The Joe Rogan Experience - #1180 - Everlast

Episode Date: October 4, 2018

Everlast is a Grammy Award-winning American rapper, singer, and songwriter. His new project "Everlast presents Whitey Ford's House of Pain" is available now on streaming services and for purchase here...:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Five, four, three, two. Ladies and gentlemen, live and available right now, Everlast, Whitey Ford, House of Pain, you. Yes, sir. How are you, sir? How are you doing, man? Good to see you, brother. Good to see you again.
Starting point is 00:00:14 Been a minute. You going to Vegas this weekend for the fights? Yeah, man. We got a little party the night before. We're doing a little show at the Brooklyn Bowl with my buddy Evidence and my crew. No headphones? You don't want to wear headphones? Oh, I'm going to put the headphones on.
Starting point is 00:00:25 I feel like I'm alone here with the headphones on. There we go. There we go. Now we're on the same team. Now we're locked in. Is this out? This is out, right? Yeah, it came out about three weeks ago,
Starting point is 00:00:35 something like that, maybe a month. Beautiful. I've been in Europe for the whole month just touring. This is like everything. Everlast presents Whitey Ford's House of Pain. Yeah, it's everything in the toolbox I brought to this record. So that's kind of where the title came from. It's been eight years since my last real studio album.
Starting point is 00:00:54 So I figured, hey, maybe this could be the last one. I hope not. What? Just like, you know, my story is like with the family. I dedicate a lot more of my time to the family than I used to, you know. Yeah. Just because of some of the, you know, extra issues we deal with, which everything is wonderful and great now, you know. Dude, I'm 30 pounds lighter than the last time I was here.
Starting point is 00:01:16 How'd you do that? Honestly, it started here because I purposely came here that day. It was the first time, if you remember, it was a while ago. I haven't even done a thousand podcasts since that day. But it was the first time I had come out and they started talking about anything that was going on in my life in a public way. I got a lot off my chest that day. I also planned that day to put myself in a position to hold myself accountable by this, by stating, I don't feel good about the way I look right now. And I reached out for like, theoretically for
Starting point is 00:01:53 help, you know, and I got an incredible response from the podcast audience and my own fans. I mean, I got offered from everybody everywhere, how to do this, that, and the other, um, didn't really need that. because within my own circle some people stepped up and i also did it to hold myself accountable to put it in the universe like i've thrown it out there now like i i put it up there on the wall and and stamped it and said here's what i want out of life right now and you know there's nobody stopping me but me and sometimes some of the things i've used to you i used to get on and see you talking about i'm not letting this inner bitch kick my ass today and i and i just started taking things I used to get on and see you talking about, I'm not letting this inner bitch kick my ass today.
Starting point is 00:02:26 And I just started taking things like that to heart, you know. How did you change? What did you do different? We started talking about it last time. Therapy, you know what I mean? It's helped a lot for me because of this, you know, the added pressures our family faces with my oldest daughter having cystic fibrosis. You know, it just for a long time, I was just learning how to live life with it, you know, and that got heavy. There was some
Starting point is 00:02:50 real dark, you know, heavy moments, you know, scary moments for her in the hospital, you know. So we I mean, as a human, you know, you have this baby and you're just trying to figure out how to not screw it up with a normal health situation. know this is this added thing so it took a long time for me to come to terms at first i got really angry i got into some real uh you know lieutenant dan war with god kind of stuff you know at the top of the sailboat flip you know i was there all the way and it got to a point where i almost i was that i almost got locked up for trying to fight a cop that was you know trying to just talk to me about something. I just lost my mind.
Starting point is 00:03:30 I had so much anger over so much that I wasn't dealing with. And then I found a guy that just really got me, a therapist, and it began the ball rolling of understanding how to cope with a lot of that stuff. Wow. So as far as like, first of all, you look really good. Your face, your face looks great. Your skin looks good. I'm taking a lot better care of myself.
Starting point is 00:03:53 It looks like it. Thank you. Are you, what are you doing different as far as like how you eat or? Um, just eating cleaner, you know, just trying not to, you know, uh, to be more aware of what's in the food and what's in the meat and stuff. You know, I'm still part of the whole commercial meat system, though I long to get into a situation where I'm hunting and doing things like that. We had talked about that for a while.
Starting point is 00:04:12 You wanted to try hunting pigs at a Tohono Ranch, right? Well, I asked you what would be the best starting point, and you were like, you know, they got boar up there at El Tohono, and I know some guys. And I actually contacted them, and I just, again, this life It's not just this, it's the added stress of like, you know, I have a wife that when I go on the road, she's
Starting point is 00:04:32 the sole handler of these problems, you know what I mean? So that, these things, you know, pile on you guilt and stress and all this, you know, and so yeah, it's just between that and when I'm home, I just invest myself, i want to be home i want to do as much as i can to lift that weight so like i get caught about the things all
Starting point is 00:04:49 the things i want to do i can't do all the time you know i mean but it started again now i'm taking care of myself like i'm actually about to start jujitsu again you know which i yeah because i forever i was so kind of goddamn fat in the middle of hip escapes were like you know every i was hurting my back or my neck every other time i tried to do i just quit because it was getting you know i mean i mean i wasn't it's super advanced i was probably pretty close to getting a blue belt you know i was about a year in on like four lessons a week with just the private you know i was with marcus venice i said beverly hills jujitsu for a while so now i'm i'm just looking to see what i want to do you know i've talked to eddie a few times i'm talking to a few other guys.
Starting point is 00:05:25 Kron has thrown some advice my way. Are you doing any exercise at all besides that? Cardio, not much weights or anything like that. Just keeping it moving. Two hours on stage a night. Right. It's good to do something first, I feel. I always tell people jujitsu is so grueling that I think of why.
Starting point is 00:05:46 I mean, you could just jump in and you will get in shape through jujitsu. But a good thing to do is like find a place that teaches you kettlebells and take some kettlebell classes and just get your body strong enough that it can do that. Well, I remember one of the things Marcus used to do. Marcus used to run me around the gym for 30 minutes before we could even start a lesson. Like, I literally had to puke for the first, like, month. Yeah, that's that old school way. And then it would take so long that he would be like, all right, you're past the puking thing. You've ran enough.
Starting point is 00:06:15 But at first, I would, like, literally be run until I was puking. And then the crazy part about it was 15 minutes after, you felt great when you were doing the lesson. So it all worked. Yeah, the old school guys, that's how they used to do it. They used to, like all the old school Carlson Gracie classes, you'd have a grueling physical workout first. Hip escapes, push-ups, sit-ups, bodyweight squats, all this different stuff. There's a good thought process behind that, not just that it gets you in shape, but also that you learn how to do jiu-jitsu when you're tired so that you learn how to just use technique and not use like physical
Starting point is 00:06:49 strength you almost have no choice but to relax yeah yeah yeah there's uh people that disagree with that though they think you should learn technique when you're fresh and it like sits in better but it's just two different schools of thought you know i don't think either one is right it's definitely good to understand what it's like to be tired and how to train and how to push yourself when you're tired. For sure. Yeah. I'm excited. I'm really looking forward to it.
Starting point is 00:07:14 I just started talking about it about two weeks ago, really getting back into it. Well, that's a lot of weight to lose, man. That's a big accomplishment. I've got 15 to go really to hit my goal. Yeah. I want to be 225. 225 is a big accomplishment. I've got 15 to go to really to hit my goal. Yeah. I want to be 225. 225 is a good weight. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:29 Are you taking vitamins or supplements or anything along those lines? Like a daily. But I have restrictions because I take blood thinners and stuff because of this titanium heart valve I have. So I have to have a vitamin that's devoid of vitamin K because that's what makes your blood clot. So a lot of things, like a lot of the juicing things and things like that when you want to go on a juice cleanse.
Starting point is 00:07:49 I can't do it because a lot of it's kale-based and kale is heavy green. It's high in vitamin K. It'll totally screw up my blood chemistry because I'm going the other direction with blood thinners. Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 00:08:02 I have to. Otherwise, a clock could stick to that titanium valve, break off, and wind up in my brain. You know what I mean? And then I'm stroked out and that's the last thing we need. Fuck.
Starting point is 00:08:12 Yeah, I remember when you put the microphone up to your heart and you can hear that. Yeah, I'm so, so like when I'm in here I keep feeling like
Starting point is 00:08:18 you can hear it anyways like all through this. I hear it 20, this white noise to me. If I want to hear it, I can hear it. I can take my pulse like this just by telling you. Wow.
Starting point is 00:08:27 Two, three. You can feel it? I can hear it in my own skull. Like I can hear it in my bones. I can hear it. It's in me. How long is that good for? Forever.
Starting point is 00:08:35 Forever? As long as I take care of myself. I mean, it's been 20 years, literally, in 2018. It happened in 98. Wow. I just get, as long as I keep the blood thinners going and I get checked two times, three times a year. And then the blood thinners are because if you got a clot, it would somehow or another get stuck in that valve?
Starting point is 00:08:57 A clot could, or it's a titanium valve, so the clot could actually form on it. The metal, if the blood's too sticky and too you know has too much clot it could stick to the valve then break off and then wind up in your brain whoa you know so what is to avoid blood clots in general yes right what's the difference between that and like a regular valve what would happen to the regular well the other choice would have been a pig valve and those are good for about 15 years like they usually had to open you up again yeah yeah i would have had a pig valve, and those are good for about 15 years. So they would have already had to open you up again. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:26 I would have had to have it done. I'd probably be due. Yeah, probably right now, too. Like, I'd be like, yo, here I go. Yeah, yeah. They do that for older people is what they do. Like, you know, when you get into your 60s, they'll really explore that because they don't think you're going to be around 50 more years. They just say, well, here, just for now.
Starting point is 00:09:42 Yeah, so it's called a saint jude's saint jude's artificial valve powerful medical technology eddie bravo's got a titanium disc in his back now yeah he just had a surgery that's right yeah his back moves around great it like he was fully compressed where there was like nothing left it was basically bone on bone he was in pain all the time and they just open him up and put a fake valve in there. That's crazy. Or a fake disc rather in there. But it's articulating.
Starting point is 00:10:09 So it like moves around like a regular disc. It's not like he's fused. You've seen people that are all fused. Yeah, they get the fuse. I have a friend that got that done. Yeah, they're super stiff. Like wherever it is, it's basically locked down. There's no movement to it anymore.
Starting point is 00:10:24 But Eddie's is actually, it moves like a real disc. Yeah, the shit that's going to be coming down the pipeline is going to be crazy, man. Yeah, I mean, I know people with fake everything. I know people with fake hips and fake knees and fake butts. Fake heart valves. Fake heart valves, yeah. Yeah, it's amazing. I mean, at a certain point in time, they're just going to replace your whole body and take your brain out and put it in some new body.
Starting point is 00:10:46 Or you're just going to be able to download your consciousness. Well, that's what Elon was saying. Yo, your man got in mad trouble. He didn't really. It's fake. It made some noise, man. Yeah, but here's the deal, dude. When you got $25 billion, all trouble is bullshit.
Starting point is 00:11:01 Truth. It's like, good luck with your trouble. Yeah. You're in trouble, Elon. Absolutely right. Oh, yeah. He's out there with a fucking flamethrower shooting rocket ships into the atmosphere. Yeah, that flamethrower is crazy, too.
Starting point is 00:11:12 Does whatever he wants, man. He's basically like a little kid who's a genius. Can you actually buy that? Is that like for sale? Not anymore. There's one right there. Oh, you're kidding. There's one right there.
Starting point is 00:11:21 Yeah. He sold them all out in like two days or something oh man i don't doubt it i would have been on there had i been hit what are you gonna do with it though that's just fun it's just you have a flamethrower but it's literally called not a flamethrower yeah it's amazing yeah it's basically what you saw in the movie aliens remember the second alien when they're shooting the flames at the aliens? That's what that thing is. Yeah, I seen him on something just the other day.
Starting point is 00:11:49 It almost looked like, was it here where it looked like he was going to set the building on fire? Yeah, that was in here. Yeah, that was on my Instagram. Yeah, he's a madman. The world needs more of those. More people like him, not more flamethrowers. Yeah, plenty of flamethrowers. So, are you looking forward to the fights this
Starting point is 00:12:06 weekend i'm i'm super jacked for it man oh you know we got this little show before is anybody coming out to jump around um i don't know they have to they you know i'm waiting for connor to you know how does he not i don't know that song well he comes out to Sinead O'Connor, right? He does usually that into the Notorious song. Right. The, you know, the, I don't know, the Notorious. Right. Yeah. Who was coming out to jump around?
Starting point is 00:12:36 Marcus Davis did. He did. He did. I know Cavillo, the female fighter. Cynthia Cavillo? Yes. Yeah, Cavillo. Thank you fighter. Cynthia Cavillo? Yeah, Cavillo. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:12:46 I know she comes out to jump around. Right. I met her at a fight. She was super cool. She was super, super, super cool. Quite a few people have come out to it. I think Meshida came out to it once. Really?
Starting point is 00:12:56 Yeah, yeah, yeah. He's over in Bellator now. I'm not always sure they have a choice. Sometimes I just think Dana says, you're coming out to jump around. Well, he definitely takes away bad choices. That might be where I'm not always sure they have a choice. Sometimes I just think Dana says, you're coming out to jump around. Well, he definitely takes away bad choices. I might be the sub when there's a really shitty choice. Like, here, throw that in there. But then Darren Till came out to Sweet Caroline.
Starting point is 00:13:17 He came out to, who was that? Neil Diamond. Yeah, and he had the whole crowd singing along. I'm like, this is crazy. It's crazy. Was that in Boston or in that area of the country? No, it was, where was that fight? Chicago?
Starting point is 00:13:31 Chicago makes sense. Neil Diamond, yeah. Wasn't it Chicago? It could. No, Dallas. It was Dallas. That's strange. That's a little weird.
Starting point is 00:13:40 You should have came up to Hank Williams. Yeah, it was weird. It was weird. Yeah. it's just like you know that's a big deal like walkout songs are a big deal you can't have a whack walkout song the thing for me is when I hear one of my songs I'm just always like oh please win
Starting point is 00:13:59 I'm just like oh please win imagine if your song becomes a curse yeah it's like oh man come on man like John Anik does stats on fist bumps. Like, how many times people fist bump Bruce Buffer, whether or not they win or lose. You know, like, and Diego Sanchez broke the curse in his last fight. He fist bumped Bruce, and he won. So the fist bump was a curse.
Starting point is 00:14:19 We were trying to figure it out. Oh, okay. Because he was like, I think it's like 50-50 right now like whether or not people when they fist bump Bruce Buffer whether they win and there's a bad streak for a while like three or four people in a row lost that were fist bumping you know Bruce gives you the intro you know you know in when he gives you the in you know Diego a nightmare Sanchez yes he's a little fist bump and if you fist bump him back you bump him back, if you do engage in that, like Anik was trying to figure out,
Starting point is 00:14:50 like Anik is kind of a degenerate gambler in the most positive way. I mean, he's not losing his family or his life, but he fucking loves gambling. And so he's always like giving you stats on this and that. Finding something to put a bet on, right? I mean, it's not even things he actually bets on, but he's always thinking that way. Could you bet on it? Yeah. I wonder if you could bet on how many people who fist bump Bruce Buffer.
Starting point is 00:15:14 You could find somebody to take the bet. The thought process would be you're not totally in the zone if you got the time to fist bump Bruce Buffer. I'm not sure if I'd buy it, though. No, because it's also your moment when you're saying your name, and it's like, I'd be in that. I'd be, yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:30 I don't know. It's tricky. It's tricky. Well, it sounds like it's about even, so it's just one of them things. Someone should do stats on it, because John Anik has only done, like, you know, just off the top of his head. There's some guy in his basement right now starting. Oh, for sure. Starting to watch the fights. on it because John Anik has only done like you know just off the top of his head we're trying to figure it out there's some guy in his basement right now starting
Starting point is 00:15:47 starting to watch the fights write it down okay let's take the notes well you could basically bet on anything these days right in Vegas yeah you could pretty much find a lot of things that you wouldn't think you could bet on that you can I don't even bet but I like the fact
Starting point is 00:16:03 that you can bet on everything't even bet, but I like the fact that you can bet on everything. Why not? Yeah. Over-unders, coin flips. And it's also, I like that it's freedom. I don't like this idea that people are telling you what you can and can't do with your money. Like, you can't gamble your money away. You have to go to a spot in the desert. Like, why? Says who?
Starting point is 00:16:20 Says who? Like, why can't you gamble right here? Why can't you have a casino? Why can't you have a casino on every corner? Who cares? Like, well, people are going to lose their paycheck and lose their family and lose their... Will they really? Will they really? Is that what's going to do it?
Starting point is 00:16:36 Is it the casino? Maybe for a while, but then people will be like, you know, we shouldn't go there as much. Yeah, it's like the infantilization of people. You know, keep them, protect them from themselves. You don't protect them from liquor stores or fast cars. You know, those things are everywhere. Everywhere. Good point, right?
Starting point is 00:16:53 Yeah. I'm with you, man. I could never live in Vegas, though. I could live in Vegas, you know, if it was between Beirut and Vegas. I'd be like, yeah, yeah, yeah, Vegas. For sure. Let's do it. I'll figure it out.
Starting point is 00:17:08 But, you know, it seems to me like this just, the whole thing is, it's built. I mean, there's shows and it's wonderful and there's neon and there's great restaurants and all that stuff. But it's also built on you losing money. Yeah. The whole thing is built on you losing money. And what's the real population of Vegas? Like a half a million people? I wonder.
Starting point is 00:17:29 Of people that aren't there visiting, gambling, and for the fuckery? Let's take a guess. I'm guessing like half a million people. Yeah. I bet you're about right. Six. Six? 630,000.
Starting point is 00:17:41 Pretty close. I'm not that far off, man. Pretty close. Yeah, it's a good guess. Would that have been, would that's close enough to win the bet? Yeah,30,000. Pretty close. I'm not that far off, man. Pretty close. Yeah, that's a good guess. Would that have been close enough to win the bet? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, I mean, if the price is right. Yeah, so you've got a real small town there that's acting like a city, too.
Starting point is 00:17:54 It's kind of weird. Well, what is the population at any given time with all the hotels filled? I would probably guess. This weekend's a big weekend. At least double. More than that probably i'm saying at least even like an off season off day you're probably at least double that but a lot of the folks that work in vegas they live in like henderson or something like that where you can go
Starting point is 00:18:15 into a nice neighborhood your kids can ride bikes in the street it's like normal over there to uh summerlin too that's that's really nice over there. Yes. Yeah. There's a few of those spots that are like normal. I actually like staying over there at that Red Rock. That's nice. Yeah. I don't like the strip. It's too much fuckery, man. Too much.
Starting point is 00:18:33 That's why I like you. I get quiet. If I want the fuckery, I'll take a cab to the fuckery. Exactly. The fuckery's over 40 minutes away. It actually says there's one and a half million people there. At any given time. Probably more like that, yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:46 Wow. So for the fights, what about a big fight weekend? That's what I'm looking for. I typed in for hotels how many people are in the hotel rooms. I guess there's 148,000 rooms. Whoa. Dude, there might be 148,000 Irish people there this weekend. Just screaming.
Starting point is 00:19:01 If you're there this weekend, just pay attention because it's going to be bananas. The last time for the Mayweather fight, there was a video that someone posted of Mandalay Bay. And Mandalay Bay was not even where the fight was taking place. And the Irish had this one hallway completely filled and they were all singing. They were singing some crazy Irish song. They should have done like Sixth Avenue in New York. They don't give a fuck yeah
Starting point is 00:19:26 damn it's one little island it's a little island they all got on a plane it's fucking crazy and there's a lot of us here too you know and i say us yeah i got a little in me one quarter that's there's there's so many more irish or irish part irish people in america there's more than there are ir Irish people in America. There's more than there are Irish people in Ireland. They did a lot of fucking. Yeah. They came over here and did a lot of fucking. And they weren't discriminated about, you know, color or creed or any of that.
Starting point is 00:19:55 Meanwhile, Jamie's got a notorious T-shirt on with the Irish flag. Look at you, savage. Is that available at There's a link there if you need it. Oh, my goodness. Powerful commerce. I want to try this whiskey, honestly, that he's got. Yeah, you're a whiskey expert, right?
Starting point is 00:20:11 I want to lay hands on it and see. What's a good whiskey? I actually was going to bring you a bottle of this, and I will next time, but I didn't because of out of respect for Sober October. Sober October may be falling apart, I'm going to tell you right now. Out of respect for Sober October. Sober October may be falling apart, I'm going to tell you right now. Ladies and gentlemen, Bert Kreischer's going on a cruise, and Ari Shafir and Tom Skura both gave him the green light to drink because this fitness challenge is falling apart.
Starting point is 00:20:34 Meanwhile, Bert is strongly in last place. Yeah, all that talk about the Mickey Mantle gene, he's not even close. But what's fascinating is Ari Shafir is very close to me. He posted today before my workout, that sneaky Shafir is very close to me. He posted today before my workout, that sneaky bitch, that he was ahead of me. But that's how close he is. He's so close that before his workout, he was like 100 points ahead of me. Before my workout, rather, after his.
Starting point is 00:20:59 Now he's like 400 points behind me. But that's close. 400 points is one workout. If you're an asshole and you want to get on a fucking treadmill for two hours, you can bang out 400 points. I banged out 500 today. 507 at the end of the workout. You're a beast, dude. It's not a beast, man.
Starting point is 00:21:18 It's boring. Red breast. I was watching Gladiator. There's little red spikes in my workout where I hit 90. That's when the fights were happening. I got amped. You might end up doing podcasts while you're on an elliptical at the end of the month. It would suck. Red Breast
Starting point is 00:21:34 is my favorite new whiskey. Red Breast? Who makes that? It's Red Breast. It's like an Irish whiskey. I'm going to bring you a bottle of the 20 year old. It's gorgeous. 20 years old? Yeah, yeah. It's beautiful. What was that shit that we drank with Stanhope that was really good?
Starting point is 00:21:49 Was it Stanhope? No. Elon. Stanhope brought it. And doesn't some band make it? That's the... Florida Georgia Line or some shit? Do they make it? Is it theirs? Yeah. They're like a pop band. They make a good whiskey. They're like a pop band. They make a good whiskey. They're like a country band, I think.
Starting point is 00:22:07 Country pop, whatever. Listen, man. If you call yourself country, but you get them fake rips in your jeans, you can go suck a bag of dicks. Okay? That ain't country. Not saying that they have that. I don't even know.
Starting point is 00:22:23 But you know what I'm saying? Like, those fake rips in the jeans drive me. I might have a couple little fake rips in my jeans over here. I don't even know. But you know what I'm saying? Like those fake rips in the jeans drive me. I might have a couple little fake rips in my jeans over here. I don't think you do. I checked. Those fake rips drive me goddamn bananas. Like what are we? We're pretending that we work hard?
Starting point is 00:22:35 What are we pretending that we've had these jeans for a long time and they're special to us? Or do we just buy them off the shelf at Macy's pre-ripped like assholes? Where the fuck did that take place? Like if our grandparents who made it through the depression could come over here and see us buying ripped jeans, they would realize like, what is wrong with this? Nerfed up, softened down, fucking shitty country we live in in America. It's too easy. Too easy to get by.
Starting point is 00:23:00 We need wolves in the streets. Young Eric. Wolves. You'll get me started dude Can't be running around with fucking fake rips in your jeans Meanwhile Brendan Schaub One of my best friends does that Oh who's this That's them with the
Starting point is 00:23:17 I nailed it I didn't even mean to nail it I didn't even mean that I just took a wild guess I don't know a goddamn thing about these fellas. Go to that other one. Go to that last picture. You're going to make me put the glasses on.
Starting point is 00:23:31 Look at those jeans. Make that bigger. He looks like he got attacked by a shark. I got some paint. Oh, you do have some. Some scrapes. You got some fucked up shit on your jeans. I'm going to keep it real, though. I'm not going to let you go in on them and not come claim my jeans here. Listen, I should shut the fuck up.
Starting point is 00:23:51 I'm basically wearing yoga pants. I got these barbell jeans on. These aren't even jeans. These are goddamn yoga pants. All jeans are made of weird, like, this ain't, I mean, well, these don't do that. These aren't even jeans, though. These are actually denim. These are like, they might as well be spandex.
Starting point is 00:24:03 I might as well be wearing yoga pants. But most pants are that now. Even the ones that look like jeans, though. These are actually denim. These are like, they might as well be spandex. I might as well be wearing yoga pants. But most pants are that now. Even the ones that look like jeans, a lot of them are that. Yeah. Yeah. They feel better. Yeah. Technology.
Starting point is 00:24:11 It's called advancement in human civilization. Yeah, you want to drive a car with leaf springs like an asshole? Or do you want some new magnetic Cadillac Escalade fucking electromagnetic? Do you want the breeze to cruise through your pants? Or do you want to be sweaty all you like? The breeze from fake holes? I'll take the sweat. Like a man.
Starting point is 00:24:35 I'm going to rock mine because I got skinny enough to wear these motherfuckers. Okay, I respect that. I'm going to wear these motherfuckers. And wifey likes these motherfuckers. Well, that's two pluses. Just don't wear cowboy boots. Oh, hell no. We rocking the sneakers for life, dude.
Starting point is 00:24:53 My friend Cam Haynes, he wears them cowboy boots, and I just shut my mouth, looked down at those big old wooden heels, and I think Andrew Santino's bit. You ever seen Andrew Santino's bit? He's got a bit about dudes who wear cowboy boots. Holy shit, is it funny. Oh, my God. Oh, look it up on the tube. I don't even know.
Starting point is 00:25:10 He might not even put it on a special yet, but he's got a whole bit about dudes dressed up with cowboy hats on and cowboy boots. Fucking hilarious. Anyway, but I digress. What's this cow skull with the third eye? What's that? Just a sweatshirt I liked. Okay.
Starting point is 00:25:29 I like it too. It's a brand called Adaptation. Interesting. It has a fake hole in the elbow. Oh, Jesus. Sorry, dude. Jesus. Full disclosure.
Starting point is 00:25:39 I'm not going to not tell the truth. What is happening with the holes? How did that happen? What happened to us? I'm sorry, dude. I'm disappointing you so not tell the truth. What is happening with the holes? How did that happen? What happened to us? I'm sorry, dude. I'm disappointing you so much. The reality is, and this is what's fucked up, why does it look better? Because it kind of does.
Starting point is 00:25:53 It kind of looks better. If you're wearing a shirt and it's got like, even if it's a new shirt, but it's got like those little holes around the collar, little tiny holes, like a little bit of rip here, a little tiny rip there. Why does it look better? I don't know. Maybe it's because it's not, maybe there's some psychological way of ripping things
Starting point is 00:26:08 that some people are more talented at it that they just know where to make it cool. They make it look like you're comfortable. I mean, when we were young, like if you had like a pair of Levi's where the knee was getting thin, we would advance that shit, you know? There was something cool.
Starting point is 00:26:21 Yeah, you would like, if it was like, we didn't do it or like rip them up like they do nowadays, but like say you had a pair of jeans long enough, you know, the knees something cool. Yeah, you would like, if it was like, we didn't do it or like rip them up like they do nowadays, but like say you had a pair of jeans long enough, you know, the knees would get thin if they ripped a little. You just kind of run with it, maybe stress them out, rip them a little bit more. Yeah, why not?
Starting point is 00:26:33 I don't like that. Oh, well. Presenting the $1,625 designer t-shirt complete with tears and holes. Okay, we can all agree, if you buy that, you're a fucking asshole. If you spent $1,000 on a t-shirt, you're kind of an asshole. The only good thing about that is I think that's a lady's t-shirt, and them holes are right above them titties. And all she has to do is bend over and tie her shoes, and it might not be a nip slip. It might be a nip poke through.
Starting point is 00:26:58 Right? Like, look where those holes are. Quite possibly. Those titties are jutting out. Right? Look at that. You know how that works, too. She might not even be wearing that shirt. That might not even be a person,
Starting point is 00:27:10 bro. You know what I mean? That might be a mannequin. Right? Yeah, they do things and they just put different shirts on shit with Photoshop and shit. Now it's crazy. But that's a stupid shirt. That's a $1,600 shirt. There's a stupider shirt. Look at this one. There's a t-shirt that has a button-down shirt sewn to the front of it.
Starting point is 00:27:28 What? Dude, it was on the blogs a couple weeks ago. You know what I'm talking about. See, he's in the sneaker blogs. Some of that shit leaks through and shit. So I'm like, you see these crazy designer crazy bullshit. Do you wear Yeezys? I have a couple pairs, but I don't really wear them that much.
Starting point is 00:27:44 Thank you. I'm more of a Jordan guy. You ever thought about lighting them on fire? Sometimes, like, when I, you know, the dude's kind of batshit crazy. I actually say that on his album. I say I'm batshit crazier than Ye and Sarah Palin. Oh, look at this. Yeah, that's a real thing.
Starting point is 00:28:02 Oh, good Lord. That's a real thing. Oh, good Lord. That's a real thing. So one side has a t-shirt, and then the other thing is sewn to the front, but it looks like it's hanging there. Yeah, it's just hanging. It is just hanging there. But it doesn't even look like you're wearing it. It looks like it's just hanging there. It's stapled to the front of your shirt.
Starting point is 00:28:21 What? Hold on. Go back to that price. It's $1,300. $1,300? That's why I was saying that. That's worse than the t-shirt. I'm going to buy one right now.
Starting point is 00:28:29 Oh, my God. $1,300. Wow. For that. Did you see Kanye jumped on the table at a university? Was he talking about leaving Elon Musk alone? That dude's lost his mind, man. What's going on?
Starting point is 00:28:43 I don't know, man. There's a lot of people that speculate and that's all i would say this is from me but ever since that man's mother died he's been on a downward spiral like losing his shit well uh you know i think he's suffering from some serious like no bullshit he did get into a serious car accident right broke his jaw yeah before that seriously injured a few years before that That is not a joke no like brain trauma and you listen I'm not a doctor or anything you've remotely related to one But I've been around a lot of people have been hitting the head a lot that shits real like that that will change your brain chemistry
Starting point is 00:29:20 It's 100% legit like getting hit in the head is no bueno. And car accidents will fuck people up forever. Some people. Some people are okay. They recover. But, boy, there's a lot of people that come back from some significant head trauma and just they're scrambled, man. And he might be one of those. And it also might be what I talked about in my last special, Triggered. But you live with crazy bitches long enough.
Starting point is 00:29:44 I remember that. They get to you something happens you were talking about this soul-stealing succubi it might be true dude that was an amazing routine i gotta tell you well i was trying to figure out a way that i'd get away with making fun of bruce jenner without being called transphobic i had to go a circuitous route it was brilliant i go a long route but i had to do it at the first It was brilliant I had to go a long route But I had to drag Kanye in there too First time I saw it
Starting point is 00:30:08 Yeah I had to drag Kanye in that too Because look Dude Look Drag every male that's gone into that Circle into it Every one
Starting point is 00:30:16 Every single one We lost them all It's spooky Yeah Lamar Odom was like A world champion Yes Basketball player dude
Starting point is 00:30:23 He just got cracked out Reggie Bush What happened to him? Reggie Bush got wise And fucking What he just dipped Bailed Like a world champion basketball player, dude. He just got cracked out. Reggie Bush. What happened to him? Reggie Bush got wise and fucking took. What, he just dipped? Bailed. He's got my old car. Reggie Bush has my 1970 Barracuda.
Starting point is 00:30:35 Is that right? Yeah, yeah. I sold it to this other dude, and this other dude sold it to Reggie. And he drives around that car. It's a dope car. That is a dope car. Yeah, so he's got some taste. Yeah, but weird things are going on over there, man.
Starting point is 00:30:48 He smashed and bolted. That's how you do it. And he smashed before the fake ass came into the picture, too. That's another phenomenon I don't even understand. Diaper butt. It's like, well, I'd like a nice round butt. You know what I mean? I like a real, yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:03 There's my car. There's Reggie Bush driving it. Well, it's not my car. It's his now. Yeah. Look at that, Reggie. You glorious bastard. You had her first.
Starting point is 00:31:13 Yeah. Not a really good car. Really good car to look at. It's a reference. Had to get rid of it. Oh, yeah. That's the Ray J song, right? I didn't even realize that.
Starting point is 00:31:24 I was just making an innuendo. But there you go, full circle. You wouldn't want to take second place to Reggie Bush, too. That guy is built like a brick shithouse. You know he was smashing that, right? Whatever damage he did to that, he probably was like a car accident. Maybe all that fake ass shit came after him. You get hit by that dude?
Starting point is 00:31:44 I read she used to wake up before him and get hot towels ready and put his toothpaste on his toothbrush. Smart. Yeah. Treat him like a king. Hey. He probably just smashed it. She was probably all day just delirious. Just from all the orgasms.
Starting point is 00:31:58 Just walking around bumping into walls and shit. This is a picture of him and her by the pool, and you look at him and you go, that guy must be just smashing that. He's a super athlete. I mean, that guy is built like a fucking superhero. All of them, that's all they really date. Yeah, right.
Starting point is 00:32:18 For the most part. Yeah. Except Kanye. Yeah. She needs to settle down. Catch her breath. And he came behind a basketball player, too. That's right.
Starting point is 00:32:26 Right? That basketball player, too. The dude who was on the show all the time. That guy was on the show all the time. Yeah. Yeah. Crazy. I can't even see living your life like that.
Starting point is 00:32:36 Out there in fucking public. Just every fucking bit of your business. Oh, that would be a nightmare to me. Well, it's also not interesting, but yet edited so well that you just go slack jaw and you just watch. It's just they switch from one scene to another quick enough so that you keep watching it and when it's over, nothing happened. Nothing.
Starting point is 00:32:53 And you're like, what the fuck did I do with my hour? You gave it to them and they advertised like 18 products that they got paid for. And they made a fucking ass load of money. When you find out how much that family has made, you just go, wait, wait, wait, what? What?
Starting point is 00:33:09 It's amazing. Yeah. Can't hate. Can't hate. You shouldn't. You should make fun. Make fun all day. Yeah, make fun all day.
Starting point is 00:33:16 Please. That's our God-given right. Yes. When you get that much money, if I get that much money, I can't even get mad no matter how much fun you make of me no matter what i do i could be a saint you still could make fun of me because i
Starting point is 00:33:30 got that much money nobody that's just the way it goes yeah and you're i mean you want to talk about someone out there those fucking people are out there they got everything out there yeah they're living like performance art they's like living in a giant glass house on a pedestal in the middle of the city that's where all that comes from though it's like you know the fake asses and all that you got to keep the spectacle alive almost you know i mean it's if it's not a spectacle it's not interesting like you're saying you have to keep changing things if it's not an absolute spectacle to the vision your brain will catch on to the my favorite word fuckery yeah i love that word too it's my favorite word it's a great word it's a good way it really is like a great first of all
Starting point is 00:34:16 it's a word that you can get away with no matter what it's not a word that you you know eventually you won't be able to use anymore no fuckery Fuckery is just going to be around forever. And it's just, it is perfect for like nonsense. Yeah. I've been, my English friends for years were saying fuckery. That's the thing. It's only recently catching on over here. Yeah. Really?
Starting point is 00:34:37 In the last like, you know, 10 years. I'm talking about since the 80s I've been hearing fuckery. I'm trying to figure out when I started using it. I started using it in regards to martial arts, like fake martial arts. I use it in all kinds of situations. You can use it lightheartedly. You can use it seriously. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:51 It works with everything. It's as versatile as just plain old fuck. Yeah. Yeah. Steve Maxwell. That's where I got it from. I started using it with Steve Maxwell. He was describing some fake martial arts, talking about, because, you know, Steve's
Starting point is 00:35:03 a black belt in jujitsu and he's like, yeah, it's a lot of fuckery and I was like, ooh, I like that word. It's a great word. That's a word I'm going to keep using.
Starting point is 00:35:11 I just looked it up to see if there was a good definition and it says it's also a definition for, another word for a brothel. A fuckery? A fuckery.
Starting point is 00:35:19 Holy shit. Dude, you just like opened my brain in a new way. Of course. That's like, duh. Of course opened my brain in a new way. Of course. That's like, duh. Of course they'd call it a fuckery.
Starting point is 00:35:29 Are you going to the fuckery? That's amazing. Yeah, like a brewery, a fuckery. Oh, that's too good. Oh, that's hilarious. That never would have dawned on me had you not just told me that. A brothel, vulgar slang, uncountable sexual intercourse. What?
Starting point is 00:35:47 Yes. It means that which is fucked up. That which is fucked up is... That which is fucked up is a hilarious definition. It is a fuckery. That is hilarious. A fuckery. I had only used it in its verb form.
Starting point is 00:36:04 It's actually a noun. There is a fuckery. A fuckery. I had only used it in its verb form. It's actually a noun. There is a fuckery. A fuckery. A place. A place where you can go get your fuckery on. Dude, that's brand new. That's like literally brand new. The translation in the French I guess is what it says. Oh, French.
Starting point is 00:36:19 They figured out a lot of shit. Have you ever been to Paris? Oh, I love Paris. Did you ever go to that place underneath that has all the skeletons? No, I have not been to the catacombs. Friends of mine have gone, though. Yeah, I want to go, man. I want to go and see that. Yeah, you can get tours and all kinds of shit like that.
Starting point is 00:36:34 Was that the people that died in the plagues? Is that what it is? I think so. And they just buried them? Yeah, the church put them all in the catacombs. Do you know at one time Paris had a wolf problem and people were getting killed by wolves? In recent history? 1400.
Starting point is 00:36:52 Oh, okay. Look at that. Wow. Look at those pictures of all those skulls. There's a crazy story about the wolves in Paris. I have been to a place. Whenever I see pictures of this, it reminds me. There's a place in, I want to say, what country is Prague?
Starting point is 00:37:04 The Czech Republic? I think it's called Kutna Hora. K-U-T-N-A H-O-R-A. It's like a church that's built of like thousands of people's skeletons, man. It's crazy. Yeah, there it is, dude.
Starting point is 00:37:20 That place is bananas, man. Did you go to that too? Oh, no, I've been there. I haven't been to the catacombs. I'm saying whenever I see pictures of the catacombs, but this place is like an entire church decorated and then they have like little dens of like places like altars. It's like thousands and thousands. Those are like vertebrae. Those spine.
Starting point is 00:37:36 Oh, no. There's another one where it's like all spines. Whoa. It's crazy. That is bananas. It's nutty. Kutna Ora. And it's, you know, you can just go there and I think you pay like a couple of whatever euros and you can walk in there.
Starting point is 00:37:50 I got tons of flicks in there. It's weird when you go to those places and you realize these places are that. Like I was in Italy and there was a church that I went to and there was this glass floor. The church was over a thousand years old. was this glass floor the church was over a thousand years old and there's a glass floor that you walk on below the glass floor is the old church that the thousand year old church was built on they have no idea how old the old church is that's crazy yeah which church was it it's in ravello it's at the top of like there's a bunch of cute little shops and little hotels and shit out there. I just want to make sure I check it out.
Starting point is 00:38:26 There's a small church there. Yeah. The church that you could visit is more than 1,000 years old. I put a picture on my Instagram of this crazy picture of what they thought a whale looked like. It was a story of, you know, who was the dude who got eaten by the whale in the Bible? Jonah. Jonah. Jonah and the whale.
Starting point is 00:38:44 And it's like in a mosaic on the wall. But it's like what they thought a whale was. It's like before they had photos, some dude would draw you a picture of some shit he saw. Like, this is what a whale looks like, my friend. And then some other dude who never saw a whale would make a mosaic of this shit and put it on the wall. It's just so weird and we went to uh the place that got fucked up by the volcano to um pompeii pompeii yeah that was fascinating too it's crazy see people just instantly 20 feet of ash just covered in ash just
Starting point is 00:39:19 can't even imagine yeah just one minute nothing and then next minute, a little earthquake. And while you're there, you can see the volcano. It's right there. Still active, yeah? I don't know. I mean, I don't think it's had a real issue in a long time. Did you see if you found that Instagram picture of Jonah and the whale? That's scary shit, man.
Starting point is 00:39:38 It's from July. Volcanoes, man. That's Hawaii. Everything going on there. Yeah. That's nutty, man. Scary. I read a story of somebody didn't touch the lava. Manos, man. That Hawaii, everything going on there. Yeah. That's nutty, man. Just- Scary.
Starting point is 00:39:47 Getting the- I read a story of like, somebody didn't touch the lava. They just got within like a couple inches of it and like- Burnt themselves? Like melted their skin like off. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Not even getting like actually hit by it. You get hit by it, your shit's dissolving.
Starting point is 00:40:00 Oh, you can cook on it. You can slap a steak on that bitch. It would dissolve. No, it wouldn't. It wouldn't. It's not the best conductor of heat. You know, you just slap a steak on that, sear it, flip it. It'd take one second.
Starting point is 00:40:15 There was some crazy chef did this where they took molten iron and they poured it down this chute. And as it was going down the chute, they slapped steaks on it. It was like they were cooking on this hot molten iron. That's crazy. Yeah. People get bored. I wonder if it tasted any. Probably tasted like shit.
Starting point is 00:40:36 Yeah. Probably ruined a good steak. Probably tasted like molten fucking whatever the fuck. Yeah, like molten dirt. Did you see the video of the lava consuming that Mustang? Yes. Did you see that video? That was wild.
Starting point is 00:40:48 Just dissolved. If you got payments and you just fucking, damn, man, this car is killing me. These payments are killing me. Just park that bitch. Well, that lava is coming. In Hawaii. Yeah. Watch it get melted.
Starting point is 00:41:01 Set up a camera. Can't imagine there's a lot of Mustangs over there either. There probably is. A lot of American cars over there. They buy a lot of Toyotas because they don't break. And they're small. Yeah. But it's also like you don't, you know, everything has to get flown over there.
Starting point is 00:41:17 So you don't want anything to break. Super expensive. Yeah. Everything. Food, housing. It's more expensive there than like the only other place that was comparable to me was Perth. Really?
Starting point is 00:41:28 Well, because everything's so, it's like everything's the same difference. It's the furthest, like, city, like, isolated by itself. In Australia? Yeah. I think maybe in the world. Really? Like, away from any other major city. That makes sense, right?
Starting point is 00:41:41 Because Australia's as big as the United States. Yeah. And it's really the only major city on the West Coast that you hit. How big is it? How big is Perth? It's like a, I don't know how many people, but it's like a city. Do you perform there a lot? Not a lot.
Starting point is 00:41:55 It's been probably almost 10 years since I've been to Australia. I love Australia, but I do not love that fucking flight, baby. It's tough. Ooh, that's a rough flight. It takes a minute to get over that shit. Yeah, you land and you're like, where am I? For a couple days. There it is.
Starting point is 00:42:10 That's what they thought a whale looked like. Like, what the fuck is that, man? It's like a fish with a lion head. Like, look, that's what they thought Jonah and the whale looked like. That's hilarious. A thousand years ago. Strange, right? Like, dude was trying to make a run for it, obviously.
Starting point is 00:42:26 Yeah, look at him. Look at him. He's like, I'm going to get the fuck away from this. That dude kind of looks like me. That's a little disturbing. He's like, let me get out of here. Bald-headed dude with a beard trying to get away from this lion fish with wings thing. But that's what they thought a whale was.
Starting point is 00:42:43 Craziness. wings thing. That's, but that's what they thought a whale was. Craziness. How, you know, just imagine what it was like living a thousand years ago when there was no pictures. Yeah. Is that the glass floor? Yeah. That's my feet right there. So you're in this church, the church is a thousand years old and that go back to that last one, Jamie, that one, that's, that's the glass floor. And then you look down and they have this entirely different church underneath it that's way older. They don't know how old it is. Been there forever. Could be several thousand years old.
Starting point is 00:43:15 The church is gorgeous, though. There's a lot of those churches. You've been to the Vatican, right? Yeah. That's the mindfuck of all mindfucks. Yeah, that's crazy. Like St. Peter's Basilica. And you're walking around that place,
Starting point is 00:43:25 and you're just like, what? Like, who, how? How did people do this? It's retarded, man. It's unbelievable. The whole Vatican's just... No power saws. Nothing.
Starting point is 00:43:35 No fucking cranes. Everything was like ladders and shit. And the paintings and the art, just insane. Stunning. Stunning. Billions of dollars worth of art. And the whole area, the whole Vatican is essentially its own country. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:50 So they can keep those kid fuckers over there and they never have to export them. Yeah. That's, that's. Yeah. Yeah. That's the darkest of the dark. No argument here. Nobody can, man.
Starting point is 00:44:04 They'll try. People get mad. And look, I get it. No argument here. Nobody can, man. They'll try. People get mad. And look, I get it. I was a Catholic for a little bit. That's a dark, dark institution. There is no denying it. I mean, they've just busted another group of priests in Pennsylvania. Molested more than a thousand kids.
Starting point is 00:44:20 Moving them around. Not charging them. Organized religion in general is the biggest mind control that's ever existed you know trying to control popular populations and what's the best way i make you believe a certain thing you know i mean there but there's there's better ones there's some that you go oh for sure you know like what have the baptists have done what have they done so terrible oh there's no bapt Baptist scandals like that. Large scale scandals.
Starting point is 00:44:48 Even the Mormons. They've had a few dudes who wanted more than one bride. They got greedy. More than a few. There's a whole part of their thing that that's how they still live. And there's some sects. Sect. S-E-C-T's.
Starting point is 00:45:03 That branched off and got real real freaky on the scale that the catholic church has done things and it's unprecedented unprecedented completely yeah because they they actively shield these people from prosecution yeah and they keep it all in the house i mean aren't people actually getting like like i've heard some things like they're going after like cardinals and shit like the criminally Well, that is why the press and I stepped down that last Pope had to step down because they wanted to prosecute him for crimes against Humanity. Oh, yeah, cuz he was one of the dudes who orchestrated a lot of that So exactly the guy right before then he moved a guy who went on to molest a hundred deaf children
Starting point is 00:45:41 Yeah, I remember reading stuff about that. It's dark dark man it's dark and it's one of those things where people you know it's been a part of their family it's been a part of their family's family it's been a part of their history they go to church they pay their respects everything's okay they don't want to hear it people don't want to hear it but it's over the evidence is just so overwhelming there's so much so much awful shit that's attached to that church. Who's denying there is the point. I mean, I just think, again, people, like you're saying, you get – I was raised Catholic. I just – by the time I was like – they did a thing called confirmation, which is sort of like a similar thing to what the time that you're becoming a man, you're making your own choices.
Starting point is 00:46:23 An adult because it wasn't just men but yeah um by the time i did that and realized like okay okay this is there's not a lot of you know there's a little too much magic going on for me you know i mean like going on with this like i like just factual knowledgeable things you know like if these people really existed you know and what were they really like i'm not buying into the fact that anybody on this earth didn't take a shit like i took a shit you know i mean we all take the same shits it'd be nice if someone came up with a good religion a real solid lockdown one i mean there's there is one you we i mean we'd all just would have to agree on it how about just the the golden rule? You know what I mean? That could basically be a religion in itself,
Starting point is 00:47:06 a church of universal law, you know, do unto others as you would have them do unto you. And you could hold corporations to that. You could be like, all right, we start. What's more powerful than 10 million people on a Facebook page that are watching these corporations and the minute they say, hey, you're not giving back to the community
Starting point is 00:47:23 or taking care of the people that are taking care of you, that's easily done, but it takes work. That's a good point. It's easily done. If everybody in the world just really treated the next person like they wanted to be treated themselves, there you go. And did it as a law, right?
Starting point is 00:47:39 And then we held people accountable to that. You are not responding to the universal law, the universal golden rule. You know, it sounds super simple, but I mean, it took a lot of work. But the principle is simple. Right. And all the other stuff, like all other forms of commerce and everything else would still fall under that. Just like you could do whatever you want as long as you're treating people kindly. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:48:01 Like ideally commerce and capitalism, all that stuff should be real simple. Like you have a great CD. You want to people kindly. Exactly. Like, ideally, commerce and capitalism, all that stuff, should be real simple. Like, you have a great CD. You want to sell it. You want $20 for it. Somebody gives you $20. They're happy. You're happy. That should be commerce, right?
Starting point is 00:48:16 Yeah. It should be you sell something. People buy it. Everybody's good. But then you get a little greedy. You know, like, if we can figure out a way to corner this market and keep other people from selling this or selling that, or we've got to stop people from growing this,
Starting point is 00:48:31 because if they grow this and sell that, then we... No, you're not doing what's best for... Yes. You're not doing what you would want them to do to you. Exactly. So you're breaking the law. Violation of the golden rule. I've thought about it, obviously, before.
Starting point is 00:48:44 Like, hey, man, what would be... And I'm then like, yeah, that'd be a really cool thing to do. You know, that would be the way, you know, somebody with enough charisma, you know, could pull it off, you know, get people to get behind it. That's really all it would take is people getting behind it. Yeah. But the problem is there's so many people that just we're seeing this with politics. Right. Like, I'm fascinated by these kavanaugh hearings like i watched little clips of it before i just have to tune out and talk about fuckery
Starting point is 00:49:09 talk about fuckery i mean i don't know what that dude did or what he didn't do but i think what's happening is more than that what's happening is first of all he's involved with uh he was a big part of the patriot act he was you know he's involved in some some, he was a big part of the Patriot Act. He was, you know, he's involved in some, some issues that a lot of people are very concerned with in terms of like how his position, his stance on privacy and on rights.
Starting point is 00:49:36 And absolutely. Yeah. There's, there's more to it than just, did you fuck with someone in high school? Did you sexually assault someone? Did you do that when you're 18? Did you, do you remember?
Starting point is 00:49:44 Like there's more to it than that. There's like they don't want that guy in there. And then you're seeing all the people that want to pretend that he's the best guy ever and all the people. It's crazy. It's fascinating. It's really fascinating. It's fascinating to watch
Starting point is 00:50:00 because it's essentially like a less like the Clarence Thomas hearings from, what was it, like the 1980s, I believe. Clarence Thomas, I feel like that was like. Late 80s, early 90s. Yeah, somewhere around there. Clarence Thomas, that was like with Anita Hill
Starting point is 00:50:16 where he had sexually harassed her. They were working together and she came out. Yeah, the whole pubic hairs on the whatever, coke or something. Do you know that he's now the longest running member of the Supreme Court? He's now been in the Supreme Court longer, I think. I read that. Check.
Starting point is 00:50:33 Make sure that's true. Isn't Ruth Bader Ginsburg? How does she be on there? Longest serving 26 years as of October 4th. It will be. It will be. Crazy. Crazy.
Starting point is 00:50:45 Yeah. So it didn't work. Anita's hell's out there living with the memory of pubic hairs on Coke. Yeah. And a movie now, an HBO movie not too long ago.
Starting point is 00:50:55 Oh, yeah. Did you watch it? I saw it. It was... Was it okay? It was a pretty good movie. It was just, you know, we lived through it.
Starting point is 00:51:01 So it's like, whenever I see movies about like the OJ trial or something, I'm like, no, I saw that. we saw it live for like 700 days you know i'm always fascinated by those movies because of creative license like if you do a movie on richard nixon right what do you sure he said that or even crazier you do a movie on lincoln bitch you don't know what the fuck he said you can't be like possibly unless he wrote it down yeah you're you're having him say a bunch of shit day to day talk to his wife and kids you don't know what the fuck he said. You can't possibly, unless he wrote it down. Yeah, you're having him say a bunch of shit day to day, talk to his wife and kids.
Starting point is 00:51:28 You don't know what the fuck he said. That's pretty funny. You're just making this up. This is weird that we're allowed to do that. You're allowed to just put some words in George Washington's mouth. You don't know what the fuck George Washington said. You know? Have you seen this movie coming out?
Starting point is 00:51:41 Yes. Christian Bale's Dick Cheney. Dude, it looks amazing. Steve Carell's Donald Rumsfeld. Christian Bale as Dick Cheney. Dude, it looks amazing. Steve Carell as Donald Rumsfeld. Christian Bale is a fucking bad motherfucker. His acting as Dick Cheney is off the charts. I mean, he does the voice. He got fat for it.
Starting point is 00:51:56 Everything. That's him. Whoa. Dude. I'll find a better one for you. There's the video of, first of all, him and Sam Rockwell as George Bush. He's amazing, too. Sam Rockwell is one of the most underappreciated actors.
Starting point is 00:52:11 What's the name of this movie? Vice. Vice. Vice. It's amazing, dude. Sam Rockwell nails it as George. Here, play the trailer. Will they pull us?
Starting point is 00:52:20 It's too new. Yeah, they'll pull us. I'll let you guys see it. Son of a bitch. Let me turn it up. A large company. If you folks who are listening to this on YouTube, we can't play this for you, but I mean... That's weird.
Starting point is 00:52:35 They wouldn't want you to like play their trailer. Well, they want everybody to go to their trailer. True. Oh, yeah. It's streams. That shit makes... Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:43 You're right. It's just so good. He just does an amazing job of the voice, the mannerisms, and so does Sam Rockwell. Yeah, well, they're both incredible actors. Sam Rockwell's a badass. Do you ever see Sam Rockwell in that movie, Moon?
Starting point is 00:53:01 Is it The Moon or Moon? I'm not sure. It's a movie where he is the only person in the movie moon is it the moon or moon moon i'm not sure it's a movie where he is the only person in the movie the entire movie is him i don't want to spoil alert it but it has to do with cloning and it's him on the moon like him him like or him in space it's fucking amazing it's an amazing movie i love where he was uh chuck barris yes that was an amazing movie dude he's a beast this guy is a fucking incredible actor and he just doesn't get enough credit i met he's i think he might be married to her now but he was or maybe they're still dating but he was dating leslie bibb when uh i did a movie with her, and I got a chance to meet him, and I was a little bit
Starting point is 00:53:47 starstruck. I'm a big, giant fan of that guy. But he's one of those guys that I feel like I want to say, like, dude, you're fucking amazing. Like, I don't know if anybody's telling you, because you're fucking amazing. Because it's like, you know, you hear about the great actors, you hear Daniel Day-Lewis, you hear Gary Oldman. You hear Christian Bale. You hear the great actors. Faye Dunaway, Sigourney Weaver. You don't hear about Sam Rockwell. Why not, Jamie?
Starting point is 00:54:15 Why not, God damn it? Maybe you will after this movie. Maybe. I feel like he's never been nominated for anything. Probably was. Probably was for Moon. He was nominated for anything probably was probably was for moon he got his nominated oh a few things that one that just came out last year the three billboards oh yeah yeah that's what i was thinking i just remember hearing about him he was getting you know he's just one of them dudes
Starting point is 00:54:36 too like when you're that good of an actor you blend into these movies so good it's not it's not sam walkwell right you know what i mean like mean? That's almost a compliment to the dude. Now, should he be more of the leading guy and doing those big roles? Yeah, I agree. He's an amazing actor. But he's done some really big things, man. He's one of them dudes that just blends too good. You know who's another one like that?
Starting point is 00:54:57 Viggo Mortensen. Yes. Dude, everything he's in, you just lose it. And he's in it. He's that guy. Yeah. The one where he was the Eastern Promises. Yes.
Starting point is 00:55:08 That was a good one. The Russian mob movie? Yeah. Yes. And then what? The Year of Violence that he did? That was a good one too. That was a good one.
Starting point is 00:55:15 Yeah. The Road freaked me out. I had turned it off when he was teaching his son how to shoot himself in the mouth. I was like, done. We're good. I don't need to watch this. I'll watch the Flintstones. That book is fucking crazy
Starting point is 00:55:25 that's what i heard yeah i heard the book's too crazy dark man like that's that's it's one of the things like it's like it's a taste that stays with you a little too long you know you want it to go away yeah there's a few of those movies that are just so depressing when you leave you're like what did i do like i don't want to be depressed i know that it was good I know you nailed it I know you dragged my emotions through the mud I played myself once on tour it was like back when the Tower Records and those things were still around like on Tuesdays
Starting point is 00:55:54 the movies and the records would all come out so we were on tour we would stop and buy a bunch of shit for the bus buy records and this I bought a bunch of movies and I threw on Magnolia had just come out I watched that and I was like oh wow, wow, that was fucking fucked up. And then without looking, I just grabbed the next movie and put it in. And it was Titus Andronicus.
Starting point is 00:56:13 And I don't know if you're aware of like hip to this. It's like one of the darkest fucking Shakespeare fucking plays ever about this. I mean, if you ain't seen it, when you got the wherewithal to sit through some real fucking darkness, Anthony Hopkins is fucking insane in this movie as Titus Andronicus. It's fucking dark. So I watched these two movies back to back. And for two weeks, Joe, I can't shake the depressing, oh my God, there's no happy endings anywhere in the world.
Starting point is 00:56:40 Oh, my God. There's no happy endings anywhere. The world's on. From then on, I'll only watch comedies and fucking like Pixar movies and old Warner Brothers cartoons out there on the road, man. Is he eating dinner while people are hanging in front of him? Do you want to know? You're never going to watch this, right? He's about to cut them up and make dinner out of them and serve them to their families. It's dark, man.
Starting point is 00:57:05 Jesus. It's really dark. It's one of the dark. It is the darkest Shakespeare-like thing I've ever read or seen. Okay. That's enough. And that was right after Magnolia. I watched that.
Starting point is 00:57:18 Man, a double whammy. Double whammy. Of depression. Dude, oh, it was horrible. Remember that movie 21 Grams? Yeah. That movie swore me off at depressing movies after that movie was over i left the theater i'm like why did i do that to myself
Starting point is 00:57:30 yeah i was in such a good mood yeah who wants who wants to leave a place with that feeling don't doesn't life give you that enough i was all happy i was all happy feeling good i walked into that movie and i left going what in the actual fuck what am I doing here as DJ Cali would say you played yourself played myself yeah other people said it before him but he's like known for it it's funny how that happens right or a dude just says something just right and then everybody just connects it to him he had a string them. He had a bunch of his little, you know, men of meeting, you know, he's got the New Deal alerts. He's a bastion of these little sayings that just people catch on to. He's got a lot of good things going for him.
Starting point is 00:58:16 He's unthreatening looking because he's kind of a big chubby guy. People like him because of that. You know, there's a lot of good things going. Obviously, like shiny, flashy. Yeah. You know what I mean? He's just. A lot of energy. Likes shiny, flashy shit that a lot of good things going obviously like positive energy yeah i mean he's just a lot of energy likes shiny flashy shit that a lot of other people like yeah yeah and he can afford it yeah that's nice hashtag balling yeah gotta do it yeah i guess so yeah it's part of
Starting point is 00:58:38 that lifestyle that's a crazy lifestyle kanye's a part of that lifestyle too right but in a weird way he's a weird part of that lifestyle too, right? But in a weird way. He's a weird part of that lifestyle. He's never been on that jewelry scene. He's not really big on it. I mean like. But he's big on design and, you know, Ferraris and Lamborghinis and beautiful houses and shit like that. I'm not that aware of like what he, I know, yeah, design.
Starting point is 00:58:59 I know just from what I know of him that he longs to be Ralph Lauren. Like that's really his, you know, probably like if you said, who is your biggest influencer, who would you want to be? Ralph Lauren. Yeah. That's kind of hilarious,
Starting point is 00:59:14 but he just loves design, right? Loves clothes, I guess. Yeah. I mean, why not? Somebody's gotta,
Starting point is 00:59:22 I mean, he, you know, a lot of that stuff he was doing was looking like homeless people's clothing, too. It was like Derelict right out of fucking Zoolander. Did you see that one picture that Jamie showed me? He was walking around with slides, Yeezy slides on, but they were like four sizes too small. It didn't make any sense.
Starting point is 00:59:39 His heels hanging off the back of them. That's the way he designed them. Exactly. That's like he's probably trying to push a new thing. Yeah's like here tiny yeezy slides too small for your feet too small yeezy slides there you go yeah that's the new look like you know if you're crazy you might think things like that it's crazy to me because there's an era of his career that i look at and i'm like wow man there's a lot of genius shit he was doing musically like a lot of records he was doing and then i don't know what it is but to me to me now and i don't say this really in a judgmental way but he's a professional troll now just like that's the
Starting point is 01:00:15 most successful people in the in the entertainment business now if you're not an amazing actor or super amazing you know yeah whatever is like just keeping people trolling. I remember he literally dropped a song like at some point like eight months ago where that was like poopity scoop, scoopity poopity boop, poopity scoopity woop. And that was the song. It lasted that long. Yeah. Jamie came and played it for me where he told me the lyrics and I told him to shut the fuck
Starting point is 01:00:39 up. No, but it's like, it's again, it's the spectacle. Get that away from me, Jamie. You stop putting this evil in my head it's the spectacle like i mean i mean i made this album here that's music yeah you know i mean this is music like a lot of people don't give a fuck anymore well you're not that guy you've never been a i need publicity guy well never here's what it is here's what that is it's like people like to fucking speculate about what i do or my career you know I mean I've written a few songs in this life
Starting point is 01:01:06 that I could go somewhere and sit down and just sit on a fucking stump and eat food for the rest of my life and never worry you know I mean I could feed my family and all that off of a few songs I make music because I love making music you know and of course you want people to listen you want fucking the more people to you know you want people you want I'm not saying I don't want fame or all that but I don't I'm not I'm not one of the first things, the first time I ever came on your podcast was like, I like going to Ralph's and sitting at the Olive Bar and fucking getting my olives while my song's playing on the radio and the guy standing right next to me has no fucking idea. I don't mind that at all. That doesn't bother me. I love it.
Starting point is 01:01:43 Yeah. You're not a need attention kind of a guy. And some people are, and that's sort of part of their business. Like this whole Kanye, Donald Trump thing. I just, I wonder if that's trolling, but I also wonder if what we were talking about earlier about car
Starting point is 01:01:57 accidents and brain damage. I wonder if that's all part of it too. It could be a little bit of everything, but also the reason I say it's trolling is because there's likes and stuff when you get to kardashian kanye west levels of and i'm sure you know this just you have four fucking million instagram followers i didn't start instagram until you told me to i know that but what i'm saying is like you could monetize that shit really easily, those 4 million people. You're not selling that shit out.
Starting point is 01:02:29 These people, they are definitely monetizing that shit. Fucking when Kim Kardashian gets on there, she doesn't give you a commercial, but she'll tell you, oh, I'm just using this new cream on my shit. You know what I mean? Somebody paid her 150 grand for that post. So the more eyes the better that's really what they're monetizing is like i can if i had 10 million people on my instagram i could sell fucking posts the real problem with that is people don't believe them you know like you but their eyes are still if i if i say i like something it's because i like it like if if and
Starting point is 01:03:02 this is people accuse me of having ads i've've never had a single ad on my Instagram. If I tell people about a product and people are like, what are you doing? Are you getting paid for this? Like, nope. Nope. I just like it. Yeah. Sharing something I thought you might think is cool.
Starting point is 01:03:16 This is a cool product. I've done it a few times, but I usually say, hey, I'm not getting fucking paid. I'm just telling you. I do now. I say this is not an ad. I like this. You know what I mean? Plus, I ain't got enough Instagram followers to get paid.
Starting point is 01:03:27 I bet you do. I got like 70,000 or something. That's all you need. Jamie was saying you need 70,000. That's the exact number. First of all, you know I don't give a fuck. I know you don't give a fuck. But if you did, if you were a chick with a fake butt, you might be able to get a little
Starting point is 01:03:39 cheddar. I might have 4 million followers if I was a chick with a fake butt. Yeah, you might, right? You might have 20. Look at this. Kim Kardashian's got 11 4 million followers if I was a chick with a fake butt. Yeah, you might, right? You might have 20. Look at this. Kim Kardashian's got 118 million followers. It's just, wow. Good googly moogly.
Starting point is 01:03:52 Okay, and let's say, what do they say? If you're actually good at social media, maybe 10% of your audience engages you. So that's still 10 million people that will engage with her. That's a lot of fuck people, son. I threw that number out there. That sounds about right. A lot of goddamn people. Yeah, it's a weird business, man.
Starting point is 01:04:14 That's famous now. When we were young, famous was if you were on TV or the radio. Movies. If you did something in life, wrote a book, wrote a play, or a movie, you know or you know movies did if you did something in life wrote a book yeah wrote a play or a movie you know i mean yeah invented the plane you know and that's what got you famous now you just gotta keep eyes on you doing fucked up shit i was thinking about that today while i was
Starting point is 01:04:37 watching gladiator because uh when i was watching that movie i was thinking the in the roman times there was no accountability like for emperors you could do all kinds of fucked up shit and no one could do anything about it. They either killed you eventually, or you got away with it for a long period of time. But today, you know, like there's so much, there's so much accountability. People find out what awful things you've done. They find out you've stolen money or had people killed or took over this or dominated that. To be a dictator like a Kim Jong-un, someone along those lines, today you have to keep those people locked up. And he's barely keeping that together. They barely have an internet.
Starting point is 01:05:25 It amazes me how they can. There's not a whole scene there of people with the internet sneaking it in. You know what they did? Everybody rats on everybody else there. They have a whole system of ratting on people. They have a culture of rats. And they believe they're leaders of God or something of that nature. They just don't want to die, man.
Starting point is 01:05:45 They're scared and they're hungry and they don't have any power. They don't have any energy because they're eating just rice and fucking starving to death. I can't even imagine it. When they catch those dudes that sneak across the border, you know, that make a run for it, when they get them and bring them to hospitals and patch them up and shit, they find all these crazy parasites in them, massive malnutrition. And these are soldiers, like North Korean soldiers. They're just all fucked up.
Starting point is 01:06:07 But that's a window into time. Like if you went back into the Roman days, that's how everybody was rocking it. They were all dominating their people and using iron fist and keep these generals well fed and keep the army well fed and use it to dominate the civilians. I mean, I know Gladiator is just a movie. It's just fake and fun. But still, you've got to wonder, how close was that to life back then?
Starting point is 01:06:38 And how bad did it smell? Oh. How bad? Tubes of shit running down the street. There used to be a show on hbo called rome like where they had like and they had this one scene i remember it like where they were all in like a public toilet a shittery shittery sure shittery and they handed them like what at the time was i guess the toilet paper which was like you know calf skin rags or something and they fucking like white
Starting point is 01:07:03 and they walk out and throw it in a pile. It's like, how could that have smelled? If that's accurate, if that's accurate, you know what I mean? Well, that looks pretty accurate. Yeah, there it is. Roman public toilets. And they would go into like a tube and that tube would go right down the street. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:20 Imagine how the whole city smelled, man. Like shit. Well, that's one of the reasons why all those people got sick. Like when a disease would spread through the city, I mean, there was no sanitation. It was terrible. But, I mean, how did they... They didn't have, like, flushable things, right? Nothing flushed.
Starting point is 01:07:35 I mean, they had developed aqueducts, so they just had a system of flowing water, but it wasn't pressurized or anything, so they just had to pick it up and flush it up. One of the things that was cool about Pompeii was they had a sauna. They had figured out how to boil water and then they had the water would go through the floor and the walls. They had like, like double spaced walls. So they had one outside wall and an inside wall and the heat would go through and it would go like through the set. And so you could go into this sauna and you just like a regular sauna here and be hot as fuck in there yeah there's
Starting point is 01:08:10 pompeii sauna that's it like they figured out how to make things pretty cool for what they had but fuck living back there but meanwhile tell me people aren't going to think like that a thousand years from now about us those dummies shitting into a ceramic bowl and then hitting the water to flush it away. Idiots. I can't imagine what it's going to be like. Dude, we installed these toilets here that shoot hot water up your butt. You know those? Up or just cleaning it?
Starting point is 01:08:37 No, it can go right in the hole. Wow. It shoots right in that hole. You got to be careful. It feels like you have to take a shit because it gets up in there and you're like, oh, I have to shit again. But no, it's just the water's literally getting through the door but it cleans your butthole so nice and after you have one of those you're like why would i ever use a regular toilet yeah i remember the first time i experienced one of those was like
Starting point is 01:08:57 in the 90s in japan yes japan yeah that's why i experienced it too yeah but i mean for me it was just a few years ago but jam Jamie says he holds his shit. Is that correct? Well preferred versus my home toilet. Yeah. Why shit at home? It'd be like, you kind of have to shit. Be like, I could keep this one at bay for a little bit.
Starting point is 01:09:15 I mean, honestly, I mean like in Europe, a bidet is a normal thing in a hotel room. It's not here as much. It's not as good though. I have a bidet in my house. I never used it once. It's a magazine rack. I magazines there wash your hands it's just yeah it's just weird it's weird it just doesn't work yeah it's it's and i think it's more for women like now yeah you know it's a cooter cleanser yeah kind of but um here's here's something funny he's like i i just did this
Starting point is 01:09:43 tour europe and we started noticing like and i and I'm not going to name countries because I have fans and all of them. I don't want anyone to get upset. But we noticed there's a difference of some countries you get washcloths in your bathroom and some countries you don't. And me and my band came to the conclusion that from now on, whenever we come to these countries where you don't get the washcloths in your hotel room, we're not going to shake hands with people anymore because why don't you have washcloths in the bathroom? I don't get it. Yeah, what do you wash your hands with, bro?
Starting point is 01:10:16 You can wash your hands like this. What are you washing your arse with, man? Are you shoving your hand crack up there? What are you doing? What are you doing? What are you doing? I don't mind if you wash your face with your hands or your hands with your hands, but I'm not. I can't find a washcloth in your city.
Starting point is 01:10:30 It's a little strange. Dude, I went to Thailand this summer. They have garden hoses attached to the toilet. They don't fuck around with all that hot, spicy food. They know it's going to come out messy. So they give you a goddamn garden hose to clean your asshole with. Where is this? Thailand.
Starting point is 01:10:43 In Thailand? Everywhere. Even the airport. Went to the toilet at the airport. Right next to the shit box was this goddamn garden hose. I mean like one you would wash the car with. Like the pistol grip one. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:55 And just woo! Just get that fucker back there and woo! There it is right there. Garden hose. Bum gun. Bum gun they call it. Bum gun. Wow. Toilet hose in Thailand. Keep yourself clean with a squirt of water. Yeah, a squirt. That shit could move a boat across a dock.
Starting point is 01:11:14 First things first. Yeah. Wow, the direction our conversation's taking today is... Yeah, test the water pressure before you use it. The British called the toilet hose the bum gun for a good reason. The nozzle at the end of the hose is shaped a bit like a gun with a trigger that you press
Starting point is 01:11:28 to release the water. Yeah. Wow. Yeah, they don't fuck around in Thailand. I haven't been to Thailand, obviously. It's beautiful there. People are so nice. It's one of the friendliest places
Starting point is 01:11:38 I've ever been in my life. Like, universally friendly. And everybody looks at you and they all do this. They make their hands like a lotus flower. That's what they do. They don't shake hands a lot they just touch their hands together and give you like a little bow you know yeah is there is there a washcloth they just it's the tie their hands are tired from holding on to that hose squeezing that bum gun something but uh the food there is fucking amazing if you like thai food man you learn like from like the
Starting point is 01:12:08 way they cook it in the motherland you know with all those fresh ingredients i love thai food are you a spicy guy do you like spicy oh i've been sans being in thailand uh this spot i was in a place in melbourne australia we talked about earlier, the hottest Thai food I ever had in my life. Like so hot you're sweating and you can't stop eating it because the minute you stop eating it, you're going to catch fire. Have you ever been to exotic Thai over on Ventura and Woodland Hills? I feel like I have. Ooh, super legit. Exotic Thai.
Starting point is 01:12:43 Bunch of Thai people running, super nice people. Food is jamming. There's a spot right here close, not far from the general area, Jasmine Thai. Oh, yeah. Yeah, that's a good one, too. Yeah, there's a bunch of good Thai restaurants in L.A. What's that place on Sunset that's open real late? Oh, right there next to Toy Thai.
Starting point is 01:13:03 Toy Thai is great, too, man. That's a great late-night spot. Like, right there next to Toytie. Toytie's great too, man. That's a great late night spot. Like legit Thai food, you get it at 2 o'clock in the morning. The Thai iced teas are amazing. That shit's terrible for your diabetes though. It's like 180 grams of sugar.
Starting point is 01:13:20 But it's so delicious. Once a year. So delicious. I used to drink so much Coke. That's another, when we talk about weight, that's the first thing I got rid of, man, was drinking Coca-Cola. The weight falls off. About 20 pounds of the 30. Isn't that crazy?
Starting point is 01:13:35 35 now. It just falls off. Yeah, yeah. You realize, like, what was I doing? What was I doing to myself? That and just a little bit of cardio. And I was like, every other day, I was like, whoa, this is crazy. I just lost, like I said, 35 now because I dropped five pounds out on the road that I didn't even realize.
Starting point is 01:13:52 Not even trying. Wow. Just continuing to eat healthy. And I think that food in Europe is a lot cleaner just in general. Yep. Yep. Well, they don't have a lot of our, first of all, their wheat is like what you would call heirloom wheat. They don't have a lot of the complex glutens in our wheat that make it a little bit more difficult to process.
Starting point is 01:14:12 This is all a real thing. Like people think there's some sort of a, like people are exaggerating the effects of gluten and gluten intolerance. The issue is that at one point in time, bread was different. It was just, wheat was different, but it was a lower yield. So say like if you had an acre and you were planting wheat on it, you would get way less wheat out of that acre than you would with the newer wheat. And the newer wheat is just more complex glutens in it and you get a higher yield. And so that's what they're looking for. But when you eat it, it's just harder to digest. And it's just, when I was in Italy, man, everybody's skinny.
Starting point is 01:14:48 Okay. They're all eating bread. They're all eating pasta. They're all eating pizza. They're all skinny. At the most, these dudes who don't work out, at the most, get like a little paunch. The most. They're drinking wine every night.
Starting point is 01:14:59 They got a little paunch. They also walk a lot more than us. They also ride bikes a lot more than us. All those things. I spent a lot of time in Holland this last trip and i couldn't find a fat person they're just biking everywhere biking everywhere and they're eating cheese and bread all day yeah like literally every meal like cheese and bread with your meal but they must be pissed that weed's everywhere else because people used to go to holland specifically well i have friends that own coffee shops over there and they're like yeah there's there's a lot of fuck what's going
Starting point is 01:15:28 on right now is there's um if i understood what he was telling me right um canada is investing shit tons of money with the government over there to like corporate like start growing corporate weed like and they're gonna phase out the locals and take it over like they're gonna phase out the coffee shop because they're it weed isn't legal in holland right it's decriminalized if you own a weed shop you can only have let's say 500 grams a time in the shop legally all right if you have a good shop you're moving that you know in a fucking afternoon, right? So and getting bringing weed to your shop is illegal Like it's like it's a smuggling operation has to be in there once it's in there It's okay once it's in there you can sell it but getting it to your spot is it's fucking illegal to move that much weed It's fucked up like these guys. I have no a couple guys
Starting point is 01:16:22 I own a couple coffee shops, and they're just like it's fuckery man You know didn't it's like a constant. It's like half a criminal operation They're running and it used to be that you get mushrooms You should be able to get mushrooms you spill to get like a bunch of shit And now you can't not like hard like narcotics like coke or anything like that But anything natural like mushrooms you could get acid when I was first in there I don't know if that was legal because I was really young. I just.
Starting point is 01:16:47 Well, Holland's just a wild ass place. I mean, that is the spot where like some of the best kickboxing ever came from. It's weird. One little spot in Europe and they created Ramon Deckers, Rob Kamen, Ernesto Hoost. Like some of the greatest kickboxers of all time. Out of this one spot. There's gyms everywhere. Everywhere.
Starting point is 01:17:06 Everywhere you go, you see them with like a gym. It's amazing. Yeah. I mean, it's just amazing that this one place became a hotbed for elite high-level kickboxing. A real source of their pride, too, like Dutch sports pride. Yeah, Peter Ernst. And kickboxing are probably the top two things. I mean, they literally have created some of the all-time greatest kickboxers and it's not a big country
Starting point is 01:17:28 It's really and some of the greatest kickboxing coaches as well. It's some it's amazing Really unusual really unusual that that happened there and it's it's hard to describe why like no one really Be an interesting like documentary. So yeah out the roots of that. Somebody went to Thailand. Somebody brought it back from Thailand and switched it up and put their own little spin on it. Yeah, and a few guys went over to Thailand and fucked some Thais up, too. Because what they had done is they incorporated a lot of Western boxing. Like Ramon Deckers, in particular, was one of the greats. And what he did was he was a small guy, like the same size as the Thais, which was unusual because a lot of the people from Amsterdam are big people.
Starting point is 01:18:09 It's one of those places where I think the average height for a person in Amsterdam is like six feet tall. Yeah. So it's an unusually tall place. Viking fucking shit going on. Yeah. Some fucking Viking DNA. I was watching that show for a while. Vikings. I got deep into that DNA. I was watching that show for a while. Vikings? I got deep
Starting point is 01:18:25 into that show. That show was pretty dark. But Mrs. Rogan got tired of seeing people get sorted up, slashed to pieces. She got bored with it. It was pretty dark. People just getting fucked up with arrows and cut open and it's the whole show. They're always going to war. But that's what they did.
Starting point is 01:18:42 They're Vikings. Yeah. And they took a lot of mushrooms, too. Pillage, I believe, is a Viking way of life. If you could go back in one time to like if you had like a time machine, you go back and watch one time in history, what do you think you would go to see? Hmm. You'd go to see like how people lived. Well, being very smell sensitive, it wouldn't be that far back i'd probably want to go no that's not true i'm probably like you know king arthur era yeah like that kind of thing i was
Starting point is 01:19:14 heavy dungeons and dragons kid you know maybe go go see if there's anything to any of that dragon shit you know the goldie grail you know any of that dragon shit, you know, the Goldie Grail, you know what I mean? Any of that dragon shit. Yeah. I wonder what that was all based on. Like, why are there so many dragons in folklore, in Chinese folklore, in European folklore? There's so many unrelated dragons. Well, I mean, you know, there's people that have, you know, I watch a lot of ancient aliens, so they'll always have an explanation.
Starting point is 01:19:45 My man with the hair. Giorgio Tsoukalos. Giorgio did the podcast a long time ago. I love that guy, dude. He's amazing. He's a good dude. He's my favorite dude on that show, man. He's a good dude.
Starting point is 01:19:57 I don't necessarily agree with everything they say. Not everything, but there's merit to some of it, man. That show is a show you watch with your boys at like 1 o'clock in the morning. You get baked and everybody laughs. You ever watch the Vice version where like Action Bronson and all those guys are getting ripped and like talking about the show? It's like just complete fucking nonsense, but if you're high, it's fucking fun to watch. He came on the podcast. I've never seen a dude smoke more weed in my life.
Starting point is 01:20:24 He smoked by himself at least six blunts during the podcast i've never seen a dude smoke more weed in my life he smoked by himself at least six blunts during the podcast while that dude dabs so hard man i don't think the weed really fucks with him anymore man i can think it takes that much weed he just kept going and i got paranoid just watching him i'm like oh i mean i smoked a little bit with him but i mean i gotta keep this ship on the water like exactly yeah you gotta let me keep my hands on the wheel sir like he just kept going we took a photo of the ashtray after it was over it was preposterous i was like look at that that's one show like that's he's a crazy guy man fun dude though no he's a good guy i love that fuck that's delicious that show yeah that's a great show he
Starting point is 01:21:03 you know with al alchemist is a good friend of mine. I've known him since he was young, so they're good buddies. I've met him. I've hung out with him a few times. He's a really fun guy, man. It's a unique idea for a show because, you know, Action Bronson used to be a chef. Yeah. Yeah, so seeing him, like, interact with food and chefs, like, he really knows about food.
Starting point is 01:21:21 He really understands food. Yeah. I think he should have a cooking show. He actually, you know, can whip up some fucking mean food. Yeah, right? Now that Bourdain's gone, we need more of those kind of shows that explore food. Bourdain's show changed the way I feel about food. I used to think of food as just something that tastes really good.
Starting point is 01:21:42 I didn't think of it as an art form. And then I watched his show and the reverence that he had for chefs and for the creation of food. It made me realize, oh, this is an art form that I was ignorant of. I didn't think of it the right way. On all levels, not just like the high chef level. He brings it to like the home front where it's like even these local. Look at him. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:22:03 What's he cooking? Some sandwich or something. Oh, he's making sandwiches. The world's best sandwich. No... Look at him. Yeah. What's he cooking? Some sandwich or something. Oh, he's making sandwiches. The world's best sandwich. No, you're right, man. Like on street food level. He loves... Tony loved street tacos and shit.
Starting point is 01:22:14 He would go everywhere and buy street food. I mean, honestly, when you're cooking, you feel like that, though. Because now I see you cooking all the time whenever you're posting that shit and never invite me over to have some of that beautiful i was gonna set it up here i was gonna set a thing up here but they can never figure out how to get ventilation in here we have a grill back there that's never been used it's just sitting back there look at him he's
Starting point is 01:22:36 he's taking a steak it's gonna be nice and pink in the middle and gorgeous he's drinking wine. I wonder why. See, this is how stony his show is. Like, they let him wear a shirt that you can't wear, so they had to blur out his shirt. That's such a stony thing. Like, hey, man, you can't wear that shirt.
Starting point is 01:22:57 Oh, yo, I got it on. That's it. This is what I'm wearing, so do what you got to do. Exactly. So they got to follow him around that blur thing drives me nuts like what is it what could it possibly be that so but it's there's there's times
Starting point is 01:23:12 when I see like Beck alright Beck when he had that loser video the first thing that comes up on the video is him in a mask that's blurred right and I was like what the fuck why would why would you wear it was purposely done like i think sometimes maybe it's like yeah it's like what the fuck like what is the mask that's
Starting point is 01:23:33 just back being a weirdo yeah but what is it makes you go like but what the fuck is it he's a fascinating guy too you know he's a devout scientologist yeah which is his dad did is a is an amazing string arranger and orchestrator and he did a couple of my albums when I had string arrangements
Starting point is 01:23:51 and stuff. Really? Yeah. Yeah, I mean, he's a legit musician. Like a really interesting musician. Beck is next level. You don't hear about him
Starting point is 01:24:00 that often these days. Again, I think it's the same kind of thing. Dude, it doesn't... He's not playing the game right we just i make you know he makes music he's just an artist when it's time to make music it's time to make music yeah there's still i mean in other ways it's for me i'm sorry to agree but it's not it's it's like okay this is a product this record right but it's not a product to me it's like i just eight years of my life yeah i mean i didn't make it because i was concerned about keeping my,
Starting point is 01:24:26 otherwise that's why the guy, the guys that got to put a record out every year. Those are the guys I'm like, Whoa, how do you fucking, that's all. That's, you know,
Starting point is 01:24:34 right. That takes a lot to put a fucking, especially if it's going to be good. So anybody, they can put out a record every year. That's good. That's next level. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:24:44 Well, Louis CK was doing that for a while. It, well, Louis C.K. was doing that for a while with stand-up. Yeah, yeah. That is hard to do. George Carlin did it every year. George Carlin did a stand-up special every year. And to us, to all stand-up comics, when we all get together and talk about that, everybody kind of agrees it's almost impossible. He did it, but very few people could do it. And not to criticize Carlin, because Carlin did it and pulled it off,
Starting point is 01:25:08 but most of us feel like that's not enough time. Like you need more time to let it cook. You need more time to add and twist. I've never had a record come out, like, I think the shortest period was like two years, two and a half years. And that's you probably just constantly going at it. Yeah. Anytime I wasn't touring or something, we'd be locked in a room somewhere trying to make music.
Starting point is 01:25:31 Now, when you record, say if you're going to lay down an album, do you have everything completely mapped out before you go into the studio? Or do you fuck around with it while you're in there? Well, the process for this album in particular was was wild because again when leila was born and the disease we we found out she was diagnosed with cystic fibrosis i actually was planning to not tour any of that anymore but i was gonna write songs i was gonna go to i went to nashville started hanging out with a few songwriters out there and wrote some stuff. One of the songs, It Ain't Easy, which I played years ago on your podcast, is on this album.
Starting point is 01:26:16 I wrote some songs with people, but the intention was they were going to be for other people. So I recorded them in a very kind of plain Jane way, not my spin on what they would have been and after a few years I just never really pursued it's too much of a sales pitch you have to go out and be that smooth selling your songs and it just never appealed to me and so after a few years I did an acoustic record
Starting point is 01:26:40 and then I started touring that for a while just old songs but recorded them acoustically and then after that was done and I realized alright you know I need to keep working what am I going to do I went back and revisited some of these songs but I realized I have to re-record them that's why I didn't see that they were
Starting point is 01:27:00 my songs because I recorded them in a way that I thought other people would want to use them so I went and re-recorded about I don know, five or six of the songs that were already here. And then my buddy Evidence from Dilated Peoples got involved with me and we recorded a few of these rap tracks and it started kind of coming together. And it kind of started coming together in a similar way that the original Whitey Ford Sings the Blues record did. That's why I kind of also named it what it is. Um, there was a lot of similarities and I feel like I just pulled everything from every, every part of the
Starting point is 01:27:32 toolbox that I've learned from since I started, you know, whether it was the ice tea years or the house of pain years or the Whitey Ford years, I just drew on it all and trying to see what, like I said, it was the eight years of life it's not like a a literal representation of what's happened to me but it's an emotional journey of like all the kind of feelings and shit that i'm like a lot of struggles and a lot of it's it's it's it's my best record you know but eight years right here so i've never been in a rush that's a big statement that it's your best record it's my best best record ever. I'm confident in it. Is it available everywhere?
Starting point is 01:28:06 Like iTunes, streaming, Amazon? Stream the shit out of it. I own my masters. How does that work? If you own your masters, do you get more when they stream? Well, if you own your masters, you get paid outright. You're the label. I'm my own label.
Starting point is 01:28:20 The people that complain about not getting paid by streaming are people that are signed to record deals that are getting a small piece of what the master is getting if you own the master you know you so streaming is viable for someone who owns the yeah yeah i mean it's viable period i mean kids i mean that's the way it is it's just the it's the future i mean now but the people who say it doesn't pay they're in shitty deals you know i mean because it pays you know i would like it to pay a little better but you know it pays it pays all right who was it i think if you take a million streams it equals out to around eight thousand dollars that sounds like not it just in general like that's the payment for for what that is to a to a label like it would be around a label yeah yeah
Starting point is 01:29:04 like a million streams is about the equivalent of about eight grand and uh that doesn't sound like a lot but a million streams is like you know a thousand guys that or people fans of yours that stream your shit whatever a thousand a hundred times right you know it's not it goes quicker than you think like i think drake like streamed a billion streams this first week right you know that's a nice chunk of change man david crosby was tweeting about how bad streaming deals are but that is because he has a bad deal if he doesn't own his master yeah if you know if he's like recording a deal for another record for the record company you know i mean i think it's all his older songs oh that's yeah then he's probably
Starting point is 01:29:39 got shit deals and i mean some of my older stuff i don't get paid on what i feel like i should but it's like the stuff since i've owned my masters which is the last 15 years of my life you know i mean it's fascinating for me on the outside looking at what happens with labels and how how they do things it's it's just it's amazing their sort of survival instincts how they figured out how to stay labels are signing podcasters now because of streaming. Streaming, you should be getting checks from this, Joe. I don't allow them to stream me. Honestly, you could. Pandora, Spotify, I say nope.
Starting point is 01:30:13 Well, you'd probably have to be exclusive to one of them is the deal, too. Well, either way, what they are is just a portal. It's not just streaming. Your YouTube views are streaming. That's streaming. It doesn't have to be with a streaming service. But you should have a digital company that is representing you that's collecting all that if you don't. Yeah, no, I do for that.
Starting point is 01:30:34 Okay, just make sure. Yeah, but that's like the YouTube thing. It's all streaming. You know what the YouTube thing, the most fascinating thing about it is? It's only YouTube. That's the crazy thing. We think about how big the internet is and there's really only one thing like YouTube.
Starting point is 01:30:46 It was a good moment they came and the branding and everything they did. They just own it. I saw like, I don't know if it was a documentary because it wasn't full length but it might have been
Starting point is 01:30:55 just like a little like feature like within a news kind of segment thing about how, you know, the original videos that were huge on YouTube were like a kid biting another kid and like the original first for the longest time the were huge on on youtube were like a kid biting another kid and like the
Starting point is 01:31:05 original first for the longest time the most played video on youtube was the charlie biting the kid or something you know charlie bit me that's where it all came from like it almost came from america's home video like funniest home video kind of thing youtube kind of filled in that void for a long time with they were memes before they were memes they were just viral videos you know um that wasn't that long ago that's what's so crazy it's like a decade ago and that well i mean the necessity of having to change the music business is what changed youtube you know because they caught on like all right tvs doesn't play videos anymore right and nobody's buying records so we gotta so you know the whole the whole thing for the longest was like when the bottom had really fallen out for a while of making any money off of actual records was like
Starting point is 01:31:49 well you can bootleg my record and you can download my record but you can't download the t-shirt right i mean that so it became sell the lifestyle so the music became background music to the you know everything else it was part of the lifestyle in the cars and this and all i wanted you to do was really go buy this limited edition t-shirt that I'm selling you right now. You know what I mean? Right, right. That's what the game changed into. And it's still that.
Starting point is 01:32:11 You know what I mean? That's why the fuckery and the trollism and all that. Because people want eyes on them. So the next thing they have the opportunity to sell, they can sell. Yeah, that's what's interesting to me about labels. Is now labels get a piece of everything. They do these 360 deals. Yeah, that's Satan. Crazy. That was unheard of when i was you didn't get a piece not only
Starting point is 01:32:30 t-shirts you get a piece of they get a piece of the live money yeah every you know it's like how could they it used to be like i had to pay you i used to be like all right a record label would give me half a million dollars all right and i'd go and make a record with that i'd i'd i could spend whatever i wanted making the record and whatever the rest of money left over was mine that 500 grand was mine i could spend it all making the record or i could spend 50 grand making the record and pocket the rest that was up to me um and then after that my job your job as a label was to sell that record my job was to hit the road and go tour right and i go tour for a few years and at first i'm not even making money touring you're giving me money to hit the road and go tour. And I go tour for a few years. And at first, I'm not even making money touring.
Starting point is 01:33:06 You're giving me money to go out there and tour. It's called tour support. That used to be. And that gets added on to your bill. You didn't get paid. No, you would get money for tour, but it wouldn't cover a bus and a band and all this. So the label would supplement that with what they called tour support, which would also become part of the debt you owe the label. But as you built your live audience,
Starting point is 01:33:28 your guarantees would go up. Sooner or later, you could stop taking that money, and then your record sales would pay that off, hopefully, if you were doing well enough. And now you got your own stream of revenue with live T-shirts, all this other outside shit that's yours. That's the way it was when i came up
Starting point is 01:33:45 now it's like that's not a deal they want it all out how'd they sneak that in well because when napster and shit dropped the bottom out of the record business nobody was paying for records labels weren't going to give you a half a million dollars just for your record because nobody was buying records they want to sell your t-shirts too it's not amazing though they figured out how to stay alive like that. Just because they always knew that people are going to be needy. It always, it all boils down to this too. And I hope somebody one day like really investigates this and make some sort of like documentary about it is like,
Starting point is 01:34:15 they had so many opportunities to be ahead. The movie industry didn't take the same hit. They took hits and they dealt with piracy, but they, the music industry had a moment, if you remember, there was some kids that got in trouble for downloading ridiculous amounts of music and their parents were being held responsible. And the music industry backed off of it because the news wasn't good. The movie industry never backed off of that kind of shit. They told you, we're going to fucking sue your life off. Some people did get sued for music. But the music industry backed off, though. They didn't keep the pedal down and keep the foot on the neck like you're going to fucking sue your life off. Some people did get sued for music. But the music industry backed off, though. They didn't keep the pedal down and keep the foot on the neck like you're going to steal this.
Starting point is 01:34:50 This cost. You got to remember back then, if I would have got a half a million dollars, I probably would have spent up to two of that on a record. Two hundred thousand dollars just on the making studio time. Whoever's got to be involved, engineers 200 grand off top just that's minimum we would have spent on a record and then it gets you go out and people steal it right you know i mean it's the same you know did you ever download shit for free um my thing not at first my thing became later like okay this is what this is the wave whatever but if i doubt my my philosophy was if I downloaded your shit
Starting point is 01:35:25 and I liked it, I'd go buy it. Me too. If I downloaded it and it was trash, then hey, I looked at it as a taste test. That's good, yeah.
Starting point is 01:35:34 Okay, maybe if more people adapted that, things would have... But again, the record industry had plenty of opportunities to jump ahead of it and be...
Starting point is 01:35:42 There was technology out there already that people were dealing with bringing it to them, telling them this wave is coming and the, there was technology out there already that people were dealing with bringing it to them telling them this wave is coming and the record industry was making so much money
Starting point is 01:35:49 at that time. If you look at the amount of money they were making off of the boy bands and the Britney Spears and all, it was retarded how much money
Starting point is 01:35:55 was in the record business and they let it all go down the drain because they thought they had all the answers and they thought it had all the money. What could they have done
Starting point is 01:36:03 to stop it? I'd have to go back, I have like books on it like there was technological for streaming there were people ready there to help set up things like naster and how to monetize it and control like there was ways to deal with it there were ways to be part of it instead of like wait till it was too late well the thing about the movie industry too though is that like people want to go to the movies like the experience is not as good apple music saved the music industry like apple at first itunes why didn't the record industry like there were people telling them this is coming and i didn't mean to interrupt you but i don't they could have made itunes first not called itunes
Starting point is 01:36:38 but like the record industry itself should have digitized and been ready it would have been that simple come up with their own version of iTunes. And they could have invested a lot more money. The music industry is booming, but artists are losing big. Because most artists are signed to record deals. With just 12% of revenue. 12%. Whoa.
Starting point is 01:37:00 $43 billion a year was its most profitable year since 2006. Yep. Listeners are spending more money than ever largely on streaming and live music with consumers spending totaling more than $20 billion last year. Wow. Yet artists aren't feeling the increase of that $20 billion. Music industry entities such as record labels took home $10 billion. Musicians taking home just $5.1 billion
Starting point is 01:37:25 with the majority of their revenue coming from touring and concert sales. It's amazing. That's amazing. It's like a parasitic industry. It's like people don't necessarily need them the way they used to need them. Not like they used to. I was going to just play devil's advocate and say, well, it used to be that I'm the guy to put up all the fun.
Starting point is 01:37:43 If I'm the label, I'm putting up millions of dollars in advance, gambling it on you. Now when you win, you want to take away my lion's share? No, fuck you. Now it's totally different. Now you can do this on your own. You know what I mean? You can start an Instagram, start a YouTube, start this,
Starting point is 01:37:58 and you can make beats on your laptop in your living room. Well, like Chance the Rapper, right? Isn't that the guy who does everything? Everything he's done is his own shit online? Sure. Sure? Sure, yeah. You don't believe it?
Starting point is 01:38:09 What do you mean? Not exactly. Oh, Jamie's got a conspiracy theory? Not a conspiracy, but he's got more support than he would say. Now he does? Sure, yeah. Yeah, now he does maybe. But I mean, basically he's become huge all on his own, right?
Starting point is 01:38:20 Yeah. I mean, you look, it's like so many viral music hits. They get big online just because kids share it and they like it, and then it becomes gigantic. With the music industry, the industry, the labels have nothing to do with that, right? No. There's labels that are doing their thing out there. They actually know what they're doing marketing-wise and all that. There's still a lot of kids that are being made, you know, famous by labels.
Starting point is 01:38:46 So there's some benefit. Yeah. I mean, there's a lot of these, a lot of the reasons some of these artists are only seeing 5.1 minutes because they're signed to record deals. You know, Jay-Z ain't only saying five, you know, 5% of what, you know, he's due because he, you know, he's been in the game long enough. He knows. And they started out with their own label.
Starting point is 01:39:00 They started to be in the beginning. Rockefeller Records was independent. So that's the kind of you know those kind of guys are never going to lose as long as you know they can still make music that people buy yeah they figure out a way to rope you in early too where like even if your record is successful the second record you it's not like you're going to be able to be independent on the second record they owe you they own you for several down the line right usually i mean it used to be i think the standard was like eight own you for several down the line, right? Usually, I mean, it used to be,
Starting point is 01:39:25 I think the standard was like eight. Eight? Yeah, yeah. Eight albums. But it's misleading because it depends on where you're from, too. There's also like, you know, if your first record is very successful
Starting point is 01:39:35 and you have a lawyer that has any wherewithal, you're renegotiating before you do the second record. You know what I mean? These are things you learn. But like, if you're struggling, that eight record thing, too, also if you study the record business, it goes back to when actually artists used to be built.
Starting point is 01:39:52 Nobody expected the first album to do anything. When they would sign bands in the 60s, they had a plan by album three and four, here's where we'll be. They used to build artists. There used to be A&R. They actually used to nurture and fucking take care of a band for a long time and watch them grow you know that's the way it used to be until like you know whatever it was i maybe the 80s it changed i had a record deal for my comedy album in 1999 i had a record deal with warner brothers it was like a real record deal
Starting point is 01:40:20 like i met with them. They promoted it. The whole deal. I went through the whole record industry business. Yeah, there was always a comedian or two on labels. Yeah, they don't have that anymore. I mean, comedy albums. You do it yourself. Well, it's not just that. You definitely can do it yourself.
Starting point is 01:40:39 But comedy albums just aren't that popular anymore for some strange reason. Well, because it's a... It's a piss poor way to also view the art form you want to watch it exactly i was about to say it's so it's so visual that now comedy albums were big when everybody didn't have a tv screen or everything it's like you could listen and imagine what we what he was doing or something some guys translate super well like mitch hedberg translates amazing to cd to to just audio only because his he
Starting point is 01:41:06 basically just stands there and tells great jokes like he doesn't have like there's no it's fun to watch him more fun to watch him but once you know what he looks like and how he does it it's like kind of cool to listen to it on the albums i was just talking about stephen wright the other day too like stephen Stephen Wright was a genius Yeah he was amazing Yeah but that style is hard to do See what Mitch Hedberg basically did Was do that Stephen Wright style
Starting point is 01:41:33 But like a more stony Drug style But the drugs Allowed him to come up with way more of those things Hedberg Could just go on for days He had so much fucking material man That guy wrote constantly to come up with way more of those things. Hedberg could just go on for days. He had so much fucking material, man.
Starting point is 01:41:48 That guy wrote constantly. He was always writing until the end. In the end, you know, the drugs got to him. Obviously, they killed him. But he was, that's a non-sequitur style. That's the hardest style of comedy. You say one thing, and then you say something totally unrelated. The next joke and the next joke is totally unrelated.
Starting point is 01:42:10 No, no sequencing or. No, man. And you, you know, it's all. Segways. I'm sorry. No segways. I was like sequencing. That's an album.
Starting point is 01:42:17 But sequencing too. It's like they don't, they don't fit in together in any way, way, shape or form. They're just total non sequiturs. Just here's a funny thing I thought of. Here's another funny thing I thought of, you know, and it's, but his style was so unique.
Starting point is 01:42:30 Just the way he delivered things was so unique. He was funny. Just talking about nothing. Like talking about anything. One of my favorite jokes of his, he goes, uh, he goes,
Starting point is 01:42:39 somebody asked me if I want a frozen banana. I said, no, but I want a regular banana later. So yes. That's just such a silly joke. But it's such a great joke. That's a stoner joke for sure.
Starting point is 01:42:56 Oh, man. All day. He's got like one of the best, his albums are some of the best stoner material of all time. Maybe the best. You're going to make me go listen to some. Oh, he was incredible, man. Oh, I'm familiar.
Starting point is 01:43:07 I just haven't listened to it or heard any of it. I'll throw him on every now and again when I'm on my way to the airport. I used to listen to, on Sirius all the time, the comedy channel, the dirtier, darker one, you know, the more grown up one. And he'd pop on there every once in a while. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:43:22 I haven't had Sirius in forever. Do you still listen to that? No, because I just... Yeah. That, yeah. I haven't had serious in forever. Do you still, do you still listen to that? No, because I just, Yeah. I just, I don't really, honestly, my favorite thing
Starting point is 01:43:31 in the car is silence. Really? Yeah. Like, by myself, like, I get a lot of thinking done driving. Like, it's, or, like,
Starting point is 01:43:39 if I'm ever really, like, stumped while I'm working on a song, like, because I don't write things down or anything, I just, I'll get in the car and drive and then somehow it'll work itself out i can really just
Starting point is 01:43:51 relax behind the wheel yeah i know what you mean unless i'm in like the middle of like fucked up driving i'd be like at night i can get in the car i could drive on an open road and it'll just it really relaxes me i have a car that i take to the comedy store all the time and it's a 1993 porsche doesn't have any radio no radio it's manual transmission no power steering no air conditioning it's just it's just an old car and everything like when when you drive it you feel every bump and it's like you shift it but because of all that i have to think and it makes it fires my brain up because i'm doing all these different things, hitting a clutch, shifting the gears, managing this heavy steering wheel and all that jazz. And when I get to the store, my brain is charged up because of it. It's like I've been doing a bunch of things.
Starting point is 01:44:38 It's like exercising your brain. I'm not in the back seat sleeping, waiting to to get to the show and then I wake myself up. I love to drive. Do you still get that crazy Audi? No, not right now. I just bought a truck, actually, and I got a CLS 63S. Yeah, it's nice. I just couldn't bring the kids in the Audi, but I miss it so much I'm actually about to get another one.
Starting point is 01:45:02 They have a new one. Yeah, I know. It's a beast of a car. What do you think? I'm sitting here like, I'm actually about to get another one. They have a new one. Yeah, I know. It's a beast of a car. What do you think? I'm sitting here like, oh, shit. I was like, all right, I got to hit the road for about three months. I'll be back for that car. It's an amazing car.
Starting point is 01:45:14 Yeah. It's a good time if you're into cars. They got a lot of crazy-ass fucking automobiles now. Yeah, when I did have the RA, man, I would just like, and then I lived much further south. I actually lived off the 15, like below the 91. And I would, when I would shoot to sometimes out to Vegas for fights, I would just jump in the R8, like on a Thursday night, like 11 o'clock. I'd be there by two.
Starting point is 01:45:37 I'd get there in like three hours. Like Jesus. I mean, I was already on the 15. I wasn't coming from deep LA. Still Jesus. But I do, I do like a fucking on the 15 I wasn't coming from deep LA still Jesus yeah but I do like a fucking buck the whole way
Starting point is 01:45:47 yeah I'm so good god damn it that's fast that's a four wheel drive car too that car's glued to the ground it's like on fucking rails man it's one of my favorite cars I've ever driven
Starting point is 01:45:59 yeah it's in the style like it's still relevant like they've kept that style basically with just a little few facelifts and improvements for a few years. I mean, it's essentially like a mini Lamborghini, right? It's the same engine.
Starting point is 01:46:11 Yeah, it's the Gallardo. The same engine as the Gallardo. I mean, it's more than enough power. The crazy thing about today's cars is they have so much power, it's just ridiculous. Like, every year it's like a new, faster, 0-60 time, new records on the Nürburgring. It's like, what are you doing? Like, where are you taking this? Like, where are you going to drive this thing that fast?
Starting point is 01:46:31 You know? It's going to be teleporting. The new Corvette ZR1 has 700 and something fucking horsepower. How does that even stay on the, you know? It barely does. One of the drivers from GM, one of, like, the head execs from GM took it on a racetrack when they were first releasing it and crashed. Like immediately spun out and slammed into the fucking wall. That's great.
Starting point is 01:46:56 You got to know what the fuck you're doing if you're throttling. I mean, you have to be able to navigate that throttle with 700 horsepower because no matter what those wheels are spinning No matter how much especially rear-wheel drive no matter how much traction control you ever see that video see find the video It's fucking hilarious It's a good video to watch to let you know like this is a crazy vehicle that you people are selling You're letting people get a car that is so much faster than anything that was on the road five years ago. I mean, it's a fucking insane mobile. And the speed limit ain't changed.
Starting point is 01:47:31 No. You know where that car comes in handy? Germany. Yeah. GM exec crashes new Corvette ZR1. I mean, this was before it was even released. This dude showed everybody what the problem is. This is the only one he ain't sent me, man.
Starting point is 01:47:47 I got an extra one. He ain't sent me that one. Funny, I was talking about this guy, and I liked a picture of his so long ago. Here it is. Look at this guy. Boom. Play that again. Oh, my goodness.
Starting point is 01:48:02 Watch this. Play it from the beginning, this knucklehead. It started too quick. I was seeing if there's more angles on the video. No, no, no. Look Watch this. Play it from the beginning, this knucklehead. It started too quick. I was seeing if there's more angles on the video. No, no, no. Look at this. Right away, this guy, hey, I know how to drive. I'm a fucking executive.
Starting point is 01:48:13 Shit! Wow. Yeah, he's driving like an asshole. He doesn't know how to drive. Sorry, sir. He just put the foot down. Yeah. He doesn't know what the fuck he's doing.
Starting point is 01:48:23 Dumbass. Look, that's a car that you have to know how to navigate once the ass end kicks out, too. He was just stomping it. That's hilarious. Crash. I'm sure he got
Starting point is 01:48:36 a nice amount of shit at the next board meeting. Look at that fucking car, though. Good Lord. What a beast of a car. What are they retailing for? It's more than 100. I think it's like 150, 160,000.
Starting point is 01:48:52 Damn. Probably fully loaded, but it is a monster. It looks good. Monster car. I like what they've done to the body stuff. See, but you know where your R8 has a huge advantage? Your R8 is a four-wheel drive car. And 755 horsepower. Good lord. Good lord.
Starting point is 01:49:08 That's insane. Good lord. But the problem is it's hard to keep all that power down on the ground with a rear-wheel drive car. You're just going to get a lot of sliding. And if you know how to drive, you like that. People who know how to drive, they want to
Starting point is 01:49:24 kick the ass in and out sideways. But if you know how to drive, you like that. People who know how to drive, they want to kick the ass in and out sideways. But if you drive, say, a Nissan GTR is a perfect example. One of the best things about that car is a regular person can drive it pretty fast because there's a lot of electronics and what they would call nanny controls that sort of keep everything in order. So that car has been around for a long time. They really haven't changed a whole lot about the way it looks, but they've made these incremental improvements in performance.
Starting point is 01:49:50 And to this day, that is one of the beastiest cars you could drive. That car is a motherfucker. I rented one of those in Austin last year. Holy shit, was it fun. It's a crazy car. It defies logic. It defies physics. That's the Nismo one.
Starting point is 01:50:06 You don't want that one unless you want to take it to a track, because that shit's harsh as fuck. You just want the regular one. The regular one is beastie enough. They're amazing cars, though. All the pop-up windows trying to get you to buy it. Come on, buy it. Buy this.
Starting point is 01:50:20 Come on, buy it. Buy it. Buy it. But really, if I was going to get a brand-new Japanese car, the real car to get now is the new NSX. The new NSX. TJ Dillshaw has one. He brought it in here, and I was checking it out outside. Fuck, man.
Starting point is 01:50:35 It's got electric engines on top of the regular engines. It's an amazing car. Just fucking amazing. And it's gorgeous. Oh, they're accurate. Okay. And they have a 2019 one that's coming amazing car. Just fucking amazing. And it's gorgeous. Oh, they're accurate. Okay. And they have a 2019 one that's coming out that has even more improvements. But it's hard for them to sell these cars because, like, look at how good that looks.
Starting point is 01:50:55 Look how good that looks. Goddamn, that looks. I'm still kind of partial to the Audi. Audi's a beast. Yeah, I love it. Look, it's just, it's apples or oranges. It's just what you're into. TJ's got that color too, that
Starting point is 01:51:05 blue. Pull up 2018 Audi R8. Oh! Oh! Look at that! That's gorgeous. Come on, son! You gotta get silver too, because it looks like a fucking spaceship. That's a monster car. Look how beautiful that is.
Starting point is 01:51:21 That's one of the best looking cars I've ever seen. What are they, like a Buck eighty two? Something like that. Monster. Monster vehicle. Just ridiculous performance. Good looking car. Yeah and easy to drive too. It's one of those cars that's just it's glued to the ground. Four wheel drive. Electric power steering or
Starting point is 01:51:37 electric engines controlling the wheels. Crazy brake systems. Amazing. Look at that. God damn it. Look at that fucking thing. Crazy. crazy brake systems amazing 159 cheese moe's that's a lot of cheddar But it doesn't have the sound that your car had See the thing about the audi is they have that big-ass fucking v8 the V10, depending on which one you get. That's a different thing, man.
Starting point is 01:52:10 It's a different thing. What is that beast? A new R8. Ooh, what the fuck? 2019 R8 LMS. Oh, that's the race car. That's a monster. That's gorgeous.
Starting point is 01:52:24 Pull up 2019 Audi R8. People get mad when we talk too much about cars. I couldn't even afford these cars, bro. Why are you talking about these cars? Because it's fun. That must be the camouflaged one. I saw on Twitter someone posted a picture. They saw one like this driving around with like this weird paint job.
Starting point is 01:52:45 I've seen that, yeah. Yeah, they drive one like this driving around with like this weird paint job. I've seen that. Yeah. Yeah, they drive them all over cities and everything like that to test them. Yeah, they do that for quite a long. I've been around a few of those cars. You ever see the one that they'll do with regular cars? I remember when the, remember the PT Cruiser? Yes.
Starting point is 01:53:01 When that was first, like long before it came out, like about a year before it came out, they would like see this ugly fucking thing driving around with these magnetic covers all over it. So you couldn't see the car, but you could totally tell what the shape was. Right. It was fucking hilarious. Nobody gives a shit about that car anyway. What, they're going to steal your design? No one's stealing that design. It was such a shitty car.
Starting point is 01:53:18 Dude, I drove one once. I rented one because it looked kind of cool. I said, I'll take one of those. That's kind of cool looking. Oh, my God, what a death trap. I was driving. I was like I'll take one of those. That's kind of cool looking. Oh, my God. What a death trap. I was driving. I was like, this thing has zero control.
Starting point is 01:53:28 Like, you can't corner in it. The brakes suck. It's just built to look like an old surfer car. Way worse. I rented a Hummer H3 once. I would never even. Oh, good Lord. And I took it on a dirt road.
Starting point is 01:53:40 I was in Colorado. We drove up this hill. Like, every time I was going around a corner, it was kicking out sideways. The thing had zero traction. It was a terrible car. Did you ever drive a Prowler? Oh, never. Interesting side bit. Chip Foose designed that. Same guy who
Starting point is 01:53:55 built my Barracuda. Or designed my Barracuda, not built it. Yeah, no thanks. Yeah, disgusting. That was like the Hot Wheel you hated. Right. Yeah, no thanks. Yeah, disgusting vehicle. That was like the Hot Wheel you hated. Right, you're like, get this one out of here, man. That was the Hot Wheel you put a firecracker in. Yeah, give me that old Corvette.
Starting point is 01:54:14 Fuck this little thing. Yeah, they tried those. They tried those for a while. It's an interesting time for cars, though, now. I mean, and people are starting to go towards electric cars. Have you driven a Tesla yet? No. That's a goddamn space machine.
Starting point is 01:54:29 Those things are rocket ships. They're so fast, they don't even make any sense. They don't make any sense. They're zero to 60 in like two seconds. That's crazy. They're so fast. I wasn't hip to that. There's no gears, right?
Starting point is 01:54:42 Because the transmission is not the same. Because it's not a combustion engine. Because the transmission is not the same. Because it's not a combustion engine that has to feed in the transmission, the clutch and all that stuff. This is kind of like when you just press forward on the remote control cars, right? It just zooms. Exactly. It just goes. That kind of makes sense, yeah. Just an electric car that goes 1.9 seconds, son, 0 to 60.
Starting point is 01:55:03 What in the actual fuck? And it can go 620 miles before you have to charge it. That's crazy. That's going to be a monster. Yeah, and how long you got to wait to get one? Probably a while. Hey, maybe you got a word in with your buddy. Yeah, it's not ready yet.
Starting point is 01:55:20 It's 2020. They're not even going to start selling them. I don't even think they're not even in production. Meanwhile meanwhile he shot one off into space look how pretty it is though god when that thing comes out that's a gorgeous car that's a cgi though right no no that's the real car because probably the one they made remember they had one they shot into space look at that look how fast that fucking thing goes 1.9 seconds 250 plus miles per hour I mean what the fuck
Starting point is 01:55:48 that's going to be one of the most amazing cars ever once it actually comes out save up your cheddar 200 G's 250 fully loaded it's just a quarter brick dog that's it founder series reservation
Starting point is 01:56:03 what does that mean yeah that guy was a weird guy brick dog that's it founder series reservation what does that mean i don't know cool awesome yeah that guy was a weird guy to talk to because i couldn't get over all the stuff he does i'm like how do you do all these different things how do you make uh these and then you make roof panels and then you like drilling tunnels and then you're shooting rockets into space. SpaceX. Yeah. He's doing everything. Maybe he's an alien. He said he was. Maybe we should listen. He said he was an alien. He might be.
Starting point is 01:56:33 Might be a higher thinking life form. Well he might as well be. Right? If he was an alien and he looked exactly like that. I'll be honest when he grabbed a joint and the way he kind of looked at it I was kind of like it seemed kind of like a guy who was kind of like i'm not familiar with this practice but or maybe he's so smart that he thought it would be funny if he pretended he didn't know what a joint was could be i don't think he didn't know what it was i'm just saying as he was about to partake he kind
Starting point is 01:56:59 of had this real inquisitive like yeah but that was the part it was a blunt and he almost seemed like he didn't know what a blunt was. Like, you've never been around... I can believe that. Really? I can believe that. The glass tip could have thrown him off, because that's a little unique if you're not familiar.
Starting point is 01:57:13 Not everybody is hip to weed culture, man, as we think. You know what I mean? Right, but when he said that Tesla was going private, funding secure at 420... I didn't realize that. He's got to pay $20 million for that joke. That joke cost him $20 million. The SEC got mad at him.
Starting point is 01:57:31 They fined him. Yeah, well, it's also manipulating your stock prices a little bit. Well, that was one of the things that- You can send your shareholders into a panic. Jamie was concerned that they were going to contact us and see if we arranged that pot smoking part. Like if that was something that had been arranged in advance because it crashed the stock. I read all the stories. I was like, Joe Rogan making noise out here.
Starting point is 01:57:57 I was like, oh, Jesus, we didn't do that, did we? I definitely didn't. Yeah, that was organic, folks. Dude, that was amazing, dude. That was amazing. Strange. That's what this podcast is for. Yeah, for strange shit.
Starting point is 01:58:12 Strange moments that you can't get on NBC. Well, you can't even get it on Netflix. You know, I mean, look with Norm MacDonald's show on Netflix. Like, he's got that thing that he's doing on Netflix. Netflix is probably the most unrestricted of all networks, of all things you're trying to do. And in terms of comedy, there's nothing ever been like it. It's the greatest thing. Netflix, for sure, is the greatest thing that's ever happened to stand-up comedy.
Starting point is 01:58:39 Ever. I can see that. Never been a company that— Gidges about any special you want. They give you no feedback. They don't fuck with you at all. They don't censor you. They don't tell you what to do.
Starting point is 01:58:51 They don't me. They have some people have said some things that they wanted to edit out. Well, it's a numbers game too for them. It has to be like way, way across the line before they step in. They know what Joe Rogan numbers are. That's when they come to you and they say here's your special we're going to do this they know what they're you know they don't they know who you are what you do they know they're signing with you or doing your special
Starting point is 01:59:14 with you because they know how many eyes you're going to bring to the channel yeah they know what they're doing but it's still that just having this ability to have something streaming it's like there's never been like if you if you're if you were a person who said oh i want to do a show on you know this network forget about netflix like if you just decided that's almost like i don't want people to watch this i want people to watch it one time i want it to be on 10 p.m saturday october 17th and that's it like who the fuck wants that? Like nobody wants that. You want someone to be at the airport with their phone and be going, huh, I want to go watch the Chris Rock special.
Starting point is 01:59:52 Let me check it out right now. Bam. It's amazing. And then you're sitting there on your own just watching it. There is no live TV and all that's going the wayside. It's useless. I see commercials now. I start laughing.
Starting point is 02:00:06 Why? I'm like, ha, ha, you fucking dinosaurs with your bullshit-ass commercials. I just finished Ozark. Did you finish it? The second season? Don't say anything. Don't say anything. I just started the second season.
Starting point is 02:00:18 I'm on second episode. It's so good. I'm on the episode where the guy blew the hand. I'm early on this. Don't you, you should spoiler alert that, sir. What? Nobody knows why, when, or how. Ah, don't.
Starting point is 02:00:32 There's people out there. I'm just saying. Netflix is killing it. Stranger Things. You ever watch that show? Yeah. No, I'm waiting for the next season. God damn.
Starting point is 02:00:42 Netflix, here's what Netflix is for. Like, for me and my wife, that's one of our things. We find a show to spend some time together. We do that too, yeah. Ozark, she found. Stranger Things, I think I found. But yeah, that's our thing. Ozark has been kind of tough for us because we watched the first episode of season two,
Starting point is 02:01:01 and then I went on tour for a month. So we just watched the second one the other's like and i gotta leave now so it's like and we can't we don't have time to binge the whole thing so is there any other good ones that i need to know about people occasionally tweet me ones and i forget there's a weird german one called i think dark i mean it's trans it's it's subtitled and stuff but oh it's crazy well black mirror of course oh yeah black mirror that's the shit i watched that shit but that is a weird one that's one of those ones that i watch like i'm stoned i come home from the comedy store and i'm smoking a little weed and i'll watch that i'll go why am i watching someone's here you were talking about the one the star trekking one and that's
Starting point is 02:01:39 what made me go look at it and i was like let me go look at it again because i think i watched it in the beginning i think i tried early on and it was the one where the politician had the fuck you know the fuck the pig yeah so and that kind of just was like all right just sorry whatever this weird shit and i probably just wasn't you know i was like i don't want to but then when you told me about that when i went back started there and that was the last season then i worked my way back and actually got to that one again and re-watched it and i was like oh these are all pretty crazy did you see heavy metal you see that one that's the one with the drones the drones coming after people oh yeah yeah whoa yeah well that's too close to home i binge watched black mirror pretty tough
Starting point is 02:02:15 over just two or three day period and like for like a couple weeks i was convinced i'm living in a simulation like after watching especially the dating ones where it's like they just keep meeting. It just blew my mind a little bit. That was another thing that Elon Musk freaked me out about. He was saying it's quite possible that we are living in a simulation. Oh dude, I'm always playing with that idea. You posted something
Starting point is 02:02:38 the other day that was like something on the Trump thing. Was that a real t-shirt by the way? Well, it's a real t-shirt that you can buy but it's not from Donald Trump's store. It's a company that's selling them. It's like Oh. Yeah, so it's not his.
Starting point is 02:02:51 But you wrote, like, we're living in a movie? I was like, yeah, this is like a simulation. But just the fact that someone's selling that. This is like crazy. Just the fact that someone, people are like, that's fake news. It's not fake news. It's a real shirt. I know it's not his.
Starting point is 02:03:02 But the fact that that's a shirt it says i like beer and then it has a guy who's right i mean they're trying to put this guy in the supreme court it's fucking hilarious the whole world is hilarious the whole world's hilarious it's all fucked up yeah well this is one of the cool things about black mirrors like black mirrors showing you like where some things could go in a total dystopian way. Do you see Crocodile? See that episode? Crocodile.
Starting point is 02:03:31 That's the one where you can record memories? Yes. I've seen all of them. I just don't know the title. This lady? Remember this lady? Uh-huh. Remember this lady with the car accident in the beginning?
Starting point is 02:03:41 Insurance company. Remember this? Yes. Remember this? That's the darkest of the dark ones. That one was so fucked up. accident in the beginning and insurance company remember this yes remember this this was that's the darkest of the dark ones that one was so fucked up that one wrecked me oh that was the one where the people could uh rewind each other's memories and play back yeah yeah which is all that is coming oh that's easily all this shit is coming then there's the one where it was it wasn't super
Starting point is 02:04:03 dark but it was like where the chick was trying to up her status in the world. Yes, yes. Get her stars up. The Star Trek one's my favorite, I think. That one was fucking amazing. Yeah, it was a good one. It was amazing.
Starting point is 02:04:14 And it's just, and that is this sort of weird blend of current reality and a possibility of simulation. Where it was the chick wakes up and she doesn't know where she is, who she is, whatever, and everybody's recording. She's the murderer. Oh, yeah. That was a crazy one, too, man.
Starting point is 02:04:31 It's a fucking amazing show. That sounds good. Yeah, I only... If you hadn't mentioned the Star Trek one, I probably never would have revisited that. That's so good. There's so many good shows now. What else is good? What else do I need to know about?
Starting point is 02:04:43 Have you seen... It's not a show. It's, I think, a documentary-ish.'s like kind of like half documentary and then they did some like recreations um it's called wormwood no it's all about the uh the uh the acid cia oh uh mk ultra program is that a netflix thing it's on netflix yes wormwood oh you got to check it it's it's dope you know what my favorite one they did? You know what Operation Midnight Climax is? It sounds familiar. The CIA, they ran a brothel, and they gave Johns, the guys would come to the fuckery,
Starting point is 02:05:14 and they would give them acid to run tests on them. They loved to give people acid for shit, man. Back in the 50s, they didn't know what acid did. They were just like, here, take this. Wormwood. Wormwood, yeah. It's really good man it has like a really good actor like doing the playing the main role like when they do the recreations you'll recognize him i forget his name but he's been in a talk he was in um that movie about the marines were with uh gillen hall
Starting point is 02:05:39 oh where they were in that rack he was his partner no no jarhead yeah he was? No, no. Jarhead. Yeah, he was his partner in Jarhead. He was that guy. He's in a lot of stuff. I can't remember his name. He's a really good actor, though. There's just almost too much good shit to watch today. Oh, yeah. Another one I watched because of you was the documentary Wild...
Starting point is 02:05:59 Oh, Wild, Wild Country. Wild, Wild Country. And then it all started coming back. I remember that news when I was young. I don't remember that at all. I started being like, oh, man, I kind of remember this. You know, I've been reading this book. You know what I just watched?
Starting point is 02:06:11 What? Three Identical Strangers. Oh, dude, about the triplets. Oh, dude, I'm not going to spoiler alert it. Go watch that. The Netflix thing, too? If it's not on Netflix, I rented it on iTunes for like five bucks. Three Identical Strangers. Yeah, yeah. It might not be on Netflix, I rented it on iTunes for like five bucks. Three identical strangers.
Starting point is 02:06:25 It might not be on Netflix. No, no, no. But it's basically some triplets that were separated at birth. And did I say birth? Birth. At birth. And the story that comes. I mean, the first 20 minutes is amazing.
Starting point is 02:06:46 After that, it crazy Like and dark Really? Yeah Okay Let's come back on two Oh yeah Making a murderer Is that
Starting point is 02:06:54 So is that Netflix? Three Identical Strangers? It didn't say It says it's a documentary I don't know It could be Well Wild Wild Country Is just god damn amazing
Starting point is 02:07:02 It was a CNN film So it could be on Netflix, too. Oh, okay. But right now it's on iTunes and you have to rent it, so I don't think I found it on Netflix. You know what's weird about Wild, Wild Country? And it's weird about all these crazy sex cults. It's like part of it you go, yeah, they got something going on that's right. They're figuring out something.
Starting point is 02:07:20 What I couldn't figure out about that was where was the flashpoint where this guy became this guy? Like what was the thing he did that make everybody believe? Because that was never made clear to me. I never understood like, okay, I can understand people getting this excited about it. But what was the thing that he did or said? And I never understood that part of it. I've been reading his book and it's actually pretty interesting i actually have it right here the art of living and dying and uh he he wrote
Starting point is 02:07:51 this book yeah he wrote this book after he became osho or maybe they published it after he became osho but it's a very good book it's it's weird he's like he had some very good idea oh you know what i think i left it at home uh oh no here it is he had some very good ideas like He's like he had some very good idea. You know what? I think I left it at home. Oh, no. Here it is. He had some very good ideas. Like it's like he's philosophically. He's a fascinating guy or he was a fascinating guy. And there's real good evidence that his followers fucking poisoned him.
Starting point is 02:08:20 Like there's a lot of people. I shouldn't say there's real good evidence. There's a lot of people, I shouldn't say there's real good evidence, there's a lot of people that followed the case very closely that believe that people close to him may have poisoned him and taken his money. So the whole thing, you know, I mean the whole thing was just a massive mindfuck. Those houses are still there in that place. Like that ranch that those guys set up there? They're all beaten down, they show it at the end of the documentary.
Starting point is 02:08:46 And you're like, whoa. There's an interesting other dude. I don't know if you ever heard of him. A guy named Dr. Malachi York. No, who's that guy? He did this. He started in New York doing this sort of Islamic sect thing he did. And then he brought it into aliens and ancient Hebrew stuff.
Starting point is 02:09:07 He brought all this stuff together, all these philosophies, and he made this utopian society in Georgia. But the dude was doing mad criminal shit, and they got him. I don't know if there's any movie about this. Look at him. Look at his smile. But this dude was like, oh, man. Make that picture bigger.
Starting point is 02:09:24 Look how smiley he is yeah it um it's it's an incredibly crazy story damn they put him away for 135 years yeah he was doing some quite like stuff like sex cult stuff was going on with stuff in it and it always becomes that you know i've wow who will lie on him yeah there's it's so because i've never seen definitive i've read this and that so it's like there's motherfuckers who say it was like you know he set up and all this shit and that he had such a perfect society going that they nobody wanted that they would succeed you know that same you know but like i mean i'm pretty sure it's been
Starting point is 02:10:01 proven that the dude was doing some pretty criminal shit. Here's two things that seem to happen. Whenever anybody runs any kind of crazy cult or any sort of weird community outside the norm, it always becomes sex. It always becomes like the dude says, I think that's what got him in trouble. I feel like I remember some, like it being some sexual. What are you saying, Jamie? Having sex with children.
Starting point is 02:10:30 Oh, Jesus. That's what they got him. But if they wanted to bust him on something, I mean, if they really wanted to bring him down, that's what they would accuse him of. I mean, you can't. True. Once someone accuses you of sex with children, even if you're not guilty. It's on you. It's on you forever.
Starting point is 02:10:44 Yeah. with children, even if you're not guilty, it's on you forever. But the thing is like these, no one has ever pulled off like a utopian alternative society. Never. It's crazy. It's really interesting because the entire history of the United States, no one's been able to do it. Like they try it, they'll try it for a little bit and then it falls apart. Every single one of them. That's amazing. It's amazing that no one, whether it's Waco, no one. It's like this. I look at it like the line from The Matrix. It's like, you know, our first version of The Matrix kept failing because it was all too good and too nice.
Starting point is 02:11:15 We had to fuck it up a little for everybody to accept it. Wow. it's just uh to me it's it's quite fascinating that you know we stick to a standard way of living which is you know our modern industrial western civilization and that is it and any deviation of that is scrutinized to the point where it's dismantled and the government steps in they always have guns too they always have guns and way too many guns way too many guns because they're they want to protect their way of life and then someone's banging people's wives and taking all the money fascinating it's weird that not one has figured it out not one group has just got it nailed well it's probably part of the thing that power corrupts you can't have one person that's like
Starting point is 02:11:59 the almighty know-it-all of a thing because he's going to take advantage and then somebody smart within the clique is going to say, hey, this is not right and it's going to fall apart. And it always is one person. Or there's going to be a person underneath that wants that position and is going to do something to get it. But it's always like one charismatic person that seems to lead these things. Like whether it's Jonestown or whether it's Waco. Charles Manson. Yep. Yep. Yeah. It's always one dude. lead these things like whether it's Jonestown or whether it's Waco Charles Manson yep yep yeah it's always one one dude's like this this society's fucked up man you can take that and apply it to
Starting point is 02:12:32 Hitler yep sure I mean yeah like one guy gets everybody's attention and next thing you know yeah it is weird isn't it like this desire to have like our big a big daddy who got all the answers who's better than us because we're all so confused it would be very comforting if someone came along who really understood it all yeah i've got the solution and especially if they have a big ass giant crazy white beard like osho did and then they do they bowed you or if their answers blame the people you wanted to blame and make you you know i mean that's another good technique is to make sure you are what does everybody want to be okay that's what we're going to blame and make you, you know what I mean? That's another good technique is to make sure you are.
Starting point is 02:13:06 What does everybody want to be? Okay. That's where we're going to blame it on. We'll focus our hate. Capitalism. That's not, you know, a lot of these things don't work out because they have to be based on what we talked about earlier. Yep. Doing unto others as you want them to do.
Starting point is 02:13:19 Truthfully living that lifestyle. Yep. All right. When it doesn't happen like that, it's my cats get the power. They get in charge. They want to keep that power. They want to stay that lifestyle. Yep. All right? When it doesn't happen like that. Cats get the power. They get in charge. They want to keep that power. They want to stay in charge. Always.
Starting point is 02:13:29 You know, and they're not going to treat other people the way they want to. They're going to start intimidating people because that's the way you keep people in line. Yeah. Always. People want to be, you know, subjugated, man. Like you're saying. They want somebody to babysit. Oh, I can just sit over here and just be
Starting point is 02:13:45 Dumb okay cool, and if no one was in charge Someone would come along that would want to be in charge and someone would say you know what the problem with this organization is there's No leadership We need a strong leader. We need someone who respects the values and principles this society was founded on But someone who also understands how to be a leader and then people go yes, yes That makes so much sense. Yes. Guide us.
Starting point is 02:14:08 They just want to. It's the same thing. It's what goes on Instagram. Everybody wants to believe everybody's got their, that guy's got his shit together. That guy's got his shit together, man. Fuck, I want to be like that. Not knowing that like behind the scenes. He's falling apart.
Starting point is 02:14:23 He's falling the fuck apart, man. I know. They're just trying to make it look like they got their i had a friend recently no names or anything but like a friend in a couple you would never ever in your life think they were the i mean i was like man i just want to have a relationship like yours you know i mean and no fuss or mess anything one day I just turn around and they have their Instagram names are different and all of a sudden I call him what's up and he's like oh yeah we just
Starting point is 02:14:51 it didn't work we couldn't fake it anymore and it was like I don't know if it's that serious but it just shows you none of that shit is real because we don't put we don't put our shit moments up for everybody to see Elon Musk talked about that too the people you see on Instagram that you think real because we don't put you know we don't put our shit moments up for everybody to see yeah
Starting point is 02:15:05 elon must talk about that too the people you see on instagram that you think are on social media that you think are the happiest are probably the biggest smiles are fucking struggling the most for sure yeah well they're trying to project that they're always trying to project you the best version of what their life gets the best response all over my instagram when i post about my family or even our struggles like this this is rough right now but you share it you say huh but we're gonna get through we're gonna be all right that's one of the things that people like about you you know is that you're real you're not i mean even though you're a famous guy who's been a successful musician for a long time famous i used to be famous but you're you're you you're a normal
Starting point is 02:15:44 dude you know i i take that as the highest compliment you should it is the highest i take I'm trying to be famous. I used to be famous. But you're a normal dude. I take that as the highest compliment. You should. It is the highest compliment. I take that as a seriously high compliment. I got to wrap this podcast up because I have to shit my pants. All right, before we do, tomorrow night, the Brooklyn Bowl, Friday, August 5th at the Brooklyn Bowl, UFC Ultimate Pre-Party. T. Woodley is hosting.
Starting point is 02:16:02 Oh, beautiful. Oh, yeah. Psycho Realm and my man Evidence. If you want to get a discount, UFC Unfiltered is the code. Put it in there. Come see us tomorrow night. It's going to be the bomb. And get it, ladies and gentlemen. Everlast, Whitey Ford,
Starting point is 02:16:16 House of Pain, available now, everywhere. Thank you, my brother. Thanks for having me. Woo!

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