The Joe Rogan Experience - #1079 - Tony Hinchcliffe

Episode Date: February 15, 2018

Tony Hinchcliffe is a stand-up comedian, writer, and actor. Tony also hosts his own podcast called "Kill Tony" with Brian Redban, and it's available on Spotify under "Deathsquad". ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Boom and we're live Jamie where'd you get that awesome shirt show everybody your shirt can you show the people your shirt yeah I picked it up yesterday it says believe believe that believe that from the hundreds I saw it at the store yesterday what is the hundreds hundreds is a streetwear brand it's a store in Fairfax I thought it was like a scene in a movie. I was confused. Oh, so. I just saw it and I was like, dope. Yeah, I mean, that's a combination of that girl who's on Dr. Phil's show and UFOs. Sort of, yeah.
Starting point is 00:00:35 Yeah. Believe that. Because, like, Believe is so X-Files, the year 1999, or whatever it was. When was X-Files on? It's on now. Yeah, right. But when was the original one? When did it start?
Starting point is 00:00:52 Late 90s, mid-90s. Yeah. Believe is that. That's that poster. You can't disconnect them from the poster in Mulder's office. But Believe that, that's today. You nailed it. Whoever made that shirt. I want to believe.
Starting point is 00:01:10 It's a cool shirt. Is it I want to believe that would sit on the poster? Believe that's better. But I do want to believe of all the things, of all the stupid things, I would love to believe that someone got real footage of UFOs.
Starting point is 00:01:26 More than almost any other weird Bigfoot-type Loch Ness monster, all the really nutty shit, if they could find out one of those was true, fucking aliens, number one, right? For sure. Even if you just knew for sure that you saw a real ship. Or if the aliens looked like uh bigfoot then you kill two birds with one stone that was a actual theory ah there's some of these bigfoot people or so there's spectrums of bigfoot people man there's bigfoot people there's people that are like real primatologists like jane goodall. Jane Goodall believes in Bigfoot,
Starting point is 00:02:05 believe it or not. It's really fascinating. There's a whole interview with her where she says she's sure of it. She said she's sure that there's another species. How can she be sure? Well, let's play the clip. See if we can find that clip.
Starting point is 00:02:20 Who's Jane Goodall again? She's a world-famous primatologist who did some groundbreaking work with chimpanzees. She essentially lived with chimpanzees. She's so powerful. I mean, this lady is amazing. You watch her documentaries. So when someone like her says something like that, I'm like, okay, well, I should shut the fuck up and stay in my lane.
Starting point is 00:02:40 What am I going to argue with Jane Goodall about primates? And it used to be a real thing. What am I going to argue with Jane Goodall about primates? And it used to be a real thing. There used to really be a gigantopithecus, an eight-foot-tall orangutan-like thing that probably walked on two legs. And so she believes it's real. She thinks it did exist or she thinks – She thinks it exists right now. Wow.
Starting point is 00:02:59 Yeah. Wow. I don't think it was taken out of context because I'm pretty sure it was someone asked her a question and then she gave a long and detailed answer based on like what we know about certain chimpanzee subspecies that are really, really hard to find. out from like the 1990s this is a giant version of chimpanzees that lives in the congo it's they're calling them bondo apes or there's a couple different names for them they call them but they sleep on the ground like gorillas they're giant chimps i love that stuff man i just watched planet earth 2 the other day just mesmerized just physically saying like wow wow i don't think a normal person understands what you're talking about when you say a six foot tall chimp yeah i just don't think they know what you're talking about you're
Starting point is 00:03:50 talking about like a super gorilla it's like not it's it's way scarier than a gorilla because they're they're chimps chimps are scarier chimps are predators yeah chimps eat monkeys man i mean they they people want to associate chimps with bananas and nuts and stuff like that they eat that stuff too but they also eat monkeys scary dude they're they're ruthless motherfuckers what is this buddy it's from a npr conversation yeah see if you can find the actual recording because it's fascinating when you hear the tone of her voice she says something like i'm sure of it. Wow. Because she has this super powerful voice.
Starting point is 00:04:28 I mean, this lady is a fucking biologist badass. She's living with chimps, man. Just hanging out with them constantly. Do you know what kind of a human being you have to be to be able to keep your shit together in a tribe of wild chimps where they accept you? Scary.
Starting point is 00:04:44 They don't just smash your fucking head in for a goof. That is crazy. Dude! Come on, man. Well, here's the, this is the transcription,
Starting point is 00:04:54 but I'm pretty sure it says soundbite here, but there's no link or anything. Oh, I know it exists, dude. Try to find it on YouTube, maybe. All right.
Starting point is 00:05:02 Shit. What did she say there? Well, now you'll be amazed when I tell you that I'm sure that they exist. Yeah. Yeah, that's what it was. That's how she said it. Well, now you will be amazed when I tell you that I'm sure that they exist. That's basically how she said it.
Starting point is 00:05:18 Did you always believe that they existed? She says, well, I'm a romantic, so I always wanted that. And there you have it where does it say about evidence she's also talking to dr meldrum who you talked to here yeah we had dr meldrum what is his full name jeffrey meldrum jeffrey meldrum and uh he's a professor right he had that i think he brought in the bigfoot he was the guy dr meldrum was a really nice guy but he also said he'd be willing to cut off a finger to know that Bigfoot was real. I went, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Starting point is 00:05:51 Like what finger? Like a pinky? Yeah. It was a pinky? Which one would you go with? Pinky? No, because you'd want the pinky because that's the farthest leverage to the other side of the thumb, right? So it's sort of like a claw.
Starting point is 00:06:03 Maybe the ring finger? It's a good point. The middle finger seems pretty pointless. Is that her? This is the interview, but I don't know where in the interview it is. Oh, okay. I'm just trying to take a guess.
Starting point is 00:06:16 Well, you're going to be amazed when I tell you. I'm sure they exist. It's like a scene in a movie when she says it because here she is this esteemed scientist right and you're expecting well there's no evidence and right now that's just we think of it as legend could possibly be a bunch of different things that people think they saw voice and delivery is important when it comes to being convinced of something yeah you think
Starting point is 00:06:43 about like you know all the way to just comedians. Right. You know, you think of Chappelle's voice. If you look at the transcript of what Chappelle's saying at times, I'm sure it's not that insane, but you listen to him say those things. Same goes with who?
Starting point is 00:06:55 Joey Diaz? Oh yeah, for sure. You know? And when it's coming from a scientist with long gray hair who lives with chimps. She must be. I mean,
Starting point is 00:07:09 you think she's hooked up with a chimp? I mean, all those nights? No. Come on. No chance. She lives with all of them? Yeah. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:07:17 Sounds like there's some monkey business going on over there. Oh, no. You didn't. You couldn't help it. I didn't even mean to. You set it up. Here it is.
Starting point is 00:07:23 989-8255. Sasquatch is so real. Philadelphia it is. 989-8255. Saskatchewan. This is so real. Cherie from Philadelphia. Hi. How are you doing? I want to know if you believe there are any undiscovered large ape species. Ah, here it is.
Starting point is 00:07:33 Are you talking about Yeti or Bigfoot or Saskatchewan? Is that what he's talking about? Yes, it is. Is that the message I'm missing here? I think that's the message you're missing. Is that right, Cherie? Pretty much. I'm out of the loop.
Starting point is 00:07:45 Go ahead. Well, now, you'll be amazed when I tell you that I'm sure that they exist. You are? Yeah. I've talked to so many Native Americans who've all described the same sounds, two who've seen them. I've probably got about, oh, 30 books that have come from different parts of the world, from China, from all over the place.
Starting point is 00:08:05 Did you always have this belief that they existed? Well, I'm a romantic, so I always wanted them to exist. All right, Cherie. Thank you. Thanks for calling. She probably knows more than me. So, you know, if you can, when in doubt, go with the person who knows more than you. But I've never seen any, like, real evidence other than these footprint things.
Starting point is 00:08:30 I mean, everything else is just bullshit. They find hair, turns out to be bear hair. They find scat, turns out to be, like, wolf scat. Where'd they find the footprints at? Oh, they find them everywhere, man. But you don't know what you're looking at, you know? It could be anything. It could be someone decided to fake footprints.
Starting point is 00:08:48 It could be a big bear. That's less likely. But it depends on the area, like a big grizzly bear print. Who knows? I mean, to make it look like a human foot, it would have to either be a giant human foot or be just incredible special effects it's one of two things you know some of them they got like ridges they've they found like dermal ridges that indicate uh they think it indicates like what like a footprint type thing but with
Starting point is 00:09:20 the with the feet of these things they seem to think that that somehow or another makes it very difficult to fake. But people want to believe that shit. That's part of the problem. Part of the problem is it's fun. It's super fun to believe that someone's not fucking with you but that some big giant monkey just walked through. But with every day, every passing minute of every day, it becomes way less likely that that's some big giant monkey just walk through but with every day every passing minute
Starting point is 00:09:46 of every day it becomes way less likely that that's a real thing because there's so many people with cameras yeah and these people go deep into the woods and i think it's also like uh one of the cooler things to believe in because it's not you know oh yeah man but even if it did exist like we have guns and shit whereas like if aliens existed were fucked yeah we're fucked maybe so we're sort of rooting for the sasquatches in the world why all the look there had to be a bunch of different kinds of human being like creatures that existed it just only makes sense they're finding new ones all the time they're like constantly finding some new subspecies of people that they weren't aware of before
Starting point is 00:10:30 it's super possible that something grew to be like that like why wouldn't it be if if we can get a chimp why why is that so weird like it's not any weirder than a person or a chimp both of those things are way weirder like we found if we found another person, we'd be like, holy shit, look what it's done. Like, if we poked our head into some other dimension, right, and we just stuck our head through and we saw the impact of a human civilization on the natural world, we'd be like, what the fuck?
Starting point is 00:11:01 That's way crazier than Bigfoot. Like, a human being is making tubes out of aluminum with giant wings and shooting itself into the sky and landing on different spots. It's sucking oil out of the ground and using it to build everything. It's talking online and it goes to the air and winds up in your phone. All this is done by a human. That's way crazier than Bigfoot. That's fucking crazy. Then you go to chimps. Chimps are way crazier
Starting point is 00:11:30 than Bigfoot. They're haunting monkeys, man. They're fucking forming little societies together. Some of them are figuring out how to use tools. And they're right there. That's way crazier than Bigfoot. Bigfoot's just a shy guy. He just wants to be alone.
Starting point is 00:11:47 Just let him find a good place to shit. You can't find any Bigfoot shit because he's always paranoid that people are watching him, so he's holding his shit in. I think Jane Goodall's wrong on this one. I'm going to be honest with you. I don't know her,
Starting point is 00:12:02 but I'm going to go out there off on a limb. That is a limb. It's quite a limb, sir. Why would you think that she would think it's real? Because she wants it to be real? Yeah, and, you know, she said that she was talking to Native Americans about it. And, you know, they're like, you know, they go off on, they're a little bit trippy, right? Right.
Starting point is 00:12:20 They might have been paid to eat the fuck up, right? Who knows? You know, just like saying you talk to two Native Americans, it's like saying I talked to two white people. Like they're just people, you know, just because they happen to be Native Americans, like they got street cred for Bigfoot. That's what she's saying. Yeah. She's, she's made a point. She's giving Native Americans Bigfoot street cred. They'd be closer to the Sasquatch. they named it it's like if anybody knows about almost going extinct it should be state of california sued because it won't recognize
Starting point is 00:12:52 bigfoot oh what is this is this today yeah that's a lost lawsuit that's what that is synchronicity going on here there's a lot of people in this country who claim to believe the existence of bigfoot but one california woman believes it so strongly in the beast that she's actually filed a lawsuit to prove it could you imagine being the court systems all choked up with divorce and corruption and tax evasion whatever the fuck else they investigate and this crazy lady is like i'm suing you i got i got a team of lawyers. We're taking the whole state down. We're taking the whole state down.
Starting point is 00:13:28 They won't recognize Sasquatch. We won't recognize them. And she's just going to town, getting crazy. She makes a GoFundMe. And Bigfoot people, they're like super pumped when there's some action. Something's happening. They'll fucking donate to that GoFundMe. A little bit here, a little bit here.
Starting point is 00:13:42 A lot of Bigfoot lovers out there. This chick could be fighting the government. Imagine the lawyer that takes that case. Is this a video of her with Bigfoot? Yeah, she said it was 30 feet up into a tree. It seems real. Where? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:13:58 I mean, it's Bigfoot. These people are wonderful people that really, really, really, really, really, really, really want Bigfoot to exist. And when you really, really, really, really, really, really, really want Bigfoot to exist, you sort of figure out a way to make him exist in your mind. There's no evidence. The problem is there's nothing. The problem is there's nothing. There's no footprints that are like attached to hair, you know, where you could get like a little bit of hair off of it and say, oh, well, this is definitely a primate.
Starting point is 00:14:32 There's none of that. They don't have any of that. They have these mushy, you know, footprints that people have made in the mud. They say impossible to fake. Maybe. I don't know. I don't know if they're impossible to fake. But I do know that I haven't seen one picture that looks real. I've seen one video. Everything just smells like bullshit yeah the problem i always have with it is it always
Starting point is 00:14:51 looks like a man in a suit and here's the thing the only thing that looks like a man in a suit is a man in a suit like this even a chimp doesn't look like a man in a suit they move different man chimps kind of like throw themselves with their arms and kick up they move different you can't move like that you can't move like that you could try you're not going to be able to move the way a chimp moves especially if a chimp's moving fast just get the out of here it's like you're not even close you look like a guy pretending to be a chimp you're moving like a guy all these things move like people they move like people like your brain that people. Like your brain, that little computer in your brain that recognizes
Starting point is 00:15:27 shapes goes, oh, that's a guy in a monkey suit. Yeah. Right? Instantly. That's exactly what you think. Because it is. That one video with the famous one, we know that one was a guy in a suit, right? Well, there's people that dispute it, but that's
Starting point is 00:15:43 the Patterson footage. The Patterson footage is like the most famous footage in all of Bigfoot lore because this guy who and I'm pretty sure the guy was a he was arrested for something like for not paying I believe it was something like not paying for the very camera that he used to film the bigfoot footage wow he was arrested for it so the guy okay he's stealing cameras right that's not good right and then there's another guy who claims that he wore the suit what the fuck is that guy's name i always forget that guy's name name. Gimlin is the guy that was there. And then there was the other guy who wore the suit. He was a large fella.
Starting point is 00:16:29 And there's a picture of him walking. He showed how he did it. And he walked. And then you see on the other side of the screen, the guy in the monkey suit doing the exact same walking. Hieronymus Bob Hieronymus. That's it. Now I remember.
Starting point is 00:16:44 Bob Hieronymus, who's a big cowboy-looking dude. And they had him walk with a monkey suit on. And everybody was like, that's real Bigfoot footage. This guy bought a monkey suit, too, by the way. The guy who made the film. He had bought a monkey suit. Wow. And he said he was going to use the monkey suit to film reenactments
Starting point is 00:17:04 or practice filming with it or something like that some cockamamie Reason for having a monkey suit. It's just like the whole thing is so stupid It's if you look at all the pieces involved you like oh, yeah, you guys were fucking around and you know You filmed some shit while you're on a horse It was all bouncy you see this thing walking across the street But now they can isolate that footage because it used to be all bouncy and shaky with computers they can isolate it and get it all into one flat plane and you watch it move it's a fucking guy in a monkey suit man a hundred percent right yeah you've seen it have you seen it yeah that shit. You go, what am I looking at? What are you doing here?
Starting point is 00:17:46 It's crazy. But people want to believe so bad. Yeah, I've never had a chance of believing in the whole Bigfoot thing. It was always just silly to me. I remember, was it John Lithgow in Harry and the Hendersons back in the day or something like that? Yeah. I grew up on that, and I was just always like, oh, that's like a fake character. that yes yeah i grew up on that and i was just always like that's like a fake character it's like i think if you see harry and the hendersons before finding out about bigfoot it's like
Starting point is 00:18:09 believing that barney the dinosaur would exist out there the only reason to give it any credence at all is the vast expanse of wilderness that exists in the pacific northwest because it's so lush it's so crazy that no one's getting in there and figuring out exactly what's in there like ever i i really think everyone who lives in um this area especially because you can get up there pretty quick but anybody anywhere should go to the pacific northwest i go to the mountains right above seattle that's a crazy place man that was way crazier than looking for bigfoot one of the craziest parts about that trip was being in that real rainforest the real thing was fucking bananas it's thick like like like you can't see anything
Starting point is 00:18:58 yeah like every two feet there's another tree i mean it's just thick with trees. Which reminds me of my favorite thing, basically mystery ever, D.B. Cooper because that's where he jumped out of that plane at. Really? Was in the most horrible place you can imagine. Did he do that in Pacific Northwest?
Starting point is 00:19:19 Oh yeah. They flew out of Seattle, heading back down again and he just hit that button on the rear case. They felt the plane shake and then boof, he. Super. They flew out of Seattle, heading back down again. And he just hit that button on the rear. That's crazy. They felt the plane shake and then, boof, he's gone. He's going to land in the trees for sure. And it seems like that. But his parachute, none of his stuff ever recovered.
Starting point is 00:19:36 And then they combed that thing. They did find like a stack of money. I think like 10 or 20,000 of the bills sort of buried at a beach next to a Creek. Yeah. But for the most part, it's one of my favorite fucking little, I mean the fact that that guy may be made off with,
Starting point is 00:19:53 I think it was only, it was something low, like 150 or he got $200,000. Yeah. $200,000. But back then, cause this is in what year? Uh,
Starting point is 00:20:03 71, 71. 71. Wow. And he didn't just hijack the plane. He made the plane land, get rid of the passengers, bring the parachutes, bring the money, and have it take off again. Like, this is way back before, you know, he just, it was a true hijacking. And they land at the airport. They're like, I'm going to save all the passengers' lives, but here's the catch. I need $200,000, a few parachutes, and something else.
Starting point is 00:20:30 Like something weird, right? Wow. And they never found him. They never found the body. They never found his suit. They found his clip-on tie. Somehow that, like, was found somewhere. But it makes it even crazier when you factor in that they found the clip-on tie and not the parachute and not the suit.
Starting point is 00:20:49 You know what I mean? Because then it's almost like he's just got his $200,000 and is just walking off. I think they said that the money was never spent, though. Is that true? I'm looking up. is that true i'm looking up uh in august of last year they found a 18 inch nylon strap which they think might have been a piece of his parachute um i don't know how they would know that right away but so i'm looking up uh some other information keyword might yeah might have been some shit some campers left behind too yeah and i was just in uh in australia and i visited the grave of uh
Starting point is 00:21:28 the uh time should the another crazy mystery one you ever hear that one the guy that was found at the beach in uh adelaide i actually went to the cemetery and visited his grave during the day one of the days i had off there uh when I was doing shows in Adelaide. And this guy was found at a beach. This is another one of the great mysteries ever. Found at a beach wearing a suit. He had a cigarette that was out in his collar. They found him.
Starting point is 00:22:01 He'd been dead. They don't know the guy. There's no ID on him no nothing so they keep him around for a few weeks in the morgue waiting for some type of information on the guy they just don't want to bury him and eventually they cut through his clothes and they find that there's a little pocket with a piece of paper, like on the inseam of his pants or shirt. I can't remember. They trace that they can tell that it's cut out of a book called the tie.
Starting point is 00:22:31 I'm should or something like that. I'm not saying it right because it's some old Latin word or something. And but there's a code on it and a phone number or something or no, there's a code on it. But they know that, no, there's not a code on it. It's just a piece of paper from a book okay and they have the page and everything so they go to the newspaper they're like hey does anybody uh know have this copy of this book so that we can find out who this guy is and why this is sewed in on them they don't get anything so they go nationwide to australia and try to figure out
Starting point is 00:22:58 what this piece of paper is from they find the book in another part of australia with the missing part and in that book is a phone number and a code that every code breaker ever has tried to figure out. And they just don't know. So it's the Tomb of the Unknown Man. Whoa. Yeah. And it goes like deep. There's so many theories about what happened to this guy.
Starting point is 00:23:21 And it could have been the CIA. He could have been an American spy. He could have been a Russian spy. He could have been an Australian spy. Like nobody knows anything about this guy and it could have been the CIA. He could have been an American spy. He could have been a Russian spy. He could have been an Australian spy. Like nobody knows anything about this guy. Whoa. And they followed up and there's some, there's a guy that like has some crazy theory,
Starting point is 00:23:35 but I don't know. There's a guy that has a crazy theory. I mean, there's a ton of people in the world. You know, there's people that think that the Elon Musk thing was fake. It was a hoax. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:23:44 I saw someone yesterday with that malarkey yeah summer man tied a mystery death in australia to thomas jefferson whoa when's that from this is that guy unidentified man found dead australian beach baffled investigators for decades a new dna analysis links summerton man to thomas jefferson and native americans so he was an ancestor of thomas jefferson and native americans for decades. A new DNA analysis links Somerton Man to Thomas Jefferson and Native Americans. So he was an ancestor of Thomas Jefferson and Native Americans? That's interesting. I've never read that. They essentially just did a DNA test
Starting point is 00:24:14 on him. They call him the Somerton Man because that's the beach that he was found at. You guys, you know about this Elizabeth Warren stuff? Do you know who that woman is? She's a politician. Yeah. And she apparently at one point in her life claimed to be part Native American.
Starting point is 00:24:33 And now just like won't talk about it. Won't do a DNA test. Won't. She's like, they were like, do you have any pictures? She's like, yes, I have many pictures and they're not for you. Is what she said to investigators. Man. And then you got Trump just hauling her Pocahontas.
Starting point is 00:24:50 He calls her Pocahontas. It's so brutal. She hits back at Trump's use of Pocahontas, vows to highlight Native American issues. You know, I wish I wasn't skeptical. I wish I thought she was awesome, and this isn't real. I wish I thought she was awesome, and this isn't real. But what's weird is that I think it gave you some sort of an advantage for her to be Native American in terms of getting into certain schools or what have you.
Starting point is 00:25:16 I don't know if that's true. She might be part Native American. She might be like, fuck you, I don't have to tell you. That's possible too. I don't think that's the best move, but maybe she doesn know maybe she like there's always that's that is a thing with families like your family would tell you yeah your uh your grandmother was 23 percent navajo and you're like wow i'm fucking cool yeah you know like he gives you an extra little bit of badass this is why jane goodall was willing to accept the she's like two native americans told
Starting point is 00:25:44 me well you could have talked to two other ones who would have said what the fuck out of here with Jane Goodall was willing to accept. She's like, two Native Americans told me. Well, you could have talked to two other ones who would have said, what? The fuck out of here with that. I mean, people are people, man. It doesn't matter if you're a white person or a Native American person or whatever your ethnicity is. There's going to be a spectrum of people in that group. And some of them are going to just be Bigfoot believers, man. It doesn't matter if they're native american it doesn't just sometimes people are bored and they want to believe in bigfoot so
Starting point is 00:26:10 they start thinking they hear things that they don't really hear they start thinking they're camping out this one guy thought they were camping out outside his window that they lived in the forest like right outside his back door that they come near where he is big season yeah yeah they read your mind they um they can can sense when cameras are around. They won't show themselves. Oh, that's pretty smart. What a great evolved habit that is. But then like we were saying earlier, some of them truly believe that Bigfoot is like some interstellar traveler.
Starting point is 00:26:38 That maybe he's from another dimension. That he's a creature from another dimension. Yeah, because creatures from other dimensions are super hairy too and look just like that and that makes sense. Maybe he's real, but you can only see him when you're on mushrooms. Can you imagine that? That sort of makes sense.
Starting point is 00:26:55 Imagine if you did, like there was a perfect dose where you could see him. You get into his world and you see him. Looks like Bigfoot, but he's all in like a rainbow i mean i've been on mushrooms and seen the same thing that wasn't there is somebody next to me i thought it was a ufo but somebody one of the guys told me that it was uh it was a like someone playing with like a laser light thing like out in the distance oh but i don't know it could have been if you're on mushrooms it could be
Starting point is 00:27:30 If you saw laser those laser pointers are so weird like assholes point them at planes Like that's how ridiculous those things are It's um, it's kind of weird It's very weird when I was a kid that was like the Funniest thing you could do was just have a laser pointer and have a red dot appear on the wall like during class the teacher has put that away first they didn't know about it remember yeah teachers didn't know about it yeah those red dots are showing up they didn't know what it was very rebellious cats love those things so
Starting point is 00:28:03 that's always fun that became like a thing in the movie man dude's got his hands up red dots moving all over his body it means they had the gun on him right that was a exciting part of a movie like oh my god look they got him yeah happened to me and my buddies once we were speeding away we were underage at a high school drinking party yeah dude it was nasty and the party got busted up by the cops everybody ran out the back door like 70 kids at once me my four buddies got slammed into my one pal's car and we're driving down the street and you just hear stop stop the fucking car and i looked to my right my buddy in the middle of the back seat has the red dot right on him up and down from his head to his neck
Starting point is 00:28:45 it was crazy christ yeah we all got in trouble cops never know they never know could it be young tony hinchcliffe and his mischievous friend or could it be murderer bank robber trying to flee yeah could it be this cop that cop in particular was a real real bad person like i mean he knew that they just busted up a kid's drinking party and that all the kids were scattering at once and he decided to stand in the middle of the street and he said that like you know first of all he could have easily have shot us because you're standing in the middle of the street instead of having common sense. Like there's so many other things happening. But he you know, he could say that that's assault with a deadly weapon if you're driving towards somebody.
Starting point is 00:29:34 So he runs out in the street, pulls out his gun, almost can't wait. It seemed for my buddy to not stop. I mean, it's just it was one of those one of those shady cops in fact i'm pretty sure that's the same cop from where i'm from that saw a ufo and it was on tv when i was a kid yeah there was a big thing in liberty township just outside of youngstown where this one cop uh saw a ufo and nobody could take him seriously oh, that is hilarious. But here's the thing, by me saying all this, I'm not saying that people haven't seen UFOs because I don't know what they've seen. It's totally possible that something that's capable of coming here from another dimension,
Starting point is 00:30:17 especially before recently, would be able to figure out how to avoid detection somehow or another. They're probably pretty close to figuring out how to do that now. I mean, they have the stealth bomber, which avoids radar detection. And I know they have those cloaks. You've seen those jackets that people wear where it literally shows a video of what's behind you? It's like this new technology that they're trying to develop where literally you, your clothes would show
Starting point is 00:30:49 exactly what's behind you. So you've got a camera, some sort of camera system mounted somewhere on you, and it's taking a picture of what's behind you, streaming what's behind you. And so then that appears
Starting point is 00:31:00 on your clothes. So as you move, you literally are everything that's behind you. There's this weird predator effect from the movie. It's very crude right now, but you look at it and you go, oh, this is the future. They're just going to become, everything's going to be.
Starting point is 00:31:16 The future's scary. You watch Black Mirror? Yes. Oh, my God. They make it look like everything in the future is gonna make us crazy that show's so good man wow so good yeah in terms of like a show that makes you just like after the show's over you just go what the fuck that crocodile expert um episode rather crocodile i had like 15 friends text me after that going, what in the fuck was that?
Starting point is 00:31:45 What the fuck? It's so crazy. And it's so good. And you can see it happening. You're like, no, no fucking way. No fucking way. Oh my God. I don't remember a show ever that's that powerful.
Starting point is 00:32:01 Like when it comes to a science fiction type show. I don't remember. I mean, there were some amazing shows on before, but they were all really fiction shows, right? Like, this is fiction with, like, a dash of futuristic possibility. Like, dystopian future. That fucking dog one with the robot dog?
Starting point is 00:32:20 Oh, yeah. Jesus Christ. What was that called? Metalhead? Is that what it was? Yeah. Fucking A, man. Oh! You're like, I can see this. What was that called? Metalhead? Is that what it was? Fucking A, man. You're like, I can see this.
Starting point is 00:32:29 This could be real. Like, what? What are we doing? The future seems scary. You see that robot open up the door? Open up the door and hold it for his friends? No. Dude.
Starting point is 00:32:41 Robot opened up a door. Click. Open the latch. Yeah, that guy. Whoa. Dude, Robot opened up a door. Click. Open the latch. Yeah, that guy. Whoa. Dude, look at this thing. Watch this shit. First of all, look at it.
Starting point is 00:32:52 And just imagine it with guns everywhere. Of course you can imagine that. Right? Laser pointers and guns everywhere. So this thing walks up, grabs a fucking handle, turns the door. Check this out. Puts its leg there to stop the door. Walks the door back.
Starting point is 00:33:12 So it has some kind of intelligence. Unless that's a programmed move. And has there ever been anything that doesn't get like a virus or things go wrong at some point? Of course this is all going to happen. It's going to go wrong. It's going to go wrong. But I wonder if that's a programmed move, like it told it the exact steps to take and it measured out all the inches and then knew the exact movements to make. Or if it can accurately calculate distance.
Starting point is 00:33:43 So they've given it, in a sense, some sort of electronic eyes. If it can walk up to a door, grab the handle, turn it, and pull it, and then hold the door open with its leg, let its friends go by, what is that? We're fucked. But that kind of articulation is very crazy to think
Starting point is 00:34:03 that you could teach something to do that So you only teach it to do doors or can it just do that with everything? That's when it gets weird what it gets weird is it if if it can create if you could figure out well If it works on this what kind of door do we have here? Oh, I see this thing's just a slide Is it gonna be able to figure that out? That's that's kind of discerning. It seems like it would be able to figure it out pretty easily, especially when you factor in that everything in the future
Starting point is 00:34:31 is going to be more technological anyway, like the doors even. Turning a knob or sliding a door is going to be ridiculous because people are just going to be like Jedis or whatever. A lot of people have fingerprint things now for stuff like fingerprint things for like opening doors seeing fingerprint things for uh locks at the gym just a fingerprint thing now that's like a new thing yeah that's why you wouldn't want to cut off your thumb out of yeah out of all the fingers that you cut off well it's just Well, it's just really interesting to me how quick all this technology is moving
Starting point is 00:35:08 and how it doesn't seem like there's any end in sight. And most of us, like you and I, like normal people, are sitting back watching this on Internet videos going, Woo! What do we do? When do we stop? When do we stop making robots that could kill us like before they're smart or after they're smart after they're smart they're going to just stay alive and obviously as soon as we can latch guns onto them
Starting point is 00:35:38 they're going in for war done it yeah that's what a drone is yeah think about what the drone is what a drone is is someone is piloting something. Just because it's flying around doesn't mean it's not a robot. All right? That's a fucking robot. It's a robot airship, and they're flying it around, and they're getting these kids that are wizards in video games. Like, if you want to have some fucking impossible-to-beat armies, you hook them up with some of those i robot things from that Will Smith movie you make them all bulletproof and you have a
Starting point is 00:36:09 bunch of kids that just play wicked video games all day know how to fuck people up with Madden and that UFC game and you fucking send those kids piloting these things in real time you send them to parts of the world and why that would be first of all it'd be ten times more terrifying than drones right some things were running through your street I was gonna said the problem I've always had with this idea is like our battery life that we use on stuff is terrible yeah it's gonna eat people but what batteries are they using in those drones that are flying up above now that
Starting point is 00:36:45 are overseas doing damage and whatnot? Are those special batteries that we don't have access to that maybe in five years we will? And this question won't be so weird to us. Are you sure that that's the way those things fly? I was almost just going to ask that. I don't know how they fly.
Starting point is 00:37:01 I don't think they're gas powered though. Well, let's find out. It'd be a good thing to know. We might not be able to find that out, I don't think. The Department of Defense stuff. You're scared to Google it. That's not something you want to be Googling. You do not want to Google
Starting point is 00:37:20 how far can you fly a drone on gasoline while it's carrying two missiles. Just wondering. That sounds like the most American thing ever. A drone filled with gas and oil. Just wondering. With missiles.
Starting point is 00:37:37 That's what's happening. Drones. Well, we have to worry about people more than we even have to worry about drones right this new shooting in florida freaked me the fuck out again yeah it's happening all the time now it's horrific and the crazy thing is like kids used to joke around about this guy doing that someday that was something they joked around about i think that uh i think that the way that the news reports it and the way that it's such big news isn't helping at all because one thing that i've noticed is the whole car ramming thing like that's a new thing car
Starting point is 00:38:19 ramming where the a lot of the things that are happening are people just getting in a truck or a car and just running people down yeah it's a fairly new thing yeah that started with like i don't know maybe that french one or something like that i can't remember the first one but since then because the report you know they're just they report it and they blow these things up and then bing bang boom like i feel like going off of the car ramming situation and the growth in car rammings alone that we could sort of see how overly reporting these i mean i don't know if that's even a thing or if i'm what i'm saying is making sense at all but i know what you're trying to say but the counter to that would be someone had what was the someone made a really good analogy. The point being, what this is, is only happening here.
Starting point is 00:39:16 We have to figure out why it's happening here so often. It rarely happens anywhere else. But here it happens pretty often. So what is that? Is it access to guns? Is it mental health? Is it both of those things? Is it it's just far too easy to get guns? Is it that you're not being monitored in the sense of being talked about? infringing upon their rights, right? But if we just sat down and had a rational conversation with someone to renew a gun license, you know, rational conversation with someone who doesn't work for a gun group or anything, just someone who could just give you a reasonable reason why you should be suspicious about this person having a firearm.
Starting point is 00:40:04 You really don't want to do that either, though, because you can't trust people. It's like you're putting people in a position of power to decide who gets the guns and who doesn't get the guns. It's all very, very fucking terrifying and confusing. It seems like the AR-15 is the one that they need to keep an eye on because all the biggest ones are that, and it seems to be able to mow down mow down a lot of people at once yeah semi-automatic rifles are more effective in those type of mass
Starting point is 00:40:31 shooting situations that's why those guys use them that's why they use them you know all sorts of horrific ways all around the world right that's what they're good at. So then the question is, are they too lethal for a regular person to just be carrying around? You'd want to know why a regular person wants to carry them around, and then you would realize, is that really my right to even ask a regular person why they need it? I mean, if most of these people are law-abiding gun owners, when we freak out that one person who legally bought a gun, in this case, is a kid who legally bought it, does this horrific thing, it's a very good question. And it's a question we all have to ask ourselves.
Starting point is 00:41:23 Like, how many times does this happen before something happens? And is the answer arming the schools? That's a fucking terrifying answer. Putting armed guards at schools. Like, I saw a story where someone had held up two signs, which it was like an Instagram thing. And so the two signs were which one of these signs would make you feel good if you were, a killer and it shows no weapons like a no weapon sign and then it also shows a sign with an armed guard saying that the staff is armed and trained and you know you're looking at the two of those you're like god damn it i don't want either one of these fucking things.
Starting point is 00:42:05 I definitely don't want weapons in schools. But I don't want them to need weapons in schools. That's why I don't want it there. Yeah. But when they, you know, when scenes like this happen, you have to go, well, how, is there a way? I don't know. I don't know what the way is. to go well how is there a way i don't know i don't know what the way is other than even if you take people's guns away god damn you're not going to get all of them there's too many of them the number
Starting point is 00:42:33 of guns that people have today i i think it outnumbers humans i think the number of guns like total in this country outnumber humans insanity even if you are for guns when the number of things that can kill us outnumber us are we overreacting are we crazy are we stockpiling for some fucking terrible collapse that we're all afraid of is that just our thing because we're like uh we were like the last country or whatever you think is it like defensive question good question like crazy scared country well there's you know there's different uses for firearms and who are you you to say that recreational shooters who are respectable, law-abiding people, and there's a lot of them out there that are very good people.
Starting point is 00:43:34 They just love to shoot pistols at targets. They do competitions. They enjoy it. They like being proficient with a firearm for their own personal safety. And there have been cases. I think there was a case in, shit, I want to say it was in Ohio. They enjoy it. They like being proficient with a firearm for their own personal safety. And there have been cases. I think there was a case in, shit, I want to say it was in Ohio, where some guy was stabbing somebody at a mall,
Starting point is 00:44:00 and some dude who was a trained shooter at one of those shooting competition things shot the guy and killed him when he was running around stabbing people at the mall. and things, shot the guy and killed him when he was running around stabbing people at the mall. And it was one of those things where no one wanted to play that up in the media because they thought it was like irresponsible. It's irresponsible to play up the idea of the rogue vigilante with a pistol. Yeah. But that was a real guy. Like the guy's actually like kind of a hero.
Starting point is 00:44:23 Like if he was in a Bruce Willis movie, he'd be fucking pumped. Like that guy like kind of a hero like if he was in a Bruce Willis movie he'd be fucking pumped like that guy's kind of a hero yeah like he was a normal citizen that happened to have a concealed carry permit right found another similar story I guess from what you're describing in Minnesota was an off-duty cop that stopped somebody that was stabbed stabbed ten people yeah it was an off-duty cop that was the stab one. So I got that wrong. Was he, who was the firearm instructor one?
Starting point is 00:44:49 I don't know. I got that wrong. It might've been another similar story too. I don't know. Might've been, but there was definitely one. I'm sorry if I fucked that up. There was definitely one where the guy was a,
Starting point is 00:45:01 one of those big NRA shooting competition type characters this is a terrible terrible tragedy tragedy and these terrible tragedies seem to keep happening and we don't do anything to change everybody's worried about you know their second amendment rights being taken away you know people worried about law-abiding people who would never do anything like this worried about their guns getting taken away but they and all all of us we have we have to figure this out this this can't just keep going on this way and whatever it is whatever is causing it whether it's the way people are raising people the way people are treating people whatever fucking crazy mental imbalances that we're not treating in each other,
Starting point is 00:45:45 whatever the fuck it is, whether it's biological, whatever the fuck it is, we just can't keep as a civilization, as a thing that should in its best times be able to get along great with each other. These little aberrations, they're horrific aberrations, but they exist frequently. There's so many of us yeah 320 something million people this was and 357 million guns. That's crazy. But then the people who are gun nuts will be like, what do you fucking care how many guns I have, man?
Starting point is 00:46:33 Okay, I'm a law-abiding citizen. I would never do anything like that. That guy did. That guy's a piece of shit. Fuck him. And they're right too. Yeah. They're right too.
Starting point is 00:46:43 If you haven't done anything and you would never do anything why would you get lumped in with someone who has if you have a truck and you would never dream into plowing into a mall full of people why would you get lumped lumped into the same group as a guy who has a truck who did do that why Why should you? It's not fair. But we still have to figure this out. It just, there's something wrong. There's something wrong where there's that many more things that can kill us than us.
Starting point is 00:47:13 If a guy pointed a gun at you from across a room, do you have something in your head planned that you would do? No, there's nothing you can do. I would do a bunch of cartwheels and somersaults. That's always been sort of my plan.
Starting point is 00:47:25 I feel like if I just do weird movements, you could avoid... There's almost nothing you can do. Yeah. You know, it's a terrifying, terrifying thing. The ability to just end someone's life with a single movement of your hand. And we learned so early on. I remember Duck Hunt as a kid. The Nintendo like tick tick tick tick tick tick remember that and you have a gun yeah it's like we learned so early on well it's just that people value people so
Starting point is 00:47:57 poorly that they would do that this is where we have to find like the root of what that is. And that sounds very philosophical and hippy-dippy, but we have to examine what could possibly be inside someone that would make them want to do something like that. What would that be? I mean, how the fuck does that happen? How are they in the same timeline? We're not talking about primitive Roman days or the Vikings or anything crazy we're talking about right now how in the same timeline does a guy like you exist alongside someone
Starting point is 00:48:34 who can do that there's something wrong there's a I also think that there's something to be said about like awareness of depression and psychological disorders for the older generation i feel like in the future more people are gonna know about it and take it as a real thing but i still think now there's probably there's definitely a lot of stubborn parents out there that ignore and go you're not depressed get up you know and all this because it's definitely deep-rooted a lack of structure in their lives you know stuff's gone wrong and they don't have anybody to talk to or anything you know that's definitely a common thing 100 the dissatisfaction with their current state in
Starting point is 00:49:19 life their physical health people have all sorts of undiagnosed mental issues and maybe they don't have insurance and they can't afford treatment, or maybe they just got off of it and they think they're fine. I mean, we know guys who did that, who got off of stuff that they weren't supposed to get off of. And then they start getting really paranoid and crazy. And then someone has to talk them down. And one of the things with being depressed like that is, you know, and like you said, if they don't have insurance, then all of a sudden they're like, I don't have insurance. Little do they know that it's a phone call away to get like, you know, free whatever somehow or help somehow. But also with the depression makes you not want to do that.
Starting point is 00:50:00 It makes you it's part of it is you don't want to sort of find help. It's hard to reach out. Yeah. You know what I find that's interesting that is, I think, avoidable. And maybe we should all like think about this a little bit. There's something that happens whenever something takes place where people like expect a reaction. They expect a reaction from you and there's this tendency to get upset at people that are not showing a reaction to it
Starting point is 00:50:35 like publicly instantaneously there's a responsibility to show a reaction and I been thinking about this and I was like is, is there? I don't know. Because I had put something up, I think on Twitter or Instagram. And someone's about our show in Bakersfield tonight. And someone said, hey, maybe not a great time to promote. There was a school shooting. Just saying or something like that. I didn't know about it. I don't think.
Starting point is 00:51:05 Maybe I'd heard peripherally that something happened, like when I was flipping through Google, but I didn't know the extent of it. And then I saw it and I was like, oh my God. Like, I mean, that is, it's one of the worst things people can do to people is to like snuff out young life for no reason. Yeah, it's crazy. It's becoming so common.
Starting point is 00:51:35 It's becoming common and there has to know a way it's i feel like people have become so desensitized that like it's almost like the new super suicide you know people were very desensitized because if this had happened 20 years ago it would be a gigantic thing that would freak people out for days and days and it would be all anybody's talking about so in one sense if i did hear about a school i think maybe i'd seen something about the school getting shut down or something. So I'm like, oh, fuck, something happened. And then going into it later, the more I looked into it, the more I was like, oh, God.
Starting point is 00:52:19 Like this is just the most heartbreaking news you could ever hear right someone decides to go kill kids the story you're talking about was in texas okay man who opened fire in texas church shooter was hailed as a good samaritan oh there was that guy there was another guy though it must have been the undercover cop because it was the stabbing story i might have conflated them i do that on occasion well we got i got the story uh in two instances someone who wasn't supposed to be there with a gun had a gun one of them just happened to be an undercover cop you don't want people to be vigilantes you don't want people to be out there fucking charles bronson in it but i was performing at a comedy club in dallas a couple weeks ago and
Starting point is 00:53:06 i was standing out front near the uh like the host booth for a second and they get a phone call and the guy goes you know what sir i actually don't know let me uh let me ask my boss i've never been asked that before and he puts the phone on hold and goes to find the owner but like before he does i go what's that person asking for like i was just curious like what he's never been asked he goes he wants to know if he can bring his gun he has a concealed carry license i don't know the exact laws here i'm like no don't ask the owner he's not allowed to bring his gun get back to that phone call no not my two shows that night like no concealed carry uh-uh yeah i got a buddy of mine who carries everywhere wow everywhere man yeah hope i never accidentally make fire
Starting point is 00:53:55 it's firearms instructor he's he carries everywhere he lives in arizona you could do whatever the fuck you want in Arizona Arizona thinks it's the 1800s you think if I did my cartwheel somersault thing you'd still be able to get me though maybe not maybe not you are a clever fella I always picture that you know what else I always picture is in elevators
Starting point is 00:54:18 if the elevator falls and you're in free fall would you jump would you try to jump at the end to sort of yeah cause you're going free fall, would you jump? Would you try to jump at the end to sort of... Somehow it works. Yeah, because you're going the speed of the elevator anyway. You're going to get crushed the same exact amount.
Starting point is 00:54:31 You're fucked. Darn it. Yeah, it doesn't work. I was going to try to jump. There's nothing you can do with that one, dude. That's a sad, fucked up way to die. Elevator accident. You know, that's one of the things
Starting point is 00:54:43 when you're in a place like manhattan and you're on the 89th floor of a fucking building and you're like what is this nonsense what is this nonsense i feel like it's even worse when they like uh it gets stuck but it's halfway between floors and someone tries to climb out and then you've heard of them like getting decapitated or whatever and like their heads there. They get severed in half, yeah. Dude, those people up there on that 90th floor, those people are just view monkeys.
Starting point is 00:55:10 They love it. Yeah. It gets me higher. I want to look over this whole fucking city. Wouldn't you want to be on the first floor? I want to be on the first floor.
Starting point is 00:55:19 Yeah. Okay, so I can just get the fuck out of there, get out of the office, and go home. Why would I want to be on the 100th floor unless I'm just, look! Look at down below me motherfucker i'm up here at the top of the tree
Starting point is 00:55:31 because i'm the number one chimp you fucks bring my helicopter i'm flying right above these guys with my dick out the window right that's the ultimate is to be a dude who lives in the penthouse and gets helicoptered around manhattan and drop down some fucking dude covered in like extinct fox fur you know strutting his shit that's the ultimate to have a penthouse on the top of a giant building in new york city and have a helicopter land on your roof you'd be special agent baller i wouldn't even get in the helicopter. I would have the helicopter I would attach a rope to the helicopter and have the helicopter go and I'd just fly like that underneath the helicopter
Starting point is 00:56:12 so that when they slowly land, I land detached. There are guys like that out there. This is what you like not, obviously not wearing extinct furs, but there's guys that are that rich that just get helicoptered around Manhattan and they go to the are that rich that just get helicoptered around Manhattan and they go to the Hamptons they get helicoptered out to the Hamptons they land in their estate
Starting point is 00:56:30 they get out their state they have people waiting there in full outfit that work for them it's like during some colonial time I mean they're they're living in a like this is a total alternate universe of human beings. Fuck yeah. Have you seen those crazy Hamptons houses? Like, way out in... What's this? Wait, Matt Lauer? NBC pays for Matt Lauer's helicopter rides to work.
Starting point is 00:56:54 Oh, there you go. From the Hamptons. Bam. His chopper out to the Hamptons, where he has a 40-acre horse farm. He's ballin'! Oh, he's balling! Oh, he's balling so hard. Balling so hard, Matt Lauer.
Starting point is 00:57:10 Wow. Took a helicopter ride to his nice office with a button. That's that thing, man. And it's not just guys like him. It's rich hedge fund guys and Wall Street guys. I mean, there's people that just have ungodly sums of money. Like, you can't wrap your head around it. You're never going to understand it.
Starting point is 00:57:35 They have $100 million estates. $100 million. You're looking at a $100 million estate. You're like, what? What the fuck is this? That's insane. Yeah, that's a weird thing about capitalism, that someone can get that far out of out of whack they could ball that hard above all like what what kind of what did you do and those are some of my favorite uh some of my favorite crazy stories is like the
Starting point is 00:58:01 jinx the robert durst one where he came from, you know, the family that owns just Manhattan skyscrapers and boom. Yeah. He's crazy. The DuPont guy with the wrestling team. Yeah. That's another wild one.
Starting point is 00:58:17 That's one of the wildest ones. Yeah. Yeah. That was a terrifying one. Steve Carell can act his fucking ass off. Can he? Hell yeah. Yeah. He's great it's another thing where someone used a gun to kill someone that they were
Starting point is 00:58:32 threatened by in some sort of a masculine way cuz Dave Schultz was like this super badass wrestler yeah just top of the him and his brother mark top of the food chain wrestlers terrible That's a terrible story. I almost went to the, I think I'm pretty sure I almost went to the Matt Schultz, is it Mark Schultz? Mark Schultz wrestling camp back when I was in high school. I went to the Ohio State one instead. He fought Big Daddy Goodrich in the UFC way back in the day.
Starting point is 00:59:05 It was his one and only MMA fight in the UFC. And it's really interesting because in the movie that they did with Steve Carell, like that's a historical moment. See, they don't understand MMA. So when they made that movie, the cage fighting part was like, yeah, whatever. We'll just fucking fudge this. Why would I believe that anything in that movie is what really happened when the thing that I know for sure really happened, you fucked up? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:37 The thing that I know for sure really happened is this guy, Big Daddy Goodrich. Wow. Fought Schultz when Schultz was a top of the food chain wrestler man and he just took him down at will he he handled him at will he took no no oh no no no no no no no there'll be none of that yeah there'll be none of that yeah mark schultz was a gorilla. I mean, just like I said, top of the food chain American wrestler. He's a fucking tank. And so this is him fighting Gary Goodrich.
Starting point is 01:00:13 Very little striking. Very little striking training. He's just looking for this. And once he gets this, oh fuck all that. Boom. Takes him to the ground like he's a sack of potatoes. Beats the shit out of him. Mounts him. Does whatever he wants to him when he has him on the ground. Whatever he wants to him. It's a level of grappling that the
Starting point is 01:00:30 UFC up until then had never seen. It's like if a guy like Daniel Cormier entered into the octagon back there. Same kind of thing. Just takes everybody's going down. Shut the fuck up. There's not going to be any stuff in these takedowns. There's a guy named Jordan Burrows
Starting point is 01:00:45 out there that I would... Why'd they just stop that right there? Well, it was different times, man. It was back then. They didn't know what the fuck they were doing half the time. Like, look, Mark's got no gloves on and Gary's got no gloves on, but back in the day, you could wear gloves if you wanted to.
Starting point is 01:01:03 And I think he has shoes on. Yep, he's got wrestling shoes. And look at this. Boom. I mean, every time he wants to, he can take them down. And he's mounting them. This is just a level of grappling that you just don't understand. You're not getting them off you.
Starting point is 01:01:16 Stop. Just stop. This is nonsense. You don't even understand. This is like a – I mean, and Big Daddy Goodrich, I should just say, is an incredibly strong guy and an awesome athlete what's happening here deep tap what happened it's Big John oh did he key lock him is that what he's that's interesting I wanted I've in my head I had that he beat him up and won a
Starting point is 01:01:41 decision what how did how did that result? Did he submit him? No, I can't believe I remember this wrong. Well either way I just remember just watching Yeah, looks like you got him in a key lock Oh no, okay it wasn't that they just stopped it Huh Okay So it wasn't that. They just stopped it. Huh. Okay. So it was a stoppage. Either way.
Starting point is 01:02:12 There's a guy named Jordan Burrows who, when he wrestles, he's the greatest double league takedown ever. Just shoots low, drives in. His opponents know he's going to do it. He's won multiple golds. I mean, he's just a monster. he's won multiple golds i i mean he's just a monster there's and i would love love love to see him learn how to strike a little bit or learn some jujitsu and figure out ufc because in like almost the history of wrestling this guy is a freak shoots low there's nothing you can do here he is there's just. He just dominates people.
Starting point is 01:02:45 Serious drive, man. Boom, boom. Over and over again. Just destroys people. Look at that drive, man. God damn, he's good. He wrestled on Times Square. Did you see that?
Starting point is 01:02:56 Yeah. That was cool, yeah. He wrestled in Times Square? Last year, maybe, in the winter. Oh, really? Yeah. Oh, wow. Look at that.
Starting point is 01:03:04 Where is that guy going? Damn, his wrestling is insane. Nowhere. Well, this is what we're seeing, really? Yeah. Oh, wow. Look at that. Where is that guy going? It's insane. Nowhere. Well, you know, this is what we're seeing with Khabib Nurmagomedov. When you see like this super high-level striking, or excuse me, super high-level grappling, it shuts down even like really good grapplers. Is this him in Times Square?
Starting point is 01:03:19 Yeah. Wow, this is awesome. Who is he wrestling against? Some guy that thought he was about to get points right there. That's crazy. Who is he wrestling against? Some guy that thought he was about to get points right there. That's crazy. Who is he wrestling against? Does it say? Oh, it's got some rap music on it that will get us kicked off YouTube.
Starting point is 01:03:35 But this is all, these are like world championships and stuff. Crazy, man. Serious power. And technique. I just, I think that's the most important skill in mma uh i've always thought it and i still do because i think these guys can learn defense for grappling defense for jujitsu and they can learn submissions which is probably even more important way quicker than a regular person they're so used to squeezing shit already. They're used to, they're constantly used to squeezing things
Starting point is 01:04:07 and gripping and pulling. And unlike jujitsu with the gi, which relies a lot of it on grips and like there's an entanglement factor that you have to really take into, and they can really slow the game down that way. You can't do that with wrestling. Another thing with wrestling is hip movement
Starting point is 01:04:21 and hip control and spinning around a guy, hitting a easy reversal just from popping down and back up yeah yeah if you don't wrestle you're not taking a wrestler down yeah and it's crazy sometimes watching you know high level fights and you know sometimes i don't have obviously when you're at a live fight i don't have the audio So it's like sometimes I'm seeing what's just a little thing that's wrong. You know, like, for example, like in Diaz McGregor 2, I remember a part where Diaz was trying to take McGregor down, but his hips were above McGregor's who had dropped his just lower. Whereas if Diaz pops down and back up, he's got him.
Starting point is 01:05:00 But, you know, all this stuff's happening at once. And sometimes you can see it with wrestling and it's just the difference in a little thing that sometimes the energy and the emotions of the fight it's about you know just being like oh yeah drop down up and like you know yeah yeah it's uh it's very very technique oriented and that's like the people that have never done any kind of grappling don't understand when you're watching someone drive in. When you see a beautiful, like, if you go back to like, who's got one of the best power doubles?
Starting point is 01:05:32 Probably Frankie Edgar's got one of my favorite power doubles ever. He takes a lot of motherfuckers down that are really tough to take down. But if you watch as he enters into it, there's such a flow to it. You know, it's an aggressive attacking. Like George St. Pierre. When George is in his prime, ooh, dude, everybody's scared of that takedown, man. That power double was coming. Josh Koscheck went early on in the sport.
Starting point is 01:05:55 Josh Koscheck had ridiculous power in his takedowns. Just ridiculous. He would just drive through you. It's so technical. That's the whole thing in wrestling is strength and quickness And all this stuff is so secondary to some dude that'll own you doing your own thing He'll like wrestle jujitsu you he'll just let you think that you're about to do something while he's moves ahead I think everybody should know that Yoel Romero is a real human being. That that's possible.
Starting point is 01:06:26 Everyone should know. When it comes to what's important about wrestling, Yoel Romero is a real thing. That's what happens. This is what you have when you have as elite a wrestler as you can get in a super athlete body. Good luck. Good luck.
Starting point is 01:06:42 He decides whether you're going down. If you take him down it's luck I mean he might have been half-assed in the takedown defense because he knows as soon
Starting point is 01:06:49 as he gets down he'll just fucking flip you over and stand back up again it's just not the same kind of thing
Starting point is 01:06:55 it's like he's just way more athletic than you way stronger than you they need to get Nganou to work
Starting point is 01:07:03 out with him dude well Nganou's way out with him. Dude. Well, Nganou's way too heavy. Unfortunately, you're dealing with 85 versus heavyweight. But at 85... No, I mean like train. To train with him? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:12 But still, it's a big guy to train with. He's so good, dude. Is this his highlight reel? Yeah, yeah. Dude, he's so good. He's knocked out with stunning accuracy. Luke Rockhold Chris Weidman
Starting point is 01:07:27 look at that boom dude Tim Kennedy I mean he's a fucking monster although the Kennedy fight was marred by controversy you can never ignore that he did not come out for the oh look at that left hand he did not come out for the
Starting point is 01:07:42 for the end of the round and he was still sitting on his stool and uh they had wasted all this time trying to give him more chances to recover you have to be afraid of any guy whose shoulders stick up like that dude he's he's terrified it's like a king cobra how it like warns you with its wings. He's stopping this dude with body strikes. Oh. I mean, that is crazy. Who the fuck stops someone with driving elbows to the body? Who the fuck stops somebody with that?
Starting point is 01:08:14 Oh. Oh, my God. Yeah, dude. I mean, that was meat. He made meat out of that. Go back to that. Let me look at that again. That's crazy.
Starting point is 01:08:28 Wow. Yeah, look at it right there, right there right there right there they'll show it look it's got blood all over his elbow that's just that is a crazy his whole face is a mess but that's a a crazy amount of force this guy can generate and that wrestling is just another level man like that kind of yeah he could do that to anybody yep like he fought brad tavarez right there and brad tavarez is a stud and it was like they were nowhere near the same weight class like the way he can handle him he's just so powerful and this just shows you where the fucking stud Tim Kennedy is. Tim Kennedy almost had him. The reason why he didn't come out for, I believe,
Starting point is 01:09:11 it was the third round when he came out late, was because by the end of the second, Tim had him in deep, deep trouble. Tim had caught him with a couple of big punches and staggered him, and so when he went back to his corner, look at that fucking shot that he lands when he knocks him down. Then another one.
Starting point is 01:09:27 He just smashed him at the end. The craziest thing about Tim Kennedy is he does all this. And for a big chunk of his career, he was active military and still fighting like that. Yeah, Yoel Romero is... Yeah, and here's him just smashing
Starting point is 01:09:45 Lyoto Machida. He's terrifying. So he's going to get the next shot at the middleweight title after he just knocked out Luke Rockhold. I can't believe that occurred. That's the crazy thing is knocked him out. Like, this is the crazy thing. You're talking about a guy who's like one of the best wrestlers to ever fight in MMA, and he's knocking
Starting point is 01:10:02 people out, standing, leaping in, cracking you at punches hitting you with flying knees knocking out world champions I mean KO'd Chris Weidman with a flying knee he's on another level like a real fucking monster athlete like it's
Starting point is 01:10:17 a pleasure to get to watch someone who has such fantastic technique and physical attributes all combined like his wrestling technique is just ridiculously good his timings ridiculously good his explosions it's like to watch that I mean for me a guy who's been around the sport for a long time when a guy comes out and just stands out that hard you go whoa like this guy
Starting point is 01:10:45 is a real outlier physically he's gonna make such a good pro wrestler in a few years oh if he does decide to do that fuck yeah he would make an amazing one yeah like as he gets older yeah look at are they stretching him out here yeah he's super fucking flexible dude he's you mean he's a product of the cuban wrestling system And if you listen to my podcast with Matt Brown, I'm going to plug that one more time because I enjoy the shit out of it. It was one of the MMA shows I did last week with Matt Brown, and he and I were talking about it. And he spent an entire six weeks, I believe, in Cuba at one of his training camps.
Starting point is 01:11:27 And the way these people live and train, like, they are all in, man. They are all in. And there's just a tremendous amount of talent over there, both in boxing and in judo, as well as wrestling. Taekwondo, they have a big Taekwondo team. Like, Cuba doesn't fuck around athletically, man. But it's just, to see a guy like that, and you go, wow. That's a, and he's 40.
Starting point is 01:11:53 What would that guy have been like when he was 30? Good Lord, he's 40? He's 40. What would he have been better? Would he have been faster? Now on top of all that, Robert Whittaker still beat him with a blown-out knee. Yep.
Starting point is 01:12:06 That's amazing. Whittaker is a monster. That shows you how amazing he is. Yeah. He still managed to stuff takedowns with a completely blown-out knee. Crazy. Yeah. Whittaker is no fucking joke.
Starting point is 01:12:18 He's a scary guy, and he's getting better. I think Whittaker's only, like, 27, right? How old's Robert Whittaker? That sounds about right. He's one of the younger guys that's a world champion currently, I believe. 27. 27, yeah. So he's still growing and learning, man.
Starting point is 01:12:35 That guy at 30, I mean, he's a world champion right now. At 30, he's going to be better than he is right now. He's just going to keep getting better. He's going to be better than he is right now. He's just going to keep getting better. Another thing is Yoel didn't show any of the signs of pain from the shin injury that he had. That's a big part of it, too, is not letting your opponent know what's hurting you. Because I'm sure if Rockhold knew that he hurt his shin more than he hurt his,
Starting point is 01:13:03 then he would have kept picking away at it. But he didn't let him know. So it just seemed like he wasn't affecting him with his leg kicks meanwhile ul's like ow what is he like ow yeah painful well he's a super winner he's what you would call a super winner you know i mean that's really what he is it's just if you get these Olympic level athletes that have just been competing their whole lives they just know how to win and when he learned how to strike everybody just you're for you're fucked you got this guy there's only been a few guys that can survive it
Starting point is 01:13:40 that have been able to survive it you know but the most impressive one um i mean shit there's just this is a real wealth of talent right now i was just gonna say it's a very exciting time to be a ufc fan it really is unbelievable because like robert whittaker was the first guy to is he the first guy to beat Yoel in the UFC? I want to say he is. And I want to say that Yoel lost, like, one of his really early MMA fights to Feijão in Strikeforce. Is that true?
Starting point is 01:14:24 Rafael Cavalcante. Yeah. It's Strike Force. Barnett versus Karatanov. Sergey Karatanov. So that was like way back in the 2011. So yeah. It was one of his first fights. He lost that fight and then he lost to Whitaker. So he hadn't lost
Starting point is 01:14:39 since the Feijau fight. Almost all knockouts. Yeah, and the only one that has an asterisk right next to it is the Tim Kennedy fight. Because there was definitely some fuckery there. Definitely some cheating. They definitely stayed on that stool an extra few seconds. How long did they wind up staying on the stool for extra?
Starting point is 01:15:01 I want to guess it was an extra 15 seconds. I think that might be... What did he do? He just chilled for a bit? Might have been less than 15. He just didn't get up. He sat there. Yeah, well, then...
Starting point is 01:15:13 Yeah, then it was round. He was in there. The corner was leaving. He's still sitting on a stool. They didn't even... Approximately 30 seconds. 30 seconds. That's a long time.
Starting point is 01:15:21 That's a long time. That's a long time. I was thinking it was 15. And I was thinking I might have been wrong. It might have been 10. They didn't even try a trick like the old spill the ice, that classic, which I love so much. Dude, 30 seconds is a long time for a guy to recover.
Starting point is 01:15:37 He could have easily been KO'd. He could have, I mean, who knows because he's such a super athlete. He might have been able to rebound. But he might not have, too. We'll never know. If you're taking 30 seconds, you're taking it because 20 seconds wasn't enough. Yeah. Well, it would be a minute at that point.
Starting point is 01:15:55 There's a minute and a 30-second break on top of that. So it was a minute 30 from the time Tim was beating on him to the time the round ends. He goes back to his corner clearly fucked up, and then he sits on the stool for a long time. It's 100% of an asterisk. Did you ever say that word right? Asterisk?
Starting point is 01:16:17 Asterisk. It always sounds wrong. It's like when George Bush used to say especially, and he would say ex-specially. Hey, dude. The Vaseline? Does that have anything to do with it? There's so much Vaseline on him, and they would say especially the Vaseline does that have anything to do with it I think there's too much Vaseline on them and they tried to get the trainer in and he couldn't understand what they were saying was that what it was too that's what this
Starting point is 01:16:33 yeah but he was sitting there he was sitting there and they didn't and Tim Kennedy's standing there the rounds over and he's got his arms up in the air he's like see if you can play that can you play that or that'll get us kicked off I I don't have to find it. Okay, don't worry about it. You don't have to find it. But that's the only one next to his name where you gotta go oof. That one ain't good.
Starting point is 01:16:56 Can't take a 30 second break. Yeah, that's not good. And he wound up winning that fight, which is, man, there's a major violation there. That's a giant, like not being ready for the start of the next round. If the round starts, the referee doesn't want to stop the fight. He doesn't want to give it to your opponent because you can't start the round on time.
Starting point is 01:17:19 But he's in a terrible situation where he wants the fight to continue, but he also understands that you're taking unfair advantage here by just sitting here while you should be engaging in a terrible situation where he wants the fight to continue, but he also understands that you're taking unfair advantage here by just sitting here while you should be engaging in a contest. There's a specified one-minute break. You've exceeded your one-minute break, therefore I must disqualify you. So they're stuck. Yeah. They're stuck in no man's land.
Starting point is 01:17:36 And they don't want to be the party pooper in-house. If we could just get Yoel up real quick. He's just in the 30 seconds later. He finally, like, what? How? That's a big one, man. I didn't know it was 30 seconds. I really thought it was 15 or less.
Starting point is 01:17:55 But take that away because, you know, that's unfortunate, but shit happens. Take that away and you're looking at just a freak. The freak of freaks. I love it. He's going to come in here. He is? With Joey. Diaz? Yes.
Starting point is 01:18:11 Wow. Joey's going to help translate. Wow. So if everything's going smooth, or maybe he doesn't understand what I'm saying, he might turn to Joey and they'll just fucking throw their hands up in the air, kiss each other and shit, and then we'll be back in business. I'd be surprised if you all can get these headphones on over his shoulders. I know.
Starting point is 01:18:33 He's a tank. I don't know how much he wants to talk about his life in Cuba and what it was like wrestling there, but I would be utterly fascinated to hear about that. You know? Yeah. And to rise to the top of the heap in that crazy shark tank of athletic talent and then go on to medal in basically every wrestling championship that he entered internationally.
Starting point is 01:18:58 I mean, he's just one of the freak of freaks. Yeah. Fascinating that those guys exist. And I think it's so important that we know. Because everybody has these ideas in their head about, like, physical limitations and physical capabilities. And then you see, like, a Walter Payton. And you just go, oh, whoa. Like, how is this guy?
Starting point is 01:19:19 Or a Herschel Walker. Or Herschel Walker is a great example. You see Herschel Walker run, and you go, oh, what? That's a person too? Crazy. How is that guy? I mean, Herschel Walker to this day is super jacked, and he's in his 50s. That was him in his late 40s fighting in Strikeforce.
Starting point is 01:19:39 Look at that. 54. Wants to fight again. Is this new? We'll click it and see. Come on. Seriously? It's from June 2016. Oh, two years ago. So now he's 56. Wants to fight again. Is this new? I will click it and see. Come on. Seriously? From June 2016.
Starting point is 01:19:46 Oh, two years ago. So now he's 56. Wants to fight again still. Open to Rampage back. He's open to a Rampage Jackson bout. He's so crazy. He might win. Dude, Hershel Walker's terrifying.
Starting point is 01:19:58 Yeah. That's another exactly the same thing we're talking about. It's another insane level of physical talent above and beyond. Wasn't he like all push-ups only or something for a while? Apparently that's a lot of what he did. A lot of what he did was push-ups and a lot of bodyweight exercises and he didn't really
Starting point is 01:20:16 necessarily lift weights. Who knows, man? He might be telling the truth, but it seems like he looks like a guy who lifts weights. So if he could be that jacked at 47 or 48 and not lift weights. This was 2011 from this photo? Yeah, that picture, yeah.
Starting point is 01:20:36 Okay. So, but, you know, not a young man and ridiculously ripped and always has been. He's just a severe outlier. There's like,'s brock lesnar type guy yeah there was a guy when jamie and i were back in columbus way way way way back named maurice claret a running back for ohio state that only played one year he was a freshman and uh broke every freshman record this and that led us to a national championship wasn't even that tall probably i don't know who knows whatever 5 10 5 9 something
Starting point is 01:21:06 like not that tall but he had thighs and hips where he would just keep running he would just keep his legs moving and he would run people over just boof boof boof smashing guys guys on the defense in our and when we played them in high school he because he was right around the corner at warren harding in youngstown and so we played him in high school, because he was right around the corner at Warren Harding in Youngstown. So we played them in high school. Our guys were being taken off on stretchers, on the defense. Guys trying to tackle him. Stretcher, stretcher, stretcher.
Starting point is 01:21:36 I'm not even kidding. It was crazy. Maurice Claret. Did you see that video? He's built like a midget, but he's a real human man. Look at that. Isn't that crazy? Because he's got so much muscle.
Starting point is 01:21:50 Yeah. Did you see that video of Brock Lesnar punching that guy for real in a wrestling match? He's done that quite a few times. Sometimes Brock lets dudes know what's up. If they don't do things right or if they're not. The dude kneed him in the face pretty hard. Yeah. And his head snapped back.
Starting point is 01:22:06 And Brock cracked this dude. Yeah. Like with real punches. Like, I'm going to hit you with real punches now. Like, boom, boom. Sometimes they do that. He hit him a couple times on the jaw. That was an old school.
Starting point is 01:22:18 See, the dude hits him here. That's a hard fucking knee to the head. And Brock gets up, and you can see he's very unhappy. Boom. That's a real punch right there. That is like the kind of shit that he hit Frank Mir with. That's real. Yeah, they're playing big time ball.
Starting point is 01:22:35 That is a freak. That guy, man, people think about him as a WWE guy, and then they think about him as fighting in the UFC and winning some fights and being this bad motherfucker But they don't you know when he beat Shane Carwin I mean that was a big fucking fight for him deal with choke out Jane Carl Shane Carwin But what people don't realize is like when he was an amateur wrestler. He was a fucking monster It's just his decision to go into the UFC late after he'd already been doing pro wrestling.
Starting point is 01:23:07 People were like, this guy is a fucking unbelievable athlete. You ever seen his NFL combine scores? No. Have you seen that shit, Jamie? See if you could Google Shane Carwin versus Brock Lesnar
Starting point is 01:23:21 combine. Because somebody made one of those images. And it showed their numbers. Similar height, similar weight. Brock was a fucking freak. And it shows in the WWE ring. You know, people say, you know, like, sure, it's fake. But it's not.
Starting point is 01:23:39 Because you can see, compared to all the other athletes, some of them that only did that their entire lives, the number of strides that he takes is longer and faster and you just see him even from seats far away you can see wow that guy's big and moving wave he's moving at the same speed as the the crazy luchador mexican wrestlers were earlier but he's that size with shoulders like that he had what i would call a fractured mma training that led him to the heavyweight champion and i say fractured that he jumped right into the deep end and won and beat guys like randy couture beat guys like frank meir shane carwin beat some world-class guys. But if he had started, I think, earlier in his life and learned how to strike and got some of that in there first
Starting point is 01:24:32 so that it wasn't such an alien thing to him when he was fighting in the big leagues where he's really only been striking for a few years. If he learned how to strike from a real technical instructor, someone who's real technical, and still had that wrestling ability when he was younger. I mean, who the fuck else is like that? Who else is like that?
Starting point is 01:24:49 When we got him, he was in his 30s already. He'd been doing pro wrestling a long time. It beats the shit out of your body. You might think it's fake. There's nothing fake about when he flipped over the fucking top rope and landed on his head. Remember that one? Yeah, I'm an insult. Yeah, that's not fake.
Starting point is 01:25:02 Try faking that. You're dead. Most people are dead from that. Yeah. He survived and kept going with the wrestling move. Like, this is not a normal athlete. But every now and then, one of those guys comes along, and if they can, if they, I mean, obviously Brock was very technical
Starting point is 01:25:17 when he was in high school and when he was a young wrestler. His, if you watch some of the videos of him when he was a younger guy, he was slightly smaller. He was definitely a a smaller guy but he still was a gorilla i mean there's nothing there's no getting around that genetics you know there's like but it's rare that a guy like that at him you know can reach the level where you're seeing um uh yoel romero because like that's almost like another level even past what brock's capable of doing there's brocks i can't find shane's numbers okay 40 yard dash time 4.7 vertical jump 35 standing long jump 10 feet whoa he can stand and jump 10 feet forward and he's 265 pounds bench press 225 pounds
Starting point is 01:26:08 for 30 reps 40 yard dash time 4.7 vertical jump what is this? I don't know why I repeated it so that was the last stat was the bench press 225 pound bench press for 30 reps that's a lot of fucking reps man that's crazy
Starting point is 01:26:24 but I know there's guys who do more than that for 30 reps. That's a lot of fucking reps, man. That's crazy. But I know there's guys who do more than that. A similar thing I could find was in a forum that said that Shane did like 43 reps on that, but I couldn't find his other stats. Oh, so you did more bench press? What is the world record in the combine of how many times a guy can bench press 225? I'm going to guess
Starting point is 01:26:41 50. Do you think a guy could do it 50 times? Probably. There's probably some giant line. 51. Wow. Price is right. Wow.
Starting point is 01:26:53 Who is it? Justin Ernest. Justin Ernest, you bad motherfucker. It's probably some field goal kicker. Jesus Christ. Just jacked to the tits. Doesn't want to get hit. All I do is kick balls and press bench.
Starting point is 01:27:06 Imagine if they just made field goal kickers that were just giant Brock Lesnar-style gorillas, too. That'd be fun. Why couldn't those guys kick just as good, or if not further and faster? Kickers are always like, you're not supposed to hit them, right? Yeah. You can't hit the kicker.
Starting point is 01:27:22 That seems so crazy. That seems so crazy. That's a weird job man you miss a kick all those guys don't care about you they'll they like stab you in the back i mean they just there's no loyalty for the kicker the rest of the other guys hold each other up from what i've read and understand it's like a depressing job it's got to be you. You don't get, you're not a part of it. Yeah. You can't get hit. That's the one thing everybody's afraid of.
Starting point is 01:27:49 And you can't get hit? And the littlest stuff throws them off too. Like in this last Super Bowl, they painted like the 25-yard line with a special Super Bowl emblem and it messed these guys up because it's white so they're not used to kicking off green. Who was the first kicker?
Starting point is 01:28:06 The designated kicker? Has that always been the rule that you can't hit the guy who's the kicker? Am I wrong? Do I know what I'm talking about? It's not that you can't hit them. You can definitely hit them. Oh. You just can't hit them while they're kicking the ball. Yeah, yeah. So you can hit them after they kick the ball? While they're in the process of
Starting point is 01:28:22 kicking, you can't kick their leg. Unless you're about to block it, if you hit the ball, you can't actually then run into them but if you don't block the ball then you can't touch them but if you're reaching for the ball and you got to remember their legs coming forward at a crazy fast rate if you miss the ball and you hit them and in by the way the rule's crazy and the same goes for the punter like if you hit them while their leg is basically still in the air huge penalty really huge yeah this is afterwards this guy's a punter this is pat mcafee he jacked up this guy on a punt return so like he's not afraid to go hit him he fucked him up but yeah he's probably out for three years after that the kicker no is what
Starting point is 01:28:56 he did illegal right there not at all not at all no he's just now part of the team he can go hit him but usually like a quarterback they want to try to he's the only punter on the team so you got to protect that guy otherwise you're fucked without a kicker you gotta go to somebody else wow interesting jim you love the football don't you yeah it's just a weird way it's like it's a high level chest thing too there's 53 guys you have to break it down and then it's all strategy and it's all pre snap strategy because it's only five seconds at a time and it's all setting this up i'm going to trick you yeah like it's just the guys up in the booth old 50 year old men that think they know a lot about football they can't actually go do it sort of like an mma like a duke rufus type guy very
Starting point is 01:29:34 like call things out it's very strategic very much chess and that's why bill belichick and tom brady make it to the super bowl pretty much every year which is you know just like with the ufc we've seen so many fights like any given Sunday almost, right? Like if you made the same match 10 times, we know it's not going to go that way every time. Right. But those guys have a way of figuring it out. So it's crazy to see.
Starting point is 01:29:59 Yeah, when you think about a pro football team, like all the planning that has to be in place, all the monitoring of everybody's health, all the knowing what everyone's capable of, all the different strength and conditioning routines. You must watch these guys perform and drills. You must watch these guys complete. And then you get together.
Starting point is 01:30:17 All these people were trying to strategize. What's the best moves and the quarterbacks got to figure some shit out and call things out in the field. It's really a fucking nutty game. And they can throw money at it. They can throw money to fix any of those problems they want. Yeah. And when you factor in that some of the times they're doing things just to set you up completely
Starting point is 01:30:34 to make you think like, oh, we saw them do that. When we watched video of them play the Raiders, they did this. So this next play is going to be this. And boom, gone. Another touchdown. Yeah. The thing that's just obviously the issue is what happens to the players when they get older. It's harder to watch it now, right?
Starting point is 01:30:52 It doesn't seem the same. It's not as fun. It doesn't seem like the same thing to me anymore. Now when a guy goes down, I'm like, oof. And that sounds fucked up coming from someone who's seen a lot of fights, but I just think it's all bad. bad yeah it's all bad to get hit that hard like but in a fight there's a high possibility that you could avoid getting hit that hard if you're like a mighty mouse or if you're like a gsp or you're a top of the food chain athlete
Starting point is 01:31:19 a john jones he's gonna get hit hard too there's no getting around it. They used to sell those tapes. They're like the biggest hits of the NFL. They used to be commercials on TV. It's a little tough to watch those now. Don't you think that they're getting hit harder? They're getting hit harder than a UFC guy is, right? The speed is so fast now. They're faster than they were even 5-10
Starting point is 01:31:40 years ago. Yeah, I've seen some of those hits and I'm trying to imagine the difference between that and like a punch or a kick and it's multiple magnitudes of power stronger like a guy's getting launched through the sky with these hits i mean well they get launched they lift off the ground they go flying these are 200 pound plus men i'm pretty sure football's worse because when it's helmet to helmet there i don't think there's any shin to skull kick that could even compare to that because the your brain is hitting
Starting point is 01:32:11 the inside of your skull if you're receiving that hit and i don't think there's unless another guy's wearing a helmet running at you at full speed especially if you're running the direction that he's in yeah boom i mean it just that's like two cars hitting head-on if you've seen the difference between like a car accident and a head-on car accident what what happens to the dummy and what happens to people like it's night and day this first play here it's the very first play the biggest hits oh fucking launches the guy whoa stars jesus christ probably knocked out yeah i would imagine a lot of guys get knocked out. I mean, you know, they say that some concussions happen from getting hit in the chest.
Starting point is 01:32:50 That we always thought about concussions, oh, you got hit in the head, you got a concussion. I didn't know until like fairly recently, that's how stupid I am. I didn't know that you can get a concussion from getting hit to the body. Because when you get hit in the body, your brain jostles around just as much. Because when you get hit in the body, your brain jostles around just as much. It's a difference between the hemorrhaging in the brain that you often get from local trauma. That's scary shit. People fall and hit their heads.
Starting point is 01:33:19 But just getting kicked to the body fucks your brain up. That's what's crazy. It's not just hitting right on the spot, which definitely does it too. But guys get their brains rattled from a kick to the body for sure for a takedown, for sure for football. I once had a bad one in a wrestling match in high school. I got stuck in a bridge, and the guy had me in a head scissors, and he snapped it back real hard, and my head hit the mat. I woke up with puke on me. I was still on my back in the middle of the mat and i puked like
Starting point is 01:33:50 projectile like out cold and cold and puked that's dangerous man you could choke on your own vomit that's the one time i had to go straight to a hospital it's crazy yeah i think ambulance football is probably the most impact because you're both running so a guy's running at you full clip that never happens in wrestling there's never like running at you this is the hit that this guy Ryan Shazier number 50 he does a
Starting point is 01:34:16 normal tackle but he is just now getting the feeling back in his legs this happened about six months ago oh my god yeah some really freak accident in his legs this happened about six months ago oh my god yeah oh some really freak accident in his spine on a normal tackle normal everyday tackle shit yeah these happen like play like that can happen like that on any any given five seconds of an nfl game a player like that can just have his life changed and that's's another freak athlete from the Ohio State University
Starting point is 01:34:46 that's been one of the top linebackers every year. Yeah, I mean, it's super unfortunate that the body is so goddamn brittle. But it's also one of the things that makes it so fascinating. You see what these guys are capable of doing. You know, there's a brief window, like the Olympics, which is going on right now. This is a brief window where someone can be good as a Michael Phelps, right? Like how many years do you have where you could just dominate swimming like that? Do you got 10?
Starting point is 01:35:13 Is that real? Is that a real number? Is it 15? I mean, what is it? How long can you keep? You definitely can't keep it up forever. So like when does everything just fall apart? So when you're watching someone who can do crazy shit with their body
Starting point is 01:35:26 and then you see a tackle like that that leads to a guy being paralyzed, you're like, oh, man. Fuck, dude. That's hard, you know? But you wouldn't want, would you want it to change? Football? Yeah, I think they should have big balloon helmets on. Big, silly-looking, super soft, bouncy helmets.
Starting point is 01:35:51 Would you want it to change? I've been thinking about that. I think it's going to change a little bit. If you were the commissioner. If someone said, young Jamie, you seem to know what the fuck you're talking about. Would you please do us a favor and tell us how to run this football thing? Yeah, there's things I think they could do to change it. There's stronger helmets they could
Starting point is 01:36:07 probably be using. I don't know if that would help them. I could probably have some more protection. The technology is probably around the corner. It's probably like some type of weird airbag in a helmet that they're going to end up getting or something weird. Right, like maybe a decelerator or something like that that absorbs the impact of the hit on your head
Starting point is 01:36:24 so it doesn't snap you back. The conventional wisdom is that the helmets actually make it worse because they can hit each other much harder, whereas they get more damage than a rugby player gets. Rugby players, because they know there's no padding, they're not doing the same kind of crazy shit. Yeah. It requires different techniques if you want to have a career. And I just, I mean, in rugby, obviously, they get down and dirty, and it's a very, very tough game.
Starting point is 01:36:50 But you have to do a totally different thing when you're not padded up. It's like if you watch their scrums and you watch some of the crazy physical altercations they have, it looks more like running and wrestling. There's a lot of wrestling involved. Whereas with football, it's just this fucking chaos of colliding bodies and people fucking smashing into people and jumping over people. I just re-listened to that NPR episode about football and how it started, and that's how football used to be.
Starting point is 01:37:17 It used to just be two people or two teams would line up, and they'd just run into each other and scrum and just slowly move the ball down the field. Slowly, slowly, slowly. And then eventually as time went by, they started adding the pass and things and now it's just the NFL has literally just passed the ball for as many touchdowns as you can get. Hopefully nobody gets hurt. Ian Edwards is trying to turn
Starting point is 01:37:36 me into a soccer fan, but it just didn't take. We tried. We tried. Me and him in a bar. He's showing me some super important game and I'm just mocking it, mocking him, making fun of the whole thing. I could see you being a pro wrestling fan before being a soccer fan. Oh, for sure.
Starting point is 01:37:52 Yeah. No, look, I've stated on numerous occasions I'm a huge Ric Flair fan. Yeah. You know? I love that. We're getting you there. Baby steps. I love The Rock.
Starting point is 01:38:02 I think The Rock is awesome. Yeah. I go to see all his movies i do i went to see jumanji twice i got starstruck i i met rick flair at the airport after the royal rumble it was so crazy our flight had just gotten delayed on the tarmac and then canceled we get deboarded everybody else is waiting at the desk i'm like i'm gonna go to the customer service part of this airline i know how this crap works there's a long line so i'm like i'm gonna go to the customer service part of this airline i know how this crap works there's a long line so i'm like i'm gonna go to the customer service and
Starting point is 01:38:29 i'm walking by myself and there he is walking straight at me by himself and i literally like as i'm getting closer i'm like that's not rick flair that's not rick flair that's not out of my face comes nature boy he And he goes, yeah, man. I'm like, hell yeah, buddy. Do you follow him on Instagram? I follow him on Twitter. I don't know if I do follow him on Instagram. He's got a good Instagram.
Starting point is 01:38:55 I follow him on Instagram. He's the best, man. Just a legend. Yeah. You know, it's like stuff like that that I enjoy about pro wrestling. That's what I enjoy. The most ridiculous aspects of it. I was a big fan of Jimmy the Superfly Snooker back in the day
Starting point is 01:39:09 because it was just so ridiculous that he would always wind up on the top rope with some guy unconscious underneath him and he would fly through the air and land on him. We were always pumped about it. So silly. There's a lot of fun stuff happening there. There is. Yeah. The man. The natch yeah the man the natch whoo the nature
Starting point is 01:39:28 i used to be a fan of bob backland you remember bob yeah of course i was like he's a no-nonsense guy that's a no-nonsense guy that's how i felt about him i felt he was like to me like what embodied an actual wrestler versus the pro wrestler. And he stuck out like a sore thumb. Because he did the pro wrestling thing, but not really. What he basically did is just engulf you on the ground and hit you with some ridiculous real wrestling that you're not really prepared for. His finishing move fucking hurts. Cross-faced chicken wing.
Starting point is 01:40:01 See, he was just, for whatever reason, he wasn't appreciated enough. It hurts. He was too normal. People didn't appreciate him enough. The figure four hurts in real life, too. The figure four leg lock? Yeah. Is that a real thing?
Starting point is 01:40:15 That's, Ric Flair invented it. Oh, I know, but I'm saying, is it a real submission? Look, here's the only catch. It's a real submission, but the person has to basically let you put them in it. Can I see it? Or they have to be completely unconscious. But Bob Backlund, I had you back, buddy, back in high school, when all the other kids were, they only liked the Superfly and then Hulk Hogan.
Starting point is 01:40:37 Here it is. Here it is. Let me see. See, you have to twist all the way around. Okay, let me see this. See, this is the part. They have to be like, hey, what are you doing? Hold on, let me see this. Drops this is the part they have to be like, hey, what are you doing? Hold on, let me see this.
Starting point is 01:40:46 Drops. Oh, yeah, that's totally legit. Dude, if you can get a guy into that position, that shit will hurt. Yep. If you get a guy like Gordon Ryan puts you in something like that just for fun, yeah, he'll fuck your legs up. But here's a, go back to it again. I don't think it's a good position for a couple reasons, though.
Starting point is 01:41:01 Like right there, it's good if you can get to that. If you can get to that. But can get to that but i'm not sure here's the catch stopping him i'm not sure what's stopping him from scooting his butt towards that guy's right leg here's the catch but is that if you can roll over while you're in the figure four leg lock it completely reverses the polars of the uh the earth? Pain. Of the pain. So now, so then Ric Flair would be Oh, no! Well, let me see it again. And by the way, that's also true in real life.
Starting point is 01:41:32 I've tested that. Well, what I'm saying is, like, the position it's, you would there's a natural way to defend it that it doesn't seem like the guy's defending it. That's why like, look. Oh, he's trying to keep him from putting it in there. Oh, he stepped on his dick. Is he stepping on his dick?'s defending it. That's why... Like, look. Oh, he's trying to keep him from putting it in there. Oh, he stepped on his dick.
Starting point is 01:41:46 Is he stepping on his dick? A little bit. That's the Undertaker. You're allowed to? Okay. Oh, this is a sharp... His leg's down. Oh, no, it is...
Starting point is 01:41:51 Okay, that's a heel hook. Yeah, that's different. Okay, the guy... Here's why this is so fucking stupid. The guy who's getting his leg cranked is actually the guy who's in the best position. He's in a heel hook position. Yeah. He can just grab his leg, right?
Starting point is 01:42:05 So who's supposed to be getting hurt here? This is actually... The guy in black. The guy in black? No, no. The guy in black has a better position. All he has to do is reach back with his right arm and hook his elbow onto the ankle.
Starting point is 01:42:17 No, you time out, motherfucker. This is not a figure four leg lock. This is embarrassing. That's a heel hook. He's giving him a heel hook and the other guy's pretending he's in pain. This is crazy. This isn't even a figure four's giving him a heel hook, and the other guy's pretending he's in pain. This is crazy. This isn't even a figure four leg lock.
Starting point is 01:42:27 I don't even know what this is. It's a modified figure four. Oh, come on. Look, he's in agony. No, he's got a fucking heel hook. Take the heel hook. It's right there. You go like this.
Starting point is 01:42:37 You clamp your hands together. The match is over. I mean, it's 100% over. In real life, yeah. Well, what the fuck are they doing then? What are they doing? Winners or losers? Everybody gets a trophy?
Starting point is 01:42:46 Is that what you're doing? You're showing a terrible position. The guy in white is in trouble. What happened? The Undertaker won? That was the different. Oh, he broke out. Yeah, the other guy's doing it wrong for the whole fucking time.
Starting point is 01:42:58 There's the inverted finger for this one, maybe. Okay, this is one. Steps over. Yeah, boy, it takes a lot of work to get someone to do that wow what is that i've never seen that i'll tell you what that is okay that looks painful but to go back to that again let me see that again i think it's the same thing i think it's the same thing go back the same thing no no one a little bit further a little bit further back i gotta go i gotta see the setup i gotta see the setup. I got to see the setup. Okay, he steps over.
Starting point is 01:43:28 The other guy is basically triangling his lower leg. The guy on the bottom is in a better position. This is nonsense. The guy on the bottom fed his leg through the center, which is the worst thing he could have done right there. He had a triangle on that. He should have fed it. He should have tried to go through the – he could have fucking swept that guy with that.
Starting point is 01:43:40 Let me see it one more time. Let me see it one more time. See, this guy is stepping over, and then this guy can just triangle that leg right there. Why is he doing that? He let him put it in the center. Even if he lets him put it in the center, he's supposed to move as soon as that guy spins, and then you're free.
Starting point is 01:43:57 He should have wound up on top there. Oh, see, this is a true figure four. This is John Cena. There you go. Boom, boom, boom. Hmm. It might hurt. Boom, boom, boom. Hmm. It might hurt. Yeah, it'd probably hurt if a guy, a big gorilla like John Cena got you in that shit.
Starting point is 01:44:18 But you have to be almost dead for them to be able to do all that shit. I mean, he might be able to do it to me. Don't get me wrong. Exactly. But it's a person his size. For example, if anybody ever hit a figure four leg lock in a real fight like that would be the most watched world star video ever i wonder if it's been done so the thing is today well john cena reversed it oh that's actually real that's real as fuck that hurts like hell what he's doing is he's fucking that guy's knee up and he's cranking on his neck at the same
Starting point is 01:44:40 time yep and under and under his nose the inside of his wrist. Whoa, you can tap now? Oh, you've always been able to tap. That's the whole point. That's how Ric Flair beats people. I always thought that you get counted out when you pin the guy. That's one way. That's a mission.
Starting point is 01:44:54 Is this a new thing? Countouts. How long have they been tapping for pins? There's disqualification, countouts, tap outs, and if the ref hits the mat three times with his hand.
Starting point is 01:45:04 How long have they been tapping out? How many years? Forever. From the beginning? Bob Backlund, who you mentioned. He's tapped people out? Yeah, it's cross-faced chicken wing. They have submission-only matches.
Starting point is 01:45:13 Right. They go down for 45 minutes. Did they have them back in the Superfly days? I think so. With Iron Sheik? Oh, yeah. Iron Sheik's move, Camel Clutch, submission. That's right.
Starting point is 01:45:20 He made guys tap. They quit. Camel Clutch hurts in real life, too. Why did I block that out of my memory? Mandible Claw is one of the best. That's a weird thing to block real life, too. Why did I block that out of my memory? That's a weird thing to block out of your memory. Why did I block out the tap outs? Because you have not wanted to be a pro wrestling fan. You have been in denial
Starting point is 01:45:34 of your love. Look at this. This is the mandible claw from Mankind. Puts a sock on his hand and then shoves his two fingers underneath your tongue. And then squeezes his thumb underneath your chin in that space and tries to connect it. What do they call that? The mandible claw.
Starting point is 01:45:54 But at one point, it was Mr. Socko when he was working with The Rock and they had the Rocco Socko connection. Mr. Socko, shut your fucking mouth. Yeah. So he's got a sock puppet on and he stuffs it in your mouth and that's how he submits you? He keeps the sock in your mouth and that's how he submits you? No, he keeps the sock in his underwear until it's time. And then when he gets you down,
Starting point is 01:46:09 the crowd goes crazy. He's pulling that ball sweat sock out. He pulls the sock out and lifts it up and that crowd goes insane. That is the dumbest and most awesome thing I've ever heard at the same time. The dumbest and most awesome thing at the same time.
Starting point is 01:46:25 Heck yeah. See, that kind of shit, that's funny. Yeah. That's funny. It's ridiculous. But the thing about pro wrestling is a lot of people, myself included, don't want to enjoy it. They don't want to let go for something like that.
Starting point is 01:46:38 I think you were perhaps weeks away from becoming a pro wrestling fan. I think you're delusional. You've always been an interesting guy, Tony, but I don't trust your judgment on many issues. This being one of them. Oh, I think you're weeks away. You're going to watch Ronda's match, though. You're going to see what happens at WrestleMania.
Starting point is 01:46:57 I mean, you're definitely going to watch highlights. Fuck is wrong with you. Fuck is wrong with you. They rebooted the Cosmos, son. I'm watching that. Oh, my God. It's so fun. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:47:15 But pro wrestling's fun, man. I just took everybody. We went to the Royal Rumble, had a blast, took a whole crew of L.A. comedians out to Philly, saw Ronda Rousey come out. We were all very surprised. It was exciting. Yeah, it was a big deal.
Starting point is 01:47:29 Yeah. You guys got super excited. Yeah, yeah, we went crazy. That part I can't get out. I just, all the nuances to follow along, who's mad at who. Oh, you would love it. They keep it really easy. Just like UFC, they give you a little breakdown before.
Starting point is 01:47:45 They have their own Joe Rogan type who's doing the voiceover. Here's why this person's like this. The technical side of things. They do a cool little background and explanation before so you can catch up quick. And then all of a sudden, boom, you're watching. The only thing that seems interesting about the possibility of that is that it to me is i'm i've overdosed on reality yeah whether it's pawn shows or you know whatever the
Starting point is 01:48:17 fuck it is that's on tv swamp people or people making moonshine all all that stuff. I don't have any desire to watch any more reality. Do you know who Braun Strowman is? No, but what I was going to say is I'd rather watch a really good fiction, like something that's good, some show. Something that's written. Yeah, somewhere I know it's going to be good. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:48:43 All the time. Not every now and then the guy tries to mouth fuck a dude with a sock on his hand no that's kind of funny that's kind of funny but i don't have the kind of time to wait for that to generate it's like when i hear about saturday night live sketches i'm like i'm sure they get one every now and again that's fucking amazing but i don't have i don't have 90 minutes on saturday night i agree with you 100 on saturday night live but they get good ones they get get good ones. Not as good as pro wrestling. Listen,
Starting point is 01:49:06 those Alec Baldwin ones, he knocks it out of the park. There's some funny shit. Still. Alec Baldwin's done some stuff with pro wrestling. I'm sure he has. What's Alec Baldwin's
Starting point is 01:49:18 most popular show? 30 Rock. Pro wrestling. 30 Rock is pro wrestling? No, the rock. I tried to make a reference there, but it didn't work. Isn't 30 Rock just like an address? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:49:28 You're silly. You're a silly person. That's the worst pun you've ever done. You need to take a break from puns. Great fuel. I don't even pun. You rattled off some amazing ones. Every time I'm on this show, you tell everybody that I'm the pun king.
Starting point is 01:49:40 People come see my stand-up. They're like, I'm really surprised that you didn't do any puns after. Dude, you rattled off three or four really good ones right before this show started. I try to hold back. During the whole Jane Goodall thing, you don't think I wanted to say chimpin' ain't easy? I wanted to, but I didn't. Why didn't you say it? Because I don't want to be known as the pun guy.
Starting point is 01:50:00 Dude, you're funny. But I'm funny in other ways. But you are. Don't be insecure. Let your talent shine. You're very funny with puns. I'm trying to show my full balance. You have that, too.
Starting point is 01:50:13 And range. But don't hold your puns back when you know that they're natural. That's the thing. You got them right there. They're popping in your fucking crazy head. You're right. Let them free. You're right.
Starting point is 01:50:22 Let them free, Tony Hinchcliffe. You're right. Let those fuckers free. Let them free. You're right. Let them free, Tony Hinchcliffe. You're right. Let those fuckers free. Let them free. Woo! Punted it up. Yeah. We're nice people, so no, we're not going to repeat what we said before the show started. Where you were rattling off all those puns. I don't remember them.
Starting point is 01:50:38 That's not important. Is there ever been a time in your life where there was something that you now think is really fucking stupid but you believed in then like ghosts or anything goofy like that yeah i still think i there's a slight chance that i saw something one day at the comedy store it's silly but yeah i don't know what it was Maybe I was borderline about to pass out. Maybe it was like a low blood sugar attack, but I saw something weird one day. Out of all the days that I worked there for years.
Starting point is 01:51:13 In the middle of the day one day, I was working the phones on the second floor in the phones room where like the booker's room is now. And I was going outside to the belly room to like smoke a joint or smoke a cigarette or something like that. But that's a dark room. And I was walking through there. And when I was walking through there, I stopped and felt like something. It just felt weird. Like something in my gut felt weird. And I sort of stopped.
Starting point is 01:51:41 And I looked to my right, right where that other door is. Like if you're walking into the belly room from the belly room green room and there's the green hallway and you finally come across so you're right in front of the men's room well right to your right there's that other door that leads down to like the back bar and the back gullet hole everything so those two doorways are right next to each other and i stopped there and i saw some weird white silver floaty looking thing. This was like eight years ago. Could it be cigarette smoke? Someone was smoking cigarettes over there and they blew some smoke?
Starting point is 01:52:12 No, it was indoors. I'm indoors. Somebody was smoking cigarettes indoors? This is back when nobody was at the comedy store during the day. It's impossible to smoke cigarettes indoors at this time. Yeah. Was it smoke? It was more glowing than smoke like it had its own was it
Starting point is 01:52:28 spooky smoke it could have been perhaps a reflection off of headshots but there was nothing on that side it was an empty bathroom may i suggest that this was during the day yes and the dust in the comedy store is world class yeah world class the last time they run a motherfucking vacuum cleaner over those stairs is the first time they run a motherfucking vacuum cleaner over those stairs as you're walking up there i'm just kidding now like it's pretty clean now but that's how it used to be for the longest time and um you're you're gonna see like when the wind like a window's open and the sunlight's coming through you know that glint if there's so much dust there that like you could see it in those little beams like you could see it floating in
Starting point is 01:53:17 the air you'd be walking by going oh great i'm breathing in that it's scary but the kicker those old buildings are like that right kicker with this one was that i didn't tell anybody about it because i was obviously like uh whatever i mean it freaked me out i didn't end up smoking i remember i slowly turned around and walked back to the phone's room because i was freaked out i interrupted you to try to be funny and i failed so could you just explain it one more time like you're you're walking you see this thing What do you see describe it to me? It's sort of like human height But like glowy it sort of looked like like I would say like a jellyfish
Starting point is 01:53:53 It shaped like a human sort of sort of a little bit like it seemed like it had like Casper Sort of yes, it's cheesy as that sounds it sort of did like but it was more it wasn't like a solid white it was like here's a question this is a good one like why were ghosts always depicted as being like wispy I was always ghosts were always wispy and flying through the air and the creepy thing is is that's what this sort of felt like it felt wispy like on the sides like there was sort of like yeah like I don't know like a sort of like how you see that with like a fish or something like that right like little tentacles or something moving through the air i know this sounds ridiculous but that's what i saw and now look
Starting point is 01:54:34 it does sound ridiculous but again so do people yeah people sound ridiculous like if we were in a real thing and you had to think about like if there was no life form that changed the environment around it, none. The biggest thing would be like a hermit crab or something like that. It steals a shell and lives inside of it. If that was how most of nature was, like a bear den, the bear dug a hole in the side of the hill. That was it. There's the extent of people and animals and birds making nests. the side of the hill that was it there's the extent of people and animals birds making nests and then all of a sudden you went to a new place and you saw manhattan you would you would be so
Starting point is 01:55:11 fucking freaked out you wouldn't be able to believe that this one organism is capable of altering the environment around it so radically and it's the only thing like it the only thing like it by far crazy dude what we are is very crazy you know i mean i think people are awesome i enjoy talking to them i love what we do i love to be able to podcast and do stand up and have fun and but just what we are just what the human race is, is a weird thing, man. Weird little multicolored thing that wears clothes. Yeah. Constantly evolving. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:55:54 Crazy. We have status. Some of it dependent upon what's on your feet. Wow. He's got some fresh Jordans. Is that a thing still? Did the kids still say fresh? I don't know if they'd be fresh.
Starting point is 01:56:08 I'm bringing back fresh. I don't know if it's gone. I'm bringing back fresh. We need to bring back fresh. You can't let fresh go by. If someone looks at you and goes, Jamie, looking fresh. I think that's still here. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:56:20 It has to be. Looking fresh. I've passed many generations of people thinking that things are cool and uncool. I just missed a lot of shit. No one really says cool, though. Oh. I say that all the time. Well, there you go.
Starting point is 01:56:31 Well, that's cool. You look cool, man. Yeah, Duncan would definitely do it. Yeah. That's cool, man. Yeah, that's fucking cool, man. Yeah, Duncan definitely still says cool it's funny though how those words sort of go in a cycle right like if people
Starting point is 01:56:51 use them a lot and then like certain words you get you get they get used so much that you're like totes you know people start saying thing like that you're like what like where's all this coming from why is everybody saying that there's a bunch of those little weird sayings that people start saying. Yeah. I'm trying to figure out some other ones that people started saying pretty recently. God damn it. I had one
Starting point is 01:57:14 at the tip of my tongue. Really common, buzzy things. Budweiser, like, what's up? Everybody should say what's up to everyone. That was one of the first ones. That's so annoying. That was one of the first ones. But there's been some other ones that people just like little weird patterns that people just repeat over and over again they hear other people say you know it's interesting how those sort of get passed around they sound cool someone says something that sounds
Starting point is 01:57:38 cool and everybody starts saying it yeah there's a bunch of them. Totes my goats. You know what I say, and I really mean it? I say to my friends, I hope everything's groovy. I say that. I always say that in, like, text messages. You know what I say a lot? I mean it. Only in person, but I always say, what's cooking good looking? I found out people love it.
Starting point is 01:57:58 Men love it. Women love it. Everybody loves it. Why not, right? That's a compliment. Instead of just saying hi, it's like, hey, what's cooking? Good looking. Yep.
Starting point is 01:58:07 They tell you Tony Hinchcliffe's a fun guy. Yeah. Right away. Yep. Hey, good looking. What you got cooking? Imagine if that was the only kind of song so you could listen to it. That's all they had.
Starting point is 01:58:22 I was about cooking something up with me man music used to suck that used to be dude imagine back when they only had a harp that's all they had
Starting point is 01:58:33 fucking harp and everybody would just sit around going ahhh they're covered in blood they have fucking sword marks all over their body
Starting point is 01:58:43 and some asshole is up there playing a harp. Are you supposed to take it seriously? They're like, ah! Fuck that harp. I started watching Vikings. I'm on season one.
Starting point is 01:58:54 You ever watch Vikings? It's a good fucking show. The first episode, I was like, oh, this is very TV show-ish. I was prejudiced going in. But it wasn't. The first one is a little slow, sort of setting it up around, because they're setting everything up, and they have to over a long period of time.
Starting point is 01:59:12 And you get to about episode four, it starts cracking, where you're like, whoa, this is a good fucking show. I don't know how much of it is historically accurate, but it is on the History Channel. But, man, the Vikings were crazy. They were doing mushrooms and having orgies, and the women would fight in battle. They were wild fucking people, man.
Starting point is 01:59:36 I don't know how much of this is, like, really, really accurate or what actual historians think about it. I mean, we know that Vikings wereings were incredible warriors big giant fucking dudes and that's like what you see still over there in iceland like you know they have like some of the strongest men competitions like a lot of those dudes come from iceland yeah like duh those are those are the rapers and the pillagers yeah just throwing barrels oh man a thousand years ago those guys showed up on shore covered with armor and swinging an axe and you are fucked. You're fucked. Everybody's fucked. Those guys were crazy. And again, I don't know how much of this show is horseshit and how much of it is actual historical data and how much of it is just dramatic interpretations of what they thought would be cool that would happen. Mostly that, right? There's no way you actually know what they said a thousand fucking years ago bunch of stories being passed down no pictures of the guy you know like you guys things get real weird when you're talking about
Starting point is 02:00:33 a thousand years ago but fuck it's interesting it makes you wonder like how how would i survive in this crazy environment crazy i i get i'm cold all the time all the time yeah all the time there's always a part every morning when i get out of the shower in which i just want to like die right right after shutting off the water before grabbing my towel you would die then yeah you wouldn't be able to make it with the vikings no i wouldn't make it you wouldn't be able to make it uh-uh you've accepted that though totally i like that because you're just not you're not fighting it just like this is who i am it's been that way my whole life i've always hated the cold no doubt it's a big part of the me picking la over new york do you wear footie pajamas um no only because i don't have footie pajamas if i had some a fucking bunch of people if you should
Starting point is 02:01:22 set up one of them amazon gift accounts that some gals have, Instagram fame gals, where people could spoil you. If anybody wants to give me some footie pajamas, I'm 5'9", about $1.45 right now. Let's do this. You need footie pajamas with Bugs Bunny ears. You need a full Bugs Bunny outfit. Yeah. The tan rabbit outfit.
Starting point is 02:01:44 Little sleeping hat up top yeah yeah or yeah anything else it's like too dangerously furry like you can get away with just ears but as soon as you have a tail you have a tail bro hey you have a tail it's not pajamas anymore man that's a fucking costume yeah see right there that's not a costume. That's pajamas. But let me see his ass. Oh, what is his feet?
Starting point is 02:02:09 His feet. It's clearly pajamas because you can't have a costume where the feet are heads, too. Nobody thinks those feet are your heads. That's ridiculous. So those are pajamas. He's got feet. The feet are heads. That doesn't even make sense.
Starting point is 02:02:22 How does that work? Imagine you got, well, I got my big head, then I got two little heads that I walk around on. What the fuck kind of species are you? Look at this. Look at this thing. Wow. So the ears are on top, and then what? You can't get enough mice, so you have to have mice downstairs too?
Starting point is 02:02:37 Is that what this is? Or a rabbit? You can't get enough rabbit? I need more rabbit, Dad. Sweetie, I got you a rabbit costume. You are a rabbit. But my feet aren't rabbits! Look at my feet aren't rabbits, dad!
Starting point is 02:02:51 Debbie's feet are rabbits! Alright, we'll get you the rabbit's feet. Okay, we'll get you the rabbit's feet. But no tail. Does someone demand the rabbit's feet? This is what I want to know. Like, how did it get to that? Did someone say, well, we've been trying to make actual rabbit feet, but they look stupid.
Starting point is 02:03:06 And then someone come along and go, I got an idea. I'm going to take a little stuffed rabbit head and put it right under your foot. What are we doing here? Is this a new mythical creature we're creating? It's got heads on its feet? The fuck is that?
Starting point is 02:03:22 Each feet with its own... Everybody just accepts it. Just take it home. Give your kids some fucked up anatomy lesson. Daddy, look, I have heads on my feet. How come I can't have heads on my feet? That's how it starts. Yeah, heads on the feet is exactly where it starts. Do you ever wear anything weird to bed?
Starting point is 02:03:45 Yeah. You do? Wow. I think ever wear anything weird to bed? Yeah. You do? Yeah. Wow. I think everybody wants to know. We're armor. Never know. Helmets and shit.
Starting point is 02:03:52 It's allowed to sleep in. Oh, that's cool. You got a Superman. He's got a nice one. Superman seems to not actually have a cape, too, which is good. Batman seems to be a real cape. Is that a real cape of Batman? Yeah, this one's a cape, too.
Starting point is 02:04:04 Whoa. So you don't want to sleep with a cape and choke yourself in the middle of the night and die in your sleep. You know? Mm-mm. You know? It just doesn't seem right. The Wonder Woman one. You know what drives me crazy about all this Wonder Woman shit?
Starting point is 02:04:18 It's men who get upset at Wonder Woman. It's the same thing that drives me crazy about this Black Panther movie. What drives me crazy about this Black panther movie what drives me crazy about this black panther movie is people getting upset about this black panther movie on both sides first of all white people making a big deal like oh great oh it's all black people like what shouldn't just be all good people like of course this is the way the story was and this is the way they want to promote it. Why do you care?
Starting point is 02:04:46 I don't care. But then it goes the other way, and I do care, where I've seen crazy liberal psychos, and they were white people, in fact, saying, white people, stay the fuck out of the theater while Black Panther is out. Don't steal their joy with your white privilege. Oh my God. I literally saw something along those lines. I saw a couple of those.
Starting point is 02:05:12 One of them where a woman was asking when it was appropriate to see it. Jeez. And she didn't want to ruin it with her whiteness. Wow. She was totally serious. Totally serious. And those people are real people and they think that that's that makes sense like god damn it when when shaft was out do you
Starting point is 02:05:32 think white people couldn't go see shaft when blade came out 98 did white people stay home like what are we doing are we more divided now than we ever were before we so silly that you can't i want to go see black Black Panther because I like fucking superhero movies and it looks cool. The fact that anybody would give a shit one way or the other, I guess if you're a black kid or a black guy who's like,
Starting point is 02:05:54 hey, this gives all of us hope that there's more opportunity for movies to be made like that, that people aren't really racist and they can embrace a black superhero the same way they can embrace the Hulk or Thor if the movie's really good. And I hope the movie's really good and I hope that's exactly what happens.
Starting point is 02:06:08 But how the fuck did it change so much from when Blade was around? Because when Blade was around, dude, nobody even thought about the fact that it was a black superhero movie. I mean, I guess some people did, but the emphasis was the fact that Wesley fucking Snipes was Blade. Yeah. And it looked good. And he was doing karate and
Starting point is 02:06:26 chopping vampires up with swords and shit it was a fucking badass movie that movie was super successful they did two sequels so like what's changed how the fuck is it changed from then until now what's wise now why is it a big deal if there's a black superhero but it wasn't a big deal then like are we deteriorating or is it just more noise because of social media do you get a more distorted sense of how the country actually feels because the people that are more inclined to chime in regularly and vehemently are oftentimes not the ones who are calculated you know assessing thinkers yeah they're they're maybe a little bit more aggressive
Starting point is 02:07:06 shooting off the cuff so what you're getting is not an accurate representation of how people feel but then you start defending it as if it is accurate and so then people start telling white people to stay the fuck home now you've got craziness and you've got craziness because of the fringe the fringe on both sides but in the middle most people like i hope it's a cool movie yeah like could you imagine if you had a friend and you were gonna you want to go see uh that black panther movie nah man fucking these uppity black dudes just really getting into this movie too much you'd be like what yeah you would you would immediately stop hanging out with that guy and you'd probably tell all of us you'd be like you want to know what that fucking guy said? And we'd be like, what?
Starting point is 02:07:45 Like all you know, all that stuff is disgusting. All of it is disgusting. It's disgusting on both sides. It's like anytime you're prejudiced against white people or even critical about yourself being white that you should stay the fuck away from places. That is
Starting point is 02:08:01 crazy. Not talking about intruding on cultural rituals. We're talking about an awesome movie. Everybody who can buy a ticket should buy a ticket. It'll make the movie more successful. You want giant opening weekends. If you really love this movie and you want movies like this to be successful, you should be promoting it for everybody. White people, black people, Asian people.
Starting point is 02:08:20 Who gives a fuck? Go see the superhero movie. It's going to be fun. He's got a pendant. It turns into a fucking bulletproof outfit and he fucks people up. You shoot him, he the superhero movie. It's going to be fun. He's got a pendant. It turns into a fucking bulletproof outfit, and he fucks people up. You shoot him, he gets more powerful. It's fun. Go watch.
Starting point is 02:08:31 Like, who gives a shit if it's... I get the people that take pride in it. They feel like something's happening for them, that it's a black guy. But the people that are white that have an issue with it, oh my God. You got to let some shit go. You just got to let the noise go by. Don't let it bounce around inside your head and come up with a yeah but i'm not racist why do i have to get shoved in my face
Starting point is 02:08:49 and yeah everybody's got to meet in the middle it's a crazy time everybody's got to meet in the middle there's way less tension and and uh conflict than is being verbalized that's what i think i think if people just realize that a lot of the shit that we're clinging to is just some ways we've been thinking and behaving for a long time and then we can all just fucking communicate with each other just a little bit better I just don't think I don't think that racism has gotten worse I think it absolutely has gotten worse in some places I think there's places racism exists. And I think those I think when you have young kids that are raised with racism and family members that are raised with racism in a community that embraces racism, which has existed in the past, you know, we don't even have to talk about today. But in the past, there was most certainly really racist neighborhoods, Italian neighborhoods in New York, where if black people moved in, they were treated terribly and horrible shit happened. And a lot of times they weren't even allowed to move in in the first place. There's always been stuff like that.
Starting point is 02:09:52 So if there's always been stuff like that, it's a natural human inclination that we have to iron out. We can't just eliminate it by making it illegal or eliminate it by prosecuting people. We have to figure out why people think like that. It's a scary way to think. Scary way to think that anyone speak, look, first of all, all of us, all of us, almost anyone listening to this in comparison to someone like Elon Musk is basically a chimp. Okay. So you want to be racist. You should be racist about against this African guy that's smarter than everybody. you want to be racist you should be racist about against this african guy that's smarter than everybody like what that's a real african guy from south africa elon musk yes wow yeah um
Starting point is 02:10:32 he's a real african-american yeah like legitimately but obviously there's a difference between black african and i believe is the dutch that originally settled that area. You know, and he's the descendants of those people. But my point is, like, we're all dumbasses compared to that guy. So stop getting all uppity about why people, you know, have better GPAs than whatever other race you're comparing us to. Because you're stupid compared to that one African dude. Like, you're dumb. For sure.
Starting point is 02:11:04 For sure. Like like there's no way your your vote should count more than his yeah right mine personally or most anybody's yours personally i don't know this idea that this one race is better than the other race is fucking stupid the people that are really clinging to it usually don't have shit going on other than that that's the problem with racism it puts people in a camp clinging to it usually don't have shit going on other than that. That's the problem with racism. It puts people in a camp of winners when they really don't have to do shit to get into the team.
Starting point is 02:11:32 You know, the entrance is instantaneous. You just, oh, you're white? You're in. That's ridiculous. That's a ridiculous team. That's one of the main problems with the ridiculous nature of racism, especially organized racism.
Starting point is 02:11:49 You're just going to take everybody that looks like you? That's all. Not how they think, not what they've read, not their life experiences, not how you feel when you're hanging around with them, not how they make you laugh. No. You want to make sure that they have blood from a certain patch of dirt. Yeah. It's crazy. It's so stupid. No, you want to make sure that they have blood from a certain patch of dirt Yeah
Starting point is 02:12:07 It's crazy. It's so stupid and they moved the goalposts too because I'm a white guy now But when my grandparents came here they were dirty guineas. Yeah, you know they were They were thought of the way a lot of people think about Mexicans, you know same kind of thing No, that's changed now. Italians are full-on white. Yep. Totally. Very bizarre.
Starting point is 02:12:29 We almost lost our distinction with Jersey Shore. We almost lost it. Yeah. We came real close to losing it. Close. But we're regular white now, again. Feeling pretty good about regular white.
Starting point is 02:12:43 Yeah. Your whole family's Italian, right? Yep. Crazy Italian. Everybody East coast Italians, crazy Italian. It's almost redundant.
Starting point is 02:12:53 Yeah. Right. Yeah. East coast Italians, different animal. Yeah. My dad has an Italian restaurant though. So it's a little bit like amped up because the whole family will go there on
Starting point is 02:13:03 his side. And my mom makes crazy spaghetti sauce. So that's what everybody wants for every holiday and everything. So everybody's always trying to get like red sauce in their stomach. Yeah. Whether it's one side or the other of the family. You know what's really interesting is that like that sort of style of cooking is not the same out here. At all.
Starting point is 02:13:26 sort of style of cooking is not the same out here at all i literally last night for valentine's day my wife and i thought out a container of my mom's sauce that she sent out in a frozen block and had that instead of going to some fancy dinner that's what we wanted and it was priceless and even then in our i mean every bite you're like holy it's like a new york bagel or something like that to where it's just different, like 70% better than what you can find here in LA. Yeah. There's difference in the bread for sure. There's no doubt about it.
Starting point is 02:13:53 And most people smarter than me attributed to the water. They think that there's something different in the water in the East coast, like New York and Boston that when they make bread, it's just a different flavor to it. I also think that there's something to the humidity in the air. They're actually being, I mean, we forget we live in a desert because it doesn't feel like a desert, but it's a desert. To bread, it's a desert. That's a good point, man.
Starting point is 02:14:13 Yeah. That's a real good point. Yeah. Pasta tastes better there. Yeah. Pizza definitely tastes better there. And bagels taste better there. They have a different thing.
Starting point is 02:14:22 They feel different when they go in your mouth. Hell yeah. Totally. Yeah. They're just better.. They have a different thing. They feel different when they go in your mouth. Hell yeah. Totally. Yeah, they're just better. They're trying hard out here. Some guys are getting really close. Yeah, it's weird how they don't. But if you really want to go cheat,
Starting point is 02:14:33 get a good, solid New York-style bagel out here for a cheat day. Everything's different out here. They try, but it's not ever really the same. Yeah, there's not nearly as many of those Middle Eastern food trucks like as in New York. New York, those Middle Eastern food trucks are everywhere. That have those killer kebabs. Yeah. What do they call those things when it's a kebab sandwich inside a falafel or inside of a tortilla?
Starting point is 02:15:03 What do they call that shit? It's like a pita sandwich. Shawarma? Yes do they call that shit? It's a. It's like a pita, just a pita sandwich. Shawarma? Yes. There you go. Isn't that it? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:15:09 Shawarma, right? Yeah, that's it. And then they have that white sauce that they put on it. You know, they squirt all that shit on. Tzatziki sauce. Tzatziki sauce, right. And then the hot sauce on top of that. Woo!
Starting point is 02:15:18 Fuck yeah. Oh my God. If it's like two o'clock in the morning and you've had like one more drink than you should have, just one more, you're all right. And you're like, oh, but I'm had like one more drink than you should have. Just one more. You're all right. You're like, oh, but I'm so hungry. And you see that. You're like, yes.
Starting point is 02:15:30 We have taco trucks here, though. Yes. Tons of them. That's true. That's true. We have way more good Mexican food here. Way more. But obviously, dude, there's a joint down the street.
Starting point is 02:15:40 I wish we had more time today. I'll take you to one of the most legit Mexican joints in the valley. I don't even want to say the name. I don't want white people to find out how to ruin it. These white ruinous people ruining my authentic Mexican place. You go in there, dude, they got authentic Mexican TV shows playing. Barely anybody understands what the fuck you're saying when you're ordering things. So you have to order dos quesadillas.
Starting point is 02:16:04 You got to talk. You got to read off the menu. A few of those guys understand English, but the food is insane. ordering things so you have to you have to order you know dos quesadillas you gotta you gotta talk you gotta read off the menu yeah a few of those guys understand english but the food is insane they have tongue they have this whole bucket full of boiling tongues lingua yeah they're chopping up making lingua tacos i love that shit white people don't know what they're doing with tongues what do they do they turn it into like some jewish deli food or that's it. But Mexican food, they're like, that's the move. Dude, lengua is expensive. It's fucking awesome. It's really good.
Starting point is 02:16:31 It's a weird sort of texture. Cow tongue. So good. That's a legit place though. And then you go to the, they always have a real legit place. We'll have those little aluminum, chrome looking containers. And they're filled with jalapenos and peppers and onions right and you scoop that fucking those that big clump of death out of there those jalapenos man
Starting point is 02:16:55 there's always those creepy carrots for some reason yeah some people like those carrots take you off those jalapenos but those jalapenos kick your ass you use jalapenos and then it's jalapenos you find in those little dishes at mexican restaurants when you bite into them you're like whoa because it's all seeds fuck taking those seeds out just thinking that that place had a vibe where you got to kind of know what you're doing when you go in there yeah similar to that place you took me in new york it's a famous deli but i can't remember the name is that where we went yeah yeah yeah yeah where you got to know what the fuck's going on or yeah you got to know where the fuck you're ordering and then where you're picking up just it's not cut and dry yeah
Starting point is 02:17:32 but how legit is that unique place i was just thinking very unique to the coast because like in ohio we have our own unique restaurants and food and all that kind of stuff but there aren't places like that where right it's a machine unique to that place unique stuff. But there aren't places like that where it's unique to that place. Unique to Ohio. There are a few places like that, but it's not a similar style of experience. The place is always packed, too. Always packed. Because the food's so good.
Starting point is 02:17:54 Don't lose your ticket. How about that for an interesting restaurant? Oh, that's at Katz. Yeah, Katz is weird. Lose your ticket, try to walk out, they charge you. Yeah, this Mexican joint doesn't do it like that. But the way Katz has it, if you've never been cats deli in new york has been around since whoo god it's i want to say more than 100 years old i think or somewhere in the neighborhood of
Starting point is 02:18:17 100 years old but when you go in there you get a ticket 1888 wow wow wow that's crazy god damn 1888 and i bet they ran it just the way they run it now you walk in they give you a uh ticket and then you walk up to the counters and then this one guy that like cuts up meat another guy has like pickles and this guy they'll give you like samples they'll slice off a piece of brisket for you and you're like, holy shit. Slice off a little piece of that pastrami. Corned beef. Their corned beef is off the fucking charts. And you eat it with real American steak fries.
Starting point is 02:18:55 Yeah. Every bite of it is just better than anything else. So good. It's so good. It's one of my favorite cheat meals. Last time I was there, I was there with little Jimmy Norton and Russell, not Russell, Jeff Ross came over and sat down with us. I was there with you.
Starting point is 02:19:10 Yeah, remember that? It was great. That was awesome. Out of nowhere, those guys just show up. Yep. Dude, that was so good. Well, Jimmy came to meet us there. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:19:17 But Ross, we just randomly ran into. It's awesome. randomly ran into. It's awesome. That place is like, and there's just no, there's no doubting, in my mind at least,
Starting point is 02:19:31 that there's something special about a place that's been used for the same thing for a long time. You know, like a place where you go and you feel it. You're like, whoa. Like this place. Like Madison Square Garden. Like walking around in Madison Square Garden.
Starting point is 02:19:43 We did UFC there. You're walking around, you're like, whoa. around in Madison Square Garden. We did UFC there. You're walking around. You're like, whoa. This place feels different. It's got a resonance to it. Maybe it's just my mind being aware of what an incredible building that is and all the incredible stars that have performed there. But I think it's more than that.
Starting point is 02:20:01 Carnegie Deli is gone. It's closed. It closes at the end of 2016. Oh, my God. As long as they don't close Cantor's in LA, I'm good. I need Cantor's to stay open. Really? Fuck yeah.
Starting point is 02:20:13 Hmm. You don't like Cantor's? That surprises me. I'm not a Cantor's guy. You son of a bitch. I live right... This is, like, where he plays the heel in wrestling. Yeah. He knows Cantor's is amazing.
Starting point is 02:20:22 He's, like, crossing his arms. Look at his body image. You really believe that? Cantor's... Look at him. When do you go to Cantor's? All. He's like crossing his arms. He's the body. You really believe that answers Look at him. When do you go to centers all the time? Oh, yeah Jamie's my real friend. Oh, wow By the way, I live two blocks away from there and you would have met me there and complained about the food Well, I mean if we were canters guys, I'm more in a pro wrestling Greenblatt's is great. Oh, how I'm more of a Panthers guy.
Starting point is 02:20:41 Tony's a Greenblatt guy. I'm more into pro wrestling. Greenblatt's is great, man. Oh, how dare you compare those two. I was bummed out that they closed Jerry's Deli in Woodland Hills. Yeah. Like, no, now you have to go to Encino. Yeah, because they closed the one in Beverly Hills, too. That's wrong, too.
Starting point is 02:21:00 That's wrong. I think they have Manhattan Beach now and Encino. Those are the only two that are left. That's too bad. Old school, real Jewish delis like that, they have the most ridiculous chicken soup. Have you ever had Jerry's Deli chicken soup? Yeah. Chicken soup, their chicken soup with Tabasco sauce and black pepper.
Starting point is 02:21:20 Get the fuck out of here. Mix that shit up. Get the fuck out of here. Mix that shit up. As it's going down, chunks of juicy chicken in there with the noodles and the broth is perfect. They've been making that broth since Jesus was around. Wow. That's a scientific fact.
Starting point is 02:21:38 It's an old, old, old recipe. The broth. It's Jewish food. They've been making that broth since Jesus was around. Allegedly. I don't know if Jesus is real, but that broth since Jesus was around. Allegedly. I don't know if Jesus is real, but that broth's real as fuck. Yeah. Which came first, Jesus or the broth?
Starting point is 02:21:53 Dum, dum, dum. It probably had chicken soup forever, right? Wouldn't you imagine? Did he turn water into broth? No. Oh, you son of a bitch. You thought that was going to sneak through? He turned water into broth. You thought that was going to sneak through?
Starting point is 02:22:03 Turn the water into broth. That UFO, Tony, you were talking about was on Rescue 911. Did you know that? Yeah, Liberty Officer Toby Malaro. Turnbull County. There's a whole thing. It's on YouTube if you can find it. You knew this guy and he was a dick?
Starting point is 02:22:19 Yeah. So you think it's bullshit? Yeah. I mean, let's say allegedly. Yeah. Let's protect ourselves legally. Yeah, he... Obviously, this is Tony speaking. I have no knowledge of this man, whether or not he's honorable or not.
Starting point is 02:22:34 It's not my intention. See, that's the cop. I wondered... There he is. Look, his buddy's laughing at him. Wow. Yeah, that's Toby Malaro. I'll always remember him you know what man if people find out that they can get attention from saying that ufos are real that they saw them they'll do it i know it from firsthand experience i've told the story before
Starting point is 02:22:57 but i don't know if i ever told it to you i was doing a show for cbs called game show in my head and what they had was they had a setup where I had an earpiece in and the person who was the contestant on the show had an earpiece in and we would set them out in the middle of somewhere and then start asking them questions and telling them what they were going to have to do. We'd say, are you ready?
Starting point is 02:23:19 You ready to do this? Okay, here is what you have to do. I told this guy, you are a newscaster. Now, you showed up to do a story about a guy who was taking aboard a UFO, a person who was taking aboard a UFO. But this person's gone, so you have to find a random stranger to pretend it was them and then tell you a story about getting taken aboard the spaceship and getting probed.
Starting point is 02:23:43 And, dude, people just did did it it was the weirdest thing ever here so here it is so this is the young man and this young man was uh look at me so um that's right i'd love that to lie for you and say those things on camera, you win. You have five minutes to win $5,000. Good luck, buddy. So this dude just walks up to people. We'll probably get kicked off of YouTube for using any of this. But this dude just comes up and talks to people and he just explains it to me.
Starting point is 02:24:19 I'm in a real bad situation. There was a UFO visualization or whatever the fuck he says and i just need someone to pretend it was them wow and dude people do it and when they do it they started they put their shit down and they start telling a story and not just one guy i mean he got several people to do it wow yeah listen to the guy well we can't listen to it right we'll get kicked off uh i can take it off. Anyway, you can go watch it. People can watch it.
Starting point is 02:24:46 Game show in my head. I Googled it. The dude's name was Craig. Sorry, Craig, if I can't remember your last name. But he got a bunch of people to talk about being abducted by aliens. The thing was, it was so easy to get. When people know that they're going to be on camera, they get excited. Like, the idea of being on camera is like, I'll just fucking make some crazy shit up.
Starting point is 02:25:08 And then all of us sit back, or like Jane Goodall's like, I talked to two Native Americans and they told me. They're probably giving her wine, trying to get freaky with her. Yeah, I've seen Bigfoot. I know where he lives. They're all getting high and shit you know maybe but for real maybe Bigfoot exists if you take peyote and go in the woods maybe you can see him
Starting point is 02:25:31 maybe you only see a glimpse of him maybe Bigfoot's a ghost that you only see when you're on peyote I think if I'm doing peyote in the woods I'm definitely seeing Bigfoot on top of many other things let me ask you this if you were,
Starting point is 02:25:47 if you could say like with a hundred percent certainty, like what if you had like a thousand dollars to gamble? Okay. Do you think you saw a ghost or do you think you're just playing tricks on yourself? And then the more you think about it, the more you've added stuff to the memory and fuck with that memory in your head.
Starting point is 02:26:05 It's actually a little bit scarier. I'm going to be honest with you. It's a little bit scarier than I even told you. Because get this. That night, after I didn't tell anybody all day, all of a sudden, Jeff Scott, out of all the nights that I've seen him there and hung out with him there, the house piano player of like 25 years, out of all all the nights without telling anybody what I saw earlier, not a soul said that he saw that, that night.
Starting point is 02:26:30 And I'm like, wait, what, what'd you see? And he's like, it was like a white glowing thing like that. And that's when I went, dude,
Starting point is 02:26:40 I saw that thing earlier today here. Oh my God. So there my god so there's the there's the part that I since you want to make it about a thousand bucks bet if I in imaginary money like that part has to be said out loud because that's
Starting point is 02:26:58 crazy we were going to I've freaked myself out there before yeah bunch of times you know what freaks me out the most the the belly room when the shows are off yeah that's what I'm saying that's where this happened yeah that's the spot that freaks me out the most and by the way is it's really contained yeah you know what no I'm not being honest the main room when it's dark freaks me out the most the main
Starting point is 02:27:21 rooms freaky when it's dark I don't even like and being in the back in the main room when it's dark there was a part of every day if you work the phones there you have to walk through that when it's pitch black dark to go turn on the lights to turn on the power breaker for the whole marquee and everything so you have to go out there like five or six before it gets dark because the marquee has to go on before that i have one of them tactical flashlights like the rockwood in many of his action films click you hold it up here like that like it's a ramble knife and shit yeah you know you're looking ahead scary oh jamie's got one right there in case the shit hits the fan jamo's gonna who are you who goes there yeah yeah the building is freaky and that belly room's got
Starting point is 02:28:02 something because it is it's contained and you got Mitzi's unopened, sealed-off office to the other side of that wall. Yeah. Power. Power. That's where Sauron's eye is. Yep. Sauron's ring.
Starting point is 02:28:19 People don't even know about that. That's the, like, think about all the powerful decisions that took place in that one office yeah all the the different comedy that revolves around that one woman running that one club yeah crazy yeah she really stopped and think about it what are the odds of that even being a thing like how does one person who really knows how to run a comedy club the way she did how they exist when no one else no one
Starting point is 02:28:45 does it that way and i'm not saying there's anything wrong with the way the other people do it and some of those other people i love dearly like i love bob at the ice house dearly he runs it different a lot of people run it different what i'm saying is that she did something that was like that's a crazy way to do it let the the inmates run the asylum. Like even that one, when she, she made an adjustment to put him in the 15 year anniversary instead of some other guy. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:29:11 And, uh, that's what got him the next thing that got him the next thing that made him one of the biggest comedy actors ever. Yeah, man. It's, um,
Starting point is 02:29:21 obviously everything was prior Robin Williams, Andy Kaufman, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, Williams, Andy Kaufman, blah, blah, blah, blah. It goes on and on. It's stunning to think of how much comedy comes from the acts of one person, the actions of one person. Look at that ring. Wow. Are you into rings or something? Look at that. It's just crazy.
Starting point is 02:29:40 It's a gigantic black. What do you think it is? I don't know. It's a black and white picture. You think it's Ruby? Maybe. That's something you can never wear, right? It's a gigantic black. What do you think it is? I don't know. It's a black and white picture. You think it's a ruby? Maybe. That's something you can never wear, right? It's huge.
Starting point is 02:29:46 Do you ever think that we would get progressive enough where you could wear rubies? I don't know. I don't know. Dudes can't wear ruby rings. How many dudes, are any rappers like Ultra Super Flossin' wearing rubies? I'm all about rubies. That's my thing. I'm'm gonna be a new rapper that's my name my name is all about rubies them rubies or rubies them seems like culture appropriation i'll just say all about rubies d-e-m dem dem rubies this reminds me of a lipstick
Starting point is 02:30:23 challenge believe that yeah the lipstick challenge. Believe that. Yeah, the lipstick challenge. One of my favorite things. We were high as fuck at the comedy store, and we were trying to figure out some sort of a challenge, and the loser would have to wear lipstick on stage for a year. And you'd have to wear it. You'd have to wear it for the first 15 minutes of your set.
Starting point is 02:30:41 After that, you could wipe it off. Just smear it off? Yeah. For the first 15 minutes of your set, you'd you could wipe it off. Just smear it off? Yeah. For the first 15 minutes of your set, you'd have to have a thing of butt wipes sitting there on your little stool on stage. So you'd do 15 minutes of your act with ruby red lips
Starting point is 02:30:54 like Miranda Sings. Do you know who Miranda Sings is? Yeah. Yeah, pull up a picture of Miranda Sings on YouTube. She's got a YouTube channel and a TV show. Her TV show is Haters Back Off. This is what it's hilarious. So that's her lips.
Starting point is 02:31:08 You're going to have to do your lips like that. Go to a more attractive one right next to that one. There you go. No, go back. There you go. No, go back. This one? That one.
Starting point is 02:31:17 Perfect. Yeah, that's it. See, that's what we're going to do. Just over-accentuate the lips. Clearly go above the actual shape of the lip one year. Man. And you should do a special about it. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:31:30 You should do a special. Say, this is all my lipstick material that I'm going to burn off now because my curse has been lifted. Yeah. One year wearing lipstick. Is he wearing rubies? Rapper's wearing, he's got 270,000. Is that Gucci Mane? Yes.
Starting point is 02:31:42 Boy, Gucci Mane looks so much better now. He's all thin and shit. It's kind of interesting. Like, he's got 270,000 is that Gucci Mane boy Gucci Mane looks so much better now he's all thin and shit it's kind of interesting like he's always smiling too like that dude looks happy as fuck he's out of jail yeah
Starting point is 02:31:52 happy he's out of jail but also just looks like he's smiling a lot he's like it's interesting I think like if I saw Gucci
Starting point is 02:31:58 and he's in all these pictures and he's just kind of like mean mugging I'd have this one thought about him but instead I see Gucci in all these pictures now and he's always smiling about i'll get that that bet that guy's a friendly guy you know it looks like he's having a good time and he's killing it now
Starting point is 02:32:16 out of jail right isn't he like yeah see even i know he's killing it in the rap game he just released a new album he's got i thought he's back in jail. No, no, no, not back in jail. You ever listen to Migos? No. I think you'd like him. Who's Migos? Migos is like a new, it's like a rap group with three guys that, remember the Ying Ying Twins? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:32:40 So they're like the Ying Ying Twins, but better than like with an extra member. Wow. Powerful. I like with an extra member. Wow. Powerful. I think you would like it. Migos rings they just got. And they're like hilarious. They're the funniest interviews. Show me those rings again.
Starting point is 02:32:57 Go big with that. That picture with the fists. Okay. Am I looking at like a half a million dollars in diamonds? Yes. That's real yeah that seems crazy to do doesn't seem crazy to be walking around with a half a million dollars in diamonds hey better to be uh invested in uh diamonds than a bitcoin or something like that right or maybe never know dude that Bitcoin shit might pop the fuck off
Starting point is 02:33:25 and you'll be sitting here hating. Yep. You don't even know. I do know one thing about Bitcoin. If you say I think Bitcoin's stupid, people want to fuck you up. Yeah. If you go talk some shit on Bitcoin,
Starting point is 02:33:37 those Bitcoin fanatics, they're rabid. It's like a little bit of religion. Just a touch. Wow. Just a sprinkle. Yeah, I think it is. Right? Yeah. Just a sprinkle. And not necessarily just it is. Right? Yeah. Just a sprinkle.
Starting point is 02:33:48 And not necessarily just Bitcoin either, but there's a bunch of other crypto coins, which I fully support. I have no dog in the fight. Yeah, me too. Yeah. And we keep five of it, which is all dedicated to Justin Wren, and anytime he wants, he can cash out. This is all from when
Starting point is 02:34:03 Antonopoulos is in there. So I don't really have a stake in it because that's all Justin Ren's money. But real investment in Bitcoin is very fascinating to me because if more people were interested in doing it and it eventually spread through the entire country. If everybody
Starting point is 02:34:20 just decided to do it and everybody figured out how to make it as secure as regular money is, which is not that secure. I mean, people steal regular money, too. They could figure out how to make it more secure and better than it is now, which just seems like they would be able to. You never know who's going to be faster, the hackers or the programmers. It seems like only one. What was the one coin
Starting point is 02:34:46 that someone stole a shitload of recently? You were just telling me about this. Oh, yes. 17 million nano was stolen off of an exchange. Now, what's a nano? It's a different cryptocurrency. That's another cryptocurrency? Another cryptocurrency, yeah.
Starting point is 02:34:59 So the biggest one is Bitcoin. Bitcoin, yeah. Okay, what's the second biggest one? Off of notoriety, probably Ethereum would be the second biggest, I would say. Do you think it's possible that one day artists will invent their own crypto coins, and that's how they buy and trade tickets to shows and goods from the people that support them? Very possible, yes. Think about this.
Starting point is 02:35:26 Golden pony dollars. Yeah. And golden pony dollars is how people pay for your shows. You set up like a bank of golden pony dollars, like a crypto bank. I don't know how you do it. You do some blockchain voodoo magic programmer type shit. Figure out how to do that.
Starting point is 02:35:39 Then, once you set that up, people buy that golden pony money in order to be able to pay you golden pony money for things, but you only accept golden pony money. And only you, you can only spend golden pony money. So the only people that accept your money, the people that accept, you know, like if you want to buy a washing machine, say I'd like to buy it with some golden Tony dollars. They're like, no, they don't like you. We have to like you. They'd go, yeah, Tony, you're a good guy.
Starting point is 02:36:07 You're funny. I really love you on Kill Tony. And your stand-up special on Netflix was a hoot. Sure, we'll let you pay golden pony dollars. And then you could buy a washing machine with golden pony dollars. And that golden pony dollars would be traded exclusively through golden pony fans. And so, like, you really are reliant upon your fans in a way different way. You're only getting paid by your fans.
Starting point is 02:36:29 And when they want out, they're like, fuck this Golden Pony money. I want to get me some of that Sinbad dollars. I want some Sinbad shekels. But they still would have to cash out with me, right? No. No, they don't have to cash out with you. They cash out with somebody else that's in the group. Like a certain amount of money just stays in the group. No, they don't have to cash out with you. They cash out with somebody else that's in the group. Like a certain amount of money just
Starting point is 02:36:45 stays in the group. Oh. Just like they do with Bitcoin. Like there's a certain amount of Bitcoin that exists. And the price of Bitcoin will go up and down, but the number will not change. And so that's their remedy against the modern system that we have with inflation and printing new money and all that shit.
Starting point is 02:37:01 So there's only a certain amount of Bitcoin. I don't if I'm butchering this, I apologize. I'm not smart. You're close. I haven't liked it. Yeah, a little variation, but you're pretty close. And so if you did that with Golden Pony dollars, you would set up like a Golden Pony fund.
Starting point is 02:37:15 Like this is the Bitcoin that I, you know, I've calculated this out with current Bitcoin prices. If I charge you guys $ bucks for this thing whatever the fuck it is then whatever you call the number the name um what you'll be able to do is you'll be able to pay for my shows only using that this is all i'm gonna accept now and then i want to be able to use that to buy things from your store it sounds confusing i'm gonna let people keep using normal money. It's very confusing.
Starting point is 02:37:47 No, it's very confusing. But the idea would be like, say like you have some Golden Pony dollars, you got some George Lopez dollars, you know, like you could, there could be a bunch of people with their own exchanges and it could be worth something to you,
Starting point is 02:38:00 worth more or less, depending on how bad they're killing it right now. It's very confusing it's super confusing what what i'm saying is it's entirely possible that someone like snoop dog is going to come up with his own bitcoin like it would have to be someone super baller that everybody would want their their coin you know it would have to be someone like kendrick lamar dollars yeah yeah see if kendrick lamar puts out a bitcoin or cryptocurrency and he says hey fans this is the only way you could buy tickets
Starting point is 02:38:32 to my shows and when i buy shit i want to buy shit only with this stuff but it's real money so if i want to buy a ferrari with kendrick lamar money better sell it to me bitch because that's kendrick lamar money is worth gold to all the Kendrick Lamar fans Right, it would have to be someone of like a super super high profile to do something like that Some interesting stuff. It's not really you look at your phone asleep. He's barely staying awake for me. This is sort of You're sort of describing one cryptocurrency This is called steam or steam it which is the website that you can look at so it's like the band no no So I like dig comm looks very similar similar to this it's like how that started
Starting point is 02:39:07 so here what would happen how you you would have to exchange some money or another cryptocurrency to get some actual steam but here is the for instance of you uh a person put up a really good article or a piece of content if you will um you upvote it and then that person gets a coin or money from you essentially gets a steam coin you upvote it with a coin and that's a very early or primitive way I guess describing of what you would do so like a person creates content puts it online and then the viewers then exchange a currency for you and that currency only exists in this in this platform but yeah then you can exchange then if another exchange anywhere in the world wants to start up and say like i i
Starting point is 02:39:50 deem your currency valuable you can exchange it for my currency or another currency and that's where that actual value comes see now that makes sense and also especially if people are paying for stuff like if you're writing things or making videos or something like that and then people are paying for that that's a fucking you know we're we're trapped in this idea of this system that we have now as far as like producers of television shows and movies and things like that that this is like how you get a job in show business that seems like how you get a job in show business if you can make videos and and people will give you money for those videos kind of what youtube is a lot
Starting point is 02:40:25 of people have made money off youtube but we're dealing in dollars and whatever in the old system but this seems like more next level this could be the new system yeah i take over yeah well fascinating too because it could be a blog right it could be a video what else could it be this could be anything this is literally just link so um they haven't i don't think this platform has opened up to having like its own video hosting or music being hosted but that would be amazing if you could write like cool ass articles and people could pay you based on the article that might bring articles back man i mean not that articles are gone away but there's a weird thing right now where it's hard for people to get paid um doing digital stuff as much as like most people don't want to subscribe to it's I shouldn't
Starting point is 02:41:08 say it's hard for people to get paid it's hard for people to get people to pay for digital stuff like to subscribe to an online website or something like that that's a tough sell you know right has sort of filled that hole a little bit but you don't get directly paid from posting on there I I don't believe. But people can make a Medium post that has then gone viral and gotten them paid in other ways, like explaining how they do a particular thing, and then that leads to their store, or they can sell some merch that way. They might make a video that's in there, and then they get YouTube money off of that. It's also new, but what you're describing could take off from here.
Starting point is 02:41:45 Well, it seems like if everybody decides to accept that currency, then it seems like it would take off, right? If everybody decided to accept that currency, it just seems to me that there's a few tests, right? There's Bitcoin, there's Litecoin, there's Dogecoin.
Starting point is 02:42:02 Dogecoin. There's a few of those that are still like volatile and still and i saw some article recently about these young guys that were multi-millionaires from cryptocurrency like okay real multi-millionaire or multi-millionaire in cryptocurrency like what i mean same as like a stock person because they might have a bunch of money right then it's some of it's also in stock right but could they when how quickly could they liquidate it some of that depends on exchanges some of its 24 hours some of it's a couple days depends on the actual coin and the way the blockchain works crazy interesting yeah it's very crazy it's very crazy it's um to me when i think about it i i always wonder how long
Starting point is 02:42:44 it's going to take before we shake ourselves of this system. Because this system, as good as it is, and it's definitely good, it's still super complicated and flawed. It's very confusing what's legal and what's legal and why you have to pay taxes in one place, but you cross the line and the taxes are way less. Like, what? Like, like over here you don't pay state taxes at all huh but over there you do what like a lot of the stuff that we we operate a lot of the system that we have is fucking wonky shit the tax system is just one of them right yeah it's all messed up and then a lot lot of people, you know, you can just, whatever,
Starting point is 02:43:25 build an account overseas and avoid it that way. Well, it seems to me that what I was going to say is that if something like a cryptocurrency can really take off and just get fully accepted use, which it's way more accepted now than it was a few years ago when Antonopoulos first started coming on here, and I think you could sort of extrapolate that five, maybe even ten years from now, it might be like really commonplace there's a lot of things you buy with Bitcoin now a lot of things it's really kind of interesting in that
Starting point is 02:43:50 way you know that's if that works out and crypto coins become a real thing cryptocurrency becomes a real thing it's totally possible that can move into politics like that kind of thinking of organizing and like setting up a party and deciding on important issues that all could happen the same way that all could happen through some sort of an online app where people say, fuck all this voting shit. You know,
Starting point is 02:44:14 we have this new super secure thing that Elon Musk figured out and now everybody, all they have to do is have a cell phone number and they take a photo of themselves as they're doing it. So it's biometric, right? So you know that someone's not cheating. You can take a photo of you, you put in your vote and you have little videos for each issue. You can watch little videos on your phone. It tells you exactly what's going on with each issue. Here are people who are pro it. Here are people who are con it. And it's like one of those things where like, have you ever
Starting point is 02:44:43 take a test online? Have you ever done one of of those and at the end you like press send and you press you know all the results all you got 90 right and so you move on that could be the same way i mean it could be something along those lines those things are so easily beatable i just had to do that for traffic school get out of a ticket a couple weeks ago it's so ridiculous it tells you which ones are wrong on the yes or no and they're like uh you want to try it again i'm like uh yeah i don't think everyone's smart yeah i finished a fun fact i finished traffic school what's supposed to be this huge test in like uh i don't know maybe nine minutes minutes. Just next, next, next, next, next, take the test, whatever, then fix the answers, done. They could do that with voting.
Starting point is 02:45:32 Yeah. They could totally do that with voting. Yeah. 100%. They don't want it to be that easy. And that's when there's going to be real weird shit where, like, Logan Paul manipulates the vote. You know what i'm saying like
Starting point is 02:45:45 i don't mean illegally i mean like saying hey go out and vote for this guy you know or kim kardashian i want you to vote for my friend you know she wants to run this motherfucker that is a black mirror episode yeah about like a cartoon character becoming the fucking there you go leader black mirror always has the best ideas i'm always late to the party i think it's coming i think kanye could do it in 2020 if he runs. Eh, he'll fall apart. He don't do well under that kind of scrutiny. But what have we learned?
Starting point is 02:46:10 Falling apart could get you the role. He's not that guy. He's not like that Trump guy. Trump lets that shit roll off his back. For most people, that stuff's devastating. Like, I don't think it's a coincidence that Kanye had that event where he talked about supporting Trump, that he would have voted on Trump. That's what he said, and everybody went crazy.
Starting point is 02:46:26 And then he went crazy, and he checked himself into a... Yeah. Eight days. Eight days in the hospital. Like, it's not good. Right? That's not a person who's good. I mean, who knows what the fuck was going on outside of that,
Starting point is 02:46:39 but the scrutiny compounded it with no question at all. When a bunch of people are mad at you you and all your fans are mad at you, and then you wind up canceling the whole tour. Yeah. You, that's, that guy shouldn't, you know,
Starting point is 02:46:53 obviously shouldn't be president, but I don't even think she's try. I just don't think, it just seems like a lot of pressure for him. And he's, it's a fucking great musician. Make your, make your awesome music.
Starting point is 02:47:04 Yeah, exactly. Make your awesome music yeah exactly make your awesome music don't run for president like when do you think we're ever going to get off of this like people keep saying you know alec baldwin can actually run and win for the democrats okay maybe he could you might be right he might be able to he's totally but when when do we say hey we need we need to rethink this whole fucking system. We can't keep letting popular people run the country. That's crazy. All you have to do is be popular. I like him more.
Starting point is 02:47:29 That's the whole thing. That's been the thing forever. It's just stupid. It's weird. It doesn't make any sense. Shouldn't you have to take a test and we find out who would be best at running the country? Shouldn't there be a test,
Starting point is 02:47:41 like there's a test for the driver's license? Yeah. There's a test for traffic school. There's a test for traffic school? Like, there's a test for the driver's license? Yeah. There's a test for traffic school. There's a test for traffic school? Why isn't there a test for president? Shouldn't you be like, shouldn't you have to have some good answers to some questions they pose? It's the most ridiculous job ever. Because it was created so long ago that it has so many holes in the idea behind it.
Starting point is 02:48:00 Like, you don't have to at least know how to run the country. Like, shouldn't people know the results of your test you should take a test and people say look we got good news and we got bad news the good news is he can read the bad news is he got everything wrong you got everything wrong you can't be president like alright well we got to find a guy who could pass the test it was also popular then people would try to cheat for him. Yeah. Who can keep a budget, who can speak, who can... Obama at least taught congressional law.
Starting point is 02:48:31 Yeah. So you could at least think he would know what's in the Constitution. I would imagine he knows quite a bit. Uh-huh. Have you ever heard of Trump University, my friend? Oh, that's right. He had a whole university. Lawsuit.
Starting point is 02:48:44 He had his own university. How many lawsuits are involved in that? Don't know how many. I think it became a class action. He had to pay $25 million or something to that class. A lot of cheddar. What was Trump University? It was a
Starting point is 02:48:59 How are you laughing Jamie? Yeah because it was like a real estate they show you how to like turn and burn and flip houses and businesses. And they show you how to become a real estate mogul. For-profit education company that ran a real estate training program for five years. Was it any good? Were there success stories out of it? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:49:20 I don't know. It was licensed by Trump university by owned by trump organization but not owned by the trump organization huh probably a different llc or something oh okay multiple lawsuits what an interesting idea who's just going to teach people how to make money so the idea yeah it seems like you know one of those like uh infomercials or something like that he's a fucking character i'll tell you that when all is said and done that will be a guy that stands out in human history we're gonna look at that guy and go wow i think that's what he wanted he definitely got that do you think he's gonna want to to run again? Oh, my God, yes. Are you kidding me?
Starting point is 02:50:06 Are you kidding me? This is what this guy lives for. He lives for watching the news and seeing him on it every day. Is that what they think? I'll show them. That's his whole thing. It's so real. Everything from the inside and everything I've ever heard about the guy says that,
Starting point is 02:50:19 that he's just, I mean. How much longer do you think you can do it? At what age do you start to get worn out by all this shit? Right? I mean, think of the kind of hate Kanye got for supporting Trump. Now think of the kind of hate Trump gets. It is some next level stuff. I mean, you have to have some crazy resolve to be able to absorb that kind of hate.
Starting point is 02:50:42 He's got to be a little insulated from some of it, though. I'm sure. But, you know. They might hide him from some of it, but some of it they actually project on his building. You know? They project shit on his building. They stand across the street with a projector. Hasn't he been dealing with that forever, though?
Starting point is 02:51:00 Not like that. I don't think so. WWE Hall of Famer, by the way. Is he? Yeah, he's been stone cold stunned he's been stone cold stunned yeah he was in what is a stone cold stunner how does that go down oh you don't want to know this one i'm gonna be honest with you joe out of all the one of the many pro wrestling moves that don't seem to be effective this is way up there and the devastation that it leaves like guys are like out for like a minute after a stone
Starting point is 02:51:25 cold stunner and it's pretty bad i'm gonna be honest i love stone cold okay okay one of the greats ever probably the reason why we have the rock is because stone cold was so raw and uh dirty on the mic let me ask you this and i want you to be real do you think that this stone cold stunner existed why'd they shave his head because he lost a haircut match between uh vince and uh between vince and trump one was gonna get that bobby lashley yeah see i know my shit Why'd they shave his head? Because he lost a haircut match between Vince and Trump. One was going to get there. Is that Bobby Lashley? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:51:49 See, I know my shit, dude. Hell yeah, you do. So the Stone Cold Stunner, Steve Austin, has his arm up in the air. He's calling for cans of beers. That's another thing. They hit each other with cans of beers? No, they drink it. Oh, he drinks one.
Starting point is 02:52:02 And they let him drink one in the middle of the fight? He doesn't really. No, the fight's over. Fight's over? Look, he's about to cheers Donald Trump. Steve Weiser. Okay, why is he wearing a shirt? Is he wrestling? He was a ref in this. He was a ref. But he's still about
Starting point is 02:52:15 to stun. Here you go. Hits him. Boom. So it's like he lands on his butt, but your head is on his shoulder and it's supposed to just put you out. Wait a minute. One more time, please. This is so odd so he steps forward let's get a good angle you can find the one there's a good boom bam i didn't even jump jamie there's one where stone cold like stuns every mcmahon and everybody in a ring like there's there was one epic one where he stunned like 30 guys in a row it might be one of the faker things ever i've seen you repost some of
Starting point is 02:52:45 bad things that have been happening it does it hurts every time well you know you need higher quality uh stuff out there see that's a stunner that's a stunner right there technically yes there's the rock boom oh the rock knew how to sell that he's sold that's kane that's the undertaker's brother goodbye yeah the rock made it to sell that. Yeah, he sold everything. That's Kane. That's the Undertaker's brother. Goodbye. Yeah, the rock made it fun, right? Like, it didn't seem realistic. Yeah, I read a thing recently about the people's elbow,
Starting point is 02:53:13 which became his big finishing move, and it was sort of a joke that worked so well with the crowd that they all just laughed about it backstage, and it just became this fucking thing. Okay, let me tell you something. If this guy did this to you, actually did this to you, it would not feel good. This is not a real finishing move, per se, but that could fuck you up,
Starting point is 02:53:30 especially a big, strong guy like you. Not that one. Not that one. But some of them. Because what he's doing is he's grabbing the back of your head and slamming his shoulder into your chin. Yeah. Like, that's semi-legit.
Starting point is 02:53:43 Like, I would not recommend doing it that way oh look at the rock why you laughing he stood up after he got knocked down some of yeah oh look at this that's shane mcmahon that guy fell through the air wait we play that one again boom oh that's hilarious that's a classic mcmahon thing to oversell like a stunner like that. Like Vince does it the best. He convulses and shakes afterwards. You got to definitely have that, though, because you're giving the guy your back.
Starting point is 02:54:13 Yeah. I don't recommend that at all, that move. No. But he could probably do it to me. Yeah. But that would hurt. I'm telling you, it's not the best move in the world. No.
Starting point is 02:54:23 But it's not 100% illegitimate. There's Brock. No, this is Shane McMahon. This is actually a really insane thing that this guy did. How old is he, Tony? Do you know? Shane right now is probably, if I had to guess, I'd say 47. No, he's not jumping off that.
Starting point is 02:54:40 Yeah, he's jumping. He's about 30 feet, 35 feet up at least probably. I don't know if they actually say. Get the fuck out of here. Shane McMahon always's jumping. He's about 30 feet, 35 feet up at least. Probably. I don't know if they actually say, but get the fuck out of here. Shane McMahon always does this. He is like real. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Onto a table. Come on. Yeah. A real table? The Undertaker's about to move. Either way,
Starting point is 02:54:55 it's not a pad. The Undertaker's like, don't do it, dude. I'm not going to show it on YouTube. Oh, I see. Yeah, don't show it on YouTube. So'm not going to show it on YouTube. Oh, I see. Yeah, don't show it on YouTube. So he lands on that thing. So it's a giant spring underneath him. No.
Starting point is 02:55:10 What is that thing? It's just a breakaway table. Oh, my God. It hurts. That's insane that he did that. We all thought he was pretty messed up here. Oh, my God. That's insane.
Starting point is 02:55:21 Why did he do that? It's all for the show. Yeah. Oh, my God. That guy had to get really hurt. Did he get knocked out? He might be. He might be coming out of it.
Starting point is 02:55:31 That's one of the crazy things. You never know what's real and what's not. Oh, my God. Yeah. Mankind did that. Mick Foley, the guy that does the mandible claw, he did that to the Undertaker once. He had a tooth go through his lip. Let me ask you this.
Starting point is 02:55:43 When someone does something like that, do they plan that out to the point where they practice it, or do they just wait to the moment and then do it? Because that seems like if you practice it and it hurt that bad. I think they might practice it maybe with some type of something, but I don't think they practice it with a breakaway table. Oh, my God. These guys are fighting on top of the roof. Yeah, this is like the craziest one ever.
Starting point is 02:56:05 This is Hell in a Cell, 1998. Mankind versus The Undertaker. This is crazy. Undertaker ends up choke slamming him through the whole thing into the ring from the top of there. Do you think you know more about pro wrestling than I know about boxing?
Starting point is 02:56:20 Well, it's a wide field. I think there's more in wrestling history you got to realize wrestling's been wrestling's been a weekly sport the most watched program on cable every monday since i was a little kid so there's a lot more stuff that's happened in pro wrestling right but you know results right yeah like if i told you uh i mean do you know any results from boxing yeah a little bit yeah you know way more about this than you know any results from boxing? Yeah. A little bit. You know way more about this than you know about boxing, right?
Starting point is 02:56:48 Yeah. Yeah. Do you find that weird? No, I'm a pretty big boxing fan. I probably have more than enough. Oh, he threw him off the top? Yeah, there you go. Oh, Jesus Christ. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:56:59 Where does he throw him onto? And by the way, that's the first time anything like this ever happened. So that crowd is literally like, what? Wait, what? Oh, that guy got fucked up, guy got fucked up yeah like he got fucked up for real i don't think you can fall that far and not get fucked up unless you're in falling into a giant pillow these guys aren't falling oh my god no mick foley has like broken every bone and like every injury you can imagine oh my god you see that see him just do a backflip and land right there fuck that dude oh water's good so that's a good move so they're
Starting point is 02:57:32 doing it like uh that ninja show that's obviously it was on boxes yeah obviously that's protected that's so funny the whole dramatic thing the girls are girls are going, oh, my God. Oh, my God. And the guy's there. Ugh, macho. Yeah. Oh, there's the hair. He just fell through the fucking cage. Oh, he fell through this cage? Oh, my God. Is that supposed to happen?
Starting point is 02:57:52 Or was that an accident? I don't know. That maybe was supposed to happen. Look, the way he fell into the center, I bet it was supposed to happen. You can see how the center sort of gave in. Now, how would they engineer something like that? how would they make sure that they're okay like this is like a combination oh my god that guy just broke his leg did he I think so oh don't show me this don't show me this I can't I can't watch somebody breaking their leg for a play it's essentially
Starting point is 02:58:20 a play imagine if there's a play where you break your leg i mean remember people were criticizing spider-man they had a spider-man musical people kept flying off the harnesses and slamming into the crowd or something i think somebody might have died oh yeah um severe injury at the very least what happened during the spider-man musical is that's i think they got it wired though i think they figured it out oh don't show it to me, bro. Yes, please show it. I don't want to see the guy. Oh, fuck. Oh, fuck.
Starting point is 02:58:48 The thing snapped. I think his rope didn't work. Oh, my God. Jesus Christ. Wow. Oh, my God. He's going to have to appear. Did he die?
Starting point is 02:58:59 No. Just this accident. Spider-Man doesn't die. I want to say that there's more than one accident. Yeah, I thought it kept happening. That's why they had to stop. Yeah. I want to say there was a second accident,
Starting point is 02:59:11 but I might have been making this up. This video I just pulled up here is the fourth accident on that show. Oh, Jesus Christ. Good Lord. Right. Now, stop and think about how many accidents they have in the pro wrestling world all the time yeah arenas every week multiple arenas per week sold out yeah and how many of those things must
Starting point is 02:59:32 go wrong in those arenas people have died yeah yeah owen hart fuck you know about owen hart right yeah on the entrance yeah a character he didn't even want to play. Dude. Hard way to make a living. Yeah. All right, Tony, let's wrap this bitch up and head down to Bakersfield. Okay. Hollow, Bakersfield tonight.
Starting point is 02:59:55 Where are we? Fox Theater? Yeah, I don't know. Two shows tonight, Bakersfield. Two shows tomorrow in Fresno. And then Santa Barbara on Saturday night. Yeah. Woo! I was hoping you were going to join in on Ric Flair.
Starting point is 03:00:07 Oh, I didn't realize that's what we were doing. Woo! Bye, everybody. Thank you.

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