The Joe Rogan Experience - #1132 - Kyle Kingsbury

Episode Date: June 18, 2018

Kyle Kingsbury is a retired professional mixed martial artist. He is currently the Director of Human Optimization at Onnit. ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 The President of the United States, Secretary of Defense, When it comes to defending America, it is not enough to merely have an American presence in space. We must have American dominance in space. So important. Very importantly, I'm here by directing the Department of Defense and Pentagon to immediately begin the process necessary to establish a Space Force as the sixth branch of the armed forces.
Starting point is 00:00:42 That's a big statement. We are going to have the Air Force and we are going to have the Space Force separate but equal. It is going to be something so important. General Dunford, if you would carry that assignment out, I would be very greatly honored. Look at Mike Pence. Mike Pence has this look on his face like, I'm going to be the president. He's like, this motherfucker's gone completely crazy, and I'm going to be the president next.
Starting point is 00:01:15 That's his nod of approval. Look at his face. He's got the face of a guy who knows he's going to be the president. Like, if you were about to be awarded something, like if there was something you were about to get, and you're like, wow, I worked my whole life for this, and here it is. I'm going to get that thing right now. I'm going to be the fucking president.
Starting point is 00:01:39 He must be like, this guy is never going to last eight years, and for sure he's going to win again. I'm going to be the president. So you think for sure he's going to win again. I'm going to be the president. So you think for sure he wins again because, is that because whoever the Democrats decide to put in is going to be an equal turd sandwich again? You're a super smart dude, but you're also a brute. You're a big, giant, savage motherfucker, right? So how many people have underestimated you because you're a big, giant, savage motherfucker? Plenty.
Starting point is 00:02:07 And talk stupid to you and act like you were a moron? I'd say equal street fights, two fights in the UFC. Yeah. There's a lot of people, right? And just people in general. They'll get snotty. I don't take stevia. Yeah, I'm good. I'm going black.
Starting point is 00:02:17 I'm like my men. But I think there's a certain part of us that might be doing that with him. I don't think he is. I think he's really good at winning. This is not like an endorsement of him. No caveats necessary. I'm horrified by this immigration policy of separating children from their parents. I think that's subhuman His wife came out and said that was bullshit. Yeah, his wife's an immigrant bro. His wife barely speaks English. It's chaos, right?
Starting point is 00:02:53 It's crazy. I hate I hate all that stuff. These are just families They're just people who love each other You got to keep them together if they break the law you keep them together Get them out of here if you want I mean if you want to send them back to wherever they came from if you're you're hell-bent on that but taking them from their kids is subhuman I mean it's beyond it's not us it's not what we're doing in 2018 that aside all that aside he's probably gonna fucking win again man I think he's probably
Starting point is 00:03:20 gonna win again I think he gets in these confrontations with people, and they think he's adult. I don't think he's adult. I think there's no way he could be as successful as he's been. I know he's had ups and downs and shit like that. But, like, what he, just the way he was able to dismantle all those guys in those Republican debates. He tore them the fuck apart. Tore them apart. Tore them apart.
Starting point is 00:03:44 They had no business. They had no business. They had no business doing that with him. They just were too emotionally tied up in his responses. There was so much negativity and energy. It was like, ugh. There was all this anxiety. Like a fight where a guy's in full panic. You know, you've seen like street fights especially.
Starting point is 00:04:03 Guys just go into full panic. Or even just talking shit in the schoolyard you know like yeah one guy's getting bullied bullies got the crowd watching him and the other guy's like well but but you're you're fuck you man you know and everybody's like oh that ain't gonna work you know that's kind of that's what the rest of them look like ted cruz that's what they all looked like he's just been doing this his whole life he's been talking shit his whole life you know and he's got a lot of fucking supporters and if the economy keeps doing good man it's gonna be a hard sell to put some guy in there like bernie sanders who you know all the right-wing people think just wants to give
Starting point is 00:04:39 away all your money give away all your money to welfare brats even the left was protecting against that yeah right because there's still money money on the left i should point out i know jack shit about politics this is very important to point out anybody that ever says you shouldn't be talking about politics that's crazy because anybody should be able to talk about whatever they want but what i shouldn't do is give anybody the impression that i know what i'm talking about because i definitely don't like if you had to get me to explain to you how Congress and the Senate works and how long the terms are and what they have to do, that would be a sloppy-ass fucking conversation.
Starting point is 00:05:15 I'm no political expert. Mike Pence is no MMA expert. You know what I mean? He probably could tell you who Conor McGregor is, you know, like that's probably like we have equal knowledge in government. Yeah. But still he might win just in terms of like,
Starting point is 00:05:33 he definitely could. Yeah. It's a game. He definitely could. Look, what is it? It's a fucking game. It's a game.
Starting point is 00:05:39 It's a very high stakes, gigantic game where you're trying to win a popularity contest. He won. What do you think of The Rock potentially becoming president one day? That shit blew up and I was like, wait a minute now. If you look at the current state and it is a popularity contest and we want somebody who can literally rock the mic, has the gift of gab. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:01 But then you also have somebody who's doing humanitarian shit, is as famous as fucking anyone has ever been highest paid dude in hollywood he's so nice too yeah you look at that guy in your life you don't you don't question his character no he's a sweetheart yeah he's a sweetheart you meet him in real life he's like that too although he's a big motherfucker big giant motherfucker i think he could do it he could win he could like that too. Oh, he's a big motherfucker. Big giant motherfucker. I think he could do it. He could win. He could win.
Starting point is 00:06:30 Especially if he has Oprah as his VP. And I'm not even fucking around. Not saying it's a good idea, folks. Not what I'm saying. I'm just saying. You don't think that The Rock and Oprah could win? But who would be, women would get super pissed off if The Rock was the president and Oprah was VP. Oprah would have to say, look, I'm busy.
Starting point is 00:06:46 She's potentially next in line. That's not a bad thing. She's Mike Pence, nodding in approval. But a lot of people would want her to be president, Oprah to be the first female president, to counter. Like the first celebrity president being Trump, Oprah counters that with the first female celebrity president. See, that's a big win. Would The Rock be VP in that situation? It's tough to get The Rock to take a fucking back seat.
Starting point is 00:07:11 Yeah, I don't know about that. I don't know about that. The Rock is, he's The Rock. It's tough to get him to take a back seat. It would be fascinating to see what happens next. That's what's going to be, I mean, how we're going to try to play this out, how people are going to play this out, the popularity contest aspect of it. Because it's just, okay, if it really devolves into that, you know, it's like, and here's
Starting point is 00:07:38 the other thing. How much of his regulations are helping? How much of his regulations are helping? Well, and what do we do now that has really fucked up maybe permanent consequences to the earth? That's true too, right? But what stuff have they implemented other than I know they did offshore drilling, right? That concerned a lot of people. That concerned a lot of people. And it was explained better to me about the monuments and the private land.
Starting point is 00:08:15 I've read a bunch of different, and public land rather, I've read a bunch of different takes on that. And essentially what they did is bring it back to where it was before the Obama administration changed it. So it was listed a certain way. And then when the Obama administration changed it, they felt that was an overstep. I don't know why. And it doesn't seem to be, they haven't started any like mineral drills or oil drills or anything in these areas. I don't know what they're doing. I don't know if they're really just trying to deregulate things more.
Starting point is 00:08:47 They feel like the government overstepped their boundaries or if they really have nefarious ideas and they're trying to figure out a way to get some oil out of a salmon river. Time will tell. Yeah, man. I mean, there was that one place, we've discussed it before, up in Alaska where a lot of people were concerned that there was going to be some drilling that takes place near where salmon live.
Starting point is 00:09:09 Like close enough that if it fucked up, it could destroy this river. When it fucks up. That's probably the best way to say it, right? Because if we don't do anything about it, like say if you put a pipeline in the earth and you pump oil through it and we don't do anything. We just leave it there. Just leave it there. And we don't visit it for 5,000 years. What's that going to be like?
Starting point is 00:09:34 So what does that mean? It means you got to keep fixing it. Okay. So you put a hole, you put a giant tube through the earth and you're pumping toxic ooze out of this tube and sometimes it gets into rivers and it fucking kills everything and there's you want to run this fucking you want to run this tube under the river okay and then what are you gonna do like how many every year every five years what how long how often are you checking and when do you replace shit how long those tubes last i don't know they got to check it out i almost got into that what happens if there's an earthquake and those tubes break fuck city what how does that
Starting point is 00:10:14 work i don't know jack shit about how they pump the oil out do you what were you gonna say well it's um i mean it's a weird thing if we know for sure they're going to one day break. Like we're making a toxic pipeline. We know for sure it's going to, the earth's going to just absorb it, right? Everything fucking erodes. Everything. Everything. Have you seen them show like a five-year depiction of what would happen to our bridges if we stopped painting on them?
Starting point is 00:10:41 Yeah, I have. Yeah, it looks like it happens overnight. bridges if we stop painting yeah i have yeah it looks like it happens overnight wasn't there a show about this called uh life after humans or something like that yeah was that on like nat geo or discovery something like that something like that yeah there's a bunch of spots uh particularly look at this southern california deadliest quake may have been caused by oil drilling jesus christ 1933 doesn't ok't Oklahoma now have a ton of earthquakes from fracking? Yeah. But how could they know this?
Starting point is 00:11:10 Because earthquakes happen out here. I wonder how they know this. Hmm. A study written by two leading U.S. geological survey scientists in Pasadena and be published in the Bulletin of Seismic Society
Starting point is 00:11:25 of America on Tuesday, also suggests that three other earthquakes, including magnitude 5.0 earthquakes in 1920 in Inglewood and 1929 in Whittier, may have also been linked to oil drilling. Whoa. I don't know. Maybe. Maybe we live in California. Right?
Starting point is 00:11:47 Both. Maybe both. Maybe it gave it a little bump, but it was happening anyway. Who the fuck knows? But it is... It's weird. That's a weird one. The weirdest one for sure is nuclear power plants.
Starting point is 00:11:59 That's the weirdest one. Because they can't shut them off. When you had Shane Smith on, he was talking about that kid that made a nuclear reactor in his garage. Yeah. At like 17 years old. Yeah. I think he's like 22 now or 23. Works for the government.
Starting point is 00:12:11 What did they do? They tracked him by the materials that he was purchasing? Well, he shut down a fucking city block when he turned. But he was doing like fusion. He could do, what was that? He could refine uranium. Oh, Jesus. he knew how to fucking mine it get all the materials and he's 17 that was at 17 he's 22 now or 23 that's insane
Starting point is 00:12:32 but he can take the used reactors and and basically like a handheld battery like you'd have on an rc car that can power an entire city for 10 000 years each one of those what that's what smith was saying that's not for me i'm of those. What? That's what Smith was saying. That's not for me. I know. I'm saying, though, that's what Shane Smith was saying. This guy has that technology. And, of course, to get a little Eddie Bravo-ish, there's big companies that don't want to see that happen.
Starting point is 00:12:56 But he's supported by Elon Musk and another other big-time dudes that want to see it happen. Well, here would be the thing. dudes that want to see it happen well here would be the thing you i don't know uh if once those nuclear reactors get up and running like the old style ones like fukushima i don't know if they have like a way to shut those down you know i think they need ironically enough i think they need power to shut them down wasn't that like a big part of the problem with fukushima but they couldn't cool it they couldn't keep it cool dude they can't shut them off big part of the problem with Fukushima? Where they couldn't cool it? They couldn't keep it cool? Dude, they can't shut them off. Like that is the craziest.
Starting point is 00:13:35 They've only had them for, if you stop and think about the amount of time humans have been alive. It's only been like 50 years, 60 years since like nuclear power is everywhere. Like what has been the year? The bomb was dropped in, what was that 45 is that 1945 i don't know before my time when you think the bomb was dropped was it 45 hiroshima and nagasaki i think that's right but i was looking up that they shut down power plants in florida when the hurricane went through last year nuclear power plants yeah i think new ones they can i don't think they could shut down the fukushima one or i think it was just damaged by the water so badly that whatever their shutdown thing didn't work but there's no like there's no way to shut it down now now it's
Starting point is 00:14:17 the fucking total meltdown disaster i mean they've tried to come up with all sorts of ways to store this shit. I think one of them was dig a giant hole, pour all the waste in there and keep it frozen. That doesn't sound good. That sounds like a really bad idea. They were going to put it in like this giant vat and they were going to have this vat like super cooled to some like ridiculous low degree and do something. Correct me if I'm wrong. This sounds like I'm making this up. I bet Paul Stamets could come up with a way to fix that. How would you fix that?
Starting point is 00:14:52 Mushrooms eat all the nuclear waste? Dude, he did that. He had the TED Talk, Six Ways Mushrooms Will Save the World. Was that one of his? One of them was oyster mushrooms eating away oil spills. So he fucking has like three giant vats of toxic waste i wouldn't say toxic like garbage and uh they're all coated in oil and he does different things to two of them and then on the third one he puts oyster mushroom spores in there and they cover
Starting point is 00:15:18 them and the other two just stink to fucking hell like they get worse over time wow the oyster mushrooms grow and they grow black as the oil starts to be absorbed by them then they break down every single carbon in the oil until eventually the oyster mushroom becomes white again and it's fucking edible completely breaks it down and these are giant oyster mushrooms like just fucking massive dude you're gonna get get BP cocky. They're going to get cocky. Like, look, we spell it.
Starting point is 00:15:48 We got some fucking mushrooms. We're good, dude. We're good, dude. Give us three months. Damn, could you imagine a giant oil spill out in the ocean and then the scientists drop like billions of spores? What is this? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:16:03 That might not work in the ocean. But could you imagine if they did do it and it did work and you see these fucking building-sized mushrooms just sucking oil out of the ocean? That'd be awesome. It would be crazy. And then they turn white
Starting point is 00:16:16 and they become edible. And they just got to figure out how to do that with psilocybin and we're golden. Wow. Yeah. Oh, that would be an easy fix to find some way to blend the two of them together. Don't you think? A little crossbreed?
Starting point is 00:16:31 Could they do that? I know they do that with plants, right? They got to be able to do that. How do they do that with plants? that there was um they were they were making pistachio trees and they were binding them somehow or another to avocado trees and they were making them like grow together to make like a sturdier branch structure and what what i've seen do that can mix trees? I know here they have mixed trees, but they're from the same phylum. I don't know if that's right. They're close enough genetically related, but you'd have one base of the tree that has the roots,
Starting point is 00:17:14 and then different branches on that tree grow different fruit. Wow. And you can have four different fruit styles on one tree, like peaches, plums, apricots, all from one tree. Wow, dude. i had no idea you can buy that shit at costco i believe you i had no idea though i would have assumed that i would assume that like a tomato has to be in a tomato tree you know you can't splice a tomato tree to an apple tree tomato might not work but as far as fruit trees so it would be cool though though, to do that. Maybe you could do that with tomatoes.
Starting point is 00:17:47 Maybe you could have beefsteak on one side and cherry on the other. Yeah, right. It's possible. You could have it all mixed up together. Yeah, it's just what a strange life form plants are. You know, they're a little bit bizarre compared to us. This thing that lives alongside of us cleans our air for us cleans our air like new york without central park would be so much
Starting point is 00:18:12 grosser probably right yeah 100 have to be like all the carbon in the air carbon dioxide all the fucking just all the people breathing everyone around you there's so many people everyone just breathing you know you're in like a soup of people breathing everyone around you there's so many people everyone just breathing you know you're in like a soup of people breathing on the subway and in buildings and you know people are so jammed next to each other where they're walking by they're just breathing each other's air that is such a weird way that people have decided to live yeah it is weird we were just out there for uh product development with on it. I get to go out to different conferences and shit. So we went out to Secaucus, New Jersey and they're like a
Starting point is 00:18:50 giant supplement conference where they have, uh, it's basically like people that, that do the science, they figure out something really cool, but they're not big enough name to take it to the masses. So they, we come in along with other companies. We look for different things that are backed by science, piece it all together and create something new. So we're doing that by day. And then we head over to New York by night and it was cool, but it was like, it's a fucking madhouse.
Starting point is 00:19:16 It's absolutely insane to think that people live on that tiny little island. They love it. Yeah. It definitely buzzes. It's got, it's got its own fucking energy for sure for sure for sure and it's a little hostile there's a hostility to that the comedy there is uh it's it sort of exemplifies that new york comedy has always been some of the best
Starting point is 00:19:39 comedy in the country like always it's always been some of the best comics come out of new york in the country, like always. It's always been some of the best comics come out of New York. And a lot of them are like super hyper aggressive. Like a lot of them like real insult comedians, like that kind of, you know, that style of shitting on each other. It's like they're aggressively liked at it.
Starting point is 00:19:59 But it's like Patrice O'Neill was probably like the best at it. He was so fucking good. He was so fucking good. He was so good. He exemplifies that New York style. What the fuck are you wearing, man? What the fuck is that shirt?
Starting point is 00:20:11 And then it would just be attack. And it was beautiful. It was beautiful. But it was fun. It was all in good fun and playful. But that New York style, it's like a harder style style like a more aggressive style yeah even families talk to each other differently there yeah yeah yeah more shit talking well you know i've tried to figure this out myself because my grandparents were immigrants but i figured the way i was thinking
Starting point is 00:20:36 it is like if you really thought about the kind of people that were taking a chance to come across the ocean and get here in like 1920. These were wild, desperate people. This was a different kind of human. They're a wilder type of human being. And then to go from that wild type of human being to like a regular person in 2018, it's only been a couple of generations. Those places is where the people stayed. So the people landed there first. to like a regular person in 2018. It's only been a couple of generations. Those places is where the people stayed.
Starting point is 00:21:09 So the people landed there first. And then all the Polish and the Jewish and the Italian and the Puerto Ricans and all these different fucking ethnic groups just piled in together, just buzzing. And a lot of people went, let's go west. Let's fucking go west. And they landed over here. And this is why California is like quite a bit more mellow, you know, quite a bit more laid back. And even the comedy, the comedians are more friendly. It's not like, but there is a great roast battle scene up here too.
Starting point is 00:21:40 They do those roast battle shows. Those things are pretty goddamn good. I love the roasts. They get nasty with each other. You guys sit in the back of the comedy store and talk shit, right? Yeah, we talk shit to each other. But it's fun. It's practice.
Starting point is 00:21:53 It's like we're making other comedians laugh. That would be awesome, though, to be a fly on the wall watching a bunch of comedians just talk shit to each other. Not even worried about other people. Not trying to make anybody laugh but themselves. We all talk shit unless Joey's around. Then when Joey's around, just try to get him riled up. When Joey's around, my main goal is try to get him angry about something and just hear him go off.
Starting point is 00:22:16 And that's when the magic happens. It's got to be something. You've got to bring up some fucking band he doesn't like or some foo that's bullshit. And next thing you know, he's throwing his arms back and he's fucking somebody somebody orders the ranch sauce with their salad yeah with chicken wings yeah just that one statement it's blue cheese with wings or go fuck your mother and it's just the way he says it too so when when we're in the back and joey's back there we just let joey rant we just try to get him riled up i mean we'll have conversations with him if he just
Starting point is 00:22:52 wants to have a conversation but half the time it's like a game of uh you know you're hanging around with the funniest guy ever if you get that guy to laugh and get that guy to make everybody laugh just fucking poking prod yeah just have fun with them but he would always do that like no one could figure that out we'd do these gigs in the road and right before um joey would go on stage he'd get mad at us he'd get mad at you for whatever reason he goes you guys with this fucking laptop and this bullshit in the fucking dream it's the fucking green room let the green room be the green room what are you gonna do you're gonna show him your dick you're gonna do it and you going to show them your dick?
Starting point is 00:23:25 Are you going to do it? And he would go into this thing like, how deep are you going to get into this fucking internet life? Let these fucking people behind the scenes would just go off. And they were like, why is Joey so mad? I'm like, he's getting fired up to go on stage. That's what he does. Comes back.
Starting point is 00:23:39 He's not mad at you. He just decides like, this is what it's going to be. This is what it's going to be. Yeah, some poor bastards. Like, I'm just trying to do some emails. I'm just streaming on YouTube. What's his deal? What the fuck is this streaming?
Starting point is 00:23:51 What the fuck is this? What the fuck are these kids doing with the fucking streaming? And the next thing you know, boom, bang, everybody's on the floor, dying laughing. You would get fired up and then you'd go on stage already at 10. It's a really smart thing. Just get mad. Just get annoyed right before you go on stage. Just get annoyed at anything What kind of fucking mustard is this? What what cut Joe Rogan? What kind of fucking mustard is this?
Starting point is 00:24:16 Back in Jersey. They had the mustards with the seeds That fucking brown dirty mustard looks like it came out of someone's asshole and he would just Whatever it was, he would just start ranting about it and get angry. And then he would go on stage like at 10. So it could be anything, man. It could be a fucking TV show that Tahani doesn't like. It could be the pair of sneakers you're wearing. It could be I don't like the way you're doing your notes.
Starting point is 00:24:39 He'll just decide. He yelled at me once for having a notebook. I came to the improv and I had a fucking notebook. And he goes, what are you doing with the fucking notebook? And I go, that's why I keep my notes. And he's like, what, do you want everybody to know you're writing? Carry this fucking notebook around? You're doing it to show the world that you take your job serious.
Starting point is 00:24:58 Some people do. But I mean, that's better than not doing it. You know, even if you're like, even if you're writing to fake that you're writing all the time, that's definitely better than not writing. Carry that notebook, man. Encourage notebooks. I'm pro-notebook.
Starting point is 00:25:15 You guys got the notepad right here. Dude, you got to write shit down. You do. I don't look at 90% of it. There's a lot of stuff in here that I have no idea what the fuck I wrote. But occasionally I feel like one day I'm going to get it. I'm going to be, I'm going to wise up and I'm going to go in here and I'm going to go over these notes. And something's going to make some sense.
Starting point is 00:25:33 But nope. All looks like nonsense. Chicken scratch and nonsense. Page after page of it, Kyle Kingsbury. Do you take notes? Like life notes? Yeah, Kind of. I mean, I have two journals that I use for psychedelic ceremonies, shit like that.
Starting point is 00:25:51 And then my desk is, it's kind of a fucking joke. I mean, it's just covered in Post-its. And I'll just jot shit down on who I'm going to have on the podcast or the supplement that I want to try what dose that i tried it at that kind of shit since i'm kind of the office guinea pig just any any bullshit but they're fucking everywhere have you ever had an adverse reaction as an office guinea pig trying shit out many many times i was at a meeting with aubrey and i i forget the guys that were there but there was some big wig guys and uh you know i show up and he's like, Hey, you doing all right? And I was like, uh, no, no, not doing good. And I had taken, um, I had taken this form of
Starting point is 00:26:35 berberine that lowers blood sugar. It kind of works like metformin. Dr. Peter T has talked about that before on your show and, um, supposed to help with ketone production and just inflammation all that good shit but i took way too much i kind of eyeballed it just i got cocky yeah you eyeballed cocky yeah i probably had three times the dose and it just fucking sunk me and i'm like i'm already in ketosis i should be fine and i went pale as a ghost and he's like why uh i've just got a couch in his office he said why don't you just lay on the couch for a minute? So I laid down there, fucking full body sweat. It got worse. Whoa.
Starting point is 00:27:07 And I just listened. And I was like, uh-huh. Yeah, kind of close to fucking throwing up. But, uh, and that's like one of probably 10. How can you eyeball things? You're a smart guy. Yeah, that's true. Well, I've shit my pants from eyeballing MCT oil on multiple occasions.
Starting point is 00:27:23 We talked about that last podcast. Dude's got so mad. Yeah, I'll try your diet and shit my fucking pants. People are so mad. You can do a keto diet and not take MCT oil. You don't have to. Or you can do it intelligently and fucking measure your dose and not get ballsy. But if you're the average human being, let's just say you're an intelligent, let's be super honest about this.
Starting point is 00:27:46 If you're an intelligent, healthy person that eats a reasonably balanced diet, you still have a 1% chance of shitting your pants every day. You think it's that high? No. Because that's one day out of every hundred. I know. That's like three times a year no i have to revise my numbers maybe one tenth of one percent one in a thousand one in a thousand days so if it's one in a thousand like one in three years you gotta there's a likelihood i
Starting point is 00:28:21 think i'm living right if i shit my pants once every three years good for you yeah glad you said that not me yeah yeah if i don't if i don't push the envelope yeah exactly yeah i'm not playing it safe nope not playing it safe that's odd yeah it's weird that certain foods that are good for you will also make you shit your pants if you do it wrong it's like your body wants this real nice balance i want a real nice balance of nutrients don't get fucking crazy with this stuff come on don't get crazy with that what's all this oil oh you want diarrhea you want diarrhea motherfucker your body just says i'm not dealing with this let's just flush it out the problem is that you think it's a fart and you should know better.
Starting point is 00:29:05 It's like, oh, that feels like air. We're good to let this out. And then it's full underwear. Yeah. Not good. Then you've got to drive home with your hips off the seat the whole way. It's good exercise, though, for your lower pelvic. Activate, loosen up the front side. Male kegels.
Starting point is 00:29:23 You're kind of doing a kegel, holding it back. you you are definitely yeah just staying puckered for an extended period of time like women to do that competitively do you know there's like competitions where they hold they hold like something inside the vagina yeah those are some dedicated people like i would imagine most girls are like, vagina is great by itself. You don't really have to squeeze it until it becomes muscular. You can train it, though. You can. You know?
Starting point is 00:29:51 You can. Just like training the brain. You can. But how many people do it? I would like to know. I believe there was an anonymous thing where women can answer. I bet that's 1%. How many of them squeeze their pussy all the time and just do exercises like...
Starting point is 00:30:04 Look at this girl. She's got some stuff up her punana, and then she's carrying weights around, and she's doing yoga. Record-setting vaginal weightlifter. What's wrong with the pants? Well, there's a hole in the middle of it where that rope goes through. That's one thing. That's a rough-looking too man that's like a rope that you would you would tie like a dog to a tree with
Starting point is 00:30:30 that's not like a silk rope that's a fucking rope man she's not bad i don't i really don't like the pants this is it's nice that she's moving through different positions you know she's not just standing there hitting qigong with it in there she's she's actually she's working it this is the sexual equivalent to you taking that overdose of those pills or of those of that's that shit you're taking the powder sexual equivalent is exactly the sexual equivalent because you don't want to get jerked off by the Hulk, okay? I don't know. You know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:31:08 You can't knock it until you've tried it. I would just imagine. I would enter that and roll the dice and see how strong that is. What if she grabs it like your fist? And you're like, oh, Jesus. She's like Pai Mei when he takes the arm. Do you want your cock back? Your cock belongs to me now.
Starting point is 00:31:24 Yeah, grabs it like it hurts Like hey Hey Well it's still gonna be wet right? Hopefully Sure Yeah I mean Everything seems to be in working order
Starting point is 00:31:34 Yeah Yeah That's a weird thing to want To be able to do too Carry the most weight with your pussy Yeah Like you'd like to see Like how did it go
Starting point is 00:31:43 From that being a thought in your mind to one day I'll be the queen one day I will carry the most weight to like putting it putting it on YouTube and figuring out a way
Starting point is 00:31:52 to put it on YouTube where you have pants that have a hole in them she started somewhere yeah but I'm willing to bet that seed was planted early on in life
Starting point is 00:32:01 probably too early maybe I don't know man different strokes for different folks right if that's what you're into doing some people play tennis some people some people are world record pussy weight holders it's just like what the fuck man okay if dudes could grow their dicks, for sure. If there was an exercise, they could grow your dick. What are you talking about?
Starting point is 00:32:28 You've talked about that. Yeah. Aren't there tribes in Africa where they hang shit from their, they got a penis head piercing and they hang different weights from their cock? Yeah, there is some of that, right? Just stretch it out. I don't think that's the same. They do like dick games where they'll be semi-hard and they kind of work those muscles on top
Starting point is 00:32:43 of the cock to flex the weight up and down? Yeah, but if that was like as straightforward. So like the penis has to be erect in order for it to be hard. And if it's erect and hard, like it's not a muscle that you can work out. That's what I'm saying. Yeah. You know what I'm saying? It's more about just stretching it.
Starting point is 00:33:02 Yeah. But if you had a weightlifting exercise for the dick, like a bicep curl, you know how big the fucking line at the gym would be if someone invented that? No one would be waiting in line for the Stairmaster, right? They would be waiting in line to get on that dick building machine. Just all these dudes with their pants around their angles, stuffed into a glory hole with some kind of weight on the other side. Proportionately, like what percentage of girls that lift weight go immediately to booty exercises?
Starting point is 00:33:35 Is it 100? It's got to be. I mean, any kind of squat rack or anything crazy, that's where you're going to find the girls that really want to put on that booty mass, right? It's like a high percentage. Do you think the dick strengthener would make it
Starting point is 00:33:52 shorter and fatter? It would be dick strengthening gyms everywhere. But would it turn you into a Coke can? No, I think it would have to be like you could grow it out. Like you could actually create more tissue. What is this? What he's showing us i can't find the name of this movie a guy's trying hanging uh like asian weight yeah from his dick they got like all these
Starting point is 00:34:16 hanging from his dick and the girl's like i can believe this. She starts eating a banana in a second. Oh. Yes. What is the name of this movie? I couldn't find the name. It's got to be a parody, but I don't know. She's got to keep them hard. There was a black guy looking at him like, what the fuck? He's coming up right there. Damn, they keep stacking kettlebells on his dick.
Starting point is 00:34:41 But if there was something like that, like something like a glute ham machine, you know, something that just targeted the dick. You should talk to rogue. I don't think it's going to work. You'd have one in here. Probably would start playing with prototypes.
Starting point is 00:34:57 A hundred people are going to send you one. If anybody's going to figure it out, it's going to be Ben Greenfield. It's probably going to be some fucking, well, you know, I had him on, on its podcast after, after uh after he was on yours the first time and and i was like you know what do you want to talk about and we're in the sonnet on it and i'm like i want to talk stem cells and he's like listen no more dick stem cell talk i was like why i was like you're fucking
Starting point is 00:35:20 he goes no i don't want to be known as the dick stem cell guy and i was like well yeah he went on the wrong show but uh you know i still we still talk stem cells and obviously you know we were chatting before the show it's it's fucking rad you know it's very cool we got to talk about um the intravenous stem cells that he did oh jamie showing me some more dudes tying weights to the end of their dicks. It's on YouTube. Oh, God, Jamie. This is not good. Oh, come on, sir. Oh, that's at the base of his cock, and he was holding on to the shaft while he was picking it up. And then he gets up, and he gives blessings to everybody. Blessings.
Starting point is 00:35:58 I carried the large walk with my cock. That's the weirdest part of that video. He handled that win like Fedor. After it's over. No expression on the face. Just like, yeah, I know what I can do. It is the weirdest way
Starting point is 00:36:09 to pick up a rock with your dick and then end it. Watch. He gets up. He's adding dirt to it or something. Well,
Starting point is 00:36:15 is that writing? Is that Indian? Is that Hindu? Hindi? Yeah, Hindu. Hindu's the religion. Hindi's the writing. Is that what it is?
Starting point is 00:36:25 Look how they just allowed a show as cock and balls. Yeah, I think. Hindi? Yeah, Hindu. Hindu's the religion. Hindi's the writing. Is that what it is? Mm-hmm. I don't know. Look how they just allowed a show as cock and balls. I think it's because it's like science or something. Because it's nature? It's a feat of strength. There was another video I did not pull up that was direct, like, showing you how to do this kind of stuff with weights and... Kudos to YouTube for allowing this. Look at this.
Starting point is 00:36:42 He's grabbing the honker at the very end. He's got the rope wrapped around the middle. And homeboy's just going to pick for allowing this. Look at this. He's grabbing the honker at the very end. He's got the rope wrapped around the middle, and homeboy's just going to pick up this rock. He's got to widen that squat stance. Yeah. Look at this. Blessings. I have the cock of death.
Starting point is 00:36:55 Blessings. He's got... He's figured out a way to lift weights with his dick. Like, he's actually doing it. And he seemed to be erect there. People seem to be there to see him, too. Children were clapping. He's famous.
Starting point is 00:37:07 He's the famous dick weight guy. Do you think he has pupils? Will he take on? What a great reality show that would be. He has to. He can't take that to the grave with him. Yeah, you have some dude who was born with a small penis, and you send him to this guy, to the master.
Starting point is 00:37:23 To apprentice. In India. And he just starts going through all the rituals, the stones and the dick and the sticks. There's got to be more to it. Oh, look at these guys. I've seen this. Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 00:37:36 Using weights to enlarge your penis. They're swinging. Oh, Christ. That looks like 10 pounds. That looks like two five-pound plates. Is that Bolo Chong from Bloodsport? Oh, that. That looks like 10 pounds. That looks like two five-pound plates. Is that Bolo Chong from Bloodsport? Oh, that's a woman. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 00:37:55 They're not moving their hips. They're not at all. They're using the dick there. They're using dick muscle. That is so crazy. So they have something tied to their dick. We can't see it because they have some sort of a skirt over it for people that are listening. It literally looks like a skirt.
Starting point is 00:38:08 And then the rope is making this weight swing like a pendulum in between their legs. And they're not using their hips. They're doing it all with their dick muscles. Now they're practicing kicking in the balls. Very important to let a guy kick you in the balls. What? These guys blow testicles all the time. Right?
Starting point is 00:38:28 I know at least two or three guys that were kicked and blew out a testicle. In a fight? No, training mostly. I heard of it in training. I mean, I'm sure it's probably happened in fights too, but definitely in training. One of the military guys, like a real promising kid. Had it happen to him. I'm trying to place his name.
Starting point is 00:38:49 Did it end his career? I do not know. God, I really apologize for not remembering his name. I want to say Brian Foster. Is that who it was? He hasn't fought in the UFC in a long time. But in training, he got kicked low. He didn't have a cup on.
Starting point is 00:39:10 It's like one more round, that kind of deal. Okay, we'll spar one more round. Fuck it. And wham. I never understood that when guys wouldn't wear cups in sparring. So crazy. Don't roll the dice there. It's too risky.
Starting point is 00:39:22 Did you ever wear a tie steel cup? Kane was big into that, but I didn't like that it went up your asshole. That was like, oh, I don't know about that one. Plus, they're smaller. The American ones come out of ways. Oh, stop with the bragging, bro. No, no, no. I'm just saying.
Starting point is 00:39:39 I'm just saying. It looked like it'd be in a tight spot. That's all. Yeah. Well, you can't make a cup for a 140-pound Thai guy and then make that same cut fit on gorillas like yourself. It's just you need a bigger cup. It's just part of it. You need bigger gloves.
Starting point is 00:39:56 I like that there was a little bit of space. That's all I'm saying. Do you have, is it like that leather thick padding around the edges of it? No. So like when it goes into you, it doesn't go into you. It was rubber. Right. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:08 It was like the rubber with a hard plastic. Like a baseball cup. A lot of guys liked those. There was this dude, Amir Renovardi. He was one of Boss Rutten's protégés. And we used to train with him at Eddie's place. And he'd mount you. And he had that fucking steel cup.
Starting point is 00:40:23 And it would be like he was crushing your sternum with his dick. It was uber uncomfortable. It was not fun. He was very good at that. He would mount on you and just crush you down. It's like unnatural leverage in arm bars as well. When you go over that steel cup, you've got a metal thing that you're bending someone's arm against.
Starting point is 00:40:44 It's a big deal. It's a really big deal if you think about it. I mean, you would think like, wait a minute, like even a regular arm bar, hold on, you're pulling his arm into your balls? Like what the fuck? Yeah, you are. Your dick and balls are resting on someone's arm when you give them an arm bar. That is just a fact. If you don't like that fact, your goal, in fact, is to get your dick and balls to rest on this guy's arm. But you're not thinking about that.
Starting point is 00:41:11 You're thinking of getting your hips down on him, getting that arm in between your legs, or getting that arm in between your arms in your legs, extending your body. But if you have a steel cup there, you've got this crazy fulcrum. You've got this weird leverage point, and it's made out of metal. It's a fucking cup there. You got this crazy fulcrum. You got this weird leverage point. It's made out of
Starting point is 00:41:26 metal. It's a fucking metal piece. So instead of having vulnerable balls, you have this thing. You know, you have like a lever. You could snap shit better. Mike Swick popped my rib out. Dude. Eight days before a fight with his cup. This one right here. Damn, it's still fucked
Starting point is 00:41:42 up. Yeah, it reset that way. Wow. It's from those goddamn steel cups, up. Yeah, it reset that way. Wow. It's from those goddamn steel cups, right? Yeah, I mean, the swickateen. And just Doug, his cup was right under a rib, and I was dead tired. Last round of training of the entire fight camp and popped it out. I wonder how controversial. I'm so out of the loop when it comes to grappling, grappling competitions.
Starting point is 00:42:05 I wonder how legal they are. I wonder if they're allowed to use them at all. I wish how legal they are. I wonder if they're allowed to use them at all. I wish Eddie Bravo was here. No, I don't think they get to use cups of any sort. Of any sort? Yeah. Well, that would be crazy. I would want to wear a cup. I've been smashed in the nuts before in training.
Starting point is 00:42:18 I would want to wear a cup. I don't think you get to. I don't think it's allowed. Wow, that's crazy. Yeah. No cups at all because of that fulcrum point. Probably. Yeah. Yeah, it must be. it's crazy that your dick would become an advantage like you know like that area instead of like being like one object changes what that is so it goes from being like a super
Starting point is 00:42:38 vulnerable area to oh if i get you there you know even like north south like can't have me in north south and just fucking dig it into the side of my face oh jesus and i'm sure there's ball sweat there too but i mean really that yeah that would fuck me up yeah you got a metal bar driving in your face a real piece of metal and if you kick those fucking things you pay for it like if you kick those things and you slap it with your instep ah ah it's like you might as well be kicking a rock or kicking the bottom of someone's elbow. Worse than young Jamie running down the mountain in his Vibrams.
Starting point is 00:43:11 Yeah, young Jamie tried to go barefoot shoe running. Which one did you go? Did you get the Vivo barefoots? Yeah, the Vivos, yeah. Super thin, super, super thin. Yeah. Yeah, I got two different pairs of those. I got one that has like a lot of tread. That's like I got a good thick pairs of those. I got one that has a lot of tread. That's got a good thick amount of tread.
Starting point is 00:43:29 And then another one that has less. And the one that has less, you can feel the difference when you run these real slippery, steep slopes. I need something where I can dig in. If I'm trying to sprint up to the top of the hill. I don't want to be worried about my footing. I want to be able to, I'm tired at that point too. I'm going all the way up this fucking hill.
Starting point is 00:43:49 I want to dig in. Are vivos, are they toe shoes or do they have full coverage? Full coverage. See, I like that better for running.
Starting point is 00:43:55 Yeah. You know? You stub your toe on shit. You can't watch where you're, you have to like, when I wear, I like the Vibrams. I wear them all the time.
Starting point is 00:44:02 I don't have an endorsement with any of these people. I don't have any kind of deals. But what I like about the Vibrams. I wear them all the time. I don't have an endorsement with any of these people. I don't have any kind of deals. But what I like about the Vibrams is, for sure, it feels like you're moving more with your pinkies. Like your pinky toes and the other toes. They're aware that they have a job. Whereas I feel like when I wear even barefoot shoes that have full coverage, I feel like they're lazy.
Starting point is 00:44:25 They're just along for the ride. We'll just hang on. We can take a break. Yeah, we'll take a break. Whereas I feel all that shit activated. It might be just in my head, but when I run with five finger shoes on, a trail run with those things on, I feel like my foot is moving just a wee bit more
Starting point is 00:44:39 than even regular barefoot shoes. Something about having all those little fuckers free like that. And they're feeling the dirt the way they're supposed to. Like they're moving together the same way your hands move together when you grapple, you fall on gravel or something like that. Your hand, you know, it moves together. It's thinking of how to cushion blows and how to stop something that's coming your way and how to interact with space. Whereas your foot is just kind of clubbing the ground all the time. I feel like with those shoes, the your foot is just kind of clubbing the ground all the time. I feel like with those shoes, the one thing I'm aware of is that the foot is acting like
Starting point is 00:45:10 all the little individual muscles are helping to push me around. It's massive. I've noticed that. I mean, I'll walk. You're wearing them right now, ladies and gentlemen. I wear them all the time. He's wearing them right now. No endorsement either.
Starting point is 00:45:22 This motherfucker walks around with them. Yeah. Once I started walking them on a long-term basis, especially doing longer walks and jogs, like there's a clear-cut difference. Yeah. You have to be mindful of every fucking step you take. Yeah. Especially if they're thinner sold.
Starting point is 00:45:35 You know, they make some thick sold ones for trail running and whatnot. Yeah, I use those. I use those. The only time I use the really thin ones are at the gym. But yeah, those are the ones i have jamie they're uh you just got to watch out for like sharp rocks and i don't have to watch out for sharp rocks and the other ones like if if i'm running and something's kind of funky and it's i gotta go oh i don't want to land on that i gotta look yeah you gotta pay attention yeah but with
Starting point is 00:46:01 those other ones i could just kind of hustle and breathe. But maybe that's not as good. Maybe it's better to do it that way. You know, maybe it engages your brain more, forces you to think and make decisions while you're exhausted. Actually, it might be better. Now that I'm thinking about it, it might be a better thing to do as a workout. You're more present, too. You're not thinking about other bullshit. It's kind of like when we're talking about archery or the cold bath or any of these things.
Starting point is 00:46:30 It dials you in. But I think part of it for some people with running is that getting into the zone thing that you do. When you start getting a pace going and just get into that zone. You don't want to think about any other extraneous shit. And if you're doing that and watching every step you take, is there, is it possible? I'm just throwing this out there that it would like inhibit you from getting into the zone
Starting point is 00:46:54 because you'd have to be too conscious about every step you're taking. Maybe. I mean, I'm sure everyone's different, right? But for me, when I do that, I don't feel,
Starting point is 00:47:02 I feel like it draws me into the zone, right? Because if i can just run on a fucking treadmill i'm not worried about where my feet go that kind of thing and then my mind will wander then right because i don't have to pay attention it'll start thinking about other shit especially if it's an easy run my mind will wander then it's not dialed in because it doesn't have to be yeah what kind of cardio machines do you use if any well one that i really like i mean all i can use right now because my knee's fucked, is the SkiErg. And I like that.
Starting point is 00:47:29 Aubrey and I will get on those and do some sprint work. You were saying you have a, what is it, MCL tear? No, torn meniscus. Yeah. Thankfully, no surgery required with that because of the placement. And so you got some stem cells on that? Yeah, we did stem cells. What did they do? Last week, we did umbilical stem cells, intranasal, IV, and in the knee.
Starting point is 00:47:50 Jesus. With glutathione. Jesus. Jesus. The knee didn't hurt. Like, I thought the fucking injection was going to hurt. Like, they were going to wiggle it in with some long-ass needle. But that wasn't bad.
Starting point is 00:48:01 The pressure, once it goes in, that fucking hurt. Stem cells fix my left knee. I was having problems with my left knee for years. I had an ACL reconstruction on that knee. And on that knee, they took some meniscus out as well. It's always been a problem. Like, whenever I'd work out real hard, like two or three days in a row, it was always sore. Like, I'd walk around.
Starting point is 00:48:23 It was just sore. And then I'd have to warm it up to get going. One session with umbilical cord stem cells. And then I gave it a long time off and I never had a problem with it again. Like it literally went away. It's like one of those things where I had a problem, now I don't have a problem anymore. Like hill running, kicking the bag, whatever I'm doing. Using that Echo Bike or the VersaClimber,
Starting point is 00:48:45 anything I'm doing with my knees, no problems. It's crazy. I'm just babying it now. But we work with this guy, Dr. Craig Conover, who did the stem cells. He's been doing vitamin IVs on it for us, and he's a fucking savage. We'll do like the NAD treatments that Greenfield talks about. Greenfield was telling me is really, really beneficial. It is legit as fuck.
Starting point is 00:49:04 Tell me about it it feels like we get it done in iv what's the what's the name stand for again i think it's nicotinamide adenine adenine adenosine i don't know nicotine adenine adenosine dinucleotide there we go damn anyways smart it's a fucking it's it's basically food for the mitochondria. And you can influence that pathway through fasting, hot and cold therapy, high intensity intervals, different things like that. But just to get it mainlined into your fucking body, it feels like someone's got their hand on your stomach and they're slowly turning it. It doesn't feel good. You fucking sweat.
Starting point is 00:49:42 If people have nasal issues, they'll sneeze. Why does it feel like it's turning your stomach? Well, I think the idea is that because it influences mitochondrial biogenesis, it's going to kill off any old mitochondria that need to go. But you feel that in the gut and then you get new ones. And over time, I mean, we front load this four to eight days in a row. And by the end of the eighth day- What does that mean by front load it? Every single day you do it for eight days in a row and by the end of the day front load it every single day you do it for eight days what then you only need it like once a month or once every two weeks after that right little touch-ups after every single day yeah so every single day you're getting gut wrenched yeah but by the end of it you feel better so because you've gotten rid of most of the bad shit
Starting point is 00:50:20 and again that's theory it's not i mean this is brand new stuff here we gotta be super most of the science is on rats let me yeah let me say that this is theory the science on rats is always like a weird thing to say but i'll tell you that the the feeling the feeling is is there's no fucking dot it works i mean anything that influences mitochondria influences everything that's energy for your brain cognitive function heart lungs the whole nine greenfield was saying that he had the mitochondria the like when they the telomere lengths, when they check his telomere lengths, that his biological age was 20. So he went from, he went, he started, I listened to him, he had the teloyears guy on, right? So I did the same test and his biological age was 36 and his chronological age was 34.
Starting point is 00:51:03 And I'm like, this motherfucker who was homeschooled k through 12 and is an iron man triathlete is two years older biologically than chronologically where the fuck am i i went to asu did all the bad drugs get been hit in the head fucking countless times i gotta be it's gotta be bad so at 35 when i did mine uh biological age of 41. And I'm like, fuck. But right after he did the systemic stem cells through the IV, that dropped him from 36 to 20 years old biologically. How many did he do? How many sessions did he do? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:51:37 I think it was just after the first one. I know he's done them more. And he did different stem cells. So why are you guys doing it so many days in a row? For the NAD? Yeah. Well, the NAD? Yeah. Well, the idea of front-loading. They used to say that with creatine.
Starting point is 00:51:48 I think that's been debunked. But there are certain substances, especially with how they influence, you can really ramp up and change the body dramatically. And then after that, you just need little touch-ups here and there. Wow. But, you know. So what did you feel like? What did you feel like after? With the NAD?
Starting point is 00:52:04 Yeah. But, you know, I did. So what did you feel like? What did you feel like after? With the NAD? Yeah. I was like, I know I won't really be able to look at this like a quantified self. You know, I'm not going to be able to take numbers and shit. So what I did was I put myself through the meat grinder.
Starting point is 00:52:15 I hadn't really been training a lot. And since, you know, working my first real nine to five kind of thing. And I trained twice a day, busted out the old altitude machine was doing altitude every day, hot and cold, you know, I got the dual sauna on it, I do the cold bath at home. And all during that process, because we got the little the little guy, I wasn't sleeping well. So put myself through all that my fucking cardio went through the roof, I never got sick, I recovered well. So I knew it worked. And on top of that, you know, cognitive function, memory retention, everything was fucking scaling up a notch. And cardio.
Starting point is 00:52:52 Yeah. Fuck yeah. Your cardio ramped up. Anything that influences mitochondria affects fucking all of it. That's ATP throughout your entire body. And it's brain, too. You know, people think of like, oh, all right. You know, that's one of the reasons they're looking at creatine right now is a nootropic.
Starting point is 00:53:08 Because it influences ATP. And every fucking thing in your body runs on ATP. Have they done studies on this yet? I think Greenfield might be a better guy to ask. But I'm pretty certain that they've verified that creatine helps the brain now. It makes sense if it helps muscles. I mean, if it helps blood flow. I mean, there's got to be a bunch of different things.
Starting point is 00:53:32 It's fucking cellular energy. It's cellular energy. That's all ATP is, right? So everything runs on that one thing, and you're good there. Whether you're in ketosis or you're eating carbohydrates, it's all going back to ATP. It's crazy. It's crazy you could do that you could have someone inject something into you and all of a sudden you get this like this recharged state and then there's the debate okay is this healthy has it what's the long term well yeah and then and then all the shit you know it's funny because
Starting point is 00:54:00 what are the drawbacks i have a certain amount of followers online then you know you go to a company like on it and you have it's magnified right by a hundred by a thousand whatever and uh you know anytime i post shit because i'll do stuff online for like the biohack of the week the life hack of the week and sometimes it's just run of the mill you know go for a fucking farmer's walk with some weights in your hand or keep a kettlebell in your trunk and then you can always work out whatever or sometimes it's more technology-based and we we get a lot of shit on anything technology-based and of course the argument then is well i believe i can get everything i need from a good diet and good nutrition and movement and i don't need to inject shit to be healthy and it's like yeah but i like greenfield's model you know like you have one foot in ancestral living and one foot in the benefits of modern science.
Starting point is 00:54:47 So why wouldn't I fuck with that? I think that's a smart way to approach it. I think we have a real problem, and we always have, as human beings, being tribal. And I'm on tribe natural. I'm all natural, bro. You know, I don't take – I'm not into hormones. I'm not – you know, I don't need my cell phone, man. I'd rather leave it alone.
Starting point is 00:55:05 hormones i'm not you know i don't need my cell phone man i'd rather leave it alone and then we got tribe science who think that you know that science is going to figure everything out and nature ain't shit and yeah we're better than nature we're smarter than nature press forward and that's obviously the extremes of each end but people just tend to fucking do that man there was the most ridiculous video that i retweeted from barstool. I think it was Barstool. Just find out who I retweeted it from so we can give them credit on their Instagram. But it was a – was it Barstool? It was a video at a baseball game. And one side was saying, right field sucks.
Starting point is 00:55:43 And the other side was singing, left field sucks. And they would yell it out. three here we go one two three Right field sucks. Yeah, and everybody got pumped up and the people over here like left field sucks People are so stupid They would the team that sat on the left side is the best like Here it is. Play this. Is it a barstool? Yeah. All right, Barstool Sports. Shout out to Barstool Sports on Instagram.
Starting point is 00:56:09 Look at it. Black Bills sucks! Now these guys are getting fired up. We're so thrilled. We're not going to take that. We're not going to take that. Black Bills sucks on three. One, two, three. Black Bills sucks! But I gotta say
Starting point is 00:56:33 If I was there I would enjoy every second of that Especially if I had a couple beers And a hot dog in me I'd have been yelling it too Yeah man I mean that's That's what's fun right
Starting point is 00:56:42 And they're all rooting for the same team for the most part. Who knows? How do they do that? No, they don't fucking split the sides on a home game. Does anybody ever do that? No. They do that in soccer? It might happen.
Starting point is 00:56:57 There might be a section, but there's still people all over the place. For both teams? Yeah. Yeah. So they're not rooting on the same team. But conceivably, they could just go all... For both teams Yeah Yeah So they're not rooting On the same team But like Conceivably They could just go all
Starting point is 00:57:06 That'd prove my point Even further though Because now you have Both You know Say it's Cubs And Giants Right
Starting point is 00:57:14 You got Cubs fans And Giants fans Sitting on the right field Both yelling To the left field The left field sucks Yeah And Cubs and Giants fans
Starting point is 00:57:21 On left field Both yelling it To right field It's bringing people together Joe Rogan Through hate Yeah At least it's fake hate Yeah. And Cubs and Giants fans on left field both yelling it to right field. It's bringing people together, Joe Rogan. Through hate. Yeah. At least it's fake hate.
Starting point is 00:57:31 You know, they don't really think those people suck. I mean, if you sat them down as individuals and said, what do you really think about these random people on the right? They're like, oh, they're just folks that are sitting over there watching a baseball game. Is this a parallel for politics? For life, my friend. For all of this life. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:57:45 Probably, right? There's probably something to that. That might be also why Trump could win again. He can win again. Ryan Field sucks. Well, anybody that believes that he won't win again, they're the same people that believed he stood no chance of winning the first time. Dude, I took a photo of Jake Tapper on TV when the results were being read because he
Starting point is 00:58:02 was doing one of them report things. when the results were being read, because he was doing one of them report things, and he had, through the entire election, he was like really very, very obviously in angst at the thought of this guy being president. And then when he finally became president, Jake Tapper's face is just like, it's so classic. It's one of those moments where you're like, Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 00:58:24 I'm never gonna forget that guy's face when trump was elected because it was just like what the fuck is this it was just a crazy face i mean if everything works out nobody dies no extra people die because of trump being president this will be a very fascinating time to study. It'll be a very fascinating time. I don't think there's ever been a time like this, man. Drug laws are relaxing all over the place. They're pushing MDMA through MAPSes to get it to use for therapy for soldiers with PTSD.
Starting point is 00:59:01 And it works remarkably well. It works better than fucking anything. I've been able to guide a couple of those sessions, couples therapy sessions, not the PTSD sessions. What's it been like? Fucking incredible. I mean, I watched a breakup happen with that and I've never seen people break up prior to that.
Starting point is 00:59:19 So I don't really have the comparison, but just seeing it's heart-opening medicine, you know? And I know that you haven't had great experiences with it have the comparison, but just seeing it's, it's heart opening medicine, you know? And I know that you haven't had great experiences with it in the past, but this pharmaceutical shit is a whole different. No, I didn't have a bad experience. I only had a bad experience with the come, the come down. There is no come down with the pharmaceutical. I mean, fucking zero.
Starting point is 00:59:39 And I mean, I thought it diminishes your, um, your, your dopamine. I spoke to, I've spoken to Rick Doblin about this twice. Yeah. And the thing is, you know, as with any, I know it's not a true psychedelic, but with any psychedelic, what is a true psychedelic? A true psychedelic, like Michael Pollan say, would be like a tryptamine based psychedelic, the classical psychedelics. You look at, um, hallucinations. Yeah. And you're, you're thinking of things like mushrooms, LSD, you know, watch Uma peyote, ayahuasca, DMT, those kinds of things like mushrooms lsd you know wachuma peyote ayahuasca dmt those kind of things would be more traditional you know what man i would i would honestly say that i think in high doses edible marijuana is a psychedelic yeah yeah there's no doubt no doubt i
Starting point is 01:00:19 really i mean i've heard people argue against that i I'm like, man, I don't know. I think in high doses, when you close your eyes and lie down, like sit down on a couch on a high dose, you're really, really flying. I've had visuals from fucking Gorilla Glue. Just smoking Gorilla Glue. My wife and I both. What do you mean Gorilla Glue? It's a strain, not actual glue. Yeah, I was huffing glue with my wife.
Starting point is 01:00:44 We experiment with anything. This fucking podcast took a turn. I was like, Kyle Kingsbury's so savage, he's out there smoking glue. No, Gorilla Glue's in- What about the kids, Kyle? It's the name, yeah. I'm not going to be a good father. And you experienced visuals?
Starting point is 01:00:58 Fucking full-blown, full-blown. You can get them, man. If you get high enough. McKenna used to say that the way to do it was to not get high for long periods of time and then smoke as much as you can handle in one setting. That's not my jam. I've been using one milligram THC spray and I microdose cannabis fairly often just in the evening and it helps with sleep. But this MDMA, man, it's a whole fucking different ballgame. I think you should try, if I can request, at some point, you try the pharmaceutical grade MDMA
Starting point is 01:01:31 just to know what it's all about. Because Rick Doblin was saying, you give it space like you would with a classical hallucinogen. You're not supposed to fucking go back to work the next day or do a bunch of bullshit, tedious, drawn back into the real world. Give it space, journal, meditate, throw on some easy listening music, and rest. And if you do that, you're fine because in their protocol, they're not allowed to use anything else but the MDMA. So I asked him, like, why don't you guys have a protocol for 5-HTP, vitamin C, different things we know help build back the neurotransmitter support you may have lost. And he said, just with the finagling with the FDA and everything they have to go through,
Starting point is 01:02:08 he says, it's fucking impossible. But if we give them that day off, they're gold. And then of course, new mood, plug on it again, was designed for that experience to be able to curtail any kind of come down. I've had zero issues after using the pharmaceutical grade. What was the original name of it? Roll on, roll off or what was it like that? Yeah, it was something like that. Yeah,
Starting point is 01:02:30 he was five HTP boosters. Like, I mean, five HTP supplementation has been going on for a long time. A lot of people have been into that. It's a smart, yeah, it's a smart way to approach MDMA to like to stock up,
Starting point is 01:02:42 to have a bunch in your system. So your, your body's going to have to build this your system so your body's gonna have to build this shit up again because you're gonna flood it with it for a while so you're gonna have this weird little period where your body's gonna struggle but it's it's a thing that I would hope um if this these studies do continue to prove without a doubt that it's beneficial to a lot of these people that they make it available to more people. It will be. It should be quick, man. They estimate 2022, I think, or 2023 at the latest.
Starting point is 01:03:09 That's not that bad. But the FDA made it breakthrough drug, I think. Breakthrough drug, which is like on the fast track to go through. I think the whole world would be way better if everybody was on just like a microdose of ecstasy all the time. Just a little like, ah. I don't know that that could last, but that all the time. Just a little, just a little like, ah. I don't know that that could last, but that would be medicine. Just a little micro dose.
Starting point is 01:03:30 That's the thing. You talk about compassion and all these other important lessons that have been talked about in all spiritual texts. It's automatic. You drop right into that. Yeah. Do you think that it's possible to train your brain to produce more of it? Do you think through meditation and mindfulness and all these different practices that people do to stay present, to be more open and more loving, that you could build that up almost like a muscle?
Starting point is 01:03:56 I don't know that you could build serotonin up over time. I'm sure there's some type of cap where nature does not want us to be happy 24-7. Is there any tricks, though, to getting it to turn on? There's a book, The Science of Mindfulness, by Dr. Ronald Siegel. It's on one of the great courses on Audible. And he's a Harvard professor. And he talks about the brain like a fucking muscle. And science has backed this.
Starting point is 01:04:18 The more you train that, the easier it is to drop into. And I've had coaches, breathwork coaches. We're working with, uh, the art of breath, uh, Rob Wilson and Brian McKenzie came out and they did like a full fucking blown day of breath working on it. And the more often you can shift into parasympathetic state from fight or flight sympathetic, you know, you shift consciously through breath into that parasympathetic state that becomes trainable. You can do that over and over again. And then all it takes is just a couple deep breaths in your back, right?
Starting point is 01:04:47 Because you train that the fucking body remembers the brain remembers. And when you're in those States that shifts everything from the neurochemical response to the brainwave state, you can drop from beta into alpha into theta. That's fascinating stuff, man. It's crazy to think what we understand about the various pathways these chemicals have to go through and then what is like still confusing like here's the big one
Starting point is 01:05:13 where's the where's the consciousness coming from exactly has it all become the thing that's looking through kyle kingsbury's eyes and seeing me and mine looking at you. What's exact, what's, what is that thing? What is that thing? That seems to be like almost like a, like an energy that runs through this machine. It's through fucking everything. Yeah. It's in all things.
Starting point is 01:05:36 But if we thought about it that way, like you'd be so much more concerned with keeping that energy high, you know? I mean, how much of what would people experience when it comes to the word depression? How much of it is their life going bad, tragedy, poor health, bad job choices? How much of it is some sort of a weird genetic thing? How much? I mean, there's so many variables as to what causes depression,
Starting point is 01:06:09 but such a giant number of people suffer from depression. Well, I think it's, I think it only, if I'm being honest, I think it's going to get worse. You know, like you look at the way we live and the closer and closer you've spoken about that. We're just talking about fucking New York. We're not meant to be that confined. We're not meant to sit out. Like we're withheld from the fucking sun right now. Yeah. So many of these things communicate with our bodies. I'm working with a genetic specialist, Ryan Frissinger.
Starting point is 01:06:31 He was on Chris Ryan show. Sunlight influences 500 on off switches on our epigenetic level for the, for the good, unless you fucking overdo it. Right. 500, 500 plus on off switches in our dna are affected by sunlight positively right i mean there's that's what they look at vitamin d3 takes that for
Starting point is 01:06:51 example they're calling that a hormone now not a fucking vitamin really it's a messenger that's how much it influences in the body incredibly important so when you think about all these things like being barefoot being connected to the earth going going in the fucking ocean, science will catch up in certain ways. But we get fixated on the thing. We get fixated on our phones, on whatever TV is going on. We're closed off from other people. We think communicating through Facebook is the same as being fucking face-to-face. It's not.
Starting point is 01:07:21 is being fucking face to face. It's not, you know, and the more we head that direction and we're putting, you know, as you put it, putting fucking shit food in our body for mouth pleasure, that influences the brain, right? 80 to 90% of all of our neurotransmitters
Starting point is 01:07:33 are made by the bacteria in our gut. So you think the shit meal is just going to put on five pounds. It's not, it might put on five pounds, but it's going to fuck your brain up for a while. You make you a little bit more emotional. Fuck with your, your, your sharpness, your your memory recall all that's impacted sleep's impacted i wish michael walker talked a bit more about that i just don't think it's in his wheelhouse i don't think it is he's
Starting point is 01:07:54 he's just a guy who studies sleep and the the effects on it but fuck was that in illuminating yeah eye opening that podcast was so important to me it was fucking fantastic i think his book is really good but as far as like dialing in sleep it's more of this is what happens when you don't sleep sleep the book sleep by nick little hails is probably my favorite because that gives you all it's a fucking how-to guide on how to maximize sleep and when you were younger lack of sleep didn't affect you the way it affects you now, right? Correct. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:08:26 Everything he talks about, like with that shift that happens in adolescence where you become a night owl, no doubt. And I probably still could stay out a little bit later until having a kid. And then that's your immediate reset to, bitch, you're getting up when the sun comes up. Yeah. Be prepared, sir. Get ready. Yeah. There's so many different factors that lead to a healthy body but how much of a healthy body leads to a happy mind that's where it gets like you can't blame some of these people that are suffering from like a disease some of these people
Starting point is 01:08:59 that have like something wrong with the way their brain is producing these happy hormones yeah i don't think you can say it's just this one thing like, well, if you just ate clean or if you just went keto or you just ate paleo, then you wouldn't have depression. I don't think that's it at all. But certainly that's a factor. It certainly could be a factor. Being in nature. Being in nature is a factor. And unpacking trauma.
Starting point is 01:09:20 Garber Mate says at the heart of all fucking addiction is some form of trauma yeah i'm sure completely makes sense yeah his uh his theories on that are fascinating it's i never thought about that way that some form of trauma during your developmental stage has led you to like seek out this weird crazy feeling and experience when you uh have you known many people that have had serious addictions, like meth? Oh, yeah. Yeah. Without naming names, people very close to me, family members, have been addicted to meth, lost a cousin to pills.
Starting point is 01:10:01 I've been going to AA, not for me, for a family member since I was three years old. So I've, I've seen that, you know, what if is no, no. Is that trauma based is like everything because pills don't pills just get kind of get everybody. Yeah. Pills can get everybody. There's no doubt about that. Um, there wasn't, there wasn't yourself off. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:24 There was, there was there was some trauma there on in all those circumstances and i'm not saying you know pills can fucking grab you there's no doubt um but certainly with the meth and uh the alcohol which was other things you know no doubt there was trauma there yeah i've known of quite a few people that got fucked up on on pills after operations or injuries or stuff like that but um i know quite a few people that got fucked up on, on pills after operations or injuries or stuff like that. But, um, I know quite a few of them that kicked it,
Starting point is 01:10:47 you know, that just realized it was happening when, whoa, like, uh, shops talked about it quite a bit when he fought crow cop, his nose was destroyed. So they had to rebuild his nose and he started taking pain pills.
Starting point is 01:10:59 And he said, after a while, he's just taking them every day just cause he wanted to take them. And then his friends came over and cleaned out his medicine cabinet and went, cut the shit, dude. You're four months later. You're still taking these things all day long.
Starting point is 01:11:09 You can't do that anymore. And he's like, whoa. He said he almost didn't even realize he was doing it. Just kind of caught ahold of him. Yeah. Shit becomes habit, especially when it's that euphoric.
Starting point is 01:11:19 Must be amazing. You know what I took the other day? I took a large dose of Kratom. Ooh. Yeah. amazing you know what i took the other day i took a large dose of kratom oh yeah everybody always tells you that kratom is uh one thing at a small dose you know it's kind of uh two pills to me seems uh almost like a stimulant yeah like a hundred percent yeah and even up to four pills but you get into land to eight pills i I took eight pills the other day. It was like, whoa, this,
Starting point is 01:11:46 I am high. I'm like, I'm fully functional. I'm not worried about the way my body moves. Like it's not like I'm going to fall down when I'm walking. Everything seems like it's working good, but I'm clearly high, but I'm not high in a bad way.
Starting point is 01:11:58 Like I can talk fine. I can remember things, full conversations, happy, remember people's names, but I'm definitely high. Yeah. Kratom is a funny one. You know, full conversations, happy, remember people's names, but I'm definitely high. Yeah. Kratom's a funny one.
Starting point is 01:12:08 You know, it's, it's still an opiate. It's still hitting those receptors. Is it actually an opiate? Yeah, I believe it is. Um, what are they? Hamilton Morris from Hamilton's pharmacopoeia. He's coming on soon. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:12:19 He's, you know, that's one of the things he says, cause he's not spiritual. He, even though he does all these psychedelics, um, so he gets really pissed off and people call it plant medicine or theogen and shit like that. And he's like, you have to fucking say it. You call it what it is. Right. I'm sure you didn't drop it off.
Starting point is 01:12:34 There's a lot of that fuckery though. Right. Yeah. But, but at the same time, I mean, it's also real in a lot of times. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:12:39 You can take mushrooms recreationally or you can do the heroic dose and be happy, guided and you can do ayahuasca in the Amazon, and it's a fucking world different. Oh, for sure. It's a totally different experience. But yeah, going back to Kratom, thankfully, I've always had this thing with opiates where if I had too much, I get nauseated really bad. So I can take one or two pills, and it is a mild stimulant.
Starting point is 01:13:00 I drove to Greenfield's house when I was living in Vegas to podcast with him, miles each direction. And I just have one pill every three hours. Wow. And it was awesome. I was fucking, I felt great. So one pill every three hours just kept you focused while you're driving. Yeah. And I felt there's mild euphoria. I felt good being in that little ass Prius the whole way, you know, which is important, right? Let me sweeten the deal. I don't even know how you climb in that thing. I got to fucking fit in there. But if I'll take three or more, I'm fucked up. Like I'm riding that fence. Am I going to puke?
Starting point is 01:13:31 Am I going to puke? Interesting. So even for you, they have the same reaction that like an oxy would have. Yep. And I've had, I mean, in college, I did some weird shit. I keistered an oxy once and uh wow fucking for the folks not learned in the ways of the dirty dogs he put it up his asshole two knuckles deep not super people people are like what keistered it's a big guy at the google bar dudes would just go oh
Starting point is 01:13:57 yeah like that last time last time when i was on your show you're like oh you lost me when you told me the trees started talking to you when I was describing an ayahuasca experience. That'll be the one this time. You lost me when you talked about putting a pill up your ass. That's when they turned off the podcast. But yeah, I felt fucking great that one time. I snorted one later, a few weeks later, and I was fucked up. I was fucking puking the whole time.
Starting point is 01:14:24 You snorted it? You could suck off the, I don't want to tell people how to do bad drugs. I want to tell people how to do good drugs. Why would you snort it? Cause it goes right into your bloodstream. Yeah. You know, you can suck off that time release, crush it up, let it dry. Wow. So, but that ultimately that was like, well, yeah, there's still, thankfully I still have this fucking regulator in my body that says, don't put these fucking super addictive man-made chemicals in your body.
Starting point is 01:14:48 That's fascinating. Do you think it's Kratom man-made? No, it's sort of a plant, right? It is plant-based. I mean, all this shit's plant-based. The issue is when we take something and we fucking concentrate it and change it in a way to where it just really has an affinity for receptors. And we lose out on all these other alkaloids and terpenes and things like, look at Marinol versus whole plant cannabis.
Starting point is 01:15:09 Oh, right. It's a whole different fucking ballgame, right? If they take this stuff and then turn it into an actual drug that they sell, they're only going to sell parts of it, right? Yeah. They're selling the active ingredient. Like cocaine versus fucking coca leaf. Right.
Starting point is 01:15:21 Totally different experience. Have you ever had coca tea? I've had coca tea. I've thrown coca leaf. They call it mambay in coca tea i've had coca tea i've i've thrown coca leaf that's called they call it mambay in columbia you put it in your mouth yeah how is it fucking amazing really it's like a cup of coffee though like less jittery your brain turns on it's a nootropic you feel like a million bucks we can't have it because of mi. They fucked us. Their whole city's made out of coke. Did you know that? No.
Starting point is 01:15:48 No, dude. Have you ever seen Cocaine Cowboys? Yes. Dude, that's all Miami. All that area of Florida. At one point in time, I don't know if it's still the case, but Miami had more banks per capita than any place else in the country. Because everybody was just laundering coke money. And coke was just coming in like crazy.
Starting point is 01:16:06 There's so many great documentaries on it. It's a really, really fascinating time in history. During Cocaine Cowboys once, shout out to Billy Corbin, the first one, they talked about how many of these police officers wound up dead or in jail. And it was like an entire class graduating class either was dead or in jail for corruption but it's but it's time you know they had made this uh like this time period however what many uh you know years it was uh of this cocaine trafficking. It was crazy, man. Like, it's an incredible time in, like, human history. Man.
Starting point is 01:16:49 This article says that it's ramped back up to those 1980s drug war heights of production. Whoa. Okay, so how's it getting in? That's the question. Yeah. How are they getting it in? I don't think that's a problem. I don't think it is either, but how are they doing it? how how do they i mean that's a lot of money yeah that's why
Starting point is 01:17:10 where are you putting all that money there's so much money in it that what look at this florida customs and border protection confiscated 4 200 pounds of cocaine last year compared to 1,730 pounds the year prior. That's so much coke. The guy that was getting paid off the year before got caught. Maybe. How else are they getting it in? I don't know. Maybe they just caught more coke that time. Maybe they're getting coked up and then they're taking the both.
Starting point is 01:17:40 They're just taking risks. I know where these fucking cops hide. I know them better than they know themselves. We've never seen cocaine production at these numbers. Oh, Jesus Christ. Stay the fuck out of Miami for a while, folks. It could get crazy. Or go there.
Starting point is 01:17:55 Or go there. Yep, I like the way you think, dude. Into the fray. You know? Where's the party? Miami. The DEA estimates Columbia produced 710 tons of pure cocaine last year, or enough to fill about 18 semi-trucks.
Starting point is 01:18:16 Did you see that they found the first coca farm in Mexico? Oh, Jesus. That could be a problem. Yeah. Well, it actually might help with the drug wars. Really? If they can grow it. Get them to fight against each other?
Starting point is 01:18:29 Is that what you're saying? They can grow it. Yeah. Mexicans and Colombians have been fighting for a long ass time. So they would start fighting with each other and that would help the drug war? They would fight less because Mexico would have its own production. Oh. But, I mean, they said it was growing in a place that wasn't the same altitude and obviously
Starting point is 01:18:44 cocaine is an alkaloid that is really, it grows at altitude. So you want that environmental stimulus for that. You want the hormetic stressor in order for it to produce more cocaine pound for pound. And I think it would produce far less. That's at least what they were saying in the article, which makes sense to me. What's the justification for, what is this, Jamie? What are you showing me? Drug mule?
Starting point is 01:19:09 Yeah, that's how they're getting it in. It says speed boats, drug mules, and on commercial flights. This poor old lady. Look at this poor old lady. She's holding a kilo. She looks like she's about 70 years old, maybe older, maybe 80 years old, and she's fully strapped up with cocaine. I mean, who could blame this lady? Do you think she's out there hustling? uh cocaine i mean who could who could blame this
Starting point is 01:19:25 lady do you think she's out there hustling she got a pistol in people's faces she got the shit out of her too that's fucked up oh that's fucked up so we need more good drugs and less bad drugs we definitely need more good drugs we need to do something to get this wave of negativity that so many people are experiencing on a regular basis. Do you know? Settle that down and bring that up. Do you know anybody that's done ketamine treatment? Yes. And pretty good results, right?
Starting point is 01:19:58 Neil Brennan had very good results. He liked it quite a bit. He's done a bunch of different things for depression, magnetic things and ketamine things. He said ketamine was very effective. Yeah. I had a, one of my first coaches, uh, striking coach. He had, you know, he'd been put on every kind of fucking SSRI for years and just felt like shit. And, uh, he did four ketamine treatments and he's down to like one SSRI off 90% of his medication. He says he's never felt better.
Starting point is 01:20:28 And like that, that shitty voice that everyone has in their head that was so loud for him is non-existent now. Whoa. Yeah. We got to do that. Dr. Craig put us through a slightly different. Most of the people that I think that are doing ketamine treatment do it. IV. We had an intramuscular injection of ketamine.
Starting point is 01:20:45 That's the John Lilly. It was fucking insane. Like 40 minutes long. And it was kind of tied in with the stem cells really to just be in a state of allowing and whatever subconscious level of accepting this foreign substance into your body. Let's kind of move the needle on that. Again, that's theory. What's the experience like? It's a psychedelic, right? It is, but it's different. So again, we talked about the classical types,
Starting point is 01:21:11 tryptamine base is going to fit in serotonin receptors in different parts of the brain. This is a dissociative. So it pulls you back layers. You know, like we talked about Eckhart Tolle last time, how he talks, be the observer, be the witness of your thoughts. You're not your thoughts. Just pull yourself back a layer and kind of see your mind chatter as this interesting thing, like kids arguing. Right. This will force that. And it pulls you back layers beyond that, like to the point where, you know, you're not in your body.
Starting point is 01:21:40 But when you reenter your body, there's a lot of gratitude and you can kind of see things where they are. You know, you, you understand now like, Oh, this is how I was feeling before, but I've been removed from it long enough to when I come back to it, I can recognize it for what it is. And I don't have depression now, you know, so doing it was, it was just more of a, let's see what happens, you know, kind of, kind of intention as opposed to like people that are going in there working on shit might be a bit different for them, but it was fucking bananas. Yeah. I've never touched it. Um, I knew a guy who got addicted to it though, as a, as a street drug, as a party drug, you know, some people snorted, I've snorted it. Yeah. What does it do? It's, it's, you know, it's, it's kind of like LSD. You have a microdose of LSD,
Starting point is 01:22:23 completely different experience than a full hit or two to five to whatever. All different experiences. If you take a key bump, a key bump for people with a lack of the terminology would just be like the end of a key's worth. Into a bag, you just put a little snort. And it's very relaxing. You want to move but you know if you push the envelope a little bit because it's disassociative it's very disorienting like you can like i don't know where the fuck i am or what's going on some if you go really far it's it's similar to injecting it where
Starting point is 01:22:59 you go in the k-hole you're kind of paralyzed and close your eyes you're in a different spot you're in a different spot but the psychedelic trip from eyes you're in a different spot oh you're in a different spot but the psychedelic trip from that you're in a different spot like you're in a different place like psychedelic yeah yeah like you could be i mean for for 30 to 45 minutes you could be in a vision you know you could be elsewhere your consciousness is not in your body too that's the k-hole yeah that's the k-hole yeah um the guy who invented the sensory deprivation tank used to do it intramuscularly and then climb into the tank yeah i heard that he had uh at one point by the end he was so hooked on it that he would run an iv so he could stay on 24 hours in there
Starting point is 01:23:38 but you know i was telling you about that book that he wrote the center of the cyclone yeah that was a fucking fascinating book because he would he would get as a medical doctor 300 uh he'd get ampules of 300 iu from sandos pharmaceuticals of pharmaceutical grade lsd do that intravenous then get in the float tank for 10 hours and the trip reports he has when you read these they're very ayahuasca s like talking to other beings and other consciousness dmtT-like experience. But 10 hours, not fucking 15 minutes. And just fascinating. And as a doctor, so detailed in his explanation of what he's seeing, what it means to him.
Starting point is 01:24:17 Pretty fucking cool. That's an experience that once you know that you can have. That's an experience that once you know that you can have, I don't know that if I, I would have a real hard time fitting into regular life. If I knew that I could just have that 10 hour, like the DMT flash of 15 minutes of the weirdest interactions with whatever they are, whatever those things are, when you come back, imagine that for 10 hours, it might just change everything about your perceptions of life. You might just give up on civilization and move to the forest or something. And that's exactly what happened to the Unabomber. The Unabomber was a part of the Harvard LSD studies. They juiced that guy to the tits.
Starting point is 01:25:04 Damn. And then afterwards, he went to be a professor at Berkeley so he could save up enough money so he could buy a fucking house in the woods and blow up the people that are creating technology because the technology is what's going to supplant human beings. It's going to take over, usurp our position on earth or some crazy shit. And he just decided he was going to kill all these fucking scientists and remember that he was like yeah but that's an odd that's an odd take i had a different take on technology in a ayahuasca ceremony where i saw pretty much what's happening now it was like this beautiful merging it wasn't man left behind it wasn't super
Starting point is 01:25:40 intelligence with nick bostrom where we have to worry about this thing taking over like we fucking stayed neck and neck with it and integrate with it throughout. And we do change. We're not the fucking same, but we're not the same now. That's one of the things they talked about. Like, who's the first cyborg? Eyeglasses. You wear fucking eyeglasses.
Starting point is 01:25:56 You're a fucking cyborg. That's man-made technology integrated into your being that changes your perception of reality. Sure. Right. So we're already doing that with our fucking phones. We're already, we're already there. You know, people think, yeah, you had this weird idea that it your perception of reality. Sure. Right? So we're already doing that with our fucking phones. We're already there. Cars.
Starting point is 01:26:07 People think, yeah, you have this weird idea that it has to be implanted into you in order for that to be the case. We're already fucking there. Yeah, we're there both with the connection with this thing that's always in our pocket and then with transportation. And then your transportation hooks up to the connection so you can listen to things. You know, like, I mean, how many times are you in your car listening to a book on tape through Bluetooth? You know, or a podcast that you download?
Starting point is 01:26:31 That's everything. It's crazy. Aubrey has a chapter in his book on the day on that. It's mindfulness or mindfulness. So when you're driving, like, what's the worst part of fucking most people's days? The commute, right? Yeah. So you can choose to be a pissed off guy.
Starting point is 01:26:44 You can listen to talk radio you can do all these things or you can practice mindfulness meditation where you're resetting yourself you're giving yourself some quiet time obviously eyes are open while your hands are on the wheel or you do mindfulness where you fucking throw on a dope podcast or or a book from audible and you would take information in that's going to help you fucking grow as a person right or just even be entertaining i enjoy fictional books i like some fiction on on audiobooks what's your favorite fiction you know what i i love stephen king books but i do not like it when he reads them you need to hire a fucking professional god damn it see you're that're the – I like the author. I do almost always.
Starting point is 01:27:25 I'm reading The Tipping Point from Malcolm Gladwell. And hearing him do the audio part is great because he's very passionate about the subject matter and he's the guy that wrote it. and all these different facts and really fascinating things about the tipping point in certain trends. Stephen King is like, he's a brilliant, brilliant writer. One of my favorite writers, for sure my favorite horror writer. I loved his shit. I used to read him when I was taking the train to go to Taekwondo practice. I would read Stephen King books all day long.
Starting point is 01:28:01 That's all I'd read. So I was always a giant fan of his, but as as a professional actor perhaps do a more spirited job i've had some fucking bad actors you know on audible yeah you can get some bad ones you know but like radio hosts you know like in the next chapter we're gonna tell you why advanced glycation end products are the devil. And you're like, fuck off, dude. Like, it's just, it ruins it for me. Well, especially when telling a story. This is my thing. You need someone who has a very good sense of theater. Like, the way they communicate the words,
Starting point is 01:28:38 the way they say the words, the emphasis they put on each individual word, especially with fiction. That's really important. It's odd to me, though, that Audible doesn't coach him on that because Aubrey was saying when he did the book,
Starting point is 01:28:48 he was non-fucking-stop coaching. Aubrey? Yeah, if he was reading something, they'd be like, excuse me, Mr. Marcus, we're going to have you go ahead and reread starting at the top of the page. It sounds like your mind's in a different place.
Starting point is 01:29:02 They would catch everything, every influx Every you know because he's got a read far ahead You got to know where you're going with it all that shit, and he said it would I mean Maybe they've changed over time with their approach to that, but well I think you know it's probably completely different for different subject matter Aubrey's book is obviously a self-help book on the day But other books that are stories about like monsters or some shit like that like what's required of the the guy
Starting point is 01:29:31 reading in has to have a sense of theater he's telling a story there's got to be a the pauses have to be like a professional like a professional voice actor those that's what you want for those things yeah they're better at it they're just better Stephen King's a wizard at writing. I mean, he's fucking phenomenal, but I don't want to hear him doing different voices and shit. Like it's just too weird. You know, he's got a great book though.
Starting point is 01:29:54 And it's great, not just for writers, but for everybody. It's Stephen King on writing. It's really interesting because it's sort of a, there's a lot of his sort of life and work philosophy in the book and i feel like when i read about someone who is in my opinion one of the greatest contributors to like fun books and fun horror movies i mean he's an all-time king to me and so to be able to say like what, what was going on in that guy's head as he was writing Carrie? Like, how did he, how did he conceive of Christine? Like what's his, what's his process? What's his process for writing? It's really interesting, man. First of all,
Starting point is 01:30:35 he doesn't even know what the fuck he's going to write. Like when he starts something, like he doesn't know where he's going. He just, he just does it. And as he's doing it, he figures out where it's going to go. Like that's part of the genius of his method is that it's not like this sort of like um he doesn't have a fucking outline yeah bob is going to get bit by the snake and then bob's going to turn into a horse and then you know all this stuff is going to happen and then his wife's going to fall in love with that horse and then he's going to be mad when he becomes a person again he just goes with it you know he just he just any you know he just shows up every day and just puts in the time and focuses on it and then makes it happen
Starting point is 01:31:11 what a crazy way to make a living to just invent stories and weird things that happen and just put it all together in your head and then give it to people like look what i've done i came up with a story and then you open you're like fuck where's the story going this story's crazy it's a really interesting way to to make a living because he's he's using like he's flexing one very specific part of his brain that most people don't really use at all or hardly ever use most of us don't have any type of of creativity left it's sucked out through school. Through work. Yeah, we're fucking taught to just go sit and be a cog in the machine.
Starting point is 01:31:50 Unless you're super fortunate and have a job where you can create. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, man. Got to tickle that piece, though. I met this guy, Ted Decker, who's one of fucking Aubrey's greatest mentors out in Sedona. And he's a fictional writer for the most part
Starting point is 01:32:05 but just fucking he's a wizard and uh i was doing a water fast so i had a five-day water fast just water just water for five days how long did you make it four and a half damn you gave up a half a day early well the thing was so close to home the thing was the science shows four days right four days is the magic mark. So the extra day was just like, all right, I got an extra day to go. But we hiked Cathedral Rock in Sedona, and it's fucking epic. And there is an energy there, like New York, but different. But what's going on with Sedona?
Starting point is 01:32:39 Why is Sedona all this? This is Sedona. Well, from what I understand, why it's the hippies travelers guide and everybody wants to be there is um are you familiar with pulse electromagnetic frequency uh I've heard that those words for everybody everybody that's above everyone that's about to jump on the fucking woo-woo bandwagon and shit on me right now punch in the google bar do me a solid punch in the google bar NASA study on a solid. Punch in the Google bar. NASA study on PEMF. Okay.
Starting point is 01:33:06 Let's check this. Three-year fucking study. It's verified. The Earth has its own energy field. Right. Whether you think the Earth's alive in its guy and all that, I'll leave that up to you. But it has its own fucking energy field. And so it's not the same.
Starting point is 01:33:19 It's not equal throughout the Earth. There are places where that's accentuated, and you feel that more. You feel it more when you're in the ocean. There's negative ions there. Wallace J. Nichols wrote. Physiological and molecular genetic effects of time varying electromagnetic fields on human neuronal cells. Neuro. Neuronal cells.
Starting point is 01:33:39 I've never seen that word before. Neuronal? Neuronal. Neuronal cells. Neuronal. Like the way they say neuronal why is it is it just because
Starting point is 01:33:46 it's all in caps that it looks so weird to me you know occasionally a word just looks weird that looks weird that word neuronal neuronal
Starting point is 01:33:54 there's a good book PEMF I forget the author but um I think it has to do with that I think it has to do with that this is interesting so you really do feel that
Starting point is 01:34:03 that energy there it's palpable and it's not fucking make-believe. So knowing that we'd be in this special place, knowing that I'd be with some really interesting people, and that if I was to take some medicine at that point in time after fasting for four days. What Hamilton Morrison would call drugs. Yes, what he would call drugs. So I had 200 micrograms of lsd okay and i won't mention anybody else that had it with me just because they maybe don't sign off on that kind of shit publicly but um we hiked to the top of
Starting point is 01:34:35 cathedral rock and it's fucking incredible i mean incredible and uh another buddy of mine who's a teacher at black swan yoga he brought up some really good cacao from the chocolate but pure fucking cacao from guatemala he made it into these drinks and um that's what i broke the fast with oh wow and there's chemicals in that you know like it's funny what people fucking qualify as drugs because like terence and dennis mckenna say like we are walking bags of chemicals right this caffeine that i'm drinking right now is a fucking drug yeah 100 100 theobromine in cacao is a drug it's an alkaloid in cacao that will elevate heart rate it's a mild diuretic and it it fucking opens the heart it's like a microdose of mdma really yeah so stacking that why do you think people fucking love chocolate? What? It's amazing. Theobromine special shit.
Starting point is 01:35:27 Chocolate would have like the tiniest amount of it. It depends what chocolate you're eating, right? If you're eating some really bitter dark chocolate, that's going to have higher amounts. But we had a fuck ton of this. Like you're supposed to have four ounces is like a good dose. Four ounces of liquid? Of this liquid with their their special special uh preparation method my special blend my friend special blend so what is what is the um like what is is like a shake
Starting point is 01:35:53 like is there other stuff in it there's there's yeah there's some cayenne there's lemon juice there's different things to help activate it it's done the way the mayans did it's been passed down generation after generation and it's like microdosing MDMA? Yeah. And so stack that with the LSD and it's kind of like a candy flip. Now, could people just go buy cacao and microdose MDMA? Well, you got to order it offline or online and do the preparation properly. But I mean, there's no doubt you feel different.
Starting point is 01:36:20 It's warming. You feel more loving. You're sensitive to touch. But this is this is i mean this is not in any way illegal right no it's not any illegal but i was talking about yeah i've been talking to a guy who was like look if they fucking just discovered cacao today they would say potentially this is this is drug i've never heard this before this is bromine fucking look it up there's a ton of shit uh this guy that's on a forget his name, but he's a wizard and he has like amazing articles on different chemicals. He talks about 13 scientifically backed studies on theobromine that are all human studies.
Starting point is 01:36:52 It's dope shit. So anyways, we stay, we take this and we climb the mountain. We're in nature. We're doing fucking Wim Hof breathing and different shit up there. We look, we look the part. We were sticking out like sore thumbs. Fucking 230 pound guy with his shirt off doing, Why Snorting Cacao Could Be the Next Party Drug.
Starting point is 01:37:09 Next Big Party Drug. Oh, my God. And that's on Jesus Christ, this is crazy. We take our substances. We're up there. And, you know, this guy, he's got like 12 books that are number one bestsellers. This guy's going to snort it.
Starting point is 01:37:26 Oh, is he joking around? He's joking around as fuck. I don't think so. He's not snorting. Oh, those are key bumps. Key bumps. What are you saying? He's going to snort that?
Starting point is 01:37:36 Yep. He is going to snort that. Here we go. Let me see what you got, son. Fucking pound it. You pound it? You just pound it up your nose? Atta boy.
Starting point is 01:37:43 Atta boy. Actually, I have snorted theobromine recently as the office guinea pig. That's not the way I would recommend administering it. What's wrong with going up the nose? Uncomfortable? It's not that bad. No? That's not a blanket recommendation for people, though.
Starting point is 01:37:59 But this is not a dangerous substance. No. No. I mean, too much of it. There's a fucking upper limit to anything, even water. But, you know, on the mountain, going back to this, on the mountain with Ted Decker. Ted Decker. Hi, Ted.
Starting point is 01:38:11 Ted's the fucking man. And he's written all these books. And he's like, would you like me to tell a story? And imagine you're sitting with Stephen King on LSD on the mountaintop. And he says, would you like me to tell you a story? Whoa. That level of fucking writer. Wow. and he says, would you like me to tell you a story? That level of fucking writer. And he goes into one of his books
Starting point is 01:38:26 and I was fucking sold, like just drawn right in. I could see everything, fucking alien worlds, all this shit that she's got to battle. And you really see like just the mind, like how creative the mind can be. It blew me the fuck away. Of course, the substance has helped me, draw me into it, it but man he's a
Starting point is 01:38:45 special guy well there's there's quite a few special people out there which is why we're so lucky we can go to the movies you know what i mean i mean think of how much fucking creativity how much thought and imagining scenarios and putting them all together that takes to make like i saw the incredibles 2 yesterday is it it dope? Fucking incredible. I love the first one. I didn't even mean to say incredible because it's incredible. It's great. We're considering taking Bear to that, but he's only three, so we're not sure if he'll appreciate it.
Starting point is 01:39:13 He loves those movies at home, but, you know, he talks and shit like that. Little kids talk at the movie theater. When you go to little kid movies, it's normal. It's cool. There's other little kids doing it too. Yeah, we think we might do that for The Incredibles 2. They're fucking so good. The Pixar movies are so good. Did you ever see The Good Dinosaur?
Starting point is 01:39:28 Um, that doesn't... I gotta be honest, that does annoy people though. If you go when a bunch of teenagers are there or like young adults and the baby starts talking. There should be like a day like there should be certain shows where you bring kids. They do them now. First show of the day and the kids are allowed to talk. First show of the
Starting point is 01:39:44 day in a lot of theaters do that. Oh, see for the matinee that's smart that's smart but damn that's that opens up the door if you tell them they're allowed to talk yeah that's true i'd still try to keep it quiet but dude good dinosaur pixar movie yeah and they fucking trip balls in the movie oh yeah what do they eat like some rotten fruit and and the fucking green dinosaur grows like four eyes then they switch heads and they're running through everywhere i forgot with each other's schools he sticks his tongue out and he's got the kid's face for his tongue it was awesome i forgot all about they're trickling it in this society's changing you think yeah fuck yeah sure fuck yeah it's the rena the Renaissance Michael Pollan said that and he's not even an advocate
Starting point is 01:40:26 He knows it's changing He's kind of more of an advocate now certainly than he was before he wrote that book his most recent book on psychedelics It that changed his life I think it's a smart play if you're a person in his position to say like look I'm just an advocate for the science right but as Rick Doblin says, you know If these stuff if this stuff, when this stuff becomes available to people, it's never gonna be, you go fill your fucking prescription
Starting point is 01:40:50 of psilocybin at Walgreens and you can go fuck off anywhere you want, right? They'll have facility centers where people can go and it'll be guided, the right circumstances, set and setting will be paid attention to. But in that experience, it shouldn't just be for sick people. It
Starting point is 01:41:06 shouldn't just be for people with depression or PTSD or some type of, you know, uh, rape victims fill in the blank. It should be healthy individuals that also want to have a deeper connection and to figure shit out and have new perspective in life. Right. And Poland, I would, I would qualify as that. Yeah. I think he's a healthy guy, you know, heart shit aside, like he's a healthy guy who wanted to have an experience that would draw him in a little deeper
Starting point is 01:41:31 so he could understand. And now when you listen to him talk about it, there's no doubt he's fucking sold on it. Yeah, I think what you're saying is really important because I don't think there should be any restrictions on something that's super beneficial.
Starting point is 01:41:41 If there's no real indications that it's hurting these people and it's all these indications that it's hurting these people and it's all these indications that it's helping these people especially when it comes to trauma look man there's certain people that for sure have experienced way more trauma than others there's certain people that have you know been to war they've lost friends they've been involved in car accidents there's there's certain people that have been through things that are just horrific and almost impossible to forget. And that is a fact that they should have access to this medicine. But just because like some girl lived her life and didn't have anything
Starting point is 01:42:17 traumatic happen to her, and she's trying to find her way in this world, and she's trying to figure out, you know, what is insecurity or what is my connection to these people? What are my real passions and drives in life? She says, I'm going to take some sort of a MDMA Molly trip and find out how I feel about things. Find out if it gives me anything. She should be able to do it, too. She should be able to experiment with her brain and see, like, Hey, all these people are reporting super positive experiences. What am I supposed to ignore it? Because some bureaucrat has decided for whatever connection they have to some pharmaceutical companies that you fucking keep this gate tight
Starting point is 01:42:55 on making anything legal. Anything you make legal is going to fuck with my bottom line. And that's what a lot of people think. And so there's this weird sort of disconnect between the people that want the drugs and the people that won't let you have the drugs. Like, who are you working for? The people that won't let us have the drugs. And why do these other people that don't want the drugs think the drugs are bad? Do they have any pot experience themselves? No. Well, then you can't vote about pot, you fuck.
Starting point is 01:43:21 You know, I mean, that's crazy, right? You shouldn't be a doctor unless you go to med school you shouldn't you shouldn't talk about driving a car if you've never driven a fucking car you can't you can't talk about pot if you don't do it you don't know what you're talking about so you smoke pot you got real high you got paranoid so everybody shouldn't smoke pot fuck off pussy yeah that's graham hancock you don't you know what he's talking about richard dawkins you don't have a seat at the fucking table to tell me what my ayahuasca experience is unless you've done it you don't get a seat at the table you don't get to tell me it's
Starting point is 01:43:53 some neurochemical reaction and this is where it fits in the brain if you haven't had that experience you can't tell me that that's and that's that's what's what's the one thing that's fucking odd at the very least when people go through these experiences and Poland talks about this too, is how real it feels. It's how important it is and how much meaning they have, right? Nobody's going to fucking tell me that my ayahuasca experience didn't mean shit. I saw, you know, in one of them, my wife and I shared the same vision of holding a child and the next experience we saw it was a boy
Starting point is 01:44:25 and fucking all the fear of being a parent came up and less than a month later we were pregnant with bear like that's as real as it fucking gets and it manifested after that coincidence or not I have a real problem with the word real too you know when when people try to say that's not real or that's a hallucination it doesn't matter it's the same experience like to say that's not real or that's a hallucination, it doesn't matter. It's the same experience. Like, by saying it's not real, so what are you saying? You're saying that I can't grab it and throw a fucking net over it and drag it away and then show it to you again? Yeah, well, then it's not real. You can't be repeated in a double-blind study.
Starting point is 01:44:58 How can you say it's not real if it's happening? Yeah, and you can't repeat that. Is that a weird thing, though? I could take ayahuasca the rest of my life, and i'm still not going to repeat the same vision and the same fucking experience again yeah anytime you think it's always different dmt figured out your next trip is going to be a mind bender your your next trip is you get cocky going in there like i've done this before i'm pretty relaxed about my dmt trip so i used to really freak out but i don't anymore bitch you better be scared you better be scared You're white knuckling it right now.
Starting point is 01:45:26 You're going to go deep. Gabramonte said the same thing about Aya. He's done hundreds of ceremonies, and he still gets nervous every fucking time he does it. You should get nervous before you do anything that's important. It's a sign that you're getting ready for something crazy. Well, and there's a healthy level of respect. I think most people running into the issue, they want to to alter their consciousness and they'll take a substance thinking like this is going to make me feel a certain way yeah and then all of a sudden they got to deal with some shit they got to work
Starting point is 01:45:53 through something and that's not what they had on their radar yeah no i i agree and and then also this need to control the experience is always the thing that fucking sends everybody off the rails and into the woods if they are having any kind of experience this need to control the experience is always the thing that fucking sends everybody off the rails and into the woods. If they are having any kind of experience, this need to control that experience. Like, no, there's no, no, fuck this. I'm sitting down. You know, and like, no, man, you got to let go. If you don't let go, you're gone.
Starting point is 01:46:16 And you got to surrender to it. And if you don't, you're going to go through 15 minutes of Satan. I was with my old man in Panama at the tribal gathering. And we were both doing a ayahuasca ceremony together. And we have the first cup and it's strong. Like Shipibo shaman came in, fucking amazing experience. And they offered the second cup and I'm like, get up, dude, we're doing it. And he's like, I don't know. And I'm like, come on, let's go. So we take the second cup. We come lay back down. And I've had, I mean, to ballpark, there's been ceremonies where I've had four cups and it was launch.
Starting point is 01:46:47 You know, this two cup, that's where we were fucking launched. So we go back into the teepee and, you know, noble silence. We're not talking to each other. And he just grabs my arm and he's like, I'm going to leave. I'm floating out of here. I don't want to go. I don't want to go. And I was like, fuck yeah, dude, let go.
Starting point is 01:47:03 Let go. Go with it. Now's your opportunity. Let go. See where it takes you. And he you and he's like no no i'm not letting go i want down i want down right now it's too much i'm too high and i'm like well high's not the right term and this other guy from switzerland hurt us and he goes uh he'll rub some uh peppermint on his on his wrist it will help him oh come over and fuck him we put peppermint oil and that grounded him wow after that you know he's done ayahuasca since then and he was like fuck that was my opportunity to fucking break through and go it's deeper than i've ever been before but i wasn't prepared i wasn't ready
Starting point is 01:47:36 to let go and surrender to it wow and that's that's it man you want to have that mindset going in where if you face some shit it's okay you know and if you have the opportunity especially in fucking dmt or ayahuasca which is dmt based like to have that ability like all right the answer is yes it makes you wonder what the guys who created yoga were doing i think i think those people like those people that learn how to do those long holding poses that they were practicing it there's a lot of belief that those people were eating a lot of hash like especially the the earliest people that were that created it and they were soma whatever the fuck soma was you ever hear references to soma
Starting point is 01:48:16 i don't i don't even think they know what that is some sort of a psychedelic but that whole practice of yoga if you really think it, a lot of what yoga is like, you have to just breathe and just concentrate on maintaining the pose. You have to put yourself into this like surrender zone. You know, you can't like fight a position. You just kind of kind of accept it and just concentrate on breathing and hold it as long as you can until your body starts giving out and then you let it go
Starting point is 01:48:42 again. But I think that prepares you in some way to let go in psychedelic experiences. I think that people that don't have any, if you don't have any kind of physical altercation with your body, there's no like moment where you're like, come on, man, come on, breathe, breathe, breathe, go, go, go. If you don't have any of those, if you never, I mean, I don't give a fuck what you're doing, whether it's a spin class or just if you never have anything where you're pushing yourself when you don't want to do it but you make yourself do it and then you did it if you don't have those like those little moments where
Starting point is 01:49:12 you overcame something that feels uncomfortable then those those bends in the trip road are scary dark because you don't have any success in coming back from bad states you don't have any success in coming back from bad states. You don't have any success in coming back from feeling really scared or feeling really nervous. Those build up a database. If you don't have a lot of success in doing those, or especially success in getting your body to just fucking relax, just fucking relax, it's just a broken leg. If you don't have that in you, it's probably real hard
Starting point is 01:49:44 to navigate some of the darker roads of a trip where you just have to just kind of just breathe and just try to stay as calm as you can. Let it embrace you as calm as you can. I think that it works both ways, too. If you put yourself in uncomfortable, stressful spots in everyday life, like a cold bath or the cryo, and you can stay calm in the fucking eye of the storm and come out of that, that extrapolates out in life. Somebody cuts you off in traffic, you're a little bit more chill. It's not that big of a deal. And same thing in the psychedelic experience. You go through some rough shit, you come out of that okay, all right, I still have my body.
Starting point is 01:50:23 I was able to work through that. Now it kind of lowers the noise on all the bullshit in life yeah i agree i think there's something to what you just said about doing cryo too the cryo does make you chill out after i mean for lack of a better term no pun intended but you're um you're the the everything's so elevated after you get out of there you feel so good that it's a that's. That's a feeling that like, if there was a way to do that in a spray, if you could buy that feel good spray at 7-Eleven and give yourself a couple pumps,
Starting point is 01:50:52 the same way you feel right after a cryo, it would hit you, you'd be like, whoa. You just get this, ooh, you come out and all of a sudden your body feels warm again. You feel great. It's a nice little trick. It's a very nice little trick. And it helps so many people in so many different ways with arthritis and people who have constant inflammation and back problems and knee problems.
Starting point is 01:51:16 It's just such a good way to just give your body just a little extra reduction in inflammation. Just give yourself a little jolt. Ah. Oh. Oh. It, oh, oh. It feels good, man. People poo-poo it. I don't understand the poo-pooing of it. They're looking at it now.
Starting point is 01:51:32 They're studying Wim Hof at Stanford. They see 550% increase in dopamine. Wow. 200% to 300% increase in adrenaline, which impacts the immune system positively. For how long of a Wim Hof experience? They have different levels of cold. They're studying at one minute at 60 degrees, you know, or 10 minutes at 60 degrees, one minute at 30 degrees.
Starting point is 01:51:54 And then they're trying to, there's going to be more science that comes out on different because I want to know like how long at 40, how long in the cryo, how long, you know, does it, but we know there's some type of neurochemical response from it right you feel right yeah so it's not just this you know it's not placebo it's not just your mind making this up or man i feel really good i think something's changed like no you're you are you are changing it does have an impact well just and also stop and think about all the people that we're always scared of the fucking vikings and the russians we're scared of people coming out of the snow you know and the white walkers we're fucking scared
Starting point is 01:52:30 that's the same thing probably there's probably something in our head someone who could survive the snow that we can't like fuck he's not even scared to be cold you know i mean that that is who's the scariest people in this country are the toughest alaskans it's. It's motherfucking, they have shows, they have like 10 shows. There's only 100 people in Alaska. They got 10 shows on people living in Alaska. There's too many fucking shows. There's so many of those shows. I know there's millions of people living in Alaska.
Starting point is 01:52:57 Maybe not even, right? No. It's not even. Didn't we already go over this? Like Anchorage is like 400,000 people, I think. I might have made that up. What's the number? 740,000 for the whole state whoa how many people does Anchorage have 700 wow not even a million for the whole state but there's like 18 shows on people living in Alaska but they're
Starting point is 01:53:19 hardy people you look at them you're like damn what would I do three to four hundred thousand yeah yeah so it was about right. Um, so that's like a Anchorage is like a real spot, like a real city. Sort of. I mean, real nice bars and restaurants and shit like that.
Starting point is 01:53:35 But these shows about those people that live up there, those are all the people that live in like the Arctic circle area and they chop their own fucking firewood and fight wolves off and shit. Like this is one dude. We've talked about him several times in the podcast that lives by himself he's the one of the weirdest of all like he's the weirdest of all the weird people because all these other people live in like regular houses and you know they just live in a house that's connected to this river and they take their dogs dog sledding and they do all this shit but they live in like a normal house they go into a house this motherfucker
Starting point is 01:54:03 has like this tiny shack. And he lives right next to a lake. And he lives by himself. And he walks everywhere. And he somehow or another gets like pelts and shit. And makes enough money to buy bullets. And he lives out there by himself. And he'll come into town like once every couple years.
Starting point is 01:54:20 Apparently he used to be married. He used to have a family. Fascinating guy. I mean this guy's not faking it. He's actually really living up there by himself in this room that's way smaller than the studio. And he lives by himself next to a lake.
Starting point is 01:54:34 And he had to shoot wolves one night because they were coming for his fucking moose or his caribou. The whole thing's crazy. Like, by himself. Nobody to talk to. I think that might be a draw for people especially if there is some merging of consciousness and integration with with uh technology down the road
Starting point is 01:54:53 like to that that kind of fuck this i'm going off the beaten path and you already see that people want to be off the grid but to truly be like balls deep in nature where you have to deal with wolves and bears and all the shit that's going on like that that might be a bigger draw down the road right now i'm not interested in that shit well i'm not interested in that shit either but i'm interested in him being interested in it because i think that what you were just saying about technology what i thought you were going to say is about nature i think there's a deeper connection to nature if you're just living in it all the time. Oh, no doubt. I bet you get weird senses of like where things are, where, how, how the wind feels when it's coming at you.
Starting point is 01:55:32 Oh, it's definitely coming this way. Like, you know, you know where to stand, where not to, like you get a sense of the whole thing and you're a part of it. You're not talking to anybody. So the only, the only dialogue you have is internal. It's like your buddy who fasts when he hunts yeah right you get that extra sensory coming in yeah yeah yeah remy warren always talked about that that you should hunt hungry that's primal shit dude that makes sense though yeah totally makes sense totally makes sense. Totally makes sense. I found out, I mean, doing the fasting, I've done two five-day fasts now.
Starting point is 01:56:07 The brain, it doesn't, it's not like, I mean, I have extra energy. Sleep kind of goes to shit. And Michael Walker talked a bit about that. But I can't sit and read. Like, I can't just focus in, like, all right, my brain's turned on. Let me just bang out emails or fucking read a book. It doesn't work that way. But I do start to problem solve in a way that's not possible and not common when I'm eating food all the time.
Starting point is 01:56:32 It just works differently. Like all this other shit turns on. Wow. Now, when you were talking earlier about this creative experience, how many times have you done creative? Well, I have a boatload of it. I mean, I don't know.
Starting point is 01:56:52 I mean, I've lost track of how many times I've done it. But usually when I do it, it is at that one to two pill dose. I don't exceed that often. You're a guy who, the reason why I ask is you're a guy who is always on top of all the latest and greatest in terms of like supplementation, the benefits of certain things. How do you know when to stick them in and like when to lay off other stuff? Because you're not necessarily getting your blood tested all the time after you do some of these things, right? No, I do blood work fairly often, but that's just more for general health and wellness. It's not to see how things are impacting me.
Starting point is 01:57:24 often but that's just more for general health and wellness it's not to see how things are impacting me you know right do you do um do you like have a detailed analysis of like what you're taking in the days before blood work and then and compare it to times we're not taking those things most of the thing the thing that has the biggest impact on my blood work is if i'm in ketosis or not you know there's no there's no fucking doubt and that's also genetic you know it's not the fucking right diet for everyone um that's a pain in the ass to hear well what the fuck's the right one for me man well that's that's like rob wolf you got to figure that out you know wired to eat it's a game changer it really is very good book but you gotta you gotta do your fucking homework you know have you seen rob actually puts it into action on his Instagram page? Rob Wolf and his wife will eat the exact same thing. Then he tests ketone levels and blood sugar levels at the same time stamp.
Starting point is 01:58:13 And his and hers are radically different. She's just better at absorbing stuff. Yeah, exactly. And so I'm similar to him genetically in that I don't do well with a lot of carbohydrates and a wide variety. I can eat a plate of yams and my blood sugar looks fine but if I have a little bit of white rice I'm fucking through the roof like pre-diabetic did you listen to the podcast
Starting point is 01:58:33 that I did with Zach Bitter no he's the guy that holds the world record for running 100 miles in America he ran 100 miles like literally ran a 7 minute pace for 11 hours damn damn yeah that's just the only thing you could say 11 hours and 40 minutes i think was the total that is so fucking crazy you can run seven minute miles for 11 hours and 40 minutes just keep going was he in ketosis or was he Most of the time he's in ketosis. He
Starting point is 01:59:05 eats a very meat rich diet and he is a fat burner. He's in ketosis all the time. He takes all kinds of you know crazy well he was talking about his diet like one of the things that he eats more than anything was steak
Starting point is 01:59:21 right? That was like his big thing like fatty piece of meat and when he eats more than anything was steak, right? That was like his big thing, like fatty piece of meat. And when he runs, though, when he's involved in a race or anything where there's extremely high requirements on his body, then he goes way above like ketosis levels of carbohydrates, like hundreds and hundreds of grams. During the race, that's totally what you should do. I ran that 50K after I was on your show last couple years ago. He says, what's even more surprising, though, is Bitter trains and competes on almost no carbs. At times, carbs account for as little as 5% of his diet, and Bitter insists that even
Starting point is 02:00:01 we non-endurance record holders can do the same. Yeah, but remember he was talking about when he did the races he takes some uh glucose supplements right article about this yeah i think he means um most of the time most of the time when it's eating and training and exercising he's burning almost no carbs well that's the goal though you know that's metabolic flexibility the goal is like if we've if we're from out the gate we eat carbohydrates every fucking meal until we're 40 we're not making ketones our body doesn't know how to use fat for fuel if we at least spend a period of time and that's what i do now i'll spend about six months a year in ketosis with maybe a couple carb days in in a whole six month
Starting point is 02:00:40 span and then after that i'll practice some carb backloading, or maybe I'll have, you know, higher carbohydrate days, but I'm still eating higher fat, higher protein throughout that and or moderate protein throughout that. That creates flexibility. That's what we're designed to do. You know, you can argue all you want about what fucking paleo man ate and all that shit. But the truth is, before refrigeration, and before shipping, we did not have access to carbohydrates. Most of the people on this planet didn't have access for at least three months out of the year, right? Yeah. So, I mean, there's at least a period of time where we should take off and allow our body to reset and start to burn fat for fuel.
Starting point is 02:01:17 And then when we go back to eating carbohydrates, we utilize it a little bit better. Well, there's also people like the Inuit who didn't eat any vegetables at all. Yeah. But I think even with them two months out of the year, when they grow seasonally, they'd eat a little bit more carbohydrates and probably not be fully keto. What do you think they would eat? Whatever the fuck grows. What could they grow? I'm sure two months out of the year, they can grow some shit. Man, I don't even know. Aren't there spots where they can never grow anything all year round? Possibly. I don't think it's going to hurt them. I disagree with people that think you should be one or the other year round. It's like the same dumb ass argument. You should only eat plants the rest of your life. To be keto the rest of your life, I think you're missing the point. The point
Starting point is 02:01:59 is to have your body finely tuned and adaptable and able to to eat all things intermittent fasting is a good way to go about that um and when i do that regularly when i get like three or four days in a row there's a noticeable difference in like the need to eat like that feeling that inflammation goes down cognitive function goes up sleep's improved yeah there's a lot of benefits to it for sure some people are going crazy with it and doing 20 and 4. I'm like, wow. But not a terrible idea. Not a terrible idea.
Starting point is 02:02:33 I interviewed this guy, Todd White, who's the CEO of Dry Farm Wines. He does that every fucking day. Fast for 20 hours. He'll have a bottle or two of the Dry Farm with his dinner. And that's it. That's his fucking deal. And he's shredded. I met met, I met, I met a paleo effects this year and it was curious to me because everybody that's a part of that is, you know, they're health oriented. They're kind of dialed in. At least they're on
Starting point is 02:02:54 track. They, you know, they work out. You can't be a fat guy at a paleo festival. Yeah. They pay attention to what they're putting in their body and how they move. Right. Yeah. But, but at every kiosk or every, every little booth, not everyone looks the part at this guy's booth. Everyone's fucking shredded. Everyone's got a giant smile on their face. I was like, what's the fucking deal? And he's like, well, 18 out of 20 of us are keto. Almost all of us do intermittent fasting. Uh, they have group meditation every night that would help with fat loss. But I mean, just to say that they're dialed in group meditation every fucking day at 9 AM their entire company. Wow.
Starting point is 02:03:29 Like he's, he's a fucking legit guy. Damn. Yeah. Meditation with the whole company, with the entire company. How many dudes are just thinking about dicks? Angry.
Starting point is 02:03:37 Angry that they have to do group meditation. They fucking visualize that. They visualize those guys doing the dick exercises nonstop with the weights. To be like, well, my dick look wasn't circumcised. What would it look like? I'm trying to picture it. It probably added half an inch. Or you could just shoot stem cells into it like Greenfield to get the half inch.
Starting point is 02:03:59 Those guys who are doing those, like, is that a mandatory thing? Do you have to do it to work at the company? Do the group meditation? I think it's a requirement. That would be annoying. I think it'd be good once you fucking got into it, though. Maybe. Even if you didn't learn.
Starting point is 02:04:13 Yeah, but maybe. I like fucking meditation. If somebody carved out. Working it on, it's fucking amazing. Because we're not only allowed to work out on the clock, but we're encouraged to. That's awesome. We're encouraged to use a sauna. There's a fucking meditation room that I'll go hit and meditate for 30 minutes. Like I'm outside with my shirt off
Starting point is 02:04:28 barefoot doing Tai Chi and weird shit all the time. And that's okay. Right? So that culture that's created there is awesome. There's nap pods at Google for a fucking reason, right? So if you had that scheduled in to where you were going to meditate every fucking day on the clock and you knew like this is my time to rest and and just get get silent i think over time you'd buy into that over time you'd learn how or you would say i'm a fucking accountant and i came to this building to work not to have some fucking cult member asshole guru who's probably just trying to fuck everybody when i can meditate. I'll meditate on my own time, motherfucker. I'm here to work.
Starting point is 02:05:09 I don't need that extra 10 minutes. He told me most of the people in his company still have a meditation practice outside off the clock. I would tell him that too if I wanted a raise. You know, I meditate for four hours when I'm out of here. Bro, I meditate about you and how amazing and amazing leader you are. Just I'll be on my desk. Yeah, man.
Starting point is 02:05:30 I think it's a great idea. I just think there's be some people that would, well, I guess if you let them know before they took the job,
Starting point is 02:05:36 hey man, the only thing we require is 10 minutes of meditation every day. You cool with that? Yeah, I'll take it. But what if you, you know,
Starting point is 02:05:42 like I think people, people gravitate towards that. There's like-minded individuals at every fucking company unless you're just i need money and usually those people get weeded out of the equation right well on it's a great example of that when you go there everybody's super positive fit very friendly very friendly environment like there's no dicky they all fucking enjoy what they're doing too and if they don't they they see themselves out yeah you know yeah i mean i think having there's no company you're ever going to work at where a hundred percent of the people are fucking dialed in and they're all on the same page and no we're going to change the world it doesn't work that way but if you have a high percentage that
Starting point is 02:06:15 are that are doing that that's how you see big changes happen yeah when you get a hundred employees i mean you're gonna have a little chaos a little bit you know you're going to have a little chaos. A little bit. You know, you're going to have that. You're going to have, did you hear what Jen said to Mike in front of everybody? You're going to have that. You're going to have craziness. You're going to have people that don't work together well, don't like each other because of preexisting biases, because of who knows, whatever the fuck it is. They remind them of an ex. People are weird.
Starting point is 02:06:44 Getting men and women to work together just to just to pull that off alone you know yeah we got hr now on it that's interesting what's that like i don't know i don't have a comparison because it's my first real job right where i get to play an adult so you have a person who's hired to make sure that no shenanigans take place? Well, just to create a pipeline for people to talk to one another or, you know, a pipeline where you can handle things, um,
Starting point is 02:07:12 in a, in an appropriate manner. So if someone takes offense to something and we all had to go through this fucking ridiculous and hilarious, like 1990 video on, uh, you know, harassment in the workforce, like that i had to watch
Starting point is 02:07:27 those for a couple different tv shows when you when they start a tv show off it's one of the things they do in the beginning they everybody has to go there we all sat in the bleachers like we were there for a uh a show taping and they pull the screen down and they played us this video on harassment weinstein didn't watch it i guess he didn't he's there's no weinstein character in that video shockingly there it is yeah if you uh so i mean i don't know if that works i guess maybe it works in that people know they can't get away with stuff well no it's just it's a safe place for people to come talk and it doesn't mean like that's what i mean i mean those videos oh the videos don't do shit they're how could they work
Starting point is 02:08:07 they're comical who's gonna like say man i was about to sexually harass this chick but that fucking videos got me thinking nobody would say that i think people might might bite their lip a little bit though if they know there can be repercussions like you don't want i want to fucking lose my job you know what i'm saying? I don't want to fucking lose my job. You know what I'm saying? Oh, yeah, for sure. I definitely don't want to lose my... I wouldn't want to lose my job if it wasn't on it because I have a family.
Starting point is 02:08:31 But I definitely don't want to lose this job because it's fucking amazing. Yeah. You know? It's an amazing thing to be a part of. I don't think that it's... I mean, hmm. What am I trying to say here? There's no room for fun with people anymore, though.
Starting point is 02:08:46 That's the fucking issue. The problem is if you want to cut all sexual harassment, which we all do, you don't want to cut fun. But how do you, you know, especially like a guy who's saying something that he thinks is funny to a girl and it just really hurts her feelings. And he was just trying to be funny like that's in her eyes sexual harassment in his eyes it's a joke well it's even weird everybody's eyes is a disaster yeah and it it goes into all things like uh i fuck with aubrey's assistant a lot ian he's a good buddy of mine and i you know i treat him like my little brother sometimes so but it's a joke it is always
Starting point is 02:09:25 a joke yeah and so we had this team meeting on the jujitsu mats and he's sitting next to me and the second we broke after the meeting i just fucking got on a leg and started cranking i'm like we're on the fucking mats bitch you're mine and i'm digging my knee into his shin like doing some you know like dirty jujitsu and i forgot the leg i was on. He had just fucked up in soccer. So he, I mean, dude's like, he's on fucking crutches for a minute, you know? And I would clown him a little bit about being on crutches and here comes the gimp and he's my boy.
Starting point is 02:09:56 And then I realized after watching this video, I'm like, oh, that's just as illegal as sexual harassment. And so, you know, I'd make a joke about that too. Like, you know, Ian, nobody's allowed to make fun of you for being disabled that's against the law and you can go to hr for that so if anybody does that you know you can go say something it's okay and that was kind of our you know i mean he's my joke he's my fucking boy so i can do that but that's still illegal yeah i know that i should be saying that right now well see the thing is if you have good friends You're good like it's what we were talking about earlier with like comedians good friends
Starting point is 02:10:28 say fucked up shit to each other for fun, and it's fun for both of them because If you have a real friend do you love each other so much? You know that he doesn't really think terrible things about you, but he could say Funny ridiculous shit like that because it'll make both of you laugh because you know it's not the case but if you thought in any way it was the case that you really were like mocking him in any way then it would never be funny yeah but because you're never capable of that it's very funny and i don't think i think the real issue comes down to people who are looking to be offended right there's that but there's also people that are terrible at telling jokes there's people that are terrible at joking around with people and they make that, but there's also people that are terrible at telling jokes.
Starting point is 02:11:05 There's people that are terrible at joking around with people and they make people uncomfortable. But there's some people in the room that won't laugh at anything. That's true too. They're just fucking looking for shit.
Starting point is 02:11:13 Right, and there's the question, if you have a company, how the fuck do you decide who to hire and not to hire? Because you don't know these people in the beginning. Sometimes people are one thing and then they get a little power
Starting point is 02:11:23 and then they become something different. They just become a different thing and then they get like ambitious or who knows their life changes in some way and then they get aggressive and then they're different person like hey who are you that we hired five years ago now we have to figure out a fucking exit strategy to get you out of the company fuck you know i've seen many friends go sideways on situations like that where they started doing business together And then the business takes off or doesn't take off or whatever They're they're stuck together and then they're not the same person who they were ten years ago when they started this fucking thing So there's all this weirdness and resentment and you know, well, hopefully no one's the same person
Starting point is 02:12:00 They were ten years right? Hopefully you fucking grow and it's a positive thing or it's not always the case could be you growing and them not or them and you not I mean it's not uniform either that's the other thing it's like if you find like-minded people the great thing about it is everyone's trying their best to be a good person to be to take care of their body they're trying their best there's gonna be some hills and valleys and ups and downs but for the most part the thought process is about trying to be your best. Always. Right. If you're around those people, like everybody's going to be okay.
Starting point is 02:12:29 But if you're around the people that are fucking super negative about stuff and always sabotaging their life and always fucking up things for friends around them and always ruining this and fucking up that. Oh, that can be exhausting. That can steal your DNA. That steals your fucking, whatever it is that makes you a person. That feeling that you get when you're around someone that's just fucking up all the time where you're like, oh. It's exhausting. That's kind of the deal, too, where you just, you know,
Starting point is 02:13:01 if it is family or somebody you care about, just love them at a distance. You've got to remove yourself from that you can't get wrapped up there's certain family members that they go crazy and you can't get wrapped up they'll they'll take you down they'll take you down with them you can't live two lives simultaneously you do your best if people want to go crazy and that's always been my my real uh fear and concern when someone that I know well does the drug thing, goes down the drug hole. You see something like, what are you doing, man? Are you doing something? No, no, I'm not doing nothing.
Starting point is 02:13:36 You're like, oh, no. We got a tweaker over here. We lost the homeboy. He's tweaking. He's not even himself anymore. Now he's going to lie to us about whether or not he's taking meth. Yeah, I've seen shit like that in college. Lost a friend to heroin.
Starting point is 02:13:51 Well, lost two friends to heroin. Gained one back. He got fucking clean. It's not fun. That's the rough one, huh? Not fun to witness. People that are willing to stick a needle in their arm, right into the vein. a needle in their arm right into the vein there's the romantic thing about it to some people that this is the ultimate fuck you to safety you know the fuck you the standard norms the society is
Starting point is 02:14:16 put on you and you stick that needle in you and just untie the strap. Fucking crazy. What a crazy thing to do. Ari Shafir had a good point on that, though. He was looking at, I forget when he was talking about it, but he said he saw a homeless man. And he realized the guy was on some fucked up drugs. And he was like, oh, I get it. You were just introduced to the wrong drugs. Because Ari does a lot of drugs. But he has drugs that help elevate him and lift him to a new
Starting point is 02:14:46 spot and give him new perspective and hope and joy and this other guy just got fucking sucked deep down the rabbit hole in the wrong direction wow yeah i think in some ways that's true but in some ways they like the heroin better you know who was it that had that statement about heroin there was there was a i'm not going to remember it but there was a fascinating statement about heroin killing you that what that when it was killing you you i think it was lenny bruce talking about it but that it was it was such a sweet death i really forget forget the quote because heroin is something it freaks me out so much I don't even like reading too much about it. I like read a few
Starting point is 02:15:30 things here or there about people that are hooked on it. It just, it creeps me out so much. It's almost like I'm reading about demonic possession and in a way I think it is. In a way I think when people lose their entire life to some pills and they can't stop and they lose their family and they lose their job and they just can't stop, they keep taking it. how is that really any different in terms of the overall results
Starting point is 02:15:49 and the effect it has on your loved ones and your friends and your family and yourself how is it any different than a just a really evil demon that talks you into staying home all day and makes you throw up and is just fucking with you all day and making you tired, just dragging you to the ground, making you fall asleep right in front of the sink. How is that any, if there was a demon doing that, you're like, oh my God, look at him. He's possessed by a demon. That'd be horrible.
Starting point is 02:16:14 If we just saw some kid who was just, his body's all fucked up because there's a demon inside of him controlling it. But instead we're like, oh no, he's all fucked up because he shot up. He shot up. Well, it's the same thing. Yeah, it grabs people.
Starting point is 02:16:27 That's the fucking problem though is that you look at that. That's it. I'll die young, but it's like kissing God. That was his expression of it. Damn. Who died of a morphine overdose on August 3rd, 1966. Man. man he's
Starting point is 02:16:47 from in my line of work that's the that's the Lucy you know that primordial or whatever how would you call it prehistoric human hominoid what was Lucy
Starting point is 02:17:02 was it Australia Pythagoras or something like that yeah that i remember when they discovered australia pithicus or something like that yeah that's what lenny bruce is in a lot of second you said lucy i was thinking of lsd but oh i know you're talking about lsd they they or uh lucy was on the cover of nat geo right yeah it was like one of the first like early human uh skeletons they had i think there's some controversy attached to that thing too which there always is to those ancient humans that they find you know I find a fucking human from how long ago was Lucy how many two million two point nine two point nine million Let me see a picture That was us just two point nine million years ago. What?
Starting point is 02:17:40 the fuck That's crazy. Would you fuck Lucy? If I had to. For the good of the human race. If we need to make people. Who was asking if they would fuck a Neanderthal? If that was... Who wasn't? Did you?
Starting point is 02:17:58 The answer's yes. The answer's fucking yes. It happened. Humans fucked Neanderthals. What I mean by Lenny Bruce is he's the first. He's. Humans fucked Neanderthals. I should clarify what I mean by Lenny Bruce. This is like, he's the first. He's not like primitive. I mean, he was like super advanced, but he was the very first version of that. The very first version of a real stand-up comedian. Like that everybody, all lines come from Lenny Bruce.
Starting point is 02:18:18 I mean, there's a bunch of his contemporaries that were really good too. And there's a bunch of people from that era that were just all innovative and interesting thinkers. They all, I'm sure, fed off of each other. But Lenny Bruce was almost like Lucy. He's almost like the first Australian. He's like the first real stand-up comic. You know, like we'd say, like, okay, I get Mark Twain was doing it.
Starting point is 02:18:36 I understand that all these different people had like a kind of, you know, comical way of talking in front of people. But there was something about the way he was analyzing and breaking down society on stage that of talking in front of people. But there was something about the way he was analyzing and breaking down society on stage that this was the first of those. So you watch that and you go, wow,
Starting point is 02:18:50 that's like some, it's almost like a scientific discovery. It's like, well, this is now, this is going to shift the culture this way because now people are going to be mocking things for entertainment. So the other side is going to get way more mocking. So you're going to have your serious side, there's going to be is a business and making
Starting point is 02:19:08 fun of it now there's a new thing now this is a new thing and that's what that guy was it's kind of a trip and you really stop and think about how influential one person can be you know that one person with some crazy amount of talent some weird way of looking at things, can shift. I'm sitting across from one right now. That's horseshit. This guy right here, man. He was doing things. Play some of this, man. You better off alone, man.
Starting point is 02:19:34 I got it. That's it. I'm going to get a whole bunch of new suits. You know, I've had the same dumb suit for 10 years. You walk in her closet, you can't even breathe. That's it. I'll get a whole breathe that's it I'll get a whole bunch of suits I'll get a chick that likes to hang out man I'll get it I'll have the vodka party that's modern vodka party swing it up ball up I'll get a
Starting point is 02:19:53 chip I got a chick likes to drink boy my wife sure used to look good standing up against this thing she's the lowest though. I really put her down, no. No, I really miss her. I don't want some sharp chick that can quote Kerouac and walk with poise. I just wanna hear my old lady say, "'Get up and fix the sink. "'It's still making noise.'"
Starting point is 02:20:22 All alone. All alone. All alone. Like a nearsighted dog where's the bone? Ah, but it's better to be all alone. No more taking out the garbage, hear her yacking on the phone. I gave her everything.
Starting point is 02:20:42 Even my mother's ring. But to me she was so petty sometimes i wish that she were dead but it'll probably take her two hours to get ready what the fuck this is probably like i would have to guess like 1960 What year was that? Does it say? No, it doesn't say. Hmm. Wonder when that was. It's got to be somewhere in that neighborhood. But that guy, and big heroin problem, man.
Starting point is 02:21:17 Big, big, big heroin problem. And he was also fighting against censorship. He was like one of the first people that was a public speaker that was challenging the ideas of censorship in court He was getting arrested for doing his nightclub performances and saying certain words You know and he was talking about how ridiculous it is to put all the power into these words including racist words Nobody was doing anything like this back then it was crazy shit and a lot of what he was doing Dominion of sanity. Yeah, a lot of what he was doing um demeaning obscenity yeah
Starting point is 02:21:46 a lot of what he was doing was you know he was a big believer in expanding his consciousness he was getting fucked up a lot he's you know he's doing obviously doing heroin because he died of it talked about it pretty openly but who knows what else he was doing too i think marijuana was involved in there too he's expanding his mind in a strange time i think it's impossible for us to really put ourselves in the mindset of people who lived in the 1950s and 19 early 1960s i think i don't even think we're capable of doing it no we have like a vh1 depiction of that did you ever see the the decades yeah where they went through the 60s the 70s the 80s the 90s that was pretty fucking rad pretty fucking but that's still a hollywood version of it a
Starting point is 02:22:29 hundred percent you know yeah like even when they get to the 80s you know like cocaine's resurgence and it's all fucking madonna and prince it's so silly back to the future and shit like that i don't think we can imagine what it would have been like growing up then, you know, living in his era. Like people were so buttoned down to have some guy come along and go, why? Why are we doing it like this? You know, he was, that's a crazy thing. The stand-up comedy started in America. It really did. I mean, there was definitely jesters and, you know king arthur's days and all that bullshit and
Starting point is 02:23:06 from the beginning of time people have had court jesters and there's always been funny people in the village that everybody gathered around like a joey diaz type character that lives somewhere but this the art of stand-up comedy like that was the first and i i think i mean maybe i'm wrong maybe it's mark twain but if it's not it's not Mark Twain, it's him. You know? That was the first one where people started wanting to be that. And then they kind of like there was a lot of that coming off of that. You know, like these little branches get taken off the main river in culture occasionally.
Starting point is 02:23:44 You know, and I think a lot of that was what I was reading in the Malcolm Gladwell book that I was talking about earlier. What's the tipping point? Tipping point. It's all about different trends, like real specific stuff, like what caused this uptick in syphilis in one part of the country? And what are all these factors that fall in place that all work synergistically and push something over the top. How did Hush Puppies go from a business that was like almost bankrupt to being something that like everywhere? And then there's in two years they had stores open in every mall and they were closed. I mean, they were open for decades without this kind of success. And something happened and they became this hip thing to have hush puppies on.
Starting point is 02:24:25 And then boom, the business just explodes out of nowhere. And there's these weird moments like that. Sometimes like an Elon Musk type character comes along and just, oh, I want to fucking put people on Mars. I want to make an electric car. I want to shoot tunnels under the ground.
Starting point is 02:24:38 Like one of these characters comes along and then through them, there's like this new river and all this new crazy shit happens that guy was that would that guy was probably the the number one for stand-up comedy for that fucking massive yeah pretty crazy shit dude you ever see what was the name of it this is the touring the touring test the touring to touring test is the whether or not you could tell if artificial intelligence is human yeah it's not the touring test it's the movie test the touring the touring test is the whether or not you can tell if artificial intelligence is human
Starting point is 02:25:06 yeah it's not the touring test it's the movie about the guy who invented the computer touring oh
Starting point is 02:25:10 with the British dude oh wait are you talking about Ex Machina or like the one about the imitation game
Starting point is 02:25:20 or something the imitation game yeah it's fucking nuts to think like if you look if you watch that movie and obviously, have you seen it? No. It's fucking.
Starting point is 02:25:28 The imitation game. It's awesome. That guy's a great fucking actor, too. I'm writing this shit down right now. It's Doctor Strange. Yeah, Benedict Cumberbatch. Yeah. He's a savage.
Starting point is 02:25:38 But they go through that. In that time period, he fucking invents the fucking computer, you know? And then they go through the time period and he's gay in britain and they put him on medication that lowers his testosterone so he won't be gay so he won't have sex with men it's fucking insane that's a hilarious technique but if you think about like people who move the fucking needle right like people that change shift like if that's where it comes from, computers, and then we get to fucking hyper-intelligent, super-intelligent AI, it all started there.
Starting point is 02:26:09 That is crazy. Like one, well, there was a bunch of different factions, right? A bunch of different people that were working on computers because a woman created the very first computer code. Yeah, I forget what her name was. Well, there's two pivotal inventions by women in uh in computer design and then ultimately in in uh the actual execution of it here it is ada lovelace it's been called the world's first computer programmer what she did was write the world's first machine algorithm
Starting point is 02:26:41 for an early computing machine that existed only on paper of course someone had to be the first but lovelace was a woman and this was in the 1840s suck it suck it stupid people suck it ada ada was rocking shit in the 1800s she's figuring it out imagine you you'd be like look one day they're gonna be able to do this right now they don't want to do it but if one day if they just figure out how to do this this is this and we're gonna have computers and the computers will operate on this algorithm and people are looking at you like bitch what the fuck are you talking about computers like imagine how what a hell it would be to be a super super genius living amongst the cave people you're like you fucks we could be flying around
Starting point is 02:27:23 if you assholes knew how to melt aluminum. Can you guys get me some glass? You don't know glass? Shit! Do you have any wires? You have no wire. Okay. Where do you get your metal? You don't have metal? What? Shit! Can you imagine if you were looking at metal in the ground
Starting point is 02:27:39 like, why don't they just pull the metal out and make things out of that? And they're all like, and you're like, what's the point? What's the point in making a house? What's the point? What's the point in having glass windows that look out at these cave people fucking each other and stabbing mastodons in the dick with flint tip tools? Fuck. Imagine what the hell that would be.
Starting point is 02:27:59 That would be like the worst thing you could do to somebody. Imagine if one day they come up with a time machine and one of the punishments for people that were real pieces of shit is you would throw them in front of Genghis Khan's horde in like 1200 AD. You would just take your underwear, you're in your underwear, everybody knows it's going to happen, you have a chance to live
Starting point is 02:28:20 if you just might get lucky and might teleport into the right spot and not get slaughtered and eaten by the mongols as they come over the top of the hill but we're gonna put you right in front of them and you know good luck you piece of shit fucking transport of a time machine i mean if they do come up with what the ability to do that to people one day like an actual time machine that would be the biggest hell ever take a person from 2018 who's used to driving around his tesla and checking his text every five minutes and no you we're gonna let
Starting point is 02:28:52 you live we're gonna let you live but you're gonna live in 1200 ad no doctors there's no doctors what the fuck is a doctor what are you talking about man you gotta run you gotta run they're coming over the hill you don't you smell that yeah that's people burning you smell people burning they're like candles run just fucking run but you're alive that was the punishment yeah that'd be fun you know that would be crazy imagine if somebody raped you and you get to decide what year they come back where they have to go yeah well just send this motherfucker back to the dinosaur era good luck you cunt and then they they're they're they're gonna be by themselves 65 million years ago how many people would say yes to that like how many people said yes well we could do one thing bernie made off we could either put you in jail for the rest of your life or you get freedom in prehistoric Central Asia.
Starting point is 02:29:50 What would you do? I'd take the death by prehistoric Central Asia all day. Yeah, you've got to fucking live. All day. You've got to live. Throw me in Siberia. See what it is. If I die there, I die there.
Starting point is 02:29:59 Yeah. But at least I'm not in a fucking cage until my heart stops beating. 100%. I'd take that all day. I'll roll the dice. I'll roll the dice. I'll roll the dice. It'll suck. I'll die for sure.
Starting point is 02:30:12 But I'll die running or trying to get away or, you know. Or die quickly. Or I'll break a leg. You know, I'm not going to die in that box. That's the craziest thing about you don't, you just decide when someone has crossed some line're we're going to take you out of circulation we're just going to cool you in this little cage we're going to hope you get better when we let you out in 15 years like what a stupid idea it's not working that's how you know it's a stupid idea it's not it's not working for anyone you want to protect people from violent offenders. That's primary, right?
Starting point is 02:30:52 Violent offenders, people who want to rob people or murder people or rape people or assault people. That is the number one thing is we want everybody to be safe. I love Jamie. I don't want Jamie to have to worry when he walks down the street that this guy they locked up 10 times is going to jump out of the bushes and take his knees out with a baseball bat for no fucking reason other than he's crazy right you don't want that nobody wants that so we all agree you got to lock up rapists and murderers and all that but after that after you get past that it's like hmm what what good does it do to get that guy that cheated on his taxes why do you put him in a cage for a year? Why don't you let him work and pay you back? Like, why is he in a cage for a year? That seems like you're punishing him.
Starting point is 02:31:30 Like, you're just trying to torture him and steal a year of his life. But he just owes you money. He doesn't owe you a year of his life. How much is a year of your life worth? It's worth fucking billions of dollars. A year of your life? Fuck you, man.
Starting point is 02:31:43 You can't take a year of someone's life. That's crazy but if you owe taxes they go I'd like a year of your life sir or if you're fucking selling plants
Starting point is 02:31:52 selling plants or worse you're one of those people that didn't send the envelope and you're trying to bring someone that 4,000 pounds
Starting point is 02:31:58 of cocaine over what would be a good deterrent for someone to stop selling I don't think there's I think education is the the real deterrent you have to catch them and there has to be punishment like if you owe people
Starting point is 02:32:10 money there should be reparations you should like if you if you were involved in some sort of a banking scheme and you rip people off you should have to pay those people back period you should you should be responsible for that after that um you're assuming that someone's capable of growing and sometimes we don't like to do that it's very convenient to assume that someone is in a static state and they're never gonna grow oh this old banker asshole he's just a ritual cunt and this is how he's gonna die fuck him there's there's that thing but he's a human being and even if he lived his life fucking people over on those you know those weird mortgage situation loans that were
Starting point is 02:32:45 going on what were those things called those um short adjustable arm yeah the adjustable mortgages that people got fucked on because they signed up for them and they were really low rate and then all of a sudden the rate jacked up through the roof and they were just inevitably going to lose their house and this was like something that people knew about it before even the people that organized that kind of shit even even knowing, they can grow. It's a horrible thing they did. But to say that they're done. Fuck them.
Starting point is 02:33:10 Lock them up forever. My grandma lost her house. It's terrible that your grandma lost her house. And whoever the fuck benefited from your grandma losing the house, they should all have to give that money back too. We should figure out how the fuck they allow these banks to weasel people like that. You're not looking out for anybody's best interest when you do something like that and obviously they didn't know they were gonna the rates were gonna get as high as they got where people were well they should have situations but they should have they should have known something was coming you hit the point though
Starting point is 02:33:36 that they should have been fucking been paid back yeah they should have been paid none of those fucking people got paid back it doesn't matter how long you lock them up for like nobody fucking got their house back. Everyone got fucked over. And even people that were involved in the organizations that were probably responsible in part for the recession, which fucked everything up. Those people all got bonuses when there was bailouts. The whole thing is... The bailout should have been for fucking everybody who lost their home. For sure.
Starting point is 02:34:00 For sure. It shouldn't... The bailout most certainly shouldn't have gone to, I know that they have to pay these people these bonuses because these bonuses are in their contract, but that's still crazy. It's still crazy, even if it's in the contract. I mean, the government's got to bail you guys out. You guys are a failed business.
Starting point is 02:34:18 This bank's a failed business, and you're still going to try to claim that you guys did so well that you need a bonus? Like, this is great. And you're going to take that taxpayer money did so well that you need a bonus like this is great and you're gonna take that taxpayer money and apply it to your bonus so all those poor people out there working fifty thousand dollars a year you're gonna just take a giant what what's a good one for one of those guys what's a good one what's a good bonus what do you think is like the biggest bonus that
Starting point is 02:34:39 one of those banker guys got during the bailout if you had had a guess. $300 million. Is it that high? That's a lot. I don't think it's that high. I got one, though. $30 million at least. That's what the J.P. Morgan guy got last year. $30 million? Last year, yeah.
Starting point is 02:34:53 Oh, but wait a minute. No, we're not in a recession, though. They were getting it at the end of Bush's term, right? So that was 2009, 2008? 2008, he got $16 million. Someone got $16 million. Same guy. So he got $16 million during the bailouts.
Starting point is 02:35:13 In his worst year, he got $20 million. Baller! What do you think his house looks like? It's probably made out of cocaine. It's probably like an igloo. He just walks by and licks the walls here's a real question you give the average person 25 million bucks they don't have to work again ever you know this guy's making 20 million bucks every year or more probably with all these bonuses right like what what when do you get out like how much do you have to have in the bank
Starting point is 02:35:45 Before you go you know what I'm just gonna fucking live Frugally and never work again That guy does not need to live frugally He doesn't even But I mean for most folks Like what's the number that you'd have to get to Where you're like check please Yeah I don't know what the
Starting point is 02:35:59 Whatever that driving force is though to attain that That doesn't just magically go away. You know, it's not like you get to that point and you're like, all right, now I can retire. Like, what do you fucking do in retirement? Look at the people who continue to work. You have a thousand things you love to do, right? And you're good at them and you're obsessed with them. Other people don't have that.
Starting point is 02:36:20 All they know is their job. All they know is to work. And they have a hard time integrating when they come out of that. You have to have something that gives your life meaning and purpose. Yeah, that's true. It's hard for people to take up new hobbies, too. But really fun. That's the thing about learning stuff.
Starting point is 02:36:37 Getting good at stuff when you suck is a little, you know, there's a period in the beginning where it's frustrating. But if you do do anything, no matter what it is, especially physical stuff, something about getting good at things, it's very rewarding. You know, not enough people go through that. Not enough people, I think, try new shit out. And I think there's also new pathways that get opened in your brain the more you try something new that you suck at. And when you start off from that beginner phase and try to like put it together. And I think the little journey of the beginner
Starting point is 02:37:06 phase getting good i think we should try something new once a year i really do i mean maybe more but for me it can't be more than once a year because i get too crazy about stuff for me once a year is like i might be able to squeeze something in once a year and try it out for a little while and not let it overcome all the things i'm already crazy about. You know? How often do you go hunting? Well, it's usually in the fall for elk. And then usually we do something in the early spring. We go to Lanai and we hunt for axis deer. That gets you ready for bow hunting
Starting point is 02:37:46 because they're really difficult to hunt. They're really fast. I just found out that axis is 24-7 in Texas. 24-7. Yeah. You can hunt them all day long. But they have a real problem in the fact that they, especially in Lanai, they have no predators.
Starting point is 02:38:00 There's nothing. At least in Texas, they have mountain lions. And I mean, maybe coyotes are a situation for fawns. I would imagine coyotes get some fawns, but they don't really have many bear to speak of. Texas, although I think Texas is seeing a resurgence in black bear population. They're starting to see sightings of black bear. Check to see if that's true. That would kill off some.
Starting point is 02:38:25 They kill off a shitload of deer, little calves and fawns, deer fawns and cow elk calves. When a cow elk rather gives a calf, bears get those fuckers all the time. They get like half of them. Half of the fawns born. Damn. Yeah, they smell it a mile away. They have like insane sense of smell. They can tune in to, like, when people shoot guns and kill an animal,
Starting point is 02:38:54 they think it's like a dinner bell. Like there's a real issue with that in like certain places where people hunt or there's bears. Once you shoot something, they go, oh, I'm going that way. I'm just going to take whatever the fuck they shot and that will be mine now and they can smell the guts as soon as you start cleaning a deer they smell it like way the fuck away from you might be going home with a bear and a nexus deer yeah i don't know if they here black bear spotted in another texoma town yeah there's a picture of it there it is is. It's a fucking black bear.
Starting point is 02:39:28 Imagine if you didn't know that bears existed there and you were out in the woods at night and you saw that thing. You'd be like, it's a fucking werewolf. Ah! You know? Do they have video of it up there? I think it's just the picture on the trail camera or whatever that is. Oh, I see. Yeah, so now they know.
Starting point is 02:39:42 Yep, that's definitely a bear. Yeah, they travel. Fascinating animals, man. I mean, if they weren't real, you know, what an interesting thing that would be in fiction, especially like grizzlies, Kodiak bears. You know, I mean, if they didn't exist, what a crazy creation that would be in a movie and just seeing a bear you're like what in the fuck is that thing you know it's a star wars animal well just being up close to one totally different ball game have you ever seen one in the wild no when we were i went to the kenai river in alaska for salmon fishing on a bachelor party. And in one of the tiny airports there,
Starting point is 02:40:27 before we got in, they had a full size on its fucking hind legs. And I was like, good fucking God. I had no idea. Like no idea how big it was. Same with moose though. Like I had no idea.
Starting point is 02:40:40 What's the matter, Jamie? This happened here. Woman says she stabbed bear during attack in California Park. Yeah, they have black bear in Los Angeles. Pacific Coast Trail in Los Angeles. What? Watch your shit, Joe Rogan.
Starting point is 02:40:53 What? I freaked out. Holy shit. A popular park in California is back open Friday after a woman says she was attacked by a bear and had to stab it in order to escape. Los Angeles County Sheriff's officials say the attack was reported at about noon Thursday on the Pacific Coast
Starting point is 02:41:10 Trail in Los Angeles area of Vasquez Parks Rocks Park. Where's Vasquez Rocks? Holy shit, dude. Look at this. She was hiking on the trail and she turned around after seeing what appeared to be bear droppings.
Starting point is 02:41:25 A short time later, she heard something behind her head and turned to see a small black bear approaching her at a fast pace. She pulled a knife from her backpack and stabbed the bear in the left shoulder, which made it stop and run away, authorities say. The hiker was scratched on her waist, on her wrist, but she refused medical treatment. Holy shit, this bitch is gangster. She stabbed a bear. She's the first this bitch is gangster. She stabbed a bear. And she's the first in LA to stab a bear. That girl's ready, though. Respect.
Starting point is 02:41:50 Right? I mean, she pulled that fucking knife out, stabbed that bear, and the bear scratched her, and she's like, I'm good. I don't need to go to a fucking pussy-ass doctor. I just stabbed a bear, motherfucker. Where is it? Is it off the 10? What is that? Near Palmdale. Oh, interesting. Where is it? Is it off the 10? What is that?
Starting point is 02:42:05 Near Palmdale. Oh, interesting. That's not Los Angeles. Yeah, it's like north of here. Okay. Near Palmdale. Palmdale is way out there, man. Where's Palmdale?
Starting point is 02:42:16 Okay, it's halfway between here and Palmdale. Go back out again a little bit. Where's some of the streets of the cities, right? It's like the Angeles Forest. It's right in between. Oh, okay. So it's near where the 2 is, right? Yeah, just north of Burbank. Oh, okay. Is that the 2? This is the 14. This is the 5, and then this is
Starting point is 02:42:33 the... Okay. That Angelus Crest Highway is gorgeous up there. That's where Jay Leno does all of his stuff when he takes cars up there and does that Jay Leno's garage shit and drives up there. Fucking beautiful up there. God, it's crazy. So that's where the bear was. That makes sense. There's bears up there. There's bears in Santa, um, Santa Barbara, believe it or not. I believe it. It's mountainous, right? Yeah. People find bears out there.
Starting point is 02:42:58 You spent time in there. Santa Barbara. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I love it out there. It's gorgeous. You know, it's, um, it's a real unfortunate what happened in this last mudslide. You know about that? A lot of people died in a mudslide. I heard about that. My old man, I think it was last year. He lives in the Santa Cruz mountains and he was fucking trapped, like not in his home, but in a small town for two weeks.
Starting point is 02:43:23 Whoa. Cause the road that leads to the 17, how you get from Santa Cruz to San Jose. Yeah. Completely shut down. Tons of mudslides. That's right. And the PCH was shut down for a long stretch, right? I think it still is.
Starting point is 02:43:36 I think it's still down. I think the stretch of highway that'll take you from Sanuis obispo all the way up to uh san francisco that's that's the pch right yeah yeah there's a spot like well on the way to big sur there's a spot where i don't think you can get through it anymore i think it's still fucked up see if that thing is still closed but it was it was a giant stretch that got wiped out like they had these photos of before and after it's like imagine seeing that go down imagine being in your little fucking mg convertible man zipping along looking at the ocean boy life is grand and you see this fucking mountain coming down just you you know
Starting point is 02:44:17 this is it this is it this is how it's gonna go it's back open now oh they opened in june beautiful how long did it take to uh it? I don't know. It's been open for earlier this year. Ah, nice. That's good. How did they ever, did they say how they figured it out? Because there were some questions as to whether or not they were going to dig it out or whether they were going to put a new road over the top of the dirt that's there now. Road tripping hipsters.
Starting point is 02:44:43 Is that what it says? Where does it say that? Road tripping hipsters. Is that what it says? Where does it say that? Road tripping hipsters, vacationing families. That's what a weird thing to say. Residents survived by creating hiking trails that enabled people to bypass the highway closures by foot. And those courageous enough to drive could take on the Nacimento Ferguson Road with its hairpin turns and steep drops. Yikes. It crosses the Santa Lucia Range and connects the Big Sur coast with Route 101 further inland.
Starting point is 02:45:13 Given the challenges, several tourism businesses simply closed up shop for the summer. Wow. Imagine having to hike for food and shit. And you realize, like, oh, my God, we live on Big Sur. Like, we're trapped. What are we thinking? What the fuck are we thinking? That the earth wasn't going to move?
Starting point is 02:45:29 You wouldn't have a knife on you or. What would you do? You wouldn't have shit. You wouldn't have shit. You'd be out there with your Birkenstocks on. Talking about your next ayahuasca session. Next thing you know, you see that mountain coming down on you. Yikes.
Starting point is 02:45:42 Looking through your fanny pack saying like, where's all the functional shit in my utility belt right now? I don't even have a key. Like, at least you can have an old school key. You can kind of cut things a little bit with a key. Most people don't even have a fucking key anymore. Keyless entry cars. You have fobs.
Starting point is 02:45:58 You have a key for your house. And you get a fob for everything else. Fucking fobs. How long before we wear those things? I have one in my wallet. I have a Lexus, and it's a card. My key is a card. Card entry.
Starting point is 02:46:13 Yeah. You just keep it in the wallet. Keep it in the wallet. Yeah. I like that. Yeah, it's great. Yeah. So you always have your wallet.
Starting point is 02:46:19 You always have your card. That's better, because even with all the keyless entry shit now, it's still got a spot for it in my fanny pack It's still taking up way more space than it needs to yeah way more right It's close to being one She just didn't have to have that screen Right all the time imagine if you could program your phone though to open up your car and then someone steals your phone then they steal Your car I can I mean you can't the BMW app or you'd have to open you cannot lock
Starting point is 02:46:41 I can unlock your unlock my car. I can make a beep from here. I can turn the air conditioning on and ventilate it. That's savage. Dude. I didn't even know that was possible. It tells you where you parked if you need to. Goddamn. I didn't even know they could do that yet. Turn that shit on.
Starting point is 02:46:56 Kyle Kingsbury, we're living in the goddamn future. We are. We are. There's no doubt. You guys are setting up the fucking little AI machine out there right now. Oh, that's not AI. That's virtual doubt. You guys are setting up the fucking little AI machine out there right now. Oh, that's not AI. That's virtual reality. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:47:09 There's a big difference. That's a Vive. Yeah, but soon enough, you're going to interact with shit that's going to be, it's going to change the world. I think someone needs to set up like a Muay Thai game on that Vive. Like they have a boxing game. Someone needs to set something up with kicks, you know, and have someone who kicks at you, you know. That'd be weird, though, for follow-through.
Starting point is 02:47:31 Yeah, because you're follow-through on the kicks and all that shit. Like, it teaches people to point spar. It does, but it wouldn't be your – if it wasn't your only training, if it wasn't your only training. You know, like a lot of Thai guys go light anyway when they spar. When they spar Thai style, they're playing with each other you can kind of do that with this and just do it fast and then as long as you did like pad work and real sparring on top of it I bet it would add I bet it would add something it just makes sense I mean you're constantly you'd
Starting point is 02:48:00 constantly being reacting but there would be no consequences right like you're not even feeling but you you would you would constantly be reacting to movement and you would get it to react to you but there would be no consequences so you could do it all the time not worry about like hurting yourself and you also wouldn't worry about like getting hit so you'd be a little freer with your motions i think if they that would have to be another human playing you though because if it's just fucking some computer I mean they got to write in an algorithm on how often the faint works how often it doesn't like If it didn't if it wasn't scared, it wouldn't give a shit. It would just block everything and destroy you
Starting point is 02:48:34 Well, it knows where your body is Right perfect distance. So it has to have some sort of yeah, you would have a haptic fucking jumpsuit on You'd have a haptic like wetsuit I go all the way to the top. And so you'd get hit with like an inside leg kick. You'd hear the slap. You'd feel that slap on the inside of your thigh. Like, woo, you know, it's not perfect, but I think that there would be something real beneficial about that. Just constantly moving and constantly reacting to this thing in front of you you would just put in a lot of reps that way gauging distance yeah a lot of reps but it'd be interesting to know like would it know when you really hit it with stuff like you're not hitting anything what about like when
Starting point is 02:49:17 when are you getting jammed you know when you're hitting it and when you when you too close yeah like the power meter right yeah yeah yeah you landed, yeah. Yeah, you land at the kick. It shouldn't, it's not all kicks are the same. Right. Does it count the same just because you make contact? Yeah, if someone, if you go to throw a front kick and someone's here and you get your knee up high and then you push into it, that's a big difference between the guy being here and you're just like kind of
Starting point is 02:49:37 falling backwards. Like, does it know? Pushes you back versus pushes him back. That's huge. With sparring, having a good sense of distance. I wonder how it knows that, like exactly where your foot lands. I think some of the coolest shit that I've seen with that is like the artwork you can do in those worlds. It's not exactly. This is crude of what you guys are talking about.
Starting point is 02:49:59 It's called drunken fist fight. The guy's going to grab a pool stick and crack that guy? No, actually it froze there yes oh whoa so they're sort of reacting to him but like it right now the vr thing's only tracking the sensors so that's you have to have a haptic suit that has sensors in it and i don't think they're quite they're quite that far yet you know what i mean right i have to be a lot of sensors and right now that thing's only tracking the headset and the two things you put on your hands yeah you can add more of those to like maybe put it on your foot or something like that.
Starting point is 02:50:27 But it's like just tracking it in space. So it's not tracking impact or speed or maybe a little bit of speed, I suppose. Yeah, this is super crude. Give it 10 years. Yeah. But you need lots of sensors. I don't even know what you would need to track an impact. Oh, so you're in a bar what you would need to track an impact.
Starting point is 02:50:48 Oh, so you're in a bar, and you're supposed to be fighting these guys in a bar. Yeah. This is just super simple, but these are just programmed AI bots that are just watching a swipe of a hand near its face, and they've just programmed that little movement is all. Hmm. I don't know. I would say a long time away, but maybe not. I think the real
Starting point is 02:51:05 move one day is AI robots that know Jiu Jitsu and go at like 50% speed. That would have to be the case. You've been watching Westworld? No. I watched the first episode of the new season and I haven't. I've been on a Kimmy Schmidt kick. What's that? Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt.
Starting point is 02:51:23 It's a hilarious show on Netflix about a chick who is stuck in a bomb shelter with a religious cult for 15 years. She comes out,
Starting point is 02:51:31 she doesn't know shit about the world. It's really funny, man. Tina Fey's show. Oh, okay. It's not a... It's a Netflix show. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 02:51:39 It's a comedy. So I take little breaks. I go Vikings, Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt. I never got into Vikings. Damn, it's good. I heard it's good.
Starting point is 02:51:46 You give it a few episodes. I never got in. That shit heats up around episode four. It's a good goddamn show. Yeah, season two of Westworld heats up around episode four. Yeah, I watched the first episode and I've just been busy.
Starting point is 02:51:57 It's damn good. I like that. Just anything that gets me to think about consciousness, what that is, what it can be, and then where our future's at. I don't want to, I wish you had seen it.
Starting point is 02:52:08 I wanted to fucking dive into that. Who's the woman who plays the main character? What is her name? She was, I forget. The actual actor, something wood. Madeline.
Starting point is 02:52:17 She's a beast. That girl's, she's so good. She's a great actress. She's so good. She was married to, what's his name, right? The, the goth dude. She's so good. She's a great actress. She's so good. That was married to what's his name, right the
Starting point is 02:52:28 the goth dude Marilyn Manson, yes Rachel would have an issue with Evan Rachel wood woods with an ass a wood wood Evan Rachel wood she does an amazing job of Getting you convinced that she's both a person and a robot. It's really creepy. She just nails it. There's other people in the show that are great.
Starting point is 02:52:52 There's a lot of great people in the show, but for whatever reason, her combination and the lady with the British accent. Maeve. Is that her name? Maeve? She's a beast. Yeah, her. Phenomenal.
Starting point is 02:53:04 Same thing. There's a scene a beast. Yeah, her. Phenomenal. Same thing. Like, there's a scene with her. I don't want to, spoiler alert, her talking to another one of these robots about her daughter. And you're like, Jesus Christ, this is so fascinating. Because the writing is so goddamn good and then the acting is so goddamn good that it has this weird effect where you know they're kind of fucked up for people but they're not really people but they seem very people like there's just a perfect amount of off just the perfect amount of like what in the fuck are you well you get to see them learn too yeah and figure out dude what it means to be conscious anything anthony hopkins is in i'm down i'm down too did you
Starting point is 02:53:45 have you finished uh uh wild wild country no no i went episode one and i was like i don't even know if i could do this oh you have i'm going back i'm going back don't worry i'm going back i just need a little break oh man i got real life shit to do man i'll get back to you i promise i just that that there's something about cults and there's something about um like seeing people just hook line and sinker roll out the red carpet here he comes here he comes you know that stuff freaks me out that stuff freaks me out i think because i've seen it i've seen it with uh martial arts especially i've seen it with a lot of the old school martial arts schools were very culty. Very culty.
Starting point is 02:54:32 I don't know if you follow McDojo Life on Instagram. Oh, dude. I'm just going to give you a treat here. McDojo Life is an awesome collection of the fakest martial arts you've ever seen in your life and something about these videos is so goddamn compelling because these people who are the students they know the shit does not really work but they pretend that it works because they're just they're in a cult you know and this guy's like teaching people like if someone comes to grab him like to try to take him down like some wrestler check it out. It's gonna put his hand here
Starting point is 02:55:08 Give me some volume on this Jamie Small intestine it's gonna get it right from the neck Bladder point Just make it shut up rightula. Just making shit up. Right here. Dude's just making shit up. Look at homeboy's mustache behind him. He'll come in. He comes in, he touches him, hits him here. That's all you need to do, bro.
Starting point is 02:55:34 Cain Velasquez shoots that power double. Just put that left hand. Look at that. He just KO'd him. He KO'd him, bro. Get him up. Get him up. This is important.
Starting point is 02:55:44 Wow. He smacks the shit out of him. And this guy really believes this. That's an anti-Gracy move, he says. Bitch, try that. Try that on Henzo, you fucking dummy. There's so many of these, but this guy has an awesome collection of them. Look at this. The guy gets out and throws everybody to the ground.ya. I am a master. They go just look at this man They're all they're all grabbing him and he's like but I have superpowers and you don't they might as well be five
Starting point is 02:56:18 They might as well be five-year-olds on a playground and one of them pretends. He's Doctor Strange you grab me I'm gonna send you back to Mordor. That's the first guy that just goes straight for him and doesn't even move for him. Yeah, it's so stupid. It's so stupid, but this is what I'm saying. These are cults. There's something about this shit that freaks me the fuck out. And my
Starting point is 02:56:39 martial arts school that I started out in, Taekwondo school, was very strict. It was a lot of discipline. It wasn't really culty, but everyone is a little culty. They're all a little culty. There's master and mister and all that stuff. There's always a little bit of that. But we would go to tournaments, and then we would see it full on. Just full on cults.
Starting point is 02:57:00 Like one guy would be the kung fu master and have all his students. They'd all be at his command, and he'd be telling them what to do. They'd be like, yes, sensei. They'd scream it out and shit, just like Karate Kid. There's a lot of them, man. There's hundreds of these weird little schools that were run by people that were running their own little cults. But at least at the tournaments, like you guys are getting to actually fucking compete, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:57:20 So the kids, even though they're like dogs, they're well-trained, you know, they always listen. Yes, sir. Yes, sir. They still get to get on the mat and they experience loss they experience some form of fucking real worldness yeah for sure it's not like the shit on mcdojo yeah no but it's what's stunning about mcdojo life is how many of them there are i mean there's and they're making videos this is the thing these people like scroll just scroll and show how many videos this guy's got up. I mean, I don't even know how many. There's probably hundreds. But the thing is, this is just what's on video, man.
Starting point is 02:57:52 I don't understand how the people that come to these places, they don't ask for competition. They don't ask to see somebody compete. They don't know any better, man. But is it always like, know oh if i did this to a man he'd die you know like is that is that what everyone believes look at this one this guy when a guy has a knife to his neck he's gonna smush the guy's hand with his chin watch this he's gonna make the guy tap check this out the guy's got a knife right to his neck and he's like but what you need to do, try it on me.
Starting point is 02:58:26 As soon as he gets that knife near me, not the same spot, bitch. That's not the same spot. Right, watch this. He's like, okay, I give up, but I will take my hand, and then my chin will make your hand hurt like this. Watch this guy. This is dumb as shit.
Starting point is 02:58:46 Hurry up and get to it. Here he goes. Look. He's making him tap. He's grabbing his own hand. See how he grabs his own head? Oh. Oh. Look at that. Look at that arm bar. Ferocious. Ferocious. At no point in time
Starting point is 02:59:01 would that guy have been able to stab the fuck out of him with that giant knife in his hand. That still looks a little bit more believable than the other one. Go to the one right next to it where the guy's on his knees. There, that one right there. Watch this one. This one's so fucking stupid. I mean...
Starting point is 02:59:17 Hit me, hit me, hit me. He can't. You can't. Reach me with that hand. Reach me with that hand. Reach me with that hand. You cannot. You cannot. You can't. Reach me with that hand reach me with that you cannot you cannot you can't reach me with that watch this reach me with that hand reach me with that you cannot the zoom in on dude's face
Starting point is 02:59:36 the fucking handlebar mustache is like straight ben stiller but this is why i think i get freaked out by cults is that when i was a young teenager and I started doing martial arts I saw like certain elements of that I you know I'd went to Catholic school for just one year when I was young when I was seven first grade actually six Right and it was fucking horrible And I remember thinking like that I can't believe all these people are just doing this Like all these people were following along like there was like so awful. okay enough with the i don't want to see any more of these i can't they're so stupid they're all so stupid he's got hundreds of them man but um i recognized that like when i was young i was like
Starting point is 03:00:15 this is not this doesn't make sense this is just everybody's just going along with this this is normal to leave your kids with this mean ass nun and all these fucking people. Everybody's like, stay in order. Everyone's nasty to you. And they're hitting kids. It was awful. And I remember thinking, man, there's something that happens to people when they get big groups of them together and they agree on irrational shit. There's some weird thing that happens to people where everybody, this can't be right.
Starting point is 03:00:44 That lady is not acting in the name of God. There's no fucking way. She's a crazy, mean old lady. And I got to listen to her because she worked for God. Like this is fucking nuts. Can I talk to God? Does he know how she acts? No, you got to talk through me. Yeah. You got to talk through her. She's a representative of God. I got the phone line. Yeah. Your fucking parents take you there and drop you off and leave you with these monsters all day. And you're like, what? And some of them got fucked, right? Some of them got molested.
Starting point is 03:01:07 Not just some of them, quite a few. So I think I had a healthy respect for that and fear of that when I was real young. And then I saw some of the same elements when I started doing martial arts, particularly with like some of the more ridiculous, like really rigid traditional type styles a lot of kung fu there was a lot of like you know for every hundred martial arts schools you had three or four that were just flat out cults i just made those numbers up who was that who was no idea one percent who was the guy um i think he was in it was in china that fucked up one of these fake grandmasters. Oh, yeah. And then he had to go into hiding.
Starting point is 03:01:47 Yeah. Who was that guy? There was two of them. One of them happened recently. That was the guy with yellow sneakers on, right? He was an MMA guy. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, and he fucked this guy up.
Starting point is 03:01:58 It took all of two strikes to fucking dismantle that old fart. Yeah. I mean, it's not fair. You're dealing with someone who's delusional, but it is fair because we all need to see that. Because there's some people that really did believe that guy had magic powers because they run a cult.
Starting point is 03:02:14 Like, these people that are doing all this death touch that, when they see their students like, oh, and they fall down, they believe that they're getting jolted in some weird, maybe not 100%, but there's a small percentage of their brain that's willing to not just go along with it, but to believe this guy,
Starting point is 03:02:29 something special, that guy with the yellow sneakers didn't give a fuck about that. He just beat the shit out of that dude. And for everybody else, but that dude, that's good. You know, for that guy to,
Starting point is 03:02:40 to find out that he's not really some possessor of magic powers. I mean, if he really did believe it, here it is. Oh, red sneakers. A different one, maybe. No, this is it. This is it. He just beats the shit out of this dude. I mean, real quick.
Starting point is 03:02:55 He just storms him. Boom, hits him with a right hand. Boom, another right hand, and just gets him on the ground and beats the fuck out of him. I mean, this is like maybe six or seven seconds before they stop it. He's out cold. I have those mats in my house. Puzzle mats?
Starting point is 03:03:11 Yeah, they're in the living room. They're the exact color. I check them like that too. You're an animal. You keep them in the living room? Uh-huh. That's hardcore. We can just fucking do yoga.
Starting point is 03:03:18 We can roll. That's hardcore. I'll wrestle with my son there. You'd freak people out if they came into your house, if they're new in the neighborhood. So, uh... You'd fucking hang out with me for a minute in the living room. Come on over and have some cacao.
Starting point is 03:03:29 Stip into my gorge. Cacao. Yeah, it's like a mild dose of MDMA. Hey, look at my living room. It's fucking wrestling mats. Nothing creepy about that. That's the move. You're supposed to fucking...
Starting point is 03:03:41 This big giant dude. This big jack giant dude is drinking cacao with his fucking five-finger toe shoes on. Yeah, welcome to the neighborhood. That's the neighbor. Yeah, come on in. Come on in. Yeah, he really loves yoga. Isn't it funny?
Starting point is 03:04:01 That sounds like a great thing if you were single. If you're just a bunch of guys living together. I've heard a hundred stories. Yeah, we have our living room matted up and we just drill. I know a lot of guys who got really good because of that. Like jujitsu guys that wound up being roommates with other jujitsu guys. Instead of just going to class every day and rolling, they would take one or two days a week
Starting point is 03:04:22 and they would do a straight hour of nothing but drills. Dude, you'd be amazed at how much better you get just from doing that. That makes sense. Those guys don't give a fuck about pads in the living room. That's kind of what I do with yoga though. You know, I just get on the mat. Like I don't have the time now to go to a full yoga class. So I'll just hit it then.
Starting point is 03:04:38 I'm there. I'll drop down. My wife's yoga certified now. So she'll put me through some shit and we just do it. That's very nice. That's very nice to have. Do you ever do it outside in the grass? Yoga or rolling?
Starting point is 03:04:49 Yoga. Yeah, I've done yoga outside in the grass. It's nice to be outdoors. I think it is, too. You can do yoga anywhere. For sure. I was doing it on the Cathedral Rock on the LSD and the cacao. That's a double dose, son.
Starting point is 03:05:01 Is that candy flipping or what? How does that work? Because it's kind of candy. It's kind of candy flip, yeah. Whoa, is that where candy flipping came from chocolate i don't think so i don't think cacao's been around a little longer than lsd right but the original candy flip must have been mdma with lsd probably but maybe it was candy maybe it was cacao it's fucking chocolate a little lsd chocolate hmm what else should we keep an eye on? As far as interesting substances?
Starting point is 03:05:28 As far as interesting substances that you didn't know can make you trip balls. Like now that we know it's cacao. I get a cacao shake at this fucking juice place I go to. You're not going to see shit on cacao. I'm saying it has similar properties. You're not going to see aliens. You're not going to see a damn thing. I'm going to eat a triple dose.
Starting point is 03:05:45 Whatever you took, I'll take three times as much. We'll see what happens. That was an issue, though. The issue is there's a lot of magnesium in cacao, and I had fasted for four days. So at three o'clock, I was like, we need to go now. Wow. And I fucking sprinted down the mountain for the shitter. Whoa.
Starting point is 03:05:59 Straight liquid. There you go. Another one. Another one. You know what, though? I was able to keep that tight. I was pinching the butthole like that lady with the vaginal clip going. It's a real accomplishment when you can do it.
Starting point is 03:06:09 I was a hard Kegel. I almost shit myself a few months back. Headed to the improv. I was real scared. I got over the top of Laurel Canyon and I was going down Fairfax. I was like, I might not make it. Like this might, I might not, I might not make this one. You start sweating yeah
Starting point is 03:06:25 i was sweating hard did not feel good felt very nervous yeah very nervous yep i don't know what else is out there you know i know we're combining some really cool shit i mean getting to work on the podcast is fucking amazing and thank you both for encouraging me to start one i'm glad you did man you're so good at it it's like such a natural thing to you. It's hard to believe that somebody had to prod you. How do you not look at what, I mean, you're able to, you're constantly able to recite interesting information about science or medicine or physiology. You always have this stuff at your fingertips.
Starting point is 03:06:59 Like, why wouldn't you do a podcast? It doesn't even make sense. It all makes sense now. Yeah, of course. But it's like being really good at playing guitar and someone says like you man you should probably be in a band or something like fuck that like i don't know it sounds hard it doesn't seem like something i'm into not really into music yeah i hate music so yeah we got we got the podcast and that's a big child of mine that on it and then product development would probably be the other
Starting point is 03:07:23 big piece of that let me let me in on this how the fuck do you make those protein bites this sounds like a commercial but those protein bites are those are crack well something in those things i've sent them to people my friend aaron snyder he goes dude this shit's heroin like what's in this you can't stop we can we consider making them into one so it's actually a bite and they're like no people eat both or if they do eat one they'll hand the other one off yeah you give one to a friend it's actually a bite and they're like, no, people eat both. Or if they do eat one, they'll hand the other one off. Yeah. You give one to a friend. It's not going to waste.
Starting point is 03:07:48 No, no. We've got four new flavors coming out and we've been, I get to be the guinea pig for that shit too with Aubrey and a few other people on the team, ETG, Lindsey. Tastes so good. Yeah. They're insane. And they don't make you feel bad at all. No.
Starting point is 03:08:00 You have to eat them. The new flavors are going to be fucking top tier too. There's something about like there's, I'm willing to get like a slightly adverse reaction if i'm hungry if i'm hungry and i want like a certain type of sugar-free protein bar i'm like i'll just fucking eat i need something i'll eat it but while i'm eating i'm like what is this what's going on here what is this you know your body's going yeah you know What is this? You know, your body's going, yeah, you know, this is a little weird. Like whatever the protein in this is a little hard for me to digest. Here's a fart for you, motherfucker.
Starting point is 03:08:31 Hopefully. Hopefully. But with those protein bites, it doesn't feel like you did anything wrong. No, it's fucking healthy. They taste good, but they don't feel like you did anything wrong. Yeah. So you can eat four of them. That's the idea, to make something healthy that tastes delicious.
Starting point is 03:08:50 I eat four of them all the time uh i gotta i can let i got the thumbs up normally i'm not allowed to talk about shit we're not creating but i'll just give you this we're gonna fucking make really delicious healthy cereal cereal yeah like coca pops you fucking name it really yeah how are we gonna be able to do that well i can't give away the secrets, but I'm just saying, son, we're going to have some fucking really. Here's the thing. Is milk healthy? Because I hear contradicting. I don't think so. I think for a lot of people it's not.
Starting point is 03:09:14 In California, you guys can get raw milk that's healthier. But is that healthy? Is raw milk healthy? I think it's healthier than the killed off shit. Definitely healthier than the killed off shit. Where they fucking get rid of all the good bacteria that's in it 100 100 no doubt and then raw goat's milk supposed to be even better for you than that yes and the the reason that we find out now that uh do you ever read the plant paradox by dr stephen gundry no he's a fucking savage did you bring this up on
Starting point is 03:09:39 the first podcast we did i don't think i had read that on the first podcast. Greenfield turned me on to this guy. He says that there's a different type of casein protein that Holstein black and white dairy cows make versus Southern European cows. Goats don't make it. Sheep don't make it. So if you're going to have dairy, go with something from a Southern European cow or go with like goat's milk, cheese, sheep sheep's milk cheese, those kind of things. But I mean, if you're eating the fucking cereal, like I'm doing, especially when I'm doing keto, I'll throw heavy, heavy coconut cream in there. Like a canned coconut cream. We're making our own keto ice cream with an ice cream maker. Do the same shit.
Starting point is 03:10:17 Damn. You know, phenomenal stuff. I'll let my son mow that down. You don't want dinner. You just want ice cream. Cool. Whoa. There's fucking free range egg yolks in there,
Starting point is 03:10:26 there's no fucking, you know, it's all natural sweeteners, no, nothing's gonna fuck with his glycemic index. People don't think that that would be,
Starting point is 03:10:34 you know, if you, everyone thinks you have to suffer somewhat, right? But if they could figure out a way to make something taste like a real
Starting point is 03:10:42 ice cream sundae, like with whipped cream, hot chocolate, cherries, everything, and have it be super healthy for you. There's got to be a way. Lily's Chocolate Bars, no affiliation with those guys, but they've fucking figured out how to make chocolate delicious. And they do it with Stevia? They do it with Stevia and a couple other things.
Starting point is 03:10:59 What is it called again? Lily's. L-I-L-L-Y or I-E? Yeah, yeah. They're at Whole Foods, Sprouts, all those places. They're fucking insane. They're really insane. They've got it dialed in.
Starting point is 03:11:11 But, I mean, if you could melt that down on some homemade ice cream, that's something I tell people a lot is if you're going to cheat or if you're going to eat for mouth pleasure, make it yourself. Right. Make your own fucking pizza with a better crust make your own dessert with with shit that's not going to spike your blood sugar and make you fat and cause inflammation and fuck your brain up like just make it yourself go the extra fucking mile do it yourself it'll be way healthier yeah but people don't have time for that shit well do you have time to make your own keto waffles? Really? No.
Starting point is 03:11:45 No, I don't do that. Have you ever had those no waffles? I've watched your... You were talking about them, and I saw, and they did a repost. Haven't tried their waffles or their syrup, but I'm down to try. I just haven't found the syrup anywhere. Well, you get it from their website. I fucked up some of their waffles with some syrup and just a pound of butter on it. It was sensational.
Starting point is 03:12:06 That sounds like a good idea. I didn't feel bad. Yeah. After it was over, I felt good. I was like, I don't even feel terrible. That's the goal of creating shit like that, right? We've got a ton of keto shakes now at the Onyx Cafe. They will fucking change your life.
Starting point is 03:12:18 Damn. They're insanely good. Life changing. Yeah. No doubt. And they don't make you feel bad. That's the key, right? Like if there aren't
Starting point is 03:12:25 some like i'll tell you i'm no plug here uh these fucking kill cliffs these are goddamn delicious i don't have any business affiliation with them but they don't how much sugar does this thing have in it zero it's just a risk zero zero sugar shit tastes good but it doesn't have any bullshit in it right i mean this doesn't have any aspartame or anything. What are they using it for? What are they using this to sweeten it? Erythritol. What is that?
Starting point is 03:12:52 It's a natural sweetener that's low glycemic, similar to Stevia. Like Xylitol is similar to Stevia, but they all have different flavor components. So some of them work better for an energy drink. Some of them work better for ice cream, shit like that. This is recovery and hydration. That's what it is this tastes fantastic and then there's no bad feeling afterwards like if I drank that and that was a Coke I'd be like oh so good going down a cold Coke in the aluminum can you crack the top and it's got the the condensation all over the top of it because it's so cold I haven't had a coke and pulled it out of the cooler 15 years probably especially if you have some barbecue dude you're
Starting point is 03:13:30 in the middle of a slab of ribs and you go for that cold coke and you just chug chug and you feel the syrup never out of here you feel the the thick syrup making its way to your veins but for that mouth pleasure you'll trade it all. Do you like the Zevia? Have you had Zevia? Love it. They're fucking amazing. I buy them all the time.
Starting point is 03:13:49 It's not the same flavor as Coke. I fucking love it, though. The root beer ones. Cherry cola. Root beer. Ginger ale's good. Yeah, they got some great ones. They're fucking great.
Starting point is 03:13:57 Yeah, you can legit get things that taste good now that don't have sugar in them. I mean, we're just so addicted to the things that have the sugar in them. If we could find healthy alternatives, it's possible. They're coming out. They're coming out. Well, listen, man, let's go fucking shoot some bows and arrows and shit. I'm fucking down. It's already three o'clock.
Starting point is 03:14:15 Let's get this over with. Hit it. Kingsboo on Instagram and Twitter. Yep. for everything else. And host of the Onnit podcast, which is available on iTunes. And where else are you guys available?
Starting point is 03:14:28 Is it... Everywhere. All good. And I think you guys are on YouTube too, right? Yeah, we just started doing like full length. We just originally were doing that for little marketing tools. Fuck it.
Starting point is 03:14:38 Put it all up. Yep. Throw it up. All right. Well, listen, brother, we got to do this more often. Fuck yeah, brother. But we just did it.
Starting point is 03:14:43 Hell yeah. Kyle Kingsbury, ladies and gentlemen. We'll be back. Asahabi tomorrow.

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