The Joe Rogan Experience - #103 - Duncan Trussell

Episode Date: May 2, 2011

Joe sits down with Duncan Trussell. ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 The Joe Rogan Experience Ladies and gentlemen, in this amazing moment in human history where not only was a prince wed, but a couple days later an evil warlord was killed. We are in the middle of an awesome movie. That's what's going on. We have a black president. Princes are getting married in front of billions of people. Everyone is happy for them.
Starting point is 00:00:43 And we killed the bad guy who was living in squalor in pakistan i'll tell you what i thought a million bucks would buy you a little bit more in pakistan i thought for a million bucks you could own pakistan i didn't know you'd get that shithole house you're like this is osama bin ladd's million dollar compound in afghanistan like what the fuck kind of is it just like the most fertile heroin ground in the world? I mean, what the fuck is it? Why is that house worth a million bucks? I think it was built exactly to hide him.
Starting point is 00:01:14 So I think it was probably a large underground bunker type situation. Or it had a lot of security and a lot of firewalls and stuff like that. And maybe. I don't know. I was thinking that they were going to find him in fucking like Woodland Hills or something like that. I was pretty surprised that they found him in Pakistan. Yeah, I was too. It seems like he would have been. Well, the thing about that dude, I think, is he's got to be around his kind.
Starting point is 00:01:32 He's got to be around militants only. Right. You can't. No moderate people are going to be like, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. That's Osama bin Laden. Okay. We're not talking about Muhammad here. We're not talking about the guy that wrote the Quran.
Starting point is 00:01:47 We're talking about this guy who's probably the head of a gigantic terrorist organization and used to work for the CIA. Bin Laden did? Yeah. Bin Laden was working for the CIA. You didn't know that? No, I didn't know that. Who says that?
Starting point is 00:02:01 I didn't know that. Everybody? Yeah. Oh, wait. No, I think he had some kind of agreement He had an agreement With what president was it? The original Bush?
Starting point is 00:02:11 I do remember that Some kind of training He was set up for some kind of training There's all sorts of allegations The bottom line is that The United States, the CIA Whatever the fuck you want to call them Whatever we're under,
Starting point is 00:02:27 what they did was they got all these people in Afghanistan to fight against the Soviet Union. And they helped them. They helped the Mujahideen. They helped train them. They helped arm them. And Osama bin Laden was a part of that. And when the Soviet Union got out of Afghanistan and, you know, whatever happened overseas that shifted, you know, the Taliban and Al Qaeda's interest in, you know, taking out the United States instead of taking out Russia, instead of defending
Starting point is 00:02:55 themselves. When shit got weird with Afghanistan, that's when Homeboy came into the picture. And then he basically took over over there supposedly who the fuck knows you know when you start talking about what the cia did and you know and what they're doing the conscience and the sandinistas are you sure because you know they've been lying about everything for so long who the fuck knows if osama bin laden really alex jones thinks he's been dead for nine years they froze him nine years ago, froze him, and they're pulling him out right strategically in line for when the new elections are setting up.
Starting point is 00:03:31 See, what they did was they threw out this bogus birth certificate. Have you seen the bogus birth certificate? Oh, you mean the PDF? It's fake, man. Oh, yeah, totally fake. What people need to know, I asked a thread about this last night and the general consensus among people who understand photoshop i put up a thread on the message board uh asking photoshop wizards please check this thing out and tell me what's up and
Starting point is 00:03:56 there's a bunch of what people don't know is a lot of people are claiming osama bin or not osama is it weird that the president's name is right next to this evil, evil terrorist? Yeah. You would think he would change his name. Yeah. I mean, Kevin James changed his name. His name was Nipfing. Nipfing?
Starting point is 00:04:13 Nipfing, like with a K. Nothing wrong with that. Just a complicated name to spell. He didn't want to go the Arnold Schwarzenegger take a chance route. Right. So like Jeff Ross. Wasn't Jeff Ross like Jeff Lipschultz
Starting point is 00:04:24 or something like that? Brian Redband. That Redband dude. Yeah, there you go. That Redband guy. He was like some Nazi name or something like that. Yeah. Well, maybe, maybe it would draw more attention to the fact, like if Obama had changed his name before running for president to Luther or Will. For poor white people, he is such a nightmare because his nickname, his middle name is Hussein. Yeah. It's like he couldn't be more fucked up, his name. His name couldn't be more threatening. That is weird. For dumb white people, that must be so terrorizing.
Starting point is 00:04:52 You know, just fuck, fuck, fuck. Anyway, for people who don't know, supposedly he faked his birth certificate. And what they did was people took the image that the White House released online, and they took the image and they ran it through Photoshop or Adobe Photo Elements, and they saw that there were many layers to the photograph, and that the photograph wasn't just one flat photograph, that things had been added supposedly, or that it looked like things had been cut and pasted. But the general consensus among people who understand Photoshop seems to be that when you scan something and you put it in Adobe Photoshop, it shows layers automatically. OCR, that character recognition thing, what it does is it tries to grab the words and puts them in layers for whatever reason.
Starting point is 00:05:38 I don't know why it does it. It's annoying. My scanner does it all the time. It's annoying, but you would think that people would ask about this before they would make all these crazy claims that it's definitely fake. Because, look, it's probably fake anyway. Who's to say? You think it's fake? Who the fuck knows?
Starting point is 00:05:53 Who cares? It's anti-American to care, okay? What are you saying? You should be able to be American because you somehow or another snuck in first? You both got in. You went in through the channels that we all agreed upon. Did you really agree on those channels? Because I didn't agree on them.
Starting point is 00:06:09 I think we could do a lot better in deciding who gets to stay here and who doesn't. I know a lot of cool people that want to come here and can't. And there's cunts here. Plenty of them. So who gives a fuck? We're all immigrants. The United States is based on the idea of immigration. Come to some place from somewhere that sucks, and let's make this place better.
Starting point is 00:06:27 That's the whole thing. That's the whole thing. That is what the United States is. So when people start fucking tripping about he wasn't really born here, you have to be shit out on the right patch of dirt to make you eligible to run it. That is the stupidest thing I've ever heard. Well, regardless of whether or not you think it's stupid, it is the law. It is the Constitution.
Starting point is 00:06:48 It is by our founding fathers. They had the great wisdom in setting up this nation. Great wisdom. They were dumb as fuck, and they had wooden teeth. Okay? And slaves. And slaves. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:01 And they were fucking their slaves. Were they really? Oh, yeah. Tell me about it. Thomas Jefferson was fucking a slave it wasn't just like they were just
Starting point is 00:07:12 happened to have slaves because that's what some people say back then that was normal and they were just doing what was normal and they didn't like it but what about fucking your slave? well do you think that people who own like McDonald's, a lot of them will fuck their employees?
Starting point is 00:07:30 Sure. Isn't that kind of the same thing? Yeah. If you've got someone working for you at McDonald's, they're doing a full-time shift at McDonald's. They can't go anywhere. I mean, they're fucking slaves. No, the difference is McDonald's is a chain and slaves are in chains. That's the fucking difference.
Starting point is 00:07:48 I mean, there's a big difference between working at McDonald's and being like having a manacle on and the door opens and some fucking horny guy in a wig comes in and fucks you. Yeah, absolutely. But I think what they realized about slavery,
Starting point is 00:08:01 the reason why people were willing to let slavery go since it was such a fucking horrendous idea, and people were willing to impose themselves so much on other people that they literally owned that person. Yeah. But I think eventually they realized, you don't have to own them. Just get them addicted to things. Right.
Starting point is 00:08:17 Get them addicted to working. Get them addicted to things. You need a new car. Look at this shiny car. You need a new car. But that car is $40,000, and I don't need to make $40,000 in a year. Listen, we've got financing. We've got 0% down. You don't have to pay
Starting point is 00:08:30 a single payment for three months. By then, you'll be up on your feet. Yeah, by then. Yeah, by then. Next thing you know, this fucking moron lives in an apartment he can't afford with a car he can't afford, and he's a slave. He doesn't know he's a slave, but he's a slave. If you go anywhere and fuck off, they will literally take away your ability to buy things and or throw you in jail.
Starting point is 00:08:48 Which is way worse than being a slave. They're going to throw you in a cell with a bunch of guys who want to beat you and rape you. Pay your bills, bitch. You're a fucking slave. Yeah, it's true. There is a version of that. Brian, that thing is playing on a loop in the background. Do you hear it?
Starting point is 00:09:09 No. Do you guys hear it when we're talking? No. I don't hear it. I don't hear it at all anymore. I heard drums while I was talking. I was like, what the fuck is going on? I think it's one of the microphone stands probably.
Starting point is 00:09:18 Really? Yeah, one of the things. Oh, sorry. Sorry, ladies and gentlemen. My ultra-tuned-in hearing. But here's the difference, because I've thought about this before, which is the idea that if you're working 40 hours a week, that's its own form of slavery. Well, the whole idea is someone can trick you into doing that, it's okay. It's voluntary, instead of capture you. It's voluntary slavery instead of involuntary. It's mental. It's a mental slavery. I mean, it is and it isn't.
Starting point is 00:09:48 It is free will and it is a society that's open and you can work there and save up your money and move on to a better gig. It's just a gig. You can take it until they figure out how to make robots that can do your job. That's really what it's there for. But people will argue that it's slavery when you see a bunch of people that are
Starting point is 00:10:04 super, super rich and then they have super poor people that work for them fucking bono yeah the difference the total difference is the the free will though you know you're not sure i mean that's like a huge part of it oh yeah i mean i'm not saying that mcdonald's are slave owners they kind of are a little you know if you if you got someone working all week for you and you pay them 500 bucks wow could you imagine and that's like you gotta get taxed too right they tax you yeah so how much do you get like 350 350 for the week for the week so you gotta live with a bunch of other people there's no way you can afford and you don't have time afterwards to go to school when you get off work you're fucking exhausted man what are you gonna do you've been working behind a friolator hating life for eight hours you know it's the odds are you're not gonna put up put forth your best effort going
Starting point is 00:10:50 to a college anyway you're gonna kind of half-ass it you know like whenever i've been doing more than one thing at the same time i never do as well right you know it's like why fighters can't have full-time jobs and comics can't have full-time jobs either if you have a full-time job it's fucking it's hard for you to write man it's hard to really get it and get in the sets that you need to get in you need to get in you know three four five a week if you can you know at least right when you write new material it's hard to do that if you have kids it's hard to do that if you're married it's hard to do that if you work it's hard to that's once you're you're a part of a system very difficult to change your life yeah it's like we have so much momentum getting on us, behind us rather, that when we get on a path, whatever it is, be a doctor, be a fucking whatever the fuck you want to be, be a mechanic.
Starting point is 00:11:34 Once you're on that path and you're moving, you're like, shit, I don't like this path. This path sucks. Fuck, that's hard to change, man. It is so hard to switch gears and change careers. It might be one of the hardest things a person could do. The reason that hallucinogens became illegal is because one of the biggest
Starting point is 00:11:51 proponents of hallucinogens, Timothy Leary, was taking LSD and was saying, tune in, turn on, drop out. His advice to these people that you're talking about was completely drop out of society. This game that you're playing where you think you've got to go to work and have a family,
Starting point is 00:12:11 it's just a game. It doesn't exist. It's not a real thing. It's time for everyone to stop playing that game and let that game die. That was the whole point, dropping out of society, rejecting completely every aspect of the society you're in and just dropping out, going into a commune or going into San Francisco and starting the Summer of Love and wearing beads and dancing in the park. The problem is all those commune stories all end up with kids getting raped. You know? I mean, I'm sure some of them don't, but I have friends that grew up on communes.
Starting point is 00:12:42 I have a few of them, and in every one of them there was child abuse. Well, yeah, communes fail or notoriously fail. And they usually go up in flames literally quite often. Like shit goes weird. But it's like the idea that we are living the best way that we can as a society. Like this is the best we could do. This is it. This is the ultimate example.
Starting point is 00:13:04 I don't know. Why is it that people are afraid of the idea of communes and you know i said that you know uh i knew a bunch of kids that had grown up in communes and the fucked up shit had happened to them it doesn't mean that all of them do you know if you grew up in a commune and it was awesome for you i'm not you know i'm not negating your experience or saying i know any better but what is it about communes that are so scary to people? When you hear about people branching off and going out and doing their own thing, like the Waco Davidian thing, when you hear about that cult,
Starting point is 00:13:33 when you hear about a commune or a cult or anything that's really alternative to the standard model, things get really weird. What is that? Why does that weird you out so much? Well, I mean, you're talking about a lifetime of living in a certain way. Right, but why do we care if other people want to do it? Is it because we're nervous that they're going to attack us? They're not going to be on our team?
Starting point is 00:13:55 What is it? You're always scared of groups. You know, when you see a person across the street, you don't think anything of it. But you see five of those people all in a circle, you're like, what the fuck's going on over there? It's just human interest. Like, something's going on. What are they up to? What are they doing?
Starting point is 00:14:10 It's men. It's mostly men. Do you worry about groups of women? I fuck up five women, bro. I'll tell you what. Once I hit one of those bitches, the rest of them are just going to start running. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:21 But five dudes can kill you. Yeah. Five dudes can beat you to death. You know, you've got to be real careful with dudes, much more than with women. I mean, with some women, you've got to worry about them. Yeah. You know, but obviously. What is it about big groups, though, that we worry?
Starting point is 00:14:35 We worry, you know. The government, I mean, if you want to really kind of trip out on how they handled that Waco thing, watch, there's a documentary called Rules of Engagement. Yeah, Rules of Engagement, and it's really interesting, where it just shows really clearly that they murdered all those people. Yeah, and they drove over them. Remember the ATF drove their shit over the burnt down wreckage? Yeah, they lit the houses on fire and drove over the houses with tanks. It's really barbaric. I mean, it was just savage. And it was, you know, this is how they had been operating for the longest time. But the age of VCRs is fairly recent, as is the age of the Internet is today. VCRs and the ability to show video to almost anybody at any time.
Starting point is 00:15:28 When VCRs came along, all of a sudden you can watch something again. You could go, what's going on here? What's happening there? Whereas before, they basically picked and chose what they broadcasted on television. Once you had the ability to record things, and then tapes started passing around. And then in the case of W waco i think that was the early 90s right wasn't it yeah it was early 90s i think so yeah so they had um they had all these fucking people living on this one compound with weapons and the guy was banging all the wives
Starting point is 00:15:58 that's how it always ends right the guy's always the guy's always banging somebody well yeah it turns yeah sex gets in there that sex worms its way in there if it's not already there, and shit gets weird. Wow, what a fucking weird thing. I mean, he made, I mean, he was like a martyr. He, like, had this self-fulfilling prophecy. Yeah. He made himself out to be this Jesus character, and that they would all, the government would come to attack him. And how glorious must it have been for him when the ATF was storming the compound and a gunfight was going on and bullets were going.
Starting point is 00:16:28 He's like, they're coming for me. Yeah. I'm too powerful. They're coming for me. He must have been like that, right? A crazy asshole. I mean, I'm sure he didn't want to die, but he must have been. to the question it is a very strange thing that when these alternate societies spring up in our society they're usually um they usually go bad or they end up getting attacked there's a standoff
Starting point is 00:16:52 it's a very strange thing our society does not tolerate alternative ways of living sprouting up inside of it we want everyone to be living the same way. And any time that stuff starts happening, the officials get involved. Yeah, this tune-in, drop-out, no. It's not, no. Oh, yeah. That's scary. That was scary. You know, I'm reading this awesome book called The Harvard Psychedelic Club.
Starting point is 00:17:18 Oh, that's the Timothy. What's his face? The Unabomber was involved in that, right? I didn't know that. I haven't gotten to that part. Oh, I know. Maybe it's a different thing, but go on. Well, it's like Timothy Leary and Richard Alpert, who turned into Ram Dass, who I always talk about, and Andrew Wheel, the vitamin guy, you know that guy?
Starting point is 00:17:40 I've heard his name. The guy with the giant beard and he sells vitamin products? Yeah. Well, like the fucking story there is that uh timothy leary goes to mexico someone gives him mushrooms he's never eaten mushrooms he takes them has this insane experience he's a harvard professor so he thinks oh we need to study this this is this could have huge implications as far as uhotherapy goes. We could use this. So he goes back to Harvard and starts the Harvard Psilocybin Project, which is where they're giving psilocybin to students.
Starting point is 00:18:13 And well, they weren't supposed to be, but they're experimenting with psilocybin to induce mystical states of being. They're going into prisons with mushrooms and giving the, well, actually synthetic psilocybin. They're giving that to the prisoners. The prisoners are eating it with them. Like they would take, they would trip out on mushrooms with the prisoners to try to do therapy. And so Andrew Weill fucking goes into one of their meetings where the staff is meeting about this and like writes a kind of negative news story in Harvard about how these professors have started a semi-cult and they're giving psychedelics to their students.
Starting point is 00:18:52 And this ended up in Timothy Leary and Richard Alpert getting kicked out of Harvard because like the Harvard newspaper, and I don't remember the name of it, is read by like the president and stuff. And so they got kicked out of Harvard and they went down to Mexico and were taking mushrooms. And this woman who used to whose husband used to be in the CIA was hanging out with them. And she told Timothy Leary, everybody's totally cool with you guys doing this as long as you keep it quiet like don't be loud about this and then according to timothy leary she called him like a few days before kennedy died and told him he's he's like he's uh he's gonna start talking about everything and i'm really worried about the president and then like a few days later he got shot that's according to timothy leary but so you're saying that president Kennedy was doing acid? Well, President Kennedy came from Harvard.
Starting point is 00:19:47 And yes, according to this book, this woman who dated Timothy Leary supposedly went to this Mexican, to this retreat or the hotel in Mexico. And as I recall, like, you know, said that she wanted to get some LSD for someone who's too famous to talk about. And, uh, uh, that, so that that's an underground legend.
Starting point is 00:20:11 Is that sounds like that bitch already said too much. I had to kidnap her and throw her in the basement until she told me who the fuck that was. I know. That's ridiculous. That's a useless bitch right there. And that seems ridiculous. The whole story seems pretty ridiculous.
Starting point is 00:20:22 Yeah. That story sounds like something that someone makes up when they work at a resort. But you know what's not ridiculous, though? Mike, behind the counter, has got a great story. Sounds like some guy that does a lot of drugs and talks to dolphins wrote that. But the CIA was experimenting with LSD. Yeah, well, that was what I was going to bring up. When you said that, I thought you were talking about Ted Kaczynski.
Starting point is 00:20:40 The CIA did a bunch of studies in 1962 out of Harvard, and Ted Kaczynski volunteered for these studies. And they cooked his fucking brain, man. They created the Unabomber. It's very, very likely they created him. When he got out of there, he was absolutely convinced that there was some sort of a war going on between technology and us, and that he had to stop all these people from making technology so what he did was he got a cabin in the woods in Montana he worked for like five years as a professor just to save up the money maybe three years as a professor just to save up enough money to fund his trip and then
Starting point is 00:21:17 he moved and just started this attack on all these professors and innovators and all these people that were involved in in technology but they cooked him. Mail bombs. They cooked him, dude. It's crazy. They cooked him at Harvard, man. And that's not something that's very well known, man. Very few people have heard of that story. People have no idea about the history of LSD at all. Well, if you want to look online, look up the CIA doses French town because there was a town in France where it's been by the Freedom of Information Act.
Starting point is 00:21:51 These papers have been released and they found out that they did LSD studies on whole towns in France. They would dose the whole fucking village and watch people commit suicide, watch all kinds of crazy shit happen. Excuse me. So, you know, they've been doing shit on soldiers, the United States and Britain. There's videos of British troops all dosed up on LSD, wandering around. Seen it. It's fucking weird, man. It's amazing.
Starting point is 00:22:19 And that was 10 years. They were doing it at Harvard 10 years before Leary started doing the experiments himself. Dude, you know what I saw that was hilarious? Speaking of old shit, I watched Flash Gordon on the plane. On the plane home from Toronto. The original? Dude, they have these little, you know,
Starting point is 00:22:38 you can pick a TV show or a movie. They have Flash Gordon episode 1, 2, and I don't know if there's more. It is amazing how bad it is. I don't know what year that was. Do you know what year that was? No. Let me look it up real quick because it was incredible.
Starting point is 00:22:52 The special effects were awesome. They were so bad that it looks like a show that's trying to fuck around. It looks like a show that maybe Tim and Eric would do or the guys from South Park. Really? Yeah. Did you see South Park. Really? Yeah. Did you see South Park? 1936. That's when it is. Do you know how crazy that is?
Starting point is 00:23:13 We're talking about 1936. And this is like pre-World War II, man. So they've got this fucking ridiculous spaceship that has got sparklers, like 4th of July sparklers behind behind it and it's on a string and it's like swinging on a string with the sparkler shooting behind it and the way it's operated the inside with what they thought a spaceship would be like is it's insane there's
Starting point is 00:23:36 a guy in a seat he's just sitting in a seat and he's got like a periscope just like you would have in a submarine because they had submarines that's what they had that's hilarious dude there's no monitors there's no another they're going through space and they don't even have monitors they never envisioned monitors but back then you were like buying every single second oh my god that was so realistic dude it is awesome and i just looked up on imdb apparently there's a dvd set you can get i fully fully recommend a Stone session. Get Stone as fuck and watch Flash Gordon. It's going to be awesome. It's amazing. It's amazing to think
Starting point is 00:24:11 that that's even real. This was a show, or a movie rather, where this was fucking legit. People would get fired up. We're going to go see Flash Gordon. He's going to beat that meeting of the Lawrence West. Yeah, you think so? They'd go in there and buy their homemade Coca-Cola.
Starting point is 00:24:31 I was watching old Twilight Zone. Same thing. Not as bad as that, but Twilight Zone, the old school series, mostly had to do with astronauts and UFOs. It was the same, always about space stuff. It was so weird that people bought that back in the day. I love the Twilight Zone. I love it.
Starting point is 00:24:47 I love watching old Twilight Zones. Yeah. You know what my favorite one is? Burgess Meredith when it's the last man on Earth. He's in a bookstore, so he gets all these books, and he's so excited because that's all he wanted to do. People would just bother him. He really just wanted to read books.
Starting point is 00:25:01 Yeah. And so a nuclear bomb hits. Everybody's dead. And he's got all the books in the world to read, but he breaks his glasses. Oh, I remember that one, dude. It's so good.
Starting point is 00:25:11 It was awesome. It was awesome. Yeah, that was really good. It was the perfect show. It was the perfect show. When that episode was done, I was like, wow. The perfect show.
Starting point is 00:25:21 They did a Twilight Zone where a pool hustler wanted to play the dead guy. And when he wins, he goes to hell. And so he wins and he's guarding over the pool table waiting for the next guy because he wasted his whole life playing pool. That's his suffering. Those Twilight Zones were awesome.
Starting point is 00:25:37 So good. How come there isn't a show like that now? It's hard to do, man. Every subject's been covered a billion times over. To be completely and totally original like that, like, wow. You're talking about, you know, millions and millions of shows. Fucking, how much stuff has been made since 1936? It's Buck Rogers or Flash Gordon.
Starting point is 00:25:54 Do you remember Amazing Stories? They tried to redo kind of like the same format. That was awesome. I never saw that. Amazing Stories was pretty good, too. It was like in the 80s. I love those Twilight Zone movies, too. But then, of course, that one with John Landis
Starting point is 00:26:05 had that horrible accident with that helicopter crash. Yeah, it's crazy. Yeah, kind of girl's head off. Yeah, decapitated. Dude. That is fucked up. Fuck movies with explosions
Starting point is 00:26:15 and helicopters. Keep that shit away from me. The good news is they don't really have to do that anymore because now they have CGI. They just, you know, fake the whole thing.
Starting point is 00:26:23 Yeah. You know, in 2012 nobody really jumped a car over a fucking canyon you know what i mean they just had the whole thing was fake so it's nice you don't really have to risk your life for some shitty movie stuntmen are fucking crazy man oh dude like the craziest i worked with those guys for years on fear factor on fear factor i work with stunt guys i knew a few guys from jujitsu um my friend will who trained at john jocks i knew a couple other guys from there um but uh they're fucking animals all of them have like oh this is metal i got a fucking fake collarbone and you know i got 18 stitches in or 18 plates in this hand have you seen the video of the of the window washer and lethal weapon
Starting point is 00:27:01 that is washing the window and the car And basically it's a stunt that went wrong. And a car went through the wrong window. So there's these two stunt guys and they're like washing this window because they have the outtakes. And you see them like all of a sudden brace themselves. And one guy like jumps trying to get out of the way. And a car just goes through a window, smacks one of them, knocks him backwards into the building.
Starting point is 00:27:26 He was fine. He wasn't fine. He had to go to the hospital for a couple weeks I just met that guy fucking crazy is it in the video can you see it in the video it's on the internet like look up lethal weapon like stuntman accident but man he was such a cool guy it's like stuntmen are like a very specific
Starting point is 00:27:42 type of person and it's like a job that's sometimes passed down through families and stuff it's like a job that's sometimes passed down through families and stuff. It's like a... You have to be really, really crazy to do that. You gotta be tough as fuck. Tough as nails. Tate Fletcher's been doing that. He's been doing all the Avenger movies.
Starting point is 00:27:57 Oh, it totally makes sense. They're super careful. They're super careful and they're like... It's really interesting to see how fastidious they are. But this guy was talking to him about this stunt. And he just kept saying, fire stunts are as safe as they could be. There's nothing safer than a fire stunt.
Starting point is 00:28:15 I'd set my kids on fire. He kept saying that. What the fuck? Jesus Christ. Yeah. That's a guy who might be a little too confident with himself. I know. I mean, I guess you have to be because if you're scared, if you're scared during one of these stunts and you spend any energy on fear, you're fucked.
Starting point is 00:28:32 You'll get killed. I could never do that shit. Fuck that. Even that girl stunt. I can imagine being a girl doing that. The stunt women. Yeah, there's a lot of tough broads out there getting thrown out of the back of trucks. The fall guy. Come on. Remember the
Starting point is 00:28:47 fall guy? Yeah. Remember Alf? Alf? Joey Diaz. Alf was a stuntman? No, I'm just kidding. I do remember Alf. What was Alf? Alf was an alien. Alien. He liked to eat cats. Really? Yeah. How did that get through? I never watched an episode of Alf. I kind of pride myself on that. Really? Yeah. How did that get through? I never watched an episode of ALF. I kind of pride myself on that.
Starting point is 00:29:06 Yeah. Oh, hey. Oh, cat. Oh, oh, oh. Is that how he talks? Yeah. Yeah. I remember it was a reference that hack comedians would do in the 80s.
Starting point is 00:29:14 Yeah. Or the 90s, rather. Remember Max Hedrum? How badass and before the time was that guy. What was that all about? He was like a hologram. He was like a hologram. What was he supposed to be?
Starting point is 00:29:24 Was he supposed to be a computer or something? I think he was a computer programmer. He lived in the computer. Yeah, I don't remember. Or was he artificial intelligence? That's what it was, yeah. He was like Hal. I used to watch that show, the TV show.
Starting point is 00:29:35 I remember I fucking loved it back in the day. It started off as a Pepsi commercial or something. Was it? And then it became a show. Then it became a TV show. I saw that guy in some weird B movie one day Oh the guy that played that guy? Yeah
Starting point is 00:29:47 Huh It was weird I was like no no no You're Max Headroom Right You can't be some guy in some movie Who's like a cop You know I think we've got a clue here
Starting point is 00:29:56 Who's like a bad cop movie I'm surprised they really haven't brought him back For like to sell iPads or something You know Why don't you fucking make the pitch son Let's do it Get that guy together. Today, with the technology that we have today,
Starting point is 00:30:07 you actually could do that if you wanted to. You could just film it on a green screen of your own, throw it through your laptop. Sure. Super easy. It's amazing. Super easy. So going back to this Flash Gordon thing, man,
Starting point is 00:30:19 if you ever need proof of evolution for knuckleheads, just look at Flash Gordon. Look at that from 1936 and look at us today in 2011. If you can't see that things are changing and moving in a certain direction, the complexity of the dialogue, the simplicity of it in the Flash Gordon movie as compared to what we're having in this conversation right here, we're two totally different human beings. I don't know if they were incredibly naive or if just the if it was that the cinema was so new and naive that it could be
Starting point is 00:30:50 stupid and fake because no everyone sort of accepted it you know i mean like when they saw those old king kong movies like i love the first i love all the king kong movies but the first one was pretty badass but it's so fake looking it's so so bad. If you go and watch it now, you're like, whoa, what? But back then they knew, you know, they knew it was going to, it was good for them. I was like, wow, I can't believe that that's the monster. You know, they didn't have anything to compare it to. They knew it didn't look real, but they were still impressed. Like that King Kong's a hell of a monster. What a great movie. You know what I mean? Yeah, totally. It's like 3D.
Starting point is 00:31:26 Look how much 3D has evolved. But when I went to see Jaws 3D when it came out and wore those red and blue glasses, I was like, oh my God. Holy shit, this is incredible. There was one scene where a needle came out of the screen
Starting point is 00:31:40 and it was just like, whoa, that's crazy. So I was just happy. I didn't care about... I didn't know that there could be better 3D than that. I was just blown away.'s crazy but so i was just happy i didn't care about i didn't know that there could be better 3d than that i was just blown away so it must have been the same thing it's kind of weird how it took a long time before 3d made a comeback yeah i don't think i really made a comeback either well dude avatar in my opinion it made a comeback when i saw it in imax 3d that's like an experience man yeah i had a smile on my face that whole movie and when I heard all these people that were like oh that movie sucked the plot was
Starting point is 00:32:08 very transparent like oh my god shut up shut up stupid how could you not enjoy that oh you're telling me the big blue aliens aren't real whoa get out of here now were people like after Avatar people were reporting depression like because they
Starting point is 00:32:24 Avatar depression. Yeah. It was a real thing. Yeah. It's online. Life is no color after Avatar. I wonder how it's recognized. I wonder if psychologists are behind it.
Starting point is 00:32:34 Well, you have Avatar depression. It sounds like you've got a bad case of Avatar depression. That's not outside the realm of possibility. I'm sure. Yeah. Well, I know the depression that comes from playing's not outside the realm of possibility i'm sure yeah well i know the depression that comes from um playing a really awesome video game and then going out into the world you know what i mean like there is we're driving here and we go but we go by this mountain
Starting point is 00:32:55 of rocks and he looks out the window and he goes oh that's like what which is ogrear Ogremar from World of Warcraft I'm like I don't even know what that means reminds me of a fantasy environment what the fuck are you talking about well I just got this iMac I just got this like giant iMac like the biggest monitor I've ever had so I was like well
Starting point is 00:33:19 aren't those awesome no they suck mine died today yeah but it's probably just a hard drive no hope not. Oh, God. You've got to back your shit up, dude. You've got it backed up? They're awesome.
Starting point is 00:33:30 You don't have things backed up? Not that computer. Because I use that computer just for audio, like, you know, for podcast and audio editing. Dude, how hard is it to slap a fucking one terabyte drive on it? I have 14 terabyte full drives. I just keep on running out of hard drive space. Wow, that's incredible. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:45 It fucking sucks. That shit needs to go away. What happened to, I remember when I worked at Gateway Computers. I don't know if we talked about this. Anyway, he's telling me about his iMac. It is awesome. I know you're saying that your shit died, but it is awesome. And what were you going to say about that?
Starting point is 00:33:56 I was going to say, it's like a fucking window into an alternate universe. When you've got a really good video game and you're looking at it, it's like these, I think the word video games got to go down the tubes, man, because someone hears you say, I love to play video games. They're like, you fucking nerd. But it's like,
Starting point is 00:34:14 because, you know, it's like, but what it's turning into, it's not really, it's going to get to the point where it's not video games anymore, where it's something else. Like, I feel like it's like World of Warcraft,
Starting point is 00:34:25 Starcraft, all these, like like a portal what were this is the very first surge of water and this virtual tsunami that's about to come subjectively sweeping over everyone because that thing you say about like maybe our neurology can't resist movies because it's so overpowering yeah it's like i think that there's going to be some truth to that because these games are missing a few components. And this is what I think of when I'm stone playing World of Warcraft. If I could smell, like if there was a sense of smell involved in this, and also if there was a sense of like...
Starting point is 00:34:59 Yeah, I mean, they've made machines that do that. I don't think it will ever happen. I think it's going to have to be a mind thing. It's a mind thing. It's sort it will ever catch. I think it's going to have to be a mind thing. It's a mind thing. It's sort of a machine thing. I think it's going to have to be. It's going to be able to stimulate some part of your mind. To give you smells.
Starting point is 00:35:11 Yeah, like maybe you can wear some. Maybe everyone's going to have to shave their head like real players. You know, you're going to have to do like a horizontal mohawk thing. That's how you know. Like this dude's legit. He doesn't give a fuck. He goes out to the club with this big striped shave down his head. And then you put this thing on skin to skin on your head.
Starting point is 00:35:28 And it has precise, like you line it up on the video game. It'll show you how to line it up with the exact cortex, exact portion of your brain. And then it sends signals that show you burning meat smell. But then you know what else it does? And this is really weird. While you're playing the game, it erases your memory of your previous life. So the moment that thing goes on,
Starting point is 00:35:51 you have no more past. You're just the memories of the character in the game, rushing through the game, playing the game, completely unaware of the fact that you used to exist as a person. And then you know what happens? You're doing a podcast. You're you're like oh fuck man my heart feels weird and you suddenly wake up in your futuristic apartment you're like oh man that game was awesome so right now we're playing
Starting point is 00:36:17 a game yeah yeah like yeah like that will a lot of people say this could be like some alien simulation you know that we're just an alien involved in a really high-powered, super-advanced, badass video game called Planet. Experience the lives of billions of people, all individually. I wrote something once about maybe the life that we're living, maybe the reason why it seems so fake is because it is fake, and what we are in is some sort of a reality simulation of the roaring 20s of the technological age like maybe we live in some time where
Starting point is 00:36:49 everything is all scented candles and perfectly lit white rooms and no one has a muscle car and no one's getting their dick sucked yeah and you know and maybe there's like a simulator that you can run when you run where it's just chaos but like the chaos that's entertaining as fuck. It's like every time you turn around, there's some new thing. Christina Aguilera fucking up the national anthem, 2 billion people tuning into the wedding.
Starting point is 00:37:14 There's constant shit going on to keep you entertained. And you are in this biological ride canister, and you're going through this thing yeah you're in this you're you're a portal to this ride is your skin and your flesh that's right pops it pops through into this dimension and you know and it sounds like you're advocating fantasy it sounds like you're advocating well you know so you want to look at your life as if it's some sort of a simulation and just live it as a simulation? Well, no.
Starting point is 00:37:47 Yes, I am saying that. Yeah, why not, right? It's very empowering. I think the first person I ever heard suggest that was McKenna. I think McKenna was talking about view. How did he say it? And he was quoting someone else, so I'm doing a third-hand quote. should view your life as, how do you say it, as a conspiracy or as, view your life as if the world is run by a select group of people and that group of people is you and your friends. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:17 That you're somehow or another secretly in charge with running the world and running the universe. You're the most important things in the universe, just you and your your friends because it's the most empowering way to view the world well yeah because what's that yeah because what's the other side the other side of it is this kind of like pseudo empathy for like strangers that you don't know like so many people wander through their day just frothing with terror over whatever they've seen on the news and so for them the world's awful but then their real situation is usually pretty good yeah you know like it's like a fucking uh bill hicks has that awesome joke about
Starting point is 00:38:52 like cnn cnn watch the news and then outside it's like beautiful and the grass is growing right so there's this mental pollution that comes pouring out of every information device that we have and that like corrupts your mind, and you begin to think you're in a horror story when your real reality is one that's usually quite pleasant. Dude, this theme has been going back and forth with me over the last couple of weeks. I was talking about it even on stage in Canada,
Starting point is 00:39:18 that I don't think, and I think it goes along with the same thing that we were talking about as far as us not being able to process films and movies. What I was saying with that was that movies, for those of you who have never heard it before, I think that human beings are set up to imitate their atmosphere, and we're set up to find the alpha and follow him because he's the old leader, and he's the guy with the broadsword that has the most nicks in it, and he's experienced things, and you can learn from him. And so we follow him.
Starting point is 00:39:48 We're set up to imitate our atmosphere, but we don't know when our atmosphere is bullshit. Those same signals, all of a sudden we're getting them from a 100-foot screen. And we're sitting there in IMAX surround sound. And the hero, every time he comes on screen, he says the exact right thing because he's got a fucking team of writers and they've been working on it for weeks and there's music plays every time he's in the room and you get just drawn into this thing where it's, it's incredibly influential, like almost more so than real life. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:19 And I don't think we're set up to, to process that. I think we're set up to process the natural world. Well, I mean, this is along the same lines as that, right? I think when you look at the news and there's terrible things going on all over the world, I don't think we're set up to process the world. We're set up to process our fucking neighborhood. The universe, the world, is a chaotic fucking place.
Starting point is 00:40:40 And the key is, when somewhere sucks, you've got to get the fuck out of there. That's how people got to America in the first place. That's why people crossed the Bering Strait when they came over from Asia every people are we are nomadic for a reason It's because the world is spinning around a fucking nuclear explosion and sometimes it gets a little too far away And when it does everything freezes to death, okay, so you got to move around you got to keep moving And I think we are we were supposed to be in a good spot and surround ourselves with a bunch of good people. But we can't be looking at the whole goddamn thing all at once. The whole six to seven billion people all over the world.
Starting point is 00:41:15 Yeah, everywhere you go, you're going to see bombs going off and people getting shot and planes dropping fucking missiles out of the sky onto the wrong building. And you're going to see that everywhere because there's so fucking many of us. You're not supposed to be monitoring the whole thing. Well, it messes up the paradigm people are enjoying, and that paradigm is its own little virtual reality game. It's like people live in denial of death. They live in denial of the impermanence of everything.
Starting point is 00:41:43 They live in the denial of the fact that you will not be able to hold on to anything. Ownership is a complete illusion. You can't really own anything. There's no such thing as countries. Well, you can hold on to it for a little bit. There are countries, because if you go over there, you've got to have a passport. Well, yeah, but those countries are enforcing invisible things. Right, but they are enforcing them.
Starting point is 00:42:09 Well, yeah, but for example, there's law. Take the law of gravity. The law of gravity does not need police officers to make sure that the law of gravity works. If you jump off a cliff, it's not like you land at the bottom, you're okay, and cops come and arrest you and say, you just broke the law of gravity. We're going to have to kill you. The law of gravity kills you. The human laws, on the other hand, these are laws that aren't real except from the enforcement
Starting point is 00:42:33 of human beings and from things written down on paper. But it's not real in the sense of the law of gravity. And as society shifted throughout time, these laws have changed too. So they're impermanent and they're always, I mean, God, there used to be bathrooms for black people. You know what I mean? That was a real law. That was a real thing. And that law is not real. That law doesn't exist on the planet. There's no underlying mechanism. I see what you're saying, but it seems to me this is like a argument of semantics it's like what is the definition of the word law i see what you're saying but the reality is laws exist
Starting point is 00:43:10 if you go to turkey and you have heroin strapped to your back and they catch you they put you in a cage yeah i'm saying like oh no i don't know people it's there's social engineering the the real question is is that social engineering is it valid valid? You know what I'm saying? Right. Well, no, I think many times the social engineering is not. But that's what all the laws are, right? Wouldn't you agree? They're all social engineering. Don't do heroin because we don't want heroin users.
Starting point is 00:43:34 Well, the idea would be, I think, that laws, like good laws, would be laws that were a natural expression of a kind of metaphysical function of the universe. You say that, man, but then you've got to realize the nature of man. Man is a violent, fucking crazy animal. And if you want to allow the nature of man to express itself in a truly unfettered way, you're going to have a lot
Starting point is 00:43:58 of violence, man. Yeah, it's called the United States. I mean, look at what's happening. This is the nature of man being allowed to express itself in an unfettered way. It's just being done from, it's being done on a massive global level. I agree and I disagree. Because as individuals,
Starting point is 00:44:14 no. As individuals, most of the day is filled with very little violence in comparison to what life would have been like 10,000 years ago. Life 10,000 years ago, by the time you got to be our age, you were missing a hand or something. There's some fucking arrow holes in you. I mean, if you made it through, you had a giant fucking machete mark on your head. You were experiencing violence around every corner just to stay alive. I think, you know, laws and all the things that are in place that a lot of people
Starting point is 00:44:40 wouldn't agree with, you know, even some drug smuggling laws. I think you need some sort of regulation on these assholes that want to come in here and sell poisonous shit that makes you addicted to it. Another way to look at it might be with your child. You've got certain rules that you have with kids where you have to tell them not to go into the medicine cabinet and eat these things because they can't regulate themselves and they'll die from it. Those laws are obviously necessary and they're good. But what I'm saying is there's so many laws that aren't necessary.
Starting point is 00:45:14 We're in agreement on that. And it's for profit, too. It's laws that are designed to r you know, the prison industrial complex. It's it's these are a lot of these laws help make a lot of people a lot of money. And when you say prison industrial complex with a lot of people are not going to understand that statement. So just tell people what the fuck that is. Well, I will basically, you know, running a prison is a business. What people don't know is that a huge percentage of the prisons in this country are private. They're owned.
Starting point is 00:45:46 They're companies. And they profit. They make money off of how many people are in prison. I mean, to even hear that and think that somehow that got passed and they allowed that. And we were talking about slavery earlier. I mean, how is that any different than owning people? Yeah, they fucked up before they became slaves. But then
Starting point is 00:46:01 once they fucked up, they became slaves. And you're making money off of them. You make money off them being in there. You charge more based on how many are in there. I heard this statistic. There are now more black people in prison than there were slaves. Now, I don't know if that's true or not. Oh, it's true, yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:17 Yeah, I read that. Yeah. So, I mean, and like how many of those people in prison are there for doing something really awful? Like what's the percentage of violent crimes versus nonviolent offenders? And then because like the people who are in there for like rape and beating people and doing crazy shit, of course, they should be behind bars. There needs to be some justice invoked because some people can't defend themselves, obviously. But people are in jail because they smoke some weed in their car. This is not all prisons, though, right?
Starting point is 00:46:48 Because, I mean, aren't they always saying that prisons are turning away people because, you know, they just don't have enough... Yeah, some of them are. But there's, like, county prisons and there's different prisons. You know, I don't know what percentage. It's not all prisons.
Starting point is 00:47:02 All of them are private. Yeah, I was going to say, it couldn't be. But it's a huge number. It's a huge number. And they're making new ones all the time. When the economy goes south, people start going to crime. It's just how it goes. It's normal.
Starting point is 00:47:15 I don't know what the increase in crime has been since the economy went to shit, but it's got to be a couple percent or something. It's just what happens. And that to them, that's numbers. Dollar dollar bills, y'all. Stuff them in those cages and start raking in the cash. it's just so weird to know that that's a real thing well i mean it's yeah it's it's a form of vampirism you know you're basically like sucking people's life energies out of them converting it into money and then using that money to like buy nice things for your beautiful wife i can't tell tell you how much I'm disappointed in Obama as a spokesman, as a representative
Starting point is 00:47:48 of us. And I don't know what's going on in the world. I don't know exactly what happened with Osama bin Laden or any of this, why we're bombing Pakistan, why we're involved in... I don't know. Who knows? Might be for our own benefit. How come this motherfucker, a guy who came from a single mom,
Starting point is 00:48:06 how come he can't step up and figure out some way to get people to put funding into horrible neighborhoods to try to make the system better, to try to get more cops into those neighborhoods, to try to get more teachers into the schools that are more qualified, to pay them more, to set up community outreach programs for kids who don't have fathers, and set up mentoring things, like local clubs where they can play sports and they can have friends,
Starting point is 00:48:36 where they have something to fucking look forward to, and you will create an infinitely better country. Infinitely better. Because our number one problem is people who suck. And a lot of people who suck just needed love. They needed something. They needed guidance. They needed, and I'm not saying we're supposed to be nanny state in the world, but I am saying there's a certain amount of people that are born in this country for sure are going to be fucked. Why can't we help them? If you really wanted to make this world better, wouldn't that be one of
Starting point is 00:49:03 the first things you do? And in comparison to how much fucking money we spend just blowing shit up in a bunch of places where we're never going to go. Compared to that, the fucking money would be nothing. There's an article in which addresses the point you're saying. It's there today, I believe, that says that instead of the money it cost us to kill bin Laden,
Starting point is 00:49:24 would have paid for college and free health care for everyone in the country. believe, that says that instead of the money it cost us to kill bin Laden, would have paid for college and free health care for everyone in the country. God damn. It just doesn't seem right. It's so fucked up. But it's true. It's just because the military-industrial complex has a huge influence on what happens in this country. It's what Eisenhower warned about when he left office in that famous speech. And that's just the way it goes, man.
Starting point is 00:49:44 It is the reality. And that reality, despite WikiLeaks, despite anything that gets released about any fucked up thing that happens in the world, it still seems to keep moving in the same direction. It doesn't seem to be any changing. Yeah, it definitely doesn't. I mean, well, you can't change. I mean, the way to change it, it almost changed. It almost changed.
Starting point is 00:50:02 the way to change it, it almost changed. It almost changed. The summer of love, when people were fucking blasted on psychedelics, things were changing. There was a shift, man. There was a real shift happening. Then everybody got on speed and the shit became illegal. Now we're all self-absorbed lunatics. We're all individually only taking care of ourselves.
Starting point is 00:50:24 Our minds are focused 100% on getting to work on time and that's one of the fun most interesting things to do during rush hour is look around at all the people in the cars and you'll just see people in a dream sleepwalking they're all asleep and the dream they're living in is that they're the only person on the planet that's all there is just them nothing else and we've all trained ourselves to not even look at each other to not even say hello you want to freak somebody out these days all you have to do is go say good morning in los angeles i don't know man it's completely different man when i went back to columbus ohio it was just like high high everywhere i went but go to go to go to an airport columbus is super friendly i'm saying there's a saying there's a program thing inside of us that we're not acknowledging each other at the level that we need to.
Starting point is 00:51:09 And the Internet's changed that to some degree. It's opened up more lines of dialogue between people. So what I'm saying is the reason this isn't changing is because we're not changing. We're moving more and more into ourselves instead of connecting with people around us. And during the 60s, psychedelics, we all know they have an effect that causes a kind of weird empathy to come into your mind. And a weird connection can happen when you're around people and you feel connected to the whole universe. You feel like, I'm not just me. I'm a representative of an infinite field of energy you know and people have forgotten this and so because of that we're all living like people are
Starting point is 00:51:51 learning it again i think right now more so than any time in my life i hear psychedelic discussion more than at any time in my life this is a big big big big big big big difference between now and say when i started comedy like, people would occasionally joke about doing mushrooms. Ha-ha, what is he doing, mushrooms? Ha-ha-ha. Yeah. You know, but no one was, like, coming home with trip reports. You know, Chris Marcus, our buddy Chris from The Flashlight, he went on a little vacation the other day and was telling me how beautiful it was.
Starting point is 00:52:19 And, you know, you come back as a better person, man. You come back as literally, like, I said this on stage about the guy who's got those, those, um, billboards. It says May 21st, Jesus is coming. And I'm like,
Starting point is 00:52:30 I'm May 22nd. We're going to find that fuck and we're going to force feed him mushrooms. And I'm like, cause Jesus is coming. How did you get so much? You can see Jesus and Buddha and Santa Claus. You can see anything that anyone ever thought of ever. Plus stuff you could have never imagined. You can see Jesus that anyone ever thought of, ever. Plus, stuff you could have never
Starting point is 00:52:46 imagined. You can see Jesus. You literally can see Jesus. Take seven grams. Take seven grams of mushrooms. You'll see Jesus. Don't they say in the Bible that there's going to be many false prophets and that no one will ever know the day it's just going to come? Yeah. You know what else they said? Women are second-class citizens
Starting point is 00:53:02 and they condone slavery. The Bible's a silly book. You know, everybody would go crazy about the Bible, man citizens and they condone slavery. The Bible is a silly book. You know, everybody would go crazy about the Bible, man. The Bible, it's in the Bible. I live my life by the Bible, but I'm... Listen, here's the bottom line about the Bible. You're not even reading the Bible, stupid. What you're reading is a version of the Bible that was translated first into Latin, then into Greek. The ancient Hebrew version of the Bible, they don't even know all the words.
Starting point is 00:53:23 They only know a certain percentage of the words in ancient Hebrew. Like they literally don't know what the words mean. And part of it's because letters were also numbers in ancient Hebrew. Like the letter A is also the number one. So like there was a certain numerical value to words that we don't understand. You're getting the interpretation is the worst version of the grapevine ever. And then on top of that, the oldest version of the Bible, which is the Dead Sea Scrolls, is so fucking crazy that they don't even use it. Yeah. It's just so filled with these vague stories of trips and UFOs and visitations and all sorts of nutty shit. That doesn't work. Because according to John Marco Allegro,
Starting point is 00:54:05 what the Dead Sea Scrolls was all about was them hiding their history of psychedelic mushroom use. And they were trying to hide it from the Romans in stories. And the older you go back in these stories, the more you get to the original version of the story. And that's what it was all about. These guys were tripping their balls off, and it totally makes sense.
Starting point is 00:54:22 If you were a bunch of idiots that was living 7,000 years ago ago or whatever the fuck they were and you know you're you're living with your stupid leather shoes you got all sewn on you and you know you got some goofy ass hemp clothing on you know you're a dope you don't know what's going on you look at the stars every night you wonder when the gods are gonna rain fire from the sky and then you've stumbled across some mushrooms and you and you you ate them and and ate way too many and had some insane, super psychedelic wind tunnel vortex tornado experience. Where the whole universe is like a giant ball of yarn and each strand of the ball is like hyper segmented with billions of planets and lives and trees and water. And you can see that for five or six hours and then come back. You're not going to want the Romans to know about that shit, man.
Starting point is 00:55:12 You're going to want to hide all that stuff. That's what the Bible really is. What the Bible is is a trip report. Yeah. That's what the Bible is. And that's really important, man. And that's an important thing for people to know. And that's, I think and and that's the that's an important thing for people to know and that's the i think the the the where things have gone wrong because one cool thing
Starting point is 00:55:30 about the people who wrote the dead sea scrolls whoever the fuck they were is that they were courageous enough to try to express that experience as though it were a reality and now when people take a psychedelic they mark it off as some kind of dream or an imaginary thing that happened to them that's not real. So they pretend that this alternate dimension that seems to exist and exactly on top of ours and is filled with hyperdimensional, super intelligent beings that throughout time have been called aliens or angels or elves or dwarfs or whatever the fact that it the fact that these people tried to articulate that they tried to bring something back from that place here and just the effect of bringing the the
Starting point is 00:56:18 the a close linguistic description of that place onto this planet look at the fucking change it caused it created a religion we date time based on that our current the way we look at time is after jesus's birth all that stuff it's like the the power that comes from being able to swim out into the hypersonic waters of the psychedelic experience keep Keep your fucking head about you. Look at what you're seeing. Try to understand it in a logical way instead of being like, I'm partying. Try to understand it. What is this? Is this a projection of what's inside of you? Or are you seeing something that's really there? And if you're seeing something that's really there, what are those symbols you're looking at? What are those? Is that Mayan? Is that Sanskrit? What is
Starting point is 00:57:04 that? And the more you try to understand that and really get the message, because there is a message over there. We've all heard it. You've heard it. I've heard it. The message is the universe loves you and you're fine and everything's going to be fine. Don't be scared. Try to spread love. Be positive. Embrace the world. Embrace your fucking neighbors. And let go of the fear that's ruining your life. That's the message. That message gets interpreted in a bunch of different ways. Buddhism, Christianity, whatever.
Starting point is 00:57:34 But it's not like people are supposed to stop bringing that message back. That's the thing. Well, people don't want to accept that that's where that message comes from. There's a lot of people, when you connect something to the idea of it coming from a mushroom or any type of drug, ayahuasca, whatever, it inherently devalues the experience. I didn't listen to it, but apparently Robin Quivers from the Howard Stern Show went to Peru. And I heard a lot of talk about it, but when I'm in my car, I never know what episode I'm listening to. I didn't catch that one.
Starting point is 00:58:04 But apparently she went to Peru to engage in an ayahuasca ceremony and they were giving her a hard time because she's like a vegan. They're like, what, you won't even drink milk and you'll take this fucking shit, which is very funny. But, you know, a lot of people, they were poo-poo in her experience. And that experience, the ayahuasca experience, the mushroom experience, you know, everybody that is religious wants to believe in God. What I'm telling you is I can show you something that represents God for sure. You can meet what God is. And I'm not saying it's God you're meeting, but you can meet what God is.
Starting point is 00:58:37 What God is is perfect and all-knowing and all-embracing and loving and wise and constantly around you all the time. Well, when you take mushrooms, that's what you feel. That's what you feel. You really feel God. And I'm not saying that is God that you're communicating with or what God is or even the concept of God. When you say God, all of a sudden it's this male hierarchy point of reference where you think of like one alpha that controls all.
Starting point is 00:59:04 No way. But it's not that it's god is more like everything it's a it's like a super dimensional glob of it's everything brilliance and intelligence it's this it's always and also it's it's constantly changing that's the other thing like it's it's like trying to even talk about it's like trying to talk about like a spinning slot machine it's like it's constantly like morphing and shifting and it's so fucking potent whatever it is that we're runoffs of it like when you see water running down your windshield and like streams of water will break into little globs of water that's what we are we're just little broken off globs of super intelligence that have
Starting point is 00:59:45 taken on these personalities and think that we're individuals and you know what else breaks off from that fucking thing elves hyperdimensional things that aren't necessarily out to love you and like there really is like there are beings out there that are um i don't know man like super intelligent toddlers i think menna talked about it. They're like baby God or something. Okay. Here's the devil's advocate point of view. Please.
Starting point is 01:00:11 How do you not know that those thoughts, those demons just represent thoughts in your mind? And perhaps what that experience is entirely is you contacting your own thoughts and ideas and dreams and hopes and expression without the context of reality attached to them. So without the idea of what you did that you're embarrassed about that made you weird about your underwear when you were 13. Instead of that, maybe it manifests itself in almost a living thing. Yeah, sure, projections. So when you're saying there are beings out there that are fucking with you, maybe those are things that you've let grow in your mind.
Starting point is 01:00:51 Well, yeah, I mean, I think that that's the modern take on it, and I think that that's one useful handle to grab a hold of an idea like that. Have you considered that when you were in there? You said you had experience recently. Oh, like these are projection mechanisms? Yeah, that what you're seeing literally is like that thoughts are live. They're real things. Look, have you ever heard the possibility, I mean the discussion rather, of the idea that aliens will come through the mind and that they're not going to manifest themselves in a real form
Starting point is 01:01:21 and that when you think of the imagination or when you think of dreams and what we have is some weird, slippery sort of experience that we can't completely control. But what if that dimension of dreams, that sleep dimension that you tap into when all your neurochemistry starts flowing between the blood brain barrier while you're in heavy REM sleep, what if that is in fact another dimension? What if that is in fact a world and that is where aliens will contact you through they will contact you through this spiritual dimension instead of a physical dimension yeah well if that's the case and if you think about taking mushrooms and these these elves
Starting point is 01:01:54 show up it is possible that negative things that you've created in your own life shitty choices or bad energy that you've set forth and then nurtured and and repressed and put it down and try to deny it and all these different things that people do to sort of rationalize creepy things that they do in their lives sure what if those things manifest themselves as living organisms in the free pool of your mind yeah you know that's actually i think fucking carl young said that exact same thing i I met Carl Jung this weekend. No, you didn't. I met a crazy guy who took 6.8 grams of mushrooms and told me he was Carl Jung.
Starting point is 01:02:32 This guy comes up to me and he goes, I need to talk to you. I have information that I'm sure you don't know about. I go, how can you be sure? And he goes, I just know. I just know. I just know. I tried to talk to Brian Redband about it, but he replied to my email with some stupid joke. What? I go, that sounds like Brian. I tried to talk to Brian Redband about it, but he replied to my email with some stupid joke. Oh?
Starting point is 01:02:45 I go, that sounds like Brian. I want to give you knuckles for that. And then homeboy goes, I really, I've been doing psychedelic research. I need to get this information for you. Listen, it's going to sound crazy. I used to be in another life. I was Carl Jung. I go, how can you be sure?
Starting point is 01:03:00 And he goes, I've seen things that you've never seen. I go, how can you know that? This is ridiculous. You're too confident, son. Get out of here. I remember that guy. Do you remember him? Yeah, I've got to find that email.
Starting point is 01:03:11 That's crazy. I talked about him on the podcast on the plane with Sam Tripoli. I did. But that podcast might suck. I'm not even going to release it. I might not release it because we were both hungover and tired. And we were talking about stupid shit. So I'm not sure.
Starting point is 01:03:21 I'm still hungover from fuckingey diaz giving me a banana cake yeah i got a text from brian in capital letters do not eat joey diaz's banana bread you can never eat edible marijuana that joey diaz gives you unless you have thorazine on hand don't take that unless you have a fucking a big hypodermic filled with adrenaline that you could stuff into your chest. Stick in your jugular vein. Joey Diaz once gave me some breath strips. I guess this was the first time I'd taken breath strips. And he was like, eat two of these. And I'm like... Did he really tell you to do that?
Starting point is 01:03:59 I don't tell anybody ever to take more than a quarter. I hold their hand. I go, dude, listen to me, bro. Listen to me. I love you. Don't take more than a quarter. I hold their hand. I go, dude, listen to me, bro. Listen to me. I love you. Don't take more than a quarter. I think Joey likes the torture. Knowing Joey Diaz, that's what I did.
Starting point is 01:04:11 I only took half of one of these knowing him. And I was driving home on the interstate and was like, well, it's definitely the apocalypse. The world is ending. I see that clearly now. I'm in the last days and uh and um there was a mcdonald's and i was going to stop my car and run to the mcdonald's to get a burger because traffic wasn't moving that's how bad the logic was working in my mind i'll just get a fucking i know i can make it there to get a diet coke and back but anyway i get home i'm having the most terrible
Starting point is 01:04:43 marijuana trip i'm laying in bed I'm like, oh my god, the world's in my heart's pounding phone rings phone rings Joey Diaz. I answered he's like welcome to my house motherfucker So he thought you took all two of them No, he knew the- He knew you'd only take a quarter? Yeah, I suppose he just surmised that... He's so crazy. One of his buddies got the Listerine, the acid thing, and there was like a few of them in there.
Starting point is 01:05:12 And I guess they all melted together. Do you remember that? I did that. I did that once. And the guy took like a bunch of them. He never did. He never smoked weed. He never ate weed.
Starting point is 01:05:20 And he was like his first time trying it. So Joey gave him some. And there was like a lot in there. And they melted together into one he had a massive panic attack yeah i think the guy called in the ambulance yeah he called 9-1-1 he had a panic attack yeah we see that's the thing man there needs to be a special 9-1-1 like when you press a button on your phone when you get directed like have you eaten edible marijuana press yes and then it takes you and it's just someone who can calm you down. It's just music songs. What people don't realize is that there's cannabinoid receptors in your mind that are established for two things.
Starting point is 01:05:52 They come out during runner's high and some other things, but also they're there to receive marijuana. To receive all the shit that's in marijuana. Marijuana easily could be responsible for human behavioral development. We could have a long time ago had some sort of a symbiotic relationship with marijuana. I mean, you look at the characteristics that it's all about being loving, it makes people kinder and friendlier and sillier and less threatening and more insecure, so it makes you less cocky.
Starting point is 01:06:23 It's all good things for society. And the human use of it has gone. I was at this, oh, God, I've got to tell you about this. I know the history of cannabis because I was at a place in Toronto. I went to this nutty fucking place. It is Valhalla for pothead comedians. It's a head shop, and in the back room, they have a comedy club. Oh, cool.
Starting point is 01:06:44 Dude. It's called, I probably shouldn't cool dude it's called clend i probably shouldn't say what it's called i think it's on the dl but anyway you go there and they have this big thing the history of cannabis 4 000 years old evidence of cannabis use in china and it goes like throughout human history how long people have been using marijuana and they're selling bongs they're selling like pipes and shit and then you go into the back room and they have a comedy club that's cool they have a comedy club dude and's cool. They have a comedy club, dude. And you go on stage and everyone...
Starting point is 01:07:07 I went on stage and sparked up a joint immediately. It's a full hot box. You can't see the back of the room. It's filled with weed smoke. And the whole time I was on stage, I did like an hour. The whole time I'm up there, dudes are hitting the bong and they're passing joints and it's fucking crazy.
Starting point is 01:07:23 Was it too much? Like too much smoke? Way too much. My voice, that's one of the reasons why I'm coughing today, I think. I'm just breathing in that. Yeah, that's what Sam did. Sam totally lost his voice almost. He's like. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:35 That motherfucker needs ventilation for sure. But my voice was like really hot and red. But it didn't affect me the next night when I did the UFC. It didn't bother me at all. But it was hot, and I remember getting out of there going god i gotta go outside and breathe and then the cool air i mean literally there was no oxygen in the room it was just pot smoke it was fucking crazy and the way toronto is right now apparently there's some sort of a situation where they had a law to make it illegal but the law was ruled unconstitutional so now in
Starting point is 01:08:02 the 90 days between the the next revision of the law it's basically in limbo so it's like it's legal pot's sort of legal sort of you know what i mean like they could probably bust your balls if they wanted to and lock you up and it would you you know who knows dude did they at the history of marijuana uh thing did they talk about the white mummies in china what does that know in fucking china they found these white mummies that caucasian mummies oh you know about that they had like blonde hair and they had fucking weed on them yes yes and they were like tall yeah tall caucasian mummies yeah with marijuana and what year was that dated to um i i was, I don't know. I'll fuck it up.
Starting point is 01:08:46 I said it was like 3,000 years. It was a long, long time ago. But the funny thing is, on the internet, you can look it up. There's a National Geographic thing about these mummies. And there's a scientist being like, I don't like saying this, but there was marijuana
Starting point is 01:09:02 on those mummies. What a fool. What a fool. What a fool he is. I don't like saying that. Yeah, I don't know. How could people, why are people so reluctant to admit the positive effects that all these,
Starting point is 01:09:15 or the effects, the need that people have for all these different intoxicants? Why is it, I mean, why is it so mainstream to dismiss it? Is that some nancy reagan shit that's still left over well i think it's older than that i mean god we could like isn't it like the people who came over here for in the beginning were super religious and they had all these like ideas about sex and uh intoxication that were really super strict and
Starting point is 01:09:42 were their distant ancestors and somehow that line of guilt still remains where if people like i only drink after 5 p.m i'll only smoke marijuana after 4 20 you know they said all these things because like you can't you're not supposed to be in an intoxicated state more than a little bit and if you are then you've got a drug problem. I must have a drug problem. Isn't it possible that not all drugs are exactly the same? Isn't it possible that you don't put everything under the umbrella of drugs? So what's holding it back? Do you think the people that are holding it back? I've always said no one needs pot more than the guy who wants pot to be illegal. No one needs acid more than the guy who wants to make acid illegal. No one needs pot more than the guy who wants pot to be illegal. Right. You know, no one needs acid more than the guy who wants to make acid illegal. Sure.
Starting point is 01:10:26 No one needs mushroom, you know, down the line. It's so simple. So how is it still in a situation the way it is in today, in 2011, with all the information that we have, it still never gets stopped? And there's a feeling of helplessness about that. Well, you know, they have reopened tests into MDMA and psilocybin. The Multidisciplinary Association of Psychedelic Studies, you can go to their website. They're doing federally approved testing with MDMA for people with post-traumatic stress disorder.
Starting point is 01:10:58 Yes. Yeah, which I think is a great thing. And I think it's going to be extremely beneficial, especially MDMA. You know, there's a lot of really positive results with that. You that. I think psilocybin gets a little squirrely. If you've had some horrific experiences abroad, I wouldn't recommend psilocybin. If someone asked me, what's the drug of choice? I would not say psilocybin. They're not using that to treat post-traumatic stress disorder. Especially if you might've done something you're not really entirely happy about. You know what they're using it for? What? Terminal illness.
Starting point is 01:11:26 Those are the experiments that they've been doing where they give psilocybin to people who have late-stage cancer, and it helps them overcome death-related anxiety because you take synthetic psilocybin, which I would love to try, which is so much better than apparently regular. Actually, I think you're supposed to say psilocybin, which I would love to try, which is so much better than apparently regular. Actually, I think that you're supposed to say psilocybin, but because it's easier to dose out. You know, when you're eating mushrooms, it's not like each mushroom has an exact certain amount of psilocybin in it. I wonder if the trip is the same.
Starting point is 01:12:00 I don't know. You know, the speculation about psychedelic trips is that the more people take the psychedelic trip, the more potent the psychedelic is. So, like, that was the thing with ketamine. McKenna always talked about how ketamine seemed like nobody had been there yet. Right. Like, you did this psychedelic experience and you got there. He said, describe it as like a giant office building, but all the cubicles are empty. You know what I mean? MySpace. Right. MySpace, 2011. a giant office building, but all the cubicles are empty. You know what I mean? Whereas Mushrooms...
Starting point is 01:12:26 Right. MySpace 2011. Whereas Mushrooms, it's like you are diving into a giant, rich river of human history, and it's all together, all in one gigantic fucking soup,
Starting point is 01:12:39 and you're going to add your trip to this huge pool of trips. But you know, the way they're doing these tests, you know, so fucking cool and i would so love to uh have this uh they have people laid out on a bed and they have sitting on either side of them psychotherapists so while you're going into the ecstasy experience or while you're going into the mushroom experience you have these people who are there to talk to you so that when you say, man, there's fucking super intelligent toddlers swimming through my body and mocking my thoughts, they could say, oh, let's talk
Starting point is 01:13:13 about that. What, um, you know, what do you think those things are when you see them describe them to me? Or if you don't want to talk, they don't, if you don't, if you just want to be by yourself, they leave you alone, but they guide you through the experience. Like it's kind of like Western shamanism. But have they had the experience themselves, or are they just sort of a neutered bystander? You know, I think if they have had the experience, I don't think that they're going to announce that.
Starting point is 01:13:38 Because it's such a strict fucking thing. strict fucking thing and just the fact that they're letting them reopen tests since i believe october 6th 1966 was when lsd was made completely federally illegal and all testing on psychedelics was brought to a halt bringing us into a kind of pharmacological dark age where nobody could fucking uh even experiment with the substances to find out what it is meanwhile you, you could get strychnine and pull it out of a plant and no one's ever going to bat an eye. Yeah, meanwhile you have people getting CAT scans and their fucking brain looks like the surface of the moon because they've been slurping back shitty club ecstasy
Starting point is 01:14:16 and God knows what the fuck that is. They haven't been taking pure pharmaceutical-grade chemicals, which is what you should only take when you're taking a hallucinogen. Do you think that this idea of a trip, like when you take mushrooms, that you're entering into accumulation of trips throughout human history, does that make sense to you? And if that does make sense, then is the psilocybin that's chemically produced or that's artificially produced, does that bring you to the same place? Yeah, I bet it does. And it's just a radio frequency. It tunes you in two different ways yeah i bet it does and it's just a radio frequency one tunes you in two different ways maybe slightly different but it's like you're still tuning into
Starting point is 01:14:50 the same fucking station and i've been also you know the the different tests that they did for example the good friday experiment at harvard where they gave psilocybin to people in the basement of a church and piped down the church music to see if it induced mystical states and the modern stuff Johns Hopkins is doing with the same exact purpose to see if you can create mystical experience the effects they're having they had from that is like people from the Johns Hopkins experience are reporting a year later that their lives are better they're more connected with their family that they feel like life is more worth living their anxieties decreased there's really positive results from it wow a lot of it's probably like you know when you you're in your dna like yeah i have my grandfather's nose and stuff like that like the history of your own dna so like maybe
Starting point is 01:15:41 mushrooms lets you kind of tap the history of your DNA some way, like the memories of your ancestors. Yeah, it's probably information. I mean, when you look at instincts, a lot of instincts are set up just to protect you from shit that's happened to people in the past. And it's become a part of the human instinct category, or catalog, rather, that you have in your mind. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. You know, like the reason why people are afraid of monsters, you know, little kids that grow up in cities are scared of monsters. Well, the reason why is because, you know, when we're monkeys,
Starting point is 01:16:13 jaguars used to eat people. That's why you're scared to go out at night. Why are you scared to go out at night? Because the predators were fucking hunting you at night, man. You got eaten. When they look at like a lot of the early hominid skulls, a lot of them show signs of predation by big cats that's what we're scared of so that that monster that flash in a child's mind
Starting point is 01:16:31 of big teeth and big scary beast that shit's ingrained in the memory man there's there's something in there from one monkey a billion years ago or whatever that saw another monkey get jacked by a cat you know well and also that's why dogs are so excited when you come home. Because, like, back when people first started domesticating dogs, if you went out on a hunting trip, there's, like, a good chance you were just going to get killed. Like, coming home used to be a much bigger deal. That's why your dog's like, you survived! He survived! Thank God! Thank God you survived!
Starting point is 01:17:02 Because a dog's still tuned. Well, I mean, shit. If my dog goes outside, it still might get eaten. I'm a little chihuahua. You know, I think one of the hardest things for us to really wrap our heads around is that we are just one frame in this infinite chapter. And we're all trying to figure it out as it's going along. We're all like trying to, well, we'll stop this ride.
Starting point is 01:17:23 Slow down. Let me get a map of this. Let me hold on, hold on, hold on. Who's running the train? Do we know who's running the train? Can we slow the train down? Shit. Shit. Do I hop off the train and watch it from the outside? Now let me stay on a little longer. Where are we going? What time is it? Does anyone have the time? We are all on this wild train ride and it's going to become someone else's train ride next life and it's going to keep going. We're living and dying on this ride for as long as it takes. Actually, the person on the train
Starting point is 01:17:52 ride isn't you. It's your DNA and that's why it's always trying to get you to fuck because it knows you're the train it's on is going off the tracks because you're going to die. It's like, you're going to fuck. You've got to make more. You've got to make more. I've got to get off this thing. Eventually, you're not going to last. You're not gonna last you're not gonna no way eventually yeah you were all worm food man there's no question about that don't entertain the idea if you think you're not
Starting point is 01:18:14 fucking dirt then you're out of your mind like we're all doomed there's no way out of it we're all getting sucked into the future where we cease to exist our bodies this body that you're rocking right now is not going to last. Our body, yeah. I mean, what we really are. Yeah, that thing goes on forever. But who knows? Is that true though? Who knows? Everybody says, yeah, I know, but you don't know. You don't know any more than you know that it does.
Starting point is 01:18:36 It's a fucking giant guessing game. It's one of the most offensive things about religion, is that they pretend that they know something that is impossible to fucking know. Can I just say... that's just as just as ridiculous when hippies pretend that when they die you will go into this interdimensional love you don't know can i can i can i be can i please be the obnoxious hippie sure and can take that uh uh be the hippies advocate there and say that let me be a hippies advocate the um the uh i i think that you know the idea that people maybe have that you retain your personality when your body stops
Starting point is 01:19:15 existing and you go into some kind of like new age um uh paradise where you're flying around sipping honey out of the craters of heaven. And after you're there for a certain amount of time, you're like, you know what? I think I want to go back to earth and reincarnate as a kid with Down syndrome. I don't think that happens. You know what I mean? I don't think that that really happens because I don't believe that so many people on the earth who maybe are born like with disabilities or in incredibly difficult situations it's hard for me to imagine someone at a super dimensional spa um being like yeah
Starting point is 01:19:51 you know i want to i think it's time for me to reincarnate as a blind person who um can't walk and who um yeah yeah i know you know what you're saying. radiate inside of everything and through everything and that's what we really are so i think i'm not necessarily convinced i'm not necessarily convinced that consciousness is not attached completely to being a biological um entity you know that one of the things about being a biological entity being some something with some sort of a you know you have personal sovereignty you have the ability to control your own movement and destiny. That's why consciousness, like the actual thought of consciousness as an entity, that's where it comes from. It comes from the need to keep this one thing alive. When you die and you become the next thing, if there is a next thing,
Starting point is 01:20:58 it's very possible there will be no consciousness. It's very possible that the idea of consciousness is some egocentric, ridiculous notion that you have to keep the idea of you. But let's explore that. When you aren't you, when you are a drop in a river of information, and that's what leaves this life, and that there is no consciousness. But that idea that you just said, this is an idea that is the, and you know, forgive me, I mean, atheists get really mad when you talk about atheism. Some atheists can get very sensitive.
Starting point is 01:21:30 Atheists are just as silly as religious people. But atheists have a ghost story. They really are, aren't they? Yeah. Any organization. But the atheist ghost story. So Christians have a ghost story. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:21:39 The Christian ghost story is hell. The atheist ghost story is a different ghost story because an atheist will inevitably tell you no you don't understand man when you die everything stops there's nothing complete nothingness you can't comprehend it because there's no way to comprehend it because it's nothing and then they stop and they expect you to be like oh my god that's terrible but if you but if you but if you look at what socrates said which you guys should read because it's fucking hilarious and awesome when uh he made it what's called his apology because they wanted to execute him and make him
Starting point is 01:22:13 drink hemlock and his response to their attempt to or they were going to execute him he said okay i tell you what here's the deal if you kill me and i die and there's nothing like when i'm'm in my deepest sleep and the deepest, deepest sleep and there's just nothing at all, then you've given me paradise. That's paradise because this isn't exactly a fucking fun park here in early Athens. And guess what? Being in complete non-existence for infinity might be better than having to sneak around and fuck 14-year-olds because I'm getting too old to catch them. I can't catch these 14-year-old Olympian athletes. And then the other thing he said to them is, if there is something after this,
Starting point is 01:23:01 if I die, if you give me this stuff and there's some other thing and I continue to exist, then i'm going to keep doing what i was doing here which was going around and embarrassing everybody with his uh mode of inquisition that essentially makes you realize that you don't know anything well have you ever heard the theory that every timeline every life is is repeated until you get it right yeah and that what we're dealing with, this one timeline of this earth that you are listening to this podcast right now, you are a part of an infinite number of timelines that are all interwoven. And that you go through this one, and then you come back until you get it right.
Starting point is 01:23:40 And you keep doing it until you have no shitty thoughts, until you have nothing wrong, no personality defect, until you literally ultimately achieve enlightenment. Oh, can I add something? That's the biggest hippie theory. Well, I mean, you say it is, but the evidence states that the universe itself is fractal. And the latest findings about Big Bang, or about black holes rather, is that inside every black hole exists the possibility of another universe. That's the ultimate fractal, because we know that inside every galaxy is a black hole.
Starting point is 01:24:14 And if inside every galaxy there's a supermassive black hole that's exactly one half of one percent of the mass of the galaxy. And what the theory is, is that inside that black hole exists a whole other universe with hundreds of billions of galaxies, each with a black hole in the center of them. Each has hundreds of billions of galaxies inside of it, and it never ends. And it literally is the ultimate fractal. If that's the case,
Starting point is 01:24:38 I don't think it's that preposterous that your silly little fucking life can be repeated over and over again. You know, oh, I'm going to be Bob the Postman until I die. No, no, i die no no no you're gonna be a bob the postman for infinity you motherfucker until you get it right i don't think that's any more ridiculous than the idea that inside every black hole is another fucking universe i think that's positive part that that's kind of ridiculous and until you're positive and you have no negative energy that just sounds like well if you can live your life without fucking it up.
Starting point is 01:25:05 But there's a negative version. Do you think that's possible? There's a negative version of that idea that you just had. And it's from Nietzsche. And his idea is exactly the same thing. It's called infinite return or something. The law of infinite return. I can't remember the name of it.
Starting point is 01:25:18 But his idea isn't that when you get things right, then you get to move on. His idea is no. You don't get to get things right, then you get to move on. His idea is no, you don't get to get things right. Everything just happens infinitely exactly the way it happened this time. So the amount of time in your life, if you are happier more than you are sad in your life, then you are in heaven. And if you are in misery more than you're happy in your life, then you're in hell. And that goes on forever.
Starting point is 01:25:42 And a deja vu... That seems like a giant leap, though. If you can live this life over again you're telling me that somehow or another what kind of super order can have every car stop in the exact same spot every red light be there when you get there rewind your dvd yeah okay so life is just a movie and everything that's ever been done in your life is predetermined maybe there's just these are all thought experiments, by the way. And Nietzsche was using it more as a thought experiment than a,
Starting point is 01:26:08 all I'm saying is that it just requires this giant leap to think that everything's got to fall into place exactly the same way. It all goes back to the idea that you are, you are the only person that you can prove has self-awareness. You don't know that I have self-awareness. You don't know that Brian has self-awareness. You can't, you can't. Okay. So that that's the idea so you can't prove any anybody there's anyone else except you right you like to think that we all have self-awareness you like to think
Starting point is 01:26:34 that we're not projections of you but it's it's possible that you're the universe in the very first phase of it's waking up and as it's and it's having this nervous breakdown where it projects this bizarre reality where you're hosting a podcast and you host the UFC and you used to host Fear Factor. I mean, doesn't it all seem kind of absurd, like a ridiculous, weird dream? Do you really think of all the coincidences and synchronicities that have happened in your life and all the bizarre events that maybe have even just happened to you today. You really think that that's all an accident? You really think that this whole thing hasn't been planned out just for you? Anyway, it's a narcissistic idea. It is a narcissistic idea.
Starting point is 01:27:23 And really, ultimately, it's just one of a million different possibilities. And so to commit to any one of them, you know, it's just like the idea of you saying the atheist. Be like, this is it, man. When it's over, it's just darkness and emptiness forever. Whoa. The other atheist boogeyman is the guy who shoots people at the abortion clinic. That's the other one. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:27:42 That guy. No shit. They're terrified of that guy. But meanwhile, they're not terrified of a vacuum cleaner sucking babies out of pussies all day.
Starting point is 01:27:50 Whoop, whoop, whoop. Just shooting babies into the great beyond out of a vacuum cleaner. Yeah. At a specific spot every day. Yeah. That's your job.
Starting point is 01:27:59 Whoa. That's a sad job. Who the fuck? That is a sad job. You know, when I was growing up, I heard Bill Cosby for the first time, and I was like, man, comedy is fucking incredible. This guy just made it where I can't breathe for the entire album.
Starting point is 01:28:13 Is there somebody whose mom comes home and she's like, oh, the abortion went all right, Larry. And he's like, oh, one day I'll give abortions. Who dreams of being an abortionist? Yeah, that's something you sort of stumble on. You know, you fuck this chick. Craigslist ad. Probably should have loved.
Starting point is 01:28:29 You get her pregnant. You go, how do we do this? You get a medical textbook, a vacuum cleaner. You go to school for it. Say this is never happening again. Learn how to kill babies. That's one of the top shitty jobs, man. I mean, that's not a satisfying job.
Starting point is 01:28:43 Like, if you're someone who delivers babies, you home you're like i delivered three babies today life is beautiful what do you do when you come home as an abortion doctor you're like god no fucking sucked out 30 fetuses today as you hate babies unless you you're already some kind of psycho like that you know you're one step away from killing people so you're an abortion doctor oh god well you know what man takes every kind of people i I'm sure there's been one of those out there. If you can speculate it, the millions and millions of humans
Starting point is 01:29:11 in this country alone. Like what if you went to your abortion doctor and he had a dartboard with a fetus on it? Or if his favorite TV show is Dexter. He just hates fetuses. They're terrible. I just hate those fucking things. They freak me out. It's so ridiculous. He just hates fetuses. They're terrible. I just hate those fucking things. They freak me out. So ridiculous. They war with fetuses.
Starting point is 01:29:31 He's like a fetus that grew out of control. He turned into a human and just started killing fetuses. Do you ever toy with the idea that, you know, I mean, you said that everything, you know, there's this possibility that everything exists by plan and that the same life will repeat itself over and over and over again. Do you ever toy with the idea of the human being as the caterpillar that will become the butterfly?
Starting point is 01:29:55 Yeah. And that our whole society, the massive accelerating pace, is moving us towards this event? Yeah, man. To me, yes, that's the to me yes that's the idea that i adhere to the most is like i don't know what it is and of course we can't know what it is but just from looking at the weather you know it's gonna rain and you can look at what's happening now and every time i sit down in front of my fucking iMac and basking in the glow of World of Warcraft as I eat edible marijuana, I consider to myself, it's only going to be about 20 more years that you're outside the machine.
Starting point is 01:30:34 They are neurologically going to figure out how to put you into this place where you can experience weightlessness, where the weight of the body is lifted, and you can live in a virtual paradise for the last part of your life. That's something we all have to look forward to, is making the decision. I mean, depending on how old you are right now or how healthy you are, you will eventually have to make the decision between spending most of your time in this world or spending most of your time in a virtual universe, a virtual paradise that is indistinguishable or probably only the distinguishment is that it's a million times better than here and then somebody will hack it because it's made by sony sure inside your head and yeah sure fucked oh no all that yeah yeah
Starting point is 01:31:17 sure there's gonna be there's gonna be some problems initially but isn't that crazy about that sony shit i mean yeah what exactly did happen? First, their network just went down for a couple days. But they didn't say anything. And supposedly a hacker got in and they don't know what they got. They don't know if they got their names and credit cards. But people are thinking they got credit card numbers. That's like millions of people's cards. God damn.
Starting point is 01:31:43 I told you, I got jacked. Yeah. They stole my credit card. I get phone calls from American Express. Are you buying $500 worth of Godiva chocolate? Are you buying? Yeah. I guess they probably bought a bunch of gift cards.
Starting point is 01:31:58 Yeah. And did you go to Nordstrom's and spend $2,000? And Neiman Marcus? They just went off, these fucking people. That sucks, man. Yeah, it's creepy. This is fucking worse. It's weird to know that there's these weird little electronic parasites that click, click, click.
Starting point is 01:32:14 They get the number, and then they make a new card, and they're just sucking numbers out of the system. My website just got infiltrated. Really? Yeah, and they went into the HTML. I still have to fix it. If you go to my website now, there's there i didn't take it down but um they went into the they injected into the html of my uh index page and so any place there was html some kind of fucking iframe that took people to a website in russia or something so when you went to my website a google alert would pop up and say
Starting point is 01:32:43 this site is known for hosting malware. Wow. And I had to go in and erase everything. But they got my password, which is totally weird, man. It's like, I don't know how they figured out my fucking password. Have you ever seen that documentary on hackers? There's this documentary they did about this one area of Soviet bloc, Eastern Europe. I forget what exact country it is. But one Soviet country, one former Soviet country,
Starting point is 01:33:09 and they're all hackers. The whole country's filled with hackers. They went through the city. Everyone's got a Mercedes. They're just fucking everybody. These young guys have figured out a way to fuck the system and steal all this money. Yeah, that's what happened. It sucks.
Starting point is 01:33:28 What is that? How do they do that? I have no idea. Can that be fixed? It's a bot. It's a bot mixed in with obviously a shitty password. Or maybe they... I got my fucking World of Warcraft account hacked a while ago. Really? How often do you play that fucking game? It doesn't matter. I love it.
Starting point is 01:33:43 My Dathrak is a warlock and he's almost level 71. How do you feel that fucking game? It doesn't matter. I love it. My Dathrak is a warlock, and he's almost level 71. How do you feel about the guys who buy and sell their characters? What do you think about that? Is that cheating? Buying a character? Yeah. Can't you build up some sort of character? Or buying gold.
Starting point is 01:33:59 Yeah. Can't you do something like that where your character's got superpowers? Yeah, you can do that, but you're going gonna miss the friendship and companionship of your guild don't you want to there's lifelong friendships we form do you have buddies in your guild no he breaks world of warcraft just like every couple months he'll break it just so he won't play it no i don't break it that doesn't work anymore blizzard fix that now you can like it's there no matter what like is it online yeah because i get obsessive with video games. So when I get addicted, what I do is I just delete it, destroy the property,
Starting point is 01:34:29 make it so that I can't play it anymore, so that there's a roadblock in between me having to download it, and then inevitably, like, I'll download it again and play. It's a cycle of addiction. Yeah, that and StarCraft. You're on both of them now. Do you have to have it inside your computer? Do you have to have a CD in there to play it?
Starting point is 01:34:46 Or is it an online thing? You download the beautiful, beautiful thing You don't need to Yeah, but you have to have it on your computer Because like Quake Live You download like a client app But it's all online now Well, I don't know how much of it's online
Starting point is 01:34:59 No, you just download the program It's like 8 gigs But whatever Obviously there's other servers that are... But what do you get to do that's so cool that you're on it every day? Do you get to shoot people? What do you do? Kids play make-believe.
Starting point is 01:35:12 I wish that tone wasn't in your voice when you asked that question. We're all different. I must accept my video game murderous tendencies. Listen, it's embarrassing. And it's childish. I'll totally admit that. But it's embarrassing and it's childish. I'll totally admit that. But it's fucking awesome. Like they figured out a way.
Starting point is 01:35:30 Because, you know, we've got the human beings are based on a reward system. You do something good and you get a reward. And that makes you feel good. You go jogging, the endorphins kick in. Whenever you accomplish a task, you feel good so the people at blizzard and the cia joined forces and they figured out how to neurologically uh replicate that sort of endorphin rush and in a kind of ever accelerating pace so the game the higher level you get the more the game begins to complexify and the terrain that you are used to that you already thought
Starting point is 01:36:05 was cool all of a sudden becomes a million times cooler and then a million times cooler and then a million times cooler so that you get hooked like a like pat it's like a pavlovian fucking response you just you also have an online girlfriend don't you do you really a lover i wouldn't call her a girlfriend. What's the odds that it might be a dude? We are who we decide we are, Joe. Right, it doesn't matter, right? Well, I mean, that's a funny idea. Would you be willing to exchange pretend love messages to a guy playing a woman? No, but let me ask you this.
Starting point is 01:36:44 Let's say... He thought about that for a while let's say let's say let's say in the let's say no of course not but let's say in the future oh he's rubbing his dick but in the future let's imagine that this thing we were talking about a neurologically projected universe exists right people are going to have to deal with super hot girls coming up to them that are You know really quite beautiful, and you're gonna know this prize There's chances a guy on earth and right in the real world right so at that point What do you do well? It's just a personality. It's a mind behind the machine I've dated a lot of girls that have a dude's mind
Starting point is 01:37:25 You know might as well have been a dude. I mean, it wasn't, but it might as well have been. You ever date a girl who wants to yell at you all the time and argue with you? Fuck yeah. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Are you a dude? What's going on here? Why are you acting all dude-like and aggressive?
Starting point is 01:37:36 Why do you have a dip in your mouth? Ew, you date a girl with dips? Who had a dip? I'm kidding. That's a fucking deal breaker right there. I've got buddies that dip, and it never bothers me. You know? You spit in a cup.
Starting point is 01:37:49 It's kind of gross, but whatever. But I was dating a chick, and she started doing that. I'd be like, get the fuck away from me, you crazy bitch. Yeah. What's next? You want to peg a motherfucker? Oh. You want to get your peg on?
Starting point is 01:37:59 Yeah. For those who don't know, peg is when a girl puts on a dildo and straps it on and sticks it in your butt. Apparently it happens so often that there's a name for it. What a fucking weird world we live in, man. What a weird world. Hey, at least Osama Bin Laden's dead. We got him. God, I can breathe a sigh of relief.
Starting point is 01:38:17 People fucking cheering at the White House. They went on the White House lawn and they're fucking dancing and singing. Na, na, na, na. Hey, goodbye. Goodbye, you have been lied. And then they were cheering. USA. Don't you think we should all be like, no, he's dead. Ladies and gentlemen,
Starting point is 01:38:34 he was dead in 1992. I've got the documents right here. 1992, it's a black ops. Dude, I really love that. That is a hilarious narrative that Alex Jones is talking about. Because the implication is that there's somewhere in the CIA where there's like a frozen bin Laden ice cube. And they're just waiting to melt him.
Starting point is 01:38:55 Wasn't that the premise of a movie? Wasn't there a guy who did that, who killed people and froze them and then dropped the bodies off? Oh, I think it was the Iceman. That's who it was. It wasn't a premise of a movie. It was that guy, that crazy hitman for the mob called the Iceman, the Iceman Chronicles on HBO, which if you haven't seen it,
Starting point is 01:39:13 they are fucking terrifying to know that this guy existed. He was a crazy fuck. You know, that guy used to play pool, and he used to gamble, not with people that I know, but with people that I know but that with people that i know who know that people and he as long as you didn't make a fool out of him he would lose some money he liked to gamble so he'd go in and play some pool as long as you didn't rob him and make a fool out of him you know as long as it was a competitive game but i guess he got in some sort
Starting point is 01:39:39 of an argument with one guy one of the first guys he ever killed was over a pool game uh yeah he used to um and he apparently had one situation with one guy. It felt like the guy was robbing him. The guy fucking disappeared. Nobody ever saw him again. He killed so many people, man. He killed people over just, a guy would step on his toe, he would kill him. He would shoot arsenic in his drink, and the guy would never know what hit him.
Starting point is 01:40:00 Yeah, and he's got that weird accent. Yeah. Can you do his voice? It's really... No, I'd have got that weird accent. Yeah. Can you do his voice? No, I'd have to listen to it. I can only do accents when I hear them. Yeah, he's a strange guy, but he already stepped on my foot at the theater, so I just followed him out to his car. I hope they release this on Death Photos, though,
Starting point is 01:40:19 because they haven't decided yet. Yeah, why would they want to release that? No, he's probably still got frost on him. Well, I guess a lot of the senators... I told you not to saw him more! He looks like Frosty the Snowman. 2002, it was reported he was going through dialysis. We've got the papers right here.
Starting point is 01:40:41 Yeah, I don't know, man. I used to have that bit about Osama bin Laden being being a character in a batman movie yeah think about this he used to work for the good guys but then he switched forces and joined the dark side he's a billionaire who hates us right he lives underground and we almost capture him and every time they get him, he slips away and leaves behind a threatening tape. I'm like, this is an episode of fucking Scooby-Doo.
Starting point is 01:41:09 I mean, this is ridiculous and the video, despite how good video cameras were all over the world, was always shit. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:41:16 It was always like one of those first generation cell phone videos when you can only take like 30 seconds of video. You remember those? Yep.
Starting point is 01:41:22 Remember, that's what the videos of Bin Laden always look like. It's always like blurry and fucking weird. He's probably been dead those? Yep. Remember, that's what the videos of Bin Laden always look like. It's always like blurry and fucking weird. He's probably been dead forever, man. There was that one fake video that was 100% fake where they had a couple photos of him and a video of him,
Starting point is 01:41:35 but his face was fatter. He looked like a different guy, like a totally different guy. They put transparencies of the two of them over each other. But, you know, as they get more sophisticated, they just stop releasing videos. He doesn't have to as they get more sophisticated, they just stop releasing videos. He doesn't have to make videos. Let's just have him stop making videos. Sure.
Starting point is 01:41:48 Yeah, the fucking fake Bin Laden sucks. Yeah. The guy didn't lose enough weight. Yeah. Yeah. So, I don't know, man. I don't buy it. It's just, they lie about so much shit.
Starting point is 01:41:57 So, you don't think they've killed Bin Laden? He's dead as fuck. I think he's probably dead a long time ago. I just don't think it just happened. I mean, it might have. You know, I mean, look, they said SEAL Team 6 killed him, and if that is the case, those guys aren't going to keep their mouth shut.
Starting point is 01:42:10 They're not going to pretend that they killed somebody and not. I mean, it sounds, I don't think they would take, I mean, when you're dealing with like SEALs, there's like a certain, there's a code that those guys live by, and I don't necessarily think they would pretend that they killed somebody like that. Who's SEAL Team 6? They're supposedly like the baddest motherfuckers in the SEALs.
Starting point is 01:42:27 The scariest ones they send into terrible hostile areas to kill bad guys. You know? Those are the ones that like, have you ever read some of those books that Dick Marchenko, I think that's his name? No. The Rogue Warrior. Great fucking books. All the nutty shit that he did like all throughout the years as a head of one of those SEAL Team 6 units
Starting point is 01:42:47 where they all would have long hair and tattoos and they would look weird. It was like a fucking goddamn Sylvester Stallone movie. It's like The Expendables, but it was real. Fuck. Yeah, there's a lot of guys like that, man. That's what they do. I mean, if you watch those,
Starting point is 01:43:02 you ever watch any of those Discovery Channel specials on how they recruit people? And what you have to go through, Hell Week, when you have to go through where you're trying not to be a Navy SEAL? Dude, the people that get through that are some extraordinary fuckers. Those are people who would do some crazy shit. do some crazy shit. Yeah. There's a lot of people out there that love and live for the idea of getting a fucking flat out straight license to be a bad motherfucker killing machine.
Starting point is 01:43:31 And if you want to, if you're good enough at killing people and you're willing to pledge your loyalty to the United States government, they'll take you in. They'll take you in. They'll train you. They'll fucking give you a great attitude and a lot of psychological counseling that they've been working on for decades. They've got give you a great attitude and a lot of psychological counseling that they've been working on for decades. They've got it down to a science. They know exactly how to tune your
Starting point is 01:43:49 mind so they can send you places to go fuck people up. 2011, baby. So there's a guy right now from SEAL Team 6. Yeah. Well, there's a whole bunch of them. But there's one specific guy who's like, killed Bin Laden yesterday. I'd like a cup of uh i'll take a diet coke pancakes i don't think he drinks diet coke he's probably drinking whiskey out of a bottle and they're singing yeah they've probably been singing since the moment it happened
Starting point is 01:44:18 bandanas over bullet wounds i'll get it patched up later boss this fucking animal it's fun to think about It's fun to think about it being real, but it does seem to me a little suspicious that at 2 a.m. they dumped his body off the side of an aircraft carrier. The SEAL Team 6 is the SEALs of the SEALs. That's what it is. SEAL Team 6 was labeled Team 6 at the time to confuse Soviet intelligence about the number of SEAL teams in operation at the time.
Starting point is 01:44:47 There were only two others. But Team 6 poached the top operatives from all the other SEAL units and trained them even more intensely. So even among proven SEALs, the attrition rate for Team 6 is half. So half of the bad motherfuckers that become seals the only half of them can survive to be team six wow yeah and they sent these psychos over there to kill him maybe maybe they did or maybe he's been dead forever who knows you know who the fuck knows it's once you hear that jessica lynch story you go okay it's all bets are off they're not doing anything different now than they were back then they were just making shit up back. When they said there was a firefight to rescue a private Jessica Lynch,
Starting point is 01:45:28 and she was this poor little girl from wherever the fuck she was, Nebraska or Kansas or some shit. And then she came out, and she's like, listen, nobody rescued me. I was in a hospital. There was no gunfight. I want to just step away from all this. Thank you very much. And then she got death threats, and you fucking traitor.
Starting point is 01:45:44 She had to hide. And fucking scary shit, man. The government doesn't tell the truth. If they're telling us that this happened, this is not what happened. Something else happened. It's a fact. Wait, wait, wait. You don't believe our great president, Obama, was sitting in a situation room and being
Starting point is 01:45:59 shown the plans to descend on this base and attack Osama bin Laden. You don't believe that that was happening? Looks good, SEAL Team 6. I'm going to declare code red on Osama bin Laden. Yeah, this is a movie, bro. This is going to be in a movie, right? Yeah. It's going to be?
Starting point is 01:46:13 Listen. Nicolas Cage will be in it. We must wait to do this before, until after the royal wedding. I say they cast Nicolas Cage as the hardened veteran who doesn't give a fuck. And he goes over there because if you're going to do a job right, you've got to do it yourself. It was Hitler's death day. Remember that movie that he was in with the plane? What was that movie?
Starting point is 01:46:32 Oh, yeah. It's always on reruns for some reason. I know exactly. It's Con Air. Is that what it said? Con Air. Where all the cons got on the plane and escaped. That's the movie, bro.
Starting point is 01:46:41 It's Con Air. The whole cast of Con Air comes back. Forget Bin Laden. Seal James Six. Hitler's death day. Two days. Who's the movie, bro. It's Con Air. The whole cast of Con Air comes back. Forget Bin Laden. Seal James Six. Hitler's Death Day. Two days. Who's the top seal? Who's his number one killer?
Starting point is 01:46:50 Ready? Charlie Sheen. Oh, yeah, that's great. Number one killer. Charlie Sheen was in the movie Navy Seals, bro. Oh, that's right. He was in Navy Seals. We can make him the top Navy Seal.
Starting point is 01:46:59 He was also in Hot Shots. Ooh, there you go, dude. And Major League. Come on, son. He's all American. Yeah. He could be the top guy. And Dolph you go, dude. And Major League. Come on, son. He's all American. Yeah. He could be the top guy. And Dolph Lundgren makes a comeback as well, but dies before they complete their mission.
Starting point is 01:47:12 Well, can't we? Let's make it. You know what? Your idea is not accessible enough. Why don't we make it? Really? Yeah, let's make it. I thought it was pretty mainstream.
Starting point is 01:47:19 Let's make it dads. Let's make it recently divorced dads. Seal team dads? Yes. And they're talking to their daughter on the phone and you know daddy loves you meanwhile he's like loading bullets into a we gotta do this yeah and the ex-wife they wind up getting back together again right at the end of the movie yeah steve gutenberg ted dancing and an old navy seal yeah you remember steve
Starting point is 01:47:42 gutenberg i said alicia silverstone on a plane i was like who the hell Yeah. How do you even remember Steve Guttenberg? I said Alicia Silverstone on a plane. I was like, who the hell is that? How do I even remember her? What happened to that girl? Did she have a kid? What happened to Guttenberg? Went crazy. No.
Starting point is 01:47:52 Yeah, Guttenberg, there's a famous scene of him outside of Phil Hartman's house after the shooting, after his wife killed him and then killed herself. Steve Guttenberg showed up for the photo op with a suit and tie on and started doing interviews with the press. Really? Pleading with the media to have some class and taste and handle this with dignity and leave the family alone.
Starting point is 01:48:18 But the way he was doing it, it was like so clearly him just trying to get attention. It was the craziest thing I've ever seen. Because we, us as a cast never remembered Steve Guttenberg coming up from Phil. It wasn't like, my best bud Steve Guttenberg
Starting point is 01:48:36 we're going fishing this weekend. Steve Guttenberg is just sort of like Was he a neighbor? I don't know. Maybe he was just a next door neighbor. No, I don't believe he was, man. And if he was, why would you come out and say, hi, this is where I live. Come visit me. That's so sad. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:48:49 Well, you know, it's that want to be famous thing, man. You know? And when it goes away, there's nothing weirder than someone who used to be famous and isn't anymore and really desperately wants to be again. Right. Very strange, man. You know, you ever met a guy that's in a band and and the band was big, and now they're not big anymore, and they're all weirded out?
Starting point is 01:49:07 Yeah, I've seen it. It's a weird fucking... I've seen that symptom. Yeah. I've seen it all before, Joe. It's disgusting, man. He's the Navy SEAL 6 team of life. Used to be famous.
Starting point is 01:49:18 Now he's not. There's only one way to win back his fame. Kill the man who tried to destroy America. Yeah, that's why I want my movies to have aliens in them. That's why I liked Avatar. Yeah, it was simple. Yeah, I saw the whole thing coming. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:49:32 I knew the guy was going to be good in the end. I knew it. However, it was good because there was aliens. And it was fake. It wasn't like some stupid real-life situation that you're trying to recreate. stupid real life situation that you're trying to recreate or, you know, like that's the one thing that drives me the most nuts is people that want you to go see really depressing movies, you know, really depressing, dark movies. And you're like, well, I can live that, man.
Starting point is 01:49:56 I can see that on TV. I don't know. When I go to the movies, I just want to be entertained. Now, have you seen the fucking speaking depressing movies? Have you seen the Antichrist? What? Have you seen the fucking speaking depressing movies have you seen the antichrist what have you seen the movie the antichrist no what is this jesus fucking christ i'm just terrible it's one of the most depressing dark no it's not new but it is it has some of the most well i mean it's moderately new it's um it is so fucked up man is it an american movie what
Starting point is 01:50:24 is it? Oh, here. I'm looking at it here. Wow, got a lot of stars. It's really good. Grieving couple retreats to their cabin in the woods, hoping to repair their broken hearts and troubled marriage. But nature takes its course and things go from bad to worse.
Starting point is 01:50:38 Yeah, that doesn't even one percent describe how fucked up it is. Good? Oh, yeah. It's really good. But I mean, I don't want to do any spoiler alerts here. But there's some fucking disgusting shit that happens in it. It's awesome. Willem Dafoe stars.
Starting point is 01:50:54 Lars Van Trier. Is that his name? The director? Yeah. You're on the ball, son. It just popped into my head. I don't know. I usually can't remember my own name.
Starting point is 01:51:06 So this is depressing. Is it be sad yeah i mean you're gonna it's gonna yeah it's depressing and sad and fucked up i want a monster movie dude i don't want that nonsense what about the walking dead have you seen the walking yeah i'm watching it yeah oh it's so good it's great fucking love it man i just got done with uh episode one I'm gearing up number two tonight. I'm so pissed that they're not making another until next year. Why? I'm not sure exactly what happened. I know the guy fired all his writers, supposedly, at the end of the season.
Starting point is 01:51:35 That's something I heard. Oh, yeah? Yeah. But apparently it's based on a comic book, which now I want to read from watching it. But what's so cool about it, man, is in other zombie movies, they never explore the emotional impact that being in a zombie apocalypse would take on you. And the directing of the acting, he's really good at directing people, how to act when they're in shock, which is what you'd pretty much be in if you were
Starting point is 01:52:01 dealing with that kind of event happening. Why is that such a prevalent theme the zombie theme why is that so reoccurring i mean out of all the potential monsters there's like the two big ones are vampires and zombies what is that it's got to be some kind of subconscious cultural projection of our realization that we're all kind of wandering through life like zombies you know not really that the way people are acting is kind of this bizarre like they're just thinking about eating i mean not brains but all they're thinking about is like i don't have a nice do you really think that's what it is because the the fear is not just to be a zombie the fear is to get the zombie to eat you. I think the real fear is people afraid of cannibalism and people breaking down and becoming, you know, monsters.
Starting point is 01:52:49 Well, I mean, yeah, I think, I guess I'm going a little, like, too, I just smoked Joe Rogan's weed deep, but I think that, yeah, I mean, fuck, that is a scary idea, is, like, seeing, like, yeah, what's worse than being chomped on by humans? That moment when they rip you apart and put their intestines around their neck? Why do zombies always do that? It's cool. Looks cool on TV.
Starting point is 01:53:11 Oh, intestines! They always have to wear them. They wear them, they rub their faces in it. It's so gross. Why do they do that? Just eat. Stop playing with your food. What's your all-time favorite zombie movie? There's only one answer. The correct answer, by the way.
Starting point is 01:53:28 It used to be Dawn of the Dead. Until 28 Days Later. Oh, yeah. I forgot about that one. That's the best one. 28 Days Later, Shaun of the Dead. 28 Days Later. You know what I loved?
Starting point is 01:53:38 They ran at you. They ran. I'm not into these slow-ass zombies who you can just peck off with guns. That's the evolution of the zombie there. Yeah, the evolution of the zombie is it's a disease and they run the ship. Well, that's my big problem with zombies
Starting point is 01:53:53 is that people in Egypt who had regular minds and didn't want to eat brains, it took them a long time to overthrow the regime there. You know what I mean? But somehow zombies are able to overthrow the military in every one of these movies.
Starting point is 01:54:10 Like the military can't stop these shuffling morons. There's like tanks turned over somehow. Like what exactly? What did they do? How did they turn over the tanks? The zombie can't stop a tank? Like what is that? What we need to do is send zombies to Libya to overthrow the government.
Starting point is 01:54:28 These drone attacks aren't working. That's what zombies would do. They would become a new military weapon. We would just send a bunch of zombies in an airplane carrier and just let them lose. And they would shuffle out. I think you're talking about SEAL Team 7. Zombies. Zombies.
Starting point is 01:54:44 Zombie team. I like it. I like it. Final Sama zombies. What the fuck is that about, man? The zombie thing. People love them, too. People love zombie movies, man.
Starting point is 01:54:57 There's a guaranteed core group of humans you're going to get every zombie movie you make. There's a core audience. You've got a new zombie movie coming out. Boom. You're going to get a certain percentage of people. And I'm one audience. You've got a new zombie movie coming out. Boom. You're going to get a certain percentage of people. And I'm one of them. Yeah, me too. I fucking love that shit. You get me for every monster movie. Everything you got, bro. What do you got? Dragons.
Starting point is 01:55:14 What do you got? Werewolves. There's no way I could avoid it. It's impossible. Just check my Wikipedia page. Somebody says right now? Yeah, somebody said during the Twilight series, I offered myself as a werewolf. We've been saying to people,
Starting point is 01:55:31 I'm not saying that you should put this on Wikipedia, but if you do, I'm not going to change it. That's hilarious. So it says I'm on some man shit. It says, by the way, I did Massey Hall in Toronto on Friday night. 2,600 podcast fans. It was like all podcast fans, except this one dude who brought his teenage son,
Starting point is 01:55:54 who apparently didn't read the signs. I guess he didn't know what he was getting into. Like, his son probably likes MMA. I'm like, go see the Fear Factor guy. There's signs that say, warning, the Joe Rogan show will contain the strongest language and material content imaginable. That's what I came up with. So that you can't say that I didn't warn you. It says
Starting point is 01:56:11 the strongest imaginable. And I might be right. And apparently during the there's this one part in my joke where I talk about a fake baby getting his dick sucked. And he didn't like it. He got up in a huff and left. I heard about some for some people that were in their section i couldn't have possibly known right because the joke was killing and there
Starting point is 01:56:29 was you know thousands and thousands of people that massey hall is fucking huge it's huge it's so crazy doing like a show like that where there's that many people that's the most i've ever performed for and uh i'm glad i'm doing that thing lately where I do like an hour and ten, something like that. Just the best way to do it, man. I did an hour and ten. Just stomped it. And I was so amped up for that show. It was the first show in a long time that I was actually kind of nervous for.
Starting point is 01:56:56 Like as I was walking. Not nervous. Like, oh, I'm scared. But like all day I was like, whoa, I got a big fucking show tonight. And when you go on stage and there's 2,600 people and they're screaming and it's super intimate too the way it's set up
Starting point is 01:57:09 like cause there's three tiers and they're like pretty much in your face they're all in your face 2,600 of them wow fucking awesome
Starting point is 01:57:15 and Doug Benson was there and Doug Benson was hanging out with his buddy who's his opening act and you know he was just I go what are you doing tonight he goes uh
Starting point is 01:57:25 nothing i go come down to the show so he came down i go you want to go on stage he goes yeah so i just introduced him at the beginning we also got doug benson here they went fucking crazy that's cool he goes out and does 10 minutes and just crushes triply goes up and crushes it was insane the crowd was so fucking cool i mean you're always going to get a certain amount of douchebags like i read a couple things on Twitter about people getting kicked out for yelling things. Maybe somebody got kicked out during Samzac. But that's just the virtue of the fact
Starting point is 01:57:52 there's 2,600 people. You're going to get a certain percentage of shitheads. UFC weekend, Canadian GSB. But other than that, man, the fucking crowd was amazing. I mean, it was incredible. When I was performing with you, where did we perform at? Montreal. Montreal. There was a guy, When I was performing with you, where did we perform at? Montreal.
Starting point is 01:58:05 Montreal. There was a guy, and he was an heckler, and he really, I mean, he's an idiot for yelling during your show, but I really know he didn't mean any harm by it. But there's a guy in the back who kept yelling, pyramids! Oh, yeah. Pyramids! He was just, like, naming things like... He wanted me to do the joke about the pyramids. Aliens! Yeah, but it went on for the whole show,
Starting point is 01:58:28 and he was so drunk, and it was so important to him that he talked about the pyramids. He kept looking at his friend with this really serious, dramatic look in his face, like, I'm going to get him to do it, bro. I know I can get him to do it. That is the problem with talking about
Starting point is 01:58:43 really heady, trippy shit, is you get a certain percentage of people, like my friend who thought he was Carl Young, who have to come up to you and have to talk to you about things. And they take what you do very, very seriously. It's like, you know, the vast majority of the hardcore Bill Hicks fans are amongst that. You know what I mean? Sure. The important, like, what he's saying is important
Starting point is 01:59:05 what's going on is important how about this how about this message you get from time to time i thought you should know that i was a fan of your podcast but i could not believe that some of the things you said in your last episode we got we get that with my podcast all the time you just lost a listener like you know what i mean this thing where you're trying to hurt me by saying you're taking your patronage away from the free content i'm putting up it's like what do you what is that attitude of it's a child's attitude is what it is instead of you know having some sort of a discussion or a debate i am more than willing to look at someone you know they say you know send me something that says hey you know i think you guys are like a little insensitive i love the podcast but here's where I think you're wrong.
Starting point is 01:59:47 Or I can Twitter like someone said that about about Top Gear. Like I was making fun of all these people for criticizing Top Gear about their comments about Mexico until I heard the separate group of comments that everyone was upset about. I had read some shit that wasn't very offensive at all and to me was a joke. But then I read and watched the video of the real stuff and I was like, oh, okay. You know, I'm more than willing to be set hit. But the guy who did it was very polite and very cool about it. He didn't, you know, oh, I guess you're just a jackass and a fucking loser. Unfollow.
Starting point is 02:00:18 Yeah. You know. What is that? In caps. It's a child. That's a little temper tantrum. It's a very stressed out child. Which is fine for me, man.
Starting point is 02:00:26 When you do something like that, you don't get a chance to follow me again. I block you because I don't want to deal with children. I don't want to deal with your nonsense. You want to send me something to try to make my feelings hurt for no reason like that? It's not going to work and I'm going to block you. It's that simple. But think how stressed out you have to be. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:00:39 To be listening to a podcast and be like, this is the last straw. And you compose a passion. Most of them are not even that stressed out. You are the target of the day to distract themselves from the fucked up, horrifying shithole of a life they're living. It's not you. It's not what you did that's so terrible. And if someone agrees with you or disagrees with you, it's just a thought and an idea, opposing thought and an idea to be considered and either accepted or rejected. It's that simple.
Starting point is 02:01:07 When you get all angry about it, unless what you've said is really fucked up. Sometimes, by the way, it's great. I say so many blatantly wrong things, like bad facts. Really bad facts and mispronunciations.
Starting point is 02:01:24 Sit right in front of a laptop, which you can do if you want. Next time I'm thinking of getting you a laptop. Oh, that'd be cool, man. So while you're talking, you don't have to panic. You can go, let me just look this over real quick, make sure I got this right. It would save a lot of humiliation, man. Because I get like, I'm saying shit wrong. It happens all the time.
Starting point is 02:01:39 Yeah. It happens with Callan. Callan all the time, like, fucks up and then has to come back. But look, in that figuring it out and looking up those facts in message boards and discussions, we all grow. We all find out. Like I said, when I put up the thing about the Photoshop thing about Obama's birth certificate, I'm like, I don't know what's going on. Somebody tell me what's going on. Right.
Starting point is 02:02:01 And a lot of people are like, why would the government do this? That's speculation. Shut up. Let's get to the heart of this. What is going on. Right. You know, and a lot of people are like, why would the government do this? That's speculation. Shut up. Let's get to the heart of this. What is going on here, Photoshop-wise? You know, it's so important to have this sort of a back-and-forth exchange with people online. You know, it's not just throwing something out at them. You know, the reason why this podcast really works, honestly, is that it's like people are tuning in to a cool conversation amongst friends
Starting point is 02:02:25 and sometimes they contribute. Sometimes tweets contribute. There's many, many of the discussions that we've had on this podcast are based on things that someone will send me. Someone will send me something on Twitter and I'll go, dude, you've got to look at this. Check this out.
Starting point is 02:02:41 I'm going to read you the story. It's this interwoven network of ideas and people and story and you know and it's this inter you know inter woven network of of ideas and people and shit that's what it's really all about someone sent me um something from doing this podcast which is a type of music that i'd never listened to called dubstep and a band called excision have you ever heard of them before no i keep hearing about dubstep so fucking trippy man it's so weird it's really cool i i don't know if like that makes me an idiot for liking it but i really do like it well what is it pull it up pull it up what is it because we'll we'll end and then we'll play this
Starting point is 02:03:14 as we're leaving yeah play uh the one i've heard is called swagger dude you got to come on this podcast once a month this is ridiculous i want Wow, I want to. I love doing this. We'll schedule you every third week. Great. Love it. Done. I'll put it in my calendar. Duncan Trussell, every third week. The conversations we have are my most fun.
Starting point is 02:03:30 You're my number one favorite podcast guest, Duncan. Ah, thanks, Joe. Number one. No one's even close. There's a few people that are close. There's a bunch of them. I love all of them in their own little way, but you're my favorite. Thanks, man.
Starting point is 02:03:40 And they can all go fuck themselves if they want to argue about it. I love all you guys. Duncan's number one. Okay? Stop it. Even love all you guys. Duncan's number one. Okay? Stop it. Even more than Joey Diaz. Because Joey Diaz will get mad at you sometimes. Duncan never gets mad at you.
Starting point is 02:03:51 Listen, you fucking Momo. You over there with your fucking Osama Bin Laden. Meanwhile. Meanwhile, back at the ranch. You got some dubstep? What do you got? Swagger is the name. You got that song?
Starting point is 02:04:01 All right. Upcoming, we've got... I have a show coming up in San Francisco. I will be at Cobb's Comedy Club, and it looks like I'm doing that with Tripoli and Tom Segura. When are we going to do some more dates, bro? I know you've been busy. I haven't been going up, man. I need at least two months of going up every night. You've been working on your pilot, right?
Starting point is 02:04:21 Yeah, I haven't had time. Can you tell anybody anything about that? working on your pilot, right? Yeah, I haven't had time. Can you tell anybody anything about that? It's a science show called, it's a science show for Comedy Central called, well, I don't want to say that. It's just a science show for Comedy Central,
Starting point is 02:04:33 and the pilot was about the research that they've started doing with psilocybin. And you've been super happy about everything. We're going to keep everybody up to date about it. We can't let too much information out. It's fucking awesome. It looks really cool. I everybody up to date about it. We can't let too much information out. It's fucking awesome. It looks really cool. I got set on fire for it.
Starting point is 02:04:50 When will you know whether or not people can watch it? I don't know. Probably June or something like that. They'll make a decision. We'll keep you posted, everybody who's interested. Follow Duncan on Twitter. It's Duncan Trussell. T-R-U-S-S-E-L-L.
Starting point is 02:05:06 And you can also get him. Do you have anymore or you got rid of that? That's gone. I have Duncan We got hacked. We got hacked. Yeah, go to Duncan and stare into the void. It's just a black screen.
Starting point is 02:05:19 Yeah, catch him on Twitter. We have shows coming up in San Francisco. That is May 12th, 13th, and 14th Tickets are almost sold out For all the shows So jump on that shit And we should have a good time There are my friends
Starting point is 02:05:33 And then the next gig I got coming up Well, maybe probably Sal's Comedy Hall I don't know what's going on there Are they doing construction? What's happening there? It's two weeks? You know, I looked in the kitchen And there's not one thing different
Starting point is 02:05:44 In the kitchen It's still 100 the same and then june i got um june 10th coming up at the vogue theater and that's in uh oh excuse me june 9th at the vogue theater and that's in vancouver that's on thursday night at the vogue theater and the vlog is supposed to be the shits i can't wait and half the tickets were sold out last week. So by now it's probably like three quarters sold. So if you want to get in, get in, bitches. I can't bring Joey Diaz to Canada. I know you're all asking,
Starting point is 02:06:13 but it is illegal for Joey to exit and enter into your fine country because he's a fucking criminal. And you fuckers in Canada are awesome, but you won't even allow a DUI. They have a very strict no douchebag rule in Canada. You can't have assaults and batteries and all kinds of stupid shit. Not for tickling, player.
Starting point is 02:06:31 Not for tickling, player. All right, you know I love you bitches, and we will see you. I got stuff to do all week, so we probably won't see you again until Friday or Saturday. That'll be the next one. Thank you. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye.
Starting point is 02:06:45 Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye.
Starting point is 02:06:45 Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye.
Starting point is 02:06:47 Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye.
Starting point is 02:06:47 Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye.
Starting point is 02:06:51 Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Thanks for watching! yes i got my swagger back yes i got my swagger back now my cup of tea how high were you when you thought this was good it gets better i don't even know if this is the right one okay let's let's keep it going. Let's keep it going. I hope there's a chance. There's still 1,600 people listening. Dropping rapidly as they realize how great this music is. We're down to 1,644, 41, 1,636.
Starting point is 02:08:00 People are getting violent right now, smashing their keyboard with bloody knuckles. I love it. It sounds so cool. I like that sound. That's what I like. That's the sound I like. Making plans right now to kill hippies. The lead up to it. The lead up set for this bass, weird bass thing. I like it. I like that sound.
Starting point is 02:08:15 But yes, I was not going to have this. Absolutely. This sounds like what would happen if you let a 10 year old fuck around with a computer. Right. Get in the garage band. If Joey's farts listen to this this is terrible duncan this makes me sad for you as a person i knew the moment this is like coming over your house and finding a Juice Newton poster on your wall. I shouldn't have said it.
Starting point is 02:08:50 The moment it was coming out of my mouth. You've got a fucking Dukes of Hazzard DVD sitting on you. You've got to hear it in a room. Coffee table. This is embarrassing. You have terrible taste. Okay, good night, everybody. Thank you so much.
Starting point is 02:09:04 This is the good part? What's the good part? What's the good part? When's the good part coming? Here's the good part. This song sucks. This sucks. This song couldn't suck more. I didn't know I was starting a roast for myself by suggesting music.
Starting point is 02:09:18 What's all this piano shit? This isn't it. This is the part of the song. That's the part I like. I just died in your arms tonight. Down to 1572. I just died in your arms tonight. We're making gay people out there right now.
Starting point is 02:09:36 At least one guy right now. This is going to be the thing that tosses him over the line. This crosses his line and sends him hurling into gaydom. He was right there. He was on the fence. Fleshlight. Thank you very much for tuning in to the podcast, ladies and gentlemen. Thank you to the Fleshlight. If you go to and click on the link
Starting point is 02:09:54 for the Fleshlight and enter in the code name Rogan, you will save 15% off of the number one sex toy for men. Duncan, I have one for you if you'd like. Oh, sure. That'd be great. Got your new ones. What styles do we have? The good style. The butthole. Don't worry.
Starting point is 02:10:09 Don't worry. I wouldn't steal your wrong dog. You have the canned butthole? Yes. I have that. Thank you, folks. Alright. The fucking show's over. Bye. Bye.

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