The Joe Rogan Experience - #1209 - Anthony Cumia

Episode Date: November 30, 2018

Anthony Cumia is a radio personality and host formerly of The O&A Show, now hosting The Anthony Cumia Show. ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I don't think that would pan out. I had a similar idea. Anthony Cumia, we're live, sir. I love it. Joe Rogan. If it was not for you. Oh my God. This would not exist.
Starting point is 00:00:16 Which is insane. That is a hundred percent actual fact. I was watching you doing live from the compound. Me and Brian Redband were sitting in my fucking living room, and we were watching you. You were fucking playing karaoke. You were singing karaoke with a machine gun in front of a green screen. And I was like, this guy just set up his own studio.
Starting point is 00:00:36 He already has Opie and Anthony's show. At the time, you guys were on SiriusXM, and you just decided to do this thing in your basement just for a goof. Yeah, it was like a hobby. It's like guys who don't have kids, married, who are not married,
Starting point is 00:00:50 don't have kids, don't have anybody telling them what to do and they also have disposable income. Then you get to see what guys really want to do. They want to sing karaoke
Starting point is 00:00:57 with a machine gun in front of a green screen. Yeah, it was crazy gun guy karaoke. So I could do that. If I was married, I would have a wife that would lose her mind at my living room. Like, my living room table that you're supposed to have a candle on and little tchotchkes and stuff is a widescreen computer monitor and a gaming system right next to the table. I have a gaming computer that's just unbelievable.
Starting point is 00:01:24 And I sit there and just play video games. So the table itself is a gaming monitor? Yeah, to the table. I have a gaming computer that's just unbelievable. And I sit there and just play video games. So the table itself is a gaming monitor? Yeah, the whole table. Is it one of those touchscreen ones? No, it's a giant wide monitor. It's like 40 inches wide. So that's the table? No, it's on the table.
Starting point is 00:01:39 Oh, on the table. I was confused. Yeah, the table is this big heavy metal thing. But it's just everything. There's VR goggles up on the console by the TV. It's just sensors around the room for the VR. It's a playground. And you're absolutely right.
Starting point is 00:01:53 Guys will spend their money on having fun if allowed to. That's what this place is. This place is insane, Joe. I can't do this in my house. You go to my house, it's my wife's house. See? That's how it works. I have one elk head on the wall. That's to my house, it's my wife's house. See? That's how it works. I have one elk head on the wall.
Starting point is 00:02:05 That's all I have. That's all you're allowed. I laugh at guys when they have the man cave. They're like, dude, come on down to the man cave. The chicks aren't allowed down here. I got this, the TV. And I'm like, no. Her place is the whole house.
Starting point is 00:02:19 She relegated you to one room. And you're happy about it. You're happy that you got one room happy wife happy life that's apparently it uh it didn't work it didn't work for me you know the thoreau quote that i say way too many times in this podcast but i love the quote most men live lives of silent desperation wow yeah it that is true it's a hundred percent true% true. I was married for a time, and it was a nightmare. It was a living hell for me. The only thing that got me through as many years as I was married, because I was married nine years, and I don't remember one happy year out of those nine, but I had gotten into radio pretty early on in that marriage. And that was my life.
Starting point is 00:03:06 So I dedicated myself. No matter how miserable anything else in my life was, I was doing radio. So I thought it was awesome. I have a theory about that. I really do. I think that a person needs a certain amount of suffering in their life. And if you look at some of the all-time great comics or even all-time great radio personalities like howard stern yeah howard stern during his heyday when he was the fucking man
Starting point is 00:03:31 was miserable at home right he would talk about it he would hide in his basement i love those stories you realize like here's this guy he's the you know the biggest radio personality ever he's he's huge and yet he's gotta hide and he's just talking about masturbating and hiding from his wife and he can't get any sex and you're like it didn't matter if he was huge it didn't matter if he was famous didn't matter how rich he was didn't matter yeah he's just hiding in the basement and that angst came out on the radio like you related to him you understood it yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I get that. And it worked for me because there was a lot of misery.
Starting point is 00:04:15 Like, when I started doing really well, we moved back to New York from Boston after we got fired, Opie and myself. You guys got fired for saying that the mayor died? Is that what happened? Yeah, it was an April Fool's gag. And because we always thought the radio April Fool fools jokes were so stupid and hokey and uh yeah we changed the format to all elvis and it's like after 10 minutes they say april fools uh so we're like let's just go balls out and say the mayor's dead and have a news guy come on and report it and everything and then it was supposed to subsequently get more outrageous as the uh the the show went on so by the end of it there was a taiwan male hooker in the car with him and
Starting point is 00:04:53 they crashed because he was getting a blow job or something like it was going to get really ridiculous but they stopped it early on and never allowed us to even mention it so people really thought he died although it's kind of stupid. You go to the ONA show for your news. But back then, the internet wasn't what it is now. Exactly, yeah. The internet was barely a thing. It was barely a thing, because that was 1997, around there, 1998.
Starting point is 00:05:21 What year did you get on? You were probably early. I was on really early, like the 80s. I was on bulletin board service and used to play trivia games with a 300 baud modem with people. I thought it was amazing even then. And then when we were up in Boston, I bought a digital camera that was just this giant thing. And I had a laptop, another giant thing. And I would take pictures of what was going on in the studio and then post
Starting point is 00:05:50 them that night on a website that I figured out. I used to code the HTML myself and make a website just to post pictures and links. And people thought it was amazing. You're seeing what we talked about that day. It wasn't instant, but it was pretty like you're seeing what we talked about that day uh it wasn't instant but it was pretty cool and then i started doing videos i i was able to put video like maybe eight second clips of nude girls if they were in the studio and pop that up and people loved it uh and then i got a bill from the the company for bandwidth and i didn't know bandwidth it was a twelve thousand dollar bill for a month yeah yeah because i there was no there was no compression or anything i'm pumping video
Starting point is 00:06:32 out to thousands of people uncompressed and uh apparently um they had that happen a couple of times so they told me uh just don't do it again. They didn't make me pay, which was pretty cool. Wow. But at that point, I had to learn about coding and compression and things like that. So you just kept doing it and just put them in some sort of a compressed format? Yeah, yeah. What did you use? Do you remember back then?
Starting point is 00:06:59 Oh, God. I think it was like, for audio, it was real audio, which was hilarious. That's right. The little player. The real audio player. Yeah, the little little player real audio player would pop up and then for video god i can't even remember what it was but it was terrible it was all pixelated you know like 10 frames per minute kind of weird that things like real audio which was everywhere just yeah they just quit yeah they gave up they around still unless they changed into something else you know
Starting point is 00:07:25 or got bought out by somebody up yeah yeah yeah that happens to everything but honestly if it was not for you and your show live from the compound and for for opiate hilarious because opiate anthony was the first radio show that i real whatever wherever realized you don't really have to have a format yeah you just talk yeah it was just kind of a talk thing. It was a hang. It was a hang. And a lot of the, we were on the same company. It was the same company as Howard Stern, CBS Radio.
Starting point is 00:07:54 Oh, look at that. Real is still here? Wow. It says it makes stories from your videos and photos now, but this is exactly what it is. It's It's a real player. Automatically makes video stories from your best photos. Sorry to cut you off there.
Starting point is 00:08:08 Ew. Ew. It's ew now. It's like a kind of montage. iPhone does it automatically now. Yeah, yeah. It used to be a good way to watch porn with weird codecs. Codecs, yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:19 Right? When porn had a weird codecs, you know, like, who compiled this? And then you'd get it. you'd watch it on RealPlayer. Like, when you'd get porn from BitTorrent. Yeah, yeah. And sometimes you wouldn't have anything on your computer to play it. It would say, codec not available. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:08:37 Get pissed off because you like the thumbnail. You'd have to go find it, like, fuck. Yeah. It's like, no, that thumbnail was awesome. I got to see this. I remember the first time I ever got a porn video sent to me. I was like, no, that thumbnail was awesome. I got to see this. I remember the first time I ever got a porn video sent to me. I was like, this is crazy.
Starting point is 00:08:50 Yeah, yeah. You can watch a porn video? Before, it was just photos. The photos were insane, because I guess it was around the mid-90s. My brother had picked up an Apple computer. I don't even know what model it was or anything but it was it was pretty good for the time and uh i just sat in front of that thing for hours and hours on end just one porn pic it was no videos just pictures and you know how they used to scroll uh sometimes it was a corrupt file so halfway down it would would just turn white and pixelated and zigzaggy.
Starting point is 00:09:26 But just for hours, just one more, one more, one more. And it would go tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick. It would slowly emerge. Yeah. Tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick. It was very compelling. Yeah, you'd sit there just waiting for the tits. It's like a 3D printer is faster now than it was downloading photos on a 14K modem.
Starting point is 00:09:46 Yeah, yeah. It's insane to think of the technology end of it because you got thumb drives with more memory than entire computers had just a few years ago. And I remember, I guess it was Bill Gates or something said you'll never need anything more powerful than a 486 back years ago. And it's like, what, a couple of megs of memory?
Starting point is 00:10:08 And just crazy. The demand for computer power got way out of hand. And especially with games and stuff, because I'm a huge gaming guy. Now you download a game like Red Dead Redemption 2 or Call of Duty, like Red Dead Redemption 2 or Call of Duty and it's 75 to 100 gigs really those games yeah and it's like that would have that would have been a hundred computers and to think of those floppy disks used to get games on yeah it would have been a pallet stacked up like six feet high of those disks to load it on a computer yeah like the old doom game
Starting point is 00:10:45 yeah yeah yeah with a floppy disc yeah make those sounds and hopefully it would work and uh yeah now you just download them i haven't been to a a gaming store in years because with origin or steam you just download the game right off your uh offline and so if you want to get redemption too you just download it you just download it. You just download it. I don't know who goes to GameStop or anything anymore. People still do, though. I mean, there's one in the mall. I've seen people walk in. Yeah, I've seen it. Is it Xbox?
Starting point is 00:11:14 Maybe for used games. Yeah, Xbox and PlayStation. But at Xbox, you could download too, right? Oh, yeah. And PlayStation. All those things. Yeah, you just plug that Cat 6 or whatever it is. I was having a conversation with Jordan Peterson about this yesterday off air. I was saying, I'm really, I get concerned because I feel like all of our information,
Starting point is 00:11:34 like the vast majority of it is now digital. I mean, we have some things that are written down on paper, but even paper, it's so easy to break and burn and fuck up. I mean, we lost most of, human beings lost most of the information about Egypt when they burned the Library of Alexandria. Who knows? I mean, there could have been all sorts of schematics and some diagrams, detailed diagrams, how they built some of the things they built. Lost it all. You know, that easily could happen to us, and then we'd be starting from scratch again yeah the uh when when it takes
Starting point is 00:12:05 some form of electricity to to get to all this information you're really dependent on that there's going to be power that type of power uh forever and even if we figure out how to reboot electricity let's say if someday in the future what if we have a massive coronal mass ejection and it fucking nukes the entire the the whole grid and all the satellites go down and we have to start from scratch so it's a decade two decades before people start rebuilding computers again that actually work well they're gonna have to decipher all this information they're gonna have to figure out those codecs they're gonna have to figure right yeah they're gonna get drivers to make all this stuff work and they're gonna miss a lot of it yeah all the info is literally
Starting point is 00:12:48 ones and zeros and has to be decoded and and put back together again and some important stuff if it's on a drive somewhere it could just get nuked yeah yeah it's gone and then gone forever all the things that people figured out gone uh don't you wish that would happen at some point? I don't know. I'm so cynical, man. You really have lately, more so. I think over the course of the past few years, I've just gotten more cynical. And I think social media had a big effect on me.
Starting point is 00:13:20 Well, you engage too much. Yes, I did. I'm off social media now i have been for for maybe uh months at least you know was it a personal choice well twitter kicked me off quite a few times what did they kick you off for just dumb shit too it wasn't even um it wasn't even that bad like the last one it was was defending Jimmy Norton. Some girl was on, just bashing Jimmy. And I was like, look at you.
Starting point is 00:13:52 I go, I don't even know what you are, first of all. You're either a masculine girl or a feminine guy. And your hair looks like it was dyed with period blood. And boom, gone. They fucking permanently suspended me. That was dyed with period blood because she had some and boom god they fucking permanently suspended me that was that was it blood period blood you can't make fun of that you can't make fun of somebody's uh looks if their sexuality and i kind of called him a a femme uh or or a butch whatever it was whichever. Whichever case. Whichever case. And to this day, I still don't know, actually. So I get kicked off a lot.
Starting point is 00:14:29 I have a Twitter account now, but I have not told anybody what the name is because I just use it for research for the show. Right. Because Twitter gets the news before the news. Yeah. Like that's where everything breaks now on Twitter. You know what's interesting to me?
Starting point is 00:14:44 Louis Farrakhan's still on Twitter. It's amazing. You ever read some of the shit he says about evil Jews? Crazy anti-Semitic. Unbelievable.
Starting point is 00:14:53 Yeah. Unbelievable. And for whatever reason they're scared to kick him off. Yeah, they won't kick him off. I guess Laura Loomer is a Jewish
Starting point is 00:15:01 kind of independent reporter girl. Slash nutcase. Slash nutcase. Slash nutcase. Whatever. Yeah, yeah. Whatever you want to. She chained herself to Twitter.
Starting point is 00:15:09 She chained herself to Twitter yesterday. That's all you need to know. It's hilarious. I just watched it on Periscope as it was going on, and she's got a bullhorn, and she's just yelling at Twitter. That's why you lose me. When you got a bullhorn. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:23 You know, it's funny. It's kind of left-wing tactics she was using. Yeah. Because conservatives, the right, Republicans, whatever you want to call it, are pretty mellow when it comes to, they don't demonstrate really. Right. They like to just get in there and do their shit, whatever it is. But liberals really like getting out there and marching and yelling and bullhorns and
Starting point is 00:15:44 stuff like that. So it was weird to see that on the other end. Yeah. But she's just screaming. And I guess they unhooked her and arrested her. What did they kick her off for talking about Islam and talking about how Twitter was celebrating Women's Day, whatever that was on a certain day, by focusing – like the picture was one of those Islamic women that got elected to office up in – what was it? Minnesota or somewhere. what was it minnesota or somewhere so she said how hypocritical that was because you know islam is for female genital mutilation and uh against women's rights and they kill gay people and
Starting point is 00:16:31 and that's all she posted and she got kicked off for hate speech against islam and and then her argument was lewis farrakhan is saying you know i'm not an anti-Semite, I'm an anti-termite, equating Jews with insects, which is pretty 1930s Germany kind of a thing. So, you know, while her heart was in the right place, I guess, it did come off a little wacky. She also had a Star of David, a yellow Star of David on her shirt as she was chained to Twitter, and people got upset with that uh there she is i just thought to tell you the truth i thought it was a good strategic move because you're gonna buy time with that because the police do not want that optic of a uniformed guy
Starting point is 00:17:18 kind of pulling a girl off there wearing a star david thing it just a picture looks bad so it might have bought her some time but i don't know if that was her motive she planned it out well she did apparently it was the number one uh trending topic on twitter which is odd that you know she gets kicked off and ends up being the the number one trending topic what's really odd is this is while manafort he may have perjured himself right mueller's going after trump's deeper ties co this is while Manafort may have perjured himself, Mueller's going after Trump's deeper ties. Cohen is now saying that Trump was in cahoots with Putin. He was going to give him the $50 million penthouse tower in Moscow.
Starting point is 00:17:55 Yeah, yeah. You know, all that. But like, no, no, no. That girl got kicked off Twitter. She got kicked off Twitter. It sounds ridiculous because I got, like I said, I got kicked off. And I'm a little bummed about it. But it's odd.
Starting point is 00:18:13 It's not just a private company anymore that can do what they want. I'm not for government regulation, so I don't know how you fix this. But Twitter is now a thing where the president's on it. World leaders are discussing things on it emergency management fema and and the weather services they put out alerts in case of uh danger or or some kind of event that's going to happen and because of your political ideology or calling a girl period blood hair uh you're not privy to alerts and safety information that well it's it's clear that it's not everyone's doesn't have to follow the same rules we've already established that with farrakhan
Starting point is 00:18:51 right we've also established that with trump sam harris has been on a he was at least i think he's abandoned it but he was on a quest to get jack to try to hold up his terms of service agreement and and kick trump off of twitter right he's like look what he's doing he's threatening nuclear war like do you understand like this is the craziest use of twitter ever yeah and i think jack's position was that it is it's more beneficial to have him on and it's really we are getting to see his personality in a way we've never seen any president's personality. Oh, absolutely. I mean, the most ridiculous, petty shit that he does, like attacking Michelle Wolf because
Starting point is 00:19:31 of her White House correspondence, doing a thing, calling people losers, making fun of the girl on Joe Scarborough, the girl he married, saying that she had fucked up plastic surgery and she was bleeding. Yeah, yeah. He just makes shit up. I mean, do you really think she showed up on Mar-a-Lago bleeding with fucking plastic surgery? He's a fucking maniac.
Starting point is 00:19:53 He really is. But meanwhile, it's good for us to see because it educates us to who he is as a real person. A lot of who you are just gets exposed in those tweets. You can't know everything about a person from their twitter but you can get you can parse out little chunks where you get a good taste and for him it's very
Starting point is 00:20:15 very revealing yeah it is a weird thing this is i think this will be looked back on as a very pivotal moment uh in american history and in politics where that kind of crossroad happened yeah uh because we were we were pretty satisfied with uh that political speech thing that and we need to bring up the lower uh middle class to the and they just go on and on and drone on it's this weird speech that no real human being ever speaks like hillary was hilarious and what we need today is to go it was fake it comes off as fake and phony trump comes rolling in it's absolutely batshit insane like the stuff he says like you were saying the other the other day he's giving a speech and he said that when he was younger, people said he looked like Elvis because he was doing some kind of a commemorative thing for Elvis down in Tennessee or somewhere.
Starting point is 00:21:17 And he says he looked like Elvis. And we're laughing our asses off, me and Keith, because no one ever told him he looked like Elvis. No one ever told him that and and and there's so many things and I'm a Trump guy I voted for the guy because I wanted that monkey wrench thrown into the machine I felt we had gotten screwed too many decades and it was time to let Washington know like look we'd rather elect this nut than any of you guys. So I think it proved a point. There are enough checks and balances in place where the likes of any one president really isn't going to do that much damage.
Starting point is 00:21:56 I think he's pulled the cover off a lot of stuff. I think people are trying to compete with him on Twitter. Politicians are trying to play his game, and it's kind of fun to watch. As a comic entertainer, it's gold. Do you see what Tulsi Gabbard said to him? What? She's a congresswoman from Hawaii. She said,
Starting point is 00:22:15 being Saudi Arabia's bitch isn't making America first. That's a congresswoman! See? They're all kind of taking that. They never used to do that. And it's odd that a 70-year-old guy was the one that was bringing Twitter to social media into this forum. It is odd. And yeah, you would think it would be some young guy to get in there and do it.
Starting point is 00:22:39 They would never do it the way he's doing it. No, that's just it. Because he's doing it like a reckless maniac. And that's because he can. Yeah. The guy, you'll never see a chain of events like what happened to elect Donald Trump. The rich guy is just a billionaire, a millionaire, whatever you want to call him. He's got a lot of money.
Starting point is 00:22:57 Who got all his money from his dad. From his dad. And then, you know, I remember him in New York when I was a kid. Trump was always in the news. Developer. He was always banging heads with politicians, trying to get some kind of zoning thing going or build some other tower somewhere. And so we were all familiar with him. And we knew he was like this piece of shit guy.
Starting point is 00:23:18 You know? Like everyone was surprised. Like, oh, God. He grabbed by the pussy he's like we saw in the daily news in the new york post every week trump was with some other who uh and shit so it wasn't a surprise to to us yeah but he got out there and it was the perfect timing like we come off the uh the heels of eight years of a democratic president uh and it just was people were ready for a maniac to be in the white house people were some people were exactly my favorite image of the election
Starting point is 00:23:53 was that lady with the sock hat on her knees with the glasses screaming screaming like that to me ushered in this era of outrage and chaos yeah yeah it just that was it that was like the the primal scream that set off the dominoes and they're all in motion right now it wasn't supposed to happen it wasn't supposed to happen hillary was supposed to be president that's what everybody thought it was going to go down in history as just one of those wacky elections and then business as usual yeah but uh you know when when trump won it turned everything upside down and ripped the cover off of i think not only politics in washington but hollywood uh uh the mainstream media the news media everything had the covers ripped off and everyone's now got a peek inside and realize how fucked up everything is you know you used to assume washington at least the people
Starting point is 00:24:52 had some kind of control like they were they were adults doing the job that needed to be and then you realize oh my god everyone's just a piece of shit do you remember here's a story that disappeared from years ago do you you remember the Washington madam that suicided herself? Oh, yeah, yeah. She had a whole book filled with politicians that were banging
Starting point is 00:25:11 all these prostitutes. Yeah. And she was going to release everything and she was doing press conferences and then she committed suicide. Committed suicide. And everybody's like, well, case closed.
Starting point is 00:25:19 You know, no big deal. Oh, lost her books. Yeah, yeah. Whatever, whatever. Whatever, and then it disappeared. Yeah, it disappeared. Things like that happen. Oh, we lost the books. Yeah, yeah. Whatever, whatever. Whatever. And then it disappeared. Yeah, it disappeared. Things like that happen. Oh, fuck yeah, they do.
Starting point is 00:25:28 Politicians kill people. Oh, yeah. There's secret backroom deals that happen, and it's crazy. House of Cards is way closer to reality than people would like to believe. Yeah, yeah. Way closer. We, over the course of decades upon decades, every year that goes by, we seem to get a little more knowledge and a little less confident in the government. I mean, I watched some shit from the 50s.
Starting point is 00:25:55 There's plenty of things on YouTube and even industrial films, just this thing of how a family, how to raise your family, how to be a good wife, all that stuff. And it was all this weird propaganda of what America was. And then as years go by, you realize, oh, it was all bullshit. Like politicians were always getting rich and no one seems to know how or why. And these deals that are made aren't always in our best interest they're not civil servants there to represent and help you and and as the years go by we see more and more of this and the past two years with trump has just been uh man quite a crash course it really has yeah it's great i'm fascinated to see where it goes i'm fascinated to see if he seems you know i mean they always called goddy the teflon don but it seems like trump is the teflon donald i mean yeah he seems it seems
Starting point is 00:26:53 like all these things keep happening and and even because of that like i remember justin martindale a comedian friend of mine it's hilarious he goes uh he was talking about stormy daniels he was like uh she's armonica lewinsky she's gonna take him down i'm like the fuck that's not happening no you don't get it he doesn't care that they know he fucked her yeah he doesn't care do you understand it's not you have to care for it to work right and that's just it people don't really care it's uh well some people uh don't care i i follow like rosie o'donnell's account on twitter and rob reiner is another one and for two years over two years uh they have just been like counting down and and the day that it's like oh impeachment's right around the corner oh he's out oh're going to put him in prison.
Starting point is 00:27:47 I hope you and your son get a cell next to each other. And it's like, how long are you going to do this? Eight years? Is it going to be eight years of you going, well, any day now. How about Keith Olbermann? Yeah. Do you remember when he was doing that wacky show in a basement somewhere for GQ? Like a mental patient. Like legitimately like a mental patient.
Starting point is 00:28:04 The resistance. Screaming. It was like he was doing, like, it was almost like burlesque or something. You know what I'm saying? Like, you know how it was like the radio version of burlesque. Burlesque is like when you see a girl doing burlesque, it's like
Starting point is 00:28:20 a throwback to an old-timey way of doing things like the guy with the handlebar mustache with the bowler cap will introduce her. She's bawdy. She's bawdacious. Please welcome Madam blah, blah, blah. And she comes out to music that nobody listens to anymore, and she's dancing around. It's very weird.
Starting point is 00:28:39 And they're always kind of big girls. They're not skinny like little strippers. Oh, yeah. They're girls who eat so it's like it's a throwback to a different time of of rowdiness and when he was in front of that screen like oh my doing this thing with his suit on and his tie like and everything was like really well written and like right these precise points and i don't understand like what the red blue and the background was either it's just it was. It seemed like something that someone had set up,
Starting point is 00:29:08 not as good as your compound media in your basement. Live from the compound. It wasn't as good as that. It's like, that's the background? This is for GQ? GQ was like, okay, we have $30. Yeah. So what do you have to do with $30?
Starting point is 00:29:23 I think Charlie's got a camera yeah he could bring it in 30 dollars good okay we have a table the ikea table that's 12 you have 18 left we got some construction paper for the background i mean what the fuck is this they got some big ass blue and and blue uh and red paint yeah. Or posters. What is that? And then he would just pontificate there. And he quit. And his last thing was like, because the end is imminent, there's no reason
Starting point is 00:29:54 for me to go on. Trump is finished. Yeah, what is this? My work here is done. Play some of this. Trump is finished. Exactly one year ago. November 11, 2017 was when he quit. He's not willing to get a pardon from Trump or that Mueller, as I've also reported here, has succeeded in finding a way around Trump's pardon power. And either of these near certainties spell Trump's doom.
Starting point is 00:30:21 So that's the most obvious of the seven ways for Trump to go now. Mueller really will get him on Russia. It will be ugly and it will tear this country nearly apart, but it will be necessary. The second way is, as I've also repeatedly suggested here, that Mueller doesn't really need to prove anything about Trump and Russian sabotage of the election. There seems to be so much obstruction of justice from the firing of James Comey to the lies about Trump Jr.'s meetings with the Russians that it's hard to pick out a key player in the Trump inner circle who could not be guilty of it. Trump could be impeached. It's so funny. A year ago, and it's like, it's still going.
Starting point is 00:31:02 Still going. Still going. And it's like, it's fake news. still going and and it's like it's fake news yeah end it now fake news it's a hoax but it is interesting like moeller to me is fascinating because he seems like a ruthless motherfucker who takes his time he's like a guy who says hey look at me i'm gonna kill you yeah it's not gonna be today okay that's all you need to know it's not gonna be today but i'm gonna fucking kill you and like it's not going to be today. Okay? That's all you need to know. It's not going to be today, but I'm going to fucking kill you. And like every day, he's plotting on killing you.
Starting point is 00:31:31 You see him drive by your house and wave. Yeah. You're like, when is the hammer falling? You look out your window of your office. He's out in the park drinking coffee. Oh, he has seen some shit. Oh, I mean. This guy.
Starting point is 00:31:41 Yeah. I mean, he's a cold-blooded intelligence agent. Yeah. Yeah. those guys have seen everything uh-huh he knows the inner work is the machine and he knows how you bring a guy like that down and how you fuck it up and he's doing everything that leads me to believe that he's not fucking it up this is a slow play and if there is if there is anything to the russian thing i you would think something would have leaked out by now. Well, it has.
Starting point is 00:32:08 I mean, there was a video the other day of Donald that they just played on CNN of Donald talking about how many times he's actually been to Russia. Donald Jr. And, you know, he had said that he hadn't been. And then there's another video of him from years ago saying, yeah, I've been there many times. 2005, 6, 7 six seven eight talking about business the problem with uh the people that are going after trump that they don't seem to understand the guy right up until he became president of the united states was just a private citizen businessman so he had a lot of dealings around the world with his real estate and buildings and golf courses.
Starting point is 00:32:46 All this shit happened when he was just a citizen doing business. Now, whether it was ethical or not, that could definitely be brought into question. Whether it's legal or not, I'm sure that's what they're looking into also. But he wasn't beholden to the people as a public servant. There wasn't a conflict of interest because he was a lifelong politician and using the power of his office to make deals. And that also goes hand in hand with him just fucking around. like if he went from a selectman in his hometown and then years and years go by and then you're the president and you built that career up
Starting point is 00:33:28 at any point in there they could call you out on being a horrible human being because you fuck girls or you're this or you had a shady business dealing but up until two years ago he was just Donald fucking Trump so it's hard to call him out on even dealing with Russia
Starting point is 00:33:44 because there's plenty of businessmen that deal with Russia and China. I think the question is just donald fucking trump yeah so it's hard to call him out on even dealing with russia because there's plenty of businessmen that deal with russia and china i think the question is whether or not he colluded with russia to get information about hillary and also to to to put out all that propaganda against hillary and also saying that they're going to make a deal to do the trump tower in moscow this is all while he was running for president and not being honest about it i think that's that's where it gets again i don't know almost if there is anything illegal there i don't know if there's anything uh that that he did that is illegal because i believe when you're campaigning say whatever the fuck you want to anybody i don't think you're not really running i mean you're not really running anything you're not really running the country yeah if he lost the presidency he would still
Starting point is 00:34:29 have to have some ducks in in a row to continue his business so you know and his son took over uh that part of of what he was doing so he could campaign so whether donnie jr went over to russia or not i don't really see you might think it's unethical, and you might go, well, did he say, if we win, we'll do this and help you out? So who knows about that part of it, but I don't see in and of itself him going over there being that big a problem.
Starting point is 00:34:54 And the fact that, you know, the Clinton campaign and the DNC, they had a lot of shady deals going on with Russia also, and that crazy dossier, and an English spy and a russian like and that just never seems to get any traction it's weird well there's way more left-wing media publications than the right wing absolutely that's just a fact there's only a few right-wing uh newspapers and right-wing websites are oftentimes maligned. They're not treated seriously.
Starting point is 00:35:30 There's no right-wing newspaper that's treated with the same amount of respect as the New York Times. It doesn't exist. Now, what? The New York Post? Well, is the New York Post right-wing? I don't know. They're more outrageous than they are right-wing. They don't give a fuck who you are. Liberal, Democrat, conservative, Republican.
Starting point is 00:35:44 They'll fuck you. Some of the headlines that have come off of the fucking post have been classic over the years they're amazing yeah they're like comics yeah yeah it's just comedy yeah one was uh god the one i thought was just so douchey when fred astaire died it was said astaire way to heaven it's like who fucking but that's someone must have gotten hit for that is the one thing that i do love about new york and boston too yeah there's a harshness to the comedy because like the people are fucking cold it's cold the wintertime is cold like fuck you and that that growing up there man it fucking it flavored me it flavored burr yeah there's a million guys like that that
Starting point is 00:36:26 like that patrice that fucking comedy a lot of it came out of that part of the world because that part of the world's different isn't that weird it's it's cold fucking cold and you think that just makes people angry yeah cold and a lot of people i think cold and very few people makes people like more down homey and compassionate and they stay together I think cold and very few people makes people like more down home-y and compassionate and they stay together. Except for a few serial killers randomly scattered
Starting point is 00:36:50 out into the woods. Yeah, yeah. But other than that, you get like people that work together and help each other because they realize they're in this together.
Starting point is 00:36:57 Yeah, there is a, there's a stark difference between New York and Boston-based comics and LA-based comics. Oh. It's amazing. Giant difference.
Starting point is 00:37:06 Yeah, yeah. And some of them have that crossover appeal, and they've moved, you know, and like Bill, you know. But maintains that Boston sensibility, that New York sensibility. Yeah, yeah. That's what's appealing about him is that he's still a savage. Right, exactly. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:23 Like, you don't grow that out here it's too sunny it's nice every day everyone's uh everyone seems kind of pleasant yeah out here whether it's real or phoniness but it comes off as pleasantry and in new york it's just a grave disregard for everybody uh yeah you literally step over people too many people yeah yeah lose their value yeah it's like if you have a million pennies and you drop a penny like whatever right lost a guy on the train whatever you know it is odd when uh you think about if there was somebody just laying in the the gutter of the street in some small town in Kansas, the police and ambulance would be called,
Starting point is 00:38:09 and people would stop and ask if he was okay. And in New York, you literally step over those people. You just don't even look in their face. It's an inconvenience that someone is laying on the sidewalk. If you were in the middle of a snowstorm, and your car broke down, and you saw a guy laying on the side. If you were in the middle of a snowstorm and you were, your car broke down and you saw a guy
Starting point is 00:38:28 laying on the side of the road, you'd help him. Of course. He'd be like, oh, Jesus, poor guy. We gotta help him too. Come on.
Starting point is 00:38:34 Hey, buddy, you alright? Yeah. Yeah. Not so much in New York. In New York, you just see him lying in his own piss, needle hanging out
Starting point is 00:38:42 of his dick. Yeah. And I'm pissed that it stinks down on the subway. Fucking gross hanging out of his dick. Yeah, and I'm pissed that it stinks down on the subway. Fucking gross. Fucking disgusting, man. Yeah. No compassion. It does stink too, though. On a steamy August day.
Starting point is 00:38:54 It's the worst. And it's gotten worse under de Blasio, who's the mayor of New York now. And say what you want about Giuliani, who now is batshit crazy. What happened with him? I don't know I think there's something blew a fuse he's not respectable anymore he's like some kind well he aligned himself with Trump so that immediately gets you put into a category but he's
Starting point is 00:39:16 also a little I think he's got some dementia going on like he just doesn't seem right uh it is lost his comb-over. He had a comb-over for what was that like? He gave up on the comb-over and he realized, oh my God, I'm fucking crazy. Samson's hair. It's like that. He lost the last wisps. Those last wisps of comb-over that he had during 9-11.
Starting point is 00:39:41 Yeah. He was at one point, you know, after 9-11, they-11 they called 9-10 2001 he was a piece of shit yeah no one liked Giuliani he ruined New York he ruined it by commercializing it cleaning up all the porn theaters uh uh getting rid of the tunnel bunnies and the squeegee guys like he went on a tear just gave the police department carte blanche to start racking head and taking care of business. It cleaned up New York. Times Square turned into a Disney-type atmosphere instead of that drug-addled fucking mess that it was. And people hated him for kind of ruining that gritty New York that we saw on Taxi Driver and shit. And then 9-11, he was America's mayor mayor that's what they called him america's mayor he's going
Starting point is 00:40:27 out yankee games and ovations and people he's standing with the uh he looks like a crazy person on the right yeah yeah he just totally shaved his head if i talked to him i'd say listen bro there's a lot of power in just shaving your head shave that head motherfucker yeah you feel good you feel like a guy who has like hair on the side of his head unless you do a lot of drugs like hunter s thompson it's hard right right you can't pull that off i think yeah uh who pulls it off right hand side that's a that's a comb over in the beginning yeah above that above that above that to the right to the right with a suit look at that yeah. That's where it first started. That's the full comb-over. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:41:06 Yeah, look at that. Oh, Jesus. That's working it from the back. And what did he do? Did he try to get plugs or something in the front? I don't think so. I don't know what that is. He was just rocking that full, strong comb-over.
Starting point is 00:41:18 That is... He had a lot to do with getting rid of organized crime in New York City. Like the mafia, the five families, all that shit was still running pretty rampant throughout the 70s and 80s. As a kid, me and my brother used to laugh our asses off. We'd open the newspaper and it was like, Johnny the Horse Bugliotti was found dead. We would laugh our asses off at the names. Yeah. Like, just those mob names.
Starting point is 00:41:50 It's hilarious. And that scene in Goodfellas at the beginning when they're just going through and, you know, the nose and killer and this guy. And they all have those fucking names that are hilarious. And yeah, Giuliani was a big part of that. I'm surprised they didn't kill him. Like, he was Absolutely responsible
Starting point is 00:42:07 He kept going after them And kept putting them away With the new Rico statutes that they had And locked up a lot of mobsters Well you know another problem With the mobsters is they start to rat on each other Yeah, yeah, yeah As soon as you start ratting on each other
Starting point is 00:42:22 All your mystique is gone Your whole legend is gone The whole thing is that you guys have omerta you keep your fucking mouth shut you do your time like a man right and you get out and you're a hero and this whole thing keeps going this thing of ours this thing of ours but those fucking pussies didn't want to go to jail isn't that something like the old school guys would be offered you know you could walk yeah or you could get a really easy sentence just talk oh fuck your mother and and then yeah they reached the point where it's like yeah i'm not built for prison but when they would put him in prison though it was like in goodfellas they would be able to cook and they they paid the
Starting point is 00:43:01 guards off yeah a sweet setup The internet ruined all that too. Yeah, yeah. It was probably all dead before the internet. But, you know, like Sammy the Bolgravano, he was free. He did his time, the minimum amount of time, he killed at least ten people.
Starting point is 00:43:20 Murdered people. He confessed to them. You know, talked about the murders that he did and how he did them. He wanted Gotti so bad. They wanted Gotti so bad. I mean, Sammy the Bo Gravano was a fucking straight up psychopath. Yeah. A total serial killer.
Starting point is 00:43:36 Yeah. And they let him walk and then he got arrested eventually for selling ecstasy in Phoenix. He moved to Phoenix after that. Yeah, yeah. And then he... He was running shit down there and how did he just not get whacked out like what the mob was gone they all were gone and no one cared it all it all crumbled did that something yeah just like uh yeah poof went away the thing
Starting point is 00:43:59 like goddy was the first one that was like real flashy in public about yeah yeah they didn't like that vincent the chin always used to walk around like a crazy person in a bathrobe. The bathrobe. Pretending he was nuts. But he would give people directions while he was doing that. But he felt like everything was being bugged. So what they would do is they'd bug cars along his walking route. Right.
Starting point is 00:44:18 So they could record him. Oh, that is hilarious. They knew what he was doing. Jesus. There's always a way. Yeah yeah there's always a way to get you yeah the mystique was gone though yeah it wasn't really like the russians still have the mystique russian mobsters they are brutal too scary ones like they are the scary ones there's there's a worse mob because regardless of what it turned into there there was a time where the Italian mob did have a line.
Starting point is 00:44:47 Like you didn't cross. Family, things like that. But the Russians, oh my God, will they fuck up an entire family. The dog, everything gets killed in the worst way. Yeah, they're scary, scary motherfuckers. I had an experience out. It was Broadway, I guess. And they have those pedal cabs that go around, and they're all Russian dudes, big fucking legs on them. They pedal around, and I was looking for a cab, a real cab to take me downtown.
Starting point is 00:45:23 I wasn't going to ride 15 blocks in a tricycle with Yuri pedaling in front of me. So this guy passed by once and said, do you need the cab? I was like, no, I'm good, thanks. Comes around again, I'm still waiting for a cab. And he goes, cab? And I was like, I'm not going to have you pedal me 15 fucking blocks. No, move.
Starting point is 00:45:37 And you could yell at a cab driver in New York. They'll yell out your window and stuff. They rarely will get out of their car. They know, you know, you got the medallion right there. You could just call the number and say you were being harassed by a cab driver. So they won't do anything. This guy gets off his fucking bike.
Starting point is 00:45:54 You have a fucking problem? You have a fucking problem? And I was just like, oh shit, it's going down. This guy means business. And of i'm like nope no all good all good i thank you i don't need a a cab you're right the mother fuck and that was it but you don't fuck with russians no they're not regular white people no they're not they're not they're
Starting point is 00:46:18 hard people yeah yeah you know what you you see that in the ufc there's a lot of badass Russians fighting in the UFC now. We saw that recently. You never came off. When he was on top of Conor, punched him in the face. Let's talk now. Let's talk. Let's talk. Boom. Let's talk.
Starting point is 00:46:34 Come on. We talk. Boom. Just twisted. Horrific. Yeah. Yeah. And then they got those other videos that you see on YouTube and whatnot of Russians just up in steel eyebeams
Starting point is 00:46:46 like a hundred stories up, swinging, doing backflips, hanging by two fingers. Isn't that uncomfortable? Sometimes falling. My hands are sweating. You just talking about that makes my hands sweat. It is so uncomfortable to watch.
Starting point is 00:47:02 Because they get themselves in these positions where maybe there's this thin little uh alcove yeah and and they put their hands against one side their feet against the other this if your feet slip there's no no recovering that drives me crazy it's not look i got goosebumps isn't that weird you get a visceral reaction to just the thought. And I have some friends that just know that I freak out, so they send me those every day. Oh, Christ. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:34 There are some things that are online. Oh, look at this fucking guy. Oh, look at this. Look at this guy. What's that? Get the fuck. Oh. Oh, my God. Oh.
Starting point is 00:47:42 Oh. Oh. They are nuts. I can't do this, man. Oleg. My hands are pouring sweat right now. Oh my god. Look at this crazy asshole.
Starting point is 00:47:53 Oleg. I film you. Oh. He's one-arming it. Oh my god. Do crazy shit. Oh. Oh.
Starting point is 00:48:01 Oh my god. He's hand-standing. Oh. Oh. What does it say Daredevil returns with latest shocking Stunt on skyscraper This fucking motherfucker That he's doing a handstand
Starting point is 00:48:13 On what is that a three inch ledge Four inch ledge He's going around the corner You can't go around the corner Don't you do this you fuck One little One little... One little fucking miscalculation or...
Starting point is 00:48:30 How do you do that? How do you know your center of gravity isn't just going to pull you right the fuck off? Jesus Christ, you went around the corner. That's nuts. What is this guy's life like if he just decides he's going to do this? This makes me very uncomfortable. That is so fucking high up. It's so high up.
Starting point is 00:48:48 That is so high up. I can't do what he did if it was on the ground. Right. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So I can't do those handstands and all that jazz on the ground. Mark out three inches and try to stay on it with your hands. Or mark it up enough so that you, like, put pads under me. Right.
Starting point is 00:49:04 Right? And then give it so I could jump up and grab it and hang yeah let's see how much of that i could do like a couple of things i could hang from my fingers i might be able to pull myself up but if i got to the top i'll probably slip yeah yeah you know you know height will definitely fuck with you like like if you're riding a bike on a sidewalk, you will never fall off the sidewalk. You could just ride your bike. You don't even have to think about it. Sidewalk, what?
Starting point is 00:49:28 A couple of feet wide. If that was over the Grand Canyon, you would be shaking. You couldn't do it. And it's the same fucking thing. It's just your perception and the height. You'd be fucked up. You'd be like this. I'm going to fall off.
Starting point is 00:49:44 We have that HTC Vibe in the back room here. Oh, yeah. And there's one game. the height and you know you'd be you'd be fucked up you'd be like this i'm gonna fall off we have that htc vibe in the back room here oh yeah and uh there's one game we have to download that game we haven't gotten that game when you go to the hardware store and you buy a two by four and you lay it down on the floor and then the game is you put the vr goggles on and you're walking on this two by four over like in between two skyscrapers right so as you're doing it and like you hear sounds oh my god that's awesome this is this is the the actual game oh my god so you step out oh yeah there's the two by four so this two by four is real like you have an actual two by four so you're really walking on this so you're feeling it yeah and you walk the plank oh my god oh my. And you look down.
Starting point is 00:50:25 Oh, yeah. What is that thing floating in front of you? I don't know. What's that supposed to be, Jamie? I've never done it. I don't know. Yeah, first of all, watching it on a screen does VR no justice. You can't really.
Starting point is 00:50:41 You are in a space. It's so cool to kind of look around they they definitely have more work to do yeah it's uh it looks cool you feel like you're in a 3d environment but it's not very photorealistic no uh my kids are addicted to it really they run here after school oh really put the vr goggles they fight over it and first and first and they they put the VR goggles on And play these fucking crazy games Yeah I have the Oculus And the Vive
Starting point is 00:51:08 And the PlayStation VR at home What's the best? Right now the Oculus Is the highest quality Of the VR goggles I think PlayStation Has some pretty cool games
Starting point is 00:51:20 Out there though And Vive does too But I think Oculus is going to come out uh very soon with a completely wireless one yeah so it's uh htc vibe yeah yeah so you're not like tethered to anything and tripping over wires and shit that's gonna be big uh yeah that that's pretty huge it's weird though because uh some games aren't conducive to VR, and you would think, like, I play Call of Duty or Battlefield V, World War II thing just came out, and I love that game. But I couldn't play that for hours, because I would play for fucking hours on end.
Starting point is 00:51:55 And to have the goggles on that long and trying to play a shooter like that, I think VR right now is more conducive to experiences than it is like that that's pretty much not a game it's an experience and it it brings you into a whole nother 3d world around you but uh like a shooter game like battlefield or call of duty not really conducive to vr right now not yet yeah i think in the future though a plastic gun yes like a real if you were holding a real plastic you need You need that interface. But that would be fucking amazing for a shooter game. Yeah, yeah. There's a few other ideas that they're working on that should be available pretty relatively soon.
Starting point is 00:52:36 Where the system maps your house, like the room you're in, off of your headset. And will superimpose things over the couch. Like it'll be a ammo crate, a chair turns into a box ammo crate. So as you walk around the room, it's reading your room, but making this VR world that looks more military or like a jungle or whatever it is.
Starting point is 00:52:59 So it won't be a couch. You'll hit it, but in your vision, it'll be a box or an ammo crate or you know whatever a car something like that so uh that's kind of cool uh utilizing uh the real environment around you and then superimposing shit over it you know what else is really cool the boxing games yeah in the boxing games you get a crazy workout you get a real legit workout because you're actually like fake boxing this cartoon character yeah yeah and when you get a crazy workout. You get a real legit workout because you're actually like fake boxing
Starting point is 00:53:25 this cartoon character. Yeah, yeah. And when you get hit you see a bright white flash like he tagged you. Like you got, yeah, like you got hit. Like you got your bell rung.
Starting point is 00:53:34 Yeah, yeah. So like you're, but you get, you get a real workout when you're doing this so you get out of breath. I've watched, my girl plays that
Starting point is 00:53:42 and it's hilarious. It's funny to watch people do VR and especially stuff like that, because they're ducking. There's another shooter game that she was playing, and it's hilarious, because she's like screaming and ducking down, and your hand is up, like pulling a trigger on a fake gun over something that isn't even there. Right. So it's cool to watch people play. Yeah, there's some crazy zombie game that my kids play.
Starting point is 00:54:06 Yeah. It's like that. You get a bunch of guns and ammo, and then the zombies are closing in on you. You got to gun them down. Yeah, yeah. It's just weird. I'll tell you, there are some games or experiences where you're walking through kind of a haunted house thing that are genuinely fucking alarming.
Starting point is 00:54:20 Yeah. Like, you don't want to go around a corner. You don't want to you don't want to go around a corner you don't want to do anything and you know like there's when you watch on a monitor it's just the monitor there's shit behind you that you're not seeing unless you turn around look right so you hear a sound and be like I am NOT I don't want to turn around I know that things gonna be right in my face and it's it's frightening what is the alien for? Is that for the Vibe or Oculus? Is Ridley Scott Alien?
Starting point is 00:54:48 Yeah, I think it's both. Because I had it for Oculus. It's supposed to be fucking terrifying. Yeah, yeah, Alien something. It's the one, like, Alien, the original movie. Yeah, yeah, you're on a ship. It starts with the doors open up and that little thing drinking the water,
Starting point is 00:55:04 that little tchotchke on a ship. It starts with the doors open up and that little thing drinking the water, that little tchotchke on the desk. And it really gives a good recreation of the movie, which was fucking awesome. That's one of the greatest movies. Goes down as one of my favorites. That movie is also one of my favorite examples. When people talk about pushing diversity in movies. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:32 When people talk about pushing diversity in movies, this movie had a female lead who's a female superstar who, spoiler alert, winds up winning in the end and killing the alien. But you don't even notice. No. It never feels like it's crammed down your throat. Right. Whereas the last Star Wars, I was like, get the fuck out of here, Laura Dern. You're not running the empire. Get out of here.
Starting point is 00:55:46 You're like, what is this? She's the head general, and then Carrie Fisher's the other head general, and they're telling these men to shut up, and this all makes sense to you? Isn't that fucking amazing? This is preposterous. Dude, they had, that was 1979, and they had more of an idea of how to present that. First of all, Sigourney Weaver is just a fucking badass badass believable movies believe that she pulled it together she was such a great actress yeah so that's alien descent this was like that thing that you did at disney though
Starting point is 00:56:15 oh you have to go to free roaming vr experience new yeah this just came out earlier this year in orange california i'm not exactly sure that that would jamie and i talked about that many times like that's the future like a warehouse like this space out here but converted into just a giant vr experience yeah yeah where's this jamie orange california oh shit that's not far from here look at that damn we need to go yeah damn yeah when i first saw alien um back uh you know kids i saw it in the movie theater when it first came out. They were kids.
Starting point is 00:56:47 I can't believe it's in the 70s. My mom took me. It was 79, yeah, yeah. It's hard to believe. It was just one of those movies that, at the time, everyone goes, oh my God, you gotta see this. The chest fucking burst scene just slayed people. But yeah, when you're watching that, Because traditional movies, the guy's the hero
Starting point is 00:57:05 And that's what happens When Tom Skerritt gets it You're just like, wait, what? They just killed the star, the hero It was Tom Skerritt It's not his fucking movie He was a big movie star I think it was
Starting point is 00:57:20 The first movie where The spaceship was kind of a truck And it was just dirty first movie where the spaceship was kind of a truck. And it was just dirty and just regular guys concerned about getting paid and shit like that. So, yeah, that's why it was amazing. Which is this one? This is Covenant in Utero, which is on the Waltz Rift. It came out a year or two ago.
Starting point is 00:57:41 Oh, cool. Oh, so this is after the Covenant movie movie which is a fucking awesome one that's yeah i like that recent one i love those goddamn movies i love are they good they're so good i like that shit but that movie they nailed it it was just great it didn't matter if a woman was running and it was right they weren't shoving it down your throat no whereas i felt like that last star wars one with laura dern and and carrie fisher was like flying flying carrie fisher come on yeah i stopped i wasn't feeling it i uh didn't feel like they were look there's certain women like um what is her name from house of cards the the the head woman oh yeah um what's in jenny from jenny from far as yeah uh sean Penn's ex-wife.
Starting point is 00:58:27 Oh, yeah, Penn. So it's something, something, something Penn. The fuck's her name? I think she used that for a while. She's so good, too. I'm embarrassed. Robin Wright. Robin Wright.
Starting point is 00:58:37 Yeah, Robin Wright. Okay, if Robin Wright was playing a general, I would believe it. She's a mean bitch. Right. She could send in some fucking tanks i don't believe i believe that she would like nuke a planet i'd buy that right but uh carrie fisher and laura dern i was like come on i see what you're doing here they're running things i i think they've uh they just they're putting out too many star wars movies to have that mystique
Starting point is 00:59:02 and that kind of uh atmosphere that it was like to go to one of them years ago. It's also, it's Disney now. Yeah, yeah. Which is great because it's consistent and it's good. Right. But it's never stunning. No.
Starting point is 00:59:18 It's never terrifying. It's never ex machina. Right, right. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's never fucked up like where you leave the theater going, holy shit. They can't do that anymore. They have to kind of polish off the sharp edges and soothe the
Starting point is 00:59:32 experience down to a more palatable mainstream appeal. The first Star Wars back in 77, again, I saw that in a movie theater, with my uncle. My uncle Joe took me. And I didn't know Star Wars from a hole in the wall.
Starting point is 00:59:48 I remember the trailer playing on TV, and I was like, all right, that seems kind of cool. And then we sit down, and that opening scene with the giant ship just does a flyover. And I was just, from that point on, I was just mesmerized with this. The illusion of size that they got in the ship and space battles. And the ship was an actual ship. They made it out of plastic model parts. Yeah, practical effects. It was all like, you know.
Starting point is 01:00:13 They took models. They went and bought a bunch of different. You remember those old models that we used to do at cars? Oh, yeah. And you would paint them? Yeah. Remember those? You'd glue them together.
Starting point is 01:00:22 You'd get the model glue and everything. I used to love those yeah they took a bunch of parts from those things and built the millennium falcon they built those battleships from like parts like and you could kind of tell because they're so weird and eclectic and some of the parts don't seem to match right but it worked it looked cool it totally worked yeah that was uh you know if you you didn't imagine being one of those X-Wing fighters as a kid, it was just an amazing thing. Yeah, that's kind of gone. It shows you how great Alien, like Ridley Scott's Alien, really was.
Starting point is 01:00:56 Because although Star Wars was a great movie, honestly, Star Wars doesn't really hold up. Like, if you watch it today, you look at the special effects, like, what? What am I watching? This is so clunky. And then the Katina scene. Yeah, yeah, that's always. The mouths don't move.
Starting point is 01:01:16 Like, the monster face is like. It's weird. They're wearing a mask. It's really obvious. But then you go just two years later to Ridley Scott's Alien. That motherfucker holds up today. It looks amazing. Yeah, I got yelled at really obvious but then you go just two years later to ridley scott's alien that motherfucker holds up today it looks amazing yeah i got yelled at because i watched it with my kids oh yeah i because uh my 10 year old can handle shit my eight year old cannot oh man and uh i i watched it i'm
Starting point is 01:01:37 like you think you can handle it and they're like yeah i can handle it okay let's see what's gonna die and the first time the dude got the tongue through the forehead. They're like, what? What the fuck? Are we watching, daddy? It was nightmares. Phil remember that. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:56 My mom and my dad took me, my brother, and my sister, when I was seven years old, to go see Bonnie and Clydelyde with uh warren and uh what's her name there um i can't remember who played bonnie faye dunaway very good thank you yes and uh now it's it's famous for being one of the most uh graphic machine gunnings at the end of the movie i mean they were pulling up they got ambushed by law, and they just get shot up. The whole movie, though, as a seven-year-old kid, I liked these people. They were funny. They robbed banks and stuff, but they'd make jokes, and they were cool, and you got to
Starting point is 01:02:41 know them as a person. So as a seven-year-old, I was like, oh, these people are cool. So then the end of the movie comes, and they're out there, and you hear the birds fly away. And Clyde looks at Bonnie with the one lens missing from his glasses. And it's really quiet. And then all hell breaks loose. It's just five guys shooting Thompsonsons at both of them and they're being riddled with with bullet holes and the scene goes on and they're falling down and against the car
Starting point is 01:03:12 the car is just full yeah there it is it's it's so brutal it's crazy too seeing the girl get it oh yeah there's something ruthless about seeing a girl get shot a hundred times yeah yeah look at her it was i i i'm we saw this at the drive-in and uh i i started vomiting in the car seven years old we had we had been to arby's before so uh my arby's was all over the car i was screaming crying and throwing up going like what the fuck did you take me to see i liked these people i had like a two-hour relationship with them and it ends like that i was horrified horrified as a kid yeah there's certain things but is that bad like ultimately i don't know you saw that when you were a kid like maybe maybe it's maybe it's not good to shield kids from too much yeah but maybe not to that extent
Starting point is 01:04:11 show me a cartoon first or something because i don't know i don't know if it affected me it's hard to tell without knowing what it would be like if i didn't see stuff like that uh but the fact that i remember it vividly so many years later maybe had an effect but yeah but is it a negative effect i don't know it's like there's certain experiences that you you what you can hand like today as an adult you could see a movie where a guy gets shot and you can handle it it doesn't freak you out of course but if you saw it when you were four you'd probably freak out yeah but is it good to experience that when you're four just so that you know it's a thing? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:04:47 And now you have a different view of the world. Or is it good, like, you're not a parent, but as a parent, this is the age-old question. Like, how much do you protect your kids, and how much do you let them break their arm? Because you break your arm, you know if you fall, you break your arm. Yeah. Everybody's, like, helicopter parenting you constantly. Like, I don't want anybody to die, but I don't mind if anybody gets banged up a little bit right i think you should i think you should know that if you trip it hurts you know this and there's also you should know
Starting point is 01:05:13 that the bullets are real this is there's a real thing that happens like with my kids um uh ever since my kids have been really little i've been been hunting. And so I've been bringing home meat and explaining to them that this is meat from an animal that I shot. If you go to the supermarket and you buy a steak, that came from an animal. And I try to get this in their head at an early age. So then I introduced them to watching a hunting show with me where we shot a deer and then took the deer apart. They're watching us cut an elk apart yeah my kids watching this and i'm like well this is where you get meat like when we eat dinner if we eat elk for dinner this is exactly where it came from i shot it in the mountains we cut it up we packed it out on our back we put it into a truck
Starting point is 01:06:02 we drove it somewhere and now we're here now we're eating it this is it yeah i guess if you present it like that yeah uh that's i would guess is a good thing maybe but there's something weird about watching a little kid watch an animal get shot where they're like uh-huh yeah yeah and they realize my dad did that is that good is my dad a piece of shit it's like these like the animals are so beautiful well animals a hot dog your hot dog's a fucking you want a hot dog right yeah yeah and that's an animal like okay like because most kids just it's a hot dog it's just a fucking cheeseburger it's not an actual animal like they kind of know like if you asked a little kid hey where this cheeseburger came from
Starting point is 01:06:42 oh it's from a cow but that's like to them that's like saying the moon is uh one six earth's gravity i know that i don't know what the fuck that means yeah yeah no real i don't have a real you can't apply it to anything so yeah so when do you show your kids like like there's a lot of videos that i watch while i close my laptop and the kids come near like violent videos. Oh, yeah. Especially like animal. Like I was watching this video of these hyenas tearing apart this gazelle.
Starting point is 01:07:12 Oh, it's fucking horrific. They're ripping the guts out. Oh, jeez. Yanking on the guts. And this thing is making these weird noises like. And they're just pulling chunks of its guts out. Yanking on it. I'm like, fuck.
Starting point is 01:07:26 Fuck. And then my little girl comes over. I slam i slam the and she's like what are you watching and i'm watching the hyena rip apart gazelle's guts she's like oh okay i don't want to all right yeah yeah well yeah so but but kind of what's the difference between that and showing you hunting like is there i'm doing it quick uh-huh it's one difference okay when i shoot an animal if i shoot an animal with a bow it's dead in seconds yeah you know if with a well-placed shot it's not going anywhere it's like the last elk i shot that one that's right out there on the floor in front of the werewolf that thing died in five yards it walked five yards tipped over feet up in the air i shot it right in the heart wow it was a perfect shot so it was almost instantaneous death yeah it might have lived 15 20 seconds
Starting point is 01:08:13 and that was it people uh i don't know people don't seem to be shocked that much anymore i know you know trying to keep it from your kids and things like that obviously makes sense, but it's almost impossible to keep some really horrific shit from people. Well, especially if you give your kid a phone. Yeah, yeah. You're giving them access to a lot of nasty stuff. And I remember when I was a kid, the big thing was like faces of death. You want to go get faces of death, man? Well, watch it.
Starting point is 01:08:44 It's crazy guys they beat up a monkey and cut his head off and eat the brains and everything i'm like yeah that's kind of fake and you could tell the stage things and i think the only real stuff was like news footage of airline disasters and accidents and stuff there was one that was real where these uh these guys uh somewhere in the Middle East tied these guys' arms to one car and his legs to another one and they pulled them apart. I cannot watch that shit. It's terrible. And now in stunning HD, you can see snuff films years ago was kind of an urban myth.
Starting point is 01:09:24 It was a thing. Now they're readily available to anybody in a matter of seconds. And I don't know what kind of effect that has on people and maybe society. And there's really nothing you can do. Pandora's, like, out. So I think it's affecting people, though. Oh, it's definitely affecting people. Desensitizing.
Starting point is 01:09:42 I mean, that's the argument about video games as well, right? Yeah, yeah. We're seeing so much violence and committing violence in video games. Like, Jamie, what was that video game where the guy got in trouble because he made a video of him torturing some woman's rights? Red Dead 2. Oh, that's what. He punched a woman in the face that was protesting for women's rights to vote. Suffrage.
Starting point is 01:10:09 And he got in trouble because he posted it and it was like a violent thing against women. But it's a thing you can do in the game. Right. Like they made it in the game so you could do that on purpose. And once it became viral, people started going up to her in the game and doing even more terrible things. There's one where a guy ropes her, hog ties her, throws her on the back of the horse, rides her to a swamp, and throws her to an alligator, which then eats her in the swamp. That is so crazy that you can do that.
Starting point is 01:10:39 It's unbelievable. The alligator will eat her. And it's not even a thing like, hey, do this. It's just part of the game that they say, well, if people want to her. And it's not even a thing like, hey, do this. It's just part of the game that they said, well, if people want to do it, it's a very open-ended game. Rockstar went bullshit with this game. It's amazing. Does it always happen the exact same way? Or do you throw her in different spots in the water and the alligator has a different way of eating her?
Starting point is 01:11:00 There are different animations for the same thing. And different, actually, there was one, you'll be riding next to a guy that you're supposed to ride somewhere with. And the guy says something like, all right, we're almost there or something. And if you're far away from the guy, he yells it. All right, we're almost there. And if he's right next to you, he goes, well, we're almost there. Like the guy, the voice actor had to do a shitload of takes based on what the animation is. So I did the voiceover for the UFC game.
Starting point is 01:11:32 Right. And it took forever. Yeah. I mean, forever. You're there for days and days and days reading every single variation of a head kick to an arm bar to a takedown to ground and pound to TKO stoppage to kicking someone in the nuts. Like, everything. And someone's got to fucking put that together. And then it's got to be coded where it plays at the right time.
Starting point is 01:11:57 It really is amazing. It's goddamn amazing. But Red Dead's like really insane. Is this it? What is this? This is the bear? Yeah, this is a bear. Oh, and this guy's just smoking a cigar.
Starting point is 01:12:13 Yeah. Dude, it's so funny, the things that go on in this game, the ability to kill people. I had Luis J. Gomez on the show, and he plays this. to kill people. I had Louis J. Gomez on the show and he plays this and he,
Starting point is 01:12:27 there's like a morality direction you could take. You could either be a good guy, a bad guy, really good, really bad and it will affect
Starting point is 01:12:35 the course of the game and whether you're wanted, whether people are nice to you. Really? Yeah, yeah. Like, you could do a favor for somebody.
Starting point is 01:12:43 You'd be riding somewhere and someone would go, please, could you help me out? Is this the women's rights activist? Not her, but he's going to throw this lady off of the mountain. And this is just some guy online has done this? Oh, yeah. I think this is the same YouTube guy. He's got a lot of videos
Starting point is 01:12:58 where he's done different things. Oh, jeez, he fell. Oh, he fell himself. He was trying to kick her off and he fell. Oh, ha ha. And Lewis apparently would kill himself. He was trying to kick her off and he fell. Oh, ha ha. And Lewis apparently would kill everybody. He killed a guy's dog and skinned it in front of him and then shot him in the face. Like, that's really mean.
Starting point is 01:13:17 That's really mean. He skinned the dog in front of the guy? Yeah, yeah. And the guy's just like crying. That's crazy. It's brutal. Do you think that most politicians and most people looking for outrage are just not aware of this yet?
Starting point is 01:13:28 Yeah, absolutely not. Years ago, they were kind of like, well, it must be violent video games. And it was so funny, because like 10 years after Doom, like they're showing Doom on TV, like, oh, that's the bad video game. It's like, Jesus Christ, that's nothing.
Starting point is 01:13:42 What are you talking about? And now, like I said, Grand Theft Auto. Yeah, yeah. Jesus Christ, that's nothing. What are you talking about? And now like I said... Same guys. Yeah, yeah. I did some of the voices in GTA 4 and 5. It was fucking hilarious. So I know, yeah, to do that, I sang some of the promotional songs for the beer, Pisswasser
Starting point is 01:13:57 beer. It was great. I know Laszlo who does all the sound for the games. But this thing sold like $750 million in the first three days that it came out. What is this, Jamie? What happens if you bring a black man to the KKK? They have fucking KKK rallies now? There's a Klan rally going on.
Starting point is 01:14:16 Yeah, there's a part of the game where you have to infiltrate. So what happens when you bring a black guy? Nothing different happened, really. The Klan? Nothing? No. They don't freak out? Not in particular.
Starting point is 01:14:25 They didn't react any differently. But the job, I think the mission here is to just kill. The Klan? Nothing? No. They don't freak out? Not in particular. They didn't react any differently. But the job, I think the mission here is to just kill all the Klan guys. It's not like you join up and all have a good time. It seems like it would be more realistic as if you brought a black guy to the Klan, meaning they try to kill the black guy. Right, right. But that would be real problematic. That would be crazy.
Starting point is 01:14:42 There are some weird parts in it where they're very misogynistic, because it's supposed to be like 1899 or something. Right. And it's very misogynistic. And then there's some race references that they make that are kind of like, oof, oof, wow, that's bold. Like, what do they say? About black guys, like they'll call him boy in some of the, when a guy, like a non-player character will pass by and be kind of nasty. They never present it in a good way. It's not like, oh, cool, this guy's great.
Starting point is 01:15:12 It's always some scumbag character. Wow. Yeah. It's like the last frontier for chaos right now. Yeah, it really is. And I think because there's such a lack of awareness on the part of a lot of people. Like, I get games the day they come out. Actually, before.
Starting point is 01:15:29 I get alpha testing, beta testing. I'm playing the games months before they come out. Really? Yeah, I love it. How do you get in on that? You sign up for the ultimate package on Origin or Steam, and you get access to the games when they're testing them. Oh, so you just pay. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:15:49 It's a pay thing, obviously. They want to make some money, and I want to play the games early. So you report bugs and things on the phone. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You just play. They automatically kind of have something in place that will let them know if there's a problem.
Starting point is 01:16:03 Or you can email them and say, hey, you know, I died, and I'm stuck in a rock now up to my waist have you ever talked to some of the people that make those things you ever have them on your show yeah yeah laszlo uh works at rockstar he's uh the sound engineer guy he records all the sound but he's involved in like every aspect of all those games from the beginning of Grand Theft Auto, the first Red Dead, Red Dead 2. And it's amazing. I've been to Rockstar in New York and took a tour of the place, and it's just a bunch of fucking nerds sitting around.
Starting point is 01:16:35 They have a day where you can bring your dogs in, and it's all wide open, no cubicles or anything. The guys that run it are these English guys, and they're brilliant, or New Zealand or something. They have that accent. One of those weird accents that you can't tell where it's from. They work insane hours, too. Yeah, they are dedicated.
Starting point is 01:16:55 A game like a Rockstar game, GTA or that, it's so above other games. I've played some shitty games where I download it, I start playing, and within five minutes I'm like, ah, fuck, this sucks. Like, it just, you know it sucks. Right. And Rockstar games are just, you know, it sounds like I'm doing a spot
Starting point is 01:17:17 for them, but they're so above everything else. The animation, the sandbox quality where you're able to just run around and do shit. That's an appeal that I... People don't like feeling like they're on a track in a game. Certain games are like
Starting point is 01:17:34 that. Call of Duty is very track-based. You play online a lot against other people. They're small maps. But a game like that, you could just go off. If you want to, you could just spend time fishing. You could just get tackle and go to a lake
Starting point is 01:17:50 and fish. And you catch fish? You catch fish. It's like you spend eight hours just catching fish. Just fishing, hunting. You could go out and hunt. I've heard that. You track the bear and that motherfucker can get you. I love games like that, though.
Starting point is 01:18:05 I love open-ended games. I always liked that shit. Even when I was back in the 80s, my cousin got an Atari 800 computer and it had a cartridge for a game called Star Raiders. And this was like right after Star Wars came out. And I was fascinated because it wasn't just a joystick and a button that you got on an arcade game it was you used the keyboard like for warp drive or you had a dock with a a space station at one point and you're you're put going in orbit around a planet
Starting point is 01:18:39 like there was all these things that you used the keyboard for and i thought that was amazing like i don't like just a run and gun type thing right I like being able to use a lot of different keys and have a lot of options how much time do you spend playing video games dude I'm getting the impression it's insane there have been days where I have weekends or something where I have played from maybe 2 p.m. till 3 a.m. Like 12, 13 hours of playing. No eating? Yeah, yeah, I'll eat.
Starting point is 01:19:11 Have a little snack? A little snack. I'll order something or Missy will make something. She's playing video games too, though. I'll be playing on the computer that's in front of me on the table I was talking about in the living room. And then on the big screen TV, which is in front of me on the table i was talking about in the living room and then on the big screen tv which is in front of me on the wall she's sitting in a like a folding chair with a tv tray playing red dead redemption on the uh xbox so we're just gonna occasionally
Starting point is 01:19:36 look back and go how you doing back there oh you gotta see this great kill there's a video a funny video of a couple engaging in virtual reality and they're having sex and the girl's blowing the guy and in the video joey diaz comes in the room oh shit oh shit i think it was a tv that's hilarious there was uh well there is vr porn have you checked that out i haven't it's really interesting there there's there is some that is pretty amazing. Like, a girl will come up, like you're laying on your back, and a girl
Starting point is 01:20:12 is in the room, she takes her clothes off and comes up on you and gets right by your ear and whispers something, and you hear it. You almost feel the breath on you. It's that fucking crazy. And you feel like you can reach and breath on you it's that fucking crazy and and you you feel like you can reach and and touch but you know there's not no one there but and again you can't even
Starting point is 01:20:31 get close to showing what it's like on a regular flat screen but uh when you put that in it's a real space it's 3d and they look pretty real aside from the resolution difference because when you when you magnify something that close to your eyes the the pixels get bigger too so uh it's not quite there but you could see where that's going you get that and one of those fucking fleshlights you don't have to leave home i used a really early really early version of the htc vive many years ago duncan had one my friend friend Duncan Trussell had one in his house and it was really pixelated.
Starting point is 01:21:08 And it was very strange. It was just a real simple game and it was real blocky looking. It looked like old Doom or something like that. Right. But it was in complete three dimensions. And so I was looking up and looking all around and I was like, wow, this is kind of crazy. And then I went back to his place like two
Starting point is 01:21:24 years later and there had been a gigantic leap in improvement and now the leap is sort of balanced out it's not it hasn't gotten that much better right yet yeah there are a few games uh that i love playing on on the oculus because it's like flying games are incredible. And if you have a really good system with, I have like dual 1080 Ti graphics cards. One of them is insane to have. And my system has two of them. So I could run everything on Ultra. So do you prefer videos on a computer?
Starting point is 01:22:01 Yeah, yeah. I prefer PC, but I'll play on Xbox and stuff. It's pretty cool. I'm terrible with a controller. Yeah, that's the problem, right? A mouse and a keyboard are so much more precise. I got a...
Starting point is 01:22:13 Yeah, I always say, if anyone ever argues, I go, I've never missed a folder on my desktop. Yeah. I've never gone, oh, shit, I missed it.
Starting point is 01:22:21 But there's something called a Zim Apex that you plug into an Xbox or a PlayStation and then plug keyboard and mouse into it. You're running on Xbox with a keyboard and mouse. Wow. And it's so good. I destroy people when I play on that. Of course. You have so much more accuracy.
Starting point is 01:22:42 So much more accuracy. And you're just quicker reflexes. Yeah, because I came from the online video game days of the early 2000s and the 90s. It was always computers. Mouse and keyboard was it. Console was for babies.
Starting point is 01:22:58 Yeah. Well, they weren't good back then. No, no. The accuracy was terrible. Yeah. When I play some of the um like combat flying games they have things now that are you look like you're in in the cockpit of a plane all the gauges work they have reflections of light coming through i mean the ground looks amazing and in vr when you pull the stick back and turn because i use a joystick and a throttle it's it's amazing uh you can look over your shoulder and now you're seeing your wing and the ground and you're pulling
Starting point is 01:23:31 back and you get dizzy like you get so fucking dizzy and crashes are startling like like if you lose control and you plow into the ground, you kind of jump. Wow. I think it's that primal part of your head going, like accepting what it's seeing. I wonder if that would be a really good way to learn how to fly. I would imagine it would be. That guy that stole that plane up in, was it Portland? Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 01:23:59 Recently. Yeah, Seattle. The one that slammed into the island and killed himself? Yeah, killed himself. Yeah. He said he learned how to fly on a flight simulator, Microsoft Flight Simulator X. Wow. It's like unbelievable.
Starting point is 01:24:12 And he was doing like loop-de-loops in the sky and shit. Yeah, he's like, let's see if we could do a loop. And he was saying, I'm going to kill myself, right? Oh, yeah, yeah. He's like, yeah, I think I'll try to do a loop and then nose it in and call it a day. It's like, what a maniac. But the fact that he could get access and take off like that is kind of scary. Whoops.
Starting point is 01:24:30 We all think everything's so secure. Remember when we thought there were missiles on the roof of the White House and the Pentagon and stuff, and then after 9-11, you're like, yeah, I guess not. Yeah. I guess that was all bullshit. The actual Pentagon got hit. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:24:45 By a plane. By a fucking plane. Although now you're going to get a lot of people writing that say- Was it a plane, bro? Was it? It was a missile. Everyone knows it. You're a gatekeeper.
Starting point is 01:24:54 Yeah. You're a shill. You're a shill for the- Who does your show that is a flat earther? Eddie Bravo. Eddie Bravo. That's it. I don't know if he's still a flat earther? Eddie Bravo. Eddie Bravo. That's it. I don't know if he's still a flat earther.
Starting point is 01:25:06 He might have abandoned it. He might have moved on. What do you think? Think he's still? Yeah. Yeah. He thought the earth is a... Maybe he said...
Starting point is 01:25:15 I think... I don't want to misinterpret what he's saying. I don't want to misrepresent. I think he was saying he doesn't know, but he doesn't believe NASA. Because it's only someone's word over history. Eddie likes that. He thinks it's fun. He thinks conspiracies are fun.
Starting point is 01:25:31 Well, they are. Yeah. They are kind of fun. But that Flat Earth one, I realized I was arguing with Flat Earthers on Twitter. And that's when I really started going like, what am I doing? Yeah, you can't do that. What am I doing? Why am I engaging that?
Starting point is 01:25:44 That is like the dumbest version of I know you are, but what am I for yeah you can't what am i doing why am i engaging that that is like the dumbest version of i know you are but what am i for the rest of time yes that's how stupid that argument is it's uh it's crazy i i was talking i was arguing with somebody and then i had my show to do and um neil degrasse tyson was taping his show in my studio before i came on so he was in the lobby when I was in our green room when, when I was on and I started talking about it and I go, you know, let's get someone in here.
Starting point is 01:26:11 Maybe that might have a, an opinion on this. Neil deGrasse Tyson coming. And apparently he gets shit all the time from flat earthers saying that it's, you know, he's full of shit. Do you know it all started off as a goof? It had to,
Starting point is 01:26:24 just like everything else. But it started off on 4chan did it yeah like free bleeding yes exactly which is hilarious people explain that to people don't know free bleeding is a woman's rights thing and it's uh instead of using a tampon during their period or a pad they just bleed through their pants and show it proudly that they will walk around bleeding. And it was never real. It was never a real thing. And then people saw it and thought it was real. Like, they put it out there, 4chan, and people actually believed it.
Starting point is 01:26:56 And no, not just believed it, started incorporating it. Started doing it. Yes, they started doing it for real. Yeah. They actually became a women's rights badge of honor to have a pair of white pants on with a giant patch of brownish red in the center it's insane it's crazy it just shows you how easily manipulated people are there's so many things that happen like that on 4chan that turned out to be goofs they start out as goofs yeah you know and and
Starting point is 01:27:23 then they well listen we were talking about this last time i was with you right the proud boys yeah yeah started off as a goof and then became like what the i mean they won't let him in australia now have you seen that no it's it's gotten insane yeah like gavin is considered uh like a war criminal at this point. I know Gavin very well. He used to be on Compound Media, my network. And that's where the whole thing started. Explain how it all started. Explain how it all started because people don't know.
Starting point is 01:27:57 It's amazing when you think about it because it makes you question everything. Like how did Nazi Germany start? Was that a joke? Was that like Stalinism and everything in Russia? Gavin had a show. Very outrageous. Gavin is one of these, just a funny, outrageous guy. His whole career has been based on satire and parody and all that.
Starting point is 01:28:16 Yes, he's very much a provocateur. Right, provocateur. Loves doing that. Yeah, loves shaking people up. It's hard to find out how he really feels and when he's playing games. Right. It's very blurry. Absolutely.
Starting point is 01:28:28 So we had this employee, Ben Ratner. Little kid. We actually hired him just because his name was Ratner, and we wanted to call him Rat, like in Fast Times. Hey, Rat, why don't you turn on the camera? So it was great. Rat never talked about girls. He's like this really Jewish, red hair, kind of gangly kid. And he liked going to Broadway shows and things.
Starting point is 01:28:58 And we always questioned his sexuality and whatnot. And Gavin really started hitting on him going, what are you doing? Like, get laid. A kid your age should be out there just fucking plowing through pussy. sexuality and whatnot and uh gavin really started hitting on him going what are you doing like get laid a kid your age should be out there you're just fucking plowing through pussy and uh he's like well i'm you know waiting for the right girl and everything so gavin would continuously goof on him so he he would always go to broadway play so gavin started getting uh music from musicals and playing it to him like, hey, look at this, you pussy.
Starting point is 01:29:26 Is this what you like? And one of them was Proud of Your Boy. It's a Broadway, a song from a musical, a Disney musical, I believe. And it's, oh, proud of your boy. It's one of those big, grandiose Broadway pieces of shit. I can't stand that stuff, man. I hate it. It's so confusing. Oh,'t stand that stuff, man. I hate it. It's so confusing.
Starting point is 01:29:46 Oh, it is. It's terrible. So he goofed on about that and then said, we ought to make a club called the Proud Boys, and that way you can learn how to be a man. And, you know, you'll get chicks and tattoos and, you know, drink beer and hang out with guys. As a joke it was like this parody of a men's club and so over the top that it was like i think part of the way to get beaten
Starting point is 01:30:15 into this gang this club was that you had to recite five breakfast cereals while the other members punched you and and they would keep punching you until you spit so ludicrous so ridiculous such a parody uh and slowly this fucking thing mutated into something it got more members uh they started wearing um what are those shirts the with the yellow piping on the collar? It's a specific shirt that became the uniform. Perry Ellis. Perry Ellis shirts.
Starting point is 01:30:56 A specific black shirt with gold piping on the collar and the sleeves. And that became like the uniform. And because it was presented as a chauvinistic club, like girls are allowed, minorities are allowed, it doesn't matter who you are. But in essence, it is a guy thing. And we will talk shit about girls and we're going to drink and get laid. And it's just a men thing. So they started getting together at bars, you know, in the area in Manhattan. And how is this organized? Is this organized through his
Starting point is 01:31:25 compound media show through the compound media show and his own twitter account and on facebook which he subsequently lost yeah he's persona non grata on social media but that's how it started and it never was supposed to go any further than that g Gavin himself didn't really take it any further than that. It's just, let's get together every so often. We have a good time. We drink, laugh, everything like that. Well, then this whole thing with politics got involved because Antifa, which is anti-fascist, started coming into conservatives that wanted to speak. So Gavin was a conservative, is a conservative. He'd get speaking engagements at schools, NYU, or any numerous places around New York City.
Starting point is 01:32:15 And Antifa would show up to protest him and try to shut down the event. So then the Proud Boys would go and protect Gavin so he wouldn't get harmed doing these speaking engagements. And so then it turned into this, because they're fighting with Antifa, they must be the Fa, the fascists, the Nazis. And once that gets out there, there's no pulling it back. You could try to explain how you're not a nazi till you're blue in the fucking face it ain't going away and especially because it's a good story the press likes it it's this good versus evil thing they present antifa like they're protest they always call them and the protesters were beaten they're fucking violent a violent
Starting point is 01:33:02 group of people that are there to to hit people they don't agree with and silence people that want to speak. And that's exactly what happened with Gavin and Ann Coulter and Milo Yiannopoulos, Ben Shapiro. A lot of these conservative people can't go to these venues and speak. They get shut down because of a violent group of people called Antifa. So Proud Boys were kind of the answer to that so Gavin could go around and actually speak. Well, when that happened, more people came on board because they kind of liked to beat people up. When you have a gang, a group of people, and one of their missions is now to beat up people you don't agree with politically. Well, there was tears.
Starting point is 01:33:44 Wow, that's... there was tears. Wow. There was tears to the membership. Like, the highest tier was you fought for the cause. Right, right. To actually get in a fist fight. Yeah, yeah. Which I'm sure Gavin thought was like, I've talked to Gavin. I like Gavin.
Starting point is 01:33:55 I've had Gavin on the podcast. Yeah. And the last time I had him on, I didn't know what this whole thing was. Right. And so he was explaining the Proud Boys, and he was talking to me about, we're going to punch them. We're going to punch people. Yeah. And yeah i was like whoa whoa whoa and i was like did you don't you can't just punch people like they they punch back and then you get they get mad that you punched them
Starting point is 01:34:13 and they shoot you when you get out of your car right like this is this escalates people don't just take it well it was never supposed to be an offensive punching uh when when i would speak to gavin and every example i would see it was an answer to violence they they would have violence perpetrated on them the problem is context and all people needed to say is he's calling for violence that's it and that's what they've said about gavin over and over again right taking things out of context and use it as an example the other problem being that the antifa people are a lot of skinny dudes and chicks with masks on, and they are not really that adept at fighting. There's a horrible video of this one Antifa guy tries to hit someone with what looks like some kind of a stick or a pipe.
Starting point is 01:34:57 Yeah. And the guy catches it and fucking blasts him on the chin. He fucking put him down. And his head bounces off the concrete unconscious yeah yeah how a lot of people die yeah yeah exactly that's how people die in fights like oh he killed him with his bare hands yeah he hit his fucking head on yeah he hit his head on the concrete you got hit by the world it's literally the world right right gravity it's not gonna budge gravity has punched you in the back of the head yeah so yes these people have this idea
Starting point is 01:35:26 that they're going to go places they're going to shut everybody down and because they're in a group yeah they're going to scream and yell and hit people with bike locks and all this right stuff that we've all seen yeah the weird thing is that that's from the left that was never from the left before when i was a kid i grew up um when i was from age 7 11 during the vietnam war i lived in san francisco and i was around the real hippies. And I remember being a little kid in my formative times. There were flower children. I mean, the hippies and the lefties were love and peace and no violence, and everyone was doing acid.
Starting point is 01:36:00 And now they're all on Adderall, and they're hitting people with bike locks. It's a different thing there was a time where the liberals the hippies the you know they they were the ones that when there would be a demonstration and and the national guard would show up they'd be putting flowers in the barrels of the guns there are famous pictures of that and then kent state was a bunch of hippies literally getting shot by the national guard the national guard yeah that has completely flipped around it's the weirdest thing and i don't know how it got distinguished where proud boys became this evil group of people and and antifa is the good group of people now i understand that understand that Proud Boys were infiltrated by white nationalists, Nazi, white supremacists, whatever it is.
Starting point is 01:36:50 But those were constantly being disavowed by Gavin. Gavin never wanted any of that happening. But is there a way – how do you get in, though? Here's the question. Because this is my – you saw my last comedy special. This is my criticism about vegans. You saw my last comedy special. This is my criticism about vegans.
Starting point is 01:37:08 It's not that there's anything wrong with being a vegan. It's that when you have a group where anybody can join, you're going to get a certain amount of fucking idiots. If you have a million people, for sure you have 100,000 fucking idiots. There's no getting around that. So if you have a group where anybody can join and you have a million people in that group you're gonna have a hundred thousand fucking idiots fucking idiots and those people are gonna define your group the worst behavior in that group is where people are gonna call to as an example that's it i think this is also a symptom of the social media era today especially with twitter because you can't express yourself and explain things in 140 or 280 characters. It just takes too much time.
Starting point is 01:37:48 So they can say, oh, Proud Boys, racist scumbag Nazi Gavin, and they're like, oh, he's a racist scumbag Nazi, and then all of a sudden, that's the narrative, and everybody keeps pushing it. You see the videos of people punching little skinny people. Oh, look at these people. They beat up the Antifa. These fucking assholes. And Gavin's an asshole.
Starting point is 01:38:04 Yeah, that's what it comes down to i've seen it presented uh well you ask how it starts and how it grows and how you become a member by buying a fucking shirt that's by buying a perry ellis shirt and opening a chapter dude there are chapters worldwide you you see it it's like here's's the Proud Boys Australia. Here's the Proud Boys England. Proud Boys fucking Japan. Like, it's everywhere. And it never was supposed to get to that point. And regardless of how these people act, it now reflects on Gavin.
Starting point is 01:38:38 Even though he wanted to hang out in a bar with a few people, do his public speaking without being hassled, and that's it. And I see the way the media manipulates things. I've been party to it myself. And I've seen Gavin presented in photos where you look and go, holy fuck, it's Hitler. Like, they get him. There's one picture of Gavin that I was petrified by. He's got his arms folded. He's got a scowl on his face, that hair, you know,
Starting point is 01:39:05 the short on the side, long on the top. And he's looking like he's angry. And I'm like, that's not the guy that him and his wife, who's American Indian, by the way. His wife's American Indian. He's got beautiful kids
Starting point is 01:39:17 that come over my house and use the pool and we hang out and barbecue. I'm like, that's not that guy. No one knows that guy from the paper. They're getting this impression. He's a really nice guy. He's generous, just a really cool guy to hang out with.
Starting point is 01:39:35 And what you see them do in the media is just crazy, especially when you know he didn't invent some goddamn Nazi group. He was just trying to have a little outrageous fun, and it ran from him. It got away from him. The origin of it, though, the way you're describing it, that is fucking fantastic. Isn't that nuts to think? It's crazy that that is what presented it. I mean, that emerged.
Starting point is 01:39:59 It came out of that. We fuck with Rat all the time because we go can you believe the inspiration for the proud boys is this little jewish kid where is that guy is there a photo of online he oh i'm sure there is yeah yeah rat rat compound media rat you'll probably find him uh it's how much does this weird you out though that compound media was the source of all this it is weird like and it's one of those things you worry about like like i i don't want to then be tied because i know how it works i love gavin but i don't want to be tied to the proud boys at this point you know i got my own fucking problems
Starting point is 01:40:35 through history i don't need any more uh piled on me well what was that thing that i'd sent you that here there he is there he is that's a rat. I guess that was Halloween. Look at you. What's a spiffy suit? I was the mayor from Jaws. Mayor Vaughn I was for Halloween. That's awesome. That's the guy that started the Proud Boys. He started the Proud Boys.
Starting point is 01:40:57 That is so crazy. He looks like a 1938 propaganda poster. He's a little cutie. He looks like he's in a Norman Rockwell painting. That's it. He should be there with like a guy who's handing him an apple pie. Yeah, yeah. And that's
Starting point is 01:41:09 the face of the new Nazi movement. I think there's a lot of mistakes were made. Yeah. But Gavin's made some mistakes and like his whole thing of blurring the lines between parody and honesty, he thinks it's fun.
Starting point is 01:41:29 It's very punk rock. Last time he was on the podcast, which was a few years back, he came on dressed like Michael Douglas from Falling Down. He had a briefcase. He brought the suit, the short-sleeved shirt. He dresses like that all the time now. He goes around. I just did a Skype interview with him yesterday, two days ago, from the hotel room. And yeah, he's got the pocket protector and the pens and the glasses.
Starting point is 01:41:53 Yeah, like falling down. He thinks it's funny. Well, people need to understand, and this is true. He is the godfather of the hipsters. Yeah. You put in godfather of hipsters in Google, he comes up. He's the first. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:42:04 All of that wardrobe that guys are wearing, they look like they're wearing old-timey suits with the skinny ties, that's Gavin McGinnis. He literally started that fashion trend in Williamsburg, and it took off from there. The hipster dress, the way people would dress with those weird mustaches and all that shit, that literally came out of Gavin. Gavin, which is amazing the motherfucker is he is like a yeah well there's something like magnetic about the guy he is what a cult leader is like he could just start a cult which in essence by accident he did yeah between the hipsters and then this he's one of those guys like like gavin guys like, Gavin, why didn't you start a cult where you get to fuck the people's wives? Like that kind of cult. Why do you go with this?
Starting point is 01:42:53 Well, he also did some really good interviews online. Yeah, yeah. Where he would trick these leftists into sitting down with him in interviews. And then along the way, they were having this conversation. It would be exposed that he didn't agree with them at all. And they were trapped. Like this hardcore feminist got trapped with him. And a couple other people got trapped in this room with him.
Starting point is 01:43:15 And they realized some of the line of questioning and the way he's approaching things. Like, oh my God, he's an interesting guy. He's very interesting. And outside of this proud boys thing if you never never invented that yeah never did any of that he would be doing great yeah although he had a problem with uh one of one of his own companies that he made after vice they they bought him out of vice because uh shane turned more liberal and and it wasn't really
Starting point is 01:43:43 they weren't really meshing anymore over their advice so they kind of just bought out uh gavin he he got a lot of money and decided to do his own thing he uh had an advertising firm i guess it was yeah uh and then he got the boot from that for making uh transgender uh comments well he was talking about transgender people have mental health mental health issues and he was bringing up all these here's the problem he, he was talking about how transgender people have mental health issues. And he was bringing up all these... Here's the problem. He was saying some things that are correct. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:44:12 Interspersed with, again, parody and sarcasm. But in his mind, this was like, just, this is something you can talk about where it was in the public's eye, particularly during the Caitlyn Jenner whole thing. People had decided that transgender was amazing. It's eye particularly during the caitlin jenner yeah whole thing people had decided that transgender was amazing it's amazing it's beautiful she's incredible and he was saying no
Starting point is 01:44:30 these are people that are mentally ill and there's and uh there's a website that he was pointing to i think it's called transgender regrets or something like that yeah where they have all these stories of all these men who turned into women then turned back to men again now they don't have dicks oh jesus and they have to take testosterone injections and they hate their life. And there's some of them who did it when they were in their 60s and now they're in their 70s and trying to be a man again. And that gender dysphoria was thought to be a mental health issue, like anorexia, like a lot of other. There's body dysphoria. People have weird um you know uh
Starting point is 01:45:06 bodybuilders get it they they they never think they're big enough right yeah people have like weird perceptions of their physical presence in their being and some uh i had a psychologist dr deborah so who was discussing late onset gender dysphoria in autistic girls that autistic teenage girls they don't feel like they fit in and people can convince them that they're actually a man. And so a lot of them start taking hormones and going through transition and then have massive regrets. And then unfortunately for women, especially when you're a teenager and you're going through puberty and you take hormones, you literally start developing male features. your face gets harder and thicker and
Starting point is 01:45:45 wider your shoulders get bigger like the whole deal your hands yeah your clit grows the size of a thumb you so you you make these irreversible changes or unless yeah yeah you know so you just described jim norton's dream girl yeah perfect this he's a perfect jim norton's i love him to death he's a perfect example too of someone who's bulletproof because that's what he is he's charming
Starting point is 01:46:09 like in his fucking debauchery he's a charming guy girls love him and think he's adorable when he's saying some of the most heinous shit
Starting point is 01:46:20 on stage and on the air and stuff but you know where he's coming from yeah yeah yeah well there's no mistaking like he he wears everything uh on his sleeve so uh he wrote the forward in in my book uh permanently suspended he wrote he wrote the forward he knows me like it's my brother first and then jim norton yeah like jim knows me really well we're we're
Starting point is 01:46:44 really good friends and I love the guy. Why didn't you guys wind up doing a show together when Opie and Anthony crashed? I think, look, I can't blame anybody because I think having the security of a steady paycheck as opposed to the guy that just got thrown off of everything, opening, starting his own thing. Uh, it probably wasn't all that appealing to Jimmy who, you know,
Starting point is 01:47:11 you just bought a new place, uh, in the city and everything is, it just, uh, it wasn't the right time. And then, you know, as time went on,
Starting point is 01:47:17 he became the go-to guy over at Sirius, um, from the Opie and Anthony show. So, uh, I would love to, and I do his Chip Chipperson show. And we're doing one in Philly next week.
Starting point is 01:47:30 A Chip Chipperson? Yeah, we've been doing these live shows on Long Island. We did one up in Boston. And it's hilarious. That's our character. He comes out and the crowd goes fucking wild. And he's got to be in character the whole time. It's got to kill him. It's got to be in character the whole time it's got to kill him it's got to kill him
Starting point is 01:47:47 and and it's so much fun to do i love playing the the straight guy co-host to his fucking insane character but uh yeah we've done these live shows and they're they're really a lot of fun um and he's just a he's a great guy there he he is. It's a fucking outfit. Oh, my God. It's so ridiculous. He's got to stay in. Look at those pants. Yeah, that is hilarious. Dude, the place is, like, packed, and it's crazy.
Starting point is 01:48:16 What are you guys reading? What are the notes? Oh, he wanted us to, he wrote, he wrote, like, almost a play, but it's all just kissing Chip's ass and how wonderful Chip is and how thankful we are to be there. Like, it's so goddamn funny. I love it. He's brilliant, man. He's just a great guy and very fucking funny.
Starting point is 01:48:38 I knew from the first. I think that also kind of, I'm not blaming Jimmy or anything, but I think that helped to kind of break up the ONA show in time. I think Opie started resenting a little bit of that camaraderie that me and Jimmy were having. Me and Jimmy kind of slowly started pulling away and doing our own thing. And the humor is, you know, the more twisted the better. I love sick humor. He does too. And we laugh.
Starting point is 01:49:09 We did a whole bit on like Lacey Peterson and Scott Peterson, the murder. Yeah, and you would think like, obviously he murdered his pregnant wife and dumped her in the ocean. What could possibly be funny about that? Well, people wrote tribute songs. Well, this guy wrote a tribute song to her and another one of these self-centered assholes that thought he was gonna go viral by making a tribute song and we started changing the words to the song to make it just horrible involving seaweed and things so it was terrible but me and Jim are literally crying laughing and Opie's
Starting point is 01:49:43 just kind of sitting there like not really able to jump in or not kind of getting why we're laughing at this sick shit. So it kind of pushed us further apart at that point. Yeah. We both, as people, changed over the course of the 20 years we worked together. 20 fucking years with anybody, dude, is nuts. You get a girl that suck your dick every day for 20 years we worked together 20 fucking years with anybody dude is is nuts you get a girl that suck your dick every day for 20 years you're gonna be like oh fuck stop sucking my dick but but now it's think it's open across from me you know yeah uh so you're gonna get on each other's nerves and i i'm not innocent in the whole thing either uh but i was i'm a lot more laid back. I knew what real work was.
Starting point is 01:50:27 I worked for fucking living. I did heating and air conditioning installation. And it was freezing cold in the winter and boiling hot in the summer. And when I got that first gig in radio, because of Opie, and I'll always thank him for that, I knew what it was like to work. And I didn't want to fuck that up. So I plastered a smile on my face at every turn and did the show
Starting point is 01:50:48 four hours a day everyone has someone at work that they don't get along with you don't leave you just deal with it that's eight hours I had another 20 hours of the day that didn't involve Greg Opie Hughes so I could deal with it
Starting point is 01:51:04 he was more like he had to express himself a little more 20 hours of the day that didn't involve Greg Opie Hughes. So I could deal with it. He was more like he had to express himself a little more, which I guess is healthy in a way, but I didn't need to. So I didn't text him. I didn't call him. We got in an argument once and he goes, dude, you never even been to my house.
Starting point is 01:51:26 And I go, all right, get everyone from the show in here. Jim, have I ever been to your house? Nope. Travis, no. Sam, no. E-Rock, no. I've never been to anyone's house. Let me tell you something right now.
Starting point is 01:51:34 Yeah. That's something a chick would say. I know. Have you ever been to my house? Dude, it's exactly that type of relationship. What does that mean? We've never been to the moon. I've never been to Africa. What the fuck are you saying? i've never been to africa what the fuck are you saying i've never been to spain what does that have to do with anything that we if if you had a problem with me not coming to your house why didn't you ask me to
Starting point is 01:51:53 come to your house yeah like is there like you asking me every day and i'm saying no and i'm saying no right right what's going on it was always something like that and believe me i'm not going to sit here and shit on the guy i that my show's for that uh i'm not gonna i'm fucking around uh i'm not gonna shit on the guy but there were definitely personality quirks that i guess we both had but there was something like if if i i i would party all the time and and you know i had to be there at 6 a.m and i'm driving from roslyn long island to new york city it's's 25, 30 miles of just fucked traffic every day. How long did it take you to get there? It could be 35 minutes.
Starting point is 01:52:33 It could be an hour and a half based on if someone's pulled over on the side of the road, some asshole crashes in Queens, whatever it was. It was a shit drive every day. And you had to be there at six, right? Six o'clock, the show started. And so even at six, there'd be that kind of traffic? Yeah, yeah. It wasn't as bad as it got at like seven or eight, but you never really knew.
Starting point is 01:52:56 Right. I was never late, late, but there were times I'd come in at five after. Eight after six was pretty much as late as i would i would be it was never more than that but he would go like he never had to say anything like the music starts there's a little uh bumper at the beginning and by the time it starts i'd sit down and he on mic would go um well i guess there was traffic anthony just getting in. And now the bosses are listening. And it just wasn't necessary to do that. You know? I was like, dude.
Starting point is 01:53:29 He wanted something to talk about. Guys don't do that. Guys don't do that to each other. You fucking sit down. Don't say a word. No one would know I'm late. You know? And that's what happened.
Starting point is 01:53:41 And there were instances like that all the time. It's all in my book permanently suspended uh there's that book out now it's out now uh yeah borders uh barnes and noble i think we have a copy in the green room oh yes very good uh but but i thought it's at my house it's in my house i talk a lot about uh obviously the relationship and and uh with opie and and how it kind of slowly uh came apart at the seams um i think toward the end uh he just had had it he didn't want to do a show with with me anymore i i don't think he wanted to do a show with jimmy either that didn't last long and i knew it wasn't going to last long that they i was the buffer between the two of them that ended bad it really did
Starting point is 01:54:25 if you talk to Jimmy about it he doesn't express that kind of no he doesn't Jimmy's a very loyalty driven guy he takes that very seriously and if he feels somebody's
Starting point is 01:54:43 fucking with him he really gets pissed. Usually it can get talked out and everything's cool after a little while. But this one, oof, this is bad. It didn't work. No, no. I think, honestly, the way you guys interacted with each other, what he was good for was sort of directing the whole thing. Right. That's the impression that I got.
Starting point is 01:55:08 I mean, how many times did I do this show? Dozens, right? dozens right yeah yeah i don't know how many times i did absolutely but i always felt like what he did really well was like sort of guide things like sit back more let you guys be funny but but guide like figure out like maybe we need more of this maybe we need more of that yeah there was real value to that absolutely but do you think that's fun when you go out and do an appearance and everyone's clamoring about a bit that me and jimmy did or something for him and yeah and he's sitting there going like well i i pushed a button and i drove the ship and i you know went to spots and if he knew it's it's it's funny because like yeah you're not going to be appreciated right as much but it's like a guy who uh is good at defense but he doesn't score a lot of points yeah yeah yeah you're not going to be LeBron James it's necessary guys who
Starting point is 01:55:59 score the points though are the ones who everybody wants to talk to you yeah you ever see uh i i think of opie like um you ever see the prestige the movie the prestige uh with the the two magicians no and it's it's a good movie it's a good movie but at one point uh because he has to use a body double uh the actual magician has to drop below the stage and the body double comes out and gets all the applause and he's under the stage the real guy that did the whole act is under the stage and he shuts his eyes and puts his arms out like trying to enjoy the adulation from the fans but it's not even him getting it and i think that kind of mindset was there. And then resentment starts bubbling up and you start doing things like saying, Anthony just got in. You hold things over people's heads.
Starting point is 01:56:57 The contract negotiations were a nightmare every time. And Opie always wanted a one-year deal. I'm like, what the fuck are you doing let's sign for 10 years who gives a shit you know if they want to fire they're gonna fire anyway contract or not but let's lock them in so if something happens at least we have a settlement portion we could take half the what they owe us for five years whatever it is not one year deal that's all i want because he always had this delusion of grandeur like there was always something better waiting uh for us to grab up and it's like the truth of the matter was the the glory years of the ona show were gone the
Starting point is 01:57:35 new years and the you know all that crazy fucking radio we were damaged goods after the sex in saint patrick's cathedral debacle we we had a couple. We had a contest where people had to go around New York City and have sex at various famous locations, like the Hard Rock Cafe and Empire State Building, things like that. We had spotters who were comics or people that worked for the show follow them around, and they would call us on the show and go, All right, we're here at the Empire State Building, and he's doing it. I'm watching him right now. So we had Paul Mercurio, who was a comic, and he was following one couple around.
Starting point is 01:58:12 And Opie had put church on the list. And I went like, ooh, I don't know, man. He goes, it's just to read on the air and say, like, what locations are. And when we say church, people go like, whoa, that's outrageous. But no one's going to go to church. Don't worry. Well, Paul calls up and goes, well, we're here at St. Pat's
Starting point is 01:58:31 and he's doing the two-point conversion. You got an extra two points if you were fucking her in the ass at the location. Because they all had point values for how dangerous it was. And Pat was watching to be sure that it went in the ass? Paul. Paul was watching. Yeah, yeah. The uh pat was watching to be sure that it went in the ass paul paul was watching yeah yeah the spotter was supposed to watch and so he had to watch this
Starting point is 01:58:49 guy fuck his girl in the ass yeah yeah there was a lot of theater of the mind going on too who knows what the fuck they were doing or where i heard i hear it was in the vestibule outside saint pat's but regardless it's sex at saint pat's right. And me and Opie looked at each other. We both had digital delay, like the delay button, seven second. We had like a 30 second delay. We both had buttons in front of us. There was another guy in a locked room down the hall that had a button to dump out of because we were constantly doing shit that would have gotten FCC complaints. So the boss installed these buttons everywhere.
Starting point is 01:59:22 Well, we both had our finger on it going like, shit, do we punch out of this? It's hilarious. Guy's fucking his girl in the ass at St. Pat's. And neither of us hit the button. And the guy down the hall didn't hit it. We just went with it. That moment is like, that is one of those moments. Like, talk about a defining moment.
Starting point is 01:59:42 You move your finger one inch down and that never happens it's amazing to to think about what year was this uh 2002 i believe 2000 it was yeah we it was 9 11 uh we we went through 9 11 on the air and stuff and then i guess that summer maybe what year did you guys wind up on xm uh 2004 i think it was we we had to sit out two fucking years out of our contract uh not working they didn't want us to go to mornings because uh clear channel radio which was another radio company and cbs were were kind of fighting for us uh Clear Channel wanted us to do mornings against Howard Stern, who was on CBS. We worked for CBS at the time doing afternoons. So we were put in a position where they were both just throwing huge amounts of money at us.
Starting point is 02:00:36 And CBS was like, we can't let them go to mornings. It would be impossible to beat Howard. But we would take enough listeners away where he might not be number one anymore. That affects revenue. You want to sell the show as the number one rated show. So CBS was doing anything they could to keep us in afternoons with the same company as Howard.
Starting point is 02:00:58 So it was the most lucrative contract we ever signed. It was a three-year deal. We signed it in, three-year deal uh we signed it in i guess 2001 and uh after one year they canceled the show because of the sex at saint pat's thing that blew up i mean it was in the newspapers it was i had to look at opie and dopey on the front page of i'm like fuck i'm dopey i gotta be dopey it was so embarrassing my family and everything was just fucking nuts so uh the cbs was like well we canceled your show but we're not letting you out of your contract like what does that mean we talked to our agent he goes well you can't work they're not letting
Starting point is 02:01:37 you work you'll still get paid and dude i'm talking millions of dollars this was millions of dollars that they had to give us for two years. But you'd think like, oh, that's awesome. Back then, there was no internet to speak of. You had no way to contact your fans. Well, you could have a website, which is one of the ways that we became friends, is I wrote about you guys. Right. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 02:02:01 I wrote a big piece on my website about how ridiculous it was. Yeah, yeah. a lot of people supported us and but it got uh in two years you just disappear on the radio it's if you're not doing a show and you're out you will go away they will find something else so we were really worried about that and again damaged goods so no one was really clamoring to hire us anyway. But we went through two years where I was just making huge amounts of money and just buying toys. I went to Atlantis for a couple of weeks in the Bahamas, and I was pulling my luggage to leave at the desk,
Starting point is 02:02:43 and I go to my chick, I what do we where why are we going home he goes okay i said can i have the room for another two weeks like okay went back upstairs just stayed for a month it was like i have no reason why am i going home after two weeks you're so conditioned like how long a vacation is right uh and and that lasted for for two years and then uh satellite came calling which was we considered radio prison at that point was radio jail anybody that because everyone that had fucked up in regular radio ended up in satellite like no one wanted to be in satellite radio at the time they had no subscribers me and opie sat on the side of uh the the belt parkway once by my house in Brooklyn.
Starting point is 02:03:28 And we were like, let's see how many satellite radio antennas we see. Because they used to be very obvious, shark fin, big antennas, aftermarket. They stuck them and drilled them into your roof. It was terrible. The installation process was stupid. No one wanted to get fucked their car up with this dumb antenna. So we're looking and we're like nothing and then oh look there's one and you know the money's one thing obviously but as a broadcaster you want to fucking be talking
Starting point is 02:03:53 to people you know you want you want to entertain people you want people to say wow that was good and there was just no subscribers back then during our 10 years there it wound up getting very very good and and uh we had a lot of listeners but uh early on no one but satellite was calling and uh we we signed you know we signed the deal um but we we definitely would have preferred terrestrial radio yeah it's interesting now right because now satellite it satellite became a big thing when howard got on it and people were talking about it and then it became a big thing because every new car you would buy you'd get a free 90 days or whatever yeah but now no one gives a shit yeah it's it's one of the most short-lived technologies not that it's gone i think it'll always be there in some capacity man it is
Starting point is 02:04:45 fucking clinging by a thread so many other um that's why they bought pandora i i guess there's so many other streaming outlets out there and the fact in podcast the fact that podcasts are all free yeah yeah and then you could play them in a tunnel right everywhere it doesn't peter out on you. And you get that signal constantly now. So it's not like the old days. Every time you get in the car, your system identifies your phone. And then when they started playing commercials.
Starting point is 02:05:19 I remember when they started playing commercials. Like, what the fuck is this? I'm paying so that you can play commercials? Are you out of your fucking mind yeah that was uh it was supposed to be uh commercial free they all talk about commercial free and then it ends up oh if you're listening to 70s on seven i guess you won't have to listen to a commercial but even then i think they have commercials yeah they started throwing commercials on everything so yeah um yeah short-lived uh technology it's weird and then to put all of your eggs in in a couple of baskets that are circling the earth always seemed weird to me well not only
Starting point is 02:05:52 that you can't get it in hawaii i think i told you guys when i when i went to hawaii on vacation i i got a car that had sirius xm built into it it didn didn't work. Yeah, yeah. I was like, what the fuck is this? You have to deal with a satellite orbiting. You know, something happens to the transmitter on a terrestrial station. They send an engineer up there. He turns a few screws or what have you. You know, something fucks up in a satellite. What are you going to do?
Starting point is 02:06:17 What are you going to do? You know, Howard going to get a rocket and fix the fucking thing? It's really dumb technology at this point. Yeah, yeah. It's really dumb technology at this point. Yeah, yeah. It's totally unnecessary. Unnecessary. The fact that Sirius is still transmitted from a thing in the sky down to the ground. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 02:06:33 And then it's transmitted from the people on the ground up into the sky and then back down to the people on the ground. Yeah, yeah. That's what's going on. It's so... Which is so unnecessary. Just the people on the ground can just so unnecessary just the people on the ground can just send it
Starting point is 02:06:45 to the people on the ground on the ground why wouldn't you do that super easy yeah especially in this day and age but they're still doing it
Starting point is 02:06:52 it's very weird yeah yeah it is they're gonna have to do something what the fuck are they gonna do I don't know like I said
Starting point is 02:06:59 buy Pandora maybe start scooping up internet companies I think that's what they're gonna do I think they're gonna move towards that direction yeah I think that's all they're going to do. I think they're going to move towards that direction. Yeah, I think that's all they have.
Starting point is 02:07:07 You know what's really weird, though, is the fucking AM radio is still a thing. That's the weirdest thing to me. The death knell for radio has been forever. The second another technology came out, it was like, well, I guess that's it for radio. Yeah, television. We have an amazing invention here. another technology came out it was like well i guess that's it for radio yeah television we have an amazing invention here and radio was supposed to be dead but it just hangs in there people just
Starting point is 02:07:32 can't let it go regular radio especially am man i remember as a kid my dad having the am like music on the am radio sounded like it was coming out of a tin can, static and shit. And that was kind of all you had. I drove home like a year ago and just on a goof, I decided to put on AM radio. And I was listening to an AM radio show. And I had a big smile on my face all the way home because it was like I was listening to the past. Yeah, yeah. It's like a time machine, right?
Starting point is 02:08:03 Yeah, it was some weird, one of the local talk shows, a weird local talk show in LA where they were talking about traffic and the Dodgers game and this and that. It's archaic. It's so strange. Like, first of all, anything that is trying to inform you is just unnecessary at this point uh unless it's yeah fake news the the big cnn and fox news and everything those will always be a fixture and stuff but local fucking news do you really need the the team that cares at six o'clock it's all just shit that you've already seen online there's not one story that will be on the
Starting point is 02:08:47 six o'clock news that i don't already know in depth it's also the lowest rung of show business in terms of competence yes people that they're terrible at it and they're all drunks it's hilarious dude i have never seen a group of people that can drink more than fucking news people. They just get hammered constantly. They probably are miserable. I think that's it. I think they're miserable. We went through a whole thing when Roseanne was supposed to be on the podcast. And right after she got fired, she announced that she was going to come on the podcast.
Starting point is 02:09:17 Yes, I remember hearing that. And so these fucking newscasters started showing up where our old studio is, actually. They went to our old studio, and they were parked out front with cameras. And this is where I got upset. I was like, first of all, you guys are terrible at this. And second of all, you just assume that because you're there, I have to talk to you. So because you see me, I'm going to say something to you.
Starting point is 02:09:38 Because you put your camera and your microphone in my face. It doesn't work that way, fuckface. I'm not going to talk to you. You're not good at talking. This is the reason why you do this yeah you don't have a job like a really good job doing this because you're not good at this you're not good at it you will one day get a really good job doing this or you're just not good at it yeah one of those because right now you're right here and i'm not talking to you this is nonsense. You're holding this fucking camera. Hi, we're here with CBS and 4 News.
Starting point is 02:10:07 Get the fuck out of here. I don't have to talk to you. Just because you have a camera in front of me doesn't mean we're going to have an interview now. They feel like you're obligated to address them. They're trying to come to my house. Yeah, yeah. I've had that happen. It's not fun.
Starting point is 02:10:21 It's definitely not fun. Get the fuck out of here. I'm not talking to you. They knock on my neighbor's doors and they want to know about me and stuff. And if you think like we deal with LA or New York, imagine what the news team in fucking East Alabama fuck. Like that's got to be the worst. They are just terrible at what they do.
Starting point is 02:10:43 Terrible. Local news in some podunk fuck town is hilarious to watch it's one of the things that comics have to do when they come into a town yeah to do local tv shows morning the morning chat so as shitty as you think the view is right the talk as shitty as those shows good morning america fucking pens get together these shows in like the local one in boise idaho or fucking dallas they're a thousand times worse worse just terrible death and and i i hate that uh there's such a double standard when one of them fucks up when a news person fucks up they just apparently leave him alone like where was everyone with uh
Starting point is 02:11:26 what's his name from from uh and was it nbc brian williams uh well brian williams they kind of got on yeah uh but no uh lauer matt lauer oh yeah like matt lauer it was in the news or anything but where was where was the mic being shoved in matt lauer's face as he's trying to fucking go home or something i think there was some of that. I think he just hid. I mean, he went straight to Long Island and went to the Hamptons and he's never left. But were they camping out in front of his house? Oh, yeah, yeah, they did.
Starting point is 02:11:52 They were? Yeah. He's just been banging divorcees and riding a motorcycle, trying to get back on TV. That is just twisted. You know what's most stunning to me is how much money he made.
Starting point is 02:12:03 Oh, yeah, yeah. I didn't know he was making that much money. Like, that is insane. And for years. Yeah. Like, for a long fucking time. He's got, like, a giant ranch in New Zealand that's, like, thousands of acres. How do you decide you need that?
Starting point is 02:12:15 It's so crazy because he's got some access issues. Like, the people that want to get to certain parts of the public land, they have to go through his ranch. So there's like an access issue, like some sort of easement where these people are supposed to be able to drive through and they're fighting it off. He should just sit at his desk with that button that opens the door, but it lifts a gate up so they could get through. That button, there's a misconception about that button. Love the button.
Starting point is 02:12:42 They all had that button. Yeah? Yeah, it was because they had big offices and they want to be able to lock their door so they're going to be interrupted on a phone call it wasn't so they could bang checks in the office like women executives had that button too oh okay yeah but that's the thing it sounded very sounded very yeah yes audrey indeed yeah well the media grabbed onto that and like oh my god he had a button to lock it like like he's sitting there when i fuck and I'm being interrupted and I'm telling a fuck I'm gonna hit that button
Starting point is 02:13:07 and just start fucking some nervous girl just hears that click shit and he goes oh fuck he hit the button
Starting point is 02:13:14 yeah there was a lot of that that was like accentuated like there was a one guest that brought in a bunch of sex toys and he
Starting point is 02:13:22 gave him a bag and he kept it in his office and he was like oh he keeps a bag of sex toys in he gave him a bag and he kept it in his office and he's like oh he keeps a bag of sex toys in his office look this is shit in this office i got a flamethrower okay elon musk gave me a flamethrower yeah what am i gonna do with it it's right there awesome by the way a flamethrower in his office yeah this is it's that kind of thing like if somebody gave me a bag of dildos it would be right over there next to the flamethrower he has a bag of dildos, it would be right over there next to the flamethrower. He has a bag of dildos! Unless I made a conscious decision to throw it away, or my wife found it.
Starting point is 02:13:49 It would wind up getting tossed. But Matt Lauer decided to keep it in his fucking closet. I don't know. Apparently he gave some people some. I think the guy was getting laid. That's what I think. And I think a lot of what else happened, all the details of it, it seems to me that all of it is very blown out of proportion. I don't like that that that's happening because everyone is being lumped into the Harvey Weinstein category, which is the –
Starting point is 02:14:18 That's abusive. Tip of the fucking pyramid right there. Cosby's the tip. Right, right. Cosby is literal. Cosby's number one. Yeah. He's literally number
Starting point is 02:14:25 one yeah yeah there was a woman who said this on i believe it was cnn or one of those talk shows she said he may very well be the biggest serial rapist in history can you even fucking bill literally sitting back on my couch going fuck Fuck. Yeah. Fucking Bill Cosby's the biggest serial rapist in history. Wow. A time machine would be wonderful just to see people's expressions when you tell them like what's happening in the whole celebrity forum. Like, yeah, what's... Hey, guess what Bill Cosby's doing?
Starting point is 02:15:01 Have you ever seen that photo of Howard Cosell standing next to Bruce Jenner and O.J. Simpson? O.J. And it says, I've seen the future, and you're not going to fucking believe this. Yeah, this is fucking crazy. Bill Cosby, when we were kids, we used to watch The Cosby Show. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:15:16 When he was Bill Cosby, the stand-up comedian that would go on HBO, and everybody loved him. He was America's father. Oh, they loved him. America's dad dad right there. The Cosby Show. Revolutionary on television. He was at that time
Starting point is 02:15:31 raping women. At that time. It's just fucking insane. Not just raping them but drugging them. Yeah, yeah. And friends, daughters, like people that he knew.
Starting point is 02:15:42 Come on over. I'll help you with your career. Wow. Plop, plop. Yeah. Drop two in your fucking drink and you're feeling okay put your feet up put your feet up and they'd be like i can't move you're like good that's why i stick my dick in your mouth and that hazy like a few of them just hazily regained consciousness for a minute and just remember seeing old bill pounding away with that fucking flounder eye? I think he got the eye later in life.
Starting point is 02:16:09 He's almost blind, apparently. Yeah, yeah. I'm not sure. I thought they were using that as kind of a sympathy thing, but he looks pretty fucking blind. They sent him to the same jail. They sent Whitey Bulger. Oh, wow. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:16:20 How about that? Imagine that. Boy, he was, what, 95 or something like that? Whitey Bulger? Was he that old? I think he was that fucking old. Like, in his 90s, that's a grudge that someone held onto for quite a while. Well, the guy hated rats, apparently.
Starting point is 02:16:37 And that was the thing, that Whitey Bulger, all throughout his time of running the Irish mob, was ratting people out. Yeah, yeah. That's what was really crazy. He was another guy, just like we were talking about, um, uh, what the fuck's his name? The Italian guy.
Starting point is 02:16:50 Yeah. Gotti. No, the other one. Oh, Sammy, Sammy, the boy.
Starting point is 02:16:53 He was in the mob ratting out other people in the mob while he was murdering people. Yeah. Yeah. Like the FBI allowed him to sell drugs and do a lot. He won the lottery twice while he was doing this. You know how that works? How?
Starting point is 02:17:10 Well, someone else would win the lottery. And he would use that as a way to show income. So he would pay them for their lottery ticket or steal it from them or whatever the fuck he did it. And then he would say, look, I won the lottery. And then he would win the lottery. So that way he would have all this money laundered you could avoid tax evasion charges that way you could have a proof of income that's why where'd you get that boat where'd you get that cadillac where'd you get that house yeah yeah yeah that's uh that's fucked up twice you know twice to win it twice he was was, yeah, he was, the FBI was helping him, too, obviously.
Starting point is 02:17:48 They were giving up competitors. Yes. Well, they were responsible, probably, for some murders. Yeah, yeah. They would bring people to him. Like, that was the thing. Like, hey, we're not going to kill anyone, but we'll bring this guy to you so you can have a little chit-chat.
Starting point is 02:18:04 And, you know, you're driving the guy to his death. Yeah. Pretty much. And he was living in an apartment in Santa Monica with some girl who just talked a lot. And apparently she was yelling at him, and that's how he got arrested. What, like a domestic? Yeah, there was like some screaming and yelling, and they were weird. And that was what got people looking at them, like, who the fuck are these people?
Starting point is 02:18:25 And then they started, I mean, he wasn't even like hiding in Montana or anything. No, no. He wasn't in Wyoming on a ranch somewhere in the middle of nowhere where no one's going to be suspicious. He was in fucking Santa Monica in an apartment. That is fucked up. Crazy. I don't understand how, it's got to be the most stressful life to lead just on the run.
Starting point is 02:18:47 I watched some of those shows like Cold Case Files and when they find these people. Yeah, there he is. What inmates are saying about the brutal prison hit on Whitey Bulger. He got what he had coming to him.
Starting point is 02:18:58 He got what he had coming to him. He tried to chop off his tongue. Oh, Jesus. He pulled his eyes out. Oh, my God. That's like rat stuff. How old was he? 89 or something. Oh, 89? Yeah 89 yeah jesus christ yeah it's uh
Starting point is 02:19:09 he definitely got what he had coming to him i don't see how anybody could argue that apparently so no sympathy piece of shit just amazing that he's 89 made it to 89 89 what was patrice like 40 when he died yeah yeah yeah how, yeah. How's that work? I have no idea. But yeah, I mean, he must have been looking over his shoulder constantly. While still in his wheelchair,
Starting point is 02:19:33 he was beaten to death with what inmates call shanks, schlocks, a lock in a sock. Kind of a Dr. Seuss kind of weapon. While in his wheelchair
Starting point is 02:19:44 before possibly having his eyes partially gouged out with shanks. Oh, fuck. Yeah. That's some real shit. The assailant's tried to chop off his tongue. Wow. Sometimes it works. Sometimes jailhouse justice actually happens.
Starting point is 02:20:00 You don't think it will, but then it does. Sometimes. Sometimes. Sometimes people get what but then it does. Sometimes. Sometimes. Sometimes people get what's coming to them. Yeah. How do we get on the subject of Whitey Bulger? I don't know. We always just ramble on about stuff.
Starting point is 02:20:14 I love it. So I love that you've established your own sort of media company. I love that you decided to just start your own network. Yeah. But are there challenges like what we do is pretty simple because we just put it out there and then we put ads on it right you know and then or youtube puts ads on it but is it is it challenging to like i mean you you have a bunch of people like when i was there other folks were coming in and they had their shows in the studio as well and they had you change your green screen you know you should change yeah yeah it's the most convenient way to kind of instead of having
Starting point is 02:20:48 a different set for every show it's a green screen and then we just pop it in uh pop in a background we could do some pretty funny things with it too we've done that i i did a reading um last week of part of my book and uh we went to an establishing shot of a cabin and i moved to a chair behind the green screen and it's just me by a little fire burning and i oh oh welcome i didn't i didn't expect you and you know so it's kind of fun to be creative with the thing um other than that yeah there there are a lot of challenges it's uh i i am not i am in front of the mic guy. That's it. I don't really like any of the other parts of the business. It's weird. Do you have a CEO of the business?
Starting point is 02:21:33 I'm the guy. Keith, though, is the guy I've delegated a lot of the responsibility as to the tech end of everything and finding the people we need to run equipment and stuff over the course of the years. And it's worked out very well. But it is one of those things, like, it's two companies. You have the entertainment that's going into the microphone, and then all the shit you need to get that to the people. And the business model, and billing, and all that shit that I can't fucking be bothered.
Starting point is 02:22:03 I have video games to play. I can't be bothered all that shit that i can't fucking be bothered i have video games to play i can't be bothered with that shit so you operate on it's a subscription people pay by the month and you get a ton of shows they get the mike ward show yeah yeah mike ward who's in here last week yeah and they uh get uh aaron and gino doing in hot water is our morning show and they're just out of fucking control they're the one show that i watch sometimes they go like, oh, wow, I wouldn't do that. Really? Oh, yeah, yeah. They're brutal.
Starting point is 02:22:32 Are they comics? Yeah, yeah. They're comics in New York, and they tour around. Really funny guys. So this is the page with all the show on it? Yeah, I pilfered Bill Schultz and joanne nosichinsky from fox news they used to be on uh fox news uh red eye and stuff oh really east side dave is uh an insane motherfucker from the old uh ron and fez show what's in hot water in hot water is the
Starting point is 02:22:57 morning show that's uh yeah that's aaron and gino uh kevin brennan who is just a mental patient. Kevin scares me. He yells a lot. I come into the studio and I just hear his voice booming, yelling. And I get an anxiety attack like it's my dad yelling at mom back in the old days. Yeah, it's just a, you know, we were always looking for... How many shows do you have on? Shows that fit. I don't know.
Starting point is 02:23:24 How many is that? And are these shows available to stream anytime you want? Yeah, yeah. we were always looking for How many shows do you have on? Shows that fit. I don't know. How many is that? And are these shows available like to stream like anytime you want? Yeah, yeah. Every show, most of the shows go out live. I like the element of
Starting point is 02:23:33 just a little danger there of being live as it goes out. Me too. I like that. Yeah. And I don't know what it is, but just knowing you could edit something
Starting point is 02:23:43 might make you a little lazy as you're doing it. You can't stop. You have to keep going. Jamie brought it up. It feels different when we've done shows that aren't live. Yeah, yeah, it does. Something happened. We were streaming at one point in time.
Starting point is 02:23:55 It fucked up and we couldn't stream. So we just edited it and filmed it in advance rather than put it up later. But it just feels weird. It does. It's because there's a net. There a net down there you could you could leave if you had to take a piss you could go i gotta take a piss i got you know this is you're going out live this is it hi here it is uh i like i like that yeah yeah that's something there's a feeling that there's people listening right now right yeah and everything's archived so uh subscribers can get uh all the past shows from
Starting point is 02:24:26 all the shows available can they download audio as well as video yeah yeah audio only um uh audio and video yeah it's it's uh we give them a lot of options uh we went with subscriber based uh because when i i got the boot from uh serious years ago uh i couldn't imagine people wanted me to be hawking their products in the first place uh and and i didn't want to be beholden to sponsors right i can't have anyone telling me what i can and can't say anymore just ain't gonna happen but is there an issue trying to get people like i had a friend who was on radio and they left and went to do a podcast and they had a subscription podcast yeah and what he was saying is it's really difficult to grow like you have to keep those
Starting point is 02:25:15 people that you have you gotta keep them happy and they would do things to engage with them and they would do like little events where they'd go to a bar and meet everybody and do a show from there he said but it's really hard to grow because people don't want to pay when there's all these different shows they could just get for free yeah that's uh that's always a challenge but there's also the commodity that people can't get anywhere else is entertaining shows like you could have a free show that sucks right and there's plenty of those out there uh but if you're good at what you do and and you already have an audience because i i say it all the time corolla
Starting point is 02:25:52 had the greatest line once he was being interviewed and someone said uh how do you how do you make a successful podcast he goes oh okay rule number one be famous and it's like yeah you gotta so i i figured if we get up and running in a month me and keith uh figured it out that we could hold on to a lot of the ona audience that uh would come over and and subscribe get it quick get up yeah and that's why thank god i had that studio already built in my basement yeah i was able to all we needed was the logistics of pumping it out onto the internet in a bigger number than I was doing at three in the morning. You were doing some of them outside, too. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 02:26:32 We'd set up the camera out by the pool. Like, my first guest was Dice, which was hilarious. Yeah, yeah. Dice came by. We sat by the pool. And then later on, he went downstairs into my basement that karaoke stage and he was singing Elvis karaoke songs
Starting point is 02:26:48 it was hilarious and that's one of those moments where you're like Dice is in my basement singing Elvis how the fuck did that happen you know
Starting point is 02:26:55 it was fucking awesome but yeah so that model worked for us and it's been working but I'm kind of seeing you got to keep on your toes in especially a technology-based business we were just talking about satellite radio like you don't you just can't tell what's going to happen you really got to kind of look for future
Starting point is 02:27:15 trends and whatnot and uh maybe more of a hybrid thing because it's a balancing act of bringing new people in and like you said keeping the people out of there already but bringing new people in with some free content so maybe a tiered subscription thing where there is a free level with sponsors uh but then a tiered uh premium level with uh material that we've already had maybe uh past shows or something or extra content but so we're always trying to think of what might be a good option when i first fired this thing up we had no fucking clue i mean this was usually you would kind of do some kind of a research testing or whatever marketing analysis of day parts and shit like that and i just i was like i could i could be here by 4 p.m
Starting point is 02:28:06 how long is the show gonna be six two hours four to six i could i could go out at six and then i don't have to be there until 4 p.m it's fucking easy still lets me party uh monday through friday fuck that i want a three-day weekend all the time for the rest of my life so that's what we do monday through thursday uh and then we have programming on friday in the slot that um i'm supposed to be in uh during the week so uh it just i wanted i didn't want to fucking be driving myself like that uh forever so cut back on the hours the the days, and it worked. So I'm very happy with that. But again, we're always assessing and seeing what we could do to kind of build it because it is that trade-off of audience. Obviously, we're not going to get as many people watching on a subscriber
Starting point is 02:28:57 base than we would if it was free with spots. But do you want to cut down on the paid subscribers and boost it up and then how far do i i go with advertisers where somebody can call them and fuck me over now and do i truly have free speech now or as free as i can be uh with a subscriber base so uh it's a balancing act i see what you're saying like you don't want to totally abandon the subscriber model because then you're at the mercy of advertisers. Of advertisers. And it gets, like, we have advertisers now. We have a couple of them that we pop maybe two spots on a show.
Starting point is 02:29:34 And I do, they're all live reads. So I make them fun and funny. And, you know, people, like, I learned that from Howard years ago when Howard would go to spots. Before he was syndicated, too, when he had all the time in the world uh sometimes you didn't even know he was still in a commercial break it was just funny so i try to keep it light and fun and add in things uh so it doesn't feel so intrusive uh but i don't live and die by sponsors it's not it's kind of supplements uh the subscribers uh stuff so uh that works and and i don't know maybe i i'm paranoid because of my past that uh that sponsors might get pissed at what i'm saying but when i look at the shows especially the shows i've been doing in the past year or so they're not
Starting point is 02:30:20 as harsh as they were i was really fucking angry angry like five years ago when I started this whole thing. I can't believe it's almost five years already that I've been doing this at Compound Media. And I was just pissed. And the show was a platform of like venting and revenge. And like I just I wanted to fucking yell and be pissed about things. Bang the desk about politics and society and it came
Starting point is 02:30:50 off as very angry and then as time went on I realized like people were telling me dude just be funny like just joke about shit and you don't have to be serious like i thought for
Starting point is 02:31:05 some reason i had to do almost like a political show um because of the fact that you had gone through so much shit yeah yeah i was resentful i was pissed and and you know it's uh it's one of those things that really carried over onto the show but in the past couple of years i guess it's been um especially with bringing arty lang on board for the eight months he was with me, it's very difficult to get into any kind of commentary on society with Artie Lang sitting there. How was that? It was odd. It was great.
Starting point is 02:31:36 I mean, you know, the preface everyone gives is, fucking love Artie. He's hilariously funny, so quick, and just a goofy, knock-around, regular guy. But the demons, man, the demons. It was kind of rough to deal with. Like I said, I'm a relaxed guy. If Artie didn't show up one day, I'd do the show myself. Didn't he do the show with Opie for a while? No, he was a guest on Opie's show and I guess Opie approached him to be
Starting point is 02:32:05 a co-host or something and he said no. But yeah, he was never part of the show. I thought he was going to be part of the show. Yeah, there was kind of a rumor going around for a while. So when he came on, I was like it's not going to kill me if he doesn't show up for a day
Starting point is 02:32:22 every so often because I'll just do the show myself uh but it it turned out to be a little more than that and there were some days that were really good and other days where it was a little frayed around the edges and uh you know redundant he's got different kind of demons he's got like beozebub he's got like the main demon he really does man and it's so fucking sad to see because i mean there's no question about the talent there he's hilarious and a great guy great guy you always hear that yeah always hear that yeah i i remember when we hired him it was uh i was at the comedy seller and david tell came out he goes so you're uh working with arty i'm like yeah he goes well welcome to the wonderful
Starting point is 02:33:06 world of the 3 a.m phone calls and not being able to find him like oh fuck what did we get ourselves into and and that's kind of what we got ourselves into but again i mean i had a great time his he's one of the funniest motherfuckers especially on a mic like that the who would think that when jackie martling left the stern show they'd be able to replace him with somebody that was just funny as fuck and and have legendary shows with with uh arty on and um you know he he definitely earned a place in in broadcast history but we just you know after eight months it got a little too crazy uh to unpredictable
Starting point is 02:33:46 and you need some predictability what was what was bad about it well it was the the attendance issue was a little odd um like a principal yeah yeah the attendance he wasn't he was tardy uh and and there were some days he was fucking just most days he was awesome but there were some days he was fucking just, most days he was awesome. But there were some days where, you know, the heads down, it was kind of a little iffy. And, you know, regardless, I know he knows that too. I mean, he lives in that body. So, you know, he knows it. So it was a little odd. And then we picked up Dave Landau, who's a young comic out of Detroit.
Starting point is 02:34:24 He filled in a couple of times when we had him as a guest on the show. And then he filled in a couple of times during Artie's few sabbaticals that he was away for a week or so. And me and Dave just hit it off. He's got a great sense of humor. He's a little twisted. He's got a great backstory. The guy was just a fucking piece of shit for a long time. His story is about drunk driving.
Starting point is 02:34:49 He crashed every car he had. He was arrested 15 times before he was 18. Like, just a disaster. And you look at him now. He's got a great wife, a beautiful kid. He's a working comic. And he's awesome. He knows how to co-host my show
Starting point is 02:35:07 he he gets it he uh we don't step on each other he he knows exactly what to throw in and when so uh really happy with uh with dave landau he's a great guy i only did one show with him the last time i was in town with you yeah he's great yeah he's a good guy man smart dude yeah smart and really decent like it's so weird to see people that you didn't know when they were such fuck-ups and fucked up because like you know you almost want to go all right come on just drink one night i want to see what a disaster you are you know uh yeah because you know you just don't know how fucked up people can get uh but you never know he's he's a he's a decent guy yeah he is i like what you're doing man i love it i
Starting point is 02:35:51 love that it's cool you're doing something different here and you you you basically you got put into a corner yeah i said all right i'm gonna figure my way out of this it was a lifeboat at first but you really expanded it now and it's become it's become a really interesting thing yeah and and i never expected it i i gave it a lot of thought in between being fired and when we finally fired it up uh compound media i was like what do i do do i do i go fucking buy a ranch somewhere in the middle of the sticks and get guns and write a manifesto or something? Or, you know, I didn't know what to do. No one was knocking on my door to fucking give me a job. So when the idea came to do this, it was pretty much, all right, I want to do this.
Starting point is 02:36:39 And regardless of how many subs I get, the overhead is going to be barely anything. It's me in my basement doing a broadcast. So I wasn't really worried about the number of subscribers or anything like that. And when we launched and it was really successful, during the course of that year, we started getting other shows. Legion of Skanks, the guys out there, Big Jay Oakerson and Dave Smith. No, no, they have their own thing. Louis J. Gomez. Yeah, they got their own thing on their own network.
Starting point is 02:37:10 But for a while, they were doing their show from my house, which was so weird. It was like, because you need their legion of skanks with them. Part of their show is that live audience. So I'd have people coming into my backyard that I didn't know from a hole in the wall that had driven out to Roslyn Long Island to sit on folding chairs in front of the guys and I'm walking around my basement like
Starting point is 02:37:34 who are these people? This is a little weird it's a little intrusive but it's cool and then it really started getting fucked up because during the summer months they'd all jump in the pool so now they're swimming in my pool the months, they'd all jump in the pool. So now they're swimming in my pool. People you don't know. The Legion of Skanks was in my pool.
Starting point is 02:37:50 And it was the weirdest. It was cool. We'd all just, you know, have a few beers, talk. You get to know people. Yeah. So it wasn't that bad. No one ever did anything bad. They respected the house and everything, which was very cool.
Starting point is 02:38:00 And then Gavin was doing the show. We got Gavin on board from my house and a lot of times it was at night so I'd be upstairs on my couch watching TV or something. He'd finish up, come upstairs and sit on the couch and be like, hey man, what's up? And I'm just like, I just don't want to talk. I talked all day.
Starting point is 02:38:17 I'm just, I want to watch TV. So it became a little weird and after a year, Keith was like, let's get a place in the city. It's easier for guests. Yeah. So we got a place at 35th and 7th right near Penn Station,
Starting point is 02:38:30 which works great. You know, I take the train in now. I don't have to fucking drive into the city. Although that's another nightmare, the transit Long Island Railroad. But it just works out better that way. It gets me out of the house. It's a separation of personal life and the job. So it works out better that way. It gets me out of the house. It's a separation of personal life and the job.
Starting point is 02:38:47 So it works out. I like the little city. Yeah, I started my podcast in my house, too. I think everybody does. My little kids, you'd hear them in the background screaming at each other, Mommy, she took my thing. Because they were really little at the time because I'd been doing it for nine years. Holy fuck.
Starting point is 02:39:01 Yeah. Oh, my God. Yeah. Time. Yeah, so I did it in my house and then we started doing some of them the ice house and then i got a got a place got a uh the last one yeah yeah she went to remember that and then as the show got bigger i just said let's get a big place this is insane joe i like i don't know how much you've shown the people on your show do you venture
Starting point is 02:39:22 out and show them anything because it's it's insane it's a fucking airplane hangar this is giant and uh everything in every corner is cool like it's all just cool there's uh for uh you got weights and mats and and then that that hunting thing that archery game game techno hunt it's amazing it's you know it is a game the scores like you compete against each other yeah you're firing real arrows with your compound bow into what is that kevlar a kevlar screen the the tips are flat like the top of a water bottle so it slaps it it doesn't Yeah. I went to a gun range a couple of times on Long Island that also used a video on a screen that was made with giant rolls of paper,
Starting point is 02:40:13 one horizontal, one vertical. And a sensor would read the light that would come through when a bullet hit. And that would record where you shot and accurately show that and then after too many holes got in all you have to do is wind the paper a little bit on each one and it it misaligns the holes so now you got a whole new sheet of paper to shoot at oh wow uh yeah and and it was very cool to be able to shoot at video targets of you know the bad guy yeah well
Starting point is 02:40:43 it's also really good for real-life situations. For hunting, that thing's amazing. Yeah. Because you're not just looking at a bullseye, like a typical target face. You're looking at the crease behind the shoulder where you're trying to hit the heart. By the way, you nailed that one. Like, the second one you did, it was a deer, just a video of a deer standing there. And it's moving.
Starting point is 02:41:03 It's not a still picture. And you drew that back and hit it exactly in the crease behind the leg. That was a hard shot. Really cool. This fucking game is very addictive, though. You'll be out there pulling that bow back. You'll fuck your shoulder up. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 02:41:17 Because you're pulling back 70 pounds all day long. It gets super addictive. Think about how addictive it is to play video games. Oh, yeah, yeah. Now think about competing against another bow hunter and you're talking shit to each other playing this game when the deer walking out in the field yeah it's really great practice for actual bow hunting yeah you could tell it's very accurate too wherever that uh wherever that bolt hit yeah it's fucking right right on the money very uh very cool though this place is uh awesome you got a an amazing place i can't even you you were you know you took the ball and fucking ran with it
Starting point is 02:41:51 man you really did this is amazing just an amazing uh accomplishment like you're no you're the guy like like people are like oh you're going on rogan's podcast oh shit he's the guy you you like ended up being the guy because of you guys that's what's crazy awesome man because of being a guest on ona and then watching crazy live on the compound that's absolutely where it all started crazy i just wanted when i was doing that i i it was trial and error i would go to bnh photo in manhattan and just buy shit and take it home hook it up and go ah that, that don't quite work. Throw something in the closet, get something else and slowly built up what I needed to
Starting point is 02:42:31 have it work. My goal was really to have lower thirds and video over my shoulder and look into the camera with a teleprompter. So it looked like the news, but it was done by a drunk guy who would go off and just sing karaoke, horrible language. That, to me, was always funny. It was a parody of a real TV show. I wanted it to look good, not just a grainy camera with an Xbox headset. We were literally just talking about this at the Comedy Store the other night.
Starting point is 02:43:01 We were watching the news. It was on the television. And we're saying, how much better would the news be if you get a couple of us and get fucked up and start smoking weed and then just right but the real news like actual real stories like oh shit look what the fuck that guy just did and who wouldn't watch that of the news is just with comics like i've i've actually after doing that at the comedy store and watching that and talking to a couple friends i've actually thought about doing that like having a nightly news show right yeah or a morning news show or just a show where one hour of the day is just like you get the ap feed
Starting point is 02:43:36 yeah yeah all the news feed and you got video to go with it and you do a a stoned out or drunk new show yeah with comics we we have a guy michael malice that does a kind of a daily wrap-up show at 11 p.m and uh it's hilarious because he'll put like the other day he was talking about tucker carlson and the graphic comes up and it says uh tucker carlson but it's a picture of um who the fuck was it? Sean Hannity. It was a picture of Sean Hannity. And he does shit like that all the time. And people are like, dude, that's not Chuck. He goes, what?
Starting point is 02:44:13 No, I thought it was. But he does that on purpose. Like he fucks with the graphics and the ticker at the bottom and everything. And it's really funny. He's a smart guy, too. He's a clever little shit. Yeah, but shit like that is great. We did an election show during the presidential election a couple of years ago.
Starting point is 02:44:35 And Gavin was on that one. And we had all the big American flag waving in the background on the green screen and everything. And we were calling it like a sporting event. DePaulo was there. And it really turned into like a football game. You're just going, oh, my God, we just got Florida. Oh, my God. It was so, and it was.
Starting point is 02:44:52 We were all drinking and laughing. And it was election coverage like the news would do. But we were just hammered and laughing our balls off. What do you think happens to Gavin now? Because no one bounces back from that kind of shit. It's so tough. It's a different kind of shit that he's in right now cult leader no like he's in this they've they've got david koresh yeah as mal says he's got the eye of sauron on him yeah and that thing just fucking once that's on you it's very hard to shake that fucking thing off of you yeah if anyone can do it it's gavin
Starting point is 02:45:26 he's been really reborn a couple of times like he was supposed to be done after that trans thing oh not really i don't know they gave him a lot of shit for that and he got lost the company lost his company yeah but that's like professional stuff that's not like showbiz stuff now he's in this weird showbiz exile sort of place you know yeah well he's on uh what crtv yeah that's still real he does a show there yeah who the fuck watches that i don't know you know i i i see clips of him but um yeah it's what is that what is crtv is that it's another kind of an internet thing more yeah but more straight news kind of based uh why would they have him on it uh he was on there he got hired by them maybe a year or so ago but if they're trying to do something straight he's not like well he's kind of the goofy i think the
Starting point is 02:46:17 goofy yeah aspect of it then they'll have you know the regular straight lace guy why don't you have him on compound anymore uh he got a better offer to go over there. You know, we're not going to hold anybody back. Hey, why you? Don't you? It is weird, though, because you can be stricken from the record, as they showed with Alex Jones. Yeah. They just, holy fuck, did they just get rid of him.
Starting point is 02:46:42 He is a non-person. Yeah. fuck did they just get rid of him he is a non-person yeah they fucking took every aspect of his uh feed off of every bit of social media and it's obviously a coordinated effort yeah yeah yeah this is not just one company that also competes with another company that also they all just universally decided on their own independently yeah no they they coordinated that i can't stand the uh yeah i am an absolutist with free speech i and and i know the fucking line it's a private company they can do what they want freedom of speech is about the government and this it's like yeah but are you okay
Starting point is 02:47:17 with that yeah are you okay with a faceless corporation uh deciding what you can watch and see and hear and who can speak based on nothing but this arbitrary ideology that comes out of a building like i don't like that i want anyone to have the ability to speak about anything they want no matter how repugnant it is like like meet it with a lively debate well here's the here's a perfect example forget alex jones let's talk about what we talked about earlier laura loomer versus lewis farrakhan yeah where's your consistency you got to explain to me how that works how does that how is it okay for the guy on twitter to be calling jewish people termites i mean that that is that's something you exterminate
Starting point is 02:48:01 yeah yeah this is nazi germany type yeah exactly like how is that okay that's okay with you but then i mean how about look it's it works that way on the left as well like how about that guy that just got kicked off of cnn right because he was talking about the jewish policy israel against palestine and that he's for palestinian liberation and they were like fuck you you're done like this this decision This decision or the thought process that's involved in the decisions that they make is not based on rational thinking and objective reasoning. No, it's so arbitrary. You just don't know.
Starting point is 02:48:34 It's based on which way the culture is swinging. And the culture is swinging in a way that avoids any possible accusations of racism. If you think in any way, shape, or form you're going to be thought of as racist you avoid that because there's some people that say horrific shit about white people oh yeah yeah they don't get banned literally calling for their death and and yeah they don't know that girl that got hired by new york times and it was a massive uproar because she had so many anti-white things on her Twitter. Oh yeah, yeah. The Asian girl. Yeah. I mean, just all that
Starting point is 02:49:09 ridiculous left-wing woke nonsense. You know, that you're allowed to be completely racist against white people. Massive generalizations against white men in particular. Yeah, yeah. It is, it absolutely is discrimination and it's absolutely, what you're doing is you're
Starting point is 02:49:26 being prejudiced but you're being prejudiced with a stamp well you've got a stamp of approval yeah yeah you're allowed to be and i love the the just rules that are made up that are ridiculous it's like oh you're a racist i can't be a racist right i'm this or that or that i can't be sexist i can't be this i mean it's like who's making these fucking rules up? Exactly. And how come I am not privy to any of them? Of course. I can't,
Starting point is 02:49:49 I can't call on any of these rules. The beautiful thing about that is that hypocrisy will eventually bite them in their ass. And people who are rational, who listen to the argument against it. And so you, you absolutely can be sexist against men. Yeah, absolutely can.
Starting point is 02:50:01 Of course. And you are, a lot of feminists are 100 sexist against men there's this feminist that i follow her fucking twitter picture the image the big one the banner one yeah says trust no man okay well good fucking luck good luck cutting out half the population don't trust them how about trust all women you're're going to do that? Well, great. Congratulations. Because you've got about 15% to 20% cunts. And you're going to have to trust all of them. Good luck.
Starting point is 02:50:31 Yeah, yeah. Good luck. You've got 80%, 85%, 90% maybe good gals. Yeah. And you're polluted. You've got a polluted population, just like men. There's a polluted population of men. There's a polluted population of women.
Starting point is 02:50:43 If you thought that you were going to get pure drinking water without dropping in those purification tablets, you're going to get jarred. There's some shit in there, yeah. You're going to get sick. Yeah, there's no 100% on any of that. Of course not. We saw the whole believe all women thing
Starting point is 02:51:02 that happened during the Kavanaugh hearings and whatnot. I didn't do that bit the other night, did I no i'll tell you to your affair okay i'll tell you something off air that's it's it's it's crazy like the idea that anyone would say believe all women is as mental as saying believe no women exactly it's the same stupid thing because there's going to be assholes it's going to be pieces of shit um i i was saying on the show the other day like uh no one really wants equality no one equality isn't good the the fight for equality is where it's at right and you never want to attain it because then you're not special anymore if you're fighting for equality, you're always a victim. There's always an oppressor, and you're fighting that.
Starting point is 02:51:47 Once you're equal, you can be called a shithead. You can be called stupid. Right. Everything else. You're just another face in the crowd with another stupid voice that probably shouldn't be heard. So no one ever really wants equality, no matter how much they're clamoring for it. Even if it does get achieved, you're going to find some reason why it's not valid.
Starting point is 02:52:04 Right, why it's not valid, and you can still say that you're you're being victimized by something there's currency in it yeah yeah there is there's there's definitely equity in being a victim and not being equal yet yeah but you're fighting you can say things that other people can't say right we see it all the time you can be completely prejudiced you can do a lot of things you could never do if you were another race yeah and now you see this uh uh that avenatti guy that lawyer just hilarious he the whole believe all women and then like a fucking movie script it spins around and bites him right in the ass where he's like i didn't do that she's lying it's like wait
Starting point is 02:52:45 a minute the fact that it happened so fast is like if that would have been hilarious if it happened two years from now yes but the fact that it happened right after it is just beyond hilarious well like the asia asia argento chick right yeah the other one the one who was uh accusing harvey weinstein of raping her right and then turned then turned out that she had, I mean, it's basically, what do they call it? Statutory rape. When you have sex with a 17-year-old boy, which I don't think it is. I don't think you think it is either. But the law is the law.
Starting point is 02:53:19 And the fact that it came out, and that it came out that Bourdain had paid this kid off. Oh, gosh. And during the whole time they're all just believe all women and like don't believe that one yeah yeah yeah that one you probably shouldn't believe i mean this is this is a problem you got a real fucking problem and the fact that all that went down you know i mean it's just when these things play out like this it almost makes you wonder like god i don't i don't really believe we're living in a simulation but if we were living in something that's designed to almost
Starting point is 02:53:51 it instills this lack of appreciation for reality yeah that it seemed it all seems so bizarre and ludicrous and it keep people keep like when when like when Anthony Weiner got in trouble for pulling his dick out, I swear to God, there was part of me that was going, this doesn't even make sense. Like this is so, so obvious. It's so like right there. Yeah, yeah. It's so on the button. Yeah. It's not even subtle enough.
Starting point is 02:54:20 A lot of that stuff, it seems like um it everything works out too much like it's scripted yeah like during during trump's campaign i kept saying he's gotta win i go this doesn't play if he doesn't win this isn't rocky one this has to be rocky two he's gotta fucking win it's not about the battle and the bravery and that he's gotta win this for this to work to really highlight the theater of the right right he he's got to win this for this to work to really highlight the theater of the right right he's got to win yes and he fucking won spotlights in the air this is the theater of the absurd i mean that guy being president with his fake hair sprayed down and orange skin with the white around the eyes it all seems so fake everything he says the way he looks like yeah everything is insane
Starting point is 02:55:06 i still every time i see him walking down the stairs at air force one i'm just like holy fuck donald trump is the president like what what kind of wacky world a really wacky world really wacky yeah the other day undeniably wacky world when he was wacky world. Yeah, the other day. An undeniably wacky world. When he was giving that speech about Elvis and it's just like, people told me I look like Elvis. People have told me if I wasn't blonde I look like Elvis. And it's like no one told you that.
Starting point is 02:55:36 You look even a little bit like Elvis. No one ever told you that. Maybe your belly right when Elvis was sitting on the ball for the last time, but that's about it how about when that reporter confronted him look at the two of them together come on well when i look at that picture people tell me i look like the king maybe oh my god maybe a little bit how about the upper right hand corner one? Have you ever seen anyone Can't walk out
Starting point is 02:56:10 Fat Elvis is my favorite Fat Elvis Because I love you too much baby Of course, a thousand memes now Yeah Have you ever seen someone so committed to a comb over for so many years? Like so committed It's not just a comb over for so many years like so committed it's not just a comb over
Starting point is 02:56:26 it's like a creation I don't know what it is it's a wacky contraption the video of him walking up the stairs of Air Force One where the wind's blowing from behind
Starting point is 02:56:34 you see the whole back of his head is bald you're like where's the hair coming from it was like a fucking Vader's head without the helmet it kind of looked like
Starting point is 02:56:42 that weird like what's going on you never know where it's starting and where it ends and how long it is it's like look at that oh my god that's just a picture the the video is more disturbing because you see the flaps yeah yeah chaos well how about you know he didn't want to go out there for the fourth of july memorial because he didn't want to get his hair wet his His hair wet in the rain? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:57:05 That was, yeah, that's what they were saying. What? I don't know. That is such a weird thing. Like he, It was September 11th.
Starting point is 02:57:13 That's what it was. The president. 9-11? No, it was the Veterans Memorial or the World War II. Oh, it was the Veterans Day?
Starting point is 02:57:18 World War II. Isn't it odd though that, Memorial Day. Memorial Day. that the president is a guy that's so like insecure. that's forever for decades he has to fucking do a a fucking dairy queen ice cream fucking move on his head every day also he's fat like if you're the thing is like if you're really concerned so much about your looks
Starting point is 02:57:39 why are you fat why are you fat get it i don't think he thinks he's fat i think he's like one of those guys that you talked about having uh body dysmorphia body dysmorphia they just he looks in the mirror and sees elvis like young leather clad elvis yeah he's got this weird thing you know where he doesn't believe in exercise because he feels like the body is like a battery and if you put any energy into it wears it out well the motherfucker is up at all hours he uh during the campaign for the midterms he was doing three rallies a day flying all over the country and he never seemed to be like he was falling asleep or losing energy so i don't know what he's doing well do you do you know about all that? He says, I get exercise. I mean, I walk.
Starting point is 02:58:26 I this, I that. Trump 71 said during the Oval Office. I run over to a building next door. I get more exercise than people think. I run over to a building next door. I'm amazing. My exercise is incredible. He's on, allegedly, according to one reporter, he's on diet pills. And he's been on diet pills forever. And there's a prescription that they, I mean, he actually even cited the exact Duane Reade pharmacy where he was supposed to take this for like a little while, and he wound up taking it for years.
Starting point is 02:58:54 He's taking some form of amphetamines. Oh, good for him. In this day and age, you would be fucking stunned if you found out how many journalists, how many people who are writers, how many people that are professionals, how many people that work who are on Adderall. The community that I'm in, I mean, I live in an area where there's a lot of people that have money and they work real hard, and because of the fact that they need energy, I know a shitload of people that are taking Adderall. Folks that are in Hollywood, folks that are in finance,
Starting point is 02:59:25 all sorts of different... Yeah, I know quite a few also. Yeah, they... It's everywhere, man. I mean, it is such a... You know, the difference between methamphetamine and amphetamines, the difference between meth
Starting point is 02:59:37 and what you're getting when you get Adderall is so goddamn close. Yeah, yeah. It's so close. But meth is crazy. You take that, and you're a meth head. The only difference is how quick it hits you. It's literally the only difference.
Starting point is 02:59:51 And then the dosage that you get is obviously regulated if you get Adderall. Right, right. I don't know. I'm not a pill guy. I never have been. What do you got here, Jamie? What are you pulling up? What he says here about being on a treadmill.
Starting point is 03:00:03 Oh, awesome. Going on a diet. I was on a treadmill for the first here, Jamie? What are you pulling up? What he says here about being on a treadmill. Oh, awesome. Going on a diet. I was on a treadmill for the first time, actually, in quite a while. And it was a very steep angle. And I was there for a very long time, he said. They were surprised. And they said, well, you can stop now. That's amazing.
Starting point is 03:00:16 And I said, I can go much longer than this if you want me to. Hey, Trump, I got a fucking right now, buddy. I got a challenge. How about you join the Sober October Fitness Challenge next year? Oh, man. Hop on. We'll put that strap on you. We'll see what's up.
Starting point is 03:00:29 We'll see who's amazed. I love Mickey Mantle Gene. Everything is over the top with Trump. It's so good. I have dieted successfully before. I have been more of a believer in diet because I'm strong, you know? I've always been more of a believer in diet because i'm strong you know i've always been more of a believer in diet because i'm strong you know i hit the ball far i mean i'm strong physically he
Starting point is 03:00:53 said that is so hilarious would you imagine wrestling him how weak he must feel like just a bag of jello just grab a hold of his body and smush it. It's all gushy. The bones are barely held together with thread. Like, what are you talking about? You're strong. You hit the ball far. I'm strong. I mean, when he said that he would beat up Joe Biden, that was like peak ludicrousness. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 03:01:19 I was like, what? You're going to beat up Joe Biden? Joe Biden would go down fast and hard. That's what he said. Dude, the fact that they're talking like that, again, absurd. It's so fucking funny that, and Biden has said the same thing. Yes. I'll kick his ass.
Starting point is 03:01:34 He's a bully. When did, did Truman and Dewey trade barbs like that back in the day? What is he saying? Nixon and Kennedy. I didn't make a mistake, but they asked me, would I like to debate this gentleman? And I said, no. I said, if we were in high school, I'd take him behind the gym and beat the hell out of him. Violence!
Starting point is 03:01:54 Meanwhile, I don't believe that. I think Trump would kick his ass. I really do. I think Trump is meaner, and I think Biden would make a mistake. Yeah, Trump better be able to... He would swing, and he would slip, and he would fall, and he able to... He would swing and he would slip and he would fall and he'd fuck his knee up and Trump would kick him in the face like a soccer ball. He would get lucky and he would walk away
Starting point is 03:02:11 and Biden would be holding his teeth and blood coming out of his mouth and he'd be like, I told you, I'm the best, the best ever. And he'd get away with it. It's like he gets away with a lot of things. And there would be a lot of people that would want to kick Trump's ass and get back at him, but it would never manifest. It would never come to play. No, no no just like what's going on now it's like where people thought stormy daniel's gonna take him down and then it turns out stormy daniel's beat some chick up on a porn set and and now she's after avenatti also because he uh apparently
Starting point is 03:02:37 isn't giving her an accounting of where all the money that she raised uh online was going to and he apparently filed she said he filed that lawsuit against Trump against her wishes. She didn't want it done. And now she's not getting an accounting of the money. It's hilarious. The defamation suit is also the one that she lost and now she has to pay his legal expenses. Pay his legal fees.
Starting point is 03:03:00 So this Navanati guy is hilarious. And he wants to run for president too just another dummy in the mix another dummy listen he's another guy chaining himself to a building it's the same thing he's got a bullhorn
Starting point is 03:03:13 everybody just wants attention I actually talked to a guy who's in Hollywood he works in Hollywood he's like a high level guy he's got a respectable job and he's like we need a guy like that like that Avenatti guy on our side who doesn't talk any shit.
Starting point is 03:03:25 What? Who doesn't take any shit. A guy who could call Trump out on his bullshit. And I'm like, what are you talking about, man? I go, what are you talking about? This guy, this lawyer? This guy's the guy you think you need running the country. Are you serious?
Starting point is 03:03:38 It's a disaster. But they wanted to believe that he was the guy. Right. Because it fit the narrative. Yeah, yeah. We need a guy like that we need a good guy like trump you know right what keith oberman is this is what all these people are a good guy who's gonna kill him you fat fuck you fucking liar you piece of shit well trump
Starting point is 03:03:56 trump has nothing to lose is is what it is right like trump could say anything and he does because what are they gonna do what are they going to do one of the things about diet pills they were putting about amphetamines and they were reading down in this article all of the side effects illusions of grandeur elevated sense of your place in the world
Starting point is 03:04:18 like all these different things he is the president elevated sense of the president wow that is me i'm the president of the world i think he thinks he is but uh he is he's he's fucking but i mean if he's the president united states you're basically pretty much president of the world yeah yeah i mean at least if there's a number one through ten you're number one yeah yeah all right who's definitely who's number two that is that's number two but it's number two
Starting point is 03:04:45 is donald fucking trump donald hate him all day one of my favorite hillary quotes is really recently she was she said i would like to be president that's what she said oh yeah yeah i would like to be president well you should never be president then because that's not what the job is that job's not some shit you put on your resume. I would like to be president. I would like to. I would like a cookie. Yeah, yeah. That's what it comes off as.
Starting point is 03:05:08 I would like to be the queen. I would like that. I would like if you kiss my ass. I would like if you suck my toes. Like, what? You would like it? You would like it. That's why Trump comes off as just a bad stand-up when he does those rallies and everything.
Starting point is 03:05:24 Like, you could tell when he's squinting at the prompter and he's like we as Americans must blah blah blah and then you see his eyes open and he's like so let me tell you and he's off prompter and that's when I go oh here it comes here comes a winner and when he talks
Starting point is 03:05:39 about ICE and he's like the men and women of ICE just amazing people a job that none of us want to do. We don't want to do it. And then he starts the crowd work. This guy over here, look at him. He doesn't want to do it. See? His wife knows. Like he's doing crowd work. Like, what the fuck? It's the president.
Starting point is 03:05:57 It's so fucking bizarre. Do you remember that one 90-minute speech that he gave, just rambling nonsense, and people go, this is the day the presidency unraveled. That was two years ago. That shit was forever ago. And he's still unraveling.
Starting point is 03:06:12 He's not even unraveling. It's just who he is. Do we go back to the you know this guy the whole and what we need to do because guaranteed in 2020 that's going to be the pitch against Trump. We need to return to some semblance of society. It's going to be a young, democratic, socialist type character that says a lot of things that the young people want to hear.
Starting point is 03:06:34 Right. And then is completely anti-racist, anti-homophobic, trans rights, all that stuff. Right. That's what I think. And there's someone who can hold it together. And someone who doesn't have a good fucking beozebub in the closet yeah that's getting tougher and tougher to find these days man there is some shit just fucking graveyards falling out of people's closets and it's the people that want to be in power that all have these fucking skeletons yeah
Starting point is 03:07:00 yeah that's what's the weird thing things these people that want to be in power yeah i think it's hilarious like you look at the um a politician like you just described at a rally or at speech and behind them is just it's so well choreographed like every nationality is represented and you know you just see it looks like something out of a fucking star trek episode that hats from different lands and all kinds of things and it's like that to me is just as fake and and potentially like offensive as just the trump background of white trash it's like laura dern running star trek or star wars that's what it's like it's to bring it back yes it's like oh okay i see what you're doing. Not that Laura Dern's a bad actress.
Starting point is 03:07:48 She's a great actress. But in that role, I mean, I wasn't buying it. And when she's telling the pilot to shut up, I'm like, listen. Stop. That guy's a fucking straight-up killer who's out there flying a pilot. He's piloting a spaceship and gunning down evil robots that want to blow up the planet. Yeah, he's really going to be intimidated by Laura Dern. I remember when we first started running this empire.
Starting point is 03:08:10 Shut the fuck up. Jesus Christ. Force-fed. Just force-fed. Yeah. I can't stand that. These really obvious theatrical plays at diversity and inclusiveness yeah yeah aggressiveness and you could tell that they like they've pushed every but there's no authenticity to their their message
Starting point is 03:08:31 no no they have to push every correct button and say all the right notes and make all the right sounds it's yeah yeah it's like this thing they're they're they're complying it's a compliance thing right much as it is an expression of who they are as individuals you know yeah yeah you have to be compliant with this news this new way people are thinking and behaving but but it's so ham-handed like like it's really over the top it's obvious it's like a guy named wiener pulling his dick out it's not fake it's too obvious it's too clunky too right on the head you know what? I heard that some of the movies that are coming out, I think they're doing a girl version of Bad Boys, which is like, why the fuck?
Starting point is 03:09:15 It's just, again. Like Ghostbusters. Like Ghostbusters, which was such a success. And then I saw this. Isn't that how Milo got kicked off of Twitter? Yeah. Yeah. By goofing on, what's her name there? Leslie Jones. Yeah. Yeah. So I saw this. Isn't that how Milo got kicked off of Twitter? Yeah, yeah. By goofing on, what's her name there?
Starting point is 03:09:25 Leslie Jones. Yeah. Yeah. So I read this the other day. There's a Broadway show of King Kong. It's now a Broadway musical. And they have this amazing kind of marionette gorilla on the stage. Giant fucking thing.
Starting point is 03:09:44 And the girl that plays a and darrow uh and and now a new girl has been uh cast she's black now i'm like this the whole gist of king kong is the fact that it's a white broad yes like the whole island is full of she is of black chicks whoa this this marionette, King Kong, Pixar. What's up with his face? I don't know. They had to make him almost... You know how the characters look in The Lion King, the musical or something?
Starting point is 03:10:13 That's so weird. Yeah, yeah. So that's all a marionette? Yeah, it's on cables and shit, and there's people working it. Oh, how strange. If there's a video clip of it and you see it kind of move it's uh it is strange yeah we gotta see a video but like i said the whole fucking thing is based on yeah it's the white chick yeah like like it it's part of the
Starting point is 03:10:37 story you can i can understand you can cast a black actress and a white actress as part is that but when it's so integral to the story that this fucking got yeah isn't that sick that's amazing yeah yeah it looks pretty fucking badass but where's his fur what's this guy get out of there buddy wow this is amazing yeah isn't that sick and a fucking broadway stage they got all this uh that's incredible going on it really is that really is amazing they got the teeth lit up and everything yeah the lighting is pretty important and it's actually pretty badass so this is the old one the old one used to be a blonde chick and they go yeah yeah no not anymore it has to we're gonna get a black trans man yeah i mean the whole gimmick is that kong has been on this island with black chicks yeah and he sees her and just loses
Starting point is 03:11:25 his fucking mind yeah I have a whole bit about I heard it the other night it's fucking brilliant it's so goddamn funny it is true it's like that movie is like the most racist movie of all time horrifically racist it's so crazy when when the remake came out, I think it was the Peter Jackson remake came out, Patrice went off on it and did a whole thing about what the movie represents and what the chick and the gorilla represents and everything. And it was fucking brilliant. Only as Patrice could have done it. And he nailed it.
Starting point is 03:11:59 Do you know the movie Frozen, the little kids movie? Yeah. I never saw it the girl uh who can fucking turning things into ice yeah i think there's a disney version a live disney version that they've decided to do uh and in the live disney version there the girl is now played by a black girl uh-huh but it's it's a blonde girl who lives in like Norway. Yeah, it doesn't make sense. But they decided to have her be played by a black girl. And people went crazy. They sent all these emails in like, this is outrageous.
Starting point is 03:12:32 Like, what are you doing? It's like, yeah. But I feel like these companies, there's too many people involved, right? It's not like compound media. It's just Anthony Cumia making decisions, right? Right. With something like Disney, you have this board and you probably in california like you have to have a certain amount of women on the board right you imagine what that must be like you have to have like equal representation
Starting point is 03:12:54 of everyone everyone's super concerned about diversity like i have a friend crazy pitched a show and when they walked in there the first first question they said, he pitched the show, they go, okay, where's the diversity? Where's the diversity? Like he was pitching a sitcom. Where's the diversity? He's like, I'm just pitching you something funny. I pitch you a funny program.
Starting point is 03:13:18 Yeah, yeah. Okay, we need an Asian man. We need a black woman. We need a this and that. And again, like we were talking about, it's so obvious that it becomes distracting yeah like i don't want i don't want to have to watch something that that diversity is just forced in there right uh because you you notice it and now you're
Starting point is 03:13:36 distracted and you can't really enjoy the thing like that king kong thing like like how do you how do they do the part where the the the natives on skull island uh kong is just like ah get out of here but this one is like oh this yeah like there has to be something different yeah and it's definitely the hair color and the skin color it's just what it was it's regardless of how uh horrible it is or or whatever it's just the way it is grow up right move on yes time has passed you by, old man. Old white dude. Yeah.
Starting point is 03:14:08 Oh, old white dude doesn't like when a black woman gets a role that's designed for all black women or all white women. There are so many instances where that's fine and no one would notice and whatever. I don't have a problem with Hamilton or whatever. They want to cast founding fathers as black and Hispanic dudes. Whatevs. Go at it. But when it's an integral part of the story.
Starting point is 03:14:31 It's most of the story. It's most of the reason. The reason why the big gorilla loses his mind is because he falls in love with the white chick. The whole time. He's on camera in the movie. He's there losing his mind because of the white chick. camera in the movie he's there losing his mind because of the white chick that's yeah just don't make a movie right then just don't don't make the movie or don't make the play the idea that you're gonna make the play but we're gonna have a black woman of color we're
Starting point is 03:14:57 gonna have yeah yeah woman of color that's that's one of my favorite criticisms is how dare two white people have this discussion without a person of color in the room. Well, that's true. Yeah, yeah. That's the best one. We'll probably catch shit for this. But it's from who? Yeah.
Starting point is 03:15:11 From who that can go fuck themselves. Who? Who would be a preposterous idea? The idea that, wait, hold on, Anthony. Before we go any further, let's bring in a person of color. Yeah, yeah. A person of color. Otherwise, we are two privileged people.
Starting point is 03:15:24 We shouldn't be discussing these issues. That is true. Like, you can't even communicate about something. No, no. A person of color. Otherwise, we are two privileged people. We shouldn't be discussing these issues. That is true. Like you can't even communicate about something. No, no, you can't. And all we hear about is how we need an open and honest discussion about race. And then the second you try to have one, whoa, shut up. Don't talk about that. Here's one that everybody keeps ignoring. You want to know what's racist? Harvard tries really hard to keep Asian people out. Yeah, yeah. They're making it way more difficult because Asian people are far better at school than white people.
Starting point is 03:15:51 It's just the way it is. And they have to balance it. It would be full of Asians. But so what? If everybody got accepted for qualifications, that would be Asian Harvard. But it is amazing that people that are rallying against racial discrimination don't look at that, because that is absolute racial discrimination, but on the other end of the spectrum. Right, right.
Starting point is 03:16:12 You're taking these people that are, they are a minority, they're a small percentage of the population, and they vastly outperform most other groups. Yeah, yeah. And because of that, Harvard has made it more difficult for them to get in in and now there's a giant class action lawsuit against one of the most liberal and progressive institutes of higher learning ever and they're racist they're fucking undeniably racist that is racist yeah it's racist against the superior people it's absolutely based on nothing but someone's race ethnic background background. And they're doing it. Well, they're doing it for now.
Starting point is 03:16:48 For now. But you don't hear about this from the social justice warriors and other race baiters. They want to go on about white privilege. Yeah. It really is. Look, I just like bringing shit up that I notice. And if I notice that they're squeezing diversity into something that doesn't need it, I think it looks, like I said, distracting
Starting point is 03:17:08 and it's out of place. And then other things, like the other day, I noticed, and you probably shouldn't even say it, that the Mars probe that just landed on Mars and they showed the control room at Jet Propulsion Laboratories and they're all applauding, could possibly be the
Starting point is 03:17:25 least diverse room i've ever seen in my life a bunch of white nerds that's all it was there were a couple of like uh big women like like uh kind of you know lesbians lesbians uh there were a couple of them in there but for the most part it was every nerdy guy grown up and landing a fucking speck a billion miles away on fucking Mars. It's insane because when a push comes to shove, you need the people that can get the job done. And if it's that room of people, it's that room of people. And if it's that room of people, it's that room of people. You can't artificially diversify something just for the optic and get the job done. They had everyone in that room, had a reason to be there.
Starting point is 03:18:15 And I assume it's based on qualifications. But if you notice that or mention it, I'm sure I'll be called a fucking racist for that. Yeah, for sure. Don't ever notice things. You can't notice things. That's what the rule is. Don't notice trends. Don't notice things. i feel like that's going away though i really do i think so i just i don't see it lasting i just i i feel like it's a a bright wave of nonsense that's hitting us and it's going to balance back out and rational thinking is going here's the thing like this is one of the
Starting point is 03:18:43 things that drives me crazy it's like you know address your white privilege recognize your white privilege no you know why i'm not racist okay so if i'm not racist you should be concentrating on racism you shouldn't be concentrating on people who don't experience racism because they're fortunately white because i didn't do anything you didn't do anything just by being but what they're doing is they're putting you in a position where you're always guilty. And once they put you in that box, they always can shut you up because the logic is not very good.
Starting point is 03:19:11 So the discourse is not, it's not well thought out. It's not really nuanced. So because of that, they want to be able to just push a button and shut you off. And that button is the white privilege button. But that's, you're looking at a reality.
Starting point is 03:19:25 Yeah, do white people have it easier than people who get racially discriminated against? Yes. Sure. But the problem is not the white people that have it easy. The problem is the people that racially discriminate. That's the problem. Yeah, yeah. So you're looking at the wrong thing.
Starting point is 03:19:36 So you're finding someone you want to make them a bad person just by being the thing that you've decided is the oppressor. Yeah. It's a racist thing. Everything is the same level. Whether you have an opinion about something, just voicing an opinion about something that involves race or sexuality or whatever it is, and literally calling for violence against people of a certain... It's all in the same category.
Starting point is 03:20:03 When it's ridiculous. You could have your your personal opinion on anything that that is sensitive these days like i said race or sexuality or what have you uh it doesn't mean anything unless you use some kind of negativity or oppression or something against uh the person because of your opinion uh until you do that, you just have a fucking opinion. Right. And it's not all that dangerous. Patrice used to say that, too.
Starting point is 03:20:32 He goes, I never met a racist in my life. I never met one. Never sat down and had someone call him the N-word or anything like that. He goes, never met one. He's been to the wrong places. Maybe that's it. We could take him to some places. I haven't met one.
Starting point is 03:20:41 He's been to the wrong places. Maybe that's it. We could take him to some places. But it's like, let's say you have somebody that has a low opinion of black people. And you're going to a bar. You sit down. There's a black dude sitting there. And you're watching the Yankee game or something.
Starting point is 03:20:59 And he goes, hey, look at that. The Yankees are winning. Is the guy going to turn around and go, fuck you, and drop an M-bombs and or is he going to go yeah i guess so like like there's there's levels of of they he might have an idea about it but until you start exercising that i don't honestly you don't see a problem with it there's people that discriminate and they have discriminatory ideas about all sorts of things. It's just when you allow some but don't allow others, when you allow discrimination against white people but you don't allow it against black people, you create resentment.
Starting point is 03:21:34 When you allow discrimination against men but don't allow it against women because you feel like women have been victimized, so it's our time. It's our turn. Well, no, it doesn't work that way. It doesn't work that way, especially when you're talking to people that aren't rapists right you call everybody a rapist and the people
Starting point is 03:21:49 who aren't rapists you go oh okay so you think everybody's a rapist well you're fucking crazy and then they start changing what rape is right yeah yeah well that's what they that's kind of what they've done i mean um obviously the uh like the louis c situation, I know that is so, people are so divided on that one. And my opinion is if he didn't do anything, make anyone do anything against their will, he's just a guy that has a strange proclivity. You know, he likes jerking off in front of people. Apparently, the cat's out of the bag there. But, like, were those girls that upset 20 years ago were they
Starting point is 03:22:27 that upset 20 years ago that that now it's an issue or were they giggling were they like i need to know how they were then because i don't give a fuck what you think now like at the time what was it okay was it cool with you did you you sit there and fucking elbow to the ribs with your girlfriend and go, look at this guy jerking off in front of us? To me, I don't care what time is done. Because the way something looks, the morality or ethics or respect that is expected in 2018 ain't what it was 20 years ago. ain't what it was 20 years ago. So you can't be held liable for something you did 20 years ago when it was normal or a little strange or whatever the fuck it was. Well, I think it's always been weird to beat off in front of people.
Starting point is 03:23:12 That's an odd thing to do. The thing about it is, though, he asked if he could. Right. And this is something that I've brought up to people. I go, you know, and people say, oh, you know, he would lock these women in a room and beat off. I go, stop. Okay, if you're going to push this, you're saying that because that fits your narrative,
Starting point is 03:23:29 that he's this abusive person who's abusing his power. Now, here's another problem with that. When this was all going down, he wasn't very famous. No, that's just it, too. So what power was he abusing? Yeah, he was a successful comedian. He was admired by his peers because he was really funny. But he wasn't louis
Starting point is 03:23:45 ck like the superstar filling out madison square garden louis ck yeah it wasn't the same guy you know he he didn't even have all the hbo specials and all the netflix specials yeah same guy so he was just another comic that liked to beat off in front of people and he would ask first so when you say that he you know forced these women and wouldn't let them leave none of them say that in fact he asked and when they said no he didn't do it he didn't say oh well good you don't want me to beat off that'll make it feel even better when i beat off in front of you shut the fuck up and sit down you know he wasn't doing that no no he was asking which is which is so strange it's a weird thing it a weird thing. It's not in the same realm as Harvey Weinstein.
Starting point is 03:24:29 It's not even close. No, it's not even close. It's not even close, but people don't want you to rationalize. They don't want you to grade things. They just want to talk about abuse. All abuse gets shoveled into this one little pie chart area. This is male abusers yeah and then they'll put matt lauer right next to bill cosby right next to louis ck like well this seems kind of crazy and then when you say it's crazy like matt damon said let's i think we should make a
Starting point is 03:24:57 distinction they went oh yeah get off the movie you can't be an ocean saint No No You become a rape apologist If you say things like that And it's weird Because it's odd Because even saying the word rape these days Like a little red flag goes off in your head Like how did I say that? Did I say it evil?
Starting point is 03:25:20 Did it sound evil? You can't be salivating Right, don't be salivating Don't smile when you say it it's very somber it is strange it's this I use the term
Starting point is 03:25:30 all the time because it's the only one that really fits Orwellian yes everything is so strange now it
Starting point is 03:25:36 if you read 1984 years ago you couldn't fathom things getting like that right but man in some cases it's even worse than than
Starting point is 03:25:46 expected you think there aren't on unperson you don't think there's an un Alex Jones unperson yeah wipe them clean from the fucking that's it yeah uh the the newspeak words are twisted like it means the opposite of what it was supposed to mean and and uh it it's something that you never thought would happen i i always thought like you read a book like that or some other kind of um dystopian dystopian story you get like a uh like an orb it's supposed to be some kind of orb with the government looking at you and yeah don't do that sir 26 53 02 sit down and and then it's like oh fuck it was us oh we're the rats we yes we pick up our phone and we rat each other out and we're big brother like we turned out to be the bad guys yeah the collective it's not the
Starting point is 03:26:41 government they fucking like like oh boy you're gonna the government's gonna put a tracking device on you fuck that he comes to my house and wants to but i'll shoot him i don't care oh you forgot your phone don't don't leave your house without your fucking tracking device yeah like it's the same thing and they do use those in crime cases of course everything is presented as a convenience when i first got easy passPass, it was like, this is awesome. I don't have to wait on a line at a toll booth and throw change in or something. I'm whizzing right through. And then I see a story.
Starting point is 03:27:11 It's like, oh, EasyPass using a divorce case to see what the husband was going here or there. And it's like, oh, that's handy. That's handy. And then you see on the insurance commercials, it's like, use this safe driver thing. It goes in your car and it acts like a plane's black box. and and it shows how safe you're driving they'll reduce your rates it's like really it's not going to be used if i'm speeding and getting into an accident for them to go yeah we're not paying your fucking thing because obviously we read that you were speeding and uh and and didn't stop or like it's all presented as a convenience. Alexa, you literally, your TVs, they all rat you out.
Starting point is 03:27:47 Alexa isn't this magic thing that everything happens internally. That shit sends everything you say out, records it somewhere, and then sends whatever answer it's supposed to give back, back to it. And that's what it is. But everything is saved. And do you really know when it's listening and when you're taught you say certain things i had alexa for a little while i don't know why all i ever did was like alexa weather and it would tell me the weather i could have checked on my phone and then it started doing things like i'd just be watching tv and it would
Starting point is 03:28:18 be like i don't have an answer for that like yeah i don't need that shit i don't know what it's doing i don't know what it's doing. I don't know what it's... So it's listening to dialogue from the television? From maybe the TV? Maybe it's just listening to every fucking thing I say and sending a transcript somewhere. Every fucking thing you say.
Starting point is 03:28:34 Because then you can go to the app on your phone and every question you ever asked it is listed there in text fucking form. Swear to you. Every conversation you have with that goddamn thing is somewhere well hey if you're not doing anything bad what are you worried there you go well hey hey hey as long as it keeps us safe right right keeps us safe how about yeah if you're not doing anything bad well in 10 years will this be bad in five years just like shit that 20 years ago wasn't bad
Starting point is 03:29:02 now it's a fucking crime right uh You'll be exiled from society. I don't know if what I'm saying now can be brought up in 10 years. And when I play video games, I say some pretty nasty shit. But yeah, I don't want Alexa or my smart TV to listen to every fucking thing I say and record transcripts of what I'm talking about.
Starting point is 03:29:23 And we bring it in our house no one's forcing you to put this fucking rat in your house you you you paid for it you spent money and you put it there and plugged it in yourself it's amazing how we went from not trusting anything i remember when online shopping first started and you're like i'm not putting my credit card in there now you laugh what are you kidding you just drove through 20 face scanners license plate scanners to get here your your card is being picked up by a sensor uh so they can target advertise you in the mall so there's no privacy anymore and we love it we love that there's no privacy i don't want to go to the mall for christmas i go to amazon and now there's a list of every fucking thing i buy at amazon that's being sent to everyone all over the place you think you got privacy
Starting point is 03:30:16 fuck you you can't even move to uh montana anymore in a cabin and be off the grid it just doesn't happen so i love jesse the bot you ever see jesse when it does i'm off the grid i'm i'm going to mexico and i'm off the grid and it's like he's got a show called off the grid it's like well yeah you're on the grid i think i'm a fighter uh governor he's uh yeah he's off the grid but he's constantly on the grid. There's no off the grid anymore. There's no off the grid. The whole world's going to be on the grid. Yeah, the whole world. That's what they're targeting. As they continue to expand these satellite
Starting point is 03:30:52 imagery things for internet, they're doing that as well, where they're going to have satellite internet available everywhere, all over the world. Third world countries bringing everybody up to speed. And I was talking about this with somebody else. Isn it amazing that gps has worked for as long as it has yeah flawlessly it's amazing how good never a problem inch by inch like literally tells you turn right and you're
Starting point is 03:31:16 right there it's crazy yeah and i think we have the dumbed down version like the military has that the premium version like oh sure but yeah by this by the inch and we have you know by a couple of feet but it's it to me it's amazing that like it's worked this long it never goes out like oh it's really i had it on cd-rom in my car in 1998 styling yeah i had the early version of of that and it was a big stupid thing That had to sit on top of the roof of my car To catch To catch the satellite
Starting point is 03:31:50 What like a disc or something? Yeah it was like some Some weird antenna That had to go up there Yeah They used to have to have To pick up the The GPS
Starting point is 03:31:58 How come the satellites Aren't any different But the receivers Are like Can be a lot smaller It's like it's your fucking phone It's in your fucking phone It picks up while it's in your pocket They're tracking fucking phone it's in your fucking phone it picks up while it's in your pocket they're tracking you while it's in your pocket in your car as you're
Starting point is 03:32:09 driving of course when it's off when it's i i don't trust any of these electrons i use them i'm not gonna throw my fucking phone away and and if i do forget it there's no more horrifying feeling than driving away from your house and going oh oh, fuck, I don't have my tracking device. And you will turn around and get it because you can't function without it. It's everything to people. Again, if there was that EMP or whatever the fuck it is that just zaps the grid, you would see pandemonium in no time. Well, you would see pandemonium if just the power grid went down for any reason. If someone, like a terrorist attack,
Starting point is 03:32:48 took out the power grid, we need power way more than we think we do. Oh, absolutely. It's something that you just think nothing of. In New York, we had the hurricane a few years ago, like five or six years ago, I guess it was, and the one that took out Jersey and Long Island and stuff. And we went nine days without power in the house on Long Island. And you could see it fraying around the edges, man.
Starting point is 03:33:12 Society just, the first couple of days, you'd be online at the gas station to fill up jerry cans to take back to your generators at the house. And it's like, oh, okay, excuse me. Oh, no, you were first. Go ahead, go ahead. By that seventh eighth day it got fuck you no i was standing here go fuck yourself get to the back of the line
Starting point is 03:33:33 now could you imagine if that was you trying to get your kids medication or something or food like it just goes a little longer and now food's getting a little scarce you are gonna have a problem and i'm stunned it hasn't happened uh to any extent really we saw we saw close with katrina i think uh and violence started that was that was a little out of hand but you zap that grid and give people they have nothing i I wound up getting a giant fucking Cummings generator. This thing is for backup power at hospitals. So when the power goes out in my neighborhood, literally my pool is running, floodlights in the backyard, every TV's on. It comes on automatically.
Starting point is 03:34:19 You just sit there. What does it fuel with? It's liquid propane. How big is the tank? I have two 1,000-g000 gallon tanks buried in my front yard What in the fuck, dude? So it would last for a long fucking time How long is a long time?
Starting point is 03:34:34 Depending on how much you use Because the more draw on it The harder the engine's got to work So it depends If I'm running my whole house It would last a few weeks And it's safe to have that prop depends if i'm running my whole house i don't know it would last uh a few weeks and it's safe to that propane to be in those cans oh yeah underground no they're in giant tanks they're running natural gas into my uh neighborhood so i might have it converted over
Starting point is 03:34:57 to natural gas but i like the fact that if the gas breaks too i can still at least jack a an lp truck somewhere and fill up my own tank you know that's crazy push came to shove but it is just every light in the house can be on my neighborhood's dark i'm just looking out looking at fuckers has that happened uh yeah yeah a few times i'm waiting for a big one though like i really want a big bad blackout just so i can they're gonna know that you're the guy with the power that's it the guy with the fridge that's where the guns come in like it really it it there is something a little creepy about the the prospect that we are really delicately balanced uh as a society it could really fly apart um we trust too much that
Starting point is 03:35:42 the power is just gonna be on yeah that the water is going to run, that the food is going to be at the supermarket or whatever the fuck it is. Like you got a great advantage being able to hunt. You know how many people don't know? Do you know what American refugees would look like? The fat fucking mess crossing some border to Canada to be saved from some cataclysm that happened down here?
Starting point is 03:36:03 What a bunch of fucking just weak, soft, know-nothing, every convenience they've used for years, just not trained in the feeding yourself outside in the wild. You have no idea. You ever skin an animal? You ever kill something to eat? Do you know how to get water from just the humidity in the air? There are things that we just don't know because we depend on technology,
Starting point is 03:36:28 and we trust that it's always going to be there because it has been. I mean, you know, we get very complacent, but that's why if it ever failed, oh, fuck, you better hunker down somewhere. It's crazy. Indeed, and on that note, dude, we just did like four hours. It seems like it flew right by. It did fly right by. That is nuts.
Starting point is 03:36:50 Joe, I got to thank you, man. Thank you. I love being on your show. For real. You're the reason why this all happened. It's crazy. Now people know.
Starting point is 03:36:57 It's fucking nuts. I love it. Thanks, buddy. Always good seeing you, man. Thank you, my friend. Thank you very much. Cool. Anthony Coombe, ladies and gentlemen.
Starting point is 03:37:04 Yeah, he's got a book out. Permanently suspended. I love it. Always good seeing you, man. Thank you, my friend. Thank you very much. Cool. Oh, the book, yeah. Anthony Cumia, ladies and gentlemen. Yeah, he's got a book out. Permanently suspended, available anywhere. Go to for all the details. All right. Bye. Oh, yeah. Awesome. Holy shit.

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