The Joe Rogan Experience - #1117 - Tim Kennedy

Episode Date: May 17, 2018

Tim Kennedy is a Ranger, sniper, Special Forces Operator, and recently retired UFC Fighter. ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I Don't know if I can handle that what the clocks wrong. No, I mean just subtly subtly are we live? Yeah, one of them's wrong Which one is it? I think they're both wrong That's all that says 12 11 once is 12 15 12 13 on my 12 13 says 12 15 12 13 on my 12 13 yeah so they're both wrong this one says 12 14 that one says 12 11 i want to strap c4 to this and this one i want to spike against the wall yeah that's what i want to do are you ocd with time or with everything with everything yeah yeah like my reloading room is disgustingly perfect and if i load the dishwasher all the forks have to be symmetrical on one side the spoons have to be in there they're like all the mugs the tall ones have to be symmetrical on one side and the spoons have to be in the other. Like all the mugs, the tall ones have to be on one side.
Starting point is 00:00:47 What's that all about? I don't know. I think it came back to... Pull the sucker up to your face. When everything's the same and something's not the same, it's easiest to see that way. Right. Right. So like counterfeiting, like if you're buying a chick in a 13-year-old girl in Tijuana and you're going to want to get the guy for counterfeit money and you want to get him for human trafficking and he starts handing you crappy bills, the easiest way to spot the bills is to be able to see, have all of your proper bills all in the right order so the one that's fake is going to stick out.
Starting point is 00:01:23 And they're like, oh, man. proper bills, all in the right order, so the one that's fake is going to stick out. And they're like, oh, man. Only you would use that example when you're going to Tijuana and someone's trafficking human slavery. But that's a good example. With counterfeit money. It is a good example. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:39 And if you have a 13-year-old girl with a bunch of 18-year-old girls, you can see the 13-year-old get a little bit easier. Right. Yeah. So it applies to everything. Yeah. So it applies to everything. Yeah. If you reload and you have a bunch of grain bullets and you're going to measure and then lot them all 0.5 separation in grain, so it's like 175, 175.5, 176, 174.5, and so on. When you stack them all together, the easiest way to group them instead of measuring every single one is to look at them and just put the ones that are similarly sized all together smallest to largest and then you can then you can weigh them in kind of batches have you always been like this i think so with everything yeah i'm mostly what about with like when you were fighting your training did you like map out everything to the rep yep to the detail yep training notes great g, if you watch some of our fights,
Starting point is 00:02:26 and you're a cage side for almost all of mine in the UFC, you'd hear Greg be like, okay, so that went according to plan, or all right, so let's go ahead and change things up a little bit, because you just got your ass kicked. Then we'd have to adjust. He's one of the more interesting corner guys.
Starting point is 00:02:41 He's so much fun. Yeah, he enjoys it, and he seems to want you to enjoy it, too. He's like, all right, that went amazing. He's like, come on, let's get some deep breaths. You're doing fantastic. In between rounds with Michael Bisping, it was a five-round fight. He comes in and tells me a joke. He told me a knock-knock joke and then why a chicken crossed the road joke.
Starting point is 00:03:04 I was sitting there, and there's a of me like quizzically looking at him. I'm like, I'm going to kill you after this. You know, like what are you doing? And he just wanted me to relax. He just wanted me to breathe because I was doing everything I was supposed to be doing. And I just needed to, you know. He just thought you were too tense? Yeah, apparently.
Starting point is 00:03:20 Huh. What a dick. Playing mind games in the middle of the middle of a fight well you have one minute to figure out what to do what to say to a guy who just was well some people have one minute for five minutes yeah yeah some people have a little more do you know that i discussed that yesterday with big john after i had big john on the podcast yesterday we fucked up and he forgot to talk about it during the podcast but but after the podcast, he explained what happened. He says that it was the UFC cut man's fault because he left a giant glob of Vaseline on Yoel's eye. He didn't want to touch it because he felt like if he touched it, it could open the cut up again.
Starting point is 00:03:55 He called the, I guess it was the guy's name, Tate. He tried to call and get the guy to come back in. The guy wouldn't come back in. So the corner man tried to come in. He said, no. He's like, you gotta bring the cutman back in. Then he wound up doing it by himself. It was the perfect storm. He said he
Starting point is 00:04:10 fucked up. He said Yoel was definitely playing it off. And he said, but if he had to do it differently, he would have, A, made Yoel stand up, and B, he would have made sure that fucking cutman didn't leave the cage with that big glob of acid on that. I was just talking crap
Starting point is 00:04:25 oh it's a good thing to talk crap about yeah it was um so but that was a giant issue it was a 30 second 30 second issue yeah for a guy who was really wobbled at the end of the second round yeah and my route to the title yeah it was a big deal yeah it was a bummer but it was the perfect storm you know and um and now he's fighting for the title so you know hopefully he represents cuba well he's a bad motherfucker yeah he's a freak yeah he really is right yeah specimen yeah i mean when like there's so much going on there it's like there's the years of training in that crazy cuba olympic program there's phenomenal genetics yeah there's experience and competing there's so much going on there with that guy layers and layers and layers
Starting point is 00:05:11 of the highest level of competition um mixed in with a life that i think has been very complementary to a mindset of an athlete you know, he has pretty much been shaped most of his life to be a highest-level athlete. Tricky part is, man, Whitaker's good. Whitaker's very good. Whitaker's very good. He's very good and very young. You know, and Whitaker, you've got to remember,
Starting point is 00:05:40 had his knee blown out in the first round. He got his knee hyperextended, tore his MCL pretty badly in the first round and still was able to stuff takedowns on arguably the best wrestler who's ever fought in MMA. Yeah. Pretty impressive shit. That's a great fight. It is.
Starting point is 00:05:54 That's a couple weeks from now. Woo! Jacare and what's-his-face just fought? Calvin. Yeah. Are you still, are you like, you're so close to the division. You're paying attention to it. And you're just recently retired.
Starting point is 00:06:09 Do you still get itchy? I have a crazy competition bug, but not to fight. I'm going to do a bunch of jiu-jitsu this year. I'm competing in long gun, marksman stuff, three gun, heavy steel stuff. What is a long gun smart marksman stuff uh three gun um you know heavy steel stuff so what is a long gun is that like it's like yeah really long range but not so there's a bunch of different styles of competitive shooting you know there's like guys that run around and shoot around barricades very quickly um and then there's kind of a slow aim fire NRA style where you're going standing offhand or weird shooting positions
Starting point is 00:06:48 and then there's it doesn't matter it just matters how far you can shoot that's it yeah I have a buddy's into that he's into banging steel like a mile away or whatever the fuck it is crazy ballistic calculations and literally calculating
Starting point is 00:07:04 the curve of the earth. Yeah. Yeah. Barometric pressure, I mean, the temperature of your ammo to a degree plays a factor. Every imaginable, measurable thing plays a factor in how the bullet is going to fly. That's a, it's a real touchy subject in hunting because it's a, there's a lot of people that are getting into that with like really long range shots on animals and the question about whether or not it's ethical and who's it ethical for. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:34 I don't, I don't know where I stand on that. Um, I really love, I bounced between rifle hunting and bow hunting. rifle hunting and bow hunting. Um, as a kid, the first time that I took a shot that I wasn't 100% positive, the animal wouldn't just fall over. Uh, I mean, my dad scuffed me up, you know? Um, and I was like 11. So there has since then been a, this, the, the preponderance of responsibility has always been on the hunter to without question., know the animal is going to fall right then, right there. We're not stalking it for two days. I'm not following a blood trail for nine hours to see an animal hyperventilating. Now the meat's not even good.
Starting point is 00:08:18 Huge adrenaline spike. It's like right there, that's your meat, and you're going to go get it. Right. That's best case scenario. But even then, animals jump the string. Yeah, and how do you do that when you're shooting something that the bullet flight is going to be up for six seconds? Right. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:37 Is it really that long? Yeah. How long is it like if you're shooting, say, 1,000 yards? 1,003. Three seconds. Yeah. That's a long time. That is a long time.
Starting point is 00:08:47 Animals can take a couple steps in three seconds. Yeah, the heart's this big, you know? Yeah. Size of our two fists, and that's not a lot of margin of error. The wind changing one mile an hour, one mile an hour at 1,000 yards could make you miss that heart. Wow. Yeah. a thousand at a thousand yards could could make you miss that heart wow so yeah it's it's one of those weird sort of things where people are getting into it because there's a bragging rights aspect
Starting point is 00:09:13 of it you know you shot this elk at 800 yards and you know most people go 800 yards you tell someone you shot some of the 200 yards they go oh it's a good shot it's reasonable ethical you know if you have your crosshairs on an animal's vitals at 200 yards it go oh it's a good shot it's reasonable ethical you know if you have your crosshairs on an animal's vitals at 200 yards it's basically a dead animal absolutely but you get you get to like six seven hundred like yeah that's a tiny little spot you're aiming at yeah shit gets wiggly yeah i mean and you know i think you're a conservationist yes i think i'm a conservationist and you know you know we're talking in the tens of millions of dollars go into conservation from hunters um every single day from from hunting and yeah the u.s wildlife department of wildlife they don't know how
Starting point is 00:09:56 they're going to be paying for the protection of habitats without hunting permits because the number of people that are hunting are shrinking so i, I mean, there's a huge influx and question of, about how moral are different styles of hunting? What are the best? And how are we going to make sure that we protect these animals and protect their habitats? All the while, you know, I was telling you about that elk I shot at the beginning of the year. And I had a, I had a clean broadside shot at 600 meters. And I was like, I'm shooting a three weight, totally super doable. You know, I can, I can, I can do that almost in my sleep on my home range, but I'm shooting an animal. And I was like, no, I mean, let me just walk this guy down another Ridge. Yeah. So move up, win, come back down come back down and uh my next shot was at like 320 you know one shot
Starting point is 00:10:47 and he sits down so they're i think the responsibility always in all things should fall on the individual um but now it's just getting all the individuals to actually have responsibility that's where it gets really stupid really Really stupid. There's just, there's just people that they're not good people. They, they don't, they weren't raised well. Are people good? Some people in, in, in moments. Yeah. What do you mean when you say that? I don't know, like my mom and I, we argue about this a lot. She's like, she thinks people are inherently good. And I'm like, Well, you've seen so much of the bad. Yeah, obviously I'm going to have a calloused.
Starting point is 00:11:33 I'm not going to have the most objective perspective. But I want to think people are good. But I think hunters in general, let's just use that because that's what we're talking about right now. Of 100 hunters, what percentage are going to do the right thing? Are going to do the moral thing, the ethical thing, the thing that's the best interest for the animal, for conservation, for nature?
Starting point is 00:11:57 Out of 100, you know, if they're on a hunt. I would say for sure the majority. Okay. And now it gets down to, you know, guesswork as to what the numbers are. Like 60%? I'd say more. I like that. I like to think it's in the 70s or 80s.
Starting point is 00:12:11 I wish it was 100. For sure. And I wish anything other than that was just a mistake. But there's going to be people that poach. There's going to be people that cross property boundaries when they know they're not supposed to. There's going to be people that shoot an animal when the season opens tomorrow morning and they get there a day early and they see an animal and they just say, fuck it, I'm just going to shoot it and hang it and say I shot it the next day. There's like gray area
Starting point is 00:12:31 stuff where you're definitely doing something illegal, but it's still hunting. You still have a tag. And it's still people bending the rules. And then there's people that just, you know, they'll shoot two, three animals and they're only supposed to shoot one. They'll hide the rules. Yeah. Like when, and then there's people that just, you know, they'll shoot two, three animals and they're only supposed to shoot one.
Starting point is 00:12:48 They'll hide the meat. Yeah. There's, there's, there's always going to be people like that. Assholes. Yeah. Seriously. Selfish. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:57 There's always going to be people like that, unfortunately. And the thing about hunting is it's so controversial in a world where 95 to 97 depending on who you ask percent of the people eat meat it's still very controversial to go out and kill it yourself it's weird i still can't understand this very weird i know um in addition to people being you know maybe moral or immoral or most are good or most are bad um there's the contradiction of people not even using their brains you know um i i had the best tacos i've maybe ever had in my life last week and those have to getting waterboarded right yep yep maybe they tasted extra sweet but i had a bunch of friends over we we had some wine from right right next door to where my parents, like where I grew up,
Starting point is 00:13:47 and the animal, the elk that we were cooking, I mean, I saw it for a day as I walked this thing down. I mean, it was the most beautiful, majestic creature. Like I said, I was 600, moved in to just under three, or right at three, and so I got to see it in life. I got to see it at its death. I got to see after death, you know, I have, um, I have the whole entire trophy. I, you know, just, just like you, um, but I have two freezers, you know, I garnered six, almost 600 cumulative,
Starting point is 00:14:19 um, pounds from the hide the head and the meat for i don't know just i have 400 pounds of meat off that thing i still have two freezers full of meat you know it's a big animal it's a big animal delicious it's so good it's so good it's the best for you too it just feels different it's so good in your mouth yeah it's the best for you in your mouth yeah it's best for your body too i feel like it charges me up i want to fight veloc Velociraptors after I was like, I mean, I want to go to Columbia to Medellin where the good stuff is steal some of the good Coke, you know, like the old Pablo Escobar style Coke, and then bring that back to wherever I am. And I think that's the equivalent of what good elk tastes like in your mouth. I've never done good Coke or bad
Starting point is 00:15:04 Coke. So I've never done good Coke or bad Coke. Well, I've never done any Coke, but judging from the amount of money that Pablo Escobar made and the way that people talked about it and how rich Medellin still is, I think it's pretty good stuff. There's definitely a high demand. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:18 So the contradiction would be like people who are animal rights lovers. It would be like you just talked about this majestic animal that you watched and you admired and then you shot it and killed it. Yeah. God, it's beautiful. Yeah. I still love it. Yeah. I love every single ounce of it.
Starting point is 00:15:34 I know. And I agree with you. But for people that are, you know, maybe animal rights activists or vegans. How many of them have ever been to, not that I'm dogging on the cattle industry, because I'm not. I think they try to do the best that they can with what they have to produce enough food to feed a huge ever-growing population. I mean, this is a hard thing. You ever been to one of those farms? I have.
Starting point is 00:15:59 Yeah. Yeah. I've been to good ones and I've been to bad ones. Yeah. I know how my animal died. Yeah. And it died fast, peacefully, right where it loved being. And never felt anything, never saw anything.
Starting point is 00:16:14 It just crumbled. Yeah, there's also the balance of life, too. There's just, unless you want to bring wolves and more mountain lions into Texas and to wherever, you know, you're hunting. They tried that. That's not working. It's just unless you want to bring wolves and more mountain lions into Texas and to wherever you're hunting. They tried that. That's not working. It's not working. No, they brought the wolves. And now they're looking to hunters like me to come in to balance the wolves because the wolves are decimating the herds to a degree that they've never seen ever because there's no balance.
Starting point is 00:16:41 There's nothing to balance the wolves. Right. So what was the amount of available food resources, now the wolves are just killing everything. So even Yellowstone, they're like, can we bring in some pro hunters to try and balance this? Yeah, they knocked down the herd in Yellowstone by 90% at one point. Yeah. 90%. Just from the wolves they brought in the 90s.
Starting point is 00:17:01 Yeah. They're like, okay, we lost the wolves from the 60s to the 80s. So let's bring back some wolves in the 90s and think that we can balance things. And while it paid a positive effect for about 10 years, then 2010 rolls around. They're like, wait, wait a second. They're killing entire herds. We might lose all indigenous elk here if we don't do something immediately. So now they're bringing in guys like me to dart them and try and relocate them and bring
Starting point is 00:17:33 house, whatever. Well, the whole idea behind it was so crazy. They went and got these giant Canadian gray wolves and brought them over here into a place where the animals had, you know, they had no knowledge of wolves. They had wiped out the wolf population in the 1800s. The size of the wolf is bigger than what was originally here. So naturally, the amount of calories that that wolf needed was greater. And with 100 years of lack of evolution for the animals that were there to know what to do,
Starting point is 00:18:04 it was just fish in a barrel for these wolves. They're adapting, though. They're adapting. Hopefully. They're adapting quick, but they're still getting jacked. Part of the problem is people say, well, they're killing the weak animals, but they're not. They're killing everything. Because the weak ones go down into the farmlands.
Starting point is 00:18:19 You're getting like the cows and the calves, the smaller elk the female elk and the babies they're moving into farmlands and the big males when they're not rutting they stay up in the mountains and they use usually form these like bachelor herds and then when they're not rutting and when this is happening that's where the wolves are so the wolves are killing i mean i have friends that live in idaho and friends that live in montana and they're like, it's bad. Like there, there's a lot of fucking wolves killing giant elk. I've been failing in, uh, communicating.
Starting point is 00:18:51 So right now we, we agree with each other and we're, we're, you know, almost echoing the same sediments. So that person that doesn't agree with us, that, that,
Starting point is 00:19:00 um, vegetarian, vegan, um, that a conservationist that, that looks at us like, no, no, you guys are hunters. You can't be conservationists. Where does the conversation start?
Starting point is 00:19:10 Where is the middle ground where you can find, one, where an opportunity to build rapport and to have a conversation, have a discussion, to have maybe even a debate where you can intellectually talk through your different perspectives. I've been failing at this miserably of late, and I've been getting a lot of, it's weird when my social media, I think I have a lot of conservative military, you know, pro-Second Amendment types that follow me. When that whole entire base is mad at me, which is weird. And then on the other side, the, the far left progressive side is looking at me and being like, Oh, we hate you too.
Starting point is 00:19:52 So I'm like, I have now pissed off 95% of people on social media because I'm trying to find middle ground so we can talk. Have you pissed off the conservatives? Yeah. Have you done that? Um, You pissed off the conservatives. Yeah. How have you done that? Lance Armstrong and I were talking about gun control after the Parkland shooting in Florida. And he asked me, do you think gun control is a solution? And I said, absolutely. I think gun control can be a massive solution.
Starting point is 00:20:20 Verbatim. That's exactly what I said. Now, to me, gun control, those are words. Words like well-regulated militia. The words in the Constitution. That's almost synonymous to me. Gun laws, also a form of gun control, just like a well-regulated militia. I think that having good, safe gun laws save lives.
Starting point is 00:20:39 I don't want to have a felon, an MS-13 guy, an illegal immigrant, somebody that's been dishonorably discharged from the military, to get their hands on a gun. We have those laws. Those are forms of gun control, in my opinion. But the conservatives, Second Amendment, if you use the words gun control, like I was immediately called a Benedict Arnold. I'm a traitor. I was a Duff. I don't even know what a Duff is. That was a reoccurring one i think
Starting point is 00:21:05 it was the guy from um roger rabbit the guy that would hunt around with the gun but he didn't know how to use the gun because he always missed roger rabbit do you mean bugs bunny yeah yeah bugs bunny yep that's so elmer fudd yeah a fud that's what they called me, a Fudd. Yeah. So, I mean, hundreds of people. And I'm trying to have a conversation with Lance Armstrong, a guy that had never shot a gun at the time that was against private citizens really owning guns. And he couldn't be more for gun control, but I wanted to talk to him. Yeah. And so I had no problem using his vernacular, using the words that he's comfortable with, like gun control.
Starting point is 00:21:48 Even though, to me, that's just gun laws, that's well-regulated militia. I mean, I'm a huge Second Amendment proponent. I don't think anybody has ever questioned that until this moment. Well, Hawk, if they just pay attention to you for five minutes, all they have to do is just go to your social media
Starting point is 00:22:01 and you go, this is not an anti-gun guy. No. This guy's on the range how many days a week? Six yeah come on yeah like i'm mad that i'm here with you because i'm not on the range you know but i'll make it up tomorrow yeah you're you're a gun nut yeah for sure for sure i mean it's an occupational thing yes like i have no choice this is this is this is what i do now if you want to be excellent at your job, you must be a gunman. Yeah. Well, in that conversation, I disavowed
Starting point is 00:22:30 apparently my huge group of Second Amendment loving people. I have a theory on that. I think there's a lot of people that are just looking and get pissed off, and if you say any word that they decide is a hot-button word, like gun control, they don't care if you've thought it out and you have a rational perspective on
Starting point is 00:22:48 what you consider gun control. Like there was a statement that was released by a group of hunters. It was hunters for gun control. And they had a bunch of reasonable reasons why people shouldn't have a firearm that could get a firearm currently. And it all made sense. But the response to that, the backlash of it, it's not debate. It's like people on that side, the pro-Second Amendment side, they're so terrified of any new regulation. And they think that you have to hold your ground because any slipping backwards is
Starting point is 00:23:25 going to eventually lead to someone taking your guns away. I mean, I do understand the death by a thousand cuts. You know, I think that has always been the perspective. You know, if you look at, it's not like Adolf Hitler said, okay, we're going to kill all the blacks and all the Jews overnight. That's not what happened, right? It was, it was over the course of seven, eight years where he just very slowly, incrementally changed laws. Okay, they're not allowed to shop here. Okay, they're not allowed to go here.
Starting point is 00:23:49 Okay, now we're going to move them all into the same area. And very slowly, not slowly, in a matter of five, six, seven years, he started a genocide of an entire ethnicity. And that's the fear. It's okay, it's going to be incremental. And at some point, we're going to turn around and look and be like, look at all of this freedom that we've lost. I think it's the same, you know, with during right after 9-11 when George Bush, you know, the Freedom Act or the Patriot Act, the Patriot Act. You know, like that was one of the largest losses of privacy that Americans have ever, ever experienced, but we were fearful.
Starting point is 00:24:26 We were scared. And, you know, like I love dangerous freedom, but overnight we lost a ton of that. Um, not incrementally just overnight. And, and, but the most efficient way is to take it bit by bit by bit. So I get that. Um, but for Christ sakes, man, like you can't find somebody that's more of a proponent of the Second Amendment than me, except apparently on that day when I pissed off. So I'm trying to figure out how to have a conversation. I can't do it. I don't think that they are any more of a Second Amendment proponent than you are. I just think they're ideologically so rigid in this idea that you can't change gun laws at all. If you think that someone who's on anti-psychotic medication and has bouts of manic
Starting point is 00:25:07 schizophrenia, you think that person should be allowed to have guns when they hear voices that aren't real. They see things that aren't really there. They've been reported to the FBI a handful of times. The sheriff knows about them. The principal knows about them. Obviously the problem with that is someone can decide to report Tim Kennedy.
Starting point is 00:25:24 They can make up some story. Look, Tim Kennedy's been acting crazy. Tim Kennedy's doing these things. He's going to kill my family. Tim Kennedy's doing this. Tim Kennedy's doing this. Someone just decides to actively target you in that way. They can sort of frame you as some sort of a crazy person and then use that as an excuse to go after your guns.
Starting point is 00:25:41 I mean, this is what people are terrified of. Yeah. And that is possible. It is. I mean, just be objective. And there of. Yeah. And that is possible. It is. I mean, just be objective. And there's no due process on the backside. Okay. So if somebody was wrongfully put on a list or you not to be allowed to buy a gun, how
Starting point is 00:25:54 do you get off that list? Right. How do you? I don't know. How do you? I mean, as a guy that spends quite a bit of time, you know, what I think hopefully protecting gun laws and protecting gun ownership, I don't even know how to get off that list. No.
Starting point is 00:26:06 That's scary. You probably don't. You probably don't get off of it. It's like the no-fly list. There's just not a way to not get off it. Who the fuck ever gets back on the fly list? I know you were off the list, but you're back on. Come on back.
Starting point is 00:26:16 Get on board. Welcome. Welcome. No worries. Sit near the window. No. Can I have my beverage service and peanuts, please? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:22 It's things where there's a left side and a right side. If you say something that the left believes in, you're a traitor. And if you're on the other side, if you say something the right believes in, you're a traitor. But the conversation has to happen in the middle. Right. It does. Yeah. So how do you do that?
Starting point is 00:26:37 Well, the conversation with animals has to happen in the middle. When you're talking about the consumption of animals, you have the hardcore animal rights activists who don't want anything to die but how do they feel about wolves eating elk asshole first tear them apart i mean are you okay with that i mean are you okay with natural predation you are you're just not okay with humans predating so how do you want to balance out the population of say wild pigs like what do you what's your proposal they don't have one you mean there's not enough resources in the world to go out and trap them. And if you did trap them, what are you going to do? Give them, you going to fix them?
Starting point is 00:27:08 You going to give them, you know, vasectomies? We tried to give them to the homeless, but the homeless weren't eating them in Texas. Really? Yeah. Why would you not eat wild pig? It's delicious. Texas wild pig is pretty. Is it funky?
Starting point is 00:27:20 It's pretty funky. Really? Isn't that just how you take care of it? Well, you have to take care of it. That's the thing is these are swamp living. Oh, right, right, right. Rough, pretty nasty things. So there was a period of time where we could go during the eradication
Starting point is 00:27:35 when we're trying to curb the ever-growing population. If you shot X number, you could bring maybe a fat sow in to the food shelter and they'd have a butcher and then they tried to serve it and they're like, ah, nobody was eating it. So then they, we tried that for about six months and then they said, forget it. We're just wasting money. That is just so goofy. What a goofy world we live in where people who are starving are picky. Yeah. Like I don't want that wild pig. Well, maybe, I mean, in their defense, maybe it's just really poorly handled. And by the time they get it, it's tainted and it smells bad. And I don't know in their defense maybe it's just really poorly handled and by the time they get it it's tainted it smells bad and i don't know i mean it's it's entirely possible
Starting point is 00:28:10 somebody fucked it up along the way yeah they don't treat wild pigs in texas like you would treat like a deer that you shot that you hunted down took a long time to track and you had to you know get into perfect position and you cherish that meat. Wild pigs are shooting them out of helicopters. I'm sure you've seen those Ted Nugent videos. Oh, yeah, I do it. Do you do that? Yeah, I do. The hella hunting?
Starting point is 00:28:30 Yeah. There'll be farms. So a farm in, let's say, central Texas, north of Austin, south of Dallas, they're losing 10% to 15% of their agriculture every single year to wild pigs. Millions of dollars. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So if you have a $10 million ranch, you're losing $1.5 million
Starting point is 00:28:49 to wild pigs. To wild pigs. Yeah, and there's not a lot of profit in being a farmer. So $1.5 million is a lot of money to these guys. And then on the flip side, you have a bunch of I'm using hunters
Starting point is 00:29:07 guys that are coming to because it's sport fun i mean there's not there's not much fair game here there's not stock in these animals it's thermals it's white lights off jeeps it's any way you can imagine to try to kill these things and we're not even making a dent in how fast these things are breeding yeah you know they the a sow can have like at the age of one it could start having three or four litters a year i think it's six months oh it's crazy i think they can start breeding at six months and they're having multiple litters a year and each litter can have six to ten pigs yeah we're done if there are zombies, it's over. It's over. Well, if they were predators,
Starting point is 00:29:48 I mean, imagine if these things were like wolves. Oh, I've imagined. If wolves spread like that. Oh, I bet you have. Yeah. Yeah, you know how Tim goes to sleep at night? You just nailed it, Joe. You got it. I mean, could you imagine if wolves were doing that? If there were that many wolves, and they were just roaming through the countryside packs of a thousand wolves? I have an erection
Starting point is 00:30:03 now. Woo! Yep! Curb it. Pull it back. Pull it back. Use your mind. Yeah, I mean that conversation is the conversation where the vegans run into an ideological wall. Like, what do you say about that? You want to just live and let be? Well, you're not going to have any vegan food
Starting point is 00:30:19 because they eat vegan food. Okay, you're not going to have any food. The pigs are going to eat all your food unless you're growing your own food. And then what are you going to do if the pigs break your fences and eat your food're not going to have any food. The pigs are going to eat all your food unless you're growing your own food. And then what are you going to do if the pigs break your fences and eat your food and you don't have any food left? Oh, they break your fences. They do break your fences.
Starting point is 00:30:31 They break your everything. They are big and they're powerful creatures and they decimate ground nesting birds, anything that's small. I mean, there's some videos that we have from Texas of a big boar running away with an axis deer fawn in its mouth i mean they eat everything they can it's they're they're monsters and they're delicious so i don't know about texas ones i've never had it i need to eat i've eaten a
Starting point is 00:30:56 couple california ones they were fantastic yep my my dad you know he's in monterey county he uh he has his pig trough pig pond and he has a herd of pigs that come every night. And the, I mean, it's almost like a visceral response for me to watch my dad drive down in his four-wheeler and feed these things where I'm like, oh, no, dad. Why does he feed them? Because he loves them. Yeah, elk come through there. You know, he has tule elk that wanders his property. And so he has a bunch of these wild pigs.
Starting point is 00:31:26 And so he and my mom, they sit on the porch and they watch the wild animals and the deer. It's kind of cool. Super cool. But then like the Texan in me is like, I want to just get rid of all of those things. They're an abomination. Missouri has an interesting take on it. They're making hunting them illegal. And the reason why with dogs or shooting them and they find by trapping them there's a great podcast that uh steve ranella he has the meat eater podcast it's a great
Starting point is 00:32:09 podcast but he had a guy who is a wild pig wild pig eradication expert from missouri who works for the department of fish and wildlife down there and uh or uh i guess they call it fishing game down there california they call it fish and wildlife. But they've used these traps. They can get as many as like 63 pigs at a time. And he's like, if we tried to shoot 63 pigs, it would take forever to do that. So they're using these large scale traps, catching these pigs, and, you know, they're just killing them. And the way they're doing, they're like get a lot of backlash from hunters because the hunters are like, well, why don't you just let us hunt them?
Starting point is 00:32:47 They say, no, we want to get rid of all of them. These are a dangerous invasive species. You guys want to keep some of them around for fun, but you're not going to manage the population correctly. You really can't. So they're on an eradication bend down there. I'd love to see how that works. They're apparently doing a really good job in keeping them from spreading into new areas of public land. They'll get a notification. Someone will say, hey, we saw a sow and two baby piglets in this one area.
Starting point is 00:33:15 And they will just go there immediately and just track those things down and try to kill them. The areas where populations are clearly established, they're trying to get them from spreading. Yeah. it's a huge industry too though yeah um i mean hunting in general we're talking billions and billions dollars and you know whether you're trophy hunting in in africa and you're you're paying a few hundred thousand dollars for a water buffalo or you know you're going and you know you're just getting some a blessed buck or an impala and you're just getting a Bless Buck or an Impala, and you're still paying $10,000.
Starting point is 00:33:52 The flight, donating the food to the village, the trophy fee, the processing, then the shipping, the gun itself, the ammo, paying for the pH, paying for the guide, paying for the tracker. That's all real, real money. then on even on the local and american side deer hunting elk hunting pig hunting still billion dollar industry yeah and uh that money directly goes back to habitat protection conservation not not not in like incremental percentages massive portions of that money. Yeah, it's the Pickman-Roberts Act, right?
Starting point is 00:34:27 It's like, what is it, 11%? Jamie, see if you can find that. I think they established that in the 30s, and this was in response to what Teddy Roosevelt did when they were trying to keep large swaths of public land available for people to recreate
Starting point is 00:34:43 on, and then try to bring back populations of these animals. They needed funds to do that. Because market hunting, people think it was like just hunters that decimated the population, sort of, but market hunting. It was hunting wild animals for people to eat, which is now illegal. You can't just go shoot a bunch of deer and then sell it to people. It's illegal. And one of the reasons why it's illegal is they wanted to stop market hunting. So they take all this money, which I believe is 11%.
Starting point is 00:35:09 Is it 11%? 11% of all the money from hunting supplies, gear, guns, all that shit, all of it goes towards conservation. And that turns out to be billions and billions of dollars a year. Yeah. And that's what keeps the protection. Here it goes right here. a year. And that's what keeps the protection. Here it goes right here. Okay, the early 1900s,
Starting point is 00:35:32 many wildlife species were disappearing or declining. The firearms and ammunition industry asked Congress to impose an excise tax. I mean, that is amazing. They asked Congress to impose this tax on the sale of firearms and ammunition to help fund wildlife conservation in the United States. The Pittman-Robertson Act passed in 1937, known as the Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration. So this is how wetlands get preserved, wildlife habitat, like traveling corridors for mule deer, how they keep them from getting developed. All that stuff is through conservation money that comes from hunting. The difference between the amount of money that comes from hunting and conservation acts that gets donated to preserve wildlife versus animal rights groups is so stunning.
Starting point is 00:36:13 You can't even count. It's like not even pennies on the dollar. It's nothing. It's like they don't donate it. I mean, some people donate a few dollars here or there to things, but the vast majority of the money comes from hunters which creates this really confusing place for a lot of people that's the middle ground killing animals that's that's ends up being like the middle ground conversation that nobody will actually have right
Starting point is 00:36:35 yeah well that's the conversation about africa too right that those animals when you let people hunt them they're worth a lot more than if you just let the poachers come in and they're protected and they're protected but the moment that if you just let the poachers come in and do what they will with them. And they're protected. But the moment that the hunters go away, they disappear. But the animal rights activists and the vegans would like us to move past that and get to the point where we don't kill animals at all. And if you eat animals, you get it from a lab. It's not impossible, but it's...
Starting point is 00:36:59 Go to Africa. It's fucking hot. In Africa, it's probably impossible in the current state. Unless some massive evolution happens with consciousness and people just stop being people yeah and so limpopo which is north south africa right on the botswana border um they kind of like gave this whirl of trying to i'm 90 out of the exact right location but, they outlawed the hunting of some specific wild game and the farmers that had had them just kind of, okay, we're just gonna, we're just gonna let, let them go. Cause there's not worth anything to us.
Starting point is 00:37:35 All of their animals disappeared in a year poached. That's crazy. In a year, one year, all of them were gone, just disappeared. So the intent was, okay, these are nearing endangered, so we're going to allow people to hunt them. And then they went from endangered to almost endangered to absolutely endangered, critically, because nobody was protecting them because there were no hunters that wanted them.
Starting point is 00:38:02 It's hard for people to wrap their head around because it's so messy. It's not a clean issue. It's so messy. And you see some fat slob holding his rifle over a lion. And you go, there's no way in nature this fat fuck should be able to shoot that lion. And just, you know, and mount it on his wall. There's a photo that I got off the internet of a guy. He looks like he's about 500 pounds.
Starting point is 00:38:29 And he's just overflowing with gluttony and just, and he's got a rifle and there's a dead lion there. And I'm like, okay, there's every, this is everything that's wrong with hunting because he's, he's not going to eat that lion. Like, why did he go over there to shoot that lion? It's one thing if that lion was like hunting his family or interfering with his cattle business. And no, no, no. That guy flew over there. He waddled over to the bog pod, rested the rifle down, and pulled the trigger on one of the biggest apex predators on the planet. Everybody should have a problem with that. It's fucking weird.
Starting point is 00:38:56 It's weird. But now here's the contradiction. If those animals aren't worth money for people to hunt, then what happens is what happens in Zimbabwe. They just kill hundreds of them because there's too many of them now because people aren't hunting them, so they're decimating the undulate population, so they have to curb the lions. So instead of getting $50,000 or $100,000 a lion from a hunter, which goes to the villagers, it goes to conservation, it goes to hire professional hunters, now they get nothing, and they have
Starting point is 00:39:22 to pay someone to go and shoot these lions. And they shoot all of them. They shoot these lions. And they shoot all of them. They shoot all of them. They shoot all of them. And you're like, well, this sucks. This is not good. None of this is good. This isn't good both ways.
Starting point is 00:39:32 It's not good to look at that fat guy standing over a lion, and it's not good to look at these government people shooting 200 lions and just dumping them into a hole somewhere. The whole thing's a mess. That's Africa. Here we try to do the right thing. Or, you know, if you're going to get a bear tag from Colorado, or you're going to bear tag from New Mexico, for that tag to be issued, you know, they measure the amount of food that's
Starting point is 00:39:57 in each district. And then they're going to issue six tags, because there's enough food to, there's 12 bears there, but there's only enough food to feed six of them. So they're going to issue six tags. That or all 12 of them might starve to death or the majority of them. So they're going to issue, and you can go and buy your six tags that leave six animals in that area, in that region that you're able to hunt. You're paying for that tag a lot of money sometimes. If you're out of state, you know, you're paying a few hundred dollars, five, six, seven hundred dollars, flights, hotels. It's for a bear.
Starting point is 00:40:31 It adds up. It adds up. It adds up. But, you know, I understand the mindset of people that don't want any of this to happen. I do understand it. But I do think that they don't understand nature. I really don't think they understand that this is the best death these animals will ever experience.
Starting point is 00:40:47 And they're not going to live forever in the wild. In the wild, they're going to be torn apart by something bigger than them. That's just how it goes. 100% of the time. Or they freeze to death, or they starve to death. Or they're starving,
Starting point is 00:40:58 they walk down on the road to try to find some food in the town, they get hit by a semi-truck. Yeah, that happens too. Yeah, and I have a buddy who lives in Iowa, and when you drive in his neighborhood at night, you better go 35 miles an hour, because those fuckers are just darting out in front of the street left and right.
Starting point is 00:41:11 They're everywhere. And, you know, what's the solution? Don't drive cars, drive your bike everywhere, man. Well, okay, good luck with that. I get it. I get where those people are coming from. They're coming from a place of compassion, I get it.
Starting point is 00:41:22 I get where those people are coming from. They're coming from a place of compassion. But it becomes very culty and it becomes very team oriented. They're team vegan. And there's like words, we're circling back where, you know, when you're trying to have that middle ground, that discussion, that conversation, there's like this pre-assigned talking points. Yeah. Where everybody from every respective side makes essentially the same argument. And you're just regurgitating what you've heard other people say, but there's no new thought.
Starting point is 00:41:55 There's new, and there's no one taking a step to either side. Like, okay, do you want, maybe there's something I'm not seeing here. Let me look at it from this perspective or vice versa, where this side, the hunter's like, no, no, where this side, the hunters like, no,
Starting point is 00:42:05 no, you, you stupid snowflake, you know, go get your Starbucks latte, you know, with your soy milk. And,
Starting point is 00:42:11 but they're never looking at it from anything new. They're, they're just regurgitating their talking points. Like when you said gun control and people freaked out, freaked out because I didn't stay to the script. And there's a script. Well, you,
Starting point is 00:42:24 I mean, if you, if you pull up my, my, any of my social, you will see that, oh, what you should have said was, or, hey, you know, shall not be infringed upon. Yeah, man, I got it. Yeah. Shall not be infringed upon. Believe it to death. Have you fought for it?
Starting point is 00:42:37 Have you bled for it? You've been blown up for it? You've been shot at? I have. You know, I really believe in this shit. But I didn't stay to the script. And then I get murdered by both sides. So then how do we, I mean, you do a pretty good job.
Starting point is 00:42:52 So teach me, Joe, how do you bring people in to have a talk? There's got to be a lot of people that disagree with you and say, I do a terrible job that I repeat the same things over and over again. And I agree with them for a certain amount of the conversations, like this one. I mean, I've had this conversation about conservation and animals a hundred times, but I think it's worth having a hundred more because I think it's an important thing. If someone is listening to this podcast and they didn't understand how it all works and they didn't understand that people who hunt and eat meat, they're not monsters.
Starting point is 00:43:21 They're not evil people. Just like people who eat grain aren't monsters because you callously disregard the lives of mice and rats, all the things that get ground up in combines and bunnies. If you buy grain, large-scale agriculture is bad, period. It's bad in terms of factory farming, but it's also bad in terms of growing food. If you grow a thousand acres of corn, you are absolutely displacing wildlife. And when that stuff gets harvested, you see vultures fly over those fields. And there's a reason.
Starting point is 00:43:53 It's because there's a bunch of dead things. In fact, more dead lives occur in a pound of grain than occur in a pound of beef. occur in a pound of grain than occur in a pound of beef. Because if you think that a cow is more valuable than a bunny because it's larger, like you've got some weird life thing going on in your own head. Okay, you tell me how to balance the soul's worth on body weight. Exactly, and how do you feel about insects? Because they are a large scale poisoning those fucking insects, and you know it.
Starting point is 00:44:26 Everybody knows it, and they're grinding those fuckers up with earthworms and mice and gophers and chipmunks and anything else that gets stuck in those wheels. That is just how large-scale agriculture works. So unless you have some isolated farm where everything's fenced in and you only have a certain amount of acreage and that farm feeds you, well, you are karma free. And congratulations to you. You figured out how to do it. But most of us who buy pasta, if you go and buy bread in the store, you're paying someone who's killed a large amount of living things in order to harvest that grain.
Starting point is 00:45:01 That's just a fact. It's just a fact. It's just a fact. And it's an inconvenient fact that they like to look at with blinders on because they, you know, like I'm hashtag cruelty free, not to that fucking bunny rabbit that's a part of your tofu because this is what's really going on. I mean, a good part of the B, the vitamin B that a lot of vegans get is from ground up bugs that's ground up into their grain and ground up into their vegetables. I mean, this is just – you can't get around that.
Starting point is 00:45:32 I mean, not if you are being real. If you're being real. Maybe that's the problem in the first place is nobody is going to have the courage to come into that middle ground and let go of all of their baggage and all of their bullshit. Yeah. And if you're cool with eating bugs, you should eat crickets. Get cricket meal. Eat cricket protein. It's fucking good for you.
Starting point is 00:45:59 If you don't want to eat animals, you're like, I'm just not into anything that's warm. Okay. I have a friend who only eats fish and i go why he goes fish don't even take care of their babies i was like oh good point that is a good point fuck those fish fish are yummy too yeah he's like i don't want to kill a mammal he goes i don't want to eat a mammal he's like mammals take care of their babies their their babies milk from their their you know their udders i'm like okay i get it my wife is a pescatarian for a while um that didn't that didn't
Starting point is 00:46:26 last it's just not the best source of nutrients no well it was when she's pregnant and the doctor's like all right so you're 90 pounds and uh i need you to put on like 20 more pounds really fast and you're not gonna do it eating halibut you You know? Yeah. And her iron was low. Yeah, iron, B12, I mean, all the fat-soluble vitamins that are very difficult to get from plants. This is a great chair. They're very good. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:53 Yeah. It's a company called, well, they changed their name. They used to be called, what did they call it? Ergo Depot. Now they're called Fully. And this is called the Kapisco. It's the best ergonomic chair. I fucking love these things
Starting point is 00:47:05 i sit in these things hours a day my back never bothers me i i really can't sit for very long periods of time yeah my my desk at home my reloading station it's all standing height oh you're one of those standing desk guys yeah i'll even take a medicine ball like the balance balls and i'll get on my knees on it and I'll just balance. Oh, that's a good move. Yeah. It feels good. And it's good, but it is type type. And you're kind of keeping your core strong. It's less of the core and it's more, um,
Starting point is 00:47:33 I have like a seven year old brain, you know, that if, if, um, I'm not doing a lot of things at once, I just get distracted. So I just do lots of things at once, like having to balance on a ball so I don't smash my face into the desk and knock myself out while I'm reloading ammunition and playing with explosives like that is a perfect recipe for me to be successful at reloading bullets you reload explosives as well as bullets no no so oh I'm gunpowder is explosive right right right I thought you meant like grenades and shit too no I will take um like if we are going to go do so tomorrow i'm playing with the dutch special forces at reveille peak ranch in austin texas and um we are going to
Starting point is 00:48:14 set up a bunch of booby traps for them when they come in to do their like their final culmination hit the full mission profile so they're going to spend all day planning and they're going to figure out how they're going to walk through the woods and not get caught. And I'm essentially the terrorists that they're going to try and come kill. But I'm a really good terrorist. So how do you guys keep from actually killing each other
Starting point is 00:48:35 when you're doing this? Oh, they're using simunitions. So they use a real guns with different bolts that shoot like paintballs. Yeah. And then the- How many feet per that shoot like paintballs. Yeah. And then the, then my feet per second of these paintballs flying 800. Oh,
Starting point is 00:48:50 okay. It's still stings like a motherfucker. I'm still wearing like hockey glasses, you know, like the, our snowboard glasses. You ever catch one in the mouth? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:59 Oof. Yeah. I have a, I have a friend that has like a tattoo in his lip from the paint, from the paint. Oh, wonderful. Yeah. And it just, like, it's all the way into the flesh. Like it won't come out. And he's like a like a tattoo in his lip. From the paint? From the paint. Oh, wonderful. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:05 And it's all the way into the flesh. Like it won't come out. And he has like a chunk of pink in his lip forever. Wow. I offered to cut it out. He said no. I don't know. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:15 Boring. I'm really good with a knife. I bet you are. Yeah. Dan, if you're listening right now, let me cut that out of your face. Maybe he likes it. It makes him unique. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:24 Oh, he's unique. What is Finding Hitler all about? This is a show that you're on, and it's on A&E. Is that what it's on? Yeah, A&E is the parent network. It airs on History Channel. And we just had our third season that just finished airing. What's the thought process behind this?
Starting point is 00:49:42 Is it legit? Because a lot of people are like, Finding Hitler. Get the fuck out here they found hitler he died yeah i mean not really we don't know right that's the that's i mean this isn't like ancient aliens this is we they declassified a bunch of documents um they both the israelis um the british and the germans and americans in the past 20 years have been consistently declassifying documents. And there were a bunch of specifically FBI documents that we were spending millions and millions of dollars actively searching for Hitler after the war. Really? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:17 Like millions of dollars. no no send more fbi agents to south america and to north africa go to the canary islands go to spain trying to find out where this guy went tons of real fbi documents with real leads with real informants some hand or some first eye accounts saying that they physically so anyways that's the show is us trying to find out sift through reality and um the fiction of the the allure the mist the mystery of that asshole so what's the official story the official story is that he killed himself right yep he killed himself in the bunker with ava braun yep And is there any photographic evidence of his death or anything? So what the Russians got the body and they got his skull. And when they brought it back to Moscow, nobody has ever been able to independently verify who and what this body is.
Starting point is 00:51:23 They let one genetic test occur and the body with the bullet holes that they said was Hitler and have said, and that's the narrative, that's the story, that's all the eyewitness accounts that are in even the vicinity of collaborating with each other and cooperating each other's testimony. Like the closest version, because none of it seems to be very accurate, is that, okay, here's Hitler's skull. And when they did the genetic testing, it's that of a 35-year-old woman. So like, oh, well, this isn't Hitler, but they've said for the past 80 years that this is Hitler. So, okay, first, before we start throwing stones at Russia, let's go back to 1945, April, in Berlin.
Starting point is 00:52:10 You have the Allies coming in, wrecking shop, dropping bombs, blowing everything up they can in every single which way. You have the Russians coming in from the opposite direction. They don't even have enough guns to arm all their soldiers. So if they have 200,000 guys, they have 100,000 guns. If the guy in front of you dies, you just pick up his gun. That's what's happening in April of 1945 in Berlin. So the noose is tightening. There is no, I mean, it is chaos, anarchy, pandemonium.
Starting point is 00:52:38 This is hell on earth is Berlin, 1945. So I don't know if you could get a real story, a real, the way that we do it now where we have, you know, this forensic experts that come in and document everything. And we look at all the different testimonies, say, this is, this is exactly how, it's just not, it's not CSI. This is 1945 Berlin. It's crazy. So, I don't know. So, there was no, like, absolute proof. No.
Starting point is 00:53:11 And a lot of Nazis did escape and go to South America. The majority of anyone with power. The Nuremberg trials were not a winch hunt, but it was to close a chapter so we could start moving forward with communism. That's what it was. The threat of fascism, the threat of Hitler, the threat of killing all the Jews, the threat of world domination by the Nazis, that threat's gone. What's the next threat? Communism. It's communism.
Starting point is 00:53:40 Right. So that had to be a closed chapter of our history so we could focus our resources and our efforts to what inevitably was going to, I mean, the wall goes up. We have East and West Berlin. You know, we're already looking at Korea. I mean, this happens almost overnight. Right. Very quickly. You know, and Patton's like, no, no, homies, we need to go all the way to Moscow. This is not the end of our war. And we didn't listen to him um we then have been you know fighting communism for the past 75 years so the the ones with power that went to south america i know a bunch of them went to argentina uh but they think uh they went to honduras and a few other places where where do they think they wound up so what you had in south America, both Chile and Argentina back to back had fascist regimes. You had Peron, who was part of the Nazi party starting all the way back into
Starting point is 00:54:32 the mid 30s. He's the president of Argentina. So the Red Cross, they were facilitating, there was about three different rat lines that guys were able to successfully get out of Europe into South America. And these are – there's no question that we're talking thousands if not tens of thousands of high-ranking Nazis made it there. Tens of thousands. Tens of thousands. And I'm not talking like little soldiers. I'm talking high-ranking Nazis, officers, guys like Joseph Mengele and Adolf Eichmann. I mean these are the most disgusting, despicable humans to exist at the time. high-ranking Nazis, officers, guys like Joseph Mengele and Adolf Eichmann.
Starting point is 00:55:08 I mean, these are the most disgusting, despicable humans to exist at the time. If Hitler is dead, Joseph Mengele is the guy that would take syringes full of blue ink and inject them. Oh, you have blue eyes, Joe, or you have brown eyes. Let me see if I can make them blue. Oh, wow. And then take twins and start torturing them to see if one would feel the pain. That's Joseph Mengele. I mean, that's the guy that then in South America was helping high-ranking Argentinians have abortions. And he set up, have you seen the movie Colonia? No.
Starting point is 00:55:36 About Colonia Dignidad, which is, if you're listening right now, I almost warn you not to Google it. Because it was a torture camp that was started by Joseph Schaefer, a Nazi and Joseph Mengele, the, the doctor of death that escaped trial in Nuremberg and made it, um, on the behest of Peron into Argentina. He set up the hospital at Colonia Dignidad, which was another safe haven for more Nazis in South America. Gautam Ayer and Ben-Gurion, the presidents of Israel, they took the gloves off and they were just sending assassins to try to find these people and kill them.
Starting point is 00:56:18 But what you got in South America were isolated German-only communities. You could go into Bariloche, Argentina and you know, I'd be like, and they're like, Guten Morgen. I'm like, Oh yeah. I mean, I meant good morning. Yeah. Sorry. It's 2017. Right. I thought we spoke Spanish. So in 2017 you were there and they were speaking German. Yeah. Whoa. Well, I'm, I don't look very i might look more european than i do so it's just them seeing me walking down the street and be like wow yeah and there's tons of communities i mean if you go to colonia dignidad which is now called via
Starting point is 00:56:57 bavaria the bavarian village it is uh only german in the center of chile in the mountains of chile like you there's no spanish being being spoken there it is exclusively german and these are descendants of nazis powerful nazis holy shit and this is going on right now yeah yeah and what are these communities like i mean what's their ideology are they I mean, what's their ideology? Are they? I mean, they're pretty white. Yeah, but are they like, I mean, are they, do they espouse Nazi values or? Not openly. So, Colonia Dignidad, if you look at the second generation, there's a bunch of, so, it was a huge problem for Chile that they tried to hide for years and they they got so much power
Starting point is 00:57:48 from the torturing that they did at colonia dignidad on a whole bunch of other high-ranking south american dictators that they are almost untouchable and this this is i mean you you'd blow your mind if you look into this joe you you'd love it. But the second generation, the kids, like the grandkids, sometimes they're even more fanatical than the original generation. Have you ever seen this? Where like if somebody's away from, like when you travel abroad, man, it's so cool to like, to get into the culture and get into the food and get into the, like you're dancing this style and you love the flag
Starting point is 00:58:23 and you're like, oh, I'm gonna go to a soccer game because we don't go to soccer games in America. And then I'm gonna go. But then maybe after like two months, you kind of miss home, you know? And then like a year, you really miss home. And then 10 years, like you really, really miss home. And you see the same thing in the United States where it's not really a perfect assimilation. It's not the melting pot where you see generations that are espousing to be more like their ethnic heritage than they are American. You know, they're flying the Irish flag and like, I'm Irish. Well, it's just times a thousand with these communities because they're exclusively German. Wow.
Starting point is 00:59:02 Yeah. It's pretty cool. Kind of weird. So exclusively German and really missing home yeah yeah so many years later the second generations i was talking about um some of them came to the united states and were high-ranking white supremacists that are now in jail in prison for their racial crimes. And they came out of South America? They came out of Colonia Dignidad.
Starting point is 00:59:30 They came out of Bariloche. They came out of Cordoba. They came out of Misiones. They came out of, yeah. Wow. Crazy. So that's the show, Hunting Hitler. Fucking A, man.
Starting point is 00:59:41 It's a trip. How many people are we talking about all told in South America that come out of this? I mean, tens of thousands went there, but how many German communities and how big are they? We maybe have 50 German communities. 50? How many people, if you had to guess? A few hundred thousand. Holy shit.
Starting point is 01:00:02 A few hundred thousand descendants of Nazis. Wow. Saris, Argentina into somebody's parlor. And all of the tile is European and all the style and all the art is very German. You know, we have like deers and not, not like red stags. We're talking German, everything, things that Hitler loved. And that's the style and that's everything. And then they come out and like with white gloves, they're holding their grandpa, grandfather's um memory box and inside of it are his war medals
Starting point is 01:00:50 from you know when he was in the ss or when he was and it is the respect the i don't even know the reference yeah i mean it's mean, it's like... It's like this is a gift from the Pope that they're holding in their hands. White gloves. No, I can't... First of all, Tim can't touch it. That's... But I can appreciate it.
Starting point is 01:01:12 And then they tell me the story of every single one of these things and how he got there and how he then went and worked for the Buenos Aires News. You can't touch anything. Oh, they wouldn't... No, because I can...
Starting point is 01:01:21 You're dirty. I'm dirty. Dirty American. Look at these. You're too brown. Yeah. brown yeah fuck man so we followed the first two seasons it was really just unraveling the rumors of what happened to hitler the third season was my favorite because i actually got to do real work they said okay i got the second. I got to bring in more special forces guys, CIA targeter, Nadia, who helped my unit kill Zarqawi in 2006. This is the team that is now looking at real evidence,
Starting point is 01:01:57 trying to figure out, okay, how did we find bin Laden? How did we find Zakhar Zarqawi? We looked at their associates and we looked at how they moved. We looked at how they communicated. We looked at what routes they were using to get to and from places. And then we just started tightening the noose. And that's exactly what we did in this third season was, okay, let's start following the Adolf Eichmanns. Let's start following the Joseph Mengele's and let's start following the Skorzensky's, Hitler's personal bodyguard that was a colonel in the SS that went on to work for everybody after the war fighting.
Starting point is 01:02:30 I mean, fascists do not like communists. So this guy was working for everybody to include the CIA fighting fascism in South America or fighting communism as a fascist in South America in the 50s, 60s and 70s. Whoa. Creepys. Whoa. Creepy stuff. Whoa. Yeah. So.
Starting point is 01:02:50 So. Hunting Hitler. Are there any legitimate eyewitness accounts of Hitler in South America? Or potentially legitimate? Absolutely potentially. Whoa. Yep. Eyewitness accounts. I saw him get off. Whoa. Yep. I witness counts.
Starting point is 01:03:05 I saw him get off a boat. I saw him meet here. And if it was just some person saying it, it's almost meaningless. Right. But if you look at the context of who this person is, the wealth that they have that they shouldn't have, like, can you explain how you got so rich in two generations? Can you explain how you got so rich in two generations? You know, like, okay, your grandpa got here from Germany in 1946.
Starting point is 01:03:30 That's weird. And he's on a legitimate visa with an Argentinian passport. Also weird. And now he's a war refugee that's now worth millions of dollars. How does this work? So, but people, and then this is the hard part, people want to be connected to significant events. And especially in small rural areas of the world, developing areas. Like they want, there's so little happening. They want to be attached to something massive and like the fact that they saw u-boat land on this beach
Starting point is 01:04:10 and the pot the hatch opened and you know this these cars were sitting there and they're doing morris code and this guy gets off and he had this little mustache you're like well for but u-boats can't beach that's not how that works you know and and but you know what they're trying to do they just want to be connected yeah so and now we're removed 70 to 80 years from the facts it has been painful to try to use real science real investigative tools to try to sift through this lore. You know? What do you think happened? I mean, you've been studying this for how long now?
Starting point is 01:04:51 Three years. Three years. Yeah. If you had a guess, if you had like a million bucks, you got to put it on one side or another. Did he go there? Yeah. Whoa.
Starting point is 01:05:01 Jesus Christ. I would say, man, that's the first time I've ever said it flat out like that. What I want to say is the way history is written is wrong. That's clear. There's no way that we can say he died on this day. This is what happened. Here is his body. So the physical proof is for sure the woman that had, that they were saying was Hitler, is definitely not Hitler.
Starting point is 01:05:26 That's a fact. That's a fact. So they don't have Hitler's body. So then our other option was, okay, is it Eva Brahms? Did they just grab the wrong body, right? So there are still descendants of Eva, and we tried to have them allow us to do it. Then we tried to go through like... And they can get DNA off of the skull yeah there's
Starting point is 01:05:46 meat on it it's like a tooth yeah okay and um but they wouldn't consent to it so then we tried to do you know like where people have like the the tree their ethnic tree yeah what's those websites called 23andme yeah yeah there's like a bunch of them. We try to go that route. They wouldn't consent to it. No. The Ava Bronze family. No. They just want it gone.
Starting point is 01:06:13 They just don't want to. Yeah. They're super pissed that we even found them. I'm sure. Which was hard. Which was really hard. Hold them down. Get them to spit in a bucket.
Starting point is 01:06:22 Yeah. I know. I mean. Or pull their trash and pull stuff out of there. We need to know. No, I would totally not do that. Definitely not do that. But.
Starting point is 01:06:35 I mean, that's how they caught the Golden State Killer, right? It was off a fucking cigarette butt. Yeah. They got DNA off a cigarette butt. So history's wrong. Wow. For it to be black and white like that. Fuck, man.
Starting point is 01:06:48 And again, if you go back to 1945, we needed scientists. We needed every single German electrical engineer, mechanical engineer, aerospace anything. You're on the V2 program. We want all of you because now it's a race it's a race we have the bomb now we need delivery systems now we need to get to the moon now we need to you know like all of those things are real time it's a war a war of dollars and a war of science and um we got all those scientists yeah the russians didn't. Well, they got some. Some, not very many. Operation Paperclip was what brought over the, what Wernher von Braun, who was, when you talk to Jews that were in Berlin during the time that Wernher von Braun was running his rocket program
Starting point is 01:07:35 there, he would hang the five slowest Jews in front of the rocket factory in Berlin just to give everybody motivation to work harder. It's a Simon Wiesenthal center said that if Wernher von Braun was alive today, they would prosecute him for crimes against humanity. Yeah. He was a Nazi, straight up Nazi. And people, there's apologists that say,
Starting point is 01:07:56 no, no, no, he was a scientist. He was forced into doing that. Like, that's like, okay, he's a Nazi. Yeah. There's photographs of him wearing Nazi garb, hanging out with Nazis. His rocket factory killed Jews. Like, these are all undeniable facts.
Starting point is 01:08:10 It's like the war ends and they're not Nazis anymore. That's not how that works. But they were forgiven because they came over and contributed to our rocket program. I'm not that good of a human. I don't have that in me. I don't have that, like, okay, you're forgiven. It's slippery, man, because they wanted to beat the Russiansussians and they knew the russians got a bunch of them too you know the russians got a bunch of them for their rocket hell the egyptians did yeah the egyptians were trying to create a
Starting point is 01:08:33 delivery system to drop bombs into israel and then ben-gurion started having these nazi scientists tried to have them assassinated they were mailing the, the Mossad was, are you familiar with this? No. The Mossad was mailing package bombs into Egypt and throughout Europe trying to kill these German scientists and they were all German Nazi rocket guys that were working for Egypt and Egypt wanted to go blow up Israel. This is into the 60s.
Starting point is 01:09:01 Wow. So they're still trying to find ways to kill the Jews and they're like, oh yeah, we'll go work for you, Egypt. You know what's crazy is how fucking technologically advanced the Germans were. So far ahead of us.
Starting point is 01:09:12 It's so amazing. And to this day, you drive a BMW and you go, whoa. You motherfuckers are on point. I'm driving a Chevy Malibu right now and I'm like, ew. Drive a Corvette. Get a new Corvette. They're pretty fucking badass. It's all in what you buy.
Starting point is 01:09:28 But, I mean, there's German engineering in the 80s is fucking phenomenal. I mean, if you drove a German car from the 1980s and an American car from the 80s, it's like there's no comparison. I have a 1991 Porsche, and it's a fucking piece of engineering, man. It's a marvel of engineering. I mean, it's not fast like a modern car, but when you compare the build quality and how they constructed it and how it was put together in comparison
Starting point is 01:09:56 to a fucking Dodge Daytona from 1990, that's a hunk of shit. Nobody wants one of those today. Unless you're going to build a VBID, then you want it. That's the only time if you could blow it up. Again, it's you. The way you think is different.
Starting point is 01:10:11 13-year-old, child trafficking, counterfeit money. We'll be in some country and I'll be walking by and I'll look at a car and be like, that would make a great bomb. I swear to God, that's what goes through my head. You know?
Starting point is 01:10:28 Yeah. Yeah. Well, that's how the business works. Yeah. We'll grow up someday. So when you're over there in Argentina and you're meeting with these people and you know that they're descendants of Nazis and they bring out this grandfather's chest of things
Starting point is 01:10:47 and war medals and all this jazz. Like, what is this feeling like? Do you feel like these people got away with something? I mean, they kind of did, but these aren't the people that did it. But they're the descendants of the people that did it and they're still worshiping those people in some way. Yeah, I had a lot of soul searching, um,
Starting point is 01:11:07 trying to figure out what is the, the appropriate thing? What's the appropriate response? What am I, what am I supposed to be feeling right now? And I think I'm a pretty, um, exposed person. Like I'm in tuned with what I feel. And, um, one of the hardest days we're in Chile and, um, I interviewed this, this man and this woman and, uh, they're both, one of them is a second generation. So she, she was born on the Colonia Dignidad on this compound as a Nazi, um, separated from her parents. She didn't know who her parents was. No, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. She was brought there at like age three or four,
Starting point is 01:11:48 but she grew up there and they're separated from her parents. She didn't know who her parents was. Her husband was a Chilean boy that was local. And he heard about this new hospital that's built by Dr. Mengele and how everybody has food there. And he's a poor Chilean kid.
Starting point is 01:12:04 So he was able to get onto the compound. Well, the locals and the Germans aren't supposed to be together. So he was kind of kept separated. Well, because he was local, they started testing him. And it got really violent and disgusting. By the time he is a teenager, he's being thrown out of out of windows, having his bones broken, being nursed back to health, being set on fire, being nursed back to health for like 1015 years. He finally talks his what will be his future wife into escaping with him. And they sneak out on in a cheese truck
Starting point is 01:12:46 because one of his friends, when he was a Chilean kid grew up to be a police officer in a nearby, and he was able to get a letter out to them, be like, please come help us. And they came in and do a health inspection. And they hopped inside of this cheese truck and they got away. So I'm, I'm talking to this guy and he's telling me about the things that happened to him. And I'm not, I'm not going to get into it. I mean, but they were the most horrible things that could happen to a little boy that you could imagine, you know, beyond rape, beyond being burnt alive, beyond being broken for years and years and years. And I'm shaking because I, man, I'm in Afghanistan and, you know, they threw some acid on some kids.
Starting point is 01:13:26 And I found those guys and I killed those guys. Because that's what you do when you hurt little kids. You know, I got a soft spot for people that can't take care of themselves, that can protect themselves. I think every real human isn't going to let anything weaker than them ever get hurt in front of them. And so I'm shaking listening to this story, you know, and I was like, um, and I know I have to go back to Colonia Dignidad the next day and, and put on, like, I'm a tourist guy hosting a travel show. And that's what, that's what was our disguise to get in there was like, Oh, you know, this is a beautiful Bavarian village. You can come here.
Starting point is 01:13:59 That was the, our little way in. And, uh, I was just going to go in and destroy that whole entire place. That was my plan. And the guy's looking at me and he's like, I see your anger. And I was like, yeah, I'm going to go hurt all of them. He's like, no, no more pain. And I was like, okay, what's going on? And he looks at his wife and he goes, that's, she saved me. Every time that I was burnt,
Starting point is 01:14:26 every time that I was broken, it was just love. That's how I got out. That's why we're alive today. And we're going to die of old age together with the woman that I fell in love with on this colony. The only thing that matters is love. And I was like,
Starting point is 01:14:38 God damn, I like you, but I still want to go hurt all of those people. You know, so it was like. So these people that were doing this to him, what was their objective? They wanted to understand. I mean, so the same test that Joseph Mengele was doing in Germany in 1943, he's now doing in Chile in 1953. He just has a different population to test.
Starting point is 01:15:02 They're not Jews. Jesus Christ. They're Chilean boys. And they're strong. And they're wir Jews. They're Chilean boys. They're strong. And they're wiry. And they need less food. They're not like the, I'm using quotation marks,
Starting point is 01:15:11 the cockroach Jews that you just couldn't kill. You know, these were young, strong browns. Like, these are their words, verbatim, that I'm using. You know, and it's like, yeah, I want to tear your guys' faces out
Starting point is 01:15:23 and, you know, stick soldering irons in your ear because you guys are so evil. But then I'm the same as them. So I was just real torn. I want to tear your guys' faces out and stick soldering irons in your ear because you guys are so evil. But then I'm the same as them. So I was just real torn. I didn't know what to do. I just wanted to kill them all. Well, it's the worst aspects of human beings is this desire to hurt people that are weaker than you and torture them. And just coming into contact with that.
Starting point is 01:15:42 And then some guy who has this most beautiful response to it. Yeah. You know, love saved me. I got it. I just want to die. Oh, fuck. You're a better human than I. So I never knew how to respond to these things. I wanted to, every time I'd see a new SS medal or I'd see, you know, like this the cross that they won for valor.
Starting point is 01:16:01 Like, crazy. The equivalent of Medal of Honors these guys have in their parlors like these were nazis you realize your grandpa is that yeah yes yes total pride swelling in their chest you know it's like i don't crack you in the face dude so how did mengola die did he die of old age of old age he died on a beach in brazil his journal was found on the beach in brazil motherfucker yeah married a beautiful brazilian girl wow adolf eichmann he got snatched by um the the massad in argentina skory, he died of old age. Actually, in the 60s, the Egyptians, when they're trying to build that rocket program to annihilate Israel, Skorzeny started working for the Mossad,
Starting point is 01:16:57 but he didn't really know it. They were paying him millions and millions of dollars to hold these parties for what he thought was the rise of the fourth reich whoa yeah so he was bringing in like um mercedes and um krus krus steel kushner steel crush steel these these massive billion dollar corporations for the time he was hosting these soirees and talking and having other high-level nazis that were still alive come in and um he was just really being used by the massad to try to figure out who was facilitating this egyptian rocket program so they just were putting on these parties to kind of get everybody together so they could keep tabs on everybody and figure
Starting point is 01:17:41 out who's who that's what the massad was doing yeah he was doing it with the intent of making the fourth right yeah rising the fourth reich so the massad did this and then what did they do once they figured out who is who um finally they i don't like this part because i like just getting killing bad people um they figured out that the the big problem with the delivery system for the Egyptians in their missile program was the navigation system. And they were trying to hire a whole bunch of these experts to come work for this program. And they diplomatically kind of went behind the back
Starting point is 01:18:21 and they got all of this, really really the only experts in the world. They prevented them from going and traveling to and work for Egypt. So they kind of diplomatically ended the, the development of the delivery system for their, their warheads. So that's how they handled it. After they poisoned some people and they sent some mail bombs and they kidnapped a guy and tortured him and killed him fuck yeah real torture not not fake torture it's amazing how few people know
Starting point is 01:18:53 about the nazi escapees that went to south america it's it's amazing how when this this comes up it's it's relatively unknown i mean your show has done a lot to shed some light on it. And I've read some articles about Nazis that. It takes a long time for me to get an interview with a guy. It takes a long time for building rapport. I mean, we're talking like, I have some pretty high level people working with me, special operations from every single branch, to include the CIA, Army Special Forces. And we are pulling out every trick in the book to try to get these people to talk to us to include bribing them and the um it's hard so they they still don't talk about it to this day do you did you have to bring in german-speaking people yeah a lot of time wow i mean what can be done?
Starting point is 01:20:06 I mean, obviously, there's not the same people, right? There's people that benefited from the people that went down there. I don't know. So you're talking about like third generation removed. Yeah. But what could be done? It's kind of the damage is done, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:20:19 But that's a lot of damage. What can be done is the ideas can die. The ideas of fascism, the ideas of racism, those things we can kill. Right. But are those ideas, are those ideas being fostered in these communities?
Starting point is 01:20:39 Yes. They're being cultivated. You experienced it? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, if I'm a white guy walking down the street, I am a higher degree than the locals. Right. You know, like I can go and shop in some places that they can't.
Starting point is 01:20:56 I can go in and sit down and have a meal in some places that they can't. I'm being greeted on the street. Good Morgan, you know, like not the brown dude next to me. He's not. And his kid definitely can't date the blue-eyed, blonde girl at the high school. Wow. That's not allowed. So they basically created these little colonies.
Starting point is 01:21:17 Yeah. Nazi colonies in South America. Yeah. Did you Google Colonia Dignidad? Yeah. Did you? You will have nightmares. Dude, I'm freaking out right now.
Starting point is 01:21:26 It's nightmares. It's crazy how many people got away with it, that Joseph Mengele died on a beach. That's Korzynski. For the hot Brazilian wife. I mean, that, that, that, that one hurts me because he's a guy like me just on the ops because he, I mean, he's a special operations guy. He was an SS. He's, he was, he was a physical specimen, especially for the time, you know, like we
Starting point is 01:21:42 didn't, we didn't understand. He was a physical specimen, especially for the time. You know, like we didn't understand. I mean, he was very early on into one of the first real Nazis. Like this isn't okay. All of Germany is going this way. The chancellor is Adolf Hitler. This is where we're going.
Starting point is 01:21:59 I kind of just have to go along. And you see some of that in the 43, 44. Now it's okay. We might be losing this this war now it's not so in vogue but when you got guys like 1939 that are talking eugenics and um you know higher calling for breeding and segregation um early on you're like eh i don't like that guy gonna beat him to death with my hands. But he's massive, so it would be a pretty good fight. There we go. Reform Nazi cult trying to...
Starting point is 01:22:34 What does it say, Jamie? Full Nazi cult. So that's just a marketing thing. Because it's still the same place. Reform Nazi cult trying to open its colony to tourism. And where is this? That's just a marketing thing. Because it's still the same place. Reformed Nazi cult trying to open its colony to tourism. And where is this? That's in Chile.
Starting point is 01:22:48 Yeah. I spent a lot of time there. Right there. How weird. They made a movie about it. So that's current day. Right there. Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 01:23:00 That's so strange. It's freaking gorgeous, though. I mean, it is Shangri-La. Yeah, German flag flying. Wow. They've tried to hide the Nazi things they've had. I had dinner right there. Look at them all dressed up like Germans.
Starting point is 01:23:14 I know that guy on the left. Do you really? Yep. What's up, bro? We talked in the butchery. There he is right now in the jacuzzi. Hi. Yeah. So I had this guy with
Starting point is 01:23:27 me, Mike Simpson. He is a he works with me at Sheepdog Response. He's a doctor. He was a ranger that became a Green Beret that then went to medical school and then came back to special operations for the rest of the war.
Starting point is 01:23:43 And he's our director of training for Sheepdog Response. He was with me. He and I both speak Spanish when we were down there. But they didn't know that he was a doctor. And they didn't know that we spoke Spanish. And they didn't know that our translator that looked very Chilean could also speak German. Perfect German. She translates for Porsche.
Starting point is 01:23:59 So they thought that they could have all these little conversations with the stupid, hairy-handed Irish guy hosts from the tourism channel, and they could get away. Well, we understood everything that they're saying. What were they saying? So one of our tour guides was formerly a nurse in the hospital that they closed down. And we stole one of their little ID cards to get into that hospital, and we stole a bunch of documents of them documenting them torturing little kids in the hospital in the hospital none of this made the air because it's it's there's so much litigation going on where all of these victims of colonia dignidad are suing via bavaria and what time period are you talking about when they're torturing kids like when was this 60s to 90s. Wow.
Starting point is 01:24:51 And so this is essentially Nazis and the ancestors of Nazis carrying on those practices in secret. Yeah. Jesus Christ. It's crazy. So this isn't just people that got away with it and then their ancestors moved here and they evolved and changed. So what do you do with that place? You saw the pictures. That place is worth maybe $100 million dollars. And they bought that
Starting point is 01:25:08 with Nazi money. What do you do with that? Where does that go? Where does that go? I don't know. Nazi money. We're talking melted fillings from Jews' mouths. We're talking wedding rings off of Jews' fingers. They bought
Starting point is 01:25:24 that land with that money. And it's gorgeous. Jesus Christ. And they have a German colony there. What? I don't know. I don't know what the right answer is. I mean, how does Chile feel about it?
Starting point is 01:25:37 Chile has been in a tough position because of the amount of power that they have had there. Nobody. So in the in the 60s, they were at behest of the president they were bringing in um people that disagreed with the dictator and they're torturing them and they're getting that information and giving it back to the president um well that went on for like 10 years and so the the nazis were doing that for yes okay for um oh my god i cannot believe whoever the dictator was yeah but i'm so embarrassed i can't remember his name right now because it's around the tip of my tongue anyways but that information they also had so not only the information went back to the president that he could use against his rivals, but they also had it.
Starting point is 01:26:28 So they know all the dirt about everybody. They know who is having sex with who, who has a kid with who, who went to this prostitute place, who has a deal with the CIA, who's working with the Venezuelans, who's working with the Argentinians. Like they have all that dirt because they gave it to the president. They have it too. So they had been untouchable politically for 30, 40 years because they had so much power because they had so much information
Starting point is 01:26:55 because they had so much dirt on every single high ranking person in South America. Jesus Christ. That's been a tripppy year for me. From that show and then straight into Hard to Kill, the show for the Discovery Channel, then deploying to Africa. This year, I don't even know.
Starting point is 01:27:14 How does that all work while you're still serving? How do you get the freedom to do all these different things after you've re-enlisted? The Army will always get what the Army wants. First of all. But it's got to to help them having you be so high profile that's a that's a great representative of the military if you're listening right now go to your local recruiter that's why but seriously we are having special forces specifically we are we are going to have the biggest deficit of eligible, a pool, a population to select from because you have to have a certain level of
Starting point is 01:27:49 intelligence, certain level of physicality just to be eligible for special forces to pick from you. That pool is the smallest that has ever been in history. Why? Kids are playing video games. They're not eating Cheetos. They're less participation in sports.
Starting point is 01:28:06 I mean, if you could just go to a high school and look at a high schooler now compared to 20 years ago, it's a different thing. Really? Yeah, we weren't like barely getting kids past obesity 20 years ago. Now, in a high school,
Starting point is 01:28:21 if you walk into a classroom, half the kids are obese. So you think this is just because they're sedentary, because they're playing video games and fucking around online all day? It's not just, it's not me thinking. This is us absolutely quantifiably saying we do not have enough people to pick from. Right. And that would be one of the best ways to really find out what the actual average health of viable males is, right? Yeah, for sure.
Starting point is 01:28:48 There's always going to be the best of the best that want to test themselves. I mean, this is just always how it's been. Yeah, so we take 100. And they join special forces. Of that 100, we only get six or eight. But that's 100 people that go to special forces selection. That 100 that goes, they have to have a GT score. They have to, they have to have a scores high enough on the military entrance exams, just
Starting point is 01:29:12 to be eligible. They have to have a PT score high enough just to be eligible. So we can't even get that hundred. And then of that hundred, only eight or eight of them are making it. So we are, we are, this is to answer your question. How am I able to do these things is I'm in a position where I can say for the love of God, please get healthy. Please walk to your recruiter's office and please take a test to see if you're eligible because we are just needing people like we've never needed them before. Jesus Christ. It's scary. Wow. Well,
Starting point is 01:29:42 that's one of the best indications. I mean, most people don't know. People like me, I'm a 50-year-old father, taxpayer, out there doing my stuff. I'm not paying attention to what fucking high school kids look like. I have no idea. Go to a Marine recruiter right now and be like, hey, bro, how's your job right now? And you just fight him from taking that pen and stabbing it into his own eye. Because he just can't get somebody that isn't smoking weed. Somebody that can pass a PT test, somebody that can pass a tape test. And then somebody that
Starting point is 01:30:11 can pass what's a tape test. Um, like they're not so we measure their neck and their waist and they can't even pass that. So they're too fat. They're too fat. Is the neck too little or too big? Um, so if you have a big neck and a big waist, this is, um, cause like I have a big neck, right. But it's from working out. Yeah. But I have a tiny little waist. So that gives me my BMI and my body fat, you know, they measure it's, it's a pretty, it's, it's a gross measurement, um, height, weight and measurement. Right. And you know, there's only like four things that we need for us to say, you know, it's harder to get into the military than it is to get into college. That's absolutely true.
Starting point is 01:30:50 Not regular military, but special forces? No, regular military. What? Yeah. Really? Yes. It is not easy. And then from that, we only pick combat arms.
Starting point is 01:31:01 And then of that combat arms, we only pick the top 100. How is it harder for someone to get into the military than it is to get into college i thought it was fairly easy to get into the military i'm pretty sure anybody can go to college anybody well you can go to community college that's college right yeah um i'm not saying it's as easy to get into mit right but anybody can go to some college can go to any college that they want. Not any college they can get in. They can go to local community college, and then two years there, they can go and get into the next state school.
Starting point is 01:31:37 And then from there, they can get a degree. I mean, anybody can do that. You can't go to the military if you smoke weed. You can't go to the military if you have bad eyes. You can't go to the military if you're diabetic. You can't go to the military if you have bad eyes. You can't go to the military if you're diabetic. You can't go to the military if you have asthma. You can go to college if you have all those things. Right.
Starting point is 01:31:50 You know, you can't go to the military if your IQ is X number, depending on your job. Well, you can still go to college. You can't go to the military if you can't run a mile or two miles in this speed and do this number of push-ups and this many sit-ups. I don't think any college has that requirement. So, just in those seven things alone we just cry we just x'd out 80 of our population and do you have is there also a problem with people's attitude towards military um with young people yeah a little bit but that that that is mostly a physical issue yeah it's that is way less of an issue the perception of the military is way less of an issue than us just having a qualified population. Of viable candidates.
Starting point is 01:32:31 For us to pick from. Wow. I mean, it's really bad where we're borderline freaking out about what we're going to do. So an average special forces ODA is supposed to have 12 guys in it. Right now, you're not going to find a team that has more than 10. And we only have 70% of our teams with 10. Yeah. Thank God we didn't go to war with North Korea.
Starting point is 01:33:01 Thank God that war ended and that we're not dropping nuclear bombs on anybody because we're in a hurt locker for qualified. Most people have no idea about this. No. It's scary. Wow. So this is like part of one of the best ways to measure what's wrong
Starting point is 01:33:19 with the way people are living today. I mean, forget about whether or not they want to go and serve. The viable quality candidates, like the number of them that are even available. Is the lowest it's ever been. What about high school athletics? I mean, have they diminished? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:33:40 Really? Yeah. At the same rate? Very, very similar. The participation in not, so you can go and play for your direct time volleyball, but to get onto the varsity football team or the varsity volleyball team or the varsity track team, the number of people in percentage to the, so if you have a thousand people, you had a hundred of them that were participating in those athletics. All right.
Starting point is 01:34:11 So we had 10%. That number now is down to like five or 6%. So the overall percentage per capita of the number of people participating in these sports has been consistently decreasing for the past 20 years. Wow, 20 years. And 20 years is essentially when the internet became a huge thing. I mean, that's basically the same timeline.
Starting point is 01:34:33 You're looking at like 94, 98. You see obesity going like this. Wow. We got bad food. We got an opportunity. Our jobs are getting less and less physical. The, the focus on what jobs people should have.
Starting point is 01:34:49 Everybody's been like, no, go to college, you know, like become an academic. So you can be this intellectual that can go and do this job. And then you graduate from college with a student loan and you have no job to go to where there's this guy that needs welders,
Starting point is 01:35:03 but it's not cool to be a welder. So don't, don't do that. Or to be a mechanic. Like all these trade jobs that are just begging and pleading for, and they are sometimes physical, but they need people. But it's not cool to do that because, you know, like I want to go to Long Beach State or I want to go to UCLA or, you know, I want to go hang out with a bunch of hot chicks at LSU.
Starting point is 01:35:24 You know, the focus has been wrong for a while. And that is evident in Special Forces selection when we don't have anybody to pick from. We can't select. Wow. Why don't we hear about this? Is this something they're trying to keep hush-hush? It has been a problem
Starting point is 01:35:43 because our community motto is the quiet professionals that's our motto how do you fit into that yeah i don't i mean i get so much crap all the time um but thank god like guys that really understand what i'm trying to do they they realize i don't shut up because i'm trying to help the regiment. I'm trying the best ways that I can, the best ways that we can figure out with people way smarter than me helping me. I was on the phone yesterday with some of the best and brightest in the Special Operations Recruiting Battalion about how are we going to fix this? How are we going to market? How are we going to develop interest?
Starting point is 01:36:21 And so thankfully they're smarter than me. develop interest. And so thankfully they're smarter than me. But we were almost screwing ourselves over because that is what, how we live. And that's how we would do our job. If you read about us on the news, we failed. You know, if you read about army special forces doing something, we met, we have done messed up. You know. This is not the Navy SEALs. We're not writing books. We're not talking about our exploits. We didn't kill Bin Laden. This is us just doing our work, and nobody's supposed to know about it.
Starting point is 01:36:55 But because of that, we now have a huge recruiting problem. What is the approach to try to balance that out? I mean, is there any strategies in play? Yeah, we talked through a bunch. We were trying to figure out, I think, just getting the word out, letting people know, one, we have to get that population healthy. So let's go specifically after athletes. Let's go to a high school wrestling room and be like, hey, fellas.
Starting point is 01:37:28 That's where I heard about it. When I first heard about Army Special Forces was a guy in a really bad cut suit from probably like JCPenney's or Macy's walked in, you know, and he's like, hey, guys, you ever thought about Army Special Forces? I was like, I don't even know what that is. Is that like the Navy SEALs? He's like, yeah, check it out. And he gave us this crappy card and walked away and I never saw him again,
Starting point is 01:37:47 but that planted that seed, you know, and then nine 11 happens. I was like, I know where I'm going. I'm going to that dude that had that bad suit. I'm gonna find him go work for that guy. So just, we're talking about my show hard to kill. Um, you know, it's not just army special forces, it's marine recon, it's the Navy SEALs, it's Air Force PJs, every special operations that has a selection process. They don't have a population to pick from. They don't have that, that body, that pool of qualified applicants to select from. So everybody is having the same problem. So let's, let's do the Top Gun thing. Let's show how cool it is to be an aviator.
Starting point is 01:38:28 Another job that we don't have enough guys of. We don't have enough pilots. So was this the motivation behind Hard to Kill? Part of it. To get people. For me. And the reason why I was allowed to do it. Like, we're going to have an episode every single season where I'm going to highlight some crazy badass military job
Starting point is 01:38:45 doing things that wait, you're going to jump off a Zodiac a mile from water. You're going to swim in to walk four miles with a rucksack to then go do a raid on a bomb maker's house, hanging off the side of a Polaris with a machine gun, you know, so it's like freaking awesome, but this is the job. So let's show them what this job is. Let's show them how hard it is because it's hard. This is not easy stuff that these guys do. And hopefully somebody will be inspired and somebody will be like, all right, I'm going to get off the couch. So what is hard to kill?
Starting point is 01:39:17 Because I've heard of it. I've heard the name, but I really haven't looked into it. I've tried so hard to get discovery channel to let you show the first bit of it they won't they won't why not i don't they said it's gonna hurt something it's a rough it's a rough cut and they want everything perfect okay well when they get it perfect send it to me we'll play it so we find a job that is inherently dangerous that people die in doing and is necessary for our way of life. That's the first part. We find whatever that is that, um, that might be a guy that changes light bulbs at the top
Starting point is 01:39:54 of cell towers. That might be somebody that's hanging off the side of a building, washing windows. That might be an experimental test pilot. That might be somebody that works on a bull ranch. Um, it might be a guy delivering antibiotics in Alaska to families that live out in the bush. So it's not necessarily military jobs. No, it's jobs in general. No, no, no.
Starting point is 01:40:14 I think we only do one military job in this first season. I thought, oh, okay, because I have a very distorted perception of it. I thought Hard to Kill was all about military. Nope, just one. It's anybody, anywhere that does something necessary for our way of life and they die doing their job. That's the show.
Starting point is 01:40:35 And I'm trying to highlight and I'm trying to pay homage and respect to these people that nobody thinks about or appreciates. Right. You know, like, we walk on our Southwest flight
Starting point is 01:40:43 and we're like, hey, can I get my beverage service and my peanuts? Man, but in the 50s and 60s, the average life expectancy of an experimental test pilot
Starting point is 01:40:51 was like four years. You know, you have stories of these SR-71 pilots that are flying at Mach 2 and the whole entire thing just disintegrates
Starting point is 01:41:00 around them. One of the guys is killed instantly. The other guy starts falling. I think he was like 30,000 feet in the air, strapped to his chair. So he can't even use his parachute.
Starting point is 01:41:11 He wakes up. He's blacked out. He can't look out of his visor because his visor's frozen. And he's just in a dead spin, falling at 200 miles an hour. And then he lives. How?
Starting point is 01:41:19 Because he's amazing. Jesus. How did he live? Well, I recreate that whole entire thing in the show. You did that? I'm full stupid. What the fuck is wrong with you? Yeah, I'm dumb, man.
Starting point is 01:41:30 You did that? Yeah. How did this guy survive? What are you laughing at? I'll come over there. He's very tense. How did this guy survive? So he wakes up.
Starting point is 01:41:42 He's in a free fall. He's strapped to his chair. His parachute won't deploy. his visor's frozen. He gets his harness off and then he goes into the box, which is this free fall position, which kind of stabilizes. Super impressive that he knew how to do that in the first place. A lot of pilots never even practice free fall. So he's free falling. And first, let's remember
Starting point is 01:42:05 this guy was a combat pilot in Vietnam and in Korea. So this guy has been, he's actually been shot down before. So pretty heroic fella. And he gets out of his harness, he's in the box, he deploys his parachute. So explain the box again. How do you do it?
Starting point is 01:42:22 You're pretty much driving your hips down a massive sprawl. Okay. That's what it is. It looks like you're driving your hips down in a massive sprawl. Your arms are pushed back. So air is evenly flowing off of your body. So it keeps you from spinning?
Starting point is 01:42:35 It makes you stable. So the air, the friction of the air off of your body makes you stop spinning in circles or tumbling overhead. makes you stop spinning in circles or tumbling overhead and he because of his um center sat parachute he naturally had weight on his hips which dropped his hips down and then he just kind of stabilized coincidentally through his parachute and then he landed on his wreckage which was on fire holy shit yeah which we recreated for me too i got burnt pretty jacked up they put me inside of a experimental test plane put aviation fluid on it locked the cabinet or locked the the cockpit and then set it on fire with me inside of it why do you do this because because that's not even like real like you're choosing to do this yeah but they did it they did it and they survived
Starting point is 01:43:27 so you're doing it to recreate it in their honor we have i mean there are there there are safety measures in place where like i only got i kind of got burnt so my shirt got melted and my i was able to get out of my seat belt because my seat belt melted um but i got out because it melted yeah oh fuck and then i was able to i couldn't get the cockpit open because the cockpit held melt had melted closed so i just tore the cockpit open um but we were maybe one or two seconds away from the fire department just descending upon me to to save my life and then take me to the hospital. So the motivation is everybody, I think, takes for granted all of the things that we have in our life. And there are some pretty heroic, courageous people that risk it every single day to do these jobs,
Starting point is 01:44:23 to get our food, to get our oil. Like that stuff is pumped from the center of the ocean. Sometimes, you know, there's a guy diving down, breathing helium and nitrogen at a few hundred feet, messing with gases that if he cuts just one millimeter too deep, he's going to get sucked into the pipe because the negative pressure, you know, guys that are flying a plane, there's no test dummy for flying a plane, right? Some dude is going to sit inside of a plane sometime and be like, Let's see. Fuck it.
Starting point is 01:44:53 Let's see if it works. Think about the balls on that dude. Nobody thinks about that. Why? So that's the whole point. Was we wanted to show there's hundreds and hundreds of people that do these jobs that we just don't think about in the middle of a hurricane like how is your power still on there's somebody out there trying to fix it you're in the middle of a blizzard and just feet and feet of snow are descending on those
Starting point is 01:45:16 power lines and you think they're just staying up there no man there's somebody hanging off the side of that tower that's negative 20 outside and he's trying to fix that stuff so you so your heater stays on so you don't freeze are you gonna get one of those planes that flies into hurricanes yeah man we do the dumbest stuff are you gonna do that yeah you are yeah how about putting me at the bottom of a of a mountain and setting off an avalanche what yeah let's do that take it are you gonna do that. Are you going to do that? We did that. Oh, dude, don't die.
Starting point is 01:45:48 Don't die, Tim. I like you. Take an R-22 helicopter into Arctic Ocean and go and crash it into the ocean and then make me swim to an iceberg and live on the iceberg. Did you do that? Yeah, I did that.
Starting point is 01:46:00 How long did you live on the iceberg for? I was too cold to count. What I had to do once I got to the iceberg, I had to get my, I had like these tasks that I had to do for them to come and get me. So once the helicopter went underwater and I had to swim down into the helicopter and the water was 33 degrees. And then I had to swim, I think it was about a few hundred meters in this 33 degree water. It was about 30 minutes total time in this 33 degree water is about 30 minutes total time in this 33 degree water. I fortunately was able to bounce some ideas off of Kyle Kinsbury and, and, uh,
Starting point is 01:46:29 Wim Hof and a bunch of guys from on it. Cause they, they're pretty into that cold weather stuff. Cold. What does Kyle know about swimming in the ocean? He doesn't. He knows about extreme temperature. Um,
Starting point is 01:46:42 he, he does the, the contrast showers and like the heart rate breathing. And so I was just trying. I experimented with a bunch of it before I went and did the episode to make sure I didn't die. How much time can you spend in that water? I thought it was only like a few minutes. That's what they said.
Starting point is 01:46:59 But you were in there for 30? Yeah, I wanted to see how long I could do it. So once I lost small motor function, so I couldn't move my hands, I could still swim. So then once I could, my arms went next, but I could still kind of do the egg beater kick from swimming in a water polo. And that lasted about another eight or nine minutes. And then it was kind of like I was just trying to keep my head above water. And then they sent in the rescue diver and pulled me out. Fuck, dude.
Starting point is 01:47:27 Yeah, and it took me four hours to get moving, to be able to move again. Four hours? They can't warm you back up either. So they put you in a sleeping bag, but no heater. And no, you have to very slowly, because you can go into shock if you warm up too fast. Oh, Jesus. Man, I should have been a golfer. It wouldn't have worked.
Starting point is 01:47:56 Tiger Woods is surging again. You know, like, what the heck? But yeah, you would have got bored. What the heck? But yeah, you would have got bored. So there's a bush pilot, an Alaskan bush pilot that, you know, they like deliver food to these people living out in the middle of nowhere in Alaska. And he's flying and engine stops. You go, that sucks.
Starting point is 01:48:20 So an auto rotation is they still have a little bit of lift from just the friction of the blades so they they kind of can control because the the blades are still kind of like rudders you're talking about a helicopter helicopter okay so they can somewhat control their descent so he finds an iceberg and he's like oh i'll go crash by that iceberg so it goes and crashes in by the ass near the iceberg and the has helicopters submerging and he dives into the submerging helicopter to get his survival equipment and then he swims over to the iceberg and he sets his kind of like shelter up and then he has to fight off polar bears for a couple of days he lives this this dude survives and he he was like the source for our bush pilot episode was this one guy but there's
Starting point is 01:49:07 hundreds and hundreds of stories of these guys crashing all the time so we just try to figure out what the job is why it's hard why it's dangerous and then what is the worst case scenario what is the worst day on the job and let's see what that's like how did he fight off the polar bears um so he he had a raft like the his flotation raft and it was inverted which he had turned into like a small igloo and he could hear the bears starting to like come up to and it doesn't get dark there it depends on the time of the year so he had like one or two hours of darkness so he could still kind of see and he could see the bears coming so he was sitting inside just holding super still
Starting point is 01:49:48 and they could just smell that something was off they're trying to figure out what it was then he would stand up with his raft on his shoulders and be like banging on the big plastic you raft thing and this you know they couldn't figure out what it was because it's just 12 by 12 raft rising
Starting point is 01:50:03 and running at them and with lots of noise and that's and he was able to scare him away i think three times before he's finally rescued oh my god no weapons no weapons oh fucking christ yep i don't have those balls god well you would if you were there you'd do whatever you had to do i don't know if you were there polar bears scare me. They scare the shit out of me. Because they actively hunt us. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:50:29 They're one of the few animals. I mean, that's all they do is eat meat. Anything that moves. Largest carnivore on the planet. Yeah. They're like, huh. You ever see that video where they took a guy from BBC and they put him in a big giant glass box, like a plexiglass box, and put him out into the Arctic.
Starting point is 01:50:48 And the polar bear came up and was trying to bite through the box and figure out how to get him. So he's inside the box filming it, and this thing can smell him, and it's just opening its mouth. And its mouth is as big as this fucking desk. That's when you really get a perspective of how large these things are. And it's trying to bite into this box. There it is. Here's a guy.
Starting point is 01:51:02 So the thing comes up to him. I mean, hey, this is the Klondike bar thing. This is the guy who likes Coca-Cola. No, so giant super predator. And it's trying to figure out how to get him. They're smart, too. Yeah, well, they have to be. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:51:16 So he's got this. I would have checked that lock like 50,000 times. I don't understand this box. Look how big that is. understand this box. Look how big that is! So that box would have smelled like shit for me if I were in there right now. That's all you could smell
Starting point is 01:51:32 in that box. Yeah, man. It's such a strange task. I mean, I don't know. There's a boat behind him, I guess. That has a dude with me with a tranquilizer. Hopefully a rifle. Yeah. Look at that. Hopefully a rifle. Yeah. Look at that.
Starting point is 01:51:46 Oh, my God. It's trying to figure out how to get him. It's a very disturbing video. And it went on for a little while. The thing left and came back and left and came back again. And finally, they got him out of there. Fuck that. It's amazing.
Starting point is 01:52:02 It's a crazy animal. Yeah. We couldn't find any polar bears. Did you want to? I did. Were you going gonna try to scare him off that way yeah that would have ended really badly that would but another poor decision in tim's life uh the the discovery channel this is uh the most expensive insured show they've ever done i would imagine and um they're just some things we we we know shit took explosives tnt through them from the side of a helicopter to cause avalanches that i'm that i'm in and so do you have one of those inflatable suits it keeps you from getting completely compressed yeah we tried that one time.
Starting point is 01:52:46 I definitely used that, and I think that saved me one time. It kept me up on top. So those things don't keep you from being compressed. It keeps you on top. Oh, I see. It's like a flotation device, a life preserver for the snow. So it gives you more surface area friction, which rises you to the top. You know like when you have a big jar of pebbles and you
Starting point is 01:53:05 shake them the biggest ones go to the top right it's that's all that's happening is you're trying to make yourself the biggest pebble to raise you to the top of this huge friction um so because most people they actually die of traumatic injuries during the avalanche not from asphyxiation really uh even though when they finally put me in the avalanche, I was inside of the snow for 30 minutes. That was the amount of time that the network would let us, would let me see if I could survive. And I had a button.
Starting point is 01:53:36 If I clicked it every minute on the bottom of the minute, they would leave me in there for another minute. So I stayed in for 29, 59. And so as soon as it's so at 30, they're like, that's it. That's all the time we allow. Yep.
Starting point is 01:53:49 Wow. What was it like in there for 30 minutes? It was really cold. Yeah. It was super cold. It was dark. Um, it was hard to figure out which way was up.
Starting point is 01:53:57 Um, so I figured out which way was up cause I was able to like, I took my snowboarding goggles and I put them over my mouth. So the snow went, so I'd initially have a little bit of a few breaths of air. Because what happens is you get an ice seal around your face from you exhaling, melting it, and then it refreezes. So then you have this cocoon of no fresh air coming in. So then you have this cocoon of no fresh air coming in. So, um, I was able to, so I locked my hand inside of my helmet and I held my goggles over my mouth.
Starting point is 01:54:30 So I would have a little bit of air. So then I was able to take that off and get it over my, so then I have a little bit of air here and that was like moving snow with my pinned hand to, but then I saw a drip of water drip off of my glasses at a 45-degree angle to my left. And I was like, oh, up is that way. That was like the best thing for my brain to know which way up was. That was the only way you could tell. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:54:54 Because you're weightless. Because you're just smashed in snow. Wow. That's a crazy feeling. Like you don't know where up is. Yeah. So up could be your feet. Absolutely.
Starting point is 01:55:04 And you wouldn't even know. Nope. So I just, gravity, watching that drop of water drip off of my snow goggles, I was like, ah, peace for my brain. What if it went up? I would have pissed myself. What if you like spit and you saw it go up? You're like, oh no.
Starting point is 01:55:22 Oh no, I gotta go that way. Yeah, dang it. Yeah, there's no moving no, I gotta go that way. Dang it. Yeah, there's no moving. You either get rescued or you freeze to death. And so this is not a controlled avalanche. They're just actually starting an avalanche. Yep. How many of these episodes are you planning on doing, Tim?
Starting point is 01:55:38 I mean... Can we stop now? Nah, I think we got a bunch of people that the world needs to know about that we take for granted how we get our food, how we get our gas, how we get our – Wow. And I think I got a bunch of special forces recruiting slots I need to fill. And this is the way to do it? I hope so. Almost killing yourself every week?
Starting point is 01:55:57 I didn't – I mean, I almost only died three times in this first season. in this in this uh first season um and if somebody's like that's a cool job or wait the only way that tim i mean there are some times where you're watching me inside of a cockpit that's on fire and the only way i got out is because i'm a savage like i'm just a beast i was like i don't feel like getting burnt alive today. So I tear the cockpit open. I think somebody at some point is going to draw the conclusion that I was able to do that because of physicality. That if you're a fat person sitting inside of there, you would be burnt alive. Maybe they'd get off their couch and they'd go and do something. Maybe they... That is a weird way to motivate people.
Starting point is 01:56:41 Anyway's a good way. I'll take it. Whose idea was this for this show? That was my way. I'll take it. Whose idea was this for this show? That was my idea. Jesus Christ, dude. You're an unusual human. It's fun, though. And how many of these episodes have you done? We have finished six.
Starting point is 01:56:56 And is that the entire season? Yeah, that'll be season one. Comes out in July. You excited about it? Yeah, I'm pumped. So 50 50 of the time you almost died yeah i mean that's gross math rounding around okay so there's the water one well you almost froze to death yep that definitely and then the avalanche one yeah well you lasted 30 minutes what was the other one oh man oh man yeah Oh, man. Worse? Yeah, it was
Starting point is 01:57:26 less pleasant. Like, I was a bullfighter for an episode. Oh, dude. Not a bull rider, because they're insane, but the bullfighter is the guy that's on the ground, so when the bullfighter gets thrown, he's the bodyguard
Starting point is 01:57:41 for the bull rider. His only job is to take the hit so the bull rider doesn't get trampled to death because the moment the bull rider comes off the bull's back the bull is turning around to crush whatever was on its back right and that's where the bull fighter runs in to save him and uh you know the the pbr, the Professional Bull Riders Association, those guys are the most selfless, courageous guys trying to protect those bullfighters, bull riders. So I trained for a while and I went to the biggest rodeo in the nation and was bullfighter. And, I mean, this isn't one of those shows where people don't get hurt like you see the inside of my body you see people get really really really jacked up and
Starting point is 01:58:33 go to the hospital and like is he have a punctured lung is that guy gonna live um this is that type of show because there's no other way to do it the only thing the only direction we had from discovery was don't fake anything. That's a great direction. It's a great direction. I'm glad they came up with that. Now, what happened with the bull? I got owned, which is humiliating
Starting point is 01:58:58 because they're not really smart animals. Is that you? You're fast over there. I like to encourage all little boys and girls that follow me smart animals. Is that you? Man, you're fast over there. Jamie's a wizard. Yeah. I'd like to encourage all little boys and girls that follow me on any social media platform to stay in school, become engineers, architects, accountants, or anything that doesn't lead to permanent brain damage or need of an orthopedic surgeon. It's you, legs up, and a bull launching you through the air.
Starting point is 01:59:25 Yeah. That was the training week. So this was when you were trying to distract the bull? Yeah. What kind of techniques do you use? Football running back stuff. Just juke them one way and turn the other way? Yes.
Starting point is 01:59:39 The thing is you actually have to sell that body movement. The thing is you actually have to sell that body movement. So like your weight has to, your weight has to shift far enough where the bowl is going to really believe that you're going to go to that direction. I wish bowls were so, I wish they were dumber than they are. Cause they're not. Cause if you fake them once one direction,
Starting point is 02:00:01 they won't take it the next time they'll they'll you try to fake to the right, they'll already start going running to the left. So then you fake to the right, you go back to the left, and you're like, oh no, I have done. And it's at that moment that Tim realized he had fucked up. And then he just gets owned, and I got destroyed. And so when you get launched through the air by a bull... It's weird, because it's weightless. You know, it's just a second and you are completely inverted, no control over where your body is going because you didn't generate that energy.
Starting point is 02:00:38 But the other part of you, the other part of your brain is knowing that that bull is going to try to turn as fast as it can and get you when you land on the ground because that's when it's really good is when you're down yeah so you're trying to keep track of where this bull is while you're hurling through the air like okay i gotta tuck my chin so i don't break my neck you know hopefully i'm not close enough to the fence because the fence doesn't move the fence is metal you know the ground is pretty soft I'd rather land on the ground than land on the fence the fence will mess you up anyway so that's anyways and how'd you get away from the bull I'm an athlete not sure if you know that
Starting point is 02:01:20 that's it that's it Just athleticism Yeah Luck A little luck A little bit of luck That you didn't get stomped No so there are some Some real bullfighters In the ring with me
Starting point is 02:01:32 That I think Save my life Every single time Because I suck I At the end of this show People are gonna Look at this
Starting point is 02:01:40 And be like One Tim is an idiot Two Everybody that does this job, these jobs, has the biggest balls and are so badass. Hopefully that's what they're going to get. Because this isn't like a Tim Kennedy look cool show.
Starting point is 02:01:55 This is that guy's an idiot and everybody else is pretty. Oh, dude, that fucking picture. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Look at that picture. Notice that that's a different bowl. so you did this more than once so this this bull is he's got his feet up in the air and his head is inches from you and it's about to collide with you and there's no fucking way you got away in this situation there's no way that thing's way too close what is it like to just get launched by a 2 000 pound
Starting point is 02:02:30 fucking meat vehicle it's it's it's the other things that um so the we did like commercial fishery for uh commercial for fishermen as an episode like deadliest catch yeah just like that and but you know those shows in this episodic way they really go into the personalities and the people that do these jobs i think they really they they gloss over how hard that job is i mean they're on this decks for 14 15 hours working a net pole to a net pole to putting out a net to next and then they go in and the net is out and they have 45 minutes to sleep before they have to pull the net back in and they do that for 28 days so they're getting like cat naps so then slowly their their their cognitive ability is starting to diminish and their physical capability is starting to diminish and so
Starting point is 02:03:25 everything is but then they're on a platform that is in 10 12 foot waves that's slippery and the water is 38 degrees so everything about what they're doing is setting them up to die so that again those are great shows i I love it. Deadliest Catch. And there's a handful of those shows now. Yeah. But I don't think it has ever gotten close enough to showing. I mean, I always, man, I did that job for one day and I was like, I just need a break, dude. I don't think there's any way you could really accurately portray it unless you did a 12-hour show.
Starting point is 02:04:03 Yeah. Like, and showed you, and then multiple 12-hour shows. I mean, if they did a live stream of you, that would be the way to do it, right? Like, through satellite feed somehow, have an internet connection showing you fishing for 12, so you could just tune in. Here's Tim, still fishing. I want to go to sleep. I wake up eight hours later, get coffee, get breakfast.
Starting point is 02:04:22 Let me check out Tim. Look at Tim. Still awake. One wrong step, one wrong knot. And you've got to count on these other guys that are also exhausted. You have one second. You have one second to realize where that person went. If he's in the water, one second, and he's under.
Starting point is 02:04:38 You know? Fuck. In 38-degree water with 12-foot swells, and you've been out for 20 days. And what kind of fish were you catching there? There, I think we were pulling scallops. Those were scabs. The stuff that I was just pushing off, like we weren't even using any of those.
Starting point is 02:04:55 We were just pushing them back into the ocean alive. What do you mean by scabs? They're like these, they're like little stingrays. Oh. They'll chop them up for bait sometimes. That's all the left stuff. So the bucket to my left, that's all the fish that we had picked. And this is the leftovers. Whoa, that's an inefficient process. That's crazy. So all those things die so you get
Starting point is 02:05:18 what's in that bucket. No, those are all alive. Oh, they're still alive. Yeah. those go back in the water. Oh, okay. And so what's in the bucket there? Scallops, clams. Wow, how crazy is that? All that stuff gets scooped up and you don't want it. That's bizarre. Yeah, actually, I think a second after this photo was taken, I took a step and I stepped on one of those things. See, they kind of match when they're facing down.
Starting point is 02:05:50 Well, not when they're belly up when they're white, but when they're brown and facing down. It's the same color as the rust, the deck. And I stepped on one that I thought was the deck. And in my right hand right now, that is a pike. It's a spike with a nail sticking out the end of it. That's what you use to sort. And I step on this thing, and I fly.
Starting point is 02:06:12 I mean, I swear, my feet were all the way up at the top of that wall. Five feet up in the air, just inverted, flying through the air with 12-foot swells in the sea. Hold on to that spike. Hold on to that spike, and I i'm two feet three feet from the edge of the boat jesus christ these guys do it all day long you know i hope you like the that fish that you walk to the supermarket and pluck out at whole foods you know it got there somehow yeah if it says wild caught it's freaking wild caught there's
Starting point is 02:06:46 a we have a real problem with a disconnect from things like that disconnect from food disconnect from how difficult these jobs are where's the fucking power how's the power going back on somebody's out there so he's out there in that blizzard i mean every you could look at i think that's one of the things that's wrong with the society right now is everybody's just taking for granted everything about their lives. They just want it easy. They want it fast. They want it quick. That's why people are getting fat.
Starting point is 02:07:12 That's why they're going to the grocery store and getting the thing that's on sale. That's why they're getting mad at guys like you that go and talk about hunting because they just want the easy solution. And truth be it, there isn't an easy solution that's the right solution. Usually it's the hard way usually you know yeah it's there can be a smart way and the smart way sometimes is the hard way but everybody wants this quick fix everybody wants to take a pill and they feel better better that's not how it works you know like you can't man you're suffering from depression and uh like you've been having these thoughts, cool, I'm going to take a pill, and I'm going to feel better.
Starting point is 02:07:48 While that might be a portion of the solution, how about you lose 10% body fat? How about you get off the couch? How about you go make out with your wife? How about you go down on her for a couple hours, give her a bunch of orgasms, and then have sex with her, and then go to the gym?
Starting point is 02:08:00 Promise you're going to feel better after that. Instead, I'm just going to have this this easy solution and it just doesn't work so I I mean I think for me this show is hopefully an opportunity to give people it's not that easy no we've made a weird society we made a society where we've nerfed all the hard edges and we're trying to make it safer and safer every day. And there's some things that just they're just messy. They're not going to be safe. And by us making everything
Starting point is 02:08:32 safer, it's making us weaker. Yeah. You know, and every time that we've had a weak society, we end up with tough times. And the tough times make hard men, then hard men make good times, then good times make weak men then hard men make good times then good times make weak men then weak men make you know and this cycle just keeps going and right now we have
Starting point is 02:08:51 weak we we can't even are we even allowed to say men there's some men out there there are some but like i don't even know if we're allowed like i just driving driving here to your studio i saw the girl scouts office is one block away And your neighbors that have no security cameras right back behind Fry's with their back door lodged open with, like, all of that right here. But more importantly, the Girl Scouts, which isn't even a thing anymore. Now it's just the Scouts. There's no Boy Scouts and there's no Girl Scouts. There's just the Scouts. And in a week, a half a million members of the boy scouts have left because you can't have just boy
Starting point is 02:09:27 scouts you have to have just scouts is that what's going on now is that how they're doing it yeah yeah and a half a million scouts have left what does that mean that if you go on these camping trips the boys and the girls go together yep that sounds like a good idea. If you know, that's a bad, that's a bad idea. Kids get raped. Yep. For sure. It also changes things. I don't know how I feel about, um, I think women in the military should be able to go anywhere to include special operations if they meet the standard. But when you have a girl present, it changes men act differently. Yes. Period. And it changes men act differently. Yes.
Starting point is 02:10:05 Period. And it changes the chemistry of the team. And when you're trying to raise men, when you're trying to rear boys and have them becoming men, and you're doing these, you know, you're taking them horseback riding or you're teaching them knots or you're showing them how to set up a tent or how to purify water. or you're showing them how to set up a tent or how to purify water. If there's a girl there, the focus isn't on tying that bowline. The focus is on, is Christina watching me tie my bowline? Right. And while that's good and bad, it's bad if you're trying to have an opportunity to nurture elements
Starting point is 02:10:43 that are very beautifully separate equally for girls like can we teach christina that bowling absolutely can we teach her how to ride a horse a hundred percent take her hunting should be able to do everything that every one of these boys should be doing i believe so yes but if there's a boy in that mix it changes things it changes things yeah that's why i've always been supportive of all-girl gyms. I'm like, they should be able to have a fucking gym where no one's trying to bang them. 100%. I mean, there's a lot of women that want to be able to go to the gym
Starting point is 02:11:12 and not have somebody ogle them and stare at their ass while they're doing squats. But all-boys gyms... You watched the title fight this last weekend? Which one? Lomachenko? Or Amanda? Amanda Nunes? Yeah, Amanda Nunes.
Starting point is 02:11:26 Yes, I did. Do you think if those were two, so at the end between the fourth and fifth round, when Raquel Pennington said, I want out, and her team said no, that it would have been different if it was two male fighters. I think it would have been. I think it would have been different if it was two male fighters. I think it would have been. I think it would have been as well. Yeah. One, I believe that had her team let her out, she would have regretted it the rest of her life.
Starting point is 02:11:56 The failure didn't happen by her team there in between the fourth and the fifth round. It happened in preparation, getting her ready for that. the fourth and the fifth round. It happened in preparation, getting her ready for that. Because I think that those words would never be uttered out of my mouth in the middle of the fight. It would be my team begging and pleading for them to end the fight. I don't know if there was a route for her to win that fight. If there was a path to victory for her. I don't think that there was. And I think she felt that. But I think the journalists, the MMA media attacked her coaches unfairly.
Starting point is 02:12:35 One, because she's a girl. I think that played a part in it. Everybody's like, oh my gosh, this girl fighter in between four and five. She's just a fighter, first of all. And her coaches know her better than anybody. I'm not defending what they did or attacking them. What I'm saying is you're not on either side of that fence and you've never had your feet on that canvas
Starting point is 02:12:54 and felt the fury and pain of defeat and the sweetness of success. And the worst thing ever is regret. And I have- You feel like she would have regretted it, even though you agree that there was no path to victory. Yep. I think Amanda Nunes was...
Starting point is 02:13:11 She was surging. She was destroying her. Her nose was shattered. She was getting beaten down, and she didn't have anything left. True. And so she's like, I want out. You know, Big John McCarthy and I talked about this yesterday,
Starting point is 02:13:23 and he feels that the corner did a big disservice to her by letting her take a beating in that fifth round, that every fight takes something out of you, and some fights take more out of you, and there comes a point in time where there is a tipping point fight and that that could have been the tipping point round, that she might not ever be the same again and he was saying that you know you've got to understand that you only
Starting point is 02:13:49 have a certain amount of holes you can punch in your ticket and if she especially when you're talking about someone is it but that tickets off the tickets a fight card right that's the ticket yes it's it's not she's not a she's not a janitor. Right. But she could live to fight again or be beaten down so badly in that fight that she's never the same physically. I mean, how many times have we talked about this with Robbie Lawler or Michael Bisbing? But it might be the case with Robbie Lawler. I mean, if you look at Robbie Lawler's last fight with Rafael Dos Anjos, he didn't really look like the Robbie Lawler of old. Now, could that be because of Dos Anjos? It very well could have been.
Starting point is 02:14:25 Dos Anjos is a beast. No question about it. Is it our business to tell him when he's done? It's not. It's not our business to tell him when he's done. It's his ticket. But it's his ticket. What if he wants to quit?
Starting point is 02:14:35 If he says he wants out, like she said she wanted out. There's certain times in a fight where someone says they want it. Here's a good example. Do you remember Jerry McClelellan when fought Nigel? Ben yeah, this is the fight that put him into this catatonic state and bleeding on the brain people were criticizing him Because he took a knee people were saying like the commentators say what is he doing? Why is he doing this? well he fucking knew something was wrong and he took a knee and then blacked out and then eventually had bleeding on the brain like
Starting point is 02:15:03 Joe McClellan was a beast. I mean, world champion boxer, but he knew something was wrong. Now, if Raquel Pennington had said, I want out, and her coach said, no, go back in there, and then she goes back in there and collapses and has bleeding in the brain and winds up in the same state as Gerald McClellan, then people would be going crazy. I know your point because that's the kind of fighter you are. That's the kind of fighter you were. You were a die-on-your-sword guy. That's what you always did.
Starting point is 02:15:34 And you had some fucking amazing fights because of that attitude and that never-quit mentality where you were in there to win or die trying. God, I'm so scared of that regret, though. I understand it. You know, and I don't know if all the things that I have to, because I have, you know, like, mentally checking out at the end of the year, well, Romero fight.
Starting point is 02:15:55 You know, I regret that to the day I die, that I didn't stay, because I'm looking at Dana anticipating my money. You know, I'm already looking at him and be like, you know you're going to pay me for this one. This is one hell of a fight, right? Right. Looking, thinking about me destroying Michael Bisbee.
Starting point is 02:16:08 That's what I was already thinking about. I already left the ring. So I have that regret that, like, nags at me. I can't even imagine what the regret would be like for me not to go out. All the, all, like, all my, I don't have post-traumatic stress, but all the things that nag at me, it's the things that I didn't do and it's regrets. But aren't those things what make you better? The realization of the mistakes that you made, those are the lessons.
Starting point is 02:16:33 And that's what makes you a stronger person. You don't get stronger by doing the right thing every single time. Part of getting stronger is by fucking up and having this horrible feeling that you fucked up and realizing you never want to feel that again. Yep. Yes. That's how muscle and that's how a brain works is, is you, you damage it and it comes back stronger, you know? And I think that's how the human condition is to a degree, but you know, the, the hurry to failure, the rush to failure, or, um, yeah, that's how you get better.
Starting point is 02:17:06 But I want that, that point where I'm going to fail to be so unattainable and so hard to reach where if I ever reached that point of failure and I, I mean, I, every time I go to the gym and I'm training on it and I want you to come and hang out with us one day, if you ever make it back to Austin and we try and find the quitter in each other every single time that we train every time. And that's what we say. Like we even have workouts called find the quitter. And we have, we have guys, professional athletes from all sorts of sports come in and join us and they, they will quit in the middle of, in the middle of one of our just strength and conditioning workouts. And it's because my little group, Shane, Juan, myself,
Starting point is 02:17:49 And it's because my little group, Shane, Juan, myself, we are looking for that failure and it's getting so hard to find. Just like shooting. I'm looking for that miss because that miss is that opportunity that I'm going to get better. I'm looking at that rep that I just can't get or that 530 mile one more time because that's going to be the opportunity for growth. So I agree with you, but it also has to be hard to reach because failure should never be easy. So you think her being able to say, I want out that she still had enough left to keep going. I don't know.
Starting point is 02:18:15 I think only her and her corner are going to know that. I would say, I would say that I agree with you, except I have so much respect for her. And I think she's one of the toughest girls in MMA. One of the toughest people in MMA. She's a fucking animal, Raquel Pennington. She really is tough. I'm a big fan of hers. When someone like her says, I'm out, I'm done. I just think she's beaten down so badly that she doesn't physically have the ability to fight anymore. And then she went out and proved that in the fifth round and took a ferocious beating. But she agrees with you.
Starting point is 02:18:48 She agrees with her coaches. She agrees. She says now after the fact that her coaches were right and that she had hit this moment of weakness. If I sit on the stool and I told my coaches, I want out, I got Greg Jackson, Winkle John, Nick Palmashano all sitting there, and they let me out I would hate them forever
Starting point is 02:19:08 I would I would regret my decision and I would be mad at them forever and they're some of my best friends now what if right after you said that you collapsed and they took you to the hospital and they had to open up your skull to alleviate pressure on your brain because you were bleeding internally and your legs stopped working and you're in a wheelchair like Gerald McClellan trying to relive the past through distant foggy memories.
Starting point is 02:19:37 That would be less than ideal. Yeah, that would be less than ideal. For sure. Well, I understand what you're saying. It's like the balance of the physical limitations of the human body and then the limitations of the mind and the mind's willingness to find a way out. Which brings me to the one thing that I wanted to get to
Starting point is 02:19:52 before we leave this, is waterboarding. Yeah. And this is something that came up because you were defending, what is her name, Gail? Gina. Gina. What is her name? Haspel. Haspel. And she is the person that was being appointed to lead the CIA. Yep.
Starting point is 02:20:09 And there was a bunch of people that were saying that she shouldn't be because she advocated torture and you, to defend her, decided to get waterboarded. Yep. We've actually been talking about this for the past hour and a half. Yeah. We've actually been talking about this for the past hour and a half. Yeah. We have, we've been talking about, um, the slow erosion of, of the human condition, us getting softer and us getting weaker and us getting, um, nerfing the edges and finding the easy outs and the easy solution. Um, the conversation of middle ground, finding a way
Starting point is 02:20:43 that we can communicate with people and have a discussion. So we've been having this discussion for the past 90 minutes. And what I have is a bunch of people that are saying what something is, but they don't know what that is. Man, I know what torture is. I've seen it in Africa.
Starting point is 02:21:03 I've seen it in South America. I've seen it in the Middle East. I've seen it in Africa. I've seen it in South America. I've seen it in the Middle East. I've seen it on almost, I'm pushing 20 trips overseas in a military capacity. A handful of combat deployments, you know, from looking for poachers, human traffickers, drug cartel,
Starting point is 02:21:19 counter piracy. The things that I have done, like you want to talk about knowing intimately what torture is. I fucking know what torture is. Pouring water on somebody's face is not torture. Okay. If you starve them, if you beat them, if you isolate them, if they're there for, you know, you're the only getting, yes, we can start adding things onto it. But the thing that was the most irritating was everybody's just throwing out this. Let's talk about morality. And this woman is immoral to be in this position.
Starting point is 02:21:49 I remember people jumping to their deaths on nine 11 because they didn't want to get burnt alive. Right. And then I saw a guy on his knees and have his throat slit open by somebody pulling his hair back and sliding that knife across his throat. That was one of the guys that she interrogated. Now I'm not saying two wrongs made a right, but she interrogated them to get a question, to get questions out of them, to try to save more Americans. The intent was to try to save more lives. They say, okay, well, if it's not that bad,
Starting point is 02:22:20 then why did it work? And this is why. This is what nobody understands. And it's because they can't understand the difference between the easy way and the hard way. It's because these people that we were waterboarding are cowards. They were pussies. They were impotent little bullies their whole entire lives. If I put you on that waterboard, I could waterboard you for days. You have your moral convictions and you would never change
Starting point is 02:22:44 because you believe in what's right and wrong. And that's a great and beautiful thing. They're not you. They are pieces of shit that, that throw acid on little girls that fly planes into buildings because it's capitalist. That that's who these people are. And they've, they're only tough when they're surrounded by 60, 70 other of their friends. But you take one of them away from that and you put them in a position where they're powerless. And that's what waterboarding is. They're powerless. And they cave and they cower in seconds.
Starting point is 02:23:16 I don't need to drive a nail through their hands. I don't need to pull their teeth out. I don't need to take a drill bit and drive it through their fingernails. That's torture. This is us pouring water on a coward's face and they freak out. And people can't understand that because they can't understand what these people are. And they're animals. These aren't beautiful religious people
Starting point is 02:23:39 that are trying to do the best thing for the families. These people were the worst of our kind. These were the Nazis of the 1940s, but this is the current version of it. And these radical fanatics that are doing anything for any reason to hurt anybody so they can feel better about themselves. And you take them out of that power. You take them out of that control.
Starting point is 02:24:01 You take them out of that opportunity where they can be the bully. And they're just shadows of themselves. And then they give you everything that you need. And what you need is an opportunity to save more lives. similar to the situation they were in because you were doing it with your friends. You knew you were going to be okay. You willingly did this. The whole process was very controlled. You weren't being held by people who spoke a different language in a country that hates you. It's a situation where you knew you were safe.
Starting point is 02:24:40 So you could relax yourself and calm down and tolerate it to the point where you knew that you you would be okay Yeah, and what was that the other side the other side is? If torture works, isn't that the best form of torture? You're gonna be okay. I mean if the if torture does work, and I don't know if torture works. I've never been tortured I've never been around torture, and I know there's a debate in both ways. Torture doesn't work. It doesn't work. It doesn't work.
Starting point is 02:25:07 So that's not torture. No. So you feel like that works, but torture doesn't. So I think, and maybe we're arguing about vernacular and verbs. Well, you're forcing someone to do something they don't want to do, and you're freaking them out. Yeah. You're doing something physical to them. So I think we just have to define torture.
Starting point is 02:25:28 If it's me doing something to somebody that makes them uncomfortable, is torture, I mean, me asking a pointed question at somebody in an interrogation room down at LAPD could be torture. Right. You know? If you smack them in the face, does it become torture? Yeah. Is that torture? Right. Well, what if I hit them with the face, does it become torture? Yeah, is that torture? Right? Well, if I hit him with a phone book, maybe the problem is the word. Maybe the problem is defining the word
Starting point is 02:25:54 You're I mean they called it enhanced interrogation techniques When if you're trying to get information out of someone that would save American lives, it seems to me I mean I may be ignorant but waterboarding seems to me to be one of the most humane ways to do it I agree with that. You're not gonna do any permanent damage to the person It's not like what they did to John McCain, you know when he was a prisoner in Vietnam That disturbed the shit out of me when that guy was on Fox News and he called him songbird McCain Because he was he was saying that you know Terrorism that or torture rather worked on McCain. Like, how could you stoop like that?
Starting point is 02:26:27 I mean, how could you do that? I mean, you know what that guy's been through to humiliate him and humiliate yourself by taking that position on television like that. It was so disappointing. It's about usable information. We're questioning. And if you cross that threshold of torture where you are doing damage, physical damage, where they'll tell you anything. That's not usable information.
Starting point is 02:26:52 Right. You're going to say that you've been dating your producer for seven years and secretly, like I could get you to say anything under the right conditions. That doesn't do any good. Because you just want to stop the pain. Yeah, just anything to make it stop um that's not what was happening here and and when we start talking about morality if they're saying okay if this is a moral act then then okay this make me and all of my friends that have done all sorts of some in some cases terrible things are we now immoral people because we did it in the interest of protecting our country and serving our country
Starting point is 02:27:25 and, and providing protection for our freedoms. And, um, I know those are cliche phrases that, that people grab onto and I don't want to, but then by extension, throwing and lobbying those accusations at her extend to, to me and to, to the things that I've done. And I think I'm a very moral person. And I try to be a good person in every way I can imagine. I'm not perfect. I'm not. But I try. And the politics of bleeding over and misusing words, manipulating everything just so it fits your agenda, but nobody's in the middle of the ground's agreeing and nobody has the best interest at heart and that's the people like the best interest should always be serving the people and none of them are doing that they only care about what is going to get them re-elected or what's going to give them more power what's going to
Starting point is 02:28:19 give them more money from the lobby or what's going to give them more clout for the next vote what's going to give a little handout from the president or what's you know whatever games that play that happen on the beltway that's what that was an example of that in in the most horrible of ways because it came down to human lives it came down to somebody that had been serving their country since the 80s in the best way that she knew how in the ways that were legal for her to do it and everybody else just manipulating the narrative to fit their agenda when i'm just sitting here being like how about the people and how about freedom who's fighting for us is or are you guys just going to keep bickering about this so me strap strapping myself to that board um i'll tell you it's harder do what's easy is to lay there strapped and have somebody put water on your face. Do it's hard. When I did to Steven Crowder, watch his hands where he'd reach
Starting point is 02:29:11 up and pull the, he couldn't have, he couldn't take it. He would pull the rag off his face. See how many times I pulled the rag off my face. Not once, right? Every single time I said, no, no, poor longer. No, no, use the hose, use the bucket. Right now you're at a two. I need you at an eight. No, I need CIA interrogation friends, right? And I'm sitting there willingly with my hands with the sensation of me drowning as that water's running into my sinuses showing that was intentional. I understand people are like, oh no, he was safe. He wasn't even tied down. I did that to demonstrate how a man of resolve can do it effortlessly and how it's not torture. Because I could willingly lay there with my hands free to pull the rag off at any juncture.
Starting point is 02:29:56 But I didn't. I just sat there and I asked for more. I understand that. But I also understand the position that people take where they say, you knew you were safe. And so this is why you had this resolve. You're not in enemy soil, being interrogated by ISIS, being strapped down by them where you didn't know what was next. If you got through this, what would be next? Let's say Rachel Maddow from MSNBC, because we agree on so much.
Starting point is 02:30:22 If she's like, hey, I want you to come onto my show. I'm going to bring in five CIA interrogators and we're going to do it live. You're in control of nothing. Do you think the result would be any different for me? It's not the same because you're on a television show and you're still, Americans are going to do this to you. You haven't been captured.
Starting point is 02:30:39 You're not in enemy soil. You're not being spit on by ISIS. How far do we have to go? You have to kind of be i mean what the person who's really captured is really captured it's not a game it's like if you get choked out in the street you can't tap out right if you get in a physical fight to the death of someone and they take your back you can't tap out right in in this situation you know you can tap out you know that even if it's cia interrogating you and they're yelling at you, there's a part of your brain that knows I'm on Rachel Maddow's show.
Starting point is 02:31:11 They don't kill soldiers on Rachel Maddow's show. This is true. So I don't know how I could better have illustrated. I think you did a fantastic job. I think the problem lies in it's impossible to really recreate it without you being an actual prisoner of war. Yeah. Do you know what we do? Reverse the roles.
Starting point is 02:31:31 We're talking about snatching these guys from their bomb making facility and whisking them to Abu Ghraib and pouring water on their face. What happens to me and my friends when we're captured? Are we waterboarded? No. No. No. I. No. No, I'm not saying that what they do to us makes what we do to them right. What I'm saying is...
Starting point is 02:31:50 It's better. I'm saying it. It's better. I mean, since what I was saying before, if it is torture, if you want to use the word torture, like we'd use the words drugs, right? Drugs are coffee and it's also heroin, right? They're all drugs. Caffeine is a drug, right?
Starting point is 02:32:05 Yeah. Torture. If you're just going to say torture i'll take that torture every day because that's what that is yeah because even if it sucks yeah i'm going to be burnt alive i'm going to be slowly right carefully methodically painfully murdered yeah and that's my only option there there is never any other option if i got captured there's no moral equivalency i think we could both agree there's no i mean between us and them there's not but here's the thing mccain himself said that she shouldn't be appointed because she willingly participated in torture he said that Yeah. What did you think about that? I, one, respect his opinion. The things that he has done, whether we agree on things is irrelevant. His resume speaks for itself. I agree. And I think very few people could speak to torture better than him. I agree with that as well. So him coming from that position and saying that she isn't eligible to serve um
Starting point is 02:33:07 is a very powerful statement um i also feel that i'm pretty intimately familiar with torture and that i understand the full spectrum of of what somebody can do selflessly for their country and selfless selfishly for their own satisfaction as a psychopath like Zarkawi's enforcer that would go around and kill people in front of their own family members and had carried around a battery-powered drill and like I saw that we tracked him so I also know that when she was doing all of these things for her whole entire career, one, they were, you have to look at the context of the time and what was happening.
Starting point is 02:33:52 And when she did every single one of those things, they were authorized techniques. They were encouraged. They were successful in some degrees, to some degree. And so she was trying to do the best that she could in the, with the, in some degrees, to some degree. And so she was trying to do the best that she could with the, in some cases, limitations that she had. And I think that is a trait that I want in somebody leading the CIA. That is, that they're going to do the best that they can
Starting point is 02:34:19 with what they have and what they're allowed to do. And I like that. I'm also a bulldog. I realize that. But this isn't someone who's talking about this in the comfort of a boardroom. This is someone who's dealing with it in a time of war. Yeah. And you're dealing with some of the most horrible people that we've ever experienced that are
Starting point is 02:34:37 making these videos of cutting journalists' heads off and sending them to their families. Yeah. I mean, this is really what we were experiencing. When people were deciding to use these enhanced interrogation techniques, this is what they were up against. This isn't something you can discuss in a classroom and get a full sense of the tone and what was happening in these people's lives. 9-11 was the tip of the iceberg.
Starting point is 02:35:06 When that happened, there were hundreds of other plans to do similar things. That one was just successful. They had been trying others, and they have tried others since. Whether it's a shoe bomb, whether it's a Paris train, whether it's a San Bernardino bombing, whether it's a garbage truck in France, you know, or London Bridge. It's any, they have consistently been trying to do that and duplicate and replicate that. The reason that it hasn't happened again to that scale, to that level, is because of the
Starting point is 02:35:42 uncompromising selflessness of heroes trying to protect americans now i don't want to go into what is the greater good okay are we losing morality i mean that's a rabbit hole that we could talk about forever but man i just want to preserve life why do you think that concept is so hard for people to grasp because it it's scary. Well, not just that, but the concept that the reason why this hasn't happened more often is because of these people doing the hard work. Why is that so hard for people to understand and appreciate? They can't even understand hard work. I just made a goddamn TV show just so they could see for the first time that people work hard so they can have food. They can work hard so they can have oil and they can have power. Look at a post when I don't have a shirt on. Everybody says,
Starting point is 02:36:32 man, Tim's loving being off USADA. I've looked the same since I was 19 years old. I have looked exactly like this with the same eight pack, with the same muscle definition since I was an 18-year old kid. I don't even know how many times I've been tested from the military for USADA to different events. I've been clean my whole entire career, but nobody can in their mind. They can't understand to get from here to there is hard work. No, there has to be an easier way. It has to be steroids or it has to be this or has to be that.
Starting point is 02:37:00 It's the same way. They're protected and they're safe, but they can't grasp the idea of the hard work that it took to keep them there. I don't even think they're thinking that deeply into it. I think they're just talking shit. I think people see you. You look jacked. Like, stewards. I don't think there's that much thought involved in that.
Starting point is 02:37:15 But I think it's the same lack of thought. It's the same lack of consideration of what it took for us currently to be safe and what it still takes for us to be safe That's that's the departure that's that's the break in in in in the thought processes They just want the easiest way and they don't want to even believe that this hard way is the way that actually has happened What is the alternative? What's the alternative? What's the alternative suggestion? Instead of enhanced interrogation techniques, waterboarding, instead of letting the CIA do what it's done up until now, what is the alternative? What has anybody offered in response to that? Instead of doing it that way, do it this way. I mean, now we're just leaving them in... Nothing. We're leaving them in Abu Ghraib for how long? Years? You know, it's like now they're in perpetual purgatory for eternity.
Starting point is 02:38:15 There is no other solution. Nobody's presented one. They're just complaining about the options. Exactly. But that's the point. It's that there's... No one said, look, the CIA has done a terrible job. This is the way to do it right.
Starting point is 02:38:26 They're just saying, don't torture people. And I agree with that. Yeah. Don't shoot people with paintball pellets. Don't shoot them with bullets. You know, hit them with rubber bats. Don't hit them with, you know, what are they saying? What are they saying?
Starting point is 02:38:40 Do you think part of the problem is the vast majority of the population will never truly understand combat? They'll never truly understand what people are capable of in the worst case scenario? God, I hope so. I mean, I hope that 99% of this population never has to see any of the things that we've seen. Otherwise, I failed. Do you think that maybe it wouldn't be the worst idea in the world to force people to have some sort of mandatory service, whether it's mandatory service in the Coast Guard or whether it's the Peace Corps or whether it's the military, just some service of your country for a predetermined period of time like they do in Israel, like they do in South Korea, like they do in several other countries. Yeah, I would love that. Do you think that that would fix things? I think it could help. Or at least give people an understanding of what's required.
Starting point is 02:39:32 Like, send people to Afghanistan for six months. Let people understand, like, holy shit, like, goddamn, Kansas is pretty fucking badass, isn't it? Yeah, it is. How about just send them to El Paso? Yeah. Have them work them down there on the border. Go to Juarez. Yeah, yeah. I mean, understand that the world is not San Francisco.
Starting point is 02:39:50 There are dark places. And you could see that on CNN all you want, look at it on RT. But until you can smell it, until you live it, until we, I have to take these pills every single day, which give me the shits, or otherwise I get malaria. Right. Are all these people walking around, are they take these pills every single day, which give me the shits, or otherwise I get malaria. Right. Are all these people walking around, are they taking these pills? Oh, they're not. Some of them have malaria. Having that reality sink into them.
Starting point is 02:40:15 Yeah. That way, I'm going to eat that goat, and I have to pull the pieces of hair out of my own mouth. That's the reality for the majority of the world. Um, that that's the reality for the majority of the world. It's, um, I would love for somebody to force everybody to have a taste of bad versions of us. Yeah, I don't want anybody telling me I have to go do something. I don't want anybody telling me I have to go serve somewhere. But I don't think it's the worst option to get people. If we really hit a pivotal point where people have such a complete lack of appreciation and understanding of what it takes to make the world work correctly, that might be one of the only viable solutions is some sort of mandatory service for
Starting point is 02:41:06 some agreed upon period of time. Yeah. And it doesn't happen when you're young. I don't think, I think a warfighter should always and only be volunteer. I agree with you. But man, serving your country for two years, working on the border, working in a homeless shelter, Serving your country for two years, working on the border, working in a homeless shelter, humanitarian aid, working in a hospital. I mean, all the different things that we could do with all of these people that would have their eyes opened. I think it would strengthen people. It could. I think it could.
Starting point is 02:41:42 Their character, their soul, their bodies, their minds, all of it. Yeah, just being forced to understand that there's a lot of messy work that's required to make this thing work correctly, and we all benefit from it, but a lot of us benefit from it and just sit at home and play video games and eat Cheetos and do nothing, and you still complain about Mexicans sneaking in. You know?
Starting point is 02:41:58 Yeah. It's fucking crazy. Everything that we want, whether it's success or food, good looks, a beautiful girlfriend, a beautiful boyfriend, all of that is always just on the far side of hard work. Everything. I don't know. Some dudes are never going to get a hot chick.
Starting point is 02:42:20 You work all day. There's some shit rolls of the dice out there genetically that's just never going to pan out. Everything I've ever wanted has always been, and everything I've ever had, everything I've ever gained, every bit of who I am has always been on the far side of hard work. Dylann Armstrong and I were talking and arguing about performance enhancing drugs. You know, and I fought for two world titles and I lost two world titles. You know, he won seven. But he was in the dirtiest of dirty sports.
Starting point is 02:42:54 Yeah. I mean. And he's like, doesn't Tim Kennedy, you know, world champion, doesn't that sound better? You know, and yeah, it does. It does. world champion. Doesn't that sound better? You know, and yeah, it does. It does, but I would have lost everything because
Starting point is 02:43:08 everything I've ever had has been from hard work and that would have been easy. Is he trying to justify his own existence? I mean, what's happening there? And also, it's a different sport. You know, it's just a different thing between no one gets hurt if you take EPO and you run your bike faster. No one gets hurt. If you're on something and you run your bike faster it doesn't no one gets hurt if you're on
Starting point is 02:43:25 something and it allows you to beat someone's brains in better and you walk away from a title knowing that you cheated but the guy you beat was natural that to a guy like you is a torture that you're going to be you're going to be in prison and the rest of your life with that thought bouncing around in your head I don't know that's not the same thing so I don't know. That's not the same thing. It's just not the same thing. I mean, guys like Vitor Belfort, who failed multiple tests, were world champions multiple times.
Starting point is 02:43:55 Sort of. He really only won once against Randy, and it's because Randy got cut. Remember, he got that crazy eye cut, and he won the tournament when he was 19, but even then he was sauced up. So he still feels like a world champion to him. I would never want that.
Starting point is 02:44:10 I'm not rationalizing it. But he paid the price, though. Yeah, he is, and he will pay the price. But, I mean, he paid the price physically. You look at the transformation between TRT Vitor that knocked out Luke Rockhold with a wheel kick and Michael Bisping and Dan Henderson. He was a fucking monster. And then the deflated version of him where his body, his endocrine systems failed, doesn't produce testosterone anymore, can't take a punch anymore.
Starting point is 02:44:32 He doesn't look even remotely similar to what he used to look like. No, it's... Look at the difference between him and then look at Yoel Romero, okay? Yoel Romero is 40, 41 years old. Yeah. He looks the same. He's older than Vitor and he's fucking jacked. Obviously you're dealing with significant genetic advantage.
Starting point is 02:44:53 And Yoel said that when he was on the podcast, you know, it was a great podcast. I don't know if you saw it, but Joey Diaz translated for him back and forth. And then he spoke Spanish and then Joey translated to English. But he said, if you go to Cuba,
Starting point is 02:45:03 it's like regular people, regular people that you see at bus drivers jacked. He's Spanish, and then Joey translated it to English. But he said, if you go to Cuba, it's like regular people, regular people that you see, bus drivers, jacked. He's like, you're dealing with a phenomenal gene pool over there. Baseball players that come out, and they touch the ball, and it goes over the fence. Yeah, I mean, they're freaks. Sprinters. Listen, this is the dark aspects of the slave trade. I mean, this is what you're dealing with, the best of the best, the strongest, most athletic, the ones who can work the hardest.
Starting point is 02:45:27 Those are the ones they wanted. I mean, that is essentially a big part of the gene pool that is Cuba. But then you deal with the decades and decades of extremely high-level athletic performance with all these different sports and all these different programs where they develop the very best athletes in their area. I mean, they just, the wrestlers, the boxers, the judo players, I mean, phenomenal athletes. And the gene pool is just outstanding. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:45:58 The Hector Lombard another physical example but looking at Vidor's body shrink and UL stay the same, mine stay the same what do you think the heart not the actual beating cardiovascular system but like the soul of
Starting point is 02:46:21 Vidor, he visibly looked deflated in every one of his fights post USADA. Yeah. You know. He knows he's going into that in a compromised state. Yeah. So when he was going into it, like when he got tested, one of the times, one of the reasons why the whole testosterone replacement therapy got eliminated is Vitor got tested randomly
Starting point is 02:46:42 and he was off the charts. Like to the point, like superhuman levels of testosterone They're like what in the fuck are you doing man like you have this massive advantage and massive confidence advantage and just physically Looks like a good demon right? One that when that's gone Now you're less than a regular man physically and mentally physically and mentally because you're tired all the time your body's tired you're not producing good levels of testosterone he talked about it openly about they tested his testosterone it's like the
Starting point is 02:47:15 testosterone of a 70 year old man and he's fighting in a cage for a living at a very high level i don't know the um i still think it comes down to hard work i think it certainly does but all the hard work in the world if you're built like you know fucking kevin smith no disrespect kevin i love you yeah you can work as hard as you want yeah just fucking y'all romero's gonna pound your face into the dirt every time. But Kevin Smith is a millionaire that is massively successful in what he wants to do. And that dude works hard. Super smart that he didn't go into cage fighting. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:47:55 Very good call. And he works hard. Yes, he does. You go all the way back to the beginning when he's writing scripts and he's doing stand-up comedy. You're right. That dude was the first there, the last to leave. And then his success is unquestioned. Yeah, no, I agree with you 100%.
Starting point is 02:48:11 He most certainly worked hard. But I'm talking about genetics. Like there's genetics. I mean, Francis Ngannou has freakish genetics. I mean, obviously Stipe Miocic also has very good genetics, still a giant person. But the genetics that Francis has in
Starting point is 02:48:30 comparison to the average person, you can work all you want. You're not competing with that. Yeah. There's some people that just get a shit roll of the dice. Yeah. He also lost his title fight though. But he lost to Stipe, who has also got pretty fucking phenomenal genetics.
Starting point is 02:48:46 He's a giant dude. He's tough as shit. Very skilled and has just a lifetime championship level experience. I don't want to say anything nice about that guy, first of all. It's hard for me to say anything nice about him. But that guy worked hard. Worked hard. And became the world champion.
Starting point is 02:49:03 Yeah. And he looks... He's had a dad bod for forever. I don't ever remember looking at him and being like, that's a scary dude. I look at him and I'm like, God, I want to fight him. And then take that British accent and shove it down his throat. And make fun of him. Then mix more videos about him. Then beat him up again.
Starting point is 02:49:19 Well, he's been clean his whole career. And never looked like a guy who was doing anything suspicious. And it's his hard work that made him the world champion. And toughness. Alright, no more talking nice about that guy. Let's talk about anything else but that. But after you're retired, can't you just let it go with a guy like
Starting point is 02:49:38 him? Or do you guys talk so much shit? No, I'm just talking shit still. Yeah, no, totally. Man, I've never really had a real problem with anybody. You know,'ve never really had a real problem with anybody. You know, in 17 years as a professional fighter. I mean, I could pick a couple of instances. Like, Mike and I would never be friends. Like, we're not going to go drink a pint together.
Starting point is 02:49:55 But like... Why not, though? I think we're just different people. But why not now? If he retires and you retire... Oh, I mean, I just don't know what we're going to... We're just different. If you're in the airport one day... Yeah, we'd out into each other you're at a bar like let me buy a drink you fuck but it's like what are we talking about hunting are we gonna talk about uh shooting
Starting point is 02:50:13 let's say we would drink a pint like we're never gonna be friends but i would totally sit down and have dinner with them and talk about the the good old days It's because you won. It also helps. Nah. I don't even think about it that way. No? Like Luke Rockhold, you know, I'd sit and talk to him. Jacare, I'd sit and talk to him. You know.
Starting point is 02:50:34 We've got to get you out of here because I know you've got a fight to catch. But I want to tell you, out of all my times of calling fights, one of the most powerful experiences that I ever saw really wasn't even televised. fights one of the most powerful experiences that I ever saw really wasn't even televised it was in between you you knocking out Sapo in the fight for the troops and you got on top of the cage and all the troops were there cheering you on and nobody there was nobody this wasn't televised nobody saw this but you were pointing at all those people and saying i love you i do this for you i love you and they were cheering and it was a fucking powerful moment man that was a powerful moment to this day i think about sometimes because that was
Starting point is 02:51:17 a different kind of a fight it was a different kind of an audience and it was a it was a different kind of a moment and when you launched that left hook on him and connected him and stopped him and then jumped up on the cage and did that that was that audience the love they had for you and the love you had for them was it was in the air man it was fucking amazingly powerful yeah i never forget that moment to the day I die. Not, not the fight, not the, the fight camp. Um, I couldn't breathe. I had so much love for everybody that was like, I, I would have melted. I would have Thanos myself vaporized and taken every one of my bits and just handed it to everybody there. Um, and not existed just so that they could have anything that they wanted. and not existed just so that they could have anything that they wanted because there was just nothing in me that I wanted more than just to give them anything I had. I believe that.
Starting point is 02:52:13 It came out. When you were saying what you were saying, the way you could feel the honesty and sincerity in it. I'm not a good liar. I got to work on that. No, don't work on it. Tim Kennedy, you're a bad motherfucker. I'm not a good liar. I gotta work on that. No, don't work on it. Tim Kennedy, you're a bad motherfucker. I appreciate you. Yeah, keep doing it, bro. I will. You too.
Starting point is 02:52:31 Alright, that's it. Bye, everybody. Thank you.

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