The Joe Rogan Experience - #1171 - Nick Yarris

Episode Date: September 11, 2018

Nick Yarris is a writer and professional speaker who spent 22 years on death row after being wrongly convicted of murder. His books 'The Fear Of 13, Countdown To Execution' as well as 'The Kindness Ap...proach' are available on Amazon and via

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Starting point is 00:00:00 three two one stir it up nick we're live hello everyone hello everyone put the uh ear cups on and cheers sir oh man thank you joe thanks for being here man yeah thank you for bringing me out here man i know we meant to do this before but i hope now with all this good energy between us we can do this properly for the audience. Yeah, for sure. Listen, man, to say that you've had a crazy experience in this life is one of the most understated things a person could ever say. I mean, where do we begin, right? Let's tell everybody your story. So you were wrongfully committed of murder you spent 22 years on death row before you were
Starting point is 00:00:49 exonerated by dna evidence hello everyone my name is nick yaris and i was as joe said convicted and sentenced to die for a rape and murder i didn't commit at the age of 21. In 1981, a woman named Mrs. Craig was murdered in Delaware. I had never met the woman. I was in prison on unrelated charges, and I stupidly made up a story to try and get out of those charges. The police soon realized that I was a liar, and they fabricated the charges around me then. So it's ironic that in a few days you're going to Upper Darby, Pennsylvania. And that's where the murder happened really basically. And Linda Mae Craig was leaving her job at 4.05 p.m. on December 15th, 1981.
Starting point is 00:01:40 She's going home. She gets abducted. I don't know any of this. But I tried in desperation to get out of a lie that this officer put on me. I got pulled over in a stolen car. The cop beats me up. He puts charges on me. I'm facing life imprisonment and I'm a junkie. I had my head beaten by a man with a rock in his hand after he sexually assaulted me. And I did all the stupid things that people can do in the aftermath. I kept it a secret. And I let it foster all the anger in me.
Starting point is 00:02:15 I became very aggressive as a child. And I ended up in trouble all the time. And when I was in prison on these unrelated charges to the murder, I stupidly fell into that mindset of desperation of trying to get out of it. So the police put a prisoner in the cell next to me. He said I confessed to him. I was given a three-day trial. I was sentenced to death and put on death row. And then stupidly, I escaped from prison in 1985 and end up on the FBI's most wanted list. How'd you get out? I was being transported to court, and the sheriffs were being cool with me at first. They were talking about what was going on in Philly.
Starting point is 00:02:55 They were two nice guys, like 68, 67. And we drove five hours from one of the hardest prisons in America called Huntington. And I left there after spending two years of my first two years in silence. So if you opened your mouth, they would come in and beat your head in. So I was so glad to get in the car because my mom was waiting in my lawyer's office because they were going to give me a review of my trial because they withheld so much evidence. So I was eager to go to court. And it was the coldest day of 1985, February 15th. We stop at a gas station in Exton, Pennsylvania. And as I got out of the car, the officer driving pulled past the cubicles.
Starting point is 00:03:41 Now we all got out of the car and ran over to the cubicle together. And I went in and started peeing and the officer's holding the door for me and my eyeglasses start fogging up. You know what I mean? Cause you go from the freezing cold to the warm, to the cold, your eyeglasses. So all I know is I turn around and I come out and he has the door like that. And I put my head down, go under his arm and I turned left and go back to the car and the dude smoking a cigarette doesn't know that his partner went into the cubicle to piss. And as I'm running back to the dude, he pulls his pistol out and point blank shoots at me, Joe, like pow.
Starting point is 00:04:17 And as it went past my face, I was like, oh shit, I hit the ground. I ran and he followed me with the gun. I could feel it like I was waiting for him to blast me. Why did he shoot at you? Because he thought I overpowered his partner. Oh. He doesn't know. His testimony at trial was I turned around. Nick's running at me.
Starting point is 00:04:36 My partner's down or gone. I pulled my gun and he runs and I wasn't going to let a death row prisoner run. So I tried to stop him. I shot. So I run around the corner. I hit the ground. I ripped all the skin off my hands. I run around the corner and I fly towards this restaurant.
Starting point is 00:04:52 And there's all these people innocently eating dinner. And I'm running right towards the plate glass window because he ain't going to blast me, you know. And I ran like I knew he couldn't shoot. And then I shot around the corner. And I ran down to a gas station. I tried to steal a car that didn't work then I ran like 400 yards 400 yards 400 yards and I hid behind the car I just escaped from and I was laying in the weeds behind the gas station about 50 yards from him while they were screaming who was the bigger idiot for letting this happen and I was
Starting point is 00:05:21 thinking oh my god like what am I doing what do I do Joe what like how do I just jump up and say wait a minute it was a mistake you know he already tried to shoot me in the face right so I go high behind the police station and next four hours oh my god I'm being chased by a helicopter and he chases me and he pins me and he chases me and I was so fit that I ran for four hours through the woods without care what the branches did to my face or nothing, man. I blew out both quads. I did my hamstrings. I ripped my feet open.
Starting point is 00:05:52 I ran so hard in terror that I didn't care, man, and I got away. And I made it all the way to Florida, and I was going to leave the country and all this, and I said, I got to go back. How did you get to Florida? I stole a dude's wallet in New York, and I got on airplane and I went down to Florida and I tried to rob a drug dealer and I tried to do just I was sitting there I was so angry I was going to kill myself I was on uh I'll never forget this day I didn't want my folks to see me in prison handcuffs no more you
Starting point is 00:06:22 know so I was going to buy a raft and I was going to go out in the ocean. And I was going to have one last party with all the foods that I loved. Then I was going to stab the raft, wait for the sharks after I cut my wrist, you know. And then I was going to cap myself and go. Then I said, no, I'm going back. So I turned myself back in. They put me on death row in Florida. And I went back and I faced it, you know.
Starting point is 00:06:45 They beat me for four minutes, man. They broke my face, broke my back, crushed me, man, tortured me. And I thought, I'm going to get you back, you know. For all the days you made me go in a cage and beat some other prisoner while you stood there with a club laughing at me. I'm going to get you back. I'm going to make sure I start being a loving person again. So I'm sitting there in 1985, 1986 with 105 years plus a death penalty. And I
Starting point is 00:07:16 decided, fuck this. I'm going to be a nice guy. So I started to learn. Okay. I suffer from learn. Okay. I suffer from aphasia. I had my head beaten in with a rock. What is aphasia? Aphasia can be identified simply in people who have stuttering disorder. Their brain and their vernacular abilities are distorted by a disruption in their brain.
Starting point is 00:07:45 Either their brain is functioning too fast or their mouth is functioning too fast. There's a combination of the misfiring. And aphasia can be through trauma or through genetics. And aphasia affected my life so much as a young person, I never had the respect to listen to people because I couldn't function. I couldn't articulate. I couldn't speak. When I was at trial, people spoke words that I didn't understand. And it frustrated me. And when I tried to speak and I'd stutter, people would be like, da, da, da. Come on, retard. What do you got to say?
Starting point is 00:08:13 So after that beating where they beat me for four minutes and they broke my face, I began practicing speaking to myself. I began practicing speaking to myself. Every day, I learned new words, and I taught myself how to correctly articulate that word into a sentence beautifully for my own self in my cell every day. And then I became very, very good at writing. I began helping other prisoners. I became the most dangerous prisoner that they held because I cared about other men. I wrote to their mothers. I wrote letters to their lawyers. I gave up opportunities for people to write books about me so I could help another innocent man. I did all those things because that's how I got back at them for what they did to me. So in 1988, I'm sitting in my cell and I read about DNA. And I knew right then I could prove my innocence. So I was the first man in America
Starting point is 00:09:13 in February of 1988 to ask for DNA testing to prove my innocence. And they threw away all the autopsy material. And when I discovered new evidence, they destroyed that. And this woman who came to meet me and start visiting me fell in love with me and she believed in me. So she stood by me and told me that she would be with me either to the gallows walk or to the moment I proved my innocence. And for nine years, she stood by me, you know. And finally, we found some evidence that was testable in 1995. What was the evidence? It was sperm from a rape. And it was being sent out here to California to Dr. Edward Blake.
Starting point is 00:09:54 And it broke open in transport and spilled. So Jackie left me. I had nothing left. And then they put me in a special unit. And they started torturing me. I keep this part quiet. I never told the story. It would ruin what happened in the fear of 13 that's now out on Netflix.
Starting point is 00:10:16 But they finally closed down the old prison I was in for 12 years where the average rate of survival was only 5. And I was one of the hardest dudes there and I made it. They closed the prison down and they opened up Green County Supermax. And the courts ordered that every prisoner in Pennsylvania be allowed out of their cell for 8 hours. The administration looked at each other and said, Fuck that, not the crazy cannibals and not the serial killers. Not the dudes that have been assaulting and raping each other.
Starting point is 00:10:45 So they picked 48 of us out, and they put us in Pittsburgh in a special penitentiary setting in which we were in a sealed unit. And they put all these guards in there that weren't allowed to touch other prisoners because they were so violent and told them, we're giving you the craziest of the crazy. You know Buffalo Bill from Silence of the Lamb was a real man, right? His name was Gary Heidnik. He abducted black women in Philadelphia and put them in a pit under his house and fed one of them to the other survivors because he was building a master
Starting point is 00:11:14 race. He was my neighbor, man. Like, so they started torturing us and doing all this psychological crazy shit to us where they were feeding us to each other like wolves so i kept it all quiet until this year when once again misfortune fell on my life and i released monsters and mad men the new book that i was going to give you today and i thought you know i gotta tell that story you know but it's been so hard to come back from these moments joe it's just like, I look at what they did to me and how I went to that moment where the DNA is gone. Jackie leaves me. And so I find that I'm dying from hepatitis C that they did when they infected me of it, when they broke my teeth, when they beat me. So I asked to be executed. I said, I studied all the world's religions.
Starting point is 00:12:07 I read over 9,000 books. I did everything in piety my mother asked me to do. I was impressed. I don't want to die like Dale Carter did with the guards coming to his cell and taunting him, you know, teasing him,
Starting point is 00:12:24 and listening to a man scream in agony because the bile in his belly is killing him. So I wrote to the courts and I asked to be executed. I said, fuck it, man. I want to die as a man I love who can respect himself. The court intervened and ordered the DNA testing that was going to be done on the evidence and spilled. In July of 2003, the DNA test came back and they proved me innocent. So the evidence spilled and they just captured it once it spilled? It was in a box with all this evidence.
Starting point is 00:13:02 And Dr. Edward Blake, who did the OJ Simpson trial DNA, said that there would be challenges to it if he did the DNA in 1999, 1998. In 2003, they had advanced mitochondrial DNA separation so well that he felt confident in his results. So the federal court got involved and said, look, I don't want to have this man executed. I want the DNA done. So they did that. And it was amazing that on the day that I called the lawyers, they revealed the truth to me. I called this lawyer and I'm like, what's up?
Starting point is 00:13:35 He goes, Nick, we got DNA from three separate sources that prove you innocent. And I said, that's amazing, Mike. I'm really grateful. He goes, you know, we used to tell people you're crazy, that we never believed in you. I'm really sorry for that. I'm like, man, really? You want to take away my joy now, man?
Starting point is 00:13:58 So I was really downcast that the day I called my mother, my brother Mikey was having a seizure at her feet because he was an alcoholic after he fell off a roof and he died shortly after. So it just went fucking crazy from there. They take me off death row and they put me in a psychological cell and they tell me they can't trust me. That no human being who has had done to them what we've done to you cannot be angry. That if we open this door up and we let you out, you're going to get us. So we're going to leave you until the day they let you out. We're going to leave you in this cell because we don't trust you not to kill us for what we did to you.
Starting point is 00:14:39 What did they do to you? They used to have a thing called Gladiator Day. So the lieutenant would be off on a Sunday and the guards who started to come from the Philadelphia area were black and they didn't like the guards up in the hillbillies beating on black prisoners. So a weird thing happened where this lieutenant came up with an idea. Well, look, let's let the prisoners get this frustration out of you guys. You pick out the biggest guy, and you pick out this guy. So one day I'm sitting there minding my own business, and they open up my cell, and there's four of them with clubs.
Starting point is 00:15:16 You're up. So I got to go in the cage, and I got to go and hurt somebody while they stand outside. And if you don't fight, they're going to come in, and they're going to beat you worse than you can beat a man or get beaten by one man. So they did all this for their entertainment. Were they ever punished for this?
Starting point is 00:15:36 Not until after the riot when one of them testified against the others for the murder and stuff. I watched 11 people commit suicide. I've been stabbed, strangled, beaten senseless. The guards used to taunt me because I was accused of a psychological murder, of going out and stalking this poor woman
Starting point is 00:15:59 because she looked like my girlfriend, they said. So I was never treated like a prisoner. I was treated with deference, the worst word I know in the English dictionary. The way I was treated was so harsh that it was cruel beyond cruel. And yet, all I wanted to do was have enough within me to learn to beautifully speak so that on the day that they executed me, I could tell them how much I cared about myself. That was more important to me than living because somehow when you suffer like I have suffered, your head cracks open and you have a hypersensitivity to life
Starting point is 00:16:41 so that when you touch the human beings you never forget the 14 years no one was allowed to touch you you know what fuck this I ain't crying no more it's alright man there's nothing wrong with crying no I just thought about it you know what Joe I do because I feel bad for the heart
Starting point is 00:17:00 you shouldn't feel bad because I look in your arms and your eyes and I see the hurt that I'm causing you for doing this. No, no, no, no. Don't worry about that, man. All right. Well, this is what I know. All I'm doing is trying to imagine what your life has been like.
Starting point is 00:17:13 Don't you worry about me at all. I'm harder than life and I'm kinder than love. Secretly, I'm a saint. I never hurt no one. I try my best to be polite every day. And I've had misfortune at every turn. And I'm very sorry that I sit in this chair I believe good is going to win, Joe. And I believe that I had good again almost three years ago when I met my current wife, Laura. See, I had a woman in my life before that who used me and left me here in Los Angeles. I ended up homeless on the streets here.
Starting point is 00:18:02 And I was actually living up in this area on the streets because my good friend Noah lives around here. Him and Jason took good care of me in my bad times, I call it. So I go back to England. I meet this woman. I fall in love. We have a baby, and she's born on your birthday. And I start to believe in hope again. I go do a podcast in England with my good friend Brian from True Geordie,
Starting point is 00:18:27 and I start to spread my message again, and I want to get all these young kids to believe in themselves. Then one day I put the baby down for a nap, and I get Laura to lay on my arms because she's sick, and we get up 20 minutes later, and the baby's dead, and I'm coming down the steps with the dead baby and I'm getting all fucked up again. And then people are so cruel that in the village they started, you know, maybe the baby was killed by the guy on death row and all this shit. And I have a stalker ex-wife, Karen, who just won't leave me alone, contacts the police and tells them that I put out a tweet that night.
Starting point is 00:19:06 And it only happened because my good friend Anthony Samandani, who's in the green room, told me the day before my daughter died about a good close friend of his, they lost a baby that day. And so when our baby died, I put out a tweet just saying, you know, appreciate the people in your life because they're so precious. And the police came to our house and humiliated me and wanted to know how I could tweet about something. Because my clock was nine hours off because I was living on the streets of Los Angeles. And my time was still on L.A. time because Anthony and I are developing a major motion picture about my life. And I told the police, are you crazy like why would
Starting point is 00:19:47 i so i can't even get a break on the death of my daughter like the that was the moment that the director of the film fear of 13 decided to rip me off for my rights to the film um he decided to rip you off how he owed me 50 000 pounds from doing the film fear 13. He decided to rip you off because he thought you killed your baby? No, he decided to rip me off then, not pay me my money. When I asked him, I needed money to bury my daughter. So I end up in a shouting match with Arthur DeMoulis, the billionaire from Boston. I promised to get on his plane and come kick his ass over the money we're arguing over because I begged. It was crazy.
Starting point is 00:20:26 I ended up. I'm still confused. So what so your child dies is it my child dies and everything goes badly death syndrome yes and everybody that i counted on to have my back including director david sinkton who promised to pay me for my participation in the film all then then tell me, well, no, I'm not paying you. And I'm like, how can you do this when I need this money to bury my baby? Why did he say he wasn't paying you? Because he said he didn't owe it to me and all this. I said, well, are you crazy? You have a written contract.
Starting point is 00:20:56 So it's the same thing. You know how the entertainment business is. Once they get what they get out of you, that's it. So he just said he wasn't going to pay you no matter what the contract said. Right. So Arthur DeMullis invested in the film and he owns most of it. So I write to Arthur. I call him.
Starting point is 00:21:13 I said, Arthur, David's not paying me my money. Can you help me? Because he owned most of the film by that point. So Arthur gets all annoyed at me. I said, look, man, my daughter just died. I blew up at him. I told him, send me your private jet. I'll come to Boston.
Starting point is 00:21:27 We can have a fist fight. You love to fight. You know, all that shit. I lose control. And then Arthur, out of his grace, sends me some money so we could bury the baby. But I went through all this terrible shit. So I said, now I'm going back to America. So I leave England.
Starting point is 00:21:44 I come over here. I got two I leave England. I come over here. I got two daughters with Laura. We're over here now in Oregon. And Anthony, my God, I meet this amazing man only because of Muhammad Ali dying. And now he's going to help me make a major motion picture about my life. So I get away from all that drama of losing the baby and being humiliated by people thinking I would do some shit to a little girl. I go back and I rebuild everything. And then I try to go to Canada and they won't let me in. That's crazy. So I can't go do my job there. I lose all that. They won't let you in because you were on death row for 22 years?
Starting point is 00:22:17 Yeah. Even though you're innocent? Not only that, I just came from speaking before the United Nations sitting next to the president and current former presidents of Switzerland. And I have a security clearance from that. I just came from speaking before the United Nations sitting next to the president and current former presidents of Switzerland. And I have a security clearance from that. I worked in a high profile job in England, going around speaking all over to governments. But Canada holds it against me because I escaped from death row. So I can't enter the country of Canada. Robin Sharma tried to have me come up there and speak for him with his conference. And I had to humiliatingly do it from my home via Skype. It's like, I'll never stop
Starting point is 00:22:51 being punished for what happened. You know what I mean? But I don't care about that. What really bothered me was that all those things started to fall me and I started losing hope again. So I go and I even tried recently just to have a normal job and give up everything. I'm a beautiful speaker in schools and I go around and try and help people with their education, right? So I was trying to do that the last year with a friend of mine named Wayne Sharp from New Zealand. He has a company called My Verse and he wants to help children find the correct path. Education's so important. We can't get that going. I decide I'm going to give up everything and just go get a normal job.
Starting point is 00:23:31 But that doesn't work. So I'm sitting there, and it's Jamie's birthday, and I'm angry. Like, what the fuck? How could it fall apart again? So then you contact me after I tweeted. And it all starts again. And I'm back to believe in that. It doesn't matter how I got in this chair.
Starting point is 00:23:56 Or it doesn't matter that the man preceding me has everything and I have nothing. I still believe in good. It's called you this time. And I told you in that message I sent you. I said, fucking hell, Joe, you're going to change my life doing this, man. You didn't have to do this. You didn't have to be nice to me. You are. And for that, man, I'm willing to keep going.
Starting point is 00:24:20 I can't, I mean, I don't think anybody can imagine what it's like to spend 22 years on death row for something you didn't do. I want you to go back to the night that you got arrested and tell us because you kind of, there's some tissue right beside you if you want it. Yeah, I'm good, man. I'm done with all that crying. Go ahead, brother. It's just The night You were How old were you?
Starting point is 00:24:47 You were 20? 21? 20 I turned 21 Before they sentenced me to death I'm 20 years old I'm a Philly kid And I'm high on meth
Starting point is 00:24:57 And the music's blasting I'm driving through Chester, Pennsylvania In a stolen car Yeah, man Everything in my life Is just chaos I'm driving through Chester, Pennsylvania. In a stolen car. Yeah, man. Everything in my life is just chaos. I'm fighting with my two brothers all the time, and no one has respect for me.
Starting point is 00:25:15 I was ugly. And it's 2 o'clock in the morning. I just came from a bar. I go through a stop sign, and the next thing I know, I saw the lights. I pull over, and the beating thing I know I saw the lights. I pull over and the beating in my head's out of control and I'm sitting there gripped with fear. I took a beat in Philly on December 4th of that same year in which they ripped all my teeth up with a blackjack. So I was really scared, you know. I don't move don't run don't do nothing stupid you took a beating from cops earlier yeah you know philly cops put me in my place because
Starting point is 00:25:51 i ran my mouth so there i am sitting there and the next thing i know bam on the window bam and he rips open the door and uh a track from Bad Company was playing really loud. And I can't hear or make focus of what he's saying, you know? And then next thing I know, boom, right up out of the car. And he's got me on the car and his name's Benny Wright. And he's six foot four and he's got me pressed against the top of the car and he's holding me down and I can't breathe. So I start resisting. I popped his arm off and the adrenaline goes, boom, here comes the beast out the car and he's holding me down and I can't breathe so I start resisting I popped his arm off and the adrenaline goes boom here comes the beast out of me because at six two and that age I was crazy tough man I was like off the charts and so I pushed him back I remember that and he couldn't believe it he pulled out his stick and raised it up and I just snatched it out
Starting point is 00:26:40 of his hand and chucked it away I was was looking at him like I was that zombie guy. And he went furious, man. He pulled out the pistol, and I seen it coming. I grabbed his hand, and I pushed down. And I had my arms outstretched, and the gun went boom down into the ground like that. I looked at him, and he put the gun up there, and he said, That motherfucker almost—and he puts me in the car. I'm sitting in the back seat. I'm freaking out, you know.
Starting point is 00:27:04 He gets in the car, and he's like jumping I'm sitting in the back seat. I'm freaking out, you know. He gets in the car, and he's, like, jumping back and forth in the front seat. Then he waits, and he looks at me in the mirror, and he grabs the mic, and he's going, like, shots fired. Officer says shots fired. He looks at me one last time. He goes, help, help, help. Like, it's still going on. And, like, I'm like, what? Like, what's going on?
Starting point is 00:27:24 Dude tells him when they get there the backup officers get there he's like he tried to kill me he's got my gun and I got it back from him I'm like no this is going south they jacked me up take me out of the car beat me down take me to jail now I'm charged with attempted murder and kidnapping of
Starting point is 00:27:41 a police officer I'm 20 years old and I meet Skip DiMatteo, the public defender, who then tells me I'm facing life imprisonment and that's it. And they're going to put me in the security wing because my bail is going to be so high. I looked at him, I said, what do you mean, man? I was just driving home. I'm in a stolen car. Like he said, no, man, you ain't never going home. So I broke down and And I went through detox with no help, you know. So three days I'm in a cell with nothing but this newspaper. And it's the headline on the newspaper, Mrs. Craig's murder.
Starting point is 00:28:16 And it starts taunting me, taunting me, taunting me. Somehow in my head I came up with this crazy mantra. If I knew something about something that big, I bet you'd let me go about this lie I didn't try to kill nobody I was sitting on my bed and the guard was walking by and he goes what's wrong with you and I started telling him what was going through my head
Starting point is 00:28:44 the whole story. And that was it, Joe. Oh, my God. He ran down the block. He went to the sergeant's office. They got me to the warden. The warden's now been told this. So when you say you're telling him what's going on in your head.
Starting point is 00:28:55 I repeated it. You had a plan. To tell him a story. To tell him a lie. And when that officer responded because he heard the story i didn't have any idea what the impact of my words were i was so stupid well you're also going through detox yeah and so they take me to the warden's office and he starts praising me they take me out of solitary confinement praising you how tell me i'm doing a great job because what
Starting point is 00:29:22 did you tell him i told him that uh a man that uh I knew in the area had told me he had done the crime and that if they let me out, I would tell them all about it. And he told me I was helping the community. They were taking me out of solitary confinement and all that. They told me that they spoke to Officer Wright and he was going to retract his charges and only charge me resisting, and they were going to drop the rest of the charges, and everything was going to be good. And then three days later, they came back and said, dude, you lied. And the only reason you lied is because you want to tell us that you did this. They put me in a room and start doing all this shit to me. So how'd they find out that you lied?
Starting point is 00:30:01 The dude that I made the story of was no longer a drug addict and he had an alibi. So you just tried to pin the story on some other drug addict? The dude that robbed me, he rolled me up in a rug
Starting point is 00:30:14 and tried to kill me with a.357 Magnum. I figured, I heard the story that he was dead and figured they won't even find him anyway,
Starting point is 00:30:22 you know. But a 20-year-old doesn't have any concept of, you know, complex stuff like this. Especially in the 80s, right? Dude, they came right back to me, and they had me in a Delaware County District Attorney's office, and this Detective Martin told me in no certain terms I was going to tell him why I killed that woman.
Starting point is 00:30:40 I wasn't leaving that room. So for 13 hours they tortured me, man. Started bringing up my childhood and all that woman. I wasn't leaving that room. So for 13 hours, they tortured me, man. Started bringing up my childhood and all that shit. I told them, man, I just wanted to blow up my whole world. And they said, oh, that's good. So this is what my confession consists of.
Starting point is 00:30:58 I didn't kill anyone. I never meant to kill anyone. That's good, Nick. That's good. You never meant to kill her. What are you talking about? So I went to trial and I was given a three-day trial for the murder of Mrs. Craig after the jury found me not guilty of all my original charges. So I was really frustrated that a jury heard the testimony of Officer Wright. He would later be fired from the force, being caught up in a drug gang in Chester. He was dirty.
Starting point is 00:31:30 But they didn't know it at the time. But a jury found me not guilty. That prosecutor went mental when that happened, and he decided to seek the death penalty. So a month after I was found not guilty of all my original charges that I made the stupid story up by, they gave me a three-day murder trial that in essence was a joke. And what they did was they preyed upon the poor jury and showed them pictures of the victim and stuff like that, man. And they had an inmate who burglarized the prosecutor's home and was facing 20 years come into court and say, I confessed to him. That was it. So the inmate said that you confessed to him. Charles Catalina. They gotta gotta do that. Yep. So I'm sitting there and they dropped the bomb on me. I know it's coming. The jury was so
Starting point is 00:32:19 crass that they went out to the wagon Wheel restaurant and put their dessert order on hold while they found me guilty. And then during the sentencing phase, they had their dessert. I was 20 years old, man. I'm like, this isn't real, man. Like, I never killed or raped this woman. How can this happen, you know? And then the only mistake I truly think I made was that I told the judge to go to hell when he sentenced me to death because he couldn't look me in the face. Why do you think that's a mistake?
Starting point is 00:32:50 Because he decided to send me to Huntington Prison, the hardest prison in America at that time. And what was he going to do before that? I don't know, but he made sure I went to the place that they broke you. See, Huntington was designed as the prison if you raped another inmate, they sent you there. It was the first SHU program in America. It was the first real – What is SHU program? A special housing unit or security housing unit or level five super max, you know, like Pelican Bay.
Starting point is 00:33:16 And your punishment was that you weren't allowed to speak in your cell. And if you got caught speaking in your cell, they came in with a nurse. allowed to speak in your cell and if you got caught speaking in your cell they came in with a nurse and after they beat you down she jabs you in the ass with thorazine and they knocked you out for a week and you lost your mind so it was horrible like i told you the first two years of my sentence every day i kept my mouth shut i didn't care what was done around me or not you weren't allowed to say a goddamn word and they meant it and you're't allowed to say a goddamn word. And they meant it, man. You're not allowed to talk to other inmates?
Starting point is 00:33:48 Nothing. I dare you to sing happy birthday to yourself like I did. I paid for that one. They fucked me up, Joe. But I don't care about that. Look, I realized I was in a race. I had to kill off the person that I was. The person that I initially was upon entering prison was a deceitful lying coward with no fortitude
Starting point is 00:34:19 because no self-respect resided within me. And in utter humbleness, I took everything that they did to me, and I paid for every window I broke, everything I stole, every lie I told, and then I started to love myself. I figured I ain't getting nothing out of this but misery, so I'm going out like the dude. I'm going to stand up, and I'm going to speak beautifully on the day they execute me. I'm going to walk to that walk, man.
Starting point is 00:34:50 I'm going to do this. I didn't kill that woman, but I damn sure ain't no coward. I'm going to find out everything I can about life. And then I'm going to face my death. I'm going to do it with Jacques David, man. Like, I had this beautiful, beautiful speech ready for him too. I was going to lay it out and just be at peace because I realized there was nothing else to do.
Starting point is 00:35:16 I couldn't fight. I couldn't argue. It didn't matter because God's in control of my life and I really believed that I had a choice. Either be a bitter pill and get sucked dry by all the misery around me or get my shit right and start loving myself. So I taught myself how to speak and overcome this aphasia that affected me my whole life. And I found out that I was giving myself neuroplasticity healing
Starting point is 00:35:44 and I became very graceful and calm in prison. I was so serene and so powerful. How did you find out you were giving yourself neuroplasticity healing? I found that out from Robin Sharma. Robin Sharma is the foremost authority on speaking about neuroplasticity healing. And when he found out what I speak about, he said I am the living embodiment of his teachings, that through grace and dignity and kindness,
Starting point is 00:36:15 I've developed my own charisma that carries me with confidence. And that is the description of what he teaches professionals, billionaires, everyone. To explain neuroplasticity for people. Neuroplasticity is a reward system within your brain wherein your interactions, especially with other human beings, heals you. So people who suffer from PTSD, people who have had trauma in their lives can actually heal themselves by being meticulously polite. And I began all of this when I was released. My mother sat me down and she said, Nikki, listen to me. For you to get out of prison and not be a nice man is a waste of everyone's time. Every prayer, every time someone called me the mother of a monster, every time a woman
Starting point is 00:37:02 spit in my face, Everything that I went through is a waste of time for you not to be a nice man. So I want you to promise me one thing. Every day, I want you to go out and say, yes, ma'am. Yes, sir. And thank you. Because I want you to show respect for who you are in that way. They hurt this family badly. It's the only thing I ask. I didn't know that she handed me the tool to healing because neuroplasticity is the self-contrived act of rewarding yourself for being a nice person. And my gift over the last 14 years is that I made myself so amazingly pliable and gifted at helping others find the good within them.
Starting point is 00:37:49 That's the reason I'm truly here today. The thing that I've been able to accomplish through my writing and through my efforts is to show people that you take things personally in life, you'd be then a fool. Because what you've done is you've taken all the hurts and you've made them to justify reason why you have to be an asshole to somebody. Whereas you keep forgetting that you've been given a break over and over just to be here, man. Dude, I've been shot, stabbed, strangled, run over by a car, hung myself in prison, two drug overdoses, and I had a cannibal trying to murder me for two solid years. I know that I could fall at any moment from my own hand,
Starting point is 00:38:33 but God bless me, I believe so much in my purpose in life that I won't kill myself. I won't give up, and it's only because I've been tested that I know that it has to be for a reason. I had dreams about all this. While I was in death row, I had the most amazing intense dreams because of my suffering and they play out now. So what happened? Did I manage to touch something? We're all chasing or am I in a delusional world?
Starting point is 00:39:06 What do you mean by that? I told people last year, I told everybody on Facebook something bad was going to happen. And it did when my daughter broke her elbow. So I told everybody before it happened. I told everybody before it happened. Two years ago, I told my wife, Laura, I was coming back here to meet Anthony Samandani and go on the Good News Network and do a thing with Maymay Ali, who's a good friend of mine. And I told him how things would happen. And sure enough, every time it's played out. Why did you think something bad was going to happen when you said something bad was going to
Starting point is 00:39:45 happen? Your daughter broke her arm. Dude, I'm in a meeting with a guy named Kevin and John, and I look at them and I say, I have to, and I'm on Melrose Boulevard. My daughter is playing in the playground a few blocks away, and I'm in this meeting with these men about my film. I stand up at the table and I say to them, I have to go right now. I run outside and I ask my wife, Laura, is she okay? My daughter fell and broke her elbow and had to have six pins put into it in Cedars-Sinai. We have a $63,000 bill that it stuck us with, but I knew it was going to happen before it did. And I even told people it was going to happen. How can I have that touch? Did you know that was going to happen before it did, and I even told people it was going to happen. How can I have that touch?
Starting point is 00:40:29 Did you know that was going to happen specifically? I saw the event, but not in real time so I could make sense of it. But I saw the greenery at the park when we pulled up. It was the same. And I had the flash last night when I met Stedman Graham. I had all these moments. A woman last night pinned a thing on my collar, and she looked just like my mother, and I had this dream. Because my mom died on September 9th. And 10 years ago, I was actually on a flight September 11th for her funeral.
Starting point is 00:40:57 And it's all crazy how I saw all these things in my dreams on death row, and they play out. And it keeps happening with witnesses to my life that are recognizing it with me. So I can't make it up. Do you know what I mean? I wish my friend Jason was here. He's been able to help me just put this in context. And I'm doing this badly. think that somehow I went through an experience so intense that it is truly cracked open something that has given me a hypersensitivity to things. I think that it has allowed me truly to be humble
Starting point is 00:41:34 enough to really give my life for a purpose and not be ego-driven. Like, I have nothing at this moment while we sit here, but I am so proud of the fact that that doesn't ever stop me from believing in good. And you could beat me all day. You could put me in a cage. You could do whatever you want to me, but it's up to me to then make it misery. I'm choosing not to, man. I don't care how much I got to struggle from this point on or what graces I'm granted. I just want one thing to stay true in my life that I don't lose who I am. I fought so hard to be this man through a childhood of a feeling so inadequate because another man raped me to the feelings that I was so low of being cast aside as a condemned human being to then rise up and go and speak before governments to the
Starting point is 00:42:26 point that Kofi Annan told me that I was one of the finest speakers in the world, to then go and follow that and stand at the base of the Coliseum where human beings were put to death for entertainment and blow 20,000 people away and have it flawlessly done, and to recognize that I had it all within me to do because of one thing. That neuroplasticity gave me charisma, the kind of charisma you exude. So I don't know where it is that you hit that point where you decided to really believe in yourself,
Starting point is 00:42:58 but like you said, you didn't listen to that shit that people were telling you. And once you did that, you started to contrive all this beautiful charisma. Because I didn't even watch the fight Saturday when you were talking. I listened to you. And I thought, he's so flawless. It's not even thought of.
Starting point is 00:43:16 But people would never grant you that. You had to do something in your heart. Something within you made you believe in this guy, man. Listen, I have not had much resistance at all. I'm going to be honest with you. Like what you're saying about me is very kind. I really appreciate it, but really haven't had much resistance. Yeah, but what it is about you that makes you believe in yourself, yo?
Starting point is 00:43:38 What happened? Where'd you hit that point? Well, I'm pretty sure it came from martial arts, from martial arts competition when i was very young pretty sure from the first beat or the first win neither neither just um just how difficult it was just um um doing it from 15 to uh um before i was 22 i stopped somewhere around 22 but there's just the fact that it was so difficult that it uh it taught me hard work taught me focus and and i didn't have anything before that before that i thought i was a loser like i really thought i was a loser i don't know my
Starting point is 00:44:21 father um my stepdad's a very nice guy but there's something about growing up without a father that is still alive that doesn't talk to you. And, you know, my mom worked all day. My stepdad worked all day. There was no one around, you know. I just, and we moved a lot. I didn't have any friends. So I just, I just, I never felt like i was worthwhile that's what i mean it wasn't anything like what you experienced no nothing but it was enough within you that it
Starting point is 00:44:53 was the point i needed to prove myself that's what i need i wanted to show i there was something inside me that i needed to show that i wasn't useless and the only way i could show that i wasn't useless was by being good at things and And initially it was art. And then after art, it became martial arts. And the martial arts thing was more important than art because the martial arts tested me. Like art was beautiful because I could draw things and people would love them. And then it made me feel good that people liked my work. But it was, there's a big difference between that and the martial arts. The martial arts was so difficult to do and to compete at a national level. It was every time I did it, I was terrified. But after it was over, I felt better about myself,
Starting point is 00:45:37 and I understood that I could actually be good at things. So it was the first thing that I ever did that gave me a feeling of value. So I went from being a loser to being an extreme winner that's brilliant but it was just but it was but that is your point though but you're saying that people like held me back and that's not really the case it wasn't you know I mean I'm sure people judged me one way or another because of fear factor or some of the other things but the thing about going through the martial arts competition and everything when i was young i don't i don't give a fuck how
Starting point is 00:46:09 other people view me i don't i just do what i like i do what i like and i try to be nice but that's where your charisma comes from and where you got that from is still yours man i admire that a lot of people don't have the confidence to do that to shut it off that noise that thing that makes us all react to everyone else's opinion well i react to it i mean i most certainly feel it but i just don't it don't i don't let it change the way i i go through life and uh i think because of the lessons that i've learned, I try to express that as much as possible for people that haven't gone through those same lessons. So I can express that information and maybe people can absorb some of it without having to go through what I went through. I think what you went through is infinitely more difficult, more trying.
Starting point is 00:47:03 infinitely more difficult, more trying. And I think that your message and your story can show people that in the worst possible scenario, the beginning of your life as a man, you're wrongfully committed to life in prison. You're going to spend the rest of your life until they execute you on death row and all the horrors that you've gone through to come out of that and to come out of that with a purpose of being a nice person and learning how to speak and learning how to speak clearly and confidently. Like there's a lesson in that that said, I mean, I mean, this is almost like at a religious level.
Starting point is 00:47:49 I mean, you talk about someone who's created a diamond from pressure. I mean, that's what you've done. What you've done is you've figured out a way to, despite all this raging hurricane of emotion that goes through your mind that causes you to cry when you think about these things you can express yourself in a very clear way that lets people it just at least peer through the window into what you've experienced in your life and it can give people a perspective that they're just it's very very rare that someone gets fucked over in life as bad as you did. Very, very rare. And it's even more rare to come through at the end with a sense of purpose. Every day of my life, someone writes me and tells me they didn't kill themselves today.
Starting point is 00:48:39 Did you know that? Every day, man. They did stop drugs. There's a young man living in my house named Zach Kurz. He's a really good friend of mine. He really changed his whole life since meeting me. Even my close friends have told me
Starting point is 00:48:55 that I've changed their life. And I appreciate it because I recognize a lot of times it's the good within them that's resonating. And I'm proud of the fact that I have sat and listened to the words I kind of deserve for what I've tried. And I'm going to learn in the future to accept the graces that you just did for me. Because in the past, I always tried to, as you as you see diminish it I have worked very hard Joe I have worked very hard to craft my work into writing and like your drawings I was so proud of having a number one
Starting point is 00:49:37 bestseller in my first book and I was so proud of using my talent as a writer to then articulate what it's like to lose a baby in my journey through her eyes or to use this last effort in Monsters and Mad Men to tell people it's okay to have a bigger secret than the one that people know you by and still live with it. I've made a point that I'm done writing because I've accomplished all my work as a writer. And now I want to do one thing well. I want to help young students around the world take themselves seriously with their education. I did over 500 of them in schools all over England and Europe and stuff. I loved it, man. I got all these young lads and lasses to come back to me and show me degrees that they got when I showed them how important their education was. And I really thrive in that environment because I think that's where everything still is for me. Somehow, like I'm that kid, you know, who won't let go of needing to still chase the good in my life.
Starting point is 00:50:48 And I know there's bad things in the woods. And I know there's brilliant things in the woods. But I'm still willing to walk that path and find something meaningful. And that's what I came here to really say is that I want to make an impact with my words, but not overdo it. So I don't want to do any other podcast after this one except for my friend Brian's, but I want to do the meaningful thing without it having to be attached
Starting point is 00:51:16 to the social media draw that has hurt my life so much. Social media draw that has hurt your life? How has it hurt your life? Well, when my daughter broke her arm and we put up a GoFundMe page, I was viciously attacked because people expect me to have funds, but they don't know, you know?
Starting point is 00:51:34 They expect you to have funds because of the movie and the book? Yeah, and I'm not. I have nothing. I borrowed money to get here. Like, people don't know that. I'm wearing a shirt for my friend because he funded me to be here, you know? So I'd have food while I was here. It's don't know that I'm wearing a shirt for my friend because he funded
Starting point is 00:51:45 me to be here, you know, so I'd have food while I was here. It's like that real, you know, so people don't want me to not succeed. Like I hurt their image of me if I don't have wealth in addition to being this person before them. Well, I just think people just, they don't understand, you know, they, people see someone else's life and they like to assume the worst and they like to criticize you whenever they have an opportunity so if they see any vulnerability they they pounce yeah you know what you've gone through is the opposite of what most people go through people have difficult times in their life but more than difficult times you know what they have They have long periods where they don't have anything happen, where life is boring and life is just a dull gray and life is just work and coming home from work and the trials and tribulations of that and traffic and the kind of insane experiences that you had of being wrongly convicted and
Starting point is 00:52:48 spending 22 years confined in a cage, forced to fight because of vicious psychopath guards, that those kind of experiences are the experiences that allowed you to come out of it, kind of experiences are the experiences that allowed you to come out of it this very kind very open-minded person who's trying to better yourself and wants to see the best in other people the people that go through their life in this dull state of jealousy and bitterness and resentment and just constantly focused on themselves, this self-obsessive culture that we have. And one of the things about social media that's most fucked up is you're looking at all these other people's lives and shitting on them and comparing yourself to them
Starting point is 00:53:39 and finding faults in them and attacking them in the comments section and attacking what the, and the people that are doing that, they're all doing that because they're in agony. They're in a different kind of agony than you, but it's an agony of nothing. I know. And I looked at it and I thought, I try to craft a beautiful message on the social medias so that I don't get caught up in the arguments. And I always try to show the good in the world. And that's why I love like the Good News Network. I'll try and deliberately stay away from things that poison my mind because I don't want to contribute. I don't want to get caught up in the Trump era argument or the previous argument or the new argument. I want to post
Starting point is 00:54:18 meaningful messages of good because that's my overall message. So I thought recently, maybe I can contrive three beautiful messages for Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, and I could leave out this wonderful message. And then I can go about my business of going back into schools and talking to students because it gets too chaotic. In addition to all the lovely messages of the wonderful human beings that listen to me speak or they saw the film Fear of 13, read one of my books. There's also a lot of women out there, man. And they've been harassing me and bothering me. And it's put a lot of conflict in my life.
Starting point is 00:54:57 And I don't want that. Harassing you and bothering you how? A lot of women fall in love because of the film. The film made me look very attractive. What is it about women and men that are on death row too there's that one too yeah i know so yeah they'll contact me and tell me about their inmate i'm not an inmate i'm not a death row prisoner i was on death row that is a strange obsession that some women have yeah and it goes to a psychological feature of women uh who can fix things with their love. So they want me to deceive my wife to be with them but not be deceitful.
Starting point is 00:55:31 They want me to ignore all the social chaos I could cause to go and leave a family to be with them, but they still want to harass me. And it was so bad recently, even on my anniversary, I had to cut off people who were bothering me. I have an active stalker in my life. It's all kind of crazy. I've gone through a lot of experiences where the social media has really tested me. So I thought I'm going to try and be like the dude. All right, so they're going to execute me.
Starting point is 00:55:56 You said that twice, the dude. Yeah, the dude is the guy that knows art. So this is my last scene. You don't mean like from The Big Lebowski? Kind of like the dude, man. Like the dude. So seriously, Jeff Bridges, one of my heroes. Hey, what a moment. You know, Chris Pine, Jeff Bridges,
Starting point is 00:56:12 Ben Foster being interviewed about Hell and High Water. And they ask Chris Pine, what are you watching? And he goes, oh my God, I got to tell you about Fear of 13. I got to tell you about Nick Yaris. Man, this dude is the shit. You know what I mean? And my phone goes, yeah. I had dinner with him.
Starting point is 00:56:27 He's a really, really cool dude, man. Wow. You need to have Chris on. He's a really cool dude. He's really introspective and he's deep. Like, he's a real good conversationalist. Chris Pine. What else has he been in?
Starting point is 00:56:41 Oh, he's been in. Pull his image up. Oh, dude, he just did the. I know who he is. Yeah. I'm blanking on him right now. Oh, he's been in. Pull his image up. Oh, dude, he just did the- I know who he is, but I'm blanking on him right now. Oh, he just did the one with Oprah, too, and he did the one before that with Star Trek. Oh, that guy.
Starting point is 00:56:52 Yeah, Chris. He was in Wonder Woman, too. Yeah, he's just- That guy's great. Oh, I'm telling you, man, what a- Hey, to invite me to dinner and hang out with him. And even Harvey Weinstein pops in for a minute. Holla.
Starting point is 00:57:04 I'm like, I know. And he's like, Harvey, you just produced that documentary about the dude that was in jail. This is before everything hit the fan with him. Yeah, this is before things went tits up. I know. I had this real great blessing. So Alejandro Monteverdi, who did
Starting point is 00:57:19 The Little Boy with Kevin James, he has an amazing life story himself. I mean, his family was abducted by kidnappers and executed. This is real drama. The day I meet this man, I'm at a red carpet event in L.A., and he goes home and watches Fear of 13, and he comes back, and he tells me, I'm going to make your movie. I'm going to help you.
Starting point is 00:57:43 I don't know how, but God told me there are certain movies I have to make your movie I'm going to help you I don't know how but God told me there are certain movies I have to make and he's making one right now with Tim Ballard from the CIA about rescuing children from the sex trades and stuff
Starting point is 00:57:53 so he's doing really serious work you know what I mean so he wants to make a feature film so they're going to make a feature film about me called Conviction
Starting point is 00:57:59 right now it might be changed but I got the script and it's fucking hard man to read but we have all these A-list actors and my dream of course is Chris Pine because I think he's one of the best right but I have no say but I get this amazing chance to come out here and meet all these people for the film being made and I realize it's all meant to be man like all this crazy stuff
Starting point is 00:58:21 so maybe if I craft my message right, I can step back and let people appreciate the message I had without distorting it because I don't want to ruin it. I don't want to go too far and end up making a fool of myself when I thought the right thing to do was teach people about neuroplasticity and how to make yourself a really badass outside the ring by being a kind man and how to really make yourself a really nice person to the family and loved ones by having the self-respect about yourself to be patient in life. And things like that, you know? And don't ruin it.
Starting point is 00:58:56 You keep saying don't ruin it. You know, when you're talking about social media, I think one thing to take into consideration is when you do something like a GoFundMe or any time there's anything controversial, those are magnets for hate. And you might think that everyone hates you. But what you're dealing with is a very small amount of people from a very large amount of people. I know that, sir. If you're thinking about the whole planet, right, all the English speaking people, you're dealing with hundreds and hundreds of millions of people i believe so much in what you said that's why i'm here now because on my website nick we organize so today's listeners can go there and download copies of my book i can
Starting point is 00:59:36 get out of destitute times i can get my life together we did everything we could knowing that this podcast is reaching a million people so you're right i do i mean even like your social media what i mean is just the thing is to not get caught up in the numbers that come at you that are negative because it's just a sheer matter of volume right if you're reaching people through the internet you're reaching who knows how many human beings i think one out of a hundred is going to be the type of person that wants to send a hateful message because it's easy because they don't have to look you in the eyes when they do it. They don't have to feel any social consequences. They don't have to feel your pain when they insult you or, or, you know, say awful things about you or your family.
Starting point is 01:00:21 They're doing it because they want to affect you because they're hurting. And they're hurting for a very different reason than the way you're hurting. But this is what's wrong with social media is because human beings are not meant to communicate that way. We lose our humanity in this very shallow form of interaction. Because all those parts, what's important about people is looking them in the eyes, talking to them, hugging them, shaking their hand, communicating honestly. And any time you're missing any of those pieces, when you communicate dishonestly, when you don't want to shake someone's hand, when you don't want to look them in the eye, when you don't want to interact with them, when you don't care about them as a person,
Starting point is 01:01:05 all those things leave you feeling like shit. All those things. That's true. You're right. The social media is the worst form of it because it's just text. You have to interpret it yourself. You don't know what the fuck is going on in their life. You don't know who they are.
Starting point is 01:01:16 But you read that text and you absorb it personally. You absorb it personally. You take it in the worst possible form and you feel that critique in your chest. You feel it. You feel it in the worst possible form and you you feel that critique in your chest you feel it you feel it in your head i know i guess i got caught up in this notion that i could just go be a normal guy and have a normal job and people would leave me alone well they would if you weren't on social media and i i've already entered that form so well you don't have to stay in that form.
Starting point is 01:01:46 That's true. But here's the thing. Even if you do use that form, you know what you can do? You just don't interact. That's what I was doing. That's the thing. That's what I said I was going to do.
Starting point is 01:01:54 It's hard for people to understand that are on the outside. They're like, well, you asshole. I love you. I want you to interact with me because I love you. And I want you to recognize that I'm recognizing you.
Starting point is 01:02:05 And I appreciate that from people. But they have to understand the volume of people that someone like you is dealing with. That's what I try to convey. And I try very sincerely never to be ignorant to people. You know, it's fucking mind-blowing, Joe, because I had my mind made up. And now I've realized that I do. And it all goes back to a conversation with my boy Jason Daly. Me and him were driving along the 405 one day,
Starting point is 01:02:29 and the film Fear of 13 is about to come out. And I told him I didn't want it to come out. And he said, you don't own that film. Every kid that's ever had a shitty childhood owns that film. Everybody who's got a broken marriage or a shitty life or is really struggling owns that film. If you fuck this a broken marriage or a shitty life or is really struggling owns that film. If you fuck this up, I'll never be your friend again, man. And he was right. I don't own The Fear of 13 and I don't own really anything of it,
Starting point is 01:02:56 but its message is so beautiful. I did what I could to tell my story because we're all living our life as an experience, but we can only convey it as a memory. And I did beautifully for myself. And I'm so proud of the effort I made. I don't care that the director robbed me. I'll make my way. I don't care what I went through to this moment because I truly appreciate the person who wrote me last night and said, two weeks ago, I was released from a mental hospital after trying to kill myself. and my mom sat me down and made me watch film Now in the last two weeks, I've been going to therapy and I'm getting my shit together. I Don't film Joe and I don't own my message
Starting point is 01:03:35 I guess my message is taken on by the people who love me or not. Well, you're right I'm not gonna be bothered by the negatives. I Had a terrible experience with a stalker for 12 years who won't leave me alone. And it cost me my daughter in a divorce. It's all kind of crazy stuff. So it was really affecting me and my current wife. And I didn't like it. But I think I'm going to actually be the dude and just hang around for a little bit longer and make you proud of me for what I do from here on.
Starting point is 01:04:00 Well, don't worry about me, man. No, everyone that I love is going to always be on that list, man. That's what you use for motivation. That's great and there's nothing wrong with that. But I think that what you can do and what you are doing
Starting point is 01:04:17 is show that you can overcome things. You can overcome horrible things. Some of the most horrible experiences a person could ever face. You can overcome them. You can overcome horrible things. Some of the most horrible experiences a person could ever face, you can overcome them, and you have. And those messages, they give people inspiration. And inspiration is one of the greatest things you can give a person. I know that. You inspired me today.
Starting point is 01:04:37 I told you since this man, ever since we started communicating, I told you. I mean this. I even went out of my way today to Matt. Matt rang me, your producer, and I even went out of my way today to Matt. Matt rang me, your producer, and I wanted to make a point right away. I said, dude, I know a lot of people climb right past you to go to Joe, but I wanted to tell you, thank you for helping me and my family today. Thank you for helping organize. I made sure that Jamie got my love when I came in the room because he organized my trip. And it was so cool how he got me into the right airport and everything right.
Starting point is 01:05:06 Because I know that is so important to that man. Because a lot of people won't make that effort, Joe. And I don't want to be that guy that misses my chance. So I'm going to say thank you and yes ma'am and yes sir to everyone like my mom asked me. And make sure never to overlook people because that's truly my message. My kindness makes me able to come back. My good heart is made better by the fact that I want to believe in good. And it's crazy how it's come back to reward me in so many ways.
Starting point is 01:05:35 Like, do you remember when Muhammad Ali died? Yeah. Yeah, well, I didn't know Anthony Samandani. I didn't know his story. But one day, I get contacted by a man who's seen The Fear of 13. And I learned that he went to university out here, and he became a lawyer because of a promise to his mother to be a good person. He goes to the mosque every Friday and becomes close friends with Muhammad.
Starting point is 01:05:58 And they go to dinner every night with Maymay on Fridays, you know, and they become real close. And he tells me this story how, at a young age, Muhammad looks him in the face and says, you're going to be one of the men that carries my message in life. And he's like, I'm 22. What could I possibly have to offer anyone? So he goes through this experience. And on the day that Muhammad Ali had approval from the government patent office for this bracelet that says, Within good there is God. He called me in England where I was at the time.
Starting point is 01:06:32 And he says, I have a question for you. I saw your film. And I learned a lot about you since then. Why aren't you bitter, man? Why are you still willing to believe? And I said, my mother never prayed for anything but good. She always told me the only good there was within God. He said, are you kidding me? Hold on. And he starts sending me this stuff. I didn't know that earlier that day, Muhammad Ali's bracelet would be approved by the
Starting point is 01:06:59 patent. I didn't know any of that, but it was those words. You see what I mean about the synchronicity of all this craziness in my life? The next thing you know, I'm in Los Angeles. I'm meeting Alejandro. He wants to help me make the movie. I meet all these wonderful people like Adam Kalinan from Bottle Keeper. He's such a sweet guy. They came up with this company on the beach a couple years ago, and now it's doing very well for keeping drinks cold.
Starting point is 01:07:23 And he's done wonders for me and my wife. This man is such a lovely guy that I wouldn't be in this chair without him or Anthony or any of these people, right? And then Anthony sets up Maymay Ali and he brings me out
Starting point is 01:07:38 and we have a podcast and he doesn't tell her a word about me beforehand. Now, what's crazy was I'm doing this interview right behind where I used to sleep on the street and I kept all that quiet. Did some of my best work when I was homeless. And I do this thing and Maymay looks at me and says,
Starting point is 01:08:00 no disrespect to my father Muhammad Ali, but you're one of the most influential men I ever met in my life. And within five minutes of meeting you, I'm already changing things about my life. I decided right then, okay, then I have to own that man. I have to live it for her, man. Like I can never go back. I can't go back and be an average, retarded, mindless, angry person. I can't be caught up in the drama of everyday stupid shit. Like, I got to owe it to that girl, you know? And I have ever since I met her. She's one of the nicest people in my life, man.
Starting point is 01:08:37 I have some amazing friends, Joe. I really mean it, man. And there's so many connections to your life you wouldn't even know. Like, dude, when people found out I was coming to meet you, every one of them said pretty much the same thing. Joe's such a nice dude. He's so intelligent. I love listening to him.
Starting point is 01:08:56 I work with educators on a platform called NEPRIS. They love your STEM broadcast. I know people up in Waterbury, Connecticut, that teach out of the self-defense class called Practical Self-Defense. They're right now going crazy because they know Jesse Kosakowski is on the first Bellator card. and all them, they're like, Joe is so next level. I'm saying, so are you. It's like Joe's showing you to believe in yourself because he didn't get there because he had been handed this shit. I remember reading stories about you going to the MMA and just doing it so you could have drink money, man. Like to get free tickets and go in, right?
Starting point is 01:09:40 Yeah. That's true, ain't it? Yeah, when I first started working for the UFC, I did the first 15. Not first not for money right i did the first 15 shows for free for free yeah see what i mean well i was probably foolish financially my manager didn't think it was a good idea i just didn't care i just i was enjoying it that's what i love like that's what i want to do man i want to be the dude man was also a struggling company that i believed in, and I wanted to help them. But what you're saying is interesting because one theme that you keep repeating, that you want to do things for other people.
Starting point is 01:10:14 You keep saying that, like you wanted to do that for Maymay. You wanted to make me proud. This is a constant theme that you want to do good for other people. That's an amazing, amazing mindset for someone who's been through everything that you've been through. That sentiment, that that, and then your gratitude. That's another very, very powerful thing. Gratitude, love and gratitude are two of the most incredible expressions. And some of the most influential.
Starting point is 01:10:46 Because when you show true gratitude to people and true love to people, they feel that. That affects the way they interact with the rest of the people that they're going to experience. Like if they run into a new person just moments after meeting you, they will be nicer. And they will feel that gratitude and feel that love. That's real. And that's one thing that we all can do. You know, this thought that we're all powerless and helpless. That's one of the problems with this society is that the society is so overwhelming.
Starting point is 01:11:16 We have so much information coming at us. that what's important is beautiful girls with short skirts and fast, shiny cars and big, giant houses and private jets and diamond rings and expensive watches and all this horseshit. And this is what people seek. They seek that instead of seeking love and gratitude because it doesn't seem that that's important, but that's way more important it's everything because that literally changes the world it changes the it's like you know i always thought that that expression the wings of the butterfly eventually become a hurricane that's fucking stupid because that doesn't work that way a butterfly just generates a very small amount of
Starting point is 01:11:57 wind and they're small and it doesn't really work that way but the idea behind it, what it represents as a metaphor is that you literally, by your one person that lives amongst 300 plus million people in this country, one person with love and gratitude and inspiration, especially the way you can express yourself, that affects people you come in contact with and that in turn affects they people they come in contact with and that literally can change the world and actually can change the world that's real plasticity man that's what i'm good at i know it i've helped so many people heal their lives when i've interacted with them in intense time i've so i it. Let me stop you because this is one thing that you said to me before the podcast and you said it again during the podcast that you only want to do this one podcast. You don't want to say anymore. And I
Starting point is 01:12:53 want to ask you why, because if you have this powerful message, the more people you reach and the more you express yourself with this message, you're not going to cheapen your message. What you're going to do is you're going to get it out to more and more people. And the more people that you can get out your words and the way you express yourself, that's going to affect people. It's going to affect people in a very, very positive way. Okay. But the other side of that that no one can appreciate is that I'm failed.
Starting point is 01:13:22 I haven't been able to get anything going. I tried to start a podcast. No, no, no, no, no. I have. Let me, let me stop you. Let me stop you. You're not failed. First of all, you've only been out of jail for 13 years. That's fucking crazy. You were in jail for 22 years on death row. There's not a whole lot of people who get through that experience and can tie their own fucking shoes after they're done. You know, you, you, you're, you have every right in the world to be shell-shocked and incapacitated. You're not. It's hard to get things going.
Starting point is 01:13:52 The world does not open its doors for you, and success does not come easy. It doesn't work that way. So for you to say you failed, you haven't failed. You've already written books. You already have a documentary made about you. You're in the process of making a feature-length film about your life that's not a failure no I just failed in getting the platforms together that I need it's just and I guess even failing it's just it doesn't always work out right the first time
Starting point is 01:14:16 it's not it's not fail you're not a failure okay then here's the deal for you sir prove your words right to me and come on when I get my shit shit together, you come on to my podcast and we finish the conversation later on. I would do that. But even if I didn't, it doesn't matter. All right. You can do anything. But I just want to show you, you yourself, this idea that you've failed is crazy. You have not failed.
Starting point is 01:14:41 You have not failed. If you've done things, look, first of all, everyone does things that don't succeed and then you recalibrate and you adjust and you try again. No one succeeds and wins the world championship in their first fight. No one writes a book without learning English and without practicing essays that becomes the greatest book the world's ever written, read, written, whatever you, you, you, you take time and you learn.
Starting point is 01:15:09 This is what life is about. Life is about this process. And through that process, you find yourself through the difficult tasks that you undertake. Maybe I just, and you become better. You said you started a podcast. You feel, well, how long did you become better. No, man. You said you started a podcast. How long did you do it for? I didn't. Never got off the
Starting point is 01:15:30 ground. No one believes in me. I know. I'm just saying. First of all, podcasts are easy, man. That phone you have right there, I'm sure that phone has an audio recorder. My $11 phone probably does. Oh, they all do yeah every phone
Starting point is 01:15:46 does that's not 11 all right man it's a regular android phone right yeah no it's a good phone it's um one of these wafer these i mean look if you had this phone fucking 10 years ago people think you were a wizard yeah man if you're in the fifth century of course you would be well that phone i'm sure has a gel you know you're kicking me fifth century, of course you would be. Well, that phone, I'm sure, has a voice recorder. Joe, you know you're kicking me into this, right? And I'm going to have to respond because of the way I've always been wired. I'm going to do this then. You can do anything. It's not just this.
Starting point is 01:16:14 No, listen, I am, all right? You need never again encourage me, sir. Okay. If I go around doing that for others. I don't want you to beat yourself up. No, I have been rough on myself because I thought I'd have a platform and accomplish the things that I wanted to. And I felt really shitty that I wasn't able to take care and provide for my family. And that's the heart of it. Really, there's the struggle on that side. I wouldn't give a shit about fame. I've had the most amazing experiences in my life, man.
Starting point is 01:16:37 One of my first interviews was the Village Voice and the woman learns me at the end, Jennifer Gonnerman. She says, man, you you know you're living one of the greatest stories ever told man this ain't no joke and every time she's told me that words in my head I realize comes with a hell of a ride and a price so if I'm gonna own it I gotta own all of it I keep telling people
Starting point is 01:16:58 to own it when you do well so maybe I needed to bounce back and this is the day I step forward and start kicking ass again and maybe that will get me out of those tearful days that I've had to go through. Well, you have every right to have a struggle. I mean, if anybody has any right to have difficult emotions and a difficulty expressing those emotions, it's you. And I understand how you could dwell on things not succeeding the way you anticipated and wanted them to but you just got to keep going, man.
Starting point is 01:17:29 No, I'm such an honest person. I could never come on here and fake it. I could never do that for you, man. I thought that would be so insincere. So I just came on here and I decided I was going to pour it out, honestly. Well, you did. And I feel like the best thing about it is, like Joey, you're so like me in so many ways on the on the down low.
Starting point is 01:17:48 Like you just you just want good. Like you just want to have a purposeful message that you want to share. And that's what I thought was really cool. I had a really cool experience last year. I went to East Germany to speak before a company and I met all these Lebanese refugees after meeting Navy SEALs. The dudes on the plane loved me, man. I built them up for being part of our military system. I made them really respect and honor themselves. Then I was on the streets of Berlin hanging out with these Lebanese refugees, and I made them feel so good about this fact that they still believed in each other. So I have some magical ability to go around and touch different groups and my message resonates with people who have been in the military
Starting point is 01:18:33 or been through trauma or not been through trauma, and I have a gift. I know it. And I've spoken in some of the most prestigious places and one of them is still to this day one of the highest honors. I spoke at St. John's Church in London where Thich Nhat Hanh, the Vietnamese monk who marched with Martin Luther King in Selma, Alabama, spoke. And he used to be my pen pal on death row. He was the first man that gave me respect when I was on death row.
Starting point is 01:19:02 And he questioned why I didn't have respect a lot like you're doing for me today. And he taught me to look at myself differently. So I went through a whole one year period of my experiences before I could speak at that church. And when I did, I was absolutely flawless because I knew that my friend was there and he was guiding me. And somewhere within me, I have some magical ability. I don't know where it comes from, but I have an orator skill. And once I'm past these dark days, I'm sure I can lay it down well so that I can carry a message beautifully to educational fields, purposefully into the corporate fields or wherever I want to go. And I love it that I do have a winning hand and I have a gift behind it that was earned.
Starting point is 01:19:50 You taught yourself how to do this. I mean, think about what you were saying earlier about learning how to speak so that you could speak at your own execution. That is a powerful, motivating force. Yes, sir. And to learn all of the world's religions so that you understood what it means to speak. Do you know in the Sanskrit religion a lot of the words are used as descriptive forms of things? So chair isn't the object, it's the feeling of sitting. So you have a responsibility and not only in the words that you choose to speak,
Starting point is 01:20:21 but in the manner that you deliver them and the vibrations within you that you caringly share with another person. Because there is a receptor within us all to the truth and it resonates and it rises within us. And so I found that powerful ability to talk to myself in that manner so that I could love myself. And I would stand in the window of my cell and talk to myself or quote beautiful texts. And I loved reading The Prophet by Khalil Gibran. I read it over 20 times because I thought his message was so powerful because he lost his entire family while he wrote this book over a three-year journey. And although I might have come back from the ashes like Peachy Carnahan and the man who would be king from Roger Kipling, I still feel like I have a valid message motivating me to go forward.
Starting point is 01:21:17 And my idea from this point on is, I want to go home to Laura and the kids and regroup, get myself together. And I know a lot of people are going to contact me because of your grace to have me on your show. And what I plan to do over the next couple years, Joe, is I want to show myself, not just you, sir, that I'm right. Being a kind man, being a good-hearted man, being meticulously polite doesn't mean you're a loser, doesn't mean you're a fool. And if people take advantage of you, it's down to you to take it as an insult or rise the fuck up about the insult and just move past it. The reason I'm not bitter is because I didn't take it personal when they broke my teeth and put me in death row and tortured me. I didn't take it personal because right now there are 2 million people incarcerated in this country.
Starting point is 01:22:12 I didn't take it personal because 150 other men got off of death row. That's why I'm able to function because I don't take life personally. But I take love personally. I take it so personally that I'm willing to love myself. A lot of people can't do that. Do you know how hard it is to get a woman to look at herself without looking at a flaw? They can't stand it. Do you know how hard it is to get a man to be honest with his emotions, thinking that he's weak if he does? I would rather have tears on my face walking down the street in frustration than to just rip on somebody and hurt somebody. That's the kind of caliber of level of humanity I want to find in myself.
Starting point is 01:22:51 And I think we all do. And I think the message, like you said, has been distorted by the social media so badly that we need more talking. And I would dream of having a late night talk show and play some of my coolest music and talk to people, just average people, and just open it up. Like I want to just share what's good about me because my mother was right. Wouldn't it just have been a terrible waste of time if I got out of jail and I was just another asshole on the street? It would. You know, one of the things that keeps coming up is you're longing for community and this is something i've been thinking about a lot lately because i think
Starting point is 01:23:32 one of the things that people are constantly searching for in this world is happiness right so one thing that people don't have that they wish they had that comes up over and over again. It's a reoccurring theme. And one of the things that's also a big part of this life that we all are living right now is this very recent disconnect between our neighbors, our friends, by commuting to work and being stuck in this stuffy environment
Starting point is 01:24:06 where you can't express yourself normally, and this is the majority of your life, the majority of your time, and then we wonder why we're sad. We don't spend enough time together with friends. Here's when you aren't sad, when you're having fun with your friends, because that's what human beings are meant to do. They're meant to work together, to do something together, like something meaningful. It's the core of your healing.
Starting point is 01:24:29 We're meant to have community. We're meant to have friends. We're meant to laugh. We're meant to share experiences. We're meant to care for each other. And when that's not happening in your life, you feel like shit. What you're doing is spreading the fingers of your community. You're spreading the branches of your community by expressing yourself and helping other people,
Starting point is 01:24:50 by expressing yourself and inspiring other people, by sending your message out there. This is a type of community for people that are longing for community. You're connecting with people, people that are longing to feel a connection. And this is something that's missing this is something that's greatly missing in our society and you you understand it more than most because your time that they forced you to be separate from community that they did they gave you the opposite of community if you communicated they beat you up they gave you the opposite of community they locked you in a they beat you up. They gave you the opposite of community. They locked you in a cage, didn't let you mingle with other people.
Starting point is 01:25:29 And then the people that were around you, you didn't want to mingle with them. Horrific people that are just the worst examples of a life gone wrong. And you're surrounded with them. And you still emerged. And just that alone gives people hope. And that hope is something that everybody needs. I was a good person on death row to the point that a man named Tom Lowenstein wanted to write a book about me. And I turned him on to Walter Ograd, who's still sitting on death
Starting point is 01:25:55 row. And I asked him to write the book about Walter. And then CNN death row stories wanted to contact me and have Susan's friend and narrate my story two and a half years ago. Death Row Stories wanted to contact me and have Susan's friend and narrate my story two and a half years ago. I told them again, Walter's still on death row, man. Do it for him. What's Walter's story? Walter Ogrod was convicted of killing a little girl and putting her in a TV box, but he didn't do it. And he had the misfortune of having his brother attacked in his house and nearly murdered and being brought in for that investigation and then simply asked by a detective hey there's a girl killed on your street did you know anything about it he goes yeah i know about it next thing you know he's facing death row
Starting point is 01:26:35 so a jury finds him not guilty but for the sabotage of one juror he ends up on death row what do you mean sabotage of one juror he not guilty. And then he blurts out during the Valdez, I lied, I lied, he's guilty. So they declare a mistrial. Get the guy, they call the Monsignor to come in and say that now he confessed to him. They have a second trial. So they put Walter on death row and I meet him and everybody's abusing the shit out of him. So, I did the unnatural thing i stood up for him for all the bullies and i told the two men that were abusing them if they put their hands on him again i was going to get involved
Starting point is 01:27:12 and i started helping walter with his lawyers and ever since i got out of prison i kept my word to stick by him and fight for him so i gave up opportunities could have changed my life and now death row stories is back and they're going to do my story. And Walter's still on Death Row right now. Yeah, and he's innocent. And what can be done to help Walter? Contact Tom Wolfe and ask him why the Innocence Projects and the Integrity Units won't take up his case. There's no evidence.
Starting point is 01:27:39 And it was clearly, I mean, when you see the show on Defro Stories, it's just laid out so clear. I was a little disappointed they didn't mention me, that I turned them on to Walter. My selfless act was overlooked, but that was just my ego. But I always am like that. And that's what I love. I know that they were despicable, Joe. And the acts that a lot of men did were despicable. But if I let that stop me from loving any of them then i was
Starting point is 01:28:06 going to be nothing so yeah a lot of them were really messed up man but the ones that needed it i set aside everything and still cared about them man so spell out walter's name for o g r o d ogrod walter ogrod was convicted of putting a little girl in a box in Philadelphia. We need to get Kim Kardashian on the case. Yeah, man, because this is— She's getting people released from prison. Hey, Kim, if you want to get someone a pardon, it's Walter. This man has suffered enormously.
Starting point is 01:28:37 What prison is he in? He's in Green County Supermax in Pennsylvania. I fought for my other friend, Ernie Simmons. He got out. Here it is. The Trials of Walter Elgrod. Yeah. The Shocking Murder, So-Called Confessions, and Notorious Snitch that Sent a Man to Death Row.
Starting point is 01:28:54 Tom Lowenstein came to me while I was still on death row in 2002. And he said, Nick, my God, your story. I want to write a book about you. And I said, yeah, that's brilliant. But how about the guy sitting next to me doesn't have lawyers or DNA or anybody to help him? How about helping him? He goes, are you crazy?
Starting point is 01:29:12 You're giving up an opportunity. I said, dude, it ain't like that. I love this man. He has no lawyers like I do. So that's the pattern. That's who I am. So I didn't take credit for it, but I really did try to help another man because I felt like I would be so disappointing if I just took and took and took for myself. And, you know, I'm actually grateful I didn't go on your podcast two years ago.
Starting point is 01:29:38 I was a homeless person without a family. And now I got the two amazing girls, Zara and Bethany, and my wife, Laura. These two English girls get the dream life change. They get to move from Somerset, England, out here to Oregon. And my little girl gets on a yellow school bus, Joe. She goes to bus every day. She's into school.
Starting point is 01:30:01 I'm in the community. I got all these wonderful friends up in Oregon, like Donnie Hobbs and these guys that are my personal friends now. I'm in the community. I got all these wonderful friends up in Oregon, like Donnie Hobbs and these guys that are my personal friends now. I built my community again. Like I got all these cool people up there that love me. I got my wife's right now in Salem with her friend Carly, and they're opening up a new shop up there and all this stuff. So I really did it. Despite not having anything, I did exactly what you said. I went and overcame the deprivation and found community and built my tribe. Look, I know a lot of people struggle to have people in their life that aren't causing conflict.
Starting point is 01:30:36 It's you who's allowing it, man. Go out and find new people to be around because a lot of people want you if you're a nice person. It's just hard for people to find those people sometimes. And that's where they lose hope. You know, people, they don't. And one of the things they don't know where to get started. Right. They don't know how to how to get their life going, how to get moving, how to feel good, how to get success.
Starting point is 01:30:59 There's so many different things. And to those people, I say, just do something. The more things you do, the more things you can do. Do something. Do anything. Whether it's commit to walking around the block 10 times a night. Whether it's committing to writing your life story. And you know what stops a lot of people is their self-imagery, right?
Starting point is 01:31:19 Mm-hmm. All right. I was convicted of a rape and murder. And in everyone's eyes, I was a psychologically deranged person. I had to live with that stigma every day, right? Then when I got out, everybody thought I must be crazy as fuck because I spent 8,057 days in solitary confinement being tortured. So there's no way I could be sane, right? Right. sane right right their perspective had no effect on me because by that time i had given myself
Starting point is 01:31:49 enough education to know the difference between what was done to me and who i am and this is the problem with a lot of people they fail to stop doing this thing where i am this or I am that. And this is the problem. So I really have never cared about the perspective of anyone in the negative except for when they got it wrong for my intent to do good with them. And then it just became a battle of my own ego. So I realized that the truth is, as long as I know I'm doing right and I'm doing good, it isn't going to matter about their perspective. Because the same person who thought I was a rapist, scumbag, murderer now thinks I'm one of the most eloquent speakers they met in their life. Their perspective about me changed, but mine surely shouldn't.
Starting point is 01:32:38 But it did. And that's what a lot of people suffer from. They let that negative comment make them feel like they have to overcome it or have to live with it. And I'll tell you what, Joe, I really never expected this, but for the first time in my life from conducting an interview,
Starting point is 01:32:53 throughout the whole process, I've been reevaluating who I am and what I'm saying. It's like a fucking slap in the face, man. Like I came in here bedraggled with my emotions, carrying them on my sleeves and all the stress.
Starting point is 01:33:05 I haven't slept well for days. I haven't taken care of myself. That's bullshit. I didn't do well in articulating. And you gave me a wake up call that I've never had before in any experience. You can go back and look through the history of the many experiences I've had of interviews. And I've done some outstanding ones. I've never had a personal experience
Starting point is 01:33:26 where throughout the course of speaking to another man I started to re-evaluate everything I held firmly to and I promise you I'm going to go and think a whole lot about this and get my shit together because I do owe it to a lot of people to be one badass motherfucker with a hell of a message
Starting point is 01:33:41 you owe it to yourself damn straight man I'm going to yourself. Damn straight, man. I'm going to do that. I really am, man. So if you want me to come and speak before your corporate functions or a high school or a university, I'd do that better than anyone. In fact, I'm one of the finest speakers on the planet. And I learned it because I watched Bruce Springsteen. Do you remember that speech he gave at the Oscars for Philadelphia?
Starting point is 01:34:06 No. Wow. I never watched the Oscars. Dude, get that up. Really? My God. Bruce Springsteen is one of the finest speakers. I think we'd get yanked off of YouTube, unfortunately, if we put it up.
Starting point is 01:34:14 No, but just the image. But dude gave one of the most profound speeches I ever watched. Dude can speak beautiful. Bruce Springsteen's a bad motherfucker. Yeah. He made the nexus point between music and imagery so poignant that I was blown away by it. So much so that when we made the documentary, Fear of 13, that's all I kept imagining when I spoke was the imagery we would be lended. that I worked very hard to bring the whole audience into my cell one time to spend with me my story in a way that no one ever did before.
Starting point is 01:34:51 And I fucking rocked it. That's awesome. Yeah, I like that. I like the fact that I know I have talent in that field. I don't want to boast, but I have a gift. And it came light years ahead of me when I watched. I had 400 students in Ealing enraptured at a conference. My friend, an educator named Edmund Dobson, set this whole thing up.
Starting point is 01:35:16 So I go there. You could hear a pin drop. Because all along, somewhere along the way, an energy clicks in and I can hold the room in the palm of my hand. I've had some amazing experiences with it. I don't know how to stay it. But that cult of personality lure of being on the stage and talking to people is powerful, man. And I can see why Tony Robbins and everybody gets up and they do that. I'm not a life coach. I can't coach no one's life, but I can tell you about your life in ways that would make you really invigorated to want to make
Starting point is 01:35:59 a better life for yourself. But no one could truly be your life coach. You got to do that shit yourself. And I love it. I love it that I understood those moments because one of the coolest things was I used to go to the Globe Theater. Anybody that understands Shakespeare understands the Globe Theater is the center of the world for Shakespeare.
Starting point is 01:36:20 They would perform Titus Antronicus and then after which, Cleopatra would come out on stage and introduce me to the crowd. Now I had eight minutes, 10 minutes tops to do this thing. And in eight to 10 minutes, I had a crowd who had been spending for three hours long play, crying, putting money in a bucket for what I said to them and did it flawlessly every time. And I did it for a whole summer in London. It was the most amazing experience to stand there and look out over this vista of London after you did this amazing thing where people never expected you and you are nothing to
Starting point is 01:36:59 do with the theater. You are just a human rights charity chosen by the theater to come out and speak. And I realized at that moment I had a gift. If I could get people who had been standing for three hours watching a play to have wet tears in their eyes, put money, shoving it into a bucket for me, then I knew I had some ability to finally speak. I was no longer an aphasia affected, I was no longer an aphasia-affected, destroyed, distorted mind addled by drugs and used beyond belief to distortions of, like, I was so screwed up to come back to do that. I knew I was. Do you know I wrote this whole book in only three days?
Starting point is 01:37:39 Wow. 200. And I have a gift, Joe. Like, seriously. Like, I wrote, and I have witnesses. I wrote the whole book in two and a half days, man. Because it was in me. This story, Monsters and Mad Men, was so powerful that when I met Laura, my wife, I told her, I said, you know what?
Starting point is 01:37:59 I'm going to finally do it, man. I'm going to get this out. And it just came out. For two and a half days, barely slept eight did anything all i did was make love to my wife on a break or write and i mean poured it out and i poured out the whole book and i've realized that was needed to move on and it's what it's the best book i ever wrote my life and i'm so proud that it's my last one because i don't have to worry about no more stories i did the thing that was great all right so this one changed this is really fear of 13 my countdown to execution it went through hell it got canceled it's now fear of 13 then i wrote the kindest approach i did one called my journey through her eyes i didn't bring a copy and you wait a minute
Starting point is 01:38:43 do you not want to write like why do you say that because I crafted my series of books that create and captivate my whole entire message and I want to leave it pure I don't want to then go on and make up falsifications
Starting point is 01:39:00 of things that didn't happen so all these are non-fiction all these events are true. All these are nonfiction. All these events are true and poignant to my life. And I think that's the best thing to do. Stay true to who I am. I was going to tell one story called That's Enough for Me as a fictionalized writer, just to show everybody my talent.
Starting point is 01:39:21 Because people in the past have said, wow, you can write anything. So I was going to do that. But I held back because I thought, I want to leave it cool. I want to leave it like this is my series of work. My work is I wrote two prison books and I wrote two books that will guide people in life how not to be screwed up or bitter. And I want to leave that as my message. I want to go and do other things, but those are my books. And I'm proud of the work I did. I got it out of my system. I'm a published author. I can go down in history as that, right?
Starting point is 01:39:51 I'm cool with that. I don't really want to then push it and think that I can then lure people into reading more works that I contrived because that's not really fair to them. Do you know what I mean? I want to keep it that way. I think that's one of the things I want to try and stay true to. Now, speaking, that's my love. Now, Nick, if someone wanted to hire you to speak, where would they go? So it's really simple. Everyone on the podcast can easily find me on the other social medias. But I have, like I said, my really close friends, Adam Callahan and his wife just had a baby so
Starting point is 01:40:26 they're running my website and a lot of people can reach me for functions like that but I really love the fact that I have a chance also with this to go ahead and go into schools and there's a really cool thing you know this x generation times three men they're like so computer savvy right so much so that you actually are starting a trend there's no longer 15 minutes of fame there's the five second video clip of fame now and it's been reduced it's just like everything's five seconds you know i mean it's no longer so everything in the education field is coming faster and faster so we need to use the analytics of something like myse to go ahead and get a child to figure out who they can go and be in their careers and then follow that correct path. You can't just throw it against the wall anymore, Joe.
Starting point is 01:41:15 You have to really work hard to get children to feel good about being a taxi driver, a painter. You know, it's not no shame to be a person who goes out and does a simple manual job if that makes you happy as a human being you should be able to do that without the stigma right but the school's not going to tell you that you know they're going to tell you could be anything but why wouldn't you want to find out what would make you happy in life and be that right that makes sense to me so you're not going to learn that from school you learn that from people yeah from people and you'll learn that from from online more than anything today and that's why i want to be
Starting point is 01:41:54 involved in the educational field i think that's my greatest gift is someone who went to prison who hadn't ever read a book who accomplished the the things that he did, then can share how the purpose of my education was so that I was able to process life enough to handle it, to give myself enough separation to realize who I was as a human being is not the sum total of my misery, and that I could then help others structure their lives through politeness to go and get a good education. others structure their lives through politeness to go and get a good education. And I love that fact that I worked so hard through all these different things to not lose that message, man. And it really does work for a lot of young people. They find that their self-respect really does grow when someone gives them just a small little bit of a break, man. When someone gives them just a small little bit of a break, man, and they're so honest, I love it.
Starting point is 01:42:51 I'll never tire of it in that one regard because I've touched so many young people's lives, man. That's beautiful. Nick, that's a great message. And thanks for being here, man. I really appreciate it. I'm glad we did this. Yeah, me too. I really do. Can I give a quick shot at this?
Starting point is 01:43:01 All right. So I got some good friends of mine. I really messed up on Alex Ortiz. And I like these young dudes, these fighters. Joe, they're all mad about you. And I like it. What do you think about the Bellator anyway? Love it.
Starting point is 01:43:13 Yeah? Yeah. I think we need more. We need more organizations like that. But I think Bellator is doing a great job. Yeah. Jesse Kosakowski is going to fight this month up there. And I like the fact that his father teaches that kung tao with
Starting point is 01:43:25 that prison style of martial arts i don't know what that is oh well it's the old style it's like um it isn't like um the martial arts that most people would know because it's derived from the filipino prison systems it's like really pure styles of quick attacks and stuff like that so this isn't the boxing but no i i like it that like dudes like mike kimball and all these guys been really supportive to me and everyone like i said that knew i was coming on here i just want to tell them if i forgot who you are thank you all for being so supportive and i really want to say thank you to my wife for being so there for me lately and i'm really grateful that we've learned in this wonderful lesson that I
Starting point is 01:44:06 might belong to you, sweetheart, but I also have some good left to do. And I'm going to try and do both. Well, and I'm very grateful to everyone. Listen, especially to you,
Starting point is 01:44:15 Mr. Rogan, you're a really nice young man. Thanks, man. I'm grateful to you as well. No, I'd mean that Joe.
Starting point is 01:44:21 And I know you're going to do, you said I'm a nice young man. Like you're my grandma. You're a nice young man. Hey, hey even better i'm your sexy granddad give you some love boy thank you go and have a good day everyone i love you around the world bye bye bye martin oh man bye bye bye bye everybody Ciao, man.

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