The Joe Rogan Experience - #1111 - Abby Martin

Episode Date: April 26, 2018

Abby Martin is a journalist and host of the "The Empire Files" -- ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 Abby Martin, ladies and gentlemen. How are ya? Great, how are you? Good day to be here. A lot of crazy shit's going down. Exactly. It's a crazy day for Bill Cosby. Whoopsies. Hey, I'm reeling in that news, man. Yeah, I was wondering what was gonna happen, because the first one was a mistrial. Is that what happened?
Starting point is 00:00:21 Yeah, but what, so what's the difference between this one? Is this a civil suit or is this? I think these are, these aren't civil. This was the retrial. So he got convicted of felony. Three charges, right? Felony, sexual assault, three different counts. Each one carries, I think, at least 10 years. He could go to jail for 30 years, which is death for him.
Starting point is 00:00:43 I mean, he's. He's already blind. Yeah. He's very, yeah. He can barely see, right? Good. I'm so happy that he's getting charged at the end of his life. That's amazing. He's a creepy dude. He liked to have sex with lifeless dead bodies. Yeah. We were trying to, I mean, purely speculation, right? Like what would cause someone to want to do that? Like what? But I, I have this theory. I think a lot of people did that shit in the 60s.
Starting point is 00:01:08 I think in the 60s, it was a normal thing to drug people. And I think they, you know, remember the terms? Have you ever heard it? Slipping someone a Mickey? I think they used to do that all the time back then. And they didn't think anything of it. That's disgusting. People are fucking gross.
Starting point is 00:01:23 If you just go back a couple of hundred years, like I'm watching show vikings it's a great show by the way i don't know if you ever watched it but uh you know they were obviously fucking crazy people they did wild shit but it was common i mean this was how people lived they would storm into villages and kill everybody this was normal shit just a thousand years ago or so. And I think if you go back just a hundred years, the way people treated each other was horrific. If you go back 50 years
Starting point is 00:01:54 ago, that's Bill Cosby's era. I mean, I really think that people back then were different. They didn't have the internet. They didn't understand how other people were viewing their activity. They thought they could hide this activity and i think there was a group of people specifically you know partiers that would drug people and i think it was a normal thing i think there's probably a lot of people out there that are hearing this bill cosby thing and they're
Starting point is 00:02:20 thinking about all the times that they did it that is horrifying it's fucking scary especially when you couch yourself into being this like responsible like i'm gonna lecture all the black people yeah pull up your pants yeah be good yeah i remember one time wanda sykes interviewed him at something and he was uh chastising her on the way she was talking wow her english and he was wearing sunglasses inside he's like sorry i'm just recovering off the raping that I just did. I can't see people. They can't look you in the eyes. I'm all raped out. Oh my God. I'm so happy to hear this. And did you see Weinstein chased out of that bar, like in Florida or whatever? Some guy comes up and like slaps him in the face. Yeah. Hopefully that happens to him all over the world. I think that he's a disgusting pig who should be chased
Starting point is 00:03:02 out of every public forum. There's a lot of those out there there's a lot of a lot of creepy humans in this world you know i just i think we're in this unprecedented time of understanding in terms of like the consequences of your behavior what you can and can't do now and then the fact that people will just if you're doing something horrific to people other people are now going to know right whereas you know like again 50 years ago nobody fucking knew anything like think about jfk right think about all the shit that's going on with trump and trump just kind of just it's like water off a duck's back with trump for whatever reason so he's got some strange ability to just like fake news that's his brand his brand has been a misogynist piece of shit yeah it's part well it's also he does he's he just says it's lies yeah and he just keeps going and
Starting point is 00:03:50 everybody knows it's not a lie like what are you gonna do well he's not freaking out he's acting like business as usual and somehow or another that's okay like it's but if you go back to like what jfk was up to like jfK was a fucking freak. And everybody knows it. It's like, but he was a freak in the era where the press knew
Starting point is 00:04:11 everything that was going on and everybody, like, kind of kept their mouth shut and everybody, there was like an unspoken agreement that they wouldn't report on affairs
Starting point is 00:04:20 and all the other stuff. And it's just, it's fascinating to see our culture change wildly over a short period of time. Yeah. The tabloid journalism has taken completely over.
Starting point is 00:04:31 I mean, in a sense it's good, but to see what these people are really doing. But yeah, you're totally right. JFK was a complete womanizer. Yeah. He's like lauded as this hero still. I think everybody was back then. Yeah. I think that's what they did.
Starting point is 00:04:44 I think that's why they wanted to be president in the first place, so they could just fuck everything that moves. That's crazy. While trying to save the free world. It's weird. It's fucking weird. We're in a strange time. I think historians in the future, when they go back to the period where the
Starting point is 00:05:00 internet was created, essentially it was like 94 when it became mainstream. I think they're going to look at this time between 94 and 2018 as unprecedented explosion of change. Trump is nuts. I don't understand why, you know, the Stormy Daniels thing I feel like could be his undoing. I don't think anything is going to come out of the Russia stuff. I think that if anything, it's going to come out of the Michael Cohen. Yeah, it could be. But him pardoning Libya is basically him sending a message saying, don't worry, man, I got your back. I'm going to come out of the Michael Cohen. Yeah, it could be. But him pardoning Libby is basically him sending a message saying, don't worry, man, I got your back. I'm going to pardon you if you go to jail to Cohen, I think. Because I mean, why else would you just pardon Dick Cheney's former
Starting point is 00:05:33 man? Oh, yeah. Scooter Libby. Yeah. Yeah. I don't understand that. It was just him basically just being like, don't worry, bro. Got your back. I'll get you out of prison. Bush didn't even pardon that guy. Right. Obama didn't pardon him. He bush didn't even pardon that guy right it's insane the trump stuff's nuts the stormy daniels thing is is ridiculous did you see that interview with anderson cooper no i didn't watch that it's nuts i mean it's just the craziest part about it is not the fact that he had sex with a porn star and that she was trying to do a transactional thing to get on the apprentice it's that he sent someone to threaten her and her child after that. Yeah. He's fucking nuts.
Starting point is 00:06:08 Yeah, I think that's— What is he capable of, you know? I think that's standard operational procedure for a lot of people, you know? He's a mafia acting dude. Well, wasn't that what—who was saying that about—oh, Comey. Comey was saying that. It was essentially—it reminded him of when he was prosecuting the mob, that they have this sort of, you know, same kind of attitude. This us versus them to a bunch of stand-up shows. Everyone just talks about jerking off to pixelated porn in the 80s and their dicks.
Starting point is 00:06:47 Your set was awesome. I really encourage everyone to check it out. It was amazing. I filmed a Netflix special last weekend. How was it? It was great. I'm very excited. Very happy. What is it called? I haven't decided yet. The tour I was calling Strange Times
Starting point is 00:07:04 because, obviously, we're in strange times. I might just keep that. I don't know. I haven't decided yet. The tour I was calling Strange Times because, you know, obviously we're in strange times. I might just keep that. I don't know. I might change the name. I don't know. I really haven't decided yet. I was impressed. There's a lot of really good jokes about Trump, which is you would think would be easy.
Starting point is 00:07:15 But I guess for comedians, it's probably not easy because it's so satirical. Yeah. The world that we're living in. Well, yeah. The problem is reality is already a joke it's like so it's so crazy that you have to have you have to figure out what is your unique perspective yeah you know if you have one you know i just think we're very childlike in what we do with and you know how we treat our leaders and how we choose our leaders. And I'm really fascinated by the cult of personality that goes behind really any big time leader,
Starting point is 00:07:50 whether it's Trump or Obama. There's people that think that person can do no wrong. I was very fascinated by that with Hillary. There was a giant group of people that refused to look at any of the things that Hillary was doing that were wrong. Any of the things like the Clinton Foundation or those speeches that she was giving to these bankers where she wouldn't release the transcripts or the lies that she would talk about, the difference between Comey's version of what the FBI had found her to have done wrong versus her version of it. And there's a video
Starting point is 00:08:20 where you see the two of them back to back. And she's a deceptive person. She's clearly a liar. where you see the two of them back to back and she's a deceptive person she's clearly a liar she's not she's not a good person she's not like this shining example of what we would like our leader to be we'd like our lead like love or hate or obama what that guy was to me was like a statesman like he's so the way he would communicate was so calm and smooth. And he was, you know, if you even if you didn't like his policy, you got to admit the guy was incredibly articulate, beautifully literate, like the way he would speak and communicate, he was well read, like he to me represented what I would like the version of the person who's running the big thing to be. And I think that's the whole crux of people who have brainwashed themselves into thinking there's some sort of like deep state apparatus that's
Starting point is 00:09:09 outing Trump. I think that the real problem, look, the deep state is the military industrial complex. They're winning at the end of the day, no matter what. Defense contractor stocks are skyrocketing. Trump is basically the de facto arms salesman in chief on the phone to the Japanese prime minister being like, hawk these killer drones, bro. Like we got to sell these surveillance drones. That's who's going to win at the end of the day. The neoliberal establishment is who hates him because he removes the mask of empire. That's what he does. He removes the mask. He's making it less palatable to sell imperialism around the world. And I think that's the crux of why you see kind of these think tankers and the liberals on TV. And we can get into this later, but there's a whole misnomer going on about the left and a mischaracterization about the left.
Starting point is 00:09:50 The left has no fucking power in this country. The left has no voice in terms of news coverage. So all these people. What about Rachel Maddow? She is not left. She is a neoliberal corporate shill. You say that and so does Jimmy Dore. Jimmy Dore says the same thing. Yeah. He just thinks that she does not represent the left. Not at all. There's a myth of the fact
Starting point is 00:10:13 that the media is liberal in general. I think that, you know, TV culture aside, news is not, there is no liberal media. Media is owned by multinational corporations with conservative business owners that have interlocking boards of directorates at defense contractors, Monsanto, etc. Those people aren't fucking liberal. They're not left. They push down their policies. It doesn't matter if you're a Maoist working at Washington Times. You're not going to be able to put out that contradictory narrative that your shareholders are pushing. It's really unfortunate that the left has been basically, I don't know. I mean, they've just demonized the entire left where now you have the NRA fomenting civil war against the fucking left. Trump and all of his followers are just like,
Starting point is 00:10:55 the left is what's really wrong with this country. There's no power. We don't have any power. You have given me, like, I have more of a platform than probably any other leftist because you have given me a platform on the show. When have you ever heard my views like on TV ever? You know what I mean? Well, when you were on TV, I heard them. Which is why we go to RT. It's nuts. Yeah. But that's a weird thing too, right? Because people think of Russia, you know, Russia is the great enemy. And you were on Russia today, Think of Russia. Right. You know, Russia's the great enemy, and you were on Russia Today.
Starting point is 00:11:23 Yeah. Like, Abby Martin, she's a tool of the Russians. The Russians. The Russians were nothing forever. Like, the Russians, like, we got through the Cold War. Like, oh, the Russians are our friends now. Whoo! Because when I was in high school, we were always worried we were going to get bombed by the Russians. Right.
Starting point is 00:11:39 That shit went away. Yeah, how does it feel to just have that back? It feels weird. I don't believe it. I don't believe we're going to get bombed by the Russians. I don't think we're going to bomb them. I don't think they're going to bomb us. I think as cliche as it sounds,
Starting point is 00:11:51 mutually assured destruction is probably a really good incentive to not launch missiles into the air. I think that's still real. What do you think about the Syria stuff? Scares the shit out of me. Anything to do with ISIS, anything to do with ideological warfare, all that stuff scares the shit out of me. When you see what people are capable of doing, if they really believe in their cause and they really believe God's on their side, they really believe.
Starting point is 00:12:18 And also, if you really believe you've been fucked over by the great Satan, all that stuff scares the shit out of me because most people are blissfully unaware of what the United States and you know, what the commander in chief or whoever the fuck is pulling the strings is doing overseas and what the repercussions of those actions are going to be. Yeah. That, that the guy who I think, I don't know when the Quebec mosque mosque shooting was, but his basically his justification was, you know, Islamic terrorism wanted made me do this so if that's the case what are all
Starting point is 00:12:48 the people that we kill with drones and we just killed the bride at a fucking wedding party in Yemen so another one of those yes just two days ago bomb wedding party least eight I think that's our thing yeah and it's deliberate because we're supplying intelligence and weapons to Saudi Arabia it's not just you know we supply them weapons and turn a deliberate because we're supplying intelligence and weapons to Saudi Arabia. It's not just, you know, we supply them weapons and turn a blind eye. We are supplying military intelligence and targets for them to bomb. And we are actively helping them do that. So, yeah, they just bombed another wedding party on top of the funerals, hospitals, schools. But why wedding parties?
Starting point is 00:13:18 Was there someone in the wedding party they were trying to get or was it a mistake? I don't even know what the official line is. But how many wedding parties can you bomb before we draw our red line? I mean, it's just disgusting. And they killed the bride. They killed the fucking... So what are all these people who grow up... This was supposed to be the happiest day of their lives. And now, are they going to grow up wanting to kill Americans? I mean, blaming the American government? Yeah. If you were a conspiracy theorist, that's what you would say. You would say the reason why they're doing this is that the United States wants an endless war. The best way to ensure an endless war is to occasionally blow up some people that really have no dog in the fight and you create a bunch of
Starting point is 00:13:54 radicals. You create people that are hell bent on revenge because of that. That's the real hardcore conspiracy theory that Alex Jones take on it. I think that a good way to look at the world is, you know, there's the colonizers and colonized, the states that are basically remaining that we know that the establishment or the empire wants to take down Iran, Syria, Venezuela, North Korea, right? What do they all have in common? They're all independent of our economic hegemony. And so we use our economic and military might to commit violence around the world to subject these countries to bend to our will economically. And it's really obvious. And unfortunately, people just continue to buy into this humanitarian bullshit propaganda,
Starting point is 00:14:35 no matter who's in office. Yeah, it doesn't matter who's in office. If you look at like the actions that the Obama administration took versus the action the Bush administration took, they're super similar. Yeah. Yeah. And this whole deep state thing. I mean, look, is Giuliani a deep state? What do you think about all that? What is the deep state?
Starting point is 00:14:49 Okay. So the deep state, I think, is the military industrial complex. It's the machine that churns on no matter who is the commander in chief. It doesn't matter, right? They're not trying to get rid of Trump. Absolutely not. They love him, dude. Right.
Starting point is 00:15:01 They love this. So look, Trump has a lot of enemies because he's scorched earth. Like he pissed a lot of people off. So of course you have tons of people who hate him. It appears that the media is uniformly against him, but I think it's because Kanye loves him. Should we pull up that Kanye clip? Okay. Kanye on, look up Vic Berger, Kanye on Ellen. This shit's nuts. Oh, Vic Berger onger on Twitter Yeah Vic Berger's an animal Dude he Have you seen the Ellen one
Starting point is 00:15:27 Where Kanye is on No Is this recent No it's just amazing Oh just something he put together Yeah let's watch it Let me hear this Hold on a second
Starting point is 00:15:35 Wait look at Ellen Just look at his face When was this from I don't know Maybe No. Do you want more children? Maybe. We're looking at Kanye. Does Kim want more children? Make crazy faces. Now, hey, it gets really good.
Starting point is 00:15:55 But do you want more? Does Kim want more? Ye is in the building! Throw your money in the air right now! Put your hands in the air right now! Now is this out of context? Or is that the real question? No, no, no, no. It gets really good though.
Starting point is 00:16:21 Okay, I'm with you. Yeah, it's in the building. Throw your money. Hey, put your ass right there. Okay, I'm with you. Ye is in the building. What is he saying is in the building? Kanye is in the building. Oh, yeah, Ye is in the building. Ye is in the building. Oh, I read this part. What's dead?
Starting point is 00:16:35 Picasso. Steve Jobs is dead. Walt Disney is dead. I'm dead. What? Look at Ellen It ain't no joke As Rakim said Did you see that he wrote
Starting point is 00:16:58 That he was going to be the next president He tweeted to Harvey Levin From TMZ They called him erratic He's like please don't call me erratic. You're speaking to your next president. Oh my God. Did you see Kim say like,
Starting point is 00:17:11 look, you guys, Kanye is just living in the future in a couple of years. Someone else is going to say what he does and you're going to praise him. Oh yeah. Like really? She's just trying to keep them home. It's just like,
Starting point is 00:17:21 she's got to say whatever she can. Keep it from vanishing. So bizarre though I wish I knew what was really going on like Jamie thinks it's a big part of it a big publicity stump because he's got an album coming out look at him nodding a million percent
Starting point is 00:17:35 well there's a huge vacuum to be filled all you have to do is be a token person like the Joy Villa woman who was like alright I'm going to wear a Trump dress to the Grammys and then I'm just going to sell tons of records because there is a huge vacuum to be filled of of trump supporters who are looking for people like this there's definitely that there's definitely that it's fascinating to me it's really interesting because he's changed the what what's possible and this is one thing that trump has absolutely done like when he won
Starting point is 00:18:02 like that changes who can be president it really does because it's now like okay we know that the you know i mean we've already decided we're willing to elect someone that we know really probably shouldn't be doing it so now what like we're just electing a famous person so is it what's who's the next person that's why people are like what about oprah yeah it's like no, how about fucking NBC tweeted, you know, our president, you know, like a speech by our president. So someone gives a good fucking speech and then we should vote them into office? Who the fuck is in control of the NBC Twitter page?
Starting point is 00:18:36 That's insane. Like they wrote something about a speech from our, all caps, president. Like what? Wait a minute. I thought The Rock was going to run for a while, and then I was like, yeah, well, and then I saw that he had a big dinner with the Saudi king, and he was like, oh man,
Starting point is 00:18:52 next time I'm bringing the tequila to your house. And everyone was like, Saudi Arabia's a dry country, dude. And he was like, oh shit, and then he deleted the tweet. It's like, obviously you just drank a giant bottle of tequila with the king. And the king's not supposed to drink? Saudi Arabia, yeah. Oh. And who else was there? Oh, Morgan Freeman, giant bottle of tequila with the king and the king's not saudi arabia yeah oh and and um who else was there oh morgan freeman the voice of god and hillary clinton's soul was was with the rock
Starting point is 00:19:11 and the king of saudi arabia somehow this is cool you know but bashar al-assad is a monster yet the king of saudi arabia is a cool dude who we should have dinner with that makes sense is this the young king that's trying to like modernize saudi arabia yeah what is his deal he's like he locked up all those people for being corrupt. Who the hell knows? Probably to consolidate power. I mean, that was the line that came out was like, oh, he's, you know, he's revolutionary, he's reformist.
Starting point is 00:19:32 But I mean, I think that it was just to consolidate power as a power grab and- Someone's cynical. Hey, come on, it's fucking Saudi Arabia, dude. Listen, women can even drive there now. So why don't you relax? Can't they drive? Can they?
Starting point is 00:19:45 They can, right? But not at night or something like that. Right, right. They still have to have their male guardian escort them around. So, dude, last time we were on, wow, crazy, crazy stuff happened after that, right? Yeah. Huge ass snare campaign. A gigantic pile of email, thankfully to the wrong email address but i still was aware of them right
Starting point is 00:20:05 uh of a bunch of people and it was a it was like a form letter um talking about how you're a liar and you're anti-israel and none of this stuff is happening between you know israel and the i just yeah it was it got weird it got weird. It got weird. It was like hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of emails. I don't even know how many were coming in. And that's a campaign. That's a campaign with a large amount of money behind it because the Israeli lobby likes to come down very hard
Starting point is 00:20:35 on people who speak out against the crimes of Israel. As you see, this is a third rail issue. No one talks about it, even though it's so fucking obvious. I mean, we hear the mantra, Putin kills journalists all the time. Well, Israeli forces are sniping dead journalists and children on camera. And yet the world turns a blind eye. Well, someone got killed just a few days ago, right? A journalist just died yesterday. He was shot in the abdomen. Yeah, they're all Palestinian. There's been no Israeli casualties, wounded or otherwise. But yes, Stand With Us is directly funded by the
Starting point is 00:21:04 Israeli government. It's part of their giant Hasbro operation. And that's, they made a video, they were promoting a video trying to debunk what I said on here. Look, you can look at the Empire Files and see all of the documentation of what I said. And that's your stuff. That's all my stuff. Yeah, the Empire Files. The Empire Files.TV. And it's a YouTube channel that you can subscribe to too. But I mean, The Empire Files dot TV. And it's a YouTube channel that you can subscribe to, too. But I mean, it's just very easy, easily verifiable facts like that Israeli military law governs the West Bank. This is verifiable in five seconds on Amnesty International. So it was just very desperate measures to try to obfuscate what I was saying.
Starting point is 00:21:36 And this is really all they have left because the tide is turning, man. I mean, look, Natalie Portman just signed on to boycott this conference in Israel and they are running scared. I mean, they're trying to revoke her citizenship because she's basically participating in BDS because she said recent events have made her greatly disturbed, as it should disturb everyone. The fact that there's this ongoing massacre. And if I could just explain to people what's going on really quickly, it is horrifying, you guys. I mean, there's a thing called the Great March of Return Return and it's been completely nonviolent on the side of Palestinians. It's in Gaza, which is the open air prison where about two million people are housed in cage like animals and they're not allowed to leave. I can't think of any other place in the world that refugees actually can't leave.
Starting point is 00:22:18 Otherwise, they'll be shot. So there's like Israeli guard posts surrounding this place. They count their calories. They don't let them have concrete, anything that can be construed as a weapon, etc. So anyway, they're protesting this, right, because they have no dignity, no humanity, no agency to live their lives. And so they're protesting nonviolently. They're going up to the fence and, you know, thousands and thousands of them and 40 people have just been executed. There's Israeli soldiers sitting up perched on a hilltop with sniper scopes. This isn't just random gunfire that people are being hit with. They are deliberately attacking every single person with headshots, with genitalia shots. It's sick. And press. There's people marked press. I mean, that's an egregious war crime. You have Nikki Haley vetoing every single UN resolution or investigation into Israel. You have Nikki Haley vetoing every single U.N. resolution or investigation into Israel. I can't imagine another country. Why do you think that is? So I think that, you know, look, Israel can only survive with U.S. sponsorship.
Starting point is 00:23:12 And we love to have that beachhead in the Middle East. We love to have that military garrison because we use Israel like what happened in Syria. We used Israel to bomb Syria first to test the waters. We use Israeli forces to execute nuclear scientists in Iran. We use the Mossad to do all kinds of stuff. So we love to have that kind of, you know, military, military post outpost in the Middle East that we can use to try to intimidate all those post colonial states that are independent or we want to overthrow. So I think that's why, you know, a lot of people say, oh, the lobby controls us. And I think that that's wrong. I think that there's a lot of lobbies that have influence, but I think
Starting point is 00:23:48 it's more strategic than that. I really do. And so for the Palestinians, so the Palestinians that are trapped in Gaza, and if they leave, there's no other way to go other than through Israel? And if they leave, there's no other way to go other than through Israel? Yeah, well, they, yes. And a lot of people are like, oh, well, what about Egypt and Jordan? They can try to go out that way. No, I mean, basically, they're all in cahoots with Netanyahu's administration. And they're all basically client states of the U.S. So, no, they can't leave.
Starting point is 00:24:19 And Israel controls their water, the passageways, everything. They don't let them leave. Like, a lot of these people who have been shot with sniper rifles can't even get treatment because they're denied treatment. So there's so many amputations that are totally unnecessary. So now you have like thousands of people who are just amputated. 5,000 people have been shot with live ammunition. And you've been there.
Starting point is 00:24:39 And how much time did you spend when you were there? So I was in the West Bank for a month. And they let you go back and forth from Gaza? No, unfortunately, I was banned from Gaza because I was told I was a propagandist and I was not a real journalist. And I was told I was an Iranian agent, which was confusing because I thought I was a Russian agent. Who was saying that? The press minister of Israel. Huh.
Starting point is 00:24:59 Yeah. Yeah. So I think they thought it was they probably calculated that it would be less risky to just block me from entering than having me go in and show the horrors and the abuses that are going on there. But I mean, we're talking about executing children in sniper scopes and there's videos of these soldiers gleefully laughing. They are literally like, man, did you see his legs go up? Like, look at that shit, man. You get get a headshot idf soldiers have t-shirts where they have pregnant women in crosshairs it says one shot two kills like these people are fucking sick yeah is there a photo of that yes there is look it up idf soldier pregnant women t-shirt they also have crosshairs of babies um what the fuck yeah and then and then not only that but on top of all of this happening you have colonial settlers who come down and they're cheering them on.
Starting point is 00:25:48 They're like, this is the best show in town. They're sitting there drinking coffee and beer and just cheering on this massacre that's been going on for four weeks. Look at this. There it is. One shot, two kills. Wow. Yeah. That's crazy.
Starting point is 00:26:02 So to stand with us, that organization. That is a crazy fucking t-shirt. Yeah. So stand with us and all these other organizations that work on the behest of the Israeli government to try to smear anyone who criticizes it. Your time is up, man. People are waking up. You can't just keep executing people on camera and getting away with it. And, you know, if stand with us means stand with the snipers shooting kids from a sniper scope.
Starting point is 00:26:26 Why are they doing this? They want to terrorize and put fear in the hearts of these people. They don't want them to protest. They want them to submit. They want them to submit. And they basically have dehumanized him to the point where they, you know, you can't put a kid in a sniper scope and kill him unless you have completely dehumanized him to the point where you think that he's an animal. And that's just how it works. I mean, they've been so dehumanized there, it's not even funny.
Starting point is 00:26:54 And what these people are asking is very simple. They want the right to return, which is authorized by the UN when the refugees were expelled in 1948. The right to return to Israel. The right to return to Israel and live as equal citizens. It's not about, you know, like it's not about expelling the Jews or people who live there. It's about living and coexisting and having equal rights. Because right now there is an apartheid state where there's 50 discriminatory laws within Israel proper. Not to mention the fact that the West Bank's under Israeli military law.
Starting point is 00:27:23 Not to mention the fact that Gaza is an open air prison. So within Israel proper, there's apartheid too. So it's sick. We are sponsoring this with $10 million a day. Israel would not survive without the US, which is why I focus on ending the US empire. Because I'm like, it doesn't matter if everyone in the world boycotts Israel. We're still going to subsidize the horrors and the daily atrocities with our tax dollars. And they're not going to stop. And that's why this is so fucking brazen. Wow, have we been vindicated, Joe? Because I can't think of another. I mean, when else has anyone done something this brazen? Committing an ongoing massacre for a month straight, just sniping people who are completely unarmed. This is insane. The only thing I can think of that's slightly similar is when Israeli commandos hijacked that boat. There was a flotilla going to
Starting point is 00:28:11 Gaza to bring wheelchairs because they don't allow wheelchairs in. That can be construed as a weapon, even though there's tons of amputees. There was a boat going with aid workers and they were bringing aid supplies and commandos jumped on the ship like helicopter down and just started executing like people, humanitarians that were going to bring Gaza aid. And the news made it seem like they were like, look at these people on the boat, like hitting them with chairs and stuff. It's like, dude, they fucking propelled onto the boat and started executing people. Of course, you're going to use whatever you can to try to like ward off these soldiers. So that's the only other thing. And that really woke me up to the whole situation is when I saw how the media was covering that massacre. it is atrocious. They're saying there's clashes. They're saying that the Palestinians are dying of head wounds. It's like, no, just say that they were executed with sniper scopes. Like this is
Starting point is 00:29:09 deliberate. But the way that the media plays around and uses this passive voice is just nuts. Whether it's Palestine, Venezuela, Syria, whenever you have like complete media uniformity, just peddling a line, probably the truth is somewhere on the other side. What does Israel want as a state? What do they want from the Palestinians? What do they expect? They expect to just keep the status quo, keep business going as usual, never let those people live a normal life. What do they want? And why do they have so much hate? And why haven't the Israeli people, like, seen the horrors of this and rebelled? Well, to be a leftist in Israel, it's difficult. And to be an anti-Zionist, it's even more difficult because you're rejecting your entire, like, identity. Your religion as well as your political identity. a lot of other things in the past. But this is different because it's ongoing.
Starting point is 00:30:05 And ever since the inception of Israel to today, the colonizers who colonized that land always knew that there was an indigenous Arab population that they wanted to kill or expel. And that's still the goal. Like from Ben-Gurion himself, the original prime minister of Israel, I mean, he said, there's so many Arabs here,
Starting point is 00:30:24 we need to expel them and take their places. So it was never a land without a people and a people without a land. It was always overrun with Arabs. And they've always just wanted to expel the indigenous population so they can have an ethno supremacist state. And that's really what it is. And that's... So can you be, I'm sorry to interrupt you, but can you be a Muslim and live in Israel? Can you be a Muslim and live in Jerusalem? Yeah, but there's so many discriminatory laws that basically it's an apartheid state for non-Jews. Like in what way? Like what are the laws?
Starting point is 00:30:54 I mean, there's so many things that people can check out. But I would really recommend the work of Miko Piled and Ronnie Barkin. They're two anti-Zionist Israeli-born Jews who have extensively talked about this. But, I mean, just in the roads. Like, there's settler-only roads compared to Palestinian. Settler-only. Yeah, compared to Palestinian roads. People have different license plates.
Starting point is 00:31:17 You have different ID cards. So, if you are a person who's… Segregated schools, like, just all that stuff. So, you can't go to a regular school? No, you can. Segregated schools, like just all that stuff. So you can't go to a regular school? No, you can, but it's so segregated and hostile,
Starting point is 00:31:32 and you're so indoctrinated from an early age to basically hate these people and think of them as the other. And I encourage everyone to check out interviews that I did with just average Israelis in the streets because the genocidal rhetoric is very apparent and it's very open. Is there a good one that we could play right now? Sure. Yeah, check out Abby Martin, Israelis, candid interview with Israelis. Did you have one opinion of that situation before you went there and then a different one after you came back?
Starting point is 00:31:56 Well, I didn't even know what Palestine was until I was 18 years old. So when people say, oh, you're only telling us one side of the story. So when people say, oh, you're only telling us one side of the story, look, I didn't know the Palestine side of the story until I was an adult, which really should say something about our education system and our media when you completely obfuscate an entire reality and are only told one side. But before I went there, I had a conception of what it was. But once you go, you really see how much worse it is. So this Israeli party approves annexation plan. sorry i lost it um is this the yeah yeah so go to course palestinian departure yeah go go forward like a a minute or two go forward like two minutes yeah these people after this keep going keep going and what are you asking okay this is
Starting point is 00:32:48 good too okay so so yeah start playing here um so i this is the thing and also the stand with us people in the israeli lobby basically said oh you cherry pick these interviews you only pick like genocidal people to talk to what the hell are you talking about i was in jerusalem there's a place called tolerance square is a bustling shopping. I spoke to people from all backgrounds, all walks of life. And I just asked them very simple questions. What is it like to live here? How do you deal with the problems? And basically, they just were very, very readily comfortable to tell me very crazy genocidal things on camera, thinking that that would actually look good for an American audience. So keep that in mind and check this out.
Starting point is 00:33:26 A lot of people are sympathizing with the Palestinian plight. Can you talk about what it's like to kind of live in this situation? First of all, it's very hard. I also, I'm an organization. It's called Lahava. It's against the Jews shouldn't marry Arabs. Did you say the organization did what again? The organization is, the thing of it is that Jews shouldn't marry Arabs.
Starting point is 00:33:56 Shouldn't marry Arabs. Why do you feel strongly about that? Because Jews is a special nation that God gave it to the Jews, and we don't want Jews to get mixed up together with a different nation. I think Israelis have to take over, and they have to kick them away. It will be much better not to kill them, just to go back to Arab countries. You can't deal with these people, there's no need to try, there's no need to talk to them. What we can do is when they do enough harm, we retaliate. That's war and that's the situation that any Jew who lives in Israel has to deal with.
Starting point is 00:34:39 Do you have anything to say to the Jews? About what? The Arabs are their name and memory be obliterated. It's about to get really crazy. We have to kill terrorists. They'd be afraid to cause us any more trouble. And all will be fine. They'll be in their villages and we'll be here.
Starting point is 00:35:03 We don't have to live together and everything will be just fine. Every Arab that's doing a terrorism attack, we have to kill him. And not because he's an Arab, because he's a terrorist. I think you should also kick out the family because it all begins with the... He's wearing a Sons of Anarchy t-shirt, by the way, which is just so strange. The kids does, you know, it's families. I'm a sinzate, we need to... How do you say kick out the Arabs?
Starting point is 00:35:39 Come on, tell me the words, I don't know. She's like, I don't know how to translate. I don't know how to translate really well. I think we should give them a country. If you're doing any problem, you just go in there to give them a country, and then it's going to be a war between countries, you know? If they're going to throw rockets, we're going to throw one big one and done. I don't think there's any answer.
Starting point is 00:36:03 This is insane. There's only one way, like, I would only one way. I would carpet bomb them. You would carpet bomb them? It's the only way you could deal with it. Or try to stop them a different way. It never worked. You mean all Arabs are Gaza? I believe that they, I hope to believe they're not, but I do think they are. Because I never, I don't trust them. One more crazy one coming up. And that's the only way I believe that.
Starting point is 00:36:35 The only way is just to stop it completely. I think that we're miserable that the Arabis make a big whim and we need to kill the Arabis. The Arabs make a terrorist attack when you kill the Arabs. She's laughing. My friend's like, all right, have a good day. We'll talk about this later, he says. I mean, look, this is reflected in polls. A lot of people, when you look at Israeli society, you know, it started off as kind of a socialist project with the kibbutzes.
Starting point is 00:37:10 And now it's just turned into a fascist supremacist state where Netanyahu reflects the true face of Israel, just like Trump reflects the true face of this country. And when it's getting too toxic for even Natalie Portman to be this ambassador to Israel. You know that the tide is turning. But unfortunately, there's so much shit going on. Congress hasn't said anything. They just totally support this, man. And there's weird BDS legislation trying to criminalize, basically, dissent, where you have contractors in Texas having to sign clauses, promise that they won't support boycott of Israel in order to rebuild hurricane homes. What is BDS? Boycott Divestment Sanctions. It's the movement that Palestinians have asked us to help them to
Starting point is 00:37:50 boycott. And that's what Stephen Hawking was all about. He boycotted scientific conferences in Tel Aviv. So this is what we got to do. And we have to fight our government to stop endorsing these massacres and atrocities. Well, obviously, this attitude that these people have, it's coming from a place, and they were talking about terrorist attacks, like how many terrorist attacks are actually happening in Jerusalem or in Israel? If you look at the breakdown of terrorist attacks, how many are against soldiers?
Starting point is 00:38:17 And that really gives you an insight. Look, these people are being occupied militarily. The occupation is illegal under international law, and resistance is a lot of times acceptable under international law when you're being illegally occupied. So there are terrorist attacks against Israel. Look, not many. And when you look at the actual amount of people who, when you look at those terrorist
Starting point is 00:38:39 attacks and see how many are against soldiers, like how many stabbing attacks are against soldiers, the numbers become very different. Don't you think it's a bit different in Israel and they're more unified because of the fact that mandatory military service exists? So everyone is, if soldiers are attacked, citizens are attacked. They're all the same thing. Everyone is a soldier in Israel, essentially. Well, no, a lot of these are like armed soldiers that are guarding their posts and stuff.
Starting point is 00:39:04 Right, but I'm saying everyone identifies with that because they have to do military totally yep yeah that's the same thing with south korea places that have mandatory military service they have a totally different idea and concept of nationalism so they think like if if a military base got attacked in the united states we would think damn soldiers got attacked we the United States, we would think, damn, soldiers got attacked. We wouldn't necessarily think of it the same way as if, say, Dallas got attacked. Someone, a terrorist attack happened in Dallas. We would think of it as an attack on American citizens, not just military, but their military is their citizens because mandatory military service. Yeah. And what's really weird is during the last massacre in Gaza in 2014, like half of
Starting point is 00:39:45 the Israeli soldiers that died were American because that's what colonial, that's what the colonial settlers are. They go over there from New Jersey and they just post up on top of an Arab village and this is what's happening. I mean, it's sick. Half of the soldiers that died were American soldiers? A lot of them were. I'm not actually sure about this.
Starting point is 00:40:02 But I remember a lot where I was like, why are so many Americans going over there, 17 year olds and joining the IDF? I mean, how bizarre is that? What kind of mentality do you have to have to move from like a comfortable suburb in Philadelphia to go like move on top of an Arab village and harass these people? Is it Jewish people that are doing this? Yes. They want to go back to the motherland? Yeah. There's always this desire to go to the motherland.
Starting point is 00:40:25 Like it's such a tribal thing. It is. To go to the purest form of the conflict, right? Right. Touch the wailing wall and. Yeah. I mean, that's the spot, right? It's the epicenter of conflict too.
Starting point is 00:40:36 That's why it's so sad that so many Palestinians can't ever go to Jerusalem, which is one of their holiest sites is there and they're because, again, they're banned from everything. So if you're a Palestinian and you live in Gaza, you're just stuck. You're stuck forever. And that's why these people are—like, people from America, they're like, why—you know, that's why you have this mantra like, oh, they want to die. They raise their kids to be suicide bombers. No, when you're in Gaza, you are born dead.
Starting point is 00:41:02 You don't have a life. So that's why these people are giving up their lives to send a message to us. That's why they're doing this. That's the only reason they're doing this is to send a message to us, help us. That's all they can do is use their bodies. So their concern is if they open up Gaza, the idea is that if the Palestinians come and they live in Israel with everybody else, that they're just going to cause trouble and kill people and create suicide bombs. That's the idea. That's what they say. Even though when I and the Israeli lobby and the stand with us and all these people have said, you know, you're portraying us as really different than we really are because they like to portray themselves as this peaceful, loving, democratic nation. And they're like, Palestinians will say the same thing about us.
Starting point is 00:41:48 Not true. I was driving around in settler plates in a car that looked like I was a colonial settler. I did not hear one person say anything remotely genocidal about Jewish people. I talked to 50 to 100 people. You look like you could be Jewish easy. Yeah. You could fit right in. I fit right in. Just move on top of an Arab village. I mean, it's nuts. And thank you for letting me talk about this because it is difficult to talk about it. And I'm sure it wasn't easy to get hundreds of emails telling you to denounce me and all that other stuff.
Starting point is 00:42:17 Well, we've been friends for a long time. Yeah. I know you. I'm not denouncing you. And you know it's coming from somewhere coordinated that's a thing there's a lot of money behind these attack campaigns well i and i understand their perspective if they don't have the same experience that you've had being over there and i mean there's a lot of people over here that are extremely loyal to israel that have never stepped foot in israel totally you know
Starting point is 00:42:41 and maybe they haven't experienced what you've experienced. Well, not maybe. Most likely. It's just terrifying to me. Forget about whether it's Israel or Palestine. Forget about what it is. The idea that people could be stuck, born stuck in this spot and really have no recourse and nowhere to go and just be thought of by people that live just a few miles away from you, that you're a subhuman. And that the fact that someone can make that t-shirt with one bullet, two kills, and show a pregnant woman with crosshairs on her belly, that scares the shit out of me.
Starting point is 00:43:14 That is Nazi Germany. I mean, the fact that they can't understand that this treatment of the Palestinians in that t-shirt is essentially the same way the Nazis were looking at the Jews is treating people as the other. It's a very difficult to understand quality of human psychology is that when we're in conflict with another nation, another person, we think of them as less than us, like literally less human, not human, the enemy. They're that thing that we have to stop. And it's been a part of warfare since the beginning of time. Absolutely. That's what's so trippy to me about like the British occupation of Ireland. Because these, I don't know if you've seen that
Starting point is 00:43:55 movie, The Wind That Shakes the Barleys. Holy shit. No, I haven't. I mean, it's just nuts, because I can see like the conflicts around the world. the otherism is usually someone who looks different than you. But this is all white dudes who all speak the same language and they're just massacring each other. Yeah, I was in Belfast a few years back. I did a show out there and after the show we went outside and the cars, the police cars, they looked like they were in the craziest fucking war zone you'd ever seen they first of all the entire thing the front of the car was completely covered in thick steel they had this big steel grate over the windshield they had bomb like bomb shielding all over the car we were looking at the cop car like what the fuck is this like oh yeah man this is when the ira was
Starting point is 00:44:43 bombing this is what they did. They just started setting everything up like this. And we were talking to this driver, and the driver was explaining to us what it used to be like when, you know, they were at war. And what people had done to people that knew him. And, you know, just people that look incredibly similar to each other, again, speaking the same language, just gutting each other in the street, torturing each other, killing each other, Protestants versus Catholics. I mean, it's that thing that humans do where they treat an enemy as something less than them, the other, and just decide that that's the red team and we're the blue team, so fuck them. That is a scary, creepy fucking thing that humans are capable of. I'm not really, yeah, I'm confused about the whole religious,
Starting point is 00:45:32 like how it grew into a religious conflict because originally it was just the British colonial overlords like harassing the fuck and beating the hell and raping women who were just Irish in these villages and towns. And, you know, how much can you subjugate other people and put them in cages like in Gaza or do this and harass them and humiliate them until they do something about it? Yeah. I mean, that's just the nature of human beings.
Starting point is 00:45:56 You can't cage people. Well, if anybody wants, if you really want peace on earth, I mean, is that really possible? First of all, right? There's always a question like we're so tribal and people are so committed to their side and their team. And is it ever possible to eliminate all war? But the first step has got to be we have to be able to identify with those people and see their plight and understand. Put yourself in their position. If you were born in Gaza, if you were born, you know, in Northern Ireland, back when the war was
Starting point is 00:46:31 going on, if you were born, I mean, pick a spot where there's a conflict. You've got to be able to realize like, we got lucky. You got lucky. We got lucky we live in California. We got lucky. I got lucky I was born in New Jersey. We got lucky we're not in Gaza. We got lucky. I got lucky. I was born in New Jersey. We got lucky. We're not in Gaza. We got lucky. We're not where, wherever it is, wherever the conflict is. If you can't see that, if you've blocked off that aspect of your perception, that this is a classic trait that human beings have exhibited since probably the beginning of tribal life, the beginning of like organized groups of people living together in a community fighting against all outsiders. And it's almost like ingrained in our DNA.
Starting point is 00:47:11 The way we stay alive is anybody who's outside of us. Fuck them. Well, like you said, we're only two people ago. It's only literally like, yeah. I mean,
Starting point is 00:47:21 how crazy is that? That's crazy. Yeah. Yeah. Three people ago, we had slaves. Yeah. People ago, three people ago. Yeah. People live to be a hundred. That's crazy. How crazy is that? That's crazy. Yeah, yeah. Three people ago, we had slaves. Three people ago. Three people ago, yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:27 That's it. People live to be 100. That's it. Yeah, that's real. I mean, no one says that. They don't look at it. Human beings, we rely on information, right? We rely on like, oh, that's what's going on?
Starting point is 00:47:39 Oh, I didn't know. Most of us don't know. You're just driving in your car. You're doing your life. You're really not getting information from all over the globe. How many people accurately even understand why North Korea hates us so much? Oh, no one. The amount of fucking shit we dropped on them during the war.
Starting point is 00:47:59 We killed 20% of their population. Yeah. 20%. Yeah. Imagine. How many millions of Americans is that? We're like, ah, that wacky Kim Jong-un, his fucking haircut. You hear what he did?
Starting point is 00:48:09 He's crazy. He has, Dennis Rodman comes over there. They play basketball. I mean, that's literally most people, that's the extent of their understanding of why North Korea distrusts the United States. Even though after we decimated, you know, the entire country, all the infrastructure dropped napalm over the entire country, where we actually retreated only because there was no infrastructure left to bomb. And for the past, I don't know, 70 years, North Korea has literally been building up defenses to prepare for the next time that they know that that will happen. And we're like, oh, my God, they're so fucking crazy. Look at this crazy military fascist state. It's like, well, I mean, there's a reason behind all these things. They don't happen in a vacuum.
Starting point is 00:48:47 I was reading an article today about how their nuclear test site is imploding. They've blown up so much over there that the fucking ground's caving in. They're opening up a portal to hell. Like they're blowing a hole through the earth. But something really good could come out of it with the peace talks.
Starting point is 00:49:04 President Moon of South Korea and Kim Jong-un and now Trump is forced to jump on board. And if Trump can pull this off, then more power to him, man. That's got to be so strange. The North Koreans and South Koreans looking exactly the same, staring at each other across the line. You know, back when I was competing in Taekwondo, it was, you know koreans are extremely nationalistic and uh the south koreans and the north koreans you know they would occasionally compete in north korea it was you know it's got to be so bizarre to think that if you zigged your ancestors zigged instead of zagged if you were born like 50 miles that way you you'd be North Korean and you'd be stuck under the ruling of this fucking wacky son. And instead, you're over here making Samsung phones.
Starting point is 00:49:53 Well, for the first couple of decades, South Korea was ruled by dictators also who were just as crazy. So this whole like, oh, we weren't friends with him because of him being a dictator. It's like, no, you just were trying to, you know, the whole communism. We supported one side. Yeah. And the side we supported makes kick-ass electronics. And they're addicted to plastic surgery. Have you seen what they're doing with women's eyes over there?
Starting point is 00:50:14 No. Oh, my goodness. What? Women in South Korea, it's so common that they get their eyes done. They get their eyes done like an anime character. Whoa. They get their eyes done they get their eyes done like an anime character whoa they get their lids cut yeah they get their lids cut and pulled up so that they have these giant western eyes but exaggerated and it's so common that like if you didn't know any better you would think that this is like oh well some people look like this yeah no there's so much
Starting point is 00:50:43 plastic surgery over there that it's extremely common for these women to get these weird fucking eyes. Jamie, see if you can pull it up because this is something that I became aware of. Jesus. I want to say like eight or nine years ago when I was like, I just thought it was just a girl that looked like that. No way. Like that's not even a good example.
Starting point is 00:51:02 That girl still looks Asian. That's a boy like look at they're doing whoa they're they're Westernizing their eyes but there's some there's some really good that guy got his jaw done he looks better on the right but like that one that's a good example Wow see what they're doing it's like they're doing this strange thing with their eyes or they're making their eyes larger yeah but it's extremely common and whitening cream is yeah it's huge too there yeah see they're they're changing
Starting point is 00:51:31 their eyes before after yay look that's so much more eyelashes well i wonder what was going on yeah see this girl looks painful yeah i'm sure it sucks but afterwards she gets so much more dick like i mean it's well i wonder first of all i wonder why genetically their eyes are like that that's interesting to think of like what like we know that the reason why people in england and ireland and in this northern climate's like why they became so pale they became so pale because they had a very strong lack of vitamin d because there's no sun in the air. So they're basically like a reflector for the sun. They try to absorb as much sun as possible because they live in this cloudy area as opposed to our great, great ancestors who lived in Africa.
Starting point is 00:52:18 And that's literally why white people exist. We're just Africans with lack of vitamin D. So race is a is a construct oh fuck most certainly is but it's also observable right like like there's a clear ancestral origin to certain body types and diets like there's certain people that live in uh parts of west africa they're just fucking phenomenal runners and there's no denying that there's certain traits that people have that you can clearly say i think the real problem is when we say race. The real problem.
Starting point is 00:52:47 And then that gets us tribal again. That's us versus them again. Because it's just humans. It's just humans. It's one race. But humans that live in high altitude climates are much more adapted to low oxygen environments. more adapted to low oxygen environments. Humans that live in like the Inuit that live in extreme cold climates and have no access to vegetables, they adapt to this specific fat rich diet.
Starting point is 00:53:11 Their hands are less likely to get cold. They actually developed like a genetic predisposition for their ability to withstand cold with their hands. Like we would go over there and we'd fucking, our hands would be numb. We'd be like, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck. And they would just be like playing piano and shit. Like it wouldn't even bother them. Like this is genetic.
Starting point is 00:53:32 I mean, this is because their bodies have adapted. But they're one race. It's just humans are malleable. We're super flexible. You know, and you could see that in your lifetime, right? I mean, if someone works out, they develop more muscle, they get stronger. And then there's the concept of epigenetics and the possibility that some of these traits and some of these learned behaviors you're passing on to your children through genes. Have you seen Animal Planet?
Starting point is 00:53:57 What do you mean? What is it? Is it a show? Yeah, it's a show that it shows how animals and the symbiotic relationship between humans and animals. It's really insane. And there's a whole Inuit section, but there's like, you know, tribes in the jungle and stuff who will work with birds to get beehives. And the birds will get the reward and get some honey. And then if you don't give them any honey, then they'll trick you and take you to like a non-beehive tree.
Starting point is 00:54:22 I mean, it's just nuts. And then helping humans fish and man blue planet too is also fucking nominal you have to you would love it dude there's an octopus who makes a seashell suit he literally makes a suit of armor out of shells to block himself from a shark it's nuts it's super nuts yeah animals are huge i mean they're weird and we're we And we're animals, you know? We don't like to think we are because we can talk and sing songs and shit and get our eyes done. But we're animals in some sort of strange way. We're the same as Trump.
Starting point is 00:54:57 Yeah, for sure. Do you see his big boxy suits? He's got a good-ass tailor, man. Well, my favorite thing is the Trump statue. Jamie and I were talking about it yesterday. Which was it? The presidential house of wax or some shit? Oh, no.
Starting point is 00:55:12 The Disney one? Please tell me it's bad. It's crazy. It's like they're punking him. No way. That's great. You ever seen it? Yes, I love it.
Starting point is 00:55:18 Oh, my God. It's so good. Make that larger so you can see what it looks like. Operation Mindfuck Trump. Disney World. Robot Trump debuts at Disney World. But I'm telling you, it doesn't look anything like him. Like, if I was the person who created it, like, look, that's George Washington.
Starting point is 00:55:31 Seems normal. But look at the Trump one. Wait. Like, what in the fuck is that? It doesn't look anything like him. Oh, God. Like, look at it. It's so disturbing.
Starting point is 00:55:40 Can you pause that, Jamie? He looks like he's, like, 20 years older than he is. It doesn't even look like him. I mean, whoever that artist is, like like he's got to be punking him. This is no way He like did some weird shit to his jaw his jaws like extended and creepy He made his neck skin the same artist that did the Christiane Renault Cristiano Ronaldo Bust you saw that right? No, he looks pretty much the same It's easy to go find a photo of it, because in high-res photos, this is a low-res
Starting point is 00:56:07 video, it's difficult to see how shitty it is, but it's so shitty that it looks fake. Like, no, this is not really the one. No, they fucking commissioned an artist, and this is the artist's creation. Where is this animatronic wax museum? I don't know, but I'm going. I don't know what it is. It's in Disney World.
Starting point is 00:56:23 Why is Trump's family so inbred looking? Do you think they look inbred? Eric Trump? He looks odd. He looks like he has no upper gums or something. Look at that. Come on. Oh my god. They're punking him. They're punking him. Good.
Starting point is 00:56:39 But either way, good or bad, this is clearly... Wow, it doesn't look Hillary. Is that the wax museum of Hillary? No, do not tell me that's... No. Okay, they suck. Okay, this is... Fire this guy.
Starting point is 00:56:50 Look at the Obama one. That's terrible. They just suck. I could do better than that. This is like a knockoff wax museum. Look how bad that is. It doesn't look anything like him. Oh, God.
Starting point is 00:57:00 Turn it off. It's great that they can do Jefferson and Lincoln and all that stuff because all they had was drawings. Oh, God. You know? Terrible. Yeah, it's pretty bad. I don't know how we got onto that. Oh, humans.
Starting point is 00:57:13 Malleable humans. Yeah. I mean, I'm hoping, you know, just like slavery doesn't exist anymore in the United States at least, I'm hoping that as time goes on, there's going to be less tribalism. And that as human beings are able to freely travel and communicate with each other, we're going to be dealing with less of this. Isn't it sad that it seems like it's almost getting worse, even though we have all the information available at our fingertips?
Starting point is 00:57:36 We just elected someone who basically got famous politically because he said Obama was a secret Muslim Kenyan. People love hearing that shit. They love hearing that shit. And they don't want to hear anything differently. Do you know what's going on right now between Yeti coolers and the NRA? No. It's fascinating.
Starting point is 00:57:51 Because this just shows how tribal and crazy people get. Yeti coolers. They canceled some. They had these programs. Like go to. Go to. Do you know my friend Ben O'brien's instagram do you know that yeah put it on adam green trees and we could read it but what what yeti did they discontinued
Starting point is 00:58:14 these i forget what they the way they described the program but they had a bunch of outdated um incentive programs where like you know like if you signed up for something, you get a discount, like a discounted program. Here it is. What is Yeti? Outdated discounting program. Yeti makes super high-end coolers. Okay. They're like really expensive, but they literally will keep ice for days.
Starting point is 00:58:39 You could put ice in them and go to the desert, and five days later, you have ice in that cooler. And I'm not bullshitting. Put your elk meat in it. They're fucking phenomenal. I love fucking phenomenal that's exactly what i do with it nice um they're phenomenal so anyway they notified the nra and the organization has changed yeti explained to them that they're offering an alternative customization program broadly available to consumers and organizations including the nra foundation so then the NRA releases this statement that Yeti coolers doesn't want to work with the NRA anymore. They don't support the Second Amendment, so fuck them.
Starting point is 00:59:11 So people start blowing up their Yeti coolers. Just like the carrot coffee maker. I'm not kidding. They fill their Yeti coolers up with that thermite shit. What is that stuff? Not thermite. What's that explosive shit? I know exactly what you're talking about.
Starting point is 00:59:24 Steven Paddock had a bunch of that shit in his car. What is that shit? Or what is that stuff? Not thermite. What's that explosive shit? I know exactly what you're talking about. You know what I'm talking about? Steven Paddock had a bunch of that shit in his car. What is that shit? Trig... not... Whatever the... Is that what it is? And Yeti supporters blowing up Yeti coolers. Yeah, he says it's all a big mistake. But look at this.
Starting point is 00:59:34 Look at this. Boom! So he's like, hey, before we do this little thing about Yeti coolers, you can suck my dick. I'm American! So they filled it up with this explosive shit. And by the way, these coolers are fucking expensive. They're super engineered.
Starting point is 00:59:47 And, you know, they start at like 300 bucks. So this is, look, they're blowing this thing. I'm telling you, these people are just looking for an excuse to blow shit up. But there's a great quote in this article. Which is this article from? What is this website? This is the Washington Post. This is nuts.
Starting point is 01:00:03 There's a great quote in this article that sort of highlights how fucking preposterous this all is it's i mean i don't think it's the washington people are such babies but it's good god but i don't think it's that what i really think is that they want an enemy they're happy when something happens and even though yeti's explained no their whole fucking business is hunters and fishermen and anglers. They're not anti-NRA. They're definitely not anti-Second Amendment. Like, fucking relax. So even after they put out that statement, the NRA doubled down and released another statement.
Starting point is 01:00:36 You know you made a big mistake, and now you're paying for it. Woo! Let's blow up some more. Blow them up, kids! I really think we have a real problem. And especially there's a real problem in that regard because they need to understand. Everybody needs to understand that we should all – anybody that supports any outdoor activities has to understand that the conflict – if you have any internal conflict against each other. other like but the thing about hunters and fishermen all these people what their real opposition is is animal rights activists and radical animal liberation organization type people that's the real enemy the enemy isn't yeti coolers who makes their business selling shit to hunters and fishermen and anglers like these people are crazy so this conflict just shows to me like
Starting point is 01:01:23 people are just looking for a fight. You know how long it takes to get all that fucking explosive shit and put it in a cooler? This just happened. And these guys, we're ready. We got the explosives. What they say about Yeti? Get down with the explosives, kid. Put it in the field.
Starting point is 01:01:37 Let's get the camera ready. We got to put this up on Facebook. I need to get some likes. And they're boom. And they're blowing up these fucking $300, $500 coolers. They're crazy. Buy them. Buy them up.
Starting point is 01:01:48 Yeah, but now this also is really fascinating. I'll send this to you, Jamie, because I sent it to my friend Ben O'Brien, who's freaking out about this. Because Ben is an executive at Yeti, my buddy Ben. Eddie, my buddy Ben. And, you know, I sent him this thing where all these other coolers, all these other cooler companies are freaking out and jumping in and saying, we're all sick. It's on dead spin. Here, Jamie, I'll send it to you right now. Well, these people kill me.
Starting point is 01:02:17 All these alt-right. I mean, I don't know if they're alt-right. That's not even alt-right. But a lot of people who say, you know, liberals are snowflakes and you cry about everything. It's like, dude, you guys guys literally have built careers off being victims. I mean, what is happening here? I mean, I know that this is not exactly the same thing, but it kind of is ridiculous, don't you think? To protest, you throw your Keurig coffee maker out there and smash it with a bat.
Starting point is 01:02:37 Well, that's Sean Hannity. He speaks the truth. And these goddamn liberals are trying to silence the truth. And I'm not having it from Keurig. You want to boycott Sean Henry? I'm going to boycott you. The Laura Ingraham thing was fascinating. Here it is. Bison coolers.
Starting point is 01:02:51 Look at these people. Only tap like if you have a Second Amendment supporting family owned, made in the USA cooler company. We love Trump. We love guns and we love Trump. Join the herd, it says. Look at that. Join the herd. How about join the herd? What? Join the herd. The flock, you. Join the herd, it says. Look at that. Join the herd. How about join the herd? What?
Starting point is 01:03:06 Join the herd. The flock, you mean. Of sheep, you fuck. You're trying to get people to be sheep. Like, join the herd. Why would you say herd? Are people cattle, you crazy asshole? Yeah, they're speaking to an audience there.
Starting point is 01:03:17 There's a great quote in that. Scroll down a little bit, Jamie. Scroll down a little bit. Because of the Second Amendment. So here it is. Scroll down so I can. Because of the Second Amendment. So here it is. Scroll down. Scroll down so I could read that bottom text. So here we find ourselves in the midst of a dumb as rocks arm race between essentially indistinguishable cooler brands all trying to declare their undying devotion to guns more fervently than their rivals.
Starting point is 01:03:39 The whole shit is exactly as stupid as it seems. whole shit is exactly as stupid as it seems. And amid the fog of marketing bullshit and bad faith NRA posturing, there's one truth that none of this mess can obscure. $479.99 is too much to pay for a cooler. Thank you. Well, I disagree because they're solid fucking coolers. They're worth it.
Starting point is 01:04:02 If you're using it for what you're using it for, that's different. If you go hunting or camping, you can keep ice in that thing for five fucking days. Very important to keep those organs fresh. They're insanely good coolers. But who wrote that article? Give that guy some fucking props. That's hilarious, man. The Deadspin author. Patrick Redford.
Starting point is 01:04:16 God bless you, Patrick, for that dumb as rocks quote. This is fucking so stupid. They're blowing up coolers. This is what our discourse has become. It's like mass hallucinations on both sides of the political aisle. You're either a Russian bot or troll or everything's fake news and it's all QAnon. Or you're a libtard. Or you're a libtard or a snowflake.
Starting point is 01:04:36 Let's talk about that other thing. The QAnon thing? No, the guy who blew up or the guy who ran over those people. What is the new word? Ansel? What is the word? Ansel. It um involuntary celibate yeah so these people are killing people because now bourdain was tweeting that there's like some sort of a reddit forum with all these folks and there's like 40 000 numbers totally well the guy who shot a bunch of women in santa barbara a couple years
Starting point is 01:05:02 ago he was also like i'm so attractive why don't you guys want to have sex with me? It's like, look, it doesn't matter what you look like. There's healthy, loving relationships that exist for everyone. Yeah, he was a little cutie. Yeah. A little murder. He was a little cutie. So it's just crazy to me when people blame women and are violent misogynists because they are, you know, they think that they're unattractive and they're basically just blame like attractive women for not having sex with them. It's really disturbing. And this guy apparently mowed down a bunch of people in Toronto because he was one of these people. Insoles creating rules, and honestly, this sickens me. What?
Starting point is 01:05:35 This is the whole Reddit place. Oh, God, don't go down this. Insoles tears. 70,000. 70,000 now, but I think it was 40,000 yesterday. So this is like a bunch of goofballs that just signed up just to read. See what the fuck's going on over there. Oh, no.
Starting point is 01:05:50 Because people are freaking out. But the idea, okay, here it is. Insulteers is a place for folks to submit screenshots, not direct links, of crazy stuff posted by self-describing insults. Oh, okay. So it's making fun of them. So this is the mocking one. There's another one, though. There's another one that Bourdain was quoting.
Starting point is 01:06:07 It's fucking hard out there for a pimp. I get it, but don't take a truck and run over a bunch of civilians because you can't get laid. Should there be classes that teach people how to be nice so people like them? Nuts, man. There's those pickup artist type guys who do seminars on how to pick people up. Shouldn't there be like, hey, this is how to be a nice person. Right. Like this is how you want.
Starting point is 01:06:29 Well, you want a girlfriend? Oh, okay. Well, you got to be someone that people want to be with. Yeah, exactly. How do you do that? Exactly. Some people don't know how to do it. Right.
Starting point is 01:06:36 Some people are just socially fucked up. They live on Reddit. They don't leave their basement. And this is what comes out of it. It's really unfortunate. They need to interact with normal people in society and realize that there's someone for everyone. I mean, you know.
Starting point is 01:06:49 Not really though. There could be. Maybe there are, right? You got to find an insole women. There's no insole women. Women can always get laid, right? There's no such thing. Something tells me there's no insole women.
Starting point is 01:07:01 Well, you know, I know that, yeah. Did you hear about this term before I mean did you hear about this term before I did not know about this term before no how many of these terms are out there that we don't know about that are gonna
Starting point is 01:07:10 blow up in our face yeah right I mean that are gonna commit massacres and then we're gonna have to find out about some other weird subculture on reddit that has
Starting point is 01:07:17 been there's multiple of them it's a fucking weird time to be alive like the weirdest I think in history insane i mean like i said before the mass hallucinations there's no way to have actual dialogue or discourse about reality because you're a russian bot yeah the liberals have not and i mean the liberals meaning the neoliberal the think tank establishment the people that people call leftists which is a misnomer but those people are so in denial about the fact that Trump won that they still just have to blame Russia for
Starting point is 01:07:48 the fact that Trump is our president. They can't accept that he won democratically. So it's really pathetic that now you have them suing the DNC over this erroneous, fraudulent lawsuit that's basically threatening press freedom. They're basically saying if you publish leaks, including Trump's tax returns, you could even say, I mean, this is what journalists do. They publish things that are sure that people give them. That's economic espionage, they said. So this is like this has profound implications for press freedom. And it's incredible how desperate they are. They're slapping a lawsuit on Julian Assange, who's still arbitrarily detained in an embassy.
Starting point is 01:08:22 Did they cut off his internet? Yeah, they cut off his internet. So how's he get online? He is not online. They basically are trying to force him out at this point. And if they force him out they're just going to jail him on trumped up charges because they're trying to get him on this sex charge. But hasn't that sex charge been dropped?
Starting point is 01:08:36 It was dropped. There's a lot of weird things about it initially. I don't know. All I know is that Assange they basically said that they could not promise that he won't be extradited to the U.S., which means they will extradite him to the U.S. And we've already had Pompeo, who's the psychotic co-brother shill who just got appointed, said he wants to basically see Julian Assange go down. I mean, he had harsh words for Julian Assange. So even though Trump talks out of both sides of his mouth on the campaign, he was like, I love WikiLeaks.
Starting point is 01:09:05 He is going to prosecute him, probably to save his own ass and to pretend like he, you know. Did he say, I love WikiLeaks? He actually did, yeah, during the campaign. Isn't Julian Assange banging Pamela Anderson? It looks like he did. Julian Anderson, Pamela Anderson, brought him a bunch of Chinese food to the embassy.
Starting point is 01:09:21 It gets crazier and crazier. It gets crazy. I never thought that I'd see Julian Assange, yeah, promote gateway pundit. That's disturbing. But, um,
Starting point is 01:09:29 what is that? Well, remember last time I was on, you were like, you brought up the whole pizza gate thing and we were talking about a Julian Assange has been, um, I love WikiLeaks.
Starting point is 01:09:37 I think that he's trolling, but it's an irresponsible trolling where he's just kind of trying to stir shit. I mean, I don't know if I were Julian Assange, who knows how I would feel being pushed in an embassy and you know being arbitrarily detained like that and not being able to leave look at all the shit he wrote oh he must be going crazy i mean julian assange literally must be going crazy right i mean especially without the internet the internet was really what was saving him so now that london moreno and look
Starting point is 01:10:03 at all these quotes. Yeah. Yeah, I know. This just came out, Trump said. WikiLeaks. I love WikiLeaks. I love WikiLeaks. I love you. And then again he says, October 2016, the WikiLeaks stuff is unbelievable.
Starting point is 01:10:14 It tells you the inner heart. You got to read it. It tells you the inner heart. What? The guy just flies by the seat of his pants. It's so fucking hilarious. I know. None of this is prepared.
Starting point is 01:10:22 It's been amazing. It's coming from WikiLeaks. And then another one says, another one came in today, Trump said, this WikiLeaks is like a treasure trove. Another one he says, getting off the plane we're just announcing new WikiLeaks and I wanted to say there that, but I didn't want to keep you waiting, said Trump. Boy, I love reading those WikiLeaks. This is hilarious. Like, let him go then, Donald. Let that guy free. Yeah, why don't you... Pardon him. Yeah, pardon his ass.
Starting point is 01:10:47 Well, why wouldn't he? Like, I don't understand why he wouldn't. Well, because he's a bullshitter. He's a con artist and he's tricked everyone into thinking that he's this somehow anti-deep state, anti-establishment guy. And he's not. And Julian Assange, you know, if he pardons him, then that's his undoing, I think. I think if anything, he'll prosecute him. Where's that girl that accused him of surprise sex?
Starting point is 01:11:10 That's what she accused him of. Like they had sex with a condom and in the middle of the night, he had sex with her with no condom. And in Sweden. Snuck it in. And in Sweden, it's. I think they called it surprise sex. Is that a new term? Just like insult.
Starting point is 01:11:25 I think that's what they called it surprise sex. Is that a new term? Just like insult. I think that's what they called it. Surprise sex. But I mean, how the fuck is that guy going to get exported to the United States because of that? How is he going to get deported? Sex by surprise. Oh, sex by surprise. Pamela Anderson's the next honeypot. They need editors because they should cut out a couple of words there.
Starting point is 01:11:42 Yeah, it's insane. And meanwhile, while Trump is this like internet troll, and he definitely is an internet troll, meanwhile, the evangelicals are taking the fuck over. All these Fifth Circuit court judges that Trump has appointed, they're all like from the 1600s. The mentality is like 500 years old. Sessions scares the shit out of me too.
Starting point is 01:12:01 Sessions, DeVos, Pence, Pompeo. It talks about the rapture all the time. Oh, dude. Sessions, DeVos, Pence. Pence, yeah. Pompeo. It talks about the rapture all the time. Oh, the rapture. When is it coming? Does he have an idea? I don't know, man, but they're all doing a self-fulfilling prophecy with Bolton at the helm. I mean, Jesus Christ, with Bolton and Giuliani and Nikki Haley and Pompeo.
Starting point is 01:12:18 What is Giuliani going to do? He's going to fix it? He's going to come in and fix it? He's another deep state outsider. This motherfucker. What is he supposed to do i don't know he's like he's supposed to like end the muller probe and muller's like yeah yeah yeah i'll be i'll get right on that the bolton shit's so nuts though because it's like dude these people
Starting point is 01:12:33 were way too crazy to even be taken seriously during like the bush administration i mean they were the most psychotic outliers of the islamophobic neocon wings where John Bolton's writing op-eds saying why we need to attack North Korea first. Why we need to bomb Iran. Bomb, bomb, bomb Iran. Giuliani meets with Mueller, tries to determine if he has an open mind. Another headline I just saw says he's sort of
Starting point is 01:12:57 he's meeting with Mueller to see or to negotiate an interview with Trump. Do you remember when oh that's it, so he's like the middle man. Remember when Giuliani was rocking the comb over? You think he talked to Donald? Go, Donald, just shave it. Look at me.
Starting point is 01:13:11 Look at me. Look at me, Donald. I'm free. Those silkworms. I'm free. Chinese silkworms that make your head peace. He's got something wacky going on up there. The Taylor man.
Starting point is 01:13:19 He was talking about it. Comey was saying that it appears to all be his. He goes, and I will admit that I gave it a good look. While he was, while I was sucking his dick. You saw the video of it floating. Well, it was Comey. Oh, Comey. Sorry. I thought you were talking about Giuliani. You saw the video of it flowing in the wind. Oh, that was, that was horrifying.
Starting point is 01:13:37 That was the craziest thing ever. That was horrifying. It didn't even look like, it looked like a demon with a Trump suit on. Yeah, that was really, oh God, I actually can that was really... Oh, God. I actually can't. That's almost like demonic. I actually can't. Oh, God. Like there's like a monster's underneath there.
Starting point is 01:13:50 Oh, God. How about that? Like they doll him up. A demon in a Trump suit. Did you see Ivanka Trump holding those vials? Like she was like trying to cure cancer. She's like holding these vials. She's a scientist.
Starting point is 01:14:01 She's like just doing her biology stuff in the lab. Does she do a lot of that? Just testing some samples. Thank God. She's looking at some diseases. Dude, she fucking hates him so much. It's weird, right? Dude. See when he tries to hold her hand? She's like, get away. Get away. There's a bunch of clips of him
Starting point is 01:14:19 trying to hold her hands. She's like, nope. There's a bunch from her wearing the wacky white hat. He's like, come on, hold my hand, hold my hand. Nope, nope. Not gonna do it. People are watching. You gotta hold my hand, people are watching. Not gonna do it. It's so strange. It's like when Anderson
Starting point is 01:14:35 Cooper was like, did you want to have sex with Trump? And she was like, no, of course I didn't. Oh, man. Look at this. I touch your hand. I touch your hand. That's my pinky. I'm trying to get your hand but he got it eventually he got it he got it he got it did you see him look at him poor girl god but you know what's interesting people are really admiring her because of her composure through all this because she's not freaking out going crazy well she's just kind
Starting point is 01:15:04 of keeping it together through all this i mean it's gotta out and going crazy. Well, she's just kind of keeping it together through all this. I mean, it's got to be hard. Yeah, it is. Being the fucking president after this guy, like the scrutiny that he's been under and whether he deserves it or not. I'm not saying he doesn't, but who the fuck would want that microscope up your ass? Yeah. Who would want that?
Starting point is 01:15:19 I think it's an arrangement just like him and Stormy Daniels that she wanted a job in the apprenticeship. Yeah, for sure. But what I'm saying is like, are we gonna get another president like they're gonna do you know what the fuck they're gonna they're gonna look up kanye's ass with a microscope and he's gonna go crazy again he's gonna freak out and go to some insane asylum like he doesn't understand that he's saying he tweeted he was like does this look like the sunken place and it's just like his giant corridor in his house and it's like i don't know dude i think you're like oh because from get out because everyone's like dude you're in the sunken place? And it's just like his giant corridor in his house. And it's like, I don't know, dude.
Starting point is 01:15:45 I think you're like, oh, because from Get Out. Because everyone's like, dude, you're in the sunken place. You know, in Get Out when he sinks down in the sunken place. But he's like doubling down and he's like, does this look like the sunken place? So he's showing his baller house. His mansion. His baller house in Hidden Hills. Just like, have you seen, what is it?
Starting point is 01:16:00 Mayweather? Is that the guy's name? Yeah. Floyd? His Instagram is unbelievable, dude. Oh, it's great. It's all money and bitches. He's all wearing costumes and shit. He's like, I'm the Joker. And he's like, dude, it's not even
Starting point is 01:16:12 Halloween. What are you doing? I'm having fun. I got $400 million in the bank. He's just running around with diamonds on. He's running around with his life before a traumatic brain injury. No, I'm just joking. He doesn't even have brain injury. What's fascinating about him is- Because he whips ass. He's such a good domestic-
Starting point is 01:16:28 Whoa, look at that. He's such a good defensive fighter. Does this look like the sunken place? This is- Just counting his cash. This is Floyd. The breadwinner, it says. He's just sitting there counting.
Starting point is 01:16:38 Dude, there's a hilarious photo of him sitting in the middle of just this huge empty room and he's just like, I don't even know. His captions are hysterical, dude. Kanyeye's a trip he really is a trip and he's he's whether he means to be or not he's a master at getting people to pay attention to him whether whether this is just because he's so wacky that everybody's paying attention to him or whether it's a real calculated sort of maneuver to act outrageous and act like he's out of control. But boy, is he fucking good at it. Here it is. It's like, dude, do you even have any furniture?
Starting point is 01:17:08 There's like a bench at the end of this weird ass hole. Do this look like the sunken place? Cry and laugh. And he's crying and laughing. This house sucks. This looks like a table. It kind of looks like shit, man. You don't really have good style.
Starting point is 01:17:21 What the fuck? Well, he's got a white torso in the background. Scroll up again. But what is that torso in the background? What's that? Kim's like, actually, can we just get that out of here? The waist is too thick. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:17:33 Can you give this thing lipo? A bigger ass. Give it a bigger ass. So strange. This is my corridor. Look at my corridor. Is this a parking lot? Like a parking garage?
Starting point is 01:17:43 Like, what is this? Long ass open space with white walls. Suck it. Does this a parking lot? Like a parking garage? Long ass open space with white walls. Suck it! Does this look like a sunken place? Ha ha ha ha. Wow. Fantastic. Babe, we had a rule not to show our home on social media. So, can we now
Starting point is 01:17:57 allow K-U-W-K to keep it up with the Kardashians filming in the home? This is so weird. Are they? They're communicating only through tweets. This is fascinating. She's like, come home and take care of the kids.
Starting point is 01:18:10 They've been waiting. No! I'm out here being a motherfucking genius. Wow. Poor baby. I'm out here blowing minds. Do you like how Trump is so desperate for attention that he was like, cool, Kanye, thank you. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:18:21 He's like, I love you. I love you, Kanye. Thank you, Kanye. Yeah. I was talking about how I wanted Kanye, or not Kanye, I wanted to meet with Trump to see if I could talk him into actually fighting Joe Biden. It's like, you're a businessman. I would pay to see that.
Starting point is 01:18:36 I'd be like, you're the best at everything. You'd be the best at fighting. Hey, we're in a reality star culture. Why not? Why not bet on fights? First of all, Joeiden's on death door all he has to do is have a stiff jab and joe biden's going down he's fucked you know he could trump really could win just take his just stay just ramp up the diet pills choke him with the
Starting point is 01:18:53 hairpiece you can't that hairpiece is fragile you can't so dude last time i was on i was just about to go to venezuela and um that was insane i went and embedded myself in the protests there holy shit is the media lying about that too. And then... What are they lying about? You know, vices on the ground acting like badasses. They're embedding themselves in the protests and being like, look at these fucking awesome dudes.
Starting point is 01:19:15 It was basically fascist mobs tried to lynch us and we got chased out of the country. And then our colleague got shot. Because we dared to tell that the death toll that we kept hearing in the mainstream media that Maduro is mowing down all these protesters. We found out that the majority of the deaths were actually caused by the protesters, like either shooting people, lynching people alive, burning them alive or doing these giant road blockades where they would light giant flaming piles of trash and people would be, you know, flying off the freeway or getting in accidents and shit. And so once we just reported those facts, then this lynch mob came after us. It was very, very scary. And look, I mean, the media is lying about the popular support that Maduro's government has. There was massive pro-government rallies there and the country's pretty divided
Starting point is 01:20:02 where it just depends on who you talk to. So what is Vice doing over there? I mean, Vice is an imperial arm. Everyone should check out my brother's documentary called... Vice is an imperial arm? Oh, dude. 100% of the U.S. government. Shane Smith's an imperial arm? Shane Smith welcomed Obama and Biden into their office and they were like,
Starting point is 01:20:20 BFF, dude. The COO of Vice was like Obama's spokesperson. I'm good friends with Shane. I know him. I know him very well. I guarantee you he's not an arm of the imperial government. I'm saying they're lying. They're lying. They're lying. The line, not lying. The line.
Starting point is 01:20:36 The line. Because, look, I think Obama and Biden are war criminals, so I don't think it's cool as a journalist to not challenge power. And so when you invite these people into your office and are really buddy-buddy with them, I'm offended by that. You're such a radical lefty. I love it. I mean, it's true. I think Obama and Biden are war criminals.
Starting point is 01:20:51 Even other lefties. Abso-fucking-lutely. Everybody's like, even the lefties are like, what the hell? Abso-fucking-lutely. Drone king, babe. Drone king. Yeah, there was definitely a lot of drone deaths.
Starting point is 01:21:00 But check out A Very Heavy Agenda. My brother's documentary just goes over kind of a lot of stuff about Vice. But I think the problem that I have with Vice is just like the problem that I have with all other corporate media. Like we were saying, there's always a line that's uniform that basically promotes the U.S. empire and promotes American exceptionalism. Clearly you've never watched Fuck That's Delicious. No. What is that?
Starting point is 01:21:20 It's the best show on Vice. And Wong's World. Eddie Wong's World. Those two. What's that? Action Bronson. Action Bronson is Fuck Wong's World. Eddie Wong's World. Those two. What's that? Action Bronson is Fuck That's Delicious. That's his show. You know Action Bronson as the rapper?
Starting point is 01:21:33 Oh yeah. I haven't watched it. Never had a human being come in the studio and smoke more weed. Never seen anybody smoke more weed. He was just smoking weed here. He just non-stopped. We had an ashtray that we took photos of it afterwards. This is how much weed Action Bronson smoked while he was on a show. I just ran into him the other day at the UFC.
Starting point is 01:21:48 He smoked, like, how many joints? Ten joints? Easily. Easily. Big-ass joints. Big fat boys. Just puffed them down to the nub. And Jamie and I were stunned.
Starting point is 01:21:58 We're like, how does he keep going? That's on Vice, too. No, Vice does have a lot of good shit. That's the problem. Is that when it comes to coverage of foreign policy i think they really miss the boat well i think they're good on like that's the thing it's it's they'll accept um you know it's like anyone can kind of submit it's kind of like huffington post it's like a huge tent i think they have a hard time filtering
Starting point is 01:22:19 everything out i think they've gotten you know they were this radical sort of like upstart where people hadn't heard of them before and they were doing wild shit. And they had some really cool videos like like the guy to travel. And they did that thing where they went to Liberia and met with General Butt Naked. And he's explaining about eating children and cutting their hearts. Fucking insane. So that was all Shane. Shane did a lot of that stuff. That was the early days.
Starting point is 01:22:43 That's all great. But that's I appreciate that kind of style of journalism, but I feel like what's missing is the context behind it. Like, Vice will go to India and be like, fuck, this is fucking nuts. And you're like, well, why is there this massive disparity in equality? So it's a different style of journalism. But I do think that they really missed the boat on Venezuela, Russia, and Ukraine and some other things when it comes to covering global conflicts. Because that's just the problem with a lot of journalism and corporate media in general is that you're towing a line because you're an American, just like we're talking about Israelis. I mean, you have preconceived notions, you have your own
Starting point is 01:23:16 bias, you have your own ethnocentric lens about world issues. So it bleeds over into those conflicts. And unless you're like an internationalist, can you see the world from a different lens? But when I was on the ground in Venezuela, I was like, this is not what we're seeing. So what do you think is happening in Venezuela? So what we, I mean, there's a lot of things happening, but the thing that the U.S. government wants to obfuscate, and that's why you see Venezuela continues to come up
Starting point is 01:23:40 all the time as another country that needs to be taken out and helped by U.S. interests, right? Because they haven't bowed down to U.S. economic hegemony. It's very simple. Maduro has popular support. Maduro has a mass movement behind him. The Chavista movement is alive and well. And that's undeniable.
Starting point is 01:23:59 It doesn't matter if you hate him or love him. But what is the narrative? Like, what are we being told? The narrative is that he's a totalitarian dictator who has seized all of power and that he has there's zero democracy and that everyone wants him gone and that the protesters he keeps mowing down and executing them whenever they come you're saying that's not true 100 bullshit huh i think it's and that's you see the same thing all these countries you see the same thing. All these countries, you see the same thing, whether it be Cuba, Venezuela, Syria. I have a lot of questions about the Syria shit that we're seeing.
Starting point is 01:24:29 There's a lot of people that have questions about the Syria shit. And they don't believe the gas attacks. There's a lot of people that don't think that actually happened. It makes no tactical sense for Assad to do that when he was winning the war and was taking back the remaining territory. Well, isn't it also, didn't we let them know that we were going to bomb them? And like, I don't think anybody got killed, right? We don't know. I mean, that's the thing is there's multiple journalists who have gone to the site of the hospital
Starting point is 01:24:55 and there's very contradictory narratives. So we don't know until the chemical weapons inspectors go and do their investigation. But what I find odd is just the, again, uniformity with putting out these fucking narratives by the same people who sold us Iraq. Do you remember when Obama wanted to bomb Syria and everybody was like, fuck you, and then it just went away? Remember?
Starting point is 01:25:14 He had the big press conference. He staved off. He staved off a lot, and unfortunately, the white helmets over there are kind of an arm of the U.S. government too. We've been funding them with $200 million on USAID. I mean, all of these arm of the u.s government too we've been funding them with 200 million dollars and on usaid i mean all of these groups on the ground it's like whether you're obama and you use more covert means through usaid and more like drone warfare or you're the trump john bolton type
Starting point is 01:25:37 where you're like let's fucking preemptively bomb them and kill their families and torture their families i mean it's two sides of the same coin. It's the empire that's consistent and will maintain. But it's scary because Syria, it shows you how easy we're duped. You know, I mean, during the Iraq war, it's like at least you had Colin Powell holding up the vial being like, here's the anthrax. Now it's just like you just have a social media video and we just fucking have Israel, our garrison in the Middle East, bomb Syria to test the waters, and then we just bomb them. And then you have asshole, like, neoliberal think tankers all paraded around the media, all these generals, right, all these experts who are all literally
Starting point is 01:26:13 Iraq war propagandists or generals or defense contractor CEOs, and they're all just like, Trump isn't doing enough. He needs to bomb more. This isn't sending enough of a message to Assad. It's like, when have we ever, when has bombing anyone ever done anything good? Tell me when the fucking U.S. has intervened that's actually turned out good. So don't sell this bullshit humanitarianism. It's just nuts that we just keep falling for it. don't do anything. Don't don't do anything. And I know that people are like, oh, you know, isolationism is bad. Look, the U.S. empire is horrific and the largest threat to humanity. The world's biggest polluter exempt from climate treaties, all the shit you never see on the mainstream media. Why? Because it's owned by oil corporations and defense contractors. That's why you see ads for Boeing and Raytheon. Like we're not looking to buy a tank when we watch the news. That's just their overlords controlling the narrative.
Starting point is 01:27:08 They know the limitations of the debate. They know the parameters and the framing that they're allowed to work within. They can't even talk about the U.S. as an empire, the world's biggest empire the world's ever seen. between what you hear from internet commentators who are free of networks and producers and executives that are telling them what to do and sponsors and the version that you're getting on television. The version that you're getting on television on CNN or on any of these major mainstream news networks, you're getting a very watered down, very homogenized and pasteurized narrative. Absolutely. Absolutely. Absolutely. Because I think that's why I do the show The Empire Files and Media Roots Radio with my brother,
Starting point is 01:27:49 Robbie Martin, at Fluorescent Gray on Twitter. But I do the show with my partner, Mike Preissner, because we want to retell these narratives that have been lost. History's always been written by the victors. All of the shit that we're seeing around the world needs to be analyzed within the lens of the U.S. being the largest empire that siphons all the fucking money in the world
Starting point is 01:28:07 for military expenses. I mean, every issue, domestic and internationally, it's all shaped. You're out there doing this. You're traveling to Palestine. You're traveling to Venezuela. You're doing all this stuff. You're writing all these things. You're doing all these videos. Does this ever get too much for you is this ever like overrun your brain does this ever freak you out that none of this is getting any better and in fact some of it's getting worse i mean it is depressing to like i was saying i mean that just the the discourse now where i'm called a russian stooge and i was like look i i guess once a putin puppet always a putin puppet doesn't matter if i left rt three years ago. I told you before. They were trying to fucking ship you off to Crimea.
Starting point is 01:28:46 Because, yeah. Get your boots on the ground, young lady. Go check out the war zone. And then the intelligence report that came out as the definitive proof of Russian hacking basically said my show that had ended two years prior was part of the reason why Trump won. So you have all this desperation to try
Starting point is 01:29:01 to dilute the narrative and call everyone a Russian troll. But yeah, it's depressing as hell, Joe, because I feel like the sanity is fucking lost and I can't actually have conversations with people and talk about reality. Because either you're a Trump bootlicker who thinks everything's fake news and you think QAnon is going to fucking expose the pedophiles across the country. Or you think I'm a Russian troll because I'm saying something that goes against the grain. It's really disturbing. We're living in a really, really disturbing time. I think there's too much information too. I think that's part of the problem.
Starting point is 01:29:32 I think part of the problem is the narrative gets so diluted. It's toxified and poison the well. There's so much shit to think about because there are pedophiles out there. I mean, whenever someone does get exposed and some pedophile ring gets broken up, you go, oh, that's real? Well, I didn't even think it was real because these people are so fucking stupid. And some of the shit that they believe is so dumb. You know, there are a lot of them in the same people that are chemtrail people or flat earth people. There's like so much of the same shit coming out of these people that when you find out that there is a group of people that are
Starting point is 01:30:01 pedophiles that there really have been involved in human trafficking or child slavery, which is a real thing. I mean, this is something that's almost like it's almost like been talked about by so many wacky people that people don't believe it until you read like the story about Jimmy Savile. Is that how you say his name? The guy in England? You're like, wait a minute, what? How long did this go on
Starting point is 01:30:20 for? Or Sandusky or any of these other, you're like, oh my God, this is real? Like the gymnast team. Yes. That guy, how many gymnasts were molested? Like a hundred? A hundred. More.
Starting point is 01:30:29 I think it was more than a hundred. Right. This is modern times. This is real. Like, it's almost like when you hear about someone like that, you're like, that's not even possible. How could that happen? And then you go, wait a minute.
Starting point is 01:30:39 He, oh, now he's in jail. No, it's true. And all these poor gymnasts are coming out and saying this guy was molested when he was nine and 11 and it's true. And all these poor gymnasts are coming out and saying this guy was molesting me when I was 9 and 11. It's fucked. But that stuff gets lost in the shuffle because there's so much noise. There's so much information
Starting point is 01:30:54 and there's too many things to pay attention to. You're telling me about Venezuela. You're telling me about Palestine. Just those two things are bouncing back and forth in my head. And then, fuck, what about Stormy Daniels? Oh, and then there's another gal. There's another gal he paid off. Oh, Michael Cohen's pleading the fifth shit i know how do you even write jokes like it's like just happening so quickly i mean i was also in in columbia on the front lines of the drug war that people should check out in the empire files too and that that
Starting point is 01:31:16 shit's nuts too do you know i saw that was great what that fucking tom cruise movie that made american made made in amer America whatever it is American Made the movie about Barry Seals who's a CIA drug runner wait is this older no it just happened
Starting point is 01:31:30 like a year ago no I did not hear about this Barry Seals is the guy who was dropping off the drugs that they would get from the Colombian cartel
Starting point is 01:31:38 and he would drop them off in Mena Arkansas do you know that story no but I'm it's a fascinating story it was exposed because two kids were there when the drugs got dropped off and they were
Starting point is 01:31:47 murdered and their bodies were put on train tracks. The trains ran over their bodies. The cops said these kids were high and they fell asleep on the train tracks. Their parents did an independent autopsy, found out that there's stab wounds in the kids. So then the parents brought this information to light. Everything unfolds. They find out that there's this gigantic drug ring that was supported by Bill Clinton.
Starting point is 01:32:10 This is a big part of the movie. It was that this Barry Seale guy gets arrested with millions of dollars in cash and coke, and Bill Clinton calls up the prosecutor and makes him walk. That's real. That really did happen. This was all in Mena, Arkansas, when Bill Clinton was the governor of Arkansas, then goes on to be the president. But this guy was bringing in drugs from Colombia and from South America at the behest of the CIA. And it's a big part of the film.
Starting point is 01:32:36 Now, how much of the film is bullshit and how much of it is real? We don't know. Well, I can tell you at the border of Colombia, I fucking walked across. There's like not. I mean, it is ridiculous how open that shit is. How porous? Very porous. The border is very porous. I'm sure.
Starting point is 01:32:50 But now Colombia is a different animal. I mean, I'm sure they're still growing coke there, but it's not what it used to be. I mean, they, you know, Bogota used to be like very, very dangerous and now it's not at all. Yeah. The civil war recently ended and FARC is now demilitarized. good really it's fucking amazing the guy who plays escobar is a fucking saint i love emily wait what's her name emily the woman in it she's awesome anyway yeah no it's fucking great i mean it is really good nice oh it's one of those shows where you're like at the end of it you're like oh in season two my wife shut it off she's like i can't do this
Starting point is 01:33:31 i can't do this anymore too many people are dying like this is what really happened watch waco too it's um scared dude it's amazing because everyone remembers waco vaguely um but wow you really need to watch it because it retells the story from one of the victims eyes and damn they killed those fucking people they massacred them. When you see those tanks blowing fire into the building and they were trying to say that it didn't happen there's a fucking
Starting point is 01:33:55 video of it. Right. You can watch the video of the tank lighting these buildings on fire while people are inside of them they were driving over the houses while the people were inside of them that They were driving over the houses while the people were inside of them. That's when the militia movement posed a threat to the government. And now they just become, isn't it weird? The evolution, how now militia people are like pro-Trump.
Starting point is 01:34:13 It's sort of weird, but not the guys up in Oregon that were trying to mooch off public land to run their cattle. Who knows? They might be pro-Trump. Trump just sold off the last National Parks grand staircase, opened it up for oil and gas drilling. They probably like that shit, man. Yeah, that's an interesting thing.
Starting point is 01:34:29 Like, I've heard very different versions of that from Zinke when that guy's, what is he, Secretary of the Interior? What is Zinke? Yeah. When he was talking about it,
Starting point is 01:34:38 he was explaining that's not what happened and that it essentially went right back to where, the way it was before Obama changed the obama changed the the legislation changed the rules all i know is that it was protected under obama for a good reason there's dinosaur fossils there native americans have monuments there but of course
Starting point is 01:34:55 we don't care about native american monuments we just care about confederate monuments we don't care about abolishing all the native american land and all the treaties we just care about protecting bizarre confederate statues around the country. I don't think we should protect Confederate statues in the sense that I don't think they should be in, like, you know, the middle of fucking town squares and shit like that. But they should do something with them the same way they should do something with Genghis Khan statues. Throw them in a museum, yeah. Do you know that most of those things were made during the Jim Crow era?
Starting point is 01:35:27 That's a really good point. That's when most of those were constructed. That's an amazing point. A lot of people think that it was right after the Civil War, and in fact, it was like in the 60s. It was during the Civil Rights Movement. It was a protest to the Civil Rights Movement. Oh, yeah, well, look what we're going to do here.
Starting point is 01:35:40 Yeah. You want rights? You want rights? You want to drink out of our water fountain? Well, here. Here's a statue. And they're shitty statues, too. A lot of them are really poorly constructed. They were made quickly. It was a protest to the Civil Rights Movement. A lot of them.
Starting point is 01:35:54 That's crazy. But the thing is they are a representation of history, just like a Genghis Khan statue would be a representation of that monster. I mean, we think of Genghis Khan as a guy who opened up trade with China today. You know, you vaguely understand that he was responsible for the death of 10% of the population of the world back then.
Starting point is 01:36:13 Changed the fucking... New York Times had an article about how he changed the carbon footprint of the earth. There's literally a difference in the carbon footprint because 10% less people were alive during Genghis Khan's reign. They killed everybody. They fucking were killing millions of people. There's a great Dan Carlin series on it called The Wrath of the Khans, but I've talked about it way too much. But today, Genghis Khan's not offensive. Like you could bring up Genghis Khan, nobody cares.
Starting point is 01:36:40 He's way more horrific than anything that happened during the Civil War. They had slaves and they did everything. They would capture people and use them as the front lines. They would push them towards their own people so they would get shot. They would be the first people to get shot with arrows. I mean there's some horrific shit. But I don't think we should melt Genghis Khan statues. I think the Confederacy is just so much more recent in people's minds.
Starting point is 01:37:03 We should do something with it, though. I mean, I don't think it should be in Town Square for sure. In anybody's Town Square. But I think they should do something with them. Instead of melting them or smashing them, they should put them somewhere. At least for the future. At least for future people to look back. Like, look, this is how fucking wacky people were.
Starting point is 01:37:20 In the 1960s, they constructed these homages to the 1800s when slavery was legal. They constructed these statues to sort of paint these people in this heroic fashion that were fighting to keep black people slaves. That's part of the thing. This is all right there. It's part of
Starting point is 01:37:39 the history of this country. We've got to put it somewhere. I mean, I'm not saying it should be worshipped. It definitely shouldn't be prominently featured so some black kid has to feel terror. Yeah, put it in a Confederate museum. There should be something like that, right? Yeah. But it should be like detailed description
Starting point is 01:37:55 of when it was constructed and why it was constructed. Exactly. Who made it? What was the political affiliation of the people that created it? Totally. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:38:02 Totally. Stop this whitewashing bullshit. Every time MLK day comes around, I'm always just like, did you know MLK was like a rabid anti-militarist and anti-imperialist? No, because they, he was the most hated black man in America.
Starting point is 01:38:16 Yeah. Someone said, did you know that he used to fuck all these white women? Like who doesn't like fucking white women? Who gives a fuck what he did in his personal life? Probably had a good time. That's going to be the bad thing. Oh, well you just turned it around for me. Oh gives a fuck what he did in his personal life? Probably had a good time. That's going to be the bad thing.
Starting point is 01:38:27 Oh, well, you just turned it around for me. Oh, you know what? Fuck MLK. That I have a dream speech that sucked my ass. It's so strange
Starting point is 01:38:36 that people, how they turn on things when they decide to lie. What do you think about this whole like dueling narrative though about Trump? Like how he's somehow
Starting point is 01:38:43 absolved from all of his wrongdoings or he's a Russian plant. Like, are you having trouble talking to people about that? Well, or what do you think? Well, I think the good thing about him, this is the good thing is that we realize now how easy it is for a person to win the popularity contest that is the presidency of the United States and that you could get a popular person, whether it's Trump or whether it's Oprah or whoever the fuck it is that decides to win next. And this is a ridiculous way to pick the person who runs the biggest fucking military complex
Starting point is 01:39:15 the world has ever known. I mean, the greatest army the world has ever known by far is the United States military. The commander in chief is now the guy who was the host of The Apprentice that was famous for saying, you're fired. You're fired. I mean, this is a popularity contest. It's insane. You don't have to have special qualifications. You just have to be deemed the person that people like the most. That's insane. It's also insane to have one giant alpha chimp to be the top guy or the top gal to run the whole project. And I saw that with Hillary, too. There were so many people that were looking for Hillary to win because they wanted a woman to win because they thought it would be a historic victory, regardless of how fucking
Starting point is 01:39:52 creepy she is, regardless of all the crazy shit that she's done, regardless of her history, regardless of all the fucking way that they hacked the DNC and they literally conspired to keep Bernie Sanders from winning the nomination. I mean, they hacked the democracy. They did it. Not the Russians. And everybody's like, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. It didn't work.
Starting point is 01:40:12 Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. It didn't work. It doesn't even count. Yeah, screw voter ID, voter suppression, all that shit, gerrymandering, all that. People wanted a woman so bad that they were willing to, like— Then they can go back to sleep. Yeah. And then we'll have a gay person next.
Starting point is 01:40:22 You know, the black person, the woman— Or a trans person. Trans person. I mean, or a trans person I mean honestly and that's the problem I think that's the conflation with the left and the neoliberal think tankers is that they use identity politics to sell more corporatism, like they use it to brand
Starting point is 01:40:36 slap pink shit on Boeing jets and be like happy women's day but it's not like they actually care about oppressed and marginalized people. So it's really interesting. We're in an infancy, the infancy of understanding.
Starting point is 01:40:51 We really are. I mean, Three people ago. Three people ago. Yeah. And it's like three people from now are going to be like, these fucking apes were crazy.
Starting point is 01:40:59 I really do think that. They got the apprentice guy. Yeah. I think we're in the middle of it. You know, whether it's the apprentice guy, I mean, if he didn't win, what would you want?
Starting point is 01:41:06 Fucking Ted Cruz to win? Get the fuck out of here. That guy's out of his mind, too. And now all he's doing is sucking Trump's ass. You see all those speeches about him? Dude. Crazy. Trump calls his wife a dog.
Starting point is 01:41:16 Says his dad killed JFK. And Ted Cruz is like, you know what? I really like him now. Yeah, Lion Ted. I really like him. I love how he calls people a name. Like Crazy Hillary, Lion Ted. I just really like him. I love how he calls people a name. Like Crazy Hillary, Lion Ted. He gives people names.
Starting point is 01:41:28 But there's a lot of things that he does that I wish he wasn't the president. I wish I could just laugh at some of the things he does and I wouldn't feel bad about it. Right. You know? Because he's a fucking loon. I mean, he's a crazy old rich dude. He does a bunch of wacky shit that I find to be incredibly entertaining if he wasn't the leader of the free world.
Starting point is 01:41:44 If he wasn't in fucking power. I mean, I think- I don't think he wants to be incredibly entertaining if he wasn't the leader of the free world. Right, if he wasn't in fucking power. I mean, I think- I don't think he wants to be there either. Well, Paul Ryan sure didn't want to be there anymore. He probably got some sweet ass deal with some big pharma lobby or something. He's probably realizing like the writing's on the wall for him. He's like, oh, I see what happens if you're president. Fuck this.
Starting point is 01:41:59 I'm catching radiation sickness just from being on the outside. He's like, I've got a $5 million check waiting for me. Yeah, I'm going to go fishing. But I think the Democrats are so stupid, Joe, that you even saw their slogan come up for 2018. It literally said, look at the other guy. That was their genius slogan. Look at the other guy. They're going to do the same thing.
Starting point is 01:42:18 They're going to do the same thing. Trump is going to win again. Guaranteed. Do you think so? I guarantee you. Unless they really let Bernie Sanders take the reins. And I just feel like they're too threatened by his economic policies that they're not going to. By the time Bernie wins, his head will be right where his nipples are.
Starting point is 01:42:35 His head just keeps sinking further and further down. He keeps getting more. Everybody, I guarantee you all a job. That's his latest one. He wants to guarantee a job. Who's going latest one. He wants to guarantee a job. Who's going to make these jobs, Bernie? You fuck. You don't know shit.
Starting point is 01:42:49 You can't say that. You can't say you're going to guarantee a job. Because who's going to make the jobs? You're just going to make up jobs? What are you going to do? Where are you going to get that money? Are you going to take it from me and give it to people because you gave them a fake job? What are you going to do?
Starting point is 01:43:00 How can you say, I'm going to guarantee every American a job? That is a fucking insane thing to say. Has he said how? No, because here's the thing. What if you're just like, I'm going to guarantee every American a job? That is a fucking insane thing to say. Has he said how? No, because here's the thing. What if you're just like, I'm on a job. And you don't want to do shit. You're lazy. You're a fuck up.
Starting point is 01:43:13 Well, I guaranteed everyone a job, so you get a job too. But I got fired. You guaranteed me a job. Here's another job. I don't want to be a liar. Like, what are you going to do? How are you going to give everyone a job? It's literally not possible.
Starting point is 01:43:28 That's a fucking insane thing to say. I guarantee a job for everybody. You know what's not insane though? Saying the other shit that he says. I mean, he's been out on the floor. You have to give him credit for the last 30 years, whether it be Gulf War syndrome, like GMOs. I mean, he's out there fighting for people. He's an important radical. Like it's important to have people. You have to have, like, both sides. You have to have radical right, radical left, and let's meet all somewhere in the middle, you know? But if you look at, like, Europe and other countries, he is considered probably center. Yeah, probably. Like, if you look at Jeremy Corbyn, he is, like, he's Bernie Sanders on steroids, where he's...
Starting point is 01:43:58 Where's he? He's in Britain. Oh. Yeah, yeah. And he's called a Russian student, too. Well, Britain's going through their own shit, right? Yeah, dude. Oh.
Starting point is 01:44:00 Yeah. Yeah. And he's called a Russian student too. Yeah, dude. But what's crazy about the Hillary sycophants is like you see Neera Tanden and all these assholes who worked for Hillary Clinton's campaign on the fucking eve of Trump bombing Syria. They're like, thanks, Susan Sarandon. Thanks a lot.
Starting point is 01:44:17 Great job. It's like, oh, I'm sorry. Susan Sarandon made Trump bomb Syria? You dickwads. Susan Sarandon did it. Thanks. Blame her. And it's also like Hillary would have been bombing Syria very quickly.
Starting point is 01:44:30 Yeah, she would have just shot everybody. She's got a big dick. I mean, do you remember that? I mean, everybody quickly forgets that Gaddafi shit, you know, when she was laughing in that interview. Laughing. We came, we saw, he died. Ha ha ha. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:44:41 Like, who are you? What person laughs like that when someone gets killed even if bill cosby if some woman who bill cosby raped showed up outside the courtroom and he was walking down the stairs and she ran up leave harvey oswald jack ruby style and shot him right in the chest i wouldn't laugh i'd be like whoa that's fucking crazy but i wouldn't be like, she can, she saw, he died. Where's your pills now, faggot? You know, I wouldn't say that. I would be freaking out.
Starting point is 01:45:11 I'd be like, wow, that guy just lost his, like what a crazy life that guy had. That guy's life was like this magical ride of celebrity until he got busted raping people. And then the last years of his life were in a Hallacious state of being accused of something and and probably only got a fraction of what he was actually what he actually did I mean how many women out there know that they were raped by him and just said nothing Because they just don't they don't want to be a part of it the right big public circus and how many victims are there already?
Starting point is 01:45:40 Fuck is at least 50 It's at least 50. Yeah Other than Weinstein, is there anyone else that's that much of a serial rapist? See, but the Weinstein thing was like he was forcing them to have sex with him in order to give them roles. He wasn't drugging them. It's just as creepy in a way,
Starting point is 01:45:58 but it's not quite the same thing because Bill Cosby was almost like a monster. Like he would lure you like right who knows what the fuck he did to you while you were passed out for a day in his house yeah but he's also the what he posed at like right steam was this fat gross like look like shrek yeah everybody knew who he was everybody everybody knew stay the fuck away from him don't go up to his room he's a monster yeah that was the whole thing with that guy but what what Bill Cosby was with this moral voice of black America.
Starting point is 01:46:27 Pick your pants up. Yeah, don't you have those sagging jeans, using all those bad words? Do you remember what we were talking about before? Do you remember the Eddie Murphy thing where he called up, Eddie Murphy had it in his movie, Raw, right? It was in Raw or Delirious? Might have been Delirious. Delirious was so fucking good.
Starting point is 01:46:47 Oh, man. He had to call up Richard Pryor. I want to watch that. He called up Richard Pryor. See if you can find that. See if you can find that online. Eddie Murphy on Bill Cosby. Because Richard Pryor talked shit to Bill Cosby.
Starting point is 01:47:00 Oh, yeah. Because Bill Cosby wasn't half the fucking comedian that Richard Pryor was. I'm sure that bothered him. Play this. Look at his outfit. Damn. I've been a Bill Cosby fan all my life. Holy shit, he has a good outfit on.
Starting point is 01:47:12 And chastised me on the phone for being too dirty on stage. It was real weird because I had never met him. And he just thought he should call me up because he was Bill and tell me about what comedy is all about. And I sat and listened to this man Chastise me and when Bill Cosby chastise you you forget you grown you feel like one of the Cosby kids And picked up the telephone and Bill got raw on me I was like hello, mr. Cosby and you hear I would like to talk to you about some of the things that you do in your shop.
Starting point is 01:47:52 Oh, my God. Forget how good Eddie Murphy was. Oh, my God. Now, I'm going to tell you a story. I would like to tell you a story. I would like to tell you a story. I have five children. One, two, three, four, five. Five, five children.
Starting point is 01:48:15 I live in Massachusetts with my wife Camille and my five children. Now, of the five children that we have, there are four girls and a boy. The boy's name is Innes. He loves everything you do. Comes home from school the other day with a big smile on his face. And my son looks just like me. He walks through the door looking at me with this big smile. And I cannot resist. Because it's such a beautiful smile And he walks up and I say, what are you smiling about? Awww And the child says to me, I'm smiling because I need money To go see the Eddie Murphy show, please give me money for a ticket Now, if the child is smiling this way because he needs money for a ticket, I have to give him money for a ticket.
Starting point is 01:49:09 I do not handle the money in the house. My wife, Camille, handles the ticket money. So I must go into the kitchen to where my wife sits cooking dinner for the family. Where is he wearing motorcycle gloves? In the 80s? It's so dope, dude. God, I miss that. Anyway,
Starting point is 01:49:26 it is a long bit. It's like six minutes and 50 seconds. It's great, but basically he calls up Richard Pryor and he goes, Richard Pryor said,
Starting point is 01:49:34 do the people laugh? Do you get paid? Well, tell Bill to have a coconut smile and shut the fuck up. But that was real. Bill Cosby really did Really did call him up
Starting point is 01:49:46 Meanwhile While Eddie Murphy Was doing that You gotta realize This is the 80s right So while Eddie Murphy Was doing that sketch Bill Cosby very likely
Starting point is 01:49:54 Was probably raping somebody Oh absolutely It's entirely possible He was probably raping him As he was on stage It's entirely possible Yeah I just saw
Starting point is 01:50:00 Whoopi Goldberg Do stand up Have you seen her recently? No. It was really interesting. I mean, going back to the whole talking about her pussy. Yeah, no, it was crazy. I thought she was going to talk about Trump or some shit,
Starting point is 01:50:14 and she came out talking about her vagina is so dry that she has sand coming out of it. And then I saw her in Vegas. It was really. Was it good? And then I saw her in Vegas. It was really... Was it good? It was interesting to see Whoopi Goldberg be extremely fucking dirty. Were people laughing?
Starting point is 01:50:33 Yeah. Uncomfortably in a lot of places. But then she opened it up to Q&A, which I thought was weird. Oh. Yeah. How did she do that? Did she have a line of people or did she just have random people? She was just like, now I'm going to open it up. She was like, Oh. Yeah. Yeah. How did she do that? Did she have a line of people or did she just have random people?
Starting point is 01:50:45 She was just like, now I'm going to open it up. She was like, ask me anything. And I was like, I don't know what the fuck, like, what are people going to ask you? People were like, how was Ghost? What's it like working with those cunts on The View? How do you not murder Meghan McCain when you're sitting next to her? Well, who's the one that she used to always
Starting point is 01:51:06 get in a fight with? Elizabeth Hasselbeck Yes Whatever happened to that gal? Got replaced by John McCain's daughter I guess How the hell is
Starting point is 01:51:12 John McCain still alive? He's had brain cancer for like a year He's just gonna get some more surgery He's got some new surgery like gut surgery coming on
Starting point is 01:51:19 He's a plant in his brain He's got something going on in his gut He's gonna have to get intestinal surgery Yeah Serious shit. What that Elizabeth
Starting point is 01:51:27 Hasselbeck chick, she was like the original Megyn Kelly. Yeah. Like the original hot, blonde, mean lady. You know, the hot, blonde, mean, conservative lady. Shut your ass down. There's a fucking market for those. Oh, yeah. Hot, blonde, mean, conservative
Starting point is 01:51:43 lady is a tough market. It's a good market. Yep. Oh, yeah. Hot, blonde, mean, conservative ladies. A tough market. It's a good market. Yep. You know? People love that. Again, fill in that vacuum. The Tommy Lawrence. Yes.
Starting point is 01:51:52 They love it. Pull yourself up by your bootstraps. How weird is it that Megyn Kelly is just now this weird talk show host, just a normal, like an Ellen.
Starting point is 01:51:59 She's trying to rebrand herself as an Ellen. It's like you cannot go from a Fox News mouthpiece frothing at the mouth about all the shit to It's like, you cannot go from like a Fox news mouthpiece, you know, frothing at the mouth about all the shit to just being like, Hey, let's just,
Starting point is 01:52:09 uh, let's talk about your relationship problems. There's just an odd switch. Yeah. But the fangs, the fangs come out every now and then. Yeah. The Jane Fonda shit.
Starting point is 01:52:17 You know what? The Jane Fonda shit. She asked Jane Fonda about plastic surgery and Jane Fonda was like, what the fuck are you asking me about plastic straight i'm here to promote a movie right i only have three minutes you know i look good yeah but it's like she's talked about having plastic surgery so why right right right why that's weird because she's this is not organic right these shows are not organic it's not a podcast i'm just sitting down talking so she wants to get some sound bite and. And this is probably part of the agenda.
Starting point is 01:52:45 So Jane Fonda shut her down and started talking about the movie again and then talked about her. And so then later on... She looks damn good. Not bad for 150,000 years old. Three people. Later on,
Starting point is 01:52:58 Megyn Kelly started talking shit about Jane Fonda on the air. That's insane. Saying about how people used to call her Hanoi Jane. What? She went back to that. But you could see the fangs come out. You could see the fangs.
Starting point is 01:53:11 Shit. Remember when she said she alluded to the fact that Trump poisoned her the morning of the debate? I think we talked about that. What? Yeah, well, she got coffee from some weird driver the morning of the debate. And we already know that that crazy shit was happening between her and Trump. And she said she got violently ill. She trying to tell him i don't drink coffee and then he was like no drink it's good she drank the coffee got violently ill and had to like sit next
Starting point is 01:53:32 to a puke bucket almost thinking that she would have to cancel the debate basically alluding to the fact that trump might have poisoned her that day um i swear on i don't know i have never taken coffee from some strange dude that forced me to drink coffee. Right, right, right. Yeah. And I'm not as famous as Michael Kelly. She's recanted it after he got elected, maybe out of fear. Maybe she was like, oh, shit.
Starting point is 01:53:52 If he really did do this, then eh. A lot of people shit their pants once he got elected. Scorched earth. I mean, he made a lot of enemies and a lot of people made enemies with him. It's going to be really interesting to see what happens with all these criminal charges and what's going to happen with Cohen and all these other people, the Mueller investigation. It's so strange because it's all just, we're waiting for something to be highly illegal and obvious and it's not yet.
Starting point is 01:54:19 So I'm like, where's the thing? And when the thing comes out and people start going down, they start going to jail. Well, who's going to rat him out? What's going to happen? start going to jail. Well, who's going to rat him out? What's going to happen? He's going to pardon him. I mean, that's the thing is that to impeach him, you have to have a consensus in the Republican majority Congress. So I don't understand how that's going to happen unless he perjures himself. Right.
Starting point is 01:54:36 The perjury trap like Bill Clinton, unless he says some shit on the stand. But I think that he's smart enough to just say, yes, no, I don't know. Hopefully. Well, people are saying. I want him to be fucking impeached. I fucking hate that guy. People are saying that Trump supporters, Republican Trump supporters are the ones that okayed the Mueller raid on Cohen's office. Right?
Starting point is 01:54:55 What do you mean? I missed that. The people that raided Mueller's office, right? That Trump supporters, Republicans, had to give the green light. Oh, yeah. Everyone in the chain was Republican. Yeah. The judge was appointed by Trump.
Starting point is 01:55:11 Yeah. Yeah. So this is like this. There must have been overwhelming evidence. The crazy thing about this is it's almost like Game of Thrones. Like it's playing out so slow and delicious. It's like a year and a half in. You're like, where is the proof?
Starting point is 01:55:25 It's true. Where is it? It, you're like, where is the proof? It's strange. Where is it? It just keeps building, and people keep getting indicted, and people keep getting pulled in, and Cohen just pleaded the fifth, right? Is that what happened? I hope that little pussy Kushner
Starting point is 01:55:34 gets indicted for something, man. Have you heard the one speech he gave, and you've never heard from him again, because his voice sounds like a little mouse, like Rasputin. I've never heard him talk. There's a good reason for that, because he talks like this.
Starting point is 01:55:46 He's like, hey, Jared Kutner. He reminds me of American Psycho. Yeah. Totally, dude. Methodical, like pretty boy J. Crew. Fucking, oh god, he's such a disgusting, look at him. Let me hear him. Let me hear him. President Donald J. Trump.
Starting point is 01:56:02 Isn't that weird? When my father-in-law decided to run for president I served his campaign the best I could Because I believe in him And his ability to improve the lives Pause How does Donald let that guy fuck his daughter? Because his daughter is so hot
Starting point is 01:56:17 And he wants the fucker, right? So it's like, how are you letting him, this guy, fuck her? Only if I'm in the room They do it right. Praise her. Touch her feet. I did not collude with Russia. He's like, I did not collude with Russia. I need more of that.
Starting point is 01:56:31 I want to hear his voice. It's fascinating. All Americans. And now, serving the president and the people of the United States has been the honor and privilege of a lifetime. Oh my God. I am so grateful for the opportunity to consult on important matters such as Middle East peace.
Starting point is 01:56:49 Hold up. That guy's a man of character. He's got a strong will. I bet that motherfucker never quits at anything. Have him solve the Middle East conflict. Remember when he was like, you know what, Jared Kushner is actually going to solve the peace between Israelis and Palestinians.
Starting point is 01:57:01 I was like, oh really? Interesting. I would like to see that guy hike with a heavy backpack. See how long before he starts crying. I bet he's got about 14 minutes in him. I want to see him even... Can you imagine him doing anything strenuous at all? His hands are probably like silk. They probably do this thing where they pinch...
Starting point is 01:57:17 Like paraffin wax. Like little tiny hands. He puts his hands in paraffin wax every day and just lets them sit. You know he gets manicures for sure. Oh, good God. Look at his face. Strange character.
Starting point is 01:57:28 Probably gets a little facial every day. But his wife is hot. Donald's daughter is fucking smoking hot. She got a lot of work done, is that what you're going to say? Really? But, I mean, whatever. Did she? I'm not against getting work done.
Starting point is 01:57:39 Yeah, I've seen photos of her. South Korea style? I don't know about that. That's like weird shit. That's like changing your ethnicity. Yeah, that's nuts. But yeah, Jared Kushner's nuts. All these people are, man. They have a kid, right?
Starting point is 01:57:52 Oh, they have a bunch. I think they just had their third child. So he's in there hammering it. Yeah, somehow. Look at there. Look, she's fucking smoking hot. There you go. If I were Trump, I'd want to fuck her too. Just kidding. No, to fuck her too. Woo!
Starting point is 01:58:05 Just kidding. I can imagine. No, it's interesting too. Like Stormy Daniels and the other woman who said that she had an affair with Trump, she said that both of them said that Trump told her, you remind me of my daughter Ivanka, you're beautiful and smart. And then they had sex. Holla!
Starting point is 01:58:20 Holla to playa! You can't bang your kid, but you can bang someone who looks like him. Ooh. Ooh. Yeah. Remember when Ted Cruz liked a porn tweet? Did he? Yeah. Are you sure he did that or someone in his staff do that? I think it was fucking him because the woman in the porn video looked exactly like his wife.
Starting point is 01:58:36 Oh, Jesus. Louisa's. What presidential candidate is ever going to come out and say, I love porn. It's great. I can masturbate and then be done with it and I don't have to have sex with I love porn. It's great. You know, I can masturbate and then be done with it. And I don't have to have sex with anybody. Yeah. It's great. Why not? I mean, well, Obama admitted that he almost shot up heroin. It's like, why couldn't Trump have just said, yeah, I banged a porn star. Who cares? Almost. Did he say almost shot up heroin? He said the needle was like, oh yeah. He said that
Starting point is 01:58:58 he was almost going to do it. And he was sitting there and yeah. That's heavy. Yeah. But like, why did Trump go through this whole nda nonsense knowing that it could bite him in the ass is he that dumb bite him in the ass yeah he probably thought that michael cohen had it locked down and then you know they'd pay people off in the past i guess and probably no one cared until he became president right once you're president and they're like oh the scrutiny is just so overwhelming i mean it's not just a scrutiny from the American media. It's a scrutiny all across the world. I mean, everybody's paying attention to everything you've ever done, ever.
Starting point is 01:59:30 And with him, honestly, the thing that scares me is not that. The thing that scares me is all the business deals. What's crazy is how many small business owners went under because Trump had these relationships, apparently, allegedly, whatever I have to say, with, you know, they would do these construction jobs, and small contractors would just not get paid. And they would have to sue, and they would wind up going under. They couldn't compete with him. And this is something that Joey Diaz talked about on the podcast, that he knew people that were involved in construction companies that went under
Starting point is 02:00:01 because Trump fucked them over. This was like a standard thing that he would do back then. Not pay people. Damn. Yeah. I mean, he had a reputation. Google Trump had a reputation for not paying contractors, construction contractors. It was a real issue.
Starting point is 02:00:18 And it's an issue of character and morals and ethics that is, to me, way more important than who he decides to have sex hundreds allege donald trump doesn't pay his bills oh god look and it's all just among those who say billionaire didn't pay dishwashers painters waiters yeah the lowly minions you know and then you know how much of that is he doesn't really pay because someone else pays for him and it got lost in the shuffle and you know we know k Kushner's a giant slumlord, too. Yeah. I mean, oh, yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:00:48 I mean, it looks like a slumlord. Yeah. They're all criminals. I mean, you got to go to that guy. Can you imagine being Trump having as much money in property as you do and not having any criminal activity? I mean, how the hell you can't be that fucking be hard position. You'd have to know a few crooks, you know, and just the amount of money that's involved. Like,
Starting point is 02:01:05 how the fuck can you pay attention to all that? Like, you'd have to have someone... Like, to think that he's responsible for all that is also naive, honestly. Because if you really look at the amount of properties that Trump owns and to think that he's paying attention to all that and the management of all that and the paying of the contractors and all that.
Starting point is 02:01:22 But it probably trickles down from the top, right? Like, the kind of ethics that would it probably trickles down from the top right like the kind of ethics that would be involved in not paying off contractors that's why the whole russia thing just kills me because like we were saying it's been a year and a half there's been no smoking gun it's just a whole bunch of little things like oh russian trolls online right this that the dni report which i was in um but no one's talking about the fact that he obviously has ties with Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Israel. Like, there's collusion with all these countries. Why just stop at Russia?
Starting point is 02:01:52 Did you see what he said today? He said that Comey lied and that he did stay the night in Russia. Comey lied in his memo. That's what he's saying now. Oh, I did not catch that. This is the latest. Oh. So, something happened.
Starting point is 02:02:05 Shit. He's realized that they found his flight records and they realized that the jet was in Russia for more than 24 hours. So then he said, Comey lied. I never said I didn't stay the night in Russia. So I was like, oh, this is a strange move here. Because this is either check or checkmate. Like this is a sneaky one.
Starting point is 02:02:26 Like, what happens here? Because if Comey lied, the whole thing's fucked. If Comey really did lie or made a mistake, the whole thing's fucked. And if Trump lied and Comey somehow or another has some recording or something of it, I don't know if that's the case. It's all so juicy. I just don't think that, yeah, the Russia collusion thing, it's like, where is the smoking gun?
Starting point is 02:02:48 Where is it? I mean, all we see are these, this Hamilton 68 dashboard that's literally run by the Chertoff group. Michael Chertoff was Bush's DHS chief. What's a Hamilton 68 dashboard? It's the think tank that you see unquestioningly repeated in every single article about Russian trolls, where it's like, Russian
Starting point is 02:03:03 trolls are spreading NRA shit online to try to foment discontent in this country, or Russian trolls are promoting Bernie Sanders, or Russian trolls are promoting Jill Stein. When you look at the actual methodology of how they determine who's a Russian bot and who's a Russian troll, it all comes from this think tank run by literally Iraq war propagandists, Bill Kristol and Michael Chertoff. So that's what I'm saying. These narratives are so, it's so obscure to find out who's really managing the narratives, but it really is all the same people where they're conning us again. They're conning us because we want the end goal of the empire is basically Russia, China, Iran.
Starting point is 02:03:41 You know, Iran and Syria are the stepping stones basically ultimately to China and Russia. And those are the biggest competitors with the empire. And so they want to just foment that hot war with Russia. You know what I've been going down a rabbit hole with? Yeah. Chinese electronics. Huawei got banned from AT&T and Verizon and all these other. Huawei is the number three phone manufacturer in the world.
Starting point is 02:04:09 And they also manufacture network equipment. And there's some, it seems to me like, and this is my conspiratorial mind. And I'm just going to say right away, I'm a moron and I know very little about this. Let it loose. But this is what's fascinating. very little about this. Let it loose. But this is what's fascinating.
Starting point is 02:04:28 Huawei makes some really good cell phones, like beautiful 40 megapixel camera, excellent design, gorgeous screen. And they were about to be launched in America under AT&T. And then the State Department warned against people buying Huawei phones, saying they're spy devices, and told people to not buy Huawei phones. So then they're bringing up charges against Huawei for something to do with Iran. And then there was an article today.
Starting point is 02:04:59 This is where it gets really weird, the compliance of the media. There was an article today about the drop in sales of Chinese cell phones. Chinese cell phone sales plummet by 21%. I was reading today. But what is happening here? They were saying that there was some networking equipment that was made by Huawei that was sending a certain amount of data that didn't seem right. And they believed that something was encoded in their software or in their hardware that allowed them to hack into it
Starting point is 02:05:34 and extract data and use this as a spying device. So then they were saying that this is the case with the phones and we shouldn't buy these Huawei phones. But then the android people like i sent jamie a couple articles on it because i was fascinated by this i read like 30 articles about it i'm like in like the last week and a half and these real smart tech people were like this is horseshit first of all if these devices did have something in them other than stock android or android with uh whatever their operating system is that they put on over it, like their skin, you would see it.
Starting point is 02:06:07 These guys would be able to see it. They'd be able to find it. They're not any more sophisticated than these people. It's like a dirt thing? Well, there's something going on. There's something going on. There's some weirdness to it all. It's like they might be trying to tank these companies.
Starting point is 02:06:18 There might be a concerted effort. And then the thought was that maybe perhaps there's some sort of a deal with Samsung and iPhones, which are the two top manufacturers, to keep out this third party, which makes these really high-end cell phones. Like Huawei has this Porsche design Mate Pro RS. It's $2,000. It's like the most expensive cell phone you could buy. This thing's off the charts. Awesome.
Starting point is 02:06:46 I mean, it takes like nighttime, a photo. It turns it into like almost daylight. Like crazy. 40 megapixel. Like adjustable aperture. Like as good as it gets in terms of like modern day cell phones. They're saying, don't buy it. Don't buy it. It's a spy device.
Starting point is 02:07:02 But the tech guys are going, you're out of your fucking mind. They're like, you shouldn't buy it because they don't buy it. Don't buy it. It's a spy device. But the tech guys are going, you're out of your fucking mind. They're like, you shouldn't buy it because they don't update them very well. Well, aren't all cell phones spy devices? I mean, why? Yeah, I'm sure. I mean, fuck it. I talk about something and I don't type it in.
Starting point is 02:07:16 I don't write a message. I don't write an email and I'll see an ad. So it's spying on us all the time. That doesn't happen to you? It hasn't happened to me, but it's happened to enough people that I believe you. It's insane. Well, I believe you no matter what. It's really crazy. But I've talked to so many people that have had that happen. Somebody
Starting point is 02:07:29 sent me a tweet yesterday that said they were listening to a podcast that we were doing. We were talking about something, and then that something appeared in their Google Ads. Exactly. And he's like, I never looked up this. And oh no, it wasn't a Google Ad. It was a YouTube search. It was a YouTube suggested. He's like, my fucking computer up this. Oh no, it wasn't a Google ad. It was a YouTube search.
Starting point is 02:07:45 It was a YouTube suggested. He's like, my fucking computer's listening. And what app is doing this? I mean, I'm about to just go to a flip phone. It's bullshit. We know that YouTube's audio is being listened to because they're mining it for ad stuff already. It's not even, that's not a spy thing.
Starting point is 02:08:02 That's just out there. That's how they do it. Right, but is that, if you're playing things? Yeah. So when we're playing, so if he's playing a podcast on YouTube, YouTube's listening to that and that's how they suggest the next ads. It's just happening in there. What I think might be happening, which people are noticing now, is not just that it's happening within software. It's that your actual device, the microphone is on and the laptop camera is on.
Starting point is 02:08:25 So people have blocked the camera with tape, but they're not blocking the microphone. Yeah, exactly. How the hell do you block the microphone? You don't even know where it is. How do I? Can we have like some sort of tutorial about like how we can prevent all of our shit from being collected? Like that whole the Facebook Cambridge Analytica thing. I feel like everyone missed the boat of what that story was.
Starting point is 02:08:43 You heard about that, right? The Cambridge Analytica, they're data mining all your shit. It's like, yeah, if you're on Facebook, everything's being taken and data mined. That's very obvious. But what wasn't really investigated, I think Channel 4 did this crazy investigation where they pretended like they were a patron trying to hire Cambridge Analytica, some billionaire dude. And they put them all on camera. It's all recorded. The guys are basically like, it's basically like a private intelligence firm, almost like a Blackwater where you can hire mercenaries
Starting point is 02:09:09 to set up honeypots with prostitutes, take down politicians, spy on them. They set up shell companies with the MI6, Mossad. It's all just untraceable shit. They just ghost out. They said they can ghost in and out of countries. They literally said that they staged the entire Kenyan election. They were like, we staged the whole thing we wrote all the speeches
Starting point is 02:09:28 yeah and this is yeah this is this is backed by billionaire robert mercer the same guy who's behind channel four did a crazy investigation about it and and so that's why i'm just like why is everyone focusing on facebook data this is like a crazy like private cia that stupid game that people play what is it it's called farmland farmville or something farm world farm fuck yeah what is that shit farm yeah that was the thing farmville yeah that that's what people are talking about oh you're getting my data getting my data about the cows i buy you're like changing the government of the world they're killing people and like the bannonites and the breitbart people are, how many other companies are there like this?
Starting point is 02:10:05 I always think, yeah, well, we're all focused on Russian trolls, 14 Russian trolls in St. Petersburg. How many companies like Cambridge Analytica, like Blackwater, like all these things are operating around the world doing all this? Got to be a fuckload. A lot. There's got to be a lot that we don't know of. Because it's only when something fucks up or someone gets shot in the head and like,
Starting point is 02:10:23 who is he working for? Yeah, yeah, yeah. And they're like, what was that company? What is that? Oh, Change the Kenyan Elections? Cool. Like Incel. We never heard of Incel.
Starting point is 02:10:29 Right, Incel. And all of a sudden people are talking about it. There's got to be so many of those things that are just bubbling up in the distance. Disturbing, man. Disturbing. Well, you said how do I deal? You got to do art and you got to go on hikes and go explore nature. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:10:42 Do you ever want to like not concentrate? Do you ever feel like it's not going to do any good? Like this is, this is my, my question that I give to everybody who's like an activist who's very adamant about change and doing something. Do you ever feel like you just don't want to participate anymore? You just want to just,
Starting point is 02:10:59 just. Someone asked me the other day, they said, you know, you have to admit that you wouldn't rather live anywhere in the world other than here. And I said, I would because I can't have a kid here because I don't have maternity leave and I don't have any help. I was like, so no, I stay here because I have to and I have to fight. It's not about me and it's not about myself.
Starting point is 02:11:17 It's about the greater good. And it's about putting this information out there, because especially in the Trump era, I feel like no one is really criticizing him in the correct way and putting it in the proper context of the U.S. empire. And I feel like I need to do that. And I I don't get sick of it. And I don't think that, you know, even if you do get burnt out and you get tired, you just have to keep going because this is you don't have to you don't do it for recognition. You don't do it to be on a magazine cover because you're never going to be rewarded in the system that we live in that we're going to always live on the margins and we're going to always fight on the margins um and that's just the way it is and we hope that somebody's listening so that alters their perception and then somehow or another it spreads yeah i think history is instructive and i think that's why that's why i do what i do i want to instruct people about how history has shaped our reality today
Starting point is 02:12:05 and how we can use it to learn and prevent similar atrocities from continuing. I mean, I just hope that we can evolve to the point where we can do that. You essentially work for yourself now, right? I work for Telesur. Telesur is also state media. Six Latin American countries, including Venezuela, including Cuba, Ecuador, and some other countries fund Telesur. But because of the sanctions that Trump has put on Venezuela, it's on a tedious leg. So it sucks that the only other place that you can go is really just begging for donations on Patreon.
Starting point is 02:12:40 But is the Empire Files that? Is it through Telesur? So we, yeah, so we are, I have a production company and I produce the show and then I sell it to them. But you say begging for donations. I really don't see it that way. Because if you just give people the option, I bet people would be more than willing to support your
Starting point is 02:12:58 work if they're interested in your work. And it seems like there's so many people out there that would be now. And it'd be a great way to be completely independent and not beholden to any state run group or anything else. You just basically be putting out content and people didn't like it anymore. They wouldn't pay for it anymore. have anyone telling me what to do. Like in Venezuela, I was interviewing the defense minister. No one vetted my questions. I was confronting him about all this crazy shit. I mean, no one in corporate media would be allowed to do that with our government. But yeah, to your point, I think that we've just gotten to a place with journalism and media where that's the way it is. Like you have to invest in the journalists that you want to support. And that's just the
Starting point is 02:13:42 way that the world works because media is not a sustainable business if you want it to be holding power to account. But it seems like that's not the worst thing in the world to have something like Patreon or some similar type of situation where people can just donate. And I have that on Media Roots and on my podcast, Media Roots Radio. I do have a Patreon there. But yeah, you're right. I mean, to do investigative journalism, it's hard. And to do documentaries, it takes a lot of money and time. And I think that's probably where it'll end up if we keep going down the road that we are, which is, you know, whether it be RT or Telesaur, this fear campaign against state media and against the Russian propaganda. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:14:23 And yeah, it's tough. So we'll just keep trying to speak that truth. Yeah. Well, I'm glad you're out there swinging. You know, it's a scary job. Punching up. You go to crazy places, too. I mean, you're not swinging from the comfort of your own home.
Starting point is 02:14:43 You're out there in the war zones. It was scary when I confronted soldiers in Colombia, because I realized that I could probably die, either by... Easy. Or a mine, because there's mines all over that fucking place, and they were just like, you need to leave right now if you want to live, basically. And I was like, okay.
Starting point is 02:15:00 Well, see you later. See you later, guys. That's why I asked if ever this seems like... How long do you... Do you see yourself doing this until you're an old lady? You know, I think that if I have a family, things, I might put, you know, obviously I wouldn't. The government's going to knock you up. The government's going to hook your boyfriend up with some super sperm. Cambridge Analytica, some fucking honeypot. They're going to give him a cup of coffee from a strange man.
Starting point is 02:15:25 What's in this? Shut the fuck up and drink it if you want Analytica, some fucking honey pot. They're going to give him a cup of coffee from a strange man. What's in this? Shut the fuck up and drink it if you want a family. Get in a hole. No, I think that if I have a family, things might change
Starting point is 02:15:32 where I might, you know, not put my life on the line so often. Yeah, I would imagine so. But yeah, I mean, I have to,
Starting point is 02:15:39 someone's got to keep poking holes in this bullshit because it just keeps happening and we keep getting duped and someone has to be out there countering the narrative and telling these stories from marginalized and oppressed people who have not been given those platforms and i have to keep
Starting point is 02:15:53 doing that part well i would suggest you stay offline for a couple weeks after this one just to avoid the shit storm and uh it's always great seeing you thanks so much everyone check out and the empire files and and Media Roots. Thank you so much, Joe. You are amazing. Everyone check out Joe's stand up. And abbymartin on Twitter and Instagram. Instagram fababs. I like that you remember that.
Starting point is 02:16:14 I remember that. Got fabulous, fabulous. Thank you so much. Bye, everybody. Peace. Peace. Peace. um

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