The Joe Rogan Experience - #1125 - Candace Owens

Episode Date: May 31, 2018

Candace Owens is the communication director for Turning Point USA, which is an American conservative nonprofit organization whose stated mission is "to educate students about true free market values."...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Four, three, two, one, boom, and we're live. Candace Owens, how you doing? I'm good, how are you? I'm very good, thank you. Thank you for asking. A lot of controversy these days, Candace. I guess. A little bit.
Starting point is 00:00:15 In the Twitterverse. In the world. Yeah. Just everybody's excited about being outraged. Yeah, exactly. That's exactly right. There's controversy every five seconds. You know, I had a guy on before, the guy that you just met, Dr. Robert Schock. He's a geologist from Boston University, and he is a part of this backdating of years older than people think they are. And one of the things that he's working on is that there was coronal mass ejections from the sun
Starting point is 00:00:50 somewhere around 10,000 years ago that basically killed off a giant percentage of the population on the planet. Lightning storms millions of times greater than anything we've ever experienced before. That literally was like lightning coming down like rain, barbecuing the ground, killing people, people forced into caves, civilization resets. It's almost like we need something like that to really be upset about. I know. Because instead of being upset about Roseanne or Samantha Bee. Samantha Bee used the C word today, that naughty girl.
Starting point is 00:01:18 It's just outrage culture. Yeah. I say everyone should just wait like 48 hours if everybody hates you. And then they'll be on to the next person that they have to hate. Yeah, well, that's one of the cool things about the Internet is the cycle. Boy, it hits you hard, but then it goes back pretty quick. Really fast. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:33 It's never that serious. It's not like the old days when someone got in trouble with something. Boy, that trouble stuck. I don't know that time. I genuinely don't know that time. How old are you? 29. I just turned 29. Yeah. So you're very, very time. How old are you? 29. I just turned 29.
Starting point is 00:01:45 Yeah. So you're very, very young in the shit-stirring culture. Yeah, exactly. This is all new stuff to you. It's new, yeah. And I think the thing that sucks for me is that I'm really conscious of it. I wish I thought all of this was normal. It would be easier.
Starting point is 00:01:58 But even when I do things, just before this, I was like, oh, let me do an Instagram story that I'm about to go on Joe Rogan. I'm like, hey, guys, we on Joe Rogan. And I was like, oh, let me do an Instagram story that I'm about to go on Joe Rogan. I'm like, hey, guys, like we on Joe Rogan. I'm like, how weird. I'm like holding my phone in the middle of talking to this device. At least you're aware of it. That kind of sucks that I'm aware of it. Like it would be so much more natural if I wasn't aware of it.
Starting point is 00:02:17 You know, girls that just, hey, guys, and they all day and it feels normal. So being conscious of it is kind of not that fun. That's probably the best way to approach it, though, to be conscious of how goofy it is. Because if you're just swept away in the zeitgeist. I don't know. I think it's better. Ignorance is really bliss. You think so? Yeah. I think there are people that think it's the most normal thing in the world to just put your entire life on social media. And I actually don't think it's the most normal
Starting point is 00:02:44 thing in the world, but my entire life is on social media. I've just met you but you seem like a very bright woman and that's probably part of the problem yeah is you're not stupid if you're stupid you'd be like putting everything on Instagram and you'd be do you do the selfie face this is my favorite thing this thing when they do that weird thing with their neck I don't get the right angle? I don't. Good for you. I'm really bad at selfies. My cousin always has to take them if we're in the same picture. But I'm getting good at my Instagram angle and the things that I say. Like, oh, do you guys like this eye shadow? It's that ridiculous.
Starting point is 00:03:19 My friend Cameron Haynes loves you. He saw you on Fox News. He's like, who's this girl? She's making so much sense. He's super hardcore conservative. Yeah. So he likes when anyone is like young and conservative, like loves Ben Shapiro. He loves all that shit. Yeah. So he got excited about you. Yeah. People have been really excited. I think it's just because I'm really unapologetically myself. And today that's like, it's like seeing an alien.
Starting point is 00:03:44 Well, it's hard to pull off right because people get mad at you people are trying to that's this one thing that is absolutely happening whether people like it or not or believe it or not is that people are trying to silence other people's opinions that's correct if you say something that doesn't jive with them instead of saying wow this lady's kind of out there or she's saying some shit that I'm not sure I agree with instead of that they're like fire her get her off the air boycott boycott it's insane the outrage culture is insane
Starting point is 00:04:11 do you really want someone to lose their job because you didn't like a tweet how weird are some of these situations do you really want this person not to be able to feed their family because you don't like a tweet people are crazy they find targets and they want to go after them there was a bunch of people that were writing boycott Joe Rogan because I was talking about having Roseanne Barr on the show tomorrow.
Starting point is 00:04:29 It's insane. I know. It's like she doesn't have a right to speak now. She can't even talk. She can't even talk. She can't even talk. Even though I'm sure you don't agree. I don't agree with what she said.
Starting point is 00:04:38 Right. But the idea that she can't have a conversation after that to me is like the most bizarre thing in the entire world. But that is what outrage culture is. Yeah. It's like they need you off the island. She doesn't even agree with what she said. Right. I know.
Starting point is 00:04:50 She apologized. Nobody cares. She's on Ambien. She's she's taken all kinds of antidepressants. She's drinking. She's fucked out of her head. Like my mom took Ambien. She just told me about this today.
Starting point is 00:05:03 I forgot. I forgot about the story because I was telling her the story about another friend of mine on the podcast yesterday. I talked about how a friend of mine got on Ambien, made a full meal, cooked it, ate it, went to sleep, got up in the morning, and had zero recollection of it. That's really real. Was in total denial of it. It happens. That's 100% real. 100%. My mom told me that she went to bed, got up in the morning, and she had got up and put red lipstick and nail polish all over the white bathroom carpet, those little shag
Starting point is 00:05:35 carpets. She just painted on it like a child. No, Ambien's- She had zero recollection of it. She's like, this is scary shit. She just painted like a little kid would, like a two-year-old would get a hold of your lipstick and start drawing on the walls. She did that on this shag shit. She just painted like a little kid would. Like a two-year-old would get a hold of your lipstick and start drawing on the walls. She did that on this shag carpet.
Starting point is 00:05:48 Ambien is just like sleepwalk. It instantly brings you into sleepwalk and you can do anything when you're on Ambien. I had a bunch of college friends who used to do Ambien and bizarre stories would just come out. I'm very anti-pills. I don't take anything. Nothing. Nothing at all. Do you drink? I don't drink.
Starting point is 00:06:03 You don't do anything. I don't do anything. Are you a teetotaler? I mean, I wasn't always. I just, I kind of got, I guess you could say it's like a little bit of paranoia. But once I started down this like journey of realizing that like, oh my God, I lived for 26 years and my mind wasn't my own. Like I thought like being a liberal was okay. And like everything that was said on TV was okay. Then it's like very easy to sort of get a little paranoid and go, okay, well, what else did I, do I accept normally that is actually retrospective, like a little weird. And I started thinking about drinking. I'm like, how can drinking possibly be the cure to everything? Like, it's like, you're getting married, drink, happy. You're sad, drink. You're a little embarrassed, have some, you know, drink. Do you want to come out of your shell? Drink. Like no
Starting point is 00:06:42 matter what emotion you have, there's like a liquor designed for it so i was like this is a little shady like i don't know i just feel like and then i did like a little bit of math and i calculated that since i had started drinking when i was like 14 years old and i would say like fair like i drink every weekend probably more in college maybe five days a week in college right um then i was like wow i've technically drank for like three years of my life and that feels weird. So I'm just not going to drink anymore. So you put in your time. Yeah. Take a little break.
Starting point is 00:07:09 Yeah. Take a little break. Take a little break. Yeah. And which is weird because now I go places and I'm like, oh, I don't drink and everyone gets really uncomfortable and they're like, oh, okay, I'll have a glass of water. I'm like, I'm an alcoholic. You can have a beer in front of me, you know, but, um, it's a weird one, right?
Starting point is 00:07:24 Like if, if other people are drinking and you don't, they're like know but um yeah that's a weird one right like if if other people are drinking and you don't they're like oh like i'm the weird one yeah yeah they don't they don't trust you almost like it's like they're just like i can't trust this one yeah i'm like water's good because if everybody's fucked up you're like man we were fucked up and then whoever did weird shit it's like it's okay we're all hammered right but if one person's sober you don't like that person. Writing shit down. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:48 And I'm at the age where all my friends are getting married. And like the first thing they say when I say I don't drink is like, you're not going to drink at my wedding. And I'm like, well, yeah, is that okay? Like, can I still come? And like, they feel like you're ruining their wedding. Right. Because you're not going to drink. It's like a very strange thing.
Starting point is 00:08:01 The culture of drinking as a non-drinker, you really realize how bizarre it is socially. How long did you take off? How long has it been? I stopped drinking last November. So it hasn't been like super long, but long enough for people to really have some weird feelings about it. And I'm just sober, man. I don't know. It's not a bad thing.
Starting point is 00:08:18 Yeah. I took a month off. We did Sober October. No pot, no booze. And then we had to do 15 hot yoga classes, 90-minute hot yoga classes in a month. It was just a bet between me and my four friends. It was a stupid bet because there wasn't even any stakes, right? Like if one of us didn't do it, we had to throw a party, but we all did it, so it was like pointless.
Starting point is 00:08:40 But we learned a lot. So it was like pointless. But we learned a lot. You learn a lot about just you learn a lot about that. Even if you don't think you use alcohol or pot as an escape, you do. You do. You 100 percent. You lean on it a little bit. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:54 And I always talk about like people are like, what are the differences you've noticed? And there have been so many differences. But I think like the number one thing is just like the amount of confidence that I have. Like I have this theory now that alcohol like gives you anxiety. Like I used to be stressed out. Like I realized that I was self-diagnosing myself. Like I'd be like, eh, I'm not a morning person. I was probably just like perpetually hung over and never like now I'm like, I jump up now in the morning. I have so much energy. So I'm like, wow, I wonder how many things I've been like, like self-diagnosing. I'm like, oh yeah, my skin just
Starting point is 00:09:23 got bad once I turned 26, like skin immediately clears up. So I'm like, oh, yeah, my skin just got bad once I turned 26. Like, skin immediately clears up. So I'm like, wow, maybe I just had, like, so much alcohol in my system that I, like, developed random things, like, just kind of making excuses. I mean, it's definitely not good for you. It's certainly not good for you five, six nights a week. No, and the best way to, like, stop drinking is to, like, read an article that freaks you out about, like, what drinking does. Like, this is what I do.
Starting point is 00:09:43 This is, like, how I train myself to do things. do things i'll like read some really extreme thing on the internet and then be like okay like liver sclerosis no no no like like this guy had this theory that like alcohol and people call alcohol like spirits or whatever that like when you drink like it allows like evil spirits to come into your body like the most bizarre thing and i was just like yeah i can't drink anymore i gotta keep away from evil spirits so that's what you used yeah yeah i just like read weird articles and then i'm like i'm not gonna drink anymore i'm done i'm over it and then i realized like who else doesn't drink like the most like successful like donald trump has never drank alcohol which is just fascinating because i'm like i don't know
Starting point is 00:10:22 how to use a drink just tell that dude to sit down relax he's got so much energy right like he's just like going at it and i'm like maybe that's that's the secret charlie kirk doesn't drink he's like 24 years old and taking over the world so i don't know i'm who else don trump jr doesn't drink doesn't doesn't i mean he did like i used to drink i don mean to, but he doesn't drink. Yeah, I don't know. So I guess the people that I'm around now don't drink, so it makes it easier. But they're just, like, highly productive individuals, and I'm now, like, highly productive. Kim Kardashian doesn't drink. She should drink, too.
Starting point is 00:10:58 It's good to be highly productive, but it's also good to have fun. And I don't think there's anything wrong with a little social lubricant. No, I think there's nothing wrong with it. People can drink around me all the. And I don't think there's anything wrong with a little social lubricant. No, I think there's nothing wrong with it. People can drink around me all the time. I don't care. Actually, I will say, when people get completely sloshed, it's a weird thing to observe when you're sober.
Starting point is 00:11:12 It's very weird. It's a strange place. It's like being on another planet where everyone's acting like a toddler. It's like watching a preschool class. Yeah. Like, I'm going to the bathroom. I'm like, why are you screaming close to my face?
Starting point is 00:11:24 And they want to talk to you and explain things. And they want to get really close. Drinking makes you a really close talker. There's something where you need to feel the heat emanating off of someone's face. You don't understand space. You don't understand personal space. You're just like, you know, people grab people and do weird shit to them. It's weird.
Starting point is 00:11:41 It's a weird thing to watch sober. There's a certain number of drinks where it's fun. And then there's a certain number of drinks where you're like, wow there's a certain number of drinks who are like wow human beings are weird you know you're gonna go back i mean look i'm sure i'm not gonna like never drink again but like i'm not even i don't even think about it like it's just like this is the new candace i'm sure like when i get married right like i'm not gonna not have like a glass of champagne but like right now like especially with like the stuff that i'm doing, I'm like, I just don't have the energy to be like tired. Right.
Starting point is 00:12:08 Which is kind of a weird sentence. So how did you become this? You're a very popular, what I would call conservative thinker. Yeah. But you're very young. I am. Like how did this all happen? How did you become this Fox News personality, conservative thinker?
Starting point is 00:12:22 Yeah. I mean, I just like launched a YouTube channel. Oh, fucking YouTube. Yeah, YouTube, where magic happens. YouTube's a strange place. It's as strange as it gets. It's just another strange place, yeah. Well, it's the internet.
Starting point is 00:12:34 It's the internet. It's as strange as it gets. Yeah, strange things happen on the internet. But yeah, I just kind of, I was really passionate. I understood I had studied for, like, it sounds strange, but like I spent a year underground, like studying politics once I had my red pill moment, if that's what you want to call it. Well, explain that. Because you used to be a liberal.
Starting point is 00:12:52 Right. And then you became a conservative. That's correct. So what was it? So the story, like, really starts with, like, high school, I guess. Like, you know how things can happen to you in life and they don't make sense when they happen? You're like, why God me? And then, like, you get a little older and you're like, this makes I guess. You know how things can happen to you in life and they don't make sense when they happen? You're like, why God me? And then you get a little older
Starting point is 00:13:06 and you're like, this makes perfect sense. So I was the quote unquote victim of a hate crime when I was in high school. When you say quote unquote victim, you don't think you were a victim? No, I hate the word victim. And again, early, I can see why early on I've sort of developed this mentality
Starting point is 00:13:22 that there's no value in being a victim and people rush to call people a victim they rush to call somebody the aggressor so how do you describe it that you experienced a hate crime experienced something that was labeled a hate crime I wouldn't even call it hate crime I think we live in a label obsessed culture and before we seek to understand what happened we seek to like put in a box yeah like so what someone has to be a demon someone has to be an angel so what happened? Someone has to be a demon and someone has to be an angel. So what happened was I received some voicemail messages from about four kids. And the language was pretty strong. It was like, we're going to tar and feather your family.
Starting point is 00:13:54 We're going to put a bull in the back of your head like we did to Martin Luther King. Like, you know, N-word, N-word, N-word. And you received these on your phone? On my cell phone, yeah. How'd they get your phone number? Well, there was a prank phone call, so I didn't know. I was like four male voices, and I was in high school at the time, and I was like, okay, I cannot think of four human beings that want me dead that would say we're going to put
Starting point is 00:14:13 a bullet in the back of your head like we did to Martin Luther King and Rosa Parks, like naming off. Where'd you go to school? What part of the country? Stanford High School in Connecticut. Okay. That's a shithole. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:22 Yeah. It's a total shithole. I hate Connecticut. Yeah. No. Connecticut's not a shithole. It's a running joke. I'm sorry. I always shit on Connecticut. Okay, that's a shithole. Yeah, it's a total shithole. I hate Connecticut. Yeah, no, Connecticut's not a shithole. It's a running joke, I'm sorry. I always shit on Connecticut.
Starting point is 00:14:32 I have my buddy Tommy Jr., he lives in Connecticut, and I'm always telling him, dude, you gotta move out of Connecticut, and it became this terrible running joke where I talk about that Connecticut's the worst state in the country. Have you actually been? Yeah, a bunch of times. I used to work there all the time. Where? What city? Well, I used to work in all over Connecticut when I was doing stand-up.
Starting point is 00:14:45 I would drive from Boston into Connecticut. I did like a lot of gigs in Hartford. I did gigs in- Hartford is a shithole. Yeah, it's a shithole. Bridgeport is a shithole.
Starting point is 00:14:55 Shout out to Marlon Starling Jr., though. Yeah. He was a boxer that came out of Hartford. Yeah. Big time boxer. Marlon Starling.
Starting point is 00:15:05 Um, but when you were in high school, right, somebody started doing this prank call and shit on you. And was this, it was all in one night. It was all in one night. It was like four voicemails.
Starting point is 00:15:18 Was this tied to like a boyfriend? So I was at a boyfriend's house when I got the calls and i just like put it aside because it was like blocked number so i was like i didn't think anything of it and then like when i listened to it like it was like some pretty horrific stuff like i definitely cried you know i was 17 years old um and then the next day at school i took this like philosophy class and like i don't know what the topic was i don't know what prompted me to raise my hand and like introduce what had happened last night as like you know a segue maybe I just needed to get off my chest but like the teacher like spazzed out and was like get
Starting point is 00:15:49 up we're going to the principal's office like you know you have to report this he brings me into the office the principal like freaked out like she just like the language was like you know it was shocking you know um and then she called like the resource officer and then like i the next period of my life was like a blackout because it turned out that three of the kids i had never even met like they this was like maybe some kids that had their first beer one of the kids i was like friends with but we were arguing because he was upset that i was like spending so much time with my boyfriend but i didn't but he's gay like he wasn't like he just was like jealous like you know like just like i used to hang out with him every day. Started hanging out with my boyfriend.
Starting point is 00:16:25 It was a stupid thing. Maybe he wasn't 100% gay. No, he's 100% gay from what I'm told. So he just got petty and jealous. And then it was like, here are my three friends. And we're all going to get drunk and call this black girl. And it's easy to say awful things into this. You don't have to look at a human you know it's easy to say awful things into like this like you don't have to look at a human being like it's easy to say awful things but unfortunately
Starting point is 00:16:50 for me one of the people in the car happened to be the current governor of connecticut's son oh so this turned from like some kids prank called to like said some awful things to like front page of the newspaper throughout the entire state of connecticut a little bit in new york naacp outside of my school i have to it was like this situation that was talking about outrage culture my first like introduction to outrage culture and the things that sort of formed my thoughts like this was a very formative experience in my life um which to me it was it was non-political but it was like my life wasn't mine. I went from sitting down watching Talladega Nights with my boyfriend to being the most discussed person in the state of Connecticut. And what was interesting about it was just that because it was the governor of Connecticut's
Starting point is 00:17:36 son that was in this car, they had to get the FBI involved to determine the authenticity of the... Maybe she called herself. Instead of just saying like yes it was my son he actually let the fbi investigate for six weeks and waited for a son to get arrested six weeks late you know what i mean like did his son deny it yeah i just want to see if they could get away with it because this is politics you know what i mean like can we get away with it is it plausible for us to get away with it you know so six weeks of the entire state i didn't i like left
Starting point is 00:18:02 school people were like fighting on my behalf, fighting. You left school? You're like, I'm going to take a break? Yeah. Wow. Yeah. It was,
Starting point is 00:18:09 it was just like. Senior year? Yeah. Yeah. Damn. This was just like, it was like a monstrosity of a situation and it was one of those things
Starting point is 00:18:17 where like literally like letters to the editor would be like moms, like talk about, you know, outrage culture, right? Like,
Starting point is 00:18:22 I don't believe Candace, like this happened, this girl, I believe she called herself. Like, you're're like i'm just looking for attention one night and i just decided to say i was going to hang my family from a tree isn't it funny that someone would even have an opinion on that it's bizarre i don't believe her who even writes letters to the editor like the whole thing is weird retrospectively right like i don't believe her but that is what like life is about right? That same lady is probably about to write a YouTube comment right now.
Starting point is 00:18:46 I don't believe you still. I still don't believe her. This is how you got on fucking Fox News. Yeah, exactly. So it was the situation that was just completely out of my control. And then as quick as it happened, these kids got arrested. And then as quick as it happened, it was over for everyone, but not for me or these kids, right? So I never wanted these kids to get arrested.
Starting point is 00:19:06 Like if no one, like this whole situation was taken out of my hands, people thought I didn't go to the police. Like my teacher went to the police, it turned into the zoo. These kids were labeled publicly racists, right? The youngest kid in the car was 14. I'm not comfortable with ever labeling
Starting point is 00:19:19 a 14 year old racist, right? Or any of these kids racist. These are kids. And in my opinion, adults that fail to act like adults and adults that fail to take a step back and say, okay, why would, what would prompt these kids do this? Why is it so easy to be mean, right? Why is it so easy nowadays for children to be mean? And no one to me, like when I really thought about that, I went through like five years of like anorexia because of the situation. Because of that one call, those four calls. Yeah. And yeah. You went like anorexia because of the situation because of that one yeah those
Starting point is 00:19:45 yeah and wow yeah you went through anorexia yeah which is so weird now because like people that know me now are like there's no way you never didn't eat but i did i did like did not eat for like five years i had issues with anorexia because anorexia is a disease that genuinely is about control it's about asserting control of your life. And I felt that I had my, like my life was fine. And then like people took the narrative, um, I could decide to determine what the narrative was. You're an, you're, you're a victim or maybe you're a liar. You know, you're, these kids are racist.
Starting point is 00:20:17 These kids are this. And just nobody really thought that like you actually ruined all of our lives, right? Like for a little bit, like these kids went on to have like duis and get arrested and got into drugs and it was because of the pressure of everything that happened yeah and i was like would have been totally cool with an apology like you know what i mean like sorry well good for you for looking at it that way and that's hard to do because everybody loves when they are allowed to get outraged everybody loves to get outraged obviously what they did to you was horrible but i think a lot of kids especially if they're drinking they don't even understand how stupid and gross it is what they're doing they just know they can do it and they get a thrill out of it and then there's that mob mentality when
Starting point is 00:20:57 there's like a bunch of people together doing the same thing exactly wrap it up and start saying crazy shit it's really understandable when you just like think about it as a human being and not as somebody who has to have opinion. Like you're like, hey, we're going to call this black girl, right? You've got a bunch of kids. We're going to just say mean things to her on the phone. And you don't have to look her in the face, right? It's like if I hold up this pen and I'm like just say mean stuff like someone's going to get.
Starting point is 00:21:19 You can say anything to this pen. So it's sort of it was a formative experience that um in retrospect i understand has so much to do with why i am who i am because i i hated that like that label of sex culture and the outrage machine and then like oh okay we're done but like you know forget the people that whose lives we just like now do you know those people anymore i don't i i know like the siblings of them because i was friends like that's the thing like one of the people that was involved i was very good friends with his brother. And it's like, you're just going to tell me this kid's a racist?
Starting point is 00:21:49 I actually knew the kid's mother. Nobody cared. It was just a hot story. So you think that they weren't necessarily racist, but they were just stupid and mean and being shitty kids. And they knew that that was a way that they could scare you. Right. And freak you out. And they might have been drunk.
Starting point is 00:22:04 Maybe it was their first beer. I scare you. Right, that they could just, yeah, and they might have been drunk, you know, like drunk. Maybe it was their first beer, right? But people can do... Well, the youngest was 14. And this person was labeled a racist. Like, that's, to me, is like, that's harsh. And people say, oh, you're too forgiving. But how do you not label
Starting point is 00:22:20 them a racist? Because what they said was most certainly racist. Yes, the words are racist, right? Can somebody, I guess the the question is can somebody say something say a word that is racist and not be a racist human being yes i think no i'm going to tell you why yes okay okay it was somebody stand up i was watching i actually don't remember who it was like maybe it was louis ck i don't know but he was saying how he like instantly turns into a racist like if somebody cuts him off and it's like a chinese person like he like instantly the first thing he says like something to do with him being chinese right and there's a little bit of that in all of us like i was walking through
Starting point is 00:22:53 new york city the other day and um like a huge bus like just happened to like stop in front of me and like literally 45 asians got off and suddenly i was just like i couldn't like walk and around like oh i was like why do do Asians always travel in packs? Right. Like the most bizarre thing. Like I don't have an issue with them taking a bus and traveling. And then afterwards I giggled. I was like, what a stupid thing.
Starting point is 00:23:14 What stupid thoughts even had to have because I'm frustrated in the moment that I can't like get my bearings in New York City. So, yes, I think that people in a moment of frustration, of anger, if you add alcohol, if you add Ambien, right, and are coming from a place of upset, they can just do something that's stupid without holding this like whole word for the rest of their life. You're 14, you're racist and forever. You're a racist. That's harsh. Yeah, you don't recover from that. Yeah. Well, especially today. Today, nobody wants anybody to recover from anything. That's right. They want to know that you're dead.
Starting point is 00:23:49 Yeah, it's over. Your career is done. Your life is over. You've said the wrong thing. You've done the wrong thing. I mean, obviously, there's some reasons for some people to be punished. Like Harvey Weinstein is a perfect example. That guy should be in jail.
Starting point is 00:24:03 Of course. For sure. This is rape. He's a rapist. Yeah. That guy should be in jail. Of course. For sure. This is rape. He's a rapist. Yeah. This is rape. At least alleged rapist. For sure, he's done a lot of horrible shit.
Starting point is 00:24:12 Correct. But then there's people that like... What did Samantha Bee say today? She called Ivanka a cunt? Yeah. Yeah. Exactly. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:20 What happens there? Think she gets in trouble? I bet she doesn't. She's not going to get in trouble. I bet she doesn't because this is left wing. She's left wing. It's okay. It's a safe space to say sorry on the left.
Starting point is 00:24:29 Have you seen some of the shit that Keith Oberman has said about Trump? He's got a job at ESPN. They don't care. There are fucking so many tweets that he put out that are crazy, calling Trump a Nazi and fuck you. Think about what people say about Ben ben carson and and black conservatives we get called ben carson was literally called a porch monkey you know and that's totally fine he's black it doesn't matter they've like who created this system who is it that did it though it wasn't
Starting point is 00:24:55 like a famous person no it was a famous person absolutely called a famous black person famous black person yeah that's a that's like if i call a guy gu guinea. Yeah, but it's a porch monkey is like I don't care who it's coming from, right? Yeah, but black people are allowed to say racist shit to other black people. But is that okay? It's not okay. None of it's okay. Like the Uncle Toms, the Coons, the stuff that... But we got weird laws
Starting point is 00:25:17 or rules culturally. And I don't like those laws and rules, so I push back. I hear you. I agree. It's definitely hypocritical. Like someone was saying there's a tweet that I retweeted today. That Smallville girl, that Smallville show is still on the air. And that girl is apparently she's admitted to sex trafficking and that some of it was her idea.
Starting point is 00:25:39 I read this. Smallville still on the air and they're pulling Roseanne from Hulu. Right. Roseanne swears she did not know that lady was black. Right. She swears. I mean, she doesn't look like, if you don't. Allison Mack says branding the sex slaves was her idea.
Starting point is 00:25:56 Branding them. Nice, Allison. That means like burning a logo into their bodies. Right. What is wrong with that? I don't know enough about that story. Right. But that bitch must be off the don't know enough about that story. Right. But that bitch
Starting point is 00:26:05 must be off the charts. She's crazy. Yeah. But it's only acceptable like if you have any ties whatsoever to conservative thought if you have even like
Starting point is 00:26:15 liked a tweet that Trump sent out like forget about it. Forget about it. Well I'm not even conservative but I have conservative people on and people call me alt-right and all this crazy shit. They're just looking to silence and label.
Starting point is 00:26:29 Right. They're obsessed with labels. And I hate that. I hate the idea that you can't say something like they were literally, I mean, everyone piled in, every celebrity on the sun piled in when I tweeted a couple of weeks ago that I was having a conversation. I don't know if you saw this. I was like, I was having a conversation at lunch. Because I've just been observing Chelsea Handler.
Starting point is 00:26:46 I just think she's a weird person. Like, I don't know what happened because I used to really like her, like, you know, 10 years ago. That's when you were liberal. Yeah. But when she had her show, like, she was not politically correct. I mean, I don't know if anybody remembers the show Chelsea Lately. But she was making fun of everybody. And now with the era of Trump she's like something's weird
Starting point is 00:27:05 well she's getting older and I think she wants to be an activist now and I think she's looking for more meaning and importance because she doesn't have a family or children and I tweet that oh you tweeted that? I tweeted that I was going to not say that so I tweet that I'm like I'm talking to
Starting point is 00:27:21 like a friend at lunch I was and we were talking about like why some of these like older women have just gone bonkers. And, you know, my friend made a comment. She's like, if you don't like use your eggs, they scramble. Like just saying like these. Oh, shit. That my friend said. But I didn't even tweet that.
Starting point is 00:27:38 I didn't tweet that. Your friend should put that shit on a t-shirt. It's really funny. If you don't use your eggs, they scramble. So I was like cracking up. I know. But there's something there. Right. It know. But there's something there, right? There's something there. It's not politically correct,
Starting point is 00:27:48 but I observed the pattern of Kathy Griffin. I observed the pattern of Chelsea Handler and Sarah Silverman on the fence. Not as bad, but in that neighborhood. So I tweet out, do you think there's something associated between women who don't have children and they need something to nurture and foster and try to raise? And in this sense, it's
Starting point is 00:28:03 society. They are just trying to parent the hell out of society. Do you think Sarah does that? Sarah goes back and forth. She's a kind person. She's a kind person, but there's something like once in a while, I'm just like, what? I did actually go back and I said, you know what, Sarah? I shouldn't put you in the same category as Kathy and Chelsea. But it's like they're're like obsessed with like everything
Starting point is 00:28:26 and they're completely wrong and educated about everything and yet they they think they can say whatever they want so i tweet this and i mean everyone was like you delete like delete the tree like l like ellen um the ellen shows producers like i mean jake tapper like delete the tweet i was like i'm not deleting jake tapper jake jake tap jumps jake tapper Tapper told you to delete? Jake Tapper jumps into this. He said, literally, so I tweet this. It has nothing to do with Trump, anybody. He's like, this is the girl who supports Trump and works for Turning Point
Starting point is 00:28:55 USA, which loves Trump. I'm like, what is the weirdest logical jump ever? Jake Tapper said that? Yeah. And I just like, I'm like, Jake, stop yourself. Come on. And everyone was just like, delete the tweet. And I was and I was just like how about what was the actual wording of the tweet? I think my exact words were at lunch with a friend Talking about like how bizarre? Chelsea handler Kathy Griffin and Sarah silver and so if Sarah someone just tweeted something like pro ms-13
Starting point is 00:29:20 It was like the whole Israel like it was bizarre You know and how crazy they've gotten and then I just said like do you think that something really happens to women if they don't have children? And that was just a question. Isn't that bizarre that that's such a hot spot? You're going after the soft spot on them. You leave them alone. They're on our team. Right.
Starting point is 00:29:39 But you can say anything about like Sarah Huckabee Sanders. That's what I said. I was like, imagine you can say anything to Ivanka. This girl's not even going to lose her job. Right. And she can say anything about Sarah Huckabee Sanders. That's what I said. I was like, imagine you can say anything to Ivanka. This girl's not even going to lose her job. That's true. And she can say anything to Ivanka. You can say anything to Sarah Sanders. Anything to anybody.
Starting point is 00:29:50 To me. Anybody that supports Trump. It doesn't matter. But then these women who literally go after these people. The amount of vitriol that Chelsea Handler has thrown to Ivanka. To every single woman in the world. Chrissy Teigen's also a net. She's just angry.
Starting point is 00:30:04 Hate, hate, hate. And then like you say one thing about them and like they're like, how could you even question? How could you even ask the question if it's because they don't have kids? And I'm like, the fact that you guys are so outraged makes me sort of think that, you know. Might be a point there. Yeah, a little bit. And I didn't delete the tweet. If you didn't have any point at all, it wouldn't work.
Starting point is 00:30:23 Right. And that way. It would just be like stupid that way, no one would be upset at you. They're like, look at this person. She doesn't know what the fuck she's talking about. And I tweeted that. I was like, there's got to be something here because you guys are all losing your minds. You know? So Sarah Silverman responded.
Starting point is 00:30:35 Kathy Griffin was like, they went nuts. This was like a full on like. Well, Kathy Griffin is so happy someone's talking about her. I know. I know. She's like, yeah, but she's bizarre. And they've gotten bizarre. And at one point, these people, to me, were funny.
Starting point is 00:30:47 And something sort of just happened. And like Trump is the means. Like whatever they're going through in life, the outlet is Trump and anybody that likes Trump. Well, people think there's a cultural war going on. There most certainly is. There is, for sure. But, you know, so they feel like they're on a side and they have to, you know, they're
Starting point is 00:31:04 going to lob grenades. Right. They're in the war. Yeah. And it gives people, it also gives people a sense of purpose. Yeah. Like that engaging in these Twitter fights somehow or another is like reinforcing the good behavior and shutting down the bad behavior.
Starting point is 00:31:16 Right. I don't necessarily believe that. I, even if I don't agree with someone online, I very rarely tweet about them. Yeah. I'm not, I just, I feel like I try at this stage in my life to avoid conflict as much as possible unless it comes to writing jokes sometimes some people got to get they got to take the hit I know usually when I go after someone like I mean I'm not that phase in my life where
Starting point is 00:31:39 it's all peace like I'm definitely a person that'll just say something but usually it's just in like, that's what I thought. Like, I, you know, it's, it's not as thoughtful. Like,
Starting point is 00:31:47 and people are like back down or you can't like, you know, like this morning or yesterday, like Ben Shapiro and I got into like a little spat and we actually like each other, but like, I just, I'm genuinely annoyed by his behavior online. Like I,
Starting point is 00:31:58 it's genuine. Yeah. I just find him to be like, like, and by the way, I like him. Like, that's the thing that's bizarre is like,
Starting point is 00:32:03 I think people think there's much more like hate between us than there is. It's like, nah, it's just like genuinely like I read his tweets and I'm like, and by the way, I like him. That's the thing that's bizarre. I think people think there's much more hate between us than there is. It's not. It's just genuinely like I read your tweets and I'm like, dude, just shut up. What did he say? What did he say that made you say that? It's just like the little petty things that he throws at Trump sometimes that are so unnecessary. Oh, you're sticking up for Trump. Well, no, it's not even Trump.
Starting point is 00:32:18 It's like Kim Kardashian goes to get Alice Marie Johnson. She's been fighting for this for years. She put all of her money into a legal team to do this. Like, and that's not the only case she's been working on, like actually trying to help these people get clemency. And she takes a picture and he's like, he says something just very Ben Shapiro-y. It was like, we should not be worshiping,
Starting point is 00:32:37 but I don't think he's worshiping, taking a meeting with congratulations, not worshiping a celebrity. That's a little extreme of an analysis for a meeting. And the picture is taken, like, you know, I visited the president. There's a full-time photographer
Starting point is 00:32:48 and every person that meets the president, you get a picture in the Oval Office. It's like a part of the system. And yeah, so I was just like, dude, shut up.
Starting point is 00:32:57 Like, you know, like I didn't say shut up. I said like, essentially. Well, he's got a good point in a way. We really shouldn't be worshipping celebrity
Starting point is 00:33:04 for the sake of celebrity, and especially reality show celebrity. Right. I mean, it doesn't mean that she couldn't have a very valid point about prison reform.
Starting point is 00:33:13 That's what I'm saying. That's what I'm saying. She wasn't like, I think he said something like, we shouldn't allow celebrities to shape policy. She didn't go there to shape policy.
Starting point is 00:33:20 She literally had a case that she's been trying to get pardoned. The only person that can do that happens to be President Donald Trump. It's actually, you know, what she's trying to do is actually very honorable. That's what I said. I said, listen, like, and she's been working on it for a year. She's actually into this now. Like she's into this, like prison reform. And I'm
Starting point is 00:33:36 passionate about it. Like I grew up seeing my uncles in prison. So like for me, the only time that I like snap back at anyone is if it's something that I care about. And obviously, like I really am passionate about black America. I'm really passionate about the changes that can happen for black America. And prison reform is something I'm really passionate about. So I've been observing like how hard Jared Kushner's been working on this, how hard Ivanka has been working on this, and have really understood what they're trying to do. Like, you know, I went to the prison reform summit a couple like, you know, a month ago, and Kim, in this, she doesn't even like agree with Trump on a lot of stuff. She's thrown,
Starting point is 00:34:05 you know, some shade at him, but this is something that's Alice Marie Johnson case. She was doing before Trump got into office. You know what I love about the picture of her and him? What? She's like, wait the fuck over here.
Starting point is 00:34:13 Yeah. If I was taking a picture with Donald, I'd be hugging her. I'd be like, what's up? I'd be like, ha. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:20 But she, she cares about just the case. But look how far away she is from him. Look at her. Yeah. Look at all that air. Look at all that air. Look at all that air between the two of them. I will say it is awkward, though, because his desk is a lot lower than you realize.
Starting point is 00:34:32 That's actually a little closer than I thought it was. You either have to stand up straight like she's standing or bend like I bent when I was in there, which is also kind of weird, too. So you see people either like this or they're like this, and there's no in between. We could do like 1950s movie star picture like this. Yeah. Like lean.
Starting point is 00:34:49 Exactly. That's what I should have done. Yeah. Actually she's closer than I thought she was. I felt like maybe I put it in my own head. She actually looks
Starting point is 00:34:56 pretty goddamn good right there. She's gorgeous by the way. She doesn't look anything like she used to look but whoever did that. Nobody does nowadays. Nobody does. Mr. Surgeon surgeon you did some
Starting point is 00:35:05 fucking awesome work she's plump yeah it's good looks good yeah but i guess the question is can a celebrity do a good act you know and sure yeah of course the answer is yes well i mean that's that's what chelsea handler is trying to do i mean that's like she's donating but she really is she donated a million dollars to uh puerto rico oh right. Which is good. Yeah. That's good. That should be celebrated. That's what she's trying to do with all of her money now. She doesn't even give a fuck about show business anymore. Which is good.
Starting point is 00:35:31 All of that stuff, when they do stuff like that, it's great and it's honorable. But the stuff that I hate that celebrities do and which I differentiate from, and I guess this confuses people, is when they just give their opinion at the Emm know at like the emmys and they're on stage just like teaching all of us about how wrong you know our opinions are it's like i don't need the celebrity grandstanding like yeah you know if there's an issue you care about other than the fact that people disagree with you then sure do that if you care about like ashton kutcher going after sex trafficking celebrate that that's cool like kim kardashian going over um after crime justice reform celebrate that that's cool but when you get these celebrities that just get up there and try to deliver a tearjerker,
Starting point is 00:36:07 it's like, shut up. Literally nobody cares what you think. Well, they care enough that that person's got that platform and they feel like this is their opportunity to say something significant. And also, they're for sure 100% virtue signaling. Yeah. 100% letting everybody know how moral and ethical they are. Even if they are.
Starting point is 00:36:28 I mean, this is just those fucking award shows are weird as shit. They're weird. It's weird. You should go up there and you should say, thank you. Thanks a lot. This is awesome. Thank you. Thank you to the man upstairs.
Starting point is 00:36:41 Thank you, Odin. Thank you, Thor. Yeah. Remember the days when they used to do that? Yeah. They used to say a couple of names of producers, come up with a little piece of paper, and then they used to always thank the man upstairs. You know who fucked us?
Starting point is 00:36:51 And they used to go down. Now they have the face and the emotion. You know who did it? You know who started it off? Who started this? Marlon motherfucking Brando. Really? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:58 In between having sex with everyone, Marlon Brando apparently fucked Richard Pryor. Who else did he fuck? He fucked a bunch of different people. I've read this. Guys. Famous dudes. Was one Marvin Gaye?
Starting point is 00:37:11 Am I making that up completely? Yeah, I think it was Marvin Gaye. I think one was, it was said it was Marvin Gaye, but it's,
Starting point is 00:37:15 you know, it's most humorous. Pryor's wife admitted it, which to me is a huge Pryor fan. That was a spike through the heart. Quincy said he would
Starting point is 00:37:22 fuck anything in quotes. Yeah, I bet he would. if he fucked Richard Pryor I mean what the hell yeah he started this so he started this because
Starting point is 00:37:32 when he won the Academy Award for I want to say it was Apocalypse Now he had a Native American guy go on stage
Starting point is 00:37:40 and take it in his place to highlight the plight of Native Americans maybe it was a different movie but it was it became his big to highlight the plight of Native Americans. Maybe it was a different movie. But it became his big political speech. Marlon Brando was crazy. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:50 For The Godfather. The Godfather. Thank you. So he had this guy go up and accept the award in his place and give some speech. It was a woman? Yeah. Oh, okay. So then it just became like a culture of trying to one-up each other.
Starting point is 00:38:02 Is that what's going on? I don't even know if it really was him. But I just know that that was a big one. It's unbearable. It's a little a little odd yeah and i can't stand it it drives me insane but that's a huge difference that doesn't mean that i think that celebrities can't do good in the world it's just that like the celebrity grandstanding give me some volume on this jamie unbearable look at roger moore looking all good oh so this woman hold on go back to. Marlon Brando, the Godfather. And so now.
Starting point is 00:38:34 Accepting the award for Marlon Brando and the Godfather, Miss Sashene Littlefeather. Littlefeather. Her name's Littlefeather. Holy shit. And look at them. They're like, we can't say shit. Even back then, nobody knew what to do. She's hot as fuck.
Starting point is 00:38:55 She's really pretty. I'm like really uncomfortable. long speech which I cannot share with you presently because of time, but I will be glad to share with the press afterwards. I'm like really uncomfortable. I'm very regretful. I cannot accept this very generous award. And the reasons for this being are the treatment of American Indians today by the film industry, excuse me, and on television in movie reruns and also with recent happenings at Wounded Knee. I beg at this time that I have not intruded upon this evening and that we will, in the future, our hearts and our understandings will meet with love. Wounded Knee?
Starting point is 00:39:55 Pause for a second. Isn't that what was going on just a... Isn't that the same place where a couple years ago... No, that wasn't Wounded Knee. What was that? Standing Rock. Right, okay. Yeah. Oh, crazy. that wasn't Wounded Knee. What was that? Standing Rock. Yeah. Standing Rock, Wounded Knee. Wow, I did not know that.
Starting point is 00:40:11 Heavy Head. This is where it all began. I don't even know if that's right. People have just been trying to one-up each other. And Oprah won. She came around the perfect time. She was like, yes. NBC wrote, this is our president.
Starting point is 00:40:26 Right. It was like. They tweeted it. It's insane. It's like they're not even pretending, which I appreciate now. They're not pretending to be the news anymore. Like, you know, they're just like, we hate Trump and we are the propaganda machine that will tell you, you know.
Starting point is 00:40:38 It was NBC on Twitter. It was just the NBC Twitter. It said something like. It was. I saw it. I saw it. It was an amazing speech by our president. I was just like, Twitter. It said something like, you know, something amazing speech by our president. I was just like, wow.
Starting point is 00:40:46 Yeah. Wow. And then everyone was like, it was like the opposite of outrage culture, which I don't even know what it is. Run, run, run. You have to run because like he gave a speech. The woman who brought you the secret and Dr. Oz. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:57 It's just like, I can't take anything seriously anymore. So. Well, there's things to be taken seriously, but celebrities probably aren't on that list. Yeah, it's hard. So Ben Shapiro's right. Yeah. No, well, he's right about this, but he was trying to correlate what Kim did with Alice Marie Johnson with that.
Starting point is 00:41:13 And I'm like, come on, man. That's totally different. And just in general, sometimes he just gets a little hall monitor for me. Well, he can't help himself. I know. He's a funny guy. He's very snarky. I like him a lot.
Starting point is 00:41:24 I like him too. That's the know. He's a funny guy. He's very snarky. I like him a lot. I like him too. That's the thing. We actually really get along. But the hall monitor, I know these types in school. I was in their classes. They're just late to school. The last person you want to see is the hall monitor. The idea that she would be late.
Starting point is 00:41:41 She's writing you a pink slip. It's like, Ben, just give me the pink slip, dude. That just gives to me, Ben. All right? Like, right? Like, you know, this is a gateway to Saturday school. Like, it's just like. That's a good impression of him.
Starting point is 00:41:52 It's just, it's so bad. You got to talk a little faster, though. Yeah. He talks so fast, you can't even understand what he's saying. What he's saying sometimes, yeah. You're like, I can't do that. How do you do that? How do you do that?
Starting point is 00:41:59 I can't do that. And he's doing it sober. He's not like. No. There's some dudes who do that. They're all Adderall'd up. Right. He's on the natch.
Starting point is 00:42:05 Yeah, he does that, man. But I like him. Like, I liked these kids in school. I'd just be like, you know, I was just the kid that was just like, kind of like more chill and like, I don't need to like, and sometimes when he just goes over stupid stuff,
Starting point is 00:42:15 it's like, but I do wonder like, if he's learning anymore. That's the one thing. Like, yeah, because he doesn't like to have like, it's like once he has an opinion, like I like to be, like to have conversations and I like to be wrong about the conversation because I don't know everything. I think that's kind of like why people love this podcast so much, because you're open to learning anything. Like you'll have people on this podcast.
Starting point is 00:42:34 You're like, who's he having? You know, because there's some there's always something that you can learn. There's always something that you don't understand that you don't know if you have an open mind, if you have an open mind. Right. something that you don't understand that you don't know if you have an open mind if you have an open mind yeah right and i think that in in many ways and that like sometimes he's just not open to learning about certain things and that somebody might know something about a culture beyond what he knows and it's just like nope that like the idea right like it's just drives me crazy but i think ben is really fucking smart and that's the problem that's the problem exactly
Starting point is 00:43:05 he thinks other people are stupid he thinks everyone is stupid yeah talk as fast as me yeah like you know like i hated like i got so annoyed with like the the kanye west like four seconds he like writes an article saying kanye west is just crazy i'm like who did this yeah and i wrote him an email i was just like dude like i understand that to you and the way that you've done your life this doesn't make sense right but this is actually really important for black people to see this. The Kanye West thing? It was the most important thing. Which thing was it?
Starting point is 00:43:30 Him, like, you know, him tweeting out, I love the way Canstone sings, but beyond that, saying that he openly supported the president. So I can see why Ben shuts something like that down initially, because to him, like, culture is not the way you talk about politics, right? Like, because he's by the book. But he has to understand that by the book is not the way people in the hood are being raised. By the book is not the way people in the projects are being raised. These people have had their families destroyed and decimated by the welfare system, right? The fathers aren't even at the homes. You know, the single motherhood rate jumped from 25% in 1965 to 74% today.
Starting point is 00:44:00 And so these kids turn to culture to father them. They turn to Jay-Z and Beyonce and hip hop and Kanye and to tell them what's right and what's wrong. So for so long, because the left has had a stranglehold on culture, they've had a stranglehold on black America. So the most significant thing that opened up this dialogue beyond the work that I was doing was this like simple tweet and this simple show of support from Kanye West. And I was so frustrated that he had to, he had to like in that moment, just write,
Starting point is 00:44:28 like dismiss him as crazy. It's just like, dude, like just be willing to learn, like, you know, just be willing to say like, I don't understand why the hell this is the way that this is black people
Starting point is 00:44:36 willing to talk about politics. Right. But maybe there's something here. And I always understood that culture was the most important vertical. When Charlie and I first met and we sat down I defined three I don't know who Charlie is. Charlie mentioned him a couple times. I don't know who Charlie Kirk is. Okay, so Charlie Kirk is like this 18 year old like we started Turning Point USA who I worked for when he was 18 and He is like a savant they call him like Trump's boy wonder like he's a brilliant
Starting point is 00:45:00 If you want to talk about like smart beyond like it the smartest i know is charlie kirk hands down and he's only 24 um he didn't he didn't go to college just like i don't know just like was reading weird stuff when he was seven you know i don't know like just like things that everyone's like oh yeah i just read that thomas soul he's like yes i read it when i was six you know i'm like what am i trying could you not say that could you be cool but so um when charlie and i met and i like i told him like my plan to sort of help black America and to wake them up because I understood how we had fallen victim to this brainwash. What brainwash is that? The leftist dogma. There's this idea that because we're black, we have to vote Democrat.
Starting point is 00:45:33 And anybody that is not a Democrat is racist and against helping us. That is like what so many black Americans believe. I believed it. I believed it. You know what I mean? So and I'm a pretty smart girl. You know, I've always been a very smart girl. I've always been, you know, I've so and I'm a pretty smart girl you know I've always been a very smart girl I've always I've always been you know I've excelled um in in academics right so
Starting point is 00:45:49 how did I fall victim to it the exact same system right these three verticals the first being the family the breakdown of the family the second one um being culture which then to me like growing up it was like Jay-Z like Jay-Z was God to me like I like would throw on like I was you know I went through a lot of stuff when I was a kid I didn't have a great family um you know um but I would throw on a Jay-Z album and like whatever he said was like it was like going to church you know um and then and I can't stand him now but the third vertical you can't stand him now no because he knows exactly what he's doing and he's a traitor but the third vertical being education which was what a casual aside he's a traitor yeah it's like like Beyonce because he knows what's happening to black America. And he's somebody that built his entire career off the backs of black America, you know, of being the guy who started in the hood in in, you know, Queens and worked, you know, was a drug dealer and worked his way up and he became the idol for some people in black America. And then he stands on stage and endorses Hillary Clinton.
Starting point is 00:46:43 Bill in black America. And then he stands on stage and endorses Hillary Clinton. He stands on stage and tells black America to put the same people in the White House that locked up more black men than any president history of the United States, Bill Clinton, right? The person that stands on the crime bill of 94 is Bill Clinton. But because Jay-Z is now focused on getting a piece of the pie, the globalist piece of the pie, he doesn't care about black America. That's my opinion. So what- Do you think that's what it was? Or do you think that maybe he thought that Donald Trump represented a lot of racist white people? No. He didn't want that in opinion. Um, so what do you think that's what it was? Or do you think that maybe he thought that Donald Trump represented a lot of racist white people? No,
Starting point is 00:47:07 he didn't want that. Oh God, no, not even kind of, not for a single second. He's very smart. Do you speak to him? No,
Starting point is 00:47:16 I didn't speak to him. I just, I know. Okay. It's, there's a, it's a certain thing where like, I just,
Starting point is 00:47:20 I know that Jay-Z and Beyonce betrayed the black community. Like they are. So you think they did it purposely for financial gain? Yeah, I think that they were interested in having, they want to be the people that control the world. And they felt that Hillary Clinton, they were working with Obama very closely. And very clearly now we know that the Obama administration worked very hard to get Hillary Clinton to office. And they wanted to stay in that group. And so they supported Hillary Clinton,
Starting point is 00:47:47 who was selected behind closed doors, forget the American people, to be the next president of the United States. Yeah, selected certainly by the DNC. Yeah, 100%. But beyond that, it was in bed with Obama. She was our Secretary of State and she was doing deals behind closed doors. And Jay-Z and Beyonce were a part of that clique.
Starting point is 00:48:02 So they were a part of the celebrated celebrities that were allowed to go to the White House and they'd wear the ties and everybody would be taking photo ops. But it was a cool thing to be friends with Obama. Nobody wants to go to the White House and celebrities. It's hard to get celebrities to go with Trump. There's so much controversy attached to it. It could damage your career. They get attacked.
Starting point is 00:48:22 Look at Roseanne. They get attacked by people on the left and right. Part of what's happening with Roseanne is not just that she made a racist tweet. It's because she supports Trump. Even though she didn't know it was racist. She supports Trump. And then her character supports Trump. Correct.
Starting point is 00:48:34 And people were looking for something to hate her over. Right. And she handed it to them. You know? Well, it's just you stick your neck out in that way. Yeah. And you're just... People on the left, for sure, look at anyone who's a Trump supporter as an open target. Right. you stick your neck out in that way. People on the left for sure look at anyone who's a Trump
Starting point is 00:48:48 supporter as an open target. Even if they're a reasonable person. Even if they're a person who's kind and measured and very even keeled. Like Ivanka? The nicest person I think I've ever met is Ivanka Trump. And she never responds, never punches back. And look
Starting point is 00:49:04 how they treat her well that's how samantha b did it but yeah other people have gone after her too all the time they go after ivanka and i'm like she's like such a kind person but it's just because like her father is donald trump so it's open season it's it's it's that's that's why jake tapper jumps into a tweet about chelsea handler and tries to correlate trump it's like they're obsessed with people that like Trump. I like Trump. I don't know what else to say.
Starting point is 00:49:27 I like the guy. I think he's really funny. I took a photo of Jake Tapper on the news the day of the election. We did a podcast from the Comedy Store. We call it the End of the World Podcast with a bunch of people. Because we're like, whoever the fuck wins, it's the end of the world. So we had this live podcast. And I went into the green room afterwards to the end of the world right so we had this live podcast and uh i went into the
Starting point is 00:49:46 the green room afterwards to the comedian's bar and jake tapper was on tv and he was so bummed out and i took a photo of him like him on the screen you just like yeah like the sadness i remember his face he was he was really sad he was like a sad do you see if you can find it it's oh my god it's really so i think mike cernovich did the best, like he spliced together all the clips of just like, it was exceptional. The news anchors and the emotion that was coming out of them. He did some like- But the crazy thing is all of them that said he'll never win.
Starting point is 00:50:14 I know. He'll never win. And now we have that forever. Yeah. You know, it's forever. They laughed. They laughed. I remember there was a moment where like Ann Coulter, they said, so who do you have winning?
Starting point is 00:50:23 And she says, Donald Trump. And they broke into laughter. the cool kids yeah the cool kids at the um at the lunch table and that's really how they've been acting like they're not interested they think that they're the cool kids at the lunch table and they get to define what's cool and they're they're just having a rude awakening right now and it's beautiful to watch i love it i love everybody loves an upset too yeah people love an upset and then they also once their team gets in then they want to support their team so they fucked up by making it tribal they really did because you go tribal right versus left people go well fuck these guys fuck jake tamper i'm going on this side
Starting point is 00:50:58 that's my team now whoo ghost dealers and then that's what happens it's like it's like teams it's like sports fanatics right now it doesn't even matter like there's little sense anymore it's just like this is the team that i've pledged my life to and part of that is ego like yes you just spent how many months calling everybody racist sexist deplorable are you really gonna go man you know what i was wrong they have to hold on to something right and and i see that because like you know when i went to this um prison reform summit Van Jones was there and Donald Trump was speaking. And it was like love between them. It was love. This is the guy that said white lash, you know, right after the election. And he you know, but how can he go back from that? It's very hard to, you know, pedal backward from that.
Starting point is 00:51:39 So half of them are fake, in my opinion. I find them to be fake because I've seen them behind closed doors. They don't feel that animosity for the president cuz it's hard to he's really likable I mean like his presence when you meet him he's very aware of himself he's aware of the jokes that are being made about him he'll make the jokes about himself and yeah he's likable he's got he just has something about him what about like when he makes a tweet a Memorial Day right saying that the dead soldiers would be really happy to know how good the economy is doing and how black unemployment is the lowest it's ever been.
Starting point is 00:52:10 That shit was ridiculous. I actually missed that tweet. I'm just laughing because every time someone says a Trump tweet, I laugh. I just think it's funny. Well, someone wrote that he put the me in Memorial Day. There was an article about it. I'm telling you, man. It's so clueless.
Starting point is 00:52:26 We're going in a different direction. I predict in 2020, he's not going to go on stage. He's going to be here. He just wants to talk. And it's really hard. It's really hard for these people to speak. Because what happens is they go onto a stage. And the room, they love him.
Starting point is 00:52:39 Everyone loves him. Because he's really likable. You can't be in a room with Trump and not laugh and like him. Jake Tapper is wearing out his fingers right now tweeting about you. I know, I know. This crazy Candace.
Starting point is 00:52:49 But then they take away the clips and then they splice it up and they make it look like he said something bad. But what they're doing is it's a terrible game to play because you're not just lying on Trump,
Starting point is 00:52:57 you're lying on 50,000 people, you know, the thousands of people that are there to hear him speak, right? Like, so they're playing a game where then those people get pissed off. Wait a minute, you think they're playing a game where then those people get pissed off wait a minute you think they're playing a game where they're they're misinterpreting the things that he said he said plenty of shit but it's ridiculous the way they splice it up like for example when that like that that moment when he
Starting point is 00:53:16 says oh if this was the old days we take you we take you out to the back like you know do you remember that moment when he said while he was running and somebody was, you know, causing a circus in the crowd and like, he was like, get him out of here. And then the way they ran it, right? Like, oh, like in the old days when they used to like, you know, hang black people from trees. Like what? What? I think he literally meant that you used to be able to get your ass kicked.
Starting point is 00:53:38 Yeah. That's how they spin it. And then the same thing was like when he said to black people, what do you have to lose? Prior to that, he had listed every stat where quite literally you got 10 of it. You're like, I don't have anything to lose here, you know. But then they get that clip and they're like, oh, Trump is insulting black America. He's saying that they all live in. No, he's saying that statistically speaking, if you look at the people that live in the project,
Starting point is 00:53:56 look at the people that are in poverty. It is black America. So he's asking the current, the past administrations have not been serving you. What do you have to lose? asking the the current the past administrations have not been serving you what do you have to lose so it it frustrates me because it's like you see that um that they mix it up and they try to divide the country but at the end of the day unfortunately for them he's actually really likable and same for don trump jr like i mean they're they're really funny they're really likable and they're aware of themselves like they're in on the joke guys like well jamie was
Starting point is 00:54:23 telling me the other day that they made some video. What was the video that they made? See if you can find that video. It was really funny where they were all mocking themselves about that. What was it about? The Laurel and... Yeah, the two words. I actually haven't even heard the words that everyone was talking about. I haven't either. I'm like, fuck you.
Starting point is 00:54:40 I'm not paying attention to that stupid shit. I will not listen to the word. Which word do you hear? I don't care. I literally don't care. I didn't even listen to the word. But yeah, they made fun of themselves. Yeah, let's see it. We'll play it.
Starting point is 00:54:51 Kelly and Conway was the best. Give it to us from the beginning, young Jamie. Oh, this is a different one. That's a different one? No, the news put it up, so I've got to get the real one. Oh, okay, okay. It's hilarious that they have... I mean, this is actually a very clever thing to do.
Starting point is 00:55:07 But they're all like that. Like, Ivanka, they're all aware of the joke. They're in on it. They're going to hit you with an ad here, for sure. Do you got an ad blocker on? Yeah. You clever bastard. Here we go.
Starting point is 00:55:16 So clearly Laurel. It's Laurel. Definitely Laurel. It's Laurel. But Il. It's Laurel. But I could deflect and divert to Yanny if you need me to. Why does it do that? Why does it freeze like that? Yanny. Definitely Yanny. Yanny's...
Starting point is 00:55:34 I don't know, it's... Probably needs to win. It's a winner. Laurel's a loser. Sarah, it's been reported that you hear Laurel. How do you respond? Clearly you're getting your information from CNN because that's fake news. All I hear is yawning. Oh, man, that's Laurel.
Starting point is 00:55:50 Laurel. Stop this. What is wrong here? There's something going on today. The thing's messing up. What is messing up? The TriCaster? We got to do that thing we were talking about and fix that.
Starting point is 00:56:01 Anyway. The idea is that these people had the sense of humor and then trump at the end he's doing what is he saying who's he in i hear cofefe yeah come on that's funny yeah that's the thing is they're like like they are they're in on the joke and i think that people don't realize like how in on the joke they are like they're like he's aware that you say all this stuff about the fact that he tweets out and says all of this stuff right like like don trump jr is aware like that he's a billionaire son and that's what people say oh you're a billionaire son like they're so funny and that it's sad that people don't get to see that side so i actually do hope
Starting point is 00:56:39 that they all come on this show because it's people should actually see how hilarious they are and how aware of themselves they're like the most to me in my opinion the most likable relatable first family like of my lifetime like, you know I can't speak to anyone but they're so you didn't think that Obama and Michelle were likeable or relatable God. No, oh my god Are you Obama? Like you don't think he's likeable guys. You know, it's funny. I was at a dinner last night with people That came over from Cuba. And this woman said that when she first heard Obama speak, and she was way older, she broke down crying because it reminded her of the first time she heard Fidel Castro speak, which is a bizarre thing to say. I was just like, what? I don't know anything. I've never been to Cuba. And they got scared that America was going to turn into a communist country. It was with a bunch of Cubans.
Starting point is 00:57:23 What? Yeah, crazy, right? Like, it literally came out of their mouths. They might have PTSD. No, but what they say could be. It could be. But what they were saying was, like, the veneer of it all. Like, you know, it was, like, exactly what you wanted to hear Obama said in the perfect
Starting point is 00:57:40 tone, with the perfect hand mannerism, with, you know, with the, I don't know, the perfect inflection the perfect hand mannerism um with you know um with the i don't know the perfect inflection in his voice and there's something about that to me like especially the person that i am that just was super inauthentic and i'm not saying by the way obama won 2008 i cried like let's let's let me not be fake here like i was like i was like he's black i'm black everything's gonna be great you know um but uh you know as things went on and i was watching him it just everything seemed so fake and he wasn't really doing anything. So I just don't respond to that sort of a personality. I like people that are authentic.
Starting point is 00:58:12 And I think if that's why Trump coming in behind him was so relatable as a president, like there's this theory and it's a good one by Tamir Karan that why do like revolution revolutions take place unexpectedly? You could argue that right now America is having a revolution. We're not out there shooting each other, but there's an ideological revolution, a cultural war, if you want to call it, that's taking place. And to many people, this seems unexpected, right? Obama was in office and then like, whoa, went to Donald Trump, you know? And the theory is that when the public and the private of an individual, our personas get too far apart, a natural revolution takes place. And society really has just been so fake. I mean, like, everything offends you.
Starting point is 00:58:53 Everywhere you go, people get offended about people's hair. Like, literally, Kardashians will put their hair in braids and the whole internet will explode saying that they need to pay tribute to Africa. Like, is it crazy? I'm like, I have never in my life looked at someone's hair and felt emotional i'm just like whatever you're doing your hair is fine with me like if you took the time to do it it's fine with me but the idea is just that as a culture we've become so fake do you think that's fake i think there's people just looking and get angry at things i think it's particularly the braids thing it's fake it's fake it's 100 there's no person that can tell me that like the first time they saw a braid on someone's
Starting point is 00:59:26 hair and upset them. But then somebody told them that they should be upset. But like privately when they're at home, do you really think that they get upset when they're watching TV? Yes, I think they do. I think there's some people that get upset at a lot of stupid shit. I just don't think, I don't think they're inauthentic with their being upset. I just think their focus and their anger is just misguided and dumb.
Starting point is 00:59:44 Yeah. Maybe it's the dumb part. Maybe it is just misguided and dumb. Yeah. Maybe, maybe it's the dumb part. Maybe it's just when it gets too dumb. When you know they were going after people with hoop earrings and shit. It's like crazy. Like Bantubrage, you need to pay tribute to the island of Jamaica. I'm like, first off, like you've got to be a really inspired person to even look up why you're offended.
Starting point is 00:59:58 Like that takes a lot of research. Like who's researching, like who started the Bantubnot? Like who's, who started the cornrowube Not? Who started the Cornrow? I'm like, you've got a lot of time on your hands. For me personally, if I could just not have to research why I'm offended and have a little more time. Corona mass ejections. Boom. Power grid goes down.
Starting point is 01:00:16 Lightning storms. Million times greater than anything anyone's ever known. And we wouldn't be worrying about braids anymore. I know. It's insane. It's too easy. It's too easy. It's too easy to live.
Starting point is 01:00:24 There's no wolves in the street. There's no humor either. And that's another thing. It's like, especially like you, a former stand-up comedian, right? I'm current. How dare you? But do you tour and do you do comedy? This fucking show is over.
Starting point is 01:00:36 Hang up on her. Yeah, constantly. Do you do comedy or do you just speak? I'm doing stand-up tonight. Okay, so. Do you speak? I don't speak ever. Do I speak?
Starting point is 01:00:43 Speaking right now. Do I go places? You do that shit. I don't do that shit. I speak? Speaking right now. Do I go places? You do that shit. I don't do that shit. Do you do that shit? I don't know if the Joe Rogan show on the road could just be having conversations with the crowd. People love to talk to you. That's tiresome.
Starting point is 01:00:53 Yeah. I like to do stand up and then hide. How is it difficult when you're standing? You can't say anything anymore. It's like five seconds and your whole life can be over. You can. You just have to legitimately not give a fuck. Right.
Starting point is 01:01:04 And have a bunch of good friends that you really love and you surround yourself with be over. You can. You just have to legitimately not give a fuck and have a bunch of good friends that you really love and you surround yourself with loving people and you all support each other and then when people get mad at you, you go, eh.
Starting point is 01:01:12 That's what I do. People don't realize, I think they don't realize how little I care about their outrage. I always say to myself, I wonder if they knew how little I cared
Starting point is 01:01:19 if they'd actually write the article. If they actually knew how little I give a shit. Well, you care a little. You're still talking about Jake Tapper and Ben Shapiro. No, because I'm fascinated by it. I'm fascinated by that because like a jake tapper was like a day
Starting point is 01:01:28 where they all were just like ah and then like the next day his fist right now it was over yeah yeah and the next day it was over like you know like just now it's like ben shapiro it's like no one cares like i don't care i know ben doesn't care like ben i don't we like we're gonna see each other in one week like in in two weeks um in texas we're doing an event together like i see him all the time and i like him but like to Texas. We're doing an event together. I see them all the time, and I like them. But to everyone else, they're weighing in. So this is your business, though. You're in the business of politics now.
Starting point is 01:01:53 This is what I want to get to. How do you go from being a liberal who cried when Obama was elected? He's black, I'm black, yay. How do you go from that to being miss conservative poster girl right in 2018 because that's what you are 10 years later i guess yeah no you are like a lot of people that are conservative they love the fact that you're attractive you're smart you're articulate you're black and you you're fucking forceful with your thoughts and ideas and you push them through quick and you're not scared of pissing people off right and this is very exciting to conservative people that are on the
Starting point is 01:02:24 sidelines. It's like, we got a fucking great running back. We're going to win the Super Bowl this year. That's how they look at you. You're like a great soldier in the field. That's how people look at it. That's fun. I appreciate that.
Starting point is 01:02:37 So how do you go from that? What happens? So two things. So to reconcile what happened to me in high school. We got to that and then we got off track. Two things happened after. Two things. And I wanted to correct the world, I guess. I wanted to correct what had happened to me in high school. Right. We got to that and then we got off track. So two things happened after, right? Two things. That I wanted to do, that I wanted to correct the world, I guess.
Starting point is 01:02:48 I wanted to correct what had happened to me. So the first thing was I launched a website, like a blog for young girls that were going through things. I had gotten out of the eating disorder and I wanted to just give girls that may be going through something a way to write, right? So I build this blog, I do 180, I tell them they can write whatever they want. That was the first thing. The second thing that I wanted to do was to combat.
Starting point is 01:03:04 Like I felt, and I still feel in my soul that children today are growing up in a time that we, people can't, don't even stop to think about. We have 10 year olds that are killing themselves over Snapchat. Snapchat. Like someone posts a picture on Snapchat and they kill themselves. And no one has really thought about how much technology has negatively impacted the ability for a child to grow up. But they're concerned about the way they look like i used to babysit name to put myself um through some years of college
Starting point is 01:03:29 and um nannying for these kids they they're so they care about how they look when i was 10 like i like i didn't care how i looked i didn't even know how i looked i you know it's i definitely didn't i've seen the pictures right right so you know so and now we have kids so the second thing i wanted to do and i said i have this great idea that i'm going to build this project um and this is this is the the the social autopsy bit that the youtubers were freaking out about and they thought that it was a political machine and it was going to be to help children i'm not aware of this what is it so it never launched it was an idea that i had to build something that would be like screenshots of what people said online and like to put them in like a timeout.
Starting point is 01:04:07 So I literally were going around. We were meeting with high school like high schools and saying, like, we're thinking about building something for children that like. So instead of going to prison because you sent a mean tweet or a mean snap, like what if you just couldn't like try out for the football team? You know what I mean? Like what if like your teachers checked a database to see like how you're behaving online? Was it like naive going back like sure like I did but the idea that the the feedback that we were getting from principals was like first try on adults because like if this goes awry like to do this for children is like not going to be a great idea so I started kickstarter
Starting point is 01:04:38 saying that I'm raising money for this project to help you know combat online bullying like it was like a project that was so from the heart it was just like trying to rectify the wrongs that I felt were done for these kids that aggressed me, you know, in high school. And instead I end up in the middle of a firestorm again. It's unbelievable. I was like, God, really? Gamergate scandal. Like, do you know about this? You've spoken to my love. I know about Gamergate. Right. So I knew nothing about it. I wasn't a gamer. I wasn't online.
Starting point is 01:05:07 I wasn't in politics. I knew nothing about it. But I put this Kickstarter up saying, like, what we're doing is figuratively lifting the masks off of trolls. And the internet lost its mind. It lost its mind. And a girl named Zoe Quinn, who was patient one of the Gamergate scandal, calls me.
Starting point is 01:05:23 And at this point, she was working for Twitter as the official anti-harassment arm of Twitter. And she basically threatens me and tells me to kill the project. And I had no idea at the bread and butter of the Gamergate scandal. And she called you on the phone. She called me on the phone. She contacted me via Twitter. And what were her words that you're saying were threatening? First, she started off with like, I'm the girl that was the victim of Gamergate.
Starting point is 01:05:42 And instantly to me, it was off. People don't wear victim like a badge. Like i knew this because i had gone through this in high school and she was like and i'm telling you why you need to kill your project immediately um uh because there are people you know there are that harass me and they will harass you if they find out about it i'm trying to save you like you know and i was kind of like you know i appreciate that a minute but like no thank you and then she got like you know increasingly like you have to kill this project and then she started crying it was like very bizarre phone call i'm super confused so your project was to take the
Starting point is 01:06:11 masks off trolls figuratively we never had built a technology we never like what we were saying like what we were going to literally do was archive okay facebook messages okay because kids on the internet will say mean shit mean shit. Yeah. Being ruthless. Yeah. Find their messages. Yeah. And archive it so that- Why did she have an issue with this? I don't understand.
Starting point is 01:06:29 Because my Kickstarter said, I guess I said a word that made them think that we were going to be able to unmask Twitter trolls. Like something that we had never even thought of. Like literally like
Starting point is 01:06:37 that we were going to be able to like build a technology. Like people who have like an egg and their name is fuck you. And now I'm going to be like that's Joe Rogan. Right, right, right. Like no. Like we did not build this. This is like crazy. Like we literally
Starting point is 01:06:47 had an idea. The world would probably be a better place if everybody did have to use their real name. I know. I actually am not opposed to that, but we weren't building it. You know, that was the point. Why was she opposed to it? That's why I'm so confused. Well, you know, the bread and butter of the Gamergate scandal is that people say she harassed herself. Okay. I didn't know this. I just hung up the phone with her. Yeah. I hung up the phone with her, and she was like, if you go through with this project, these were her last words, you're going to ruin everything. Crying, it hangs up the phone. I was like, what a weird...
Starting point is 01:07:14 Wait a minute. So you're saying that people think, this is all allegedly... This is the Gamergate scandal. That she harassed herself in order to get attention. And the left media helped her and launched like a thousand charities. Like all of these girls harassed themselves. This is like literally why my world. I know some people have definitely harassed themselves.
Starting point is 01:07:31 Yes. And she was the first person that this like started with. And every one of these gamers, like mind you, I'm not a gamer. I'm just telling you the two sides that I walked into. I didn't know. So I hung up the phone with her and I sent a tweet that was like, don't know who Zoe Quinn is. I can tell you this girl has never been harassed. And the world breaks.
Starting point is 01:07:47 Whoa. Okay. But see, but what I was going to say, to finish my sentence, I know some people have harassed themselves. They've faked it. Right. But way more people have actually been harassed. I'm sure.
Starting point is 01:07:57 I agree. I'm just saying that her in particular. So you said by talking to her, she's never been harassed. 100. Dude, I know. You really know for sure? I'm telling you, victims don't. You would never be like, I'm the victim of.
Starting point is 01:08:10 It's something that. People do do that. They do do that. They enjoy it. But here's the story. So I hang up the phone with her. I tweet this. Right.
Starting point is 01:08:17 Within one hour, we start getting inundated. Just like she said. She said, if you don't kill the project, mean Trump supporters are going to come after you and start harassing you. Like literally, like we're getting like inundated with emails that say like Bob at Trump And they're like, die. And we're die. Like if you go through it, like we're going to kill it. Just like the most, like I was like, well, this is kind of perfect. Right? Like you warned me. And then it happens like within an hour, like we had had no messages, nothing. And then all of a sudden I was full on like, and I was like, No, no, no, sweetheart, you did this, like, come on, you orchestrated this. And she had been accused of doing this like five times. It wasn't like
Starting point is 01:08:51 Milo and Breitbart were just covering all of the instances that people have accused her of like, she calls them, and then they get harassed. She calls them and then they get harassed. And I didn't give a I had no horse in the race. I don't care about you know, gamers, respectfully, I don't game, right? I didn't care about politics, you know, respectfully. At that time, I wasn't politicking. I just had a phone call with a girl. It was a little weird phone call. And then suddenly I was getting inundated with emails.
Starting point is 01:09:14 And you were just making YouTube videos at the time. No. I was literally, like, fully doing this degree 180 thing. And I was going to really try to build this high school, like, this thing to help kids. And everyone says, you docs, minors. Like, literally, like, we were building this platform so that children would never have to be like getting serious trouble for doing stupid stuff like via technology ever again.
Starting point is 01:09:30 How did she get your contact? She messaged me. I gave it to her. She messaged me on Twitter. Like she was like burnt witch or something. And I, I like it literally her, her handle was burnt rich.
Starting point is 01:09:39 And like at that time I wasn't even like on Twitter. Like I had just made a Twitter profile and I see someone that has a check mark and it says like official, whatever handle of Twitter profile, and I see someone that has a checkmark, and it says official whatever handle of Twitter. So what seems more official than a checkmark? So I was like, here's my number. Call me. Would love to chat.
Starting point is 01:09:52 So you just thought you were going to have a conversation with someone. I had a conversation that maybe wanted to partner with me, because I'm like, oh, this girl's been harassed on the internet. Maybe she'll want to help kids. Alice in Wonderland. Totally insane Alice in Wonderland. And then like all of a sudden there's like a cat who's like smoking. So you think that someone orchestrated this attack?
Starting point is 01:10:13 One hundred percent. Fake Trump supporters that were going after you. Wasn't real. That was my like I was like, oh, how can we? We've been on Kickstarter for three days. No one has harassed us. You call me and tell me kill the project or I'm going to get harassed. I hang up the phone with you and an hour later we're getting
Starting point is 01:10:26 inundated with harassment people. And she was saying that you were going to get harassed by Trump supporters. Why did she say that? She didn't say Trump supporters. All of their addresses happened to be like Trump45 at Gmail, whatever it was. They would actually have weird porn handles. I don't know, weird handles.
Starting point is 01:10:41 I still have them. I'd have to pull it up. Why did she think that someone was going to harass you this I'm still confused She was just saying you're gonna unmask trolls Yeah And that's what she said like when the Gamergate people like these these anonymous men who were harassed people the people that harassed me When they see what you're working on they're gonna they're gonna freak out you can't do it. They've ruined my lives You know she's and then she started saying you're gonna get doxxed They're gonna find out where your parent lives and like literally after that, someone sent me a map and they had doxxed
Starting point is 01:11:06 my family, like my grandmother's, where she lives, my grandfather. It was just like... Exactly what she said was going to happen happens. Instantaneously after you contacting her. So you think that she did it? I know she did it. I've said this a thousand times. And then the second I said it, all of a sudden
Starting point is 01:11:21 the New York Magazine and the Washington Post tried to smear me. Instantly. Instantly. Is it possible that you're wrong? No. It's implausible. With the time frame of getting nobody messaging me, right, to her calling me, all of this flooding in, and then the New York Magazine... I was a girl on Kickstarter.
Starting point is 01:11:38 Why the hell is the Washington Post calling me after I tweet this girl harassed herself? The Washington Post, New York Magazine, the usual suspects, right? Like, now the usual suspects. At that time, I was like, oh harassed herself the Washington Post New York magazine the usual suspects right like they're like now the usual so I said that's how I was like oh great the Washington Post you know I was like totally an idiot um you know we're rushing to say like oh Candace got confused like it's it's it's been a long time internet conspiracy that Zoe Quinn's harassed herself and Candace got sucked in I'm like I don't even know what Gamergate is I don't
Starting point is 01:12:03 know who I don't even know this article so you had no idea that there was accusations that she had harassed herself. You just said, that girl never been harassed. One tweet. Gut instinct. One instinct. And I got in the middle of a cultural war and people were like, get in touch with Nero.
Starting point is 01:12:18 I'm like, who the fuck is Nero? It was Milo Yiannopoulos at the time. Like, get in touch. Like, you know, like you just like landed.
Starting point is 01:12:23 And then people that I thought were white nationalists, which was like Breitbart, was the only publication that was like, just like landed and then people that i thought were white nationalists which was like breitbart was the only publication that was like just telling the truth about what's happening like just saying like this girl jumped on kickstarter this like she's no like pulling no leg in this race to non-political i'm not and like this is what she says happened so it was just a it was a very bizarre situation but it changed my life because the people that I would have thought in that moment would have like come after me and said awful things about me or said like were the people that were very kind like you know at that time I would have said I was a liberal you know I would have said like you know I supported Bernie Sanders or Hillary Clinton you know whatever it was you know I wasn't politically
Starting point is 01:12:59 active and people that were like reaching down and just being kind were like mike cernovich who if i googled his name said it was he was like a white supremacist so it just was like a weird thing like my whole life just went like i was like okay so one interaction that's all it took it's yeah and a subsequent firestorm now is there ever been any proof at all that she's done what you think she did just a bunch of people saying the same thing that had nothing to do with one another in different situations and the media refusing to Well, it's
Starting point is 01:13:32 like one of those blame the victim things. Nobody wants to take a chance unless there's just overwhelming evidence. And she never responds. I've said it on a thousand things. She harassed her. She never responds. I stick by that. I'll never veer from that. But I always say that was my moment. this project that I had never even built out that changed everything. thought, you know, I was just believing in the background, you know, that anybody that CNN said this one interaction with one person that may or
Starting point is 01:14:11 may not be deceptive. Why would that make you switch political affiliation? I wasn't, it wasn't even switching. I wasn't politically active. I just like, if you had asked me, I would have said I was,
Starting point is 01:14:20 you know what I'm saying? Like I was never, I was never a girl like wearing a pussy hat outside. Like that's the thing that people don't understand. If, if pressed, no God, if pressed, I, never, I was never a girl like wearing a pussy hat outside. Like that's the thing that people don't understand. If, if pressed, no God, if pressed,
Starting point is 01:14:27 I, now that I, if you think of like where I'm at now and talking about how I hate labels, I was probably already a conservative, but I didn't give a shit about politics. I had a hundred thousand dollars in student loan debt and I was just trying to pay it back. That's it. That was my whole life.
Starting point is 01:14:40 There was nothing about politics, but at that moment it made me, it was forced to me to consider my political affiliations because I had me saying this. I'm saying like, you know, the New York magazine like tried to smear me. I say the Washington Post tried to smear me at the exact same time. Donald Trump is getting on a stage and he's saying they're fake news. It was just this divine moment. So how were they trying to smear you?
Starting point is 01:15:00 So they called me and pretended to be my friend. I'm like, I just want to know what happened. Like I told him the story. I gave him messages of like Zoe, the timestamps, the hate that I've been receiving. And then the articles that they wrote were like, I'm like, did I just have a conversation with you on the phone? Like insane stuff. Like, I mean, like, you know, the Washington Post actually, because I caught them in a lie. I recorded the conversation and the email of what she wrote didn't match.
Starting point is 01:15:24 They pulled the article i said if you run this article like i will sue you guys for libel and the manager pulled the article and he was like you're not even relevant or even important really we don't have to run this article yeah i have it all right i still have it they were ready to lie they were ready to lie what were they ready to lie about they were trying to make it they were trying to make it seem that i had like they were trying to figure out who was funding so like social autopsy well that was what that was the met like what the journalists were trying to figure out for whatever reason like who's helping you so when I refused to say names I just got that weird gut feeling on the phone like I'm like why are you like I'm telling you like this girl's been
Starting point is 01:15:55 harassing herself why are you trying to figure out like where I'm getting money from you know um and when I refused to answer the the girl was going to like lied and tried to say that I had said certain names that she was just trying to get like other anti-bullying like organizations to come out and say I was a liar, like say I was working with them. But I had never said any names to her on the phone. And somebody gave me a tip, like one of the anti, I'm not going to say the name of, they gave me a tip and said that, you know, they called and, you know, did you tell them this? And I was like, no, I was like, I literally had the recording., they called and, you know, did you tell them this? And I was like, no.
Starting point is 01:16:25 I was like, I literally had the recording. And they were like, you need to lawyer up. Like, the Washington Post is trying to smear you. But what was it that they said that you hadn't said? They were trying to say that they were basically going to try to get a really reputable anti-bullying company. Okay. To issue a strong statement against me calling me a liar. Okay.
Starting point is 01:16:43 To issue a strong statement against me calling me a liar. But this company, because I had been in touch with them, because I had been on the phone with them, had a sense that it just wasn't like they didn't feel good about the reporter either. So they gave me a heads up. I had actually recorded the conversation with the Washington Post. And what was in the conversation that they didn't want to print? They were going to print that like I said that this company, you know, was supporting me and they reached out to that company and that company denied it but i had never said that it was just a way to say that i was a liar but i never said it but you get what i'm saying conversation with the conversation oh there's like my instinct was just like record the conversation hashtag fake news yeah so so imagine like you go through
Starting point is 01:17:17 that and then donald trump gets on a stage and he's like the washington post is fake news jeff bezos like it was just like. Do you still order things from Amazon? I do. I do too. I freaking so know. It's awful. I love that one click. I know.
Starting point is 01:17:30 It's just amazing. I know. I shouldn't. I shouldn't. What do you need? Crazy glue? I know. Bam.
Starting point is 01:17:36 I hear there's another company coming out. What do you need? A lacrosse ball? Bam. One click. He's got us all. I know. I can't.
Starting point is 01:17:42 I buy a lot of shit off Amazon. I know. I know. I do too. I can't even deny it. So convenient. I know. I can't. I buy a lot of shit off Amazon. I know. I know. I do too. I can't even deny it. It's so convenient. I know. It shows.
Starting point is 01:17:47 It's there. When you get home, it's there. It's home too. Do you think he has anything to do with the Washington Post? Or did you just buy it? He does. He bought it. Do you think you just buy it?
Starting point is 01:17:55 Oh, come on. It's his personal diary now. You think so? Of course. Have you seen the stuff that they're publishing now? It's a joke. I subscribe to it online, meaning I pay to get it online. You pay for propaganda.
Starting point is 01:18:07 Well, occasionally I have a good story. I don't know if it's all of it's propaganda. I can't take any of their articles seriously. The stuff that they've run and that they've said, it's just like... Like what else? Just everything.
Starting point is 01:18:17 Everything? The stuff that... Have you read the Washington Post lately? What was the last good article? Let me ask you. What was the last that you thought this was a fair and balanced reporting job by Washington Post? They don't hate Trump.
Starting point is 01:18:28 They just want to report the news. That's a very difficult question because I read too many articles. I'd have to go back and see which one was actually from the Washington Post. What's the number one article on the top of the app today right now? Let's check out right now. That would be an interesting question. What do you think? Let's guess. Let's just take a guess. Trump. I'm going to go ahead and put that out there. Okay. I bet it's Roseanne.
Starting point is 01:18:43 No, it can't be Roseanne. She's not number one. It could be Roseanne because it put that out there. Okay. I bet it's Roseanne. No, it can't be Roseanne. She's not number one. Well, it could be Roseanne because it correlates to Trump. Maybe it's, what's her face? B. No, they're not. They're going to bury that story. They're going to bury Samantha B.? Okay.
Starting point is 01:18:53 Lin-Manuel Miranda's seat of power. Trump's metal tariffs trigger retaliation for Mexico. I win. Trade war. Yeah. But look at that. Samantha B. apologizes after White House condemnation for calling Ivanka Trump a vulgar word.
Starting point is 01:19:07 I went too. No, no, no, no. It's a picture with mine. But they're forgiving her. Are they? They're forgiving her in that. Just think of the headline. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:19:14 And she looks nice in that picture. Are they forgiving her? Yeah. They're going to forgive her. She apologizes after condemnation for calling Ivanka Trump a vulgar word. Why don't they just write cunt? How come they can't write that? Apologizes for airing the word.
Starting point is 01:19:28 Oh, they did it on TV? Wait a minute. Wait a minute. It was on a TV show. Cut the fucking shit. I was telling you before. Yeah, it was on TV. It's insane.
Starting point is 01:19:37 What? Yeah. TBS had to apologize too. TBS said cunt? No, it was on, her show's on TBS. But does it say cunt? Like the word? I think they just apologized for it. No, no, no her shows on TBS. But does it say cunt?
Starting point is 01:19:45 Like the word? I think they just apologized for it. No, no, no. I'm saying did they air the actual word or did they beep it? Oh, I don't know. That's a good question. Because you remember when Stephen Colbert, when he said that Trump uses, Putin uses Trump's mouth for his cock holster? Yeah, they've said like-
Starting point is 01:20:02 That shit's crazy. That's what I'm, I know. Like, that's what I'm saying. Imagine if you said that about Obama. They would lose've said like that shit's crazy. That's what I know. Like, that's what I'm saying. Imagine if you said that about Obama. They would lose their minds. Just imagine. Imagine if someone said that.
Starting point is 01:20:10 And the people that get it the worst are black conservatives. Like, we get the things that people say to us and what's bizarre now is like white liberals. Like, they just feel comfortable saying, I'm like, what?
Starting point is 01:20:19 Like, this is like so weird. They'll write and they'll say anything to me. Here it goes. TBS Network. Samantha Bee is taking the right action and apologizing. What? For the vile and inappropriate language she used about Ivanka Trump last night.
Starting point is 01:20:32 Those words should not have been aired. It was our mistake too and we regret it. What is this? I do not like the way they worded that. Right. She's taken the right action. So they have a positive action attributed to her before they condemn her negative words. When you read how they're going to interpret it, it's always going to be positive.
Starting point is 01:20:52 But she's not going to get fired. That's oddly positive. They're not going to fire her. No, because there's a double standard. There's a double standard. Well, they fired Roseanne when she had the number one show in the country. They just threw away a lot of money with that one. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:21:05 And also, you know, and did a lot of jobs for people that disagreed with her. Talk to Fox. They'll hook it up. I think she doesn't want to do it anymore. Talking to Roseanne personally, I think she was so worn out from doing that show. She's 66 years old. Oh, right. You know, and she's not in the best of health. And she told me she got bronchitis doing the show and she almost died.
Starting point is 01:21:26 She's like, I'm too fucking old for this shit. Right. I can't do this anyway. And they were wearing me out. I just wish that there was just a little more humanity. Like, and I'm not saying that it's just like I really fundamentally strongly dislike something about the outrage culture and the willingness to, like, forego the fact that she's a human being. And like, there's something about people that they believe that human beings are perfectible. Like and that.
Starting point is 01:21:51 Perfectible. Yeah. And I think that this is something the left has sold. The idea that it's perfectible, that you can like defeat racism with the right person in office, that you can like, you know, defeat sexism. You can defeat misogyny. And this is not possible. You can't defeat these things bad things
Starting point is 01:22:06 happen because human beings are constantly learning we're flawed right but don't you think that ultimately the direction that we're all moving in as human beings if you looked at human beings from 3 000 years ago to human beings of today we're moving in a general direction of a much more positive culture right racism like that it doesn't feel like that. It does to me. To me, it does too. Racism is negative. We both agree, right?
Starting point is 01:22:30 Right, 100%. Racism is a terrible thing. But it can't be depleted. But don't you think it can be shunned out of society slowly but surely if people realize there's repercussions for racism? No, repercussions, but then you're operating from a fear. That doesn't mean that you're not racist because you're afraid to say it. No, but people realize that it hurts know, it hurts people's feelings.
Starting point is 01:22:46 It causes all sorts of issues. No, human beings, especially when they're in, and I've learned this all the time, when they're in a spot where they're fundamentally unhappy, it's very easy for them to, you know, lash out. It is. someone who's just miserable, right? Who doesn't, you know, have, I don't know, the career, the girl, whatever it is, that person is much more likely to say something that's vitriolic. And that's just, that's the human condition. Like you're not happy. So you lash out at someone else. I agree with you. But don't you think that human beings in general are less racist today? Certainly less racist publicly in America than 1950. Oh my gosh. Yes.
Starting point is 01:23:25 No questions asked. So 68 years ago. Yeah. If we go back 68 years ago, the world has changed for the better. Oh, 100%. Like what? 100% in terms of like the social progress that we've made, especially in America. Do you think it's possible that 68 years from now we could at least come very close to eradicating
Starting point is 01:23:44 racism? Um, that's a very good question. So if you're talking about just America? Yes. Well, let's just go with America because let's just wrap it up because I don't know what the fuck's going on in China or wherever. I don't know. That's a tough ask.
Starting point is 01:23:58 There's some places where racism is just deep-seated and they accept it culturally. It's never going to go away. So that's why I say racism can't's why i say like racism never go away because they change it up because then they'll say americans are racist towards muslims right when you say that you're gonna do the muslim the muslim ban from certain countries and that's also considered like racism and not just like you know national security right so everything sort of becomes racism so the problem with racism is nobody knows what it means anymore. Everything's racist. The Starbucks situation, which to me
Starting point is 01:24:27 was not racist, was racist. Is that racism? The Starbucks that wasn't racist? You don't think that was racist? No. I don't think that was racist. So you think if those were white dudes hanging out in Starbucks not buying anything, just sitting down
Starting point is 01:24:43 minding their own business, that they would have got fucked with with the same exact energy? Okay, so let's play a different picture. So first off, I live in Philadelphia. I'm not kidding. I wonder if sometimes when I'm there, I'm like, I wonder if any white people live here. Like Philadelphia is like, it's 44% black, excluding Hispanic, 44% black. It's unbelievable. Everyone who works in my building, everyone's black.
Starting point is 01:25:04 It's like the weirdest thing. I'm like, this is a very black city, right? It's a bizarre city to be racist, outright racist in. You're dealing with black people all day. You remove that and then you think, to me, and I've seen this happen tons of times, is it possible that this guy was just on a power
Starting point is 01:25:19 trip? Power trips happen. I've seen it happen at the most bizarre places. I'm like, alright. The airport the other day, this woman gave me absolute hell at TSA. I mean seen it happen at the most bizarre places. And I'm like, all right, like the airport the other day, like this woman gave me absolute hell at TSA. I mean, it was like, I can't even recap. It was just absolute hell.
Starting point is 01:25:32 I could have walked away and said she was racist and she randomly selected my bag 22 times to go through and made me go through and miss my flight. Right. Or she was having a bad day and she was power tripping, you know, and then people have these little positions. It's like that, that movie where they go doorman, you know, like, and they have these little positions like the manager of Starbucks and, and then people have these little positions. It's like that, that movie where they go doorman, you know,
Starting point is 01:25:45 like, and they have these little positions like the manager of Starbucks and you're having an off day and these two kids that could have easily said, oh,
Starting point is 01:25:51 I'll buy a cookie, right? Like common decency, by the way, even for me, if I go use a bathroom at Starbucks, I'll just freaking buy a cookie
Starting point is 01:25:58 or a little like juice box or water, just something that makes me feel, all right, it's a little more civilized if I just buy something, even though I'm just here to use the bathroom.
Starting point is 01:26:07 Like, so on both ends, you got to pee real bad and there's a line right you go and then i i i'll probably sprint to the bathroom and then buy something afterwards i do that it's like a natural thing like it's a little more because of these guys you could just be a homeless person take a shower in the toilet it's because of outrage culture it's an outrage culture it's insane like my cousin who's half mexican half black had to go through this training and she works for starbucks it's like, it's to me, it's just insane. It's like, is it possible that this guy was power tripping? These kids were being like, you know, they could have just bought something and it could have been resolved.
Starting point is 01:26:33 But you have two people that are being stubborn and taking it to as far as possible. You know, talk about like hall monitor. Like, you know, these are the rules and it just got too far. Well, that could be a perspective. That is possible. But it's also possible that they were racially selected. Yeah. That someone was racist.
Starting point is 01:26:49 They looked at them and they said, these guys are black. Yeah. They're probably up to no good. We don't want them sitting around here and not buying anything. How long were they sitting there again for? Could you remind me? I don't know. Weren't they just waiting for their friend to?
Starting point is 01:27:00 The whole thing didn't make any sense. How long were they sitting there for? I want to say 45 minutes. But that's like until the cops got there like they probably weren't i mean how long does it take to get the cops to come in philly right so i'm just like if you were sitting there i feel it no i don't know i've never called the cops in philly but i do know that like philly is it's it's just a very it's a very black city yeah it's a very black city you know i was there with uh dave Rubin and Jordan Peterson. Jordan Peterson.
Starting point is 01:27:27 Yeah, you know, I opened for them and it's just, it's a, You opened for them? You do stand up? What are you doing?
Starting point is 01:27:31 Yeah, I should do stand up. I'd be good at it. You think? I'm funny. Come out tonight. I'll get you up. I'll do it.
Starting point is 01:27:36 Oh wait, no, I can't because I have a, I'm going to Wyoming right after this. Yeah? Yeah. Do you have any ideas
Starting point is 01:27:41 of what you would talk about if you went on stage? I don't know. I would be really funny, though. I'm like randomly really funny. Randomly is not good enough. I'm good at voices. Not when people pay.
Starting point is 01:27:49 No, I would be really good. I do really good voices, like really good. I'm funny. I'm inclined to believe that most people think they would do really good at stand-up are going to eat shit on stage. It's hard, yeah, because they get nervous. I can see that. It could be just like, I'm not funny anymore.
Starting point is 01:28:03 It seems like something it's not. I probably would be like a drinker if I was on stage I feel like I would be like that like stereotypical comedian that just gets completely sloshed and goes out just to try to loosen up the vibes yeah I think it's a really hard thing to try it to be funny in front of like a sold-out room I think it's important to be objective and I think it's important to to look at something for what it really is and I think it's highly possible that that Starbucks thing was racist I and I think it's important to look at something for what it really is and I think it's highly possible that that Starbucks thing was
Starting point is 01:28:28 racist. I see. I think it's highly possible but it wasn't. I think it's just as. It's just as. But because of outrate culture here we are. It's got to be racist. It's like yes the chances I'm just telling you like a lot of black people that come in. I work from the Starbucks. I'm writing a book. I work from Starbucks
Starting point is 01:28:43 all over Philadelphia. That's like what I do. Right? And it's just, I don't know if there's any white people in Philadelphia. I'm constantly trying to find. There definitely are. I did a show there recently. Yeah. A lot of white people.
Starting point is 01:28:52 What area of town were you in? I don't know. Was it in the Tower Theater? That's where we were. Yeah. It was a lot of black people. So there's inside your thing, but they probably commuted. Oh, the fuck?
Starting point is 01:29:00 Yeah, they did. Yeah. That drive to Tower Theater is boom. But outside where that is? Yeah. It's all black people. True or false? It's all boom. Yeah. It's a boom drive. So it's a bizarre place. Thank you. Yeah, it's all black people. True or false. It's all boom.
Starting point is 01:29:05 Yeah, so it's a bizarre place. Thank you. Yeah, it's rough. It's really rough. And that's what people don't understand. I'm like, dude, it's a weird place to come to if you're racist. It's really hard to be racist in Philadelphia because everyone's black. We went to the movies once, and we saw Planet of the Apes, actually, ironically, in a really black neighborhood.
Starting point is 01:29:24 And then I was there for the UFC. And it was me and, again, my friend Tommy from Connecticut. And we were looking for somewhere to go. And we went to this super black neighborhood. And it was a fucking blast. It was hilarious. Because I never go to all black movie theaters. But they were yelling shit at the screen.
Starting point is 01:29:43 I mean, it became like, there was the audience that was entertaining and there was a movie that entertained. There was one scene in the movie where the Planet of the Apes
Starting point is 01:29:52 got, what was the guy's name? Caesar got mad. He's like, oh, you fucked up now. Yeah, yeah, always, always. And everybody's like, ah! It's so vocal.
Starting point is 01:30:00 And we were barbecued. We were high out of our mind. So the whole thing was like extra hilarious. Black culture, this is the thing that's so funny because so much of what I do is inspired by this. It's just like people like this, I guess presentation of black people in the media,
Starting point is 01:30:13 it actually gets me mad because to me, and I could be biased, I think black people are like the most like funny, like we're so funny, so endearing. Like when I'm around my cousins, like there's not a better time that I can have when I'm around my family. We're not easily offended right? We're constantly making fun of each other making fun of other people like There's no one meaner black people are portrayed like victims like everything upsets us like we're just we feel so oppressed
Starting point is 01:30:37 And I'm like this is not like the the black community that I grew up in in my family And it's also not the the community, just like who we celebrate. Like I was watching, was it Chris Rock's stand-up, Bigger and Blacker? I watched that like from 1994. Classic. Like it is like the stuff that he said, he could never say today.
Starting point is 01:30:55 Just like, because that is black culture. Like he went there on every single race, every single culture, made fun of everybody, and it was beautiful. It was perfection. It was a sold-out Apollo Theater. He comes out and the first thing he says is like racial he's like oh white people in the back today you know what i mean and everyone gets up and starts cheering and then he starts making fun of black people about things that we need to fix right he's using like
Starting point is 01:31:16 it's he's being funny but he's also saying stuff that's real talking about that baby mama culture and the difference between like the white community he starts he's talking about school shootings it just like maybe it was columbine that just happened and he starts talking about that and nobody was sensitive nobody nobody in the audience was going the nra well that was a different time you know but i missed that time inundated with school shootings there's so many of them now that people are just twisted they don't know what to do right so i don't i don't know i don't agree with this is the problem with when you blame the nra no one in the nra has ever committed a school i know it's it's insane it's it's it's bizarre that people blame them but but there's an argument that there
Starting point is 01:31:54 should be tighter regulations on people with mental illness people with the slope is incredibly slippery for that it is slippery it's like it's something you can't define like it's it's it's too mental illness right yeah it's too slippery. So what does that mean? Does that mean if you go to one therapy session, it is so slippery, I don't like it. It's a dangerous way to go down. What do you think about having to be 21
Starting point is 01:32:15 to be able to buy a gun? I'm against it because you shouldn't be able to go get your limbs blown off overseas if you can't come back and defend your home. Totally against it. Well, that's a good argument that you shouldn't be able to go to war if you're not 21 either. Right. You know, I think the frontal cortex isn't developed until you're 25 years old. So who knows when you can make real good rational decisions for yourself.
Starting point is 01:32:36 And the idea is that if you take a 17-year-old kid fresh out of high school and send him overseas to put a gun in his hand, like he doesn't really know exactly what he's doing in the first place. Exactly. You're not making informed choices. You're just following the lead of the people that are in command. You're hoping that they're telling you the right thing to do. I think that's so bizarre to me is that we're sitting here and we're talking about the age, like as if guns were just created, like, you know, when in reality, right. But something's wrong, but what's wrong? It's not
Starting point is 01:33:00 the guns. I'm asking you, what do you think is wrong mental health right so i say i i agree with you but i think it's the deterioration of culture altogether like they used to be taught the bible in school like you know people people make fun of that now like now we've got this culture where you're making fun of kids like religion is like we're so far away from religion like that's like weird to us like you know like teaching religion is like it's you've got like a scarlet letter if you come in as like a holy Christian kid and like a normal public education thing. You've got the family structure where it's like these kids are running the houses these days. Like I look on like Facebook and it's like supposed to be funny when like a four-year-old is acting like Cardi B.
Starting point is 01:33:35 I'm like, okay, yes, it's funny because she's four, but it's also like not funny because she's four, right? How do you feel about Lil Tay? Who's Lil Tay? You don't know who Lil Tay is? I love Cardi B. I don't know who Lil Tay is. Who who little tay is little tay is kind of out of the news now because they found that it's a hustle she's a nine-year-old asian girl from what vancouver is that where it's from and uh she talks mad shit throws money around calls everybody bitches and haters yeah that's my point like this is considered like funny it's like entertaining like the fact that and and we're
Starting point is 01:34:03 okay with that and so parents are pushing their kids to be more outrageous because there's a way that they can make it. So to me, it's like- There is. Lil Tay spotted hanging out with Rick Rubin. It's not over. It's not over yet. It's not over.
Starting point is 01:34:13 Rick Rubin. Oh, she looks, look, she's- How old is she? She looks like she's- She's got double fingers. Oh, those are her hooks. And she's got the horns up and she's got a G-Wagon in front of her. It's just like the cash me outside girl.
Starting point is 01:34:24 Yep. Right? Yeah. So we don't talk about any of that. We's just like the cash me outside girl. Yep. Right? Yeah. So we don't talk about any of that. We don't talk about the fact that we no longer focus on family. We no longer focus on religion. It doesn't mean that everyone needs to be religious, but there's structure in religion. Right?
Starting point is 01:34:35 There's structure in me when I grew up and my grandpa used to make us read the Bible around the table. There was some structure to that and lessons and prayers. And then there's this mass the facebook the snap the snapping the the instagram the twitter it's like we've changed the world and expected children to say and stay the same of it and nobody talks about it so instead they say it's the gun's fault we need to be stricter gun gun legislation but the entire world has shifted we're not talking about those changes the dynamic of the world that has shifted so i i just hold a different position i you know i think it starts with family it starts
Starting point is 01:35:10 with structure i think we need we need religion back i think that that needs to stop being such a dirty word needs to stop being mocked roundly by the media like it shouldn't be funny you know when joy behar um you know says something about jesus and the whole audience giggles that's weird she says something about mike pence being mentally ill yeah because he talks to jesus think about how weird that is right like how weird that the stuff that we used to would be normal like you know praying talking to jesus like when i grew up that was like my grandparents generation that was everyone was religious and now we're so far away from that, right? That seems like it's okay to mock and we roundly mock it all the time.
Starting point is 01:35:48 So the structure in the home is, in my opinion, the most important thing that needs to change. The fact that so many people are growing up without fathers in the home is something that needs to change. Letting your kid have a Facebook account when they're seven, right? Like it's just too much.
Starting point is 01:36:01 It's the information age, but what information are they downloading? Well, I definitely think that people need structure. I definitely think that people need family and community and all those good things. But when it comes to religion, it's like,
Starting point is 01:36:12 which one is right? That's not being right. All of them. It's not about being right. What about, what about Scientology? No, like there's not,
Starting point is 01:36:19 I know I'm going to be honest. I know nothing about Scientology, so I'm not, I know that people hate Scientology. That's all I know about it. Created by a science fiction writer. OK. And it's all nonsense.
Starting point is 01:36:29 Right. That's all you need to know. OK. Yeah. So it's one of the dumbest religions of all time. If you read like what they are, what they stand for, what they're all about. Leah Remini, who was in it for years. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:36:39 I didn't watch her series. She'd been on my podcast and she explained her journey into it and what happened with it and when she started to question it and there's a whole thing um there's a um what is the fucking hbo documentary it's also the book the uh hbo on scientology the lawrence wright going clear going clear yeah yeah i read the book and i watched the the document it's like so crazy i know nothing about it besides like tom cruise i'm gonna be like i'm the book and i watched the the document it's like so crazy i know nothing about it besides like tom cruise i'm gonna be like i'm gonna be honest i'm totally ignorant yeah it's you know for some people here's the thing for some people it's structure and it's
Starting point is 01:37:14 helpful right ideologies are helpful sometimes because they give you like a like a format to live your life by or scaffolding to keep your moral beliefs inside of these boundaries and it helps you get ahead and you have purpose and decision making. But at the end of the day, it's a cult. Right, yeah. And there's a lot of them. There's a lot of different ones. So how do you decide?
Starting point is 01:37:36 It's not about deciding. It's just that there's something that comes from, I think, just learning certain lessons. It doesn't need to be – I'm not saying that we all need to like – So something from structure. From structure. Like the Bible used to be taught in school, objectively. It would be taught by people that,
Starting point is 01:37:48 you know, were not practicing Christians, right? Used to be taught in school objectively because there's still lessons that are timeless in these Bible stories. It's something to do with
Starting point is 01:37:56 whether or not you're, you don't need to then say, oh, and then we go to church and then we pray in school and all that stuff. You can almost extract that and try to teach these lessons objectively.
Starting point is 01:38:04 But what kids are learning now is like how to be an anarchist. Like, you know, feminism 101. And you're like actually fostering an angry culture by telling them at every turn if they should be outraged.
Starting point is 01:38:15 We are in outrage culture. And then you're surprised when somebody does something outrageous. Right. It's a little bizarre to me. It's like everything should piss you off.
Starting point is 01:38:26 Everything should make you angry angry everything should make you upset everything is unjust everything is oppressed and I don't know why this kid just shut up at school why was he so angry we're weird we're weirdly fake and no one wants to have the conversation
Starting point is 01:38:38 the shooting happens and everyone wants to talk about the NRA and then David Hogg is back on the news Jordan Peterson has some interesting ideas about religion and the fundamental beliefs and the lessons that are learned from things like the Bible and how they apply to human life and that our own belief systems without them, without these sort of structures and belief systems, is one of the things that leads civilization astray, and that it's done that before, and things go awry. Well, I actually had this debate with Charlie, and I did a panel down in D.C., and we were talking about whether, like, you know, the reintroduction of God and teaching him to school, and I said, like, at some point, there seems to be this struggle. I have this idea that, like, human beings, in a certain way, we're doomed to just keep
Starting point is 01:39:24 repeating history. I'm obsessed with Greek mythology. I'm obsessed with like Egyptian history, hieroglyphics, like anything that like where they tell stories, especially Greek mythology, because the lessons are there and we just keep doing it, right? Greed, lust, like the things that human beings fall for, right? So I had this idea when we were talking, because Charlie is an evangelical Christian. I'm not, right? I believe in, I... This super smart guy is an evangelical Christian? He is, yeah.
Starting point is 01:39:49 So does he believe, like, Jesus came back to life? Yes. Really? Yes, he's an evangelical Christian. So he believes that someone died, and then three years, three days later, they came back to life, and that they walked on water, and healed the sick. Yeah, I mean, you have to, I haven't really gotten into it with him, because I'm not, like, I'm not the person that should ever be debating or talking about religion
Starting point is 01:40:06 it's not my shtick I guess but so what I said to him because me and him both believe that in many ways the reason that the government has the media has started roundly dissing God and dissing Jesus Christ is because the government wants to be God so if people don't
Starting point is 01:40:22 do you think the media is responding to the government's suggestion? Is that what you think? The reason why people are going after religion is because the media is responding to some sort of orders from the government? Not orders. That's wrong. Some directive? No, no. But, you know, Andrew Breitbart said that politics is downstream from culture, right? and you can argue that they feed into each other, whatever it is, but there's definitely something between culture and politics that is linked, inextricably linked.
Starting point is 01:40:52 So when, you know, when everyone's on the same page, like, so if the government wants to get bigger, which it has been doing, right? And wants people to look to them for answers, which it has been doing, you have to understand they have to sort of destroy everything else that they would potentially be looking to for answers, right? So instead of when you're down and out and people would just go to church and pray, right,
Starting point is 01:41:15 or believing in your family or the family structure, they need to know that no matter what, you think the government is the answer. And that is what a leftist, at the end of the day, the left believes the government can fix all of their problems. And I find, especially when I speak to a lot of leftists, they do not believe in religion. Like, there's just a thing. It's a trend I've noticed.
Starting point is 01:41:33 You know, I'm not religious. I'm not saying that, you know, there's something wrong with it. But leftists tend to be, you know, really apart from religion. So you could make, the argument could definitely be made that the destruction of believing in the Bible, of stop teaching the Bible, is because you want to make it so that every time you have a problem,
Starting point is 01:41:50 because you're still going to, our soul, we still need to believe in something. We're naturally beings that we need to believe that something can fix something. I really believe that. That it's the reason why we go get our palms read.
Starting point is 01:41:59 Right? Like we just like, there's something, somebody has the answer. And people are starting to believe it's government in America. And it freaks me out. I agree with you that people like structure.
Starting point is 01:42:10 And I agree with you that people without religion try to find that structure and those rules and other things. Correct. But I don't believe that this is like some calculated move by the government. No, not calculated. I think it's human nature. I think it's human nature. But it could shift, yeah. Well, it's...
Starting point is 01:42:23 It could be church. We want a daddy yeah we want someone to tell us what to do and if that daddy is the government or if that get daddy is aliens whatever the fuck it is people need someone and i agree with you that's why i argue with charlie because then he said you know government the government now we have to go back to religion and then i said okay but charlie but then we could actually recreate all the terrible stuff that happened with religion when religion became daddy so we might just be going government religion government religion government you know what i mean just
Starting point is 01:42:46 like swinging the pendulum corruption in both exactly amounts of corruption and that's my and that's that's what i believe yeah so i think that we could say that yeah we need to start reintroducing these things but then we could just end up with the extreme again where there's massive corruption in the church not everyone's placing off emphasis in the church so then i just said wow we're just doomed you know i don't think we're doomed mark twain had a great line history doesn't repeat itself but it rhymes interesting go on that's a great quote yeah yeah it's great it's great duncan told me that yesterday yeah yeah yeah it often rhymes that's the quote i think it repeats itself fully it may like we like all of the signs there i'm like we could literally just read this all in a Bible. We could read this all in Greek mythology
Starting point is 01:43:25 and we know what happens. It's our humanity. But is it fixable? No. That's why people think that is society perfectible? Of course it's not perfectible. There's going to be greed. There's going to be lust. There's going to be, but now we're in this culture where it's like, he cheated on his wife. Like, oh, like this is... But humans are different
Starting point is 01:43:42 than we used to be. And if we keep moving in this direction, we're going to improve. We we're gonna continue to improve. I think the long set of problems Queen cynical it's not cynical. It's just it's just a little bit It's it but there's just always during your lifetime perhaps, but the idea is we're moving to a greater good Yeah, moving towards a greater good that someday our children will enjoy and that we are in a better situation than our grandparents Were our grandchildren will be in a better situation than us. And we're constantly moving towards improvement. And this is the reason why we're so dissatisfied with racism and sexism and homophobia and
Starting point is 01:44:14 hate and all the bullshit that we see in the world that can be prevented. We think that if we can shun that and shame that and push it out of our culture, that someday in the future we'll have gotten past this and evolved to the point where we as a culture and we as a civilization will be something that we are proud of. And we're not proud of what we are now with school shootings, and people dependent on Oxycontins, and seven-year-olds on Facebook, and Lil Tay flashing cash in front of a G-Wagon. There's a lot of shit that's wrong.
Starting point is 01:44:45 Over-medicating children. That's another thing no one wants to talk about, over-medicating children. Like when I was a kid, a six-year-old was bouncing off the walls. We just said you were hyper. Today it's like give him Adderall. Yeah, no, it's not good. I'm like what is wrong? It's not good.
Starting point is 01:44:54 I literally like ice babysit a kid and like the mom would give them Adderall. He was six years old. She's like, I don't know what's wrong with him. I'm like, he might be a kid, you know, and that's another conversation. He's got energy. They just don't want to. Look, I have kids. When kids are going crazy and you're tired it's fucking hard yeah but you don't medicate them and it's and it's bizarre and and then they say oh well you
Starting point is 01:45:11 know if something's wrong with him he's in school and he and he's not you know performing as well he's not paying attention maybe he's just not interested yeah maybe he'd rather be outside well i remember that very well and i remember thinking when I was in school I am never going to tell my kids that they have to pay attention to some fucking boring shit right or assume that something's wrong with that maybe you want them to pay attention but assume that there's something wrong with them if they don't is what's crazy to me they assume there's something wrong with their child and that they need medicine because they're not paying attention to math problems on the board for an hour that's what's scary to me it's like parents are just out of touch. Just making kids sit down. The whole thing is unnatural. School is unnatural.
Starting point is 01:45:48 I totally agree with you. I am so anti. And you see that. There's this famous Kanye quote where he says, when you see a five-year-old, they have so much energy, but they have so much confidence and so much passion in everything that they do. They think they can be anything. They can be a dancer or a singer. They'll try to do flips and then go find like an 11 year old after they've been socialized in school. They're like that, that spark just dies in them. And it's because they're literally being put through a system that tells them that they can't, well, this girl got a 90 on her test and you got an 80. So something must be, you know, you're not getting this right. Well, maybe math is just not her thing, right? Maybe she does. She doesn't, she's not as good
Starting point is 01:46:24 at math as somebody else. I think everybody has their own pieces of brilliant and that the current education system does not foster to individualism. They're actually trying to create a collectivist society by being able to measure a kid's brilliance by standardized testing, something Charlie and I very much agree, disagree on. Yeah, I don't think they're necessarily doing that, but what they are is uninspired and underpaid, and they're boring. And kids go to their classes, and they're bored out of their fucking mind.
Starting point is 01:46:49 They have to get this stupid grade so they can keep going. Me. Yeah, I was so bored. I was so, those personality types. Well, you got a lot of energy. I would imagine you sit in the class. And I always felt like they were stupid.
Starting point is 01:47:00 Like, you know, I'm like, is this teacher even smarter than, can we take a test? Like, a quick IQ test to see if I should even have to take a class from someone who's actually dumber than me. I remember having those thoughts, like in high school, just being like, these teachers aren't even smart sometimes. Like they're. You're not alone. The good news is that from that you get this dissatisfaction, this feeling of just, just not, not wanting to be a part of this anymore. And then you start seeking other ways to make a living,
Starting point is 01:47:25 other ways to get, I mean. For me, I got on YouTube and I started talking about stuff and people responded to it. So how did you go full-blown conservative? You've been to the White House. Yes, I have. How the fuck have you been to the White House? You were conservative for two years.
Starting point is 01:47:39 I know. Two years ago, you're talking shit online. I know. Well, I'm telling you, it's because you're like a conservative wet dream. I know. It fosters a little bit of jealousy, but I'm like, dude, this is, but this is like, I believe in this so much that I wish we could stop that because like, I'm like, no, let's change
Starting point is 01:47:56 the paradigm. Like, let's get Trump to do the, like the Joe Rogan show as opposed to CNN. You know what I mean? Like there's, but people don't see things that way. It's all about me, me, me. The ego comes out, you know? So, but anyways, um, so I, I met Charlie. That was a huge thing that happened. Um, I was speaking at the David Horowitz, um, freedom center. Look, Charlie's 24. You could ask why he's flying around with the first family too,
Starting point is 01:48:15 but he, when you meet him, you understand he's just absolutely brilliant. Um, and, uh, we just wanted to do this together. I met him and I said, look, I think that there needs to be a black revolution against the democratic party. I think I I'm the person to lead it together. I met him and I said, look, I think that there needs to be a black revolution against the Democratic Party. I think I'm the person to lead it. Like, I'm your girl. And I was speaking on a panel with Dave Rubin about why I left the left and what I understood about the left. And he hired me on the spot. And the rest is sort of history, you know.
Starting point is 01:48:38 I mean, that's really it. I work my ass off. The one thing that. So who hired you? Charlie Kirk. He actually runs Turning Point USA. I know he's like so young. It's insane.
Starting point is 01:48:47 And you should look him up and figure out who he is because he's, in my opinion, he's going to be a future president of the United States. And everyone says that. Everyone, every show he's been on in Fox is like, very rarely do you meet... Like Rush Limbaugh just said, very rarely do you meet someone and think that's going to be a president of the United States. Charlie Kirk will be a president of the United States. Yeah, but Rush is probably on like 18 different kinds of pills when he said that shit.
Starting point is 01:49:06 I know, I know. He said it so many times. Chilling him down. Is he clean now? How's Rush doing? Is he clean now? I didn't even know that he was not clean. He took 100 pills a day.
Starting point is 01:49:17 That's scary to me. Oh, he went deaf. He went deaf from taking pills. That's insane. Do you understand this? Yeah. He had to get a fucking... I won't even take Tylenol.
Starting point is 01:49:26 I don't even... Like, I'm just like... You know who told me that, by the way? Fair warning. Alex Jones. He explained to me. He explained to me the mechanism of Rush Limbaugh going deaf from taking pills. So, Rush, if I'm wrong, I'm sorry.
Starting point is 01:49:37 Right. Yeah, I have no idea. But I hope you're right. Pete Pfeiffer, it's true. It's true? It's on his Wikipedia. Oh, that he went deaf from taking pills? Yeah, that he had gone almost completely deaf.
Starting point is 01:49:46 Wikipedia never lies. Look up mine. Exactly. Me and Brian Callen are brothers and sisters or something. But yeah, so I've worked incredibly hard. I feel like I haven't slept since last year. I'm traveling every day. Fluid.
Starting point is 01:49:59 You seem like a politician, but not 100%. I'm not. And that's what bothers me. People ask me. They're like, Candace, what are you going to do? I'm like, I'm just a that's what bothers me is people ask me like they're like Candace what are you gonna do I'm like I'm not a politician I'm just a girl who talks about stuff that I believe in and people view me as a
Starting point is 01:50:12 politician I don't understand you pulled that article I'm sorry I didn't mean to interrupt you but you pulled that article on the screen what about me seems like a politician this is what I don't get you're a little bit polished you've got a little bit of a sort got a little bit of a sort of a a play you've said these things before what and you're very a lot of the things you're
Starting point is 01:50:31 saying you're very good at it you you you've got a a well-oiled path there's it's a nice groove in your brain where you know how to say these things and then occasionally you pop out of it and you're just playing Candace but you know when you're like I'm gonna leave black America I'm gonna go against the Democrats. I believe that. I believe you believe it. I believe you believe it. But I also believe you said it many, many times.
Starting point is 01:50:50 What I just said to you? Yeah. I told you. I told this to Charlie Kirk in November. This is what I want to do. This is my plan. So I'm just a person that's going after my goal. And then as I started accomplishing it, people are just like throwing shade and hate.
Starting point is 01:51:00 And I'm like, dude, like now it's turned into like. What has been the shade and the hate that you think is like unwarranted okay so well first off like let's not pretend like we can talk about social justice like warriors on the left we have them on the right too let's not pretend we don't have the people that like they can't like as soon as I got to a hundred thousand
Starting point is 01:51:17 YouTube followers every YouTuber suddenly was like who is this deep dive and then they came with the like she was yeah she created social stuff she because she wanted to dock smile like the most bizarre i have youtubers that are looking up like has she ever dated a black guy like the most absurd i'm like what are you guys doing like can we just all like just peacefully coexist like this what would be the issue game of conservatives
Starting point is 01:51:40 yes of course i dated black guys i'm not asking you i'm just saying like what would be the issue what would be the article i know i'm like what is the article gonna be the same boyfriend from high school and he happened to be white yeah that'd be a problem it would be a big probably an article that's for sure 100 but they just start like digging in and i'm just like guys i'm just working hard and if you want to know what my strategy is i don't make videos about you guys i i make videos about what i care about i have a brand i define my brand your brand is just going after people and that's not that's not a brand at all that's there is a weird thing on youtube where they have these little communities of people and they attack each other in the communities yes have you ever seen the the vegan hate videos where they go after each other but
Starting point is 01:52:16 yeah it was like banana what's it banana girl or something yeah there's a few of them or freely or something yeah i've heard about it but i didn't see it. It's fucking crazy. I call YouTube like YouTube high. And I was like the new girl who showed up. Yeah, but they're like 40. Yeah, and I know. That's what's weird. But I was like the new girl who showed up and was a cheerleader. Yeah, and like a cop.
Starting point is 01:52:35 Another cheerleading team all of a sudden. And you were like 16. You weren't even 14. Yeah, and they were like, no. Yeah, fuck her. No, no, no. Yeah, YouTubers hate me. They hate me.
Starting point is 01:52:42 And I'm like, I was like, I don't want to be a YouTuber. I just plugged my content on YouTube. That's even worse. And then. YouTubers hate me. They hate me. And I'm like, I was like, I don't want to be a YouTuber. I just plugged my content on YouTube. That's even worse. And then I really hate me. Now they're getting mad. Yeah, that's bizarre. That's just like totally weird. But it's fine because I never run into them because like they don't have like there's
Starting point is 01:52:55 no brand here. They don't go outside. I really don't think they go outside, but there's no brand. If you don't. But if they see you, they run right back inside and make another YouTube video. Yeah. That's bizarre. So there's YouTube high.
Starting point is 01:53:08 Then you have what I call Game of Conservatives. It's like, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun. They're all racing for the throne. And I feel like I'm like, guys, there's white walkers at the wall. The left is trying to turn this into communist America.
Starting point is 01:53:20 Can we not compete for the egos? So you think you're helping save America? I genuinely believe that right now is the only time that we have to save this country. I genuinely believe that. Right now? I think if Donald Trump did not win the election, we would have lost America. I genuinely believe. Lost it? Lost it.
Starting point is 01:53:37 Like Hillary, the globalist initiative, just this like, they were like communists. To me, I really believe that this is an opportunity to sort of like we're like the last stand for western civilization look what's going on in europe it's like insane and people don't understand that i'm like what is going on in europe right now it's like they're like europe's done like did you did you watch the prager you video like europe has committed suicide or whatever it was called no but i had douglas murray on the podcast he was trying to explain to me his book uh the strange death of Europe. Oh, I think he did a PragerU video on that, too. Maybe.
Starting point is 01:54:06 Yeah, it's real. Like, they've lost Europe, and the last stand for resident civilization is America. And then you have people that are competing for egos. I'm like, guys, no, like, there's white walkers at the point. But I don't understand how you think that we're almost losing America, and there's a battle for America. I really feel that like just in every regard in terms of just just the people that were running like Hillary Clinton, like this woman was a globalist. Like just think about who we were, who we were in bed with, like Saudi Arabia selling all of our uranium to Russia. Like like Trump came in and was like, no, like America people.
Starting point is 01:54:41 We were the gap like we lost them. We're losing the middle class. The gap between the rich and the poor was like literally. What do you think is causing that? Policies, shipping all of our jobs overseas, the regulation, the government getting bigger and bigger. You can't do anything as an entrepreneur in America without a piece of paper from the government. Discouraging people with this piece of paper, like sending, like shutting down the factories, forgetting that there's a little land between New York and LA, believe it or not.
Starting point is 01:55:07 This is what Trump understood. We were losing that. And Trump appealed to those people. I'm still floored. As I'm traveling the world and seeing different pieces of the country, I'm learning how ignorant I was. And that's the best thing in the entire world.
Starting point is 01:55:20 In what way? Just I fell victim to the idea that it was progress, it was progress, it was progress. We have to to the idea that like it was progress. It was progress. It was progress. We have to care about the environment. It was progress. And it's like, no, like we've been losing.
Starting point is 01:55:31 America has been losing. And Donald Trump understood that in a way that I didn't. And I thought. You don't think we have to care about the environment? Not even a little bit. Not even a little bit? No. Okay.
Starting point is 01:55:42 Let me clarify this. I don't throw trash on the ground. I'm not saying like we need to like you know trash the environment like um but do i believe in climate change no you don't believe in climate change no i think the climate always changes i guess is what i say do i believe that this is like you know an issue that um is being that is global warming which they've changed conveniently they got rid of the word one scientist started disproving it now they only say climate change. No, I think that that was just a way to extract dollars from Americans.
Starting point is 01:56:09 I don't at all believe. They had no actionable plan. It was great for Trump to get out of that deal. It was terrible. Okay, but this is an incredibly complicated subject. Right. And you would have to talk to a bunch of different scientists and see how they gather data and see what they understand about CO2 levels and what's the danger of them and what can combat it and what could not have you done all this or do you take this flippant opinion based on this is not this wouldn't be the hill i died on
Starting point is 01:56:35 right but it's not about i just genuinely i've read a ton about it but i would not be able to i would not be able to come to you and say like this is my strong opinion but here's like the easiest way to say this right the fact that there is a disparity in the science community about whether or not it's real is enough to. It's very little, very little disparity. Most, most, most scientists, most, the vast majority agree that human beings are negatively affecting climate change. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:57:00 The vast majority. Yeah. I don't, I just, I just don't think so. So you think that the very few scientists that disagree with the consensus are the ones that are correct. Well, I think if something is, it's either subjective or it's objective. And there are objective truths, right? But it's subjective if you're saying that there are some, and I don't think there's very little. There are some that don't get paid to go on TV.
Starting point is 01:57:21 There are some that are not Bill Nye, who are not funded scientists. And that has been a whole... Well, Bill Nye's not a scientist. I know. He's not. He's a... It broke my heart when I found out. ...a science...
Starting point is 01:57:31 Mouthpiece. ...propagandist, or... But that's the point. He's a science... No, that's not a good word. I don't think Al Gore is a scientist. He's not. But Bill Nye is like a science influencer or a science entertainer.
Starting point is 01:57:43 Yeah. He's like a... But he doesn't have a background in actual science. He's not a scientist. He doesn't have a PhD. He's got an undergraduate... I learned about him in school. Everything I knew in science
Starting point is 01:57:51 had to do with Bill Nye. Well, he promotes science and science is not bad. But the real problem is with climate change is that for sure there has been ups and downs throughout the history
Starting point is 01:58:03 of this planet. They're observable they've they follow them in maybe it's one of the subjects that i had earlier today with um dr robert shock in 2014 the vast majority 87 percent of scientists said that human activity is driving global warming yet only half the american public public ascribed to that view so well what website 87 percent and this is? Scientific American. Yeah. Yeah,.com though.
Starting point is 01:58:27 That means it's making money. I don't trust that. If it was, I would probably take that. But this is just a random website. Well, Scientific American is not necessarily a random website. Yeah, I don't believe this at all, just so you know. You don't believe it like at all? I genuinely don't believe it.
Starting point is 01:58:44 I know you do, but I genuinely don't believe it like at all? I genuinely don't believe it. I know you do, but I genuinely don't believe it. I believe most of the time the consensus of scientists that are studying the data. And so what they're doing is studying. But do you remember all of the stories that came out about the scientists that said that when they tried to present their evidence to show, like they were basically just getting shut down at every corner? You can pull that up too. What do you mean? I guess look up the opposite, right?
Starting point is 01:59:04 Instead of looking for what you're searching for looking for what you're not looking for i didn't search for it that's what i found when i searched it sorry yeah yeah look up but this is my question why are you so sure this is a extremely because this is an extremely complicated subject and it is i'm i'm i said i am not so sure that I would die on the hill for it. My opinion right now is just that it was a means. Because forget the fact of whether you believe global warming is real. Let's say it's 100% real. Let's say we know for a fact it's real. Well, let's be clear. Global warming, global climate change is definitely real.
Starting point is 01:59:42 It's happening. The question is why it's happening. Yes, it has always happened. So what is the climate change? Yes, the climate changes. It was different weather yesterday than it was today. The question is why has it happened? Yes, it has always happened. So what are we, what is the, this is the climate change? Yes, the climate changes. It was different weather yesterday than it was today. The climate is forever changing. Like that's the problem is that people are making it seem like that's something weird. No, no, no. That's not, you're misrepresenting the issue.
Starting point is 01:59:56 The issue is people think that human beings are exacerbating climate change to the point where there's a tipping point. We cross over that tipping point. We're going to deal with huge problems that could be corrected if we act now and put a lot of funding into climate control. And this is what Howard Bloom was on talking about a few days ago. He was talking about that the real future involves the technology of climate control and that what we have to be really careful of is letting it get too far
Starting point is 02:00:23 where you can't ever stop it and pull it back. This is what scientists are warning about. This is why they want emission standards. This is why they want to figure out how to get people to be aware of the fact that this is a real issue. Now, irregardless, human beings, if they never existed, the earth has constantly gone through cycles. The question is not whether or not the earth has gone through cycles of cooling and warming. The question is, are we exacerbating that? The vast majority of scientists say we are. Now, this could negatively impact all sorts of coastal cities. This could be a gigantic problem. This is not like propaganda that's drummed up by
Starting point is 02:01:07 some sort of big business that seeks to make money off of this or some sort of organization. Well, they were making money off of it. Al Gore might have made some money off of it. No, but the agreement that we were in, that was like the amount of money that America was losing.
Starting point is 02:01:19 But here's what I was going to ask you. Wait a minute. The amount of money America was losing? Who was America? In the Paris Agreement. This is the reason why we wanted to ask you. Wait a minute. The amount of money America was losing? Who was America? In the Paris Agreement. This is the reason why we wanted to get out of the Paris Agreement. But that's where I wanted to get to. So let's say we all agree that global warming is real.
Starting point is 02:01:33 I don't believe it's real. So I can't sit here. Here's the question. But why have a belief? What do you mean? Why have a belief as to whether or not global warming is real or not real? Because I just find that when things— You don't understand the science. You are correct. But why have a belief as to whether or not global warming is real or not real? Because I just find that when things – You don't understand the science.
Starting point is 02:01:46 You're correct. But why have a belief in it? Right. So it's not a belief in it. I don't believe in it. But that's what I'm saying. But you have a belief that it doesn't exist. Right.
Starting point is 02:01:55 No. I personally think that this was just the next – the fact that it was presented to us by Al Gore and it's just – It's not presented to us just by Al Gore. Al Gore made a film and he's been called like the first green not presented to us by just by Al Gore Al Gore made a film right and he's been called like the first green billionaire he's made a shitload of money off of that and he flies in his private plane because he's so worried about the emissions okay that is hilarious yeah there's something hilarious about that all of the people that are
Starting point is 02:02:15 telling us a fucking politician right there's there's grossness to all that stuff right and that's what worries me so my question, let's say that it's real. Okay. Let's just assume, like that's the best way to have the debate. Let's say it's real. Let's say it's 100% real. Okay.
Starting point is 02:02:30 Do you feel that you have found in your research that there is something that human beings can do that would change this all around? It's possible, yes. One of the things that they're figuring out
Starting point is 02:02:40 how to pull carbon out of the atmosphere and even possibly reuse it. There's all sorts of things that people are trying to do. I mean, we had – what was the young man who made that device? Boyan Slot. Boyan Slot. He figured out a way to make this device that pulls plastic out of the oceans.
Starting point is 02:02:57 They're figuring out a way. That's important. Yeah, there's a lot of – Yeah, well, because plastic just can't, like, over time. But that's what I mean. So when I say that I'm, like, I believe in recycling. Like, I'm not, like, a person that's like, this is, but the idea that the government is just going to take trillions of dollars because we're in some agreement where we're all agreeing that we should do something is useless. And look, from the stuff, like, there's obviously a lot of debate here.
Starting point is 02:03:19 And as I said, like, I'm not so, the one thing you always find with me is I'll never pretend to be so educated on something. Like, I'm not going on a college campus and talking about global warming. I don't do that. Right, but why are you saying that you don't think it exists though? I just, I don't know, maybe because it got so, maybe because it got so politicized. Studies into scientific agreement on human-caused global warming. And look at all the studies. It's between 100% and 91% at the lowest.
Starting point is 02:03:47 91% of one of the studies from 2014. This is the Union of Concerned It's a pretty broad consensus. Who are they polling? Is it the people that are a part of this dot org? That's what I'm asking. 10,306 scientists to confirm over 97% of climate scientists agree, and over 97% of the scientific articles find that global warming is real and largely caused by humans.
Starting point is 02:04:19 So my question to you is, if you want to step outside of the scientific consensus, which is vast and involves 10 306 scientists and just say i don't believe in it yeah even if you're right even if you're right you don't have enough information to say that right no you might be correct but you're saying you don't believe i don't yeah i would have to have someone sit down and convince me that it was real i personally personally don't believe it. That's okay. It's good to start at a place of not believing something. No, it's not. You think you should start with believing everything.
Starting point is 02:04:50 No, it's not believe either or. Not believe yes, not believe no. But don't say you don't believe. Learn about it. Learn about it and then have an opinion. But you're stating this opinion without having any real understanding of what climate science is. But that's exactly what an opinion is. I'm not going – like I said, if you said that, Candice, you went on to 10,000 college campuses and you said that global warming wasn't real, then we'd have a problem.
Starting point is 02:05:12 You and I are just having a conversation. Yeah, but why have an opinion on something that you don't have data about? This is my question. I don't necessarily have an opinion on climate science. I really don't because I don't know much about it but what i do know is that what i've read is that the vast majority of people who study it are in agreement that human beings are affecting it so i don't i just my recall on a lot of things that i read and this was a while ago so this is why where i when i first formed my opinion i'm not believing this i read a shit ton of articles can't recall the data because like i said this wasn't something
Starting point is 02:05:43 i was super passionate about It was like somebody posted something and then I went on like a terror reading about it. But it was essentially just noting that in a lot of these studies, like when you go and you, if we had time to sit down and really pull this up, they're pulling, you know, 10,000 scientists that are within a community
Starting point is 02:05:59 that is, like, these.orgs, do you believe in everything that puts out for statistics, right? That's a political, that's a political arm of the democratic party. Talking about a different subject. I know, but politics versus science. But this has been politicized. That's the thing. Science has been politicized.
Starting point is 02:06:17 Yes, it has. Global warming in particular has been politicized. 100% it has been politicized, right? That's the whole reason I fell down this dark hole one night reading about it. And I was like, you know what? At the end of the day, I don't really care. It has been politicized, but I think that's also maybe why you're saying you don't agree with it so quickly. Right. Because it's an ideological right-wing point. Right. Is that global warming
Starting point is 02:06:38 isn't real. Right. If you're one of those people that thinks global warming isn't real, you're almost always on the right. Right. And that's fine. But I'm telling you that, like, again, I didn't do a deep dive on all of this because I read about it because it was at a forefront of discussion. So I read about it all night. And my conclusion was that they started pulling up all of these studies and the person that did this that I did a deep dive on. And they started showing how these community of scientists were, in fact, somewhere behind or someone that was being funded. So to me, the
Starting point is 02:07:03 issue got too politicized for me to believe that globalorg is someone that was being funded. So to me, the issue got too politicized for me to believe that global warming was something that was going to wipe out the world. Scientists get funded. That is a fact. But that doesn't mean that the funding affects the scientific research and the data, which they all agree on.
Starting point is 02:07:19 And this is universally across the entire planet. Thousands and thousands of scientists would not stake their reputation on false data. What they're saying is not that the only reason why the world is getting warm is because human beings, that the only reason why the climate isn't totally static for the rest of eternity is because of human beings. What they're saying is we are negatively impacting our own environment. And we're doing it because we have poor technology and we use coal and fossil fuels and emissions.
Starting point is 02:07:53 And we're raising our CO2 levels. And this is based on data. And this is something that you can look at. You could look at the data and follow where they're getting this information from and follow how they're making these conclusions and follow the vast majority of these brilliant people who study this shit their whole life. Yeah, exactly. And look, if I was a person that was putting forth policy on climate change or if I was a person that put out my opinion publicly on climate change, I would do all of that. I'm just not. I understand what you're saying.
Starting point is 02:08:24 But what I'm saying is that you are a very smart person and people listen to you and they're going to listen to you for a long time, I would do all of that. I'm just not. I understand what you're saying. But what I'm saying is that you're a very smart person and people listen to you and they're going to listen to you for a long time, I believe. But this is what I hate. But this is what I hate. But hold on. Because then it's like, Candice, you have to have a form of opinion on everything. No, no, no. You don't have to have a form of opinion on everything. What you do have to have is the ability to know
Starting point is 02:08:40 when you don't know what the fuck you're talking about. But I just said that. I said that to you the entire time. But you said you don't believe it. Yeah, I said I don't believe it. But you don't believe it. And then you asked me and I said this wouldn't be the hill I chose to die on because you don't know what the fuck you're talking about. But I just said that. I said that to you the entire time. But you said you don't believe it. Yeah, I said I don't believe it. And then you asked me and I said this wouldn't be the hill I chose to die on because I don't follow it. But why even say you don't believe in it? Because I just personally... How about not have a belief until you really have looked at the data?
Starting point is 02:08:55 Okay, so you would prefer if my language, as opposed to admitting that I do not know this, I wouldn't die on this hill, I've never made a view, I've never made a public statement, you would have preferred if I had just started by saying I have no opinion. No, I don't know. That's what I'm saying. But I said I didn't know. No, you say I don't believe in it.
Starting point is 02:09:11 I don't believe in it. You're saying really clearly that you don't think it's real. Yeah, so I mean I think it would be the same if I said to you like you know, do you believe in God? Right? No, I would say I don't know. So I feel like this is sort of like linguistics though. No, I would say I don't know. I feel like this is sort of like linguistics, though. No, I would say I don't know.
Starting point is 02:09:28 I always say I don't know. I don't know. I'm agnostic. Most people say, like, I believe it or I don't, right? So it's like, if you say... I think a lot of people say they don't know. Okay. I think believe is definitely a word that's associated with God. Right. So a lot of people say that they don't know if they believe in God. But if you say I don't believe in God, and then
Starting point is 02:09:43 somebody starts saying, oh, you need to form, it's like, I just don't believe in it. No, no, you don't, because God is not scientific data. Right. There's a big difference between measuring the CO2 levels in the atmosphere
Starting point is 02:09:52 and deciding whether or not there's an afterlife. Right. I just, I'm sorry that I just don't believe, I don't believe in global warming. I'm happy to form. You're allowed to not believe in it.
Starting point is 02:10:03 That's all I've been trying to say is I don't believe in it, but I have not. You're an influencer you're an influencer yeah but you're a very bright person but i would if somebody had asked me like at a place where i'm influencing on a college campus what's your opinion i would say i have none i bet you would say i don't believe in it like you just did that is absolutely not but you just did it there are so many instances where you could watch it's just like and you can ask dave rubin when he asks me a question i I say, I don't have an opinion on it. About a different subject, perhaps. Yeah, because you and I are having a conversation one-on-one.
Starting point is 02:10:29 I'm not sitting here to try to, I don't go on campus talking about global warming because I don't have an opinion on it. But if you press me and ask me if I believe in it, no, I don't really believe in it. But could I go deep dive and learn that perhaps I'm wrong? Sure. I personally am inclined to believe that a lot of those studies are manipulated. As I said, during the one night that I did deep dive on it, and when they showed like all the pieces of evidence or whatever, it just seemed a little shady and I felt that it was politicized.
Starting point is 02:10:54 But I think that I have a right to say that I don't believe in something, but that I also don't know. And that's what I said to you. I don't believe in it, but I wouldn't die on this hill. I don't know enough about it. You did say you wouldn't die on this hill. Yeah. But you also said you don't believe in it
Starting point is 02:11:05 and you stated the reason why because you think it's a scam. Yeah. Yeah. That's the truth. What do you want me to do? Do you want me to lie to you? No, it's okay.
Starting point is 02:11:13 But I'm not sitting here saying like- I think it's a complicated issue. It's very, very complicated. It may be complicated. That's fine. But what do you want me to do? Do you want me to lie to you and say I'm not a politician?
Starting point is 02:11:21 No. You want me to- No. You should the correct term. I feel like this is like the editing people do when they're like, oh, Obama, if they ask you a question and you don't know, this is the way. I'm not running for office. I'm not a politician. You want me to, you should the correct term. Like, I feel like this is like the editing of people do like when they're like, Oh, uh,
Starting point is 02:11:26 Obama, if they ask you a question, you don't know this is the way I'm not running for office. I'm answering. I'm talking to you. I don't believe in it. I appreciate that. I appreciate that.
Starting point is 02:11:33 I can't be fake. I, this is my number one problem in life is I can't be fake. And I know that you're pressing me here and that you want me to adjust and to say like, I do, I do not have an opinion or the, but I'm not like a politician.
Starting point is 02:11:43 I'm telling you, I don't believe in it. Could I, could I change I don't believe in it. Could I change my perspective and believe in it a year after I read stuff? If you were just a regular person and you said I don't believe in it, I'd probably go, all right. The problem is you're not.
Starting point is 02:11:54 You're a very influential person. But I'm aware when I'm on stage, when I'm on my YouTube channel, there's no videos of Candace Owens talking about global warming. I'm aware of that. There is now. Yeah, exactly. Now it's going to be broken against global warming. I'm aware of that. There is now. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 02:12:05 Now it's going to be broken against global warming. I just, yeah, exactly. And people are going to be mad at me. It's weird because- You're fucking global warming shill. Global warming's fake. You know what's funny though is that like, this feels so like we're not on the internet right now.
Starting point is 02:12:16 I still don't feel like we're on the internet. This is the problem. Yeah. But like if we were, if you and I were on a college campus, I'd be like, eh, I'm not really sure. I don't have them for my discussion. I don't know jack shit about global warming. I really don't.
Starting point is 02:12:28 I think the real fear is not even global warming. The real fear is global cooling. The ice age is the most terrifying thing that can happen to human beings. When that shit happens, everybody dies. Yeah, I know. Global warming, you just move inland. Yeah. I think that the real thing that people are concerned about is just beyond any of that stuff.
Starting point is 02:12:44 I don't know. I think that there's like more concerns in society. Like I personally think that some scientists started talking about global warming and it got politicized and they figured it was another way to extract human beings money because of fear. That's my opinion. I think there's probably some truth to that. And then they said we're going to find our core
Starting point is 02:12:57 scientists that agree with everything we say. It's improving that Harvard studies have been incorrect because they were being funded by certain political interest groups. So I'm not inclined to pull up something. I'm blanking. It'll come back to me in a second. But there were Harvard papers that had been funded by certain researchers that are trying to get a certain political position out.
Starting point is 02:13:17 And it causes mass fear. People are willing to spend their money a certain way. It's entirely possible. It is. But it's real. That's very real. People are flawed. So I'm not inclined when someone pulls up an article and says, look, 10,000 scientists,
Starting point is 02:13:27 I err on the side of, okay, I don't know who those scientists are. I don't know what this organization is funded by. So I'm going to stick by my guns and say I don't really believe in it yet. Now, if I decide that I'm going to run for office and I've got to make a decision on the atmosphere and what we're going to do about global warming and CO2 emissions, you better believe I will be fully ready to discuss it. I'm not going to make a YouTube video And just know the outskirts of it I don't do that
Starting point is 02:13:45 But if you and I are having a discussion Sorry I don't believe it Open to learning Always open to learning I've been wrong before I was a liberal two years ago Or three years ago So that's not a problem
Starting point is 02:14:00 I'm open to learning But I'm not going to say something that feels inauthentic. And what I wanted to say there was I don't believe in it. It's just one of those things that it's become, it's a real right-wing talking point. It's like there's very few people, like pro-life is a very right-wing talking point. It's very few, I would imagine, I'm not just guessing, but very few liberals who are also pro-life. Well, no. So when I first went on Dave Rubin's show, he asked me about that.
Starting point is 02:14:25 And I said, I don't really know. I'm forming my opinion on it. Like, just like you and I just said about global warming, I said to Dave Rubin about pro-life and pro-choice. And he was like, this is the first time someone has just said that, like just said that I'm forming an opinion on it and didn't feel like the need to get an answer.
Starting point is 02:14:38 And I said, I'm not a politician. Same thing I'm saying to you. Like I can answer how I feel and I'm happy to learn. But that's a different kind of subject. But then i wanted to get really educated on it um and i i became pro-life but not because i think people that are pro-choice are awful human beings um you know um who needed to burn in hell but just because the history of it is really shady um with margaret sanger and because i do recognize that it does seem a little off-putting i don't say like you know i i'm pro-life but i just say to people that like the idea that the left is so pro-choice at the same time that they are running around reporting to, you know, Black Lives Matter.
Starting point is 02:15:13 It doesn't make any sense when you look at the numbers of, you know, black babies never even get the chance to live. And when you look at the numbers and just understanding that 17 million black babies have been exterminated since 1973. So what kind of black lives do you care about? I don't believe that a baby's life starts after three months. I think that that's crap. That's scientific crap. And we could probably pull up some articles that say for sure the baby's life does not begin until three months. We want to know the best indication that the baby's life begins before it because you have to rip it out of the stomach in order to kill it. If left alone, it would grow into a baby. Right. So I've thought about that issue, and now I have a stance on it.
Starting point is 02:15:45 And that would be my stance if I was president of the United States. I don't want to be the president of the United States. Let me say what Trump said. Say that now. If I stepped up, if my country needed me, like he said 10 years ago, I would step up and I would do the job. Do you have aspirations? I promise you I get this question all the time on the road. Candace, do you want to be in the White House?
Starting point is 02:16:03 Do you want to be in the White House? I would love if Charlie Kirk was the President of the United States. I would have fun being the press secretary. I'd be like, just let him in. Let the dogs in. Like, I would just. It just looks like a fun job because they're so crazy. What the fuck is wrong with you?
Starting point is 02:16:15 That looks like a fun job? It does because they're just so crazy. And I would just like. Why would that be good? You could have fun at that too, I feel like. Fuck I would. That's what I'm saying. It would be a fun job.
Starting point is 02:16:24 They're so serious. And I'm like, you take yourself seriously. Like, I feel like. Fuck I would. That's what I'm saying. It would be a fun job. No. They're so serious. And I'm like, you take yourself seriously like Jim Acosta. You'd be running the government of the greatest empire the world has ever known. You think that would be fun? That doesn't even seem remotely fun. Yeah, I know. I'm being a little facetious. That seems insanely stressful.
Starting point is 02:16:41 Who's the press secretary now? Sarah Sanders. Sarah Huckabee Sanders. She crushes it. She looks stressed out. Well, I think she's just trying to have a game face. She's just like, what stupid question am I going to get out of this? She just looks like, Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 02:16:52 It's one of those things. It's like, how far can you swim? Some people could swim for 70 hours. Nobody could swim forever. And that's what that job looks like to me. You just have to swim forever. Yeah, nobody can swim forever. Yeah, but I didn't like,
Starting point is 02:17:05 I didn't start this because I wanted to get into politics. I started this because I saw a dial that needed to be moved. Well, you're obviously
Starting point is 02:17:13 a very ambitious person. You seem very ambitious. Listen, I'm good no matter what space I'm in, whether like when I was in private equity,
Starting point is 02:17:22 I'm always good at my job. When I put my mind to something, I can do something and people will be blown away That's always in my character And and I will do it despite people saying I can't like it that to me my whole to-do list is people telling me I can't you know like I don't like when people try to put me in a box like I really don't like the whole idea That because you were this you can't be that it's like it's like I'm always gonna decide what's best for me Well, this is what led you to be Republican in the first place.
Starting point is 02:17:47 I'm not Republican. Well, excuse me, right wing. What are you if you're not Republican? I'm independent. You're independent right wing? I'm independent. No, I would say. Are you conservative?
Starting point is 02:17:55 I would say I lean right. I definitely lean right because that to me is just, if you believe that people are allowed to have different opinions, you lean right. Like literally, that's where we're at right now. Like it's like, you're not even allowed to have a diss, you lean right. Literally, that's where we're at right now. It's like you're not even allowed to have a dissenting opinion on the left. Pro-Second Amendment, clearly.
Starting point is 02:18:08 Yes, I just think it's a slippery slope. Right. Pro-life. Right. Anti-global warming. You're checking off all the boxes. But I wouldn't see, the anti-global warming thing is like,
Starting point is 02:18:18 this is like something that Joe Rogan has forced on me. I genuinely, like when I- We were getting along great up until then. Yeah, I know. Right? Like, this is... I just, I have no reason to believe that because some scientists
Starting point is 02:18:32 that could very well be funded as we... They're constantly, things are constantly being funded to create a public perception. I very much believe that. I see that. And we see this just in the case of Donald Trump. If you go poll people in California,
Starting point is 02:18:44 they're going to say he's a racist, sexist... Itist it's just whatever's put on the internet people believe as the truth i like to do a deeper dive i have not done deeper dive on global warming save that one night when i went down a dark hole all right what other like right wing talking points is there anything that you don't agree with um yes uh i don't know if this is like still a thing um but i like i fully support gay marriage. OK, that's right. And and the reason is simple. Like regardless how people feel about gay marriage, the government has stepped in and is now doing marriage. And the idea that two individuals that are in love to should get tax cuts while the other shouldn't is it's not sensical just because that doesn't make it.
Starting point is 02:19:22 So forget that. I personally don't think the government should have gotten involved in marriages in the first place but because they have you can't sit here and decide that two gay men don't get tax cuts and a man and a woman do that's wrong
Starting point is 02:19:33 from a governing perspective I agree with you 100% yeah that's a good one yeah that's a good one because that's one that gets slippery even Caitlyn Jenner isn't in a gay marriage
Starting point is 02:19:41 which is fucking hilarious yeah I know that one is like yeah this can't get anywhere. I have cousins that are gay. Even though, despite the fact of the internet, I found I'm anti-LGBT, which is insane. But I just think that since the government has stepped up and decided it's going to be in it, if it's the governing body, everyone should have a right to the same tax cuts when they get married. Why is the government involved in marriage?
Starting point is 02:20:02 They shouldn't be. They shouldn't be. That's the real problem, but nobody talks about that. How are they involved? In what way? Well, it's just everything. You have to cuts why is the government involved they shouldn't be they shouldn't be that's the real problem but nobody talks about that how are they involved in what way well it's just everything you you have to get married through the government you get to be saved from the government it gets recognized by the government your tax cut you know you get you can check certain boxes when you do your taxes because you're married so since the government is doing that there's no reason why if if two guys live in the same you know same house that they should not be allowed to get tax cuts so the difference it's the separation of the church and the state, right?
Starting point is 02:20:25 Well, the state has taken on something that traditionally was in the church. And because it has, you have to be, look at it objectively, despite your personal feelings and look at it objectively. And every, every person has a right to, to get a tax cut because they married the person that they love. Well, I agree. I, I'm a hundred percent with you on the, the gay marriage thing. So what other ones don't you agree with?
Starting point is 02:20:45 Is there any other right wing talking points? I don't know what the right, I don't even think about on the gay marriage thing. So what other ones don't you agree with? Is there any other right-wing talking points? I don't know what the right-wing, I don't even think about right-wing talking points. Are you build that wall, build that wall, build that wall. Okay, so first off, the chant's just hilarious, so it's funny, just jump in it, you know? But so the number one thing, so my whole shtick, the only time I snap back or get upset
Starting point is 02:21:00 is because I'm really focused on the black community, dude. And the community that has been affected the most by illegal immigration is the black community. It's just a fact. I mean, you talk about low wage workers, the people that are the most unemployed in this company are young black men between the ages of 18 and 21, right? So they have been negatively impacted by the influx of people running over the border because they'll come here and they'll say, okay, well, you were going to pay this guy $7, you know, whatever the minimum wage is, we'll do it for less. And that directly impacts the black labor force. So I, you know, I recognize that we very much have an immigration problem. I think that the immigration, you know, they talk about diversity, it's not diverse whatsoever. Half of the immigrants that we take in are from
Starting point is 02:21:37 Mexico. That's not that's making America Mexico. That's a problem. You want to take in some more from from Africa, that'd be great. Only only 3% come from Africa, or I think 4% last year came from Africa. It's a tougher commute. It's a tougher commute, right? But the truth is that the argument that is behind people that are so pro-immigration and against the wall is that it's about diversity. It's not about diversity. If it's about diversity, let's go look around the country and actually make it diverse. There are tons of people that live in Africa that work their asses off that would love an opportunity to be in America.
Starting point is 02:22:04 And we need to work that system out. Just because they have a geo-advantage here doesn't make it fair. So I'm pro coming up with a solution for immigration because it's negatively impacting the country. You sound like you're running for president
Starting point is 02:22:19 Candace. That's what I'm hearing. I'm not running for president. I'm hearing people going crazy and chanting. You need a slogan. Let's just do it. What would be my slogan? Make America great again That's what I'm hearing. I am not running for president. I'm hearing people going crazy and chanting. You need a logo. What would be my slogan? Let's just do it. What would be my slogan? Make America Great Again is already taken.
Starting point is 02:22:29 No, he took it. You need another one. Keep making America better? No. Even better. Even more badass. Even better. Even more better.
Starting point is 02:22:40 I don't know. No, but these are the things that, so anything, like in every situation, you'll see this if you watch like Charlie and I live on campuses when we do this. Every situation where I'm asked my opinion, my answer is tailored towards the black community because I just think that we have really gotten the shit out of the stick. Do you write a lot of this stuff? A lot of these thoughts out? Are these, like, are they just locked in your head?
Starting point is 02:22:58 They're locked in my head. I read, I make cards, like, to just remember certain numbers and to watch. Yeah. And I just do that every night. Does this kind of weird you out that a couple years ago you were a liberal and now you're not just a conservative, but you're on all these fucking cable network shows and you're constantly talking about it. And a lot of people look at you as like the hope for the future. You get a good-looking 28-year-old woman who's super articulate and smart, and you can rattle
Starting point is 02:23:26 off facts and statistics and talk real good on camera. We got one! We got a good one! You know, that's what they look. I mean, anyone young and vibrant, that's what every political party looks towards. Like, you know, whether it's on the left or on the right. I mean, they're constantly looking for somebody on the left. They're looking right now. We need
Starting point is 02:23:42 someone to go against Trump. We need someone. We need someone good. We need someone good. You know, they someone to go against Trump. We need someone. We need someone good. Charlie Booker. We need someone. We need someone. Cory Booker's a psychopath. He's an actor. He's really bizarre. He's just an actor. It just doesn't come across as authentic to me, but whatever. I do not like Cory Booker.
Starting point is 02:23:59 I don't like him whatsoever. I bet he's a great guy. He could be, personally, but publicly he's representing himself fictitiously, in my opinion. That's just my opinion. Stick into it. Okay. Someone sounds like a politician. No, stop.
Starting point is 02:24:11 Attack. Attack. He knows how to go on the attack. No. It's the language I really don't like when people sit on a stage and go, racism, racism, racism. It's just, to me, it's insulting to people's intelligence. Talk to the black community about what's going on
Starting point is 02:24:25 in the black community. You don't need to scare them. The fear of politics pisses me off. And that's what they do. Every four years, it's fear of politics. Well, you gotta vote for us because racism, racism, racism. That's manipulating us.
Starting point is 02:24:34 That's using fear to control what we do. We have a right to just be presented with the facts and being allowed to make decisions on our own. That's my really perspective. That's the big thing
Starting point is 02:24:43 that's been so controversial. Candace Owens thinks that the black community should be spoken to about what's going on in their communities. They shouldn't be thrown Jay-Z and Beyonce concerts a la Hillary Clinton. Right? Is that really that controversial of a thought? It's broken the internet. I go out and I say, hey, I think that there might be a little more to the story than everybody's racist. And they go, oh my god, she can't say that.
Starting point is 02:25:03 I'm not the first black conservative to do this. I don't know why I'm the most like controversial that this has turned into like. We already highlighted it. You're young and you're good looking and you're very articulate. But I'm not the only good looking conservative articulate person. Find me another young one. Yeah. How many you got?
Starting point is 02:25:17 I don't know. Young, whip smart, fast with the tongue. And I do want to say this. I think that the people on the left, they say, oh, it's just because she's a black girl. I was agreeing with them. It's like, no, it's because for the first time
Starting point is 02:25:28 someone who has the audacity and it's not the first time. You know, I met with Secretary Ben Carson last week. Lovely man. Lovely man. You should have him on here sometime.
Starting point is 02:25:34 Seems like a nice guy. He is brilliant. Lovely. Throughout all that shit when people were hating on him and angry at him, Never Lost is cool. He's so calm.
Starting point is 02:25:42 Seems very calm. So imagine he and I meeting and I'm like the like, knock him down, like let me out. And he's like, hello, Candace. Yeah, he's like calm yeah so imagine he and i meeting and i'm like the like knock him down like let me out yeah he's like hello candace i'm a brain surgeon we're just like that's what you want though for a dude who's operating on brains yeah i know calm yeah yeah i'm like here's what we're gonna do like we're in his office i'm like and we just like love each other like i mean like it was just a love affair like i he affair. I didn't realize that I was so intellectually uninspired my whole life because I was in a room of people that didn't understand me. And I never realized how misunderstood I felt until I got into a room with like Secretary Ben Carson.
Starting point is 02:26:17 And he just like got me. And Armstrong Williams, who was a close friend of his. And he just like got me. And Kanye West, right? Like who they just they get me. And it's, it's been so inspiring and I'm so happy. And I don't think I've ever been this happy in my entire life. That's why it's hard for me to ever take a negative perspective on anything really, except for global warming. It's not real. because I'm like, I feel so alive.
Starting point is 02:26:49 Like I feel vivacious and I see the change happening in the black community where I'm like, all you have to do is be an individual. I do not tell, I don't go on campuses and say, vote for Trump. I don't say you need to be a Republican. I actually have tons of problems with Republicans. People just don't ask me, you know? And they assume I'm a Republican.
Starting point is 02:27:02 They assume I'm a registered Republican. That's just not true. And I fully support the president. I love the guy. I don't know me. They assume I'm a Republican. They assume I'm a registered Republican. That's just not true. I fully support the president. I love the guy. I don't know what to say. I love President Trump. I love his son. I love Don Trump Jr. I love Eric. I love Ivanka. And that's controversial. You're allowed to love them? They're great.
Starting point is 02:27:17 They're great people. I want you to meet them because when you can't not like them. This could go terribly wrong. This could go bad. But think about Don Trump Jr. This is a guy who is out hunting mo Think about Don Trump. This could go terribly wrong. This could go bad. But think about Don Trump Jr. This is a guy who is out hunting moose. Don Trump Jr. is friends with friends of mine. I text him.
Starting point is 02:27:31 I know the guy. He's supposed to come in here. We're supposed to play techno hunt. I have a video archery game here. And he's really like a grizzly bear out in the wilderness and nature. And it's just like they've gotten a really unfair shake in the media. You should be like their spokesperson. i love them i mean it's authentic it's not like you're hustling for a job no i'm not i no no i've actually explicitly said i don't
Starting point is 02:27:52 want to work on the administration what if someone came along and said we got a sweet deal for you no i've already been offered people just so everybody knows who thinks oh she's pining for i've been offered shows everything that you think that i've been off that i'm going towards i've already been offered i actually believe in what I'm doing and I'm building my own company. I believe in it. Super ambitious. Doesn't want to work for anybody. I don't want to work for anybody because then you have confines. Let's say I went and, for example, worked for
Starting point is 02:28:13 CNN or Fox News. Then I can't say David Hogg kind of sucks. That tweet I would have had to remove about Chelsea Handler. Oh, right. Outrage machine. The best thing ever is when Jake Sykes deleted it, I'm like, ha ha, right. it okay by the way that's what that's to me that's freedom like you can't like that's the best part of this is that i'm truly free i can say whatever i want i don't have advertisers that you can boycott like it's just i can say my whole my twitter feed is just me that's that is a very powerful thing yeah i feel so empowered it's a very good thing you know and i'm sure your ideas
Starting point is 02:28:57 i mean you there's no better way to have your ideas expressed than to have no one that you're beholden to have no boss that you're beholden to. Right. To have no boss. Yeah, I love that. And that's why it was like, you know, I started working with Charlie and then I started building my own company. And now he's a part of my company and now we work for each other. And it's just like we're mission driven.
Starting point is 02:29:15 And I do support the president, but I don't want to go work in the administration. That seems like a really, the worst job in America. That's what I'm saying. Why are you talking about wanting to be the secretary of press? No, no. No, particularly this administration has got it because they're so angry and bitter about losing like by the time 2024 comes around you know it'll be a little different but they've just been like oh like they're just like it's if you can sense it they're
Starting point is 02:29:37 angry like definitely an ideological war going on that it clouds a lot of thinking and who's winning i don't know you tell me who's winning we're winning we you're republican now no no i didn't say republican you just who's we no we're winning the independent thinkers the people that think yeah see see okay just checking see yeah exactly you're republican now no the people that that have this mentality the people that are are are freedom driven that just want to be able to have different ideas. And that's why I snap back at, you know, conservatives, too.
Starting point is 02:30:09 I'm like, I'm not a product of the right. Don't think like I don't want people to go, oh, Candace is destroying the left and she wants to create a monolith on the right. No, wrong. All I want Black people to do is understand you have a right to like certain ideas on both sides, but you don't like what you should never allow is for someone to use your identity to define how you have to think. You should always be the person defining how you think. That's the message that I say on college campuses.
Starting point is 02:30:29 That's a very good message. Candace, we could probably talk for hours, but I got to get the fuck out of here. I got to fly to Wyoming. You're going to Wyoming? Yeah, right now. You're going to hang out with Kanye on the ranch? Maybe. Maybe.
Starting point is 02:30:39 Yes. That's what she's doing. She's going to go ride horses and shit. Piss off some more lip rolls You're a firecracker Thank you Good luck to you I really enjoyed talking to you
Starting point is 02:30:48 We'll do this again sometime Absolutely Thank you Candice Thank you Woo

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