very reasonable and very well sorted out. And another thing that I'm not hearing from anybody is how you wrote a whole page and a half describing all the different ways that women could be more involved in tech, or you can encourage more women into tech. This is not the work of a misogynist.
Starting point is 00:13:45 This is the work of someone who's carefully considering an issue and looking at it from a very – what I felt like, and correct me if I'm wrong, but that you felt frustrated that you were looking at something that was – that people – the way they were approaching this was they weren't looking at it for what it was. They had kind of decided how they were going to describe it and how they were going to deal with it. And it wasn't really based on facts
Starting point is 00:14:14 or reality and certainly not on science. And you sort of felt frustrated by this and you decided to try to interject with as much of the current science as you could that could possibly explain choices, not why women are bad at it, not why they shouldn't be in it, which is what I kept reading, but more that why women choose to go into certain professions, what could be the impediment,
Starting point is 00:14:39 and what we could do to maybe encourage more women to do it instead of doing this sort of blanket style diversity where you're just like, oh, we need two of these and we need two of those. Right. Which is what I seem to think that they were doing. Is that a good assessment? Yeah. By the way, this will never trend on YouTube. We might get five million hits. I mean, that's a real problem, too.
Starting point is 00:15:02 Right. There's a lot of censorship when it comes to these sort of conversations like they would rather look at me who looks like a meathead and look at you and go oh well these fucking guys are just talking shit about women for an hour you know i mean right i mean do you feel that definitely and i you'll be labeled alt-right now and i've already been labeled all right it doesn't matter how many left-wing positions i support i look all right yeah yeah which is obviously like sexist and sure misogynist racist all that stuff yeah well but i mean just labeling us because we're white men or something a certain label because that it's yeah it's it's prejudice yeah i mean i mean it really is but people don't mind prejudices in that regard you know they only like they don't they have an issue with
Starting point is 00:15:51 prejudices when it comes to what they feel like are disenfranchised or you know marginalized people but white people fuck them you know yeah you know that's the thought process right you can't be racist towards white people so like what are the most egregious things? Like one of the most ridiculous things they were trying to push when you were at these classes or meetings. So, I mean, besides the fact of just certain things in our hiring process that would favor certain people, which would create negative stereotypes for people just in general. So like, I i one thing about stereotypes
Starting point is 00:16:25 that they don't realize is that you know people will automatically create stereotypes no matter what and it's based on their environment so and we see this with affirmative action too in academia where if you create a sort of situation where people portions of the population are performing differently, then you'll automatically create the stereotype that, oh, maybe all the Asians are smart and all of the other minorities aren't as smart in this college, right? Because you need a 1600 to get in if you're Asian and you need lower otherwise.
Starting point is 00:17:03 And so you'll automatically create that stereotype and that's negative for everyone because it creates this tension between the groups and they self-segregate because of that. While if you just put everyone in the same level, then they'll just intermingle and it'll be great. And so that has its negative consequences and it may be illegal, which is what I was trying to say in my document.
Starting point is 00:17:29 So that aspect, I think, is bad. But then also, you know, once you think that, oh, all of this is because of sexism. And even though we can't really see overt signs of sexism, like, oh, yeah, you're a woman, therefore you're bad. And no one is saying these sexist slurs or anything. Then it must be some low level bias that we all have. And that's why they're pushing all this unconscious bias and microaggressions and just increasing everyone's sensitivity to, oh, you said something that could be interpreted in this one weird way, and that might offend someone somewhere. Therefore, you should never say anything. And it's really stifling. Well, I think we would all agree that we would all be better off if we
Starting point is 00:18:20 treated people nicer. You know, if we didn't have racism, if we didn't have sexism, we just appreciated people for their qualities and just could be very objective about that. But when you're, I would imagine that when you're running a company as large as something like Google, you kind of have to put fires out before you even see smoke right and like you the writing's on the wall when it comes to criticism today and anything that that people can point to when it you know when it's whether it's um a percentage of women a percentage of minorities whatever it is where that they feel like is off i mean people will write articles about this it can damage your stock profile you know right i mean it can it can like companies can take a hit on the stock market because of an People will write articles about this. It can damage your stock profile.
Starting point is 00:19:11 Companies can take a hit on the stock market because of an article that someone could write about a lack of diversity. Like, oh, geez, they're going to lack of diversity. That's a real issue. Yeah, and there have been reports of companies that will have these diversity programs and then blackmail companies if they don't take them. blackmail companies if they don't take them. So say, you know, they'll start complaining because, you know, all of these companies are the same and that they have about, you know, 20 to 30% women. So they could do the same attack against anyone. And so they blackmail a company say, oh, you need to do these, these certain programs. And if you don't, then we'll start doing external pressure on you. So who are the companies that are we'll start doing external pressure on you. So who are the companies that are blackmailing them?
Starting point is 00:19:48 Yes. Or the groups? At least from what I've heard, and this is all secondhand, it's a lot of the programs that, so they'll hire contractors to perform some of the diversity programs. Oh, so they have like, sort of like Jesse Jackson used to do with the Rainbow Coalition. Right. Do you know the story behind that? A little bit. This is the secondhand story.
Starting point is 00:20:08 But the secondhand story was that he would go into these groups, and if anybody had said something, whatever reason they had to get into this company, they would go into this company, and then they would charge them a tremendous amount of money to go in and create these diversity programs. And if they didn't do that, then they would charge them a tremendous amount of money to go in and create these diversity programs and if they didn't do that then they would shame the company and they would claim the company was racist yeah you know and jesse jackson had like this laundry list of things he wanted like jumbo shrimp cocktail and all this crazy shit and limo rides like but really like like it's been kind of documented you I mean, I'd have to go back over it again.
Starting point is 00:20:46 I remember it only barely. But, I mean, that's where he got that moniker, race pimp, that what he was essentially doing was race pimping. And then he was going around and, you know, kind of threatening people that we will call you a racist, we will call your company racist, comply in this manner. And that's scary. Yeah. I mean, I see that a lot at Google, not necessarily, you know, the same threatening, but just people feel that they have to walk on eggshells. Otherwise they'll get reported to HR
Starting point is 00:21:18 by some random activist within the company. They have activists in the company. Yeah. And, you know and that was sort of made public with all of this, where there were some people that just really pushed and started complaining a ton based on my document. They would email my HR,
Starting point is 00:21:37 everyone up my management chain, and they'd write all these posts and try to coordinate people to really shame me. And then they started tweeting about it after. And that's how it leaked externally. What was the criticism of the memo? Like, did anything make sense?
Starting point is 00:21:59 Did anything make you go, I could have worded that better? Obviously, the neuroticism. I could have worded that differently. I mean, the fact that I didn't talk about all the biases that are against women as much, but it was really that this was a Google internal document. And so we already have so much stuff about the potential biases against women. And this was just the other side of the story, the other perspective that wasn't being heard. So yeah, I, I, I don't really know any criticism that was really, Oh yeah, that was definitely, I should have done that. Man. Um, so how you, you would put this memo out there and then the memo got leaked and then once
Starting point is 00:22:48 it got leaked you got fired yeah soon after but they knew about the memo already right so and they were cool with it like how long had the memo been floating around about a month wow so as soon as it went public they're like y, yikes, get rid of them. Yeah. Wow. It was, it seemed to just be a PR thing. Of course. Yeah. But it's also, uh, it's weak, you know, it's like, it's really disturbing that someone couldn't look at this for what it really is.
Starting point is 00:23:21 Like this is an opportunity to have a discussion about this subject. Right. You know what I mean? Here's this very an opportunity to have a discussion about this subject. Right. You know, I mean, here's this very detailed thing. If you guys disagree with it, let's debate it. Let's talk about it. Like I said, the only thing that I thought was even remotely derogatory was that one word or that one idea that women are more prone to neuroticism. Other than that, it just seemed to me to be evolutionary psychology. It seemed to be like a lot of stuff that has already been really well researched. Yeah. And this is some pretty clear differences. And again,
Starting point is 00:23:50 it's not all women or all men, but there's a tremendous amount of evidence that shows that males lean towards certain professions and females lead towards other professions. Yeah. And these are based on surveys of like half a million people. So I mean, people are saying, oh yeah, this is just one study that showed this. Like, no, it's many different studies across many different countries. And you know, there have been even experiments that link this to just prenatal testosterone, which is pretty strong evidence that there's some biological link. We're all also, if you have a company like Google, which, by the way, before we go any further, I'm a big fan of Google.
Starting point is 00:24:29 I use their products all the time. I have a Google phone. I mean, I think they're amazing. I think their browser is excellent. I use Chrome. I think they kick ass. Every morning, I go to my phone and I check the Google News. I have a whole setup.
Starting point is 00:24:44 That's one of the first things I do. I check the news on my phone and I check the Google News. I have a whole setup, but that's like one of the first things I do. I check the news on my phone from Google. So it's not like I'm an anti-Google person, but if there wasn't some sort of evolutionary psychology reason or some sort of a prenatal testosterone reason or some biological reason why people were inclined to choose one profession over another google would have to be a fucking horrible company if everything was even if everybody was 50 50 and they're only hiring 20 women that means they're monsters yeah that means they're suppressing 30 of the one they're just like fuck you you can't work here you can't get hired you're just as good as us but fuck off this is a man's club they would have to be monsters yeah and that's why i feel like some people will are shaming me like oh this is such a bad thing to tell little girls that are interested in technology when really i think this is a much
Starting point is 00:25:36 better view of the world where just you know yeah if you're interested in technology great there aren't as many women like you but if you you are, that's amazing. While the other side of the story is, oh no, even if you are, then you'll face all these challenges and it'll just be an uphill battle against sexism and you'll never be seen as good as a man. And you know, that's not very encouraging to a lot of people. Well, it's also not, it's not necessarily accurate. I mean, you're kind of like bending the truth to meet your narrative, where instead we should maybe look at what are the differences between men and women. But that's the thing.
Starting point is 00:26:13 People don't want to even accept. There's a trend today to not accept biological differences between the sexes, which is just fucking bananas. Let's not accept the fact that water gets you wet like it's just weird it's weird when people ignore truth to fit their ideology and when you're looking at like just sheer numbers of people all you have is these numbers i mean you could have a bunch of reasons why but to say that the only reasons are implicit biases that the only reason is is some sort of discrimination against women that's the only reason why they're not 50 50 that's crazy that means we're monsters
Starting point is 00:26:53 right i mean doesn't it mean we're monsters that means all men are monsters yeah when it's often the exact opposite you know we're very welcoming women. We really want every woman that we can get. And, you know, they'll even twist these studies that they have where they'll do these large analyses of, oh, why did you leave tech? And it'll be broken down by men and women. And it'll show, oh, 30% of women felt like there was unfair treatment and harassment. And then one in 10 women felt like there was undue sexual attention to them. And then the media will just report on that. But they don't see that 40% of men compared to 30% of women felt like there was unfair treatment and harassment. And then one in 12 men felt like there was unwanted sexual attention. So they completely disregard the other side of the narrative,
Starting point is 00:27:48 that it's not really a gender issue. There's just unfair treatment in general. Well, I think men are gross. I wouldn't want to work with them in an office. I mean, if I was a woman, I would think that would be the worst place to work, is in an office with men, especially if I was attractive and I was just around a bunch of goons or staring at my butt and just saying stupid shit men are gross i mean i think like in general there's an issue with men and women working together because
Starting point is 00:28:13 a lot of men are gross you know i mean it's not all of us obviously but i mean just if i want to be honest about it i i would say that man i think women probably have to deal with a lot of shit. But is that the reason why only 20% of them are in tech? Because that's not the case with all jobs where men and women work together. And I think men are gross across the board. They're not just gross in tech. I mean, they're probably gross. What are jobs where women are disproportionately represented on the other side? Is it healthcare, probably?
Starting point is 00:28:45 Yeah, so nursing, veterinarians, schools. So a lot of things that deal with people or animals in this case. Yeah, well, I bet they deal with gross dudes there, too. Just a lot of gross dudes. But that doesn't stop them from being hired at a disproportionately favorable number, percentage. Yeah, we've got to look, I think collectively, here's one good thing. Here's another good thing about Google,
Starting point is 00:29:14 because I don't want to trash on Google. And the good thing about tech companies in general, I feel like we are in a way better position that tech companies are leaning way left. I think we're in a way better position socially that tech companies are being extremely concerned about diversity. Because you just don't feel that in a lot of companies where they're about the hard line. They're about the bottom line, making money, kicking ass, taking names, pushing the company ahead. And they're about infinite growth. This is not what I see from tech companies. What I see from tech companies is extreme caution when it comes to social issues and this extreme desire to be thought of as being very diverse, very fair, very liberal. I think that's good. I really do. I think it balances it
Starting point is 00:29:59 out. And I also think when I think at least about the smartest people in the world or the the most innovative people in the world today i almost always think about tech because i think about like well you look if you looked at the human organism you look at the human uh organism the human species as a whole and if you looked at like what does it do that's most impressive well what it does is his constant innovation and this constant desire to make things more and more efficient faster more capable that that's a big part of that is tech so the people that are they're like in a lot of ways at least the most technically creative those people are oftentimes very left-wing and very liberal so I like the fact that Google has this as a thought process. I just wish that it was unbiased in its determinations when it comes to biases.
Starting point is 00:30:53 Right. Does that make sense? Yeah. So I agree that being progressive isn't necessarily a bad thing. Right. And it is great that Google has this don't be evil motto. And they've decided, oh, yeah, we get a ton of ad revenue, therefore we can do a ton of random stuff. That's good for the world in general.
Starting point is 00:31:21 But I think unfortunately their political bias has created, they haven't forgotten their don't be evil motto. It's just that don't be evil has turned into just don't disagree with us and what our ideology says they got sloppy yeah yeah well they're just a little off but they're going the right way you know and look it's very difficult to i mean how could you run a giant company like that and be just totally cool and above ground and have it all worked out? I mean, it just doesn't happen, you know? And especially when you have all these internal influences, like you're talking about these activists that work, that have, they have a vested interest in proving that there's racism. There's a vested interest. Like when you go looking for, you know, if you have a hammer, everything becomes an L. Right. Right. If you're a person who's the type of person that's looking for racism everywhere. Fuck, man, you're going to find it in all these weird places like that don't even make sense. Like these hidden, unconscious biases where you have to examine yourself. Don't just look at overt actions and see whether or not those actions are racism. You have racist. You have to actually examine all your thoughts and try to find racist thoughts.
Starting point is 00:32:29 And because they are in there, whether you want to believe it or not. Like, oh, Jesus, this is a goddamn ghost hunt. You know, it's a witch hunt. It's like it's it's like, again, even though I'm a white man, I really feel like it's leaning better that we're shitting on white men than if it was the other way. If we were shitting on minorities, I mean, it would be very disturbing if an enormous company like Google was going, well, let's just be honest. Puerto Ricans are lazy. We're like, whoa.
Starting point is 00:33:00 But if a company comes along like Google and it's like, you know, you can't be racist towards white people. Like, okay, at least we can work here. We can talk. We can talk about this. But you're saying something fucking crazy and racist. I know you don't think it's crazy and racist because you're trying so hard to not be racist towards minorities that you're looking at what's a temporary majority. I mean, white people are only a majority for another decade, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:23 You know? I hope it evens out. But I feel like, in defense of Google, it's better to be leaning incorrectly in that direction than to go the other way. Yeah. I mean, I think it's fine to have a leaning. It's just you need to not be blind to the other side. And I think that that's what's happening right now. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:44 Where, you know, they're completely shutting down the conversation. And they're really making certain employees feel completely alienated. Well, yeah. It seems like you can't. Obviously, you tried to talk about it and you were fired. Yeah. You know, I mean, you were shamed for a little while and then it went public and then you were fired. You were shamed for a little while, and then it went public, and then you were fired.
Starting point is 00:34:06 Now, why did they do it? Did they send it publicly because they knew that people would have a negative reaction towards it? That's what I think. Yeah. Do you know who did it? It was probably the people that were tweeting about it and saying that I was just a misogynist Nazi person. I don't know. Nazi? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:20 Nazi was definitely used. White supremacist. Nazi was used? Yeah. Wow. They just keep escalating and at some point I don't really know what'll happen you know I mean white supremacist is now being used for a lot of things you're a white supremacist somehow wow and at some point people will just see
Starting point is 00:34:38 no these people aren't actually that and you know they've just created a bubble of words that they say and it just keeps getting more and more extreme and at some point it'll just shatter like an economic bubble but i but that's very dangerous because it opens a door to competition to google like someone who's more rational and i think that's unfortunate for google to like to be supporting these ridiculous ideas like i read this one article where this woman was calling you a misogynist and, uh, it was like, she was being really brutal, you know, like the, the, but it was, it was a total false narrative. Cause I was
Starting point is 00:35:15 listening, I was reading it and I was trying to like, I'd read your memo. So I read your memo. And then I read this article about your memo. I i'm like this is like an angry person that has just decided that this is the focus of all the woes of the world is james and i'm gonna shit on james and that the misogynist of the world like james are the the reason why women can't excel in tech yeah and I think part of it is that there's just an asymmetry. So there's no punishment for writing this really angry letter that says how misogynist I am. Yeah. Even though, you know, that's a negative to me and anyone else that has similar viewpoints. So there really needs to be some sort of retribution maybe for people that just so openly are so negative about you could
Starting point is 00:36:06 just get away with it yeah and then no one questions it it's not open for debate that's really part of the problem it's like people are so looking for things to be racist that when someone cries racism if you debate it at all like well how is he racist you're a nazi? Like you become a Nazi for like discussing things. Even if you, I mean, even if you just objectively go over the facts and don't agree with their assessment, you become a racist. Yeah. And, you know, even if you don't say anything that's overtly racist, they'll say, oh yeah, that's just dog whistling. Oh yeah. You can tell what he meant when he said this could see it in his eyes yeah this is this is not hyperbole what i'm gonna say but this is real this is how mccarthyism
Starting point is 00:36:55 got started right this is how it got started everyone was looking for communists and every you couldn't even explore what communism was. Like, you couldn't be confused. Like, if I read a book today, like I've got a book over there by Michael Malice on North Korea. If I read a book on North Korea, like, well, what's going on in North Korea? People wouldn't be like, Joe Rogan's a North Korean supporter. He wants to move to North Korea. He wants us all to be under a communist dictatorship run by Kim Jong-un. You wouldn't say that, right?
Starting point is 00:37:24 Well, back then you would. Back then during the McCarthy era, like if you started reading like communist newsletters or you started going to a meeting, like what is this all about? You could get shamed, run out of Hollywood. And it was a giant issue and people were ratting on people and they were doing it for the same reasons. They did not want to be lumped in with this group so they would immediately turn people in they were turning in their neighbors it was like a scary time where people were looking for the communists everyone was looking for the dirty red scare you know they were going to come and infiltrate our world it's very similar because it's it's a mindset this uh this mindset of not looking at things objectively, but having everything boxed into these very convenient packages.
Starting point is 00:38:11 And this is one of them, that diversity is of the utmost importance and that anything that does not challenge that idea or anything that does not support that idea, rather, is racist. Yeah. And that was sort of what I was trying to say when I said demoralize diversity because we've just put it on such a pedestal and we've stopped looking at the costs and benefits of it and we've just started looking for villains, all the racists, and we just want to punish those villains
Starting point is 00:38:40 and label anyone that disagrees with any of the precepts of diversity as some sort of evil person. Well, it's just a foolish approach, especially the approach of making Asian people get higher scores. That is so racist. Like, yeah, they study harder and do better. What's the reason? I don't know. But whatever the reason is, they do it. I mean, is it cultural? Probably.
Starting point is 00:39:04 Is it biological biological i don't know what but whatever reason it is the the the correct response that is not make asians get higher scores that's fucking insane yeah that's super racist you know i mean how racist is that that's crazy like why are they i mean and they're a minority which is even weirder but it's somehow another that one is like we we let that one slide. Because we know they don't complain and they kick ass and they go and study hard. So for some reason, we let that one slip. Yeah, and a lot of this has some really nefarious history where the beginnings of just,
Starting point is 00:39:43 we used to just have tests and then that would be how you got into Harvard, for example, and whoever has the highest score would get in. But then they saw, oh, there's too many Jewish people getting in, and so they started adding all this, oh, let's look at your extracurriculars, and let's make it more subjective on who we get in. And that way they could discriminate against Jewish people, really. So that's how it started? Yeah, and this was like early 1900s.
Starting point is 00:40:11 Wow. Wow. Well, yeah, there's another one. There's a disproportionate amount of European Jews that are Nobel Prize winners. Right. Why? Well, they're fucking smart. Like, what does that mean? Does that mean that we're prejudiced against Irish people?
Starting point is 00:40:27 No. What does it mean? Well, whatever it means, the end result is what's significant. We're not stopping other people from taking these tests, right? If you get a disproportionate amount of European Jews, there should be some sort of study, and there has been, but there should be some sort of studies as to what is it culturally. Like, what is the significance? Like, what has happened in the past that led this one group of people to be extraordinarily successful in one area? Well, that's what we should study.
Starting point is 00:40:58 We shouldn't try to keep Jewish people out. That's fucking insane. And it's racist. And I think Asian people are not complaining the same way other folks would you know with this the same exact issue you know i mean it's essentially a reverse affirmative action sort of a situation really weird yeah it's unfortunate i mean especially since many of these are just first-generation immigrants. They don't feel like they necessarily have the power to really stand up to some of this.
Starting point is 00:41:33 Do you have very many Asian friends? Have you ever been around really strict Asian households? Yeah. The culture is definitely different, and there's a higher priority on school and more traditional values. I had a good buddy of mine when I was young who was Korean and he was in medical school and his parents were brutal. I mean, they just wanted A's across the board. No fucking excuses. You will study until your hands bleed. and you know there was just this sort of culture of of success in that household and of work hard work and work ethic and you know the the family's idea was like look we came over to america from
Starting point is 00:42:15 south korea so that you could kick ass period you're not gonna come over here and fuck off and obviously he was a fucking straight A student and just a wizard. I mean, this dude was just always awesome at everything and always working really hard, but he was completely stressed out all the time. Every time he'd see me, he's like, but just getting everything done. But I mean, it's the culture that he grew up in.
Starting point is 00:42:36 So to discriminate against that guy and say, well, you work too hard. Hey, junk shit, you can't, you know, your scores are a little bit too high we don't like it so we're gonna we're gonna need a higher threshold for you that's racist yeah and there's nothing that they can do i mean you can't work harder and yeah no it's stupid it's like saying to athletes like certain athletes oh well you know you've been training too hard and so we're gonna we're gonna need a faster 40 yard dash from you than a regular person to get on the team.
Starting point is 00:43:07 He would never say that. He would say, well, this guy is obviously super dedicated and gifted. This is the guy we want on our team. And that's the one thing where I feel like we don't see a lot of this stuff. You know, we like results when it comes to athletics, when it comes to things like what's your number? What is the fastest you can run? How high can you jump? What's the pole vault that you do?
Starting point is 00:43:31 How far do you throw a discus? All those things are very clear. These are very clear numbers. You can't do that same sort of approach that you're doing with academics or with industry. You can't do that approach when it comes to athletics. I mean, I'm not suggesting that the whole world is a sport, but I mean, when it comes to things like scores and keeping people out and letting people in and trying to push to get more people of a certain color or ethnicity in,
Starting point is 00:44:03 you're doing some slippery work, man. You know, it gets real weird when you start doing that. Yeah, it's all about leveling the outcomes of people. And there's this scary Kurt Vonnegut short story where, you know, if you're really smart, then you'll have to wear headphones that just beep all the time. If you're beautiful, you'll have to wear a mask in the future. If you're strong, you'll have to have all these weights on you. It's sort of getting there.
Starting point is 00:44:33 It's the same sort of ideology. It's scary. Well, life is not fair. Right. It is just not. No one wants to hear that. And this is really the core issue for all of this stuff. Life is not fair.
Starting point is 00:44:47 There are people that are so much fucking smarter than me that when I talk to them, I feel like some sort of a monkey. There's no getting around that. There are people that are so much bigger than me. When I stand next to them, I feel like a child. There's just no getting around that. That's just the way of the world. child. There's just no getting around that. That's just the way of the world. And I think the key is,
Starting point is 00:45:13 I mean, I guess with a company, is to try to figure out how to manage all of these unfair aspects of being a biological entity in a civilization. And I don't think Google's doing the right job by firing you for promoting science because that's what you're doing. I had a friend who actually was comparing what you did to, what's that term, phrenology, when you study the size of people's heads and determine whether or not they're smart? And I was like, man, you can't say that. That's not what he's doing. That's not what he's doing because he's not saying that women can't do it. He's not saying they wouldn't be better at it. He's simply using science and citations to describe many of the issues that probably led to people choosing what they choose to do for a career. Right. But you can't do that, man. Look, look at you. You're here. You're
Starting point is 00:45:55 everywhere. You're talking about this. Yeah. I mean, hopefully people will start seeing that at least how much the media was misrepresenting it. Yeah. Did you feel frustrated by all these articles? I mean, it's gotta be weird to have people call you a white supremacist and a Nazi and. Yeah. And they also try to dig up any dirt that they can find on my history. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:18 And like stuff way back in high school that I might've done. I heard you playing Tomb Raider. He played as Laura Croft. He was a girl running around with big tits. Did they find anything? Not really. Damn, dude. What if you had like some dark secret?
Starting point is 00:46:33 Yeah, that's the thing. Like I could have done some random thing that was bad. Of course. But I mean, that wouldn't change the fact that what I wrote wasn't this sexist thing. Right, right. If you did something horrible in the past, at least people could go, oh, okay,'t this sexist thing. Right. Right. If you did something horrible in the past, at least people can go, Oh, okay. Maybe this guy's a bullshit artist.
Starting point is 00:46:49 And he leaned this stuff towards sexism, even though there is some science behind it, what he wrote was biased, but I haven't seen a legit criticism of the actual work itself. I really haven't. I've read a lot of stuff on you, man. It's a little creepy. I haven't seen anything that made sense. Everything that was criticizing you was being really dishonest. Yeah. It was either just, oh yeah, this is obviously misogynist or they would attack claims I didn't make.
Starting point is 00:47:15 They were like, oh yeah, we've shown that women are better in school and are doing better in math. Yeah. It's like, okay, I wasn't talking about that at all. Yeah. It does not, that has nothing to do with career paths. It was really fascinating to me that the woman who's the CEO of YouTube responded and said it hurt her when she read your memo. I'm like, you're the fucking CEO of YouTube.
Starting point is 00:47:38 You won. You're the winner of winners when it comes to YouTube. You're at the head of tech. No one's saying you don't exist. No one's saying you can't do it. You obviously did it. You're fucking winner of winners when it comes to YouTube. You're at the head of tech. No one's saying you don't exist. No one's saying you can't do it. You obviously did it. You're fucking running the thing. This is crazy.
Starting point is 00:47:50 Why did it hurt? Science hurts? What hurts? Look, there's outliers, right? There's always going to be. It's interesting to find out why straight white males choose different career paths. Like, why? I mean, there's so much variation.
Starting point is 00:48:08 There's so many variables. There's so much difference. There's people that are, you know, there's women that are MMA fighters. Like, why? Why are they doing that? Like, what is it? I don't know. Like, there's women that are race car drivers.
Starting point is 00:48:21 Like, there's outliers. Does that mean that we need an exact representation of males to females in MMA? Well, that's insane. That's not going to happen for whatever reason. The NASCAR, it's not going to happen. There's not some implicit bias that's keeping women from driving 250 miles an hour. I don't know what it is, but I don't think that's it. I think there's probably some biological differences between men and women, and they vary.
Starting point is 00:48:49 There's a spectrum. Yeah. I mean, for NASCAR, it's likely risk aversion. Yeah. And some stuff related to that. Same with MMA. I'm sure. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:59 I mean, I wouldn't want to do that. Yeah. I mean, look, dude, I work at it, and I want to do it. And I know a lot of pretty girls that work at it and I want to do it, you know, and I know a lot of pretty girls that are doing it. It's very weird. So it's, look, there's people make choices, you know, some people choose to get their bodies tattooed. Some people choose to do all sorts of strange things. You know, it's, I don't know why they do what they do, but it's interesting to study them. And it seems to me that all you were doing was talking about your own personal frustration with this very narrow-minded approach to diversity.
Starting point is 00:49:32 Right. And, you know, they never even say what exactly I could have done differently to not do this. And, you know, there was actually a great piece in The Atlantic or something that was directed at Sundar. It's like, okay, what specific parts of the document were against the code of conduct and what parts are free to discuss and what are not? Because right now you can't discuss anything. You know, he just said, oh yeah, this document is invalid. And so it means that no one can bring up any of these issues now. And just, they just have to walk on these really vague eggshells. When really, if they said, no, this specific part is unacceptable.
Starting point is 00:50:12 Everything else is fine. Then at least there would be some wiggle room and people would know what the rules are. And we see this a lot with Google policy where they have these like no jerk policies. No jerk? Yeah, like don't and no jerk. Yeah. Like don't be a jerk. Okay. And where jerk is totally up to them to define.
Starting point is 00:50:30 Yeah. And so there could be these people that just, you know, harass you based on your white male privilege and you know, oh, you're a conservative, therefore you're evil. And that's not being a jerk, but then, you know, questioning some of their viewpoints and like the narrative at Google, that's being a jerk but then you know questioning some of their viewpoints and like the narrative at google that's being a jerk so white people are open game essentially like if someone is questioning you about something and you happen to be a white person they're gonna get away with far more yeah they they try to invoke this a lot, in these programs where you're encouraged when you ask a question or something, you say, as a white male, this is what I feel. Oh, Jesus.
Starting point is 00:51:11 And I just think that that's really going down the wrong path. You should get real super specific. As a white male with a fat dick and a large pornography collection on a hard drive, this is how I feel. Like, what? No, I think even mentioning pornography would be some sort of microaggression that's a major aggression i would assume right sexual harassment yeah you were uh they cited that you promoted harmful gender stereotypes right so i had to go over it again i'm like okay let's read this fucking thing one more time
Starting point is 00:51:43 like i don't i don't think you promoted any stereotypes. You were talking with citations about science. And that's where this whole thing really confused the shit out of me. Have you had many people, like, what is the, has there been like a 50-50 sort of reaction? Like 50% of the people were like me, kind of confused about this. And then 50% of the people were just knee-jerk calling you some sort of a sexist or a Nazi? Yeah, so at Google, they had an internal poll with about 800 people. And about 40% of people agreed.
Starting point is 00:52:17 40%? Yeah, 50% disagreed. 10% were neutral. Yeah, cowards. And even the 50%, probably a good percentage of them are just being pussies. It just doesn't seem like if you're looking at it really objectively, you could... Look, they obviously want a result. And that result is the maximum amount of diversity. And I feel like if that's your result, if that's what you're looking for,
Starting point is 00:52:47 shouldn't the result be, let's just not discriminate, just be open and just try to get the best people. Like, wouldn't that be the best way to do it? And then if we run into problems, like, you know, we've tried to do this best people thing, but all we have is Asians. So, yeah. So even suggesting that we should go to some meritocracy thing yeah that's a microaggression meritocracy is a microaggression yeah yeah so there what's the argument for that like why is meritocracy a microaggression because it'll make some people feel unwelcome because they have to perform really it's basically just anything against the left's ideology is a microaggression in some ways. Wow.
Starting point is 00:53:30 So anything that could make anyone feel offended, particularly people in certain groups. Man, I've been liberal for a long time and I've never seen it this bad before. I don't know what happened or when it happened. When did it get so slippery? It seems like within the last 10 years right yeah i think the internet has accelerated a lot of this where there can be these online mobs that enforce these social rules yeah but i i think at least now some people can see it for what it is well i think what you're seeing is that there's a fear of retribution. And that's one of the reasons why people are towing the line is that they're worried about these like hyper aggressive people that are coming out against people that don't
Starting point is 00:54:16 tow the line there, you know, like you're saying, shaming you. And that, that is a, that's a disturbing aspect of human nature that I don't think should ever be reinforced. And I think it's hard to call those things out individually because collectively as a group, if this group of diversity-minded folks, left-wing-minded social justice warrior types are attacking you, you feel very isolated and there's not a lot of support. And so most people just acquiesce. They just back off. They just give in. They toe the line. They just alter their thoughts or they keep it to themselves.
Starting point is 00:54:55 Yeah. I mean, I think shaming does have its benefits. Sure. And when we were in small groups, you know, if someone stole something or it was mean, then actually shaming them is good but you're talking about tribal groups back in the past yeah but now that anyone across the world can just randomly shame you and attack you that that's not really what our brain was meant for and right just you know even me seeing just random messages telling me that I'm some horrible person, that, you know, that hurts me.
Starting point is 00:55:27 Yeah. Even though I have gotten a lot of actual private messages saying, yeah, we support you. You're not alone. But I have to keep my mouth shut. Yeah. I don't want to get fired from Yahoo. Right. I've met with so many people and they're like, and of course, you know, don't tell anyone that I met you.
Starting point is 00:55:44 That's so weird now you obviously were not a public person right you were a guy just was working what is your job at google uh software engineer i was working on the indexing and serving of a search so to go from that which is um like you you describe yourself as an introvert right and to go from that to this massive exposure and to be the essentially the lightning rod for a real hot topic i mean this is one of the most hot button topics you can get yeah men versus women in tech or men and women in tech women diversity white people black people, black people, racism, Nazis. You're like, you're at the fucking tip of the spear, buddy.
Starting point is 00:56:30 Yeah. I'm really afraid that I'm actually just, you know, polarizing the issue even more and separating people. And because, you know, it's really shown that there, the stereotypes are real in some ways that there are some really extreme people on the left and really extreme people on the right maybe. Yeah. And, you know, we really need to bridge it and say, okay, let's actually have a discussion. Let's talk about what's actually happening. And nothing is really off the table in this discussion, but that's not happening.
Starting point is 00:57:04 And nothing is really off the table in this discussion, but that's not happening. And Google itself, from what I've heard, they've just been doubling down on the diversity stuff and they haven't addressed any of the political discrimination. Wow. Well, I think you're right. And I don't think someone who wanted to separate people would have written that the way it seemed to me as an outsider with not no dog in the fight. I was looking, I was like, oh, this guy is probably like frustrated at what he sees, these sort of social justice warrior tactics and these aren't logical and that this is not rational and like maybe my uh breakdown of this situation scientifically evolutionary psychology studies and all these different random factors that may have contributed to women choosing these careers maybe this will like help ease off maybe people aren't aware of this information yeah yeah i definitely have a bias where i thought you know we could just sit down and discuss it Maybe this will like help ease off. Maybe people aren't aware of this information. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:07 And I definitely have a bias where I thought, you know, we could just sit down and discuss it rationally. That's all I ever wanted was sit down and discuss it with them. Yeah. But I really underestimated the sort of group based emotions that were behind this. And that's scary. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:23 Well, you know, they're fucking one of the things that was important about charlotte i think charlottesville rather is that we got to see real nazis right like hey man they're real it's not the fucking guy writing the google memo it's this asshole with a swastika on his check he's carrying a tiki torch walking down the street with a gun in his pocket, like, you know, ranting about the Jews and black people. That's a real Nazi. And that is what you were saying.
Starting point is 00:58:53 There's extreme people on the right and there's extreme people on the left. And they don't understand that they're way more similar than they like to believe. If you believe that all white people are racist, if you believe that it's impossible for you to be a white person and not have some implicit bias and some racism, and that it's impossible to be racist against white people because racism is about using power and influence, and minorities do not have power and influence,
Starting point is 00:59:22 so they can be prejudiced, but they cannot be racist. Well, you're just as bad as the fucking person with the tiki torch right you don't think you are i know you don't think you are but you are because you're just as ridiculous you're so off of what is real you're so off you know the idea that all black people responsible for the woes of society and that none of it has to do with the fact they were captured hundreds of years ago and brought over here as slaves and that they're lesser as human beings. That's a disgusting, ridiculous proposition. And the people that think that way are fools, right? And rightly so.
Starting point is 00:59:54 Most people in the center look at those as fools. I look at the people that think that you can't be racist against white people as just as foolish. You dumb fucks are fueling these assholes. Yeah. Like with this dumb way of looking at things and pushing these ridiculous ideas that all white people are racist. You're supposed to feel bad because you're white.
Starting point is 01:00:15 I didn't do anything. I didn't do anything. Didn't ask to be born white. Didn't ask to be born male. Okay. Like you can't get mad at people for who they are. Yeah. Okay, like you can't get mad at people for who they are.
Starting point is 01:00:24 Yeah. We should be having an open discussion about what is wrong. Like what's wrong? Like what is going wrong? Why is this happening? Why are these negative things happening? Not why don't we have more women or why don't we have more Indian men? I mean that's fucking ridiculous. It's ridiculous.
Starting point is 01:00:48 Yeah. It's crazy. And I mean, the two sides are just scapegoating. So it is very similar and not taking any personal responsibility. You know, at least, you know,
Starting point is 01:00:58 what Jordan Peterson would say is just, you know, fix yourself before trying to fix the ills of the world. Well, I mean, I think there's also, uh, an issue here is that I don't, I gotta be very careful with my words, but I feel like this is a game and I don't mean it's a game. Like there's not, it's not a real issue. This absolutely, it's absolutely a real issue, but I think people
Starting point is 01:01:19 play for points. And I think that there's a real issue when people do things for social brownie points like Google saying that you were fired for promoting unfair gender stereotypes or dangerous or what was the word that they use harmful harmful harmful gender stereotypes that is a fucking play that's a play for points. A hundred percent. Okay. Where are the fucking harmful gender stereotypes? Where are they promoted? You tell me how.
Starting point is 01:01:52 If you don't tell me how, I want a fucking apology. Because you're lying. You're lying because you want all those people on the left to calm down. Well, we fired him. Oh, you fired him a month after you knew he wrote that shit? Are you guys crazy? Did you go over the science before you fired him or no? What did you what did you do like where's the where's the harmful gender stereotypes you guys talked about yeah and i mean it sucks too because you know you really need to address some
Starting point is 01:02:14 of these things yeah if you want to address the gender gap yeah and you know that was what you know page of my thing was all about was, oh, you know, if women are more cooperative and they approach the workplace differently, then maybe we can change the workplace to be more approachable. But if they're not willing to acknowledge any of these differences, then, you know, they won't do anything. So it's really annoying. Well, any interpersonal relationships with random people can be messy. You know, you get a group of 30 people together, you force them to work in a building and it's going to be messy to where people are messy. We're weird, you know? And if you have more of one group than another, that group is going to feel alienated. So if you have 80% men and 20% women, they're going to feel alienated.
Starting point is 01:02:58 There's no way around it, but the right way of approaching it is not to distort the facts, especially when you're thought of as being, I mean, Google is essentially a pillar of information. I mean, they're one of the most important, like, hey, man, Google it. I mean, that is the thing that people say. They're one of the most important aspects of our society today. Having the ability to instant. Nobody says go Bing that. Nobody gives a shit about Bing, right? I mean, Bing is a joke.
Starting point is 01:03:31 But Google is hugely important. So if you are essentially in charge of the distribution of more knowledge than arguably anything else on earth. I mean, that's a big statement, but I think you might be able to actually say that and be pretty honest. I think Google is responsible for distributing more information than any group on earth. Right. That's a giant responsibility. And in that responsibility, you cannot say that someone is promoting harmful gender stereotypes when they're absolutely not because i'm going over this fucking thing i'm pulling pages on i'm like where's the harmful gender stereotypes
Starting point is 01:04:13 other than the word neuroticism i just don't if you got fired for the word neuroticism well why is that word in all these evolutionary psychology texts like what where what's going on yeah and if you just google personality differences between men and women or something then that'll be the first five results so it's yeah and obviously these are just some of them i mean there's a broad again there's a broad spectrum of human beings and both genders right who are you still in them yeah i'm exploring all legal remedies that's have they contacted you and go listen james james we don't have to be so crazy james yes relax james let's go to dinner let's have some falafel i am surprised that they never you know when they fired me had me try to sign something to say oh yeah you know just here's
Starting point is 01:05:07 some non-disclosure agreement or something and then just pay you off yeah yeah but wow that was a big fuck up on their part it seems like it well i think they feel like they're completely i feel like the game again is like super clear like oh no we just, we just, we sunk a three pointer in. It's no problem. Like this is pretty, this is pretty straightforward. He went in the net. Dude, we don't have to do shit. You don't have to pay him because he lost the point.
Starting point is 01:05:33 You know? And I think maybe they underestimated how much negative press there would be about this. Because a lot of the initial stuff was all negative because it was coming out of the people that were tweeting about it. And then they saw that, oh yeah, it's really not this one-sided. And, you know, a lot of the things that may happen in a case is, you know, there's a lot of discovery into what the internals of Google are happening. I don't think they want that to happen because we'll actually see that,
Starting point is 01:06:03 oh yes, maybe there was this illegal discrimination happening now what is illegal about the discrimination that they're employing so i and i'm not a lawyer so i i can't say but at least according to our own policies we said you know it's illegal to use someone's protected status so their sex or gender or sex or a race in employment critical situations like you know when they're getting. So they're sex or gender or sex or a race in employment, critical situations like, you know, when they're getting hired, when they're trying to be matched to a manager or to a team and when we're choosing who to promote. And, but it is happening in a lot of these places. Protected status. Yeah. That's how they refer to it internally or is that like a common phrase i think that's a common phrase wow protected stat what's protected about
Starting point is 01:06:50 yeah you're not supposed to be able to discriminate on based on someone's age or you know i mean it's mostly it was originally like oh yeah you shouldn't be discriminating against black people, but obviously, I mean, it should apply to everyone. Right. So by doing that, they violated their own rules, right? But they don't think about it that way because they're promoting diversity by doing that. Yeah. It's kind of weird how they cited some of the same parts of the code of conduct where, oh, yes, every employee should do their utmost of reducing bias and harassment and legal discrimination. When really my document was about eliminating the bias against conservatives and the harassment against them and the legal discrimination that we're doing in multiple parts of our pipeline. There's no room for conservatives today, sir. I mean, are you a conservative? Do you feel like you're conservative? No, I'm pretty much just libertarian.
Starting point is 01:07:54 But that's thought of as conservative because it's convenient, right? You're just immediately pushed off into that right-wing, angry white male group. Yeah, everyone that's in the center or right of that is alt-right all right yeah yeah it's so you you favor smaller government less intrusion yeah yeah i'm not super libertarian like i obviously believe that there's places where the government should be but just yeah my like internal leaning or in philosophy is more like the, yeah, I think socially I lean more left,
Starting point is 01:08:29 like socially, like in terms of like welfare and things along those lines. And, you know, obviously this, um, protected status is driving me crazy. This,
Starting point is 01:08:39 this thing that Trump's doing with, um, uh, children that were born in this country or born in other countries and then brought over here as children. And then they're talking about deporting them. That drives me fucking crazy. And the hard right version of that is despicable. These people that I see online, why didn't they apply for citizenship?
Starting point is 01:08:56 Oh, who knows? Maybe because they're fucking 13. Yeah. You know, like, were you out there applying for citizenship if you were 13? No. I mean, when you're 13 years old, you're playing games and hanging out with your friends. And then you find out you were born in Guatemala. And you're like, what?
Starting point is 01:09:09 And they're like, you have to go back to Guatemala. What? Yeah. It's crazy. It sucks. I lean way left when it comes to those kind of things. Gay rights and things like social programs for disenfranchised people and disenfranchised communities. I lean way, like if I want my tax dollars to go to anything, I want it to go to making people's
Starting point is 01:09:30 lives easier, you know, whether it's socialized medicine or whatever, whatever we could do to make people like have an easier path to success and to not have them so burdened down by their environment and their circumstances. That, I think, is our responsibility as human beings to try to, I don't want to say even the playing field, because there's never going to be an even playing field, but to give people opportunity. That's it.
Starting point is 01:09:57 Just give people an opportunity to do well. Not have it so completely stacked against them. So in that sense, I'm not very conservative in that way. I'm not one of those pull yourself up by your bootstraps thing because that's just – that's so delusional. Like some people are just fucked. They're born with a terrible hand. And it would be nice if more of us were charitable in that regard. And some people think that that charity should be a personal issue and that we should all just do it, you know, as part of our community and our society. Maybe.
Starting point is 01:10:26 That's a good argument. But maybe the argument is that our government should be a part of our community, you know, and that we should think about it that way instead of thinking of it as this overlord that decides and designates where our money should go, that maybe we should have some more say in it. It should be some sort of a more uh you know just just a more a more kind approach so in that sense i lean pretty far left but i'm also pretty pragmatic you know and i and i also know that if you give people too much it's like sort of that winning
Starting point is 01:11:00 lottery ticket thing or that you know that if that if you, if you make things too easy for people, they don't try hard. It's just a natural part of human nature. So in that sense, I'm conservative in a lot of ways. Yeah. Like you definitely need some sort of safety net and to ensure that, you know, people can actually achieve the American dream. Well, just be healthy. I mean, I've been leaning more and more towards universal basic income than anything i think universal basic income at a certain point like enough that you can just eat and survive and then maybe that would open up a lot more people to pursuing dreams to going after things i mean i don't know i mean there's arguments for and against
Starting point is 01:11:40 and i think it's debatable it'll be be interesting to see, you know, Finland, I think, was proposing to start this because we don't really know what will happen. Right. And maybe people will, you know, start doing their hobbies and really find their passion. Maybe they'll just sit at home and watch TV and die. Yeah. It's really, these are the problems that we as a society will have to overcome. And, you know, of course, these are just first world we as a society will have to overcome and you know of course these are just first world problems but that's that will be what the world is like there was another country today i read about it on google another country today that's considering universal basic Fuck it. Was it South Korea? Oh, really? See if you can find it.
Starting point is 01:12:28 Scotland. Is that what it was? What was that? Oh. It popped up right on top. Hmm. I think there's many people that are... I mean, Elon Musk has been promoting this lately. Scotland will begin funding universal basic income experiments.
Starting point is 01:12:42 Yeah. Hawaii. That's what it was. Hawaii considers universal basic income.. Yeah. Hawaii. That's what it was. Hawaii considers universal basic income as robots seen stealing jobs. Fucking robots running on the streets, stealing jobs. Yeah. It's Hawaii. I think there is some real arguments to be made.
Starting point is 01:12:59 And I think Elon Musk, who is, of course, a part of this automated car revolution, and he's creating these trucks that they're going to start using to haul things. And they're going to be automated, and it's going to remove a lot of jobs. And they're starting to talk about universal basic income as a real solution to that. I mean, it's entirely possible. It's certainly an argument, you know, it's certainly worth discussing. Yeah, something like that. And hopefully the incentives will be better than some of the current welfare systems where, you know, you're not incentivized to get off of it. Yeah. If you start working, then you'll lose all of it. While universal basic income can be made such that you start working and then you'll lose all of it while universal basic income can be made such that you start
Starting point is 01:13:45 working and then you'll lose a little bit, but it's never an actual incentive to not work. Yes. Right. It's not an incentive to not work, but it's an, it's a, it gives you food and shelter. Right. So then you could go pursue a dream, which I think would be wonderful. I mean, look, if there's anything that our tax dollars should be going towards, it's creating less losers, right? Less people who feel disenfranchised by the system. You know, if you're, if you're, if you can pay X amount of tax dollars, but live in an exponentially more safe and friendly and happy environment, I think most people would be leaning towards that. I think it would be good. Yeah. I mean, and we'll see this, we see this too in people that start companies where it's a huge risk to start a company. Most people fail and most entrepreneurs in Silicon Valley are men
Starting point is 01:14:37 who are much more willing to take risks. But if we do have some sort of strong safety net, willing to take risks. But if we do have some sort of strong safety net, then it won't be so bad if you fail. Yeah. And maybe that'll help address some of the gender gap too. That's interesting. You know, um, it's, we want women to succeed in these positions so badly that like a woman CEO can become a superstar like that lady from that blood testing company that turned out to be all bullshit. Was that Thanos? Is that the name of it?
Starting point is 01:15:12 Theranos. Theranos? That was a fascinating case. This woman essentially was role-playing as a female Steve Jobs with a bullshit product that didn't really do what it was advertised to do. And her company was valued at something like $30-something billion. And she was thought to be the richest self-made woman in the world.
Starting point is 01:15:34 And then almost overnight, she's worth nothing because they found out it doesn't work. And the company sort of fell apart. There it is. How Elizabeth Holmes' of cards game came tumbling town. It is a fascinating story because this woman, look at her there. She dressed the part. She put on a fucking black turtleneck. I mean, she dressed like Steve jobs. I remember, um, she gave this speech once it's some woman's for, you know, woman's success group for something or another. And, uh, she got up there and in this like unprepared rambling stupid
Starting point is 01:16:07 speech and i was like how is this woman this super genius well it turns out she wasn't you know she dropped out of college at 19 and and created this company she started this like when she was in college you know and she she basically just fit what people were looking for, you know, and bullshitted her way to billions almost, you know. It's really kind of crazy. Yeah. A lot of people are very willing to see whatever narrative they want. Yeah. And we see this all the time in the media, too, where they just fit the data however they want.
Starting point is 01:16:43 Right. Which is why they wanted to call you a misogynist. Yeah. You know, when I first read that, I was like, wow. Like, this is a hot take by this lady. She wrote an article. I think she wrote one of them was, let me lady-splain what's going on with women in tech.
Starting point is 01:17:01 Did you read that one? I saw it. I remember. Don't read it. There's so many. Yeah, there's a lot of it, dude. There's a lot of it. So where are you at right now? I mean, you, you obviously, did they give you some sort of a pension or something like that? They didn't give you any money. They just fire you. No, I, yeah, I've been cheap throughout the years though.
Starting point is 01:17:19 So you saved up some cash. Yeah. That's good. Still trying to figure out what's next. Have you gotten any job offers? I've gotten random job offers from people, but I haven't. It's hard to tell how serious they are. Have you thought about writing a book? Yeah. I mean, I'm not too much of a writer, so. You wrote that memo pretty well. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:17:41 I mean, I'm famous for what I wrote, but I'm not. It's, you know, if I, you know, had been studying how to write and stuff my entire life i wouldn't have been an engineer right but we did a great job with it though yeah i mean it's very thorough i like to think so it i it it addressed a lot of things and it's unfortunate that there was that one part that is getting so much attention when really it pointed out a lot of problems in our culture and a lot of suggestions for how to fix things. And it seems like none of that is really getting traction. Yeah. No. Well, at least it started the conversation, right?
Starting point is 01:18:22 Not at least for you because you got fired. the conversation right not at least for you because you got fired yeah i mean in some ways though it has made it even more dangerous to bring these up at least you know it's sort of empowered some people to at least understand some of the issues and hopefully these things will get brought up but right now it's sort of a toxic uh topic to bring up at google at least do you think that it's toxic in in the short term but in the long term it'll inspire a more reasoned balanced conversation once the dust is settled hopefully and you know that's sort of one of the hopes with the lawsuit is to show people that no google can't just do this that there are limits to how much they can silence things yeah and you shouldn't be afraid to point
Starting point is 01:19:11 out issues in the workplace right and you just said with the lawsuit like it's absolutely happening yeah i mean we've we filed a claim with the NLRB, which is the National Labor Relations Board. And so they usually work with unions. And, you know, it's often employers that try to break up unions and fire people for joining unions. And that's illegal. And, you know, a lot of this, what I was doing was a conservative effort between multiple people that, you know, trying to improve the workplace. Right. And actually, you know, whistleblow on some of the illegal practices.
Starting point is 01:19:52 Did you save emails where people were shaming people for being white or shaming people for having implicit bias because they were white or harassing people? Yeah, a lot of people have been doing this. harassing people for yeah a lot of people have been doing this like there's some underground efforts within google to at least document some of this because you know while they may not be the majority they they're sort of a silent coalition within google that's sort of upset about a lot of this oh that's interesting so there are some conservative people that work at google yeah i mean there's there's definitely more than zero more than zero um is it like 20 like the amount that are represented like women that are represented in the company so i it may be that or even lower i think there's a lot of libertarians
Starting point is 01:20:46 or even lower i think there's a lot of libertarians so that would be the main counter to the extreme left but and then like so like what the main retributions against people are the social conservatives and they feel completely alienated so it's really unfortunate for them. But, yeah, there's at least hundreds of them. Now, when you say, like, social conservatives, like, what do you, how do you classify that? Like, what would? I mean, I guess people that believe in traditional values and. Homophobes, say it. So, I think this is a lot of what's happening too on where people just assume okay because you believe say in traditional values and you think that you know marriage is an important thing and you know i think that there is evidence that
Starting point is 01:21:41 uh you know bringing up people in a two-parent household, whether or not it's the same sex or different sex, that is important for children. And there's a huge disparity in outcome of people with only one parent versus two. So there is something to be said about marriage and having cultural norms that support that. and having cultural norms that support that. But just completely alienating that side of the argument is really negative, and that's hurt our society in general, I think. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:22:16 Well, I think any time you silence discussion based on your own personal ideas of what should and shouldn't be debated, I think becomes an issue. I mean, you could disagree with someone. And that's a very complicated issue when it comes to whether or not two parents are more beneficial to a child than one. Because obviously there's a lot of reasons why people break up. You don't want to encourage people to be in toxic relationships child than one, because obviously there's a lot of reasons why people break up. Yeah. You know,
Starting point is 01:22:49 you don't want to encourage people to be in toxic relationships and then show the child that, you know, this is a, the framework for a loving relationship, people that scream at each other and whatever horrible shit they do to each other that gets super complicated and very, very personal. Right. Yeah. It's, it's definitely a touchy subject. It's very personal one. Yeah. So I, I don't know personally how to address that, but I think it's definitely a touchy subject and it's very personal one yeah so i i don't know personally how to address that but i think it's at least something that we should be cognizant of has anybody said when you know these white people are being shamed in this you know has anybody ever stepped up and say hey this is racist they might have but never in a public forum that I know of. But publicly, white people have been criticized. Right.
Starting point is 01:23:28 And, you know, there's all these negative stereotypes of men and white people. And, you know, those gender stereotypes are fine. But, and, you know, the whole idea that, you know, I'm only here because of my white male privilege. Therefore, I'm somehow a worse programmer than all the other non-white non-males is that implied or is that stated i it's implied that you know they get it easier in life and in the interview process and in their evaluations yeah white and maybe asian males so how is it implied, though? Can you give me an example? And they'll say explicitly that just, yes,
Starting point is 01:24:07 these groups of people are disadvantaged. These are advantaged. There's this privilege that they have. And we've seen it time and again through all these evaluation processes that they're better evaluated and these are worse. And they often just see whatever data that they want you know like the case before where they just pulled out the female side without seeing that oh the male side was pretty much the same and yeah it's crazy and they you even see it in some
Starting point is 01:24:39 of their internal studies where you know they were trying to show how racist or sexist Google was and how worse women have it. So they were looking at the code review process where you can submit code to be reviewed and then someone has to approve it before it goes into the code base. And they were looking at, okay, if a woman's the author of it, how many comments do they get on this review? And if they got more comments, then that would mean that their work is more scrutinized. But if they got fewer comments,
Starting point is 01:25:10 then they were just ignored. And so, you know, there's no way out of it. You know, any result would show that women are being discriminated against somehow. Wow. Man, I'm glad i don't work where you worked are you happy to be free of that at all i miss the free food ah that's hilarious good food there yeah i like the food a lot i had a friend was a big executive over there a woman by the way woman oh running shit um yeah she she enjoyed it but she said it was a mess like in she didn't you know obviously have the same issues that you had but she was like that the whole thing is just chaos oh really yeah stupid shit going on over there she hated it
Starting point is 01:25:59 there's definitely and i went in a little bit in this in the document too where if you have a company that's too progressively run then it'll be sort of this you know everyone's equal and no hierarchy and all chaos and constantly changing while you know the opposite of a really conservative company where there's a lot of hierarchy decisions are made from the top with which may not be you know very easy to change things so like i mean google is definitely more of the former where there is a lot of chaos and there's multiple teams working on the same thing and it's just this is how we have multiple products that end up doing the same thing and we have to deprecate some Right like we have that's very much like for different chat apps Well Google is in the technology realm, but they're not they don't have a lot of competition
Starting point is 01:26:56 That's what's really interesting But then they do in certain ways right like they do in the phone way like they put out the pixel which I bought which Is kind of a fucked up phone. really yeah it doesn't they're like the the microphone doesn't work all the time oh yeah like you have to like go to speakerphone and bring it back to microphone there's a bunch of bugs so a lot quite a few issues with it and then there's the android operating system which a lot of people prefer so i think they're like pretty competitive in that realm but like um when it comes to like search engines though they're done they don't really have competition yeah that's where it gets real sneaky because a lot of power in that search search engine and then in gmail what what you know
Starting point is 01:27:36 what competition they have in gmail yeah who gives a fuck about hotmail i i started using yahoo mail because people were you know really suspicious that google would eventually read my email oh wow do you really worry about that they would spy on your email there were some weird things happening to my phone so i had like what a corp attached to it you had what uh so my corp so like corp my work phone basically okay and it started like rebooting and after this whole controversy do you have an android yeah and this had never happened before and it hasn't happened since and it like all these random apps started updating it was kind of scary but so do you think they started spying on you?
Starting point is 01:28:26 Is there a way to find out? I don't know if there's a way to find out. Fuck, dude. I would put my phone aside and bring it to, like, the top technologist and go, listen, we got to go over this. Because that would be giant, dude. If you found out they were spying on you, is there anything in your contract that allows them to spy on you?
Starting point is 01:28:44 There's some random things where, yeah, they can basically just spy on you completely there anything in your contract that allows them to spy on you there's some random things where they yeah they can basically just spy on you completely what yeah like how so uh so all of your keystrokes are sort of logged and what at work or on the work computer okay yeah not necessarily your personal laptop or anything okay what about your phone yeah so i don't know exactly what they do but was it a corporate phone yeah it had my account attached to it okay but it was your personal phone yeah i bought it but then oh so yeah they they reserved the right to like completely nuke it and what yeah they reserved a right to nuke your personal phone now this corporate phone are you allowed to use it for like say if you go on a date or you want
Starting point is 01:29:30 to buy a movie ticket or something you're allowed to use that phone yeah so that's a weird marriage of two worlds isn't it yeah it's some people would own two phones because of that but you know i was i'm a cheap person again like i didn't want to have google pay for extra stuff right and i mean i can understand why they want that because especially you know i was traveling to china for some of my work and you know supposedly if they see that you work for google they'll just like steal your laptop or your phone or they won't even explicitly steal it they'll like go into your room and then install some software on it and then just put it there. And then the Chinese government will
Starting point is 01:30:12 somehow get into Google's networks. Whoa. So, I mean, they're rightfully paranoid about some things, but sometimes it's, you know, you don't want to give one entity too much power yeah my friend who worked for google was very upset at this whole china thing because essentially she was saying they have to agree to censorship the china censorship and that the only alternative is to let china steal all of what google's doing and make a fake google because that's what they were doing apparently like they had to make sure that they they didn't allow that and then to do that they had to have certain things like Tiananmen Square he couldn't search for that it was like a lot of weird shit that they would have to censor any you know dissent of the government and you know gets very slippery right I mean like yeah
Starting point is 01:31:01 you're anti-diverse or you're pro-diversity but you're also you're supporting that like as a company that's a giant issue like to allow china to censor its citizens i mean you're you're essentially promoting a dictatorship in that regard yeah it's sort of a lose-lose i i don't know what exactly they should do i think they just did it for business i think they just made a business choice it's a fucking scary choice too yeah well i mean they they were in china and they supported some of this stuff but then they eventually chose not to because they backed out of it yeah is that recent that was um i don't know before my time at google actually so they decided to get out so they're not involved with china anymore yeah it's blocked by the firewall china blocked google yeah and all of
Starting point is 01:31:52 google services don't they have some weird thing you can get around that though but that's super illegal if you get around that you get in like really big trouble yeah although their official policy is that there is no firewall so i don't know if they have any laws to actually... Imagine that. A fucking billion people, they figured out how to do that to them. Yeah. I think China's not the only case where this is happening. There's other countries where Google also has a sensor.
Starting point is 01:32:20 Really? Yeah, like in the Middle East some company or some countries that do that god man so it gets really complicated yeah i could imagine look i don't envy them i don't and i don't envy any of the people that work there in management that are sort of responsible for putting out you know an infinite number of forest fires all around them all the time, social, economic, you know, dealing with different cultures. It's not, it doesn't seem like it'd be an easy gig. Yeah. And I mean, one of the worries that they have now too is, you know, even though they have a large market share for a search, they see search as sort of a gateway to the world. And they don't necessarily have
Starting point is 01:33:07 a huge market share for that because, you know, Facebook and Twitter are also ways to get to the world's information. And a lot of Facebook just is just a walled garden where Google can't really get into that. So some people just, and you know, on on your phone you spend most of your time on facebook or something and not necessarily just doing random google searches you know yeah i got off of that i don't really go on facebook for that very reason it seems to me to be the biggest sucker of time that we have i just i feel like twitter to me is like it's limited by 140 characters it It seems like pretty straightforward. I get links.
Starting point is 01:33:46 I get interesting stories get sent to me. That, for my needs, that's more appealing. And then Instagram is very appealing because I like images. I like to look at pictures, and sometimes people write cool captions and find out about interesting shit. But Facebook is like, whew, boy, you're gonna you lose a lot of time on that motherfucker yeah and that so this is a random tangent but you know so i worked on image search and they also see that even though there isn't a huge competitor for image search there's instagram and pinterest
Starting point is 01:34:20 which are very similar things and you, we do our demographic research and we really look into why people are using these products. And we see that the majority of the users are women. And, you know, they actually know why that is. It's that women prefer, you know, art and aesthetics over men and on average, right? And that's exactly what I had in the document. over men and on average, right? And that's exactly what I had in the document. Like, I mean, we openly acknowledge this when we're looking at the products because otherwise, you know,
Starting point is 01:34:51 you're not going to give these random ads to people that, you know, if you know that they're a man and you're not going to give them ads for women products, you know? Right. So AdSense does discriminate and stereotype people in some ways. But it's okay.
Starting point is 01:35:10 Yeah. Although now they're getting into trying to de-bias machine learning. So if they do see any things that the machine learning has learned, these statistical anomalies or just trends in the data, then they'll try to remove that. Why? That seems like it would be less effective. It's less effective, but they see it as social justice.
Starting point is 01:35:36 Yeah, it's... What a mess. What a mess. Bing, you need to step up your game. Come on, Bing. Bring back that your game. Come on, Bing. Bring back that Windows phone. Come on, Hotmail. Microsoft had Hotmail, right?
Starting point is 01:35:52 Nobody uses Hotmail. Is that even real anymore? Do they have Hotmail? I think so. So I've been getting a lot of emails from pretty paranoid people, and some of them are from Hotmail. Oh, yeah. How about AOL? I got an What the fuck? AOL is real? from you know pretty paranoid people and some of them are from hotmail so oh yeah how about aol i got what the fuck aol is real who the hell has aol um where are you right now like where
Starting point is 01:36:14 where where are you what do you do with your time yeah i read books uh respond to media requests do you get a lot of them yeah i still get a lot and you know thankfully now some of them are more of the long form which i a lot i like a lot more than just the five minute tv thing yeah i wanted to give you as much time as you could to just yeah talk about this and especially after i heard you on ben shapiro show i'm like this guy is getting the shaft you're a very reasonable person you're not a misogynist at all. As far as I can tell, you don't seem like a sexist. You don't seem cruel. You're not like the type of person I think would go out of their way to promote some sort of a quote unquote harmful stereotype, gender stereotype. It just seems so weird. Especially like I personally,
Starting point is 01:37:01 I'm just very conscious about a lot of these gender stereotypes. I use the word they whenever the gender of someone is unknown or just unimportant. And I try to avoid using guys instead of just like you all or something. Yeah, I say folks. I try to say folks now because I used to say guys a lot. I try to use the term folks. But yeah, for that very reason yeah and you know if i get married i i would actually try to you know merge our last name somehow don't do that dude not not like the hyphen not the hyphen but just like create a new name yeah create a new name that would be the coolest if if you can do it well you know the
Starting point is 01:37:42 former mayor of los angeles did that really yeah his name is tony velar and his wife had this ethnic name and so they changed it and put it together and he came velarago velaragos velaragos i think that's what his name was but it made him seem like he was mexican and so that's why he went with it and he kept it even after he got divorced oh man yeah it's super like adam crowell always shits on him for it i didn't even know about it until he explained it to me i went what like it's a fake name because i mean i just i i don't i wouldn't want my wife to you know just take my last name and lose theirs i refuse to let my wife use her own name you can't yeah villara villaria gosa villaria gosa valara gosa you could make a really cool last name yeah that's what he did i mean he was valar antonio ramon valar jr and his wife was uh ria gosa that's pretty cool 2007 and they split up but he kept that name
Starting point is 01:38:47 kept that fucking ethnic name as long as you don't google search it when you do you go hey what what's your fucking dad's name bro yeah i i mean there are people that have stage names yeah it's sort of okay yeah um nicki glazer had a very funny joke about that she's a stand-up comedian she had a funny joke about um your old name you know and that like when a woman gets married and then like her all her name is is when her son gets locked out of his bank account and needs to know mom what was your old name like in terms of like how to access his account with a password yeah i mean
Starting point is 01:39:26 yeah it'd be nice if everybody just kept their own fucking name yeah but then what do you do to the kids that's yes kill the kid to pick you know who's your favorite parent yeah who's your favorite parent have a meritocracy inside your own family no you can't do that right yeah and then if you have it so oh the first child is this second child is that then it just gets too confusing and then what if you change your name and then you break up do you go back to your old name i don't it depends on how cool it is if it's then you keep it yeah it's good it keeps you ingratiates you with the ethnic market markets maybe maybe yeah tricky i don't know marriage in itself is very weird it's some sort of strange legal contract with the state that
Starting point is 01:40:12 involves relationships which is just so bizarre which is why 50 of them fall apart you know yeah that's and that's chris rock had a great joke about that. That's the cowards that stay. Like how many of the people stay? 50% left. Like how many people are fucking miserable and they're still involved in that contract? And it's 50% that fail. It's a good argument, you know? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:40:39 Is it the 50% of the initial ones get breaking up or just 50% of all marriages? So like there are some that get married 10 times. And so do they get counted in that 50%? Yes, because initial marriages, like if you get a union, I do, I do. How many of those work? 50% stay unionized. Oh man, of the first ones.
Starting point is 01:41:00 That's pretty bad. It's not good. Yeah, it's not good. I'm happily married. I tell people don't do it. It's not worth it. It's pretty bad it's not good yeah it's not good um i'm happily married i tell people don't do it it's not worth it it's not worth it it's a fucking ridiculous proposition and if you're um whether you're male or female that makes a lot of money and the spouse doesn't then you run into this very weird situation you know yeah it's it's scary and yeah potential of losing custody of kids yes yeah it gets real weird but it makes sense with children because you know like look creating life is way more of
Starting point is 01:41:35 a commitment than divorce and marriage because you could you could easily get divorced people do it every day but creating life is like that's a significant responsibility i mean it's gigantic yeah you could get along with someone else i mean you could get divorced and go through all the turmoil and all the stress and then find a new person and maybe they'll be maybe it'd be better maybe you marry that person it'll work out well maybe you learn from your first relationship. But I think the commitment of raising a human being is way more of like a serious long-term responsibility. So if you could do that, like you could stay married, you know, work it out.
Starting point is 01:42:17 As long as the person's reasonable, get a reasonable person. Well, do you know anyone that's getting an arranged marriage or has? Arranged marriage? Yeah. No, I don i don't because those actually i think they stay together more than that 50 percent really yeah so like like uh like rich parents get together with another rich family and they bring over their daughter and we yeah or not necessarily just rich i think it happens a lot in more traditional countries. Like India, it still happens. What is that?
Starting point is 01:42:49 The divorce surge is over, but the myth lives on. That's a chick who wrote that. I just saw two articles. That's fake news. Get that shit off the screen. What does it say? I just saw another article on Psychology Today. It said it's down to about 75% survive.
Starting point is 01:43:03 What? Yeah, one in four end in divorce. But if you get married a second or third time, the rates go way up. Yeah, that makes sense. It says it's like a myth, quote unquote myth from the 70s and 80s, but there also isn't the amount of time, if you got married in the last 10 years, to say you're going to get
Starting point is 01:43:18 divorced in 20 more years. I would like to know the actual hard data with the United States of America, because culturally it gets weird when you look across the Different countries, but what about the United States of America? What are the percentage of people who get married who wound up getting divorced? Let's find that out. What do you say it is? Oh across the world. I think no just the United States. Oh the just the United States I would think I'm sort of trusting that random
Starting point is 01:43:43 You think it's about 25% get divorced? Divorce rate in the US drops to nearly 40 year low. Wow. Look at this. It represents a jump from 31.9 in 2014 and is the highest number. Okay. 32.2. Okay. Marriage rates, on the other hand, have increased. There's 32.2 marriages for every 1,000 unmarried. But what is the divorce rate? 16.9 for 1,000 married women, 15 or older. What is the fucking percentage, you fuck? 23.
Starting point is 01:44:14 They're throwing around too many. 50% chance. Okay. Typical marriages still have a 50% chance of lasting. That's all I said. It's the same goddamn number. Researchers have found that typical marriages still have about a 50% chance of lasting. That's all I said. It's the same goddamn number. Researchers have found that typical marriages still have about a 50% chance of lasting. That's very fucking...
Starting point is 01:44:30 I think this is still talking about... Rose-colored glasses. Including the second and third marriages and beyond. Well, marriage is marriage. I mean, if you have a second marriage, it means you failed. It means you got divorced. Yeah, yeah, but if... Go back to that, Jamie, please.
Starting point is 01:44:48 It says, Researchers have found that typical marriages still have a 50% chance of lasting. That means you have a 50% chance of not lasting. But that's just assuming you look at every single marriage. But if you look at the first marriage, then maybe you have a 70% chance of never getting a divorce huh and then but if you do get divorced so you like factor it in when people are in like the second third and fourth man like those Elizabeth Taylor type folks yeah I was like nine or ten marriages and so it might have reduced because
Starting point is 01:45:24 people are just getting married later so they're choosing rather than just oh i got pregnant when i was young or i didn't have anything else to do so i got married look at that hawaii had the lowest it's because it's fucking awesome there maybe if you live somewhere awesome they have universal basic income yeah great weather great marriages what did you put up, Jamie? What are you highlighted? Just other things that they're saying factor in, like cohabitating has become less stigmatized.
Starting point is 01:45:54 So not living together but not getting married is another thing that's happening. Oh, okay. People don't look to marriage to shore up an unstable relationship. Marriage rates have been declining for years. So less people get married, but the percentage is still pretty much the same. You also don't have to get married when you have a kid right now that's like you're not right rushing to do it right right right it's less stigmatized yeah i mean imagine if that was your friendship thing like hey man we're best friends or what let's fucking go to court dude do this i mean it's just as weird i mean it really is but it does it makes sense for some people that like it
Starting point is 01:46:25 people like rituals you know it feels good to you know like say it and do it and make it real and jump over the broom like they did in roots yeah i i think one interesting thing that i was looking into a little bit was um the rates of divorce for homosexual marriages because that that's also sort of interesting so one thing about heterosexual marriages is women initiate the divorce in 70% of cases of course they do which is you know i wouldn't have necessarily predicted that really so don't you think women get pissed more like fuck you don't you yeah i guess but relationships that you've been in have women been pissed off at you more than you've been pissed off at them or the opposite definitely they get mad at me sexist you're a goddamn promoting harmful gender stereotypes
Starting point is 01:47:17 i i son of a bitch i generally just don't get that angry so i think that's part of it but that's probably they get mad at you you don't even fucking care and so like not to push on the one thing that sort of hurt me but the neuroticism trait is actually has been linked to unstable marriages and women having more of that has been part of the explanation for why and so you see in lesbian couples they also have a higher rate of divorce than... Than gay couples? Yeah. Than gay men?
Starting point is 01:47:47 That's interesting. So part of it is women want to settle down much faster, so they'll move in within a month. And then, which obviously is too soon to know whether or not that's a long-term relationship. Well, especially if neither one of you are flexible and you don't sort of adapt to each other's needs and desires. So, uh, I interrupted you though. What is the percentage of gay men? How often do they get divorced? I don't know the exact numbers, but I, it's lower than the lesbian one. And because, you know, we only have the last few years or so of gay marriage. Yeah. So we don't know the actual long-term rates but it's it's very interesting because you know it's a world that i don't know much about right
Starting point is 01:48:34 has um how do how have you come through all this like do you feel damaged by this at all do you feel like like your name has been besmirched uh definitely you know i i just went to a party with my friends and you know some of them i was much closer to and i had already talked to about this some i hadn't and you know you never know how they felt about it right so some it seemed like they you know i could tell that they were like oh yeah man hey what's up but some finally bro one of us bro keep it tight secret handshake but others were maybe a little averse to me so that may happen in the future but prejudices that they have going into the conversation yeah yeah and oh i didn't know that you were a sexist wow have you gotten that have you gotten people
Starting point is 01:49:32 people like outright insulting you there was one person that was like just on the roads just f you really yeah on the road where was this uh in mountain view so you're driving your car i i just got out of my car and they just yelled male or female it was a guy and what'd he say just f you just fuck you for what for being me how do you know that that's why he said that uh well yeah i mean i've never really been yelled at except by like crazy people on the street what this guy looked like just normal nerd guy did he have his girlfriend with him yeah he's trying to impress her maybe oh that cunt that piece of shit i want to smack him god but i most of the support or at least personal interactions, have been in support of me.
Starting point is 01:50:27 So there have been random people like, oh, are you James Damore? It's like, yeah. Wow. So one guy with a girl yelled out, fuck you. And he looked like a nerd. She'll dump him. Don't worry about it, buddy. It'll all come around.
Starting point is 01:50:41 I had a friend that was like that. He was super fucking male feminist. It'll all come around. I had a friend that was like that. He was super fucking male feminist. And then eventually his spouse went nutty on him and crazy. And then all of her friends went nutty on him. And now he's like He-Man Woman Haters Club.
Starting point is 01:50:55 He went the other way. Oh, really? Not totally, but he's like, what the fuck, man? I'm like, yeah, you can't just rely on a gender to be cool yeah you have to rely on individual human beings and their personalities and their actions and their character i can't believe we have to actually go over this but no like all in all men aren't great all in all women aren't great you find unique people that are cool in all sorts of groups. Yeah. And, you know, once you start aligning yourself with one of these groups and, you know, if you ever go against any of their principles and, you know, they're constantly changing and getting more extreme, then you'll
Starting point is 01:51:36 eventually get ostracized and maybe that's what happened. That's a big issue with the left. Sure. You know, the left eats itself, but I don't think that's as much of an issue with the conservative right you know with rational conservatives Not like racists and like full right-wing nuts, but you know I think What people just want? They want harmony. I think overall right now. They want to succeed and they want harmony, which sometimes are mutually exclusive. Yeah. And, you know, a lot of people just don't acknowledge that, you know, most people are normal and they're just want to live their life.
Starting point is 01:52:15 And, you know, even though they might have voted for Trump or something, they're not some evil person. Right. They're not the KKK. evil person right yeah they're not the kkk which i i've met a lot of people in silicon valley that basically equate voting for trump and being in the kkk yeah yeah that's harmful that's really splitting groups and you know if you're going to build products that are for the entire world then you really need to understand other people especially especially, you know, a lot of the world is actually more conservative than, I mean, Europe may be more liberal than the U S in some ways, but a lot of Asia and Africa and South America is more conservative than we are. So we need to
Starting point is 01:53:00 at least understand what's happening and what their worldview is. Yeah, the idea that everyone who voted for Trump is in the KKK is so crazy. But it's convenient to demonize the other. Yeah. We would love to do that. We'd love to look at groups and just block ourselves off. And this is us. And we're on the right.
Starting point is 01:53:20 And these people on the other side, they're incorrect. on the right and these people on the other side, they're, they're incorrect. And it's a real normal, common tendency that human beings have that we should be very, very aware of, but we're not, you know, it's, we have these convenient blinders that we put on whenever we're engaging in any sort of ideological discussions where our belief systems might be challenged. We dig our heels in and like, this is it. I think you see a lot of that with the left with this whole like you cannot be progressive enough you know like it's like they're getting wackier and wackier with it it's really weird yeah no concept of you know okay i'm an ally with you on this thing even though we may disagree on this other subject. And that's just completely impossible in their head.
Starting point is 01:54:06 Yeah. But I don't think there's enough real discussions going on in this world, too. I think people are a lot of times following these predetermined patterns of behavior. They think they're expected to follow as a progressive or as a conservative, and then they just go with it. And then when they do engage with someone who has a differing opinion then it becomes a in quotes game again right it's trying to win rather than trying to understand like what this person sees and what they think and what what is your philosophy like how are
Starting point is 01:54:37 you approaching this and trying to be like really open-minded about it yeah you know like i see this even in myself when i'm talking to someone and, you know, maybe there are feminists or like extreme in some way and like, I'll discuss them and I'll immediately just stereotype them as someone that's even more extreme. And I'll read into their words of, oh, you said that, that means that you mean this. And even though, you know, maybe it's important to at least show what the extreme outcome would be and therefore we can't just take this on principle, but everyone does it and it's really hard to not do it. form conversations are so important. And how often do you ever sit down like this with someone and talk for a couple hours with just you and the person talking, not looking at your phone, not checking the TV, not, no, no one, we very rarely do this. And I think this is one of the only ways we could really work out ideas, especially when you're talking to someone
Starting point is 01:55:40 that might have a differing opinion, but they also might be intelligent and you might be able to like sort it out. Like, let me parse out what your thoughts are and see where I differ and how you got to where you got. And maybe I'll have a better understanding of your philosophy. And, but there's a lot of people that don't even have a philosophy. They just, it sounds good. So they just go with this predetermined pattern that's easy to follow. You know, as a left wing progressive, I feel this. I mean, I've heard people say that before, like as a Democrat, I've always felt like, oh, as a Democrat, as a fucking person. Yeah, that's no, it's not. It's ideas are hard. You know, thoughts on life and how we cohabitate and how we move through this
Starting point is 01:56:26 fucking existence together. It's, it's very difficult to work out. We're just so many variables, so many styles of human, you know, there's just so many different things that we have to work through together and to try to, to try to do that based on patterns that other people have established and that you cannot break and then, you know, have these like, I mean, that's one of the reasons why it's so ruthless to say that all white people have some implicit
Starting point is 01:56:54 biases that they may or not may not even be aware of. And this, you know, unintended racism flavors all conversations like, you're just poisoning this conversation. You just poisoning this conversation you're poisoning this conversation with an uh this fucking fishing line it's all tangled up now we're gonna have to figure out what is real and pull this apart and get it back on the spool
Starting point is 01:57:16 you know yeah and there's no solution for some of those too where you know you just say there's some boo boogeyman type thing that's controlling all this. And there's some conspiracy that we, we can't really see, and we can't point out specific examples, but it's ever present. And I, I think, yeah, a lot of the treating people as individuals that has become more of a libertarian thing. Yeah. And so it's hard hard to at least for me to understand some of this more collective thinking and social conformity which i've never been a fan of but do you think it was a good idea to write that memo like if you had to go back again if
Starting point is 01:58:00 you were in front of your computer and you're ready to press send would you uh maybe i would wait for my year-end bonus but man i i mean i think i would have pushed harder even harder on the diversity programs although like i met with them personally and i kept pinging them and i sent so many emails to them just trying to have a discussion about this. And I went through multiple other programs and sent this document, this exact document to them. So it's really unclear what I could have done differently. But I, for example, I didn't know so much about the underground conservative network before all of this and google you mean yeah and even within silicon valley like there's attempts to sort of connect them between companies but there's like
Starting point is 01:58:51 so much verification that you need to go through to be able to join one of these you have to have a pseudonym uh i mean you don't need to be totally anonymous but you know you you don't want, because there's active attempts to try to infiltrate these groups. Really? Yeah. This happens a lot where they'll try to join a group, act as if they're one of them, and then just record what's happening and then expose them. Whoa. And you can take anything out of context and it would be shown as, you know, racism or something. Well, I mean, think of what we've said.
Starting point is 01:59:27 Well, not you, but me joking around in this conversation. You could clearly take something I've said out of context and make it look like I'm a monster. But if you're in an email and you're complaining about some sort of diversity program. Yeah. yeah like what they often do is they will find someone that they disagree with and then they'll scour through their entire history at google and all the emails that they've sent and try to look for some way to blacklist them or show that this person is evil therefore they should be fired it's horrible and supposedly this is happening in other companies too. And they even have like these automated scripts to try to find these negative things on people that they
Starting point is 02:00:11 don't like. Wow. So a little, little psychological covert warfare. Yeah. And that's also going to contribute to people toeing the line, right want to keep their job like look at you just said maybe you would have waited until you got your year-end bonus i mean people i mean and you are a single guy right yeah so family that definitely helped where i don't have as many responsibilities imagine if you did you know you probably wouldn't have said anything you would thought about it and go you know what i have to worry about my family and taking care of my bills. And, oh, it's so weird, man. Yeah. I mean, the worst part is these people think that they're doing the right thing.
Starting point is 02:00:51 Right. Like censoring people and finding these people is the right thing. Because those people are wrong. Yeah. So that's how they think. They think, okay, I have everyone sees the world the same. Therefore, anyone that disagrees with me is either misinformed or a misogynist bigot, right? Otherwise, how could I have possibly said those things?
Starting point is 02:01:12 Yeah. When really, you know, people with different political ideologies see the world differently. And they have different biases. And, you know, none of them are totally correct but we need to be able to discuss things to show you know a more objective view of the world without a doubt the the fact that that is even up for debate is uh it's very strange i mean that's a ideological echo chamber and that seems like for whatever reason that seems like where uh tech is and that's where technology companies seem to lean towards this
Starting point is 02:01:52 very left-wing ideological echo chamber yeah and i mean i saw it a lot too on the comments of the document where i said oh yeah these are just biases and no they were like no the right is indoctrinated they're just kkk and they're anti-education they're anti-poor people they're anti-everything it's like not all of them yeah and you know at least the way i see it and not being you know total conservative i can't say, but it seems like they don't necessarily hate poor people or anything. They just think that these certain incentive structures are what's best for society. And, you know, it's not best to promote, or they think that some things will lead to laziness or something. And that's not saying, oh, yeah, these people are just horrible people.
Starting point is 02:02:46 something right and that's not saying oh yeah these people are just horrible people they actually want to help everyone and they think that these uh social norms and government programs may be hurting people yeah there i mean there certainly are some people that are right wing that think like that and then there's some people that are right wing that are really racist yeah they they exist too and there's some people that are left wing that are really racist and they're really racist towards white people i mean that's that's there's some people that are left wing that are really racist. And they're really racist towards white people. I mean, there's white people that are racist towards white people. I mean, I've read so many fucking tweets from people that, you know, like I follow a bunch of anti-social justice warrior accounts. And they'll find people that tweet like really horrible shit about white people that are white.
Starting point is 02:03:22 Yeah. It's like, I get what you're doing just trying to get those brownie points trying trying super hard to get uh you know people of color to love you and you know as an ally it's just very strange time i think a lot of it has to do with this newfound ability to communicate that just really did not exist in the past if you wanted to get controversial ideas passed uh you know to massive groups of people in the past. If you wanted to get controversial ideas passed to massive groups of people in the past, you had to write a book or you had to get an article published. You had to be some sort of a major media distribution center had to take your work and put it out there for the people. Now,
Starting point is 02:03:59 that's not the case. So now you get a lot of really fragile or really poorly thought out ideas and uh as long as you can hit the nerve of enough retards you can get those fucking things out there and then they start promoting i mean that's where the flat earth movement is coming from i mean what is that other than that i mean that's exactly what it is it's enough people that just don't have a sense of the importance of critical thinking skills or are not used to objectively assessing ideas and then they they coalesce in these groups that are like-minded and you can get that with racism you can get that with sexism you can get that with pretty much anything right you get these like-minded groups they get together and they have confirmation bias and they get an ideological echo chamber and they start reinforcing each other, you know?
Starting point is 02:04:49 Yeah. And definitely, I mean, it affects who you follow and then you just assume, oh yeah, everyone thinks like this, therefore it must be right. Yeah. really a shame though that this is happening even in you know the pursuit of knowledge in academia where so many people have a certain worldview like the social sciences have 90 percent of people lean left yeah and that's that can create its own confirmation biases and especially when you know it's it's definitely bad like in tech where 20% of people are women and they can feel alienated. But at least, you know, overt signs of sexism are seen as bad. Right.
Starting point is 02:05:32 But overt signs of discriminating against people based on their political orientation is seen as okay. And people do it. people do it and so yeah there's a big asymmetry there where you you actually feel it's justified to maybe it wouldn't be as big of an issue if we had a reasonable republican president maybe if we had someone who was like really kind and rational like maybe a mitt romney type who seemed like far more reasonable and, you know, the sort of, you know, I mean, we have a bunch of issues, obviously, as a country now with this guy as president. And I think that we're also dealing with really an infant stage of information distribution, like the ability for anyone to mass distribute anything yeah it's so like anyone can create a uh you know a youtube video and if it strikes a chord it can hit a million people like that there's never been a time like that before where you know i mean and the incentive structures are all out of whack where it's better to be
Starting point is 02:06:45 outrageous than it is to be honest. And yeah, that that's causing a lot of our headlines to just be, you know, Oh, he's just a sexist. And you know, there's no room for nuance,
Starting point is 02:06:58 but also don't you think that it's a, there's a lack of time that people have to like, just like I told you how much time I spent going over your stuff. And after a while, I was like, what the fuck am I doing? I don't even work in tech. But most people don't have that kind of time, nor do they have that sort of obsessive mindset. They look at the surface of something. Oh, this guy wrote a sexist memo about women in tech.
Starting point is 02:07:23 Fuck him. He's probably a misogynist. And they just marched towards their meeting. And we have to avoid the kind of thinking that led to someone thinking that it's okay to write the Google memo. And then everyone like, yes, here, here. I want my year-end bonus. I'm with you.
Starting point is 02:07:38 I think as the dust settles, we will get more and more truth out of people. And I think there's a general trend with information to have information be easier and easier to distribute. That's one of the most important things about technology, right? The instantaneous access to information. And right now that information is not entirely verifiable. Like some of it is and some of it's not. And that's one of the more disturbing things about people reprinting your memo without citations.
Starting point is 02:08:12 I was like, hey, like you fuckers, you left out a big part of what this is. Like what you did is really wrong. Those citations, maybe people won't go into them. Maybe they won't read the studies. Maybe they won't read the studies. Maybe they won't. I mean, it takes a long time if you really want to get involved in that. But there will be a better version of that in the future. I think they will.
Starting point is 02:08:34 I think that's where the – I mean, obviously, I don't know. But I think that's where the trend is. I think the trend is leaning towards more and more honest interpretation of facts and ideas. is leaning towards more and more honest interpretation of facts and ideas. And then we'll be left with some things that we have to look at that we can't just write off to sociology or write off to culture or write off to biases or sexism or racism. We're going to have to look at things for what they really are. And maybe we'll have a better understanding of why we behave the way we do,
Starting point is 02:09:04 why we have the problems that we have yeah and part of the issue though is if someone controls access to information and they want a certain narrative to be told then you know it'll really color what people see and that's what's scary and you know we see this a lot in youtube now yeah where they're demonetizing anyone that they see as right-wing and yeah even censoring and removing videos it's really scary it is yeah it's fascinating i mean it's it's uh it's it's quite fascinating to watch it all play out and and to have them do it like right in front of everybody's face and everybody goes, what are you doing?
Starting point is 02:09:48 Like you're changing narratives. You're altering information. And they feel like they are right. They're doing the right thing. They're promoting diversity. They're promoting liberal values and progressive ideas. And they think they're doing the right thing. I don't necessarily think they're right though.
Starting point is 02:10:08 There's a lot of blowback though. It's not a free ride for Google right now with what they've done to you. I'm sure there's been I mean I'm sure they're doubling down because they don't want to admit they're fucked up. If they admit they're fucked up, everybody across the board loses that year end
Starting point is 02:10:24 bonus. It becomes a real issue, right? Everybody gets fired. But if you look at it long-term, over the long run, they have definitely taken a hit. And if someone forces them to sit down, I would love to sit down with the guy who said that you promote harmful gender stereotypes and go, let's go over this thing. Let's go over this thing step by step. You tell me what's wrong. Yeah. And just pick them apart.
Starting point is 02:10:48 That's what I've always wanted. He'll fall apart 100%. He'll just say a bunch of stupid social justice warrior bullshit. And if you just keep him in a room for three hours with a microphone, he's going to look like a fucking idiot. There's just no way around it. There's no way around it. If you're just active, if you're actually going off of what you wrote to somehow or another like i think it's very
Starting point is 02:11:11 not just dangerous to say it promotes harmful gender stereotypes it's disingenuous and why the reason why it's dangerous is because i could just read what that guy said and i would think that you're a creep and that's dangerous to you yeah it's it's it's dangerous towards the the marketplace of free ideas the marketplace of ideas is it's extremely important and I would think that if anybody would know that it would be the people that are involved in tech you would think so yeah I mean they're just so wrapped up just so wrapped up in the progressive mindset it's weird man yeah i mean it's so related to all this microaggression you know speech is violence and yeah all ideas are harmful and and of course you know some ideas are harmful but yeah it's only through openly
Starting point is 02:12:02 discussing them can you actually dispel some of these things. By making them, you know, forbidden knowledge that's only going to attract certain people. And, you know, we even see this now with some of the YouTube videos that are in this purgatory type state where, you know, you can't really get to them. But if you know the URLl you can still find them yeah people are getting aggregated lists of those and actually viewing them yeah and oh this is what youtube doesn't want us to see maybe there's some truth to it why don't they want to see it yeah if you win a certain amount of money are you willing to buy a gold-plated Ferrari and drive around with a fur coat? Because I think that would be shit.
Starting point is 02:12:47 You got like some big-ass crazy sunglasses. How much do you think you can win? I don't really know. I mean, I'm trying to – I mean, what I would ideally want is somehow changing their policies. But I don't really know how i as an individual can you know compel google to do something like that but i think at least some of the stuff like the blacklisting where they have these people that you know compile these spreadsheets of names of people that are conservative right or even libertarian and oh we're not going to work with
Starting point is 02:13:22 them we're going to sabotage their work and we're going to try to get them fired when they are looking for another job we're going to share this list so they can't get hired from any of the other major companies like that needs so that's real yeah that's real how do you know that that's real have you seen this list yeah so there have been multiple people that have admitted to having a blacklist wow libertarian not even conservative not even right wing but smaller government libertarian yeah just because i mean it's generally free-thinking people yeah not towing the party line and those people get blacklisted. Really? Like there's an actual list somewhere? Have you seen an actual list? I haven't seen an individual list.
Starting point is 02:14:10 I think there's multiple lists spread out. But people, even like high up managers, have admitted to having a blacklist. Wow. And we've brought this up to the highest people at Google. And they just completely dismissed it. Like, we're not going to deal with it. So do you feel like they feel that they have some sort of a social responsibility to push progressive values because they're in this massive position of influence? And they feel like that's the right way to think.
Starting point is 02:14:38 So they're going to go full steam ahead. Yeah. And don't be evil. Don't be conservative. Yeah. Belibertarian, man. Yeah. And don't be evil. Don't be conservative. Yeah. Hmm. But libertarian, man, boy, it's a fucking tough sell to say that Gary Johnson's evil, you know? I don't know. Well, yeah, it's, it's really hard to understand that mindset. Yeah. Well, I get it though,
Starting point is 02:15:05 because I think it's a lot of the same things along the same lines that you were talking about when you were saying that you didn't, you know, like maybe you would have waited till you got your year end bonus. And you're a guy who's also frugal. You've saved your money and you don't have a family to support
Starting point is 02:15:22 and you're okay. You know, you got fired and you're still okay. You know, whereas some people would be fucked right now. Maybe they'd be overextended. Maybe they have that gold Ferrari in the fur coat and like shit. Yeah. I mean, if I had a mortgage or something, that'd be really scary. That's where it gets scary. That's a lot of people's decision-making. I mean, that's, that goes back to, you know, engineering civilization in the early days of Rome. I think there was writings about that, about getting people to commit to families and it's easier to control them when they have loved ones and, you know, and things that they enjoy and positions of power and status, that it's easier to get those people to give in to your needs and desires. Yeah, I mean, it makes sense, right?
Starting point is 02:16:05 I mean, it's just engineering a civilization. It's one of the, like, getting people to perform and behave the way that you would like them to is a critical component of engineering any sort of a civilization. And Google's essentially a civilization if you look at it that way. I mean, internally, there's a community. It's a structure. And they're engineering that structure to be very much a like-minded, ideological echo chamber. Yeah, and I think it's really going to bite them in the back at some point.
Starting point is 02:16:37 Like, they're making the easy decision of not really, the truth as I see it. And, you know, if you turn your back on that for too long, it's really going to have negative consequences later. Yeah. Well, I feel like one thing is super important to point out. I think we kind of already did, but women do experience a lot of sexism. And again, it's because like I said, men are gross, you know, women do experience a lot of sexism. And again, it's because, like I said, men are gross. There's a lot of gross men. And men working in close proximity with women,
Starting point is 02:17:13 men working with other men, they're going to find things they don't like about those men. People have interpersonal relationships that are fucking gross and messy. And if men work with women and they feel like they can dominate them with aggression or with some sort of weird tactics that play on the agreeableness that females seem to have, it's a problem. And I think by not looking at that, by not being honest about that, we do just as much of a disservice. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:17:41 I mean, I would say that there are men that are just as agreeable and just as much of a pushover, say. Yeah, sure. And, you know, they also get shunned and pushed aside. And sometimes it's even worse for men that fit that stereotype or don't fit the typical male stereotype. Because, you know, there's negative consequences on both sides for not being masculine if you're a man or not being feminine enough if you're a woman. Yeah, like you're not allowed to just be yourself, right? You have to like fit, you're better off if you fit into some sort of a classic narrative. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:18:18 So where do you go from here besides suing the fuck out of Google? Google, just give them some money. Just shut them up. Do you want to go through with a lawsuit? Like, what if they came to you with a settlement? Would you just take it and shut your mouth? I really want somehow for them to address it, but I don't know how to do that.
Starting point is 02:18:37 Well, even if you lose in court, will they address it? They'll probably say, you know, although we support the court, we disagree with the rulings and we still support gender equality and blah i mean i think part of it is that there's currently an asymmetry so maybe google is acting in their best interest to act the way that they are because they think that you know there's all these activists that are trying to attack google
Starting point is 02:19:01 that only if they don't fit this certain party are there a lot of activists that are trying to attack Google that only if they don't fit this certain party line. Are there a lot of activists that are attacking Google in that regard? Yeah, and we even see that there's now a potential class action lawsuit against Google for gender pay disparity. And so they just are looking for anything. And if we say that,
Starting point is 02:19:24 if there's only incentive coming from one side, then they're only going to push farther and farther to that side. And this gender pay disparity, is this involving similar jobs? Yeah, so they claim that it's the same job, although at least when Google was doing their own internal analysis, which they've been doing for years, was doing their own internal analysis, which they've been doing for years, they show that there's no disparity once you control for performance. And so it's really unclear. But you control for performance. Performance tends to favor males? Maybe. If that's what they're showing, that there is some sort of gender disparity if you just look at aggregate. Look at this.
Starting point is 02:20:06 One in 100 million chance alleged gender pay gap at Google is random, says class action lawyer. Oh, Jesus. Class action lawyer says that in the articles written by a chick. Fake news! Fake news! You're not going to get me, you fucks. I mean, one thing is, I don't think that they really have Google's internal data So there's no way for them to say whether or not it's based on the performance
Starting point is 02:20:31 Look what they're saying here, you know Notices seeking women currently or formerly employed at Google for possible inclusion in a planned Class action lawsuit first of all people hear that and they're like, we're going to get paid. We're going Sizzler. Right? I mean, that's just, you're playing on human instincts when you seek out people that may have been employed for a possible inclusion in a class action lawsuit. That's not saying that they weren't wronged because I don't, obviously I don't know.
Starting point is 02:21:04 Several dozen came forward in a matter of weeks. That's a pretty high level of dissatisfaction, says James Feinberg. No, it's not. No, there's fucking thousands of people who worked there and a couple dozen came forward. That's not a high level of satisfaction. How many people have been employed at Google that are no longer employed? It's probably tens of thousands, right? Yeah, there's 70,000 people working there now. Okay. So for this guy to say that's a pretty high level of dissatisfaction when several dozen,
Starting point is 02:21:34 let's say three dozen, let's go crazy. Let's say it's 40 people. Let's get nuts. That's fucking nobody, man. Yeah. Oh, 70 women. Five biggest heard from. But wait. Oh, 70 women. Feinberg is heard from. But wait a minute.
Starting point is 02:21:46 Heard from. That doesn't... You mean they might not even make sense? That might not be a case? Four! Four people! Four! That's not a lot, you fuck.
Starting point is 02:22:01 The class action... I mean, that's just... This is a fucking ambulance chaser. I mean, that's just, this is a fucking ambulance chaser. I mean, I'm not saying he's wrong. I'm not saying there's not sexual discrimination, but I'm saying, like, these articles are sneaky as fuck. Four people. You got four people.
Starting point is 02:22:16 And I don't know how an individual would know whether or not they're paid differently just based on their sex, right? Because there's so many variables at play. So you really have to look at the system as a whole. Because there are definitely some men that are paid less than the women, too. And I know of some examples like that.
Starting point is 02:22:37 The problem is when you control for performance, if it turns out that men are being paid more, then you have to figure out some sort of way to justify that. Or, you know, like, if men are being paid more when you control for performance, what is it that's causing the men to be paid more? Why are they performing better? Like is it the environment? Are they more comfortable?
Starting point is 02:22:58 Is it lack of suppression that the women experience? So I guess when you look at the nationwide gender gap in pay where,, you know, even Obama has said 77 cents per dollar is too little. Yeah. But he's a silly person. Like he shouldn't have done that. Like he knows, like when Obama said that, he knows that that's not being honest because you're talking about completely different jobs, different choices for people don't know. Okay.
Starting point is 02:23:21 Let's just break that down real quick. This, this thing, cause people repeat it ad nauseum, and it's just not true. The gender pay gap of 77 cents to a dollar that a male makes is based on the choices that people make as far as, like, what they do for a living. It's based on the amount of hours that they work. Men tend to work longer hours. Women tend, especially if they get pregnant. All those things are factored in. That's where you get 77 cents on average for the dollar that the male makes.
Starting point is 02:23:49 What it implies, and this is where it's disingenuous, is that two people working side by side doing the same job and the male is getting 77 or a dollar for the woman's 77 cents. That's not what the gender pay gap actually means. That's not what the gender pay gap actually means. And if Google is actually, if someone is saying, if there's a lawsuit that's saying that a man and a woman are doing the exact same job with the exact same performance and the woman is only getting 77 cents on the dollar, then you got a real issue, right? Yeah. And so it's often that, you know, there's different hours worked. And it doesn't even have to be that, you know, they work twice as many or 30% more. It's sometimes if you just work, you know, 44 hours a week versus 34 hours or something, then there's a huge pay disparity. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:24:45 And that's irrespective of what gender you have. It's just, especially at Google, there was so much time that was just, you know, replying to email and doing some base level stuff,
Starting point is 02:24:54 going to meetings. And then you only had a little bit that was actually creative and providing value to the company. Really? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:25:02 So it's really inefficient in that regard. Right. And, you know, it's similar in a lot of companies too. So, and that creates some of this, you know, nonlinear benefits of working just a little more per week. And, you know, we see this a lot in Silicon Valley where there's a lot of people right out of college and they're willing to work a ton of time, especially, you know, you can essentially live at Google. So there's not, I mean, yeah, there's free food everywhere. There's showers, there's a gym.
Starting point is 02:25:33 They have beds? There's nap pods. Nap pods? Yeah. Wow. Are they closed off so you can't hear anything out there? Can you actually sleep in there good? I can't really sleep in there just because I'm too tall but most people yeah you can sleep in there because something they like close it off and you can just lay there um is there a term for uh being being discriminatory good
Starting point is 02:25:57 discriminatory towards tall people yeah tallest heightest yeah like there's ableists right there's If you mock people that aren't able to do things, you become an ableist. There's definitely a movement now of looking into, oh, maybe tall people have some advantages. Because, you know, we see that a lot of CEOs are over six feet tall. And it's not clear why exactly that is. And you really have to control for every aspect. Because there is, you know, correlations between height every aspect because there is you know correlations between height and intelligence but it's likely not just that you know but what i'm saying is like they're discriminating against you with the pods hook you up with a fucking seven how tall
Starting point is 02:26:35 are you like six four six three yeah hook you up with a six four pod man we can stretch your legs out and get a good nap maybe it'll be more productive at a job you don't work at anymore. Yeah. I just never really felt like complaining too much. Good for you. Except for that one thing. Yeah, that one thing. So are you trying to seek other employment or are you? Yeah, I'm still looking at, you know, what exactly I want to do because I never was, you know, coding wasn't the thing that I was doing my entire life.
Starting point is 02:27:10 Is that what your education is in? No. So I was doing physics and biology, random math stuff. And I just picked up some algorithm books and they seemed really cool. So I started doing some coding competitions and I did well enough that Google just like randomly contacted me. Wow. How weird. And especially since you're a white male, this is back in the day before they figured out how to discriminate. Yeah. This was all online and I had a username, so maybe they didn't know. Oh, that's interesting. So they contacted you and offered you employment based on your coding skills.
Starting point is 02:27:47 Yeah. That's weird. Oh, that's cool. So now you're just trying to figure out what the next path. How old are you? 28. So you're still a very young man. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:27:56 You got to figure out what the path's going to be, huh? Yeah. You're leaning in one way or another? Something that uses my brain, but. Yeah, that'd be nice. Something outside of tech maybe or what? Maybe. Or I still feel like, you know, tech in general is for the future and will have huge impact on the world.
Starting point is 02:28:18 Sure. So something related to tech, but maybe not coding all day. But I really don't know because you know most of the major silken valley jobs probably have blacklisted me really yeah wow that's unfortunate man um because like i said i've read your memo i i don't think you did anything wrong i think you did you took a bold choice and a bold stance to talk about something that's essentially taboo But you did it with science, you know, and you did it I think you did in a very reasonable manner, you know
Starting point is 02:28:54 And I'm shocked that the reaction has been as extreme as it's been But I'm not shocked at the same time. I mean it's predictable almost and the people calling you a misogynist it was very weird and ceo of youtube saying it hurt her when she read that like oh you're gonna kind of a rough life yeah i mean i thought that you know the first the intro which talked about all these political biases and how our culture shames people that give a different view. I thought that might have shown that, you know, maybe we shouldn't be doing that. But, you know, predicted exactly what happened to me. I think very few people actually read it.
Starting point is 02:29:35 Probably, yeah. Yeah. Especially like globally, very few people. It's very clickbaity, I think. You know, the responses to it are very clickbaity. click-baity I think you know the responses to it are very click-baity and people go with whatever the titles of the articles that are criticizing you and just just accept it as gospel you know yeah I've gotten a lot of responses that were just oh yeah I saw on Facebook you know some sexist memo and you know it was only after they saw that so many times and they decided to read it that they
Starting point is 02:30:03 finally were like oh no it's not that bad yeah i urge people if you have the time just please just read it just go over it and try to figure out where it all went wrong i'm glad you did it though man i mean it's a really interesting point of discussion and i hope this lawsuit works out well for you and I hope Google just comes to their senses and I don't think that's going to happen you know what do you predict what do you think is going to happen I I don't know I think that you know people now are aware of this a lot more and there may be platforms that emerge that are sort of, you know, all tech is what they're calling it, just alternative technology that's more open to just free speech. But unfortunately,
Starting point is 02:30:51 they're currently just being labeled as white supremacist sites. And it's, hopefully people can see through that. I don't know. If they have the time to even look, that's the thing.'s just like they're they're taking everyone's word for everything you know it's a very odd time but there's enough people discussing it you know and i think your um the response to your memo has been it's been very enlightening for some people from from a sort of a psychological standpoint. Like what are the reactions that people have and why do they have these reactions? And what does it say about us as human beings that this is such a taboo subject that we can't even address the very real differences that we have as unique individuals?
Starting point is 02:31:41 Yeah, I'm at least happy that it didn't happen during college season because then there would be like protests and people burning my effigy years I think so I think it would have been a much more negative if it was during the school year Wow and they would demand that their school you know double down on diversity and just all these things but yeah a lot of virtue signaling going on yeah i it's at least it's nice to see that some of the colleges have been standing up for it and or against it and you know saying no you can't really just tell us what to do and we believe in you know knowledge and actually seeking the truth and not just criticizing people based on their political ideologies
Starting point is 02:32:33 Yeah It's a long slog my friend. There's a lot a lot of walking and talking going on But uh, I think we'll be fine. I hope I hope we'll be fine You don't go to war with North Korea get smashed by a hundred fucking hurricanes in a row. But I think we should just, what's the matter? I got a tweet that you're a badass in chess. Oh, you're a chess master? Yeah, I played a lot of chess.
Starting point is 02:33:00 Yeah? That was my life for a few years. Can you play chess in your head? Yeah. Wow, that's fascinating. I used to play chess in my head against four different people. So I blindfolded. Whoa, dude.
Starting point is 02:33:16 I knew this kid who was a chess master. And it was a pool hall that I used to go to. And he used to play with this ex-con. And the ex-con learned how to do chess in prison in his head with no pieces and him and this kid would just sit there and play chess back and forth with each other and i'd be like what are you guys doing how are you how do you know where the board is you could play it blindfolded with four people in your head yeah wow that's intense man how'd you learn how to do that? Just repetition over time?
Starting point is 02:33:45 Yeah, doing it a lot and just obsessing over it. And this is actually one of the differences and average between men and women is there are more men that are just become obsessed with these systems. And so, you know, Magic the Gathering, the card game was also something that I became super obsessed with. And so the way that people approach computers too is different where, you know, some or a lot of boys just approach the computer as a toy and they become obsessed with tinkering with the computer while a lot of girls see it as a tool for improving the world. And so they may not be interested in the computer as an end to itself. And so a lot of the education programs to get more women into tech are actually addressing that.
Starting point is 02:34:34 But it's unclear because like so much of coding is just, you know, writing server code and this server is going to talk to this server, which is talking to that server, and it's totally unconnected to actual people. But that's why we actually see more women in front-end and user experience engineering positions, because it's more interactive with people. What are the numbers with women in chess? Yeah, there aren't that many and it's
Starting point is 02:35:05 unfortunate uh is it unfortunate because it's just it is i mean yeah yeah i don't play chess is that unfortunate so why is it unfortunate that women are underrepresented well just for the cases of maybe they feel like a minority and you know right and a lot of the mistreatment of women is not you know ill-intentioned men that want to be sexist against men it's just i and i felt this a lot you know everyone wants a girl to play chess or play Magic the Gathering, that's their ideal girlfriend. Right? Right. But they're all nerdy guys generally,
Starting point is 02:35:51 and they don't have as good social skills as the average population. And they're pretty similar to the people writing code. So it's a similar situation. So they just don't know how to interact with women, and that causes some problems but so it's not the just overt sexism against women it's more just we don't really know how to interact with women we just you know we're obsessed with chess or whatever, and we just like talking about chess. And there are a lot of women that just aren't as obsessed with these sort of systems.
Starting point is 02:36:34 But, I mean, that's not a bad thing either. It just is what it is. Yeah. I mean, I'm sure there's a bunch of fashion things and aesthetic things and design things that women are really into that a lot of men don't give a fuck about. Yeah. It's not a terrible thing that men aren't into design. Yeah. There's not more men involved in interior design. It's not a terrible thing. And that's sort of one of the unfortunate things too, is that there's so much fighting to get more women into tech, but there's no fighting to get more men into nursing or any of these more female-dominated careers.
Starting point is 02:37:11 Do you think that's also because of the financial rewards of tech are so extreme in comparison? Like nursing is a pretty capped salary, whereas if you can climb the corporate ladder as a CEO of some sort of a tech company, the rewards are substantial. Yeah. I think inevitably there will be more men attracted to high paying jobs simply because they fight for status and money is how you gain status often. So that's partly why they see tech as a target, but it's not as if nursing is a bad job. That gets paid well. And there are many people that, you know, go to college for pre-med and drop out. Like 90% of people that start as pre-med drop out.
Starting point is 02:37:56 And the men feel like they can't enter nursing because that's too feminine. And there's huge biases against men becoming feminine. that's too feminine and there's huge biases against men becoming feminine like you know men can't wear dresses but girls can be openly tomboyish right right so there's unfortunately some asymmetries in our culture and there's reasons for it you know if a guy is too feminine then he can't necessarily fulfill his gender role, which is being a provider and protector. So you have to be aggressive to be a good protector and provider for your wife. But the female's gender role being a nurturer, it's fine to be feminine. is, you know, it's fine to be feminine. And so a lot of the gender disparities that we see and gender norms are just put behind those two gender roles.
Starting point is 02:38:56 Yeah, I think there's a lot of evidence to support that. And I think that was essentially a big part of what you were talking about in your memo. And I don't think you're a bad guy, dude. And I think that was essentially a big part of what you were talking about in your memo. I don't think you're a bad guy, dude, and I think you've been unfairly maligned. I'm glad we had a chance to sit down and talk. I wish you well, man. I hope it all works out. Keep us posted, and we'll let everybody else know too, okay? Okay, yeah. Thank you, James.
Starting point is 02:39:18 Appreciate it, man. Very nice to meet you. Thank you. All right, folks. That's it for today. Bye-bye. Bye-bye. How long was that?
Starting point is 02:39:30 Almost three hours. Oh, yeah.

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