The Joe Rogan Experience - #1120 - Ben Greenfield

Episode Date: May 22, 2018

Ben Greenfield is a Coach, Author, Speaker, ex-Bodybuilder and Ironman Triathlete. In 2008 he was voted as the Personal Trainer of the Year by the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA)... and recognized as the top 100 Most Influential People in Health in 2013.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 four three two one ben greenfield eats ants just want everybody to know hey if i was gonna go to disney as much as you go to disney i'd eat a lot more black ants why are you eating ants well supposedly i actually don't know that much about ants i'm just i'm just eating it because it supposedly gives you energy i need to pick me this morning. We lifted waste this morning, and I needed a second boost of energy. But apparently, these ants live in ginseng roots, and they have something that grows in their heads that acts as like a nootropic. It's like some kind of a chemical nootropic. And it also supposedly is one of these Chinese energy tonics. It's like the whole, you know, the doctrine of signatures. You know the doctrine of signatures? No, what's that? It's like the whole, you know, the doctrine of signatures, you know, the doctrine of signatures. No, it's the idea that, that things in nature give you clues, right? So, so like when you slice open a tomato, you've got the four chambers of the heart and tomato is supposedly good for the hearts or pomegranate is good for your blood.
Starting point is 00:00:58 And the little pomegranate seeds look like red blood cells. You slice open a carrot. It looks like an eye or you, you crack open an egg, it looks like an eye. Those are good for your vision. Sweet potatoes, which everybody thinks is like a sweet, sugary food, those are actually shaped like a pancreas. And they can actually help to normalize your beta cells, like your insulin-producing beta cells in your pancreas. So you look at walnuts for your brain and people talk about, uh, avocados, right? Supposedly they look a little bit like an ovary and they're good for female
Starting point is 00:01:30 reproductive function. So you can, you can carry that over from the plant kingdom into the animal kingdom and say that if you eat ants, because there's such energetic endurance driven creatures that it supposedly will make you stronger. Boy, that's a stretch. Wait till this stuff hits me and then we'll arm wrestle. We'll find out. Have you been doing it for a while? How long have you been taking this stuff? That was the third time I've actually used it. You just dissolve it.
Starting point is 00:01:54 I mean, I used it for a workout a couple of times. So this is your concoction, right? You took ground up ants. I didn't grind up the ants myself. That would have been exhausting to catch that many black. Did you buy them ground up? I bought ground up the ants myself. That would have been exhausting to catch that many black. Did you buy them ground up? I bought ground up black ant powder. Jimmy just pulled up some ginseng ants powder.
Starting point is 00:02:10 I don't think they're called. That's where I bought them. That's where I bought them. Lost Empire. Polyrachis ants. A key tonic of Chinese herbalism. But you know what? The Chinese people are also into the rhino horn.
Starting point is 00:02:23 It's not just a pre-workout herb. According to the website, it's a pre-workout super herb. Oh, a super herb. Which is supposedly far more scientifically super than a regular herb. Right. It's like a super food. Exactly. I'm a little annoyed with that word, super food.
Starting point is 00:02:37 I like that idea, though, of the doctrine of signatures. Like certain things that you see in nature being good for you. There's one called, I forget the name of this plant, but it's called the insulin of the heart. And it's amazing for decreasing sympathetic nervous system activation and causing you to relax. And it has these beneficial cardiovascular properties in people who are just so driven that they tend to have, for example, a heart attack or an MI. And it's not splilanthes. I forget the name of this. But it looks like a heart. And it has all these red vessels that kind of come off it.
Starting point is 00:03:14 It's called the insulin of the heart. There's an app that my kids and I use to identify a lot of these. It's called Flower Checker. So you read about this ant stuff online, and then you started taking it, and then you mixed it in some sort of a tincture? Just vodka. Yeah. Yeah, ubein. That stuff. Nature's perfect, but forgotten remedy for heart disease. Ubein. I interviewed a physician on my show, Dr. Thomas Cowan,
Starting point is 00:03:41 and he wrote a book about how the heart is not a pump. And he talks about the true reason for heart disease being sympathetic nervous system overdrive. What does he mean by the heart is not a pump? Mineral depletion and dehydration. And what he means by the heart is not a pump. It's a fascinating book. The shape of the chest is I believe it's called like a tetrahedron or some it's it's something like that but basically as fluid moves through the heart the action of the fluid actually moving through the heart allows it to to pass through the heart and not have to be pumped through the body but rather the shape of the heart is almost like causing the fluid to move in a vortex.
Starting point is 00:04:27 And so it moves more readily out of the body. Oh, the heart, the heart contracts, but, but it's less of a pumping action and more of like, like a vortex flow that it creates. The book's called why your heart is not a pump. It's very interesting. Is it why well-received amongst scientists? No, it's, it kind of flies under the radar a little bit. Yeah. Yeah. But it's, it kind of flies under the radar a little bit. Yeah. Yeah, but it's an interesting book.
Starting point is 00:04:47 Short book. It's like maybe 100 pages long. I thought it was universally regarded as a pump. Yeah. I don't know if you would necessarily classify it as a pump as much as a contracting muscle. But when you die and then they bring you back to life they push your heart to make it pump pump pump pump pump seems yeah yeah i don't know shit read the book it's interesting it's interesting but this this uh this flower checker app this flower checker app it's really
Starting point is 00:05:20 cool you you take a picture of a plant and then there's a team of live botanists on the other end. And within 24 hours, they identify the plant for you, and you can learn its edible properties, its medicinal properties. So my kids and I can walk around and take pictures of different plants, different flowers, different things on our land. And it develops this online herbarium that then allows you to keep track of all the different plants and what you've learned about them and what they're good for. So we use that whenever we're identifying plants. There was one time when we were fishing off the north fork of the Clearwater. So we went on this fly fishing trip. Where's that?
Starting point is 00:05:58 The Clearwater? The Clearwater up in Idaho. So we were near Grangeville. Most people fly into Grangeville, Idaho. It's a great fly fishing, huge steelhead. And, uh, the, the hike that we went on, we didn't have our phones or anything with us to take pictures of, of what we were finding. And we found this, this enormous, uh, almost like a, like a field of wild asparagus, which is, and, and my buddy who was with us,
Starting point is 00:06:23 he had bear broth that he was, that he was, it was like a bear bone broth that he had in this vat back at the cabin. So we harvested all this asparagus and this was before we went out fishing and I put all the asparagus into the bone broth and then just left for the day. And then we came back and we had, we had fish, we had bone broth, we had asparagus and we all ate this bone broth and it turns out that this stuff was not asparagus. So my kids and I, our heads were spinning all night. The guy that owned the cabin, apparently he didn't sleep. He was just like hunched over the toilet the whole evening. And it turns out this stuff is called, I think it was brassica. It looks like asparagus, but apparently it has very high levels
Starting point is 00:07:01 of nicotine. So we were all overdosed on nicotine for the next two days on this fishing trip. Yeah, you should probably be really careful before you eat wild shit. That's the only time I haven't used that app to actually go plant foraging. Who thought it was asparagus? We all thought it was asparagus. It was me, one of the chefs who was out of the cabin with us, my kids and twin nine-year-old boys know a lot about plants. So you always trust them if they say it's wild asparagus. But I was convinced it was asparagus. I mean, I kind of tasted it out there while we were out in the field and it
Starting point is 00:07:34 tasted like asparagus, but no, it's not asparagus. It's brassica. Jesus Christ. That sounds horrible. Yeah. But there's another app called a PlantSnap and apparently uses artificial intelligence, you know, like a reverse Google image search to identify a plant. I've used that and it's useless. Anything you take a picture of, it doesn't seem to be able to identify anything. But this flower checker is just live people on the other end. Does Google, there's Google image searches, like some, there's a an application that use cameras and if you take a photo of something you can identify right exactly i think that's called like a reverse
Starting point is 00:08:11 google image search or something like that but but the ai doesn't seem to work as well for plant identification i would imagine it's looking at the leaves the shape of the leaves how it comes off the plant you know the veins the the opposite versus symmetrical and everything that goes into a plant identification. But now when you, you still have to go with a real person, steelhead. Yeah. You got to go with a real person. You got to go with an actual botanist.
Starting point is 00:08:32 Um, steelhead are, uh, ocean bound, uh, rainbow trout, right? They come back and forth. Yeah. Um, do you guys, do you catch and release or, or do you eat them? This was all catch and release. There's a common thing with those. There's a certain kind that you can catch and i i'm not a fly fishing expert this was like a fun trip with my kids to learn how to fly fish and we didn't catch any that we could actually keep yeah i don't understand that kind of fishing it's weird you know that take a long trip go out
Starting point is 00:08:59 into the wilderness go to the river catch the fish let it go yeah seems it's it's the thrill of the chase i get it i mean it's great for kids yeah you know i've done it with uh kids bass fishing before yeah but it's just uh you can't do that when you bow hunt no no but it's just it's a weird thing you're you know sticking a hook in a fish's mouth and then letting it go yeah we got them let's let them go yeah they're hard to reel. That's like a 10 minute fight to get those fish in. They're big. Yeah. They're powerful fish too.
Starting point is 00:09:27 They deal with those ocean currents. Ocean fish are almost always more strong when you pull them in than freshwater fish. They're very strong. They're stronger than ants, I would imagine. So go back to this ant thing. And tell me me what has been the reaction. Like when you take it, like how you feel.
Starting point is 00:09:47 Just more, just like a cup of coffee. You really do feel like you do. You do feel more energy. Do you think it's because of the ginseng or is it possibly placebo effect? I think they just live within the ginseng and that makes the story sexier for the website that sells. So you think just eating the ants themselves give you energy? I would imagine that you'd have to catch a lot of ants to get what you'd get out of like all the powdered extract that they sell you.
Starting point is 00:10:09 Right, but I mean eating the powdered extract then. Just that somehow or another. What's the mechanism for giving you energy? There's some chemical that's in the ants. I don't know the mechanism of action. Again, I really don't claim to be an expert in ant extract. But yet you have a bottle of it. I have a bottle of action. Again, I really don't claim to be an expert in ant extract. But yet you have a bottle of it. I have a bottle of it. It was in with all my other supplements, and I was packing up this morning and thought it would be an interesting one.
Starting point is 00:10:33 It is interesting. To show to you, just a giant bottle that says ant on it. What's the standard way that people take it? Do they add it into a smoothie or something? I think as a powder or as a tincture. Yeah. I would imagine you could probably put it in a smoothie. Yeah. With your bee pollen and your other insect derivatives. Wow. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:51 Yeah. What a weird one, huh? Yeah. Anyways, you should have come out and done the Spartan. I know you were at Disney. Yeah. I told you I couldn't go, so I don't know why I said I should. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:02 I told you I couldn't. Well, Spartan's a little bit more interesting than Disney, in my opinion. I didn't go to Disney for myself. Yeah, yeah. They have kids races out there, too. But you were doing commentary or something? Is that what you were doing? I was doing the, they have commentary all day long at these Spartan races,
Starting point is 00:11:19 so I was doing the commentary, and then I raced the next day. Oh, so you did it one day, commentary one day. So it was a two-day race thing? They do, the way they do it, so you did it one day, commentary one day. So it was a two-day race thing? They do. The way they do it, they get like 10, probably, I would say some of these races, 8,000 to 12,000 athletes. Wow. In that approximate range.
Starting point is 00:11:34 So they break it up. They go out, they break it up. There's long races, there's short races. So the long race was 13, about 13 miles, which on a road half marathon, that'd be like a 105 that an athlete would do on a on a race like that and so it's a 13 mile run with the obstacles and the hills and it's out of big bear which is a ski resort yeah which i just found out from my wife apparently use fake snow there's like a pond at the top of the at the top of the resort that they make all the snow with
Starting point is 00:12:00 apparently it's real snow but it's artificially created right it's like they make with a snow machine artificially created real snow made from water at the top of the mountain and a snow machine it's not yeah it's it's not it's not foam i wonder if anybody's trying to do that to make foam snow yeah to make some snow like some ask them at the mall in dubai they've got some they've got something over there i don't know but i bet it's a snow machine, right? It probably is actual snow derived from water. Yeah, at the mall in Dubai, they have like a crazy hill, right? You get to ski. No, they have an actual indoor ski.
Starting point is 00:12:31 They have penguins, an indoor ski resort, everything. So this race, though, for those same 13 miles, it's like two hours. I think the winner did a 2.16, 2.17, something like that. So you have to jump over stuff. So you're going a lot slower. You've got to carry sandbags and carry big gravel buckets. It's like doing yard chores and then running to your next yard chore. Barbed wire crawling and hoisting ropes.
Starting point is 00:12:54 But it's good for full-body fitness. Because I used to do triathlon. When I did triathlon, I was weak, right? Because you swim, you bike, you run. And I had an engine that could go for days. But I did my first Spartan race, and I couldn't climb a rope, and I couldn't carry a sandbag up a hill. So I think it's good for functional fitness.
Starting point is 00:13:11 Here it is right here. Jamie's got a video of it up there. That's a stadium. That's actually a good way to start. Oh, this is Bert Kreischer doing this? Did it at Dodger Stadium a couple weeks ago. And, you know, you don't have to get muddy, and there's no fake snow. He's running with a fucking selfie stick? I don't have to get muddy, and there's no fake snow. And the stadium races.
Starting point is 00:13:25 He's running with a fucking selfie stick? I don't know how fast he can get. You know, it can be kind of a joke because some people go out in uniforms with big cowboy hats on and, you know, dressed up as Spider-Man in their Lycra. And then some people, they have these elite waves where it's actual, you know, legit athletes doing these things. This is kind of interesting, though. But it is, you know, you can see you move your body in a lot of different ways on these courses. So it's fun.
Starting point is 00:13:53 You know, it's fun to train for because you've got to train all your different body parts. And you train for power and strength. And there's endurance. So it's a good mix of everything. Hmm. Yeah. I didn't know they're doing them in stadiums. That's kind of cool.
Starting point is 00:14:04 The stadium races are cool because you show up at AT&T Stadium where we're going to race and you go up and down and they will turn a stadium into like a three to four mile event. That's how many times you go up and down these stairs. They have an event for the kids where the kids will go up and down the stairs and the kids have miniature
Starting point is 00:14:19 sandbags and miniature spears. So it actually is kind of a cool event. That's pretty badass. That's pretty badass. That looked like pretty bad family, except for his fucking selfie stick. Like everything must be documented. You cannot live in this life without people knowing exactly what you're doing at all times. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:36 Running the selfie stick. I'm taking my kids to one of those, uh, those train to hunt competitions this weekend. Oh yeah. And Bonner's ferry. So they're going to do their first actual kids and same thing it's the kids events where the kids shoot they've got 15 to 20 yard shots and they have like a sandbag lift and a run and then they've got another shot and they've got
Starting point is 00:14:53 burpees up and over a cooler and another shot and there's a there's a grown-up event and a kids event those things are fun too and yeah that's those are really interesting the idea behind them is kind of cool too because it lets people people know what, like, if you're involved in one of those backcountry backpack hunts, it's very much a physical event. Very much. You're carrying most likely at least 35 to 45 pounds on your back, especially if you're carrying your camp on your back. And then you're hiking, you know, thousands of feet of elevation. You're up and down, climbing over logs and shit you're carrying your bow there's a lot of physical exertion involved like there well there's a
Starting point is 00:15:30 lot of crawling a lot of crawling yeah yeah i mean you did that hawaii hunt yeah which island did you hunt lanai lanai yeah i i hunted kona uh i guess it was like five weeks ago and on the sheep hunt because the sheep stay out in the in the open plains you'll crawl sometimes for an hour and a half yeah to to get close enough for a shot yeah the final day um when i killed i killed two axis buck out there and the final day we crawled for at least an hour at least an hour like super fucking slow those things are switched on and it's frustrating too with with an animal or sheep sheep are not They're smart. Now they're not as fast as an axis, but that's the most frustrating part is, is you'll put on a crawl, right? Maybe you're 200 yards out and you spend an hour getting 60 and then the wind swirls and they pick you up and they're off. Yeah. And
Starting point is 00:16:17 then you just stand up and brush yourself off and you got to go crawl again. Yeah. But you know, if it was easy, it wouldn't be hunting yeah it'd just be killing i got one of those jungle scrub cows i told you yeah you were telling me about that so these to explain to people what a scrub bull is because apparently they're just they're just feral cows yeah and they're not they're not all bulls there's bulls and cows i shot a cow and i thought at first that it was going to be kind of a stupid hunt in the cow because, you know, the pigs are pigs. They eat really well because they feed on macadamia nuts. They're a lot better than the pigs in Texas.
Starting point is 00:16:50 They taste amazing. Macadamia nuts, huh? We did it. Yeah, it's very fatty, almost like a nutty meat. So we did a Cinco de Mayo cook-off, me and my kids, and we took the ribs from this pig that I shipped back. So, you know, it cost, it was like 150 bucks to ship 250 pounds of meat back from kona so i had sheep pig and cow and shipped it all back which is not that expensive and the the pig was i mean it it ate better than any pork i've ever had in my life
Starting point is 00:17:18 really these ribs and you know we blended them up and my kids made it made an adobo sauce with the peppers and they have a little food podcast. So we did all this for their food podcast. But, oh, my goodness, it's like the fattiest but like a nutty, flavorful fat because they feed on these macadamia nuts. There's no grain. There's no corn, and they're just wild and running around out there. So the pig was really good, but the cow was tough. It was a tough cow. On the
Starting point is 00:17:47 first day we were out there, I took the back strap and I soaked that in lemon juice all day. And that kind of broke it down a little bit. It wasn't that bad. But what I did when I got home was I've got a refrigerator out in my garage and I hooked up a temperature controller to it. You can get this temperature controller. It's called an A419. And it'll keep the temperature of the refrigerator about 34 to 38 degrees. So rather than plugging the refrigerator into the wall, you plug it into this, this temp control unit. And then you put a humidifier in and a fan, like on the, on the bottom of the fridge. And then you take all your meat and you lay it out on grates in the refrigerator. And I left it in there for about three weeks, this scrub cow, and it develops this hard gristly coating on the outside of, of the,
Starting point is 00:18:26 of the meat. And then I took it out and just sliced all this hard gristly part off of the outside. And the inside of that meat was like butter. So you're dry aging it essentially. Yeah. That's exactly what it is. It's a dry age in refrigerator, but you control the, the temperature you want about 34 to 38 degrees. And then the humidity can vary a lot more than that, but you control the temperature you want about 34 to 38 degrees. And then the humidity can vary a lot more than that. But I kept the humidity at about 60 to 70 degrees. And then basically you just slice off all that hard, gristly external coating. And you've got this amazing, I mean, super soft, super tender. And then I just have this vacuum packer and it's a cool little unit. You can just cut a bag, any size you want,
Starting point is 00:19:05 right. For a neck or a shoulder or like a smaller bag for a backstrap or a tenderloin and bagged it up. Yeah. I have one of those vacuum sealers. Those things are awesome. Yeah. So the dry aging was key.
Starting point is 00:19:15 Yeah. I have friends that have one of those walk-in coolers and they could set it to a certain temperature and they hang the meat and dry age it out there. But I don't know what walk-in cooler they have because I looked into the dry aging refrigerators and those are like $5,000. Yeah, they're expensive. But you can get a refrigerator off Craigslist. That A419 thing I bought, that was like 50 bucks off Amazon.
Starting point is 00:19:36 How big is it? The refrigerator? Yeah. Just a normal size refrigerator. Regular size refrigerator. Yeah. And so the food is on grates inside that refrigerator and the fan is on the bottom? Yeah, so I took all the shelving out of the refrigerator,
Starting point is 00:19:46 and I just put some plywood on either side of the refrigerator, and I put these metal grates in between. Oh, so you constructed your own sort of— Right, exactly. And then just laid the meat down on the grates and put the fan on the bottom of the refrigerator so it's constantly circulating the air inside the refrigerator. And then the temperature controller has this—it'll display. So in my kitchen, in my house, it'll display the temperature and then the temperature controller has this uh it'll display so in my
Starting point is 00:20:06 kitchen in my house it'll display the temperature and the humidity so i know if something goes wrong so not all that meat spoils inside the refrigerator because i'll see when i'm inside my kitchen it'll read that that the temperature is getting too high in the refrigerator maybe somebody unplugged the fridge or the controller you know needed to be reset which happened a couple of times but you want to keep an eye on it. It's a great way, though, to take meat and make it far more flavorful, more tender. Well, especially that kind of meat. Right, that meat that's tough anyways.
Starting point is 00:20:35 It's tough, it's gamey. These water buffaloes, like you see the one behind me, a buddy of mine shot one of those in Australia, and he said that he had a piece of it in his mouth, and he was chewing one piece for a half an hour. That's how tough it is. And this was the back strap, which was one of the more tender parts of the body. There's this idea, though, that that's good for your jaw.
Starting point is 00:20:58 It's good for your teeth structure. There's this guy, I think it's Max Mew. My brother sent me this YouTube video of this guy, I think it's Max Mew. My brother sent me this YouTube video of this guy. But his whole idea is that humans' jaw structure, our bone density, our teeth, our trigeminal nerves, all of that don't work as well as they should because we grow up on soft food. We don't have to chew food as much. That makes sense. A lot of boxers chew big chunks of bazooka bubble gum.
Starting point is 00:21:23 It gets kind of hard after a while and you dig it, and it develops muscular endurance in your jaw. Mastic gum is another one. I've seen machines where you take a leather strap in your mouth, and you hang a piece of weight from it, and you're doing this. People were selling those for a while as a way to decrease rating of perceived exertion during exercise, exercise mouthpieces. And that the advertising on them was that the Vikings used to chew on leather before they go into battle to reduce pain and increase their time to exhaustion. And so they actually sell these mouthpieces that you bite down on when you're exercising. But they weren't designed to strengthen the jaw as much as to reduce how hard you felt like you were working during exercise and some people swear by these exercise mouthpieces well i know that mouthpieces supposedly can maximize the amount of effort that you can put
Starting point is 00:22:14 forth like there's a difference in the amount of strength you bite down it's almost like when you shake somebody's hand you make a fist with one hand then you shake their hand you're stronger you know and that's that's something that pavel zatzelin talks about right in his books you know about how to generate as much force as possible right for close one fist i mean if you're going to do like a bottoms up kettlebell press right you can do it with one hand open and press then you close your hand and contract this fist and it's it's far easier so what is the idea behind that it somehow energizes your entire body it's fascia you know they're they're your your fascia covers your entire body so if you tighten up one part of it
Starting point is 00:22:51 it causes you to be able to produce more force so i mean try it sometime with a kettlebell or water bottle or coffee cup well i always kind of available i flex my hand outward when i'm doing like bottoms up yeah but you flex your hand. Yeah, I definitely flex my hand. I never just let it sit. There's always some tension in it. It's full body tension. It's the same reason that you'll see a lot of tennis players or I think boxers do this too, a Valsalva maneuver when you strike. So you hold your breath, you go...
Starting point is 00:23:20 And the same thing, it tightens up everything and allows you to produce more force. The other gum, you mentioned the bazooka There's a gum called mastic gum and I interviewed this guy Dean Karnazes who ran he did the 50 marathons and 50 days and he ran the the traditional marathon in Greece Which is apparently not 26.2 miles It's like a hundred and some miles that he ran. And he would chew this mastic gum, which they do use for jaw strengthening, but it makes you produce more saliva too. So,
Starting point is 00:23:49 so when you're running, you know, you can get dry mouth when you're running. And, and a lot of times you get, you know, be thinking about food and you want to eat this mastic gum apparently keeps your appetite satiated and allows you to produce saliva. And I bought some and it's, it's, it that shit it's uh i think i got it on amazon health benefits of mastic gum yeah that's what that's what it looks like little rocks and the interesting thing is is you can take it out after you're done chewing it and then just like the next day put it back in your mouth and keep you can chew that stuff for days it's like a like an everlasting gobstop what does it taste like it tastes like ass it's not that it's not that good but if you have this uh this h pylori issue it's supposedly very good for
Starting point is 00:24:31 that yeah look that one they added they added licorice and aniseed and fennel so it tastes even shittier yeah but but it's supposedly you know this idea that we we grow up on soft food and babies eat eat soft food yeah you wouldn't want the capsule. I mean, the capsule would be good for your... That's where you got to be careful is a lot of companies sell it as a capsule, right? As mastic gum as a capsule, but you want the actual gum that you chew on. That's the exact one I have, that Krenos. So there's the extract.
Starting point is 00:24:58 Yeah. Yeah. And that's the stuff that you actually chew to make your jaw stronger and to produce extra saliva. Huh. And do you use this stuff when you work out or you just occasionally chew it? No, I don't like to have gum in my mouth when I'm working out. You seem like you have so many different things going on and so many different modalities that you're experimenting with. There's no way you could possibly do it in the mall of time.
Starting point is 00:25:19 Yeah, but that's my shtick, dude. That's what I do is I try stuff and I write about it. It's not like I'm doing mastic gum and blank ab powder and and injections all day long and i don't have a life gum works yeah i would think you'd keep doing it all the time but it's just like you forget about a lot of stuff though you try out so many things you forget about they're like oh yeah i tried that out a while ago it was pretty good i need to order some more of that so yeah you start to i lose track of all the all the stuff i. I don't have it all systematized in some big Excel spreadsheet. What are you doing with the exomes?
Starting point is 00:25:48 Explain that because I just got some shot into some tears that I have on my shoulders. It's exosomes. Exosomes. Exosomes, they're signaling molecules. So your body actually has them. Your cells have exosomes, and they're used as cell-to-cell communicators. So they interact with cell surface receptors and they'll actually carry a message from one cell to another, such as, you know, you need to absorb this into the cell or you need to carry this to a joint or whatever you'd want to use an exosome for to carry messages throughout the body. It's part of your, I believe it's referred to as the paracrine system, right? Your, your body's internal cellular communication system. So the idea is that if you combined the exosomes with other therapies, like, like a platelet rich plasma injections, which you do for, to increase the amount of growth factors available to a specific joint, they did exosomes
Starting point is 00:26:42 plus PRP with you, which I, I, I. Which I can tell you the full procedure that I did, but I just got that all over my face. My face five days ago was red and swollen because it was covered with exosomes and PRP injections. It's a beauty procedure. You're beautiful as you are. Thank you. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:26:59 You don't need to change. But now I'm a beautiful 13-year-old, not a beautiful 37-year-old. So the exosomes can be combined with other things like PRP and also with stem cells or with bone marrow. And that's what I did. And the interesting thing is that you can get something like a placental cell. And in my case, they actually took placental cells from this lab called Chimera Labs. I had this procedure done in Park City, Utah. It's going to Dr.
Starting point is 00:27:30 Harry Adelson. And he had these placental cells from Chimera Labs. They destroy the placental cell so that there's no actual DNA from some other person that you're putting into your body, right? Which is, which is the, that's considered to be part of the risk of stem cells, even umbilical or amniotic, you're still getting somebody else's DNA into your body, not your own DNA. So the idea is that you would take exosomes that you've isolated from something like a placental tissue, and then you would mix those with your own stem cells in this case what I used was was bone marrow aspirate they went into both of my iliac crests they took
Starting point is 00:28:10 out the bone marrow they mix it with the exosomes and and these these videos I published both of the videos on YouTube and and it's like a it's like a huge syringe full go on my hip how much bone marrow are they taking out of your hip? A lot. Well, I was out. I was heavily sedated during the entire procedure. Well, not heavily. I mean, I was under.
Starting point is 00:28:31 It wasn't general anesthesia. It's called full-body sedation. So you're conscious? It's similar to general anesthesia with fewer of the risks of the actual anesthesia. I was not conscious. I mean, all I remember is they said count from 100 down to zero, and I got to like 93, and then I woke up. Yeah, exactly. So they took the bone marrow from the iliac crest, right, which is just like bone broth for your whole body. It's got collagen, it's got
Starting point is 00:28:57 peptides, it's got stem cells. They mix it with the exosomes, which act as the cell communicators from those placental cells, this place called Chimera Labs, which in my opinion is just a great sexy name for some kind of a mysterious lab company where you buy placentas. So basically they mix the exosomes with the bone marrow and then what they do- Oh! Yeah, see, that's what it looks like. That's in your ass.
Starting point is 00:29:21 Yeah, that's one of the- That's taking it out of your ass, bro. That's one of the iliac crests. You asked me how much they took. Look how much they're pulling out of you. Holy shit. A lot of it. That's what it looks like. That's in your ass. Yeah. They're taking it out of your ass, bro. That's one of the Iliac crests. You asked me how much they took. Look how much they're pulling out of you. Holy shit. A lot of it. That's bone marrow?
Starting point is 00:29:29 But he did that like four times because he did it twice to each hip. Dude, are you fucking shitting me? This was five days ago. He told me I was supposed to not do anything for two weeks, but I did that Spartan race. I armored myself up. Why didn't you listen to him? Well, I was signed up for the race and i had sponsor obligations to actually not dude sponsors can suck my fat dick i did because that looks like a fat dick
Starting point is 00:29:52 they're pulling out of you that's how big it is i use like four rolls of rock tape my entire body was just taped up because i didn't want to ruin anything that he'd done so anyways how could he did what do you mean by rock tape what is rock rock tape? Kinesio tape. You've seen this stuff before. It's like what you see CrossFitters wearing and Olympians wearing. Oh, the stuff when you have tendonitis and shit? Yeah, it supports the joints. Oh, Jesus. They're going in for another tube after they suck that out?
Starting point is 00:30:14 They did four of those. Four of those big tubes. Jamie, how much do you think you have in your body? Do you think you have four tubes of marrow floating around someone could pull out of you? I don't know. What? Yeah. Well, the tubes also. You know this. When you give blood, you can give like four tubes of marrow floating around so I could pull out of you? I don't know. What? Yeah. Well, the tubes also, you know this.
Starting point is 00:30:27 When you give blood, you can give like 19 tubes of blood, but it's not as much blood as it actually looks like because it's inside of that little skinny tube. Right. No, I get that. So he and his partner. Seems like quite a lot. What they did was he went with that bone marrow mixed with the exosomes. They mix it with ozone, which apparently, using an ozonator, which apparently increases the efficacy of the bone marrow. And you're doing this for no specific injury?
Starting point is 00:30:52 No specific injury. No. This is all just for two reasons. Number one, anti-aging. Number two, just immersive journalism. Just to write about it. I think this stuff's fun to write about and look into and study. And apparently, the stem cells stay available.
Starting point is 00:31:06 So this is an over-exaggeration, but it's almost like you'd be like Wolverine or like you recover faster when you get hurt for the rest of your life. So here he goes pulling out round two. Yeah, for people who are listening to the audio and not watching the video. It's like a horse dick. They're pulling a horse dick out of him. It's a lot of blood. And then he injected my entire musculoskeletal system.
Starting point is 00:31:28 He did my cerebral spinal fluid. He did all up and down the discs in my back. He did, yeah. Whoa, daddy. Are you conscious here? I've got needles. No, dude, I'm totally out. I would not want to be conscious.
Starting point is 00:31:40 I was just box breathing, yeah. I was meditating. No, I'm totally out for this. And you can see there I have the Ironman corporate logo on my back. Is that what that is? Yeah. Technically, that's trademark infringement. It's the Ironman logo.
Starting point is 00:31:54 I had Regenikine done in my spine like that and bulging discs while I was awake. It just feels weird. It just like an increase in pressure. I've done a lot of this stuff before. I mean, I told you this last time. I had my stem cells taken out. It just, like an increase in pressure. I've done a lot of this stuff before. I mean, I had my, I told you this last time I had my stem cells taken out of the fat
Starting point is 00:32:08 in my back down in Florida. Yeah. And then, I re-injected them intravenously and then I tested my telomere length. Look at this,
Starting point is 00:32:15 look at this, look at this. They just. Oh, this goes on for hours, dude. Like I was there for three or four hours.
Starting point is 00:32:21 So they just screw it in and pump those in and then find a new hole. You're totally out cold. I'm totally out cold. My wife's in there freaking out. She can see her somewhere in there holding the camera. Fucking A, dude.
Starting point is 00:32:32 She was doing a Facebook Live and answering questions as we went. Jesus. So get this. His partner comes in. She takes those same exosomes. After he does ankles, knees, hips, elbows, wrists, back, every part of my, they flip me over. Why are you out cold? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:49 My wife said that was the weirdest part was they flipped me over. You're moving. And I'm just limp like a noodle. I think she's moving my hand. See that? So then his partner came in and she's like a sexual performance and beauty specialist. And I don't want this to turn into another podcast about just injecting things into your dick.
Starting point is 00:33:06 But. But she did. Yeah, but. She did. She injected the corpus cavernosum, which is the shaft of your unit. And then she did the head of the penis. And then she did. Dude, what are they doing to your face here, man?
Starting point is 00:33:22 Then she did my face over and over and over again everywhere. Exosomes all over my face. And I've seen some 50 and 60-year-old women who have done this, and it actually does seem to have a pretty significant effect. I don't know how much of an effect it had on me, but I said if they were going to put me under just... He called it a full-body stem cell makeover. Apparently nobody's ever in the history of the world done this before. Oh, if i if i die that's the one thing i can brag about you look
Starting point is 00:33:50 great this is what i don't understand you don't need this shit no a lot of the well like i said a lot of this stuff is uh it's it's interesting to write stories about and to talk about and tell people what it's like the um and then they. And then they did that on the face. What are they doing on your face here? What is that? That's exosomes mixed with PRP. What is that device that you're doing it with? What is that thing?
Starting point is 00:34:15 I don't remember because I wasn't awake. But it looks like it's got little needles all over it. I think it might be some kind of dermal abrasion type of thing. Yeah, they're Fucking your face up, man. Ooh. Yeah. I mean,
Starting point is 00:34:27 this was a few days ago and I feel like I healed five days ago. Wow. Yeah. Yeah. So I healed up pretty quickly. That's crazy because five days ago was when I was doing my exosomes. Oh, great minds think alike.
Starting point is 00:34:41 Dude, that's, that is crazy. Yeah. Actually, what day is it today? No, it's Tuesday. So this was actually this, no, that is crazy. Actually, what day is it today? I had no. It's Tuesday.
Starting point is 00:34:46 Actually, no, seven. Mine was six. Seven days ago. Mine was Wednesday. Anyways, though. They're fucking your face up. Yeah. And I actually had just gotten a concussion because I got in a bike accident when I was
Starting point is 00:35:00 down in Austin, Texas a couple of weeks ago. And so the other thing that this is interesting because for a TBI, there's all sorts of things that you can do, right? Like ketones, exogenous ketones work really well for that. And that's a lot of Dominique D'Agostino's research on concussions. DHA is another good one, hyperbaric oxygen therapy chambers, right? With the high oxygen plus the high pressure, that's really efficacious for concussions. right with the, with the high oxygen plus the high pressure that's really efficacious for concussions. But the other thing is stem cells. And so what I did was I ordered the stem cells that they harvested from my body in Florida. Cause I got, I think I told you about that the last time when I was on the show, they store, I have like 30 injections of my own stem cells
Starting point is 00:35:39 stored down in Florida that I can use for, for joints, for anti-aging. And I also, one of the reasons that I did that was if I'm ever inaging. And I also, one of the reasons that I did that was if I'm ever in a car accident, if I ever get some traumatic injury, I can heal myself faster with these stem cells. And that happened. I got a concussion. I was riding my bike in Austin on First Street in rush hour traffic and a car clipped me on the side and I made love to the pavement. My entire face got torn open and, uh, and I got a concussion. So I did all these things, you know, ketones, DHA, hyperbaric, um, uh, PEMF. That's also really, really good for concussions, pulsed electromagnetic field therapy. Uh, it's, it's, uh, it, it, it's
Starting point is 00:36:19 used for anti-inflammatory, uh, for, uh, it's, it's used for sleep, you know, it's kind of like grounding and earthing. There's a lot of interesting studies on PEMF, also for concussion. It enhances your own stem cell production and shuts down neural inflammation. So I did that, but then also stem cells won't cross your blood-brain barrier. So I ordered up this stuff called mannitol. And if you inject mannitol into your bloodstream, it increases your blood-brain barrier permeability. So this is what you do in a fighter or a football player. Somebody gets a concussion. You inject with mannitol first, and then you follow that up with a stem cell injection.
Starting point is 00:36:55 If the mannitol is already in the bloodstream, the stem cells cross the blood-brain barrier, and they go into heal neural tissue. Would the exosomes cross the blood-brain barrier because they're smaller than stem cells? They're very small. They're very small. I think they're like 100 to 200 nanometers, which is pretty small. Yeah. And I would not be surprised if they crossed the blood-brain barrier as well. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:14 One of the things that they were saying about stem cells versus exosomes is that stem cells tend to get pooled up in the lungs. They don't pass the lungs and they get absorbed there. And they believe that the exosomes being released by these stem cells are the reason why you generate and regenerate tissue. They think that going straight to exosomes is going to be more lot of money in the next 10 years by figuring out a way to make exosomes or figure out some way to do it in a way that is more available to the general population than harvesting it from placentas in some crazy lab overseas. So you weren't supposed to do anything for two weeks?
Starting point is 00:38:00 Not for two weeks. But I asked the doctor. I told him I was going to do a Spartan race. He said proceed at your own risk. What would be the risk? And my plan, apparently if you jar the joints a lot when they're already kind of weak from the surgery, you can risk tearing a ligament, spraining, straining, doing damage to a muscle that's kind of weak and lax from the surgery. From the surgery. But is it really a surgery?
Starting point is 00:38:19 Because they're not cut open. The injections. Procedure. And I sprained my ankle within a few hours after waking up from the surgery. I just kind of stumbled and it was extremely lax. Almost like a pregnant woman creates this hormone called relaxin. And they get more flexible and they're able to give birth more quickly. It's kind of that same idea.
Starting point is 00:38:37 Really? Is the joints and the ligaments become more lax. So my whole body felt a little bit more like Gumby. That was why I taped up everything. I had knee braces on and elbow braces and wrist braces, and I felt fine during the race. And this whole procedure was how many hours? It was about four hours. Four hours out cold, shooting you up.
Starting point is 00:38:55 What does it feel like when you wake up? Oh, there's a pretty funny video I posted. I thought it was funny. I was trying to speak French. I told my wife, I'm like, I have a confession to make. And the doctor's like, uh-oh, here we go. And I'm like, I speak French. And then she asked me if I speak French.
Starting point is 00:39:14 And I didn't actually speak French. And then you could see me trying to laugh like I'd made a joke. Have you ever been sedated? Yes. Yeah. Yeah. You're kind of loopy when you wake up. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:24 So I don't remember that much. But and I still I mean, I'll be honest with you. I don't notice much of a difference from any of this stuff. Well, it's supposed to take six weeks. Yeah. It's supposed to take a really long time before it really kicks in. And it flares up old injuries. Like I strained my upper hamstring when I played tennis and that's flared up.
Starting point is 00:39:41 My left knee is flared up. Like I'm feeling old injuries. Flared up uh my left knee is flared up like i'm feeling old injuries that almost that's interesting they almost like brought back not flared up like it's red and inflamed and swollen but i feel it i feel my right ankle which i strained a lot when i was when i was playing tennis that one feels you know it feels like i mentioned it's weak it's painful they told you that this was going to be something they said that it could flare up old injuries that you'd feel worse before you feel better better. Huh. Yeah. That's interesting.
Starting point is 00:40:06 I didn't hear that at all. Yeah. But I did hear that six weeks. Six weeks is the benchmark. Yeah. It's a little bit of time before you actually feel better. Yeah. Yeah. The other interesting one for not only enhancing your own endogenous stem cell production,
Starting point is 00:40:20 because it actually would, you know, a lot of this stuff, it's fringe. It's expensive. I mean, you know, that procedure I think is, it's fringe, it's expensive. I mean, you know, that procedure, I think is like a $30,000 procedure, not everybody's going to go out and do that. And this is another fringe one. But I want to I mean, there are ways that you can endogenously increase your own stem cell production, I mean, in your own stem cell viability and health without actually doing stem cell injections. Fasting is probably the one that's the most efficacious and a lot of these things that are kind of uncomfortable for you seem to increase your body's ability to be able to heal or produce
Starting point is 00:40:50 its own stem cells so fasting for long periods of time um not necessarily fasting with with caloric uh restriction i think that's the mistake a lot of people make they try to fast and they feel like crap but the idea is the benefits of fasting don't come from not eating a lot of calories. Not eating a lot of calories isn't that great for your thyroid. It's not great for your metabolism. You don't want to live till you're, you know, 120 and be cold and thin and hungry the whole time because it'd be a horrible way to live a long time. So the idea with, you know, things like, you know, Walter Longo's research or a lot of these intermittent fasting type of diets is you
Starting point is 00:41:26 fast and you increase cellular autophagy and stem cell production, your own stem cell production, by going for long periods of time without eating. And the magic seems to kick in at about the 16 hour mark. So I do 12 to 16 hours every day. And then you get even more benefit once you get up to about 24 hours. So I try to do a 24 hour fast from Saturday dinner to Sunday dinner, but I'm still eating the same number of calories. It's just a compressed feeding window, right? So, so it's not like you're starving yourself. You're getting all the benefits of fasting, but you're still maintaining some amount of anabolism, right? Because you're, you're still eating as many calories, but you're, you're almost giving your body, your gut and your
Starting point is 00:42:04 metabolism a break in between a lot of these meals. And that's where the benefit comes from. The benefits are not from not eating so much damn food. The benefits are going for a long time in between your feedings. So the idea is you'd wake up and the population for which this seems to be the most deleterious are lean active females. They do not respond well to these long fasts or a lot of time spent doing intermittent fasting. It's like the cons outweigh the pro for that population. But for most everybody else, these 12 to 16 hour fasts, preferably up to 16 hours, going without eating and then eating as many calories as you'd normally eat.
Starting point is 00:42:45 So do you compress the amount of calories? it's a compressed feeding window right so um you know what the guy whose house i was staying when i was doing the stem cell procedure dan pomp he's very into this stuff and he's he's a doctor down in uh um uh park city and he just he goes all day and then he has a huge dinner at the end of the day, like an enormous, lovely dinner, a couple glasses of wine and steak. Thousands of calories. Yeah, like 3,000 calories for dinner, and I'm more of like a two-meal, light breakfast or light lunch, and then just two meals. I've been doing the 12- to 14-hour thing, and sometimes I ramp it up to 16 hours,
Starting point is 00:43:20 and I do feel better when I do that and I definitely become more accustomed to not eating for long stretches. And sometimes when I wake up in the morning, I almost think, should I just eat? But then I'll stop and go, well, I'm not really hungry. I mean, it's really just a matter of habit, a force of habit that I'm even considering eating right now. Yeah. Yeah. But fasting is probably one of the better ways to increase your own endogenous stem cell production, provided you're going for about 16 hours and provided you're still eating as many calories as you'd normally eat. The only kind of caveat to that would be protein cycling. This is why I'm not a huge fan of the carnivorous diet where you're eating four to six pounds of meat a day.
Starting point is 00:43:57 Yeah, you were trying that for a while. You're putting that on your social media, sort of, but you had some vegetables mixed in. I was eating one of those big steaks every single night for dinner, just like a bunch of steak every single night for dinner. For how long? This was like 10 days, not that long. How did you feel doing that? I felt pretty good, but I love steak. I was eating these bone-in ribeyes i order them up from uh uh missouri i think is where their farms are but
Starting point is 00:44:26 they make these uh french cut grass-fed grass-finished bone-in ribeye steaks i'm getting there just saying that dude i've got i've remind me i'll tell you how i cook them maybe i'll tell you how i cook them after after we finish the science because i don't want to get because i'll just forget everything if i start talking about cooking. Okay. I love to prepare meat. So real quick. Because I know quite a few people
Starting point is 00:44:48 that are doing this now. So real quick, and then we'll talk about how to make these steaks taste really good. The idea is that protein cycling, right, having a meatless Monday or having,
Starting point is 00:44:59 as a lot of religions would do, like the Eastern Orthodoxy Church or the Mediterranean diet, they have certain periods of time where there's complete meat restriction or your protein intake is restricted to fish and eggs, for example. And the idea is that you would strike a sweet spot between not being in a constantly anabolic state, right? And not having this mammalian target of rapamycin constantly activated, which would theoretically accelerate aging or in a lot of rodent models, we see that unrestricted protein feeding actually causes aging to accelerate. intermittent fast and get all the benefits of that. And you could still eat as many calories as you would need to sustain a normal, healthy metabolism, right? So, so you're not starving yourself, but on the less active days, you would shift to a lower protein intake, right? So you're
Starting point is 00:45:53 talking about like 0.5 grams per pound of body weight, rather than what a typical athlete would need, which would be depending on you asking 0.7 to 0.85 grams per pound of body weight, right? So so there's some days where you're high protein, some days where you're low protein, some periods of the week, such as a meatless Monday, or some periods of the year, you know, such as every quarter, you know, for a week, where you're eating a plant based diet, or you're restricting meat, you're basically giving your body a break from being in that constant anabolic state. And I think that the the carnivore diet causes a lot of people to miss out on some of those elements. And then if you look at the blood work of a doctor who does a carnivore diet,
Starting point is 00:46:34 he publishes blood work online. And I don't know what else is going on with him from a health standpoint, but he had really high blood glucose and really low testosterone and some things that suggest that it might not be healthy to eat just meat you know and did he have really low testosterone that's interesting like 200 to 300 it's really low like that's really low yeah diagnosable hypogonadism combined with uh you know almost like borderline diabetes did he is it possible to do it after a workout uh he does a lot of rowing.
Starting point is 00:47:06 A workout would suppress your testosterone that significantly. It would increase your HSCRP and your inflammatory markers, which is why you never want to go to a doctor for a heart checkup after you've done a workout because they're going to tell you you're going to have a heart attack based on the levels of HSCRP. Right.
Starting point is 00:47:22 That blood work is just one example. I don't want to pretend like that one example, you know, is going to paint with a broad on with this carnivore diet is there's no science behind it. There's a lot of people that are giving it a shot. A lot of people are finding good results. But I find that people, when they just change things, there's a period of time where they say they feel great. And that is absolutely 100% a placebo effect. It's the same thing as like a vegan diet. You feel fantastic.
Starting point is 00:48:04 effect. It's the same thing as like a vegan diet. You feel fantastic. And, you know, name me, well, name me one population, one blue zone that eats meat like nothing else. And there's, there's actually very few centenarians who are purely vegan for their entire life, because you can, if you don't do it the right way, build up fatty acid deficits, amino acid deficits, creatine is one you don't get, vitamin B12, DHA. But at least there's been studies on vegans. There's been a lot of studies on vegans. And we know that if you eat like E3 Live, you know, you. Oh, you can supplement.
Starting point is 00:48:38 There's a lot of really smart vegans. I mean, there's guys like Rich Roll. Right. Like they do things the right way. Right. It's a lot easier to eat eat a piece of meat to get some of the B12 and some of the other amino acids you're trying to free up by soaking and sprouting and fermenting, which my wife does a lot of, but I watch her. She's in the kitchen three hours a
Starting point is 00:48:57 day making vegetables bioavailable. It takes her hours to make sourdough bread, to actually make a bread where the gluten is pre-digested and it's actually healthy and the glycemic index is lower. She's not vegan. She's just a rancher girl and she likes to do goats and chickens and we eat meat. But she she's very into like an ancestral preparation of vegetables, deactivating a lot of these these stressors that Dr. Stephen Gundry talks about. And, you know, before we talk, because we're talking about Tom Brady and how he does like a no nightshade, no tomato, no potato, you know, and I'd rather eat those things, but actually figure out a way to render them more digestible and friendlier to the human body. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:37 That's the other thing too, when people talk about food that has protein in it, you know, like broccoli has so much protein. True. Not really bioavailable though. You can't eat a shit so much protein. True. Not really bioavailable, though. You can't eat a shit ton of broccoli. Yeah. It's just not the same. Your body doesn't absorb it the same way it does a grass-fed ribeye steak.
Starting point is 00:49:52 Yeah. Your body absorbs that protein instantly. Exactly. It knows exactly what it is. Yeah. By the way, there was a study that just came out about stem cells. They found that carnosine, which you find in copious amounts in grass-fed ribeye steak, with blueberry extract enhanced your stem cell production.
Starting point is 00:50:09 It was a hugely significant number. I don't remember the exact percentage, but this combination of polyphenols and flavanols with meat is a good combo. That's why when I did the carnivore diet, not the carnivore diet, that's why when I was eating meat, I was doing lots of salads. I was doing lots of, I had like wild blueberry extract powder. I had these vegetable powders. You know, I was doing a lot of big salads for lunch, flavanols, polyphenols, any of that. Same thing with the high saturated fat diet, a high saturated fat diet, like the whole coconut oil thing is highly inflammatory in the absence of plant polyphenols and flavanols,
Starting point is 00:50:46 which is why if you're doing a high-fat ketotic diet, it needs to be a plant-rich, high-fat ketotic diet. Otherwise, it's inflammatory. Avocados, things along those lines. You can get a lot of your fats from avocados. I mean, avocados, yes, but I'm talking about more like doing coconut oil and butter and your avocado chocolate pudding and all these things, your ketogenic fat bombs and all these recipes that are out there. But you've got to eat a lot.
Starting point is 00:51:07 You've got to eat a lot of plants. Right. Even in the animal kingdom, you see animals and they rip up another animal, like a carnivorous animal. They're eating the intestines and they're eating a lot of the organs that are chock full of what? Grass, plants, herbs, whatever that omnivorous animal that the carnivorous animal is eating. Pre-digested in a lot of cases.
Starting point is 00:51:25 Exactly. When you're talking about carnivorous diets, the real issue that I have with it is there's almost no research other than Dr. Baker doing those tests on himself, which according to you are not very promising. I have some friends that are trying it. My friend Jordan Peterson, his daughter, had some serious immune system issues, autoimmune disorders.
Starting point is 00:51:51 And like to the point where she's had a – I believe she's like 30, 31. She's had a hip replaced. She's about to get one of her ankles replaced. Like serious arthritis, real problems. The only thing that's been able to clear that up is meat. Just a pure meat diet. So with some people, but she might have some outrageous allergic reaction to plants. I mean, there might be something in her.
Starting point is 00:52:13 I don't think the meat wasn't the medicine, probably the elimination of whatever she eliminated. She might have some sort of a real serious problem, some sort of allergic reaction to some plants or to gluten and maybe a bunch of different things. That's what a lot of these diets are, right? Yeah. It's the elimination. Yes. Not the magic of just eating meat.
Starting point is 00:52:34 I mean, but Sean Baker keeps going on and on about how meat heals and meat this and meat that, all carnivorous diet and, you know, all these people are trying it. Like, man. It's got a lot of good stuff going for it. But restriction of plant matter, in my opinion, long term is not a good idea. And eating meat all the time long term is not necessarily a good idea. And eating only plants with the absence of some meat-based protein is, for a lot of populations, not that great of an idea. Yeah. Well, that's the point is that for most people you're gonna have to experiment a
Starting point is 00:53:05 little bit to figure out what works best for you and there are people that especially if you use e3 live and algae and get your b12 vitamins and your fat soluble vitamins you can live off a vegan diet it can be done but you really have to be careful about it but then there's other people where they can't and and and you really have to figure out what the fuck is going on with your own body the whole carnivore thing, to me, is kind of tweaking me out, because I just don't... It's like they start talking about
Starting point is 00:53:31 the poisons and phytotoxins and all these things that are in plants that are bad for you. I'm like, okay. But the issue with that is... It's a mild hormetic exercise is bad for you. Sunlight's bad for you. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:53:44 All that stuff can kill you, because it's a hormetic stressor. Is that your body responds to that in a positive way. They even show that some of the rodents outside of Chernobyl are living longer from the radiation. And I'm not saying like go move your cabin out next to a nuclear disaster website. But the idea is that's a hormetic stressor. Right. Like mild amounts of UVA and UVB every day. I actually, every single day, I do cold.
Starting point is 00:54:07 Every single day I do hot. If I'm not in the sauna, then I'm wearing more clothes than I would normally wear when I go to the gym to get my heart rate up and actually get myself into the discomfort of hot for the heat shock protein and the nitric oxide, everything else that that does for you, and the discomfort of cold because it's a hormetic stressor. Yeah. They're doing tests right now at Harvard for hot yoga. They're trying to figure out if hot yoga has the same hormetic stress response as sauna because they know there's been quite a bit of work done on sauna. It's very equivalent physiologically. Yeah, it's got to be.
Starting point is 00:54:38 I mean, when you're in there. I don't do the full choreographed 90-minute Bikram yoga, but I have one of these big saunas. It's like, it's a four person sauna. And if I go in there by myself, I can do fricking, you know, down dog and pushups. And I take these, uh, these cats who blood flow restriction devices in there and do pushups and squats. And those are the research behind those for muscle maintenance with body weight training. It's very intriguing. I travel with them everywhere. These, these cats who training devices and I just, you know, time like tourniquets around my arms, around my legs. And they do a lot of studies in seniors for muscle maintenance without the need for as much a joint impact. But what happens is you get micro damage to the capillaries,
Starting point is 00:55:17 you get a big release of lactic acid, which causes you to produce more growth hormone after the workout. I mean, in my opinion, for body weight training, at this point, katsu training doubles the effectiveness. Yeah, I've heard of that before. I haven't really gotten into it, but I'm very big on the sauna to the point where obviously we have one here at the studio that I use all the time. I just think it's, you know, those stressors that they're talking about as being a negative thing with eating vegetables, I don't buy it. I just don't buy it.
Starting point is 00:55:47 People have been eating vegetables forever. I don't think they're bad for it. In excess or in people like your friend with the immune system issue or people with leaky gut or damage, there might be a period of time where you actually have to be careful and really careful with gluten, which is a digestive stressor. And again, even that in small amounts is probably good for you. They've even shown that kids who get gluten restricted when their kids wind up having more issues with gluten later on in life because their guts might be weaker.
Starting point is 00:56:14 But yeah, lectins and plant phytochemicals and a lot of things that plants use to poison mammals or to cause their seeds to be undigested and pass out through the digestive tract and the stool of the mammals they can grow elsewhere a lot of that stuff really is you know it it makes you stronger you ever have that coffee copi luat you ever have that stuff is that is it the weasel stuff yeah the the cat the lemur eats the coffee and shits it out and then they take the coffee and sell it at this outrageous rate it's actually delicious it ferments and the digestive tract smooth coffee man it's very nice but you're eating elephants do too it's black black ivory coffee i'll try that shit yeah but i don't want to like support the elephant i don't give a fuck about lemurs you know i feel i don't it's a lemur i think harvesting coffee beans from elephant poop sounds far more laborious than than harvesting
Starting point is 00:57:04 why you get a giantels or lemurs. It's huge. Just hose it down. You'd probably get a better bang for your buck. Yeah. Lemurs, tiny little turds. I don't know, but one little, it's like a needle in a haystack, right? If it's just a few coffee beans and a giant pile of elephant shit.
Starting point is 00:57:16 You get jacked up, coffeed up. Yeah. Elephants out there shitting like crazy. Then you got hyper elephants chasing you as you're digging through their shit, chasing you through the field. Plus, they probably shit like crazy, just like a person does when you eat coffee. Yeah, give them some L-thean. There it is.
Starting point is 00:57:28 There it is. Those are coffee turds. That's almost like a bunch of coffee beans with a few pieces of turd thrown in. Yeah, look at that. Bam, son. Their stool is almost completely full. That's Balinese luat coffee. So they just feed them nothing but coffee and they shit it out.
Starting point is 00:57:41 Sort of like we shit out corn and we can't really digest it properly. Yeah. There's a fermentation process that makes the bean taste better. My problem with the carnivore diet is the same problem that I have with the vegan diet. I don't think they're being scientific or objective about it. They're being dogmatic. It becomes an ideology. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:59 And the ideology is the meat heals and meat's this and meat's that and meat is the thing. And like, no, meat is one part of a good diet, one part of a healthy diet. And again, for some people, there's some people that have, I'm sure you're aware of the Lone Star tick. You know about that, right? What about it? Do you know about meat allergies? No.
Starting point is 00:58:19 Lone Star tick is a tick that bites people and gives them an allergy to red meat. It's horrible for a guy like you or a guy like me. I'm assuming this is like a Texas tick. Yes. Yes. But it's spreading. It's spreading across the country. See, all we have up in my land is a tick that as long as you get them off within 24 hours,
Starting point is 00:58:36 that doesn't allow them to produce the saliva that would make them release their hold on your skin. And it's that that produces yellow fever, not the actual tick bite itself. So you don't get a lot of Lyme up where I'm at, but I've never heard of this. Well, Lyme is much more prevalent on the East coast. It's starting to make its way out here. There have been some Lyme cases out here in California, but this Lone Star tick is, it's a real problem and it's giving people, it's something called Alpha-Gal, short for Alpha-Gal. Alpha-Gal is the sugar. Yeah, it's like a sugar.
Starting point is 00:59:12 So here it is. It makes you allergic to hot dogs. Alpha-Galactose. Alpha-1,3-Galactose. Alpha-Gal is the most mammalian cell membrane, so the allergy doesn't extend to non-mammalian meat. Poultry and seafood are all fine. Which is really interesting. So you
Starting point is 00:59:29 can't, once you get this shit, you're just, you're allergic to this alpha galactose. But you could eat ape and human meat, according to the article. Yeah. So you're not allergic to those. I wonder if you could eat pig. I wonder if pork, well, mammalian. Doubt it. So you could eat ape meat. So if you want to go to the jungle and have what
Starting point is 00:59:48 they call bush meat. Crazy. Okay. Speaking of meat, ribeye steaks. This is how to make these ribeye steaks taste really good. So what I do on the rub is like a really coarse salt. I use a salt called Kalima salt. Super high in minerals. It's like kosher salt? But it's coarse. No, it's different. They harvest it from the Mexican coast. It tastes fabulous. It's really good. The only salts I travel with and use is Kalima salt
Starting point is 01:00:13 and then this stuff called C-O-L-I-M-A and black Kona salt. Black Kona salt. From Hawaii? From Hawaii. I use that when I cook some of the meat from Hawaii, just cause it seems right to use salt from, from, from the, from the volcanoes in Hawaii. So, and I rub a cayenne, black pepper, salt, and then to reduce the carcinogens that
Starting point is 01:00:37 can form when you cook meat, either thyme or rosemary or both. I just rub that. Thyme or rosemary reduces carcinogens? Yeah. From the charring? Is that the idea? Yeah, they reduce the formation of, I think they call them polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. These things that form on the meat when you blacken the meat because you want to get a good crisp sear on the outside of the meat so it's nice and crunchy on the outside.
Starting point is 01:00:58 You restrict a lot of the unhealthy effects of doing that when you get some kind of an herb in there like that. So you take out the meat, you get it to room temperature, you put this rub in, and then you take a cast iron skillet. So I don't do it on the grill at all. It's a cast iron skillet. You heat up the cast iron skillet in the oven, and then you take it out of the oven
Starting point is 01:01:14 and you put it on the stovetop. You put the stovetop on medium high, and I either use an extra virgin olive oil. I've used lard before. Why do you use olive oil when it has a low flash point? It gives me a good... No, extra virgin olive oil has a bunch of antioxidants in it. Right, but it burns easy. It has higher resistance to the heat. It's never burnt.
Starting point is 01:01:34 Never an issue. It doesn't burn. It doesn't smoke. But when they sear things, that's one thing they tell you is never use olive oil. Well, I use extra virgin olive... I'm part of an olive oil club. So maybe it's because I have really good olive oil. They, I use extra virgin olive. I'm part of an olive oil club, so maybe it's because I have really good olive oil. They ship me three bottles of olive oil every quarter from a different part of the world. Let's find that out because I've really read don't cook things at high heat with olive oil.
Starting point is 01:01:57 Look it up. Even extra virgin olive oil. At this point, all I can tell you is this shit works. That's how you do it. I'm speaking. You're saying high heat. He said medium heat, and this says medium heat heat too so maybe that's the difference is the high heat maybe but when you're searing i would assume that is kind of so so it's it's not on
Starting point is 01:02:13 there for very long anyways extra virgin olive oil into the pan you heat up the olive oil and you know you put it on for maybe two minutes max on the cast iron skillet. You heat up the olive oil. Then you put the steak on and you do exactly for a perfect medium rare, three and a half minutes, one side, three and a half minutes, the other side. Then you take it out. And this is where you get,
Starting point is 01:02:35 they're probably about that thick. What is that? That's an inch and a half. Oh yeah. We're on audio. It's about an inch and a half. So anyways, the,
Starting point is 01:02:43 um, it's like when you asked me on the last podcast, big my dick got after I injected it with stem cells. About that big. About that big. So anyways, then you put it into the oven. You take that entire cast iron skillet. You put the oven on broil. And you broil it for one minute on one side.
Starting point is 01:03:00 And then you turn it over and you do one minute on the other side. And then you take it out of the do one minute on the other side. And then you take it out of the oven and you finish it with butter. Meaning when you take it out of the oven, you just take the steak off the cast iron skillet, shove it aside, just put on a plate, whatever. And you take a pad of butter and you can infuse the butter, right? You can, you can use like garlic infused butter, but I just use a plain old grass fed butter. Put a pad of butter on the skillet. You let the butter just get to the point where it's melted a little bit and it's not super brown. You put the steak back on top of the butter, put the burner back on, and you finish it one minute each side. Let it off. Let it rest
Starting point is 01:03:34 three or four minutes. That technique is the best technique for the most perfect steak that you'll ever have. It sounds very good. It's really good. That sounds very good. It's really good. Mostly what I do is the reverse sear method with a pellet grill. I keep it at about 250 degrees. You ever use a pellet grill? Mm-hmm. What I like about pellet grills is you're getting essentially just similar. You're essentially getting hardwood that's compressed.
Starting point is 01:03:58 So when they cut hardwood like for this table, they would take the oak and the sawdust. They would compress into these small pellets, and there's a bunch of different companies. Traeger is a good one. They make one. I've heard they have good grills. Yeah, they have good grills,
Starting point is 01:04:15 and they also make one that you could use with an app. What I like about it is you can control the temperature completely with your phone. There's a thing called a Timberline. It's one of their new ones. So anyway, you get these compressed pellets, and they go into a hopper. And then there it is right there. That's a, what kind is that one? A woodwind? Yeah, that's what our pellets still look like when I was growing up. So the pellets go into the hopper and then at the bottom there's a gear, like a worm drive, that feeds the pellets into that fire at the
Starting point is 01:04:43 bottom that comes from an element. So the element, and then there's a fan. So once it's lit, the element shuts off, and then the fire is stoked by this fan, and it's all temperature-controlled, like very, very precisely. One of the good things that I like about this Traeger that I've seen is that it seals up like a Yeti cooler. Like it's very insulated and thick, so it's really good at retaining the perfect temperature. And again, you can do it on your phone. So I get it to 250 degrees.
Starting point is 01:05:10 Then mostly what I'm cooking is wild game, low fat content. So you want to make sure you don't dry it out. So I cook it at a low temperature. I'm cooking it at 250 degrees. I get it to an internal temperature of 120. Then once it hits 120, I pull it out. You got to open up the grill to test your internal temp? No, I have a wire.
Starting point is 01:05:28 Just use no now. I have a wireless. Oh, you have a wire. Yeah, a wire, a wireless thermometer that's connected to it and that's outside so I can always see it. That's like what my dry aging fridge has. Yeah. And it's also, it lets me know, it gives me a beep when it hits 120,
Starting point is 01:05:41 so I know to go and get it. So I pull it out of there. It's highly technical. Yes. Then I pull it out of there, and I use a cast iron skillet as well, but I cook with grass-fed butter. So I take the cast iron skillet. I put it probably same temperature, medium-high heat.
Starting point is 01:05:53 And again, when I've got the steak on the grill itself, I'm using sea salt and crushed black pepper and garlic powder. That's what I usually use. No black ant extract? No, no. I'm going to try it now, though. Okay. So then I take it off of there, and then I use grass-fed butter in the cast iron skillet
Starting point is 01:06:10 once it's heated up. I sear it on both sides for about a minute and a half, and then I let it rest. Depending if I'm ambitious, sometimes I'll let it rest. I'll cover it with aluminum foil and put it in a Yeti cooler, and I'll let it sit in that Yeti cooler for about 10 minutes. And I pull it out, pull it out and it is just it's not too cold after 10 minutes I'm getting so hungry right now it's in the Yeti cooler the Yeti cooler maintains the temperature hot and low we should have my wife bring steaks get out of the shopping mall bring us steaks a yoder a yoder pellet grill in the back the cast iron pan yeah I mean that's the
Starting point is 01:06:43 reverse sear method the idea is that I'm cooking it to a perfect internal temperature of 120 degrees, which will raise both in the Yeti cooler and also from the searing on the outside. So once I get the cast iron pan heated up to medium high heat, I throw that butter in there and I sear the shit out of the outside for, again, about a minute and a half both sides, wrap it in foil, put it in the Yeti cooler for 10 minutes. It maintains its temperature, and it continues slowly cooking. So that gets it somewhere around 135-ish, which is what I like. I take that bad boy out.
Starting point is 01:07:15 This is very precise. This is even more precise. This is like the sound effects is like, beep, beep, beep, boop, boop, boop. Yeah, I like it. Just cooking steak. Well, I'm a big fan of these pellet grills because you get this real smoky flavor to your food that comes from hardwood, but there's no chemicals.
Starting point is 01:07:31 They compress the hardwood sawdust just with natural sugars, the natural sugars in the sawdust. And, you know, there's a bunch of different companies. There's Green Mountain Grill makes a good grill. I got a Yoder at home I really like. Again, Traeger is really good. Most of my friends are using Traeger because this temperature control thing and the apps are so good.
Starting point is 01:07:50 Be able to use it on your phone, I'm a big fan. Wow, it's amazing. Yeah, I like the fact that you can set it and you can just walk the fuck away from it too and it's going to smoke your meat at 250 degrees. It has a good, rich, that smoky flavor, whether it's hickory or cherry, you know, whatever you choose. The only thing that I have to do, I don't know why I'm like this with a steak, is I still need to dip it in something.
Starting point is 01:08:12 You know, in the same way that you dip a prime rib in horseradish. So I use stone mustard. I dip my steak in, you know, like the stone mustard with a little texture to it. It's perfect. I am fucking hungry now. It's perfect, I know. God damn you. It's frickin' the middle of the day on a Tuesday and I'm hungry. Stone mustard. We went to Maestro's last it's perfect i know i guess it's freaking the middle of the day on a on a
Starting point is 01:08:25 tuesday and i'm hungry we went to we went to maestro's last night and had steak that's a good spot it was it was good i had a fascinating fascinating discussion about artificial sweeteners there with uh one of the guys who runs quest nutrition and he was talking about tom he said no it wasn't tom it was ron, Ron Penna. And he was drinking Diet Coke. And we were talking about some of the studies out there on acesulfamipotassium and the potential for it to have neurotoxicity or sucralose to cause things like microbiome issues and death of bacteria in the gut. And he was explaining how the amount of artificial sweeteners used in that study was just way far in excess of what you'd get from a diet soda. And what they call the incretin response, like that spiking of the appetite that is attributed sometimes to the consumption of artificial sweeteners,
Starting point is 01:09:18 only occurs in people who aren't used to artificial sweetener consumption. And once they've kind of gotten into like a, like a diet Coke habit that goes away. Now, now this is all brand new. It was like 12 hours ago, right? So I started drinking diet Coke and I do know they use artificial sweeteners. Some of their bars.
Starting point is 01:09:35 And so that'd be some of that planning as well. But he said you could take a shower in diet Coke and you wouldn't get sticky because there's that, that's such a small amount of artificial it's like a dusting of artificial sweeteners so actually it's it's it's making i haven't delved into the research yet but it's at least made me think last night about reconsidering my stance because what i usually do is i just use use stevia and like pellegrino like my refrigerator is just full of pellegrino you ever try zevia because i do Because I do a lot. I love Zevia too. I love that shit.
Starting point is 01:10:05 I love it. Yeah. I drink the shit out of that stuff. I got in trouble the other day because I'm so into Zevia. I was doing that Spartan live feed announcing and they're sponsored by FitAid. Right. And they cut to camera and I had a big old Zevia there. And we're supposed to be pretending we're drinking FitAid or whatever.
Starting point is 01:10:19 What is FitAid? Take the Zevia down. FitAid. I don't know. It's, I think it's got proteolytic enzymes in it. I think that's the main thing. I could be confusing that with Kill Cliff. I love that stuff.
Starting point is 01:10:33 Yeah. We got a bunch of those. One of them has proteolytic, which are great. They break down fibrinogen. They're wonderful for recovery, these enzymes. And I don't know how many of them they have. It's like that. Blood orange Kill Cliff.
Starting point is 01:10:44 Used as a marinade for wild pork holy baby jesus really whoa that's like beer can chicken well that's one of the things uh well i wonder if that's because well proteolytic enzymes one of the reasons they work is they break down fibrinogen and they're almost like an enzyme right that same thing if you have no marinade and nothing at all to tenderize meat, you get your digestive enzymes, you're on it gut pack or whatever you have around, and you break open the capsules and you sprinkle that on top of the meat. It's like a, you know, from ceviche almost, right?
Starting point is 01:11:16 Like you do with lemon and lime and fish. It's a phenomenal marinade for meat. That's probably why orange. I'm guessing Kill Cliff is the one with the enzymes. It just tastes so good too. Yeah. It's just so delicious. And you're getting very little sugar yeah you know it's just it's just deliciousness i like it i like it yeah yeah but i go with pellegrino pellegrino is it's less acidic than perrier and it has a lot of sodium bicarbonate in it i don't know if you looked in
Starting point is 01:11:42 these studies on on baking soda for athletic performance and its ability to be able to buffer lactic acid. It's a potent ergogenic aid, but the problem is that it causes gut distress when you take as much as they use in a lot of these studies. And so more and more what the studies are doing is you're dosing, right, with small amounts of baking soda for two to three hours leading into your workout. So my philosophy is this. If Pellegrino has pretty high levels of sodium bicarbonate in it, which it does, it's got more sodium bicarbonate in it than any of the other bottled waters, like twice as much as Gerald Steiner and any of these other waters out there, I'm kind of dosing with a little bit of a lactic acid buffer all day long. So anytime I want to jump into a workout, I'm able to push myself a little bit
Starting point is 01:12:22 harder. Do you notice a difference between – It's all theoretical. Yeah. I know of zero Pellegrino studies on this. But do you notice a difference physically between not – I feel amazing when I drink that stuff all day long. Really? I drink that and I drink this – it's hydrogen-enriched water, molecular hydrogen. This foundation called the Molecular Hydrogen Foundation, They do studies on the anti-inflammatory and antioxidant potential of water that has a lot of hydrogen ions in it. It's called hydrogen rich water. And the cool part about that is that, and I, the only other thing I know of that can do this
Starting point is 01:12:57 are green tea polyphenols is they act as an anti-inflammatory post-exercise without blunting the hormetic response, that positive, beneficial, stressful response we were talking about with exercise. And so you can have your cake and eat it too, right? You get your antioxidants, you shut down inflammation, and it doesn't blunt. In this case, the hormetic response to exercise would be the proliferation of satellite cells and the production of new mitochondria, which is why you shouldn't take a bunch of vitamin C and vitamin E and some of these high antioxidant compounds post-workout.
Starting point is 01:13:28 Same reason you shouldn't do a cold bath post-workout. And the idea is that hydrogen-rich water allows you to shut down inflammation without wanting that hormetic response. Why shouldn't you take a cold bath post-workout? And there's a certain period of time where they think you could, but you have to give your body a time to adjust. For me, I go two or three hours. Yeah, as far as like some people say, don't jump into the cold bath 15 minutes after work or cryo chamber.
Starting point is 01:13:59 I wait two or three hours. Two to three hours. I don't know if Rhonda's basing that on research or if it's an extrapolation or what. But I wait a couple hours. Now, the exception to that rule is that if you exercise any closer than three hours to bedtime, it elevates body temperature to the point where it affects your deep sleep cycles. And one reason for that is because your core temperature is elevated. So for me, if I do an evening workout and I do, you know, hard later afternoon, early evening workouts quite often, I will still take a cold shower. I actually have a
Starting point is 01:14:35 giant call. I bought one of those endless pools, you know, like those fitness pools that you swim in and I keep it out in the forest behind my house and it's just chock full of cold water. Yeah. We talked about that. I love that idea, but it decreases your core temperature and allows you to sleep better later on if you do that after an evening workout. So even though it probably restricts the efficacy of the workout a little bit, my, yeah, my reasoning is that I'm going to sleep way better. And any, the benefits I get from a good solid night's sleep outweigh any loss of benefit from decreasing a little bit of that mitochondrial density and and satellite cell proliferation so when you're doing this late night workout how far like how long before you go to
Starting point is 01:15:16 sleep you're doing what research has shown is that it's ideal to finish a hard workout within three hours before bedtime if you don't want to mess up your sleep. But with your cold bath, you can probably mitigate some of you. Right. And I go to bed pretty early. I usually go to bed about usually 9.30, 9.45. I'm in bed reading, and I'm going to sleep around 10, 10.30. So if I'm not finishing up a workout until like 7.30, which is the case sometimes, you
Starting point is 01:15:41 know, I finish work. I'm not getting into the workout until like 6.45, 7. Like sometimes I'm working out closer to bedtime than three hours. So in that case, I'll do the cold shower. Did a podcast recently with Dr. Matthew Walker about sleep, and it's kind of changed the way I feel about sleep and the importance of it, how much you need. I used to think you could just power through and get through with like three,
Starting point is 01:16:02 four hours a night and you'd be fine. You can. Yeah, but it fucks you three, four hours a night, and you'd be fine. You can. Yeah, but it fucks you up. Well, there's exceptions to that. Some people have this, I think it's the DEC2 gene that allows you to actually get by on a lot less sleep. Some members of the population have that gene. It's a very small member of the population. It's a small member, but furthermore, there's this guy named Dr. Nick Littlehales is his name.
Starting point is 01:16:25 I could have really messed up his name right there. No. Dick Littlehails. Anyways, he's got this concept. He works with a lot of these European soccer teams. And what he looks at is not the seven to nine hours of sleep, not how many hours of sleep per night you get, but the number of sleep cycles, right,
Starting point is 01:16:41 from stage one to stage five sleep that you get throughout the course of the week, meaning you're supposed to get 31 to 35 sleep cycles over seven days. And so you might get three sleep cycles one night and five sleep cycles another night. And he also, I haven't seen research to back this up, but this is what he does with his athletes, is he counts a 20 to 30 minute power nap as a sleep cycle. So technically you could sleep four hours one night, and then you could do a eight hour sleep night on a Saturday and a 20 minute nap on a Sunday. And then you add up all your sleep cycles and you can use any self quantification device to, if you want to actually measure how many times you're, you're cycling during the, during a night of sleep. And you look at that instead of, am I getting a consistent seven to nine hours of sleep a night? Look at the total sleep. I literally just wrote an article about this this morning on my website.
Starting point is 01:17:33 You should listen to the podcast with Matthew Walker because he's pretty in-depth about what is what's recommended and why and the risk of Alzheimer's for people to get less than five hours sleep a night and anything less than seven. I'm a sleep hog. I'm a sleep hog. What are you getting every night? I am for 24 hour cycles getting about eight hours, which means like if I sleep seven hours, I take a 20 to 45 minute nap. That sounds perfect. I'm a big napper and my naps are very elaborate. Well, you're also, you work out extremely hard. Yeah. I mean, I'm not working out as hard as some of these pro athletes who are needing like 10 hours of sleep a night.
Starting point is 01:18:11 Right. But for the average person. Oh, I have these Normatec boots that I lay in. These gradated compression boots that kind of move the compression from the ankle all the way up to the hips. Yeah. And I lay on this bio mat, which is like laying on a warm teddy bear. It's like this mat that makes infrared rays. So it's like an infrared radiation mat, almost like a sauna.
Starting point is 01:18:34 And then I've got these binaural, no, they're not binaural beats. It's an artificial intelligence-based audio that confuses your brain and lulls you into this total state of relaxation. It's called brain FM. So I lay on my back and I've got the boots on and I have the mat on. And I know I'm sounding like a princess now, but I have an assistant who lives at my house and she really helps out with a lot of stuff. She does the banking and she helps out
Starting point is 01:19:01 with bringing stuff to the post office. And she's just there whenever I need her to do stuff. And, you know, she helps out, she's back home with the kids right now. So she's just kind of like a live-in assistant. And every day about 1230 or one, she goes up to my bed, she lays out the biomass, she plugs it in, she pushed it on my temperature, she lays out the Norma tech boots, she pushed the pillow out with the sleep mask and the headphones. And then I just go up there after lunch and i lay down for about 45 minutes and i'm just dead to the world that's pretty sweet setup yeah it's it's a good setup that's if you could find a living person like that that you trust yeah yeah exactly that's not crazy so
Starting point is 01:19:38 the idea with sleep though is yeah if you if you nap and if you pay closer attention to the number of sleep cycles that you get each week, I think that's more important than getting like seven to nine hours a night. How would you know how many sleep cycles unless you're monitoring it? You'd have to monitor it. Is that what you're monitoring with? Yeah, and the ring's pretty accurate. I mean, it's not as accurate as a sleep lab study, but it's accurate.
Starting point is 01:20:01 Kevin Rose tried to get me to wear one of those things. Yeah, it's big. They've got another one to get me to wear one of those things yeah it's big they've got another one that's smaller but it seems very rock star yeah it does jeans like yeah exactly i need a lot of necklaces and bling to go along with it but it works i found it in finland like four years ago and i bought it and i've really been using it ever since it does like my sleep temperature oh they've shrunk it. Yeah, that's the littler one. The smart one helps you get more restorative or whatever.
Starting point is 01:20:30 I just redesigned it, yeah. Oh. Yeah, the Aura. I wish I'd have invested in the company because they seem to be like everywhere now. How does it help you get more sleep? I was at a Finland biohacking conference, and there was this tiny little table with one guy at it selling this little ring. And all of a sudden, it's just like everywhere that a diamond are those diamonds I don't what is that is that light I don't know if they're real what's that is that bling are they trying to say it's bling that's bling that's diamonds blinging it up letting bitches know but it's kind of cool
Starting point is 01:20:58 because you can pull up your body temperature during the night so a woman could use this to track her cycles. It will tell you your heart rate variability, which I used to measure every morning when I wake up, I'd look at my parasympathetic and my sympathetic nervous system score. And then I'd be able to tell if I should do a hard workout that day or if I should do an easy workout that day. Well, now the ring just, it measures it all during the night. Like it does five minute measurements throughout the night while I'm asleep. So I wake up, I can get a running average of my HRV on your smartphone or, and then it pairs that with like how hard I worked out the day before my heart rate, my body temperature. And then it tells me, here's your readiness score. So if my readiness score is at like 60%, then I'm going to
Starting point is 01:21:37 go in the sauna and do yoga. Right. And if my readiness score is like 90, I'll do, I'll go out and do the obstacle course at my house and swing kettlebells and beat up the body a little bit more. So it's pretty useful. Is it ever at 100? I've never seen it at 100. What would that mean? Why wouldn't it be at 100? I bet if I took a two-hour nap on that mat with the boots,
Starting point is 01:21:55 it would probably get up to 100. Those Norma Tech boots, they sent them to me. I sent them to my friend Cam. I'm not wearing them. Cameron Haynes. Yeah. But he runs a lot. They're probably good.
Starting point is 01:22:05 Have you seen? They have them for the arms and the hips, too. You can be like a giant marshmallow man. What does it do for you? I would imagine if you do a lot of upper body activity, like maybe you're a pitcher, maybe a swimmer. Yeah, a boxer. Someone who's doing a lot of upper body activity that the arms would be efficacious. There it is.
Starting point is 01:22:22 Yeah, they look kind of silly, and they're kind of hard to get on by yourself. Yeah. So that would be one more thing for my assistant to have to help me with. What is it doing again? It's gradated compression. So it's apparently a form of compression that they've patented,
Starting point is 01:22:37 unlike a lot of the other boots out there, to where the first time it inflates, it measures the diameter of your limbs. And then it bases every subsequent compression to be customized to the diameter or the girth of your limbs and pump the blood. In this case, if you're wearing the feet or the leggings from your ankles all the way up to your hips. You had a picture of Lomachenko in one of those earlier pictures? No, it was another one earlier than that it works i mean your legs feel light as a feather after you use them yeah and so this compression like as it's doing the the compressing what is
Starting point is 01:23:16 it doing to the legs by just compressing just pumping it's pumping blood like up up and away from all the extremities and and and just moving it around better. Is that the idea? No, it's moving it back up to your heart, just circulating blood throughout your body. Yeah. Hmm.
Starting point is 01:23:31 So it's almost like an additional heart. It's like a massage, like a massage, but I don't know if it seems more intense. If the heart is not a pump, then it's not like an additional heart. I'm not sure if I buy that horseshit. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:23:41 Yeah. Anyways, though, so it's, they, they work though and they work, though. And they're incredibly relaxing. It's almost like someone's massaging you while you're taking a nap.
Starting point is 01:23:49 Seems like a good thing to do to watch TV with. Yeah. Well, you can kill two birds with one stone. Look at that. Woo. Oh, wow. He's got the full meal deal. This guy has the arms on.
Starting point is 01:23:58 He's got the legs on. Now, this is a little bit. It could get expensive to do that because now you've got to have two inflation units rather than just one because you can't plug them all in at once. So that's a spendy setup. Well, that's the UFC featherweight champ. Well, if he's the UFC featherweight champ, he can afford the Cadillac of Marshmallow Man suits. Well, he's at Honolulu Cryotherapy getting his freak on. That's what a lot of these cryotherapy centers have.
Starting point is 01:24:26 They've got the walking cryotherapy. They've got the normatic boots. They've got the vibration platform so you can lose weight while you're standing there on the vibration platform. Burn a lot of fat. What do you think about those things? Those ultrasonic things. You know what I'm talking about? What are those called?
Starting point is 01:24:43 No. Turbosonics. You ever seen those platforms? They're a vibration platform. Yeah, they go through like a whole cycle. Yes. Yeah. When I was in Park City, I did one of those, yeah.
Starting point is 01:24:54 They make you feel great. Dude, I had to go take a shit right after. Oh, yeah. Busted all loose. Seriously. No, I'm serious. I was on that thing for like eight minutes, and I said, excuse me, and I had a glorious dump afterwards.
Starting point is 01:25:05 So shaking all your pipes loose. I have, I have a mini trampoline at my house and I jump up and down on that thing in the mornings and it gets everything moving. That's like my one, two combo for having a really good dump in the mornings is there's this herbal blend called triphala, T-R-I-P-H-A-L-A. And I put about a half teaspoon of that into a cup, and it's super bitter. So I put some stevia in there or something to sweeten it up a little bit. And I pour the hot water over that, and you have that at night, right, before you go to bed.
Starting point is 01:25:35 And you wake up in the morning, and you could use a vibration platform. You could do the tai chi bouncing. That's another thing some people will do where you just kind of bounce up and down like this. Skip rope. Or you can jump on a trampoline. You can probably skip rope too. And that one-two combo just gets things moving amazingly. Have a couple double espressos before that too.
Starting point is 01:25:56 Yeah. I do the hot cup of coffee in the morning. I don't put anything in my coffee. Black. But my protocol for staying lean, you're right. I did this because I used to be 215 pounds and I had to shed a lot of weight to get into Ironman triathlon. So they did Ironman triathlon for about eight years.
Starting point is 01:26:12 And the way that I stayed lean for races was you get up in the morning and you have a cup of coffee or green tea, right? Because both of those can help to mobilize fatty acids from adipose tissue. And you do this when you're in that fasted state that I was talking about, right? So you wake up after a 12 to 16 hour fast, and you take the cup of coffee or the green tea, and then you go exercise or move aerobically for whatever time you have available 20 to 45 minutes doesn't have to be that long. And the reason that you do it aerobically is because when you wake up in the morning, you already have a lot of cortisol in your system, right? There's there's no need to just stress yourself even, even more by doing a
Starting point is 01:26:47 very hard workout. I like to ease my way into the day. I like a non-stressful morning unless I've got a very busy day and I know that I'm not going to get a hard workout at any other time. I save my hard workout for the later afternoon or the early evening when your body temp peaks and your grip strength peaks and your post-workout reaction time or your post-workout protein synthesis peaks your uh your reaction time peaks like like your body is very equipped to do a hard workout in the afternoon or the evening more than it is in the morning well the way you can really tell is jujitsu um my jujitsu training in the morning i'm way weaker i just don't feel the same yeah in the afternoon, you have much more energy. Yeah, exactly. So the idea is also when you do a hard workout in the
Starting point is 01:27:30 morning, you get a lot of times post-workout caloric compensation, meaning you just want to eat everything in sight until freaking lunch. You're just hungry. And part of it's probably physical because you empty your glycogen stores more quickly. And part of it probably is mental, right? Like I fucking punished it this morning. I deserve to, you know, have a few extra slices of bread with lunch. So the idea is I get up, I do the coffee, and then I'll do the 20 to 45 minutes of easy movement. And that might be the yoga in the sauna. It'll be a walk in the sunshine. So I'm getting my vitamin D and I'll do like breath work, you know, where I'll breathe
Starting point is 01:28:05 in through my nose and do breath hold. So I'm still kind of making my body better, but I'm not stressing it out with a lot of eccentric muscle tissue damage. And then I finish up that whole session with a cold shower. So I'm getting a lot of those benefits of white adipose tissue to brown fat conversion in the absence of any inflammation, right? Inflammation and calories keep the white fat from getting converted into brown fat, which is what you want when you're doing a cold shower
Starting point is 01:28:30 or a cold soak or some kind of cold thermogenesis. And I'm able to stay super lean with that protocol. You get up, caffeine, aerobic exercise in a fasted state, you finish up with a cold. And I mean, even if you weren't working out, you can stay pretty lean with that type of protocol. And this is what you did specifically to try to lose weight to go from when you were bodybuilding. I did it originally to just shed muscle. And then I would do really long catabolic chronic cardio endurance workouts, which are not that great for you. Right. But I would just lean, you know, I would go on four hour rise. Yeah. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. So when you were doing this, were you calorie restricting as well? I was calorie restricting.
Starting point is 01:29:08 You'd go to bed at night and you'd be staring at the ceiling hungry. It's, yeah, you're trying to lose weight, right? So your body starts eating yourself. Your body starts eating yourself. Now for these fasted workouts, if you are going to do a fasted hard workout in the morning, you can stay, you can stay anabolic, but relatively non-insulinogenic without spiking your blood glucose too heavily with something like amino acids. All right. So it's like a lot of people will do a branch chain amino acid or an essential amino acid. You elevate your blood levels of amino acids. It keeps you anabolic. It allows you to stave off central nervous system fatigue, keeps you from
Starting point is 01:29:43 shedding too much muscle, and you just spike your blood levels of amino acids and then go into your workout. And you can even throw something like ketones into the mix too. So that's like a very hypocaloric way to get a pre-workout sup in without actually getting a lot of calories in at the same time. And we were talking before the podcast about – we were talking about different athletes and diets and things along those lines. And you were saying that you don't think it's a good idea for a pro athlete, particularly like a basketball player, to be on a ketogenic diet. On a ketogenic diet. Yeah. I don't think that a strict ketogenic diet is a good strategy. I think that a cyclic ketogenic diet would be the way to go for something like that. Yeah. Zach Bitter. And that's exactly what I do is I'll eat almost zero carbohydrates the entire day.
Starting point is 01:30:26 Plants, starches, fats. I think I told you about my morning smoothie the last time I was on. And it's just, you know, like coconut milk and bone broth and these precursors to NAD, which is another very, very, that's probably next to stem cells is one of the most potent anti-aging protocols that you can engage in. NAD stands for? Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide is what that is. And I can tell you about that in a second after I'll just briefly tell you about this cyclic ketogenic diet. Basically, it's all plants, all fats, no carbs or very low carbs the entire day. And then in the evening, and this is where the beauty of that scenario I talked about earlier fits in because you've done your your hard afternoon or early evening workout. So your glute for transporters are very upregulated,
Starting point is 01:31:09 you're very insulin sensitive, and any carbohydrates that you do eat are far more likely to be shuttled into muscle or liver glycogen, rather than hanging around the bloodstream causing inflammation or rather than being, you know, shuttled to the liver and converted into triglycerides. You're basically using the carbohydrates that you do eat at the end of the day to sock away energy for the next day's hard glycolytically demanding workout, right? And so basically, you're teaching your body how to be a fat burning machine all day long, you're restricting any amount of glycemic variability all day long, assuming you're not doing the carnivorous diet, because high amounts of meat, it's it's it's gluconeogenic, it can spike blood glucose, but you're essentially doing lots of
Starting point is 01:31:48 plants, moderate amount of fats, and, you know, some amount of protein, but but not a crazy amount of protein all day long. And then with dinner, you know, we'll do you know, Jessam makes sourdough bread and while sweet potato fries, and I, you know, my kids will make rice cakes, you know, dark chocolate, red wine, any of that stuff is all in the evenings. So that refills your glycogen stores for anything explosive and demanding. And then you just rinse, wash, and repeat the next day. So that's a cyclic ketogenic diet. Now, this is cyclic in one individual 24-hour session.
Starting point is 01:32:19 But are you experiencing states of ketosis during the day with that sort of diet? Absolutely. So I have a device called a level in my office, L-E-V-L, and it's a breath ketone device. It's just quicker and more convenient than a blood stick. It's also long-term. It's a good proxy. It's a good approximation. L-E-V-L. Yeah, L-E-V-L. There's another one called the ketonics. And you can get just like a ketone monitor, a blood ketone monitor. But if people don't want to do a blood prick every day, I type.
Starting point is 01:32:50 I don't like having the Band-Aids on the fingers when I'm trying to write things on my lap. It's easier for me to just breathe into a tube when I walk into my office. There it is. I'm easily. Breathe, measure, track and adjust. It's so weird how this has become such a massive part of culture these days is measuring your ketones and you just constantly hear people talking about it and it's so fatty yeah fad now you know yeah i get it that's funny fatty uh anyway i didn't mean it i just i said it and i had to explain what i
Starting point is 01:33:19 was saying because it sounded weird to me yeah anyways, though, the cyclic ketogenic diet allows you to be back in the state of ketosis by that morning easily. And then you just basically maintain that all day long. Then you refuel on carbohydrates at the end of the day. And then there was another question that you asked, oh, about NAD. That's something completely different. But that's a cyclic ketogenic diet. That's how it works. So your body, having those carbohydrates at night, knocks you out of ketosis, right? When you're
Starting point is 01:33:50 eating the bread and all that stuff. Yeah. Your blood glucose will rise. You're not going to be shuttling a lot of acetyl-CoA, which is the precursor to ketones and the ketone generation. And then you're going through a 16-hour fasting cycle. But then you have a 12 to 16-hour fasting cycle. You get up. You do the fasted morning aerobic workout, the cold shower, a little bit of coffee or green tea. And your body's back in ketosis. It's a perfect scenario. It works perfectly. I'm telling you.
Starting point is 01:34:11 You start your day off like that, and then you end your day with the carbohydrates. That's it. The hard afternoon workout, the easy morning workout, like for metabolism, for body composition, for maintaining fitness, for metabolism, for body composition, for maintaining fitness, for teaching yourself how to be a fat-burning machine while still refilling the body with carbohydrate stores. It's a beautiful scenario. Also, I just think there's some benefit in enjoying what you eat too, not constantly worrying about your glucose levels and ketones and all that stuff.
Starting point is 01:34:42 I mean, I don't think there's anything wrong with having a little bread or a little pasta or something like that every now and again. There's nothing wrong with it. And that, I mean, it's also my beef with the carnivore diet is, you know, I like sweet potato fries and I like, you know, I like cauliflower rice and I like, you know, all sorts of different plants and vegetables. Now this NAD, you can get these injections or IVs now, and it is something that enhances your own stem cell proliferation, but it is one of the most
Starting point is 01:35:14 potent anti-aging molecules you can put into your body in terms of decreasing the rate at which your telomeres shorten. So you've probably heard a lot of these sirtuin-rich foods like blueberries and cacao and chocolate and resveratrol, and a lot of them work. But the most powerful of any of these is NAD, and your NAD to NADH ratio is highly reflective of your telomere health. And these are the most horribly painful and uncomfortable injections or IVs you would ever get in your life. You can do it orally. There's a capsule. There's companies like Elysium and Niagen that sell NR. I take that stuff. I take Elysium. Nicotinamide riboside. It's a precursor to NAD, but it doesn't hold a candle to just
Starting point is 01:35:58 mainlining it into your bloodstream. And how do you get it? Where do you get it from? So one way to do it is in a medical clinic, you can get a six to eight hour IV. You bring your laptop in, you work away. And some people do this on a monthly basis. Six to eight hours of NAD. It's a long drip. They do it on a monthly basis, so they just pick a day a month. Some of the guys down at Onnit do it, and they'll have a nurse come in and push it a little bit more quickly.
Starting point is 01:36:20 That's like an hour long IV. Is it just beneficial to do it short like that? It's way more uncomfortable. The shorter you get, the more uncomfortable it gets because you're pushing this stuff into your bloodstream more quickly, and it feels like your whole body is on fire. I mean, you have to box breathe and close your eyes and meditate. Is it painful? It's like if you've ever done DMT. It's like DMT, but you're on fire and getting punched in the gut at the same time, and you feel like your heart's going to explode.
Starting point is 01:36:49 Really? And then you finish, and you feel like Superman. You feel like you have more energy, on less sleep, your workouts are better. I mean, it's like fish oil, where when you take a bunch of fish oil, you just kind of keep your fingers crossed that it's working. It's not like you can feel fish oil, and you want to go destroy the world. It's even better than black ant extract. Where are you getting this? So you can get it too. So I get it shipped to my house and I do a self-administered push IV. I do the same thing with Myers cocktails. So I just, I shove a butterfly needle into my vein and then I
Starting point is 01:37:21 push this NADN very, very slowly. And you can even chase it with a Myers cocktail, which enhances the effectiveness of it. Meaning you can do like an NAD, and this is a common protocol in a lot of anti-aging clinics or a lot of, you know, like alternative health clinics, is you do the NAD injection and you follow that up with a Myers cocktail and you feel like Superman. And Myers cocktail is again? That's just vitamins, right? It's like, you know, vitamin B. IV infusion? Yeah, it's IV infusion of vitamin B. And sometimes a little nootropics just vitamins, right? It's like, you know, vitamin IV infusion, vitamin B and sometimes a little nootropics in there like lithium and stuff like that.
Starting point is 01:37:49 It's too much to remember, man. Oh, but it's, how do you keep all this shit in your head? I'm a complete idiot about anything except health and nutrition and fitness. That's how, like,
Starting point is 01:37:58 I don't know. I don't watch TV and, and, uh, I don't follow politics or anything like that. Good for you. I just, I just study health.
Starting point is 01:38:04 Keep the poison out. Yes, exactly. It's like Sherlock Holmes when Watson tells him his name and he says, I'm going to work hard to forget that because he doesn't want anything cluttering up his head at all aside from his sleuthing. So is there an NAD place in LA where I can go and do this? Yes.
Starting point is 01:38:20 I was speaking with somebody yesterday about this and he asked me if I could find a clinic, and I found one in Beverly Hills. And it's probably one of the long IVs. So you want to wait until you have some computer work to do, and you can sit on your laptop and just kind of get stuff done. Six to eight hours. Or you could just listen to podcasts. Or you can push it in in about 15 to 20 minutes. And you can have a nurse
Starting point is 01:38:45 practitioner do this. And then there's some clinics that will do, it's called a push IV, an NAD push IV. So I'm doing this. And it's just as beneficial, just more painful. I'm doing this once a week now. And it's the most painful 10 to 20 minutes of my entire week, but you feel amazing. And I'm testing my telomere length with this company called TeloYears. There's another one. I forget the name of the other company that tests your telomere length. There's only a couple out there. So it tests the rate at which your telomeres are shortening. And the two things that have had the most profound effect on my results from that test
Starting point is 01:39:17 have been the stem cell injections intravenously and the NAD injections. My biological age right now, which started off at an age of 37 when I was 34, and then decreased to 35 when I tested again at 36 years old. I just tested at 37 years old, and my biological age is 20 in terms of the rate at which my telomeres are shortening. And the only two things that have changed have been the stem cell injections and the NAD injections. So in terms of your biological age, you can reverse your biological age. Now, there is some. Side effects?
Starting point is 01:39:54 No. Like, so the telomere test is a test of your white blood cell telomere length, which is not reflective of every cell in your body. Right. So technically, it's not like a it's not an ironclad test with a ton of research behind it, but it's an approximate corollary to your biological age. It's the best we have right now to be able to test telomere length, but I'm not going to pretend like it's a gold standard test. I'm not aware of a gold standard test for telomere length,
Starting point is 01:40:21 but I can tell you that I feel amazing. And that telomere length is shortening and those NAD injections just make you feel like Superman. So do you think it's a combination of the things or do we, would you attribute it more to the NAD? That's the problem with this shit I do, dude. You do so many different things. Yeah. And there, and there's stuff you can do to enhance your own endogenous stem cell production. We were talking about meat and I told you about that study with the, where we were talking about the carnosine and the blueberry extract. That's one. Chlorella is another. Colostrum is fantastic for that, for endogenous stem cell health. Coffee berry fruit extract, that's another really fascinating one. You can
Starting point is 01:40:58 buy that on Amazon as a powder. And I put a lot of this stuff in my morning smoothie now. So when I wake up, I've got chlorella, I've got DHA, I've got this stuff called Pau de Arco Bark Tea, which also enhances your own NAD production. Colostrum, bone broth, vitamin C to enhance the bone broth uptake. So you can kind of make yourself a little cocktail of ingredients that you just take in the morning without necessarily spending, you know, 8,000 bucks on a stem cell and extraction and injection. Have you thought about like having some sort of an online thing where people could subscribe to a protocol and you would, you know, what I thought about doing was just making like a, like a supplement or something like that, where you could take all this stuff and just combine it into a shake or into some kind of a supplement, some sort of a powder or something?
Starting point is 01:41:45 Yeah. And I mean, some people who don't understand the supplement industry or formulation say, well, why don't you just put all this stuff in a capsule? But I mean, one compound can decrease the absorptibility of the other compound or, you know, one compound will create an acidic or an alkaline scenario in which the other one doesn't work well. So it would require a lot of testing. But ultimately, you know, at this point alkaline scenario in which the other one doesn't work well. So it would require a lot of testing. But ultimately, you know, at this point, I just blend it all in a blender and kind of keep my fingers crossed and dump it all into my big ass mug. And it seems like, you know, someone like you who knows so much about this stuff,
Starting point is 01:42:16 it would be a great resource if people could subscribe to something and you guys could put together some sort of a protocol for people that would follow, they could follow it on a daily basis. You know, you're creating more work for me. Yeah. I'm sorry, dude. Yeah. But, but it would, the problem is genetic variability, right? Like this whole high fat diet.
Starting point is 01:42:38 And, you know, I saw yesterday that you tweeted out, you know, my friend Nina Teicholz's, you know, data, you know, encouraging the, you know, high saturated fat intake. And I love her and I love her approach. And I love the idea that she is getting a lot of people, you know, via lobbying to focus less on grains and a high carb diet, which I think is helpful for a lot of people. But at the same time, there are there are genes, right, like the PPA are one alpha gene, which would cause a little bit of an inflammatory response to high intake of fats or to a lot of saturated fats without a lot of poly or monounsaturated fats. There, I think the last time that we talked, we talked about familial hypercholesterolemia, right? Where some people, if they shift to a ketogenic or a high fat diet, it screws them from a metabolic standpoint, because they get not only high cholesterol, but, you know, high particle count and, and oxidation
Starting point is 01:43:34 of that cholesterol. There's, there's, there's ways around that, you know, for example, like a ketavan diet would be what you'd consume if you were, if you were eating, or if you had this familial hypercholesterolemia where you eat a lot of tubers and fish and coconut meat and wild plants. And that's technically like a 70 to 80% carbohydrate based diet, not with a lot of grains, you know, not with a lot of junk food, but that would be a diet more appropriate for someone with that issue. Someone with a PPAR gene issue, they'd want to eat less of the coconut oil and the butter and the cheeses and more of like the avocados and the extra virgin olive oil and more of the Mediterranean diet approach. You know, I mentioned earlier that the fact that coconut oil and a lot of these saturated fats and a lot of people are inflammatory, so they would want to eat a lot of antioxidants and flavanol and polyphenol-rich small non-sugary berries and dark leafy greens.
Starting point is 01:44:31 And so, yeah, again, you could have a subscription-based service that teaches people a lot of these things. But then once again, you got to have either artificial intelligence that's screening each person to look at what they actually need or you've got a real person talking to each person, looking at their lab and saying, okay, this is the one that would work well for you, rather than just saying, okay, this has been smoothie, everybody should be drinking this. Right. Yeah, I went to this one thing once where they monitored my blood and I abandoned it immediately because they told me I shouldn't have avocados. I'm like, what are you talking about?
Starting point is 01:45:02 Yeah, that's an igg food allergy test and the problem is that you produce a lot of these immunoglobulins to foods that you eat a lot so people will be like i love eggs and they do this test and they walk out depressed with their tail between their legs because they can't have avocados and eggs anymore just because they were eating a shit ton of avocados and eggs the uh right yeah there's one called a cyrex food allergy panel it's a little more you don't get this huge laundry list of foods that give you false positives it's a pretty accurate test but i just knew it was nonsense it was like i feel great i eat avocados all the time this can't be anything other than nonsense yeah yeah yeah well it's not nonsense i mean they you technically
Starting point is 01:45:39 have the immunoglobulin reaction to avocados, and there's no bodies in the streets, no evidence that that's going to actually hurt you. Yeah. Yeah. That's the problem is just you would have to go on some sort of a very neutral diet for a long period of time, get your body's baseline established. Exactly. Get your blood work done along the way. Whatever, rice for a month and then get it taken, no proteins at all. And even then, what would that do?
Starting point is 01:46:06 You could probably do like a washout, like a five day fast. And that's that, that new Valter Longo longevity diet is you do, I think it's five over the, no, once a quarter, five day fast, right. To clean you out, to get all the benefits of cellular autophagy. And with that particular diet, you know, I was talking before about how long-term calorie restriction is that particular diet, you know, I was talking before about how long-term calorie restriction is bad for you, you know, and this whole idea of intermittent fasting with caloric restriction creates hormone deficits and associated with like gallstones and all sorts of
Starting point is 01:46:34 nasty things happen to your body when you don't give it enough calories. What about long-term, like, you know, when people go on those five-day fasts, like Dom D'Occino's big fan of that. Right. That's Walter Longo's approach is you do a five-day fast just a few times a year and i think in active individuals and athletes he only recommends like two or three times a year max that you do this five-day fast and you put it in an off-season or a recovery phase or some period of time where you're not training heavily and that scenario would allow you to get a lot of the cellular autophagy and the cleanup benefits and theoretically you could do that right and then go get your food allergy test and see what kind of proteins are floating around. And you're doing a 24 hour fast. How often? What works for me? Because I don't do well,
Starting point is 01:47:13 not even for five days. I'm too active. Like I just have too much shit going on. All like, there aren't many times during the year when I could point out a five day slot in my schedule where I'm not hunting or competing or working out or doing something that requires me to need calories or else I'm already skinny. I can't go for a long time without eating, and my metabolism is sky high. So what I do is a 12- to 16-hour fast every day, not a calorically restricted fast, but just 12 to 16 hours without eating every single day. On the lower activity days, I take in less protein and I restrict meat, right? So on the days where I'm not beating on my body too much, you know, like a Wednesday and a Sunday, which are more recovery days. Those are
Starting point is 01:47:54 the days when I do, you know, fricking, I call those my self-love days where like I do clay masks and coffee enemas, infrared therapy. Like, so I'm still... Coffee enema, self-induced. Oh, dude, for upregulating your own glutathione production, your bio... Like, you feel clean as a whistle. Plus, it's the best way to get coffee up your butt. Oh, dude. There's no other way. Yeah, you do get a lot of caffeine absorption, too.
Starting point is 01:48:17 No, but I'm serious. Like, if you've never done something like that and experienced what it feels like to just be completely cleaned out, it's a pretty good feeling. So what does it do to you? The coffee enema not only cleans out your colon, but it causes your liver and your gallbladder specifically to increase bile production. It upregulates your glutathione production, your endogenous glutathione production. And so you're increasing your own production of antioxidants and it also causes peristalsis,
Starting point is 01:48:44 where she just moves stuff through that's kind of moving slowly. So once a week, Wednesday mornings, I get up. My wife makes coffee every morning. I have her make an extra pot. I just leave that out on the counter until it gets to room temperature. And normally when I'm drinking my coffee, I'm going through all my morning research and articles and everything down on my – I have a standing desk in the basement. But instead, I go and I lay on my right side on the bathroom floor,
Starting point is 01:49:06 and I keep coffee in there for about 20 minutes while I'm working. And then I get up and you just let it all out. So you lay on your back with the coffee in your butt? I get a stainless steel enema bucket. So you're not injecting plastics. So you're not injecting plastics up your butt. And then it's about about a quarter so of coffee in the back side with this tube it's a lot of coffee jesus and then you lay on your right side
Starting point is 01:49:33 for 20 minutes and then you get up and you let it all out and and of course i have the squatty potty so it comes out more easily of course you don't have that kink in your corner and everything comes out and you just you you walk away just like whistling with a big smile on your face. That squatty potty is legit. And you feel wonderful. A squatty potty works. We really should be shitting into a hole in the ground.
Starting point is 01:49:52 When I don't have one, I perch. Do you? And my best dumps are when I'm hunting or I'm camping or, you know, I just have a toilet. You hold onto a tree and you kind of lean back. Do it like a normal person. And it's perfect. So on those days that I'm doing coffee enemas or sauna or any weird woo woo things that don't involve workouts, I do protein restriction because I'm not beating
Starting point is 01:50:11 up my body that much. Coffee enema doesn't cause a lot of eccentric muscle tissue damage unless you've done something horribly wrong. So I basically have those days as my lower protein days and then once a week, and this would be unless i'm traveling because it's harder to do when you travel i do a 24 hour fast saturday at dinner you stop eating sleep all night all you gotta do is skip breakfast on sunday and skip lunch on sunday and then have dinner on sunday night and that's pretty easy to do and so i get the benefits of the longer fast right because a lot of those cellular autophagy and endogenous stem cell production benefits don't kick in until you're about 16 hours in all right so i that benefit once a week, even though for me, really, it comes out to about twice a month that I'm actually at home because I travel so much doing
Starting point is 01:50:52 that full 24 hour fast. And I do a lot of work that day. I play with my kids. I just fill things in throughout that day to keep my appetite satiated. And sometimes I'll do some of those new ketone esters. And sometimes I'll do some amino acids new ketone esters and sometimes i'll do some amino acids or you know a cup of bone broth that doesn't count as breaking your fast it's kind of sort of cheating but it's it's it's like it's a speed bump for a skinny you know high metabolism guy like me to have like a cup of 40 calorie bone broth in the middle of the day the bone broth would be 24 hour fast would the ketone esters also break your fast they're achloric yeah um technically you know from from just a pure you know very simple physiology standpoint your body would need to
Starting point is 01:51:32 utilize those ketones for energy before it would you know turn some of your own acetyl-coa derived from your fat into extra ketones but i just like the way i feel while i'm fasting using these these especially like the newer ketone esters and fasting using these, these, especially like the newer ketone esters. And the ketone esters, aren't you supposed to take them with glucose? No, no, no. You are going to get a huge performance advantage by taking them with glucose, but that's also, uh, it's, it's an ancestrally inappropriate state for the human body to have simultaneously elevated levels of blood glucose and elevated levels of blood ketones because traditionally we'd have elevated our blood ketones through fasting. And while I'm okay with elevating blood ketones via a non-ancestral route,
Starting point is 01:52:20 such as the consumption of these ketone esters designed by the U.S. Department of Defense for soldiers in battle who have to go two or three days without eating or for Tour de France riders who have been using them for a while. The idea of consuming glucose along with those ketones and spiking blood glucose, which can have a little bit of an inflammatory oxidative effect, is not something I would do unless I were in a race or in a really hard, demanding workout. That's where something like that, you can use rocket fuel, and that's actually a very good mix, some kind of like a fructose maltodextrin blend, which the Gatorade Sports Science Institute has shown allows you to get a really high absorption of carbohydrates rather than just maltodextrin or just glucose or just fructose. Then you add in ketone esters on top of that. And then to stave off what's called central nervous system fatigue, the crossing of tryptophan into the brain, which kind of makes you feel, you know, turkey dinner, sleepy effect during exercise, you throw essential amino acids into
Starting point is 01:53:17 that. So you've got amino acids, ketones, and glucose, and that mix is just pure rocket fuel. Yeah. You talked about that last time. You said it was like being on steroids, that having glucose in your system with ketones is just fucking crazy. Yeah. Yeah. It's, it's, it's pretty amazing. Hmm. Now when you go on these fasts, if you drink coffee, does coffee break your fast? Coffee or the consumption of anything from a circadian biology, right? 24 hour circadian rhythm. You've, you've got multiple circadian rhythm cues. One is movement. So when you travel and you're jet lagged, movement helps you normalize your biological clock. Another is light,
Starting point is 01:53:58 right? So exposure to high amounts of morning sunlight or using one of these newfangled hacking devices like the, like the eye light or the in-ear light that's another circadian cue eating or really the consumption of anything supplements coffee tea etc that's also a circadian cue there's a researcher dr sachin panda who's got some really good research on circadian rhythmicity and what he says is that the consumption of anything can disrupt circadian biology. If you're fasting for the purposes of regulating your circadian rhythms, maybe you've got insomnia, poor sleep patterns, inflammation due to lack of sleep or lack of, you know, the lymphatic drainage and consolidation of memory and everything that occurs during deep sleep,
Starting point is 01:54:42 your sleep is more or less fucked up, right? Like that would be a situation in which you just wouldn't want to eat anything during a fast. But if your fastest for the purposes of let's say like fat loss, or even some of you know, like the endogenous stem cell production benefits of fasting, an a caloric cup of coffee is not going to cause any issues. And furthermore, if you're concerned about like the cholesterols in the coffee, use a paper filter, because you're going to cause any issues. And furthermore, if you're concerned about like the cholesterols in the coffee, use a paper filter because you're going to filter out most of the cholesterols as well versus like a French press or a steel filter.
Starting point is 01:55:12 Yeah. What about water? Water, I think, is completely allowed. Now, there are some people who do dry fasting. That would be popular for people who have like candida or yeast or fungi. They would claim that a moist environment would allow the bacteria to flourish. And so some of those people will do dry fasting.
Starting point is 01:55:30 I know a guy who does dry fasting with autologous urine therapy where he does a dry fast in the morning, he drinks his urine. And that's some old Ayurvedic cleansing technique that I don't personally do. You ever try it? I did try it, yes. Of course I tried it, dude. Yeah, it doesn't, it's not for me. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:55:49 Actually, the temperature got to me more than the taste. Just like the warm hotness, it just, it felt too alive. Yeah, it was just, yeah. It was not good. Yeah. So ultimately, the coffee is not an issue unless you're putting a bunch of stuff in it. Right.
Starting point is 01:56:00 Yeah. So ultimately the coffee is not an issue unless you're putting a bunch of stuff in it. Right. And then even though it is admittedly non-insulinogenic and it's actually quite a kick in the pants, as you know, you know, when you blend fats with coffee, you get the coffee stall on the call way all the way across the blood brain barrier. They amp you up psychologically. You're also getting your body has to burn those calories before it burns a lot of its own calories.
Starting point is 01:56:22 So that's not something you would do. You would do well on a fasted state. Ben, I got to wrap this up. You, uh, you're always a mind fuck dude. Every time you come in here, I have to pause after the podcast and try to like capture little bits of information. I want steak now. That's pretty much my main takeaway from the past couple hours is I want, I want a fricking
Starting point is 01:56:42 steak. Uh, tell people how they can get to your website. Tell people how they can watch your videos. Go read that sleep article. It's good. or just Google Ben Greenfield. And social media? It's Ben Greenfield.
Starting point is 01:56:58 There's not a lot of us Benjamin Greenfields out there. Benjamin Greenfield, you're a bad motherfucker. Appreciate you, man. Thanks for coming in. It was awesome. Bye, everybody.

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