The Joe Rogan Experience - #115 - Maz Jobrani

Episode Date: June 20, 2011

Joe sits down with Maz Jobrani. ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Because it wouldn't be a podcast. It wouldn't feel like a real show. See now, boom, we're in action. See that Maz Jobrani? It feels a lot more legit right now. It does. My good pal Maz Jobrani is with us and we have to talk shit before we get started about the fucking Tascam DR-100. This is our third one, you dirty bitches. How about it? Tascam MP3 recorder people, get your fucking shit together. How about Ascam? That's how bad they are.
Starting point is 00:00:31 Yes. Look, there you go. There you go. Not Tascam. Ascam, says Maz Jobrani. It gets all these great reviews, and honestly, it makes some great sound. It sounds awesome. It's an excellent piece of kit, as it were.
Starting point is 00:00:44 But unfortunately, it fucking breaks all the time. This is our third one. And no, I don't send it in for warranty, because I ain't got that kind of time. And I'm a fancy man, Maz Jobani. So I just order another one with that one-click shit on But this is the third one. You're like Lex Luthor and Superman.
Starting point is 00:00:59 They never wear the same pair of socks two days in a row. I'm like a black rapper who throws away his white sneakers. Yeah, motherfucker. We used to go on the road with Charlie'm like a black rapper who throws away his white sneakers. Yeah, motherfucker. We used to go on the road with Charlie Murphy and Charlie Murphy used to throw away new sneakers.
Starting point is 00:01:08 He would get like a little scuff and he's like, that's it, it's over. It's over. It's over for those sneakers. You're a comedian. You're not playing basketball.
Starting point is 00:01:16 Charlie Murphy, he wears like those ridiculous rapper chains. You know, they're covered in diamonds and bling bling and he doesn't wear them all
Starting point is 00:01:23 when he goes on stage. He takes them off and he puts them on his cousin Rich's head. Rich is like his tour manager and Rich will hold on to the chains. Is that in case he gets shot or something? No, he just doesn't want to bling too hard when he's on stage. Doesn't want to distract from the message. It's really hard for a comedian to be too blingy. Like only black comedians can be blingy.
Starting point is 00:01:40 There's no like, you know what I'm saying? Cat Williams can pull it off. He's got that whole pimp persona thing going on. But yeah, white guy with a lot of diamonds. Like, what the fuck are you doing? I saw Prince in concert recently. I saw Prince in concert. It was amazing.
Starting point is 00:01:53 The guy's amazing. Oh, he's amazing. And I was like, a comedian could never dress like Prince and do... You get a certain license to be weird with music. Yeah, exactly. He came out at one point with fur leg warmer thingies. Can you imagine, as a comedian, coming next to the stage,
Starting point is 00:02:11 Joe Rogan, show up in fur leg warmers? That'd be great. He just pushes it, man. And chicks fucking love him. Oh, my God. He's ridiculous. It's crazy. There's something about him that, to them, is very... It's weird. He's like 5 him that to them is very, it's weird.
Starting point is 00:02:26 He's like 5'3", he's 18 pounds, and he wears women's clothes, but he's sexy. They want to fuck him. He owns it. That's what it is. I was there with my wife. I was like, there's nothing else this guy could do. He's made to do this.
Starting point is 00:02:39 He could never be, it reminds me of a UPS guy. You know what I'm saying? If he shows up, you know what I'm saying? He says you can't. He owns it. That's what it is. Yeah It's just you can't. He owns it. That's what it is. Yeah. He's a brilliant artist.
Starting point is 00:02:48 He is amazing. He's just a weird guy. And I think all brilliant, the really brilliant artists, I'm finding, are all almost completely fucking crazy. Absolutely. All the good ones. Well, from back, I mean, even all the composers, Beethoven, all those guys were all nuts. Yeah, they're fucking minds. You have to be.
Starting point is 00:03:04 Think about, there was fucking nothing but axes hitting trees back nuts. Yeah, they're fucking minds. You have to be. Think about, there was fucking nothing but axes hitting trees back then. That was the sound they heard. Womp, womp. And one guy figures out, you know,
Starting point is 00:03:12 not really, but you know, people back then that did figure out how to orchestrate music and how to create music and compose incredible works of music that are still listened to
Starting point is 00:03:20 hundreds of years later. Oh yeah. You know, and that's pretty nuts, man. And we don't even know what his shit really sounded like. That's the crazy thing. But also, I was listening to the radio one time. They were talking about it.
Starting point is 00:03:30 Because some of these guys, like autistic people, some of them are like geniuses in one way and autistic. They have problems in another way. This one kid, they were saying, autistic, couldn't communicate. He's at home with his mom and dad. They watch some movie that had like a Beethoven concerto in it. Just watch it once. The kid's like 12 years old.
Starting point is 00:03:53 The mother goes to sleep, middle of the night, wakes up, thinks that the TV's playing it again. The kid's at the piano playing that song from watching it once. He's just learned the song. So these guys are geniuses in one way and crazy in another way yeah we've talked about autistics and autistic savants on the podcast a bunch of times before because there's so many really amazing examples of that kind of power i bet a lot of famous like musicians and composers and geniuses in the past were probably autistic
Starting point is 00:04:23 savants they just didn't know how to diagnose it they just considered them geniuses yeah or maybe there's like i mean there's even certain like as you were talking about you know prince like there's certain levels of it you know like you got the the rock star who's brilliant and amazing but like he can't like you know remember his address you know what i'm saying he needs someone to baby osborne yeah i need someone to babysit him you know yeah i think that's i think a lot of that stuff is that like these guys are you know yeah wouldn't what isn't it amazing that music for like hundreds and hundreds of years was just written down like you couldn't record it so like like composers like when they created a piece of work it's actually like writing yeah and that's how like this is my work this is what i've
Starting point is 00:05:00 done i've combined all these notes in a certain way but you don't even get to listen to them do it right you know right they never got a chance to record anything. We'll never hear Beethoven actually directing any music. Until time travel. Yeah, until time travel. Isn't that amazing, though? That for hundreds of years it was just written down. I wonder if it would sound any different, too. I bet it would be Listening to the Beatles when they released the mono version
Starting point is 00:05:28 Which was supposedly the superior version Was the mono versions of all the Beatles songs Because they were recorded in mono And then later they remastered them in stereo Because stereo was so popular And that's what you grew up on Was listening to stereo music Versions of what was not supposed to be stereo
Starting point is 00:05:44 So people actually like listening to the mono versions of what was not supposed to be stereo so people actually like listening to the mono versions now but i wonder how much of that is like people just being like oh you should have heard that oh you know what i'm saying people do that you should oh man the classic when in reality i mean it's like you know hd versus well it's kind of mixed different too though like things that come out in stereo that weren't really necessarily supposed to be out more you know so i actually have both versions, and definitely I could see what people are saying. It's more hardcore hitting, and everything seems mixed properly compared to what now, like some guy in some THX lab is like, no, I think this little jingle over here should be louder.
Starting point is 00:06:19 I think I'm going to have to get into fucking vinyl. I think I'm going to have to buy a record player and some headphones and listen to what the fuck everybody's saying yeah because when you talk to like real audiophiles they'll tell you that like a vinyl lp is the way to go and then you lose something in the sound when you go to cd you lose like a quality a layer can you even buy a record player huge now they actually sell records at best buy now oh really. The music industry is trying to find a new thing, and one of the things is going retro, going back to vinyl, because it sounds better or whatever. And that's all up to debate, in my opinion.
Starting point is 00:06:52 How funny is that? You think old TVs will make a comeback? Wouldn't that be funny? If you go in, you're like, this is not HD. Yeah. Well, it seems like they could get away with it with Blu-ray, where they don't have to have compression anymore. They have compression to get it to CD to digitize it.
Starting point is 00:07:06 Maybe they could add that quality to it if they stretched it out and made it a larger file. I think they do. Is that possible? I think FLAC or whatever that version is, I think that is something that's very close to it or what people... I'm going to have to talk to some real audio people
Starting point is 00:07:22 to get this up. The reason why I even brought it up is somebody on my message board made a post suggesting that I put out my next CD on vinyl. And I'm like, wow, I've never even thought about doing that. That's a weird suggestion. That might be kind of cool, actually. It is a cool idea. It's kind of like, I don't know if you heard about this, but I guess Stephen Wright is writing a novel on Twitter. Did you hear about this?
Starting point is 00:07:42 Did you hear about this? No. He's straight up like he, you know, he found out, you know, he took, you know how he's like,
Starting point is 00:07:47 I mean, he's known for the shorter jokes, right? So he decided, well, Twitter is about being short, so I'm going to write a novel. So supposedly,
Starting point is 00:07:54 he's writing a novel and you can come in at any point and you might not know what's going on. He doesn't care. He just continues to write a novel. I have to follow him.
Starting point is 00:08:01 Is it Stefan or Steve with a V? I think it's with a V, actually. I think it's Steven. But what I'm saying is the same thing. If you bust it out with... Everyone else is coming out with the new... I'm going to put my album out like this, like that, and you bust out with a record vinyl,
Starting point is 00:08:18 that might be a way to go. This can't be him. He only has 15,000 followers? I don't know. I'm not sure. Is that real? Yeah, that probably is about right. How can you find out if it only has 15,000 followers? I don't know. I'm not sure. Is that real? Yeah, that probably is about right. How can you find out if it's the real deal or not?
Starting point is 00:08:31 Well, usually they're verified. I'm verified. Joan Rivers right here says it's verified. Follow Joan Rivers. But Stephen Wright doesn't say verified. I'm going to take a chance and follow him anyway. Because I think a lot of those old school guys like Stephen Wright are probably just now embracing technology. So that might be a real number. He might really only have seven.
Starting point is 00:08:48 We could re-release your website in bitmaps. What is bitmaps? Instead of JPEGs, we can go. Really? Yeah, vinyl photo compressions. Just go old school with everything. Just crappy with everything. We all go back to like three second video GIFs instead of having you stream.
Starting point is 00:09:03 We just have a GIF animation. Oh, he is writing he is writing a novel he's writing a novel right oh this is hilarious yeah this is hilarious he's writing a fucking novel
Starting point is 00:09:10 on twitter that's sweet how funny is that this is brilliant I can't wait to follow I heard that I was like that is
Starting point is 00:09:15 this is crazy that is such a great idea and he ends TBC on like every post to be continued to be continued to be continued and you get to
Starting point is 00:09:25 just follow along with it this is so strange isn't that crazy but addressing the question this was extremely tiring for harold because of his attention would drift and for some reason the abstract speech that his mother was making like a toy train his brain would stay firmly on track weaving turning through to be, previously unconnected subjects. Harold had the opposite of ADD. He needed to go some to some school somewhere, hmm, some typo, needed to go some to some school somewhere, and learned how to space, to be continued, out. To be continued and then out.
Starting point is 00:10:01 Space, to be continued, out. The last dream he had was about a man who invented mirrors. When Harold woke up the next day, all he could remember was that he, to be continued, had a dream about a sl- This is ridiculous. That's hilarious. This is definitely him. This is definitely him. But this is one of the weirdest things I've ever heard anybody doing.
Starting point is 00:10:19 Stephen Wright's a maniac. How funny is that? You know, he was the guy who single-handedly his success threw this monkey wrench into the the whole uh boston comedy scene there's a there's a great documentary by this guy fran solomita fuck i have to look it up what the name of it is have you ever worked with him before yeah fran was a comic from boston boston comic how did he throw a wrench into the scene? Because he got successful.
Starting point is 00:10:47 And when he got successful, everybody kind of freaked out. And was like, when stand-up stood out, that's what it's called. Boston was this incredible place where there were so many great, great comedians that were local guys. And they would just work locally constantly. And all of a sudden, Stephen Wright got discovered. And Stephen Wright started doing Letterman and Carson. And everybody was like holy shit then he got his hco special and then everybody was like where's mine when is this going to happen for me right and it
Starting point is 00:11:13 kind of like changed the the tone of the town because it used to be this almost like i want to say artist colony but not so fucking gay right because they were savages. They were crazy coke snorting, weed smoking, whiskey drinking animals and they were fucking hilarious and they were just doing it to make everybody laugh and to get by and get paid. But then all of a sudden the dream sort of appeared
Starting point is 00:11:37 in Stephen Wright form. Stephen Wright all of a sudden became fucking huge and famous and these guys were like, yeah, Stephen's good, but I'm fucking good too. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And it kind of changed the whole tone of the town. You know, guys started like really working towards deals. You know, I mean, it's not necessarily a bad thing,
Starting point is 00:11:53 but it became, you know, that, it became there was a different goal on the horizon. It wasn't just being funny. It's crazy how success can get in the way of art. Yes. And it often does. Often does, but doesn't have to. You know, it's all manageable.
Starting point is 00:12:04 Right, right. It's manageable. Like people say, oh, you sold out. Like, shut up, stupid. You don't have to. It's all manageable. It's manageable. People say, oh, you sold out. Shut up, stupid. You don't even know what you're talking about. As long as you're still doing good stuff and having fun. I think part of it is with you, I know seeing you at the Comedy Store
Starting point is 00:12:15 when I first was starting there, the good thing about you was even when you had a show or anything going, you still kept that mentality of I got to get up and create and write, and you continue to do that. And so the idea is you can get out of that, quote unquote, artist colony with success, but then you remind yourself, it's like a boxer.
Starting point is 00:12:33 I got to keep training. It's also, I think your motivation changes. Your motivation goes from being the motivation of, I'm just trying to make it. I want success. I want to be recognized, to you get some success, then you go, okay, now I just want to do good stuff. I just want to make it. I want success. I want to be recognized. You get some success, then you go, okay, now I just want to do good stuff. I just want to have fun. Now my interest is just on the jokes.
Starting point is 00:12:50 It's just on creating the new bit. It's just on putting the act together. And it actually becomes more fun that way. How exciting is it when you come up with a bit or something? It's as good as getting a big paycheck where you're like, that was cool. Oh, yeah. You know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:13:05 You're so excited about it. And it's because it doesn't always come. One of the problems of success is it becomes harder to write newer stuff unless if you put yourself in those lab kind of situations where you're saying, okay, I'm going to work out some new stuff. People come expecting you to always going to do those killer whatever things. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's a problem.
Starting point is 00:13:27 But you know what? That's fun. It's a fun problem. It's a tester, but it's a fun tester. That's one of the reasons why we like doing that Sal's Comedy Hole. Because it's real small. It's like 80 people. And I'll fuck around and not even know what I'm really going to say about something.
Starting point is 00:13:40 And they know that that's what you're doing. They know that you're fucking around a lot. And I do most of my real bits too I want to give them solid stand up but I also want to use the opportunity to fuck around
Starting point is 00:13:50 and stretch out I never do a full like a full sacrifice set I won't like go up there with only new bits and just eat dick
Starting point is 00:13:59 I don't like doing that man I don't think they like it either the only time I've recently tried something like that is uh the laugh factory was doing something with kevin nealon on tuesdays where it was known as seven minutes of new material and then kevin nealon comes on stage and sits with you and kind of he's a funny guy he kind of riffs with you and kind of like makes fun of the
Starting point is 00:14:17 material but also gives you some ideas and uh and the audience well they're supposed to know that that's what they're there for half the audience whenever i go up I go, how many of you guys knew you were coming for this? And like two or three people clapped. The rest of them thought it was a real show. But the idea is you're supposed to go up with seven minutes of brand new, like never try. So every time I've gone up there, I've like just gone into my Blackberry and looked at the ideas I've had that I've just put down that I haven't riffed on. I just go up and riff. You never know.
Starting point is 00:14:44 And beautiful and real good things come out of it. Gotta take chances, man. Stand-up comedy is one of the most important things about it. Constantly moving. Constantly taking chances. Some new thing comes out in the news. Get on stage that day. When Anthony Weiner, when the shit went down, I went on stage that night
Starting point is 00:15:02 and had 10 new minutes. I was just writing about it all day, how ridiculous it was. I was just laughing. We're living in a fucking Coen Brothers movie. Have you had too much Weiner now, though? No, I'm good. It's even now. It's a steady number. This fucking guy's name is Weiner and he's taking pictures
Starting point is 00:15:17 of his dick and sending it to women. It doesn't even seem like it could be real. I know. It's ridiculous. If it was a movie, you would go, that's shitty writing. This is stupid. Right. Yeah. Come on, dude. You got to give him another name.
Starting point is 00:15:27 Get the fuck out of here. It's like whenever these senators get caught doing gay shit. It's always the same thing with these anti-gay senators. They get caught gaying out. You're like, God damn it, man. Is it that easy? Yeah, yeah, yeah. This is the fucking, this is the solution?
Starting point is 00:15:39 This is really what's going on? Well, there's so much of that going on now. It seems like, I mean, they just had, I just saw Andrew, is it andrew cuomo mary cuomo's son he's now the governor in new york is i think it's andrew is it i think anyway governor cuomo was up there talking about so he was they just showed a clip of him and i was like oh man because he seems like he's he's like he's a cuomo he kind of is like seems like he's legit right and back of my mind i'm like i hope he's not banging some lady. I was like, because it almost...
Starting point is 00:16:06 If it's a lady, he can live through a lady. Well, like, do it even. He can live through a lady. But no, now you can't even live... I mean, it's like, you know, Wiener, we don't know...
Starting point is 00:16:13 I mean, did he actually have sex with anyone? It was just like sending pictures of his penis. He's just a freak. He's just a freak. Yeah, so now he's gone. So what I'm saying is,
Starting point is 00:16:21 you can't... If Governor Cuomo were found to be having an affair, he's done. I mean, you can't like if if government if governor cuomo cuomo cuomo were found to be having an affair he's done i mean you can't yes i agree with you yeah and you know in this day and age there's really going to be a time real soon where there's no one left to run for office that's funny everybody's got fucking skeletons that's hilarious do you think that wiener during the whole that whole week before he like uh stepped down do you think he was like please let there be a death deadly hurricane oh? Please let there be an earthquake in Africa? Oh, fuck yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:47 That's the Gary Condit thing. Remember when 9-11 happened? Remember Gary Condit and Chandra Levy? Chandra Levy was his assistant. She turned out missing. Everybody thought he killed her because he was having an affair with her. There was all this craziness and then they found her body. He got off.
Starting point is 00:17:03 He got off, huh? They apparently connected her murder and then they found her body. But he got off. He got off, huh? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, my God. Yeah, and they apparently connected her murder to a guy who killed a few women in that area, so it might have actually been legit. It might have been a serial killer. But who the fuck knows? That concept that you had is kind of funny.
Starting point is 00:17:17 You should riff on that about pretty soon there'll be no one left to run and it'll be like the most unsexable people. Someone no one wants to have any sex with. You're going to get really ugly, kind of like, you know, just like warty people. You got to be someone
Starting point is 00:17:30 that no one's attracted to to run because you're like, well, there's no way anyone had sex with that guy. I think it's going to come down to a point real soon where we have to come to grips with the fact that everybody that wants to be president,
Starting point is 00:17:41 anybody that wants to be in control like that, there's some serious sexual weirdness going on with you. That's some domination shit. You want to run things. But also with power, that's part of what comes with it. What's funny, too, was when Dominique Strauss-Kahn, the IMF guy. Yes. What was funny was...
Starting point is 00:18:01 For people who don't know, explain the story. Dominique Strauss-Kahn was the president of the IMF, and he's staying at the Sofitel Hotel in a $3,000 a night suite. He's also supposedly going to be the next possible, possible president of France, so he's being geared up for that. And so the maid comes in to clean the place, and he shows up naked, and he basically, I think he chased her around and tried to rape her or something. He fucked her mouth.
Starting point is 00:18:30 Did he? Yeah. Oh, my God god so he so he whatever he meant yeah according to the story who knows what really happened but but but the thing it was funny is so he's a french dude and then and of course you know then he tried then he tried to leave the country i should say allegedly he fucked her mouth allegedly he's like that i'll say allegedly yeah well that's that's what our sources that's what our sources have told us yeah Yeah, the internet. Yeah, the internet. I didn't look into that at all. But the point, but what's funny is I was reading that some of the French, the French reaction where they were saying like, well, the French aren't that phased by the whole.
Starting point is 00:18:59 They expect their politician to be, oh, if your politician in France isn't banging somebody, then it's weird. Right. You know what I'm saying? Well, you know, there's a thing that we've talked about on this podcast before called toxoplasma and it's a a cat parasite that infects uh human beings and changes their behavior and it makes men reckless makes men very aggressive and reckless makes them do crazy shit and uh there's a huge population of a high rate of infection rather in France. In France it's like 80%.
Starting point is 00:19:27 Oh wow. Like 80% of the people are infected by this toxoplasma as much as 80% in some areas. Jeez. Which is insane and it's a parasite. And it's just the men
Starting point is 00:19:36 but it's men and women? It affects women but the women, it's tougher to document how it affects women because they think it makes them more submissive but with men
Starting point is 00:19:44 it makes them aggressive. Oh really? It makes them jerksissive. But with men, it makes them aggressive. Oh, really? It makes them jerks. It makes them really reckless. That explains a lot. Yeah. You want to smoke some of it? Let's smoke some cat shit, bro.
Starting point is 00:19:53 I got some. So that's why pregnant women aren't supposed to touch cat shit. If they were to tell that to your wife when she was pregnant, don't touch any kitty litter. Don't ever go near any cats. Oh, wow. That's why, because of this toxoplasma. But a huge percentage of people
Starting point is 00:20:05 i mean if this guy has toxo if he's from france i mean he might make him loked out where he just whips his dick out on the maid so that'll be a great that'll be a great uh plea in court be like i have toxoplasma you know feel free to use it i'll be honored if you guys use that that maybe i possibly had some saying the toxoplasma defense. It's very possible. I would like to see this guy tested. I mean, if he really did do something fucking reckless and crazy. But I think anybody who wants to be in a position of power like that, a lot of them have sexual things.
Starting point is 00:20:34 Oh, absolutely. Clinton and Kennedy. Clinton would just whip his dick out on girls. Crazy as that. He was the president. He would just whip his dick out on state troopers and fucking typists and secretaries. You know what I was thinking?
Starting point is 00:20:45 I was thinking like all these guys, like when you get to that level of power, you should have like, I was thinking you should have like a counselor that's walking around with you 24-7 and you're like, hey, I think I'm about to whip out my dick and you're like, that's not a good idea.
Starting point is 00:20:58 But what's funny is I realized if it were a dude, the dude eventually would be like, yeah, whip out your dick. Let's just see. He'd like goad him on. You should totally do that that'd be awesome or you wanna bang the maid you should totally bang the maid
Starting point is 00:21:09 you're the president of IMF is it washed yeah how about Arnold man oh my god how about that crazy asshole just fucking everyone who's in his house
Starting point is 00:21:17 how funny is that if you're in his house he fucks you that's just the rule yeah no he was fucking her for 10 years man crazy
Starting point is 00:21:24 and she was not attracted at all. No, it didn't matter. I know what you're like. I have a heart on it. She's like cleaning. He's like, I must do it. You know, he's just bent over. I mean, it's ridiculous.
Starting point is 00:21:32 I jokingly said, like, maybe he's trying to save money on child care. Like, you know, have a baby with a nanny. You've got to take care of us free. You know? Arnold is probably, like, when he started banging her, I mean, he was so big, you know, when he was bodybuilding and everything like that. And there's only one way to do that, and you have to be on steroids. You have to be on testosterone.
Starting point is 00:21:50 And Arnold was, like, you know, known, allegedly, for being a guy who would take just fucking massive quantities of everything. Yeah. You know, that's why he was so huge. Yeah. You look at the photos of him back when he was Mr. Olympia, and holy fucking shit. Well, you know, the levels of testosterone that guy must have been taking were probably through the roof. So he probably just would fuck everything.
Starting point is 00:22:10 Oh, yeah. Dude, Neil, may I fuck you? Just everything. Doesn't that lower your sex drive or supposedly makes your penis small? What happens when— It lowers your body's natural production of testosterone. Because if you inject a bunch of testosterone in your body and you bring it over a certain baseline, when your body's like, what the fuck is all this test doing around here? So your body says, we don't have to use the ball, shut the balls down.
Starting point is 00:22:32 So your body shuts the balls down because you're squirting into your body 10 times the natural level of testosterone. So you can get a, you know, 30 inch fucking arms. You know, when you see guys like that and you watch them pose, you ever see them pose? them pose they have the tiniest balls you've ever seen in your life I would be terrified if my balls were that small if you see those dudes in those little banana hicks their balls are non-existent
Starting point is 00:22:55 their balls wither away I hate my balls I don't want anything do you have extremely huge balls? they're just fucking gross things that are hanging from my awesome dick you know i'd rather have two small little cute ball things attached to it than these big droopy old man throats i don't know what the fuck old man throat balls i have pretty average size balls i'm not that i don't have big balls i just i just hate them
Starting point is 00:23:22 maybe you had elephant balls if you were like, I gotta get rid of these elephant balls. I'm happy with my balls. I'm cool. Scratching your balls is the best feeling in the world, man. I used to think my balls were big
Starting point is 00:23:30 until I saw Ari's balls and Joey Diaz's balls. Oh, yeah. And I'm like, yeah, my balls are not that big. Those balls are ridiculous. Joey Diaz has huge balls
Starting point is 00:23:37 but Ari's has one that they're trying to escape his body balls. They look like worms almost. Well, they sag way lower than they're supposed to. When Ari pulls his balls out, you're like, you need to go to a doctor, dude.
Starting point is 00:23:49 Go to a doctor. Joey's balls look like they belong on Joey. Everything about him is a cartoon. Cuban egg roll. Of course his balls look like softballs on an old lady's pantyhose. That's what he looks like he would have. His big giant ball.
Starting point is 00:24:05 One ball like a fucking speed bag. Joey Diaz is classic. He's a human like no other. There's very few Joey Diazes out there roaming the planet. Every time I see him, I'm like, why isn't there just a show just following him around? I know, right? The things he says. Just this weekend, I was with him.
Starting point is 00:24:23 And like, we're in the van going from the hotel, two blocks, going from the hotel to the venue. And some people cross on the street in front of him. Everyone else kind of sits and Joey does, Hurry up, you cocksucker. I'm going to take my fucking cock. And he starts going and he riffs. And the funniest formation of words come together.
Starting point is 00:24:41 And everyone's just cracking up. I would like to see the things that we don't know about Joey. There's points where he just sings really long opera songs. He's got nine cats, man. He's a 50-year-old man. He probably has the most toxic plasma ever.
Starting point is 00:24:57 There's like three forms of toxic plasma. He's got all three forms. He's got it all. He's got fucking eight cats, nine cats in his house. Didn't he just get a new one? I think he's got 11 now. I'm pretty sure it cats, nine cats in his house. Didn't he just get a new one? He got a new cat recently. I think he's got 11 now. I'm pretty sure it's 11 now.
Starting point is 00:25:08 In like a two-bedroom apartment. 11 cats. Wow. Dude, I got a big house and I have two cats. And they drive me nuts, these little motherfuckers. Shitting all over the place. It's annoying, man. My office smells like cat shit all the time.
Starting point is 00:25:19 I know. The bathroom. I always got to clean that. It smells like cat shit because they just take stinky dumps in there. And it's gross. They got to clean it out and fucking. And then they take a shit an hour later like you motherfucker i hate it so much stinking up my fucking house gets gross right i hate it my place is so small and so i have to have it in the kitchen so i'm like cooking last night and i just my cat takes
Starting point is 00:25:37 a shit and then it's like you know fucking food mixed with shit and they just spray it and then that now it smells like a lemon forest full of shit. I'm allergic to cats but we have neighborhood cats and they always go in our backyard and they shit. I never had cats so I thought cat shit was like little bunny shit. It's like serious shit.
Starting point is 00:25:58 I'm constantly like, what dog was here? My cat has this thing where they pee on certain sides of the litter box. My cat pees right in front of the opening, so it has to put its butt right out the door of the litter box. And he had shit the other day and just sprayed my wall with shit. Oh, God. They're such dirty little animals.
Starting point is 00:26:19 And, you know, when you let them out in the wild, that's when you've got to be worried about toxoplasma. That's when they catch it. They catch it from rats out in the wild. So, you know, be worried about toxoplasma yeah that's when they catch it they catch it from from rats out in the wild so you know it'll become dangerous it can it can fuck with you and it's very dangerous for little children very dangerous for babies and shit like that their immune system's not ready for it oh really yeah creepy fucking cats creepy cats and dogs aren't even better man i it's ridiculous dogs my dog lately has been digging up shit and then hiding bones in there and
Starting point is 00:26:45 putting it like, like just cartoon style, like digging holes. And it got in a fight with like a possum the other day or something like that. And I don't know what it had. It looked like maybe a baby of some kind all chewed up and brought it into the house and just left it right on these pee pads that we have.
Starting point is 00:27:01 So it's like a baby possum? I don't know what the fuck it was. Your dog is so tiny. If your dog killed something, I don't know what the fuck it was. Your dog is so tiny. If your dog killed something, it's got to be little as fuck. Yeah, yeah. What does your dog weigh? Like five pounds or something?
Starting point is 00:27:11 Eight pounds. Yeah, she's so small. How could she kill anything? What can she kill? I think it was probably dead already, but she decided to eat it. That's nasty. But she brought it in
Starting point is 00:27:22 and laid it on the pee pad like she thought it was poop, so that's kind of cool. But still, it's like i don't want dead corpses and fucking shit on my walls while i'm cooking yeah but you can keep the dog outside well not that dog you can't a hawk will come and swap that sucker up yeah what if i were to buy a huge dog house or make a dog house that was big enough you know to like let the dog stay in there forever? Listen, man, that dog needs people. You got a dog that needs a lot of human attention. You can't do that.
Starting point is 00:27:49 You can't leave her outside. She'll go crazy. We've never been dog people, or animals. I never had animals. My kid loves dogs, and we thought about for a minute getting one, but then I realized that I'd have to take care of the dog because my kid's three years old.
Starting point is 00:28:02 He's not going to do it. Yeah, kids will tell you, Oh, I love dogs. I'm definitely going to take care of it, Dad My kid's three years old. He's not going to do it. Yeah, kids will tell you, oh, I love dogs. I'm definitely going to take care of it, Dad. Next thing you know, you're walking that fucking thing every day. My boy has like, he is just fearless. He'll go up to any dog. When he was like one and a half,
Starting point is 00:28:16 we went to some family friends. They had like a Rottweiler. Big, scary looking. And he was up there trying to kiss it. And we're like, no, no, no. But he goes for it. I don't trust dogs. Babies, because they get confused. They don't trust dogs. Oh, yeah. No, no. Babies, because they get confused.
Starting point is 00:28:27 They think babies are dogs. Oh, my God. That's the problem. They don't associate that with being a person. Yeah. So they'll check a baby just to let a baby know. Check a baby like they would check a dog. Like, don't fuck up my territory.
Starting point is 00:28:38 I've seen dogs do that before. It's scary. I was going. Have you ever eaten at that place Toast on 3rd over there near West Hollywoodvard there's good good place good food and they uh we were going with a friend of mine to go sit down one time and we're about to sit and there's this girl like five-year-old girl you know cute little blonde girl five-year-old and she got like a little bloody nose going and i was like oh poor girl fell or something and then as we're sitting we sit next to this dog and the story comes out that she was up there playing and the dog bit at her nose and cut And then as we're sitting, we sit next to this dog and the story comes out
Starting point is 00:29:05 that she was up there playing and the dog bit at her nose and cut her. Whoa. And we're like, okay, we don't want to sit next to this dog. What kind of dog was it?
Starting point is 00:29:12 It looked like a regular, it wasn't any kind of like, it was like a, it wasn't golden retriever, but it was like a regular, it wasn't like, like a mutt. Yeah, it wasn't anything.
Starting point is 00:29:19 And it bit the fucking girl in the face? It bit the girl. I don't know what she did or what happened. And the dog was still alive? Yeah. Nobody had beaten it to death?
Starting point is 00:29:25 Yeah, yeah. You would think, right? Yeah. You bite a five-year-old baby. Yeah. You fucking cunt dog. Yeah, yeah. I'll kick you to death.
Starting point is 00:29:32 Yeah, yeah. So I'm always worried with my son, man. He just fucking... Yeah, you got to be real careful. He goes right up. You got to always think that a dog will consider your baby to be an animal. Yeah. They don't consider it to be a person.
Starting point is 00:29:42 Yeah. Because it's not talking really, and they're real little, and they're high-pitched voice. It's like, this is not the same thing. Yeah. I see Maz Jobrani. He can't consider it to be a person because it's not talking really and they're real little and they're high-pitched voice. This is not the same thing. I see Maz Jobrani. He can tell me what to do, but this is a little motherfucker trying to tell me what to do. Bitch! Fuck him up. Trying to take my dog food, bitch? I've had the worst week. There's this bird
Starting point is 00:29:56 that's outside in my tree. It's like the animal kingdom. You had a cat, a dog, now the bird. There's this bird that I don't know what it is, but every time it gets dark, it goes through 12 different chirp things. It sounds like somebody's breaking into a car. Hilarious. It's just like, and it keeps on doing it the whole entire night.
Starting point is 00:30:15 The bird call. So I'm thinking about poisoning or slingshotting or shooting this bird. I don't know what to do because it's been all night every day this week. You know how long you'd be out there trying to slingshot i know yeah you break every window you're like and i bet you got some people listening to the podcast too you're like i know where that motherfucker lives it was him with that slingshot yeah it's horrible i need a bb gun bb guns are pretty accurate yeah i was thinking but i can't even see it it's just this big tree that's what that's one of those ideas you get in your head you're like i'm gonna i'm gonna put an end to this and then you end up being like like wiley coyote
Starting point is 00:30:47 or like you know what i'm saying that's how people like fall from trees and break their neck and die oh yeah you're trying to kill some bird that tweets outside your window yeah i've had times when like i don't know if you guys had like like the mosquito the mosquito is the worst thing you're sleeping then you like ignore it ignore it he keeps coming back like fuck it it's on lights go on now you got to go around looking for the mosquito against your white wall like he disappears You're sleeping, and then you ignore it, ignore it. He keeps coming back. You're like, fuck it, it's on. Lights go on. Now you've got to go around looking for the mosquito against your white wall. He disappears. He reappears.
Starting point is 00:31:10 You're swinging shit. Yeah, your eyes are trying to focus because you've got fucking tears in them from sleeping. Yeah, yeah. Half hour later, you're like, fuck it, man. We don't realize how few bugs we have in California until you go on the east coast in the summertime. And you realize, like, go near a lake. Go to the east on the east coast in the summertime and you realize, like, go near a lake. Go on the east coast near a lake in the summertime.
Starting point is 00:31:28 You're like, motherfucker, this is ridiculous. But you know how cool lightning bugs was? I do miss lightning bugs when you're just going out in your backyard
Starting point is 00:31:34 and it's just like this glowing paradise. But those are cool. They don't bother you. They just smell gross. But I would say with mosquitoes, like, they never have... Mosquitoes, like,
Starting point is 00:31:44 mosquitoes know how to fuck up paradise. Whenever you book a trip, you go down to Mexico and you're like, oh, babe, this is great. Here's the beer. Here's the tequila, whatever. And like half an hour later, you start getting bit. You're like, motherfucker. And every time they show those stupid Corona commercials where the guy like throws his cell phone into the water. I'm like, show the fucking mosquitoes, man.
Starting point is 00:32:03 It's never that comfortable. Yeah, I know. Yeah, that's one of the good things about Hawaii, too. Not too like, show the fucking mosquitoes, man. It's never that comfortable. Yeah, that's one of the good things about Hawaii, too. Not too many bugs in Hawaii. That's true. You can't really make that trip out to that volcano in the middle of the ocean. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's not a bad thing. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:13 Not that many bugs, man. But California, as far as no bugs, this is probably as good as it gets anywhere in the country. Yeah. You go to Florida. Florida's ridiculous. You might as well be living in the jungle. Just because there's an apartment building doesn't mean it's not the jungle. You got a little pond next door with a fucking alligator in it.
Starting point is 00:32:29 What's that? You could be living in Gainesville. You could be living in a nice part of town and take a couple blocks, go for a walk. Oh, what's this? A dinosaur. It's a fucking dinosaur. A poodle-eating dinosaur wandering through the streets. A Camino dragon shows up.
Starting point is 00:32:43 Yeah, they're fucking monsters. And alligators are not that aggressive. They're not nearly as aggressive as crocodiles. Crocodiles are really dangerous. What's the difference between an alligator and a crocodile? The looks are different. A crocodile, their teeth stick out of their mouth a little bit, and they have a longer snout.
Starting point is 00:32:56 Alligators have a shorter, stubbier, wider snout. But alligators in general are bigger than crocodiles, right? No. Crocodiles, they can get bigger. I think maybe American alligators might be are bigger than crocodiles, right? No. Crocodiles, they can get bigger. I think maybe American alligators might be bigger than American crocodiles, but the biggest crocodiles are the biggest of that species, that form. It's like toad and frogs. They're so similar, though.
Starting point is 00:33:14 I mean, shit, if you didn't know and you saw an alligator and a crocodile, you would say that's the same thing. It's like a Mexican and a Guatemalan. Exactly. Yeah, they don't look much different, man. But apparently they're way more aggressive crocodiles are much much more aggressive yeah i watched some documentary on alligators and crocodiles and they had this place in uh i believe it was in florida where they were raising them and
Starting point is 00:33:35 they had all these crocodiles this these alligators and one crocodile and the crocodile would run over the top of the alligator's head when they would feed. Jesus. He would, like, be bitch, just stepping over them to get to the food. Just super, way more aggressive than the alligators. But in general, you're right. Like, I don't know how people, like, I mean, once in a while we got, like, mountain lions and stuff. But generally speaking, you know, how much, you know, would that suck if you're just hanging out in a crocodile
Starting point is 00:33:59 or an alligator shows up in your backyard? Now what do you do? Yeah. Well, there was a funny story in Miami about a guy who was running from the law in a high-speed chase, ditches his car, wipes his car out, jumps into a fucking river, and wherever he was or jumped into a lake, the moment he jumped in, he got killed by an alligator. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:34:18 He just landed right next to an alligator, and the alligator jacked him right in front of the cops. Oh, my God. I mean, it's a fucking movie, man. That is hilarious. It's a fucking movie that is hilarious it's a fucking movie the guy jumps out of the car dives into the water
Starting point is 00:34:29 and right away boom gets killed that's hilarious yeah it happens those cops are good man they got alligators working with them
Starting point is 00:34:36 that's like I was actually I read I mentioned is it Kimono Kimono dragon right yeah some guy I read in the paper
Starting point is 00:34:43 this guy was like on a boat or something or he was surfing in the paper this guy was like on a boat or something or he was surfing or something happened i think he was on a boat and he and it went shipwrecked so this poor guy swims to the first piece of land he finds he swims to the shore and a kimono dragon confronts him i was like this poor guy can you imagine like it's like a video game it's like you survived the thing and now you show up, you're like, oh, great. Now if I kill him, what's next? Did he live? I think he lived.
Starting point is 00:35:08 Holy shit. There was a guy who was dating Sharon Stone, Sharon Stone's boyfriend. Oh, yeah. Yeah. He was some newspaper guy or something like that. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Apparently he was in a whole room full of Komodo dragons at a zoo, and he had white socks on. And the Komodo dragon mistook his white foot for a rabbit so it just snapped down on his foot the guy's fucking screaming and the the poison that they
Starting point is 00:35:32 have in their saliva they have botulism and all sorts of horrible bacteria in their saliva and you get deathly ill from those bites like you have to go on some radical antibiotics like immediately or you're gonna die because that's how it kills things. The kimono dragons bite things and then just follow them, just infect them with their saliva. Like there's a video of one that kills a water buffalo, and it bites this water buffalo, just jacks it in the leg, and the water buffalo runs away,
Starting point is 00:35:57 and then it slowly follows it for a day while it poisons itself. It slowly gets poisoned from that bite. It's fucking crazy. That is ruthless. Vicious animals. Did Sharon Stone's guy die or he or he lived no he lived because they were right there and they got the thing off of him they got it off his foot but you know he almost lost his foot that is crazy that stuff is they're so dangerous they're fucking they they played by a whole different set of rules son oh yeah yeah 65 million years ago these motherfuckers were roaming around son These co-sun. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:26 That's crazy. And animals in general. I was thinking about that lady at SeaWorld that got the whale that just took her. I mean, can you imagine? I mean,
Starting point is 00:36:33 I can't. I mean, ooh. It's terrifying. Yeah. You can't talk your way out of it. It's terrifying.
Starting point is 00:36:38 And the really terrifying thing about the killer whale thing is that we know that they're smart. We know that they're intelligent. They're not as smart as us, but they're pretty goddamn close. They can't change their environment like us,
Starting point is 00:36:48 and we show there's no evidence of them being able to create things and build items like we can. But we know they have dialects. We know that they're super intelligent as far as their language, and it varies from sector to sector. And we also know that they're incredibly attached to their family, and they have this really broad language that we don't even totally understand.
Starting point is 00:37:06 So we know that they're these super intense, intelligent animals, and we still lock them up in swimming pools. Yeah. You know? We just go, fuck you. I don't understand what you're saying. What?
Starting point is 00:37:16 What are you saying? Get in there. Like, if that thing was saying, please, I want to be with my mother. Please let me go. Yeah. You know, if it could actually talk and tell you what they really feel,
Starting point is 00:37:25 they would be screaming in agony every night. They stuffed them into these little tiny tanks. It's like a refugee camp or something. Yeah. They make them perform. And one of the ways they make them perform is stuffing them into these little tanks at night to punish them. Yeah, and then now they learn to jump so you can edit and people will clap for you. You don't even want people to clap for you.
Starting point is 00:37:41 That's crazy shit. This whale had killed at least two people, too. That is crazy. Yeah, he's killed at least two. He's a bad motherfucker. He doesn't want to deal with their bullshit, man. And you know, he's right.
Starting point is 00:37:51 I see his point. Fuck, man. If aliens came and they were smarter than us and they just couldn't understand us and we're talking to them like, please,
Starting point is 00:37:58 we'll get our shit together. We'll stop polluting the ocean. Please, don't fucking eat us. And then they just started eating people. They're like, I don't understand you, bitch. So I'm just going gonna throw you in the zoo the people zoo you know this guy's like the revolutionary of wales he's like the che guevara of wales he's busting out he is he is i
Starting point is 00:38:14 mean look i'm on team people 100 but we should totally rethink sea world we should totally rethink anything where super intelligent animals like that are entrapped yeah you feed them fish they're depressed. They have to be. There's no way you could be a happy fucking imprisoned dolphin. I mean, it's pretty entertaining for your kids. But beyond that, I took my kid to the aquarium at Mandalay Bay. And he was two and a half.
Starting point is 00:38:38 He would see the shark. He was like, shark, shark. And he would take my head. I was holding him. And he'd take my head and just twist it to wherever the shark was i was like they should they should hire him out at the front be like you want a tour from this guy he just takes your head shark shark commercial oh yeah that would be a great commercial right yeah that would be a great commercial but that's different though that's fish yeah that's true fish can go fuck themselves they're stupid they don't even take
Starting point is 00:39:01 care of their young yeah they just jerk off on eggs, and then the eggs become babies. I don't care about fish. But dolphins, I know that they can think. Oh, yeah. Can you watch The Cove? Did you see The Cove? No, I didn't see The Cove. It's terrifying.
Starting point is 00:39:13 You see the slaughter of Japanese dolphins. It's so hard to watch, man, because you know they're smart. Dolphins are smart as fuck. They're like little weird intelligent aliens, almost like little water elves. Like they're playful little water elves. They're super smart. Yeah. Dolphins are smart as fuck. They're like little weird intelligent aliens, almost like little water elves. Yeah. Like they're playful little water elves. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:28 Yeah. They're super smart, man. And they seem benign. I mean, I don't know. I'm sure they have both sides, but they seem very benign. They'll rape you. They'll rape you, but you know. They'll throw a rapin' on your ass.
Starting point is 00:39:37 I'll try it out once. Can you imagine that? How do you come back and report? Did you see the video online of a woman getting humped on a dock? Yeah. By a dolphin? Is that legit? Is it a guy? It's a gay dolphin. Gay rapist dolphin.
Starting point is 00:39:49 I love it. It's great. I don't know, man. I think eventually we're going to have to come to the conclusion that zoos are really cruel and inhumane punishment. Those are animal prisons. Oh, you've been to the LA Zoo, man? Yeah, I've been to the LA Zoo. It's just miserable. It's horrible.
Starting point is 00:40:05 Half of it's not even open, so you're just walking by old ghost parts. Eddie Bravo fucked up and went to the zoo on mushrooms. What an awful. He said it was so sad. He said it was like the saddest day ever. He said all you could do, you feel all the negative, sad energy from these
Starting point is 00:40:22 poor animals and people staring at them. And their animals are usually i mean it's they seem like every little display you went to like the animal was just looking for shade yeah yeah he didn't want to entertain you yeah he's just in the corner somewhere looking for shade and then they had like an elephant thing and it was like and it was in the back and they had like we didn't make it the guy was like it's a long long walk it's so poorly thought out too because look, human beings have a bunch of systems that are put in place to ensure that we breed, to ensure that we
Starting point is 00:40:48 succeed in life, to ensure that we accomplish things. There's all these things that are set up in order for us to live the human way. Well for animals, there's all these instincts set up in their minds too. One of the big ones is to kill things, to kill things to survive. They get that charge that, I mean, that's what is fun for them. That is what is the joy of life. I mean,
Starting point is 00:41:09 it seems cruel and fucked up, but the joy of life for a lion is to take out a gazelle. Yeah. I mean, that's what it is. That's what it's there for. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:15 So if you're going to have real animals and you're going to have them in these locked down environments and pretend that it's good for them and pretend that it's a good environment, you got to let them kill things, man. Yeah. Let them man yeah it's like it's like um i went to kenya once and uh they have like the animal preserve so you just go in and it's like you know you're actually kind of it's almost like you're going into their turf now right to check it out so it's not they're not
Starting point is 00:41:37 caged but it's actually really interesting so you go somewhere in there they are just doing their natural thing it was a lot more natural it seemed the one thing was we were driving back and we saw rhino and we were in this little like they give us this like minivan not a min thing. It was a lot more natural, it seemed. The one thing was we were driving back, and we saw a rhino. And we were in this little, like they give us this like minivan. Not a minivan. Yeah, it was this little van, and we had like this driver, this Kenyan driver. And he wasn't at all like, you know, he wasn't armed. He didn't seem like he was there to protect us.
Starting point is 00:42:01 He looked like, remember the guy, the gods must be crazy. Remember like the skinny? It seemed like that's the guy that was driving it. There was like to protect us. He looked like, remember the guy, the gods must be crazy. Remember like the skinny? It seemed like that's the guy that was driving it. There was like no defense mechanism. I'm like, so this guy stops and where there's like eight or nine of us, you know, all Westerners and this rhino is like eating
Starting point is 00:42:14 and we're like, look, rhino, rhino. And he looks up and he gives us this like look of death. Like it's almost like you just interrupted Suge Knight in the middle of some business meeting. And we all freaked out. It was an intimidating look. We're like, go, go, go! And the guy's like,
Starting point is 00:42:30 Fred Flintstone-y, get the car going. Yeah, exactly. And our friends were telling us what these guys do. I guess they're colorblind, the rhinos. And they just see something and if it's disturbing them, they would ramp. He would have rammed us and they'll tip you over and now it's, you know, whatever run, they would ramp, he would have rammed us, and they'll tip you over, and now it's,
Starting point is 00:42:47 you know, whatever, however it plays out, it plays out. Oh, Jesus. You all get stomped to death. Yeah,
Starting point is 00:42:53 some shit. Fuck. It was pretty crazy. Dude, rhinos and hippos are two of my number one fears as far as animals go. I say hungry hippos.
Starting point is 00:43:03 Hungry, hungry hippos. Hungry, hungry hippos. Hippos, I think, are responsible for more human deaths than any other animal in Africa other than ants. Really? I believe ants are responsible for more human death than any animal in Africa.
Starting point is 00:43:14 How do ants kill people? Oh, shit, dude. In Africa, they got real problems with giant swarms of poisonous ants. Oh, shit. Yeah. Army ants and all these different... There's so many really vicious ants, especially like in the Amazon.
Starting point is 00:43:29 There's a thing called the bullet ant, and they actually use them for coming-of-age ceremonies where they make these young men stick their hand in these gloves that are filled with these bullet ants. Oh, my God. And these bullet ants, it's unbearable pain for like 24 hours for each bite.
Starting point is 00:43:46 Oh. Like unbearable. Like getting your hands slammed in a car door all day long. That is crazy. Yeah, like insane pain. And that's like
Starting point is 00:43:53 the coming of age thing is that if a man can get through this, he can truly be a man. You should do that on Fear Factor. But in Africa, Brian Callen actually
Starting point is 00:44:00 was working, when he first got out of college, he wanted to work with insects, and he wanted to study them overseas, and one of the things that scared him off is because he went, I think to Bornea, he went to some crazy fucking jungle, and they had to put turpentine, they all slept on platforms, and they had to put turpentine all over the legs of the platform, and they have to be elevated above the floor of the jungle, if you're leave if you leave them on the floor of the jungle and the ants come up Once one ant bites you and sends a signal there will be
Starting point is 00:44:33 Millions of ants on you poisonous ants on you and you won't be able to stop it. There's nothing you could do They will eat you from shushing. They take out elephants They climb up elephants legs and they climb in their ears and start eating them alive. Dude, the more I hear things like this, the more I realize, like, I just want to go to Four Seasons hotels around the world. Sting and burn. And just be like, you know. Have the waffles at the breakfast buffet. It's all good, man.
Starting point is 00:44:58 I know some people are like, adventures. We're going to go into the jungle. And I'm like, you go camping, bro. I'll be at the Four Seasons, you know. We're going to go into the jungle. I'm like, you go camping, bro. I'll be at the Four Seasons. Brian said that they poured turpentine all over the legs of this platform that they're sleeping on.
Starting point is 00:45:14 They have the hut, and the hut is above the platform. And he said, in the night, you can hear them marching. He said, there's so many ants, and they're so terrifying that you can hear them marching. You hear them. Oh, my God. That is creepy. You hear millions and Oh, my God. That is creepy. You hear millions and millions of ants just waiting to stumble on something. And whatever they stumble on,
Starting point is 00:45:30 whether it's, you know, they'll climb up a tree and find some young birds, you know, that are stuck in the nest and swarm millions of them. Oh, my God. So, like, there's a lot of jungles the birds will try to put their nests on
Starting point is 00:45:41 the highest possible branch. And a lot of it is to avoid ants that is ridiculous that's like that's like you know it's like it's funny because like when uh you know when when you travel you realize what you were saying like it's like the the like the amount of stuff that's going like the the difficulty to live in some other places like when i went to kenya we were for a wedding just just to go to just to go to Kenya, you got to get shots for dengue fever, yellow fever, jungle fever, all kinds of fever. Malaria.
Starting point is 00:46:11 Yeah, malaria. I was like, what the fuck? Where are we going? I don't know about this. I have yellow fever. You're going to the motherland, baby. You're going to the motherland if you get some jungle fever. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:22 That is the motherland, too. That's where it all began. That's where human beings were hatched. Yeah. You know, that's pretty crazy that it's still so fucking wild. It's crazy, right? When you look at Africa, the continent, like, you ever watch, like, those documentaries on Africa? And compare it to any other continent in the world.
Starting point is 00:46:39 You're like, what the fuck, man? You got wildebeests and lions and saltwater crocodiles and fucking great white sharks off the coast of South Africa. Ants that'll eat you. Oh, Jesus Christ. No continent is crazier than Africa. I guess Australia is probably a close. And don't even get started on the flies.
Starting point is 00:46:57 You know how annoying that would be in your eyes, just sitting on your face all the time? Oh, there's so many flies in Africa. Yeah, whenever you see those poor starving kids, it's one of the saddest things about those videos their eyes are covered with flies and shit fucked up what a fucking crazy place on earth yeah i'm obsessed with the congo man i've got a a bunch of documentaries on the congo one of the best ones is from the bbc but uh one of the most fascinating things about the congo is there's so many areas of it they're like people barely get to
Starting point is 00:47:23 yeah you know there's like this it's unbelievable how fucking dense it is and they in one point in time europeans tried to settle it they tried to like build these giant mansions and shit and some of them are still there like in frame but they just got swallowed up by the jungle it's just too wild but what's crazy is you got you got like you got nature and then you've got like rebels fighting each i mean so you might survive the ants but but you're going to be taken down by the Congonese rebel, whoever. Yeah, there's a lot of problems because they're fighting over resources. There's a lot of minerals in the Congo. There's a lot of minerals they use to make cell phones and shit like that.
Starting point is 00:47:55 A lot of that is where they harvest it out of the Congo. Have you ever performed in South Africa? Fuck no. You haven't, huh? No. They do festivals. I want to go one more time. Have a good time. No, no, it's supposed to be pretty cool
Starting point is 00:48:05 it is man i'm tired of traveling man i i enjoy going to the uk like once a year but even that it's like enough i go to australia once a year enough no i hear you too much i'm sick of the i'm sick of the travel i mean i'd be curious to say but i mean it's funny because people ask like like the fun part of stand-up is actually being on stage and doing a show yeah and i'd rather just drive up the block to Sunset. Go to Brea, yeah. Just go and just do it there, then get on a friggin' plane.
Starting point is 00:48:29 Well, we're in a great spot too because we can work so many places around here. You can go to Comedy Magic Club in Hermosa Beach. You can go to the Ice House. You can go to San Diego. You can go to Irvine. You can go to Brea. You can go to Ontario.
Starting point is 00:48:40 You can do all the improvs. You can do... And you rotate all these clubs, and after a while, you just start back up on the first one again. It's like 15, 20 weeks later. You're just doing these same clubs over and over again.
Starting point is 00:48:51 I won't even perform inside of a South African. You just claim you can't. I can't help you? South Africa, I'm sure it's a great place. I like antwerp yeah they got good music i mean you know actually i was i was district nine too i was thinking of going i mean i there was like an offer to go this summer and i was thinking as i always say because i got two young
Starting point is 00:49:17 kids now and and my wife so i was like well maybe i'll just take everybody with me right and i was like well then maybe take the nanny too. To Africa, dude? Dude, I started doing the math. I'm like, I would be like losing a lot of money. I was like, screw it.
Starting point is 00:49:30 We're going to stay here. Bring Chevy Chase. You got to, you must have a big international following now because you, you've really become like, as far as like, would you call it the Persian community
Starting point is 00:49:41 or the Iranian community? Yeah, it's a little bit, you know, the Persian community is like my first, probably, it's funny, like, like Tripoli one time, Sam Tripoli was like, he's like, you're like the Persian community or the Iranian community? Yeah, it's a little bit. You know, the Persian community is like my first probably. It's funny. Like Tripoli one time.
Starting point is 00:49:47 Sam Tripoli was like, he's like, you're like the Persian Elvis, otherwise known as Pelvis. That sounds like a Tripoli line. Right. So that's like you got the Persian Middle Easterners. Then you got like Arabs. And then after that, then you've got like NPR types that are into like world. You know what I'm saying? NPR types that are into world. NPR types.
Starting point is 00:50:07 That's hilarious. Yeah, I'm telling you, man. We love the fact that you're different. Yeah, no, it's actually pretty funny, though. It's actually good to stand up in front of people that know the difference between Iran and Iraq. You know what I'm saying? Right. As opposed to doing it in front of someone who's like, what the fuck?
Starting point is 00:50:21 It's all the same shit. It's all the same shit. Yeah, just blow it up. So it has become a thing what happened was in 07 uh when we were still doing the acts of evil me ahmed and aaron we went out to and this is a tour that you guys were access of evil comedy actually evil comedy tour it was it actually originally started with mitzi shore who put us together and called it the arabian nights ah that's right this was in 2000 she put it as the Arabian Knights and Iranians aren't Arabs. So we
Starting point is 00:50:48 do shows and inevitably Iranians would come up afterwards and be like, it was a good show but we're not Arabs. And I was like, I know. And Iranians are very sensitive about that. I actually read a National Geographic article. This journalist went into Iran and said, I was interviewing people and he goes, I asked people, what do you want the world to know
Starting point is 00:51:04 about you? He said, the first thing they would always say is, we're not Arabs. The second thing, we're not terrorists. So it's like it's better to be a terrorist than an Arab in their mind. You know, that's kind of. In America, we know so little about Iran other than the Iran hostage crisis and that you guys are trying to get nuclear power and blow shit up. Yeah, so you know all the negative shit. Exactly, exactly.
Starting point is 00:51:22 And then we know about this most recent almost takeover of the government yeah the green the green movement which was the the because what happened was in 09 there was elections and there was obviously voter fraud um but they uh so then there was protests in the streets actually that was kind of that was the first time where i had americans coming up to me going like wow there's so many beautiful women like they're like because the protesters there was a lot of women in them. And there was dudes in jeans. So people would come up and go like, aren't they supposed to be wearing burqas and turbans? I'm like, no, man.
Starting point is 00:51:51 I'm like, that's... Tehran is an international city, man. Yeah, Iran is much more sophisticated and much more ahead than we've been let on. We've lumped them in with Pakistan and Afghanistan. Yeah, even those, I mean like Afghanistan I think is probably
Starting point is 00:52:07 the one that's like the least developed, you know, but even those countries, like if you, they have a lot of Western influences and also a lot of,
Starting point is 00:52:14 you know, especially with technology and stuff now, there's a lot of people that are advancing these countries, especially if you go into a major city,
Starting point is 00:52:20 you know, you're going to see, you're going to see hustle and bustle, you're going to see some dude driving a Mercedes Benz as a multi-millionaire and then you're going to see some dude driving a Mercedes Benz as a multimillionaire,
Starting point is 00:52:25 and then you're going to see some dude pushing a cart who's making five bucks a year or something. You know what I'm saying? So this exists. But I think a lot of people's image of the Middle East is just dudes in turbans and women in burqas. And first of all, the burqa is pretty exclusive to Afghanistan, where they would wear the full thing with the blue thing under the Taliban where they had to
Starting point is 00:52:46 cover themselves and they could just barely see out of that little mesh. I love that shit. I would love my girlfriend to wear that shit. It could be kind of sexy.
Starting point is 00:52:54 That's the weakest pimp move of all time. No, no, no, no, no. Cover everything. Even your nose. I'll let her cut the tits out or something. Just leave her tits hanging or something just have your eyes and
Starting point is 00:53:05 tits that would be fine just the eyes with stars over the nipples you'd market that online see people buy it i think you found your niche yeah your niche right uh uh burka burka sex wear uh sex clothes there was a woman at the mall in texas i was in texas recently and there was a woman at the mall that was in full gear all you could see was her eyes yeah and i was like wow this is crazy she's really really going, you know, she's going fucking biblical. That's making an old statement in Texas. I think that's hot.
Starting point is 00:53:30 Yeah. Well, actually, it's fun. We did actually, we did a show in Saudi Arabia with Ahmed. And, you know, after the show, a lot of people that come to our shows are either, they've either traveled in the West
Starting point is 00:53:39 or they're Western educated or they're expats. So, you know, after the show, we're taking pictures and all these people coming up and this one girl came up in one of those
Starting point is 00:53:46 and she was fully covered except for the eyes. And she took a picture with us and I was like what the fuck? No one's going to you could be anybody. It has like that
Starting point is 00:53:57 superhero vibe though. You don't know who this person is. You don't know if they're going to take off their burger and the most beautiful woman in the world.
Starting point is 00:54:03 I love that. She's subservient to you right you and only you yeah she washes your feet she brings me fruit yeah no it's funny it's funny it's funny because actually in because so now so you got so you got your the burqa which is afghanistan then you got like the veil kind of thing with the eyes covered which uh is like saudi arabia do that a lot then like in iran you get some that are religious that will cover like their hair and everything, but you see the full face. Then you got like Dubai.
Starting point is 00:54:28 You got these girls. It's ridiculous. They wear like the thing, but it's all like they're blinged out. Like you'll see like designer shoes. Even the thing that covers them, they put like little like diamond studs on them and stuff. Really?
Starting point is 00:54:43 It's the weirdest thing. It says hot. Yeah, and then they do's actually they're they're they're pretty cute like they'll take like they they and then there's because it's become this thing there now where like the women it's weird like they want their like the hair to seem like it's puffier so they'll take like a can like thing like this and they'll roll their hair up and it's a bump and then they put it there so it looks kind of it looks very like star warsy you know like a princess in star wars they might as well be star warsy with those crazy robes i mean that's some obi-wan kenobi shit yeah it is it is some obi obi-wan kenobi actually you know what the obi-wan kenobi you know what i was in um i went to morocco just to travel not to do shows this
Starting point is 00:55:19 was years ago i went to morocco and we went to Fez, which is the coolest place. The Fez cap comes from that. You know the Fez cap, like that with the little thing? Right. Anyway, and they told us. I went there with now my wife, who was then my girlfriend, and she was studying in the south of Spain, so we took a boat over. And we had no preparation. Like, you should research before you go.
Starting point is 00:55:41 So we're like on our way on the boat. We're reading this little guidebook, and it goes, whatever you do, don't accept a guide because they're going to, and feds, they're going to try and come up to you and want to be your guide. And if, and talk to the hotel to get you a guide. We didn't have, we didn't have a hotel. Like we didn't know where we're going to stay. And my, and my girlfriend at the time kept saying, she said, my wife, she's like, we need to go to the old city. That's supposed to be really nice, the old city. Now, I don't speak Arabic. I speak Farsi. So I had no idea how you say old city in Arabic. But the Moroccans, they speak French. I've taken three
Starting point is 00:56:14 years of French. So the whole time in the train, I'm like, how do you say old city in French? I'm like, is it la cita, you know, vecchio? You know, I was like, that's not it. So I finally asked some dude. He's like, oh, L'Ancien Ville means the ancient city, L'Ancien Ville. So our plan was just land in Fez, find a cab, and say, take us to L'Ancien Ville. So we get in the cab, and the cab driver's like, where in L'Ancien Ville? I'm like, just L'Ancien Ville. You know, he's like, a hotel? I'm like, yeah. I was like, just go to some hotels.
Starting point is 00:56:43 So the dude takes us. We go into the ancient city. And then right when we get there, some guy flags him down. The dude walks over to the passenger side and leans his head in and says something in Arabic to the driver. And then he leans to us. He goes, hello. I will show you. You look for hotel.
Starting point is 00:57:00 He sounded like Borat. I swear to God. You look for hotel. And we're like, no, we're okay. He's like, no, I will to God, you look for hotel. And we're like, no, we're okay. He's like, no, I will show. Don't worry.
Starting point is 00:57:08 And he got into the car. I'm like, shit, we're getting kidnapped. And he takes us to some like, they have these like old homes that are turned into hotels. It was really nice, but like nobody was staying there. So he takes us there.
Starting point is 00:57:19 Anyway, so he becomes our guide. Unintentionally, he's now our guide. This is what you were told to avoid. To avoid. I told my wife, I'm like, shit, now we got a guide. Like, how do we tell him no? He's now our guide This is what you were told to avoid Told to avoid I told my wife I'm like shit
Starting point is 00:57:25 Now we got a guide Like how do we tell him no He's like don't worry You don't I show you around If you like Then maybe you can give He didn't even like
Starting point is 00:57:34 Bring up the money thing He's just He's like let me take you here Then he said Let me take you dinner I would have kicked that Motherfucker right out of that Dude it's one of these
Starting point is 00:57:40 Situations though Where you're like Okay this guy's a local He kind of I mean you feel intimidated Because you're like They know each other somehow. Like, I don't want to like, you just, you kind of like, let's go along, but just be ready to run at any minute.
Starting point is 00:57:50 You know what I'm saying? That's so crazy. So we ended up in some, he's like, let me take you for dinner. We go to this restaurant. I'm not kidding. There was like balloons and banners. All this shit was up, but there was no one. We were the only two eating at the restaurant.
Starting point is 00:58:02 And the waiter comes up. The waiter was so excited to see us. He's like, hello and it's like the waiter was the waiter slash the cook slash the owner like he would like go cook in the back and then come sit and watch us eat it was the craziest shit wow but the obi-wan kenobi shit that was crazy is these guides they actually wear the obi-wan kenobi like the the gown with the hat like during the day they wear it and that's the official like Fez like guide outfit
Starting point is 00:58:29 like that's an official guide like the government I think recognizes them as guides and the weird one when I realized it was Obi-Wan Kenobi and I was like
Starting point is 00:58:36 George Lucas must have come to Fez and come up with this because my wife and I the next day the guy goes I'm going to show you the castle today
Starting point is 00:58:44 and we're like, all right. So he takes us to the castle. He's like, okay, I cannot come close. You go, I come. I see you at the other side. I guess they don't let the guides come. So we go, we take a picture too. And then we're like, how's the guy going to find us?
Starting point is 00:58:57 And we start walking. And I'm looking for the guy literally across the street in one of those Obi-Wan Kenobi, because that's what he's showing up with, Obi-Wan Kenobi outfits with the hood on. He's kind literally across the street in one of those Obi-Wan Kenobi. Because that's what he's showing up with. Obi-Wan Kenobi outfits with the hood on. He's kind of across the street watching us, nodding. And he's like, keep walking. So he kind of kept an eye on us.
Starting point is 00:59:12 You know how in Star Wars, Obi-Wan was kind of weird like that? Disappeared. So I was like, George Lucas must have come here and gotten a guide. And then he came up with a fucking Obi-Wan Kenobi. Wow, that's so weird. So how long has this guide outfit existed? the guide outfit was his like day day outfit and then by night he would show up kind of dressed regularly but whoa that's so strange how long did he you ask how many years they've been doing this is it a ancient tradition we i didn't ask him about
Starting point is 00:59:39 i didn't ask about the outfit i just i just realized there was a bunch of guys with the outfit around like it was it was basically you'd have your clothes underneath, and you just throw the robe on. It's almost like a judge. They just put it over. Did you ever have a pet monkey that robbed you? There was a pet monkey that robbed me. It's funny you say that because they actually, first of all,
Starting point is 00:59:59 they do have pet monkeys out there that do tricks and stuff. But what he did was he took us to a rug store that he's like you want to see rugs and i'm like and at the time i was living with my mom like i was dating my girlfriend but i was living with my mom and i didn't have an apartment so i had nowhere to put rugs i was like no i don't need a rug he's like let's just come we look at the rug you know and so finally like we go into this place these guys the moroccans are the biggest sales people like they will like they. They will fucking push you till you buy. The guy, he came out, he's like, you want to look at the rugs? I was like, I don't really want to look at rugs.
Starting point is 01:00:33 He's like, just look, it's okay. And then they bring you out mint tea. So now I'm looking at my girl. I'm like, oh, this is fun. They're going to give us free mint tea. And all we got to do is look at some rugs. And he's like, okay, out of these 10, which do you like? I'm like, those are kind of nice.'s like okay i give to you for you know whatever
Starting point is 01:00:48 five thousand dollars i'm like dude i don't have a place to put them he's like okay which three do you like i was like i don't want any he started negotiating i didn't even know i was negotiating finally i'm like okay first of all i'm waiting for my for for her to bust in with like look dude we don't want the fucking rugs but she's just sitting there going like she's thinking because later on i asked her i was like why don't you bust in she's like i thought you're the man you're gonna take it i was like no you gotta come in it's like the tight ass and then finally um what was funny was i was like oh i got i got the trump card here because it was literally in some back alley with like like like barely like they barely had like like like the door like you barely had like, like, like the door, like, you know, it was all old school.
Starting point is 01:01:25 Like, like the bells, like when there was like nothing technical about the place. I'm like, I got the Trump card right here. I'm just going to let the dude know. I got no cash, bro. I got credit cards. And I said that. And he's like, we have credit card machine. He went and got those or the old roller, you know, the old thing.
Starting point is 01:01:42 And, and then, and then they fucking they fucking they they sold me three rugs i'm not kidding and and the funny thing is um they shipped it to the america and i'm not kidding i had no place to sit to put them for six months i drove around with three rugs in my trunk and i was just i've seen like i was like i gave them away to relatives that had apartments like i actually have started to talk about it and stand up and i go like for six months i was going around trying to sell it to relatives you know no you just look have some mint tea you know but that's how they get you man but it's like but that's like we you know 1200 bucks man 1200 bucks i was like i have no idea what they i don't know if they're worth it i have no idea he scored he scored on you oh yeah they they ate for for a month it's funny how many
Starting point is 01:02:22 cultures they're all like that that barter and you know, like try to get you to buy things on the street. Oh, yeah. Street peddling is like a big part of a lot of cultures. Oh, yeah. That freaked me out when I first went to Tijuana. Oh, yeah. I'd never seen that before in mass where people just selling everything in the street.
Starting point is 01:02:38 This was like way back in the... I went with Wheels. Oh, yeah. Wheels Parisi. Yeah, Wheels Parisi. We're doing the comedy store in La Jolla. Oh, yeah. And Wheels didn't even know how to get there. I go, do you know how to go there? Yeah, yeah, yeah, I. Wheels Parisi. Wheels Parisi were doing the Comedy Store in La Jolla. Oh, yeah. And Wheels didn't even know how to get there.
Starting point is 01:02:48 I go, do you know how to go there? Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know how to go. He didn't know where the fuck he was going. I'm like, how do we get back to America? Yeah, I'm not sure. I'm not sure. Totally lost. No navigation systems back then.
Starting point is 01:02:56 This is like the late 90s and shit. You know, no one knew where. You were lost, man. I was like, we got to get the fuck out of Mexico. I was in Mexico. I was in Tijuana for 20 minutes. I was like we got to get the fuck out of Mexico I was in Mexico I was in Tijuana for 20 minutes I was like this is crazy yeah it's like I couldn't believe the stark contrast between San Diego cross the border all of a sudden you're in a third world like whoa like this is this is hookers everywhere yeah you know girls walking the street and you see guns open yeah you see
Starting point is 01:03:21 like open guns it was like so many creepy little fucking spots. And we were driving around these little weird cities. And I'm in a Toyota Supra Turbo, shiny little, looking like an L.A. douchebag. Looking like a victim. And the federales look for you. That's the problem in these places is the cops are even, you got to look out for the cops. Yeah, they're trying to rob you, man. I had that in Mexico where the guy, because then what they do is like, first of you walk into like the mexican the mexican uh bazaar i went into like there was nobody there
Starting point is 01:03:49 it was like dead it was like middle of the day no one's there and i walk in and the guy's like hey you want to buy like a bag or whatever you want to buy uh shoes i'm like no it's all right he's like how about some weed i'm like no he's like cocaine i'm like no and then then then he's like fucking pussy like they like they turn on you i'm like what happened. And then he's like, fucking pussy. They turn on you. I'm like, what happened, man? We were bros. He's like, you fucking pussy. Just because I don't want your heroin? Come on, man.
Starting point is 01:04:10 I'm like, we've got to get out of here, man. Yeah, Mexico is a trippy place. It's so strange that it's connected. And people don't seem to recognize that threat, the fact that it's connected. They actually said that McCain just came out. Not that this means anything. But McCain just came out and said this means anything But McCain just came out And said that giant forest fire
Starting point is 01:04:26 They have going on right now In Arizona You know about that right? Yeah yeah yeah Huge Out of control wildfire And they think it was started by Illegal immigrants
Starting point is 01:04:34 Setting up camp Oh wow Yeah You know there's a lot of guys They crossed the border in Arizona Said you know We'll do little campfires and shit And whoops
Starting point is 01:04:41 Forgot to put the campfire out Shit Giant fucking 140,000 acre who knows how many acres it is now that's crazy it's insane but it's uh i'm actually scheduled to do some show in mexico like in the fall and what's funny is like you know people are always scared of the middle east and stuff but like my wife and i were talking about like you know all these kidnappings and stuff going on in mexico and it's like is it worth
Starting point is 01:05:03 yeah going down there and you know i'm thinking about the same thing like cabo i was just thinking of going somewhere in mexico but is it even worth going it but i heard that if you go to resorts you're fine my friend matt just got back from cabo he goes to cabo all the time he loves it combo's supposed to still be nice but there's acapulco which is real dangerous now acapulco is supposed to be dangerous cancun's supposed to be a little tricky. They, for the most part, avoid the resort towns. They don't want to fuck up business for everybody. But in Acapulco, they've jacked people in resorts.
Starting point is 01:05:34 Yeah, Acapulco's apparently pretty shady right now. But Cabo's supposed to be still good. I was in Cabo. It was good. It was a nice resort. It's actually funny. Before all this was kind of going on, like five, six years ago, I i went to uh cabo and we were staying at the hilton it was a nice place and it was kind of funny because he's because everyone's
Starting point is 01:05:50 out there obviously you know tourists and their bathing suits and these two dudes showed up it was like the it was it was like keystone it wasn't keeps on it was like it was like bumbling idiot criminals they showed up these two guys with with empty bags like duffel bags almost with their shirts off as if they're tourists with jeans obviously not tourists like and there were these two mexican dudes walking around the pool like just checking shit out and like look at this walking around looking for a place to like like start snatching things and i looked at my wife i was like do those guys seem like they fit in here She's like no I was like I better tell somebody I went over
Starting point is 01:06:26 To the management Like those two dudes Don't look like They're hotel clients And the next thing you know They're getting escorted out They walked in But it's like
Starting point is 01:06:32 They did not Invest in a bathing suit So at least you look the part They were in there With their jeans With their shirts off You know obviously Not you know
Starting point is 01:06:41 Just did not fit in at all It's weird how quickly It's changed I quickly it's changed. I went on vacation in Cancun, I think in like 2000, 2001, and I wouldn't even think about going there now. It's too bad, too. It's crazy. There's so many spots I want to see.
Starting point is 01:06:55 I want to see all sorts of the Mayan ruins. Yeah. There's so many. Pulum, and I've been to Chichen Itza, and there's ones outside of Mexico City. I would love to see them. I mean, they're incredible. Well, I guess there's that exhibit in Cabo,
Starting point is 01:07:08 that underwater art exhibit. Have you seen it? Where it's just a bunch of statues underneath the water, and you can go down there, I think it's scuba dive, or do something like that, where there's just this huge art piece underneath the ocean. Oh, recently someone's put there. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:22 I've seen that. And I guess if you're a good artist, they will let you add your own work to it. Really? So it's kind of cool. So all these really good artists have been adding things to it, and I guess it's just amazing. That's badass. And the only way you can get to it is by scuba diving?
Starting point is 01:07:36 I think so. I'm not sure. I'm not sure about that part, but that's what I kind of get. Maybe it's a boat. Oh, that's cool. They've got to write that country, man. They've got to figure it out. They did with Colombia.
Starting point is 01:07:46 They straightened Colombia out. Colombia, apparently, you can travel there now. And it used to be, back in the 80s, when the cocaine crisis was going on, Colombia was just ridiculous. Medellin was a goddamn war zone. But now, apparently, you can go to Colombia. They've taken care of shit.
Starting point is 01:07:59 They've cleaned it up. But I don't know if they're ever going to be able to do that with Mexico. It's so close to the supply. you know, the cash supply of America is like right there. Yeah. They can get the drugs and, you know, get that shit across quickly. And they're doing crazy shit like rolling heads into discotheques and shit. Have you heard about that? Like kill people and roll heads.
Starting point is 01:08:18 I mean, at what point do you go, I killed him. I cut off his head. Let's roll it in a discotheque. The other thing I've been thinking of is I guess Japan is so broke right now that it's so cheap to fly to Japan right now. They need people to come to Japan because no one's going now. And so I heard that there's flights
Starting point is 01:08:34 for ridiculous amounts of money from LA, like 300 bucks or something like that just to go to Japan. Wow. And I'm like, now, would you go to Tokyo? Would you do that? Or do you know anything about it? I would have to read up on what the
Starting point is 01:08:45 levels are as far as radiation goes but the problem with japan and the radiation is that i don't think they've been entirely honest about it yeah i don't think they've been honest about the leak you know there's they're finding out that all three of them are melt throughs they're finding out all sorts of things where it turns out that the actual damage done by these you know nuclear disasters is far far greater than what they had initially forecasted so who knows
Starting point is 01:09:09 like how far the spread of the radiation goes I would have to hear about that it would be a fucking shame to go there for a $300 ticket and just get
Starting point is 01:09:16 fucking nuked anything for a bargain get bigger balls I would love to go to Japan though man I've always wanted to go I was always hoping that we'd do a UFC in Japan
Starting point is 01:09:24 it's such an amazing piece of history, you know, that one part of the world is so unique. There are innovations as far as martial arts go and swordsmanship and literature. And, you know, I mean, that's where the Book of Five Rings came from. The Book of Five Rings is one of my, like, guidebooks for life, the Miyamoto Musashi book.
Starting point is 01:09:42 And that's, you know know all that samurai way all that came from japan it's an amazing culture it does seem like a pretty crazy and they and it feels like after i don't know how they were before world war ii but it feels like after world war ii they became more capitalistic than we are even you know like if you see like any footage i've seen ever it's like you know like the the neon lights and the and just like the the amount of like the japanese and the products they love and you know it's just i don and just like the amount of like the Japanese and the products they love and you know, it's just...
Starting point is 01:10:06 I don't think they're as materialistic as us though. I don't think they purchase things and own things. I don't think there's a lot of emphasis in their culture of owning things. Okay.
Starting point is 01:10:13 I think they spend all their money going out to eat and spend all their money drinking and makeup and you notice also that a lot of them all have like eyelashes,
Starting point is 01:10:22 fake eyelashes and they spend so much money. The women. Okay. The women spend... Imagine if have eyelashes, fake eyelashes. And they spend so much money. The women. Okay. The women spend. Imagine if men started rocking fake eyelashes. Well, have you seen. First guy to do it.
Starting point is 01:10:31 It's a new look. But they kind of do. They spend a lot more money on how they look. Like I saw the other day. What? The Americans? Well, I saw at the Saddle Ranch. I saw a group of like.
Starting point is 01:10:41 No, no, no. Seven. This is research. This is research. Seven kids. And for sure they were from Japan well whatever
Starting point is 01:10:47 China same shit they all had their hair done with the brown and the blonde streaks in it and they all had
Starting point is 01:10:53 their jeans that probably cost them $300 they do I've always said the Japanese seem to be the most European of Asians
Starting point is 01:11:00 like they're very much into like you said it's kind of a it seems like a different look. You know, they are a little like hipper in their way.
Starting point is 01:11:09 You know what I'm saying? It's Hoppock mixed with hairstylist. It's interesting how many Japanese people are into American culture. Oh yeah. How much they follow it
Starting point is 01:11:18 and are really, really, you know, enamored by Elvis. Michael Jackson was like, was a Superman for them. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:25 It was crazy. Yeah, it's a fascinating culture. You know, when they had all these problems with the tsunamis and the earthquake and everything like that, and people would wait in line for food and water and rations, they were orderly as fuck, man. Yeah. Their culture is so polite. Somebody was telling me that.
Starting point is 01:11:40 Somebody told me that they went to a bar or something in Japan, and people were lined up at the bar, as opposed to and people were lined up at the bar. As opposed to the idea of just come at the bazaar mentality. That's pretty crazy if you think about that. Yeah, they're much more disciplined. Much more disciplined and humble. Did you ever see Babel? The movie Babel?
Starting point is 01:11:57 No. You never saw Babel? No, what is it? Oh, it's a great movie. Inaritu, the director. Did you ever see Amores Peros? You know what? No.
Starting point is 01:12:04 With the dog fighting and all that I bought on DVD and I put it down somewhere I have to get in the mood to watch a movie with subtitles the dude
Starting point is 01:12:12 he's an intense he's a great director he's done I've seen a few of his movies I think he also did 21 Grands I might be mistaken I think you're right
Starting point is 01:12:21 yeah so he's got the movies I've seen him do all have like two or three stories, and they all kind of intertwine somehow. And this one, Babel, was amazing, and it had like three stories going on. One of them was, it's Brad Pitt and not Naomi Watts, but I forget her name. Anyway, they go to Morocco, and they're visiting Morocco, and some shit goes down. And then there's another story of a Mexican family who's trying to get to a wedding, I think, across the border.
Starting point is 01:12:52 And then they get into some trouble. And then there's a story of this Japanese girl. This is what I was talking about, the Japanese thing. It's so amazing. This girl, I think she should have won the Oscar for Best Supporting Actress that year. She plays a deaf girl who's just depressed and living with her dad and this stuff. As an actor,
Starting point is 01:13:10 I don't know how you play deaf and I don't know how you do it that well. It's the most amazing thing. What was really cool about it was, this girl's a party girl having a good time with her friends, but she's depressed. What was this intense scene where they're out, they're partying, I think they do ecstasy or something
Starting point is 01:13:25 and they end up at a nightclub and it's the coolest thing because suddenly it goes, from her perspective, imagine from a deaf person's perspective, a nightclub, so it's like really loud but she's not hearing the whole thing.
Starting point is 01:13:39 It's just kind of like muddled and she's kind of looking around and it's the most intense shit. I'm kind of getting goosebumps. You've got to see it it what's it called again? it's called Babel B-A-B-E-L it has a great soundtrack too
Starting point is 01:13:49 oh really? and and I've heard of it and this scene this girl killed it and she ended up losing to Hudson
Starting point is 01:13:57 Jennifer Hudson from Dream Girls was that the movie? yeah and I saw her I saw some of that I didn't see the whole thing in that
Starting point is 01:14:04 but I think that she won because it was like a popular like she I saw some of that. I didn't see the whole thing in that, but I think that she won because it was like a popular, like she sang in that. I mean, I'm sure there was some good acting in it, but this girl just knocked it out. Like as an actor to sit there and watch somebody kill it like that,
Starting point is 01:14:14 you're like, damn. You know, but it was all Japan and it was pretty cool. It was a cool like, kind of like a night in Japan kind of thing. Such an unusual culture, man.
Starting point is 01:14:23 Yeah. It's a really crazy place. Yeah. Such an unusual culture, man. Yeah. It's a really crazy place. Yeah. They invented the suicide bombing, too. Yeah. They invented the kamikaze. Yeah. You know what they did?
Starting point is 01:14:32 They got people on crystal meth. Really? Yeah, that's how they got them to do kamikaze work. Crazy as that. They gave them crazy amphetamines and made them just fucking do nutty shit. Crazy as that. That makes sense, right?
Starting point is 01:14:43 You know what's interesting is when you realize, that's good to know, when you realize sometimes the motivation behind some things, like my dad, before he passed away, he used to tell me that a lot of the mullahs in Iran,
Starting point is 01:14:55 a lot of people in Iran smoke opium. It's like smoking weed, but it's opium. And he was saying that a lot of these mullahs actually smoke opium. And I ended up doing a bit about, a stand-up about how
Starting point is 01:15:04 the reason these guys are talking shit to America is because they're high. And suddenly you start making sense. Like even like Gaddafi, supposedly it's just high on all kinds of meds. And so you realize why the guy's out there talking like he's fucking Tony Montana. I don't know if you've seen some of the quotes,
Starting point is 01:15:18 but he's like, I'm going to fight till the death. So, you know, somebody might give him like credit is like, I mean, his followers would be like credit for like, oh, this guy's got balls. You stand up to America.
Starting point is 01:15:27 But no, the guy's fucking high. He's just talking shit. Right. And the same thing with these guys that are kamikaze, you know, it's like, oh, wow, there's a lot of balls to do that. Yeah. If you're fucking high on meth, you're like, yeah, I think I'm about to fucking take on this fucking boat with my little plane. I just saw a movie. Guys, remember that movie Airport?
Starting point is 01:15:43 It was big in the 70s uh it was kind of airport yeah it was about a terrorism act that this guy this guy lost his job the economy was shit and he was going to kill himself to get to collect on insurance and so he went on this plane and it was kind of cool to see like how planes used to be where people are smoking on you know and all this crap and then he uh blew up a bomb on the plane and it was so funny seeing how a how we used to think if a bomb blew up on a plane like how this little hole came out and some the wind blew around a little it's like oh it's windy in here you know like the plane's not special to the ground or anything like that but it was also weird just just seeing how the airport security used to be,
Starting point is 01:16:26 how movies like this was a movie about a terrorist blowing up a bomb in 1979 or 72. I think it was even earlier than that. But they made four movies about it. I don't know if you guys ever seen it. So this was actually an actual thing that happened and it was based on a true story? No, no, no. This was just like their take of terrorism back in the 70s. And like bombs and blowing up the planes.
Starting point is 01:16:49 Well, there was some terrorism. Yeah, 1970 it was. There was some terrorism back then. I mean, there had been that event that happened at the Olympics. The Munich Olympics, yeah. What year was that? That was the 72 Olympics. Yeah, I mean, we've had terrorism forever.
Starting point is 01:17:03 Oh, yeah. Well, they say even like if you go back to like the whole Jewish-Palestinian thing, That was the 72 Olympics. Yeah. I mean, we've had terrorism forever. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Well, they say even like if you go back to like the whole Jewish-Palestinian thing, like before Israel became a state, the Jews were doing terrorist acts to try and get, you know, to... Get more locks. Yeah. To get more locks. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:17:21 No, but... No, I mean, it always... And oppressed people are always doing the terrorist act, you know. But no, but the thing with what you're talking about, air travel and stuff, even now when you travel, when you go to different parts of the world, it's amazing to see their take on terrorism
Starting point is 01:17:41 and their take through, like, the airport. What's it like? Well, I've just seen, like, I've been to been to airports now sometimes in the middle east where the dude's like straight up like like he's talking on his phone as you're like the tsa guy is on an earpiece talking on a phone just like go ahead and i was joking i was like he's like go ahead you know you you know you can go because you know because you know we're all terrorists like you know like that was my take, jokingly. I've had that.
Starting point is 01:18:09 I've had dudes on the phone not paying attention. I saw one TSA dude, literally he was kind of moved out of the way and he was checking out chicks' asses as they would walk by. That's where his mind was. In Australia,
Starting point is 01:18:25 you do, in Australia, like I've done this, again, like on domestic flights, you can take liquids on. And I don't know, I don't know what the deal, like I was about to throw the water away
Starting point is 01:18:33 and the guy's like, no, bring it on, it's so raw. And I'm like, that's kind of weird, man. Yeah, some places they don't make you take your sneakers off. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:18:39 It's just weird. Different places, different takes on it. The whole thing's ridiculous. Or like, I'm sorry, I landed when I, my wife was studying in the South East, she was studying Marbella, which is known to be like a drug slash mafia,
Starting point is 01:18:54 all these Russian mob, anyone who's doing some illegal shit goes to Marbella. And when I landed at the airport, you know how usually there's customs, this and that? There's no... I was like, I could have a bag filled with heroin right now. And they're like,
Starting point is 01:19:09 come on in, man. So it's known for being an illegal safe zone? I'll tell you, I realized I was walking on the... It's beautiful. I was walking on the little boardwalk and I saw this big...
Starting point is 01:19:21 You know how some Russian dudes are just like, they're big. This guy was big he had like the short kind of short shorts no shirt on like black socks all the way up to the knee on a cell phone just walking like with a gold chain i'm like that dude's russian mob like come on man i was like tony soprano going out for a walk you know russian mob's way scarier to me than the italian oh hell yeah the italian mob is so much ego and flashiness and like all the shit
Starting point is 01:19:44 that john gatti did you know everybody everybody thought of John Gotti as like, wow, this is the ultimate gangster. No, this is the ultimate thing you're not supposed to do. You're not supposed to be on TV where everybody knows who the fuck you are. You're not supposed to be so blatant about it all, wearing fucking $15,000 suits and having people knocked off in front of steakhouses. This is ridiculous. You guys are going to ruin the whole thing. And it did wind up ruining the whole thing. Whereas the Russian mobsters, when was the last time suits and you know having people knocked off in front of steakhouses like this is ridiculous you
Starting point is 01:20:05 guys are gonna ruin the whole thing and it did wind up ruining the whole thing whereas the russian mobsters when was the last time a russian mobster got clipped yeah it was on tv there's no russian john gottys there are but you're never gonna fucking hear about them yeah well the thing about the russians too is like i again i talk about this on stage and it's total truth it's like they like if you watch anytime like there's something going on like there's i would say like whenever there's a hostage situation like these guys are so badass they show the military shows up and they just kill everybody they're not they're like yeah we might save some we might save some hostages but they'll probably die yeah you know they're just they're bad we're gonna kill the hostage takers kill the hostage we might kill
Starting point is 01:20:41 each other they're so badass and that's why i serious, it's like the biggest mobsters in Russia, it's like Vladimir Putin is like, he's the leader. When he left as prime minister, he made the other guy, what's his name?
Starting point is 01:20:54 I got, his name just slipped my mind right now. But he brought the other guy in as the president and then he just became prime minister. It's like,
Starting point is 01:21:01 when you pull shit like that, it's like, all right, this dude. It's gangster shit. It's gangster shit. Yeah, and he's a black belt in judo yeah and he's a black belt in judo like a legit black belt still trains yeah flips people through the fucking air so he like lets everybody like obama like bitch i'll kill you and you see it in the eyes like when you watch like what i'm sorry i'm again i saw the press conference it was the contrast if you can
Starting point is 01:21:24 like youtube it maybe like there's a like after september 11 I saw the press conference. It was the contrast. If you can YouTube it, maybe. After September 11th, there was a press conference with Bush and Putin. And you know, Bush was with a speech, you know, with us or against us, smoke them out of the hole. And Putin was just straight up like, what are you guys going to do? He's like, we're going to kill them. Like, who? He's like, anyone.
Starting point is 01:21:39 We're turban. We kill. You see it in his eyes. He's thinking like, okay, I will say what I need to say. But afterwards, some dying is going to happen. Well, apparently, Bush and Putin had a meeting, and Bush was so offensively ignorant that Putin immediately started changing the way he negotiates
Starting point is 01:21:58 and deals with America afterwards. Just didn't respect what Bush had to say. Hilarious. Bush was giving him advice about things, and he's like, who the fuck are you talking to, man? I'm Vladimir Putin, bitch. You're just the son of some fucking CIA agent who happens to be the puppet in charge.
Starting point is 01:22:14 I'm really running shit in Russia. That's the difference between the president of America. The president of America is some sort of a fucking figurehead for giant corporations. The guy who's running Russia is really running Russia. Yeah. Yeah. You know?
Starting point is 01:22:28 Yeah. Yeah. Absolutely. Fuck, man. Yeah. They're pretty badass. I always say, like, I don't fuck with Russians, man. It's a tough, tough world up there, man.
Starting point is 01:22:35 Yeah. You know, that fucking Staryoskal where Fedor Emelianenko, the former heavyweight pride champion, came from. Yeah. Whenever I watch documentaries on that guy and that life, you look at him up there in that mining town near Siberia and shit, freezing fucking cold. It's like hours away from St. Petersburg, Russia by train.
Starting point is 01:22:54 What the fuck are you doing out here, man? Some hardy-ass people. Yeah, man, they don't fuck around. You know, they have wolf problems up there. Oh, do they? Yeah, they're having giant packs of super wolves that are banding together for the first time and killing livestock
Starting point is 01:23:08 because it's so fucking cold this winter. It got so cold up there that many packs of wolves joined together to become one giant pack. Oh, my God. Because the freezing temperatures were killing all of their game, and they were getting desperate,
Starting point is 01:23:22 so they formed some sort of a new strategy and would go into fucking towns and just jack all their livestock. Dude, that's got to be the worst way to go. Can you imagine if you're walking home with your girlfriend or wife after dinner one night and you're like,
Starting point is 01:23:34 oh, that was a great dinner. And then you're like, and you look back and you're like, that's a pack of fucking wolves. Wolves are terrifying to me. Oh my God. Because we've killed them off in this country and then we started restocking them.
Starting point is 01:23:44 They're having a problem right now in Idaho, I believe it is, because they've stocked the giant gray wolf from Canada, and they brought it into Idaho to try to bring the populations up. But now the populations are out of control, and they're in the several thousands, and now they're killing livestock and fucking things up. And you have to worry about them with people, too, because they're big animals.
Starting point is 01:24:04 They're like 180 pounds. Yeah. And they will kill people. Yeah. Like, all that big, bad wolf shit and little bit of riding hood shit where there was always wolves, that's because wolves used to kill people. Yeah, yeah. Before we figured out tanks and jets and guns and, you know,
Starting point is 01:24:18 there was a real issue. Yeah, you don't want to fuck with a wolf, man. They're like Russians. Don't fuck with them. That's funny. There was a great documentary on Yellowstone and the cycle of life in Yellowstone. And one of the things it talked about
Starting point is 01:24:30 is how the wolves got stronger over the winter and all these other animals got fucked. All these other animals, like they couldn't find their vegetation. They had digged through all the snow to get to their plants. And the wolves were just eating all these deer. So they would be well fed
Starting point is 01:24:43 and they would be stronger. And the livestock, the caribou, the deers, they would all slowly start to weaken, and they would all just get taken out by wolves. It was fascinating to watch, man. It's crazy. Two thoughts came to mind. One was I remember as a kid in Iran, in Tehran, I left when I was six. And I remember my dad was like a manly man.
Starting point is 01:25:02 He's just like, you know. And he was a self-made millionaire in Iran. So he he was like back then like he was like the godfather like the shit he would do for people he was like the godfather like straight up like don corleone like come to him whatever you need done but he but and all his friends were like wrestlers and shit like like tough dudes a lot of wrestlers a lot of wrestlers yeah and then my dad was a big drinker because he was from the north northern iran tabriz was near the border of russia so vodka was like water like they would drink it all the time so i just have this memory of my dad was a big drinker Because he was from northern Iran Tabriz was near the border of Russia So vodka was like water They would drink it all the time
Starting point is 01:25:27 So I just have this memory of my dad We were coming home from a party He was obviously drunk He was driving us home And there was a pack of wild dogs Down the block from where we lived And my dad was so crazy Like manly
Starting point is 01:25:40 He pulled the car over And picked up a couple rocks And started chasing the pack of dogs. Drunk on vodka. I'm coming in, I'm like, what the fuck? Family in the car, he's throwing rocks at wild dogs. Yeah, and I'm sitting there as a kid going like, damn, my dad is badass, you know?
Starting point is 01:25:56 When you grow up, you're like, no, man, my dad was drunk. What the fuck? Well, Iranians are famous for their physical conditioning. There's like a lot of techniques that they used from Iran that are still used today, like physical conditioning and certain, like the shield cast and a couple of fitness moves. And the wrestlers from Iran are known internationally for being some of the toughest wrestlers in the world, especially when you consider that Iran is not a very large country, but consistently produces top 10
Starting point is 01:26:25 world-class wrestlers every year. Yeah, definitely. Wrestling is one of our big sports there, and it's a huge thing. Iron Sheik, bitch! Iron Sheik, baby! Recognize! He was a legit wrestler at one point in time. Yeah, yeah. Wrestling and weightlifting, too, is another one.
Starting point is 01:26:42 Iranians always compete. It's kind of weird. It's a manly country. Yeah, yeah, manly country. But it's funny, the other thought that came to mind with the wolves, when you're talking about the wolves is having a kid, I'm sure you've seen it,
Starting point is 01:26:50 it's like, it's funny how these children's books and like, you know, obviously, you know, Big Bad Wolf, but like once in a while they'll be like, you know,
Starting point is 01:26:59 this such, the cute little wolf or the cute little, like some animals that like, you know, the hippo. My son loves hippos. He was talking about like hippos are known for the most deaths and, but my son that like, you know, the hippo. My son loves hippos. He was talking about like hippos are known for the most deaths. But my son's like, you know, hippo, hippo.
Starting point is 01:27:09 Sure. And like, they're so cute. How about polar bears? It's so Coke. Oh, yeah, exactly. Coca-Cola and the polar bear. Yeah. Monsters.
Starting point is 01:27:17 Yeah, it's crazy. Fucking evil cunts. Yeah, yeah. It's funny. Like you could do like a, you could do like a spoof, like a behind, like a, like a behind the scenes. You know how some actors that are so lovable end up being such assholes? Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 01:27:30 You know what I'm saying? Exactly. That's hilarious. Yeah. Like the fucking star baseball player who tells a kid to go fuck himself and ask for an autograph. You're like, what the fuck, mister? You're my hero.
Starting point is 01:27:41 Yeah, yeah. It's fucking, you know, I love hippo. Trying to eat you. Fuck you. Fucking biting your car tires off. Hilar hero. Yeah, yeah. It's fucking, you know, I love hippos. Trying to eat you. Fuck you. Fucking biting your car tires off. Hilarious. Yeah. There's a great picture online of this African guy running from a hippo.
Starting point is 01:27:53 And it's a funny picture and a terrifying picture. It's funny because the guy made it. He survived. He got away from the hippo. But it's fucking terrifying when you're watching it, man, because this guy is running, which is essentially a gigantic wild pig. It's what they are. They're a different kind of pig. They're in the family
Starting point is 01:28:09 of pigs. And pigs are ruthless assholes. And this giant wild pig is chasing this guy down the street. It's fucking terrifying. Can you imagine the thought? One of my thoughts at that point would be, are they supposed to run faster? I'd be starting to
Starting point is 01:28:25 think about run fast you know what i'm saying like have i ever heard of a news piece about these guys like you know the only thing that keeps you safe is that they can't run too far because they're so big they're so big and they're carrying so much mass and a lot of times they spend they spend a lot of their time in the water they can run but it's not their best move you gotta out distance them but this guy was running fast this thing looked like it was right on his ass. One of the beautiful things about this podcast is that we have this message board at, and whenever we bring up something like this in the podcast, there's a thread that's already dedicated
Starting point is 01:28:53 to the Maz Drabani podcast. Oh, that's hilarious. What is his name? Mr. Denison, he puts it up. I should give the guy credit because he puts it up. Yes, Mr. Denison, cool motherfucker. He's always doing this. But I know somewhere on this thread,
Starting point is 01:29:05 someone's going to put that picture of that hippo chasing that guy. Oh, yeah. It's a beautiful thing. The internet's a beautiful thing in that respect. Yeah. You know, you said that picture that, and we're talking about African stuff. Have you seen those pictures?
Starting point is 01:29:15 I think it was, it might have been Mogadishu. Have you seen those pictures of these guys when they were chasing dudes with machetes? Did you remember that shit? There was like something going on. I think it was Mogadishu years ago. Is that the Hootsies? It might have been that.
Starting point is 01:29:28 Yeah, it might have been that. Yeah, that would be Rwanda then. The Tootsies and the Hootus or whatever. Yeah, however you say it. Yeah, Hotel Rwanda. But it's crazy to see human beings chasing each other. The dude was like straight up chasing. They were chasing this one dude.
Starting point is 01:29:42 They had machetes in their hands. And your first thought is like holy shit second thought is this cameraman is nuts he's sitting there going like taking pictures of this shit you know i'd be like okay i could tell the story i'm not gonna fucking and then the third is just that poor guy is like he's gonna get they're gonna catch him and they're gonna fucking chop him to pieces. That is crazy. Human beings are such assholes. Well, especially in Africa, man. There's a long history of that shit going down in Africa. And whatever we're talking about, the Hutus and the Titsis, however you say it. Somebody correct me.
Starting point is 01:30:14 Hutu. I don't have internet access here. Please, somebody on Twitter, correct me. Those guys, one of the things about the horrors of that war is that they would go into a town and kill thousands of people with machetes. Yeah, yeah. Just chop them up and then they would pollute the river
Starting point is 01:30:28 because they would throw so many bodies in the river that the water from the river would become undrinkable because it was rotten with human bodies. Yeah, it's a fucking, it's a terrifying place. Africa is so fucking wild. It's so fucking, to this day in 2011, it's probably the wildest place on earth. But just war in, to this day, in 2011, it's probably the wildest place on earth.
Starting point is 01:30:47 But just war in general, like they were talking about, they just caught one of these other Serbs, Serbian leaders. Remember there was Milosevic and then there was another guy that just caught, I forget his name, but they've got all these counts
Starting point is 01:30:58 of human atrocities against them. He was a general, I guess, and he would go into a town and they would capture the enemies and then they would say, he would say something like, you know, hey, it it's all good we just wanted to capture the town so all the men you guys can come out and we'll let you go and like the men will come out and they would mass he would they would get him out by like saying like it's all good and once they come out like they would massacre the men and then like they would rape
Starting point is 01:31:20 the women i mean it's just like why do you got to do that? It's like, you know what I'm saying? It's old school Genghis Khan type shit. Oh, my God. People are just, oh. Hutus and the Tutsis. Tutsis and the Hutus. Great movie, Hotel Rwanda, by the way. Thank you, Create Culture. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:31:35 And Perry411. Yeah. And Frederick Lambert. And Reed3Reed. Hey, can I say a shout out to my brother-in-law? Sure. He loves the show. PD.
Starting point is 01:31:44 PD Mani. I don't know if he's listening right now or not. PD Mani. What's happening, brother brother-in-law He loves the show PD PD Mani I don't know if he's listening Right now or not PD Mani What's happening brother PD Mani He loves the show man He loves your show
Starting point is 01:31:50 I was in Vancouver And we came out of this Steak restaurant I was with Bad Bobby And Savage Science From the Rogan Board And we stepped out Of this steak restaurant
Starting point is 01:31:58 And as we stepped out The guy goes Hey And he puts his hand On my shoulder And then he pulls off His earbuds And shows me his iPod
Starting point is 01:32:03 And he's listening To the podcast. That's awesome. How cool is that? It was ridiculous. I was like, wow, that is fucking nuts, man. That's a surreal moment, right? It was so surreal.
Starting point is 01:32:12 It's like I heard Sting in an interview. He said he knew he was starting to make it when he was at some meeting in some office in the high rise. And I don't know if this is true or not, but he said he saw the guy outside clean the window and the guy was like singing roxanne
Starting point is 01:32:25 or something as he's sitting in the meeting he's like oh shit i made it well once eddie murphy sang that in that movie oh my god it just became i didn't even know about that song until i saw that movie and eddie murphy was singing it in the movie dude as a kid that might have been one of my favorite movie moments because i went into that movie being a huge eddie murphy fan how could you not and then when they introduce him like that you're like he he just he basically lived up to everything you expected and then that movie just got better i watched that movie now like you know when he goes into the bar you know you best have yourself a black russian yeah you know like there's a new sheriff of town that's his name is reggie hammond oh my god it's so great man yeah dude he was the
Starting point is 01:33:03 best no one was a better comedic actor in a movie than Eddie Murphy, in my opinion. Yeah. 48 hours. Oh, my God. With him and Nick Nolte. Oh, yeah. He just took over. And it was the right amount of vulnerable, the right amount of badass and cocky, and
Starting point is 01:33:17 the right amount of self-deprecating. And he was like 22 at that point. Yeah, ridiculous. It's ridiculous. And a killer stand-up, too. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. It's almost a shame
Starting point is 01:33:26 that he had all those problems with trannies and what have you where he doesn't want to go on stage anymore. He doesn't want people to heckle him. Yeah. Because, God damn,
Starting point is 01:33:34 at one point in time, if you go back and listen to his shit when he was like 19, he was a brilliant comedian at like 19 years old. Yeah, he was very funny. Actually, I rented
Starting point is 01:33:42 some old videos and there was a national competition, and they showed the top five winners, and he was fifth place. Wow. And everyone ahead of him, they're not allowed anymore. No one even exists.
Starting point is 01:33:55 They're gone. Well, he doesn't even do comedy anymore. That's the weird thing. His brother does. It's like Charlie's out there carrying on the family name. It's funny, because when people ask me about how I got into comedy, I was in and i'd like i thought about doing it a few times and i was always intimidated because i'd done acting as like in plays but i was always
Starting point is 01:34:11 i was intimidated to get in front of an audience and talk about like my point of view it was like you know so i was in college and i saw these two guys and they were just horrible it was a comedy competition and so i told myself the next time there's a competition i'm just going to do it so i always tell people i say you know you get inspired by greatness and mediocrity. I was inspired by mediocrity. And the funny thing is, just like maybe a year, year and a half ago, I'm at the comedy store in the original room on a Tuesday. And I just came off like this big tour in Australia where I was like headlining in front of a lot of people. And, you know, it was like automatic.
Starting point is 01:34:42 I called on a Monday, just gave avails for every night. And so I get a Tuesday night show. So I go up and it's like the crowd's not that great i'm not into it i'm like i just i'm just gonna get off the road doing you know thousand people and like in an hour 20 and now i gotta do 15 minutes i don't want to try anything new i was like i don't even want to be here i was like why did i do this i get on stage i'm just all over the place nothing's really hidden. The only person laughing is Johnny Zapp. You know Johnny Zapp? Yeah, sure.
Starting point is 01:35:07 And what's funny about Johnny Zapp is in the past, when I first became a regular at the comedy store, Johnny Zapp actually had like given me, like he watched the set one time and like he started giving me tags
Starting point is 01:35:16 and I didn't know who he was because he'll tell you, he's like, I was around when Richard Pryor was here, this and that. So I thought he was like a genius of comedy. So he gave me like some tags
Starting point is 01:35:24 and quickly I realized, I was like, no, there's just I thought he was like a genius of comedy. So he gave me like some tags. And quickly I realized, I was like, no, this is a dude that hangs out. He's crazy. He's a crazy dude that hangs out. Because then he started giving me these tags. I was like, these are horrible tags. And then so I'm sitting on stage. I'm kind of dying. And Zap is the only one laughing.
Starting point is 01:35:39 And I'm like, thank you, Johnny. And then I'm getting ready to get off stage. And Steve Burns, the next comic. And Steve always does like a long kind of jokey intro for me like whenever who's next mazda brownie i don't know who that is well whatever um this next guy i'm not sure if you guys want to watch him he'll do like that so i start doing that to steve and i'm just riffing a little bit and it's just getting like this is a very mediocre set i'm walking off stage zap waves me down it's a tuesday night i'm, God, Zap's got a tag for me. And he goes, hey, man, Eddie Murphy's here.
Starting point is 01:36:08 And I thought he was in the main room because Eddie Murphy's always in the main room. So I thought he was like, oh, Eddie Murphy's in the main room. I was like, so what? So I start walking. And as I'm walking, Eddie was sitting the whole set watching my set in Mitzi's seat. You know Mitzi's seat? Right. I walk past Eddie.
Starting point is 01:36:23 I'm like, oh, my God, I just died in front of my comedy hero. I walk down the steps. I turn around waiting for my buddy who's coming to get me. We're going to go to the Laugh Factory. Eddie walks down in front of my buddy, gives me the quick little look, doesn't say anything, just keeps walking. So in the back of my mind, the only saving grace is I'm thinking to myself, okay, he's going to make a comeback.
Starting point is 01:36:43 He's going to end up on the Tonight Show they're gonna be like what inspired you to come back and he'll be like you know I was watching this mediocre set one time I'm the reason he came back you brought Eddie Murphy back
Starting point is 01:36:54 that's how I roll man that's what you know I was talking about this on the Kevin Smith show about going on stage and you know how some guys
Starting point is 01:37:00 will just go on stage fearlessly like Chris Rock will go on stage fearlessly with a batch of new material and just hash it out and see what the fuck happens. And if it comes out, it comes out.
Starting point is 01:37:11 But it's so tough to bomb. To bomb in front of a guy like Eddie Murphy must be just fucking terrible. Oh my God. I was just like... Oh, and here's the funny thing. It was halfway through the set. I'm not kidding.
Starting point is 01:37:22 It was a Tuesday night as I was kind of like... Because the whole time I'm going, just get it together and get through it and be funny and part of me is like i'm all over the place so my head's really not into it and i'm not even like because sometimes i'll go up there and just go i'm gonna riff for five minutes for new material i just wasn't you know you're up there i'm like why did i even put in right so halfway through the set i'm like dude get your shit together and make it a good set because somebody might be in the audience. And I swear to God, the past 12 years I've been there, I have never had that thought. And I thought to myself, and then the other voice, the Comedy Store voice came in my head.
Starting point is 01:37:55 I was like, who the fuck is going to be in this? And who cares? The whole point of the Comedy Store is to go with who cares. Exactly. And so it was one of those, like, who cares? Who in this audience that has any kind of influence an agent or something it's fucking eddie murphy so don't realize when you talk about the comedy store you know that's like one of like i used to say when i lived in boston that that was mecca yeah i would hear about like kinnison and richard
Starting point is 01:38:18 pryor and that was the comedy store in hollywood yeah but then you actually get there and you realize oh this is an insane asylum. Oh, yeah. And no one's watching it. No one's paying any attention. And that fucking mic is just turned on at one point in the night. And then there's no host even. No. The comedian's tag team.
Starting point is 01:38:33 There's no club in town that does that, by the way. Yeah. Where all the comedians just bring each other up. No, there's a fucking host, like a professional show. Yeah. And the guy will go up and he'll bring people up and he'll do a little time in between and he'll give you your intro and get it straight. Yeah. No, there's no fucking get your intro straight at the store
Starting point is 01:38:47 yeah you know no not at all it's and what's but i'll be honest because that's where i actually grew as a cop like i i'd done one year of comedy then i became and i became a regular comedy store and it was great because there was no pressure it was like you're gonna i got used to shit crowds that was what was weird when i started performing at the Laugh Factory, and there was real crowds. And I was like, oh, my God. People are so nice at the improv. What the fuck?
Starting point is 01:39:10 Yeah, it's so weird. And it's weird seeing guys who started in town and started at one of the clubs with audiences. I actually saw a couple comics one time. I saw this at the Laugh Factory. One comic go like, oh, I'm not going after so-and-so. And I was like, oh, that's an option? I didn't realize that's an option.
Starting point is 01:39:28 At the store, I mean, how many times did Mitzi shove you on after some killer? Some Martin Lawrence-type character or someone would go up and destroy. There you go, Maz. And also what happened, the weirdest one I had was one time it was one of these thin nights,
Starting point is 01:39:42 not much of an audience. Dice does a stop in. He's going to do like an hour. And the crowd is a thin crowd, but it's his crowd. They start loving him. And I'm trying to like work on it. It was like kind of towards like the Iraq war. And I'm trying to work on some like war, anti-war shit, political shit.
Starting point is 01:40:01 And he's doing like, you know, fuck ass and fuck this. That fucking ass. Yeah. And he's doing it, you know, fuck ass and fuck this. That fucking ass. Yeah, and he's doing it, doing it, doing it. And they're loving him. And then it was weird. He does one joke and somehow there was feedback on the mic. And he just looks at the mic for a second. Then he looks at the audience.
Starting point is 01:40:17 He drops the mic and he walks off. And the piano player is not there. There's no one there. No one, like you said said No one is running the asylum Yeah And nobody even said Like who's next It's just dead
Starting point is 01:40:29 And the audience is kind of like That's weird And no one's there So I'm like I'm next I gotta go up So I had to go up on stage And be like
Starting point is 01:40:35 Hey how you guys doing I'm Maz Jabrani Nobody knew who the fuck I was You know And that just makes you tough You learn You know what I'm saying My hardest sets Were Fallen Dice I had saying? My hardest sets were following Dice.
Starting point is 01:40:46 I had a bunch of hard sets following Dice. Following Dice, following Martin Lawrence, following Menstelia, following Richard Pryor, when Richard Pryor was still doing stand-up. Yeah, those were weird times. But Mitzi was always real smart about that. If she thought you were any good, she wasn't going to give you an easy spot.
Starting point is 01:41:03 If she thought you were decent and you had a spark in a spark in you she would throw you on in the worst position possible yeah what is it a black show yeah put them on after martin lauren oh yeah oh yeah and she would think it's funny knowing that you get but i think that would be fun i think that would be like like the best challenges of just being able to try that it is it is in the one after it's over yeah well here's the thing sometimes sometimes it it works well if you go in there with like i'm fucked mentality yeah if you ride the wave though it's like one time i did one time they were they were doing something in the main room uh it was a like uh it was the black film festival and they had a comedy show and it was supposed to be headlined by eddie griffin so people had actually come expecting eddie and eddie walked in and saw that they'd sold tickets and
Starting point is 01:41:49 he's like i'm not getting paid or some he got upset about something he's like i'm not going up so then so then someone came to me and they're like hey we need you to get in there to close out the show so they were expecting eddie griffin and i walk up and it was so funny because they just everyone just got up and started walking out and like there was like one table that hung out and literally like i was so like defeated the top that i just i was like oh thanks for hanging out i said i feel like i'm i'm the i'm the rolling credits at the end of the film i said that's what it feels like for the film festival and people just leave it and that one table was with me because it was all safe self-deprecating material Because it was like You know
Starting point is 01:42:25 What am I doing here And it was like 15-20 minutes of that And you live Sometimes though If you go into that situation Where it's still kind of a hot crowd And then you go in And now you got to perform
Starting point is 01:42:35 And it's like They get You know They're not laughing And then you try some crowd work And it's not working I had that on a Mo' Better Mondays At the improv one time.
Starting point is 01:42:46 And it was funny because I'd gotten good. Because I did Friday After Next, so I had some street cred in the black community. Brack. In the brack community. And it's a holy moly donut shop, this character in the movie. So I'd been doing, you know, I did Chocolate Sundays. I did the comedy store one
Starting point is 01:43:05 and then i overheard a few people talking about how mo better mondays was one of the toughest black rooms i was like how tough could it be and i'm getting ready to go on and this one other comic was like hey man you got your shit together and tripoli was there too he's like listen bro just hang in there and i went up there and i ate so much shit because it was this like it was a crowd because you go in there. It was early in the show and you're expected to be a good crowd. And it's one of those things where you get like a couple of laughs and like you hear the pin drop kind of thing. And then you try another joke and it's not working.
Starting point is 01:43:36 Then you try some crowd work and it's not working. And then you start going against your own instincts. So your instincts like, okay, attack that, attack the chick wearing the pink, you you know whatever the just whatever the pink fucking uh antennas for whatever you know attack attack the dude in the purple leather suit you know it's just funny right but then but then you're like no they're gonna kick your ass you know so you just and then you're just going to like give me that light man it's hard to pick on someone when you're bombing oh my god you're bombing it's really you don't feel confident to pick on somebody. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:44:06 Oh, whoa. It's the worst. Bombing in a black crowd is really hard, too, because it's very hard to pull yourself out once it goes down. White crowds will give you some room. Yeah. But black crowds are like, next. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:44:17 Oh, yeah. C.K. has a great story about bombing on Mo' Better Mondays, that he went up and he goes, he realized that there was no recovering. They didn't want you to recover. You know, like he tried out a joke and it wasn't, it didn't work. And that was it. They're like, next, get off. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:44:32 Wait a minute. I could try some other shit. Nope. Get out of here. Come on, guys. Yeah. It's, but you know, I think it's also, it's good to do like a room like that where people don't have any, you know, they have no problem with booing you off the stage real quick.
Starting point is 01:44:46 It's not the best thing to do all the time. No. But every now and then, it's good as a little reality check. Your shit better be tight, son. Better come out that gate swinging. And the most important thing is the first bit. That first bit's got to be strong. Oh, hell yeah.
Starting point is 01:45:01 You might even want to open with your closer if it's possible. If you don't need to set that bitch up with your personality beforehand yeah yeah you're right right yeah and but the other good thing that you learn when you do that because i remember learning this early on i was like never believe the hype because sometimes sometimes you'll kill and you're like i am god you know and then sometimes you die and like you're like depressed but i was like you can never go with like the the good thing about these lessons on those things is to go listen man my shit's funny they they didn't work tonight but my that's a funny joke that's a funny joke i've had sex before where and usually it happens in the comic store original room where it's not like an all black crowd it's like this crowd of crowd of
Starting point is 01:45:37 like you know few norwegians couple aussies couple of la you know hipsters it's just it's all this like mixed crowd and i'm having a blast. And they're not laughing. And I've seen comedians be like, you guys don't get it, but I don't even go to the you don't get it. I just go like, guys, that was a funny, I'm kind of like, you guys don't want to be on the ride, that's fine. I think that was funny.
Starting point is 01:45:58 And I know I'm funny, so fuck you guys. I got another eight minutes and I'm done. Well, the problem with comedy, I've always said, is that it's just called comedy. And it's not like you never go to a club to see live music. And it says live music. And you don't know if you're going to get a rap band or if you're going to get fucking Guns N' Roses or classical music.
Starting point is 01:46:16 It's very clear. You know what you're going to go to. When you go to a blues club, you're going to get some blues. But when you go to a comedy club, man, you can get anything. You could get Maz Jabrani. You could get Dane Cook. You could get Dane Cook you could get this guy you get that guy everyone's got a different taste and some people might love uh Judah Freelander and some people might hate him and love Tracy Morgan so you know it's like it's like it's all so subjective man yeah yeah you gotta find your audience yeah but one of the beautiful things about showing up places where
Starting point is 01:46:44 it's not your audience just showing up on some random night at the improv is that you can't stack the deck so you have to make some people laugh that don't even fucking know you, don't know your shit so I'm sure now you must get these huge crowds of people who know Maz Jabrani so they come out to see you
Starting point is 01:46:59 but I think every now and then you gotta go in front of some shit I always say I don't like to be in front of everyone that knows me. One reason is you feel like, OK, they might have heard a lot of this shit. Yeah. Even if it's new now with the Internet, it's gone. Yeah. And secondly, I love I just love it. Like, like, for example, one thing that happens with my audience is like it. What happened was when we first did the Access to Evil comedy tour came out out on Comedy Central, and a lot of young Middle Easterners started following us.
Starting point is 01:47:28 But then they started bringing their parents. And growing up in the Middle Eastern community, it's like you don't go too blue. You've got to be nice and polite. You can get a little edgy, but don't cuss. There's a whole thing. For the longest time with my mom, it was instilled in me, don't cuss.
Starting point is 01:47:45 Definitely not around Persians. You're not going to cuss. How much do you cuss on stage? Ever? I don't cuss much. I cuss a little bit. But actually, what's funny is I like now what I do is if I make a reference to something, like there's a joke I do where I mention masturbation.
Starting point is 01:48:00 I actually make fun of – that's why I love having a mixed audience because I'll look at the white guy in the audience. I go, now, hey, Mike, right now, there's a table of Persians going, oh my God, he said masturbation. You know, I brought my mother. She doesn't speak English. Now I have to translate masturbation into Farsi.
Starting point is 01:48:17 So I riff on what they're thinking. And inevitably, there's always like this one table that's dying of laughter. And I've had people come up after the show and be like, dude, I was here with my mom when you were saying that shit. It was totally true. And the mother's totally cool with it. I had this recently at the Tampa Improv. I was doing it.
Starting point is 01:48:34 And there was literally this old, very like distinguished, sweet, older lady that was the mother of this other lady. So the other lady was like my mom's age. The mother was like a grandmother's age. And I said masturbation. I did the riff. And the funny part of the whole thing was, as I was doing the riff, the mother was leaning into the grandmother,
Starting point is 01:48:55 translating everything. And I was like, holy shit, it's actually happening. And the crowd loved it because I was making fun of it, but it was actually happening. Oh, that's funny. Yeah. That's funny. Where do you like performing the best? God, I was making fun of it but it was actually happening. Oh, that's funny. Yeah. That's funny. Where do you like
Starting point is 01:49:05 performing the best? God, I love, I mean, I still love the original room just for creativity purposes, you know, and then what Jamie did
Starting point is 01:49:16 with that Tuesday night thing. I mean, I guess, look, we all love killing in front of our audiences. Like whenever, like some of the cities I love
Starting point is 01:49:23 are like, D.C. is one of my favorite cities. First of all, one of the things I love about dc it's very international secondly everyone in dc is doing shit like whenever i spend a couple days in dc you meet people like hey where do you work he's like i work at state oh what's the state department oh okay cool what do you do i work at the agency agency cia like people are actually like doing and i would say like when i went there creepy no it was No, it was a trip. I would hate that. Dude, no, it's awesome. It would stand up for the CIA.
Starting point is 01:49:47 No, dude, it's the craziest thing. I always say, I was there recently. I was like, what's great about you guys is if I'm in LA, I'd be like, what are you doing? They'd be like, oh, I'm working on a movie about a spy who goes to South America to overthrow the government. I go, when you come to DC, you go, what are you doing? They're like, I'm a spy who's going to go to South America to overthrow. government i go when you come to dc go what are you doing like i'm a spy who's gonna go to south america over the and i love i mean but it's just you feel like you're in the heart of like you meet people that mean like are doing shit right i remember one time being actually i had a moment
Starting point is 01:50:12 i remember i was i was there it was right at the time of like right in the heart of the bush administration i remember uh um home insecurity uh tom ridge remember him he was the first guy and you see him on tv and he's a talking head he's an older dude i was outside this like fancy restaurant in dc and he's sitting there talking to this like attractive young girl kind of like you could tell his body language was all flirty you know and he's a big dude too and i was like this guy's just trying to get pussy like everyone else i was like he's the head of homeless security he's probably like hey you want me to you want you want you want to see the terror alert go to orange come here baby you want to see the red button that's hilarious but you see those kinds of guys when you're out there as opposed to la as opposed
Starting point is 01:50:54 to like anywhere i mean you don't you don't see that like you know do you need to live out here still because you do you're doing most of your work is on the road right yeah most of my work's on the road i mean i listen la i love la in that my family's here a lot of my friends are here and weather-wise you know how it is when you travel around the world you come back like i was in norway and it's like negative you land they're like oh negative three with windshield the windshield it's like a windshield factor it's you know negative 15 or even chicago yeah which is a great city but in december it's a motherfucker i'm like what is wrong with you people and the beauty of LA I always say the great thing
Starting point is 01:51:26 about LA it's so close to so many great places I grew up in the Bay Area so I love going up to the Bay you go to Santa Barbara you go to Vegas you go to San Diego
Starting point is 01:51:34 everything's close by yeah LA's an amazing city it's just overpopulated oh yeah if we didn't live in LA though it'd probably be so much more enticing I always say that
Starting point is 01:51:43 like when I'm driving around God if I wasn't if I didn't live here I'd probably appreciate this more it'd probably be so much more enticing. I always say that when I'm driving around. God, if I didn't live here, I'd probably appreciate this more. I'd probably be like, wow, what an incredible place. I should live in L.A. There's a great amount of shitheads in this city, but it's just because of the numbers. The numbers are so high. But you know what?
Starting point is 01:51:58 It's funny. Whenever I go to New York, I love New York in terms of it's like a playground for adults. You just jump in a cab, you go to the next restaurant, you go to the next club, you go to whatever, you go all night. But I wouldn't want to live there. I wouldn't want to live. No, well, I actually, I'd always thought I wanted to live there. And then I did two projects out there where I was there for four months at a time.
Starting point is 01:52:15 And it was like, I got an apartment at the corner of Houston and Six, which is like the heart of the village. I was like, this is the best place. Dude, from 7 a.m. till 3 a.m. every day, it was like this is the best place dude from 7 a.m till 3 a.m every day it was like noise outside it was just so like cars honking and and construction and i was like you know new york i think is good if you're in your 20s and you got your buddies and you're all making some money and you just want to run around like i guess the ratio of women to men is like it's like i don't know it's like 55 to 45 or Really? A lot more women than men.
Starting point is 01:52:45 And there's a lot of models walk around New York. Shazam, son. How about that? Yes, son. If I had like Boku, Howard Stern type cash flow, I would be into living in Manhattan with some sort of apartment that overlooks Central Park or something like that. If you got like Madonna money and you can get one of those crazy 20 million dollar apartments yeah because i've seen some online some people put some up on my message board as well and there was a one that had like a corner
Starting point is 01:53:12 building it was a corner apartment with insane views of the city yeah that's some of the most beautiful things when you look at like a real cityscape and it's lit at night oh yeah it's beautiful amazing i just think that the numbers of people when you're in a a real cityscape and it's lit at night oh yeah it's fucking amazing i just think that the numbers of people when you're in a place like manhattan all the influence they have over you all the people around you all the time i just don't think you can have real peace there i don't think you can relax well that's what's crazy is when i was living there on those stints like i remember coming home one weekend and i went we have a house here and i remember hearing a bird chirping outside i was like i have not heard a bird chirp except for you the fuck was that he brought a bird chirping
Starting point is 01:53:50 he's got the alarm noise the bird chirper that chirps different different noises no but new york is new york is great to visit and party and stuff you know but even the way that goes back to the weather it's like i've had the craziest experiences in new york where i'm like oh it's a sunny day i walk into a meeting i walk out and it's pouring rain i where I'm like, oh, it's a sunny day. I walk into a meeting. I walk out and it's pouring rain. I'm like, what the hell happened? And it's hot and humid. That's most of the world.
Starting point is 01:54:11 Most of the world has to deal with weather. We don't have to deal with weather. We just have to deal with the once a decade or two, the world moves. Yeah, yeah. And shit falls down. Yeah, yeah. They just sold the Father of the Bride house. I don't even remember the movie Father of the Bride.
Starting point is 01:54:24 What is that? But there's this huge, really nice house. Who was in that movie? Steve Martin, and he was like the father of the bride. And Rick Moran, as I think might have been, or something like that. But I just saw that house on some website the other day for sale, and I was like, that would be the most ideal house in California because it was actually picked for the movie
Starting point is 01:54:42 because of how wholesome and nice it looked. Where was it? Was it in Malibu? I want to say it was in something like Pasadena or something weird. That's the one where Martin Shore plays a gay wedding director. Yeah, a gay wedding director. Like a German gay wedding. He's actually very funny. When I was leaving Kevin Smith's
Starting point is 01:54:59 place today, I did his podcast this morning. When I was leaving his place, they had one of those tours where there's a bus that doesn't have a top to it oh yeah people are out in the open air and there there's a star sightings and they're driving through the hollywood hills pointing out celebrities houses like how fucked is that that is weird they show people where you sleep that's weird yeah that's weird in general like i don't know like i've i've done a few tours in my life like what even if it's like at a at a like a museum i get so bored so fast i'm like i don't need to spend an hour for you to tell me about this painting and the painter and i'll just read
Starting point is 01:55:34 five minute move on much less sit in the fucking van and be like oh kevin smith so-and-so lives here i'm like get me off this fucking bus yeah for some people man meeting celebrities is very important yeah it's weird excited about it yeah it's weird how you must be fucking huge in the persian community well that's how big are you well it's weird like you know in terms of yeah i mean the persian community like knows me as a celebrity it's actually funny i just i was just in um i was at a lax uh two days ago and had all these like flight problems and we're running around from southwest trying to get to american airlines and coming back and then i you know i got the google alerts so like it sends me like if you ever get mentioned in something like it sends you so i was just like i got the google alert and it was like celebrity spotting i was like huh and
Starting point is 01:56:19 i look it up and it's so funny somebody was like mazda brani spotted at LAX. That's hilarious. And what was even funnier, though, is like, Justin Bieber has like 10,000 celebrity spottings. Like, you know, so-and-so has, I got two celebrity spottings. I'm like, hey,
Starting point is 01:56:34 I'm working my way in slowly. Persians are spotting you. Actually, you know what's funny? This happened, too. This was the weird one one time. Aaron Kater and I had just done a gig in Jordan, of all places.
Starting point is 01:56:44 Whoa. And we flew back. What is that a gig in Jordan of all places. Whoa. And we flew back and we come. What is that like? It was actually really cool. The first time we ever did Jordan was again with me, Ahmed and Aaron.
Starting point is 01:56:53 We went and did the Exorcist Evil Comedy Tour out in the Middle East. We did five countries. We did like 27 shows, 30 days, all sold out. It was like,
Starting point is 01:57:00 it's big fish in a small pond. You know what I'm saying? Are you allowed to talk about anything? Well, some countries like Lebanon, they go talk about whatever you want. Because the Lebanese, they're very liberal. Beirut, first of all, is one of the most amazing cities in the world. Really?
Starting point is 01:57:14 You've got to go check it out. It's amazing. It's like the nightlife is crazy. There's no rules or regulations. The women are all beautiful. The food is delicious. And then you've got that bazaar. You can go check out the bazaar kind of thing you know and then you could go out into the mountains i mean it's just amazing i've had a great time every time i've gone to beirut and you can swear
Starting point is 01:57:33 on stage swear do whatever you want oh yeah now so that's beirut then you got the other countries where a lot of times the promoters will say no sex no religion no politics oh my god yeah you're like well now i'm stuck you know they say that right before you go on stage? Yeah, right, yeah. But the funny thing is when they say no politics, that means no local politics. And thank God I don't know much about the local politics, and I'm not about to challenge the sheikh of Dubai with some stupid shit.
Starting point is 01:57:58 Are you allowed to make fun of America? You can make fun of America. I can make fun of Iran. I used to make fun of the president of Iran. They loved it. If you make fun of their neighboring country, they're like, that is hilarious. I don't like that leader either. They love that.
Starting point is 01:58:10 How close is the government of Iran to being overthrown? That's a tough call, man. It's interesting because there's like, I mean, I love politics anyway, so I read up on it a lot. And there's so many different analysts. And it's like, what it is is in Iran right now, it's over 75, maybe 80 million people, and there's a lot of young people, like a majority of young people.
Starting point is 01:58:32 And they have the internet, and they want a modern way of life. They want a modern way of life. But the problem is, and somebody pointed this out, they were saying when the Iranian revolution happened under the Shah, a lot of the people that were in the leadership in the leadership position under the shah had been western educated and this guy made a good point he goes so when the revolution happened they had the money and they're like screw it we're out of here they went to france they went to london they came to america lived their life they're all good the people that are running the country now are
Starting point is 01:58:58 not western educated they've been part of this revolution you know this is 79 and they they you know so they got nowhere to go. And when the Ayatollah took over, that was all U.S.-backed, right? There was an issue with the Shah where the United States was at a disagreement with the Shah, so they backed the Ayatollah and got him into position. Listen, there's conspiracy theories in the sort, but I think a big part of it, you could go back and trace it to actually a movement happening that was an internal movement because what happened was the shah okay the shah westernized the country a lot um and and and had a
Starting point is 01:59:30 lot of progress for the country nonetheless under the shah like as under any dictator in in the middle east there was still a lot of people being persecuted like opposition was not looked you know was frowned upon and you would have like these like and you had different parties you had like you had the monarchists then you had like the different parties. You had the monarchists, then you had the nationalists, then you had the socialists, then you had the communists, then you had the religious,
Starting point is 01:59:51 the Islamists. So you had all these different parties. And anytime anyone would say anything or criticize the Shah, some dude would disappear. Yeah, there was the Savak, which was the secret police. So there's all kinds of intellectual intellectuals that would like criticize them and disappear.
Starting point is 02:00:08 And so there was that going on. And so eventually what happened, like Khomeini's history goes that he was actually exiled. I like how you said that, by the way. Khomeini, yeah. Khomeini. The shit was legit. Yeah. I'm trying to get my son to learn Farsi.
Starting point is 02:00:21 It's the funniest thing seeing this kid. He's got like an American accent already. And he's three, right? Yeah, he's three. He'll be like, come on. You know, he fucks it up. Anyway, so Khomeini had been exiled to Iraq. And he was getting, back then, it was kind of like the Twitter of today.
Starting point is 02:00:38 He would sneak his sermons back into Iran with tape cassettes. So all these other religious guys, there's a city named Qom, which is a religious city in Iran. They were all getting like his sermons and he was criticizing the Shah from outside of Iran. You can do that from outside, but you can't do it from inside.
Starting point is 02:00:57 So he was doing it from outside. And basically what happened was there was all these different oppositions to the Shah and discontent was growing and protests were growing. And so these guys all kind of banded together. And what they would do is it was very similar to the protests that were happening during the Green Movement in 2009, where people would be out protesting, and then the government would shoot into the crowds and kill some people. And in the Muslim Shiite religion, once someone's killed, something like seven days after, something like a mourning day.
Starting point is 02:01:25 So they all go out and they mourn. So these guys would be mourning, and the Shah's police would show up and shoot some more. And it just grew and grew and grew. So the protests were originally one faction, but then it became more factions. And then you got to a point where you had lawyers and doctors protesting in the streets of Iran,
Starting point is 02:01:44 people that should be supporting the regime. And then you had the Bazaaris. The bazaar is the economy. These guys shut down the economy. The oil company went on strike. So all this shit came together, and then it caused for the revolution to happen. And I have a friend of mine who was young back then.
Starting point is 02:02:01 He said what was interesting. He goes, when the Shahah left he goes for the first few days in iran it was total euphoria because everyone was like we got rid of america we got rid of the this influence and he goes what was weird though was because because for the protest all these factions were working together he goes now like one guy would be like hey we did it brother and the other guy would be like yeah we did do it comrade he'd be like wait a minute brother he's a muslim islamist comrade. He'd be like, wait a minute. Brother, he's a Muslim, Islamist.
Starting point is 02:02:27 Comrade, I'm a communist. And then they would start turning on each other. And then the shit started turning. And then the Islamists took over. And now we're in the shit we're in. But all that stuff, by the way, and a lot of people have talked about this. A lot of this stuff did happen. Like in 53, there was a democratically elected government uh the the guy was named musad and the u.s actually the cia has written their story of how they did a coup d'etat
Starting point is 02:02:52 of the democratically elected leader in iran they overthrew him and put the shah in and so like whenever any american like whenever we talk about wars and stuff and they're like we're just trying to bring democracy i'm like motherfucker there was democracy and we overthrew it you got to read your history you know it's a a fascinating time that we live in when people talk about going to war with iran too you know when they're talking about disarming them if they continue with their nuclear program oh yeah oh yes strange times you know yeah well israel is like i mean they they they say like if these guys i mean and the israelis did that to the iraqi uh um to one of the iraqi facilities back in the day where they infiltrated and they and they bombed it yeah but i guess you ever ever listened to george galloway
Starting point is 02:03:36 speak ever you know who he is no he's just uh i think he's like a british name he's a british mp you got to listen the guy's, he's actually very well educated, and he makes some good arguments, and it's almost like it's funny how he, like I've seen him get in debates with TV commentators, like on Sky TV. He just like annihilates them. What's his name again?
Starting point is 02:03:59 George Galloway. So he was talking about, I think it was him that was talking about, like somebody came on, he was talking about this whole, you know, possibly doing, you know, strategic bombings. What's it called? Surgical bombings. Right. And he was like, Iran is a, you know, some of these cities are densely populated cities.
Starting point is 02:04:24 And he's like, some of these facilities are in bunkers that are, you know, miles down underneath the ground. And and he's like how are you going to do strategic surgical bombing you know you have to drop like a nuclear bomb on the thing to blow it up so he's like you're out of your mind but but you should but you should check out george galloway he did a thing where it was it was around the time when israel and uh and the lebanese were fighting like a few years ago and this one girl it was funny from sky news like they get like these pretty commentators so she's like here to defend
Starting point is 02:04:46 the Lebanese you know the Hezbollah's point of view George Galloway and the guy rips into her he's like first of all
Starting point is 02:04:53 you know he's got like he's like you know your introduction of me was very biased from the da da da da of course I would expect it
Starting point is 02:04:59 Sky News owned by Rupert Murdoch he just goes just cuts in there and then he's like secondly you need to know your history he's like they've been fighting for da da da he just goes, just cuts in there and then he's like, secondly, you need to know your history. He's like, they've been fighting for
Starting point is 02:05:05 dinner and he just goes into it and you see this blonde girl like, but could you answer the question? Is he an Irish guy? I think he's Irish. Oh, okay. I have heard this guy before. The dude is like, when it comes to arguing, he's a pretty bad motherfucker when it comes to arguing. Well, I'll check out some of his stuff on there. I'm fascinated by the Middle
Starting point is 02:05:21 East, especially right now because we're at such a strange time with the internet and they know they're they're using facebook to uh you know to organize and and and basically overthrow government after government and they keep toppling one after the other and i'm curious as to what we're actually seeing you know the problem is it's it's funny because if you talk to a lot of iranians we always say like for example like uh what happened in egypt it's like it was a positive step in the right direction but the question is talk to me six months from now talk to me a year from now because the people be you know will the people that are alive today even benefit from it or will it make their life shittier and then the next generation benefits the world's in a
Starting point is 02:05:57 fucking turmoil right now i don't understand it i don't understand economics when people start talking about economic meltdowns it's to me the way i look at it i go at the end of the day there's the same amount of shit there's the same amount of people so what the fuck went wrong yeah we were living like kings just a couple years ago and now everybody's fucking in the shitter because of what because of an inflated economy and like what what's what is that part of it i'm part of the things that i'm starting to see that that makes some sense to me because you're right i a lot of times get lost in it all too but some of the things that start making sense
Starting point is 02:06:25 is when they start talking about like the difference between the haves and the have-nots and like how like back in the day like a CEO average would make like 20 times
Starting point is 02:06:33 more than the worker. Now that some of these CEOs are making like 350 times more than the average worker. So you start going, okay, I see. Like right now, they're saying that
Starting point is 02:06:42 a lot of these banks have made their, like they weren't affected by the economic crunch because we bailed them out. And now a lot of these bankers are making a lot more money, and yet the economy is supposedly still bad, and people that had mortgages that were belly up are still belly up. Money in and of itself is so strange to me. The idea that it's based on nothing but confidence.
Starting point is 02:07:02 It's not gold-backed. It's just like it's so hard to pay attention to everything yeah there's just too much shit going on in the world absolutely there's too many goddamn experiments going on there's too many new science inventions that i have to look at every day yeah there's some new one they invented where they they installed some microchip into a rat's brain and the rat recovered lost memories and they're thinking they're going to eventually be able to do this to people. There's just so much
Starting point is 02:07:27 fucking shit going on. I can't pay attention to everything. It's impossible. Yeah. No, it is. It's pretty overwhelming sometimes. It's a crazy world we live in.
Starting point is 02:07:35 And we got a tweet in the middle of that. You got a tweet. You got a tweet. You got a tweet. Dude, what is your Twitter page? It's at Moz Jobrani. At Moz Jobrani.
Starting point is 02:07:43 Yeah, I just kind of got going on it. I got you here. Yeah. Okay, so please follow him. M-A-Z-J-O-B-R-A-N-I. Where are you at soon? Well, people can go to the website, or actually we're doing our own podcast now.
Starting point is 02:07:59, and people can go to And that's you, Al Madrigal, and Chris Spencer. Yeah. Sounds awesome. And where can people see you do stand-up in the future? Comedy Store, Laugh Factory, Improv. Just go to
Starting point is 02:08:12 You can find information there. I will be at the Carnegie Music Hall of Pittsburgh on this Saturday, the 25th, with Joey Coco Diaz. And then next Friday, the 1st of July, we're going to be at the Mandalay Bay Theater. That's a full Death Squad show. Ari Shafir, Joey Diaz, me, and Doug Benson's going to stop by and do a guest spot. And Brian's going to be there, and you can hug him. There's going to be a lot of people in town that weekend because also Sam's having a naughty show that weekend for three days straight.
Starting point is 02:08:45 Yeah, in Vegas. That's this really cool strip club and he's doing it, I think, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday with Jenna Hayes. Oh, okay, cool. Well, we'll help him promote that as well. And yeah, so we'll see you in Vegas,
Starting point is 02:08:55 you dirty bitches. And so that's it. Pittsburgh on Saturday, the 25th. And some tickets are still available, but they're going quick. Information is You can find everything. And we'll be back tomorrow with Russell Peters.
Starting point is 02:09:10 And thank you very much for tuning in and thank you very much to the Fleshlight. If you go to and click on the link for the Fleshlight, enter in the code name Rogan, you will save 15% off the number one sex toy for men. You can shoot some loads into that if you like. Maz, Joe, Bronny, ladies and gentlemen.
Starting point is 02:09:25 Thanks for having me, man. A pleasure having you on, my brother. It was very good to catch up with you and see you again. And thank you, everybody, and we'll see you all tomorrow. Bye-bye.

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